The Children of Eriu [PDF]

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

© Pendelhaven Press 2021 First Edition Published by Pendelhaven 2021 121 Place Bourbonniere Lachute, Quebec J8H 3W7 Canada All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced for resale without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.



James Kerr Matthieu Boone Andrew Valkauskas Tyler Omichinski

Darran MacMaghnusa Michelle Franklin

Project Manager

Erik Growen


James Kerr

Game Design Andrew Valkauskas James Kerr

Graphic Design, and Layout James Kerr Andrew Valkauskas

Artists Yulia Novikova Melanie Steinke Sveta Ignatova Kevin Nichols

Beta Testers Kosta Kokkaliaris, Josh Stomel, Joe Guy, Ken Brown, Justin Michaud, John Scott, William Paprocki, Gabriel Rossignol, Justin Dilts, William Smith, Adam Boisvert, Gabriel Murray, Chris Stamatelos, Charlotte Preville, Cassandre Paquette, Jason and Eric Hart

ISBN: 978-1-988051-15-4 ISBN: 978-1-988051-16-1 ISBN: 978-1-988051-17-8

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Table of Contents Introduction Timeline 


What Has Come to Pass 


of the Isles

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



Celtic Life 




Followers of the White God 


Secret Societies 


Celtic Isles Locales 


Bridge Between Worlds 


Sidhe Courts 


Divine Forces 


The Tuatha de Danann 


The Dark Ones 


The Rules




Glossary of Terms 


Runic Game System 


Lifepaths & Characteristics 


Disir Levels 


Divine Boards 












The Fuathan 






The Seelie Court 


Solitary Sidhe 


Wild Sidhe 






Active Talents 


Social Powers 




Crafting Skills 


Passive Powers 


Magic Items Adventure

Sea’s Awakening 

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Dedicated to our beloved Kickstarter and Patreon backers!

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Hail Defenders of Eire, Next year marks the 30th anniversary of Fate of the Norns. Pendelhaven has come a long way since our first Kickstarter in 2012, publishing over a dozen books and games. 1992 saw the very first manuscript for the RPG that was to become Fate of the Norns, a year later it was being played by friends and strangers alike. It was a release cradled with mild trepidation compared to the much more public and commercial release of the Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok - Core Rulebook in 2013. By many measures, it was a very risky, challenging and rewarding book. The last 18 months will indelibly be etched in everyone’s memory for the rest of their lives, and it was during this global pandemic that Children of Eriu came together. The team went through many trials and tribulations, making it perhaps the most difficult project delivery to-date. Now that I pen this foreward, I can confidently say that the efforts and struggles paid off, the book is complete, and ready to be shared with the world. This book is a very large milestone for the Fate of the Norns universe, expending beyond Vikings into a second branch of mythology – the rich Celtic tradition. My vision has always been to build many histories and mythologies into the Fate of the Norns universe. To achieve this, the Pendelhaven team will grow to include people with mastery in the subject matter. This began with the team assembled for the Children of Eriu. Whilst I set the vision and wrote the new Runic Game System rules, the rest of the content was designed and assembled by a very smart cohort of writers, co-designers and editors. Much of this was built up from the lore that we assembled and published in the Celtic Cyclopedia. The size and scope of that book has enabled us to create a Celtic roadmap of future books and games that will continue to explore the Celtic kingdoms of Fate of the Norns. The next RPG book in the series, the Green Man’s Crown, has already begun and will focus on the next kingdoms, whist this book performs a deep dive into the Celtic Kingdom of Eire. We have so much more coming your way in terms of Celtic novels and city boxed-sets. I must thank not only my incredible team, but also the many Kickstarter and Patreon backers who have supported the efforts in making the Children of Eriu a reality. To you I raise my drink and toast - Sláinte!

Andrew Valkauskas President Pendelhaven

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o legend tells of the origin of the lands of the Celtic World, also known as the Six Kingdoms, the Poetic Isles, the Isles of Mists, or simply the Isles. Perhaps they emerged from the mist, or were found, and have always been. As far as the Celts are concerned the lands are an eternal constant, one that predates all who find them, and that will likely last far beyond any of them.

The Mythological Cycle Broken into four branches, the mythological cycle tells of times long past. Most of this is a time of invasion and warfare. The Isles have suffered many invasions of new peoples, although there is much dispute over whom came first, and who invaded. Both the Fir Bolg and the Fomorians claim to have found Eire empty. What is seen as an invasion one generation can later mean new peoples form, or split apart into new cultures. Some say the Nemedians separated into the two cultures of the Fir Bolg and the Tuatha de Danann. Some Tuatha old enough to know say one thing, some say another. Whatever the case, the Fir Bolg fought the Tuatha, the Tuatha fought the Fomorians, and the Fomorians fought the Fir Bolg, all for a very long time.The Tuatha de Danann were ultimately victorious and drove the Fomorians beneath the waves and beyond the horizon, and the Fir Bolg deep underground. Of all the Celtic lands, Eire was the seat of this conflict.

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The First Branch

• The waves of colonization of the Isles include the arrival of the Fomorians, then the Nemedians, then the Fir Bolg, and after a time, the Tuatha de Danann. • The invasions culminated in the Tuatha facing off against the Fomorians, with the Tuatha victorious and installing themselves as rulers of the Celtic World. • The Magical Cauldron of the Dagda was lost amidst a great battle. • Sometime later, the first humans settled the Isles. The Milesians were the people who settled Eire; the others are unknown. • The Tuatha took an increasingly less-active role in the mundane world. • As the result of an unknown conflict, somehow the human peoples banished the Tuatha underground, or to the Otherworld. • Myrddin lived in and wandered Cymru. • Arthur of the Britons ruled and created his Kingdom

of Albion, consisting of parts of Cymru and the southeastern extent of Britain then died. • Seanan, Wandering Under-King, lived in Eire.

The Second Branch

• Bran the Blessed’s (King of Britain) sister was given in marriage to the King of Eire, resulting in the magical Cauldron of the Dagda returning to Eire after some conflict. • There was a great and costly war between Cymru and Eire, with only a few survivors.

The Third Branch

• The lands of Eire, Cymru, and others all spent time rebuilding and repopulating, though a great level of distrust remained between the many Kingdoms. • Invaders from a vast empire far to the south came in this time of weakness and seized much of the lands of southern Britain, driving the Celts from them. The Scotti and the Picts were driven north.

The Fourth Branch

• A powerful magician, Math fab Mathonwy, ruled Gwynedd, in Cymru, and conquered the rest of the Cymry kingdoms, unifying them, only for them to be cleaved into many by his children upon his death, beginning a trend of Celtic kingdoms being divided by succession.

The Cycles of Man The lands of Eire were united for a time under the Tuatha with the creation of a High Crown, until it fell into the hands of humanity. Under humanity’s stewardship the Celtic lands splintered but the courts of the Tuatha had already slid into the Otherworld, those realms which lay alongside but separate from the world of the humans. The following cycles represent a time closer to the present. In this time the religion of the White God spread. Generations passed under this new religion, with the older faiths falling

first into disuse, and then into history. In secluded groves, Druids lingered in their beliefs.


The Red Branch Cycle

• With the lack of a single, central high king, Eire was wracked by internal conflicts. • One of the longest-running conflicts was between the Ulaid and the Connachta fighting over magical resources including a cow that could feed an army.

The Ossianac Cycle

• Cormac Mac Art created the “Fianna”, a coalition of clans for the protection of Eire. • Fionn Mac Cumhaill rose to be one of the greatest heroes of the Celts, and led the Fianna in their glory days.

Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

The Cycle of the Kings

• Bards wandered the land, building and gathering stories to create a shared history. • Missionaries of the White God first appeared in the Celtic Lands. • Saint Palladium was anointed the first Bishop of Eire.

The Fenian Cycle

• Eire was led by High King Cormac, though he paid taxes to the Fianna for protection. With his death, Eire broke into chaos again. • Fionn Mac Cumhaill and the high king of Eire warred, each commanding Fianna, resulting in brutal battles with few survivors. Afterwards, the Fianna disbanded. • Saint Padraig spread the word of the White God throughout the land of Eire, starting the trend of conversion of the Celts. • Diarmuird Ua Duibhne lived and adventured. • Oisin came to power in Tir na nOg before his fall. This includes the life and death of his son Oscar. • Saint Bede chronicled the lives of many martyrs and saints.

The Ulster Cycle

• King Conchobar mac Nessa ruled Ulaid, and was the uncle of Cu Chulainn. The Ulster cycle contains the full

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adventures of Cu Chulainn. • Though there was a High King of Eire, the position lacked central authority and the land began to splinter. • Medb of Connacht and Cu Roi of Munster ruled their respective lands. • Bivaidonas forged an alliance with the Knockers.

Some Celts have sided with the Vikings or with the Saxons. Others have pushed for the Celts to unify against these threats, while still more have pointed out that the small fiefdoms are what has ensured that they survived this long. The Isles of the Celts remain divided.

The Current Cycle

• By some measure, the golden age of the Celts. • The first wave of Vikings invaded. The Isle of Orkney far to the north of Alba was colonized by Vikings. The Vikings also took Ath Cliath in northern Eire. • Politically, Alba unified under a single banner. • The word of the White God reached Alba and the rest of the Isles, and most were converted to the faith. • The somewhat-unified Anglo-Saxons carved out a relatively stable kingdom from the former territory of Britain.

Just as it looked as though the old ways would pass into memory, the Celtic Twilight began. When the mists of the Twilight came, spirits from legend again began to walk the Isles. Along with the protracted darkness and cold came the mists, and from them supernatural creatures and other strange dangers; goblins and fuath and other dangerous Sidhe that go bump in the night. The potency of magic increased from superstition to tangible power. With the asset of the supernatural to fight against the end-times, many Celts have turned back to the old ways, shunning the church of the White God. This final cycle is considered the current state of the Celtic World. Now the lands of the Celt are being fought over by invaders, and by different religions, and all must contend with the dangers of the end-times. The Celts have never been an entirely unified people and their fractious nature is now their greatest vulnerability. Especially contested are the non-Celtic lands within the Great Isles. The land east of Cymru, south of Alba, was once the Celtic Kingdom of Britain. After an invasion by a powerful southern empire during the Third Branch of the Mythological Cycle, it became splintered amongst nonCeltic peoples and a good site for successful invasions by the Angles, the Saxons, the Jutes, and more. The land is often now called “Angleland”, but actually represents a diverse cosmopolitan of non-Celtic nations found within: the Angles, the Saxons, the Northumbrians, the Jorvik, the people of Wessex, and more, with borders constantly shifting. Where once the Celtic culture stretched across the continent, now they occupy only Six Kingdoms: Eire, Alba, Cymru, Kernow, Mann, and Breizh.

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The Branch of Brotherhoods

The Axe Branch

• The Viking “Ragnarok” began, and its “Fimbulwinter” spread to consume the Isles and become known there as “The Celtic Twilight”. Strange mists hugged the ground, and from them came otherworldly monsters. • In desperation, the crowns of the Celtic lands marched to war against each other. • Norse invasions increased in frequency, and with an aim towards colonization rather than raiding, as they fled their own “Ragnarok”. • Viking presence in the Isles was dominated by a union of 3 Viking kings: Sitric, Gofraid and Ragnall. Sitric ruled in Ath Cliath, Gofraid in Alt-Clut, and Ragnall in Jorvik. • Old institutions returned to try and save the Isles, including the Fianna, and the Druids; amongst them the Horned Ones and the Bandrui. • New traditions rose to meet the challenge of the age, such as the Cu Setana, inspired by the deeds of Cu Chulainn, and the Harbingers, the chosen ones of old pagan gods who have renewed their interest in the Celtic World.

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What Has Come to Pass

What has transpired in the world of the Celts and what they now face


he Viking “Ragnarok” has spread across the world and the Isles of the Celts have not been spared. Daylight has turned to an eerie twilight and strange mists weave and flow around the Isles. Crops fail, wars begin, kingdoms fall, and warbands rise. The Celts have inherited somebody else’s apocalypse, and a new age of violence has come.

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For hundreds of years the Six Kingdoms of the Celts—Alba, Breizh, Cymru, Eire, Kernow, and Mann, enjoyed a relative state of peace. There was in-fighting amongst clans, but no large-scale war. The time for heroes had ended. Cu Chulainn was laid to rest many years past. Fionn mac Cumhail, Oscar Deer Friend and all the Fianna were relegated to be part of legend, and not of life. The monstrous Fomorians were a

memory. The spread of the faith of the White God seemed to have ended the Druids, although enough time passed that those who remembered some of the old ways could live peacefully, at least. Most Celts believed the old gods to be sleeping or gone to the mystical Otherworld, never to return. Then, the end of the world began. What the Vikings called “Ragnarok” spread to the Great Isles, although here it took on a slightly different Character, and the Celts called it “Twilight”. Daylight dimmed to an eerie twilight with even the stars above fading or blinking out. The ground below became cold as though in winter. It resisted growing plants and was covered in thick otherworldly mists from which monsters sometimes emerged. Most believed these to be the mists of the Otherworld that hung heavy over the land and the cold sea. The sea level around the Great Isles rose and changed the landscape. It buried some coastal villages under a deluge. The Six Kingdoms are in turmoil. Warlords rise to overthrow kings. Powerful lords march against their old enemies. The Viking invader Sitric Cuaran has slain the last High King of Eire, brutally dividing that island. The Celts look towards unification to strengthen them, but therein lies opportunity. Many kings in the Celtic World now claim to be high kings, desiring dominion over others. The King of Aileach claims that he should be the one Celts unify behind. So does Aethelstan of Wessex. Even while Wessex is not properly a Celtic Kingdom, it is to Wessex that both Cymru and Kernow have bent the knee under the belief that Aethelstan offers the best chance against the Viking invaders. The Vikings have invaded the Isles hoping to find more than just goods to pillage and slaves but to also find arable land to settle. They found the Isles divided by countless fiefdoms, each vying for dominance, and saw the opportunity to make a foothold. Mann has since fallen to the Vikings. Norseman have also seized Ath Cliath and other communities on the coasts of Eire and the northern parts of Alba. There is little peace to be had in such circumstances. Where the Norse invaders rule, the poor are oppressed, rebellions boil, and there is perpetual war.

The Vikings, hoping to escape the brutality of their “Fimbulwinter”, have left the Norselands for the west. The Vikings hope to escape the worst of their Ragnarok, and while in the Celtic lands the Vikings may find Fimbulwinter not so severe, and the light above not so consumed. Yet, they also find strange mists upon the ground and new gods and spirits far different from any of their stories.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes

Denizens The battle for the Celtic World is one of faith as well. Talents & The Druids have come out of hiding after their long persecution by the church of the White God. Once Powers more the Druids have taken to the roads telling the Adventure old stories of days before the White God’s influence and preaching the need to push out the White God and a call to embrace the old ways. The Druids who were believed in long ago with their religion of blood and brutality are rapidly gaining power in the Celtic Twilight. The cold and loss of daylight has driven many Celts back to the old ways, to blood sacrifices, to ancient gods, and beings that sleep beneath the seas. Common folk are prepared to make whatever supernatural alliances are necessary to see themselves through the crisis. The invasions upon the Celtic Kingdoms are not all of the natural order. Some are supernatural in origin. Monsters from the Otherworlds journey through the mists there to emerge in the mundane world and feast or make sport of the weakened humans. Others vie for more temporal power. Beings called Norns have come from the Norselands, trying to pull the Celtic World into the weft and weave of the Nordic myths. Fantastic beings from antiquity called the Fomorians have risen from the sea once more. They have torn ships from the seas, attacking Celts and Vikings alike. Some have even said that their ancient king has set sail from the Otherworld threatening to return and seize Eire as his own once again. In response to the turmoil in the Six Kingdoms the gods themselves have set sail from the Otherworld for the mundane. Amongst the great chaos the Morrigan rides again. Queen Medb has returned from the dead claiming all of Eire as her dominion. Calling Druids and the dead to her side, she raises a host to do battle against all who would deny her.

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Even the Tuatha de Danann have returned through the mists, the powerful beings who formed so much of the Celtic World in ancient times. The Tuatha loathe the invasion of the foreign gods and their Vikings; those who claim that they are mere denizens of “Midgard”. The foreigners fail to understand the ways of the mists and those who move between them and the mystical Otherworld. The Tuatha come now to fight for the Celtic people, or perhaps just to reclaim the land for themselves. In Gwynned, in Cymru, there is talk of a prophecy; the rise of someone called “Y Mab Daragon” who will to drive off the invaders and this prophecy is sung amongst the poor even as their kings make deals amongst each other. In Kernow, the Kingdom secures itself for the worst yet to come. These times have revived the traditions of heroes amongst the Celts. The long-gone legendary warrior fraternity of the Fianna have risen again. The Bandrui, Druidess’ in service of the Morrigan, weave their political machinations once more. The Twilight has also created new kinds of Celtic heroes to face its crisis. A fashion has risen amongst warriors to emulate the legendary Cu Chulainn. The Celtic gods themselves have even chosen their own agents, the “Harbingers”, and bestowed upon them terrible powers. But the Harbingers are unreliable champions, incurring their god’s wrath as often as their favour. The Celtic Twilight advances. The Isles of the Celts is a place made wild and under war. Soldiers, Druids, and missionaries all pull the Celtic people of the Isles in different directions, seeking to yoke them to different aims. The ending, or perhaps merely an ending, marches ever closer. Chieftains and kings, queens and witches, Druids and missionaries, all battle for the soul of the Celtic World. The prophecies of the Norns, of the church of White God, of the Druids, all are at war. Each tells of the end of the world, all a different closing to the same story, but which one will win out? In this time of chaos, ballads and legends can be forged and lives can be consigned to oblivion. It is the time of heroes renewed, a time to pick up the sword and fight for faith, honour, and glory. Heroic action can decide the fate of the Celtic World.

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Figures of the Isles

13 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Celtic Life


aily life amongst the Celts is, thankfully, not as exciting as tales of high adventure. Life, on a day-to-day basis, is dominated by a few mundane considerations: the clan or “tuath” to which a Celt belongs, the rule of law, the observations of religion, and the crude realities of survival such as food, shelter, and the work to provide such. When there is time to be eked out between hard work, the family, religion, and law, it is devoted to matters of entertainment brought by festivals and poets.

The Tuath or Clan The entire system of Celtic life is organized around the “tuath” (plural “tuatha”), the clan, and the place of the family and the individual within the tuath. The family and their near relatives and allies make up a tuath. A larger tuath may comprise several related families. Kinship is not based upon the eldest male of the family but rather on larger family units that all draw connections from a single common ancestor. Each family is led by the “ágae fine” (pillar of the family) or “cenn fine” (head, literally of the family). This position is responsible for the debts of the family, the care of unmarried women, and for their relations with whatever lord, king, or chieftain the family might be beholden to. Leadership in the tuath is chosen by the descendants, within three generations, of key figures of its families through voting. They are then awarded a title of king, lord, chieftain, or even captain, depending on the tuath’s relationship to other tuaths, kingdoms, and so on. All of Celtic society is organized about ranks like this with the relationships going two ways. As much as a clan chieftain has some measure of control over those who serve him, there are obligations that go in the opposite direction as well. A chieftain is expected to care for those in his service, including to care for the weak and wounded. This extends to safekeeping, food, and even a home if there are problems that they are facing. In exchange, the members of the clan would tend to the herds owned by their betters, working the fields, and tending to other specific jobs. Some larger or more powerful tuatha have one or more small-

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er tuatha that are considered “sept”; beholden to them in a wider alliance. Though the minor sept tuath may be considered separate and independent, it has certain obligations to the larger tuath, typically along the lines of resource sharing and protection. A family can rise or fall in fortune through Brehon law—the law code generally agreed upon amongst Celts—with lowly free persons having the chance to rise to the level of nobles. This cannot happen over the course of a mere generation as Brehon law dictates that it is only over the course of three generations of an established change in status that it is ratified and recognized. Reflecting this, land cannot be seized or dispensed with through a single case of law. Land is owned collectively by families, rather than individuals, and the concerns of the family and the concerns of the individual are legally separate. Much like the Followers of the White God to the south and the east, the kings and other powerful rules of the strongest tuaths have begun to build courts around themselves. These include foster children, advisors, nobility from the land, and others who seek to benefit from proximity to power. Most courts of this kind travel with their head of state. These travelling courts employ their own Brithemain—administrators of Brehon law—putting the entire legal and political system under one roof.

Daily Life Celts are a diverse peoples, settling a vast area consisting of the Great Isles, as well as the main continent of Midgard.


There are several different variants of Gaelic found throughout the Poetic Isles. Breizh, Cymru, Kernow, and Eire all speak Gaelic exclusively. It is still the primary language in Mann, and Alba and spoken some in Jorvik. Though no two Gaelic languages are quite the same, a speaker in one can probably understand the gist of another. Dialects vary within each Kingdom. Locals pride themselves in these differences. The Celts are a multilingual people and most have some proficiency with a non-Gaelic language.


Before the coming of the Vikings, Celts rarely went beyond their villages. The average person lived and died within a day’s journey of where they were born. There were no great cities or townships that their kings and chiefs ruled from. It was a rural land and lacked the oversight of a singular ruler. Though the idea of a single King of Eire exists in the tales told to children, in effect, there is little that resembles the kingdoms of Aethelstan or of the Norse. The average Celtic settlement is made up of circular homes built around either a hillfort or other defences. These could be either artificial islands on a lake, taking advantage of an already defensible location, or, for the most established of settlements: the hillfort. Inhabitants retreat into their settlement’s defensive positions should raiders or military conflicts require it. The hillforts of the Celts are the traditional seats of power, both for the chieftains and the Druids. Taking advantage of the very land itself, hillforts are constructed in already defensible locations to maximize their military potential. Hillforts are regularly made up of multiple ramparts, ditches and walls. With the increased fighting, countless ancient sites are being rebuilt by Druids and other groups as they prepare for further conflict. They are almost entirely built of earthworks reinforced with wood rather than from stone.

Clothing & Jewellery

Nearly all Celts wear a leine (a linen tunic) and brats, a sleeveless hooded cloak. These are paired with either a kilt or pants for either gender, depending on local weather and other circumstances. The length of a leine is incredibly particular. It is a sign of poverty to wear one more than a hand’s width above or below the knee, and also leaves one open to ridicule. In some communities, it is uncouth to wear a leine that fails to cover the buttocks. A belt is then worn over the leine to

What is a Celt, Anyway?

One of the most contentious issues with the research and coverage of Celts is the question of what qualifies as Celt. It is so ridiculous that academics have suggested, only half jokingly, that they consider anyone who calls themselves a Celt, in fact a Celt. This sort of recursive definition is a great metaphor for the difficulties in determine what is, and is not, a Celt. By the time period covered during this book, it is a bit easier to determine who the Celts are. The vast reaches of the ‘Continental Celts’ have given way to the ‘Insular Celts’, divided in modern times (by some) into the Gaels (Irish, Scottish and Manx) and the Celtic Britons (Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons). Even this is contentious and difficult to determine for certainty, with people who have far more education and experience than us locked in vociferous debates over the matter. To further muddy the waters, all of these identities continue to have both social and political importance to this day. For our purposes, we have settled into something that approximately matches the dominant view of the Middle Ages of the era, which, in turn, is an approximate handle on a set of disparate groups with what appears to be a more than passing resemblance to each other. There are shared myths, belief systems, and some basic societal structures amongst these groups as they grapple with a variety of outsiders to the Isles. Though calling them all Celts may not, strictly speaking, be perfectly accurate, it serves as a balance with ease of comprehension, ultimately fulfilling neither to the greatest capacity, but at the same time providing a doorway into a much more complicated world that we would otherwise not understand.

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allow the wearer to hike them up if needed for improved mobility. The brats are made of either wool or animal hide and are of significant length. It is often wrapped around the wearer multiple times, with the layers providing both a protection against the cold and a modicum of defence against attackers. Each is fastened with a broach or a pin, often with more intricate designs for those of a higher status. Both the wealthy and the impoverished wear similar styles of clothing, though those of greater means have clothes of more vibrant colours and of a finer make. The Celts appreciate jewellery, both for craftsmanship and aesthetics. Though rings, bracelets, and armbands are all prized by the Celts, it is the “torc” that is the most important of all. Torcs are a rigid metal circlet that wraps around the neck, and they are an exclusively Celtic item of jewellery. Torcs represent the power of the individual who wears or gives them out. Powerful figures wear golden torcs around their necks and great kings are known to award torcs in gold and other metals to key figures. Torcs are awarded to both men and women and vary in how intricate they are. With the coming of the end of the world, torcs are an even greater symbol of power than before, as only the strong can ensure that they retain them.


There is no currency that is traded between villages, merely barter. The standard for value is the “sét”, equivalent to half of a milk-cow. Most villages are nearly entirely subsistent or engage in an as needed form of trade with their neighbours. This trade is often mediated through the heads of their tuath or other officials who reckon trades as long relationships of much higher value than a single exchange.


Fosterage is a long standing practice in the Six Kingdoms, mostly done in wealthy clans to cement the ties between family members in the “fin”—the extended family up to the fifth degree of kindredship. Fosterage is a highly stratified practice that specifies the price, time, type, and long-standing ties between foster parents and biological parents. The price for a foster child to be trained in a specific way and whatever social standing they acquire from the fosterage needs to be settled on beforehand. For example, for a child to be trained and fostered for twenty years to become a Druid, would cost a fortune for the parents but the ties between master and apprentice would be set for life as a sacred bond. Fosterage also provides a last social net for the foster parents if they become unable to work either by being maimed, sick, or too old and have no one else to take care of them. Then it then falls on the foster child to provide food and shelter as a family member. Fosterage is one of the core components of Celtic society, allowing the negotiation and the transmission of skills between ranks of society and to strengthen family ties.


Marriage under Brehon law is different from all other unions because there is not one, but three, different types of marriage. The first type is the standard Celtic wedding. Marriage would be between social equals. Instead of becoming a man’s property, like in most lands dominated by the White God, the woman keeps her property and divorce is possible. The debate for marriage would be about how much wealth the woman and the man will produce together in their union and how to divide it between them. It is also possible to remarry again.


The second type of union is between a man and a concubine. Concubines can be bought and sold, like in Anglo-Saxon lands, but in the Celtic lands this is done more freely than just being the privilege of the powerful. These women are not recognised by the Followers of the White God as wives but are by the Brehon law so the union could be dissolved if ruled so by a Breithmain.

Under these circumstances, the Celts are willing to drink nearly anything. They ferment grains and whatever they can secure, if only to ensure they are able to fulfill the standard qualifications of hospitality.

The third type is a union with an “abductee-wife”. A woman can be abducted by a man and taken as a spouse. This practice is barely tolerated and much frowned upon by wider Celtic society, giving close to no rights to this “union” and probably triggering the wrath of the family of said “wife”.

The Celts are particularly well-known for drinking a great variety of wines and liquor. Now that trade routes are limited under the Twilight, the Celts are unable to secure the stronger drinks that they traditionally enjoy: the wines and other alcohols that were largely imported. Many still rely upon old stores to demonstrate their wealth and power.

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Outside of Eire there has been a move away from Brehon law, most often pushed by the Criostai, the Followers of the White God. In pagan lands they preserve the old ways, but for most of the Isles a marriage is still a hybrid system of old traditions. It is generally accepted to have one official church-wed wife as well as concubines; considered lower in status but still fully free to do as they please. These arrangements are openly made, and often the result of long-planned negotiation between families, ending in long and detailed contracts. Typically, the wife and husband do not pool their resources together, each having their own detailed contracts. Divorce maintains widespread acceptance; often considered shameful but not taboo. Divorces are typically administered by Brithemain instead of the church, using the Brehon laws on the matter instead of the religious laws that forbid the practice. Divorce is a careful and long process with detailed contracts and all manner of contingencies and other clauses to ensure that the two families would have no ground for open conflict.

Death and Burial

The Celts typically use interment as a method to lay their dead to rest. Some of the older types of graves are burial mounds and passage graves. Cremation is common in larger cities when there are too many corpses to bury and the risk of an epidemic is greater. The urns are then properly buried after cremation. Interned Celtic bodies are surrounded with their worldly possessions. Sometimes, for the higher classes, including kings, chiefs or leaders of wealthy families, the deceased will be followed to the grave by their servants and pets who are sacrificed and buried with them to continue service in the afterlife. When a pagan Celt dies a wake is practiced that lasts from a few days to two weeks, depending on the importance of the individual. It is held in the house of the deceased and there is drinking, keening, tales of joy and sorrow, wailing and laughter, mourning, poems, joking, and games. The deceased must be honoured by recalling every event of their lives from the most joyful to the most heart-wrenching. The orthodox Followers of the White God do not see this practice as “proper”, but to the pagans, and those who follow the White God but remember their roots, this method of mourning is as sacred as the “seanchais”; the revered tales of old.

Brehon Law There is no single formalized code of law across the Six Kingdoms. Nominally, most of the Kingdoms follow the Brehon code of law. In Alba, they have wedded Brehon law with the Anglo-Saxon law of their neighbours to the south. On Mann they imported Viking traditions. Other Celtic Kingdoms apply their own local variations based on these norms. Brehon law forms the principal guidelines of Celtic society. It organizes folks by ranks of freedom, property, rights, duties and nobility, and allows rules for mobility within ranks. It sets down a series of behaviours and punishments that can be adapted to local customs.

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Laws under the Brehon code are broadly defined. It can best be understood as a large number of maxims and ideas that have to be reconciled by an intermediary, usually some kind of judge, for the case in question. For example: “the misdeeds of the guilty should not punish the innocent”. This is purposely vague. These laws are designed to be flexible to the case at hand. The Celtic implementation of Brehon law is therefore different than in other parts of the world, also differs regionally, and absolutely differs from judge to judge. At this time the words of law are still being written down and compiled by the monasteries from oral traditions. Brehon law is applied by word of mouth in most places outside of Eire, and is still being adapted and developed throughout.


All conflicts between parties are traditionally considered private—none can step into the conflicts of another, no matter the source or cause. The rulings of law are not a matter of public discourse, and those involved are allowed a large degree of anonymity. Even the murder of a loved one falls under these rules. This legal fact has been eroding with the growth of power of the rulers and nobility, combined with the tendency for the Criostai to consider that justice can only come from their god. Unlike other lands, capital punishment is highly discouraged within a single tribe or kingdom. While revenge can be sought against other kingdoms, it is expected that if there is a concern between you and your neighbours, it will be solved

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through the customary law. A murderer or other criminal is rarely put to death for their crimes and instead is often required to pay two fines; one for the body of the person they killed and another for their honour, again paying in goods valued against a “sét”—the standard measure of barter. These are enforced through voluntary systems of sureties creating the guarantee of wrongs to be righted, lest multiple tuatha or kingdoms go to war over an unaddressed wrong.

The Power of the Brithemain

The power of the law is not traditionally considered to come from the king or other rulers but from a conceptual framework outside of the mundane world. Kings and chiefs are rarely brought in to settle disputes. Instead, the aggrieved go before private judges who are paid for resolving the conflict. This role is traditionally filled by a person called a “Brithem” (plural “Brithemain”) who alone holds the position of power and responsibility. This role has existed since the time of heroes. The Brithemain are sort of wandering judges that are empowered to make their own legal decisions and oppose other Brithemain. A Brithem acts as an arbitrator, the voice of reason, and ultimate authority on law. They are of the same rank as bards and the clergy. Originally Brithemain were an early sect of Druidism but as Druids have been largely expunged from Celtic society the secular Brithemain have risen to hold a parallel role administering Brehon law with the ability to make certain legal decisions based upon a slightly different jurisdiction. Brithemain hold a hereditary position. This is because of the long years that a student needs to spend to memorize the entirety of the laws and then to observe a teacher to learn how to properly apply them to real conflicts. The current challenge of finding a wandering Brithemain has given kings and rulers the opportunity to seize more power in the decision making process of Brehon law. The church of the White God similarly seeks to assume this role.

Canonical Law

Brehon law often clashes with the Canonical law exercised and enforced by the church of the White God. For instance, where the Brehon legal system allows polygamy and is more focused on the family unit as a group, Canonical law prohibits this practice. The laws of the church are focused on the individual rather than the family unit. As a result, the reli-

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gious status of the judge has a great impact on how the law is interpreted and applied. The Criostai are attempting to write down and give a single codification to the stories and morality tales that make up the bulk of Brehon law. They are pushing for a lesser amount of interpretation by the individual applying the law. This results in more power to those who hold the records. Much like the Druids before them, who controlled the stories that make up the law, the clergy seeks to control the underpinnings of this great asset. The church of the White God aims to disempower the remaining wandering Brithemain, and secure the role of prime advisers of the courts for themselves. This issue recently came to boiling point when two powerful Celtic kingdoms decided to kick the clergymen out of their courts in favour of Brithemain. The two rulers: Donnchad Donn the High King, and Muirchertach Ui Neill—one of the best military leaders in all Eire, King of Aileach and leader of the northern Ui Neill—shook the Gaelic nobility with this act.

Bards, Fili, Skalds, and other Poets Legends and tales tell of those who were combinations of bards, Fili, poets, skalds, and even mystical Druids. The pursuit of one such background does not preclude dabbling in or pursuit of another. However, within Celtic society they typically fill different roles. Bards once had a grand role in Celtic society as the recorders and bearers of history. They would provide information to both the Brithemain and judiciary Druids to help them make rulings in Brehon law. Known as seers and philosophers, bards were recognized as a special class of orator with special abilities sometimes ascribed to them, most typically supernatural qualities derived from the power of their words. They were considered to command powers outside of the spheres of influence of the Druids. Many a chieftain has pushed their bard to help them find food and supplies to shore up dwindling stockpiles. It was understood that bards had to be paid appropriately and on time, lest they use their wit, wiles, and the magic in their words to compose a satire, or otherwise threaten the rule of the king. The primary difference between a bard and a Fili is that bards typically serve the lords and nobility, whereas a Fili

usually serves society at large. This difference can be heard in the stories and lessons they tell. Fili were typically a type of Druid, and so their poems and their lessons usually carry the messages of the old ways. Since the Druids were mostly driven from the Celtic lands, most Fili in the Isles today do not claim any knowledge of Druidic roots. A skald is, roughly speaking, the Norse equivalent of a bard. Even some halls of the Followers of the White God welcome these individuals—be they Fili, bard, skald, or other poet—eager to hear new information and news from other lands and shores. Even stories filtered through a hostile point of view can be better than nothing. In the cold of the Celtic Twilight, everyone enjoys a good story. Though most skalds, Fili, bards, and other poets are pagan, there are some who serve the White God. However, to be patronized in this manner is temporary and involves much travel, which in these times is especially dangerous. With the howling of the winds and mounting threats of Twilight, many bards, Fili, and other poets have been welcomed into court life. Far from the days when a bard’s words would be so feared as to affect the policy of a kingdom, the group has collectively been reduced to status symbols for chiefs and kings. To be wealthy enough to support a poet in your court to praise your deeds is a sign of power and wealth. For many poets, a court appointment is an envious post, one that comes with a measure of wealth and security above and beyond what most could expect in these dark times. While they once served as the keepers of history, lessons, and stories, bards have been largely changed into servants of their liege, rewriting old stories to give more glory to those in the good graces or fabricating ancestral claims to certain lands. They have always served as a form of entertainment and the spreading of information and news but now they are being pushed to abandon the pursuit of truth and are encouraged to develop narratives and retellings that happen to benefit the current rulership who patrons them.

Festivals, Feisanna, and Aenach Festivals and gatherings are the rare times when clans and kingdoms lay down their weapons to get merry and debate the future of their lands. Celtic culture is one of contradictions, where the past, present, and future seem to be both fluid and inflexible at the same time, like the words in the

tales of old that change at every retelling but the essence remains the same. One of these constants has been the four “sacred feiseanna”—sacred festivals (“feis” is the singular)— held to mark the seasons, the passing of time, and to appease and feast with the fey folk. Even in areas held entirely under the sway of the White God, these four festivals are still marked in some way, though often they have been adapted to the works of the new god. The four feasts are seen as the moments of connection between the realms: Samhain: marking the end of the harvest season, Imbolc: marking the start of spring, Lá Bealtaine: marking the beginning of summer, and Lughnasadh: the beginning of the harvest.

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There are also civil feiseanna practiced in Eire for administrative purposes, the most important amongst them being the ancient tradition of the Feis of Tara.

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Samhain in the Celtic calendar marks the beginning of the “darkest half” of the year. It is the end of the harvest season and more importantly the time when the barrier between men, ancestors, and the Otherworld is the thinnest. Samhain is the time of “the Sluagh”; when the goddess Morrigan leads her sidhe warriors to hunt for wayward spirits, stray evils, and sometimes those who got lost where they shouldn’t. During this feis, common folk dress their children in costumes to protect them from wayward sidhe who could want to abduct them. Families gather, feast, and take part in rituals and contests. Samhain is the time when the common folk take stock of their resources, livestock and make offerings to their beloved ancestors, mostly of food, alcohol, songs and stories.

Feis of Tara

Perhaps the most important event in the Gaellic calendar is the “Feis of Tara”, held for three weeks every third year on Samhain in Tara, Eire. The Feis of Tara is the time for the coronation of the now disused title of “King of Tara”, and a symbol of unification under the rule of one true high king. It is the “Ban-Feis”; the marriage between Tara herself, the soul of Eire, with the high king thus granting him power over all its corners and people. The Feis of Tara ended after the death of the last true High King of Tara, Diarmait mac Cerbaill. The title is now more of an honourific than a reality.

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There is a movement amongst those who have returned to the old faith to rebuild the city of Tara. They accuse the White God of being silent while the Twilight is destroying Eire and for letting the Norse invade and enslave them. Many of the faithful to the White God oppose the rebuilding of Tara out of fear. The last battle in Tara between the saints and the Druids destroyed Tara completely. The followers say this place is damned and even more so in these cold and dark times. Many upon Eire want to unify the entire Celtic World and believe that it should be done so by the efforts of the High King of Eire. The rebuilding of Tara and renewed recognition for the Feis of Tara are steps to this end. This is a view not often shared with those in the other five Kingdoms.


This feis takes place at the end of winter to welcome and mark the beginning of the spring, and it is dedicated to the goddess Brigid. A Brigid doll is paraded house-tohouse with people giving her food and safety in exchange for acts of blessing or for divination. In places where the White God holds sway they replace the ancient Goddess with Saint Brigit. This is also the time for visiting important wells and places of water, both giving offerings to them and taking a token of water back to the home in order to bless it. This practice is, curiously, followed almost identically between pagans and Criostai, with each both taking the water for blessings but disagreeing on the supernatural source of the blessing.

Lá Bealtaine

The festival of bonfires, Lá Bealtaine (byal-tanyeh) marks the end of the final parts of darkness that can cover the lands. This is also a time of appeasing the various fey that hold influence over the lives of the Celts. They leave offerings of food, milk, and cattle blood at places important to the local spirits to appease them for the coming months. It is here that summer is marked; the spirits are led back to the Otherworld, bringing the world back to light. There are also special fires lit, and offerings, as the cattle are sent out to the pastures for the first time in the new year. Assembly of Uisneach: This event takes place every third Lá Bealtaine on the Hill of Uisneach, a place considered as the navel of Eire in mythology. This civil feis is of a legislative na-

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ture, where the elite review laws, create new ones and compare the successes or failures of the laws put into practice the year before.


This feis takes place between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox. The festival is dedicated to the Tuatha hero and god, Lugh, and includes athletic contests, feasting, and a great deal of matchmaking. Aneach of Tailtiu: Held every third Lughnasadh in the city of Taillteann, which is unique in that it is open to all with no restrictions of ranks or status as the law applies to all. In Taillteann, the law is read out loud to everyone and all new changes carefully explained. Even under the Viking threats, the constant battles between Tuatha and the renewed conflicts between the return of paganism and the still somewhat divided and disorganized church, this feis is still happening every third year at the start of August.

Surviving Without Blossoms

These festivals are tied to the times of year, but the land is forever marked by darkness and the ground does not warm. No matter what time of year that it ought to be, the only season the Celts experience is the Twilight. How are they then celebrated? They are when they should be, and with the best of intentions. The Celts who follow the Druids cling to the familiarity of the feiseanna to keep order in their lives, and—as the church of the White God continues to lose spiritual ground to the old ways—to curry favour with powers that may be able to restore the balance of nature. Those who follow the White God have pushed for a near cancellation of them with many places abandoning the practices all but entirely.

Surviving the Celtic Twilight Under the Celtic Twilight the structure of the Isles is changing. Things once ordinary are become precious commodities. Torches, dried or smoked food, alcohol, horses, and furs are in higher demand. Exotics items like dyes and perfumes are losing their value. The Celtic World grows more dangerous. It is a good time

to be a mercenary, or to be an outlaw, as smaller tuatha lose their grip on precarious survival and succumb to the dwindling resources and increased warfare of the Twilight. Cold fog covers the land and nearly everything is treacherous. Crossing the bogs ought to be safe but instead of being frozen solid there remain patches of brackish standing water that threaten to consume any who would fall within them. The waters that lead to the Otherworld have never followed the rules of mortals, and will not now. Many a patch of unfrozen water or even a seemingly comforting spot by a fire can serve as a trap for the unwary. Travellers and adventurers would do well to carry plentiful food, and expect hardship and unknown dangers.

The Problem with Place Names

Throughout The Children of Eriu, we have chosen to use the names that are the most cohesive and the easiest to explain. The Poetic Isles are rife with conflicting place names. Sometimes there are separate names for geographic locations and political units. A kingdom may continue using an ancient name over generations even as the geographic boundaries change. For instance, since time immemorial the largest kingdom of the Isles has been known as “Britain”, but the existence of Britain as a kingdom has been sporadic, even rare. Some of the people who live there are still the Britons, and the land may be called Britain for want of a better term, but the political elements, kingdoms, and alliances at work within it are at the time of 1,000 AD are decidedly non-Celtic, as well as a mishmash of hundreds of small tribes that have invaded and taken root. Some of these are very powerful, and all are only collectively called “Britain” or at times “Angeland” to distinguish the non-Celtic peoples between Cymru and Alba. In The Children of Eriu the locales represent how they are at this moment in time, with the understanding that they could change slightly or drastically in a matter of days. It is worth remembering that, in this era, borders are porous and lines vague. Small conflicts between neighbouring villages might result in one taking over farmland from the other without their actual rulers being involved. Place names shift and a locale may be known by either its political or its geographic name, which may or may not agree. “Eire”, for example, is both the name of the island and the Kingdom of the Eire, when it exists. The rule of a High King of the Eire might not include the entirety of the island, as the Vikings may have carved out land from the traditional border, and some Gaelic kings and tuaths may not have pledged fealty. If you have any trouble finding the place names used in The Children of Eriu, please refer to the Appendix starting on page 497.

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he Druids are a mystic and religious order that follows the ever-changing paths of nature. They are academics, historians, priests, storytellers, poets, advisors, and soothsayers who mark the passage of the sun and the phases of the moon. Once they were also judges, political advisors, and in some cases commanders of armies. However, times have changed since the Druids were the greatest authority in the Celtic World. They have changed once again in the Celtic Twilight.

Though they are collectively known as the Druids or the “Horned Ones”, they are known by many other names depending on their duties. Some are even labeled loosely according to their task, such as being a warden of the woods. Others have more formal, specific titles such as the poet station of Fili, or the law-giver and judge station of the Breitheam. Wandering, courtless Druids are called the Fíordhraoi. There are many others. Some sects of Druids have little to do with each other, such as the women called the Bandrui who worship the Morrigan. They too are Druids, but of a different kind.

A Brief History of the Druids

The Druids claim that Mann was once their seat of power, an island in the middle of the Celtic realm. The Vikings took it from the Druids quite some time ago, however, starting a downward trend for the Druids that has only recently changed. Within the Celtic society, the Druids were both apart from the traditional lines of power, and in many ways, above it. During the seating for discussions of important topics, it is said that none could speak before the king, and even he could not speak before the Druid. One such legend has it that even a king is bound by a geas that he is unable to speak until his personal Druid asks him, “What is the matter?” At the height of their control over Celtic society, a Druid could end a war with a word or crown a king with a wave of their hand. The Druids have not held such power however for hundreds of years. Now only the most devout of chieftains would follow such a command.

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As the religion of the White God grew in popularity through the Six Kingdoms it unseated the Druids’ power. Missionaries, the best amongst them Saint Pádraig, led the faith to what seemed an absolute victory against the Druids. At the height of the war of faith there were even widespread cullings of Druids and violent duels. The Druidic society, which had always been secretive, was driven even further into hiding. By the time of the coming of the Celtic Twilight, the remaining Druids were mostly viewed as doddering old fools talking of times gone by. Though individually they still held sway over isolated parts of Celtic society, the Druidic order and its organization was largely gone from the Celtic World. Some of their knowledge is simply gone forever. It is only now, during the dark days where their portents, augurs, and wisdom is at a premium, that Druids are beginning to see their traditional power reassert itself. The Twilight has provided an opportunity for the common folk to embrace the old ways, and from that, the Druids have

returned. Scores of years in hiding were not wasted, instead they gave the Druids a chance to train a new generation of fiery followers of the old faith who are ready to fight for the glory of the Celtic World and to ensure the safety of their land.

On Becoming a Druid

In some isolated places the position in a community held by a Druid is hereditary, but in most cases in the Celtic World Druids are chosen by older Druids, or by a council of them, and then educated. Men, women, rich or poor, could become Druids if chosen and if they could bear the years of training necessary. The criteria by which Druids are selected is a secret known only to the Druids but one likely qualifier is intelligence. The backbone of all Druidic education is the flawless memorization of their large canon of oral narratives. The stories they memorize must convey the ancestral guidance of law, gods, and history. It may not be apparent to the listener but any given story a Druid tells contains these three elements: a history of events, the guiding principles for law, and the proper worship of the gods, all nestled within. There are no written records that contain this wisdom, instead, the wisdom is taught in secret schools. Though these were once in halls that were aligned with the rising and setting of the sun on the solstices, ensuring that the sun would pass directly overhead on that day, they have long been forced into secret places such as into groves of trees and hidden caves. Druidic belief is based upon generations of wisdom and tradition creating a weight through the momentum of history. Their knowledge is a mix of mathematics, insights into the workings of the world, and understandings of human nature passed down through stories that each student must memorize. In many ways, to become a Druid is to commit to continuous learning. They are constantly honing their practices and learning from each other. Often, they will even teach others that show promise within a subset of their knowledge, even if the student never intends to become a Druid. Many a chief, king, or hero has been given this kind of education, preparing them to better face the Celtic World.

Duties of a Druid

The offices in Celtic society once held by Druids were many and varied. They were the learned class amongst Celtic society, known for their wisdom in matters not just spiritual, but ranging from the practical application of laws to herbal remedies. They were even known for their knowledge of the supernatural. The Druids stand apart from Celtic society. They are expected not to control great wealth or direct power but instead act as outside advisors. Though their advice was sought by kings, the Druids themselves lived very different lives from the monarchs. Druids were not accorded great wealth or standing. Whether they were attached to a specific court or wandered proselytizing, Druids were given only the barest of support by Celtic communities. They were not to go hungry, but they also were not to hold great wealth lest they forget their higher responsibilities.

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In many ways, it was the Druids who bound the Celtic lands together. Despite their differences, all of the Six Kingdoms of the Celts had Druids, and they all served a similar purpose and had similar understandings and conceptions of the world around them. Even the Cymry kings of Powys and Gwynnead spoke highly of them as wise individuals with good counsel. At the height of their power they were able to make decisions that bound every aspect of Celtic society, able to stop entire wars and conf licts with a word if they augured that it was not proper. They could direct any member of society to undertake any task they deemed was necessary for the greater well being, including making them the only group that could intervene to countermand a legal decision. The Druids were responsible for religious ceremonies amongst the Celtic people, including the execution of the Quarter Days, so known for coming four times a year. During these days the rules of ordinary behaviour and the laws are different. These are days of powerful magic, when the Otherworld is closer and great work can be done. It is also during these days that, within Celtic society, normal oaths of marriage or otherwise, are suspended. The Druids were expected to govern the resulting chaos.

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Since their return to prominence, the Druids have assumed all these duties again: as teachers, judges, poets, and even as supernatural envoys. However, as an order, their central focus has been on two more practical matters. The first is for the old ways to reclaim spiritual territory from the church of the White God. The second is a vast but secretive military campaign. The Druids aim to lead the Celtic people back to the glory and power of the old ways, spiritually and physically.

Magic The magic of the Druids is based on two things: the patterns of the world and the importance of the flesh. The former is an introspective and gentle practice; the latter is anything but. Druids plan their actions sometimes generations in advance by reading portents in the stars, in the rising and the setting of the sun, and in the change of seasons. They build their temples to align with specific days of the year. To be a Druid is to have a deep and robust knowledge of the geography of Celtic lands and of the heavens above. To be a Druid also means knowledge of the bloody and brutal. Some rituals require grotesque acts. Amongst these rites are the drinking of blood, claiming that it gives the Druid in question both the power and wisdom of whom they are drinking from. More extreme magic rituals include building defensive ghost fences made of human skulls or sewing human heads to the bodies of animals. The most important offerings to the Druid’s gods are that of blood, viscera, and death. Only the unwise or ill-fated stumble into a Druidic grove during a ritual and there see altars heaped with human entrails, limbs hanging from the trees, and running waters flowing thick with blood. There is also the wicker man. A rarity, it is amongst the highest honours that can be paid to the gods of the Druids. They build a gargantuan figure out of wood, weaving together sticks and twigs to create a lattice in the shape of the human form. It is then filled with living bodies, both human and animal, before being set ablaze while they dance in the glow of the flames and suffering. The wailing echoes and reverberates across the surrounding hills.

Such macabre practices are not the case amongst all kinds of Druids. Since being driven nearly to extinction by the church of the White God, the Druids, in an effort to revive their faith have, at least publically, adopted a gentler approach. Many Druidic spells can be accomplished by achieving a metaphor for the actual thing. In the absence of available human skulls, for example, a Druid may carefully carve a turnip in its likeness complete with teeth made of stone inlaid into the mouth. Most often, this is not as powerful as the human-made alternative but it is still an option regularly used by a thrifty Druid, careful not to upset a community where denizens are divided between the old ways and the ways of the Criostai.

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There was a time when most Celts would gladly have given their lives to the needs of the Druids as a sacrifice with the understanding that it was for a greater cause. Those days generally passed with the coming of the White God but they may be on the rise again with the necessity of the Twilight.

The Druids and Tir na nOg

It was the Druids who started the war for Tir na nOg, a conflict that reaches across the entirety of the Six Kingdoms, but is focused mostly on the Kingdom of Eire. The coming of the Twilight and foreign invaders has made the situation of the Celtic people a desperate one. This benefited the Druids in that the rising panic of a pagan apocalypse gave credence to the old ways. However, it also gave the Druids the great responsibility to rectify the current crisis. The Druids have turned to their mystical teachings and to the Otherworld for an answer. The famed land of Tir na nOg has long been the promised land for Druids and Celts as part of their religious tradition. Even the Criostai speak of the place and its legendary powers of youth. What the Druids plot to do is somehow move the island of Eire closer to the Otherworld, for it to overlap, or perhaps replace, the land of Tir na nOg. Outsiders are uncertain whether this means to move the island of Eire itself, or whether it is to move some part of the Otherworld closer to

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Eire. Whether Eire replaces Tir na nOg, or what exactly this plan will mean for the Celtic Kingdoms, is unknown. Tir na nOg is a promised land; will that mean the physical death of all Gaels? Or is all this merely the misinterpretation of the laymen and the true plan is to open the gateways between Eire and Otherworld and to pour forth a great army that has been training since times immemorial to fight for the Six Kingdoms? No matter the end result, all sects of Druids since their return are focused on this plan that drives them towards this common purpose. Countless hours, and lives, were spent scrying the future, reading the stars, and consulting with the Tuatha of the Otherworld in order to determine this course. Battles rage across the old sacred sites for the Druids to wrest control of them from the Followers of the White God. So many sites have been seized and transformed into monasteries and churches devoted to the White God that many in the Druidic community claim that their aims must have been discovered and the church of the White God is directly seeking to frustrate their plans. Whether this is true or not is nearly impossible to say. Only when the Druids gain control of the sacred sites can they complete their magic. Most important amongst these are the Royal Sites of Eire. When the great fires are lit at the Royal Sites, similar will be lit at countless other sacred locations. Offerings will be given to their ancient gods. The ritual will be performed. It is possible that this is actually the great project of those ancient gods, one that they have long been working towards.

The Fey Creideamh Sí, the fey faith of Eire is chaperoned by the Druids. They have a special connection to the land and the Otherworld, establishing a special relationship with the Fey. The term “Fey” covers a diverse range of supernatural beings, from Faeries belonging to various courts, to the Fuathan, Golbins and the Wild Sidhe among many others. It is perhaps with the Wild Sidhe that the Druids form a more symbiotic bond and mutual understanding. The Sidhe can be both benevolent and destructive but performing proper veneration rituals and practices can ensure that mortal humans benefit from their blessings. As

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a result, a religion known as Creideamh Sí has been around for centuries. Druids have been at the core of this faith and have refined the rites and rituals, however with the coming of the White God, the faith has lost many members. Many Creideamh Sí have converted to Criostai, leaving many Druids without followers. The coming of the Twilight has exacerbated the relations between the remaining Creideamh Sí and the ever-growing Criostai.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Airgid Caróg

(Ayr-gij Ca-roug)

The Silver Raven, Crow-Mother Tara, Eire Airgid is not like the other leaders of the Hand of Dana. The woman now known as the Silver Raven was born during the first Viking invasion. Even though she was a little girl at the time she could always see what others could not. Fey were her friends during her childhood before becoming her allies as an adult. Airgid’s childhood came to a brutal end when the Norsemen raided her village, killing or enslaving everyone. The Fair Folk she befriended led her away to safety, to their “mother”, the one who would protect and adopt her: the Morrigan. Airgid trained in Tir na nOg and, over time, she shed her old name. The once terrified little girl became the first daughter of the Morrigan of this Age: Airgid Caróg, the Silver Raven, Crow-Mother Now Airgid has silver hair, blood-red eyes, and pale skin. She wears a white-feathered cloak and carries a shillelagh, which she uses as both a walking stick and a weapon if needed. She was the first to come back through the Veil; being alive was enough to give her an easier time to travel back. When she returned she saw a land divided and weak. The Vikings were back in force and the petty disputes between the clans enraged her. Airgid started her work with the womenfolk of Eire. The first she contacted was the Queen of Tara, Gormflaith ingen Flann Sinna, a shrewd and powerful woman. She was a prime target because she already had key traits for survival: she had carried out assassinations, plotted, manipulated, was widowed multiple times, and never took a knee for anyone, not even the church. Then Airgid started to create what she called “her murder of crows” by recruiting Bandrui into the Morrigan’s service. Even common women could fly as high as any queen under the Morrigan’s care. Now when the Silver Raven appears she is a sign of terror amongst the Northmen. A sign that a coven of Bandrui will arrive shortly to bring curses and the dead back to haunt them to their own deaths.

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King Arthur


The Once and Future King, Deceased? Unknown

return, he could take his place as the once and future king of the Britons. The Druids say that he was sent off to Avalon in Otherworld, a place where he is able to sleep until he is reincarnated into the world. By contrast, the Criostai say that he has gone to treat with their spiritual powers to prepare for some upcoming war.

Sung oft by Taliesin, King Arthur was a contemporary of the man turned god. Born of Uther and Igraine through the aid of Myrddin, much of Arthur’s youth is hidden in mystery. By the height of his rule as king, Arthur had fought and defeated boars, witches, dragons, dog-headed beasts, giants, and much more. To this day, none know if he remained committed to the ancient gods of his people, or if he turned to the White God. At his height he had more than 200 men at his command, each of them a great hero. He was fond of regaling his enemies with the many great deeds of himself and his men, often terrifying his foes so much they would not face him. Arthur’s court is said to have reached across much of Britain, even claiming the Breizhiz as falling under his rule. In one of his adventures, Arthur traveled to the Otherworld land of Annwn for plunder and to free his kinsmen who had been taken captive. While there, he met with many powers greater than himself, both otherworldly and mundane. He returned without the expected loot but was able to save his kinsmen. Little else is known about what he learned there. The legends of Arthur are many, and it is hard to sort fact from fiction. The Followers of the White God claim that Arthur met with one of their bishops and was humbled before the might of their god, an act that caused him to revoke his old allegiances and swear himself to the newcomers to the shores. Others, especially Druids from Cymru, claim that he would never turn against his people by forswearing the ancient beliefs. Many believe that, similar to Taliesin, Arthur rose above his humble human origins to become something greater. It would explain the hundreds of adventures and sightings that still take place across the lands of the Isles. These sightings have continued after his death on the battlefield against his nephew, Medraut, who had seized the throne while Arthur was campaigning. After giving the crown to another, Arthur’s closest compatriots whisked him from the battlefield claiming that they knew of a place where he could recover from his apparently fatal wounds, though it could take hundreds of years. Should he

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Bé Binn inion Urchadh 

(Bey Bin In-on Ur-khah)

Warrior-Princess of the Uí Briúin Seóla Munster, Eire

Bé Binn is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair, pulled back from her face and without a hint of white or grey. She covers her features and body with armour, reworked to fit her. She wields both a longspear, one taller than she is by more than a foot and a half, and a longsword that she took from a slain Viking. Bé Binn wears the torc of royalty, and has a fur lined cape to keep her warm on the battlefield. It wasn’t always so. Originally, Bé Binn trained to become an arbiter of the law, a Breitheamh, as much to help her kin gain more respect and influence as to help herself not die of boredom. Then, the King of Aileach had invited both manfolk and womenfolk to join his Fianna, with the aim to create a massive Celtic army to defeat their enemies once, and hopefully, forever. Bé Binn was shaken by this invitation. The monks of the White God had always insisted that a good woman’s highest aspiration should be being a good and productive mother to the exclusion of all else. She already received criticism from the robed clergymen for her choice to fill a legal role in her tuath. She was mocked when she tried to settle legal disputes. The same clergy tried to undermine her efforts to share food, arguing the clergy as a higher order in life deserved more than the farmers. Then, when Bé Binn looked at the names of the supporters of the letter from the King of Aileach, she saw powerful names, including Donnchad Donn, the current high king, and the Queen of Tara. She suspected that most of the more raiding-warring aficionados amongst the nobility would answer this call for action. So, leaving her clerical life as a Brithem behind, Bé Binn donned armour and became a Fiann. Her first raid was on the the Viking-occupied Ath Cliath, which she thought might provide enough provisions to present her support to the King of Aileach in a fashionable manner. Bé Binn led her clansmen in raid after raid, usually successful, and she has started to hoard more resources over time. She has not, as of yet, presented her support for the King of Aileach, and is becoming something of a rogue power amongst the Isles. Her people already liked her for her role as a voice of reason but now they love her for her conquests, addressing her as a true Queen of Old. They compare her to Mebd and other rulers of their glorious past. Bé Binn was initially humbled by this praise but with each passing victory she believes more in her own power.

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Fir Bolg Inheritor Aileach, Eire Bivaidonas was born into a clan of miners and blacksmiths. Some say that his bloodline goes as far back as the Fir Bolg kingdoms. His father’s pride was their black iron tools, casting basin and anvil; heirlooms as old as their holdings. Bivaidonas’ upbringing ensured that he was tall, square bodied, and heavily muscled from his hard work. Even after leaving the mines, his long dirty blonde hair and beard were perpetually wild and streaked as though permanently stained with rock dust.

from training in the ways of both the Fir Bolgs and Knockers. Bivaidonas came back to the normal world in front of the gates of the Grianan of Aileach, with a black iron cart filled with his tools and works, demanding that the King of Aileach, Muirchertach Ui Neill, should meet him as his art deserved. The decision was quick and he became the favoured blacksmith of the king, crafting the equipment for his Skin Cloaks and for the leaders of the Fiana. Then Bivaidonas built a shop-inn in Aileach with a direct pathway to the Knocker kingdoms. After the founding of Amhlaidh it also became a pathway to Nidavellir, the realm of the Dvergars.

When the Celtic Twilight came, mining settlements that did not produce as much food, and imported to complete their stocks, suffered the hardest. Their reserves emptied faster than the others. After a while even the Knockers stopped telling when one of the community died. The toll was too steep even for them to acknowledge. They would have destroyed the floors by knocking that much. Seeing the cold and hungry face of the end times, Bivaidonas traded in his tools for a powerful and heavy axe. When the persistent darkness and the unnatural fog rolled in, the community life of Bivaidonas’ mining settlement was besieged by bandits as well as raided by Vikings and the warped and starving monsters that would wander in from the woods. A brandished axe proved more worthwhile than a smithing hammer. Then one day, the denizens of the village found food in front of their doors; milk, butter, black bread, and other things. They realized that the Knockers were giving back their offerings, and were trying to save them. The supernatural aid would not end there, however. When next the Vikings raided, they met with a great surprise. The Knockers took up arms against them, killing them in an instant. The remaining villagers, including Bivaidonas’ parents, after a short reunion with the old Knockers, were sent with the rest to Aileach using passages between realms as a shortcut. Then Bivaidonas was trained as the Knocker’s mortal ambassador in the Otherworld for a “normal year” (as time there does not flow at the same rate that of the mundane world). The supernatural blood of his Fir Bolg heritage awakened. His skin turned grey, his eyes took the colour of copper, and he developed his talent for shaping and knowing the deep nature of stones and metals. These talents further developed

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Creassa inion Urchadh(Cree-sha In-on Ur-khah) Queen of Connacht Connacht, Eire The Queen of Connacht is in a difficult position. Starvation is gnawing at her kingdom. It is rare for starvation amongst people to reach its royalty, but such is the case in the court of Connacht. The king has grown depressed, withdrawn and increasingly ineffective in his reign, leaving Creassa with the duties of rulership. Struggling with the problems of Connacht has kept its queen working late into each night. Whispers are spreading of how tired she looks and how thin she herself has become, nearly to the point of emaciation. The royal children also starve. Every time Creassa looks down at her children they seem thinner and weaker. Lies of future food are growing less effective, and in the dark hours of night Creassa turns to thoughts of bloody mercy. On one of these sleepless nights, she was awoken by the voice of a woman coming from the room of her children. Creassa ran through the hallways of her castle fearing the worst. When she kicked open the door, sword in hand, she found a remarkable sight. Before her, Creassa’s children were eating pastries in the presence of an unknown woman cloaked in raven feathers. The mysterious Bandrui bowed and delivered a missive to the Queen of Connacht with a plate of apple slices as an important message to the aims. The message requested her support for the King of Aileach to unify Eire and bring back the prosperity they once knew. Creassa knew there was but one way to end the shameful parody that had become of Connacht. She would serve the King of Aileach. Creassa barged in her husband’s room and ordered him to make preparations for the trip to Aileach. He asked why and she answered, her eyes swollen with tears and a warm smile spread across her face: “For Connacht, my love. ”The king’s eyes opened wide, he jumped out of his bed and ran outside his room barking orders. Newborn hope spread through the fortress like wildfire. Watching the situation unfurl, Creassa tugged the letter near her heart and whispered at the Bandruí: “Thank you”. The mysterious black caped Bandrui bowed once more and said, her voice vibrating, her determination echoing in the room: “For Tara”.

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Cú Roí mac Dáire 

(Koo-ree mac Daw-reh)

Hound of the Battlefield Varied locations in Eire More a being made of mysteries than facts, Cú Roí mac Dáire is the Druid-King of the ancient kingdom of Munster during the time of the great hero Cu Chulainn, the hero who ended Cú Roí’s mortal life. Then Cú Roí was reborn as a sidhe and his perspective changed. The foolishness and pridefulness that dominated his living life vanished.

omens until he found the horseman. Disguised as but a simple Druid he asked for his hospitality. The young king, named Muirchertach Ui Neill, invited the Druid into his hall and they spent the night debating how to unite the clans and how bad things were across the lands. Finally as the night was ending and mutual trust was gained, Cú Roí revealed to him his true nature and set out the next day to convince as many Druids as he could to serve his new king.

As a Sidhe, Cú Roí mac Dáire can take many forms but as a human he appears as a middle-aged man with a long brownish-blonde braided beard adorned with talismans. His empty eye-sockets are filled with two green polished beryl stones that glow. He wields a staff made of elder wood, engraved with fish scales ending in a salmon head with a black iron spearhead between its open jaws. Cú Roí’s blue robes are rimmed with a red border, embroidered with ogham runes and covered in large fish scales. He wears a large torc adorned in scenes of rituals ending in two salmon heads. After crossing the mists on the orders of the Tuatha de Danann to save their motherland, Cú Roí found Eire more divided than ever. The people were fighting in the cold for scraps even selling their lives to the northern invaders out of desperation. Cú Roí had to fight back his tears at the sight of his people. At Bru Na Boinne he opened a permanent door to the Otherworld and let loose the Green Hunter—a servant of the Goddess Eriu sent to make sure she is not forgotten, to steer the Druids in Eriu’s plans, and cleanse the enemies of the gods. Cú Roí finds no joy in this duty because his actions have cost the lives of more Gaels, but he had to help unite the children of Eriu. It was his last chance to save it all through the might of the gods. Then Cú Roí entered a deep trance to perceive what was yet to come and received a vision from the point of view of a tall, long-haired, man on a horse covered in mail and lamellar armour. The horsemen felt a presence behind his eyes and with a powerful spirit managed to oust Cú Roí from his vision. His interest piqued, Cú Roí travelled following signs and

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Diarmuid Ua Duibhne 

(Der-mot U Duv-nye)

The Beautiful, Deceased In the hall of Aonghas Diarmuid is said to be the most beautiful man who has ever existed. He had deep blue eyes, smooth skin, flowing silky locks, and a heart-melting smile. Diarmuid was elegant in all attires. Alas, this attention all but ensured his own vanity, so he kept a closely cropped helmet to ensure that his face was not hidden. However, he was not all beauty; he was also perhaps the greatest warrior of his time. Son of Donn and the lover of the intended wife of Fionn mac Chumail, he was fostered by Aonghas Og who taught him how to fight. Aonghas gave Diarmuid two swords named “Great Fury” and “Little Fury”. Diarmuid also had two spears that caused lasting grievous wounds beyond the depth of their strike. These arms, coupled with Aenghus’ training, made Diarmuid Ua Duibhne one of the most powerful warriors in existence. To ensure his honour, Diarmuid fought with weaker weapons than these during battles as to not give him too much of an advantage, which he considered uncouth. Popular folklore claims that in one battle he single-handedly killed 3,400 enemies. Diarmuid’s greatest challenges were often in overcoming what were his greatest strengths. In one legend, a woman came into his lodge after a hunting expedition. She was drenched, filthy, and mistreated. She demanded a bed and blanket from each of the Fianna, but only Diarmuid took pity on her and gave her his bed. For this she transformed into a beauty and gave him a great house overlooking the sea. He, in turn, asked her to live with him. The mysterious Bandrui agreed, so long as he never mentioned how she looked when they first met. Later, when he went hunting, Diarmuird tasked her to watch his favorite dog and the puppies it had just birthed. Several of Diarmuid’s friends came to visit during this time and each asked for one of the pups. She gave them up, one by one. Once Diarmuird learned of this he became enraged and asked her why she would do this when he had overlooked her ugliness when they first met. He said this three times, and on the third time both she and his home disappeared. Diarmuird would go on to realize that he had caused his own downfall and quested long to win her back. He was forced to

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overcome great trials for his ungratefulness, a regular theme in his life. Ultimately, Diarmuird would die during just such an attempt to undo his own ungrateful actions. It occured during a boar hunt with Fionn that they had undertaken to smooth a transgression of Diarmuird’s. In his arrogance Diarmuird had left behind his better weapons taking only weaker ones. He underestimated the boar’s strength and the mighty boar gored him. Fionn, still sore from their disagreement, tarried in his aid and Diarmuird died as a result of his wounds. Aonghas took Diarmuird’s body back with him to his home where he holds both the body and the spirit of his son there to be his counsel in times of great duress.

Fionn mac Cumhail (Finn mac Cool) Deimne, Deceased Lost One of the first heroes of Gaelic myth, Fionn Cumhail is a benevolant, though often foolish and destructive, giant of a man. His visage is handsome with white and lustrous hair and his eyes are of the palest blue. In war he wielded a large circular shield made entirely of metal and a spear with a gargantuan toothed head.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers

Adventure Fionn mac Cumhail’s father was, allegedly, the famous Cumhall of the Fianna, and his mother was Muirne, the daughter of a Druid. Fionn’s birth was contentious as many believed that she came to Cumhall’s home already pregnant. Hoping to spare him from the gossip and scandal, Fionn’s mother left him in the care of a man named Bodhmall, and an unknown fighting woman, who together brought him up in secret while training him in the ways of war and hunting. Fionn was born with the name “Deimne”, and was renamed when his hair turned prematurely white. While he was young, Fionn learned from many different people. Living incognito, he would serve many of the surrounding kings until each in turn recognized him as Cumhal’s son. Upon this revelation the kings would refuse further service and Fionn would move on to another. When he learned all he could from kings, Fionn turned to Druids. He met a Druid near the river Boyne and studied under him. Part of his studies was to cook the salmon of knowledge that the Druid had caught. While doing so, Fionn burned his thumb and from sucking the juices from his thumb he gained the wisdom of the salmon. Seeing this, the teacher gave him the rest of the salmon as well. With these skills and knowledge, Fionn then knew how to gain revenge against those who had so long wronged him and had so long kept him on the fringes of Celtic society. Now in adulthood, and armed with the salmon’s wisdom, Fionn knew how to gain the support of the Fianna, his father’s warrior fraternity. The Fianna had been troubled for the last twenty-three years by a fire-breathing Sidhe named Aillen who came every Samhain and sung the Fianna into a deep magical sleep. While they slumbered the Sidhe would

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burn down the palace and leave the Fianna to rebuild it year after year. By this point, Fionn already had his famous spear that was always red-hot. To keep himself awake during Aillen’s song Fionn repeatedly touched the hot spear to his own forehead to stay awake. So, when the Sidhe attempted to burn the castle down, Fionn killed him. After this, Fionn’s heritage was recognized by the Fianna, and he was made one of them. Once Fionn had the power of his position as leader of the Fianna, he demanded compensation for the murder of his father. (By tradition, Celtic leaders are not authoritarian; as leader of the Fianna, Fion could not simply take what he wanted.) Fortunately, Tadg, a member of the Fianna, offered the hill of Allen as compensation and Fionn accepted. Fionn met his wife, Sadhbh, when out hunting. She was transformed against her will into the form of a deer, cursed by a Druid named Fear Doirich whom she refused to marry. Fionn’s hounds recognized her as a human rather than a deer and they brought her home. Sadhbh transformed back into a woman upon stepping foot on Fionn’s ground as the curse had marked the hill of Allen as the only place she could return to the form of human. They married and Sadhbh was soon pregnant. While Fionn was off hunting, Fear Doirich came and cursed her again, returning her to the form of a deer. Sadly, Sadhbh was never seen again. Fionn searched the woods and found Oisen, her son, in the form of a deer and the boy transformed into a young man before Fionn’s eyes. He would go on to become a great member of the Fianna. There is much mystery surrounding Fionn’s death and some say that he has not died at all. Instead, some have suggested that he lays in a cave, sleeping, preparing for the day that Eire has the direst of need. At this point, he will rise again and protect his land. Regardless, he has never been seen in the Otherworld, in the lands of the dead, nor has his body ever been found.

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Sea King of the Vikings Alt Clut, Strathclyde Gofraid is the leader of the main raiding fleet of the Vikings and enforcer of Viking rule throughout the Great Isles, an ever-moving menace to those who decide to attack or challenge his kin. Gofraid is a brutal fighter and he is most often seen at the head of his ships, his hair windswept and pulled back from his face. Unlike most, he seems to be all but immune to the cold. Gofraid has a blood feud with Muirchertach Ui Neill, King of Aileach, each thwarting the other’s goals. Gofraid has killed Muirchertach’s father and Muirchertach has killed Gofraid’s son. When one achieves victory, the other does his damndest to claim a greater one. Some whisper the Norns have conspired to keep these two men at each other’s throats so the balance of power remains even before the final battle of Ragnarok. Gofraid feels he knows, deep in his soul, what kind of man the King of Aileach is. Gofraid sees the devotion of Muirchertach’s followers and sees the old powers of the land growing back like briar trying to strangle and bleed the Viking invaders to death. The sea is churning with malformed giants that smash Gofraid’s drakkars. His dominion is weakening every day as more of this strange magic awakens, its heart bloated by hatred and bloodlust. Gofraid presses his kinsman Sitric to keep the pressure on the Gaels where and when he can. Gofraid refuses to accept the idea that a true High King may rise against them with all the might of the Gaelic kingdoms united in one force. Sitric, alas, stays too much at Ath Cliath to even acknowledge the threat. To Gofraid’s mind the time to play politics is already far gone. What worries Gofraid most are the omens that reach him from Godis that speak of a great serpent made up of blood, treasures, and corpses, slowly coming back to its senses—a god of these Éireannaigh that will destroy all, Vikings and Celts alike.

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Gormflaith ingen Flann Sinna (Gor-um-leh In-ghen Flawn Shee-nah) Queen of Tara, previously Queen of Leinster and Munster Aileach, Eire Queen Gormflaith is feared and respected for more than one reason. Her brother Donnchadh Donn mac Flainn is the high king; her son Muirchertach Ui Neill is the King of Aileach and her agents are all over the Celtic World. Everybody respects her because nobody knows how many of her blades hide in the shadows or how many secrets she actually knows. Gormflaith ingen Flann Sinna has black hair and a strict looking face with harsh lines in it and an aquiline nose. Often she will wear a shawl of raven feathers atop a black or dark grey tunic, as befitting a Bandrui. Gormflaith has plenty of warriors behind her, prepared to protect her back. Queen Gormflaith’s brother taught her one thing: to stay in power one must abandon honour. Blood has to be sacrificed to achieve what she wants and what she wants is to protect her son at any measure. If she has to slay hundreds to allow Muirchertach to fulfill his destiny then she will. The recent changes and the return of the Druids in the form of the secret society, Amergin’s Challenge, has changed the political landscape. Now she plans to learn the secrets of magic to keep control. Gormflaith moves to adapt, to safeguard the legacy of her blood, and to express her rage. By what impudence do these damned Northmen and their idiotic gods challenge the children of Tara? Gormflaith will re-order the Fidchell board of warfare on the Isles following her own schemes and plans. As a Bandrui, the Morrigan has shown her the path ahead. The Celtic Twilight will be cast away by her people, erased by tides of seawater, blood and steel. Queen Gormflaith will play her part in the feast hosted by her son. It’s time to meet and plan ahead with her shadows and give them the tools to guide the future.

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Kian Gwenc’hlan  (Kee-an Gwen-sh-lann) Herald of the Serpent Crom’s Rock and elsewhere in Eire Though he is also a tall and imposing figure that towers above most, the most unsettling thing about Kian Gwenc’hlan is his lack of eyes. Tears of blood permanently weep from the gouged out wounds in his face. Kian’s canines are long fangs, and his nails are claws, and his body is nearly wraith thin. Sources as to his origins and aims are vague at best. One of the few consistencies is that it is said he died in prison, a victim of the White God’s conquest. He was tortured and had his eyes gouged out because he refused to convert to the foreign faith. It is said that when Kian died, his last words were to utter the famed Prophecy of Gwenc’hlan. Instead of passing to the Otherworld, Kian was summoned to Crom Cruach in Eire. Kian’s soul was kept in this dark reality, where he confessed to the Dark Crooked One his hatred for the White God. Crom accepted him as a servant and admitted to him how his sacred places were defiled, destroyed and violated by the Criostai. Fueled by rage, pain and despair, Kian agreed to be Crom Cruach’s agent in the mundane world. Crom Cruach gave him a double-edged sword for his mission; one edge for his revenge, the other for divine justice. What Kian did not understand was that he would be brought back to the mundane world, not reborn. Crom, and his accomplice Donn, agreed to empower Kian but neither of them hold the power of life. One rules blood and the other death. Kian thus became a champion for one and a puppet for the other. He has the twin goals to spread the “Red Thirst” and to undermine those who oppose the Celtic gods, as well as to fight and kill the champions of both the White God and the Norse Gods.

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Llawfrodedd Fargogg  (Clau-fro-deth Far-gogg) Arthur’s Fiann, Deceased Otherworld Llawfrodedd Fargogg was a bald man, always showing off his bare head and neglecting any helmet or head covering, and with a beard reaching to his navel. He was often seen astride a gargantuan charger of a horse. One of the great warriors of Arthur’s court, Llawfrodedd Fargogg was the bearer of the knife of Llawfrodedd, one of the Thirteen Treasures of the isle of Britain. He was a great warrior known for his skill in battle, especially on horseback. After the death of Arthur, he was amongst those who took his body away, and amongst those who told tales of his eventual return. He then returned to Cymru, the land of his birth, to await whatever would happen next. Llawfrodedd largely disappeared at this point, though with the coming of this time of great change, there have been rumours that he has been seen again riding through the woods and rallying warriors to his cause. Others have suggested that he has sworn himself to Y Mab Darogan, perhaps unifying these two figures as one. Others have suggested that this is some figure pretending to be Llawfrodedd to further bolster the claims of Darogan. Llawfrodedd owned one of the three prominent cows of the island of Britain, and was known for his nearly limitless hospitality.



The Returned Queen Tara, Eire The former Queen of Connacht from centuries past has returned to these dark days of the end of the world. Many claim that she’s the highest royalty of the land and are prepared for her to rule over all of Eire and unify it under her crown. Many of the Druids have difficulty following and supporting this claimant to the crown, to say nothing of the Followers of the White God’s view of her return. Certainly she casts a terrifying visage. Medb has hair

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the colour of pitch and skin that has turned grey with hints of ancient Gaelic tattoos still visible. She wears a fierce-looking crown of iron tipped with blades and a dress with chainmail over top of it. Though Medb wields no weapons, her hands end in clawed fingertips, suggesting there are still ways she can deal with any who would challenge her. Medb has a camp and fort set up near Tara and claims to be searching for a king to marry her and serve as a paramour for her rule. All that have come to take her hand have had to face one of her champions, the first of several trials anyone who wishes to wed her must overcome. None have survived these trials. She stands against the Druids who want to bring Eire closer to Tir na nOg. Instead, Medb seeks to unify the Celts and oust the invaders through open war. There are many who have already pledged their swords and axes to her cause, believing that her return marks a great change for the world.

Mug Ruith

(Mook Ru-ih)

Slave of the Wheel Aileach, Eire The blind Druid known as Mug Ruith is a living enigma, appearing in and out of reality like a fevered dream. He is an old man covered by a white bull skin cloak and wearing the skull of some gargantuan bird as a helmet. Mug Ruith is bent with age, and his eyes and hair are both grey. Some say he was alive during the age of the son of the White God. Others say he was alive during the reign of the High King Cormac mac Airt. Still others say he died when Conmael ruled thousands of years ago and what is seen now is a ghost. When questioned, he simply chuckles and answers with a riddle, leaving more questions than answers. Mug Ruith carries two artifacts with him. For protection he carries a black shield decorated with stars and rimmed with silver. Instead of a weapon he carries a large but perfectly smooth stone in his hand. The stone turns into a poisonous eel when in water. The fantastic powers of Mug Ruith are well known, and probably much-exaggerated. They say he is able to grow to gigantic size, turn men to stone, and create storms with his breath. When he appears he is accompanied by a flash of light caused by Roth Rámach, his flying chariot pulled by two

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oxens. If you believe his tale, anyone looking at this vehicle will become blind like him. One day, not long ago, Mag Ruith returned to Eire following the faint whispers of the Sidhe. On Gaelic soil again, Mag Ruith dreamed he saw a face in his mind’s eye: a warrior from the blood of Niall. A man with an essence as tainted as the one of Bres but with a heart beating in unison with holy Tara. The vision he saw was of a man with righteous fury in his breath, begging to be unleashed in a tidal wave of iron and blood. He will be young, in need of advice, for he alone will face against champions of the White God and the chosen of these foreign “Aesir” that the Vikings serve. This man will need otherworldly support, he needs the support of Mag Ruith. Letting himself be led by the Sidhe, Mag Ruith ended up at Uisneach, the resting place of Eriu where Lugh’s physical remains and the Stable of the Dagda are, a powerful place where the ground was still green and warm to the touch. A few days later, a warband arrived while hunting a deer and stopped suddenly when they saw a green hill and the smiling Mag Ruith atop of it. The Warrior-King Muirchertach Ui Neil and Mag Ruith talked for hours, debating and challenging each other on matters of beliefs, policies, laws, and tactics. In the end, they were sworn brothers. The Druid led the king towards Lough Lugh, the resting place of Lugh, where a great silver falcon was waiting for him, its eyes judging the king with great discontent. Three words were spoken in his mind, words burning in his brain: “Gaels. Abandoned. Us.”. Resisting the need to buckle under the spiritual pain crushing his skull, the young warrior answered the divine servant with this statement: “I’ll make it right by piling up enough skulls to build a new cairn to honour you. I want to save Eire from freezing to death and save as many Gaels as I can. Oh, Lugh, help me prove with both might and mind that we Children of Eriu can be saved and are able to defeat our enemies!” Then Mug Ruith stood up and walked forward, chuckling at the silver falcon and said: “You heard our debates, you can hide from our young friend but…” He stopped to point at his blind eyes before continuing “Not from me”. The bird landed on the ruler’s shoulder and a golden torc featuring the harvest cycle and ending in two falcon heads appeared on his neck, already locked in place. The voice of the god’s envoy echoed: “Indeed, and now the three of us are bound by oath and fate”. The three rejoined the warband below and continued on their path to unify their homeland.

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Muirchertach Ui Neill (Muhr-kher-takh Uh Neyll) King of Aileach, the “Seablooded” Leader of the Skin Cloaks Aileach, Eire As with most kings, Muirchertach Ui Neill has long hair, a long beard, and a warrior’s build and manner. Unlike that of most kings, Muirchertach Ui Neill’s cloak is made out of the flayed skin of a Fomorian. Beneath his monstrous cloak is chainmail, lamellar armour, and a thick bronze torc. Muirchertach brandishes a magical sword that controls the wind. The King of Aileach is a man consumed by one purpose: restoring the honour of the Gaels in the Celtic pantheon’s eyes through bloody warfare, specifically the slaughter of the northern invaders and Criostai. This singular purpose started with the disastrous defeat of the Gaels, a tragedy that still exists in recent memory, near Ath Cliath. The death of his father, Niall Glúndub mac Áedo, and many Gaelic kings was a revelation to Muirchertach. He realized when he was grieving that they all died because of the discord and internal fighting between the kingdoms, clans, tribes, and families of Eire. Muirchertach Ui Neill’s ancestor, Niall of the Nine Hostages, dreamed of a great Gaelic empire. This could be possible, thought Muirchertach, but instead Eire is wasting away in-fighting; its best warriors selling their services to foreign kings. If they truly united in one tidal wave of battle-hardened Gaels, Muirchertach believes the Norsemen would have no chance of survival. To realize his ancestor’s dream, Muirchertach Ui Neill leads his warriors, “The Skin Cloaks”, from battle to battle, subjecting the Vikings to defeats that are often cruel and vicious. Once Muirchertach’s Skin Cloaks killed the son of Ragnall, one of the Viking “Sea Kings” and left his beheaded corpse behind with his arm-ring to make sure that his noble father knew who had slain him. This sparked a rivalry that would go on kin for kin, blood for blood, until the fight between them risks destroying both their bloodlines. On the day the sun died, green Eire turned white as bone, and Ailech, his kingdom, and his people began to starve. A growing number of the populace started to believe that the White God was punishing them. Two factions rose: those who became White God fanatics and those who started to

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turn back to the many gods of old. Muirchertach needed to pick a side before Ailech tore itself apart. Rumours say Muirchertach’s mother came to offer him her council accompanied by a woman dressed in a white feather cloak and an older man in robes. None knows what words were exchanged, but after this fated meeting, Muirchertach Ui Neill expelled all those who refused to convert back to worship the Tuatha de Danann and destroyed all churches and chapels dedicated to the White God. A procession of Druids entered the ringfort soon afterward bringing food, magic and hope to the hopeless Gaels. It is whispered at campfires that the Druids said to Muirchertach that he must become the true High King of Tara by wedding the goddess Eriu herself, thus unifying all on the island under his rule on both the mortal and the fey side. This would allow him access to almost an infinite amount of warriors to purge Eire from all those who would oppose him or the Tuatha de Danann. The most quietly whispered rumours add the suggestion that the Druids would perform a ritual to shift the isle into the Otherworlds to protect them all from the hellish winter.

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Druid, Deceased? Cyrmu, if alive It is difficult to say what Myrddin looked like; he was known to disguise himself in order to engage in his travels. Some say he looked like an old Cymry man with a long white beard but that could have just been a favoured visage. The only consistency across all his appearances was a gold medallion portraying a dragon’s head that he always carried. What is certain of Myrddin is that he was a great and powerful user of magic. The self-proclaimed “wizard” apparently mastered all of the magic of the Isles, learning from the Druids and fey alike. Myrddin’s magic was said to include prophecy, the ability to transform himself and others, and power over the weather. For a brief time, he even sat on the throne of Dyfed, one of the ancient kingdoms of Cymru. After defeat in a great battle that led to the death of his siblings, Myrddin gave a great cry of anguish and fled the battlefield, his eyes crazed and unseeing. Giving up the crown, he lived in the woods for years after, subsisting on whatever he could forage and learning to take sustenance from even bark, grass, and stones.

him away from the court. Returning again to the woods, Myrddin tended to an observatory he built to make his madness easier. While there he studied the stars and tended to his writings. Several people visited him including Taliesin and many of the kings of the era. Myrddin gave the prophecy of Y Mab Darogan to Taliesin, who asked then if it referred to Arthur or not. Myrddin did not answer the question and, instead, continued with the prophecy until the coming of a man named William, and some far future events of the Isles.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens

Talents & In time, Myrddin was driven by some unknown aim Powers to leave the woods. He set out into the world and found King Arthur, guiding him according to the Adventure whims of a prophecy that only Myrddin knew. For a time, Myrdinn traveled with and assisted both King Arthur and his father Uther, and acted as an advisor to their courts. After years with them, Myrddin left as mysteriously as he had previously emerged. Some say that this was the result of members of Arthur’s court asking him to return to his position atop his throne. Regardless of the reason, Myrddin returned to his woods and has not been seen since. Some even say that he renounced his prophetic gifts.

Myrddin later emerged from the woods as a sort of wild man. He met with Taliesin and whispered a prophecy to him that the bard would never repeat. Myrddin is even said to have supped with Dagda himself, drinking from a never-ending acorn of some powerful drink. Eventually, Myrddin’s sister Gwenddydd came for him, using a magical song to bring him back to lucidity. This was short lived, however, as the crowds of the court he was brought to drove him mad. After attempting to escape, Myrddin was chained and tested further. The tests were to determine the extent of his prophetic abilities and other magics. Despite all attempts to trick him his prophecies always came true. For instance, they disguised a member of the court three times, and each time Myrddin prophesied different details to his death. The members of the court thought they were successful in proving him a charlatan, only for all the measures to come true in the ultimate death of the courtier as they were not as exclusive as the members of the court had thought. Eventually, the terror of his prophecies always being correct and the madness that he suffered from knowing all things, convinced the king to send

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Fiann, Deceased? Otherworld Fair of skin and hair, Oisin looked quite different from his parents. Son of Fionn and Sadhbh, Oisin was born as a fawn after his mother had been transformed into a deer by a vindictive Druid. Oisin was transformed back by Fionn, who found him when he was seven. Oisin was always handsome, though he had a stern face. Oisin became King of Tir na nOg during his adulthood. His was the best claim to the throne and he managed to secure it in a rare relatively peaceful transition of power. During his kingship, Oisin fathered Oscar Deer Friend. Oisin ruled in Tir na nOg for three years but then was told that three hundred years had passed back in the mundane world. Oisin insisted on returning regardless. He was given a magical horse to ride back to the Celtic Kingdoms, but was warned that if he ever set foot on the ground of the mundane world the lost years would catch up to him. The lands of Eire had changed greatly while Oisin was away. After journeying about and seeing the changes, he ultimately found that many of the changes came from Saint Padraig spreading a new faith throughout the lands. Oisin met with Saint Padraig and learned of this new faith and asked many questions of him. Oisin was inquisitive of the faith but ultimately loathed this “new god”, and when Padraig demanded his conversion, Oisin refused. In return for Padraig’s patience at so many questions, Oisin told the Saint the legends of the Fianna, which Padraig refused to believe. To prove it, Oisin told Padraig to lay a challenge upon him. He did so, tasking Oisin to kill a bull. Oisin went about and did so but in the struggle, though victorious, he fell from his horse. Padraig found Oisin resting upon the dead bull, the Fiann’s body shriveled and old, dying from the strain of age. Oisin asked to be buried facing the sea and Padraig did this, burying the man within the hide of the bull that he had slain and that slain him.

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Oscar Deer-friend  (Oss-Car) Fiann, Deceased Otherworld Oscar never lived to be an old man. Son of Oisin and Niamh, grandson of Fionn, Oscar lived in a time when the Fianna were becoming corrupt and decadent, losing sight of their ancient ways. Oscar was born in Tír na nOg and it is said that he had many otherworldly aspects to him as a result. In adulthood he was a handsome man, with plain hair and eyes. He fought in some of the greatest battles and killed many kings and great warriors including Sinsar who claimed to be the King of the World. Oscar died in a great battle between the High King of Eire, Cairbre Lifechair, and the Fianna. Many Fianna defected and joined Cairbre’s side, ultimately spelling the effective end to the Fianna as a warrior fraternity. Oscar died in the act of killing Cairbre with the steel chains with which Oscar was bound. It is from this act that Fionn quit the battlefield to disappear from history and there the legends and tales of the Fianna end. With the death of Oscar, the Fianna themselves seemed to disappear from the stories and myths as though they stepped back from history itself, until their recent rebirth to face the Viking invaders.

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Padarn Beisrudd  (Pad-arn Beys-rith) “The Red Coat”, Deceased Otherworld Hailing from the lands that would become the Kingdom of Alba, Padarn Beisrudd was born of both the soutern invaders and the Albannaich on the border of Cymru. Throughout Padarn’s youth he felt an outsider from both the cultures of the Celts and the invaders, and it fed into a life of acting as a mediator between those two worlds. By the time he was an adult, Padarn was able to use his status as an outsider to create a better life for himself, securing himself a position as a ranked member in the invader’s military, as well establishing a Cymry tribe of his own to lead. Though no great legend, Padarn was of exceeding skill at both statecraft and military matters. Padarn was the source of the Redcoat that is one of the Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain. At some point, King Arthur tried to steal his coat while Padarn rested in a church. Padarn was amongst those who sided with Arthur. He was amongst those who helped the spread of that legend. It is said that Padarn would, after this, go on to join the church of the White God. From there he became one of their saints also going on to convert the tyrant Arthur into a good and just king. After Padarn’s death and the fall of the empire of the southern invaders, his family leveraged his position and eventually founded the kingdom and dynasty of Gwynedd, his grandson serving as the first of that name. Despite coming from the lands that would become the Kingdom of Alba, Padarn was a founding Cymry, with his grandson going on to be the founding patriarch of the kingdom of Gwynedd.



King of Northumbria Jorvik Ragnall is a king both ready to fight and die for his people, prepared to do whatever it takes to realize his vision. Many say that his square jaw is a testament to his rock-steady determination. Ragnall is the kinsman of both Sitric and Gofraid. He is the ruler of Northumbria and he is in a precarious

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position. Between his northern border being contested by Strathclyde and Alba, the growing resentment of the population of the White God followers of both Saxon and Viking origins, as well as the pressure from the Anglish on his southern border, his kingship is challenged. After the sons of Ivarr retook Ath Cliath and Waterford, Ragnall set his eyes on the conquest of Jorvik with Gofraid’s aid. The first battle in his invasion was against an alliance between the Saxon King of Northumbria, Ealdred of Bamburgh and Constantine II of Alba in a costly battle that ended up in Ragnall’s favour when he recaptured Jorvik. This resulted in his progressive conquest of Northumbria. The second conflict started when the Viking followers of the White God rejected Ragnall for his paganism and betrayed him by allying with the Lady of the Mercians, the queen of a Saxon kingdom. Her early death stopped this rebellion in its infancy and the traitors were punished according to Viking customs. Now at the start of the Celtic Twilight, Jorvik is hit hard by the poor sanitary conditions and the low stocks of food left in its granaries after the constant battling. It has become a hotbed of social, religious and medical instability only saved, for now, by the intervention of Gofraid with food stocks from Ath Cliath.



Wandering Under-king Otherworld The dwarf-like Knockers and their long distant cousins the Dvergars were amongst the first beings to be born in all the realms. Cycles come and go, ebbing like the coming and departing of the tides. What doesn’t endure, falls, and what doesn’t adapt, dies. When the Fomorians and Tuatha de Danann claimed the isle of Eire for themselves, Seanan and his allies the Fir Bolg created Slaine weapons. When the Tuatha and Fomorians raided each other’s vaults, Seanan allied and offered his services to both sides, to ensure that he could make a profit on providing security for the vaults of the overworlders. Seanan was there when the Dvergar decided to support High King Sláine mac Dela, though he stayed neutral during the battles of Mag Tuired. Still, Seanan has long rejected the premise that he and the rest of the Knockers are somehow

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lower beings, negotiating and bartering to ensure the Dvergar and all orders remember the importance of the Knockers on the Isles. With the coming of “The War of Shadows” and what foreigners call “Ragnarok”, Seanan took the opportunity to host a great feast. He drank, laughed, and negotiated with his brethren. The Dvergar and Knockers left this negotiation unified, each king sworn to the other as blood-brothers. They agreed that they would seek to avoid the grim fate that the Vikings sought to bring with them and they agreed to undermine these foreign invaders and their so-called gods at every opportunity. Thus, Amhlaidh was born. An alliance to free those Knockers, Dvergars and Fir Bolgs enslaved by fate, and to ensure the future of their realms.

Sétanta “Cu Chulainn”  (Shey-tawn-ta Ku Khu-lann) Culann’s Hound, Deceased Buried near Aileach, Eire Born of Deichtine, the daughter of the King of Ulster, and named Sétanta, the child who would become Cu Chulainn was marked for greatness from his very birth. Sétanta came into the world during a hunt for magical birds. Deichtine and those that hunted with her retreated to a remote house, wherein she gave birth at the same time that a mare gave birth to twins outside. After the birth, the house that had sheltered them disappeared. The origins of Sétanta’s birth are contentious. Later in the child’s rearing, Lugh appeared and told Deichtine and others that he was the child’s father. Some believe this was a sincere claim. Others suggest that the child was of mortal birth and Lugh was only assuming parentage because of Sétanta’s obvious potential or because Lugh was tricked into doing so. Deichtine, betrothed to a mortal man and amidst rumours that she had been with another man, did not speak on the matter, refusing to even tell her own child who his true parentage was. She did not even tell Sétanta of Lugh’s claim of him. As a child, Sétanta once partook in a game of hurling with several of the other young boys in his area. He was dominating the game. The King of Ulster happened by during the match and invited young Sétanta to dine with him because of

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his success. Later, the king forgot that he had invited the boy and released his hound to guard the grounds. When the boy approached, the hound attacked him. Sétanta was forced to kill the hound by smashing it against a nearby standing stone. The King of Ulster was saddened at the loss of his hound but understood the mistake was ultimately his. Young Sétanta offered to raise a replacement dog and guard the king’s home until the dog was trained. From this, Sétanta was given the name “Cu Chulainn”, or Culann’s Hound. Upon becoming an adult, Cu Chulainn made the unusual choice to live with his face clean shaven, though he kept his blonde hair long. During his youth he trained extensively at the Isle of Skye in Alba, becoming incredibly adept at combat. Much later, he held off much of Queen Medb’s army from Connachta when they marched against Ulster to steal a stud bull. Cu Chulainn was forced to stand against the army alone, and when he met them at a ford in the river, he challenged them to single combat by champion. Honour-bound to accept, Cu Chulainn was able to face down champion after champion thus holding up the army for months. Between two of the combats, Cu Chulainn met a beautiful young woman claiming to be the daughter of a king and offered him her love. He refused her, only for her to reveal herself as Morrigan. While he was engaged in his next single combat, she turned into various animals and sought to undermine him during the combat. He, in turn, would go on to forgive her and heal her when she was wounded. Cu Chulainn continued in his many trials by combat but was eventually grievously wounded despite his victory. Many thought that this was the end of Cu Chulainn. Then, wreathed in light, Lugh came to him and told the dying Cu Chulainn that he was his true father. Lugh used magic to heal the warrior’s wounds. When he stood again, Cu Chulainn went on to cut through hundreds of the Connachta’s forces. Cu Chulainn would ultimately die through breaking a geas that he had made against eating dog. When he was offered meat while being hosted at the home of another, he could not refuse without causing great offense. When it was revealed to be dog meat, he was weakened due to breaking his word before a combat that he was about to fight. During the combat, Cu Chulainn was ultimately cut down, though he tied himself to a large standing stone so he would die on his feet.

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Sitric Cuaran  (Si-trig Ku-rawn) King of Ath Cliath Ath Cliath, Eire Sitric hails from the legendary clan of Ivar the Boneless. His ancestors are legends. Amongst them, Ivar became notorious for the use of the Blood Eagle torture, which involves cutting away of the ribcage from the spine and pulling out the victim’s lungs

through the wounds. The banner for House Ivar is a black raven on a red field. When Sitric was young, he was captivated by the exploits of his ancestors. Raised by a Godi of Odin, his reverence for the god is fervent and obsessive. To the shock of friends and family, Sitric performed a blot to Odin and gave up his right eye for wisdom. Since that day, Sitric’s fortunes have amassed rapidly. On Sitric’s sixteenth birthday he received an omen from a wanderer which set him off on conquest. He asked two like-minded cousins to join him on a plundering quest that would know no end. Ragnall and Gofraid agreed without hesitation as all three had shared a similar dream a fortnight before. The three of them set out from ancestral Jutland with three ships each manned by 60 loyal Thanes. They set forth on an expedition that would surpass all imagination. All opposition melted away as they re-took Jorvik. They traversed Northumbria gathering more troops under the raven banner. Lastly they sailed to Eire and captured Ath Cliath, one of the most central trade hubs in the Celtic World. Splitting the spoils, Ragnall took his seat of power in Jorvik, Gofraid took Northumbria as his own, and that left Ath Cliath for the new King Sitric. His rule in Ath Cliath would face a great challenge with the onset of the Celtic Twilight, known to the Norse as “Ragnarok”. When the stars went, and fog covered the ground, and the sun faded, the natives of Eire rallied to oust the Norse invaders and their Jarl, Sitric. King Sitric prevailed, and took many slaves. Over the course of this Twilight thus far, Jarl Sitric has turned Ath Cliath into one of the richest and most prosperous towns, with the slave trade being no small part of this success. From his success his list of enemies has grown considerably. Constantine II, the king of Alba tried to stir up trouble in Eire, but he quickly realized that Sitric’s reach extended much further than Eire. With his forces heading towards Ath Cliath, Constantine II had to turn around to defend his lands after Ragnall and Gofraid struck at the undefended Alba. With reluctance, Constantine agreed to a truce between his kingdom and House Ivar. Constantine II bides his time, looking to possibly ally himself with Aethelstan, the king to the south. Gofraid’s son Olaf continues to push his uncles into attacking Constantine II, sensing Alba’s ambivalence over the alliance. Aethelstan has been watching King Sitric’s successes with growing interest. Given Jarl Sitric’s reputation, he knows that both war and dialogue could prove a challenge. Sitric has also been watching Aethelstan, as the king who serves the new White God has been marching north with many victories under his belt.

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Of the Radiant Brow Otherworld

forever free to wander and spread his stories. With each court bound to him, Taliesin can travel from court to court amongst the greater beings, gaining stories and trading as he does with even more freedom and more protection than before.

The greatest poet who has ever lived, Taliesin, came from obscurity. He was first known as a young man in the land of Cymru, telling tales and spreading stories about Fionn mac Cumhail and other heroes. Taliesin had seen and, to hear him tell it, been a part of countless great events. He had known, and been friends with, many famous figures and by proxy and by the quality of his tales, Taliesin himself became a legend. At the time many dismissed Taliesin as a charlatan but that was hundreds of years ago and yet still he continues to wander telling his stories. In his travels, Taliesin’s own legend continued to grow and move beyond him. Instead of just being the teller of stories it was not long before he was the subject of tales and, as often as not, they were attributed to him. Many a bard can make their life more secure through the learning of the tales of Taliesin. Taliesin’s poems are so potent they could turn an army from its path. He can twist words that would make even the foulest of fey weep. There is apparently none who can compare with his skill at weaving words. This infamy soon caught up with Taliesin as beings from the Otherworld approached him about serving in their courts. The Tuatha, the Seelie and Unseelie, and countless smaller courts approached him promising riches and many advantages to serving in their particular courts. Ultimately, Taliesin knew that serving only a single court would be trading away the freedom that he so valued. So he hatched a plan. Rather than serving any one of them, he agreed to all of them. Taliesin approached the many would-be patrons to his art, those from Cymru, from Alba, from Eire, from Mann, and places further afield. The deal he struck with each was that he would be their poet and bard but only if in doing so he did not have to break any other oath. He did this only after making a promise to all the Celts that he would bring them stories and tales from far afield. To every Otherworldly court Taliesin said he would serve forever. By vowing thus, he was—involuntarily, on the part of the courts—ensured immortality and made a higher power. It is rumoured that Taliesin had to secure the aid of Dagda to stop the sun in order to have the time to make this deal amongst all the courts so that no court would find out his trick before all agreed. What favour Taliesin owes Dagda is unknown. Having accomplished this clever piece of dealing, Taliesin is

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Y Mab Darogan 

(Ee Mab Dar-og-An)

The Prophesized King of the Tylwyth Teg and Ruler of Annwn The woods of Cymru Y Mab Darogan is not a name, but the title prophesied for the future king of the Britons; a prophecy that may predict the return of Arthur, or may represent another figure entirely. Someone has claimed the title of Y Mab Darogan, and whoever this figure is, he claims to be the king referenced in prophecy who will be king over the fey people Tylwyth Teg, and ruler of the otherworldly realm of Annwn, and King of the Britons. The claimant’s eyes are such a light color of blue that observers often think he must be blind, but staring into them shows his alertness and denotes wisdom beyond his youthful appearance. His hair is snow-white and the tattoos that mark his body as so black they are nearly the color of pitch. He claims the markings came from: “the day that he lost everything”. Even when questioned, he refuses to explain further. A figure wreathed in noble clothing and rumours of promised greatness, Y Mab Darogan is prophesied by ancient Cymry sources to be the one to unify all of the Celts against the invading forces. Though the man currently claiming this title and position is not accepted by all, Y Mab Darogan is already gaining forces amongst the Cymru who bowed before the Saxon king. Though he must have a name from before taking the prophesized title, none have survived to know him from his past. Y Mab Darogan is a man of few words, but when he speaks he tells of the losses that he has faced since the coming of all the invading forces to the lands. He tells of his friends, of brothers and sisters at arms, of the lands that the Kings of Wessex and Jorvik and elsewhere have stolen from them. He tells of the losses to the cold and famine. Most of all, he tells of his willingness to fight. Not to run to Tír na nOg as the Druids of Eire would have it, but to unify all the Celtic peoples and to oust the invaders from their lands. To make the Poetic Isles belong to the Celtic people, once and for all. In battle he is both a wise strategist and a powerful fighter. He wields an ancient spear and a sword, claiming that they are both ancient tools of the Fianna. It is unclear to outsiders whether he is indeed the being of legend or whether he is simply taking advantage of the belief.

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Followers of the White God


aint Padraig and other missionaries from the church of the White God came to the Celtic lands centuries ago. Like so many before them, they brought fire and fury. The church of the White God saw Eire in the spiritual hands of pagans and decided that it should be a jewelstone in His crown. The land still shows scars of the places where the pagans and monotheists fought over the spiritual future of the island. Pools that were once filled with offerings to send to the Otherworld have been filled in or drained. The magical mooring stones that guided the Druids were smashed and churches were built from their ruins. It was bloody, but the bulk of that conflict was hundreds of years ago.

The Criostai

The followers of the White God are known as the “Criostai”. The monks and missionaries of the White God started to come to Eriu about 400 years ago. The initial contact was violent, and the Criostai were usually martyred. With time, they were tolerated and eventually settled in permanent settlements known as monasteries. From there they would proselytize the beliefs of the surrounding population. With every passing generation, the numbers of the Criostai grew until they became part of the fabric of the island. As the pagans and druids saw their influence wane, violence broke out once more, but this time the Criostai had crusaders that were ready to meet force with even deadlier force. Eventually the cycles of violence abated and both pagans and the Criostai found peaceful coexistence.

Tenuous Peace The state of religious interaction hundreds of years later, just before the dread Celtic Twilight, was very different. Should

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a follower of the church have met a pagan on the road, they might have mocked each other, but violence was unlikely. Most people lived in peace, at least from religious violence. The vast majority of the Celtic World transitioned to the religion of the White God and its way of life. Munster in Eire, and most of Alba, seem to be exclusively under that religion. Though there are remnants of Brehon law and other Celtic traditions even in those places, it is the church of the White God that holds primary sway over the lives of the Celts. This is specifically true of the Celtic rulers, even if their subjects still hold to old ways privately. Conversion to the church of the White God was appealing to chieftains and local kings several generations ago for its political benefits, regardless of spiritual beliefs. The church supports and rewards its followers with money, alliances with other followers, and access to the records and knowledge they have accumulated. Rulers who pledge to the White God simply have more control over their subjects than those still following the ancient ways. The chieftains—and their people—believed

that they were trading some of their freedoms for the security that the Followers of the White God promised, especially after death. The Celtic Twilight complicates matters. Families transitioned to the church several generations ago and now its benefits may not seem as obvious, especially when the world seems to be ending. With the eerie darkness above and the mist that covers the ground, many White God converts are turning back to the old ways.

Differences in Churches At this time there is a significant difference between the Followers of the White God of the Isles and Followers elsewhere. Notably, the authority of Pope John XII is not as ready of a concern in the Poetic Isles. Instead, local traditions often dictate the way the church’s practices are interpreted. Some minor practices are found regionally or within a single church or monastery but often these are more or less faithbased habits rather than fundamental differences in belief. Often these are hold-overs of local pagan traditions, which the church usually considers harmless. The church beyond the Isles may feel differently. There are other ways in which clerical observation is more extreme in the Isles than beyond it. The most obvious, for instance, is the difference in the tonsure. Monks on the Isles go to a relative extreme with most of their head shaved, leaving only a “monastic crown” of hair; a thin ring around the edges of their hairline. This is in comparison to the relatively lax tonsures maintained in more distant lands where the rule of the church of the White God is absolute and where the lower levels of priesthood keep a tonsure that is either barely larger than the communicants host or in some instances being only a few locks of hair.

The Monastic System Throughout the Six Kingdoms, there are many monasteries. They were both well defended and well-appointed before the Twilight and now increasingly resemble small fortresses. Most are built in relatively isolated locations in order to spread the church’s influence as far as possible. Others are built atop sites of great import to the Druids. Surrounding

the monastery itself is usually a stone building of solid foundation. Farms and small towns sprung up to support the monastery. In time, they became small fiefdoms in their own right, known as “culdees”; independent communities living by monastic laws but not a part of the clergy per say. This expanded the monastery’s base for defences as the surrounding community was capable of taking up arms against raiders. The citizens of the culdees serve at best as a religious militia, and at worse, as warm bodies to hold spears and be pointed at angry raiders. In either instance, the monastery has more fortifications, more supplies, and more able bodies.

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The Celtic society under the White God is based Adventure around monasteries. Important matters such as alliances, weddings, military actions, the ratification of laws, and taxes must be passed and written by the heads of monasteries, the abbots. They run along the lines of de facto power rather than de jure, with monasteries having control or influence that may not respect the control of lands recognized by the kings and queens. A monastery, for example, could have lands that spread across multiple small kingdoms and be bound by both and neither sets of laws as it sees fit. Each monastery is a community unto itself. The many monasteries of the Isles are each governed by their own body of rules. The community is run by the same person who runs the church, often with de facto lines of power leading to a leader who is both spiritual and political. Though they are always based upon the teachings of the White God, it is not uncommon for each to adapt themselves to a specific way of life or another. As the heads of monasteries, abbots have considerable political sway. The monasteries keep ancient family trees, genealogical tomes regarded by the less powerful chieftains as proving their right to rule by virtue of their bloodlines and ancestral claims. As such, the monasteries are given the power to crown kings and chieftains.

Religious Life In the courts, a monk is attached to the service of a king or chieftain. The ruler has to pay, feed, and house them, and as most clergymen have families, the rulers are obliged to

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shelter them as well. The cumulation of roles is common in noble members of the clergy; the role of clan chief, abbot and warrior, is sometimes occupied by the same person. Another noticeable difference between Eire and the rest of the lands under the sway of the White God is the fact that clergymen can possess concubines since this does not count as a marriage and thus does not break vows to the White God. This tradition is always seen under a negative light by the religious elite that has been mainly formed and taught under a less Celtic tradition. This practice is also a way to maintain ears and eyes inside the culdees, thus allowing the more cunning members of the ruling class to keep track of the Followers of the White God priesthood. Within a monastery, followers of the faith each have a small private room called a cell and they are expected to live without much comfort. Individuals within a monastery do not hold property per se, and each person is expected to live an ascetic lifestyle. As one moves up the ranks of the monastery however, the lines between what belongs to the community and what belongs to the individual become increasingly blurred. As is so often the way, those at the top of the local heap often realize more joys in the forms of larger accommodations, greater comfort, better food, and more. Before the Celtic Twilight the monks of the monastery lived predictable, well organized, and specific lives. It is from this very pattern and training that they have been able to survive the cold and do as well as they have. Each is used to doing without, used to going without warmth or luxury. Those at the top are more than willing to use them as soldiers to survive the depths of winter. Though once the church’s greatest wealth in the Isles may have been in gold and other treasures, in this time many have come to tell of a wealth that is greater still: books. Countless scribes and underlings work in monasteries transcribing countless pages of books to capture knowledge and history. It can be far easier to learn about locations of far off or hidden secrets from a conveniently available artifact than from trying to extract it from a recalcitrant monk. The ability to read unlocks this value, if only that weren’t nearly as rare as the books themselves.

Saints Sainthood is given to those amongst the Isles at a higher rate than any other area within the church’s influence. Nearly every individual who goes on to found a mission or monastery is granted sainthood and those in the Isles often declare their local saints before they have been recognized formally. Much of this comes from having to fight so vociferously against the Druids and their ilk in order to convert the locals. It is the saints that spread their holy word throughout the Isles, ranging from the mountains and valleys of Cymru to the farthest-flung islands. The “Age of Saints” has passed but there are still many who follow the White God who would pursue martyrdom through missionary work.

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With the coming of the Twilight there is renewed interest in this missionary work. New missionaries have taken up the cause to spread the word of their god, some in a belief that the Celtic Twilight is a punishment for the number of pagans that continue to exist. The old method of a single missionary with twelve supporters to travel with them has experienced a resurgence, although many have already died in the effort by either succumbing to the cold and exhaustion, getting lost in the mists or becoming food for wild beasts that hunt between the monasteries.

The War for Tir na nOg While the Druids plot to move Eire closer to the otherworldly realm of Tir na nOg, the church of the White God believes they can keep the island safe in what they call the “warming glow of the church”. Faith, they believe, can protect the true believers from the darkness.

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Aethelflaed of Wessex (Ae-thel-flaad) Famosissima Regina Saxonum, “The Great Lady of the Saxons” Mercia, Angeland in Britain Aethelflaed may be a queen but with her mousy brown hair, pale skin, and plain-looking, dull-coloured clothes, she does not look the part. To look upon her it would not be surprising to see her working the fields or tending to animals amongst her people. Despite appearances, she has a cunning eye and is adept in the political halls of power. Under her humble clothes, she conceals a knife that can be planted in the back of her enemies should the need arise. All this is in spite of her relatively advanced age, having fostered Aethelstan and been an important figure throughout the isles. Renowned by the Cymry and those of Ulster as a powerful Saxon queen, many would prefer to deal with her than her kinsmen. She has been more diplomatic in her dealings with other Kings, especially when compared to Aethelstan. Aethelflaed leads powerful forces of separatism for the region of Mercia. Aethelflaed’s court has long been a safe harbour for those on the run from other powerful forces and she accepts many outsiders with different pasts. In these dark days, Aethelfaed believes it is to her great advantage to have a large and diverse number of allies. Aethelflaed has been a powerful leader of her forces and has long been able to retain the stability of her realm in the face of the Viking incursions. Despite being a Follower of the White God, she is relatively accepting of other faiths and peoples. This has led to both the stability of her region and acceptance amongst some of the normally more divisive Celts. The kingdom of Ulster, in particular, is friendly to her and regularly lauds her greatness. Her political maneuverings are coming near to a point where she may take up arms against King Aethelstan, in spite of their history. Tensions between her and Aethelstan have been rising as he has sought further lands to control, while she supports the continued existence of many smaller Kingdoms across the Isles. Many of the Cymry kings and lords would happily pledge their lives to her in exchange for a less strict overlordship.

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King of Wessex Winchester, Wessex, Angleland in Britain King Aethelstan rules from his seat of power in Winchester, Wessex. He is the head of the “White God army” that has invaded the Isles. With his Crusaders of the church of the White God, Aethelstan conquered Mercia and East Anglia. Aethelstan’s beginnings were humble. Before he was born, his grandfather faced the invading Norse armies of Ivar the Boneless and lost. Aethelstan’s family was driven from the Isles, and sought refuge in the south with the Frankish king Charles the Simple. Devout and ambitious, Aethelstan gained favour with Emperor Otto, and was entrusted to lead a holy conquest of the Poetic Isles. With messengers proclaiming the return of the royal bloodline, Aethelstan found a sympathetic army already waiting for him on the shores of Wessex. Upon hearing of his coming, they ousted their Viking King in a peasant’s rebellion. Without a single battle Aethelstan claimed Wessex, then moved his army to conquer Mercia and East Anglia and applied his great tactical mind to easily take those lands and secure Otto the Great’s foothold. Now King Aethelstan sets his sights on the conquest of Northumbria, Alba, and Eire. Religion is Aethelstan’s greatest strength, and his greatest weakness. His devotion prevents him from setting up what would be key alliances amongst pagan Celts and Norse. The denizens of Isles are still mostly devoted to the White God regardless. Aethelstan may have enemies on all sides, but his potential to rally the support of the faithful, and his guile, makes him a powerful force in the Isles.

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Alan Varvek

(Al-an Varr-Vek)

“Wrybeard”, Al Louar, “The Fox” Exiled nobleman from Breizh Winchester, Wessex, Angleland in Britain Alan Varvek is the grandson of the last king of Breizh, and heir to the throne. As such, he also inherited the unkempt appearance of that line. His head is a blonde mess of hair, and though he is a young man, his face is covered by a scraggly mess of a beard. He wears chainmail over his riding attire, an iron circlet, and usually carries both a shortsword and a bow. Alan was exiled alongside his father, the Count of Poher, after the ruination of Breizh. The capital, Nantes, lies in ruins and, despite their best attempts, and with the support of the King of Francia, they failed to retake their homeland from the Viking invaders. The key members of the Breizhiz nobility exiled themselves for their own safety to Britain, under King Aethelstan’s protection. The price of this protection was that the king became the godfather of young Alan, a trust built up by undergoing holy baptism in the church of the White God. Years later, and under the guidance of King Aethelstan, the king’s half-brother Edmund the Just, and his father Mathuedoï’s training, Alan became a competent warrior and showed a cunning mindset that gave him his first nickname, “The Fox”, for his favouring of traps and ambushes to wipe out his enemies on the battlefield rather than using orthodox tactics. Alan, since the earliest time in his life, has been given one objective by his people: free Breizh and restore the rightful rule of his homeland.

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The Venerable, Deceased Otherworld Though dead, Bede the Venerable remains a highly-regarded and influential figure in the Celtic World. Bede was born into a noble family in the vicinity of the twin monasteries of The Abbey Church of Sanctus Petrus and Saint Paul Monkwearmouth–Jarrow, and accordingly he studied in the order at Jarrow, the centre of learning in all of the northern part of Britain. Bede distinguished himself as one of the greatest clerical scholars of the Great Isles. He was known for his expertise in the domain of computus and pushed for the Anno Domini dating-system and spent a lot of his time perfecting the dates on the calendar. Through a long career of learning, Bede the Venerable plied his hand to almost every domain of science and theology available at the time. His greatest and most influential work was the Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, a series of five tomes chronicling the history of the Great Isles starting with Caesar’s invasion and ending in his present. Though Bede was decidedly a follower of the White God, these volumes have become a beacon of unity amongst Anglo-Saxon tribes in these dark times, pagan and monotheist alike. A carved statue marks where Bede the Venerable is buried, showing his appearance at death: the long hair and beard he had, and the long robes he so often wore. The carving is in more the Outer-Midgard style, depicting him in a Roman tunic with a quill in his hand.

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Saint Brendan(Bren-dan) The Sailor, Deceased Eire In his life, Saint Brendan was a scholar, a writer, and an adventurous sailor. Brendan travelled all the known seas of the Celtic World and more. His adventures included travelling and preaching all around the Isles and founding many communities, monasteries, and churches. Then came his greatest quest. For what would be his most famous voyage, Brendan and his followers first built a large hide boat around a wicker and light wood frame. The group of fourteen monks prepared for a voyage of forty days, when at the final moment, two additional volunteers joined the voyage. They set sail and experienced the grace of the White God during the first fifteen days of sailing, making good time with fair weather. After this, they suffered another fifteen days of powerful ocean currents and fitful winds. Yet, Brendan maintained his faith, and they arrived at a far and distant land. The land they found was bright and happy, where beautiful fruits and flowers were in abundance. They saw talking birds of myriad colours. They lived amongst these lands for seven years, sailing, mapping, and travelling around them. For all that time there was never a winter, for here cold never threatened the shores. The Druids say that Brendan and his monks found their way into the Otherworld. The clergy of the church of the White God insists they somehow found the “Garden of Eden”. Even after seven years the monks had no intention of returning back to Eire but one day they came to a mighty river and on its banks sat a supernatural being. The being admonished the monks about travelling further. In all accounts, even Brendan himself refused to name or label this mysterious figure or speak further on the matter, as though giving it a name or title would somehow invoke it again. As a result of that warning, the monks immediately set sail back to Eire. There, Brendan made his monastery on the western coast of Eire near a mountain that now bears his name.

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Saint Brigid of Kildare


Abbess, Deceased At rest in Kildare, Eire Born of princely ancestors, Brigid was supposed to marry and further the interests of her clan but refused and took the veil. She and seven other nuns dedicated themselves to raising a convent. They chose the location of a great oak tree to begin the construction, thus it was named Kildare, “the church of the oak”. Later it became a holy town and a monastery was erected. Brigid was known never to sleep but to toil day and night in the name of the White God. She spent her nights in prayer, writing, and illuminating her gospels. Through her tireless efforts Brigid became the head of all the convents of Eire. She pioneered the duality of Abbess-Bishop; the Abbess leading both the convent, the monastery, and holding great influence in what would grow to become the cathedral city of Kildare. Under her leadership, students from all over the Isles and the mainland came to Kildare to further their talent to such a degree that some would claim that her illuminations were the work of angels, not mortals. Over the years she added to her holy complex, expanding it to include an art school, a metalworking school, and taught illumination to those of talent and dedication. Kildare became a beacon of knowledge, art, and perhaps most importantly for Eire, it brought much prestige to the Isles amongst the Criostai from near and faroff lands. Saint Brigid of Kildare stands as one of the most revered and beloved Saints of Eire and is surpassed only by Saint Columba and Saint Padraig.

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Saint Brigid the Younger and Saint Andrew the Scott of Fiesole (Brij-ed, Anne-drew) Missionaries, Deceased, Brigid alive? Inis Cealtra, Eire Brigid and Andrew were brother and sister, united by blood and faith. They were both trained by Saint Donatus at Inis Cealtra and joined him when they reached adulthood in his church in Fiesole, Tuscany. Andrew became Donatus’ archdeacon after a heavenly voice declared Donatus Abbot. Donatus sent Brigid to Piacenza, where Saint Columba created the abbey of Bobbio, to lead as an abbess and advisor. Brigid left her office to seek enlightenment in isolation in the Apennines mountains, living as a hermit and medicine woman. There, she was sought for her medical expertise. Local folklore says her “angel” gave her the capacity to heal the diseases of those of true faith. Brigid refused to answer or ask anything of this supernatural helper, saying coldly that the White God’s gifts should not be questioned. Andrew kept his position his entire life, leading the monks when his aging mentor needed his help. Andrew became famous when he healed the daughter of a nobleman and refused payment, stating: “The White God’s giveth and taketh away, do not sully his gift with gold”. Andrew is known for his many miracles, such as the banishment of demons, the healing of the innocents, and restoring the sight of a blind man. Andrew visited his sister from time to time to pray and help when he could. Much to the surprise of his local clergy, he would return in an impossibly fast travel time. The austere archdeacon refused to elaborate on his method of travel. Andrew’s life’s mission was the restoration of the church of San Martino di Mensola and the construction of a new monastery there. Eventually Brigit left her seclusion and journeyed to Eire, and spent her days wandering the moors and spreading her wisdom from abbey to abbey, healing those in need on her path. Brigit appeared back in Italy to visit her brother on his

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deathbed. Some monks swear she saw her carried there by an angel, flying her through the air at great speed. Brigit left the moment Andrew drew his last breath, with tears running down her face and was never seen again. Some say she has gone back to Eire. Others say that the angel took her to heaven. No one truly knows where she is now.

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Cele Dabhaill mac Scannal 

(Keh-leh Duvall mac Scan-nal)

The Cleric, Abbot of Banagher Banagher, near Ath Cliath, in the Viking-occupied territories of Eire Cele was the Abbot of Banagher, a bishop, a scribe, a doctor, and a servant of the people, travelling and helping cure the diseases of the body and the mind. He is, in many ways, what is expected of the Followers of the White God in Eire. He has the tonsure cut and he dresses plainly. He is a staunch enemy of the Creideamh Sí, the fey faith of Eire. Cele has operated as a travelling exorcist, “purificator” and defender of the White God faith. He believes the fey are nothing but devils in disguise trying to manipulate the good people of Eire to steal their souls from the one true god. Cele has always been the first to pray each morning at sunrise, seeing this act as his duty as an abbot. One day after prayer he was assaulted by terrifying visions of gigantic wolves eating the sun and moon, and of a winter that would never end. The vision ended with the face of the Morrigan screaming, and the rivers of his beloved island turning crimson with the blood of his countrymen. Terror filled his mind, he couldn’t believe what he saw but refusing a warning from heaven is a sin in itself, so he decided to go beg for help from his superiors. He went on a pilgrimage to Outer-Midgard to bask in Pope John XII’s divine wisdom in an effort to save Eire.

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Cellachán mac Buadacháin 

(Kellah-khawn mac Bu-da-khawn)

King of Munster Munster, Eire The King of Munster is a man of opportunity, allying himself with the Norse or Gaels to raid, expand his lands or simply to take hostages for their ransoms. Cellachán’s reputation dictates that he is always prepared to do battle, which includes a ready willingness to betray whomever he has to in order to achieve his end goals. Cellachán mac Buadacháin’s hair and beard are very long with braids woven through both; his hair is dark red that silvers to white at his temples. His eyes are green. On his person he wears a torc of Celtic Rule, an armband from his former Norse allies, heavy furs over armour, and typically carries one each of a Nordic and a Celtic style sword, one in front of him and one over his shoulder. The Celtic Twilight has changed his plans to exploit the two sides for his benefit. The white death of endless winter has stopped everything and everyone as if time itself had frozen. Cellachán now feels like a prisoner inside his own home, while outside his home, his people starve. Before he never had to think long on how to feed his people; in the past, he could always raid. Cellachán decided the answer was to trap his previous allies, the Norse of Waterford, under the pretext of a diplomatic visit to negotiate a permanent alliance between him and Jarl Sitric. This was all a ruse, of course, and when everyone was asleep Cellachán and his men killed Waterford’s guards and opened the front door for his army to pillage the town. Cellachán knew this great raid would not save them from this damned winter, but at least his people would not starve for a few weeks. When Cellachán returned to his seat, the Rock of Cashel, a letter arrived from the King of Aileach asking Cellachán to join his cause. The possibility of ending the current troubles and going back to raiding and war made him give the only answer possible—he would join up with the king to create a great Celtic host. The King of Munster ordered that his inner circle and elite warriors would join him to travel to Aileach.

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Saint Columba (Co-lum-ba) Founder and Builder, Deceased Iona, Alba Saint Columba was born as a Gael in Eire when the church of the White God was new there. He lived his early years in Ui Neill, where he was amongst the rulers and other elite of the clans. His family was transitioning, with pagan rites and those of the White God coexisting. It was not peaceful however, with Druids being thrown from courts with increasing regularity. While still a child, members of Columba’s family were part of a great battle. Being too young to fight, he prayed to the White God publicly. When his family triumphed, in gratitude to his god, Columba vowed to become a missionary and spread the word of the White God and so set sail from Eire and journeyed to Alba. Columba built his monastery at Iona, amongst the isles of the Hebrides, land he was able to secure through the local clans. This was a time before the unification of Alba and it was still divided between Picts, Celts, and many other lesser tribes. Countless days and winters followed during which Columba and his monks huddled around a single fire within their monastery doing what they could to ensure that their few pieces of wood would last until morning. From there, Columba led the conversion of Alba. When travelling to Inverness, Columba found his way barred by a large bolted door as the locals refused admittance to any missionaries. Columba merely made the sign of the cross at the door which caused its bolts to fly back and the door to open before his faith. The Albannaich king was so cowed by the act that he agreed to be baptized by Columba that very day. Columba continued to display similar miracles while spreading the faith throughout Alba. Columba prophesied his own death. When his hour came near, Columba looked over his monastery and his life’s work and gave himself the reward of a moment of joy at all he had accomplished. Then he walked to the midnight service at his church before sinking before the altar where he gave his final breath to his god surrounded by his dearest disciples.

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Constantine II

(Con-stan-teen) King of Alba Scone, Alba The King of Alba stands between the worlds of the Celts and that of the White God. A devout believer of this new religion, he remains aware of the challenges that it faces, and of the tensions between this new religion and old ways of life. He attempts to hold together a kingdom through force of will and cajoling, having spent much of his younger days trying to bind the disparate lands of Alba together with negotiated agreements. This included adopting many of the practices of Eire, along with those of the Criostai to create a more hybrid system. This ranged from the owning of property all the way to the crowning of a leader. With the coming of the Vikings and the rise of Aethelstan, Constantine’s kingdom has already begun to fracture. There are some at the periphery of his lands that have cleaved themselves off to form independent kingdoms. Constantine maintains an uneasy peace with Aethelstan and Aethelflaed, he is allied to them through religious ties, but is concerned about their rising power. Constantine has refused to make appearances at Aethelstan’s court on numerous occasions, and there are rumours that Aethelstan prepares to march against him. For now, he does what he can to fortify his lands and unify his people. Despite his best efforts many of his nobility have already begun to turn on outsiders, viewing all foreigners with suspicion. Enemies appear to be preparing to destroy the nascent Kingdom of Alba, and Contantine is all they have to hold this new land together.

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Saint Cuthbert of Blessed Memory

(Cuth-Bert) Monk, Deceased Northumbria From his earliest boyhood Cuthbert professed his desire to enter the religious life but destiny would make him wait. When war broke out between Northumbria and Mercia he left his life as a shepherd to be a soldier. When the war was over it did not take long for Cuthbert to be clothed and professed as a monk. Cuthbert stated that his vision of an angel carrying Saint Aidan to heaven lit an inextinguishable fire within his heart. He first entered the Monastery of Melrose under the tutelage of Prior Boisil. The prior saw great potential in Cuthbert and the White God blessed Boisil with a vision of Cuthbert’s future. After Prior Boisil departed to heaven, Cuthbert was elevated to his position. Cuthbert was unable to contain his emotions when performing mass often feeling driven to tears, which profoundly touched his fellow monks. While he spent time instructing his brothers at the monastery, he spent more time amongst the common folk bringing them the Good Word. Early in his proselytizing a plague struck Northumbria and many peasants turned to pagan gods and occult rituals in order to cleanse themselves. It was only through Cuthbert’s presence, prayer, and grace that the plague was banished from the land. At this point he spent more and more time away from the monastery, sometimes a month at a time, travelling to far flung villages in order to spread the White God’s teachings. Many of these remote mountain villages were hostile to his kind but Cuthbert had blessed speech and his words converted many. His simple presence roused those around him to confess their sins unprompted and to give up their sinful lifestyles. Word of his works and virtue reached the ears of Abbot Eata who transferred Prior Cuthbert to his own monastery at Lindisfarne. Bishop Aidan also resided at Lindisfarne monastery with his clergy because Pope Gregory saw the wisdom of clergy living alongside the monks in communal work and ownership. The bishop was amazed by Cuthbert and sent word to Pope Gregory of Cuthbert’s exceptional piety, devotion, and wisdom.

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Just as the bishops and pope were planning a larger role for Cuthbert within the church, Cuthbert received a message from the White God and went into solitary contemplation and silence—astounding everyone. In self-imposed exile, Cuthbert chose to move to a remote island that was uninhabited and unsuitable for farming. It is said that the island was haunted by evil spirits and that Cuthbert chased them away. There he built a home and erected a tall circular stone wall so he could see only the heavens. In this small plot of rocked, infertile land he planted wheat, which failed within a season. Beseeching theWhite God, he received guidance that he should plant barley and within a season he had a bountiful crop. Around that time a great Synod was held by Archbishop Theodore and King Egfrid. Cuthbert was elected bishop of Lindisfarne by unanimous vote. They went to the island to share the news but Cuthbert refused to leave his cloister. They returned with throngs of clergy, monks, believers, and common folk begging him to reconsider. This fulfilled a prophecy by now-Saint Boisil, who had foretold this event. It is at this post that Bishop Cuthbert exerted his greatest influence, softening the hearts of kings and guiding their rule to be more compassionate towards their lowly subjects. He established the Palatine of Durham; a region overseen by the bishop, a domain where secular kings had no say. He led his monastery by example rather than decree, humbling other bishops into similar humility. King Egfrid had evil in his heart and invaded the people of Eire, devastating their lands and causing untold suffering. Bishop Cuthbert visited the king, imploring him to stop his madness or he would face ruin. The king ignored Bishop Cuthbert and invaded the north, and as prophesied by the bishop, the king was killed by the Pictish tribes. Cuthbert returned once more to the island of his hermitage after receiving a vision of his imminent death. A fellow hermit monk named Derwent, upon hearing the news, went to see his dear friend Cuthbert. Cuthbert shared his vision from the White God and Derwent wept in sorrow, no longer wishing to live if his friend was to depart this world. They prayed together, and after Derwent left, knowing that they would never see each other again in this life. Soon after the vision came true and Cuthbert left his body behind and joined the White God in paradise. That same moment, hundreds of miles away, by “divine will”, his good friend Derwent drew his last breath and joined Cuthbert in heaven.

dug up in order to be entombed in a shrine above ground. Upon opening the casket, the monks were astonished to find Cuthbert fully preserved. Even his garments showed no sign of decay. The garments were sent to Cuthbert’s successor for validation of the miracle and he was entombed with new vestments. Cuthbert’s path to beatification continued with his next miracle. Brother Baduthegn of Lindisfarne was struck with an affliction that paralyzed half of his body. He suffered many months until he was inspired to prostrate himself before Cuthbert’s tomb and pray for the White God’s will. After praying for many hours he fell asleep. After waking, all his ailments had disappeared. Cuthbert’s sarcophagus was investigated once more only to find that his hair continued to grow, so his fellow monks gave him regular haircuts.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

After Cuthbert’s canonization the miracles continued, some through his holy relics: his undecayed vestments and miraculous locks of his hair. There was a pious man who suffered from an eye tumor, so large and serious that the man could no longer function. After Saint Cuthbert’s lock of hair was applied to the tumor it shrank and dissipated after a few short days. When the Vikings attacked the Lindisfarne monastery, Brother Eardulf and a few fellow monks escaped with Saint Cuthbert’s sarcophagus. They wandered the land for seven years performing more miracles as they travelled. Eventually his body would be laid to rest in a new mausoleum near Durham. The coming of the Celtic Twilight and the Viking invasion has forced the monks to move his body once more, this time to a new and undisclosed location. Many seek the saint’s remains during these dark years of strife and suffering. Rumours abound that those who touch the precious relics are healed and blessed, but only if they renounce sin and iniquity. Kings and warlords seek Saint Cuthbert’s body, believing that they can harness the power for war and conquest. In an age of living saints, Saint Cuthbert was the White God’s stamp upon the world.

Cuthbert’s influence upon the world did not cease with his passing, in fact it grew more pronounced and miraculous. After 11 years, on the anniversary of his passing, he was

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Bishop of Archenfield Eire, varied, but largely from Iona and other Monasteries Cyfeiliog is a powerfully built man with blonde hair who wields a sword in one hand and the standard of the White God in his other. The trappings of his bishopric are at odds with his otherwise warrior-like nature. He has a long beard and a tonsure haircut. His eyes shine with the burning light of his god that further gives him a larger-than-life aspect. One of the few survivors of the sack of Nantes, Cyfeiliog was captured by the Vikings and ransomed by Edward the Elder. With little to return to, he travelled to Eriu to join his brethren there. Rather than finding the monastic solitude that he sought, he found that the lands were even more at war than the ones he had left behind. Having seen relics and reliquaries hauled off by Vikings, Cyfeiliog swore himself into the White God’s service as an instrument of violence. Cyfeiliog now covers his powerfully built body under one layer of holy garments and one of blessed chainmail. He wields a sword and always holds high the banner of White God filling himself and his followers with holy fury. Bishop Cyfeilog draws to him a great host of warriors prepared to unify Eire as a nation following Pope John XII and to oust the Vikings from the lands. The doctrine taught is one of violence and of bloodshed in their god’s name. As a self-proclaimed holy order they fight monsters, Druids, and Vikings alike, trying to unify Eire solely under faith in their god.

Saint David


The Water Drinker, Deceased Cymru Few lived as austere a life in the name of their faith as David. Throughout he forwent meat and strong drink, allowing himself nothing but bread, vegetables, and what water he could find. With a long dark brown beard and moustache, partnered with cold and unyielding eyes, David looked the fierce leader of his people that he was. Born in

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Cymru, David trained and served in this land before going on to build his own church and then monastery there. David’s belief manifested itself as strength of the body. To maintain the monastery, David and his followers tilled the land but by David’s order they were not permitted to use beasts of burden. Instead, they put their very shoulders to the task and were rewarded for it by developing both strength of body and of faith. So driven by his faith, it was not long before David took to spreading the word throughout the surrounding lands of Cymru. It was through this work that he demonstrated his greatest miracles. During one instance, he was asked to prove the might and ability of his god, which he did so by taking a young blind boy who was in attendance and sprinkling some droplets of the water he was drinking onto his eyes. In a mere moment, the boy’s eyes were cured and he could again see. Travelling farther, with tales of his miracles spreading and larger crowds of people coming to his sermons, David was tasked with trying to speak to groups too large for him to be able to be heard properly. With this the task at hand, he called to his god, causing a small white dove to land on his shoulder. Within moments of this, the ground beneath his feet began to buck and swell, pushing him higher and higher. Before long, a hill had grown beneath him, making him easily heard and seen by all those in attendance. David’s greatest deed to the kings of Cymru came during an invasion. The Cymry found themselves beset both by invaders and a dense fog. The kings were concerned about the safety of their people during the foul weather for fear of both ambush, or of their own people becoming lost in the fog and inadvertently attacking each other. They consulted David, asking him what the best course of action would be. With their Druids long gone, the church had stepped into the role of advisors. David claimed the fog was a blessing, handed the kings a leek and advised that each of their soldiers wear one. The leek would identify the Cymry in the fog lest they get confused and not know who to strike in battle. It served the Cymry well and, after that, the leek became a symbol for both the Cymry and David himself. Saint David’s final words have been recorded and passed down for generations. He told his followers: “Do the little things, the small things you’ve seen me doing.”

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Donnchadh Donn mac Flainn (Don-kha Don mac Flinn) King of Mide, High King of Eire Aileach, Eire The High King of Eire is an aging man whose rulership has been marked with failure. After two failed rebellions against his father to seize power, Donnchadh Donn mac Flainn did not inherit the title of high king, or of “King of Mide”. One title instead went to his brother and the other to his brother-in-law. Donnchadh was notoriously unprepared for battle, both mentally and physically, parading both gaudy Celtic torcs and Viking arm rings and behaving in an uncertain manner unbecoming of a high king. All of this changed during the battle against the foreigners in the year 919 of Our Lord. Donnchadh’s brother and brother-in-law, and all their heirs, died on the battlefield. Donnchadh Donn mac Flainn’s claim to the throne was then uncontested and he took steps to ensure it remained so. Immediately after his ascension to high king, Donnchadh had his younger brother, Áed, blinded. In the following years his last brother and nephew were murdered as well. Recently one man has become Donnchadh’s closest ally, rival, and his son-in-law—Muirchertach mac Neill, who’s reputation as both a king and a warrior is great. The wedding was made in an effort to keep the fights between Donnchadh and his son-in-law to a minimum. Now with the Celtic Twilight, Donnchadh’s kingdom is in disarray. A Druid was sent by the King of Aileach with a message: “I have a way to stop it and take back our lands”. The opportunistic high king made ready his court for departure on the shortest delay for Aileach. He will be the first to hear this plan, the first to join Muirchertach in the reconquest, and the first to claim his share of the spoils.

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King of Cumbria Cumbria and Alt Clut Cumbria has always been a relatively autonomous region as both the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons found it difficult to rule there. With the coming darkness and cold, the Celts of Cumbria have again rallied around a king of their own choosing. King Dunmail is that king. The harsh life King Dunmail has led to earn such a position has marked him. He is tall though gaunt, scarred both physically and mentally. He wears his warrior regalia even in the comfort of his private chambers, sleeping with his longsword at arm’s length just in case his enemies feel too ambitious. Caution is King Dunmail’s main tactic. Taking advantage of Cumbria’s seclusion and its harsh and foreboding terrain, King Dunmail has been able to rally many to his banner even though they are supposed to be pledged to others. Calling it the “Kingdom Rheged”, taken from the ancient King Urien of this region, the united Cumbria has declared its independence. Dunmail continues to rebuild the forts in his land, to organize hunting and fishing to secure what food they can, and prepares Cumbria for the times ahead. The kingdom is in a good position, and slowly growing in power. The lords of Cumbria would use that power to claim more territory, but Dunmail enforces caution. A consolidated Kingdom Rheged has so-far proved well-fortified, but some Cumbrian lords find the restriction chafing on their battle-lust.

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Faelan mac Muiredach 

(Fay-lawn mac Mwir-dokh)

King of Leinster Leinster, Eire Faelan is the newly-crowned ruler of Leinster and is known for his wisdom and strategic skills. His first acts were to send diplomatic propositions to align his kingdom with both Aileach and Mide to create an alliance in a common effort for plunder, influence and conquest. All this was accomplished despite Faelan’s much smaller size. Normally Celtic rulers have little respect for a man of power who is short of stature, but Faelan has engendered respect in them regardless. Most in his court know the story of the scar on his neck, and most know not to speak of it. Faelan is playing a complicated game to secure a source of food for his people by housing a Druid under the nose of some of the more loyal subjects of the church of the White God. In exchange, the Druid offers enough grain for the people of Leinster to survive. Faelan knows this underhanded play will be discovered eventually and he is prepared to purge his ranks of dissent and safeguard the stability of his domain in these desperate times. Once, not long ago, a white caped Bandruí tried to magically influence him and regretted immediately her attempt when she found the king’s dagger at her throat. Faelan’s cold stare was enough of a statement. The Druidess smiled and simply told him the truth: if he wanted his alliance, he needed to go fast to Aileach. The Bandrui spoke this the same day as a letter from Muirchertach mac Neill himself arrived. Faelan and his most loyal warriors will go with him to Aileach, and the Bandrui is to accompany them. The times are changing once more and Faelan swore to ride these tides to ensure the perennity of his plans.

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Flaithbertach mac Inmainén 

(Fla-far-tach mac In-aw-nayn)

Abbot of Inis Cathaige Ruler of southern Munster Munster, Eire Upon first seeing him, most are struck by the wild eyes and the scowl of a man utterly convinced of his righteousness. Flaithbertach mac Inmainén is heavyset with both muscle and fat, both a testament to his position of great wealth and a trait that sparks snide comments about his piety and service towards “his people”. A staunch follower of the White God, the abbot of southern Munster has claimed the burden of rulership out of his deep belief that in this age of ice and death, the White God apparently challenged the Munstermen to rise above physical concerns—a challenge that needed him at the helm. When Flaithbertach mac Inmainén was brought rumours saying that the Druids had united to spread the old faith, he ordered the messenger to whip himself to beg for the White God’s forgiveness or die on the pyre. One name started to be associated with the heretical rumours of the rise of the old faith: Muirchertach mac Neill. This information troubled the abbot deeply, for the King of Aileach’s reputation as a champion of the Gaels was great. How could such a man leave the loving light of the only true god and take the side of the devils? An invitation to Muirchertach mac Neill’s great feast could be the opportunity to bring him back to the light and finally slay the devil worshippers who poisoned his mind.

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Abbot of Winchester Winchester, Wessex There was a time when Frithestan knew his place in the Anglo-Saxon order. His true king, King Edward the Elder, ruled Wessex. Frithestan held his seat in Winchester. The world of the divine and the mundane were in their proper places. Then Edward died. His true heir died. A usurper, Aethelstan, took the throne and through fire and deceit visited misery upon the people of Angleland who sacrificed their sons for Aethelstan’s megalomania, at least according to Frithestan. Abbot Frithestan refused to attend Aethelstan’s crowning as an act of defiance. Perhaps the most outward sign of Frithestan’s lack of respect to his sovereign is his refusal to remove the stole and maniple that were gifted to him by the previous Queen of Wessex. Frithestan refuses to acknowledge Aethelstan’s reign, although he still does his work. He still must obey to survive and make sure no one else suffers from his actions. Despite Aethelstan’s many charters to the Abbey of Winchester, Frithestan has never been rewarded for his long seriousness and seniority. Rumours are often made that one day Frithestan will be found dead, or even that he might murder Aethelstan, but both know that the Abbot is too honest to use such methods. Frithestan believes sincerely that the White God blesses him and his bloodline. He only hopes to still be alive to see Aethelstan dead, which is not technically a sin.

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Hywel Dda

(Hu-well Tha)

“Hywel the Good” King of the Deheubarth Deheubarth, Cymru Ready to write the laws as much as he is to enforce them, Hywel Dda carries a quill in one hand and a sword in the other. After ascending to the throne with his brother Clydog as co-ruler, they decided to submit to King Edward the Elder to use his support to extend their influence in Cymru. Clydog died soon after, leaving Hywel the sole ruler over the lands of their ancestors. Hywel’s ambitions quickly drove him to conquer new lands and carve out the new kingdom of Deheubarth. This elevated Hywel to become the most influential figure amongst the Cymry nobility. Hywel earned his surname “Dda”; “The Good”, by writing down and codifying the traditional Cymry Law that was only used and learned through speech. Hywel insisted writing down the laws would make them fair for his people by promoting negotiation and non-violent outcomes rather than physical punishments. Now this code of law bears his name. Hywel wears both the torc of Gaelic kingship and a crucifix around his neck. He is a fervent supporter of the White God, having decided to go on a pilgrimage. This was a risky decision at a time when the heathens swarm the seas. Hywel was the first Prince of Cymru to successfully return from the holy lands in the far south of Outer-Midgard alive. He decided to pledge his support and become the vassal of King Aethelstan as much to drive the Northmen out as to gain even more lands within Cymru by pooling their minds and resources together.

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Idwal Foel

(Id-ull fo-el)

King of Gwynedd Gwynedd, Cymru The King of Gwynedd has long dark hair with faint streaks of white. He keeps his beard long with the sides woven into fine braids. He has scars from his military campaigns and always dresses himself as though prepared for battle. Idwal Foel still wears a torc, though it is slight and subdued. King of Gwynedd, Idwal Foel allied with, and then submitted to, King Aethelstan. He has fought on Aethelstan’s side against both the Vikings and the Albannaich believing that by serving King Aethelstan he would be spared from having to submit. King Aethelstan forced the submission regardless. Now, Idwal Foel finds himself serving the very man who would subjugate his people. Even as Idwal Foel remains a seemingly faithful servant, he prepares his sons to take back their lands upon the first moment of weakness from King Aethelstan. Idwal Foel does not support the other Cymry kings, believing them to have mis-played their hands against King Aethelstan, nor does he support the supposed prophesied king that raises forces in the hinterland.

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Ódhrán Ua hEolais 

(O-rawn U Ho-lash)

Scribe, Lector, Bard “Herald of the Lord” Clonmacnoise, Eire Ódhrán Ua hEolais wears only the finest of vestments, with golden jewelry and a gold cross atop a staff. Beneath his finery his body is gaunt with a fevered look upon his face. His hair has been shorn from his head and this combined with his hollow cheeks makes his face almost like a skull. His eyes are agog and glimmering with cow-like wetness. Ódhrán is said to have the mark of the White God upon him, such that a shining light seems to come from forever just behind his form. Born to the family ruling over the Túath of Conmaicne Magh Réin, Ódhrán was given an extensive education, something only the wealthiest can access, and it was done specifically for him to join the church of the White God. Ódhrán quickly became a master in illumination, writing, psalms and the reading of the holy word to the liturgical assembly, eventually attaining such clergical prestige that many believe he is the beating heart and voice of the faith of the Monastery of Clonmacnoise, a strategic location and one of the main centres of the White God faith in Eire. The Celtic Twilight shook the good people of Eire’s faith. Starvation spread and lead many to sin and madness. The lictor’s songs became more and more desperate, pleading to the almighty to save the people at any cost. The northern devils were at the gates, hunger was in the flesh and death was in the minds of his kinsmen. The good scribe started to lose his grip on reality, despair eroding his thoughts. One day he became unable to read the prayers and sing the choirs. He stopped leaving his cell and madness corrupted his mind. Ódhrán spent all his time praying and fasting until one day his holy book caught on fire and started to speak to him, telling him to wear mail and take the fight to those who submit to heathen gods and want the death of this world and His children. A thin and dirty Ódhrán barged out of his cell a wide smile on his face and singing that the White God spoke to him and a crusade was his will on the mortal realm.

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Owain ap Dyfnwal 

(U-wahn ap Duv-nawl)

King of the Britons of Strathclyde Alt Clut, Britain Owain is a rebel at heart and his clothing betrays that about him. He dresses in dark colours prepared to slip away into the night if he must. He has light blonde hair with a heavy brow that suggests he is ever-concerned with the state of the world. He carries a greatsword over his shoulder prepared to swing into battle and cleave his enemies in twain. He wears a heavy set of armour including a hauberk with vambraces. He has a torc of leadership that he wears around his neck. The Kingdom of Strathclyde is the successor of the dead dynasty of the kingdom of Alt Clut, and the population are the descendants of a stubborn and proud people: the Breizhiz. Owain ap Dyfnwal’s kingdom has been invaded, ravaged and sometimes conquered, but never for long, for the Breizhiz pride themselves to never surrender nor submit to foreigners. With him as a ruler, they will never bow down. Other kingdoms believed the Breizhiz gone after their last defeat at the hands of the Viking grandsons of Ivarr, but the Breizhiz counter-attacked and brought the kingdom back to life. He couldn’t act in any measure to support or stop the southern invader Constantine the Second during his retaking and restructuring of the Kingdom of Pictland into the Kingdom of Alba. His resources were put into the counter-attacks to retake Dumbarton to take control of Clyde’s River estuary. Now Owain is in a precarious position, thin on resources with Alba to the north, Vikings in the middle and the power-hungry King Aethelstan further in the south. Strathclyde will be in need of allies. In the end it doesn’t matter. The Breizhiz will continue to fight and rise back as many times as they have to in order to live on.

Saint Padraig


Missionnary, Deceased The priests of the White God claim he lives on in their afterlife

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Known as “The Apostle of Eriu”, Padraig is venerated within the church of the White God as the patron saint of Eire. Padraig was captured by pirates from his home in Britain and taken to Eire. He lived there for six years as a slave before he managed to escape. Later in life, when he became a cleric, he returned to the lands that had so wronged him and brought the Church of the White God with him. Calling himself Patricius, he was known by Padraig amongst those who lived upon the islands. During his time as a slave, Padraig served as a shepherd and spent a great deal of time in prayer. He heard a voice one day telling him how to escape. To get away he ran for two-hundred miles then boarded a ship that took him across the sea. After three days at sea the ship crashed and the crew was shipwrecked. As Padraig and the other survivors wandered in the wilderness and grew hungry and tired, Padraig prayed to his new god. He prayed for sustenance. Soon after, the shipwrecked survivors stumbled across a herd of animals. Claiming it as a miracle, Padraig won his first followers that day. After years of study, Padraig would receive another vision from his god telling him to return to Eire and spread the word of the White God’s church. Padraig acted upon this vision and made his way to Eire where he wandered through the wilderness and stumbled upon many small communities. The druids have songs which still speak of how he was first seen; calling him crazed. Padraig was not welcomed by the locals of Eire. He refused the normal ties of kinship, fosterage, and did not accept gifts from the kings. Legally, he was without protection and he faced many tribulations. Despite these challenges, Padraig’s god gave him the power to perform miracles. He banished all of the snakes from Eire, struck down Crom Cruach, and conversed with ancient warriors, including finding men who had once ridden among the Fianna. Padraig attempted to convert them but they defended themselves and their pagan ways. Even so, as the days numbered Padraig converted many to his faith. Over the entirety of his life, Padraig fought against Druids. Slowly but surely, he was able to erode their base of support. This is partly the Druid’s own fault. Many Celtic kings were willing to side with a new force against the Druids, who they felt held too much sway over them. Padraig converted countless to his cause, taking the greatest believers and turning them into clerics of the faith. Padraig’s continued efforts forever hurt the position of Druids within Eire. After 40 years of pious servitude to his faith, Padraig died of old age in Saul where he had built his first church.

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Secret Societies


n the Great Isles not all power is concentrated in the hands of those who would claim loudly to be masters of realms, kingdoms, or clans. Leaders are expendable. When the winter is long or starvation comes, leaders may be swarmed by an angry mob, sacrificed to the gods, or have their life taken and memory shamed by the religious elites. This mummer’s farce for control has happened many times over the eons. Those who attain power in secrecy, those who know the reality behind the facade, are far more difficult to uproot. Organizations, cults, guilds—they have many names, often contradictory, always half-truths. These groups are a mix of political, economic and religious organizations, created by gods and mortals alike to achieve their goals. Some are good, some are greedy, all are powerful in the Celtic World.

Amergin’s Challenge Duan Amhairghine The Amergin’s Challenge, or the “Duan Amhairghine” (Dun A-war-khiyne) is the organization of Druids at the core of the return of the Druids and their activities in the Celtic Kingdoms. They seek to save the Celtic people from the Viking Ragnarok, to further the objectives of the Tuatha, and ultimately to serve their mistress, the goddess Eriu.

Purpose & Loyalties

The Duan Amhairghine chose their namesake from the first poem amongst the Druids ever spoken in the land of Eire. The Druids appeased the spirit of the island of Eire, it’s divine soul the goddess named Eriu, by reading this poem. In thanks, Eriu calmed the storms that were cast by the Tuatha that kept the seafaring Gaels of old from landing and settling the coast. The Druids and Eriu reached an accord, and Eriu allowed the Gaels to take root on her. It is the sacred duty of the Amergin’s Challenge to repay Eriu’s kindness and save

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her from her slow icy death of the Celtic Twilight that plagues her now. Amongst the objectives of the Amergin’s Challenge is a mission to open portals across the Celtic World to let the armies of the fey courts rampage and destroy their enemies. Their long-term goal is to awaken Eriu once more to fulfill the prophetic visions of the High Poets, otherwise named “Filis”, to transcribe the plans of Danu and her children, and ultimately avert—or otherwise allow the Celtic people to survive—the Twilight. Different covens of the Amergin’s Challenge may have more specific goals.

Leadership & Organization

The “Poetic Court”, of the Amergin’s Challenge is more than a meeting of the highest ranking Druids, it’s an assembly of seers that, through their visions, channel the will of the Tuatha de Danann to direct the actions of different covens. The three major covens beneath Duan Amhairghine administration are the Circle of Horns, the Comhairle Cailleach, and the Fire Seed.

The Circle of Horns: The Circle of Horns, or “Ciorcal Adharc” is an organization of a specific type of Druid: the divine shapeshifters, collectors of relics, negotiators with the Sidhe and keepers of the sacred and wild spaces. They are the last major Druidic circle of old. Their public face is a living legend himself: Mug Ruith, a smiling and welcoming figure clad in robes and furs. No one knows if his warm and cheerful demeanor is an act or his real personality. The Druids who follow in his footsteps choose to wear horned pelts over their heads and shoulders. They chose a new name for themselves, one of the many titles of the Dagda, the “Horned One”. Another powerful figure associated with the Circle of Horns is the strange being known only as “The Hunter”, a champion sent reportedly by Eriu herself. This mysterious figure takes the form of a hybrid of plant, elk, and man, holding an amber-tipped spear. He speaks only through the wild things around him; like animals and plants, making him an unsettling conversationalist, to say the least. The Hunter never speaks to groups of Horned Ones, only one-to-one, administering only specific tasks. Druids from the Circle of Horns are mostly seen around ancient and overgrown sacred places. The kind of places that seem to have a will of their own; groves and stone structures where elementals and sidhe were freely dancing in the moonlight before the Celtic Twilight began. The Ciorcal Adharc awaken oghamic monoliths, even those with carvings so ancient that only abstract worn shapes remain to open portals to places where the most powerful and ancient gods and ancestors remain. No one knows exactly what Mug Ruith and the Hunter are leading the Circle of Horns to do, perhaps because their machinations follow the plans of the fey and the logic of the ancients. Comhairle Cailleach: The figurehead of this witchcouncil is the “Silver Raven”, the First Daughter of the Morrigan born in this age, a woman of cold beauty and fiery rage. This Bandrui is the public figure of an alliance of scorned women, vengeful widows, and powerful female rulers all seeking revenge on the church of the White God. The mustering of women for military purposes was rendered illegal by Saint Ruadan hundreds of years

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before. The Comhairle Cailleach argue that if they were permitted to join the battles with their children, husbands, brothers, and kin, then the Vikings would not have found defenceless villages after the death of the men but a second army ready, trained and equipped to fight for their kin and country. Though they loathe the Vikings, the attitude of the Comhairle Cailleach is that there will always be enemies. It is the church of the White God that prevented them from being able to protect themselves. The Comhairle Cailleach focus mainly on the direct murder of isolated warbands and wandering crusaders and the hexing and poisoning of White God follower’s settlements. They destroy and raid places of worship and make deals with hateful spirits of pagan ancestors in exchange for their place in Tir na nOg. The Fire Seed: The members of the Bruanel, or, the “Fire Seed”, have one simple objective: summon and take control of the Sluagh to slaughter the Vikings. The Bruanel blame the Northmen for their raids, their betrayals, murders, the starvation across the Celtic Kingdoms, and for causing this apocalypse. The Bruanel say they will burn away the foreigners and cleanse the Six Kingdoms of their filth with fire and blood.

The Amhlaidh The Alliance of the Underground The Amhlaidh (Auh-lah) is an organization built upon a tenuous pact between the Knockers, the Fir Bolg, and the Norse Dvergars. Their goal is to ensure the destruction of the Tapestry of Fate, an object of immense power created by the beings known as Norns. It has the power to lock the events of the Norse apocalypse, making them inescapable. The Amhlaidh have allied together to find a way for all their peoples to survive Ragnarok, known as it spread to the Celtic lands as the Twilight. Knockers are known as the good sidhes of the mines, helping miners in their arduous work in exchange for a part of their meals. Knockers bond tightly with their fellow miners, warning them of accidents by knocking on the walls and taking it upon themselves to inform the families if their

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warning came too late. They are an ancient race, tracing their lineage to a time before memory.

Purpose & Loyalties

leading to the Knocker Kingdoms. It is a place of gathering for the Fir Bolg, either human or fey, hidden in the underground halls built under the inn.

Introduction Figures of the Isles

In the great hall of the Knockers, an assembly of the Amhlaidh was gathered as soon as the Viking Ragnarok began with the sun in the north being devoured by a giant wolf. The Dvergar, who turned to stone in the sun, jumped at the opportunity to move above ground without fear. The strength of the Dvergars was not equal to their ambition though, so they reached out to the Celtic beings with similar forms and interests: the Fir Bolg and Knockers. An alliance was formed.

Eochaid mac Eirc: The last High King of the Fir Bolg is leading his people again. He crossed the border between the realms as an immortal Fathach. His strong right-hand giant is the great warrior Sreng. His wise left hand aid is Tailtiu, who also serves as the Amhlaidh’s ambassador to the Tuatha. Tailtiu, Lugh’s foster mother, hopes to keep the peace going between the Children of Danu and the Fir Bolg.

The aim of the Fir Bolg is to gain back their rightful place in Eire, at the kingdom of Connacht, as they need a place to house and protect their people from the Twilight before the Druids successfully shift Eire behind the mists. The Druids and Amhlaidh ally only when necessary to accomplish this goal since they are otherwise at odds. It was the Druid judges who supported the laws that oppressed the Fir Bolg clans in the first place.

Séanan, The Wandering Underking: The Adventure wandering Knocker Séanan is the only one of the triad of Knocker kings leading their people to walk the mortal realm with any frequency. He organizes the network of underground Knocker spies to keep Amhlaidh ahead of the other factions, in their quests for artifacts, strategic information, and control over resources. Those resources are used to buy mercenaries, food, assassinations, or holy objects to barter with the Followers of the White God.

The Amhlaidh direct the search for powerful artefacts including sketches of secret oghams which only the Fir Bolg, the “Children of Builge”, can read and which are found on standing stones. Some are even made of black iron or gleaming bronze that show how to recreate wonderful works of old. The Dvergars offer access to the Viking lands, trade routes, and their network of information. They also support Amhlaidh by buying relics at Dyflin before they are brought back to Norse lands. This is to make sure their allies can perform rituals and make pacts with beings such as the Fir Bolg gods and Danu in order to break the chains of fate forced upon them by the Norns.

Leadership & Organization

The Amhlaidh are a secretive kind who are not keen on sharing unless the correct price is paid. They work by using travelling Fir Bolg merchants as spies. They favour inns, where they can both gather information and have a safe place to hide. There are a few key members amongst the Amhlaidh. Bivaidonas: The Fir Bolg Bivaidonas owns a drinking hall and blacksmith shop in Aileach, called the Mianaigh Shona, the “Merry Mines”. The Mianaigh Shona houses a portal

The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers

The Fianna Wandering Heroes This warrior fraternity is based on one of the Fianna of old, once a legendary warband made out of landless nobles who wandered the land to earn fame and enforce justice. Fionn mac Cumhaill was their illustrious leader when they achieved their greatest feats and led to their fall, corruption, and shame. The old fraternity grew too famous and powerful and so grew corrupt, and splintered. The true end came when the Fianna fought on both sides in a battle with High King of Eire, Cairbre Lifechair. Though their legends survived and thrived around campfires, the Fianna effectively ended. Then came the Vikings and their Ragnarok. Inspired by the old and glorious tales of the Fianna, new heroes rose to challenge the invaders by forming into warbands, warrior orders, or even as lone warriors talented in violence. They have only two things in common: they gave up their previous life to dedicate themselves to reclaiming the Celtic lands

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and they live by the moral credo of Fionn mac Cumhaill in honour of his memory. The new Fianna have been able, so-far, to keep their operations secret or at least within the stuff of rumour.

Purpose & Loyalties

The Fianna owe their loyalty to their legendary founder, Fionn mac Cumhaill. It is in his memory that they are inspired to act and they do so in accordance with his moral code. Fionn observed the rules of fair hunting, followed the traditions of hospitality, adhered to a strong moral code of honour, and treasured the virtue of wisdom. Even while they are a rowdy bunch of ambushers who strike from the deep cover of the forests upon their foes, the Fianna at all times seek to uphold Fionn’s values, especially in regards to honour. The body of Fionn mac Cumhaill sleeps in a cave waiting to be awakened with the original Fianna by the sound of the Dard Fionn, the famed hunting horn of the old Fianna. The current Fianna are actively looking for the location of this cave and the Dard Fionn. Their hope is that when the legendary Fionn mac Cumhaill awakens he will rally all Celts to oust the invaders and save the Six Kingdoms from the Celtic Twilight.

Leadership & Organizaton

Even in this rowdy bunch, not all warbands are equal. Some have taken the roles of officers or generals, assigning rank the Celtic way: using achievements, fame, respect and strength to prove their worth to both gods and men. They are the warrior-elite of the Fianna, not by birth, but by skill and they earn their place and will always fight to the death to keep it. There is no animosity between the different warbands all calling themselves Fianna. Though they started as dissociated rebel groups, brought together only from mutual inspiration by legends, they are slowly coming together to form a whole. They are piecing back together, battle by battle, the glorious Fianna of old. Key leaders of the Fianna include: Diarmaid “The Iron Tide”, Cu Sétanta: This powerful Hound of Sétanta has taken up leadership in the Fianna of a ferocious order of shapeshifters. Diarmaid’s level head

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has done this by doing what the other kingdoms try to avoid: provoking and attacking the Vikings at every turn in tactically brilliant ambushes and winning often.


The King of Aileach has promised weapons, shelter, protection, freedom and food to any who would join his Fianna for the ultimate purpose of burning the Vikingoccupied Ath Cliath to the ground and give Eire back to its children.

The Rules

Orlaith “The Bloody Princess”, Grian Bachure: Her nickname “Bloody Princess”, comes from her name meaning “Golden Princess”. This is mostly heard behind her back either from cursing her or from fear of her. When anyone weaker than her is in her presence, Orlaith feels empowered to act as judge, jury, and executioner over her Fianna. Calling Orlaith by her nickname she considers an unredeemable crime. Orlaith inflicts the same punishment everytime: dragging the culprit by his hair through dirt and rock on horseback. Sometimes this is just a lesson in proper respect, other times it kills them. It depends on Orlaith’s mood.

Figures of the Isles

Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Orlaith is able to direct, train and inspire her followers to unparalleled feats of horsemanship on the battlefield. She commands the biggest warband of mounted Hobelars in the Fianna. Most are female and followers of the Morrigan. All have sworn their undying loyalty to her. The Trouble Triplets Aideen, Aoife, Ardál: They were born on the island of Mann to a Norse-Gael family. Their father was banished from Islandia and to save himself from starvation he decided to charm a Gael lady of good stock. Their Islandian father quickly abandoned his new family and their mother was enslaved to pay the debt he left behind. This lack of any resources and education forced the triplets to resort to a life of crime. Their mother died of exhaustion in the following years, leaving the teenagers alone with still a significant amount of debt and a heritage of probable slavery. Aideen fled to Islandia where she created a thieving gang and became a spy for the Queen of Tara. Aoife went back to her grandparents and trained to become a Fénnid taking her love for hounds to the battlefield. As for Ardá, he joined a group of warriors called to Constantinople to work as a Varangian guard.

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The Golden Teeth Fiacla órga The Golden Teeth are the servants of the god Crom Cruach, but they also use this organization to accomplish their own goals. The highest members of this secretive cult all receive the “Dearg Due”, a ceremony turning them into blooddrinking addicts. These neamh-mairbh, the walking dead, are more than simple, mindless ghouls. They are bound to one purpose: their souls are forever chained to the implacable fury of Crom Cruach until they are destroyed, body and soul. The Golden Teeth hide amongst common folk, stealing golden relics, assassinating those they see in their master’s visions, and weaving dreadful curses to doom the followers of the foreign gods. They prepare an even worse fate for those who turned to the White God.

Purpose & Loyalties

Most of the Golden Teeth only feel hatred towards the White God church and the Vikings, so they feel no remorse in their missions of infiltration, mayhem and murder. They are loyal to Crom Cruach and his “Voice”, Kian Gwenc’hlan.

Leadership & Organization

This organization is mostly made up of small cells of a handful of individuals led by visions sent by Crom Cruach and his herald, Kian Gwenc’hlan. Their orders always follow his plan to unravel structure and sow chaos in the ranks of his enemies in order to weaken them so that the Dark Lord can slaughter them with ease when his avatar is unleashed. Abhartach, the Cursed Dwarf Tyrant: The diminutivestature, wicked king called Abhartach was freed from his sepultural prison by Crom’s will. Abhartach’s hunger for blood and the eldritch onslaught of the Celtic Twilight saw him murder his way back to Mog Slecht to offer himself to the Dark One. Now, Abhartach, the most ancient, the most cruel, and most vicious of blood-drinkers, is viewed by his master’s minions as a singular source of leadership, plots, and plans. He is celebrated by the Golden Teeth for his great talent in spreading terror and discord amongst their enemies.

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allows him to keep his sanity when he is wracked by the changes brought upon him by his divine rage when he takes the physical form of the “riastrad”. This capacity to control himself when his body warps and mutates allows him to keep the other Fianna in check and beat up the ones who question his control when he needs to. Muirchertach Ui Neill, The King of Aileach: Though

The High Rat King’s Mischief Ardrí na francaigh’s Mischief

With the Twilight upon the Celtic World the Rat King’s power grows as morality drops and good folk become hardened survivors, ready to steal and to kill to live. The High Rat King’s Mischief is a sprawling network of thieves, bandits, merchants, and murderers. All of them are scavengers and most are poor folk living at the borders of normal society. Together they form a network of survival by trading resources, high-value secrets, and, while not assassins necessarily, killing those whose goals run contrary to those of the High Rat King. The Rat King’s followers understand they are part of a natural cycle of decay and death, of necessary resourcefulness, cunning, and rising again. The events of the Twilight oppose the Rat King’s sense of natural order. He despises this recent surge in undead, seeing them as food running away and escaping the natural cycle. The High Rat King has his followers hunt the Norse Valkyries to keep them from interfering with the traditional life-cycle known to the Celtic lands. This may be in part because the Rat King’s only true ally is the death god Donn, as they share a similar view on scavengers as a natural part of the order of things. To enable his Mischief to thrive in these times of decay, the High Rat King grants many gifts. He teaches skills. He passes on powers of diseases and poisons. His most terrifying gift to his followers is true cannibalism—he grants the right and ability to feed without the risk of the curses and corruption linked to the consumption of human flesh.

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Purpose & Loyalties

The followers of the High Rat King are loyal primarily to themselves, and then to the Mischief. Generally, the Mischief is more useful than would necessitate betrayal, but betrayal is always expected at some point or another. The Mischief are united in the fact that His Highness is the only one of the higher powers that understands mankind. His contracts are easy to follow. His boons are always clear-cut. The penalties for crossing him offer a straightforward chance for survival, however slim. Such clarity is often lacking in higher powers. Politically, the High Rat King is still neutral in the conflict between the Tuatha and the Vikings. He knows what it is to be kicked out of his realm, as the Romans chased him out of Gaul centuries ago. Without a clear allegiance, the Rat King has allied with beings of all sides: Hel, The Morrigan, Angrboda, the Dvergars, the Knockers, and even Gulveig. Their greed has made them trade partners in a profitable stolen artefacts shadow market in The Great Vermin’s cavernous Otherworld. Members of the Mischief are expected to aid, or at least extend courtesy to, the High Rat King’s allies.

Leadership & Organization

This organization is a network of small groups of individual cells, warbands of mercenaries, slavers, raiders, thieves, assassins, and other unscrupulous agents led more often than not by leaders only known by titles to keep their true identities hidden. This makes it difficult to truly know for certain where this faction starts and ends.

opportunities. Ochtapas’s Salty Skulkers: This Merrow has an octopus-like head, with tentacles, and the body of a man, with a set of smaller tentacles he uses as a third arm. He is well known amongst the High Rat King’s court as the main purveyor of stolen goods on the waves, even some coming from Fomorian hands, or what passes for hands in their case. Ochtapas is a coordinator of piracy, raiding, and the pillaging of shipwrecks. He will take on any on the waves, even the Norsemen if he thinks he can get away with it. Ochtapas named his organization after the demeanor of his crew; mostly drunk, mostly complaining, and never paid enough, some even talking about ridiculous things like not being respected enough. In the end they always do the job, dragging their slimy appendages and flapping their fish-faced or cephalopod mouths along the way. The Tunnel Traders: This is a band of mortals in service of the Rat King, led by the infamous Garbhán Green-tooth, a nickname he earned because of his smile with one of his upper canines being a piece of emerald. The Tunnel Traders can be found anywhere, acting as a fence for stolen goods and the main way to contact the organization in any “public” manner. They are infiltrators, thieves, beggars and intelligence gatherers who sell what they should not have and what they should not know for the right price. The Tunnel Traders are so-called because they have exclusive right to the High Rat King’s tunnels or portals, probably both, since mobility and reach are both great for business.

The Rat King can also open its burrows in the Otherworlds to allow his agents to move from sanctuary to sanctuary and even provide the support of his Unseelie associates— most often Redcaps, Fear Deargs, or Boggarts—to assist as reinforcements in their operations. These fey have rat-like traits to better their skills such as: prehensile rat tails, claws, greater senses, unnatural flexibility, immunity to diseases and poisons, stealth, and swimming.

Líon damhán alla, the Spiderweb: The deadliest arm of the High Rat King’s coalition of crimelords is the “Talespinner”. She is a powerful Unseelie fey who has become the leader of a circle of assassins who kill according to “a plan” and have decided to ally with the all-mighty rodent to gain as much as possible and to help her find the targets she wishes to eliminate.

All cells pay a tithe the High Rat to win his support and maintain his boons. Most of them take multiple contracts, commiting to sometimes strange and seemingly nonsensical errands, in exchange for more enchanted items, magical blessings, and greater criminal

The Talespinner’s appearance is one of a hybrid between a false widow spider and a beautiful maiden with long dark brown hair and three sets of black eyes. Her group sells poisons and hexes, using them to bring about an end to any who oppose her plans. After all, all tales deserves a proper ending.

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The Oath of the High Cross Mionn an Ardcros This coalition is the militant order in the service of the Church of the White God in Eire. The Celtic Twilight has made growing food difficult and when the livestock was eaten and the food stores ran out, the common folk turned to the clergy for answers and miracles. The Oath of the High Cross was designed to protect those of the faith against the violence of the invaders and pagans alike. However, the Oath of the High Cross has done nothing, yet, but sharpen their swords. The common folk wait for a miracle. This order could be that miracle, according to some, but they do not act.

Purpose & Loyalties

The ultimate objective of the order is unclear. It seems every holy place or monk order has its own take on the Oath of the High Cross and how to make best use of it as a military force. Some want to see it purge heresy from Eire by killing or converting back their pagan countrymen by any means necessary. Others simply want this army to protect the church and the civilians living in the culdees.

Leadership & Organization

The ecclesiastical congregations amongst the Oath of the High Cross to debate on one common course of action has been organized, and has been in session nearly since the Twilight began. The congress has failed to produce any kind of unity, purpose for this great military force, or even a distinct leadership hierarchy. While debate rages, fanatical mobs of common folk want to see violent action taken to protect the faith, and their lives. The high ranking church officials are trying to avoid the Oath of the High Cross fracturing into competing goals thus dividing the strength of White God faith in the Celtic lands. Some say the proceedings are delayed on purpose, by pagan spies. If such tales are to be believed, witches hide amongst the nunneries to sabotage and subvert the Oath of the High Cross, and keep it in a state of inaction. Flaithbertach mac Inmainén: While the Oath of the White God continues to debate its role as a military

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force in the Twilight, the king and abbot Flaithbertach mac Inmainén, one of the leaders of the Oath of the High Cross, has secretly contacted Aethelstan. Flaithbertach has offered Aethelstan the fealty of the divided kingdom of Munster for food and military support. Flaithbertach has done this in secret, for he knows that many Gaels would take this as treason. Despite this, Flaithbertach mac Inmainén would rather sell his countrymen and insure the Criostai prevail in Eire, than let the heretics win.

The Sluagh The Horde of Angry Sidhe The Sluagh is a supernatural group of warlike fey, bloodthirsty spirits, and vicious sidhe beasts that enjoy simple things like: battles, curses, stealing powerful artifacts, alcohol, and terrorizing the Followers of the White God. The horde of the fey folk is pure chaos when it decides to attack. It comes as a storm of screaming ghosts, flying and cackling hags, with troops of goblins, Redcaps, Fear Eargs, and Púcas. They descend hollering, drinking, screaming insults, and singing obscene songs along the way accompanied by fiddles, drums and other kinds of instruments.

Purpose & Loyalties

The Sluagh have only two motivations: chaos and revenge. They owe loyalty to no one but the dying Eriu and the most powerful being in their ranks: the Morrigan herself. Sidhe logic being as it is, chaotic and random most of the time or focused and almost psychotic when angered, it’s nearly impossible to know their “objectives”. However, the purpose of the Sluagh is to incarnate the wrath of the gods and show their power in an overwhelming wave of supernatural chaos and rage. As far as they know, they want to retake places of power and either terrorize the Criostai into conversion back to the old ways or simply kill them. The sidhe have no pity nor patience for the Northmen either. One of the “funniest” things to do to them is to poison their wells or their cattle or cause them to fall into a murderous frenzy and butcher each other, all while the fey folk watch in glee.

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Leadership & Organization

It is difficult to equate the word “organization” to the Sluagh. This supernatural horde of beings is outside of human logic. They follow the chaotic inclinations of its members, all working in communion like a flight of birds knowing when to turn together. They roam place to place doing their will. The Sluagh are usually divided into splinter groups turned into warbands that only sometimes unite with the main group, but often carry out their own tasks as dictated by a sidhe warlord, which is the closest thing to a hierarchy in the Sluagh. It is more akin to the ways of animals showing off dominance amongst their peers by feats of ferocity, cunning and strength rather than ranks and titles. These sidhe warlords are varied in their objectives.

but the end times leave no choice but for them to join the fray. They are doomed to bloody their blades to save Eriu. They act as heavy cavalry to break through the Northmen shield walls or break through fort gates to open the way for the rest of the horde. The Bright Riders then turn their back to the slaughter and sing somber songs on the road to mourn their lost honour. Veil of Hunger: This “Fear Gortach”, the spectral avatar of starvation, has been greatly empowered by the mass starvation of entire villages. His mind has been twisted by the dark influence of the Celtic Twilight, his compassion transformed into a cruel satisfaction, absorbing the suffering of mortals to increase his own capacity and attract more dark specters to his growing host of undead.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Da Athdholb: This shape-shifter is the most powerful Púca of them all. Even if his real form remains unknown, his glowing golden eyes and deep guttural voice is unmistakable. When he reveals himself to bargain with mortals, the world goes silent, animals seem to be unable to breathe, the primal terror he exudes is so palpable that raising your voice to express anything becomes challenging. It is important to not to anger Da Athdholb. The feral rage of this Púca Lord is a vision of hellish savagery. His wrath extends beyond the one who offended him to include their whole village. Torn limbs, guts spread across the ground, pools of blood, and half-eaten bodies populate the empty settlements left in his wake. Fiacail Airgid: This goblin war-leader earned his nickname ,”Silver Tooth”by changing all his teeth into a set of sharpened silver fangs. He maintains his reputation by biting to death those who disagree with his “plans”. These plans mostly have the same objectives: kill non-believers to please the higher-ups and steal shiny things and booze to please his warriors. For aid in battle Fiacla Airgid carries with him a set for brewing all kinds of alcoholic and magical beverages, good for drugging his Sluagh minions, and also to further his own visions of the future. Rí geal na Sidhe: This title describes the leader of the Marcaigh Móra Géala, the “Great Bright Riders”, a supernatural cavalry unit made of shining warriors of the fey folk that embody both the nobility and the gravity of the end times. These riders are not ones for revenge or petty justice,

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Celtic Isles Locales

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Explore the mundane world throughout the six kingdoms of the celts


he Celts have their own complex social behaviours, and being able to navigate their customs is as important—and potentially dangerous—as surviving the elements. These lands are fought over by two major religions, that of the Druids and of the Criostai. Countless people either believe in, or merely paying homage to their religion. All the while, fey creatures wander these isles, beholden to only their own strange loyalties.

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Eire The wild and mist-shrouded Eire is a land that has weathered many invasions. Eire has been shaped by waves of different people, both mundane and magical, who have settled upon its shores. As Eire is surrounded by water it is easily accessible for trading as well as open to invasion by sea. Waves of invasions have created a spiritual trauma upon the land, even before the coming of the White God, that has never been fully healed. The stories of foreign conquerors are told and retold, traded and honed, to ensure memories date back to the age of invasions. The Gaels have a long history of sailing, trading, and a proud warrior tradition from repelling invaders. The Vikings who came to the land found a wild people, ones who had a ferocity that matched their own. Had the lands been united perhaps none would have ever been seized from them. It was not to be. It was the Gael’s own raiding and slaving that brought the tales of the White God to their lands. Saint Padraig was brought as a slave, only for him to escape and bring a new religion to the lands. Since then, the people have been divided and subdivided, between Criostai and followers of the Druids, between kingdoms of different scopes that were both new and that dated back to ancient times, between those who looked to the people of the other isles, and those who looked within. With invasions have also come settlers, such that the Gaelic identity continues to shift and change with every wave.


Found to the West of the other Celtic Kingdoms, Eire is a mysterious land well connected to the Otherworld through ways unknown to outsiders and seldom known even within Celtic society. There are legends of ghostly islands hidden around Eire or places that are otherwise nearly impossible to visit.


Primarily made up of low central plains surrounded by coastal mountains, the island is almost like a fortress, but the Vikings have been able to make footholds with their invasions. Once established in Eire, an invading force is difficult to oust. The land was once plentiful with food, which attracted the first raiders. Now, with new challenges facing the shores of this land, many fight over arable land and sacred sites as well. Legends even tell of supernatural places that are only accessible certain times of the year or under specific circumstances.


Eire is inhabited predominantly by the Gaels. Though the Vikings have seized Ath Cliath for King Sitric and enslaved many people from the area, the Celts of Eire are largely independent from Viking influence, or from the influence of Wessex.


There are several distinct and independent chiefdoms and kingdoms that dot the land of Eire. Unlike many other Celtic people, the chiefs or kings of Eire do not usually see their throne handed down strictly by kinship. It is often that leadership is decided by vote or some other consensus. Politics, loyalty, pledges, and oaths create therefore a complicated and ever-changing tapestry in Gaelic culture. Many rulers in Eire lay claim to the title of “High King”, the one who would unify all of the island, but it has been a long time since any have come close.

The Rules

What Eire


Commonly Known

Figures of the Isles

Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure


• Lore Personas - Despite the Followers of the White God claiming that they had fully converted the lands, many of the peasantry and lay folk continue to observe pagan traditions, some paying tithes to the fey and church alike. • Lore Locales - Since the coming of the Twilight, the land is cold and harsh. Often raining or snowing, the lands are both difficult and dangerous to traverse. There are no waterways that allow swift passage across the island, though wise Druids still appear to be able to travel from one end to another in the blink of an eye. Mists shroud valley and wood alike, and strange things often wander within. • Lore Arcana - Mists enshroud the island more densely here than anywhere else in the Celtic World. The mists of Eire appear to be the deciding battleground. The mists here are apparently stronger and stranger than the mists found elsewhere. These mists link the isles to the Otherworld, and connect the Kingdoms of the Celtic World together. Many forces seek to control these mists, between the Fomorians, Druids, and other fantastic forces. Some say the areas where the mist is absent, such as in Wessex, and other lands no longer Celtic on the Isles, may be due to the encroachment of the White God. Others say it is due to the falling back of the Druids and a lack of performing of certain ancient rites. Regardless of the cause, many are seeking to alter the current state of affairs.

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The Royal Sites

The following sites are said to be the seats of the four ancient kingdoms of Eire, aside from Tara, the land in the centre. There was no seat for Tara, as that land was reserved for the ruler of all of Eire. For anyone to claim the position of High King of Eire, they need to be crowned and recognized at each of the sites. It is said that the true ruler of each of the four ancient kingdoms would have to, similarly, control these sites. The Royal Sites are now each a focus of conflict between the Druids and the Followers of the White God. Many believe that if the Druids seize these sites they can save the Six Kingdoms. These sites lay along straight lines, with Uisneach at the centre. Cruachan and Dun Ailinne lay along the solstice line with Uisneach. The other two royal sites are connected by another line that is at right angles to it. All told, these royal sites can be connected by lines that resemble a jewel set in the centre of Eire.

• Lore Locales - There have been extensive efforts by the current inhabitants to uproot all signs of the Druids from the lands. Standing stones and carvings have been torn down, and ancient pools that the votive offerings were put in are being filled in with rocks and dirt, with the intention of blocking paths to the Otherworld. • Lore Arcana - There have been sizable efforts to remove all the powers that the Druids may have been able to take from this place. Mystics say Carraig Phádraig is the key to the summoning of Tir na nOg, but it may now be one of the hardest locations for the Druids and their followers to reclaim.

Carraig Phádraig This place is also known as “the Rock of Cashel”, or, “Saint Padraig’s Rock” by the Followers of the White God. This is the seat of the King of Munster, and has been for generations. While it was once a site of the Druids and their belief system, a place where they could scry and complete their rituals. The Kings of Munster have turned the site towards the followers of the invading god. There are a couple of round towers at Carraig Phádraig, making it highly defensible. Although it is now held by the Criostai, the Druids dearly hope to secure this location. At this site is a rock from one of the miracles of Saint Padraig, putting the site squarely in the interest of both religions. • Lore Personas - The Kings of Munster long ago turned away from their Druidic history, but the inhabitants of this land are of a mixed faith. Many publicly back the faith of their king but continue to practice pagan beliefs in secret.

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Dun Ailinne This is the seat of where the Kings of Leinster were crowned giving them rulership over the eastern kingdom of Eire. Geographically it is similar to the other royal sites; consisting of a henge and an earthen bank. The ditch and bank are within the henge, limiting the defensive ability of the place. Built atop Cnoc Ailinne, a hill, Dun Ailinne is easy to identify from a distance. The only current inhabitants are occasional herds of near-starving cattle. Even before the coming of the Vikings, the site was never inhabited year-round. Given its close proximity to Ath Cliath, the pagans have not been able to inhabit or do their rites at this site in some time.

• Lore Personas - To the Gaels, this is the place where the “true kings” of Leinster are crowned. With it currently under Viking control it may be impossible for a new ruler to be officially crowned. • Lore Locales - The surrounding area is nearly abandoned which is strange for a royal site but may have to do with the fact that the position would be nearly impossible to defend.

outer bank and ditch of this location is to contain magical power. The temple here has been repeatedly rebuilt and destroyed, with each temple built of wood and filled with one thousand stones before being lit aflame again. The Druids know that this is the key to a powerful spell that connects this place to the Otherworld, specifically where fallen soldiers and warriors go.

• Lore Locales - Much like Emain Macha, the defenses are oriented in the opposite way than would make sense. Instead of defending from the outside, many of the defences are oriented as though they are defending from something that would come from within. There is not, however, a pool or other pathway to the Otherworld. Though bones are often found in this place, and feasts were once held there, something of the magic of the place appears lost.

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Emain Macha Once a mighty bank and ditch fortified temple, Emain Macha was historically the seat of power for Ulaidh. It is also known as the “Navan Fort”, even though there is no evidence that there was ever a fort here, but rather it was a place of sacrifice and meetings for those of the northern kingdom. Emain Macha was often used more for symbolic gestures in the kingdom, rather than day-to-day administration. Even the Druids have only a limited use for the Emain Macha. In the past Druids met at this place to light a mighty fire to coordinate with the one at Uisneach but Emain Macha has been largely abandoned for years. The fires were used to relay an unknown Druidic signal across long distances. Each of the Royal Sites once had a mighty fire that was maintained by Druids and other mystics but none have been relit since Emain Macha’s fire last went cold. • Lore Personas - Rulers of Ulaidh were often crowned here by the Druids as part of a great ceremony. As a result this location served as both a royal and a religious site. • Lore Locales - There are a number of ancient ruins nearby, including what appears to have once been a fort. However, since Emain Macha is not near anything else of current importance, it has largely been left alone. • Lore Locales - The mound at the centre upon which there have been many fires lit over the long history of the place is believed to be a conduit between this world and the Otherworld. Legend has it that the true purpose of the

The Fort of Cruachan This is the site of the capital of Connactha, the western-most of the traditional kingdoms of Eire, and is one of the most active of the royal sites. Historically, this traditional ring fort was the seat of power for Queen Medb. There are several smaller forts around the main fort of Cruachan in the centre. Beneath the site there are subterranean entrances to many secret graves, sites, caches, and more. There are also several separate caves in the area, many of them used by the Druids and others to hide from the elements and to ambush those who might threaten them.

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• Lore Personas - The site of a great deal of power within Eire, it is often considered second to the seat of the High King. • Lore Locales - Caves and tunnels exist throughout this area, and many of them may lead to the Otherworld. These can provide shortcuts used by the Celts to harry, ambush, and otherwise harm any who would seek to attack them. • Lore Locales - The fort of Cruachan is strongly associated with Samhainn, and it is said that this is one of the homes of the Morrigan. One such legend says that every Samhainn the Morrigan emerges from one of the many caves pulled in her chariot by a one-legged chestnut horse and many other creatures. When the Morrigan rides forth it is often a time of change and magic. In several myths there are powerful changes that come after such a ride.

Hill of Uisneach Located in the centre of Eire, the Hill of Uisneach (Ish-nukh) or “The Hill” is the centre of Celtic life. It is amongst the tallest mountains on the island and there are countless monuments, cairs, barrows, and circular enclosures spread out around it. Near the peak of the hill is a large, oddly shaped limestone rock called the “Ail na Mireann”. This is said to be the point at which the provinces of Eire all meet. Tradition dictates that the fires are first lit upon the hill of Uisneach for important ceremonies, including Bealtaine, and once the fires are high enough they would signal that the fires were to be lit elsewhere thus spreading across the island. When the Twilight came, the pagan Gaels lit their fires to call out their signal to all of Eire. Unfortunately, the circular enclosures of the hill of Uisneach cannot house many, and so there was a lack of food. The hill of Uisneach is then not a place for the Druids to lead their campaign to take back their land but rather it is, by and large, a place of refugees. Many Gaels have been driven from their lands near Ath Cliath only to eke out a meagre existence here instead. The first fire, lit by Mide, is said to have burned for seven years. The hill of Uisneach has never been given up to invaders of any kind. Though the Druids who have defended it have been greatly diminished in the effort to hold the place, the pagans Celts still inhabit the hill. While many would have left, the Druids continue to hold on. Ancient barrows and circular enclosures are being repaired. They are still able

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to throw off any invaders, though perhaps not indefinitely. • Lore Personas - This is the place where Eriu met the invaders, the ancestors of the Celts, and forced them to promise to name the land after her. • Lore Locales - Uisneach is located near the absolute centre of Eire, and the local construction has been coordinated to align with the sun at different times of the year. • Lore Arcana - Legends tell that stones from Uisneach have been spread across the Celtic world and contain a great deal of power. Other sacred sites are often marked with limestone hewn from this very hill, and this may be how the Druids hope to move Eire closer to Tir na nOg. Despite the hard living of the people who make Uisneach Hill their home, the place has proved nearly unassailable. When any attempt is made to assault the hill, the weather turns worse, the wind blows harder, the cold cuts deeper, and mud entrenches the feet of the invaders. It is as though the land and weather itself turn against interlopers. Further, this is said to be the burial place of Lugh, and the spot upon which the first fire upon Eire was ever lit.

Beaghmore Meaning “the big place of birch trees,” Beaghmore has long since been cleared of its namesake. It is an inhospitable place, where the winds tear at what is built, and the trees themselves seem to be rotting while they grow; none of them able to be used for a mast or other construction. Though it appeared to be simply another barely attended moor, a secretive sect of Druids arrived shortly after the beginning of the Celtic Twilight and began extensive excavations. It is as though they had been waiting for the opportunity. Their digging revealed seven stone circles of different sizes. Within one of the circles are hundreds of smaller stones, a thing unique amongst stone circles. There are also lines of stones that align with both sunrise and moonrise as well as the solstice. Whatever the purpose of Beaghmore, the Druids have been hard at work, digging, revealing more every day and rebuilding whatever was once there. • Lore Personas - It is said that Aegan of the Fire, a Druid of some renown, is leading the excavations in this place. He has a particular hatred for the followers of foreign gods and has the dried heads of three missionaries dangling from his belt.

Other Notable Places in Eire

Aside from the Royal Sites, there are several important locations in the war for Tir na nOg. The Druids seek control of these sites to ensure their safety, and to drive off those who would encroach upon their ancestral lands.

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• Lore Locales - The place is not well defended and seems to have little in the way of natural resources. If it had not been for the Druids seeming to know exactly where to dig, it would likely have been generations until anyone found anything in this place.

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• Lore Arcana - There is undoubtedly a magical purpose at work there, especially given that it used to be a place of birches, an important tree to many Druid beliefs. The revealing of hundreds of stones in circles and the alignment based on the sunrise and moonrise further reinforces this. It is said that the nearest monasteries are already planning to intervene.

Bru na Boinne Located to the east of the Eire, Bru na Boinne is the site of mounds, tombs, standing stones, and henges. These are arranged to align with the solstices and equinoxes. Until recently it was abandoned, but the Druids have returned to reclaim this place as one of their sites of power. • Lore Personas - The site at Bru na Boinne appears to serve as a make-shift court for many of the different sects of Druids as they engage in their long and varied tasks across the islands. Many meet here to exchange knowledge, techniques, and discoveries. It can be a font of information if you can earn their trust. • Lore Locales - Bru na Boinne is more a site of Druids and the wise than it is of kings and rulers. Though it is now an important meeting place, it is not defined by the courtesy of bowing to the hierarchies of power that rule and guide the world outside of Bru na Boinne. Instead, by tradition, the Tuatha are the highest order here with the Druids and other wielders of magic and bearers of knowledge close behind. It is one of the few places where the Tuatha have been seen in recent memory.

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• Lore Arcana - The site is important for the quarter days of the Druidic calendar. The alignment of the sun seems to play an integral part, as the site is lit in unique ways during each of these events and great power is said to be channeled through the stones to any who practice magic.

memory of the White God following Saint Brigit. • Lore Personas - Though the Followers of the White God hold this site, there are not that many individuals of much import here at most times. It may be that the Druids are soon to strike as they are interested in using the site to regain communication with the goddess Brigid. • Lore Locales - The cathedral is built upon ancient Celtic ruins that appear to extend deep underground. It may be that no one alive knows how far these tunnels and ruins may reach. • Lore Arcana - Though there appears to be no pathway to the Otherworld from this place, it is an odd location nonetheless. Standing stones are still in the area, but there is nothing of watery pathways that often tie Druidic sites to the Otherworld. Still, the ruins are deep, and unexplored.

Cnoc na Teamhrach Located in the eastern part of the kingdom of Mide, this site is the place of a number of abandoned sacred and legendary places. The saddest of these being the now ruined and deserted Hill of Tara, place of the Ráith na Ríogh, the Fort of Kings, cursed to rot into oblivion by Saint Ruadan and his followers.

Cathedral of Kildare The Cathedral of Kildare was built on an ancient pagan site dedicated to the goddess Brigid. Many years later, a saint named Brigit (similarly named, but very different from a pagan goddess) landed here with her nuns and and set up a cathedral. It was built almost entirely of stone, in a cruciform style. Since then the Cathedral of Kildare has been regularly raided by Vikings, pirates, and others and is routinely in a state of disrepair. Despite the challenges, it provides a place of respite for travellers and followers of their faith. It is not a defensible position, and is easily accessible by boat from the water. Druids and other pagans have been watching eagerly to see if the Criostai can be pushed away from this site. If so, they can reclaim it for their goddess Brigid and tear it from the

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The Celtic Twilight seems to have broken the barrier between the dead and the living, the ancient forts of Ráith Laoghaire, Ráith Maeve, Ráith na Ríogh, Ráith na Ri, Ráith na Seanadh, the barrows of Teach Chormaic, the Sloping Trenches and Gráinne's Fort, and the passage tomb of the Dumha na nGiall, the Mound of Hostages all have had shadowy figures coming and going. They are using the stones of this location to build fortifications. They seem to be waiting for someone or something to arrive. • Lore Personas - The large ruined complexes on this site are teeming with undead, some swore to have seen the animated remains of the previous high Kings Lóegaire mac Néill and Diarmait mac Cerbaill, both cursed to death by the Criostai. • Lore Locales - The Forradh, the “Royal Seat”, seems to be at the centre of this new fort the skeleton horde is building. Within it is the Lia Fáil, that according to legends, is the only way to verify the validity of a true King of Tara. • Lore Arcana - The Druids and monks have tried to

study this new development from a safe distance. They determined that two gods seemed to have raised this huge army through rituals belonging to the worship of both Crom Cruach and Donn. Both of them would have been needed to allow the souls to return to their remains and overcome the curses of old.

who would hold it. Still, it relies upon supplies from across the sea in order to support those who would live there.


• Lore Personas - This is one of the main seats of power in Connacht in this era, still able to eke out a partial living from the sea. There are a large number of nobles present at Dun Aonghasa, and it is said that the King of Connacht is considering relocating his court there.

The Rules

• Lore Locales - The fort is highly defensible, built on a rock of island and utilizing the cliff faces to help ensure that it is not easily taken. Some have said that there are smuggler caves where one is able to enter. It wouldn’t allow an entire military force entrance, but it could provide a way in for a small group.

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• Lore Arcana - The inhabitants of this island give their votive offerings to the sea and seem to be particularly aligned with Manaan. The number of attempted invasions that have been tossed against the rocks surrounding this island suggest that their offerings may have been heeded.

Dún Aonghasa Located on the isle of Inishmore, this fort is one of the most western in all of Eire. Built atop a tall cliff, it is imminently defensible, forcing any would-be assailants to first sail to the island then make their way up to the fort itself. Though the walls are not the highest, often only a mere thrice the height of a man, the walls are deeper than two men laying head to foot and the entire set of buildings are made of four concentric circles. This fort has been claimed by many groups over its history. Currently, a group of nobility from Connacht hold it, though they are being courted by both the Followers of the White God and by the Druids for good favour. There are three other smaller forts on the island as well, with similar construction, thus making the island a strong fortified position for any

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Griannan of Aileach To the far north of Eire, Griannan of Aileach serves as the seat of power for the Kingdom of Aileach. It is a mighty fort built atop a hill which is defensible from all directions. The living quarters are built in the very centre of it, but the fort itself is unable to support a large number of people for a long period of time. It is amongst the mightiest of the hillforts ever built upon Eire. It has been around since before the coming of Saint Padraig, and there are relics and locations inside dedicated to both the Druids and the Criostai. • Lore Personas - The seat of the King of Aileach. His court is often gone from this place in this time of hardship and strife. He travels the Isles to raise support for his cause, leaving some of his court behind to maintain and protect the locals. • Lore Locales - Griannan of Aileach is a seat of power that is made of contradictions. It is highly defensible, but far from much of great import. It is ancient and is the site of a great and grand court but it is far from the ancient holdings of the high kings. It would be all but impossible to manage a kingdom the size of Eire from this seat of power, but this is an age of impossible things.

• Lore Arcana - There is said to be a powerful spring beneath the fort that was sanctified by Saint Padraig, though the Druids claim that it had great power since time immemorial. Both sides argue that the site is dedicated to each of their respective great powers. Even now, the King of Aileach walks a delicate balance, knowing that in this place is a path to the High Kingship.

Knocknarea Atop a high limestone hill in the north-west of Eire is Knocknarea. At the summit there is a large cairn that has been constructed and is now guarded by a sect of Druids. They have thus far repulsed any explorers or interested groups that have wondered what they are doing there, but rumours have suggested that it has to do with the cairn’s name from myth—Medb’s Tomb. In addition to this one cairn, there are dozens of others atop the hill, though their provenance is unknown. There are rumours that many of these cairns once were home to a large number of Knockers, but that may just be the only bit of folklore that remains from an ancient name. • Lore Personas - It is said that Queen Medb, warrior Queen of Ulster, was buried here. She was strong-willed, cunning, promiscuous, and known for ensuring that she always got what she wanted. Known to be both a wise and highly rewarding ruler, some suspect that the Druids are trying to raise her. • Lore Locales - A group of stones surround Medb’s Cairn, the largest of the monuments atop the hill. The rest of the tombs are aligned north to south, facing towards Carrowmore, another large set of cairns that is nearby. There is also a large embankment along one side of the hill, and several communities have formed there and lived over the years. Even now, one is being rebuilt on the ruins of older ones, creating another seat of power in the north of Eire. • Lore Arcana - Many have said that a great and powerful ritual has already taken place at the site of the main cairn, though it is unknown whether this had the desired effect. Still, many have reported seeing the Queen, or someone who looks much like the legendary figure, in and around the area. She is building a host of both warriors of this age,

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and of ones who fought and died for their land long ago. If such figures are being dragged back from the Otherworld, it may be one of the most powerful hosts that the island has ever seen.

Knowth The central construction of the site is a large passage grave, including more than eighteen tombs in total, underneath the mound and the surrounding area. It was used, for a time, as a small fort, and it once again has fallen into this use by the Druids. • Lore Personas - There are dozens of Druids here at any time, and they are often spending time investigating the tombs buried beneath the earth. • Lore Locales - The place is not particularly well defended, nor is it particularly defensible. Instead, the location is almost a maze and is so often beset by fog and mist that even the most experienced guide can easily become lost.

existence as a quiet place of respite, largely unnoticed by the larger happenings of the world around it. • Lore Locales - There are many abandoned buildings that can be holed up in for the night, or can otherwise be searched for anything of use. Many have already done this, however, so it remains to be seen what you may find. • Lore Arcana - There is something strange going on with this place. Neither the Criostai nor the Druids seem to want it, though there is a distinct otherworldly feel about the place. Curiously, it is the single location in all of Eire that no one appears prepared to fight for.

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• Lore Arcana - There are annual rituals that are again taking place here, each arranged on the solstices, equinoxes, and quarter days. Outsiders are unaware as to what the specific purpose of these rituals are, but those who live nearby have noted that the mists are becoming thicker and more difficult to navigate as more Druids return to the location. Though it is not certain, many suspect that the Druids here are considering beseeching the graves to give up at least one of the deceased.

Monastery of Clonmacnoise Located near the centre of Eire, the Monastery of Clonmacnoise was also the location of the crowning of the first King of Eire who was also a Follower of the White God. Before the Celtic Twilight, the town around the monastery was rapidly growing, bustling despite the early raids targeting the monastery. Many of the formerly wooden buildings have been replaced with ones made of stone. At one point there were thousands of people living in and around this community, now there are just more than a thousand. Located nearby the monastery is the “Horseman’s Stone”, occasionally called the “Fey Stone”. Though the Druids have not claimed it, there are many who suspect it belongs to them. • Lore Personas - Curiously, the community surrounding the Monastery of Clonmachnoise has been largely abandoned, with neither rulers nor great warriors coming to this place. Instead, the community has found an uneasy

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Introduction Figures of the Isles

Bridge Between Worlds

The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

A guide to the differences between the mundane and the other


elief in the White God came to the Celtic Kingdoms long before the Vikings, and the religion found much success in those lands. Before the Celtic Twilight, worship spread wide and had forced Druids and other holders of old wisdom out of their traditional places and seats of power. For a few hundred years, the Druids were mostly a part of Celtic history. Then, the Twilight came. When the Celtic lands came under a pagan end-of-days it was something of a vindication for the Druids as many common folk turned back to the old ways. The Druids rose again and embraced the opportunity to revive their faith. Meanwhile, other folk clung to their new god for hope and succor, believing that this was just another test of their faith.

When the Vikings invaded they found a land divided. Fierce warriors and wise mystics capable of resisting the Vikings did not come together into a single unified force. Instead, the Celts were already fighting amongst themselves. The Vikings were able to seize their current holdings from this confusion. As the Twilight continued, the Vikings found it difficult to expand their territory. The Celts are now unifying, sometimes along the lines of faith, but other times as a matter of survival, to fight back against the Vikings and the Celtic Twilight itself. The Druids have a plan. A plan to save the Celts from the end of the world. It centres on the island of Eire.

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The War for Tir na nOg

The Celtic land of Eire was colonized by mystical beings long before humanity came. Eire was chosen since the veil separating the mundane world and Otherworld was thin there, more than in other Celtic Kingdoms. Certain spots in Eire could be used to travel to Tir na nOg, the otherworldly land of youth. Now, the Celtic Twilight has come. In the northlands, the sun and moon have been devoured, and the stars are winking out. Endless cold has descended upon the land. The full effects of the Viking Ragnarok have not yet caught up with the Six Kingdoms. Some believe the brunt of Ragnarok is being held at bay by supernatural forces, creating the Celtic Twilight. Perhaps the Tuatha themselves are lessening the endless winter’s effects. At some point, the full force of the end times will fall on the Isles. Before that happens, while there is still some meager food on the ground and the Celts are still fit for war, the Druids seek to enact their plan and save the Isles. The first step in the Druids’ plan is to regain control over the key sites in the mundane Celtic world that connect with the Otherworld. Eire has become the most important battleground. The Druids ultimately seek to move Eire, wholly or in-part, into the Otherworld to a land of safety and plenty called Tir na nOg. Doing so would mean avoiding the Viking’s Ragnarok and saving those who live on the island. However, the battles ahead are not easy. It will require the Druids to wrest control of the sacred sites back under their auspices and to drive off, or at least broker peace with, the Criostai. Only then will the Druids be able to complete the great ritual. Or so they claim.

What is the Otherworld?

Layered alongside the Celtic Kingdoms there are several other strange overlapping magical realms, collectively called the “Otherworld”. That much is commonly known. Most Celts can tell you that Otherworld is a collection of segregated but interdependent small kingdoms governed by fey and by darker things. However, when someone finds themselves passing through the mists into the Otherworld, or stumbling into it in some other way, the true place is much more confusing. Mundane humans find it difficult to categorize what they have found in the Otherworld when they’ve found a way in, and, more surprisingly, a way back. The mystics and Druids are aware of several places beyond the mundane world, amongst them “Mag Mell” (the Pleasant Plain), “Tir na nOg” (Land of the Youth),

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and “Annwn” (Land of Light), and more. Collectively, these lands are known as the “Tir na nAill” or “the Otherworld”. The places in Otherworld are related to each other like churning bubbles amongst the seafoam. Each of them can be conceptualised as islands within their own bubbles, with mists filling between them as they jumble. There are countless realms within the Otherworld, islands of relative stability within the churning mists that lay between them. Unlike in the mundane world, the places within the Otherworld are often mutable. Within each bubble a kingdom has its own rules of reality. This is perhaps influenced by its denizens, or its ruler, or perhaps the other way around. Realms each have their own way that time and movement and reality interact, even in terms of what are the right and sensible rules of physical relationships; like how fires start, whether to walk on walls or on ceilings, how far distances are to walk, or how big or how small objects should be. Within much of the Otherworld, for example, the dead continue to live; though most of them are unable to leave their proscribed place, some are able to fight their way back to the land of the living just as anyone could escape Otherworld. Some realms within the Otherworld have a relatively stable existence. Things like time and distances are fairly comprehensible and don’t change nearly as often as the mists between realms do. Such places are more able to host mundane visitors. However, even within these more-or-less stable realms, nature might behave in an utterly alien way.

Rulers and Denizens of the Otherworld

Often, each Otherworldly realm is a small island, each a kingdom, ruled by one power or another. Otherworld kingdoms are inhabited by plenty of different beings, each holding sway over their realm. Kingdoms may be ruled by a single king, queen, or chieftain, while others are ruled by some local despot, or not ruled at all. In some few there is even only a single being that lives there, some hermit from a place utterly alien. There are many creatures who make the mists and its isles their home, each with competing interests. The rulers and inhabitants of these lands are not solely the fey or those who folklore might call gods. Countless humans and heroes, and stranger things besides, make these magical lands their home. Some are benevolent. Many are cruel. Fomorians have found their way to these dark places, and there they wait to wage war upon Eire,

and extend their fight to Alba and Cymru. There are also dark beings, gods and creatures that have long been forgotten, yet here they rule. Even humans have built entire cities, villages, and kingdoms amongst the mists of the Otherworld. All these creatures lay claim to a part of the Otherworld and may find any travellers easy prey. Such danger may even appear civilized. A traveller may be greeted warmly by otherworldly kings, queens, and chieftains, only to find they are not allowed to leave. The rulers may be jealous, and not want their new source of amusement to escape. Naturally occurring within this realm, or at least well accustomed to its workings, many of these beings are able to better navigate or otherwise ignore the challenges that are posed by it. Even a relatively unassuming fey can pose a much greater threat by understanding how to manipulate the mists to heal over a shorter period of time, how to get away from an enemy that is moving faster through time,

or by disappearing into the mists in one location, only to reappear to flank their foes. Some realms, or perhaps all to a greater or lesser extent, are controlled and shaped by the power that lives within it. Realms become a reflection of their ruler, especially over long periods of time. A place ruled by a foul being will itself turn foul. It is even said that a few, rare realms, were made purposefully. They were created as fiefdoms for some fey that had wrested the very fabric of its creation from the mists and shaped it into something that they could use.

Passage into the Otherworld

The Six Kingdoms are riddled with seemingly accidental connections to the Otherworld: waves on the sea that lead to strange places, caverns and forests that defy the logic of how lands ought to

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work, with barrows and knolls that somehow seem to fit more land into spaces than should be possible. Cairns and burial sites can seem to stretch and otherwise warp the lands around them. Typically, mundane people fall into the Otherworld by accident. When pressed on the direction to the Otherworld, or how they got there, travellers who have returned are confused, even if they seem passionately certain. When someone tries to retrace their steps to go into the Otherworld again, they return to the spot they are certain was the way, and it is no longer the way. Folklore says these magical lands can be reached through several different paths. There are bodies of water that, when sailed across or otherwise interacted with, can lead to the Otherworld. There are also caves, barrows, forests, and other underground places, that may lead to the realms. The directions, however, are contradictory and often impossible. Some describe different Otherworldly realms as islands to the west or north, or just as strange lands they chanced upon populated by heroes and other greatness. Several of the key otherworldly kingdoms are apparently far off islands replete with treasures and great weapons. Others describe Otherworld as being just around the next corner, or underground a way, or through a door or cupboard, always placing it both immediately near and forever out of reach. These apparent doorways are inconsistent, based on some schedule or whim beyond mortal ken. Some realms skip across the mundane world like stones on a pond, making contact only once in an age, while others connect at odd angles to the mundane world and require utterly different rules to reach. The only consistency to these varying stories is the need for some mystical force in order to reach the Otherworld. The rise of fog and mist are commonly reported before someone finds themselves lost to the magic land. The very presence of mists is a regular way to find yourself lost in the Otherworld. It is for this very reason that the Celts so often advise staying outside of the mists, especially at night. However, not all pathways into the Otherworld are so unpredictable or difficult. Some relatively safe and predictable paths can be provoked by ceremonies involving prayer, an offering, or the use of an artifact. Artifacts like these are most often held by followers of one of the fey powers or gods. Though they lead to the same place in the Otherworld, they will usually not lead back to the place as well. There is always a catch. For the truly desperate, venturing through a mist-filled burial

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ground is a more certain, if a more dangerous way, to reach an unknown land in the Otherworld. One way or another, passages to the Otherworld are found by those who most need to find them, whether they’re aware of their need or not. All journeys to the Otherworld are dangerous in their own way. Even returning holds its own dangers. It is not uncommon for destinations in the mundane world to be found far from where they have been thought to be. A mere hour’s walk through a fog may result in crossing the entirety of Alba, or it can reveal that years have passed while the traveller has walked only a short while.

Within the Mist

Between the realms of the Otherworld and mundane world are the mists and the strange places between. Travelling through the mists happens as often on foot as it does over water. Islands and forest clearings alike can be reached through either method. One can find themselves walking to the Isle of Apples from a forest as easily as they can end up sailing up to the Dagda’s campfire for an impromptu feast. The mists between the realms are dangerous, wild, and unpredictable. Without proper preparation or knowledge, even attempting to navigate the mists can be treacherous. In these in-between places, time doesn’t flow as it does elsewhere and distances are not a thing that can be relied upon. Travelling from one place to another depends little upon the actual distance between them, with the wandering through the mists allowing people to traverse great distances in a blink of an eye, or to remain lost for generations. Some who travel through the mists find themselves able to travel for centuries and only have a day pass for them. Others will find themselves wandering for what seems to be a decade or more, only to return home and find that though they have aged, a mere day has passed. Strange creatures live in these mists as they churn between otherworldly realms. There are dark creatures and fey beings amongst them, and other monstrous beings that defy description. They are stranger, and perhaps more dangerous, than the denizens of the realms themselves. Their nature cannot be guessed, and their motives are even more unknown. These mists, or something like them, seem to have spilled out into the mundane lands since the Twilight began. In the history of the Celtic lands events of

supernatural fog were known, but rare. Now the mist covers much of the ground in the Six Kingdoms. This is especially true in Eire, where they are the most dense. As the Celtic Twilight continues the mists blanket more of the land, at all times of day, threatening at any given time to thicken and lead a traveller astray into the Otherworld. Or, could this all be according to the Druids’ plan?

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Sidhe Courts


he Otherworld is a mirror to the mundane Celtic World, in some ways so similar, and in some ways impossibly different. It is a realm of impossible pathways and mists linking unlikely places. Within are many kingdoms, each ruled by a court. These courts are strange reflections of the mundane world, though they are ruled by powerful beings who seem, in turn, to influence the mundane world as well. The rulers of Otherworldly courts sit in leadership, but instead of being attended by wise monks and Druids, they are attended by countless strange creatures, nominally called faeries. Even the wisest mystics cannot tell whether those who dwell in these courts are gods, beings of whole or part magic, or something else entirely. The Celts seem not to view the faeries and the rulers of the otherworldly courts as different beings amongst themselves, but see them all on some sort of continuum.

Seelie and Unseelie Courts The courts of the Otherworld are largely (but not entirely) divided into the Seelie (See-lee) and Unseelie (Un-see-lee) courts. These terms are used mostly by humanity trying to make sense of the chaotic Otherworld and the politics of its inhabitants. The Seelie Courts are more predictable and the most likely to deal with humans. They will trade in good faith and even proffer warnings to humanity. The Unseelie, by contrast, are often malevolent and may attack herds of animals and even travellers without provocation. The fey of any court practice extensive pomp and circumstance within their

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realms. Should they travel to the mundane lands they do so with long processions with music playing and innumerable courtiers to forward their interests. Decorum is important to the courts. Even the most kind-hearted members of the fey feel insulted by those who do not follow their rules or whims. King Manannan (Man-an-an) and Queen Áine (aeh-n) rule the Royal Court of the Seelie, the most famous realm, that is also one of the most likely to engage in trade with the world of humans. The Unseelie Court, on the other hand, is not apt to engage with humans, often to the point of being openly hostile. The Unseelie Court has no consistent or formal rulers, in part contributing to their chaotic nature. By contrast with the Seelie Courts, there is no singular

power that rules over the Unseelie Courts. They tend to be quite small, most ruling over a smattering of hills, a single forest, or some other small geographic feature. They are loose amalgamations, with some local spirits or fey gaining enough power to hold sway over their local court. This position is always threatened, with strange political maneuvering between the locals all vying for power. Their grudges can last generations, but ultimately they are often willing to put them away to purport some jape upon unsuspecting humans. There are potentially thousands of smaller courts, and though many fey are part of a court, there are plenty that are solitary in their activities, such as Kobolds, Bucca or others. These are sometimes domestic fey, those that are part of a human household, or ones who are otherwise party to just their own affairs.

Courts and The Tuatha de Danann

A subset of the larger fey (or “Fair Folk”) society, the Tuatha de Danann (Too-ath-a day Dan-an) are a society of former inhabitants of Eire by way of northern islands that are both in the world of the mundane, and the Otherworld. They are all descended from Nemed and Danu, or were adopted to their numbers. The key Tuatha are the upper echelon of the Seelie Court, but individually they may belong to any court, or no court. Once the Tuatha were unified by the threat of the Fomorians. Whatever caused them to split up, it does not appear to be going away in light of the strife that has hit the islands they now call their home.

Sidhe Courts by Kingdom Alba

The court in Alba is unmistakably dominated by the ruler and mother of all gods, goddesses and spirits of this land, Beira (Bear-a). Beira, sits on her throne atop Ben Nevis. Winter is hers, and she is winter. As the Queen of the Gods in Alba, Beira is bitter at the coming of the White God, but she welcomes the onset of the Celtic Twilight, believing that it will drive the people back to her cause. With the Twilight ravaging the land, she sets out to restore her control over her reign and seeks those who stole Alba and the inhabitants from it. Beira is a one-eyed giant with white hair and dark blue skin. Her teeth are the colour of rust, and always rotting. Once per

year, on the longest nights, she drinks from a magical well that causes her to age backwards until she is young enough to age again over the course of the year, bringing her back to her ancient age. By the midst of summer she is fully grown again and by the beginning of fall she is beginning to show the signs of old age once more. She has altered and sculpted Alba with her whims and aims. The highlands and mountains were shaped by her, wielding her great and powerful war hammer in battle, smashing the ground with each blow. The infamous Loch Ness was formed from a curse she laid upon one of her maidens, a woman named Nessa. Nessa was responsible for one of Beira’s many wells, each one serving some purpose in her lands. Nessa was to cover it every morning and open it every evening. When she was late, having become distracted by something along the way, Beira found and cursed her, turning her into the River Nessa which fed into the Loch.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

With the coming of the Celtic Twilight, Beira finds her ancient spring has not thawed and does not provide her with the magic she needs to return to her young age. She continues to grow more and more wizened. The unrelenting cold has turned many of the inhabitants of Alba back towards the old ways, bringing offerings to her halls once again. Her position is precarious, and what measures she’ll take are ultimately unknown.


More than anywhere else in the Celtic World, the courts in Breizh are more likely to contain the deceased. Whether these are the haunting spirits of loved ones, ancient warriors, or even forgotten children, seems to depend on the particular court. With the fall of their capital, it is said that the court still meets in those ruins along with a number of now deceased luminaries. The deceased appear, make their voices heard, even if what they can do to interact directly with the mundane world is limited.


After the long occupation of the southern invaders, the courts that once occupied the space of Britain, now fought over by the Anglo-Saxons and carved amongst smaller kingdoms, have gone silent. Britain is no longer a part of the Celtic World.

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Though the kings of Cymru have turned towards Aethelstan and the White God, the inhabitants of Cymru are not so unified. Many push for a return to the ancient ways, others loath to bend the knee to Wessexian invaders, while still others prefer the coming Vikings to the other available options. The courts of Cymru take advantage of this and are meeting with Y Mab Dargoan, kings and nobles alike, and whoever else will treat with them. They seem to be preparing for war, though on who’s side seems yet to be determined.


Manannan Mac Lir is called the protector of the fey realm and is the master of the mist barrier between the worlds. He is a Fey King, ruler of the Seelie Courts, and the one that made the plan for the children of Danu to leave Eire to the Gaels. Manannan is associated with the waters and seas. Ancestor to the rulers of Munster, Áine is the wife of Manannan and rules as Fey Queen. Despite this familial tie, she rules a separate court, with the two of them only coming together at certain times of the year. Her court in the Otherworld is located near Limerick, in Eire, so much as locations in the mundane world can be tied to Otherworldly locations. It is said that she glows, radiating the power of the sun itself. Amongst her other duties and roles, Áine is able to either give or take away the position of kingship or queenship from any ruler in the Celtic World. She can instantly mark anyone who wrongs her, and all will know they are not fit for rulership.


Since the people of Kernow bent the knee to Aethelstan and the house of Wessex, the courts of the sidhe have fallen out of favour with the locals. They still hold their meetings, but they are much subdued things, without many of the offerings they were once given. Such little offerings that remain are the ends of bread and cider and milk, which are a far cry from what was once received. In these times of strife, few amongst their courts are willing to risk much. Most are content to continue their shabby existences, and those who are not often flee to other courts.


The Isle of Mann has fallen under the sway of the Vikings, becoming a seat of power of their kingdom in the Isles, and an important part to their lands. Though they have created a more peaceful existence with the locals than in many oth-

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er parts of the world, the court of this place has gone quiet. It is said that it still meets, but that the members are either meeting with the invaders and seeking to ally themselves with these outsiders who would overtake these lands, or that they are meeting in secret to avoid being killed by the invaders.

The Courts Remaining Roaming Courts

Some courts exist without a fixed place of residence. They travel throughout the world. Amongst humanity, this happens via necessity. For the courts of the fey, this is as often a result of a choice. Unlike humanity, which must physically move themselves, many of the roaming courts of the Otherworld are able to move themselves wholly through time and space. For instance, Clíodhna is the most powerful Banshee of the Celtic World, directly acting as a second-in-command for the Morrigan and as a seneschal for her court when she goes out to lead the Sluagh, which is almost all the time during the Celtic Twilight. Clíodhna leads the Banshees of the Sidheog to collect souls and transfer those willing to either Donn or join her mistress’s service.

Tiny Courts

Fey courts are scattered throughout the Isles, with many smaller ones existing in even smaller places. To this day there is the occasional barrow or small area that can be found with its own court in miniature, claiming kingship over some small place. These beings are unperturbed by the Twilight. To them, it is another change of the seasons.

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Divine Forces


ods are older and more powerful than the fey. Though the fey may sometimes go by the term gods, be worshiped as gods by mortals, or have that term applied to them or their works, in the Celtic World a true god is something well beyond mortal ken. Typically a Celtic god will lord over some concept or another that forms the building blocks of the Celtic World, and of the Otherworld, because they are inextricably linked. In many ways these gods are creatures of both the mundane and the otherworldly.

Divine forces such as these are uncaring of politics amongst the higher beings. They have little time for the Tuatha, for the Fomorians, or even for the mortals that walk the Isles. Instead, the gods view things from a longer timeline than perhaps anything found throughout existence.

jagged rock. Eriu slayed him. Then Donn ascended to be the Celtic god of the dead, and ancestor-god to the Gaels.

Yet, with the coming of the Celtic Twilight, many of these gods feel compelled to involve themselves in the unfolding drama.

Eriu is almost universally loved by the Celtic gods and other higher beings. Though she is adored by the Tuatha de Danann, and by the Fir Bolg, Eriu’s first and only true love was a Fomorian, Elatha. When the tides meet her shore she can feel his embrace. When the Milesians came and their leader Amergin sang the most beautiful poem ever told to glorify her, Eriu was so moved she let the Milesians settle upon her, and with her favour they prospered and became the Gaels.



Goddess of Eire There have been many tales trying to explain the being called Eriu. Some say that she is the island of Eire itself who gained life and power through worship. Others claim she is a fusion between the island and the first human being to have died upon it, her soul investing in the island as its personality. Eriu loves poems sung to praise her beauty. She enjoys the love her people show for her hills, bogs, mountains, and rivers. In exchange she allows them to farm, live, and even wage war, though much to her chagrin. In the end all that lives upon Eire must pay their respects to Eriu. Those who mock her tend to never find their way back home, to be swallowed in her marshes, or be found drowned on one of her shores. Legend says that when Donn arrived at her shores he mocked her, so she smashed his boat on

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Eriu tries her best to keep their fields fertile and livestock healthy. For those she loves, her faithful, or for those she takes pity on, she ensures they do not get lost, they find fruit-bearing trees when hungry, and they find game when hunting.

In war, however, Eriu has never played favourites. She does not interfere with the battles that happen upon her between the gods, Fomorians, and mortals, but will weep for the fallen on all sides. When the Celtic Twilight came it did much harm to Eriu, slowly freezing her land, discouraging growth upon her, and draining her life. Eriu tried her best to keep her surface fertile for the sake of the mortals who looked to her for protection. As the Twilight continued Eriu grew weak and fell into a deep sleep to save the energy she had left. When she fell to hibernation she sent her last thought to her lover Elatha deep beneath the waves in the hope he would find a way to save her. The other gods felt Eriu’s cry also. The loss of her pushed them to return from their Otherworld realms and reunite with their followers.

Even in her sleeping state Eriu can feel the rising tide of bloodlust, fury, and sorrow that will engulf the land from the battles that will soon occur upon her. War will mean change. Kin will clash against kin. The Celtic World will never be the same. Status: Comatose. Represented by the Green Hunter. Granted Power: Sprig of Holly.

Code of Conduct

• Always use words before violence. • Seek to protect the island that fed your Tuath for generations, nurture it for the generations to come. • Help the followers of Elatha to save Eriu. • Only kill animals for sustenance, never sport. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Bury an apple and a waterskin in fertile soil as sacrifices. • Blot: Cut an apple in half, cover the inside facing up in your blood, sew them back together and bury the sewn up apple in the ground as a sacrifice.

Domain Slot Boards • Beauty • The Green • Perseverance

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The Tuatha de Danann


hese are the folk of the goddess Danu, those that travelled with her from far off lands, or are descended from those that did. Many of the Tuatha de Danann (Too-ath-a day Dan-an) are immortal figures that survive to this day. They claim that, though they are not the original inhabitants of Eire, it is entirely theirs. It was won through bloodshed and bravery and therefore the land belongs to their people.

Though they claim Eire as their own, the Tuatha can be found throughout the Celtic Kingdoms. Most of them are wanderers, restless, and politically divided. Even if they have not frequented a Kingdom for an age, usually because of the incursions of White God worshippers, their agents will still be there so long as Celtic blood flows through its people’s veins.

Tuatha Ancestry The Tuatha are the clan that came originally from the Glorious Isles to the North in the Otherworld. They came to Eire in times long past, wresting the land from the Fomorians. The Tuatha were led by Nemed, and amongst the original Tuatha, all are descended from either Danu or Nemed, two of the first figures from these people. Their lineages and kinship are as convoluted as any Celtic people with adoptions and raising others to membership in their family being a common occurrence. The Tuatha are all great figures, capable of magic, feats of strength, and prowess beyond any modern Celt. Though many are born to Tuatha, it is not the only way to become one. There are countless individuals, including Taliesin and Manannan, who were not born Tuatha and may not have even been born human, yet were raised to be members of the clan. The rites that take place to add someone to the Tuatha are jealously guarded secrets. Whatever they are, they appear to require the individual in question to already be incredibly talented and already a step above what most Celts could achieve. Their talents and abilities appear to be further improved by the ritual. Once Tuatha, they share the people’s immortality, are immune to the effects of age, and gain some deeper understanding of the Otherworld.

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The clan of the Tuatha was once much closer than it is now. During the ages of myth long past they more often worked in concert. It was with the death of Lugh that they were driven apart. The great battle against the Fomorians, one of their greatest moments, appears to have also splintered them. The Tuatha experienced countless losses aside from just their champion and perhaps it was seeing their grief reflected back at them that forced them apart. Broken, they are at a disadvantage when dealing with all the invaders who now plague their lives and lands. Now they are a loose collection, some only observing minimal consideration to their Tuatha allegiance. Perhaps they could yet be reunified.



Queen of the Seelie Court Tuatha de Danann

Áine is the queen who rules the Seelie Court of the fey. Her dominion is associated with summer, the sun, fertility, sovereignty, and love. To deserving mortals she behaves as a just and attentive patron, quick to bestow favour but also quick to smite betrayal. She was deeply saddened when the majority of Celts turned away from the old ways to embrace the White God. However, during these times of the Celtic Twilight as the world has grown dark the qualities of Áine— of sunlight and summer—are now much sought after and thus many more mortals now worship her. Áine is revered, in part, for her history of triumph over adversity. Once Áine was raped by a king and in the act she bit off his ear, knowing it was law there that only an unblemished king could rule. It is hoped that by worshipping Queen Áine, meagre mortals can find such cleverness and strength to survive the Celtic Twilight and bring about summer and sunlight once again. Status: Working to influence all of the clans and families that share her blood through visions and gifts. Granted Power: Sprig of Hazel.

Code of Conduct

• Ensure life and growth, value the well-being and the living conditions of all in the land as a priority. • Apply the laws with fairness and compassion. • Cannibalism is forbidden. • Saving Eire is the top priority.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Make offerings to her every time a new life is born. • Blot: No blood shall be spilled in her name. She will never want a blot.

Domain Slot Boards • Beauty • Life • Law & Justice

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Tuatha of Unearthly Beauty Tuatha de Danann A poet, a warrior, and a favoured son of the Dagda, Aonghas is amongst the greatest warriors who has ever lived upon the Isles. He is called “Red-Armed” in many of his exploits, as he is an expert in weapons. Aonghas is revered as the god of poetic inspiration and love and is also linked to the sun and the renewal of life at the end and start of the year. Dedication to the truth is also important to Aonghas. He demonstrated this when he killed Lugh’s poet on the spot for lying about Cermait. Aonghas is described as an incarnation of masculine beauty and the embodiment of youth and life infused by the sun. The son of Dagda and Boannand, as a result of a dalliance between these two, the birth of Aonghas was kept secret. Using his harp, Dagda caused the sun to stand still for nine months ensuring that Aonghas was conceived and born in a single day. When Aonghas came of age, he took Dagda’s home for himself, taking several passages to the Otherworld and elsewhere with it. He was able to do so by tricking Dagda using some clever word play. He asked if he could stay at the home for “day and night”, which Dagda understood as a single day and night. Without the definite article to limit it, Aonghas possessed the land during both day and night, to which Dagda ultimately agreed, and left peacefully. Aonghas often acts as a protector and saviour of people, including freeing trapped women and other beings from those who would do them wrong. Aonghas works most often through trickery. He once wielded the sword Moralltach, the Great Fury, which was given to him by Manannan. This was a great and powerful weapon but Aonghas loathed to fight without necessity so he gave it to his foster-son, who later died. Aonghas returned the body of his foster son to Bru na Boinne, a powerful hill and the site of Aonghas’s power. There the body rests, and Aonghas breathes life back into it when he wishes to speak with his once-living son. This is amongst the powers that Aonghas possesses, the ability to breath life back into the deceased. Though this does not last for long, the deceased is able to return to their body and our world with their complete faculties intact.

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Aonghas’ partner and love is Caer Ibormeith, who he first saw in a dream. To find her he tasked his mother to search for a year, his father to search the year after, then the King of Munster to search the year after that. It was the King of Muster who found Caer Ibormeith and told Aonghas where she was. In that place there were 150 young women chained. Aonghas was told that they could transform into swans once a year on Samhainn, and that he could win Caer Ibormeith if he could identify her while she was in her swan form. Aonghas turned himself into a swan to best match the love of his life and more easily identify her. Then the two flew off. Together, by mixing their skills and their magic, they are able to sing a song that can put all listeners to sleep for three days and nights. Status: Infusing his followers with his power to bring life back to Eire and standing at the bedside of the goddesses that keeps the island alive through their life-force. Granted Power: Rising Spirit.

Code of Conduct

• Speak truth through your poetry. • Your body must become an incarnation of peak physicality to inspire others. • Take care of your kin, life brings life and must be protected. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Write down a poem to inspire your peers at sundown or sunrise. • Blot: Create an ode to a newborn, bring it to the next sunrise and sacrifice your ode to ask Aonghas to protect the child’s growth.

Domain Slot Boards • Beauty • Song & Poetry • Weapons

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River Goddess Tuatha de Danann

The Exalted One Tuatha de Danann

Boann is a river goddess and all that can be seen of her now is the river itself as the appearance of her body is long forgotten. Her mortal body died when she challenged the Magical Well of Segais by walking counter-clockwise. This opposed the natural order, and the well’s waters burst in anger, breaking Boann’s body, and killing her nearby pet dog, too.

Brigit is mainly known for her role as a motherly figure for the Tuatha de Danann, and amongst mortals as the protector of Filis, poets, druidic healing, cattle, fertility and the divine spark known as “creativity”. Brigit’s day is the first day of the second month near the beginning of the new year; a time of cold, planning, and preparation; a time when you rely upon the warmth of the hearth and the meat of your animals and upon hard won wisdom.

The magic waters spilled across the mundane world. In trying to pry the secrets from the Magical Well, Boann freed the salmon of wisdom, so that mortals could come to learn what it knows. Boann’s form now runs as the mighty river bearing her name. She is, through her sacrifice, considered a giver of life on Eire and a cautionary tale for those too curious for their own good. Status: Trying to find a way to keep the spirit of Eire from fading. Granted Power: Geyser of Sacred Water.

Code of Conduct • • • •

Seek knowledge no matter the cost. Use your knowledge for the greater good. Make a proper offering before crossing a river. Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Sacrifice a sword or jewellery by throwing it into a river. • Blot: Drown a living creature in the river Boyne.

Domain Slot Boards • Magi • Seas & Their Rivers • Safeguard

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Known as “The Exalted One”, Brigit is the daughter of Dagda and Bres. She is the one who blesses cattle and herd animals across the entirety of the Six Celtic kingdoms. She guards and protects those who worship her and give offerings. Brigit owns two oxen, Fe and Men, who follow her if they are not let loose to graze upon their sacred field of Femen. She also has Torc Triath, the King of Boars, and Cirb, the King of Sheep, who bleat and make noises to notify her of any danger. Amongst her many legends is the invention of keening, the singing of a song of great sadness while weeping and mourning. This was first done for the death of her son, Ruadan, who died whilst fighting against the Fomorians. This gave her reason to dig deep within her sadness and to give birth to this kind of song in his memory. Brigit is the tender of flames. For unknown reasons she keeps one sacred flame in Kildare, in Eire. Around it she planted magical hedges that make men go insane if they try to cross them. The hedges continue to protect her sacred flame from ne’er-do-wells. Although Brigit’s worshippers come from across the Celtic Kingdoms all follow her and her sacred flame. At least before the coming of the White God. It is upon Kildare that the followers of the White God have seized her sacred flame and now control it. They claim that it is a sign of the beneficence of their god, but followers of Brigit know the truth. The flame needs to be rescued, rekindled into great blazes, and made to burn down the church around it. Nearly all of Brigit’s followers, and all of her Druids, are women. For the time being they wait until the portents are right to strike, for Brigit has always been a goddess of portents. With the ever cold of the Twilight, her followers continually divine, waiting

for the time to strike at Kildare and to spread the fires of Brigit once again. Status: She is severely weakened because she is one of the goddesses and gods that are sacrificing their life-force to keep Eire alive during the Celtic Twilight. Granted Power: Blessing of the Emain Ablach (Isle of Apples).

Code of Conduct

• Cattle is the lifeblood of the clans and kingdoms, respect and take care of them like family. • Let your own divine spark guide you to greatness, in art, trade or any skills you have. • Family is sacred and must never be forgotten or abandoned. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Write a wish on a piece of parchment or wood, then sacrifice it to her by throwing it down a sacred well. • Blot: Compose a poem, then sing or say it loudly alone in front of a body of water, sacrificing the emotions you expressed through this poem to her.

Domain Slot Boards • Homestead & Livestock • Songs & Poetry • Wild Flame

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Goldsmith of the Gods Tuatha Trinity of the Gods of Art Credne is the goldsmith of the Tuatha de Danann. He forged the crown and silver arm of Nuada to make him whole, thereby giving him back the right to rule over his people. Credne is the creator of exquisite jewellery. He smelts and shapes the precious metals into objects of great power, often investing them with symbolic meaning related to what he thinks of the wearer. Mostly he favours the other Tuatha with these gifts, jewellery that embellishes the beauty and majesty of his kin, thus increasing the pride and wealth of those he favours. Status: Goldsmith of the Tuatha. Granted Power: Enchant Flesh.

Code of Conduct

• Strive for your art to attain perfection. • Find beauty in every blade of grass, every wisp of wind and every vein of ore. • You must bring out the beauty and majesty of your patron through your skills. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Craft a piece of jewellery, offer a prayer to him and melt the object into a lump, then bury it in a bag with the ashes. • Blot: Go find a vein of precious ore in a mine, extract it yourself, or participate in its extraction, smelt it in your kiln, have a Druid bless the ingot and shape it into a work of art. Then offer it as a centrepiece of a ritual in his name.

Domain Slot Boards • Beauty • Hammer & Anvil • Wisdom

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The Dagda

(Dag-da) Domain Slot Boards

Patron-god of the Druids Tuatha Trinity of the Gods of Skills

• Magi • Might • Homestead & Livestock

The Dagda is the god of druidry, manliness, fertility, strength, appetite, agriculture, magic, wisdom, science, and contracts. He is called upon for his great wisdom and knowledge but also for matters of law, innovation, astrological observations, and religious rituals. Dagda is also a terrifying force on the battlefield; his roar brings fear to his enemies, and he can reportedly kill nine men with each strike of his mighty “Mace of Wrath”. After his physical death in Eire, Dagda, as the father of the Tuatha de Danann, crossed with his children to Tir na nOg and there found a place advising their king, Nuada. The Dagda is a jovial figure and takes great pride in being the best of hosts during the feasts he organizes for the denizens of the Otherworlds. In these dark times the Dagda is taking a more hands-on approach with his followers, empowering them with the means to defeat their enemies by magic. He is directly linked to sacred sites all over Eire: the Grianan of Aileach, Brú na Bóinne, Uisneach, Eas Aoidh Ruadh and Lough Neach. These sites have been brimming with great rituals done by his followers to open permanent rifts in the veil between the Otherworld and Eire, to allow his kin to cross over without the need to spend their divine essence to create their own portals, or solicit the favour of Mannanan Mac Lir. Status: One of the main actors for the shifting of Eire into Tir na nOg. Supporter of all Druids. Granted Power: Draw From Nature (Choice).

Code of Discipline

• The pursuit of knowledge to help kith and kin. • Honour your guests by following the rules of feasting such as the Curadmír and never leave a guest wanting for either food nor drink. • Always honour contracts. • Always do the rituals at the proper time and follow the rules. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Leave him the Champion’s Portion during a great feast to settle a dispute. • Blot: Sacrifice any that would harm a sacred site and use his blood to bless the stones.

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Mother of the Gods Tuatha de Danann One of, if not the most ancient immortal amongst all Celts, Danu is the goddess of motherhood and fertility. She also claims dominion over fate itself through the Matronae, her three avatars, who are the incarnates of the past, present and future. Danu is everywhere for those who know where to look. Many rivers in the Celtic World bear her name, including the Danastris (Dniestr), the Don and Danavius (Danube). Danu was one of the first to leave her sisters, the ones the Northmen call “Norns”, when she denounced their oppressive ways before storming out on her own to pursue independent power and knowledge in what would become the Celtic lands. When Danu felt the Viking Ragnarok begin in the north, she broke her meditation, her ordinary nurturing of the cycles, and rallied her Tuatha children to her side. Together with the Tuatha most in touch with the cycles of nature, Danu plied her magic to lessen Ragnarok’s effects on the Celtic lands, and created the “Celtic Twilight”. The Celtic Twilight is but a stop-gap measure to give her children time to assemble the mortals of the Celtic World, and save them, or prepare them for the horrors to come. Summoning her immortal agent, Mug Ruith, Danu ordered that he should go out into the Celtic World and study the ways of both the White God and the Norse gods to find their weaknesses and sabotage their efforts. Danu stands against the Viking Norns in the war to come. No matter what, a new dawn will break and a new cycle will begin. Both her children and the realms she protects will stem this tide and survive. Status: Countering any attempt to influence the fate of the Celtic realms by the Norns, influencing the mortal realm through her agents. Granted Power: Control Opponent.

Code of Discipline

• Never cheat fate, accept it as it comes or you will never truly live. • Always respect the seasonal events.

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• Value wisdom over strength. • Toying with the cycle of life, death and rebirth is unforgivable.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Sacrifice an apple upon an altar, sacred stone or standing stone then address your prayer to her (Blot/ Faining Skill Check). If the prayer is accepted, watch the apple decay to dust and think about your place in this reality. • Blot : Light three fires, toss three coins and the hearts of three beasts (to represent the past, the present and the future), in the flames then ask what you desire and watch as everything, including the flames grow roaring then slowly die out. If the blot is a success, nothing will be left, not even ash.

Domain Slot Boards • Life • Magi • Wisdom

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Dian Cécht (Deean Keycht) The God of Healing Tuatha de Danann Dian Cécht is known for his skill at the craft, but also for his political decisions of whom to heal, and whom to leave to die, or even slay. Many cite Dian Cécht as the one that saved the Tuatha by enchanting a silver prosthetic for Nuada to replace his missing arm. This made his body whole again so he was able to lawfully reclaim the high kingship of his people and challenge the Fomorians. Under Nuada’s leadership the Tuatha beat back the Fomorians, and were victorious. However, Dian Cécht is also known for his decision to kill the deformed, snake-like child of the Morrigan, Meichi, in fear of the potential threat he would become when fully grown. When Dian Cécht opened the boy’s body, three snakes jumped out his chest. Dian Cécht killed and burned the snakes to ash to make sure that their corpses wouldn’t infect the land, then threw the ashes into the river. The river started to boil, and every beast that swam in it died, so potent was the venom of those monstrous beasts. It may be that Dian Cécht was right to slay the boy, but none can be certain. Though a great healer, Dian Cécht is a jealous and angry god. He tolerates no equal in his domain of expertise, even killing his own son out of professional jealousy. Dian Cécht’s mercy is mixed with great cruelty. Status: God of healing, teaches Druids and other healers through dreams to help heal the land. Granted Power: Catharsis.

Code of Conduct

• Heal the sick and wounded, for payment or for free but never leave them behind. • Study and practice day and night, always improve your skills. • Death is the enemy he wants to defeat through medicine and magic, so Dian Cécht considers Donn as his main opposition. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Before an operation or dangerous medical procedure, make a prayer to him and offer him a me-

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dicinal brew that you will use during this procedure. • Blot: When you create a new medicine, you have to test it upon yourself and in the case of success thank Dian Cécht for his guidance.

Domain Slot Boards • Brute • Life • Mind Theft



Blacksmith of the Gods Tuatha Trinity of the Gods of Art Goibniu is the divine blacksmith and god of the hearth, both the domestic hearth of the home and that of the forge. At home, Goibniu ensures the ancestral laws of hospitality are followed and surpassed in generosity and joyfulness. He is known for his lavish feasts where Glas Gaibhnenn, the magical cow of abundance, provides milk forever while Goibniu serves drink and food for his guests. The other hearth of Goibniu’s dominion is the forge. He uses his own forge to create weapons for the gods. The blades, shields, and spears that Goibniu makes are powerful artifacts, often called “Fomorian-killers” or “Giant-slaying” weapons. They are forever sharp and unbreakable by mortal means. Status: Blacksmith allied with the Fir Bolg. Granted Power: Friend of Flames.

Code of Conduct

• Strive for perfection in your work. • Never let the fire of your forge die down. • If you are the host, always provide to your guests until they are content. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Bring a weapon forged by yourself into a passage-tomb and leave it there as an offering. Goibniu will visit you in your dreams to show you how to improve your blacksmithing skills if your sacrifice piques his interest. • Blot: Host or participate in a sacrifice in his name and forge as many swords as you can, bend them, then cast them into a lake.

Domain Slot Boards • Festive Revelry • Hammer & Anvil • Homestead & Livestock

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Carpenter of the Gods Tuatha Trinity of the Gods of Art Luchtaine is the shipwright and carpenter of the Tuatha de Danann, building halls, spear-shafts, boats, statues, and carving oghams. Through them he channels magic into his works. Luchtaine is also the shaper and carver of the throne of the Tuatha, the handles of powerful swords, and other relics. He and his brothers were key to the success of his kin, crafting at such speed and skill that they armed the divine army faster than the Fomorians could react. Status: Wright to the Tuatha. Granted Power: Living Shield.

Code of Conduct

• No matter how small or mundane the craft is, it must be done to the fullest of your capacity. • Wood is alive and sacred, never cut down a sacred tree if you doubt your skills to honour its sacrifice. • Know every tree and study all of its rings. By knowing the trees you will start to feel their will and the nature of their souls making you able to shape them into works of divine beauty. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Carve his name on your work of carpentry. On the mast if it’s a boat or on the support beams if it’s either a house or a hall or under the base if it’s a statue. • Blot: Construct a wicker man for an event and carve his name on the bigger pieces of wood.

Domain Slot Boards • Beauty • The Green • Hammer & Anvil

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Champion of the Gods Tuatha Trinity of the Gods of Skills Lugh is a living embodiment of mastery in skills, arts, crafts and the law. He became the king of the Tuatha de Danann during their darkest time under the rule of Bres, a Fomorian bastard. Under his rule the Tuatha were enslaved by the Fomorians, a race of cruel sea giants. Lugh organized the uprising of his people in the second battle of Magh Tuireadh. In this battle Nuada was avenged by Lugh when he killed Balor, king of the Fomorians. Lugh shot the giant’s magical eye with his sling, making its power wreak havoc on the Fomorian troops. The Fomorians were thrown back under the waves and so Lugh won both his people’s freedom and ended the war. The youthful saviour of the Tuatha de Danann, Lugh is worshiped and given thanks across the Celtic World; from Kernow to Mann, from the Isle of Apples to Cymru, and all places in between. He is the foster-son of Manannan Mac Lir and the grandson of the Fomorian Balor, giving him a great lineage and history to live up to. Though not born amongst them, in his youth he travelled to Tara to join the Tuatha de Danann. He was able to make his entry to the kingdom by being a jack of all trades; not the best in any of the skills that are important to the Tuatha, whether it be poetry, or skill at arms, but incredibly skilled at many of them nonetheless. Lugh travelled far and wide, gathering powerful magical artifacts to aid him in the battle to drive the Fomorians from the lands. He has many magical items including a horse named Aenbharr, also from Manannan Mac Lir, that could fare over both land and sea, and a beautiful hound named Fallinis that was better than many warriors were in combat. Further, it would produce mead or wine when it bathed in spring water. Lugh is a great hero amongst the Tuatha, often taking battle to their enemies, driving them before him and causing untold havoc. These heroic deeds, however, led to his mortal death. Now he rules the Tuatha from Otherworld, and there are many legends that say he may yet return to the mundane world to save mankind from its oppression, just as he once did the Tuatha from the Fomorians. Status: Champion of the Gods and member of the Assembly of Kings, he has chosen Muirchertach mac Néill as his champion. Granted Power: Blessing of the Sun God.

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Code of Conduct

• Never lie to your allies. Once you give your word you must never break it. • Always strive for perfection in everything. • Always follow the law. • Keep order and dignity at all times. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Use your skills to create an object or a law to protect or serve the people. • Blot: Do an offering to him and ask for his advice on a matter of judgement.

Domain Slot Boards • Law & Justice • Might • Weapons

Manannán mac Lir 

(Ma-na-nawn mac Leer)

Warden of the Mists Tuatha de Danann The Fey King of the Seelie Court and god of waters, the powerful Manannan Mac Lir is worshipped by nearly all inhabitants of the Celtic Kingdoms, including the Fomorians. He can entreat with the waves and the seas, convincing them to work with him. His ship is never delayed by weather and he has even been able to convince the waters themselves to fight against his enemies on his behalf. Powerful and wise, Manannan is clever, keeping many secrets. He is also the protector of seafaring folk and some say he carries the dead in his boat to their afterlife in the Otherworld. Once, Manannan was a Druid that served the Tuatha de Danann before being raised up to be one of them. As a mortal he was known as Oirbsen and travelled with the Tuatha to Eire and fought in their early battles against the Fomorians. Oirbsen parted ways with them once the battles were won and went in search of knowledge that no others would have. That is precisely what he found when he wandered, learning how to traverse the mists and

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realms between the worlds better than any other. Though the Morrigan, the Dagda, and others may be talented at traversing and navigating the mists and the Otherworld, none are as talented as Manannan Mac Lir (the name he has gone by ever since returning from those very mists). Manannan now counts amongst his lands sovereignty over the pathways to and from the Otherworld, guiding and guarding the mists that link the mortal realm to the strange fey realms. So keen is Manannan’s knowledge of the mists that he can even guide the dead back from beyond to return from the Otherworld, and he knows how to lead people to Tir na nOg. As the self-proclaimed guardian of the blessed Isles, he knows the way to each and every island. The mists respond to his call, and he has, in the past, defended one or more islands from invaders through the use of supernatural mists. Though other beings can pass through the otherworldly mists, Manannan’s control over them is so great that it is wise to seek his permission, or just be in his favour. The island of Mann is his, a land that was named after him as surely as he was named after it. Some legends say Manannan dragged the island out of the abyss and placed it in the mundane world. Though Mann has been claimed by the Vikings, many Druids say that this is only because Manannan has allowed them to settle. Or, it could be that the Vikings were able to land and make claims in Alba, Eire, and Mann because Manannan does not control the mists as he once did; that somehow the Criostai are preventing the ancient ways from working. It is he that most desires the Druids to fight for the Celtic Kingdoms again, perhaps to reclaim his power. Manannan is a hoarder of magical items, taking many that he never uses, only to gift them along to others when he believes they are worthy or may need them for their tasks. He alone knows where the Cauldron of Regeneration lies. Amongst his known possessions are a magic boat, “The Wave Sweeper”, as well as an enchanted chariot that can ride across the waves drawn by a horse that can run on water named “Enbarr”. Manannan wielded the sword “Fragarach”, also known as “The Answerer”. He owns a cloak of invisibility that allows him to go from place to place without being seen. Of the items he has given to others, Manannan gave Lugh four magical gifts when Lugh went to fight the Fomorians, helping him to excel and succeed in battle. Manannan greatly values truth and regularly punishes falsehoods or poor decisions. In one story he punished

a king for trying to trade away his family, saying that no matter the benefit, family must be valued. With his penchant for truthfulness, and his status as king, Manannan is amongst the most forgiving of the higher powers of the Celtic World. Often he allows those who have wronged him to make recompense. Even the Fomorians look up to him, treating him well and giving him offerings to be able to pass through his lands—that is, to navigate the mists. This is barely an amicable relationship and Manannan often only gives them passage to ensure his own safe passage and that of his foster children through Fomorian lands. This arrangement of reciprocity ensures an uneasy peace between them. Druids who worship Mannanan are linked to the primordial oceans and the life-giving aspects of water. His Druids are mostly “Fíordhraoi”, wild Druids living by the coast or near lakes, akin to Orlog in their pursuit to find the secrets of creation from the abyss.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Status: Guard and regulate the portals via proxy druids at Bru Na Boinne, ensuring that only those who should exit do and keep the souls from coming back to haunt the islands in these troubled times with his uneasy alliance with Donn. Granted Power: Power over Waves.

Code of Conducts

• Never pollute water. • Travelling by sea is like going through his home, ask him first for his blessing. • Punish those who would open portals without his consent. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Ask for Mananann’s wisdom by trying to catch a fish with your bare hands and present it to one of his devotees for an augury. • Blot: Drown a pig in the ocean as an offering to him.

Domain Slot Boards • Safeguard • Seas & Their Rivers • Soul Grip

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The Morrígan(Mor-ree-gahn) Goddess of War Tuatha de Danann The Morrigan is a goddess who is both three entities and one, and for that, is sometimes referred to as “The Morrigan”. The three versions of her each have a separate name: Badb, Macha, and Nemain, but they are both the three and the one of “The Morrigan”. They each know all the things about each other, and at times they are each other. Together they make the Morrigan, goddess of war, sovereignty, and fate, especially in foretelling the sway of war in destiny. The Morrigan has been known to foresee the ebb and flow of battles before they happen and she has been able to impart this wisdom to people for both their benefit and their downfall. The Morrigan is the wife of Dagda, and was his consort before that. She is a calculating divinity, a tactician, a warrior, respected and feared by gods and mortals alike, at least outwardly. She has a complicated relationship with the other gods because she helps no one for free and always has her own agenda. For instance, when the Dadga asked her for a plan before the second battle of Magh Tuireadh, she demanded sex as her payment for a strategy. Thus she became his consort, laying the foundation for their eventual marriage; her one plan feeding into another, and this one feeding into her next, as is her way. Morrigan controls powerful magic, once breaking the entire Fomorian battle line with a poem. She can transform into a crow, able to fly high above the battle and see all that happens on it, or become an eel, a wolf, a heifer, or even a hag. She used all these forms against the hero Cu Chulainn once. Cu Chulainn and Morrigan had a complicated relationship. It began when Morrigan appeared before Medb and warned her about the invasion of Ulster, beseeching her to flee. When Medb did not flee, Morrigan came to her aid in another way. After Cu Chulainn rejected Medb’s advances, Morrigan appeared as an eel to trip him during a single combat, as a wolf who scared his cattle until they stampeded, and finally as a heifer that led a charge of cattle. Despite this interference, Cu Chulainn defeated both her and Medb’s champion. Out of mercy, Cu Chulainn later healed Morrigan when she was injured, using his blessings to bring her back to health. Despite this, Morrigan and Cu Chulainn remained enemies.

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As Cu Chulainn rode into his final battle, a member of The Morrigan appeared before him in front of a river, washing his armour. It was a bad omen, and he died in that very battle. Of all the different figures of the world, she has one pathway into the Underworld that is hers alone: the cave of Cruachan. Others can follow her through this pathway but they are often punished for doing so. When a woman named Odras spied Morrigan disappearing into the cave and followed her through, Morrigan transformed her into a pool of water that feeds the Shannon River. Morrigan has the loyalty of many powerful magic users from across the Isles, and many pay her fealty. Some of her most loyal are the mysterious warrior-Druidess’ called the Bandrui, and in turn she often teaches them her deepest secrets. They are often seen as her eyes and many hands that seek to push the world in the direction that she wants. Status: She was the first to take to the field of battle at the start of the Celtic Twilight by creating her own faction and moving her pawns to reclaim the island for her kind. Her followers have been given two words from her to serve as the basis of their plans: Chaos and Order. Chaos for her enemies, Order for her followers. Granted Power: Weapon of Morrigan’s Wrath.

Code of Conduct

• The Crow Mother hates cowards, a plan must be properly put in action and executed without fault, retreating is fine for a long-term victory but abandoning is an insult. • Divination is a sacred act that must be exacted before every battle and heed must be taken. • Fools are a waste of her time, always plan ahead, manipulate events in your favour and strategize to gain victory. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Make a Skull-pole with the heads of those you killed in battle and sacrifice it to beg for her blessing. • Blot: Make a triple killing sacrifice of an enemies commander, general, and champion, one for each of her major avatars.

Domain Slot Boards • Dark Wizardry • Mind Theft • War

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Nuada Airgetlám 

(Noo-dah Ar-gyeh-lav)

Nuada Silver Hand A High King of Otherworld Tuatha de Danann

Nuada is the ancestral high king of the Tuatha de Danann. He was the first high king that reclaimed Eire as the homeland of his kin, vanquishing the Fir Bolg and the Fomorians during the second battle of Magh Tuireadh. Nuada’s physical self was killed by the dreaded king of the Fomorians, Balor of the Evil Eye. Nuada’s death was avenged by Lugh. In the mundane world Nuada’s cult has maintained itself amongst the ruling class, despite the efforts of the Followers of the White God to remove all pagan influence. Some of the more perceptive of the church of the Criostai have realized that the wise and fair rule inspired by Nuada is overall favourable, and a strange form of religious truce has developed. In Tir na nOg, in Otherworld, Nuada is first amongst the high kings that succeeded him after his physical death. Nuada sits in a great assembly to give advice and aid to those who share the burdens and honours of rulership, and are wise enough to plead their case on the Hill of Tara.

possible taking part in the final ritual. Amongst them the Tuatha agreed they had no choice but to allow all Tuatha to assemble followers as they saw fit. There was simply no time left for rivalry, mercy, honour, or any kind of limitation. Near the end of the council a sinister laugh was heard from the shadows. There stood Donn, god of death. He took a seat and congratulated the Tuatha on a good plan, however: “What will you do about the Norse?” asked Donn. Donn’s smirk turned into a hateful scowl as he said: “The Norse are trying to steal the souls of my children, the Gaels!” Donn told the Tuatha he had already acted to punish these winged women by unleashing his own champions to hunt them. Seeing an opportunity for a powerful alliance, Nuada soothed the angered god of death with an oath, assuring him that the plan to save Eire would solve all their problems, and that any who should die on this side of the veil or the other would still be judged in Donn’s hall. Placated, Donn rose from his seat, gave a short bow, and was then followed by the Morrigan. Donn put his hand on her shoulder, shocking her siblings by this familiarity. Nuada sighed and said that this gathering had come to a close and wished them all good luck. Status: One of the High Kings of the Otherworlds. Granted Power: Get Down!

When the Norse-Gael Godi, who often worship Celtic gods and Norse at the same times, started to have visions of tragedy and cataclysm, the word “Ragnarok” spread amongst them. Nuada tried to gather more information on this foreign word. He even promised the Godis supernatural support in exchange for more information. It took Nuada some time to get answers, partly because other forces were clouding his efforts, hiding key details, and shrouding the names of those he wanted to investigate. By then, it was too late. The sun and moon disappeared. The veil thinned. Eriu shuddered.

Code of Conduct

The Tuatha de Danann were confused. Panic spread. Nuada knew then that he needed to lead his kin, not for glory, not for honour but for the survival of all. Thus, Nuada took his place at Lugh’s side, sharing with him his findings.

• Faining: During the curadmir, when you demand to receive the Champion’s Portion (the first and best piece of meat during a feast that acknowledges that you are the hero of the day) you have to instead take that slice of meat and announce to your host that you’re going to sacrifice it and then bury it outside in Nuada’s name. • Blot: Swear or renew an oath to your ruler and, in case of failure, give your arm as an offering to Nuada.

Nuada then assembled a council of the Tuatha, calling Lugh, the Morrigan, Dagda, Ogma, Aine and Manannán mac Lir to deliberate on how they could save Eriu and her children from the coming oblivion. Nuada proposed a plan that involved using the veil, and slipping the isle of Eire through it, so that it may be safe in the Otherworld. To increase the chance of this working as intended the Tuatha would need to as many faithful followers as

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• Pledge yourself to a worthy leader or uphold rulership with strength and humility. • The needs of your people will always outweigh yours. • Always seek wisdom for your peers. • Leave no injustice, no matter how small, unjudged in your realm. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

Domain Slot Boards • Perseverance • War • Wisdom


(Oh-ma) Code of Conduct

General of the Army of the Gods Tuatha Trinity of the Gods of Skills The scholar amongst the Tuatha de Danann, Ogma was the first inventor of the oghamic script, the first writing of the Celts. Ogham is the magical tongue of the gods put in writing, to set magic in stone and bound the powers of the cosmos in words. The oghamic alphabet, based around the names of trees, allowed the Tuatha de Danann to put magic into written words and oaths into contracts, a true revolution that brought much peace and prosperity to the land. Ogma is also the master of eloquence, vanquishing his enemies with poems, mockeries, and debates. He supports his fellow fighters with rousing speeches and challenges them with tactical problems while directing them in battle. Despite his wisdom, the Tuatha often do little to appreciate this serious and taciturn member of their clan.

• • • •

Never back down from a duel. Aim to slay the best amongst your enemies. Protect those you swore to protect no matter the sacrifice. Speak honour, speak truth, speak order and speak justice. The truth must be told, no matter how violent your speech has to be. A liar is a traitor, so even if your words will kill you, you must say them, for a true warrior never stays his sword nor his tongue in the name of his duty. • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Write a poem in his name that contains practical wisdom or advice. • Blot: Issue or accept a duel to death on holy ground and dedicate your victory to him.

Domain Slot Boards • Brute • Magi • Songs & Poetry

Although Ogma is amongst the physically strongest of the Tuatha, the strongest in both physical strength and offensive magic, paralyzing his enemies with his powers and killing them in one fell swing of his stone club, when the Fomorians conquered the Tuatha, Ogma was only tasked with carrying firewood. The brother to Dagda and the half-brother to Lugh, Ogma is forever concerned about living in their shadows. When Lugh came to court, Ogma was threatened by the appearance of this upstart. When talks began about the overthrow of the Fomorians, Ogma knew he had to test this newcomer, and so he threw a great flagstone, that took eight oxen to move, at Lugh. To Ogma’s surprise, Lugh returned the throw thus gained Ogma’s loyalty. In the battle against the Fomorians, Ogma was Lugh’s champion, helping to protect his half-brother from the battle and ensuring that Lugh could face Balor and deal the so important blow. Even in his moment of greatest glory, Ogma was ultimately assisting someone with a greater purpose than himself. Ogma still lives, now wandering the cold lands, wondering how to help the cause of the Tuatha. Despite his wisdom and his power, he remains plagued by insecurity and struggles against destiny. Status: General of the army of the Tuatha. Granted Power: Conjure Ogham Weapon.

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The Dark Ones


ark Ones are powerful beings that are neither Seelie nor Unseelie, but something much older. They do not use the term “Dark Ones”; this is only the way the Druids differentiate the more sinister of the divine forces that underpin

spread uncaring for the politics and suffering of others. The Dark Ones’ plans take generations to come to fruition, and even now it is believed that the larger conflicts of the world and of its apparent end-times might all be according to their schemes, schemes that are still unfolding towards an unknown end.

Like other divine forces, The Dark Ones stand apart from the court system that normally divides the higher powers of the Celtic world, being so ancient that they predate it. They have watched the strange and small squabbling rise up in front of them. They are brutal things in their wide-

Amongst the Dark Ones are the Fir-Bolg, an ancient divine race driven to the Otherworld long ago. With the coming of the Celtic Twilight, they are now reaching out into Midgard to awaken their children, the Forgeborn. These are mortals that have been unaware that their bodies carry Fir-Bolg blood.

the universe.

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Fir Bolg God of Stone Fir Bolg An ancient god of the Fir Bolg, Builg is a god of earth, stone, magma, metals, and mountains. Builg was infuriated by the Tuatha de Danann when they broke their oath to let his descendants, the Fir Bolg, rule Connacht as they agreed. As stone endures through the ages, so do his Fir Bolg, the “People of Builg”. If Builg has his way, they will take back what has been stolen from them before Eire is shifted into the Otherworld. To Builg the earth is made for the Fir Bolg alone. Builg acts as the nervous system and surveillance network of Amhlaidh, watching the moves of everyone on Eire and even in the Otherworlds. Deep underground he works, slowly tying the noose to seal the fate of those that would oppose his children. Status: In the Otherworld, awaiting to be summed into Midgard. Whispering to the forgeborn, awakening the Fir-Bolg blooded mortals and guiding them to a mysterious pupose and destiny. Granted Power: Shapechange Another.

Code of Conduct

• All Fir-Bolg should be treated as allies, even if they have a difficult personality. • Seek to open pathways for the return of the old Fir-Bolg gods and goddesses. • Help to awaken and gather all of the Fir-Bolg blooded.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Erect a stone statue in honour of Builg and the Fir-Bolg. • Blot: Capture a Fearie and convince them to open a pathway to a realm where the Fir-Bolg slumber. Use the pathway to bring an offering to the old gods, and leave without waking them. A suitable offering is worth 1000 Skatt per Dweller level.

Divine Slot Boards • Stone • Hammer and Anvil • Brute

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The Great Horned God The Dark Ones A being of the dark and twisted forests of the Isles, Cernunnos is known to the mortals as “The Great Horned God”. He is the god of transformation, rebirth, and of wild things, and wild places; areas untouched by mortal interference. He is the god of the animals, plants, and of those mortals who have given themselves unto nature. Befitting this, he wears powerful staglike horns, and sometimes has a great white stag head in place of his own. From each horn hangs a golden torc. There are two ram-headed snakes that forever circle around his waist, giving him both protection and news of the world of wild creatures. Cernunnos has countless animals at his beck and call. Cernunnos is so powerful a being that he cannot be hurt by any aspect of nature, not the freezing cold, nor the lack of food. The Isles are his domain but, even now, he finds his power waning while mortals claim increasingly more physical, and spiritual, territory. Cernunnos is considered great and powerful, and ultimately unknowable. Very few of the known higher powers amongst the Celts can be considered “gods”; they usually inhabit a space closer to humanity, many of them being at one time human, and ascending in their abilities to become something more. Not so for Cernunnos. Rumours and old tales state that he was one of the first beings created during the first cycle— not born, but came into being—alongside trees, beasts, and the elements themselves. He is not a member of the Tuatha, nor is he of the same kind as Crom Cruach or Donn. Cernunnos’ power goes beyond even the definition of a god, and into the territory of the personification of an endless concept. Cernunnos is a catalyst of change and personifies all things “wild”. He is the starter and ender of cosmic cycles, life and death, darkness and light. Cernunnos is the keeper of the eternal truth that all will die and be reborn anew. He is not benevolent nor malevolent. He does have a personality and goals. It is his true duty to ensure that no being interferes with the nature of this reality. It is his interest that the cosmic dance continues, that which dies transforms, and that all things continue through nature. Spirits, elementals and others know that Cernunnos sees what they were, are and will be, that death to him would only last a heartbeat. His own physical form, and his spiritual essence, has died and been reborn a seemingly infinite number of times. Some of his avatars have even forgotten who they are, were, and will be once more.

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Cernunnos is uncaring as to the plight of the people who live outside of the wild. It is only those who have truly given themselves unto the wild; the strangest of the Druids or other folk who live in the wilderness, which he cares for. Mortal agents sometimes act on his behalf, such as strange wolf-men who wander the woods and protect them from any who would interfere with their way of life. Even then, humans are secondary to Cernunnos’ concerns when compared to the plentitude of creatures of the wild. Cernunnos can still be reasoned with, but one must exercise caution when doing so. His mixed band of followers will say that he doesn’t use words. He compels words through the listener’s own knowledge. His demands are more collections of images than real sentences; teaching alien concepts as the listener’s brain assembles his will, bringing them ever-closer to cosmic wisdom. Few set out to choose this path, instead finding themselves drawn to wilder and more untamed places until they hear what they believe to be the call, and they devote themselves to this “Horned God”.Those chosen by him can understand the words of beasts, plants, the will of the elements, and sense the real truth that this cycle is at its end, and that all must be done to prepare for the new beginning. Status: Standing by observing the event, waiting for the end of this cycle. Granted Power: Shapechange Another.

Code of Conduct

• The cycle of life, death and rebirth is sacred above all else. • There is no true end only new beginnings, thus undeath is an abomination in Cernunnos’s eyes and those who would use such magic are His foes. • Cannibalism is forbidden

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Hunt a deer alone in his name, take the meat you need to sustain yourself, then leave its remains in a wooded area with a piece of grass in its mouth. • Blot: Go alone to hunt a prey in his name, the harder the quarry, the greater the blot, then cut the meat that you need to sustain yourself, cut the head and turn it in the direction of your house to leave a trail for Cernunnos to answer your sacrifice when he can.

Divine Slot Boards • Beast • The Green • Dark Wizardry

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Crom Cruach 

(Krom Kroo-ach)

The Crooked One of the Mound The Dark Ones Crom Cruach is one of the most ancient and bloody gods of the Celtic World. Crom Cruach accepts human sacrifices in exchange for wishes. Once he was a solar deity in appearance and manner, but after being stuck down by Saint Padriag in a mighty battle, Crom Cruach now takes an almost snake-like shape. His body now is gargantuan and coiled, with a giant head that is a cross between snake and man. Covering him are the gold and bones that were gifted to him, concealing the malformations that mark him. His name is rarely spoken. More often he is referred to as “The Crooked One of the Mound”, and “The Bent Creature”. Once, Crom Cruach was a powerful and shining figure of the Isles, his followers gladly gifting him with the sacrifice of humans and great piles of gold and weapons. His worship lasted for thousands of years. Sometimes he lashed out to demonstrate his power, the most wellknown being when he murdered the High King Tigernmas and three-quarters of his army. Crom’s lands were once the Plains of Prostration where there was a golden statue in his honour surrounded by bronze statues to symbolize the followers that served him. It was here that Padraig fought against him, wielding a crozier that burnt and twisted Crom Cruach. At the end of the battle the golden statue fell and the rest sank into the earth. To this day, Crom Cruach has not been able to return to that place. The power of Crom Cruach and his followers has not disappeared completely. In the time of darkness and cold, there are plenty of people who will trade a life (and a mouth to feed) in exchange for a wish. Plenty would sacrifice a child in the hope that the rest could survive the Celtic Twilight. It is widely known that Crom Cruach’s boons, however, are sometimes tricks. Enough food to last until you die may only be a single loaf of bread before he crushes the wisher beneath his bulk. At the whim of Crom Cruach, the wish may instead be granted cleanly and without tricks. In these desperate times, many take the gamble.

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Living beneath the earth, Crom Cruach can travel to wherever his standing stones are planted. Several are known, including the Killycluggin Stone at Kilnaver. Other stones stand in distant and forlorn places. There is no single day that ties to him. The Followers of the White God say that he is an evil being, a demon that should be sent far from these lands. Druids are more pragmatic, understanding that greed, darkness, and even death are part of a larger cycle. With the coming of the Celtic Twilight and the thinning of the great mist barrier between realms, Crom is gradually forcing his way through. He has started to influence mortals through dreams and promises, even offering the Red Thirst to those who are actively seeking his return. Status: Powering up to unleash his powers on both the Followers of the White God and Vikings in a glorious tidal wave of corrupted blood and corpses. Granted Power: Breath of Acid.

Code of Conduct

• If you are wronged, you have to take revenge. • Seek and accumulate wealth. • Be feared, be respected, seek fame or infamy, the means always justifies the ends.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Fill a cauldron, half with riches, half with blood and bury it in Magh Slécht. • Blot: Take an enemy warrior hostage, sacrifice him on Magh Slécht and all of your war trophies.

Domain Slot Boards • Blood & Bone • Leech • Murderous Shadow



God of Death The Dark Ones Donn is the “god-ancestor” of the Celts, and so may have at one time, long ago, been mortal without any divine heritage flowing through his veins. Some Druids say that Donn as a mortal was never a worshipper of any other gods and thus does not fear any of them. They say Donn may be the

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remains of a death god whose influence once encompassed all the Celtic World. They say he may have been the ancestor of Celts on the continent, the first king of all mortals. Regardless, for more generations than Celtic memory extends, Donn has been the god of death and mortality to the Celts. It is Donn who judges the worthiness of the souls of the dead, evaluating how well the spirit met in life with Celtic values and keeping them in his Hall of Tech Duinne until he rules on the spirit’s destination. The spirits of the dead travel to Tech Duinne spending at least a night in the House of Donn. There the “true” Celts feast, hunt, and otherwise prepare for their moving on. Donn’s realm is a lush island with a great house upon it, surrounded by a nearly limitless ocean. It is said to be to the West and near to Hy-Brasil. There are other stories that tell of many portal tombs beneath his hill on the island that allow people to pass under the sea by supernatural and subterranean tunnels. Tech Duinne is a place of celebration and waiting before the dead are ferried to their final resting place wherever it may be in the Otherworld. Donn rewards those who are “true Celts”, a criteria largely based on his fickle pleasure. Often he rewards warriors, great bards, poets, and those he judges as having lived honourably as embodying the Celtic nature. They enter his service, aiding him in his hunts if they desire, or look towards other benefits of his grand and well-apportioned hall.

Code of Conduct

• Bury your dead with the proper rituals and respect. • Slay the Norsemen at every opportunity. • Slay all practitioners of necromancy and the undead (not counting his own). • Cannibalism is forbidden.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Give him the proper offerings during a proper burial and keening. • Blot: Bring one of your kin or kith directly to him in Teach Duinn to say your farewells and honour the deceased by telling his death-tale to ensure a proper judgment.

Domain Slot Boards • Dark Wizardry • Hunting • Soul Grip



Lover of Eriu The Dark Ones, Independent

It is also through Donn that the dead can be reincarnated into the world of humanity, rather than being forced to serve Donn or some other power of the Otherworld. Donn also ensures the dead spirits’ safety from joining the Sluagh or any of the other restless dead who haunt the Isles and the Otherworld alike.

Elatha is a dark one, one of the first amongst the higher beings, forebear of the Fomorians, god of the abyss, the sea, the sun and the moon, father of many of Tuatha de Danann, and the eternal lover of Eriu herself. Elatha is well known by his title the “beautiful Miltonic prince of darkness with golden hair”.

Donn does not let everyone leave his home, however. Should someone leave before he has given permission, Donn will take to his pale-white, ethereal horse and hunt them across any of the many realms to punish them for their failure of manners.

Elatha wooed Eriu as soon as he arrived by sea aboard a silver boat. What was said between the two was never shared, but their meeting resulted in a lonely Eriu come morning, pregnant with the first of many children, the Tuatha de Danann.

The power Donn possesses is truly dreadful. Being the incarnation of mortality itself, Donn is capable of what the Norse call “slaine” or god-slaying, capable of destroying the very essence of another from reality.

Elatha lived in his own kingdom under the waves, a neutral land where Fomorians and Fuath would live as peacefully as possible. This life would be interrupted by Bres, one of the first generation of Tuatha, who asked for his father’s support in his conquest to take back the Tuatha throne he lost. Elatha refused, saying that Bres lost his throne because of his own cruelty and greed. Despite his refusal, Elatha advised Bres to seek out a powerful Fomorian king named Balor that may

Status: In open war with the Norse gods and the White God, allied with Mannanan, the other Dark Ones and Elatha. Granted Power: Drain Life.

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grant him aid. Bres followed his father’s advice, and joined with Balor at the second battle of Mag Tuired against the Tuatha. Elatha joined the battle as well, but only as the guardian of his son Dagda’s harp, to keep its power out of the field. Elatha refused to kill any of his children, and so looked on as they killed each other. Seeing his offspring fall against each other in battle changed Elatha, made him fatalistic and even more aloof than before. He returned under the waves to rule in seclusion, maintaining the kingdom without passion. His only comfort was Eriu’s gift, a pendant in the shape of a harp that emanated a soft warmth for as long as her heart was his. Then, the pendant went cold. Terror gripped Elatha, then endless fear gave way to endless fury. He roared as he threw his spear into the abyss, screaming. Elatha assembled his court for war. After feeding all the Norse he could find to his garden of corpse coral, Elatha called his banners and contacted his allies amongst the Dark Ones, calling on all his might and resources to save or avenge his beloved Eriu. Status: Assembling his forces to save his beloved Eriu, in an alliance with Manannan and the Dark Ones. Granted Power: Breath of Hoarfrost.

Code of Conduct

• Do your duty, follow the laws. • Let the gods play their silly games, stay neutral in their wars. • Saving Eriu at all costs is all that matters, kill all those who would stop you.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Sacrifice half of your gold to him during a full moon. • Blot: Enough blood has been spilled between his children, there is no need to add more, Elatha does not accept Blot in his name.

Domain Slot Boards • Ice Blade • Seas & Their Rivers • Thunderstorm

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The High Rat King Ard Ri na Francaigh 

(Ard-ree nah Fran-kay)

The Great Crowned Rodent Master of Passages The Great Wise Gnawer The Dark Ones, Independent Though he has many names, he is usually known by his most simple title of High Rat King. According to the High Rat King himself, he is an ancient entity created the moment the first thief flipped a coin into a well for good luck towards his next illegal endeavor. That coin was caught by a rat. The rat answered the thief and promised success in exchange for a part of his loot. Success came and the rat’s luck gained infamy. More bandits sought the rat’s blessing. Warbands and pirate crews sought the rat’s advice on raids and easy plunder. One selfish man after the other curried favour with the rat, and each time the rodent became more powerful and increased in size until he became more a “ratboy”, a Fear Dearg. Eventually the Unseelie fey took notice, and one greedy fey after the other sought the Fear Dearg’s favour until he grew and grew to reach his massive self, a being on the very cusp of godhood. This constant growth made his body strange to behold. Now the High Rat King is the size of a Norse warship, his shoulders holding up multiple heads, and multiple tails swish at his back. The High Rat King cemented his power by trapping, swindling, or straight up killing other Unseelie fey kings and queens, until those who remained treated him with the fear and respect that he felt his mightiness deserved. Now the High Rat King rules in his own Otherworldly realm. He has also set up “courts” in all major cities to connect with, empower, and potentially control all criminal activity in the mundane Celtic World. From this position of power the High Rat King was instrumental in protecting the Celtic World against invaders from the south and their invading gods. He devoured rival entities, body and soul, in public display. The High Rat King is prejudiced against southerners and Followers of the White God. He is prone to sending his rat swarms to devour their books to steal their knowledge, grain,

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cheese, booze, and relieve themselves in their cellars. In the chaos of the Celtic Twilight the High Rat King sought new opportunities, strengthening his ties with organizations such as the Blotskadi, and forged new alliances with the goddess Gulveig, Amhlaidh, the Dark Ones, and even greedy members of the church of the White God. The High Rat King knows that Eire is the safest place if he wants to escape with as many mortal followers as possible from this Norse mess and to set up a base for the coming war. Thus he decided to grant his power to his own cast of Druids to assist the other Tuathan loyal Druids and help shift Eire behind the mists. Status: Allied with the Dark Ones and Elatha. Granted Power: Run to Shadow.

Code of Conduct

• Anything goes when the objective is to seize more wealth or power. • Pay your tithe to the Rat King (who can call for a Faining at random times). • Killing rats is forbidden. • Take part in his court, his “Mischief”, his secret society.

Blot & Faining

• Faining: Pay your impromptu tithe, giving it to the Rat King or an agent of his that will inevitably step out of the shadow, as long as it’s shiny, it works. • Blot: If you kill a rival, mortal enemy or nemesis, devour his heart if he is edible and won’t poison you, then sacrifice the body to the Rat King.

Domain Slot Boards • Leech • Mind Theft • Murderous Shadow

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The Rules

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Glossary of Terms

Before you begin reading the rules, here is a handy list of terms that will help you keep your bearings, Key words are always capitalized in rules text. Accept a Wound: The player will choose and move a rune from Essence, In-Hand, Contingency or In-Play and will place it in the Wounds zone.

Overcome: Paying the Overcome cost will negate all effects for 1 round, but the Condition intensities will remain the same.

Action Value (AV): The total numerical effect of your action.

Parry: The item’s bonus when performing a reaction action versus a physical attack.

Bloodied: A Character is Bloodied when at least half of their runes are in Stun, Wounds or Death.

Play a Rune: Move 1 rune of your choice from the In-Hand zone to the In-Play zone.

Character: A personality in the story/game, can be a Dweller or a Denizen.

Protection Factor (PF): The defender’s innate defence. A difficulty rating that reduces the attacker’s Action Value.

Condition: A lingering effect upon a Character.

Quality Rating (QR): The quality of an item. QR reflects the bonuses conferred on the wielder as well as the value of the item.

Consume: One numerical value can be reduced, in order to generate another effect. Damage Factor (DF): A keyword that indicates X damage (specified as Physical, Mental or Spiritual). Denizen: A Character controlled by the Norn. Destiny: The amount of runes drawn at random on Wyrd. Difficulty Rating (DR): A value the Norn may subtract from a Dweller’s Action Value to determine the result of an action. Divine Potence (DP): Points that are used to measure one’s divine power. These points can be spent for divine effects and will regenerate over time. Dweller: A Character controlled by a player (not the Norn). Effect: The numerical result of Action Value minus Reaction Value and Difficulty Rating. Empower: A +X bonus added to number values in Spell type powers. Essence: The number of runes a Character has in their bag. It represents health, knowledge and memories. Essence Bag: The Essence runes contained in a bag. Focus: A +X bonus added to number values in Spell type powers (with some exceptions). Hex: A unit of measure for distance. 1 Hex is equivalent to 6’ or 2 meters. Using minis, a hexagonal playmat can be used. Inflict: This is a keyword that applies X intensities of a Condition.

Rank: Talents can be selected multiple times, Rank keeps track of how many times it was selected and bound to runes. Reaction Value (RV): The total numerical effect of your action that is attempting to oppose another’s action. Restore: Reduce X total intensities from a non-emotional Condition that affects you. Rounding: When performing a division of numbers, the result is always rounded up. Rune Morphing: When playing runes into In-Play, combine two runes of the same Trait (colour) to convert them into 1 rune of another Trait (this new rune has no symbol). Size: This unit is utilized for gauging the rough size of an object or individual. Size 4 is human sized. Social Attack Factor: Social Attack damage (AV). Social Defend Factor: Active defense (a rune must played) versus Social Attacks to obtain this value as RV. Social Protection Rating: Passive defense versus Social Attacks. String: A piece of information about a Character that is relevant enough to grant a +2 bonus to your AV or RV in either Social or Physical combat. Some Strings are only useful once, while others may circumstantially continue to be used. Swarm Threshold: After a Swarm loses an amount of runes from their Essence equal to the Swarm Threshold, a Swarm Denizen dies.

Initiative: During tense scenes, an Initiative order is set to determine the Character turn order.

Thane: A Dweller’s loyal human companion.

Innate Social Defense: Passive defense equal to number of Mental and Spiritual runes In-Hand, Contingency and In-Play.

Weight: This unit is utilized for gauging the rough weight of an object or individual. Weight 4 is roughly human weight.

Interrupt: An action type that allows a reaction action to be played in response to another action.

Worthy Foe: An opponent who is no less than 5 Denizen Levels below the Level of your Dweller, or is of greater Level than your Dweller.

Meta Tags: Runes that are added to a rune that was played for an action, creating a rune-chain. Norn: The player who is the game master (GM), telling the story and resolving the action.

Upkeep: The second phase of a combat round.

Wyrd: To draw your Destiny number in runes from your Essence bag. This typically happens at the beginning of each turn, but some powers may trigger wyrding an additional rune.

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Runic Game System


he Children of Eriu is a role-playinggame (RPG) powered by the Runic Gaming System version 3 (RGS3).

One player volunteers to be the Norn (GM or game master). Their job is to tell a story and frame a scene where everyone else’s Characters will interact. The other players each make a Character called a “Dweller”. This is the persona that they will project into the story. The Dweller has a personality of their own and goals and ambitions based on the world and the story presented by the Norn. The players should not project their own personality nor ambitions, but rather role-play those of their Dweller. Characters controlled by the Norn are called “Denizens”. The Norn will control countless Denizens as the game progresses. Many will be monsters that get defeated by the Dwellers. To play this game:

Norns Will Need

• A copy of these Runic Gaming System 3 (RGS3) rules. • A complete bag of Elder Futhark Runes. • Several play-mats to track Denizens.

Players Will Need

• A play-mat and Character sheet each. • At least one set of runes. For a beginning game it is possible for all Players to share a single set of runes, divided between their own Rune (Essence) Bags. (The Norn will still need to keep a separate bag of runes for themselves.) • As Dwellers advance, the Essence they have will likely increase, at which point more sets of runes will be necessary to accommodate all the Dweller’s Rune Bags. It is quite possible that Dwellers die in the course of events. The Dweller’s tale may not be over since RGS3 has afterlife game-mechanics. In most cases the player will be invited to make another Dweller that will be inserted into the game’s story at the time chosen by the Norn.

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The Elder Futhark Runes Both Dwellers and Denizens possess powers and skills that make them unique and interesting. Those powers and skills are bound to runes.

Red runes are Physical

Runes are ancient symbols that were used to write in Old Norse. RGS3 uses the Elder Futhark set of runes, engraved on wood, stone or metal tiles. The full set contains 26 tiles, 24 letters and 2 special runes. The names of the runes can be found on page page 199. The 24 symbols are broken down into three groups of eight symbols, called an “Aett”, each with a unique colour. The three groups represent the three Traits in the game: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual. The more runes of a certain colour someone has in their rune bag, the higher their potential trait score, and the better they will be in those related skills and activities.







Blue runes are Mental

Green runes are Spiritual

The Void rune is explained on page 201.

The Valknutt rune is explained on page 205.

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Essence and Destiny A Character’s relationship to runes is governed by two numerical attributes: Essence and Destiny. When you create your Dweller (see page 198) you will spend points to buy Essence and Destiny. In brief, Essence is how many runes your Character possesses, and how many are in your Essence Bag. Destiny determines how many runes you draw at random from that bag each turn. The number of runes that you draw represents your available actions. If you draw 2 runes, then you have 2 actions. If you draw 3 runes, then you have 3 actions. Since each rune is bound to a unique idea (a magic spell, a skill, a combat manoeuvre, and so forth) Essence represents your arsenal of abilities.



Everything that you are.

Everything that you do.

Your health, memories, powers, and abilities.

The effect you can cause on the world around you.

Mechanically, the value indicates how many runes you will have in your Essence Bag.

Mechanically, it’s the number of runes that you draw from your Essence Bag every time you need to interact with the world around you in some meaningful way.

Essence Bag

Each Character’s Essence number in runes are placed in their own Rune Bag, which is kept off to the side, but within reach. Each Player will have their own Rune Bag, also called an Essence Bag, filled with only their own runes.

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Runes & the Playmat Next, you will need a poker sized playing card (or index/cue card) to act as your basic playmat. The playmat and runes will track the state of your Character, minimizing the need for pencil and paper. You can download and print the card used in the following examples from the Fate of the Norns website ( Extra Wounds track cards are also provided for a less lethal game experience (see page 179).

Positions on the Playmat

There are 4 zones around the In-Hand card. To the top we have the In-Play zone. To the right is Stun, below is Wounds and to the left is the Death zone.


The term “Wyrd” in Old Norse means “reveal your destiny”. In game terms it means the Dweller should draw a number of runes equal to their Destiny score, from the runes remaining in the Essence Bag.

Other Playmats

The playmats come in a few formats, and all can be found as free downloads at Some playmats include everything on a single sheet, such as multiple Wounds tracks as well as Condition areas for token markers. The runes and the playmat eliminate the need for a pencil and paper in order to keep track of your Dweller’s state. The only thing you will need a paper and pencil for, will be to keep track of adventure notes and treasure. For more on Damage, see page 176.

Drawing Runes

At the start of a scene, or a new round of combat, all players will “Wyrd”, which means to randomly draw a number of runes equal to their Destiny score out of their Essence Bag. Runes that have been drawn are placed on the “In-Hand”, position represented in the middle of the card. Place the runes on top of the In-Hand card face-up. For example, a Destiny of 2 means 2 runes are drawn from the Essence bag and are placed on the playmat.

Clean Up

At the end of the round or scene, the runes go back in your Essence Bag. There are a few exceptions. For more information see Combat on page 188.

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uring most of the game, everyone will be weaving a story together, with the Norn setting the scene. During this back and forth storytelling there won’t be any reason to use the runes nor the rules of the game. In most cases, you can perform actions by describing what your Dweller does. These are actions that your Dweller can conceivably pull-off without difficulty: walking somewhere, talking to someone, or lifting something appropriate for their Physical trait score. However, when your Dweller wants to attempt something challenging, something with an interesting chance of failure, or something unique, they’ll need to make an Action. The different types of Actions form the backbone of the RGS3 system.

Action Basics The runes In-Hand represent the Dweller or Denizen’s potential for action. When performing an Action, you will signify this to the Norn and to the other players by pushing a rune forward on your playmat, into the top zone called InPlay, directly above the In-Hand card.

One Rune, One Action

Each rune you use represents one thing that your Character does. One rune is always equal to one Action. A rune cannot represent several simultaneous behaviours. There are times when this rule bends when using some Talents or Passive Powers (more on those later), but generally, when you push a rune forward into In-Play, it represents one behaviour of your Character.

Basics of Success and Failure

There is no “to hit” measurement in RGS3. In most cases, if you played a rune then the Action occurred in roughly the way it was intended. There are two exceptions to this. Action Value In some cases, when training is put into practice or danger is involved, if you must determine if your Character succeeded and by how much, you will need to calculate an “Action Value” (or “AV”). For how to calculate Action Values see page the full breakdown of AV on page 164. Difficulty Rating Once the AV is calculated the Norn may affect it by subtracting from it a “Difficulty Rating” (or “DR”) representing the world, and how hard to is to do what you proposed in general. For more on Difficulty Ratings see page 165. Reaction Value If there is active opposition, like a foe who is trying to prevent your action from being successful, then it may be further reduced by any of the foe’s passive defence such as armour (Protection Factor) or an active defence, such as when they used a Defend Actions (RV). For more on Reaction Values see page 165. Effect If the final number, the “Effect” then becomes zero or a negative number as a result, the action was not successful. If the final effect is positive, then it was successful. See page 165 for more on Effects.

For instance, a single rune could represent • Negotiating a peace treaty. • Moving up to your allowable movement rate. • An attack with their whole body. (You would not have separate runes for attacking with your left and then right arms, for instance.) Anything the Norn designates is not just a description of your Character requires you to play a rune.

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Margin of Success In some cases it is important how much something is a success or not a success. For instance, there are several Skills called “Lore” where for each success you get a new point of information. Margins of success are also important for Colour Challenges. For more on those see page 168.

Effect = Action Value Reaction Value - Difficulty Rating


Sometimes timing is important. When it is, the Norn will establish an order of actions, called “Initiative”. When you perform actions under tense situations requiring Initiative, they will be managed round by round. Each round represents roughly 6 seconds of time. You will Wyrd (draw runes from your Essence Bag) and the runes will indicate how many actions you may take within that time. (See Initiative on page 188.)

Levels of “Crunch” In RGS3, players can commit Actions using several different levels of “crunch”. In role-playing-games, “crunch” refers to the complexity level of the rules. Low crunch means fewer rules and less to keep track of during play. High crunch means the rules are more complex and the Character’s actions are resolved with more detail. Within RGS3 each player can move through these levels of crunch seamlessly and whenever they want; a player is never locked into a level. This crunch variation allows Norns and players to play the kind of game they want to play individually. Different players around the table can even be using different levels of crunch for their own Characters. Narrative players get to enjoy the game by using narrative descriptions. On the other side of the spectrum, Talents with Meta Tags allow the combo minmax player to play how they enjoy the game.

Cinematic Actions

Play Any Rune

Crunch 0

All possible actions can be handled by Cinematic Actions. When you wish your Character to do something appropriately cinematic or general in nature, that is not tied to any specific Talent the Dweller has, then you are performing a Cinematic Action. Simply describe what you want to do, and for each verb you use, it’ll cost 1 rune. As a guideline: • Play any 1 rune per verb used. A bonus will be given if the rune colour matches the kind of action you want to perform. (Cinematic Actions are explained on page 160).

Colour Challenge

Play Runes of the Same Colour


1. Active Talents: These actions cover very unique and powerful abilities that have instantaneous activation. Due to their speed, they are valuable during combat. 2. Social Talents: These actions will help the Character influence the world around them. They will also bestow Emotional Conditions that can affect gameplay in many interesting ways. 3. Skills: These are Actions that use the Character’s knowledge and training. These types of Actions usually take longer than other Talents, but most of them have an application in a combat or other tense situation. The various Talent types are fully explained on page 169.

Meta Tags

Play a Chain of Runes

Crunch 3

You may also choose to use a Talent and improve it by creating a rune chain; adding more runes to augment the behaviour of an Action. This is the highest level of crunch. To use a Meta Tag you will need a specific symbol match on the rune. Details on Meta Tags can be found on page 172. The Meta Tags themselves are on page 173.

Contingency Actions Sometimes you may wish to delay your action, and need your rune to follow some pre-set event. This is called a Contingency action. This is declared during the Action phase in combat, and cannot be declared during Upkeep. An example of a contingency action may be that you drew a rune that is bound to a Heal spell, but no one in your warband is wounded, so you’d like to delay that action to later in the round until an ally takes damage. You would do so by pushing the rune into the Contingency zone, which is straddling on-and-off the top of the card. You would state: “I put my heal in Contingency until an ally is wounded. I want this action to resolve if they are in range of this heal spell.” Contingencies are tied to player order. You cannot state

Crunch 1 a contingency that would allow you to perform an action

When the Norn wishes to express a series of events simply, they will call for each player to Wyrd, and tally how much of a certain colour (also called Trait) of runes they each have. This number will be affected by a Difficulty Rating, and the results will be dictated by the Norn. Complex situations can be resolved this way in a single round. (See page 168.)

Play A Specific Rune

with the correct symbol. Upon Character creation, the player will bind colours and symbols to their Character’s abilities. Briefly, the kinds of Talents each Dweller has are:

against a foe before your turn in the Initiative order. Full details can be found in the Initiative section on page 188.

Crunch 2

When the Norn and players want to give greater detail to events (usually combat oriented, be it physical or social) they can use Talents. To use a Talent is to perform a specific ability tied to your Character. To do this you will need to Wyrd the specific rune; specifically a rune of the correct colour or

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Cinematic Actions Cinematic Actions The most basic and common level of play in RGS3 is to make a Cinematic Action. This is crunch level 0, meant for the player who loves narrative descriptions and for situations where it is not relevant to get into the specific details of the Character’s Talents.

One Rune for Each Verb

For a Cinematic Action the player simply describes what they want to do, and then they play a rune for each verb (action word) they used. The amount of narrative actions are limited to the Dweller’s action economy, ie. their Destiny score.

You find out the man across the table from you is an assassin that was sent to kill you. When asked what you would like to do, with your Destiny of 3, you could say:


“I draw both of my swords. Then I jump over the table and I stab him in the face.” This would cost you 3 runes (Actions). 1. Draw your swords. 2. Jump over the table. 3. Stab him in the face. It’s as simple as that! As a general rule, crunch 0 doesn’t care what symbols and colours are played. Now it’s up to the assassin to use his runes to deal with your attack.

Specific Trait

Sometimes the Action you are doing will be pushing the limits of a certain Trait, and the Norn may ask you to play a specific rune for that action.

For example, if you stated that you wish to push a boulder to seal a hole, the Norn may state that instead of a rune of any Trait you must play 1 Physical (red) rune.

Rune Morphing

If you didn’t have a rune of the right Trait In-Hand, you could opt to combine 2 runes of the same Trait to generate 1 rune of another Trait. This is called “Rune Morphing”. This can come in handy when you need a specific colour when playing Meta Tags as well. Rune Morphing does not generate a specific symbol, only the colour.

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Generic Cinematic Actions Cinematic Actions can be just about any verb that your Dweller can conceivably pull off. You cannot use a verb that requires training or specific knowledge that your Dweller does not possess. Your Norn would probably overrule your statement “I read the magical runes on the scroll I found” if your Dweller doesn’t have a Skill that indicates your ability to read magical runes. Every Cinematic Action starts with base value of +1 to Action Value for playing the rune, and relevant bonus’ are added from there. Here follows some examples of Cinematic Actions that could be undertaken by any Character. The sample Dweller that we will use for the following examples will be named Pwyll, and will have the following runes and equipment:.


Level 8 Size 4 (human) Investigative, Loyal








Axe (DF)

Herbalist Book

Bear Cloak (SoAF)




Leather Armour (PF)

Herbalist Kit

Magic Brooch (Focus)


Cinematic Actions can always use the Aid Meta Tag with any rune. For more on Meta Tags see page 172.


When someone wants to analyze or assess something or some situation, be it through perception, problem solving, or searching their memory, they can use any verb that would indicate this: discern, discover, assess, etc.

For instance, the Assess action would allow Pwyll to detect if he is about to walk into an ambush. He plays a Mental rune granting him an Action Value of 2 (1 base + 1 for a Mental rune). He doesn’t have anything else that gives him a boost, be it a Skill, Lifepath or Characteristic. The Norn sets the Difficulty Rating to “Challenging “, which is going to reduce Pwyll’s AV by 2. (See DR chart page 165.) Since the net Effect of Pwyll’s Action is 0, and therefore not a positive number, Pwyll fails to detect if there is an ambush, and the Norn describes the room: “While there is a lot of furniture big enough to conceal attackers, you fail to see anyone else in the room...until it is too late!” If the Action Value (AV) of an Assess Cinematic Action reaches at least 4 AV, you could potentially get a String on the subject of your study. There is not always a relevant String to be learned. See page 162 for more on Strings.


While Characters perform an Action, an ally may offer to Assist them in their endeavour. This can apply to any Action, be it a Cinematic Action, Talent, or Skill. There’s a single sequence that governs how assisting works.

For the example below Pwyll wants to Assist his ally and friend, Helga. • Does the Norn permit Pwyll to Assist at this time? • Pwyll must perform the same type of Action as Helga (or explain how a different type of Action can help). • Pwyll must calculate his AV, and it must be within +/-1 point of Helga’s AV. If it is, then Helga gains a +1 on her AV. The reason it must be within 1 point of the AV is because someone with vastly different skill level won’t be able to give a meaningful advice/help (either incompetent, or so advanced that its on a different level). • Usually only 1 person will be able to Assist, but in some cases the Norn may allow more individuals to Assist. The possibility to Assisting a Cinematic Action is left up to the Norn. This is handled on a case by case basis since there are simply too many verbs being used. If someone is trying to pick a lock, the Norn may say that it’s impossible to Assist. But if someone is trying to climb a wall, then maybe others could help by boosting them or pulling them up.

Hexes are units of measure 1 hex is equal to 2 yards/metres

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Strings are pieces of information. They are like having a puppet’s “strings” over your enemy. Strings are used for a +2 AV or RV bonus later. Physical Strings: To spot a weakness in a foe’s fighting tactics, to notice a limp, or to see a fault in the Construct you attack that can be exploited. Social Strings: Blackmail a foe with their secret, recognise their resemblance to a local Jarl, or use a Lifepath or Characteristic they have against them to charm or intimidate. A String is personalized by individual. Context will dictate if it is only usable once (like the shocking information that their father is still alive) or many times (like an extortion scheme.) The Norn is the final arbitrator.


When someone wants to punch or kick someone, or attack them with a weapon, then they will be performing a Cinematic Attack action. An Attack action introduces two concepts: 1. Fighting without weapons that includes attacks from punches, claws, biting, etc, that is grouped as Unarmed damage (AV 1). 2. When fighting with weapons, humans can potentially wield 2 weapons, a weapon and shield or 1 larger weapon that requires both hands. Weapons Sized equal to or smaller than the wielder’s Size are one-handed, and weapons 1 or 2 Sizes larger than the wielder are 2-handed. Weapons 3 Sizes or larger cannot be wielded. When attacking with 2 weapons, damage is summed up. This kind of Action is necessarily Physical in nature. For Social Attacks, see Compel, Provoke, or Question.


When someone wants to hide in plain sight, they could attempt to Blend-In using one of or a combination of shadows, objects to hide behind, their confidence, or a disguise. Adding to this action’s AV would be any possible bonuses from disguises or the environment.


When you wish to make someone perform an Action that they are unwilling to do, then you must perform a Compel social attack. Steps to Compel To Compel is the hardest of all social attacks in several ways:

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1. You cannot ask them to do something that opposes their Characteristics 2. The defender doubles their Social Protection Factor versus a Compel attack. (For more on Social Protection Factor, or SoPF, see page 190.) 3. The resulting Social damage must empty the victim’s Essence bag As usual with social combat, Strings and certain Emotional Conditions will help the attacker make up their Action Value (AV), and the relevant Trait will help the defender with Protection Factor build their Reaction Value (RV). For more on Conditions, see page 183. The Favour If the Compel is a success, then the attacker gets to ask a favour of the victim. The favour can be anything that would be within reason. This isn’t magical compulsion; you cannot ask someone to kill their best friend, but rather it’s an effect that has someone behaving irrationally. If this is performed on a Dweller, the player should remember that this is an opportunity to role-play. They shouldn’t feel like this is taking away their player agency. Everyone has a friend that behaved way out of their norms when they were charmed or frightened by someone that to this day remains memorable. Their behaviour could be categorized as irrational and out of Character, but that is exactly what a Compel action can do. Bigger Favour If, after dealing at least 1 social damage, the defender’s Essence Bag is empty, then the attacker gets to ask for 1 additional favour/action, or some kind of bigger or more impacting favour, as agreed upon between the Player and Norn as fitting.


The Defend Action is an Interrupt type Action (this can be an Action performed during someone else’s turn, in response to their Action). Before performing it, ensure that you have applied all passive defence bonuses from armour/items and other effects that grant a Protection Factor. When playing the Defend Action, you begin the tally with the Cinematic base 1 RV plus possible Trait match, plus any items that may help. This works for all manner of attacks, Physical, Mental, Spiritual, or Social. For more on calculating Reaction Value see page 165.


When trying to move an unwilling subject, they get an opportunity to resist the action by performing a reaction (generating a Reaction Value, or “RV”.) action.

In this case Pwyll is trying to grab a bandit‘s weapon from their hand. Pwyll plays 1 Physical rune for 2 AV (one for playing a rune and +1 because it’s Physical). The bandit needs to play a Physical rune, or 2 same Trait runes for a Rune Morph

to Counter Pwyll’s attempt, otherwise Pwyll will grab the weapon. A Mental or Spiritual rune would only grant 1 AV, and a second rune couldn’t be added to boost since it wasn’t Physical. Important note: the defender wins ties since attacker’s AV is less than 1. For more on Counter, see page 180.


Sometimes you need to attack someone with some flair, and you declare “I light the bear on fire with my torch”, or “I throw sand in her eyes to blind her”. This simply requires a rune to be played as an Inflict Action. If successful, it will Inflict 1 intensity of a Condition. To defend, someone can simply say “I duck away from the attempt”, and the Counter action would be to play a rune to reduce the Inflict to 0. Remember, when there is no Difficulty Rating (DR) to indicate how inherently challenging the action is, and if there’s no Reaction Value (RV) of a foe opposing you, all you need to succeed at anything is to have a positive value for an Effect. Some situations of an Inflict Action may necessitate an active opposition, such as trying to light someone on fire (which would mean their RV would reduce your AV) or lighting someone on fire when they’re wet (a difficult thing to do, so the AV would also be reduced by both their RV and what the Norn decides is the DR.) However, if your opposition wanted to be set on fire, only a single success is needed. For every 4 AV of your Inflict action a Condition increases by 1 intensity. See page 180 for more on Conditions.


When someone wants to move to somewhere else in the scene/battlefield, they can use any verb that would indicate this: move, run, leap, etc. A Character can move as many hexes (or 6’ / 2m increments) as the Effect of the Move Action. While on a mount, your Character’s played Action rune will use the mount’s movement rate.

Pwyll wants to run, so he pushes one rune up to In-Play. He will get to move 1 hex for playing the rune, +4 hexes for his Size (Humans are typically Size 4), an additional +1 hex if it was a Physical rune, and more if he has a Passive Power that boosts movement. Let’s say he plays a Physical rune, and has no Passive Power to help, Pwyll gets to move 6 hexes for one Action.


This is a kind of Social Attack. When you wish to charm or intimidate someone, you may be looking to Provoke an emotional response. If you succeed in dealing at least 1 point of Social damage, then you apply +1 intensity to an Emotional Condition (see page 181 for a complete rules, and page 183 for a complete list of Conditions). As usual with social combat, Strings will help the attacker and

the drawn runes matching the relevant Trait will help the defender with Innate Social Defense (ISD). If after dealing social damage the defender’s Essence Bag is empty, then they get an additional +1 intensity to that Condition (up to the maximum allowable). If someone is already affected by 2 Emotional Conditions, another one cannot be applied unless the new Condition being applied has equal to or more levels of intensity than one of the Conditions already affecting the Character. You can also attempt to provoke a beneficial Emotional Condition upon an ally. If you do, they may choose not to play a rune to oppose the action, however their Innate Social Defense (ISD) and Social Protection Factor (SoPF) will still reduce the Provoke action’s AV, and Strings cannot be used to boost the attack. After a Character is targeted by a beneficial Condition (resulting in success or failure), they are immune to more attempts at boosting that Condition for a period of 1 hour.


Removing a Condition intensity from yourself or another combatant is called a Restore Action which is fully detailed in the Conditions section on page 180.


This is a kind of Social Attack. When an amicable conversation breaks down and one individual is avoiding answering questions. This can be approached on all 3 Traits. Trying logically, you can perform a Mental Attack to trick them into revealing what they wish to keep hidden. Likewise using a Spiritual Action, you may rile them up emotionally that they get flustered and blurt it out. Physical torture is also an option, and while it may benefit from torture devices, it will likely turn the subject into a motivated enemy. The attacker will declare whether it’s a Mental or Spiritual Attack. Then they will use a rune from In-Hand to perform the Question Attack Action and will add up all item values that grant Social Attack Factors (SoAF). Defending against a Question Action would most assuredly use the same trait as the attacker, but role-playing can alter that outcome. The defender will have Innate Social Defense (ISD) equal to their relevant Trait score, and will add any relevant Social Protection Rating (SPR) from equipment. Then if they play a rune to defend, they can add any Social Defense Factor (SDF) . The result of a successful Question Action is that the victim must answer as many questions as the Effect Value. If the attempt failed, the victim is immune to more attempts for a period of 1 hour. Repeated failures will grant them permanent immunity at the Norn’s discretion. If at least 1 point of damage was done and the defender’s Essence Bag is empty after a Social Attack, then one bit of information gained is especially useful and can be a String. Strings are pieces of information that make future social attacks easier, because the sensitive information can be used to charm/intimidate/blackmail the defender.

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Action Value When you perform an Action (playing a rune), it is sometimes important to be able to quantify how potent your outcome is. This is where an Action Value (AV) comes into play. You add up all relevant values and bonuses to get a numerical value that represents your Action Value.

Overview of Action Value (AV)

Simply add up the following after playing the rune (if applicable): 1. Base: By playing a rune, you gain a base value of 1, then add other bonuses based on the type of action: • Cinematic Action: Just base value (page 160) • Skill: 1+ the Skill rank (page 169) • Talent: 1+ the key value in the description (page 343) • Social Powers: 1+ the key value in the description (page 393) 2. Items: Any relevant item values (see “Equipment” page 266). Examples: • Attack actions will use the Damage Factor value • Defend actions will use the Parry value • Social actions will use appropriate social bonuses 3. Passive Powers: As relevant, add their values (page 451) 4. Lifepath: A relevant Lifepath adds +1. 5. Characteristic: A relevant Characteristic adds +1. 6. Trait Match Bonus: if the rune played matches the type of action (ie. Physical rune for physical action), more runes matching the action’s Trait can be added, played for cumulative +1 bonuses. 7. Miscellaneous: Any situational/environmental modifiers, such as Conditions, or Strings. The AV will then be compared with a Difficulty Rating (DR) or another individual’s AV if they are reacting to the Action and trying to oppose it- called Reaction Value (RV). The bigger the number, the better the possible outcome.

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Let’s assume a Cinematic Action. If you try to perform an attack on an opponent with your axe, you must play a rune from In-Hand to In-Play. • By playing a rune you get base 1 AV. • An attack action with an axe feels like a Physical action so if you play a Physical rune to perform the Action, gain a +1 AV. • Then you’ll consider the weapon’s damage factor as added AV, let’s say the small axe has a DF +3. • Then you convince the Norn that your Characteristic of “seeks revenge” is relevant since you are attacking the killer of your kinsmen. The Norn grants you one more +1 AV. • Then you are attacking from higher ground upon your horse, and the Norn decides that it’s worth a +1 AV situational modifier. Your total AV for the Action would have an effect of 7. That’s 7 damage being dealt to the opponent... if they were incapacitated or unconscious. If the enemy is mobile they can try to react and if they are wearing armour it could reduce the damage. More on this scenario following the Opposed Action rules.

Weak Actions

In some cases your Action may be designated as “Weak”. This may happen due to a power or Condition, so some situational status. Weak simply means halve your AV and round up any fractions.

Division Math

When dividing numbers, all fractions are rounded up. For example, if you get a bonus equal to half your Level, and your Level is 13, then the bonus is +7. If your Level is 27 then the bonus is +14, and so on.


Trait Match Bonus Examples of Physical Actions: Move, attack, push, lift, dodge, carry, leap, build a structure.


Examples of Mental Actions: Negotiate, remember information, find a solution, comprehend mechanism, convince someone, use magic.


Examples of Spiritual Actions: Sense danger, beseech a god, use magic, provoke an emotion, sense motives, understand an omen.

Effect To figure out the final effect of an Action, the Action Value is reduced by the Difficulty Rating and/or by a Reaction Value (when an Action is actively being opposed). In some instances it is possible to be reduced by both (and even equipment).

Action vs. World Effect = Action Value - Difficulty Rating Some actions are inherently difficult, having a chance at failure. These Action Values will be reduced by the Difficulty Rating (DR). The Difficulty Rating scale is described in the table below.

Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Difficulty Rating (DR) Easy Average Challenging Ambitious Difficult Fantastic Legendary Nearly Impossible Beyond Human Ability

If the Effect is greater than zero, then the Action was a success. The amount of points by which it succeeded is also important, since Actions like the Lore Skills will grant 1 additional piece of information based on the number of successes. DR is mostly used when someone is attempting to use one of their skills or interacting with the environment (ie. climbing). For complete rules on skills, see page 71.

Opposed Action Effect = Action Value Reaction Value - Difficulty Rating

Reaction Value (RV) After someone tries to affect you in a harmful way, you get the opportunity to defend yourself, even when it’s not your turn in the Initiative order. This usually occurs in Physical or Social combat, or when you’re targeted with a spell or a Physical/Emotional Condition. Just as Actions can be Cinematic Actions, Talents or Talents with Meta Tags, the same latitude is granted for Reaction Actions. Suppose you are trying to oppose an Attack that was performed as a Cinematic Action, you will be allowed to defend yourself with your own Reaction Value being a Cinematic dodge, or perhaps a power that has {Interrupt} speed (see page 170 on power types) allowing you to react with a special ability. Armour PF and Social Defense Rating is considered a DR when doing the math. In the case of combat, Effect will most likely mean damage, either physical (see page 176) or social (see page 178). There are other possible effects such as Knockback. In this case, the Effect may mean how many hexes the combatant is thrown backwards. Because this is a role-playing-game, and RPGs have innumerable possible actions and outcomes, it is up to the Norn to decide how the effect value is implemented. Reaction Actions win on tied results.

A great example of an opposed Action would be sneaking at night, wearing a black cloak, trying to avoid a guard watching the gate. You start with a base 1 AV from playing a rune. Then add your Sneak Skill Rank (+2) assuming that you have chosen the Sneak Skill twice when creating or levelling-up your Character. Add your black cloak bonus (+1) while under the cover of night. If your Wyrd had drawn 2 Spiritual runes, you could Rune Morph them into 1 Physical rune for the Trait bonus.




Base Sneak Skill Black Value Cloak Rank

1 Physical Rune

Sometimes two individuals may be in a competition against one another. When that happens, their Action Values are compared against one another, and the higher value prevails. The person responding is said to be making a “reaction” and must play a rune to do so. A Difficulty Rating may or may not be relevant in this case.

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The total AV for the sneak is 5. Now it is time to see how the guard performs in trying to spot the Dweller. The guard has an Alertness skill rank (+1) and drew 2 Mental runes for his Mental action. One is played for the action (+1) and since it’s a Mental rune, it grants a Trait bonus of +1. Then the other one is played to boost this Action. Runes that are used to boost are rotated 90o. To summarize:

Items and Equipment

When a Character buys or finds items and equipment, they will find it useful since items will boost their Actions. Why punch when you can swing an axe? Why try and remember some occult knowledge when you have a book that has more information than you can remember? Trying to intimidate someone, well it’s harder when they’re wearing a crown.

Maximum Equipped Items = 4

Items will grant all manner of bonuses, it is up to the Norn and the players to apply the bonuses during relevant situations.

Limit of 4

A Character can benefit from no more than 4 equipped items at any given time. So while you may be carrying an arsenal in your backpack, at any given time your Dweller must commit to which 4 items are equipped.

1 Base Value



Alertness Mental Skill Rank Runes

The guard generates a Reaction Value (RV) of 4. The effect of the sneak attempt is 1 (5 minus 4). That is enough for a success. As you can see, it is entirely probable that AV comparisons are done using different Traits.

Some abilities and actions are guided by the player’s description of how they do something. Let’s assume the Dweller is looking for a key and wishes to use their perception. The player could say... “I walk into the room and I scan to see if anything is out of place” ...saying it in this way makes it a MENTAL action. “I walk into the room and cut open the mattress, check the walls and floor for secret compartments and I ransack the furniture”...saying it in this way will make it a PHYSICAL action. You can even try it using your SPIRITUAL Trait... “I charm the chambermaid putting her at ease. Then I mention the key and see where she looks.”

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Changing Items

To switch around which items are “equipped”, an Action to do so must be declared and a rune must be played for that Action. The Norn may deem that some items may take longer to equip, for example a full suit of armour.

Quality Rating

No two items are alike in quality and that quality is measured in a Quality Rating (QR). You may start your adventuring career with a hand-me-down rusty dagger that provides a +1 to your Damage Factor. This would be an item with QR 1. Later in your adventures you may be gifted an axe that adds +2 to your Damage Factor and it would have a QR of 2. As a rule of thumb, the numerical QR value is the number of points imbued in the item for various types of numerical bonuses and non-numerical effects. Another item of equal QR to that QR 2 axe could be a QR 2 sword that grants +1 Damage Factor but also adds +1 Parry. In this case the 2 points of QR were split between different types of bonuses, one helps with attacks, and the other will help you when you’re attacked. Some item attributes generate more than 1 QR per point, an example would be Protection Factor (PF) which generates 2 QR per point of PF. These exceptions are all outlined on the next page.


Unless the item is magical, the Size of an Item is usually the same as its QR. You could then quickly look at a sword, and knowing it has a Damage Factor of +2 and a Reach of 1, deduce that it’s QR and its Size are both 3. The crafting

process also allows a blacksmith to miniaturize items, making higher QR items wieldable. An item will not encumber the character if its Size is less than or equal to the character’s Size. If larger, encumbrance penalties apply:

QR Cost

• Weapons: 1 to 2 Size larger than the Character makes it a 2-handed weapon


Small non-magical effect (it floats, it is a container, it is combustible, etc.) Heal +1 (bonus when healing)


Physical DF +1


Parry +1 Physical


Parry +1 Mental


Parry +1 Spiritual

When an item is created, the QR points are spent on various attributes (see page 432 for the complete list). Some attributes boost attacks, while other attributes will reduce damage. By paying the QR cost, the numerical value is added to the item. The numerical value can be further increased through stacking the effect, paying the QR cost each time.


Reach +1


Range +4


Physical DF +1


Mental DF +1


Spiritual DF +1

Some attributes aren’t numerical, and instead the QR is spent for effects such as the item emitting light, or the item can be easily concealed. The item crafting system suggests QR costs for various effects and the players and the Norn can extrapolate acceptable costs that players may come up with during the adventure.


Move +1


Focus +1


Empower +1


Physical PF +1


Mental PF +1

Higher QR Starting Items


Spiritual PF +1


Adding a Meta Tag


Inflict a Physical Condition


+1 Social Attack Factor (SoAF)


+1 Social Defend Factor (SoDF)


+1 Social Protection Rating (SoPR)

• Armour: 1 Size larger applies a -1 penalty to Move. • Armour: 2 Sizes larger makes all moves Weak.

Item Attributes

Most Dwellers begin their adventuring careers somewhere between the levels of 8 and 12. However, there are cases when a Norn might want to begin the Dwellers at a higher level, and those Dwellers will need better items to reflect the idea that they had been adventuring for some time before play began. Each Archetype begins with a suggested package of Equipment that is valued at 15 QR. For every 2 levels higher than 12 for a starting Dweller, grant them a +1 QR bonus on each item they start with (ex: level 16 is +2).



Meta Tags on Items

Items can also have Meta Tags. These are added effects that are evoked when a rune is played in addition to the rune that was played for the Action using the item in question. • When the Meta Tag on an Item is “positive” in nature (as in, does something good or beneficial) then the Meta Tag applies to its wielder. • When the Meta Tag on an Item is “negative” in nature (as in, it does something harmful or detrimental) then the Meta Tag applies to the object of the wielder’s attack.


+1 Impeded Condition

For example, Pwyll attacks by playing a rune as a Cinematic Action. He swings with his battle-axe which has a “Hamstring” Meta tag that applies the Impeded Condition. By playing a rune to attack he will deal some damage, but by adding another rotated rune alongside it (any colour or symbol), the victim will receive 1 intensity of the Impeded Condition.

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Colour Challenge Colour Challenge There are cases where the situation dictates a little more crunch than Cinematic Actions, but not quite enough as to assemble an Initiative list and break down Actions and Talents round-by-round. This is the role of the Colour Challenge. This is also for situations where the outcome is foregone in the warband’s favour, but we still need to know the ramifications of the battle or scene. The question is more what the situation will cost the Dwellers.

Steps for a Test

For a test of this kind the Norn and players follow these steps: 1. The Norn declares the situation with enough clarity for the players to make informed decisions about their Dwellers. 2. Players Wyrd for their own Dwellers. 3. Each players identifies a Trait (Physical, Mental, or Spirit) based on how their Dweller will interact with the situation. 4. Each player adds up all the runes they Wyrd of the Trait they identified. 5. Each Dweller may add relevant bonus’ to their AV based on different aspects of their Character. 6. The Norn declares a Difficulty Rating for the Test. For each Dweller individually, this subtracts from their total Action Value (AV) to make an Effect. See below for a list of relevant bonuses, and the outcome.

Relevant Bonuses

A Dweller can add to their test the following bonuses. They must make sense and be relevant to the situation. • Lifepath: Cite a Lifepath for +1 • Charactertisc: Cite a Characteristic for +1 each. • Passive Power: Cite a single Passive Power for an additional +1.

Rune Morphing At any time a character can play 2 runes of a Matching Trait to generate a rune of another Trait. For example 2 Spiritual runes can be played to generate a 1 Physical rune. Rune Morphing does not allow the generation of a specific runic symbol.

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Rating 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Difficulty Rating (DR) Easy Average Challenging Ambitious Difficult Fantastic Legendary Nearly Impossible Beyond Human Ability

Difficulty Rating

The Norn will use the chart above to determine the Difficulty Rating (DR) to subtract from each Dweller’s AV.

Test Results

Depending on each Dweller’s final AV different effects occur, as directed by the situation and the Norn’s decision. Positive Result: If the Dweller’s AV, minus the Norn’s DR results in a positive number. • Win by up to 4 AV:  Success, but nothing else is gained. • Win by more than 4 AV: Success at the task, and also an advantage is gained, such as a Positive Condition, a String, you acquired an Item relevant to the situation, or gained a new piece of vital information. • Win by 8 AV or more: Success at the task, but also a tremendous advantage, such as a positive Condition at maximum intensity, or two smaller advantages. Negative Result: If the Dweller’s AV minus the Norn’s DR results in a zero or negative number. • Loss by up to 4 AV: The task was a success, but at a cost. The Dweller is afflicted by some disadvantage, such as a negative Condition, the loss of an item, or a negative String. • Loss by more than 4 AV: The task was gruelling, while it can still be considered a success, the Dweller is afflicted by a terrible disadvantage, such as a negative Condition at maximum intensity, two different negative Conditions, has lost a key item, or circumstantially has made a new, powerful enemy. • Loss by 8 AV or more: Should any one Dweller have a final AV of negative 8 or some greater negative, then the task was failed, and the Dweller is afflicted by a terrible disadvantage.

Talents Overview of Talents Okay, now let’s move up a level of crunch to crunch 2. Active Talents Highly trained, superhuman, or supernatural abilities that can manifest instantly under intense situations. Detailed on page 170 Listed on page 343

Skills Training, experience, and abilities honed from years of practice, such as crafting, survival, or athletics.

Social Talents Exceptional abilities for manipulating the minds, emotions, and actions of others. Detailed on page 190 Listed on page 393

Detailed and listed on page 409

Colour Match

Play the rune that corresponds to a specific Talent (Active Talent, Social Talent, or Skill) or a rune of the same colour, and you will perform that Action.


Talents Are Specific

During Dweller creation each rune is bound to three different Talents, one each of: Active Talents, Social Talents, and Skills. Each of them do something a little different. Playing a rune will never play an Active Talent, Social Talent, and Skill all at once, even though they are all bound to the same rune. You must announce the Talent you intend to use when moving the rune from In-Hand to In-Play on your playmat.

Lunging Attack

One Talent Per Rune Played

There are no limits to the number Talents you can evoke, if you have 3 Destiny then you can evoke 3 Talents that turn.

Lunging Attack Manoeuvre

Combat: Perform a Weak Move action and an Attack action (in any order). Let’s continue the same scenario as the one in Cinematic Actions. Suppose the runic symbol “Tiwaz” was bound to an Active Talent called “Lunging Attack”. Instead of playing just any rune to Move and another to Attack, using Talents you could instead play any red rune (because Tiwaz is red) to trigger Lunging Attack. Since Lunging Attack both Moves and Attacks, this saves you a rune for another Action.


If the same Talent is chosen again during character creation or during Level Up, then the rank of the Talent is 2. The highest rank a Talent can achieve is 2. If the rank is greater than 1, bonus effects will be imparted upon the Action.

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Types of Talents

bonus is equal to the Trait score that matches the rune played as the root of the Active power. This bonus is applied before resolving the meta tags (if any).

Active Talents are abilities that are very quick to execute and have been learned or are innate to the Character. Powers range from the mundane, such as being especially quick and nimble, being able to combine a movement and an attack in a single action, to something a lot more occult and esoteric such as casting a spell or transforming your body into that of a wolf.

There are a few numerical values that Providence will not boost: Divine Potence, Faith, Condition intensities, Flow, Focus and Wyrd.

There are several types of Active Talents. Some are Manoeuvres, while others can be Spells or even Interrupts. Each type of Talent has some aspect as to how those Actions are played and resolved. Talent types are denoted between brackets { } within the power description. A power may have more than a single type, meaning that the type-based effects are cumulative.


Faith is a type of Active power which is granted to the Criostai (missionaries, crusaders, etc.). These powers represent the power of the White God or saint amplifying the effect and are denoted as [Faith]. Faith powers aren’t spells, so they cannot be interrupted and do not gain any bonuses from Focus, instead they gain a bonus equal to the Miracle Condition intensity. All numerical values that appear in Faith powers are boosted by the current Miracle Condition intensity. Unlike Focus, Faith bonuses are included when playing Amplify Metas. There are a few attributes Faith will not boost: Faith, Condition intensities, Flow, Focus, and Wyrd.


This Talent type can be performed in response to someone else’s Action, meaning it doesn’t need to wait until it is your turn to resolve. Simply resolve the original action and then resolve the interrupts that were played in response to that action in Initiative order. Social Talents use Interrupts in the very same way for Social Combat.


This is a Talent type that utilizes one’s body. This type of action is hampered by certain Physical Conditions. Performing a Manoeuvre with a ranged weapon such as bow can be tricky when enemies are adjacent–they can play any rune to interrupt your ranged Manoeuvre.


Providence powers are only available to those with a Maximum Divine Potence (MDP) greater than zero. Providence powers apply a bonus to all valid numerical values in an Active power, with exceptions noted below. Number written out as a word are not boosted by the bonus. The

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This Power Action transforms parts of the Characters body, granting them new abilities and attributes (think of a werewolf). These new abilities remain while the rune for the Action remains In-Play. Some Meta Tags such as Maintain (see page 107) can extend it past end of round.


This Talent Type invokes the supernatural power that is impossible for those who are unskilled in magic. Magic is an exact art and science, so Spell Actions can easily go wrong. Any combatant within Adjacent range to the person performing the Spell action may spend a rune to interrupt and cancel the Spell Action. There are several schools of magic in the Fate of the Norns universe. Spell type Talents have sub-types that define how a school of magic works. While certain Fate of the Norns books will elaborate on the list of schools, the ones relevant to the Celtic setting are listed here. Divine Spell Divine magic involves channelling the will of higher powers. Higher powers include gods, jotuns, land spirits, elves and other immortal beings (anyone with Divine Potence see page 205). These Powers are denoted as [Divine Spell]. Higher powers have three dispositions towards the spell-caster: angered, uncaring or pleased. Breaking the deity’s imposed codes of conduct will move the relationship towards angered, while appeasement through sacrifices (the Blot/Faining Skill see page 411) will improve the disposition. A deity that is angered makes all [Divine Spell] Powers become Weak. A neutral one applies no modifiers. A pleased deity will bestow a bonus [Divine Spell] bound to the Character’s Void rune (see page 201). There are some Passive Powers (see page 175) that trigger whenever a [Divine Spell] is cast. Some archetypes offer [Divine] powers that are not spells. Seelie or Unseelie Spell Spells of this kind gain a free Amplify Meta Tag when cast at sites of great power, where the intersection between the mundane world and the Otherworld is weak. For example: within a ring of toadstools, within a henge of great stones, or otherwise anywhere the Druids would perform ceremonies or identify the place as ceremonial or sacred grounds. Also, spells of this kind are treated as Weak if used while on

land sanctified by the Criostai, such as the grounds of their churches, grave sites of that faith, and locations where great miracles by famous Saints were performed. Spell Song Song magic covers those who are blessed by the Mead of Poetry. Their songs carry magical effects that are imparted on allies and inflicted upon enemies. These powers are denoted as [Spell Song]. By default they apply a free Area Meta Tag, but they affect both friends and foes. A rune played as an Area Meta Tag on a Spell Song can either: (1) increase the area of effect, or (2) allow the caster to choose who is affected in the area. In a single round a caster can only use one Spell Song. Transmute Spell This Talent Type brings a Companion into being at a Quality Rating (QR) of 50% of your Dweller Level. Companions when brought into being this way have their Size, a free Creature Type, and a Meta Tag they can activate from amongst common Meta Tags (Absorb, Deflect, Degenerate, Impeded, Vulnerable) or a cost of 4 QR for an uncommon Meta Tag. Remaining QR can be spent from the Craft Attributes Table on page 432. All QR must be spent before bringing the Companion into play.

Spell Effects There are some Talent effects that boost numbers within Spell type Active Powers. They are described below:


Focus is a pool of bonuses that can be distributed to various numerical values in a spell’s description. If the Spell has more than a single numerical value, the Focus value may be split as a bonus to those values, chosen by the caster. There are a few exceptions, Focus cannot boost Condition intensities, nor can it boost Focus or Empower.Empower


Empower will apply its value to all numbers within a spell’s description, without exception. It does not need to be split like Focus, it applies its total value to each and every numeric value.

If the transmutation is Destroyed, or when it is dissipated, then the caster must Accept a Drain. Unless Maintained or otherwise specified in the Talent the Companion vanishes or collapses into an inert state (as appropriate) at the end of the round.


When someone gets into a certain posture, fighting style or dance, they are said to be performing a Stance Power Action. This Action, by default, lasts until the end of the round, and during the Cleanup phase (see page 188) the player can choose to keep the stance In-Play rather than returning the rune to the Essence bag. A Character may only benefit from the last Stance Action that they played.


This Talent Type changes Character’s entire body into that of another creature (including speech). All Talents are bound to the new form’s Talents (Character’s runes are bound to the Talents listed under the transformation description). These new abilities remain while the rune for the Action remains In-Play. Some Meta Tags such as Maintain (see page 174) can extend it past end of round.

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Meta Tags Meta Tags Now let’s take a look at crunch 3, meant for the combo minmax players who love to optimize. Crunch 3 is all about combining your runes to change the way Talents work.

Let’s assume our hypothetical Dweller has a Destiny of 4, and so Wyrded 4 runes from their Essence bag and put them In-Hand.

After you move a rune up to In-Play to represent a Talent, you can attach other runes to it to change its effect.

Lunging Attack Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift

You perfectly balance mobility and aggression by striking in one location while starting or ending up in another. Combat: Perform a Weak Move action and an Attack action (in any order).

Symbol Specific

In order to play a rune as a Meta Tag on a Talent you must have played not only the correct colour for the Talent, but also the very rune symbol. The rune you play must be the exact rune the Talent is bound to, otherwise you cannot play a Meta Tag to augment its effect.

The player decides to play “Lunging Attack”, and so moves its corresponding rune to In-Play. Note that this is the very rune it is bound to, “Tiwaz”, and not just the same colour. Let’s say the assassin sitting across the table from you has 2 friends sitting on either side of him. You could choose to add a Mental rune as a Meta Tag to Lunging Attack in order to use the Multi Meta Tag, which means you gain a reach +1 and the ability to strike up to 2 more targets. Pretty cool right?

Tag Traits

Each Talent comes with only their three specific Meta Tags, which are listed with the description of the Talent. These Tags correspond to the 3 Traits listed in the order of Physical, Mental, then Spiritual.


Lunging Attack

Multi Meta Tag

You must use a rune of the same Trait to activate a Meta Tag. For instance, you would need a red rune to add a Meta Tag to a Talent to change it by its text in red. In the example of “Lunging Attack”, only a Physical (red) rune would result in the Meta Tag “Amplify”. Playing a rune as a Meta Tag will never activate more than one Meta Tag at once. You must announce the Meta Tag you intend to use when joining it to the Talent’s rune.

Multiple Meta Tags

There are no limits to the number of Meta Tags you can add to a Talent. If you have 3 Destiny then you could add 2 Meta Tags to a Talent. You can add the same Meta Tag multiple times to increase its effect.

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Remember that you can mix and match crunch levels at your heart’s content. If you have a Destiny of 4, you can play a rune to draw your swords, another 2 runes to play a Multi Lunging Attack and then your last rune can do something else entirely.

List of Meta Tags This section describes the effects of various Meta Tags. Meta Tags can be found on Talents as well as items such as weapons, shields, armour, and magic items. Meta Tags associated with items can be triggered by playing any rune in addition to the rune-chain that makes use of the item. The most common Meta Tags are defined below.


The Abate Meta Tag only appears in {Interrupt} type Talents. Abate will remove the rightmost Meta Tag from the rune-chain that you are reacting to; effectively retroactively cancelling the removed Meta’s effect. The removed rune is immediately returned to the Essence Bag.


This {Interrupt} Defend action rune-chain negates 2 intensities of a harmful Condition being inflicted.


Call on your allies to assist your action by contributing runes. An ally within +1 hex distance from you can play runes as {Interrupts} to aid your rune-chain. If you play additional Aid Metas, the number of allies you can call upon increases by +1 each, and the number of hexes away they can help from increases by +1 hex each Aid Meta played. For every rune your ally plays from In-Hand into In-Play that matches the Trait of the Action you are making, or matches the required Skill, you gain +1 to your AV or RV. So, 2 runes played that match the Trait would add +2 per rune played by an ally aiding. If 2 runes are played and one of them is the same Skill as what you are attempting, then you would have +3 to your final AV or RV. If the Skill cannot be attempted without at least 1 Rank, then the ally must have at least 1 Rank in the Skill in order to Aid.


Double the Talent’s AV/RV. Only numbers that are in numerical form in the Talent’s description are amplified. Numbers written as words are not amplified. Numerical values applied by Conditions are applied before Amplify is calculated. Bonus to Focus is always added after Amplify has been calculated. Additional Amplify Meta Tags increase the multiplier by +1, so a single Amplify is x2, two Amplify Meta Tags make it a x3, etc.


The rune-chain’s area of effect increases by a radius of +2 hexes. Everyone within that space is affected, but the owner of the rune-chain may choose to not to be affected. Additional Area Meta Tags increase the radius by another +2 hexes or can allow the initiator of the rune-chain to choose who is affected within the rune-chain’s area of effect.


You benefit from your relevant Trait, be in Physical, Mental or Spiritual. By default this Meta Tag adds +1 AV to a Skill result, but if the Meta Tag’s rune Trait is relevant to the Skill, in the way that it is being applied as agreed upon with the Norn, then this Meta Tag adds +2 bonus instead of +1 AV.


You may take advantage of the assets of your current environment to ply your Skill all the better. By default this Meta Tag adds +1 AV to a Skill result, but if you are within a conducive environment to the Skill activity that is proposed, as agreed upon with the Norn, then this Meta Tag adds +2 bonus instead of +1 AV.


The Combo rune allows an adjacent ally to play runes as {Interrupts} to aid your rune-chain. For every rune they play that matches a trait of a non-Combo Meta Tag in the Talent’s Meta Tag list, it triggers that Meta Tag for your rune-chain and they choose to immediately Move 1 hex or Heal 1. Those runes return to their owner’s Essence bags during the next Cleanup phase.


Sometimes Conditions can be added as Meta Tags, usually on items or on Companions. The Meta Tag is activated by paying a rune of any Trait as Meta Tags normally are. The effect is the corresponding Condition listed. For instance, a Quarterstaff has the Meta Tag of the Condition “Vulnerable”, because the Quarterstaff can knock a foe to the ground, putting them at a disadvantage. By playing a rune into the rune-chain of having attacked with the Quarterstaff, the Dweller can inflict the “Vulnerable” Condition in addition to the Quarterstaff’s normal damage. When a Meta applies a Condition, it is inflicting a +1 intensity of the specified Condition.


This Meta Tag triples the total PF (Protect Factor) and Parry values of its rune-chain. Multiple instances of Deflect increase the multiplier by 3 (ie. x3, x6, x9, etc.)


The Dodge Meta Tag only appears in {Interrupt} type Talents. It allows an immediate Wyrd of 3 runes with the first placed in Stun, and the second and third placed into Contingency. Those runes in Contingency can only be used in Reaction Value rune-chains. They may be used immediately and can be added to the rune-chain that includes the Dodge Meta. If not used before the Cleanup step, all runes in Contingency are returned to the Essence Bag.


When used with a Skill, the required materials are halved. Should another type of Talent require material components, such as a ritual, then only half are required.

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The Element Meta Tag will change a Talent’s (usually a Spell’s) basic element, or grant it an Element if it does not have one. Elements have added side effects, such as fire burning combustible materials. When playing the Element Meta Tag, the caster must declare which of the following Elements are being used and which variant (benevolent or detrimental):


The Maintain Meta Tag permits a rune-chain’s effect to last indefinitely. The rune-chain may be kept In-Play during the Cleanup phase. The rune chain may also be released at any time, immediately returning all runes to the Essence Bag and ending the rune-chain’s effect.


• Air: A benevolent use will grant +4 Move or Reach/ Range. Conversely a detrimental use will force any Defend action versus this Rune-chain to be Weak. • Dark: A benevolent use will Inflict Shroud upon the recipient. Conversely a detrimental use will reduce 1 intensity of Shroud [Counter S]. • Earth: A benevolent use will grant +2 PF. Conversely a detrimental use will Reduce an opponent’s damage by -4 [Counter S] until end of round. • Fire: A benevolent use will grant +4 damage for Attack actions this round. Conversely a detrimental use will inflict Degeneration [Counter S]. • Ice: A benevolent use will grant +1 Range/Reach and +1 Focus. Conversely a detrimental use will Inflict Vulnerable [Counter S]. • Light: A benevolent use will grant +4 Parry bonus until end of round. Conversely a detrimental use will inflict Blind [Counter S]. • Water: A benevolent use will grant +4 Heal. Conversely a detrimental use will Inflict Impeded [Counter S].

The number of targets of the rune-chain’s effect are increased by +2. The Reach of the effects are increased by +1, and the Range by +4 hexes.

Combining more than a single Element will simply add both elemental effects, but there are some Passive Powers that will grant special bonus effects when certain Elements are present in the same Rune-chain.

When Swift is added to a Skill rune-chain the time required is halved. This Meta Tag can also be added to Attack actions. If an opposing {Interrupt} Talent is played as a Defend action, then the reaction values (RV) are halved. The next Swift Meta Tag would divide the RV in a third; the one after it into a fourth; the next a fifth, and so on.


You benefit from your Lifepath and/or Characteristics. By default this Meta Tag adds +1 AV to a Skill result, but if your background is relevant to the Skill, then this Meta Tag adds a+2 bonus instead.


This Meta Tag inverts a Talent’s effect: • Heal becomes damage or damage becomes Healing. • Inflict becomes Restore or visa-versa. All relevant modifiers that boost the original effect apply before the inversion.

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The rune-chain’s Range by default, unless specified otherwise, is self or adjacent combatant. Each added Range Meta Tag adds +8 hexes to the Range. Instead of adding Range, a Range Meta Tag may also be added to make the effect into a beam, hitting everything in a line within range.


When added to a Social attack, you deny one of the victim’s Characteristics as a bonus. Remember that when Compelling a Character you cannot Compel them to do something against their Characteristics, unless you deny that Characteristic with the Sinister Meta Tag.


Passive Powers Passive Powers are a Character’s abilities that are omnipresent, not requiring an activation by playing a rune. If their effect applies to the current Character’s situation, the player simply states the Passive Power and applies its effects. Passive Powers come in a few varieties: • Some are always active, such Fleet-Footed, which gives a Character +1 Move in all circumstances. • Some are only applicable when the environment or other circumstance changes, such “Woodland Cover”, which penalises the foe’s Reach by 2 and Range by 4, but only if you are in woods or other dense vegetation. • Some only “trigger” on a certain event, such as receiving damage, or healing an ally. In some cases a Passive power will trigger when a Condition is received. • Yet other Passive powers only occur at a certain moment in time. These powers are usually combat related and trigger during the Upkeep phase. In all cases the Passive power description will state the effect and the activation, timing and/or situation. For the detailed list of Passive Powers, see page 451.

Base Powers

Similar to Passive Powers, the Norn’s Denizens often have “Base Powers”. These are Talents and Passive Powers that are derived from their very nature. They are racial and hereditary at heart. For example: a Shadow Skui from the magical realm of darkness called Svartalfheim will have Base Powers that permit them to see in darkness, even magical darkness.

Let’s continue the example from earlier. If our hypothetical Dweller had certain Passive Powers it would change our example situation considerably. This was the situation without a Passive Power in place. Let’s say our Dweller has the Quick Draw Passive Power, which has the following description:

Quick Draw Feat

Effect: You do not need to play a rune to draw your weapon, or to switch weapons.

With Quick Draw no rune needs to be played for the Character to draw their weapon, so the same turn resolves like so:

Lunging Attack

Multi Meta Tag

Types of Passive Powers Feat Feat Passive Powers are those confered through mundane (non-magical means); be it physique, intellect or charisma. Enchantment Enchantment Passive Powers are those confered through some magic; be it oghams, an blessing or charm. Innate Innate Passive Powers are those confered by the nature of the being; be it hereditary or the physical composition of the body.

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here are several types of damage in RGS3, but they’re all represented the same way: moving your runes to different positions around your playmat. The types of damage in RGS3 are: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Social. Each are handled a little differently. When no type of damage is specified, then it is assumed to be Physical damage, because that is the most common type. Other damage types are rarer; some strange magic powers do Mental or Spiritual damage instead, but these are exceptional.

Overview on Damage

Physical Damage

The different types of damage are not wildly different and all share the same basic mechanics.

This is the type of damage that Characters will receive (and inflict) the most. It is also the simplest kind of damage to understand. When a Character takes Physical damage:


At the end of every scene or combat round, all runes from Stun are returned to the Essence Bag. This is for all types of damage - Stun is a forgiving damage zone.


A Character is said to be “Bloodied” when at least half of their runes are in Stun, Wounds, and/or Death. Certain powers and abilities get bonuses when a combatant is Bloodied.


When being healed by magic or traditional means, the runes move counter-clockwise and back into the Essence Bag. Runes in Stun and Wounds are chosen first, then runes from Death. The only exception to this is for Spiritual damage.

• A rune is taken out of the Essence Bag at random and is placed in Stun, which is to the right of the playmat. • If the Character is taking more than 1 damage, the rune gets moved into the next regions, one for each damage taken, in the order of Stun, then Wounds, then finally Death. • The rune stops in Death. If there is still more damage to be accounted for, then a new rune is randomly drawn from the Essence Bag and the process repeats. • If at any point the Essence Bag is empty, then the runes are moved from In-Hand, In-Play, or Contingency (defender’s choice). • If there is a rune in transit, meaning in Stun or Wounds, it will be moved before any other rune.


When the last rune has moved into Wounds, the defender is rendered unconscious. If that last rune moves to Death, then the combatant is dead.

In this example the Character has a Destiny of 2 and Wyrded two runes onto In-Play. Then they took 2 damage, and so drew a random rune from their Essence Bag and moved it to Stun, then moved it to Wounds.

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These points line up with the numbers on the arrows on the example that follows. For this example, imagine a Character that has 3 Essence and 2 Destiny. Receiving and applying 2 Physical damage will take a random rune from Essence Bag (your Rune Bag) and will place it in Stun (count 1 damage), and then to Wounds (count 2 damage). Let’s make the example a little more complicated. Before you take more Physical damage, let’s assume you play one of the runes from In-Hand to In-Play for an action of some sort.


1. If there is a rune in transit, meaning in Stun or Wounds, it will be moved before any other rune. 2. If the rune being moved has hit Death and there is still more damage to be taken, another rune would be drawn from the Essence Bag. In this case the Essence Bag is empty. 3. If there is more damage that needs to be assigned, and the Essence Bag is empty, then runes must be moved from In-Hand, In-Play or Contingency; the defender decides. The implication of a rune leaving In-Hand means 1 less action. The implication of a rune leaving In-Play means either nothing (if the action was instantaneous) or some effects immediately cease (if the action has a duration while In-Play).

2 3


Mental Damage Mental damage is pretty rare, and is usually associated with spells dealing with thoughts and emotions. Damage is dealt to the In-Hand and In-Play (and Contingency, see page 159) zones instead of the Essence Bag. Those runes are assigned damage and returned to the Essence Bag. Once the target zone is empty, damage proceeds as Physical.

To summarize the order of operations when assigning Mental damage: 1) Attacker chooses 1 zone from this list: In-Hand, InPlay, Contingency. 2) Every point of Mental damage returns 1 rune from that zone into the Essence Bag. Defender chooses which runes are assigned damage first. 3) If the zone is empty and more Mental damage needs to be assigned, proceed with the Physical damage rules.

1 2


In the example, we assign 3 Mental damage. The attacker chooses In-Hand. The 3rd point of damage is pulled randomly from the Essence Bag.

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Spiritual Damage

To summarize the order of operations when assigning Spiritual damage:

Spiritual damage is pretty rare, and is usually associated with spells. The only difference between Physical damage and Spiritual damage is that Spiritual damage will bring runes past Death and into a unique zone called “Drain”.

1) Runes that are face-up in Death are chosen first, flipped over face-down for every point of Spiritual damage being resolved. If there are more than 1 rune faceup, the defender chooses which runes flip into Drain.

To represent the Drain zone on the playmat keep the rune in the Dead zone but flip the rune face-down.

2) If there aren’t any runes in Death, resolve damage as you would Physical damage until there is a rune in Death that can be put into Drain.

Each point of Spiritual damage will flip 1 face-up rune in Death. If there aren’t any runes that are face-up in the Death zone, then damage is assigned as Physical.

In this example, one rune is already in Death when 5 Spiritual damage is dealt.


1 5 4


Healing Spiritual Damage

No one can heal runes that are in Drain. On average (or to be determined by the Norn) every hour, 1 rune moves from Drain into Death, which can then be healed as per Physical healing rules.

Social Damage When a Character takes damage from a Social attack, the procedure is a little different. • When dealing Social damage, runes are moved from the Essence Bag and into the Stun zone only. • If at any point the Essence Bag is empty, then Social attack effects gain extra bonuses. (Full rules for Social damage can be found on page 190.) • Any additional Social damage done when the Essence Bag is empty is ignored. • Social damage never removes runes from other regions (like Wounds or Death) unless the Social attack power explicitly states to do so.

Healing Social Damage

Because at the end of every combat round all runes in Stun return to the Essence Bag, Social damage is particularly forgiving.

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1 2 For this example, imagine a Character that has 4 Essence and 2 Destiny. Receiving and applying 3 Social damage will take the runes from Essence randomly and will place them in the Stun zone. In this example, only 2 damage are applied, as the 3rd point of damage is ignored because the Essence Bag is empty.

Other Types of Damage Circumstantially other types of damage can come up during play, such as the desire to inflict or receive less lethal outcomes.

Subdual Damage

Sometimes the intent of your physical attack is to subdue the opponent rather than kill them. In that case the attacker must declare that their attack is going to be to subdue, and when Physical damage is assigned, runes are counted as if they descend to the Death zone, but are instead stopped at the last Wounds zone. This will allow an attacker to knock out an opponent instead of killing them.

Less Lethal Damage

The card playmats are modular, and you can add a second card under your main playmat card in order to add more Wounds zones. This means each rune will have a longer road until death, making the game more survivable. At the beginning of the game (campaign), all players democratically decide how lethal they’d like their adventure to be. Then all players including the Norn will use the same lethality level for both Dwellers and Denizens. With the extended Wounds card, the runes gain 2 more travel zones (effectively acting as hit points/ HP) before reaching Death. This also increases the rune travel distance when healing. For those truly terrified of glorious death, they can stack another Wounds card to add yet another 2 Wounds zones. There is no end to how many additional platmats can be added to belay death, but for the sake of resolving combat efficiently no more than 2 additional playmats are advisable.


Optional Damage Rule Instead of moving the last rune into Death, a Player may choose to move the rune into the zone before Death and take an “Injury”. Injuries are very serious consequences that are permanent and cannot be healed even by magic (without direct intervention from a much higher power).


Lost Limb You cannot equip/use 2-handed items or more than a single one-handed item


Brain Trauma Your Wyrd and Essence are reduced by 1

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onditions are descriptions that can be applied to a Character to summarise their circumstance. Characters, both Dwellers and Denizens, will gain and lose Conditions throughout the game. Some Conditions are physical, such as being blind or hidden, while others are Emotional, such as being humiliated or being brave. Conditions can be beneficial (positive), detrimental (negative), or both. Unlike injuries, Conditions are temporary. You can find a complete list of Conditions on page 183, and you can also download Condition cards from the website ( You can track them using the cards, or marking them on the larger advanced playmats that have the Conditions printed upon them (simply put tokens to manage intensity).

Overview of Conditions

• If a Condition is reduced to 0 intensity, you no longer suffer that Condition.

The following section lists the various Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Emotional Conditions and describes their effects.

Applying Conditions

• Physical Conditions will change the way someone’s body interacts with the world around them. • Mental Conditions will change the way someone’s thoughts are processed. • Spiritual Conditions are afflictions of the soul. • Emotional Conditions will alter someone’s emotional state, having a myriad of effects.

Conditions don’t use an Action Value (AV). Instead, to Inflict a Condition a Character is required to play a rune (Cinematic, Talent or Meta tag), and defenders must play a rune to Counter. Inflict and Counter are keywords an in and of themselves and can be Cinematic Actions.

Multiple Conditions

Sometimes you need to attack someone with some flair, and you declare “I light the bear on fire with my torch”, or “I throw sand in her eyes to blind her”. This simply requires a rune to be played as an Inflict Action. If successful, it will Inflict 1 intensity of a Condition.

A Character may have upon them multiple Conditions at a time, and there is no limit to the number of Conditions that can be applied. The exception to this is Emotional Conditions. A Character is only capable of having up to two Emotional Conditions at a time. Any new Emotional Condition supplants an old one of the lowest intensity. Should players seek more roleplaying challenge they could raise that cap.

Positive vs. Negative

Some Conditions are “positive”(beneficial) in nature and some of them “negative” (harmful). A few rare Conditions are both positive and negative, such as Possession, and can be used as either positive or negative. The Norn will adjudicate any discrepancy in these rare cases.


All Conditions have 4 levels of intensity. When you are afflicted with 1 instance of a new Condition, the Condition is considered to be at intensity 1. When a Condition is “applied” to someone who already has the Condition, such as by a weapon Meta Tag, the intensity is increased by +1. If you are afflicted by more than 1 intensity, the Condition raises by that number. • The effect of a Condition within intensity 1 to 3 is identical. • At maximum intensity, 4, the effects of the Condition are replaced with more severe effects. • You cannot have an intensity in a Condition greater than 4.

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With a Cinematic Action

To defend, someone can simply say “I duck away from the attempt”, and the Counter Action would be to play a rune to reduce the Inflict to 0. Some situations may grant automatic defence, such as trying to light someone on fire while they’re wet.

With a Talent

Conditions often appear as the Talent’s effect, or they can be present as a Meta Tag. A Talent will apply the Condition more aggressively, either Inflicting more than a single intensity of a Condition (such as the Amplify Meta Tag) or applying 1 intensity of two different Conditions. Defensive Talents may Counter some Conditions and may have some other bonus effect, or may Counter 2 intensities/ Inflicts. Defence will always maintain the ratio of 1 Inflict needs 1 Counter to negate the attack. When a Condition is successfully Inflicted, the Condition card is rotated with the intensity 1 marker pointing downwards. If the intensity increases, the card is rotated clockwise to reflect the new intensity number.


During Upkeep take 2 damage (cannot be reduced by armour or actions)

During Upkeep take 4 damage (cannot be reduced by armour or actions)

ity 1

Resolving Conditions Some Conditions stay in effect at all times, while others may only trigger once per combat round (usually during the Upkeep phase). Conditions afflicted by Cinematic Actions are not rigorously defined and can be resolved circumstantially by the decision of the Norn. Conditions inflicted with Talents can only be resolved as indicated by the text on the Talent, but all adhere to certain practices, outlined below. Exceptions for Emotional Conditions are noted in that section later on this page.


Some Talents can reduce Condition intensity via the “Consume” mechanic. When a Talent states “Consume 1 Alertness in order to” it means reduce 1 intensity of Alertness in order to gain some specified effect. You cannot Consume a Condition’s intensity if the intensity is at 0.


Any Condition can be rebuked or “countered” by playing a number of runes equal to the intensity being applied. Every rune played will reduce the incoming intensity by 1. If the Condition is being applied via a Talent, typically a specific Trait must be played in order to Counter. In those cases they will be listed in the Talent’s description in the form “[Counter Trait]”. So if it states [Counter S], it means a Spiritual rune must be played to Counter 1 intensity.


All detrimental Condition effects can be put on pause for 1 combat round by playing the Overcome cost. During Upkeep, a Character must push into In-Play a number of runes equal to half the Conditions that affect them (round up). Paying the Overcome cost will negate all Condition effects for 1 round. The Condition intensities will remain the same when they return. A Character can only do this once per combat.


Condition intensities can be decreased, the key word being to “Restore”. The keyword Restore also comes up in the description of many Talents. If the Talent states a value greater

During Upkeep take 4 damage (cannot be reduced by armour or actions)



During Upkeep take 2 damage (cannot be reduced by armour or actions)



than zero, such as Restore 2, or if the Talent is Amplified (see Meta Tags on page 173) then 2 intensities may be reduced; either 2 intensities from a single Condition, or 1 intensity from two different Conditions. A Restore can also be done as its own Cinematic action. During the Action phase, any one rune can be played as a Restore Action, such as dousing someone who is on fire, bandaging a gaping wound, or wiping the sand from their eyes. The Restore action can be performed on oneself or on an adjacent Character. The Restore Action must be performed during the Action phase. This cannot be done during the Upkeep phase since that is when many Conditions trigger/resolve. Outside of the adrenaline-filled moments of conflict, time reduces Physical Conditions by 1 intensity per minute of rest, and Emotional Conditions by 1 intensity every 6 hours of in-game time.

Emotional Conditions Emotional Conditions follow the Provoke rules for both applying and attempting to Counter. See page 163 for more on Provoke. If someone is already affected by 2 Emotional Conditions, another one cannot be applied unless the new Condition being applied is being applied for more intensity levels than one of the Conditions already affecting the Character. In that case the new Emotional Condition will replace the old Emotional Condition of least intensity. If there is a tie, then with the Norn’s approval, the Player may role-play which one gets replaced.

Beneficial Conditions

While beneficial (positive) Emotional Conditions may be desirable, not everyone is easily roused to those emotions. The person provoking the emotion must still perform a social attack on the recipient, but the recipient may opt to not play runes in defence, however the base/passive defence values still apply.

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With a Cinematic Action

As with Physical Conditions, Emotional Conditions can happen as a matter of circumstance within play. This requires a rune to be played as an Inflict Action, and if successful inflicts 1 intensity of the Emotional Condition. Counter runes can be played to reduce the intensity to 0. Emotional Conditions applied in this way are especially subject to the Character’s Lifepaths and Characteristics. For more on those, see 208.


You are unable to remember anything prior to the last 48 hours.

With a Talent

Emotional Conditions sometimes are part of the description of a Talent. If this is the case, they are probably arrived at magically rather than socially, such as being inflicted with a supernatural bout of Fear.

Resolving Emotional Conditions

These are states of mind and spirit that are more entrenched and harder to dislodge. It is very difficult to try and swing someone out of Fury and into a friendly state of mind. To perform a Restore on a Social Condition, one must perform a Provoke action (or Talent that has Provoke). Remember that the victim’s Innate Social Defense (ISoD) is added, making the Restore action tougher. Whether ISoD uses the Mental or Spiritual Trait is up to the given scenario, or the Norn may simply use the higher of either value.

INJURY Lost Foot

Move actions are always Weak.

Permanent Conditions Injuries

If your adventure requires the application of long-term Conditions, you can use various injuries and insanity. These Conditions are beyond normal and magical healing and require cures that are near impossible to achieve. After all, even gods live with injuries. Odin lost his eye and could not restore it, likewise Tyr lost his hand and never found a cure. If a Dweller takes an injury, such as with the optional rule for avoiding death, the Norn should make it very clear that this is a long term commitment. The effect should at a minimum hamper some aspect of the Character by at least 25% to a maximum of 50%. Examples would be the loss of an arm, making duel-wielding and two-handed weapons impossible. A Character losing their sanity may become paranoid, making them unable to gain beneficial Emotional Conditions, or someone with psychosis may lose Destiny based on the severity of their hallucinations (those lost runes represent continuous distractions). The Norn is encouraged to customize the madness or insanity to their storyline and specific events. Some examples are provided on the column to the right.

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INSANITY Psychosis

Your Wyrd and Essence are reduced by 1 (due to hallucinations)


Lost Hand

You cannot equip/use 2-handed items or more than a single one-handed item

List of Conditions Alertness

they are under the Fear Condition when Brave is gained, all intensities of the Fear Condition are reduced to 0. • Your Attack Action versus a higher Level foe gets a free Amplify Meta Tag.

Your senses are heightened, protecting you.



• You May Consume 1 Alertness in order to Counter 1 intensity of a Condition being applied to you. • Gain a +1 bonus to RV. Intensity 4: Draw 1 rune and reduce this Condition to 0 intensity.


Your strength and ability to act is sapped, such as from exhaustion, poison, drowning, exposure to harsh weather, a bleeding open wound, or being set on fire. • During Upkeep Accept a Death (cannot be reduced by armour or actions).


Intensity 4: During Upkeep Accept 2 Death (cannot be reduced by armour or actions).

You are consumed with violent thoughts and seek to lash out. Complex thought is difficult.

Divine Favour / Wrath

• Your Melee Attack actions gain +2 damage, Ranged Attack actions suffer -2 damage. • Your Provoke to Fear attacks gain +2. Your Question actions suffer -2.

The god or gods either approve or disapprove of your actions, and you are blessed or smitten accordingly. Favour and Wrath are mutually exclusive; this Condition may be in Favour or in Wrath, never both at the same time.


Intensity 4 • Your Melee Attack actions gain +2 damage and gain a free Swift Meta Tag. • Your Ranged Attack actions suffer -4 damage and are Abated. • Your Social Protection Rating (SoPR) gain +2. • Your Social Attack Factor (SoAF) gain -4.



Your senses are dulled or inhibited, be it from injury or obstruction. This most commonly affects the eyes, but this Condition is also relevant to the loss of other senses within context such as hearing or taste. • Play a Rune in order to target someone/something for the round. • Move -1. Intensity 4: • Accept a Wound and play a rune to target someone/ something for the round. • Move -1.


• Favour: Your {Divine} Talents heal allies 1 if they are within Far Range. • Wrath: Your Talents are Weak. Intensity 4 • Favour: Your {Divine} Talents gain a free Amplify Meta Tag and your {Divine} Talents heal allies 2 if they are within Far Range. • Wrath: Your Talents are Abated.

Drunk Mental

Through intoxication or through love, your behaviour is affected by a chemical force. • Physical and Social Actions gain +1 AV per intensity of the Drunk Condition. • Mental and Spiritual Actions gain -1 AV per intensity of the Drunk Condition. • Initiative -1 Rank. Intensity 4: Fall immediately unconscious.



The courage is summoned within you to do greatness.

The will of your emotions is beyond your control, making the urge of flight overwhelming.


• Your Attack and Defend Actions gain +4 AV versus higher Level foes. • You cannot gain intensities of the Fear Condition, and are immune to attempts to inflict Fear. If you are under the Fear Condition when Brave is gained, all intensities of the Fear Condition are reduced to 0. Intensity 4 • Adjacent allies cannot gain intensities in the Fear Condition, and are immune to attempts to inflict Fear. If


• Attack Actions versus the source of your fear are Abated. Defend Actions versus the source of your fear suffer a -2. • Move +2 when moving away from the source of your fear. Intensity 4: All Actions are Weak while within a Far (8 hex) Range of the source of your fear.

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Friendly Emotional

Your emotional alliance with another makes them of more vulnerable to social combat between you, but also unites you against those unfriendly. • Gain a Social Attack Factor (SoAF) of +2 and a Social Defend Factor (SoDF) of -2 when interacting with someone with whom you’re friendly. • Gain a +1 AV per friendly adjacent ally assisting your Action (to a maximum of 6). Intensity 4 • Gain a Social Attack Factor (SoAF) of +6 and -6 when attempting to resist a Compel Action when interacting with someone with whom you’re friendly. • Gain a +1 AV per friendly adjacent ally assisting your Action (to a maximum of 6). • Gain +1 Parry per adjacent friendly ally.



Not simply mundane anger, Fury is nearly a supernatural state of wrath that consumes you and aids in your actions of violence. • Attack Actions gain +3 damage. • Move +1. Intensity 4 • Attack Actions gain +6 damage. • Move +2.



This emotion consumes the soul and prevents you from performing well, causing lethargy unless your actions are directed towards revenge. • Skills and Move Actions are penalized by -1. • Actions that honour the target of the Grief, or dole out revenge, gain +1 AV. Intensity 4 • Destiny -1. • Actions that honour the target of the grief, or dole out revenge, gain a free Amplify Meta Tag.

Humiliated Emotional

You are hampered in your social interactions with others as you struggle with shame. • Your Assist Actions are Weak.

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• All of your Social Actions suffer a -1 penalty. • Skill Actions suffer a -2 AV while in public (more than a dozen people in the scene). Intensity 4 • You cannot perform Assist Actions. • All of your Social Actions suffer a -2 penalty. • Skill Actions suffer a -4 AV while in public (more than a dozen people in the scene).

Impeded Physical

Your ability to progress is hampered, such as swimming, carrying a heavy burden, an injury to your legs, being restrained, actions taken while underwater, or encountering any resistance to your physical progress such as trying to walk through a bog or mud. • Attack Actions have a -2 damage penalty. • Move -2. Intensity 4 • Attack Actions are Weak. • Move Actions are Weak.

Inspired Emotional

The spirit moves you to apply your knowledge to do great things in your area of expertise. • Choose 1 Skill for the day, and gain +1 AV for those Skill checks. • Focus +1. Intensity 4 • Choose either 2 Skills for the day to gain +1 AV for those Skill checks, or one Skill to gain +2. • Gain +2 Focus.

Miracle Spiritual

The White God blesses your efforts, but in his mysterious ways you are not in control of how this manifests. • {Faith} Talents gain a bonus Meta Tag chosen by the Norn. Intensity 4 • {Faith} Talents gain a bonus Meta Tag chosen by the Norn. • Wyrd +1 rune each round if a supernatural being is within Far Range. The rune must be used against that foe as a Root rune or Meta Tag.

Possession Spiritual

A spirit enters the body of the one under this Condition. It may be a spirit of the dead, a sidhe from the Otherworld, or the influence or agent of a god or powerful Tuatha. Some actions are stripped from your control and given to the invading spirit. • At the end of the Wyrd phase, lose control of 1 random rune In-Play until end of turn. The rune is placed in Contingency and will be controlled by the Norn. • Focus +2. Intensity 4 • At the end of the Wyrd phase, lose control of all runes In-Hand that match 1 random Trait, until end of turn. • Focus +4.

Remorse / Guilt Emotional

Your emotional capacity is sapped as consuming regret hampers your actions.

• Any enemies in Nearby Range must use 1 of their runes to attack you unless they Accept a Wound in order to ignore you. • Parry +1. Intensity 4 • Any enemies in Far Range must use 2 of their runes to attack you unless they Play a rune in order to ignore you. • Parry +2.

Trance Spiritual

Your body is carried into a state of greater spiritual awareness. This may manifest as babbling incoherently, sitting quietly with your eyes closed, or dancing. • Foes who wish to pay a rune to disrupt your spell casting must pay an additional rune. Intensity 4: Empower +1 (see page 171).

Vulnerable All Types

Intensity 4: Once per Initiative, lose access to 1 random Trait for the duration of the combat/scene. It cannot be used for Meta tags, although it retains its colour and symbol.

You are caught in a strategically poor position and your ability to defend yourself has been inhibited. For instance: you are knocked down to the ground, caught unaware, someone has used your trust in them against you, or you have been betrayed. Mentally, Vulnerable can also encompass mental fatigue that causes you to ignore danger or properly assess threats.


• Physical Defend Actions suffer a -2 RV penalty. • Social Defend Actions suffer a -2 RV penalty.

You are hidden or otherwise obscured. This may be as mundane as hiding amongst trees, choosing to stick to the shadows, or working in your foe’s blind spot, or as supernatural blurring upon your body, a compulsion for others to look away, or a protective blessing upon you, making you invisible.

Intensity 4 • Physical Defend Actions are Weak. • Social Defend Actions are Weak.

• Suffer -2 Social Defend Factor (SoDF). • Suffer a -2 Parry penalty.


• Someone who wishes to target you this round must play an additional rune to do so. Intensity 4: Someone who wishes to target you this round must play 2 additional runes to do so.

Taunt Mental

Your draw enemies to you baiting them to target you instead of another.

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Condition Hierarchy If inflicting a Condition comes into conflict with a pre-existing Condition, consult this hierarchy of ascending importance:

Condition Trait Miracle


Disposition Positive

Divine Favour / Wrath Spiritual

Positive / Negative























All Types























Flow (DotN book)


















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tate refers to a circumstance that can affect a Character or an Item that is beyond the definitions of a Condition. While Conditions have intensities and rules for countering and reducing, States are finite. You are either in the State of unconscious, or you are not. This will also apply to allies called “companions” who track their own individual state.

States For Characters Throughout play a Character will find themselves in various States of being. Some of these may trigger certain Talents or Passive Powers, so Players should be mindful of the State of their Characters.


If half or more of a Character’s Essence in runes are in Stun or below (as in Stun, Wounds, Death, or Drain) then they are considered to be in a Bloodied State. Healing will move enough runes to Essence and Stun, removing the Bloodied state.


If all of a Character’s runes are in the Dead zone or Drain, their spirit has left their body and is set to proceed onto the afterlife. Rules on the Afterlife are on page 204.


If a Character is not Bloodied or Unconscious, they are considered more or less to be in a Healthy State, even if afflicted by several Conditions. This is the default State and most Characters spend most of their time in a State of Health.


If an item sustains any injury to itself then it takes on the Damaged State, and everything it does will be Weak (rounded down.) If it is again injured it will enter a Broken State.

There are skills that allow someone to repair an item. These skills will describe the process, time, tools and materials required to restore an item back to working form.

States for Companions Although Companions are (typically) living beings, for the sake of simplicity they follow the rules for States of Items; that is to say if they receive any damage that exceeds their QR and/or level then they are effectively Damaged, and if they receive any further damage they are effectively Broken. To “repair” a companion, they need to receive Healing in an amount equal to or greater than their QR and/or Level. Rules for Companions and other Thanes can be found on page 192.


If all of a Character’s runes but one are in Death, then they have triggered a State of Unconsciousness, and will lose control of their body as it falls inert. When the body regains consciousness is up to the current circumstance and the Norn.

States for Items If an Item is damaged via an attack or circumstance then it can become damaged, and a damaged item can become broken.


If an Item has entered the Broken State then it is unusable for its intended purposes and is functionally inert. It still maintains its relevant physical dimensions and weight, but cannot be equipped or employed.

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ithin RGS3 combat can take many forms. Most basic conflict can be dealt with using Cinematic Actions or the Colour Challenge, but when a more detailed encounter is necessary then turn order and phases within a turn become more important. Combat can be physical, social or a mix of both. Both are outlined in detail below.

Combat Phases


Unless combat can be resolved with a single strike, combat will necessitate ordering events. Each combat round has 4 phases as outline here. Successive combat rounds are played until one side achieves victory, or violence ends.

Initiative order is determined once at the start of a tense scene (such as combat) and is a living list- anyone can play a rune from In-Hand to In-Play on their turn to change their Initiative order by one position up or down.

Steps to follow for each combat: 1. Initiative: Set the initiative order of combatants. This only needs to be done in the first round of combat, and can be followed thereafter. 2. Wyrd Phase: Each combatant Wyrds their Destiny in runes. 3. Upkeep Phase: Each combatant resolves their personal Upkeep effects including applicable Conditions. These are detailed on your Talents if any apply. 4. Action Phase: Resolve actions in Initiative order for all combatants (including Social Actions). You can use any combination of “crunch” levels to do so, including Cinematic Actions, a Colour Challenge (if the Norn finds it appropriate), the use of Talents, or the use of Talents with Meta Tags. 5. Clean-Up Phase: Return runes from Stun, In-Play, Contingency and In-Hand to the Essence Bag. Maintained Talents and runes in Wounds, Death and Drain remain on the playmat. These phases persist each Round until the situation is satisfied.

Denizen 1 Dweller 1 Denizen 2

Take 1 tile per Dweller and Denizen in the scene and shuffle them and then lay them out in a line, top to bottom. The first one to act is the name on the top, and after their action is complete, the next name in the list gets to act. After that Dweller or Denizen has acted, the Initiative tile is nudged to the right to indicate that their turn is done. After everyone in the list has acted, then a “round” has been completed. The next round begins with the person at the top of the list. This continues until the scene is resolved. If it’s a

Dweller 1 Denizen 1

Denizen 2

combat, then it ends when all foes have been defeated. During a Dweller or Denizen’s turn, they can play a rune to move up or down the Initiative track. Movement down the

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track will not grant another action phase, since the tile will already have been nudged to the right, indicating that no more actions are possible. There are exceptions however, some powers and actions such as interrupts and defend actions can be performed during another combatant’s turn.








Axe (DF)

2nd Axe (DF)

Level 8

Physical Combat Physical combat Actions use the following key terms: Protection Factor (PF): Automatically reduces the attacker’s AV (defender doesn’t need to perform a Defend Action to benefit from it). Damage Factor (DF): This number is added to the Attack Action’s AV when a rune is played for the Action. Parry: This number is added to the Defend Action’s RV when a rune is played for the Action. Parry will specify which Trait it blocks (Physical, Mental and Spiritual). If not specified, Parry will block Physical damage by default. Physical Conditions: Physical Conditions have an intensity range of 1 to 4 (low to high).


When Pwyll attacks the bandit, he deals 1 damage for playing the rune, +1 damage because it’s a Physical rune, and +6 damage from using his two axes. (And he still has a rune to spare.) The Bandit has no armour, so won’t reduce the incoming attack by his Protection Factor. The Bandit willl play a Physical rune as a Defend Action. This reduces Pwyll’s AV by 1 (for playing the rune) +1 (for it being a Phyiscal rune)

AV 6 Attack











Sword (DF)

Shield (Parry)

Level 7

RV 5 Defend Bandit took the damage of the difference

and an additional +3 from the Parry of the Bandit’s Shield. The Bandit’s final RV is 5 (1 + 1 + 3). This means Pwyll deals 1 Physical damage to the bandit (6 minus 5). If Pwyll chooses to use their remaining rune for another attack, it will only do 5 damage since he needs to play a Spiritual rune. The Bandit would similarly have a total defence of 4, and would again take 1 damage. Pwyll could instead keep his remaining Spiritual rune, and place it in Contingency, just in case the Bandit is going to retaliate when it comes to be the Bandit’s turn. For runes on Contingency, see page 159.

Reach bonus based on Size = Size divided by 4 (round up) - 189 -

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Social Combat Social Combat can be a stand alone action, or it may be part of a tense scene such as a combat, requiring Initiative. Combat can be all social, all physical, or can also be a mix of physical and social.

Key Terms in Social Combat

Social Combat Actions use the following numerical values: Innate Social Defense (ISD): The sum of all Mental or Spiritual runes a Character has In-Hand, in Contingency and In-Play. This affects Social Protection Rating. Social Protection Rating (SoPR): The number that is automatically reduced from the attack’s AV in a social attack. The defender doesn’t need to perform a Defend action to benefit from it SoPR. Social Attack Factor (SoAF): This number is added to social attack AV when a rune is played for the action. Social items, Lifepaths, and Characteristics can all add to this total. Social Defend Factor (SoDF): This number is added to Social Defend action’s RV when a rune is played for the Action. Emotional Conditions: Emotional Conditions have an intensity range of 1 to 4 (low to high).

Steps of Resolving Social Attack

There are a few special steps involved with resolving a Social Attack Action that makes it a little different than its physical equivalent, but the principals are all the same. 1. Attacker describes a logical or emotional attack (Mental or Spiritual respectively). 2. Attacker chooses a Social Attack Action (almost every social interaction falls into: Question, Provoke or Compel). For details on each of these see Generic Cinematic Actions page 161. 3. Attacker calculates AV. Just like calculating any other AV, Talents, Equipment, Lifepaths, and Characteristics could all add to this total. 4. Defender describes reaction to be Mental Spiritual (does

Spir itu


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Pwyll plays a Spiritual rune looking to fluster his opponent into giving him a much needed answer. Playing a Spiritual rune for the Question action grants AV 2 (base 1 +1 Trait Match). We will also give him a bonus from having the “Investigative” Characteristic that grants him +1 on his emotional Question attack, for a total AV 3. Since the Bandit wyrds a Mental rune, that means he’ll get 1 Innate Social Defence. The Bandit uses the Mental Rune (attempting to reason to deflect the Question). Adding to the Innate Social Defence is +1 for playing the rune, and another +1 because the rune is Mental. The Bandit’s total RV is 3, granting him success against Pwyll. Since Pwyll fails to deal at least 1 point of damage, he doesn’t get an answer to his question.

Lifepath & Characteristics

Characteristics can play a major role in Social Combat. Characteristics such as “Investigative” and “Paranoid” can help with social attacks and defence. It is up to the player and Norn to articulate how those are used in the context of the conversation.

Social Damage

Remember that any damage done from a Social Attack only ever goes to the Stun zone, and that any damage in the Stun zone is swept back into your Essence Bag during the Cleanup Phase. See Social Damage page 178.

Mental AV 3 minus Question

1 Social Protection Rating

- 190 -

not need to match attacker) and calculates RV. Just like calculating any other RV, Talents, Equipment, Lifepaths, and Characteristics could all add to this total. The Defender also gets a Social Protection Rating equal to the number of runes In-Hand, Contingency, and In-Play that match the chosen defence Trait. 5. If Effect is greater than 0 it succeeds. 6. If the Defender’s Essence Bag is empty, the attack has a special bonus described for each social attack method. What happens when the Essenge Bag is empty is detailed under the entries for Question, Provoke, and Compel in Generic Cinematic Actions page 162.


RV 2 Defend

Range When any sort of action is performed, whether a shout, an attack, or a spell, it’s necessary to take range into consideration. In other words, can the effect reach its intended target. RGS uses two types of notations that cover most types of gamers: theatre of the mind (Abstract), and those who prefer to play with a battle-mat and miniature figurines (Objective).

Abstract Range

For theatre of the mind players, range is broken down into 4 distance categories- this is called “abstract range”. Melee attacks are all considered to happen at adjacent range.

Abstract Range

Objective Range

For battle-mat and miniatures players, range is calculated by hexagons or squares (preference on hexagons). This is referred to as an “objective range” since each hex is counted as 6’ (2 yards/Metres) distance. Movement is tracked by a number of hexes, as is spell range and area range. These numbers are explicitly specified under powers and abilities. Melee weapons have a Reach attribute score, while ranged weapons have a Range attribute score. The Dweller in the diagram below in red has a reach 2 melee weapon. Meaning he can reach Denizen 1, but cannot reach Denizen 2, who is 3 hexes away.

The theatre of the mind variant abstracts range into 4 categories: Adjacent: Anyone next to you Nearby: Anyone within 4 hexes (8 yards/Metres) Far: Anyone within 8 hexes (16 yards/Metres) Battlefield: 16 hexes (32 yards / Metres) or anywhere within the scene or battlefield If someone performs a Move Action, they can get closer by 2 range categories. Having a Physical Trait score greater than zero, or having a Passive power that increases movement allows a combatant to get anywhere on the battlefield by performing a Move Action (playing a rune). Bear in mind that in a theatre of the mind game, if you move towards someone, it may also mean you are moving away from Range Meta Tags add 8 hex range, while Area Meta Tags cresome other combatants. For complex battles with many ene- ate a +2 hex area of effect around the combatant. mies, sometimes a battle-mat and miniatures are preferable. Similarly if someone adds a Range or Area Meta Tag to their effects, Range will reach 2 categories away while area will increase the area by 1 category. More on Meta Tags see page 172.

For gaming purposes 1 yard = 1 Metre and 1 hex is 2 yards/Metres

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llies can either be player Dwellers or non-Player Thanes. This section explores the most common types found in this book, the Maven and Companion Thanes.Thanes are simple companions that accompany a Character. They are either introduced via the storyline, or are generated by certain Talents and/or Passive powers.

Thanes are Characters that accompany a Dweller on their adventures. Two types of thanes are explained in this section. Thanes found in other books such as the Core Rulebook have more advanced attributes and require more bookkeeping.


QR Effect 1 1

+1 Size Heal +1 (bonus when healing)


Physical DF +1


Parry +1 Physical


Parry +1 Mental


Parry +1 Spiritual


Reach +1


Range +4


Physical DF +1


Mental DF +1


Spiritual DF +1


Move +1


Focus +1


Empower +1


Physical PF +1

Unless otherwise specified, a Companion starts at Size 1 and Move 1 for free.


Mental PF +1


Spiritual PF +1

Combat A Companion becomes Damaged if it receives damage in excess of its QR/Level, and if already Damaged, it then becomes Broken. To remove these states, the Companion can be Healed - again the Heal must exceed the QR/Level in order to remove one of the above states (Broken before Damaged). A 6 hour rest will also remove the Damaged condition, and an additional 6 hours for the Broken condition.


Adding a Meta Tag


Inflict a Physical Condition


+1 Social Attack Factor (SoAF)


+1 Social Defend Factor (SoDF)


+1 Social Protection Rating (SoPR)


Maven Only Effect


Gains The Sight


Aos Si Denizen attribute

Companions are simplified Thanes that are treated mechanically as items, and as such do not have an Essence or Destiny score. They also derive their level as a percentage of the Dweller’s level. This level is then utilized to derive their statistics such as Move, DF as well as their Attributes and possible Skills. Typical Companions include horses, hunting hounds, hawks, and any other trained “pet” animals. Exceptional Companions may include Ghosts, Cu Sidhe, or other, stranger beings. Level A Companion’s level (the companion’s QR is equal to Level) is usually 50% of the Dweller level. If the Talent has been raised to Rank 2, some talents will boost the Companion’s level to 75% of the Dweller’s level. The Level/QR is then spent on the table on the next page in order to acquire attributes for the Companion. As the Companion gains levels, they increase/acquire more attributes.

Actions Usually a Companion gets 1 free action per round, then per 4 AV of the relevant Talent, it gains +1 additional action.

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Companion Rules

General rules: Companions have their own set of simplified rules. • Companions have no Level, Essence, or Destiny runes of their own. • Companions also have no position on the Initiative track. • Instead, they are represented much like a piece of equipment at the disposal of their Dweller. • Companions still occupy space (hexes), have a relevant Size, Move, and are usually capable of doing damage to other Characters. • Companions always count as an Ally to the Dweller who commands them. Actions: A Companion has 1 free action per turn, but additional bonus actions must be commanded using a Dweller’s runes via the use of a Talent. • Like a weapon or armour, a Meta Tag can be applied to the Companion’s actions from the Dweller’s runes. • If it is an offensive Meta Tag or negative Condition, then it can be applied on a foe any time they make an Attack Action. • If it is a defensive Meta Tag or positive Condition, it can be applied to themselves only when they make a Defend Action. Moving & Communication: Companions always stay Nearby (within 4 hexes) of their Dweller unless ordered to be farther away. • Communication with a Companion is made freely, and telling them to stay does not count as a Cinematic Action. • If the Companion is Nearby when combat begins then Companion begins adjacent to their Dweller. • If combat begins and the Companion is Far away or further (8 hexes or more) then it is considered unready and the Dweller must spend an Action to summon it (play a rune). The Companion becomes ready the turn after it was summoned if it was within sight, or two turns after summoned if it was out of sight but within earshot. Companions not within earshot cannot be summoned, and will only return when the task they were assigned is completed to the best of their abilities.

• Unless told otherwise, Companions follow their Dweller when they make a Move action and stay as close as they were before, even if the Dweller’s Move would exceed the Companion’s ability to Move. • Outside of combat Companions can move of their own accord and act independently, and roaming as far away as it is commanded. Once outside of communication they will attempt to obey the orders they were given, then return. Taking Damage: Since a Companion has no Essence or Destiny, special rules govern its health to represent the training that the Dweller has imbued that the Companion can recall under dire circumstances. • To harm a Companion a foe must do damage in excess of its QR, which is usually half the Dweller’s Level, unless the Skill used to command the Companion is Ranked Up, in which case it is 75% of their Dweller’s Level. • If a Companion would suffer any kind of damage, the Dweller may pay a rune for their Defend action and the Companion’s Parry is added to their QR, no matter how far away they are. • If a Companion is afflicted with any amount of damage it takes on a “Damaged” Condition as an item would. (All of its relevant functions are Weak, with all its numbers halved and rounded down as per damaged items rules.) Once Damaged, if it takes damage again it is considered Broken (incapacitated until the end of combat or the end of scene unless a special Talent is used to heal them). • Companions can take on any Condition, except for Possession (they are immune, out of loyalty). If a Companion suffers Degeneration, they are “Damaged” upon next Upkeep, and “Broken” on the following Upkeep phase. • If a Companion is going to take on a negative Condition, you can pay a rune of any Trait to Counter. During Upkeep a rune may be played to reduce a Condition’s intensity by 1 (1 per rune played). • A Companion can be “repaired” from Damaged or Broken with the use of certain Talents. There are several Companions that are granted by Archetypes. They are listed in the section below. Common Companions Table





MetaTag Skill Check

Bronze Idols



3 (Construct)





1 (Talons)

1 / 6 (Flight)





1 Spiritual

4 (Haunting)


Commune with Dead

Hobbie Pony


2 (Hooves)

10 (Quadruped)





3 (Bite)

6 (Quadruped)



- 193 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Bronze Idols

1,000 Skatt ea. • Unable to affect the material world. It cannot inflict any

Creations of wood and bronze in the shape of Fidchell pieces resembling warriors. These strange constructs have no intelligence or will of their own, and work as a single unit in combat. Size: 3


Reach: 1

Occupy: 3 hexes*

Move: 3 (Construct)

Meta Tag: Deflect

Attributes: PF +1 Skill to Commanded: Fidchell Bronze Idols are treated as a Swarm in every regard but one: the hexes they occupy do not have to be adjacent to each other. As well: • They always face the same direction as each other. • When they are commanded to act, all Bronze Idols perform the same action without variation. For instance, if given the order to move forward, they all Move in the same direction and for the same number of hexes. If given the order to Attack, they all attack in the same direction, regardless if there is a foe to attack or not. • When one of them takes on the Damaged or Broken Status, they all do.


300 Skatt

A small bird of prey common for sport hunting among land owners, or those who have made a profession of falcon breeding and sale. Size: 1

DF: 2

Reach: 1

Occupy: 1 hex

Move: 1/7 (Flight)

Meta Tag: Blinded

Attributes: Parry +3, SoDF +2 Skill to Commanded: Falconry

Ghost of a Fallen Ally

0 Skatt

You are haunted by an ally from a battle long past. Though they fell in battle, they are determined to aid and protect you as they are able. Size: 4

DF: 1 S

Move: 4 (Haunting)

Reach: 1

Occupy: 1 hex Meta Tag: Possession

Attributes: See Notes. Skill to Commanded: Commune with Dead A Ghost that is actively haunting a Denizen takes on the unique Creature Type of “Haunting”, which is different from the ordinary “Ghostly” Attribute. A Ghost with “Haunting” is: • Invisible, except for a Character standing adjacent to it, those it attacks, and at all times to the one it haunts.

- 194 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Physical damage, but is also immune to non-magical Physical damage. Accordingly it is unable to carry or equip any physical items, armour, or weapons. The Ghost carries with them the spectral image image of the weapon they wielded in life, even if that weapon is now long gone. It inflicts 1 Spiritual damage at Reach 1.

• Capable of passing through combatants, terrain, and even walls without hindrance. A Ghost may share the same hex as another combatant, however when the Ghost is struck with a Spell everyone it shares a hex with also gets affected by the Spell. • Ghosts can communicate freely with the one they haunt, but cannot be heard by any other. • Unable to go more than Far (8 hexes) from their Dweller, and will stop as though blocked by a magic barrier.

Hobbie Pony

500 Skatt

A fast and agile light cavalry horse, Hobbies are much-loved in the Six Kingdoms of the Celts, but especially in Eire. They are smaller than continental horses and better suited to the rough hills, steep crags, and mountains of the Celtic lands. Size: 5

DF: 2

Reach: 1

Move: 10 (Quadruped)

Occupy: 1 hex Meta Tag: Absorb

Attributes: Capable of being used as a mount Skill to Commanded: Riding Hobbie Ponies cannot be commanded from farther than a Far (8 hex) distance away.

Pack of Hunting Hounds

700 Skatt

A symbol of loyalty and status in Celtic societies, hounds also served a practical purpose for hunting, and aided in matters of war. Historically hounds meant for combat were trained to drag riders from their mounts. As a swam of 6 to 12 hounds, a pack is Size 6 and occupies two adjoining hexes. Hounds are trained to act as a pack, and cannot be separated or given different commands; they act as one. If, for whatever reason, the two hexes of hounds are separated, one hex is considered to be hounds that are scattered and lost, and the other hex grows into two. Individually the hunting hounds are Size 1 with a DF of 1, and would cost about 200 skatt each. Size: 6

DF: 3*

Reach: 1

Move: 6 (Quadruped) Attributes: Parry +2, SoDF -1 Skill to Commanded: Houndmaster

Occupy: 2 hexes Meta Tag: Impeded

Maven Rules

Mavens are companions that originated in the Otherworld. Either it was killed in the mundane world and had to retreat, weakened, to the Otherworld, or it is young or of low rank in its court. Typically weaker fey have to serve stronger fey in near-slavery for hundreds of years and slowly creep up in the hierarchy of the courts. Weaker sidhe often gravitate towards humans, entering in a symbiotic relationship with them. A maven-bond to a human affords a much quicker opportunity to gain power as the human does. A more equal rapport is always better than being forced to serve for aeons. So, the sidhe has chosen to become a Maven, and bonded with a human to learn and grow, and join them in high-adventure. Mavens are treated as Companions mechanically. They also have access to slightly different Companion level-up abilities. Form: Mavens have no: • Level, Essence or Destiny. • Effect on the material world. • Visible form (except by The Sight).

Maven’s Needs: If the Dweller passes up a known opportunity to attend to the Maven’s need, then there is a 33% chance the Maven will abandon the Dweller for the day.

Maven Table Availability: Not all of the creatures listed on the next page as being potential Mavens are detailed in the Denizen entries that follow. Some of them are detailed in later books in this series.

• Weight or dimension. Passive Ability: Mavens grant a bonus Passive ability that scales with the Dweller’s Level. (Mavens have no level of their own.) Typically this is a Combat ability, and they also grant another bonus to Skill Checks during times of Peace. Bloodied State: The Maven’s granted Passive abilities is for both Combat and Peace are lost when the Character they are bonded to enters a Bloodied State, or when the Maven has somehow otherwise left their side. If a Bloodied Character is healed above the threshold, then the Maven is back in action, applying its benefits to the Character. Damage to Mavens: Other than a spell with an Area Meta tag, a Maven is not otherwise affected by Attack Actions targetting their Dweller host. If for whatever reason a Maven is struck for any amount or kind of damage it will disappear back to the Otherworld, and can only be collected later with a ceremony when the danger has passed.

Training Table Use the chart on the next pages for when your Companion gains QR to teach them new abilities, be they an animal, ghost, Maven, thane, or otherwise. This chart is displayed based on primary Creature Type. If the Companion has more than one Creature Type listed then use the one farthest to the left.

Choosing a Maven: When a player chooses a Maven when they gain the Passive Power “Bond With Maven”, they should consider the following: • Where the sidhe dwells in the mundane world. If the Dweller is not from that Celtic Kingdom, why were they there? • The circumstance under which the Dweller and Sidhe met. Did they strike a deal? Did the Dweller inherit the Maven from another, a family member perhaps? Did the Dweller defeat the sidhe in combat, and rather than strike the final blow that would send them back to Otherworld as a weak sidhe, strike a deal for them to become a Maven? • What Archetype the sidhe would prefer to bond to. This is not a restriction, but some sidhe are more easily convinced of a Maven bond with certain kinds of humans.

- 195 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Class Locale Combat







Move +25% of Level

Swim +2

Copious Food





Disarm +25% of Level

Animal Empathy +2 Be Un-named





Physical PF +10% of Level

Drink & Wench +2

Copious Alcohol


Fear Dearg



SoDF +25% of Level

Feather Fingers +2

Stolen Items





Mental PF +5% of Level

Riding +2

Noble Quests




Breizh/Kernow Heal +25% of Level

Perform +2

Frequent Music

Horned Ones




Blend-in +25% of Level

Drink & Wench +2

Copious Alcohol


Lubber Fiend



Spiritual Parry +5% of Level Lore Arcana +2

Sweet Foods


Mooinjer Veggey



Ranged Attacks +10% of Level



Reach Stargazing +2

Redcap Goblin Settlements Physical DF +25% of Level Intimidate SoAF +2 Frequent Kills Bandrui Wandrering Sidhe Goblin Eire Spiritual PF +5% of Level Negotiate SoAF +2 Travel Horned Ones Ceannaí Sí Seelie Settlements SoAF to Negotiate +25% of Appraise +4 You to buy and sell Horned Ones (Fey Merchant)

- 196 -



Gille Dubh



SoDF +25% of Level

Sneak +2

Larbha Fuilteach (Fey Scholar)



Assess Foe +4

Lore Skills +10% of To learn new things Horned Ones Level

Ollamh Sí (Fey Judge)



SoAF +4

Skill Checks for law Legal cases to pre- Horned Ones +25% of Level side over




PF +10% of Level

Athletics +2




Throw Distance +10% of Level Athletics +2




Focus +5% of Level

Commune w/ Dead +2 Frequent Kills





Mental DF +5% of Level

Commune w/ Dead +2 Avoid the Light





Blend-in +25% of Level

Disguise +2





Alba Swamps Spiritual Parry +10% of Level Perception +2

Souls to Devour







Ponds/Rivers SPF +5% of Level

Push Distance +25% Level

Sweet Foods

No Holy Ground


Sweet Foods


of Any Skill Check need- Sweet Foods ed for an act of arson +3 Oaths +2



Souls and Water


Foiche Fuilteach Unseelie (Fey Bloody Wasp)


Mental Parry +10% of Level Escape +2

Sweet Foods





Eat items and objects at a Perception +2 QR of +25% of Level

Copious Food




Alba, Jorvik

Reduce adjacent foe's Heal Hunting & Trapping Domination by 25% of Level +2


Cabyll Ushtey



Melee Attacks Reach +10% Boating +2 of Level

Frequent Kills


Cat Sith (Fey Cat)



Spiritual DF +5% of Level Sneak +2

Souls to Devour


Cu Sidhe (Fey Hound)



Parry +25% of Level




Grab actions + 25% of Level Swim +2



Each Si (Fey Horse) Wild


Move +25% of Level

War Tactics +2

Praise, Attention


Préachán Sí (Fey Crow)

Any Forest

SDF +25% of Level

Navigation +2

Praise, Attention



Hunting & Trapping Praise, Attention +2


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)










Physical DF +1


Mental DF +1


Spiritual DF +1


Focus +1


Heal +1


Parry +1 Physical




Parry +1 Mental




Parry +1 Spiritual



PF Physical +1




PF Mental +1




PF Spiritual +1



Move +1




Range +4



Reach +1


Size +1


+1 Social Attack Factor (SoAF)







+1 Social Defend Factor (SoDF)












Weapon Meta Tag





























Second Weapon Meta


Third Weapon Meta



Second Defensive Meta


Third Defensive Meta


Condition (Physical) Meta Tag




Creature Type










































































































Defensive Meta Tag








Small Effects







QR Effect


Companion Types Table



X are legal choices for those types of companions

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

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he principal Character controlled by each Player is called a Dweller. Dwellers are Characterised through their level, Destiny, and Essence. Characters gauge their knowledge, experience and powers in a concept called “level”. A level 1 Character would be a small toddler, while a king of a country may be level 30, and a god or jotun may be level 60. As a general rule of thumb, levels 1-7 are reserved for the ordinary citizens of the world. Player Dwellers would start their adventuring careers between level 8 and 12; what level is ultimately the Norn’s decision.

Dweller Creation Destiny

Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Norn decides the starting level Players buy their Essence and Destiny Generate Characteristics and Lifepaths Choose an Archetype and choose specialization Bind runes to Talents and Passive powers Set starting equipment

All Possible Options Per Level Level 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 10

Essence 1 2 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 3 5 7 8

Destiny 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1

10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 etc

6 4 9 7 5 10 8 6 4 etc

2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 etc

- 198 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

The Dweller levels are used to “buy” Essence and Destiny. To buy 1 Essence costs 1 level, and to buy 1 Destiny costs 2 levels.


There are three ways to generate the runes connected to their Essence and it will be the Norn’s decision which one is used. For Dweller generation, a full set of runes will be necessary. Method 1 From a full bag of runes, randomly draw a number of runes equal to Essence. This is the most unpredictable method for Essence generation. Method 2 The player chooses 1 Physical, 1 Mental and 1 Spiritual rune from the full rune bag (assuming at least 3 Essence), and then any extra Essence runes are drawn at random from the full rune bag. This is the middle-ground option that reduces some of the randomness. Method 3 The player may choose each and every rune from the full rune bag. This gives the Dweller the most control over their build.

Characteristics & Lifepath

In order to kill two birds with one Viking axe, if random pulls are being made from a full rune bag, then the Characteristics and Lifepath can also be generated at the same time. Otherwise after generating the Essence for the Dweller, Characteristics and Lifepath are generated separately (see page 208). Alternatively, the Norn may allow players to define their own backstories, Characteristics and Lifepaths.

Archetype & Disir Level

Next the player must choose their archetype and archetype specialization. Some archetypes require a Disir level gerater than 0, but all new players begin at Disir level 0, simplifying options.

Elder Futhark

Tiwaz: Discipline

Hagalaz: Storms & Chaos

Fehu: Wealth

Berkano: Unseen

Naudhneed: Desire & Value

Uruz: Strength

Ehwo: Communication

Isaice: Stasis & Cold

Thurisaz: Barrier

Mann: Self

Jethe: Giant

Cansuz: Death

Claguz: Creative

Eihwas: Distance

Raidho: Journey

Ing: Achievement

Pertho: Chance

Kenaz: Insight

Dagaz: Primal & Nature

Elhaz: Protection

Gebgift: Gift

Othala: Home

Sowsun: Light

Wunjo: Wind & Speed

The number of runes of a certain Trait within Essence determines a Character’s Physical, Mental and Spiritual aptitude.


Prone to illness

Slow and dim-witted

No conviction, easily swayed emotionally


Average human physical norm

Average human mental norm

Average human spiritual norm


Physically fit




Above-average strength and speed

Cunning mind

Strong conviction and pleasant personality


Strong physique and constitution

Nimble mind and innovative

Charming and devout


Astonishing strength

Sharp mind and an ability to outwit most

Charisma that inspires loyalty


Peak human physique

Peak human mental acumen

Peak human faith and conviction


Superhuman endurance and agility

Superhuman understanding

Superhuman spirituality


Demi-god reflexes and might

Demi-god intuition and knowledge

Soul of a demi-god


Divine-level constitution, strength and dexterity

Divine-level intelligence, wisdom and intuition

Divine spirit, an unshakable rock of faith that inspires others

- 199 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


An archetype defines one’s roll in society. A Dweller archetype may be defined by their job, or their skill-set, or their relation to those around them. An archetype will also provide a defining set of abilities that makes that individual unique. While two Characters may share the same archetype, within the archetype, there are many ways for a player to define a unique set of Talents and Passive powers. When choosing an archetype in the Fate of the Norns universe, you must ask yourself a series of questions in order to make a more informed choice. The player should ask themselves: what is my Dweller concept? Do I want to be a brawny warrior, or a more academic druid? Do I follow the old gods, or the new White God? Would I enjoy crafting items and/or potions? These questions will help narrow down the decision. After choosing an archetype, more questions will help round out a more interesting Dweller. Am I a tragic hero, or perhaps an aspiring apprentice looking forward to a promising career? What defines my Dweller if I had to summarize them in a few sentences? What do I look like? What conclusions will someone draw from my appearance?

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What are my mannerisms? What is my trademark saying or action? Where do I live within the Celtic World? What is my family like? How many siblings do I have? What is my relationship with them? What does my Dweller hold sacred? It isn’t necessary to have all the answers during Dweller creation. Some elements of the Dweller will materialize as you play the game.

Bind the Void Rune

The first step will be to choose one of the three specializations. The Void rune will then be bound to the Active talent, Social talent, Skill, and Passive power.

Bind Essence

The second step will be to bind each and every rune from the Essence bag to each of the archetype’s 7x7 talent board. That means all runes will be bound to Active talent, Social talent, and Skills.

Starting Equipment

Each archetype specialization also has a list of starting equipment that should be noted on the Dweller sheet.


The Void rune sits in its own zone


Let’s assume a Destiny of 3 for the Wyrd

The Void Rune There is a special rune that is only available to Dwellers, and that’s the Void rune, bearing no symbol. A Void rune is usually included in Elder Futhark rune sets and is included in all official Fate of the Norns rune sets. During Dweller creation, a Player will need to choose a specialization from their chosen Archetype. This specialization provides its own Talents and Passive powers, and those are bound to the Void rune. The Void rune will also be assigned a Trait when the specialization is chosen. When a Character performs a Wyrd, they add the Void rune to their In-Hand zone. While it behaves like other runes in many ways such as having powers associated with it and that it can be used as a Meta Tag, it differs in several key ways: • The Void rune is never placed in the Essence Bag, instead it’s default location is on the playmat. • The Void rune will never be assigned damage, so it cannot be in Stun, Wounds, Death, or Drain. As a result it is ignored when checking unconsciousness or death. • At the Cleanup phase, the Void is returned to the playmat. It does not go back into the Essence Bag. In all other regards it behaves like a rune. It should be noted that the Void Rune will not be part of a Wyrd if it is already locked up in a rune-chain that has a Maintain Meta Tag.

3 Let’s assume that an Archetype’s Physical specialization has the Thor’s Fury Talent that binds to the Void rune. Playing the rune, with Metas plays out like this.

Now let’s play Thor’s Fury with Multi and Maintain Meta Tags. The Void will not be drawn next round if the Maintained rune-chain remains into the next turn.

THOR’S FURY [Amplify Multi Maintain] Effect: Deal 4 Physical DF and then 2 Spiritual DF. Non-Combat Effect: Call winds when upon the sea. Equipment Bonus: Item Focus Rank Bonus: Physical DF +1 per Rank

- 201 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Cannibalize Amplify]

rs: nar

[Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]



Bull Rush

Active Powers: Fardrengir

Stand of Presence

Obliterating Blow

Void Rune Binding

Reckless Reckless list a column of Talents and StandThe of Archetype specialization willLunging Power Whirlwind a Passive Power that get mapped to the Void rune. The Void Attack Punishment Attack rune receives all of the bindings listed, including the Attack Trait.

, t y


ss g k

Pained Trait Whirlwind Attack Strike

Power Attack

Leaping Striker

Social Talent

Intimidating Demand

Charming Question

Change the Subject


Survival: Urban

Survival: Wilderness


Satisfying Attack

Let’s say the player chooses the Nature’s Warden specialization, then their Void rune becomes Spiritual (green). When played as a Talent, it can be played as any of the following: Whirlwind Attack, Change the Subject, or Wilderness Survival. The Dweller also gets access to Nature’s Aid as a PasFrenetic Vaulting Desperation sive Power that is always active.Thundering

Blow actions orCharge Attack Attack The rune can also be played for Cinematic used as a Spiritual Meta Tag.

Stout Regenerating Attack

Next the Player needs to bind their Dweller’s Essence runes. to powers onReckless a 7x7 board. TheAggressive Player beLeaping StandThose of are mapped gins at the centre of the boardThundering and can unlock anything that Assault Attack Impunity is adjacent to the board in any of the cardinal directions (no Blow diagonal moves).

pe wers: d

Once a Talent/Passive is chosen, then it is bound to the runic symbol (and colour). Then the options increase, the original remaining 3 are still options, but also every option next to the unlocked Talent/Passive is also available for the next rune Fylgia’s Reckless Feral until all of the Essence runes are Lead binding. This progresses Snare Rallying Pounce on that 7x7 board. the Charge bound to Talent/Passives Strike An Archetype has more than a single board, meaning this will be repeated for every rune in Essence until all Archetypes boards have been bound to the Essence Bag’s runes. This means that each rune will have a number of Talents/Passives bound to it equal to the number of Archetype boards.

Rank-Up Increase

A Talent or Passive power can be selected259 more than once, up to a maximum of twice. Once a rune is bound, one more rune can be bound to that same Talent/Passive in order to unlock the Rank-Up effect. This means by playing either rune, that Talent can be evoked with possible Meta Tags, and if both runes are of different colours, then both colours could be played to evoke the Talent.

- 202 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Protective Nature’s Aid Impulse

Some Talents may have different Meta Tags than the default ones listed in the Talents chapter, but remain identical in every other way. These Talents will be given a new name on Improvised Piercing the Talent board and the original AttackTalent name will appear in Attack parenthesis.

Binding Essence Runes

us l ng

Reckless Lunging Spiritual Attack Whirlwind Attack

Opportunistic Strike

Power CleansingPassiveRaging Attack Attack

’s our Dirt) fy fy ]

Wounding Mental Attack

Active Talent Skill

ss ive lt

Raging Physical Charge


Stand of Domination

Fylgia’s Fury (Formulating Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

CrossArchetype Armageddon Active Strike Powers: Blacksmith Let’s assume the Dweller we’re building has a Destiny of 2

and an Essence of 4. We need to assign 4 runes to the following board. The outer beige ring is only accessible with a Disir level of 1 or greater.


CrossArchetype Active Powers: Ulfhednar

Howl, Hati’s Victory [Amplify Cannibalize Amplify]

Fylgia’s Scorn (Cleansing Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Reckless Wounding Attack

Invincible Sprint

Reckless Bull Rush

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Fardrengir

Howl, Heart of Fury

Stand of Punishment

Reckless Whirlwind Attack

Lunging Attack

Reckless Power Attack

Stand of Presence

Reckless Raging Attack

Pained Strike

Whirlwind Attack

Raging Charge

Power Attack

Reckless Aggressive Assault

Cleansing Attack

Raging Attack


Fylgia’s Splendour (Throw Dirt) [Amplify Amplify Echo]

Desperation Attack

Vaulting Attack

Furious Bestial Mauling

Stand of Impunity

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Druid


CrossArchetype Active Powers: Ulfhednar

Howl, Hati’s Victory [Amplify Cannibalize Amplify]

Fylgia’s Scorn (Cleansing Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Reckless Wounding Attack

Invincible Sprint

Reckless Bull Rush

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Fardrengir

Obliterating Blow

Howl, Heart of Fury

Stand of Punishment

Reckless Whirlwind Attack

Lunging Attack

Reckless Power Attack

Stand of Presence

Obliterating Blow

Wounding Attack

Reckless Lunging Attack

Reckless Raging Attack

Pained Strike

Whirlwind Attack

Raging Charge

Power Attack

Wounding Attack

Reckless Lunging Attack

Satisfying Attack

Regenerating Attack

Protective Impulse

Reckless Aggressive Assault

Cleansing Attack

Raging Attack


Satisfying Attack

Regenerating Attack

Protective Impulse

Thundering Blow

Frenetic Charge

Piercing Attack

Improvised Attack

Fylgia’s Splendour (Throw Dirt) [Amplify Amplify Echo]

Desperation Attack

Vaulting Attack

Thundering Blow

Frenetic Charge

Piercing Attack

Improvised Attack

Leaping Attack

Reckless Thundering Blow

Aggressive Assault

Stand of Domination

Fylgia’s Fury (Formulating Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Furious Bestial Mauling

Stand of Impunity

Leaping Attack

Reckless Thundering Blow

Aggressive Assault

Stand of Domination

Fylgia’s Fury (Formulating Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Lead the Charge

Reckless Feral Pounce

Fylgia’s Rallying Strike


Armageddon Strike

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Blacksmith

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Druid

Lead the Charge

Reckless Feral Pounce

Fylgia’s Rallying Strike


Armageddon Strike

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Blacksmith

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Ulfhednar

Howl, Hati’s Victory [Amplify Cannibalize Amplify]

Fylgia’s Scorn (Cleansing Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Invincible Sprint

Reckless Bull Rush

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Fardrengir

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Ulfhednar

Howl, Hati’s Victory [Amplify Cannibalize Amplify]

Fylgia’s Scorn (Cleansing Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Invincible Sprint

Reckless Bull Rush

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Fardrengir

Howl, Heart of Fury

Stand of Punishment

Reckless Whirlwind Attack

Lunging Attack

Reckless Power Attack

Stand of Presence

Obliterating Blow

Howl, Heart of Fury

Stand of Punishment

Reckless Whirlwind Attack

Lunging Attack

Reckless Power Attack

Stand of Presence

Obliterating Blow

Reckless Raging Attack

Pained Strike

Whirlwind Attack

Raging Charge

Power Attack

Wounding Attack

Reckless Lunging Attack

Reckless Raging Attack

Pained Strike

Whirlwind Attack

Raging Charge

Power Attack

Wounding Attack

Reckless Lunging Attack

Reckless Aggressive Assault

Cleansing Attack

Raging Attack


Satisfying Attack

Regenerating Attack

Protective Impulse

Reckless Aggressive Assault

Cleansing Attack

Raging Attack


Satisfying Attack

Regenerating Attack

Protective Impulse

Desperation Attack

Vaulting Attack

Thundering Blow

Frenetic Charge

Piercing Attack

Improvised Attack

Aggressive Assault

Stand of Domination

Fylgia’s Fury (Formulating Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]


Armageddon Strike

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Blacksmith


Reckless 259 Wounding Attack


Reckless 259 Wounding Attack

Fylgia’s Splendour (Throw Dirt) [Amplify Amplify Echo]

Desperation Attack

Vaulting Attack

Thundering Blow

Frenetic Charge

Piercing Attack

Improvised Attack

Fylgia’s Splendour (Throw Dirt) [Amplify Amplify Echo]

Furious Bestial Mauling

Stand of Impunity

Leaping Attack

Reckless Thundering Blow

Aggressive Assault

Stand of Domination

Fylgia’s Fury (Formulating Attack) [Amplify Cannibalize Weapon]

Furious Bestial Mauling

Stand of Impunity

Leaping Attack

Reckless Thundering Blow

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Druid

Lead the Charge

Reckless Feral Pounce

Fylgia’s Rallying Strike


Armageddon Strike

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Blacksmith

CrossArchetype Active Powers: Druid

Lead the Charge

Reckless Feral Pounce

Fylgia’s Rallying Strike

The same process will then be repeated for all other Archetype boards. The Player can choose different paths on each board. 259


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Dweller Levelling When a saga is completed, the Norn may award 1 or more levels to the Dwellers.If the saga was a short, say 4-8 hour of gameplay, that could warrant a +1 level. If the saga was long, say 16+ hours, then maybe the Norn will award everyone +2 Dweller levels. When a Dweller gains a level, they may choose to boost Essence by +1 or gain a half-Destiny.

Destiny Boost

If Destiny is chosen, then half-Destiny is added. If there was already a half-Destiny added in a prior level, then the Destiny is now boosted by +1. While a Dweller has a half-Destiny, they are allowed to Wyrd 1 extra rune (if possible), and then must immediately choose and put 1 rune back in their Essence bag.

Essence Boost

If Essence is chosen, then a new rune is randomly drawn from a bag filled with runes not already in the player’s Essence bag. That rune is then bound to either a new Talent/Passive, or can be bound to an added Rank in a Talent/Passive. Rank Up Instead of the new rune in Essence being bound to a new Talent, it can be bound to an existing one. Taking another instance of a Talent a Dweller already possesses results in increasing the rank of the Talent. The same rules apply for Passive Powers. Each Talent will indicate what the benefits are for increasing the rank. A Talent or Power can only be “Ranked Up” once.

Starting at Higher Levels

Generally, each Archetype begins with a total of approximately 15 QR in items and equipment. If the Norn desires to start a Dweller at a higher level than 12, they are considered to have adventured for some time, and their items gain +1 QR per 2 Dweller levels in new items and equipment, or in improvements to items and equipment they have, as appropriate. All equipment upgrades or changes are subject to Norn approval. See page 266 for equipment, and the Craft Attributes Table page 432 for how that equipment could potentially be upgraded.

Afterlife In the Fate of the Norns universe there is a chance that upon a Dweller’s death, they are called up into one of the many “heavens”. For Celtic pagans, the dead are judged only by Donn, the god of death, in his hall in Tech Duinn after Manannan delivers them to him. For Followers of the White God, the soul’s deeds are reviewed by Sanctus Petrus before admittance into Heaven. This has a mechanical impact on the future Characters of that Player.

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Dweller Funerals

When a Dweller dies their funeral determines if their spirit passes on to the appropriate afterlife. The surviving Dwellers must gather and raise their drinking horns for their fallen member recount all the epic deeds they can remember from the life of their fallen ally. For each tale of epic bravery or memorable feat, the player will get +1 random rune pull from a full rune bag. The Norn will also be pulling from a full rune bag. In the Dweller’s Favour The Norn will make additional pulls in the deceased Dweller’s favour according to these: • If there was a keening over the body, +1 pull. • If there was a wake for the body attended by family members, +1 pull. • If the Dweller received a proper burial/cremation +1 pull. • If the Dweller’s most prized possessions were buried or burned with the body, +1 pull. • If a religious official relevant to the Character performed an appropriate ceremony for their death, +1 pull. • If a pagan the Dweller died in battle +1 pull. • If a Follower of the White God Dweller died in the service of the White God, +1 pull. This may include sacrificing yourself for another, dying when performing a holy mission, or to give up one’s life in service to the Church. • The Norn will have kept an account of whenever a Follower of the White God took action that exemplified one of the 7 Virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, courage, faith, hope, or charity, to the detriment of themselves or the party. Each of these instances are good for +1 pull. (But will be weighed against the 7 Deadly Sins!) Smirch Upon the Dweller’s Soul Then, the Norn reveals the account of the Dweller’s misdeeds, subtracting randomly from runes already pulled in their favour. • For each time the Dweller stole from a recently killed foe, or looted a grave, reduce the runes pulled by 1 per desecration. • The Norn will have kept an account of whenever a Follower of the White God took action that exemplified one of the 7 Deadly Sins: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony or sloth. Each of these instances reduces the rune pulls by 1 for each indiscretion. Afterlife Result The player whose Dweller has died will Wyrd 1 rune per epic deed that was recounted by their comerades while lifting drink in salutation, minus any smirches (Norn deicdes if the deeds were in deed worthy). Then the Norn Wyrds 1 rune, plus a number of runes based on the “dweller’s favour” list. If there is a rune symbol match between any runes pulled by the Dweller or the Norn, then the Dweller moves on to the afterlife, and the Player gains +1 Disir level.

Epic Retirement

There is another way to increase Disir levels without requiring the death of one’s Dweller. When a Dweller has achieved everything they’ve wanted to in life, and have gained so many levels that they are beyond kings (level 30), they can opt for epic retirement. The player opts to never play that Dweller again, and can perform the same afterlife Wyrd as if it were a funeral.


One of the most unique aspects of the RGS system is that not only is there a Character level, but there’s a Player level as well, called “Disir”. Disir are the family spirits of one’s ancestors. If the Player has a Disir level then their next Character has the aid of a Disir. These spirits are benevolent and help guide a family member to greatness. Each Disir level opens up new options during the Dweller creation process. Some advanced archetypes require a minimum Disir level. Each book will have its own list of setting-appropriate Disir level rewards. As an example: Ancestor Spirit (Fylgia) [Cost 1 Disir] For a pagan Celt, the presence of an Ancestor Spirit grants access to the coloured outer ring of the Talent/Passive boards. An Ancestor Spirit accompanies the Dweller but cannot be seen nor heard except on rare occasions by the especially magically astute. An Ancestor Spirit cannot affect the mortal world. Guardian Angel [Cost 1 Disir] For a Follower of the White God, a Guardian Angel grants access to the coloured outer ring of the Talent/Passive boards. A Guardian angel follows the Dweller, but cannot be seen nor heard except when the Dweller is near death. A Guardian Angel cannot affect the mortal world. Immortal [Cost 5 Disir] You can play a previous Dweller who has died and gone to the heavens.

Immortal Rules

When a player reaches Disir level 5, they can bring back an old hero that died and moved on to the afterlife. That hero can return to play as an immortal. Immortal Archetypes are an addition to the deceased Dweller’s mortal Archetype. Immortals get a second Void rune, and the one with the Valknut symbol is used from the Fate of the Norns Elder Futhark rune set. The Valknut rune resides in the Void pile when not in use. When a Dweller must Wyrd (for any reason such as combat or a Skill Check), both the Void and the Valknut are drawn into the In-Hand pile. During the Cleanup phase, the Valknut

rune returns to the Void pile unless it is part of a Maintained or Open (Meta tag) rune-chain. The Valknut rune may also be used to activate magic items. Items infused with Immortal powers may only be evoked using the Valknut. Unlike the Void Rune, the Valknut rune may be rebound more than once. Every time the immortal gains a level, they may rebind the Valknut rune to a different specialization for their chosen Archetype. This choice will be binding until they achieve a new Dweller level. The Player may rebind half of their runes (round up) to the Immortal Archetype Board. Immortals usually have “death” and “transformation” trauma that they need to overcome and details are specific for each of the immortal archetypes.

Divine Potence

Divine Potence is the representation of a great being’s divinity and immortality. The higher the value, the more miraculous their abilities and the harder they are to kill. Divine Potence (DP) is represented on the game table by tokens. Player controlling Immortal Archetypes have access to DP. Any higher power, including Norn-controlled Denizens who have access to DP, will accrue these tokens. Maximum Divine Potence (MDP): The maximum Divine Potence attainable at any given time. Base MDP is calculated as Disir level - 4. Current Divine Potence (CDP): The current Divine Potence after some of it has been spent or lost. Note: MDP may be increased (see page “Increasing Maximum Divine Potence” on page 206). Spending Divine Potence An immortal begins combat with a number of DP equal to their CDP. When DP is spent to perform actions or power certain effects, the CDP is reduced by the DP cost of the effect. An immortal cannot spend DP they do not have, so CDP must be equal or greater than the DP cost of the effect. No more than 1 DP token may be added to a single action or rune-chain. Options in combat: • 1 DP token may be spent to add any valid Meta Tag to an Active power rune-chain. Valid Meta Tags are those already listed for the power in question. The rune-chain cannot have any Open or Maintain Metas. • 1 DP token may be spent to perform an Attack, Defend (during Action phase only), or Move action (during Upkeep or Action phase only). • 1 DP token may be spent to take 1 rune from the lower damage piles (Stun, Wounds or Death) and place it back in their Essence bag. While conscious and as an {Interrupt} before resolving the damage. • 1 DP token may be spent to perform a [Counter] against an undesirable effect. • 1 DP token may be spent to reduce the cost in overcom-

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ing Blind or Shroud. Each DP is equivalent to a rune. • 1 DP token may be spent to reduce 1 intensity of a Condition affecting you. • 1 DP token may be spent to add +1 success to a skill check. Options out of combat: • 1 DP token may be spent to understand someone who is speaking a language you do not know. • 1 DP token may be spent to take 1 rune from the lower damage piles (Stun, Wounds or Death) and place it back in their Essence bag. • 1 DP token may be spent to add +3 to a Skill Check. • 2 DP tokens may be spent to receive divine inspiration (an answer to a dilemma).

FAINING A Faining is a burnt sacrifice honouring a deity. This is performed when looking to curry favour, or obtain a blessing. BLOT A Blot is a blood sacrifice. This is performed when seeking forgiveness for a transgression. Usually only an ordained godi knows the proper rituals.

Table1:  DP Through Faining

Number of Mortal Worshippers 0 1-10 11-100 100-1000

DP Restored 0 per hour 1 per 30 minutes 1 per minute 1 per combat round

son. Anyone who would use such means to permanently kill another immortal will have a stigma attached to them within the immortal community. Slaine weapons hunger for Divine Potence. These terrifying weapons are used sparingly by the immortals. Increasing Maximum Divine Potence The base Maximum Divine Potence (MDP) is derived from the Disir level, as a result Disir levels must be augmented into order to increase the starting MDP. In addition, Immortals may increase their MDP through worshippers, accomplishments, as well as legend and infamy.

Immortal Death Regaining Divine Potence DP naturally regenerates at 1 point per hour. Some Characters are considered deities, because they have attracted mortal followers. The number of worshippers increases the DP regeneration rate. When worshippers perform a Faining, the immortal immediately regenerates 1 DP. Based on the total number of worshippers, an averaged Faining rate can be determined from the table above. Due to game world circumstances, the Norns may alter the Faining rate. Note: For every 1000 worshippers, regeneration increases by a cumulative +1 per combat round. An immortal with druids or other professional worshipper followers may expect to receive Blots. Every 24 hours, it is assumed that some worshipper, somewhere, has performed a Blot. A blood sacrifice will restore CDP to maximum (MDP). The Norn will choose the time when this will occur. Draining Divine Potence Some attacks and some weapons have the capability to lower the CDP in others. This is usually frowned upon within the immortal community. There is an unspoken rule that such powers or items are not to be used without a profound rea-

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When an immortal is struck down, with their last rune going to Death or Drain, if their CDP was greater than zero, their body will fade from existence and they will re-materialize within 24 hours at their place of rebirth (typically Donn’s Hall at Tech Duinn in the Otherworld). If the immortal has a CDP of zero when struck down, they will be permanently eradicated.


Some immortals strive to improve the universe around them. When they touch the lives of mortals, they may end up attracting a following. When these mortals devote themselves to their patrons, the immortal gains many divine benefits. Higher powers gain tangible benefits from worship in the form of DP regeneration and bonus MDP. Immortals gain a permanent +1 MDP level per 100 worshippers. Immortals may worship other immortals, but it has no effect upon divine rewards. For the immortal to receive the bonuses, only mortal worship will fuel the divine rewards.

Granted Power

A fraction of the worshippers will be druids. The immortal will bestow upon their druids a custom granted Talent. Some lesser immortals may only have the option of bestowing a Skill.

The bestowed Talent can be revoked at any time should the immortal be displeased with the worshipper. Harbingers and Horned Ones who have lost the blessing of their patron may restore their favour with a suitable Blot.

Physical Trait is 5. When Immortal’s Brilliance is activated, before the Meta Tags are applied, add 5 to the damage bonus for a total bonus of +6.

Faining and Blot


When worshippers perform Blots and Fainings, the immortal receives bonuses. A Faining will increase the DP by +1, while a Blot will restore the DP to maximum (MDP). The averaged frequency of Fainings and Blots are determined by the total number of worshippers. Performing a Blot or Faining are time intensive rituals and cannot be performed during combat. For this reason, immortals will not be entering battles with worshippers acting as DP “batteries”. The acts are spontaneous and occur when followers complete their devotional activities.

Immortals also gain access to new types of Passive Powers.

A Dweller and Denizen cannot have more than a single Bloodline Passive power. The first one obtained is the only one which will be active, no matter how another may have been obtained.


Immortal Passive powers are known as Primal. They cannot be used if MDP = 0, so it is useless to infuse them into magical items that are to be used by mortals.

Infamy & Fear

You can gain MDP through infamy if you are feared by many, and your evil deeds make others fear mentioning your name. By burning down a village and sending the survivors into exile, an immortal may gain infamy. +1 MDP per 100 beings who genuinely fear or hate you.

Accomplishments When you build something great, and word of your deed spreads far and wide, your legend grants you DP. If you ravage and destroy someone’s home town, your vile deeds grow your infamy. Any of the following accomplishments would grant a permanent +1 MDP: • Your worshippers erected a shrine in your honour that is the greatest one ever erected in your name. • Per higher level immortal you killed permanently (must be 1 on 1 combat) • Saved a beleaguered outpost and its inhabitants from destruction


Immortals gain access to a new type of Active power called “Providence”. Providence powers are only available to those with a Maximum Divine Potence (MDP) greater than zero. Providence powers apply a bonus to all valid numerical values in an Active power, with exceptions noted below. Numbers written out as a word are not boosted by the bonus. The bonus is equal to the Trait score that matches the rune played as the root of the Active power. This bonus is applied before resolving the Meta Tags (if any). There are a few numerical values that Providence will not boost: Divine Potence, Faith, Condition intensities, Flow, Focus and Wyrd. Example: Immortal’s Bash (If your DP > 0, perform an Attack action with +1 DF bonus and apply Knockback [Counter P]) has been bound to the Tiwaz rune. The Son of Muspel’s

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Lifepaths & Characteristics


uring creation, Dwellers and Denizens are defined by both Lifepaths and Characteristics. Lifepaths are events, people, jobs and places that left an impact earlier in their lives, while Characteristics are elements of their personality, ambitions and set of values. Both may grant bonuses or apply limitations during gameplay, especially when using Skills or performing Social combat. Lifepaths will also grant the Character a set wealth and starting gear. Lifepaths and Characteristics may also form the basis of an adventure or a side-quest for the Character and their adventuring group.


Early Life Table

A full rune bag (excluding the Void and Valknutt runes) should be used for all pulls on the tables appearing in this section.

Lifepaths The Early Life table (on the following page) helps place a dweller in the world. It gives them familial connections and a couple of critical events in their lives. These key events can be used to anchor the story of your Character and are not meant to be definitive. Perform 1 Wyrd per column. Those players wishing to create a Criostai background devoted to life in service of the White God, should only Wyrd from a bag of red runes. All red rune results are for followers of the White god exclusively. Pagan dwellers can have a mix as their backgrounds would be more varied.

During dweller creation, players and Norns may choose to invent their own backstories, Characteristics and Lifepaths, or they may choose to make it random and use the tables in this section (useful when the play group wishes to quickly draft up a background).

First the player who is the designated Norn for this adventure should take some time to describe the parameters of the adventure. Where is it taking place? During what time period? What are the acceptable archetype choices that are available in this setting? What type of adventure will it be? This will help players in formulating who they would like to play.

Personality & Motivations Characteristics Wyrd once for each column to determine your dweller’s personality and primary ambition.

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Brushes With Power Lifepaths The Norn may wish that you have had touches with higher powers and other pieces of greatness. You have previously met people and beings in either high or low places. Wyrd on this table in accordance with the goals of your campaign. You can use the system of one Wyrding for every ten years of life, or according to something else the Norn desires.The Norn will decide which columns should be used based on the mythic scale of their planned adventure.

Dweller Relationships Characteristics Each pair of players may each choose to Wyrd to see how they know each other. This will show the circumstances and state of affairs of their relationship. Two runes should be drawn, one for each column. Even a set that are seemingly contradictory are an opportunity to dig deep and find out ways to reconcile these two things for the narrative.

Social Connections Lifepaths A connection is someone who is on very friendly terms with the dweller; they may be a sibling or a very close friend. They can be called upon in a time of need, and the Norn should factor in the connection into the current saga and should be “reachable” by the dweller, i.e. in the same kingdom.

Basic Gear: • Two sets of clothes • Winter furs • Snowshoes or skis • Backpack/travelling chest • Rations for a week • Cooking pots and utensils • Rope • Lantern and oil

Nature Gear: • All Utility Gear • Insulated tent • Climbing gear • Camouflage tarps • Traps and hunting equipment (bow, harpoon, etc…)

Social Standing & Net Worth Lifepaths Wyrd once to set your dweller’s occupation prior to the onset of the Celtic Twilight. This will determine the dweller’s net worth and possible starting equipment and training/education. The table will determine the starting gear, based on having an adventure during the Celtic Twilight. If the adventure is during another period, the Norn should adjust the lists below.

Administrator Gear: • A land owner’s deed • Large comfortable home • All items that would be found • In a more luxurious lifestyle • A dozen slaves or fewer for menial work

War Gear: • All Utility Gear • Two weapons of choice • A suit of armour

Utility Gear: • All Basic Gear • A land owner’s deed • Small modest home • Complete wardrobe • Tools of the trade

Trade Gear: • All Utility Gear • Merchant cart/sleigh and an animal (horse, ox, etc)

Adventure Gear: • All Utility Gear • One spectacular weapon (bonus +1 to either DF or Parry) • A suit of armour

Lord Gear: • Deed for your kingdom • Keep (a very large home that includes fortifications) • All items that would be found in a very luxurious lifestyle • A dozen administrators or fewer who manage individual towns and territories • Dozens of slaves who handle the menial work

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Personality & Motivation Personality


Persuader: You are an informal leader with strong persuasion skills. Entertainer: You love to make others happy; you love excitement and live in the moment.

Identity: Your greatest wish is to become famous/infamous for your deeds. Experiences: Life is about experiencing the emotions that arise from different types of achievements.

Craftsman: You always try to optimize the path to a solution; crafting is a means to an end. Artist: You appreciate the sensory aesthetics around you; beauty holds much value for you.

Accomplishment: You wish to achieve tangible and memorable goals that skalds will recount to future generations. Travel: You have a strong desire to see all of the Otherworlds.

Overseer: You are responsible, logical, and focused in achieving your goals. Socialite: You love interacting with others, and always enjoy attention. Defender: You are especially empathic to the suffering of the weak and the oppressed. Lone Wolf: You dislike interactions with others and have a strong preference to do things your own way.

Survival: Risks are not worth taking. Every decision needs to be weighed against personal harm. Thrill-Seeker: The adrenaline rush is what makes life worth living.


Appetite: The love of a good meal is important and plans for the day revolve around the choice of meals and drinks. Power Hungry: You feel the world must be controlled and dominated.

Chief: You are a born leader with strong organizational skills. Originator: You are creative and develop many new ideas that are most likely worth pursuing.

Pleasure of the Flesh: Physical pleasure rules your priorities. Your carnal desires need to be met on a regular basis.

Strategist: You have an analytical mind and will often strategize before choosing the best course of action. Alchemist: You have an inquisitive mind and your wish is to understand the universe around you.

Love: You wish to share in both platonic and romantic love throughout your life. Independence: You have a strong desire to be free and independent.

Dependable: Very hard-working, you will always give your all to anything you do. Chameleon: You are capable of taking on various personas that are best for the situation at hand.

Divine Worship: Your life is devoted to exalting a higher power (god/faeries). Conform: It is critical for you to fit in and to be considered “normal” in social circles.

Egomaniac: You must be the centre of attention, must be loved, and others must focus on your needs. Bully: You like to cow everyone around you into obedience – you must remain in control in all situtations.

Joy of Life: Life should be spent enjoying the finer pleasures. It is important to avoid boring and repetitive work.

Mentor: You have an altruistic desire to spread knowledge, believing that communal knowledge is for the greater good. Advocate: Your strong convictions are worth defending (moral, cultural or foundations of society).

Puzzles: The mind needs to be challenged. Anything that is a mystery draws your interest and effort. Benevolence: Life must be spent making the world a better place.

Confidant: You take the time to bring out the best in others. You are supporting and emotive. Dreamer: You are a highly creative Dweller and are sometimes disconnected from reality.

Competition: Life is a competition. You turn everything you do and undertake into a competition with your peers. Revenge: Nothing satisfies you more than exacting revenge on those who have done you wrong.

Cynic: You enjoy taking the unpopular stance on topics and prefer to focus on the shortcomings of any plan. Lazy: You are especially good at finding the best way to achieve your goals with minimal effort.

Extermination: You have chosen to rid the world of some pest (you can define which). Secrecy: What you desire brings you guilt, so you keep your motives hidden at all time (choose the secret motivation).

Morally Ambiguous: You ignore the concepts of good/evil; personal gain is your guiding principle. Victim: You are dominated by a phobia of your choosing (e.g. agoraphobia, arachnophobia, etc.).

Escapism: Something traumatic happened in your past, and you do everything to avoid a similar fate. Addiction: You are not in control - you have an addiction that has taken over your motivations and ambitions.

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The Hunt: You go after a goal with zeal.

Avarice: You desire great wealth.

Early Life Table Rune

Birth Place


Defining Event

Scarring Event



You created a great work, either a weapon or poem or something else entirely

Believed that you sold out Followers of the White God to the Druids


Estranged from

You are owed many favours

Been at the suffering end of trauma

Near Fort Cruachan Cathedral of Kildare Clonmacnoise

One surviving

You know an otherwise forgotten ballad

Last surviving member of your Clan

You are known for your deep piety and vast knowledge of the White God’s liturgy

You were left for dead

Three surviving

A Monastery owes you a favour

You angered an Abbey Lubber who always pranks you if you enter any Criostai site.


Four surviving

You are known for the High Crosses and intricate tombstones you sculpted

Were stolen into slavery


Five surviving

Escaped from Viking slavery

You have suppressed the memory of some great wrong


Six surviving

Lived through famine & plague

Lost a body part



Marked by the Druids at birth

Lost in the mists


Marked by the Druids at coming of age

You owe a higher power


Estranged from parent/sibling One surviving

Served the clan well and were declared Champion

Alt Clut

One surviving

Dun Aonghasa Mona Island

One surviving

Believed that you sold out your allies to Vikings Believed that you sold out Druids to the Followers of the White God Believed you greatly wronged the Fomorians

Ath Cliath

Two surviving


Two surviving


Three surviving


Three surviving


Four surviving


Five surviving


Six surviving


Seven surviving


Eight surviving


Nine surviving

Two surviving

Two surviving

Was lost amongst the mists Saved someone’s life and were rewarded A great poem has been written about you

Lover was killed

Met and was marked by Faerie

Suffered betrayal

Met and was marked by Fomorians

A member of your family wants you dead

You have seen far off lands in your dreams

You tried and failed to banish one of the Dark Ones who cursed you in reprisal Witnessed a ritual of the Crooked Man and it still haunts your dreams Made your way through an underground cave into another world and got lost Were found washed up on the shore suffering great loss

A Faerie owes you a favour

You were forced to swear fealty to a Faerie

An important choice you made resulted in an ally and an enemy

You have been divorced

Led a great battle against a rival tribe

You lost the signs of your past, torcs and all

It is said that some great power will give you a gift when you need it most

Someone/something is hunting you

You once glimpsed one of the hidden isles You’ve endeared yourself to a King It is said you will wield a treasure of Eiru

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You fought as a champion, preventing a larger conflict.

You attended a grand feast of the King of Aileach, hearing of his plans.

While on an expedition, you faced off against Fomorians, learning a little of their ways.

You served under a King who is long dead, and their dynasty doesn’t exist in the way it once did.

You have met the King of Wessex and have come to his attention.

One evening you found yourself joined by Dagda at your campfire. He drank and feasted with you.

You met an abbot who profoundly changed your view of the world.

You have aided in a slave breakout from Ath-Cliath.

You received some education from a Monastery, learning of their ways.

The royal family of Munster owes you a debt.

You have travelled extensively throughout the Great Isles.

The King of Jorvik believes that you have been part of a raid against his people in the past.

While involved in some grave robbing, you found yourself face to face with an undead in one of the tunnels beneath a Royal Site. While exploring the coastline, you came face to face with Crom Cruach and you owe him a favour. Upon a Royal Site, you came face to face with a Fairy that promised you greatness if you did exactly what they said.

You were involved in attempted peace proceedings to end a conflict between the Criostai and Pagans on Eiru.

You once bent the knee to a King who wanted to unite Eiru, but he perished in the attempt and has been forgotten by history.

Trading with a mysterious traveller, you received a map that they claim will take you to the land of Apples, a land of great plenty and peace.

You have travelled further than most by boat, and believe you have seen lost places.

You have heard a legend that you have a claim to the throne of the lands of Tara.

You had a dream once wherein you were visited by Lugh and he said that one day you would find his weapons.

For your service against Alt Clut, you have a death warrant there.

While travelling between islands, you found an island not on any map, and you had a grand meal with people who claimed to be of the Tuatha de Dannan.

At least once in your past you have found your way to the Otherworld, though you do not remember all that happened there.

You received some education from the Druids, learning of their ways.

You travelled far to the South, meeting the Frankish Kings who rule the lands bordering Brittany. They threatened you and your people with great violence should you betray them.

On the way to a battle you once encountered an old crone who begged for aid. Upon giving it, she said you would survive the battle, and you did.

You were hired by a warband that raided the Vikings.

You performed a favour for a Chieftain and are owed a debt of gratitude.

During a sighting of the Sluagh, you were terrified to see a copy of yourself riding with them.

You met a group of cannibals inhabiting Alba, believing them to be tied to ancient Albannaich.

You have been promised lands in Jorvik should you serve the King of Wessex in his quest.

You have made an appearance at an Unseelie Court, though the memory of what happened there is muddled.

Once you were able to hear one of the ancient tales from a an Ovate, and you have learned greatly from it.

The kings of the Cymru kingdoms have sworn their fealty, but many remember a time of independence. You have been made privy to a conspiracy for them to break free once the Norsemen are dealt with.

You once found a beautiful horse. Upon trying to tame it, it was revealed to be a Kelpie. You managed to escape, but only barely.

You worked to reclaim some of the ancient sites for a grander design that you did not fully understand.

You have been summoned to report to Queen Medb to swear fealty to the “true ruler of the Island”.

Once, you were called before a Seelie court as a witness for some crime. You weren’t able to understand what the crime was, but they appeared to like your testimony.

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Brushes With Power Table Rune




You fought to bring one of the smaller chieftains back in line under their King, and have never been fully forgiven for it.

While serving in a mercenary band, you came to the attention of the King of Ulster, though his opinion of you is not high.

While you were taming a horse, you found were visited by a gargantuan horse-like creature. It distracted you and the horse escaped.

You have attended a Thing on the Isle of Mona.

You are owed a favour by the rulers of Iona.

While sailing between the Isles, you saw the boat The Wave Sweeper, and Manannan was at the prow.

You know of a hidden cave on the nearby coast that is nearly unknown to others. You have been able to use it to hide valuables.

While under the rule of Sitric, you learned the horrors that the Norsemen can commit. you became part of a band of warriors that pledged to oust them from the lands of the Celts.

Visiting the land of Alba, you were sent into the mountains as part of a party trying to rescue lost mercenaries. You came across a great castle in the mountains, and you met Beira while there.

You have met and spoken with the man who claims to be the saviour of the Celtic world in Cymru, finding him to be little more than a man.

The Kernowyon nobility is aimed towards strengthening the position of Wessex, and they want you to help with the task.

You have heard the great Taliesin speak and heard one of his great stories. It marked you forever, and changed you.

Serving with the Kernowyon, you have learned of a rich vein of metal that could mean great wealth.

The Queen Aethelflaed has heard of you and has requested you meet with her for an important message.

While hunting for food in the forest, you once found a grand and great creature that looked like a man with antlers upon his head. He nodded to you and later while hunting you found a great stag that was killed with a single arrow.

While drinking, you entered into a conflict with a Druid and ultimately slew him. It is said that you are cursed by this deed, but you can’t see any evidence of it.

While serving the King of Wessex, you saw his bloodthirst first hand, and you know what he will do for more power.

You helped a young woman once, not knowing fully who she was. She revealed herself to be Aine, and she said that someday she may give you a boon.

While hunting you sighted a great White Stag that haunts your dreams to this day. You were unable to slay it.

Your failure to bend the knee has turned the Gwyn app Nudd against you.

Earlier in the Celtic Twilight, you found yourself facing off against a plentitude of Goblins that attacked. You were not able to fully understand why, but it appears that they were after some relic they believed that you had.

You’ve been to the court of the Queen Medb and she has taken notice of you.

You owe a favour to the King of Aileach.

You have fought against the Dark Ones once when they attacked your camp at night.

You have sailed to both the Isles of Mists and to the lands of the Norse, and know a little of each of their ways.

You once served under the King of Jorvik, pressed into service but with Celtic ancestry instead of Norse.

While travelling in Alba, you wronged the Cat Sith through some failure to act that it forever has held against you.

You have met with the Druids and been brought into the larger conspiracy of their aims.

While fishing, you spotted the hidden island inhabited by Arthur before it vanished into the mists again.

You witness a ritual that brings forth a Faerie Queen into Midgard.

You have sailed around much of the Isles of Mists and found, far to the North, that it has a community of great warriors living on them.

A king who was deposed in a coup has met with you, asking you to help restore them to the throne.

While picking over a battlefield shortly after a battle, you found yourself with a presence behind you. Looking about, you saw Am Fear Liath Mor, before it disappeared from sight.

- 213 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Dweller Relationships Table Rune



Drinking buddies


Related: distant family


Employer / employee

Platonic affection

Good friends (or lovers?)

Mutual respect

Have gambled together


Travelled together


Saved the other’s life

Looking forward to collaborating together

Were robbed by the same criminal


Made a bet, will travel together until someone wins the bet

Bound in purpose

Both are teacher and student, exchanging wisdom

One person waiting on the other to fulfill some bargain

Entered into a legal agreement that is mutually beneficial

Enjoyment of each other’s company

Employed to spy on one another by rival/competing organizations

Oath to protect one another

Both survivors of a massacre

Pushing each other to ever greater epic deeds

Prisoners who escaped together


Both worked together building a longship or a crannog for a community in need

Fear and/or Uncertainty

A common omen stitched both destinies together


Shared reverence for same (or similar) divine power(s)


Paid off a weregild for the other’s misdeeds

Shared plans for achieving a specific goal

Hunting the same prey (monster, outlaw, etc…)

Enemies: keeping friends close, but this particular enemy even closer

Running away from the same danger

Desire for power or to overthrow unjust power

Met at a wedding

Shared wanderlust and desire for exploration

Met at a funeral

Religious or spiritual connection

Woke up together after a heavy night of drinking (possible memory blackout?)


Fighting over the ownership of an item of value


- 214 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Social Connections Table Rune

Social Connection Thrall: You have a slave as a connection (not necessarily a slave you own); good for getting help. Labourer: Someone who works in the craft trade or in a service; good for help and connections to tradesmen. Thief: A career criminal; good for getting cheap goods and using his skills. Beggar: Someone who has lost all wealth and lives on the streets; good for information. Prostitute: A lady/man of the night; good for certain information and a good time. Fence: Someone who buys and sells hot/black-market goods; good when needing to procure something special. Barkeep: An owner of a tavern; good for certain information and drinks. Town guard: Works for the local lord/council; good for extra muscle, as long as it does not compromise work. Hunter/tracker: Spends many days out in the wilderness catching game; good for wilderness skills and knowledge. Merchant: Buying and selling goods; good for some discounts. Blacksmith: Talent in creating necessities; good for discounts on weapons and armour. Monk: In the service of the White God; good for introductions to monasteries and abbeys. Animal farmer: In the business of breeding and raising animals; good for obtaining horses or other animals. Black-market goods runner: A merchant that deals in illegal/illicit goods; good for smuggling services. Horned One: A servitor of a higher power (god/goddess); good for mystical information and blessings. Harbinger: One who walks before the gods; good for enchantments and consultations on arcane matters. Fianna: A sell-sword; good for no-questions-asked muscle jobs. Cu Setanta: A warrior of great worth; great for extra hired muscle. Bandrui: A druidess in the service of the Morrigan; good for consultations. Bard: A songwriter and poet; good for chronicling great deeds and spreading the word. Druid of Donn: One who prepares the dead for their last journey; great for funeral services. Cletic Clan Chieftain: A local lord/lady who oversees a small kingdom; good for influence (detailed-oriented). Viking King or Earl: A king or earl that has conquered foreign lands; great for dealing with invaders. Faerie Queen: A supernatural being; good for assistance from the Otherworld.

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Social Standing Thrall: You were a slave and someone else’s property. You start with 5 skatt and gain +3 bonus Social Connections (the Norn may choose not to use this option for some campaigns). Liberated Thrall: You are no longer a slave and have purchased your freedom. Since then, you have been working in service to a business. Your wages have been enough to eke out a living. You have 125 skatt, you gain +1 extra Social Connection and start with basic gear but with no property deed. Varg (Outlaw): You have been cast out of your community for a heinous crime or transgression. No laws protect your life, and your slaughter would carry no consequence. You have lost the standing and respect of your old friends and you must now make new friends with those who share your fate. Your Dweller starts with basic gear, +1 Brushes with Power and 150 skatt. Farmer: You were a farmer before the start of the Celtic Twilight; now, you have had to improvise using your skills to deal with the perpetual darkness and cold. You begin with utility gear and 200 skatt. Manufacturer (cloth goods): You were once a manufacturer of fine cloth goods. You recently began your adventuring career, and are unsure if you should sell your business or restructure so someone else can run the business for you. You start with utility gear and 300 skatt (+2,000 if you sold). If you keep your business, you have a profit of approximately 700 skatt per month. Manufacturer (leather goods): You were a manufacturer of fine leather goods. You recently began your adventuring career, and are unsure if you should sell your business or restructure so someone else can run the business for you. You start with utility gear and 350 skatt (+2,400 if you sold). If you keep your business, you have a profit of approximately 800 skatt per month. Manufacturer (metal goods): You were a manufacturer of fine metal goods. You recently began your adventuring career, and are unsure if you should sell your business or restructure so someone else can run the business for you. You start with utility gear and 400 skatt (+2,800 if you sold). If you keep your business, you have a profit of approximately 900 skatt per month. Local Merchant: Your business revolved around buying goods from manufacturers and hunters and selling them in town. You have been forced to mark up your prices on necessities and the hottest products since the Celtic Twilight set in. Competition is fierce and your life and business have been threatened. You start with trade gear and 450 skatt (+3,000 if you sold). If you keep your business, your make a profit of approximately 1,000 skatt per month. Wyrd 1 rune every month: if you Wyrd a Physical rune, your business is burned to the ground by aggressive competitors. Foreign Import Merchant: You used to buy goods and moved them to places of high demand throughout Midgard. Since the Celtic Twilight has set in, overland travel is perilous – not only because of the biting cold and snow, but because of bandits and the desperate actions common folk are driven to. The dense clusters of icebergs make passage by sea increasingly risky. You start with trade gear, a longship, and 500 skatt (+3,500 if you sold). If you keep your business, you make a profit of approximately 2,000 skatt per month. Wyrd 1 rune every month: if you Wyrd a Physical or Mental rune, your monthly shipments have been lost. Hunter/Trapper: You used to spend many days and weeks away from home and make a modest living. With the Celtic Twilight setting in, the hunt has become too difficult to sustain. With no crops growing, animals are scarce due to overhunting and the cold can be deadly. You start with nature gear, +1 Social Connection, +1 Brushes with Power, and 400 skatt. Mercenary: Life was good before the Celtic Twilight came, but now everyone needs a mercenary. As your business has begun to thrive, so has the peril. The jobs are getting more and more dangerous, and you fear getting your throat slit while you sleep. You start with war gear and 300 skatt. You are also in demand, sought out and offered jobs every week while you are in an urban center. These jobs offer your level multiplied by 100 in skatt. Personal Guard: You were employed by a rich person of considerable influence (Wyrd from a bag of green runes on the Social Connections table). A week ago, however, your employer was murdered and you now find yourself and the widow persecuted by those responsible. The widow offers to retain you for 20 skatt per day if you accept. If you accept she will be on the run with you until you get far enough away, or you deal with those who hunt you. The Norn defines your enemies, but can do this collaboratively with you as well. You start with war gear and 1,000 skatt. Town Guard: The town you worked for used to pay well. However, it has come upon hard times and your salary has plunged. You start with war gear, +1 Brushes with Power, and 400 skatt.

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Social Standing Table Rune

Civil Hermit: You fled for solitude many years ago. This solitary contemplation has given you insight into the workings of the worlds beyond The Veil. However, with the coming of the Celtic Twilight, your self-sustaining methods have started to fail you. Hunters have thinned your herds, your crops have withered and frozen over, and the cold has become unbearable. You start with nature gear, 200 skatt and you may Wyrd +1 Motivation. Guide/Runner: Your business was running as a courier between towns. It was good pay, but with the coming of the Celtic Twilight, your routes have become very dangerous. You heard of colleagues being killed by cannibalistic peasants who were starving. You start with nature gear and 300 skatt. Religious Official: You were responsible for maintaining the faith for the higher power that you work for (choose a deity). With the Celtic Twilight, faith has been washed away in some cases and fanned to zealot proportions in others. You have come to realize that keeping the flock has become very difficult and may be untenable. You start with administrator gear and 400 skatt. If you keep your temple/grove/alka, your recurring donations amount to approximately 600 skatt per month. Wyrd 1 rune every month: if you Wyrd a Physical rune, you take in only half the donations; if you Wyrd a Mental rune, your donations are doubled; if you Wyrd a Spiritual rune, you have a fanatical zealot who is attempting to usurp you. City Bureaucrat: Working for the local town has been a pleasure for many years. However, now that the town has come upon hard times, people blame you for the difficulties they face. Corruption has also taken on new levels as town officials are looking out for themselves. You start with admin gear and 400 skatt and +1 Brushes with Power. If you chose to skim from the village coffers, you may start with 800 skatt instead and then Wyrd on the Social Connections table for someone being a witness. Explorer/Cartographer: You have always had the desire to explore. The fact that you were paid to do so was always a bonus. Map-making has become increasingly difficult since sun and moon were devoured by the celestial wolves, so people pay your higher rates. The further you travel, the more it costs, but the more interesting places you visit. You start with nature gear and 800 skatt. You may choose to reduce your starting skatt by -200 for each bonus Wyrd you’d like to do on the Brushes with Power table. Exiled Chieftain: You were the head of a small kingdom. A rival chieftain has annexed and ravaged your lands, deposing you as ruler. You have several truested informants who remain in the kingdom, Wyrd +3 times on the Social Connections table. Everyone else has shifted their allegiance. You are also threatened with assassination attempts when you enter an adjacent kingdom (double the chance if you return to your old kingdom). You start with lord gear and 2,000 skatt. Jarl: You are responsible for a vast territory that includes several towns of varying size. You are a Viking king’s proxy in these lands and must do his bidding. There are complex politics at play that you must manage if you are to retain your station. Gael pagans, Christians and Norse Vikings will come to you with their troubles, looking for you to solve them. If you maintain oversight of the territory, your recurring share of the taxes is approximately 5,000 skatt per month modified by a Wyrd: red rune = +50%, blue rune = same, green rune = -50%. You start with lord gear and 1,000 skatt. Hero of Renown: You have always been sought out for dangerous and high-profile work. Your reputation precedes you and gets you free room and board. For every successful quest conmpleted you gain +1 Social Connections. You start with adventure gear and 600 skatt. You Died! The Celtic Twilight is a dangerous time. Time to restart the Dweller creation process, and your new Dweller knows this recently deceased Dweller and is looking to exact revenge. Unknown Hero: Your prior life has thrust you into the current one (high adventure). Your exploits were grand but have been forgotten. You want to establish your place in the world, but are a complex individual, +1 Wyrd on Personality & Motivation table. You start with adventure gear and 400 skatt. Emissary of the Otherworld: You work for a Faerie Queen. She is demanding but provides you with support in unexpected ways (at the Norn’s discretion). Since the start of the Celtic Twilight, you are occasionally called on for dangerous and epic missions that interest higher powers. You start with adventure gear and 800 skatt.

- 217 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Disir Levels


ust as there exists a Character level, there is also a player level in Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok. The more a player plays the game, the higher their Disir level becomes. Disir are the spirits of the family’s ancestors, and the Disir level increases when a player’s Dweller succeeds in attaining the desired afterlife. The Dwellers epic deeds are the main factor when determining the percent chance of success in attaining Heaven or passing successfully through Tech Duinne. Higher Disir levels allow for more options during future Dweller creation.

Using Disir Levels

Disir Options

When a Dweller dies, they have a chance to become a worthy ancestral spirit known as a Dis. A collection of these ancestral spirits are called Disir. Disir bestow blessings upon their family, sept and clan. The result is that future heroes arise with greater backstories and more varied opportunities.

This next section is for players with at least 1 Disir level. Below, you will find a list of Disir options that are obtainable during Dweller creation. Each option will list the minimum Disir requirement and the Disir level cost (if any). Norns may alter some of these based on their adventure parameters and player capabilities. The Norn has final say if some options are not available in their campaign and/or world.

Every player begins at Disir level 0. As a player increases their Disir level, the dweller creation process becomes more interesting as new options open up to the player. Some choices improve the Player’s Dweller, while others improve the whole warband, meaning all Dwellers in the play group will reap some benefit from this.

Minimum Disir

Some options have a requirement of minimum Disir level, and those requirements usually mean that the choice requires some expertise in the Runic Game System since more complex rules will be added, and as well knowledge of the Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok world lore, since the option requires knowledge based role-play.

Disir Cost

Some options require one or more levels to be spent in order to acquire the option, in which case less levels are available for Essence and Destiny purchases during Dweller creation. This means that the very first step of Dweller creation for players with Disir levels greater than zero, is to choose which options they would like. Disir levels are never lost, and can carry over from campaign to campaign, even to different play groups.

If an option introduces Talent or Passive power boards, they are considered add-ons to the archetype’s existing boards. When Essence is assigned to an Active Power, it may be assigned to the archetype’s Active board or the Disir option’s Active board, not both. Disir option boards work like Dweller and Denizen boards, where choices begin in the centre of the board.

Battlesmith Archetype

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1 Disir Level Cost: 0 You may choose the Battlesmith archetype. The Battlesmith is not an option for starting players due to the more complex and intricate item crafting system. It dives deep into creation and modification of mundane and magical items.

Harbinger Archetype

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1 Disir Level Cost: 0 You may choose the Harbinger archetype. The Harbinger is not an option for starting players due to the more complex use of Divine Favour/Wrath and the vast knowledge required to role-play relationships with various Deities.

For more on Afterlife mechanics, see page 218 For more on Dweller creation, see page 198

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Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 Disir Level Cost: 2 The little folk of the mines, Dwarves and even their distant cousins, the Spriggans (the protectors of buried treasures in cairns and graves) are part of the underfolk, underground dwelling fae going back to a primordial age.

Advancing Arcane Stance Shell Ballad Of ACTIVE Heroes


I Won’t Budge

Make Demands


Arcane Shield





Call Stone Improvised Bull Rush Idol

Turn Away


Emotional Familiar Barrier Arguments


Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 Disir Level Cost: 2 Gain Size: +1 The dreaded sea giants leave more than scars, corpses and trauma in their raids. They sometimes leave an offspring, more often than not a poor child destined to kill its own traumatized mother in its birth, but not always. When both survive the ordeal, and the child is not aban-

Voice Of Ill Tidings

Power Over Riastrad Wells

Aqua Armour

Make Demands


Balor’s Eye

Voice Of SOCIAL Fury

Furious Parry

Furious Tantrum Swallow



Lean On Weakness

Will Not Budge

You Can’t Reveal A Be Serious Half-Truth

When one of these beings falls in love with a human it’s almost always from the mining or crafting communities because it’s in their nature to fall for one’s hard work before one’s soul. When their wee one is born they go back to work but always watching and providing to ensure both safety and nutrition until they are old enough to provide for themselves. The child will soon “hear the earth” and start to shape its gifts. It could be what grows from it or the ores hidden in it but it will always play a major part of their life’s work.



Clear-headed Defense




BattlePASSIVE Hardened




Realm Ores

Silver Jewelry


Conviction Promise







doned straight away, an uneasy relationship begins as Fomorian blood courses through their veins, oftentimes with warp spasms or mutative bursts caused by violent emotions. They also seem to always be surrounded by a sense of dread making them difficult to trust or ally with. The last, but not least, thing about them is their size. They always grow to be head and shoulders above the rest of the rabble. All these peculiarities make them prime targets to be exiled from society. The most lucky become labourers, the vast majority become warriors.

Regenerating Hulk, Brutalize Fury Slamming

Titanic Size

Superb Swimmer



Bask In Blood

Survival Instincts

& Athletics Hunting Trapping Brawling Survival Wilderness






- 219 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 Disir Level Cost: 2 The serious, stable and sturdy Fir Bolgs are more than a match for the Children of Danu through sheer strength, skill and grim determination. Only trickery tipped the scales of battle and granted victory to the Tuatha De Danann and that came at great cost. The clans and kith that descend from this mighty clan all share their endurance, innate ability at Behead Assisting (Dícheann) Attack

Blessing Of The Sun God

Cleansing ACTIVE Awaken Block Statue Blessing Of Blackheart The Emain Blade Ablach

Battle Dance

Line Of Questioning

Attack Base Assumptions

Double Dare




Friendly Criticism

Gritted Predator’s Gaze Teeth

Seelie Soul

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 Disir Level Cost: 2 Long ago men and supernatural beings interbred to complete each other, seeking access to what their realms could offer or passionate love to kindle their desire to bring life. Those belonging to what humans call “Seelie ‘’ belong to the Light, Order and Life.

Face Of Uncanny The Green Running Disarm Triskelion Man Blessing Of The ACTIVE Sun God Uncanny Uncanny Ambush Jab

Blessing Of The Bolg Gréine Concentrated


- 220 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

the forge and unending willpower. The Forgeborn have lived most of their lives thinking they are mere human mortals, but very talented ones. However, with the coming of the Celtic Twilight, Builg, the great god of the Fir Bolgs, began to intrude upon the dreams of the Forgeborn. He reveals the sacred Oghams, and with these mystical symbols, he awakens the Fir-Bolg blood that runs in the veins of the Forgeborn. As they learn more Forgeborn talents, Builg’s voice can now be heard while they are awake – guiding them to one another, to a destiny only known to Builg.

Battle Mantra

Trapped Survival Tailteann Spirit Otherworld Games

Attuned Weapon

Brilliant Arms

Companion PASSIVE In Arms



Bond With Maven

Blood Smithing

Cool Head

Crafter’s Promise

SKILL Stargazing

Lore Arcana

Lore Fey

Their offspring are always humans of great beauty with slightly bigger almond shaped eyes and light skin and hair. Their eyes glow faintly at dawn and high noon, these traits are always passed down and never skip a generation no matter how far back the union goes. Seelie Souls can be recognized by the Fey, and are accorded the benefits of the Seelie and offered spite by the Unseelie.


Shameless Flattery

Best Friends

Companion Awareness In Arms Of Breath

Bond With Maven


& Lore Fey Omens Portents

Boast Of Greatness



Charismatic PASSIVE Leadership

Battle Mantra





Manipulate Emotions

Courtly Awareness Combat Etiquette Of Danger Awareness


The Sight Otherworld

Drinking & Wenching Hound Master

Unseelie Soul

by their mortal parents, the terror of seeing the nightmare repeat itself or even worse is enough to ensure their safety until they are old enough to survive on their own.

Disir Level Cost: 2

These hybrids are always unique in their physical traits, they can have unnatural or animalistic eyes, fangs, claws, talons, feathers, grey, ashen or translucent skin, in the most extreme cases, they can even have scales, limbs with additional joints or of abnormal length. The hate inflicted on them since before they were born often lead to a “alone against the world” mindset and they put their skills to accumulate wealth and power by any means necessary to ensure their security.

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 The fey of darkness, chaos and sorcery often try to influence mankind to serve their inscrutable schemes. Those who fall victim to their ilk often only remember these events as a nightmare filled sleepless night and are horrified when either their offspring are left to be raised on their doorstep or when their belly becomes round with the unwanted babe. The children born from these rapes can never be abandoned

Battlefield Of Bramble

Cold Stare

Gritted Teeth

Inflict Terror

Hand Of The Queen

Stay Quiet



Battlefield Skin Of Mag Servant Findargat


Predator’s Gaze


Feather Control Storm Opponent Cailleach’s ACTIVE Kiss

Dark Juxtaposition

Dance of Pawn Of Feathers The Queen

Lore Poison

Lore Fey The Sight

Emotionally PASSIVE Cauldron Guarded Of...

Feather Fingers

SKILL Otherworld

Resistance Dance To Of The Possession Flagellant


Animal Disguise Shapeshift

Legendary / Infamous Heritage Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 Disir Level Cost: 2 Heroes and villains have marked the Great Isles for far longer than collective memory is able to preserve. Sometimes a spark is passed down, kindled to ignite the flames of change, a famous name or a physical likeness to a prophesied being or the ability to use forgotten magic or draw a mythical blade from a stone. All these possibilities are double edged swords, in this world, those who shine the brightest are often snuffed out the quickest. Battle Dance

Ballad Of Behead Heroes

Bow To Me

Resistance To Degeneration


Examples of legendary and infamous Characters would be King Arthur, Cu Chulainn, Fionn Mac Cumhaill, Cormac Mac Airt, Saint Padraig and others. They are bestowed a wide array of abilities that make them stand apart from others. These powers allow them to shine and assist their allies in memorable ways.

Don’t Even Think Of Asking

You Are Beneath Me

Unbreakable Resistance To Mind Deterioration

Drive Back



I Demand An Answer

Unwelcome Motivation



Blessing Of The ACTIVE Emain Ablach

Black Flame

Don’t Question Me

Channel The Oakshee

Death Charge

You’re a You Will Make Feel My Demands Joke Words

Cascading Blades

Cool Head


Work In Reistance to Rallying concert Vulnerable Pack Howl

Lore of

Champion’s Common Eye




Lore Learned Tailteann Games Personas

- 221 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

The Red Thirst

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 3 Disir Level Cost: 2 The Red Thirst is given only to Crom’s faithful and forces the Dweller to obey his will or the will of his immortal agents: the Crimson Manipulators or the senior members of the Golden Teeth, the Crooked Ones, who can bound the Dweller by making him or her drink their accursed blood. If the Dweller wishes to fully awaken the Red Thirst and become a Crooked One (this cannot be unlocked during Dwell-

Preserve The Old Ways

Run To Shadow

Battlefield ACTIVE Of Mist


Embodiment Of War/ Chaos/Death

Howl, Banshee’s Wail

Base Insinuations

Delight In Bad News

Boast Of Greatness

Sacred Slash



Disturbing Facts

Run The Dark Path

Familiar Intimidating Line Of Arguments Threats Questioning

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 2 Disir Level Cost: 2 The ways of the White God are mysterious even to those who would blindly follow His creed and sometimes he will turn his gaze towards the most unsuspecting lambs amongst His flock, empowering them for seemingly random reasons. Theologians theorize that some bloodlines may be chosen through the deeds of their ancestors but others argue that the

Distant Mercy


Holy Strike

Duty To Fight

Blessed Is Thine Flock

Duty Of Care

- 222 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Upon becoming a Crooked One, they hear their god’s voice at all times, and must obey his directives. He will grant his Crooked Ones with Strings on his foes. Crom is thirsty and much blood will be spilled!

Keen Senses

Blot & Faining

Speak in Tongues

Rites & Rituals

Morrigan’s PASSIVE Terrifying Domination Shadow

Commune With Dead


Scorn Pole

Defend Hidden In The Old Mist Ways

Commune With Gods


Lore Poison

Terrifying Secretive Satisfaction Disposition


very fact that some who try to understand His plan instead of simply following it, is, in fact, an heretical act.

Blessed One

Holy Hunt The Duty Of Deflection Wicked Community

er creation), they must seek out Crom and drink his blood, greying their skin, turning the white of their eyes crimson, turning their canines into fangs and filling them with the divine wrath of Crom Cruach. If they do so, then one Talent or Passive power can be increased by +1 Rank, to a maximum of Rank 3, stacking the Rank 2 bonus an additional time.

Those who have been elevated to venerable, are blessed and saints are those who walk with the White God, and answer his call. Sometimes very unlikely candidates, flawed individuals, become the instruments of His work. As a result this option can be added to pagan archetypes if there will be a complex story involving the virtues. All Active powers are Faith type in addition to their other types.

Impassioned Plea

Demand Confession

Turn The Blade

Holy Vision

Shining Clash

Animal Empathy


Commune With Gods

Befriend SOCIAL

You Can’t Be Serious

Bestow Faith


Holy Spirit




Vow Of NonViolence

Strong Faith


Lore Of Common Learned Folk

Read & Write

Are You Serious?

Change Familiar The Arguments Questioning Subject Clever

Aos-Si (Fey)

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 3 Disir Level Cost: 2 All Aos-Si can perfectly see and interact with other Aos-Si. Alfar are one with the Aos-Si and both can see one another without issue. The Aos-Si live in the otherworld and cannot be seen without special skills or circumstance. To anyone without the AosSi attribute, they are considered to have Stealth rating 8 for purposes of Perception and even if they can be spotted, they are hard to discern and are considered to have Shroud 4. This Shroud cannot be negated, nor decreased without specific skills and powers meant to spot the Aos-Si.

gain half of the Base Powers (round up and chosen by player) and average the size between both spe­cies. Whenever you gain a level, you may dip into these boards for powers or skills (instead of your other boards-ie. Archetype and other Disir).

Hired by a King

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1 Disir Level Cost: 1 Grants a bonus to all players at the table You and your warband were hired by a king for your work. You triple your own starting skatt and double everyone else’s skatt in your warband.

The Sight is a skill/power that allows one to see those beyond the Veil. Those with this skill or those with Alfar blood will negate all penalties regarding the Aos-Si under specific light conditions- a narrow window at dawn or at dusk.

Knocker Benefactor

During the winter, the Veil is partially lifted and the penalties are halved (Stealth 4 and Shroud 2).

Grants a bonus to all players at the table

Omens & Portents have a chance to reveal the Otherworld, and during these visions the Aos-Si may be revealed.


Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1 Disir Level Cost: 1 Your warband knows a Knocker who owes you a lifedebt. They will craft each member of the warband an item equal to 75% of the Dweller’s level.

Watched by the Morrigan

Disir Level Cost: 2 (+2 more for each extra mutation)

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1

You gain one of these abilities, any more than one is only with Norn permission :

Disir Level Cost: 1

• Quadruped : Double move speed but cannot equip any weapons.

You and your warband were marked by the Morrigan as she has interest in you. Once per day, each member of the warband can re-Wyrd a rune draw they did not like.

• Flight : Can fly 3’ above the ground per Dweller level. • Aquatic : Aquatic denotes a creature which is at home in and un­der water. The creature does not require air, can move in water without penalties and can float in place (without expending runes to tread water). • Aware : Aware creatures cannot be robbed of their senses. They are immune to the Blind condition and have 360-degree awareness within a 10 hexes (60’/20m) radius. They do not have extra senses beyond the human spectrum, therefore they do not gain bonuses against Shrouded opponents. • Twilight vision : Perfect vision in absolute darkness.


Grants a bonus to all players at the table

World Fame Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 1 Disir Level Cost: 1 Grants a bonus to all players at the table Your warband is renowned for fulfilling dangerous missions with exceptionalism. You are regularly sought out by rich patrons who wish to hire you for short quests that pay exceptionally well. Receive a String in all Compel actions when negotiating the price. With each success you score above and beyond the defender’s total, double the offer.

Minimum Disir Level Requirement: 4 Disir Level Cost: Base level of Denizen You may choose any humanoid Denizen species that could have conceived with a human (Norn approval required). You

- 223 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

- 224 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Divine Boards


ivine Boards are specialized 3x3 boards that encompass some sort of cosmic domain and theme. They are a collection of Talents and Passive powers that best represent that concept. These Divine Boards are also facets of the Celtic gods and goddesses, imparted upon mortals who have entered into a spiritual relationship with the deity. Some of these Divine boards are also imparted to Denizens who embody some natural aspect of the cosmos - usually the faeries of the Celtic realms can be built using these slot boards.

Slot Board Usage Divine Boards are 3x3 “slot” boards that are meant to be slotted into other 7x7 and 5x5 “composite” boards. The Horned Ones and Harbinger archetypes are two examples of composite boards that slot in Divine Boards into the shaded spaces. Some Higher Powers may also place a restriction on which Divine Boards can be used, reducing the number of available options.

List of Divine Boards

Once a Dweller chooses a slot board, unless otherwise restricted, the 3x3 board can be slotted into 1 or more positions within the composite board. If they have access to 3 different slot boards, then any combination or permutation of those slot boards are allowed on the composite board. The only restriction is that you must respect board types and cannot place a Social slot board onto an Active power composite board. Social slot boards can only fit on Social composite boards.

• Beast

• Might

• Beauty

• Mind Theft

• Brute

• Murderous Shadow

• Dark Wizardry

• Perseverance

• Festive Revelry

• Safeguard

• Blood & Bone

• Seas & Their Rivers

• The Green

• Songs & Poetry

• Hammer & Anvil

• Soul Grip

• Homestead & Livestock

• Stone

• Hunting

• Thunderstorm

• Ice Blade

• War

• Law & Justice

• Weapons

• Leech

• Wild Flame

• Life

• Wind

• Magi

• Wisdom

- 225 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Beast Active




Howl of Survival

Wild Faol Feather Shape Storm

Cold Stare

Gritted Teeth

Inflict Terror



Keen Senses

& Athletics Hunting Trapping Brawling

Skin Servant

Shape -change Another

Winged Shape

Stay Quiet



Hidden In Rain and Snow


Leaping Striker

Survival Animal Wilderness Empathy

Bull Rush

Artio’s Aid

Howl, Furious Roar


Predator’s Gaze



Bask In Blood

Survival Instincts









Presence Satisfying Friend Of Of The Provocation Flames Warrior Queen

Manipulate Befriend Shameless Flattery Emotions

Voice Of Courtly Dramatic Authority Etiquette Personality

Animal Empathy


Drinking & Wenching

Other- Resistance worldly To Beauty Degeneration


Land Stewardship


Charismatic Timeless Mysterious Leader Movement Rider

Survival Urban

Lore Appraisal Personas

Rising Spirit

Control Insulting Opponent Attack




Battle Dance

Mimicry Backstab



Laugh It Off

Brute Active

Aura Of Influence





Bull Rush


Power Attack

Voice Intimidating Bow To Of Ill Me Tidings Threats

Battle Hardened

Chain Attack

Furious Tantrum

Throw Enemy

Demand Make Undermine Answers Demands Credibility

Brutalize Fomorian Vitality Size

Drinking Technique Of & Brawling Fomorian Wenching Spear

Behead (Dícheann)

Smack down

Whirlwind Attack

You Are Barrage of Intimidating Beneath Questions Demand Me

Natural Emotional Coward’s Instigator Tirade Condemnation


- 226 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Blunt Sadist Disposition

Repair Survival Equipment Wilderness Curadmir

Tailteann Games


Dark Wizardry Active




Dark Breath Of JuxtaposiAcid tion

Verbal Manipulate Disturbing ManipulaEmotions Facts tion

Skin Servant

Lean On Cryptic Weakness Reply

Nether Touch

Mental Dark Running Torture Castigation Triskelion

Rhyming Reply

Trick Make A Answer Storytelling Plan

Passive Hidden In Mist

Run Away Run Away Laughing Swallow Mocking

Satisfying Provocation

Battle Dance

Touch Of Nathair Skin


Friendly Criticism

Laugh It Off

Verbal You Double ManipulaCan’t Be Dare tion Serious


Rousing Speech

Sense Motives

Scorn Pole

Umbral Tenebrous Aura Of NegotiaRing Suffering tions


Passive Drunk Songs

Lunging Need For Attack Blood


Bloody Behead Arch (Dícheann) (Stua Fola)

Channel Double Vengeful The Bloody Attack Parry Lady

Rites & Omens & Rituals Portents

The Sight


Skill Drunken Swagger


Lore Perform Personas

Survival Drinking & Curadmir Urban Wenching

Drunken Heckler



Power Attack

Suave Singer

Commune Lore With The Arcana Dead

Combat Charismatic Merry ManoeuLeadership Disposition vrability

Blood & Bone Active

Lore Fey

Arcane Drums


Strike Of Regener- Touch Of Bereaveating Losgann ment Block Leg

Been Cauldron There of KnowlDone That edge

Parlay Aura Of The Influence Strange

Festive Revelry Active



Drunken Brawling


Feather Fingers Appraisal


Regenerating Overcome Fury

Boast Of Charged Greatness Demand


Tribal Loyalty


Voice Of Fury


Battle Mantra

Bask In Blood

Inflict Terror

Impassioned Plea

Sense Motives


Blood Drinker Brutalize

Blood Lust



Tailteann Games

Drinking Speak Blood & In Smithing Wenching Tongues


Scorn Pole

War Tactics

- 227 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

The Green Active

Sprig Of Ash


Wooden Sprig Of Weapon Alder

Face Of Battlefield Branches The Green Of Of Arrows Man Bramble Sprig Of Sprig Of Sprig Of Mistletoe Birch Holly

Reveal a Half-truth Seduce Laugh It Off


Passive Cryptic Reply

Keen Senses

Parlay The Woods

Defend The Old Ways

Herbalist Disguise Medicine

Predator’s Gaze

Woodland Cover

Bond With Maven

Woodland Run

Survival Animal Hunting Other & -world Shapeshift Trapping

Otherworldly Beauty

Parlay The Strange

Parlay The Waters

Drinking & Wenching

Manipulate Rhyming Disturbing Emotions Reply Facts

Hammer & Anvil Active


Sprig of Ash

Demand Answers

Cold Stare

Intimidating Demand

Strike of Elemental Throw Bereave- Strike Weapon ment

Voice of Ill Tidings

Sense Motives

Get My Way

Power Attack


Enchant Flesh

Bloody Thundering Arch Blow



Negotiate Interrogate


Steel Skin

Bestow Insight

Bestow Ogham Conviction Armour


Realm Ores



Knocker Wonder works


Repair Equipment



Homestead & Livestock Active



Defend The Weak

Gird Your Loins

Sprig Of Heather

Cold Stare


Stay Calm


Bestow Wisdom

Rising Spirit

Bestow Faith


Sense Motives


Trick Mysterious Combat ManouRiding Rider verability

Sprig Of Hazel

Bestow Insight

Power Over Wells

Best Friends

Tactfully Familiar Deflect Arguments

- 228 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Master Sailor

Tight Lipped

Lore Poison


SilverDestroyer Voice of tipped Hide Authority Weapons Attuned Equipment Weapon Mastery


Hound Master

Heart Of A Poet

Cauldron Stubborn Of Motion

Skill Riding

Animal Empathy



Land Stewardship


Repair Equipment Mining Appraisal

Hunting Active


Touch of Gearr Hamstring (Rabbit)


Uncanny Ambush

Throw Stone

Touch of Scavenger Losgann Slash (Frog)

Fly True

Stay Calm Shameless Flattery

Social Predator’s Lean On Gaze Weakness Make A Plan

You Can’t Boast of Be Serious Greatness

Ice Blade Active


Stay Quiet


Mist On The Battlefield


Aura of Frost

Field of Mag Findargat

Draw From Nature (Det)

Calm Ally


Breath of Hoarfrost

Cold Lance

Stay Quiet

Stay Calm

Sea Legs

Divine Sigil

Furious Parry

Sense Motives

Tactfully You Can’t Deflect Be Serious

Cool Head

Demand Accuse Interrogate Confession Line of Questioning

Preserve the Old Ways

Defend the Catharsis Weak

Familiar Sense Arguments Motives


Furious Clang

You Are By the Beneath Deliberate OhWay Me


Fleet Footed

Keen Senses

Hound Master


& Survival Boating Hunting Trapping Wilderness


Turn the Blade

Eye of Emotionally Water Guarded

Repair Equipment

Cool Head

Attention InterroTo gator Detail Emotionally Thick Skinned

Get Back!



Survival Other- Stargazing world

Technique War Boating of Knocker Tactics Sword Survival Blot & Rites Wilderness Faining & Rituals

Passive Bestow Conviction

Animal Empathy Falconry


Striker Swordplay

Ogham Inversion of Armour Ice


Throw Enemy

Long Shot


Law & Justice Active

Trick Riding

Hide In Combat Mighty Rain & Awareness Arm Snow


You Are My Beneath Storytelling Get Way Me

Power Over Mists

Tech Duinn’s Celerity


Skill Drive Back


Rites & Rituals




Read & Write



Lore of Lore Lore Personas Common Locales Folk

- 229 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Leech Active

Venomous Corrosive Unseelie Bite Touch Touch

Social Tease


Base Manipulate Insinuations Emotions

Regenerating Attack

Drain Life

Regenerating Block

Take Verbal Disturbing Manipu- Advantage Of lation Weakness Facts

Rot The Flesh

Syphon Soul


Shameless Lean On Cryptic Flattery Weakness Reply



Watch Out!

Overcome Desperation

Blood Lust

Geyser Blessing The Of Sacred Of Bolg Water Gréine

Honest & True


Blessing Of The Emain Ablach

Fly True

Laugh It Off

Urge The Hero You Know



Call Oak

Touch Of Nathair Skin

Spirit Lance

Best Friends

Rousing Speech


Brilliant Arms



Wooden Weapon

Battle Dance

Call Waves

Verbal Clever ManipuQuestioning lation

Arcane Shell

Sorcerous Empowerment

Arcane Veil

Timely Distraction

Call Wind

Power Over Mists

Call Stone

Sense Interrogate Motives

- 230 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)






Speak In Tongues

Lore Poison

Survival Urban





Demand Double Impassioned Confession Dare Plea



Secretive Blood Disposition Drinker

Stealthy Tricky Striker Personality



Aura Of Suffering

Skill Bestow Faith

Eye Of Quiet Stone Disposition


Work In Concert

Animal Empathy Lore Poison


Cryptic Reply

Drinking & Wenching

Lore Herbalist Personas Medicine

Survival Tailteann Wilderness Games

Passive Passing Remark

The Sight



Been Bestow There Wisdom Done That

Read & Write

Aura Of Wondrous Enchanted Influence Magic Prowess

Rites & Rituals

Learned Stargazing


The Sight


Umbral Arcane Negotiation Drums


Lore Arcana

Feather Fingers

Silent Tongue

Might Active

Throw Enemy Power Attack

Thundering Roar

Presence Of The Hound Of Bull Rush Culann Riastrad

Smack down

Attack Thundering From Blow Above



You Are Beneath Me

Dispas- Intimidating sionate Interest Demand

Drive Back


Mighty Arm

Make Demands

Get My Lean On Way Weakness



Steel Skin

Will You Are Will Not You Feel My Dismissed Budge Words

Emotionally Fathach’s Coward’s Guarded Might Condemnation



Mind Theft Active

Uncanny Disarm

Howl, Mental Banshee’s Torture Wail

Tactfully Deflect

Delight Attack In Bad Base News Assumptions

Channel The Bloody Lady

Mental Spiritual Assault Scapegoat

Mob Rules

Reveal A Blackmail Half-truth

Uncanny Mental Control Jab Confusion Opponent


Trick Answer

Break Down

You’re A Joke

Overcome Arcane Drums Cauldron Of Knowledge

Enchanted Prowess

Combat Clear-headAware- ed Defence ness

Tailteann Curadmir Games







Drinking & Wenching

Skill Aura Of Suffering


Feather Fingers




Silent Tongue




Murderous Shadow Active


Run The Surprise Dark Path Attack Backstab Shadow Friend Of Dark JuxParasite Daggers taposition

Sacrifice Position

Run To Shadow

Feint Attack

Stay Quiet


Emotional Accuse Barrier

Get My Voice Of Make A Way Ill Tidings Plan

Disturbing Facts

Inflict Terror

Delight In Bad News

Commune LockWith picking Dead


Courtly Aura Of Stealthy Etiquette Suffering Striker

Survival Urban

Silent Tongue

Lore Poison

Hidden In Timeless Aura Of Rain and Movement Influence Snow



Hunting & Trapping

In Fleet Burrow Hidden Mist Footed

Lore Personas


Scorn Pole

- 231 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Perseverance Active Regenerating Block




Tactfully Deflect

Stay Quiet


Bestow Resistance Battle To Conviction Blindness -hardened



Repair Equipment

Enchant Dark Flesh Castigation Catharsis



Stay Calm

Protective Turn The Resistance To Fury Blade Impeded




Regenerating Attack



Familiar Arguments

Read & Write



Sprig Of Alder

Sprig Of Heather

Sprig Of Mistletoe

Sprig Of Birch

Safeguard Active


Living Shield

Furious Parry


Bury Emotions



Ballad Of Defend Heroes The Weak

Tactfully Deflect

Stay Calm

Change The Subject

Shield Bash

Watch Out!



Gird Your Loins

Throw Shield

Emotionally Impression- Companion InArms able

Timely Friendly Distraction Criticism Chime In


Drive Back

Skill Battle -hardened

Companion Protector Tribal In Arms Loyalty

Get Back!

Wyrd Ways

Honest & True

Seas & Their Rivers Active

Breath Of Hoarfrost Aqua Axe

Bestow Gills


Ride The Storm

Battlefield Friend Of Vortex Waves

Geyser Aqua Of Sacred Armour Water

Power Over Wells

- 232 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Cold Stare


Rhyming Reply


Survival Wilderness

Land Stewardship

Survival Urban

Survival Otherworld


Rites & Rituals


Make Laugh It Demands Off Get My Storytelling Way


Lore Of Herbal Common Medicine Folk

Impassioned Plea


Courtly Etiquette

Keen Senses

Survival Wilderness

Repair Equipment

Hunting & Trapping

Parlay The Superb Waters Swimmer

Master Sailor







Eye Of Water

Hidden In Silver Cauldron Rain & Weapons Of Snow Motion

Songs & Poetry Active


Of Warpaint Of Warpaint Blessing Bradán IlThe Emain Of Éal Glas Ablach Dath {Spell {Spell Song} {Spell Song} Song}

Manipu- Shameless late Emotions Flattery

Blessing Of Satisfying The Bolg Ballad Of Provocation Gréine Heroes {Spell Song} {Spell Song}

Best Friends

Warpaint Of Warpaint Of Warpaint Of Bearbhán Torc Dubh Tarbh Bán {Spell Song} {Spell Song} {Spell Song}



Verbal Push Your Manipu- Emotions lation


Publicly Humiliate

Fox’s Dramatic Carried Tongue Personality By Song Drunken Songs

Soul Barbs

Soul Chains


Shadow Parasite

Soul Shroud

Spectral Cailleach's Shift Kiss

Run To Shadow

Syphon Soul

Spirit Lance

Sense Lean On Motives Weakness

Feint Attack

Furious Guard


Behead Enchant Regenerating (Dícheann) Flesh Block Gird Your Loins

Call Stone

Power Attack

Inflict Terror

Reveal a Shameless Undermine Half-truth Flattery Credibility


Skill Read & Write

Survival Urban

Feather Fingers

Lore Of Common Perform Folk

Survival Otherworld

Drinking Lore & Curadmir Personas Wenching


Cryptic Demand Intimidating Reply Confession Demand


Suave Singer Eye Of Air

Cauldron Courtly Bestow Of Poetry Etiquette Insight

Soul Grip Active



Keen Cauldron Of Stubborn Senses Knowledge

Scorn Pole

Aura Of Spirit Aura Of Influence Dominion Suffering

The Sight

Bestow Faith


Enchanted Voice Of Prowess Authority

Lore Arcana


Lore Personas


Commune Omens & With Dead Portents Rites & Rituals



Stay Quiet

Cold Stare

Sense Motives

Cool Head

Battlehardened Tactitian


Silent Tongue



Dispassionate Interest

Stay Calm

Steel Skin

Destroyer Unbreakable Hide Body

Survival Urban



Rigid Mind

Resistance To Protector Degeneration


Familiar You Are Bury Arguments Beneath Emotions Me

Athletics Learned

- 233 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Thunderstorm Active

Fight On!

Power Over Wind


Whirlwind Attack

From Thundering Thundering Draw Nature Blow Roar (Det.) Lunging Ride The Attack Storm

Throw Dirt


Will Not Budge

Resistance To Impeded

Eye Of Fire


Inflict Terror

Get My Way

Hidden In Rain & Snow

Attuned Unwelcome Weapon Motivation

Fight On! Howl, Furious Roar

Friend Of Hack & Blades Slash Wooden Weapon

Presence Of The Warrior Queen

Protective Desperation Leaping Striker Fury



Get My Way


Rousing Speech

Demand Voice Of Answers Fury

Intimidating Threats


Weapons Active

Aqua Axe


Conjure Ogham Weapon


Double Dare

Bask in Blood

Combat Tactician Awareness


Lore Locales Stargazing Brawling


Drinking & Riding Wenching

Brawling Athletics Fidchell

Hound Master

War Tactics


Work In Battle Equipment Concert -hardened Mastery



Lore Locales




Fight On!


Get My Way

Intimidating Threats

Equipment Attuned Mastery Weapon

Power Attack

Disturbing Facts

Inflict Terror

Tactfully Deflect

Tribal Weapon Swordplay Tactition Toss

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Martial Prowess

Companion Battle In War Mantra

Take Demand Advantage Answers Of Weakness

- 234 -

Survival Wilderness


Stay Quiet

Wooden Lunging Weapon Attack

Riposte Elemental Strike

Quick Draw

Charged Voice Of Ill Barrage Of Demand Tidings Questions


Lunging Attack


Royal Tantrum

War Presence Of The Need for Hound Of Blood Culann



Turn The Blade



Sgain -Dubh

Tailteann Repair Games Equipment Perform

War Tactics



Appraisal Brawling

Wild Flame Active





Delight In Bad News

Laugh It Off

Resistance To Degeneration

Brilliant Desperation Arms

You Can’t Be Serious


Get My Way

Eye Of Fire

Inversion Driven by Of Fire Emotions

Blessing Of Friend Of Of The Bolg Breath Flames Flames Gréine

Verbal Seduce Manipulate ManipEmotions ulation


Shining Resistance To Clash Blindness



Warpaint Dragon’s Of Cú Breath Dearg

Black Flame

Conjure Weapon Of Blessing Ogham Morrigan’s Of The Weapon Wrath” Sun God


You Are ChangeThe Interrogate Beneath Subject Me

Mobile Stance

Whirlwind Attack

Call Wind

Battlefield Gael

Power Over Wind

Timely Distraction

Attack From Above

Winged Shape

Flying Charge

You Are Make What A Dismissed Demands Joke

Wisdom Active

Concentrated Attack

Snap To Clarity

Heedful Charge

Calm Ally

Tactfully Deflect

Fleet Footed


Sense Motives Negotiate Line Of Questioning

Make A Plan

Dark Juxtaposition

Change The Subject

Clever Ques- Interrogate tioning

Speak In Tongues

Skill Drive Back

UneCauldron Resistance combered Of To Impeded Dodger Motion Combat Manoeuvrability

Omens & Portents

Drinking & Perception Curadmir Wenching

Quick Draw








Silent Tongue

Lore Locales



Spiritual Scapegoat



Sorcerous Warpaint Touch Of Empow- Of Bradán Nathair erment Il-Dath Skin Rising Spirit



Fly True


Repair Perform Athletics Equipment


Voice Of Wondrous Keen Authority Magic Senses

Lore Locales

Lore Personas Learned

Bestow UnbreakTactition Wisdom able Mind

Read & Write

Land Stewardship

Lore Fey


Lore Of Common Folk


Lore Arcana

Arcane Drums

Survival Instincts

- 235 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


- 236 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



wellers are not only defined by their Lifepaths and Characteristics, but also by their archetype. An archetype is not a job, but more of an identity and a role in the world. There are three types of archetypes in Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok, but the Children of Eriu focuses on mythic archetypes (presented in this chapter). There are also Mundane and Immortal archetypes that cover regular folks (Mundane) and immortal divine beings (Immortal) which appear in other books.

Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens

Mythic Archetypes

Talents & Powers

The archetypes cover the types of heroes one would meet when travelling across Eriu - from druids, to warriors, to monk saints, to knocker trained blacksmiths.


The Children of Eriu includes seven archetypes as choices for Dweller creation. Two of which are reserved for players who have a Disir level of one or more, since they introduce more evolved play and lore. Each archetype has three specializations, giving players a grand total of 21 choices. When a specialization is chosen, the Talents for that specialization are bound to the Void rune and the Void rune receives a Trait, becoming Physical, Mental or Spiritual. This choice is final and cannot be changed with the rules as written, but if the Norn deems that because of the story, a Dweller warrants a specialization change, then they are free to do as they will. Essence runes are then mapped to each of the four archetypes Talent and Passive power boards. Each rune in the Essence bag will have an Active power, Social power, Skill and Passive power. In order to populate their world with interesting Characters, the Norn may use these archetypes for Denizens as well. An archetype applied to a Denizen will use the four Talent and Passive boards, but the specialization won’t be used since Denizens do not use the Void rune. If the Norn wishes to use the powers in the specialization, they may choose to bind them to a rune symbol.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


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Mysterious War Druidess The “bandraoidhean” are druidesses in a divine sisterhood dedicated to the war-goddesses called the Morrígan. The Bandrui emulate the goddesses’ principals of war, sovereignty, the land, fate, death, madness, and dedication to livestock. The sisterhood has been rendered furious by the devastation caused by the Celtic Twilight, and they look to the Morrigan to set the world right. The Morrigan favours her Bandrui, sending omens, divine visions, and sometimes even sidhe to guide them on secret missions in a grand plan that only makes sense to the Morrigan herself. The Bandrui trust in their goddess and feel empowered to slay on her behalf with impunity. Since the Bandrui are driven by often confusing signs brought by the Morrigan, they must sometimes do strange things like wander alone in their work for great distances, and make strange alliances. Role in the Group: Hit and run warriors and mobile spell-casters who prefer to visit terrible curses upon their foes, but are still capable combatants if they need to be. In History: Examples of Bandrui in history include the Silver Raven, Airgid Carog, and also the Queen of Tara herself, Gormflaith ingen Flann Sinna. The peak historic example is likely Queen Mebd, who is largely considered the perfect Bandrui; the epitome of magical, societal, and martial capacities. Queen Mabd is remembered for being the most formidable and feared High Queen that ever ruled in Eire, even often considered a living avatar of the Morrigan herself by poets and bards. A small number of males occupy the ranks of the Bandrui as “crows”. They eschew the garments and any obvious show of allegiance as a Bandrui in favour of practical clothes catered to the task of infiltration into a nobleman’s court, a merchant guild, or even the church of the White God. Where the Morrigan sends them, they go.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Sun of Womenfolk

Daughter of Neman

The “Grian Banchure” (Grayne Ban-shure-e) are the warrior-queens of old incarnate. They are fearsome riders who scream before charging enemy lines leading warriors to achieve battlefield victories for her divine patron. They collect heads as divine tributes, adding them to a pole of skulls named the Mesrad Mache to better worship the Morrigan.

The “Badb Catha” (Bah-b Kathbah) are the mistresses of fear on the battlefield, falling into a trance and moving at flying speeds. Their enemies only hear a sinister screech before being impaled on a Battle Crow’s long spear. Then, the Battle Crow is gone again, leaving only a feather behind in a pool of their enemy’s blood.

Neman, one of the three avatars of the Morrigan, is the incarnation of battle madness and carnage. The Daughters run from battlefield to battlefield, screeching like banshees, and sprinting towards their foes to tear them apart as sacrifices. They are known to paint their bodies with the blood of their victims in intricate and beautiful designs.

Blazing War Chariot of Queen Mebd (May-ve)

Terrifying Visage

Swing of Madness

The Morrigan rules over the Banshees. This power lets you momentarily deform your visage to horrify your foes.

Your mind is precariously balanced and this has readied you for any event. If attacked from behind, gain 1 Trance Condition and perform a Weak Attack action with your melee weapon on the attacker within Reach. You do not change position.

Spell[Area Area Amplify]

Active Power

Battle Crow

Summon a war-chariot of shining light. Perform a Move action and inflict 1 Blind Condition [Counter P] to any anyone adjacent. The chariot cannot move fewer than its maximum number of hexes unless it collides with an obstacle.

Manoeuvre[Multi Range Amplify]

You cast your gaze upon an enemy up to Far (8 hexes) away. Inflict 1 Fear Condition [Counter M] and cause Knockback for 2 hexes [Counter P].

Stance[Amplify Swift Multi]

Cryptic Reply Defend vs. Question +4 if already questioned. [Aid Amplify Abate]

Inflict Terror Provoke Fear with +4 bonus. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Delight in Bad News Provoke to Remorse +2, Strings +2. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Riding [Physical] The care of, and command of, a mundane mount such as a horse. [Experience Benefit Swift]

Perform [Physical] Make a presentation of song, dance, or other learned athletic skill. [Experience Aid Benefit]

Stargazing [Various] Gain physical orientation, inspiration, and maybe a sign. [Swift Benefit Augment]

Passive Power

Shining Path [Enchantment] Your path can be easily tracked by your allies.

Dance Against Magic [Enchantment] Gain 1 Trance when afflicted by a foe’s Spell.

Anguish Driven [Enchantment] When a negative Condition gets to max, make a Move action.


Hobbie Pony, Macha Skull Pole, Black Wolf Pelt, and your choice of weapon.

Crow Feather Cloak, Leather Bracers, Long Spear, Javelins, and the Feather of a Raven.

Leather Armour, Tribal Woad, any one two-handed sword, Dagger, and a Healing Potion.

Social Power Skill

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Bandrui Active Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype Mental Assault

(Attack +2 / Drain)

Presence Of The Swift Sidhe

Run The Dark Path (Move + Fear)

(Move + Shroud)

Ride the Storm

Mobile Stance

Shadow Parasite

Blessing Of Emain Ablach (Isle of Apples)

(2 M DF + Vulnerable)

Final Attack

(½ Move is Move)

(Move on unstable surfaces)

(Reach +1, Move +1)

(Move with foe)


Lunging Attack

Run Away Laughing

Weapon Of Morrigan's Wrath

Bandrui Active Talents

Mental Confusion

(Heal 4 + Shapechange)

(2 M DF + Blind)

(½Move + Attack)

Howl Of The Banshee's Channel The Bloody Lady Wail (4 M DF) Unseelie Touch

Sprig Of Ash (Heal 4 + Reduce 2 Blind)

(Defend Parry +3 / Drain + Move / Drain)

Winged Shape

(Counter S DF +1 + Area + PF +1)



(Create Weapon)

Fianna Archetype

Dark Castigation

(Damage convert ½ Mental)

Conjure Ogham Weapon

(Move + Heal 4)

(M DF +1)

(2 M DF + Fear + Area)

Call Wind (No armour Interrupt Move)

Run To Shadow

Corrosive Fir Bolg Touch Battlesmith (½ Attack Reach +1, Archetype Damaged)

(4 DF + Heal 4)

Dark Switch The Puppets Juxtaposition


(Restore 1 + Heal 4)

(Teleport Battlefield with Possession)

(Switch Places + Illusion)

Control Opponent

Hand Of The Queen

Rot The Flesh

(Possession + control rune)

(1 M DF + Possession increase)


Sorcerous Sprig Of Birch 4 + Reduce 2 Empowerment (HealPossession)

Feint Attack

(1 DF + Vulnerable + Next Parry +3)

(Range -8 to all)

(Heal 4 + Shroud)

To Clarity Feather Storm Battle Dance Snap (Consume Trance + (Reduce + Trance)

Battlefield Gale

Drain Life

(Trance? Trance)

(4 DF + Area)

Arito's Aid (Shapechange)

(Degeneration + Vulnerable)

Aura Of Frost

(2 DF + Impeded + adjacent)

Sprig Of Holly

(Heal 4 + Reduce 2 Divine Wrath)

Blessing Of Power Over Cailleach's Bolg Gréine Kiss Mists (Sun Bubble) (Blind (Empower 1) + Area) (Reduce+ S Parry +2)

Horned Ones Archetype

Bandrui Social Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype


(Provoke to Grief +2, Strings +2)

(Question or Compel +3 if foe Humiliated or Grief )

(Bloodied? Defend +3)


We Won’t Do As You Say

We Are One

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if Outnumber)

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if Outnumber)


Demand Answers

(Provoke to Anger +4)

Voice Of Ill Tidings

Fuelled By Agony

(Provoke Grief +4)

(Bloodied? Attack +3)

Shut Your Mouth

Delight In Bad News

Passing Remark

Inflict Terror

Change The Subject

Bäd Coppe

(Provoke Fear +4)

(Defend +M & S In-Hand & In-Play)

Bandrui Social Talents

Sense Motives


(Defend vs. Compel if foe lower Status)

(Provoke Remorse +2, Strings +2)

(No Emotion? Provoke +4)


Verbal Manipulation


Oh By The Way


(Compel +4 to tame wild beasts)

Double Dare


(No Emotion? Defend vs. Compel +4)

(No Emotion? Defend vs. Provoke +4)

Let’s Talk About Something Else

Rhyming Reply

(No Emotion? Defend vs. Question+4)

Fianna Archetype

(Compel +1, Strings +1)

(Defend +1. No Emotion? Strings +2)

Give it Little Afterthought

(Defend +3 if in rhyme)

(Defend vs. Remorse/ Guilt or Vulnerable +4 )

Gritted Teeth

Tactfully Deflect

(Defend vs. Anger or Fear +4)


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Demand Confession

(Defend vs. Provoke +3)

Stay Calm

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Disturbing Facts

(Defend vs. Question +4 if no Strings on you)

Stay Quiet

(Defend +3 if already attacked)

(Question +4 for intent)


(No Emotion? Defend +3)

(Defend vs. Question +3)

Off-Hand Request

You Can’t Be Serious

(Question +4 if Emotional)

(Question +3 Ally Aid adds Abate)

(Question +3)

Güd Coppe (Question +3 Ally Aid adds +3)

Clever Questioning (Question+4iffoe Emotional)

Line Of Questioning


Barrage Of Questions (Question +4 if Outnumber)

Dispassionate Interest Horned Ones Archetype

(Defend vs. Compel +3)

(Defend vs. Question +2 if already defended)

Cold Stare

Reveal A Half-Truth

Will Not Budge

(Defend vs. Question+4 to hide)


(Question +3, Inflicts Condition)

Cryptic Reply

(No Emotion? Compel +4)

(No Emotion? Attack +3)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

(Defend +2)

(No Emotion? Question +4)

Bandrui Skills Cu Sétanta Lore Locales Archetype


Technique Of Fomorian Spear


Lore Personas

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

Lore Folklore

Drinking & Wenching

Survival Urban


Tailteann Games

Herbalist Medicine

Feather Fingers

Repair Equipment



War Tactics


Survival Otherworld


Champion's Eye



Bandrui Skills


Lore Arcana

Lore Fey





Omens & Portents

Blot & Faining

Lore Poison

Hound Master

Animal Empathy

Scorn Pole

The Sight

Commune With Dead



Fianna Archetype

Animal Shapeshift

Silent Tongue


Horned Ones Archetype

Survival Sacred Wood Wilderness Binding

Bandrui Passive Powers Cu Sétanta Archetype Hover

(Walk above ground level)

Aura Of Suffering

Leaping Striker

(½Move? Next Attack +2)

Reclaim Momentum (Move twice? Reclaim 1)


(Adj foes Take Stun to Reduce)

(Full Move)

Tenebrous Ring

Been There Done That

(Accept Stun add Spell Area Meta)

(2nd Spell Free Meta)

Enchanted Prowess


(Condition? Spell? Focus +1)

Reclaim Magical Energies

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Courtly Etiquette

Tech Duinn’s Celerity

Interrogator (Question +2)

(SoDF vs. Provoke +2)

Bond With Maven (Companion)

(Court SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

Fleet Footed

Rigid Mind

Morrigan’s Shadow

Eye Of Air


Parlay The Strange

(Speak with birds)

Dance Of Feathers

Pawn Of The Queen

Unseelie Gift

(Move +1)

Get Back!

(After Spell, adj Allies can ½Move)

Battle Mantra

(SoDF +1)

Bandrui Passive Powers Combat Awareness

(Ally Bloodied? ½Move)

(Behind? Defend not ½Defend)


Turn The Blade

Shining Clash

(Parry +1)

(If Defend < 0 then foe Attacked)

(2nd Defend? Blind)

Fury From Sorrow

Reclaim Aggression

Attuned Weapon

(Grief, Remorse, or Guilt to Fury)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

(1st SoDF gains Meta)

(Move 1 / Drain)

(Attacked? Reclaim 1)

(DF +1, Parry +1)

(Shroud on mount)


(String +1 to Compel Allies)

Questions +3)

(Bloodied? Foe Condition +1)

(Spell? Reclaim 1)

Fianna Archetype

Secretive Emotionally Mysterious Disposition Thick Skinned Rider (SoDF vs. Cool Head

(Foe -1 Range / Trance)

(M DF? Trance)

(M DF? +2)

(Empower +1 per 4 Drain)

Unbreakable Dance Of The Umbrial Negotiations Mind (Swap 1 Rune Lost (Bloodied? Mental PF +1)

(Max Trance? Heal 4)

in Drain with 1 in-Hand)


Brilliant Arms

Keen Senses

(Reach +1, Range +5)

(Reduce foe Shroud)

Silver-tipped Reclaim the Light Weapons (Ally or foe Shroud?

(Double Weapon Meta)

Reclaim 1)

(Overcome Shroud)

Horned Ones Archetype


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Cu Sétanta

Warrior Emulating a Legendary Hero Following in the footsteps of the legendary champion Cú Chulainn, one of the, if not the, most revered hero in all the Celtic World. Some warriors seem more thirsty for battle than others and none more so than the Cu Sétanta. This faction of warriors has abandoned everything to follow in the footsteps of the great Cú Chulainn, swearing to give up their very names to seek glory and become legends of their own. To chase the path of Cú Chulainn is not without its advantages in war. The Cu Sétanta are the embodiment of Cú Chulainn’s divine rage. All of them, either through their bloodline or because of a pact with the gods, have the “ríastrad”, the warp-spasms. These turn them into monsters of bulging muscles, glowing eyes, that are blinded by the wrath of the gods, killing like mindless beasts until they collapse of exhaustion or are restrained by their allies. The Cú Sétanta focus on one aspect of their hero, since even these glory-seeking fighters know that they cannot be equal to Lugh’s son. Role in the Group: The Cu Sétanta use taunts to lure enemies, and summon their fury to deal with them. Over-eager warriors, the Cu Sétanta are always found on the front line, hacking and slashing, often wading in deeper than they can handle. In History: Cú Chulainn is remembered as the epitome of bravery, strength, honour, and loyalty. The name Cú Chulainn was chosen for him by the druid Cathbad. Before then the hero was called Sétanta. After he killed the prized hound of Chulainn the blacksmith, Sétanta swore to uphold the hounds duty. Cu meaning hound, Sétanta became the hound of Chulainn. The Cu Sétanta in turn are the hounds of Sétanta.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Head-hunters seek out the champions and lords amongst the ranks of their enemies and challenge them to one on one duels. Once a head-hunter identifies a worthy target they roar challenges, hurl insults, and act as the biggest thorn in the side of their enemies until they get their personal combat. The Head Hunter works through the ranks of their foes like this, one after another, killing the chain of command.

Social Power


Passive Power


The Dubán took on the name of Cú Chulainn’s ashen shield “Blackie” and strive to become the best defenders and bodyguards possible, in order to protect their leaders and friends with the same unrelenting fervour as their hero. Most Duban wear furs, jewellery and tunics showing imagery of warhounds, beasts that are revered as protectors and are the namesake of their hero.


The Glory-seekers emulate Cú Chulainn’s lust for glory and would sacrifice honour, reason, and their very soul to become legends. They are often sent after isolated enemy units, wiping them out in one furious rush, tearing limbs, heads, and leaving broken bodies in their wake. There is no danger a Glory-Seeker will not face and they just may have the skill to survive it.

Challenge to Champions

Sreng’s Duty

Heroic Death Tale

Call-out to a Worthy Foe across the Battlefield (16 hexes) and challenge them [Counter S]. They must engage you or Accept a Wound. Anyone else attacking you, or your chosen enemy, must Accept a Wound to do so. This circumstance ends only when your enemy is defeated.

Perform a Defend action to protect an adjacent ally. Raise your shield to protect those behind you with a PF equal to your shield’s Size. Excess damage falls on you alone.

The Violent Death of Cú Chulainn. If Bloodied you may let loose a primal scream to the gods. Immediately Heal +2 and gain 1 Bravery Condition and 1 Fury Condition.

Enrage Provoke Anger +4. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Encourage Ally Provoke Inspired +4 to an Ally. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Boast of Greatness Friendly +2, Strings +1. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Champion’s Eye [Mental] Search the battlefield for the strongest opponents and those of the greatest rank. [Aid Benefit Range]

Technique of Fir Bolg Shield [Mental] Attempts to disarm or damage a shield you hold are increased by your AV. [Maintain Maintain Benefit]

Tailteann Games [Physical] Excel at friendly sport such high jump, distance running, wrestling, and throwing rocks. [Experience Experience Benefit]

Fury of the Manhunter [Feat] Gain 1 Fury when your direct foe gets a Wound the first time in a round.

Fury to Protect the Weak [Feat] Gain 1 Fury when an ally within Far Range (8 hexes) first gets a Wound this round.

Fury of Boiling Blood [Feat] Gain 1 Fury when you first receive a Wound this round.

Belt of Severed Heads, Chainmail Armour, Dagger, your choice of weapon, and the Feather of a Seabhac (Hawk).

Black Shield, Fur Tunic with a Hound Decoration, Leather Armour, and your choice of a onehanded weapon.

Chainmail Armour, Tribal Woad, Torc of a Warrior, Javelins, and your choice of a weapon.

Manoeuvre[Amplify Range Amplify]

Active Power


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Interrupt[Maintain Abate Amplify]

Spell[Amplify Amplify Amplify]



Cu Sétanta Active Talents Fianna Archetype

Enchant Flesh

Hamstring (½Attack +1 + Impeded)


(Fear + Taunt)

Throw Dirt

Bull Rush

(PF 2 + Parry 4)

Bandrui Archetype

Sprig Of Alder

Run Away Laughing

(Move + ½Attack +1)

Run Away Mocking

Satisfying Provocation

Shield Bash

(Move + Heal)

Flying Charge

Throw Stone

Strike Of Bereavement

Final Attack

Furious Sprint



Cu Setanta Active Talents

Trwyd's Posture (PF +1)

(Defend + Push)

Furious Clang

Defend The Weak

(Reduce 2 Impeded)

(½Attack +1 + Area Heal 7 / Drain)

(Attack +2 / Drain)

Howl, Furious Roar

(Fury + Heal 5 + Area)

(Damage + Fury)

Dragon's Breath

Need For Blood

(Damage is Size +2 in Cone)

(If Fury 2 then + Degenerate)

(½Attack +2 + Multi + Self Degeneration)

Hack & Slash

Whirlwind Attack

Harbinger Archetype

(Impeded + Degeneration)

(Move + Taunt)

(Attack + Taunt)

(Move + Fury)

Furious Tantrum

(Fury Shapeshift)

Scavenger Slash (Attack +3 if foe Bloodied)

Chain Attack

(Attack + Multi)

(Move + Blind)

(Heal 4 + Taunt)

(Attack +3 if Ally attacked)

(1 DF + Shroud)

Regenerating Living Shield (Defend adj Ally. Block Consume for PF 2)

Throw Shield

(Defend + Heal 2)

(Defend Ally at Far)

Vengeful Parry

Presence Of The Hound Of Chulainn

(½ Defend is Defend)

(Attack + Fury)

Furious Parry

(Defend +1 / Fury)

(½Defend +1 and ½Attack+1)

Blessing Of The Sun God

Furious Guard

Throw Enemy

Throw Weapon

Unrelenting Barrage

(Reduce + Fury)

Flanking Attack

(1/2 Attack +1 + Impeded)

(In Fury Attack +2 / Bloodied Ally)

(Attack +3 foe’s ally)


(Move + Push)

(Move 1 / Fury + ½Attack + Fear)


(Defend + Fury)

(½Attack + Grab + Far)

(Attack + Far)

Ballad Of Heroes

Feather Storm

Horned Ones Archetype

(Fury + Area)

(4 DF + Area)

Cu Sétanta Social Talents Fianna Archetype Attack Base Assumptions

(Provoke Vulnerable or Humiliated +3)

Make Demands

(Compel +4 if target lower Level)


Intimidating Threats

Push Your Emotions

Predator’s Gaze

You Should Listen To Us

Timely Distraction

Share Your Mood

Inflict Terror

Rousing Speech

Mob Rules

Voice Of Ill Tidings

(Foe Emotional? Provoke +4)

(Provoke Bravery to a crowd +1, Strings +1)


Charged Demand

(Provoke Anger +4)


Urge the Hero You Know

(Provoke Remorse/ Guilt +4)


Too Distracted to Listen

Harbinger Archetype

(Emotion? Defend vs. Question +4)

Don’t Even

(Emotion? Attack +3)

Impassioned Plea (Emotion? Compel +4)

Cu Setanta Social Talents

Bury Emotions

Voice Of Fury

(Emotion? Defend +3)

(Question +1 / Fury)

I Can’t

Demand Answers

(Emotion? Defend vs. Provoke +4)

(Emotion? Defend vs. Compel +4)


You Do It First

(Defend vs. Question +3)


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Provoke Bravery +4 to Ally)

(Provoke Fear +4)

Positive Thoughts

(No Emotion? Provoke +4)

(Provoke Anger +2, Strings +1)

(Emotion? Provoke +4)

(Compel to inflict Taunt)

Passing Remark

(Provoke Fear +2, Strings +1)

(Provoke Vulnerable +4)

(Compel +4 for a deal or sale)

(Defend vs. Grief or Humiliated+4)

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Emotional Blackmail

(Defend vs. Compel +1, Strings +1)

(Emotion? Question +4)


(Bloodied? Defend +3)

(Provoke Brave +2, Strings +1)


(Provoke +3)


(Provoke Friendly +3 or Question +2)

Best Friends

(Provoke Friendly +4)

Friendly Criticism

(Provoke +4 wellknown friend)

(Attack +3 if Outnumber)

(Provoke +4 if Outnumber)

Bandrui Archetype Intimidating Demand (Compel +4 if Outnumber)

Disturbing Facts

(Provoke Grief +4)

(Provoke Grief +2, String +1)

You Will Feel My Words

Royal Tantrum

(Provoke +4 on target of lower Level)

(Provoke +4 on target of lower Status)


Base Insinuations


Shameless Flattery

(Attack, Strings +1)

(Provoke Friendly +2, share Lifestyle or Characteristic +3)


(Provoke Friendly +5 in romance, if already Friendly)

(Provoke +1, Strings +1)

(Provoke Friendly +3 to high Status)

Horned Ones Archetype

Cu Sétanta Skills Fianna Archetype

Survival Otherworld

The Sight

Speak In Tongues

Blot & Faining

Scorn Pole

Bandrui Archetype





Lore Locales



Silent Tongue




Survival Urban

Feather Fingers



Cu Setanta Skills

Drinking & Wenching


War Tactics

Champion's Perception Eye Falconry

Animal Empathy

Tailteann Games


Repair Equipment



Hound Master

Survival Wilderness


Curadmir (Champion's Portion)

Lore Personas

Lore Poison

Herbalist Medicine

Harbinger Archetype

Hunting & Trapping


Fir Bolg Shield Technique



Horned Ones Archetype

Cu Sétanta Passive Powers Drunk Regenerating Fianna Fury Archetype Regeneration (Heal / Drunk) (Fury? Heal 1) Stout

(Reduce Condition)

Drunken Swagger

Fury From Bravery (Brave? Fury)

(Heal 2, Reduce Condition)

Drunken Heckler

Drunken Brawling

Martial Prowess

Quick Draw

Reclaim The Kill


Survival Instincts

Tribal Loyalty

(Drunk? Fury)

Leaping Striker

Burrow (½Move in ground)

Harbinger Archetype

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Tribal Weapon Toss

Bandrui Archetype

Deepen Fury




(Consume Fury gain PF 3)

Fury From Anger

(Drunk? Taunt)

(Costs 2 Runes to Counter)

(Ally Bloodied? Fury)

(Grief? Humiliated? Fury)

Clear-headed Defence

Drunken Fury

(Move 1 / Drunk)

(1st Attack + Impeded)

Fury From Sorrow

Protective Fury

(½Move? Next Attack +2)

(Anger? Fury)

(Drunk? DF +1 Imp. Weapons)

(Fury? Fury)

(Weapon Damage +1)

Combat Cu Setanta Manoeuvrability Passive Powers (No foe? Move)

(No rune to draw)

Protector (Defend Allies)

(Kill? Reclaim 1)

(Consume Fury, throw Weapon)

(Bloodied? Damage +3)

(Bloodied? Parry +2)

(Ally Bloodied? DF +1, Parry +1)

Bask In Blood

Blood Drinker

Fuelled by Crowd

Equipment Mastery

Fomorian Size

Natural Instigator (Provoke +2)

(Nearby Bloodied? Heal 1)

(Heal 2 or 4 if Bloodied adj)


Emotionally Demanding

Dramatic Personality

Blood Lust

(Have knife)

Fathach’s Might

(Emotion? SPF +1)


Bond With Maven

Horned Ones Archetype

(Move / ½ foe)

(Items Size -1)


Drive Back

(Adj foes? PF 2)

(Attacks have Knockback)

Steel Skin


(Consume for PF 3)

(Heal 1 / Condition)

(Size +1)

(Attacked? +4 DF)

(Emotion? Compel +3)

(Emotion? Provoke +3)


(Foe Bloodied? Damage +3)



Wandering Noble Survivalist The Fianna are a fraternity of landless nobles who survive in the wild. They are heroic by disposition but unbound by normal laws, as they live between tuaths. Given their unique legal status, Fianna are sometimes employed as tuath champions or as mercenaries, using their hunting skills to track down criminals, dangerous creatures, and oath-breakers. Someday a Fiann may come into their inheritance and acquire land, take on the responsibility of their lordly title, and lead a calmer life. Until that time the Fiann is motivated by food (as a woodland existence always lends to hunger) and to protect the Six Kingdoms against invaders in the name of the gods, kin, and heroic glory. Role in the Group: Fianna are experts at avoiding attack, sneaking, and ambushing. They are at their best in the wild and work well with beasts. In History: For hundreds of years it was a proud pagan tradition for noble Celtic families to foster their youths. Sometimes the foster parents were related and at other times they were paid so the youth could gain valuable trade skills. After the fosterage was over and before the youth inherited their land, they were in a sort of legal limbo. This is how the fraternity of Fianna began; landless nobles banding together in the wild. Their stories grew to be the stuff of legend. Before the Celtic Twilight, the Fianna of old had already ceased to be, in part due to the Church of the White God discouraging fosterage by characterizing the Fianna as bandits. Now the pagan traditions are being revived in the Twilight, and a new fraternity of Fianna has risen secretly, ready to defend the Isles. Notable Fianna in history include Fionn mac Cumhaill, Oisin, and Oscar Deer-friend, and, although they lived about two hundred years after these events and the pagan influence is excised, the English folkhero Robin Hood and his merry men are certainly cut from the same cloth as the Fianna.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)




(Hob-lare) Lightly-armoured cavalrymen, riding their “hobbies” bare, without any saddle, bridle or stirrups to make them as fast as possible. Experts in scouting, harassing and guerrilla tactics, their mobility and opportunistic nature make them a force on the battlefield and in the countryside.

(Sith-er-nash) Ceithernach are lightly-armoured ambushers, rushing out of the woods to fell their foe before they have time to respond. Known for leading packs of trained dogs in the charge, their hit-and-run tactics have been the staple of Celtic warfare since before antiquity.

(Gallow-Glash) Warriors of shared Celtic and Norse heritage who have merged both their cultures and the best of their fighting practices, Gallóglach are battle-hardened and beset by war on all sides from invading Vikings and by Celts trying to reclaim their land. The Gallóglach are haunted by the ghosts of fallen allies.

Neit’s Revenge

Biting Spear

(Prioctha Sleá) Manoeuvre[Amplify Range Swift]

Lamentation of the Dead

Grab an enemy [Counter P] the same Size or smaller and perform a Move action, dragging them behind you and dealing 1 damage per 2 hexes travelled. Released unless Maintained.

Perform an Attack action and set your hounds on your foe, moving them 1 hex in any direction and +2 hexes per rank in the Hound Master Skill. [Counter P per hex].

Provoke your Companion ghost to wail wherever it is, dealing 2 Spiritual damage, and inflicting 1 Vulnerable [Counter S].

Social Power

Predator’s Gaze Provoke Bravery +4 to another ally. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Tame Compel +4 to improve the disposition of a wild beast. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Voice of Ill Tidings Provoke to Grief +4. [Aid Amplify Sinister]


Riding [Physical] The care of and command of a mundane mount, typically a horse. [Experience Benefit Swift]

Hound Master [Various] Control, command, rally, and care for a pack of hounds. [Multi Experience Benefit]

Commune with Dead [Spiritual] Speak with and even command allies amongst the dead. [Aid Benefit Augment]

Passive Power

Hooves and Iron [Feat] While on a mount, gain +1 PF for every rank in the Riding Skill. This bonus also applies to the mount.

Give Chase [Feat] Once per turn if an opponent is Bloodied and flees with a Move action, you may immediately perform a Move action to pursue them.

Guardian [Enchantment] When you assist an ally by giving them an Attack, Defend, or Move action, it gains a +1 bonus.


Hobbie Pony, Torc of a Noble, Lasso, and a Dirk, and your choice of a Shortspear or any Size 3 sword.

Pack of Hunting Hounds, Fur & Hide Armour, Torc of a Noble, and your choice between a Skenes Sword, Javelins, or a Shortbow.

Belted Plaid, Leather Armour, Torc of a Noble, and your choice of any two-handed weapon. As well, the ghost of a long-dead ally haunts you.

Manoeuvre[Maintain Amplify Multi]

Active Power

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Spell Song[Maintain Area Amplify]


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Fianna Active Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype Bloody Arch (Stua fola) (½Attack +2 DF + Knockback + Multi)

Double Attack

Running Triskelion

(Allies Move +2 / Condition, Alert)

Branches To Arrows

Fight On!

Ride the Storm

Death Charge

(Tree does 2 DF + Far Area)

(Move on unstable surfaces)

(Move +2, ½Attack +1 in a row)

Fly True

Riding Switch

Riding Joust

(Battlefield-wide Allies ½Attack+1)

(Ranged Attack anywhere)

Twin Strike

Cover Ally

(Attack +1 on 2 foes)

(½Attack + Ally ½Attack)

(½Attack + Ally ½Move)

Elemental Strike

Flanking Attack

(½Move + Steal mount)

(Move + Attack)

Attack From Above

Throw Stone

Insulting Attack

Bandrui Archetype

(½Attack +1 + Taunt)

Blessing Of The Face Of The Man Emain Ablach Green (Shroud+Alert+ (Heal 4 + Shroud)


Get Down!

Running Recovery

(Attack +3 Above)

(1 DF + Taunt or Shroud)

(Ally Shroud, PF +1)

(Move + Heal 4)

(Attack foe of Ally)

Run To Shadow

Surprise Attack

(½Attack + Element)

Fianna Active Talents


(Attack +3 if Ally attacked)

Assisting Attack

(Move + Shroud)

(Attack +3 / Shroud Consumed)

Concentrated Attack

Watch Out!

Uncanny Disarm

(Parry +2)

(Heal 4 + Full Move Water)

Sacrifice Position

(Attack + Alert)

Gird Your Loins

Touch Of Losgann

(Disarm + Alert)

Uncanny Ambush

(Parry +3 / Shroud Consumed)

Wooden Weapon

Wild Faol Shape

Roll Out Of The Way


(Defend + Parry / Alert)

Skin Servant


(New tree PF 4)

Battlefield Of Bramble

Howl Of Survival

Heedful Charge

Touch Of Gearr

(Attack + Vulnerable + Consume Alert)

(Ally Alert)

Hack & Slash Uncanny Jab

(½Attack +2 + Multi + Self Degeneration)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

(1 + Alert + Parry 3)

Hamstring (½Attack +1 + Impeded)

(Conjure Weapon)

(2 DF if Move)

(Reduce Condition + Move)

(Move + Parry 4)

(Move + Teleport in mist)

(Parry 4 + Jump ½Move)

Call Oak

Horned One Archetype

Fianna Social Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype Befriend

(Provoke Friendly +3 or Question +2)

Friendly Criticism

Manipulate Emotions (Provoke to Vulnerable +2, String +1)

(Provoke Bravery to a crowd +1, Strings +1)

Boast Of Greatness

Make A Plan

(Provoke Friendly +2, Strings +1)


Shameless Flattery

(Provoke +4 wellknown friend)

(Provoke Friendly +3 to high Status)



Laugh It Off

(Provoke Friendly +5 in romance, if already Friendly)

(Defend vs. Question +4. Failure gives String)

Best Friends

Rhyming Reply

(Defend vs. Question +3 if in rhyme)

Don’t Even Don’t Think Of Question Me Asking (Defend vs. Question (Defend vs. Compel +4 if target lower Level)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if dangerous)

You Are Beneath Me

(Defend +3 if target lower Level)

Make Demands

+4 if foe lower Level)

(Compel +4 if target lower Level)

Don’t Even Try It

I Demand An Answer

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if foe lower Level)


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Provoke Inspired +2, Strings +1

(Provoke Friendly +2, share Lifestyle or Characteristic +3)

(Provoke Friendly +4)

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Rousing Speech

(Question+4 if target lower Level)

Trick Answer

Predator’s Gaze

You Should Listen To Us (Attack +3 if Outnumber)

(Defend vs. Question +1, Strings+1)

Encourage Ally

Timely Distraction


Positive Thoughts



Royal Tantrum

Base Insinuations

(Provoke Bravery +4 to Ally)

(Provoke Inspired +4 an Ally )

(Provoke Vulnerable +4)

(Defend vs. Question +3)

Bandrui Archetype

(Defend vs. Grief or Humiliated+4)

(Defend Ally within Far Range)

(Compel +4 to Beasts)

(Provoke +4 on target of lower Status)

Fianna Social Talents

Acknowledge Me Peasant (Attack +3 if target lower Status)

You Are Dismissed

(Compel +4 if target lower Status)

Charged Demand

Turn Away

Answer Me Peasant

Sense Motives

Verbal Manipulation (Compel +3)

(Defend vs. Question +4 if target lower Status)


Shut Your Mouth

(Compel +4 for a deal or sale)

Get My Way (Attack +2)

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if target lower Status)


(Provoke +3)

(Provoke+1, Strings+1)

(Emotion? Attack +3)

(Question +4 if target lower Status)

(Question +4 to discern intent)


You Do It First

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if target lower Status)

Mob Rules (Provoke +4 if Outnumber)

(Defend vs. Compel +1, Strings +1)

Horned One Archetype

Fianna Skills Cu Sétanta Archetype

Blot & Faining




Silent Tongue

Bandrui Archetype


Commune With The Dead



Lore Locales


Repair Equipment

Lore of the Common Folk

Drinking & Wenching

Lore Personas




Lore Arcana

Survival Urban

Read & Write

Land Stewardship

Fianna Skills

Survival Wilderness

Hunting & Trapping

Herbal Medicine



War Tactics


Animal Empathy

Hound Master

Curadmir (Champion’s Portion)



Feather Fingers


Animal Shapeshift

Survival Otherworld

Technique Of Knocker Sword

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

Lore Poison


The Sight

Lore Fey

Rites & Rituals

Horned One Archetype

Fianna Passive Powers Cu Sétanta Archetype

Bond With Maven

Fey Favours


(SoAF +1 and SoDF +1 for Fey)

(Unarmed DF +1, Parry +1)

Fox’s Tongue

Parlay The Woods

Awareness of Danger

Woodland Cover

(Parry 1 per 2 Alert)

(Foe Reach -2, Range -4)

(Sword? Parry +2)

Uncanny Opportunist

Woodland Run

(Condition? Alert)

(Full Move +1 in woods)

Companion In War

Fianna Passive Powers

Stealthy Striker

Merry Disposition

Mighty Arm

(SoAF +1)

(Speak with beasts)

Uncanny Uncanny Adaptability Danger Sense (Consume + Alert)

(Surprised? Alert 2)

Charismatic Leadership

Uncanny Assistance

(1st Social Attack gets Meta)

(Ally Move, Attack, Defend? Alert)

(Adj Allies Attack +1)

Tribal Loyalty

Cauldron Of Motion

Battle Mantra

(Ally Bloodied? DF +1, Parry +1)

Protector (Defend Allies)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Ally Riding or Swimming)

(Ally Bloodied? ½Move)

Mysterious Rider

Courtly Etiquette

(Shroud on mount)

(Court SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

Trick Riding

Heart Of A Poet

(½Move as Move)

(Emotional? Provoke +3)


Survival Instincts

(Bloodied? Parry +2)

Fathach’s Might

(Attacked? +4 DF)

Bandrui Archetype


Silver-tipped Weapons


Master Sailor

Parlay the Waters

Nimble (Parry +1)

(Attack +2 from behind)

(Double Weapon Meta)

(Skill Checks at Sea +1)

Hidden In Rain and Snow

(Reach +1, Range +5)

(Speak with fish)

Reclaim Footing

(Weather? Shroud)

(Foe Defended? Reclaim 1)

(Attack +2 Ranged Weapon)

Hidden In Mist


(Mist? Shroud)

(Heal 2, Reduce Condition)

Voice Of Authority

Long Shot


Honest And True

(Compel +2)

(Range +3 / Alertness)

Silver Tongue

Awareness Of Breath

(SoDF vs. Provoke +2)

(Chiefs SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

(Heal 1 per 2 Alert)

(Have knife)

Keen Senses (Overcome Shroud)

(SoDF vs. Provoke +3 honesty)

Horned One Archetype


Fir Bolg Battlesmith 1

Option Requires Disir Levels

Awakened Bloodline of Craftworkers

Until recently there were but a handful of Fir Bolg left in the Otherworld, and nothing remained in the mundane world but a few drops of blood within human veins. Long ago, before their defeat at the battle of Mag Tuired in Eire, the Fir Bolg were comparable to their enemies the Tuatha de Danann in personal strength and power, but years of oppression by the Milesians forced the Fir Bolg to drift and dilute their blood. Their profound strength and crafting knowledge faded into ancestral memory. They were all but gone from the Celtic World. Then came the Celtic Twilight. Builg, an old dark god of stone and metal, and once-patron to the Fir Bolg, awoke. He sent dreams to awaken the Fir Bolg heritage in what blood remained. Commoners who never held a hammer found themselves swinging against anvils, crafting wondrous objects and weapons. The dreams of Builg awoke the Fir Bolg, and the chief amongst them was their protector class, the Fir Bolg Battlesmiths. Some Fir Bolg Battlesmiths have taken on a strange appearance: bronzed skin, or stone-like skin; shining eyes, or metal teeth, but most remain as they were, but with new knowledge now born inside them. Role in the Group: The Fir Bolg Battlesmith knows simple techniques but uses them strategically to drive back foes, support their allies–in some cases with powerful healing properties. Most of all they use their skills at crafting to create powerful and useful items and effigies. In History: The Fir Bolgs invaded Eire before the Tuatha. Some say the Fir Bolg were born of the Nemedians, the group that proceeded them, others claim they were Greek refugees. What is commonly held is that the Fir Bolg were strong and skilled craftsmen, who–though just–were defeated by the Tuatha, then subjugated by Milesians, even as the Milesians became the Gaels, until history forgot about the once proud Fir Bolg.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Iron Rider

Idol Master

Nuada’s Hand

Stories are still told of the Fir Bolg who rode to war on the backs of humanoid giants made of iron and stone. Such glorious tales are surely just legend! There are also stories of some who have found a giant statue buried in the earth, and they say that if someone of Fir Bolg blood–however diluted and forgotten–should touch it, the giant construct will awaken, and the Iron Riders will return.

Inheritors of the traditions of the ancient Fir Bolg battle strategists and masters of two great skills: crafting effigies for battle, and mastery of the board game of gods and nobles, Fidchell. Even the Tuatha agree that the universe is a grand game of Fidchell, and that all are simply bronze pieces upon its board. The Idol Masters would claim such glory for themselves in battle, by wit and by craft.

The fraternity of Nuada’s Hand seeks to reclaim the credit for the craftsmanship of the silver hand and arm of the Tuathan king Nuada. Though it was a Tuathan smith who forged the hand, the secrets of silver were long the known right of Fir Bolg craftsmen, gifted from Builg himself. The fraternity pledges to stitch the wounds of their allies and replace lost limbs with silver, and set the legend right.

Power Iron Behemoth

Fidchell Formation

Silver Healer

Shapechange[Combo Combo Element]

Active Power

Mount an iron and stone giant human-like statue and gain Size +6, PF +2, and Move -6. You occupy 3 hexes and have +2 Reach. The giant is used instead of your weapons and armour.

Transmute Spell [Amplify Element Maintain]

Throw up to 3 Fidchell pieces to the ground Nearby (within 4 hexes) in a formation of your choosing. They grow to Size 3 Bronze Warrior Companions, who act as one at all times.

Spell[Amplify Invert Element]

The target of this spell gains Heal +4 and gets to swap 1 rune from Wounds with 1 from Contingency.

Social Power

Cold Stare No Emotion? Make a Social Attack with a +3 bonus. [Aid Mastery Area]

Make a Plan Provoke Inspired +2, and relevant Strings +1. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Dispassionate Interest Emotion? Question +4. [Swift Aid Multi]


Mining [Physical] Assess stonework and rock. Gather raw ore for Crafting purposes. [Swift Efficient Benefit]

Fidchell [Mental] Assess fellow players. Command Bronze Idols Fidchell pieces. [Efficient Benefit Benefit]

Silver Jewellery [Spiritual] Craft delicate jewellery with enchantments. [Efficient Benefit Augment]

Passive Power

Protective Monstrosity [Feat] When you are down to your last rune you automatically shapechange into mounting your Iron Behemoth statue.

Effigy Mirror [Enchantment] Perform a Manoeuvre and play a rune of any Trait as a Meta tag to have all deployed Bronze Idols mimic the action.

Reclaim Silver [Enchantment] When you Heal on yourself Reclaim 1. When you Heal on an ally they Reclaim 1.


Chainmail Armour, Tattered Black Cloak, Basic Tools, Mining Equipment, and your choice of any weapon Size 5 or less.

Ancient Halstatt Sword, Light Metal Shield, Fine Clothes, Fidchell Board and 18 pieces, Basic Tools, Feather of Seabac.

Silver Hammer, Medium Robes, Pouch of Silver Powder, Feather of Druid Dhubh, Masterwork Tools (QR 6).

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



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Fir Bolg Battlesmith Active Talents Whirlwind Attack

Cu Sétanta Archetype Catharsis


(Attack + Multi)

(½Attack +1 + Taunt)

Obstinate Posture

Balor’s Eye

Cleansing Attack

Advancing Stance

Formulating Presence Of The Attack Warrior Queen (½Attack+1,

(Reduce Condition + Heal 4)

(DF in Size in a beam)

Flanking Attack

Chain Attack

(Attack +3 if Ally attacked)

Trwyd’s Posture (PF +1)

Sprig Of Heather

(Heal 4 + Reduce 2 Vulnerability)

Repositioning (Move, +/- Initiative)

Harbinger Archetype

Wounding Attack

Insulting Attack

(½Attack +1 + Impeded)

(M Parry +1)

(½Attack + Heal 1 + Reduce adj.)

(Knockback 1, Move 1)

Power Attack

Smash Attack

(½Attack +1 + Degeneration)

Bandrui Archetype Snare

+/- Initiative)

(½Attack is Attack)

(½Attack + Impeded + Grab)

Lunging Attack

(½Attack + Disarm)


Vengeful Parry Spry Posture

(Attack +3 foe’s ally)

(Attack + 2 DF)

(Attack + Knockback 2)

Ferocious Stance

Sundering Blow

Versatile Combat Manoeuvre

Mobile Stance

(DF +2)

(½Attack +1 DF + Damaged)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Active Talents

(Attack+1 / Defend +1)

(Reach +1, Move +1)

Awaken Improvised Idol

Awaken Statue

(Defend + Heal 2)

Superiour Parry

Cleansing Block


Regenerating Block

(Defend + Parry 2)

(½Defend + Parry 1 + Reduce adj.)

(Move + Heal 3 + Re-Equip)

Defensive Stance

Regenerating Attack

Healing Stance

(½Defend +1 and ½Attack+1)


Presence Of The Hound Of Chulainn

Gird Your Loins


(PF +1)

Presence of the Swift Sidhe (½Move is Move)

(Attack + Heal 2)

(½Move + Attack)

(Heal +2)

Rising Spirit Apotropaic (S Parry +2 Posture M Parry +2) (S Parry +1)

(Defend + Knockback 2)

(Parry +2)

Running Recovery

(Parry +2)

(½Defend is Defend)

Insulting Parry

(½Defend + Parry 1 + Taunt)

Channelling (ReduceCondition, inflictCondition+1)

Horned Ones Archetype

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Social Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype


We Won’t Listen To You

Give It Little Afterthought

(Defend +3 if Outnumber)

(Defend vs. Remorse/Guilt or Vulnerable +4 )

We Are One

Gritted Teeth

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if Outnumber)

Familiar Arguments (Defend +2 per String)

Storytelling (Defend vs. Question +4. Failure gives String)

We Won’t Answer (Defend vs. Question +4 if Outnumber)

Harbinger Archetype

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(Defend +1. No Emotion? Strings +2)

(Defend vs. Anger or Fear +4)


(Compel +4 for a deal or sale)


(Defend vs. Question +3)


(Bloodied? Defend +3)

You Are Beneath Me

(Defend +3 if target lower Level)


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Trick Answer

You Do It First

Shut Your Mouth

(Defend vs. Question +1, Strings+1)

(Defend vs. Compel +1, Strings +1)

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if target lower Status)

You’re A Joke

Double Dare

You Can’t Be Serious

(Defend vs. Grief or Humiliated +2, Strings +1)

You’re Not Threatening (Defend vs. Anger or Fear +2, Strings +1)

I Won’t Budge

(Defend vs. Compel +5 for trade deals)

Emotional Barrier

(Defend vs. Friendly or Vulnerable+4)

Sense Motives (Question +4 to discern intent)

Tactfully Deflect

(Defend vs. Question +4 if no Strings on you)

(No Emotion? Defend vs. Compel +4)

Stay Quiet (No Emotion? Defend +3)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Social Talents Ignore

(Defend +3 if already attacked)

Stay Calm (Defend vs. Provoke +3)

Don’t Even Try It

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if foe lower Level)

(Defend vs. Compel +3)

Oh By the Way

(No Emotion? Defend vs. Provoke +4)

Passing Remark

(No Emotion? Provoke +4)

Off-Hand Request (No Emotion? Compel +4)

Dispassionate Interest (No Emotion? Question +4)

Cold Stare (No Emotion? Attack +3)

Turn Away (Defend vs. Question +4 if target lower Status)

Bandrui Archetype


Acknowledge Me Peasant

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if target lower Status)

(Attack +3 if target lower Status)

Let’s Talk About What A Joke (Defend vs Something Else Provoke +4 (No Emotion? Defend vs. Question+4)

if foe Emotional)

Undermine Credibility

Are You Serious?

(Defend +3 if foe Emotional)

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if foe Emotional)


Get Your Story Straight

(Provoke Friendly +3 or Question +2)


(Provoke Anger +4)

Change the Subject (Defend +M & S In-Hand & In-Play)

(Defend vs. Question +4 if foe Emotional)

Lean On Weakness (Attack +3 if foe Emotional)

Horned Ones Archetype

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Skills Cu Sétanta Archetype

Lore Fey

Animal Empathy

Trapped Spirit


Hunting & Trapping

Bandrui Archetype


Knocker Wonder Works



Tailteann Games

Blood Smithing


War Tactics

Curadmir (Champion’s Portion)







Read & Write

Survival Urban

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Skills

Repair Equipment




Drinking & Wenching

Lore of the Common Folk





Silent Tongue

Herbalist Medicine


Lore Personas

Lore Locales

Realm Ores

Survival Otherworld

Harbinger Archetype

Feather Fingers

Lore Poison

Omens & Portents


Land Stewardship

Horned Ones Archetype

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Passive Powers Cu Sétanta Archetype

Attention To Detail

Blunt Disposition

Attuned Weapon

Ogham Unbreakable Armour Will (Bloodied? Enchantment Spiritual PF +1) Burrow


Destructive (Broken Items)

(Costs 2 Runes to Counter)

Forge Of The Underground

Drive Back

Combat Awareness

Aura Of Suffering

(2nd Manoeuvre Free Meta)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith PassiveTalents

Support Allies


Reclaim Craftwork

Silver Tongue

(Reclaim 1)

(Chiefs SoAF +1, SoDF +1)


Bond With Maven

Courtly Etiquette


(Court SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

Silver-tipped Weapons

Aura Of Influence

Wyrd Ways

(S PF +1)

Crafter’s Promise

(DF +1, Parry +1)


Mob Mentality

Equipment Mastery

(DF +2 if Ally adj.)

Reclaim Footing

(Bloodied? PF +1, Parry +1)

(Foe Defended? Reclaim 1)



(Heal 1 / Condition)

Honest And True

(SoDF vs. Provoke +3 honesty)

Harbinger Archetype

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Bandrui Archetype

(Counter P or Weapon Damaged)

(Question +2)

Unbreakable Body

Destroyer Hide

(Allies S PF +1)

(String +1)

(QR +4 vs. Broken or Damaged)

(Adj foes? PF 2)

Bestow Conviction

(Adj. new +1 hex)

(Items Size -1)

Repetitive Motion

(Contingency? PF +1)

(½Move in ground)

(Craft Site)

(DF +1)

(Attacks have Knockback)

(Combo Nearby)

(Defend Allies)


(Behind? Defend not ½Defend)

(Adj. foes Take Stun to Reduce)


(Initiative +/-1)

Unbreakable Mind

Companion In War

Bestow Wisdom

(Bloodied? Mental PF +1)

(Adj Allies Attack +1)

(Allies M PF +1)

Silver Limb

Companion In Arms

(Double Weapon Meta)

Work In Concert

(Allies Heal 2 + Move 2)

Umbrial Negotiations


Companion In Life

(Swap 1 Rune in Drain with 1 in-Hand)

(Bloodied? Foe Condition +1)

(Heal +1, replace limbs)

(Healing? adj. Allies Heal 1)

(Heal +1 / adj. Allies)

Horned Ones Archetype


Harbinger 1

Option Requires Disir Levels

Fickle Champion of a Pagan God

When the Celtic Twilight fell, many devotees to the White God returned to the old faith. Most Harbingers were once zealots devoted to the White God, but seeing a pagan end of days appear plainly with the Celtic Twilight, seeing mist overtake the land and monsters spew forth from it, seeing the fields of the dead, and seeing no help from the White God’s church, they turned their fanaticism towards gods who actively responded with the power necessary to survive, overcome, seek revenge, or allow them to die sword in hand. Harbingers offer aid to Druids or the leaders that also returned to the old faith, and will act as protectors, military advisors, champions, and enforcers. The most glorious thing of all to a Harbinger is open battle. They walk to battle as living altars of the gods, covered in religious symbols, fetishes, and baubles, swinging massive weapons to cleave their way to victory in the most ostentatious way. However, Harbingers are unreliable as champions of faith. Yes, much of their power derives from currying favour with the gods, but most Harbingers are just as likely to anger, spite, and insult their gods and the power they’ve invested. Harbingers channel the wrath of the gods nearly as much as their favour. Why do the gods allow this? Grateful or not, the Harbingers do kill in their name. A Harbinger may abuse the godly power they are given, but in the Celtic Twilight, victory is victory. Role in the Group: Slow but tough and strong, they swing mighty magical melee weapons, and are sometimes blessed and sometimes cursed by the gods. In History: Harbingers are merely a natural consequence of the Celtic Twilight. Though beings roughly matching a Harbinger are noted to crop up in history during times of war, mass death and chaos, such descriptions can just as easily be applied to monsters.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

of War

of Death

of Chaos

Vindictive Strike

Spectral Chains


When receiving damage, store half the value (note type). When attacking, you may add it as a bonus. When receiving damage Consume 1 Divine Wrath to double the damage stored. Consume 1 Divine Favour when using stored damage to Heal.

A necrotic chain shoots from your body to pull a foe from up to Far (8 hexes) away to the nearest adjacent hex, and inflicts 1 Mental damage for each rune they have in their Stun, Wounds or Death.

A heavily armoured figure covered in blood-red robes, clinking with ritual blades, blood augury vessels, spiked chains and over-large two-handed weapons. These Harbingers are drawn from those who were once Crusaders of the White God, and they apply the same zealotry to their new faith now.

Divine Stance[Amplify Amplify Amplify]

Active Power

Drawn from the sole survivors of communities obliterated by disease, starvation or the evils of war, Harbingers of Death often enter in the service of gods that can take care of their dead loved ones in the afterlife. They take their duty as guides to lost souls as a mercy in these dark times and the sacrificing of their foe’s souls as fair payment. Divine Manoeuvre [Range Multi Amplify]

These Harbingers are “over-alive”, their bodies covered in fur, moss, or bark, with bony protrusions breaking through their skin; their mouths filled with fangs or tusks and claws instead of nails. Their blood runs thick as sap, and when it spills on a weapon it is slowly taken over by moss and flowers. Where they step, nature restores. Divine Spell[Multi Range Amplify]

Bend nature to your will, moving the landscape and vegetation as easily as clay in your hand. Range is equal to 4 hexes per rune in Drain. Move 1 hex (125 cubic feet) of terrain by 1 hex per rune in Drain.

Social Power

Voice of the War Beast: Defend vs. Compel +3, or +4 if under Divine Favour or Wrath. [Amplify Amplify Amplify]

Voice of Doom: Defend vs. Question +3 bonus, or +4 if under Divine Favour or Wrath. [Amplify Amplify Amplify]

Voice of Chaos: Defend vs. Provoke +3 bonus, or +4 if under Divine Favour or Wrath. [Amplify Amplify Amplify]


Sacrifice to War [Spiritual] After battle, melt a foe’s best item to gain +1 Divine Favour. [Aid Benefit Augment]

Sacrifice to Death [Spiritual] Dedicate killed Worthy Foe to a higher power, +1 Divine Favour. [Aid Benefit Augment]

Sacrifice to Chaos [Spiritual] Call upon a higher power in a sacred space, +1 Divine Favour. [Aid Benefit Augment]

Passive Power

Sacrificial Kill [Enchantment] When your melee attack kills, the body explodes, harming everyone adjacent to it.

Hateful Reanimation [Ench] When last rune enters Death, next round Wyrd from Death. If you fail to kill, you die.

Briarheart [Enchantment] Root the ground. For every rune in Death, gain Size +1, Reach +1, and Move -1.


Banded Mail Armour, Blood Red Cape, and your choice of Size 6 or lesser weapon.

Chainmail Armour, Tattered Black Cloak, Druidic Sickle, and your choice of a Size 5 or lesser weapon.

Creeping Body Vines, Fur & Hide Armour, Holy Symbol, and your choice of a Size 5 or lesser weapon.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Harbinger Active Talents Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

Retribution Slash

Bulwark Of Faith

Bulwark Of Judgement

(1 Condition / 5 damage received)

(Attack +4 / Wrath, PF +1 / Favour)

(Attack +2, Consume to Inflict)

Divine Dash

Anger The Gods

Awaken The Alter (S DF Nearby Foes)

Invoke Glory

(Divine Favour Nearby)


(Move +1 / Favour or Wrath)

(Attack +4, Divine Wrath)

Rend the Earth

Divine Sigil

Come At Me

(Attack all 2 hexes)

(Attacked? 1 S DF Adj. and 1 PF)

Stance of the Warband

Invoke Blasphemy

Hook Attack

Harbinger Active Talents

(Divine Wrath? Wrath Nearby)

(Runechain of 2? Reclaim 1)

Divine Board

(Move + Taunt)

(S DF +1)

(Attack + Pull)

Favoured Strike

(Attack +1, Reach +1 / Favour or +2 / Wrath)

(Attack + Reach +2)

Divine Breath

(Heal +4, Restore 1)

(Attack S DF with Wrath or ½M DF with Favour)

Discordant Strike

(½Attack + Taunt + Reach +1)

Drinker Of Preserve Sacred Slash Sorrows Favour or The Old Ways (Attack. (Attack +1 / Favour, Wrath? Favour)

Slash The Air

Divine Board

Wrath And Glory

(Heal +4, +1 / Favour)

Heal +2 / Wrath)

Immovable And Cascading Resolute Blades (PF all Traits+1 / Favour or Wrath)

Well Of The Beast

(Attack +2 / Combo)

(Pull Nearby, 2 S DF)

Glorified Armour

Bandrui Archetype

Embodiment Blackheart Of War/ Blade Chaos/Death (Weapon Clone Attack)

(PF +4)

Harbinger Social Talents Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype Stay Calm


(Defend +3 if already attacked)


(Defend vs. Provoke +3)

(Bloodied? Defend +3)

Timely Distraction (Provoke Vulnerable +4)


(Provoke Anger +4)

Make Demands

You Will Feel My Words

(Compel +4 if target lower Level)

(Provoke +4 if target lower Level)

Divine Board

You Should Be Ashamed

(Defend vs. Remorse/ Guilt or Vulnerable, +2, Strings +1)

Don’t Even Try It (Defend vs. Provoke +4 if target lower Level)

Don’t Don’t Even Question Me Think of Asking (Defend vs. Question (Defend vs. Compel +4 +4 if target lower Level)

if target lower Level)

I Demand An Answer

You Are Beneath Me

(Question+4 if target lower Level)

Bow to Me

(Attack +3 if target lower Level)

(Defend +3 if target lower Level)

Harbinger Social Talents

Voice Of The Divine

Interrogate (Question +3)

Demand Answers

Voice Of Ill Tidings

Charged Demand

(Defend vs. Friendly or Vulnerable+4)

AreYouStill Talking?

(Provoke Grief +4)

(Emotion? Attack +3)

Emotional Barrier

Inflict Terror

I Can’t

Share Your Mood

Don’t Even

(Provoke Fear +4)

(Emotion? Defend vs. Compel +4)

Intimidating Threats

Bury Emotions

(Provoke Fear +2, Strings +1)

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Divine Board

(Question +2 / Divine Favour)

(Emotion? Defend +3)

(Emotion? Provoke +4)

Impassioned Plea (Emotion? Compel +4)

(Emotion? Question +4)

(Defend +3 if foe lower Status)

(Emotion? Defend vs. Provoke +4)

Bandrui Archetype

Harbinger Skills Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype


Herbalist Medicine

Survival Wilderness

Hound Master

Commune With Dead

Omens & Portents



The Sight

Lore Arcana

Blot & Faining


Silent Tongue


Harbinger Skills

Scorn Pole

Repair Equipment

War Tactics

Commune With The Gods




Read & Write




Curadmir (Champion's Portion)


Speak In Tongues

Bandrui Archetype

Divine Board

Divine Board

Harbinger Passive Powers Fir Bolg Fey Favours Battlesmith (SoAF +1 and Archetype SoDF +1 for Fey) Silver Tongue

(Chiefs SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

Divine Suffused Weapon

(Weapon Size +1 / Divine Favour)

Voice Of Authority (Compel +2)

Ogham Of Retribution (Attacked? Return damage)

Interrogator (Question +2)

Reclaim Aggression (Attacked? Reclaim 1)

Defend The Old Ways (Damage Wrath? Divine Favour)

Natural Instigator (Provoke +2)

Fox’s Tongue

Reclaim The Kill

Wrathful Hand

Heavy Weapons Master

(SoAF +1)

(1st Attack +1 DF / Divine Wrath)

Tight Lipped

(SoDF vs. Question +2)

Divine Board

(Kill? Reclaim Rune)

(DF+1, Reach +1)

Harbinger Passive Powers

Emotionally Thick Skinned

(1st SoDF gains Meta) Galvanized Champion’s

Heavy Armour Ambushing Master Adder Strike (PF +1) (Attack? Heal, PF)

Divine Board

Galvanized Champion’s

Hornet Strike (Attack? Move)

Rigid Mind

(SoDF +1)

GalvanizedChampion’s Merry Strut Disposition Peacock (Move? Taunt)

(SoDF vs. Provoke +2)

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Galvanized Champion’s

Ghost Strike

Hide Behind Emotion

(Attack? Heal, S PF +1) (Emotional? SoDF +2)

Emotionally Unimpress.

(SoDF vs. Compel +2)

Galvanized Champion’s

Ambushing Adder’s Dash (Move? Heal, PF +1)

Galvanized Champion’s In Service To A CerebralStrike Higher Power (Attack?Heal,MPF+1)

Emotionally Guarded

(SoDF vs. Provoke or Question +1)

(SoDF vs. Compel +3 if angry god)

Bandrui Archetype


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Horned One

The Druidic Traditions Revived These are the descendants of the sacerdotal Druids and ritualists of the pagan past of the Celtic World that have come back to retake their rightful place. When Eire converted en masse to the White God’s faith the Druidic caste was pushed to the fringes of society, only the most secular-minded judges, the Brithemain, and poets, Fili, who chose appropriate subjects for their poems and songs, were free from persecution. With the Celtic Twilight upon them, now these same exiled Druids return with their powers renewed by the thinning of the Veil between the realms. It was the Fili who prophesied the start of the Celtic Twilight, and so the Druids were prepared. No longer are the Horned Ones pushed aside as simply bargainers for mundane blessings, potion makers, and charlatans. Under the direction of Mug Ruith, the Horned Ones are healing the sick, sparing the dying and feeding the hungry, and by doing so they are swaying vast numbers of the populace to their faith. All this while they open portals for the Fey to once more dwell in the Six Kingdoms in great numbers. The Horned Ones are now poised to step out from the shadows and become a political and mystical power in the Celtic World. Role in the Group: The Horned Ones choose to avoid battle when they can, acting as diplomats, diviners, healers and priests. Direct conflict is not their strong suit, but if caught in the fray they command awesome powers of terrain manipulation, magically strengthening the attributes of allies, and cursing foes with various afflictions. In History: All the most famous Celtic magic users were Horned Ones, from Merlin, to Cu Roi (when he was mortal), Cathbad, Gwydywon, and many others.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


(Fee-orth-dao-ee) The wandering courtless Druids are the traditional negotiators between mortals and the Fey. The Fiordhtaoi wander the mundane wilderness at intersection points with the Otherworld. To most Celts they are merely nomadic medicine-folk, herbalists and diviners. Secretly they are also the informants and spies of the reborn Druidic order laying rumours and omens to slowly but surely sow dissent and accusations against the White God, and to position the Horned Ones well in the coming conflict.

Social Power Skill Passive Power Equip

(Brith-ee-mane) These are the judges that uphold the ancestral Brehon laws. Their word is law, where ever they go. In the wake of the Twilight their words became amplified by the weakening of the Veil and took on the magic properties of old. While one Brithem might wander, adjudicating legal matters as they please while being put up in luxury by a local chief, another Brithem might stay in one location to make their rulings from a central location.


(Fee-lee) A Fili is a high poet, a person touched by a divine spark of creativity that allows them to see glimpses of the future through poetic frenzy. The Fili are the masters of verbs and verses that can glorify or curse other people. They hex, heal and bridge the worlds by poetry, some becoming so good that they end up being taken by the sidhe as entertainers for all eternity. Some say there are more human Fili in the Otherworld, plying their trade at Fey courts, than are left in the mundane world.


(“Lucid Intent”) Interrupt[Amplify Amplify Amplify]


Interrupt a foe who is moving within Far (8 hex) Range of you and order them to stop, reducing their Move by 4.

Adjacent allies gain 1 intensity of the Bravery Condition and +2 Spiritual Parry.

Riddle Question +4 for an answer unknown. If successful, Provokes. [Aid Amplify Sinister]

Barrage of Questions If allies outnumber foes, Question +4. [Mastery Aid Multi]

Rhyming Reply: Defend Question +3 if in rhyme. [Aid Amplify Abate]

Survival Wilderness [Various] Navigate, survive, and thrive in a wild environment. [Experience Benefit Aid]

Perception [Mental] Notice the obscured and hidden. [Experience Aid Benefit]

Perform [Physical] Make a presentation of song, dance, or other learned athletic skill. [Experience Aid Benefit]

Fey Favours When dealing with any Fey, gain SoAF +1 and SoDF +1.

Authority of Brehon Law Gain SoAF +1 and SoDF +1 in all matters of law.

Silver Tongue SoAF +1 and SoDF +1 against nobles, chiefs, or other mundane powers.

Antlers, Druidic Robes, Multicoloured Cape, Torc of a Druid, Druidic Sickle, and Feather of Iolar (Eagle).

Druidic Robes, Torc of a Druid, Ceremonial Wreath, Shillelagh, Dirk, and 200 skatt.

Portable Harp, Fine Clothes, Common Brat, your choice of Size 3 weapon, and the Feather of Eala (Swan).

Wild Shift Active Power


Shapechange [Maintain Amplify Maintain]

Trade weapons and armour for Size +2, PF +2, one element of the Element Meta tags and one positive Condition. These are chosen only once.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(“Revered Tale”) Spell Song[Range Area Amplify]



Horned Ones Active Talents Battlefield Vortex

Power Over Harbinger Mists Archetype (Blind + Area)

Friend Of Waves

Mist Switch

Geyser Of Sacred Water


Throw Stone

Battlefield Of Mist

Call Stone

(No weapon Interrupt S PF 3)

(Knockback 4 clockwise)

Call Wind

Divine Board

(No armour Interrupt with Move)

(Ally with Water + Impeded)

Call Oak

(Interrupt PF 4)

(2 hexes of Heal 4)

Draw From Nature

(Benevolent) (Heal 1 + Element Meta tag)

Ballad Of Heroes

(Shapechange Foe)

(Ally with Fire, + Degeneration)

Horned Ones Active Talents

Warpaint Of Torc Dubh

Friend Of Daggers

Blessing Of Bolg Gréine

(Ally with blades, stab owners)

(Ally Damage +2)

(Fury + Area)

Warpaint Of Éal Glas

(1 DF + Taunt or Shroud + ½Move)

(½Move? Full Move)

(Ally Size +1)

Artio’s Aid

(Move Teleport in mist)


Draw From Nature

(Battlefield Impeded)

(Detrimental) (1 DF + Element Meta tag)

Divine Board

(Ally avoids ally Spells)

Warpaint Warpaint Of Of Bearbhán Tarbh Bán Gorm (Ally PF +3)

(Taunt + Possession)

(Reduce Condition + S Parry +2)

Warpaint Of Warpaint Of Arcane Shell Cú Dearg Bradán Il-Dath (PF +4)

(Ally Defend, damage? Weak Move)

Fianna Archetype

Friend Of Flames

Shapechange Another

Spiritual Scapegoat

(Switch bodies in mist)

Rising Spirit

(S Parry +2, M Parry +2)

Horned Ones Social Talents Blackmail

Divine Board

Make A Plan

Rousing Speech

Base Insinuations

Encourage Ally

You Do It First

I Know You Too Well

Trick Answer

(Provoke Inspired +2, Strings +1)

(Defend vs. Question +4. Failure gives String)


Cryptic Reply

(Provoke +4 if Outnumber)

(Attack +3 if Outnumber)

Horned Ones Social Talents

We Won’t Answer

(Defend vs. Question +4 if Outnumber)

We Won’t Do As You Say

Intimidating Demand

Sense Motives

We Won’t Listen To You

We Are One

Verbal Manipulation

Fianna Archetype

(Defend +3 if Outnumber)

Get My Way (Attack +2)


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

You Should Listen To Us

(Defend vs. Question +2 if already defended)

(Question +4 to discern intent)

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Mob Rules

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if Outnumber)

(Defend vs. Provoke +4 if Outnumber)

Interrogate (Question +3)

Line Of Questioning Harbinger (Question +1, Archetype

(Attack, Strings +1)


(Compel +4 to Beasts)


(Compel +1, Strings +1)

Strings +1)

(Provoke Bravery to a crowd +1, Strings +1)

(Defend vs. Compel +1, Strings +1)

Reveal A Half-Truth

(Defend vs. Question+4 to hide)

(Provoke +1, Strings +1)

(Defend vs. Provoke +1, Strings+1)

(Defend vs. Question +1, Strings+1)



(Question +3, Inflicts Condition)

(Compel +4 if Outnumber)

(Compel +3)


(Compel +4 for a deal or sale)

(Provoke Inspired +4 an Ally )

Divine Board

(Defend +1. No Emotion? Strings +2)

Horned Ones Skills Divine Board

Sacred Wood Binding



Harbinger Archetype

Omens & Portents

Lore Fey

Herbalist Medicine

War Tactics

The Sight


Lore Poison

Read & Write

Lore Arcana


Commune With Dead

Blot & Faining

Scorn Pole

Rites & Rituals

Horned Ones Skills

Trapped Spirit




Commune With The Gods



Survival Wilderness

Fianna Archetype

Silent Tongue


Animal Shapeshift

Divine Board

Horned Ones Passive Powers Wyrd Ways

Divine Board

(Contingency? PF +1)



(Initiative +/-1)

(2 Runes to Counter)

Harbinger Archetype

Reclaim Magical Energies

Arcane Drums

Timeless Movement

(Spell Range)

Been There Done That

Wondrous Magic

Cauldron Of Poetry

(Spell? Reclaim 1)

(Contingency? Focus +1)

Parlay The Waters (Speak with fish)

Silver Tongue

(Chiefs SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

Courtly Etiquette

Bestow Conviction

Horned Ones Passive Powers

(Allies S PF +1)

(Speak with birds)

(Court SoAF +1, SoDF +1)

Work in Concert

(Allies Heal 2 + Move 2)

Fox's Tongue

Parlay The Woods

Bond with Maven

Attention To Detail

Voice Of Authority

Parlay The Strange

(Speak with beasts)

Fianna Archetype

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


(String +1)

(Perform or Read & Write)

Hidden In Mist (Mist? Shroud)

(Move within Spell Area)

(2nd Spell Free Meta)

Cauldron Of Cauldron Of Knowledge Motion (Omens & Portents or

(Riding or Swimming)

Commune with Dead)

Unencumbered Unbreakable Will Dodger (No Armour PF +1, Parry +1)

(Bloodied? Spiritual PF +1)

(SoAF +1)

(Compel +2)

Divine Board

Mastermind Charismatic Otherworldly Leadership Beauty (Gain a String for a Plan)

(First Social Attack free Meta)

(Compel +2, but danger of love)


- 261 -


Who Amongst the Holy Wanders Even in the midst of war there are those who cry for peace. While Crusaders and other factions of the Church take well to war, and to smiting heathens for their beliefs, Monks are more spiritually generous. They represent a holy presence on the battlefield, one of humility and glory, not of might. A Monk is not afraid to be martyred for the cause of their faith, not if they can support their allies, and save souls. Role in the Group: The Monk is almost entirely defensive in nature. This archetype focuses on mental and spiritual protection, healing and restoring themselves and others, manipulating the initiative order, and the use of skills in combat. In terms of physical punishment they are not tough in the way an armoured warrior is. Most of the Monk’s abilities activate when they become Bloodied. Whatever few offensive capabilities they have are geared towards inflicting spiritual damage on supernatural foes. If you wish to wander the battlefield as though putting your head in the lion’s mouth, with your faith in a higher power, this is the Archetype for you. In History: While the Relic Keeper is an extrapolation of the events of the Celtic Twilight - and not a large leap - the archetypes of a monastic Clerical Scholar and that of an enlightened hermit such as a Holy Ascetic are nearly ubiquitous in the Celtic songs and epic poems of the this time period. The Children of Eriu takes place around the mid 10th Century. While nearly all of the Celtic World is converted to Christianity at this time, there is a great intersection between pagan and monotheistic beliefs in the Isles, and monasteries have no real unification in their approach to local faith. (Reformations standardising European monastic practices wouldn’t happen until the 12th Century.) It is therefore an excusable as well as an enjoyable fantasy for a Christian Monk to adopt the medicant practices a little early and in a bit of a different way, to journey with pagans and warriors across the Celtic Isles.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Relic Keeper

Clerical Scholar

Holy Ascetic

Administer Holy Relic

Stand and Consider

Canticle for Ascesis

Administer the wondrous properties of the relic you carry, as constructed under the Blessed Relic Skill.

Gain +1 to any Cinematic Action using the Mental Trait, or any Skill using the Mental Trait that you know or may be attempted freely.

Counter the effect of a rune chain that was violent in nature. You may Consume a Miracle to take this rune back into your hand.

Seeking the Martyrs Question +4 on matters of faith. Find a relic as a result, +1 Miracle. [Aid Mastery Area]

The Peace of Our Lord Provoke to Friendly +5 bonus. Miracle +1 if you averted bloodshed. [Amplify Amplify Amplify]

Replete with the Holy Spirit Compel +4 versus violence. Mental Parry +1, SoDF +1, and SoAF +1. [Area Aid Amplify]

Sense the Holy [Spiritual] Seek out holy relics for miles around. [Experience Benefit Augment]

Scriptoria Orbis Terrarum [Mental] Refer to the wisdom of your books. [Experience Benefit Augment]

Life of Humility [Spiritual] At 4 AV overcome an ally’s failed Skill Check. [Augment Experience Augment]

Uncanny Monster Sense [Enchantment] Whenever a Supernatural Dweller enters within Far (8 hexes), known or unknown, gain +1 Alertness.

The Power of Disbelief [Enchantment] Ignore and are ignored by any Supernatural being of a lower Level, plus your Miracle intensity, than you.

Vow of Poverty [Ench] Endure hardship and weather. If you carry no Skatt and only wear modest clothes gain Spiritual PF +1, Social PR +1, and Parry +1.

Holy Reliquary, Common Claidehb Sword, Leather Armour, Fur Tunic, and a Holy Bible.

Shillelagh, Monk’s Vestments, Blessed Stole, Holy Bible, Holy Symbol (Crucifix), Rosary, Portable Harp.

Quarterstaff, Holy Symbol (Choice), Common Trousers, Common Brat, Holy Water.

Raids on monasteries by Vikings, Angles, Saxons, and even pagan Celts have increased since the Celtic Twilight began. Some churches and monasteries have chosen to entrust their holy relics to the Monks of their order most capable of protecting them, charging their Relic Keepers to go out amongst the Isles administering the miracles of the relic to the worthy, and keeping it from evil hands.

Active Power

Social Power


Passive Power



Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Cloistered in monasteries for many years, some scholarly Monks have chosen to embrace the continental medicant practice in vogue and go amongst the people, learning their lore, and becoming closer to God by sharing in the suffering of folk. Even so, clerical Monk pacifists are ill-suited to violence, and in their devotion to the script are (perhaps purposefully) ignorant of the supernatural forces around them.

Faith Stance[Amplify Amplify Amplify]

They spent years in prayer, sequestered in a wilderness hermitage on a journey to strengthen faith through nature. Then, a holy vision pulled them from isolation to join a violent warband as their spiritual leader, imparting wisdom and an insistence of mercy. Now they wander through battles as if into the jaws of a lion, putting their faith in their God to guide their actions. A Holy Ascetic works–as they believe their god does–in mysterious ways. Faith Interrupt[Range Range Range]


Monk Active Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype

Ferocious Stance

Concentrated Attack

Uncanny Disarm

(Disarm + Alert)

Stand And Be Counted

Flanking Attack

(P Skills +1)

(Attack +3 if Ally attacked)

Hunt The Wicked

Holy Strike


(Attack +2 / Drain)

Rebuke Evil

{Faith} (PF +2, S PF +1, M PF +1)

Spirit Regenerating Rising {Faith} Block (S Parry +2, M

(PF 2 + Parry 4)

Holy Deflection

Draw From Nature

(Convert incoming damage to S)

{Faith} (Benevolent) (Heal 1 + Element Meta tag)

Duty Of Community

Stand In Faith

(½Defend + Nearby Ally +/- Initiative)

Parry +2)

Parry Monster

Monk Active Talents

Rapid Recovery

Bull Rush

{Faith} (Attack + Reach +2)

Duty To Fight

(½Defend Ally, ½Attack foe)

Duty Of Care

Nether Touch

Insulting Parry

(Defend, Parry +3 Supernatural)

{Faith} (Weapon)

Halt Evil

(Miracle? Supernatural? 1 S DF, Impeded, Blind)

(S Skills +1)

Blessing Of The Emain Ablach


{Faith} (Restore 1 + Heal 4)

Distant Mercy

{Faith} (Heal4+Shroud)

Turn The Other Cheek

(Heal 4 across the Battlefield)

(½Defend, Heal 1 + x2 Parry)

Cleansing Spirit


Soul Chains

(Move, +/- Initiative)

Geyser Of Sacred Water {Faith} (2 hexes of Heal 4)

(2 S DF + Impeded)

Blessed is Thine Flock

Healing Stance

Harbinger Archetype

(½Defend + Parry 1 + Taunt)

{Faith} (Move + Restore 1)

Strike Of Bereavement

Cleansing Block

Shadow Parasite

(½Defend + Parry 1 + Reduce adj.)

Conjure Ogham Weapon

(½Defend, Heal 1, +/- Initiative)

{Faith} (Convert damage to S)

{Faith} (½Attack +1 + Area Heal 7 / Drain)

(Heal 4, +/Initiative)

{Faith} (Move + Push)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype


(S Parry +1)

(Defend + Heal 2)

Slash The Air

Final Attack

{Faith} (S PF +3 vs. Spells)

{Faith} (Defend adj Ally. Consume for PF 2)

Enchant Flesh

Apotropaic Posture

Arcane Veil

Living Shield Arcane Shield

(Attack +1 S DF)

(Miracle?Attack Supernatural,+1SDF)

Fianna Archetype

(½Defend + Heal 1 + Blind)

(DF +2)

(Attack + Vulnerable + Consume Alert)

(Supernatural? 2 M DF, Degeneration)

Light Of the White God

{Faith} (Move with foe)

(Restore 1 + Heal / Sacrifice)

(Heal +2)


Monk Social Talents Cu Sétanta Archetype Tactfully Deflect

(Defend vs. Question +4 if no Strings on you)

I Won’t Budge

(Defend vs. Compel +5 for trade deals)

Trick Answer

(Defend vs. Question +1, Strings+1)

Get My Way

(Provoke Bravery to a crowd +1, Strings +1)

(Provoke Brave +2, Strings +1)

Make A Plan


(Provoke Inspired +2, Strings +1)

(Compel to inflict Taunt)


Lean On Weakness

Sense Motives

(Compel +4 for a deal or sale)

Break Down Publicly Humiliate

Emotional Blackmail

Take Advantage Of Weakness

Stay Quiet




Fianna Archetype

(Attack, Strings +1)

(Compel +4 if foe Emotional)

(Defend vs. Question +4. Failure gives String)

Let’sTalkAbout Double Dare SomethingElse (No Emotion? Defend vs. (No Emotion? Defend vs. Question+4)


Fuelled By Agony

Monk Social Talents

Clever Questioning Undermine Credibility

(Defend vs. Provoke +3)

Are You Serious?

(Defend vs. Compel +4 if foe Emotional)

(Provoke +4 if foe Emotional)

Stay Calm

(Question +4 to discern intent)

+4 if foe Emotional)

(Question +4 if foe Emotional)

You’re Not You Should Fir Bolg Be Ashamed Battlesmith Threatening (Defend vs. Remorse/ (Defend vs. Anger or Guilt or Vulnerable, +2, Archetype Fear +2, Strings +1) Strings +1)

(Attack +3 if foe Emotional)

(Defend vs. Question +4 if foe Emotional)

(Defend +3 if foe Emotional)

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

UrgeTheHero You Know

(Attack +2)

Get Your A Joke Story Straight What (Defend vs. Provoke

- 264 -

Rousing Speech

Compel +4)

(No Emotion? Defend +3)

(Bloodied? Attack +3)

(Provoke Remorse/ Guilt +4)

(Provoke to Humiliated +4)

Demand Confession


(Question +3 Ally Aid adds +3)

Verbal Manipulation

Bäd Coppe

(Compel +3)

(Question +3 Ally Aid adds Abate)

Timely Distraction

Demand Answers

(Provoke Vulnerable +4)

Vulnerable +2, String +1)

(Provoke Vulnerable or Humiliated +3)

Disturbing Facts

Familiar Arguments

(Question or Compel +3 if foe Humiliated or Grief )

(Provoke Grief +2, String +1)

Oh By The Way

Publicly Denounce

Delight in Bad News

(No Emotion? Defend vs. Provoke +4)

(Emotion? Question +4)

Manipulate Attack Base Emotions Assumptions (Provoke to

(Defend +1. No Emotion? Strings +2)

(Provoke to Humiliated +2, String +1)

Güd Coppe

(Question +3)

(Provoke Remorse +2, Strings +2)

(Defend +2 per String)

Harbinger Archetype

Monk Skills Cu Sétanta Archetype



The Sight

Curadmir (Champion’s Portion)


Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype


Drinking & Wenching

Survival Urban


Lore Personas

Land Stewardship




Read & Write





Lore Poison

Herbal Medicine

Lore Of Common Folk

Monk Skills

Rites & Rituals


Sanctify Relic


Survival Wilderness

Lore Locales

Speak In Tongues


Repair Equipment






Silent Tongue

Lore Arcana

Trapped Spirit

Fianna Archetype


Hunting & Trapping

Feather Fingers

Lore Fey

Survival Otherworld

Harbinger Archetype

Monk Passive Powers Cu Sétanta Archetype Holy Fury (Inflict Wound? Fury)

Wyrd Ways


(Contingency? PF +1)

(Costs 2 Runes to Counter)

Turn The Blade

Fox’s Tongue

(If Defend < 0 then foe Attacked)

Work In Concert

Nimble (Parry +1)

Combat Awareness (Behind? Defend not ½Defend)

Fir Bolg Battlesmith Archetype

Aura Of Influence

Aura Of Holy Light

Frightened Agility

Bestow Conviction

Holy Suffering

Unbreakable Will

(Allies Heal 2 + Move 2)

(SoAF +1)

(Adj. now +1 hex)

(½Defend? Shroud)

(Bloodied? PF +1, Parry +1)

Survival Instincts

Rigid Mind

Strong Knowledge

Keen Senses

(Bloodied? Parry +2)


Carried By Blood


Unbreakable Body

(Bloodied? Foe Condition +1)

(Bloodied? Move +3)

Uncanny Uncanny Adaptability Danger Sense

(SoDF +1)

(Bloodied? Attack +3)


(Consume + Alert)

(Surprised? Alert 2)

(Heal 2, Reduce Condition)

Reclaim Aggression


Lion Of God

(Attacked? Reclaim 1)

(Initiative +/-1)

Fianna Archetype


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Reduce Condition)

(Inflict Wound? Alert)

Equipment Mastery (Items Size -1)

(Take a Stun, M Skill -2 DR)

Monk Passive Powers

(Overcome Shroud)

(Move +1 / Fear)

(Wound? Heal 1 + S PF 1)

Unencumbered Vow Of NonViolence Dodger (No Weapon M Parry


+1, M PF)

Nature’s Child

Strong Faith

Dance Of Feathers

(Heal? Heal +1)


Dance Of The Flagellant

(Heal 1 / Condition)

Strong Back (Take a Stun, P Skill -2 DR)

(Take a Stun, S Skill -2 DR)

(Wound? Trance +1))

Holy Spirit (Possession)

(Foe -1 Range / Trance)

Holy Vision (Max Trance? Miracle)


(Walk above ground level)

(Allies S PF +1)

(Bloodied? Spiritual PF +1)

In Service To A Higher Power (SoDF vs. Compel +3 if angry god)

Parlay The Woods

(Speak with beasts)

Bond With Maven (Companion)

Harbinger Archetype




ach Character can equip one held item per hand, such as a weapon and a shield per hand, as well as one suit of armour, a cloak, a torc, and an additional accessory item. More can be carried, but only 4 items in total can provide a benefit to the wearer. Any rune can be played to enact a Meta Tag on an item. A Meta Tag with a positive Condition applies to the wielder only, and a negative Condition applies to their foe.


Any rune can be used to wield a weapon. Weapons that are the same Size or smaller than the Character are considered one-handed unless noted with a “*”, in which case they are wielded with two hands regardless of Size, or in the case of poles: may be used one-handed while mounted. Weapons of a Size larger than the Character must be wielded using two hands.

Melee Weapon Size DF Reach Parry Focus KNIFE



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Druidic Sickle






Battle Maul







































Short Staff













Sparth Axe*









Spiked Chain






Ancient Hallstatt





Impeded or Degen.


Anglo-Saxon Longsword





Impeded or Degen.


Calvary Skenes







Claidehb Mor*







Common Claidehb







Roman Spatha











Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



Meta Tag Cost


Degeneration 2 1

280 5


Impeded or Degen.




Ranged Weapon

Size DF Range

Meta Tag










































Ancient Hallstatt Sword: What was once a common Celtic style of sword from ancient times, shorter than Anglo-Saxon Longsword. The guard and hilt are often adored with intricate patterns and artistic motifs. Anglo-Saxon Longsword: A larger, heavy, double-bladed sword of simple design common amongst the Angles and Saxons. Battle Maul: A heavy two handed hammer, often used to demonstrate one’s strength in battle by simply wielding it. Calvary Skenes Sword: The lightweight and sometimes curved-bladed Skenes is used most often by light cavalry. Claidehb Mor: A greatsword more common to Alba, it is longer than an Anglo-Saxon Longsword but otherwise resembles a common Claidehb of the Celts. Common Claidehb Sword: A Celtic sword designed for slashing and cutting, it is similar in length to a Roman Gladius. Like the Hallstatt before it, the guard and hilt of a Celtic Claidehb are often anthropomorphic, representing animals or the arms and legs of a man. Dagger: A two-edged knife of general utility, adaptable, and a valuable tool, but rarely used for combat because of the close proximity the attacker must adopt. Druidic Sickle: A short curved blade or “Moon Blade”, often used by Dru-

ids in their ceremonies, they often look much like a crescent moon, or a sickle. Ga (Dart): A heavy Gaelic dart that can be thrown to great effect. They are larger than most other throwing knives. Roman Spatha: A thin double-edged sword between the length of a Celtic Claidehb and an Anglo-Saxon Longsword. Typically one left over from the Roman occupation. Greatsword: A well-balanced two-handed sword of good craftsmanship and large size, typically continental in origin. Hammer: A flat-sided mace on a pole, weighted to crush bones and dent armour. Javelin: Common wooden javelin, balanced for throwing. Lasso: 30’ of rope tied to allow a hole to tighten upon tension. Longspear: Also called a pike, the longspear is often used in tight formations to create walls of spearheads and to deal with cavalry charges. Madaris: A javelin variant that is unique to the Gaels of Eire.

Shillelagh: A heavy piece of blackthorn wood used as a cane, often with one end filled with lead or another metal to increase the weight and damage it can do. It is almost never used in a real battle. Short Staff: A tool for daily life as commonly as a weapon, used by shepherds to drive cattle, as a walking stick, and a weapon for self-defense. Shortspear: The most common weapon of war worldwide, the shortspear and shield combo is as almost as old as war itself. Sling: Common, cheaply-made leather-strapped sling. Sparth Axe: Large weapons were rare before the coming of the Vikings. With the Viking invasion, adaptation began, including the creation of this great and heavy axe with a moon shaped blade. The manufacture of axes is still rare. Spiked Chain: A length of chain with spikes affixed at set spaces. Votive Sword: A sword reclaimed from, or originally created for, a votive offering. Not magical of itself, but considered sacred.

Quarterstaff: Perhaps the most common weapon of the peasant looking to ward off bandits, a quarterstaff is typically a rough wooden pole around 6 feet in height, or the height of its wielder. Saex: A slightly longer, single-edged knife meant more for combat than daily utility.

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Armour & Shields

Armour Size represents bulk and weight, and can fit up to one Size larger than the wearer. A Size 4 human could wear armour ranging from Size 1 to 5. Armour of larger Size than

Armour & Shields ARMOUR



the wearer incurs a Movement by half. Armour that is the same Size as the wearer penalizes Movement by 1. Armour that is smaller than the wearer incurs no penalties.

Size PF Parry Focus Meta Tag Cost

Banded Mail






Chainmail, Plate-reinforced





Fur & Hide








Druidic Robes


Monk’s Vestments*





Metal, Light


Metal, Heavy





3 4

ACCESSORIES Creeping Body Vines*


















































x 150

1 1 1

2 2

Leather Bracers




Tribal Woad





* Denotes items associated with a particular Archetype. Banded Mail Armour: Mail protective clothing reinforced with iron scales or small iron bands.

Fur & Hide Armour: Often worn by hunters to be both hunting trophies and protection.

Black Shield: Denotes the wearer as a Cu Setanta Duban.

Leather Armour: Often worn by hunters to be both hunting trophies and protection.

Chainmail Armour: Any chain weave or pattern from a full hauberk for noblemen and prosperous mercenaries to a chainmail shirt for common warriors. Creeping Body Vines: The writhing vines wrapped around your body denotes the wearer as a Harbinger of Chaos.

Leather Bracers: Common leather guards for hunters. Metal Shield: A sheet of metal secured by a leather strap. Metal shields come in many different shapes. Monk’s Vestments: Standard robes of the clergy. Oval Shield: Large oval shields made of wood and hide with a metal bracing in the centre.

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Robes: These simple tailored cloth robes of varying thickness empower their wearer with the determination of their office. Plate-reinforced Chainmail Armour: Also called lamellar armour, it’s made out of iron plates fitted together with leather strings or straps and reinforced with mail at the joints. Tribal Woad: Blue ink facepaint decorating some or all of the wearer’s face. Wooden Shield: A reinforced slat board of simple make with a leather strap.


Character clothing follows armour size rules. A Character may layer clothes, a cloak, and a torc, but may not have more than one of each kind. These can be worn in conjunction with armour, robes, and any number of Accessories.

Clothing CLOTHES



Size PF

Parry Benefit


Common Trousers


Blend-in +4

Fine Clothes


SoDF +3, vs. Compel +2


Fur Tunic



Mental Parry +1


Common Brat



Blend-in +2


Belted Plaid



The Shroud Meta Tag


Black Wolf Pelt*


Blessed Stole*


Spiritual PF +1


Blood Red Cape*


Spiritual Parry +2


Crow Feather*




Tattered Black


of a Druid*


SoDF vs. Compel +2


of a Noble*


SoDF vs Provoke +2


of a Warrior*


SoDF vs Question +2



2 1


SoDF +1


SoAF to Provoke +2


Spiritual PF +1


Spiritual Parry +1


* Denotes items associated with a particular Archetype. Belted Plaid: A large untailored piece of tartan cloth, tied by a belt. It blends naturally with greenery. Gain 1 Shroud if not moving.

cate make, including a tunic.

Black Wolf Pelt: Denotes the wearer as a Bandrui Sun of Womenfolk.

Multi-coloured Cloak: Ceremonial cape of Druids. Fits over a Druid’s normal robes.

Blessed Stole: Sometimes worn by Monks and Priests of the White God for ceremonies. Fits over their normal robes. Blood Red Cape: Denotes the wearer as a Harbinger of War. Common Brat: A common everyday and travelling cloak pinned at the shoulder. Common Trousers: Tailored pants tied by a rope or leather belt.

Fur Tunic, Hound-decorated: Denotes the wearer as a Cu Setanta Duban.

Tattered Black Cloak: Denotes the wearer as a Harbinger of Death. Torcs: Metal ring, not fully enclosed, like solid, rigid, necklaces. These are worn around the neck. Torcs are placed on when you are a child and should never be taken off (in some cases, due to the size of the wearer, they can no longer be taken off.)

Common Clothes

All Celts, unless overruled by other clothing choices, are considered to wear the following clothes upon their person. Celts are typically bare-foot but those inclined to travel often invest in shoes. Belt


Common Trousers


Common Brat


Shoes, Deer-hide


Crow Feather Cloak: Denotes the wearer as a Bandrui Battle Crow. Fine Clothes: Tailored clothes of intri-

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Uncommon Items Uncommon HOLY







SoAF to Compel +2



SoAF to Provoke +2



SoAF to Question +2



8 DF vs. Supernatural

Ceremonial Wreath


SoDF vs. Compel +2

Feather of...


Various effects

Healing Potion, Min


Heal +3. One time use.

Healing Potion, Mod


Heal +6. One time use.

Healing Potion, Maj


Heal +9. One time use.

Stag Antlers


Focus +1

Battle Scars


SoDF vs. Provoke +2

Belt of Severed Heads


SoAF +1, and SoDF vs. Compel +2

Fidchell Board


SoAF to Provoke +3

Mercenary Insignia


SoAF to Question +2

Portable Harp


SoAF to QUestion +4

* A dozen of these items (or a mixed and matched dozen) can be stacked up before it is considered a full Size. Battle Scars: Scars are the clear sings of a life on the battlefield and a testimony to one’s survivability. Belt of Severed Heads: A collection of gruesome fetishes that denotes you as a Cu Setanta Headhunter. Ceremonial Wreath: Often worn by Druids during specific events and rituals, Druids also openly wear them to show their status. Feather of Bran (Raven): While holding the feather, sense the nearby presence of corvids - the murders of crows, parliaments of rooks, and any unkindness of ravens - and know the local battlefields, graves, and the circumstances of all recent dead. The feather then takes on the Damaged Condition until it can be bathed in a pool of milk. Feather of Druid Dhubh (Blackbird): While holding the feather, touch an adjacent

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ally and transfer all Intensities of the Trance Condition [Counter S] from yourself to them. This feather takes on the Damaged Condition until it can be bathed in a pool of milk. Feather of Drui-en (Wren): While holding the feather the whisper of your voice can be heard by any one ally on the Battlefield, no matter the din of battle, but you can only express one word per use. The feather then takes on the Damaged Condition until it can be bathed in a pool of milk. Feather of Eala (Swan): The person holding the feather takes on an otherworldly glamour of beauty and grace, strengthening SoAF +2 in matters of beauty. This feather then takes on the Damaged condition until it can be bathed in a pool of milk. Feather of Iolar (Eagle): A feather was given to you by the Maven of another. It retains great power, according to the bird. It grants SoAF in matters of

leadership +2. This feather then takes on the Damaged Condition until it can be bathed in a pool of milk. Feather of Seabhac (Hawk): The person holding the feather takes on an air of otherworldly menace, strengthening SoAF in matters of hunting and warfare tactics by +2. This feather then takes on the Damaged Condition until it can be bathed in a pool of milk. Fidchell Board: A board of marked points where two teams of 9 pieces are set against each other in a game of skill and guile. Pieces are made of wood and bronze in gold and white. Healing Potion: A magically enhanced healing tonic. Holy Vulgate: The holy book of the White God’s faith. Followers of the White God believe it holds its own miraculous powers. Holy Rosary: A necklace made of a leather cord lined with beads and a wooden crucifix. Holy Symbol: Fetishes exist both in the pagan traditions of the Isles and within the Church of the White God. These object can be medals, small effigies, bones of Saints, or other objects associated with a particular god or faith. Holy Water: Water blessed by a Priest of the White God, and given special properties to help the faithful combat evil. Macha’s Skull-Pole: You carry a Mesrad Machae pole. With it you create a war altar for the Morrigan, planting the ritualistic spear in the ground, and adding to it a skull of an enemy you killed. With it you can sacrifice one skull of someone you killed in order to gain favour with the Morrigan for the coming conflict. With the ritual performed, in the current battle you face you get a free Abate meta on your Defend actions. All skulls turn to ashes at the end of a battle, returned to the Morrigan as payment.

Mercenary Insignia: Often take the form of coin-sized medals displaying one’s allegiance to a mercenary warband. Portable Harp The word “cruit” (pronounced crowde) is often used to describe a whole array of stringed travelling instruments, including both lyres and harps. Stag Antlers: Denotes the wearer as a Horned One of ceremonies.


Other Necessities The road is unfriendly and travel is difficult. The following list of things should be available in almost any village or settlement in the Celtic World, because they are so necessary for the Celtic way of life. The exceptions are that sailing ships are only available in settlements along the coast, and realm ores are only available in settlements near a mine.





Repeated ingestion gains +1 intensity of the Drunk Condition.



1 day’s worth of dried bannock; a loaf of barley, dried fruit, nuts, and seeds, honey, and sap.




Stored in a woven sack. Ingredients to feed 20 days.




Stored in a woven sack. Ingredients to feed 7 days.




Repeated ingestion gains +1 intensity of the Drunk Condition.

Ore (Various)


Material for Forging, and the making of Silver Jewellery.




Material for Forging, and for the Repair Equipment Skill.




Material for Building, Boating, and general construction.


Realm Ore


Material for the crafting of Realm Ore.



Simple poultry. Will not stray. Wakes you in the morning.




Large herd animal. Does not typically stray. Subject to charge.




Small stubborn animal. Does not typically stray.




Beast of burden. Call pull its own Size + 1/2 its Size.




Intelligent beast. Does not typically stray.




Small herd animal. Does not typically stray. Subject to panic.




Provides +1 for Checks of cold weather.


Flaming Oil


When placed in a lantern, burns for one hour.




Illuminates a Nearby (4 hex) radius. Protected from wind.




Common cord rope 30’ in length.




Can hold up to 6 persons and their equipment.



Illuminates a Nearby (4 hex) radius for one hour.


Sailing Ship


Includes sails and oars. Maximum crew of 20.


Blacksmith Repair


Hire to repair non-magical items in one day.





Cost 6


1, 000

20 2 8, 000 (Size) x 5

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enizens are all Characters that the Dwellers encounter in the game world. Denizens are designed and controlled by the Norn. This chapter lists many of the Denizens that the Dwellers will meet while adventuring throughout Midgard.They can be mundane in aspect or supernatural, from the lowliest peasant farmer to the fiercest dragon flown from the Otherworld to ravage the countyside. Dwellers can also be played using variable levels of Crunch as defined in the main rules.

Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens

Denizen Creation Denizen creation is very similar to the Dweller creation but differs in only 3 ways: 1. There’s no specialization nor Void rune. 2. The boards are often 5x5 or other sizes, but Talent/Passive selections work the same way as the Dweller boards. 3. Denizens never map Talents to rune symbols, but only to rune colours, allowing them to trigger Meta tags on rune colour matches.

Physical Dimensions

These markers of description apply to all Characters in RGS, but will be most pronounced for Denizen whose Size varies greatly.

Size: Humans are considered Size 4. Most of the remaining facts you can get about a Character derive from their Size.

Talents & Powers Adventure

Size is also important for equipping items. Remember that one-handed items are equal to or smaller than the Size of the wielder. Two-handed items are 1 or 2 Size categories larger than the wielder. Items 3 sizes greater cannot be equipped. DF: Unarmed damage is equal to Size -3. Height: Roughly speaking the height for each Size is divided into 2 to 4 feet for each category. Move: Tactical Movement is a number of hexes equal to your Size. Occupy: How many hexes the Character takes up by their bulk. Reach: Natural body reach is Size divided by 4. So, a size 4 Character Size Chart

Size Description Height


Occ. DF

Reach Move Example



Less than 1”

Up to 25 kg / 50 lbs








45 cm / 1.5’

Up to 50 kg / 100 lbs





Small dog



90 cm / 3’

Up to 75 kg / 150 lbs








1.65m / 5.5’ Up to 100 kg / 200 lbs








2.6m / 8.5’

Up to 125 kg / 250 lbs








3.50m/11.5’ Up to 150 kg / 300 lbs





Polar Bear




Up to 175 kg / 350 lbs








5.35m/17.5’ Up to 200 kg / 400 lbs





Sea Monster




Up to 225 kg / 450 lbs









Up to 250 kg / 500 lbs









Up to 275 kg / 550 lbs









Up to 300 kg / 600 lbs









Up to 325 kg / 650 lbs









Up to 350 kg / 700 lbs







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human has an arm Reach of 1 for unarmed attacks (armed attacks use weapon Reach values). Weight: For gaming purposes 1 kg = 2 lbs and 1 Weight unit is 25kg/50 lbs. An adult Human, therefore, usually weighs about 4 Weight or 100 kg / 200 lbs. This is not a perfect structure; a horse weighs more than its Size would indicate, but for gaming purposes this schema will suffice. How much weight a Denizen is capable of lifting (but not moving with it) is equal to their Size in Weight Units -2. A Human could therefore lift up something that is 50 kg, or 100 lbs. The minimum is 1 kg / 2 lbs. How much in weight the Denizen is able to carry on their person and walk is equal to their Size in Weight Units -3. A Horse can therefore carry on them up to 50 kg or 100 lbs in weight in various saddle bags. The minimum is 1 kg / 2 lbs.

Denizen Talents

For the purposes of easing the bookkeeping of running multiple Denizens, the Norn does not have to match the symbol of a rune to play a Talent with Meta Tags. The Norn only has to worry about colour matching the Talent. Playing a rune will never trigger more than a single Talent, even if multiple have been bound to it.

Swarm Rules Swarm rules allow a Norn to run many lower-level Denizens using a single bag of runes and a single playmat. Overall the Swarm is treated as a single monster that can act in different places upon the battlefield. This is useful when running many of the same Denizen, or perhaps a creature with many “destroyable” parts, such as a Kraken with many tentacles. A “Swarm” refers to a swarm or crowd of creatures. The only requirement for these rules is that all members of the Swarm are the same level and have the same powers. The way a Swarm works is as follows: 1. Set the level of your Denizen swarm. An easy challenge is a total level equal to the sum of the Dweller levels. 2. Determine the number of actions you’d want every member of your swarm to have access to. This is the Destiny rating of your swarm. 3. Subtract twice the Destiny value from the level to determine the total Essence. 4. Divide the Essence by the number of Denizens in the Swarm. This determines Essence per Denizen. This is called Swarm Threshold (ST). When you set Initiative, a Swarm gets 1 Initiative tile, thus all members act at the same time. When the Swarm Wyrds, the runes pulled are for all members. Every action/rune-chain played activates every member of the Swarm. If a move action is performed by playing a

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rune, then all members move. If a Talent is performed, every member that can perform it (limited by positioning, range and line of sight) will perform the Talent. Each member can choose different targets. • Status effects treat the Swarm as a single entity. When attempting to inflict a Condition upon the Swarm, the action’s Effect is reduced by the Swarm Threshold. If at least 1 Effect gets through, then the whole Swarm is affected by the Condition. A beneficial Condition will affect the whole Swarm. • Targeting treats the Swarm as individuals. A Swarm can be targeted multiple times with certain Meta tags such as Area and Multi. • When receiving damage, treat the Swarm as both single entity and individuals. Every time a rune descends to Death, check for Swarm Threshold - if the threshold has been reached, remove 1 member from the Swarm. • When performing attacks treat the Swarm as individuals. Target Dwellers individually. A Dweller cannot be the target of more than 6 melee attacks (if using a hex mat and minis), but the Norn is advised to use a lower cap given terrain and obstacles in the scene. • When a Swarm performs a Defend action treat the Swarm as a single entity and individuals. When a rune-chain is played for a Defend action, the whole Swarm receives that bonus versus the first attack. Every individual of the Swarm gets a free 1-time Defend action. For Norns, Protection Factor is an easier approach when running Swarms. • When healing, a Swarm is a single entity. If the Swarm is healed, then more reinforcements have arrived; add more Swarm members. If this isn’t possible due to the scenario, then cap the healing to the Swarm Threshold value. • When receiving Mental damage, treat the Swarm as individuals. Every time Mental damage exceeds Swarm Threshold, a Swarm member loses all actions for the round. The rules are meant to make Denizen accounting easier on the Norn. All of the rules above can be bent and broken to ensure that the scene remains realistic and coherent.

Swarm Threshold: After a Swarm loses an amount of Runes from their Essence equal to the Swarm Threshold, a Swarm Denizen dies.

A Kraken has attacked the longship. It’s looking to drag the crew overboard with it’s tentacles and won’t risk raising its head out of the sea. The Norn will use the Swarm rules to run the 10 tentacles. The Dweller total level is 32, so the Norn decides that a level 34 Swarm would be a good challenge for the players. The Swarm has a Destiny of 2, and 3 Essence per tentacle (Swarm Threshold 3), summing up to 34 levels.



Razors Thick Skin (DF)


Every Character in RGS3 has a Creature Type, even Dwellers who by definition have the Mortal Creature Type. Some Denizens will have innate Passive Powers and abilities that are attributes of the race, independent of archetype or rune binding choices. Base level modifiers cost levels, taking away from levels spent on Essence and Destiny.




Creature Attributes

Base Level modifier: +1

3 Swipe (Parry)

Aquatic denotes a creature which is at home in and under water. The creature does not require air, can move in water without penalties, with a +2 bonus, and can float in place (without expending runes to tread water). Aquatic creatures suffer a penalty of -2 to Move on land, to a minimum of 1.


Base Level modifier: +1 An Ascended being is one which was mortal, but through death or other drastic means has achieved a new state of reality. They have access to all possessions which were consecrated by an Angel of Death and buried with them, or immolated upon their funeral pyre. These possessions encompass equipment, livestock, slaves and other worldly possessions owned by the Ascended being. Burial and epitaph rules are discussed on page 82 in Lords of the Ash.


Base Level modifier: +1 Aware creatures cannot be robbed of their senses. They are immune to the Blind Condition and have perfect sensory 360-degree awareness within a 10 hex radius. They do not have extra senses beyond the human spectrum, therefore they do not gain bonuses against Shrouded opponents. The Berkano rune is used to Move all the tentacles adjacent to the ship. They have a reach of Far (4 hexes), so the Norn plays the Dagaz rune to attack for 5 damage (1 base + 3 DF + 1 Trait match). The Norn then assigns targets for the 10 tentacles. Every 3 damage dealt to the Kraken will reduce it’s tentacle count by 1. To affect the Kraken with Conditions, the Dwellers must inflict at least 4 intensities of a Condition (exceed ST). In future rounds the tentacles may not have to move, so the rune can be saved and used defensively. If 1 rune is played as a Defend action, then all tentacles will benefit from an RV of 3 Parry (plus any other relevant bonuses) versus the first attack against each tentacle this combat round.

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Base Level modifier: +1 This attribute indicates that the creature is an animated being, created from inanimate materials. The creature is: • Immune to Mental damage and poison. • Immune to Emotional Conditions.


Base Level modifier: +1 The creature’s home or immediate domain is treacherous and will be a hazard to the combatants who are not of its Domain. Examples are swamps that drag combatants into the mud, lava flows that create fire upon the battlefield, etc. The Domain receives its own Initiative tile and a Destiny of 2. When its turn comes up, it may play those runes for any


- 275 -



effects listed by paying the rune cost. Some domains have a od lood continuous Passive power that applies to combatants. Every Base Level modifier: +2 effect will have an appropriate counter listed (i.e., [Counter This Attribute does not necessarily imply immortality. It simP]). ply means someone with god blood in their recent ancestry.


Base Level modifier: +1 The Fey live in the Otherworld and when visiting the mundane world they cannot be seen without special skills or circumstances. To anyone without the Fey attribute, they are considered to have Stealth rating 8 for purposes of Perception. Even if they can be spotted, they are hard to discern and are considered to have Shroud 4. This Shroud cannot be negated, nor decreased without specific Skills and powers meant to spot the Fey.

A God is a being which has the ability to forge new life forms and realities. As a result, they have access to at least 1 Void Magic spell which they can evoke with any rune.


Base Level modifier: +3 An Immortal gains Divine Potence (see page 205). This represents their ability to survive incredible violence and ailments, and should they succumb to the threat, they will be reborn at their place of rebirth (see page 206). Immortal Denizens are considered to have an MDP of 1.

All Fey can perfectly see and interact with other Fey. Alfar All mortal Active powers gain the {Providence} type (see page and Aos-Si are one with the Fey and they can see one another 170). Several Meta Tags change on mortal powers: Multi and without issue. Area strike anyone upon the battlefield. The Sight is a Skill that allows one to see those beyond the When Immortals produce offspring with created beings such Veil. Those with this skill or those with Fey blood will negate as mortal humans, they may pass on some traits to their offall penalties regarding the Fey under specific light condi- spring. This is usually in the form of Disir boards which the tions- a narrow window at dawn or at dusk. offspring may discover as they age. These beings gain access During the Yule season, the Veil is partially lifted and the to the God Blood upgrade (see above). penalties are halved (Stealth 4 and Shroud 2). Omens and Portents have a chance to reveal the Otherworld, and during these visions the Fey may be revealed.

Legend (X)

Base Level modifier: +X

Legend is a special attribute that rates someone’s fame throughout the land. It increases with every heroic deed that becomes local legend. The Legend attribute allows one to Base Level modifier: +1 The creature can fly or hover in mid-air. Flying creatures leverage bonuses on social interactions. A legendary indimove through the air with +3 Move. On the ground, however, vidual could potentially add the Legend rating to skills such as Negotiation, Etiquette, and others if the Norn deems the they Move with -1 Move to a minimum of 1. legend would influence the interaction.



Base Level modifier: +1

Light Soul

A ghostly creature is affected thus:

Base Level modifier: +2

• It can pass through combatants and terrain without any hindrance. • It may share the same hex as another combatant. • When the ghostly combatant is struck with a spell, everyone it shares a hex with, also gets affected by the spell. • It takes half damage from Physical attacks, but double damage from Spiritual attacks. • A ghostly creature’s basic attacks are Physical in nature and suffer a -1 penalty. • Any Spiritual damage dealt by the Ghostly creature, be it from manoeuvres or spells (or any other type) is increased by +1.

This being is made from the luminescence shed by the Crucible of Life. It pulses with vitality, gaining a Size +1. It can travel quickly and will be able to travel over water, through walls and trees. It will also be able to fly. Double the movement speed, grant flight and ignore terrain for movement. If it carries a rider, it confers the ignoring of terrain upon the rider. It cannot exist without light. It must remain within the luminous range of a light source or it will die and return to the Crucible of Life.


Base Level modifier: +0 Mortals have no particular advantages nor disadvantages, except that when they die their soul goes to Donn’s Hall to argue for immortality.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Primal Being

Twilight Vision

A Primal Being is one which was begotten from the Crucible of Life. This is a distinction with most other life forms which where begotten upon one of the realms of Yggdrasil or created by gods who used Void magic. These Primal Beings have no ancestry or creator per se. Their bodies are spiritual in nature, made from the same essence as the World Tree. It is an essence that gave the Alfar their form, and Valkyries the ability to subsume other life forms. These beings have the ability to shape their appearance, size and shape through ritual and the understanding of the building blocks of the universe.

Perfect vision in normal and magical darkness.

Base Level modifier: +2

While most make their home in the Otherworld, many have travelled through the Breach. Most Primal Beings have learned how to adapt their life-force in order to better fit in with the worlds they visit and inhabit. This is usually accomplished by the use of some powers and/or skills. Vaettirs will assume avatar form using the land which they call home, essentially becoming a Borghild when needed. Valkyries will snare a mortal and subsume their life-force. While in that altered shape/state, they do not gain any benefits conferred by this “Primal Being” attribute. When they revert to natural form however, they receive several inherent benefits and hindrances.

Base Level modifier: +1


Base Level modifier: +2 This attribute imbues the creature with the touch of a death deity. The creature is: • Immune to Spiritual damage and poison. • Unarmed attacks deal Spiritual damage. • Sense life within a 5 hex radius granting a +3 bonus on Perception checks. • Sees perfectly in natural darkness, but not in/through magical darkness. • Does not need breath.

While in their natural state: • To mortals they have effective Shroud 4 which cannot be reduced. • They can change their appearance, size and shape at will. • They take half damage from Physical sources but take double damage from Spiritual sources. • They move through physical matter as a fish would move through water. • A mortal witnessing a Primal Being for the first time will be forced to suffer 4 Spiritual damage from the immeasurable shock and awe. Subsequent viewings will not trigger this effect.


Base Level modifier: +1 These beings can run on four legs, granting them double the movement rate. This doubling effect is applied after all other movement modifiers have been applied. Being quadruped also reduces Knockback effects by 1 hex.


Base Level modifier: +0 Supernatural is a new keyword found in some power and skill descriptions. It refers to any creature or being alien to Midgard (ie. the creature’s home realm is one other than Midgard). In terms of species identification, if it’s not present in present day Earth, it can be considered “Supernatural”.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


- 277 -


The natural world can be as dangerous as the supernatural


undane beasts are everywhere across the Isles. As the Celtic Twilight wears on their numbers thin from the diminishing of sunlight and the perpetual chill that permeates the Isles. Still, the majority of the Great Isles are still wild nature, and nature is not dominated by the castles of mankind but by the forests, rivers, and seas, whose chief denizens are the beasts, great and small.

Representing Beasts There are two ways a Norn can incorporate a beast into the game events. First, a beast can be represented as a simplified version, using the Companion rules. The second way to represent the beast is as a full Denizen with Levels, Essence, and Destiny.

Companion Beasts

A beast can be represented as a simplified version, essentially using the Companion rules (and possibly Swarm rules when running more than one). Base statistics for the various mortal Companions can be found in the table on the next page. Adding QR/Levels beyond those listed adds bonuses found in the Companions table on page 192.

Denizen Created Beasts

The more detailed approach is to assign your beast a Level, Essence, and Destiny. The simple approach would to utilize only Cinematic actions, but Talents could be added and would be bound to colours. Any and all Talents and Passive powers would be avalable to mortals. Suggested powers: Active Talents: Lunging Attack, Mauling, Heedful Charge, Flanking Attack, Running Recovery, Snare, any Howl Social Talents: Growl, Predator’s Gaze, Cold Stare, Ignore, Turn Away Skills: Survival Wilderness, Hunting & Trapping, Escape, Athletics, Swim Passive Powers: Fleet-footed, Nimble, Might, Woodland Run, Woodland Cover, Agility, Unencumbered Dodger, Fangs, Leaping Striker, Pounce

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Other Uses

• Companions. If, however unlikely, a Denizen should tame a lion, or other unusual beast, this chart can be used to give the Companion base statistics. • Shapechange Another. There is an Active Talent by this name that changes its victims into mundane beasts. This chart is used to determine how the Dweller or Denizen now acts. • New Beasts. Seeing this structure it is easy for Norns to make their own beasts using this table, and the Craft Attributes Table on page 432. The possibilities to create beasts; wild, tame, or fantastic, are limitless.

The Dwellers come upon a Stag in the forest and wish to, together, chase it down and spear it to be their dinner. Let’s assume this deer has enough significance to in-game events such that a Skill Check for Hunting & Trapping would shorten the conflict too much, but neither is this a magical deer that deserves being fully fleshed out with runes. So, a hunt ensues. The Norn can use the Beast Chart to reference key information about the beast, using them as an environmental factor while Wyrding for circumstances as appropriate. Legend: The common terms and their uses on the chat are referenced here: • QR: The Level of the beast when viewed as a Companion • Size: The same as any Dweller. • DF: The Damage Factor of the Beast’s unarmed attack. • Move: The number of hexes the Beast moves in an action. This also specifies their Creature Type, which is relevant to how they move. First number is ground, second (if appearing) is flight ot swim. • Parry: The Beast’s Parry bonus. • PF: The natural Protection Factor to get through the hide of the Beast. • M PF: Mental Protection Factor. • S PF: Spiritual Protection Factor. • So AF: Social Attack Factor. • So DF: Social Defence Factor. • Meta Tag: The Beast can use a rune of any Trait to inflict this Meta Tag. If it is positive, it inflicts the Meta on itself. If it is negative it can inflict it on an enemy.


1 (Bite)

1 (Twilight Vision)




5 (+3+Claws)

8 (Quadruped)





3 (+2+Tusks)

8 (Quadruped)





3 (+1+Horns)

10 (Quadruped)


Cattle, herd



17 (Trample)

10 (Quadruped)




1 (Beak)

1/5 (Flight)





1 (Beak)

1/4 (Flight)




3 (+2+Talons)
















QR Size



Meta Tag









Fury Vulnerable

-9 -1





1/5 (Flight)



1 (Talons)

1/6 (+2+Flight)




1 (Bite)

4 (Quadruped)





0 (Struggle)

1/3 (Aquatic)




1 (Bite)

6 (+1+Quadruped)


Horned Owl



1 (Pincers)

1/6 (Twilight Vision + Flight)


Hobbie Pony



2 (Hooves)

10 (Quadruped)




2 (+1+Bite)

6 (Quadruped)




3 (+2+Bite)

8 (Quadruped)




0 (Bite)

2 (Quadruped)





1 (Bite)

1/4 (Aquatic)





0 (Struggle)

0/5 (Aquatic)





1 (Bite)

1/5 (Aquatic)




2 (+1+Antlers)

8 (Quadruped)




1 (Beak)

1/5 (Flight)





3 (+2+Bite)

6 (Quadruped)


Wolf, Pack



7 (+2+Bite)

6 (Quadruped)





0 (Beak)

1/4 (Flight)


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)













Degeneration Absorb


Impeded -1 1

Shroud 2


2 1

Friendly Alertness



Taunt Inspired

2 1



Remorse / Guilt










- 279 -

280 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Introduction Figures of the Isles

What lurks under the waves and wants your land


nder the waves on the coasts of Eire, Alba, and Mann, lurk a terrible people; the Fomorians. They are sea giants, but even to call them that is sometimes a misnomer. Fomorians vary in appearance more greatly than any other race. They are misshapen and strange human-like figures, but no two are misshapen in the same way. A Fomorian may have too many eyes, or a mouth upon their chest, or multiple arms. A rare few are beautiful.

However, there is more to the Fomorians than their appearance. There is their ambition. The Fomorians seek to take Eire, claiming it always belonged to them. With the Celtic Twlight troubling the land, various petty despot Fomorian Kings lead raids to claim goods and slaves as they see fit. A few bold Fomorians claim territory, eager for the day when Eire can once again be held in Fomorian hands.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

- 281 -

Fomorian Plural: Fomorians

(Fow-more-ian) Most in Eire, some in Alba and Mann

Base Level: +7 Base Powers: Aquatic, Immortal, Twilight Vision, Supernatural Equipment Type: Martial There is greater variation within the misshapen looks of the Fomorian people than any other single race. As such, their capabilities vary wildly, and not just in appearance but in fearsome capability. Druids have fashioned loose and ignorant designations to distinguish the kind of Fomorian that might raid the coast from the one who might weave magic beneath the waves, or the kind that acts as a tyrant above them all.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Fomorian Miasma  Passive A hazy cloud of near-invisible gas surrounds the Fomorian. Once per round during Upkeep anyone who is not a Fomorian and is adjacent to one has inflicted 1 Degeneration [Counter P]. Bursting with Elements Passive Once per round a Fomorian may apply any form of the Element Meta Tag to an Action.


Fomorian Raider Base Level








Raiding Tools 

Equipment Fomorian Harpoon (Longspear), Metal Shield; see Weapons & Armour Charts pages 266 and 268.










Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers

Balor’s Eye

You’re A Joke

Don’t Question Me


Regenerating Block

Rising Spirit

Make Demands

Get My Way

Rouse Emotion

Fomorian Raider Active Talents


Breath of Acid

Tease Mercilessly

Social Talents

Shameless Flattery

Thundering Roar

Corrosive Touch

Regenerating Attack

Quill Storm (Feather Storm)

Bow To Me


You Are Beneath Me

Furious Tantrum

Dragon’s Breath

Elemental Strike

Friend of Waves

Power Over Mists

Barrage Of Questions

Inflict Terror

Predator’s Gaze

Hulk, Earth Bender


Hulk, Slamming Hulk


Ogham Armour Enchantment



Rites & Rituals

Attuned Weapon

Strong Muscles

Fomorian Size


Resistance to Degeneration


Oppose the Crowd





Tailteann Games

Repair Equipment


Technique Of Fomorian Spear

War Tactics


Lunging Attack



Cleansing Block

Sundering Blow

Throw Enemy

Attack From Above

Smash Attack

Death Charge


Fomorian Heavy Weap- Raider Passive Rigid Mind on Master Powers

Terrifying Satisfaction

Fathach’s Might

Master Sailor


Hidden in Mist

Unencumbered Dodger

Aura of Suffering

Parlay the Waters

Umbral Negotiations

Timeless Movement

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Drinking & & Wench- Hunting Trapping ing

DEN IZENS - 283 -

Attack Social



Fomorian Sorceress


Base Level









Crystal Mace



Size: 5 DF: 12 Reach: 4

Weapon Meta: Fear

Parry: 0

Sea Magic Materials 

Equipment A circlet, an amulet, and various potions equalling 8 QR.


You’re a Joke

Don’t Question Me


Regenerating Block

Make Demands

Get My Way

Rouse Emotion


Rising Spirit

Tease Mercilessly

Social Talents

Shameless Flattery

Corrosive Touch

Friend Of Waves

Power Over Mists

Bow To Me


You Are Beneath Me

Power Over Wind

Breath Of Acid

Battlefield Of Mist


Barrage Of Questions

Inflict Terror

Predator’s Gaze

Attuned Weapon

Crafter’s Promise

Hulk, Eldritch

Cauldron Of Knowledge (Coire Fhís)

Inversion Of Ice



Trapped Spirit


Strong Muscles

Fomorian Size

Hide Behind Emotion

Resistance To Degeneration




Strong Knowledge

Courtly Etiquette

Driven By Emotion

War Tactics


Rites & Rituals


Aura Of Suffering

Hidden In Mist

Lore Arcana

Repair Equipment

Tailteann Games

Timeless Movement

Technique Of Fomorian Spear


Hunting & Trapping

Awaken Statue


Battlefield Vortex

Lunging Attack

Sundering Blow

Attack From Above

Quill Storm (Feather Storm)

Aura of Frost

Cold Lance

Elemental Strike

Dragon’s Breath

Fomorian Sorceress Active Talents


Shapechange Another

Warpaint Of The Bradán Il-Dath

Unencumbered Dodger

- 284 -

Secretive Disposition


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Fomorian Sorceress Rigid Mind Passive Powers Parlay The Waters

Master Sailor


Umbral Negotiations


Fomorian Tyrant Base Level








Sea Tyrant’s Goods 

Equipment A crown, septor, and treasures worth a combined 8 QR.

Corpse Coral Plate Armour Size: 5 PF: 3

Parry: 0

Armour Meta: Absorb





2 1



Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers


You’re a Joke

Don’t Question Me



Regenerating Block

Rising Spirit

Make Demands

Get My Way

Rouse Emotion

Smash Attack

Fomorian Tyrant Active Talents

Sundering Blow

Breath Of Acid

Tease Mercilessly

Social Talents

Shameless Flattery

Dragon’s Breath

Thundering Roar

Elemental Strike

Regenerating Attack

Quill Storm (Feather Storm)

Bow To Me


You Are Beneath Me


Lunging Attack

Corrosive Touch

Friend Of Waves

Power Over Mists

Barrage Of Questions

Inflict Terror

Predator’s Gaze

Hulk, Earth Bender


Hulk, Slamming Hulk

Ogham Armour Enchantment

Inversion Of Ice



Trapped Spirit

Strong Knowledge

Strong Muscles

Fomorian Size


Resistance To Degeneration



Rites & Rituals

Rigid Mind

Oppose The Crowd




Death Charge

Balor’s Eye

Cleansing Block

Attack From Above


Attuned Weapon

Fomorian Heavy Weap- Tyrant Passive on Master Powers

Terrifying Satisfaction

Fathach’s Might

Master Sailor

Secretive Disposition

Hidden In Mist


Tailteann Games

Repair Equipment

Unencumbered Dodger

Aura Of Suffering

Parlay The Waters

Umbral Negotiations

Timeless Movement

Technique Of Fomorian Spear

Hunting & Trapping

War Tactics

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles The Rules


Battlefield Vortex

Furious Tantrum



DEN IZENS - 285 -

- 286 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

The Fuathan Creatures of the Celtic seas who have their own kingdoms and worries


he sea surrounding the Great Isles is full of shipwrecks, buried cities, lost treasure, and the Fuathan. “Fuath” is the term used by others to describe various kinds of fey who live in the sea. They are a loose collection of unassociated clans, tribes, bands, and kingdoms, and not a courtly alliance like many other fey folk have.

rarely engaging with landlubbers. The Fuathan prefer to loot shipwrecks than trade with merchants. So long as the mundane ocean does not freeze, the Fuathan don’t consider the winter of the Celtic Twilight a problem. Their real problem is the Fomorians, who often press Fuathan into their armies, enslave them to make weapons, or use them as a food source.

Though they have nothing to do with each other politically, one thing the Fuathan share is their greed; the greed of the sea that refuses to give up the treasures it swallows. All Fuathan share a disinterest for what’s going on outside of their underwater holdings. They keep to themselves, interacting with what comes close to their domain but

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


- 287 -

Each-uisge Plural: Each-uisge

Base Level: +1 Base Powers: Aquatic Equipment Type: Minimal The water-horses called the Each-uisge are a wide family of vindictive man-eating aquatic fey. An Each-uisge usually has the body of a man, a fish or something in-between that is usually nude, or mostly so, and with a horse-like head. Each-uisge are intelligent, vicious, and manipulative. Individually they scour rivers and swamps to lure people into the water and drown them for sport. Each-uisge notoriously despise women, especially beautiful ones, and treat them with special cruelty. Some Each-uisge even learn how to shapeshift simply to expand their capacity to do harm.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Ach-ish-keh) Sea surrounding the Isles

Attack Base Level















Size: 5 DF: 3 Reach: 2

Parry: 0

Weapon Meta: Impeded

Figures of the Isles The Rules


Sea Axe


Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers Mobile Stance

Mental Assault

Uncanny Jab

Lunging Attack

Insulting Parry

Voice of Doom



Dark Castigation

Aqua Axe

Uncanny Ambush

Flying Charge


Manipulate Emotions


Shameless Flattery

Concentrated Attack

Friend Of Waves

Each-uisge Active Talents

Furious Guard

Furious Dash

Delight In Bad News

Social Talents

Verbal Manipulation

Howl Of Survival

Death Charge

Uncanny Disarm


Heedful Charge

Disturbing Facts

Predator’s Gaze

Trick Answer

Outnumbered Dexterity Stance

Feint Attack

Roll Out Of The Way

Battlefield Of Mag Findargat

Hack & Slash

Emotional Blackmail


Intimidating Demand

Awareness Of Breath



Drinking & Wenching

Enchanted Prowess



Survival Instincts

Unbreakable Mind


Coward’s Condemnation

Unencumbered Dodger

Fathach’s Might




Awareness Of Danger

Superb Swimmer

Each-uisge Passive Powers

Uncanny Adaptability

Uncanny Opportunist




Unwelcomed Motivation

Bask In Blood


Tech Duinn’s Celerity

Blood Drinker

Lore Fey


Hunting & Trapping

Uncanny Danger Sense

Fleet Footed

Commune With Dead

Survival Wilderness

Champion’s Eye


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Unbreakdable Resistance To Body Impeded


DEN IZENS - 289 -


Plural: Merrows Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Aquatic Equipment Type: Martial

The Merrows are male fishpeople that live under the waves of the sea. Some believe they are the hideous male equivalent to selkies and mermaids. Though they are roughly human shaped the Merrow are otherwise a varied folk in appearance. Each Merrow differently combines characteristics of fish, crabs or other crustaceans, and sometimes has those of an octopus, or a jellyfish. Some Merrows have tentacles for legs or arms. Old Merrows have growths of coral on them or sprout seaweed from their bodies. The Merrows have a social structure much like the Celts above the waves. They are divided into their own clans, tribes and kingdoms. Some are noble while others are pirates, traders, hunters, or warriors. Whole kingdoms of Merrows are enslaved by Fomorians and tasked to kidnap female humans for their masters. The Merrows wait for an opportunity to either align with the bigger underwater kingdoms to gain their freedom back from the Fomorians or to contact Manannan to beg for his protection.

- 290 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Merr-oh) The seas of the Isles

Attack Base Level















Figures of the Isles The Rules


Harpoon Size: 3 DF: 1 Range: 2 Parry: 0


Weapon Meta: Impeded



Talents & Powers Death Charge

Drunken Stance

Furious Dash


Power Over Mists

You’re A Joke

We Are One


Aqua Armor

Double Attack


Lunging Attack

Power Over Wells

We Won’t Answer


Shameless Flattery

Breath Of Acid

Flanking Attack

Merrow Active Talents

Chain Attack

Breath Of Hoarfrost


Social Talents


Get Down!

Regenerating Attack


Run To Shadow

Sacrifice Position

Base Insinuations

Trick Answer


Regenerating Block

Uncanny Jab

Blessing Of The Emain Ablach

Surprise Attack

Hack & Slash

Laugh It Off

Mob Rules

Timely Distraction

Unbreakable Body

Hidden In Mist

Wyrd Ways

Morrigan’s Shadow

Tribal Loyalty



Keen Senses

Master Sailor

Parlay The Waters

Inversion Of Ice



Resistance To Degeneration

Superb Swimmer

Merrow Passive Powers


Drunken Fury

Survival Wilderness



Uncanny Opportunist

Companion In Arms


Drunken Regeneration

Clearheaded Defense



Repair Equipment

Quick Draw

Support Allies

Fathach’s Might

Work In Concert

Deepen Fury

Survival Otherworld


Technique Of Fomorian Spear

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Animal Empathy

Hunting & Negotiations Trapping


- 291 -

Nuckelavee There is only one Base Level: +7 Base Powers: Aquatic, Fey, Quadruped, Supernatural Equipment Type: None The Nuckelavee is a being of corruption and violence and a pestilence of both mind and flesh. It has the upper body of a humanoid demon in the middle of a malformed horse. His appearance is horrifying and invokes images of a plague-filled underwater abyss. Some believe the Nuckelavee is himself a Forgotten One, once a divinity of judgment, war, and floods. Others say he is a cursed Fomorian rendered insane and hateful by his punishment. When the Nuckelavee walks upon the land the earth dries up, crops rot, the living get sick and even the dead flee because all know that doom follows when the sound of his hooves are heard. The Nuckelavee’s very existence makes all beings revolt against him. Followers of the White God compare him to the “devil” of their faith, and have performed miracles to get rid of him, but he always comes back. Every saint, Druid, or hero who has slayed or banished the Nuckelavee always dies of a hideous disease a few days later and the Nuckelavee rises again to terrorize another corner of the land. The only thing that can keep Nuckelavee under control is a primordial elemental spirit native to the north of Alba, the “Mither o’ the Sea”, who is powerful enough during summer times to keep Nuckelavee confined under the waves. The Celtic Twilight freed him from summer, making Nuckelavee an omnipresent risk for any who go close to the seashore.

- 292 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Nukeh-lah-vee) Any sea surrounding the Isles

Base Level








Plague Incarnate

Passsive During Upkeep, every Dweller or other Denizen in a Battlefield radius (16 hexes) takes one intensity of the Degeneration condition [Counter P].

Social Physical










Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers

Furious Parry

Feather Storm

Answer Me Peasant

Delight In Bad News

Turn Away

Bull Rush

Terrifying Bawl

Accursed Existence (Blessing Of The Sun God)

Furious Dash

Breath Of Acid

Intimidate Demand


Predator’s Gaze

Rot The Flesh

Terrifying Assault

Nuckelavee Active Talents

Attack From Above

Death Charge

Voice Of Fury

Social Talents

Inflict Terror

Enchant Flesh

Run The Dark Path

Lunging Attack

Flying Charge

Howl Of Survival

You Are Beneath Me

Bow To Me

Cold Stare


Dragon’s Breath

Presence Of The Swift Sidhe

Outnumbered Riposte Stance

Nether Touch

Stay Quiet

You Will Feel My Words


Survival Instincts

Resistance To Degeneration

Clearheaded Defence


Inversion Of Ice


Scorn Pole

Lore Arcana



Regenerating Fury

Leaping Striker


Omens & Portents

War Tactics

Champion’s Eye

Destroyer Hide

Steel Skin

Nuckelavee Passive Powers

Superb Swimmer







Terrifying Domination



Survival Otherworld

Lore Fey

Hunting & Trapping


Nature’s Child

Terrifying Satisfaction

Tech Duinn’s Celerity

Fleet Footed

Commune With Dead


Speak In Tongues

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles The Rules


Furious Tantrum

Outnumbered Dexterity Aura of Frost Stance



DEN IZENS - 293 -

Selkie Plural: Selkie

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Aquatic, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Selkie or “seal folk” are a race of female shapeshifters. Ordinarily, a Selkie swims the northern coasts and islands of Alba as a seal but she can shed her seal skin like taking off a coat and live as a human woman. They are good-natured but lonely creatures who often fall in love with humans that feel a closeness with the sea, usually sailors and fishermen. A Selkie keeps only one mortal lover at a time. She visits her human offspring once a year. Children born from these unions have tough nails that grow into claws, webbed fingers and toes but tend towards a gentle nature. Some believe a Selkie can only shapeshift to be human at a certain time of the year; some tales say in spring, or say they can only do so in a numbered stream corresponding to the date. The skin a Selike leaves behind when she becomes human is valuable as it could allow a normal human to shapeshift into a seal as well.

- 294 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Sell-kee) In the waters of Alba

Attack Base Level








Seal Skin 

Active Talent With a rune of any Trait a Selkie can shapechange into a seal; see Beast Chart page 279. She loses all items and equipment, absorbed into her new form, but retains all of her Talents and Passive Powers. This can be maintained indefinitely.






Figures of the Isles

Physical Mental



Geyser Of Sacred Water

Aqua Armour

Draw From Nature (Water)

Regenerating Block

Howl Of Survival

Change The Subject

Line Of Questioning

You Are Dismissed

Sprig Of Hazel

Power Over Mists


Touch Of Losgann (Frog) Leg

Sprig Of Mistletoe

Friendly Criticism


Passing Remark

Assisting Attack

Throw Weapon

Selkie Active Talents

Friend Of Waves

Battlefield Of Mist

Best Friends

Social Talents

Sense Motives

Sprig Of Alder

Scavenger Slash

Battlefield Vortex

Power Over Wells



Give It Little Afterthought


Feint Attack


Watch Out!

Bestow Gills

Mist Switch


Get Your Story Straight

Push Your Emotions

Destroyer Hide



Drinking & Wenching



Survival Wilderness

Lore Locales



Hunting & Trapping

Work In Concert


Animal Empathy

Survival Otherworld

Mob Mentality

Rites & Rituals

Animal Shapeshift

Commune With Gods



Turn The Blade

Keen Senses


Parlay The Waters


Master Sailor

Superb Swimmer

Selkie Passive Powers

Cauldron Of Motion


Secretive Disposition

Fleet Footed

Suave Singer

Hidden In Mist

Eye Of Stone

Hidden In Rain and Snow

Carried By Song


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

The Rules Archetypes Denizens



Combat Awareness


Talents & Powers Adventure

DEN IZENS - 295 -

296 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Introduction Figures of the Isles


The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Sometimes kind sometimes wicked sometimes both


s perhaps the most prevalent fey in the mundane world, some form of goblin seems to occupy every dark corner of the Isles. The major difference between goblin-kind and other fey is that goblins prefer to divest themselves from any fey court influence. Most goblin folk prefer to act as individuals, or at most as clans, than to defer to the influence of otherworldly courts. The physique of most goblin kind are similar to that of a childsized human, but with sharp teeth, hairy bodies, unnaturally coloured eyes, crooked noses, and in some cases goat horns, or even hooves. The goblin-kind who prefer to spend more time with humans are usually taller and lack the sharp teeth and goat-like traits of their smaller cousins. These races of goblin folk are often called “hobgoblins”, “hob” meaning the spirit of the heath. Most goblins are mischievous, some even so malicious as to form bands of cantankerous bandits. Goblins overall have a reputation as tricksy beings that would rather lie for fun than tell a boring truth. Most hobgoblins, on the other hand, tend towards solitary lives, and are sometimes said to be helpful beings with skill in crafting.

them to humans, such as the famed human brewmaster Cormac Mac Cormic’s death and rebirth as a hobgoblin, but nothing is certain with these folk.

Calamity Meat

The goblins in the Isles tend to kill creatures through matters that could easily be confused for natural causes. Animals falling from cliffs or drowning are regular causes of death in nature. Whether the deaths were an accident by some supernatural force, the Celts view these dead bodies as “calamity meat”. They should not be eaten unless under the direst of circumstances. Creatures who die this way are believed claimed by the goblin fey who killed them and cursed against consumption by any other. The most terrible curse that could come from eating calamity meat is the rise of cravings that are unnatural, with the person being driven by a need to eat from the f lesh of humans and fey alike.

“Goblins” and “hobgoblins” are terms coined by the AngloSaxons when they invaded parts of the Isles and confronted these diminutive beings, so different from their own dwarves. Some say that the humanoid nature of goblin-kind binds

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


- 297 -

Boggart Plural: Boggarts Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Martial Boggarts are like small humans in size and stature, though they regularly have twisted spines leading to painful hunches and bestial features that make their faces sights of horror. Boggarts tend to avoid direct confrontation, instead seeking to win battles through a dozen small victories. A Boggart’s magic powers concern the souring and spoilage of milk and food and in turning animals against their owners. They also have a penchant for hiding important belongings at key times, like a sword before a great battle, or digging inconvenient holes that a warrior can turn their ankle in or stumble over during combat. Boggarts lust after the homes that humans build, finding them warm and plenty spacious. However, Boggarts are exceedingly lazy and will undertake raids against humans home-owners rather than build their own. Despite this, if a human abandons their home to the creature, the Boggart will follow rather than take the home for its own. Boggarts long ago learned that without humans to care for a home, it quickly falls apart. This remains, to the Boggarts, the greatest magic of humankind. Boggarts are loath to be given names by humans. It is one of the things that drives them to fits of destruction. Even an accidental name causes them to rage against the universe around them.

- 298 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Boh-gart) Found all across the Isles

Attack Base Level








Size: 3 DF: 2

Reach: 1

Parry: 0




Weapon Meta: Trance



Physical Mental

Small Shillelagh



Figures of the Isles The Rules


Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers Sprig Of Alder

Spiritual Scapegoat

Insulting Attack

Satisfying Provocation


Barrage of Questions

You’re a Joke



Throw Stone

Run Away Mocking

Behead (Dícheann)

Terrifying Assault

Undermine Credibility

Gritted Teeth

You Do It First

Uncanny Ambush

Run Away Laughing

Boggart Active Talents

Run The Dark Path

Mental Confusion

Base Insinuations

Social Talents



Surprise Attack

Run To Shadow

Sacrifice Position

Running Recovery


Publicly Humiliate

We Won’t Listen To You

Lunging Attack

Wounding Attack

Assisting Attack

Throw Dirt

Running Triskelion

Take Advantage Of Weakness

Publicly Denounce

Mob Rules

Resistance To Blindness

Dramatic Personality

Uncanny Danger Sense

Tribal Loyalty

Work In Concert

Parlay The Woods

Emotional Tirade

Uncanny Opportunist

Woodland Run

Quick Draw


Boggart Passive Powers

Fleet Foot


Leaping Striker


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Survival Wilderness

Drinking & Wenching



Lore Locales

Survival Urban

Survival Otherworld

Woodland Cover

Hidden In Rain and Snow

Feather Fingers



Stealthy Striker

Hidden In Mist


Lore Of Common Folk




Resistance To Blindness



Lore Fey



DEN IZENS - 299 -

Clúrachán Plural: Clúracháns

(Clu-ri-chaun) Any tavern or on any road across the Isles

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Distant cousins of the Leprechauns, Clúracháns are solitary and small fey, most often bald with a long beard and a pinched face. A Clúrachán averages a height of about the length of a man’s hand, but they are exceedingly strong and tough, with one easily able to lift an entire horse and rider above his head. Each one is so swift they vanish the moment that their enemy looks away. Though a Clúrachán can be hit with a sword it may not draw blood. Clúrachán haunt breweries and other places of drink, searching for spilled drops. Often drunk, Clúrachán are quick to anger and easy to provoke, causing them to rage, smash, and harm all those around them with their tremendous strength. When they are enraged there is little that can calm a Clúrachán except for more drink. With the dangers of the mundane world now, Clúrachán have taken to brewing their own foul alcohol with whatever greenery they can find. Although they complain much that they are loath to drink it, they are more loath to share it with others.

- 300 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Base Level








Small Knife Size: 2 DF: 0

Reach: 1

Parry: 1

Weapon Degeneration

Bottomless Booze Jug


Never empties of ale.











The Rules



Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers

Arcane Shell

Power Over Wind

Battle Dance

Throw Stone





Howl Of Survival


Spry Posture

Run To Shadow

Surprise Attack

Laugh It Off

What A Joke


Mobile Stance

Run Away Laughing

Clúrachán Active Talents

Soul Barbs

Soul Chains


Social Talents

Get My Way

Touch Of Nathair (Adder) Skin

Throw Dirt

Whirlwind Attack


Soul Shroud

Boast Of Greatness

Rousing Speech

You’re A Joke

Channel The Bloody Lady


Thundering Roar

Touch Of Losgann (Frog) Leg

Arcane Veil

Impassioned Plea

Share Your Mood

Are You Still Talking?

Wondrous Magic

Fleet Footed

Unencumbered Dodger

Drunken Heckler

Been There Done That





Cauldron Of Motion (Coire goir)

Drunken Brawling

Hidden In Rain and Snow

Defy The Crowd


Drinking & Wenching

Survival Urban


Drunken Stagger

Clúrachán Passive Powers

Drunken Regeneration

Tech Duinn’s Celerity

Read & Write



Fuelled By The Crowd

Suave Singer

Drunken Songs

Cauldron Of Poetry (Coirí Filíochta)

Emotional Tirade

Lore Of Common Folk



Umbral Negotiation


Drunken Fury


Wyrd Ways




Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles



- 301 -

Fear Dearg Plural: Fear Deargs

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Twilight Vision, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Known also as “Rat Boys”, Fear Deargs are of variable size, from dwarf to human-sized, and often have rat-like snouts, are dark skinned, covered with fur, and wear red hats and coats. The Fear Dearg are lonesome and antisocial creatures. Though they live in large clans they tend to avoid wider sidhe politics, finding it more entertaining to steal shiny trinkets and play cruel pranks on mortals, beasts or sidhe depending on the mood of the moment. Unpleasant creatures, even when engaged in conversation, Fear Deargs are jeering, loutish, and rude; always seeking to provoke their opposition to justify some trick or slight. Fear Deargs are tricksters, sometimes going so far as to sabotage gifts to cause chaos. They steal human babies and replace them with “changelings” (sidhe children) bringing the stolen human child to the Otherworld, or consuming it as a quick treat. Fear Deargs have started to assemble under the decrepit banner of the High King of the Rats, turning a loose network of independent tricksters into a true guild of criminals and sappers for hire. It is said that by using sheer intimidation only the High Rat King can stop a Fear Dearg if they decide to burglarize both client and target.

- 302 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Ferr Jarug) Most known in Mann

Attack Base Level








Dagger Size: 2 DF: 0

Reach: 1

Parry: 1

Weapon Degeneration






Physical Mental


Rapid Recovery

Skin Servant

Take Advantage Of Weakness Growl

Reveal A HalfTruth


Delight In Bad News

Manipulate Emotions

Throw Dirt

Rot The Flesh

Shadow Parasite


Run To Shadow

Feint Attack

Throw Stone

Friend Of Daggers

Flanking Attack

Fear Dearg Active Talents


Soul Shroud

Mob Rules

Social Talents

Trick Answer

Running Recovery

Rising Spirit


Throw Weapon

Twin Strike


Dispassionate Interest

Lean On Weakness

Control Opponent



Drain Life


Quick Draw

Urban Cover

Stealthy Striker


Emotionally Guarded

Companion In War

Companion In Arms

Urban Run


Tricky Personality


Fear Dearg Passive Powers

Attention To Detail

Survival Instincts



Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens


Run The Dark Path


Oh By The Voice Of Way Ill Tidings

Are You Still Talking?

Lore Personas

Lore Locales

Hound Master

Fleet Footed



Survival Urban


Combat Awareness




Bask In Blood

Combat Manoeuvrability



Drinking & Wenching



Blood Drinker


Animal Shapeshift

Lore Poison

Silent Tongue

Talents & Powers Adventure

DEN IZENS - 303 -

Knocker Plural: Knockers

Base Level: +2 Base Powers: Fey, Twilight Vision, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey These hobgoblins have multiple names: blackdwarfs, blue-caps, or cutty soams, depending on where their mines are in the Isles. Most often though, they’re known as “Knockers”, or by their longer name, “Coblynaus-Knockers”. Knockers are known as the good sidhes of the mines, helping miners in their arduous work in exchange for a part of their meals. Knockers bond tightly with their fellow miners, warning them of accidents by knocking on the walls and taking it upon themselves to inform the families if their warning came too late. Some of the best miners to die under the Knockers’ watch have the chance to be reborn as one of them, to mine and keep watch on their descendants thereafter. Some time ago tales of “foreign dwarves” started to circulate through the underground halls of the Knocker Kingdoms, starting with a story Danu herself shared with the Knockers of the “Dvergars”. She said that all the Isles are shackled to a cruel fate, and on her suggestion the Knockers contacted their allies, the Fir Bolg clans. Together they wrote down a sacred contract to present to the Dvergars, who immediately accepted, and the Amhlaidh was born. The underground races have pledged to survive the Celtic Twilight, or what the Norsemen call Ragnarok, together.

- 304 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Nok-ers) Seemingly anywhere in the Isles

Attack Base Level








Knocker Mining Pick Size: 3 DF: 2

Reach: 1

Weapon & Tool Parry: 0 Vulnerable







Social Physical Mental

Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers

Feint Attack

Heedful Charge

Defensive Stance

Awaken Statue

Call Stone


Don’t Even


Sundering Blow

Bull Rush

Obstinate Posture

Throw Stone

Awaken Improvised Idol

Bury Emotions

Cold Stare

Stay Calm

Living Shield

Trwyd’s Posture

Knocker Active Talents

Enchant Flesh

Draw From Nature (Earth)


Social Talents

Will Not Budge

Shield Bash

Power Attack

Bloody Arc (Stua Fola)

Dark Castigation

Run To Shadow


Give It Little Afterthought

Make A Plan



Outnumbered Guard Stance

Conjure Ogham Weapon

Blessing Of The Emain Ablach

Shut Your Mouth

Stay Quiet

You Are Dismissed

Forge Of The Underground


Ogham Armour Enchantment

Blunt Disposition

Unbreakable Body


Technique Of Knocker Sword

Drunken Regeneration

Keen Senses


Reclaim Craftwork


Drinking & Wenching

Unbreakable Mind


Knocker Passive Powers


Protective Fury




Drunken Brawling


Equipment Mastery

Quiet Disposition

Emotionally Guarded



Realm Ores

Ogham Of Retribution

Resistance To Impeded

Attuned Weapon

Resistance To Degeneration

Bond With Maven

Silver Jewellery

Knocker Wonderworks


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Figures of the Isles The Rules





Repair Equipment Realm Ores

DEN IZENS - 305 -

Lepreuchaun Plural: Lepreuchauns

Base Level: +1 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Lepreuchauns are found where humans gather to drink, usually found sitting on the counter, singing or playing a harp, and usually tipsy. They look like goblin-sized middle aged men with long red beards and hair and always wear at least some green. For many Lepreuchauns it is easy to pass as a human of small size and pose as a human entertainers in taverns. Mortals have diverse opinions on Lepreuchauns, more so than any other sidhe. They are some times a saviour of the dispossessed, shepherding home drunkards or entertaining mundane folks with high tales of a glorious past. Lepreuchauns are industrious shoemakers, joyous friends to the lost, and the brewers of dreams. However, Lepreuchauns are also known to be greedy grabbers, drunks, liars and sometimes push their jokes too far. Though they would be loath to admit it, Lepreuchauns have a love of mortals, Eire, and of Gaelic culture. When The Celtic Twilight dried up the drinking halls there were suddenly no tales to sing, no trinkets to steal and no bottles to empty. The Lepreuchauns retreated back through the mist, playing a last funeral song to the lost green land of their beloved Emerald Isle. Then, when the King of Aileach took a stance and decided to go back to the old ways, the Lepreuchauns resolved themselves to aid the Gaelic people. In great numbers the Lepreuchauns flooded the taverns, caves, and older ruins under the ringfort with a tide of songs, tales, and booze. Every night they sing, dance and play their instruments to lift the spirits of mortals.

- 306 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Lep-ruh-khawn) Eire

Attack Base Level








Reach: 1

Parry: 0





Physical Mental

Small Shillelagh Size: 3 DF: 2



Weapon Meta: Trance



The Rules


Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers


Battle Dance {Spell Song}

Insulting Parry

Satisfying Provocation

Friend Of Flames




Call Wind

Gird Your Loins

Insulting Attack

Run Away Mocking

Fire-Spitter (Breath of Flames)

Urge The Hero You Know


Shameless Flattery

Channel The Bloody Lady

Sláinte! (To Your Health!) [Catharsis] {Spell Song}

Lepreuchaun Active Talents


Lunging Attack

Positive Thoughts

Social Talents


Howl of Survival


Whirlwind Attack


Drunkard’s Breath (Breath of Acid)


Rhyming Reply

Push Your Emotions

Battlefield Of Bramble


Outnumbered Dexterity Stance

Touch Of Nathair (Adder) Skin

Shapechange Another

Let’s Talk About Something Else

Double Dare

Too Distracted To Listen

Parlay The Woods

Dramatic Personality

Driven By Emotion

Resistance To Impeded

Urban Cover

Coward’s Condemnation

Drunken Stagger

Urban Run

Cauldron Of Poetry (Coirí Filíochta)

Oppose The Crowd

Drunken Heckler

Lepreuchaun Passive Powers

Drunken Brawling


Resistance To Blindness


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles


Lore Common Folk


Arcane Drums

Feather Fingers


Survival Urban

Drunken Songs

Carried By Song

Drinking & Wenching



Drunken Regeneration

Emotionally Demanding

Heart Of A Poet


Lore Fey


Been There Done That

Parlay The Strange

Resistance To Degeneration


Rites & Rituals




- 307 -

Redcap Plural: Redcaps

(red-cap) Any abandoned structure across the Isles

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Martial Of all goblins, there is one to fear and avoid at all cost: the Redcap, the warrior-kind “red-goblin”. They form into clans of rowdy, sadistic, cruel, drunk, hellish, and bloodthirsty fey, who sell their skills as the worst and bloodiest mercenaries a Druid can ever need. Redcaps are often confused with “devils” by the Followers of the White God because of their glowing red or yellow eyes, sharp teeth, goat legs, and hats stained red with dried blood. They inhabit abandoned hillforts, places with bloody history, caves near ancient battlefields, or cairns with active portals to the Otherworld inside them. They sell their services to the highest bidder and have joined a pagan war against Vikings and the Criostai. Redcap clans have profited immensely from the Viking invasion. They negotiate alliances that give them the right to do whatever they want to their future victims. They will take their target’s families, possessions, and—depending on the size of the Redcap warband—their settlements. Once the oath of promised violence is uttered the Redcaps will not stop. These vile goblins embrace the horrors of war. Redcaps prelude a battle by playing music; bagpipes, drums, and flutes. They deprive their enemies of sleep and cause terror and unrest amongst their ranks. The Redcaps hang in plain sight the mangled body parts of any enemy deserters they catch. When battle is to begin, the strongest amongst the Redcaps use their magic to spread blind bloodlust, turning allies or innocents towards insane rage. These they use as a line of first assault on their enemies. The battle done, Redcaps leave behind them rotting flesh sculptures, mounds of decapitated heads, and any buildings surrounding the battlefield are painted in gore. Many Redcap clans are part of the Sluagh under Silver Fangs. The aims of the Sluagh satisfy a Redcap’s need for torture and plunder.

- 308 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Attack Base Level








Bloody Spear Size: 2 DF: 1

Reach: 1

Parry: 0

Weapon Degeneration

Parry: 1

Armour Absorb

Redcap Chainmail Size: 3 PF: 2




-2 1


Figures of the Isles The Rules






Talents & Powers

Death Charge


Furious Dash

Furious Parry

Behead (Dícheann)

Charged Demand

Shut Your Mouth

Make Demands

Double Attack

Bull Rush

Ballad Of Heroes

Scavenger Slash

Howl, Furious Roar

Boast Of Greatness


Disturbing Facts

Advancing Stance

Lunging Attack

Redcap Active Talents

Furious Tantrum

Blessing Of The Sun God


Social Talents

Inflict Terror

Sprig Of Alder


Need For Blood

Shield Bash

Gird Your Loins



Intimidating Demand

Touch Of Nathair (Adder) Skin

Rising Spirit

Outnumbered Riposte Stance

Sprig Of Ash

Friend Of Daggers

Gritted Teeth

Silver-tipped Weapon

Tribal Loyalty

Steel Skin


Resistance To Blindness

Resistance To Impeded

Drunken Fury

Fathach’s Might

Drunken Regeneration

Aura Of Suffering

Martial Prowess

Redcap Passive Powers

Tribal Weapon Toss

Drunken Stagger

Quick Draw


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



Base In- Fuelled By sinuations Agony

Hound Master

Rites & Rituals


Strong Muscles

Survival Otherworld


Scorn Pole

Equipment Mastery

Holy Fury

Champion’s Eye



Deepen Fury

Drunken Brawling






Unbreakable Body

Survival Instincts


Tailteann Games

Technique Of Knocker Sword

DEN IZENS - 309 -

Wandering Sidhe Plural: Wandering Sidhes

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey The Wandering Sidhe live on the road. They are storytellers, fine metalworkers, and nomads. By appearance they are hobgoblins; small-sized humans that look middle-aged with bright smiles, unnatural coloured hair, and slightly glowing irises’. Legends amongst the fey say that one of the Wandering Sidhe long ago sang a particularly accurate satire to a powerful being who then cursed them to be unable to stay in the same place for longer than a night. So, the Wandering Sidhe form convoys of brightly coloured small-sized wagons with members of the same clan. They move their wagons through the mists appearing place to place all across Eire. They can be easily be mistaken for a wandering village that is moving about Eire to escape the concerns of land and rulers. These convoys are accompanied by many wild animals like foxes, wildcats, and fey hounds, which help pull their wagons and protect their kin, as well as serve as mounts along with small ponies. When the Wandering Sidhe set down, they arrange their wagons into what is functionally a small village, only to disappear into the mists again the next day. From these wagon villages they sell curios, antiques, and ancient baubles to whomever happens by. They are skilled craftspeople, yet they sell their wares at strange and seemingly random prices. One time a beetroot for a ring and at another time your underwear and a third a full barrel of ale for the same item. The Wandering Sidhe are difficult to find but their numbers have swollen in the Celtic Twilight.

- 310 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(shee) Eire

Attack Base Level









Various Wandering Sidhe have mounts of goats, foxes, and hounds. See Beasts page 278 and from them wield swords (Size 3, DF 2, Reach 1. Meta: Impeded) and javelins (Size 2, DF 1, Range 4. Meta: Vulnerable).







Physical Mental


The Rules





Call Oak

Artio’s Aid

Laugh It Off

Riding Joust


Sprig Of Mistletoe

What a Joke

Riding Switch

Wandering Sidhe Active Talents

Run Away Laughing

Spirit Lance


Social Talents


Battlefield Gale

Slash The Air

Wooden Weapon

Bull Rush

Touch Of Losgann (Frog) Leg

Verbal Manipulation


Passing Remark

Winged Shape

Rising Spirit

Venomous Bite

Sprig Of Heather

Wild Faol Shape

Are You Serious?

Friendly Criticism


Heart Of A Poet

Leaping Striker

Parlay The Woods

Woodland Cover

Hidden In Mist


Silver Jewellery



Equipment Mastery

Unbreakable Mind

Courtly Etiquette

Urban Cover

Lore Fey


Lore Locales

Mysterious Rider

Trick Riding

Wandering Sidhe Passive Powers

Combat Manoeuvrability




Repair Equipment

Resistance To Impeded


Tech Duinn’s Celerity

Secretive Disposition

Strong Knowledge

Survival Wilderness

Lore Of The Common Folk

Survival Urban

Quick Draw


Parlay The Strange

Unbreakable Body

Martial Prowess

Hound Master

Tailteann Games


Ride The Storm


Flying Charge

Attack From Above

Shapechange Another

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Death Charge

Figures of the Isles

You’re a Joke


Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Clever Positive QuestionThoughts ing


- 311 -


The human world has as much danger in it as the supernatural













4 / 10


Grizzled Warrior










Viking Berserker




Viking Raider











There are two ways a Norn can incorporate a mortal person into game events.

Companion Mortals

Firstly, a Mortal can be represented as a simplified version, essentially using the Companion rules (and possibly Swarm rules when running more than one). Base statistics for the various mortal Companions can be found in the table above. Adding QR/Levels beyond those listed adds bonuses found in the Companions table on page 192.

The second way to represent a Mortal human Denizen is to give them a Level, Essence, and Destiny, and possibly an Archetype. Simple version would utilize only Cinematic actions, but Talents could be added and would be bound to colours. Any and all Talents and Passive powers would be avalable to Mortals.

- 312 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Equipment Claidehb, Torc of a Warrior


Hallstatt, Wooden Shield


Longsword, Chainmail


Claidehb, Wooden Shield






Sparth Axe


Longsword, Wooden Shield


Light Robes



Meta Tag Brave



Representing Mortals

Dweller Created Mortals

-2 1











The Dwellers enter into a village where they may be unwelcome. They are met with the village’s Champion in front of the village’s wooden palisade. Champions are superstitious and so suffer more greatly from Spiritual damage, but are more adept at physical violence, and can




he men and women of the Celtic World have grown desperate in the Celtic Twilight. Those who would have done fair Dwellers no harm may be foes under the foggy mist of the Twilight, where all are beset by supernatural creatures and strange events. It is best to be cautious with folk.

provoke themselves to Bravery. This summary can suffice for a single-round encounter. If any deeper circumstance is required, the Champion will need to be made a full Denizen. Legend: The common terms and their uses on the chat are referenced here: • QR: The Level of the Mortal when viewed as a Companion • Size: The first number is unmounted, second in mounted. • Move: The number of hexes the Denizen moves in an action. • Parry: The Denizen’s Parry bonus. • PF: The Protection Factor of any armour on the Denizen. • M PF: Mental Protection Factor. • S PF: Spiritual Protection Factor. • So AF: Social Attack Factor. • So DF: Social Defence Factor. • Meta Tag: The Denizen can use a rune of any Trait to inflict this Meta Tag. If it is positive, it inflicts the Meta on itself. If it is negative it can inflict it on an enemy. • Equipment: The typical weapon of the Denizen.

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes

The Seelie Court

Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

The court of the fair ones with all their pomp and courtesy


he Seelie Court, also called “The Golden Court”, is an organization of relatively benevolent but mischievous kinds of different fair folk. They are known for their fine clothes, the excess pomp of their ceremony, their love of elaborate courtship manners, and their humour. Most of the pranks of the lords and ladies of these fey amount to little consequence, but they often underestimate the relative frailty of the mortal form, and mind. The ways into the otherworldly realms of the Seelie are at the edges and borders of things; the terminus of one state to another where the world changes. These pathways are found when two extremes meet, when the water meets the earth, on the top of mounds where the earth meets the sky or opens up

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

at the moment when night and day meet. These offer the best opportunities to reach the part of the Otherworld that falls within their domain in Awnn. Since the beginning of the Celtic Twilight the fair folk of the Seelie Court have not been able to maintain their humour or good graces. Already prone to answering wrongs with extreme prejudice, the members of the court have begun to respond to minor wrongs with an increasingly prickly manner. Even the smallest of imagined slights can lead to hostility. The Seelie Court is troubled as their gods of sun and nature and the mortal realms themselves are struggling to face the Celtic Twilight.


- 313 -

Gancanagh Plural: Gancanagh Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Known for seducing women of all ages, the Gancanagh or the “Leanan Sídhe” are fantastically handsome. Though they are shorter than most humans, the Gancanagh have both the incredible looks and powerful charisma to ensure their charms are well received. They especially target milkmaids and shepherdesses for their seductions. This may be more from accessibility than preference since Gancanagh live in wooded areas near farms and will often sit idly near pastures playing a forlorn tune on a pipe. Gancanagh do not enjoy the company of men, and any men who wrong them have a tendency to fall ill or die of a seemingly innocent accident. With the changing world around them, the Gancanagh have fallen on hard times from the lack of young and available women in the countyside. As a result, the Gancanagh have taken to different hobbies such as indulging a penchant for hunting lost young men.

Divine Board Access Gancanagh are natural magic users and one with nature. When constructing a Gancanagh Denizen, you may access the Divine Boards by slotting them into the Denizen’s regular boards: • Beauty • Festive Revelry • The Green • Songs & Poetry

- 314 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Gaw-can-och) Found all throughout the Isles

Attack Base Level








Prized Possessions 

Equipment Shortspear and Ga; see Weapons Chart page 266 Also a Fey pipe that while playing inflicts =1 Friendly to one target on the Battlefield, so long as they are not aware of the presence of the Gancanagh.

Trick Answer

Base Insinuations


Emotional Blackmail







Blessing Of The Emain Ablach (Isle of Apples)

Insulting Attack


Satisfying Provocation

Figures of the Isles The Rules




Divine Board

-2 Riding

Survival Wilderness

Lore Fey


Boast Of Greatness

Push Your Emotions

Reveal A Half-truth

Give It Little Afterthought

Get My Way

Run Away Mocking

Divine Board

Divine Board

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Talents & Powers Adventure

Divine Board

Drinking & Wenching

Feather Fingers



Master Sailor

Cauldron Of Poetry (Coirí Filíochta)


Otherworldly Beauty

Divine Board

Passive Powers

Gancanagh Active Talents

Divine Board



Verbal Manipulation

Throw Stone



Gancanagh Social Talents Divine Board


Battle Dance

Control Opponent

Mental Assault

Call Wind

Channel The Bloody Lady

Battlefield Of Bramble

Divine Board

Woodland Cover

Woodland Run

Keen Senses

Turn The Blade


- 315 -

Gillie Dubh Plural: Gillie Dubh Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Solitary male fey, the Gille Dubh serve the Seelie Court. They are wild, almost feral figures with pointed ears and beautiful features in contrast with their animal-like eyes. They dress in only leaves and moss and live in birch tree groves. They are hunter-gatherers. Some say they are the reincarnated spirits of a forgotten folk that died an aeon ago, before civilization was introduced to the Isles. Compared to most of the Seelie, the Gille Dubh are timid creatures and are especially kind and caring to human children that they come across. Gille Dubh are known for their skill at hiding. If they do not want to be found it is impossible to do so. Despite their timidity and their ability to hide, they have been known to become wild, vicious, and unpredictable when it comes to protecting their sacred places.

Divine Board Access Gillie Dubh are natural magic users and one with nature. When constructing a this Denizen, you may access the Divine Boards by slotting them into the Denizen’s regular boards: • Beast • The Green • Hunting

- 316 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Gill-ee Duv) Forests throughout the Isles

Attack Base Level








Shortbow Size: 3 DF: 1

Reach: 8

Weapon Meta: Degeneration

Small Knife Size: 2 DF: 0

Reach: 1

Parry: 1

Weapon Degeneration






Physical Mental




Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers Make A Plan

Divine Board

Stay Quiet

Gille Dubh Social Talents



Bury Emotions

Divine Board


Herbalist Medicine

Divine Board

Rites & Rituals


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Active Talents

Run To Shadow

Divine Board

Divine Board



Gille Dubh Skills

Hunting & Trapping

Animal Empathy

Woodland Cover

Passive Powers

Hidden In Mist

Feather Fingers


Lore Poison

Uncanny Disarm

Will Not Budge

Stay Calm

Survival Wilderness


Timely Distraction


Emotional Barrier

Divine Board


Divine Board

Hound Master

Divine Board


- 317 -



Plural: Oakshee Base Level: +5 Base Powers: Domain, Supernatural Equipment Type: None


Forests throughout the Isles Twilight


As fey of the woods and trees, Oakshee serve the Seelie Court by guarding sacred groves, often places with natural springs, where sacred artefacts are buried, and where there are portals to the Otherworld. Such portals often lead to realms where nature is abundant such as the Isle of Apples, Awnn, or Hy-Brasil. Tales of old say that Danu enchanted these fey herself to guard these portals and that they are only loyal to her. Oakshee look nearly indistinguishable from normal trees but with carved or grown faces. They burrow their bodies into the ground most of the time to absorb their food from the soil. They live only in the oldest forests of the Isles, and their population depends on the size of the forest they inhabit. A small, old forest may only be able to support one Oakshee, whereas a vast forest could support many. Oakshee are powerful creatures but they care little about the happenings of the larger Seelie Court outside of their wards. The Celtic Twilight forced the Oakshee to magically maintain the groves under their protection. This has made their groves stand out with vibrant green against the otherwise grey dead wood that surrounds them. Depending on the mood of the Oakshee these groves can be death traps. The very ground can be hiding a tangled mass of roots ready to burst out and strangle intruders.

- 318 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Attack Base Level








Roots Below 

Passive During Upkeep, if your feet touch the earth, then reduce 1 intensity of a negative Condition.








Figures of the Isles The Rules




Bloody Arch (Stua fola)

Enchant Flesh

Awaken Statue



Cryptic Reply

Smash Attack

Outnumbered Riposte Stance

Regenerating Attack

You Are Dismissed

Dispassionate Interest

Stay Quiet

Draw From Nature (Earth)

Will Not Budge

Social Talents

Run To Shadow


Rising Spirit

Feather Storm

Outnumbered Guard Stance

Presence Of The Hound Of Culann

Call Oak

Regenerating Block

Outnumbered Dexterity Stance

Throw Enemy

Outnumbered Recovery Stance

Whirlwind Attack

Balor’s Eye


Attack From Above


Battlefield Of Brambles

Brambles (Fangs)

Hulk, Benevolent

Resistance To Degeneration


Resistance To Blindness

Combat Awareness

Woodland Cover

Hulk, Earth Bender

Parlay The Woods

Tech Duinn’s Celerity


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Gille Dubh Branches To Arrows Active Talents

Deliberate Stay Calm

Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

You’re Not Threatening


Sense Motives


Speak In Tongues

Lore Fey

Survival Otherworld

Fuelled By The Crowd





Oakshee Passive Powers

Destroyer Hide

Survival Instincts



Animal Empathy



Cool Head

Repetitive Motion

Rites & Rituals

Land Stewardship

Lore Locales

Drive Back

Fahthach’s Might


Resistance To Possession

Lore Arcana

Commune With Gods

Scorn Pole



- 319 -

Tylwyth Teg Plural: Tylwyth Teg Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey The most unifying aspect amongst all Tylwyth Teg is their absolute devotion to the Seelie Court, something unheard of amongst the notoriously fickle fey folk. The Tylwyth Teg have an additional devotion: the land of Cymru. They refuse to settle in any other land. Within their own territory they appear, and act, like children, and are capable of the kind of cruelty only spoiled children are. The Tylwyth Teg are fair-haired fey folk who look a great deal like beautiful humans. They can also choose to appear as stunted and ugly old crones, travelling around the Isles to test the inhabitants, and to demand that they be given offerings in the form of cream, eggs, and more. They’re known to covet human children, especially fair and beautiful ones, and are prone to kidnapping them and leaving “changelings” behind. At other times they find beautiful men to fall in love with, sometimes even going so far as to marry them. The Tylwyth Teg are capable of bestowing all sorts of riches and benefits upon those that they care for, but are notoriously fickle in nature. Almost always living beneath the ground or in bodies of water, nearly all of the The Tylwyth Teg considered themselves to be under Queen Mab’s dominion. With the cold that has come to their holdings in Cymru, making humans miserable and prey difficult to come by, the Tylwyth Teg have become like spoiled children who suddenly lost their toys. This has left them in a perpetually foul mood, lashing out at any who would disturb them.

- 320 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Til-luith Teyg) Cymru

Attack Base Level








Iron Weakness 

Passive If harmed by an iron weapon when Bloodied, the Denizen needs to succeed at a Spiritual Skill check to stay in the mortal realm. If the check is failed the Tylwyth Teg is banished back to Tir na nOg.








Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens


Branches To Arrows

Reveal A Half-truth

Shameless Flattery

Take Advantage Of Weakness

Warpaint of The Torc Dubh Sprig Of Ash (Black Boar)

Push Your Emotions

Laugh It Off

Rhyming Reply

Mobile Stance


Social Talents

Emotional Barrier


Warpaint of The Tarbh Bán (White Bull)

Sprig Of Hazel

Clever Questioning

Manipulate Emotions

Are You Still Talking?

Insulting Attack

Sprig Of Mistletoe

Blessing of The Emain Ablach

Trick Answer

Bow To Me

Royal Tantrum

Parlay The Waters


Uncanny Adaptability

Animal Empathy

Master Sailor


Uncanny Danger Sense

Hunting & Trapping


Courtly Etiquette

Passive Powers

Woodland Cover



Feather Fingers

Woodland Run

Hidden In Mist

Tricky Personality

Rites & Rituals

Herbalist Medicine

Trapped Spirit

Parlay The Woods

Timeless Movement


Sprig Of Holly




Double Attack

Sprig Of Alder

Surprise Attack

Sprig Of Heather

Warpaint of The Éal Glas (Green Elk)

Cailleach’s Kiss

Spry Posture

Wooden Weapon

Gille Dubh Active Talents

Run To Shadow

Flanking Attack

Warpaint Of The Cú Dearg (Red Hound)

Call Oak

Sprig Of Birch

Technique Of Knocker Sword

Survival Otherworld


Lore Poison

Hound Master


Lore Fey

Tailteann Games

Curadmir (Champion’s Portion)

Drinking & Wenching


Gille Dubh Skills



Technique Of Fomorian Spear

Silent Tongue

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



Talents & Powers Adventure

- 321 -

- 322 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

Solitary Sidhe Thos who wander apart from the courts and their influence


ot all fey folk belong to one court or another. Different kinds of solitary fey have never been part of a court, were kicked out of one or several, simply do not care about any kind of order or hierarchy, or are too chaotic or too powerful to be controlled. The solitary sidhe are loners and isolationists. They live on their own and fiercely defend what they have. They often have traits that belong in wide terms to both Seelie and Unseelie. Their nature makes them unable to fit in any formal fey structure.

Some legends say the fey gathered into courts at the same time as the Manannan Mac Lir created the mists. A reorganization of the fey folk was necessary to continue to influence the mortal realm by circumventing the rules of the Tuatha de Danann, presenting themselves as unified fronts to support, and cover, each other’s backs. The solitary sidhe took another path; the one of the needle in the haystack. It’s far easier for Manannan to find groups trying to breach his mist-barrier than single beings crossing one by one at different times and places. Solitary sidhe are most typically those kinds of fey that just want to be left alone.

Some Druids and bards have theories on why the courts insist on their own importance, while the solitary sidhe do not follow their rules or recognize their authority.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

DEN IZENS - 323 -

Caoranach Plural: Caoranach

Base Level: +2 Base Powers: Ghostly, Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Caoranach are ghosts charged to enact the curses of higher powers in the Celtic World. In appearance, Caoranach are skeletal and rotting spirits, barely seeming to be a part of reality. Many Caoranach wander the wilderness of Eire on behalf of the Morrigan, searching for those who have wronged their powerful queen. Instead of directly accosting their marks, Caoranach steal their victim’s clothes, take them to the nearest body of water and wash them until they are clean. In doing so, the Caoranach marks the person for death. The victim will find the clothes neatly folded on their bed when they return home. Even if the victim does not deign to wear the cursed clothing, during battle it will seem as though the very arrows and blades of their enemies are drawn to them. It is only through surviving a battle wearing the cursed, Caoranach cleaned clothes, that the curse is broken.

Caoranach’s Curse Curse When the curse of the Caoranach is laid upon a mortal Dweller, every aspect of chance that occurs is tipped against their favour. Whenever the Norn would wyrd to see if they have a lucky or unlucky outcome, they have the unlucky outcome. The worst possible situation persists. This misfortune continues until the Dweller dies, or until the Caoranach is convinced she has made a mistake, or until the Morrigan is appeased.

- 324 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(cow-Ren-och) Breizh

Attack Base Level








Wailing Voice 

Active Talent Caoranach can use any Trait rune to do 1 Spiritual damage to all living beings in the Nearby (4 hex) Area and inflict Grief [Counter S].




The Rules







Talents & Powers


Turn Away

Passing Remark

Power Over Mists

Weapon Of Morrigan’s Wrath

Cold Stare

Inflict Terror

Intimidating Threats

Control Opponent

Hand Of The Queen

Fuelled By Agony

Social Talents

Stay Quiet

Syphon Soul

Delight In Voice Of Bad News Ill Tidings

Spirit Lance

Touch Of Gearr (Hare) Foot

You’re Not Threatening

Hidden In Mist

Secretive Disposition

Arcane Drums

Lore Fey


Survival Otherworld


Terrifying Domination

Terrifying Satisfaction

Silent Tongue


Lore Locales

Caoranach Unbreakable Unseelie Gift Will Passive Powers

Blot & Faining



Eye Of Water

Tight Lipped

Aura Of Influence


Commune Lore Of With Common Gods Folk

Timeless Movement

Aura Of Suffering

Resistance To Possession

Lore Arcana

Omens & Portents

Sorcerous Empowerment

Snap To Clarity

Mist Switch

Howl, Banshee’s Wail

Rising Spirit

Battle Dance


Terrifying Bawl

Caoranach Active Talents

Terror Slasher

Soul Shroud

Touch Of Nathair (Adder) Skin

Blessing Of The Emain Ablach (Isle of Apples)

Spiritual Scapegoat

Reclaim The Kill

Tenebrous Ring

Turn The Blade

Quiet Disposition

Dance Of Feathers

Unencumbered Dodger


Rigid Mind

Hidden In Rain and Snow

Eye Of Stone

Spectral Shift Nether Touch

Introduction Figures of the Isles


Get Your Story Straight

Touch Of Losgann (Frog) Leg

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Rhyming Reply


Disturbing Facts


Rites & Rituals

DEN IZENS - 325 -

Co-walker Plural: Co-walkers

Base Level: +1 Base Powers: Ghostly, Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: None Co-walkers are fey who may dwell in people’s shadows. A Co-walker can either act as a benevolent friend to this person or a curse. This depends on the decision of its inhuman moral compass, which it uses to judge the character of its host. Some say that the Co-walkers live in another plane of existence layered on top of the mortal realm. This explains why they live in shadows and do not have a physical form like other beings. Other tales say that Co-walkers are the shadows of the dead that come back to pass judgment on their killers and then are stuck in the world of the living, endlessly seeking to enact justice upon those who deserve it. Co-walkers never occupy the same shadow for too long, a full night at most, and leave when they decide that the help or hindrance was enough as a reward or punishment, respectively.

Co-Walker’s Possession


When a Co-Walker is within a body it cannot be attacked; it takes the form of a living curse. The Co-Walker will hibernate as the Denizen’s shadow, and the Norn decides on when and how the Co-Walker manifests. At any time the Dweller can engage the Co-Walker in social combat. The Co Walker can feel any lies if it occupies the shadow of the person who is engaged in social combat with it.

- 326 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Co-walk-er) Eire

Attack Base Level








Touch of the Co-Walker 

Passive The touch of the Co-Walker, or to touch one, inflicts Possession [Counter M]. If the Co-Walker reaches maximum intensity Possession, they disappear inside their victim.





Introduction Figures of the Isles

Physical Mental

The Rules






Talents & Powers

Dark Juxtaposition

Mental Torture

Feather Storm

Mental Confusion

Balor’s Eye

Friendly Criticism

Oh By The Way

Passing Remark

Unbreakable Mind

Apotropaic Posture

Syphon Soul

Run To Shadow

Mental Assault



Off-hand Request

Awaken Improvised Idol

Awaken Statue

Co-Walker Active Talents

Control Opponent

Hand Of The Queen

Reveal a Half-truth

Social Talents

Sense Motives

Throw Enemy

Cleansing Block

Spectral Shift


Channel The Bloody Lady


Verbal Manipulation

You Can’t Be Serious

Whirlwind Attack


Rising Spirit

Drain Life


Urge The Hero you know


Cryptic Reply

Fomorian Size


Natural Instigator



Emotionally Demanding

Dramatic Personality


Unencumbered Dodger

Urban Cover

Fox’s Tongue

Co-Walker Passive Powers

Hidden In Rain And Snow

Combat Manoeuvrability

Dance Of Feathers


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Survival Urban


Urban Run

Read & Write


Feather Fingers

Eye Of Air

Pawn Of The Queen



Lore Personas

Aura Of Suffering

Heart Of A Poet

Hide Behind Emotion



Lore Of Common Folk

Morrigan’s Shadow

Honest & True

Parlay The Strange

Rites & Rituals

Commune With Dead

Lore Poison



- 327 -

Ellén Trechend Plural: Ellén Trechend

Base Level: +13 Base Powers: Immortal, Flight, Prime Being, Supernatural Equipment Type: None One of the most dangerous sidhe beasts to ever darken the skies of the Great Isles is the Ellén Trechend. When fully-grown it is a great three-headed, dragon-like, blazing, bird of prey. The signs of its coming are clear to those who know: • • • •

Crops burst into flame. Flint and tinder ignite independently. Bonfires explode in a gout of flame. Torches attack their wielders as if the Friend of Flames spell had been cast. • Birds and flying insects explode mid-flight. • Inland bodies of water heat, even boil. Bards sing that someday a Ellén Trechend will tire of its unstoppable fiery rampage and fly high into the sky and become the new sun, as bright as old.

Juvenile Ellén Trechend Swarm

Base Powers: Flight, Supernatural. The Passive Powers of Ignorant Beast and Flame Mantle. Spiritual PF -3, and Social Defend -1. Adult Ellén Trechend lead a flock of their smaller kind to go on hunting sprees. The juvenile swarms are the adult’s anchor into the mortal realm. Killing a swarm forces the adult back to the Otherworld. If the adult is killed, the small ones will fly back to the Otherworld and fight each other until only one remains.

Base Level






- 328 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



(El-ain Treh-henth) Eire

Attack Base Level








Flame Mantle 

Passive All adjacent targets to the Ellén Trechend take one Degeneration [Counter P] during Upkeep from the blistering heat generated by the great fiery beast.



Social Physical




Figures of the Isles The Rules






Talents & Powers

Double Attack


Ferocious Stance

Need For Blood

Enchant Flesh

Gritted Teeth

Royal Tantrum


Throw Enemy

Furious Tantrum

Feather Storm

Blessing Of the Sun God



Fuelled By Agony

Inflict Terror

Friend Of Flames


Ellén Trechend Active Talents

Breath Of Flames

Furious Dash

Champion’s Eye

Social Talents

Hunting & Trapping

Flying Charge

Behead (Dícheann)

Attack From Above

Howl, Furious Roar

Wing Beat [Sundering Blow]

Voice Of Fury


Bow to Me

Howl, Banshee’s Wail

Twin Strike

Dragon’s Breath

Stay Quiet

Predator’s Gaze


Hulk, Soul Devouring

Regenerating Fury

Hulk, Benevolent


Shining Clash

Survival Wilderness

Survival Otherworld


Hulk, Eldritch

Resistance To Degeneration


Defy The Crowd

Resistance To Blindness

Silent Tongue

Commune With Gods



Ignorant Beast

Ellén Trechend PassivePowers

Hulk, Slamming

Hulk, Earth Bender

Champion’s Eye


Hunting & Trapping

Fathach’s Might

Deepen Fury

Inversion Of Fire

Holy Fury

Oppose The Crowd






Destroyer Hide

Steel Skin


Commune With Dead

Rites & Rituals

Animal Empathy

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Touch Of Strike Of Gearr (Hare) Bereavement Foot


DEN IZENS - 329 -

Phouka Plural: Phouka

Base Level: +1 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Fey creatures that live near standing stones or in deep sacred forests of old, the Phouka look like some hybrid of a fey, man, and animal. They are master shapeshifters and few know their true appearance. Even in human form they always have to hide at least one animalistic trait that would blow their entire act if pointed out. A Phouka may decide to live as a human being for a few years, mostly out of curiosity or boredom. Some Phouka become enamoured with their “human” selves until one day they disappear leaving what they consider a “game”. They do not care in the slightest about the families and friends they leave behind. Phouka are prone to mood swings. They are difficult to predict—as likely to offer a trade to a lost traveller as to take them on a dangerous ride, or even to betray and kill someone for sport or food. In many ways they are as changeable as the weather of the Isles.

- 330 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Poo-kah) Forests across the Isles

Attack Base Level








Phouka Shapeshift 

Active A Phouka can use any Trait of rune to shapeshift into a Size 4 human with an additional Social Attack of +1 and an additional Social Defend of +1.






Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers

Artio’s Aid

Cryptic Reply

Leaping Attack

Face Of The Green Man

Undermine Credibility

You Will Feel My Words

Charged Demand

Run To Shadow

Surprise Attack (Cons. Shroud)


Social Talents

Predator’s Gaze

Corrosive Touch

Whirlwind Attack

Regenerating Block

Conjure Ogham Weapon

Shapechange Another

Outnumbered Recovery

Rapid Recovery


Bestow Gills

Furious Clang

Boast Of Greatness

Too Distracted To Listen

Laugh It Off

Wild Faol Shape



Furious Guard


Impassioned Plea

Sense Motives




Awareness Of Danger


Keen Senses

Parlay The Woods

Natural Instigator

Woodland Run

Strong Knowledge


Unencumbered Dodger

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles The Rules



Emotional Blackmail

Dragon’s Breath

Phouka Active Throw Stone Talents



Winged Shape

Breath Of Acid




Herbalist Medicine


Survival Otherworld

Fox’s Tongue


Lore Locales

Survival Urban

Lore Of Common Folk

Co-Walker Passive Powers

Morrigan’s Shadow

Woodland Cover

Animal Shapeshift



Master Sailor

Nature’s Child


Unbreakdable Will

Lore Fey



Uncanny Danger Sense


Tricky Personality

Bond With Maven

Omens & Portents

Sacred Wood Binding




- 331 -

Uruisg Plural: Uruisg

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Fey, Supernatural Equipment Type: Fey Small household fey with red hats, Uruisg can be powerful allies or dangerous enemies. Uruisg are ugly, short, and covered in hair. Some have goatlike traits, like hooves, horns, and in rare cases a full goat head. Uruisg tend to live within human homes. With the coming cold, Uruisg are seeking to ensure their safety through alliances with the humans they live with, on a household-to-household basis. Plenty of Gaels have continued to feed their Ursuig housemate, or housemates, who have continued to clean the house in return, heal the farm animals, and protect children from harm. Uruisg live only in pagan homes, because they loathe the faith of the Ciostai. One of the surest ways to enrage them is to try to convert them to that faith. Though they are naturally small, Uruisg have the abilities to both turn invisible and to shapeshift into all sorts of other forms. It is also said that, when wronged, they can whisk people away with gusts of air. Not all Ursuig have remained so peaceful however, and many of them have taken over the very households that they once served. More and more of them are reverting to their wild states, abandoning human homes for caves and ruins. Wild and desperate Ursuig are prone to acts of arson, butchery, and other ravaging, as the cold drives them to brutally secure their safety.

- 332 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Uh-ruih-shk) Eire

Attack Base Level








Tiny Animal Shapeshift 

Passive When Bloodied, you may shapeshift into a Size 1 woodland animal and make an immediate Move action.



Social Introduction

Physical Mental




Figures of the Isles The Rules


Archetypes Denizens


Talents & Powers Running Recovery

Friend Of Daggers



Rhyming Reply


Sprig Of Alder

Are You Still Talking?

Stay Quiet

You Should Listen To Us

Insulting Attack

I Know You Too Well

Social Talents


Regenerating Attack

Regenerating Block

Clever Questioning

Familiar Arguments

Laugh It Off

Outnumbered Dexterity Stance

Sprig Of Heather

Friend Of Flames


Sense Motives




Tricky Personality

Enchanted Prowess

Survival Otherworld

Animal Shapeshift

Scorn Pole

Tribal Loyalty


Turn The Blade

Wyrd Ways

Companion In Arms

Drinking & Wenching


Lore Of Common Folk

Steel Skin


Work In Concert

Land Stewardship


Animal Empathy

Blood Drinker

Keen Senses

Hidden In Rain and Snow

Stealthy Striker


Survival Urban





Survival Instincts

Woodland Cover

Fury From Anger

Rites & Rituals

Read & Write

Sacred Wood Binding

Shapechange Another


Spectral Shift

Run Away Laughing


Attack From Above

Run Away Mocking

Satisfying Provocation

Strike Of Bereavement

Bull Rush

Run To Shadow

Geyser Of Sacred Water


Unencumbered Dodger

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Uruisg Active Throw Stone Talents

Uruisg Passive Fleet Footed Powers


DEN IZENS - 333 -

- 334 Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Introduction Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens

Wild Sidhe

Talents & Powers Adventure

The wild things going bump in the night


easts with strong otherworldly magics infused in their beings roam the countryside as wild Sidhe. Wild sidhe do not belong to any fey court since they usually think, hunt, and behave more like animals than they do humans. However, some of these creatures are so ancient that calling them “sidhe” is almost an insult. A wild sidhe could have come about its otherworldly enchantment by a variety of ways. It is rumoured that there is a single Barghest who is the progenitor of all the others, and that she roams the realms of Otherworld, growling. It is commonly known that the Tuatha elevated the Cu Sidhe into being as a favour to humanity, although others say it was done for their own use for hunting game. Other wild sidhe have stranger origins that none can guess.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Wild sidhe roam the Isles of the mundane world as well as Otherworld. Some live in packs and others are solitary. Most avoid human civilization, unless they consider humanity their prey like the Cat Sith do, or their companions and allies as do the Cu Sidhe. Perhaps the most notable wild sidhe is the Oilliphéist, the most powerful amongst dragons and serpents of the Isles. It is a true primeval being who answers to none. Even the cruel Fomorians would never cross such a creature for fear of seeing their precious crystalline strongholds broken into tiny pieces. Wild sidhe take no part in the wider political motions of the fey courts, the plans of the gods or other higher beings, or take much notice of the Celtic Twilight. They are free, and will remain free and roaming, even as the Twilight swallows all the mundane beasts, and humanity itself.

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Cu Sidhe Plural: Cu Sidhe

Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Quadruped, Supernatural Equipment Type: None Cu Sidhe are hounds that have been saturated with sidhe magic, making the powers of the elements course through their veins. They look like massive hounds with an athletic body similar to a deerhound or wolfhound but with longer fangs, strangely coloured fur, and supernatural aspects from the magic that caused their transformation. They are now bigger, stronger, smarter, and tougher. Celts and hounds have shared their lives for longer than they can remember. They are both rowdy, strong, fiercely loyal, and always up for a hunt. When the Celtic Twlighlt came, food became scarce. Sidhe folk who also loved hounds as playmates and guardians decided to help the Celts and their hounds, and so transformed many Celtic mundane hounds to be Cu Sidhe. When this new generation of the Fianna was assembled as a horde of free warriors, the Cu Sidhe hounds started to follow them and brought them dead prey as gifts to be allowed to join the humans in their war. The Fianna welcomed them like long lost friends. Cu Sidhe show hatred towards the Vikings and avoid the Criostai. The sidhe powers modify their instincts to perceive both groups as untrustworthy.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Koo Shee) Found throughout the Isles

Attack Base Level








Ignorant Beast 

Passive Gain Social Protection versus Questions +8. However, you cannot speak or understand language except through an appropriate “Parlay with” Passive Power.



Social Introduction

Physical Mental




The Rules






Assisting Attack

Elemental Strike

Best Friends

Timely Distraction

Inflict Terror

Leaping Attack


Flanking Attack

Rapid Recovery




Presence Of The Hound of Chulainn

Feral Pounce

Cu Sidhe Active Talents

Lunging Attack

Heedful Charge

Sense Motives

Social Talents

Predator’s Gaze

Mobile Stance

Regenerating Attack


Uncanny Ambush

Warpaint Of Cú Dearg

Positive Thoughts

Gritted Teeth

Mob Rules

Blessing of the Bolg Gréine (Sun Bubble)

Wounding Attack


Howl, Furious Roar

Breath Of Flames

Urge the Hero You Know


We Are One


Uncanny Danger Sense

Unencumbered Dodger

Fathach’s Might

Fomorian Size

Hound Master

Survival Otherworld

Lore Fey

Awareness Of Danger

Uncanny Opportunist

Keen Senses

Combat Manoeuvrability



Hunting & Trapping


Strong Muscles


Cu Sidhe Passive Powers

Survival Instincts

Leaping Striker

Survival Wilderness



Hidden In Rain And Snow

Woodland Cover

Woodland Run

Mob Mentality


Silent Tongue







Destroyer Hide


War Tactics

Champion’s Eye

Dragon’s Breath

Howl Of Survival

Uncanny Jab

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Figures of the Isles


Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

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Dobhar-chú Plural: Dobhar-chú Base Level: +0 Base Powers: Aquatic, Supernatural Equipment Type: None A Dobhar-chú looks like a strange hybrid between a warhound-sized otter and a carnivorous fish. They lunge out of a body of water, slamming into the target to pin it down and drag it back to its watery grave. Dobhar-chú tend to avoid humans, only interacting with them when compelled by hunger. Rumours say that along the eastern coast of Eire there are bogs where the Gaels are trying to domesticate them to use their capacity to find fresh water and fish to feed their people.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Door Khu) Eire

Attack Base Level








Ignorant Beast 

Passive Gain Social Protection versus Questions +8. However, you cannot speak or understand language except through an appropriate “Parlay with” Passive Power.



Social Physical








Figures of the Isles The Rules Archetypes Denizens


Thundering Roar


Gritted Teeth

You Can’t Be Serious

Aqua Axe

Spry Posture

Smash Attack

Parry Monster

Soul Shroud

Wounding Attack

Advancing Stance

Run Away Laughing

Trwyd’s Posture

Manipulate Emotions


We Are One

Double Attack

Flanking Attack

Dobhar-chú Active Talents


Feral Pounce

Predator’s Gaze

Social Talents



Feint Attack


Lunging Attack


Stay Quiet

Timely Distraction


Aqua Armor


Friend Of Waves

Scavenger Slash

Battlefield Vortex

Cold Stare

What A Joke

Laugh It Off

Resistance To Impeded

Mob Mentality


Carried By Song


Drive Back

Superb Swimmer

Hidden In Mist


Combat Awareness Unencumbered Dodger

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


Parlay The Waters


Survival Otherworld

Lore Locales




Survival Wilderness

Animal Empathy

Dobhar-chú Passive Powers


Carried By Blood




Strong Muscles


Leaping Striker

Blood Drinker


Hunting & Trapping

Silent Tongue



Survival Instincts

Blood Lust

Lore Poison


Feather Fingers

Talents & Powers Adventure

DEN IZENS - 339 -

Oilliphéist Plural: Oilliphéist

Base Level: +10 Base Powers: Aquatic, Flight, Immortal, Supernatural Equipment Type: None The snake-like dragon Oilliphéist is a gigantic beast. Its long sinuous body is a mix of fish, snake, and dragon traits that are supported by six powerful limbs and large wings. The Oilliphéist is the king or queen (no one ever had the bravery to confirm its sex) of snakes and dragons in the Isles. The Oilliphéist is said to have left Eire to escape the wrath of Saint Padraig, its tail leaving a groove so deep it created the Shannon Valley. The great beast emerged from the sea with its offspring as soon as the unending night fell upon Eire, taking out ships with its tail. The Oilliphéist has heard of Mannanan Mac Lir and the Tuatha’s plans to move Eire into the Otherworld and in desperation has allied itself with the Elatha and the Fomorians. It has offered the support of its great army of terrible limbed and non-limbed snakelike offspring. The Oilliphéist seeks out its original home in Eire, a lake said to house his underground lair, and filled with treasures and offerings from when the Gaels honoured him for his strength, wisdom, and protection from its rowdy offspring. For Oilliphéist’s kind to survive it must be back in its lair when the island shifts into the Otherworld else all that might be left in the mundane world would be frozen ocean, which could trap them under the waves to starve.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

(Oh-lih-feysht) Eire

Base Level





18 15/20/21 5








1 Introduction



Figures of the Isles The Rules


• Oilliphéist’s Move is expressed as Land / Sea / Air. • For a juvenille Oilliphéist, use an Adder from the Beasts page 279, but at a high Level.





Syphon Soul

Terror Incarnate

Chain Attack

Draw From Nature (Water)

Cold Stare

Stay Quiet

Dispassionate Interest

Elemental Strike

Venomous Bite

Terrifying Assault


Power Over Wells

Royal Tantrum

Get My Way

Intimidating Threats

Balor’s Eye

Dragon’s Breath

Oilliphéist Active Talents


Attack From Above

Inflict Terror

Social Talents


Breath Of Acid

Scavenger Slash

Breath Of Hoarfrost

Lunging Attack

Aqua Armour

Furious Tantrum

Enchant Flesh


Feral Pounce

Battlefield Vortex

Ignorant Beast


Hulk, Earth Bender

Steel Skin

Titanic Size

Leaping Striker

Terrifying Domination


Coward’s Condemnation



Oilliphéist Passive Powers

Keen Senses

Eye Of Water

Destroyer Hide

Arcane Drums

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Emotional Predator’s Barrier Gaze


Voice Of Doom

Don’t Even

Sense Motives

Scorn Pole

Rites & Rituals



Animal Empathy

Survival Otherworld

Lore Arcana


Parlay The Waters



Survival Wilderness

Hulk, Eldritch

Eye Of Fire

Blood Drinker

Lore Fey


Omens & Portents

Hulk, Mind Eater



Hunting & Trapping

Speak In Tongues

Champion’s Eye


Denizens Talents & Powers Adventure

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Talents and Powers Active Talents

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Advancing Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify As you assume this stance you are prepared to press forward with every attack. Combat: Whenever you perform an Attack action, add to it +1 Knockback [Counter P]. If the push is not Countered, then you may immediately Move into the hex that the victim vacated. Peace: Avoid some tense situations by taking a very aggressive stance that may intimidate others into non-confrontation. Rank Up: If your foe is knocked back farther than just 1 hex, you may advance to one hex in front of them.

Administer Holy Relic *

Faith Special Special Special When you gain this Talent, you also obtain a free relic from the Church of the White God with a QR equal to half your level. It has been bequeathed to you for safe keeping and use. It begins with 1 Active or Social Power Infused into the item, using 1 if the item’s QR, and the remaining QR are unused.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

See Infuse rules on page 483 for details, but all usage requirements in this power replace those listed in the Infuse power. The Power is type “Faith” in addition to its other types. You may choose any 1 Active or Social Power that is not specialization powers for the various player Archetypes (the Norn may disallow some options should they not fit the adventure parameters). Combat: You invoke one of the powers of the holy reliquary with a Range bonus in hexes equal to double your Miracle intensity. The Meta tags for this power’s invocation are the invoked Power’s Meta tags. You may consume a Miracle. If you do, the Norn adds a major effect to the invocation, roughly equivalent to a rune chain the length of the intensity value sacrificed (ie. Sacrifice at intensity 3, equivalent to a rune chain length of 3 runes). Peace: You may copy an infused Faith power from another artifact that you found into your own personal relic. Each Active or Social Power requires 1 unused QR. Powers may not be replaced unless you Consume a Miracle, in which case the QR from a previous Power (that is being replaced) is used by the new Power. Rank Up: The relic’s QR is now 75% of your level, and all new QR are unused. .


Anger the Gods

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You misuse the gifts of the gods, shirking their grace to channel the energy into harming your foes. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +4 damage bonus and gain 1 Divine Wrath. Peace: You can feel objects and places that displease the gods with whom you commune. Rank Up: This attack gains +2 damage. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Apotropaic Posture

Manoeuvre Maintain Amplify Maintain Change your combat demeanour to facilitate the mitigation of spiritual damage. Combat: Your Defend actions gain Spiritual Parry +1. Peace: You have a sense of danger that detects threats when you travel over water; you sometimes get an omen before setting off on an extended boat trip. Rank Up: Gain +1 Spiritual Parry with this Talent.

Aqua Armour

Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain You harness the water around you in order to form a protective barrier. Create a wave that swats away incoming attacks. Combat: Gain +1 PF for half the number of aquatic hexes adjacent to you. Peace: If you hide in water, those outside the water suffer a -2 AV to perceive you. Rank Up: Increase PF by +1 for each adjacent aquatic hex.

Aqua Axe

Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain You harness the water around you to form an aquatic weapon. Combat: Create a weapon out of water that fights for you from the watery depths. You are not required to equip or wield this weapon. The damage and Parry of the Aqua Axe are equivalent to 1 plus half number of aquatic hexes that are adjacent to you. Your Range and Reach are within the water’s

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boundaries, up to a Battlefield’s distance (16 hexes). You may only strike opponents who are within the same body of water as you. This Talent does not include an Attack Action. Peace: You can instantly dry your body and clothing. Rank Up: The reach of your Aqua Axe in larger bodies of water extends by a Battlefield (+16 hex) Range.

Arcane Shell

Spell Maintain Area Amplify Create a shimmering conical dome for protection. Combat: A shimmering dome provides PF +4. Those within the area when it is invoked are protected for the remainder of the combat round, even if they move out of the area of effect. Peace: The Arcane Shell can be summoned and maintained for up to 6 hours, so long as you are awake and aware enough to concentrate. This can protect you from rain, violent winds, exposure, snow, a dust storm, and other violent weather effects. Rank Up: The shell can be summoned with an additional PF +2, but you must stay in the centre of it while it is Maintained. If you move from its centre, it falls.

Arcane Shield

Spell Multi Maintain Amplify Create a shimmering dome that protects you and an ally from the next attack. Combat: Gain PF +2, Spiritual PF +1, and Mental PF +1 against the next attack, or once per combat round if Maintained. Peace: Create a consecrated space Nearby (within 4 hexes) where lost spirits cannot enter. This ritual takes 1 hour of preparation and works so long as those within the concentrated space do no harm. Rank Up: If you or your ally are Bloodied, then increase this spell by PF +2 or by Spiritual PF by +1 or by Mental PF by +1. You may make this choice each time you cast the spell in its Ranked Up state.

Arcane Veil

Spell Maintain Area Amplify Create a shimmering wall in front of you that repels supernatural energies.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Combat: A shimmering wall before you provides Spiritual PF +3 but Move -1. Those within the area when it is invoked are protected for the remainder of the combat round, even if they move out of the area of effect. Peace: You may perform a ritual for 6 hours to draw a straight line upon the ground. No spirit or sidhe may cross that line for 24 hours thereafter. Rank Up: This shield can be cast with an additional +1 Spiritual PF, but you must stay in the centre of it while it is Maintained. If you move from its centre, it falls.

Artio’s Aid

Shapechange Maintain Maintain Maintain You enter a trance that allows you to merge with your inner sidhe nature and meld into one. You shapeshift into a new being of both mortal and fey nature, like a huge bear-creature of the goddess’ namesake, roaring and clawing into reality to drown your rage in blood. Combat: You lose all weapons and armour (absorbed into new form) and change into a giant, agile bear-like beast with elongated limbs. Immediately Heal +4, grow to Size +4, and gain +2 Parry. All Passive and Active Powers remain unchanged, but Passive Powers have to be applied to the new attributes. Peace: Your mind is intricately linked to primal forces, you can align your senses with any friendly sidhe companion, such as a Maven, and are able to see, smell, feel and determine the nature of sidhe magic in the area. Rank Up: You may make a Weak Move when transforming.

Assisting Attack

Interrupt Swift Amplify Combo You come to the rescue of your allies, but at the expense of some of your awareness of your surroundings. Combat: When a foe within Far (8 hexes) Range is attacking an ally, before the ally’s Defend action is made, you can make a Weak Attack on that foe if they are within your Reach/ Range. The foe is able to defend normally. The damage dealt to the foe is then added to the PF of the ally. Peace: You are well-coordinated in teamwork situations. Your contribution to team sports and contests where you must work with others is exceptional. Rank Up: If the ally is Bloodied, instead make a full Attack action with a +1 damage bonus.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Attack From Above

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Take advantage of higher ground. Whether attacking from a mount, or a higher vantage point, or just being larger than the opponent, you deal a more devastating blow. Combat: If attacking from higher ground (attacker’s Size is greater than opponent’s, standing on higher terrain, attacking on a mount granting a higher vantage point, etc.), perform an Attack action with a +3 damage bonus. Peace: You are especially proficient on a mount. You can perform more complex tasks while riding your mount. Rank Up: If you jump onto or fall onto your foe from above, add an additional +3 damage. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Aura of Frost

Spell Area Element Amplify You stand in place, focusing on the magic of winter, and are enveloped in an aura of extreme cold and frost. This cold is detrimental to those around you, friend or foe, but does no harm to you. Combat: Inflict 2 damage and inflict +1 Impeded Condition to anyone adjacent. This spell douses any flames within its Reach/Area and removes any 1 Degeneration Condition from your body associated with being on fire. Peace: Envelop your skin in frost, making you immune to the burn of flame or anything you wear being set aflame. Rank Up: The frosted ground remains so for 6 hours, and will cause any who enter it 2 damage from the cold.

Awaken Improvised Idol

Transmute Spell Amplify Element Maintain You cobble together a crudely constructed figure that resembles an idol to act as a poor substitute. Combat: With great haste you assemble an effigy from objects at hand. If there is little or nothing at hand your effigy is assembled from rations, sticks, and miscellaneous objects on your person, then it is Size 1. If the environment around you is especially cluttered and random objects are plentiful then the effigy can be as large as Size 6. In most environments the effigy will be Size 3 or 4. As a Transmute Spell you bring a Companion into being at a QR of 50% of your Dweller Level. Amplify increases the QR


it starts with. Companions when brought into being this way have their Size (in this case based on clutter), a Free Creature Type (in this case Construct) and a Meta Tag they can activate from amongst common Meta tags (Absorb, Deflect, Degenerate, Impeded, Vulnerable) or a cost of 4 QR for an uncommon Meta tag. Remaining QR can be spent from the Craft rules, see page 432. When the effigy is awakened you may issue it one order, for instance: defend a position, engage a foe, or run in one direction. It will attempt to carry out this task to the best of its ability and understanding. It is then under the Norn’s control until it is destroyed. Every round the effigy will make a single Cinematic Action, plus 1 for every Amplify Meta that was applied to it. When you no longer Maintain this spell, the effigy will fall apart into a pile of the found objects. Peace: You can assemble an Effigy and it can be sent on a simple task. After 6 hours it will fall apart into a pile of the found objects from which it was made. Rank Up: If you awaken the same collection of objects to be an improvised idol three times, then you may perform a ritual over the objects and have a 33% change of it becoming a permanent Companion at a QR of 50% of your Dweller Level. See Companion rules page 192.

Awaken Statue

Transmute Spell Amplify Multi Maintain You use your magic and skill as a crafter to awaken a statue on the battlefield to fight as an ally. Combat: You can awaken a statue to act as your ally. The statue you awaken must be Size 4 or less. The Amplify Meta tag can be applied to increase the Size of the statue you are able to awaken. As a Transmute Spell you bring a Companion into being at a QR of 50% of your Dweller Level. Amplify increases the QR it starts with. Companions when brought into being this way have their Size (in this case Size 4 or less, although it can be Amplified), a Free Creature Type (in this case Construct) and a Meta Tag they can activate from amongst common Meta tags (Absorb, Deflect, Degenerate, Impeded, Vulnerable) or a cost of 4 QR for an uncommon Meta tag. Remaining QR can be spent from the Craft table, see page 432. When the statue is awakened you may issue the statue with one order, for instance: defend a position, engage a foe, or run in one direction. It will attempt to perform this task to the best of its ability and understanding. It is then under the Norn’s control until it is destroyed. Every round the effigy will make a single Cinematic Action, plus 1 for every Amplify

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Meta that was applied to it. When you no longer Maintain this spell, the statue will “go to sleep” (again becomes inert.) Peace: You may awaken statues to perform menial work for you. Rank Up: You may see through the eyes of any statue you awaken, and hear what it would hear.

Awaken the Altar

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You stop in your tracks and concentrate, calling on your gods to empower you. Your armour and fetishes light up to hold the magical charge, and your image begins to radiate awesome power. Combat: You deal 1 damage to yourself per intensity of Divine Wrath that you suffer, then you deal Spiritual damage to all Nearby (within 4 hex) foes equal to the number of runes that you have in Stun, Wounds, Death and Drain. You are then healed an amount equal to your Divine Favour and gain +1 intensity in Shroud. Peace: You can light up your armour, lighting your path in the dark up to Nearby (4 hexes). Rank Up: When you use this Talent you gain PF equal to the number of runes you have in Death.


Manoeuvre Amplify Swift Combo You know how to take advantage of an unsuspecting victim. Combat: If attacking from behind (opponent’s rear-facing side), perform an Attack action with a +3 damage bonus. Peace: Dealing a blow from behind a victim’s uncovered head with no helmet is a knockout. The victim must be of equal or lower Level. Rank Up: If the attack was unsuccessful, it still inflicts 1 Stun on the opponent [Counter P]. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Multi.

Ballad of Heroes

Spell Song Amplify Area Maintain Sing a song that inspires those around you on the battlefield towards heroic death. Combat: Apply +2 Fury Conditions to yourself and all adjacent allies.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Peace: You can see other people’s Ancestor Spirits. Rank Up: If an ally is Bloodied they also gain 1 Bravery Condition.

Balor’s Eye

Spell Amplify Element Range Just as the famed single eye of the Fomorian Balor shot a devastating blast of energy, you too can shoot a beam of energy. The same is known to happen from Constructs, like the famed Fir Bolg Iron Behemoths, who open their chests to reveal a single shining eye underneath. The elemental seams of the Behemoth glows, and from its chest shoots a beam nearly as devastating as Balor’s own eye. Combat: Blast a beam up to Nearby (4 hexes) away, doing your Size in damage to all within the beam. Peace: You can aim your blast into the sky, shooting a beacon that can be seen for miles. Rank Up: If this Talent is Amplified, it also inflicts 1 Degeneration [Counter P].

Battle Dance

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify To maximize your capacity to channel the will of the gods, you hum and move rhythmically to attune with the essence of the Otherworlds. Combat: Gain 1 Trance and reduce the Intensity of 1 negative Condition. Peace: You are accustomed to entering a trance while dancing, reducing the difficulty of Omens & Portents by 1. Rank Up: Reach +1 on your next Attack, or Parry +1 on your next Defend.

Battlefield Gale

Spell Song Aid Amplify Maintain The winds rise to swirl and beat upon the battlefield, preventing ranged weapons from flying true. Combat: Strong conflicting winds sweep the Battlefield (a 16 hex radius area). As long as the wind is maintained, weapons suffer -8 Range [Counter 2 M], and any Character in Flight gains 1 Impeded [Counter P]. Any ally within the gale can use the Aid Meta to be exempt from the gale’s effects.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Peace: Fill the sails of any sailing ship to propel it forward. This is a taxing activity and can only be maintained for 6 hours sailing for every Physical rune in your Essence. Rank Up: Anything within the gale of Size 4 or smaller suffers Knockback 2 hexes in one random direction [Counter P per hex] unless they are wearing armour of at least Size 4, or are equivalently weighed down.

Battlefield of Bramble

Spell Song Aid Amplify Maintain A dense thicket of thorns and vines rises up from the ground. It does no damage when it appears, but anyone making a Move action through the bramble will suffer. Combat: Thorny bramble covers the Battlefield (a 16 hex radius area). Anyone passing through a hex within the bramble suffers 2 Physical damage per hex. Any ally within the bramble can assist with an Aid Meta tag and be exempt from the damage. Peace: You may pass through thorn bushes and other snagging plants without being snared or cut. Rank Up: The damage done by each hex of bramble increases by +2.

Battlefield of Mag Findargat

Spell Song Maintain Amplify Maintain The spell thins the barrier between Mag Findargat and the realm you are in. The designated area is instantly caught in a blizzard of snow and ice. This spell cannot be used if already in Mag Findargat. The storm knows not friend from foe. Combat: Create a blizzard within the Battlefield (16 hex radius area) with the caster at its middle. Everyone within gains 1 Degeneration [Counter P] and 1 Impeded [Counter P]. Peace: Take 30 minutes to create a very slight thinning between worlds, creating a 12’ x 12’ x 12’ rough block of ice. This can be used as a bridge or a barrier. Only one such block can exist at a time. The block cannot be created in mid-air, nor can it be used to encase a living sentient being. Rank Up: The cold of the storm also inflicts 2 P damage.

Battlefield of Mist

Spell Song Area Aid Maintain The mist obeys your command to appear. It surrounds both friends and foes, consuming the battlefield.


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Combat: This spell summons mist that covers the floor of the Battlefield (a 16 hex radius area). As long as the mist is maintained, everyone whose feet touch the ground suffers 1 Impede [Counter 2 M]. The mist is magical, and so will not be dispelled by heavy winds, waves, or fire. An ally within the mist can assist with an Aid Meta tag and be exempt from the Impeded Condition. Peace: You can see with supernatural senses anything happening within the mist. Rank Up: Allies in the mist who do not suffer from Impeded gain 1 Shroud.

Battlefield Vortex

Spell Song Area Aid Maintain The waters obey your command to churn into a terrible vortex. Combat: This spell commands a Battlefield (a 16 hex radius area) of water to churn. As long as the vortex is maintained, everyone in the water suffers Knockback in a clockwise direction for 4 hexes [Counter P each hex]. Any ally within the vortex can assist with an Aid Meta tag and be exempt from the Knockback. Peace: At your request, deep waters will give up small treasures, floating them to the surface to be collected. Rank Up: When the vortex is Maintained for a second round you may choose to increase its speed on Upkeep, inflicting +1 Impeded [Counter P] on everyone within the vortex.

Behead (Dícheann)

Spell Amplify Range Area The warrior is utterly consumed by the thrill of the hunt, by the thirst for blood and battle, running, slashing, punching, clawing and biting with only one objective in mind: adding more severed heads to his belt. Combat: Inflict 1 Fear Condition and gain 1 Taunt condition. If you are at maximum Taunt and your foe at maximum Fear, sacrifice all your Taunt Conditions to immediately attack the foe within Reach/Range with +2 damage. Peace: Your deadliness is apparent in your collection of severed heads after each battle. Any attempt to intimidate you in dialogue or social combat is increased by 1 difficulty. Rank Up: Inflict an additional +1 Mental damage.

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Bestow Gills

Spell Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify You and your chosen allies are at home in water. You grow gills and your hands and feet slightly deform in order to allow more agile and efficient swimming. Combat: You pass through water without penalties. You may also breathe underwater. While underwater and in this stance, you are especially resistant to physical harm, gain +2 PF. Peace: You pass through water without penalties. You may also breathe underwater. Rank Up: Any Weak Defend actions done underwater are instead full Defend actions.

Biting Spear (Prioctha Sleá) *

Manoeuvre Amplify Range Swift By channelling the kinship you have with your animal companion you can send it along the line of your attack to grab and drag your foe. Combat: Perform an Attack action. Your Companion charges and reaches the target regardless of the Companion’s normal Move distance. (For instance, if your Pack of Hunting Hounds normally has Move 6, and you shoot an arrow at a foe 8 hexes away, the Hounds will still reach the foe.) Your Companion then bites and drags your target, moving them 1 hex in the direction of your choice and +2 hexes per rank in the Houndmaster Skill [Counter P per hex]. Peace: Your hound or Maven helps to track down quarry. Any check to track down and hunt a marked or Bloodied prey is reduced by 1 rank. Rank Up: The Companion bites down to flesh as they drag, doing 1 Physical damage to your foe for each hex dragged. The foe’s PF applies at the end of the Move against the total damage.

Black Flame

Spell Range Range Amplify You can understand, copy and improvise magic spells that you witness. Combat: While adjacent to an ally, you copy and bind a Spell they performed earlier this combat round. You bind the cloned Active power to another rune you possess In-Hand. The binding lasts until the end of your turn so this power may


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

not be maintained. An Amplify meta tag allows you to bind another spell to another rune In-Hand. Peace: If you witnessed someone succeed in a Skill Check within the last few minutes, you will gain a +1 bonus if you attempt the same Skill. Rank Up: The copied spell will also do +1 Spiritual damage, if it was harmful, or +1 Spiritual Parry, if it was helpful.

Blackheart Blade

Divine Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain Using the divine power bestowed onto you, animate the shadow of your weapon to attack on its own. Combat: A clone of your weapon appears next to you. When you perform Attack actions, it clones your attack action and strikes the same target you just attacked. If the defender wishes to Defend they must do so against each Attack action separately. Half the Meta tags are cloned by the animated blade (attacker chooses which). Peace: You can summon a spectral knife that can be used as a crude tool. Rank Up: If you Consume a Divine Favour when casting this spell, half the damage of the Blackheart blade will heal you when you attack. If you Consume a Divine Wrath when casting this spell, all Meta tags are cloned.

Blazing War Chariot of Queen Mebd *

Spell Area Area Amplify As the great Warrior-Queen Mebd, you lead by example, showing them that you are the one they should follow by lighting their path by summoning and riding a war chariot made of shining light, driving through all before you. Combat: Perform a Move action and inflict 1 Blind Condition [Counter P] to any anyone adjacent during your charge. The chariot is a shining spectre. If you already have a chariot, it blazes in glory. If not, one manifests. If you have a mount, the chariot attaches to the mount and uses the mount’s Move. The mount is also wreathed in flame. If you do not have a mount, the chariot is moved as though by an invisible mount using your Move rate. In any case, the chariot can only move in a straight line to the maximum number of your (or your mount’s) Move, unless it collides with an obstacle, in which case it does 2 damage that obstacle, then vanishes.

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For the Meta tags: Area increases the radial effect of Blind, and Amplify increases the intensity of Blind. Peace: You can summon your chariot for long overland journeys, but it may attract much attention as a blazing beacon. Rank Up: Your control has increased and you may instead make a Weak Move action with the blazing chariot.

Blessed is Thine Flock

Faith Amplify Range Area Your devotion to a higher power manifests itself as a benevolence towards your fellow man. Combat: Restore 1 and Heal another combatant equal to the sacrifice cost you pay: • Take a Stun = +3 • Take a Wound = +5 • Take a Death = +7 • Take a Drain = +9 Peace: When you put others before yourself, others take notice and remember. Rank Up: If your ally also suffers from a negative physical Condition then increase this Heal by +3.

Blessing of the Bolg Gréine (Sun Bubble)

Spell Amplify Multi Range You call on the graces of one or more of the deities of life, asking for their favour. A ray of sunlight pierces the sky and gracefully envelops your target and its surroundings, giving life to everything inside its embrace. Combat: The target of the spell reduces 1 intensity of a negative Condition and gains +2 Spiritual Parry. Peace: You have the ability to grow and revive plants, but it leaves you exhausted. Rank Up: Add an additional Spiritual Parry +1.

Blessing of the Emain Ablach (Isle of Apples)

Spell Amplify Multi Range You evoke the Isle of Apples, with its great healing powers, beyond the veil. This spell envelopes the recipients in sparkling lights. Combat: Apply Heal +4 to yourself or an ally and gain 1 Shroud Condition.


Peace: Close the open wounds of an ally to fully heal them. However, this does not heal Spiritual damage in Drain. Rank Up: Add an additional +2 Heal to this Talent.

Blessing of the Sun God

Spell Amplify Multi Range You are empowered and blessed by Lugh, wrapped in his light and imbued with his fury. Combat: Gain 1 intensity to the Fury Condition and reduce 1 Intensity of a negative Condition that affects you. Peace: When this blessing is set upon you, your body flares in fire and destroys all shackles, bonds, and restraints that hold you up to QR 6. It also breaks the hold of anyone restraining you as though Countered by a single rune. Rank Up: Add an additional +2 Heal to this Talent.


Spell Maintain Maintain Amplify You are toxic to those around you. The blight coming from cursed otherworlds washes out of your pores. Combat: Whenever you are the recipient of an Attack action, your body releases a toxic cloud damaging all adjacent combatants with 1 Spiritual damage . When you are struck, you boost your PF by +1. Peace: You may change your demeanour to be very repulsive to others, driving people away from you. Rank Up: When struck using this Talent you boost your PF by an additional +1.

Bloody Arc (Stua Fola)

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You channel cruel memories of a life on the battlefield, all of its pains and rewards, and roar in defiance to strike in an arc and wreck an enemy front-line. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action to up to 3 foes within Reach/Range. If you wield a large weapon (Size 5 or above) your attack inflicts +2 damage, and Knockback 1 hex. [Counter P]. This manoeuvre always requires two hands. Peace: When you perform a physical feat you may do so 3 at a time - chop down 3 trees at once, throw 3 tables over, juggle 3 stones, and so on. Rank Up: If an ally falls within the arc of your strike you can

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easily avoid them, even if they are struggling in a shared hex of a foe or grappled with them. In addition, you may cleave through any object large enough to occupy a hex within your arch (like a support beam in a house) and destroy it if it’s QR is less than the final AV of your attack. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Branches to Arrows

Spell Area Amplify Multi Enchant a nearby tree to fire its branches as arrows. Combat: A tree in Nearby (4 hex) Range shoots its branch tips like arrows at all your foes within a Far (8 hex). These arrows do 2 damage to each foe. The Multi Meta tag will awaken +2 trees to fight on your behalf. (Bramble and bushes are not considered trees for this purpose.) Peace: A tree will tell you who has passed by it recently. Rank Up: Affected trees can rise from the ground on their roots and walk, repositioning before or after the attacks by up to 2 hexes.

Breath of Acid

Spell Amplify Area Range Your throat contains an acid sack, and from it you can spit a poisonous and corrosive acid. Combat: You perform a breath attack in an area in front of you. Up to 3 metal items of QR 6 or less caught in the blast take on the Damaged Condition [Counter P each item]. Each Amplify applied increases the QR of potentially Damaged items by 6. Peace: The spell recipient’s saliva turns into a very caustic substance, burning through one inch of iron per minute of exposure. It is much less effective on other substances (flesh, stone, glass, etc.) Rank Up: The acid also incurs 2 Physical damage to anyone caught in its spray.

Breath of Flames

Spell Amplify Area Range You inhale deeply using your body to channel Lugh’s light and change your breath into a cone of golden flames. Combat: You perform a breath attack on up to 3 targets in


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the area front of you. Any enemy caught incurs 1 Degeneration Condition [Counter P]. Peace: You can cauterize minor wounds, purge infections and ignite small fires. Rank Up: Your flame breath also incurs 2 Physical damage.

Breath of Hoarfrost

Spell Amplify Area Range The spell blasts an area around you in extreme cold as you exhale your next breath. Combat: You perform a breath attack on up to 3 enemies in the area in front of you causing 1 Impeded Condition [Counter P]. Peace: You can exhale pure cold, allowing you to freeze liquids, including small amounts of alcohol (mead). Rank Up: Your hoarfrost breath also incurs 2 Physical damage.

Bull Rush

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Run at someone to push them backwards. Combat: Perform a Move action and push an opponent back 2 hexes [Counter P per hex]. Peace: Throw your weight at someone or something, moving them, or bowling them over. Rank Up: Push an additional +2 hexes [Counter P each].

Bulwark of Faith

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You infuse your own flesh with divine might to enhance the brutality of your attacks. Combat: Perform an Attack action with +4 damage per intensity in Divine Wrath. Gain +1 PF until end of round per intensity in Divine Favour. Peace: When at a sacred shrine/site, you gain +1 AV on Skill checks. Rank Up: When using this Talent, gain +1 PF per 2 intensities of Divine Favour or per intensity of Divine Wrath until end of round after performing the Attack action. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Bulwark of Judgement

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The divine power that runs through your body can be spent, struck into your blows and used against your enemy. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +2 damage bonus and you may Consume 1 Divine Favour to inflict Blind [Counter P] and you may consume 1 Divine Wrath to inflict Degeneration [Counter P] and Vulnerable [Counter P]. Peace: You gain a +1 AV when trying to discern when someone is lying. Rank Up: When using this Talent, gain +1 PF per 2 intensities of Divine Favour or per intensity of Divine Wrath until end of round after performing the attack action. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Cailleach’s Kiss

Shapechange Maintain Maintain Amplify You borrow the form of a twisted old crone called a Cailleach, the “Divine Hag”, a sometimes ally of the Morrigan. The dreaded and cunning being is known as a swindler of fate, dealer of both luck and misery, and the Followers of the White God claim she is the mother of witches. Combat: Assuming this form grants you +1 Empower. Peace: You can take the form of a hag, allowing you to sense curses and the Nearby (within 4 hexes) allies of the Unseelie Court. Rank Up: When in this form gain Mental Parry +1.

Call Oak

Interrupt Amplify Multi Maintain Nature answers your call when you are attacked, sprouting out of the ground to protect you. Combat: If your feet touch soil, and you are being attacked by a physical weapon that has Reach or Range, an oak tree grows in an adjacent hex between you and the threat, shielding you from harm for 4 Physical PF. If the damage exceeds the PF then the tree is broken and the remainder of the damage falls on you to Defend with your own PF and Parry. Peace: Where a great forest used to be, as long as a few good trees remain, you may take 6 days and populate the land with magically planted saplings, each 1 foot tall. They will reach maturity by next spring.


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Rank Up: If you wear no armour then the PF of your trees increases by +1 with another +1 every 10 Dweller Levels.

Call Stone

Interrupt Amplify Multi Maintain Your ties with the land itself comes to your defense, raising out of the very stone to defend you. Combat: If you are being attacked by magic that has Reach or Range, a stone obelisk rises up from the ground in an adjacent hex between you and the harm that has 3 Spiritual PF. If the damage is exceeded then the stone breaks and the remainder falls on you to defend with your Spiritual PF and Spiritual Parry. Peace: You can harmonize with stone being able to sense the last scene it witnessed. Rank Up: If you do not wield any weapons, gain an additional Spiritual PF +1, and a further additional Spiritual PF +1 every 7 of your Dweller Levels.

Call Wind

Interrupt Amplify Dodge Maintain Your bond with nature allows you to feel the wind change as an attacker comes for you. Combat: When attacked by a melee attack at Range 1 you may Interrupt to Move 1 hex. If this brings you out of Reach/ Range of the attack, then it does no damage. No single object you carry can be greater in Size than your Size -1. Peace: You can dodge physical attacks coming from improvised objects. Rank Up: If you wield no weapons and wear no armour then Move an additional +1 hex, and another +1 for every 5 Dweller Levels. You cannot stop the wind before it has blown you the full distance, but you can direct your course.

Canticle for Ascesis *

Faith Interrupt Range Range Range Sing a subtle song to yourself in Latinate, gathering your faith to find the best way forward employing the advice of faith. Combat: You Counter the effect of a rune chain that was just played so long as it was violent in nature. You may Consume a Miracle to take this rune back into your hand from In-Play after it resolves. Peace: You may sit silent and still for several hours at a time, blocking out the material world. If you are affected by any poison, torture, continued pain or other Degeneration Condition, you may delay its effects for 6 hours at a time. When

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the 6 hour period is over you must use the Skill of Prayer or Speak in Tongues to avoid suffering the effects you have delayed, before again regressing into a spiritual space and blocking out the physical world. Rank Up: If you are Bloodied and the foe you face is Supernatural, then you may take the rune back into your hand from In-Play after it resolves without Consuming a Miracle.

Cascading Blades

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Combo Using a combination of divine magic, battle mantras and inner fury you increase your attack speed with each hit upon your foe. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +2 damage bonus per Combo meta rune you play. Anyone adding runes to your Combo runechain perform an Attack action instead of the usual Combo effect. For every Combo meta you played, their attack gains +2 Reach and they may add an Amplify meta to their Attack action. Peace: Your Aid meta when performing Skill checks grants you double bonus. Rank Up: The Range of your Combo meta is extended by +2 hexes (for all Talents involving this meta). You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.


Spell Range Area Amplify Heal and cleanse someone. Combat: Heal +4 and reduce a Condition Intensity by 1. Peace: Cure most poisons and diseases with this spell. Rank Up: Add an additional Heal +2 to this Talent.

Chain Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Go from one enemy to another, attacking the next with greater might. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +3 damage bonus against an opponent if you have already damaged one of their allies this combat round. Peace: When an ally is affected by a negative Emotional Condition you may share that Condition for a 6 hour period, after which time you both recover. Rank Up: If your attack did damage then you may immediately make a Weak Attack on a different foe within Reach or Range. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Challenge to Champions *

Manoeuvre Amplify Range Amplify To live the life of a warrior is to take lives, it is to pave your destiny with the bones of the vanquished, to collect heads for payment and recognition, it is to drag the chained souls of the slain to Father Donn has proof of your greatness has a legend worthy to sit in his hall or ascend to immortality in the otherworlds. Combat: Call-out to a Worthy Foe from up to a Battlefield’s distance (16 hexes) away and challenge them [Counter S] to single combat. You do not need to know your foe’s exact location. Shroud or other methods of hiding or obscuring position do not apply for the foe being called-out, since the challenge could be made orally, through gesture, or symbolically. If successful, each of you must advance towards each other to fight, when able, or Accept a Stun as soon as you commit any other action. Anyone else on the Battlefield (within 16 hexes) making an Attack action on you, or your chosen enemy, must Accept a Wound to do so [Counter S]. This special circumstance is continues until you or the enemy are defeated or until the enemy makes an Oath that satisfies the one who made the challenge. A challenge cannot be issued to more than one enemy at a time. Each Amplify Meta Tag increases the number of runes required to Counter the challenge. Peace: The gruesome trophies you collect intimidate wouldbe challengers. Any potential challenger of a lower Level will not bother you. Rank Up: Any Weak Defend made while attempting to get to your chosen foe is instead a full Defend.


Spell Range Range Amplify Transfer a condition to someone else. Combat: Reduce the Intensity of a Condition on yourself, and inflict that Condition with +1 intensity on a foe [Counter S]. Peace: You can offload a social burden from yourself onto another. Your demeanour spins a tale of how another is guilty of your crimes. Rank Up: When you do this, Heal 1 to yourself and inflict 1 damage on your foe.

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Channel the Bloody Lady

Spell Song Range Area Amplify Infusing your voice with all your past and present torment, you shriek like a Banshee, inflicting your inner suffering on your foes. Combat: Deal 4 Mental damage to anyone adjacent. Peace: You can sense the negative emotions in others, for every social Skill check you can sense if your interlocutor is hostile to you or your allies. Rank Up: If your foe already suffers form a negative Emotional Condition then inflict 1 Fear as well [Counter M].

Cleansing Attack Manoeuvre

Amplify Multi Combo Purify your body by transferring life-force energy from your victim to yourself. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action, Heal yourself or an adjacent ally by +1 and reduce the intensity of a Condition by 1 on anyone who is adjacent. [Counter any one rune per intensity]. Peace: Ease your own malaise by applying suffering unto another being. Rank Up: When you do this, Heal yourself or the adjacent ally by an additional +2.

Cleansing Block

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Through the trial of blocking an incoming attack, you purify your body, mind, and soul. Combat: Perform a Weak Defend action with a +1 Parry bonus and reduce the intensity of a Condition that afflicted you or an adjacent ally by 1. You may also reduce the intensity of a Condition that affects an adjacent foe [Counter any one rune per intensity]. Peace: You have an innate sense of danger that gives you a split-second of reaction time before an imminent threat. Rank Up: If you reduce the intensity of a Condition that affects an adjacent for, they must pay +1 rune to Counter.

Cleansing Sprint

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Run and shed a taint that has afflicted you. Combat: Perform a Move action and Restore 1.


Peace: You know how to purge and purify your body. This is useful when performing sacred ceremonies such as wedding and funerals. Rank Up: If you are at the maximum intensity of a negative physical Condition when you use this Talent, then Restore +1.

Cold Lance

Spell Swift Amplify Multi You conjure and throw a spear of magical ice at your enemy. Combat: Deal 2 damage to a target up to 4 hexes away and inflict 1 Impeded [Counter P]. Peace: You can move through deep snow without a penalty. Rank Up: Deal an additional +1 damage at Range +1 with this Talent.

Concentrated Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Focus all your efforts into a single attack, with the aim to both damage and hamper your foe. Combat: Perform an Attack action. If you Consume 1 Alertness, then the attack also inflicts 1 Vulnerable Condition. Peace: You can maintain focus on repetitive tasks for a long period of time. Rank Up: If the attack killed (or otherwise defeated) your opponent then gain back 1 Alertness. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Come At Me

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Combo Run jeeringly, baiting your opponent to follow. Combat: Perform a Move action and gain 1 Taunt Condition. Peace: You can make Social Attacks that begin a social combat while moving. Rank Up: When using this Talent you may also Consume a Divine Favour for +1 Taunt and +2 Move, or Consume a Divine Wrath for +2 Taunt and +4 Move bonus.

Conjure Ogham Weapon

Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain You create a weapon of energy from a series of carved oghams. Combat: Create a weapon that has damage equal to your Spiritual Trait (deals damage by default), Reach equal to your

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Mental Trait (minimum of 1) and Parry equal to your Physical Trait. The Size of the weapon is equal to the Reach of the weapon. The damage of the weapon could also be Spiritual or Mental, but it would count for half of Physical damage, and the damage needs to be specified as soon as the power is chosen. Peace: Create a weapon out of thin air. It will fade away in an hour. Rank Up: Pick one of damage, Reach, or Parry to increase by +1.

Control Opponent

Spell Range Maintain Amplify You act as a conduit for Banshees in service of the Morrigan, and send one out to take possession of an opponent. The Banshee is loyal to you, and will direct some of the movements of the victim as you command. Combat: Inflict 1 Possession on an opponent [Counter S]. So long as this power is Maintained, you can control the possessed rune(s) via the Banshee. If you do not Maintain the Spell, the Banshee gets control of the Possessed rune, and will do with it whatever they wish, and may expect a minor boon at a later time if they help the battle go your way. Peace: Spend 6 hours performing an exorcism and remove a foreign spirit from someone suffering possession. Rank Up: Also inflict +1 Mental damage on your opponent if your Banshee take successful possession of their body.

Corrosive Touch

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Your touch destroys crafted and forged items. Combat: Perform an unarmed Weak attack with Reach +1. After the Attack is resolved, even if no damage was made, you may pick a crafted item on your foe. The item gains 1 Damaged Condition [Counter P]. The item’s QR must be 6 or lower. Every Amplify meta increases the threshold by another +6 levels. Peace: Your sweat is corrosive, causing you to damage your own clothing and equipment over time. You may force your hands to sweat profusely, this allows you to dissolve 1 oz of metals per minute. This will not affect items which have been crafted by a Blacksmith with an Ancestor Spirit. Rank Up: You may also destroy any fabric or leathers on your foe, even if it results from their stored items dropping to the ground.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Cover Ally

Manoeuvre Swift Multi Combo Fire at a foe in order to give an ally time to move. Combat: Make a Weak Attack with a +1 damage bonus and grant a Nearby Ally (within 4 hexes) a Weak Move action. Any additional ally Nearby (within 4 hexes) can use the Aid Meta to also perform a Weak Move action. Peace: Distract the efforts of your allies, lowering the difficulty of any relevant Skill check that would benefit from misdirection by 1. Rank Up: Any ally that received a Weak Move also gains Parry +2 until the end of the round. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Dark Castigation

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Your soul acts as a conduit from the dead realms, bringing down the wrath of one of its masters. Combat: Perform an Defend action with a +3 Parry bonus per rune in your Drain pile and then you get to Move a number of hexes equal to the number of runes in your Drain pile. Peace: When doing something which would make Donn, Crom Cruach or the Morrigan proud, you gain a +1 bonus to your Skill check. Rank Up: When your Move is done, Heal +2.

Dark Juxtaposition

Spell Range Amplify Maintain Exchange your position with someone else’s in range of the effect. Once the positions are exchanged, an illusionary phantasm that looks like you emerges from your body. Opponents may get confused and attack it instead of you. Unless the effect is Maintained, you and the combatant you exchanged positions with return to your original locations at the end of the combat round. Combat: Exchange places with someone adjacent to you [Counter S] and create an illusionary double phantasm (33% chance that an opponent’s blow strikes the phantasm instead of you). If a phantasm is struck, damage is negated and the phantasm dissipates. Peace: Switch the location of two objects with each other; both objects need to be within 3’ of you. Rank Up: You may also make an illusionary phantasm of

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the person you switched with, and shuffle your phantoms. If your phantasm fails, there is still a 33% chance the person you switched with will be the one to suffer the attack instead of you.

Death Charge

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You charge through your opponents, attacking them as you do so. Combat: Perform a Move action with a +2 bonus, you can pass through opponents (move through their hexes). If you are wielding a melee weapon, are larger than the opponent, and have not attacked this opponent during this combat round, you can perform a Weak Attack action with a +1 bonus on each opponent you pass through. You cannot end your movement in the same hex as another combatant. Peace: You are especially talented in repetitive tasks. You are faster and more efficient at such tasks. Rank Up: For the last foe attacked in the charge you may make a full Attack.

Defend the Weak

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo While raging you feel the overwhelming need to protect the allies around you. Combat: While under the Fury Condition perform an Attack action with +2 damage per adjacent Bloodied ally. Area Meta tags increase the radius counting Bloodied allies. Peace: When faced with a chaotic and hostile scene, you spot the innocent and injured with ease. Rank Up: One Bloodied ally can make a Weak Move action to get behind you, if they are able. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.


Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Focus your attack on an opponent’s weapon, making them drop it. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action and disarm your opponent’s weapon. You can direct its fall to one of the hexes adjacent to your foe. [Counter P]. Peace: Gain insight on how to knock objects over with little effort or force.


Rank Up: You may instead direct the disarmed weapon to land 4 hexes away, or may instead catch the weapon in your free hand (if it is one-handed). You may also attempt to disarm weapons your opponent does not currently have in use, such as a sheathed sword or stowed axe. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Discordant Strike

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You mock your enemy with an over-extended attack, insulting their fighting ability with swings that should be easy to rebuke. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with +1 Reach and gain +1 Taunt. Peace: You know how to sow discord in those around you without them knowing. Rank Up: When using this Talent, gain +1 PF per intensity in your Taunt condition while Divine Favour/Wrath greater than 0. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Distant Mercy

Faith Spell Amplify Multi Range Your wish of mercy carries on the wind to the needful. Combat: Target an ally across the Battlefield (16 hexes) and grant them Heal +4. Peace: Those who think of you from far away feel slightly better. Rank Up: If the ally is Bloodied, also grant them Spiritual PF +1.

Divine Breath

Divine Spell Maintain Area Amplify The air that fills your lungs is imbued with divine energy. When you breathe deeply, you feel better. Combat: Heal +4 and Restore 1. This power is Amplified per your intensity of Divine Wrath and gains an Area meta per your intensity in Divine Favour. Peace: Your breath cures battle wounds and injuries in a matter of minutes. Rank Up: This Talent gains an additional Heal +1 and Reclaim 1.

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Divine Dash

Divine Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Your forward momentum is propelled by a divine sense of haste. Combat: While in this stance your Move actions gain +1 hex bonus per intensity in Divine Favour/Wrath. If you perform an Attack action immediately after your Move action, you may add your intensities of Divine Wrath to your damage. Peace: When combat is about to begin, you have a split second to reposition yourself, gain 1 free move action after initiative is determined, but before the first round of combat. Rank Up: When using this Talent add an additional Move +2.

Divine Reflection

Divine Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify You pause a moment to be thankful to the gods you serve, sending them praise in the midst of battle. Combat: Heal +4 and +1 per Intensity of Divine Favour, or -1 per Intensity of Divine Wrath. (Note: This is in addition to the Healing gained by Divine Favour when this power activates.) Peace: You can consume tainted water and suffer no ill effects. Rank Up: Your body is basked in faint light and you gain PF +1.

Divine Sigil

Divine Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify You bring forth your deity`s majestic symbol. It may be a sword, a suit of armour, or even a crown. Its intense power both punishes your foes and proclaims your holy allegiance. Combat: Your melee weapon Attack actions in this Stance have +1 Spiritual damage. Peace: You are never without your divine symbol. You may bring it into being at any time while your patron is not angered. Rank Up: Increase the Spiritual damage done in this Stance by +1.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Double Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You are able to strike two targets simultaneously, hoping to overwhelm your enemy’s defences. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack with a +1 damage bonus and a +2 Range/Reach bonus on up to 2 targets within Range/Reach. Peace: You are ambidextrous. Rank Up: Add an additional +2 damage to each target. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Dragon’s Breath

Unseelie Spell Amplify Range Area You can exhale one type of element (ice, fire, electricity, etc) from your maw. The damage it deals scales by your size. You choose what you breath out the first time you use this power, and the choice if permanent for the Character. Combat: Shoot your breath to a Nearby (4 hex) Range. The effect of the breath extends in a 1 hex radius around that spot. The damage you breath deals is 1 per 2 Sizes of your Character. Peace: Lower the difficulty of a Skill check to detect intruders with your sense of smell by 1. Rank Up: Increase the damage done by your breath by +2.

Drain Life

Spell Range Area Amplify Suck the vigour and youth out of your victim with painful decrepitude. At the same time, the rushing funnel heals you by replenishing your spirit. Combat: Deal 4 damage and Heal +4. Peace: Cause someone to experience an amplification of the effects of age (creaking joints, weaker back, etc.) Rank Up: You avoid draining the life of your allies, even if they are caught within the spell’s area.

Draw From Nature

Spell Range Area Amplify Draw from the natural magic in the nature around you, using the trees, the sky, and the earth below. Combat: This spell has two forms. For this spell, you may only choose the Benevolent or the Detrimental aspects of the Element Meta Tags as determined by how this Power is marked. This spell operates at up to a Far (8 hex Range).

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Benevolent: Grant an ally Heal +1 and the benevolent effect of an applicable Element Meta tag (Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice, Light, or Water). Detrimental: Inflict 1 damage on a foe and a detrimental effect of the Element Meta tag, according to what surrounds you at the time of casting. Available options are taken from what surrounds your Character in nature. For example, in the darkness of an underground barrow, Light is not an option; on the open seas, Fire will not respond, etc. Peace: Change the Element type of pure elements like a fire or a small pool of water into another Element type with the same Characteristics - the fire of darkness seems to burn, or the pool of fire sits as a liquid, for instance. Rank Up: You may choose one element of the Element Meta tag that is always available to you regardless of your environment.

Drinker of Sorrows

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You drink deep the misery of combat, the sorrows you inflict and the sadness of violence. Combat: Perform an Attack action with +1 damage per intensity in Divine Favour. Heal +2 per intensity in Divine Wrath. Peace: Gain +1 AV on Physical Skills if someone Nearby (within 4 hexes) suffers from a negative Emotional Condition. Rank Up: When using this Talent Heal +1 and Reclaim 1. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Duty of Care

Faith Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Defend your allies, but encourage them to act for themselves. Combat: If an adjacent ally is attacked, you may perform a Weak Defend action for them then Heal yourself or the adjacent ally by +1. That ally may move +/- 1 position on the Initiative track. This does not affect the rest of your current Action phase in this combat round. Peace: Your friends come to you for advice. Rank Up: If your ally is Bloodied, they can move an additional +/-1 position on the Initiative track.


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Duty of Community

Faith Interrupt Range Multi Amplify When you call for help your allies will answer as they are able. Combat: Make a Weak Defend action and target an ally Nearby (within 4 hexes). That ally may move +/- 1 position in Initiative. This does not affect the rest of your current Action phase in this combat round. Peace: When you are within 10% of the asking price at market, and short of Skatt, another will come to your aid to supply the remaining coin. Rank Up: If you are Bloodied, the ally can move an additional +/-1 position on the Initiative track.

Duty to Fight

Faith Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You must defend the innocent and the weak. Combat: If an adjacent ally is attacked, you may perform a Weak Defend action for them. Then, if the attacker is within Reach, you may choose to immediately strike them with a Weak Attack action. Peace: The meek and oppressed seek you out and petition you for protection. Rank Up: After your attack, or if you were unable to make it, you may Move in front of your ally to shield them from harm, and Heal yourself or your ally by +1.

Elemental Strike

Manoeuvre Multi Element Element Imbue your weapon with a quality of elemental magic. It shines with mystical energy as it strikes. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with a +1 bonus and apply the Element of your choice. The Element’s effect is Detrimental Peace: Bring forth any one element through your weapon in a minor way, such as issuing sparks, cooling boiling water, or blowing a paper away. Rank Up: Choose one element of the Element Meta tag. You may trigger both the Detrimental application in your attack and the Benevolent application upon yourself at the same time when you use this power.

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Embodiment of War/Chaos/Death

Divine Shapechange Maintain Maintain Maintain Succumb to the awesome power of your ideals as the gods channel themselves through you, increasing your frame and might in this world. Combat (War): Gain Size +3, PF +1 vs all Traits, +1 damage per intensity of Divine Favour and +1 PF per intensity of Divine Wrath. Equipment merged with your new form. Combat (Death): Gain Size +2, PF +1 vs all Traits, Attack damage cut in half, but deals Spiritual damage, +2 damage per intensity of Divine Wrath, +1 Move per intensity of Divine Favour. Equipment merged with your new form. Combat (Chaos): Gain Size +4, PF +1 vs all Traits, Move -2, you may Consume Divine Favour to Heal +4 and you may Consume Divine Wrath to gain 1 intensity of Trance and 1 intensity of Shroud. Peace: Assume the shapechange at any time. Rank Up: Each Attack and Spell action has Reclaim 1 while you are Shapechanged.

Enchant Flesh

Spell Maintain Amplify Maintain Your skin takes on the sheen of a hard substance such as wood or iron. You infuse yourself or an ally with heightened protection against one attack this combat round. Combat: Gain a PF +2 and Parry +4. All of these effects can be triggered together once per combat round as an {Interrupt} effect (combatant’s choice). Peace: Boost your physical resilience to toxic substances for a short period (smoke,mushroom poison, etc.) Rank Up: You may use this power for a second attack in the round as well.

Face of the Green Man

Divine Shapechange Maintain Amplify Maintain You merge into The Green, your body folding and branching like a tree, and your face turns to leaves like the face of the Green Man. Combat: Partially take on the appearance of a tree. Gain 1 Shroud, 1 Alertness, and the Creature Types Aware and Twilight Vision, meaning you can see in normal and magical


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

darkness in a 360 degree radius just beyond the Battlefield (16 hexes). There must be other trees present for you to merge into. Your feet must touch soil. You also self-inflict 1 Impeded Condition as your feet take root in the soil below. An Amplify Meta tag applied to this power will also increase Impeded. Unlike most shapechanging powers, your equipment is still available to you, and your Talents remain unchanged. Peace: You may hibernate in green woods, assuming this form and staying in place until spring. During this hibernation you cannot age, and no poison can harm you. If you leave the area of green, this power fades away. Rank Up: You do not need an tree to be present in order to use this Talent, so long as your feet touch soil. Also, you may choose for your feet to take root in this shape, gaining +2 PF for every rank in Wilderness Survival, but the Impeded Condition upon you takes on maximum intensity.

Favoured Strike

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You channel your connection to your god into the strike, utter a minor oath and offer them blood. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +1 Reach and +1 damage per intensity in your Divine Favour, or +2 Reach and +2 damage per intensity in Divine Wrath. Peace: You can perform Blot & Faining and other prayer circumstances under adverse weather conditions. Rank Up: When you perform this Attack, you gain +1 PF until end of round. You may also Consume 1 Divine Favour to add an Element meta to the attack. If you Consume 1 Divine Wrath, you can add 2 Element Metas to the attack. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Feather Storm

Unseelie Spell Amplify Area Area Your body magically spawns and expels hundreds of hard and sharp feathers. Combat: Deal 4 damage to all enemies surrounding you. The radius of the area is a number of hexes equal to half your Size. Peace: You may cause your skin to be covered in feathers. Rank Up: In your feathered explosion you may take Flight (as with the aspect) for a Weak Move action. You will take no damage from falling back down the same height at the end of the Weak Move.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Feint Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift Attempt half-heartedly to disorient your opponent then strike at their vulnerable areas. Combat: Inflict 1 damage using a melee weapon and inflict 1 Vulnerable Condition [Counter P]. Your next Defend action gain +3 Parry. Peace: Dealing a blow to a victim’s uncovered head causes a knockout (the victim must be of a lower level). Rank Up: Instead of 1 Physical damage, make a Weak Attack with a melee weapon. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.

Feral Pounce

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify You dismiss armour and weapons, preferring to hone your natural combat prowess. Your agility is unparalleled when you are unencumbered. Combat: If you do not wear armour and do no wield weapons, you can perform a Defend action with a +4 Parry bonus. Peace: You are at one with nature. Any Skill checks involving elements of nature or wild animals receives a bonus of +1 Skill success. Rank Up: You may perform Defend actions for adjacent allies.

Ferocious Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Take a combat stance with a greater ability to chase and inflict pain on your foes. Combat: Attack actions gain a +2 damage bonus. Peace: You excel at chasing and catching small prey. Rank Up: Attack actions against a Bloodied foe also inflict Degeneration [Counter P].

Fidchell Formation *

Transmute Spell Amplify Element Maintain Take out the small Fidchell pieces you have carved out of wood and bronze in the image of warriors and imbue them with magic, throw them to the ground and command them to war. The pieces can be coloured either of yellow gold (but still made of bronze) or white bronze.


Combat: Throw down up to 3 Fidchell pieces to the ground to separate hexes within a Nearby (4 hex) Range of you in a formation of your choosing. The Fidchell pieces awaken as small bronze warriors of Size 3 who will take basic orders as a group, and will follow them to a fault. • Bronze Idols are considered a single Companion, and are commanded using the Fidchell Skill just as moving them as pieces around a Fidchell board. The key caveat of an army of Bronze Idols is that they are only capable of all performing the same Action they are all commanded to do, all facing the same direction, with no deviation. Otherwise they follow all the rules of being a Companion: they move when you Move, they can be communicated with, etc. For rules on Companions see 192. • Bronze Idols are considered a Swarm. If one is Damaged on the battlefield, they are all damaged (even if new Bronze Idols are deployed unharmed they will mimic the Damaged state of their fellows.) They can be repaired using the Forge Skill at a later time. For rules on Swarms see 274. As a Transmute Spell you bring a Companion into being at a QR of 50% of your Dweller Level. Companions when brought into being this way have their Size (in this case Size 3), a Free Creature Type (in this case Construct) and a Meta Tag they can activate from amongst common Meta tags (Absorb, Deflect, Degenerate, Impeded, Vulnerable) or a cost of 4 QR for an uncommon Meta tag. Remaining QR can be spent from the Companion Types table page 197 for Construct. The Bronze Idols represented in the Companions section page 193 have a 0 QR starting value. Of special note on Meta tags: • Amplify: Amplify increases the QR the Bronze Idol starts with. (For example, a Dweller level 14 would start with 7 QR for their Bronze Idols. That means they can reference the Bronze Idols in the Companions section and add an ability of 1 QR value from the Craft table for Effigies. Or, they can apply the Amplify Meta to the Transmute Spell and start their Bronze Idols with 14 QR, which means they take the Bronze Idols from the Companions section and add an additional 8 QR of abilities to them from the Craft section page 432.) • Element: When deploying you may use the Element meta tag to invest the Swarm of Bronze Idols with the effect of one Element Meta tag of your choosing. If you deploy further formations each time you use the Element Meta tag overrides the previous use. • Maintain: Bronze Idols stay deployed and Size 3 until

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no longer Maintained, at which time they resume their Size 1 Fidchell piece size and can be collected and returned to your bag. Peace: The old Fir Blog secrets of caring and imbuing simulacrum with life are yours. It takes 6 hours for you to carve a small warrior Fidchell piece out of wood and bronze and imbue it with magic to be deployed. Rank Up: You may choose to keep your Bronze Idols at Size 1 instead of them expanding to Size 3. Also, the Bronze Idols you bring into being now have a starting QR of 75% of your Dweller Level.

Fight On!

Manoeuvre Multi Multi Amplify You call out to your comrades, rallying them for a new wave of the fight. Combat: You target an ally across the Battlefield (up to 16 hexes away), granting them an immediate Weak Attack action with +1 damage, if they are able to do so. The ally may only use 1Meta tag on their Attack action. An Amplify Meta tag applied to this Talent makes it a full Attack action. Peace: When you throw a party or event, or seek to gather people, they always show up. Rank Up: Reduce the ally’s Fear Condition of by 1 Intensity.

Final Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Use the torment you are suffering to channel that anguish into your attack. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +2 damage bonus per rune in the Drain pile. Peace: When performing Physical Skill checks, gains a +1 bonus if you have any runes in Drain. Rank Up: You may also reduce the Intensity of a negative Emotional Condition by 1 if you face a Worthy Foe. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Flanking Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Gain a benefit when attacking if your victim is being threatened by another combatant. Combat: Perform an Attack action and gain a +3 damage bonus if someone else has already attacked your victim this


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

combat round. Peace: Gain an additional +1 bonus in a Skill when someone else is also performing a Skill check for the same event, and you have at least 1 rank in the Skill, and the other person has a higher rank than you. Rank Up: If your ally did damage to your mutual foe, and the foe is a Worthy Foe, then inflict 1 Degeneration [Counter P] upon them, as you have struck a vital spot. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Fly True

Spell Swift Element Combo There is a supernatural quality to your ranged attack, and your projectile will go any distance and avoid any obstacle necessary to reach your chosen target. Combat: Make a ranged Attack action against a target you cannot see. The projectile will cross any distance and weave around any barrier to get to the target, including complicated mid-air corrections. The target can make a Defend action against the attack normally. If the target lies beyond the Range of your weapon then the true name of the target must be uttered when the attack is made, or else the projectile falls at your feet. Peace: The projectile can land beside its target instead of attacking it. Rank Up: Your damage with this power increases by +1. Also, you are aware of everything the projectile sees and hears when it travels, up until the point where it impacts.

Flying Charge

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You perfectly balance mobility and aggression by striking in one location while starting or ending up in another. Combat: Perform a Move action and a Weak Attack action with a +1 P damage bonus (in any order). Peace: You are especially adept at pouncing, allowing you to ambush and catch small prey (such as fish) barehanded. Rank Up: If you attack after you Move then do a full Attack instead of a Weak Attack. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Formulating Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You study all of the combatants and, using an attack, move into a superior position for the next exchange.

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Combat: Perform a Weak Attack with a +1 damage bonus and shift +/-1 position in Initiative. This does not affect the rest of your current Action phase or provide another Action phase in this combat round. Peace: You have the uncanny ability to know when to speak in a social situation to not miss the most appropriate time to talk. Rank Up: Gain a +2 bonus to any Assess action made after changing your spot in Initiative order. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Friend of Daggers

Spell Maintain Multi Amplify This spell strikes an alliance with sharp weapons. Combat: Befriend sharp weapons up to Far (8 hex) distance away [Counter P]. Smaller weapons, such as a knife, will unsheathe themselves to attack their owner. Larger weapons will attack their owner only if they are being wielded or their blade is otherwise exposed. If one foe owns multiple sharp weapons, the caster must pick one or use the Multi Meta tag to affect more of them [Counter P per weapon]. This magical friendship can only be made with weapons of QR 6 or less. Each Amplify Meta applied to the power increases the QR of weapons that could be affected by +6. In exchange for this favour, the weapon expects to be buried in the earth. Peace: Bladed weapons will whisper the names of their previous wielders. Rank Up: Affect weapons of QR +2 more, and affect sheathed swords.

Friend of Flames

Spell Maintain Multi Amplify This spell turns an innocuous bonfire or torch into a fearsome ally. The flames grow strong and angry as if fanned by mystic winds and for a brief time are directed to your will. Combat: Torches or other fires up to Far (8 hex) distance away from you are convinced to attack a foe of yours that is within Nearby (4 hex) Range of them. The fire jumps to reach your foe. • Torches inflict 1 Degeneration [Counter P] • Bonfires inflict 2 damage and 1 Degeneration [Counter P]. • Larger fires inflict 1 damage for each hex of the flame and inflict 1 Degeneration [Counter P]. If this Talent is Maintained then the fire continues burning


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on your foe and they will take the same damage again during Upkeep. If it is not Maintained then the part of fire that jumped to burn your foe will extinguish upon Cleanup unless it has a ready propellent to keep it burning. The Multi Meta tag can be used to either make one fire attack multiple foes with its Nearby (4 hex) Range, or if it is a larger fire to section off different flames to attack a single or multiple targets. For helping you in this way the fire expects to be able to burn something of great monetary value before it is fully extinguished. Peace: Alter the size and intensity of a fire next to you. A candle can be made to burn as fervently as a torch. Rank Up: The fires you make an agreement with may jump and increased +2 hexes to reach a foe, or between foes.

Friend of Waves

Spell Area Range Amplify This spell turns water into a powerful ally. A bucket of water can help you, and a body of water can swell to knock over those before you. Combat: Befriend waters up to Far (8 hex) distance away. A bucket of water will drench an adjacent foe, causing 1 Impeded Condition [Counter P] as they fall from the force of the wave. Water of at least 4 hexes width will inflict Impeded [Counter P] and Knockback 1 [Counter P]. If the foe is standing adjacent to still or running water of at least a Battlefield (16 hex) radius, the water will inflict Impeded [Counter P] and Knockback a foe in one direction for 4 hexes [Counter P per hex]. Peace: You may create a barrel’s worth of water out of thin air after 6 hours of meditation. This water flows from your outstretched hand. Rank Up: In all cases of the size of the water it will not hit with greater force, causing Knockback +2 [Counter P per hex].

Furious Clang

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo When your attacks have no effect, it makes you furious. Combat: Make an Attack action. If the attack does not result in any damage upon your foe, gain 1 Fury Condition. If the Multi Meta tag is used and multiple foes are attacked, +1 Fury intensity will be gained for each unsuccessful attack, but only if none of them are successful. If any one attack does

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damage, then your frustration is satisfied and you gain no Fury. Peace: If you are shackled or restrained, immediately gain 1 Fury Condition. Rank Up: If the attack successfully deals damage, Heal +2 from renewed vigour. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Furious Guard

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify You sink your feet into the ground, becoming as a wall, and channel the impact of your foe into fury. Combat: If you have not yet Moved this turn, perform Defend action and gain 1 Fury Condition. The next time you move by a Move Action or other Talent, you Move -1 hex. Peace: If you are stationary and something of your Size or less bumps into you, you cannot be knocked down. Rank Up: You are capable of using this power even if you have done a Move action this turn.

Furious Parry

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Employ your fury to aid your strength against the attacks of others. Combat: Perform a Defend action with a Parry bonus equal to the intensity of your Fury Condition. Peace: You can smell and perceive how wounded Characters are, your Perception Skill checks associated with blood and/ or wounds are always 1 difficulty rating lower. Rank Up: Gain an additional +1 Mental Parry.

Furious Dash

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You rush forward, blades drawn to kill your foes. Combat: Gain 1 Fury Condition and perform a Move action. Peace: You can use your fury to sprint faster than most, and if you shout while running you will wake everyone sleeping within a Battlefield (16 hex) distance. Rank Up: While in the fury of your sprint if you progress in a straight line you are unaffected by difficult terrain, but you do not avoid the difficulties, you stomp on them, grinding


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

them into dust in your progress, destroying everything in your path down to the blades of grass.

Peace: You can carry loads as if your were one Size larger. Rank Up: Also resist Knockback 2 in this Stance.

Furious Tantrum

Glorified Armour

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You smash the things around you to work yourself into a frenzy. Combat: Damage an object of QR 6 or less [Counter P if the item is held by another] and gain 1 Fury Condition. Each Amplify applied increases the QR of potentially Damaged items by 6. Peace: You are thorough in your ability to clear a room, smashing all furniture and breaking anything valuable. Rank Up: You are skilled at encouraging your tantrum by smashing objects upon your foes. You may make an unarmed Weak Attack with this Talent as well.

Get Down!

Manoeuvre Range Combo Amplify You’re only as hidden as the most obvious member of your group. Combat: Signal to a Nearby (within 4 hexes) ally to get down. Give them 1 Shroud and PF +1. Peace: You have an uncanny ability to know when enemies are trying to ambush you, lowering the difficulty to make a Skill Check to discern or avoid ambushes by 1. Rank Up: You may use this as an {Interrupt} action instead.

Geyser of Sacred Water

Spell Song Maintain Amplify Area The ground erupts as a font of water floods the battlefield. Combat: You flood a Nearby (4 hex radius) area that gives anyone within it Heal +4. Combatants are considered to be wet and a puddle will remain on the ground. Peace: You may create water at will (1 ounce per minute). Rank Up: Increase the area of the geyser +1 hex in all directions.

Gird Your Loins

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify You lock your muscles, preparing to defend yourself against incoming attacks. Combat: While in this Stance gain +2 Parry.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Divine Spell Area Multi Combo Entering in a trance you manage for an instant to align with one of your chosen gods, allowing it to guide your defences and protect you from harm. Combat: Gain +4 PF vs Physical damage. Peace: Your skin is unnaturally tough and hard to pierce and cut, making you resilient to natural abrasions, cuts, and punctures. Rank Up: When using this Talent gain an additional +1 PF. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Grinnthoil (Lucid Intent) *

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Your ability to pass judgment on others and to embody the laws of the Celts has transcended mundane means to becoming a spell on its own, even those who do not understand are compelled to suddenly stop in their tracks when you order it. Combat: Interrupt a foe who is moving within Far (8 hex) Range of you and order them to stop, reducing their Move by 4 [Counter M]. If the foe needed to Move to get into range of your attack, the reduction applies to their remaining Move. Any Passives Talents activated by your foe’s Move action still activate as though the Move was fulfilled, and any additional actions derived from the Talent they were using (of which a Move action may only be a part) still occur. For example, if the foe used the Talent Bull Rush to perform a Move action and then push an opponent back, and were interrupted by Grinnthoil during their Move action, the foe would still be able to perform their push action from wherever they now stand. Peace: Sell your services as a learned person of laws for 50 Skatt over a 6 hour period. The Norn may cite a larger payment depending on the gravity of the dispute. Rank Up: If the number of Move you have commanded your foe to stop exceeds their remaining Move then this Talent also inflicts 1 Impeded [Counter P]. For instance, if your foe wishes to move 2 hexes, and you interrupt with Grinnthoil, they would go back to where they stood and suffer the effects of Impeded unless they Countered.


Hack & Slash

Manoeuvre Amplify Swift Amplify Unleash a series of fast strikes to several opponents in a last ditch effort to wound them. Combat: Make a Weak Attack with +2 damage with a melee weapon on up to 3 enemies surrounding you and apply 1 Degeneration [Counter P] to each as they suffer your million cuts. Then, inflict 1 Vulnerable on yourself [Counter P] from exhaustion. Amplify Meta tags apply to the damage, Degeneration on others, as well as Vulnerable to yourself. Peace: Your heavy use of blades allows you to lower the difficulty of all checks linked to the quality, state and pricing linked to these weapon types. Rank Up: You may make a full Attack instead of a Weak Attack, but must Accept a Stun from the strain.

nelling her power through you as a living gate. The power discharges from the tip of your extended finger in the form of a shadowy beam. Combat: Increase the intensity of the Possession Condition on an enemy already Possessed by 1 from Far (8 hexes) away, and inflict 1 Mental Damage. Amplify increases Mental Damage done. Peace: You can identify if someone is currently or has ever been possessed. Rank Up: You may perform a ceremony for 6 hours to take possession of a victim no more than a mile away [Counter S]. You must have an object belonging to the victim or a clipping of their hair or fingernails. If the possession is a success you are in control of the Character for one turn. If it is not, the target is unsettled by your presence and will actively avoid you. This ceremony cannot be attempted twice on the same target.

Halt Evil

Healing Stance

Faith Spell Song Amplify Area Area You can stop evil in its tracks. Combat: If you have at least 1 intensity in the Miracle Condition then to a Supernatural foe you deal 1 Spiritual damage, +1 Impeded [Counter S] and +1 Blind [Counter S]. Peace: When learning about supernatural beings, you are especially resilient to any occult traps hidden within the lore. Rank Up: If you are Bloodied when using this Talent, and no ally is Nearby (within 4 hexes) then gain +1 Miracle.


Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The attacker aims the blow to the legs, attempting to slow and cripple the foe. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with +1 damage and inflict 1 Impeded [Counter P]. Peace: You understand the perils of losing your mobility. You have found a way to decrease the burden of moving through water and snow. Rank Up: You do this often, and know how limping can alter one’s tracks. Reduce the difficulty of Skill checks to track or otherwise find your limping prey by 2. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Hand of the Queen

Spell Range Amplify Multi You call on the Morrigan and point her at an enemy, chan-

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Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify This stance fills you with positive energy that permeates your body as well as your actions. Combat: While in this Stance, any Healing you confer or receive gains a +2 bonus. Peace: You have a positive effect on those around you. Spirits remain high long after some would have succumbed to depression and despair. Rank Up: While in this Stance if you are Healed, you may Reclaim 1. If you Heal an ally, they may Reclaim 1.

Heedful Charge

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Move quickly but cautiously, avoiding dangers. Combat: Perform a Move action and gain +4 Parry on your next Defend action. Peace: Mask your expressions and thoughts from someone trying to scrutinize your body language. Rank Up: Ignore all instances of the Impeded Condition while making a Heedful Charge.

Heroic Death Tale (The Violent Death of Cú Chulainn) *

Spell Amplify Amplify Amplify To some, glory is all, claiming life in heroic combat is the shortest path for a warrior to claim immortality through blood and legends. You roar, seeking that violent death,


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challenging all those who would dare to fight you in glorious combat. Combat: If Bloodied then you may loose a primal scream to the gods. Immediately Heal +2 and gain +1 Bravery and +1 Fury Conditions. Peace: The release of power allows you to keep a normal body temperature no matter how cold it is. Rank Up: When this Talent activates your next Attack action gains +2 damage.

Holy Deflection

Faith Maintain Maintain Maintain Bath yourself in the light of faith and transform the nature of the incoming damage being dealt to you. Combat: The Physical damage that is being dealt to you is cut in half and the damage type is converted to the Spiritual Trait. Peace: You are never hurt by another person by accident. The impact always seems to glance off your body, as though you are protected by a divine aura. Rank Up: When you use this Talent, you may also touch an adjacent combatant and bestow the benefits of Holy Deflection upon them as well.

Holy Strike

Faith Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The righteous will not bow down to the wicked, but will strike. Combat: Make an Attack Action with a +1 Spiritual damage bonus. If you are Bloodied then do an additional +1 Spiritual damage. Peace: Wood cleaves easily before your mighty swing, as your holy strike separates the insects within each log and all that crawls, pulling them rapidly apart to separate the wood all the faster. Rank Up: You may Consume 1 Miracle and add an additional +2 Spiritual damage factor. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Hook Attack

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The wrath of the gods pulls foes towards you as though on a violent wind, while the favour of the gods propels those onwards. Combat: Perform an Attack action and pull the target towards you a number of hexes equal your intensity of Divine

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Wrath [Counter P], or Knockback an opponent equal to your intensity in Divine Favour [Counter P]. Peace: You may pull small birds out of the sky with your divine wrath, or propel them away. Rank Up: When you use this Talent also inflict 2 P damage. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Howl of Survival

Spell Song Area Area Amplify Howl and invite other allies to join in to create a glorious lupine anthem that regenerates and rejuvenates. Combat: You and all adjacent allies reduce the Intensity of a Condition by 1 and perform a Move action, in any order. Peace: Howl to identify yourself to other kindred souls who follow the ways of nature. Rank Up: Also gain PF +1 when you use this Talent.

Howl, Banshee’s Wail

Spell Song Maintain Area Amplify Invoke the Banshee’s wrath upon your foe with a scream. Combat: If you have already damaged a foe this round, then you may inflict 1 Fear [Counter M] to all adjacent foes and deal 2 Mental damage to them as well. Peace: Your howl can impress a minor higher power (not a divine force), granting you a slightly more favourable exchange. Rank Up: Also gain PF +1 when you use this Talent.

Howl, Furious Roar

Spell Song Amplify Area Amplify You instil fury in the hearts of those around you with a tremendous roar. Combat: If you have taken damage this round, then you and all adjacent allies gain 1 Fury [Counter S] and Heal +5. Peace: You can spread your infectious foul mood upon others. Rank Up: Also gain PF +1 when you use this Talent.

Hunt the Wicked

Faith Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Evil cannot hide from your righteous fury. Combat: If you have at least 1 intensity in the Miracle Condition you perform an Attack action on a Supernatural foe dealing +1 Spiritual damage, and you ignore 1 intensity of the Shroud condition.


Peace: When in dimly lit environments or in darkness, your eyes pick up the glow emitted by Supernatural beings. Rank Up: Bonus Spiritual damage increases to +2.

Immovable and Resolute

Divine Interrupt Abate Amplify Amplify Your conviction takes on a powerful quality that you shall not move from your chosen position. Combat: You gain +1 PF versus all Traits and the Knockback you receive is reduced by your intensity in Divine Favour/Wrath. You may Consume a Divine Favour to boost the PF by +1 vs all Traits, or you may Consume a Divine Wrath to add 2 Abate metas to this rune chain. Peace: You are less likely to lose your footing or be pushed off balance. Rank Up: After this Talent resolves, you may swap positions with anyone who played a rune in response to your Combo meta [Counter P].

Insulting Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift You aim the blow to create a humiliating influence on your foe. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with +1 damage and gain 1 Taunt Condition. Peace: You can get someone’s attention from across the room. Simply by using some facial expressions and simple gestures you can intrigue them enough to get them to come over and see you. Rank Up: If you already have the Taunt Condition and have made an Insulting Attack on your foe in a previous round, do a full Attack instead of a Weak Attack. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.

Insulting Parry

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify The block attempt is injected with a sarcastic smirk, insulting words, rude gestures and pure contempt for the foes. Combat: Perform a Weak Defend action with a +1 Parry bonus and gain 1 Taunt Condition on yourself Peace: You know how to rub people the wrong way; in a few short taunts, you can be the focus of much animosity. Rank Up: If you are at maximum intensity of the Taunt Condition, gain +2 PF when you use this Talent.

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Invoke Blasphemy

Divine Spell Maintain Area Amplify You berate one of your chosen gods by pointing out a blasphemous act, being or object, provoking it to channel its rage like a lightning rod and releasing it to all around you. Combat: If you already suffer from Divine Wrath, inflict +1 intensity of Divine Wrath upon yourself and all Nearby (within 4 hex) combatants [Counter S]. Peace: You can detect the direction and presence of holy sites within a 1 mile radius. If you meditate for an hour, you can discern the higher powers that are worshipped there. Rank Up: When using this Talent you may Consume a Divine Wrath to inflict 1 Fear [Counter M] and 1 Vulnerable [Counter P] to the effect of the spell.

Invoke Glory

Divine Spell Maintain Area Amplify You demand that the favour of the gods be showered upon you and you allies. While granted, your insolence is punished by a draining of your life-force. Combat: If you have at least 1 intensity of Divine Favour, Accept a Drain to inflict +1 intensity of Divine Favour upon yourself and all Nearby (within 4 hex) combatants [Counter S]. Peace: You can detect the direction and presence of holy sites within a 1 mile radius. If you meditate for an hour, you can discern the higher powers that are worshipped there. Rank Up: You may Consume a Divine Favour to add inflict 1 Brave [Counter M] to the effect of the spell.


Unseelie Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify You attack your opponents by surprise, jumping out of hiding, screaming to break their concentration. Your ability to jump out and unsuspectingly frighten others is not merely a skill but a supernatural power, a gift from the Unseelie. Combat: Perform a Weak Move action, deal 1 Mental damage and inflict 1 Fear Condition [Counter M]. Peace: You become proficient in choosing locations to ambush people in urban or cramped areas. Rank Up: Weak Move becomes a full Move Action.

Lamentation of the Dead* Spell Song Maintain Area Amplify


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

The inglorious dead have much to accomplish to attain salvation. This pent up agony and frustration can be released by those sharing a bound with one such lost soul, unleashing it upon your foes. Combat: Provoke your Companion ghost to wail wherever it is, dealing 2 Spiritual damage, and inflicting 1 Vulnerable [Counter S]. Peace: Any ghost that is your ally can sense the presence of negative emotions within a person that you talk to directly. It can sense Emotional Conditions if they are at least one intensity. It can only sense the emotions of one target at a time, and they must be conversing with you. Rank Up: After making this wail you may call the ghost to vanish from where ever it is and instantly appear at your side. If you are Bloodied, the ghost being summoned in this way grants you +1 Spiritual Parry.

Leaping Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift You jump high into the air, striking an opponent that may normally be out of reach. Normal jumps can be as high as 1 hex (6’), but this special manoeuvre allows for much higher leaps. Combat: Perform a Weak Move action vertically and then perform an Attack action. Peace: You can leap vertically equal to half your move rate (round up). Each point of movement is equivalent to 6’. Rank Up: When leaping in the air, if all the items upon you are each less than your Size, you may land on a foe up to 1 hexes away to make your attack in their space. After the attack is resolved the foe suffers Knockback [Counter P] and must vacate the hex, or will suffer Vulnerable [Counter P] from being knocked down below you. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.

Light of God

Faith Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Your body is under a state of grace, and the divine light of your God will protect you in times of need. Combat: Make a Weak Defend Action, Heal 1, and inflict 1 Blind [Counter S]. Peace: Candles adjacent to you will not extinguish unless you desire them to. Rank Up: If you are Bloodied then inflict +1 Blind [Counter S].

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Living Shield

Interrupt Amplify Range Abate You put yourself in the line to defend your allies. Combat: Move 1 hex to share space with an adjacent ally who is under attack. Perform a Defend action for that ally with Parry +2. This cannot be used to defend yourself, only an ally, but any damage not negated goes to you and not your ally. The Range meta increases the distance you can jump in front of an ally by your Move. With the Protector Passive Talent, this Talent gains an additional Parry +2. Peace: When attempting to gain the trust of others, your conviction and reliability gives you a reassuring presence. Rank Up: For each Intensity of a positive Condition you Consume, gain an additional +2 Parry.

Lunging Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift You perfectly balance mobility and aggression by striking in one location while starting or ending up in another. Combat: Perform a Weak Move action and an Attack action (in any order). Peace: You are especially adept at pouncing, allowing you to ambush and catch small prey (such as fish) barehanded. Rank Up: If you moved before making the attack, you can perform a Weak Move after the attack as well. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.


Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo This unarmed attack creates immense carnage. Combat: You perform an unarmed Attack action with a +4 damage bonus. Peace: You excel at feats of strength such as arm wrestling. When facing someone in an opposed Physical Skill challenge, you gain a bonus +1 success. Rank Up: If your foe is Bloodied then you may also inflict +1 Degeneration [Counter P]. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.


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Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify The attacker aims a blow to the legs, attempting to slow and cripple the foe. Combat: Inflict 1 Impeded [Counter P] and 1 Degeneration Condition [Counter P]. Peace: You understand the perils of losing your mobility. You have found a way to decrease the burden of moving through water and snow. Rank Up: Also inflict the damage of a Weak Attack with this Talent, but only if the foe has already moved this round.

Mental Assault

Unseelie Spell Range Area Amplify Every thought passing through your victim’s mind causes agonizing pain, distracting and detaching them from their surroundings. Combat: Deal 2 Mental damage and inflict 1 Vulnerable Condition [Counter M]. Peace: Detect someone else’s surface thoughts and determine if vengeance is present. Rank Up: Deal an additional +1 Mental damage.

Spell Range Maintain Maintain Your body magically changes shape to copy another combatant’s appearance. You copy all physical traits including smell and sound. Combat: Heal +4 and change your appearance to become identical to that of another combatant [Counter P]. The copied combatant must have a similar shape and Size. Clothes and equipment are copied in appearance only. Equipment is treated as mundane (non-magical) and you may choose not to “equip” it (treated as worn/carried inventory). If the copied combatant is within 2 hexes of you, then an Active power or attack directed at you may be redirected to the combatant you copied. Someone attempting to target you may pay 1 Mental rune plus 1 Mental rune per 10 of your levels to reveal you as the duplicate. Peace: You get a +1 bonus to your Disguise checks if no one is watching you. Rank Up: Increase the Range where you can be confused for your duplicate by +2 hexes.

Mist Switch

Unseelie Spell Range Area Amplify Replace your victim’s thoughts with other ones, denying your victim a clear perception of the world around them. Combat: Deal 2 Mental damage and inflict 1 Blind Condition [Counter M]. Peace: Detect someone else’s surface thoughts for slothful tendencies. Rank Up: Deal an additional +1 Mental damage.

Spell Multi Range Multi The mist is strange and sometimes relocates objects. You can use that to your advantage, tapping in to the currents of movement within the mist, and swapping combatants. Combat: When there is a dense mist upon the ground, you may pick any two bodies within the mist and swap their positions [Counter S if unwilling]. Peace: You may use the mist to teleport objects of Size 2 or smaller into your grasp, so long as you and the object are both within the mist. Rank Up: Targets of your switch must pay +1 rune to Counter the effect.

Mental Torture


Mental Confusion

Unseelie Spell Range Area Amplify Dredge up painful memories in the victim’s mind. These memories cause a prolonged pain that affects the body, mind, and soul. Combat: Deal 2 Mental damage and inflict 1 Degeneration Condition [Counter M]. Peace: Detect someone else’s surface thoughts for the presence of fear. Rank Up: Deal an additional +1 Mental damage.

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Spell Amplify Amplify Amplify The mist is the bridge between worlds Combat: If dense mist covers the ground (greater than the ordinary mists of the Celtic Twilight, such as the mists of the spell Battlefield of Mist, or Power Over Mist) you teleport to your destination up to your Move distance, as your body assumes a misty form for the duration of the movement. This power also applies to your mount if you are mounted. Amplify Meta Tags increase the range of Move Actions.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Peace: Assume the form of mist for a few seconds, while holding your breath. Rank Up: You may bring someone with you on your mist walk. By touching an adjacent Character, you may make them assume mist form for the duration of your Move action [Counter S]. They will then follow you until the end of your Move.

Mobile Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Take a combat stance that gives you greater mobility on the battlefield. Combat: Attack actions gain a +1 Reach bonus and you get a +1 Move bonus. Peace: For a brief moment, move faster than normal, lunging and diving in a short burst needed to get out of harm’s way. Rank Up: Foes who attack you suffer -1 Reach (to a minimum of 1) and -2 Range.

Need for Blood

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Your senses are attuned to the smell of blood and sounds of wounded prey, pushing you to cull the weak and the dying. Combat: If you have at least 2 intensities of Fury then your attacks Inflict 1 Degenerate Condition [Counter P]. Peace: You can smell and perceive how wounded Characters are, your Perception Skill checks associated with blood and/ or wounds are always one difficulty rating lower. Rank Up: When making this attack you have Move +3 to advance on a Bloodied foe.

Neit’s Revenge *

Manoeuvre Maintain Amplify Multi You align your mount to charge your foes, gaining momentum as you run them down, lasso them or stab them with a hook and chain, dragging them behind your mount. Combat: Grab an enemy [Counter P] of the same Size as you or smaller and perform a Move action, dragging them behind you and dealing 1 damage per 2 hexes travelled. The foe’s PF is calculated against total damage dealt at the end of your Move. If you are mounted, use the mount’s Size and Move instead. The grab may also be done with a rope, chain, or hook. If the successful grab means the foe falls from any height to reach the ground, falling damage is applied. If the foe is dragged through any difficult terrain, they may also take damage at

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

the Norn’s discretion. During Cleanup the victim is released, unless a Maintain tag is used. Peace: You can perform acrobatics while mounted, making you able to perform for people, gaining 10 Skatt per hour of performance. Rank Up: If you use a rope, chain, or hook to grab your opponent then they must Counter with 2 Physical runes instead. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Amplify.

Nether Touch

Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain Transform the nature of the damage being dealt to an opponent. For the duration of this spell, your physical weapons turn black and shimmer as the stars in the night sky. Combat: The Physical damage that is being dealt is cut in half and the damage type is converted to the Spiritual Trait. Peace: This spell can allow a corporeal object to slip across the veil and into the Otherworld, turning it non-corporeal. This spell cannot affect magically imbued items. Rank Up: When you cast this Spell you may also touch an adjacent combatant and bestow the benefits of Nether Touch upon them as well.

Obstinate Posture

Manoeuvre Maintain Amplify Maintain Change your combat demeanour to facilitate the mitigation of Mental damage. Combat: Your Defend Actions gain Mental Parry +1. Peace: You know how to cover your tracks to minimize the chances of being followed. Tracking attempts suffer a -1 penalty on Skill checks. Rank Up: Your defiant attitude also grants you a +1 SDF bonus.

Outnumbered Dexterity Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify While outnumbered, you are driven to move out of danger. Combat: While you have no other allies upon the Battlefield (a radius of 16 hexes), you gain +2 Move per enemy and +2 Parry per enemy within the Battlefield. Peace: You are never hindered by the crowd, moving through the masses like a fish in water. Rank Up: Gain an additional Parry +1 per enemy within the Battlefield.


Outnumbered Guard Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify While outnumbered, you are tougher and more resilient. Combat: While you have no other allies upon the Battlefield (a radius of 16 hexes), you gain +2 PF for every foe within the Battlefield. Peace: You are always on your guard amongst the crowd, able to pick up minor details in crowded areas. Rank Up: You may enter one additional stance with the name “Outnumbered” besides this one, and benefit from both stances, so long as your foes outnumber you and each are a lower Level.

Outnumbered Recovery Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify While outnumbered, your healing is fuelled by your desperation against stacked odds. Combat: While you have no other allies upon the battlefield (a radius of 16 hexes), you Heal +4 per enemy within Far (8 hex) Range. You also reduce the intensity of one detrimental Condition by 1 per enemy within Far (8 hex) Range. Peace: Being amongst a crowd is enjoyable to you, feeling oneness with your fellow humans. Rank Up: You may enter one additional stance with the name “Outnumbered” besides this one, and benefit from both stances, so long as your foes outnumber you and each are a lower Level.

Outnumbered Riposte Stance

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify While outnumbered, you counter attack when struck. Combat: While you have no other allies upon the Battlefield (a radius of 16 hexes around you), whenever you are struck with an Attack action, after it resolves, you may perform an immediate free Attack action upon the attacker with +2 damage. Your Reach or Range must be sufficient to hit your target. You may not use this power upon someone whom you have already attacked this combat round. Peace: Not even a mob of foes make you flinch. Rank Up: You may enter one additional stance with the name “Outnumbered” besides this one, and benefit from both stances, so long as your foes outnumber you and each are a lower Level.

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Overgrowth *

Divine Shapechange Maintain Maintain Maintain Your body is covered in fur, branches, quills, bark, and other supernatural growths peeking out of your armour. You can use these mutative powers to manipulate the landscape around you. Combat: Bend nature to your will, moving the landscape and vegetation as easily as clay in your hand. Range is equal to 4 hexes per rune in Drain. Move 1 hex (125 cubic feet) of terrain by 1 hex per rune in Drain. If weaponized, this earth deals 4 damage and Knockback 1 [Counter P] per rune in Drain when moved. Mutli allows multiple spaces to be affected and possibly weaponized. The earth cannot be given flight or levitation. Peace: You gain +2 AV when detecting magical sources in the wild. Upon a success you gain one extra piece of information pertaining to its properties. Rank Up: The Counter of this Talent is increased by an additional +1 Physical rune.

Parry Monster

Faith Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You will stay the hand of evil. Combat: Make a Defend action with a +3 Parry bonus versus the Supernatural. Peace: When you enter a woods you immediately sense if monsters dwell there, or if only if the innocent and good beasts call it home. Rank Up: Parry an additional +2 with this Talent.

Power Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The attacker uses a weapon with great skill and accuracy to deal a mighty blow. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +2 damage bonus. Peace: A weapon strike can be made with great precision. Rank Up: Increase your damage with this attack by +2. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Power Iron Behemoth *

Shapechange Element Maintain Element An Iron Behemoth is a gigantic statue made of iron and stone


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

depicting a hairless human-like muscular form. It was inert and unmoving, buried in the earth, and had laid there for centuries until you set your hand upon it. Fir Bolg blood runs through your veins, even if you didn’t know it. The Iron Behemoth recognizes it, though, and comes to life at your touch. It’s core flares with a magic element, its seams glow with power, and when you mount its back you can control it with your own movements. Some Druids and scholars believe that Iron Behemoths are truly invincible, but then again they are so rare that those same learned peoples would tell you that the ancient and powerful Fir Bolg Iron Behemoths are probably a myth. Combat: You Shapechange into a giant humanoid with your Dweller riding on its back. You are treated as being Mounted for the purposes of Talents. The Iron Behemoth carries you into battle, acting as an extension of yourself. An Iron Behemoth has no apparent thoughts of its own and cannot act independently of its rider unless in times of peace. The Iron Behemoth is not a Companion; Skill checks are not necessary to make the Iron Behemoth act, it acts as an extension of its rider. You share a new shape of being mounted upon this monstrosity as you have become one, spiritually, with it representing your thoughts as its actions in battle. Mounting an Iron Behemoth affects your abilities in the following ways: Size: +6, PF: +2, Move: -6 Occupy: 3 hexes [see size chart on page 273] In addition: • The rider is unable to make use of their own weapons or armour, and uses the Iron Behemoth’s form instead. It has a natural attack of your effective Size while mounted -3. (If you are a Size 4 Denizen then while mounted you are effectively Size 10. Therefore the Iron Behemoth would strike for 7 unarmed damage.) • All of a Dweller’s Actives Talents, Social Talents, and Skills are expressed through the body of the Iron Behemoth. • All Passive Talents of the rider must be reapplied to the form of riding an Iron Behemoth. • It is considered a Companion. For rules on Companions see page 193. • There is a magic connection between rider and Behemoth, and any damage expressed on the Behemoth is expressed on the rider. If the rider should dismount, or die, the Iron Behemoth crouches and becomes inert. • The Behemoth does not need to be Maintained. Once summoned from the earth it does not leave until you dis-

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

miss it to hide in the earth. • What powers an Iron Behemoth into being at your touch is the Element Meta Tag. Choose an Element when the Iron Behemoth is first powered up. It’s Detrimental effect can be enacted by the rider whenever they use a Cinematic Action while riding the Iron Behemoth. In addition the Iron Behemoth has the following limitations: • It sinks in water. • It requires at least 3 inches of earth or rock beneath your feet occupying 3 hexes of space to appear beneath you. • It is unable to be fashioned with any armour of its own, as their form would become too constricted. • If while mounted you are struck from above, all protection from the Iron Behemoth is negated, but you are able to count your own armour towards these purposes. Peace: You may ride the Iron Behemoth freely when not in combat, or summon it through the earth to your presence without riding it. When sitting alone the Iron Behemoth is Size 10, with Move 4, with a natural PF of 3. Though the Iron Behemoth does not gain QR as a Companion, they can be modified using the Forge Skill to add to their abilities, or even change their shape. For Forge rules see page 431. Rank Up: You may also use the Benevolent effect of the Element Meta tag that powers the Iron Behemoth on Cinematic Action, if you desire.

Power Over Mists

Spell Area Maintain Amplify You breathe out a thick mist that encompasses all around you. Combat: You cover the area around you up to Far (8 hexes) in thick mists, and on everyone within the zone except you, inflict 1 Blind Condition [Counter S]. For anyone outside the mist trying to attack or otherwise interact with anyone inside it, anyone within the mist (ally or foe) is considered to have +1 Shroud Condition. You are the centre-point of the mists, it moves as you do, so long as you make only Weak Moves. If you make a full Move, the mist will be left behind. If there is already dense mist on the ground when this is cast (as with Battlefield of Mist) then this portion of mist is distinguished as denser. Peace: You can use the mists to hide your belongings, appearing as if you had no objects of value, thus common thieves would not consider you a worthwhile target.


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Rank Up: Allies are exempted from the Blind Condition caused by the mist while in the mist.

Power Over Wells

Spell Range Maintain Area You create a temporary underground water source that bubbles up, flooding the ground. Combat: Evoke this spell to cover the Nearby (4 hex) area of ground in water, turning it to mud, and giving all targets in that area 1 Impeded [Counter P] for as long as they stand in the flooded hexes. Peace: Finding a reliable underground water source and encouraging it to the surface, making a small spring of drinkable water. If you spend 6 hours encouraging the water to the surface you will make a more permanent well. Rank Up: When using this Talent the ground gives out below as a well takes shape. Those above must swim to remain afloat.

Stance Area Area Area You have learned how to push yourself in order to achieve the impossible. Your skill demonstrations allow your allies to do the same. Combat: When you perform a Weak Move action, you may perform a regular Move action instead. Anyone in the area of effect of your stance also gains this benefit. Peace: You are sought out by young warriors looking to improve their combat skills. If you train someone of lower Level for 1 hour, you may receive up to 10 Skatt in payment (stacks with other such skills). Rank Up: When you assume this Stance you (and anyone within the area established by a Meta tag) gets Heal +2.

Presence of the Warrior Queen

Spell Amplify Range Maintain The winds obey your call, billowing on the battlefield as an extension of your breath. Combat: Deal +4 damage and Knockback 4 hexes [Counter M per hex]. The push of this wind is magical and not affected by Size. Peace: A gust of moderate wind can be summoned and directed as you choose. Rank Up: The wind can instead effect 3 adjacent spaces in front of you, affecting up to 3 people there.

Stance Area Area Area You have learned how to push yourself in order to achieve the impossible. Your skill demonstrations allow your allies to do the same. Anyone in the area of effect of your stance also gains this benefit. Combat: In this Stance when you perform a Weak Attack action, you may perform a regular Attack action instead. Anyone in the area of effect of your stance also gains this benefit. Peace: You are sought out by young warriors looking to improve their combat skills. If you train someone of lower Level for 1 hour, you may receive up to 10 Skatt in payment (stacks with other such skills). Rank Up: When you assume this Stance you (and anyone within the area established by a Meta tag) gets Heal +2.

Presence of the Hound of Chulainn

Preserve the Old Ways

Power Over Wind

Stance Area Area Area You have learned how to push yourself in order to achieve the impossible. Your skill demonstrations allow your allies to do the same. Combat: In this Stance when you perform a Weak Defend action, you may perform a regular Defend action instead. Anyone in the area of effect of your stance also gains this benefit. Peace: You are sought out by young warriors looking to improve their combat skills. If you train someone of lower Level for 1 hour, you may receive up to 10 Skatt in payment. Rank Up: When you assume this Stance you (and anyone within the area established by a Meta tag) gets Heal +2.

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Presence of the Swift Sidhe

Divine Interrupt Abate Amplify Absorb Channelling the power of the gods, you accept the incoming assault and use the power bestowed upon you to mend your wounds. Combat: Heal +4 and +1 per intensity in your Divine Favour, then to adjacent foes deal 1 Spiritual damage per intensity of Divine Wrath. Peace: You can use this power to cure serious diseases. Rank Up: When using this Talent you may Consume 1 Divine Favour to make a Weak Defend action with Parry +1, or Consume 1 Divine Wrath to perform a Defend action with a +2 Parry bonus.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Rapid Recovery

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The spirit guides you to correct action. Combat: Heal +4 and shift +/-1 position on the Initiative track. This does not affect the rest of your current Action phase in this combat round. Peace: Refresh someone’s spirits, granting them a more positive outlook on their current predicament. Rank Up: If you are already at full health when you use this Talent, then you may change an additional +/-1 position on the Initiative track. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Amplify.

Rebuke Evil

Faith Area Range Amplify You create an aura that damages otherworldly beings. Combat: Only to Supernatural beings, deal 2 Mental damage bypassing up to 2 points of Mental defence and inflict +1 Degeneration [Counter S]. Peace: Within a 60’ radius, you detect the presence of portals to other realms. Rank Up: Inflict an additional +1 Mental damage with this Talent.

Regenerating Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Regenerate your life-force while dealing a devastating blow to your foe. Combat: Perform an Attack action, Heal +2. Peace: Ease your own pain by applying your suffering unto another being. Rank Up: Increase the Heal with this Talent by +2. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Regenerating Block

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Area Combo You smash your foot, fist, or weapon into the ground, unleashing the divine might that was bestowed into you, breaking and shaking the earth and sending shards of rock in all directions. Combat: Attack the ground and have your attack hit everyone standing on the same ground within 2 hexes of you. Consume a Divine Favour to add a free Area meta, or Consume a Divine Wrath to force everyone into having only Weak Defend actions versus this attack. Peace: You can touch the ground to feel the movement, direction and distance of creatures larger than size 4 within 1 mile. Rank Up: Increase this Talent by a +1 hex radius and Reclaim 1. You may also Consume a Divine Favour to inflict Impeded [Counter P] or Consume 1 Divine Wrath to inflict 2 Impeded [Counter 2 P]. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.


Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Run and place yourself in an advantageous space for the remainder of combat. Combat: Perform a Move action and shift in Initiative by +/1 position. This does not affect the rest of your current Action phase or provide you with another Action phase in this combat round. Peace: You have a knack for being at the right place at the right time. Rank Up: Move +2 when you reposition.

Retribution Slash

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Regenerate your life-force while evading an attack. Combat: Perform a Defend action, Heal +2. Peace: When you avoid a perilous situation, your destiny has a way to turn it into something positive. Rank Up: Increase the Heal with this Talent by +2.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Rend the Earth

Divine Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Focusing on the pain and sharing a portion of it to your divine patron, bolstering your immediate counter-attack with your shared wrath. Combat: Perform at Attack action, but instead of dealing damage, Inflict 1 intensity of a Physical Condition of your choice per 5 damage that was dealt to you [Counter P per


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intensity]. You gain +1 PF for the remainder of the round per intensity of Divine Favour. You gain +4 damage on your Attack actions for the remainder of the round per intensity of Divine Wrath. Peace: If someone managed to best you in an opposed skill check, gain a +2 bonus on your next opposed Skill check with that individual. Rank Up: After this Talent resolves, gain +1 PF until end of round.


Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Your divine blood awakens and forces itself on your body, bending and shapeshifting it to express itself on the battlefield. Combat: Activating this power allows you to Consume Fury for additional effects. When there is at least one pair of runes in Death you may trigger Riastrad depending on the rune combination, in order from left to right as they have fallen in the pile. Peace: Other people are unnerved by your presence, almost as if they can sense the divine rage coursing through your being. Rank Up: For every additional pair of runes in Death you may Consume an additional Fury to activate a Riastrad, but that these additional warp spasms cannot be Amplified, only the first and primary spasm can.

Ride the Storm

Spell Song Maintain Maintain Maintain Magically ride your mount across unsupportable surfaces. Combat: Make a Move action and ride upon a surface that should not support the weight of your mount. For instance: the thin mud of a bog, a layer of ice, the top of water, upon mists and clouds, upon the surface of bramble, the tops of trees, or the flow of running rivers, or the waves of the ocean. You may also make a Weak Move up sheer walls and cliffs faces. Adjacent Allies may also move alongside you, carried by the magic of your Move. Peace: Your mount may ride upon unstable surfaces outside of combat, but a Ride Skill check may be necessary to overcome their fear. Rank Up: Your mystical riding is even more fantastic, and you can also make a Weak Move upon the winds of a gale, and up raindrops. You may also make an Amplified Move up rainbows, and along a crack of lightning, taking no damage from its strike.

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Riding Joust

Manoeuvre Amplify Aid Amplify Take advantage of the momentum of your mount to drive your weapon into your foe. Combat: While riding a mount and using a weapon with a Reach of at least 2, make a Move action and an Attack action in any order. Peace: You do not require a skill check to catch or grab willing targets or objects while on horseback. Rank Up: If you used the full extent of your Move, gain damage +3.

Riding Switch

Manoeuvre Amplify Aid Amplify You know how to switch riders and claim and take control of a mount, even if there is someone else riding it. Combat: Perform a Weak Move action to jump onto a mount and take control of it. This can be done jumping up from the ground to claim the mount, or while riding with the intention of changing mounts. If there is a rider already on the mount, you may occupy the space behind them, or cause them to Knockback 1 hex [Counter P]. (The ousted rider usually incurs 2 damage when they hit the ground falling from the mount.) You may command the mount to perform one Cinematic Action. Peace: While riding a mount you can grab a willing ally from standing and swing them up behind you on your mount. Rank Up: If you have 2 ranks in the Riding Skill, then when you take control of the mount you may command it to perform an additional Cinematic Action.


Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Block an attack and counter-attack someone within reach (not necessarily the same person who attacked you). Combat: Perform a Weak Defend action with +1 Parry then a Weak Attack action with +1 damage. Peace: You can demoralize those who seek to put you down; you give as well as you take. Rank Up: Add to this Talent an extra +1 Parry and +1 dam-


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Roll Out of the Way


Rising Spirit

Spell Interrupt Abate Amplify Amplify In the moment, summon spiritual strength and mental fortitude from deep inside you. Combat: Gain Spiritual Parry +2 and Mental Parry +2. Peace: Boost your cognitive skills for a short duration, getting extra insight into a given problem. Rank Up: Choose either Spiritual Parry or Mental Parry to increase by +1.

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify You have sharpened your reflexes to an almost supernatural degree, dodging, parrying and rolling to avoid incoming attacks. Combat: Perform a Defend action with a +1 Parry bonus. You may also Consume all instances of Alertness, gaining +2 Parry for each. Peace: Dodge something very large coming towards you that does not intend you harm, but harm would result if you stayed in place. For instance, a large running animal, a falling tree, or a runaway cart. Riastrad Shapeshifting



Red + Red

Your body enlarges and echoes back to a more primal state of being, covering itself in dense furs and scales as your arms elongate. You gain Size +2, and PF +1, an additional Reach +1, and an additional damage +1 from the claws on your fingers.

Red + Blue

Pain makes a third arm grow out of an open wound, closing it. Heal 2. Pain makes you attack the nearest target. The new arm immediately reaches for an unused one-handed weapon on your person as though it had the Quick Draw Passive Talent and will then make a Weak Attack with +1 damage to any foe within Reach/Range.

Red + Green

Your blood thickens and you feel it slowly regenerate your body with each passing heartbeat. Heal 4. Your blood reaches out from your body as bright red tendrils and moves you. Make a Move action and pass through any barrier in the way.

Blue + Red

Your body expands, your feet shift into hooves and you grow goring horns. Increase your Size by +1. Immediately Move 2 hexes and make an unarmed Attack action.

Blue + Blue

Your head and neck stretch unnaturally, allowing you to turn your head in every direction. You can see 360° all around you. Also, your saliva becomes poisonous. You can choose to perform an unarmed Weak Attack that inflicts1 Degeneration [Counter P] on your foe.

Blue + Green

Spiky protrusions grow out of your body. Inflict your Size in damage to anyone adjacent.

Green + Red

Your flesh bursts in size and your stomach drastically inflates. Increase your Size by +2 and immediately inflict Knockback 2 [Counter P per hex] to anyone adjacent, and gain +1 PF from your inflated body.

Green + Blue

Your skin shifts, hardens and takes an unnatural green hue. Gain Spiritual PF +2 and the attacks you make gain an added +2 Spiritual damage.

Green + Green

Your eyes flame with a green mist and glow. For just a moment your all-seeing eyes glimpse your foe’s weakness. You capitalize on this moment to perform a precise strike against your foe. You perform a Weak Attack with a +1 bonus, and inflict 1 Vulnerable [Counter P]. You are also aware of the position of all foes on the Battlefield (within 16 hexes) regardless of any Shroud they have or other effects to hide from you.

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Rank Up: Increase the benefit of Consuming Alertness by +1 for each intensity.

Rot the Flesh

Spell Amplify Multi Range Cause your victim boils, sores, and pustules, sickening them with a vile necrosis that makes them vulnerable to all types of injury and influence. Combat: Inflict 1 Intensity for both Degeneration [Counter S] and Vulnerable [Counter S] Conditions on an opponent. Peace: This spell weakens a victim’s resolve. The victim forfeits one Skill success when performing an opposed Skill check. Rank Up: The boils, sores, and other ugly effects of the spell can be made permanent, cursing your foe with a -2 to all Social Combat actions that affect their social standing, and all measures of their appearance, until they seek aid from a Druid or Monk to lift the curse.

Run Away Laughing

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Run and tend to your wounds at the same time. Combat: Perform a Move action and Heal +4. Peace: Perform complex tasks while moving. Rank Up: Increase the Move with this Talent by +2.

Run Away Mocking

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Run and tempt opponents to chase you. Combat: Gain 1 Taunt Condition [Counter M] and Perform a Move action, in any order. Peace: You do not trip when you’re running while looking in another direction. Rank Up: Gain Parry +3 against foes within your Taunt range.

Run the Dark Path

Spell Amplify Multi Maintain Channelling the power of dead realms, you infuse your shadow to leave a trail of decay behind you. Combat: You may grab an adjacent foe with your mind [Counter M] then make a Move action and force them to follow you. As they do, inflict 1 Fear Condition [Counter M]

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upon them. Peace: Your shadow has its own gestures and attitudes. Rank Up: At the end of your Move if your foe is within your Range/Reach and suffers from the Fear Condition, you may make a Weak Attack upon them.

Run to Shadow

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You run into the shadow’s welcoming embrace. Combat: Perform a Move action and gain 1 Shroud Condition, in any order. Peace: If you are startled, you subconsciously reposition yourself to the most defensive position. Rank Up: The shadow you cast is larger and deeper than most, and any adjacent ally that is beside you when you end your Move action gains 1 Shroud.

Running Recovery

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You are capable of running while treating your injuries, like picking a splinter from your foot, without breaking stride. Combat: Perform a Move action and Heal +3. You may change the weapons and items you hold. Peace: Perform complex tasks while moving. Rank Up: Ignore any Impeded Condition while using this Talent.

Running Triskelion

Spell Range Amplify Range The mists concentrate and swirl behind the caster shifting into elemental power, creating abstract shapes and mixing its colours to become a strange form of three legs attached as a wheel, running one after another. Combat: An adjacent ally gains Move +2 per the Intensity of their worst negative Condition, and gains 1 Alertness. Peace: You can shift your mist to become a small amount of another element, into water it would be the equivalent of a filled jug, into flames enough to start a campfire. Rank Up: Gain +2 Parry on your next Defend action.

Sacred Slash

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Screaming the name of one of the gods, attack and cut the


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

flesh of an enemy, attempting to gain the favour of the gods through a true and righteous blow. Combat: Perform an Attack action and if you do not have any intensities in Divine Favour or Divine Wrath, you may invoke the higher powers and gain +1 intensity to the condition of your choice (Favour or Wrath). Peace: You can pray to your gods, giving your blood as an offering, once a day to ask a yes or no question if you put the rune bound to this active power in the death pile. Rank Up: Your Sacred Slash attack receives a damage bonus equal to your intensity in Divine Favour, or twice your intensity in Divine Wrath. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Sacrifice Position

Interrupt Amplify Abate Absorb Sacrifice your position for a greater defence in the moment. Combat: Make a Defend action and add Parry +2 per Shroud you Consume. Peace: You are excellent at knowing how to make a grand entrance into a room, and make a generally favourable first impression upon doing so. Rank Up: Increase the Parry bonus per Consumed Shroud by +1.

Satisfying Provocation

Spell Range Range Amplify Clear your body while hurling expletives and insults at your opponents. Combat: Heal +4, gain 1 Taunt Condition. Peace: You can cure many afflictions with this arcane ritual (all conditions from the other “purge spells”), but the process is painful and humiliating for your patient. Rank Up: The force of your violent swearing causes anyone within Far (8 hex) Range to step back from you as they suffer +1 Knockback [Counter M].

Scavenger Slash

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The weak will always put everyone at risk, thus taking out those who cannot fight on is sometimes the only way to ensure victory. Combat: Perform an Attack action. If the target is under the

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effect of a Condition and Bloodied, do an additional Weak Attack on the same target. Peace: You can sense if a target is afflicted or wounded without a check and know the severity of their condition, only one condition may be known at a time or how wounded the enemy is. Rank Up: If the foe also suffers a negative Condition of greater than 1 intensity, your second attack is a full Attack instead of a Weak Attack. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Seanchaí (Revered Tale) *

Spell Song Maintain Area Amplify You reach deep into your memory to find and sing one of the revered tales of old to magically inspire and push your allies to become legends. Combat: Adjacent allies gain 1 Bravery and +2 Spiritual Parry. Peace: People come to tell you of stories they hear, often to verify their veracity or to know if they have what it takes to become legends. People often pay you to put their stories into verse, you can be paid 10 Skatt per 1 hour of poetry performances. Rank Up: In the midst of life-threatening combat, if the Bravery of your allies is raised beyond maximum intensity, the difference can be used to reduce negative Conditions.

Shadow Parasite

Manoeuvre Amplify Maintain Maintain A Dweller or Denizen whose nature has been touched by the great void has the ability to subsume the shadow belonging to another being. Combat: Attach yourself to another combatant [Counter S]. When that combatant moves, you move as well, always staying adjacent to them. When finishing their Move actions, they must ensure that there is space for you adjacent to them, otherwise they cannot move into such a space. When you attack the combatant to whom you are attached, you bypass part of their defense. They may only perform Weak Defend actions against you. When you are struck for damage, half of the damage is dealt to your host and half to you. Peace: Gain +1 to Skill checks involving Sneak or Disguise when you are under dim lighting conditions (above and beyond the normal environmental bonuses). Rank Up: You may attach yourself to two individuals in this


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way, so long as they are both adjacent to you when the Talent is first used.

Shapechange Another

Shapechange Spell Maintain Range Maintain Some have no communion with nature, but there is a spell to teach them a lesson. Shapechange Another forces a foe to take on the form of a wild animal that reflects the nature inside them. Be warned, the beast is as likely to be dangerous as not. Combat: Touch an enemy and shapechange them into an animal based on their character [Counter S]. The target draws 2 random runes from their Essence Bag. If they have insufficient runes in their Essence bag, the Norn wyrds. In this animal form the victim: • Loses all weapons and armour (absorbed into new form). • Are incapable of human speech. • If the victim is a lower Level, then the caster, then the victim does not have access to their any of their Active Talents, Social Talents, Passive Powers, or Skills, except for those bound to their Void rune, if they have a Void rune. • They still use their own Essence and Destiny. • If the victim had Divine Potence before, they still have access to it in an animal form. • Anyone in an animal form may also use a rune of any Trait to employ the Meta tag listed on the Shapechange Another Chart on the next page, with positive Conditions applying to themselves and negative Conditions being inflicted on a foe in a adjacent hex with an appropriate opportunity to Counter. The chart above indicates the animal the victim turns into. Peace: Cast this spell on willing participants, or those in judgement of Brethen law [Counter S]. It will last one year and a day. Rank Up: The victim must pay 2 Spiritual runes to Counter this spell.

Shield Bash

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo The warrior slams his shield into his enemy to damage and to break their balance. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack with your shield, using half

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its Parry bonus as damage, and inflict 1 Impeded Condition [Counter P], and 1 Knockback [Counter P]. Peace: Your skill with a shield makes you a sought after individual to train recruits or test new weapon designs, the base cost for your services is 50 skatt per 6 hours of training/ testing. Rank Up: Your next Defend against the foe you bashed gains Parry +3. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Silver Healer *

Spell Amplify Invert Element With the silver powder sprinkled on your hands like shining chalk, you can melt silver into the wounds of your allies to close them. This enchanted silver courses magic through the veins of your wounded allies and ignites them towards the potential of their resources. Combat: The target of this spell gains Heal +4 and gets to swap 1 rune from Wounds with 1 from Contingency. If there are no runes in Contingency then swap 1 rune from anywhere else In-Play, but this does not change any current effects. Peace: Silver is not scarce to you. You may transmute silver from any common rock. It has no sale value at market, because it has a sense of flesh and death, and makes buyers uneasy. Rank Up: When you swap a rune you may do so from Death instead of Wounds.

Skin Servant

Spell Maintain Maintain Multi An animal hide you have gathered can be employed as a temporary servant. Combat: Animate an animal hide of a Size 6 or less, to act as your ally and Companion. You may command the hide to perform only one simple task from amongst: • Defend a position. • Distract a foe. • Engage a foe. • Relay a message (which it will speak in your voice). • Run in one direction. The hide has no Level, Essence or Destiny. It has no Talents or powers, but is represented as a common beast. See page 278 for more about beasts. It acts as a Companion for as long as it is Maintained. For additional rules on Companions see


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Shapechange Another Chart






Red + Red

Tarbh (Bull)

Red + Blue

Meta Tag


3 (Horns)

8 (Quadruped)


Torc (Boar)


3 (Tusks)

6 (Quadruped)


Red + Green

Art (Bear)


4 (Claws)

7 (Quadruped)


Blue + Red

Winged Animal (Norn wyrds an additional rune) Red Seabach (Hawk)


2 (Talons)

1/6 (Flight)


Blue Drui-en (Wren)


1 (Beak)

1/4 (Flight)



2 (Beak)

1/5 (Flight)

Remorse / Guilt

Green Eala (Swan) Blue + Blue

Sionnach (Fox)


2 (Bite)

6 (Quadruped)


Blue + Green

Losgann (Frog)


0 (Struggle)

1/3 (Aquatic)


Green + Red

Damh (Stag)


3 (Antlers)

8 (Quadruped)


Green + Blue

Water Animal(Norn wyrds an additional rune)


Ron (Seal)


2 (Bite)

1/5 (Aquatic)



Bradan (Salmon)


1 (Struggle)

0/5 (Aquatic)



Dobhran (Otter)


1 (Bite)

1/4 (Aquatic)


Nathair (Adder)


1 (Bite)

1 (Twilight Vision)


Green + Green

page 193. When the spell is no longer Maintained, the hide burns to ash. Peace: Animate hides as you would during combat but with no need to Maintain effort on the spell. Rank Up: The skin servant gains +1 Physical PF for as long as it is maintained.

Slash the Air

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Range A visible wave of force issues from your weapon when you slash mightily and with great intent, your spirit sending the wave onwards to attack beyond your weapon’s reach. Combat: Your melee weapon Attack deals damage to everyone in a straight line, a number of hexes equal to your Reach +2 hexes. Peace: When you lunge for something or someone, your reach is unnaturally and supernaturally long. Rank Up: Your attack line with this Talent is increased by +2 hexes.

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Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Using your skill and muscle mass, you lay down a brutal attack to cow your opponent in one overwhelming stroke. Combat: Perform an Attack action. If your target is the same Size or smaller than you, and they have not yet been attacked, then gain 1 Taunt Condition. Peace: You can easily push your way in the crowd, using your mass to disperse the smaller folk. Rank Up: Increase the Size of the foe you can Smackdown by 1 for every Amplify Meta tag applied to the rune chain. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Smash Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Swing to send your foe reeling backwards. Combat: Perform an Attack with +2 Knockback [Counter P]. Peace: By throwing your shoulder into bolted doors, you


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have perfected the open door-bashing technique. Rank Up: If your opponent successfully Counters all your Knockback attempts with this Talent, perform an additional Weak Attack [Counter P]. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Snap to Clarity

Spell Amplify Amplify Amplify Even in the midst of chaos you find yourself being able to clearly see the world around you. Combat: Consume 1 Trance to increase the Intensity of Possession by 1 on all opponents who suffer from a Possession Condition that you inflicted [Counter M]. Peace: Even in messy or confusing circumstances, like if an entire hall full of people starts arguing loudly and without order, you can keep track of the main points being made and by who they are made without fault. Rank Up: Also inflict 1 Mental damage on anyone who suffers from your Possession.


Manoeuvre Maintain Maintain Maintain Attack and grab onto an opponent and maintain your hold. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action and inflict 1 Impeded Condition [Counter P]. Then, grab hold of your foe [Counter P]. If the grab was successful, wherever the opponent moves, you move as well (you stay in an adjacent hex). The grab can be broken at a later time by the victim playing two Physical runes. Peace: You are especially proficient at grabbing someone or something and holding onto them. Works well on wild mounts, or trying to tackle someone to the ground. Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 Reach.

Sorcerous Empowerment

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Withdraw your mind from the battlefield for a moment to allow yourself to centre and focus your magical effects. Combat: When some ability Inflicts the Trance Condition upon you while you are in this Stance, the Inflict is boosted by +1. Peace: When you need absolute concentration, you can enter a trance that pushes away all extraneous noise and distraction. Rank Up: If Bloodied, Inflict bonus increases to +2.

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Soul Barbs

Spell Song Range Area Amplify Put the victim’s soul into a spectral torture device akin to an iron maiden, making the victim an easy prey for future attacks and spells. Combat: Deal 2 Spiritual damage and inflict 1 Vulnerable [Counter S] to all surrounding you. Peace: View another being’s soul and detect the presence of anger. Rank Up: The second time this spell is cast in a round the Vulnerable Condition it takes +1 rune to Counter.

Soul Chains

Spell Song Range Area Amplify Chain the victim’s soul with spectral bindings, making the victim’s body respond to the otherworldly fetters. Combat: Deal 2 Spiritual damage and inflict 1 Impeded [Counter S] to all surrounding you. Peace: View another being’s soul and detect the presence of greed. Rank Up: The second time this spell is cast in a round the Impeded Condition it takes +1 rune to Counter.

Soul Shroud

Spell Song Range Area Amplify Surround yourself in illusionary mists, making yourself harder to it. Combat: Deal 2 Spiritual damage to all surrounding you and gain +1 Shroud condition to yourself. Peace: View another being’s soul and detect the presence of deceit. Rank Up: The second time this spell is cast in a round you Heal 4.

Spectral Chains *

Divine Manoeuvre Range Multi Amplify A necrotic chain of darkness shoots from your body to anchor upon your foe and pull them towards you by their soul, wrenching it forward in the inevitability of death. Combat: Pull a foe from up to Far (8 hexes) away to the nearest adjacent hex, and inflict 1 Mental damage for each rune they have in their Stun, Wounds, Death, or Drain piles Peace: You may sense the presence of your warband (max


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5) even if your senses are impeded. You know their position within Battlefield range and get a vague sense of their most prevalent emotion. Rank Up: The Range of this Talent increases by +2 hexes.

Spectral Shift

Unseelie Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain Calling on the mother of Banshees, you take on a spectral form, becoming immune to physical attacks but unable to perform them. Combat: Your image fades and becomes translucent as a Banshee’s does. In this form you are immune to non-magical damage but are unable to perform Physical attacks. Peace: You may assume this form when out of conflict and with it allow any harmful Physical effect to pass through you for a period no longer than 6 hours. Rank Up: Gain Spiritual Parry +1 in this form.

Spirit Lance

Unseelie Spell Range Range Amplify Grab the closest lost soul and direct all its pain at your victim’s spirit. The irate spirit’s furore is enough to overcome some resistance. Combat: Deal 1 Spiritual damage at Far (8 hex) Range and Ignore 1 Spiritual Protection Factor. Peace: Create eerie, unearthly, and disconcerting sounds by asking a lost soul to frighten those around you. Rank Up: Increase the effect of this Talent by +1 Spiritual damage.

Spiritual Scapegoat

Spell Range Multi Amplify You channel magic to escalate the tension in the room. Combat: You target a foe and inflict upon them 1 Taunt Condition [Counter M], and 1 Possession Condition [Counter M]. This special Taunt Condition affects neutral parties as well. Peace: You have an uncanny ability to know how to push someone’s buttons, aggravating them and driving them to anger. Rank Up: Take control of the target’s Possessed runes.

Sprig of...

Seelie Spell Range Area Amplify Focusing on your ties with nature, you channel your knowledge of the sacred trees to aid your allies. Combat: Each spell of this kind is based on the aspects of different trees and have different effects. See chart above. Peace: While you may only know the magic essence of one or a few of the sprigs under the pressure of combat, when at peace you know them all. So long as you can secure a physical sprig of a sacred tree you can make use of its effects to fully heal someone under your kindness, and to restore them of different specific Conditions. Rank Up: If the target of the sprig spell is Bloodied and at the maximum intensity of a negative Condition then increase Heal by +4 and reduce 1 additional negative Condition of any kind.

Sprig of... Reference


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)



Heal +4 and Remove 2 Conditions of Impeded.


Heal +4 and Remove 2 Conditions of Blindness.


Heal +4 and Remove 2 Conditions of Possession.

t Hazel

Heal +4 and Remove 1 Condition of Remorse/Guilt and 1 of Grief.


Heal +4 and Remove 2 Conditions of Vulnerability.


Heal +4 and Remove 2 Conditions of Divine Wrath.


Heal +4 and Remove 2 Conditions of Degeneration.


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Spry Posture

Manoeuvre Maintain Amplify Maintain Change your combat demeanour to be light on your feet, as though dancing, ready to move at any moment. Combat: Your Defend actions gain Parry +2. Peace: You can sense if your friends are in danger. If they are, regardless of distance, you are visited by an omen you must decrypt. Rank Up: Your mind is as slippery as your body. Gain +1 Mental Parry when in this posture.

Sreng’s Duty *

Interrupt Amplify Abate Amplify Your training allows you to instantly put your black shield between your ally and an incoming attack. Combat: Perform a Defend action to protect an adjacent ally with a +1 Parry bonus. If you are protecting an ally or allies that stand behind you, you may raise your shield and provide an additional PF equal to your shield’s Size. Whatever damage exceeds your Defend action falls on you alone. With the Protector Passive Talent, this Talent gains an additional Parry +2. Peace: You count as one Size bigger carrying, throwing or wrestling. Rank Up: When you raise your shield to protect those behind you, may instead use half your shield’s Size in Spiritual PF.

Stance of the Warband

Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify You are given the confidence to perform more complex manoeuvres by your faith in your allies. Combat: After playing a runechain of at least 2 runes, you may Reclaim 1. Peace: When you are surrounded by your allies, you gain +1 to your Innate Social Defence. Rank Up: The rune chain length requirement is reduced to length of at least 1 rune.

Stand and Be Counted Faith Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify

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Combat: In this Stance gain +1 to any Cinematic Action using the Physical Trait, or any Skill using the Physical Trait that you know or may be attempted freely. Peace: You can perform long, gruelling labour more than most. You automatically Counter the first instance of a Condition inflicted from physical exhaustion. Rank Up: Increase the bonus while in this Stance by an additional +1.

Stand and Consider *

Faith Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Combat: In this Stance gain +1 to any Cinematic Action using the Mental Trait, or any Skill using the Mental Trait that you know or may be attempted freely. You may consume 1 Miracle to have the Norn have an extremely unlikely event happen in your favour, and appear as extreme good fortune. Peace: Gain +1 to any Assess Cinematic Action. Rank Up: Increase the bonus while in this Stance by an additional +1.

Stand in Faith

Faith Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify Spiritually you are a conduit for the will of the Lord. Combat: In this Stance gain +1 to any Cinematic Action using the Spiritual Trait, or any Skill using the Spiritual Trait that you know or may be attempted freely. Peace: Gain +1 to the Prayer Skill. Rank Up: Increase the bonus while in this Stance by an additional +1.

Strike of Bereavement

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify Your soul acts as a conduit from Tech Duinn, creating a surge of negative energy. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with +1 damage and everyone within Nearby (4 hex) Range Heals +7 for each rune they have in Drain. Peace: When performing an action which would make the Dark Ones proud, you gain a +1 bonus to your skill check. Rank Up: Your attack gains +1 damage for each Bloodied ally on the Battlefield (within 16 hexes).


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Sundering Blow

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo Focus your attack on your foe’s weapon or armour. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with a +1 damage bonus. Then, choose an item of your foe that has a QR less than your weapon, and apply the Damaged Condition to that item [Counter P]. If the item is already Damaged, then it is instead Destroyed. Peace: You know how items are manufactured, and your talent allows you to see how to best destroy a particular item (e.g. swords, suits of armour, doors). Rank Up: Increase the QR of items you are able to damage by +6. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Superior Parry

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Block and evade incoming damage. Combat: Perform a Defend action with a +2 Parry bonus. Peace: You have cat-like reflexes that allow you to jump out of the way in the nick of time. Rank Up: Gain an additional Parry +1 when using this Talent.

Surprise Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift Give up your hiding spot for one glorious attack. Combat: Make an Attack with +3 damage per Shroud Condition you Consume. Peace: You can sense if somewhat has detected your presence. Rank Up: Before or after the Attack you may make a Weak Move. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.


Manoeuvre Maintain Multi Maintain The attacker opens their mouth and attempts to swallow another combatant. Combat: If your opponent is half your Size or smaller, perform a Weak Attack action with an unarmed attack, inflict 1 Impeded [Counter P] per Size difference between you and the defender. If the Impeded Condition is not reduced to 0 then the defender is considered swallowed and must reduce the Impeded to 0 in order to get out. While you Maintain this

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ability, during Upkeep apply 1 Impeded Condition [Counter P] and 1 Degeneration Condition [Counter P] per Size difference between you and the defender. You cannot perform Defend actions against someone you have swallowed. You can however perform unarmed generic Attack actions against someone you have swallowed. Peace: You can eat a meal in one bite, you cannot choke on what you eat you simply swallow and eat smoothly. Rank Up: Increase the Size you can swallow by +1.

Swing of Madness *

Stance Amplify Swift Multi Your mind is overwhelmed with fear, anger, pain and sorrow. When your torment is broken, you snap out of misery to unleash it on your attacker. Combat: If attacked from behind, gain 1 Trance Condition. After your opponent’s attack resolves, you may then perform a Weak Attack action with your melee weapon on the attacker if they are within Reach. You do not change position to do so. The Multi Meta tag applies your counter attack even to foes who did not attack you, so long as they are within the Reach of your weapon. Peace: You cannot be surprised by anything happening behind you, as though you have eyes in the back of your head. Rank Up: Defend actions made in this Stance to attacks on your back have +1 Parry per intensity of the Trance Condition.

Switch the Puppets

Spell Amplify Amplify Amplify You use your sorcerer’s senses to follow the magical chains that bind the will of others, using your mastery to manipulate those bonds to flip the cord that binds and find yourself in their place Combat: You can swap positions anywhere on the Battlefield (16 hexes) with any one combatant suffering from a Possession Condition you inflicted [Counter S]. This happens like a teleportation effect and the distance between the caster and the possessed is immaterial. Each Amplify Meta tag increases the cost to Counter the effect by 1 rune. Peace: You can influence those under the effect of the Possession Condition, reducing the difficulty of any checks or social combat by 1 rank. Rank Up: The Character whose position you switched with leaves behind one object [Counter S] of your choice of QR


6 or less in their previous position. It does not matter if the object was held or otherwise secured.

Syphon Soul

Unseelie Spell Range Area Amplify Create a temporary spiritual vortex beside your victim with raw force that tries to suck the soul out of the body. At the same time, the vortex heals you by replenishing your spirit. Combat: Deal 2 Spiritual damage and Heal +4. Peace: Create a sense of unease in another. Rank Up: You may play any two Traits of runes to act as a Maintain Meta tag to continue the vortex. (Flip the runes upside down to indicate them as this special state.) During Upkeep while Maintained you may reposition the Vortex by 2 hexes.

Terrifying Assault

Unseelie Manoeuvre Combo Amplify Multi Letting go of your sanity you attack both the mind and body, screeching, clawing, biting and spitting. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action and inflict +1 Fear Condition [Counter M]. Peace: You may frighten children and small animals with a gesture. Rank Up: If your foe is at maximum Fear, inflict 1 Degeneration Condition [Counter M] as madness begins. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Terror Incarnate

Unseelie Spell Area Amplify Maintain You open your essence to the disturbing side of reality, letting in horror, nightmares and terror, becoming their avatar to prey upon this world. They amass in a swirling vortex of moaning spirits that cry and wail as they churn. Combat: Inflict +1 Fear Condition [Counter M] to all Nearby (within 4 hex) targets. Peace: You always know the direction and distance of the nearest graveyard, mass grave, or unburied battlefield. Rank Up: If anyone within the vortex is at maximum Fear, inflict 1 Possession [Counter S], and again every Upkeep so long as the vortex is Maintained.

Terror Slasher

Unseelie Spell Multi Amplify Range You deeply inhale, entering a trance to channel fear itself and let out a blood curdling scream. Combat: Deal 2 Spiritual damage and +2 Knockback per intensity of the Fear Condition on your target [Counter P per hex]. Peace: Your cry can be heard for as many miles (x1.6 kilometers) as your Level. Rank Up: Add another +1 Spiritual damage.

Unseelie Manoeuvre Multi Amplify Swift You lash out, a disturbingly wide smile across your face, blade first to try and gouge out teeth, eyes and nails. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with +1 damage, deal an additional +1 damage per Fear intensity your target suffers from. Peace: Woodland creatures avoid you. Songbirds are quiet in your presence. Tame animals act with hostility towards you. Rank Up: If your victim is at maximum intensity Fear, do a full Attack instead of a Weak Attack. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.

Terrifying Visage *

Throw Dirt

Terrifying Bawl

Spell Multi Range Amplify

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The Morrigan rules over the Banshees, this power lets you momentarily deform your countenance to appear Banshee-like in your features, and horrify your foes. Combat: You cast your gaze upon an enemy up to Far (8 hexes) away. Inflict 1 Fear Condition [Counter M] and cause Knockback for 2 hexes [Counter P]. Peace: Once per Social Combat, the Fear Condition you instil is increased by +1 Intensity. Rank Up: Your gaze extinguishes all flames within your field of vision, causes corpses within Far range (8 hexes) of you to crawl 1 hex away in fear, and turns the hair of your nearest foe white.

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify Throw dirt in the eyes of your enemy.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Combat: Perform a Move Action and inflict 1 Blind Condition [Counter P]. Peace: You understand the perils of losing your sight and hearing. You have an uncanny reflex to protect yourself against anything that may suddenly assail your senses. Rank Up: When you Blind a foe they become disoriented and may turn the wrong way in search of you. There is a 33% chance that an opponent’s blow strikes emptiness instead of you.

Throw Enemy

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Area You are an expert at the “Coraíocht” (wrestling) techniques of tossing your opponent. Combat: Perform an unarmed Weak Attack action, then grab an enemy [Counter P] of the same Size as you or less, and throw them Far (8 hexes) with +1 additional hex for every Size you are greater than them, in the direction of your choice. If the enemy’s progress is stopped, they take 1 damage for every hex they failed to pass through. Each Amplify Meta Tag increases the foe’s allowable Size by 1. Each Area Meta increases the distance thrown by Nearby (4 hexes). With the Multi Meta tag one more foe can be grabbed, but each foe gets an opportunity to Counter. Multiple foes may be thrown in different directions. Peace: Throw heavy objects that wiggle and move with surprising precision. Rank Up: If multiple enemies are grabbed with a Multi meta, you may smash them together with a Weak Attack before throwing them.

Throw Shield

Interrupt Amplify Abate Range You throw a shield to your ally. Combat: Perform a Defend for an Ally up to Far (8 hexes) away. You then un-equip your shield. With the Protector Passive, this Talent gets an additional Parry +2. Peace: You may ignore all wind resistance when throwing large awkward sail-like items. Rank Up: Increase the Parry of this Talent by +2.

Throw Stone

Manoeuvre Range Amplify Multi

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

You are accustomed to hunting birds with throwing stones, and can use that experience in combat. Combat: Throw an ordinary small stone accurately up to Far (8 hex) Range. The stone does 1 damage and you gain 1 Taunt Condition [Counter M]. If you instead use the stone to distract and redirect unaware foes, do no damage but gain +1 Shroud Condition and a Weak Move action. Peace: You are excellent at hunting birds and other small game by flicking stones. Rank Up: You can play any rune to add to an attack with a stone as a Meta Tag to inflict the Vulnerable Condition [Counter P].

Throw Weapon

Manoeuvre Amplify Swift Range You throw a weapon at your enemy. Combat: Perform a ranged Attack action using a melee weapon not meant for throwing within a Nearby (4 hex) Range, and gain a +3 damage bonus. The weapon is then unequipped. Peace: You may throw awkwardly shaped objects with impeccable precision. Rank Up: You understand what it’s like to throw a weapon, and if a foe attempts to throw a melee weapon or javelin at you, you gain +3 Parry. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Combo.

Thundering Roar

Spell Song Amplify Area Area Roaring at the heavens, you call down lightning from the sky, knocking your foes off their feet. Combat: If under open skies (not in a building or underground), deal 3 damage and cause +2 Knockback [Counter P] and +1 Vulnerable [Counter P]. Peace: You may summon strong winds within a few minutes within a 1 mile (1.6 kilometer) diameter (70 mph/ 112 kmph). By sacrificing all your movement you can make them gale force (110 mph/ 177 kmph). Rank Up: Increase the bolt’s damage by +2.

Touch of Gearr (Hare) Foot Spell Maintain Multi Amplify


The foot of a hare and the chanting of a spell helps the target realize the agile nature of the hare. Combat: Grant Parry +4 for the target’s next Defend Action and the ability to jump to a Nearby (4 hex) distance with any Move action. You will also land safely. Move actions farther than Nearby can be done in a series of Nearby jumps. Peace: You always know the odds of chance, gambling, and the likelihood of luck. Rank Up: Also gain Move +2.

Touch of Losgann (Frog) Leg

Spell Maintain Multi Amplify The leg of a frog and the chanting of a spell helps the target of the spell realize the magical healing properties of the frog, and understand its movement in water. Combat: Restore 1 and be capable of full Move actions in and underwater. Peace: It is easier for you to fall asleep and rest well when it is cold. Rank Up: Also gain Move +3 in water with the effect of this spell.

Touch of Nathair (Adder) Skin

Spell Range Range Amplify The skin of an adder and chanting of a spell allows the target to channel the adder’s properties of rebirth, shedding their own skin and with it some negative conditions. Combat: Reduce 2 intensities of any negative Condition. Peace: You can unlock a metaphysical gate to memorize things perfectly. Rank Up: You can make a Weak Move slithering along the ground.


Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify You charge through smaller opponents dealing damage as you go. Combat: Perform a Move action, you can pass through opponents (move through their hexes). If you are not wielding any weapons, are larger in Size than the opponent (or mounted and so larger), and have not attacked the opponent this combat round, you can perform a Weak Attack action with a +4 damage on each opponent you pass through. You cannot

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end your Move in the same hex as another combatant. Peace: You can travel over difficult terrain without any movement penalties. Rank Up: Any foe who is damaged and as a result Bloodied by this attack also has inflicted upon them +1 Vulnerable Condition [Counter P] from being felled to the ground.


Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify The attacker runs past a foe, attempting to trip them. Combat: Perform a Move Action and inflict 1 Impeded Condition [Counter P]. Peace: You understand the perils of losing your mobility. Decrease the burden of moving through water and snow. Rank Up: Your trip is a surprise, and you may also perform a Weak Attack if your foe failed to Counter the Impeded Condition.

Trwyd’s Posture

Manoeuvre Maintain Maintain Amplify Change your demeanour to emulate that of the sacred white boar. You gain the increased ability to shake off attacks. Combat: Gain PF +1. Peace: You sense when someone is plotting against you (you get an omen that you must discern). Rank Up: Gain an additional +1 PF.

Turn the Other Cheek

Faith Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Tis better to be struck than to strike. Combat: Make a Weak Defend Action and Heal 1. You may forgo any Parry bonus for the incoming attack, then once it is resolved apply to yourself 2 times your Parry bonus in Heal. Peace: You may suffer any physical torture without succumbing to death. Rank Up: If you are Bloodied, gain PF +2 when using this Talent.

Twin Strike

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify Your mastery allows your companions to mimic your movements.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Combat: You perform a Weak Attack action. Once it is complete, you grant an ally within Far (8 hexes) the ability to perform a free Weak Attack action against any one combatant you targeted. The ally’s attack receives no Meta tags, but does trigger all relevant Passive powers that they may possess. Peace: When working as a group, any prolonged tasks you undertake are completed in half the time. Rank Up: Your ally can be up to a Battlefield (16 hexes) away instead.

Uncanny Ambush

Manoeuvre Amplify Combo Swift You use your skills at sneaking and hiding to get closer to your opponent than most would dare before you attack. Combat: Make an Attack action. If you do so with -1 Reach or -4 Range (minimum 1 in each case) on a target who you have not attacked before, gain 1 Alertness. If the target is unaware of your presence, and this Attack would begin a violent conflict, gain an additional +1 Alertness. Meta tags apply to the Attack action and do not apply to Range or Reach. Peace: You know where to strike. When preparing to attack someone you can identify the best position to do so. Rank Up: An Attack action made on an unaware target using this Talent has an additional +3 damage.

Uncanny Disarm

Manoeuvre Amplify Combo Amplify Focus your attack on an opponent’s weapon, making them drop it. Combat: Disarm your opponent’s one-handed weapon or shield [Counter P], and gain +1 Alertness. You can direct its fall to one of the hexes adjacent to your foe. Peace: Gain insight on how to knock objects over with little effort or force. Rank Up: Disarm two-handed weapons as well, or armour of your Size or less.

Uncanny Jab

Manoeuvre Amplify Combo Swift You know how to set up later success in a fight.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Combat: Deal 1 damage, gain +1 Alertness, and gain +3 Parry for your next Defend action. Peace: While involved in a brawl (unarmed or with improvised weapons) you gain a +1 AV. Rank Up: Add to this Talent the damage you would do with an unarmed Weak Attack.

Unrelenting Barrage

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift No matter if you are too far from your enemy to strike, you will advance, with a terrifying look in your eye, and cut them down. Combat: You may Move 1 hex for each intensity of your Fury Condition if it would lead you within Range/Reach of attacking a foe. Then, make a Weak Attack upon that foe and inflict on them +1 Fear Condition [Counter M]. Peace: Any physical action that requires shoving or pushing results in double the distance. Rank Up: If you are Bloodied when you advance to attack a foe then the Fear you inflict costs +1 rune to Counter.

Unseelie Touch

Unseelie Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain Transforms the nature of the damage being dealt to an opponent. For the duration of this spell, your physical weapons turn blue and shimmer as the stars in the night sky. Combat: Your Attack actions that deal Physical damage now deal half damage, but the damage is Mental damage. Peace: You can feel the magical protection on an object by its nearness to you, and interpret its details so long as you can safely touch it. Rank Up: Add an additional +1 Mental damage to your attack actions while this spell is in effect.

Venomous Bite

Manoeuvre Amplify Amplify Amplify Your bite injects poison into your prey. Combat: When wielding no weapons, your touch action deals no damage but inflicts 1 Degeneration and 1 Impeded. Peace: Your spit is noxious, making you able to spit in someone’s eyes to blind them for a short time, counting as 2 intensities of the Blind condition outside of combat. Rank Up: Your touch deals 2 damage instead of no damage.


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Vengeful Parry

Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Block and evade incoming damage and tumble into opponents, pushing them backward. Combat: Perform a Defend action and do +2 Knockback [Counter P]. Peace: Use someone else’s momentum against them, directing their body in a course of your choice. Rank Up: Add to this Talent +2 Parry and Knockback +1.

Versatile Combat Manoeuvre

Manoeuvre or Interrupt Amplify Amplify Amplify Shift between a defensive posture and an aggressive posture in the blink of an eye. Combat: Perform an Attack action with a +1 damage bonus or perform a Defend action with a +1 Parry bonus. Peace: Control the motion of your body and switch directions in mid-movement without losing your balance or aim. Rank Up: Gain an additional +2 damage bonus to your attack action or +2 additional Parry Bonus to your Defend action.

Vindictive Strike *

Divine Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify When you are attacked your weapon absorbs the damage dealt to you, its frame overloading with ominous power that allows you to attack your enemy with increased brutality. Combat: While in this stance, when you receive damage, store half the value (note type). Upon any Attack you perform, you may choose to empty the stored damage and add it to your Attack as bonus damage of the type(s) noted. Consume 1 Divine Wrath when receiving damage to double the damage stored. Consume 1 Divine Favour when using stored damage to Heal yourself or an adjacent ally by that amount. Peace: Sense the anger burning in the hearts of others, gain +2 AV when detecting hostile intentions in those around you. Rank Up: Stored damage is boosted by an additional +2.

Warpaint of the...

Spell Multi Maintain Amplify You take a deep breath, inhaling the mists and breathing out

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a coloured powder. The powder swirls and becomes warpaint, harmonizing with the soul of its wearer. Your clothes and weapons are unaffected by taking on this warpaint. Only one magical warpaint can be active on one person at a time. This cannot be cast on yourself, only on an adjacent ally.

Bearbhán Gorm (Blue Bear)

Combat: The wearer of this warpaint gains Size +1. This can only be applied if the ally has taken at least a Wound in damage. Peace: You know how to paint beautiful pictures tied to majestic scenes of nature. Rank Up: Your ally’s hair grows shaggier and longer, providing them protection from the cold, and their nails and teeth grow sharper, giving their unarmed attacks +2 damage.

Bradán Il-Dath (Multicolored Salmon)

Combat: The wearer of this warpaint avoids any damage or Conditions caused by the spells of their allies. Peace: You can reduce the difficulty of all Skills checks related to poetry by 1 difficulty rating. Rank Up: When cast on someone without a weapon, they gain Focus +1 and Parry +1.

Cú Dearg (Red Hound)

Combat: The wearer of this warpaint treats all their Weak Move actions as full Move actions. Peace: You can reduce the difficulty at all Brew Skill checks by 1, and you can also sell your services as a tattooist and medicine-peddler. The pay will be decided by the difficulty rate of the Skill check. Rank Up: The recipient of the warpaint gains a String to hunt down prey, human, animal, or supernatural.

Éal Glas (Green Elk)

Combat: For the wearer of this warpaint, at the end of any Defend Action where they have taken damage they can make a Weak Move. Peace: You know how to paint beautiful scenes that depict scenes of civilisation, rulership and everyday life, you can sell them, the result being a cumulation of success skill ranks (Brew skill check = 100 Skatt per success). Rank Up: The wearer of the warpaint gains a String to avoid predators, being hunted, and pursued.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Tarbh Bán (White Bull)

Combat: For the wearer of this warpaint, at the end of any full Move action they can make an unarmed Weak Attack. Peace: Your carrying capacity count for food is one size larger. Rank Up: The wearer of this warpaint gains an additional PF +1.

Torc Dubh (Black Boar)

Combat: The wearer of this warpaint gains unarmed or melee weapon damage +2. Peace: You have a loud voice being able to easily silence a crowd with one shout. Rank Up: Wearers of this warpaint know how to fight alongside others of their kind. When adjacent to an ally, gain Parry +3.

Watch Out!

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Amplify You call out to one of your allies, warning them of incoming danger. Combat: You can target an ally across the Battlefield (up to 16 hexes away), granting them +1 Alertness. Peace: You can unlock this metaphysical gate within yourself to give your body a burst of supernatural speed. Rank Up: You may use this as an {Interrupt} action instead.

Weapon of Morrigan’s Wrath

Spell Stance Amplify Amplify Amplify You breathe in, channelling your grudges, issues and inner rage, using these emotions as a conduit, then strike out, unleashing them through your weapon. Combat: The weapon you hold glows and gains +1 Mental damage. Peace: You can light up an object with a dim sinister brightness allowing you to reduce by 1 rank the effect of darkness on Skill checks to perceive. Rank Up: Increase the Mental damage done with this Talent by +1.

Well of the Beast

Divine Spell Area Amplify Combo A dark energy radiates from you, and like tentacles it pulls all

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

those around to you. Combat: Pull all Nearby (within 4 hex) opponents to all unoccupied adjacent hexes (you choose placement) [Counter S], then deal 2 Spiritual damage to all adjacent combatants. Consume a Divine Favour to apply Vulnerable [Counter S]. Consume a Divine Wrath to self-Inflict 2 intensities of Trance. Peace: You can make everyone take notice of your presence when you enter a room. Rank Up: If you are at maximum divine Favour, gain +2 PF until end of round. If you are at maximum Divine Wrath, gain 2 intensities of Shroud.

Whirlwind Attack

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Swift Capitalize on the many opponents with Reach/Range, by striking many at once. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with +1 damage on up to 3 opponents within Reach/Range. Peace: Excel at performing efficient physical actions that require a sweeping and arcing motion (swinging a mining pick axe, swinging a lumber axe, etc.) Rank Up: If all your opponents within Reach/Range are Bloodied then make a full Attack Action instead of a Weak Attack, and add another +1 damage.

Wild Faol Shape

Shapechange Maintain Maintain Maintain You shapechange into a feral canine, a strange and commanding looking wolf-hound, wild, though still a human at heart. Combat: You lose all weapons and armour (absorbed into new form) and change into a canine-like beast. You gain Quadruped movement (Move is doubled), a +4 Parry bonus, and the Fangs Passive Power with another +2 damage. In addition, in this form you have the Wilderness Run Passive Talent and can pass easily through any wilderness. All other Passive and Active Powers remain unchanged, but Passive Powers have to be applied to the new attributes. Peace: Switch into faol form freely. Rank Up: If there are any wild hounds or wolves, they are treated as having a loyal disposition towards you. Your howl can summon wild hounds and wolves to rally to your side from up to 14 miles (23 km) away.


Wild Shift *

Shapechange Maintain Maintain Element Harnessing the powers of the fey that taught you their wild ways, you let your humanity go, becoming one with the wilds and shifting into a hybrid humanoid or animal-like nature form unique to you. In this form, roughly the size of a horse, you unleash your savagery unto your enemies. Combat: Shapechange into a magical creature of nature that you specify at Character creation. You lose all weapons and armour (absorbed into new form) and gain Size +2, a Physical PF +2, and your form takes on one select of the Element Meta tag from amongst: Air, Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice, Light, or Water. You can apply the benevolent or detrimental aspect of this Element Meta tag whenever you make a Cinematic Action in this form. When transforming you take on one additional Condition that you choose at Character creation from amongst: Alertness, Fury, Shroud, or Taunt. This Condition is gained as soon as you transform. When the shapeshift is dropped, any Conditions you gained as part of the transformation fade away, but any other beneficial or harmful Conditions you gained while in that form remain. The choice you make at Character creation for your Element Meta tag and inherent Condition are tied to the form permanently and cannot be changed. All other Passive and Active Powers of your Character remain unchanged, but Passive Powers have to be applied to the new attributes. Peace: You can shapechange into your nature form whenever you are in nature. Rank Up: When you transform with this Talent you also Heal +2.

You can shapechange into a creature that inhabits the skies above the Unseelie realms or Tir Na Nog. Combat: You Shapechange into a Sun Falcon while clear skies are above you or a Battle Crow if weather is stormy. Your Size remains unchanged. All active and Passive powers remain unchanged. You lose your weapons and armour (absorbed into your new form). You gain a new Active Talent bound to your void rune in this shapeshifted form. All other Passive and Active Powers remain unchanged, but Passive Powers have to be applied to the new attributes. Peace: You can change shape into one of the above forms– according to the weather–for 6 hours. Also on a full moon (once per month) you are compelled to take on this form for the night. Rank Up: An ally Dweller up to your same Size can employ you as a mount.

Wooden Weapon

Unseelie Spell Maintain Maintain Maintain A detached branch or stick you clutch can be instantly shaped into any weapon but made of wood. Combat: Grab a stick or detached branch, and choose a weapon whose form you wish it to take. The weapon it shapes into must be the same Size as the branch. The weapon has the same Size as your Size minus 1, and a QR of 50% of your Dweller Level. You construct the weapon at the time of casting using the Weapon column of the Craft Attributes Table page 432. The weapon will last only one battle before it turns to ash. Peace: Shape wood into intricate statues and ornaments. Rank Up: The wooden weapon instead uses a QR of 75% of your Dweller Level, and will last without need to spend a rune to Maintain until the last ray of sunshine vanishes at sunset, then it turns to ash.

Wounding Attack

Winged Shape

Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo

Shapechange Maintain Amplify Maintain

Winged Shape Table:


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Unarmed DF


PF Parry

Void Rune Power

Battle Crow

+2 Mental

+2 (Flight)



Run Away Mocking

Sun Falcon

+2 Spiritual

+4 (Flight)



Lunging Attack


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Try to strike a blow that will cause a deep wound. Combat: Perform a Weak Attack action with a +1 damage bonus and inflict 1 Degeneration [Counter P]. Peace: You have an increased understanding of anatomy. You know where the pain points are, which can be useful if you must inflict torture. Rank Up: Your attack deals an additional +2 damage. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Wrath and Glory

Divine Manoeuvre Amplify Multi Combo You’ve fallen out of favour with the gods, but intend to fulfil their mission of slaughter better than even they could do. It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. They will come around when they see how well you’ve done. Combat: Perform an Attack action dealing your damage as Spiritual damage if you suffer from Divine Wrath. If you have intensities of Divine Favour, you deal half damage instead, and the damage is Mental. If either condition is at maximum intensity, you may Reclaim the meta tags played in this rune chain. Peace: You can sense the presence of Otherworldly beings within Battlefield (16 hex) Range. Rank Up: When using this Talent your attack deals +1 Mental or Spiritual damage. You may change 1 of the power’s meta tags to Swift.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


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Social Powers

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus on someone below you in social status

Accuse Compel

Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Defend.

Combo Amplify Sinister Blame someone else, it may work. Effect: Perform a Compel action. If successful, apply the Taunt Condition to your foe. This is a special kind of Taunt that affects not just their enemies but their allies and neutral parties. If you do not Compel them, apply the Taunt Condition to yourself that also affects neutral parties.

Acknowledge Me Peasant


Exert your royal will on the peons before you. Effect: Perform a Social Attack action with a +3 bonus on someone below you in social status Rank Up: Increase your Social Attack bonus when using this Talent by +1.

Answer Me Peasant Your questions must be answered by the peasants and serfs Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +4 bonus on someone below you in social status Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +3 bonus. Every rune played by an ally in response to your Combo meta adds a free Abate meta tag


Mastery Combo Multi You gang up on a opponent with your allies, relentlessly questioning a target. Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +4 bonus if you and your allies outnumber your target.

Are You Serious?

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.

Defend vs. Compel

Combo Amplify Abate They can’t even articulate what they want, maybe they should calm down. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Compel with a +4 bonus if the attacker suffers from an Emotional Condition.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

You ask menacingly, looking to intimidate them.

Barrage of Questions

Amplify Amplify Amplify

Dismiss the lowlifes before you

Combo Amplify Amplify

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.


Amplify Amplify Amplify

You undermine the underpinning logic of your foe’s argument.

Bäd Coppe

Amplify Amplify Amplify

Social Defend

Combo Amplify Sinister

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Social Attack

Are You Still Talking?


Effect: Perform a Provoke Vulnerable or a Provoke Humiliated with a +3 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Attack Base Assumptions

Base Insinuations Provoke Combo Amplify Sinister You know something about your foe, but won’t come out and say it, preferring glib remarks that only they understand. Effect: Perform a Provoke Attack action to inflict +1 emotional condition with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

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Befriend Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister Wherever you go, you make friends. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly action with +3 bonus or a Question with a +2 bonus against someone you have just met. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Best Friends

Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

Break-Down Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister Your verbal assault aims to destroy someone’s self worth and self confidence.


Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Remorse/Guilt Attack action with +4 bonus.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Your aim is to become great friends, or even fall in love. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly Attack action with +4 bonus.

Bury Emotions Social Defend

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Combo Amplify Abate


Though emotional, you can find the strength inside you to withstand the personal attacks of others.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Defend Attack action with a +3 bonus if you suffer from an Emotional Condition.


The information you have gathered on someone you can use against them. Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +1 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Change the Subject Social Defend

Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

Combo Amplify Abate

Boast of Greatness

In times of social conflict you draw from your wits to change the course of events.


Combo Amplify Sinister Those around you know not (or not enough) of your great deeds, and you must tell them!

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a bonus equal to the number of Mental and Spiritual runes that you have In-Hand and In-Play. Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Defend.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Charged Demand

Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Bow to Me

Some shrink away from their emotions, others - like you channel them into your demands.

Area Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Attack with a +3 bonus if you have an Emotional Condition.

Those beneath your status will have to do your bidding

Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

Social Attack

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Effect: Perform a Social Attack action with a +3 bonus on a target of lower Level.

Social Attack


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +1 bonus and if you have no Emotional Conditions relevant Strings apply an extra +2 bonus.

Chime-In Social Defend

Combo Amplify Abate Less concerned with your own social standing, you are more apt to stand up for your friends. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action for an ally within Far (4 hex) Range.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Delight in Bad News Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister

Rank Up: Increase the Range on this Talent to across the Battlefield (8 hexes).

Perhaps you are a little too eager to deliver bad news, or is it part of a greater plan?

Clever Questioning

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Remorse Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.


Combo Amplify Sinister Take advantage of the emotions of others to ask astute questions. Effect: Perform a Question Attack with a +4 if your foe is under an Emotional condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2..

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2..

Demand Answers Question

Combo Amplify Sinister While emotional you know how to demand what you want, and get the answers you need.

Cold Stare

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +4 bonus if you suffer from an Emotional condition.

Social Attack

Combo Amplify Amplify

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2..

Cool heads get the best results. Effect: Perform a Attack action with a +3 if you are under no Emotional condition.

Demand Confession Question or Compel

Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Cryptic Reply

When your foe is at their most emotionally vulnerable, that is when you ask your questions.

Combo Amplify Abate

Effect: Perform a Question or Compel action with a +3 bonus if the opponent is under the Humiliated or Grief Conditions.

Defend vs. Question

To answer directly is folly. A reply twisted in allusions is much more interesting. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +4 bonus against a Question if you have already successfully defended against Question today. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Dispassionate Interest Question

Swift Combo Multi


It is best to ask questions with cold logic to get to the bottom of things.

Social Defend

Combo Amplify Abate So long as you retain you reason you can talk through conflict.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Rank Up: Increase the Question bonus on this Talent by +1 and the Compel of this Talent by +1.

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +4 if you are under no Emotional condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2..

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Disturbing Facts Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs Question with a +4 bonus if the attacker is lower Level. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

The information you accrue rarely leads to a pleasant conclusion.

Double Dare

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Grief Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Combo Amplify Amplify

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Compel with a +4 if you are under no Emotional condition.

Don’t Even

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

Combo Amplify Abate

Emotional Barrier

You’re already wound up, you won’t let someone manipulate your emotions any further

Combo Amplify Resist

Defend vs. Provoke

Defend vs. Compel

Keep it simple. Have you tried to double dare them?

Defend vs. Provoke

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +4 bonus if you suffer from an Emotional Condition.

You don’t let anyone get to your heart.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Don’t Even Think of Asking

Emotional Blackmail

Combo Amplify Amplify

Combo Amplify Sinister

How dare they even think to give you a command when they are clearly beneath you.

Use someone else’s emotions against them.

Defend vs. Compel

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Compel with a +4 bonus if the attacker is lower Level. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

Don’t Even Try It Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Amplify You cannot be moved by the words of a peon. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +4 bonus if the attacker is lower Level. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Don’t Question Me Defend vs. Question

Combo Amplify Amplify You shall not be questioned by those beneath your social standing

Effect: Perform a Defend action versus Provoke, Friendly or Vulnerable countering 1 intensity with a +4 bonus


Effect: Perform a Provoke to inflict +1 emotional condition Attack with a +4 if your foe is under an Emotional condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Encourage Ally Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister Your words look to inspire someone to greatness Effect: Perform a Provoke to inflict +1 Inspired Attack action with +4 bonus to another Ally. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Enrage Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister You know exactly what to say to rile your foes. Effect: Perform a Provoke to inflict +1 intensity to Anger Attack action with +4 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Familiar Arguments

Get Your Story Straight

Combo Amplify Abate

Combo Amplify Abate

You’ve had these conversations before, and you know what information to bring up.

They’re a mess, not worth your time.

Social Defend

Defend vs. Question

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +1 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Question with a +4 bonus if the attacker suffers from an Emotional Condition.

Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.


Give it Little Afterthought

Combo Amplify Sinister

Combo Amplify Resist

Draw from your background to find common interests with a potential beau.

Look forwards, not backwards, what happened is of no consequence.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly Attack action with +2 bonus, and with an additional +3 bonus if you share a Lifestyle or Characteristic.

Effect: Perform a Defend action versus Provoke, Remorse/ Guilt, or Vulnerable countering -1 intensity with a +4 bonus


Defend vs. Provoke

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Gritted Teeth

Friendly Criticism

Defend vs. Provoke


Combo Amplify Resist

Mastery Combo Multi Knowing someone as you do, it is easier to question them, or to push them into certain behaviours. Effect: Perform a Provoke to inflict +1 emotional condition action with +4 bonus against another ally you have known a long time. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Channel your pain into charisma. Effect: Perform a Social Attack action with a +3 bonus if you are Bloodied.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.


Your familiarity with beasts has taught you how to growl at your opponent as warning.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Social Attack

Effect: Perform a Defend action versus Provoke to Anger or Fear countering -1 intensity with a +4 bonus

Combo Amplify Abate

Social Attack

Get My Way

You grit your teeth and resist the urge to rage or flee in fear.

Defend vs. Question

Fuelled by Agony

Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action versus Question with a +3 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Güd Coppe Question

Combo Amplify Amplify You ask nicely, trying to get on their good side.

Effect: Perform a Social Attack Action with +2 bonus.

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +3 bonus. Every rune played by an ally in response to your Combo meta adds another +3 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

What you demand is what tends to happen.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


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Amplify Amplify Amplify

Combo Amplify Abate

Grunt your intent to ignore the wretch before you.

You’ve heard it before, and you’re not interested in hearing it again.

Defend vs. Provoke

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Provoke countering -1 intensity with a +4 bonus on someone below you in social status. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

I Can’t

Defend vs. Compel

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if your foe has already made a Social Attack against you in a social combat today. Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Impassioned Plea

Combo Amplify Abate


You’re too overwhelmed with emotion to listen.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Compel with a +4 bonus if you suffer from an Emotional Condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

I Demand an Answer Question

Channel your emotions into one great appeal. Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 bonus if you have an Emotional Condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.


Area Amplify Sinister


Those beneath you will have a hard time resisting your questions.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +4 bonus on a target of lower Level.

You know how to prod, push, and bait your foe to get them to behave the way you want.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.

Effect: Perform a Provoke Attack action to inflict +1 emotional condition with a +3 bonus.

I Know You Too Well

Inflict Terror

Combo Amplify Resist

Combo Amplify Sinister

Defend vs. Provoke

You cannot provoke me when I know your weakness. Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Provoke countering -1 intensity with a +1 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.


The subject of fear is known well to you, and you know how to wield it as a weapon. Effect: Perform a Provoke Fear Attack action to inflict +1 emotional condition with +4 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

I Won’t Budge


Combo Amplify Abate

Combo Amplify Sinister

Defend vs. Compel

You’re going to stick to your price and that’s that! Effect: Perform a Social Defend vs. Compel with a +5 bonus with respect to trade deals or sales. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

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Social Defend


You can follow a thorough line of questions to lead to the answers you desire. Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +3 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Intimidating Demand Compel

Line of Questioning

Combo Amplify Sinister


You know how to make your demands in such a way your foes are unlikely to refuse. Effect: Perform a Compel Social Attack action with a +4 bonus if your allies are present and outnumber the foes.

Combo Amplify Sinister Use the information you know wisely to get the answers you seek.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2..

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +1 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Intimidating Threats

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.


Make a Plan

Combo Amplify Sinister


The threats you make are not to be taken lightly.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Provoke Fear Attack action inflicting +1 intensity with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Craft a series of events to lead to your desired ends.

Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Inspired Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus on another ally. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Laugh It Off Defend vs. Compel

Make Demands

Combo Amplify Abate


Simple laugher will do much to quell social conflict.

Area Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +4 bonus against a Compel to do something dangerous or that would be putting your status at risk.

Bark out what you desire, and your lessers will follow.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 bonus on a target of lower Level. Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Lean on Weakness

Manipulate Emotions

Social Attack


Combo Amplify Sinister When your opponent is emotional, and easy to attack; that is when you apply pressure. Effect: Perform a Social Attack with a +3 bonus if the opponent has an Emotional Condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

Let’s Talk About Something Else Defend vs. Question

Combo Amplify Sinister Your words sting, and you wield them to make your foe vulnerable. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Vulnerable Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Mob Rules

Combo Amplify Abate


Casual conversation unlocks the best secrets.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Question with a +4 if you are under no Emotional condition.

Drive others to an emotion by having the crowd rallied against them.

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Effect: Perform a Provoke to inflict +1 emotional condition Attack action with a +4 bonus if you and your allies outnumber your target. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Negotiate Compel

Amplify Amplify Sinister This is not your first deal, you know how to make terms favourable for you. Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 bonus in order to gain advantage in a trade deal or sale. Rank Up: Talent gains Compel +2.

Off-hand Request Compel

Area Amplify Sinister The best voice of authority is one that is cold and measured.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Predator’s Gaze Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister The wild beasts have given you this look, and you know how to replicate it to others. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Bravery Attack with a +4 bonus to another Ally. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Publicly Denounce Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister Shame another, casting doubt on their credibility.

Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 if you are under no Emotional Condition.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Humiliated Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Oh By the Way

Publicly Humiliate

Combo Amplify Resist

Combo Amplify Sinister

A snide remark goes a long way.

Cast another in ill-favour.

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +4 if you are under no Emotional condition.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Humiliated Attack action with +4 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Passing Remark

Push Your Emotions

Combo Amplify Sinister

Combo Amplify Sinister

You don’t even need to try to get under someone’s skin.

Using the past, you provoke someone easily to anger.

Effect: Perform a Provoke to inflict +1 emotional condition Attack action with a +4 if you are under no Emotional condition.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Anger Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Defend vs. Provoke


Positive Thoughts Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Resist You don’t let negative emotions get to you.

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Effect: Perform a Defend action versus Provoke Grief or Humiliated countering 1 intensity with a +4 bonus



Replete with the Holy Spirit* Faith Interrupt

Area Combo Amplify You renounce violence in all its forms, and strive to bring a


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

peaceful resolution to all conflicts… unless against the powers of demons and devils. Effect: You perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 bonus versus those who are engaged in violence, and command them to cease their hostilities. You practice a life where you: • Do not promote or participate in violence. • Renounce worldly things, which means you reduce your Item Slots by 1 (of the 4 from which you gain benefit), and any remaining (minimum 1) Item Slots must have the Faith attribute. And so gain the following: • Mental Parry +1 and then another +1 per 10 Levels. • Social Defend +1 and then another +1 per 10 Levels. • Social Attack +1 and then another +1 per 5 Levels. If you manage to stop all combatants from fighting, you gain +1 to the Miracle condition. If you participate in or promote any violence there is a 33% chance that this Skill will shut down for the day. It is still possible for you to condone violence, so long as you did not suggest its use, and after the fact show proper mercy and reparations proportionate to your conscience. The Supernatural are exempt from any considerations of non-violence.

Riddle Question

Combo Amplify Sinister The ancient methods of social combat hold their own kind of magic. Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with an answer unknown to your foe, with a +3 bonus. If successful a Riddle causes an Emotional Condition as a Provoke with +1 intensity, as well as the terms of whatever wager was agreed upon beforehand. Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.


Social Defend Combo Amplify Abate The call of the wild beasts bellows from you, preventing others from harming you socially. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if you are Bloodied. Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Rousing Speech

Rank Up: If successful with the Compel, perform a free Provoke to Friendly with a +2 bonus.


Reveal a Half-truth

The time is now to prepare your allies with a speech to spur them into action.

Defend vs. Question

Amplify Amplify Abate Sometimes giving a little is better than giving the whole truth. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Question with a +4 bonus when trying to hide your immediate motives. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Combo Amplify Area

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Bravery Attack on another ally with a +1 bonus to a crowd of no fewer than a dozen people (Nearby), or a half-dozen if at least half are Bloodied (Nearby), with a +1 bonus to any relevant Strings. Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

Royal Tantrum

Rhyming Reply


Defend vs. Question

Amplify Amplify Amplify

Combo Amplify Abate

You will instil an emotion to those who grovel before you.

You follow the traditions of many sidhe, and evade questions by answering in verse.

Effect: Perform a Provoke Attack action to inflict +1 emotional condition with a +4 bonus on someone below you in social status.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if your answer is in rhyme.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


- 401 -

Seeking the Martyrs*

Share Your Mood

Combo Mastery Area


You have been trained thoroughly in the dogma of your church. You have been called to a higher purpose, to find those who hide sin among your flock. You are especially good at finding people, places and items related to your religion.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Question social attack on someone with regards to matters of the Criostai faith with a +4 bonus. If you learn the whereabouts of a holy relic through your Question attack, gain +1 Miracle. Rank Up: Strings derived from this Social Talent are added as relevant bonuses when performing Lore Personas or Lore Locales Skill checks.

Effect: Perform a Provoke Attack action to inflict +1 emotional condition with a +4 bonus if you suffer from an Emotional condition. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Shut Your Mouth Defend vs. Compel

Amplify Amplify Amplify


You were not talking to me… no way you dare to demand something from me!

Amplify Amplify Abate

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Compel with a +4 bonus on someone below you in social status.

Some social victories are best left private.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly Attack action that leads to romantic interactions with a +5 bonus if the target is already Friendly.

Stay Calm


Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Defend vs. Provoke Combo Amplify Resist

Sense Motives

Maintain your strength of mind, your discipline, and do not falter.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action versus Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +3 bonus.


It is not so easy to fool you. Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +4 bonus in order to discern immediate intent. Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2, countering 1 intensity of an emotional condition.

Stay Quiet Social Defend

Shameless Flattery

Mastery Abate Resist


Sometimes silence is best.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if you suffer from no Emotional Condition.

Pour your attentions upon another. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly Attack action with +3 bonus towards someone of high social status, or who desires to be of high status, with an additional +1 bonus to each String. Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

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Tap into your own emotions to trigger an emotion in another.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Storytelling Defend vs. Question

Combo Amplify Abate If you don’t know how to respond, it’s best to bury your answer in a story.


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +4 bonus against a Question. If you fail, you give up 1 extra String. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Friendly attack with a +5 bonus when tensions are running high and violence is possible. Gain +1 Miracle intensity if you have averted certain bloodshed using this Talent.

Tactfully Deflect

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Combo Amplify Abate

Timely Distraction

Defend vs. Question

Caution is your best method to avoid answering questions. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +4 bonus against a Question if the attacker still has no Strings on you.


Combo Amplify Sinister Your foe did not expect you to interfere.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Vulnerable Attack action with +4 bonus.

Take Advantage of Weakness

Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.


Combo Amplify Sinister While your foe is emotional, that is the time to ask them things unreasonable.

Too Distracted to Listen Defend vs. Question

Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 bonus if your foe is under an Emotional Condition.

Combo Amplify Abate

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Question with a +4 bonus if you suffer from an Emotional Condition.


You can tune them out, embracing the emotions you feel.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.


Combo Amplify Sinister

Trick Answer

The beasts of the wild need not be so viscous towards you, you can sway them.

Defend vs. Question

Combo Amplify Abate

Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action at +4 bonus to improve the disposition of a wild beast.

I know something about you, so my answer will be evasive as I redirect the discussion back to you.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Question with a +1 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.


Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Social Attack Combo Amplify Sinister

Turn Away

You may sound friendly, but you know how to get what you want in a friendly voice.

Defend vs. Question Amplify Amplify Amplify

Effect: Perform a Social Attack action and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus.

I will not even grace your question by opening my mouth.

Rank Up: This Talent gains +2 to its Strings.

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Question with a +4 bonus on someone below you in social status Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

The Peace of Our Lord* Provoke

Amplify Amplify Amplify Your presence is soothing and your voice calming. Your words tend to bring reason to an unreasonable situation.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

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Undermine Credibility Social Defend

Combo Amplify Abate Attack the standing of your foe. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if the attacker suffers from an Emotional Condition.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend vs. Question with a +3 bonus. The bonus increases to +4 if you are affected by Divine Favour or Wrath. Rank Up: Consume a Divine Favour to Wyrd 1 rune (Wrath 2 runes) into Contingency which can only be used for Social Defend actions.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Voice of Fury

Urge the Hero you know

Combo Amplify Sinister



Your words are fed by the fury boiling inside you.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +1 bonus per intensity of Fury you are under.

Rouse your ally to great bravery using their past. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Brave Attack action with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus on another ally. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Verbal Manipulation Compel

Combo Amplify Sinister Talk someone into doing something they would not normally do, into revealing information they would rather keep hidden, or to encourage them towards a state that benefits your ends. Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +3 bonus.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.

Voice of Ill Tidings Provoke

Combo Amplify Sinister Your words are as curses, lowering the spirit of those who hear. Effect: Perform a Provoke +1 intensity to Grief Attack action with +4 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

Voice of the Divine Question

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Combo Amplify Sinister

Voice of Chaos

The power of the divine colours your every word, compelling those who hear them to comply

Amplify Amplify Amplify

Effect: Perform a Question Attack action with a +2 bonus per intensity of Divine Favour you are under.

Your stirred emotions turn into a dissonant sound that exits your body as you speak.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Question +2.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend vs. Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +3 bonus. The bonus increases to +4 if you are affected by Divine Favour or Wrath.

Defend vs. Compel

Defend vs. Provoke

Rank Up: Consume a Divine Favour to redirect a Social Attack to another ally other than yourself. Consume a Divine Wrath instead to choose any target instead of an ally.

Voice of Doom Defend vs. Question

Amplify Amplify Amplify

Voice of the War Beast Amplify Amplify Amplify When others wish you to perform for them, you answer with a bestial howl, making them question their goals. Effect: Perform a Social Defend vs. Compel with a +3 bonus. The bonus increases to +4 if you are affected by Divine Favour or Wrath. Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

Your words cut conversations in their tracks. Your opponents pause, questioning if they wish to continue talking to you.

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Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action vs. Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +4 bonus if the attacker suffers from an Emotional Condition.

We are One Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Resist A singular attacker cannot provoke you to an emotion you when you have your friends at your side. Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Provoke countering 1 intensity with a +4 bonus if you and your allies outnumber your target. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Will Not Budge Social Defend

Combo Amplify Abate Hold to your convictions and do not waiver. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +2 bonus.

We Won’t Answer

Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

Combo Amplify Abate

You Are Beneath Me

A singular attacker cannot question you when you have your friends at your side.

Combo Amplify Amplify

Defend vs. Question

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Question with a +4 bonus if you and your allies outnumber your t arget. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Question +2.

Social Defend

You shall not answer to those of lower status than you. Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if the attacker is lower Level. Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

We won’t Do As You Say

You Are Dismissed

Defend vs. Compel

Combo Amplify Abate


A singular attacker cannot make you do something when you have your friends at your side.

Amplify Amplify Amplify

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Compel with a +4 bonus if your allies are present and outnumber the foes.

Effect: Perform a Compel Attack action with a +4 bonus on someone below you in social status

Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

Rank Up: This Talent gains Compel +2.

We won’t Listen to You

You Can’t Be Serious

Combo Amplify Abate

Combo Amplify Abate

A singular attacker cannot overcome you when you have your friends at your side.

Dismiss the preposterous.

Social Defend

Defend vs. Compel

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action with a +3 bonus if your allies are present and outnumber the foes. Rank Up: This Talent gains Social Defend +1.

What a Joke Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Abate You won’t let them spread their mood on you.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Those beneath you can take their leave when you desire.

Effect: Perform a Social Defend action versus Compel with a +3 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

You Do it First Defend vs. Compel

Combo Amplify Abate You cannot make me do something when you’re not ready to do something similar yourself.

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Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Compel with a +1 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Compel +2.

You Should Be Ashamed Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Abate Knowing what you know, they have done much worse than you.

You’re not Threatening Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Abate Knowing what you know, they do not look threatening Effect: Perform a Defend action vs Provoke to Anger or Fear countering 1 intensity with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Provoke to Remorse/ Guilt or Vulnerable countering 1 intensity with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

You Should Listen To Us Social Attack

Combo Amplify Sinister Gang up on a foe that you outnumber. Effect: Perform a Social Attack action with a +3 bonus if your allies are present and outnumber the foes. Rank Up: This Talent gains +1 Social Attack.

You Will Feel My Words Provoke

Area Amplify Sinister Those beneath you will be moved by your passion. Effect: Perform a Provoke Attack action to inflict +1 emotional condition with a +4 bonus on a target of lower Level. Rank Up: This Talent gains Provoke +2.

You’re a Joke Defend vs. Provoke

Combo Amplify Abate Knowing what you know, they do not have the moral high ground Effect: Perform a Defend action vs. Provoke to Grief or Humiliated countering 1 intensity with a +2 bonus and relevant Strings apply an extra +1 bonus. Rank Up: This Talent gains Defend vs. Provoke +2.

- 406 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)


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- 408 -


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Animal Empathy Spiritual

Difficulty +1

May be attempted freely. Multi Range Benefit Your sense of kinship with animals is strong. Even the wild beasts of the forests and seas see you more as an ally than others of your kind. The disposition of beasts follows a set chain of Angered, Neutral, Pleased, or Friendly. Angered beasts may also be just hungry. Unless hunting, most beasts have a disposition of Neutral.

Every 4 AV Heals the wounds of animals and wild beasts, magical or mundane, raising them above a Bloodied or Damaged Condition. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. If you raise a wild beast’s disposition for you above Friendly, you have the possibility of making it a Companion.

Animal Shapeshift Spiritual

Difficulty +2

Cannot be attempted without at least 1 rank.

• Bonus Materials & Equipment: Food for the beast.

Swift Augment Benefit

Combat: Gain information on the disposition and intent of a wild beast, be it mundane or supernatural. Each AV is equal to one point of information.

In a few seconds you change your shape into one of the three predetermined animals. Every additional rune played grants a +1 bonus to Move, damage or Parry. Choose 1 small animal from each of the three major biomes: air, water and land. (A typical selection would be: sparrow, trout and ferret.) The Character retains all of their Powers and Skills in this new form and uses the physical attributes granted by the new form. Perception and Wilderness Survival grant bonuses to the Dweller’s Skills. Human speech is possible in the new form.

Every 4 AV shifts the disposition of a wild beast by one position. (The disposition range is: Angered, Neutral, Pleased, or Friendly. Most wild beasts begin an Neutral unless hungry or territorial.) Peace: Take 6 hours to shift the disposition of a wild beast by one position.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

TALEN TS - S KIL L S - 409 -

Animal Shapeshift Table:




DF Parry



1 (Land) / 4 (Flight)



Perception +1, Survival Wilderness +2



2 (Quadruped)



Perception +3, Survival Wilderness +2



4 (Aquatic)



Perception +1, Survival Wilderness +2

Combat: Shapeshift into one of your animal forms. Every 4 AV increases animal Size by +1, regardless of the true Size of the animal. If this happens, the Size increase cannot be rejected; it represents putting too much magic into the shapechange and adopting a larger than normal form of the animal.

You know the QR breakdown of an object upon assessing its properties carefully, and could instruct someone with the appropriate Skill how to recreate the object.

Athletics Physical

Normal Difficulty

Peace: Freely maintain your transformation into another animal over a 6 hour period of activity.

May be attempted freely.

Every 4 AV increases animal Size by +1, regardless of the true Size of the animal. If this happens, the Size increase cannot be rejected.

Perform risky Physical feats such as tight-rope-walking, balancing, climbing, etc.

Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. Hides and pelts you collect are useful for shapechanging. You may don an animal hide of no greater QR than your Size +2, becoming the animal as though with the Animal Shapeshift Skill. When the spell ends, the hide turns to dust.

Appraisal Mental

Normal Difficulty

Experience Benefit Aid

Combat: Perform physical feats in combat such as lifting and throwing heavy objects, jumping, climbing, or matters of balance. For every 4 AV Recover a negative physical Condition. Peace: Perform prolonged physical activities and matters of endurance such as surviving the elements up to a maximum of 6 hours. For every 4 AV Recover a negative physical Condition.

May be attempted freely.

Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill.

Aid Experience Swift

As many allies can assist in a single task of this Skill as your AV, so long as their participation is relevant to the activity. Each ally grants an additional +1 bonus.

This skill is used to assess the item attributes as bestowed via the Forge skill. Even without this skill, repeated use of an item will eventually reveal its crafted attributes (infused effects are assessed using the Lore Arcana Skill). Combat: Assess the value of items. Every success will reveal 5 QR worth of attributes. Every 4 AV gains a relevant String. Peace: Assess the local market value for goods and services over the next 6 hours. This assessment is very accurate and takes into account current economy, perceived availability and demand.

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Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Augment Benefit Aid You are especially gifting at wrecking things by smashing them with your hands or using melee weapons. Combat: Damage an object of QR 6 or less [Counter P if the item is held by another].

Every 4 AV gains a relevant String.

Every 4 AV gain 1 Fury.

Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill.

Peace: Smash open locks, chests, doors, and similar contain-


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

ers and barriers of a QR equal to AV or less, without breaking the contents inside. Larger or stronger containers may have a greater DR against this skill. You can also spend 6 hours destroying everything in any one room, making sure none of the Items within are serviceable. Every 4 AV increases the QR of containers you can safely open without damaging the contents by 2. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. Increase the QR of the items you can damage by +2.

Blot & Faining Spiritual

Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. As many allies can assist in a single task of this Skill as your AV, so long as their participation is relevant to the activity. Each ally grants an additional +1 bonus.

Brawling Physical

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Difficulty +2

May be attempted freely. Efficient Benefit Augment So great is your communication with the gods that you know the practices and procedures necessary to appease them, and to keep them pleased. • Faining deals with a burnt or drowned offering. The item is almost always an item of value. Someone who has ranks in this Skill will know how to properly perform the sacrifice (knowing the appropriate tribute). Fainings would be performed on a regular basis in order to maintain good relations with a higher power. A wise, devout will use fainings to curry favour with their patron. • Blot deals with a blood sacrifice. This offering is usually an animal, but sometimes it may be human or non-human as well (non-human defined as a higher consciousness being native to a realm outside of Midgard; ie. troll). Someone who has ranks in this Skill will know how to properly perform the sacrifice. A blot is used to grab a divine being’s attention and beg for forgiveness. A religious and devout person will use this Skill in order to appease an angered patron deity. Example: Farmers have desecrated a nature shrine to Belenus by tearing-up the stones in order to make room for farm land. That first year the crop rots and the farmers realize the error of their ways. They perform a blot using their prized bull as the offering. Combat: Perform a quick battlefield blot or faining, seeking to curry favour with your god in the conflict at hand. Such hasty devotion will not raise your favour with the god unless at least 4 AV is generated. Every 4 AV gains 1 Divine Favour. Peace: Perform a larger ritual of a blot or faining of 6 hours, taking time to demonstrate your devotion properly, raising your standing with the god by one step.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Every 4 AV gains an additional Divine Favour for your observance.

Multi Abate Aid Through your experience in combat you know how to fight for many purposes, not just to kill but to subdue. Combat: Deal subdual damage to an adjacent opponent. (Normal unarmed damage is your Dweller’s Size -3.) For every 4 AV Inflict 1 Degeneration [Counter P] on your foe from exhaustion. Some Companions (typically the rowdier Goblin Mavens) are commanded using this Skill. When you have a Companion that is loyal to you that is, employ this Skill to have them perform one Cinematic Action. For every 4 AV they perform an additional Cinematic Action. Peace: Spar with a friendly opponent for 6 hours, breaking as necessary. This is both combat training and a social event amongst warriors. For every 4 AV gain a String of information relevant to your opponent, either Social from your talks, or Physical in terms of their fighting practices. If you command a Maven with this Skill, for every 4 AV you may Heal the wounds of your Maven, raising it from a Broken to a Damaged Condition, or from Damaged to fully restored. If the Maven is Broken and your check to save them fails, then the Maven has gone back to Otherworld and requires a 6 hour ritual, with appeasement, to summon back. The Companion can also be trained in new abilities over the course of one week per QR spent. See Companion advancement page 192. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. You are an expert at leading this activity. Allies that assist you can be within +/-2 AV. A Maven Companion you command with this Skill gains QR over the time that it is with you. It has a QR (Quality Rating) of 75% of your Dweller Level.


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Burial Spiritual

Know the Level of your foe when you identify them. Difficulty +2

May be attempted freely.


Benefit Aid Efficient

Cannot be attempted without at least 1 rank.

Burial is by far the most important Skill to someone who has died.

Aid Benefit Augment

• Required Materials & Equipment: Spools of cloth, a shovel, and ointments. Combat: Assess a grave site, how spirits operate there and how the spirit departed mortal life. Every 4 AV gains a relevant String. Peace: Properly prepare the remains of the dead such they may continue their journey into their promised afterlife. This activity is a combination of practical and spiritual considerations that takes 6 hours. For every 4 AV the deceased gets an extra afterlife rune pull. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. The deceased gets an additional afterlife rune pull, and another every 4 AV.

Champion’s Eye Mental

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Aid Benefit Range You seek out only the strongest opponents you can, preferring the quality of the fight over felling many opponents.

Difficulty +2/0

Speak with a corpse or with a lost soul in order to gain wisdom and knowledge. Combat: Search the Battlefield (16 hexes) to hear the cry of a spirit of the dead, and glean its location. If you are haunted by a Ghost who is loyal to you, you may use this Skill to command that ghost to perform one Cinematic Action. When commanding a Ghost Companion the difficulty of this Skill is treated as 2 lower, or as “Normal Difficulty of 0. See Companion rules page 193. Every 4 AV Commands the Ghost of a Fallen Ally to perform an additional Cinematic action. Peace: Stand upon the grave or over the body of a dead mortal and its spirit will speak to you, revealing one piece of information for each AV. The disposition of the spirit towards you will affect how much truth and how much honesty there is in the information given. This communion takes 6 hours. You may also use this Skill to shift the disposition of any ghost or spirit over the course of 6 hours. The disposition range of the dead is normally: Angered, Neutral, Pleased, or Friendly. Most spirits are Neutral unless they are feeling territorial or in a state of emotional upset.

• Bonus Materials & Equipment: Personal affects of the subject.

If you converse with a ghost that is not an ally, then for every 4 AV you gain 1 Possession [Counter M], from prolonged intense exposure to spirits, but also gain a String.

Combat: Search the Battlefield (16 hexes) for the strongest Worthy Foe (+/- 5 Levels) and those of the greatest social and military rank.

If you have a Ghost Companion then for every 4 AV you may also heal the their wounds, raising them from a Broken to a Damaged Condition, or from Damaged to fully restored.

At 4 AV know the Destiny of the Worthy Foe you find. At an additional 4 AV know their Essence.

A Ghost Companion gains QR over the time that it is with you. It has a QR (Quality Rating) of 50% of your Dweller Level. (A Level 32 Dweller could have a Hobbie Pony with QR 16.) The Companion can be trained in new abilities over the course of one week per QR spent. See Companion advancement page 193.

Peace: Gather information on a known foe, learning their Level, Essence, and Destiny. This takes 6 hours of study, but may be done by inference, like talking with the subject’s friends, family, or allies. Every 4 AV gains a relevant String. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill.

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Commune with Dead


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. A Ghost Companion instead gains QR at 75% of your Dweller Level.

Commune with Gods Spiritual

Difficulty +3

Cannot be attempted without at least 1 rank. Augment Benefit Experience You can call out to higher powers and receive a clear answer in words in your mind. This is much less cryptic than Omens/ Portents and Stargazing, however, the god will expect their message to be followed, or you are courting disfavour. • Bonus Materials & Equipment: The Difficulty is reduced by -1 if performed at a temple, shrine or sacred locale. The Difficulty is also reduced by -1 if you have Divine Favour or Wrath. Combat: Gain one word of information from the god there about the place, events that have occurred there, or your circumstance in that place.

Peace: Perform in a contest common amongst gods and men of boasting of your greatness to determine who gets the right to be served by your leader and who gets the first and tastiest piece of meat from the royal cauldron, proving that the winner was indeed the best warrior of the day. To decide who will get this honour, all the contestants must prove their valour by bringing war or hunting trophies, witnesses, stories and other evidence to back up their claim for being the best that day. If the Dweller wins, he gains the respect of the room, and a String for the social proceedings of the feast. Every 4 AV gains 1 Inspired for a future Skill check. Rank Up: Gain a +2 bonus in the use of this Skill.

Disguise Physical

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely.

Every 4 AV gains an additional word of relevant information.

Aid Augment Benefit

Peace: Stand upon a holy site and speak to whatever small or great god dwells or watches over there, revealing one piece of information for each AV. The disposition of the god towards you will affect how much truth and how much honesty there is in the information given. It takes 6 hours to rouse the interests of a god, big or small.

Disguise appearance (to imitate another human) and voice (to imitate any species that produces sounds similar to your own).

Every 4 AV gains 1 Possession [Counter M], but also a String of information.

• Bonus Materials & Equipment: Ruses, powders, and various coloured greases to apply as makeup.

Rank Up: You have the attention of one god in particular, with whom you have formed a spiritual relationship. Communication with that one god has its difficulty reduced by 2.

Combat: Fool another’s perception of who you are.

Instead of a single answer to your plea/question, you can have a conversation that is back and forth equal to the number of successes you have achieved.

Peace: Assume the identity of another person for a 6-hour period, assuming their regular tasks such to fool those familiar with them.

Curadmir (Champion’s Portion) Mental or Spiritual

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Abate Benefit Augment The “champion’s portion” is a tradition and a ritual sacred to the Celts. Combat:While engaged in a duel or feat that features your physique, for the purposes of impressing your Chieftain, this skill may be used for a Defend action (granting a +1 Parry bonus per 4 AV) or this skill can be a proxy for such skills as Brawling.

Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

• Required Materials & Equipment: Costumes or different uniforms or identifying clothing items of the person or station you are impersonating.

Every 4 AV gains 1 Shroud.

Every 4 AV gains a relevant String. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. An adjacent ally may take on your AV result for Disguise as their own, as well as whatever Shroud was granted in the use of the Skill. For every 4 AV you can add another +2 allies, adjacent to you to an ally already affected.

Drinking & Wenching Variable

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Aid Efficient Benefit You know how to have a good time and win over those around


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you, and know how to work those new friendships to your advantage. • Required Materials & Equipment: 10 Skatt in drinks must be spent for every AV. Combat: Assess the Intensity of the Drunk Condition in others. Also, you have a knack for quick-drawing booze from anywhere on your person and drinking it immediately. One drink will not make you Drunk (you are too experienced for that) but it helps. Every 4 AV gains 1 Drunk. Peace: Gain gossip while you drink with others over a 6 hour period, with one point of information awarded for each AV. Every 4 AV Inflicts 1 Friendly [Counter S] on one drinking partner. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. You are an expert at leading this activity. Allies that assist you can be within +/-2 AV.


Physical or Mental

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Aid Benefit Augment A keen mind for strategy and perception and manual dexterity to escape bonds and imprisonment. Combat: Escape bonds equal to the QR of your AV. Every 4 AV gains 1 Shroud. Peace: Escape a structure or physical trap where you are contained, avoiding detection. This escape takes 6 hours to perform.

Combat: Send your falcon to snatch an object from the grasp of or from around the neck of an opponent you can both see. [Counter P] The object must be Size 1 or smaller. See Companion rules page 193. For every 4 AV Command the falcon to perform a Cinematic action. The Multi Meta Tag allows the Companion to attack multiple targets. Peace: The falcon hunts for small game. Each AV grants 1 day of food for one person. It takes 6 hours to hunt in this way. Every 4 AV Heals the wounds of your falcon, raising it from a Broken to a Damage Condition, or from Damaged to fully restored. A falcon Companion gains QR over the time that it is with you. It has a QR (Quality Rating) of 50% of your Dweller Level. (A Level 14 Dweller would have a falcon with QR 7.) The Companion can be trained in new abilities over the course of one week per QR spent. See Companion advancement page 192. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. A falcon Companion instead gains QR at 75% of your Dweller Level.

Feather Fingers Physical

Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely.

Every 4 AV gains a relevant String.

Augment Multi Abate

Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill.

Palm an object without getting noticed.

Make a Move action as well whenever you are using the Escape Skill.

Combat: Separate a Character from one valuable possession with the QR equal to your AV.


Mental or Spiritual

Every 4 AV gains 1 Shroud. Normal Difficulty

Cannot be attempted without at least 1 rank. Multi Experience Benefit You keep, train, and care for a falcon for sport and for hunting. It is your companion.

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• Required Materials & Equipment: The falcon itself • Bonus Materials & Equipment: Falconry whistle, leather glove


Nicolas Phaneuf Gohier (Order #31317871)

Peace: Move through a crowd pickpocketing casually over the course of a 6 hour period, with each AV equalling 10 skatt. Every 4 AV gains a Trinket or Skatt worth a value of 20 Skatt per AV. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill.

You can learn much about what is on a person from a glance. For each AV learn one item that is on a person, ordered from most obvious to least obvious.

Size 1 beast will feed one Dweller for one day. A Size 5 beast will feed 5 Dwellers for 5 days. The Norn will adjust the DR of this check depending on the hunting grounds.


Every 4 AV Heals the wounds of your hounds, raising them from a Broken to a Damage Condition, or from Damaged to fully restored.


Normal Difficulty

May be attempted freely. Efficient Benefit Benefit You match your skill against another to compete for success in an ancient Celtic boardgame of war tactics that the Druids say reflects the motions of the natural universe. Combat: Assess a fellow Fidchell player’s motives, tactics, and underlying plan. Each AV provides one point of information. Every 4 AV gains a relevant String. Peace: Compete for success in the game of Fidchell in a gruelling session of 6 hours. Every 4 AV gains a String from your opponent, be it information they let slip during the game or insight into their tactical mind. Rank Up: Gain a +1 bonus in the use of this Skill. Win or lose, you can learn much about a person from this game. For every AV learn one random {Manoeuvre} your foe is capable of making.

Hound Master Variable

The pack of hunting hounds Companion gains QR over the time that i