The Best Combat Athlete Exercises You'Ve Never Heard of [PDF]

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Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Welcome to "The Best Combat Athlete Exercises You've Never Heard Of!" From: Nick Nilsson The Mad Scientist of Muscle I'm not going to waste your time giving you a full rundown of WHY you need the exercises in this want to WIN and perform your best. And that's what these exercises will help you do. In this book, you'll find 173 targeted movements that will help you get the most out of your combat training. Just click on the exercise title and you'll be taken right to the exercise. When you see the graphic below, click on it to go directly to the video library and see the exercise in action.

Enjoy the exercises!

Go to the Exercise Index Now! Please Note: Any exercise program contains an element of risk. Be aware that the exercises in the book may not be familiar to you

and, even though every attempt has been made to ensure safe instruction, how and if you decide to execute the exercises is ultimately your responsibility. Consult your physician before taking part in any exercise program. By reading the information in this book you hereby agree to the Terms and Conditions of use, found in this book. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in Federal prison and a fine of $250,000. © 2013 by Nick Nilsson & BetterU, Inc.

Please read the the terms and conditions of using the exercises in this book.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Exercise Index Core Strength Band-Resisted Mountain Climbers

Ankle Harness and Dumbell Pallof Press

Barbell Curl Squats

Bench-End Leg Raise Cable Crunch Combo

Elevated Ab Roll-Outs

Dumbell Crawling

Small Plate and Ball Planks

Elevated Renegade Rows

Hanging Knee Raises - Greater Tension

Front Plank Cable Pulldowns

Incline Bench Hanging Leg Raises

Human Flag Starter Version (Flat Bench)

One-Arm Hammer Planks

Lower Ab Planks in Rack

Outrigger Planks

Side Plank Cable Rows

Perpendicular Bar Hanging Leg Raises

Pallof Press Variations

Rack-Rail Leg Raises

Side-Lying Dumbell Palloff Press

Side Ab Push-Ups

See-Saw Leg Raises for Lower Abs

Single Dumbell Farmers Walk

Small Plate and Ball Planks

Pulling Exercises Ankle Anchored Rows

Bands on Wrists Deadlifts

Straight Bar Neutral-Grip Chin-Ups Corner Rack Pull-Ups

Barbell Weighted Chin-Ups Cross-Band Pull-Ups

Lateral Inverted Row

Inverted Row Triple Add Set

One-Arm Chin/Dips One-Arm Push-Up Renegade Rows

Mixed-Grip Pull-Up Traversing One-Arm Lateral Inverted Rows

Stretch-Focused One-Arm Cable Rows

One Arm Side-Braced Chin-Ups

Two Bar Pull-Ups One-Arm Lateral Cable Back Extensions

Barbell-End Neutral Grip Chin-Ups in the Power Rack Band-Gripping Chin-Ups

Sandbag Chin-Ups

Dumbell Renegade Rows

Side Plank Rows

Pushing Exercises Angled Bar Push-Ups

Back-Off-Bench Dumbell Press

Back-Off-Bench Press Variations

One-Arm Bench Push-Ups

Rolling Dumbell Push-Ups Dip Belt Weighted Rack Push-Ups

One-Arm Wall-Braced Push-Ups Hooked Feet Elevated Bench Push-Ups

Low Pulley Push-Ups

Low Pulley Push-Ups and Cross-Overs

Pike Handstand Push-Ups With Band Looped Around Hands

Close Grip Push-Ups to Bodyweight Extensions

Bodyweight Barbell Pike Push-Ups

Cable Pike Handstand Push-Ups

Band Supported Dips

Decline Dumbell Close-Grip Bench Press

Dumbell Bench Press Rest Pause - The Hard Way One Dumbell Overhead Shoulder Press

Calf Machine Shoulder Presses (for Bad Shoulders) Rolling One-Arm Push-Ups

Handstand Push-Ups

Side-To-Side Barbell Shoulder Presses

Leg Exercises Bench Step-Ups to Step Back Lunges

Barbell Switch Leg Split Squats

Staggered Step Squats

Bottom Start Front Squats

Dumbell Switch Leg Split Squats Elevated One-Arm Gripping Dumbell Squats

Staggered Step Front Squats Curl Position Walking Lunges

Resting Goblet Squats

MAX Range Dumbell Squats

One-Arm Gripping Dumbell Squats to Step-Back Lunges Pistols to Step-Back-Lunges In-Set Superset Goblet Lunges and Step-Back Lunges Speedskater Squats

On-Bench One-Leg Dumbell Squat Countdown Alternating Sets For Legs

Power Start Lactic Acid Training For Legs...One-Arm Gripping Dumbbell Squats

Grip Strength Barbell End Holds

Barbell Forearm Rolls

One Hand Barbell Holds

Barbell Pad Chin-Ups

Towel Chin-Ups Dumbell Forearm Flexion

Cable Cross-Over Grip Clenching False Grip Reverse Curls

Flexed Arm Hang Make Your Own Thick Handles

Forearm Dumbell Preacher Curls Try Not to Get Pulled In Half

Barbell Plate Farmers Walks for Finger Strength

Hip Strength and Power Barbell Glute Extensions - Upper Body on Bench

Sumo Stance Kettlebell Swings for Glutes and Hams

Bodyweight Leg Curls In-Set Superset...Dumbell Split Squats with Forward Lean Barbell Heel-Braced Glute-Ham Raises

Dumbbell Side-to-Side Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

One-Arm Barbell Sumo Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

Dumbell Side Rolls

One Dumbbell Sumo "Reaching" Stiff-Legged Deadlift Horizontal Band Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

One Leg Bodyweight Glute/Ham Extensions

My "Secret" Warm-Up Method

Side Step Goblet Squats

"Sit-On-It" Dumbell Squats

Barbell Bench Straddling for Adductors

Water Jug Walking Lunges

Muscular Endurance How to do a 100 Rep Set of Push-Ups

100 Rep Set of Inverted Rows

Backwards Treadmill Walking

Dumbell Swing Drop Set

Exponential Drop Sets - Deadlifts High-Rep Rest-Pause Bench Press

High Rep POWER One Arm Dumbell Rows Isometric Barbell Bottom Squat Holds

Water Jug and Sandbag Carrying

Band-Spotted High Rep Close Grip Push-Ups

Power and Explosiveness Sandbag Clean & Pizza Toss Squats to Push-Press With a Dog Food Bag

Dumbell Swings From the Floor One Dumbell Snatch

Hang Clean Walking Lunges

Kneeling One Arm Dumbell Snatch

Modified High Pulls for Traps Power Barbell Rows From The Floor

One Arm Sandbag Cleans Rebound Power Chins

Resisted Breathing - With a Dumbell

Sandbag Cleans For Height

Sandbag Throws and Slides Water Jug Snatch and Overhead Walking Lunge

Sideways Sandbag Heaves and Presses

Punching Power Ab Rippers...Back, Chest and Core Push-Pulls

Abdominal Dumbbell Throw Up and Catch

Feet Anchored One-Arm Dumbell Floor Press

Barbell Side Carrying

Curl Position Walking Lunges Sandbag and Dumbell Triple Drop Set Squats

Rotating Sandbag Slams Sandbag Pizza Toss

Shoulder Press Machine Calf Raises

Two Barbell End Rack Chins and Dips

Barbell Serratus Punch and Leg Raises

Kicking Power Double Dumbell Swings

Explosive Band Knee-Ups

Hip Mobility Sumo Squat Stretch Single Leg Lockout Partial Squats

One Side Loaded Barbell Squats

Neck Strength Forehead On Bench Rows Neck-Focused Weighted Dips

Hybrid Cable-Dumbell Shrugs One Arm Handstand Renegade Rows

Sandbag Neck Training - Squats and Lunges

Sandbag Weighted Push-Ups - Variations

Seated Leaning Dumbell Shrugs

Cardio Training 4 Minute Total-Body Sandbag Workout

Alternating Arm Kettlebell Swings

Band-Resisted Treadmill Running

Dumbell on Plate Pushing and Pulling

Bodyweight/Barbell Complexes One-Arm Kettlebell Swing Step-Ups

Dumbell Farmers Walks on Stairs Overhead Kettlebell Step-Ups

Barbell Step-Ups Interval Training

Heavy Barbell Step-Ups Interval Training

Resistance Cardio - Dumbell Carrying

Sandbag Step-Ups Interval Training

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Band-Resisted Mountain Climbers The Mountain Climber exercise for the abs is an excellent one. All you need is your bodyweight to do it and it's essentially a cross between a plank and a leg raise. THIS version of the Mountain Climber adds band resistance to increase the tension placed on the abdominal area during the movement. The form is exactly the same (which I'll show you)...the only difference is the addition of a band. First, get the band around your back, looping the ends around your hands (I like to hook my thumbs around then put the around my back). Click here to see where I get my bands. Now get into the top push-up position...your hands will be a bit closer in than the regular position, since you'll just be holding that top position and a wider stance isn't necessary. The band should be right in line with your arms.

Now bring your right knee up towards your left arm, keeping your right foot off the ground.

Then bring it back.

Now bring your right knee towards your left arm.

Then back. Then repeat. It's a very simple movement, yet the support aspect with the addition of the band resistance really makes this a challenging one...much more so than just bodyweight.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Ankle Harness & Dumbell Pallof Press This is another very good variation of the Pallof Press. The Pallof Press is done using a single cable handle pulling you directly around to the side. You start with the handle in towards your body then push it out. When it comes out and away from your body, your core function to prevent that rotation. Normally, that exercise done using just a single cable handle. The version I'm going to show you here also uses the extra dumbell resistance (you'll be holding it up in addition to fighting the rotation) but adds in an ankle harness, so you don't have to hold the single handle in your hand, which makes the exercise more awkward. By sliding your forearm through an ankle harness and allowing THAT to pull your torso rotationally, you take that need to grip the handle out of the equation and you can grip with BOTH hands on the dumbell. This allows you to use a heavier dumbell and get more out of the exercise. Start by attaching an ankle harness onto the pulley - ideally, you want to use an adjustable pulley and set it to about midsection height. Use the biggest notch on the ankle harness to make it easier to get your hand through.

Once your hand is through and the harness is on your forearm, you're ready to start.

Pick up your dumbell and take a step directly out to the side. You can set your feet in a staggered position or directly in line with each other, just fyi. Start with the dumbell held in towards your abdomen.

Now, keeping your core TIGHT, extend your arms, moving the dumbell and cable away from your body. THIS is the money part of the exercise. The cable is pulling you to the right and you have to resist that rotation AND the dumbell is trying to pull your arms down, which you ALSO have to fight. This double resistance places a tremendous demand on the entire core musculature.

Perform all your reps (4 to 6 is good) on one side them set the dumbell down and switch to the other side. It's a bit harder to see in this view but it's the same basic idea only facing the other way!

If you've never done the Pallof Press, try it without the dumbell first THEN start with a light dumbell. This is a nice variation of the exercise that's going to really light up your midsection.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Barbell Curl Squats This is one of THE best overall abdominal/core strength and stability exercises I've EVER used. If you want a stronger core, THIS is the exercise to focus on. It's tough but VERY effective. To do this exercise, all you really need is a barbell, but a squat rack will help a lot. It'll make the exercise better for getting into position with. Set the squat rack up so that the racking hooks are one notch below where you would normally set them for squats. The reason you want to set it one below is that by the time you're done with the exercise, it may be very hard to get it up to the height where you would normally rack the bar! With the racks a little lower, you'll have an easier time getting the bar back onto them. Set the safety rails just above where you normally set them for regular squats the first time you try this. When you develop a better feel for how it's done, you can lower them a little to get a fuller range of motion. Step in front of the bar and hold it in the top position of the barbell curl. Now stand up, unracking the bar.

Don't allow your elbows to brace against your midsection. This will take away from the supporting tension on the abs. Take a step back and get your feet set fairly wide apart for balance and optimal stability. Now, holding the bar in that top curl position, squat down as far as you can then come back up.

Important don't actually curl the bar while doing the squat, you just hold it in the top curl position. Hold your breath during the majority of this movement to keep greater stability in your core. Start holding as you start to go below the halfway point and continue to hold it until you're about halfway back up. If you don't want to or are unable to hold your breath, exhale through pursed lips (as though you're blowing up a balloon). Keeping the breath held will maximize core stability and allow your abs to function more effectively during the movement. Since this exercise uses relatively light weight compared to a regular squat, holding your breath is not nearly as potentially dangerous. If you do feel lightheaded, rack the bar and rest. Holding the resistance in front of your body, as you do in the exercise, takes away the shoulder support that you would normally get with a front squat (which has a similar effect on the core). All this requirement for supporting tension goes directly onto the muscles of the core, all of which will have to contract hard throughout the entire movement in order to keep the barbell from falling forward. This exercise also helps you to get a feel for using the abs during a squat, which is extremely important for maximizing your squat strength. Using the abs while squatting is something that does not come naturally and is very rarely taught or explained to trainers. It also helps to greatly strengthen the abs for that specific purpose, making this a very powerful core and overall strength building exercise. When doing the exercise for the first time, start with just the bar, no matter how strong you are. This will help you get a feel for how the movement feels, where to set the safety rails and how far down you can comfortably go. When you're comfortable, work your way up slowly from there as fatigue will come quickly. It's a movement your body will be totally unused to, no matter how many abdominal exercises you've done in your training career before this. The muscles of the core will tire before your legs do. Be sure to keep your lower back arched and tight while performing this movement. If you're able to, go all the way down until your elbows touch your knees. This will give you the fullest range of motion. Tense the abs hard, especially at the bottom as you're coming back up. For extra resistance, pause at the bottom for a few seconds. This will give you the best feel for how the abs should be used when squatting. With this exercise, holding the resistance in front of the body (like in a front squat) allows you to keep a more vertical body position. The tension will go onto the abs, but be aware that there will also be some tension going to the lower back. Because you're holding the weight out in front of you, the lower back must also contract to help stabilize the spine. As you keep up with the exercise, your lower back will get stronger. Another great benefit to this exercise is that your breathing muscles (the intercostals) never get a chance to relax during this movement. From top to bottom and back up (even while you're "resting" at the top), your breathing muscles are being challenged because of they weight they are being forced to support. This can build up great lung capacity and breathing strength (excellent for athletes who need great cardio capacity) and carries directly over to your work capacity in the regular barbell squat.

Common Errors 1. Doing this exercise after a bicep workout As you can imagine, performing this exercise is not going be as effective if you've just finished a bicep workout. The biceps will already be fatigued and you'll limit the amount of weight you can use and how long you can hold it for. Use this exercise on non-bicep training days, if possible. 2. Going too fast Dropping down quickly in the squat will put extra stress on the biceps as you come up and reduce the tension on the abs. This exercise should be done very deliberately with no bouncing or fast movements. If you have a tendency to do this, pause at the bottom for a few seconds to stop the bouncing. 3. Using too much weight Since the legs are so much stronger, it's tempting to use too much weight for this exercise. Remember, our goal here is NOT to work the legs or the biceps but to work the abs. The legs and the biceps are only here to help push the abs. If your biceps fatigue before your abs get a good workout, you need to reduce the weight. 4. Leaning forward Try to keep your upper body as vertical as possible with this one. It's very similar to a front squat - having the weight in front of you allows you to stay vertical more easily. Leaning forward will cause the barbell to shift forward, which will put more tension on the biceps, causing them to fatigue prematurely. As you start to fatigue, you will notice you have a tendency to lean forward. This is because the supporting abs are weakening. Do your best to keep vertical. Once you start to move too far forward, end the set. 5. Bar too close to chin If the bar gets too close to the collarbones, you will lose some of the tension in the abs. Keep it at least a few inches away to maximize the supporting tension and torque demanded of the abs. If it comes too close, it may be tempting to rest the bar on your collarbones, which will turn it into an uncomfortable front squat. 6. Letting the elbows brace strongly against the midsection If you let the elbows press strongly into the midsection, it will take away some of the tension on the abs. A little contact is fine, especially as you get tired, but don't rely on using this technique or it will make the exercise less effective. Letting the elbows sink in like this will also tend to hunch your back over, putting pressure on the lower back. This will in turn pull your torso and center of balance forward, putting more tension on the biceps, making you dig the elbows in more! Keep the elbows out front, away from your body and you'll keep a better body position and do a more effective set.

Tricks For Making the Exercise More Productive 1. Look forward and slightly up When you squat, keeping looking forward and slightly up. This will help you to keep an arch in your lower back and keep you from leaning forward. We want to avoid forward lean as it causes the biceps to fatigue prematurely. 2. Don't breathe too deeply in or out as you're coming down or pushing back up Breathing too much during this exercise reduces core stability and can compromise your form. For best core stabilization, keep your breath carefully controlled. At the bottom, you can hold your breath for a few moments to get the most solid stability. As you come up, you can exhale through pursed lips after you've come about 1/4 to 1/2 of the way. This technique shouldn't be used if you have blood pressure issues, however, as it does cause an increase in blood pressure. Keep a careful eye on how you feel if you do choose to do this - and if you feel any dizziness, end the set and then don't use this technique the next set.

3. Pause at the bottom To really maximize the tension on the abs, pause for a few seconds at the bottom and focus on really squeezing and tightening your abs hard. As you start to come back up, try to push with your abs as well. This will help you to feel what it's like to use the abs to help push out of the bottom when doing regular barbell squats.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Bench-End Leg Raise Cable Crunch Combo The best bench and cable setup to do this exercise on is the seated low row machine, though you can also set it up using a regular flat bench and a low pulley. If your pulley is adjustable in height, set it about level with the surface of the bench. Set the bench lengthwise for greatest stability. Don't set up the bench perpendicular to the weight stack. If you place it this way, there is not enough surface area for you to maintain stability safely and you will fall over backwards the moment you grasp the cable handle. Use a rope attachment or close grip row attachment on the low pulley, setting the handles where you will be able to reach them. Set yourself on the end of the bench with your glutes off. Your lower back will be rounded over the end of the bench. Start with your feet on the ground. You will be starting the movement once you have the cable handle in your hands. Reach back and grip the rope/bar, holding the ends/handles near the top of your head. Use a moderate weight on the pulley.

Crunch up a little so that the weight is not resting on the stack and you have tension in your abs. You should now lift your legs off the floor somewhat.

Now, keeping your hands and upper abs exactly where they are, do the leg raise movement, rolling up onto your upper back and shoulders.

Come all the way up until your legs are straight then push directly upwards, as though trying to stamp your feet on the ceiling.

Lower your you do so, come up into a cable crunch.

Come down from the crunch without letting the plates touch on the stack, then immediately go into the leg raise again. Do this entire sequence without letting your feet touch the ground, or the plates on the cable rack touch each other. This movement is done as a one-two punch: legs go up right after torso goes down, legs come down, torso goes up. Altering the timing significantly can lead to strain on your back and can throw off your balance. It will almost resemble a rocking motion like that of a rocking chair, however you won't be relying on momentum to do the exercise.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Elevated Ab Roll-Outs This is an excellent way to make the standard Ab Roll-Out exercise more challenging and and more effective. Basically, you're going to be doing the standard abdominal roll-out...doesn't matter if it's using a dolly (like I use, that I got at the hardware store garden department for 20 bucks) or an ab wheel or an EZ bar or dumbell. Here's what the original looks like:

Then you come back up.

Now for this variations... The key is that you're going to elevating your knees so that when your body comes down towards the floor, you're not resting your thighs on the floor. Naturally, this isn't an issue if you're strong enough to do roll-outs on your feet, but not many people are. Most people do them from the knees. As you get stronger at them and as you're able to go lower, your thighs hit and it takes away some of the tension on the abs at the bottom. So my solution is kneel on top of something. I'm using the riser from a Step platform here, but you can use a sandbag, a rolled-up towel, a foam brick...just about anything that'll get your knees a few inches off the floor will work.

It's going to allow you to come further down and get even more stretch and tension on the abs, without having to take the big step-up to doing these on your feet, which is VERY tough. It's a great way to add resistance and challenge to the movement and very simple to set up.

Core Strength Grip Strength

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness

Punching Power

Kicking Power

Neck Strength

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Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Dumbell Crawling SERIOUS core training is not about getting "six-pack abs" or a "toned tummy" (I can't believe I just wrote the words "toned tummy"). If you want to develop incredible core strength that boosts your athletic and strength performance, you need core training that is functional, movement-based and utilizes significant resistance. You need an exercise that is going to challenge your core in ways it has NEVER experienced before. And that exercise is the Dumbell Crawl... I'll be honest...this is one of THE weirdest abdominal exercises you'll ever's also one of the most effective and one of my absolute favorites for developing ridiculous core strength. You're not going to be doing any crunching or twisting or squeezing. There are no machines involved...heck, there's no need to really even focus on contracting the core muscles. Because once you start doing this exercise, your body will have NO CHOICE but to fire the abs HARD in order to do it. For this exercise, all you need is a pair of dumbells and a floor. That's it! The first time you do this one, start at a moderate weight - something you'd use for sets of 5 reps on dumbell curls, perhaps. In the demo, I'm using 65 lb dumbells and those were a good weight for me. I would recommend starting even lighter, unless you're used to doing cross-tension core training already. This exercise is going to teach you what core strength and stability are REALLY all about...

How To Do Dumbell Crawling: You'll need some open floor space for this exercise - preferably where you have about 10 to 15 feet of unobstructed space to move. Set the dumbells on the floor then get down in what looks like the top of a close-grip push-up position. Your hands will be on the handles of the dumbells and you'll be up on your toes (not kneeling).

Now you're going to CRAWL forward in that position...move the RIGHT dumbell forward a few inches and step your LEFT foot forward a few inches. When doing these, I like to set the dumbells at an angle on the floor. This keeps them from rolling to the sides while you're moving, giving you a bit more stability.

It's definitely easier to "get" this one when you see it done on video (posted above). Basically, you're going to be crawling on the floor with your hands weighted by the dumbells. Crawl forward about 10 feet like this then stop.

When you've gone as far as you can, crawl BACKWARDS, returning to the start location. This backwards crawling is actually even harder than don't have the strong muscles of the lower body pushing you forward.

If you're advanced, you can also add in a pair of ankle weights to REALLY kick things up a notch. I've got a pair of 20 lb ankle weights on in this next set of pictures.

Looks easy, right? Just crawling around on the floor... Oh yes, it's VERY easy...[insert evil laughter here]...

Why Dumbell Crawling Is So Effective: Dumbell crawling is a VERY effective core exercise because of the cross-tension you get through your core with every step forward you take. Think of it this way...when you're lifting up your left hand (with the dumbell) and the right foot, what is supporting your body? The support is coming from your OTHER hand and foot. Your core is, in an instant, going from 4-point support to 2point support and all the tension is going diagonally through your core. This fires the internal and external obliques STRONGLY. And if you're below 10% bodyweight, you'll also involve the transverse abdominus muscles (studies have shown it's not active at higher bodyfat levels). In addition, while crawling, you're also supporting your bodyweight in a pike position, working the entire abdominal area isometrically (which means without movement - just acting to stabilize and brace your body position). It's a twopronged attack on your core that will pay off BIG. One of the great things about this exercise is that the strength you develop is EXTREMELY functional. Forget standing on a BOSU ball on one leg and catching a beanbag...THIS exercise will build serious functional power through the core. The diagonal tension of crawling exactly mimics the natural diagonal tension that goes through the core when walking, running and jumping. Think of it as "force transfer" strength, meaning you'll be better able to transfer force through your core when moving (i.e. running, jumping, etc.). Increasing strength in this very targeted way will have an IMMEDIATE and powerful carryover to sports performance. And when you start moving'll be in for a treat... When you're doing this exercise, start with a light to moderate weight but don't be afraid to increase the weight here. You may not feel it so much in the abs until you move up in weight. THAT is where the real benefits of the exercise will be felt.

Conclusion: If core strength and performance are important goals in your training, DEFINITELY give this exercise a try. As strange as it may look, it's actually extremely effective for working the core. In a nutshell, it's going to TRASH your abs!

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Small Plate and Ball Planks The plank is a classic abdominal exercise, normally done by supporting your upper body on your forearms while you keep the rest of your body straight (like a plank!). This is a more advanced version of the plank exercise done using unstable surfaces to further increase the demands on your core. First, you'll be setting your hands on a couple of small barbell plates...on end...then you'll be setting your feet on top of a Swiss ball to give instability on the other end. This is a combination exercise that will really create tremendous demands on your core strength. So first, get a couple of 5 lb plates (anything bigger and your hands won't be able to grip onto them properly for balancing). Set them on end - your hands are going to be on the tops of the plates.

Now set your feet on top of the ball (more specifically, the tops of your feet, not your toes). Then just hold yourself in that position for as long as you can.

As you're trying to hold yourself up, the ball will be shifting, your hands will be moving on the plates...and your core will be taking the brunt of the action. It's a great advanced plank exercise that will really push your core training to the limits.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Copyright 2013 BetterU, Inc. ©

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Elevated Renegade Rows The Renegade Row is a nice back and core exercise that's very straightforward to perform. It's like combining a plank with a one-arm dumbell or kettlebell row movement. You hold yourself up on one arm while rowing the weight up with the other. The single-side resistance puts tremendous tension through the core while you're getting some nice back work. This version of the Renegade Row has one big difference...instead of having your feet on the floor, they'll be up on a flat bench so that your body angle is on a decline. This changes where the exercise hits your core (more in the lower aspect, with a lot of tension going through the adductor muscles). It also changes up the angle on your back training a bit, too. To do this one, you'll need a flat bench and two dumbells. Go with weights you can very easily do rows with. I'm just using 65 lb dumbells here and I can row about 3 times that much for one arm DB rows. It's your core that's going to determine how much weight you can use with this one. Set your hands on the dumbells then set your toes on the bench, with your feet out wide. You want to form a triangle with your base of'll be two feet and one hand. Start with your body in a straight plank position.

Now row up one dumbell. You'll have to angle your body a bit to do the row and you'll have to tighten the adductors and core strongly to maintain your body position on the bench.

Set the dumbell back on the floor.

Then row on the other side.

Make sure you keep that support arm locked out straight and keep your body as straight as possible. It's a tough exercise for the core, even though the rowing part is not probably going to be all that challenging because of how you have to use lighter weight like that. Definitely a nice "change of pace" exercise that will hit your body in a unique fashion!

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Get Greater Tension on Hanging Knee Raises The Hanging Knee Raise is a classic abdominal exercise...the common form being hang from a bar then raise your knees up in front of you. Now, when you delve into the exercise a bit more, there are two major tips you need to know in order to really get the most out of the exercise. First, when doing the exercise, DO NOT bend from the hips...that's going to happen naturally but you don't want to actively set out with that as a major goal. You want to instead focus on flexing the lumbar/lower back spine. Spinal flexion is the major goal of this exercise, not hip flexion. The hip flexion will happen with spinal flexion, but spinal flexion won't happen naturally if you just do hip flexion. The second tip is this...when you're starting the exercise, instead of focusing on just raising your knees up (and flexing the spine), I want you to also try to force your arms forward and down to meet your knees. You won't be able to,'s just the INTENTION of doing it that's important. This will more strongly activate the muscles of the core by putting greater tension on from the top-down, while you're putting tension on from the bottom up, while doing the knee raise. Here's what it looks like. Start from a dead hang...arms a bit outside shoulder width apart.

Now bring the knees up and in front, focusing on bending at the middle of the body rather than the hips. At this point, I'm also trying to fold my UPPER body down and towards my knees. The elbows will come forward a

bit. This is the key activation point.

Come all the way up until your shins hit the bar. I like this for a full contraction. Lower under control then repeat. Don't take a big backswing at the bottom...start from a dead stop, under control. You'll find this puts a lot more tension on the abs in general, but especially on the upper aspect of the core (and the lats, too!).

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Front Plank Cable Pulldowns With this exercise, you'll be doing something that resembles a front plank (it's not an exact plank, which is done on your forearms - you'll do this plank version supported on one hand for balance). Also, the movement itself looks more like a pulldown, even though it's done on the low pulley. So grab a single handle and move yourself back a few feet. Set your feet out wide so you get a good base of support. Hold yourself up on one hand while you pull with the other.

Get a stretch at the start then pull the handle down and in to your body. You'll feel your obliques contract hard on the pull with this one.

When you're doing this exercise, not only are your abs contracting to support you in the plank position, they're also contracting to keep the cable weight from pulling your body forward AND assisting with the stabilization of the spine during the one-arm pull movement.

It's ok with this one if your knees bend a bit...not a critical flaw, especially when you're adding in the row. In a normal plank, you'd want to keep the knees straight. I would work this as a core exercise primarily, rather than a back exercise, but it'll depend on how much weight you're able to use with it.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Incline Bench Hanging Leg Raises This is an absolutely BRUTAL abdominal exercise even though it looks like it should be easier. I'll explain... It's a hanging leg raise exercise that allows NO release in tension at the bottom of the movement. It's a real eyeopener the first time try it! The first time I did it, I thought it was going to be easy and I could only do 2 reps (it was towards the end of an ab workout and I was trying to find a way to extend the set on hanging leg raises - I was in for a shock!). First off, you'll need an incline bench. An adjustable one is good but not totally necessary. This bench is going to turn this exercise into what looks like a Preacher Curl for your abs (remember how those tend to throw tension on the lower biceps? The same goes here for lower abs). Second, you'll need a chin-up bar, Smith machine bar or other thing to grab onto that is about 7 feet off the ground (the top crossbeam of a rack will work just fine, too). Set the incline bench to about 50 to 60 degrees then place it in front of the chin bar. The top end of the bench should be close to right under the chin bar but a little forward of it will be best - when you learn the exercise, play with the spot a bit to get the best feel. Your upper body should be at an angle when you're doing the exercise, not straight up and down. Set a weight plate on the seat of the bench. This will keep the bench from moving when you're doing the exercise. So once you're set up, straddle the bench like so (back towards the chin bar):

Now set your feet on the bench seat and place your lower back on the very top end of the bench.

Reach up with one arm and grab the chin bar, then reach up with other hand and grab on. Lift your feet up off the bench. Your lower back should be in contact with the bench here.

Now start performing the leg raise. Your lower back stays braced against the bench up until about the midway point of the exercise.

Continue the movement until you bring your legs up as high as you can get them. As you pass the halfway point, your lower back will roll over the top edge of the bench. Your body will be using THAT as the new pivot point of the exercise. It's at THIS point that the weight plate on the bench seat is necessary. Without the plate, the other end of the bench will start to lift off the ground as you place more weight on the top edge of the bench. The weight plate stops that I'm using a 45 lb plate.

Keep squeezing HARD all the way to the top then lower down slowly. When you come to the bottom, don't let your hips unlock completely so that you're lower body is straight - this is the KEY to making this exercise work. Keep a small angle there and stop the movement while maintaining the tension in the lower abs.

Hold for a second, THEN perform another rep. It's the angle of your body in the exercise and the bench bracing it (especially at the bottom) that make this exercise BRUTAL on the abs. Keep going for as many as you can get and don't forget to curse me when you're done...

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Human Flag Starter Version The Human Flag is a TOUGH exercise that very few people are strong enough to do. The goal is to hold a horizontal body position while gripping onto a vertical hand high and one hand low.

As you can imagine, it requires tremendous strength in the core and shoulders to perform. So what if you'd like to reap some of the side abdominal wall-strengthening and tightening benefits of the exercise even if you're unable to hold that full-on position? You do the "starter" version of the human flag...and to perform it, all you'll need is a flat bench. The execution is simple. Lay on your side on the bench with your hip on the end of the bench (the end should hit you about mid-glute). Grip onto to the bottom surface of the bench. Then just straighten out your legs and hold. That's it!

You'll find this exercise works not only the side abdominal wall very strongly, it also works the abductors on the top leg (the gluteus medius and minimus) and the adductors on the bottom leg (inner thigh muscles). To make this exercise easier, just move your body up the bench a little so more of your leg is resting on the bench. To make it harder, just shift down the bench so more of your leg is off the bench. Once you've held for as long as you can on one side, flip over and do the other side.

This is a VERY simple exercise that I find to be extremely beneficial. It builds strength in your side abdominal wall without growing the muscles underneath the "love handle" area (which can happen with weighted side bend exercises). If you build up the obliques (the muscles under the love handles), you can push the fat outwards, making you look wider in the waist than you actually are. This exercise avoids that while helping you tighten up the muscles to actually pull that area in, rather than pushing it out. You won't lose fat directly from the love handles but you can give the appearance of a tighter waist while also working a number of muscles in the hips and thighs.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

One-Arm Hammer Planks The plank is a simple exercise and a very effective one for developing core strength and stability. In fact, the regular plank is an exercise I start even complete beginners off with because of the tremendous core-focused benefits you can get from it. This version of the plank cranks the difficulty up a's definitely not a beginner version. You should be able to do at least 2 to 3 minutes of a normal plank before attempting this one. You're going to be doing the plank with one arm instead of two. The arm you're bracing on will be set perpendicular to your body, which is the reason I call this one a "hammer" plank (it mimics the hammer curl and you'll be exerting force against the ground with your fist, like a hammer). And instead of setting the forearm in line with body and tilting so you're doing a side plank, you will instead be keeping your shoulders parallel with the ground, using your arm position to brace the core. It's a VERY tough position and targets the obliques and deep muscles of the core strongly (the transverse abdominus, for example) by focusing on anti-rotation tension. What that means is that you'll be exerting force to PREVENT rotation of the spine. This is a much safer way to target "rotational" muscles without actually rotating the spine. When doing this one, you have two options...legs together or separated (I just did the legs-together version in the demo). Keeping your legs together will increase that torsion through the core. Setting the feet wide will make the exercise easier as part of the work that the abs should be doing will be done with leg stabilization. Here's the position you will be in for the One-Arm Hammer Plank. Notice how the arm is set and how my shoulders are kept square to the ground. This is the MOST important thing to note for the exercise...because if your body tilts up on it's side, it turns it into a Side Plank, which is a whole difference exercise. Don't make it easy on yourself :).

In order to maintain that shoulders-square position, you must exert force with your fist against the ground, which carries through the arm and into the core. Hold until your position starts to break then set your other forearm down and switch arms.

Keep repeating this side-to-side sequence until you're unable to hold yourself up (with shoulders square to the ground) on either side. This is a VERY challenging plank movement. To give you an idea of how hard it is, I can do a normal plank for about 4 minutes...I was less than a minute on this, even switching between arms. You will feel this one from the moment you start it and it will develop tremendous anti-rotational core strength and stability.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Lower Ab Rack Planks The Plank is one of the best and most simple abdominal exercises you can do. If you're not familiar with the Plank, you basically hold your body in a horizontal position on your forearms and toes (on the floor), maintaining a straight body position for as long as possible. It's a great exercise you can do anywhere. THIS exercise is a version of that. I've got it set up in the rails of a power rack, but you can very easily do it between two benches if you don't have a rack to work with (or a bench for your forearms and something else a few feet off the ground to hook your feet over - you'll see what I mean). So to do this one in the rack, set your rails a few feet off the ground, then stand facing one side. Set your forearms (near the elbow) on the rail then hook your feet on the other rail. Now just hold your body in that position, keeping your body just a bit bent (not completely straight like the floor version...because your knees are lower, you need to keep some bend in your hips to keep pressure off the lower back) and stable as you can. I find the angle of the body and legs puts a lot more tension on the lower abdominal area than the standard floor plank.

Here's the view from the other side.

It's easier to see the bend in the hips from this view. Keeping the hips bent is really important...if you straighten the body, you'll immediately get a lot of stress onto the lower back. Once again, though, nice exercise for targeting the lower abdominal area and you can do it on benches or really anything else you can set your forearms and feet on.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Outrigger Planks This is a very simple and very effective version of the plank. It's done using one of your arms set directly out to the side like the outrigger on a canoe. This allows you to target the deep muscles of the core that are responsible for rotational stabilization (the obliques and transversus). Just get in the normal plank position then set one arm straight out to the side. In the easier version, the arm supported on the forearm should be under the body to better take up your bodyweight.

Then as you build strength, you can make it more challenging by shifting over so your arm is outside your body "shadow", creating more tension in the obliques.

Do one side the repeat on the other.

For a different challenge, you can also do this one on one leg at at a time.

This tends to involve the lower abdominal area a bit more.

Overall, this is a very straightforward version of the plank that allows you to target different aspects of your core musculature with a few simple changes in limb positioning.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Side Plank Cable Rows This cable row exercise does double-duty by hitting your back AND your core/obliques hard at the same time. For this one, you'll need a low pulley (or a band) and a single handle attachment. Get in a side plank position in front of the cable. This is with your body held straight, resting on your forearm of one hand and the feet (like a plank). In this case, I've got my feet split apart because I'm using heavier weight to row. If you're going lighter, you can keep your feet together. Reach forward and grab the handle then get into the start position.

Now do a cable row keeping yourself in that plank position.

When you row with one arm like this while supporting yourself in the plank, your obliques are going to get lit up. They have to stabilize your body in the plank while contracting to prevent spinal rotation during the row. It's a great double-trouble exercise that hits a lot of upper body mass. Do your reps on one side then switch to the other.

You can include this one either as a back exercise or as a core exercise. You won't be able to use so much weight that it'll be a big mass builder, so I would tend to use it as a core exercise.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Perpendicular Bar Hanging Leg Raises This is a simple twist on the regular hanging leg raise exercise...instead of hanging from the bar facing forward, you will instead turn 90 degree so that your body is perpendicular to the bar, then you'll do hanging leg raises. How is this different, you might ask? The answer is that the close-in hand position actually allows you to better target the obliques while doing the leg raise. Normally, when you do the hanging leg raise exercise, your hands are at least a foot or more apart, for stability. With this version, you're using a baseball-bat type grip so your hands are directly overhead. This puts the arms at an angle to your torso, which automatically involves the obliques. You can also purposefully bring your legs up in a twisting movement to further accentuate the oblique involvement, which I will also show below. Since I'm doing these in my rack, I have my hands set a bit back from the center point to allow room for my legs to come up. This is more of a knee raise, because of the space constraints - if you have enough room by your chin-up bar, you can do a full leg raise with the legs straighter. This version works really well, too, though. So grip in a alternating baseball bat type grip then hang.Now start raising the legs/knees. Be sure to start the movement with flexion at the abdominals, not just hinging at the hips.

I like to come all the way up until my feet are by the bar and my upper body is leaning back almost horizontal.

You can also come up twisting, with your knee tilted to the sides.

This is great oblique work and all it takes is a simple positioning change in the hanging leg raise grip.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Pallof Press Variations The Pallof Press is an excellent core training method done using a cable machine. You're using this movement as an "anti-rotation" type movement in that you're not actually rotating the torso but contracting the core muscles to prevent rotation due to resistance. Essentially, you're standing perpendicular to the pulley, using a single cable handle (start with a light weight), with the handle in close to your body as in the picture below here.

Then just extend your arms in front of you.

As you move your hands away from your body, this increases the torque on the core, which really fires up your deep, rotational core muscles like the obliques and the transversus. This is what anti-rotation is all about - you're essentially preventing rotation by contracting the core muscles. Then you switch around and do the other direction.

Perform sets of around 6 to 8 reps of this, depending on the weight you're using. The second variation is exactly the same as the first only with the addition of a'll hold it in your hands as you're doing the exercise so you're not only hitting the anti-rotation, but also anti-flexion (aka core support) function of the abs. It's hard to see in the first pick, but I've got a dumbell held in my hands.

Now you can see it held out away from the body. This is essentially doubling the leverage torque on your body. I'm using a 25 lb dumbell here, just fyi.

Then switch to the other side.

The next variation is the same basic idea but with a lunge movement attached.

And you can do this with the dumbell in your hands as well.

This addition of the lunge makes it a more functional overall exercise.

These are several excellent variations of an excellent exercise for the core!

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Rack-Rail Leg Raises This one is a variation on the classic "leg raise" exercise...the key difference here lies on WHERE you're doing the exercise. It's not a hanging version - it's actually a fair bit harder than that! With this version, you're going to be supporting yourself on the safety rails of the power rack - it almost looks a bit like the Iron Cross position a gymnast gets into on the rings (though not quite as hard as that, as you do have some skeletal support). So first, set the safety rails on the rack to about the level of the bottom of your rib cage - you can adjust height any time. I like to set the height so that I can set my hands on the rails while in a standing position, then bend my knees to get my feet off the ground. I find this to be easier than trying to jump up in order to have straight legs at the bottom. The arms should be set about 45 degrees at the shoulder. Set your hands on the rails and brace. Bend your knees and get your feet off the ground. You will instantly feel bigtime tension in the abs and torso because of how you're supporting your body in this position.

Now we add in the leg/knee raise...(you can do it as a straight leg raise as well, if you have strong enough abs and the flexibility in the hips and hamstrings to do it).

This one is BRUTAL because not only are raising the legs (which involves the abs in a movement capacity), you're also involving the abs very strongly in a supporting capacity. Give this one a try in your next ab-training session (do it first, before any other ab exercises - trust me on this - you probably won't need to do any more abs after a few sets of this).

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Side-Lying Dumbell Pallof Press The Pallof Press is done on a cable machine, standing perpendicular to the pulley so that the cable is pulling directly to the side. You hold the cable handle with both hands in towards your chest, then push your hands out away from your body, increasing the torque on your anti-rotational deep core muscles as you do so. But what if you don't have a cable machine to do this with? Easy. You use a bench and a dumbell like this. Start with a light dumbell (I'm using a 30 lb dumbell) and lay on your side on the bench, with your shoulders off the end. Hook your feet under the other end of the bench - this is important to do because it's what will keep you anchored on the bench so you don't roll off it when you move the dumbell out in front of you. You can see in the pic below that I've got my feet wrapped around the end post of the bench and underneath the back edge of the bench. It's another reason you don't want to go too heavy with this - it can put some stress on the knees if you do. And if you do already have knee issues, be careful with this one - it may not be one that will work for you. Here's the start position...the dumbell is held in towards your chest, just like the cable in the cable version.

Now extend your arms, pushing the dumbell out in front of you. You're hitting the core in the exact same way as the cable version only there's no cable involved.

Repeat for 6 to 8 reps on one side then switch to the other side.

That's basically it! It's a simple exercise with just a few points to watch out for. Very effective for targeting the core

with anti-rotational movement (which means a movement where the resistance is attempting to force your torso to rotate and you use the core muscles to resist that rotation).

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Side Ab Push-Ups This is one of my favorite side-ab targeting exercises. It targets the entire side wall of the torso but without overloading it and building up the obliques. It really tightens everything up along the sides. The best part is, no equipment necessary!

How To Do It: Sit on your right side on the floor (with your right hip on the floor) with your right hand propping up your body, fingers pointing directly in line with your body. Keep your right arm straight and locked. Your legs should be extended straight. Your body will be bent sideways at the waist, like you're about to push yourself up to get up. Your feet should be together, legs straight. If you like, you can brace feet against a solid object like a wall or machine (that's how I prefer, so my feet don't slide as I push). Place your left hand on your lower right rib cage - this will help you to feel exactly how the abs are contracting as you do the exercise and help you make sure you're doing it right.

Now, using ab contraction, raise your hips directly up in the air until you've come up as high as you can (it will look like a sideways pike position), using your left hand to feel for that ab contraction. Squeeze the side abs HARD at the top then lower your body slowly.

At the bottom, try to keep your hip off the ground to get a good stretch on the side abs - you can rest it on the floor between reps if you need to, though. Do your reps on one side (as many as you can) then switch sides.

Make sure you are on your side as much as possible throughout the movement - some forward bending is natural due to abdominal function in that area. Try to feel like you're also pushing up with your arm to get the strongest effect on the abs. Lean your head down towards the floor as you come up. Watch out for lower back on this exercise as this is not a common plane of movement (the frontal plane). This exercise really tightens the entire side ab wall strongly. It's practical, functional and requires zero equipment. It's not necessary or recommended that you add weight to this exercise.

Common Errors 1. Moving too fast DO NOT do this exercise quickly. It's not a common movement and requires a slow, steady contraction. If start bouncing up and down when doing this exercise, you could injure your lower back. 2. Not coming up all the way Come all the way up until your body is in a sideways pike position, bent at the waist about 20 degrees or so. This will get you the strongest contraction and best results on the abs. 3. Piking forward too much Don't let your body tip forward too much (some forward bending is natural due to the function of the abdominal muscles in that area). Make sure you do your best to keep your body on it's side throughout the movement.

Tricks 1. Getting a big stretch at the bottom To get a bigger stretch and make this exercise harder, use your calf as a pivot point. Don't rest your hip on the floor between reps but let your calf touch the ground and raise your feet off the floor. This will allow you to dip down and stretch down a little further at the bottom. Keep your arm locked and straight. Just let your hip stretch down, stretching your side abs strongly. Use your hand to push upwards at the same time to keep your hip off. 2. Change of venue You can do these not only on the floor but on a bar in the rack or on any other low object that you can set your locked-arm hand on. This gives you a different line of pull and greater range of motion and can help you get more

stretch at the bottom.

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See-Saw Leg Raises for Lower Abs I'll be the first to tell you that you can't totally isolate the lower abs. However, what you CAN do is use certain exercises, body positions and equipment to help shift MORE of then tension the lower abs over the rest of the rectus abdominus (the six-pack abs). Targeting this area will help develop that nice "V" taper that you see in the lower abdominal area when bodyfat levels start getting low enough to see it. It can also help tighten up that section of muscle, which when done along with other targeted rotational exercises, can flatten the stomach. All you'll need for this one is a rolled/mashed up towel. I've got one just folded up into a square.

Lay on top of the towel so that it's right in your lower back. The curve of your lower back should basically be right over top of the towel. Hold your legs bent at 90 degrees at the hips and knees and set your hands beside the towel. Your back will still be on the floor here. Keep your feet together and your knees about a foot apart - this wide-knee position keeps your hip flexors from having a direct line of pull, helping to minimize their contribution to the movement. Keep this foot/knee position through the entire exercise.

Now, keeping your upper body on the floor, lower your legs down towards the ground in front of you and hold your feet about a foot off the ground.

Next, holding your legs exactly in that position in space, come up into a sit-up. You can use your hands on the ground to help you get into that position if you need to - it won't have any detrimental effect on the tension that the lower abs are receiving. Your butt will be on the floor. The towel under your lower back will create a new pivot point/fulcrum that magnifies the leverage affecting the lower abs as you come up into the sit-up. In English, that means it puts MASSIVE tension on the abs rather than the lower-back, like an ordinary sit-up does.

Now, holding your feet in place still, lay back on the floor, coming down slowly to get the negative.

Complete the movement by bringing your legs up and back towards your chest, rolling your hips back and up onto the rolled-up towel. Make sure your butt gets up off the floor here. This completes the leg raise part of the movement.

Now just repeat, bringing your legs forward again, then coming up into a sit-up, then back down then into the leg raise again. Keep going for as many reps as you can do...and I'll tell you right up front, this is a TOUGH exercise. It puts massive tension on the abs from two directions and really gives you no break at all throughout the exercise. Be sure and watch the video for this one as the movement should be almost robotic in how you execute it, using very deliberate and distinct chopped-up segments. This will keep you from resorting to momentum to perform the exercise. So if you're looking for a good lower abdominal exercise to develop that "V" taper and flatten the stomach, this exercise is a GREAT addition to your abdominal training program. It's challenging and VERY effective.

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Single Dumbell Farmers Walk The Farmers Walk is really one of the simplest exercises you can basically pick up a couple of heavy things and walk with them. It works the grip, the upper back, shoulders, legs, almost the entire body really. The typical Farmers Walk is done with two equal weight items like two dumbells, kettlebells or barbells designed for it (or any other unique implements that can be carried - I like to use water jugs, too). This version just has you using ONE dumbell (or one of whatever it is you want to carry). It's a lighter overall load but because it's unbalanced, it dramatically increases the core-work component of the exercise. If you've ever carried a single heavy bucket of water (or a suitcase, etc.), you know what I mean. Your core must contract strongly in order to stabilize the spine while you're carrying the unilateral load. In my basement, I don't have a lot of space to walk straight, so I go around in a figure 8. Carry as big a dumbell as you've got and can handle.

Once your grip starts to give with one hand, switch to the other (or switch after a predetermined distance).

It's not a complex exercise for sure but it is a VERY effective one!

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Ankle Anchored Rows Let me just start by saying this is an exercise that will work EVERY muscle in the entire back half of your body from calves all the way through your hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors and upper back muscles. It's a tough one! For this, you'll need a place to anchor your feet. For me, I have a bench where I can set ankle pads up on the end of the bench. If you don't have this, you can also use a decline board (set to as FLAT as possible - trust me on this) or a pulldown station - you can use the knee pads to anchor your feet under while kneeling on the seat (facing away from the machine). Also, you can have a training partner holder your legs down or wedge your feet under something solid. I've also done it using a power rack with the rails set to a low point and the Olympic bar placed UNDER the rails so when you put your feet under, the bar keeps them down (use a barbell pad for that one). When you see the exercise, you'll see what I mean here. First, grab a dumbbell (or dumbbells) of moderate weight and set it somewhere accessible. I just have it sitting right in front of me on the bench. Get your feet under the ankle pads (or whatever method you're using).

Grab the dumbbells (or dumbbell, if you're just using one - that works quite well, too).

Now get into a bent-over position - your knees should be bent 90 degrees and your hips should be bent 90 degrees.

Now, HOLDING that bent-over position, row the dumbbells up and hold for a second.

Lower back down. If you're just using one dumbbell, you can set it down on the bench in between reps to give your hamstrings a bit of a break. As you can see, even just holding that position and stabilizing everything is working the entire back half of the body. Now when you add in a dumbell and a row, you get even GREATER overall impact on the posterior chain. Even the core is worked significantly with this one. It takes a lot of work from a host of muscle groups just to hold the position and perform the exercise! You can also perform this exercise with a barbell as well. The movement is exactly the same...the only difference is you're using a barbell. It also makes it easier to set the bar back on the bench in between reps to give your hams a break.

This is a great back exercise that targets many of the other posterior chain muscles at the same time. I definitely recommend doing it before any other back or hamstring work because of how challenging it is.

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Bands on Wrists Deadlifts This is a very cool trick for getting MAJOR lat development with the deadlift. You'll need a pair of training for doing this one. It's going to be a horizontal-pulling band deadlift but instead of attaching the bands directly to the bar, you're going to loop them around your wrists...which puts DIRECT backwards pulling tension on the lats in order to perform the exercise. So not only are the lats being loaded by the deadlift itself, you're also using the weight of the barbell to assist in pulling the bands backwards to work the lats at the same time. This will KILL your lats, I promise. Click here to see where I get my bands. The first thing you're going to do is hitch a pair of bands to a solid object. I'm using the power rack here (if you've got one you can use, it'll work fine - otherwise, anything solid that you can hitch a band around will work). Hitch them down low, just a little off the floor. Now loop the ends of the bands around your wrists (your bar should be already set up and behind you). Step back, pulling backwards on the bands to get a bit of a stretch on them.

Grab the bar and do a regular deadlift with it - you can do mixed grip, overhand or use hooks, etc.As you stand up, you're getting some stretch on the bands on the diagonal.

As you come to the top and lean back, THAT is when the bands are going to be stretched out more and really attack the lats. Strive to keep that bar against your hips as you lean back, using the heavy weight of the bar to help stretch the bands.

Set the bar down and repeat.

Because you're working against the bands horizontally, you'll be able to lean back against them a bit more. This deadlift variation is GREAT for targeting the lats.

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Straight Bar NeutralGrip Chin-Ups The of the best exercises you can do for hitting the back and biceps. This is a version that sets your hands in a neutral grip to change the focus of the exercise somewhat. It will allow you to keep your elbows in closer, hitting the lats a little different, while the neutral grip targets the brachialis muscles more strongly (the muscles underneath the lower aspect of the biceps - when developed, these can help improve the peak of the biceps by pushing them up from below). The trick is that instead of using handles designed for using that neutral (palms facing in) grip, you'll use the straight, normal chin-up bar. You're going to hold the bar in a baseball bat type of grip then pull yourself up to one side, pulling until your shoulder almost touches the bar.

The movement is essentially the same as a regular chin-up...the main difference is the grip and how you pull yourself up in relation to the bar. I like to do 2 reps on one side, set my feet down briefly then switch hands and to the other side. I find the most natural way to come up is the same side as the hand that's further away on the bar.

You'll notice this one really hits the brachialis muscles strongly. That neutral grip coupled with the bodyweight resistance loads it nicely. Very good exercise for building arm size as well as hitting the back.

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Barbell Weighted Chin-Ups Need some extra resistance for your Chin-Ups? This is a unique way to do it that adds a balance component and requires hamstring strength, making the exercise more of a total-body type of exercise. For this, it's easiest to use the chin-up bar in a rack. If you have a rack but it doesn't have a chin-up bar, just set an Olympic bar on the top of the rack. That works just as well. If you don't have either option, you'll need a spotter to give you the barbell. This works just fine too. Set the safety rails in the rack at knee height - here's the trick...not knee height when you're standing on the floor but knee height when you're hanging from the chin-up bar! The first time you do this exercise, start with just an empty bar. At 45 lbs, it's not light even on it's own! Set the bar on the safety rails, stand in front of it then hang down from the chin-up bar. Now bend your knees and hook them underneath the bar so that you're cradling the bar with your knees. Your leg position will look like the top of a leg curl. At this point, you can cross your feet to lock them into position (which makes the exercise a bit easier) or you can leave them separated (which works the hamstrings more). Keeping that bar cradled, do a chin-up from there, just as you normally would.

When doing this exercise, balance is required, so keep your knees well apart on the bar to improve your ability to control the weight. The positioning of the bar actually allows for good body position in the chin-up, in addition to the extra resistance. Also, I find that activating more muscles in the posterior chain really helps not only lock the back muscles into the

exercise more, it also increases the overall metabolic demand of the exercise, making it that much more challenging. Because instead of your legs just dangling there, they're actually contracted and having demands place on them.

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Corner Rack Pull-Ups If you want wider lats, have I got an exercise for you! This one will blow up your lats like no other type of pull-up I've found. The secret to this one lies in WHERE you do the pull-up... But I'm not very good at keeping secrets so here it is... You do the pull-ups in the CORNER of the power rack! I know it's hard to contain yourself at this point, but try to keep it together! Once I explain HOW to do pull-ups in the corner of the rack and WHY this corner pull-up works so good, you'll be itching to get to the gym and try it. To really properly explain why it works so good, you first need to know how to do it so you can visualize how it works. Now, to do this exercise, you're going to need a power rack. And that's pretty much it. Technically, you should also be able to do at least 6 to 8 reps of regular pull-ups in order to perform this exercise. But even if you CAN'T do that, I'm also going to show you a way to spot yourself so you CAN perform this exercise and get just as much out of it as anybody else. So even if you can't do full pull-ups right now, keep reading! First, stand facing the corner of the rack. Now reach up with your left hand and grip the top crossbar with a PALMFACING-AWAY grip (a.k.a. reverse grip) about 18 inches from the corner. Now reach up with your right hand and grip the side top beam with the same grip at the same relative distance from the corner as your left hand. You want to be sure to keep your grip even on the beams. Definitely experiment with grip width to best match your armspan when performing this exercise.

Now you're ready to pull!

Bend your knees and get your feet off the ground. You'll immediately notice the tension in your lats in that bottom position. Perform a regular pull-up movement, bringing your body up as high as possible.

Here's the BIG you pull yourself up, try to consciously PUSH OUTWARDS against the crossbeams of the rack. This outwards pushing combined with the pulling up puts HUGE tension on the extreme outer fibers of the lats. So pull yourself up as high as possible then lower yourself SLOWLY and under complete control. The negative on this exercise is VERY intense and the stretch it puts on your lats is phenomenal! As you get towards the bottom, let your arms go completely straight to maximize the stretch on the lats. Be sure to keep tension in the shoulders, though. Even though your arms are straight, you want your body to still be supported by muscle tension in the lats and not the tendons and ligaments of your shoulder joints. Now pull back up again, remembering to push outwards against the crossbeams as you pull up. Keep going until you can't do any more reps. It's a tough exercise and an eye-opener even for people who can do a lot of pull-ups!

Corner Pull-Ups - Self-Spotting So how do you do this exercise if you can't do a lot of (or any!) pull-ups? Self-spotting with your feet. When you're in the rack, you can either set the safety rail or the racking pin (the hook that you rack the weight on) to about 2 feet or so off the ground. The exact height will depend on how tall your rack is and how tall YOU are. Basically, you're going to be using it as a step. As you do the pull-up, you're going to set your foot on that pin/rail and use your legs to help you get the reps. It's important here to give yourself only as much help as you need to complete the rep you're doing, NOT so much that you're just standing up and down and going through the motions. You want to keep strong tension on the lats to get the most out of this exercise.

This technique is good not only for those who need help right off the bat but for doing forced reps when you CAN do full reps on your own. When you can't perform another full rep on your own, set your foot on the pin/rail and keep going!

Corner Pull-Ups - Supinated Grip You can also perform this exercise using a palms-facing-in grip (supinated), but I've found it to be less effective in terms of hitting the outer lats than the palms-facing-out version because you don't get the same outwards-pushing tension on the lats.

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Cross-Band Pull-Ups The wide-grip pull-up is a classic back exercise...everybody has seen this and knows basically how to do it, so I won't go into great detail about those. This variation, done with two training bands, is going to work those lateral fibers of the lats even HARDER than the normal version. To do this one, you'll obviously need a couple of training bands. Click here to see where I get my bands from. I also recommend doing these on the chin-up bar found on most power racks (or on a Smith machine with the bar set to the highest position). The reason is you'll need something on the sides of the bar to hitch the bands onto to make this exercise work. So first, hitch the bands to the top/side cross beam of the rack, right beside the chin-up bar (mine are in front of the bar). Put your right wrist through the left band. Next, put your left wrist through the loop of the right band.

Now reach out wide to the sides on the bar, stretching both bands so they cross in front of you. Your grip should be wide enough that the bands get some decent stretch. You're going to keep this grip through the entire set.

In this exercise, you're not going to be actively pulling against the bands...they're simply going to be supplying constant lateral tension against the wrists as you do the exercise. This constant lateral tension strongly activates the very lateral fibers of the lats, which are responsible for upper lat width. If lat width is something you want more of, this exercise is going to do it for you. It also gives you pretty near-continuous tension on the lats, even at the bottom of the movement, where lats will normally get a bit of a break. No break here. So once you've got your grip on the bar, take your feet off the ground (or bench, if you're standing on one to get into position). You'll already be feeling the tension on your lats even before you start. Now when you start the pull, you'll REALLY feel it in the outer lat fibers. Come all the way up as high as you can.

Go for as many reps as you can with good form. If you'd like to extend the set, you can set the safety rails in the rack to a couple of feet off the ground and set your feet on those rails. This takes up some of your bodyweight and you can adjust resistance using leg power.

This allows you to get more reps and force a full range of motion on those reps. By the time you're done, your lats will be on fire and pumped up beyond recognition...I can promise you that.

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Lateral Inverted Row The Inverted Row is a great bodyweight exercise for working the back. In that, you lay on your back and grip a bar few feet above you then row your body up. This version of the Inverted Row is going to target a different movement pattern and angle of attack on the muscles of the back. Instead of working in the normal "front and back" movement that most exercises work in, this exercise is going to have you moving laterally. This targets your back muscles in a very different fashion, in addition to working the muscles of the core. To do this one, you'll need a bar that is a few feet off the ground (or if you're not strong enough, you can raise the bar higher so you're not having to use as much of your bodyweight as resistance). Lay on your side with one foot a little forward and one foot behind. I find the power rack to be the perfect place to do this one as you can brace your feet against the bottom crossbeam of the rack. Take a mixed grip on the bar...your front hand should be underhand and your back hand should be overhand.

Now row yourself up sideways. This puts more stretch on the front side back muscles and more contraction on the back side back muscles. The rotated position also hits the core to some degree as well.

Do your reps on one side then switch to the other (or rest then do your next set on the other side).

This is a great way to target the muscles of the back with a different movement pattern, working laterally rather than

always forward and back.

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Inverted Row Triple Add Set The Triple Add Set is an incredibly powerful technique for targeting all the muscle fibers types in one set. Rather than starting with the heavier/greatest resistance (as you would with a drop set), you will instead start with the lightest and move up towards the heaviest as you go through it. In this case, we'll be doing Inverted Rows using three different body positions/variations. The first is a simple high-angle Inverted Row. I've got a bar set up in the power rack about 4 feet off the ground. I'm doing very high rep Inverted Rows to target the slow-twitch muscle fibers and work endurance. This high body angle means I don't have much bodyweight resistance on the exercise, making it possible to get a LOT of reps.

I'm aiming for at least 30 to 50 reps on this first set. Once I've got as many as I can on that first round, we'll switch to a higher-resistance variation. The bar is about 2 feet off the ground and my torso is horizontal and a bit declined at the bottom. The grip is the same. This targets type 2b muscle fibers, aiming for about 6 to 8 reps or so.

Next, I'll switch to the highest-resistance version of the Inverted Row (short of using added free weight resistance, of course)...the Upside Down Bodyweight Row. Grab the bar and swing your feet up. Get your legs under the bar.

Now just perform a row - you'll be using most of your bodyweight here.

You can definitely use a weighted version of the normal Inverted Row as well, if you prefer. This gives you a bodyweight-only option. Aim for 1 to 3 reps on this one and a powerful movement. This Triple Add Set technique really covers a lot of different muscle fibers and will light up your entire back very nicely.

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One-Arm Chin/Dips This exercise is a bodyweight exercise that targets the ENTIRE upper body in one movement. And I'm not kidding about that. You'll hit your back, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders AND core in one exercise. It's a combination of a one-arm chin-up and a one-arm dip, put together and done at the same time. This gives you not only the benefits of BOTH exercises, it also gives you a couple of other significant synergistic benefits over and above what you get from just the exercises themselves taken separately. And even beyond the increased muscle activation benefits of doing closed-chain bodyweight exercises like chins and dips. Yep, it's not just a freakshow's WAY better than that! 1. Contralateral Antagonistic Neuromuscular Activation This is a complicated way of saying that when you work one muscle, your nervous system actually activates/potentiates the opposing muscle on the opposite side of your body. For example, if you work the bicep on your left arm, the tricep on your right arm can be up to 10% stronger IF you work it at the same time (there's an exercise called "Scapjacks" that does this with a one-arm pushdown and a dumbbell curl done at the same time). The practical upshot is, by performing a dip (chest and triceps) and a chin-up (back and biceps) simultaneously, like we're going to do, you'll be a bit stronger at BOTH. 2. One movement is always stronger than the other This means that when you start to fatigue on one of the movements, the OTHER stronger movement will help you push that weaker movement harder. Conversely, as you fatigue in that weaker movement, it will put more load on the STRONGER movement, working THAT one harder as well. Essentially, it's going to allow you to really push your entire upper body HARD. In addition to those two major benefits, you're also going to hit the core with some nice cross-tension. It's not a tremendous amount because neither are weight bearing exercises, but because you're utilizing a push and a pull at the same time, some cross-tension will absolutely happen. And, of course, it's fun! (not only doing it but watching the looks on other peoples faces as you do it)...

How To Set Up and Perform One-Arm Chin/Dips First off, you should be able to perform at least 8 to 10 chins and 20+ bodyweight dips before trying this one. It's not an easy exercise and does require some good base strength to start with.

To do this one, you'll need a power rack that has a chin-up bar on it and an Olympic bar. If your rack doesn't have a chin-up bar, you can also just set another O bar on top of the rack and use that instead of a chin-up bar. It'll be the same thing. Set the safety rails in the rack to about chest height and set the bar on them in the middle of the rack. There will be some adjustments required for your rack, your height and your limb length, so definitely mess around with the setup to get what's best for you. Reach up and grab the chin-up bar with a neutral grip. Set your other hand on the bar in the rack. Take your feet off the ground.

Now do a chin with one arm and a dip with the other. I'll tell you right up front, it's a strange feeling when you do this one for the first time...and it's addictive... Perform as many reps as you can. And as I mentioned above, as your weaker exercise fades out, the stronger exercise will kick in to help, allowing you to really push yourself. You can then either turn around and work the other direction or take a rest and do so on the next set. You'll be stronger if you take a rest, just fyi.

Again, do as many reps as you can. If you've been looking for a unique bodyweight exercise to target the entire upper body at once...back, chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders and core...look no further. This exercise will do it for you. And, of course, as you get stronger at it, you can add additional resistance in the form a weight belt or dumbbell between the feet to push your entire upper body even HARDER.

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Mixed-Grip Pull-Up Traversing This is a cool pull-up challenge that's going to give even a strong chinner a run for their money. From a muscletension standpoint, you're also going to have multiple times through the exercise (every rep) where you're supporting your entire bodyweight on one arm. So not only is it a nice challenge, it's a very cool way to simultaneously vary how the pull-up hits your lats by constantly switching your grip while giving it points of single-arm support to really ratchet up the tension. And yeah, you'll look a bit strange while you're doing it but what else is new when it's coming from me... ;) So here's what it looks like (you'll need a chin-up bar for this one obviously - you'll also need to be strong enough to do at least 5 to 10 chin-ups in order to perform it, too). Start over on the left side of the bar and use an underhand grip with your left and an overhand grip with your right. Now pull up.

Lower yourself down but not ALL the way down...keep some bend in your elbow to maintain constant tension in the lats. Because now you're going to take your left hand off the bar and spin your body around 180 degrees and grip it with an overhand grip on the bar when you're facing the other way. You're only gripping one-handed briefly but it puts a big shot of tension on the lat on that gripping side. Once you've got the grip again, get ready to pull up.

As you can see after spinning around, I've got an underhand grip on the right hand and an overhand grip on the left, which gives that constant switching of grip. Spin yourself another 180 degrees and go again.

Once you're over as far as you can go on the bar, then work your way back the other way, spinning 180 degrees and pulling up on each rep.

The challenge here is to see how many times you can traverse the bar before either your grip gives out or you run out of steam on the pull-ups. One little as you're doing these...the trick with getting the spinning down and switching up the grip on each rep is keep your hands and wrists in the same orientation as you spin. Because when you spin, THAT will automatically change the grip for won't come from the wrist. You'll see that more when you try the exercise than when I'm explaining it in words here. It's going to take a bit of practice but once you get it, this will be a fun chinning challenge for you...gets your brain in the movement as you're doing it rather than just mindlessly doing reps. It's a GREAT overall bodyweight back exercise...and if you're fairly strong with chins, it's going to give you some nice variety in your back training.

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One-Arm Push-Up Renegade Rows If you're not familiar with the Renegade Row, it's an exercise that targets the back and the core extremely well. It's basically a rowing movement done while in the top of a push-up position. In that version, you use two dumbells or kettlebells and row one dumbell while anchoring yourself on the other dumbell. It's a GREAT exercise and very effective. THIS version has you in the top of a one-arm push-up position, taking away the counterbalancing of the other dumbell that you would normally get and putting tremendous tension on the lower lat area of the rowing side. It also puts tremendous tension on the core. I'm using a 105 lb dumbell in the demo here. So first, get into position as you would for a one-arm push-up, over top of the dumbell. Set your feet out wide and lockout your one supporting arm. You'll be forming a triangular base of support and you'll be rowing up into your midsection to keep the weight within that base of support. With this exercise, you're not going to get a full stretch at the bottom of the row because of the floor, but you will get a very strong contraction in the lower lat because of the position and because of the torque running through the core.

Now, with your core TIGHT, row the dumbell up. I would also suggest holding your breath as your row'll need the core stability given by that, especially when you dial up the weight. I found a palms-forward row position to be the most natural here, with is also what helps to focus on the lower lat area. This is going to hit your core HARD.

Here's a side view, rowing with the other arm. Notice that I don't have a perfectly straight plank body position. You do need a slight pike in the in the hips in order to provide the strongest body position to perform the exercise and keep tension off your back. The arch is the strongest natural formation, not the straight plank.

Then row up.

Simple exercise in concept and VERY effective both for the back and core. The next variation I have of this one mixes in a one-arm push-up on top of the dumbell. Obviously, you'll need to be strong enough to actually DO a one-arm push-up to perform this one! You'll be in the same starting position.

Now remove your hand from the dumbell and bring it behind your back (I find this helps lock in the shoulders better when doing a one-arm push-up rather than just flailing it around loose). Lower your chest right on top of the dumbell and either touch it lightly and come back up or rest your body on the dumbell to take tension off the arm a bit then press up (this is harder, starting from a zero-tension dead stop).

When you've pushed back up, then grasp the dumbell and row it up.

You can either repeat on this one arm or you can switch arms with alternating reps.

This is a tough exercise...the nice thing about it is that it targets the antagonistic pushing muscles right along with the pulling muscles of the back. You get more bang for your buck in terms of time, though your rowing strength may suffer a bit.

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One-Arm Lateral Inverted Rows The Inverted Row is an excellent bodyweight back exercise. It's similar in concept to a chin-up, in that you're moving your bodyweight through space, however because you've got your feet on the ground, you're only pulling a portion of your bodyweight, making it easier. Also, the positioning of your body is a row, which is a horizontal body position, rather than vertical. In the Lateral Inverted Row, instead of pulling in the "forward and back" plane of movement, you turn your body sideways and pull directly sideways, targeting the lateral movement plane. You very rarely work this pattern in traditional workouts, making it a very useful way to balance out your body musculature. This version is done in a very similar fashion...the primary difference being you'll be holding onto the bar with only one hand. The other hand actually grips onto your forearm, primarily for stabilization for allowing you to keep the lateral position so your body doesn't just roll over onto your back again. There is SOME help allowed with that other hand, though - that happens naturally. This one-arm position allows you to first, put more tension on the working side muscles than the two-arm version, and second, it allows for more stretch at the bottom on that bottom arm/back. Here's what it looks like: First, the easier version. Set a bar at about stomach level. I'm using a bar set in the power rack with the bar pulled up against the uprights. Face left and grip the bar with your left hand in an underhand grip. Grasp your left forearm with your right hand. Set your feet in a straight line a little past the bar so you're leaning at an angle. Now pull up using power from your LEFT arm. The right arm is there to keep you in position.

Repeat for your reps then switch to the other side. Here's the tougher version...and it's simple. Just lower the bar.

The change in angle in your body puts more resistance on the movement, making it tougher. This is a GREAT exercise for targeting the lateral movement patterns in your body, which are rarely worked in traditional training.

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Stretch-Focused OneArm Cable Rows The's one of THE most important facets of an exercise. And to be honest, it can be tough to get a good stretch on the mid-back muscles with conventional rowing exercises. Because in order to get a stretch, you have to bring the arm in front and basically around the body rather than just keeping it forward. That's what this exercise solves. You'll be doing a standing one-arm cable row with your body turned 90 degrees. This puts the bottom position of the row in maximum stretch position. For an exercise like this, the benefit is not from progressive resistance...the resistance you use doesn't really matter as long as you can use enough to get a good stretch. It's that stretch position that I keep going on about that is the key. Holding this stretch position (especially when you're muscles are full of blood) is going to help expand the fascia that surrounds your muscles. The fascia is the tough connective tissue "pillowcase" that surrounds your muscles...if it's too tight, your muscles don't have room to grow. By stretching, you can force the expansion, just like when you squat down in a pair of tight jeans. To do this one, you'll need a low pulley and, ideally, a length of chain to allow you to stand further away from the stack. This makes the exercise easier to perform, though not entirely necessary. Grab the single cable handle and take a step back to get the stack up. Now squat down a bit and brace your nonworking hand on your leg. Stand perpendicular to the stack, letting your working arm come across your body, with your shoulders turned a bit. Adjust your body and arm position a bit to get the best stretch possible. With your body turned like this, you should feel the stretch in your middle-back muscles like the traps and rhomboids....the ones that attach to the scapulae and spine.

Hold that stretch for at least 5 to 10 or more seconds and really let the weight pull. Now row.

We don't really care so much about the contraction here...the rowing is primarily to release the stretch on that rep before going back into it on the next rep. I'll be honest with's going to be a painful experience. If it's not, you're not doing it right. But it should be a good stretching type of pain, not injury pain. Do 5 or 6 reps then switch sides. As you can see, you want to really focus on getting that HUGE stretch in the midback muscles.

This exercise is best done after working the back with other exercises to fill the area with blood. It's a great way to finish to ensure that the back is fully stretched and primed for growth.

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One Arm Side-Braced Chin-Ups This exercise is a chin-up variation that puts the VAST majority of the focus onto one arm at a time (hence the name ;). It's different from most one-arm chin-up versions in that you're still basically using two arms but the other one is braced directly out to the side. This allows you to stabilize your body and provide some assistance during the bottom part of the movement (not a whole lot at the top). It's basically between the version where you grip onto your working forearm with your non-working hand and a completely freehand version. It's a good transition for building strength in the one-arm chin. And it's TOUGH :) You'll need to be able to do at least probably 15 regular chin-ups before you're able to do even just a few reps of this one. I'm doing this one using the chin-up bar in my power rack and just gripping onto the upright out to the side at about head level. You can use just about any setup for this works...a Smith machine with the bar set high would do the trick here, too.

It'll take a rep or two to figure out where to set your working hand in relation to the upright. Get your feet off the ground and get ready to start.

Pull yourself up with your chin-up arm, using the other to assist as needed. Here's the cool thing...even if you're pulling as hard as you can with that side arm, the leverage it has is so bad that it's not going to help much even when you're trying! This really forces that working arm to take the brunt of it.

Come up as high as you you come to the top, you can even exert some downward pressure on that side arm to help push yourself up a bit. You'll notice in the video demo that I do a bit of kipping with this one. It's the first time I've tried the exercise and I need to build up more strength with it to be able to do it without the kip. Even with that, it still felt GREAT, though.

Do all your reps on one side then switch to the other (you can also try going back and forth between arms, if you want). Set up with the other arm gripping for a chin and the original arm out to the side.

Again, come up as high as you can and use that other arm to stabilize and to help pull and push yourself up.

If you've built some good strength with regular chin-ups, this is a great exercise to take it to the next level. One-arm chin-ups are a hallmark of serious bodyweight strength, especially if you can work your way up to doing these onearm freehand!

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Two Bar Pull-Ups This is a variation of the pull-up that removes the bar as an obstacle to your path. By gripping on two bars and pulling yourself up directly in between them, you hit a movement pattern that is halfway between a front pull-up and rear pull-up but without the shoulder stress associated with a rear pull-up. For this exercise, you will need power rack and two Olympic bars. The set up is VERY simple: set the safety rails as high as you can in the rack. Now set two Olympic bars on those safety rails about 2 to 3 feet apart. You're all set! To execute this exercise, place yourself directly in the center of the two bars. You will be facing to the side of the rack. Grip both of the bars with a palms-facing-in grip.

Lift your feet off the ground (if you rack is not so tall, you can cross your feet behind you or just lift your knees up) and pull yourself straight up in between the bars. Keep your elbows pointing directly to the sides to get the greatest effect from this exercise. This exercise operates in a similar movement pattern to the Behind-The-Neck Pull-Up (which is an exercise that is tough on the shoulders) but without any of the negatives associated with it. Now just pull yourself directly up in a completely vertical movement. Because you don't have to worry about the bar getting in your way, your body is free to follow it's most comfortable movement pattern.

When you're doing the exercise, make sure the bars aren't set too close together. This shifts too much of the focus of the exercise onto the biceps. If you are looking to work your biceps, you can certainly try this but in order to most effectively concentrate on your back muscles, keep the bars at least several feet apart. Also, during the exercise, keep your elbows pointing directly to the sides. If you allow your body to move back, you will essentially be doing a front pull-up, which diminishes the effectiveness of the exercise. If you don't have the strength to do a full pull-up with your whole bodyweight, try setting the bars a little lower so that you can leave your feet on the ground. Use your legs to help take up some of your bodyweight as you do the pullup. This can also be a good way to do a sort of drop set. Do a set of full weight pull-ups then keep going with your feet on the ground.

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Barbell-End Neutral Grip Chin-Ups in the Rack The Chin-Up is unquestionably a great back of the best and one of the basic movement patterns for your back training. If you want a great back, you've got to do chins. That being said, the Chin-Up can get boring, especially if you do a lot of them. That's where THIS version of the Chin-Up comes in. It's the same basic movement pattern but with a twist...instead of holding onto a straight chin-up bar, you're going to be gripping on the ends of two Olympic barbells set up on the rails of the power rack. There are two reasons why this is so good... The first is that ends of the Olympic bars are fatter...which is going to work your grip TREMENDOUSLY while doing the exercise. Fat bar and fat grip training is incredibly effective for developing grip strength and if your gym doesn't have fat bars (or Fat Gripz, or other similar product), this is a GREAT way to get the benefits regardless. The second reason is the neutral grip's actually a healthier position for your shoulders than either the supinated or pronated grips. And because there's no bar in front of you, you can choose your own path of movement up in between the two bars. Here's the setup: Set the rails on the rack as high as you can set them, then put two O bars on the rails. In my rack, I have to do the exercise with my knees bent so I can get the full range of motion. Load ONE end with a plate or two...enough to counterbalance your bodyweight. Grip onto the ends of the bars, where the plates normally go. Don't grip right out near the ends...that'll increase the leverage of gravity on the bars and if you don't have enough weight on the other ends, you could tip the bars. Gripping in a bit closer is ideal.

Then just pull yourself straight up from there into a neutral-grip chin-up.

That's it! You'll most likely find with this fat-grip setup that grip strength is your limiting factor. If you keep up with this exercise and really work your grip to the point where it's NOT the limiting factor anymore, you'll have made some serious progress in your grip strength. As I said, this is a GREAT way to include some fat bar training into your workouts without ever needing an actual fat bar (or Fat Gripz) to do it with.

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One-Arm Lateral Cable Back Extensions This is an exercise that actually surprised me with how good it felt...and I actually made it a staple of my training after that! It's not a heavy's a back extension done with lateral-pulling resistance from the cable, which immediately activates the lateral stabilizing muscles of the lower back and spine as you're doing the back extension exercise. Here's the good involves NO twisting on the spine even though it works the lateral and rotational-stabilizing muscles. The uneven resistance on the body is what forces that activation by PREVENTING rotation and twisting. It's an extremely effective exercise that really hit my lower back and mid-back in a way I hadn't ever experienced before and is DEFINITELY worth trying out. Do just a few sets at the end of each workout, aiming for about 6 to 8 reps per set. So to do this, you'll need a low pulley and a moveable hyper bench (45 degree one will work the best). Set it in the center of the two pulleys (or if you just have one, set it about 4 or 5 feet away) and a little back from being in line. You'll see why it needs to be a bit back when you see the exercise in action.

Go to the left pulley and grab it with your left hand. Use a light weight for this - only a couple of notches on the cable stack, especially the first time you do it. As I mentioned, it's NOT a heavy exercise - it directs unilateral resistance through your torso, forcing the small stabilizing muscles of the spine to activate to counter that torque.

Get in position on the hyper bench as you normally would, but holding your left arm (and the cable) directly out to the side, with your right arm behind your back.

Now lower down in the bottom of the extension. Keep that arm STRAIGHT out to the side. The only function of the weight here is to provide lateral-pulling tension on the body.

Perform these very deliberately and with tight form. Because the pull is coming from the left, you'll need to push with your left foot a bit harder to maintain balance. Once you've performed your reps on the one side, switch to the other.

This gives you a good vide of how the cable is held. Here you can see exactly why the bench needs to be a bit back from the line of the cable.

Come down into the extension, keeping that arm straight out to the side.

That's the exercise! It's performed almost exactly like a normal back extension...the lateral pulling tension is going to really hit those small stabilizer muscles of the lower back and spine and help you develop much better spinal strength and stability, while also working the bigger spinal erector muscles.

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Band-Gripping Chin-Ups This is simply one of THE single most effective (and most brutal!) variations of the chin-up that I've ever found. Basically, instead of gripping the chin-up bar, instead you will be using a training band, holding onto the ends and pulling yourself up on that! First, you'll need a good quality training band - something that's thick enough to support your weight. Training bands are one of the best training tools I've ever used. My source for getting bands is called IronWoody's. Great prices, excellent quality. HIGHLY recommended grabbing some bands. First, fold the band in half and set one end loop inside the other end loop so that the one is nested in the other. Now fold it in half again and nest the ends again! The band will look like a small oval. When you grip them, the folded band ends will be pretty thick in your hands. The idea here is to make two grips for yourself. You can play around with the logistics of it but the key is to have two loops to grip onto. Take this looped and folded band and place it over top of a chin-up bar or other appropriate surface (something you can hang your bodyweight from that is high up and won't break). Grip inside the two ends that you have created with your folding and nesting and hold on tight. Make sure the ends are even in terms of length! Now lift your feet off the ground and drop down into the bottom position of the chin-up. As you drop down into the bottom, you'll notice the bands stretching. Now, with a powerful pull, perform a chin-up. As you try to pull yourself powerfully out of the bottom, the bands will stretch, making it tougher to pull up. Also, because the bands are very unstable, your body will be shifting around a lot. Keep going all the way to the top. Hold for a second then lower back down and repeat. This movement is a lot easier to get your head around when you watch the video. A technique I like to use is to pause just before the bottom position then release tension in my back and drop down like a stone. At maximum stretch of the bands, THEN I will pull myself up hard. This gives a great stretch. The band is also great for self-spotting and extending a set. When you're at the bottom and can't pull yourself up, give a sharp pull downwards on the bands then lock your arms. This sharp pull moves the band down a bit, allowing you to pull yourself up a bit. Each time you do it, you can pull yourself up just a little bit more. It's like a ratcheting kind of movement. It's demonstrated in the video on the last few reps of the set. This last technique is one of the toughest set-extension techniques I've used as the tension keeps increasing as you keep going. The lactic acid burn is a killer!

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Sandbag Chin-Ups The sandbag is a primal piece of equipment - just a big bag of sand. I use mine all the time - you don't need to be too fancy with it but if you're looking for a GOOD sandbag, with handles and an inner bag and something that won't leak all over the place, click here for my source on those. So anyway, this is how I do a chin-up with a sandbag. If you can reach the bar from a standing position, you won't need can just get the sandbag into position then start pulling I'm just slightly too short to do it with my bar, so this is my setup. Set a bench in front of the bar and lay the sandbag on it, perpendicular, like in the picture.

Stand on the bench with one foot on either side of the bag then reach down and grab the ends of the bag.

Lift it up then squeeze it between your knees then cross your left foot over your right ankle. This locks the bag in place - you won't be able to just pinch the bag without the cross-over - trust me on this, especially when you're using a 70 lb bag.

Once you're locked in, grab the bar.

Lower yourself down, keeping that bag squeeze tight. It won't matter if it shifts a bit - it's sand. It'll shift.

Then just pull up.

When you're done, just uncross and drop the bag. Easy. You can even do a literal drop set and keep doing a few unweighted reps, too.

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Dumbell Renegade Rows If you're familiar with kettlebell training, you've probably seen the Renegade Row being performed. It's an excellent exercise not only for the back but for core conditioning as well. Basically, you're in a push-up position with your hands on two kettlebells instead of on the floor. Now you row one of the up then set it back down. Then you row with the other one and set it back down. Sometimes, people will also throw in a push-up in between rows. But if you don't have kettlebells or if your kettlebells aren't heavy enough to really challenge your back in a rowing movement, give it a try with a set of dumbells. They work VERY well with a few modifications to form. The ability to use heavier weights is the main advantage this version has over the kettlebell version. First, get yourself a couple of dumbells - something you would normally use for one arm dumbell rows for about 12 to 15 reps. In this position, it's going to be a bit more challenging than when using a bench, so you'll need to start a bit lighter. Set them on the ground right next to each other. Now get into a push-up position and set your hands on the dumbell handles. Your feet should be WIDE apart, not close together. When you're using heavier weights, you need the wider stance to have that wider base of support. If you don't set your feet wide, the weight will unbalance you and you'll fall over.

The dumbells should be right underneath your body, NOT out to the sides at all, especially when you're rowing the one dumbell up. So do a row with one arm - you'll feel it not only in your back but in your core as your body fights to stabilize itself from the uneven torque on the body.

When you've rowed one, set it back down then row with the other: Keep going until you're toasted! This is a great back and core exercise to give you some variety in your training. It's a great version of the Renegade Row that's just as effective as the kettlebell version.

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Side Plank Rows This is an excellent exercise for working not only the back but most of the core stabilizing muscles as well. If you're familiar with the Plank exercise, this one is somewhat similar. Basically, you're going to be holding a side plank position (with a small modification in foot position) doing a one-arm dumbell row. The easiest way to explain it is to get right into it. First, use a moderate-weight dumbell and set it on the floor. Set one hand down on the floor and rest yourself on one hip to start. Your feet should be scissored - one forward one back, about a foot apart. This will help you with balance while exerting force during the row.

Get up into the plank position - arm stiff and straight, supporting your body. Your entire body should be straight, from shoulders to knees. Just holding yourself in this position is a great core exercise. But now we add in the row... Reach down and grab the dumbell with your free hand. Keep your core VERY tight while doing this exercise (you'll have to in order to maintain the straight body position). Now row it up directly in front of your body, squeezing your back as you do so. You'll feel it not only in the back but in the core area as everything contracts to provide stability for the rowing movement.

Do all your reps on one side (6 to 8 reps is good for this exercise), then switch over to the other side.

This exercise is an excellent functional exercise not only for the back but for the abdominal area as well. It teaches your body how to exert force (the row) while being in a core-stabilized position. The path of the dumbell means it's also quite good for hitting the back muscles located near the spine, e.g. the traps, rhomboids and center-most fibers of the lats.

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Angled Bar Push-Ups This is a nice variation of the push-up that changes the angle on the body and puts more focus on one side. It also increases the core work component of the push-up. Very simply, you do the exercise on a regular barbell with that barbell set up on something solid so that it has an angle to it. Then you just do push-ups on that sloped bar. This is going to put more focus on the side that's on the bottom end of the bar. If you do a lot of "normal" push-ups, this also gives your body a novel stimulus. And, of course, because you're at angle, your core involvement is increased as your body has to stabilize itself on that angle. This is also a nice exercise for those who aren't as strong on the push-up. You can do the version with your feet on the floor (I'll also show the version with feet up on the bench to increase the workload). To do this one, you'll need a barbell and something a few feet high to set the end on (something solid!). Set your hands on the bar at your normal bench-press width grip then straighten out your body.

Then just come down into a normal push-up movement. Because your feet are on the floor here, your body is at higher angle and the exercise is a bit easier than a regular push-up.

Then switch to the other side of the bar.

You can go directly to the other side, if you want, because your top arm really doesn't get a whole lot of work. The

range of motion is short. Now, to increase the workload, bring a bench up and set your feet on that while doing the exercise.

Then switch the bench around to the other side and go again. This is a straightforward exercise to do and the angle really helps change things up on your body!

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Back-Off-Bench Dumbell Press The bench press...a key movement for your chest that, ironically enough for some people, doesn't even work their chest all that well! THIS version of the dumbell bench press is going to force continuous tension on your chest while placing TREMENDOUS tension on the abdominals as well... (you'll see why in a second). The Back-Off-Bench Press is a unique movement for the chest that LOOKS like a standard dumbell bench press...until you look a little closer. You'll be doing the bench press with your upper back hanging off the end of the bench! And while it is true that you'll be forced to use less weight than in a normal bench press, I found this technique basically FORCED the pecs into continuous tension. I got a GREAT pump using lighter dumbells and hit the core at the same time (and especially the rectus abdominus six-pack muscles). This is like the ideal beach body exercise...chest, abs and arms all in one shot :) Don't let that "beach body" thing fool you though...this exercise is VERY tough and actually very valuable. It's definitely one I'm going to be including in my training more often. To perform this one, you'll need a few things for the set up...dumbells (they don't need to be heavy), a bench and something to brace your legs under. I used a power rack with a loaded barbell set on the rails to brace my legs on and that worked perfectly (Smith machine will actually be useful for this). You can also use just about anything else you can think of that you can brace your legs under...even a partner pushing down on your knees, if that's what you've got. Here's what my setup looked like...a flat bench inside the power rack with the barbell set in the rails at about hip height. You'll need to adjust the bench position under the bar, depending on how it feels when you're doing the exercise. I've got the bar basically over the midpoint of the bench. The first time you do this, start with LIGHT weight until you get a feel for the exercise. If you're using the rack setup, just set a couple of plates on the bar to keep it from coming up. This is one of the ONLY times I'll ever recommend you set your feet on a bench for bench a normal press, you need the stability of your feet on the floor. In this version, your knees will be locked under the bar, giving you stability there. Grab your dumbells. I'm using a pair of 65 lb dumbbells in the demo here.

Stand up and set the dumbells on end on your thighs.

Sit down on the bench then shuffle yourself forward so that your hips are a bit closer under the bar. Again, you'll need to experiment to get the position right for you.

Raise one leg up and brace it under the bar. Then get the other leg up. If you've got a partner to hand the weights to you, this will be even easier - just get into position on the bench first, then have them hand the dumbells to you.

Lay back on the bench and feel for where your upper back is. With the moderate weights I'm using, I had the end of the bench right in the center of my shoulder blades. Make sure you have at least that much of your upper back off the end of the bench.

Now bring the dumbells back and into position for the bench press. THIS is where your abs are going to fire HARD and stay contracted HARD for the duration of the exercise. It's also the reason why the pecs are going to be contracted continuously...your back has nothing to brace on, therefore even at lockout, the pecs are forced to contract to stabilize and hold the weight. Taking the back support away places HUGE demands on the entire upper body.

Now press up. Do this exercise at a moderate pace, under control the whole way. You're using lighter weight so go for FEEL with this one and squeeze the pecs at the top. Your abs will contract no matter what you do here :)

The first time you do this, the weight will be something you'll need to adjust. Go up to about half of what you'd normally use for a heavy set of dumbell bench press and do 6 to 8 reps with it. When you're done, you can either just drop the weights to the floor (which most gyms don't like), or move them back up onto your thighs then use your knee-bracing to do a sit-up.

Then just stand up and set your dumbells down and you're good.

That's the exercise! Like I said, try it with a lighter weight the first time you do it but definitely give it a try if you've got the equipment to do it - I was very impressed with how strongly this targets the pecs and the core. It's a nice alternative when maybe your joints are a bit beat up for doing heavier benching and you still want a strong pec workout.

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Back-Off-Bench Press Variations So I've got a few more variations of an exercise I previously posted called the "Back-Off-Bench Press" where basically, you wedge your knees under a bar then do dumbell bench press with your upper back hanging off the end of the bench. It's KILLER abdominal training and actually fire up the chest extremely well because your pecs have nothing to work against (no bench to get an "equal and opposite reaction"). That equal and opposite reaction is provided by tension from the abs. These are variations of the original Back-Off Bench exercise...highly recommended as it explains the full details about how to set it up and do it. These variations are based off it. The first variation is done on an incline bench set to a small incline of about 20 degrees or so. The only thing I would recommend to do differently than I did here would be to raise the level of the bracing bar up a few inches to make it easier to get into position. Other than that, GREAT upper pec exercise.

The next variation focuses more on abdominal training...this is done with lighter dumbells and with the upper body a bit further off the end of the bench. I didn't get as much pec work from it because of the lighter weight but it's a good way to see how distance off the bench for the back affects the exercise.

The last variation is the dumbell flye using the same setup.

If you need a change-up in your chest training, these are some nice options...they'll also really teach you what isometric ab training with resistance can do for you as well.

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One-Arm Bench Push-Ups This is a simple variation of the push-up that's going to give you two major benefits... 1. It puts more tension on one arm, similar to a regular one-arm push-up, only focusing more on the chest than on the triceps, like regular one-arm push-ups do. 2. It puts a great stretch on the other non-working pec as you're coming down into the push-up. 3. You'll be able to use more resistance than just plain bodyweight, making this exercise more effective for building muscle mass. Okay, so that's 3 things... In order to perform this one, you'll need to be able to do at least 15 to 20 normal push-ups, though if you really wanted to, you could potentially do these on your knees, too. For this, you'll need a bench or a chair or even just stairs...basically anything you can set your other hand on that's about a foot and a half off the ground or so. I'm using just a regular flat bench. Set one hand flat on the bench and the other hand on the floor a little ways away from the bench. Keep your body stiff and straight.

Now lower yourself down, like you would in a regular push-up.

As you can see, my left side is getting the brunt of the load, which works the left pec more. My right arm is being placed in a great pec-stretch position every single time I come down to the bottom. The other good thing is that this stretch position is done against resistance (because that pec is also supporting your bodyweight). As you push up, that right pec will also contribute to the movement somewhat, so it's not a true onearm push-up where the whole load is on one side. You get two type of work in one shot...then you switch arms. Same exact execution.

The second side you do, you'll not get as many reps since you'll already be fatigued from the first. It's fine to take your regular rest period between sides, if you want, in order to keep things more even. This is a great push-up variation for when you're traveling for a couple of reasons...first, you get more resistance and second, that stretch helps counteract the inwards-pulling position you tend to acquire while traveling (sitting for long periods in a plane or car).

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Rolling Dumbell Push-Ups The know how to do it already, so I won't go into detail there. THIS version is done using a couple of round-plate dumbells...not only for raising your hands off the ground to get a deeper range of motion, but to also fully activate the pecs by accessing their TRUE function, which is to bring the arms in across the chest. It's a simple're going to start with your hands on two dumbells (the weight of them doesn't really matter much) in the top push-up position.

Next, roll them outwards a few feet.

Now come down into the bottom position.

Then push back up to the top, pulling the dumbells in together as you push up.

At the top, you should have your hands placed on the dumbell handles more towards the outsides of your palms. As you roll the dumbells out, you'll roll onto the inner area towards the thumbs (the meat of the hands). You're not letting your hands slide on the handles...just shift where on your hands the handles hit. You'll see when you perform the exercise exactly what I mean. What this accomplishes is giving the push-up exercise with additional tension on the pecs by targeting the full function of the pecs...the rolling dumbells allow you to bring the hands in as you come up. No special sliders or equipment required. To increase resistance, you can also do these with your feet up on a bench.

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One-Arm Wall-Braced Push-Ups Training your chest with bodyweight movements such as push-ups is a great idea...however, when you get stronger with push-ups, there comes a point where you'll no longer have enough resistance to really build the chest effectively! That's where THIS variation of the push-up comes into play. It's a bodyweight-only exercise that dramatically ramps up the demands on the chest....and all you need is a floor and a wall to do it. To perform this one, you will need a good base level of strength in the push-up'll need to be able to perform at least 20 to 30 or more push-ups before this one becomes practical for you. To give you an idea, I can do more than 50 push-ups and the first time I tried this variation, I got 4 reps with it... So yeah, it's challenging!

How to Do One-Arm Wall-Braced Push-Ups The exercise setup itself is very simple. Just get in the push-up position next to a wall or other solid flat object (I've also done this on the upright post of a cable cross-over machine). Set your feet out wide apart for stability (you can bring them in closer as you get stronger with it or even go on one foot, if you've got a strong core). Set your left palm flat on the wall about 4 to 5 inches off the ground. Don't set it higher or it'll make the movement more awkward at the bottom.

To hold your body in that position, you have lock in your entire torso. This is what makes the exercise even more challenging. Come down into the bottom push-up position. I turn my head at the bottom so I'm not mashing my face into the carpet.

Then come back up. This is a TOUGH exercise that will really force a lot of tension onto the pecs. It's a one-arm push-up but having your non-working hand out wide allows you to set your working hand out wide as well, which turns the one-arm push-up from a tricep exercise into a chest exercise. To increase the resistance, all you need is a bigger wall... (just kidding). Here's what it looks like using the post. Don't grip your hand around the post, keep your hand open.

Then come down.

In the demo video, my hand was all sweaty from the training I had already done, so I slipped out of it and onto the floor. In that case, the wall would be a better choice as it's not slippery. That's the exercise! If you're looking for a way to really challenge your chest with a bodyweight movement that you can do pretty much anywhere and really BUILD your chest, this is a push-up variation you'll want to try. It's extremely challenging even if you're already strong at the push-up.

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Dip Belt Weighted PushUps in the Power Rack The push-up (also known as the press-up)'s the first exercise you think of when you think of bodyweight training. It's also one of the BEST bodyweight training exercises you can do. Bodyweight exercises have been shown to increase muscle fiber activation over their free weight and machine counterparts. This means a push-up (assuming equal resistance) would build muscle and strength more effectively than a bench press or machine press. The main problem with the push-up is that, as great as it is, you are limited by your own bodyweight...there's only so much of you to go around. Granted there are plenty of variations of the push-up you can use to increase the resistance of the exercise without adding extra weight, but the most straightforward way to increase the resistance is to simply add resistance. And that gives you several options...several of which require a partner to help you. 1. Have a partner push down or sit on your back. 2. Have a partner load weight plates onto your back. 3. Figure out how to load weight plates or a sandbag onto your back 4. Use a training band over your back and in your hands. Since I train alone in my basement (my "mad scientist" lab, if you will), I don't have the option of a partner to help me. I've loaded a sandbag on my back, but there is a limit to how heavy of a sandbag you can work with in that fashion. I've also use a training band over the back, which gives nice resistance at the top but zero at the bottom. To solve all those problems, I now use THIS version...the Weighted Push-Up done with a dip belt, set up in the power rack. It allows you to very easily set yourself up with as much weight as you can possibly use to load the push-up exercise, which helps with building maximal strength in a way that normal, high-rep push-ups simply can't. So to do this exercise, you'll need a dip belt and a power rack. Set the safety rails in the power to two different at hip level, the other at knee level. You'll be setting your feet on the lower one and your hands on the upper one. The reason we're using two different heights will be apparent when you see the body position of the exercise. Once you've got your rails set, lean some plates up against the rack uprights and get the dip belt on, with the chain strung through the center. In the demo video, I start off using four 45 lb plates...I only got 2 reps with it (I wanted to challenge myself to see how much weight I could do on it) so I reduced the weight to 3 plates on the next set, then 2 plates on the final set. The dip belt should be on your lower back as you get into position.

With the plates hanging down, waddle into the middle of the rack (you can't walk normally with weight plates hanging down :), lean forward and rest the plates on the ground. This is the next important step...

Shift the belt up higher on your back, so it's just below your shoulder blades rather than on your lower back. This is important in order to move the resistance closer to the arms (that are actually doing the work). If the belt is on your lower back, the movement becomes more awkward and it pulls down on the lower back too much. The higher belt location gives you more support and allows for greater resistance.

Now get into position, setting your hands on the upper rail at your normal push-up width (for me, it was with my hands right up against the uprights since my rack isn't tremendously deep) and setting your feet on the lower rail.

You're ready to begin! Now here's the reason one rail is lower than the other...we want to keep the torso horizontal during the movement so the belt doesn't slide up or down the back. We also want to keep a somewhat piked body position, as this engages the abs and takes pressure off the lower back. If you try and keep a straight body position with 180 lbs hanging off you, it will fold you like a burrito. Your body will naturally assume this piked position at the top.

Lower yourself down, just like you would in a regular push-up. As you come down, you will lose some of the pike position, which is totally fine as the weight will actually be pulling forward a bit, taking pressure off the lower back anyway.

Come down until you touch your chest to the bar then push back up, increasing the pike-ness of your body as you come up to protect the back. This does happen pretty naturally, so you probably won't even need to consciously do it.

The first time you try this weighted push-up technique, start with light weight...don't jump right to your maximum. Get an idea of how to do it THEN you can start sensibly increasing the weight from there. One difference between this exercise and the regular floor push-up is the path of your's not a straight up and down movement. This is actually a very good thing as the angle and arc of the push engages the upper chest more than the lower chest (because you're pushing up and back, away from the safety rail). If you're strong on the push-up and have been looking for a way to get some serious resistance with it, this is a GREAT way to do it. You can load it to the maximum without need a training partner to help you. This is an extremely effective way to develop the pecs with a bodyweight + weight exercise, through increased muscle fiber activation.

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Hooked Feet Elevated Bench Push-Ups If you're looking for a bodyweight exercise that targets the upper pecs, this is a great option for you. It's essentially an incline push-up that takes away one of the biggest problems with that exercise...the floor. When you do a normal incline push-up (feet up on a bench, body angled down), as you come to the bottom, you have to flatten out your chest in order to keep your face from hitting the floor. This takes away some of that upper pec focus on the exercise. So to solve that, you're going to be setting your hands on a bench (front edge) and hook your feet over a bar (or other solid object) to get your body at a downwards angle. Because your hands on the front edge, you're also going to get some additional tension by keeping yourself in place and from gripping the padding of the bench. To do this one, just set the bench a few feet in front of the bar - I'm using a bar set in the power rack and pulled up against the uprights. You can adjust the height of the bar to your liking.

Get your feet hooked over the bar and get your body straight. Now you're in the top position of the push-up.

Lower down then repeat.

It's a fairly simple push-up variation...the key is what you're setting yourself up on. As you can see in the bottom position, my head is below the level of the bench. This is what allows me to keep that declined body position and maintain tension on the upper pecs.

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Low Pulley Push-Ups Push-ups are obviously a classic exercise - when you think bodyweight training, it's usually one of the first exercises you think of. But, of course, I've got a new twist on the regular push-up that will just TRASH your pecs...much better than regular push-ups even though the exercise is pretty much exactly the same! So here's the'll be using the cable-crossover setup (you can also hitch a couple of training bands to objects about 10 feet apart - that works great, too). You're going to be doing push-ups with the two pulleys pulling your arms apart - this outwards tension puts extra tension on the pecs because even though your hands are planted on the ground, your pecs have to fire to keep the cables from pulling your hands out from under you! This means you're pushing up AND you're fighting outwards pull. Double trouble... So set about 20 to 40 lbs or so on the cross-over stacks and attach the single handles. You can add more if you need it once you figure out how this works.

Go grab the left handle. Then go grab the right handle.

Now get into push-up position - you'll be on your fists when doing these push-ups because of how you have to grip the handles. Your hands will also be in a neutral (palms-facing in) position as you do the exercise.

Drop down into the position as you normally would then push back up. The exercise is EXACTLY the same - the difference is in the outwards-pulling tension. This picture below shows another variation where instead of grabbing the handles, you can also attach ankle harnesses to the pulleys and loop those around your wrists. This allows you to do push-ups in a flat-palm position (like normal).

As I mentioned, you can use bands as well - just tie them on to the left and right and grip the ends in your fists, just like the cable handles. Works exactly the same way and it will fire up your pecs like crazy! It's a great way to increase the muscle-building power of the push-up.

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Low Pulley Push-Ups and Cross-Overs This exercise is a deadly combination of three different methods of resistance (and a fourth, which I'll tell you about at the end of the first part). First, you're going to be doing a regular push-up (on your fists) - no problem there. Second, you're going to be holding the two low pulleys of a cable cross-over machine in your fists while you're doing the push-up. These pulleys will be actively trying to pull your hands apart while you're doing the push-ups, forcing your pecs to contracting constantly and directly laterally while they're also being used to push your body up. Third, on each rep, we're going to balance on one fist then bring one handle underneath and across your body, similar to a crossover that comes across. This is going to add great tension to the extreme inner pec area. Combine all these into one exercise, and you've got a DEADLY chest movement (that fourth form of resistance is adding directly onto the push-up via a sandbag on your back, or weight plates, or a partner pushing down). Here's how to do set it up and do it... First, set the handles on the low pulleys and set a fairly light weight on the first time you do it. Kneel down and grab one handle then go over and grab the other.

Get into push-up position on your fists, bring the cables into the middle. Set your feet out wide to increase your base of support for when you're on one fist.

Come down into the bottom position of the push-up then back up.

Now the fun part...while balancing on your left fist, bring the cable underneath and across your body, squeeze and

hold for a second or two. This will light up the inner aspect of your pecs.

Bring your hand back out and set it down again.

Drop down and do another push-up then come back up and bring the OTHER hand under and across and squeeze.

Repeat until your chest is basically screaming... That's it! Now, if you're strong enough and want to add even MORE resistance to the movement, this is the next level. For me, it's a 70 lb sandbag on my back. It's the easiest thing to get into position for doing a weighted push-up. You can use a sandbag or weight plates or a partner pushing down on your back...whatever you've got available. It's a bit tough to see in this picture, but I have it resting lengthwise down my back. Same execution of the exercise.

There you have it! This exercise combines multiple forms of resistance to really overload the entire chest.

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Pike Handstand PushUps With Band The Pike Handstand Push-Up is one of my favorite bodyweight exercises for shoulders. It's extremely effective, being a step down from full-on handstand push-ups just in the amount of resistance you're using. You still get direct bodyweight resistance on the shoulders and it's a closed-chain exercise, which helps increase muscle activation. In this version, you'll need a training band (click here to see where I get mine). Use a small width band for these you don't need heavy resistance. What you're going to do is loop the band ends around your hands a few times so that you decrease the length of the band - it won't do you any good if it's too long.

Next, you're going to set your hands on the floor, stretching the band out so that it's trying to pull your hands IN as you do the exercise. It's this inwards-seeking resistance that your lateral delts have to resistance in addition to do the exercise itself. Set your feet on a bench and get your body into the pike position (bent 90 degrees at the waist).

Now lower your head to the floor then press back up.

It's a simple exercise and the addition of the band really lights up the lateral delts...much more so than with doing the exercise straight. If you've got a band to try it with, definitely give it a shot.

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Close Grip Push-Ups to Bodyweight Extensions Let me warn you up front, this is a TOUGH tricep exercise. It combines two of the very best bodyweight tricep exercises you can (other than dips) into an alternating-rep (inset superset) exercise. You can do this one with your feet on the floor to make it easier, just fyi...I'm using a bench to set my feet on because I'm insane and wanted to make things as hard as possible, apparently. Anyway, the set up as I have it requires a barbell loaded with a couple of 45's and a bench (if you want to use a bench). You can pretty much use any sort of rail or solid bar instead of the setup I have here but this is just what I needed to use for my gym. I set the loaded barbell up against the uprights of the rack and set the bench a few feet behind. So set your hands on the bar (overhand grip about a foot apart).

Set your feet up on the bench and get your body into a pike position. Lower yourself down into the bodyweight tricep extension. Basically, this looks like an overhead barbell tricep extension only instead of moving the bar, you're moving your body. With the body vertical like this, it's a TOUGH exercise so make sure your triceps are up for it. I would recommend starting with your feet on the floor the first time you do this one.

Extend back up to the top position. Now straighten your body and come down into a close-grip push-up. The difference with this movement from a regular close-grip push-up is that instead of coming straight down, you move forward and down.

Then as you come up, you come back into the pike position again so you're not just pushing straight up, you're pushing up and back. A little double trouble for you! Now just repeat these two movements, alternating reps of each exercise until you're toasted.

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Bodyweight Barbell Pike Push-Ups The handstand push-up is one of the best shoulder exercises around because it's a bodyweight movement. But what if you're not strong enough to do regular HS push-ups? This is a good's similar to pike push-ups done with your feet up on a bench only it's done with feet on the floor and hands on a barbell braced against something solid. It allows for good shoulder work with a bodyweight exercise with less resistance and not quite as upside down. To do this one, all you really need is a barbell and something solid to brace it against. I'm using the upright of my rack, but it can even just up against a wall or even set a couple of plates on the floor and use them as "doorstops". Set your hands on the bar in a pressing width then set your feet back about 3 feet. Now bend your hips into a pike position.

Now, keeping that same bend locked into your hips, lower your upper body down into a shoulder press type of position on the bar (in front of face). Then just press up. Important to note, as you press up, try to force your head down towards the ground. This pushes your shoulders back and activates the rear delts more strongly. This is a nice bodyweight exercise that can help you get some of the benefits of the handstand push-up without having to actually do a handstand.

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Cable Pike Handstand Push-Ups This exercise is a killer one for the shoulders. You're going to combine a bodyweight shoulder movement with outwards-pulling cables resistance. It really increases the tension on the delts while doing the pike handstand pushup. This is along the exact same lines as the regular push-up/chest version of the exercise - Low Pulley Push-Ups, only it's done for shoulders using a shoulder-focused push-up. So first, set a fairly light weight on the two cable stacks (this can be done with two bands as well, as long as you can tie them out wide enough to get tension) and hook on two single handles. Set a bench a few feet back from the midline between the pulleys. Kneel down and reach over and grab the left pulley.

Then reach over and grab the right pulley.

Bring your hands in towards the middle and set your fists on the floor about 2 feet apart.

Set your feet on the bench and get your body into the pike position - legs straight, torso straight, bending only at the waist. This is essentially an easier version of the handstand push-up.

As you can see, the cables are now pulling your hands outwards. It's up to you (and your delts) to prevent that from happening by actively contracting through the ENTIRE exercise. Now lower yourself down and touch your head to the ground. Then push back up.

You're not doing anything ACTIVE with the pulleys...they're just there to try and pull your hands out to the sides so you have to use shoulders to prevent them from doing that. It adds an additional dimension of tension to the exercise...tough and effective and killer for your shoulders!

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Band Supported Dips Let me just start by saying, even if you're STRONG with dips, this exercise is going to challenge you like you're never been challenged with a dip before. To give you an idea, I can do 50 reps of bodyweight dips but 5 reps on this version is tough. But don't let that scare you! You're going to LOVE this one. This is GREAT exercise for the entire upper body. Basically, instead of using bars for dipping, you're going to throw a couple of bands over a couple of bars and use THOSE for dipping on. The setup requires a rack but it's really easy to put together. First, of course, you'll need some bands. They'll need to be fairly thick bands because they'll be supporting your weight during the exercise. Click here to get yours at the same place I get mine. I'm using the green bands for this exercise and they're just about perfect for this one. So set the safety rails in your power rack as high up as they go then put two Olympic bars on the rails. Next, throw a band over each bar. You're tying the bands on, just folding them in half over top of the bars. Set your hands in the band loops.

Now get yourself ready to dip...Get yourself into the locked-out position. Here's where the fun starts...

Slowly lower yourself down into the bottom of the dip. Be very sure to do this slowly and under control. If you drop down, your balance will be compromised. Every moment you're suspending yourself (I probably should have called this one Band Suspended Dips, come to think of it), you're entire upper body is clenched to try and balance.

So you're in the bottom it's time to get back up. Use a powerful push downwards to try and get yourself back up. Because you're using bands, you'll have to push down hard to stretch the bands and get enough tension to raise yourself up.

With that big push, you're going to bounce up higher than where you started. Be prepared to restabilize yourself when you come back down from that bounce. Keep going for as many reps as you can get. This is a tough exercise but VERY effective. Your triceps, chest and shoulders will be on fire after just a few reps.

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Decline Dumbell CloseGrip Bench Press To grow the triceps, you need to hit them with compound movements such as dips and close-grip bench press. And I find the decline close-grip bench press to be the best can use more weight and I find it puts a lot less pressure on the shoulders. Now, I usually do the barbell version of the exercise, especially when going heavy. However, using dumbells gives you some options that you can't get with the barbell version. The dumbells allow you to use a neutral grip, which better hits the "horseshoe" development of the triceps. They also allow you to come down further than the barbell because there's no bar to hit your chest. So to do this one, all you'll need are a couple of moderate-weight dumbells and a decline bench. I recommend moderate weight with this one if you're getting them into position on your own. If you have a partner to hand them to you (or a set of Power Hooks that allow you to hang the dumbells from a bar inside the rack), you can go heavier. Here's how I do it when training solo. Set the dumbells on either side of the bench, then get set up in the bench. Reach down and grab one dumbell.

Then reach down and grab the other.

Set them on your legs.

Lie back and get the dumbells into position, with a neutral grip. No need to put the dumbells together at the top. I like to keep them in line with the shoulders.

Lower the dumbells down beside your chest. You'll notice that this is already a greater range than what's possible with a barbell press and it's the reason we're using moderate weight. Pause at the bottom for a few seconds to develop a stretch in the triceps.

Now, pushing with the HEELS of your hands, press back up to the top.

It's important to push with the heels of the hands to best activate the triceps. Once you're done, on the last rep, finish at the top then bring the dumbells back to your thighs. Sit up then lean down one side at a time and set the dumbells on the floor. I recommend that you don't drop them out of the bottom of the press for two reasons. First, it's VERY annoying and you can damage the equipment. Second, you can easily overstretch your shoulder joints by doing it. So that's the exercise. When done with a moderate weight and tight form, you'll develop GREAT tension in the triceps.

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Dumbell Bench Press Rest Pause - The Hard Way As you may have gathered from reading through this book, I like to take exercises and do things with them that most people would consider insane. To me, that's fun - and I'm guessing, since you're reading this, that's fun for you, too! Well, I've got another good one for you. This takes a simple, standard exercise (the dumbell bench press) and pushes it to a whole new level of challenge! For this exercise, all you need is a bench (or a ball - I prefer to do dumbell presses on the ball because you can wrap your back around the ball and open up your rib cage - much better effect on the chest) and a pair of dumbells. (don't mind the weight vest - it's not necessary for this exercise - I just happened to be doing all my training wearing one at the time). The first time you do this, pick a weight you could do about 10 reps with. Get into position on the bench/ball and do your first set. I'm not going to go into detail about how to do a press here - the fun starts in a few seconds!

So with that weight, do 4 or 5 reps. Now the rest-pause...but instead of setting the dumbells back down on the floor and taking a full rest, you're going to do something different... You're going to rest the dumbells on your chest! Basically, bring them together and set them right on your rib cage use your arms to just keep them in position but try to take the tension off the pecs as much as possible.

Why is this good? We'll, it's a way to extend the set without losing the tension in the upper body. This places great demands on the torso musculature. The other benefit? Power breathing. Inflating your lungs against the weight of the dumbells pressing down on your chest is tough and you'll really feel those breathing muscles working. Improving your breathing strength is a fast way to improve overall strength and endurance. So after about 10 seconds resting the dumbells like this, bring the dumbells back to the bottom position of the press then do another 3 reps or so. Repeat the dumbell resting on chest thing for another 10 seconds or so. Now finish with a couple of more reps. At this point, you will be challenging every major muscle group in your upper body. It's a tough one and well worth trying out! I found it to be an excellent way to improve breathing strength (as I mentioned above) and increasing bench press endurance.

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Calf Machine Shoulder Presses There are a number of variations of the shoulder press...barbell, dumbbell, machine, sitting, standing, etc. One of the things that a lot of these have in common is that when your shoulders are tweaked (i.e. injured, unstable or just "not quite right") many of these pressing variations can cause pain. Now, in some cases, you actually shouldn't try and push the issue. Overhead pressing simply may not be a good movement pattern for you. In other cases, you may just need an alternate exercise that doesn't put the shoulder joint in positions that do cause may be able to press overhead after all! That's where this exercise comes's an overhead press done on a standing calf raise machine. (Side note, you may be able to also do this exercise on a normal standing shoulder press machine if the handles are position in close enough - you'll see what I mean when you see the exercise in action). Even though I'm a big proponent of using free weight whenever possible, this variation has a number of benefits over the normal shoulder press with free weight, especially as relates to "tweaked" shoulders. 1. The weight is stabilized but you can still move your body relatively freely to find the best path of movement. This is important because one of the main issues with machine presses is that you're more "locked in" to the movement. You have to follow the path that the machine follows. This exercise (done standing), while stabilizing the load for you, allows you to shift your body around under that load to still find the right movement path for your shoulders. Granted, it's not as free as free weight, but if your shoulders aren't up for full stabilization duties, this is a good option. 2. This exercise is performed with arms pointing forward, which better "packs" the shoulder joint than "elbows wide" pressing (i.e. normal pressing). This helps better stabilize the joint and, I find, helps reduce and eliminate pain and discomfort from the pressing movement. Granted, this arm positioning does tend to throw more focus on the front delts, so you will need to take that into account with other exercises you're doing...basically, don't do any front raises. You can also work with this by moving your body under the weight as you come to the top, which helps put tension onto the lateral and rear delts as well. 3. You'll be performing this exercise with an open palm. I find this actually helps increase muscle activation in the delts, similar to fat grip training and bodyweight training.

How to do the Shoulder Press on the Standing Calf Raise Machine:

Start with a fairly light weight until you get an idea of how much load the leverage of the calf machine will put on you. Stand in front of the machine with a staggered stance then put your palms under the shoulder pads of the calf machine. If you have a shoulder press machine with the handles close enough in, you can mimic this position (hands 4 to 6 inches apart). Now press up. Your core and legs will work to stabilize the body. Shift your body as needed during the movement.

As you press up and the shoulder pads come up higher than your head, push your body forward underneath the weight. This will help activate the lateral and rear delts. This also gives a straight line of support through your entire body (i.e. you can draw a straight line from my hands down through my back leg.)

Lower the weight back down, shifting your body back then repeat. One of the other benefits of this one is that you can set the machine down in between each rep and reset your shoulder position. You can do continuous tension if you want to, but you do have the option to reset on each rep. You'll also notice this elbows-forward version gives you a tremendous range of motion in the shoulder also involves the triceps to a significant degree as well. It's very quick to set up and very straightforward to perform.

Bottom line, if your shoulders give you trouble either through injury, pain or discomfort and normal shoulder press with free weights is not an option for you, this version might be worth a try. It may allow you to do overhead pressing again. In addition, if your shoulders are fine, this is a GREAT shoulder pressing option to hit your delts with a different movement pattern.

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One Dumbell Overhead Shoulder Press Yet another in a long list of exercises where I'm trying to figure out a name for it that's descriptive yet not totally stupid... This exercise is a version of the dumbell shoulder press that will just LIGHT UP your side delts. First, you'll need just one moderate-weight dumbell. Use a weight that you'd normally be able get about 12 to 15 reps with. How you do this exercise is going to make it seem a LOT heavier. Set the dumbell on the floor. Bend down and grab it with BOTH hands - staggered, overlapping grip or you can have your hands sandwiched right on top of each other - you'll know what feels best for you after trying the exercise. Pick up the dumbell and get it set up at your shoulder like you're about to do a one-arm shoulder press (palm facing in towards your head). Your other hand will still be gripping on the dumbell.

Now press the dumbell directly to the overhead position. Now you're supporting it equally with BOTH hands. Now lower the dumbell down to the OTHER shoulder.

You're basically going to go back and forth over your head with the dumbell pressing it from one side to the other. The non-working arm actually still DOES get some work while you're pressing - you'll use it to guide the dumbell and help the movement by pulling up as you're pressing with the "work" arm. This really hits the sides delts hard first from the neutral position of the hands (it'll resemble a W press). Plus, that non-working arm (that actually IS working) pulling up on the dumbell keeps the tension on the area nicely. Finally, you're getting an absolutely FULL range of motion on the shoulder because you're going completely over your head and over to the other side each time. This one is a great alternative to normal shoulder pressing.

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Rolling One-Arm Push-Ups This is a very sports-specific version of the one-arm push-up...sports-specific for athletes who need to get up quickly and exert force while on the ground (sometimes in awkward or non-optimal positions). MMA or wrestling would be a great example of this. This one targets the triceps primarily, but also involves the core, shoulders and chest to a smaller degree. The easiest way to explain it is to show it to you. You'll be starting on your back.

Now roll over onto your front. Your arm that's underneath you should be bent 90 degrees. Set your "top" side hand on the ground right beside it. That's the arm you'll be pushing up with.

Keep rolling using the underneath arm to assist as you begin the one-arm push-up with the other arm.

Now complete the push-up all the way to lockout.

Now you have two options...the first is to roll back down to the same you started.

And go again into the same-side arm push-up. Or you can switch hands at the top of the push-up and roll down to the other side.

That way, you'll come up onto the OTHER hand for the one-arm push-up.

I prefer this method as it even balances the workload between the two arms, but you can absolutely focus the work on one arm at a time. Now, in addition to the one-arm push-up, you can add in a two-arm close-grip push-up at the top of every switch. It's very simple...when you're at the point where both hands are on the ground (after you lockout the one-arm pushup then set the other hand down), just come down into a close-grip push-up for one rep.

Then come up, lift off the other hand and keep on rolling. All told, this is a very effective movement...challenging, functional and actually kind of fun!

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Handstand Push-Ups The Handstand Push-Up is, in my opinion, THE single most effective shoulder exercise you can do. The mechanics are exactly like a regular shoulder press but, since you're moving your bodyweight through space, you active the shoulder muscle fibers far more. For myself, shoulders have always been my weakest link. I can't do much on the barbell press without having shoulder pain. Dumbells are better but I lose strength in that lift quickly if I don't keep up with it. Then I tried Handstand Push-Ups. The first few times I did them, I had a spotter, grab my legs and hold me up. If you're not experienced with kicking up into a handstand, you may want to try that. Basically, here's the handstand push-up and how to do it... Do a handstand beside a wall so that your feet are in contact with it (see the Kick Up section below). Your hands will be a little wider than shoulder width. Lower yourself until your head touches the ground then push up.

The Kick Up: Place your hands about 3 inches away from the wall. Your starting position will be similar to a sprinter's at the start of the race. The leg you will push up with is the one that is furthest back. Bounce down a little then explode your legs up. I like to do it with split legs, catching the wall with the bottom of one foot to slow things down without smacking my heels. Once you're up, straighten your legs - that's the top position! The kick up requires practice to be able to do efficiently and without smacking your heels against the wall. Wear shoes when practicing! Practice it a few times to get the hang of it. You want to do it on a mat or other padded surface the first few times.

Ensure you keep your elbows locked out or very close to it, and your elbows are stiff. This will prevent you from crashing down on your head, especially the more sets you do (even more so with negative reps). Practice with both feet to see which feels more comfortable. If you get more comfortable with one, it is still not a bad idea to practice with the other one as well.

The Push-Up

The way down is just the opposite. My preference is again, split up the legs so that you're basically dropping one leg down, then the other. This helps me keep balance and cushion the landing. Once the first foot is down, the other is already on the way.

The Drop Down

Tricks: 1. To focus on the delts more, turn your hands inward somewhat so that your fingers are pointing at each other a little (not too much). 2. A spotter can be used to hold your body upright and to help pull you up if you need it. If you want to add resistance, get a spotter to push down on your legs. 3. A great way to improve your pushing power is to do them with a bottom-stop. At the bottom of each rep, let your body weight rest mostly on your head, releasing much of the tension off your shoulders. This will eliminate any elastic force you may have in your muscles. This has the added effect of building up your neck muscles. At that point, develop tension in the delts then push up explosively. 4. Splay your fingers out as wide as possible. This will help with controlling your motion. It will also improve hand strength. Don't have your fingers flat on the floor, however. Keep them bent so that you can exert force. It will make your hands resemble a claw.

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Side-To-Side Barbell Shoulder Presses If you're like me, shoulders are one of your toughest bodyparts to develop. So I've had to develop effective ways to really hit my shoulders HARD and get the best results possible. This exercise is one of my favorites for building strength and explosive power in the shoulders. I've found it to be VERY effective for hitting the lateral delts as well, which is critical for building shoulder width. To perform this exercise, you'll need a barbell and a power rack. That's it! Instead of pressing the barbell from inside the rack, though, and taking a "traditional" grip on the bar, you will be standing OUTSIDE the rack on one side, facing in. You'll be pressing ONE END of the bar, using the other end as a pivot point. First, you'll need to set one of the safety rails up near the top of the rack - about forehead level is good. The other rail should be set at just about shoulder height. Set an Olympic barbell across these rails so that it's sloping down to one side. Load the high end of the barbell with at least one weight plate (45 or 35 lbs) to counterbalance the end you'll be pressing. Load the lower end of the bar with weight - start with a weight that is fairly light (if you can do dumbell presses with 50 lb dumbells, start with just a 45 lb plate on the bar) until you get an idea of how the exercise works. THEN you can start adding plates. Also, be VERY sure you've got good collars on BOTH ends of the bar - you don't want any plates sliding off. Now you're ready to start the exercise. Stand at the low end of the bar (outside the rack) facing in towards the rack. Grip the end of the bar with both hands (not overlapping but butted up so they're right BESIDE each other on the end of the bar). One will be closer to the end than the other - you can switch that grip on the next set to keep things even.

The press comes primarily from the right arm in this picture. The left arm is just for guidance and balance. Note how the far side rail is up near the top (about forehead height) - the working side rail is at about shoulder level. I'm standing on the outside of the rack facing in towards the barbell. I'm taking a staggered grip on the very end of the bar. Stand a little off to one side to start with here. When you do the exercise, you're basically going to be doing a press with one hand (using the other hand for guidance and balance), bringing the bar up and overhead then lowering it down on the other side. Then you'll repeat, going back over to the other side.

You can see why I call it the "Side-To-Side Shoulder Press." You start with, for example, a right-hand one-arm press, bringing the bar overhead and across then performing a left-hand one-arm press. You go back and forth until you've done as many reps as you can. When you're doing the press (especially at the bottom of the movement), be careful to use the other hand primarily for guidance and balance, NOT to try and pull up on the bar for help. That other shoulder will be in an awkward position to exert force and you don't want to risk injury. If you want to REALLY finish off the shoulders (I like to do this on my last set), when you're done with the side-toside movement, you can continue with a two-arm press directly to the front.

--Overall, this exercise is an excellent alternative to barbell and dumbell presses. It's a novel yet EXTREMELY functional shoulder exercise that has the potential to build excellent power and strength in the shoulders. The positioning of the bar, the side-to-side movement and the fact that you're gripping on a MUCH thicker portion of the bar all contribute to the overall effectiveness of the exercise. I think you're going to like it!

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Bench Step-Ups to Step Back Lunges This is a great lower body combo that will seriously mess up your walking ability... For this one, you'll need a bench (or a Step platform) and some form of resistance - I'm using dumbells but a sandbag across the shoulders works just fine as well (got pics of that, too). With this one, you're combining two lower body exercises - first you're going to do a step up onto the bench then when you step back down, you'll immediately drop back into a step-back lunge. It's a challenging exercise both from a strength and cardio perspective. So grab a couple of dumbells and stand in front of the bench.

Set your left foot up on the bench.

Now step up onto the bench.

DO NOT set the other foot on the bench at the top - you want to just stay on the left foot.

Now step your right foot back down onto the floor.

Now you're going to put your LEFT foot back into the step-back lunge.

Come all the way back down until your knee is on or near the ground then go all the way back up to setting your left leg on the bench. Then repeat!

Do your reps with your left leg on the bench then switch and lead with your right leg on the bench. You can do this on alternating sets (with rest period in between) or go straight to the right leg right after (as I'm doing it in the video).

Same deal - different legs. I mentioned using a sandbag for resistance as well - just heave it over your head and rest it across your shoulders.

That's the exercise! It's an excellent one for hitting pretty much your entire lower body in one exercise. Great timesaver, too.

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Barbell Switch Leg Split Squats Leg training...if you only know a couple of exercises for legs, it can be extremely boring...squat this, lunge that, leg press over...what else is left? TONS! If you want to hit the quads, glutes and hamstrings thoroughly, you need to learn as many variations of these exercises as possible to keep things interesting and to keep your body from getting used to any one form of leg training. And that's where unique challenges like THIS leg exercise come into play. This is a variation of the Barbell Split Squat that has an interesting twist...on each rep, you're going to switch legs...not at the top (which is WAY too normal) but at the BOTTOM of each rep. Basically, you're going to do a Barbell Step-Back Lunge then at the bottom of that rep, you're going to bring your front leg down and kneel on BOTH knees at the bottom, then bring your OTHER leg forward and come back up. It's deceptively simple and it present a great challenge to your body in a number of ways. First, when you switch legs at the bottom, you have to maintain balance with a loaded barbell on your back. This means plenty of core involvement. Second, once you've switched legs and brought your other leg forward, you will be starting from the bottom absolutely ZERO elastic tension in the muscles. It's going to be ALL YOU coming up from that position. This helps build power out of the bottom of the lunge/squat exercise and it'll show up on your regular lifts. Third, it's actually kind of fun because it requires a bit of skill to do. You're still working VERY hard (trust me on this) while presenting your body and your mind with something to keep it adapting and keep things fresh. The first time you do this one, start with just the bar. I don't care how much you can squat, you need to learn the mechanics of the exercise before you load the bar at all (even I did this and I'm a bit nuts :) I've got the bar loaded with 185 lbs in the demo here. Set the bar on your back as you would for a barbell squat or lunge then step back into the rack.

Now set your left foot back a few feet then come down into a Step-Back Lunge. Come ALL the way down until your weight is resting fully on that bottom knee. One thing to note here is that you don't want to come crashing down into the bottom position on this one...lower yourself under control until you're kneeling on the ground. We aren't doing a knee drop here!

Now here's where your core comes into play...bring your right leg back so that you're now kneeling on BOTH knees. The weight is now balanced primarily with your core.

Next, bring your left leg forward so you're now in the bottom of the split squat position again. When you're about to start the push up, here are a few things to think about. 1. As the weight gets a bit heavier, you'll need to lean your torso forward a bit to get the weight over the center of power of the exercise, which is the front leg. This puts a GREAT load on the hamstrings and the glutes. 2. Your back foot is important here...don't just be resting on the tip of your shoe. When you're about to push up, you should try and have the balls of your feet in contact with the ground so you can exert force with the back leg. Without that back leg tensed, you won't be able to get heavier weights up. It's not so critical with lighter'll feel the need for it as you go heavier.

Once you're ready to go, with a powerful explosion of strength, come back up to the fully standing position. Be careful with your balance on this phase of the movement. You should be familiar with barbell lunging before you try this exercise, just fyi.

So now you're at the top and you have two can repeat the movement in the same sequence (set the left leg back and down then switch at the bottom and come back up with the left leg forward) or you can switch legs (set the right leg back first, then come back up on the right). Whichever way you want to do it is totally fine. When you keep to the same pattern, you won't have to think as much as if you switch direction more frequently, which can be a bonus :). Here's what it looks like from the other direction. Step back with the right. Bring the left around and kneel on both knees.

Bring your right leg forward and get into position. Push yourself back up.

That's the exercise! It's actually a pretty simple concept and VERY effective lower body training, especially for athletics. This is going to target just about every aspect of the lower body in one shot and give your core some excellent stability work at the same time.

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Staggered Step Squats This one is just awesome for legs, I have to say. It's a barbell squat done with ONE foot up on a Step riser (or weight plate or whatever other solid object you can use to elevate one foot). The idea with this one is to allow you to good VERY deep on one side at a time. It's tough to drop down into a fully deep squat with both legs...balance and flexibility can be an issue. But with this one, when you elevate one foot, you get extra range of motion on that elevated foot while being able to maintain good body position for the duration of the squat. It also tends to focus more resistance on that one leg, even though you're pushing with both - the elevated leg is bent more, giving it weaker leverage, which demands more of it. So it's ALMOST like doing a one-legged squat but using two legs and without the balance requirement. The main benefit, though, is the ability to down VERY deep on that one side without the same issues you would face going deep on a regular barbell squat. The setup is's exactly the same as a regular squat only you set a Step platform in the rack. Just one is only need a few inches to elevate your foot on. You can also try it with a barbell plate (not stacked - too slippery to stack one plate on top of another then step on it and squat). A wooden block or other solid object is perfect. Get the bar on your back, step back with your feet in close together then set your one foot on the platform. Your feet should be a bit outside shoulder width for stability with toes pointed out somewhat.

Now squat down. The key here is that you want to maintain the bar in a horizontal position during the movement, not tilted even though your one leg is higher. It's that higher leg position that's going to put the stretch on the muscles of the higher


The squat itself should be done exactly like a normal squat...take a moment at the bottom to get a good stretch, if you like. I found that to be really beneficial. Having one knee less bent means it'll have better leverage and it'll be easier to get out of the bottom than a "normal" very deep squat. Do all your reps on one side then rest then move it over to the other side and do the same thing. I wouldn't recommend going directly over to the other side because really, both legs are getting worked no matter which side it's on. By going right to the other side, you'll just compromise the work you get on the second side.

Come down into the squat then back up, keeping the bar level.

Make sure you use a weight you KNOW you can handle for a deep squat even without the Step platform, especially the first time you do it. This type of uneven staggered height is a very different feeling on the legs, hips and core. It is a GREAT movement, though. I was really impressed with how well it hit just about everything in the lower's actually the first time I've gotten sore hamstrings from squatting! Really involving the hams with a squat is tough to do and this setup seemed to make it happen so it's definitely one I'll be including in my regular training more frequently.

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Bottom Start Front Squats This is a pretty simple technique that will actually help you get more reps in the front squat. Basically, you're going to do the exercise the power rack with the bar starting on the safety rails. You'll get into position under the bar at the bottom...

Then just perform the front squat exercise from there:

The reason you'll most likely be able to get more reps with this style of front squat is because the tremendous load the regular front squat puts on the abdominal wall. At the bottom, by setting the bar on the rails between reps, you'll take some of that load off and give your core a chance to rest briefly. This will help improve your performance in terms of training volume. It doesn't make the front squat exercise itself a whole lot easier, though, just fyi...just means you can most likely get more reps of it. The front squat overall is an excellent and underused exercise - this might help you get the itch to use it a bit more in your training.

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Dumbell Switch Leg Split Squats This is a great leg exercise that really forces the muscles to do the work by taking away any hint of elastic/rebound help out of the bottom of the split squat position. You do this by switching legs in the kneeling position at the bottom of the movement, coming back up on the opposite leg as you came down on. You'll start in a standing position.

Come down into the bottom position with one leg back - this part is like a Step Back Lunge. Bring your front leg back and kneel on both knees.

Now bring the other leg forward and get into that split squat position. Come up to the standing position again.

You can do all your reps in one direction then switch or immediately step back with the same leg and go around the other way.

You can also do another variation of this exercise where when you come back up to the top, you come up on only one leg and don't touch the other one down. This keeps good tension on the muscles at the top. Then just step back down and repeat in the other direction, again holding your other leg off the ground at the top of the movement.

It's easier to see in the video how this works so definitely watch that. This exercise in general is a very good one for the legs. It looks like it might be hard on the knees but I haven't found that when I've done it.

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Staggered Step Front Squats This is the "front" version of the Staggered Step Squat. Essentially, you're setting one foot up on a Step platform or block so that one leg is a few inches higher than the other. This allows you to put a greater and deeper action on that one leg while keeping a better body position than you would if you were doing two legs at a time. This also puts some unique cross-tension on the hip muscles and core as well. The execution is just set a Step platform to one side of the rack, then you get into position for the Front Squat. Set one foot up on the platform (or block or whatever solid object you're using).

Then squat down. The leg that's higher up will get greater tension placed on it because of the deeper stretch.

Do all your reps on one side then switch to the other. I recommend taking a brief rest in between sides because for the front squat, your core strength will be a limiting factor, as well as the fact that both legs still get worked even though one is higher up.

The "how to" of the front squat is the same as the normal version...keep the bar in close to your back, chest high, elbows up. Raising one foot higher up off the ground presents a unique challenge to the core with the front squat here, too.

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Elevated One-Arm Gripping Dumbell Squats This is a very simple concept in dumbell squatting...hold a dumbell in one hand and hold onto a solid object in other. This helps you keep a more vertical upper body posture to focus more of the work on the quads. To do the "main" version of this one, all you need is a dumbell and that solid object - I like to use a bar set in the power rack so I can adjust the height, but you can really use just about anything that's at about chest/stomach level to hold onto. It's performed exactly the same as what you'll see here only you'll be standing on the floor. THIS version adds a bit more to the range of motion by having you stand on a Step platform (or anything else solid it could even be a bench, a box or a barbell plate on the ground). The idea is to just add a few inches to the range of motion, allowing you to come down further into the squat. Because you're holding onto a dumbell, you don't have to worry about getting stuck under a bar in a deep squat and because you're gripping a solid object, you can use your other arm to spot yourself while using it to maintain good body position. It's a win/win. As far as quad training goes, this exercise is one of my favorites... Here's what it looks like: Grab the dumbell then stand on the Step platform - I'm using a 125 lb dumbell here.

Now just squat down as far as you can.

Repeat for 6 to 8 reps on one side then switch to the other (or you can go back and forth every 2 or 3 reps as well it's why I've got another dumbell ready to go on the other side).

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Curl Position Walking Lunges This is a great "metabolically-costly" type of exercise that hits various aspects of the entire body, to be quite honest. It's a simple a walking lunge while holding a barbell in the top curl position. When you hold a bar in that top curl position, this forces your core musculature to engage to support the bar...much more so than when using dumbells, when holding the bar on your back and even more than a front squat racking position. As well, it obviously engages the biceps while you're holding that top curl position, in addition to the even more obvious use of the lower body for the walking lunge exercise. Put together, this is a very demanding movement on the entire body...the upper body supports the weight in a unique fashion while the lower body does the grunt work. Use a weight you can support on the curl pretty easily - I use an EZ curl bar because it's easier to maneuver than a 7 foot Olympic bar. I'm using a couple of 25lb plates and a 20 lb bar, so 70 lbs. So start where you'll have some floor space to work with.

Curl the weight up to the top position and hold.

Now step forward and down into the lunge position.

Now push up and step forward with the other leg. When doing walking lunges, I like to go straight into the next step rather than touch at the standing position.

Go as far as you can then turn around. You can either lower the bar down to the bottom curl position here then curl up again, or just keep it at the top position and go again.

You can go for distance in the fashion...I like to down and back twice. You can do more or less, depending on the weight you're using.

This type of training is excellent metabolic resistance training. It involves most of the muscles of the body and has a substantial cardio vascular component to it, which is a fancy way of saying you'll be sucking wind by the end of it. Because here's the OTHER benefit of holding that curl stresses the intercostal muscles as well...which as the muscles between the ribs, which are responsible for helping your BREATHE. Loading these muscles while performing training that has a big cardio demand will really challenge you! This is a great fat-loss finisher type of exercise.

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Resting Goblet Squats The Dumbell Goblet Squat is an excellent leg, core and even upper body exercise. To perform that exercise, you simply hold a single dumbell in a vertical position with your hands cradled under the plates, like you're holding a big goblet in your hands. You hold that at chest level then you squat. This version of the Goblet Squat adds a small twist to the exercise...literally. At the bottom of each rep, you're going to rest the dumbell on end on first your right thigh, then stand up, then down then rest it on your left thigh. This is is going to hit the obliques and transverse abdominus to a greater degree than with the straight up and down version. The twist is very small...but because the tension is shifted over as you start out of the bottom, you'll get some excellent core work, especially when you start using heavier dumbells. So first, get a moderate weight dumbell...I'm using a 105 lb dumbell because I've done this exercise before. Grab it with both hands.

Squat down then rest it on your thigh then get your palms under the top set of plates. This is the easiest way to get a heavier dumbell into position for the exercise. Now stand up.

Now squat down, resting part of the dumbell on your left thigh. Take tension completely off the hips and core at the bottom...we actually WANT to start from a dead stop here to develop power from a dead stop. The other benefit here is that you can reset your lower back arch and hips on every rep to make sure you're in the best squatting position. Hold your breath when you being the push back up to stabilize the torso. Stand up.

Now come down and rest it on the right thigh. As you can see, it's not completely on the thigh...just really the outer half of the dumbell. We don't want to twist much at all - it's a very subtle movement, basically shifting the weight to one side rather than fully twisting. This weight shift is what activates the obliques.

Here's a side view of the goblet squat position.

This Goblet Squat has a lot of benefits and adjusting it in this fashion can increase the core workload very effectively without excessive twisting because, as I mentioned above, it's really about shifting the weight a bit rather than really twisting very much. The Goblet Squat in general is a great way to learn proper squat form...having the weight in front of your body forces you to sit back to compensate and counterbalance for it, which is what you should do with a squat anyway.

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MAX Range Dumbell Squats Let me just start by saying when I say MAX range, I mean MAX range! With this exercise, you are going to be using a bench and dumbells to achieve a range of motion in the squat far greater than what you normally would use. Keeping that in mind, if your knees give you trouble on a full squat, this might be a good one to skip. For healthy knees, it's totally fine and can even help strengthen them in that extreme range of motion. But because the range of motion is so great, it does put more tension on the area. That being said, your quads are in for a trashing! First, you need to get a couple of moderate-weight dumbells and a flat bench. Nothing to extreme about the equipment. Start lighter than you think you'll need to. Pick up both dumbells and walk over to your bench. To do this exercise, you're basically going to stand on the flat bench and do a dumbell squat. But because you're standing on a bench, you can squat down VERY far without the dumbells hitting the ground. In fact, you will bring them several inches below the level of the bench at the bottom of the squat! This will allow you to achieve that maximum range of motion I was talking about. So walk up to your bench, set one dumbell on the bench (still gripping it) then step up onto the bench, holding the other dumbell. Keeping that one dumbell on the bench is easier than trying to do a step up with both dumbells. Once you've got both feet on the bench, stand up and get yourself ready - top position of the squat. Now start squatting down, keeping the dumbells at your side. Keep going until you're in a full crouch!

Note in the picture above that I've brought the dumbells a little forward rather than letting them hang straight down. By bringing them forward, you keep better balance on the bench and allow you to squat deeper. If they're hanging straight down, you'll tend to lose balance backwards. CRITICAL: at the bottom, do not lose tension in your quads. Keep those muscles tight! We want to keep the tension on the muscles and not have it go to the knee joints. When you're in this very bottom position, you can let your shoulders hunch forward over your knees, as you move the dumbells forward. And rounding of the lower back IS going to happen on this as you get into that bottom position. Because you'll be using such light weight, that shouldn't be an issue. This one is all about max range, not max weight. Now, using muscle power only, squat back up. DO NOT bounce out of this bottom position. Like I said above, use a lighter weight than you think you'll need the first time you do this one. It'll really show you what full range of motion is all about!

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One-Arm Gripping Dumbell Squats to Step-Back Lunges In-Set Superset So this is a pretty complicated name for what is actually a pretty simple exercise, once you understand it. The In-Set Superset concept is where you alternate reps of two different exercises that share a similar start or end position. This is done instead of a normal superset where you do a full set of one exercise then right into a full set of a second exercise. I find alternating reps to be an incredibly powerful way to do supersets...much better than regular supersets...because of the change in demands on a muscle within the very same set. So with this one, you'll be doing a single dumbell squat, holding onto a bar or railing with your other hand. The holding means you can balance and support your body while doing the squat, which allows you to maintain excellent positioning to maximize the effect on the quads. The other hand gripping also allows you to spot yourself, when necessary, to push your legs even harder. It's a GREAT exercise just on it's own. Now we add a Step-Back Lunge in between reps of that (a.k.a. Reverse Lunge). This is going to target the hamstrings and glutes more. This combination exercise targets the entire complex of the legs in one set. All you need for this one is a dumbell and a bar to grab onto (I recommend something about chest height). I'm doing this one in the rack, with a bar set on the rails. You can also use a Smith machine bar or really any other solid object that you can hold onto - doesn't have to be a bar or using a rack. I'm also using a Step platform to get a bit more range of motion on the exercises. Elevating the feet means the dumbell doesn't hit the ground as soon when doing the squat and the knee doesn't hit the ground as soon in the lunge. It really increases the demands on the exercise. I'm also using two dumbells so I don't have to move a single dumbell around. First, grab onto the bar with an overhand grip - this is an easier way to get started, especially if you're on a Step platform. Stand up and turn your other hand around to grip underhanded.

Now squat down. Keep your torso vertical and go down as far as you can.

Come back up then get ready for the step-back lunge. In this first version, I'm stepping back with the right and the left leg will be stay forward (and will be the "working" leg). The dumbell will be on the outside of the left leg. Come all the way down into the lunge position, touching the knee to the ground.

Then push back up to the standing position. The way I was doing it was just repeating for 6 reps or so just working the left leg, then switching over and working the right leg. Because you're doing a squat between each lunge rep, both legs are getting pretty well worked. The execution is the same on the other side.

Again, I'm working with the front leg being the same side as the dumbell is on.

You can also switch things up and do the step-back lunge with the dumbbell on the opposite site as the front leg, e.g. dumbbell in left hand, right leg stays forward. This actually puts excellent cross-tension on the core, making it a good option.

I didn't do it in the video, but you could also very easily alternate legs on step-back lunges, while you're alternating reps of the squat. For example: 1. Squat 2. Step-Back lunge with left leg forward 3. Squat 4. Step-Back lunge with right leg forward 5. Squat etc. All while keeping the dumbbell in the same hand. Then just switch hands on your second set to keep things balanced. That would be a viable option as well.

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Pistols to StepBack-Lunges This is a challenging combination movement that has you alternating reps of gripping Pistols (which is basically a one-legged squat with your non-working leg coming straight out in front of you - the gripping version is done holding onto something for balance) and Step-Back Lunges (again, gripping for balance). This is a two-pronged attack on your entire lower body...the pistol has more of a quad focus while the step-back lunge has more of a hamstring and glute focus, so the combination of the two really covers just about everything. And the nice thing is, it can be done at home with very little equipment. I'm using the handle of a pulley (adjusted to be at stomach-height) but you can also just use a towel looped around a solid object like a pole or railing. Here's what the exercise looks like. Start by holding onto your handle/towel ends. Stand on one foot (you'll be focusing on one foot at a time here).

Come down into a full pistol, bringing your leg straight in front of you as you come down. The grip will help you perform the movement (normal pistols are done freestanding).

Come back up then WITHOUT touching your foot to the ground, go directly into the step-back lunge.

As you come to the bottom, you can touch your knee to the ground or keep it just up. You can also rest your knee

on the ground briefly, but it'll be a tougher exercise if you don't (recommended).

Come back up and repeat, going back and forth from pistol to step-back lunge until you've done your reps. Use your grip and upper body to pull yourself up for assistance as needed and for balance. Then switch to the other side.

Then stand up and back down into a pistol.

Once you've mastered that or if you're strong enough already, you can add in resistance, in the form of holding a dumbell or kettlebell in one hand. The execution is the same, except you'll be gripping with just one hand and holding the weight in the other. If you have a weighted vest, you could also use that.

This obviously going to be a fair bit harder :)

All in all, this is a nice exercise combination that can be very challenging even with just bodyweight, making it a perfect low-equipment exercise to do while traveling or at home. It covers all the major parts of your lower body and is extremely effective.

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Goblet Lunges and Step-Back Lunges The lunge and it's cousin the step-back lunge are a couple of great lower body exercises...very simple to do and very effective. The lunge itself is a very basic human movement and it's one you should definitely be training. This version of the lunge has you holding a single dumbell in a "goblet" position...dumbell held vertically at your chest with your hands underneath the top set of plates. This position makes the exercise more challenging by including more core and upper body musculature in the movement. Not only are you doing the lunge, but you're supporting the dumbell rather than letting it just hang. The beauty of the goblet lunge is that it literally FORCES you to sit back into the lunge. Sometimes there is a tendency for people to lean forward with this exercise...when you're holding a dumbell at your chest, if you lean forward you fall over. When you're holding it at your chest, you have to actively lean BACK to counterbalance the weight, making the exercise that much more effective for hitting the glutes and thighs and taking stress off the knees. The first step is to get the dumbell in position on your chest. I generally just pick it up with hand then set it on my thigh on end to get my hands under it (easier to see in the video) but feel free to experiment with your own methods.

Now, holding the dumbell just under your chin, begin the lunge by stepping one leg forward.

Come all the way down until your knee touches the floor.

Then push back up to a standing position, then do the same with the other leg. Step forward.

And come all the way down until your knee touches the floor.

When you've done your reps, set the dumbell down on the floor and you're done. So that's the "regular" lunge. Here's the step-back version. This one is actually easier on the knees if you do have knee issues because instead of stepping forward (which can put some pressure on the kneecap), you step backwards. So same position with the dumbell and in a standing position.

Take a big step back and start to lower yourself down.

Come all the way down until you knee touches the ground.

Then push back up to a standing position. Now do the same with the other leg.

Again, this goblet positioning helps force you to keep your torso upright, which can be extremely valuable, especially for beginning trainers who are new to lunging (good for everybody to remember, though).

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On-Bench One-Leg Dumbell Squat When you think leg training, generally the first thing that pops into your head is probably "squats." And the squat is absolutely one of THE most effective exercises you can do for legs, along with being a very basic movement pattern. THIS version of the squat is going to add another dimension to your squat training by increasing the range of motion, having you do it one leg, and challenging your balance. You may not be using as much weight, but you'll be hitting the legs in a very different way from normal squats. This is a nice variation to use when you're not looking to train the legs heavy but you still want to work them hard. For this, you'll need a flat bench and a couple of dumbells - I'm just using 25 lb dumbells here - you don't need much weight at all when doing these. You're going to make up for it with range of motion and the balance requirement (it's the balancing on the bench on one foot that works the stabilizing muscles of the calves extremely well). So grab your dumbells and stand up on the bench. Now stand on one foot, holding the dumbells to the side. Your other leg should be a little behind you.

Now squat down. Here's the you squat down, bring the dumbells in FRONT of you, counterbalancing your body so you can comfortably go WAY down...basically until your chest hits your thigh. DON'T set your other foot down on the ground unless you lose your balance (and that might happen the first few sets of this you do. If you do lose your balance or start to, just lightly touch or tap your other foot on the ground to

regain it then keep going. It's the constant tension on the working leg through a BIG range of motion that really does the job on this one.

Now push yourself back up to the standing position and repeat. You can do all your reps on one leg then switch to the other, you can alternate legs, or you can do a couple of reps on each leg alternating back and forth.

This is not an easy exercise to do, especially if you've not done a whole lot of one-leg training before, but I've found it to be extremely effective for hitting the legs with tension while still training relatively light. Just remember, the key is to bring the dumbells forward in a bit of a front raise as you come down to counterbalance your body, allowing you to keep better balance. I generally keep this one to about 5 to 6 reps per leg, because of the balance component. If you're interested in some challenging leg work, you're going to love this one!

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Speedskater Squats Though technically, you could call this exercise a "Leaning One-Leg Squat," I like to call these "Speedskater Squats" because of the position your body is in when you squat down...and you probably know how large the glutes of a speedskater can get! The lateral (side) aspect of the hips and thighs is something that is rarely worked in most training sessions...the "go to" exercise for targeting that area is usually the Side Lunge (which is also an excellent exercise, but can be awkward to perform). What I'm going to show you here today will have you leaning at an angle while you're doing a "lunge/single-leg squat" exercise. By doing this at angle, you work not only the Gluteus Maximus muscle, you also work the smaller Gluteus Medius and Minimus muscles that are responsible for abduction of the leg (which means moving the thigh away from the midline of the body). On to the exercises... Technically, the version of the exercise I'm going to show you with the towel wrapped around a solid post is a stepback lunge because you'll touch your back leg to the ground. I've also got another version (that I show using the cable machine) that keeps that back leg OFF the ground to make the exercise harder (I've got that one for you below). So first, loop your towel around the pole or other solid object and grasp the ends of it. Stand on one leg and lean away from the post.

Now drop down into a split squat position.

Then push yourself back up - that's it! It's a simple exercise and because you're leaning to the side, this is going target the gluteus medius and minimus muscles and their lateral-movement function (a.k.a. abduction - moving the thigh away from the midline of the body). So do all your reps on one leg then switch to the other leg.

You can very easily add resistance to this exercise by holding a dumbell in your free hand. The execution is exactly the same.

Then get even MORE stretch on the glute, set your foot up on a Step platform or other solid flat block and do the exercise. This means your back leg will have further to go before it hits the ground and stops the movement, increasing the stretch on the glutes at the bottom.

That's the exercise! As you can see, this is a good one that you can perform pretty much anwhere...all you need is something solid to loop a towel around and a towel and you've got yourself an excellent lateral-tension exercise.

Speedskater Squats With a Cable Machine I like this version with the cable because the handle is much easier to hold onto, allowing you to focus on performing the exercise rather than worrying about grip. If you have an adjustable-height pulley, set it about hip level and attach a single handle. Set the heaviest weight you can on the stack - you're not lifting the weight, you're using it as an anchor! Grip the handle and stand on one leg. Your leg should be underneath the handle with your body leaning away from the weight stack.

Now come down ALL the way...and when I say all the way, I mean it. Here's the trick...keep your other leg OFF the ground. It'll come close but don't let it touch...we want to keep tension on the working leg.

Do all your reps on one leg then switch to the other.

Same deal - come down but don't let that back leg touch the ground.

When you push yourself back up at an angle like this, it works the lateral aspect of the hips and glutes extremely well, in addition to the gluteus maximus.

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Countdown Alternating Sets For Legs Right now, I want to introduce you to a powerful and very intense training technique called "countdown alternating sets." The goal of this style of training is to "front load" the reps for two exercises...this means getting as much work done up front while you're still relatively fresh, then continuing the sets using decreasing rep ranges to stretch that workload and do more overall reps. And yes, it may sound confusing when I explain it like that but once you see it in action (and give it a try), you'll see exactly how it works and why it's so challenging and effective. You're basically squeezing as much work out of your body as possible in a very short period of time and it's INCREDIBLY productive.

How to do Countdown Alternating Sets I'll explain this one using a couple of demo exercises for legs...the bottom-start squat off the rails (also known as an Anderson Squat after legendary strongman Paul Anderson) and stiff-legged deadlifts. And just so you know up front, you can use this technique with just about ANY exercise combination. I prefer antagonistic muscle pairings like quads and hamstrings, back and chest and biceps and triceps, but you could very easily do non-related exercise pairings as well. The two exercises I used here are a GREAT combination if you're looking for some seriously efficient leg training. Literally all you need to train everything in your entire lower body is covered in about 4 to 5 minutes of training time. Start by getting your equipment set up and ready to go. For bottom-start squats, set the rails a little higher than your normal bottom squat position. You'll need a bit higher start position because there is no elastic tension to help you out of the's all muscle tension (which is great for the muscles but much harder in terms of the movement itself). I'm using this version of the squat for two reasons. 1. Reduced time to start the exercise. Instead of having to get under the bar, unrack it and step back, then do the reps and step forward and rereack it, all I have to do is get under the bar and start the movement. You can absolutely do normal squats if you prefer. 2. Increase muscle tension and strength development out of the bottom of the squat. As I mentioned, starting with zero elastic tension is a lot harder for the squat and it'll help with quad and glute development as well as building strength out of the bottom. For stiff-legged deadlifts, just get your bar set up right in front of the squat rack. No tricks needed there. Get under the bar and do 5 reps. For this bottom-start version, I recommend setting the bar down on each rep so

that you're starting from a dead stop on each rep.

When you're done, set the bar down and turn around do and 5 reps of the stiff-legged deadlift. When doing this exercise, your knees should be slightly bent but kept stiff. Keep your core tight and an arch in your lower back. I can see in these pics, I need to work on my flexibility ;). I've got 225 lbs on the bar, same as for the bottom-start squats. You should use weights that you could do at least 12 to 15 reps with straight through. I'd actually recommend erring on the side of lighter the first time through. The fatigue catches up to you FAST.

Similar to the bottom-start squats, I recommend setting the bar down on the floor in between reps and starting from a dead stop. I find this allows you to focus on engaging the hamstrings on each rep rather than worrying about coming back up right away. Also, it allows you to reset your back position at the bottom so you don't get excessive rounding. When you've done 5 reps of this go DIRECTLY back to the squats for 4 reps. When you've done 4 reps, go back to SLDL's and do 4 reps. Then back to squats for 3 reps, then SLDL's for 3 reps. Then 2 reps, then finish with 1 rep. Then you're done! (and you will be DONE). As you can see, even though I made it sound complicated in the beginning, it's actually pretty simple. You'll just bounce back and forth between two exercises, doing fewer and fewer reps. You're basically "chasing fatigue" with this rep scheme, decreasing the reps as you get tired. And let me tell you, if you've got the weights about right, you will feel GASSED probably on the 3 rep sets. But because you have in your head that next sets are only 2 reps and 1 rep, you'll keep going and finish it out to the end. For me, I only needed one round through of this and my legs were cooked. If you needed to, you could potentially do

one or two more rounds through of this, but don't blame me if you can't walk up or down a flight of stairs for the next two days (ok, you can still blame me). Give this combination a try in your next leg workout or try it with other exercises combinations. It's extremely timeefficient and incredibly powerful. If you enjoy hard training, you're going to LOVE this technique.

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Power Start Lactic Acid Training For Legs...One-Arm Gripping Dumbbell Squats Let me just start by saying, you're going to hate me for this one... Heck, I hate me for this one... We're going to combine one of my favorite fat-loss training techniques with one of my favorite leg exercises...resulting in a leg workout that is going to leave your legs TRASHED for 2 to 3 days afterwards (if you did it right, of course). The technique is Power Start Lactic Acid Training, the goal of which is to build up as much lactic acid in the target muscles as possible to elicit the Growth Hormone response that results from that drop in pH. Growth Hormone is CRITICAL for fat loss and for maintaining muscle mass while losing fat. Training for that GH response specifically is what we're looking for here. (Side note, be sure you DO NOT eat anything before training for this GH response...any insulin in your bloodstream will blunt that GH response we're looking for). To do Power Start Lactic Acid Training, your first set is going to be a moderate weight (70% of so of 1 RM) done for relatively high reps (20+). The idea on this first is to crank out reps as fast and powerfully as you can, without resorting to poor form or excess momentum. We're not looking for super-strict form...just good form with the goal of powerfully blasting out as many reps as you can before Lactic Acid buildup shuts you down. For the next set (resting 20 seconds between), drop the weight by about half. Now do another set, putting out as many more reps as you can. On these sets, we're looking for tighter form as the weight is lighter. You will likely get maybe 8 to 12 reps on this set as the lactic acid buildup will still be present in the target muscles. Rest 20 seconds then go again, going for as many reps as you can. Repeat this pattern of 20 seconds rest and as many reps as you can until you've done 10 to 12 TOTAL sets for that exercise. On the last set, be sure to give it everything you've got...push yourself to the point where Lactic Acid is causing everything to shake and your muscles just aren't functioning properly (it'll happen). So that's how to do Power Start Lactic Acid Training... You can do it with just about any exercise but here's the BEST exercise to do it with to target the legs. This one will really allow you push your legs to the limit.

One-Arm Gripping Dumbbell Squats To do this one, you'll just need a couple of dumbbells (2 sets, ideally) and a solid bar to grab onto that's about chest height. It's very simple. You'll be holding onto that bar with one hand and holding a dumbbell with the other. Then you'll just do a squat. Holding onto the bar allows you to maintain a vertical upper body position, taking all stress off the lower back. It also allows you to spot yourself somewhat, giving assistance when you need it to help continue the set. Here's what it looks like...(on this first set, I'm using an 85 lb dumbbell - I've got one set on my left side and one on my right so I can switch hands very quickly and easily, as you'll see in the video). When doing this first set of moderate weight for high reps, to keep the load even on your body, go for 8 to 10 reps on the left arm then 8 to 10 on the right, then keep switching and keep going as long as you can.

Switch and keep going.

When you hit the wall on this, move the larger dumbbells off to the side then get the lighter ones ready to go. In this case, I dropped down to 40 lb dumbbells.

You've got 20 seconds rest in between that first set and the second set that starts immediately when your first set finishes...NOT when you get the second set of dumbbells into position...(yeah, I've got my eye on you).

Same idea will probably need to reduce the reps on each side to about 4 or 5 because of that Lactic Acid buildup.

Rest 20 seconds then go again, getting as many reps as you can. Repeat until you hit 10 to 12 sets total (I did 12 sets in the demo here). On the very last set, put everything you've got into it. Push yourself to the absolute limit. And THAT is where the beauty of THIS exercise really comes into play. If you were doing a barbell squat, you'd have to worry about re-racking the bar. If you were doing a leg press, you'd finish at the top of a rep, not the bottom. With THIS exercise, you finish at the bottom so you can pretty much just fall to the ground. And you can use your grip on the bar to help pull yourself up out of the squat on the final reps, allowing you to push your legs to the limit. When you finish your last set, you are DONE with legs. And I can promise you, there WILL be lactic acid burn and you will be walking funny for about 5 to 10 minutes (watch where you walk...seriously...I actually accidentally kicked over my video camera by accident after shooting

this and I've never done that before). The next few days, the soreness will really start kicking in. One thing I do recommend is taking about 1000 mg of Vitamin C before your workout. That'll help mitigate the soreness that will be coming. So that's the technique and that's the exercise to do it with. If you're looking to really hit your legs hard, burn fat and build muscle, this is a GREAT leg workout to do it with. Keep me posted on how you like it!

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Barbell End Holds Grip strength is VERY important, not only for holding onto weights but even if you're just after LOOKING strong. After all, what can you see when you're wearing a T-shirt? Right, forearms... and I'm sure you'd prefer Popeye over Sponge Bob in that department. Anyway, this is an easy method of building forearms - easy in the setup, though the exercise itself won't be easy to do! First, set a barbell up in the rack, load it with a few plates then stand at the end. If you don't have a rack, just set the barbell on the floor and kneel down in front of the end. The rack rails should be just below arms-length when standing in front of the bar. Because what you're going to do is just pick up the end of the bar (the fat end, where the plates slide on) and just hold it up for as long as you can. It's just that simple! Holding the fat end of the bar is a lot more challenging to the grip because your fingers are forced open wider - you have to exert more tension in order to keep that grip. The nice thing about this setup is that you don't need a specially-made "fat" bar to do a fat bar grip exercise. The end of a regular Olympic bar is fat enough. It's a great grip-building trick that takes away the need for special equipment. As you can see in the setup, I've got the bar loaded with 225 lb and I'm just picking up one end of the bar. This also takes OUT the balance requirement on the similar grip-strength exercise that has you standing inside the rack holding in the middle of the bar. Actually, when I was doing this exercise, I had just finished a set of THAT exercise right before. Definitely challenging to the grip!

Hold for as long as you can with one hand, then switch hands and hold in that hand for as long as you can.

The nice thing about this exercise is the setup - stupid easy. I don't have pics of the kneeling on the ground version but it is just that simple for that, too. Just kneel at the end of the bar and pick up the end in one hand and hold. Simple but effective.

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Barbell Forearm Rolls There are multiple ways of hitting the forearms to work on grip strength and forearm size. This is a nice way to do it, using the thick end of a barbell, set on the rails in a rack. Set the barbell at a little below arms length when you're at a standing position. Stand beside the end of the bar and grip the thick end with both hands. Now start ROLLING the bar in your hands. Holding up the weighted end of the bar while rolling it is GREAT forearm work. Easy to add weight to as well.

This movement will obviously be easier to see in the video - roll it forwards and backwards for full work. You can also then stand at the end of the bar and grip the bar in an over/under grip and roll it in your hands that way, too.

This is an excellent way to incorporate some direct forearm work into your training sessions without having to do a

whole lot with setup. If you don't have a rack, you can just have the barbell setting on the ground and kneel in front of it rather than standing.

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One Hand Barbell Holds For grip strength, the simple exercises are usually the best. It's pretty much all about holding onto things as long as possible then increasing the resistance of the things you're holding. This exercise is a classic forearm/grip strength exercise. All you really need is a barbell, though it's better to do it in a rack so you can pick up the bar from the standing position rather than having to deadlift it off the floor. Set the rails in the rack to just below arms-length. You can easily adjust the height - you'll just want the rails to be low enough that the bar can move a bit without hitting the rails. Load up the bar and set it on the rails - I'm using 135 lbs here. Now stand in the rack beside the bar and grip it almost in the center. I say ALMOST because of how the grip dynamics work on the barbell. When you grip the center of your hand in the center of the bar, it's NOT actually where your grip is going to balance. Where your thumb and forefinger grip is where your center of grip balance is. So place THOSE in the center of the bar. Pick up the bar. You'll immediately feel where you need to shift your grip location on the bar based on how the bar tips. It's really obvious the second you lift the bar off the rails. Adjust your grip, regrip the bar then lift and hold. Hold the bar for as long as possible until you just about have the bar dropping out. Then turn around and use the other hand.

Hold again for as long as possible. You can choose to end the set there or keep going in a rest-pause fashion, going right back to the first hand and alternating until you pretty much can't hold the bar for more than a few seconds.

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Barbell Pad Chin-Ups This exercise uses a very specific piece of training equipment...the humble barbell pad. Most people use these for cushioning the bar when doing squats (don't ever let me catch you using it on the bench press to bounce the bar off your chest!). I'm not a big fan of it for squats because it tends to allow the bar to roll more easily. I AM a big fan of the barbell pad for working your grip...and you do this in a very simple fashion. This one specifically uses the chin-up, but you can also work it with just about any barbell exercise where you grip onto the bar. If you're doing it with pulldowns, you'll need two barbell pads.

All you have to do is put the pad on the chin-up bar and grip onto THAT when you do your chins. Very simple and VERY effective for the grip.

This works for two reasons... First, the size of the pad makes you grip on the bar with a wider hand. This automatically makes the exercise better for grip strength. Second, the squishiness of the pad means your forearms are constantly fighting to lock down the grip on the bar throughout the movement. When doing this for the first time, you'll most likely notice that your forearms and grip will fail first, before your back or arms. As you keep using this technique and developing grip strength, this will even out. When you get to that point where it's not your grip holding you back anymore, THEN go back to just the bar. You'll be amazed at how much stronger you feel on the bar. This is an easy and very effective way to add grip training to your routine without setting aside extra sets for it.

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Towel Chin-Ups The chin-up is a staple exercise of a good back routine. This little tweak can help you take it even further, increasing lat activation and increasing grip strength at the same time. It's also a great technique to use when you don't have a proper chin-up bar to do the exercise on. Just throw a towel over the top of the bar (or anything else that's solid enough to hold your body up), grip the ends of the towel and do a chin-up from there!

It's a very simple concept and VERY effective. The squishiness of the towel really challenges the grip and the increased instability of the towel on which you're pulling will help improve muscle activation. And like I said, if you don't have a bar, but you do have something you loop a towel over top of, you're all set!

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Cable Cross-Over Grip Clenching This is a nice little technique for working on forearms and active grip strength (not just statically holding onto something but actually clenching the hand, like with a gripper). This uses two single handles on the cable cross-over machine. You can use a pretty good amount of weight on this one, once you figure out how to do it, so don't be shy. I have an adjustable-height setup, so I've raised the cables up a bit. You can use the low pulley setting for this - it'll actually make it a bit harder because you'll be fighting gravity directly as well as horizontally with the cables. Reach over and grab the handle on your right side then step towards the left, bringing the cable with you.

With the right side cable (the one you're moving towards) still resting on the bottom (NO tension), hook the right cable in your thumb and grip the left cable in your fingers.

Now move back towards the centerpoint and begin the clenching exercise by bringing your fingers in towards your thumb in a clenching movement (duh).

It's tough to see from this far out so here's a closer view. Unclenched...


Move your mouse on and off the picture below to see it in action (I have it set up as a rollover image).

Do as many reps as you can until your fingers start to give up. You can also do a static hold/clench towards the end of the set or even just as the set itself. Make sure you use the other hand to help as your fingers fatigue - you don't want to suddenly drop the weight stack because your grip gave out. Repeat on both sides without rest - the one hand is completely resting while the other is working. This is a good one for working that active grip strength I was talking about above.

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Dumbell Forearm Flexion This is a good forearm exercise that hits the area in a different plane of movement than regular wrist curls or reverse wrist curls. Basically, it hits your forearms with your hands in a neutral position. It's VERY easy to set up - all you need is a dumbell. I prefer to work forearms at the end of workouts, so fatigue doesn't affect your grip in other exercises. This one is an easy one to fit in. Just pick up a dumbell by the plates (easiest to start with it standing on end on the floor).

Now tilt it backwards using wrist flexion.

Repeat! As you can see, it's not a tough exercise to perform but it's definitely effective. I found it hits the lateral meat of the forearm, which can help make your forearms look wider.

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False Grip Reverse Curls This is a very simple change-up to a common exercise that will really ramp up the forearm and grip work you get from it. The exercise is the Reverse Curl...and it's an exercise that is not often used because you really have to use a lot less weight on it to do it properly. This version requires you to use even less weight than that because you're going to using a false/thumbless grip on the bar. This forces you to squeeze the bar HARD with your hands and fingers while doing the reverse curl, really ramping up the forearm and grip work you get from it. This picture shows the false grip...thumbs on the same side as fingers, not hooked around.

Then just perform the reverse curl as you normally would.

A couple of sets of this at the end of your workouts will really pay off big in forearm development and grip strength.

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Flexed Arm Hang I have to say, this exercise is one of THE best bicep and grip endurance training techniques I've ever found. You simply do one set of this at the end of every workout (even if you trained biceps that day). First reach up and grab the chin-up bar then hop up to the top - you don't have to chin yourself up. Just get yourself into the top position.

Then you hold the top of a chin-up for as long as you can...just hold yourself there, flexing your biceps and holding on.

As you fatigue, you'll slowly start to come down. This could take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute or more in that top position. FIGHT this lowering with everything you've got in the biceps. This lowering should be VERY slow, not a sudden drop.

Keep fighting it.

Fight it all the way down, until your arms are straight, then hang on until your grip gives out, too.

NOW you have permission to let go of the bar. One set and you're done - this is why you do it at the end of a workout. By doing this after every training session, your body will very quickly get the idea that it needs to build strength and size in the biceps. Honestly, it's one of the best ways I've found to increase arm size quickly. Great grip and forearm training, too.

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Forearm Dumbell Preacher Curls This is a unique exercise for hitting the forearms - it looks almost like a regular preacher curl but done gripping on the plates of a dumbell instead of the handle. It'll involve the biceps and brachialis somewhat (when you do the curling part of the movement), but the primary focus is the forearms. So first, get a medium-weight dumbell. It's best to use the dumbbells that have flat plates - it'll still work with hex head dumbells, but it's a bit tougher to grip and you'll need to use lighter weight. I'm using a 65 lb dumbell here. The heavier the weight you use, the thicker the grip and the harder it'll be so choose carefully. Set the dumbell on end on the top of the pad then set your hands under the plates of the top end.

Now get into the bottom position...your fingers should be under the plates and your thumbs should be on top, squeezing the plates with your grip.

Now curl the dumbell up. Grip the dumbell HARD to hit the forearms. The weight you're using won't be too challenging for the biceps but it will put a lot of tension on your forearms, to keep the dumbell pinched.

Now you're near the top. The dumbell will be tilting away from you.

Finish the movement by pulling the dumbell to a vertical position - this is another forearm movement (like a wrist curl type thing).

So when you're doing this exercise, you're hitting the forearms isometrically during the curl and with an actual wrist curl movement at the top. Repeat for as many reps as you can until you feel your grip starting to slip on the curl up. Now you'll rep out with the wrist curl portion at the top. Keeping your forearms vertical, let the dumbell tilt forward.

Then pull it back up to vertical.

Keep going with this until your forearms are toasted. This is a great combination exercise for really trashing your forearms and grip strength.

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Make Your Own Thick Handles One of the single most effective ways to build hand and grip strength is by using thick handled equipment. It's one of the secrets of building a strong grip! You can buy thick bars and thick handled dumbells but what do you do if can't afford to buy those things or train in a commercial gym and don't want to bring your own equipment. You need to find a way to create your own thick handles and do it in a way that doesn't damage the equipment, is not permanent onto the equipment (like wrapping layers of tape around the handles) and is easy to carry with you. Being extremely cheap doesn't hurt either! I've got a solution that is all of the above... it gives you a much thicker grip to give you the advantages of a thicker bar it doesn't damage anything it's not even close to being permanent it's so cheap, it doesn't even matter if you wreck the can whip up another set of grips for pennies. So what is the solution? It's foam pipe insulation that you can get at any hardware store or home improvement store! 1. It's about 5 bucks for a package that contains quite a few lengths of it. When you use it for your grips, you only need a 5 inch sections - imagine how long a pack of 20 feet will last! 2. It's foam so it doesn't scratch anything. 3. The insulation is already precut along the length so all you have to do is open it up a bit and place it on the bar/handle. It pops right off just as easily. 4. It's lightweight and easy to carry around after you cut it to length. 5. Being thick foam, it also gives you an advantage over even regular thick bars. When your hands squeeze on the foam, it molds to your grip. Why is THAT useful? Ever try running the sand? When you you grip foam, you get a similar effect - it works all the small muscles of the hands and forearms because your grip on the foam is constantly shifting just a little bit. This doesn't happen with solid steel bars but it does with the foam. 6. Being soft, it is also easier on the hands - I've used this technique with very heavy weights and it works quite well. If have hand pain or clients who have hand pain when lifting, this really helps. So basically, all you need to do is go to the hardware store and get 1 inch foam pipe insulation. Take a pair of scissors and cut off two 5 inch sections from the end. What I'm doing in the pictures is measuring directly against the handle size of my dumbells. Cut the section off once you've got the size.

"Snap" the foam around the handle.

Done! The nice thing is, once you've got the foam cut to size on the dumbells, you can use the very same pieces of foam on your barbells. Just snap the foam pieces onto the bar where you would normally grip it. You'll notice a difference in how the exercises feel when you've got the foam grips on the bars and dumbell handles! It's a very effective and very easy piece of equipment to make. If you want to really go nuts with this technique, you can buy the 1" foam then also buy a LARGER 2" foam to go around that as well! This doubles the foaminess and makes it even more challenging to the grip. If you've got own equipment and want a more permanent, longer-lasting solution, that's easy as well. Just snap the foam on then wrap it around with duct tape a few times. It won't be going anywhere and the duct tape will protect the foam. Not pretty but it works like a charm.

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Pulled In Half... Hanging Hercules Holds Even though the name is a bit foreboding, it's actually not THAT're going to use two cable cross-over pulley set with very heavy weight. Then you're going to suspend yourself between these two weights and just hang! When done standing, this is known as a Hercules Hold...we're just adding the hanging in to make it even HARDER. It's a GREAT active stretch on your entire upper body and really hits your chest, back and arms strongly. It's going to challenge your grip as well. For this, it's going to take a little experimenting with the weight on the high pulley stacks. You MIGHT need to extend the cables a little bit as well, in order to make it a bit easier to get into position. Even if you don't ever try this one hanging completely off the ground, you can do it standing with lighter weight stretching you out to the sides and still get many of the same benefits. So to start with, your hand on the left handle. For me, I'm using a lot of weight to counterbalance my weight so I set the left handle swinging (you'll see in the video), so I don't have to haul the OTHER side weight so far.

Go over and grab the right handle.

Now grab the left handle as it swings back up to you.

Now get in the middle and HOLD! I've got my feet completely off the ground to maximize the stretch and pull on the upper body. As I mentioned above, you can also do this with less weight and with your feet on the ground still, just to get the stretch.

Hold for as long as you can then set your feet down and you're done! This is going to build isometric strength in your back and chest as well as grip because in order to not get pulled in half, you have to actively pull in against the outwards force.

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Barbell Plate Farmers Walks for Fingers The Farmers Walk is an excellent total-body exercises where you basically take a couple of heavy things and walk with them, held at arms-length at your sides. Simple concept and VERY effective for hitting just about everything. You can do these with dumbells, kettlebells, handles built for it, bags of dog food, you name it. THIS version uses a couple of barbell plates. The idea with using barbell plates is not to overload the whole body but to overload your finger strength. You'll want to use barbell plates that don't have built-in handles but that are solid. You'll grab around the lip of the plates with just your fingers and it's your finger strength that's going to limit how far you can walk. Simple exercise and a great way to finish off a training session.

When doing these in a smaller space, just walk in a figure-8 movement or however you like to do it. It doesn't matter how you cover the ground, just carry the plates.

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Barbell Hip Thrusts Upper Body on Bench This is a version of the Barbell Hip Thrust...instead of having your shoulders on the floor, you're going to have your upper body supported on a flat bench, allowing you to hit the glutes from a different angle and get a greater range of motion under tension. The Hip Thrust exercise is an isolation exercise for the glutes that allows you to use a LOT of weight. Don't be shy to push yourself with this version of the exercise. I highly recommend using a barbell pad for where the bar rests across your hips on this exercise to help cushion things. It's especially important when you start getting into heavier weights. This one is done in the power rack with a flat bench set just outside it, parallel to the bar. The safety rails should be set at about the same height as the bench.

Step over the bar and sit down on the floor between the bar and the bench. Roll the bar towards your torso then get your upper back on the bench.

The bar should be across your hips, right where they bend.

Now push the hips up towards the ceiling. The bar across the hips provides direct resistance against the glutes. Keep your core TIGHT! It's also supporting the weight.

Here's an alternate view of the exercise from the bar. You'll notice I've got a few more plates on the bar :) - a total of 405 lbs. That's what I'm talking about when I say don't be shy to push yourself on this exercise. In this one, I've actually got TWO barbell pads on the bar for extra padding.

Push the hips up towards the ceiling.

This is a great exercise that while technically an isolation exercise, allows you to really hit the glutes with some substantial weight.

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Sumo Stance Kettlebell Swings The Kettlebell Swing is a great hip-focused exercise that really involves a lot of muscles even beyond that. This version of the swing is very's the same movement only with a wider stance than the normal version. So instead of setting your feet about 2 feet apart, you'll set them about 4 feet apart. This puts a lot more focus on the glutes as the movers in the exercise as the hamstrings are taken a bit more out of direct alignment for contributing to the swing and the gluteus medius and minimus are recruited more strongly. I'm using a piece of equipment called the KettleClamp here...if you've got a kettlebell, you can use that instead. This equipment is a handle that clamps onto a dumbbell handle, allowing you to perform some (not all) kettllebell movements. Back tot the exercise. Set your feet out wide in a sumo stance then grab the kb handle. Start with a short backswing to build up some momentum.

Take a bigger backswing then really SNAP the hips forward, like you're trying to ring a doorbell with your hip bone.

Swing up to about shoulder/face height then swing back down. The snap of the hips is going to involve a LOT of glute contraction here, as well as upper hamstrings (hip extension). Go for POWER when swinging the kettlebell up. And if you can get it higher than your face, you need to go heavier. Here's the stance width straight-on view.

It's this wide foot placement with toes out that really activates the gluteus medius and minimus (they externally rotate the hip in addition to abduct the thigh).

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Bodyweight Leg Curls If you think your hamstrings are tough, I've got an exercise that's going to test them to the limit! It's a Leg Curl exercise, but instead of laying down on a bench and curling your lower legs up and down, you will instead lock your lower legs down and leg curl your ENTIRE bodyweight (other than the lower legs, of course). This one is AMAZING for the hamstrings. I don't care if you can lift the whole rack on the leg curl machine - this one will show you if you have REAL hamstring strength. --------So here's what the exercise looks like. As I mentioned above, the ankle/lower legs are locked down and the entire rest of the body is used for resistance. I have more specific points about the exercise just below the pics. Bottom line, you're going to using your hamstrings to move your body up and down!

Decline Board Kneel at the top of a decline sit-up board, facing the bottom, with the backs of your ankles hooked under the pads. Set it completely flat if you can, or use the absolute smallest degree of decline that is on there. If need be, you can put a plate under the low end of the board to prop it so that it is flat. This exercise is MUCH harder if you have any actual decline! Clasp your hands behind your back then slowly lower your upper body down, bending only at the knees. Curl up with the hamstrings. The lower you go, the harder it gets--don't go too far down when starting out with this exercise (this applies to all versions). You can increase the angle of the board as you build strength in this exercise.

Pulldown Machine Another way to set up is in the lat pulldown machine. Face away from the weight stack. Set your shins on the seat with your knees over the edge and hook the backs of your ankles under the hip pads. Drop the hip pads down as far as they'll go so that your ankles are firmly secured. Bend forward and curl up as demonstrated in the video.

Seated Calf Machine Alternatively, you can set this up in the seated calf machine. Put some weight on the machine so it doesn't come up as you execute the movement. You definitely need to counterbalance yourself or you'll shoot forward the moment you start to lean forward. Kneel on the seat facing away from the weight with your ankles hooked under the kneepads (set the pads as low as they'll go).

Decline Bench You can also use a decline bench that has removable and reversible ankle pads. What this means is you need to be able to take the ankle pad attachment completely off the machine and insert it upside down so that the pads are up in the air above the bench surface rather than below. Set the bench to the lowest possible angle you can. As you'll find out, the greater the angle of decline, the harder the exercise will be. At the bottom of the page, I will discuss a few variations that can be done very effectively using the decline bench.

Other Variations The zero equipment version of this exercise entails having a partner hold your ankles down (put a towel or pad under your knees). Your partner should lean down with all of his/her bodyweight in order to keep you balanced. If your partner is a fair bit lighter than you are, it may not work. If you don't have a partner, you can hook your ankles under something solid. If you have access to a Smith machine, set the bench in front of it and set the bar to a level just above the bench so you can brace your ankles under it. Use a foam bar pad if you have one as that will be much more comfortable on the ankles. Be sure to load the machine with enough weight to counterbalance yourself.

How to incorporate this exercise into your workouts: This exercise is a very difficult exercise that requires a lot of strength and abdominal stability. It should be done early in your leg workout because of this. It should also be done before you do any abdominal or lower back work.

Common Errors 1. Not breathing It is very important that you breathe during this exercise. Do not hold your breath. Release your air through pursed lips. 2. Falling forward Be absolutely sure to control your descent or you could hurt yourself. You also won't get nearly as much out of this

exercise as a lot of the value lies in the tension you get on the descent. Have something available to grab onto if you need to catch yourself quickly. 3. Coming down too far before you're ready to This exercise is easily modified depending on your hamstring strength. You should be able to identify the point of no return in the movement (where you know you won't be able to make it back up). Only go as far as you are able to (unless you are purposefully doing only negative reps).

Tricks 1. Using a bench Don't allow your knees to hyperextend if you fail. Just put your hands down to stop the fall. You may wish to place a bench or stool in front of you to spot yourself if you doing this exercise on an elevated apparatus such as a seated calf machine. 2. Bending at the waist Bending at the waist will make the exercise easier as you come up by redistributing your center of gravity. Your hamstrings won't have as much weight to pull up. 3. Pulling your butt back If you don't have the strength to pull yourself back up with proper form, simply keep your upper body horizontal and pull your butt back towards your ankles. Straighten up at the top. This technique works great for doing negatives and extending a set. 4. Adding resistance To add resistance, hold a plate or dumbell across your chest. 5. Negatives If you wish to do negatives with weight, simply hold it on the way down, set the weight down at the bottom, push yourself back up by holding onto something, pick the weight back up then do it again. 6. Adding some padding An excellent way to take tension off the knees is to fold up a towel and place it on the bench at a point just below where your knees will go. This makes the fulcrum (pivot point) of the movement your shin instead of your kneecap.

Decline Body Leg Curls This exercise is done using either the decline board or bench setups as described above. Set the bench to a 10 to 20 degree angle and set it inside the power rack. Set the safety pins on the power rack to what would be about shoulder height when you are standing in it (around 4 feet or so). The safety pins are what you're going to be grabbing onto when you start to get overwhelmed by the extreme tension placed on the hamstrings during the movement. This will only be a couple inches of movement! Get onto the bench and into the top position. Tighten up everything in your body, especially your hamstrings and abs. Let yourself drift forward just a tiny little bit. You should feel an incredibly intense cramping and burning sensation in your hamstrings as they struggle to keep your body vertical. Keep your hands ready to grab the safety rails. Go forward just a few inches, fighting the negative by contracting your hamstrings as hard as you can.

Remember to keep your abs tight and body stiff while doing this. Move forward until your hamstrings can't take it anymore (it should only be a couple of inches) then quickly grab the safety rails. Push on them only enough to help yourself back up to the starting position. This exercise, even though it has a tiny range of motion, places an incredible amount of tension on the hamstrings in what is very nearly their most contracted position. It is intense!

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Dumbbell Side-to-Side Stiff-Legged Deadlifts Most leg movements tend to operate in a straight up and down or forward and back type of pattern (e.g. squats and lunges). THIS exercise moves you directly sideways, activating the adductors, abductors and the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. It's a stiff-legged deadlift style of movement done reaching the dumbells from side to side. You'll want to start light with this...use a couple of light dumbbells (I'll show you a one dumbbell version as well). Set your feet out wide, toes angles out to the sides. Hold the dumbbells at arms-length in front of you.

Now lean forward and reach over to one side. Keep an arch in your lower back and keep your core tight. Feel for the stretch and tension in the same side leg as you're moving towards.

Come up then over to the other side.

I'm keeping the non-working side dumbbell a bit higher but you can also keep them at the same level, if you're flexible enough. Here's the side view.

You want to keep your knees slightly bent but stiff through the movement. Here's the one dumbbell version (this is an easier version to start with).

Hold the dumbbell by the top bell.

Then reach to the side and set the dumbbell on the floor on end.

Reset your body position, tighten up the core and arch the lower back, then pick it up and stand up then go to the other side.

This version is a bit easier to do since it allows you to set the dumbbell down on the floor to reset your body position. This is great lateral hip and hamstring work.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Dumbell Split Squats with Forward Lean This exercise is a GREAT combination exercise done using the In-Set Superset technique where you alternate reps of two different exercises in one set in order to focus the work on one common bodypart. In this case, however, both exercises tend to work the same general muscles (quads, hams, glutes, lower back), just in a different fashion. For this exercise, you're going to be combining a dumbell split squat with basically what amounts to a stiff-legged deadlift with one leg forward (hence the forward lean). Your leg and foot position stays the same the whole way just alternate between reps of one exercise then the other then you switch legs and do it again. This is an excellent exercise for developing the entire lower body as well as targeting the lower back. I found that this exercise did wonders for my deadlift, especially once you start working up to heavier weights (I'm using 85's for this demo...I've gone as high as 150 lb dumbells on it). So start with the two dumbells on the floor in the bottom of the lunge position. You'll want a moderate stance on the lunge...your back foot not too far back or two far forward. Once you do the exercise for a rep or two, you'll know where it feels right for you. Your front foot should be right in between the two dumbells.

Bring your back knee off the ground then lean forward and grab the dumbells. Keep your core TIGHT as you do this.

Now come up to a vertical torso position, which is the top position of the split squat.

Do a rep of the split squat. It's important to note the difference between a split squat and a lunge...with a lunge, you start with your feet together and step forward then come all the way back up. In a split squat, you start with your legs split already and just lower yourself down then back up. I find the split squat to be a lot less stress on the knees than a lunge as you don't need to stop the forward momentum of the weights.

So next come back up to the full standing position.

Now lean forward, lightly touching the ends of the dumbells to the floor. Pretty much all the tension is going to be on your front leg and lower back here. Keep your core tight and try not to let your lower back round over.

The come back up to vertical.

Once you've done your reps on one side (about 6 to 8 reps total is good, which is 3 or 4 on each exercise), then switch to the other leg. The execution is exactly the same.

Down into the split squat.

Then back up.

Then into the forward lean.

Then back up.

Repeat for 6 to 8 reps on that side. And you're done! Set the dumbells down on the floor. This is a great exercise (especially if you have a home gym) for hitting the entire lower body as well as the lower back. As I mentioned above, it works GREAT for improving your deadlift as well, by focusing a lot of work on the lower back and the functioning of the glutes, both in the split squat (hip extension accompanied by knee flexion) and the stiff-leg deadlift part (straight-leg hip extension). You will really feel this one in the glutes the next day, I can promise you that!

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One Dumbbell Sumo "Reaching" Stiff-Legged Deadlift This exercise is directly targeted a lateral movement pattern, which is not a pattern you usually find in most gym exercises. And THAT is why this exercise is so useful. By addressing the lateral movement aspect of the body, you strengthen a new set of muscles that generally don't get a lot of work. This leads to more complete development and improved athleticism. With this exercise, you're going to using just one dumbbell. You'll set your legs wide in a sumo stance, toes pointed out. The dumbbell should start over by your left foot. I'm using a 105 lb dumbbell here, so you don't have to stick with light weights the whole can work up to some heavy dumbbells. Now, keeping an arch in your lower back and keeping your core tight, right over with your right hand and grab the dumbbell.

Lift it up off the ground a bit, then move it over to the right side. You should keep in the bent-over position most of the way. This is about as high as you're going to come up.

Reach over to the right and set it down just inside your right foot.

Let it go then reach over with your left hand.

Lift it up and bring it back over to your left.

Then just repeat! It's a simple pattern and really targets the lateral-movement aspect of your body nicely. It'll hit the gluteus medius and minimus muscles in the hips, as well as hitting the adductors (primarily in a supporting role). You'll also work your core and lower back with lateral movement as well, which is not something your body will be used to. Overall, it's a great change-of-pace exercise that really targets your body differently.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Barbell Heel-Braced Glute-Ham Raises This exercise uses a loaded barbell and a flat bench to allow you to perform a jury-rigged version of the glute-ham raise. Set a barbell in the rack about 3 feet off the ground, loaded with at least 200 to 300 pounds in weight (so it doesn't move when you exert pressure against it). Pull the bar up against the uprights to lock it in place. Set a flat bench a few feet in front of the bar and lay on the bench so that the bench surface is mid-thigh rather than upper thigh.

Raise your upper body as high as you can, until it's parallel to the ground.

As you extend up, you're pushing against the barbell with your HEELS to really activate the glutes and hams. If you train at home and don't have access to fancy machines designed for glute and ham work, this is a GREAT option. It gives you much of the same benefits without having to have the actual machines.

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Horizontal Band StiffLegged Deadlifts I'm a big fan of adding multiple forms of resistance together to better match the strength curve of an exercise...such as using bands to increase the tension on the bench press as you come to the top. I'm also a big fan of using bands to redirect the tension on an exercise to more closely match the path of an exercise. That might be a bit trickier to understand... And that's where THIS version comes into play. You're going to be doing a regular barbell stiff-legged deadlift with a band attached to pull horizontally AND vertically (ends up being diagonally). I'll explain why it works as I show you the exercise (easier that way). First, you'll need a band, a loaded barbell and something to hitch the band onto. I used a bar inside the rack but you don't need to necessarily do that. It could even be the rack itself...for me, it was out of necessity because that's the best place in my basement gym to do the exercise without banging the bar into anything! So hitch one end of the band (a medium-tension band is good) to the solid object the put the other end (the loop) of the band over the bar. You don't hitch this end on because you can't hitch 2 ends of a band - you don't need to anyway (and put the band on before you load the plates on - it's easier that way).

Now stand in front the bar, grab it and roll it backwards a few feet so you get some stretch on the band to start the exercise.

As you can see, you've got stretch right from the start...your glutes and hamstrings are already contracting in order to keep the band from pulling you forward and off balance.

Now being the SLDL as usual. As you can see in the pic, you still have horizontal tension and not much vertical yet.

Now you're at the've got more vertical and you will lock out against the horizontal (which increases in tension as you come up and back). You can adjust this horizontal tension very easily by either moving yourself a bit closer or further from the solid object, which immediately slackens or stretches the band.

Now just repeat! Every single rep you do has that gravity resistance and the horizontal/diagonal band resistance to work against. I find this also really works the abs strongly because of how you have to pushing to keep your balance (core is involved with that) at the same time you're pulling the bar off the ground. Once you're done, just set the bar down and let the band roll it forward a bit.

THE NEXT LEVEL Now we come to something a bit more nuts that I tried just to see what would happen...and it really works well! Bit tougher to get setup but it adds even more tension to the hamstrings.

The original band setup is exactly the end hitched, the other looped. Now you're going to add ANOTHER band...hitch it to the solid object right near the first band. But don't loop it around anything YET. You should also make sure that second band is laid out underneath the bar. Use a thicker band for this.

Here's the fun part...set your FEET inside the loop of that second band.

Make sure you get it around both ankles.

Now shuffle yourself backwards. Take a few steps back to stretch the ankle band then reach forward and pull the bar back.

Repeat this until you get good tension in BOTH bands. The ankle band is going to be constantly pulling your feet forward, which you'll have to resist with your hamstrings and core the ENTIRE time you're doing the exercise.

Now perform the exercise as you did before.

As you can see in the pic below, you get gravity from the free weight, you get diagonal tension from the first band on the movement and you get horizontal tension on your ankles, which adds to the resistance from the other end.

This may look crazy but it really WORKS.

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One-Arm Barbell Sumo Stiff-Legged Deadlifts This one is a bit of a mouthful, but the exercise name pretty well sums it up. You'll doing a barbell stiff-legged deadlift, done in a wide-stance sumo position, using just one arm gripping on the barbell. This is a GREAT exercise for targeting the lumbar area of the back...not just the middle spinal erector muscles that work in the sagittal plane (straight up and down - imagine a saw chopping your body in half left and right movement in that direction is the sagittal plane), but also the lower back muscles that work to prevent rotation of the spine and torso (anti-rotation). Now working these muscles is much better done by using them to work AGAINST rotation...not to actually rotate, which is a mistake a lot of people make. Twisting movements aren't great for the spine...resisting twisting is a much better way to go. And that's what this exercise is all about. You'll be lifting the barbell in a fairly stand stiff-legged deadlift type of movement using just one arm, which puts uneven torque on the core/lower back. This forces those anti-rotation muscles to work hard to keep the body from twisting. This is a great way to train and strengthen those muscles. So first, load up your barbell. Start fairly light to get an idea of the movement and how it feels before moving up in weight. Set your feet out wide in a sumo stance with your toes angled out. The nice thing about the sumo stance is that it keeps your knees out of the way of the bar and makes the exercise a bit easier on the lower back. I find this wide stance really forces the hamstrings and glutes to activate strongly as well. Grip in the center of the bar with one hand. I recommend using grip assistance with this one as you go heavier. It can be tough to hold onto the bar as you start moving up in weight. Keep your knees slightly bent and make sure you have an arch in your lower back. Tighten your core and lift the bar off the ground.

At this point, you'll find out pretty fast if your grip is positioned correctly, depending on if the bar stays level or tips. If it tips, lower it back down and adjust your grip then go again.

You won't be able to come up all the way to the full lockout that you're used to with the two-arm version. No worries, though, as you'll be getting plenty of work on the lower back even so. Repeat for your reps on one side (4 to 6 - keep it in the low range for these) then switch to the other hand.

On the next set, start with whichever hand you worked second on the first set, so you keep it even in terms of fatigue and workload. This is powerful exercise for targeting not only the anti-rotational muscles of the lower back but also the deep core muscles as well, such as the transverse abdominus and the obliques. The uneven torque on the core forces substantial muscle activation to stabilize the spine, which is why it's so important to start light and work your way up on this one.

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Dumbell Side Rolls This is an excellent martial arts, MMA or wrestling exercise...especially useful for those who have exert explosive rotational power when lying on the ground. You'll be using the gluteus medius and minimus muscles (the abductors of the hips), to roll from side to side while holding a dumbell at your chest. And while this would seem to primarily hit the core hard, you will get a good hip workout out of it as well. Start with a moderate weight dumbell. In this first demo, I'm using an 85 lb dumbell. You'll want to start lighter than this until you get the feel for the exercise. Roll to the side and grip the dumbell with both hands. Your arms should be bent 90 degrees and you'll be holding the dumbell in as close to your body as possible, throughout the movement. Your same-side leg should be bent 90 degrees as's the hip of that side that's going to be exert force to begin the roll.

Push hard with the left hip while keeping the core tight and pulling that dumbell in tight to your chest.

Come up to the top then start the roll in the other direction.

Roll all the way over and set the dumbell on the floor (don't let go, though). The right leg should be bent 90 degrees now.

Push with the right hip and roll back to the other side.

Repeat for 6 to 10 total reps. Here's a view from the other side using a 125 lb dumbell (you can progress to pretty heavy dumbells with this movement).

This exercise will really develop the muscles that are important for ground work in MMA, martial arts and'll give you great rotational power on the ground and also teach how to really use those hip muscles to exert that power.

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One Leg Bodyweight Glute/Ham Extensions This exercise is a nice one for hitting the two major functions of the hamstrings in addition to the glute in one movement. I used the power rack rails to do this one but you can use a couple of benches or a bench and some other solid object. It'll be easy to adapt to whatever equipment you have available once you see what it looks like to do. I'll use the rack as the explanation as that's what I'm using in the demo here. Set the rails a few feet off the ground. I have a towel set over the one that I'll be resting my upper body on. The other rail should be set at the same height. Sit on the railing.

Now rest your elbows on the rail with your mid-back resting against the rail. Set one foot on the other rail...the forefoot area of your shoe should on the top corner/section of the rail as your foot will be rolling up and onto the rail as you do the exercise.

Take your other foot off the floor then let your working leg straighten out.

Now use hamstring power to lift your body up...your knee will bend at this point and this lower part of the movement targets the knee flexion function of the hamstrings.

As you come up, the pivot of the exercise will change and your hips will straighten out. Push your hips up as high as you can and squeeze the glutes. This hip extension also is a function of the hamstrings, in addition to targeting the glutes. Your back will roll up and over the railing here.

Do 3 to 5 reps on one leg then switch to the other.

I've got an alternate view of the exercise, too.

As you can see, it's not an easy one to do but it's a GREAT hamstring exercise that you can do with very little equipment and that doesn't put stress on the lower back like a stiff-leg deadlift can. It's a nice one if you don't have access to much equipment for training your hamstrings.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

My "Secret" Warm-Up Method This is the method I use at the start of just about every warm-up that I do. It takes just a few seconds to complete, yet can have a big effect on the quality of the rest of your training. The first thing you need to understand about warm-ups is that one of their primary functions is to get the blood out of the abdomen. This is known as "sequestering"...your body keeps a reserve of blood in the abdomen when it's not needed for activity. So the idea of the warm-up is to make the blood accessible. Most people try to accomplish this with a cardio warm-up, to "get the blood moving". Me, I prefer a more direct route that doesn't require extensive time. I prefer to actively squeeze the blood out of the abdomen using a squat position and the muscles of the abdomen, hips and upper body. This two-exercise combination isometrically targets just about every major muscle group in the body in addition to getting the blood out of the abdominal cavity and ready for use. I've found this simple combo cuts my warm-up time tremendously while still giving me the benefits of the warm-up. Here's the first exercise... Squat down and brace your elbows on the insides of your knees. Press your hands together and actively push inwards with your adductors (trying to push at the knees) while actively pushing OUT with the muscles of the back, basically resisting that inwards push. At the same time, bear down on your core HARD, contracting your abs strongly.

You can imagine this as literally squeezing the blood out of your abdominal area. The second exercise warms up the outer hips and chest, while still squeezing blood out of the core. Set your arms out the outsides of your knees then use your abductors (the hips and gluteus medius and minimus muscles) to push against your arms. Use your chest to resist that pushing by squeezing in.

Do this while squeezing the abs hard. And yes, this does look like you're going to the bathroom...just try not to bear down so hard that you actually...well, you get the idea. All in all, this is a very simple method for getting blood out of the core storage and ready for the rest of the muscles to work with. From this point, I go directly into some arm circles to warm up the shoulder joints then a light set of the first exercise I'm going to be working with. Warm-up done! You may need more warming up than this, just fyi...definitely give these two exercises a try in conjunction with your normal warm-up. You may find you don't need to do quite as much, which is helpful for keeping your energy up for the actual workout itself.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Side Step Goblet Squats The Goblet Squat is one of the best way to teach (and learn!) a proper squatting movement pattern. Instead of having a barbell on your back (which does require more technique, strength and flexibility than you might think, even at lighter weight), the goblet squat forces you into proper body position while also developing the frontal core support musculature. This version of the Goblet Squat includes lateral movement to help develop the abductor muscles, specifically the gluteus medius and minimus. The lateral movement pattern is rarely used in everyday life yet is extremely important in most physical activities and sports. There are few straight-ahead only sports outside of a running event. To perform this one, you'll get set up in the Goblet position, hands underneath the top plates of a vertical dumbell. Then take a step a few feet directly out to the side.

Now come down into a squat.

Push back up using that wide leg to get back into the start position.

Then step out to the other side.

Push back up with that outside leg and then repeat the sequence. This exercise is excellent for developing your abductor muscles (a.k.a. the ones that move the leg away from the midline of the body) as well as the gluteus maximus and thigh muscles. In addition, as I mentioned, this exercise does work the support muscles of the core (and shoulders).

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

"Sit-On-It" Dumbell Squats If you want to build bigger, better, stronger glutes, I've got an exercise that is going literally kick your butt. I call it the "Sit On It" Dumbell Squat and it's going to hit your glutes through two major avenues... 1. Extreme squat depth WITHOUT the knee stress sometimes associated with deep squatting. 2. Forcing you to sit back on your heels to promote posterior chain activation. These two factors play a big role in recruiting the glutes during a squatting movement...if you can't squat deep and you can't sit back, you're not going to get the glute development you're looking for from the squat. That's where this exercise comes into play. To do this one, you'll need a single dumbell of moderate weight...use something you could do for a single dumbell split squat or lunge movement. I'm using an 85 lb dumbell in the demo. It should be heavy enough because it'll be actually counterbalancing your bodyweight during the squat to some degree (you'll see when you see how it's done). Set the dumbell on the floor between your feet, placed as in the picture.

Next, squat down and sit on the back dumbell plates. Grip the dumbell handle up near the front dumbell plates with one hand (hey, I didn't promise it wouldn't be a strange-looking exercise ;). Squatting down this deep and actually sitting on the dumbell plates forces you to sit back and put pressure on your heels.

Now stand up, focusing on pushing with the heels. You'll be swinging the dumbell forward as you come up, which is also a dumbell hip thrust movement, further activating the glutes as you push the hips forward. When you come to the top, the dumbell will be resting against your upper thigh.

Set the dumbell back down and repeat. One key thing to remember is to swing the dumbell back behind you a bit more than you normally for a dumbell deadlift or squat. You want to get it behind you enough to actually sit down on again at the bottom. Taking the tension off the legs and glutes at the bottom I find really forces the glutes to activate when you stand up again. Continuous tension seems to focus on the quads...removal of that tension seems to force the glutes to kick in at the bottom. After a rep or two on one arm, switch arms.

Here's the back view.

You'll find this exercise also hits the core very effectively. The core is strongly involved in the deep squat movement and will be even more so because of the offset resistance of just holding one dumbell. I've also found this sitting on the dumbell to keep the stress off the knees much more than a deep barbell squat. The grip on the dumbell allows you to sit back and move from the hips out of the deep squat rather than starting with the knee from a deep squat, which is often what happens with barbell squatting. That is also the reason that some people don't get much glute work out of the regular barbell squat - the tendency to squat from the knees out of the bottom rather than pushing with the glutes. The glutes are most active in the squat out of the bottom...if you're not pushing with the glutes out of the bottom, the exercise won't be as effective for working the glutes. If you're interested in more programs and exercises for glute building, definitely check out my Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW! book.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Barbell Bench Straddling for the Adductors This is one of the most straightforward adductor exercises you'll ever do...all you need is a bench and a barbell (though you can also use dumbbells as well, if you don't have a rack setup to use for ease of setup). Basically, you'll just set up your bench in the rack, get a light barbell on your back, then sit on the bench. Next, you're going to clamp your knees onto the bench and take your feet off the ground. Then you're just going to SIT and hold your balance as long as you can, using your adductors to keep your balance.

This will seem easy at first but as you fatigue, it will get much harder to keep that adductor clamp on. Now, for this one, I actually find the barbell to be most effective as it puts the load higher up and requires more balance. You can also use dumbbells held at your sides as well, or if you're adventurous, up high on your shoulders or in a goblet position. When you can't hold anymore, just set your feet down, stand up and rerack the bar. It's very safe and literally all you have to do is set your feet on the ground. This is a nice finishing movement for your lower body and can help improve squat strength in addition to working the adductors.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Water Jug Walking Lunges The Walking Lunge is one of the most practical and functional leg exercises around. It's very easy to just step forward and down into a lunge, then step up and forward with the other leg directly into another lunge. Then you keep going. You can do it with just bodyweight...the next step is to add resistance. It is often done in the gym with dumbells, a barbell or kettlebells. THIS version is going to be done with a couple of filled-up water jugs...and in a very particular way. You're going to carry one jug up on your shoulder and the other jug at arms length at your side. This puts a lot of cross-tension on the core, forcing those supporting muscles to really kick in strongly while you're working your legs. It's an incredibly tough combination. I can promise you'll get a great leg workout, core workout AND cardio workout from this one. First, you'll obviously need a couple of water jugs (GREAT investment, btw - they cost less than 10 bucks and they're awesome training, you'll have water in case of emergency ;). I got mine at a camping/sporting goods store. I'm doing these out in my driveway (in the summer, even though I'm posting this in December).

Heave one jug up and rest it on your shoulder.

Now squat down and grab the handle of the other jug.

Now step forward a couple of feet - you don't want to take giant steps.

Come down into the lunge.

Step up and forward, without touching your foot to the ground at the top between steps.

Come into the lunge on the next step.

Keep going until you reach your target distance. Now set the jugs down, switch the one that's on your shoulder to the other shoulder, grab the jug on the ground and come back.

Once you're back to where you started, you're done. Rest about a minute or so then repeat for however many "sets" are your target. This is extremely functional training. The walking lunge, combined with the sloshing movement of the water in the jugs (especially while carrying one on your shoulder), really makes for a potent total-body exercise.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

How to do a 100 Rep Set of Push-Ups This is actually a fairly simple "how to" because basically, it's VERY tough to do a set of 100 "normal" the key is going to be adjusting the amount of bodyweight resistance you're putting on the exercise then the key is going to be progression (which I'll explain at the bottom). Very high rep training like this is a whole different animal from regular strength need to train in that range specifically in order to build the endurance and lactic-acid clearing capabilities in your muscles for those very high rep sets. So the way I did a 100 rep set to start with was using a bar set in the power rack a few feet off the ground. Set your hands on it at about the same width you'd use for benching then set your feet back and keep your body straight. The higher the bar is off the ground, the easier the exercise will be.

Then just do the push-up from there, lowering your chest to the bar and pushing back up.

Now repeat for 99 more reps :) Like I said, very simple. The nice thing about doing very high rep training like this is the tremendous increase in localized blood volume you get from it (aka the pump). With this high rep range, you force a lot of blood into the chest, which helps increase the capillarization of the muscles, improving the blood supply and improving their ability to get nutrients. And more nutrients = more growth. Now, the REAL key to progressing towards a normal push-up 100 rep set is adjustability...just record the height you set the rails at and make sure you get 100 straight reps. Next time, go down one notch lower. If you get 100 again in that set, go lower again. If you don't hit 100, stay at the height till you do. Basically, you'll have to earn your level. Eventually, you'll be all the way to the floor and doing 100 rep sets with regular push-ups. If this a major goal of yours, I would recommend doing this for one set and the start of each workout you do (no more than 4 times a week, though).

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

100 Rep Set of Inverted Rows The Inverted Row is a great bodyweight exercise for the back. I also like to refer to it as a Pull-Up Row, since that describes the movement more accurately. You essentially set your body under a bar then pull your torso up towards the're rowing your upper body up rather than rowing a weight towards you. It's a really simple exercise and one of my favorite introductory bodyweight exercises for targeting the back. We're going to work this exercise with the 100 rep protocol, which is actually a lot worse than it sounds :). Now, the point of doing 100 rep sets is not to build muscle directly. The resistance is too low and the rep range is too high for that. The point is to develop the microcirculation in your muscles...the high reps push a lot of blood through the tiny blood vessels in your muscles (capillaries). When this volume of blood gets push through, the capillaries rupture and create NEW pathways. THAT is what we're looking for. Because these new pathways mean more surface area for your muscle cells to get oxygen and nutrients and expel waste. You are changing the physiology of your body to better support muscle growth. If you have a hard time getting a pump in your back, chances are good your back development isn't good. This kind of training will help change that. So here's how to do it... Set a bar in the rack (or on the Smith machine, or pretty find something you can grab onto) to about chest height. Grab the bar with a moderately wide overhand grip then set your feet a little forward underneath the bar. Lean back and keep your body straight and stiff.

Now row your body up towards the bar.

This is purposefully easy. The high bar placement means you're not putting much resistance on your back on each rep, which is what's going to allow you to do a LOT of reps before lactic acid and fatigue kick in. Grab the bar and start rowing. Try and get as many reps as you possibly can...ideally 60 or more on the first go before you have to take a short break. If you make it to 100 reps, GREAT! If you don't, go as far as you can and take 10 seconds rest then crank as many more reps as you can. Repeat this "reps then 10 sec rest" cycle until you hit 100 total reps. If you need to, you can move your feet in a bit to make the exercise even easier. When you're done, your back will pumped full of blood no matter how hard a time you've had doing it in the past. This is exactly what we're looking for. Now, in the context of an overall program, you can use this technique a couple of ways.

1. You can either start or finish your back training sessions with a single set of it. 2. You can start of finish EVERY single workout you do with a single set of it (this is the more potent method as it will get blood into your back more frequently). This exercise is not particularly demanding on the body/nervous system since the resistance is so light but it has serious potential to improve your back extremely fast by setting up better potential for muscle growth. And yeah, when done right, 100 reps sets are brutal...just thought I'd throw that in there in case you were thinking it was going to be a breeze...

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Backwards Treadmill Walking The quadriceps (a.k.a. the quads) can be a tough muscle group to develop. If you've hit a plateau with your leg training and your quads just aren't keeping up with the rest of your body in terms of development, I've got just the solution for your lagging legs. You see, one major issue that holds back muscle development is lack of blood flow to a muscle. The greater the blood flow your muscle has, the more nutrients will get into the muscle and the more muscle you can build. If blood supply is poor, then you'll ALWAYS have a hard time building that muscle. So if your quads are lacking, you're going to love this one. This exercise specifically targets the quads and will give you a quad burn and pump like you won't believe. It's PERFECT for forcing a tremendous amount of blood into the quads and developing the blood supply to the muscles. For an example of this, look no further than speedskaters...they have massive quads and primarily train with moderate-load, high-volume training which results in tremendous blood flow to the quads (I know this from experience as I was a speedskater when I was growing up). Set the treadmill to a high incline and set it on a low speed. In the demo, I've got my treadmill set for 15 degrees incline and 3.0 mph speed. You may need to adjust the speed and incline to your own comfort level. Stand backwards on the sides and hold on tight to the side railings, being ready to catch and support yourself if you lose your footing. It's a very different feeling than walking forwards and you'll definitely want to be careful. Keeping in solid contact with the railings is critical. Walk at this slower speed, focusing on extending the thighs with each step, consciously pushing yourself up and back. Each step you take is like doing a leg extension (only without the shearing force on the knees because you're involving your entire leg, working as it's meant to).

There are two ways to do this... First, you can go for as long as you can, doing the walking continuously until the burn and pump in the thighs forces you to stop. This forces a huge volume of blood into the quads and works wonders on building them up if they're stubborn. The massive influx of blood brings in a ton of nutrients to help with growth. Second, you can do this as a five-minute "finisher" to every single workout that you do. Just hop on the treadmill and walk backwards for 5 minutes and you'll see major payoffs in quad development. It's also a great way to add a little extra low-intensity fat-burning work as well. Once you get more experienced with this backwards treadmill walking and feel confident in it, you can step things up and RUN backwards on the treadmill as well. That's definitely a more advanced movement and walking is the safer bet of the two. Give this technique a try next time you're at the gym...helping fix stubborn quad development in this fashion is one of the best uses of the treadmill that I've ever found.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Dumbell Swing Drop Set The Swing is a classic movement that targets almost every major muscle group in your body, though most specifically on the posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, lower back). It's one of the single best exercises you can do in the gym! This exercise is often done using kettlebells, though you can also use dumbells very effectively as well, if you don't have access to kettlebells, which is the version I'm going to focus on here...especially since it's not often you find enough kettlebells in one place to really do a style of set like this. Dumbells, absolutely. First, you'll need to get your dumbells lined up and ready to go (I'll explain proper swing form as we go through these here). I'm using a 105 lb, 85 lb, 65 lb, 45 lb and a 25 lb dumbell for a 5 part drop set. If you're starting with smaller weights, you can do 10 lb drops in the weight. The concept is a set of swings with the heaviest dumbell, roll it out of the way then grab the next one and do a set. Roll it out of the way and keep repeating this until you've gone though all the dumbell drops. The real key is to stop and drop to the next dumbell when you start to feel your form break down a little. DO NOT start using terrible form in order to keep doing reps. That's not what we're looking for. You want to keep doing swings with good form, reducing the weight in order to allow yourself to continue doing swings. By the time you've competed all the drops, your posterior chain will be WORKED. So grab your first dumbell. Set it on end, set your feet out wide (so the dumbell has room to pass between your legs on the downswing) then grasp underneath the top set of plates.

Take a short backswing then SNAP your hips forward to swing the weight up. The movement originates at the's not an arm swing.

Do reps until you feel your form about start breaking down (e.g. you're using a jerky motion or you're not getting the dumbell very high up). Grab the next dumbell and continue.

Rep out with that then drop again.

Rep out then drop.

And finally, rep out with your lightest dumbell. This will feel a little strange to be huffing and puffing with a light weight like this but it's still very effective training. Even though it's an explosive swing, because the weight is light, this will actually be hitting the slow-twitch endurance fibers effectively.

Set the dumbell down and you're done. Bottom line, this is GREAT posterior chain'll be hitting the explosive muscle fibers with the heavier weights, then as you move to the lighter weights, you'll be focusing more on strength-endurance. You will be challenging your cardiovascular system strongly with this one as well (believe me!), making it great for fat-loss training. I like to perform 2 to 3 drop sets in this fashion, with each run-through counting as one set. Rest 60 to 90 seconds between each drop set.

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Exponential Drop Sets With Deadlifts The Drop Set is a classic intensity technique used by those looking to build serious muscle mass. At it's simplest, you're reducing the weight then immediately continuing with the set at that reduced weight in order to keep working the target muscle. The idea of the drop set (often executed as a Triple Drop Set, reducing the weight three times) is to force recruitment of a greater number of muscle fibers by decreasing the weight slightly (usually about 10%) after reaching momentary muscular failure at the starting weight, allowing you to continue with more reps of the movement. Personally, I've used Triple Drop Sets in the past...and I didn't get a lot out of them. While they work well for some people, I found they simply overloaded my nervous system without giving me the results in muscle mass I was looking for. I was simply beating down my system and not seeing the payoff. That's where THIS drop set framework comes in. With this Exponential Drop Set technique, you're going to target literally EVERY available muscle fiber and muscle fiber type in the target bodypart(s) in one set. You'll do it by doubling the number of reps you do every time you drop the weight (that's where the exponential comes in). The first time I used it, it felt immensely better than the standard Triple Drop Set. Granted, it's MUCH harder but I believe the payoff is much greater because of the full-spectrum muscle fiber type targeting you're getting with it. You're going to start with a SINGLE rep of a near-maximal weight (e.g. 95 to 98% of 1 RM) to target the power and explosive-oriented Type 2b muscle fibers. Perform one rep (I'll be using Trap Bar Deadlifts to demonstrate this). I've got 495 lbs on the bar here for the first single rep.

Now you're going to do the first drop in weight. I reduced the weight about 10% down to 455 lbs, stripping off a couple of the 45 lb plate and adding a couple of 25's. One important thing to note here is that you don't have to follow these exact percentages...I've included them for reference. For me, I basically reduced the weight by what was fairly easy to manage mentally along with what I thought would work physically. Also, just fyi, the only rest you get is the time it takes to change weight. Now perform TWO reps with that weight.

At this load, you're still targeting the Type 2b muscle fibers. Once you've completed two reps at the weight, you're going to drop another 10% (approximately) and do FOUR reps. I pulled the 25's off and went to 405 lbs.

At this point, you're still working some Type 2b fibers, moving towards the Type 2a fibers...which are still power and strength-oriented but with more endurance. After completing the four reps, then I did another drop of 40 lbs (again, approximately 10% reduction), bringing the weight down to 365 lbs. This next set would be for EIGHT reps.

Ironically enough, this is when it really starts to get harder...the heavier weights are a bit easier because you're relatively fresh and you're doing fewer reps. Once you hit this eight-rep set, the waste products are building up and fatigue is increasing. The next drop will be done for 16 reps, which is primarily Type 2a still, while moving towards Type 1 enduranceoriented fibers. Now here's where I believe I messed up the weights a bit...I dropped down to 315 lbs (which is a 15% drop). In looking back, I should've done a 20% drop, decreasing the weight by about 70 lbs instead of 50 lbs, going to 295 lbs.

I managed to get the 16 reps at 315 lbs but it was VERY tough, which made things tougher on the next drop. So next, I dropped the next weight to 225 lbs, with the goal of getting 32 reps. This was approximately a 30% reduction in weight. I only managed to hit 16 reps with that weight because of the accumulation of fatigue and waste products.

In looking back, I would've done a 40 to 50% drop in weight at that point, more closely mimicking the exponential rep increase with a more exponential weight reduction. This would've allowed me to have a chance at getting that 32 rep set....and believe me, at that point, there will be no 64 rep set. This 32 rep range would definitely target the slow-twitch Type 1 muscle fibers. --So here's what the overall framework of the Exponential Drop Set looks like: SET




Set 1

1 rep

95 to 98% of 1 RM

495 lbs

Set 2

2 reps

10% drop

455 lbs

Set 3

4 reps

10% drop

405 lbs

Set 4

8 reps

10% drop

365 lbs

Set 5

16 reps

20 to 35% drop

295 lbs

Set 6

32 reps

40 to 50% drop

135 lbs

This type of framework can be easily applied to any compound exercise (it'll work better on compound than with isolation exercises). I would definitely recommend planning out your weight drops before you do the set so you know exactly what weight you're switching to so you don't waste time trying to figure it out. And yes, if you try it with deadlifts, you will hate me the next day. After doing this technique, I experienced a degree of deep soreness I hadn't experienced in years with the deadlift. So if you're looking for something to shake up your training, give this Exponential Drop Set technique a shot. It'll target all your major muscle fiber types in one shot very effectively.

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High Rep POWER OneArm Dumbell Rows This exercise technique is all about CRANKING out as many reps as you possibly can as FAST as you possibly can using reasonable form. You'll notice I didn't say "perfect" form... Here's the thing...the one arm dumbell row exercise is very well suited to high-rep, power type training. You CAN do it with very strict form and get good results but I like to do it with power and aggression. That's where THIS version comes're going to take a moderately heavy weight (I'm using a 105 lb dumbell). Just set it by the bench like you're going to do a "normal" set. Do this exercise FIRST in your back routine. You're only good to need one or maybe two sets. That's it. The idea here really is to just CRANK out the reps. I think I hit 30 reps with my right arm and 25 with my left in the video demo. HOW you do this exercise is important in terms of getting those reps.

So first, get yourself into position for the exercise. Notice how my left knee is on the bench but my right leg is wide and out to the side. This creates a much bigger base of support than trying to bring the dumbell up outside your thigh. Honestly, if you bring the dumbell up on the outside of your leg, you'll NEVER maximize the amount of weight you can do with it. It has to come up INSIDE your leg or it's outside your base of support - this is important to remember.

So here's the start position. Notice where on the dumbell I'm gripping hand is right up near the front plates. This is THE best position for maintaining a grip on the bar. The dumbell plates are actually partly supported on your wrist. With this grip, your grip strength won't really be a limiting factor.

Top position. Looks like the normal top position right? Well, it basically is. The key is how you GET to that top position... As fast and powerfully as you can!

The other key...not much in the way of a negative and DO NOT come all the way down into a full stretch at the bottom. As you lower the dumbell down, when you get around knee level, immediately reverse direction and power the dumbell back up. The key here is that you're not trying to keep tension on the're trying to get maximum performance, meaning as many reps as possible.

So don't try and squeeze...don't try and get a full stretch...just CRANK out reps. The video shows this best. It looks like a shortened range of motion because it IS shorter than the full "reach forward/stretch out" kind of one arm row you might be used to. It's still a full range of motion in terms of a row...just not the normal "strict" range. So hammer out as many reps as you can then switch sides. Take about 10 to 20 brief rest in between're going to be huffing and puffing.

Hard to see the movement on the other side but you get the idea.

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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High-Rep Rest-Pause Bench Press Don't be afraid of high reps...they can actually be quite useful for building muscle, especially if you normally do nothing but low rep training! They're great for forcing a lot of blood into the target muscles and for when your body needs a break from heavy training. This is a variation of high-rep training...instead of going straight through and doing very high reps (e.g. 30+ reps all at once), you will instead use the rest-pause style of training where you do reps then stop, then do more reps than stop. You'll still be doing high reps but just in broken-up blocks of reps until you get to your target or you can't get any more reps. For this example in bench press, I'm doing 50 reps, broken up into mini-sets of 5 reps each with 10 seconds rest between sets (you can go upwards of 100 reps as well). You still get the benefits of the high-rep training but it also allows you to use more weight in the sets so you're not lifting as light. It's a nice mash-up. The 10 second breaks allow your body to flush out waste products (like lactic acid) and rebuild some energy stores. You'll be able to get many more reps using this technique than you could doing straight-through sets of high-reps. Here's a few pics of the bench press - I'm just using 135 lbs on this one and ended up with 10 mini-sets of 5 reps.

The pace should be quick and explosive on these lightweight sets. We're not looking to go slow and steady here. The video will show you what the technique looks like. Basically: 5 reps bench

10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest 5 reps bench 10 seconds rest This really does force a LOT of blood into the target muscles. The last few sets of 5 reps will get harder and harder.

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Isometric Barbell Bottom Squat Holds This exercise targets the bottom position of the squat with an isometric hold...great for fighters holding the "ready" position. And the beauty of it is, you're not holding the weight on your back, so back strength will not be a limiting factor. This will ALL come down to thigh strength and endurance. You can do this one in the rack or'll work the same either way. The rack makes it easier to get the bar into position and will allow you push yourself longer without having to worry about what to do with the bar when you're done. Stand up with the bar, just like doing a deadlift. I recommend using a barbell'll allow you to use more weight in more comfort.

Now squat down, holding the bar on your upper thighs. Once you're down in the bottom squat position, brace your elbows against the bar (just like a skier would do in the tuck position). Now just hold in that position for as long as you can.

When you're done, just grab the bar and stand up! Very simple and very effective. This is the perfect way to train the bottom squat position without putting any stress or strain on your back and removing the back as a limiting factor (or the bar sliding down your back). It also allows you to really load that position with substantial weight. You're only limited by how much you can stand having resting on your thighs (which is where the barbell pad comes in handy). To use this exercise, I would recommend finishing off your leg workouts with it. Also, if you wanted to really prioritize the legs and bottom squat strength, you could finish every single workout with one set of this done to failure. Very simple and very effective!

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Water Jug and Sandbag Carrying Carrying heavy objects is one of the simplest and most effective things you can for "at home" strength training and fat-loss. It's also among the most practical and "functional" training you can...after all, who doesn't carry things on a regular basis! I've used heavy carries to build short-term strength as well as develop some serious strength/endurance (the ability to exert strength over and extended period) with longer carries. The best part is, you don't need expensive can work with items you already have around the house or that you can pick up at department or sporting goods stores for cheap. One of my favorite implements is the water jug...I've got a pair of 7 gallon water jugs that I bought at the Bass Pro Shop (a camping/fishing/sports store chain) for about 8 bucks each. When filled, they weigh about 60 lbs each. I've also got a 70 lb sandbag that I use for carrying training that I picked up from my friend Coach Josh Henkin (click here to learn more about sandbags and get one now - his are top quality). I'm going to go through a few different variations of water jug carrying first, then show some combo carries with a sandbag. With the carries, I generally like to go for a set distance then stop and turn around come back...e.g. 100 yards. Then I do it like interval training for reps. What I've also done is long-distance carrying, taking one water jug for a 2 mile walk, never letting the jug touch the ground, switching around between a variety of carry styles such as suitcase, chest, on-shoulder, etc. That's more advanced training and definitely VERY effective. The basic carries for water jugs are one at a time and two at a time (one in each hand) like a Farmers Walk. Nothing too crazy there. Just grab a jug and start walking. The one hand hits the side abdominal wall very strongly.

This next version is the bear hug carry (or whatever you want to call it)...just hold underneath the jug at arms-length and carry.

For the on-shoulder carry, this is how I like to get the jug into position. First grab it by the handle then set it on your thigh to get your hands underneath it.

Then use both hands to bring it around then push up and back onto the shoulder. This is easier to see in the video, so definitely watch that to get an idea of how it's done. It should be pretty solid when you get it fully up on your shoulder and braced against your head. You should be able to walk with your other hand free...your "working" side hand should be on the top corner of the jug to stabilize it.

Then just walk from there. When you switch to the other side, you can set it all the way back down on the ground, or bring it back down to chest level (arms under) then shift it back over to the other side and push it up onto that other shoulder.

Learning this shoulder carry is something I highly's very versatile and allows you to carry without taxing the grip. The next version is a dual carry...I've got a water jug in one hand and the sandbag over the other shoulder. This puts great cross-tension on the core support muscles.

Be sure to switch it up on the way back. You can also do a dual carry Farmers Walk style, holding both in your hands. The different weights and grips will make it a unique challenge.

One of the most BRUTAL types of carries I've done is the Walking Lunge Shoulder Carry. Bring the jug up to the shoulder carry position then do walking lunges with it. The instability of the water shifting around coupled with the off-kilter loading of the jugs really make this a challenging exercise.

The next type of carry is a high-chest carry, holding the water jug up higher than with the "bear hug" carry. This works the biceps more in the carrying movement.

This is a sandbag carry similar to a front squat position.

This is a Zercher position (almost) where the sandbag is cradled in the forearms. This is tough on the core and the biceps.

These are all great examples of different carrying styles you can work with. For the majority of these, I recommend interval style training, going a certain distance, taking a short rest then coming back. And as I mentioned, I like to use the single jug walking with a variety of positions to do strengthendurance training, taking the water jug for a long walk. Yes, you will get some strange looks if you do these in a populated area but bottom line, who cares? Don't go through life worrying about what other people think of you...they're usually too busy worry about what YOU think of THEM!

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Band-Spotted Very-High Rep Close Grip Push-Ups This is a very simple concept...use a band to help you get a LOT more reps in the close grip push-up. This can be used very effectively whether you're a total beginner (for just doing the exercise without being on the knees) or for advanced trainers (who want to get VERY high reps on the exercise). Now, if you're able to do at least 20+ reps on the regular close-grip push-up, you'll want to aim for a LOT of reps with least 50 or more. This high rep range is excellent for targeting the type 1 endurance-oriented muscle fibers, which rarely get worked in normal weight training. The very high rep range is also excellent for developing microcirculation in the muscles. You see, when you do higher- rep sets like this, it forces a lot of blood into the muscles. This actually ruptures the capillaries (the tiny blood vessels where nutrient and oxygen exchange take place), forging new capillary paths. And more new paths means greater blood supply to the muscles in general, which helps with long-term muscle growth. This is a very effective way to target stubborn muscles that won't grow. Quite often, it's a circulation issue. So here's how to do it. You'll need a band (click here to see where I get mine). Hitch it to a chin-up bar or rack crossbeam. Now put your arms through the loop.

Get the band situated just under your rib cage.

Now get on the floor and do the exercise as you normally would. Note: be sure you're not using too thick of a band, or you won't get enough resistance...if it's too thick, you may not even hardly be touching the ground!

When doing high rep training, I like to go fast and not come up all the way to lockout. Keep continuous tension on the muscles helps with that microcirculation development. Crank out as many reps as you can, letting the band help you out of the bottom of the exercise. When you're done, your triceps will be flooded with blood and pumped up like crazy!

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Sandbag Clean & Pizza Toss Now, if you've not come across sandbag training before, it's EXCELLENT. Basically, you're throwing around a bag full of sand (duh). This sandbag is extremely versatile in that it allows you to perform exercises that just can't be done with any other equipment. You can do almost any of the same exercises you can do with a barbell, dumbells or kettlebells but also a lot more, simply because you won't break a sandbag when you drop it on the floor. I get my sandbags from Coach Josh Henkin and totally recommend his. They're durable, have plenty of handles and have inner bags (where the sand actually is) so the sand stays inside the bag. Click here to read more about sandbags and to get yours. Honestly, when I travel, this is the one piece of equipment I bring with me in the car...just throw it in the trunk and you're set for a whole body workout. So anyway, this exercise is one of my favorites with the hits the entire body (the clean) with special emphasis on the core (the pizza toss). Start with the bag on the floor by your feet and grab the handles.

Clean the bag up as HIGH as you can. We want the bag to go way up so that your core takes the brunt of the catch on the way down.

Catch the sandbag on your forearms, absorbing some of the momentum in your legs. This catch will hit your core hard.

Now from there and with POWER, heave the sandbag right back up but flip it over 180 degrees (like tossing a pizza).

So spin it over the catch it again on the forearms.

Now flip the bag in the OTHER direction.

Catch it then set it back down on the ground. That's one rep.

Now repeat with the bag going the OTHER way off the first flip (to keep it even). This is an excellent one for developing total-body power and really hitting the core hard not only with rotational but support. And all you need is a bag of sand (the one I'm using is about 70 lbs, just fyi).

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Dumbell Swings From the Floor This is a variation of a dumbell swing that looks like a combination of that and a one-arm dumbell snatch. You're basically going to be combining those two movements. This exercise is going to be build some nice explosive power in your lower body, core and upper body - it's really a total-body exercise. Start with a moderate weight dumbell as you're learning the exercise - I'm using an 85 lb dumbell in the demo here. Stand with your feet on either side of the dumbell and squat down and grasp it.

Bring the dumbell back a few inches to get a bit of a wind-up (easier to see in the video).

Now explode up with your legs and back, heaving/swinging the dumbell up in front of you.

Get it as high as you can!

Then set it back down on the ground and go again. You can either do all your reps on one arm then switch to the other or alternate arms. You can see in this pic, I like to brace my other arm on my thigh and add a little arm help to the explosion upwards.

Bring the dumbell back a few inches.

Now explode up.

That's the exercise! Very simple to do and really builds explosive power in your entire body quite effectively.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Squats to Push-Press With a Dog Food Bag This exercise is a very simple one that illustrates a very powerful don't have to have "weights" in order to do a workout. The exercise is a squat to push-press holding onto a bag of dog food. Grab the bag around the middle and squeeze, holding the bag a little out in front of you...NOT up close to your body...this activates the muscles of the upper body (like the back and chest) in addition to the core stabilizing muscles. Set your feet out beyond shoulder width and squat down. Now squat up powerfully, pushing the bag up as you do so. Continue until the bag is locked out overhead.

Lower and repeat.

It's a VERY simple don't need free weights and you don't necessarily need a bag of dog food. This can be any type of bag (like a sandbag or duffel bag filled with books, etc. even a bag of groceries) as long as it has a bit of weight to it and won't rip and spill the contents all over the place.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

One Dumbell Snatch This is a great exercise for building power and balance throughout the entire body! It's similar to the barbell snatch, which is an Olympic lift (where you start with the bar on the floor then lift explosively off the ground and directly overhead), but instead of using a barbell, you are instead using a single dumbell. I've found this exercise to be easier to learn and execute than a barbell snatch. It gives you many of the same benefits but has a much shorter learning curve. It's a great explosive exercise! Basically, you'll just need one dumbell. Start with a fairly light to moderate dumbell the first time you try it. Set it on the floor in front of you. DEFINITELY watch the video for this one. Squat down and grab it with your right hand. Tighten up your abs and lower back - your body should be in the athletic "ready" position - knees bent, butt down, lower back arched, head looking forward. I like to place my nonworking hand on my other knee to brace my body for the lift. Now, with an explosion from your legs, heave the dumbell straight up as high as you can! This exercise differs from the barbell snatch in that it's not necessary to drop down underneath the weight to "catch" it. With this exercise, I've found it's fine to just heave the weight directly up and overhead to the top position without dropping down. Dropping down means you could use more weight but it also greatly increases the coordination required to perform the exercise. Make sure it's a weight you can control! When you get it to the top position, hold it there for a few seconds. You will feel uneven torque on your midsection because you're only holding the weight with one arm. This is very beneficial. Lower the weight down to your shoulder (like a dumbell press negative), then swing it down to your side, then set it down on the floor. Go again with the same arm or you can switch to the other arm. You can build some excellent power and coordination with this exercise and I've found it be a good form of explosive lifting. Be sure to watch the video to see the execution in action! It's tough to get the movement from still pictures.

Right Hand

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Hang Clean Walking Lunges This is a very challenging concept in a total-body exercise...perform a Barbell Hang Clean on each step you take of a Walking Lunge. It's going to hit your lower body very hard with the walking lunge and hit your upper body hard with the clean. Put those two parts together and you have a movement-based total body exercise that is going to challenge your entire body, your coordination AND your cardiovascular capacity. You're going to be holding the barbell in front of you when doing the Walking Lunge exercise. At the bottom of the lunge, it'll be resting on your upper thigh. Use a moderate weight, that you could easily do regular hang cleans with. I've got a couple of 25 lb plates on the bar, for 95 lbs. Use a moderate-width fourth fingers on the smooth rings on the Olympic bar.

Now push up explosively out of the lunge, stepping forward while at the same time doing an explosive hang clean with the barbell.

Rack it across your upper chest/clavicles.

Now step forward with the other leg, flipping the bar back down and resting it on your thigh again.

Go as far as you can in one direction then turn around and go back.

This is a VERY challenging exercise to pretty much the entire body. It covers upper and lower and cardio, in addition to balance and coordination. It'll be most appropriate for fat loss training as because of the dual nature of the exercise, you won't be able to use enough resistance to achieve a muscle or strength effect on either one. As far as Metabolic Resistance Training goes, it's top notch, though.

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Kneeling One-Arm Dumbell Snatch The one arm dumbell snatch is a great "easy" power exercise. It has a short learning curve compared to a barbell snatch...technique is not as tricky to learn, making it a great exercise for those who want to build power but aren't interested in taking the time to learn the barbell snatch (or who don't have bumper plates so you can just drop the bar after the snatch). This version of the dumbell snatch is done from one knee in order to remove the majority of the lower body involvement and just focus on upper body and lower back explosiveness. You're going to be doing the snatch from the ground to overhead while staying in the kneeling position. Start with a moderate weight dumbell...I'm using a 65 lb dumbell in the demo here. Drop down to one knee, lean forward and grab the dumbell with an overhand grip (palm facing backwards) with your other hand on your knee (to brace your upper body and provide a little more explosiveness by also pushing with your arm).

Now explode the dumbell off the ground using upper back, lower back and arm power. Even though your lower body isn't really involved it should still be tight.

Power the dumbell up to the overhead lockout position in one explosive movement (if you don't quite get it all the way up, you finish with a partial press to get it there to full lockout but the goal is one movement).

Set the weight down then switch position so you're using the other arm. The movement is exactly the same.

Remember, this is an explosive movement so get that dumbell off the ground with force! This is a great exercise for developing targeted upper body power without much lower body involvement.

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Modified High Pulls for Traps The High Pull exercise, if you're not familiar with it, is very similar to an upright row done explosively, pulling the bar up from the floor to as high as you can. The only problem with the high pull is that the position your shoulders are pulling from (because that's similar to the upright row), can be potentially damaging to the shoulder joint. I won't go into the full explanation of that here, but bottom line, the upright row is an exercise I avoid and recommend you avoid as well. That's why I came up with this alternate version of the high pull, used to target primarily the traps. I've modified the movement in order to take the shoulder strain off and to focus more on the traps while still using an explosive movement that isn't a full clean. The movement looks a lot like a clean that stops short of flipping the bar up and around onto your shoulders. Instead of doing the flip, you will instead pull the bar into your chest. Start with the bar at a hang, at arms-length (use a similar overhand grip position that you'd use for a shoulder press and/or clean and press).

Much of the "clean" movement originates with a hip thrust, NOT an arm yank, so bend forward a bit like you're doing the top part of a stiff-legged deadlift. Next, thrust the hips forward and pull the bar explosive straight up (don't swing it around).

As the bar comes to the top of the movement (where you'd normally flip it around to do a clean if you were doing a clean), you'll pull (it'll feel like a row) the bar into your chest, then let it come down to a hang again.

This explosive pulling upwards hits the upper trap fibers while the pull back into your chest will help target the middle-trap fibers. The pull back is a very subtle movement...more something that you'll try and feel than you'll actually see in the path of the bar. Repeat this for 4 to 6 reps. Don't push this one to failure...stop the set when your explosiveness diminishes. Once that happens, your form will break and you won't get anything out of the training AND you might risk injury by throwing weights around when you're fatigued. This exercise is a nice alternative to both the regular shrug and the clean or high pull.

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One-Arm Sandbag Cleans Heaving a sandbag up off the floor with one arm and catching it is basically this exercise. It's not fancy but it's a GREAT way to build power through your whole body. To do this one, obviously, you'll need a sandbag. Click here to check out where I got my mine. I have a 70 lb (medium) bag that I'm using for this exercise. These bags are awesome and highly recommended! Anyway, this exercise uses the big single strap. Stand in front of the bag and grab that strap with one hand. Now squat down a bit, bend your arm a bit and lock it into position

Now ACCELERATE the bag off the floor using leg and back power. This is NOT an arm exercise. Your arm is what connects your body to the bag - that's it. This exercise is about generating power through your lower body and bringing the bag along for the ride.

Heave the thing up as high as you can get it, using additional power from your arm as you get it up near the top (this

is just the icing on the cake to try and squeeze as much height out of the clean as possible). Then quickly get both arms underneath the bag and catch it.

Set it down on the floor then grab the strap with the other hand. Same form on the other side now. Squat down.

Heave the bag up using lower body power. Use arm power near the top. Get your arms under and catch it.

The cool thing is, the worst thing that can happen if you miss the catch and drop the bag is nothing at all. This is an excellent power-building exercise. It's also hits the core very differently because you're running all the power through just one side at a time.

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Power Barbell Rows From The Floor This is another variation of the barbell row that I quite like. It takes some of the awkwardness out of the bottom position of the movement (where your arms are straight, the tension is offer your upper back and it feels like all the weight is settling into your lower back). Basically, you're going to start the movement from the FLOOR on every rep, use your legs to start the movement then finish it with a row, then set the bar back down on the floor. I like to use a wide, overhand grip for this one - index fingers on the smooth rings of the Olympic bar. Get into the bottom position - it looks like the start position of a power clean, almost.

Now power the barbell off the floor using your legs - as your legs straight, THEN begin the rowing portion of the movement. Come all the way up into the row then the lower the bar back down to the floor.

The video shows this movement better and how to transition from the leg drive into the row. It's a good way to how to accelerate the bar off the ground.

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Rebound Power Chins This is an exercise that looks like a cheating chin because of how it's done...but it DOES have a purpose that actually makes it very effective for building explosive power in the back and arms. It's a safe way to do upper-body plyometrics, pretty much. The method by which you do it doesn't put massive stress on the joints, just fyi...that's all going to go on your muscles, where it belongs! The reason I call these Power Chins is because that's what they'll be developing. You'll start by standing under a chin-up bar (you must be able to do perform at least 5+ reps on the chin-up on your own before using these - if you don't have the strength to do a regular chin, they won't be useful to you).

Now you're going to JUMP up and catch the bar...

You're going to catch it about the 1/4 range mark so you're arms are just slightly bent when you catch it. This is going to be much easier to figure out when you see it done in the video below.

As soon as your hands hit the bar, you'll be faced with the momentum of your body weight coming back down. THIS is where it gets interesting. Think of your arms like a shock-absorber then a spring... You're going to catch yourself with somewhat bent arms...then you're going to explosively pull yourself back up directly against the momentum of your body coming back down (hence the "rebound" in the title of this one). DO NOT let your arms or shoulders lock out straight. You want to keep some flexion in both so that you're absorbing the momentum in your MUSCLES, not ramming your joints at the bottom, which would be especially bad on the shoulders. The key here is to catch your momentum then EXPLODE up into the chin-up movement. Power it up as fast and as high as you can then just drop to the ground - no negative. This exercise is about developing power, not muscle mass. Negatives will only make you tired and drain your power.

So hop up, catch yourself, explode up, then drop to the ground. Step back from the bar, shake out your arms, then go again! Go for about 6 to 8 reps (or as many as you can get until you don't have that explosive power in the rebound any more). This is an upper body plyometric exercise that will help develop explosive pulling power in your upper back and arms.

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Resisted Breathing With a Dumbell With this exercise, you're not only going to work your're also going to hit the intercostal muscles that are critical for breathing. The intercostal muscles are basically the muscles that stretch between the ribs. The EXTERNAL intercostals specifically, are the ones that function with forced inhalation, i.e. taking big, deep breaths. This is what you're going to get resistance on for this exercise. The internal intercostals work with forced exhalation (e.g. blowing up a balloon). The function of this particular type of exercise is to help strengthen these muscles that assist with breathing (duh). But how is that useful? Simple! Strengthening these muscles aids in torso stability during heavy movements (like squats, bench and deadlifts, for example). Think of it this're on rep 10 of a set of heavy squats. The weight is crushing down on you. Do you think you might benefit from being able to breathe deeper and get more oxygen in? Absolutely! This is also true for sports - the more oxygen you can get into your body by way of deeper breathing, the more energy you'll have and the stronger you'll be. We'll be specifically training the rib cage muscles AND the belly-breathing muscles (the diaphragm). Don't worry - this is simple stuff to do but VERY effective! So you'll need a single heavy dumbell (though you should start with a moderate weight first to gauge how much you can use) - I'm using a 105 lb dumbell in the demo. Sit on the floor and grab the dumbell - then lay back on the floor with it.

Now set it on end on your stomach - use your hands to BALANCE the dumbell, NOT to support it. All the weight of the dumbell should be resting on your abdominals. Your head should be off the ground to help engage the abs. Now breathe in and out, focusing on pushing the dumbell UP. Don't breathe in your chest here - make sure it's a belly-breathing type thing.

Next, move the dumbell up and set it directly on your chest. Again, use your hands for balancing the dumbell. Focus on breathing in deeply with the chest - you'll see the dumbell moving up and down. This directly works those external intercostals.

Finally, you can grip under the plates of the dumbell and hold it up at arms-length over your body. Now again breathe deeply (keeping your arms locked) and try to push the dumbell up towards the ceiling.

In the demo, I do this a few times then back down to setting it on my chest then back down to setting it on my stomach. It's a good little routine and something you can add in at the end of each workout to strengthen those breathing muscles.

Core Strength

Pulling Exercises

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Sandbag Cleans For Height This exercise is all about explosive power. Simply put, you're going to start with the sandbag on the floor then clean it up and heave it as high as you possibly can! Then you catch it, drop it on the ground and go again. For this, obviously you'll need a sandbag. I recommend Coach Josh Henkin's sandbags - click here to get yours. Set the bag close by your feet and grab the handles. Squat down a bit.

Now, with as much power as you've got, clean the bar up and heavy as high as you can!

There is some technique involved and practice will help you get the biggest toss. In these, I'm just about hitting an 8 foot ceiling with a 70 lb sandbag.

Catch the bag in your arms. This is actually really great training for the core - the core absorbs much of the impact of the catch.

Drop the bag, then squat down and go again!

End the set when your heaves start to lose height. Once you get to that point, you won't be delivering as much power and it won't be as good of training - usually this about 5 to 8 reps, depending on how relatively heavy the bag is.

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Sandbag Throws and Slides This exercise (surprise) requires a sandbag - though you can also improve something up by using a backpack filled with heavy stuff that won't break or rip the bag. You can get sandbags by clicking here. For this one, I'm using my 70 lb sandbag. It's a pretty easy concept to grasp on this one and it's great for building rotational power in the core and lower body. Basically, you're going to pick up the back, wind up and throw/slide it across the floor as far as you can. Then you walk over, grab the bag and throw it back the other way. Simple but tough! Here's what it looks like: 1. Pick up the bag.

2. You can take a little wind-up on this to get some momentum, if you want, but it's not necessary. I do it on some reps.

3. Get a wind-up.

4. Throw/slide the bag as far away as you can with POWER.

5. I like to slide the bag acros the floor but you can also throw it through the air. I'll probably show that version in a future tip here.

6. Walk over and grab the bag again.

7. Take a backswing.

8. Chuck it the other way.

9. All done!

Repeat back and forth until you're no longer getting good distance or explosion. You don't do this one to failure - just until you're not getting so much power. It's better to train at high power to teach your body to operate at high power. You'll get some great explosive and practical core training from this one!

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Sideways Sandbag Heaves and Presses For this exercise, you'll need a sandbag. Click here to see where I got mine. Basically, you're going to be lining the bag so that you're using an even grip and heave up to one shoulder. This really helps build core power in a nonlinear fashion...which is what sandbag training is really all about! So set the bag so it's perpendicular to your body then grip it with your right hand forward and left hand back. You're going to be heaving it up to your right shoulder.

Give it a little swing back or you can just heave it directly from the ground.

Rest it on your shoulder for a moment then just drop it to the floor.

Now regrip with your left hand forward and your right hand back.

Heave it up.

Hold it at the shoulder.

At this point, you can either set it back down, or extend the exercise by pressing (or push/pressing) the sandbag overhead. This turns it into a great total-body exercise.

Same deal when you heave it up to the right shoulder.

This sideways style of training really helps build power in the core area, training the body to deal with uneven torque as well.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Water Jug Snatch and Overhead Walking Lunge This is a GREAT total body conditioning exercise...hits most of the muscles in the body and the cardiovascular system as well. You'll use a water jug for this (or you can also use a sandbag, kettlebell or dumbell as well). I like the water jug because it's big and bulky and sloshes around, making the exercise more challenging. I'm using a 7 gallon (65 lbs) water jug for these and it's tough. Here's the sequence (and yep, I'm doing these out in my driveway - not enough space in the basement for these with the overhead hold). Set your feet on either side of the jug and grip with one hand. Bend at the waist and tighten everything up.

Now in a smooth, powerful motion, snap your hips forward and heave the jug straight up, using the other hand to assist when you feel it start to slow down.

Hold it overhead, arms bent to control the movement of the jug.

Now do 2 steps of a walking lunge holding the jug overhead.

Set the jug down then switch hands.

Heave it up overhead again.

Now do two more walking lunge steps.

Keep going until you hit the end of how far you're going then you can either rest or turn around and come back. I turned around and came back after going to the end of my driveway.

That's the whole thing! It's KILLER cardio training and conditioning for the whole body.

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Ab Rippers...Back, Chest and Core Push-Pulls This is one of my very favorite "secret weapon" total-torso training exercises. It covers pretty much every major part in your upper body in just one movement (or should I say TWO movements in one!). It's a relatively simple-looking concept on the'll be doing a single-arm dumbell bench press while at the same time doing a single arm cable pulldown/row. As you're pushing the dumbell UP, you're pulling the cable DOWN. So you're hitting the two biggest parts of the upper body in one shot there (including biceps on the pull and triceps on the press, along with aspects of the shoulders on both). What you might not see at first glance is the INCREDIBLE core cross-tension you'll get when you execute a push and a pull. You see, in order to stabilize the core while doing two opposing movements, your deep core muscles (obliques and transversus) will be pushed to the limit. This is honestly one of THE best core exercises I've ever come up with, never mind all the other upper body stuff going on. It's going to develop incredible core strength without any hint of a crunch or sit-up. I can promise you, if you've never done heavy cross-core tension training before, your deep abdominal muscles will be feeling it for DAYS. So start with more moderate weights than I'm using in the demo here and work up to it. Here's how to do it... First, you'll need a flat bench, a high pulley with a single handle and a dumbell. Set the bench lengthwise beside the high pulley and the dumbell in front of the bench. I'm using a 95 lb dumbell and about 120 lbs on the pulldown part. You'll need to do a little practice to get the weight balance right for yourself. The dumbell should be something you can control pretty easily - then balance the pulldown part according to the dumbell you're pressing.

Pick up the dumbell in your right hand, sit on the end of the bench and rest the dumbell on your right thigh.

Now reach up and grab the single cable handle.

Move your butt forward off the bench and lay back so only your shoulders are on the bench.

Your upper arm should be resting on the bench and your left shoulder will be stretched up and off the bench. Get ready to push and pull!

Start the press and at the same time start the pull. They should be simultaneous. THIS is where you'll start to feel the incredible cross-tension on the core! With the pulldown/row, you'll want to keep your elbow coming down in beside your body...not a wide-grip row position, more like a close-grip row.

Press all the way up and pull all the way down as far as you can.

Now just lower the dumbell and let the cable come up and repeat! I like to keep to lower reps on this one - the core responds better to lower reps and resistance so as I mentioned, start with moderate resistance but definitely work your way up. On each rep, you can rest your upper arm on the bench, similar to a floor dumbell bench press. It's not a full-range press, but you'll find you won't really care by the time you're done a set :) To finish the exercise, let your upper arm rest on the bench and release the cable handle. Reach over and stabilize the dumbell with the left hand, too. Then just shift your legs around to a kneeling position, then move the dumbell to the floor (easier to see in the video).

That's one side! I recommend taking a rest period in between that and switching up to work the other side. Your core especially will need it. You'll get more out of the other side by waiting for some recovery (at least a minute to 90 seconds) before hitting the opposing movements. It's going to look exactly the same only with sides reversed. I just shifted the bench over to the other side because I have a wall in the way. If you have a wall, you can just move the dumbell to the other side of the bench and leave the setup as-is. You'll just be facing the other way. Get the dumbell onto your lap then reach up and grab the cable handle.

Get your butt off the bench forward then lay your shoulders on the bench.

Press up with your left and pull down with your right.

Repeat for 5 or 6 reps. All done! I would suggest two sets on each side and you'll be pretty well all done with your upper body training for the day. It's not only a great time-saver but KILLER core training as well. If you've never really felt your deep abdominal muscles after training THIS exercise is going to change that!

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Abdominal Dumbbell Throw Up and Catch If you're looking for a GREAT oblique exercise that targets core support and explosive work, this is one you're definitely going to want to try. And yes, I fully realize this is probably the worst (or the best!) name for an exercise I've ever come up with. And yes, I, too, would be leery of an ab exercise that has the words "throw up" in it. Don't worry - you're NOT going to be throwing up in the gastric sense of the word...instead you'll be throwing up the dumbell and catching it in a very specific (and very safe) way. This is going to TRASH your obliques, developing great explosiveness and support strength, in addition to developing the visual aspect of the abdominals.

How to do the Abdominal Dumbbell Throw Up and Catch All you need for this exercise is one dumbell and some room to swing. Start with about 20 to 30 lbs and work up heavier as you get comfortable with the exercise. I've gone as high as an 85 lb dumbell and that is pretty brutal. Pick up the dumbell in your left and stand with your feet slightly apart for balance. Bring the dumbell back a bit like winding up to swing it (which you will be!).

Swing the dumbell forward and up, bringing it ACROSS YOUR BODY, swinging it to the opposite shoulder. As it comes across your body, meet it with your right hand, placing your right hand on top of your left hand that's already gripping the dumbell. This part takes a bit of practice to get the timing right. Continue the swing up as high as you can, using momentum and help from your right hand to get it higher.

Now comes the fun part. When you get it to the top (around head level), STOP THE DUMBELL and "catch" it with your right arm (elbow about 90 degrees for best support). Basically, at the top, you're going to be supporting the entire weight of the dumbell on your right arm only. The left arm is still gripping but it's only acting as help with balance now.

This sudden supporting of the load fires the right side obliques HARD...the swing up works the left side obliques HARD. You get two very different types of ab work in one exercise. When you've done as many reps as you can with the left arm, set the dumbell down then pick it up in your right hand. Repeat the same pattern. Start with a little swing back. Now swing the dumbell up and across your body, adding your left hand onto the grip for help.

Keep going as high as you can. Catch it at the top and support it with your left arm.

Keep going until fatigue prevents you from holding the dumbbell in that top position. Although the name may not be the greatest, if training for core support, strength and explosiveness in the abdominal area is a priority for you, this is absolutely an exercise I would recommend. It allows you to use a good amount of resistance and it trains the core (specifically the obliques) for that explosiveness with the swing and for support with the hold at the top.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Feet Anchored One-Arm Dumbell Floor Press This is a killer exercise, especially if you're an MMA fighter, wrestler or other martial artist where you need to train and develop your body to exert power and leverage while you're on your back on the ground. It's also GREAT training for the lower abs, adductors, and chest all at the same time. It's basically a One-Arm Dumbell Floor Press done with your feet/legs wrapped around a pole or beam. So instead of pushing with your leg, set out to side, you have to use your core and adductors to oppose the force of the dumbell press and lock your body into the movement. Once you see it in action, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If you're an MMA fighter, this is one you HAVE to try. It'll develop strength and power and train your ability to USE that strength and power when you're on your back covering up with your legs locked around your opponent. So to do this one, you'll need a solid pole or object (I'm using the upright of my power rack) and a dumbell. I'm using an 85 lb dumbell - pick something you can easily do for one-arm dumbell bench press the first time you try this one. You can move up quickly from there once you get an idea of how the exercise works. Now set with your butt right up close to the pole and your feet on either side of it. Lay down then slide your butt right up close to the pole. Next, lock your legs onto the pole by crossing your feet. When doing this one, I like to have my "working side" leg hooked over top of the other leg, e.g. pressing with the right arm, lock the right leg over the left, around the pole. Now reach over and grab the dumbell with both hands (this isn't the exercise...just getting the weight into position).

Hold the dumbell on your chest then get it into your right hand.

Bring your arm down and to the side and set your upper arm on the floor.

Tighten up the clamping of your legs HARD then get ready to press. Your other arm is out to the side for balance. Press the dumbell to lockout. This is the hard part and the reason why you should start light :) It'll take some serious tension in your adductors and lower abs to keep your body straight while pressing the dumbell up.

Do 4 to 6 reps on one side then lower the dumbell to your chest and switch hands. Switch your feet over at the same time so your left leg is locked over top.

Now get the dumbell off to the side and go again.

That's the exercise! As you can see, this is a PERFECT exercise for developing ground-strength for MMA fighting. You'll be developing power when flat on your back with your legs wrapped around something and you'll learn how to USE that power. If you're not an MMA fighter, this is a great core and adductor exercise in general. It's not going to hit your chest incredibly hard because you're forced to use a lighter weight than you could use for normal pressing, but chest development isn't really the goal of this one's the ground-based power development.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Barbell Side Carrying This is a very simple're going to carry a loaded barbell across the floor then turn around and carry it back. It's a lot like manual labor, in fact! You're going to get the benefits of loaded carrying (core and back training) with even greater focus on the oblique muscles, because of how you're carrying the barbell. First, load up a barbell with a fairly light to moderate weight - I've just got 135 lbs on the bar. Stand in front and pick it up with a mixed grip.

Here's the trick...the hand that has the underhand grip is going to be leading while the hand with the overhand grip will be behind. Now just turn your hips and hold the barbell at your side.

You should strive to keep your hips facing forward as you're walking, with the rotation coming at the torso. This one really hits the obliques, back towards the lower back area quite well.

What I like to do is pick it up, carry it one way across the floor, turn so that I'm facing the bar, set it down, switch up the grip so the other hand is underhand, then pick up it, turn the hips then walk back across the room.

Carrying the bar in this fashion is a very functional form of training...great workout finisher for getting your heartrate up and working the core and grip at the same time.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Curl Position Walking Lunges This is a simple a walking lunge while holding a barbell in the top curl position. When you hold a bar in that top curl position, this forces your core musculature to engage to support the bar...much more so than when using dumbells, when holding the bar on your back and even more than a front squat racking position. As well, it obviously engages the biceps while you're holding that top curl position, in addition to the even more obvious use of the lower body for the walking lunge exercise. Put together, this is a very demanding movement on the entire body...the upper body supports the weight in a unique fashion while the lower body does the grunt work. Use a weight you can support on the curl pretty easily - I use an EZ curl bar because it's easier to maneuver than a 7 foot Olympic bar. I'm using a couple of 25lb plates and a 20 lb bar, so 70 lbs. So start where you'll have some floor space to work with.

Curl the weight up to the top position and hold.

Now step forward and down into the lunge position.

Now push up and step forward with the other leg. When doing walking lunges, I like to go straight into the next step rather than touch at the standing position.

Go as far as you can then turn around. You can either lower the bar down to the bottom curl position here then curl up again, or just keep it at the top position and go again.

You can go for distance in the fashion...I like to down and back twice. You can do more or less, depending on the weight you're using.

This type of training is excellent metabolic resistance training. It involves most of the muscles of the body and has a substantial cardio vascular component to it, which is a fancy way of saying you'll be sucking wind by the end of it. Because here's the OTHER benefit of holding that curl stresses the intercostal muscles as well...which as the muscles between the ribs, which are responsible for helping your BREATHE. Loading these muscles while performing training that has a big cardio demand will really challenge you! This is a great fat-loss finisher type of exercise.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Rotating Sandbag Slams This is an excellent exercise that can really only be done with sandbags...definitely NOT with dumbells or kettlebells (you'll see why - I'm sure you can guess from the name!). If you don't have sandbags, I HIGHLY recommend. They're one of my favorite training tools because of how much abuse they can take and how versatile they are. Click here to go get yours now - this is the place that I got mine (the one in the demo is about 70 lbs). So for this exercise, use a medium weight bag. Set your feet on either side of the bag and grab the handles.

Now heave the bag up and in a circular movement - you're going to heaving it up high then slamming it down around behind you, turning your body as you heave it up and slam it down. This is GREAT explosive core and really, total-body training. I mean, think of how many sports can benefit from increased explosive rotational strength.

Here's the top position - not much resistance here as you're turning your body around to slam it down to the other side.

Then down. You don't have to forcefully slam it to the ground - just don't worry about setting it gently down. The real work is done on the upward heave and the simultaneous rotation.

Now regrip the bag and heave it back around the other way.

That's the exercise! Nothing to complex - you're just throwing around a bag of sand, but it's a really effective exercise for developing that explosive-rotational power out of a squat position, which has a LOT of athletic applications.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Sandbag and Dumbell Triple Drop Set Squats This is a multiple resistance exercise that will target not only your legs with the squatting, but your core and a good portion of your back as well. The squat is done with a sandbag over one shoulder and a dumbell held at arms-length in the other hand. You'll be doing a Triple Drop Set intensity technique with the squat, switching hands with the same size dumbell before dropping the next lighter dumbell. This is a GREAT functional leg and core training technique. And it will target your cardiovascular system very strongly as well. Obviously, you will need a sandbag to do this one, or you can always use another piece of resistance as well (for example, a kettlebell in the clean position would also work instead of a sandbag...or even something as simple as a duffel bag filled with stuff). Click here to see where I get my sandbags from. The first step is to get your dumbells set up. I'm using a 105 lb, a 75 lb and a 45 lb dumbell. The sandbag is 70 lbs. Sling the sandbag over one shoulder. Now squat down and grab the dumbell.

Stand up. The dumbell will come up between the legs so don't stand up recklessly ;) and keep it angled down a bit.

Repeat for 6 to 8 reps. Set the dumbell on the floor, switch the sandbag to the other shoulder and do 4 to 6 reps on the other side (it will probably be fewer reps because your legs will already be fatigued).

When you've completed your reps with the first dumbell, set it down, move it out of the way then get the next one. You can set the sandbag on the ground between dumbells here or just shift it back to the other shoulder. Again, do your reps with one side then switch the sandbag and the dumbell.

Now grab your final dumbell.


By the time you're done, your will legs will be trashed, your core will be trashed and you will be gasping for air. This is a GREAT overall strength, endurance and conditioning exercise and technique.

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Sandbag Pizza Toss The sandbag (as I've mentioned many times) is a GREAT training tool. I use mine all the time and I HIGHLY recommend them. Click here to get yours now. This is another core exercise you can do with the bag (don't try it with a dumbell - you'll see why in a second!). Pick up the bag and clean it up so you're cradling it in your arms.

Now you're going to heave the bag up in the air so that it ROTATES and lands 180 degrees in your arms again.

There are two ways you can do it when you catch the can stop and reset yourself or do it the hard way and do it with no pause at all and just keep spinning the bag around. That's what I show in the demo. Catching it and pausing on each rep is easier. You can also do the reps a couple of different ways...all your reps spinning the bag one way then doing more reps spinning the other way or alternating directions on every rep. Both are tough but changing direction each time is a big harder, sometimes just from the balance perspective!

If you've got a sandbag, give this one a try. If you DON'T have a sandbag, get one! I'm not kidding when I say these things are great, especially if you train at home. If you train at a gym, you can always get one of these for home use for when you don't feel like going to the actual gym. They're great for traveling, too (you can put one in the trunk of your car and bring it along with you) and a lot of fun to use.

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Shoulder Press Machine Calf Raises Calves can only be worked so many ways...generally with some form of calf raise. So this exercise is a version of a calf raise - the unique part comes in two'll be using a shoulder press machine and you'll be doing it with your body at an angle (leaning forward). This forward leaning body position puts a stretch on the calves without having to put your feet up on blocks - you achieve the stretch on a flat floor. This is a great exercise for runners as when you're running (especially at the start), your body SHOULD be forward at an angle. You're going to hold the bottom of the shoulder press while doing a forward-leaning calf raise on the floor. The demo is done rest-pause set of as many reps as you can do, followed by 20 sec rest then more reps, then 20 sec rest then more reps then done. This will hits your calves VERY strongly (especially if you've not done calf raises at an angle like this) and doesn't require a calf raise machine or block. So set up in front of the shoulder press machine and make sure the weight stack is up and not resting on anything at any point of the calf raise movement. Now step your feet back a little bit so your body is at an angle.

Now do a calf raise, pushing yourself up and forward on your toes. Make sure and keep your body locked and straight.

That's it! Hit this one for higher reps (the rest-pause technique is GREAT on this one). You're also going to get some great isometric tension on your entire shoulder girdle at the same time with this exercise.

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Two Barbell Rack Chins and Dips Supersetting If you want to target just about everything in your upper body in one superset combo, this is a great combination to do it with. It'll give you a complete killer upper bodyweight workout in a very short period of time. And just fyi, this training framework of "countdown sets" can absolutely be applied to other exercises if you can't do chins and/or dips. You'll be using two bodyweight exercises in a very unique rack-based setup (side note, you don't necessarily need the rack to do it, if you have a dip station and chin-up bar close enough together). Essentially, you're going to be going rapidly back and forth between dips and neutral-grip chin-ups. You're going to set two barbells on the rails of a power rack, load the ends with a couple of 45 lb plates to counterbalance your bodyweight. For height, I recommend having the bars about level with the upper chest. Get into position on the ends of the bars to do dips.

Come down into the bottom position. For targeting chest, you'll want to flare your elbows wide to the sides and bring your legs a bit forward so you're almost in a half-moon body position. For tricep focus, you'd keep the body vertical and tuck your elbows in close to your sides, just fyi.

Perform 5 reps of the dip. Now, one of the advantages this setup has over normal dip bars is that they ROLL. As you come down into the bottom, you can rotate the bar ends outwards. Then as you push back up, you can rotate the bar ends INWARDS, increasing the contraction on the pecs as you come up. So in that respect, this version has advantages over regular bar dips. Now, after you've done 5 reps (we're not going to failure here), drop down and change your grip on the bars to do neutral-grip chins. The only issue here is probably won't be able to do fully extend the arms at the bottom and you'll have to keep your legs up off the floor (which is actually great core work as well).

Do 5 reps of the chins.

Now, the other benefit of this setup is if you can't do 5 reps of chins (or ANY reps, for that matter), you can just leave your feet on the floor and use your legs to spot yourself. Immediately go back to the dips for another 5 reps. As I mentioned, this setup allows for VERY fast changes in the exercises. The way I like to do this superset is basically a continuous type of superset, where I'll just keep doing 5 rep sets in rapid succession until I can't get 5 reps on either exercise. This take 1 minute rest, then go again using 4 rep sets. Then 1 minute rest then again using 3 rep sets. Then 2 reps, then 1 rep sets. Then you're done! By the time you've finished all these reverse-countdown sets, your upper body will be very thoroughly worked. It's a great combination bodyweight training technique that covers your ENTIRE upper body and will challenge even strong trainers. It's also important to note, you can do this back-and-forth technique with reps with other exercises as well, as long as you can bounce back and forth very very quickly between exercises (zero rest, pretty much).

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Barbell Serratus Punch and Leg Raises The Barbell Serratus Punch is a great exercise for targeting the serratus anterior muscles. This version adds another twist...instead of just doing the punch movement while laying on a flat bench, you're actually going to be doing this one laying on the floor. And instead of setting your feet on the floor, you will instead be doing a lying leg raise in between every rep of the Serratus Punch. The reason I would have you do this one in the rack and laying on the floor is for safety. The rack will allow you to just set the weight back down very quickly and easily if you start to lose your balance. This is important because your feet won't be on the ground for the duration of the set. On a side note, if you don't have a rack, you could also do this exercise with dumbells lockout out at the top. If you started to lose balance, you wouldn't be stuck under a bar and could just set the dumbells down. Set your rails just below the top lockout position of the bench press (fairly close grip so your arms are vertical). Press the bar off the rails to lockout then straighten your legs out, keep your feet just above the floor. Don't let them touch.

The benefit of this leg raise variation is the barbell weight counterbalances the weight of your legs, taking a lot of the torque off the lower back. It's my favorite way to do lying leg raises. Bring your knees up towards your chest (straight or bent leg).

Then do the Serratus Punch movement, pushing the bar up towards the ceiling (it's not a big movement and a bit hard to see in the pics here).

If you want to see the extent of the movement, roll your mouse over this picture below.

Once you've done a rep of the punch, hold that lockout arm position then lower your legs back down for the leg raise. By including the punch the leg raise and the isometric hold for the rectus abdominus (six-pack muscles) in the contracted position you get a nice combination exercise that targets the entire "visual" midsection. And just a side note, you ARE allowed to wear shoes for this one. I tend to train without shoes much of the time as I have my own basement gym.

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Double Dumbell Swings Swing, swing, swing your way to better abs! Sure, it sounds like a late night informercial but in this case, it's actually going to get you an extremely intense ab workout! I'm going to tell you how to use momentum to cinch up your core like the steel corset I mentioned. Imagine a cross-country skier. Now focus on the alternating action of the arms. When the left one goes forward, the right one goes back. Then the right goes forward and the left goes back, all in a very rhythmic movement. Plant that image of the skier in your head. Now put a couple of dumbells in that skiers hands instead of poles! In a nutshell, with this exercise you're going to be doing cross-country skiing with your arms while holding dumbells in your hands. Sounds easy, right? On paper, sure. In reality, you're going to be in for a shock! So why is this weighted skiing movement good for the abs? Well, first think about where the tension (from the dueling momentum of the dumbells moving in opposite directions) is going through: the core. As one dumbell is swinging down, the other is swinging up and it falls to the deep muscles of the core to not only stabilize the spine and body but to also provide muscular force to help keep those dumbells swinging. This opposing torque on the abs results in a TREMENDOUS tightening of the deep muscles of the core, especially when both dumbells are at the bottom of their swings and heading back up. All the momentum in those dumbells is now going to go directly through your core. The bonus: when you do the exercise, it will affect your ENTIRE body (I can promise you that!), giving you the benefits of interval training in addition to the direct effects on the abs.

How To Do It: First, pick up two dumbells, one in each hand, and stand up straight. Start fairly light (use approximately what you can do for 10 to 12 reps on the dumbell curl) - you will be working your way up to heavier weights as you get stronger and more experienced with the exercise. Keep your feet close together (a few inches apart at the most). If your feet are set too wide, the dumbells will contact your thighs at the bottom of the movement. Keeping the feet closer together also forces the abs to do more of the stabilizing as your body can't rely on the legs to absorb as much of the momentum of the swinging dumbells. This exercise, in order to get a good swing going (especially with heavier dumbells), will require a carefully timed dip in the knees. So on your very first rep, start by dipping slightly in the knees then popping back up. As you pop back up, use this momentum to start your right dumbell swinging forward and up and your left dumbell swinging back and up. As the dumbells start to come back down, dip your knees down again. As your left hand swings forward and your right hand swings back, pop back up strongly again.

You are using your legs to add momentum to the dumbell swings, getting them up higher and giving you the ability to use heavier dumbells. Repeat this dip and pop up EVERY time the dumbells come down to the bottom and start to come back up. As you do this exercise, try not to let your torso twist back and forth much. Do your best to keep your shoulders and hips square and unmoving so that all the torque goes through the core and you don't get any sharp twisting movements in the spine. Your shoulders WILL move somewhat (there is no getting around it) but by trying to keep still, you will minimize the movement. Keep your arms rigid and locked into position as you swing the dumbells up and down. For height, you want to aim for about shoulder height in front of you (similar to a front delt raise) and a little lower behind you (the mass the triceps will stop the range of motion behind you). Keep control of the weight and your torso throughout the movement - no wild swinging. Exhale forcefully each time you pop up (imagine as though you're trying to blow the dumbell forward). If the dumbells are too light and you find the exercise is not challenging your abs after a few reps, increase the weight. Keep going for as long as you can with good form. When you can't swing the dumbells very high or you feel your core strength starting to give out (i.e. your shoulders and hips start twisting too much for your core to control), stop the swinging and set the dumbells down. At this point, you're going to be huffing and puffing like crazy - this exercise works not only your entire upper body, but also involves your lower body strongly each time you use your legs to pop up. Cross-Country Skiing is one of the most demanding total-body cardio exercises you can you're doing it with weights! So how heavy should you go with this exercise? That will depend on how strong your core is (work up to it - don't start heavy!) and how heavy your dumbells go! You can build up to some very good weights with this exercise - I've personally gone up to a pair of 85 lb dumbells. The more weight you can safely use with this exercise, the stronger and more powerful your entire core area is going to get.

Single-Arm Variation Looking for another unique challenge? Try the Dumbell Swing exercise holding only one dumbell to one side. Hold your other arm wide to the other side (to help counterbalance) and use it to add momentum to swinging the dumbell up. Do not dip your knees with this variation - you should use trunk rotation and help from swinging your free arm to get the dumbell moving. Here's a trick you can try with it: when you swing the dumbell to the top of the arc, try and hold it there for a second. That brief effort to stop the dumbell at the top will hit the obliques HARD simply because, more than likely, you won't be able to overcome the inertia of the dumbell and actually hold it up. But at that moment when you try and stop it, the obliques are going to be hit with a VERY strong eccentric contraction in their effort to try and stop the dumbell.

With the one-arm variation, shoulder and hip rotation is desirable. Since you don't have the opposing force on the other side (or the dipping of the legs), use rotation in your waist to help accelerate the dumbell forward and up.


Conclusion: The Double Dumbell Swing is one of the powerful core-power exercises you can do. It's extremely practical and VERY functional, especially for improving sports performance. If you've got lower back issues, I wouldn't recommend these exercises, however, as there will be a lot of torque going through the entire core area. Give the Double Dumbell Swing a try get ready to cinch up your steel corset!

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Explosive Band Knee-Ups When most people think of abdominal exercises, they think of slow, deliberate movements with squeezing and tightening. But other than keeping your guts in, stabilizing your core area, and looking good, what ELSE are your abs designed for? How about explosive power! It's THE most neglected aspect of abdominal conditioning that can have the greatest effect on your athletic performance. Most abdominal exercises do not use anything even close to a powerful stroke. Normally, when you see ab exercises done, they're done (like I mentioned above) in a very deliberate manner. And for the most part, it's actually better that way. If you try and use momentum and explosiveness with a crunch, you don't get any muscle tension and get almost nothing out of it. If you use explosiveness in a weighted exercise, you put dangerous torque on the body. That's where bands come in. With bands, you get the resistance AND you get the built-in deceleration of the band as it stretches out. Bottom line, you can explode into a band HARD and not have to worry about hurting yourself because the band will stop the momentum very effectively! With this exercise, you're going to use two bands - one high and one low. You're going to wrap one around your knee and grab the other with your hand. Then you're going to explode up with your knee while simultaneously yanking down with your hand. The abs bear the brunt of this and will really get burning fast! This is a GREAT exercise if you're interested in developing sprint speed. It's also an excellent one for martial artists as it helps developing kneeing and kicking power. The reason this exercise is so good for developing sprint speed lies in the hip flexors. One of the biggest factors in running speed is the ability to get your leg back in front of you as quickly and explosively as possible. When you get to a certain level and overall leg and body power is maximized, hip flexor explosiveness is HUGE. This exercise, in addition to training the abs, hits the hip flexors with explosive training. VERY effective for improving leg speed. I always recommend IronWoody Training bands for all band work. Great prices and great quality. Get yours by clicking here.

How To Do It: So to perform this exercise, you'll need two bands. I like to use reasonably thick bands (the green ones, if you're using the IronWoody bands I mentioned above) to get a really powerful movement. Attach one band to something low and behind you while attaching the other band to something higher up and in

front of you. I use a cable cross-over machine (not attaching to the cables but using the frame of the machine). I attach the low band to one upright and the high band to the crossbeam on the other end. Step inside the band with your right leg then pull the band up so that it's just above your left knee.

Now reach forward and grab the other band that's hanging down in front of you with your OPPOSING hand - e.g. if the band is on your left leg, grab it with your right hand). The bands should be hitched around these objects (demo at the bottom of the page on how to hitch bands if you need it). That's your start position.

Now, with an explosive movement, drive your knee up as high as you can while bringing your arm down as hard as you can.

Step down and pause briefly at the bottom then repeat until you feel you can't put a lot of explosiveness into the movement - you'll know this by feel. Generally, with a powerful movement, it's about 4 to 6 reps. Next, what I like to do is when I can't do more reps holding with the one hand, I'll grab the band with BOTH hands and continue.

Generally, it's the upper body that fatigues first, so switching to both arms allows you to keep going and burning out the abs and hip flexors. Do several reps of this fast and explosively. With this variation, I like to omit the pause at the bottom and just barely touch my foot to the ground before exploding right back up. Because you're gripping the band with both hands, your balance is better and you should be able to pop right back up pretty well. When you're toasted on the one side, let go of the band then step back and let it drop off your knee. Change legs and pull the band up above your OTHER knee.

Repeat the same procedure as above, grabbing the band with your left hand and bringing the two together. Again, finish with both arms on the band.


To really get an idea of the explosiveness of this exercise, be sure to watch the video. Still pictures don't give you the real impression of how powerfully this exercise should be done. So if you want to improve abdominal power and explosiveness and increase your leg speed when sprinting, give this one a try!

How To Hitch a Band It's very easy! First, throw the band on top of the horizontal bar so the two ends are dangling. Now, just pull one end through the loop of the other. Pull that end through as far as it can go and you're all set and secured!

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Hip Mobility Sumo Squat Stretch Stretching out the hip area can be a boring chore or it can be a challenge to yourself that can actually build strength in the hip area at the same time as you're getting the benefits of the stretching. This is a simple technique for achieving that. All you need is a dumbell. You're going to hold the dumbell in your hands, with your feet out wide to the side in a sumo stance. Then you're going to drop down into the sumo squat position and just hold it, letting the weight pull you down into the stretch. Hold it for about 45 seconds to a minute. I'm using a 65 lb dumbell for this - you don't need a whole lot of weight, but it should be enough that it does pull you down.

In the second pic, you can see the weight is a bit closer to the floor. This is a result of letting the weight pull me down into the stretch.

Then just set the weight on the floor and you're done. This is an exercise to finish off your leg training, not something to do before you work your legs heavy. You'll not only get the stretch, you'll also work your legs fairly hard by holding that bottom squat position for that period of time.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

One Side Loaded Barbell Squats When you think ab training, crunches and sit-ups usually come to mind...the crazy thing is, those are actually the LEAST effective exercises for training the core area! There is very little carryover to sports and daily activity. That's where THIS exercise comes's a simple one that uses the core in ways that have practical applications in sports, strength and every day life. You're going to do a simple squat movement with only ONE side of the bar loaded... Yeah, it sounds strange and sounds like it should be a leg exercise, but when you try it, you'll know exactly why it's all about core strength. By loading only one side of the bar, you'll be placing great demands on the deep, stabilizing muscles of the midsection...the obliques and the transverse abdominus. These are the muscles that wrap AROUND the core area and provide stability to your spinal column in addition to transferring power from the lower to the upper body (and vice versa). If these muscles aren't strong, you won't be able to throw hard, run fast, or pick things up throwing your back out! Also, because they wrap around your midsection, these are the muscles most responsible for making your stomach flat, NOT the six-pack abs. They act like a girdle wrapping around your stomach...the six pack abs run up and down and simple aren't anatomically able to perform that "flat stomach" function. All the crunches in the world won't flatten your abs! This exercise WILL. So for this one, you'll need a barbell and (preferably) a rack do these in. Load just one side of the bar and make sure it has a collar on it to prevent the weight from sliding off if the bar tips. I'm using one 45 lb plate here - I recommend starting lighter the first time you try it. Get under the bar and take your normal squat stance. Grip the bar HARD. When you take the bar off the rack, it's going to be a big change in balance. Pull down hard with your non-weighed side hand. Step out and get ready to squat - you'll already be feeling the tension in your core.

Now squat down. THIS is where you'll really feel it in your side abdominal area. It's teaching those deep core muscles to fire in response to an unbalanced load while performing a basic squatting movement. This is what develops that sports-related core power and strength.

Perform all your reps on one side (about 6 to 8) then turn around and do the other side.

That's it! This is a simple exercise to set up and perform and really targets the core strongly. Since you're using a relatively light weight, this exercise won't challenge your legs to any great degree...this is all about hitting those deep muscle of the core and making them WORK.

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Single Leg Lockout Partial Squats There is always a huge debate in sports, athletic and bodybuilding training about the benefits of single leg training as opposed to double leg training...for example, should you do regular barbell squats or are lunges better? Do single leg exercises have greater carryover to sports and athletics or is an athlete better off using an exercises like squats that you can load more heavily in order to build overall strength then use athletic practice to develop specific strength. I'm not going to get into that whole debate approach is to do BOTH. They each have their benefits and their place in training. THIS exercise, however, gives you the advantage of serious loading on the target muscles AND doing it one leg at a time to develop that functional strength we're looking for. It's also a great core strength workout as the tension is going to be going primarily through one side of your body.

It's the Single Leg Lockout Partial Squat. This exercise, when you really load it heavily like I do, should ONLY be done in a power rack. I would also highly recommend getting a piece of squat training equipment called the Manta Ray (click here to read to my full review of the Manta Ray). Ideally, you should also be familiar with lockout partial squatting with both legs before working with the single leg version. I HIGHLY recommend you start with a lighter weight (like your around 80% of your normal 1 RM on a regular squat, for example) in order to get used to the exercise and how it loads your body before you start moving up in weight. This exercise is completely safe when you perform it within your own ability level, which is why I recommend starting nowhere the weights that I use when I do the exercise :) You need to develop the unilateral leg and core strength and stability to be able to handle bigger loads before actually tackling the bigger loads, even if you feel you have the leg strength to push higher. Do your first trial of these with weights BELOW your 1 rep max for sets of 10 to 12 reps or so. Then see how it feels, let your body adapt and gradually move yourself up from there. I've been doing these for a long time and doing partial squats for a long time so I'm able to push the weight to a pretty substantial level here without any problems (675 lbs/7 plates on the bar in the pics here), doing sets of 6 reps. How to Do Single Leg Lockout Partial Squats: You're going to set the rails in the power rack to just below the lockout position of your squat. You only want to hit the top few inches of the range of motion with this exercise.

Get yourself under the bar like you were going to do a regular squat. Now get your left foot directly under the midpoint of the bar. This is important! You want your working leg to have a directly line of push through the weight. Your other leg is going to be set out to the side for balance, like the outrigger on a doesn't contribute much directly to the upwards movement but is used for balance and support. That other foot should on the balls of the foot, almost like the top position of a calf raise. This will allow it to be more active in helping with balance. Now you're ready to start. Get yourself locked under the bar and make sure you're pushing from the HEEL of your foot, not from your toes, on that working leg. That'll activate the glutes more strongly, which help power this exercise. Take a big breath and HOLD IT for the duration of the up and down, until you set that bar back down on the rails. This is a very short movement and you don't need to breathe while doing it. Breathing will just destabilize your core. We want a rock-solid, fireplug-tight core while performing this exercise because of the unbalanced tension going through your body while doing it.

Push the bar off the rails, straightening your leg, then set it back down. You don't need to hold the lockout at the top - there's no real advantage in doing it. Just get it off the rails, straighten you leg then immediately come back down and set it back on the rails again.

Repeat this for all your reps on the first leg then switch to the other leg.

Remember to hold your breath all the way up and down and make sure you set your working leg right under the center of the bar. This is a GREAT exercise for developing serious unilateral strength in the lower body and great core strength for sports. Even though it's relatively lighter than regular lockout partial squats, you can still load it pretty substantially so make sure you do it smartly, starting with submaximal weights in order to gauge how your body responds to this type of training.

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Forehead On Bench Rows This is a technique that solves several problems at once when it comes to rowing. The first problem is how to maintain proper body position when doing a barbell or dumbell row. When the tendency is to bob up and down, this exercise puts a stop to it. It also helps you to keep your body in a more horizontal position when rowing without throwing stress onto the lower back. The next problem is how to work your neck without specifically setting aside time to work your neck. A person only has so much time in a workout and neck work is often a low priority. If you're training for a contact sport, neck work is VERY important but often neglected. This technique adds direct neck work into back work. All you'll need for this is your normal free weight (barbell or dumbell) and an incline bench (preferably padded on the end). Fold a towel and set in on the top end of the incline bench. The bench should be set at about 30 to 45 degrees. The setting of incline is what will change the height of where you're resting your forehead. Without weight, get into rowing position - set your forehead on the bench. Perform the rowing movement without weight to see how the position feels to you. Adjust the height of the bench as necessary. Now reach down and grab your barbell. Start with a bit lighter weight than you normally use. Pick up the barbell then lean forward and plant your forehead on the end of the bench.

Bend your knees, arch your back, suck in your abs and start rowing! Every time you row up, your neck gets worked isometrically. It's not only supporting your body, it's supporting the weight as you move it. It's VERY effective for getting in some direct neck work. When doing this exercise with dumbells, only use ONE dumbell at a time. In my experience, the mechanics of using two dumbells don't quite line up right, especially if you're using heavy dumbells that are long in length. Stick to one and do a one arm row, letting your arm stretch down at the bottom.

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Hybrid Cable-Dumbell Shrugs A big, thick set of traps is a MUST HAVE when you're a've GOT to support your head and neck, and the traps are a key part of that. So have normal shrugs let you down when it comes to building traps? If so, I've got an exercise for YOU. This is a Hybrid version of the standard dumbell shrug. And by Hybrid I mean you'll be combining two forms of resistance into one movement to better match the strength curve and fiber alignment of the target muscles...the trapezius. So to perform this exercise, you're essentially going to be doing a normal standing dumbell shrug while attached to the two low pulleys, which are exerting outwards/diagonal force at the same time. To see why this is so effective, let's take a quick look at the anatomy of the trap muscles.

Anatomy Chart courtesy of FCIT As you can see in the diagram, the fibers of the traps run in multiple directions in a fan-like pattern. The upper traps, which is what we're targeting with the shrug exercise run diagonally upwards (though never completely vertical). When you're doing a standard straight up and down shrug movement, you're only involving the

fibers in a vertical movement pattern. You're also working the levator scapula muscles, whose sole purpose is to elevate the shoulder blades straight up. When you add in the lateral-resistance component of the two low pulleys, you can immediately see how that additional pull is more in line with the direction of the upper trapezius fibers (you'll see this clearly in the pics of the exercise in action below). When you combine the heavy load of the dumbells with the lateral pull of the cables, you get MASSIVE tension on more "meat" of the trapezius muscles. And that means SERIOUS trapezius growth.

Here's how to do Hybrid Cable-Dumbell Shrugs First, you'll need a way to attach the low pulley to either your arms or your dumbells. Fortunately, that's very easy to do. My preferred method is to use two ankle harnesses attached to the low pulleys. Keep the set loose so you can slide your hands in and out fairly easily. If you don't have ankle harnesses, you can also just loop the cable around the handle and clip it back onto itself. Keep that shifted towards the back of the dumbell. It does make it a bit awkward, which is why I like the ankle harnesses, but it does give you an option. Also, if you don't have low pulleys, you can do this with bands as well and get a similar effect. So first, get your dumbells set in in the center of the pulleys. I'm using a couple of 105 lb dumbells and 100 lbs on each of the weight stacks (side note, when you're using heavier dumbells, you need to match it with heavier weight on the cables, otherwise the downward force of the dumbell weight will overmatch the lateral force of the cables and you won't get the same effect). Get your hands through the harnesses.

Now get in the center and grab your dumbells, getting into position for a regular shrug.

Next, with an explosive movement, shrug your shoulders as high as you can and hold briefly at the top for maximum contraction.

You will feel this up into your neck like you never have before with shrugs, I can promise you that. The direct lateral resistance on the traps targets fibers that generally don't get worked by regular shrugs due to the standard vertical line of pull. When you add in the lateral resistance with the cables, you're also going to get continuous tension on those fibers, which is a further stimulator of growth. So you're... 1. Hitting more fibers 2. Hitting them with a lateral line of pull, which is more in line with their direction of pull 3. Keep continuous tension on them. This is a KILLER combination that will give you MONSTER trap growth.

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Neck-Focused Weighted Dips This exercise is not your normal weighted dip...instead of having the dip belt around your waist, like you regularly would, you're going to have the belt around the back of your head and neck. This means while you're doing the dip, you're also getting some isometric neck work as well. The first thing to note here is that you should start VERY light the first time you try it. It's perfectly safe to work the neck in an isometric fashion like just want to be sure never to overload and strain those muscles. So start light and work your way up gradually. I do a lot of heavy posterior chain training, which is why I'm using 45 lbs to start with in the demo, then increased to 90 lbs. This level of weight is fine for me because I'm advanced. Even if you are advanced like this, too, I would recommend starting lighter and moving up in small increments. Set the belt around the back your head and neck then get into position on the dip bars. Come down into the bottom.

Having the weight around your head means your body will tilt forward as you come to the bottom, making it more of a chest dip at the bottom and a tricep dip at the top. Keep your neck muscles tight and solid through the duration of the set - no relaxation. This is also going to work the upper trapezius fibers strongly as well. Obviously, you'll need to be strong enough to be able to actually DO weighted dips in the first place before using this exercise.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

One-Arm Handstand Renegade Rows This one of the craziest-looking exercises I've ever come up with, to be quite honest. It LOOKS crazy, but it's actually VERY effective for targeting the support structures of your upper body, especially the neck, spine and upper back. You're going to be doing a Renegade Row (which is a row done one arm at a time in a push-up position) type of exercise while holding yourself up in almost a one arm handstand position. It's a not a full handstand with the setup I was using but it's about 75% there. I'll show you how it's done then explain why it works so well as I do - you really have to see it in action to understand what I'm talking about with it. First, you'll need to have a rack set up with the height at about face level. I'm using an Olympic bar with a pair of plates on the ends to keep it weighted down. The bar is pulled up against the uprights of the rack. You can also do this on a Smith machine bar very effectively as well, or really, just about anything solid that you can get your feet over top of that's about the right height. Use a moderate weight dumbell (just one). I'm using a 75 lb dumbell here - I'd suggest using something lighter than that to start with, if you do decide to give this one a try. Get on your hands and knees in front of the bar.

Now reach one of your legs up to the bar and hook your toes over it. This is why bar height is can't be so high that you can reach it with your foot here. If you can't reach it, lower it down until you can. Now get your other foot hooked over the bar.

Next, get your hand onto the dumbell while keeping the other one on the floor, out in front a bit. As you do the exercise, you'll find the "sweet spot" of balance for it. Row the dumbell up.

THIS is what works the supporting muscles of the neck, spine and upper back so well. You're supporting your bodyweight on one hand, pushing down on the ground, while at the same you're pulling with the other side. When you're doing a normal Renegade Row, you get a lot of cross-tension through the core. When you're doing it in this position, that cross-tension goes mainly through the upper back area instead because the core is up higher (there is SOME core involvement, just not as much). This unique support and resistance combination will really target those muscles of the neck, spine and upper back in a GOOD way. I like to do this one alternating hands on each rep, so roll the dumbell over to the other side and go on the other side.

Once you're done, just bring your legs back down one at a time and you're good to go. Stand up slowly because all the blood has pooled in your head here :) As I mentioned, go moderate the first time you do this one until you get the idea for how it's done. If you've never done handstand push-ups or upside down training, this will be a new experience for you so be very careful with it and really, don't stand up fast. Bring your legs down then stay in a crouch for a few seconds until things normalize. This absolutely a crazy-looking exercise and extremely effective!

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Sandbag Neck Training Squats and Lunges On this exercise, we're going to take a cue from cultures that transport heavy items by setting them on their heads...I'm sure you've seen pictures of this in action! Well, we're going to be using a sandbag on top of the head while doing squats and lunges. (If you need to buy a sandbag, click here - HIGHLY recommended training equipment!) It's functional, albeit probably not an everyday activity you'd do. This is going to be an eye-opener for you, though. GREAT if you're involved in any contact sports, because it's going to build up your neck muscles WHILE performing actual sports-like maneuvers, i.e. the squat and the lunge. You'll be strengthening your neck while moving. This is one exercise you MUST be very careful and deliberate while doing. Start with a light sandbag the first time you do it. The first step is to clean the sandbag up BEHIND your head.

Why clean it behind your head onto your back first? Because we don't want to clean it directly on top of your head too much injury potential. We want to be very careful how we set the bag on top. Press/push press the bag to arms-length overhead.

NOW slowly set the bag directly on top of your head. Do this gently - no flopping the bag down.

Now you're ready to begin! The first exercise is just a basic squat.

Be sure to keep a good grip on the handles so you can keep good control of the bag at all times.

This training isn't particularly hard on the legs but it WILL hit your neck very thoroughly. You can also do lunges with this same bag-on-head setup. Nothing too crazy here - just perform the exercises and keep good control of the bag!

When you're done, just press the bag up and drop it on the ground. That's it! It's important to note here to NOT push yourself to failure on neck exercises. As you can imagine, neck muscle stability is pretty important to overall health and well-being. You should feel the neck working but NEVER go to failure on neck training. This is an excellent way to do some good neck training without using exercises that bend and flex the neck.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Sandbag Weighted Push-Ups - Variations The push-up is one of the most common exercise in the whole world. Everybody has seen a push-up (though not everybody does 'em right!). To really make them work for muscle-building, once you can do a certain number, you have to start adding resistance. And that's where the sandbag comes in. I get my sandbags from Coach Josh Henkin - click here to go to his site to learn more and get your own. These things are EXCELLENT - very durable and lots of straps to grab onto. So anyway, I've got a couple of variations of the sandbag weighted push-up that you can use. For both of them, I start with the sandbag on the floor in front of me, then clean it up and overhead to my back. Then I kneel down and get into push-up position. This is an extra step that I like to do to give a bit more challenge. The first variation is going to weight the push-up AND it's going to build neck strength because of where the bag is resting (you'll see). So start with the bag in front, grab the handles.

Now heave it up overhead.

And hold it on your upper back.

Now kneel down.

Balance the bag on the back of your neck and shoulders and get your hands down in push-up position.

Lower to the floor.

Then push back up.

Once you've done your rep, go back to your knees, then stand up.

Grab the handles then pop it back up and over your head. Then drop it to the floor.

As I mentioned above, you don't have to do the whole thing from the can just have somebody set the bag on your or you stand it up on something else then pull it onto your back. I just like the challenge and the increase in workload. The second variation is similar with the heave overhead to start...the difference is then you turn the bag so it runs directly down your back.

Then do the push-up.

This also is a bit easier as it distributes the load over more of your back rather than just having it on your neck and shoulders. If you've got a sandbag, these are two good options to try out. If you don't have a sandbag, what are you waiting for! Even if you train at a gym, there are days where you may not be able to do. Having a sandbag means you can do a TON of stuff for pretty much every bodypart AT HOME without equipment that takes up a lot of space.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Seated Leaning Dumbell Shrugs The dumbell shrug is a nice trapezius exercise that, with a slight modification in position, can also be targeted to work the rhomboids and teres major muscles that pull the scapulae in together, which is VERY beneficial for posture. It's a simple variation to the shrug...instead of sitting upright, you're going to lean forward at an angle. By changing the angle of pull on the body, you change the muscles involved. You'll not only hit the upper traps, but the middle traps, rhomboids and teres major muscles as well, along with the core and the legs to some degree. So for this, you'll need a bench and a couple of dumbells. Sit on the end of the bench and lean forward and pick up the dumbells. Sit up about halfway, until your back is about 45 degrees.

Now shrug up. You'll find your arms will bend a bit as you try to squeeze the shoulder blades together. This is totally fine to do. Just don't use momentum from your lower back to heave the dumbells up.

That's the exercise! It's this leaning-forward position that changes things up and makes it even more useful than regular seated dumbell shrugs.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

4 Minute Total-Body Sandbag Workout This is a 4 minute workout using sandbags that hits every part of your body. What it DOESN'T tell you is that workout is done without the sandbag even ONCE touching the ground! It's a fun challenge to hit every single bodypart without ever letting that bag touch the ground but it definitely can be done. I'll show you how to hit back, chest, arms, lower back, thighs, calves, shoulders, and abs all in one 4 minute blowout. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...and crazier... To do this, you'll obviously need a sandbag. I HIGHLY recommend Coach Josh Henkin's bags for training with. The things are unbreakable and have plenty of handles and straps to give you all the options you need. Click here to check those out now. I'm using a medium bag (loaded to 70 lbs). I'll give you a play-by-play on all the different things I'm doing as I go through the 4 minutes. You can blend all these different movements however you like in terms of what order to do them in. First, start with the bag on the ground - grip the two handles

Clean the bag up to your shoulders then hold in the crook of your arms. Now do a front squat.

When you come up from the front squat, pop the bag directly overhead in a push-press type of movement.

Let the bag land on your upper back. Now squat.

Come up. Now do a Good Morning with the bag.

Stand up then do a standing calf raise. Now lean over and let the bag roll down your back, keeping it under control with your hands.

Now kneel down. You'll be doing a weighted push-up next. The bag will be balanced on your back.

Come back up to kneeling, grab the bag, then stand back up with the bag held at your lower back. Now bring the bag around to the front of your body, sliding around your hip and resting it on your thigh.

From there, go back to a standing bag clean and begin the cycle again! On the last round through, I finished off with a couple of pizza throws for abs. This is where you toss the bag up in the air, flipping it over before you catch it again. GREAT for the abs, both on the toss and the catch.

That's it! Do 4 or 5 rounds through of this and at the end, you will definitely feel that you've worked everything!

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Alternating Arm Kettlebell Swings for Cardio Training I'll be honest...most "normal" cardio training is extremely boring to me. It's not fun (and I want to have fun when I'm training) and I'm not a fan of sitting on a machine and grinding away at something for 40 minutes.When you're training for combat sports, grinding away is NOT something you have the luxury of doing. I'd much rather use resistance and do something challenging and fun that doesn't really seem like cardio, though it actually ends up functioning as cardio. That's where Kettlebell Swings come in. This is a GREAT exercise not only for doing cardio but you can also use it with heavier weights and do it for strength as well. It develops all the muscles of the posterior chain and is an excellent total-body strengthener. When you do it for time, with lighter weight, it's a very effective method of cardiovascular training as well, due to the sheer volume of muscle mass it works. Now, just standing there and swinging a kettlebell is totally fine. However, once you get accustomed to (and/or bored with!) just that, it's time to mix things up a bit. That's where this version comes in. You're going to alternate swings of two arm, one-arm, two-arm, other arm. This is going to not only provide great cardio training, it's going to target the core strongly as well (especially the deep, anti-rotational muscles of the core, a.k.a the internal and external obliques). This not only gives you cardio training for fat-loss, it gives you killer abdominal work at the same time (and the kind of abdominal work that actually tightens up the waist!). As you can see, this is a GREAT method and something definitely worth adding in to your routine. Here's how to do it... First, get yourself a light to moderate weight kettlebell (this won't work with a dumbell because it'll be too awkward to switch hands on the fly - you don't want to end up throwing the dumbell across the gym). I'm using a "homemade" kettlebell setup called a KettleStack, which is basically a handle with weight plates on it total of 40 lbs. You can read the review I did of the KettleStack here. Another great option is the KettleClamp. This is a handle that attaches to any dumbell to make it into a kettlebell. It doesn't work for all kettlebell movements but it's GREAT for swings. Check out the review I did of the KettleClamp here. Pick up the KB with both hands, feet a bit outside shoulder-width apart. Bring the KB back and take a backswing.

Snap the hips forward to swing the KB up in front of you. I only recommend swinging up shoulder height. There's no need to swing higher...that basically just adds more momentum to the downswing, which increases torque on the lower back. And with this movement, you want to be able to easily change grips...that point at the top of the swing right in front of you, where the KB is essentially weightless, is the best opportunity to do it. So at the top, release your grip with your left hand so you're only holding on with your right. At the same time, step to the right with your left leg, bringing your feet together (this sounds complicated but it's actually a pretty natural movement when you try it and see it in action in the video). Swing the dumbell down outside your right side.

Swing it all the way back behind you. This is where you'll be targeting your core STRONGLY. Swinging weight outside of your base of support puts major counter-rotation tension on the obliques. Keep your core TIGHT during this one-arm swing.

Swing the KB back up to the front. This one-arm swing doesn't have as much hip power to it...more core and upper body action. At the top of the swing, grab it with both hands again and step your left foot out wide again. You're going to be doing a two-arm swing again here. Swing the KB back down between your legs.

Come all the way back into the backswing making sure you keep your lower back right and arched.

Snap the hips forward to swing the KB up again. Release your right hand from the KB and step your right in so your feet are together. Swing the KB back on your left side now.

Bring it all the way back then swing back up to the front. Notice how in the backswing, I'm leaning forward to counterbalance the momentum. This is important to do so you don't lose your balance. Swing back to the front and grab with both hands.

Swing back down and repeat the sequence.

Keep going with this sequence for however long you have set to do. I like to do intervals of at least 1 to 2 minutes of this. One very important thing to note is that you shouldn't try and use heavy kettlebells for this one. Because you'll be swinging it outside of your base of support, it does put a fair bit of torque on the core. If your core isn't strong enough to handle that torque, the lower back and spine will take the brunt of it, which is not what we're looking for. Keep the weight moderate and don't try and push it too heavy. I found for me, about 40 lbs was perfect. Overall, this is a GREAT way to do fat-loss cardio training with resistance. You hit a lot of muscle mass and it requires some degree of paying attention and skill to perform, but not so much that it's out of reach of anybody who wants to try it. It develops phenomenal core strength and has the potential to tighten up your waist at the same time by hitting those deep "girdle" muscles of the core. Do intervals of 1 to 2 minutes with a 2:1 rest interval (e.g. 1 minute of swinging gives you 30 seconds of rest in between...2 minutes of swinging gives you 1 minute of rest) and for go for 3 to 5 work intervals. BAM! Cardio is done, core training is done and you had fun doing it.

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Band-Resisted Treadmill Running This is one of the techniques I use on the treadmill to make up for one of the main DEFICITS of running on the treadmill. What is that deficit? The fact that the tread belt does quite a bit of the work for you! You see, when you're running on ground, you have to use force from your glutes to propel your body forward. You don't push yourself forward, you don't go. But on the treadmill, the movement of the tread brings your leg back on every step FOR you. The glutes don't have to push you forward because you're not GOING forward - you're staying in the spot. Your hip flexors, on the other hand, get a lot of workload (that's why it's VERY important to stretch out your hip flexors when doing a lot of treadmill work and to make sure you're doing plenty of exercises that involve the glutes. So anyway, how do you make up for that deficit? You can do it by consciously pushing yourself forward with every step. That works pretty well. What I like to do is use band resistance to force the glutes to work during the running. It's not only more challenging but kinda fun, too! [If you need to get some bands, click here to see where I got mine. They've got good prices and good quality.] You don't need a big, thick band for this one - just a small one (if you're using the bands I mentioned above, I use the red one). You will also need something solid to attach the band onto. You'll see in the demo, I moved my Preacher bench in behind the treadmill and attached the band onto that. If you train with a partner - even easier! Just have your partner hold the other end of the band. Of if you're a personal trainer with a client, you hold the band and let them work against it. Be SURE you're comfortable on a treadmill before attempting this one and ALWAYS err on the side of caution - start the speed at a very moderate pace and try it at a WALKING pace first. Here's the setup - note the located of the Preacher bench (I weighted it down with a loaded EZ curl bar just to make sure it wasn't going anywhere). Hitch the band onto the neck of the bench then step inside the loop.

The band should rest just above the hip bones, across the lower abs - that way it won't interfere with hip motion. At this point, you can either already have the treadmill running and hop on or you can start it up from zero to slow and gradually build up speed. In the demo, I'm doing intervals with the band so I just hop on. If you've never done this hopping on thing before, either start from slow walking or from zero or PRACTICE it without the band before attempting. It's perfectly safe when you know what you're doing. Basically, you support your entire bodyweight on the side safety rails of the machine (like you were in the top position of a dip). Then you hop your legs on and start running at the pace the treadmill is running at WHILE STILL SUPPORTING YOUR WEIGHT ON THE RAILS. Only when your legs are up to speed do you take your hands off the rails. Like I said, perfectly safe when you know how to do it but practice it before trying it with the bands - this band technique will work just fine even if you start slow and do it with WALKING so if you have any doubts, just WALK.

Then you run! It's just that simple. The band will be pulling backwards on you the whole time you're running - you have to exert FORWARD pushing force just to stay in the same spot on the treadmill, which solves the problem of the treadmill doing a lot of the work for you. Your glutes will have to be involved to keep you on the treadmill. If you're a runner and you have to do some indoor training, this is a great technique to use so your body doesn't get too accustomed to having the legs constantly get pulled backwards without any effort.

It's also a great cardio challenge, too! You'll suddenly realize just how relatively easy treadmill running is compared to running at the same pace on the road. In the demo video, I've also included a section where I was moving forward and backward on the treadmill. Basically, I would allow the band to pull me back a little towards the end of the treadmill, then I would kick up the power and push forward until I was back up near the buttons again. This is sort of like interval training but using band resistance for the adjustment instead of speed.

And, of course, this tip wouldn't be complete with also doing this technique BACKWARDS. Step inside the loop with the band across your lower back.

Stand backwards on the treadmill (use a slower speed than the forward running). Keep your hands on the safety rails the WHOLE time on this version.

Then get your feet on the belt and start running! Like I said, keep your hands on the rails so you could jump off the belt at a moments notice.

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Dumbell on Plate Pushing and Pulling Conditioning work to develop strength and cardio capacity is always tough work. If you're familiar with the Prowler or the sled, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Basically, it's anything that you load plates on top of and push along the ground. It's GREAT conditioning, not only for cardio capacity but lower body and core strength. So what if you don't have a sled or the ability to get one to push it? Got an option for you...a weight plate loaded with a dumbell on top. You'll need to do this on a surface that isn't a "gripping" surface, like rubber flooring. If have you carpet you can do this on, that'll be perfect. If you have linoleum or wood floors, you can still do this by using a towel underneath the weight plate, so it doesn't scuff the floor. Set the flat side of the plate down on the floor and set a dumbell on top of the weight plate.

Now get down on the floor and set your hands on the edge of the plate.


Since I have limited floor space, I'm pushing for about 12 feet or so then turning around and going again. If you have more space, push further!

As you can see, with the plate on the floor like this, you have to really bend down to get pushing. This works the posterior chain HARD. You can use the same setup to pull as well. Just get on the other side of the plate and set your fingers in the lip.

Then pull it back between your legs.

And repeat, stepping back each time.

Very simple, very basic training but extremely tough and effective!

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Bodyweight/Barbell Complexes Complexes are basically a series of exercises done without releasing your grip on the bar or dumbells. I've got 4 good complexes that I've come up with that fit the bill (with a few small grip changes on some of them). These complexes are bodyweight exercises combined with barbell exercises to really cover more bases. They're really powerful for kicking up the metabolism for fat-loss purposes. You're not going to build much strength or muscle with them but the sheer amount of muscle mass used in these complexes makes them ideal for fat burning and boosting the metabolism. Just an fyi, if you can't do straight bar dips, sub in push-ups instead. And if you can't do pull-up rows with your feet off the ground, set your feet on the ground. You'll see what I mean when you see the complexes.

Complex #1 Set the bar in the power rack at about stomach level. Load it with a light to moderate weight (you'll be able to judge your weight better when you see the exercises being used for it).

Straight Bar Dips - this is a bodyweight dip done with your hands set on the barbell.

Now swing yourself down UNDER the bar (preferably without letting your feet touch the ground).

Pull-Up Rows

Set your feet down on the floor and change your grip to set up Front Squats.

Duck your head under the bar to get it on your back for back squats. Set your feet out WAY wide so that the forefoot area is actually up on the side rails of the rack and only your heels are on the ground. This is a GREAT glute and hamstring version of the squat (you could call it a sumo squat, like the sumo stance deadlift). The front squat hits the quads more so this aims to focus on glutes and hams.

Bring your feet in and do standing calf raises (half range from flat on the floor to up on your toes and hold).

That's it!

Complex #2 The first two exercises of this complex are the same as first. Set a lighter on the bar, though, because you'll be doing shoulder presses after the pull-up rows. So start with the straight bar dips.

Then swing down under the bar for pull-up rows.

Then swing your legs around and kneel down for barbell shoulder press.

Get your feet back under you and do squats with the bar in the bottom position of the shoulder press .

That's it!

Complex #3 Start with the straight bar dip again.

Feet on the ground pull-up rows.

To kneeling barbell shoulder press.

To front squats...

To back squats

That's it for #3! This one is a bit easier to perform, especially with the leg stuff - the lighter weight used in the shoulder press means you'll need to do more reps for the leg part.

Complex #4 On-barbell push-ups. I have my legs hooked on another bar, but it's not necessary. Just wanted to see if it would work any differently. It does work good, but regular push-ups will be just fine here, too.

Set your feet down.

Now go to barbell rows.

Then to stiff-legged deadlifts.

That's it for #4! Definitely use your imagination and use these as a jumping-off point to come up with your own complexes.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Dumbell Farmers Walks on Stairs This is a very straightforward're going to be doing a normal Farmers Walk, carrying two dumbells, up and down a flight of stairs. When you're using heavy dumbells, this is VERY tough training. I've got a pair of 125 lb dumbells that I'm working with, doing these in interval training fashion. Obviously, you'll need stairs to do these with...if your gym doesn't have stairs you can use, you can use a Step platform and do weighted step-up. Step up on one side, then up and over then turn around and repeat. You'll get a very similar action here. Pick up the dumbells. Go up the stairs.

Turn around then come down the stairs

Then set the dumbells and take a brief rest.

Then pick them up and go again. This works the grip, the bar, the arms, and especially the's like doing a step-up with weight on every single stair you do. Be VERY careful on the way down and take it slow. You don't want to lose your balance when doing these. It's easier to keep balance on the way up because you're leaning a bit forward into the incline of the stairs. This exercise is going to really challenge your strength, your cardio capacity and willingness to endure tremendous discomfort!

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

One-Arm Kettlebell Swing Step-Ups It sounds really complicated and a one-arm kettlebell swing combined with a step-up. But once you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy and pretty natural to do. Bench Step-Ups are a great low-equipment way to get some cardio training done. This essentially doubles the effectiveness of that cardio by including an upper body and core component to the exercise, dramatically increasing calories burned and the metabolic effect of the exercise. Really, you're hitting your whole body in one shot. I recommend doing this as interval training. In the demo, I'm doing 30 seconds work to 30 seconds rest for a total of 15 minutes (I won't show you the whole 15 minutes here, though - you'll get the idea well before that amount of time). To do this one, you'll need some Step risers or a low bench and a kettlebell. I'm using a 40 lb kettlebell here. You can also do this very effectively (though a bit differently) with dumbells - I'll show you that version after. Stand in front of your Step platform with the kb in your right hand. Grip on the kb as far over to the right hand side of the handle as you can. This will facilitate the switching of hands at the top of the swing.

Take a short backswing with the kb then step up onto the bench at the same time as you swing the kb up in front of you (right or left leg - doesn't matter, though it's good to alternate which one you step up with on each interval you do).

At the top of the swing, when you're standing on the Step, switch hands and let it swing down with your left hand as you step back down at the same time.

Take a short back swing then step up again, swinging the kb up again.

Repeat this sequence of switching hands and stepping up and down for 30 seconds. That's it! Like I said, it sounds complicated but you once get going it's not so bad. And it's TOUGH, really hitting every major muscle group in your in a cardiovascular fashion. If you've only got dumbells, I suggest doing it with two dumbells and not switching hands at the top - it's tougher to switch with dumbbells and you don't want to drop one on yourself. It works just as well with 2 dumbells, though you won't get the same degree of core involvement as you do swinging a single kb back and forth. Grab two dumbells - I've got two 20-lb dumbells here. Take a short backswing. Now step onto the platform and start swinging them up in front of you.

Swing them up til your arms are horizontal then step back down, bringing the dumbells back down and taking another backswing.

Again, when you're doing these for intervals, alternate which leg you lead with on each interval, e.g. step first with your left on one interval then on the next interval step first with your right. This will help keep things even. This is GREAT cardio training...very little equipment needed and it'll work you better then the vast majority of the cardio machines out there.

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Overhead Kettlebell Step-Ups This is a nice cardio technique that you can use to increase the intensity of the cardio training you're'll simply be adding a little resistance in a unique fashion. You'll do this by holding a single kettlebell in the overhead position while holding a dumbell or another kettlebell at your side in the other hand. This puts uneven torsion on the core while you're doing a practical step-up exercise. You add resistance and challenge to a simple step-up movement, working your core and getting some metabolic resistance training at the same time. It's simple to setup and do and very effective! Here's what it looks like. I'm doing this 30 seconds work to 30 seconds rest, switching which arm is overhead on each interval. I have a step platform with four risers underneath to step onto, a 25 lb kettlebell overhead and a 25 lb dumbell in the other hand for an added 50 lbs of total resistance while doing the exercise. So hold a dumbell in one hand and snatch the kb up to a locked-out overhead position with the other and hold it there. Step up with the left foot.

Then step down with the right and repeat.

When your work interval is up, set the weights down then switch hands.

Do your best to keep the elbow locked out, though it can be tough as you do more and more intervals. Fatigue in the shoulder and tricep does play a role. Keep going for the duration of your intervals. Great cardio training and very functional!

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Barbell Step-Ups Interval Training I'm a big fan of using resistance for my cardio training. I'd much rather do something challenging with weight than slog mindlessly on a stair machine or stationary bike. That's where this exercise comes into's interval training done using barbell step-ups as the exercise. It's a very simple concept and VERY effective. I prefer to do these in the rack, since it'll be much easier to get the bar into and out of position than any other method. Set the safety rails to just below lockout height on a squat. Set a Step riser inside the rack and load a light weight on the bar...something that's not really challenging for a normal set of step-ups. I've got 135 lbs on the bar. Get under the bar and get it on your shoulders as though doing a squat. Stand up.

Now set your left foot on the riser. And step up with the right.

Then step back down with the left. Then with the right.

That's it! Now repeat for intervals of 30 seconds work to 30 seconds rest. On the next round, lead off with your other foot (the right foot) to keep things balanced.

One thing I do recommend here is placing your timer at eye level in front of you. That way, you can keep an eye on your interval timing without turning your head. Doing these in front of a mirror will also help you keep an eye on where you're stepping, so you don't trip on the riser. And speaking of, that's the OTHER big reason to use the rack. If you do lose your balance and trip, you're in the rack and the bar won't take you to the ground with it. It's much safer. Overall, this is a GREAT way to do cardio. You'll be using resistance and getting some good strength work out of it, in addition to cardio training.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Heavy Barbell Step-Ups Interval Training I'm a BIG fan of resistance-based cardio training. I don't like slogging away on a bike or a stair machine. And that's where THIS exercise comes in... This Step-Up uses a heavier weight but a shorter range of motion, so you're still challenging yourself but just in a different way. You'll need a small Step riser (just one) or small solid block and a rack to do this. I recommend doing intervals of 20 to 30 seconds on and equal amount of time off. You can do however many intervals you this workout, I did 15 minutes of this training and that was plenty (it's brutal!). Set the safety rails in the rack to just below lockout of the squat. This makes it easy to get into position for the exercise on each interval. Set the Step riser in the rack. Get the bar on your shoulders then stand up so it's off the rails. Now step on with your left foot.

Step up with your right. Then step back down with your left foot.

Then back down with your right. Take your designated rest then go again, leading off with the other foot this time (and keep alternating the leadoff foot on each set, to keep things even).

When you finish the interval, just squat down a little and set the bar back on the rails. This is one of my new favorite ways to do cardio. You get great cardio training while loading yourself with a heavy weight to challenge your muscular system as well. Oh, and it IS absolutely brutal, when you use fairly heavy weights. Fair warning.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Resistance Cardio... Dumbell Carrying Carrying heavy dumbells around is actually a GREAT way to do cardio that also builds strength and endurance at the same time. It's a very simple concept and I've included a few different variations that you can try. I'm using my Reverse Hyperextension bench to set the dumbells on, just fyi. You may or may not have something that height that you can set dumbells on. If you don't, you can just set them back down on the floor or on a bench or box...basically use whatever you have available to you. In all of these variations, I've got a number of heavy dumbells lined up (from 85 lbs to 125 lbs). I start with the lightest and work up (just like the Atlas stones in strongman competitions). The first version is the Zercher dumbell carry. With this one, stand the dumbells up on end. Then squat down and clamp your forearms around the dumbell handle and stand up.

Now walk across the floor for whatever distance you have determined and set the dumbell down again (either on the floor or on top of something).

Then set it down on the floor to make room for the next dumbell.

Repeat until you've moved all the dumbells.

The next variation is carrying the dumbell to the stand in the left arm then setting it on top then carrying it back with the right arm.

And finally, this is the simplest one...carrying the dumbell in your left hand for one loop around the room then switch hands and carry it with your right hand for one loop around the room.

To make the switch, I like to set the dumbell on end on my thigh then raise the leg up, which gives you time to switch hands.

There you have it! Three simple resistance cardio dumbell carrying variations that will give you some great strength and endurance work in addition to the cardio training.

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

Sandbag Step-Ups Interval Training I've said it before and I'll say it again....many of the best training methods seem more like manual labor than actual training...and this exercise is no exception. It's cardio done carrying a sandbag (or anything else heavy...sandbags word best). I'll show you rotating between three different options...a front carry and shoulder carries on either side. You can also do a back carry by getting the bag up and onto your shoulders. For this you'll also need a Step platform or a couple of stairs to step up on. A bench could work but might be a little too high. Click here to see where I got my sandbag. In the video, you'll see I did this with a very simple interval pattern...30 seconds work to 30 seconds rest. This is nice and easy to track with a simple timer and very effective. So first start by cleaning the bag up into the front carry position.

Once you've got it cradled in your arms, then start the step-ups. Keep going until your 30 seconds are up.

When doing this one, you'll basically step up with one leg then back down on the other and repeat. Drop the bag and rest 30 seconds then you'll do a side shoulder carry. Set the bag perpendicular to your body and reach down and grasp around it. Now heave it up and over your shoulder.

Do the step-up with the bag over that shoulder. I like to lead with the same foot as the side the bag is on, but you can do it either way.

Go for 30 seconds then rest. Get the bag onto your other shoulder then do the step-ups for 30 seconds.

That's pretty much it! Just rotate through these three positions, going for 30 second intervals. I did this for a total of 12 minutes, doing 4 cycles through the 3 variations. I found this gave me a great cardio workout while also hitting the core nicely.

Core Strength Grip Strength Punching Power

Pulling Exercises Hip Strength and Power Kicking Power

Pushing Exercises Muscular Endurance Neck Strength

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Leg Exercises Power and Explosiveness Cardio

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