Teza Engleza Clasa 10 Umanist 2021 [PDF]

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Aprobat Directorul instituției Lilia Hacina

Instituția Publică Liceul Teoretic ,, Alecu Russo ”

TEZĂ SEMESTRIALĂ la LIMBA ENGLEZĂ Clasa a X- a , profil real / umanistic Sesiunea de vara , anul scolar 2021 – 2022 Data : 20 mai 2022

A elaborat Mitu Ion / Malai Valentina , profesori de limba engleza , grad didactic II

Numele _______________________ Prenumele _____________________ Instituția ______________________ Clasa _________________________ Profesor ______________________ IP Liceul teoretic „Alecu Russo”, Orhei

TEZA SEMESTRIALĂ REPETATĂ sesiunea de vara LIMBA ENGLEZĂ Clasa a X - a , profil real /umanistic August 2022 Timp alocat – 90 minute

Rechizite și materiale permise: pix de culoare albastră

Instrucțiune pentru elevi: - Citește atent subiectele de test propuse. - Rezolvarea lor este obligatorie.

Îți dorim mult success!

Evaluatori : Mîțu Ion / Malai Valentina (Nume, prenume)

Scor acordat: ___________

Nota ____________ Semnătura ___________ Competenţe specifice disciplinei Limba engleză evaluate în cadrul tezei semestriale, anul școlar 20212022 Domeniul Comunicare 1. Competența lingvistică: Utilizarea resurselor lingvistice formale în realizarea actelor comunicative, manifestând flexibilitate și autocontrol. 2. Competența sociolingvistică: Actualizarea resurselor lingvistice în diverse situaţii de comunicare, valorificând dimensiunea socială a limbii. 3. Competența pragmatică: Integrarea resurselor lingvistice în contexte cotidiene și imprevizibile, demonstrând precizie și fluență discursivă. Obiectivele de evaluare Elevul va demonstra că este capabil: Receptarea mesajelor scrise 1 să citească un text pentru identificarea rapidă a informaţiei. 2. să identifice informaţia, idea necesară pentru a îndeplini o sarcină de lucru . 3. să sesizeze ordinea evenimentelor relatate într-un text funcțional. Producerea



1. Sa identifice tema conform sarcinii indicate . 2. Sa descrie /prezinte/ relateze despre fenomenul / problema / actiunile , conform sarcinii indicate . 3. Sa prezinte avantaje ale fenomenului , problemei , actiunilor , conform sarcinii indicate . 4. Să aplice normele ortografice în explicarea opiniei/punctului de vedere cu o gamă suficientă de limbaj, cu o precizie rezonabilă și flexibilitate. 5. Să formuleze opinia proprie, însoțită de justificări și exemple pertinente, pe subiecte variate de interes actual din viața cotidiană. Competențe

Cunoaștere și înțelegere (%) 3 itemi (10 puncte) 22.3%

Aplicare (%)

Integrare (%)

Total (%)

2 itemi (10 puncte) 22.3%

II. Writing



Total (%)

3 itemi (10 puncte) 22.3%

2 itemi (10 puncte) 22.3%

2 itemi (10 puncte) 22.3% 1 item (30 puncte) 33.1% 3 itemi (40 puncte) 55.4%

7 itemi (30 puncte) 67% 1 item (30 puncte) 33.1% 8 itemi (60 puncte) 100%

I. Reading Comprehension

Item Punctaj

1 4

2 2

Conversion Chart 10 9 8 58-60 54-57 45-53

3 4

4 4

7 35-44

5 6

6 25-34

6 8

5 15-24

7 2

4 10-14

8 30

Total 60

3 5-9

2 1- 4

1 0

THE ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (30 points) Read the text and do the tasks below the text. Happiness Do you know what makes you happy or do you just think you know? At first, these two questions look the same. Write a list of all the things that make you happy. How many of them are fun? Most of them? So, if you spend your time doing all these fun things, you’ll be really happy, won’t you? Well, maybe not. For most people, fun isn’t enough for real happiness. Paul Dolan wrote a book called Happiness by Design. He thinks happiness comes from both pleasure and purpose. If most of the things on your list are about pleasure, that is what you think makes you happy. But you also need activities with purpose. We usually know if something is fun, but we don’t know what brings meaning. For example, most people think air pilots have jobs with clear purpose. They fly hundreds of people all over the world. But they spend a lot of time in boring hotels and airports and they do the same things hundreds of times. Those activities might not bring meaning – and they’re probably not fun. So, pilots also need to find pleasure and purpose in their work and life. There are different ways we can find purpose in things. Some activities might be motivating because they work for the good of people and the world around us. Or what you do might help a team you’re working in. If you’re a student, your ‘job’ is studying and passing exams. It’s easy to do well in subjects you like, but subjects you don’t like are less motivating. However, you have to study them so you need to find purpose. Can you be part of a study team with friends? Each person can study one part until they understand it and then teach it to the rest of the group. The purpose becomes helping the team. Go back to your list of things that make you happy. How many of them are activities that bring purpose? Can you add any? Remember, some activities might bring both pleasure and purpose. Now you need to design a happy life. First decide what brings you pleasure and/or purpose – that means your two lists. Then, don’t just think about these activities, fill your life with them. For example, you might love riding a bike but never have time to do it. So, ride to school or the library or the shops. If you go in the car, put it in the back, stop a few kilometers away and ride the rest. Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck, but we can still design the rest to make

more happiness. No



Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points statements. 1 Fun isn't enough for ……………. to be truly happy. A all the people 0 every person 1 almost all the people





2 The majority of individuals believe that air pilots have …. jobs with defined objectives. jobs with unspecified goals jobs with sunny goals

A 0 1

3 Pilots moreover have to discover …. in their work and life. joy and fun delight and reason war and peace

A 0 1

4 Pilots fly hundreds of people ………. in the world of their own. in the whole world. to the end of the world In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. The word “purpose” in the text means: premeditation aspiration meaning

A 0 1

The word “design” is closest in meaning to: a. exclude b. create c. originate Answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers from the text.

A 0 1

1 What is the title of Paul Dolan’s book? _________________________________________________________________ 2 Where do pilots spend the majority of their time? _________________________________________________________________ 3 Why are some occupations more inspiring than others? _________________________________________________________________ 4 What is the „duty” of a student? _________________________________________________________________ Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. One is extra.

A 0 1 2 3 4

2 points A 0 1

4 points

4 points

1) Happiness, according to Paul Dolan, 2) Some activities may be inspiring 3) We can usually tell if something is enjoyable, 4) Don't just think about these activities;






Identify if the statements are True or False. Circle the letter corresponding 6 points to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text.

1. You’ll be happy if you’re always having fun. a. True b. False because___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

A 0 1 2

2. Being in a team gives us purpose. a. True b. False because___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

A 0 1 2

3. Only lucky people are happy. a. True b. False because___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in the table with the letter corresponding to the correct variant (A, B, …). Individuals require activities that bring joy and reason. Fill your life with exciting and valuable activities. Enjoyment is not sufficient for true happiness. There are diverse methods to discover reason in things.

A 0 1 2 8 points



A a) make them a part of your dreams.0 b) but we have no idea what gives it1 significance. 2 c) originates from both pleasure and3 purpose. 4 d) because they are beneficial to people. e) make them a part of your daily routine.




A 0 2 4 6 8

What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 poins correct variant. If you want to be happy, you must do only funny things. A If you want to be happy you must do both funny and meaningful things. 0 2

If you want to be happy, you must do only meaningful things.


30 points Write a 70 – 80 – word paragraph, according to the given task . Nowadays people do many things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health?

When writing consider the following:     

Describe the activities the young people can be involved in for leading a healthy lifestyle . Present the pros of maintaining good health and/or cons of not keeping to a proper diet and consuming unhealthy food. Provide two examples from experiences, readings, etc. to support your opinion. Outline in writing your opinion on the importance of improving health condition of young people and getting rid of sedentary lifestyle. Justify your opinion on the impact of unhealthy menu and lack of physical exercises on youngsters. Follow the structure of an essay : introduction, body, conclusion.


_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

A 0 1 0 1 2 0 3 6 0 2 0 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 01234 01234

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Barem de verificare Domeniul Comunicare. Subiectul I Evaluarea competenței de comunicare langajieră. Comprehensiunea scrisă a textului - 30 puncte. Pentru toţi itemii ce vizează comprehensiunea textului răspunsurile sunt bazate pe conţinutul textului citit. Nr. Barem Punctaj Punctaj total 1

Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru fiecare variantă încercuită corect. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1

4 puncte


Răspuns corect conform cerinţei (1 alegere). Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru încercuirea literei din faţa răspunsului corect. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1

2 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru fiecare număr/sintagmă/enunț) corect, transcris din text. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1

4 puncte

L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1

4 puncte





Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru fiecare literă înscrisă corect în tabel, corespunzător începutului enunțului și în conformitate cu ideile textului. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare literă înscrisă incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.


Răspuns corect. Se acordă un punct pentru încercuirea fiecărui răspuns corect „adevărat” sau „fals” - 1 p. Se acordă un punct pentru fiecare justificare corectă, transcrisă din text- 1 p. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect „adevărat” sau „fals” Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare justificare incorectă. Lipsă de răspuns. N.B.! Dacă lipseşte răspunsul „adevărat” sau „fals” ca prima condiție minimă necesară, atunci justificarea, ca a doua condiție, nu poate fi validată.

L/0/1/2 L/0/1/2 L/0/1/2

6 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 2 puncte pentru fiecare literă înscrisă corect în tabel. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare literă înscrisă incorect în tabel sau pentru înscrierea mai multor litere într-o singură rubrică a tabelului. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/2 L/0/2 L/0/2 L/0/2

8 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă 2 puncte pentru încercuirea literei din fața enunțului, care redă ideea principală a textului. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru încercuirea literei din fața enunțului incorect sau pentru încercuirea a 2 sau mai multe litere. Lipsă de răspuns.


2 puncte


Punctaj total

L/0/1 L/0/1/2

1 punct 2 puncte


6 puncte

L/ 0/ 2

2 puncte

L / 0/ 2

3 puncte

Corectitudinea la nivel de competență lingvistică (componenta semantica - 4 puncte. a) Structureaza clar si consecutiv ideeile exprimate intr-un text coerent , utelizand o varietate de conectori logici adecvati , cu distinctii intre introducere , desfasurarea ideiilor , concluzii, conform , conform sarcinii indicate - 3 p. b) Structureaza ideile exprimate intr-un text coerent , utilizand 3-4 conectori de baza , conform sarcinii indicate – 2 p. c) Structureaza ideile exprimate sub forma unui text partial coerent, conform sarcinii indicate – 1 p. d) Structureaza textul in paragrafe , conform sarcinii indicate – 1 p.


3 puncte


1 punct

Corectitudinea la nivel de competență lingvistică (componenta lexicală şi ortografică) - 4 puncte. Posedă şi ortografiază corect vocabularul necesar pentru a descrie subiectul propus, conform temei de cultură/civilizație indicate.


4 puncte

Subiectul II Evaluarea competenței de comunicare langajieră. Producerea scrisă a textului - 30 puncte. Nr.



Corectitudinea la nivel de competenta pragmatica - 14 puncte a) Identifica tema conform sarcinii indicate – 1 p. b) Descrie / prezinta / realateaza despre fenomenul / problema / actiunile , conform sarcinii indicate :  Detaliat – 2 p.  Partial - 1 p. c) Prezinta avantaje ale fenomenului / problemei/ actiunilor , conform sarcinii indicate :  3-4 avantaje - 6 p.  1-2 avantaje - 3 p. d) Exprima opinia proprie asupra fenomenului / problemei/ actiunilor , conform sarcinii indicate - 2 p. e) Justifica opinia asupra fenomenului / problemei/actiunilor prin atitudini / sentimente/ impresii etc., conform sarcinii indicate- 2 p .



N.B.! Se va scădea câte 1 punct pentru fiecare 3 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice, în consecință, dacă sunt comise mai mult de 12 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice ce nu se repetă puncte nu se mai scad. N.B.! Greșeala care se repetă este considerată ca fiind una singură. 4


4 puncte


4 puncte

Corectitudinea la nivel de competenţă lingvistică (componenta gramaticală şi ortografică) - 4 puncte. Utilizează, ortografiază corect modurile, timpurile, formele şi structurile gramaticale, conform temei de cultură/civilizaţie indicate. N.B.! Se va scădea câte 1 punct pentru fiecare 3 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice, în consecință, dacă sunt comise mai mult de 12 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice ce nu se repetă puncte nu se mai scad. N.B.! Greșeala care se repetă este considerată ca fiind una singură. 5 Corectitudinea la nivel de competenta lingvistica( competenta lexicala de volum ) - 4 puncte Respecta componenta lexicala de volum conform sarcinii indicate: Se acordă 4 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 70-80 de cuvinte Se acordă 3 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 60-69 de cuvinte Se acordă 2 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 50-59 de cuvinte Se acordă 1 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 40-49 de cuvinte Se acordă 0 puncte pentru un volum mai mic de 40 de cuvinte

BAREM DE CORECTARE LA LIMBA ENGLEZĂ (cl. 10) THE ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (45 points) I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the statements. (4 points) 1c 2a 3b 4b II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. (2 points) 1c 2b III Answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers from the text. (4 points) 1 Happiness by Design 2 in boring hotels and airports 3 because they work for the good of people and the world around 4 studying and passing the exams IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. One is extra. (4 points) 1 c

2 d

3 b

4 e

V Identify if the statements are True or False. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text. (6 points) 1 False because For most people, fun isn’t enough for real happiness. 2 True because The purpose becomes helping the team. 3 False because Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck, but we can still design the rest to make more happiness. VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in the table with the letter corresponding to the correct variant (A, B, …). ( 8 points) 1 C

2 A

3 D

4 B

VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. ( 2 points) B

Barem de verificare Domeniul Comunicare. Evaluarea competenței de comunicare langajieră. Comprehensiunea scrisă a textului 30 puncte. Pentru toţi itemii ce vizează comprehensiunea textului răspunsurile sunt bazate pe conţinutul textului citit. Nr. Barem Punctaj

Punctaj total


Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru fiecare variantă încercuită corect. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1

4 puncte


Răspuns corect conform cerinţei (1 alegere). Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru încercuirea literei din faţa răspunsului corect. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1

2 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru fiecare răspuns scurt (cuvânt/ număr/sintagmă/enunț) corect, transcris din text. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1

4 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 1 punct pentru fiecare literă înscrisă corect în tabel, corespunzător începutului enunțului și în conformitate cu ideile textului. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare literă înscrisă incorect. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1 L/0/1

4 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă un punct pentru încercuirea fiecărui răspuns corect „adevărat” sau „fals” - 1 p. Se acordă un punct pentru fiecare justificare corectă, transcrisă din text- 1 p. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare răspuns incorect „adevărat” sau „fals” Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare justificare incorectă. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/1/2 L/0/1/2 L/0/1/2

6 puncte

N.B.! Dacă lipseşte răspunsul „adevărat” sau „fals” ca prima condiție minimă necesară, atunci justificarea, ca a doua condiție, nu poate fi validată.


Răspuns corect. Se acordă câte 2 puncte pentru fiecare literă înscrisă corect în tabel. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru fiecare literă înscrisă incorect în tabel sau pentru înscrierea mai multor litere într-o singură rubrică a tabelului. Lipsă de răspuns.

L/0/2 L/0/2 L/0/2 L/0/2

8 puncte


Răspuns corect. Se acordă 2 puncte pentru încercuirea literei din fața enunțului, care redă ideea principală a textului. Răspuns incorect. Se acordă 0 puncte pentru încercuirea literei din fața enunțului incorect sau pentru încercuirea a 2 sau mai multe litere. Lipsă de răspuns.


2 puncte


exprimă opinia proprie asupra fenomenului/situației/ problemei, conform sarcinii indicate - 2 p.


2 puncte

justifică opinia asupra fenomenului/situației/ problemei atitudini/sentimente/impresii etc., conform sarcinii indicate - 3 p.



3 puncte

Corectitudinea la nivel de competență lingvistică (componenta lexicală şi ortografică) - 3 puncte. Posedă şi ortografiază corect vocabularul necesar pentru a descrie subiectul propus, conform temei de cultură/civilizație indicate.


3 puncte


3 puncte


4 puncte

N.B.! Se va scădea câte 1 punct pentru fiecare 3 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice, în consecință, dacă sunt comise mai mult de 9 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice ce nu se repetă puncte nu se mai scad. N.B.! Greșeala care se repetă este considerată ca fiind una singură. Corectitudinea la nivel de competenţă lingvistică (componenta gramaticală şi ortografică) - 3 puncte. Utilizează, ortografiază corect modurile, timpurile, formele şi structurile gramaticale, conform temei de cultură/civilizaţie indicate. N.B.! Se va scădea câte 1 punct pentru fiecare 3 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice, în consecință, dacă sunt comise mai mult de 9 greșeli lexicale sau ortografice ce nu se repetă puncte nu se mai scad. N.B.! Greșeala care se repetă este considerată ca fiind una singură. Corectitudinea la nivel de competenţă lingvistică (componenta lexicală de volum) – 42 puncte. Respectă componenta lexicală de volum conform sarcinii/temei indicate: Se acordă 4 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 50-60 de cuvinte Se acordă 3 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 40-49 de cuvinte Se acordă 2 punct pentru respectarea volumului de 30-39 de cuvinte Se acordă 1 puncte pentru un volum mai mic de 20-29 de cuvinte Se acordă 0 puncte pentru un volum mai mic de 20 de cuvinte N.B.! În cazul depășirii volumului maxim de cuvinte puncte nu se acordă. N.B.! Punctajul de la sarcina de volum se adaugă la cel de la conţinut

THE ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (45 points) Read the text and do the tasks below the text. Happiness Do you know what makes you happy or do you just think you know? At first, these two questions look the same. Write a list of all the things that make you happy. How many of them are fun? Most of them? So, if you spend your time doing all these fun things, you’ll be really happy, won’t you? Well, maybe not. For most people, fun isn’t enough for real happiness. Paul Dolan wrote a book called Happiness by Design. He thinks happiness comes from both pleasure and purpose. If most of the things on your list are about pleasure, that is what you think makes you happy. But you also need activities with purpose. We usually know if something is fun, but we don’t know what brings meaning. For example, most people think air pilots have jobs with clear purpose. They fly hundreds of people all over the world. But they spend a lot of time in boring hotels and airports and they do the same things hundreds of times. Those activities might not bring meaning – and they’re probably not fun. So, pilots also need to find pleasure and purpose in their work and life. There are different ways we can find purpose in things. Some activities might be motivating because they work for the good of people and the world around us. Or what you do might help a team you’re working in. If you’re a student, your ‘job’ is studying and passing exams. It’s easy to do well in subjects you like, but subjects you don’t like are less motivating. However, you have to study them so you need to find purpose. Can you be part of a study team with friends? Each person can study one part until they understand it and then teach it to the rest of the group. The purpose becomes helping the team. Go back to your list of things that make you happy. How many of them are activities that bring purpose? Can you add any? Remember, some activities might bring both pleasure and purpose. Now you need to design a happy life. First decide what brings you pleasure and/or purpose – that means your two lists. Then, don’t just think about these activities, fill your life with them. For example, you might love riding a bike but never have time to do it. So, ride to school or the library or the shops. If you go in the car, put it in the back, stop a few kilometers away and ride the rest. Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck, but we can still design the rest to make more happiness. No




Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the statements.

4 points

1 Fun isn't enough for ……………. to be truly happy. all the people every person almost all the people

A 0 1

2 The majority of individuals believe that air pilots have …. jobs with defined objectives. jobs with unspecified goals jobs with sunny goals

A 0 1

3 Pilots moreover have to discover …. in their work and life. joy and fun delight and reason war and peace

A 0 1

4 Pilots fly hundreds of people ………. in the world of their own. in the whole world. to the end of the world In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. The word “purpose” in the text means:

A 0 1


2 points A



premeditation aspiration meaning

0 1

The word “design” is closest in meaning to: a. exclude b. create c. originate Answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers from the text.

A 0 1

1 What is the title of Paul Dolan’s book? _________________________________________________________________ 2 Where do pilots spend the majority of their time? _________________________________________________________________ 3 Why are some occupations more inspiring than others? _________________________________________________________________ 4 What is the „duty” of a student? _________________________________________________________________

A 0 1 2 3 4

Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. One is extra.

4 points

1) Happiness, according to Paul Dolan,

A 0 1 2 3 4

2) Some activities may be inspiring 3) We can usually tell if something is enjoyable, 4) Don't just think about these activities;






a) make them a part of your dreams. b) but we have no idea what gives it significance. c) originates from both pleasure and purpose. d) because they are beneficial to people. e) make them a part of your daily routine.

4 points


Identify if the statements are True or False. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text.

6 points

1. You’ll be happy if you’re always having fun. a. True b. False because________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

A 0 1 2

2. Being in a team gives us purpose. a. True b. False because________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

A 0 1 2

3. Only lucky people are happy. a. True b. False because________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in the table with the letter corresponding to the correct variant (A, B, …).

A 0 1 2 8 points

Individuals require activities that bring joy and reason. Fill your life with exciting and valuable activities. Enjoyment is not sufficient for true happiness.

There are diverse methods to discover reason in things. 1





What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. If you want to be happy, you must do only funny things. If you want to be happy you must do both funny and meaningful things.

If you want to be happy, you must do only meaningful things. VIII

Write a 50–60-word paragraph, expressing your opinion on the following: Happiness comes from both pleasure and purpose. Justify your opinion ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

A 0 2 4 6 8

2 poins A 0 2 15 points

A 0 2 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4

BAREM DE CORECTARE LA LIMBA ENGLEZĂ (cl. 10) THE ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (45 points) I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the statements. (4 points) 1c 2a 3b 4b II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. (2 points) 1c 2b III Answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers from the text. (4 points) 1 Happiness by Design 2 in boring hotels and airports 3 because they work for the good of people and the world around 4 studying and passing the exams IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. One is extra. (4 points) 1 c

2 d

3 b

4 e

V Identify if the statements are True or False. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text. (6 points) 1 False because For most people, fun isn’t enough for real happiness. 2 True because The purpose becomes helping the team. 3 False because Some parts of our lives are good or bad luck, but we can still design the rest to make more happiness. VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in the table with the letter corresponding to the correct variant (A, B, …). ( 8 points) 1 C

2 A

3 D

4 B

VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant. ( 2 points) B

VIII Students’ own answer