Test Initial Engleza 6 [PDF]

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TEST DE EVALUARE INIŢIALĂ Anul şcolar 2015-2016 Disciplina - Limba engleză Clasa a VI-a, L1 Numele şi prenumele elevului: Data susţinerii testului: 

Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute. 1. Circle the correct word: When father arrives outside / home he goes to the bedroom / kitchen and takes a cold drink from the fridge / vacuum cleaner. Then, we have breakfast / dinner. After dinner, we wash the dishes in the toilet / sink. Then, father goes to the living room / balcony to watch TV and I go to my room / bathroom to do my homework. If I need a book, I take it from the cupboard / bookshelf in the living room. Before I go to bed, I have a shower / bathroom and I brush my teeth. If I don’t go to bed early enough, mother turns off / on the light and takes my mobile phone away. (10x2p=20p) 2. Write the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets: Example: My sister (watch) is watching TV. a) The girl _________________________(write) the homework. b) They __________________________(listen) to a new CD. c) Tim and Mark ______________________ (play) together. d)

My sister ________________________ (watch) TV.

e) The children _______________________ (not/ play) football now.

(5x2p=10p) 3. Write the negative forms: Example 1: I like dogs – I don’t like dogs Example 2: She lives here – She doesn’t live here. a) They speak English - …………………………………………………… b) She plays the piano. - ………………………………………………... c) I help my friends. - …………………………………………………….. d) I watch TV.-………………………………………………………………. 1

e) We eat chocolate.-……………………………………………………. (5x4p=20p) 4. Complete the sentences with the words below: lazier



slower the shiest

a) Our car was ______________ than their motorcycle, so they arrived first. b) Lillian’s dress was __________ elegant than her sister’s, so he felt very proud. c) Sienna is _____________ girl in our class. You can never hear her speak. d) This term, Jamie was _____________ than before, so he got many bad marks e) Last winter was _____________ than before, so a lot of people got sick. (5x4p=20p) 5. Translate the following sentences 1. Eu voi merge la scoala2. Noi am fost la cinema(2x5p=10p) 6. Change the words TO PLURAL(10x1p=10p): Car-













Ministerul EducaŃiei, Cercetării, Tineretului si Sportului Centrul NaŃional de Evaluare si Examinare

Barem de evaluare si de notare Limba engleză Clasa a VI- a L1

TEST DE EVALUARE INITIALĂ Anul scolar 2013-2014 Limba engleză Clasa a VI- a L1 BAREM DE EVALUARE SI DE NOTARE Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalităti de rezolvare corectă a cerintelor. Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem. Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărtirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte) 1. 5 x 2p=10 points a) is writing; b) are listening; c) are playing; d) is watching; e) are not playing; 2. 5 x 2p= 10 points a) They don’t speak English b) She doesn’t play the piano c) I don’t help my friends d) I don’t watch TV e) We don’t eat chocolate 3. 5 x 2 p= 10 points a) Sora mea s-a jucat tenis saptamana trecuta b) Copiii invata o noua melodie c) Clasa noastra e foarte curate d) Eu voi merge la biserica maine e) Tim mereu bea cafea dimineata 4. 2 x 0,5p=10 points 1. I will go to school 2. We were at the cinema yesterday PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte) 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the dialogue - hello/good morning… -good bye/nice talking with you…. 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task 3 points for a balanced structure 2 points for the general impression


Matrice de specificaţii Limba engleză, L1 Clasa a VI-a

Competenţe corespunzătoare nivelurilor taxonomice

C1: Să extragă informaţii generale şi specifice dintrun text citit în gând

C2: Reformularea unor enunturi/rescrierea unor cuvinte conform unor structuri studiate

Teme/ Conţinuturi/ Concepte-cheie/ Unităţi tematice Copilul şi lumea înconjurătoare- dialog intre prieteni Verbul-timpuri verbal, Present continuu Pluralul cuvintelor; Prezentul simplu: negativul cu don’t/doesn’t Traduceri.Gramatica: timpul trecut, viitor, prezent.Vocabular: obiecte, cuvinte familiare TOTAL

C3 Să deducă sensul cuvintelor din context si sa formuleze enunturi

C4: Să scrie relatări simple ale unor evenimente trecute şi experienţe personale

30 p (Partea II) 10p (Partea I, ex. 1) 10p 10p (Partea I, ex. 2, 5) 20p 10p (Partea I, ex. 3, 4) 10 p

20 p



30 p