Test 2 Answer Key, Reading [PDF]

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Test 2 answer key with extra explanations Reading Part 1

Questions 1–5 1 The correct answer is A: Jenny says, ‘I remember you said you wanted to visit a few interesting cities in the UK. This might be a good way to do it!’ This is suggesting a way for Lara to do some sightseeing. The website offers discounts on tickets, so Lara could travel to different cities more cheaply. B is not the correct answer because Lara has already mentioned that she wanted to visit some interesting cities in the UK, not that she wanted to buy cheap train tickets. C is not the correct answer because Jenny is recommending that Lara should do something, not inviting Lara to do something with her. 2 The correct answer is C: ‘The unusual story behind candy’ in the notice are the ‘surprising facts about sweets’ in the answer. A is not the correct answer because a historical expert will be talking about sweets, not members of the audience. B is not the correct answer because the lecture will be about sweets, not sweet shops. 3 The correct answer is B: Dan has borrowed a book from the library. Jack wants to use this book, so in this message, he is asking Dan to tell him when the book is back in the library, so he can go and borrow it himself. A is not the correct answer because Jack knows the book is suitable for his project. He is not asking for Dan’s opinion. C is not the correct answer because Jack has not borrowed the book yet, he would like to borrow it in the future. Jack is not recommending the book to Dan. Jack wants the book to use himself. 4 The correct answer is A: ‘use within six weeks’ on the label means eat before six weeks have passed, or ‘a maximum of six weeks’. ‘After opening’ on the label means ‘after you start using it’ in the answer. B is not the correct answer because the label says that the sauce must be stored in the fridge after it is opened, not as soon as it is brought home from the shop. C is not the correct answer because you don’t need to know exactly when you bought the sauce – although you do need to know when you opened it, so you can stop using it after six weeks. 5 The correct answer is B: ‘a certain period’ in the answer refers to ‘two months’ in the notice. The first lesson (session) is free if a student registers for two months of lessons. A is not the correct answer because the teacher only offers lessons for people over 18, not ‘anyone’, which would include people aged under 18. C is not the correct answer because the notice mentions ‘all abilities’. This means that beginners are welcome too. So students must not have reached a particular level in order to attend.


 Part 2

Questions 6–10 6 The correct answer is B: Ethan wants to ‘know about environmental organisations around the world’. On the website: ourworld.org, ‘You’ll … find information on groups all over the planet working to protect the environment’. Ethan is also interested in doing a project at home on energy production. On ourworld.org, ‘there are experiments to do like making your own power using sunlight.’ Finally, Ethan wants recommendations for other websites with up-todate information on new research. On ourworld.org, he can find ‘the best places online to learn the latest results of scientific studies on issues affecting the environment’. Overall, the website ourworld.org provides Ethan with everything he wants. eco.org (E) may look possible, but it is not the correct answer because it has no information about projects on energy production, and Ethan can’t learn the latest results of scientific studies on this website. 7 The correct answer is E: Mario is interested in ‘how the way he gets to work affects the environment, and wants ideas to reduce any negative effects’. On the website eco.org, ‘you can ... find out if your choice of transport damages the planet’. ‘If so,’ means if your choice of transport does damage the planet, you can ‘try the easy changes to your routine suggested’. Mario would also like to meet local people who share his interest in the environment. On eco.org, Mario can ‘Contact others who also care about environmental issues and find information about international groups; search for one to join in your area’. This would be a good way for Mario to meet others with the same interests. Overall, the website eco.org provides Mario with everything he wants. futurenow.org (A) may look possible, but it is not the correct answer because this website will not help Mario to meet local people who share his interest in the environment. 8 The correct answer is F: Sylvia is ‘keen to know what she can do with items she doesn’t need, rather than throw them away’. The website planetmatters.org has a ‘recycling section – (you can) find different uses for things that you might otherwise put in the bin’. Sylvia would also like the opportunity to ask environmental experts about their work. On planetmatters.org, ‘There’s a message board so you can post questions to’ the ‘top scientists involved in research to protect our planet’ Overall, the website planetmatters.org provides Sylvia with everything she wants. worldaware.org (G) may look possible, but it is not the correct answer because on this website, Sylvia can’t ask environmental experts about their work. 9 The correct answer is C: Declan wants to ‘know where to find clothes produced without damaging the environment. The website cleanplanet.org has ‘a section about how much attention various fashion companies pay to their effect on the environment’. So Declan could use this to find clothes from fashion companies that do as little damage as possible. Declan would also like to learn about the recycling processes and see how recycling is done internationally. On cleanplanet.org, he can ‘discover how waste plastic, glass and metal are turned into new products, and watch clips showing different methods used around the world’. Overall, the website cleanplanet.org provides Declan with everything he wants.

B1 Preliminary, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Reading2

worldaware.org (G) may look possible, but it is not the correct answer because it does not have any information about clothes produced without damaging the environment.

10 The correct answer is H: Tasha wants to ‘help her family save energy’. On the website oneworld.org, there is a ‘useful guide on using less electricity at home’. Tasha also wants to get a basic introduction to studying the environment for a college project. On oneworld.org, ‘there’s lots of environmental information ..., [for people who are] just starting to explore the subject’. Finally, Tasha would like to buy something created from recycled items. On oneworld.org, ‘Gifts are on sale, too, made from objects and materials that are often thrown out’. Overall, the website oneworld.org provides Tasha with everything she wants. globaleco.org (D) may look possible, but it is not the correct answer because this website would not help Tasha to find something to buy made from recycled items.

B1 Preliminary, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Reading3

 Part 3

Questions 11–15 11 The correct answer is C: In the first paragraph, Luka says that his father ‘was a professional basketball player’ and Luka ‘loved telling (his) friends how good (his) dad was’. A is not the correct answer because Luka says, ‘You might think that seeing so many matches would give me a love of the sport, but it actually had the opposite effect’. This means that, even though people would probably expect that going to that many basketball matches as a child would make Luka love the sport of basketball, in fact it made him not love basketball (it had the opposite effect). B is not the correct answer because Luka says: ‘I used to take a book with me to read instead of watching.’ D is not the correct answer because Luka does not mention that he wanted to become a basketball player. The text shows that he was not interested in basketball. 12 The correct answer is A: In the second paragraph, Luka explains that even though he enjoyed training with the school basketball team, ‘I thought I’d need to develop my skills before I took part in a real match’. But although Luka didn’t have much confidence in himself, Luka’s teacher had confidence in him and encouraged him to take part in a match. B is not the correct answer because Luka says: ‘Mum and Dad coming to watch didn’t really help – it made me more nervous’. C is not the correct answer because Luka doesn’t say he had a problem with his teacher’s attitude. He just says that his teacher had more confidence in Luka’s abilities than Luka himself did. D is not the correct answer because Luka felt worried that he would not be good enough to play in the team. This made him feel nervous, not delighted. 13 The correct answer is B: In the third paragraph, Luka says, ‘I can’t say I enjoyed my first experience of living far from my parents’. He couldn’t spend much time with his friends, but he was already used to that, so not being with his friends was less of a problem for him than not being with his family. A is not the correct answer because Luka says that his English ‘improved quickly’. C is not the correct answer because Luka says ‘it was fantastic to work with’ the coach in the USA. D is not the correct answer because Luka says: ‘At home, I’d never been able to spend much time with my friends due to all the training, so that wasn’t such a change for me’. 14 The correct answer is D: In the fourth paragraph, Luka says that since he was fifteen ‘(I) had been much too light for my height, so had to get that right first’. This means that he had to become heavier before he was ready to join a professional team. A is not the correct answer because Luka’s coach found a team that would take Luka while he was still at college. B is not the correct answer because Luka’s coach already knew a team that would take Luka when he was ready. C is not the correct answer because Luka says ‘I’d been taller than most players in the professional league since I was fifteen’. 15 The correct answer is B: In this text, Luka explains how he became a professional basketball player, and at the beginning of the text he says that his father and grandfather were both basketball players too. A is not the correct answer because in the first paragraph, Luka says that he was less interested in basketball than in reading. C is not the correct answer because although Luka clearly had talent, as well as the right kind of body to become a good basketball player, in the third paragraph he talks about how hard he trained, and he doesn’t mention being lucky in this text. D is not the correct answer because in the second paragraph, Luka describes how he started playing basketball when he was ‘still two years away from being a teenager’.

B1 Preliminary, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Reading4

Part 4

Questions 16–20 16 The correct answer is C: In the text before the gap, Larry ‘had wanted to fly using balloons for a long time’. In the answer sentence, this idea is repeated, ‘he was just a boy when he first started thinking about it’. In the answer sentence, ‘it’ refers to ‘fly(ing) using balloons’ in the text before the gap. 17 The correct answer is F: In the answer sentence, ‘there was an unexpected problem’. The problem is explained in the text after the gap. ‘However’ in the answer sentence introduces a contrast between the first part of the experiment, which went as Larry had planned, and the difficulties he experienced after that. 18 The correct answer is D: In the text before the gap, Larry is having a lot of problems, ‘things were getting dangerous’. In the answer sentence, we learn that Larry was lucky and landed safely in the end. 19 The correct answer is G: In the text before the gap, we learn that Leo Burns was an experienced pilot before he became a cluster balloonist. In the answer sentence, we learn that he ‘prefers to use balloons’ (instead of a plane) to fly. In the text after the gap, Leo says ‘there is no better way to fly’. This refers to ‘us(ing) balloons’ in the answer sentence. 20 The correct answer is B: In the text after the gap, ‘they’ refers to ‘old-fashioned hot-air balloons’ in the answer sentence. The ‘old-fashioned’ hot-air balloons are contrasted with ‘modern’ cluster balloons.

B1 Preliminary, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Reading5

 Part 5

Questions 21–26 21 The correct answer is C: The verb is used in a passive form here. ‘to discover’ something means to find out or realise that something is true. The other verbs don’t have this meaning. 22 The correct answer is D: People ‘produce’ records. The other verbs can’t be used with the noun ‘record’. The verb is in the passive form here. 23 The correct answer is A: ‘in previous centuries’ means in centuries before that time. The other adjectives cannot be used with the noun ‘centuries’. 24 The correct answer is B: If something is ‘included’, it is one of a number of other things. Several different recordings of sounds from Planet Earth were sent into space and the songs of the whales were one of the recordings. 25 The correct answer is A: If you ‘send’ something, you make it go from one place to another. The other verbs don’t mean that something travels or moves. 26 The correct answer is D: The noun ‘variety’ means that there are different types of something. It is used with the adjective ‘wide’ to say that there are a lot of different types. The other nouns cannot be used with ‘wide’.

B1 Preliminary, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Reading6

Part 6

Questions 27–32 27 The correct answer is ‘be’: The fixed phrase ‘to be honest’ is being tested here. The phrase is used when a person wants to admit something. 28 The correct answer is ‘with’: The preposition ‘with’ follows the adjective ‘familiar’ when we are saying what someone knows well. In this text, the person is going to know the city better, so they will ‘become familiar with’ the city. 29 The correct answer is ‘of’: ‘loads of’ is a fixed phrase meaning ‘a lot of’. 30 The correct answer is ‘us’: This is a pronoun in the first person plural. There were several people on the tour, and the tour guide gave them all suggestions. This text is written in the first person singular, but here the writer is a part of a group. 31 The correct answer is ‘to’: The expression ‘a good place + full infinitive’ is being tested here, for example ‘a good place to go’, ‘a good place to see’, ‘a good place to stay’. The superlative form of ‘good’ is ‘best’, and can be used in the same way. ‘to’ is part of the full infinitive. 32 The correct answer is ‘than’: ‘than’ is used here because two things are compared: what the writer expected to feel on the walking tour and what the writer actually felt when they did it.

B1 Preliminary, Test 2 answer key with extra explanations, Reading7