TEST 12 Co Ban [PDF]

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PRACTICE TEST 12 SECTION B: GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (35 POINTS) I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (10 pts) 1. Preparing for a job interview can be _____, particularly when you are called for the first interview. A. stressful B. tired C. convenient D. suitable 2. The Red List - a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species - has been introduced to _____ people’s awareness of conservation needs. A. rise B. raise C. draw D. arise 3. As the human population grew and weapons became more advanced, elephants were _____ greater threat. A. in B. of C. beyond D. under 4. In the future, office will go _____ with the result that paper will almost completely disappear. A. electric B. electricity C. electronic D. electrify 5. Let’s _____ the place; it looks so gloomy and unpleasant. A. miss B. abandon C. depart D. disappear 6. Mary's mother _____ her against taking too much luggage on her trip. A. warned B. recommended C. encouraged D. reprimanded 7. The context _____ you learn something can affect how well you remember it. A. which B. in which C. on which D. that 8. The Chinese widen their eyes to politely express anger, _____ the Europeans regard this expression as a sign of astonishment. A. though B. however C. where D. whereas 9. The curriculum at the public school is as good ______ of any private school. A. or better than B. as or better than that C. as or better that D. as or better than those 10. Some people don’t agree with _____ very young and pretty criminals. A. committing B. enforcing C. imprisoning D. offending II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 pts) a. I’m sorry I (1. not be) _____ in when you came round. I would like ( 2. see) _____ you . b. It was our fault to keep Jane (3. wait) _____ so long. We (4. inform) _____ her in advance. c. The number of students (5. attend) _____ English courses (6. probably reduce) _____ next year. d. I'm sorry; we seem (7. run) _____ out of coffee. We (8. have) _____ some tea instead? e. Just relax, Anthony. As soon as your sprained ankle ( 9. heal) _____, you can play soccer again. At this time next week, you (10. play) _____ soccer again.

Your answers: 1. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 5. _________________________ 7. _________________________ 9. _________________________

2. _________________________ 4. _________________________ 6. _________________________ 8. _________________________ 10. ________________________

III. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. (10pts) Most of us want to be healthy all our lives. Doctors say that to achieve this, ( 1. prevent) _____ is better than cure, so they advise us to avoid certain ( 2. active) _____ like smoking, (3. excess) _____ drinking or taking certain substances such as drugs, to eat ( 4. sense) _____, to take plenty of regular and demanding exercise, and, of course, to live in clean, hygienic conditions. (5. Fortunate) _____, many of us have difficulty following this very good advice. Exercise, for example, can be boring, time-consuming and (6. convenience) _____. Even worse, some of our favorite foods like beef - burgers, ( 7. can) _____ drinks, ice-creams and crisps are the ( 8. health) _____ ones, and some things that young people often really enjoy, like bungee jumping, car racing and ( 9. parachute) _____ are among the most (10. excite) _____ things we can do, though, of course, they can be dangerous. What's better, live now and pay later or play it safe?


IV. Each of the sentences below contains ONE mistake. Underline the mistakes and correct them. (5 pts) Your answers: 1. The rhinoceros is known for its distinctively horns, which continue to grow throughout the animal’s lifetime. 2. Thanks to timely actions, some elephant populations, especially that in southern Africa, have recovered over the last decade. 3. I have bought a present for my mother, and now I need some wrapped paper.

_________________ _________________

_________________ 4. Joel giving up smoking has caused him to gain weight and become irritable with _________________

his acquaintances. 5. If you choose to work in Nepal, you will find a well - establishing programme, _________________ especially in the capital Kathmandu. SECTION C: READING (30 POINTS) I. Fill in each numbered space with ONE appropriate word. (10 pts) Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez died from respiratory problems, (1) ____________ 58. He had been seriously ill with cancer for over a year. (2) ____________ had been much speculation over whether or not he would regain his health to resume his presidential duties. Venezuelan vice-president Nicolas Maduro informed the nation on Tuesday evening, (3) ____________ Venezuelans that Mr. Chavez had died, "after battling a tough (4) ____________ for nearly two years." Maduro speculated that Chavez's cancer was started by foul play. He said: "We have (5) ____________ doubt that Commandant Chavez was attacked with this illness. We don't have a single doubt. The established enemies of our land specifically tried to (6) ____________ the health of our leader." Hugo Chavez was a highly popular leader in his country (7) ____________ continually championed the causes and rights of the poor. He redirected significant sums from the country's considerable oil revenues into social welfare programmes. He became famous for his fiery speeches, (8) ____________ those attacking the USA. He (9) ____________ several controversial attacks on the president George W. Bush, whom he labeled a devil. Mr. Maduro led a call for Venezuelans to celebrate Chavez, saying: "We're going to grow, we're going to get past this. Have a lot of courage. Stay strong, be strong. Let his name rise up. Let's praise Hugo Chavez." He added: "Those who die (10) ____________ life can't be called dead." III. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts) Children across the street were celebrating the fall of the first snowflake. This was what Nadia longed for but she was not like them. She was not allowed to play in the snow. Nadia’s parents were slaves. They worked for Mr. and Mrs. Flinch who had made it clear that Nadia must not be near their children. She longed to learn to read and write. Every morning, she would hear the children talking excitedly about school. They dressed well unlike Nadia. She had scruffy clothes and unkempt hair. Whenever she tried to neaten herself, her parents would quickly stop her and admonish her. She did not belong to the upper classes. Nadia heard the key turning in the lock. She jumped up in anticipation of what her parents would have. Their employers were kinder during winter and Nadia would sometimes be lavished with the children’s old clothes and food. Nadia saw her parents’ faces as they entered. They were beaming with delight. Almost falling out of their hands was a whole turkey! Nadia could not believe her eyes. The turkey would last for days. She would not have to scrimp on the leftovers that she usually had. The snow couldn’t wait. All she wanted to do was taste the succulent turkey. 1. Nadia wished that she could _____. A. look at snow B. talk to the children C. touch the snow D. play with the children 2. It was easy to tell that Nadia was not in the upper class because ______. A. she had long hair B. she did not know where the school was


C. her clothes were dirty D. her parents were afraid of Mr and Mrs Flinch 3. Nadia wanted to go to school so as to _____. A. talk to the children B. meet the teachers C. be able to get out of the house D. be literate 4. Nadia “jumped up” as she _____. A. was very hungry B. knew that her parents would have something for her C. needed new clothes for winter D. wanted to ask her parents if she could go to school 5. The first thing that Nadia thought of when she saw what her parents had brought home was _____. A. how long the turkey would last B. how kind Mr and Mrs Flinch were C. the type of leftovers she had been eating D. her parents had not let her down IV. Choose the most appropriate heading from the list A - G for each part (1- 5) of the article. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. The first has been done as an example. (5 pts) List of Headings A. Stay calm C. Vary the way you revise E. Write down the main points G. Set yourself targets

B. Be organized D. Remembering the difficult bits F. Reward yourself


0 ___G___ It’s always good to know what you’re aiming for, so that you know if and when you get there. By having an aim for each week, or even each day, it will help you check your progress and show you if you need to change your plans. 1. _____ Rather than have to work through masses of notes every time you revise something, try noting down the things you want to remember on a piece of paper. It doesn’t seem as much to learn that way, but it makes sure you don’t miss out anything important. Once you’ve learnt the main points, rewrite them on another piece of paper without looking at your notes. 2. _____ There is nothing worse than being disorganized. If you have a plan and stick to it, you won’t end up cramming all your revision into the last few hours!. Make a list of your exams and what you need to learn beforehand, and then drew up a timetable covering all the topics. You can then work out what you need to do on a weekly basis and when you are going to do it. 3. _____ By now you’ll probably have discovered the method of revision which suits you best. But now and then it might be helpful to try a different method. You could try working with a group of friends, or using a different book which covers things from a new angle. Whatever it is, just try something different occasionally. 4. _____ Some things are almost impossible to remember, so you may need to do something unusual to help you remember. Try writing them down in large letters and bright colors and sticking them on the fridge, on a mirror or on the bathroom door. Try recording them onto a cassette and keep playing it back to yourself- on a personal stereo if you have got one!. 5. _____ Not too many people like exams and most of us get nervous. But if you’ve followed your plan and put the effort into revising, then there is no need to worry or panic. Hopefully these tips will have helped you. Give it your best shotthat’s all that anyone can expect of you. SECTION D: WRITING (20 POINTS) I. Finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. (10 pts) 1. The alarm went off just as they came out of the building.


 Scarcely ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. The only way you can become a good football player is by training hard every day.  Only by _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. I'd prefer him not to have said all those embarrassing things about me.  I'd rather he _________________________________________________________________________ 4. I shall never lend Robert any money, no matter what happens.  Under no ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. It seems that no one predicted the correct result.  No one _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Mr. Wilson says he's sorry he didn't attend the meeting yesterday morning.  Mr. Wilson sends _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Even though it was raining heavily, the explorers decided to continue their journey.  The heavy rain _______________________________________________________________________ 8. The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep.  It __________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Paul smashed a window and damaged the television too.  Not only ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Provided your handwriting is legible, the examiner will accept your answer.  So long as the examiner can ____________________________________________________________ II. Use the word given to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the word given . (5pts) 1. Teams of experts are examining the damage to the building. ( examined)  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. I used my calculator; otherwise, it would have taken longer. (If)  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. ( ought)  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. My advice to you is to change the car immediately. ( were)  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. “Please don’t take my money, it’s all I have.” said the old woman to the intruder. ( pleaded)  ___________________________________________________________________________________ III. Complete the following sentences, using the words given. (5 pts) 1. That/ English/ have/most speakers/ world/ wrong.  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Looking / after / children / call / great / patience / love / them.  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Only amateur athletes/ allow/ participate/ Olympic Games.  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. There/ be/ gradual/ decrease/ number/ people/ out of work/ so far.  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. By/ time/ they/ arrive/ stadium/ all the tickets/ match/ already/ sell out.  ___________________________________________________________________________________ - THE END -


Key SECTION A. (15 POINTS) I. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. B

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. B

II. (10 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. 12/ twelve inches 6. commercial

2. buildings 7. financial damage

3. insects 8. diseases

4. 170 million 9. 3/three

7. B

9. B

5. nesting 10. prevention

SECTION B. (35 POINTS) I. (10 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. A

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. A

8. D

10. C

II. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm 1. wasn’t 3. waiting 5. attending 7. to have run 9. has healed

2. to have seen 4. should have informed 6. will probably be reduced 8. Shall we have 10. will be playing

III. (10pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. prevention 6 inconvenient 2. activities 7. canned 3. excessive 8. unhealthy 4. sensibly 9. parachuting 5. Unfortunately 10. exciting IV. (5 pts) - Tìm được lỗi sai được 0.5 điểm; sửa đúng được 0.5 điểm 1. distinctively → distinctive 2. that → those 3. wrapped paper → wrapping paper 4. Joel (giving) → Joel’s (giving) 5. well-establishing → well-established V. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu trả lời đúng được 1 điểm 1. How do/can you/we/I get there? 2. (And) how long does / will it take (us/me to get there)?/ Is it far (from here)? 3. Can/Could you tell me when it/the Pavilion is open? When does it open?/ When is it open(ed)? 4. Is it expensive to get in /visit it? /It’s expensive to get in, isn’t it? Does the ticket cost much? Are the tickets expensive? 5. (That's/It’s) a good/great idea. Thank you (very much). / Thank you for your good idea/advice. SECTION C. (30 POINTS) I. (10 pts) - Mỗi từ điền đúng được 1 điểm 1. aged 6. harm

2. There 7. who/that

3. telling 8. especially/ particularly

4. illness 9. made

5. no 10. for


II. (10 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. A

2. C

3. D


5. A

6. A

7. B

8. B

9. B

10. A

III. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. C

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

IV. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. E

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. A

SECTION D. (20 POINTS) I. (10 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. Scarcely had they come out of the building when/before the alarm went off. 2. Only by training hard every day can you become a good football player. 3. I'd rather he hadn't said all those embarrassing things about me. 4. Under no circumstances will/shall I (ever) lend Robert any money. 5. No one seems to have predicted the correct result. 6.Mr Wilson sends his apologies /apology for not attending / having attended the meeting yesterday morning. 7. The heavy rain could not prevent the explorers from continuing their journey. 3. It was such a boring lesson/ so boring a lesson that she fell asleep. 9. Not only did Paul smash a widow but he also damaged the television. Not only did Paul smash a widow but he damaged the television as well. Not only did Paul smash a widow, he also damaged the television. 10. So long as the examiner can read your handwriting, he will accept your answer. II. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. The damage to the building is being examined by teams of experts. 2. If I hadn’t used my calculator, it would have taken longer. 3. You ought to have thought carefully before you decided. 4. If I were you, I would change the car immediately 5. The old woman pleaded with the intruder not to take her money because/ as/ since it was all she had. III. (5 pts) - Mỗi câu đúng được 1 điểm 1. That English has the most speakers in the world is wrong. 2. Looking after children calls for great patience and love for them. 3. Only amateur athletes are allowed to participate in (the) Olympic Games. 4. There has been a gradual decrease in the number of people (who are) out of work so far. 5. By the time they arrived at the stadium, all the tickets for the match had already been sold out.