Teaching of Grammar [PDF]

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Teff€ Grammar?

INTRODUCTION "The beginning ol' knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.

Figure 1.1: Frank Herbert US Science Fiction Novelist sources: Retrieved February 20, 2006 from http : / /en. wikipedia.org / wiki / Frank_Herbert ancl http : / / www.quotationspage. com / quote / 261 Z3.html

This topic introduces you to the study of Grammar; tl-re science of Language. The standard of gramrnaticai accuracv of a lar-rguage is the establisl-red practice of tl-re best speakers and r,t'riters of the ianguage. A trsage becornes goocl and legai n'hen it has been lons and generallv adoptcd.




In this topic, you will look into how the English Language has evolved and developed through the centuries; becoming one of the most recognised languages of the world.


DID you know that the English Language is one of the six official languages used in intergorrernmental meetings and documents for the United Nations? Source: Retrieved February 20, 2006 DGACM / faq-languages.htm

from http://www.un -org/Depts/

THE NEED TO STUDY GRAMMAR During the last tn'o hundred years, the English Language has been much refined and.its limitations has been greatly augmented; its vitality, diversity, superb, and elegance has been copiously.proven by multifarious_trials, in verse and in prose, ,tpot all subjects, and in every kind of style. Nevertheless, whatever bth"t improvements it may have received, it has.Tnade no adaancements in grammatical accuracy (Lowth, R in Bornstetn,7976: 47-43)'

Swift (1772 in Bornstein, 1976), commented on the shortcomings of the English Language, in particular, "that in many instances it offended against every part of gruti*Jt" 1p30-3+). Swift must have been a good judge of this matter, to which f," *ut himielf very attentivg; both in his own writings and in his remarks upon those of his friendi. He is one of the most impeccable, and perhaps the best, of the English prose writers. Indeed, the tegitimacy of this complaint had never been questioned; and yet no effectual method had been taken to redress these detriments.

As prospective teachers of grammar, let us understand the changes brought

against the English Language. Does it mean that the English Language, as it is sfoken, and aJit stands in the writings of most authors, often trespasses against part of grammar? Or does it further denote that the English language is in "rr".y its nature irregular and unstable; not easily reduced, to a St'Stem of rules?


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The English Language is perhaps, of all the European Languages, the most simple in its form and construction. The words of the English Language are subjected to fewer variations from their original form, than those of any other lar"rguages. Its substsntiae has one variation of case and no distinction of gender. Its adjectiaes express the degrees of comparison. A11 the possible variations of the original form of the .aerb are not above six or seven; whereas in nran\. other languages they amount to hundreds. In addition, the r,r,hole business of ntodes, times, and ooices, is managed with gryat ease by the assistance oi eiqi-rt or nine httle aerbs, cal1ed auxiliaries. The construction of this iangi-ragu is : i cr-1.

and obvious, that grammarians have thought it hardlv n'orthi^,irilr tr, l-',': i:anything like a regular and systematical syntax. Tire English gr.r:nn',r.i -',r.: .---, -,-' u's a perfect one, comprising the whole syntax ir-r ten iines. Given the nature of the English Language, the teaching of grammar constitutes a direct and clear process that requires adequate practice to master. The princiTtnl . design of o grantmar of any langtrage is to teach lenrners to express themselaes with npproprin.teness in thnt language; and to enable them to ascertain whether the phrase and form of constructiort, is right or not. The simple way of doing this is to set rules and to demonstrate them by examples. Besides showing what is right, the subject may be further explained by pointing out what is wrong. Before proceeding to read the following pages, let us go through Table 1.1 to get an overall picture of the evolution of English grammar. It is pertir-rent that teachers of grammar follow the evolution of this distinctive language before proceeding to teach it to your potential learners. This allows them to understand that the English Language is a living language. It has gone through many changes, it is still changing and it wiil continue to changc following the evolution of mankincl.




Tabtre 1.1: The

Evolution of English Grammar (Bornstein 1976:3)

Classical Crammar

Indo European Language


Panini - Astadhyayi Sanskrit (structure and sound)



Crarylus - origins of words Truth and falsehood in language Word and paradigm (patterns) Plato- sentence (nominal and verbal components)



sentence & coniunction, article, pronouns

Henrv Sweet - full words & forms Charles Fries


words has structural and lexical meaning

Dionysus Thrax

- a tool to appreciate Greek literature




Century BC - classify words into four parts

Medieval Grammar

Luti" Ctu-*ut


Rationalist Grammar 17ih Century - French Port Royal School Noam Chomsky - Transformational Crammar o literary language . letters and sounds

t .

sPeech usage



Descriptive Grammar Joseph Priestley . universal grammar

. r


custom of speaking

Prescriptive Grammar use in England and Americar. Schools Robert Lowth . literary past . preserve older forms . prescribe rules . sentence analvsis

Historical Crammar

1. 2. 3. 4.

- consonant shift Jacob Grimm - language patterns in sound shift Jean Forquet - habits of articulation Rasmus Rask

Karl Verner -stlPrasegmentals




Neo-Crammarian Phonemic and Analoeic Change Karl Brugmann Contemporary Language William Dwight Whitney - Language Change Otto Jespersen synchronic and diachronic language study Descriptive /Structural Linguistics Ferdinand de Saussure ihe nature of Language Behavioral Psychology Leonard Bloomfielcl - Stimulus response Model Post Bloomfieldian Descrip tive

o .

Forms of language


to separate grammar & semantics

Phonemic analvsis at word level

Descriptive Linguistics Charies C. Fries Tieatment of syntax Tiansformational Grammar Discourse Analysis Rules for sentence formation

. . . I

. . .

Phrase structure ruie

Transformationalrule Morphophonemic rule heory ot Syntax

Property of recursiveness Syntax & semantics Theory of generatirie semantics


. .

Functional varieties of Language


of the English Language began with a large group o{ languages known as the Indo-European language family. Accordingly, two different The evolution


methods of linguistic description were applied to languages belonging to this grouP. The earliest grammatical treatise on any Indo-European language is Panini's Astadhyayi, a description of Sanskrit written in the fourth century B.C. The Sanskrit grammatical tradition involved a detailed description of sounds and structure. The main component of Panini's grammar is an exhaustive statement of the rules of word formation of the Sanskrit language. The rules are expressed with great compieteness aud economy. Like the rules of modern trarrsformational grammarians, they have to be applied in a set order. European languages \4iere ntlt described with similar precision until the late nirreteenth century.






In Europe, studies about language began r.vith the Greeks. The Greek tradition

leaned towurds philosophic speculation and analysis based on meaning. The terl gramrnatike oiginally'meant the understmding of letters, and problems related io linguistic inquiries are categorised under the generai heading of philosophy. Amoig the linguistically oriented questions considered by the Creeks was whethEr the relaiion between things ut"td th" words that named them was natural and necessary, or merely the resuft of human convention. Plato summarised the arguments in his dialogue, CraryltLs (c. 358 B.C.), the earliest surviving document i'kreek clealing rvith the subject of ianguage. Crarylus and Heraclitus arglle in for the natural oiigltr of words and for the reflection of the qualities of things that a word words. Accorclingfo this position, there is something in the sound of relatOs to the substance of the thing it represents'

Copyright O 2002 - 2006Dan Piraro -\ii R:::-':s iir::ti|t-'tl --i - " - 1- ;1"';'1p So.,ice, http: / /www.comicalert.co.-i''-' r- . - : 1

In confrast,

Dentttcrlfrrs and Herntogetrc-s f-'rtril-tt- -

sounds of words and the qualities of thing: origin of words' A ruortl is jttst mt nr[':'' to re7tresent n porticttlor thing. There i5 11p a;' relatiorr may sccll'l trltut'.tl ttl s;leake15 I )l 'i rvitir rrrost argltnrcnts regarclln$ or1$11-r< -t useful Frr-rrpose in activatir-rg philosop'i- r

.,niies between the the corrventional -.Lrrirris thnt ctttnes .,-.-: i:-.t tn-o, although the , .-'- i-ecn cstablished. As -, -.:. -.iiile, btit it sen'ed a , r ratc*' ln {reeeltalud"the y+u've *v*r' suBptse qi* lwrrn' } &r*rt't rn* any *:e*n lf,{J*r; #t1d ?}r,ll didtl't y*c. ir,#i1! be a

|tt*r.rkKiElggaey**wra|y}rg1a+chiet,eally!ucce{!asaawriter.Hisfust had ts rn*rk i*-l norel. El*ii+ rryar rejected hy n