Tate Andrew [PDF]

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Or maybe that’s just what I saw. After a brief search for his name online, you’ll be hard pressed to find an article or video where his numerous accomplishments aren’t mentioned. World Kickboxing Champion. Multimillionaire entrepreneur. Visited over 70 countries. Chess adept. And, most pertinent to this article – international playboy. At first, I couldn’t help but marvel wide-eyed at how incredible his life seems. The guy has it all... right? Thing is, even though seeing him flaunt his possessions and speak to his audience without a politically correct filter is a breath of fresh air, when it comes to any social media, only the best aspects of our lives are shown. He’s talked about it before, but he didn’t come from money. In fact, he’s gone over how he and his brother struggled financially for quite a few years in their early 20s while pursuing excellence in kickboxing. Alright, so that’s a brief intro on Tate. This article is a review on the course he released in late 2018 called the ‘PhD course’ – PhD meaning ‘pimpin’ hoes degree’. Has a nice ring to it. I’m not going to share every little detail that he goes over. I’m just going to give you a broad, objective synopsis, and then add my opinion at the end. The Course First off, let me ask you - Do you like being insulted? Do you like being insulted by someone you buy a product from? I didn’t think so. Right off the bat, something that repulsed me about this course is how Tate constantly insults his viewers. Listen, there is nothing wrong with buying a course about getting better with women, or improving yourself in some way. It's commendable. The content itself may not end up helping you the way you think it will, but your mndest is in the right place, as opposed to other people who don't even try. Price: I bought it when it was priced at 250 GBP. In Canadian dollars, that translated to about $480. Not cheap. Himself and so many others on ‘that side of Twitter’ were hyping it up. I’ve never bought or even considered investing in any product related to picking up women, since I utilized a ton of free resources and took action consistently. However, when a guy like Tate, who clearly gets REAL results with women chooses to package the bulk of his mindset and philosophy into a course online for the world to access, and since I personally never encountered someone even close to his level, I figured why not. The guy has obviously got things with women figured out. Contents

At the time I bought it, the course contained two videos – the initial video running for about 1:45:00, and a supplementary half-hour one where he answers some questions submitted to him by people who purchased the course. The first video is scatterbrained. He admits that, justifying it by saying that he’s full of information and tries to present it in the most streamlined way possible. He starts out by acknowledging that this course isn’t going to tell you to get in shape, get your money up, and live a more interesting lifestyle. You should be in the process of doing those things already. After all, he admits that he was doing pretty well with women when he wasn’t doing well with money AT ALL. He then begins with the first major segment of the course – how to message a girl on Instagram and progress from there. The key concept of the entire course is that men have 1 weapon: ATTENTION. It is IMPERATIVE that you make your attention more valuable. Some rules are ironclad and cannot be broken, while others have exceptions. An exception would be that some women you fuck on the first date will be worthless, while some girls you fuck on the first date will be fiercely loyal to you and be fantastic girlfriends. How will you know? Read on… Some ironclad rules: 1. You cannot allow a woman you’re in a relationship with to have male friends. Period. 2. The goal with a woman is to fuck her. Every move you make should be progressing towards that goal. 3. There’s no such thing as a woman who’s truly single. She’s at the very least talking to a few different guys at any given time, so you have to look GOOD and stand out. 4. There are multiple external factors at play which you have no control over. Remember, she has a life, too. Her grandpa died. She’s sick. She’s in love already. She failed a test etc etc. If that’s the case, just move on. 5. She gives you a hard time? She’s uncompliant? Drop your attention to zero and speak to another woman. 6. The perfect woman does not exist. She must obey you. Some women are more moldable than others. 7. Every single hot girl has a personality disorder. They have attention dumped on them as soon as they grow a pair of tits, and they conitnue to be showered in attention until their late 20s to early 30s. 8. Here’s a major mindset shift for most guys: what would you rather do… lavish attention on her, invest a ton of time money and energy, do all this work… and possibly still not get anywhere with her… or give less attention, that she values over almost everything else?

Another point he made is that a lot of ‘red pill’ stuff is anti-women. The truth is, you won’t succeed if you dislike girls. Women think a different way. You have to understand the rules of the game in order to win the game. In fact, once you play the game to your advantage, you’ll find that the way women operate can play in your favor, because, again, women are designed to share a man. Anything that has value is valuable because of scarcity. It’s the reason why she’ll fuck a guy that doesn’t return her texts on time and call her and want to spend every minute of the day with her and all this bs… …as opposed to the dude that is at her beck and call like a puppy dog. Tate’s Take on Instagram: Instagram is the #1 dating app. Tinder works, but it’s not ideal, since there are plenty of hoes on there.      

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Do: Show off a lot. Never give away all the info. There’s nothing you can say that is more exciting than what she can think of herself Your social media should incite her curiosity and make her wonder, ‘who the f is this dude?’ (in a positive way, obviously) Make it clear you roll with hot chicks, so take pictures with attractive women often and put them up. Make your first 5-6 pics amazing. If you don’t have money to flaunt, do the travel angle. Go somewhere exotic and take pictures. Don’t: Pictures with large groups of men (unless they appear wealthy/ powerful / interesting) No soy face (open mouth)

Dms Search the name of a city near you or that you’ll be in. Send a message with the name of the city. Shanghai? San Jose? Flower Mound? Message all in one go and don’t step away, or else she’ll lose interest. Progression is the name of the game – get her phone number or Whatsapp. If she gives you bs, don’t reply. Ignore her. If you ask for contact info and she says ‘oh I don’t give out my #’ then just leave her hanging. 6. Don’t show that you’re emotionally affected – no anger, no ‘why don’t you give me your number’ nothing like that. This point is KEY - remember, attention. It's simple. If she doesn't behve the way you want her to, reduce your attention. 7. Usually they’ll come back to you and wonder what happened. 8. You can message tons of girls at the same time. 9. Ideally, send messages at night, when she’s at home and comfortable. 10. Text her for a maximum of 2 days before you go on a date. No more. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Dates: You don’t ask girls to go on dates. You TELL them. No ‘sometimes’. No ‘would you like to’. Schedule more than one date in a day, at the same place. 3:30,4:30,5:30

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Coffee is best for the first date, since it’s short Don’t talk about yourself. Ask her simple stuff. Do you work or study? Keep the conversation focused on her. Ask all about her (even if you don't care, which none of us really do) Don't overstay. Again, coffee is great because you're in, you chit chat a bit, prove you're not a psycho, and then you're out. Make some shit up, like you need to get to work, or visit a friend or something Another benefit of a short date is that the girl you’re messaging might not be as good looking as she is on social, so you want to get out of there. No movies No dinners Keep it informal 2nd Date (if you decide to do one): If others are around it's more chill, but only if your friends are cool and they don’t interrupt. They should want to help get you laid! In fact, its best if your friend brings his hot girl. Don’t kiss at the end. Kiss in the middle of the date. Make it casual. Escalate. Move closer. Hand on leg. Don’t ask her if she wants to come to yours… ask her if she wants to go home! Just take her. Never go out of your way to take her home. You gotta lead them. Don’t ask twice. If she says she doesn’t want to come with you, then fine, let her go. The Golden Test: Now, this was probably one of the most useful points made in the entire course. When you fuck her, you win, because now you control the dynamic. You have to fuck lots of women to figure out what you really want. Out of every 5 girls, only one will usually be decent. Your attention needs to go to nearly 0 once you sleep with her. You set standards. Think about it... Once you fuck her, you are in the position of power. If you fuck and she never talks to you again, she’s a slut. If she's a decent girl and doesn’t want that stigma, it’s in her best interest to humble herself and reach out to you again. She should want to keep YOU. Another small test is to make her buy you coffee, lunch, or something small. If not? Bye. You set the standards at the beginning of the relationship. She has to see that your attention dropped, but not so much that she can call you out on it. A quality woman will do what it takes to get your attention back up after you fuck. A girl who would rather get a new dick than buy you coffee is not the kind of girl

you want to be in a relationship with. If she’s not going to humble herself to text you first the day after you fuck, then she never will. Hoe. If they pass this test, they are quality. In Person Approaches Get her attention first. For example, say ‘excuse me’, then pause for a moment, let her look at you. Drop a compliment. ‘You’re beautiful’. In the second video, he answers a number of questions. I’ve summed them up below: Besides using social media, you can get girls in person. Project confidence. Get her full attention. Get straight to the point and compliment her. If she hangs around, then you know she wants more. Aim for progression, be assertive. It’s better to end the relationship once you learn that she would rather choose to continue to speak to other men rather than remain exclusive to you. Either she cheats and you’re upset, or you leave her and she’s upset. YOU NEVER EVER APOLOGIZE for sleeping with another woman. Once you admit fault, they will tear you apart. But don’t lie, either. If you sleep with another woman and she presents you with ‘evidence’… just fess up. ‘I fucked that girl.’ If she leaves you for that… she’s not ‘on lock’. All you have to do is reassure her that you love her and only her and that you’re just having sex with these girls and that you don’t care for them in the same way. (that may or may not be true). My Take on the Course The course content is great, but it still left something to be desired. In the future, he may add more videos, but only time will tell. I have nothing against Tate. He’s entertaining. He makes some good points, but if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t buy it. Most of the contents of the course are in this one post. Not to mention that if you look through his Twitter, you could piece together most of the components of the course… for free. Now, I understand that there’s a commitment bias when it comes to paying for information vs just getting it for free. The notion is that when you pay for it, you’ll value it more and be more likely to take action on it. Thing is… anyone who has the cash on hand to buy this course would most likely learn more about women just by dropping that money on some dates and getting some firsthand experience. I could’ve written a vague, dishonest review praising and celebrating what I gained from this course, and woven an affiliate link in there for a nice fat profit, but that’s not what I’m about.