Talent Level 3 Extension Activities Answer Key [PDF]

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EXTENSION Starter 1 1 Do you sometimes have bad dreams at night?

2 I never seem to get the right answer first time. 3 They usually go to Spain for their summer holiday. 4 Sam is often the last person to arrive. 5 We haven’t always had such a big flat. 6 The news is usually rather depressing these days.

2 1 like 2 go 3 love 4 are 5 don’t remember

6 believe 7 are playing 8 is shining 9 are planning 10 love

3 1 Some students fell asleep while Mr Blake was

teaching. 2 Jane met her best friend while she was travelling in China. 3 Tom realised it was his dad’s birthday while he was having lunch. 4 The guitarist felt sick while he was playing. 5 Kate got ill while she was visiting her grandparents. 6 While I was sleeping I dreamt that I was flying.

4 1 went out 2 met 3 Did (you) speak 4 stopped

5 began 6 lived 7 moved 8 got 9 came 10 sold

5 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 B 6 1 sang – sung 2 told – told 3 wrote – written

4 gave – given 5 forgot – forgotten 6 did – done 7 took – taken 8 lay – laid 9 hid – hidden 10 fell – fallen 11 came – come 12 saw – seen 13 went – gone 14 flew – flown 15 drove – driven

7 1 gone 2 been 3 been 4 been 5 gone 6 gone 8 1 will give 2 will change 3 will cut 4 will teach 5 will buy 6 will book

9 1 If you revise for the history test, you won’t fail it.

2 If it is sunny, I’ll go to the seaside. 3 I’ll buy a new tablet if my parents help me. 4 I won’t go to Kate’s party if I don’t find a nice present. 5 Mary won’t go to school if she doesn’t feel better. 6 If I don’t get the job, I’ll be disappointed.

10 1 unless / until 2 when 3 until 4 if 5 Until / Unless 6 Unless

11 1 What are you doing at the moment? 2 Who broke

that window yesterday? 3 Which candidate got the best results? 4 Who did you meet at the club last night? 5 Which book is Henry going to lend you tomorrow? / will Henry lend you tomorrow? 6 What caused the road accident you saw earlier?

12 1 Could you tell me what your address is? 2 Would

you mind telling me what you expected? 3 Can you tell me who you asked? 4 Could / Can you let me know if / whether you’re coming? 5 Would you

mind telling me if those bags belong to you? 6 Could you tell me if / whether the movie has already finished?

Unit 1 1 1 As Ben was running for a bus, he fell into the road.

2 Mum burnt the dinner because she was talking on the phone. 3 Lena was sitting in the garden when a wasp stung her. 4 The lights went out as I was coming downstairs. 5 While she was washing the glasses, two of them broke. 6 He was carrying my bags when he dropped one on my foot.

2 1 e – Amanda was having a wonderful dream when

she woke up. 2 f – The taxi was waiting for us when we arrived at the station. 3 a – I was reading the book you lent me when I found £20 in it. 4 c – When the girls opened their eyes, they had a lovely surprise. 5 b – Rita was cycling home when she felt the earthquake. 6 d – Dad was making our lunch when his phone rang.

3 1 have been; went; enjoyed 2 has moved; offered

3 Have you ever taken; have never tried 4 Have (your Australian relatives) written; sent 5 has gone; felt

4 1 Have you ever flown in a helicopter? 2 Have

your Irish relatives visited you yet? 3 I didn’t never ate insects when I was in Thailand. 4 We didn’t do the shopping yesterday. 5 Haven’t you finished your homework yet? 6 Kate has just come home and she’s watching TV now.

5 1 After she had got dressed, Sheila went out. 2 Tom had already waited 40 minutes before he went home. 3 After he had drunk a coffee, John started work. 4 Bob had failed the exam twice before he decided to give up. 5 Mary put on some weight because she had stopped going to the gym. 6 Jacob had written three books before he got a publisher.

6 1 gave; had watched 2 have known; were 3 didn’t hear; was teaching 4 began; had become 5 wanted; had left 6 were waiting; heard; had cancelled

Unit 2 1 Mary said she was really tired, she had written about

50 emails and her eyes were burning. Sheila told her she should relax for a while. She would get her a cup of coffee. Mary said she couldn’t relax long, she had to organise John’s trip; he was leaving the following week and if she didn’t book the flights then, he Test book ■ TALENT  3


KEYS AND SCRIPTS would get terribly anxious. Sheila replied she was right. The month before she had reserved a hotel room just the day before his journey and he had been frantic. Mary said that she thought she might take a day off the following day. She would like to go to the hairdresser.

2 Headteacher: The school staff is going to organise

a science competition. A local company has agreed to help with costs since the management wants to motivate more students to get involved in science. The students will be divided into groups and each group will consist of five people. The students who are interested should apply by the end of the week and the science and maths teachers have to select the final candidates. The task, which has already been chosen, is to conduct an experiment in the lab and write a detailed report. There will be prizes for all the participants.

3 1 ‘Will you be ready by tomorrow?’ 2 ‘Do your

children eat fish?’ 3 ‘Is our dog allowed to come in?’ 4 ‘Has the last train already left?’ 5 ‘Can I leave?’ 6 ‘Does that bag belong to you?’

4 1 Kate asked how long Mary had been there.

2 Mum asked me when I had met that boy. 3 Tom asked his wife if / whether they should invite their new neighbours to the party. 4 I asked my parents if / whether they thought we would leave early the following day. 5 Tom asked when his son was going to repair his bike. 6 My parents asked me if I could help them in the garden.

5 Suggested answers: 1 She told me she had finished it. 2 But you said last week that you were staying together. 3 He told me that he didn’t like jazz music. 4 I heard that you had lost him. 5 He told me that I’d hate it. 6 The advert said you didn’t have to pay extra.

Unit 3 1 1 The jeans are far dirtier than the shoes. 2 This

book is the most expensive in the shop. 3 Your table is a little bit longer than ours. 4 San Pedro is the most violent city in the world. 5 This is the worst food in the world! 6 Lenor is even fitter than Susie. 7 This exercise is better than the others. 8 This is the earliest train we can get.

2 1 Your answers are far better than mine. 2 The

standard of living is a lot lower in some countries. 3 The problems of global warming are getting worse. 4 This blog is the least popular I’ve ever written. 5 The earthquake was by far the most shocking thing in the news. 6 The sci-fi film was much more exciting than the romantic comedy.

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3 1 the least 2 fewer 3 less 4 the fewest 5 fewer 6 less 4 1 Too few 2 the most 3 too much 4 too many 5 enough 6 too little

5 1 His sister is learning far faster than him. 2 I drive

more safely than you. 3 The other students arrived a bit earlier than her. 4 His brother can dance even better than him. 5 I get up a little bit later than you. 6 I did a little worse than my friend in the test.

6 1 the most generously 2 the earliest 3 the hardest 4 the worst 5 the furthest 6 the best

Unit 4 1 1 might / may snow; might / may be able to 2 will (the moon) rise 3 will be 4 won’t worry 5 might find; might not 6 will be

2 1 will have lived 2 will have written 3 will have

eaten 4 won’t have finished 5 will have had 6 will have flown

3 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 B 4 1 d 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 6 1 ’ll be having 2 ’ll have finished 3 ’ll have taken

4 ’ll be sitting 5 ’ll have planned 6 ’ll be watching

Unit 5 1 1 who 2 whose 3 where 4 which / that 5 which / that 6 which / that

2 1 Tom, who travels a lot, has been everywhere.

2 Rihanna, who is a singer and an actress, was born in Barbados. 3 Next summer I’m going to Australia, where I’ve never been. 4 My son has decided to go to university, which is a good decision. 5 My English teacher, whose wife knows my parents, comes from Liverpool. 6 I’ve decided to sell my bike, which I bought two years ago.

3 1 ✓ 2 My new bag, which I bought in Milan, is

excellent quality. 3 ✓ 4 ✓ 5 ✓ 6 ✓ 7 My friend Tom, who has got red hair, has invited me to a party. 8 Michael, whose father is a doctor, is studying medicine at university.

4 1 Bryn didn’t read any of the books which / that / –

you lent him. 2 That’s the girl whose dad is a prison officer. 3 Patricia, whose parents they are very nice, invited me to stay with her. 4 Are those the trainers which / that / – you usually go to work in? 5 We think it’s the sun which / that makes us feel so sleepy. 6 Tina, who used to live next door, came to visit yesterday.


KEYS AND SCRIPTS 5 1 Mum is cooking in the kitchen. 2 I have a friend

who likes photography very much. 3 I met Jane an hour ago. 4 – 5 I’d like to play the drums. 6 My friends enjoyed the film they saw on TV last Saturday. 7 I think Elizabeth is the most beautiful girl in the class. 8 –

6 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A

Unit 6 1 1 will be sold 2 are still discussing 3 was the killer arrested 4 left; made 5 hasn’t left 6 were killed 7 hasn’t been decided 8 are being held / will be held

2 1 has been opened 2 is being written 3 will be

visited 4 won’t be kept 5 has been hit 6 aren’t being employed

3 1 are sold 2 was found 3 Is (your computer) being repaired 4 hasn’t been repainted 5 will be promoted 6 will be published

4 1 How much can be seen from the satellite? 2 How

many ruins could be found? 3 Why couldn’t the treasure be lifted from the seabed? 4 When can the project be started? 5 Why can’t the problem be solved?

5 1 They will be given somewhere safe to live. 2 Our

class has been awarded second prize. 3 She has been sent her an unusual message. 4 My sister was been offered a job by NATO. 5 We were shown a film about an ancient city. 6 Donna was be given a book about Pompeii.

6 1 It is said that the robin is Britain’s national bird.

– The robin is said to be Britain’s national bird. 2 It is thought that climate change is getting more serious. – Climate change is thought to be getting more serious. 3 It is known that the ice caps in the Arctic are melting. – The ice caps in the Arctic are known to be melting. 4 It is believed that the growing world population is the problem. – The growing world population is believed to be the problem.

Unit 7 1 1 were 2 get 3 had explained 4 didn’t eat 5 won’t go 6 wouldn’t have caused

2 1 would have enjoyed 2 hadn’t decided 3 were / was 4 wouldn’t have got 5 don’t have 6 hadn’t broken

3 1 She should have saved some of her money. 2 You should have used less sugar. 3 We should have

caught the last bus. 4 She shouldn’t have eaten so much. 5 He shouldn’t have listened to his friend.

4 1 I wish they had given me the job / I had learnt to

use a computer. 2 I wish I had booked a table. 3 I wish I hadn’t left my umbrella at home / I wish I had brought my umbrella. 4 I wish the party hadn’t been cancelled. 5 I wish it hadn’t been so cold / I wish I had gone to the seaside. 6 I wish she had told me.

5 1 wouldn’t be 2 had checked 3 had invited

4 wouldn’t have 5 would be 6 hadn’t rained

6 1 unless 2 when / as soon as 3 Unless 4 until 5 unless 6 until

Unit 8 1 1 didn’t use to write letters 2 used to send smoke

signals 3 didn’t use to live in cottages 4 used to go hunting 5 didn’t use to speak English 6 used to travel on horses or by canoe

2 1 would read 2 wouldn’t allow 3 would knit

4 wouldn’t talk 5 would send 6 wouldn’t go; would watch

3 Suggested answers: 1 I can’t get used to

complaining in restaurants. 2 When you come to the UK you have to get used to queuing. 3 She’ll never get used to English verb forms. 4 I can’t get used to working in this library. 5 We might get used to eating snails. 6 They’ll have to get used to a colder climate.

4 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 C 5 1 I’m looking forward to seeing my friends soon.

2 She always enjoys sunbathing on holiday. 3 My brother doesn’t mind helping me with my homework. 4 James keeps having accidents on his snowboard. 5 We can’t help being silly sometimes. 6 I didn’t feel like going to bed early last night.

6 1 to pay 2 waiting 3 Getting up 4 telling 5 to worry 6 to leave

Unit 9 1 1 Did you start learning English before you came to

school? 2 I prefer not to drink coffee before I go to bed. 3 It continued to snow all yesterday night. 4 She began to sing in that band in 2016. 5 We have loved living here since we moved last spring. 6 I always hate being the last person to arrive.

2 1 f 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 b 6 c 3 1 He regrets staying up all night. 2 The visitor asked us how to get to the station. 3 I’ll never forget

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KEYS AND SCRIPTS seeing the Taj Mahal. 4 Her teacher reminded her to back up her files. 5 I didn’t remember to bring back the book you lent me.

4 1 stolen 2 examined 3 taken out 4 developed 5 increased 6 tested

5 1 I had all my bags opened by the customs officer.

2 You should get a special birthday cake made. 3 I need to have my brakes checked (by the car mechanic). 4 Our neighbours have had a new house built in France. 5 We got our workshop organised by an expert. 6 The bank had its website hacked by a teenager.

6 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B

Unit 10 1 1 couldn’t go 2 won’t be able to 3 must

4 shouldn’t 5 don’t have to 6 won’t be able to

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2 1 can’t 2 was able to 3 Will (Berto) be able to 4 Could 5 can 6 won’t be able to

3 1 can’t enjoy their time 2 must be mad 3 must be very cold 4 might be out 5 can’t be very happy 6 must know the meaning

4 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 5 1 ’re not allowed to 2 were allowed to 3 Can 4 ’re not allowed to 5 aren’t supposed to 6 won’t let her

6 1 We weren’t allowed to bring our phones into

class. 2 Little children won’t to let be allowed to swim in the big pool. 3 It was nice of your mum to be allowed let me to stay. 4 Does your sister let you borrow her clothes? 5 You can’t to ride your bike here, it’s not allowed. 6 Will you be let allowed to come out with me tonight?