T24 Updater Setup [PDF]

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Model Bank (TAFJ) T24 Updater Setup

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA. COPYRIGHT 2013 TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA. All rights reserved.

Set up Document






V 0.1

13 June 2013

Ananda Babu M

Initial Draft

V 0.2

16 June 2014


V 0.3

29 Oct 2014

Ananda Babu M

Updates installation – Browser, ARCIB added

V 0.4

06 Apr 2017

Guru Prasanna R

Accommodated latest updater / toolbox set up changes post R16

V 0.5

12 Dec 2018

Guru Prasanna R

Latest updater.xml changes included

Path Changes

Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.1

Pre-requisites .............................................................................................................. 4


Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 4

2 T24 Updater Set up and download ...................................................................................... 4 2.1 2.1.1

Toolbox Download and set up .................................................................................... 4 Download the Toolbox ............................................................................................. 4

2.1.2 Extract SysDef.xml file .............................................................................................. 5 2.1.3 Download Updates from TCSP ................................................................................. 7 2.2 2.2.1

Download the T24updater from distribution site ....................................................... 9


Configuration changes in updater .......................................................................... 10


Updates installation................................................................................................ 10


View Records in T24 before Release..................................................................... 11


Create module.xml ................................................................................................. 12


Releasing Records to T24 ..................................................................................... 12


View Records in T24 after Release........................................................................ 13

2.3 2.3.1


Updater download and installation – T24 .................................................................... 9

Updates Installation – BrowserWeb / ArcIB .............................................................. 13 Un-tar and Deploy .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

1 Introduction T24 Updater provides a simple mechanism to update T24 components with smaller updates as opposed to the more comprehensive patches and service packs. This will provide the customer with a faster response time with regard to fixes. This Demo guide aims to guide a T24 User (Bank Administrator / IT User / T24 Implementation/ etc.) for updates installation through the necessary steps.

1.1 Pre-requisites S No 1



Access to T24 Deployment Files


1. 2. Java JRE 3. 4. Updates.zip


5. Access to Tool box

To be downloaded and configured


6. Access to TCSP Portal

This is required only to download the new Updates.zip from TCSP portal


Available as part of Model bank Zip file available in Temenos customer portal for the new fixes.

1.2 Assumptions NA

2 T24 Updater Set up and download 2.1

Toolbox Download and set up

2.1.1 Download the Toolbox http://uni-t.temenos.com/product/Pages/Distribution.aspx#tab-5


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

Post Installation, create a user as per below using Tools->User options and then login to Toolbox with T24 credentials

2.1.2 Extract SysDef.xml file Extract the System Definition file using T24 Tool box as below. 1. Login into T24 Toolbox and click on System Update. 2. Then click on Extract System Information. 3. Generate the System Definition File by clicking on Create System Definition File. 4. An XML file will be generated by fetching the SPF, EB.PRODUCT and EB.COMPONENT details from the connected T24 system.


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

2.1.3 Download Updates from TCSP Step 1: Login into TCSP (Temenos Customer Service Portal) and click on T24 Updates.

Step 2: Click on Add System and browse the system definition.xml file which was extracted in the previous step to register the system.


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

Step 3: Click on the systems tab to find out registered system and select the system that has been registered in the previous step.

Step 4: Click on the available updates by product tab which will list all the updates available for the registered system.

Step 5: Select the required updates and download in your machine by clicking on the tick button. Follow the installation process in order to install the updates in T24.


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

Note: If the downloaded updaets.zip consist either Browser Client or ArcIB Client, remove them from the zip and follow different process (Refer section 2.3) to generate updated Browser and ArcIB wars specific to your system.


Updater download and installation – T24

2.2.1 Download the T24updater from distribution site Download the updater from distribution site uni-T link as below and extract under as below. http://uni-t.temenos.com/product/Pages/Distribution.aspx#tab-5


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

2.2.2 Configuration changes in updater Make the below mentioned changes in updater.xml file under

Set the T24 home in the xml file as per below screenshot

Update the TAFJ home, updater directory on the below part. Ensure rest of the portions are commented in the XML file.

2.2.3 Updates installation 

Place the downloaded updates from TCSP in the updates folder under updater in the UD dir,

Run the updater.bat file from the bin folder which will install the updates  


Open TAFJ Shell from Start Menu Model Bank RXX Docs & Tools  TAFJ Shell Navigate to the updater directory using cd as below:

Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

Run the updater.bat file which will install the updates

2.2.4 View Records in T24 before Release Once the updates.zip is installed, the records can be viewed in T24 under T24.UPDATES.RELEASE application and the release status will be updated as ‘N’ which denotes that the data records are yet to be released in T24 further. Start Application server and T24 Branch to view these records in T24 branch.


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

2.2.5 Create module.xml 

Once updates installed, move the jar files manually from to

‘.ear’ files copied as part of updates installation can be ignored.

Execute below command using TAFJ Shell to generate module.xml.

CALL JBossTools com.Slot01.temenos.t24 -tafjdep Example: CALL JBossTools com.Slot01.temenos.t24 D:\Temenos\R1X\Env\Slot01\Products\T24\T24lib D:\ \Temenos\R1X\Env\Slot01\Products\T24\T24lib –tafjdep 

Once module.xml is generated, update the ‘module name’ in the dependencies section (3rd line from the bottom) with the tag as ‘com.Slot01.temenos.t24’.


2.2.6 Releasing Records to T24 Start TSM and BNK/T24.UPDATES services in the same updater window to get installed records released to T24.


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

2.2.7 View Records in T24 after Release The above service will release the updates.zip records to T24 and the ‘Data release’ will get updated as ‘C’ which denotes that the Data release to T24 is completed. Once the records are released those can be viewed in T24 under exceptions list.



Updates Installation – BrowserWeb / ArcIB

Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up

Set up Document

For BrowserWeb / ArcIB updates, going forward there will only be recut versions of applications to be available for update and users are advised to download the same and deploy in their localhost / server etc.,

Login to Browser -> Click on Help -> About t24 Browser and check the version is updated in the Release details as below.


Model Bank -TAFJ – T24 Updater Set up