SWOOD Design Training Manual Word [PDF]

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Training manual SWOOD Design

Chemin des Alliers 07110 VINEZAC Tél : (33) 04 75 36 81 15 Fax : (33) 04 75 36 85 94 Email : [email protected] Site : www.eficad.com


Table of Contents Presentation of the software............... ............................................................................................ 5

I. 1.

System Requirements ................................................................................................................. 5


Protection Key........................................................................................................................ 5


Installation................................................................................................................................... 5 a.

Installation on a network.........................................................................................................5




Installation procedure...........................................................................................................6






IFull integration of SWOOD in SolidWorks .................................................................... 6


First Use.................................................................................................................... 7


Next use...................................................................................................................... 8


EFIUSER presentation................................................................................................................. 8 EFIUSER creation............................................................................................................................. 9


Panels.................................................................................................................................... 9

1. a.

Panel Creation.....................................................................................................................9


Panel Edit .................................................................................................................... 10


Add Panel Parameters ................................................................................................... 10


Other ways to create a panel.................................................................................. 11


Structures .................................................................................................................................. 12 a.

Presentation Template......................................................................................................... 12


Panel Insertion................................................................................................................. 14


Edit Structure ................................................................................................................... 15


Add Structures parameters................................................................................................. 16


Creation of a new structure from a modified existing structure ................. 17


Creation and registration of a new Template ................................................................... 19

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design



SwoodBox .................................................................................................................................. 20 a.

To. Presentation Template.......................................................................................................... 20


Principle of a Swoodbox...................................................................................................... 21


Presentation of the SwoodBox section ............................................................................................... 21


Example of a Swood Box Shelves ...................................................................................... 27 Connections ...................................................................................................................................... 29

4. a.

Library opening........................................................................................................ 29


Simple element creation....................................................................................................... 29


Compound element creation .................................................................................................. 30 Moldings ................................................................................................................................... 31

5. a.

Creation New profile........................................................................................................ 31


Application profile created to a new molding.................................................................... 31


Molding on piece application .............................................................................................. 31 library....................................................................................................................................... 32

6. a.

New library creation ....................................................................................................... 32


library application .................................................................................................................. 32 Materials .................................................................................................................................. 33

7. a.

Creation of new material.................................................................................................. 33


Material application (panel, box, drag and drop with or without thickness)............. 33

III. Use Libraries ............................................................................................................... 34 1.

Principle of use of the EFIUSER libraries. .............................................................. 34


Creation of a single structure project .............................................................................................. 34 a.

Copy Box........................................................................................................................ 34


Box filling............................................................................................................. 34


Establishmentoflinks....................................................................................................... 35


Material application............................................................................................................. 36


Modification of box dimensions. ............................................................................ 36

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

3. Creation of multiple structures project ............................................ ............................................. 36 a. Creation of sketches implantation ............................................... ............................................ 36 b. Establishment of structures ................................................ .................................................. ....... 36 c. Filling structures ................................................ .................................................. ....... 37 d. Modification of sketches ................................................ .................................................. ........ 37


Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Présentation du logiciel



Presentation of the software 1. System Requirements  Solidworks 2008 or a higher version must be installed on the machine.  Accepted operating system: Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista (Ultimate or Buisness), or Windows 7 (Professional, Ultimate or Buisness). 32 or 64 bit versions ofthese systems are valid.  A graphics card certified by SolidWorks (see the following link: http://www.solidworks.fr/sw/support/videocardtesting.html).  2 GB of RAM minimum.  A minimum screen resolution of 1024x768.  400 MB of free space including 150 MB on disk C

2. Protection Key SWOOD uses a RAINBOW Sentinel Super Pro protection key which must be implanted on the computer's USB port The protection key is guaranteed against any manufacturing defect for a period of six months from the date of delivery of the software. This warranty only applies if the user makes normal use of it. Any key that has visibly suffered damage (broken shell, resin damaged ...) will not be taken as guarantee. The key must be present in a USB port of the computer during the installation procedure .If the key is not recognized, try to plug it into another port. If the problem persists, launch the TESTCLE.EXE utility from the Windows Start menu, then send the TESTCLE.LOG test result file to [email protected] for after-service troubleshooting sale

3. Installation a.

Installation on a network

The software must be installed locally by the network administrator. Users shouldhave readwrite rights on the users folder (by default: C: \ EFIUsers ), in allsubfolders and in the register table. Software registration must be done bythe network administrator who must therefore run the software for the first time b.

Installation under Vista

Disable user account control to allow writing to registers

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Présentation du logiciel c.


Installation procedure

Connect the USB protection key. Put the CD in its drive. The installation starts automatically. If not, launch Windows Explorer and display the contents of the CD. Start the installation by double clicking on the SETUP.EXE file. ➢

Read and accept the license agreement.

➢ Enter the name, the company, and the serial number (4 series of 4 digits written on the back of the housing). ➢ Modify or not the installation folder (C: \ Program Files \ EFICAD \ SWOOD by default). If during the installation of the driver of the protection key SENTINEL a dialogue of request computer restart is displayed, answer NO. d. Uninstallation

To remove the SWOOD software, use the Add-Remove Programs option in the Control Panel Windows. The users folder is not uninsulated. e. Relocation

Before reinstalling SWOOD, it is advisable to uninstall the previous version. the since the contents of the user folder are not affected, the personalization will be fully recovered. Then proceed as for the first installation. At the first launch, select the user in the user configuration dialog, then validate.

4. Full integration of SWOOD into SolidWorks SWOOD Design and SWOOD CAM are software fully incorporated into Solid-works. Is the uses as software add-ins in the same way as Solid-works add-ins (photorealism, design validation, ...). Their activation and deactivation is therefore possible from the same way as these through the Options menu Complements . Activation is identical to that of the supplements, namely: -

If checked on the left, activation in the current Solid Works session. If checked on the right, permanent activation of the software (see figure 1).

Figure 1 : Activation of software in SolidWorks

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Présentation du logiciel


We find the integration of SWOOD in SolidWorks also at the level of the accessibility of its functions in different menus and libraries identical to that of SolidWorks (see figure 2).

Figure 2: Integration of SWOOD menus and libraries in SolidWorks

5. First Use Check that the protective USB key is properly connected to the computer. Start Windows in mode Administrator with all rights. Start SolidWorks. If the User Configuration dialog does not open automatically before opening a document, select the Add-ins command in the Tools drop-down menu then check the SWOOD Design and / or SWOOD CAM box . Open a new part or assembly document and click on Swood Design Options User . Choose the SWOOD users folder by clicking on the Directory button users . To create a new user, enter the user's name in the reserved space under Current User registration (USER by default) then click on the Modify button (see figure 3). A folder with the user's name is added to the users folder. It contains all software customization elements. Enter the registration number respecting the capital letters and validate with the OK button . Open a new part or assembly document: the SWOOD CAM and / or SWOOD menus Design should appear. SWOOD is now ready to be used.

Figure3 : User customization

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design


6. Next use LDuring the next SolidWorks launches, Swood Design and / or Swood Cam will be accessible with the customization of the user defined as current user.

7. EFIUSER presentation User (or EFIUSER) is the folder in which all configuration files are located and SWOOD Library. This folder is created on first use. It is called USER and is stored in the following location C: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ SWOOD 2010 \ USER \. It is advisable to create your own user when using SWOOD for the first time ( see I.5. First use ) and store it in a directory that is easy to access and not susceptible to to be deleted (e.g. if the hard drive of the PC is partitioned, choose a location on a hard drive different from C :) . This folder contains sub-folders specific to your use, which can be divided into Three parties : The Design folder , which groups together all the libraries of structural elements, SWoodBox, panels, moldings, edges, materials from SWOOD Design. The Template folder , which allows you to store standard files used in SWOOD. The rest of the files are used for the SWOOD CAM part (configuration files, libraries of tools and machining entities, post-processors, machine). For the SWOOD Design part, the sub-folders correspond to libraries which can be found the entire tree in the SWOOD Library tab of the SolidWorks task pane (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 : tructure of the SWOOD customization

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design


Création EFIUSER In order to create a panel, all you have to do is Panel. Swood then automatically created (see figure 5). A Swood Dialogue figure 6). We can also define a material the Swood material library (


EFIUSER creation 1. Panels

a. Panel Creation In order to create a purlin, all you have to do is click in the Swood Design menu on the Panel command. Swood then automatically creates a new rectangular solidworks piece (see figure A Swood dialog then appears allowing you to ( Un dialogue Swoo 5). apparaît alors permettant de définir les dime ons du panneau peut aussi définir matériau (ainsi que senscan des also fibresdefine si défi uun n material define theOn dimensions of the panel (figure 6). leYou bibliothèque matériauxofS the odfibers ( (aslawell as the de direction if defined by choosing from the Swood material library (see II.7 Materials).

Figure 5 : Création d’un panneau

Figure 6 : Définition des dimensions et du matériau du panneau

Note: The defined dimensions are linked to SolidWorks sketch and feature dimensions, through custom properties (see Figure 7); length according to the direction of the X, width according to Y thickness longueur le sens d X, largeur selon Y et according to Z (positioning orientation on the machine. For correctselon software operation, this orientation Pour le bo fonctionnement du must be observed

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


Figure 7 : Relation dimensions panneau et cotes SolidWorks


Panel Edit

To edit a panel, click in the Swood Design menu on the Edit command Panel . The dialog for creating the panel reappears and all the parameters (dimensions and material) are then modifiable. Once modified, exit editing. The panel is then modified. c.

Add Panel Parameters

It is possible to add additional parameters to a panel in order to have a customization of SWOOD library panels. To do this, simply add custom properties in the SolidWorks file and link them, in the same way as the default dimensions, to SolidWorks dimensions (see Figure 8). When editing the panel, these new parameters will then be available in a Variables box and will control the dimensions of SolidWorks (see figure 9).

Figure 9 : Editing a

parameterized panel

Figure 8 : Adding parameters to a panel

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


Note: The panels library files will be copied with different when structures based on Les are panneaux so which sont des fichiers de bibliothèque quinames seront copiés c creating iés them. In order to keep the parameters link with the copied file, it is necessary to remove the name of the part lors de la création d structures à base de ceux ci. Afin de garder l lien des paramètres in the value of the custom property (D1 @ Sketch1 instead of D1 @ Sketch1 @ Part1). avec the le fichier il est nécconfigured ssaire de as retirer le nom de have la pièce la it leur dethe la path propriété Once entirecopié, panel has been desired, all you to dodan is ssave under \ lieu de \ Design \ Panels with a name of your choice. Once done, return to the panel library located in the Swood Library, click on Panels and press the F5 key on the keyboard to update the library. e panneau entièrement enti ement paramétré comme souhaité, il suffit de d l’enregistrer sous le a e

choix. Une fois effectué, retourner reto ner dans la bibliothèque de panneaux se trouvant tro ant dans la t taper sur la touche du clavier afin de me re la bibliothèque à


Other ways to createu manières de c éer

Création Creation from the task list à partir du vol des tâches In the l’onglet SSwwoodSwood Library tab of the to thealler library of panels and right click, Dans ood Library du task voletpane, des go tâches, dans dan la bibliothèque de then panels and right click, then New. panneaux et fai un clic droit, puis ffectuer un clic roit, puis Right click, then Open. We end up with a new panel ready se retrouve ave un nouveau panneau près à être mod ifié to et be modified amétré. and configured. Once the panel customization is done, save it under the path \ \ personnalisatio du panneau effectuée, l’enregistrer sous le chemin personnalisation hemin Design \ Panel

 Creation from an existing panelexistant Création à partir d’un p neau Open annexisting (right Open in the library of the taskdupane drag and pann purlin existant (clicclick droit a bibliothèq voletordes tâches drop from déposer the library the empty SolidWorks graphics window). the desired dépo r de into la bibliothèque dans la fenêtre graphique graphiqu dee Make SolidWorks vide). mood changes functions, (fonctions Swood settings) and save under aSwood) different Effectuer les modifications m (SolidWorks ifications souhaitées SolidWorks, paramètres amètres et enregistrer un nom d utilisateurs> name undersou the path \ \ Designmin \ Panels. Co eption  Creation from a new part Création à partir d’une uvelle pièce une nouvelle nou lle pièce SolidWorks. le panneau formethe souhaitée, et Create aCréer new SolidWorks part. Draw the panel Dessiner of the desired shape,de andllaassign attribuer les pr (LENGTH, riétés deWIDTH, dimensions (LONGUEUR, LARGEUR,parameters PAISSEURif dimensional properties THICKNESS). Add additional voir II.1.c necessary (see II.1.c Adding Panel Parameters). Save the part under the path \ Co\ Design eption\ Panel

Exercise 1::Creating parameter Créationad’un pann panel paramétré 1. Create a newouveau tip in any way want. pann auyou avec la manière de votre choix. 2. Add a non-opening hole non onnthis panel usingsur theceSolidWoks (Material removal or Rajouter un perçage débouchant panneau functions à l’aide des fonctions nctions SolidWorks Drilling assistance) 3. Control the following drilling parameters: DIAMETER, DEPTH, X POSITION, Y POSITION. Piloter les paramètre suivants du perçage DIAMETRE, PROFO EUR, POSI 4. Edit the Panel and moodify the created parameters. Exit the edit dialog and observe the changes. Editer Panneau m difier les paramètres créés. Sortir du dialogue ’édition\ et observer 5. Save thelepurlin in theetcreated under the path \ \ Design Panels with the name 1 hole panel. Enregistrer le pann créé

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


Exercise 2::Creating water outlet from another panelpanneau in the library Créationad’un pann panneau à partir d’un autre de la bibliothèque bibliothèq 1. Open the 1 Hole Panel panel. Pann au 1 trou 2. Modify thelehole so that open. Modifier perçage afiit isu’il soit débouchant. 3. Add a Linear Repeat function and repeat the hole. Rajouter une fonction d symétrie d drilled perçages d’avoir deuxtwo barrsymmetrical ières de trohole s symétrique sur la 4. Create a symmetry of the holesafin in order to have barriers across the width of the panel. Supprimer le paramèt de and add NUMBER OF HOLES and SPACE NOM E DE PERCAGEGESS. 5. Remove the DEPTH parameter BETWEEN ESPACE ENTRE PERCA 6. Edit the Panel and moodify the created parameters. Exit the edit dialog and observe the changes. Editer Panneau et m difier lespath paramètres créés.\ Sorti du dialogue ’édition et with observer 7. Save thelepurlin created under the

\ Design \ Panels the name Panel with through holes Enregistrer le pann créé sous le chemin ébouchants

2. Structures a.

Presentation Templatee Présentation Templa

When creating a new file, now havefichier, the choice of aavez paneldésormais additional SWOOD Lors de la création d’un d you n nouveau vous le choixin lleequel, d’un volet there are two typesdans of filesquel, the SwoodCaisson and the SwoodBox (see les figure 10). on retrouve deux types de fichiers woodCaisson

Figure 10 : Template SWOOD

: Si le volet SWOOD est pas disponible, il est possible de le rajouter n ajoutant le

aux dèles de tils

Note: If the SWOOD pane is not available, it can be added by adding the directory \ \ Template \ SWOOD to the SolidWorks document templates (Tools menu Options File locations) ) ..

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


In the Swood CdCaisson template, find then same file structure for SolidWorks assembly, with plans Swoo we aisson retrouve la mêmeasstructure de ichier que pour defining an envelope volume BAAS, FRONT, LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, REAR). In addition, there are rectangular assemblage SolidWorks, avec s plans définissant un volume enveloppe (B S, AVANT, GAUCHE, sketches whose segments are linked by collinearity to the planes of the envelope volume (cf. figure 11). . Il y asave n plus des esquisses dont les liés par When creating a new structure, it directly under therectangulaires path \ sont \ Design \ colinéarité aux plans du volu e enveloppe Lors de la cré ion d’une nouvelle Casing .. di ctement

Figure 11 : Définition SwoodCaisson

The volume enveloppe envelope isest controlled properties linked toliées the aux La definition définition of dethis ce volu piloté by parpersonalized des propriétés pe onnalisées distances between planes figure 11 and They can belors found editing structure tre plans (cf.(cf. figure ). 12). On les retrouve de when l’édition de l the structure parbyun clic clicking on the Edit a Box command Cais nin the Swood Design menu (see figure 13).

Figure12::Volume envelope the Définition Volumedefinition e eloppeofde lastructure. structure.

Figure 13: Editing the structure

L’orientation de la ructure estfollows: la suivante selon le sen es X,of X, Note: The orientation of the structure is as WIDTH according to the direction DEPTH according to Y and HEIGHT according to Z.

Manu formation SWOOD Design SWOOD de Design training manual

EFIUSER creation


Theconception design of a d’une structure involve the installation of panels, which will neaux, be constrained La str will structure cture va passer par la mise en place de p panneaux, que l’onand va contraindre et dontwill lesbe dimensions dimen ns seront pilotées by automatiquement parthe lesenvelope dimensions d ensions du volume whose dimensions automatically controlled the dimensions of volume of the structure b. Panel Insertion

To insert a panel, simply click on thedePanel command the SwoodPann Designumenu. A dialog r un panne il suffit cliquer sur la in commande appears floorsapparaît in whichalors choose of thelastructure will set upon and Un dialogue alwerswill dans lequelthe on part va choisir partie dewe la structure stru ure va the implanter associated panel model (cf. figure 14). You can also change the name of the panel in thiscette associ ( On peut aussi modifier le nom d panneau dans structure.

Figure 14::Insertion a panel in a structure. Insertion of d’un panneau ns une structure.

Note: the panel is essential all the parts that will follow the design : LeThe nomname donnégiven au panneau p toneau est essentiel pour for toutes les parties qui suivront ivront la conception (Parts list, Edition of production for example). It is therefore necessary to have a well(Nomenclature, Edition de documents doc documents ents de production par exemple). Il est donc nécessaire écessaire d’avoir un système bien défini d’attributio de nom aux fichiers, que dans conc ption projets defined system of naming the files, knowing that insachant the design of thela projects thedes parts will les be : _ >__< currence>_ 500 then SP1.S =true endif

‘The deletion of diagram 1 is wrong ‘If my Swoodbox depth is greater than 500 then the deletion of SP1 is true

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


4. Machining Finally, in the upper part of the tab, we define the diagram to apply to a face. To do this, select the appropriate diagram from the drop-down list to the right of the face.

Figure 25: Application of a machining on a face of SwoodBox

If the pattern of the complementary face is identical (right and left, top and bottom, face and bottom), it is possible to apply the symmetry of the pattern defined on one of the two faces. To do this, select (Symmetry) in the drop-down list of the corresponding face.

 Test Mode The test mode (available in the third tab of the Swoodbox pane) is a way of checking, without inserting the SwoodBox in a Box, its consistency. For this, we can vary the envelope dimensions of the SwoodBox as well as the variables exposed. Variables defined as private are visible but grayed out. Make the desired modifications and click on the Calculate button. Observe the behavior of the SwoodBox once it has been recalculated.


Example of a SwoodBox Shelves

Exercise 6: Creating a "Shelf" SwoodBox 1. Create a new SwoodBox. 2. Insert a shelf type panel. 3. Configure its dimensions using the Edit Panel command from the Swood Design menu. 4. Create the Shelf Height variable, exposed variable. 5. Add a drilling pattern to drill 50mm from the front and back on the right side and left side. 6. Change the dimensions of the SwoodBox in Test Mode and check.

Exercise 7: Creating a "Multiple shelves" SwoodBox 1. From the SwoodBox "Shelf", add additional panels using SolidWorks Linear Pattern Pattern. 2. Add an integer variable to control the Number of Shelves (NBE), a distance type variable to control the Distance between Shelves (ECE). 3. Use the SwoodBox shutter function to control the number of shelves as well as the distance between them depending on the height of SwoodBox, the number of shelves and the height of the first shelf. .

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


4. Add the drilling diagrams to the other shelves and delete them depending on the presence or absence of the shelf. 5. Go to test mode, change the dimensions of Swoodbox and check. Exercise 8: To go further !! 1. Add a string variable to create an Insertion Type. This variable will not be linked in SolidWorks, but will be used to create “configurations” in the Function script. Create possible values that will be Centered or Top and Bottom Offset. 2. Create a High Deviation distance variable. 3. Control the two insertion modes of the SwoodBox.

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


4. 4. Connections a.

Ouverture Bibliothèque

To create links, we need to edit a library. To do this in the task paneof Solidworks in the Swood Design tab, right-click on an existing library item and click Edit. A new Link Elements Library window is displayed. It is in this window that we will be able to create our connections. By clicking on the first button at the top left (New Item), we have the choice between creating different elements: - A new library (example: BLUM) - A new folder (example: Eccentrics) - One new element among the following: Eccentric Drilling on Face and Side, Drilling on Face only, Lamello, Hole, Tenon Mortise, Trunnion. - A combination of elements (Component Repetition, Compound Element)

Figure 26: Editing and creating an assembly library

b. Simple element creation

To create a Simple element, create a new library or click on a libraryexisting. Then click on New Item and choose the type of items to create. On the central part of the window then appears a 3D visual of the placement of the element between two parts. On the right side there is a drawing of the selected element. This is where we will configure our element.

Figure 27: Editing and creating a simple element

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


The buttons above thisde definition window are used to inform, configure and dessus tte fenêtre de définition variaonles surSwood.These notre élément. Ces variables ont préétablies par evaluate the variables defined ourdéfinies element. variables are pre-established by The first button will be used to redefine the variables (designation, default value, possible values,…). The second button will serve as a summary of these variables in which we will obtain the aliases of this Le premier bouton va servir ser ir à redéfinir les variables (désignation, valeur vale par défaut, one. The third button (Evaluation) is the most important in this bar, because it will allow us to configure possibles,…). Le deuxième bouton bout n va servir comme résumé de ces variables d danss lequel nous allons the variables of our element err using the scripptt already used in the Swoodboxes. ci. Le oisième bouton est le plus impor nt dans cette barre, car il va permettre de configur les variables de notre élément à l’aide du scri déjà utilisé dans les Note: There is anIladditional allows you toqui linkpermet the element the Swood Library to a existe un button bo tonthat bouton supplémentaire de lierofl’élém l’élément t deLink la bibliothèque SolidWorks Click on this then on Cliquer this button youpuis to browse andpermettant choose in Win de liaisons part. Swood à une piècbutton, pièce SolidWorks. sur allowing ce bouton, sur celui elui ndows the component linked to our element. i ows le composant lié à notre élément.


Commppos element élément Co creation osé

In a pre-selected library, create a new Compound to theNewmposé Item command. Dans une bibliothèque résélectionnée, créer Elementthanks un nouvel Elément Rename him. In order to create a combination simple elements,d’éléments drag them from their Le renommer. re mmer. Afin de créerofune combinaison d’élém ts simples, les faire to the right side of the Swood then immediately creates créé a treealors glisser library de leur bibliothèque ans compound la partie element. droite de l’élément compos Swood structure with the elements present by automatically assigning them aliases. By clicking on immédiatement une arborescence arboresce ce avec les éléments présents en leur attribuant attribu t automatiquement eachEn element, realize the parameters are nocompte longer available. Only the insertion des alias. cliquantwesur cha that chaque e élément, on se rend que les paramètres par ètres ne sont plus position can be changed. disponibles. Seule la position d sertion peut être modifiée. Note: The default position each element is (0, 0, 0), that La position pafordéfaut de chaque élément estis, à centered, on c’ the t origin of the compound element.

Figure Fi re 28: 2 Insertion of simple elements in a scompound d un élémentelement. composé.

Thebut goaldeof la thedéfinition definitionde the composite element will be position and Le dof l’élément composé va être detopositionner ettremove the simple elements inserted according to the dimension as well éléments simples insérés selon a dimension of contact between the partsett(this dimension ainsi que as the dimensions the panels contact aredes variables available in thedans evaluation of thedecompound les dimensions desof panneaux en e in contact sont variables disponibles l’évaluation l’é luation l’élément element).

Manuel de formation SWOOD Design

Création EFIUSER


Pourthis, cela,we nous utilise script déjà la SwoodBox. Pour gé la position d’ element, For willallons use the scriptlealready usedutilisé in thedans SwoodBox. To manage the rposition of an Alia for.Axe the syntax will be Alias.P.Axe, the removal of Alias.S.

Example of setting of a compound élé ntelement composé if AL