Survival of Probiotics in Functional Foods During Shelf Life [PDF]

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Survival of probiotics in functional foods during shelf life


Nayil Dinkçi, Vildan Akdeniz, A. Sibel Akalin Department of Dairy Technology Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University, Bornova-İzmir, Turkey Chapter outline 1 Introduction  201 2 Factors affecting the survival of probiotics during processing and storage of food  208 2.1 The effect of probiotic strain selection on probiotic survival  209 2.2 The effect of food matrix on probiotic survival  209 2.3 The effect of processing, fermentation and storage conditions on probiotic survival  216 2.4 Microencapsulation  225

3 Conclusion  226 References  226

1 Introduction The role of healthiness in food preference is continuously increasing in the world as the scientific progress in understanding the connection between nutrition and health has an increasingly great effect on consumers’ approach to nutrition. Nowadays, consumers believe that foods are directly related to their health and consumer demands on food production methods have changed considerably. Therefore, foods are not considered to only satisfy hunger and to supply nutrients for the human body, but to develop physical and mental health and to prevent nutrition related diseases of the consumers. For this reason, functional foods are in greater demand by health-conscious consumers, especially depending on the increasing life expectancy and healthcare cost of the aging population (Siro et al., 2008; Sarkar, 2010; Bhat and Bhat, 2011). The term “functional food” is generally applied to food products that are claimed to have special beneficial physiological effects in the human body. According to EU concerted action, “a food can be regarded as functional if it has been satisfactorily demonstrated to affect beneficially one or more target functions in the body, beyond adequate nutritional effects, in a way that is relevant to either an improved state of health and well-being and/or a reduction of risk of disease.” Functional foods must demonstrate their health effects as a part of diet as distinct from pills or capsules (Shiby and Mishra, 2013; Anadon et al., 2016). There is no unitary accepted definition for functional foods so far. In addition, there is no legislative definition of this term and a certain differentiation between conventional and functional foods in most countries (Bhat and Bhat, 2011). Food Quality and Shelf Life. © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Food Quality and Shelf Life

There are several ways to manufacture functional foods based on the modification of processing methods or fortification with different substances. In this regard, the functionality of a product that is based on bioactive components can be targeted to a special disease or to improve overall wellbeing (Figueroa-Gonzalez et  al., 2011; Shiby and Mishra, 2013). Functional food ingredients are generally used to optimize beneficial effects arising from the bioactive components in the product. These ingredients include mainly probiotics, prebiotics, soluble fiber, omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid, some proteins, peptides and amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phospholipids (Bhat and Bhat, 2011). Probiotics and prebiotics are main ingredients of fermented milk products, which account for the most important part of the functional food market (Figueroa-Gonzalez et al., 2011). According to the most widely accepted FAO/WHO definition, probiotics are “live microorganisms which, when administrated in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” (FAO/WHO, 2002). This implies that probiotic cells must be alive when consumed. Therefore, the selection of adequate food matrix and also processing and storage conditions to provide probiotic delivery is critical (Capozzi et al., 2016). The most popular approach to consume probiotic cells is through food products and these products represent a significant part of functional foods (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). In addition, probiotic foods are the fastest-growing area of the functional food sector as consumers are increasingly demanding products fortified with probiotic bacteria and the probiotic cultures are successfully applied in different types of food matrices (Bakr, 2015, 2016). >500 probiotic food products have been introduced to the global market during the last couple of decades (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). A great number of food products including dairy products, and also meat, beverages, cereals, vegetables and fruits, and bread products have been produced to deliver probiotics (Bakr, 2015). Today, there has been a strong increase in the consumption of probiotic bacteria, especially through probiotic dairy products including fermented milks, ice cream, cheeses, baby foods, dairy desserts, whey-based beverages, sour cream, butter milk, liquid milk, and concentrated milk (Mohammadi et  al., 2011; Tripathi and Giri, 2014). Growing research interest has also focused on the incorporation of probiotic bacteria into cultured dairy products to improve the nutritional quality of these products (Karimi et al., 2011). On the other hand, nondairy products such as vegetable-based and cereal-based products, fruit juices, and confectionary products have also been developed to deliver probiotics for people who are allergic to milk proteins or have severe lactose intolerance (Tripathi and Giri, 2014; Bakr, 2016). It has been estimated that probiotic foods comprise between 60% and 70% of the total functional food market (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). Probiotic foods in the United States, European, and Japanese markets account for over 90% of the total functional foods worldwide, most of which comprise functional dairy products. These products constitute nearly 43% of the market, which is mostly based on fermented dairy products. However, the quality of most of the commercial probiotic foods are poor for viable probiotic count and do not meet their label claim on strain type (Sarkar, 2018). Probiotic microorganisms exhibit a health benefit for the host when they are ingested, although the health benefits are genus- or strain-specific. A number of these benefits attributed to probiotics are related to the maintenance of normal intestinal

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flora, showing the ability to survive through the upper gastrointestinal system, and to be capable of surviving and growing in the intestinal region (Anadon et al., 2016). Documented health benefits associated with probiotics include maintenance of intestinal microflora balance, protection against gastrointestinal pathogens, stimulation of immune system, reduction of serum cholesterol level and blood pressure, anticarcinogenic effects, alleviation of lactose intolerance symptoms, and nutritional enhancements. Probiotics can also be therapeutically applied to prevent infantile diarrhea, urogenital diseases, osteoporosis, food allergies, and atopic diseases, to reduce antibody-induced diarrhea, to alleviate constipation and high cholesterol level, to control inflammatory bowel diseases, and to protect from colon and bladder cancer. It is considered that these health benefits may result from the action of viable probiotics of cultured foods or the growth and the action of certain species of probiotics in the intestinal tract (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). In fact, a wide variety of genera and species of microorganisms are reported as potential probiotics. However, lactic acid bacteria, mainly Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera are the most widely used bacteria within probiotics in the food market. They are also normal inhabitants of the human intestine and have a long tradition of safe application within the food industry (Siro et al., 2008; Bakr, 2016). Other genera including the Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Leuconostoc genera, and others are also utilized (Abdollahi et al., 2016). In Table 1, the potentially used probiotic species are given (Anadon et al., 2016; Sendra et  al., 2016). Bacillus (B. subtilis, B. cereus var. toyoi) and yeasts that are not usual components of the gut microflora are also used as a human probiotic. The yeast Saccharomyces boulardii is used in capsule or powder form rather than in food preparation (Anadon et al., 2016). Primarily, a testing process including strain testing, identification by genotype and phenotype, functionalized characterization, safety assessment testing, and double-blind, placebo-controlled human trials to confirm their health benefits must be applied to organisms before being classified as probiotics. In addition, the guidelines for the evaluation of probiotics in food must be followed (FAO/WHO, 2002; Anadon et al., 2016). Usually, the safety of novel strains has been revealed from the common presence of the species, either in foods or as normal commensals in the human gut. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species, dominant inhabitants of the human intestine (Lactobacillus in the small intestine and Bifidobacterium in the large intestine) and also Lactococci and yeasts are considered as GRAS (generally recognized as safe). However, many probiotics are not categorized as GRAS and may be suspicious in terms of safety, such as enterobacteria or some strains of enterococci. For example, Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis that have appeared as opportunistic pathogens in hospital environments, cause some infections of endocarditis and bacteraemia, as well as intra­abdominal, urinary tract, and central nervous system infections. Some enterococcus or bacillus strains may be problematic due to the presence of antibiotic resistance strains (e.g., vancomycin-resistant-Enterococcus strain) or the B. cereus group that is known to produce enterotoxins (Abdollahi et al., 2016; Anadon et al., 2016). The first requirement for developing a probiotic food product is the utilization of suitable probiotic strains in adequate dose. The main criteria for selecting suitable


Food Quality and Shelf Life

Table 1  Probiotic cultures potentially used in foods or food supplements Genera



acidophilus casei plantarum reuteri rhamnosus salivarius paracasei salivarius delbrueckii subs. bulgaricus fermentum lactis brevis crispatus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus animalis/lactis bifidum breve longum adolescentis infantis essensis freudenreichii subtilis cereus var. toyoi clausii acidilacti faecalis faecium coli strain Nissle boulardii thermophilus


Propionibacterium Bacillus

Pediococcus Enterococcus Escherichia Saccharomyces Streptococcus

strains of probiotic bacteria are their viability during food processing and storage conditions, survival during intestinal transit, and potential health benefits to consumers. The survival of bacteria in the food matrix against different unsuitable parameters during product development, processing, and storage is strain specific (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). Numerous criteria consisting of safety, technological, functional, and physiological characteristics of probiotic organisms have been recognized and suggested for selection of suitable strains. The selection criteria includes: safety criteria; origin, pathogeny, and infectivity properties; virulence factors; technological criteria; genetic stability and phage resistance; desired viability during processing and storage; good sensory and structural properties, and large scale production; functional criteria; resistance to acid, bile, and pancreatic enzymes, and adhesion to mucosal surface;

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and for physiological criteria, documented health effects such as lactose metabolism, immunomodulation, antagonistic activity, anticholesterolemic effect, antimutagenic, and anticarcinogenic properties (Morelli, 2007; Tripathi and Giri, 2014; Anadon et al., 2016). The efficacy of probiotic bacteria in food products depend on their viability during shelf life. In order to have beneficial health effects, probiotic foods should contain the required minimum viable and active cell count per gram or milliliter of food product at the time of consumption (Calinoiu et  al., 2016). Up to now, there is no recommended standard for a specific count of live probiotic bacteria in the product during consumption except for the Codex standard on fermented milks, where a minimum of 106 cfu g−1 of product has been recommended (FAO/WHO, 2010). In fact, it is actually not possible to claim a specific level of probiotics for all beneficial effects (Raeisi et al., 2013). However, the minimum necessary concentration of probiotic bacteria has been generally accepted as 106 cfu g−1 when the product is consumed. This recommendation is based on the assumption of daily consumption of 100 g of probiotic product. Because many authors propose that ingestion of 108–109 viable cells per day is needed, which corresponds to 100 g or mL of probiotic food, to achieve probiotic action in the human organism. It has also been reported that probiotic foods should be consumed regularly as approximately 100 g per day in order to deliver 109 viable cells into the intestine and to achieve health benefits for person (Karimi et al., 2011; Tripathi and Giri, 2014; Calinoiu et al., 2016). In this context, the efficacy of probiotic foods can be provided by the addition of suitable strain to foods and beverages in sufficient counts and the protection of the strain survival during the shelf life of the product. Preliminarily, the production conditions and parameters of probiotic culture will be important as they refer to subsequent viability of the cultures. Thus, more cells are able to survive in food processing conditions and storage, and/or in the human gastrointestinal system (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016). The most important parameter is probably the strain selection. The abilities of lactic cultures to grow on food matrices as well as to survive in process and storage conditions are very different even within a given species. Previously, the probiotic strains incorporated into food were chosen mainly according to their technological properties. The beneficial health effects of probiotics have gained importance over time, being a main parameter of strain selection for food applications. Therefore, the production parameters of probiotic cultures must be adapted to prevent lethal or sublethal damages to cells. Firstly, attention should be given to sublethal damages that can be seen on the cell wall or membranes and/or by the denaturation of internal cell components, such as enzymes, due to processing parameters. In addition, controlled stress conditions can be applied to increase survival ability of cultures to subsequent hard (troublesome) conditions such as heat treatment or freeze-drying. On the other hand, growth medium can contain some ingredients that improve the subsequent ability of cells to survive in the human intestine. For example, different sugars added to growth medium can affect cultures’ sensitivity to bile by modifying their bile salt hydrolase activity (Ziar et al., 2014; Farnworth and Champagne, 2016).


Food Quality and Shelf Life

Probiotic cultures are typically delivered as food supplements in caplets or capsules or by processed foods. Storage conditions, temperature, oxygen, and relative humidity are the main factors for the viability of probiotics delivered as food supplements. However, foods are increasingly seen as useful delivery matrices for probiotics. Food producers are seeking ways to incorporate probiotics into a wide range of foods and beverages. Yogurt and fermented milks are the most important foods to deliver probiotics. Probiotic cheese and other foods and beverages that carry probiotics are also gaining interest in the market. Many research projects have also been carried out that suggest the incorporation of probiotics in chocolate, sausages, cereal products, meat products, dried products, and vegetables. Therefore, the potential of delivery of probiotic bacteria by foods is enormous (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016). The viability of probiotics in food is an essential property to obtain some beneficial health effects. The ability of probiotic cultures to provide benefits to the health of the host are usually only quantifiable by animal or clinical studies. Therefore, viability is the practical quality assurance test for probiotics. In clinical studies, health benefits have usually been attributed to counts of probiotics in excess of 108–109 viable cells per day. Therefore, it is accepted that probiotic foods need to have >106–107 cfu g−1 viable cells at the time of consumption. However, the viable counts generally decline during the storage of food products. In manufacture, higher numbers of probiotics (called overage) can be introduced to achieve an acceptable viable count. However, it can be expensive in practice, and overage may cause organoleptic problems. Therefore, the viability of probiotics should be maintained in foods during production and storage (Lee et al., 2008). In fact, the stages of food manufacture, storage, and inoculation, including the production and storage of dried probiotic culture, as well as the food matrix itself, may be sources of considerable stress. Thus, food-related stress conditions including environmental factors should be well designed for the efficacy of probiotic bacteria (Marco and Tachon, 2013; Capozzi et al., 2016). In addition, an ideal food matrix should preserve microorganisms from the hostile gut environment during digestion procedure, thus delivering high counts of probiotic bacteria to the main target organ such as the large intestine. Therefore, incorporating live probiotic cells into foods and then keeping them alive throughout shelf life is a significant task for food technologists (Lee et al., 2008; Capozzi et al., 2016). Firstly, probiotic cultures are grown to high numbers on an industrial scale, using suitable food-grade culture media to provide a high load of probiotic cells in the final product following inoculation into the carrier food (Capozzi et al., 2016). The main strategies applied for incorporating probiotics into foods are as follows (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016). Firstly, selection and production of suitable strain that is adaptable to the food matrix and then to the intestine of the host is important. Research findings report variability between strains with regard to survival ability in foods (Champagne and Gardner, 2008; Akalın et al., 2018) or in the human gastrointestinal system (Mainville et al., 2005). Nowadays, strains are selected based on their recognized clinical effects and stability in food. Therefore, contemporary producers consider both technological and functional attributes in their strain selection process. Unfortunately, many strains offering

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beneficial health effects might be sensitive to production and storage conditions, and require technological adaptations to be incorporated in foods. Collaboration between the food producer and the probiotic supplier can lead to specially designed cultures that can be adapted to cope with heat, cold, acid, oxidative, high pressure, or osmotic stresses during food processing. Secondly, the method of culture incorporation into food is important. Generally, probiotic cultures are added directly, in what is called “direct to the vat inoculation” (DVI). This adding procedure is preferred due to greater flexibility and better standardization for culture delivery. DVI can be carried out by simply adding the frozen or dried culture to the food matrix. However, it can cause substantial loses in viability if it is done inappropriately. In respect of frozen cultures, some thawing parameters, including temperature, need to be specifically adjusted. Although it is much easier to shop and store the freeze-dried cultures, the use of them in food processing plants is more difficult than frozen ones. When freeze dried cultures are used, many factors including plating medium, composition, and solids level of rehydration medium, as well as rehydration temperature and time, influence cell counts following addition of the culture to a food matrix. Thirdly, processing steps in food manufacture are very important for probiotic culture survival. Many technological steps can be detrimental to the survival ability of probiotic bacteria and significant losses in probiotic viability can be seen following processing stages. Two main approaches have been emphasized to prevent these losses during processing: (1) modifying the food matrix; and (2) modifying food processing.

To modify the food matrix, appropriate pH conditions (neutral pH preferable), addition of antioxidants and growth factors such as prebiotics, plant or yeast extracts, and selection of nontoxic ingredients, for example, flavors and preservatives have been recommended. To modify the food processing steps, lowering temperatures, including vacuum or nitrogen flushing, modifying the fermentation parameters, and adapting cells by applying sublethal stresses have been recommended (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016). In addition, the best time to incorporate the probiotic culture should be assessed in the processing. For example, inoculation of milk before its renneting results in higher counts in Cheddar cheese production when compared to adding during the cheddaring or salting steps (Fortin et al., 2011). In ice cream production, the cultures are generally added to the ice cream mix before freezing in most studies (Akalın et al., 2017). In fact, it is not easy to adapt the food matrix and processing and storage conditions for probiotic viability. As an example, numerous parameters should be considered to develop a new fermented milk containing probiotics. These parameters includes the properties of milk base (the protein and other nutrient content, the presence of ingredients and/or additives, the process parameters applied, such as heating, etc.), fermentation conditions (the kind of starter and probiotic culture, the form of cultures, the inoculation moment and level of the cultures, the fermentation time and temperature, etc.), and storage conditions (pH level, activity of starter culture except probiotics,


Food Quality and Shelf Life

redox level and antioxidants presence, encapsulation, etc.). The storage stage is also important, as viability losses occur in that period depending on the temperature, moisture, pH degree, oxygen level, starter culture nature, redox level, and type of packaging. Therefore, appropriate packaging and environmental conditions should be supplied for adequate count of probiotic survival throughout storage (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016). Probiotic cell counts in the product must be enumerated accurately to evaluate the given number of cells by the producer or the enumerated number of cells to regulatory compliance. Therefore, enumeration methods must be developed to enumerate probiotic cultures. The enumeration technique is carried out easily by traditional plating method for products containing only one strain, such as Yakult® with Lactobacillus casei Shirota. However, there can be numerous strains that will grow on petri plates for probiotic yogurt and cheese. Thus, selective media have been developed for these products (Shah, 2000; Karimi et al., 2012). Nevertheless, highly selective strain-related methods need to be developed due to variability in efficacy. Today, viable counts of specific probiotic strains can be assessed by PCR (Desfossés-Foucault et al., 2012). Recent developments in flow cytometry, where species-specific antibodies can be marked, provide the selective enumeration of bifidobacteria in dairy products (Geng et al., 2014). On the other hand, microencapsulation, which is increasingly used to provide probiotic viability in food matrices, can lead to problems on cell enumeration by plating, PCR, or flow cytometry. Methodologies must be developed and applied to provide correct plating procedure by dissolving the microencapsulated particles (Champagne et al., 2011). Sensory properties have a key position for consumer acceptability. It is thought that when the load of probiotics does not pass 107 cfu g−1, there is a negligible effect on sensory properties (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016). Sometimes probiotics can negatively affect the flavor. For example, bifidobacteria release acetic acid, which can be undesirable above a certain level (Mohammadi et al., 2012). Therefore, manufacturers must primarily establish the inoculation level of probiotics to maintain good sensory characteristics. Finally, the functionality of probiotics in the human intestine strongly influences consumer attitude. The expression “probiotics enable health benefits” is one of the important challenges in the development of functional foods for manufacturers if regulatory approval of health claims is sought (Farnworth and Champagne, 2016).

2 Factors affecting the survival of probiotics during processing and storage of food Since health effects of probiotic food products depend on the number of viable and active probiotic cells per gram or milliliter of the products at the time of consumption, it is crucial to have the minimum recommended level of probiotics in the final product and maintain this probiotic number over its shelf life (da Cruz et al., 2010). Probiotic foods require high technological demands to retain viability of probiotics in all production steps and during storage (Saarela, 2007). Hence, minimizing the loss of probiotic viability is significant for food technologists developing foods containing probiotics (Lee et al., 2008).

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The number of viable probiotic bacteria generally declines 10–100-fold or more during production or storage (Mortazavian et al., 2006). Long-term survival of probiotics in foods depends on various factors related to food matrix, processing, and storage including temperature, heating, oxygen content, acidity, moisture content, water activity, osmotic stress, and packaging material (Boylston et  al., 2004; Champagne et al., 2011). It is important to stabilize the viability of probiotics during processing and storage (Calinoiu et al., 2016).

2.1  The effect of probiotic strain selection on probiotic survival Probiotics are typically members of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. The selection of appropriate probiotic strain is essential for the production of probiotic food because of the requirement for a high number of living cells during consumption (Talwalkar and Kailasapathy, 2004; Rouhi et al., 2013). Good sensory properties, phage resistance, viability during processing, and stability in the food during storage are important criteria in probiotic strain selection (Mattila-Sandholm et  al., 2002). Probiotics are species and strain specific, therefore their technological robustness is also important besides their health-benefiting properties (Saarela, 2007; Douglas and Sanders, 2008). Lactobacilli such as L. acidophilus, L. johnsonii, L. rhamnosus, L. casei, L. paracasei, L. fermentum, L. reuteri, and L. plantarum are more robust and more suitable for food processes than bifidobacteria. Lactobacilli are resistant to low pH and have good adaption to food components in probiotic food formulation (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). Bifidobacterium species such as B. longum are not as acid-tolerant as Lactobacillus species, especially L. acidophilus, and require low oxidation reduction potential and specific growth factors (Shah et al., 1995). In addition, the growth characteristics of probiotic strains should be known so that an appropriate probiotic strain for the processing technology could be selected or, if possible, processing conditions could be adjusted to optimize probiotic survival (Boylston et al., 2004). In addition, interactions between probiotic strains and other bacteria strains or starter cultures in food affect the numbers of probiotic bacteria during manufacture and storage (Rouhi et al., 2013). For example, during yogurt manufacture Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, which is the yogurt starter culture, affects the viability of L. acidophilus, while bifidobacteria shows better stability against it (Dave and Shah, 1997). Other microorganisms in food could produce metabolic products that influence the viability of probiotic bacteria (Lourens-Hattingh and Viljoen, 2001). As probiotics are dependent on species and strain, the selection of the probiotic strain according to the requirements of the process and storage conditions is an important factor for their survival.

2.2  The effect of food matrix on probiotic survival Ice cream, cheese, fermented milk, fermented meats, candy, chocolate, chewing gum, oat or soy-enriched milk, and infant formula are used as source of probiotics. Fermented milks are the most popular probiotic foods (Pennachia et al., 2006). Foods containing probiotic bacteria act as their vehicles and the delivery of probiotics to the


Food Quality and Shelf Life

human body is closely related to foods. The effect of food matrix has great importance on viability of probiotic bacteria (Vinderola et al., 2011). Different food compositions could represent a great challenge for probiotics survival (Shori, 2016). Functional and technological properties of same probiotic strains could vary due to different food ingredients. Solid content, fat and protein content, type and concentration of proteins and sugars, availability of nutrients, flavoring agents, thickeners, sweeteners, stabilizers, bioactive components, and growth promoters and inhibitors in the food matrix could affect the survival of probiotics during processing and storage (Lourens-Hattingh and Viljoen, 2001; Ranadheera et al., 2010).

2.2.1  Food ingredients and additives The compatibility of probiotics with the ingredients in food plays a major role in the growth and viability of probiotic bacteria. The ingredients could be protective, neutral, or detrimental for probiotics (Mattila-Sandholm et  al., 2002). In addition, food additives such as salts (NaCl and KCl), sugars (sucrose and lactose), sweeteners (acesulfame and aspartame), aroma compounds (diacetyl, acetaldehyde, and acetoin), natural or artificial coloring and flavoring agents, nisin (a polypeptide-type antibiotic), natamycin, lysozyme, and nitrite could significantly affect the growth and viability of probiotic bacteria (Vinderola et al., 2002; Tripathi and Giri, 2014). High levels of certain additives, organic acids, curing agents such as sodium nitrite, especially in meat fermentation, antimicrobial preservatives in the food matrix, and some starter cultures producing bacteriocin could inhibit the growth of probiotics during fermentation, processing, and storage (Lee et al., 2008; Tripathi and Giri, 2014). Although probiotic bacteria are more resistant to additives than lactic acid starter bacteria in dairy products, some additives could affect the probiotic bacterial growth depending on their concentrations. Vinderola et al. (2002) have found that aspartame used as a sweetener in fermented dairy beverages had no inhibitory effect at a concentration of 0.03%, whereas it had an inhibitory effect for some probiotic strains at a concentration of 0.12%. While natural colorings such as carmine, curcuma/bixin, and bixin are not inhibitory for the growth of probiotic bacteria at widely used concentrations in fermented milk and dairy products, some of the flavoring-coloring commercial mixtures have an important inhibitory effect even at concentrations recommended by suppliers (Vinderola et al., 2002). Food ingredients and additives could also interact with probiotics and affect their growth and viability (Ranadheera et al., 2010). Some studies have reported that disaccharides and sorbitol supported cell survival by preventing cell membrane damage due to this interaction and stabilizing the cell membrane during storage (Yoo and Lee, 1993; Önneby et al., 2013). Food ingredients such as prebiotics, growth factors/ promoters, and addition of fruit and plant products enhance the survival of probiotics in foods (do Espırito-Santo et al., 2011; Mohammadi et al., 2011; Rouhi et al., 2013).

Prebiotics Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate growth and/ or activity of probiotic bacteria (Akalın and Erisir, 2008). Probiotics generally grow poorly or do not grow in foods except fermented milk products due to the lack of pro-

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teolytic and glycolytic activities and the high requirement for some nutrients, such as nonprotein nitrogen and B-group vitamins (Champagne et al., 2005; Mohammadi and Mortazavian, 2011). Different prebiotics including inulin, inulin-type fructans, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), galactooligosaccharides (GOS), isomaltooligosaccharides, lactulose, high-­amylose corn starch (hi-maize), β-glucan, lactitol, raffinose, maltodextrin, and verbascose are used (Rouhi et al., 2013) to encourage the growth and activity of probiotics in foods (Akalın and Erisir, 2008; Vinderola et al., 2011). Prebiotic compounds could affect the viability of probiotics during fermentation and storage (Bruno et al., 2002; Akalın et al., 2004; Donkor et al., 2007; Rouhi et al., 2013). Although the efficiency of prebiotics on probiotic viability depends on various factors including the type of probiotic strains, the type of prebiotics, the prebiotic purity, the concentration of prebiotics, the formulation specifications of products, and the storage conditions, they generally enhance probiotic viability (Mohammadi and Mortazavian, 2011). Since fermented milks are the most common presentation of probiotics (Pennachia et al., 2006), the studies regarding the effect of prebiotics added into food matrix on the survival of probiotic is focused on dairy products. Table 2 represents some of these. Most of the studies showed that prebiotics, especially the fructan-type prebiotics inulin and oligofructose, have a significant increase in survival of bifidobacteria including B. animalis, B. infantis, B. longum, B. pseudolongum (Shin et al., 2000; Bruno et al., 2002; Akalın et al., 2004; Akalın and Erisir, 2008; Cardarelli et al., 2008), and lactobacilli including L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. paracasei, and L. rhamnosus (Desai et al., 2004; Donkor et al., 2007; Akalın and Erisir, 2008; Cardarelli et al., 2008; Hekmat et al., 2009; Koh et al., 2013). It seems prebiotic ingredients will expand depending on ingredient technology developments (Douglas and Sanders, 2008).

Growth factors and growth promoters Growth factors are used directly by probiotics as nutrients and growth promoters are used to enhance growth and/or activity of probiotic cells without direct use as nutrients (Mohammadi et al., 2011). Foods are fortified with different growth factors/growth promoters such as glucose, vitamins, minerals, casein, whey protein hydrolysates, l-­ cysteine, yeast extract, and antioxidant to increase the growth of probiotic bacteria. These supplements can significantly increase the survival of probiotic bacteria in food products, especially during storage (Mohammadi et al., 2011; Tripathi and Giri, 2014). Dave and Shah (1998) have reported that the addition of cysteine, whey protein concentrate, acid casein hydrolysates, or tryptone improved the viability of bifidobacteria during refrigerated storage for 35 days by providing growth factors as probiotic bacteria lack proteolytic activity. Akalın et al. (2007) found that supplementation with 1.5% whey protein concentrate in reduced-fat yogurt increased the viable counts of Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, and Bacillus animalis by o log cycle in the first week of storage when compared to control sample. Ramchandran and Shah (2008) have examined that the influence of protein-based fat replacer (1%–2%) on the growth and metabolic activities of yogurt starters (S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus) and probiotics (L. casei, L. acidophilus, and B. longum). The results showed that the addition of protein-based fat replacer significantly improved growth of S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus and B. longum, but inhibited L.


Table 2  Selected publications on the effects of prebiotics on survival of probiotics Aim of the study

Probiotic bacteria


Survival of probiotics


Investigation of the effects of three types prebiotics at different concentration on viability of Bifidobacterium species during refrigerated storage at 4°C for 4 weeks Investigation of the effects of four types prebiotics on growth, activity, and viability of some Bifidobacterium species during fermentation and after refrigerated storage (4 weeks)

Bifidobacterium spp. (Bf-1 and Bf-6)

Fructooligosaccharide (FOS), galactooligosaccharide (GOS), and inulin

Increased viability was observed depending on prebiotic type and dose. Best retention of viability was observed when cultures were grown in the presence of 5% FOS or GOS

Shin et al. (2000)

Bifidobacterium infantis (Bb-1), B. longum (Bb-2), B. longum (Bb-3), B. pseudolongum (Bb4) and B. animalis (Bb-5)

Hi-maize, inulin, raftilose, and lactulose

Bruno et al. (2002)

Investigation of the effects of FOS on the viability of yogurt bacteria and two commercial strains of bifidobacteria during 28 days storage at 4°C

Bifidobacterium animalis (Bb-12) and B. longum (Bb-46)


Investigation of the effects of different prebiotics on the viability of Lactobacillus strains after 4 weeks storage at 4°C

Lactobacillus strains (L. casei, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L. zeae)

Hi-maize, lactulose, inulin, or raftilose

Retention of viability during the 4 weeks storage was significantly higher (P 60% was reported by Ananta and Knorr (2003) for L. rhamnosus GG under similar outlet conditions. A preheat treatment of 52°C for 15 min before the spray drying procedure is also recommended to enhance the survivability during drying and storage (Paéz et al., 2012). Besides these outlet/ inlet temperatures, the tolerance to different stresses during spray drying caries also from species to species. Therefore, the selection of the appropriate strain is important. It is reported by Gardiner et al. (2000) that L. paracasei NFBC 338 showed a higher survivability than L. salivarius UCC 118 under similar spray drying conditions, which could be attributed to the greater thermal tolerance of the strain. It is also known that the thicker cell walls of Gram-positive cells; like Lactobacillus show a better survivability during spray drying; in addition, the cells in the early stationery phase survive better during spray drying and storage than the cells in the mid log phase (Pispan et al., 2013). According to the studies, it could be stated that the survival of probiotic cultures during spray drying depends on the species and strain of the used probiotics, the outlet/inlet temperature, and type of atomization (Tripathi and Giri, 2014). The viability of the probiotic cultures can be improved by reducing the outlet/inlet temperatures, but it should be noted that the final moisture content of the final product and its quality will also be influenced by the chosen outlet/inlet temperatures. It is stated that the moisture content for shelf-stable products should be not >3.5% (Zayed and Roos, 2004).

Freeze drying The freeze drying technique is carried out in three steps: freezing, primary drying, and secondary drying. In the first step, the cells are frozen at temperatures as low as −190°C and then dried in two steps under vacuum by sublimination. This technique has been used for decades for the manufacture of probiotic powders. Since the processing conditions are milder than other methods, like spray drying or hot air drying, high survival rates are being achieved (Wang et al., 2004). The first freezing phase is the most important step for the survivability of the probiotic microorganisms. Most of the cellular inactivation occurs at this step. It is known from further literature that the higher the surface area of the cell, the higher the membrane damage during the extracellular ice crystal formation at the freezing phase. It is also known that small, spherical cells like enterococci are more resistant to freezing than larger, rod shaped cells like lactobacilli (Tsvetkov and Brankova, 1983; Fonseca et al., 2000). The surface proteins, cell wall, and cell membrane of the bacterial cells are damaged during


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the removal of the bound water from bacterial cells during the drying phase. The lipid fraction of the cell membrane is the most sensitive area against drying, since lipid peroxidation may occur at this part. As the freeze drying parameters, the physico-­ chemical formulation of the food is also critical for bacterial survivability (Brennan et al., 1986).

2.3.9 Rehydration The rehydration step at the reuse of the dried probiotic products is carried out in four steps; wetting, submersion, dispersion, and dissolving (Freudig et al., 1999). The rehydration conditions such as temperature, volume of the rehydrating media, and rehydration time, as well as the physical properties of the material to be rehydrated and properties like osmolarity, pH, and nutritional energy of the rehydration solution are important factors affecting the viability of the probiotic bacteria (Carvalho et al., 2004).

Rehydration time It is recommended to use slow rehydration procedures for optimal viability results. Poirier et al. (1999) reported increased cell recovery of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under controlled conditions and slow rehydration time (7–16 days) rather than immediate rehydration.

Temperature The rehydration temperature of the spray-dried or freeze-dried product or probiotic cells is also very important for the viability of the probiotic bacteria. The rehydration temperature has to be chosen according to the species and strains of bacteria. There is no optimal rehydration degree for all bacteria. Temperatures between 30°C and 37°C should be chosen for thermophilic bacteria, and between 22°C and 30°C for mesophilic bacteria, while the rehydration temperature should not be >40°C in any case (Mille et al., 2004; Sinha et al., 1982).

The composition of the liquid medium The composition of the liquid medium for rehydration is also an important factor on the viability of the probiotic bacteria. The use of the cryopreservation solution again as the rehydration medium is recommended, since increased viable counts of bacteria were counted by Abadias et al. (2001). It is thought that the high osmotic pressure that is provided by these solutions is controlling the rate of hydration. Costa et al. (2000) also reported that the use of a complex medium containing RSM, peptone/tryptone, and meat extract resulted in significantly higher bacterial cell viability than a phosphate buffer, sodium glutamate, water medium.

The ratio of dried powder to liquid medium As well as the composition of the rehydration medium, the ratio of dried powder to liquid medium is an important factor on the viable bacterial counts. It is reported that 4–10 times higher viable counts of different probiotic cultures were found when the

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powder was added to a small amount of water—a ratio of 1:3 instead of 1:50 powder to liquid (De Valdez et al., 1985). The viability of the probiotic bacteria during rehydration depends also on the selected species and strains; therefore, it is important to standardize the rehydration procedure for each strain and product.

2.4 Microencapsulation Microencapsulation is a useful tool for improving the delivery of probiotics in foods, providing higher stability, and easier handling and storage (Champagne and Fustier, 2007; Picot and Lacroix, 2003). Microencapsulation of probiotic cells is defined as the technology of packaging cells in miniature sealed capsules in order to segregate the cells from the surrounding environment. The capsules release their contents in controlled rates over a prolonged time under the influence of certain processing and environmental conditions in the intestine medium (Madene et al., 2006). It seems to be the best way for bacterial protection (Krasaekoopt et al., 2003). But microencapsulation of probiotics is not a simple technique. Many demands should be taken in account for a successful probiotic microencapsulant: -




The microencapsulation technique should be inexpensive, simple, and should not reduce the probiotic viability. The used materials have to be food grade and compatible with the food. The encapsulation efficiency should be as high as possible (~100% of the bacteria should be encapsulated). The microcapsules should contain a high amount of the probiotics. The microcapsules should not affect the sensory properties and texture of the foods. The microcapsules have to protect the probiotics against a range of environmental stresses during manufacture and storage. The microcapsules have to protect the probiotics during the gastrointestinal transit and release them in the gut at the required site of action.

Several techniques for the microencapsulation of probiotics or functional ingredients have been developed. Most of these methods are based on the entrapment of the probiotics in polymers such as alginate, carrageenan, and starch; coated in emulsions or fat; or dry impacting of prebiotics and enteric coats (Anal and Singh, 2007; Kailasapathy, 2002; Krasaekoopt et al., 2004). It is also possible to get commercial systems for the microencapsulation of probiotics, which are based on fat-coating, emulsion based, symbiotic-coating, and biopolymer systems (Crittenden, 2009). It is known from further research that microencapsulation preserves probiotic cells from detrimental factors during processing and storage, such as low pH and high acidity (Wenrong and Griffiths, 2000), bile salts (Lee and Heo, 2000), heat and cold shocks caused by spray drying and freezing respectively (Shah and Ravula, 2004), in the case of anaerobic microorganisms from molecular oxygen (Sunohara et  al., 1995), against bacteriophages (Steenson et  al., 1987), and chemical antimicrobial agents (Sultana et  al., 2000). Microencapsulation also has advantages on the improvement and stabilization of the sensory properties (Gomes and Malcata, 1999) and the immobilization of the cells for their homogeneous distribution through the product (Krasaekoopt et al., 2003).


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Various factors influence the efficacy of microencapsulation. The method of microencapsulation, for example, spray drying, as well as the inlet and outlet temperatures, and the chosen probiotic strains are also very important for viability. The type of the wall material is also an important factor, since it has to protect the probiotics against oxygen, heat, and other environmental stresses during drying, processing, storage, low pH, and protease in the gastric tract (Critenden et al., 2006). Protein carbohydrate oil emulsions are preferred for microencapsulation, since they induce smaller beads and do not influence the sensory properties of the product in comparison to cellulose acetate phthalate, starch alginate, gellan, and xanthan gums (Sarkar, 2010).

3 Conclusion It is an important fact that probiotics in food must retain their viability throughout shelf life. For this purpose, it is important to select a suitable strain-food matrix combination, to apply favorable food-processing conditions, and to provide convenient packaging and environmental conditions. The characteristics of the selected strains, the food matrix, food production stages, and storage conditions should be compatible for the survival of probiotics at the recommended level for health benefits. Selection of oxygen-­tolerant, acid-tolerant, and bile-resistant strains, addition of prebiotics, growth factors/promoters, fruit and plant products to the food matrix, providing favorable processing, fermentation, and storage conditions are important factors to enhance the survival of probiotics. During processing and storage, providing an appropriate environment including optimum temperature and pH, low oxygen and water content, low osmotic stress, and suitable packaging is also crucial. Among these various applications, microencapsulation has emerged as a good alternative to overcome the problem of poor stability of probiotic microorganisms during processing, in the food matrix, during storage, and also in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, applications of microencapsulation are suggested for the food industry to enhance their prophylactic activities.

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