Study and Analysis of Chat GPT and Its Impact On Different Fields of Study [PDF]

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Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

Study and Analysis of Chat GPT and its Impact on Different Fields of Study Dinesh Kalla (Doctoral Candidate) Colorado Technical University Microsoft (Big Data Support Escalation Engineer) Charlotte, North Carolina

Nathan Smith (Doctoral Candidate) Colorado Technical University Collins (Aerospace Principle Technical Publications Specialist) San Diego, California

Abstract:- ChatGPT is a revolutionary technology that uses advanced artificial intelligence techniques to generate natural language responses to a given prompt or input. It has been used across various fields, from natural language processing to customer service to content creation. This study and analysis of ChatGPT explore its origins, how it works, and its impact on different fields of study. It examines the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT, as well as its limitations and features. It also discusses the impact of ChatGPT on academics, cyber security, customer support, software development, jobs, and information technology, as well as its potential applications for researchers and scholars.

improve as it is exposed to more data [8]. Once trained, ChatGPT can be fine-tuned for specific applications or tasks, such as language translation or content generation.

Keywords:- ChatGPT; Chatbot; AI; RLHF; Natural Language; NLP; Open AI; Bard; SFT Model; RM Model; PPO. I.


Have you ever interacted with a chatbot that seemed almost human-like in its responses? Or have you used a language translation tool that accurately translated complex sentences and phrases? If so, you may have experienced the power of ChatGPT - a revolutionary technology transforming how we communicate with machines and each other. Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a language model that uses advanced artificial intelligence techniques to generate natural language responses to a given prompt or input. Its impact has been felt across various fields, from natural language processing to customer service to content creation. In this study and analysis of ChatGPT, we will explore its origins, how it works, and its impact on different fields of study. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of ChatGPT and discover how it is changing our lives. II.

The working of ChatGPT can be broken down into several steps. First, the user inputs a prompt or question into the system. The model processes this prompt, which uses its knowledge of language patterns and relationships to generate a response. The response is then returned to the user, who can continue the conversation or ask another question. This method is entirely trained by Reinforcement learning from human feedback.  SFT Model: It is a supervised fine-tuning model where demonstration data is accumulated to train it.  RM Model: The reward model will give points to the SFT model output based on how desirable the output is for users.  SFT Model via PPO: SFT Policy is fine-tuned by reinforcement learning by letting it optimize the RM. PPO refers to fined tuned model of proximal policy optimization.


ChatGPT is implemented through a deep neural network architecture that consists of several layers of transformers. These transformers are designed to process sequential data, such as natural language text, and can generate coherent and human-like outputs. To train ChatGPT, a large corpus of text data is fed into the model, allowing it to learn patterns and relationships between words, phrases, and sentences. The training process is iterative, and the model continues to


Fig 1: RLHF Training Method of ChatGPT


Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

The key to ChatGPT's success is its ability to generate coherent and natural-sounding responses. Transformers achieve this by allowing the model to process and generate text sequences. The model is also trained on a massive corpus of text data, which helps it learn the nuances of language and generate contextually appropriate responses.

information in a short amount of time [5]. Efficiency is particularly valuable in tasks such as customer service or language translation, where human intervention may be timeconsuming and costly. ChatGPT can help businesses and organizations save time and money by automating these processes, increasing productivity and profitability.

The implementation and working of ChatGPT are complex and sophisticated. However, the result is a technology that can generate human-like responses to various prompts and questions. As ChatGPT continues to evolve and improve, we expect to see more special applications and use cases emerge.

B. Disadvantages of ChatGPT One disadvantage of ChatGPT is the potential for bias in its responses. Because it is trained on large datasets of text data, biases and inaccuracies within that data can be reflected in its responses. This can result in ChatGPT's responses perpetuating stereotypes or discrimination within the training data. To minimize bias, selecting and curating the training data carefully and continually monitoring ChatGPT's responses to identify and correct potential biases is essential.



Advancements in artificial intelligence have led to the development of Chat GPT, a revolutionary technology that generates human-like responses to natural language prompts. While Chat GPT has numerous advantages, such as natural language generation and scalability, its fair share of disadvantages must be considered. In this section, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of Chat GPT in more detail.

Another disadvantage of ChatGPT is its need for more emotional intelligence. In human conversation, it may struggle to recognize and respond to emotional cues, such as sarcasm or humor. This can result in ChatGPT's responses becoming tone-deaf or insensitive, which can be frustrating or off-putting for users. To address this issue, it may be necessary to incorporate additional programming or training data to help ChatGPT better understand and respond to emotional cues.

A. Advantages of ChatGPT One advantage of ChatGPT is its natural language generation capability, which enables it to generate human-like and coherent responses. This feature is particularly useful for applications where natural language is essential, such as customer service chatbots and language translation. ChatGPT's ability to produce more human-like responses than other natural language processing models, such as rule-based approaches, can lead to more meaningful and engaging conversations with users, resulting in better user experience and satisfaction. Another advantage of ChatGPT is its scalability, which allows it to generate responses quickly and handle a large volume of conversations simultaneously. This scalability makes it an ideal tool for businesses and organizations requiring automated customer service or language translation services, as it reduces human intervention and increases efficiency. ChatGPT's ability to handle multiple conversations simultaneously can lead to faster response times, ultimately improving user satisfaction. ChatGPT's customizability is another critical advantage. It can be fine-tuned to perform specific tasks or applications, such as customer service or language translation, by adjusting its training data and algorithms [5]. This flexibility ensures that ChatGPT's responses are tailored to the specific needs of the user's needs, making it a highly flexible and versatile tool. Customizability also enables businesses and organizations to create more personalized customer experiences, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. Efficiency is yet another advantage of ChatGPT. Its ability to generate responses quickly and handle multiple conversations at once means it can process large amounts of IJISRT23MAR956

Fig 2: ChatGPT Showing False Response


Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

ChatGPT's limited knowledge base is also a disadvantage. Its responses are limited to the knowledge acquired through training data, meaning it may need help with unfamiliar or highly specialized topics [5]. This can result in ChatGPT providing inaccurate or unhelpful responses to user queries, which can be frustrating and lead to a negative user experience. To address this issue, it may be necessary to supplement ChatGPT's training data with additional sources of information or to use alternative tools in situations where ChatGPT's knowledge is insufficient. ChatGPT's lack of empathy is a potential disadvantage. It may need to empathize with users or provide a different level of support and understanding than a human customer service representative could provide. The lack of empathy can make users feel frustrated or unheard, ultimately leading to a negative experience. To mitigate this issue, it may be necessary to incorporate additional programming or training data to help ChatGPT better understand and respond to the emotional needs of users or to use ChatGPT in conjunction with human customer service representatives to provide a more empathetic and personalized user experience. IV.


A. Limitations of ChatGPT Chat GPT has the limitation of offering limited dialogue options to users, which can restrict their ability to engage in meaningful conversations. While it can generate natural responses, they are still limited to a predetermined set of options, which can feel restrictive and unsatisfying for some users. As an AI language model, Chat GPT may struggle with certain aspects of natural language processing, making it difficult for users to understand or interpret its responses [13]. Despite its sophisticated algorithms and extensive training, Chat GPT may still need help understanding the nuances of human language, which can lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings. Chat GPT lacks context, which means it may be unable to understand the context of a conversation and may give inaccurate responses. With an understanding of the context, it can be easier for Chat GPT to provide relevant and helpful responses to user queries. Chat GPT's responses are limited by the domain knowledge it has acquired through its training data [13]. As a result, it may need help with highly specialized or niche topics. This limitation can make Chat GPT less useful for users seeking information on specific topics outside its domain. Chat GPT may not be able to recognize or respond appropriately to emotional cues, such as sarcasm or humor. While it can generate responses that sound natural, it cannot understand the emotional context of a conversation, which can lead to inappropriate or insensitive responses.


B. Features of ChatGPT  Automated Conversations: Chat GPT facilitates automated conversations, allowing users to interact with a chatbot without needing a human operator. The system can generate responses quickly and accurately based on patterns and relationships in the data it has been trained on. It is an efficient tool for businesses and organizations that require automated customer service or language translation services.  Improved Customer Service: Chat GPT can significantly improve customer service by providing quick and accurate responses to user queries[5]. This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as users can promptly receive the support they need.  Cost-Effective Solution: Chat GPT is a cost-effective solution, as it eliminates hiring human operators to conduct customer service conversations. This can result in significant cost savings for businesses, especially those that handle a high volume of customer service queries.  Natural Language Processing: Chat GPT uses natural language processing algorithms to understand and respond to natural language. This means that it can interpret and respond to user queries in a way that mimics human conversation, making it a highly intuitive tool for users.  Personalized Responses: Chat GPT can provide personalized responses by remembering user preferences and tailoring its responses accordingly[5]. This feature can help create a more engaging and satisfying user experience, as users feel the system can understand and respond to their unique needs.  Customizability: ChatGPT can be customized for specific tasks or applications by adjusting its training data and algorithms. This flexibility allows businesses and organizations to tailor Chat GPT's responses to their specific needs, making simultaneously g it a highly adaptable and versatile t  Scalability: Chat GPT is highly scalable, meaning that once trained, it can handle a large volume of conversations simultaneously. This makes it ideal for use in large-scale applications, where it can efficiently process large amounts of information quickly.  Language Translation: Chat GPT can translate text between different languages, making it a valuable tool for global communication. The system can accurately translate text in real time, providing a seamless and efficient way for users to communicate across language barriers. V.


Several alternatives to ChatGPT can be used for natural language processing and automated conversation tasks. Due to Microsoft's investments in ChatGPT, several companies like google came forward with their AI-based chatbot. Google’s Bard is an AI-based chatbot designed to complement the search engine and designed using the LaMDA language model, which is close to Chat GPT 3.5. It works similarly to Chat GPT, where it can generate answers on a different range of topics, and it will generate a user-friendly response. Bard converts the Google search engine to an engaging virtual assistant. All these chatbots have different alternatives based


Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

on their design methods. Some of the exciting design approaches and types of chatbots are below.  Rule based Chatbots.  Retrieval based Chatbots.  Generative Adversarial Networks  Hybrid Approaches All the Chatbots currently designed or implemented by any organization are based on the above four approaches. A. Rule-Based Chatbots: Rule-based chatbots are a popular alternative to ChatGPT. Instead of using natural language processing to generate responses, these chatbots rely on predetermined rules to answer user queries. This approach can help handle simple, straightforward tasks, such as providing essential customer service support or answering frequently asked questions[12]. However, rule-based chatbots can need help with more complex queries, as they lack the ability to interpret natural language and understand the nuances of human conversation. An example is B. Retrieval-Based Chatbots: Retrieval-based chatbots are another alternative to ChatGPT. These chatbots store a database of predefined responses to common queries and then retrieve the most relevant response based on the user's input. This approach can be practical for handling a wide range of user queries, allowing chatbots to respond quickly and accurately. However, retrieval-based chatbots are limited by their database of predefined responses, which can result in repetitive or generic responses that fail to address the user's specific needs. An example is Mitsuku. C. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): GANs are an artificial intelligence model that can generate text and other forms of content. In contrast to ChatGPT, GANs are not explicitly designed for conversational applications but can be trained to generate natural language responses[12]. GANs can be effective for generating high-quality, coherent text, but they require a large amount of training data and can be computationally expensive to train. D. Hybrid Approaches: Hybrid approaches to conversational AI combine techniques, such as rule-based systems, retrieval-based systems, and machine learning models like ChatGPT. These approaches can provide the benefits of each individual technique while mitigating their limitations. For example, a hybrid approach might use a rule-based system for handling simple queries and a machine learning model like ChatGPT for more complex queries[12]. While hybrid approaches can be more complex to develop and implement than individual techniques, they can provide a more robust and flexible solution for conversational AI applications. VI.

user choices. They can also add conditions and triggers to customize the conversation and control the flow of the chatbot. Once the conversation has been created, the user can preview and test it to ensure it works as intended. The user can publish the conversation, so it is available to use [4]. They can also monitor the conversation's performance and adjust the settings accordingly. This allows the user to ensure their chatbot provides the best experience possible. Below is the step-bystep process: Step 1: Create a ChatGPT account. Visit the ChatGPT Open AI website and click the "Sign Up" button. Enter your email address and create a password.

Fig 3: Login page of Chat GPT Step 2: Log in to your account. Once you have created an account, you can access the ChatGPT dashboard. Step 3: Create a conversation. Click on the "Create Conversation" button and enter the conversation details, such as the conversation's title, the participants, and the topic.


ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that enables users to create custom conversations with a natural language processing-based interface. It is designed to enable users to quickly and easily create conversations for any application, from customer service to sales and marketing. To use ChatGPT, first, the user must create an account and add an AI instance. Then they must create a conversation by adding and connecting different elements, such as questions, answers, and IJISRT23MAR956

Fig 4: Home Screen of Chat GPT


Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

Step 4: Start the conversation. Once the conversation is created, you can start chatting with your participants. Step 5: Use ChatGPT's built-in natural language processing (NLP) features. ChatGPT has an advanced NLP engine that can help you understand the messages you receive and naturally respond to them. Step 6: Monitor the conversation. You can monitor the conversation to ensure that the conversation is going in the right direction and that everyone is participating. Step 7: End the conversation. When you are done chatting, you can click on the "End Conversation" button, and the conversation will be archived. VII.


Due to processing an enormous amount of data, ChatGPT sometimes sends an incorrect or delayed response. To train the ChatGPT model more accurately, future research can be conducted on this by splitting the subject topics. Below is the sample screenshot of the proposed model where we can select sub-topics. Based on the sub-topics, it will hit the specific data collection instead of traversing it.

Fig 5: Proposed Model of ChatGPT Due to Filtering the sub-topics, ChatGPT efficiency will increase due to handling only limited datasets. Based on the above model, we can construct different kinds of ChatGPT for Jobs, Research, Scholars, Academics, health care, Sports, and information technology tools like SQL, Big Data, .net, Python, and Java. This will further help organizations dealing with customers where they can introduce this tool to customers wherein any critical issues, they can utilize this tool instead of reaching to product support directly. It will create quality customer support and service due to the speedy response they get while using chat GPT.




A. Academics: ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize academics. It can help students better understand concepts they are struggling with by providing customized, interactive explanations. The AI-powered system can also help teachers provide customized feedback to individual students, saving them time and effort[6]. ChatGPT can also be used to grade assignments and tests or to provide automated feedback to students. In addition to these, ChatGPT can be used to develop innovative projects and resources. For instance, it can be used to create interactive games and activities that engage students more meaningfully. It can be used to create intelligent tutors that provide personalized guidance and feedback to students as they progress with their studies. B. Cyber Security: ChatGPT has created a significant impact in the field of cyber security, where it can be used to detect and prevent cyber-attacks. The language model can help identify phishing emails, distinguishing between genuine and fraudulent emails by analyzing the language used in the email [2]. ChatGPT can help in detecting malware, where it can identify malicious code by analyzing the language used in the code. Moreover, ChatGPT can be used to create secure passwords, which can generate complex and unique passwords that are difficult to guess. C. Customer Support: ChatGPT can improve customer support services by providing customers with personalized support. It can be used to create virtual agents to provide customers with personalized assistance and advice. These virtual agents can be programmed to understand customer requests and respond accordingly. In addition, ChatGPT can be used to develop automated systems that can detect potential customer problems and provide timely solutions. For instance, it can be used to develop automated systems that can detect customers' issues and provide solutions on their behalf. It can be used to create intelligent customer service agents to provide customers with personalized services and advice. D. HealthCare: ChatGPT can improve healthcare services by providing personalized assistance to doctors and other healthcare professionals. It can be used to develop automated systems that provide medical professionals with personalized advice and guidance [3]. For instance, it can be used to create intelligent health systems that provide personalized medical advice based on a patient's medical history. In addition, ChatGPT can be used to develop systems that can detect potential health problems and provide timely solutions. Furthermore, it can be used to create virtual agents to provide patients with personalized health advice and support. So Chatbots will have great positive impact when it comes to the healthcare sector due to its direct interaction of patients and it will eliminate the privacy concerns of the patients.


Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

E. Software development: ChatGPT has significantly impacted the software development field. It has allowed developers to integrate natural language processing (NLP) capabilities into their software applications, making them more interactive and user-friendly. Chatbots, virtual assistants, and other conversational interfaces are examples of NLP-based software that have become increasingly popular in recent years[2]. With ChatGPT, developers can create more advanced and sophisticated chatbots that can understand and respond to user queries more humanistically. This technology has also made it easier for developers to incorporate machine learning and AI capabilities into their applications. As a result, ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for software development, making it more intuitive, engaging, and effective. The results of chatGPT related to coding is outstanding which will further help software developers on their daily work at an organization and it will replace Stack Overflow. F. Jobs: The impact of ChatGPT on jobs has been twofold. On the one hand, it has created new job opportunities in fields such as natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. As demand for these skills increases, there is a growing need for specialists who can work with ChatGPT and similar technologies. On the other hand, ChatGPT has also impacted existing jobs. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants are increasingly used to handle customer support queries, reducing the need for human customer service representatives. This trend will likely continue as chatbot technology becomes more advanced and capable of handling more complex tasks[3]. However, it is essential to note that while ChatGPT may replace some jobs, it will also create new ones. Ultimately, it can increase productivity and efficiency in many industries. G. Information Technology: ChatGPT has significantly impacted the field of information technology (IT). It has revolutionized how we interact with technology and has made it easier for people to access and use information. Chatbots and virtual assistants are now commonly used in customer service, healthcare, and e-commerce, among other industries. They rely on NLP technology to understand and respond to user queries. ChatGPT has also enabled the development of more advanced search engines and recommendation systems that can provide more accurate and personalized results. In addition, ChatGPT has opened up new possibilities for cybersecurity and data analysis, allowing IT professionals to identify and respond to threats more quickly and effectively.ChatGPT will replace customer support jobs in the future, saving much money for any organization as customers will use ChatGPT for initial help before reaching customer support. In most cases, ChatGPT may solve the issue, which will reduce the volume of incoming cases or Incidents, which will further help the organization to reduce the staff. Due to this reason it can also create negative impact on the job market due to decrease in jobs where customer support is involved.


H. Researchers and Scholars: ChatGPT has had a significant impact on researchers and scholars in a variety of fields. In particular, it has revolutionized how we approach natural language processing and artificial intelligence research. ChatGPT has made it easier for researchers to develop and test new NLP models and analyze and interpret large volumes of text data [9]. It has also enabled researchers to create more advanced chatbots and conversational agents, which can be used for various purposes, including education, healthcare, and therapy. ChatGPT has also made it easier for researchers to collaborate and share data, as well as to access and analyze large datasets from a variety of sources. I. Consulting: The impact of ChatGPT on consulting has been significant. It has enabled consultants to provide more personalized and effective client services by using chatbots and virtual assistants to collect data and provide insights. Chatbots can conduct surveys, collect feedback, and provide support, while virtual assistants can automate repetitive tasks and provide advice and recommendations[9]. ChatGPT has also enabled consultants to analyze and interpret large volumes of data more quickly and effectively, providing more accurate and insightful advice to their clients. ChatGPT has enabled consultants to collaborate and share knowledge more efficiently, creating new opportunities for innovation and growth in the consulting industry. IX.


The future of ChatGPT is exciting and full of potential. As natural language processing technology continues to evolve, ChatGPT is expected to become even more sophisticated and capable of understanding and responding to human language more naturally and nuancedly. This could lead to the development of even more advanced chatbots and virtual assistants to handle complex tasks and provide personalized recommendations and advice. Additionally, as ChatGPT continues to learn from the vast amounts of data it processes, it could become an even more powerful tool for data analysis, predictive modeling, and decision-making [7]. There are also opportunities for ChatGPT to be used in fields such as education, healthcare, and mental health therapy, where conversational agents can be used to provide support and guidance to people in need. As ChatGPT continues to advance, it has the potential to transform the way we interact with technology and make our lives easier and more efficient. X.


In conclusion, ChatGPT is an innovative technology that has revolutionized how we interact with machines and each other. Its natural language processing capabilities enable it to generate human-like responses to user queries, and its scalability, customizability, and efficiency make it an ideal tool for various applications. While there are some limitations to ChatGPT, such as its potential for bias, lack of emotional intelligence, and limited knowledge base, these can be mitigated with careful selection of training data and additional programming. Overall, ChatGPT has significantly impacted a wide range of fields, from academics and cyber security to


Volume 8, Issue 3, March – 2023

International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology ISSN No:-2456-2165

customer service and software development. Its potential to improve productivity, efficiency, and user satisfaction is immense, and its applications are just beginning to be explored. As ChatGPT continues to evolve and improve, we can expect to see even more impressive results in the years to come. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We want to extend our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to the faculty of Colorado Technical University for providing us with a framework to study and carry out scholar-practitioner research on ChatGPT.

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