Stop and Check 2 Units 5-8: Verb Patterns [PDF]

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Headway New


Stop and check 2  Units 5–8



Verb patterns

6 ‘Why have you got your old clothes on?’

Complete the text with the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.

‘Because I ________ (paint) the bathroom.’

John Frantz is an American student but he wants (1) to come (come) and live in London. He’s planning (2) ______ (rent) a flat near the centre. He’d like (3) ______ (share) it with someone with similar interests. He enjoys (4) ______ (go) running and he’s good at (5) ______ (play) most sports. He wouldn’t like (6) ______ (live) with a smoker and hates (7) ______ (tidy) up for other people. He’s thinking of (8) ______ (look) for an empty flat through an Internet agency and he hopes (9) ______ (find) the right flatmate online, too. 1 point for each correct answer 


1 point for each correct answer 


Questions with like and how Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then match the questions (1–6) with the answers (a–f). 1 what’s / car / like / new / Anne’s / ? What's Anne's new car like?


2 does / music / she / what / like / ? ____________________________ 3 she / like / what’s / ? ____________________________ 4 she / does / what / like / look / ?

Future forms


1 Choose the correct verb form. Tick (✓) if both forms are correct.

5 does / what / like / doing / she / ? ____________________________

1 We’re having / have pasta for dinner this evening.

6 she / how / is / ?

2 Are you doing / Will you do anything special this weekend?


3 I’m visiting / going to visit my aunt this evening. 4 My cousins from Australia will come / are coming to stay next month.

5 There’s someone at the door. I’ll get / I’m getting it.

6 We’re not buying / going to buy a new car this year.

d Pop and rock.

1 point for each correct answer 

a Horse riding.

b Very well.


2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to or will.

c Pretty, with dark hair.

e Red, and very fast.

f Very nice. 1 point for each correct answer 


1 ‘What would you like to drink?’ ‘I ’ll have (have) a Coke, please.’ 2 ‘Why have you got so much food?’ ‘Because I ________ (cook) a meal for ten people.’ 3 ‘Someone told me you’ve got a place at university.’ ‘That’s right. I ________ (study) psychology.’ 4 ‘My car isn’t working.’ ‘Ask Joe to look at it. He ________ (help) you.’ 5 ‘I passed my driving test!’ ‘That’s great! I ________ (buy) some champagne to celebrate!’

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Headway New


Stop and check 2  Continued



Comparative and superlative adjectives

Present Perfect or Past Simple?

1 Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

1 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1 old



2 noisy



3 hot



4 interesting ________


5 bad



1 point for each correct answer 


1 We last

(go) to the theatre six months ago.

2 J.K. Rowling __________ (write) a lot of books. She__________ (write) her first in 1997. 3 __________ you ever __________ (try) sushi? 4 I __________ never __________ (go) to Russia.


2 Write comparative or superlative sentences.

5 When __________ you __________ (break) your leg? 6 I __________ (live) in London for eight years and I don’t want to move. 7 We __________ (meet) Charlotte and Dave three years ago. How long __________ you __________ (know) them?

1 My new phone / small / my old one. My new phone is smaller than my old one. 2 It’s / funny / programme on TV. It’s the funniest programme on TV.

1 point for each correct answer 

3 It’s / good / song on the CD.

2 Complete the sentences with ever, never, for, or since.


1 She’s

4 Yesterday was / long / day of the year.


taken a driving test.


2 He’s worked there __________ many years, __________ 1998, I believe.

5 Today’s exam was / difficult / yesterday’s.

3 I have __________ read that book.


4 We’ve lived in York __________ two years. Have you __________ been there?

6 Indian food / spicy / English food.

5 I’ve known him __________ we went to school together, but I’ve __________ met his parents.

________________________________________ 7 My father speaks / bad French / my mother.

6 How are you? I haven’t seen you __________ ages.

________________________________________ 8 He’s / talented / player in the team.

1 point for each correct answer 

________________________________________ 1 point for each correct answer 




3 Complete the questions with the Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verbs in the box. book  break cost drink go live make

Past Simple and past participle Write the Past Simple and past participle of these verbs. made made 1 make 2 drink



3 see



4 eat



5 break



6 write



1 point for each correct answer 

1 My new car


down last Saturday.

2 How long _______ you ________ in your town? 3 ________ you ever ________ Irish whiskey? 4 When _______ she ________ the holiday? 5 How many films _______ he _______? 6 Where _________ you _________ for a picnic? 7 How much _______ the champagne _______?


1 point for each correct answer 

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Headway New


Stop and check 2  Continued


have to/don’t have to; should/must


Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Write the opposites of the adjectives. 1 easy ≠ difficult

1 When you go to France, it isn’t necessary to get a visa. (have to) When you go to France, you don’t have to get a visa . 2 I think it’s a good idea for us to move house. (should)


2 noisy ≠ __________ 3 clever ≠ __________ 4 exciting ≠ __________ 5 polite ≠ ___________

I think we ___________________________ .

6 clean ≠ ___________

3 I’ve done the washing-up, so it isn’t necessary for you to do it. (have to)

1 point for each correct answer 

I’ve done the washing-up, so you _________________ . 4 It’s necessary for everyone to report to reception. (must)


Word endings Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns in the box: adjective or verb.

Everyone ___________________________ . 5 It isn’t a good idea for him to give up his course. (should)

invitation responsibility behaviour explanation ambition critic

He ___________________________ . 6 It isn’t necessary for my son to wear a school uniform. (have to)

1 Did you


Sarah to the party?

My son ___________________________ .

2 The children didn’t ___________ very well at the party.

7 It’s necessary for me to commute to work every day. (have to)

3 Don’t be so ___________ . You’re always complaining about people.

I ___________________________ .

4 She’s very ___________ . She wants to have her own business by the time she’s 20.

1 point for each correct answer 


5 You should ___________ why you were so late. 6 In his job, he’s ___________ for managing the sales team.

Phrasal verbs Match 1–6 with a–f to make sentences with phrasal verbs.

1 point for each correct answer 

1 e I’m looking for

a up in the dictionary.

2 Do you get on

b on these trousers.

3 I’d like to try

c well with your sister?

4 I’ll look it

d out of petrol.

5 We look

e a new job.

1 make-up sunglasses cap


6 Oh no! We’ve run

f after Jenny’s dog while she’s away.

2 ring




3 tie




4 pyjamas




5 tights






1 point for each correct answer 


Odd one out Choose the word that is different.


6 sunglasses bikini

1 point for each correct answer  Total

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5 100




Stop and check 2  Continued

Headway New



TRANSLATE Translate the sentences into your language. Translate the ideas, not word by word. 1 ‘Do you think she will apologize?’ ‘I doubt it.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2 ‘Are they going to get married?’ ‘Perhaps.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 3 ‘Is it going to be warm at the weekend?’ ‘I don’t think so.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 4 ‘What shall we do tonight?’ ‘How about seeing a film?’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 5 ‘Where is the film on?’ ‘It’s at the Odeon.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 6 ‘We had a lovely time, didn’t we?’ ‘We did. It was very relaxing.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 7 ‘That was a terrible football match, wasn’t it?’ ‘Awful! Waste of money!’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 8 ‘I’ve got a fever and my body aches.’ ‘You’ve got flu.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 9 ‘I start sneezing when I’m near animals.’ ‘You’ve got an allergy.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 10 ‘What seems to be the problem?’ ‘I haven’t felt well for days.’ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

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