Stochastic Analysis: Proceedings of the Japanese-French Seminar held in Paris, France, June 16–19, 1987 [1 ed.] 9780387193526, 0-387-19352-9 [DJVU]

Contents: G. Benarous: Noyau de la chaleur hypoelliptique et géométrie sous-riemannienne.- M. Fukushima: On two Classes

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English-French Pages 202 [211] Year 1988

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Table of contents :
Noyau de la chaleur hypoelliptique et geometrie sous-riemannienne....Pages 1-16
On two classes of smooth measures for symmetric markov processes....Pages 17-27
The hydrodynamical limit for scalar ginzburg-landau model on R....Pages 28-36
Short time asymptotics for fundamental solutions of diffusion equations....Pages 37-49
Malliavin calculus on a segal space....Pages 50-72
Weak convergence of functionals of point processes on R d ....Pages 73-84
Image des points critiques d'une application reguliere....Pages 85-92
Degree theorem in certain wiener riemannian manifolds....Pages 93-108
Applications quantitatives et geometriques du calcul de malliavin....Pages 109-133
On the fock space representation of occupations times for non reversible markov processes....Pages 134-138
On weak solutions of stochastic partial differential equations....Pages 139-150
Une remarque sur les chaos de wiener....Pages 151-155
Limit theorem for one-dimensional diffusion process in brownian environment....Pages 156-172
Diffusion processes and heat kernels on certain nilpotent groups....Pages 173-197

Stochastic Analysis: Proceedings of the Japanese-French Seminar held in Paris, France, June 16–19, 1987 [1 ed.]
 9780387193526, 0-387-19352-9 [DJVU]

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