Spamming Tutorial: What What What What Is IS IS Is Spamming Spamming Spamming Spamming [PDF]

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SPAMMING TUTORIAL My name is DAVINCI and i will be your tutor in this tutorial ,in this tutorial i will go into the depth of spamming,i will be revealing almost all on spamming,some things might be left out but i promise you with this tutorial you will learn all about spamming and you will be able to spam after after reading this and practicing this tuts. You can reach me on telegram at:@DavinciSP.

WHAT IS SPAMMING First of we will see what do we mean by term spamming. Wikipedia definition: Email spam, also known as unsolicited bulk Email (UBE), junk mail, or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. In simple language spamming means to send bulk mails to people in order to flood there mails or to make them fool and make some real $C@sh^. That is Wikipedia definition.

Lets ignore wikipedia definition cos it wont get us any banklogs or cc. In terms of our work; SPAMMING IS THE USE OF A PHISHING PAGE ALSO KNOWN AS SCAMPAGE FOR THE MAIN PURPOSE OF GETTING USERS BANKLOG,CC AND PRIVATE INFO.THESE INVOLVES SENDING SPAM MAILS TO THOUSANDS OF USERS. Note:Phishing page is the clone of an original page.for example if we are to spam for paypal logs ,we get a paypal scampage which is the clone of the original page of paypal.

Why we spam? 1.To get Bank Logs by spamming different banks. 2.To get cc,fullz. 3.3.To get Accounts like paypals,dating sites etc. 4. 4.To spread our malware like zeus,keyloggers etc. 5. 5.To spam lottery scam aka 419 scams. 6.There are endless reasons to spam but these were some of common reasons for spamming. Now we learned what is spamming and why we spam or for what purpose we spam lets learn how to spam J Now i will be discusing on the tools needed for spamming,i sell all tools listed below and proves will be show here and also when you want to buy.without tools spamming is not complete and you cant move anywhere.

SPAMMING IS NOT FOR KIDS,IF YOU ARE NOT READY TO SPEND MONEY YOU CANT ACHIEVE ANYTHING,THIS TUTS IS FOR FREE,PM ME ONLY IF YOU WANT TO BUY TOOLS,ONLY FOR BUSINESS.TELEGRAM USERNAME AT:DavinciSP SPAMMING TOOLS I will be listing the tools needed for spamming all the necessary tools with their price,security is important when spamming. � � � � � � � �

Bulletproof Https secured Cpanel:-A month validity costs:-20$ Mailer:-Lifetime license:25$ Smtp:25$ PHP Mailer Without smtp:30$ Email Extractor Software from facebook and database:20$-30$ Email Leads:depending on the amount you need Rdp:15$,Admin rdp:30$,Rdp with Mailer installed:50$ Scampages and letters:3 scampage will be given for 35$,you can buy more from me. 1. Paypal Scampage and letter. 2. Amazon page and letter. 3. Suntrust page and letter. 4. Ebay page and letter. 5. Chase page and letter. 6. TD bank page and letter. 7. BOA page 8. Netflix page and letter 9. Office 360 page and letter

� �

Keyloggers:-Not really important but good. Costs:100$ Checkers


Before i continue i will be telling you the meaning of the tools above and some informations about them.

1. BULLETPROOF HTTPS CPANEL cPanel is a web based hosting control panel provided by many hosting providers to website owners allowing them to manage their websites from a web based simple language it’s a panel from where a admin of a particular site manages his/her website. We use cpanel to host our scam page. Cpanel is the backbone of our spamming,getting a wrong cpanel literally spoils your work thats why i provide a bulletproof https cpanel,i will be talking about them below. BULLETPROOF CPANEL simply means your cpanel wont be detected and be blocked for a long period of time,you will be able to host any page on my cpanel without getting blocked or deleted,it lasts for a month. HTTPS:is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all to. The 'S' at the end of ofHTTPS communications between your browser and the website are It simply means browsers wont block your scampages encrypted. encrypted.It from displaying. This is how a cpanel interface looks like.


A mailer is a software for sending massive mails to our mailist.without using a mailer we cant get any result from our victims,so getting the right mailer is really important if you wanna get a good and quick result,there are basically 2 types of mailers spammers use which are mailer with smtp and php mailer ,i will be talking about them below. MAILER AND SMTP Like i said before A mailer is a software for sending massive mails to our mailist,before we can send mails a network protocol is needed which links the sender and receiver together,i will talk about it in details below.

Smtp will be inserted into the mailer above. SMTP SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail. ... In other words, users typically use a program that uses SMTP for sending e-mail and either POP3 or IMAP for receiving is simply a server which links both the receiver and sender together,a smtp is inserted into the mailer we will be using. Without smtp Our mailer cant work,they simply work hand to hand. Smtp format:

Smtp Smtp user: username Password: your password. This is how smtp basically looks like.

It is inserted in your mailer. PHP MAILER Rather than using a mailer and smtp ,php mailer is also used which has a little advantage over the use of mailer and smtp.the advantage i can thing about is that its faster than normal mailer and you can send unlimited emails with it. Its a php script in which is uploaded to our cpanel or our computer local host.some php mailer makes use of smtp.


: 3. RDP

Remote Desktop Protocol is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, which provides a user with a graphical interface to connect to another computer over a network a simpler language it enables us to connect to a more secured computer server from our computer which will make us safer and protected.

You can either use rdp or a strong vpn,but i recommend the use of rdp,its more secure and keeps your anonymity at 100%,also the IP is very important for your mailer,using RDP gives you 98% chances of your message going to the inbox.


Email extractor is a tool for extracting thousands of emails ,therre are different types of extractor out there so getting the right tools matters if you need valid emails,i will be discussing about the 2 basic methods i use to get my leads. �

FACEBOOK EXTRACTOR I make use of an amazing tool which extracts emails from facebook page,group,friends of friends and so on,i basically make use of this tool in getting valid emails from facebook ,it comes in handy and its advisable for a spammer to have it,it costs 20$.


Apart from using facebook email extractor i make use of another massive tool that extracts emails from vulnerable websites,its faster but time and data costs 30$.

WHAT ARE LEADS. Leads is the term used to refer to email list, its basically another name for the common term email list. Leads aka email list is list of email addresses of people we are going to spam.costs depends on the amount you want

SCAMPAGES AND LETTER. 6. 6.SCAMPAGES Scam pages is another name of the Phishing page, its basically a replication of the original page. Its used to get logs from our victims.

Suntrust scampage.

Scam letter: Scam letter aka fake mail is the name given to a email which is replica of original mail, here we tweak the original mail and edit asking victim to login to our scam page and we will get his logs.

Simple netflix letter.

7. KEYLOGGERS 7.KEYLOGGERS Keyloggers are important but if you dont need it ,its fine. Keyloggers capture the

keystrokes typed on your keyboard. Typically, a software keylogger saves these keystrokes in a file and may periodically send it to the owner of the program. In a simpler language,a keylogger is a software sent in form of a virus to the victims email which steals users passwords,private file,banklogs,cc,and some private you can see its a powerful costs 100$ SO THATS ALL FOR THE TOOLS, I WILL BE DISCUSSING ON HOW SPAMMING IS DONE SO STAY TUNED.

HOW TO SPAM Spamming is very easy if your tools are complete are you follow the necessary methods. Before spamming getting a domain name is important it will make your work neat and smooth. LOGIN TO YOUR RDP Its very easy to do,wont be talking about it here simply pm me for that. Telegram handle davincisp. LOGIN TO YOUR CPANEL AND UPLOADING SCAMPAGE. Like i said the backbone of any spamming work is the cpanel,without cpanel nothing works in lets login to our cpanel and upload our scampage . �

Login to your cpanel,if you succesfully login ,you will be redirected to a page below.

After successfully logining you will be redirected to your cpanel .

Our cpanel is working fine,our domain is live,all that remain is to upload our scampage to the cpanel,simply follow the steps and you will get your page live in no time. After logining to our cpanel,locate file manager on the cpanel,this is the root

folder our scampage will be uploaded to. Locate the filemanager as seen below

Click on the file manager icon,you will be redirected to a page as seen below.

� You will be redirected to a page as seen above,simply click on public html,thats the folder our scampage will be uploaded to.

� After clicking on it you will see a page like this below,click on upload on the top-menu of the page

� You will simply be redirected to a page where our scampage will be uploaded to

� � After being redirected to the page above,click on select file it will open your computer's documents directory or you can drag and drop your scampage on the space,it will then be uploaded to your cpanel. �

� I will be using suntrust scampage as example,after clicking on select file you will be redirected to your windows documents,all you need to do is to locate the zip file of your scampge then click on it ,it will be automatically be uploaded on your scampage,just wait the upload to be completed as seen below.

� After successful upload,a green bar will be shown as seen above,you can go back to your page directory by clicking on go back which is located below as seen above in the image. � Now this is our uploaded scampage,we are going to simply extract it and configure it,after uploading your scampage locate your file directory like the image i showed you above,you will see a page like this.

� After finding your page directory,right click on it you will see an extract option,simply click on extract then the files on your page will be uploaded to a folder on your cpanel. �

� After extracting our page you will see a folder like this

Now this folder contains the informations of our scampage, � After extracting our scampage,lets check it our by simplying going to our domain name,we should see the folder above in our domain name directory,as seen below.

If everything goes well you should see that,i should eradicate that folder,but am sure you guys wont understand,i will simply leave it like that. � We will simply click on the folder,then you will be redirected to your scmapage as seen below.

� Its cool right?but the fun dosent end there,there is still one last thing to do,we need to edit the email.php folder ,this folder enables us to receive our victims results directly to our mail. I wont be writing it here cos different scampages email.php folder is located differently and given different names,so when you buy any page from me i will put you through. So thats all for uploading our scampage to our cpanel,all it remains is to edit your letter ,wont be writing that also cos all letter has different place for us to edit. We only edit our letter to change the url to ours.for example.

When our victims click on verify now we want them to be redirected to our scampage,so thats what we are going to edit hope you understand.

Your work on spamming is almost done when your scampage is updated to your cpanel ,have shown you guys how to do it. ALL you need is to get your leads,mailer and smtp or php mailer to send our mails,then sit and watch how you get ur results to your emails. MY SPAMMING TOOLS COSTS 130$ APART FROM KEYLOGGERS. FREE SCRIPTS WILL BE GIVEN ALSO. REACH ME ON TELEGRAM :DAVINCISP ADVICE AND TRICKS FOR SPAMMING

1. Dont make use of free cpanel,you will only waste your time,spend money to get good one. 2. Get a good scampage and letter,i can teach you how to create your scampage and letter for 50$. 3. Get a good leads and make sure they are verified. 4. Use a clean Admin rdp and a good php mailer for your mails to go to inbox folder of your victims. FOLLOW THE ABOVE METHOD TO GET GOOD RESULT. THANK YOU I STILL REMAIN DAVINCI CONACT ME IF YOU NEED ANY HELP ,ONLY REASONABLE PEOPLE AND NOT TIME WASTERS.