Somebody's Method To Regrow Hair [PDF]

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INTRODUCTION You may have read about me, from my blog posts at Name I use at my blog is “Somebody”. Why? There is a reason for that. All the way back to 2008 when my hair loss was at worst, I was feeling like nobody. So, when I got my first improvement in 2009. I wanted to make a point. And name “Somebody” felt like it fit with my new role. My real name is Alex. This book is about my battle with hair loss. And how, I was able to regrow 78% of my lost hair. In this book I use a lot of picture. Reason, is to inspire you and show what is possible.

Here are random picture of my hair. Pictures are taken after I changed to foam Minoxidil (Rogaine). Pictures are from beginning of 2016 to January 2017. Newest pictures are at the top and oldest at the bottom. Can my hair loss treatment work for others? Well, it did work for me. I know I'm special, but not that special. So, yes I'm sure that my treatment and my story can help others as well. It's always worth to take a shot. And never give up! Next question in your mind I guess is about value. You are asking yourself: Is it worth investing almost10 bucks for this book? There are so many other things; you can do with your 10 bucks (Like a having fun).

Random pictures, from wild time in between 2007 and 2008. That was a time before any treatment. Unfortunate I have only few pictures from that time. I didn’t like to take pictures of me back then. (I hated it) Well. Let me reframe it to a better question. You should ask yourself how much is your hair worth for you? If you regrow your hair, would it give you lifestyle you want (It did for me)? Or get a high paid job (It did for me). Become more attractive (It did for me)? Have a life worth living for and so on (It did for me)?  Hopefully you are answering “YES”. In that case you should definitely be happy about getting your hands on this book. In 2008 my life was falling apart. I could not stand to look in mirror. Or take pictures. I was self-sabotaging myself in every area I could. For example: Losing thousands of dollars in stupid stock trading. Becoming seriously overweighed 110+ kg. Letting my university degree sink to the bottom (Getting 4 D’s) Cutting social cycle Underperforming at my work place an burning bridges with everyone and everything  This was how things were standing at bottom in second half of 2008. This is a book I wish I had, when my hair loss was at it worst. I know that I have something important to share with other men who are suffering hair loss. From my experience I know that it’s possible to win hair loss battle.  I did it! And others can do it as well. There is something that is called M-field theory. Briefly, it involves that in moment one can achieve/do something that previously was perceived as impossible. Afterword’s many other can do it as well. You can observe it in every field. Let me give you an example. There were once perception that human could not run a mile in four minutes. But there were one runner who could do it. In 1954 four-minute mile barrier was broken by Roger Bannister in 3:59.4 interesting thing is that afterword’s there are many other runners who could run even faster. I guess you are asking yourself: Okay, Alex that interesting, but how does it relates to hair loss. Well, simple. When you see for yourself what is possible and know that others have done it. It becomes achievable and it gives inspiration to you and other as well. Life is too short to waste it on internet in discussion forums. Talking how much hair loss has ruined our lives. I was there once, and I hope I never end up there again. I have one goal with this book. And that is to share my story and help others like you, to

get a life you deserve. My plan for future is to move on. I want to step down and focus on other things.  It’s less likely that I will engage in more discussions about hair loss. Or hair related stuff, for that matter in upcoming future.  I just know that I need to write this book. It is something that I had to do before I move on with my own life. I apologize about my English skills and misspells. It could be better. But it’s about message I'm sending out. And that's far more important. One important notice: This book is for men who are experiencing male pattern baldness. If you have other hair loss conditions this treatment may not work. Get an appointment with your dermatologist. He (or she) can help you to find out cause of your hair loss. I share my experiences on what I have been using and what has been working for me. And hopefully it will work for you as well. I hope you will enjoy this book. And find my story interesting. This is a practical book about how I was able to regrow my lost hair (and get back my life). MY STORY I’m glad that you have been reading so far. In this part I want to share my life story.

This part is about my journey of getting back my lost hair. It’s also about my mindset when I was losing my hair. I began lose my hair in 2003. It was a painful time for me. I was just turning 19. It’s never easy to lose hair at such young age. As time passed my hair become worse. Hair is a huge part of identity. And for every hair I lost, it felt like I was losing of whom I was. After 5 years of torture I finally decided to do something about my hair loss. TIPPING POINT Tipping point for me come when more and more people notice my hair loss. It was painful. Some just notice it and where staring at my scalp, others made jokes about my hair. For me it was not funny. Those who have hair really don't understand problems with hair loss. They say things like shave it all and accept it. I wish it would be that simple. It never was. I did some thinking back in summer 2008. And conclusion that was that, there are really only three tings a man can do when a hair loss becomes an issue. HOW TO FIX IT First ting most people chose, is to shave away everything. And to be honest it's a good thing to do. It's easy to do. It will save your time, your energy and your money. And it’s really practical. And after some time it will be okay. As time passes away one will gain back there confidence and hair becomes a far memory. This solution works for many people. They are able to move forward and achieve other things in their lives. Some people are even lucky and look great with shaved hair style.

But others stay in zone of misbelieve. Always thinking about all the opportunities they lost, because of hair loss. They don't dare to take risks and feel afraid of expressing themselves. And I definitely didn't want to end up there. Second thing is to try to hide hair loss. Using combo or products like Toppik. To be honest that's a worst solution. It's a middle way. It won't do anything to solve the problem. It's like having hair, but at the same time it's just an illusion. A while back I was desperate enough to try it myself. And every morning I was remained about my hair loss. It didn't do anything to improve my confidence. And it didn't do anything to improve my hair. I was always worried that everyone will notice my fake appearance. I was afraid of rain, wind and people. Seriously it's not a good mindset to be in. I just could not stand to getting eyes contact on me or my hair. My advice is to stop it before it's too late. It can even give anxious issues that are hard to solve. (It did for me) To be honest it’s better to shave it all then trying to hide it. The third thing, it’s about finding a solution to the problem. This book is for those who don't accept being defeated in hair loss battle. For those who have experienced hair loss, battle is a nice word. More appropriate description is a war. We are

fighters who don't accept loss of our hair. Hair is one of most important assets that men have. Even in Bible there is a story about hair loss. (For full story check book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible chapter 13 to 16). It's a story about a man with a name Samson. He had great strength, and could define entire army. But he had one weakness. And that was his hair. If Samson long hair was cut, he would lose all his strength. And this is how I felt when I experienced hair loss. Everything lost meaning. I lost my confidence and my self-esteem as result. Everything was going “downhill”.