Socialist Republic of Vietnam: National Technical Regulation On Safety and Environmental Protection For Automobiles [PDF]

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QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT

National technical regulation on safety and environmental protection for automobiles

HA NOI - 2015

QCVN 09: 2015/BGTVT


QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT is compiled by Vietnam Register, submitted by Department of Science and Technology and issued by Ministry of Transport pursuant to Circular No. 87 /2015/TT-BGTVT dated 31-12-2015. QCVN 09:2015/BGTVT replaces QCVN 09:2011/BGTVT



QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT

NATIONAL TECHNICAL REGULATION ON SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR AUTOMOBILES 1. GENERAL REGULATION 1.1. Adjustment Scope This regulation defines the requirements to check the quality of technical safety and environmental protection for types of motor vehicle which were manufactured, assembled and imported defined in TCVN 6211 "Road vehicles - Types - Terms and definitions" and TCVN 7271 “Road vehicles - Motor vehicles - Classification in purpose of use" (hereafter called the vehicle). 1.2. Scope This regulation is applied for all establishments that manufacture, assemble and import vehicles, vehicle parts and for agencies, organizations, individuals concerned to the management, inspection, testing and certification of quality, technical safety and environmental protection for vehicles and parts. 1.3. Word interpretation 1.3.1. Dimension definitions are defined at TCVN 6528 “Road vehicles – Dimensions of vehicles and tolled vehicles – Term and definition”. 1.3.2. Mass definitions are defined at TCVN 6529 “Road vehicles – Mass – Term definition and code”. 1.3.3. Articulated bus: Vehicles have at least two firm wagons, which are connected together by rotated joints. Passengers can move to other wagon. Connection or removing the wagons can be implemented in the workshops only. 1.3.4. Double-Deck Vehicles: Vehicles have double deck using to carry passengers on both decks. 1.3.5.

Seat other driver’s seat: the seat for passengers but not for the driver.


Individual Seat: is designed and manufactured for only one passenger.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 1.3.7. Double Seat: is designed and manufactured suitably for two passengers sitting next to each other. Two adjacent seats without being linked together are regarded as two single seats. 1.3.8. Bench Seat: is designed with suitable frame structure and cushion for two passengers or more. 1.3.9. Seat-Back: is a part of seat that is designed vertically to support the back, shoulders and head of passengers. 1.3.10. Seat-Cushion: is a part of seat that is designed horizontally to support passengers to seat. 1.3.11. Head restraint: is a part with function of limiting the head to move back comparing with the body to decrease dangerous level of trauma for neck vertebra of passengers when happening accidents. Integrated head restraint: is a head restraints that were formed by the upper part of the seat back. The kind of head restraints are suitable with definitions in sections and but only remove out of seat or vehicle structure by tools or by removing part by part or all of seats are considered as integrated head restraint. Detachable head restraint: is a head restraints that were formed by the part that can be detached from the seat. It is designed to assemble combination with backseat and/or kept tightly with back-seat. Separate head restraint: is a head restraints that were formed by the part that was separated from the seat. It is designed to assemble combination with vehicle structure and/or kept tightly with vehicle structure. 1.3.12. Gangway: the space for passengers traveling from any seat or row of seats to any different ones or aisle to access through any service door. It does not include: + The space for the passengers to set foot on when sitting. + The space above the surface of any step or stair of the up and down door. + Any space to access a seat or a row of seats 1.3.13. Service door: the door for passengers to use in normal conditions when the driver sits at the driver's seat. 1.3.14.

Single door: the door for one or equivalent with one access.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 1.3.15.

Double door: the door for two or equivalent with two accesses.

1.3.16. Emergency door: the door for passengers to use as unusual exit and especially only use in case of emergency, it does not include service d o o r . 1.3.17. Emergency window: the window for passengers to use only in case of emergency (this window is not necessarily glazed). 1.3.18.

Emergency exit: emergency door, emergency window, escape hatch


Single axle: consists of only one axle

1.3.20. Tandem axle group: is a group of tow axles with the distance between two axle centers is not over 2 meters. 1.3.21. Tri-axle group: is a group of three axles with the distance between two outermost axles center is not over 3.2 meters. 1.3.22. Steering axle: the axle that assembled structure to control the wheel to change the movement direction of the vehicle and is controlled by the driver. 1.3.23. Twin Steer axle group: is a group of two leading axles with the single tire that have distance between two centers no longer than 2 meters. These axles are linked to one steering gear to control leading wheels. 1.3.24. Lift axle: the axle assembled with structure and device that can adjust that axle load or the driver can control lo lift the wheels on the road surface. 1.3.25. Self-steering axle: the axle that can itself adjust direction of the wheels following movement of the vehicle by mechanical structure or control system. 1.3.26. Motor vehicle category symbols are mentioned in TCVN 8658 "Road vehicles - Motor vehicle category symbol” 1.3.27. The terms regarding lighting and light-signaling devices on motor vehicles are defined in TCVN 6978 “Road vehicles - Installation of lighting and light-signaling devices on motor vehicles”


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2. TECHNICAL REGULATION 2.1. General requirements 2.1.1. Basic specifications Allowable limit dimensions a) Length: + Length: No longer than limit value specified in Table 1. Table 1 – Regulated overall length for vehicle No. Type of vehicle

Maximum length (m)

02 axles

Total weight of no more than 5 tons Total weight of from 5 – 10 tons Total weight of 10 tons or higher



2 3

Total 3 axles Total 4axles Total 5 axles Articulated bus Others

5,0 6,0 7,0 7,8 9,3 10, 2 20, 0 12, 2

b) Width: no wider than 2.5m. c) Height: -

No higher than 4.2 m for double-decker bus;


No higher than 4.0 m for others.

Besides, for vehicles with gross weight of no more than 5 tons, their height, excludes overhang of equipment installed on special vehicles such as antenna, cell station…without impact to the stability of vehicle specified at TCVN 6211, has to satisfy following conditions: Hmax ≤1,75 W T In which: Hmax - Maximum allowable height of vehicle (Figure 1); W T - The distance between the exposed spot centers of the two rear wheels with the road surface, in case of single wheel in rear axle (Figure 1a); or:


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT - The distance between the exposed spot centers of the two outer rear wheels with the road surface, in case of double wheels in rear axle (Figure 1b). d) Rear overhang (ROH) is the distance between vertical plane crossing the center line of the axle group (ROH line) and the rearmost point of the vehicle. It has to satisfy the following requirements: - No more than 65% of basic length (Lcs) for bus (basic length of articulated bus measured for first carriage) - No more than 60% of basic length (Lcs) for truck In which: Basic length (Lcs) is horizontal distance from ROH line to center most front axle; ROH line is defined under the principles as follow:

of the

 If there is a single axle at the rear of the vehicle, ROH line is the center line that rear axle;


 If there is dual axle cluster at the rear of the vehicle (not leading axle) and each axle has equal number of tires, ROH line crosses the point between the two axle centers.  If there is three-axle cluster at the rear of the vehicle, ROH line is the line crossing the center of the middle axle.  If the rear axles is leading axle, self- steering axle, lift axle combined with other axle (not leading axle), ROH line is considered based on not leading axle s. The ways to define basic length (Lcs), ROH line of specific cases is referred to the Table 2 and Figure 2 as below.

Figure 1a.

Figure 1b.

Figure 1 - Maximum allowable height of vehicle with gross weight of no more than 5 tons


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT e) Ground clearance: no less than 120 mm (except for specialized vehicles). For vehicle with ground clearance can be adjusted, the ground clearance is measured at maximum value.

Group of three axles use Suspension system that can adjust and self-steer


ROH Line

ROH Line





ROH Line



Figure 2 –Some ways to define wheel base (Lcs) and rear overhang (ROH)


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Table 2. Principles for defining ROH line No.

Principles for defining ROH line



If there is a single axle at the rear of the vehicle, ROH line is the center line of that rear axle.

ROH line


If there is dual axle cluster at the rear of the vehicle (not leading axle) and each axle has equal number of tires, ROH line crosses the point between the two axle centers.

ROH line


If there is a dual axle cluster at the rear of the vehicle (not leading axles) and there is one axle with two or more tires differing from the other, ROH line crosses the point which is 2/3 of distance from center of axle with less tires to center of axle with more tires.


If there is three-axle cluster at the rear of the vehicle (not leading axle) and all axles are assembled equal number of tires, ROH line is the line crossing the center of the middle axle.


ROH line

ROH line D/2 D/2


ROH line

If there is a leading axle at the rear of the vehicle and an axle (not leading axle), ROH line is the center line of the axle which is not leading axle.

Leading axle Not leading axle Self-steering axle




If there are one or two leading axles at the rear of vehicle and two others (not leading axles), ROH line crosses the point between two centers of axles which are not leading axles.

If there are one or two lift axles at the rear of vehicle along with one or more axles (not lift axles), ROH line crosses the point between centers of the axles which are not lift axles.

ROH line Not leading axle

Leading axle Or self-steering axle

ROH line

If there are 04 axles and the number of tires is the same for each axle. 9

Not leading axle

Lift axle


Without leading axle:


With leading axle :

ROH line

ROH line

1 0

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT





ROH line

Leading axle ROH line

Leading axle Leading axle Maximum permitted weight distributed on the axle: + For single axle: 10 tons. + For double axle depending on distance (d) between centers of the 2 axles: d < 1,0 m: 11 tons; 1,0 ≤ d < 1,3 m: 16 tons; d ≥ 1,3 m: 18 tons. + For three-axle cluster (3 axles), it depends on the smallest distance d of two adjacent axle centers: d ≤ 1,3 m: 21 tons; d > 1,3 m: 24 tons; Maximum allowable total weight: Maximum allowed total weight of vehicles has to satisfy the following regulations as the below Table 3: Table 3 – Maximum allowed total weight


Maximum allowed total weight (tons)

Vehicle type


Vehicle with total of 2 axles



Vehicle with total of 3 axles



Vehicle with total of 4 axles



Vehicle with total of 5 axles or more


Vehicle with distance from the first axle center to the last axle center ≤ 7 meters



Vehicle with distance from the first axle center to the last axle center >7 meters


2.1.2. Other requirements 10

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Vehicle and parts in the vehicle must be conformed for regulations of righthand traffic. Weight distribution on steering axle (or steering axles) must satisfy following requirements in both cases of no load vehicle and full load vehicle (for articulated bus, this percentage is defined for the first carriage): -

No less than 25% for bus (except for urban bus).


No less than 20% for the others.

Horizontal stable static angle of no load vehicle should be no less than:

+ 28° for double-decker bus; + 30° for vehicle with gross weight not more than 1.2 time of kerb weight; + 35° for remained vehicles.

All systems, components of vehicles must ensure specifications during operating on road in all normal conditions.

The passenger cars, truck (group of truck) which assembling fuel tank with

liquid fuel must meet the requirements specified in QCVN


:2013/BGTVT “Nation technical regulation on safety structure regard to the prevention of fire risk of vehicle” or regulation UNECE No.34 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicle with regard to the prevention of fire risks” with version equal or above.

For bus with the gross weight of over 5 tons and allowable passengers of 22

passengers or more, materials used in interior structure must meet the requirements specified in QCVN 53:2013/BGTVT “National Technical Regulation on safety requirement regard to prevention of fire risk of materials used in the interior structure of motor vehicles” or regulation UNECE No.118 “Uniform technical prescriptions concerning the burning behavior and/or the capability to repel fuel or lubricant of materials used in the construction of certain categories of motor vehicles” with version equal or above.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT

Passenger weight is certified by manufacturer but it is not lower than

65kg/person (in which included 3kg hand-baggage).

Allowable number of passengers (included driver, sub-driver) (N) on the bus

in any case must satisfy following requirements: N ≤ (Gtbmax - Go - L* V)/ Gn in which: Gtbmax = Maximum allowable gross weight (is maximum vehicle weight defined by competent authority) (kg); Go = Weight of no load vehicle (kg); L = Specific weight of luggage is measured by the volume of boot (kg/m3) (L = 100 kg/m3); V = Total volume (m3) of boot (if any); Gn = Calculation weight for one person;

Chassis number (Vehicle identification number - VIN): Vehicle must be

marked with chassis number of the same content and structure as vehicle identification number (VIN), unless those are manufactured, assembled from vehicles having chassis number (or VIN). Chassis number should satisfy following requirements: - Location and attachment of chassis number must satisfy requirements on location, attachment of VIN and satisfy requirements specified in TCVN 6580: “Road vehicles − Vehicle identification number (VIN) − Location and attachment”. - Content and structure of vehicle identification number must satisfy requirements specified in TCVN 6578 “Road vehicles - Vehicle identification number (VIN) – Content and structure”. The tenth character of chassis number must indicate the year of manufacturing of vehicle (the year that vehicle was manufactured, assembled in solar calendar). 12

2.2. Engine and transmission system


QCVN 09: 2015/BGTVT 2.2.1. Engine power must be not lower than 7.5 KW per a ton of gross weight. (Except for special-purpose vehicles, vehicles using electricity and other ones with gross weight is 30 tons and more). 2.2.2. When conducting road test in full loaded condition, on dry road, vehicles (except special purpose vehicles) must be satisfied following requirements: Acceleration time from the departure to the completion of 200 meters satisfies the following conditions: t ≤ 20 + 0,4G In which: t - Acceleration time from the departure to the completion of 200 meters (unit: s) G – Gross vehicle weight (unit: ton) The maximum speed is not less than 60km/h. 2.2.3. In conditions of full load and dry road, when running in the forward direction, the vehicles must cross sloping with slope of 20% (12% for articulated bus). When testing of crossing sloping, engine and transmission system must operate normally. 2.3. Wheels 2.3.1. Structure is rigid and assembled to meet fixed standards. 2.3.2. Tires on the same axle of vehicles should be the same type. Tires should be enough in quantity, pressure, specification (size, speed category (velocity) and load capacity index (weight)) should be satisfied with specifications document, designing documents of vehicles. Tires used for each kind of vehicles should meet the requirements specified in QCVN 34:2011/BGTVT “National technical regulation on pneumatic tires for automobiles” or in UNECE 30 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of pneumatic tires for Motor vehicle and their trailer” or in UNECE No.54 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of pneumatic tires for commercial vehicles and their trailers”, equivalent or higher version. 2.3.3. Vehicles should be equipped with wheel guards at wheels or group axle of wheel. These can be made up of parts of body, mudguards or other similar parts and they must meet the following requirements: - The width of wheel guards must cover all the w h e e l s . - For M1 vehicle, the distance between the lowest point of last wheel guards and the longitudinal median plane of the center axle must less than 150mm. For other vehicles, clearance from rearmost wheel guards, including the mudguard (if equipped) to the road surface must be less than 230 m m.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.3.4. For vehicles with spare tires, the lifting mechanism (if any) shall not be arranged on the left side in forward direction of vehicles 2.3.5. Light alloy wheels installed on cars, trucks with maximum gross weight less than 3.5 tons must meet the requirements specified in QCVN78:2014/ BGTVT "National technical regulations on light alloy wheels for automobiles ” or in UNECE No.124 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of wheels for passenger cars and their trailer”, equivalent or higher version. 2.4. Steering system 2.4.1. Must ensure the accuracy of turning, easy control, and safety in every condition of speed and load within permitted vehicle technical specifications. 2.4.2. The Steering wheels must be able to maintain the straight direction when vehicle go straight; and must be able to return itself to straight position when the driver stops to turn the steering wheel. 2.4.3. When operating, the movement structures of the steering system must not crash with any parts of vehicles such as chassis, body. 2.4.4. Steering wheel when turning should not be obstructed by driver's dress or facilities. 2.4.5. When turning steering-wheel to the right and left side, there must not be the significant difference in the force on the steering-wheel. 2.4.6. Steering-gear backlash: + Cars, buses with 12 seats, including the driver seat, trucks with load up to 1500 kg: no higher than 100. + Other types of vehicles: no higher than 150. 2.4.7. Side slip of leading wheel is no more than 5 mm/m. 2.4.8. Minimum turning radius on the front tread of the outside front wheel is no more than 12m. 2.5. Brake system 2.5.1. Vehicles must be equipped with main brake system and parking brake. 2.5.2. Actuators of main brake and parking brake systems must be independent with each other. Actuator of main brake must be 2 lines or more type. Main brake system must be installed on all wheels. 2.5.3. There is no leakage of brake fluid or compressed air. There is no crack on brake hose, pipe. It must be fixed firmly. 2.5.4. Mechanic devices of brake and parking brake systems must work actively and properly. Free play of brake pedal should comply with manufacturer's specification. 15

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.5.5. Main brake system must be designed, installed to ensure the driver can operate it when both their hands still holding the steering wheel 2.5.6. When using, parking brake system must maintain operations without a continuous force of the driver. 2.5.7. Main brake system using compressed air must be satisfied following requirements: + All valves must operate normally; + After 8 times pressing to main brake pedal, air pressure in the tank is not decreasing more than 392 kPa. The test must implement in accordance with following requirement: - The initial energy level (pressure of compressed air) in pressure tank is determined by the manufacturer. It must reach the level to obtain the defined brake efficiency of main brake system; - The pressure tank should not be charged during the test. In addition, the pressure tank should be separated for main brake and auxiliary equipment. 2.5.8. Efficiency of main brake system Efficiency of main brake system when being tested on brake tester: + Testing mode: unloaded vehicles (one driver); + Total braking force is no less than 50% of kerb vehicle; + Difference between brake forces on RH wheel and LH wheel of the same axle KSL = (PFlớn - PFnhỏ).100%/PFlớn KSL must not be higher than 25%. In which: KSL: Difference between brake forces on an axle; PFlớn: Great braking force; PFnhỏ: Small braking force. Efficiency of main brake system when being tested on road: + When testing no load (one driver): -

Testing on flat, dry paved road, adhesive coefficient  is not lower than 0.6;

- Brake efficient is evaluated by any one of two indicators are brake distance SP or maximum deceleration J Pmax when testing in unloaded condition. These are stipulated at Table 4; 16

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT -

When braking, vehicle is not out of testing corridor. It is stipulated at Table

4: Table 4 - Efficiency of main brake when testing no load Maximum braking acceleration (m/s2)

Initial speed when braking (km/h)

Braking distance (m)

Passenger Cars


≤ 19

≥ 6,2


Truck, vehicle carrying passengers with GVW not more than 3.5 tons


≤ 21

≥ 5,8





≥ 5,4


Vehicle type

Braking corridor (m)

+ When testing full load: - Test on asphalt road or flat and dry concrete road, coefficient of cohesion is no less than 0.6; - Braking efficiency (be assessed by one of two criteria: braking distance S P or maximum braking acceleration JPmax), when testing full load, is regulated in Table 5 -

When braking, vehicle is not out of testing corridor. It is stipulated at Table 5 Table 5 - Efficiency of service brake when testing full load Maximum braking acceleration (m/s2)

Initial speed when braking (km/h)

Braking distance (m)

Passenger Cars


≤ 20

≥ 5,9


Truck, vehicle carrying passengers with GVW not more than 3.5 tons


≤ 22

≥ 5,4


Others (1)


≤ 10

≥ 5,0


Vehicle type

Testing corridor (m)

Remark: (1)Not apply this requirement for semi-trailer towing vehicle

2.5.9. Efficiency of parking brake: + Testing mode: No load vehicles (one driver); + Parking brake efficient is evaluated by any one of two indicators as follows : 17

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT - Total parking brake force is not lower than 16% of kerb weight when testing on braking tester; or - Testing vehicle can stop at slope 20% (on both direction : up and down slope), on flat, dry paved road, adhesive coefficient  is not lower than 0.6. 2.5.10. Sleeper bus must be equipped with ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) 2.6. Suspension system 2.6.1 Withstand the loaded weight, enough durability, operate smoothly. 2.6.2. Parts or component of system are installed properly and securely, and ensure vehicle's stability. There is not leakage of pressured air (for pressured air suspension system), hydraulic oil (for hydraulic shockabsobers). 2.6.3. Privated oscillated frequency of suspending devices of vehicles carrying passengers in full loading condition, which is certified in accordance with method stipulated at Appendix 1), is not more than 2.5 Hz. 2.7. Fuel system 2.7.1. Requirements for gasoline fuel system or diesel fuel system Fuel filter and breath hole of fuel tank must be satisfied following requirements: + There is no leakage of fuel; + Located in position has distance to the end of exhaust pipe at least 300mm and distance to switches and unsealed wire harness connectors at least 200mm; + Should not be located in passenger or luggage compartment. Fuel pipe/hose are made of proper materials. It is not to be damaged by using fuel type of vehicle. Fuel pipe/hose (except soft pipe/hose) must be fixed securely by clamps and distance between two next clamps is not higher than 1000mm. 2.7.2. Requirements for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) system General requirements: -

All parts must be properly positioned and clamped reliably;


LPG must not be leaked;

- No part of LPG system protrudes from the outer surface of vehicles except for the air intakes that may be protruded less than 10 mm; - Parts of the LPG system are 100mm or more far from muffler or analogous heat source unless these parts are appropriately insulated;


QCVN 09: 2015/BGTVT Requirements for LPG tank: as defined in Section 1, Appendix 2. 2.7.3. Requirements for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) system General requirements: -

All parts must be properly positioned and clamped reliably;


CNG must not be leaked;

- No part of CNG system protrudes from the outer surface of vehicles except for the air intakes that may be protruded less than 10 mm; - Parts of CNG system are 100mm or more far from muffler or analogous heat source unless these parts are appropriately insulated; - All parts of CNG system which are installed at luggage compartment must be covered by air-tight sheathing; - Vent of air-tight sheathing must be opened with outside environment, not orientate to the wheel arch or heat sources as muffler. 2.7.3..2. Requirements for CNG tank: as defined in Section 2, Appendix 2. 2.8. Electrical system 2.8.1. Wire harness must be shielded. They must be able to withstand temperature and wet condition, especially wire harness in the engine compartment. Wire harness must be protected and firmly secured on car body to avoid damage caused by shearing, grinding or rubbing. 2.8.2.

Connectors and power switches must be insulated.

2.8.3. Battery must be firmly secured. Battery compartment must not connect to the passenger and driver compartment, must be open to the outside. 2.9. Chassis and body 2.9.1. Chassis and body must be installed firmly ; 2.9.2. Cargo rack must not be located on roof of all kinds of buses. Luggage racks in the passenger compartment (if any) must be solid in structure, prevent luggage from falling out and abilities of force withstand is no less than 40kG/m2. 2.9.3. Trucks, specialized vehicles, trailers and truck tractors with total weight of 8 tons or more must be installed side guards on both sides of vehicle and satisfy following conditions: + The distance from the beginning of side guard to the front wheels (or other specialized structures like strut of the truck fitted with crane, control structure of concrete pump trucks ...) and the maximum distance between the ends of side guard to the rear wheels must be 400 mm; 19

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT + The maximum distance from the lowest edge of the side guard to the road surface must be 500 mm; + The upper edge of the side guard mustn’t not less than 700 mm measuring from the ground surface. If the gap between the vehicle body and the road surface is less than 700 mm, there is no need to install side guards. 2.9.4. There mustn’t be sharp edges or protruding parts on vehicle body, which endangers traffic participants. This requirement may not apply to some special vehicles. 2.10. Coupling device Connecting, dragging equipment must be installed firmly. Check and brake must not be automatic. Safety chain or cable (if any) must be firm. 2.11. Driving compartment 2.11.1. Control, indicators and working signal 2.11.1..1 The mechanism, equipment and control switches listed below (if any) must be installed within the limits of two parallel planes with the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle, being away from the centerline 500 mm on both sides and ensure that the drivers can identify, control them easily from the driver: + The mechanism, engine control devices and transmission systems such as starter switch; ignition timing control; fuel injection timing; acceleration pedal; clutch; transmission, etc.; + Brake controls mechanism; + The control mechanism of systems of headlamp, horn, turn signal lamps, washer, windscreen wiper and window heating; The mechanism of the engine control and transmission system (except starter switch, acceleration pedal, the control devices of transmission system such as clutch, transmission, etc.) as well as controls related to lighting system as lights, horn, washer, windscreen wiper and window heating have recognizable symbols located near the controls so that the drivers can easily identify related control mechanism. The control mechanism of turn signal lamps should have recognizable symbols in order the drivers can easily identify the operating position in each direction indicated by the turn signal lamps. The speedometer, indicators showing the operational status of the turn signal lamps, headlamps, fuel system, engine coolant, lubricator, braking system and battery charging system, etc. must be located in positions so that the drivers can easily identify and see them both in the daytime and low light condition. 2.11.2. Return spring structure of accelerator pedal, brake, and clutch (if any) must ensure to bring the pedal back to original position by themselves when diver no longer applies force. 2.11.3. Must have symbols to easily realize positions of gear. 20

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.11.4. Vehicles equipped by automatic transmission does not allow to start the engine while lever is driven position or reverse position. In case of gear shift lever is installed on the drive axle, rotation direction of the lever from neutral position to forward speed must be clockwise 2.11.5. Arrangement seats in driver’s compartment must meet following requirements : + Driver’s seat must satisfy requirements in 2.12; + Seat-cushion width and the depth of passenger seats must meet following requirements in 2.14.2 + If there are 2 seat rows in driver’s compartment, the gap (L) between the first and the second seat row is not less than 630 mm (Figure 5); + Arranging seat in driver’s compartment must not affect to driving ability of driver and enough space for sitting people take their foot on floor; + In all cases, number of people sitting in driver’s compartment of truck must be not more than 6 2.12. Driver’s seat (Driver seat) 2.12.1. Driver seat must installed in order to ensure vision of driver so that he can drive vehicle. 2.12.2. Driver seat must have enough space for the driver to operate control device easily. Eccentricity between driver seat and drive axle must not affect on vehicle driving ability of driver and not more than 40 mm. The depth and width of back- cushion must be not less than 400 mm. 2.12.3. Driver seat of passenger vehicles must be able to adjust along the vehicle, seat-back must be able to adjust tilt. 2.13. Passenger‘s compartment (Passenger compartment) 2.13.1. Must be designed to ensure safety when operating 2.13.2. For the passenger compartment without air-conditioner, ventilation must ensure as follows : + When vehicle moves with speed of 30 km/h, air speed at the equal position to passenger head is not less than 3 m/s; + The air vents must be able to adjust air discharge 2.13.3. Gangway


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT

Figure 3 – Gangway Gangway of bus with over 16 seats must have effective width and height of no less than 300 mm and 1700mm respectively. Space of gangway must be designed and structured to allow moving a gauge consisting of two concentric cylinders and a reverse truncated cone linking them. Cylinder dimensions are specified as in Figure 3. In case buses are allowed to fit folding-seats on the gangway, it will be measured in the status which the seats are folded. 2.13.3..2 Steps can be fixed on the gangway and have width equal to the width of gangway and meet the requirements listed in Table 7 and Figure 6. 2.13.4. Except for city bus, other one kinds mustn’t have foothold 2.13.5. Particular requirements for buses with sleepers Sleepers must be fitted reliably and arranged along the moving direction of buses; each sleeper only for one person and must have the seatbelt which meets the requirements specified in Section 2.16. Sleepers have structures so that when setting mattress or using, they can form a flat surface; Sleepers are arranged to ensure enough space for users to be able to go out or come in a convenient way and must satisfy the dimensions described in Figure 4.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT


C2 Forward direction of bus C1


R 1 R 2

Figure 4 - Arrangement of sleepers on buses In which: + Distance between two beds D1 ≥ 1650 mm; + Width of the mattress R1 ≥ 480 mm; + Width of gangway R2 ≥ 400 mm; Must check gap of the gangway by moving a mm cylinder caliber gauge with height of cylinder as description in Figure 3. + C1 ≥ 750 mm; + C2 ≥ 780 mm. Chassis of sleepers in the positions of exposing or being able to cause injury to passengers must be made of suitable rounded materials without sharp edges or strikes which is potentially dangerous to users. The thickness of the mattress is not smaller than 75 mm Must arrange along way between rows of sleeper. Number of sleeper floors arranged in the passenger compartment of the same row are no more than 2 floors. Do not arrange seats for passengers on sleeper buses, excluding the driver's seat and one seat of the guide (if any). Ladders must be equipped to reach the upper sleeper easily. Ladders must be firm and properly secured on the cars to ensure safety when using. Height of the 22

first step from the floor must be in the range of 250 mm to 350 mm and the height of remaining steps shall not exceed 250 mm. At least one handle is arranged at the appropriate height along with ladder to easily climb the upper sleepers. Handles must be rounded without any sharp edge. Sleepers must include parts, structures in order to protect passengers from falling out of sleeper berth when car is moving (call barrier). This barrier must


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Have firm structure, minimum height of 200 mm measured from the highest point of beg (at each measured point). Barriers are not be allowed to have sharp edges or sharp corners, which can cause injury to passengers. 2.14. Passenger seat 2.14.1. Passenger seat must be installed firmly to ensure safety for passengers when the vehicle operation in normal condition. 2.14.2. Size of seats Maximum width of cushion is 400 mm for one person. For double seats, benches settled on the M1 Vehicle, seat-cushion width for one person is allowed being smaller than 400 mm but in any case, it is not smaller than 380 mm. However, minimum space for passengers of these seats measured at the positions away from seat-cushion surface 270 mm to 650 mm is 400mm for one passenger. Minimum depth of cushion is 350 mm for one person. Minimum thickness of seat cushion and seat-back is 50 mm (not apply for the seat of the urban bus arranged standing passengers). For bus (Vehicle carrying passenger), minimum gap (L) between 2 rows of seats is 630mm; that (Lo) for seats facing each other is 1250mm (Figure 5).

Figure 5 – Arrangement of seats on vehicle “For bus, minimum height of space in vertical direction from highest point of seat cushion surface in the space covering installation and the passage to reach the seat is 900 mm and from the floor of foot well is 1350 mm; at wheel arches and the last row of seats, this can decrease but no smaller than 1250 mm.”


QCVN 09: 2015/BGTVT 2.14.3. For vehicles carrying children, the width and depth of seat-cushion is not less than 270 mm for each person. Minimum gap between two rows of seats (L) is 460 mm. 2.14.4. “Height from the floor of passengers’ foot to seat cushion surface (H) in the bus should range from 380 mm to 500 mm; at wheel arches, cover of engine compartment, this height can be lower but not lower than 350 m m .” 2.14.5. Folding seat can be put on the gangway of vehicle up to 30 seats, except for vehicles carrying children. For vehicle over 30 seats, folding seats can be installed for guider. Dimensions of the width, depth of seat-cushion of folding seat are less than 75% limit dimension stipulated in 2.14.2 2.15. Head restraint The driver's seat of cars and buses from 16 seats or less must be equipped with a head restraint 2.16. Seatbelts 2.16.1. Driver’s seat of all vehicles shall be equipped with minimum 03 -point seatbelts. 2.16.2. Outermost passenger's seats of the first row in the same row with the driver's seat shall be equipped with minimum 03-point seatbelts (except city bus). The seats between the driver's seat and the outermost seats shall be equipped with minimum 02point seatbelts. 2.16.3. Passenger's seats not in the first same row with the driver's seat (excluding urban bus), sleepers shall be equipped with minimum 02-point seatbelts. 2.16.4. Seatbelts shall be properly provided at each seat position, ensuring good operation, high reliability and minimizing risk of injury to the user in case of accident. Seatbelts shall not have structures which may potentially dangerous for the user. 2.16.5. Parts of seatbelts shall be qualified with minimum requirements as follows: + Hardware parts in seatbelts such as lock, adjusters, and so on shall not have sharp edges, causing abrasion or break of the belts due to friction. + Lock shall be designed to eliminate possible misuse such as the failure in locking at the halfway state. Unlocking must be definite. + Belt adjuster shall automatically adjust the belt to hug the user or the user shall easily adjust when he sits down in case of manual adjuster. + Belt shall be not twisted even when it is stretched and it may absorb and dissipate the energy. Belt width shall be not less than 46 m m .


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT + Belt anchoring points shall be reliably fitted, appropriate for belt type and operation location. 2.16.6. There shall be seatbelt user manual to ensure safety for users in the instruction manual of vehicle. 2.17. Passenger door 2.17.1. Useful dimension of passenger door for vehicles (exclude vehicles carrying children) must meet requirements at Table 6 . Table 6 – Minimum useful dimension of passenger door Minimum useful dimension (mm)

Vehicle types


Vehicles carrying passengers from 10 to 16 seaters including driver

Width(1 ) 650

Vehicles carrying passengers more than 16 seaters including driver




Note: (1) This dimension is decreased 100 mm when measuring at door handle position 2.17.2. There must be at least one passenger door on the right side in passenger compartment of bus, except for the urban bus BRT-Bus Rapid Transit or the same type. Passenger door must ensure to close firmly when moving. 2.17.3. Height of steps at passenger door + The allowable dimensions of height and depth of steps at door, stairs and steps inside the vehicles must satisfy requirements in the Table 7 and Figure 6 as below: + The step surface has to be textured or coated with friction material to ensure safety for passengers to be up and down; ≥ 200 mm

≤ 100 mm

≤ 100 mm ≥ 300 mm Parking surface

Figure 6 – Height and depth dimension of steps 26

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Table 7 - Allowable dimensions of height and depth of steps Unit: mm

First step (from parking surface)

Other steps

Maximum Height (D)


Minimum Depth


Height (E)





Minimum useful Depth


Notes: (1) 700 mm for emergency exists; (2) 230 mm for vehicle with no less than 22 people; (3) Maximum height of above step of gangway should be 250 mm; For vehicles

with less than 22 passengers, maximum step height must be 250 mm; For steps at the back- end door at the rear, the maximum height must be 300 mm; - Height of steps from the parking surface are determined when the vehicle are in no-load status; - Height among steps (E) for each step may not be the same.

+ Width and shape of step surface must ensure that when putting a rectangle with the size of 400 mm x 300 mm on the first surface and the other with the size of 400 mm × 200mm on the surface of other steps, the square of overhang of rectangle comparing with the step surface must not exceed 5% of its square. For double doors, each halfstep have to meet this requirement; + Slope of the step surface being measured in any direction shall not exceed 5%; + For double doors, the up and down steps in each half of the doorway must be considered as separate steps. 2.18. Emergency exit Vehicles carrying passenger must have enough emergency exit(s) comply with following requirements: 2.18.1. Requirements for dimension: + Regarding open/close emergency exit, minimum dimension of door must be: width * height = 550 * 1200 mm. Steps of emergency exit must satisfy requirements mentioned at Table 7 and Figure 6. + Doors of the vehicle can be used as emergency exit only when they have minimum area is 0.4 square meters and can contain one rectangle with dimension at 500mm (height), 700mm (width); + Rear door can be used as emergency exit only when it can contain one rectangle 27

with dimension at 350mm (height), 1550mm (width) and the angles of that rectangle can be rounded with maximum radius is 250mm.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.18.2. Minimum numbers of emergency exits are specified as Table 8 . Table 8 – Minimum numbers of emergency exits Numbers passengers (1) Minimum of emergency exits (2) Note:


17 ÷ 30

31 ÷ 45

46 ÷ 60

61 ÷ 75

76 ÷ 90

> 90








For double deck/articulated vehicles, number of passengers means number of passengers, driver and service staffs in each deck/wagon (2)

Passenger doors are not emergency exits

2.18.3. At every emergency exit, there must be notice: “CỬA THOÁT HIỂM” and/or “EMERGENCY EXIT”. Every emergency exit must be equipped with escape devices nearby it. 2.18.4. Entrance to emergency exit/emergency exit door/roof emergency exit Entrance to emergency exit: Area between aisle seat and emergency exit must contain a vertical cylinder having diameter at 300 mm and height from floor at 700 mm and can chop the second vertical cylinder with diameter at 550 mm, total height of the two cylinders is 1400 mm, bottom of the first cylinder must be in projection of the second cylinder. For positions where the folding seats are placed along the aisle seat, free area of the cylinders must be determined when the seats are in opened situation (See the Figure 7). Entrance to emergency exit door: The entrance must ensure the possibility of the gauge from the aisle seat to out of the vehicle through emergency exit doors. Move direction of the gauge must be the line that passengers want to move when escape and it must be perpendicular with the moving direction. Dimension of the gauge must be 600 * 400 mm and have fillet radius of 200 mm. To the back emergency door, it must have dimension 1400 mm x 350 mm and radius of the fillet radius of 175 mm.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT

Figure 7 – Entrance to emergency exit” 2.19. Cargo compartment, luggage compartment 2.19.1. Cargo compartment of the vehicle must have stable structure ensuring safety for products/goods and not allowed to have structure to be equipped with parts/assemblies, leading to increase in containing capacity except using structures to install cover of cargo.” 2.19.2. Garbage compartment of garbage trucks must have a lid. 2.19.3. Cargo compartment of dangerous goods-carrying vehicles must be completely isolated with d r i ve r c o m p a rt m e n t . 2.19.4. Vans (vehicles having cargo compartment next to driver’s compartment) must satisfy corresponding requirements at TCVN 7271. To the vans with 2 rows or more, ratio between area of cargo compartment and passenger compartment specified at TCVN 7271 must be no less than 1.8 times. Size of the passenger compartment is specified when the front row is located at the medium position, oblique angle of the back of seat is 25 degree (in case the oblique angle is less than 25 degree, it is allowed to measure from the position corresponding with the maximum oblique angle of the seat). 2.19.5. Overall width of cargo container of trucks mustn’t exceed 10% of overall width of driver’s compartment. 2.19.6. Luggage compartment (not portable luggage) of vehicle (if any) must be located along with the body and/or the back of the vehicles, under the floor with easy open/close doors, dustproof, waterproof, durable structure ensure safety of the vehicle during moving. Luggage compartment must be divided in to enclosures, with maximum length of 1500 mm and maximum width of 1225 mm for each enclosure. Regarding behind luggage compartment in the back, maximum dimension by both vertical and horizontal length is 1500 mm. Bulkhead of each enclosure must have solid structure to prevent the displacement of luggage when 30

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT The vehicle moving. Luggage compartment must withstand minimum weight of luggage compartment volume and specific gravity value of luggage compartment volume is (L) of 100 kg / m3. 2.19.7. Requirements for installing kingpin of semi-trailers carrying container.



Figure 8 – Height for installing kingpin and bright field radius which turn round before kingpin of tractor for semi-trailer For tractor for semi-trailers carrying container, bearing surface height of kingpin (h) without semi-trailer must not exceed 1400 mm and bearing surface height of kingpin with full load must be from 1150 mm to 1300 mm. In case tractor for semi31

trailer carrying container with over 2900 mm height, bearing surface height


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Of kingpin (h) without semi-trailer must not exceed 1150 mm and bearing surface height of kingpin with full load must be from 1025 mm to 1100 mm (Figure 8). Minimum bright field radius which turn round before kingpin (d) must be 2040 (Figure 8). l4 is horizontal distance between the circle cylinder with radius d, which has axis coincides with the axis of kingpin and conical surfaces having the same rotation axis. Conical surface created by a vertical line which tilts an angle of 6 0 towards the front of the tractor. This line is defined so that the conical surface does not touch any point of tractor above the horizontal plane passing kingpin. X point of this surface is defined under the vertical median plane of the tractor and belongs to the horizontal plane, this horizontal plane is located upper, parallels to the plane passing kingpin and has a gap of 250 mm. At point X, l4 gap (lx) must not be less than 80 mm. The radius from center point of bearing surface to longest point of vehicle (d1) is not exceed than 2200mm. 2.20. Safety glass on vehicle Windshield must be multi-laminated safe glass. Glass of door must be safety glass. Glass which used emergency window, emergency door must be safety glass with highly durable glass. These safety glasses must meet the requirements in QCVN 32: 2011/BGTVT “National Technical Regulation on safety glazing equipped on vehicle” or UNECE No. 43 ““Uniform provisions concerning the approval of safety glazing materials and their installation on vehicles” equivalent or higher version. 2.21. Exhaust pipe 2.21.1. Exhaust escaping output of emission must not be forward, and not direct to the right side under the direction of car’s forward. 2.21.2. Exhaust pipe must not be placed in the position that can cause fire vehicle or cargo on vehicle and obstruct the operation of other s y s t e m s . 2.22. Illuminator and signal lamps 2.22.1. Vehicles must be equipped with all kinds of following illuminator and signal: headlamp emitting passing beam and driving beam, turn signal light, hazard warning lights, position lights, brake lights, reversing lights, number plate light. 2.22.2. Headlamp system on the motor vehicle must meet requirements specified at QCVN 35: 2010/BGTVT “National Technical Regulation on optical characteristics of road vehicle headlamps” or one of the UNECE Regulations of equivalent or higher version to following versions: + UNECE No.01 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing beam and/ or a driving beam and equipped with filament lamps of category R2”; 30

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT + UNECE No.05 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of power-driven vehicle's "sealed beam" headlamps (SB) emitting a European asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both”; + UNECE No.08 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with halogen filament lamps (H1, H2, H3, HB3, HB4, H7, H8, H9, HIR1, HIR2 and/or H11)”; + UNECE No.20 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing beam or a driving beam or both and equipped with halogen filament lamps (H4 Lamps)”; + UNECE No.98 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps equipped with gas-discharge light sources”; + UNECE No.112 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicle headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing-beam or a driving-beam or both and equipped with filament lamps and/or light-emitting diode (LED) modules”; + UNECE No.123 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of adaptive frontlighting systems (afs) for motor vehicles”. 2.22.3. Illuminators and signal lamps must be installed firmly, ensure to maintain optical properties during operating. 2.22.4. Following lights must be installed in pair: front illuminators, turn signal light, hazard warning lights, position lights, brake lights (there are at least 02 brake lights installed in pair), led width signal lights. All lights in pair must meet these requirements: a) Is installed into vehicle and symmetrical median vertical plane along vehicle; b) Same color; 2.22.5. Installation position stipulated as Table 9.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Table 9 – Installation position of lamps (Dimension unit: mm) Height from parking ground TT

Name of lamp



to the bottom edge of the lamp

to the top edge of the lamp

Distance between two inside edges of the symmetrical lamps

Distance from the outside edge of the lamp to the outside edge of the vehicle






Headlamp (low beam)


≤1200 (1500)

≥600 (400)



Turning lamp


≤1500 (2100)

≥600 (400)



Position lamp


1500 (2100)

≥600 (400)



Brake lamp


≤1500 (2100)

≥600 (400)



Reversing lamp





Notes: - Value in bracket at column (4) is corresponding with some special cases when body

or structure of the vehicle does not allow it to be installed lamp in limited


- Value in bracket at column (5) is corresponding with the case when the vehicle has

full width less than 1300 mm.

2.22.6. Lamps must meet requirements in Table 10.


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Table 10 – Color, number, Illumination power and checking criteria by Observation of lights.


Type of lamp

high beam 1.

2. 3.

headl amps

Low beam

Front turning lamp Back turning lamp


Stop lamp


Reversing lamp


Front position lamp(3)



Back position lamp (Back-up lamp) Number Plate lamp


Minimum numbers

Illumination power or testing criteria by observation Illumination power (cd)

White or yellow light





Length of lighting band ≥ 100 m, width is 4 m (1)


Length of light band is no less than 50 m and it must ensure that obstacle is observed from the distance of 40 m

80÷ 700

Yellow/ red


40÷ 400



20÷ 100


1 (2)

80÷ 600


2 60

White or yellow



1 ÷ 12



2 ÷ 60


Testing criteria by observation

Must ensure that signal can be detected from the distance of 20 m in daylight condition

Must ensure that signal can be detected from the distance of 10 m in night light condition

Note: (1) To the main beams when testing by equipment (Vehicle in no load status, one

driver) : + For high beams: By vertical direction, light beam is not allowed to deviate: more than 0% upward; 2% downward for the lamps having installation height no more than 850 mm from ground; or 2.75% downward for the lamps having installation height more than 850 mm from ground. By horizontal direction, deviation of light beam is not allowed to exceed 2% to the right direction and 0% to the left d i r e c t i o n . + For Low beams: To the dipped beams when testing by equipment: By vertical direction, intersection between the “light and dark” line and conical part of the light beam must have upward deviation: does not exceed 0.5% in comparison with horizontal line for lamps having height less than 850 mm from the ground and does not exceed 1.25% for lamps having height greater than 850 mm from the ground. Intersection must have downward deviation: does not exceed 2% for the lamps having height from the ground less than 850 mm and does not exceed 2.75% for the lamps having height from the ground greater than 850 mm. By vertical direction, the intersection must have deviation: does not exceed 2.5 % to the left and does not exceed 0% to the r i g h t . (2) But no more than 2 lamps. (3) Front lamps can be used along with other lamps.


QCVN 09: 2015/BGTVT 2.22.7. Other requirements No permitted to install red light and reflected plate in front of vehicle. No permitted to install white light towards the rear (excluding reverse lights) For in headlamp: + When turning on low beams of headlamp, it is required to turn off high beams; + Must have working signal when using high beams Reverse lamp must be turned on when lever is in reverse gear and engine starting switch is in the position where the engine can work. Reserve must be turned off in case of not meeting either of above condition Number plate lamp must be on when turning on front lamp, it is impossible to turn on and off by switch. Brake lamp + Brake lamp must be on when driver acts upon main brake system; + In case simultaneously turn on brake lamp and rear lamp at the same time, brake lamp must be clearly brighter than rear lamp. Turn signal lamp + All turn signal lamp at the same side of vehicle must be flicker at the same phrase. Flicker frequency is from 60 ÷ 120 times/minute; + Duration from turning on switch to light signals to turn doesn’t exceed 1.5 second. Hazard lamp must blink at the same time and at the same frequency. Hazard lamp can be used at the same time with turn signal lamp. 2.23. Reflectors 2.23.1. Vehicle must be equipped reflector behind 2.23.2. Shape of reflectors cannot be triangle. 2.23.3 Light from reflectors must be seen clearly with distance 100m from rear of vehicle when it was lighted by head lamp of other v e h i c l e . 2.23.4 Color of reflectors is red. 2.24. Rear view mirror 2.24.1. Vehicle must be equipped rear view mirror, which makes driver clearly see traffic condition in the rear and at both sides. 35

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.24.2. External mirror must be placed in the position, where driver can easily see via side window or via the swept area by window washer switch on the windshield 2.24.3. Rear view mirror using for vehicles must meet requirements specified in Regulation QCVN 33:2011/BGTVT "National Technical Regulations on rear view mirror using for motor vehicles” or UNECE No.46 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of devices for indirect vision and of motor vehicles with regard to the installation of these devices” with equivalent or higher version. Rear view mirror shall be installed in accordance with requirements specified in Appendix 3.” 2.25. Wiper system Vehicle must be equipped wiper system in order to ensure driver’s vision via front windshield and must meet these following requirements: + Must have from 2 wiper frequencies or more; + Each wiper frequency is not less than 45 times/minute; + A wiper frequency is between 10 and 55 times/minute; + The difference between the highest wiper frequencies with one of the lower frequencies must not less than 15 times/minute. 2.26. Horn 2.26.1. Horn includes many separate parts, each part sounds a signal and independently operated by a particular control switch, called a horn system. Horn (or horn system) must have continuous sound with stable vo l u m e . 2.26.2. Horn volume (measure at the position at 7m far away from head of vehicle, and micro of measurement device is put nearly vertical median plane of vehicle with height from 0,5 m to 1,5 m) no less than 93 dB(A), no greater than 112 dB(A). 2.27. Speedometer 2.27.1.

Vehicle must be equipped with speedometer


Speed measuring unit on the speedometer is km/h

2.27.3. km/h.

Tolerances of the speedometer must be in the limit of -10% to + 20% at 40

2.28. Fire extinguishers, first aid kits. 2.28.1. Fire extinguishers: Vehicles carrying dangerous commodities, flammable goods, vehicle with 16 seats or more must equipped with fire extinguishers 2.28.2. First aid kits: All kinds of buses from 16 seats or more must have space for one or more first aid kits or driver’s compartments (contain first aid apparatus). Minimum volume of first aid kit or driver’s compartmented is 0,7 m3 and minimum dimension is 80 mm. Position for first aid kit or driver’s compartmented must be easily to use in 36



QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.29. Regulations on protecting environment 2.29.1 Exhaust emission limit Exhaust emission of vehicle must meet requirements in QCVN 05: 2009/BGTVT “National technical regulation on emission for automobiles of manufacture, assembly, brand-new import”, QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT “National technical regulation on emission limit with level 4 for automobiles of manufacture, assembly, brand-new import”. When testing exhaust emission according to rapid test method (test method stipulated in TCVN 6438 "Road transport - allowing maximum limit of emissions"): + For vehicle with spark-ignition engine, when checking in no-load mode, exhaust emission of vehicle must meet these following r e q u i r e m e n t s : - Cacbonmonoxit CO (% volume): ≤ 3,0; - Hydrocacbon HC (ppm volume): ≤ 600 for 4 stroke engine, ≤ 7800 for 2 stroke engine, ≤ 3300 for special engine. + For vehicles fitted with compression ignition engine, exhaust fumes of vehicle in free acceleration must be ≤ 50% HSU 2.29.2. Noise from vehicles when stopping measured by the method stipulated in TCVN 7880 " Means of road transport. The noise from automobile. Requirements and test methods for type approval’’ shall not exceed the allowed maximum noise level stipulated in Table 11. Table 11 - Allowed maximum noise level


Unit: dB(A) Allowed maximum noise level

Kind of vehicle


Passenger Cars



Truck, special purpose vehicle and vehicle carrying passengers with G ≤ 3500kg



Truck, special purpose vehicle and vehicle carrying passengers with G > 3500kg and P ≤ 150kW



Truck, special purpose vehicle and vehicle carrying passengers with G > 3500kg and P > 150kW


Note: - P : maximum output of engine; - G : Gross vehicle weight. 2.29.3.

It is not permitted to use Freon CFC in air conditioning equipment of vehicle.

2.30. Particular requirements for vehicles for the Disabled people


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 2.30.1. For vehicles driven by the Disabled people, control mechanism of vehicle operations must suit kinetic system of the Disabled people. 2.30.2. For vehicles accessed to use by the Disabled people, there must be the vehicle symbols for the Disabled people in appropriate positions in order that they can identify easily. 2.31. Single-purpose structure installed on vehicle (if any) must be installed firmly and must have instructions, notice or user manual of single-purpose structures to ensure safety when using. 3. REGULATION ON MANAGEMENT 3.1. Inspection, test and issue certificate 3.1.1.

Inspection, test method and issue certificate implemented according to Circular No. 30/2011/TT-BGTVT dated 15th April 2011 and Circular 54/2014/TT- BGTVT dated 20th October 2014 of Minister of Transport on “Regulation on safety technical and environmental quality inspection in produce, assembling motor vehicles” and Circular 30/2011/TT-BGTVT dated 15th April 2011 of Minister of Transport on “Regulation on safety technical and environmental quality inspection in produce, assembling motor vehicles” 3.1.2. Specifications and testing sample: Manufacturers, assembling, organization, individual have responsibility of providing specifications and testing samples in accordance with applicable regulations of Ministry of Transport.” 3.1.3. Inspection of grade ability mentioned at section 2.2.3 for specialized automobile, tractor truck and inspection of horizontal static stability angle of the vehicles stated in can be used calculation methods. 3.1.4. Inspection to determine effectiveness of the main brakes and parking brakes when trying on the road is applicable to inspection, testing of sample products. Inspection to determine effectiveness of the main brakes and parking brakes when trying on the testing belt is applicable to ex-factory inspection of the products in mass production. 3.1.5. Inspection emission under quick testing method specified at section is applicable to ex-factory inspection of the products in mass p r o d u c t i o n . 3.1.6. Manufacturers have responsible inspection of the products in mass production and assembling, ensuring the requirements in side slip at section 2.4.7, brake effectiveness at section 2.5.8, illumination power and deviation of head lamp at section 2.22.6, tolerances of the speedometer at section 2.27.3, and emission exhaust at section, noise level at section 2.29.2. Noise inspection of the the products manufactured and assembled in mass production can be conducted under probability inspection method. Manufacturing establishments must register with the quality management agency specifically about sampling rate and method for probability inspection. 39

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 3.1.7. Check, test and issue certificate for the vehicle with size, gross weight on the axle exceed than limit value specified in article 2.1.1 as following: The vehicle with gross weight on the axle exceed than limit value specified in article 2.1.1, checking div, testing div must calculate, adjust to get parameter meet requirements about vehicle weight allow to join traffic The vehicle with dimension, gross weight distributed on the axle exceed than limit value specified in article 2.1.1, checking and testing according to this regulation and record technical parameter according to request of register foundation. Result of checking, testing, issue certificate allow these vehicles only operate in narrow scope, not join traffic. For especial cases, if desire join traffic such as: moving from manufacturer, import to gathering areas; moving to maintenance, repairing foundation; moving to register foundation; goods transportation with special weight(not able disassembly) must be allowed by organization of road management and obey related regulations. 3.1.8. For vehicles which use new structure or new material, must submit related documents to designing, result of checking, testing or related documents to technology transferring. 3.2. For the vehicles which were inspected and tested following regulation at item 3.1 and have results consistent with this regulation will be granted Test report.

4. IMPLEMENTATION 4.1. Vietnam Register is responsible for implementation, giving instruction of this Regulation in inspection of technical safety and environmental protection for automobiles. 4.2. Implementation schedule 4.2.1. For the CKD and CBU vehicles granted Certificate of technical safety and environmental protection before valid time of QCVN 09: 20015/ BGTVT will be adopted after 18 months from the implementation date of this regulation. With air tank must be enough quantity and meet the Vietnam standards TCVN 6153 to TCVN 6156 pressure air tank or equivalent standard of overseas at section 2.5.7. Main air brake system must be meet requirements of QCVN 09:2011/BGTVT National technical regulation on safety and environmental protection for automobiles stop applying from time this technical regulation is valid 4.2.2. For CKD vehicles with first certificate of technical safety quality and environmental protection and CBU vehicle without certificate of safety quality and environmental protection, applying from 1st Jan 2017. 4.2.3. For the vehicle type approval and accept to operation: The requirements on testing material used for interior structure (2.1. 2.6), tires (2.3.2), light alloy wheel (2.3.5), safety glazing (2.20), headlamp (2.22.2), rearview mirror (2.24.3), fuel tank ( 40

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Are implemented according to the implementation roadmap prescribed in the corresponding of national technical regulation (QCVN). 4.2.4. The emission inspection, testing or testing exemption prescribed on Will be adopted in accordance with current regulation. The emission level prescribed at in accordance with QCVN 86:2015/BGTVT will be applied from 1 st Jan 2017. For vehicles are assembled from vehicles which granted certificate of quality and environment protection, it will be applied emission level of vehicles granted certificate of quality and environment protection. 4.2.5. Section 2.29.3 will be implemented according to the schedule of the Government on cutting, eliminating substances that deplete the ozone l a y e r . 4.3. Section do not apply for CBU; do not apply calculate formula to determine number permit people specified at section for CBU, however allow maximum gross weight of vehicle was determined according to definition at TCVN 6529 " Road vehicles-Masses-Vocabulary and codes " with calculate weight for one person at section not more than allow maximum gross weight according to announce of overseas manufacturer. 4.4. Section 2.19.7 will not be applied for trailer which only carry out specialized semitrailer. 4.5. If the national standards (TCVN) cited in this Regulation have corresponding Regulations, the Regulation shall be applied. If national technical regulation (QCVN) cited in this Regulation are newly issued or supplemented, amended, the new or amended or supplemented version of the Regulation shall be applied. The implementation road map shall follow that specified in regulations.”


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Appendix 1 METHOD OF DETERMINING PARTICULAR OSCILLATION FREQUENCY OF SUSPENSION SYSTEM OF AUTOMOBILES 1. Scope and subjects of application This Appendix specify methods of determining particular oscillation frequency and damping factor of suspension system of automobiles with 2 or more than 2 axis. 2. Trial condition 2.1.

Trial equipment and tooling

2.1.1. Equipment to measure oscillation frequency range from 0.3 Hz to 100 Hz. 2.1.2. Trial tooling: vehicle scale, temperature and moisture measurement tooling, tire pressure gauges, length measurement ruler and other auxiliary tooling. 2.2.


2.2.1. Vehicles must be loaded following design’s request. 2.2.2. Suspension system must follow vehicle’s design. 2.2.3. Vehicle’s tires must be new and have same type with design’s requirement; tire pressure must conform with manufacturer’s regulations. 2.3.

Trial environment

Weather without rain, temperature must be from 1 0C to 50 0C, relative humidity from 0% to 85% 3. Oscillating method Blowing are some oscillating methods:


3.1. Method 1 (only apply for 2 axis vehicle):



Picture 1-1- Diagram of oscillating principle under method 1 40

QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Let vehicle freefall at the height h ranging from 60mm to 120 mm so that when the wheels touch the floor, the chassis does not touch the docks limiting suspension system’s round (Picture 1-1) In special case, the height can be out of allowed height from 60mm to 1 2 0 m m . 3.2. Method 2: Press the chassis to 60mm to 120mm in compared with beginning position so that it does not touch the docks limiting suspension system’s round. Stop pressing suddenly to create oscillation. 4. Trial preparation 4.1. Inspect trial sample according to section 2.2 4.2. Determine parameters of the sample 4.3. Install measurement equipment 4.3.1. Measurement end installation position For the part not be hanged: install at the chassis needing measurement; For the hanged part: install at the vehicle floor right above the chassis. In case the measurement end cannot be installed directly on the vehicle flow, it is allowed to install it at a nearby position ensuring that oscillation of the hanged part needing measurement is determined. 4.3.2. Requirements when installing measurement end Measurement end must be installed steadily at right position ensuring not touching the chassis or any hard objects during the measurement. 4.3.3. Combination measurement ends with other parts of the equipment must ensure that vehicle oscillation does not affect equipment performance. 4.3.4. After installation, inspect equipment performance 5. Trial implementation Implement trial three times under following steps: 5.1. Put the vehicle to trial position, stop the engine and set up the gear stick at medium position (number “0”) 5.2. Create oscillation for the vehicle with one of the methods mentioned at 3. 5.3. Record and save the oscillation signal obtained. Time to get the signal is no less than 3s 41

5.4. Process trial data according to 6. and make trial result report


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 6. Process trial result On the damping oscillation curve measured on the vehicle’s body (picture 1 - 2a) and the axle (picture 1-2b) recorded by the oscillation measurement equipment, read the particular oscillation frequency T1 of the vehicle’s body and T2 of the axle. Axle and damping coefficient of the vehicle’s body oscillation as f o l l o w s : 6.1. Calculate Particular oscillation frequency of vehicle’s body and axel: f 1=

In which:

1 ; T 1

1 f2= T2

f1: particular oscillation frequency of vehicle’s body (Hz); T1: particular oscillation cycle of vehicle’s body (s); f2: particular oscillation frequency of vehicle’s axle (Hz); T2: particular oscillation cycle of vehicle’s axle (s); Z(t): damping free oscillation acceleration of vehicle’s body (m/s 2); £(t): damping free oscillation acceleration of vehicle’s axle (m/s 2).

Picture 1-2a – Damping oscillation Curve of the body.

Hình 1-2b - Damping oscillation Curve of the axle

6.2. Damping coefficient of half cycle D of vehicle’s body oscillation: A D= 1 A2 43

In which:

A1: amplitude value from the second peak to the third peak; A2: amplitude value from the third peak to the fourth peak;


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT 6.3. damping coefficient ψ of vehicle’s body oscillation: ψ=

In which:

1 2 1  2 ln D

ψ= 3,14; ln: natural logarithm.

When damping coefficient of half cycle D is small (A3 does not reduce suddenly), Khi giá trị hệ số tắt dần nửa chu kỳ D nhỏ, ( A 3 không giảm một cách đột ngột ), damping coefficient of total cycle D’ can be taken: A D’ = 1 A3 In which: A3: amplitude value from the fouth peak to the fifth peak. body oscillation: ψ= 1

1 4 2 ln 2 D'

6.4. During processing trial result time, in case there is abnormal, it is required to cancel the result and conduct the trial again. 6.5. The final trial result is the average value of three trial times


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Appendix 2 REQUIREMENTS FOR LPG, CNG CONTAINER 1. Regarding LPG container 1.1. LPG container must be equipped with enough quantity and meeting the requirements specified in technical regulation, national regulation of Vietnam or specified UNECE No.67 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Approval of specific equipment of vehicle of category M and N using liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system; II.Approval of vehicles of category M and N fitted with specific equipment for the use of liquefied petroleum gases in their propulsion system with regard to the installation of such equipment” or oversea equivalent standard. 1.2. Installation of the container must comfort with following requirements: + Containers must be installed steadily on the vehicle’s body not in the passenger compartment and engine compartment ensuring safety when being suffered from external impact and are reasonably ventilated. + There must be no contact between metal and metal except for the fixed installation position of the containers + In case the containers and fuel pipe are installed at the position that might bear influence from heat of the exhaust pipe, muffler, they must be protected with appropriate insulation. + Vent door of the airtight cover of the containers of at the escape section of the vehicle must have downward direction but it is not allowed to direct the vent air to the wheel arch cover or other heat source such as exhaust p i p e . 2. Regarding CNG containers 2.1. CNG container must be equipped with enough quantity and meet requirements specified in technical regulation, national regulation of Vietnam or specified UNECE No.110 “Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Specific components of motors vehicle using compressed natural gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system; II.Vehicles with regard to the installation of specified components of an approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system” or oversea equivalent standard 2.2. Installation of the container must confront with following requirements: + Containers must be installed steadily on the vehicle’s body not in the passenger compartment and engine compartment ensuring safety when being suffered from external impact and are reasonably ventilated. + There must be no contact between metal and metal except for the fixed installation position of the containers


QCVN 09 : 2015/BGTVT Appendix 3 REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLING REAR MIRROR 1. General requirements Vehicles must be installed with at least two main external mirrors (type II or type III), each mirror is installed at one side of the vehicle. Besides, it is optional to install type IV mirror (the external mirror with wide view angle) with optional numbers of mirrors ; Particularly, regarding the vehicles with total weight not exceeding 7.5 tons, it is allowed to added type V mirror (external mirror with close view angle) with optional numbers of mirror. All of the rearview mirrors must be adjustable 2. Requirements for the mirror installation position 2.1. Mirrors must be installed at the position so that at normal driving position, the driver can see clearly two sides the road by the rear vie w. 2.2. Mirrors must be visible through the side window or through the portion scanned on the windshield with a wiper. 2.3. When the vehicle is full loaded, if the lower edge height of the mirror is less than 2m in compared with parking floor, the outermost points of the mirror must not protrude more 200 mm in compared with the side of the ve h i c l e . 2.4. Regarding type V mirror : No part of the mirror or protection cover is allowed to have the height less than 2m in compared with the parking floor when the vehicle is full loaded 3. Requirements for the sight distance with type II, type III mirror 3.1. External mirror on the left side of the vehicle must ensure that the driver can see the horizontal, flat, wide line from at least 2.5m courted from the outermost point of the left side of the vehicle to the middle of the road and 10m far from the driver’s view by rear side of the vehicle. 3.2. External mirror on the right side of the vehicle must ensure that the driver can see the horizontal, flat, wide line from at least : + Regarding cars and trucks (with total weight of more than 2 tons) : 4m counted from the plane parallel to the vertical median plane of the vehicle and passing through the outermost point on the left side of the vehicle and being 20m far from the driver’s view to the rear side (picture 3-1) ; + Regarding other vehicles: 3.5 m counted from the plane parallel to the vertical median plane of the vehicle and passing through the outermost point on the left side of the vehicle and 30m far from the driver’s view to the rear side. Besides, the drivers must see the road section having the width from 0.75m upwards stretching from the point being 4m far from the vertical plane passing the driver’s sight to the rear side 47

(picture 3-2)




Mirror sight at the ground

Mirror sight at the ground


watching point of the driver

Rear ` Figure 3-1 - For rear mirror of cars and trucks (the types with total weight of no more than 2 tons)

Rear Mirror

Mirror sight at the ground

Mirror sight at the ground watching point of the driver

Mirror sight at the ground

Rear Mirror

Figure 3-2 – For rear mirror of other vehicle type 49