Slim Spurling Rings, Sizes and Uses [PDF]

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SLIM SPURLING LIGHT RINGS AND USES Subtle energy Light-LifeTM Tools are the invention of researcher and biochemist, Slim Spurling (1938-2007), who brought the ancient benefits of quantum physics into the hands and homes of people who care about personal and planetary wellness. It begins with a simple cubit length of copper wire twisted and folded back into itself to make a ring. The ring creates an open space or "active area" known as the tensor field. Whatever is placed within the circle or sphere of influence is enlivened and positively effected by the field.

With these tools the applications are limitless. Once the principles are understood,it's easy to see how individuals, communities, and the earth itself can benefit from this technology. Field tests have showns shifts when a tensor field is introduced. Some tests have shown the following subtle energy changes including: rapid healing of soft tissue and bone; pain reduction; enhanced water quality; reduced effects from noxious radiation; pollution of water, air and soil reduced; improved crop yields and pest control; improved gas mileage.

Light-Life® Rings Light-Life(R) RingsThere seems to be no limit to how you can use Light-Life® Rings to enhance your life. The rings bring positive lifeforce energy to everything within their fields, which contributes to improving overall health and well-being. In your life, this means our Light-Life® Rings speed up the healing process, combat fatigue, relieve allergy symptoms, reduce pain and stress, enhance the flavor and nutritional benefits of your foods, and potentize water (for drinking and for watering plants). You can also use the Light-Life® Rings to increase the vibrational frequency of energy in and around your body, to promote healing, cleansing, well-being, and balance. You also can use this technology to reduce pain and stress, speed up the healing process, reduce the effects of harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), Potenize water and energy healingcombat fatigue, relieve allergy symptoms, enhance the flavor and nutritional benefits of foods, and charge water for drinking and for watering plants. In fact, the Light-Life® Rings are known to exhibit a profound effect on water. The light field emitted imparts "livingness" to water, which enhances your life force when consumed, and is also used to nourish plants and animals. Plants grow more lush and full with fewer pests. We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use our LightLife® Rings, and here are some common uses: Wear a ring around your wrist to combat pain from overuse Place a ring under or around your water glass to charge and potentize your water Place a ring over your heart area, or any area where you're

experiencing pain, injury or discomfort Place a ring around the neck of your pet, when it has a tumor in this area Place a ring around your potted plants to help them recover and grow Sit on a ring during your workday to reduce fatigue and remain focused Sit on a ring in the car to reduce fatigue on long road trips Place a ring in the trunk of your car where your groceries are on the way home from the store, to energize them and help keep them fresh Place a ring over your fill pipe or outgoing water line to potentize your water Place a ring under your massage table or near the chair you use during sessions in order to speed up the healing process Use a ring in combination with an Acu-Vac Coil and a Feedback Loop by hooking them both onto the ring to create super-potentized water

Increases oxygen flow and gives you more energy. A great tool for reducing pain/discomfort in you and your pets. Best used for outdoor applications and plants. Great for use on horses and other large animals; as well as reducing effects of EMFs and Geopathic Stress. Works perfectly for aura showers/clearing and for grounding.

Reducing stress, alleviating pain, speeding up the healing process…the personal uses for Light-Light® Tools are endless and can bring vitality and health into your life. Placing any Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring on areas of discomfort

seems to bring fast relief. To benefit from a good night's sleep, the latest reports advocate holding an Acu-Vac Coil while falling asleep. If you have respiratory problems, allergic reactions, or hay fever, we recommend trying a Nose Mask. It has supported better breathing for many. To protect yourself and your children from electromagnetic fields (EMF) coming off your cell phones and cordless phones at home, we recommend putting one of our Phone Ring Sets on your phone. To reduce the effects of electromagnetic fields (e.g., cell phone towers), activate a Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Environmental Harmonizer Silver-Plated with the Environmental Clearing CD. Many cases from Germany reported this Harmonizer eliminates the effects of the Hartmann Grid. It has to be on 24/7. Meditation or Relaxation: Sit in one of our 3 1/2 Sacred or Lost Cubit Light-Life® Rings. One of our clairvoyants held the Light-Life® Agricultural Harmonizer in her hands and was able to feel the energy going through her body, cleansing her organs. She suggested using it as body cleanser and clearing tool. According to several of our gifted healers, our Lotus Pendants help reset the DNA to its original blueprint. The Sacred Cubit seems to do the ground work; the Lost Cubit, the fine tuning. Sitting on a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring has a noticeable effect in shortening the time required to achieve a meditative state, calming and centering the mind. All Personal Harmonizers are a unique combination of the principles of the Light-Life®Ring and the Acu-Vac Coil. To the clairvoyant, they emit a cosmic coherent holographic light field in a radius of approximately 5-12 feet. This seems to ensure a protective shield within the Sacred Cubit and Unity Personal Harmonizers. A Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring around stiff wrists and shoulders may help the areas relax and eliminate pain within a few hours.

Placing a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring on the head can help relieve certain types of headaches. Passing a 3 1/2 Sacred or Lost Cubit Light-Life®Ring around the body, top to bottom several times, is very energizing first thing in the morning or when tired later in the day. A 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring under the mattress has relieved chronic back spasm and sleeplessness. A 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life®Ring around an emotionally stressed individual helps to restore their composure. Sleep with a 1 Sacred Cubit Plain Jane Light-Life® Ring under your pillow to help induce a good night’sleep. This also has, at times, the additional benefit of producing some very vivid dreams. The Lost Cubit Acu-Vac Coil performs well in situations where pain, darkness, resistance, or negativity is rooted at the emotional or mental levels. Lost Cubit Coils seem to suck the truth about the pain out into the open. Once brought to light, the crux of the problem can be addressed consciously and the primary issue is often released instantaneously. The Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizers seem to work more on the mental and emotional state and have shown to have an uplifting quality about them. Our Lotus Pendants: Are made of several rings and work differently. According to some of our research associates, they have the potential to reset the DNA to its original blue print. Seem to help calm and quite the internal cellular structure and allows the person to come into oneness by wearing one throughout the day. Seem to affect each area differently. Take advantage of the native intelligence of this pendant by laying it on each of the main chakras for five seconds every morning before rising and every evening before going to sleep. This has been shown to nourish and

balance each chakra. The Sacred Cubit Lotus Pendant, silver-plated, can help to amplify creative expression, and give the wearer a sense of empowerment. Seems to organize the cellular structure when worn throughout the day, allowing the person to maintain a state of peace. The Lotus Pendantsand Seed of Life Rings do have a direction and need to be cleansed by moving your fingers up and down and to the left and right, NOT in a circular motion. They pick up the energy of the person wearing it. They also seem to raise vibrations on a cellular level and may support faster healing.

How is a Harmonizer used? An Environmental Harmonizer basically acts like a broadcast station. Etheric oils or Bach Flower Remedies that you put on a tissue can be tucked within the small hoops. Then the Harmonizer will take them in and radiate them continuously. The intention of the Practitioner may add value but the geometry is the “working” factor. I used the Harmonizer to broadcast the frequencies of gems and crystals as well; you can either put them physically within the hoops, or put an elixir or lotion made with them on some tissue between the

hoops. Using the Harmonizer to enhance the use of mudras. Another application of the Harmonizer is one that lets you combine its running of energy with the application of mudras. Hold it between your thumb (base side of the EV) and index finger (upper part of the EV) and then alternate between index finger, middle finger, ring finger, pinky and repeat index, middle, ring, pinky, it will amplify the energy running through the circuit you create by making the specific mudra of putting thumb and another finger together. By creating these eight mudras you work with the 7 chakras and soul star, focusing on them. ***

Light-Life(R) Harmonizer Family The Light-Life® Harmonizers are designed and reported to clean the environment (including air, water, and soil) without the use of chemicals, and create a harmonious field around them. Each Harmonizer is a combination of rings and a coil shaped into a 3dimensional sphere that creates a unique, continuous flow of energy. Research has shown that they emit a Life Field (L-field) that has a positive output. To the clairvoyant, the Harmonizers appear to emit a coherent holographic light field, which increases the vibrational frequency of the nearby energy, cleaning the environment and your personal energy field. All of our Harmonizers appear to have the unique property of generating a harmonious field around them, cleaning up air pollution, encouraging plant growth, and raising consciousness. We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use our Harmonizers. Here are some common uses:

Wear a Personal Harmonizer as jewelry or put it in your pocket to protect your energy field and have a positive effect on the people in your vicinity Place a Harmonizer within your home or business to encourage clarity, harmony, efficiency and to reduce the effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Play the included Environmental Clearing CD to activate your Harmonizer (to substantially increase its power and radius) Activate your Environmental Harmonizer to reduce the effects of chemtrails Activate your Environmental or Agricultural Harmonizer to divert tornedos or hurricanes Use your Environmental or Agricultural Harmonizer to encourage plant growth without pesticides Place positive intentions into the Harmonizer to send them out to the universe Recharge the Harmonizer by putting it in the included Light-Life® Ring for a few hours or overnight Gold Harmonizers: These have been shown to effect pollution, storms, soil & water better. Silver Harmonizers: These have been used more for EMF protection, Geopathic stress and radiation protection. The Personal Harmonizer is a unique combination of the Light-Life® Ring and the Acu-Vac Coil in motion. The Sacred Cubit Personal Harmonizer is ¾” x ¾” in size and affects an area approximately five to seven feet around and through the body. The Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer is the size of a quarter and affects an area approximately eight to ten feet around and through the body. The Unity Personal Harmonizer is a combination of the Sacred Cubit inside and the Lost Cubit outside. It affects an area of about 10-15 feet around and through the body. Its energy field fine structure seems to exclude or significantly reduce the influences of electromagnetic and psychic energy forms.

This seems to be also the case for the Synergy Personal Harmonizer that are a combination of all three cubit measurements: Sacred, Lost, and New Cubit (Empowerment Cubit). This seems to go out to about 25-30 feet radius. Our own personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the all the Harmonizers light force energies.

Light-Life® Feedback Loops The difference between the Light-Life® Acu-Vac Coil and the LightLife® Feedback Loop is that the Feedback Loop draws out negative energy, and then feeds it back into the body as positive energy. We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use our LightLife® Feedback Loops. Here are some common uses: Position the Feedback Loop toward you to pull out pain from an area Place a Feedback Loop in a vertical position next to your bed to break up disharmonious energies, restore balance and enjoy a good night's sleep Speed up the the knitting of broken bones by moving the loop up and down over the break To remove pain (i.e. migraine) faster, hook it onto an Acu-Vac Coil to increase healing power Use the Feedback Loop in combination with an Acu-Vac Coil by hooking them both onto a Light-Life® Ring to create super potentized water.

Light-Life Phone Rings Due to electronic devices getting smaller in recent years, we created a small size of our Light-Life Phone Rings. The small Light-Life® Phone Rings are comprised of one 1/16 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring and one 1/16 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring within an adhesive leather case measuring 1.5" x 0.75", and is designed and reported to: • Improve overall health and well-being • Protect against harmful EMFs to decrease premature aging at a

cellular level • Neutralize harmful EMFs when placed cell or wireless phone

Other suggestions for applications with Harmonizer: 1. Put a piece of puffball (funghi) in the center of the Harmonizer and activate it with the Environmental Clearing CD. the puffball has antibacterial and antiviral properties and has been very helpful in cleaning the environment of noxious substances. 2. Put some drops of an essential oil on a cottonwood pad and place inside the Harmonizer. It circulates the vibrational properties of the essential oil in your environment. > Light-Life® Environmental Harmonizer Sacred Cubit, 24K Gold Plated This tool is designed and reported to: 1. Clean air pollution 2. Divert tornadoes 3. Harmonize, energize, and balance Environmental Harmonizer Sacred Cubit, Silver Plated

This tool is designed and reported to: 1. Reduce the effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) 2. Reduce electro smog 3. Eliminate the effects of the Hartmann Grid when activated 24/7 with the included Environmental Clearing CD. (The Hartmann Grid, discovered by and named for a German medical doctor, Dr. Ernest Hartmann, is a radiation grid that encompasses the planet and is harmful to all living things.)

Please note: Reports from many Feng Shui practitioners, in addition to our own research, has shown that the Light-Life® Sacred Cubit, Environmental Harmonizer, silver-plated can reduce the effects of the Hartmann Grid to a larger extent than the Light-Life® Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer, 24K gold-plated (which does reduce the effects to a certain degree, but not to the extent of the silver-plated). LOSTCUBIT HARMONIZER This tool is designed and reported to: 1. Increase plant growth 2. Restore soil 3. Clean water (PLEASE NOTE: for larger agricultural areas and rivers, visit our Agricultural page). Environmental Harmonizer Lost Cubit, Silver Plated This tool seems to help: 1. Balance emotional instability 2. Detoxify the body Other Light-Life® Tools to use for severe storm abatement and diverting tornadoes and hurricanes are any of the Agricultural Harmonizers and/or the Storm Chaser. 3 1/2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring, 24K Gold Plated This ring is our largest ring and is therefore very useful for larger areas. It is designed and reported to: 1. Protect you from the negative effects of a satellite dish that points toward your house or apartment, when you learn it against an outside wall or hang it on an inside wall. 2. Bring rain instead of hail, when hail clouds, recognizable by their grey-greenish dark color, are scanned with the ring. Various Light-Life® Rings

All of our rings are designed and reported to: 1. Enhance the quality of your water when placed around a glass or jar of water. 2. Protect you and your family from harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) when you place one around your: a. Smart Meter b. Fuse breaker box c. Computer d. Monitor e. Arm, when working on the computer

Sacred Measurements Measurements that Produce Beneficial Frequencies Tensor Rings (by The thick wire below is about 5.19 mm [ was never checked ] 4 gauge The middle wire is 2.59 mm - 10 - gauge. The bottom one is 1.63 mm -14 gauge.

Tensor Rings can utilize Cubit fractions and combinations of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 1 1/2, 3 1/2. 14 AWG [ 1.63 mm dia. ] - for 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 lengths. 10 to 12 AWG [ 2.59mm and 2.05mm ] - for 1 1/2, 1, 1/2 lengths. 4 AWG [ 5.19 mm ] - for 3 1/2 lengths. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

144 MHZ Cubit~ aka Sacred or Royal Cubit. Comes from the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Slim Spurling's Cubit. Known for its work in the Physical. 20.63 inches ~ 52.4 cm 177 MHZ Cubit~ aka Lost Cubit. Discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling. This Cubit length was created out of a mathematical formula. The 177 MHz Tensor Field is known for its connection with the Etheric and Emotional bodies. 23.49 inches ~ 59.67 cm 188 MHZ Cubit~aka New Cubit. Synergizes well with the 144 and 177. Resonates with and decalcifies the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs. Brought to us by a Master Dowser. Was also given to Slim Spurling before he passed; his widow calls it the Empowerment Cubit. 28.85748 inches ~ 73.3 -----------------------------------

Galactic Cubit~ Two dowsers connect to Source and ask for a Cubit length they could use- they received something that works unlike any other Tensor Ring. The Galactic Cubit connects with the Higher Soul Self and works with all of the Soul's Aspect. At each twist you will find a Tube Torus. Each individual tube torus pulls in positive and negative energy, sending it out as a non-dualistic energy ~ a whole and complete energy. These tiny toroids also act as DNA scrubbers. Soul is the consciousness that is in control of frequencies and Light that come through the ring. 61.8728 cm This Ring prefers a looser twist than the standard Rings. The Galactic Cubit measure is the basis to the Ascension Ring. ---------------------------

Standard Teotihuacan Unit (STU)There is much information about this cubit measure: where it came from, the creation of the etheric template, and what it can do. The Balance and Harmony Ring is the result. Here are the details. The Rings cut from this Cubit can be used in 1/4, 1/2, etc., just as standard Tensor Rings, as well as in the 1/3 increments to create a working Ring. 41.7086614" or 105.94 cm This Cubit can be used in creating Straight-Line frequencies. There is one prerequisite, and a few suggested exercises, to connect with these Templates.

These Heavy Duty Rings currently come in various sizes: The 3 inch Ring (inside diameter) will fit most as a bracelet, and is a very practical and portable size tool. My absolute favorite. 6 gauge The 13 inch Ring is a versatile size for both Active and Passive use. 6 gauge The 20 and 27 inch Rings are Ultra Heavy Duty gauge of Rings made of the 4 gauge copper wire. The 27” is slightly larger than the Large Ascension Ring, and they work PHENOMENALLY well together. The smallest of the Rings still contains the same Etheric Template, and is just as powerful. They work very well as pendants or to carry in your pocket or key-chain. The 1/9 Cubit Harmony Ring is of a heavy 8 gauge construction Again, it is not the size of the physical Ring, as all contain the same potent and powerful template. Using the etheric Ring can be much more expansive than using the only the physical Ring…

---------------------------------------------This connection can only be done through the Sacred Space of the Heart, which is found within most videos on our YouTube channel. Here is our YouTube Channel: It is suggested to have an active MerKaBa Field to assist in your connection. Make sure you are energetically clear at the time of creation. i.e. energetic attachments, non-beneficial entity attachments, etc. Create an energetically clear space to work in. Everything you need to know about energy clearing and the activations, can be found on our YouTube channel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------333 MHZ Cubit~ Changes the color of sound and works well with Sound Healing. Brought in by a Master Dowser. It seems it may have a relation to King Solomon's Temple. Works as a Straight Line Cubit. 39.3131568 inches ~ 99.8554 cm 764 MHZ Cubit~ One side of the 27" Ring has a Black Whole, or absence of energy, while the other side creates a tornado style field. The tornado field always travels toward magnetic North. You can change the "polarity" if the output simply by intention. Possible uses of teleportation and tornado wrestling. Pulls in and transmutes dense energy. Brought in by a Master Dowser.

77.55836 inches ~ 196.9982344 cm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tensor Technology Straight Line Cubits These Cubits can be utilized in fractions of 1/3, such as 1/3, 2/3, 1, 1-1/3, etc. Sacred Cubit- 25.025” or 63.520 cm 1/3 of this length (21 cm) produces the sine wave of the frequency of the hydrogen atom. Black Cubit- 21.352” or 54.153 cm Both Cubits above are used in ourKeys and Starbursts, and work similar to Tensor Fields in their elctro- and geo- magnetic restructuring. Remen Cubit- 14.583” or 37.441 cm This is the Cubit Bill Reid uses in his version of the Starburst design Click here for more information

on Doug Benjamins discoveries of these three Straight Line Cubits from the Great Pyramid 333 MHZ Cubit39.3131568" or 99.8554 cm Is this possibly the true Meter??? Works as both a Tensor Ring and Straight Lined Cubit


Twistedsage Studios …Committed to raising vibrations across the globe Call: 605-890-1110

Harmony Cubit admin Oct 8, 2014 Uncategorized 0 You are welcome to read all about the new Teotihuacan Cubit measure that has came into being. We waited three weeks for it to step down in frequency and geometry to get here… and we still had to pull it in to this plane!!! Here is the story: The Ring cleanses distortion fields from around the body very quickly. Lower vibrations change fast into whatever they need to be or

they just evaporate. The Ring creates a stronger connection to your entire Entourage- all of those who walk with You in the Highest and Best for You- allowing you to become more fully aware of your Entourage. The ring is vibrating to three vibrations- past, present and future, helping to integrate them into a higher frequency. Elementals of Earth come through the Ring to bring in Remembering Codes, but not like Codes from the Sun. The Ring brings you in touch with Earth, as a Human of Earth. Balance of Mind Body Spirit. Codes from the Sun shine through the Ring, coming through our Sun from places such as the Central Sun, moving the Earth into a whole new frequency. If not ready to accept these Codes, they won’t come through. If you are ready, they will enter the Pineal and travel through to the Heart. There are matching Codes within the Heart that match those coming through the Ring. When you are in Harmony and Balance, and the time is right, these Codes Activate. They Activate what are strictly your Gifts. connected to the Earth Elemental of Water- smaller gauge Rings (coming soon) will work better with water than any previous Cubit, while the thicker gauge Ring works really well with the body. As connections are made and You enter into Balance and Harmony in the Heart, and your Mind is settled, you hear and know and see more than you ever have in the past. Simply go with the intent of doing so, along with the knowingness that you can. Contains the Etheric Template of both the 5D Animator and the Ascension Rings Ethereally use the chamber at night by visualize Ring above head or around Heart, creating a column of light around you.

Ring works when there is an allowing of Mind, Body, and Soul. The Soul is on board, as it is for the Highest and Greatest Good. The unconsciousness of the Body knows, it is on board as well. The Mind is the one that needs to be on board. To use the Ring for all that the Chamber does, there needs to be an Allowing to happen. Again, the Body and Soul are allowing the experience, it is the Mind that needs something to hold onto- some Brain Candy perhaps… :) One of my favorite uses: placing the Ring on the crown for a couple of minutes, allowing it to sink down and around the Pineal… this is super powerful and you can then replicate it at anytime, with or without the Ring….. and now you are using the etheric Ring :) One of our tool readers said: “This ring is like a record keeper Crystal. I am seeing far into the past and feeling and experiencing what things were like as far as I want to go. It even works for other planets. It really connects me to the physical ness of Earth or Venus or whatever planet I focus on. So I see why it clears distortion of the physical body it works well on the third plane and brings awareness to a person of all the other planes. And more. So yes this ring is a good water ring and stone ring too.” These Heavy Duty Rings currently come in various sizes: The 3 inch Ring (inside diameter) will fit most as a bracelet, and is a very practical and portable size tool. My absolute favorite. 6 gauge The 13 inch Ring is a versatile size for both Active and Passive use. 6 gauge The 20 and 27 inch Rings are Ultra Heavy Duty gauge of Rings made of the 4 gauge copper wire. The 27” is slightly larger than the Large Ascension Ring, and they work PHENOMENALLY well

together. The smallest of the Rings still contains the same Etheric Template, and is just as powerful. They work very well as pendants or to carry in your pocket or key-chain. The 1/9 Cubit Harmony Ring is of a heavy 8 gauge construction Again, it is not the size of the physical Ring, as all contain the same potent and powerful template. Using the etheric Ring can be much more expansive than using the only the physical Ring…

Descriptions of the Etheric Templates of the Ascension Ring and the 5D Animator. The Ascension Ring properties: Contains every known straight-lined Cubit and Tensor Ring frequency Available within the Rings are: the highest aspects of the Plant, Mineral, and Crystal Kingdoms Earth Elementals The Council of Light On every twist of the wire you will find a tube torus that surrounds each of these nodes Each tube torus pulls in positive and negative energy, sending it out as a non-dualistic energy – a whole and complete energy The tiny toroids also act as DNA scrubbers The Galactic Cubit connects with the Higher Soul Self and works with all of the Soul’s Aspects The 5D Animator properties: Brings together Higher Soul Self and all of your Soul’s Aspects, bringing ALL of YOU into alignment within the column of Light Cleans, Clears, and brings back Soul Shards of yours and Releases Cleans Clears and returns ones that you may carry of others, throughout time, space, and dimensions

Cuts any non-beneficial energetic cords Raises vibration of the multidimensional you for all work to take place Physical, Mental, Emotional healing and clearing is available to whatever degree that is acceptable to you Cleans Clears Balances Aligns Chakras Releases Soul Contracts that no longer serve you Releases Entities that are non-beneficial, including those related to Soul Contracts Archangels Michael and Raphael step in to usher any Beings that were attached, to where is for the Highest and Greatest good, including any Earthbound spirit attachments Cleans and Clears non-beneficial energetic implants Unlocks DNA and all the eternal wisdom it carries for you Connects to your Star Family, completing your DNA uploads Connects you to your Soul Family, completing your Soul Codes Activates the MerKaBa, not only the 8-pointed Star Tetrahedron connected to the physical body, but all MerKaBa Fields of you and your aspects that are for the Highest and Greatest Good And so much more that we are not seeing at this time An Introduction to the Council of Light The Rays of the Council of Light are an integral part of the Ascension Ring The Council of Light connects automatically through the Ring Your Higher Soul Self is introduced to the Council of Light The Council ushers Source Light into specific Light Rays These Rays are available to the Soul and all of its aspects The Light Rays are much more than we understand right now The Higher Soul Self is the one to access the Ascension Ring Your Soul is the consciousness that wields the available frequencies and Light The Soul will use the Ascension Ring for its Highest and Greatest Good When a person is in connection with their Soul, they will have a higher perspective of the outcome from this tool All aspects utilize the Ascension Ring properties, including the

aspect of YOU The Cubit length that creates this new Ring is the basis for the ancient Mesoamerican city, Teotihuacan. Translated as the “birthplace of the Gods”, Teotihuacan contains the great Temple of the Sun. This unit of measure has also been found in Bolivia at “the Gate of the Sun,” in Ancient Egypt, at Stonehenge, and other megalithic structures around the world. The Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid of Egypt have an identical base-lengths even!!! The American civil engineer Hugh Harleston has done extensive research and found undeniable evidence for the measures of Teotihuacan being connected to both the circumference and the radius of the Earth on a scale of 100,000:1- all cut from the Standard Teotihuacan Unit Cubit length. He has proven that the layout of Teotihuacan encodes information about the shape, size and movement of the Earth. In numerology, there is a plethora of clues to lost information associated with the Standard Teotihuacan Cubit length. There are repeating numbers throughout the physical structure of Teotihuacan and the Standard Teotihuacan Unit of measure, one of which is the number pattern related to the Stem Cell sequence… to our DNA. The Creation Story: Scott Miller, Master Alchemist at The Crystal Hotel, suggested creating a Ring out of the STU (Standard Teotihuacan Unit). On September 2nd, the Ring created out of that length was found to be hollow-like. We could not find the Etheric Template related to this Ring, and so I asked a friend to see what her and Slim could see with the Etheric Template. We are getting that it is ‘hollow’. Not a working tensor ring, but the only intention was to make the specific length. There is a long discussion i am having with myself in regards to creating tools. I know this ring could be a working ring with the intentions (possibly working for more than just myself, but that’s another conversation). I would

like to use a cubit that is already established in the ethers and then work with that one…. but, here’s the other part of conversation…. did slim find the Royal Cubit length was already working, or did he create it ethereally? If that is the case, that changes everything…. The royal cubit was already working. This new one is waiting to be connected to new energy. It’s like it’s not on yet. The rings have guardians that work with them have you noticed? This new one has created a ripple in the universe and I see Beings organizing to bring it into the web of light. Huge vortex of energy opening up now because of this physical ring. It’s in a chaos state at the moment but it will stabilize in the next few days. It is wonderful, brings a tear to my eye, so flipping exciting!!! I know. It’s being calibrated Slim says. I will sit and see and ask if the bigger me can be a part, as well as me me. Physical me wants to ask that it does become the 432 MHz and work with the heart… September 6th– …curious to know what you see with this new cubit. I believe I may have to yet create it in the ethers. Melissa doesn’t see the etheric tool there, and wondered how the web of light you saw plays into the etheric aspect of the ring…. I know the galactic cubit was a working ring when I made the first one, and then created the etheric version based on it, which is the ascension ring. anyways, just trying to get a grasp on how the creation works. I have asked the master builder aspect of me to jump in and be of service in the creation of the tool, but not sure if the conscious 3d me needs to take an active role with intention to create whatever it is from this “blank” template…. It looks like the energy and geometry of each ring has to step down to 3rd density. The new cubit is still stepping down. It will be done by next new moon it looks like. There is a lot of activity going on so this new ring can fully be activated. And the higher consciousness of you has everything covered. Just be open and listen for what needs to be

done. perfect! September 26th – It’s Here!!!!! Wowza!!! You are welcome to connect and look at the Ring now… just completed the Etheric side of things. Otherwise, here is some of what seeing with the Balance and Harmony Ring: adding the templates of the Ascension Ring (and everything it encompasses) along with the etheric 5D Animator template…. wow!!! Went from burning fire to cool flowing waters!!!!

It was a couple days after the New Moon that I called my sister Brenda to ask her help seeing what needed to be done to manifest the new Ring. She said she was going to pull it into this dimension, and so we both grabbed on and pulled it into a reachable plane. It was hot and fiery, she remarked that it was burning her hand. She was amazed at how it connected the Dimensions unlike any other Ring. After it was fully brought into the physical, it seemed the physical Ring was not nearly as powerful as the Ehteric version. Brenda saw the Ring was not complete. The entire gamut of frequencies and properties that are present in the Ascension Rings were brought into the Etheric Template of the new Cubit. Brenda got the Ring was still not completely there yet. I felt there was some big piece still missing as well. The Etheric Template of the 5D Animator popped in, and I infused it into the Etheric of the new Cubit. They kept telling Brenda “Balance and Harmony.” I set the intentions of all infusions into the Etheric Template be in Balance and Harmony with each other, as well as with each person who uses the Ring, and with every multidimensional Being using this Ring, the end results are for them to be in Balance and Harmony with the energies and frequencies of this Ring and with themselves. Brenda immediately felt the Ring turn into cool running water as I felt the physical Ring get cold. I began to feel cool running water as

well. We both shed a tear- it was truly a magnificent moment in the completion of the manifestation of the Balance and Harmony Ring!!!

Testimonials Comment Thread Soul Body Fusion® Harmony Cubit Recent Comments Michele Blackman on Testimonials admin on Soul Body Fusion® Nic108 on Soul Body Fusion® admin on Soul Body Fusion® Nic108 on Soul Body Fusion® New Products 27" is stamped to distinguish it from the Galactic of almost identical size The Master Set $299 The Harmony Coil & the Rainbow of Light – The power in Grace and Ease through Balance and Harmony. Harmony Coil $88 %20Home.aspx * OnLine Store Harmony Torus Harmony Torus $333 Harmony Heart Harmony Heart $18 Search Products Search for: Brought to you with Love and Gratitude There are a few reasons why I like to work with the Feedback Loop just a bit more than the Acu-vac coil. They basically do the same work, but in different ways.

Slim talked about the Feedback Loop as working like a phase conjugation mirror, which in layman's terms means that the energy gets sucked in, transformed, and blown out in one continous action. The Acu-vac coil has a broad radius or stream of influence, while the Feedback Loop reminds me more of a scalpel, it has energetically a more focused, intense beam. Both Feedback Loop and Acu-vac coil get more drawing power the further you move them away from the subject. What happens when you apply it? The energy stretches from the Feedback Loop like a rubber band – once the Feedback Loop connects, it “catches” or “sticks” (like the effect you get on a witness well or plate on a psychotronic device), and when you move it away from the healee, it stays connected. It's a bit the same phenomenon where you can see the etheric energy building lines between the fingers of opposed hands, and if you move the hands apart, the lines just stretch and go with the direction of both hands. Only with the Feedback Loop, it becomes stronger the more you move it further away. You can even at a certain point just put it on a table or shelf and it will continue its pull/send action, staying connected to the “target” until the transformation is finished. A basic treatment with the Feedback Loop would be to use it along the lines of the main meridians, using large upright sweeping motions. You can either do that with the subject standing in the ring, or have the ring pass over him/her after the Feedback Loop treatment. Hold the Feedback Loop over the subject's head afterwards and transform any residue left from there.