Skillful LS1 Student's Book Answer Key [PDF]

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Skillful Listening&Speaking

Answer Key

Level 1



Discussion point Students’ own answers

Vocabulary preview 1 1 2 3 4

b a a b

5 6 7 8

a b a a

Before you listen Students’ own answers

Global listening

Birth order has a big influence on people’s personality. First-born children are natural leaders. Correct Youngest children often act funny. Only children are very comfortable around adults. Correct

Close listening

Possible answers: 1 Oldest children are responsible. That’s because they take care of their younger sisters and brothers. 2 Middle children spend a lot of time with their friends because they do not feel special in their families. 3 Youngest children are funny since it is hard for them to get attention. 4 Only children are verbal because their parents are always talking to them.


1 natural 2 happy 3 seem unhappy

4 careful 5 does not 6 more important than

4 Slow-to-warm-up 5 Slow-to-warm-up 6 Easy

Students’ own answers

Vocabulary skill 1

1 type 2 person 3 nature

4 verb 5 norm


1 2 3 4 5

type (N); special (ADJ) nature (N) normal (ADJ) verbal (ADJ) person (N)


3 a 4 c


Global listening


Listening 1  Birth order and personality

1 b 2 d

Students’ own answers

1 Difficult 2 Easy 3 Difficult

Students’ own answers


Before you listen

Close listening


1 2 3 4 5 6

Listening 2  Temperament

Possible answers: 1 On a typical weekend I like to go shopping with my friends. 2 My father is the most verbal person in my family. 3 No, I don’t enjoy watching professional sports on television. 4 No, I don’t like to write personal letters. I like to use email. 5 Yes, I have some special natural abilities. I’m good at cooking.

Skillful Level 1. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016.


Skillful Listening&Speaking

Answer Key

Level 1

Speaking  Interviewing and making an introduction Grammar

Yakub: Jay: Yakub: Jay: Yakub:

I’m serious, responsible, and organized. What job do you want to have in the future? I want to be a doctor. Why is this a good job for you? It fits my personality. I’m a natural leader.


1 Does he have brothers and sisters? (Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t). 2 Are you an only child? (Yes, I am. / No, I am not.) 3 Are you often late? (Yes, I am. / No, I am not.) 4 Do you enjoy new situations? (Yes, I do. / No, I do not.) 5 Do psychologists always work in hospitals? (Yes, they do. / No, they do not.) 6 Are you a social person? (Yes, I am. / No, I am not.)


1 is 2 does 3 do

Hi everybody. It’s my pleasure to introduce Yakub Mara to you. He’s from Jordan. There are four children in Yakub’s family, and he’s the second oldest. But he has a personality like a first-born child. He wants to be a doctor when he graduates.

Study Skills  Taking good notes

4 do 5 are

Getting started 1 Professors often include information that is not in the textbook, and later they include that information in tests. Taking notes helps students remember what they heard.

Speaking skill 1

1 2 3 4 5

Speaking task

like like you to meet This is my pleasure to introduce this is


Hannah takes notes during lectures and keeps them organized by writing topic and date in the file name. However, she should not write every word and she should rewrite her notes after the lecture.


Possible answers: 1 Father, I’d like you to meet my teacher, Mrs. Hakimi. 2 Mr. Smith, it’s my pleasure to introduce Mr. Takashi, a visitor from Japan. 3 Jack, this is Bernard, my new classmate. 4 Robert, I would like to introduce my colleague, Mr. Jackson. 5 Uncle Harry, this is my neighbor, Wanda.

Pronunciation skill 2

Jay: Yakub: Jay: Yakub: Jay: Yakub: Jay: Yakub: Jay:

What’s your name? Yakub Mara. Where are you from? I’m from Jordan. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have one brother and two sisters. Are you the oldest? No, I’m second. What are three words that describe your character?




Discussion point Students’ own answers

Vocabulary preview 1 2 3 4

b b a b

5 6 7 8

a a b a

Listening 1  Circadian rhythm Before you listen Students’ own answers

Global listening 1 b 2 a 3 b

4 b 5 c

Skillful Level 1. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016.


Skillful Listening&Speaking

Answer Key

Level 1

Close listening

Close listening



1 2 3 4 5

F  Lee is doing a survey for his biology class. F  The volunteers did not know what time it was. T F  The volunteers could not have visitors. T


1 Foods that have a lot of sugar make many people feel sleepy. 2 Many people eat sugary foods at lunch. As a result, they are sleepy in the afternoon. 3 Taking a bath at night causes some people to feel sleepy. 4 Studying can make you sleepy, so it is important to take breaks. 5 Exercising in the late afternoon makes many people sleep better.



1 2 3 4 5 6

Listening 2  Investigating the effects of the moon Before you listen Students’ own answers

Global listening 1

2 The effects of the moon on animal behavior. a 2 b 3 c 1

d 4 e 5


before; more cannot; more early; more cannot; more after; less can; more

Vocabulary skill 1

1 2 3 4


1 Circ rhythm > people = active @ day / animals = active @ night 2 Light > brain clock start again every day 3 E.g. Police & truck drivers have trouble sleeping @ daytime > sleepy @ night 4 make no mistakes + have accidents 5 Night = Bella awake > best time to study


4, 6

1 2 3 4

f c a b

5 e 6 g 7 d

e c a g

5 b 6 f 7 d


1 temporary 2 cycle 3 duration

4 tripod 5 indirect 6 annual

Speaking  Conducting a survey Grammar 1

1 2 3 4 5

to feel to get to travel / traveling drinking to avoid

6 7 8 9

staying spending eating to feel, feeling


Possible answers: 1 On weekends, I hate to get up early. 2 Before I go to bed, I have to finish cleaning the kitchen. 3 When I come home after a vacation, I expect to feel sad. 4 Our teachers always tells us to turn off our cell phones. 5 When I travel, I prefer to stay in a bed and breakfast, not a hotel.

Skillful Level 1. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016.


Skillful Listening&Speaking

Answer Key

Level 1

Speaking skill



1 2 3 4 5

Can I (informal) Pardon me; Could I (formal) Pardon me; May I (formal) Excuse me; is it ok if I (informal) Excuse me, can I (informal)

Discussion point Students’ own answers

Vocabulary preview 1


Possible answers 1 Excuse me. Can I ask you a question? 2 Pardon me. I’m cold. Is it OK if I close the window? 3 May I interrupt, Professor? Could I come in? 4 Excuse me, Professor. I have a doctor’s appointment. Could I leave class a little early? 5 Excuse me. Can I pay with a credit card? 6 Excuse me. Can I use your phone?


1 2 3 4

a b b b

5 6 7 8

b b a a

Listening 1  Multi-generational homes Before you listen

Pronunciation skill

Students’ own answers


Global listening

1 2 3 4 5 6

What do you want to find out? Is there a cure for jet lag? Why do lions hunt at night? Who discovered circadian rhythm? Do plants respond to the cycles of the moon? Are you tired?

Speaking task Emily: Excuse me, Sandra. I’m taking a survey for my biology class. Can I ask you some questions? Sandra: Sure, no problem. Emily: OK. First, when do you prefer to go to sleep each night? Sandra: Between 11 and 11:30. Emily: And how many hours of sleep do you need to get? Sandra: About seven and a half. Emily: Question 3, do you enjoy eating breakfast? Sandra: Yes, I do. I don’t like skipping breakfast because then I can’t concentrate in class. Emily: Thanks, Sandra. Sandra: You’re welcome.


The speaker talks about: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Close listening 1

1 common 2 is not 3 cannot afford

4 more expensive 5 more difficult 6 issues


1 2 3 4

known as so-called what we can call called

Listening 2  Less is more Before you listen 1 Students’ own answers


Possible answers: 1 Is it better to live in a small home or a big home? 2 positive view because of title “Less is more” 3 home; small; tiny; big; living; space; size; cost; money; meters etc.

Skillful Level 1. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016.


Skillful Listening&Speaking

Answer Key

Level 1

Global listening


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Students’ own answers


a 3 b 4 c 5

d 1 e 2

There are not enough plates. There is enough space. There is not enough space. The fridge is not big enough. There are too many people in the kitchen. There are enough book cases for the books.

Speaking skill

Close listening



1 square meters 2 decrease/down 3 with

4 and 5 for example 6 greater than/more

1 let’s 2 maybe you could 3 How about

4 Why don’t we 5 I suggest

2 Students’ own answers


• • • • • • • • •

tiny house movement 11 D&M home = 9 sqm in their home: 1 bed, 1 cupboard, kitchen, toilet/shower pod 2 cuboards bought home ready-made from MHS 5–35 MHS: sells homes 5–45 sqms; 6 designs eg: ▲ ■ 8 can deliver w/wheels owners can put: field, forest, river, front yard; back of truck $7000 D&Ms home = $17,000 Marta: mini-home uses > energy; but cozy