Shadowrun Lifestyles of The Shadows [PDF]

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Lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous advanced lifestyles © 2023 The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Shadowrun and Matrix are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC.

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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Introduction Lifestyle provides a measure of the quality of a shadowrunner’s daily life and the expenses required to maintain it. The advanced lifestyle rules in the Sixth World Companion (p. 179, 6WC) expanded lifestyles with qualities to provide more details about how runners live their lives. In this book, we introduce an alternate way of adding details of your character’s lifestyles, adding new options for travel, social networking, and personal growth. In most cases, lifestyle qualities in the Sixth World Companion are compatible with these alternative lifestyle rules, though some additional rules or wording may apply. Advanced lifestyle rules fill in the gaps with general details for when a character hasn’t purchased specific gear for security, transportation, fashion, etc. These rules help to streamline record-keeping as much as possible while incorporating more details into your lifestyle. Finally, the rules included add more detail and meaning to a lifestyle through the addition of perks and quirks.

Getting Started Start by choosing the lifestyle category of your character as per the core rulebook (p. 57, SR6): Street, Squatter, Low, Middle, High, or Luxury. This defines the baseline look and feel of how the character lives. Each lifestyle has five basic elements to it: Necessities, Comforts, Neighborhood, Security, and Entertainment. The lifestyle and monthly cost chosen determines the Lifestyle Points (LP) available to spend in each element (see Lifestyle Monthly Costs table). These points are spent on options for each basic element and give clarity on how the character lives. General LP can be spent on any assets within the basic elements, or they may be used on optional assets, such as transportation, social networking, and lifestyle qualities. If you don’t spend all of the LP provided for one element, you may subtract one from your leftover LP in order to convert the rest to General LP—which can then be spent on any elements or lifestyle qualities. While the rules of each lifestyle asset apply to any

lifestyle, your lifestyle category defines the narrative details. Rikki the Rat shaman wants a Low lifestyle. At its base level, Low lifestyle on the table provides two LP for each element: Necessities, Comforts, Neighborhood, Security, and Entertainment. Looking at the table, Rikki can get up to four more LP for things like transportation, though the monthly cost increases. If Rikki wants 5 LP in each basic element, he would have to begin with a Middle Lifestyle instead. Ulysses chooses a High lifestyle, which provides 4 LP in each basic element. In Necessities, Ulysses only wants to spend two LP on Living Expenses, leaving two LP unspent. The remaining two LP can be converted to one general LP for any asset or lifestyle quality.

Lifestyle Category Ratings RATING 0












Lifestyle Basics Lifestyle SIN Any lifestyle category of Middle or higher requires a SIN—you must either tie it to their real SIN (which requires the SINner quality, p. 84, SR6) or have a fake SIN with a rating equal to or higher than the lifestyle category rating (rating 3 for Middle, 4 for High, and 5 for Luxury).

Moving on Up (or Down) Unexpected events may require you to adjust your lifestyle. At the beginning of every month, you can revise your lifestyle as long as you aren’t behind on your lifestyle payments.

CREDITS Writing: Adam Large Design: Matt "Scat" Heerdt Shadowrun Line Developer: Jason M. Hardy Art Direction: Ian King

Cover Art: Jori Bolton Illustrations: David Hovey, Robert Ruffolo Editing: Clifton Lambert



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous



lifestyle monthly costs SECURITY (LP)






























































































































































































































































































At this time, you may also reassign your LP to change up your lifestyle assets as desired. You may also adjust the level of your lifestyle up or down, which provides more or fewer LP to spend on lifestyle assets. If you want to move to a new lifestyle category, use the same rules as shown in Getting Started (p. xx)—maybe your fellow runners will help you move.

example Rikki just got banned from yet another bar. He decides to become more refined in his downtime and visit museums. In Rikki’s lifestyle, the LP spent on Club/Bar are moved to Patron of the Arts at the beginning of next month. Rikki’s monthly lifestyle cost doesn’t change.

Maintaining a Lifestyle Running is hard. Sometimes a score doesn’t cover your monthly expenses. When you don’t make your lifestyle payment at the beginning of a new month, the GM rolls a number of dice equal to twice the lifestyle category rating (minimum one). Any hits are subtracted from the LP total from each column on the Lifestyle Monthly Costs table. You must choose what options to give up within each element, and it’s probably a good idea to cut back on the optional choices with your General LP to cover for the losses from your basic elements—but that’s up to you, chummer. You may not move to a higher lifestyle category until you’re paid up. If you miss your lifestyle payments two months in a row, your lifestyle category goes to

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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous the next lowest (for example, Middle to Low, Low to Squatter). And if you keep missing payments, your lifestyle category keeps going down by one each month until you either pay up or hit rock bottom.

Roommates When two or more people share a home, they can share the lifestyle costs, although having extra people increases the monthly cost by 10 percent for each additional person beyond the first. Extra Mouth to Feed must also be purchased as an asset in Necessities for each additional roommate. The tricky part is probably going to be getting everyone to agree on how the rest of the LP are spent.

Getting Burned If the SIN attached to your lifestyle is burned, so is the lifestyle associated with it. In 24 hours, any assets associated with the SIN become unavailable: subscriptions are canceled, assets are repossessed or seized by collections, and it’s a safe bet that law enforcement will be stopping by your place to make an arrest in even less time. Unless you have a safehouse, bolt hole, or other secondary lifestyle, your lifestyle category goes all the way down to Street until you can set up a new lifestyle under a different SIN—or maybe one of your fellow runners will let you move in with them.

Lifestyle Elements and Assets As previously stated, there are five basic elements to a lifestyle: Necessities, Comforts, Neighborhood, Security, and Entertainment. These are assigned LP to spend on options when you pick a level of lifestyle and monthly cost. There are also a number of optional assets associated to a lifestyle that fall outside the basic lifestyle elements, and may only be purchased using general LP. The assets within these elements paint a detailed picture of your character’s lifestyle. Each asset may be represented differently based on your lifestyle category. What you

can afford to eat at the Street level category is vastly different from a High lifestyle diet. Note that there are negative effects that apply if you don’t spend any LP on certain lifestyle assets. These represent fundamental physical and mental metahuman needs— if you skimp on those, it will be detrimental to you.

Necessities Necessities cover those aspects of life every metahuman needs to survive, namely food, water, and shelter. Do you fend for yourself, searching through dumpsters for scraps, or do you have the means to get soystuff and more? Note that if you don’t spend two LP on the Living Expenses asset, you’re going to go hungry.

Extra Mouths to Feed For each two LP spent, your Living Expenses asset covers the basic survival requirements of another roommate or a dependent (this asset is not available if you do not also purchase the Living Expenses asset). Extra Mouths to Feed reduces the additional financial expenses incurred by the Dependents quality by 200 nuyen. Cost: 2 LP

Living Expenses Living Expenses provides a roof over your head and a daily amount of food and water to survive. Without this asset, at the end of every day you must make an Outdoors (Survival) (3) test. Gain a point of Edge on this test if you spend at least 100 nuyen on supplies. If you fail, you gain one level of the Fatigued status. Every day you must make another test. If you succeed, all levels of the Fatigued status are removed, but if you fail you gain another level of the Fatigued status. You don’t need to make these tests during downtime—one test at the beginning of each session and another one for every day that passes during your sessions is enough. However, your constant state of malnourishment prevents you from gaining or spending Edge during downtime. Your Edge refreshes as normal at the start of each session, even if you gain the Fatigued status. Cost: 2 LP



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Hacked vending machine, soup kitchens, scavenged scraps, the occasional devil-rat-on-a-stick Low/Medium: Soy processing unit with flavor packets, meal packs, stuffers High/Luxury: Fresh food, nice restaurants

Survival Assets Tending to a garden, orchard, mushroom farm, chicken/cricket coop, or other similar alternative provides an alternative source for the basics you need in order to survive. Spending one LP on Survival Assets provides a bonus Edge to Outdoors (Survival) tests. Spending two or more LP on Survival Assets is equivalent to purchasing Living Expenses. If you have both Living Expenses and at least one LP invested in Survival Assets, you gain a +1 dice pool modifier per LP spent on Survival Assets on natural recovery tests (p. 120, SR6). Cost: 1 or more LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: A makeshift cricket hatchery, a wild berry bush on the side of a freeway, somebody’s koi pond Low/Medium: Potted herb garden, kombucha/kimchi fermentation tools High/Luxury: Apple orchard, fishing pond

Comforts Comforts include things necessary not just to survive but also thrive. Everything is better with comforts, which transform a place to sleep into a home. This includes things that can be overlooked and taken for granted such as sanitation and privacy, as well as the more modern aspects that metahumans are used to: reliable Matrix access, electricity, air conditioning, heating, and other utilities. Note that if you don’t spend any LP on the Personal Hygiene asset, you won’t look your best.

Personal Hygiene Personal hygiene includes basic hygiene as well as your make-up, wardrobe, persona customization services, and all the other details that help you express who you are to the world

around you. If you maintain multiple identities, you must purchase this asset for each of them. If you don’t spend any LP on this asset, all Edge boosts and actions related to Influence tests cost an additional point of Edge. Cost: 1 LP each

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Basic hygiene kit, occasional access to a sink with a mirror, public showers, clothing from thrift stores and vending machines Low/Medium: A fully functional bathroom at home, decent street or work clothes, regular access to professional hair and makeup services High/Luxury: Automated walk-in closet, luxury spa membership, fancy wardrobe subscription service

Metatype Adjustments If your metatype falls outside of the sizes and shapes typical to humans, aspects of your physical lifestyle will require some adjustments (more leg/head/hoof room). Most structures are only designed with human shapes sizes in mind. At one LP, everything you have has been reduced or enlarged to fit a metatype other than human, elf, or ork. This replaces the 10 percent markup on the metahuman adjustment cost added to your gear. In the case of pixies, centaurs, naga, and other metasapients with a 20 percent adjustment cost, this asset costs two LP. For anyone else of a different metatype, no Edge may be gained or spent on any tests made to maneuver through your home, and when applicable suffers the –2 dice pool penalty for using unadapted gear (p. 247, SR6). In the case of metasapients, this penalty is doubled to a –4 dice pool penalty. The gamemaster may adjust this penalty according to the situation—a centaur’s handheld weapon should not give penalties for a human to use, and it’s totally impossible to fit a troll in a pixie’s safehouse). Cost: 1 or 2 LP

Privacy Privacy is not just the personal space around you or your home—it’s also how much of your information is recorded and made



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous publicly available to anyone with a commlink. Maintaining privacy requires spending some of your time and attention changing up your routines, limiting your interactions with public social media platforms, and paying a premium to your Matrix service provider to reduce the amount of information they package and sell for marketing purposes. Without this asset, others gain a bonus point of Edge on Matrix Search actions to gather information on you, Outdoors tests to track you down, and any Con and Influence tests opposed by you. For one LP, you prevent these drawbacks. For two LP, you take your privacy very seriously, requiring you to change up your travel routes and daily routines on a regular basis as well as pay for subscriptions to some of the more aggressive privacy protection services available. In this case, others may not gain or spend Edge when attempting a Matrix Search action to gather info about you, an Outdoors test to track you, or any other test to acquire information about you from a contact such as a fixer or information broker. Cost: 1 or 2 LP

Improved Astral Privacy You are good at hiding your astral tracks and have a few simple mana barriers around, or maybe you just take steps to make your doss stand out less from astral perception. Add Lifestyle category rating to any astral tracking modifier to track you when you are in your home (p. 161, SR6). The Force of the astral barriers protecting your home is equal the your lifestyle category rating (1 for Squatter, 2 for Low, 3 for Middle, etc.). Cost: 1 LP

Improved Matrix Privacy You’ve developed Matrix security habits that a fugitive hacker would consider paranoid, and you regularly pay an illicit privacy service to cover your digital tracks. The threshold of all Matrix Search actions to find you is increased by one, and you gain a bonus point of Edge on any tests to resist Matrix Perception and Trace Icon actions that target you. Cost: 1 LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Sticking to the shadows beneath the streets and along the alleyways, taking care not to sign up for services that track your information. Low/Medium: Intrusively paranoid Matrix security habits, pay with basic credstick, regular and random changes to your routines and routes that you travel. High/Luxury: Digital watchdog agent software that erases the day-to-day traces you leave on the Matrix as part, anti-paparazzi drones that interfere with surveillance drones near you, paid decoys that leave false trails.

Permits Everything associated to your SIN (real or fake) that isn’t outright illegal is covered by legitimate permits and licenses (p. 245, SR6). If your lifestyle is associated with a real SIN, this asset costs one LP. If your lifestyle is associated with a fake SIN, then it costs two LP (p. 273, SR6). Note that gear with an (I) next to its availability is illegal and is not available for a license. Gear with an (L) next to its availability must be covered by a license to be considered legal. No license is required for other gear. Any gear that is covered under the Permits is known to anyone who succeeds on a Matrix Search action to gather information about you. You may choose not to get a license for gear that you would prefer to leave unregistered. Note that these permits are not fake licenses—they are real licenses that have been approved through legitimate channels. If your lifestyle is attached to a fake SIN, it must be rating 4 or higher—lower-quality fake SINs are identified and burned if you use them to apply for a real license. Cost: 1 or 2 LP

Sanitation How clean are things? Without Sanitation, dirt and pollution can pile up. Mold is a double threat, causing digestive and respiratory problems. Access to a shower and laundry services doesn’t come for free. If you don’t spend any LP on this asset, you can’t gain or spend Edge on natural recovery tests, and the severity of any triggered allergies are increased by one level. Cost: 1 LP



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Lifestyle Category Details

Cleaning Services

Street/Squatter: Public laundromat, payper-use showers, and public restrooms Low/Medium: Private bathroom, sink, appliances, basic cleaning drone High/Luxury: Pristine conditions maintained by metahuman employees

Somebody comes by to tidy up the messes you leave behind (trash, dirty dishes, laundry, etc.), and keeps your home clean. Your common or seasonal allergies trigger at one level of severity lower, to a minimum of Mild (p. 75, SR6). Cost: 1 LP

Neighborhood A neighborhood is the part of town you live in. The Neighborhood element covers police and security services, access to resources, the status of local pollution, crime, presence of local gangs, and the general public reputation of the area. Note that if you don’t invest any LP in the Neighborhood Rating asset, your neighborhood’s rating is E. Check with your GM to determine what areas of town are available for your home neighborhood based on the Security Rating.

Neighborhood Rating What security protocols are a part of your everyday life? This is more about how strict the rules are than about how closely you follow them. Typically, you know the rules of the neighborhood and either how to obey them or bend them without attracting too much heat. The Neighborhood Rating asset defines your local Security Rating (p. 238-240, SR6). Because of the expense, it covers both the general protection of your residence and the law enforcement status of the whole neighborhood. The default rating of your home security devices (maglocks, cameras, motion sensors, alarm systems) is equal to the LP invested in this asset. You may also choose to augment this with the purchase of specific gear. If you adjust this asset to a different rating, this change represents either a move to a new place or a major change in your neighborhood. Cost: 0-6 LP

local security

Discreet Cleaning Services A no-questions-asked cleaning service is available to tidy up the messes you leave behind (including bullets, bodies, and blood). When the gamemaster rolls for Heat, your personal Heat modifier is reduced by one. Cost: 2 LP

Delivery Services Did you forget to bring something? Did you need someone to deliver some goodies you picked up back to your place? Maybe need some Stuffer Shack snacks at your safehouse? You have a subscription to a local delivery service. You can remotely purchase any legal item up to Availability 4 and it will be delivered to your location within one hour (1D6 x 10 minutes). Your purchase history is recorded by the delivery company, but they promise not to sell it to anyone else—and if you believe that, I’ve got some magic beans for sale. Cost: 1 LP

Special Delivery Services You have an arrangement with a special delivery service used by shadowrunners and other criminals. You can remotely purchase any item up to Availability 4 and it will be delivered to your location within an hour (1D6 x 10 minutes), regardless of legality. All purchase and delivery records are deleted, and they don’t give a frag whether the cargo is illegal or not. Cost: 2 LP

More Space

LP 0














Having your own space is important. As part of your comforts, you may have enough room to yourself, or your place might be cramped and cluttered. This includes spaces within your residence as well as alternate spots where you can let your guard down. For ex-



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Bolt Hole/Safehouse/ Panic Room

ample, you might rent out a coffin hotel space, but you have found an alternate space with enough room to do your own thing. If you do not assign any LP to Space, the interval for all Extended tests made in the safety and comfort of your home are doubled, and you don’t have room to use anything bigger than a tool kit. Setting up a magical lodge with a Force higher than 1 is out of the question. For 1 LP, you have a little bit of room—enough to prevent those penalties and allow for a single tool shop or a magical lodge up to Force 2. For 2 LP, you have enough room for up to two shops or one facility, or a magical lodge up to Force 4. For three LP you have enough room for multiple shops and facilities and a magical lodge of any rating. Cost: 1-3 LP

The concept of a safehouse or panic room is to create a safe space in case of an emergency. A panic room is a well-hidden and reinforced space within your residence. A safehouse or bolt hole is in another location. If you have a safehouse or bolt hole when your regular lifestyle is burned, this asset is not lost until the end of the month—after which you may discard it, add it to your new lifestyle, or make it your primary residence for your next lifestyle. Add two to the threshold for any test made to track you down when you are using this asset. Cost: 4, 6, or 8 LP

extra space

For 4 LP, a panic room is added as a secret room within your residence. This room is reinforced, chemically sealed, and can be completely shielded from the Matrix with a Minor Action. Make sure you call for help or hit the panic button before you activate the Matrix shielding!

LP 1

SPACE (EXAMPLE) A small yard or patio


A single car garage or backyard that can be temporary used for a lodge or workshop. A rooftop, basement, or small yard.


Wide-open space, multi-car garage, hangar, or other outbuilding.

Special Services Special services function just like a contact, but with Connection rating equal to the LP cost and Loyalty rating of 1. You must specify the type of service (armorer, mechanic, deckmeister, fence, etc.). Per the gamemaster’s discretion, a service can be converted into a contact through roleplaying and spending Karma and/or nuyen. Cost: 1 or more LP

Security Security covers the steps you have taken to protect yourself, your home, and your stuff. This encompasses more than just one physical location or purchased gear. A very paranoid character could have multiple places to hide.

Panic Room

Bolt Hole

For 4 LP, you have a well-hidden and secure bolt hole located somewhere within ten kilometers of your residence. A bolt hole isn’t a comfortable living space and offers very few creature comforts beyond a place to sleep, a mini-fridge or cooler, and a microwave for heating up your stuffers. You may not gain or spend Edge on natural recovery tests while you are living in a bolt hole. Safehouse

For 6 LP, you maintain a well-stocked, fully furnished safe house in a hidden or isolated location within fifty kilometers of your residence. If your old digs get burned, you could easily make this your new home. Long Distance Safe House

For 8 LP, you remotely maintain a wellstocked, fully furnished safehouse in a hidden or isolated location somewhere far from where you live. If you need to skip town, you’ll have a comfortable place to land. Some runners maintain a safehouse in another city where they occasionally travel to do business.



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Abandoned warehouse, maintenance tunnels, storage unit Low/Medium: Reinforced and hidden space in an industrial area, cabin in the woods High/Luxury: Secure hotel accommodations, spare apartment, isolated house, secret lair

Bug Out Container If the bolt hole fails and you need to get out of town, you have a bug out container hidden away for just such an occasion. This asset represents a reliably well-hidden spot to stash an emergency kit of gear, so you can be 100 percent certain that it will be there when you need it. For one LP, you have enough room to store what you could reasonably fit in your pockets. This could be a collection of small items, such as a fake SIN and a few credsticks, or a single item up to the size of a heavy pistol. For two LP, you have enough room to stash as much gear as you can reasonably carry on your person. For three LP, you have enough room to stash a vehicle or enough gear to furnish your next apartment. Cost: 1, 2, or 3 LP

Defensive Setup Your choice of residence, hangout, or shop has been overly engineered for security. Every angle and every corner is just slight offset to prevent a clear shot into any room. Tables, doors, and high-backed chairs have a layer of Kevlar or are filled with ImpactGel. Not so aesthetically pleasing, but it provides decent resistance to flying shrapnel. You’ve also arranged reinforced defensive positions within your residence. When you are inside or within 20 meters of your home, you benefit from Cover 1. You may take cover up to Cover 4 from anywhere inside or within 20 meters of your home with a Minor Action. Only you gain this bonus, and anyone else who takes cover in or near your home is limited to Cover 3. Cost: 3 LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Stacks of debris, barrels Low/Medium: Reinforced doors, barred windows, heavy furniture

High/Luxury: Deployable cover, tastefully reinforced alcoves, bullet-resistant windows

Escape Route There’s always a way out—you made sure of that. An escape route sets up a dramatic exit from your residence, hangout, shop, or other specified location. Discuss with the GM where these escape locations are and what their nature is (hidden tunnel, secret door, trap door, etc.). If you are near your escape route, you may spend five Edge to escape along with any allies who wish to join you. Unless you are grappled, even if you are surrounded or in the midst of combat, you and your team get away clean. Cost: 1 LP each

Warranty Voider (Home Edition) As per the quality Voider of Warranties (p. 84, H&S), you’ve tinkered with a few devices around the home to make them more secure. Add one to the rating of all of the devices in your home, which have been customized to a degree that most would consider eccentric. Whenever you perform an Extended test from within your home, gain a point of Edge that must be used on that test or lost. You must have access to the appropriate tools in order to gain this benefit. Additionally, if you have the Voider of Warranties quality (p. 84, H&S), you gain a number of bonus upgrade points equal to your lifestyle category: none for Street, 1 for Squatter, 2 for Low, 3 for Middle, 4 for High, and 5 for Luxury). These can be used on any of your upgraded devices. Cost: 2 LP

Entertainment What do you like to do for fun? Are you a regular at a local watering hole? Do you follow trends in music, trid series, or Matrix games? Entertainment covers various activities, social functions, and other fun things you like to do, both in and outside of your home. For every LP invested in Entertainment, specify one of your entertainment interests. If you invest at least one LP in Entertainment assets, the Karma costs for acquiring or improving



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous knowledge and language skills that are directly related to your entertainment interests are reduced by one. You also gain a bonus Edge on any Memory or Perception tests that relate to your entertainment interests. If you don’t invest any LP in Entertainment, you no longer get the Karma discount or gain Edge from this element—though you still get to keep any knowledge skills (including specialization and expertise) that you acquired.

Club/Bar/ Restaurant Access There’s a place that knows your name (good or bad) and allows you in. It’s your second home sometimes. Specify a bar, club, restaurant, or other similar venue. You have the equivalent of the Home Ground quality (p. 72, SR6) while inside. This costs one LP for any smaller club, bar, or restaurant, and two LP for those places that require a reservation (Big Rhino, Club Penumbra, Dante’s). You can always get in when they’re open, and they’ll have a table waiting for you on a moment’s notice. You gain a point of Edge on Influence tests when inside the club, bar, or restaurant. With a successful Influence (3) test, you can convince the bouncers to assist you—providing backup in a fight, or perhaps preventing one by not letting your antagonists through the front door. Cost: 1 or 2 LP per venue

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: You work under the table (mopping floors, taking out trash) in exchange for cocktails and meals, and you’re well-liked by the regular staff. Low/Medium: You’ve patronized the establishment often enough that everyone who works there knows you by name, and what your usual order is. High/Luxury: When you walk in the door, you’re given the VIP treatment—both management and staff fawn over you to ensure that you enjoy your visit.

Entertainment Assets Libraries, trid theaters, Matrix games, tabletop gaming groups, and attending sports

events are but a few examples of Entertainment Assets that help you pass the time. Public Entertainment Assets are facilities and activities are shared with others: local library (Matrix or otherwise), gym, swimming pool, movie theater, etc. These have specific hours they are open and limited hours of operation (for example, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays), so they may not always fit with a runner’s schedule. Private Entertainment Assets are your own and most likely accessed within your residence. Private assets have no limit to their use or access time. Cost: 1 LP each for public, 2 LP each for private

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: A library card, cheap seats to local sports events, public swimming pool, subscriptions to free podcasts. Low/Medium: Streaming service subscriptions, tickets to live sports, music, or theater events, a pool or foosball table, basic home entertainment system. High/Luxury: Live entertainment, VIP seats at sports, music, or theater events, bespoke trid and simsense entertainment, a home library with real books.

Patron of the Arts (Subject type) Be it in music, history, sports, or art, you enjoy supporting the creation of art and entertainment. You spend your time going to concerts, museums, sports arenas, conventions, and even have a good-sized collection of material related to the subject. In addition to knowledge tests, the player may use lifestyle category rating as a dice-pool bonus on any social or legwork-related tests when it relates to the subject type. This would include getting into conventions, concerts, even some parties. At the GMs discretion, a successful Influence (Etiquette) (3) test gets you backstage passes or exclusive access that isn’t available to the general public. You also gain a bonus point of Edge for all social skill tests when interacting with an artist or fan of the subject you are a Patron of the Arts for. Cost: 1 LP per subject



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Lifestyle Category Details

Lifestyle Category Details

Street/Squatter: You regularly make small donations to support local artists or a sports team Low/Medium: You have season tickets to a sports arena, theater, or museum, you maintain premium super-fan subscription access to a band or solo musician High/Luxury: You’re recognized as a significant sponsor of your local sports team, theater, or museum, and the bands you’re into know you by name because of how much and how frequently you donate

Street/Squatter: A ride in the cargo compartment Low/Medium: General seating, flying coach, cramped cabin High/Luxury: First-class seating, a comfortable cabin

Optional Lifestyle Assets Transportation Assets How do you get around town? Some runners may buy their own vehicle or hitch a ride with the rigger, but what if you don’t have those options? The Transportation element of a lifestyle adds details to your preferred method of getting from point A to B. If you don’t invest in any Transportation assets, you’ll either have to walk or shell out for every cab and bus ride. If you have the Motorpool quality (p. 169, Double Clutch) and invest at least one LP in any Transportation asset, the Edge cost to acquire a temporary vehicle is reduced by one.

Long-Distance Transportation Representing more luxurious or globetrotting modes of transportation, you have access to long-distance transportation on a ship, airship, or a plane, allowing travel to any major port or airport in the world. For 4 LP, this represents above-board legal transportation that follows all local laws and only departs and arrives at official airports or docks. For 8 LP, this represents preferential treatment that will bend the rules and drop you off at unofficial locations. Cost: 4 or 8 LP

Private Transportation You have a subscription to a private transportation service. This service is only available in areas with a Security Rating of at least D, which requires that you spend at least one LP in the Neighborhood Rating asset if you want them to pick you up from your home. Taxis, commuter hoppers, and even cars with fleshand-blood drivers are ready to pick you up 24 hours a day and can get you close to your destination, and will arrive 2D6 minutes after you request a ride. They won’t pick you up if you’re in a combat situation, and won’t take risks or break any laws on your behalf during the ride. If you’re being chased, whether by gangers, law enforcement, or your vengeful ex, they’ll pull over and stop to “let” you out. If you refuse to get out when asked or cause trouble, they’ll deploy auto-tasers or Neurostun gas to make you more compliant. This is not an effective replacement to having a rigger on your team, but it will get you from place to place in normal circumstances. Cost: 2 LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Automated carpool cab that makes extra stops and may give rides to multiple subscribers at a time Low/Medium: Automated electronic cab service High/Luxury: Luxury cab, limousine, or sky hopper operated by a rigger

Public Transportation Your monthly pass grants you full access to buses, trains, trolleys, and subway cars that make stops at predefined locations and stations. These operate on fixed routes and at fixed times that are outside of your control. The wait time for a pickup is 1D6 x 10 minutes, and the travel time varies depending on



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous how far you are going. For rides within the same district, the travel time is 1D6 x 5 minutes. For travel to another district, travel time is 2D6 x 10 minutes. If you have the Affinity for Transit quality (p. 167, DC), your wait for a ride is only 10 minutes, and you may roll twice and choose the best result to determine your travel time. Public Transportation is not available in areas with a Security rating of E or lower. If you want to be able to access Public Transportation near your home, you must spend at least one LP on the Neighborhood Rating asset. Cost: 1 LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter/Low/Medium: The usual busses, trains, or trolleys High/Luxury: First-class accommodations, with fewer passengers, shorter lines, and better privacy and security

Vehicle Rental If you’d rather not purchase a vehicle or use public transportation, there’s always the option of renting a vehicle. These vehicles are technically owned by the company that provides them. These vehicles can only operate using autopilot and GridGuide. There is a manual control override, but there is a 500 nuyen fine for using it. In theory, this fine could be waived if it can be proved that there was an actual emergency, but in practice it is rarely waived for any reason. If the vehicle is lost, stolen, or totaled, you must make an Influence (Negotiation) + Charisma (2) test. This threshold increases by one for each rental vehicle you have lost in the past. If you are not truly responsible for the loss (GM’s discretion), you gain a point of Edge on this test. If you are actually responsible for the loss (GM’s discretion), you may not gain or spend Edge on this test. On a success, you are provided with a new rental vehicle within 24 hours. On a failure, you are considered liable for the expense. Half of the vehicle’s nuyen cost is added to your next monthly lifestyle payment, and you may not get a replacement rental until you cover the extra expense—you may pay early to gain access to a replacement vehicle before your next lifestyle payment is due. These vehicles are so loaded down with tracking devices and software that most fenc-

es and chop shops are unwilling to take them. This makes it unlikely that they will be randomly stolen, and also means that you can’t just rent vehicles and sell them to a chop shop for profit. No Edge may be gained or spent on any test to illegally transfer the vehicle’s ownership, and any glitches on the test are treated as critical glitches. The actual vehicle provided (or an equivalent that is approved by your GM) is determined by your lifestyle category. Cost: 4 LP

rental vehicles LIFESTYLE Street



Chrysler-Nissan Jackrabbit


Ford Americar


Hyundai Shin-hyung or Toyota Gopher


S-K-Bentley Concordat or Range Rover


Mitsubishi Nightsky

Social Networking Assets Charity Do you spend time volunteering to help others in need? Whether you do so out of the goodness of your heart or to establish a reputation (or a cover), this asset improves your reputation with a faction (p. 193, 6WC). For every LP spent on this asset, reduce the Karma cost to increase your reputation with a faction of your choice by 1, and reduce the financial cost by 1,000 nuyen. This cost reduction accumulates every month and is not lost if you stop contributing. You may eliminate the Karma and nuyen cost of increasing your faction reputation entirely using this asset over a long enough period of time. You may also choose to apply this to a different faction at the beginning of each month. Cost: 1 or more LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Cleaning up litter, providing rides, and running errands for locals



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Low/Medium: Volunteer work at a shelter, clinic, or mentor program High/Luxury: High-profile charity balls and fundraising galas

Hangout You have a relaxing place to socialize with your friends and contacts, or perhaps you keep up on interesting events around town to bring people to. This asset represents an investment of time and nuyen in your relationships. Each month you gain one Favor Point with one of your contacts or contact groups. Cost: 2 LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Private rooftop access with a cooler of drinks and scavenged chairs Low/Medium: Swimming pool, a home bar or rec room, access to a rented party room at a favorite bar or restaurant High/Luxury: Guest rooms, golf club house, access to an exclusive resort

Significant Other/ Helpful Roommate There is someone there you share your household with. You don’t have to share the workload alone, or come home to an empty squat after a run. Your spouse doesn’t just sit around at home waiting for you—they have their own income, and so they do not increase your monthly lifestyle costs or require the Extra Mouth to Feed asset. For one LP, you gain a bonus point of Edge on any test during downtime that isn’t an explicitly illegal activity— this Edge must be spent on the test or it is lost. For two or more LP, your significant other also acts as a contact with Loyalty rating of six and a Connection rating equal to the amount of LP spent on this lifestyle asset. If you stop paying for this asset, it represents a rough patch or a breakup. Cost: 1 or more LP

aware of any coupons and special deals. You get a 10 percent discount on all items that are legally purchased using the SIN attached to your lifestyle, and there is no restriction on the Availability. Note that illegal gear may not be purchased through these channels, and you must have the requisite license for any gear that requires a license. Keep in mind that the megacorps (and by extension anyone capable of doing a Matrix search) can review your purchase history. It’s not all bad—at least the targeted ads you receive will be relevant to your interests. Cost: 1 LP

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Stuffer Shacks, street vendors, and strip malls Low/Medium: Malls, department stores, specialty shops High/Luxury: Luxury goods and services at your beck and call

Other Assets Medical Do you have medical insurance? What do you do when you need medical support for your augmentations and injuries? For one LP, you rely on a medkit that is restocked as part of a subscription service. For two LP you have access to basic medical services, which provides Edge on natural recovery tests. For three or more LP, you have a contract with DocWagon (or one of its competitors), which will provide emergency medical and rescue services if your biomonitor reports that you are injured. The LP cost for each level of care is listed on the Medical Coverage table. Cost: 1 to 9 LP

medical services POINTS 1

COVERAGE Medkit supplies subscription


Basic medical services access

Retail Regular


Basic DocWagon contract (or equivalent competitor)

You’re a well-known and well-liked regular customer at the retail businesses in your neighborhood. Employees are eager to help you find what you’re looking for and make sure you’re


Gold DocWagon contract


Platinum DocWagon contract


Super Platinum DocWagon contract



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Self-Improvement

Lifestyle Category Details

Self-Improvement assets represent therapy and special training that helps you work through your personal problems or help you get closer to who and what you want to become. For every month that you maintain this asset, choose a quality and reduce the Karma cost to purchase or buy off that quality by one Karma. This can only reduce the cost to the quality’s original Karma cost (or bonus Karma). If the Karma cost of purchasing or buying off the quality is not doubled for any reason, this asset has no effect. Cost: 1 LP per quality

Street/Squatter: An agreement with a local pawn shop, basic retail status on a Matrix auction and shopping host Low/Medium: Your own booth or table at a shopping center, premium retailer status on a Matrix shopping host High/Luxury: People, drones, and software handle most of the work for you

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Public clinic, automated therapist software, spending time in a public library Low/Medium: Support groups, clinics, group classes High/Luxury: Personal trainer, private tutor, luxurious wellness center

Store Front You have a retail business on the side. This might be a small shop you run out of your home, a retail space you rent, or a virtual place for Matrix shoppers. While this ultimately loses you more money than you legitimately make, it provides you with some extra options when you need to move stolen merchandise. Gain a point of Edge on any test to fence gear (p. 246, SR6), and you may legally transfer ownership of any gear that doesn’t require a license with one hour of work and a simple Electronics + Logic (2) test. You also gain a point of Edge on Extended tests to transfer ownership of licensed gear. Cost: 2 LP

Training Room What do you need to practice your skills or hone your mental and physical well-being? Each training room (gym, firing range, study, etc.) can be used to help with advancement of one skill or attribute that may be redefined each month. If you purchase multiple Training Room assets, you can apply it to an additional skill or attribute. Public assets are outside of your home, and must be shared with other members or subscribers (p. 68, SR6), and reduce the training time for the advancement by 20 percent. Private assets are located within or near your residence, and reduce training time by 50 percent. In order to gain any benefit from this asset, you must maintain it (pay LP each month) throughout the required training time. Cost: 1 LP each (public), or 2 LP each (private)

Lifestyle Category Details Street/Squatter: Punching the refrigerated soy-meat before the fast-food manager finds you in the walk-in freezer, stacks of bottles and cans (and the occasional devil rat) for target practice Low/Medium: Fitness machines, a dedicated firing range, access to a maker space High/Luxury: Personal trainers, coaches, and state-of-the-art equipment



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous New and Revised Lifestyle Qualities Lifestyle qualities are the little things usually outside of your control that make life just that more interesting. Gamemasters should limit these to only a few per lifestyle. You may also purchase the lifestyle qualities presented both here and in the Sixth World Companion with general LP.

Positive Lifestyle Qualities Clandestine Everything is not as it seems. The little bookstore where you check out books also sells illegal firearms. The all-night candy store can also can refer you to a hired assassin. There is another layer to your lifestyle that is never seen. FBI? CIA? A Black Star neo-anarchist? Do you have ties to one of the many secretive organizations around the world? At one LP, your whole lifestyle is fake and provides you with a fake SIN with a rating equal to your lifestyle category rating. With your gamemaster’s approval, you must choose a faction that utilizes secret operatives or undercover agents. You are an agent for that faction, and your secret employer will often contact you with orders. These orders may be used by the GM to introduce adventure hooks or throw in a complication during a run. If you fail or refuse your orders more than once or blow your cover, your entire lifestyle is burned. For two LP, you may upgrade your status within your secret faction. This option is not available at character creation—you must succeed in following orders from your secret faction at least once in order to upgrade your status. This allows you some flexibility—you are allowed to pick and choose your tasks on behalf of your faction. If the GM introduces orders that would complicate your run, you may either accept or refuse them with no consequences. If your cover is blown, your lifestyle (and the attached fake SIN) is burned, but your organization will set you up with a new

identity within 1D6 days—you’ll have to fend for yourself until then. Cost: 1 or 2 LP

Aspected Mana You must be Awakened in order to take this lifestyle quirk, as it has no effect on mundane characters. A ley line or other astral phenomena goes right through your home, creating a mana ebb or flow (p. 167, Street Wyrd). A mana flow that is aspected toward your tradition is beneficial, and costs one LP for a low mana flow, two LP for a medium mana flow, and three LP for a high mana flow. A mana ebb that is aspected against your tradition causes problems for you: a low mana ebb provides one bonus LP, a medium mana ebb provides two LP, and a high mana ebb provides three LP. The mana ebb or flow affects your entire residence as well as a radius of at least 20 meters surrounding it. Cost: 1, 2, or 3 LP (or –1, –2, or –3 LP)

Diamond in the Rough There are many places that have been abandoned or gone bankrupt, leaving assets behind in an ever-growing sprawl. Even forests have grown up to obscure old streets and neighborhoods from the flow of traffic. Your home appears on the outside to be up to two lifestyle categories lower than it actually is. This might represent a High lifestyle home hidden within a cul-de-sac in a Low lifestyle neighborhood, or perhaps a sealed-off Middle lifestyle apartment tucked away in an abandoned warehouse. No General LP may be spent on Neighborhood assets. No Edge may be gained or spent on any tests made to locate your home. Incompatible with Lipstick on a Pig. Cost: 2 LP

Lipstick on a Pig From the outside, it looks like a nice place with good structure and relatively clean landscaping in an upscale neighborhood. The interior, however, would mortify any homeowner. A fire-gutted apartment complex, an abandoned storefront overrun with vermin and mold, or an old crime scene (with hopefully the evidence already removed) is what you find. These are places that other residences



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tend to gloss over, otherwise their real estate value goes down. Add +1 to thresholds in finding your place, as who would believe you actually live in there. Cannot spend Edge on social tests while there. Incompatible with Diamond in the Rough. Cost: 1 LP

Negative Lifestyle Qualities Corporate Owned Requires a lifestyle category of Low or higher. To gain the advantage of relatively cheap housing, you are stuck in a corporate-sponsored/mandated community. You owe your soul to the company store. Stores in your community only sell the corporate brand of

items. There are strictures on what you wear, drive, and even eat. The community expects you to participate in keeping the neighborhood appearance clean and occasionally festive, but most importantly you’re expected to conform with corporate standards. Your comings and goings are observed and scrutinized, and any unusual guests or behavior becomes hot gossip in your neighborhood. When you are in or near your home, you may not lie low to reduce Heat, and you may not gain or spend Edge on Stealth tests. If you flagrantly violate corporate norms, your personal Heat modifier increases by +1. Security response times to your home are the minimum for your neighborhood security rating, for good and ill. These places include wageslave apartments near megacorp facilities. Bonus: 2 LP



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous Day Job You have a fairly mundane job . This could be a shift at the Stuffer Shack or some hours as a wageslave. Part of the character ’s time is unavailable for running in the shadows—ten to twelve hours a week are allocated for this quality. If the character gets fired, then the Lifestyle has to be adjusted for the LP loss. During a session, roll a D6 at the beginning of each day to determine if your character is supposed to be at work. On a 1, you’re scheduled for a shift and won’t be able to actively participate in the run unless you either skip work or gain one level of Fatigued (p. 52, SR6). Each consecutive day without a shift adds 1 to the next D6 result that will trigger a shift (1–2 on the second day, 1–3 on day three, 1–4 on day four, etc.), which resets after each shift. For each shift you choose to skip, your next monthly lifestyle payment goes up by 100 nuyen x Lifestyle category (representing the lost income). Each time you skip a shift, you also need to make a Charisma + Edge (1) test, and this threshold increases by one for each time you skip work. On a failed test, you’re fired from your job and may not take the Day Job lifestyle quality for at least one month. On a glitch, your Heat modifier goes up by one due to nosey and suspicious co-workers. On a critical glitch, one of your co-workers has discovered that you’re a shadowrunner. They must be dealt with (a bribe of 500 nuyen x Lifestyle category will do, or you could do something more drastic), or else they’ll turn you in to the authorities—burning your lifestyle and its attached SIN. Also, if anyone is looking for you and scores at least 4 hits on a legwork-related test—including a Matrix search—they’ll be able to connect you to your place of employment and may try to intercept you there—if they can figure out when you work. Bonus: 1 LP

Drifter Some people want to keep their options open, or perhaps you love being the mysterious stranger who is “just passing through.” With mobility comes a certain level of anonymity. Since you don’t have ties to one spot, you can move on and reduce more Heat with Lie Low (p. 237, SR6)—which reduces Heat by two in-

stead of one per month. For Low, Middle, or High lifestyle categories, you must own a vehicle with the Living Spaces mod (p. 238, DC). Street or Squatter lifestyles don’t require owning a vehicle, but it makes things easier on you. For Luxury lifestyles, this represents staying in fancy hotels and resorts wherever you roam. Bonus: 2 LP

Haunted Just because magic exists and spirits can be summoned doesn’t mean that paranormal phenomena is fully understood or easily explained. At 1 bonus LP, your home has a reputation for being haunted, whether due to local legends or some spooky events that happened to occur nearby. Except for your contacts and close friends, you may not gain or spend Edge on any social skill tests within your home (with the exception of Influence (Intimidation) tests, which gain a point of bonus Edge). Sure, maybe things move around or fall off the counter because of passing spirits or errant magic. Nothing really intelligent at work. At 2 bonus LPs, there’s something seriously spooky going on—for real. Whenever you are in your home, the GM may describe a horrifying supernatural event. Anyone who witnesses the haunting event must make a Composure (3) test—failure results in gaining the Frightened status for one hour. The source of the fear is your home, applying a –4 penalty to dice pools for any tests within your residence. Leaving the area removes the Frightened status after ten minutes. Bonus: 1 or 2 LP

Hotel California Like the song says, when you enter, you might never leave. Within your home, there’s a physical or magical manifestation that occasionally keeps you trapped within for 2D6 hours, unable to contact anyone until you are mysteriously released—no Matrix connection, no astral travel, nothing. No more than once per session, when you enter your home, the GM may roll 1D6, with a roll of 1 triggering this event. Examples: When you travel, you are stuck in a cargo container among a plethora of containers until the ship docks. During certain times of the year, the fae knock on your door, turning your bedroom into a glaive until you



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lifestyles of the shadowy & infamous get back. For security purposes, the bolt hole is actually a bank vault that will only open every twelve hours. Your little party room can only be reached during low tide, then is submerged the rest of the day. Bonus: 2 LP

Household Gremlins Paranormal critters are prevalent in your neck of the woods. And as fate would have it, they keep crossing paths with you. Some love shiny toys, others love flittering astral things, and some are spiteful critters who find your home offensive. The GM has free rein to introduce critter complications into your life— especially when you glitch. If this quality is triggered, some piece of your gear goes missing or becomes damaged as if it was chewed on, kicked, or worse (what’s that yellow stain on your cyberdeck, chummer?). Missing gear can be recovered with a Outdoors (Tracking) or Perception (6, 10 minutes) Extended test. Damaged (or defiled) objects need to be repaired or cleaned up with an Engineering + Logic (6, 10 minutes) Extended test. Bonus: 1 LP

Metaplanar Gateway Since the Yellowstone incident, there have been strange occurrences all over the globe. Unfortunately for you, your residence or nearest facility you commonly hang out at has had a little astral event. Now some doorway also doubles as an astral gateway and not a very stable one, changing metaplanes on a whim and only active at apparently random times. Occasionally a spiritual entity may wander through like a tourist, and astral travelers seeking access to the metaplanes often pass through the astral space within your home. You may not take this quality if you also have the Improved Astral Privacy asset, which is what most people would set up when they have to deal with this drek. The GM has free rein to introduce astral complications into your life, particularly when you glitch on a Magic-related test. Bonus: 1 LP

No Forwarding Address Not sure why, but you get a lot of junk mail that’s not addressed to you. It’s like your residence (or general vicinity) is the default mailing address for, like, everywhere. Occasionally something is dumped at your residence: mysterious packages, crates with airholes. Usually someone will come by to pick it up in 24 to 48 hours. Until then, it’s the ones with the duct taped care/feeding instructions that you must be concerned about. The GM has free rein to introduce an NPC in search of their missing order or strange packages that bring unusual complications, especially when you run out of Edge. Bonus: 1 LP

Off the Grid You live out in the wilderness, outside of urban areas and with little to no access to public utilities—or even paved roads. Places like the southwest side of the Puyallup district, some Cal-Free ghost town, or just far out in the woods somewhere. Your home devices are not designed to connect to the Matrix. with manual or archaic controls. All gear that is part of your lifestyle is considered a Throwback device (p. 247, SR6). Power is provided by independent sources including solar panels, wind turbines, generators, and batteries. No LP can be spent in Neighborhood (considered 0 level). Reduce the LP provided for the Neighborhood element by one, then convert any remaining Neighborhood LP to general LP. Bonus: 2 LP