Sesion 6 - Habilidades de Ventas [PDF]

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fo un da tio na l Co ur se in En tr ep re ne ur

This is an individual exercise. In this activity, you will use the One-to-One selling method to sell your own product/service in class. This activity will be done in pairs, however each one of you will get an opportunity to perform. Your facilitator will make pairs in the class. This activity is divided into 3 rounds: Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3. While Round 1 will be completed during Selling Skills I session, Round 2 and Round 3 will be conducted during Selling Skills II session.

A. ROUND 1 I. Preparation (30 minutes): a. Each one of you will fill up your own Role Play Planning sheet, provided on page 2 of this document. b. You must keep your sales plan, and sales pitch (from the previous session) handy. II. Perform Role Play (20 minutes): a. Each pair will take turns to sell their product in front of their partner using the Role Play Planning sheet. b. In this round, one person will play the role of a seller, and another person will be the customer. c. Person playing the role of customer will provide instant feedback to the person playing the role of seller based on: i. what went well ii. what could be improved B. ROUND 2: I. Perform Role Play (20 minutes): a. This round will be conducted during the Selling Skills II session. b. In this round, partners will switch roles. Person playing the role of customer (in Round 1) will now be the seller and vice versa. c. Person playing the role of customer will provide instant feedback to the person playing the role of seller based on: i. what went well ii. what could be improved C. ROUND 3 : I. Perform in front of class (35 minutes): a. Your facilitator will select 7-8 students to perform the role of seller in front of the whole class. b. Depending on the class size and time availability, facilitator can restrict the number to 56 students. c. This will be followed by a feedback and debrief conducted by your facilitator. d. Other students will also give feedback to the students who perform in front of the class. Marketing and Sales © Wadhwani Foundation

Page 1 of 5 For Students’ Use V01


Selling Skills All the best and show off your outstanding selling skills!

Marketing and Sales © Wadhwani Foundation

Page 2 of 5 For Students’ Use V01


1. What would your initial questions be to get started with the conversation?

Fo un da tio na l Co ur se in En tr ep re ne ur

2. Write down few counter statements you would use while handling objections.

3. What benefits of your product/service would you want to highlight? (Refer your positioning statement created earlier)

4. What would your pitch be? (Refer your sales pitch)


No matter what you do with your idea or solution, finally it all boils down to selling your product or service to a customer. You have learnt about One-to-One selling process with the help of the video, One-to-One Selling Process and Concept. Here is a snapshot of the selling process using a One-to-One selling method: Fo un da tio na l Co ur se in En tr ep re ne ur

You would recall that the steps discussed in the video are only a recommended sequence. Sometimes you may have to start with a different step according to the customers’ questions, and how you want to lead the conversation. There are many other methods of selling. Take a look at a concise list of some other methods (on page 2 of this document) that you could consider depending on the type of business.

ANNEXURE Now, take a look at few other selling methods in a nutshell:

Fo un da tio na l Co ur se in En tr ep re ne ur

Selling Method


Example What’s the biggest problem you face while teaching English to students?” or

SPIN selling

In this method, you can use the power of “questioning”. Asking the right questions at the right time will empower the customer to take the right decision. SPIN is an acronym used for 4 different question types, namely; Situation, Problem. Implication, Need-payoff. These questions help you to identify your customers’ pain points and to build rapport.

SNAP selling

This method of selling brings you closer to your prospects’ level of thinking. SNAP is an acronym for- Keep it Simple, be iNvaluable, always Align, and raise Priorities. This method helps customers take decisions by evaluating choices

Challenger sale

This method is very different from a traditional sales tactics of building rapport with the customer. Using this method, changes the way customers think and leads them to your way of thinking. This method challenges the age-old technique of selling by introducing customers to challenges that they do not know they have, and then create the ‘aha’ moment. While communicating the same, each conversation needs to be tailored depending on the type of customer.

We have designed an ONLINE GAME, which you can access through a simple mobile app to make learning grammar an engaging and fun experience for both teachers and students.

Sandler sale

Using this method results in customer convincing you to sell rather than you convincing the customer to buy. This happens when you convey the impact of a challenge on a business. Here the buyer or the customer himself outlines the problems. In order to get to this point, you must focus on 3 pain areas: Technical, The businessfinancial impact, Personal impact.

How is this issue or method you use currently, making your life more difficult?

Consultative/ Solution selling

In this method, you put the customer in the centre of the selling process. This can be done by focusing on 6 principles: Research, Ask, Listen, Teach, Qualify, Close. This approach is more

What methods do you use in your school to teach grammar? Is it instructor-led or self-paced?

We’re dedicated to help you save money with innovative teaching techniques.

Saving money and time, Gamebased learning technique, learning at your fingertips, etc.

Selling Method



solution-oriented, and is more customer-centric. Here you don’t sell your product, rather you try and solve customer problems with the help of your product/service.

Conceptual selling Fo un da tio na l Co ur se in En tr ep re ne ur

Personal selling

In this method, you will focus on selling the concept rather than selling the product. This is achieved by three ways- Getting information, Giving information, and Getting commitment.

I can empathize with students’ problems in learning grammar. This ONLINE GAME includes games and quizzes.

Personal Selling is a planned and personalized communication between the buyer and the seller often in a face-to-face encounter to influence the buyer’s purchase decision. It is the oldest selling technique, but extremely useful even in today’s world.

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While all the above methods can be executed during early days of venture, the Challenger and Sandler selling methods are for seasoned entrepreneurs, to be used at an advanced level of the venture. The One-to-One Selling method is designed by combining the best from all the above methods. For example; it uses extensive questioning techniques like the SPIN method, face-to-face interaction like Personal Selling, Active Listening exactly like in the Consultative method, and so on. Any method of selling you choose, the key is to empathize with your customer.