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 HEL 1 Seminar Historically the sound changes because of... * 1/1 assimilation lenition both of them

  none of them

  English makes part of.... group of languages * 1/1 East-Germanic group North-Germanic group West-Germanic group

    Grimm's and Verner's Laws deal with the shift of... * 1/1 consonants

  vowels consonants and vowels diphthongs

  The first English record have come down from * 1/1 10 c 5c 7c


  OE [ f ] was pronounced in the following way: * 1/1 gift [ gift ] vs lifer [ liver]

  gift [ givt] vs lifer [ lifer] gift [ givt] vs lifer [ liver] gift [ gift] vs lifer [ lifer]

  OE Þ stood for sounds * 1/1 [dʒ] and [tʃ] [ʃ ] and [ s] [ð ] and [ θ]

  [ j] and [ʒ ]

  PIE is deciphered as... * 1/1 post-Indo-European language Proto-Indo-European language

  Proto-Indian-European Language Pre-Indo-European language

  When a short vowel ( e.g. [o] ) is replaced by a long vowel ( e.g. [ o:] ), this penomenon is called.... * 1/1 ablaut

  gradation i-umlaut pejoration

  OE Vocalic system included.... * 1/1 diphthongs monophthongs diphtongs and monophthongs


  There are ..... attested written documents in PIE * 1/1 5 2 0



  The types of difference in a language are: * 1/1 geographical and social social and temporal social and dialectal social, temporal and geographical

    How many stages of language death do you know?? * 1/1 1 2 3


  Anglo-Saxon alphabet was called.... * 1/1 thamisa futharc

  dellit tampa

  A set of principles to systematically compare languages with respect to their sound system, grammar structure and vocabulary is called.... * 1/1 comparative method

  comparatie system comparative-analytic system analytic system

  The change of sound from one to another is called .... * 0/1 lenition distribution

  qualitative change quantitatie change

  The PIE was spoken by the group of people living... * 1/1 in India between north of Caucusus and north of the Caspian Sea

  on the area between north of Caucuses and south of the Caspian Sea on the territory of modern Siberia

  What kind of linguistic phenomenon takes place in rīsan – rās – rīson - rīsen:: * 1/1 ablaut

  umlaut gradation lengthening of vowels

  The sign * in sunus ( daughter) means ..... form of the word * 1/1 reconstructed form

  cultural form dictionary form infinitival form

  Semantic changes include: * 1/1 pejoration and amelioration widening and narrowing of meaning all of them

  none of them

  In case of FEOH ( OE) and CATTLE ( MnE) for the denotation of the same concept we attest: * 1/1

shift of meaning

  simple substitution no replacement

  The voicing of the sound [z] into [r] is called.... * 1/1 zootism rhotacism

  reduction deletion

  Franz Bopp established .... * 1/1 the importance of Sanscrit in the comparative study of language

  the importance of Old English the importance of PIE the importance of PG

  Synchronical study of language is… * 1/1 the investigation of language as fixed in time and description of each linguistic unit in present

  the study of language from its origin to the present the study of language’s origin all of them

  OE word sentence always began with capital letters * 1/1 all the letters were capitalized no capital letters in OE sentence

    Language change is ... * 1/1 a change of one form of language into another the phenomenon inolving the modification on phonetic and semantic levels changes on syntactic and morhologic levels

changes on all levels

    in OE disc, scinu [sc] was pronounced as... * 1/1 [sk] [ dʒ] [tʃ] [ʃ ]

    The practice of establishing the features of unattested ancestor of one or more given languages is called.... * 1/1 linguistic comparison linguistic affirmation linguistic reconstruction

  linguistic systematization

  The study of language’s change use in the past and the determination of the language subsequent derivation from the previous one and their relationship is called…. * 1/1 historical sociolinguistics historical linguistics

  historical dialectology historical semasiology

  If no children are learning the language as their first language, the language is .... * 1/1 dead having a shift moribund


  Doubling of consonants in OE indicated.... * 0/1

muteness length shortening of pronunciation strong pronunciation

    In the early Germanic Languages the grammatical forms were built by.... * 1/1 inflections sound interchange suppletion all of them

    The PIE was.... * 1/1 an inflected language

  a compositional language a functional language

  The OE vowels were... * 1/1 all long all short long and short

  length and shortness of the vowels did not matter

  When a back vowel changes to the associated front vowel or a front vowel becomes close to [i], when the following syllables contains -i, one can speak about ... * 1/1 i-umlaut

  i-ablaut a-umlaut i-lenition

  Runes represent..... * 1/1

a numeric alphabet inscriptions made on objects of hard materials, straightness being their feature

  inscriptions made on soft objects, the letters being rounded another denotation of Roman alphabet

  The word stress in early Germanic languages is ..... * 1/1 fixed on the root

  movable fixed on the prefix fixed on the suffix

  Diachronical study of language involves… * 1/1 every linguistic unit is interpreted as an evolution

  the research of modern state of the language the investigation of language’s origin

  PIE roots phonetically resemble modern English words... * 1/1 always resemble not always resemble

  they are quite different

  The causes of language change are: * 1/1 principle of least effort and analogy medium of communication and cultural environment language contact and society all the reasons as a system