Seducing The Villains Father [PDF]

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Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch "Father..." I looked up at the man in front of me, my eyes open. I could see his neat eyebrows creeping up. His handsome face flashed a blank look. "Father?" "Ehm..." I made a slip of tongue again. This mouth of mine! This damn mouth! I changed my words quickly. " Majesty" "..." His Majesty who seemed offended did not even answer. Ah, it was wrong of me to keep turning a healthy, unmarried young man into a father. I smiled widely. No matter how beautiful this man is in this celestial world, smiling eyes are always considered beautiful. I said with a big smile that cramped my face. "Will you marry me?" 'Just marry me instead of the scary Lady Elard.' Marriage. Huh?

With his cat-like, red-purple eyes and his shiny silver hair, the young emperor, Euredian Belgoth, immediately looked at me with an absurd face. "Princess." "Call me Yerenica." This man with his absolute defensive iron wall would never do it though. Once again, I looked up at Euredian with my sparkling eyes. He looked a bit embarrassed now. "I didn't kidnap you to marry you." "I know that." "But why?" I pondered for a moment. Why? Well, Because if we get married, you'll get to live longer. But I can't say that. In the end, I just said something romantic. "I fell in love with you the first time I met you." "But I don't love you, princess.." Eh? "And you know, I already have a fiancée.." I can barely smile after he finished these two sentences. Just keep calm. "You said she wasn't your fiancée" "Well, let's call her my future fiancée then." Look at this. I know for sure that he's lying! I barely kept my smile without grinding my teeth.

"You're right. Let's say the future is unpredictable. Does Your Majesty love Lady Elard?" "I can't really say I do..." "Well, does that mean I have a chance?" "Why should I give you a chance?" Euredian answered my defiant question lightly. "Because you like me...?" I blacked out at his expression. Euredian was laughing loudly. He was so handsome that it was easy enough to fall into frustration. Again, he's rejected me. I can't believe it's too fast! "Well, I don't think so." I've put aside my pride because I thought he was friendly, but after all, he's still a suspicious and tall-walled man. I like you. I love you. Should there be more reasons? –You don't love her at all, what are you talking about? I quickly focused back and started to try to appeal to him. "If you marry me, there will be a lot more to gain than marrying Lady Elard." "For example?" "I own a granary in the western valley of Lebovny. You know right? The western valley is the blessed land by the goddess!" "If it's blessed, Belgoth is full of that." "A-and! I'm the youngest princess of Lebovny. I have a lot of dowries, thanks to that I own a considerable amount of money..."

"Is the Lebovny Princess worried about Belgoth's treasury?" I won't give up. How about this one? "If you marry me, my father will open the Glucaman road!" The reply was unexpected. "Even if I don't marry the princess, I think the Glucaman Road will be opened soon." The horse was bound to mute the honey. My country is a small and powerless kingdom. Which is sad, to say the least. If he knew I was doing this in order to save him, he'd accept our marriage instantly! But I can't spit it out. I screamed out to the gods. If you marry Lady Elard, you will surely get a terrible ending! She's going to raise your son as the evil black wizard and you're going to be murdered by him before you get past 40! I'm trying to save you here! But if I get those words in public, I'll be treated like a crazy person or will be questioned about the source of this information. In the end, I used my last card. I really didn't want to use this! "Don't you think I'm pretty?" "Well, I don't know" To say the least, I was speechless. Right. Euredian Belgoth was clearly a cold-blooded man with no trace of remorse. He's setting an iron wall as well. I was bitter. This is the first time my beauty isn't working! Of course, it was not new enlightenment. This man, even compared to Yerenica, was a good-looking man who would not lose to her. "Oh. Will you be angry if I answer this? The Lebovny Princess who looks like a cat?" Euredian smiled.

"...." "This is the first time I've been proposed to, so it's nice. But, I want you to know that I don't want to marry the princess. I don't want a marriage without love as a foundation." I was so drained that I ended up nasal breathing. 'Hey! Earlier you said you didn't love Lady Elard!' Euredian shrugged as he read my face like he found something funny. On this windy day, there was a lot of bitterness. "I'm trying to love her." "What?" "As soon as the Glucaman Road opens, I'll send you back to Lebovny." Oh, this iron wall can't be passed. He says that he'll try to love that wicked woman just because he doesn't know anything about it yet. That woman will teach your son how to use black magic! I feel frustrated to death. This isn't just to save the future of Euredian Belgoth, but to save my future too. I must stay close to him like a molasses as long as I'm in this body. I must change this world before the original timeline of the story starts. "Heh." I stepped back, swallowing tears of sorrow. First, I need to do something. My eyes flashed open. Do you think I'll give up just because you put up a wall like that? Since I'm the captivity of Belgoth, I'm surely going to seduce you! Euredian went away from me with an amused look. Bad brat!

It has been a year since I fell into the world in the book. Well, about 20 years before the original story began. My desperate attempt to save us both, the pitiful supporting roles, started off with the rejection of the "villain's father."

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch "What are you going to do about the name, sister?" It was a warm, spring day as I looked at my sister across the tea table. She looks like a red rose with her braided curly red hair. She was beautiful and currently pregnant with only three months left. My sister, Tezevia, seemed to be worried about my question. I held the cup tightly as my heart pounded. "Do you think brother-in-law has already decided? If not, what did you choose?" "Well..." My sister seemed to be a little embarrassed and I somehow knew why. "Brisney." I covered my twitching lips with the teacup. I already expected that name. "Brisney...that's a pretty name." I couldn't stop my voice from shaking a little. "Don't you think it sounds too much like a pet name?" Tezevia's cheeks turned red like her hair. "No, it's cute." I tried my best to answer. It turned out just like the novel. This is the world of the novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' that I read before I died. Sitting across from me, Tezevia, is pregnant with Brisney, the heroine of the novel.

The heroine of the novel is growing inside my sister's stomach. This can lead to many endless possibilities. 8 months ago, I became a supporting character in this world — this isn't just a dream but my reality. The original story was like a poem that you'd try to write with it's first page¹ just around the corner. An unpleasant tragedy took place before the main story progressed. It started with the young Emperor of Belgoth kidnapping my pregnant sister. *** PR/N: ¹ if this isn't clear it just means that they're close to the first event in the book.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch A passage from the book flashed through my head. [Silver hair that glowed faintly in the sun.] My heart dropped suddenly as Tezevia opened her mouth soundlessly. [A reddish-purple eye was glaring at her with great intensity] 'Scary...! No.' I trembled as I recalled the scene that was written. Belgoth empire is in the east of this continent. It was a country that held wealth. In the middle of the continent is our little kingdom, Lebovny. A country that can be trampled by the said empire. The Emperor of that great empire was the one who took my pregnant sister and kept her in Belgoth for ten years. Of course, he is an unlucky man and, in the end, died tragically at the hands of his own son. When he died, I grabbed my cell phone and cried loudly! "It's still scary..." Perhaps because he is now a mighty ruler of a great empire despite not being properly described in the novel? Or maybe because I see them as real people now. Anyway, the emperor of Belgoth kidnapping my sister was only the prelude to a long novel. It was also the beginning of the tragedy of the father and mother of the protagonists, the mother being my sister.

Tragedy. Yeah, I said it was a tragedy. The novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy', was a story of growth, sweet and sometimes sexy romance. The happiness of the main characters is the most important as it was built on the sacrifice of my generation. Basically, it's about healing the protagonist's suffering through each other. None of the main characters' parents had lived a smooth life. It's not that they didn't live a smooth life... "...Almost all of them are short-lived..." Even if they survived, they are crippled or infected with a disease then die. Unhappy even after death. Isn't this going a little too far? A stifled sigh came out of my mouth. The big problem is that this is already a year before the main characters of the novel are born. I am also the only person who knew all the contents of the story. If it wasn't me, who would save them?! I made up my mind. I'll try to stop the tragedy of the novel from happening! Plan A: Stop the invasion of Lebovny in Belgoth. With that in mind, I started living in this world. "Yes, it's good to have a plan." Although to implement the plan, I needed to know when Belgoth would invade Lebovny. It wasn't mentioned in the novel and there was no explanation on the reason either. Well, 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' is a story about the main character, Brisney. Of course, the contents of the parents' generation appeared briefly in the first volume but it was not very detailed either. All I know is that the agreement between Lebovny and Belgoth had been broken for certain reasons which led to Belgoth's attack on Lebovny's royal family. The only fact I know is that Tezevia was kidnapped as a hostage.

I didn't know anything else. Why? Because it wasn't said in the novel. No matter how hard I pulled my hair, I only remember one sentence. 'Lebovny refused to follow the agreement and the emperor of Belgoth became angry.' "So....What is it?...!" I dropped down in the chair. I was the reader, not the writer! My escort knight, Fernandez, who saw me slouching on the chair looked at me apprehensively. "What are you worried about, Princess? You don't look well..." "Yes..." I looked gloomily at him. "I'm worried about your right leg and left eye." "What?" Fernandez made a strange face. I shook my head at him. You don't understand. How could you understand? I know Fernandez will get married this year and will have a son in winter. While my brother-inlaw, Duke of Lebanon, will become crippled as he tries to rescue Tezevia. This man's future was a tragedy. Fernandez Cardi. This man is the male protagonist's father. I wish I could tell both Fernandez and the Duke of Lebanon to stay home and even think about going on a business trip. I shook my head and thought again. An agreement between Belgoth and Lebovny. What kind of treaty did Belgoth make that they ended up kicking Lebovny's ass? I looked at Fernandez with determined gaze "Ferdi."

"Yes, princess." "Have you heard any negotiations with Belgoth or something like that?" "If it is a negotiation with the empire, perhaps the Glucaman Road Agreement?" "The Glucaman Road Agreement?" 'Where did I hear that name before?' "Yes. In exchange for our country opening the Glucaman Road, the treaty will provide us some of Azekien's mana stone by the Belgoth Empire." "Oh!" In the novel, the Glucaman Road Agreement was a treaty that was briefly mentioned when the kings discussed the international situation. I immediately stood up. I knew instantly that this was it! Yes, in fact, a small kingdom like Lebovny can only have this kind treaty with Belgoth? After all, the eastern and western parts of the continent are Lebovny's only advantage and the Glucaman Road Agreement is profitable for Lebovny. Yet we broke it first? I frowned. The audacity of this small-sized kingdom to break the treaty. My father, King of Lebovny, did he have a death wish or something? Anyway, I thought about it. I clenched my fist and jumped out of my seat. That's it! The only thing left is the broken agreement. I had to fix it. "Princess? Where are you going? Princess?" Fernandez hurriedly called after me as I started to run with all my might, ignoring the pitiful call. I will apologize to Fernandez later. For now, I should be a hidden hero that saves this kingdom. I went straight to the oval office.

"Dad!" "Oh, Yerenica." The king who looks a lot like me, greeted me with a smile. "My daughter. Why are you in such a hurry?" "Father, the Glucaman Agreement!" I say in a hurry. My father opened his eyes wide. It is quite cute when the king of a country whose small, round face looks all surprised. "Father, father..." "Mm-hmm, my daughter." "Glucaman Agreement with Belgoth..." "Mh-hmm..." And my father avoided my eyes. Huh? "You don't have to know my daughter." "What?" "My youngest daughter, you don't have to know the complicated international situation. It will only hurt your head." What nonsense! I managed to suppress my temper. Brisney is only three months away from being born. In the novel, Brisney said that she was born a few weeks earlier than her scheduled date, which is less than two months away. The Imperial Army came before that. I am in a hurry to know so I pulled my father's arm. "No way, dad. Are you thinking about something strange?" "Mh-hmm? Something strange...Yerenica." I saw it. I saw it. A cold sweat spilling over my father's forehead. I took a deep breath and shouted. "DAD!"

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch After three hours of hard work, my father finally gave in. The content was so baffling that I could only open my mouth. "So, you sealed off the Glucaman Road?" I said the words back to my father in a daze. It sounded like something out of the blue, but this is the reality. The Glucaman Road was the shortest route connecting Western Azekien and Eastern Belgoth and its owner was Lebovny, which was located between the two. Lebovny signed an agreement to receive some of the items from both Belgoth and Azekien if the road was opened. Belgoth was in the eastern part of the continent and an empire that does not have mana stones. It is a mineral that is necessary to protect the yellow sea and border, so Belgoth needs the right to travel through the Glucaman Road. As for Lebovny, they had the advantage by being paid for mana stones. However, recently, a large mine was found in Azekien. Naturally, the volume of mana stones being traded skyrocketed between Belgoth and Azekien. This led to my father's greed. So, last year, he changed the agreement. Instead of being paid with the mana stones, he wants to be paid with 10% of the total transaction volume. It was scary. No, this guy, this empire is scary! "Err, they can only go to Azekien if they use Glucaman Road, so this is a winning condition for me." My father hurried out his excuse. It's been two years since we sealed off the road. Two years! I'm pissed.

"Are you not afraid of the empire's retaliation?!" My voice grew louder. "Oh, my God, Yenny. Yenny, even though Belgoth is the eastern power, it is also a country that signed a peace treaty with us. They can't hurt us." My father seemed to try to appease me somehow. Sadly, not a word was heard. That very Belgoth will be here soon. We will be raided. Tezevia will be kidnapped. They will kidnap her! "You're never going to reopen Glucaman road, are you?" "There's no reason for that. If we wait a little longer, we will get mana stones that our kingdom wouldn't even imagine even after working for months." My father gave a very gentle answer. Yeah. If I were not in the novel and didn't know what would happen, I would have believed it. This situation may have been a victory for Lebovny without a tug-of-war situation. But I knew that Belgoth's patience would soon crumble! "Oh, really." There is nothing else I can do to change my stubborn father's mind. So, I left the office. Plan A failed. I can't believe it failed before I could even do anything. I bit my lips as I sighed for the 145th time. Let's wake up. How long am I just going to sigh? "...Good. I need plan B." Fernandez who was following Yerenica seemed to be surprised when he saw her mumbled to herself. He can see the burning determination in her eyes as he follows along. If we can't stop Belgoth' s invasion of Lebovny, then... the next thing will happen is Tezevia's kidnapping. That's my plan B. Stop the Emperor of

Belgoth from kidnapping my sister! By the way, when exactly did Belgoth invade? At this point, I can say that I have no luck. "Oh, come on!" I screamed as I gripped my head. I don't know. I don't know. I can't remember! I took a handful of my soft pink hair as I thought, "Ahem, when the hell is it?" Belgoth is coming in for a surprise invasion and as soon as I remember Plan B, I know the coffin was sealed. Before I can stop my sister's kidnapping, I need to know when the empire is coming. But I didn't know exactly when. I know the time was clearly mentioned in the novel, unlike the Glucaman Agreement. I just can't remember! I'm sure I read it! I tried to recall more as I held on to my hair. At the very beginning of the novel, the date of the invasion was mentioned. It was also mentioned in the middle of the story. I was too focused on the love story between the characters that I forgot about the background information. Get a grip! I took a deep breath. "No. Let's calm down. I can do it. It will come to me..." ....but no. Nothing came to my mind and it seemed like my memory just went out to the window. I felt like I forgot the more I thought about it. "Damn it."

I ended up lying on the bed, spitting out profanities. I know that the tragedy is coming but I can't tell when. It seems like I can't be the hidden hero to save the kingdom. I hit the pillow in a fit of rage. "Why do I have to worry about this in the first place?" My thoughts went back to the start of this whole situation. At the very moment when this suddenly happened to me. Why am I trying to save the kingdom? Why am I doing it? Well, the whole thing started 8 months ago as I woke up in Yerenica' s body. *** Before I became Yerenica, I was a normal college student named Seo EunSeo. I was looking for a job in the middle of my graduation. Currently, working in a cramped dining room and was poor. One morning, after I finished my night job on the way back home. I died... I must have. The cause of it was the bus I was on collided head-on with an oncoming car. I was reading a novel on my cell phone not anticipating what would happen. I was reading 'Brisney Wants to be Happy,' which was a series. Then suddenly there was a loud roar and my body was pushed forward. What I saw was the bright headlight of the car that collided with the front of the bus. Then the bus turned over and the floor of the bus became the ceiling, and something broke. I heard the sound as I fell. It was immediate. I didn't even have the chance to feel scared. Before I could feel the pain, the world turned black. The bus completely overturned. It was an accident and I died in an instant. It was not unreasonable.

I thought I was dead, but it turned out I wasn't. I woke up lying on a soft bed. The hand that I spread out before my eyes was much more delicate, elongated, and smooth than my hand. I quickly got out of bed, and when I saw my reflection in the mirror for the first time, I screamed. "Aaaaah!" "Yerenica?" A curly red-haired woman ran into the room at the sound. When I saw her, I was even more surprised and screamed again. I looked back at my reflection. My light pink hair, my face which was frightened was beautiful. The most surprising thing... "Princess! What can I do for you? She called me a princess! I squealed on the spot. I'm done. The whole situation shocked me. As soon as I opened my eyes in my new body, I became weak, because of the shock, I couldn't even stand. Apparently, I was in a coma for a week. Once I woke up again, I dragged my feet and looked in the mirror. It still reflected the same face just like a week ago. With skin white as snow, light pink hair which looked as sweet as cotton candy and clear blues eyes. My hand reached out to the mirror by itself. "Hiyaa..."

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch The face that I saw was beautiful. After living for 25 years, my previous life's face was something that can't compare to my current face, I looked like a squid back then. I stroked the mirror and admired it for a long time. I looked down and noticed that I was alive, but I couldn't believe it. The soft pink hair that fluttered around the waist almost looked like it would melt away if I touched it. The same can be said for the cheeks which was white as snow. No matter how I looked at it, I looked like a 17 or 19 year old. Perhaps around that? "I thought I was dead... dead." I murmured with a big smile. The voice that came out was sweet as honey. If I grew up just a little more, I would have a lot of handsome men around me. I could not help but smile. This is the face of a celebrity. I do feel better, it will be fine. I don't have to worry about my rent anymore or living paycheck to paycheck. That alone is good enough. God, it felt so wonderful. It's like I won the jackpot. "Uh-huh." Even if I'm not dead this will do! I am thankful for this beautiful face. It must have been hard to get this. I must have saved my country in my previous life. But then something surprising happened. Ten maids stepped into the room when I was close to kissing the mirror.

"You're awake, Princess!" "Yeah, yeah?" I looked up at her blankly. Their costumes looked way too real. Apron on a neat black dress that goes all the way to the ankle. A maid hat wrapped around the hair neatly. But the most surprising thing is that they called me 'Princess.' "Eh... Princess? Huh?" I stuttered like a fool. The language that I spoke, what is it? It's not Korean or English. What, what country is this? I was still in shock when Miss Maid kept going, "You haven't woken up for a week. You don't know how worried everyone was. Are you feeling better?" "Yes, y-yes?" "Oh my. Why are you responding so formally to me suddenly, my princess?" The maid with brown hair burst into laughter as she tried to cheer me up. And I could only empty out my stomach in front of the mirror. What the hell is going on here? I remember after that, I washed my face with a barrel of water, then my arms and legs. I brushed my teeth with a stiff little brush. All those things, I didn't do it myself. I just sat on the bed and stared blankly at the maids "Uh-oh..." "What's wrong, Princess? Is it uncomfortable?" "No..." Princess. Princess? I didn't die. I am alive which is good. I am to live as a princess!

A question came to my mind as my hair was being combed. "Do you know where this is?" I asked it carefully. As soon as I spoke, I knew something was wrong. The maid's eyes were so wide open that it couldn't get any bigger. "Princess!" "Quickly get Her Majesty...No, first, call for the physician!" Immediately, my surroundings turned upside down. I was lost as I saw the maids running around in a frenzy. "The youngest princess has lost her memory!" I could only listen to them while being confused. *** In short, I woke up in the body of Yereninovica Shubia Lebovny. Lebovny Kingdom is in the middle of the Liger continent and I am the youngest princess of this kingdom. The king and queen who claimed to be my mother and father visited me when I woke up. I saw the red hair for the first time as soon as I got up. I cried all day for a few days while being held. "Yerenica. Our lovely Yeni. Don't you remember me, your mother?" The queen burst into tears. "Eh..." I didn't have a mother. Not even a father. The queen looked at me sadly and burst into tears of sorrow. So, I cried along with her. It is good to be alive again, but was it okay to be in this body?

It was a few days later when I noticed something strange. I gazed blankly at the escort knight in front of me. "Uh, what's your name again?" "Fernandez Cardi, Princess." Cardi! A flash of recognition struck my mind. After 15 days of not being used, the frozen brain started to work again. Cardi, that name I have seen it somewhere. I could not help but laugh at the end of my thought, "Oh. It can't be." "Yes?" "Right. It can't be Cardi. I have a crazy imagination~" I thought about it carefully, and I could only come up with the novel that I was reading before I died. Are you kidding me? "I mean, Fernandez Cardi, is that what you said?" I asked again. "Yes, Princess?" "Do you have a son? Or a brother?" My voice trembled as the only Cardi I knew was the male protagonist from the novel that I was reading before I died. I could hear my heart stopping. Alexio Lazar Cardi. It's a name that I'll never forget. Just how many times did I give my heart to Lexi? It was sad. Fernandez tilted his head as he replied, "Son? But I'm still single, Princess?" "Oh?"

"And I'm the only child in my family." Yeah. It must be a coincidence or just in my head. No kidding. To think that I came into a book.... "Ugh..." And like a spring, memories came rushing through my mind. It was a novel that I read obsessively until the moment of my death. A novel that I couldn't stop reading, 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' More memories came through. Lebovny, the Linger Continent, Belgoth Empire beyond the Cezanne Mountains. All the familiar names I remembered. Now that I think about it, it was strange. My beautiful red-haired older sister whose name was Tezevia is also the name of Brisney's mother who was kidnapped at the beginning of the novel! I can't believe I just noticed this.... I clutched my head as I tried to remember the settings of the novel. Lebovny was the kingdom of the heroine, Brisney. The country was as small as a bird's nail but held a major power as it connected the eastern and western parts of the continent. Brisney was the daughter of Tezevia, the first princess of Lebovny. The male protagonist, Alexio Cardi, was her escort knight. The love story of the princess and her escort knight. That's the main plot in 'Brisney Wants to be Happy.' There is another leading character in the novel. The emperor from the eastern part of Liger. The tyrant of the Belgoth Empire, Deckard Belgoth. He was the villain in 'Brisney Wants to be Happy.'

I chewed my lips. "Oh my god." I raised my head suddenly, "I really am in the novel." "Yes?" "You really don't have a son, do you?" "No, I don't, Princess. Why are you asking?" I suddenly had a throbbing headache. This is the only conclusion that I could come up with. I was transported in a novel where the main characters are not even born yet. When I realized it, I felt like I was going to faint. This doesn't look good. If I told anyone that I was transported into a novel, who would believe that? "No way!" No way. That's crazy, but, if I thought about it, everything made sense. From one point to the other, the whole thing is weird, but it made sense. I didn't know why but it did. What the hell?! This isn't a dream at all? There is no school, or snow here. When I get up, I'll be back in my small but comfortable room. But I didn't. The time just passed as if it were mocking me. One month, then two months passed. After eight months, nothing had changed. *** Now, in the present time. Plan A has failed and I'm currently struggling with plan B.

I am sitting in front of my sister at Duke Lebanon's garden. Sister Tezevia looked pretty like a red rose without any type of thorns. My niece and the female lead of this story was named Brisney a few days ago. "I don't think so." In just five days, the change was not noticeable. Yeah, it's probably our fault. Brisney, could you please be born on your due date in June? Don't follow the original story, baby. I had no idea that I was looking at my sister's belly with an intense gaze. "Yerenica?" Tezevia called me in a worried voice "Huh? Uh-huh?" "What are you doing? I feel embarrassed." My sister smiled slightly as she started blushing. I managed to draw my gaze away from her belly and smiled awkwardly "It's just amazing that Brisney will soon be born." Those words were 100% sincere as I laughed my head off.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch Well, of course, I thought this would happen. The name and the appearance are the same as characters, even the castle is exactly as it was depicted in the novel. When I woke up, I was in the novel. I was too optimistic in thinking that I could change the plot in eight months, especially now that I have fully adapted to this being my reality. "Brisney is going to be so pretty. She will look just like you." "I would like it if she looked like her father..." "No, Brisney is going to be a carbon copy of big sister." I said confidently which surprised Tezevia and I quickly covered my words with a smile. "A copy?" Yes, a copy. Brisney is also going to have curly red hair, a small freckle on the tip of her nose and sky-blue eyes that is a trait of the royal family of Lebovny. As a baby, Brisney would look exactly like her mother. That's how the writer described her. Right. That's good. My eyes once again went back to Tezevia's pregnant belly. In the novel, Brisney's birth was very difficult. First, before Brisney was born, Tezevia was kidnapped by the Belgoth Empire; then she passed away in the beginning of the story. Brisney's father, Duke of Lebanon died on the way to rescue his wife.

Tezevia, who heard the news, was so shocked that she went into labor early. Due to this Belgoth and Lebovny could never reach an agreement. So, Tezevia had to live in Belgoth for 10 years with her daughter. During this time, young Brisney met the Prince of Belgoth who would become the villain of the novel. Deckard had his heart broken when Brisney and her mother returned to Lebovny. The situation enraged him. I can't remember Deckard Belgoth's middle name because it was so long, but he was an evil magician who almost destroyed the world in 'Brisney Wants to be Happy.' He was considered evil because his black magic controlled the dead spirits of hell! Deckard killed his own father, the emperor of Belgoth, at the age of eleven – a year after Brisney left. Why did he kill his own father? It's because he needed to become the emperor to bring Brisney back from Lebovny! As soon as he killed his father, he gained the power of black magic. I remember the description of the whole situation; it was a bloody depiction contrary to the bright 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' novel. The emperor of Belgoth, wasn't given a name or description. I couldn't stand it when I read it. On the other hand, Tezevia returned to her homeland when Brisney turned 12 years old. It was during a plague, and my sister got infected with it. Was it that winter or the year after it? Well, Tezevia finally died because of the plague. From that point on Brisney had a difficult childhood. The short life of Brisney's parents was so awful and horrifying that Brisney's childhood became even more miserable and tiring. There are already three victims. Sister Tezevia, her husband the duke of Lebanon, and the villain's father, the current Emperor of Belgoth.

Lastly, Alexio's father? Well, he will live. Alexio's father is my escort knight, Fernandez. He will lose one of his legs and one of his eyes on the very journey that killed The Duke of Lebanon. There were several scenes in the novel where Alexio carried his injured father. "...." Looking back on it, the main characters' parents' generation all ended in tragedy. "Haaa..." My sister, Tezevia, gave me a dubious look as I continued to sigh. "Why are you sighing? What's bothering you?" "What worry...It's nothing." "If you're having a hard time tell me." "Uh-huh. No." "Is something bothering you?" Oh, my angel Tezevia. It was natural for her to be so kind to someone who was currently feeling frustrated. I smiled so that I wouldn't worry my pregnant sister. I am indeed worried. I haven't been able to sleep for the past five days, as I don't know when Belgoth's invasion will happen. There's not a lot of time left until Belgoth attacked the Royal family. The beginning of the tragedy is right around the corner. F*ck! I got goosebumps all over. Despite knowing what will happen, I still don't know the exact date; and every time I think about it, I get chills down my back.

[Liger's Eastern Stronghold Belgoth will have Lebovny's knights fall on their knees helplessly.] That passage was so clear and vivid in my memory. "Oh, are you cold, Yerenica?" "Uh-huh, A little." It's cold because the future that I know will come soon. I'm petrified. If everything keeps going like this, the Imperial army will attack and invade the royal family. I'm so terrified that I can't do anything. That's it, from now, let's hide my sister and Brisney from Belgoth! *** But, where could I hide her? The only place I know in Lebovny is the Imperial Palace and the Duke's place. I started to follow my sister like her shadow from that day on. It was an inevitable, as it was the only thing that I could do to prepare for the future that would come. Currently, I was in the garden with Fernandez close by. This is one way to keep an eye on sister Tezevia and Fernandez who is also nearby. Fernandez was my escort knight but more than anything else, he was also going to be the father of the male protagonist, Alexio. The male protagonist was also one of the people I wanted to protect. This way I could save more than one person. My sister, Fernandez, the Duke of Lebanon, my dad, and the current Emperor of Belgoth who were brutally killed. "...."

I guess I'm destined to do this. I am destined to change the tragedy that started 21 years ago. But, if I changed the story now, what will happen to the original plot? The original plot was terrible, if I change the story slightly, will the current timeline get ruined? *** "What the hell are you doing here, going out of the palace alone?" For the last few days I have been going in and out of Sergey Lebanon house. The Duke's younger brother and my childhood friend. "You won't understand this sister's profound thoughts." I said as I clutched the cushion while lying on the bed. "Are you even able to do that?" "Shut up." I threw the cushion right at Sergey, but it missed and fell in front of him. "Seriously, who would think that you are the princess of a country?" "Do you want me to shut your mouth?" Sergey was a handsome young man who had been Yerenica' s friend since they were young. This was the same as in the novel. Although, there was almost no mention of Yerenica in the novel. She was only mentioned when Tezevia was kidnapped and died, and a few lines that described by Brisney. That was it. There was nothing about Yerenica's appearance or who she married. Nothing like that appeared in the novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy.' Yerenica was just a supporting character that didn't play any special part. "Supporting character without any impact."

"What?" "No, nothing." Fortunately, the original Yerenica seemed to have the same personality as I did. Or probably I was just very good at adapting to the whole situation. I rolled on the bed again. Hmm. It would be nice to be an extra with no purpose. How did I end up here? Sergey was now looking at me with somber eyes. "Hey, Ser, you know what?" I spat out dryly. "Hmm?" "You have to come and rescue me in time?" Sergey made an absurd face. "Why would I save you? You have Sir Cardi to do that." "You will do it for sure." Because the writer wrote it that way in the novel. I rolled over again. Yerenica only said two lines in the story, just before Tezevia got kidnapped. The scene in the novel played like a picture in my head. [Tezevia shouted. There were clashes of swords and screams all over the place that she had to shout. "Sergey, please look after Yerenica!" I saw my little sister's face distorted "Sister! Sister..." Tezevia shook her head. She knew that if she ran away, she would be caught. And the Imperial Army was only targeting the royal family.

Yerenica is the princess of Lebovny who had to remain in the country and could become the Duke of Lebanon's wife. You must evacuate first after mother and father. "Sister!" Yerenica cried out as she had her hand stretched out to her sister "Yerenica. We have to go!" Serge, who was also a mess, dragged Yerenica away. The crying face soon got further than and further away. Tezevia pursed her lips. From now on, she needed to get a grip on herself. For the sake of her daughter whom she was pregnant with.] Yeah. That was the only reason why Yerenica was saved and didn't have a single hair pulled out of her head. I have Sergey. "I trust you, Sergey." "Those weird words again." I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling about this.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch All I have to do is get my sister out of the palace in advance. I will be hiding in a safe place, of course. If something goes wrong, I know Sergey will save me. This shouldn't be difficult, or so I thought. A few days later, I'm in this situation. Hmm. Plan B was successful. During Belgoth's surprise attack on the royal family, I managed to prevent the Imperial Army from taking Tezevia. The problem is... "..." The sun was shining down on the silver-haired man. I swallowed with difficulty when I saw his purple eyes and quickly looked away. I was currently squatting behind a pillar before I looked up at the man blankly. Clean, silver hair without any impurities and purple eyes. The man's mouth went up. A blank expression came over my face. In the aftermath of battle, the lazy smile was gone without a trace. [The purple eyes with a reddish tint were staring at her with great intensity-] This was the same situation that was described in the novel, and it was something that I could feel with my whole body. The reddish-purple eyes shone strangely. Like the eyes of a predator that had found the prey it wanted. The Emperor of Belgoth, the eastern Lider

continent, reached out to me. "I got you, Princess of Lebovny." "He...." What...? *** Few hours prior. It was a peaceful afternoon. I was in the palace with my sister, having lunch with our father and mother. Mother looked at me anxiously. "Yeni, you don't look well. Do you not have an appetite?" I shook my head, took a sip of the tea and smiled brightly. "I am fine, don't worry." It was a lie, of course. I had no appetite at all. I've been on edge these past few days and it has drained me. However, nothing can be done to ease my tension. This is the yard where Belgoth's army might attack. Somehow, I felt even more uneasy today. This's overwhelming... After lunch, while our family was drinking tea, I kept feeling nervous. The other three were peacefully talking without any worries. "What did your doctor say?" "He said I have nothing to worry about." "Oh. That's a relief. Always make sure you are comfortable, Tezevia. You should only listen to things that make you feel good."

"Yes, I'm trying." I'm nervous. I'm anxious! I couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out of my seat. "Let's go back, sister! Being out here for too long is not good!" "Huh? But, Yerenica, it's been less than two hours." "Two hours is enough!" I was in a hurry. I forced my sister to get up from her seat. My father and mother just looked at me with wide open eyes. "Recently, sister gets easily tired even when she's outside for just a little while. I'll bring her back to meet you again!" I said quickly before they could say anything. "Oh, Tezevia. You said you were alright earlier!" Tezevia looked at me then at our parents, in confusion. I quickly began walking away with my sister's arm in my hand. "Stay in your room today. Please!" I told my mother and father as we were walking away. "Yerenica?" "We have to go!" Luckily, my intuition was right. "—!" Less than half an hour later, a red flag flew over the wall in a distance. Soon after, a fire broke out at the same time in five different places. It was the sign of the enemy's attack. "We are under attack!"

Anyway, I should set up a business with how accurate I was! Look! I clutched my sister's hand and started running. "Yenny, what is going on?" Tezevia shouted "We don't have time. Sister. Over here!" Pregnant women should be careful while walking but they should be even more careful when running. But right now, we can forget about that. After all, it was better than being kidnapped by the empire. I lead my sister quickly into the star palace. There's a place that I've prepared for this day. I bounded up the stairs of the palace and pushed my sister into a room at the end of the second floor. "Yenny, Yerenica. Mother and Father..." Tezevia was now crying. "They'll be fine." I tried to reassure my sister. In fact, the King and Queen of Lebovny were fine in the original story. After all, the Emperor of Belgoth's goal was to kidnap the princess. Tezevia didn't seem to believe me. After all, I looked like I was going to run away, as I kept looking out the window anxiously. I didn't mean to do that. I pushed the large empty bookcase in the room with ease. There was a small square gap that could barely fit one person. "Get in there, sister" I pointed to the hole, while wiping the sweat that was trickling down. "....?"

My sister looked at me and then at the crack with her tear-stained face. I could tell that she wanted me to explain. But there was no time. The howling sound could be heard even closer now. I quickly guided my sister into the gap. Clearly, for Brisney it was a big hole, but it was a tight fit for an adult. It couldn't fit the two of us. I couldn't go in. There was another hide-away behind the bookcase at the end of the second floor in the west palace which was written in the novel. Brisney, who returned to Lebovny had quarreled with Alexio, hid away from him in that hide-away. If you pushed the wrong button, you would fall into a dungeon. I don't know for sure, but I needed to tell my sister. "You see that little knot on the floor? If the Imperial Army comes into this room...Just press it. It will lead you down to the basement." "Yerenica." "You have to watch through these cracks, okay?" "Yenny!" Tezevia shouted agonizingly. Her face was pale and wet with tears. "Give me an explanation? What's going on here?" "Later." I said, "Just think of Brisney, for now." I covered the hole with the bookshelf again. I looked through the cracks between the bookshelf. "See you later, sister." I never thought it would be the last time I would see my sister, Tezevia. I didn't know! Anyway, after hiding Tezevia safely, I sneaked out of the palace. It was time for me to go to the second hole.

Coming down to the first floor, it was filled with people yelling and the sound of metals clashing against each other. "Princess!" The cries of the Lebovny's knights who were looking for me could be heard. "Princess Yerenica!" Chop Chop Chop Chop. I could hear the sound getting closer to me. Hyuk, did I make a mistake? Should I have just hid in the closet on the second floor? In any case, Sergey will come to my rescue... I looked out from behind the pillar of the star palace. "Huk." I swallowed my breath at the sight. This scene in front of me, it was exactly as words had described it in the novel. A reddish-purple flag flew. The silver blade that stood before me flashed in the sun. It was quick, but I saw red blood at first glance on the other side of the pillar on the floor. "Oh my god. What was that?" This is not a joke, is it? I squatted back down behind the pillar and gnawed on my lips. My only shelter is in the western palace. There was a similar underground hole in the west place. It was another hole that Brisney found when she was a child in the palace. I think it's alright to go there...? Or should I wait for Sergey here? But the uneasy premonition came again. How would Sergey know to save me? How would he know where to find me?

I was a believer of the original story but at the same time I was the main culprit that was destroying the original story. In the end, I stood up shakily. The western palace was just around the corner. I could carefully move between these pillars to keep out of sight. "Oh, Shi—" I got goosebumps from the chatter on the other side. I took a deep breath and stared at the pillar front of me. Yeah. If I ran as fast as I could, I could hide behind a pillar again. I think I can do it. I held my head up, and once I looked at my surroundings, I bent down and lifted my dress and ran as fast as I could. This is it! A pillar "Oh." I succeeded in crossing between pillars without any help. Oh, good. Let's go to the west palace like this. I counted and there were six pillars left. Damn it. That's a lot. I looked out the pillar again, quietly swearing. It seemed knights had not yet made it this far. I ran with everything I had. "Hoiyaa." I landed smoothly with the strange sound that came out of my mouth unconsciously. As soon as I hid behind the pillar, I covered my mouth with my hand and looked around. No one? Nice, Nice. We're going...!

I crossed two more pillars this way. Now, there are only two pillars left. The high ground is just around the corner. I looked out of the pillar and noticed something silvery, but I ignored it. No one is watching right now. At the next moment, I came across a pair of eyes that were looking right at me. "!!!" My heart almost popped out of my mouth. I clung to the pillar feeling my heart pounding against my chest. How long have you been watching me?! The eyes were bright purple. Before I knew what it meant, I heard footsteps approaching me. I could hear the armor as my body that was clinging to the pillar slid down. I was hiding behind the pillar and I could see the shadow getting bigger and bigger as I could hear the footsteps getting closer. My heart was beating so hard that I felt like it would burst. I exhaled before I covered my mouth tightly with my hand. Pant. Pant. "......" I feel like I'm going to cry. My heart cried earnestly. Sergey, it's time for you to rescue me! I'll give you a million kisses if you show up now. Show up! Please!

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch "!!!" However, Sergey didn't appear to save me. A big hand picked up the flag near where I was hiding. I squinted and looked up to find a frightening man in front of me. I couldn't breathe. I was frozen scared. The man had one hand on the pillar and the other was holding a helmet, he smirked as he mumbled, "Pink hair." "....." "And blue eyes." My chin trembled and my teeth were clenched tightly. The man appeared before me and looked down at me like I was a prey, had a face I didn't know, but his hair color, I knew it quite well. The silver hair. It was the same as Deckard Belgoth, the villain in 'Brisney Wants to be Happy.' Deckard resembled his father, the Emperor of Belgoth. That's how the book described him. Then the man in front of meThe man's smile disappeared. The Emperor of Belgoth, who was killed by his son in the novel, who became the villain's father, reached out to me.

"I got you. Princess of Lebovny." "Hikk." Sergey, you son of a b*tch! *** The 52nd Emperor of Belgoth, the eastern powerhouse of Liger, Euredia Lou Solledor Belgoth coincidently found Princess of Lebovny. He didn't do anything. He didn't mean to kidnap the princess. After all, the purpose of this raid was to warn the cheeky Lebovny kingdom and if it's possible, kidnap a member of the royal family as a hostage. Well this situation was just as surprising for him. Belgoth was the defender of the peace alliance in Liger. But since the empire broke the alliance itself, it was a complicated situation. However, the king of Lebovny's behavior was so outrageous he could not tolerate it anymore. What do you know about Belgoth? Well,they wanted ten percent of the total transactions from Azekien. It really looks like theft no matter how you see it. Erudian let out a sinister laugh. After all, if one royal family was caught then the arrogant kingdom will come to its senses. I would think so... And at that moment, out of nowhere a flash of pink was seen. That's it. It was a twist of fate. "....?" The unruly pink hair flew between the pillars. Thud. "??"

It was a slender woman with hair that looked like cotton-candy. Erudian watched as the woman ran between the pillars carelessly. She checked beyond the pillar while hiding her body before she ran. It was the first time I had seen something like this. She looked like an innocent rabbit that acted like a careless cat. Thud. The woman in the yellow dress ran one more time. She was so noticeable as she ran out. It was funny to look at. Then our eyes met. "!!!" Her clear-blue eyes widened. The eyes, nose, mouth and ears... Ah, I don't know. However, it was the sky-blue eyes that stood out. Pink hair and sky-blue eyes. The pages in my head fluttered over the profiles of the Lebovny's royal family. I found it. Yes, there was an unusual combination of colors. Lebovny's youngest princess. I can kidnap her. Erudian smiled at that and it didn't take a second to come up with the decision. ***

Clink. Clink. Clink. What is that noise? It was from his shoulder. Oh god, the world has turned upside down. Why is the earth above my head? I counted the number of stones that were on the ground. I had my stomach pressed against the armored shoulder that it quickly got numb. I mean, I was being kidnapped by the Emperor of Belgoth. "Princess Yerenica!" I heard the horrendous cries of Lebovny's knights who spotted me. "Return the Princess!" The courageous knights that ran towards the Emperor were quickly kicked away one by one. Every time he kicked the knights, I felt my organs being mangled and displaced. Ah, whether it's the stomach or intestine, one of them must have been cut off... I didn't have the energy to rebel. After all, my heart was about to pop out of my mouth. The Emperor of Belgoth had found me and put his hands under my armpit and lifted me up over his shoulder. The firmness of the armor against my body was painful now that I thought about it. The Emperor once again kicked someone. "Tsk. This is getting on my nerves." "Oh."

I nervously whimpered. It hurts! I had stopped my sister Tezevia from being kidnapped, but why am I being kidnapped instead? "....." What is the use of grumbling when it is already like this? Anyway, I was being abducted in a very calm and collective manner. I tried to relax as much as possible. And you know what? The man who I had been calling earlier came out late, not one foot away, not even 10, but 20 feet away. "Yerenicaaaaaaaa!" Sergey was so far away but he was running toward me. My eyes turned red as I teared up. I barely raised my head as I shouted with all my strength, "What are you doing now? You damn pu-" My cry was cut off because the Emperor readjusted my position over his shoulder. It hurts. My body was quivering as it felt like my ruptured organs were being jostled again. In the end I spoke, "excuse me," the voice that came out was as small as a mosquito. The Emperor did not seem to listen to me, he just continued to attack the knights that were trying to attack him. He just pushed them away. There was very little bloodshed on his way which was a little strange. "Excuse me, father!" I shouted a little louder (t/n: I was tempted to write it 'daddy' so bad...)

"??" I did not realize that there was something wrong with the title. The Emperor stopped for a moment. "Can you put me down?" I wanted to cry as I mumbled. "...You want me to release you?" "I wouldn't dare ask for that. Just put me down. I can walk on my own. Are you listening? Can you please put me down?" I didn't mean to sound so pitiful. I just could not breath. In the end, I pleaded and begged him again "Please I beg you. I'm hurting because the armor is too painful, plea- "And I flew in the sky. The feeling of the cold armor crushing my stomach disappeared in an instant. In a blink of an eye, I was on top of a horse. "....." A horse. A living horse. Have I ever seen a horse? A huge horse to look up at. A beast with four thick iron hooves that could crush me like a potato. The four muscled thighs trembled at once. "Oh!" Tears started showing up again and I instinctively clung to the horse's back. What an experience for an ordinary Korean university student from the 21st century! It's been eight months since I've been in this place but I've never been near a horse.

"What the hell?! Let me down!" I cried out. "Calm down. Calm down." I heard a calming voice. The kidnapper had an incredibly calm voice. It came from behind me! The emperor mounted the horse behind me. I could feel his weight on me. The horse moved its body and I started sliding backwards. I thought I would fall like this, but as I closed my eyes tightly something like a hard wall touched my back. "Straighten your back and lean back." "Like this?" "Yes, just like that." The silver armored arms covered my side like a fence. The emperor held the reins and shouted, "Belgoth troops, withdraw!" I thought I heard the faint cry of my name. Sergey. Or mother. Or father? Sister? I can't think anymore. A house-sized white horse raised its hooves high while neighing loudly. It galloped fast like a bullet. A hard arm grabbed my body as it was leaning forward. "...." I was kidnapped by Belgoth's Emperor instead of Tezevia. Damn it.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch The horse ran with tremendous speed. I could barely breathe and could only open my eyes to look at the Emperor of Belgoth. The landscape changed so fast that I almost fell sick. The only thing that held me still was that armored arms. It was so painful. It was natural for the emperor to wear sturdy armor, but I didn't have the courage to complain about it. My fate, where are you taking me now? "We are passing through the magic circle! Don't fall behind!" The emperor exclaimed while holding on to me tightly. Only then did I notice the dozens of horses and riders who were following us. The noise that continued was the sound of the entire army running off the ground. I could barely open my eyes. Magic circle. He called it a magic circle. There was a dazzling light in the distance. A large circle spread over two stepping stones. A strange mass of light swirled around, almost like a moving wall. As the Emperor ordered, no one reduced their speed. The Belgoth Empire's army seemed to pass through the magic circle. Instinctively, I knew that we were beyond Lebovny's border. "—!"

The light came in like a tidal wave. A flash so bright that I immediately covered my eyes. My body jolted, and I could hear the Emperor's loud voice. "Don't stop running! Until we reach Belgoth!" Then everything went dark. *** I had a splitting headache and I could hear noises from my surroundings. "Perhaps, her body is not immune to magic—" "Is that the reason she won't wake up? "I think so but I'm not sure. —" I could hear people talking but it seemed like they were far away so I could not understand what was being said. I felt stuffy. My eyes twitched as I had trouble opening them, but I was able to slowly open them. "!" After a while, I opened my eyes completely and at the same time, the sounds around me stopped. I could hear several people holding their breath. The first thing I saw was glittering silver hair as I let my eyes travel downward. Slender face with reddish-purple eyes, sharp nose, and a smooth jaw that didn't look delicate. Hmm. Handsome man. "— You're awake." the handsome man spoke, and I could only look in daze.

He is not a celebrity, yet he is more beautiful than Yerenica. I wonder how old he is, mid-twenties maybe. He was very attractive, looking charmingly idle. Silver hair, silver armor. Amid this, only the reddish-purple eyes shone brightly. "Princess." the handsome man spoke I smiled like a fool, but the man was frowning. I heard him turn and ask something. "What's wrong with her?" "First let me examine her..." An old man with a big white beard sat next to me. He was wearing oneeyed glasses. How much could you see from one eye? Perhaps his vision was not bad, but the glasses were too small. "Princess, would you excuse me for a moment?" The old man asked as he rolled up his sleeves. "...." By that point, my mind had returned to me. The haziness in the head was slowly clearing away. I grimaced when I felt my headache coming back. What is this? Did I have motion sickness? But I soon erased that idea. Something was wrong. The headache had become more and more prominent. "Ugh."

The splitting pain in my head was so severe. This was the first time I had a headache like this. A sudden white light flashed before my eyes and I couldn't even scream as my body was withering in pain. I couldn't do anything. I felt something that was cold and hard and held on to it. "Princess, wait..." The old man pressed his palmed on my forehead as he chanted something and immediately the pain doubled. I writhed away from the old man's hand as the pain began to gradually spread down from the head to the rest of my body. Lightning flashed in front of my eyes, and eventually everything went white. "Princess!" "—" The voice calling me was loud but then got weaker as I didn't have the energy to listen to it. I twisted myself in pain. I don't know what was running down my face, whether it was tears, runny nose or saliva. I felt something cold moving with my hand. I clutched it harder like a lifeline during struggle. "Hel..." Suddenly I felt something warm running through my veins that was when I felt the pain quickly starting to fade away. "—?" I curled-up and blinked dazedly. The tilted view showed dry land and a hard-silver armor. I let out a groan. "Ugh..."

It was an armored foot that I had been holding on to like a lifeline. A foot? There was a large, rough hand on top of mine. I looked up slowly. As soon as I looked up, I saw a man looking down at me. Where did the idle gaze go? Now, it was a mixture of alarm, mortification and concern. "Princess, are you okay?" The Emperor of Belgoth spoke in an urgent tone. "—-" Small drops of tears started to trickle down my face. Only then did I realize that I had been crying and had a runny nose that created a small puddle on the ground. I was writhing in pain, so I just ended up sobbing. "Hiing—. what even is this—-." For the past few days, I had been nervously watching over my sister, but instead I was the one who got kidnapped. I've never been on a horse before. I also experienced a new kind of pain all over my body. In the end, I burst into tears. I knew this would happen. "Even then...I would have done it." That's the saddest part. "Princess." The Emperor of Belgoth looked at me as if he was ashamed. "If you could not take my sister, you should have just left. Why do you take me? —- Bad—- Bad— Heuuung—"

Everything in this world is sad. I feel sad and my face is all wet. "Sister— Tezevia— Big sister—" I was 25 years old and I was in this condition. What was sad is that the same thing happened to the character in the book, Tezevia. In the meantime, my fingers were stiff as I had been clenching them as I cried louder. I needed to hold on something else. Hiing. The Emperor of Belgoth who watched me cry, seemed to be really embarrassed by me. The very next moment, my body was lifted. "!" I was lifted like a cloth doll. A man with a face sculpted by the Gods was right in front of me. He looked so handsome which was so different to my current pitiful look. "Heuk— Uck—Heub–." "Why are you so sad?" The Emperor lifted my body with his hands underneath my armpit. He easily moved me around like a paper doll. He moved to the side then laid me down on a purple flag with Belgoth's symbol on it. I was so surprised that I stopped crying when I noticed that I was sitting on the flag of the empire. "Uh...uh." "Why are you crying so bad?"

When I stopped crying, I got the hiccups. There was no way to stop it. I looked up at the emperor with tears and a runny nose. After he put me down on the Imperial flag. He got up and took something from a servant before he knelt in front of me again. "I didn't know you were sensitive to mana. I apologize. Did it hurt a lot?" "Yeah, yeah?" "You also seem to be shocked because of the sudden kidnapping." It was an unexpected apology from the kidnapper who was trying to teach Lebovny a lesson. I have been looking at him with such a stupid face since I woke up to the whole thing. The emperor started cleaning my face with the handkerchief he had taken from the servant. There were thin and sticky things glued together. (t/n: basically, all the snots and tears) Oh, come on. Ugh, that's so embarrassing. "I...I'll do it myself." I said quietly against the handkerchief. I'm still a princess of a country, I can't look too ugly. The emperor handed over his handkerchief and I quickly cleaned my face with it. The pain I felt before was completely gone as if it were a lie. My head seemed to be lighter than before. The only places that hurt were my eyes and my stuffy nose. There was no other pain. What was that pain? "Have you always been sensitive to mana?"

It wasn't him who had that question.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I looked at the emperor with half of my face covered with handkerchief. Once I calmed down, my body swayed slightly against the rocky floor. I turned my gaze back. "Emm..." I hesitated in answering. Sensitive to mana? What the hell is that? "I'm not sure—" "You're not sure?" The Emperor's gaze sharpened which made me flinch in surprise. This change happened so quickly that it left an impression in my mind. He is indeed the Emperor of Liger continent's eastern power, Belgoth. "This has never happened before." I shook my head. I can only remember things as Yerenica from the past 8 months. I didn't know what happened before that. I didn't know if she had a chronic illness or not. For 8 months though, nothing happened. "Rosel, what happened?" The Emperor turned his head and asked someone. I followed and was surprised to see the man that touched me earlier. After that person touched me, the pain had become worse. I was sure of it! Rosel who caught my glare quickly lifted his hands and shook his head. "If she's more sensitive to mana than a normal person, it's understandable for her to react like that." "Is it normal to not know?"

"If she grew up in an environment that was not exposed to mana." Rosel stared at me and I glared at him. What? "Then how did she suddenly recover?" "That's a good question, I do not know for sure. Maybe we can find out a little bit more by looking after the Princess—" Rosel, who didn't know what to do, bowed his head. Maybe, Rosel was the person in charge of dealing with magic. I felt anew. After all, 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' was a fantasy world full of magic, a mysterious force of nature. In Lebovny, wizards are very rare. I could hear the emperor sighing quietly. "Anyway, it is impossible to use mana again. We have crossed the border, so let's continue riding the horses." "Yes, Your Majesty!" "Oh, are you not used to riding a horse?" The emperor turned to me again. I shook my head, while trying to suppress the hiccups. "I can ride it." "You looked pretty scared for someone who can ride a horse." "Well, I can't do it alone." I peeked from behind the handkerchief. Somehow, I felt like a public nuisance. Suddenly I feel sick again. I don't feel like I can ride— No, why should I care if I'm being a nuisance to my kidnapper? "Then the Princess can ride with me." The emperor replied as if it were nothing.

This is because he is a kind person. No matter how I think about it, he is too kind for being a kidnapper, right? Did Tezevia also get this kind of treatment? I tried hard to remember what was written in the novel. [Tezevia sat in a bright rattling cart. Going through the magic circle and passing the border. The Emperor of Belgoth had put her in a cart to escort her as she was a pregnant woman. But she could not be comfortable due to being kidnapped.] I tilted my head curiously. I didn't know about that. In 'Brisney Wants to be Happy', Belgoth's emperor didn't have many scenes just like Yerenica. There was nothing about his personality. "If we ride all day long, we will arrive the day after tomorrow. Stand up." However, this man, who will be the father of the villain Deckard in the future, was a kind and caring man. I gazed blankly at his outstretched hand. I thought this man was cold, after all, Deckard became an obsessive man because of lack of affection from his father. But not until now. "—T-Thank you." I barely grasped the stiff hand as I took it. I did not know what happened, but it was the hand that freed me from the hell-like agony. A strong, steady hand lifted me as my legs were not strong enough, to stand on my own. And for the first time, I stood facing the Emperor of Belgoth and he did the same. Of course, I still needed to look up because he was so tall. I hesitated, but with courage I open my mouth, "You don't plan to return me to Lebovny, do you?"

"—" The man with a stunningly beautiful face did not answer. But it was enough to understand thoughts. No matter how kind and friendly he seemed, this was the man who held Tezevia for 10 years in the novel. Huuuu. I should not have been kidnapped. The emperor who saw that I was about to cry, slowly exhaled. "If the negotiation with Lebovny is successful..." No matter how I think about it, his tone is unbelievably kind for being the father of an evil villain in the future. I was caught in a strange mood for a moment. Plan B had gone in an unexpected direction, but anyway isn't he also one of the people I wanted to save? At a young age of 40, he was brutally murdered by his own son. "I guarantee you safety in the name of Belgoth." His slender eyes curled attractively as he smiled, a handsome man's smile. But what I felt now was a different level of emotion. A strange feeling between dizzy and anxious. I'm probably the only person who knows how his life ends. I felt some sort of responsibility. Just like what I felt with my sister, Tezevia. "Can I ask for your cooperation until then, Princess?" The Emperor smiled lightly. "—-" "Well, it can't be helped if you think of that as a threat." He shrugged when I didn't answer. But that's not why I didn't say anything. It had an idea. A new idea came to my mind.

I want to save him. I didn't know the man's name as it was not mentioned in the novel. "Excuse me, father..." The words slipped out before I could finish thinking (t/n: my translator really wrote it as dad. I'm so tempted.) "Fath—" "What is your name?" He immediately froze and looked surprised. Just like last time, I didn't realize that I made a mistake with the title I used. "Erudian." He answered nervously although he looked at me with eyes full of determination. "Erudian—" "Erudian Lu Soledor Belgoth." He said the name softly. Erudian. I tried to say the name myself. It felt nice to say it. "I, uuh, I think you know it already but I'm Yereninovica Shushuvia Lebovny." I didn't mean to say it, but the words came out anyway. In the future, we will see each other frequently, so exchanging names is common sense. Somehow, I have a strong feeling that I won't be able to stay away from this man. Why? Perhaps I already knew at that time what the future was going to be like. "Please take care of me." "Likewise." I smiled once my tears dried. It may have looked awful, but I didn't care. Perhaps that's why the emperor's face became awkward.

*** Belgoth's army moved quickly while I was whining about being sick. The Emperor had taken off his armor to make me feel more comfortable. Still! "Relax, Princess. If you continue to be stiff like this, you are going to have a sore waist..." Said the Emperor awkwardly. "No! It doesn't hurt at all!" I said with a face that clearly showed that I was not fine. Without the hard armor it felt like there was no distance between us at all. Every time he moved; I could feel his chest against my back. His thin black shirt didn't do much as I could still feel the contours of his muscles. I felt like I was going to die of embarrassment. I thought I would be dead if I wasn't held in this man's arms but then it seems like I would wake up dead anyways. It also didn't help that this man doesn't sweat at all. He smells so clean and cool that I took a deep breath. I felt energized by just breathing in his scent. "—" A few minutes later, I came back to my senses. Have I always been this kind of girl!? My face had turned red. I had my body pressed against a man's while riding a horse together. After a short 25 years and eight months of solo life, I was in this extreme situation. (t/n: solo = single) However, I lost my balance while I was trying to cover my blushing face. Because of that I had to lean against his hand. I'm struggling with a full body of embarrassment. I'm so mortified by this!

There were just too many variables in this world that I was not expecting. A few hours later, I was groaning with dying voice "Ugh— Ack—" My head hurt again. My head was about to explode. The dizzying headache made my vision blurry as I leaned back against the hard chest. "That's strange." The Emperor stretched out his hand to me. As soon as I held onto him, the headache receded quickly. I took a short breath and crawled towards him. If I did not bury myself in his arms immediately, I would die. "Huuu—" "Isn't she too sensitive, Rosel?" The Emperor didn't deny me when I clung on him. I was quickly getting accustomed to his being in his arms. I took a deep breath and breathed in his cool scent. I got goosebumps that spread to my whole body as an aftermath of the terrible pain that left me. It seems like I'm going to die before I can save the villain's father if things stay like this.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch Since coming to this world 8 months ago, this is the first time I felt completely irrelevant. I can't believe I have turned into a Sunfish. (t/n: Sunfish is perceived as a useless fish) "All I did was start a fire, but —" Rosel shouted from a distance. He was right. Rosel did nothing wrong. We had stopped to make a camp and Rosel the wizard came out to start a fire. It was a small amount of mana and yet, I became like this. My head was spinning, but I slowly was regaining consciousness. A clean body welcomed me with open arms. It was the third time this had happened. I realized it wasn't Rosel that was weird, but me. "I think the princess is maladjusted to mana." Rosel said carefully. "Maladjusted to mana?" "Yes. It is not common; but some people are mentally and physically unable to accept mana since their birth." The emperor nodded slowly while he was patting my back. My body slowly became limp in his arms. No, it's not like that. This was a complicated issue. It is because I'm not the real Yerenica, I will always be like this.

Being maladjusted to mana was not part of the original story. That is because there was no such thing as a character that came from another world, like me. Rosel had explained earlier that if I'm exposed to mana, I would have this reaction. This made me realize the most fundamental difference between the 21st century Earth and the novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy', is magic. The mysterious phenomenon that cannot be explained by modern science. Growing up in an environment that didn't have magic could only be interpreted that I'm not from this world. I was only in Yerenica's body with my soul. Then, where the hell is the real Yerenica? Did she die? "—-" Of course, it wasn't my main concern at the moment. But I'm about to lose my breath! (PR/n: if it isn't clear it means she boutta die) This world was a world where magic is not a miracle. In the western part of the continent, who would be maladjusted mana while they were digging for tens of thousands of mana stones. What kind of obsolete disease is this? I heard a calm voice giving instructions. "Rosel, for now, let's stop using magic. We have to be careful when she is like this just from a small spell." "Yes. Your Majesty." Why was it that when I was in so much pain that I felt like I was going to die; the pain would disappear seconds after I touched this man? It had happened after we went through the magic circle. Then, once again when Rosel healed the wounded. And now, while lighting up the firewood. It had happened three times. At this point, it was no longer a coincidence. It was the most questionable thing.

When my breathing returned to normal, Erudian had his hands under my armpits and just picked me up. I'm nineteen years old this year. Maybe it's because Yerenica is small and thin or because he is just that strong. Anyway, I'm a paper doll again. I squinted my eyes when I saw the reddish-purple eyes in front of me. "Did something like this never happen before in Lebovny, Princess?" "—-" I was in Lebovny for nearly 8 months. There is no court wizard in Lebovny, nor is there any mana. So, I've never experienced anything like this. Mana was only used to guard the border. Even at the border magic was handled by the magicians that were hired from other countries. Also, magic was not used in everyday life. This is the first time I am seeing magic since I came to this world. But Belgoth, over the Cezan Mountain was a little different. Belgoth doesn't have mana stone, instead it was famous for cultivating wizards systematically and on large scale. It is said that there is a lot of magic in the western Azekien and the tower in eastern Belgoth. They even have black magic. Anyway, in Belgoth more magic is used than in Lebovny. It's just me who had a negative reaction to mana. It's not a joke, it's a real piece of sh*t, right? "Uh-huh." It is impossible to continue this way. They can't even use magic to heal the injured as I keep getting sick.

Although it was not a fatal injury, but... It would be better If Rosel could heal it immediately. There's another thing, we could have just gone through the magic circle and we would have reached Belgoth immediately, but because of me we have been delayed. Boohoo. What can I do? "Why don't you just knock me out?" I finally said. "What?" "If you just hit me on the back of my head I would pass out, then we can get to the castle faster." While I was talking, I noticed the emperor's face. He looked shocked. "So, you want me to harm you?" "Well, it'll only hurt for a moment, and I think it would be nice to wake up on a bed." "Rejected." The emperor flatly refused my proposal in a determined tone that left no room for an argument. "Overruled. It is unacceptable to raise my hand at another country's royal family." "Oh my god. Why are you, the kidnapper, being so kind?" Then another excuse came to me as I was talking, "You can't even start a fire. Look, he has an injured arm, that one has hurt his leg. If you can't start a fire you won't be able to cook and will be freezing at night as you can't sleep because the weather is so cold! So, Fath- I mean Your Majesty, I can't keep holding on to you—."

The man in front of me is the emperor of Belgoth, standing next to him was me, the princess of a small kingdom called Lebovny. I was completely embarrassed. It would be quicker to just move me to a room in the palace than looking after me. I gathered the last of my courage and recklessly expressed my idea. "If you don't want to raise your hand, we can just pass through another magic circle like earlier. I will faint sooner or later." "What if something really goes wrong?" I glanced at the emperor again. He looked grim as he listened to my closing argument. "If that happens, you can just hug me like earlier." "—" "I think I will be fine...." I did not say this because I had a motive. Never. (t/n: just say you want to be hugged again) Erudian sighed lightly as he wrapped his cloak around me and answered, "That's not difficult. But I have no choice but to refuse." The expectation I had in my heart was destroyed as the Emperor spoke firmly. "If it's a fire we can do it ourselves." "—-" "And my men who can hold a sword can hide their injury as they are part of Belgoth's elite force. They are unmatched." "Yes, but..."

"I ask for your cooperation not to sacrifice yourself. Didn't I say I would guarantee your safety?" "—-." After he said that, I was covered with a reddish-purple cloak by him as I looked up at him blankly. He looked calm as if he was telling the truth. The hands that held me were large and steady. He looked considerate and charming but was very calm. "If you do not plan to make me a hypocrite, you'd better stop talking about it." Those slender eyes relaxed, it seems like he could be composed in any situation. Erudian Belgoth bent down slightly making his silver hair scatter on his forehead beautifully. "Still, just in case, don't stray away from me. Belgoth's borders are protected by magic." At that moment, I decided. It would be a great loss to this world if he was killed by his own son at such an early age. Tears of emotion welled up. Ah, this kind of person became a test subject for black magic by his own son. No way! I cried, wiping my eyes with the cape. "Father, I'll definitely save you." "Why do you keep calling me fathe—" "Just believe in me!" It didn't matter if I looked like a bizarre woman. This man will live and benefit from it.

—-At that time, I didn't know that Erudian Belgoth was a man with a very, very thick iron wall. *** The journey that followed was smooth. When magic was activated around me, I would cling to the emperor's side and the effect was immediate. If you think about it, Erudian Belgoth's body is a mysterious spiritual drug. Belgoth was generally a land with a lot of mana. However, when I stayed by his side, it was easier to breathe. The air felt different around him. He was a man who was clean and clear throughout. And I soon found out why...

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch It was through the conversation between Euredian and Rosel, that I learnt Rosel was the Head of Belgoth's Imperial Magic Tower. I was leaning against the Emperor's back while listening to their conversation. Hmm. The contents of their conversation were relevant to me. "There is no cure as far we know!" Rosel spoke loudly from a distance. We had to keep the distance from Rosel because it wasn't safe for me to be close to him. What's is wrong with me? This situation was very alarming. "People who are born maladjusted to mana can usually only live for five years. The situation with the princess is something unheard of...." "Five?" I popped my head from behind the Emperor, I was stunned. Five? Five years! "Yes. Usually no matter how much a person tries to distance themselves from mana, it is not possible to completely avoid it." "—-" "Is mana not one of the strongest powers in this world? From the air we breathe to the land we walk on mana is everywhere. It's natural that people

who are maladjusted to mana will have a hard time surviving." Don't give me that kind of death sentence in such a calm demeanor! I was left speechless with my mouth hanging open. "Oh, but the princess is an exception since you have reached adulthood safely?" added Rosel quickly. That's because I am not the real Yerenica. No, if it was the real Yerenica, she wouldn't have been maladjusted to mana in the first place. My hands were trembling as I calculated the number of months it had been since I came to this world. Eight months and now entering nine months. "Four years and three months." "Princess?" The Emperor turned to me as I opened my mouth. I felt dizzy at the revelation. Four years and three months. That was how much time I had left in this world. —-Timeout! I jumped up from my seat. "Are you crazy?" "Wait. Calm down." The Emperor pulled me to sit back down as I had jumped up due to my shock. "Keep talking, Rosel." Fortunately, I was saved from my panic as Rosel started talking again. "I am guessing that your divinity is neutralizing the effect of the mana." "Divinity, that sound possible."

Divinity! When I heard that word, from behind the emperor I was flabbergasted. It turned out that mana was not the only thing that existed this world. God also existed in this world. Belgoth was a divine empire blessed by the God. The Belgoth's royal family had been related by blood to the God of peace and prosperity Raulus, for generations. A true descendant of God. Jesus is alive! (t/n: lol) I quickly searched through my memories of the novel. The story of Belgoth's royal family was described by Deckard. When Euredian had been killed. The words came back to me. [As soon as I used black magic, I lost the divine power that was passed down to the Belgoth's royal family from generation to generation. But I had no regrets. If there was such a thing, I wouldn't have killed the emperor with my own hands.] How many tears did I shed while reading the chapter 'Darkness That Loved Light'? Deckard abandoned his divinity and used black magic to bring Brisney Lebovny back to Belgoth. He killed Euredian and made him an experiment to learn black magic. In short, he became zombie-like. It was this man from the parent's generation who couldn't rest in peace even after his death. Deckard's obsession of Brisney was enough to make me cry and yet he still killed his father so ruthlessly! Crazy mother f**ker! I was swearing and crying. In the end, he ruined himself because of his obsession. I remembered that the villain being pitiful.

Anyway, the important thing here is not the villain who hasn't been born yet, but the villain's father. The man right in front of me. The young Emperor of Belgoth, the descendent of the God Raulus and the Emperor of empire who received that divinity. I turned my head to Euredian and looked up. "With divine power like yours, Your Majesty, the Princess will be safe by your side." Oh. The divinity of the emperor can save this life of mine. The explanation went on. "Even if you are not using your powers, My Lord, you have energy radiating off you. Perhaps the princess is reacting to that energy." "Hmmm..." "Princess, have you ever been blessed by the God of Raulus?" Rosel called out to me from afar. Have I been blessed by the God Raulus? "Princess, have you been baptized?" Euredian spoke when he saw me only blinking my eyes. I quickly thought of the novel. The blessings of the God Raulus? Baptism? However, there was no such thing in the original story. I remembered that as soon as Tezevia found out that she was pregnant with Brisney, she went to receive a blessing for the fetus. Most royal families are

blessed before and after their births, so Yerenica should not have been different, right? "I think I got it." "You think?" "I got it." Maybe? It was the ambiguous answer that caused the emperor to look at me suspiciously, but I ignored it. I didn't know Yerenica' s baptismal name, but I knew that it was rude to ask for it. In this world, revealing your baptismal name to anyone other than your family or spouse is treated as soiling the divine name given by the Gods. In the novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' when Alexio told Brisney his baptism name, it was my favorite part. No. this is not the time to think about the novel. At this point, the older generation of unfortunate supporting actors are the problem. (t/n: basically, the parents) "If you have been baptized, that would make sense. Lebovny is one of the kingdoms that is blessed by Raulus." Euredian spoke slowly. "Yes. Isn't it because of the God's blessing that the princess has been safe all this while?" Rosel started laughing happily. It seemed that he cared about me after all. I smiled at him warmly. That's right, what sins did Rosel commit? If there is a sinner then it should be me, the outsider in this whole thing. "Then we can relax for now as the capital is a blessed land."

"That's what I think so too..." Euredian exchanged a few more words with Rosel but I was already lost in my thoughts by then. To sum up, because I'm from another world I am not immune to magic and I am maladjusted to mana. Fortunately, Yerenica' s body was blessed by the Gods. If I stay close to someone with strong divine power, it will neutralize the effect of being maladjusted to mana. My head hurt. I was unaware that Euredian was looking at me with curiosity. Plan B of stopping the Belgoth's empire from kidnapping Tezevia was half successful and half a failure. I was kidnapped instead. In addition, I found out that I am maladjusted to mana. At this point, I should worry about my own survival before worrying about the original characters. As it so happens the original supporting character is the only one that can save me. Yes. I nodded with a determined look. There's only one way that both Euredian and I survive. I clenched my fist tightly. I crossed the alphabet B in my head and wrote C instead. "Right —-." "?" Win over the supporting character is Plan C. *** The title of Plan C was Win Over the Supporting Character. It was a nice title.

Now that I had decided on an idea, I will have to make a detailed plan. I stayed up all night in my sleeping bag and got ready to start over again. My mind went around in circles as came up with all kinds of ideas. Until I returned to Lebovny, I needed to stay close to Euredian, at least, until my body became normal. Next I needed to make sure Euredian wasn't killed by his son, he must not learn black magic. Deckard learned black magic from his mother, Euredian' s wife. my eyes flashed at the idea running through my mind. Oh, why don't I just stop this guy from marrying in the first place? To save Euredian and me. This is a win-win solution for both of us. "Well, —-. Sure." "?" As Euredian come over to help me mount the horse, he narrowed his eyes when he noticed that I was staring at him in a happy daze. He was so stunningly handsome that I could not help but stare at him with an open mouth. Oh. Oh. If it's like this then, then, he should just marry me. "Princess?" "Oh. Yes!" The sudden voice scared me so badly that I yelped. My face heated up. It was a foolish idea to think about a person while they are standing right in front of you. Yeah, but.... Isn't this perfect?

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch My lips went up in a smile when I noticed that Euredian was looking at me with a grin. "What are you thinking about so happily?" I'm thinking of marrying you. I almost said, but I managed to hold my tongue. "—Thinking about how handsome daddy is—?" Surprised, Euredian looked at me as if he'd heard something bizarre. I needed to rein in my thoughts before I expose my delusion of wanting to marry this nice handsome man. The delusion was shattered as I thought about how I had behaved so far. Crying with a runny nose, holding on to his foot like a lifeline while I was writhing in pain. It was all appalling. "—–" —-I thought gloomily; let's stop thinking about it. "You are quite an interesting person..." Euredian fueled my depression without knowing how I was feeling. "—–" You are weird; is what he meant.

How am I supposed to get married to him? For me this is the only way to survive. There was really no reason for the emperor of Belgoth to marry princess from a small kingdom. "Come here." I made way over to Euredian and clasped his hand. A firm hand that I was already accustomed to, lifted me up and placed me on the horse. The ground vanished in a flash and I held onto the horse by the neck and squirmed lightly. Euredian carefully climbed behind me as I stayed put. "Let's go! We'll be in the capital by the end of the day! Let's give it our all!" "Yes, Your Majesty." The huge white horse started galloping. My hair was flying around so I quickly held it, so that my hair would not obscure Euredian' s view to where he would accidently drop me. Of course, he seemed like a man that wouldn't let me fall of the horse. But you never know. With one hand clasped around me like a fence, I continued with my broken thoughts. If marriage to him is impossible, I had to stop Euredian marriage to the black wizard. The woman who would become his wife in the future would lure his son to lean her evil magic. A phrase from the novel struck my mind. ["You're a monster born from the strongest pure and evil magic." The woman who gave birth to the boy spoke affectionately.

"How about it? You have the power to shake the world in your hands.] "—-Ugh." I shook my head. It was her fault that Deckard became twisted. Leading her son to learn black magic. She must have been insane. —So how do I prevent that marriage? "—-?" Suddenly, I thought of something that I missed. When did Euredian get married? I recalled the story in my mind. A rough estimate of the main characters ages. The first half of 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' is about Brisney from the time she was conceived to when she was around fifteen years old. From the second half to end, Brisney is between nineteen to twenty-two years old. I don't remember the three main characters exact birthday. I usually don't know a character birthday unless the writer releases a postscript. For now, Brisney will be born in two months. Wait, this time Tezevia wasn't kidnapped so Brisney will be born in three months. It is now March, so Brisney will be born in June this year. Alexio is the same age as Brisney and Deckard is one year younger. I suddenly stopped thinking. "—?" One year younger? Deckard to Brisney? "—-Uh-Huh." I screamed into my head. Oh, come on!

*** So, my big plan C is already at a dead-end before it even started. I blankly gazed forward with a pale face. In fact, I could only look straight ahead. I was stuck on a running horse. I leaned back into the Emperor's chest who I have now become accustomed to. "I, Your Majesty." I spoke carefully. "What is it?" The answer was immediate. And yet I could not respond. How do I ask this? Since Brisney is not born yet, that means Deckard is not born either. The question is when will he be born? If you think about the pregnancy period, Deckard should be conceived in March next year at the latest. And that's our deadline. Plan C is on the verge of falling apart. I was so restless that I started biting my lips. "Princess?" A curious voice could be heard. This is not the time to be embarrassed. This is about saving two people's lives. Seo Eun-So who is in Yerenica' s body, be bold! I made up my mind and said, "Your Majesty, are you single?" A loud voice came out as I had been too animated. "Pardon?" I asked another question instead.

"Or are you going to have a baby?" There was no answer for a while. Instead of an answer, laughter could be heard. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he must think of it as ridiculous. I thought so too. "First off, I'm still single." Euredian responded amusedly. "Still?" "Therefore, there is no child, nor am I expecting any." "—-" "Princess, you are a curious one and that's unexpected." His last words didn't come across well. Not yet. Not yet. He said, 'Not yet'. "First off, I'm not married, and I do not have a child." Somehow the way he said it made me uneasy. "—-" There was an uncomfortable uneasiness. *** The Belgoth army that kidnapped me, arrived at the capital in the afternoon. I was unfamiliar with Belgoth as it was not really mentioned in the novel, except when it came to Deckard's monologue. Even if it was mentioned, it was brief; such as when an ambassador was passing by. This is because 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' takes place in Lebovny primarily. There was a lot I needed to remember.

"Woah." My first impression of Belgoth's capital city, Barishad was that it was a very old-fashioned city. If Lebovny gives a sweet and cute feeling, then Belgoth had a classy and elegant atmosphere. There were no prominent or extravagant buildings, instead there were hundreds of secluded buildings that filled the street. Suddenly there was a big purple cloak covering my head as I was looking around in a frenzy. The color of the cloak was symbolic to Belgoth. "The stares will be uncomfortable." "—?" I turned my head and looked up at Euredian. He didn't say anything else. As we were in front of the Barishad Castle, I realized the meaning of his words. There was a huge crowd at the square just in front of the castle. As the emperor's white horse passed, the crowd split in half like the miracle of Moses. Loud shouting and whistling could be heard. If it wasn't for the cloak, I would have been troubled. It was so overwhelming that I was almost sick to my stomach. Boohoo. He's too kind. Isn't he the ideal husband for me? He was someone I would like to grow old with. Even if it I don't, I can still dream about it right? Yes, that it. However, the idea ended as soon as we entered the castle. I saw a woman with tears streaming down her face as she ran to Euredian. It was a woman with reddish-brown hair.

"Your Majesty." "——Lady Elard." "I'm so glad that you come back safe and sound. You have no idea how worried I was!" The woman who came over, looked familiar. Cra—-Crazy. She was an incredibly sexy beauty. My jaw dropped. She had cat like eyes that were slightly raised, it was attractive enough to warm the heart. In addition, she black obsidian like eyes that were filled with tears. With wavy reddish-brown hair. A sexy and vigorous body. That's why—- I looked enviously at the woman named Lady Elard. "—-" Eh, Sister—. So beautiful—-. Those words almost came out of my mouth, but I managed to stop it. I thought there wouldn't be anyone that was as pretty as Tezevia in this world. But I was wrong. This woman was beautiful. Wow, I felt like there was a celebrity in front of me. While I looked at her intensely, the woman took another step closer to Euredian. "I missed you so much Your Majesty that I wet my pillow with tears every night, do you know what that feels like?" The voice which quivered sounded pitiful. Her voice was so pretty that even I, as a girl, was mesmerized by it, so Euredian also would be... When I looked up at Euredian I was shocked. The face that was looking at Lady Elard was aloof.

I turned my head and looked up at Euredian. He didn't talk much more.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch Apart from the unpleasant expression on Euredian' s face, his voice was calm when he answered. "It's only been three days, Lady Elard." It was not the voice of someone that was affected by the beauty. He was far from being in love with her. Wow it was amazing that he could be calm in front of such a beautiful woman. Lady Elard had her face buried in her palms, as she shamelessly said, "Three days were like three years for me!" "—-I see." Replied Euredian in a calm and troubled voice. Oh my god. Somehow, I felt like I wanted to comfort her as she continued to cry. Between her fingers, her black obsidian eyes glared at me. I flinched unconsciously at the look. Uh, I don't know why but I suddenly started to feel cold. It might be my imagination or an illusion? It was the next part in their conversation the revealed her identity. "It wasn't a dangerous expedition in the first place. You didn't have to come to the Imperial Capital." "Oh my god. Aren't you being a little too cold to me, Your Majesty?" She tearfully smiled.

"There's no reason why I can't be here, when I will be living here in the future. Besides you might become my husband soon and if I don't greet you, who will?" "—-I see. Thank you." I heard Euredian softly sigh. Obviously, she was pushing herself onto him not knowing that he was uncomfortable. Lady Elard's last few sentences caught my attention. A place where she might live, a person she might call her husband—. Then, that means that this pretty sister is—- The woman who is referred to as Deckard's mother in the novel, Euredian Belgoth's wife. She's also an evil black magician that can summon corpses and evil spirits. Soleia Elard... The villainess from the parents' generation in the novel. I managed to stop myself from shrieking in surprise due to the jaw dropping revelation. Euredian' s words from a few days ago were ringing in my ears. "First off, I'm still single." So, you have a fiancée? Even though you said you were single, you're engaged to someone! I forgot that I was staring at Soleia Elard while she was talking with Euredian in a voice full of love. "Are you hurt anywhere, Your Majesty?" "As you can see." I thought that Deckard's breathtaking beauty was from his father, but that is not the case. It was half-half.

Is it possible for a black wizard to be so beautiful? No, is it because she is black wizard that she is beautiful? I immediately cancelled my plan to seduce Euredian Belgoth. I don't stand a chance against such a pretty woman. There is no competition. I would rather seduce this elder sister, so she doesn't teach black magic. I smiled with satisfaction at the pretty man and woman in front of me. It might be better to seduce the villain's mother instead of the villain's father so that Deckard never learns black magic. While I was engrossed in that thought, Euredian pushed Soleia away with a firm response. "Stop crying, Lady Elard. I don't have a handkerchief." Yeah. If it's his handkerchief, I have it with me. I wondered if I should give it back to him, but then I remembered it had tears and snot on it. Well, let's do that another day. Euredian smiled politely as he moved away from Soleia. Is it me or does that smile look fake? It wasn't an illusion as the words following it were not friendly at all, "And I think you should go back. I can't keep the army standing like this and I have a special guest." "Ah." Soleia nodded slowly with embarrassment I was speechless. Wow. I knew he had a sharp side to him, but he's like an iron wall right now. Is it's okay to act like that in front of such beauty—-?

There's also the difference in the way he treats me and her. I just met him few days ago and this is the woman who's he going to be married to. I sighed disappointedly. Right, I can't do it. There's no way I can seduce such beauty. It can't be. But as soon as I thought of it, I got goosebumps all over my body. "—-!" Deep black eyes were glaring right at me. I took a step back in surprise. Soleia Elard glared at me without blinking. Suddenly, I had a headache. Hmm—-? I was in the middle of figuring of what was going on when suddenly my head felt heavy. I staggered and choked for a moment. "Ugh—-." "Princess?" If the guard who was standing nearby had not quickly caught me, I would have collapsed. I've never felt like this in my life before. The weight of gravity pressing on me. It was a heavy pressure that could bury me into the ground. Something wet and slippery in the ground swung around my ankle and arm. It was unseen hands that clutched at my limbs. It was tremendous force. I tried to breath as dozens of strong hands pulled me down. Down. Down. Down. I suddenly realized. Those black eyes were still on me. "—-!" I opened my mouth in shock while my eyes were spinning.

It was her, wasn't it? Soleia Elard smiled sorrowfully and reached out towards Euredian' s face. "Please make arrangements for out next meeting. I can't wait." "The next report." I think Euredian was saying something, but I couldn't hear it. I felt as if all the blood had left my body and I could no longer fight the feeling of being pulled to the ground. It was like being dragged underwater but there was no water. I wanted to scream at this creepy feeling, but nothing came out as I couldn't breathe. "—-" Eventually my body gave out. There was some commotion in the background. "Princess!" "Your Majesty, Princess...!" My eyes felt like they were going to pop, my face was burning up, my ankle and wrist are going to be broken if stayed like this and I started to become as pale as snow. More than that. Breathe. Breathe. —–. My nose and throat were clogged. I couldn't breathe, the pain was paralyzingly scary. Everything was becoming darker and darker. "—-"

Just as I about to lose consciousness. Everything stopped. There was a strong hand that held me and lifted me up. The choking stopped immediately, and I rapidly breathed in the air. "Haa—- Uh-huh." "Princess, are you okay?" Tears were flowing again. The pain that tied my whole body down had gone away without a trace. The change was too drastic that I was still in daze. I didn't have to take deep breaths anymore as I started to regain my bearings. I managed to blink away my tears. Euredian who was on his knee was looking at me. "Huh—-." As soon as I raised my head, I saw those black eyes again. I looked at Soleia Elard over his shoulder. A—- A—- Attempted murder—! "Oh my..." Soleia smiled as she looked down, "I do not know who you are, but it seemed like you were possessed." "What?" "Your Majesty, why did you bring a person who is connected to and attracts misfortune?" I opened my mouth as I was mortified. What is she saying? But the stern voice was faster. "Lady Elard."

"Yes, Your Majesty." "Your words and deeds are insolent towards the royal family of another country." It was a harsh reprimand. "What?" Familiar hands lifted me up to stand and I shakily managed to balance myself. "As a vassal of Belgoth, please do not embarrass me." Euredian spat out harshly. Soleia Elard eyes got bigger. She looked beautiful even when she was angry with sorrow. Right. That woman. She was definitely trying to use black magic on me! The invisible hands of the dead who dragged the living to the underworld. It was exactly as described in the book when Deckard used black magic. I wiped my tears and glared. What I felt was obviously an attempted murder. She tried to kill me. What did I do? Soleia smiled softly, "I'm just concerned about you, Your Majesty." "What, kind—?" "You must be a member of Lebovny's royal family, right. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway." "You don't look very well. How about I take care of you as a form of my apology, if you don't mind." "——" "What do you think?"

What? You're sorry that you offended me and now you're going to take care of me? My eyes bulged out in shock.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch If I had not read the original story and I did not know the nature of that woman, I would have been fooled. No, because of that beautiful face even if I knew it, I would have forgotten. She is pretty, but she is just as scary as she is pretty. It was a waste to call her 'sister'. Even though I was just threatened with murder, I won't be fooled by her appearance. Not at all! I'm not that easy! Do you expect me to play along? I'm not crazy or a pushover, you (*beep*)! Then, I collapsed again. "U-Ugh!" "Princess?" "Ugh—-. I'm dying—-!" I didn't have much talent for acting. Still, this is plausible going by my past experience. (t/n: basically, saying she copied how she acted previously) Plus, I was the queen of feigning sickness in the previous life. I had done it plenty of times! I groaned and stretched out my hand pitifully. "Your Majesty—-." "Honestly, I can't stop worrying about you..."

As expected, a hand reached out to me. This time, Euredian didn't just help me stand, but he carried me instead, and I hugged him. —– Nice. Just as planned. I smiled satisfactorily and hugged him around the neck. "Belgoth soldiers, good work today. Go inside and get some rest." Euredian issued a firm order. "Yes, Your Majesty." Once the soldiers were dismissed, the elite army who were a paragon to the rest, started moving in full swing. Only Soleia Elard and her maids were left standing. Euredian was still upset as he spat out, "Lady Elard, you should go back now." "Your- Your Majesty—." Soleia hurriedly called after him, but Euredian had already turned away while holding me close. As soon as his turned away, I laughed quietly toward the face that had been stunned. You think I'd let someone like you marry to this guy? Any woman in the world is fine, but not her Father! The face that glared wildly gradually became more and more distant. I hugged the emperor sweetly and looked over his shoulder and stared at Soleia Elard. Are you trying to send me to hell without greeting me first? Just a pretty face!

You— You attempted murderer. You are the cause of all the deaths in the original story. Bad sister! The sensation of invisible hands grabbing my ankle was still vivid. I didn't know because she didn't appear in the novel, but Deckard's mother was a much scarier witch than I thought. I could see clearly from my peripheral view a cold gaze glaring at me. What? So what? What are you going to accomplish by glaring at me? "—–" In fact, it was a little scary. What if out of nowhere, I was sent to hell while sleeping? But the woman must have been trying to hurt me again. Tsk. I don't know how long I'll live with this body. If I'm going to die, then I'm going to die. As I was held by the person who ruled this empire, I stuck my tongue out at Elard. "—–." I was caught by Euredian when he turned his head to see my face. "—-Heugh." I bit my tongue because I was startled. I looked back at him with a blushing face. I looked at him with my face tilted to one side while Euredian smiled in vain. He looks so good even when he was speechless. "The princess's thoughts are showing." "No."

First, let's just be thick-skinned and deny it. "Yes." "—-." I then agree silently. I felt my face heat up. I am the type that easily shows her thoughts on her face. In my previous life, when I worked in customer service it wasn't just once or twice that I got scolded by the manager for showing the customers an unpleasant look. I can't believe that even in the book, I heard the same thing. I laughed to hide my embarrassment. Euredian' s smile wore off and his face hardened, "The first one almost seemed real." "—–" "The second one was obviously a fake." Oh, did you see through that? I closed my eyes in embarrassment while the purple eyes just stared persistently. I'm stuck. In the end, I confessed quietly. "Yes—-." "Why?" "Well, I'm afraid of her." "Who? Soleia Elard?"

He noticed that I was faking my illness, but he did not put me down. I nodded a little while I looked down. I think we're close, but he wouldn't like it if I said this—But Euredian didn't look away and answered clearly, "She's the second-best wizard in the tower, you should be scared." "Oh, you knew she's a wizard?" I was so embarrassed that I did not know what to say when he raised his brows. "Wouldn't it be strange if I did not know? Belgoth's magic tower is under the Emperor's command." I was a little surprise. I thought she would hide her identity as black wizard. Black magic was a dark magic that was strictly forbidden in the Liger continent. The magic of darkness that steals the soul of the dead who were to be returned to God and turns corpses into puppets. If you are caught, the punishment is death penalty. Therefore, black magic is taught in secret from teacher to disciple. Then disciple to disciple, and so on. But Soleia Elard has the position as the second-best wizard— "—–" Yerenica, what kind of scary person did you just mess with? The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I peeked at Euredian. "Then you must be a very strong man. Wow—-. But still, for me, it felt kind of weird—–." This man doesn't know, does he? That's how he got married in the original story.

"I'll warn Soleia Elard not to use magic in front of you." As expected, Euredian answered without a change in his expression. "No, I mean, the cold, damp, invisible hands—-" "I'd rather you not talk to her as much as possible. She uses magic habitually." I'm screwed. My attempt was hit with a strong iron wall. I was beaten out. I don't know. Where do I start? Soleia Elard, the wizard you trust is actually a black magician who isn't afraid of the death penalty! How do I know that—? I read it in a book? "—-." It sounds crazy, so how can I say that? "That woman has made great a contribution to the development of Belgoth's magic tower. She has such powerful magic that the little problems from before has been fixed because of her." Soleia Elard had gained the Emperor's trust as a great wizard. I shut my mouth and swallowed my tears. If I say whatever I want, I will be punished by that scary sister. This is all about wanting to live—! Euredian saw my face and thought that I was still scared. He added in a calm voice, the handsome face always stayed the same, although a bit relaxed. "Anyway, she's not going to be able to freely enter the Imperial Palace like she did today." Wow, daddy! Amazing. I looked up at him feeling moved. A crisp sunset cast a red glow on the twinkling silver hair. His red eyes gave a sense of laziness.

"Thank—–Thank you." I said weakly instead of giving a heart-felt gratitude. That is because I almost fell for his handsome face. Somehow, I feel like I'm going to slip into a fantasy again. Would it be possible to conquer the world with your face? I barely took my eyes off his eye-catchingly handsome face and looked around. The central palace from earlier, was already far away. Euredian stopped in front of a palace. I looked at it curiously. I was strangely familiar with it. An onion-shaped palace painted in white. The size was small, but strangely exotic. The side of the curve fell softly, just like the one in Lebovny. "Huh?" I opened my mouth. White onion-shaped exterior, large window, ivory curtain. I've seen this description before! I swung my legs— "Perhaps here—." Isn't this the place where Tezevia and Brisney stayed? An excerpt from the novel drifted into my mind. [Tezevia looked up blankly at the white onion-shaped palace, embracing her swollen belly. It was an appearance that somehow remined her of her homeland. Tears welled up in her eyes. Is this the courtesy of Emperor of Belgoth?] "Hey, put me down!" Euredian put me down as I was struggling. As soon as I got out of his arms, I ran straight to the palace. The name of the palace was just as memorable, Belyuk Palace.

There were rows of maids waiting at the entrance. I quickly passed them toward the stairs. I hesitated to go up. A maid at the front of the right row caught my attention. ["Tezevia, how are you feeling today?" asked the maid with light brown hair and brown eyes. Her hands rolled up the curtains and tied them neatly. Tezevia gazed up at her. She was the only handmaiden that took care of Tezevia. She said that she hailed from the south of Lebovny. Tezevia smiled faintly, "I'm okay Marianne."] "—Marianne?"

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch The brown-haired maid raised her head in surprise. I peered at her It was the first time I met her and yet she seemed familiar. Marianne was the maid that was closest to Tezevia and Brisney when they lived in the empire. "Yes, Princess!" The puzzled brown-haired maid smiled. What is this, this is weird. I pursed my lips and backed away. Marianne's not the only thing I'm familiar with. The novel 'Brisney Wants to be Happy' was excellently written. Not just the emotional dialogues of the characters, but also the landscape was carefully depicted. It was like it was being drawn in front of my eyes. But I really didn't think it was going to be real—-. I slowly climbed the stairs leading to the second floor. A room right in front of the stairs on the second floor. The room where Tezevia and Brisney stayed. When I opened the door, I had to shield my eyes with my hand, due to the brightness from the sunlight. Yeah. This scene was also described in the original story. [The room filled with red light as if it were about to explode.] I slowly entered the room. It was the room where Brisney's life began. I felt strange.

To think that I'm in the world that's from a novel. I've known that this world is from the novel, but why do I feel this way now? The silence in the middle of the room unsettled me. Maybe it's because this was where Tezevia lived painfully for 10 years. Yeah. I did good, I prevented my pregnant sister from being dragged all the way to Belgoth. I did the right thing. "I'm tired..." I sighed as I slid my hair back. No matter how close I am to Father my condition has been rapidly changing from 0 and 100. It's not surprising that I am exhausted. "Do you like the palace?" "!" The sudden voice from behind startled me. "Uh-huh—-. Yes—. I like it." I answered reflexively. "Good." Euredian slowly walked into the room. His eyes surveying the bedroom, neatly arranged bedding, curtains, tables, wardrobes and dresser. I saw him in a new light. Did he intentionally give me a palace that feels like Lebovny's? In the novel, Tezevia said that it was the courtesy of Emperor of Belgoth. In other words, he is a man who can do basic things like this easily. Even if the other person isn't me. I'm a little confused now. I thought he was kind and gentle to everyone. However, after seeing his cold attitude towards Soleia Elard, it doesn't seem like that was the case either. Does he distance himself from those who cross the line?

While I'm staring at him, the sunlight turned purple. Eventually his gaze returned to me. "There's something I have been curious about, Princess." Euredian spoke as if he remembered something. "Hmm?" "Why do you keep calling me 'Father'?" I flinched. I can never say; that is because when you died in 'Brisney Wants to be Happy', I cried out 'Our Father' while sobbing! I'm taking it to the grave! "Ahaha... Perhaps because you resemble my father?" I said randomly as I smiled. It's a lie. My father, Kind Lebovny, is small, chubby and lovely king of fairytale kingdom. It would be good if he did not whine or cry about the disappearance of his youngest daughter by now. "You're not very good at making excuses." Euredian replied quickly. "It's the truth." "You're only good at causing problems." "What?" I exclaimed. The handsome face was just looking at me like a nuisance. He then sighed and looked away. "I'm not married, nor do I have a child." "—-"

"Isn't 'Father' quite a harsh title?" He said lightly in a soft voice. I blinked as I looked up at him. His face was more pronounced than when I first saw him. The sun was setting outside. He narrowed his eyes gently as he was covered in the glow of the sunset. My heart pounded when I saw that. My anger quickly melted away. This man is fatal. Whoops. It feels like I'm losing something. "I can't call my father, father...." I muttered while looking away. "You're a father so I called you father...." "Princess." Even I thought that it was bullsh*t. "I won't do it again. I'll be more careful." I answered politely "—-" "I'm sorry." I could hear Euredian laughing. It was a nice sound. "Alright. Since you have travelled a long way, rest comfortably. I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me by that weird title. If you have any problems, call for a maid immediately." "Yes." "Although the process was a little unruly, but with your cooperation you are no different from a guest of Belgoth." "—–"

"Don't hesitate to ask for anything you want during your stay." I don't know why my heart was pounding like this. His consideration makes one feel quite bashful. Euredian Belgoth. Liger's eastern power, Belgoth's master and the man with the strongest divine power. He is always kind, but how far is 'good' before the line is crossed. "Then I shall leave." Euredian turned to leave. Even though I haven't sorted my thoughts. No, I still have questions to ask! I quickly reached out and caught the hem of his coat. "Wait a minute! Fath, no. Your Majesty." I grabbed his coat and pulled. The thin, stretchy material stretched out. Euredian looked surprised for a moment then chucked. His lips moved as if to say something. But I spoke first... "Are you going to marry that person?" "Soleia Elard?" "Yes." "—-Well, that's what going to happen." Euredian answered softly. The response made me frown. 'That's what going to happen.' What does that mean? "She's not lacking in any way that is unsuitable for an Empress." "—-" She is not suitable, father.

I looked up at him with pointed look. My head went wild. How could I persuade him? Should I tell him that Soleia Elard is actually a black wizard? Or that a while ago she almost killed me? But there was no evidence. If the second strongest wizard in Belgoth was accused of being a black wizard, who was going to believe it with no evidence? No matter how much the emperor offered to treat me as a guest, I was still a hostage. A wizard who has made a breakthrough in the development of the empire versus the hostage that had been kidnapped. I closed my lips shut. I have to make it so that this man can trust me more than Soleia Elard. I tightened my hold on his clothes. "—-!" Suddenly there was that familiar warmth on my hand and my fatigue starting to disappear. He held my hand to get me to release my hold on his coat. Euredian slowly said, "The Princess of Lebovny." The red eyes curled faintly. Was it my illusion that he looked dangerous at first glance? I blinked blankly following his words. "Has no sense of danger." "—-I, what?" Euredian smiled lightly as he removed my hand from the hem of his coat. My hand in his big hand looked tiny.

I couldn't breathe as I looked up at the enigmatically smiling face. With my hands down, his hand grazed up my cheek and gently tapped the bottom of my ear. "First, you don't let others inside a private space like a bedroom." "No, but you're the one who followed me in Your Majesty—-." "Second, if anyone follow you inside, you should kick them out as soon as possible. You have to do it." "What are you—"' "And third, you mustn't hold on to a man who is trying to leave on his own." My defenses came up. The last sentence was clearly aimed at this situation, especially using the word 'Man'. While I could not respond, his hand fell from my hair. I absent-mindedly asked, "What if I have feelings?"

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch This is an opportunity. This is a good time to see where Euredian Belgoth draws the line. How far can I provoke this man to gain an advantage over Soleia Elard. As Lebovny's youngest princess, Yerenica didn't have much to offer the Emperor of Belgoth. If there is one thing that I can offer it's—–. "—–." It's beauty! As Euredian stopped and turned back to face me, I started smiling. Even if it's different from Soleia Elard, I am still beautiful. —– Of course, well, when it comes to beauty, this guy is the best. Let's give it a try! "If I have feelings for you, Your Majesty, then I don't have to care about those kinds of things?" I spoke boldly There was challenge in my tone. It was a mistake. I should have said it in a more bashful and excited tone. I blinked my eyes; this was something I learned when I was Seo Eun-Seo. Hoping to look as pretty and cute as possible. Come one, work hard! My beauty!

I heard a deep sigh. Euredian still had his body half turned to me and half turned away. I could see the frustration very clearly in his red eyes. What to do with this kid? (t/n: basically, yenni think she can see what euredian think of her) The following words were no different than the previous one, "'And four." "—–?" "You don't say that kind of stuff to anyone in anywhere." "That's not!" I spoke quickly but Euredian was faster. "It's better not to lie to me, Princess." He smiled lazily. "—–" "My intuition is pretty good." I don't know why he said that. I felt like I was so pathetic. I thought dejectedly. What's so good about your intuition? You don't even know how wicked Lady Elard is. I puffed my cheeks and said, "You don't even think of me as a woman anyway." "Why are you not a woman?" I could hear the humor in his voice Euredian. "Such thoughts do not justify your thoughtless acts, Princess." He continued. "—–Tsk." I looked at him resentfully and shut up. Seeing my defiant face, he murmured in a slightly stern tone.

"Really." "?" "As I won't tell you where I'm going, I shall take my leave." The last word was almost a sigh. I failed. I only had useless information, such as 'Seduce men by batting your eyelashes', right now I quickly erased it from my mind. So, you're saying that you won't fall for my seductive charms? I ran toward the window and glared at the retreating form. I clenched my fist. Alright. From now on, I will be getting serious! And Plan C, 'Win Over the Supporting Character' has now changed to, 'Seduce the Villain's father!'. *** Euredian' s POV As the emperor of Belgoth, Euredian Belgoth always know. What the does the youngest Princess really want? thought Euredian as he walked out of the Belyuk palace. Even if I didn't look back, I could feel the piercing gaze burning a hole in my head. Lebovny's youngest Princess was a quite unique. First, there was the unique color combination, light blue eyes with light pink hair. In addition, her fair skin. It felt like she would melt under the sunlight. She doesn't look strong, but she has an intense presence. Euredian continued to walk slowly while feeling the gaze on the back of his head.

I did not intend to harm the princess who had been kidnapped. In the first place, the surprise attack on Lebovny was not intended to cause bloodshed. It was a warning. As emperor, I participated and chose the best soldiers and broke them up into small groups to avoid as many casualties as possible. That warning should have been enough. Now it was only a matter of time before Lebovny opened the Glucaman road. Yes. That's good enough. "—-." I think, I have picked up something troublesome along the way. Bright pink hair came to my mind, like its owner, it could not be contained. Even the slightest of breeze would cause it to fly away. The princess, with her colorful pink hair, was maladjusted to magic. Even the smallest amount of mana was enough to hurt her tremendously. Of course, the fall at the end was a trick. Although I should have chastised her, I did not as I could not help but reach out to her when she was in such pain. It's true though that I brought the innocent princess along with us and made her suffer through hardships. Once he returned to the central palace, he went straight up to the office. His immediate aide was on standing by. "Are you done with the work I gave you?" "Yes, Your Majesty. We have recovered all the magic items within a 200meter radius." "—–." Euredian agonized for a moment. Is 200-meter radius going to be enough?

A glimpse of Yerenica fluttering through the pillars of Lebovny's royal palace popped in his mind. "—- 500 meters." He said. "What? Your Majesty, but—." responded the aid confusedly. "Expanding the radius to 500 meters will reach the back of the palace—-." "It's okay. Do as I say." Euredian didn't take his words back. In fact, it felt like this hostage would actively move around the imperial palace. It'll take Lebovny no more than a month to open Glucaman Road. This would be the right thing to do. It's better than finding her dead after wandering around. The aide looked directly at the emperor and thought; If it was the usual guest, he wouldn't have done this for anyone. Are they of high status? Euredian on the other had didn't care about things like this as he was the emperor Am I being generous because she was cute? Euredian smiled halfheartedly while he combed his hair back with his fingers as he often did while contemplating on his own. I don't think she faked that in front of Soleia Elard—-. It was poorly executed but a very good idea. Euredian smiled once again. Regardless, that sly woman must be boiling in anger by now. The Princess of Lebovny acted without knowing anything. How cute of her to do such thing. Is that why I find watching her to be so amusing?

If I think about it, she is like a kitten that doesn't know right from wrong. "Felix." Euredian called out his aide that was about to leave the office. "From now prohibited Soleia Elard's entry to the Imperial Palace. Let her know." "Yes? But why—." Asked the aid in surprise. Euredian just shrugged. "It seems I have become too lenient with her these days. She always comes in and out of the Imperial Palace without permission." "But, Your Majesty, I don't think Lady Elard will take it nicely." Said the aid anxiously. Once again Euredian did not intend to overturn his decision. Soleia Elard was a woman who couldn't tolerate 'women' hanging around me. I never object to it. I never stopped Lady Elard because it was a good excuse to reject the nobility without having to do anything. Of course, she is not my real fiancée. Now that I have someone I must protect; I cannot just let her come in and out of the palace as she pleases anymore. It makes sense with that mana... A little kitten is no match to that snake of a girl. Instead of giving the Princess of Lebovny a ball of wool. Euredian built a sandy field for her to play in. It doesn't matter. After all, the princess seems to wear her heart on her sleeve. The next day, he regretted his decision.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch The day I entered Belyuk Palace, after glaring at Euredian' s silver head as he left, I just slept. I don't remember, but it seems that I had gone to sleep. When I opened my eyes, it wasn't in the morning but in the middle of the day. "—-?" My eyes started to tear up a bit as the world just felt so heavy. I can't have gained weight on my eyelids, I am just so sleepy. I crept into the blanket and felt it. Heeh. I was happy that I was in a bed when I woke up. (t/n: same) Knock knock. I heard a knock. If it had not been for the knock, I would have gone back to sleep. I blushed as I opened my eyes. I leaned over and looked at the door. It was quiet outside. Who was it? Did I hear it wrong? Knock knock. A gentle knock rang again. I didn't hear it wrong. "C-Come in?" I said in a fright. As soon as I responded the door opened. A round-faced brown-haired woman in a maid's dress entered the room and clasped her hands together in

the front courteously. Oh, Marianne. "You're awake, Princess." "Uh, yeah." "I will tend to the Princess from now on. My name is Marianne." I stared at her from under the blanket. I wonder if she is now in her mid-late 20s. Although she is not beautiful, her neat and simple face has attracted a favorable feeling. The maid in charge of Tezevia in the novel was also Marianne. I nodded my head up and down. "My name is Yerenica Lebovny. Please take care of me." "Oh my god, Princess." shrieked Marianne embarrassingly. "You don't have to be respectful to me. How can such a precious person —–." "Ah, I'm more comfortable like this." I said as I shook my head and smiled. One of the things that I couldn't get used to in this world was that I had speak courteously to people, it was not something I was used to. The only exception is Tezevia because she is my sister. I couldn't speak to my maid or my escort knight, Fernandez like that at all. It had felt strange when I started talking like that, but it was inevitable. I am after all the lovely daughter of a proud South Korean! "Still, Princess—" Marianne muttered while looking troubled. Then I realized something. This isn't Lebovny.

In Lebovny, no matter what I say or do, I had title of 'Youngest Princess' backing me, but this is Belgoth. I'm a very accommodating person. I frowned and said, "I will speak comfortably only when we are alone, Marianne." "—–." "Promise!" In the end, Marianne nodded her head as if it could not be helped. Yeah. My victory. Marianne smiles affectionately. "Would you like to get up? You must have been very tired from all the travelling because you slept all day." "The whole day?" "Yes, I was wondering if I should wake you up or not." I looked at the clock on the wall. I slept for 20 hours. It seems like I have become lazy since coming to this world. I, Seo Eun-Seo, who was famous for staying up for 24 hours a day. I shook my head. Money and status are the best way to make people lazy. I pushed the blanket off me and got up. "Hmm...." It's strange that I slept for around 24 hours without waking up, I should have been more refreshed when I woke up, but somehow, I didn't feel refreshed. I tilted my head while I was thinking. I'm positive my condition returned to normal when I was with Euredian. I must have been very tired. Riding on a horse for three days straight. It was enough to make me tired.

Marianne even pulled me out of the bed and asked, "Bath or food, which one do you want first?" "Bath." When I woke up after my long sleep, my throat was dry, and my body was swollen. I frowned with worry. It's my first interaction with Marianne, a character from the novel, but looked so ugly—– In the bathroom when I saw my appearance in the mirror, I had huge dark circles and when I combed my hair, it wasn't behaving at all. I breathed a sigh of disappointment. *** After taking a bath and having a late lunch, I felt completely awake. I sat on the bed while swinging my legs as I listened to Marianne. "I heard that the Princess needs special care. Is it due to your sensitivity to magic?" Marianne seemed worried when she asked. "Yes. It is quite extreme." I remembered Rosel saying that it was rare for people with magic sensitivity to live past 5 years and that there was no cure for it. "Oh. But I'm okay. Don't worry." I smiled brightly. It's okay, really! The person who can heal me is the emperor of this empire! "Princess." Blurted Marianne as she looked at me with sympathy. She's looking at me like I was trying to put on a brave face. No, it's not like that you don't have to look at me like that. "That's why we have gotten rid of all items that contain magic in the palace for now. Not just in the palace but within a 500-meter radius of the palace, so don't worry."

"Oh." 500 meters in radius? Even if you say that, I don't know the geography of the Imperial Palace. I wouldn't know how far that is. "Would you like to go out and look around? We have marked the area past the 500 meters radius. So that it won't be hard to miss it." Marianne added with a smile as if she had read my mind. "—–?" Mark? What mark? "I'll go!" I got up from my seat at once. It is better to learn the geography of the Imperial Palace as soon as possible. I will be staying here until Lebovny and Belgoth's affairs are sorted. In the original timeline Euredian married Soleia next spring. Right now, I need to either seduce Euredian or get rid Soleia Elard. A few minutes after leaving Belyuk Palace, I knew what the 'mark' meant. As I got closer, I saw dozens of white flapping handkerchiefs. It was true that it was not difficult to miss. "To the east of this, is the imperial garden. To the west, is the Chierta Palace. To the north, is the northen gate of the Imperial Palace. And to the south, is the Tournament Hall. These areas are all within the 500-meter radius of Belyuk Palace." explained Marianne, who followed. "—-." "You can safely explore in this area, but you need to be careful beyond that boundary—." I know what she was talking about. It would be dangerous, not knowing when and where magic was being used.

I breathed a small sigh. I'm being treated much better than how other hostages would be, but a gloomy thought still popped in my mind—– "I'm still locked in—–." "Yeah, I'm stuck, aren't I?" After all, I am limited to a 500-meters radius around Belyuk Palace. But I can't complain about it because it's my body fault! Unlike in the original story, Euredian was being considerate to me. Belgoth is land that produces a lot of mana stones each year, but I can't believe he removed all the mana stones from certain area in the Imperial Palace because of me. I'm in no position to grumble. Boohoo. Yeah, well, there's no way I can get out of Belyuk Palace—. I didn't know what to do with my miserable thoughts. "Ah, the Emperor said if you want to go passed the boundary you should inform him." "Huh." I blurted in shock Oh? Does that mean he'll come to see me in person? My heart started pounding at the thought. So, yesterday's iron wall was just my imagination? How wonderful of our kind father. I immediately acted on it with a second thought. I opened my eyes brightly and clung to Marianne. Marianne was very tall, and I was rather short, so I had no trouble clinging on to her. "I want to go beyond the boundary!" I exclaimed as I held on to her. The result was a disaster. "Where do you want me to take you, Princess?"

"Who are you?" It was not a handsome man with pretty silver hair and red eyes that appeared in front of me. I stupidly looked at the man in front of me. The man had black hair with golden eyes, and he was dressed in a priest's robe that was white in color. "My name is Diego Schmart. I am a Priest in Raulus' temple." Said the man while smiling brightly. "Oh..." "I was commanded by His Majesty, to escort you to wherever you want to go." A priest from the Temple of Raulus' s. Euredian Belgoth, this man! Damn!

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch Oh my god. There's a high iron wall. I laughed my head off. It was just wishful thinking on my part. Yeah, I guess it wouldn't make sense for him to come here. An emperor doesn't have much free time. Basically, I'm not just a normal person, but I'm a big shot! The second attempt, following yesterday's drama, failed before it even started. To think he'd assign me a Priest. Isn't this just declaring that he does not want to see me anymore? How am I supposed to seduce him if I can't see him? "—-." "Where do you want me to take you, Princess?" It's a little comforting that the priest named Diego Schmart was quite handsome. I choked back my tears, and depressingly said. "I want to go beyond the boundary." "Beyond the boundary. Is the east side of the Imperial Palace." Diego Schmart smiled gently. It was so sweet, nice and pretty that I forget my sleepiness and my depression. I enjoyed it. It was an instinct for me to look at beautiful men and women.

Of course, Diego was not as beautiful as Euredian who is in the heavenly class, but he was a handsome man anyway. Golden eyes that were pure like a puppy. A slim figure with a thin face from the tightened collar to the long white robe reached the ankle. As a priest who served God, he had a calm and beautiful aura. I love a handsome man but what I wanted was a silver-haired handsome man. "Yes, yes..." In fact, I did not really intend to leave the 500 meters radius. I didn't want to trouble the priest, but I decided to just follow the man to the east of the Imperial Palace. Nothing will happen right? Before we crossed the fence with the white handkerchiefs, Diego asked me, "If you feel uncomfortable, please let me know immediately. I need time to call the divine power." "Yes." "My divine powers are not as strong as His Majesty. It will take some time to transfer the divinity. So, if you feel any inconvenience, please let me know right away." Oh, no wonder. The clear and calm energy that Euredian always had around his body was not felt in Diego. I nodded my head vigorously. Is there anything special? *** The decision to ask Diego was not useless as Diego was quite a good storyteller. He was kind enough to walk me around the Imperial Palace while talking.

"When you go south from Belyuk Palace, you will find the way to the Royal Knights' training ground. His Majesty oversees that place, so you won't be able to enter it." "I see." South place. I quickly memorized this. It means that Euredian manages it himself. It is the first place to see him. "The place we just passed is the Bashard Garden. The previous Emperor and Empress were very fond of it. Currently the royal gardener manages it." "Oh, does His Majesty stroll through the garden?" "Yes." My ears pricked up. Place no. 2. The central imperial garden. I kept walking as I listened to Diego explain gently. "The palace facing the garden is Belgorod Palace, where His Majesty resides. Anyway, as the palace is right in front of the garden, it is where His Majesty has tea with Lady Elard." "Oh. That's good information." "Pardon?" "It's nothing." I stopped talking and shut my mouth. His Majesty has tea with Soleia Elard in the garden? "Hmmm...., Diego." "Yes?" "About, Lady Elard—-."

"Yes. Please speak." "Has...Has it been long since she became His Majesty's fiancée?" "Hmm..." Diego tilted his head as he thought for a moment and then he spoke again, "They're not formally engaged yet, but she is a candidate to become the next Empress." "A candidate?" "It's been about five years now. As you know, Lady Elard is very aggressive." That means they're not officially engaged and only Soleia Elard clinging on him one-sidedly! Diego paused before he continued. What he said next left me disappointed, "However, His Majesty has no reason to refuse the engagement. I believe they will be engaged by the end of the year." What, is this? What do you mean by, he won't refuse? Does that mean he really does like her? I tried to relax so I didn't seem interested. While looking at him I asked, "I see. Perhaps His Majesty has feelings for her." "Feelings—-." Diego looked troubled as he thought about his response. Inside I'm saying, 'I really don't care. If you answer great, if not it's fine.' "Well, I've never got that feeling from him." Diego answered slowly. "Really?" I am felling happy without knowing it. I wanted to bite my tongue when Diego spoke again.

"I'm not sure if you've ever felt it, but despite His Majesty's generosity he's built quite the wall around himself." "Ah, the wall." "Yes, he's quite generous, but if you ever cross the line, he's a bit—" Diego smiled vaguely as he spoke those words. I raised my head, "A bit? What? What happens then?" Diego smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing. In any case, rather than having feelings for her, it's rather he doesn't mind her. In fact, strategically Lady Elard is a great partner." A strategic partner. Those words sunk into my mind. Yes, it was said that Soleia Elard is going to be the next head of Magic Tower. A woman with that kind of power and ability does look good indeed. With that criteria, it was clear that they would get engaged or married in the near future. The opportunity for me to approach him has been blocked by a thousand more hurdles. Why aren't you officially engaged yet? I mean, he's a man. As I fell into another thought, Diego seemed to have said something as he waved his hand to get my attention. "Princess?" I woke up from my thought. "Oh, no. Please go on." "From here on, it's really important to listen to what I have to say. It's about the palace used by the Emperor, the palace of Belgoth." Diego spoke in rather resolute tone.

"As it is a palace built for the Emperor and future Empress. It's no exaggeration to say that it is filled with mana stones. The princess must be very careful." "—Ugh." "That is why, please don't go closer to the palace of Belgoth and stray no further than the central garden. Even if I am with you, it won't be enough." I nodded quickly. A palace covered with mana stones. For a weakling like me, it would be like going into the final dungeon. The only problem is that there's a handsome man inside there that I have to save. I had headache for some reason. Perhaps during my stay here, I would never step foot in there. I didn't have the slightest idea how to do this. Then what? If I want to get rid of Soleia or seduce him, I must be with him in person, if I can't go in—My head started coming up with a plan. I glanced at the central garden. The beginning of the attack was to wait for the target to show up! If I can't get in, just need to wait him to come out—-! And from that day on, I began building a base in the central garden. My plan was simple but perfect. In order to catch the emperor who was hiding. If I could not call him out, and if I could not go inside the palace, the only thing I can do right now is this. It was a stupid plan, but I have the time. I'll do whatever I can. There was no reason not to put this into action, because I was told that Euredian came to the central garden for a walk. Since we can't enter the training ground, we will first attack the central garden!

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I have a few books and refreshments right now. I went out to the table in the central garden. It was said that Euredian usually took his break at 2 p.m., so I ended up strolling in the garden for almost half a day until the evening. The central garden of Imperial Palace was elaborate. It had a marble fountain, a maze garden with twists and turns, and there were many kinds of flowers and trees that I have never seen before. "—–." But after about three days, I was tired of it all. Euredian did not even show up in the garden at all. I looked at Diego, who was sitting across from me at table, with great annoyance. Diego smiled vaguely, as if the fierce look I gave him was lost on him. "Princess—?" "Sir Priest, you lied to me." Diego Schmart was the one who gave me the wrong information. A mild sheep with a puppy-like face told a lie! I stared at him with resentment. Diego waved his hands with a face full of embarrassment. "Lie? A priest who serves God cannot lie, Princess." "Oh my god. Then why this is happening?"

I leaned my head on the table, that silver hair was burning in my mind. It was only three days, but I was getting tired. I don't know anymore. It's hard to do this all day long. I've been doing it for three days now. Boohoo. I'm tired. I frowned and slumped on the table. I thought my only problem was maladjustment to mana, but the land of Belgoth itself is too heavy for me. I kept getting tired. Even if I keep still, even then I feel like I was losing my energy. It is not enough to faint, but it is not enough to walk around. In my heart, I wanted to hold Diego's hand— But unfortunately, he was a priest to the very end. It was different feeling to Euredian who had the feel of cleansing when we were close to each other. It was clearly different. In fact, Euredian Belgoth is special. God's descendent— For Diego to heal me, he had to do it consciously. It had to be poured into the divinity. That means he had to pull it out from him and give it to me. I had to stop crying and complaining. I can't just use his divinity because I'm tired. If I could hold Euredian' s hand this would be over quickly, and I'm like, uhh. I laid my cheeks on the table with dismay. Even now the person who I desperately need, didn't appear— I was so frustrated that I felt like dying. Marianne, who stood by me, worked hard to comfort me. "His Majesty has been busy these days, Princess. He usually walked every day."

"—–" "I heard he was behind on his work due to the Lebovny expedition. Don't worry too much." That was not very comforting. I buried my face in arms. Does he just not want to see me—? If it was true, that's really depressing. Was I being too aggressive? Or is it because I kept clinging onto him after feeling sick? It was clear that the molestation has tarnished my image. All kinds of negative thoughts circulated in my mind. Is it because I'm not his type? This was the most depressing. It was clear that Euredian like sexy and seductive women. Lady Elard has foxy eyes. Her lips are red, she is a sexy woman. That's why he married Soleia Elard in the novel, despite knowing that she is evil. I thought for a moment. A sparkling silvery haired red-eyed man and next to him a sexy black-eyed beauty with red hair hanging down to her waist. "Damn it." I murmured sadly. They look so good together. In my imagination, I changed Lady Elard with me next to Euredian. In an instant, the genre was transformed from a fatal romance to a dreamy and hopeful fantasy fairytale. "—–." It was just that in comparison, one is R rated and the other is G rated—-. No, no, no. I shook my head hard and thought to myself.

You can change your taste as you want. I can do R rated too! Yerenica may be 19 years old, but Seo Eun-Seo is twenty-five years old. What can't I do? From now on be confident. Right now, I will barge into the office where Euredian is and cry out, 'Shut up. From today on, I'm your type!' "—–." But I can't go into the Imperial Palace, can I? Damn it. I'm not going able to do it. I became depressed again and quickly quieted down. Operational retreat? There's no such thing in my dictionary. I shook my head to clear my mind. If you don't want to look at me, I'll make it so that you don't have a choice but to look at me! The next day I walked to the central garden, at exactly 2 o'clock. Marianne followed me like shadow. Marianne stopped when she thought we would go to the tea table like yesterday. But I had no intention of using the same method again. I think he didn't come out on purpose because he knew I was waiting for him. My lips went up in a determined smirk. I'll just stay where he can't see me. Perfect hideout. I went straight to the maze on the right side of the central garden. I made way over a low wall of grass and squatted between them and sat down. The long grass was put aside and there was a lot of room. Because the wall is low, it is suitable to look at the rest of the garden. "Princess! Why are you sitting there!?" Marianne cried out at me.

"Shh, Marianne." I put my index finger to my lips and signaled for her to be quiet. I was planning to stay like this for three hours. If he doesn't show up after this, I'll admit that he really is busy. Your iron wall against my determination. Let's see which one wins—! *** Euredian was someone who lead a scheduled life. He opened his eyes before sunrise and started the day with training, ate at a certain time, and worked at a fixed time. Even his break was scheduled. In his spare time, he took care of small things such as meeting aristocrats who asked for help, visited the capital city when he wanted to sometimes. He always made plans. It was just a habit that been there since he was a prince, long before his reign. He'd never been dissatisfied with that life or felt uncomfortable. So far. Probably. He had no interest in it, or so he thought. It was good to have a schedule for a monarch; it was not bad. So Euredian Belgoth got used to it as time went by. Until few days ago. "—–." He sighed and glanced out the window. The desk in the office was directly in front the window that looked out to the central garden. Euredian' s office was on the third floor and it was high enough to see every corner of the garden. Especially the light pink hair.

The reddish eyes looked at the clock on the wall office. 2 p.m. It was exactly the same time as yesterday. Not only yesterday but also the day before yesterday. For five days now. —— Five days already. "—-." Euredian was not the only one who lived a scheduled life. Yereninovica Lebovny. The pink haired Princess of Lebovny had been in the same place at the same time for five days. The first day was nothing special. She was chatting with her maid and there's the sound of the high priest giving her a tour of the Imperial Palace. He thought that, that was it but then she returned to the central garden. Why stay in the central garden for so long? If he turned his head a little, he could see the central garden and the small voice keep coming back. 'I don't know if I can stay quietly—-.' After the fourth day, she settled in the corner of a well-groomed pile of bushes. From the front you won't be able to see her, but from here it was obvious. But it was clear that Yereninovica didn't think that anyone would be able to see her from above. Euredian sighed again and turned his head back to his desk. It looked like she was waiting for someone. There's no way someone from Lebovny came to Belgoth for the princess, right? Then her action was clear. She was waiting for Euredian Belgoth to appear in the central garden. "—–."

If I didn't go down today, she will continue to come every day. It was a fact that I realized through the past few days' experience. Lebovny's youngest princess's persistence had bothered him slightly. It's been five days since he had ignored her. I don't think I can ignore her when she is hiding right where I can see her. I couldn't concentrate on my work because I kept losing focus. "Maybe I shouldn't have let her into the garden—-." Euredian rarely regretted his decisions.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch Of course, he did not regret his decisions from the beginning. There was chatter in the central garden that gradually quieted down. He thought about closing the window, but it was not unpleasant to hear, so he left the window open. After the death of the previous Emperor, there was only one royal in Belgoth. Euredian grew up alone without a brother or sister. In addition, the few cousins he'd had left the palace a long time ago. As a result, the things he was familiar with since childhood were a quiet and tranquil peace and established routinely life, things like that. There aren't a lot of things that can provoke someone like him. In recent years, Lebovny's cheeky attitude had touched his nerves. The person who caused even more persistent fatigue than Lebovny was Soleia Elard. A woman who's an essential person in the hierarchy, who makes the magic tower move and is someone who considers herself his fiancée. That women is someone who is utterly unaware of people's feelings, she might be acting as though she loves him most in the world and wagging her tail but, she has a face that makes you unsure of when she's going to stab you in the back. So Euredian always kept a certain distance from her.

If it was not necessary to put the magic tower under the emperor's supervision, there would be no reason to be close to the woman. And Soleia Elard knows that. She is a smart, cunning woman which is why it was hard to read her thoughts. When you see someone acting so seductively there must be something that they want from you. It is only a rough guess and it is hard to know exactly what she wanted. Ah, that's just very tiring. A woman who he always needs to be vigilant against. A woman who gripped with displeasure. One of the most prominent figures who interferes with his desired rest. He couldn't stop himself from looking out of the window again. Compared to that snake-like women, it is much easier to read Lebovny's youngest princess? If you look at how they have interfered with my daily life, it is technically similar, but it couldn't feel any more different. Euredian smiled slightly. The Princess of Lebovny was a person who was not tactile or forceful. She isn't an unsuitable person. In addition, I have admitted it before, the cute and cheerful demeanor does not bother me much. Quiet peace is good, but sometimes being lively is not bad. It was courtesy of those who gave Lebovny's Princess the freedom in the Imperial Palace. But she caught his eyes more than she thought. That's the only part that Euredian regretted. On the first day, the sound of chattering had been filled with energy, it began to calm down on the second day. On the fourth day, she barely spoke, lying helplessly on the table – It was how he saw it.

"—–." It almost looked like that she was fading. If she walked around the whole palace vigorously, there is no reason to look like that. She's drooping like a lost kitten, and that's quite odd, it as if she doesn't care. Even if he did not expect his attention to be taken so often, it was different to the annoying feeling he had for Soleia Elard. "Do I have to lose?" And soon as he spoke, he realized that he had already lost. A dry laugh came out. It seems I am interested in her. If her purpose was to drag me out, Lebovny's princess seems to have accomplished that in only five days. Something Soleia Elard attempted for five years and I ignored. He chuckled at that. Right now, the princess doesn't even know how great of a job she had accomplished. Euredian laughed as he put down the paperwork. It didn't long for him to walk outside. *** I had clenched my teeth while looking down at my blue dress with my hair covering my face. I tidied up my dress with weak hands. I pulled my knees up to my chest so that I could wrap my arms around it and burry my face.

"—–." Ah. I feel like I'm dying. I feel lifeless. I ate better than ever and slept well, but I always feel tired and helpless. Since the first day, I have been rejected—The thick aroma of grass filled the air, I closed my eyes with a sigh. The confidence I gained in these past few days was gone. Belgoth, located in the eastern part of liger, was not suitable for me. Maybe it is because there are so many mana stones from Azekien or because there are so many magicians. Either that or the black magic that Soleia tried to cast on me wasn't fully canceled out. For some reason, this land was too much for me. I start tearing up while my face rested on my knees. I laughed slightly. At this rate, the day I try to move to Azekien will be the same day I might be laying in a coffin. "—–." It has been five days since I waited for Euredian in this central garden. At first, I didn't do anything, I was bored to death waiting. As time went by, I got tired of getting bored. If I stay in this country for a long time, I will be in danger; I thought absentmindedly. Dying in agony was not the only way to die. Oh my god. What should I do if, one day I really can't open my eyes ever again? I trembled with chills going down my spine.

It was the worst and I really didn't want to think about it. If I waited too long, a dead body is what Euredian will be met with. "Ah, really—-." Marianne is only a maid, so she can't bring him to me. I can't break into the Imperial Palace either. I have no choice but to wait. At this rate, wouldn't it be difficult for me to get out of bed tomorrow? Boohoo. That thought made me cry. I'm going to die right now. I don't know what to do. Actually, I know what to do but, I can't actually put it into practice. "Because you're not close to me—-." I murmured sorrowfully. Putting up an iron wall is cruel. He's cold-blooded. He wasn't the villain Deckard's father for no reason! No. I don't need anything. I sniffled tearfully. I want you to come out now—–. I hugged my knees tightly while crying. I'm not hoping to hold hands or be embraced, I just want to see your face. I want to stand next to you. Then I think I can feel a little better. "Princess." It was then that I heard the voice that I was hoping to hear from above. "—-!" I jerked my head up. That scent that's so refreshing it feels like it's cleansing your body.

He stood against the sun so I couldn't see his face because of the suns glare. I don't know what he's looking at. But I did not care. I gasped desperately. "What are you doing here?" I got up from my spot on the floor in a hurry. Instinctively, my hand reached out. I have to catch him. The only lifeline I have to live on in this whole land that is suffocating my body. My extended hand was covered with the gentle warmth of his hand. I choked for a moment as Euredian took my hand. And with that little touch, all the weight from the mana that crushed my whole body quickly disappeared. When the weight suddenly disappeared, my body wobbled. The body, which was about to plunge to the ground, was pulled by aa strong force. At the same time, a hand caught my waist. "—-!" The view suddenly changed. Stable hands held me up with one hand on my back and the other under my knee. Euredian held me like he's holding a child. I saw his face stiffen. I wrapped my arms around his neck reflexively and gasped for air. "Your condition——." I didn't know what he was saying as I could not afford to listen to it carefully. I was just too busy embracing him and taking in the divine energy. "Heu——."

Like filling an empty glass with water, I could feel my empty body being filled with energy. I buried my face in Euredian' s neck and inhaled. Euredian strode with large stride while holding me in his arms. Not long after that, he put me down on the tea table in the middle of the garden. "Princess." His voice softly echoes. I held on to Euredian' s neck with all my strength. I don't want to fall. If I fell, the ground will weigh me down again. And this guy—I don't know when he'll come back. "You seem to be doing well now, so I'm let you go now." Does it seem like I'm playing a game in your eyes?! I cried, but I did not have the strength to argue. I just desperately held him and filled my empty body with energy. I wish I could take away all the misfortune that will befall this man, so that he won't be hurt no matter where he goes, so that he no longer feels tired. Euredian had the strongest divine power in Liger, it takes a long time for his power to hit bottom before returning to normal. He is a descendant of God. "—–Huuuu." After a while, I noticed a big hand patting my back. I heard a light sigh. I felt tears gather in my eyes. If you're going to be this kind, why do you keep putting up that damn wall? It makes no sense. If you going to do that, don't be nice to me in the first place—-.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch "It seems you've calmed down." A man who knows nothing about my heart. As if to cut me off, I caught him by the arm. I hide my face in his beautiful neck. I never wanted to show him my crying face again. He always see me crying like a child every time I was in front of this man. Euredian sigh. "Let me see your face. I need to know what your condition is." "—–" "It'll only take a minute. So lift your head." A soothing voice fell with a sift head. I forced myself to stop crying. When I loosened my arm around his neck, Euredian lifted my arms lightly and grabbed me by the shoulder. As soon as I pulled away from him, I looked down. I have a soft pink hair that fell to the side of my face. Marianne must have left for Belyuk palace. Marianne had carefully combed my hair, but now it was a mess again. "Look at me." Two large hands wrapped around my cheek and lifted it. My head bowed up.

Look at the past five days. The man who was so hard to get, was right in front of my nose. Glittering silver hair fall on his forehead. A little lazy and little indifferent, yet an affectionate look in the red purple eyes. I see myself in those eyes. Fortunately, this time it was not that bad. I felt a little relieved there. I'm not repeating that dark history. Euredian looked around my face for a while and dropped his eyes. He checked from upper body to toe. "I'm better—." I mumbled with a little stuffy nose. "—-." All the fatigue feelings I had for the past five days, had vanished without a trace. Euredian looked at me with suspicious eyes. I looked at the face that I want to see in five days. "You must have been very busy." A grumbling voice came out "Well... a little bit." A little? Just a little?! "If you were a little busier, I'd be—-" "You'd be very?" "—–." I would be very dead! The words stuck in my throat. I barely swallowed it.

Calm down, Yerenica. See Eun-Seo. I barely could see his face, so I can't get frustrated now. It's obvious that the emperor was busy with his work. He can be busy. There's no reason for this man should abandon his national affairs to take care of me. "It's doesn't matter—" I murmured gloomily. "Very just what? Why didn't Schmart help you?" Boohoo. I can't help being sad. Perhaps it was because his big hand pressed against my forehead was so sweet. I didn't know it, but I muttered loudly. "Is he like you? I'm not a leech. How can I suck the divinity like blood?" Euredian smiled briefly "So what am I?" "Your Majesty is different! Honestly, it's just—-" The hand that measured my heat on my forehead moved away. I held his hand innocently and Euredian did not avoid. As soon as the skin touched, a fresh air came in. I puffed in for a moment, then slowly exhaled "I just have to hold your hand once!" I don't want anything bigger at first. Would he like to meet me? I don't want to throw out any old-fashioned comments. The bond between man and man by sleeping is like entering a garment without getting wet in a crotch. Something like that. (t/n: idek what this is...)

If it loves at first sight, it's already over. "Do not hesitate to speak to Schmart if necessary. The priest's divinity used to heal the weak." "—–." But, what if your opponent is spreading the umbrella before it rains? That's not the answer I was looking for. Yes. This is an impregnable ironclad castle! Euredian looked down at me with a great look on his face. That's not it. This guy. I held him tightly with my hands, afraid that I might lose his hand. "Well, look Father. No, Your Majesty...." "—–." "If I go to the priest and take the divine spirit, I will be fine but the priest will be relative tired, no?" "Of course." Euredian said as he listened to what I said. I didn't miss the chance. "But, just by holding you hand, I don't need hi. As long as you're next to me." "—–." "I feel good and Your Majesty also good. Don't you think this is good?" Let's make a wish for the poor supporting actors. I came to an agreement and sending out a look full of longing.

"So once a day— No you said you were—, Once every few days! Can you show me your face?" "Oh." "I won't bother you. I won't waste too much time. Just like today!" "——." "You said you guaranteed my safety. Whether you are in office or not, whether I'm a guest or a ghost, I'll always haunt you, Your Majesty" The words became longer and longer because he did not answer. I didn't even realize what I was talking about. Please. Please. I crossed the mountain and came to Belgoth across the water. I didn't come here, get kidnapped just to die of fatigue. I waited for Euredian's answer nervously. The handsome face seemed to think about something for a while. "Once every two days." Oh! "I'm really busy for the next few days, Princess." Oh? I looked at him with my mouth open. Don't tell me this is what I've been saying—"Once every three days, on this time at this place. And only for 30 minutes." Euredian was strangely talkative. "I can only give you that much."

"Wow!" I heard the answer that I had hoped so much. It was three days, not one day, not two days. No matter what, it was better that waiting for five days without any promise. And like water, Euredian's grace didn't stop there. "Even if it's only once every three days, I will come often to the central garden. Oh, don't go into such a strange place like today, Princess." "Hyuk." And I must have been caught hiding in the garden. My eyes went red. Then, he didn't find me when he passed by, but he knew from the beginning —-! The reddish purple eyes bent slightly as he smiled. It was a lovely face, like Buddha who saw Son Ongong running hard in his hand. "My office's window is quite large." "Oh my god!" I couldn't bear it and just stared. Indeed, he was avoiding me on purpose. How can you be like this? You're just like the villain, Deckard, you bad emperor! Euredian took my rebellion lightly and ignored it, proceed to say something. "As I have said before, Schmart is a high-ranking priest in charge of ritual among priest. You don't have to feel guilty about using his divinity. If you're struggling and I'm not there then you must go meet him." The more he got to the end, the more I felt like it was a gentle nagging.

I looked up at him with dissatisfaction and nodded. And then, in his words, I suddenly found something strange. "High priest—?" "Have you heard of priest named Schmart? Probably quite well known in Lebovny." I couldn't have known. Lebovny was a country where priests are as rare as wizard. There are more wizards, but there no priest. I rolled my head nervously. Why? Is he great person? Euredian smiled blood when he saw my face. He raised the other hand which was not held by my and tap the skin under my right ear. And what was said almost shock me. "He is the next Archbishop of Barishad." "Huh." "I am the only direct royal family in Belgoth, so except for me, he is one of the five strongest deity in the continent." "Huh." I am speechless and open my mouth again. Diego. He was a high priest and the next in line for Archbishop of Barishad. Oh. Then I caught a busy man and was just playing around while having tea! "It was not a lie to say that I would guarantee for your safety. Of course, you didn't believe it, but—." "—–." "Anyway, you have your points."

My chest was brushed with a moment of tight tension. In any case, the fiveday walk was not a piece of crap. If it 30 minutes once every three days, it is a small start. Originally start 30 minutes, then turn into one hour, then two hours. Then it happens every two days. That's it. Anyway, I found a way to dig in. I was satisfied with everything. When my body returned to normal condition my depression also disappeared. I was feeling terrible, so tired that I wanted to cry, a few minutes ago. But thanks to him, I now feel great. I hurriedly thank him, "Hehe hehe. Thank you." "—–Yeah." And Euredian looked a little strange.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch The red purple eyes looked pointedly to the slightly cluttered hands, then came back to me, then he smiled a bit. It may have been five days since I saw her, but her beauty was brighter today. The dress looked good with a white shite shirt and ribbon of blue cravat. The glittering silver hair seemed to show of the unchanging presence of this man. Even in the harsh battle where iron met and the screaming was rampant or the peaceful and quiet Imperial Palace in the midst of the garden. In fact, it was this handsome face that distrubed me the most. I was trying to use the power of my beauty but I fell for a natural beauty instead. I stared at the handsome face with care not to drool... It is said that tens and hundreds of women look like they were possessed just by a single breath. It's a pity. Was that what happen that he ended up putting iron wall? He tilted his head slightly to see if he had noticed that gaze. "What?" "Just... Our father is so handsome." "Names." "Ah. Your Majesty."

As soon as I made a mistake a stern point came back. He did not seem to like the title 'father'. I added one more line tot my Euredian Belgoth's profile notebook. 'He hates the title of Father.' I didn't know much about Euredian Belgoth yet. What he likes and what he doesn't like. What kind of good that he can tolerate. I wriggled his still hand in mine. The iron wall that hit me without face-to-face knowledge seemed to be no difference as the one that used to hit Soleia. You're not engaged anyway as you said. So there's a possibility on my side. There's a silver! Along with the elevated condition, the confidence also rose. Turn around and look for the opportunity. We're going to have to dig through that fortress one by one. Slowly, carefully. And when you woke up, before you knew it, you're already surrounded by Yerenica. I'll build him a wall where you can't get out like that fence with white handkerchief. Euredian was looking was looking at me when I was thinking with great dedication. "You look like you're thinking about the wrong thing again—-." "No." "....You know, I don't have time to be careless." No, that's a little awkward! I have been digging into it, but now I need to do maintenance work. I will have to do it.

I smile as innocuously as possible. Of course, he did not seem to believe much, but he did. *** And from that on, every three days I was given support. Euredian is the type of person who lives with as much time as I am, but he is always strict. If I went a little early to the appointed time, I will wait. Then all my fatigue was relieved. It was a little funny that he just need to be by my side to heal me, but it was true. In fact, once every three days is the same as twice a week. However, it was impossible to cling to him too long. Euredian was really struggling with his crazy workload. If I listen to what he says sometimes, he doesn't have time to sleep because he was working. I could see it in my eyes how his eyes felt lazy and indifferent. "Ah. Princess." I glanced at his way and answered it, "Yes, yes?" Euredian picked up the tea and took sip of it. He seemed to mulling over his words without opening up his mout. Today he was wearing a white shirt and light dark blue jacket. The dark gold that led to the collar and the shoulder sparkled in the sun. It showed couple of shirt buttons. Although there is little tiredness in the eyes, it is more obvious than last time. He had a dark face. Oh. This man was more suited to loosen facial expression than to his apparently angular and sharp appearance.

I stared at him with my chin in my hands. As a matter of fact, anything won't suit you. That's just my taste. A handsome face clouded into a slight trouble light. I lost a heartbeat when I focused on the picturesque face. "Letter to Lebovny, do you want to write it? "What?" I jumped to my feet. The table jolted a little. I saw Euredian lightly pressing the table with his hand. "I can write a letter?" "—-Originally I didn't intend that." Euredian poked me slightly. "But you father threatened to blow up the Glucaman Road if he didn't receive one from you." Oh my god! Father! I jumped to my feet. Don't tell me because of Lebovny, this man had been so busy for days. In fact, I have forgotten the side of Lebovny completely. It's been almost three weeks since I was kidnapped to Belgoth. I thought it was good that Tezevia wasn't kidnapped. I thought I was lucky, but I did not think of anything else. Of course, I was very ignorant of motherhood or fatherhood. It was natural as I did not grow up in a family. But isn't Yerenica different? Yerenica was the youngest daughter of the King and Queen of Lebovny who raised her to be a gold spoon.

'Give me my youngest daughter!' I could see my father wailing to give me bacl. My mother would have fainted 12 more times, judging from her weak temper. Then, there's Tezevia who is definitely pregnant woman. "This is crazy. Really." Even if it's important to take care of myself, there is something I forget! My head fell on its own with guilt. It was obviously my mistake not to think of the people I left behind. And the sweet kidnapper, who is the source of all this, spoke in a whisper... "Does he think I'm going to lock you up and give you no water?" "—–." "I'm not really that bad of a person." Euredian puts his arms on the chair. Sitting loosely and laughing. The smile deeply hurt my conscience. In fact, there will be no hostage as comfortably as I am. "It is easier to check your situation with your father through magic, but your situation is not easy and Lebovny does not have a wizard to do that." "Ahaha." I laughed embarrassingly. "Lebovny is a small country—–." Somehow the handsome face look at me as if saying, 'Do you want to live in country side?' "I'll write that letter." I added quickly. Anyway, I did not want to get close to magic power. It is a suicide for me. So a few minutes later, I was writing the letter half lying down.

"'I'm doing really well, father. He didn't do anything. My limbs are intact.'" "—-." "'Don't worry too much.'" "—-." "'Is siter doing well? If you are afraid that my body has been hurt, it hasn't —'." Let's recite the lines for every phrase we write. Euredian's expression changed strangely, "Write whatever you want, Princess. You are not being inspected." "Oh, really?" I flashed my head up. Well, why don't we do something? I'm doing fine, so I just tipped off in a letter asking him to take the Glucaman agreement a little longer, maybe a year—But the trick was caught before it could even be tried. Euredian looked me in the face and emphatically shut his mouth. "Don't turn it over. Hand it over when you're done. That look on your face makes me suddenly nervous." That ghostly man. I stuck my mouth open. "I heard that Belgoth's master said I could write what I wanted." "Well, that sounds like an impure intention, doesn't it?" "No!" Somehow the more I talk, the more I feel like I'm being stopped. I stared at him with anger and the looked down.

But I didn't write a word about the Glucaman Agreement in the end, because it seemed like he would read the letter once I handed it over. In the end, Euredian sent my letter to the maidservant without reading it. He doesn't even open it. And he smiled a very lazy one, like he's winning. That's what it looked like to me. I tried to grin as usual. If this were going to happen, I'd just written it! I smashed the dessert on the table with my fork. What if he really opens up the Glucaman road? This man surely going to return me as soon as he heard that the road is open. Oh no. No way. I buried my face in the palm of my hand. There was a sound of pain coming out of my throat. Please, dad. I have reassured you as much as I can by letter, so I hope you will be more determined. If I go back to Lebovny, I will die in less than five years and Euredian will marry a wicked witch. I haven't evens started anything yet. We can't finish it here. And Euredian who is very familiar with me looked at me with those eyes. I felt the gaze and blinked my eyes through my fingers. I heard a light laugh. "I'm not sure if I understand." "Yes?"

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch "Do you want to go back to Lebovny or not?" Euredian asked while Drinking tea slowly and with leisure style. "If I don't want to go back, will you let me?" I rested my chin on my palms "I don't know why to you Belgoth is better than Lebovny, isn't they also have a priest of Raulus?" It was nothing more than a bounce off the steel wall. No, rather, I found very little hope in the words. "What if there's a good reason?" My eyes flashed open "For what?" "Reason that I prefer Belgoth to Lebovny." There is a lot of expectation and hope that soared uo. You're not gonna kick me out for a good reason, right? Then I can make a hundred more! I looked up at him with glaring eyes. But Euredian Belgoth was a hard defense as the master of his country was a hard person to please. "Dear you, I'd rather you stop thinking strange things with your head." "'What?" "What good is it to stay in a land that has no ointment to help your condition for a long time?"

"Tsk...." But I was accustomed to these walls. When dealing with this man, I had to put a strong cushion on my hips. So, it doesn't hurt when it bounces out. "Can you show me some sympathies sometimes? What kind of person are you?" "Enough already..." Euredian said absolutely, as if he was fed up. And I ended up a little hot-tempered. Enough? You pretend to look after me, and you're not going to listen to anything I was saying. But first let me close my mouth. No matter how hard it is to bounce, it is a big deal if it bounced back and put me into Lebovny. I still has not begun to look for a chance to explore the wall. Yeah. We still have time. Thinking so, I pressed my mind to be impatient. Instead, I smiled beautifully to change the subject. It turned out that Euredian had been giving me an hour of his time. I put my arms on the table and lean closer to him. "You're not busy today, are you?" "I've taken care all the important documents." Euredian answered slowly. Also his expression clearly showed how he had been released from the mountain of work. The news, unconsciously, made my smile spread brightly. "Are you going to stay with me a little longer today?" This meeting, once in three days, was never more than half an hour long. Actually, after meeting Euredian, I only need less than five minutes to recover. In that case, 30 minutes is a long time—Once every three days, for 30 minutes.

It was not enough time to figure out how to seduce. Euredian looked at me with a strange glance for a moment. There is subtle search in the reddish eyes. "Would you like that?" He asked quietly. "Yes!" I don't have to hesitate, answered quickly. I nodded my head then added with a flush. "Let's hold hand." "——-." "Or you can give me a hug!" Then Euredian breathed a shallow sigh. It was the same reaction as in our last meeting. I used to see that every time I said those words. And to my dismay, he never came. It really looks like it's coming to an end. I never touched Euredian again except for that time. He adhered to same degree of attitude that he did not avoid getting close without getting close at all. In fact, there was no reason to contact. Being close is enough to relieve the fatigue I had. I said the habitual word without much expectation. Yes. I have said it a hundred times, why don't you give it to me? At the thought of it—But today something seemed a little different. "Hmm...." The windy eyes curled loosely. Euredian pulled the tail of his mouth. It was a smile as bright as his glittering silver hair. I thought I was going to be

taken in by a blank look. A face that makes even the viewer loosen up. I forgot what I was thinking so far. Then, for a moment, I realized that the warm had passed in my hands, which I had put on the table for a while. It is clear and clean from the tip of the hand to the other end. A force fluttered in waves. Inadvertently the fluffy of my whole body sprang up to the touch. I stood on my toes. So, Euredian has just purposely leaked his divinity to me. In the way that a divinity priest use it. "—This, is, cheating—-." "Cheating." Euredian retorted with a funny tone. "It is a simple method to transfer divinity even if you did not contact. It's more efficient." "—–." "So it's better not to touch me, Princess." "What is that—–?" "You have been careless." "What does that mean?" The last word was something hard for me to understand. But Euredian seemed to have no intention of explaining to me. He finally smiled a strange smile and straightened his leaning body. I looked up at the man getting up from my side, blinking blankly.

A slightly westerly sun cast and oblique headlight on his face. Half of the face was swallowed by the backlight, and the lazy impression quickly changed. My heart slumped for no reason. And thump, thump, thump. It started running. My heart was strange. I jumped out of my seat and the table shook again. My stretched hand instinctively caught the end of the dark blue jacket. "Your Majesty, what did you just say?" As the different height gone, I can see his expression completely. A lazy, windy day, not so different from his usual expression. It is a familiar expression. The words that came out in a hurry suddenly stopped. Did I do something wrong? "I'm saying, don't leave Belyuk Palace tomorrow." "Pardon?" The words woke me up. The man was too calm and relaxed. But what followed that was no relax and calm to me. "Tomorrow, I think Soleia Elard is coming." *** Just tomorrow, Soleia Elard is coming to the castle. Euredian Belgoth's strange expression was completely forgotten by that remark.

Even so, it must be a great iron wall again. My head was filled with a beautiful reddish brown hair with a sensual body shape. I whirled around in my room. Biting my nails. I can't stay still for a moment. Marianne who followed me curiously, called me out, "Princess?" "Mm-hmmm?" "Is something troubling you?" Marianne, who came to me, clutched my hand affectionately. As expected, my hand looked all ragged after being bitten. I cuddled and hugged Marianne, "Marie, what are we gonna do about this?" Not only for this generation but for the next 10, 20 years, there is a woman who will have great influence to the future generations. Soleia Elard. The daughter of the Marquis Elard and the next person to own Belgoth Imperial Tower. It is a woman who tried to bury a living person alive. I recalled the first day when I arrived in Belgoth. She was the woman who cast a black spell as soon as she saw me next to Euredian. What did she say to me? That I look possessed. It was scary to think about it again. I didn't do anything, but she did the preemptive strike first. I'm glad that Euredian knew about my reaction to magic power. If not, he might have believe her words.

Anyway, she's a trusted magic user here. "——." The bad memories that returned. I feel a chill along my back. Soleia Elard. Soleia Elard. The most powerful and evil magical woman of this time. What does she want? Does she really love Euredian Belgoth? Was it just jealousy when she saw and tried to push me to hell? He's been around that powerful woman for a long time. What is the reason being so conscious of a small kingdom's princess that has been taken as hostage?

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch In the original , Soleia's lines were as few as Yerenica's. However, every sentence she spit has a large impact and it remains memorable. You don't remember Yerenica because she is an extra. Soleia Elard on the other hand, turned herr son into a villain. Deckard's story in the original passed through my mind. [My mother used to whisper to me. "You are the monster of the strongest divinity and the most evil magic, Desckard." I am. Deckard Belgoth. The purest bloodline of god on one side as well as the son of clan of the deepest dark magic prayed to. "You can have everything in the world if you want to. Even the world of god's beyond us." "—-." "If you want." The woman who gave birth to the boy spoke affectionately, "How about shaking the power of the world in both hands?" That what was my mother said. Mother exactly wanted me to inherit black magic. It was probably the wish she had since she married father. That we can hold both powerful forces at the same time. Is it possible? It was one of the experiments.

Then, in fact, she may have wanted to create a monster. Deckard smiled drily. It was an indelible smile on the young face of a 10year-old boy. "I don't want to go beyond Yudetta, mother." It was the only one thing that Deckard Belgoth wants.] "Oh, it's creepy." I finally shivered. It didn't matter whether Soleia Elard loved Euredian or not. The point is that she has a purpose. Why do you have to marry a man with the opposite nature? If you get caught, your throat will be cut off. Maybe it's true that they can cross the boundary between the sky and the underground, Yudetta. It is a trick to explore the world of the gods with underground power. It would make sense that she tried to do it through her son. But I knew that the terrible 'experiment' ended in failure. Deckard lost his divinity by learning black magic. In the end, it was impossible to hold the power of the new world and power of the dead simultaneously with human body. "Heu...." The more I recalled, the more fearful she was. Normally, a person would not dare to think of it. Hoping to reach the world of God with human body. Why would she do that? Why would she use her own son to hold both powers at the same time? What was the hidden purpose?

I thought of the contents of the original as much as I could, but nothing really came to mind. There were not many gods explained in the first place. I sighed deeply. First of all, as Euredian advised, for my personal health condition I should stay in Belyuk Palace tomorrow. I have given medicine in the meeting earlier. But I can not avoid Soleia Elard throughout my stay in Belgoth. Then how to stop her from taking away Euredian? Even if I failed to seduce him and was returned to Lebovny, I should stop Euredian from getting married. So the way to remove Soleia from Euredian—"Heung." Sadly, I didn't have many options as I think about it right now. First of all, everytime they meet I can put a stop to it. Second, I'm going to give my body to prove that she's a black wizard. "No. Not the second one." I shook my head to erase the second method from my mind. This is what happened. It was not possible to sacrifice my body that has weakness of the sunfish. If I do that I will die. In fact, if I use the first method, it will go to the second one directly. If I make aa mess between the two, I'll die because of dark magic. Euredian will find out that Soleia Elard is a black wizard. And with my death, Euredian will be blessed. —–That's a bad ending!

After all that, I just decided to stick to my original tendencies. When did I ever make a thorough plane? Don't you know that life is imposing and brave?! *** It was sunny all morning. The sky was blue with no clouds. The well-kept central garden has grown even more colorful, even with the flower still in buds. The breeze carried the flowers and the grass. Euredian was walking in the hallway on the first floor of Belgoth Palace. Today is the first time in three weeks that Elard will visit the Imperial Palace. Originally she always came once a week. After two cancellation, he couldn't put it off any longer. It wasn't exactly his wish to see her regularly, but it was Rosel. After his death, she will be the next owner of the Magic Tower and I'm the person in charge for her to report back to. He's as close as he can be, it's a close relationship that Euredian can only spare good manners and proper treatments. Apart from his suspicion of her. In addition, Soleia thought she was good to fall with. If the feeling of heaviness that he felt exceeded the limit, he would have given up in the past. She is a woman who knows so much, so he is tolerating that. Besides the suspicion, she is a great wizard and a woman who symbolized her relationship with the tower. I don't know. If there's no one, she will be my lifelong companion. "—–." But Euredian felt tired at the fact that he need to live vigilantly until the death of the Empress.

If he married that woman, then that day will be the end of Euredian Belgoth's peace for eternity. Just thinking about it made him unhappy. He habitually tried to sweep his hair, but after a while he realized that he had tidied it back. Today he was perfectly formal without any weakness. As always, when dealing with a person who should not show a gap. The white cravat tied to the right, tied its nect tightly. I forbid her to enter the Imperial Palace for three weeks, how long she'll want to stay today? The thought of it brought headache that Euredian just stopped thinking. And at the end of his gaze was a view that made the headache even more painful. "——really." The being looking out of the window was very familiar. Flower garden with a blooming color and neat maze garden, a fine marble fountain. And the colorful colors of soft pink hair. "—-." Their eyes emt. The clear sky eyes bent in shape of half-moon. The hair which had always floated, was somehow braided on one side. The woman who was sitting on the edge of the marble fountain, was waving right now, jumped down. "Your Majesty!" He think she's calling him.

He couldn't hear it because the window was closed. Euredian stoo still and watched the woman running into the sun as she seemed to melt away. "Huh?" Yereninovica who came right to the window tilted her head. She seemed to be surprised because his eyesight did not match what she thought that she could see his face to face. The hallway window was too high. Her small hands sprang up. Knock knock. She knocked on the window and Euredian read her lips. Plea-se- ope-n- it! Not very conscious, but his hand moved by itself. A light breeze flashed through his face as he pushed the window open. A clear and cheerful voice popped out, piercing his ear. "Ah, it was opened!" "I thought you will be in Belyuk Palace today." I didn't forget to say that yesterday. Yes, I remembered saying it clearly. And the Princess in front of her seemed didn't know how to listen to it. Euredian smiled and leaned out of the window with his arms on the windowswill. "You really don't listen, Princess." "I'm not that predictable."

Yereninovica replied playfully. She smiled beautifully with a beautiful face as if a flour is coming out. Somehow it seemed that she's brighter today. Maybe it's because of the white dress that frills like a foam every time it moves. She shouldn't wear white. Euredian thought inwardly. It seemed that tere was no real presence when a woman with a light color was wearing a colorless dress. His hand reached out consciously for the hair that covering the soft bottom of the ear. The sensation of rubbing, touching the whole body secretly, hidden the traces. It was a strange. I don't know this princess in front of me more than Soleia Elard. However, when dealing with the princess, I am always surrounded by a pleasant feeling of freedom. She's a person who freely does what she wants. I wonder if it would make the person who watch feel comfortable. Euredian thought. The lips gently turned into a smile. There was a very generous and affectionate voice. "Okay. Then why did the Princess risk of coming here?" "Ah." A small, slightly cool hand clutched on to the large, warm hand. In a moment the divinity that was around his body was absorbed by her. Yereninovica held her breath for a moment then she smiled satisfactory. "Today is no different." "No different?"

The Princess of Lebovny, who resembles a little pink cat, today proclaimed to him boldly and bravely. "I'm planning to kidnap Your Majesty from now on!"

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch It was naively cute. The thin hand held his. He was glad that his lower hand was cold. "What can I do?" Euredian smiled leisurely. A fussy generous predator watching a cat. The smiling woman looked up at him and will never guess who he really is. But he did not have to show himself completely. He did that to almost everyone. Euredian looked down at the expressive face with his hand out. The gentle eyes curled beautifully in the shape of a half-moon. "I'm a bit of an amateur, so I'd like to ask for some cooperation." Yereninovica clenched his hand and smiles deliciously. It was brightness without thinking to break the guard of the opponent. Does she know it's her weapon and wield it? A cheerful voiced followed, "Would you be kidnapped now? If not—" "If not—?" "If not, will you mind be bothered by me all day?" The light sky eyes flashed with intensity. If he did not answer positively, he will never be let go.

Euredian smiled in vain. "I do not like that, but what part that the Princess does not like?" "Your Majesty's schedule today." "My schedule?" "Yes. Just this one let me handle it." Yereninovica answered the question without hesitation. Euredian had to struggle for a moment to understand the meaning of her words. I don't know, but it seemed that the Princess of Lebovny trying to stop me from attending the meeting with Soleia Elard. "You're not engaged anyway, so you are the same as me and that other person." She had a very profound look on her face. Then, she laughed with a harmless face. "I guarantee your safety, I will. I'm really confident about that. "—–." "May I ask for your cooperation?" It was said in really confident tone. Yereninovica added and shrugged, "Well, if it sounds like a threat, I can't help it." It was a familiar line for some reason. It was the same words that Euredian used when he kidnapped the Princess few weeks before. At last, he burst into a low smile. What are you trying to kidnap me for?

I do not know what is it, but it was a cute thing to just close my eyes and thinking about it. "I don't know—–." Euredian made a rough estimate of the time of his lunch appointment with Soleia Elard. She knows he's sensitive to time appointments, so she'll probably show up at exactly the right time. Half an hour to an hour? Euredian thought briefly. In the meantime, it was briefly passed through his head what Soleia Elard had done to woman who was trying to approach him. She's made all kinds of scandals, which have been impossible to recover from for those poor young nobles. A scandal. Euredian looked at the Princess of Lebovny who was smiling brightly. There will be no woman who could match that word like this Princess. I don't think I'm going to get stuck. However, it was not only because of that slick Soleia Elard, but also because the sudden friendship he had made with the Princess of another country who was taken as hostage. A lovely princess in front of him. Yeah. But still—-. "Come with me, Your Majesty." Yereninovica grabbed his hand and shook it. The tip of the soft pink hair, which was in fine braided and fell down to her ribs from her right neck, jingled. I'm so excited. The bright blue eyes blinked saying that.

"—-." Somehow it was not easy to turn away and turn around. The high and solid walls were sweet haste that came over lightly. That moment he knew that today's schedule was going to be thrown away. Just like that. It was a temptation that was more difficult to resist once the idea reached there. "——Hoo." He closed his mouth then sigh before aa smile came out. If he left it like this, she would hang around again. The Princess of Lebovny was lively and she was not afraid to wander around. But the truth is, Euredian knows who will really regret if he turned around right here. "I can't get it." In the end, Euredian lifted the white flag. This was already the second time. How far does the Princess take to break his guard? When Euredian thought of it, he slowly adjusted himself. The serenity between the fingers crept away. The blue eyes seemed to grow a little. "Your Majesty?" "—–."

Kidnapping for a while. It shouldn't be that big a deal. That's all he thought this time. *** Heol. It works! I opened my mouth, looking up at the man who had slipped through the window. I didn't know that this staging operation would really work. I chose the whole method because it is a man who catches and bounces like a ghost if I attack secretly. It was an excellent choice, wasn't it? "Let's hear it, Princess." "Yes?" "What did you want to do by kidnapping me?" Crossing his arms at an angle, he was perfectly formal, unlike before. When I looked up at the, I did not notice it, but now facing him properly, he was different from usual. Gold shoulder decoration and white cravat around the neck with black conquest. Five to six broches shining on the chest, a neatly silver hair that always scattered naturally. When I looked over the hair, his straight style came out cool. Loose looks and laid-back attitudes are no different from before, but just a little change already giving a completely different atmosphere. "Oh—-." I forget what was I going to say. I blinked my eyes. The shining Emperor was in front of me. I can't believe I just looked at this guy.

Euredian tilted his head slightly, "Princess?" Fortunately, my stupid silence didn't last long. I quickly snapped back my tongue to my senses. This great man cam over with all he could, I will give it all to him. I quickly turned my gaze to Marianne who was across the garden. Marianne, who noticed my gaze drew a big O over her head. It was a signal promised in advanced. It meant that Soleia Elard had entered the Imperial Palace. Damn it. How fast! I snapped my mouth open, "Uh, for now.." "—–?" Euredian looked down at my and with a strange glance for a moment. I smiled with all my muscled on my face. "Well, first of all, let's run away." Somehow Euredian gave his hand innocently. It was the opposite of his appearance that seemed to boast of a stronger iron wall defense than ever. I dragged him away from his place while my mind has become impatient. If she saw the scene of Euredian being taken out, what would Soleia do? This time, the mice may be buried alive without knowing anything. I don't have the slightest idea. The Emperor was following me very leisurely. Because of the difference in basic height, no matter how much I walked, I fell behind of his stride. I'm always the only one who moved like this. Me! "Your Majesty will thank me one day." I looked at him grumpy. "?"

The man, who had been quietly led by a lame word, looked me in the eye. "Well, maybe one day." Euredian laughed, looking younger. "——." "You don't know the future." My mouth popped open. I stared at him for a moment and turned back. Anyway, I caught the moon. First of all, we need to go back to Belyuk Palace and lock him up for the rest of the day. Of course that was the plan. I was running away with a man who is twice the size of me. Then this happened to me. It wasn't my intention.. Soleia Elard appeared in front of us like a god. "—-!" I grabbed Euredian's hand and watched as she made way to Belyuk Palace. Suddenly, I felt my hand going stiff. And all of a sudden, his hand clasped on my shoulder. I was dragged into his arms without protesting. Fast across the grazed field of sight, the curled enemy's brown hair moved. Ah. The blood on my whole body turned cold in a flash. I'm all stiff. I could only see the back, but I could recognize it. She is in a slender colorful orange dress. A slender figure and an elaborate trimming reddish brown hair. What is that, why is Soleia Elard is in front of Belyuk Palace?

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I dazed as I followed Euredian. This is the worst thing I've ever imagined. My feet are floating in the air and then I hit the ground again. I took a step and in an instant, the position was behind a large old tree hanging next to the paved road. I opened my mouth reflexively, "Your—" "Shh." He whispered low and my heart was beating fast because I was surprised by his voice. Calm down, my heart! The head, which was frozen for a while, turned around passed the tree recognizing the seriousness of the situation. Oh, before Soleia found out I was trying to snatch hi. How did she know that she needs to block the way to Belyuk Palace? If it is a coincidence, it is a scary and if it is intended, it is more scary. "—–This is annoying." Hyuk. I'm instinctively clasped the arm that held me by the side tightly. If he went to Soleia with me, it is a waste. I bent back as far as I could and looked up at Euredian. The sharp jaw was first seen. I looked a little more and I could see the frowned eye and the side of his face. It was clear that he turned his head and looked over the tree at Soleia. I blinked blankly.

Is something wrong? "—–?" It was too sharp of an eye for someone who might be engaged. I straightened my head in a faint mood. I wriggled to loosen my arms, my shoulders and my body, but there was no way. In the end, I had to turn my head back as far as I could. Euredian's face was still stiff. What are you looking at? What are you looking at——? My anxiety surged. There was not much for Euredian to see it clearly. The only thing you can see from this location is that Soleia is in front of Belyuk Palace. Why is that woman here? No, it was strange that Soleia Elard was there in the first place. I can't help but think that she came to see me. The tip of the pine tree cooled in a instant. There was a chill in Euredian's arms. "Princess." "Yes, yes?" A low whisper from behind made me shivered with surprised. A glimmer of silver hair shone at the left end of my eyesight. In my ear, Euredian, who bowed his head, surprised me with a suggestion. "Barishad, don; you want to see it?" The capital of Belgoth.

It was natural not to know after all I had never taken off from the palace since I was kidnapped by Belgoth. However, truthfully, right now, I want to run away to Lebovny as my heart is running so fast. So, I nodded with terror. Anywhere in Barishad, anywhere in the world without her! Ch 3. Kidnapping or getaway. "Lady Elard." A slender beauty with dark brown hair on her waist. After confirming that the person who called her was the emperor's aide, she wrinkled her eyes. The raised eyes folded gently. "Assistant Felix." She was a woman who has specialty of seducing men and rubbing them according to her taste. The familiar aide looked down as far as possible not to make eye contact with her. "This is the area where You Majesty has placed a direct ban for you." "Oh my god, is that so?" I didn't know. He would have given direct order for that. "I'm sorry. I should have been more careful." Soleia opened her eyes wide. Where did you pick up the woman who seemed to die soon in the flow of magic? Even the magic in this palace is blocked. No matter how you do it. She was a woman who could not last long in the sight.

Soleia shrugged her shoulders lightly. At the same time, the thin, long fingers slammed into each other. However, it is better to cut the buds early. It would be difficult for a man who was vigilant of her to turn around on her, she'll be pushed her out. A beautiful smile was caught in the day full of colors. Euredian Belgoth. Strongest man of pure divinity. I'm the only woman you're gonna marry. Yes. The elongated fingers bent in a strange shape. A sharp wind flashed through the air. The air shook fine. "There is nothing to be sorry about. Let's go to the central palace first. Your Majesty is waiting." The unnoticed aide politely answered. Soleia smiled brightly and nodded. You're lying. Euredian Belgoth is a human who divides his day into minutes. They still have 10 minutes before the appointment and he came first and already waiting for her? No way. Soleia made a short laugh. But there was still a constant smile at the mouth. "Yes. Let's go." Crunch. The steps fell as the lucky orange dress grazed the grass. Taking a few steps, Soleia called in a passing tone, "Did His Majesty say that I was here?" And she didn't miss the aide's slight flinched. "No. I just thought to tell you that this part of the palace is forbidden area."

"I see..." The black eyes froze. A laid-back gaze swept around. I felt nothing. A wizard who deals with magic cannot feel the divinity of Raulus. It was obvious that she could not recognize it because they were a completely opposite power. Soleia Elard was a person that set foot on the darkest side of magic. And she can't feel The Emperor's magic, he would be the same. If so... The red lips made a smooth line. Soleia, the powerful black magician of this rea laughed faintly. After the next step, the small grass flowers died one by one. Inside, a round circle drawn by dead grass flowers around the small palace shaped like a white onion. Soleia thought happily, Where are you looking, my lord. Obviously, this wasn't my original plan. What I was thinking was a very small shovel, suddenly turned into this escape? I was taken by Euredian and stupidly recall. It is true that that day, I stuck my tongue out at Soleia when I shouldn't have — "Princess." "Yes!" As if half-way away, one foot hit the ground again. (t/n: basically she was pulled back to reality). I felt that I could touch it, but my body was turned by hand suddenly.

And then I could look up at Euredian's face. The day was standing in unfamiliar face. I shrank in surprise. What the hell? What happened to your face? You look horrible—– He might have noticed that I was shrinking, and the sharp look came off a little. Euredian asked, fluttering a lazy look. "Do you have any grudge against Soleia Elard?" "——." I kept my mmouth shut. No, I didn't know. I stuck my tongue out against the most powerful black wizard of this world without knowing that she's the big boss—– Euredian murmured with a sigh. Do you really have a headache? "I have no idea what you're up to?" "Well, I didn't mean anything else. I was just trying to lock you up for one day." "—-Let's put that Soleia Elard aside. But, what you said just now a bit." "I have misspoken." I quickly made a short excuse and shut up. Let's just keep our mouth shut. Yeah. Euredian seemed to think for a moment. I peered at his glance and turned around. There was a huge gate in front of me. When I saw the Emperor's palace in the back, it seemed to be the southern entrance of the Imperial palace.

Are you really going to show me around the capital? Or are you just running away from Soleia? The latter seemed more reliable. But when the master of Imperial Palace can kick Soeliea out, he ran away. Why else would he run away? I looked up at the reddish eyes again. What are you thinking? I tried to read what's going on, I looked at him but there's no answer. Euredian only smiled briefly with a mumbled that I cannot understand. "You are thinking about doing something again—-" "—–?" That would be Soelia. I don't know why I feel like he has no spirit in his attitude for someone who even going to be engaged. Euredian was more wary of the woman than I thought. So the theme has suddenly changed? Are you sure you're making a real getaway? I squinted my eyes and Euredian instructed the servant to do something as I watched. The servant, who was ordered, died as fast as the wind. I held my neck tight and spoke to Euredian. "Well, you know, Your Majesty, are we on the run?" "No, you're kidnapping me." "Yes?" "The kidnapper is so pathetic." Is that a joke?

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I opened my mouth, looking up at the handsome, shameless face. Euredian did not seem to explain anything more to me. I was given a glimpse of the reddish eye. Then I heard a slight kick in the tongue. "As soon as you'll get into the street, you'll get loss." "What?" Euredian did not answer. I was just waiting for him as he waved his servant once. I saw Euredian received something from his servan with a blink of eyes. It was a big black thing. A robe. "Oh....." I opened my mouth a little. The black robe swung over my shoulder. Euredian covered me up with to robe's hood and started to button it up. That's not enough. He tied that tight-ribbon with a immeasurably fast hand movement. It was not until I was tied up with a black robe that my mouth tail drew a line. "That is much better." Euredian murmured satisfactorily. "?"

I looked down. The black robe overlapped with the of the white dress and was a little rough, but it did not bother me. Is there any reason to be like this from head to toe? Yes, it would be tough for such a pretty woman to walk down in the street in a fancy dress. I had the nerve to think so. But in fact, the man in front of me was more handsome than I am. He looked at me after dozens of steps. Unparalleled silver hair, a red eyes that firs the spectacular of the body. Euredian is more than me, but he has no awareness of himself. It seemed to be. All he did was undo his cravat and button his neck. I watched him undone a button on his sleeve. "What do the princess want to see the most?" "Oh—-" "The temple of Raulus? The wolf statue in Yugel Square? A mural depicting the founding myth?" "Oh, the temple. I want to see— That is not, excuse me." I clenched his sleeve just as I about to fall down, my voice was filled with embarrassment popped out of my throat. "Fath, no, Your Majesty is going?" "It's not going to be easy to lose me, is it?" "Oh, that's right. As he attracts many eyes—. No, that's won't do!" That's not what I meant! I couldn't spit out and screamed in my stomach. Are you crazy? You're gonna walk around the streets in that look on your face? In the middle of running away from Soleia? It just like he is advertising, 'Emeperor Belgoth is here'.

Euredian looked at my funny distorted face and tilted his head. "What's the problem?" "——." I have a lot of things to say, but I do not bother to say. Instead, I immediately put my ideas into action. The other robe, which was in the hands of the servant, was taken away and opened. I opened it—– "Eumm." The robe was longer than I thought. It was unreasonable to dress this long thing on him. I held up the robe for a moment and then put it out to him. "Your Majesty should wear it." "——I don't think that's a good idea. But if you want." "You can also use the hood." You don't know how powerful your face is. I want him to do what he did for me. I fastened the button. Euredian was a bit of reluctant. Either way, I fastened all the buttons and shook my hands satisfactory. "Hehe hehe. There you go." "Do you like to wrap it tightly?" "No. My taste is the other way around, because of this situation." "——-." "And that's what I'm going to say, Your Majesty."

Who is the one who tied the rope tightly for me? That beautiful face of yours is widely beneficial to the world. I answered roughly and let him go. I could see the shadow of the hood halfcovered with a wrinkle. Euredian did not continue to argue. But he mumbled with a long sigh. "She's a destructive innocence." (t/n: think Euredian is saying that she looks innocence but will get her revenge somehow) "Oh. What are you talking about? I know everything." "I highly doubt that." And Euredian looked down on my as if I had snorted a little. The next moment, all of a sudden, my hand was tied to his hand. My hand was a little cool, but my fingers tips touched with warmth. The divinity already swirling around enough. The divinity pops up from the top and fluttered down. I held his hand dozens of times already, but somehow my ears were burning up. With a slight shake of his clasp hand, Euredian spoke solemnly, "The Imperial Palace is so quiet and quite peaceful, but once were in Barishad it will be complicated. At the tower, at the market, the wizards are walking around in the capital. I don't want you be separated from me." "Don't worry about that. I'll stick by your side." I answered quickly trying to hide my heartbeat that started to jump up. The plan is a little out of line, but this isn't bad either. This is much more effective than just staying in the palace and have a cup of tea. How did ti develop from just 30 minutes every once in three days? I decided to do my job as a kidnapper and become a gum to Euredian today.

I should stick like a gum so Soleia Elard doesn't look at me right? In fact, if this man were with me, I would not be afraid of the world. Isn't the relationship of Belgoth's Emperor as my human tonic, almost unique? I had the impudence to grab the big hand that I had left over my whole hand, "Shall we go, hostage?" I watched the smiling day and Euredian smiled in a sigh, "—-Yes." I don't know why but it was a full day *** The means of transportation to Barishad street were horses. A knight boy was standing by the entrance with one. It would have been nice if it was a carriage, but it is a bit greedy to hope for a carriage while escaping from many eyes. The white horse, which is stomping on the front foot, is familiar to me. Euredian gripped the pike and swept the horse's mane lightly. "Ruid, it's been a long time." Ruid. It was the name of the white horse that the Emperor said while stroking the healthy body of the horse. It was a horse I rode all the way to Belgoth. Ruid hissed back to show that he was pleased with the gentle sweep. I had a hard time on his back, it wasn't as scary as the first time when I rode Ruid. I'm a horse rider now! If I have a chance, I should properly learn how to ride a horse. I am glad I have Eureddian by my side now, but I do not know when I will have to run away alone. If I don't have the ability to fight back, I have to run away. I can't expect to be lucky forever.

Ruid wagged his long tail softly while I waited gloomily. Anyway, Ruid was about five times my size. I still don't know if I can ride a horse alone. "Princess, come here." And, as expected, two were hands reaching out to me in seconds. This has been many times for those hands lifted me up and let me down with steady touch. Euredian put me lightly on top and the ground quickly fell away. "Thank you." I instinctively clasped the horse's neck. When I look down at the crooked land, my heart just crumbled to the ground. I changed my mind slightly. No. I can't ride yet—– I felt like Euredian were flying being me. I had a loud flutter. Soon, his arms stretched out like a fence on both of my side and took the reins with me. Euredian clenched the gold rein and spoke briefly. "Your posture." "Yes." As expected from the art of adapting to riding a horse. Just a few weeks ago, I was scared of horses that I feel like dying The lower body clung to the horse and the upper body leaned back comfortably. While I was dreaming, Euredian instructed the knight in a stiff tone. "Until I come back, take care of the work and Radin stick with the other three so that they don't get tired. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Your Majesty." A man in a knight's robe with a cross on it saluted with a bow. Follow what? But the idea did not last long. I tilted my head and Euredian pulled the reins at the same time and I held on to him. Is Ruid going to go slowly? I wanted to move slowly. And yet he slowly started to speed up and start running. So Il left the palace for the first time since I came to Belgoth. *** As soon as I left the gate, a road appeared. "Oh...." In fact, I felt a little relieved from that. It was only the road that I saw yet it was different from Lebovny. Lebovny's capital, Livne, had a few much open straight lines. Even this kind of thing makes a difference. I stopped thinking about the scenery in front of me and how isolate Lebovny as a country was.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch An unexpected new admiration flew out. "Wow." Barishad was, in a nutshell, a very busy city. If the Imperial Palace resembled its owner and had a relaxed, calm, and peaceful atmosphere the outside of the Imperial Palace was the opposite. There were many archaic and elegant buildings on either side of the straight road. And shortly afterwards, it is far from the previous one, are busy dense buildings. The passersby jammed up the street. I managed to pull back my tight hood and stare around insanely. A sparse of grey and red buildings changed the atmosphere of the dull street. There was a lot of life in the streets too. The noise of horses and carriages passing by, with dozens of feet and voices blending in. My life suddenly was filled excitement as I went out to the street for the first time which is filled with people's voices. My eyes and head went round like crazy. I don't know why, but I think it's my own imagination that my eyes caught up by the passing passers-by's gaze. It must be just coincidence. Strangely enough, wherever I turned my head, I met the eyes of millions of people. Hmm?

I feel something strange. I heard a lower and firm voice from behind, "Princess, hood." "What?" Before I could answer, the left side of my hood that was popped up was pressed back down. The view was completely blocked immediately. "?" "You'd better not take off your hood. You're attracting attention." "I didn't take it off." My little whisper was lightly silenced. The hood was turned up again but it was about to be pressed down when Euredian added before I could complain. "I'll drop you off in a minute. You can look around then." It was growling tone. That said, I closed my mouth again. The feeling of eyes all over me was not just an illusion. Yerenica's beauty is really something—– Anyway, those eyes that are focused on me. It's not that pleasant for me either. I gave my sight and instead open my hearing wide. I heard loud noises in the open air. What's so funny? Ha Ha. There's howling laughter at the same time there's quarrel over what is so dissatisfied in the other side. Buy a newspaper! Whale shouting the voice of a young boy. I don't know how long I've been listening to this. I laughed with emotion. Yeah. Until now, I have been so busy worrying about my head. Sometimes this turnaround wasn't bad either. Don't I have a strong companion in the

world? I also managed to escape from the terrifying Soleia, so maybe I can enjoy this! But Euredian did not seem to think like that. My vision suddenly got a little bit darker as we go to dark place and Ruid stopped at one place. "—-?" The view was obscured and I did not noticed that the ground on both side was disappearing. I wanted to see if the horse was fluttering again when suddenly my foot touch on the ground. My armpit was caught while I was tilting my head for a while. "Eek." With that grotesque sound. The ground was beneath me again. Euredian dropped me off from the horse. I lifted my hand to raised the hood back slightly. First of all, the only thing I saw was a silver hair. "Your Majesty?" And somehow, he looks very strict. Euredian put my bent hood back down. "You'd better pay attention to my title now that we're outside." The hood straps tightened again. "Oh. Then father—" I spoke with excitement in the middle. "No. No way." There was an enormous instant answer. I frowned at the face of the pack. "Tsk. Nothing is allowed."

"Just don't call me. I will be next to you anyway. Come to think of it, there is no need to call." It was a very peculiar iron wall. Heung. His Majesty always want to get the last word. I quitted my mind quietly, because I still want to live I have no reason to rebel. No, but seriously I'm not a kid—When I became quiet, Euredian smiled. "From here, riding a horse is only going to attract attention. If you want to take a look around, it's better walk on your own rather than ride a horse." "I love it. I like to walk. Come on!" I nodded quickly. In the first place, I was originally of the same deposition. I was famous for having a strength like steel that won't be exhausted. So the unexpected was this man. Euredian seemed to have no objection to walk the street without an escort. The Emperor of Belgoth. Even Ruid who is standing at the mouth of the alley looked very natural. I took a glance at him and somewhat I feel a little sorry. Euredian has no reason or obligation n to walk or run me around the capital. And this man seemed to have understood the meaning of my eyes again, strapped my hood back with the ribbon and added. "You don't have to look like that, I'm going to tour the capital." "Oh." "There's something I need to check out and don't let the hood get wet." Euredian, who tied the ribbon with perfect symmetry, left satisfactorily. A loose line hung over the lip.

I was a little excited by the words that my consideration was melted unknowingly. "—–." This man often came up with surprising idea. I was a little worried that I might have dragged a person out for nothing. If that's true, then it's a good thing. I'm thankful if he said it because he thought of me. This man is completely inconsistent. I felt like I was going to cry out of my heart. This man is so kind but the next thing he suddenly sets up a fence. I used to bump into mountain of hard iron walls as I skimmed over that familiar affinity. At this point, I will be deceived by the warmth. It is possible not to go— In fact, it was impossible not to be fooled by that face. I can't be fooled! I nodded once; Let's calm down. "Thank you in advance Your Majesty. For being my guide, no shield, for today. Please show me around." "—–." "Let's do out best to have fun!" Because of the hood, a strange expression appeared on the half-shadowedd face. When he saw me, he would always have such expression. I mean a face that looks like a strange creature that face a friendly yet gentle look for the first time. "I hope you don't get lost." Euredian murmured to himself. "What?"

Somehow I heard a sigh. It seemed to be that. But Euredian soon returned to a gently smiling face. "No. Nothing. As long as you have fun, that would be enough." "Ah...." Again. He's doing that again! It's like putting a person's heart on and off with such a dazzling face! Who are you flirting with? "Come on." A large hand, that I'm used to, stuck out. Now my heart was beating like a log. I was excited again because of the sudden warmth. "This must be because that expression—–" "What?" "Your Majesty is very handsome." "Serious–." "Let's go!" I hurried to hold his hand so that Euredian could not speak anymore. But that was an unexpected mistake too. The divinity power suddenly surge in. my heart beat fast as if I had overconsumed caffeine. Thump. —–Oh my god! I leaned down to hide my red face and turned away quickly. If I looked further, the heat from the tip of my ear would spread throughout my face. ***

Fortunately, as soon as the expedition to Barishad began, the heart began to pound for other reasons. All the landscapes I can see, it was very different from Lebovny. Contrary to Lebovny which use a lot of curved and round that gives a sweet feeling, Barishad is a city that use straight line extending coolly. At the same time, the buildings retained the antiquity of time. I looked around insanely and heard a voice that followed behind. "The Barishad is largely composed of four separate roads extending around the Central Palace and Imperial Palace. In the east and west are the towns of Piela and Hailen, where the houses of noble families are gathered. The northern part is Anaxia, where the settlements of common people are concentrated." A low and calm explanation followed, "And here, south is the cultural and artistic, Eugel district. This is the most active central downtown in Barishad." "Wow." It was as he said. Extremely sophisticated and elegant structures have begun to appear one by one, comparable to those that have been passed so far. Then, about a hundred more steps, a piercing square appeared. I opened my mouth and Euredian said in excitement. "Here we are. The second heart of Barishad. Eugel Square."

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch Eugel Square. I opened my mouth like a fool. It was a place where Marianne and Diego often talk as a hot topic when drinking tea at the central palace garden. Diego's sweet voice flashed in my mind. 'If you're in Barsihad, you have to go to Eugel Square. It's the center of all culture and art of Belgoth which has been concentrated there for hundreds of years.' "Oh. This is the...!" An exclamation burst out. Diego was right. The huge square which around two football fields, was itself an artistic product. There was a wolf statue howling at the center of the plaza. It seemed that the symbol of Belgoth was turned into statue. Euredian suddenly blocked my body from leaping forward. Even the light touch turned my body around. "You can't be alone, Princess." Euredian warned rigorously. "Oh, yes." It was a tone with a sense of sensitivity. The reddish eyes swept around. I thought I saw a sharp look coming through the eyes. I blinked my eyes. His hands, which was grabbing lightly, now grabbed my hand with instantaneous force.

"—–?" But it was a fleeting moment, when it stopped it became lighter again. I looked down at his hand and raised my head again. The purple eyes were spinning as usual. "Have you ever heard of Eugel Square?" Euredian asked at first glance in an unusually condescending tone. As if the answer were no. I looked up at him. What is it? Did I get it wrong? I looked at his face for a long time as Euredian tilted his head. "Why?" "—-Just." I must have made a mistake because he was covered by the shade of the hood. I was convinced of that and nodded. "Eugel Square. I heard it's a must-see area and I was looking forward to it." "Who?" "Diego?" As soon as I answered, Euredian's eyebrows frowned slightly. He looked dissatisfied this time. "You must have been close." "—–?" Why is the story being dragged out? "Can we not do that?" I answered in bewilderment.

"It's not that you're no allowed." There's nothing that can really be done as he had a look on his face. In other words, it means that I can't do it. I leaned my head slightly. Isn't it weird if we don't get to know each other? In fact, I spent more time with Diego or Marianne than with Euredian. Isn't it impossible to live in the Imperial Palace and just waiting for this guy? But what the man said seemed to be another meaning. "Did Diego Schmart give you his name?" And that's what I'm talking about, an unexpected point by him. The moment dazed my head. An idea flashed out of my mind. "Oh. This, are you jealous?" And Euredian had a ridiculous look on his face. "Who? Me? Of who?" "—–Please don't make that kind of expression. Because I'll be hurt." No wonder, my stabbing spring always bounce of the absolute defense of iron wall. Fortunately, I thought that it was not a big hit. And as thick as the iron walls of Euredian, my face too thickened as I said proudly, "Well, if you're close you can call their names. Diego said it was okay to call him like this." Of course, there was only a compromise because I could not abandon my respect. Euredian shoulder slowly shrugged.

"Yeah, well. It is a mutual agreement but I don't think he even call you by your name." "Uh, yeah. Because I am part of a royal family." For a moment, everyone, including me, may have forgotten but I was Lebovny's royal family. Who is Belgoth's guest of honor. So in Belgoth, my name was probably worth representing Lebovny. "Well, then." Euredian answered brightly but he still looked unsatisfied. I looked up at the face, tilting my head a bit. What is it? What doesn't satisfy this man's heart? I thought for a moment and took a chance. "Would you like to call me by my name?" "What?" "Yereninovica. The name is little long, so you can abbreviate it to Yerenica, Yenica, or Yenni. Either of the three is fine." "——-." "It's a name only my family calls and I'll give it to you." In an instant, I felt a sense of embarrassment in front of him. I looked up at him with twinkling eyes. Euredian smiled hard, "The Princess still doesn't know a lot about Belgoth." "Pardon?" "I have to turn down the offer. Do you remember what I said the other day?" Tsk. That wasn't right? I pouted my mouth.

"What are you talking about?" "Well, I guess I'll just have to take care of it." The man kept saying things I didn't know. I squeezed my brain trying to understand the word somehow. Don't tell me he doesn't like me being close to a priest? How exciting if that's the case! A grumbling voice came out of me. "We can be close. What! It was because you didn't show up in the first place when you kept me waiting like that—–." "I was busy." It was a clear immediate answer. And in front of such busy person, I turned to a nine-year old, I became a child. Damn it. I've became a really weird girl. Yeah. The saddest thing is it didn't take one or two days. I finally sighed and raised the white flag. "I was just kidding. I just want to thank you for agreeing to be kidnapped here. What do you want me to admit?" "You quick to admit it." "Ah, really." I put my hand away in slight irritation but Euredian's hand did not budge, and my hand was still attached to his. Euredian smiled and leaned slightly and adjusted his eyes. Reddish purple eyes that I kept in mind. The rising irritation snapped in. Then, at the next moment, the hand that wasn't caught in his was energized. It didn't hurt, but it was good enough to make me freak out. And at the same

time, the feeling of the intangible stabbing on the whole body can be felt. "Careful." Euredian took a step backward and pulled me. The stroke, the body, was dragged away. The spot that I occupied before was suddenly rushed by someone. "!" Thuck thuck thuck thuck. The person who almost collided with me disappeared so fast that I could not follow with my eyes. Tuk. Degrrrrr. There's a little particle or something rolled down on the crack of the floor. I gazed blankly down. It was like a black, shiny, ball. That person dropped it. But the bead was kicked around between people's feet and legs. At the same time, it was like scratching electric shock that stabbed my whole body. What was that? I rolled my eyes full of question marks and exclamation points and laughed. "He was quite fast. Something urgent must have happened." "—–." "Oh, thank you for holding me." And Euredian was frowning at my smile. He got a strange look on his face. "In this case, I'm glad that you're careless."

"Is that a curse?" "No. it literally meant good luck." "What do you mean it was a good luck?" I asked smiling and Euredian just smiled back. "You don't have to do anything that you don't usually do." "—-?" He kept saying things I didn't understand at all. What the hell is that supposed to mean? I think I miss something. I looked around with my arms wrapped around my body. But there was nothing special. I don't know why, but I don't want that people are flocking to the plaza. Euredian did not speak anymore. He had a weird smile and tapped my nose with his index finger. There was a puff of clear and clean divinity. The tingling sensation left at the end of my hand disappeared at one "Shall we go?" He spoke affectionately. "——-." At last, I just nodded. *** Eugel Square is only one place that filled with huge piece of art. A large fountain in the center, then top of the tile there was a howling wolf statue. And a mural on a huge wall around the square. I took a roast skewer and looked hard at it. I don't know if it's a chicken or a duck, but it taste good.

In addition to skewers, there were many tasty snacks in front of the square alleys. Among them was a large cotton candy that resembled my hair. It looked more like a bag of sugar than cotton candy. It was light pink just the same as my hair. "I think you should eat that. It's not like I have it in my hand." Euredian spoke in a funny tone. I turned my head from the pack and stared at him and tighten my hood a little bit harder. "Are you teasing me? Bad." "Well—–." Euredian curiously curled the end of his mouth.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch He tapped a strand of hair on my forehead. "You don't really like your hair, do you?" "No, but---." I fastened my hood, hiding my shaggy face. Yerenica's dazzling hair looked so sweet, it had a soft texture. A strand of the hair is too thin so it get tangled easily. In any case, it was not a satisfying hair for me who had a glossy hair. I especially hate it being pointed by this man. Haven't you seen a beautiful magician with a healthy, thick reddish hair for years? "I don't want to eat that. I'm going to have something else." I spit out in a sulk. "Yeah. Just eat whatever you want." The words bolstered as I passed the sugar booth. I think Soleia as a piece of meat in the skewer and chew it. It was past lunch time and I get hungry. I sailed around a row of snack stands in the square. I bought two and gave on to Euredian, but he seemed to have no idea as I filled my stomach with it. In fact, Euredian seemed to be paying more attention to other things than snacks. I stared at him gently who stared the square. Euredian has the same usual look. It was this loosened look with a frown softly. The red eyes glittered occasionally. The expression was repeated several times. In the end, I pushed my luck.

"Hey.." "Why, what is it this time?" It's a very reflective answer. I frowned with the candy in my mouth. This guy really. " ?" When I didn't answer, the purple eyes turned to me. He thought I was going to ask for something else, and he murmured as his hand goes into his robe. "You'd rather you had a pocket money." "No. That's not it----. I'm not a kid." I put a stop over his hand that about to pull out the money. How old do you think I am? I just melted the little candy in my mouth and said something else, "Over there, why is the wolf carrying a cross on his back?" "What?" The handsome face looked questioningly. Now he responds properly. I spoke slowly "That howling wolf statue. I didn't know it when I saw it from afar, but it has cross on its back." "Oh." Euredian took a look at the statue and answered lightly. "Wolves and crosses are sign of Belgoth." "Oooh." "Raulus, the god of peace and prosperity, is often known to come down in the form of a wolf. The animal symbolizes the royal family of Belgoth, the

clan of Raulus and the cross on its back symbolizes the Emperor of Belgoth, who inherited the most divinity of Raulus." It's a neat explanation. In fact, I already knew about it. There are a lot of wolf-shaped sculptures with crosses all over the palace. So the question was just to get his attention. "I see. That's Your Majesty, no, Daddy's." "Uh-huh." " It's a symbol of you." I nodded rightly at Euredian. His ghostly name-pointing face was not really different from usual. There was no sign of him standing as if something was bothering him. Did I get it wrong again? I tilted my head. But it's loose. He's got a loosened look on his face and he's tone is very normal. When I looked up, Euredian smiled. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" "What kind of eyes I have?" "Eyes that are thinking something hard." "I'm not." "Well, thank God." "What are you thanking for?" "When you look at me like that, something must have change with your expectation one by one."

Somehow in Euredian's head, I had this image that I had become a great genius. I shook my head. "I'm the opposite of that, but not right now. I just feel like I'm a little neglected." When I gave an accent to the word 'neglect' and spit it out, Euredian made a sound. "I'm sorry for leaving you unattended." He was really sorry as he took my hand in his and spoke, "Well, anyway. If you felt that way, then it would be that way. So what do you want to see next?" "Mm-hmm." I looked at the red eyes with suspicious eyes for a while but I could not catch anything. I relaxed my face and smiled. "I want to go closer to the wolf statue." "Alright." Euredian answered softly and then I was satisfied. I was the only that is excited about it. Perhaps I was glad to do it. Crack. At that moment, there was a small cracking sound somewhere. I felt a sensation earlier in the moment, but once again it disappeared without a trace. I looked down to see what I had stepped on but there was nothing. Did I get it wrong? I don't why I keep thinking about like this today---I tried to erase my anxiety. A day like today doesn't come everyday. I did not want to cloud this time with unnecessary worries as it was full of excitement. I erased the uneasy feeling on my face, instead replaced it with a smile. I made a promise.

Let's worry about Soleia when we get back. When we get back------ ! ********************************************************* I can't bring myself to rest. Euredian sighed and took a step toward the woman who was running along the way. Yereninovica has a clear face without any really uneasy expression. She chattered with a happy tone. "Wow, this is the spot. A spot for picture. Like this, the wolf stands up and then clicks!" "..." And half of the time, the chatter was words that he could not understand. Euredian tried to understand and analyze every word she said, but he gave up. However, her voice is so bright and cheerful that just listening quietly was also good. Yerenonica walked around the plaza as if she had no care about the travels that had been standing around. Euredian watched the scene in a rather strange mood. "It's really different from Lebovny. There's no such large square in Lebovny. The palace is small, the house is small, and the road is narrow and small." "Right." "Oh, have you been there, my king? It is very small compared to the Imperial Castle of Belgoth----. How did you like it?"

Somehow it felt like telling a story. Euredian smiled in the midst of his body all nervous and sensitive. "It didn't look too good." "Heol. That's a bit too much. I will watch my mouth if I were you*." The Princess' mouth stuck out of the black hood and the pink hair fluttered. It seems that the castle was pretty small. It was less than one-fifth of the total area that the Princess can walk around in Imperial Castle. "Belgoth is too big not that Lebovny is small." "Yeah. Let's just say so." "Woa, I just don't have anything to say." "There's a Belgoth's traditional handicrafts. Do you want to see it?" "Oh?" The disgruntled blue eyes quickly rolled over to his finger. It was very easy to keep the Princess' eye on one thing. He was never been so terrified to find Soleia Elard in the Imperial Palace. A woman who won't be stopped if she really wants to eat him. "Please look over here!" She also speaks to the merchants who sell handicrafts and accessories. "It's beautiful. Is this for your hair?" "Yes, miss. Take off your hood, I'll put it on you." Euredian gave a sigh of weariness when the man wants to take off Yereninovica's hood, he doesn't like it. The pink hair is an unusual color even in Belgoth and he had no intention of letting it show. "No. Don't take it off." "Uh---- !"

A quick response came back. The sky-blue eyes were filled with rebel as they look at him. Even at that sight, Euredian was rather excited. This woman had many wonders. There were a lot of things that he didn't know. Lebovny and Belgoth are different, just like from a completely different world. It was evident that she didn't know anything about Belgoth's culture, which she would never call by name, even if it wasn't so special. So, she would have said that she would give a nickname with a bright face like that. The problem was, she wouldn't mind if she what it meant. In fact that was the problem. There is no awareness regarding creature of man. Still, it seems like she's shaking tail. The problem is that the tail is the short, fuzzy tail of a kitten. Besides, it doesn't seem to cover up her opponent----. Actually even if everything was set aside, he didn't know it was the biggest door. Chapter End Notes

*(t/n): which literal translation is 'I will wear a mouthful', so I change it but it should have the same meaning. t/n: toward the end..... Euredian's thought just suddenly become hard to translate. It seems he sees Yerenica as a kitten that just trying to seduce but at the same time, he knows she is harmless but he knows she is not. Author-nim why are you torturing me with all these weird metaphors ;-;

Chapter 31

With a voice dripping with cuteness, Yereninovica strongly pleads him. "Wait! Just this once." "No way." "Then I won't know what goes best with me." "I will instruct them to send everything all to your palace, so don't take your hood off." "Oh. That's overspending. Aren't you spending too much money?" "That's not the right thing for you to say to me." Euredian smiled at the merchant. The middle-aged woman immediately smiled and wrapped the crafts in a box. "You know I'm the richest in Belgoth." "It's true, but----." The Princess rolled her eyes before smiling again. She decided to drop this argument. "Yeah. In the end, it's all about the money!" It was a weird sentence that he didn't understand. Euredian shook his head to the woman beside him. He can't seem to calm down as he has to pay more attention than usual. It was rare for Euredian Belgoth who's usually loose to be stiff to this extent. However, he didn't want to break the princess youthful happiness. I don't want to make her nervous or worried. She looked excited, bouncing freely without being bound by anything. The Princess of Lebovny was happy just looking around his capital. That was enough for her.

So Euredian did not want to tell Yereninovica that there are many mysterious things happening all over the place. " ." His feet crushed a small round piece of rock. Euredian looked down at the transparent shard. At first, he had the illusion that the black whirlpool was spinning from it. No, actually it wasn't an illusion. Euredian grimaced at the sight. He didn't know what was that. It was a stone. He had never seen like this black whirlpool stone before. A stone. A magician must have locked something in it or moved something from it. The purpose was either one of these two options. He believes a person is spreading this on purpose. The intention is too obvious. But there was nothing he could do about it for the moment. Because this matter is serious. Euredian Belgoth was the descent of the strongest divinity of Raulus. Divinity is the only power that can deal with black magic, but on the other hand, these two forces were also the only forces that can destroy each other. Ironically, that was also the reason why these two mighty powers can coexist. Because---" ." Because divinity and magic cannot recognize each other. Euredian Belgoth didn't possess any magic. It was also a force that could not be mixed with his divinity in the first place. And, no matter how sensitive he is, there was a limit to what he can recognize if his opponent was a wizard.

It was as simple as breathing to destroy this crude stone, but he couldn't recognize the power behind it. Of course, the same goes for his opponent. No matter how much the wizard uses magic because he's a man of divinity they can't find out. Even among so many people. Yes, which is why. His reddish pupils became cold. Then, where does this dirty feeling that seems to keep chasing us comes from? It struck him with a cunning instinct. An instinct that's close to that of an animal. "Wow, what's that mural?" Yereninovica said excitedly. "It is a mural that depicts the founding myth of the Belgoth Royal Family. Long, old mural from Liger Continent." Euredian answered that cheerful question while looking around. The Princess of Lebovny turned her eyes to the murals again, and at the same time, he moved closer to her. Radin. Luigi. Selvio. Ellica. His gaze quickly swept through the square and counted the number of Holy Knights waiting for his commands. (t/n: of course he has his protective detail..) It was the first time that he has four knights in a row behind him. Soleia Elard. I'm not sure what that woman is planning, but I stop until I find it out. Soleia Elard was in front of Belyuk palace. As soon as they came out of the Imperial Palace, they were surrounded by magician stones. Wizards who constantly bump into them pretending it's a mistake.

At this point, it was enough to confirm the motives, the aim of that woman. Euredian smiled briefly. The moment he held the thin hand of the princess, he gained strength. Who, who do you want to kidnap. He felt Yereninovica startled as she whispered something when she turned around and tried to come to him. "Your Majesty?" " ." Derrrr!! A small stone rolled over the floor, again!!. Red jacked headed down the alley. Yereninovica came one step closer. "What happened again, huh?" "Careful." Euredian was not sure how he sounded when he told her to be careful. The woman caught in his arms with a tug had her eyes opened all around. She should not know how dangerous her situation is and how close she is in avoiding landmines. Now he should stay very attentive. His head is full of so many questions. " ?" Euredian relaxed his hand and smiled loosely. At the same time, the clear stone that rolled on the floor was crushed under his foot. The broken debris splashed lightly. A grim smile was placed on his lips. There was no way for him to know if the one who dared to do this low trick against the Emperor and the Emperor's guest was really Soleia Elard, her minion, or a completely different person. "Please watch your steps."

"But there's nothing ?" Euredian silently distanced the Princess from his chest. Anyway. Even though he's a little out of it, he will take care of the princess. He had no reason to stand by and watch the kidnapping happening before his eyes. ********************************************************** Even though that was a short break, the Eugel Square tour is proceeding normally. The guide who's holding my hand was exceedingly good, and I was also a very exemplary tourist. After hearing about the howling wolf statue and murals depicting the founding myth of Belgoth, we ware in an alley that stretched out of the square. "That's the temple of Raulus. And that black pointed building, erected just opposite the temple, is Belgoth's Magic Tower. Never get too close to it." "Oh. That's a magic tower." I stared up at the tall skyscraper. He said Soleia Elard was the next person to preside the tower. However, she is a woman who deceiving not only the Emperor of Belgoth but also the current head of the Tower, Rosel. If that woman can hide her identity that much, her ability may actually exceed Rosel. "I'm not even interested in that. Let's go." I turned my back without hesitation. I didn't even want to go near that Tower. Actually, I won't be surprised if Soleia has already got the Tower* in her hand.

There were dozens of small alleys split from the square where the wolf statue was centered. I choose an alley opposite of the direction of the magic tower. I took the lead, dragging Euredian forward. The marketplace in the plaza alley was very crowded and noisy, there were so many people. It was difficult to lead and walk on the street. I was being pushed around the crowd and luckily Euredian managed to drag me to the side of the road. "What kind of person act like that----." I was sick and tired of the murderous crowd. Euredian bowed down to check my face, he then clicked his tongue. (t/n: you know to make that 'Tsk' sound when you're pissed) "It's a bad day. I didn't know it was market day." "Ah, market." I held out my head against Euredian and skimmed through the alley. Indeed, there were stands lined up with excessive crowds. The alley was a little quiet after several crowds of people fluttered through the square. I looked at the time and quickly approached a stall. The shelves were lined up with all sorts of things. Color beads, pens, head decorations, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. And there was a pile of hats next to it too, an odd pile of fruit and an arm was on it. There was no consistency at all. But my eyes were soon locked, on one of the shelves, there was a collection of ornaments craved out of rugged stones. One of them caught my eye. It has a black vortex inside it. It was a round piece with a clear crystal engraved. Uh, that. For a moment, it looked like the things that were passing in the square sometime ago. Those clear beads that rolled on the floor. It looked

like them. Strange coincidence. A black whirlpool was spinning in front of my eyes. Also, somehow my arm felt numb. " ?" My hand unconsciously reached out to it as if possessed by something. I haven't even touched it yet and I felt a sharp electrical current at the end of my finger. "Oh, I feel itchy." "?" I held my index finger and frowned. My fingers burned like they were on fire. What's happening? Euredian was staring somewhere at the end of the alley, then he turned his eyes to me. I slowly opened my mouth. "Your Majesty, this is strange!" "What?" "This. This stone." The pain isn't subsiding yet, but still, my hand reached out again. I was not even aware of myself. I looked down at my hand in awe. "Well, it keeps pulling me--." But I couldn't get it out. Just before my finger reached the transparent surface, my body jerked back. -----I think this had happened several times today----. A low voice dropped next to my ears.

"Don't touch it, Princess." "What?" "This stuff shouldn't be here but keeps coming out on the street." Chapter End Notes t/n: seriously... I love Euredian's POV but why is the author wrote him so hard like that... I think this is the hardest chapter because most of it is Euredian's POV and that man just talked in riddle... adhjfhafdf

Chapter 32

Somehow that voice sounded harsh and I stopped breathing for a moment. This was not an illusion. I felt a sharp look from a man who's half hugging me from behind. Euredian reached out and picked up the transparent stone that I almost touched without hesitation. I opened my mouth reflexively. "You said not to touch it--- no?" But nothing happened. Euredian's hand was fine. I stared blankly between his hand and mine. Again, there's an obvious difference. Euredian murmured while rolling the bead in his hand, "Such a joke----." At the time, the small bead, which was in his hand didn't make any sense. I turned around trying to see his face, but I failed because of the tight embrace.

Euredian raised my hand silently. My fingertips were swelling and getting redder. I felt pain just if a lot of needles were stabbing them. No, he hasn't even reached it? I stared at my fingertips. "What is that---- ?" But the pain just vanished. The pain was washed away by the cool sensation that is pouring in and my fingers were turning back to normal as if that pain was a lie. I didn't have to understand what happened to recognize his power of divinity. A soft voice called out, "Radin." It wasn't said to me. I quickly remembered whose that name belongs to. It was the name of the knight at the palace, the one he ordered before we left earlier. Then he added with a low voice. "Luigi. Selvio. Ellica." There were strange names. But those names sound like they also belonged to the knights under the emperor's control. And as soon as I saw the white horse quietly waiting for its owner at the entrance of the alley, that thought became clear. " ." In a moment, a cool sensation ran through my body that made all my hair stand up. So it was clear that Euredian had been on a lookout for something. As soon as I saw the four knights at the back, I opened my mouth. "What is this-----." The next moment, the hand that I had been holding on, let go of me.

The warmth dissipated and, a sudden chill overcame me. But that cold didn't last long. A hard hand suddenly touched my shoulder. "Oh--- ?" "It would be better for us to leave here." "What?" "I see many rats today." Rats? I open my eyes widely. You're not talking about a real rat. No way. I looked at him uneasily. Eii, no way--- --. Soleia has been following him--- --. " ." I felt all my blood draining as I thought about it. It occurred to me that Euredian's attitude was strangely odd, from the moment Soleia was spotted in front of Belyuk Palace earlier. I groped his robe. The chill that's stabbing me disappeared instantly. I turned around and embraced Euredian once again. Half of it was a form of protest. Divinity flowed rapidly as if charging a battery. Euredian laughed briefly. "What is the meaning of this?" "Because Your Majesty is good." I replied thrillingly and buried my face in his chest. The habit of relying on him is no good, but I had no choice as I wrapped my arms around this man. It's instinctive for my body to find a way to raise my energy to the highest level.

Euredian didn't push me away. I was burying my embarrassment in his arms, so I didn't know what he was looking at. In the midst of turmoil and confusion all over the place, I was calm in his arms. I counted to three then pulled back from Euredian. I was feeling energized again. I bravely grabbed his hand and shook it. "That's it. Let's go now." As soon as I fell away, there was a hand wrapped around my waist as if it was waiting for it. "The plaza is closed. Radin, please contact the tower." Euredian surprisingly gave a cold voice. It was not a loud voice. I looked around, but I couldn't find out who was listening. A crowd of chattering, again and again, passing by with a rattling back. " !" And the next moment, floating, my field of vision increased. I was held in Euredian's arm, as I did on day one. So I wrapped my hands around his neck. "That's what you said earlier." "Excuse me?" A man who had never repeat what he says and who is always vigilant said it again. "You want to go to the temple." "Ah." That was his voice. His voice. Did I say I want to go to the temple? I stuttered as I tried to remember the missing memory from my head. And it turns out that I did say it before we left....

No, this is not important right now! I opened my mouth in a hurry. "Look, Your Majesty. The tour is now finished. We can return to the Imperial Palace------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ekk." But Euredian didn't seem to listen to me. The alleyway, which took a long time when I walked it, was barely a few steps for him. I was whining in the middle of the crowd but within a few seconds, we were out of the alley. While I was speaking, Euredian sat me lightly on top of Ruid. Then he climbed on the horse and kicked his side without hesitation. "Hiya!" Ruid started to move with a loud cry. It was the same speed that he used when we were running out of the Palace of Lebovny. I almost chewed my tongue as I kept my mouth shut. Eugel Square started to get far at high speed. **********************************************************

It didn't take long to arrive at Raulus Temple. I don't know was it because the distance was short or because Ruid was running as fast as the wind. A few minutes later, we were in front of a huge gate that served as the temple's entrance. The enormous arched portal was very tall, and its width was enormous. I noticed that the pictures carved in solid marble are similar to the murals depicting the founding myth of Belgoth that were in Eugel Square. "Pass-through, Ruid."

Euredian seemed to intend to pass the entrance on Ruid. "Stop!" However, the man who was guarding the entrance hurriedly blocked us. Aside from embroidering a small cross, he was a priest in a white robe. Is he an apprentice priest? "From here on you can't drag your horse. First, identify yourself and the purpose of your visit----." "Open the gate." A subdued voice snapped at the apprentice. Euredian didn't speak long. The hand that was holding the rein went up. I couldn't see it because I was clinging to his arm, but Euredian seemed to have pulled off his hood. "Your, Your Majesty !" And the apprentice tensed as he took a step back. It was that moment when the suspicious person trying to get in was upgraded to the emperor. Of course, I was still just a suspicious person. The apprentice priest quickly corrected his expression, hesitantly opened his mouth. "But, Your Majesty. The person who is with you---." "It's none of your business." And it seemed that Euredian was a bit annoyed now. I was amazed at the annoyed tone. What I've seen so far, he's the type that strikes like a knife but not a sensitive one. Then what makes this man act like this? I whined slightly and moved my body to look at him. I could hear Euredian sighing. There were fewer thorns in the following words. " She is my guest. In the name of Belgoth, her identity will stay anonymous."

"Ah." The priest truly didn't know what to do with that answer. "I have been rude. Please come in." " ." Euredian did not answer. I was embarrassed so I opened my mouth, "Thank yo----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aghk!" A loud scream popped out before I even got to finish my greeting. It was because Euredian kicked Ruid's side again. I shouted, holding his arms. "No, can't you just slow down for a bit? What's so urgent, that----." But even that sentence was not finished. We quickly passed the entrance, it wasn't as long as it looked, then a huge temple appeared in the distance. The lofty staircase and the ivory temple were built on top of it. Two sculptures with wolf stood on either side as if protecting the temple. Euredian pulled the reins. Ruid, who seemed to be flying, stopped with a short cry. My body fluttered greatly. Euredian, who had been quiet toward me all this time, suddenly opened his mouth. "Are you okay?" "Yes?" I turned to him in bewilderment. This time, his face was properly reflected in my eyes. "I'm alright ?" "Really?" Ruid's body shook once more. His majesty was the first to get off the horse then reached out to me. I was gently set on the ground again I took a step. "Ho-ok."

Chapter End Notes

t/n: I think this is the hardest translation for me because somehow my bixby vision didn't manage to work and I need to type everything manually to google translate. Hence why some parts are bit awkward or odd Anyway..... Euredian's protective side is just hot! Even from Yenni's POV, I can fee how Euredian was trying to take her away to the safest place as quickly as possible. If this is how protective he is toward Yenni even before they are together............................................................................... I don't know how he will react once they actually together! Anyway, RIP to that apprentice priest.

Chapter 33

Chapter Notes #Proofread by InesElCham See the end of the chapter for more

As soon as my feet hit the ground, my breath hardened. I breathed heavily as violent energy rushed through my body. A mighty unreachable divinity enveloped me. I felt my lungs shrinking and my knees buckling underneath me.

" !" As I couldn't keep standing, I sat on the floor. Euredian held his tongue briefly. "I knew it." "Heuk---." "Take a deep breath and exhale, Princess. These are the first steps to the temple, so you have to adapt." Well, whatever, it won't do me good to overdo it. This is like------------------------ A catfish that lived in deep water suddenly moved to shallow water. I heard the voice of the man who's holding me firmly. "You'll be alright. Breathe. Just breathe." "Hu, Hu-a--- --." I tried to take deep breaths as Euredian advised. The divinity that suddenly rushed in and blocked my breathing was slowly dissipating. And it wasn't long before I could breathe comfortably as if nothing happened. Slowly, I opened my eyes to a strange sensation as if every cell in my body was activated. "Oh-- --. That's strange." "Because this is raw divinity. Can you walk?" "Yes." I stood upright on both my legs with no problem. In fact, I was feeling so energetic that I could run 10 laps around the playground. Suddenly, Euridian's hand came up to release the ribbon of the hood that was tightly fastened. "Is it stuffy?" "A little bit---- ?"

Srrk. The hood, which was meticulously covering my head, flowed down to the back. My light pinkish hair flanked on both sides and came to the open view. I eagerly cleaned up the hair that would have been crushed under the hood, then realized that this stupid hair wouldn't easily sink. Fortunately, it wasn't that messy because Marianne had braided it tightly. I looked straight at Euredian with my back straight. "It's done----- no----." And I held my breath seeing his face. Silver hair neatly swept to the side, sparkled in the sunshine. Inside the temple, my body, orientation, and stomach were dizzier than before. But something caught my attention more than that. " ?" Reddish-purple pupils that shine like treasures gazed at my whole body. Euredian looked at me thoroughly from head to toe. Somehow the persistent gaze made me feel embarrassed. The tips of my ears were burning. "Wh—What are you doing, Your Majesty?" I stuttered like an idiot. "Hand." "Hand?" Before I even reached him, he grabbed my hand, with the one that held the transparent stone with the black vortex. "It's all better now---." I muttered in a quiet voice. The wound that had been on fire had already been long gone.

However, it didn't seem that Euredian was listening to me. Eventually, he held up my hand until he was somewhat satisfied. Euredian finally let go of my hand and opened his mouth, "I should have told you not to touch anything." Oh my god. That's a bit unfair! "It's not that I touched it!" "Then?" "It pulled me. Hard*---- --. As if it wants me to pick it up." Somehow, the more I talked, the stranger it became. Euredian raised his mouth. At first glance, it was a laid back expression similar to usual. "Okay. Maybe that's what happened." "Ugh. You don't believe me!" "There's no way." No matter how I look at it, it's like he thinks I'm overthinking. Maybe this guy thought I'm a ten-year-old kid. "It pulled--- me." He still had a loose expression. But is it my misunderstanding or the corners of his mouth have risen sharply? No. It can't be. The illusion can't be repeated so often! "Your Majesty." I grabbed Euredian's robe, but before I can't say anything, he spoke first. "Get inside, and look for Diego Schmart who is probably in the temple." "Yes? And Your Majesty?" "I have to check something."

Euridian just said he had to check something out but he didn't disclose the important part of it. Surely, I don't intend to let him go. My hold on the hem of the robe tightened. "Where is the hostage going?" "What?" Nonsense popped out of my mouth. I corrected it quickly. "What are you going to check out?" " ." "You've been acting weird all day. It is strange that you suddenly said that you would like to get out of the alley. You keep checking for something. Your expression too---. Your eyes too!" Obviously, this man had been on the lookout for something ever since leaving the Imperial Palace. I wasn't as sensitive as this when I declared that I would abduct him proudly in the palace. Then there is only one reason! I spoke slowly as my heart thumped with tension. "Your Majesty. Do you suspect.................................... " Is it Soleia? Euredian laughed slightly. "It's the first time you have such a serious face." "Excuse me?" "You're only quick to notice things like this. You were usually so careless." The string of tension that had been overwhelming was released at once. This person is talking seriously! I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"There's just a few things that shouldn't be rolling around the street. I'm trying to track it down after a long time. For example, things like that mana stone that you almost touched." Euredian said soothingly. "Huft." "There are not one or two, it's dangerous to bring you. The temple will be safer than going around without me." " ." I didn't say anything. Is it not Soleia that this man suspects? But that Soleia Elard, the sorcerer that you trust is the suspect, is what I wanted to say but there is no evidence. In fact, I didn't feel anything from Euredian's expression. So, is it really me? So, Soleia came out to the big capital after me? Yeah. I'm nothing. In fact, I wasn't the kind of person that such a great woman would recognize, this is just me. " ." Let's think about it. Is proof the only evidence? Context is evidence, belief is proof too! I can bet on my baby's nails that it's not just a simple coincidence! Perhaps it was because of my feelings, my arms seem to be shaking. The problem, however, was that there was nothing I could do. I can't even walk around freely, so I can't say that Soleia Elard is a dark wizard. I didn't have any special ability to catch the woman. A person like me could only help by staying quiet. Ah, it's frustrating. I opened my mouth and eventually shut it. I hesitated for a long time and finally spoke again.

"When are you coming back?" "Later today." My mind relaxed a bit at the little tone of affirmation. Only then did I release the hem of Euredian's rope. "Don't be late." "There's no way that's going to happen." "Really. Your Majesty doesn't know that, so......... if you don't keep your promise, I'll get nervous**." It's life, there's a word for it. Perhaps. I'm the only one in this world who knows how scary Soleia Elard is. What if she gives up giving birth to a son and hurts this man? I could hear a low laugh as I was waving my hand unconsciously. "What are you doing?" Not sure. I laughed vaguely. Tell me something I don't know! I dropped my eyes, after all the only thing I could say was this. "Just go. Where----, Well, don't get hurt..................................... " "Now I see you have a lot of useless worries." The fingertips that approached me, suddenly patted my cheek. Really, I wish this man would know half of my heart. I smiled at the kindness even though I was crying. ******************************************************** Euredian rode Ruid again. In the distance, the four white armored knights were waiting. Perhaps those are the people that Euredian called earlier, Lidan, Luigi, Selvio, and Elica.

I stared blankly until the bright silver hair shining in the sunlight disappeared from my sight. "Huuu " It's a sigh that came out but my heart is still clenching. I shook my head and turned. There was no one around, it was completely empty. I touched my cool fingers that had lost their warmth and took a step forward. He said I should find Diego. A handsome young man with dark hair and gold eyes popped in my mind. I'd rather be with Diego than be alone. I was under a dark staircase, so I had a long way to climb. I sighed without knowing how many times I have done it today. I took the first step on the stairs. How many stairs are there? It looks high enough that Euredian could arrive even before I reach the end. Of course, no matter how much you look around, there will be no elevator or escalator. I cried as I began to go up the stairs. "Princess?"

Chapter End Notes t/n: *in the original it uses , and it can be used as a 'just' or 'hard'... think it is suitable to translate it the way I did ;-;. ** , , this one literal translation doesn't make sense... I don't get it whether it is 'I'll get nervous' or 'you'll get nervous'. On another note... why are they being so lovey-dovey when they are not together?! I just want to make them kiss, especially after Yenni asked him not to be late. Who are you? His wife?!

Dhfadjfkhlk Yenni being dramatic when Euredian left her. God, just kiss already.

Chapter 34

Chapter Notes #Proofread by InesElCham See the end of the chapter for more

Diego popped up as If he heard my prayer. "Oh my god. I was wondering why His Majesty was looking for me---. What are you doing over there?" "Yes?" I looked down at him confidently and Diego just smiled. "This staircase is an offering to Lord Raulus where it leads to the altar up there. It is the place where Raulus' priest directly walks ." " ." Euredian Belgoth. You didn't tell me such an important thing! I went down the stairs, feeling my face tingling. It's almost like God is coming down. As I went down the stairs, Diego took me to the side of the building. "This way, please. This is the way to the priests' temple." "Ah, yes!"

As I followed Diego, the road really went on a path where polished almond trees were on both sides. As I turned the corner, I saw a tall temple building far away. I could see the priests in white robes swirling around. That must be the main building of Barishad temple. I talked to Diego while walking on the well-polished path, "How did you know I was here?" "His Majesty gave his words." "Gave his words----- how?" Surely he was with me all that time? When I opened my eyes widely, Diego smiled and explained. "There is a way to convey words between priests without speaking. His Majesty is not a priest, but he has the strongest and purest divinity in the empire, so he can talk to priests like me directly." "Ah.... " It was then that I knew how Euredian called the knights. The mumble was not a self-contained one. Those knights were divine knights. "Is your body alright, Princess?" Diego asked gently "Yes. It's alright." I nodded quickly. My condition was really good. It's been a long time since Euredian wasn't constantly by my side . I mean, right after I left Lebovny. In fact, it seemed that my condition was way better than before. A rather complicated feeling gradually surfaces. "It's probably because we're in the temple, so it's a better environment for you than the Imperial Palace. Here, you have nothing to be careful about. However, there are many areas where outsiders aren't allowed to enter, so please be aware of this." "Ah, is that so. Then I'll be careful."

Diego Schmart was one of the people who knew how much I couldn't stand being bored. Before I knew that Diego would be the next archbishop, I would call him to the palace every time. Just recalling that, makes me feel embarrassed. "I'm sorry that I kept bothering you despite the fact that you were busy. Today too----------------------------------------------------------------------------so far---. I've been very rude." I offered him my apology. "You have no reason to apologize. Actually, I'm not that busy." Aah. Kind Diego. If Euredian were as half kind as the priest, it would have been nice. If it was Euredian Belgoth, he would say 'I'm surprised you knew.', I'm sure he'll make fun of me. I look up at the handsome priest with glittering eyes. Diego smiled and said, "Princess, you said that you were baptized by the God of Raulus. Then, first, let's take you to the believer's square." I had no way of knowing where I was, so I had no choice but to follow him. I let myself follow Diego's feet and stepped into the temple. Certainly, the temple feels differently from the Imperial Palace. It's like going back to Lebovny. Come to think of it, there were a lot of blessed lands in Lebovny. Will I feel the same as if I were in the sweet capital of Livne? It may be because the groundmass is small. I convinced myself and shook my head. Lebovny was definitely more comfortable for living. The problem is I would suddenly have died without knowing the reason. Thinking like that made me feel down again. Saying goodbye to this world like that, is as unfair as being scolded by Soleia.

I have to live long because I have a good reason. Yeah. That's what I want. " " I felt uncomfortable in the back. Euredian pretended there was no one earlier, but I definitely think there's someone. Considering that today was the day that Euredian and Soleia were supposed to meet, it was harder not to think about it. Especially since Soleia was spotted in front of my palace. I thought I could only escape the evil witch who was standing in front of the palace. But as expected, life is not that easy. How do I know if she put some black magic in the palace?! "Over here, this way through the gold chamber leads to the priests' prayer room. It has private access. Outsiders' prayer rooms are marked with red stripes. Right next to it, it's over here." While I was lost in thought, Diego passed through several rooms and explained. I nodded and looked around. The gold-lined side is the prayer room for ordinary people, and the red thread is the priest's prayer room. Noted*. "If you go further inside the prayer room, you will find a space for believers to use." Diego further explained the structure of the temple. Unfortunately, I could only remember half the places where I shouldn't go in my head. As I walked a little more, I found a wide-open space. Both sides were supported by pillars and are connected to the garden outside. It was filled with common people who were sparsely dressed, priests with their white clothes, and people wearing luxurious dresses. "Oh...... "

The nobles of Belgoth. My mind was full of different ideas all over the place. Since coming to Belgoth, I have never seen aristocrats so close, except for a few times at the Imperial Palace. I took a closer step to Diego. "There are a lot of nobles coming." "Yes. I guess so. There's only one place in the capital where you can pray directly to God Raulus." "Aaah." "There is no status identity within the temple. Commoners and nobles all share the same space. There are a lot of people today. Then, come this way first." I quickly swung along with Diego as he made his way across the plaza. He crossed the square without stopping and once I caught up to him, I felt a stinging gaze. " ." Somehow I felt like different eyes were sticking me today. I looked around and found it wasn't an illusion. It was not only the gaze, but two or three people gathered together and were making a big fuss. "Ah, isn't that person-----." "His Majesty's guest----- --." "No wonder, he seems a little upset these days----." "What----." Somehow I became a little shy. There was too much gaze toward my side. I felt my ears warm up. What? Why are they talking while watching someone--------------------------------------- ?

I was not used to being at the center of so much attention. It felt like I was given rejection. Unpleasant memories passed through my head. " ." But shortly before the scene came to mind, I consciously tried to block my thoughts. I shook my head to erase that chain of thought. It doesn't matter at all. Come on! I quickly pulled the robe's hood and covered myself up. I felt relieved when my red ears weren't seen. If it was Euredian, I would have even grabbed his hem, but sadly my strong shield wasn't with me right now. So I just followed Diego while grasping my hands. ********************************************************** "Looks like she's the Princess who came from the Lebovny." Count Iven's wife spoke quietly. Next to her was Lady Hejario. "I think so. That pale pink hair, just as you've heard. Very unusual! I've never seen it before." "I know. And more than I thought--------------------------------- --." Count Iven's wife became speechless. "What should I say. She looks better than I thought------- --." Perhaps all the people who caught the eyes of Lebovny's Princess would have the same thought at this point. Viscount Hejario's daughter, Lady Hejario said while smiling, "Much cuter than the rumors." "Oh. Yes. That's what I'm trying to say, Lady Hejario." Count Iven's wife, Clarice Iven had a big smile

"His Majesty brought her home only to be hidden. Moreover, if you hide it deep inside the palace, and no word about the princess, it is natural there have been a lot of rumors." "That's right. I heard that she's a beautiful woman. Of course, it doesn't seem to be far off. She's just a little different from what I imagined." "Right? I thought so. She's different from the image that I had." Everyone seemed to be telling a similar story and their gaze was often fixed on the Princess across the believer's plaza. At first glance, they could see that her ears were red through the light pink hair. The Princess suddenly swung the hood to cover her embarrassment. There were short exclamations around. "Oh, my-----." "My God, so adorable." Blue eyes with a sweet candy-like hair . It was a combination that eyes won't be able to stop staring at. Her features were as fine as a doll but cutely pretty. And she looks so awkward, nervous, as if she's not used to it. "The Princess is very loveable!" Clarice said with a smile. Chapter End Notes *t/n: I checked that part a few times... and Yenni just remembered things wrong;-; baby girl.. no. All the noble ladies fangirling over Yenni. She is indeed adorable. Yenni will be able to survive Belgoth's aristocrats just by being adorable.

Chapter 35

Chapter Notes #Proofread by InesElCham

Rumors of Lebovny's Princess had spread fastly. If you're a capital nobleman, you would have heard about it. In the past few weeks, the Emperor who had only one woman in the state suddenly kidnapped the princess of another country. They were waiting for one thing, see her-----. However, the Princess did not even reveal herself once in the Imperial Palace. Even when the aristocrats asked for it quietly, the Emperor was silent. So it was natural that the rumors surrounding her got bigger. Also at the same time, the Emperor banned Soleia Elard from entering the palace. As soon as it became known, the rumors exploded. The rumor was divided into two parts. The first one is that the Emperor put the Princess in a dungeon with the intent to show her a real lesson. Nevertheless, that rumor was discredited by the testimony of the Emperor, Euredian Belgoth, as the Princess was staying at the palace. The second rumor was that the Emperor brought a person from Lebovny to be his 'real' bride. Lady Hejario resolutely opened her mouth. "I agree with you unconditionally. I don't know who the Princess of Lebovny is, but compared to that snake-like of a woman --."

" Actually, I agree. All these years, I kept my mouth shut because His Majesty didn't say anything... " Clarice was careful with her words. Soleia Elard, the daughter of Marquis Elard, the next in line to be the Tower owner. Everyone knows that she is actively courting the Emperor. They just accepted that Soleia Elard and Euredian Belgoth would get married. At least that was among aristocratic women. Soleia Elard is like a nine tails fox woman. Beautiful, powerful, and a cunning wizard. She's like the type of woman who has the knack for smacking men's lips. Before approaching the Emperor, Soleia reigned as the flower of society and was famous for her being the center of numerous scandals. Clarice Iven muttered quietly, "No wonder, she seems a little upset these days." "That woman will have a heartbreak. I've been so eager to get that woman out of His Majesty's side. And suddenly, a romantic rival unexpectedly appeared ." Lady Hejario muttered. Her fiancé was taken away by Soleia Elard five years ago. "If she wasn't the next owner of the Magic Tower, His Majesty wouldn't be so kind to her." "Lady Hejario, watch your words." Clarice stopped her from ranting more. Soleia was a woman who made other women fall without even knowing them. They didn't know how she's pulling people, but they have to be careful in this space anyway. "But, anyway-----."

Their eyes returned to the Princess' back where she disappeared along with the bishop. They starred until they could only see the back of her hood and the string tightly fastened. "She's really lovely." If she were such an innocent and cute princess, I'm convinced that the Emperor wants to keep her hidden in the Imperial Palace. Clarice smiled at the thought. "Will spring finally come to that quiet palace?" That very thought was a relief. The people in the plaza must have thought the same too. Of course it was only discussed by the people that were involved in the rumors.

********************************************************* Diego moved me to the room upstairs. "I tried to take you to the believer's room, but there were more people than I thought. This is the room I use as a study." "Ah, thank you." Even after losing him in the midst of all the people, I managed to catch up. I thanked him softly and stepped into the room. It was a neat and simple room, surrounded by windows, filled with desks, and books from every part. It has a tea table and a small sofa in the center. "Please sit down. Would you like a cup of tea?" "Yes, very much appreciated." I sat down on the sofa, unraveling the tightly worn hood. After a long time, the robe had become uncomfortable, so I also took it off. The hem of the white dress, which was hidden under the robe, spread on the sofa.

"I guess you were on your way somewhere." "Yes. His Majesty and I went out to visit the capital city, but something unexpected happened." "Are you saying that His Majesty personally escorted you?" Diego asked, looking a little surprised while taking the tea leaves out of the cupboard. I laughed gently. "Well, he was supposed to." "I see." Hearing the sound of Diego making the tea, I sat down comfortably on the sofa to get my strength back. I barely felt relaxed today and I had no place to sit. Thuck. Diego placed the mug on the table and spoke. "His Majesty contacted me directly, so I thought something was going on. I'm glad nothing happened." "Actually, something happened. His Majesty has been concerned about something." "I see." Diego folded his hand on his robe, which was crumpled slightly. Ah such a kind priest! I quickly reached out to the mug. As I took a taste of the steaming tea, a silver scent of mint spread in my mouth. Ah, this is so nice. Diego smiled affectionately, sitting across the table. His Majesty is very concerned about the Princess." "Pfft."

Like a bomb suddenly dropping, I almost spilled tea on my dress. I'm glad I didn't drop the teacup, but it almost happened. "Wh--- Who said that?" "I do not know. I didn't see who said it with my own eyes, rather those are the rumors." "Rumors." "Yes---. Well. Those rumors are floating around." Diego replied vaguely. And here I'm missing it. I quickly put down the teacup and pulled myself closer to Diego. "Do you happen to have a social life or something like that?" "I'm good at socializing.... " "Isn't the rumor pretty big if it arrived at your ears? Priests, don't think about things like that after all." I look at Diego with my eyes wide open. You should tell me what you know! Diego laughed awkwardly, "Well I don't know, but I tend to listen to the stories of nobles who come to pray. Rumors about the Princess seemed......................................... ehm. It is about the relationship with His Majesty." "Is it good or bad?" "It's hard for me to judge that....... " Ayyy. Look at this guy. I waved my hand. "What did they say? Is it good, or bad that a strange woman appeared next to the Emperor? Is it the former or the latter?" It was not a question to ask the Holy Priest. But, Seo Eun-So, who is using Yerenica's face as a weapon, is confident even in front of the emperor! The opponent this time is just a priest!

"It's close.... to the former one," Diego replied defeatedly. "Right, then. Hehe." I smiled widely. I don't know where or who those people were, that made such rumors, but if we ever meet, I'd like to give them a big kiss. This helped me a lot. I laughed and opened my mouth again. "Then, Diego. For me, is there a possibility?" "Pardon? What are you talking about?" The question was light but at the same time blunt. I'm trying to lure the Emperor of this country into marrying me. At that moment, I suddenly thought, 'What am I doing with this innocent and gentle priest?'. As I just thought, I already spoke. "There's a possibility that I'll get with him." "Excuse me?" Actually, I'm trying to seduce the Emperor of this country. I quickly paraphrased that thought into words. "Actually, because of my body. I thought if it would be better to stay close to His Majesty." It wasn't intended, but my tone became a bit vague. Diego was a bit embarrassed by my expression, words, and tone. "Don't worry too much. Princess, if you don't have any option, you're always welcome to enter the temple." "I'm not a priest. It's not as natural for me to get divinity so easily like that." "Ah----." "And civilians can't use sacred shrines without permission, can they?"

If so Euredian would have taken me to the temple instead of the Imperial Palace. The innocent Diego look at me all embarrassed when he spoke with a soft voice, "Yes, but. Princess, if you're having a hard time, just tell His Majesty." "No. Actually, I like being next to His Majesty too." My face became relaxed as opposed to the gruff that came out from the priest's mouth. I kept my big smile as I said. "That's why. Diego, will you help me? Giving good word about me to His Majesty!" "Excuse me?" "Diego is the person that knows me the best. I am desperate for this. It's a matter of life and death!" Of course, not only my life but Euredian's too. I didn't dare to say it though. I looked at Diego desperately. He kept gazing between me and away in panic and full of embarrassment. Diego was a good priest. The poor man cannot refuse to offer a helping hand. " I don't think I will be of much help, but I will try my best, Princess." Oh yeah! I smile broadly, pressing down my desire to shout louder. I just recruited Barishad's bishop! Somehow I feel like I'm going to mess up an innocent priest, but it's just a feeling.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I smiled widely as I looked at him. "Let's shake hands, partner." " ?" Diego shook hands with me with a puzzled look on his face. And from that moment on, I had an image of Diego as Eros shooting hearts with arrows in my mind. (t/n: basically cupid). The lion of love! The messenger of love! I smiled satisfactory and leaned back against the sofa. Yeah, that's it. We've recruited one person at a time! Diego shrugged his shoulder as if he couldn't help it, "But really, I don't really have to do anything." "Excuse me?" "To His Majesty, the Princess already a special person." "?" I stopped whistling inside. It was the same story as before. But this time, I'm not talking about the rumor that going around in the social circle. I'm just saying the obvious thing. "Well----. I'm his hostage and I'm a royal family from another country." But Diego shook his head. "No, that wasn't the reason."

" ?" I rolled my eyes again. Is there any point to consider that Euredian Belgoth actually considered me as special? His usual behavior my head. Well, of course, he was always a determined man. The idea that everything he did is not what it looks like, start to pop in my mind. I frowned slightly. What do I do if he's friendly? The important part is that iron wall of his. "I don't think there is any other reason." Diego laughed profoundly, "Well, I told you the other day that he has high wall." "That one. I know about." I replied vaguely. Things have been bounced once or twice on that iron wall. "He is a perfect person for a monarch, but he has a narrow radius when it comes to relationship. I've been with him for almost 10 years and I have done everything I can." Diego spoke slowly. "Ah, really?" Oh my god. Even after 10 years, they still have some distance. I opened my mouth. It is only natural for me to have difficulty in penetrating the iron wall. "He is the only royal family in this generation. There have been many things that have been tied up. You're already familiar with them, so he just seems loose and generous." "I see, that's why----."

Somehow I knew it. Euredian Belgoth was a man who kept the line like a sword, even though he always had a languid, bored face. "So His Majesty needs a person like the Princess. One who sets up the joy and where he doesn't have to be wary." Diego smiled as he said those words. "Oh----." "A person who can give him his freedom. That kind of person." I blinked slowly. I looked at the good golden eyes, looking for any lie in it, but there is none. He is a vigilant person who can get a sense of freedom and relax from me. I'm a person who can have such big meaning for him. Diego must have recognized my confused look. He laughed nicely. "So you don't have to worry about it." " ." "It'll be enough just doing things like now." "Ehm..... " "Anyway, I'm glad you have a good time today in the capital city." And the following words were completely different topics. I blacked out at him but quickly answered. "Ah-- --. Right. It was fun going out for the first time." "I see. Did you go and see Eugel Square?" "Yes. It was very big, grand----- It was a wonderful place." And the continuing conversation flowed easily. I considered it mechanically.

Today was the first time I came out of the Imperial Palace and it felt like different world.. Everything was so big and beautiful and lively that I liked it. Of course, it's a completely different from the one in my head. The conversation went on and on. It was long time ago when I was walking around through the marker. And Euredian said he'd be back soon. Like a long time ago. How many hours have it been? The steaming tea cup was cold and the sun outside the window already tilted to the west. Diego opened his mouth. "I have to go to the afternoon prayer. I thought I'd bring you with me but you look tired." "Ahaha." I laughed embarrassingly. The whole time I was sitting down, my head was getting heavy. In addition, now my body too is also warm. A small yawn came out. I managed to keep my mouth shut. "I---. Ehmm, I'll stay in here a little bit longer." "Yes. Then stay all comfortable. I will probably come back in matter of hours." "Yes. Good bye." "If you are free or if you want to do anything, you can come to the private prayer room. I would be interesting to see you pray to Raulus." I nodded quickly. The young and handsome priest was kind to the end. He smiled with a good and neat face left the room. Click. The door was closed. I remained alone in the room on my own. The reddish sunlight was pouring through the window. The sunset was setting. A warm, comfortable orange light colored the whole room. The

warm light seemed to slowly color me. " ." It was already evening. It's only been few hours since the man who said that he was coming back today, has gone. Even when buried in the warmth, it was empty somewhere. Oh, is it because of the high-speed warmth that I didn't let go today? What Diego said earlier crossed my mind. A person who he don't need to be wary--------- --. Really, is he not setting me up? I wasn't really sure about that first. Although Euredian was sweet and generous, it was always bounced back. But, whatever----" It would be nice if he came back quickly." Even though the temple is a better place for me, I also like the Imperial Palace. Anyway, there's a man who makes me breathe better just by standing next to me. My heart started beating faster. It was a good speed, not to fast or too slow. I curled up on the sofa and settled down. Blinking. My eyes closed. The sensation slowly spread over my whole body. Blinking. Slowly, my senses became far away. And as it was, I fell into the dark. ********************************************************* The absolute ruler, who was rolling around beyond Yudetta and the dim earth and the sky, tilted his head. [ ?]

I felt a strange feeling and I opened myself to listen to the prayers for the first time in a long time. [What is it? Is something strange?] Something strange was hanging about on the ground. It's also in the temple that serves him. A very small, fragile, and heterogeneous energy. [Oho.] Sparkle. The red purple glistened momentarily. Interesting. ********************************************************** I couldn't guess how many hours I had slept. I just close my eyes for a moment-----. When I opened my eyes to the room, I found there was no glow in it. " ?" The sky was all dark. Has the sun already set? I was confused and woke up. I slept in a bad position that my neck and shoulders hurt. It didn't seem that much time had passed since Diego hadn't had gone and said he returned in a couple of hours I groped carefully over the table to the desk. I thought there was a candlestick somewhere around here. "------- Ah." Found it. I lighted the candlestick, the sight became brighter. "Ah, I can see." I closed my eyes then opened them again. I just woke up, and my head was strangely bruised.

I rolled my eyes over the desk and wall. There's a clock somewhere around. And soon I found it. It is exactly an hour and half from the time Diego went out to pray. The prayer takes one and a half hour for it to finish. Should we wait another 30 minutes? Or should I go and search for that prayer room that Diego told me? I stood and pondered for a while. I was still a little absent-minded, despite just waking up from sleep. Right. Let's go to the prayer room! I quickly made a decision. I looked back at the small mirror on the wall and cleaned my hair. Poor hair was sticking around. I finally untied the braid, straightened the hair out. There was no problem until I went out and walked down the hall. Even as the freezing ice goes down the stairs and passes through the square who came during the day. Candles were lit in the hallways and stairs, so it wasn't so dark, and I quickly descended to the believer's square. During the day, the plaza was filled with people visiting the temple and the candles dimly lit the plaza. The warm breeze between the pillars shook softly. I humped a little and walked across the square. Except for the sound of the wind coming out, there's only the sound of my footstep rang out loud in the midst of stillness everywhere. It was such a moment when I was about to get out of the plaza. [] Instantly, the sound rang in my ear. " ?" My step stopped. What was that sound?

Chapter 37

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for

I panicked as I looked around. There was no one but me. The shadow of sparkling candle. A dark manor beyond the pillars. The warm night breeze quickly encircled the area. Somehow I was cold. It's spring. It should not be cold. " I must have been wrong." I mumbled to myself for no reason and took another step. What the heck, all of----There was a slight impatience in the steps taken. I quickly walked off the square. Soon the long corridor that I walk with Diego earlier appeared. [] But I couldn't take a few steps. Again, I heard a ringing that pops into my ear. This time it wasn't just a simple ringing. The sound was a very clear pitch digging into my head. [Hey!] "!"

Wh—Wh—Wh—What is that!? I jumped from my spot as goose bumps run along from my head to toe. Someone is only doing it in my head! [You. Come here.] And the voice that doesn't even sound like male or female, was now talking clearly and clearly. A voice-----. A voice ! "I must be getting crazy----- --." I must be crazy. I clasped on to the wall, holding on to the cord of nerves. Obviously, the air is the same as that of the warm and near temple, but it has a strange chill. My hands and feet cooled quickly. I deliberately laughed out loud, "Hahahaha, Hahaha------- --. I've been wrong." But it was strangley grotesque as the voice spouted out and hit the hallway and rang. Uwa, what even is this. I slowly opened my mouth again, trembling. "I---- In the shadow of the island*" (t/n: think she is singing a song) My voice began mingle with crying sound. "W------When you...go oyster picking" I didn't even think about what song I selected. I just glued to the wall and started moving. Where did Diego tell me to go? He told me to go to the prayer room. In my memory it is not far from this hallway. "The child is alone---- -." (t/n: she's still singing) [Won't you come?]

"South soooooong !*" My body jumped again as if a spark fell on my step. I started running through the hall without thinking. Ah, Daddy! Diego! Mari! Sister Tezevia! After I called out the names I knew, I barely arrived in front of the prayer room. It was two-way door that I passed right in the daytime. The left road with a red thread and the right road with a golden thread. The prayer room with the red thread is for the priest and the prayer room with a golden thread is for the public. Without hesitation, I entered the road with the golden thread. [Ah, good boy.] The owner of the voice that was rumbling in my head seemed to smile quietly. I was fed with the golden string. Strangely, my whole body was in a state of limbo. I ran briskly through a golden corridor lined with wolf and cross sculpture. Of course, I never dreamed that something crazy would happen. ********************************************************** "Heu---- Heu---Ugh---." I ran without looking back to the end of the corridor where there was a carda door. It was a golden door with embossed wolves howling toward the sky. The wolf's eyes consisted of dark jewelry. I breathed and held my hand to the door without hesitation. The door was opened as soon as I pressed it with my hand. It was a smooth movement without any sound. Just like getting hit by me.

Of course, I did not notice any strangeness at all. This place is said to be a place where priests lead common people and pray. I quickly stepped inside. It's time to pray and sleep, and I'll go tell Diego right away. How dare I go to--"Oh----." My thought didn't last long. The view inside the door was a solemn prayer room. The spacious space was empty. I looked around with embarrassment. What? Is the prayer over already? "Hello--- ?" Hello--- Hello--My voice touched the high ceiling and spread like an echo. I was amazed and took a step back. The prayer room was large. The ceiling was so high that I looked wider than Jinje**. Like everywhere else in the temple, a warm candlelight struck on the wall. A solid marble floor, an altar covered with purple silk. A wolf-shaped sculpture placed on it. I rubbed my eyes and yet I couldn't see anything similar to Diego. " Damn." It didn't take long for me to realize where I was. I spit out a little profanity. I was wrong! At the same time as that enlightenment, the large golden door closed silently. By itself! I panicked and opened my mouth. "Oh---- ?"

And at the same time, a voice echoed again in my head. [Where are you going?] Shivers ran along my back. I couldn't even think to reach for the doorknob, I just opened my mouth. My gaze looked around without hesitation. That 'someone' continued talking in my head without stopping. [Oh, she looks cute. Come here, you trespassing child.] The tone was about to get irritated. I gave up and reached out my hand. A solid door touched my fingertips. And iron. There was a sound of something dull. " !" The door was undoubtedly locked. I could feel the blood going away from my face. Eung Eung. Why are things happening to me! [Are all human children as scared as you are these days? My child was only a shitter***] I pushed the door as hard as I could, but it didn't open. My head started coming up with theories. Could it be that that scary woman chased me to the temple? No, I don't think it was Soleia's voice that I hear talking---! Besides, it was strangely energetic. It's just like Euredian's. Clear, fresh air filled the prayer room. No matter where you look, the air was not threatening one. The voice was now soft on me.

[I won't hurt you, so come closer, child. There's something I'm curious about.] It wasn't a sound that I heard with my ears no matter how I heard it. It was a sound the came directly to my head. I caught the door handle like a straw and opened my mouth, "Who are you----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?" To think about it, I must look stupid to talk to space where there is no one. I shook my head. "If you are a ghost, go away. If you are a perso----." [What a ghost. I got nothing to say.] The voice clicked his tongue. [If you don't come, should I come then? Come over with your own feet is less scary than having me to come there.] " ." What. Is it threatening? Even though I was very nervous, I snorted. "H— Huh! When did I say I was s-scared? Yo!" [ .] "I'm coming then. I can go----." I was never scared to back down. Never! I took my hand off the door, which was trying to open it. There was a gradual return of reasoning. The clear, harmless aura that swept the entire prayer room was familiar. It's somewhat similar to that of Euredian's scent. Upon realizing that, my beating heart sank a little. I took a deep breath and turned around again. The prayer room was still empty. The only thing that existed was the purple altar and the statue wolf above it.

The wolf's purple eyes seemed to flash instantaneously. I jumped for a moment, but soon took a slow step. Red jewel. When I thought of the man with that very color, I felt a sense of relief. Right. I forgot for a while, but here is a temple. An absolute safe area that anything can't invade and hurt me. A sudden tiger-like energy rose with confidence. Don't be scared! [Tsk. It's hard to see your face properly.] The voice clicked his tongue again. I approached the altar slowly and spoke carefully. "Excuse me, but--- who are you?" [What are you going to do with that information?] I've stopped being dumbfounded. The wolf's purple eyes glistened as if they were alive. I looked at the wolf statue with eyes full of vigilance. "I don't know who you are-----. This is a crime. Locked me up without consent. You can't do that without revealing who you are." The statue looked and talked. It was crazy to think about it. [I wondered if I was scared, but I kept on doing it.] The voice kept sounding like something else. [I have never seen a child whose body and soul are separate like you. Where are you from, child?] " ." And those words were not really a nonsense. I stiffened. Body and soul are separate? That's exactly what I'm talking about!

Seo Eun-Seo possessed Yerenica's body. Her body is Yerenica, but her soul is Seo Eun-Seo. No matter how much the boundary between Seo Eun-Seo and Yerenica is uncleaar, it is true that the roots of my soul are not from here. "Really, who are you?" I glared at the wolf as I said the words. Chapter End Notes

*t/n: was written as and it translate as either male evil by google translate or south song by Papago. **Jinje is probably a buddhist temple or so ***Papago really translated that part as sh**ter, I-

Chapter 38

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for

Perhaps he noticed the softness in my eyes, and the "voice" answered me softly. [You know who I am.] Oh, my. I just opened my mouth. It was obvious that I was scared. No way, Soleia's ghost......................................... !

The touch of cold hands, which tied their arms and legs open, quickly popped up. A ghost who died unjustly in the temple. I stumbled back. When I was embarrassed or nervous, my habit of just rambling and spitting out words came out again. " Is it some of messenger that came somewhere from the temple that sells medicine? Who are you? Soleia Elard's minion?" [What? Who is that?\ "Or.... A zombie who died unjustly?" [What?] "G-Go away, disappear....... !" [Damn it. I can't say anything.] Clang! "Ouch." Immediately intangible energy hit my head. I raised my head all upset. "Why are you hitting------------ !? Heumph." And then I crumpled back to myself. Don't, don't give in. I had no desire to be dragged from the temple to hell. On the other hand, a strange doubt rose. Strangely, my body was getting more and more bulky. As if there is an energy being forced to every cell of my body. My body became more refreshed and lighter, contrary to what I thought. [A child who is not from this land, it won't be fun if you keep being so cocky to me.] What is this threatening comment again? I was getting more and more confused. If I were in Soleia's hand or even a little bit under her speel, my body wouldn't have been this cold.

I held onto the leg of the wolf statue like a lifeline and cried anxiously. Although it doesn't harm me, but the pressure created by the unknown is never normal. A funny little voice rang in my head again, [If you hug me like that, I'm getting embarrassed.] " Oh god!" I pushed away the wolf statue that I was holding. Of course, I lost my balance and stumbled because that. However, there was a sense of support on my back. It was the same energy that hit me on the head earlier. Hard yet refreshing aroma. [You are a careless child. It's cute.] "Uh....... " I blinked embarrassedly. My body wrapped in intangible energy floated in the air. I couldn't guess the cause of this unrealistic phenomenon with my common sense. [Ah. This.] The voice exclaimed as if it had suddenly remembered. His voice was so loud that it's hard to get it out of my mind [I've got to go now.] "Yes. Yes?" [I have to listen to the prayers. Since I'm kind and generous like this.] Listen to what? Prayer? I couldn't understand it and just blinked And his voice is so sweet and gentle as he said his innocent goodbye, [Good bye, mouthful child. I'm going now. Try to stay alive.] What's that? I feel something ba----And the moment I thought so, the energy that supported my body disappeared without a trace. "Ack!"

And I dropped to the floor with a scream. Thump. I could feel a tingling sensation on my waistline and hips from the hard marble floor. A groan burst out. " Ugh." I have a broken tailbone. I rubbed and looked around embarrassedly. All the sacred air that was filled in the prayer room was gone. "What. What was that-------- " You're going to come like this and then you're going to disappear---------------------- ? Or am I dreaming right now? I stood up and looked around the now silent prayer room. I looked at the corner of the wall, the floor and even behind the statue of the wolf at the altar, but nothing was suspicious. The prayer room was peaceful as if nothing had happened. " ." I frowned upon the strangeness, I could see the statue's purple eyes. The eyes, which was seemed strangely shiny, seemed to be cold now. Unconsciously, a new murmur was heard. "I'm going to hear your prayer------ ?" (t/n: she is repeating what the voice said) It's not a god, so what prayer to listen in the temple---" ." I suddenly laughed at the thought that suddenly came to my mind. God. No way. Divine intervention does not appear in the original. There's now way he'll show up. I shook my head in admiration of my infinite

imagination. "Let's just get out of here..... " How long has it been? By now, the prayers would have been really over. It was already close to dinner time. If I wait a little longer, Euredian will come back and I will able to return to the Imperial Palace safely. If I think about it, today was a very strange day. One day feels like it was two or three days. I rubbed my back and made way to the golden door again. I grabbed the knob and pushed it. "?" It won't budge. I was puzzled and pushed the door once again. And it still didn't move. Rattling. The square door handle just sounded blocked. I opened my mouth with an ominous foreboding. "Ah. No way." No way..... I turned around from the door and looked at the altar where the wolf statue stood. The lingering irritation and anxiety that went away, came back full blown. Hey, open the door and just go away!


I was rescued by an apprentice who passed by only after I had knocked on the door for tens of minutes. As soon as I stepped toward the crossing road, it was a bonus that I encountered Diego. "Oh my god, Princess. Why are you coming from there?" Diego shouted in surprised.

I smiled shyly instead of answering. Diego was really surprised, but he came straight toward me. His golden eyes looked at me. "You are in the priest's prayer room. It is a place to receive Raulus' words, so it has a stronger concentration of divinity...... are you alright?" "I'm okay. But...... " The words that would normally pass by my ears were stuck in my head. Whose place is it for? I hurriedly caught Diego's hem. "Ehm, Diego. What did you say that room belongs to?" "Pardon?" "Just now, that prayer room....... " "Ah. You mean the Prayer room of the Priests? It's where we can hear Raulus' voice sometimes. It doesn't happen often." "What?" Unknowingly, the word came out. My eyes were wide open. I looked up at Diego with my mouth open. "Th-That... R-Really...... " A short moan came out late. Okay, so, the voice that have been rambling in my head until a while ago. I managed to put up the urge to bite my tongue. So the idea that I had before wasn't just stupid one--? Yeah. It was strange when I thought about it. The shiny eyes of the wolf statue were exceptionally shiny. It's as if I've just dreamed something that is not from this world. He told me I look pretty. Also saying something about my constitution.

I opened my mouth wide, "'Wow. No way." "Princess?" He was a real god? Raulus, the god who blessed the Liger? The real god of Yudetta? I was so dumbfounded that I made a strangled sound, "What the hell did I do............................................................................ ?" What did I say to God's voice, the very voice that I should have listen, while I was on the floor? The absurd remarks I said popped up, G-Get away, disappear! Uwaaaaaa! I spilled bloody tears into my core and turned around. I want to go back! "Princess? Where are you going!" However, my attempt to run back to the priest's prayer room was blocked by Diego. "No, how should I know if you suddenly talk to me like that!" I cried out I am Raulus, I'm really God beyond Yudetta! You should have said that! How can you make me all confused then leave me alone? Of course, the answer couldn't be heard. I squeezed my forehead feeling my head spinning. Diego supported me as I grabbed him and asked nervously. "Diego, is it common for Raulus to make a voice....... ?" Diego laughed awkwardly at the earnest question, "I don't know what you're talking about, but it's like once a year he makes a noise directly." "I'm screwed............ " "Princess, do you made a mistake........ ?" I think I made a mistake, Diego.

It wasn't the voice that should've held on to the pants*. The absolute power of this world. I was just watching my blessing passed by my eyes. I bit my lips. No, but. He talked in your head, and when you hear it, oh, this is God's voice. How can you understand that at once? "My life is already very tight.... " I muttered, almost like a moan "Princess, tell me exactly what you mean. Did something happen?" Diego bowed to meet my eye level. A good, neat face was full of worries. And as I was about to open my mouth, I burst into tears at the familiar energy shook me. "---- Oh." My eyes were wide open.

Chapter End Notes *t/n: I think it is another metaphor... idk.. author-nim why are you doing this to me?

Chapter 39

It was similar to the divinity of the temple, but strangely different. It was an energy I couldn't carry.

Then I heard the voice of the person I had been waiting for so long. "Princess?" "!" I raised my head and saw Diego. And to his side, I could see the man I was waiting. I cried with all my joy and sadness, "Your Majesty!" " ." Euredian, with his arms folded, leaned back against the temple's pillar. He had the robe off, just exactly as I first met him at the Royal Palace. Except that the button of the blue uniform had been undone. Euredian slowly re-opened his mouth, "What are you doing here?" "Yes?" "Come here." He didn't have any expression on his face, but it wasn't that good. I let go of Diego's hem without further thought. Diego smile and moved out of the way. I took a quick step. Tap tap tap The distance quickly narrowed as I ran. A handsome face was just around the corner. I stopped just one step ahead of him. It was only been five or six hours, but it seems like two or three days have passed. I hid my disturbed mind and tried to smiled. "I would have come even if you didn't say so." "It's nice to see you again, can I hug you once?" Euredian didn't answer quickly. However, in the first place, I didn't wait for his answer.

I quickly step closer before he built an iron wall. It didn't matter if he had his arms crossed or he was leaning back. I hugged Euredian tightly around his waist. A pleasant aroma brushed the tip of my nose. The smell that I've come to like the most in the world was pleasantly mixed in my breath. The heartbeat, which been beating irregularly, subsided calmly. Eventually a short laugh burst over my head. "I'm happy that you welcomed me, but.................. " Euredian unfolded his arms and patted my back a couple of time. Oh, it was different attitude than I'd knew that I was about to be removed. Moreover, the words that followed were not as expected. "Don't you think that this is a habit, do you?" "What?" I raised my head and looked up at him. Warm fingers swept my hair off. "To be held in a person's arms like this." "What do you see me for?------- I'm not that unprincipled." Euredian laughed at my unkind reply. I couldn't believe it. "Then does this mean that you've had an accident?" This man has a good hunch. I looked down slowly, but quickly my chin was caught and lifted up. There was a really good- looking face. "What's with that look, Princess?" "Oh --." "Because you wasn't able to wait for a while, you've been messing around few times.............. "

Well, that's actually because I went to the wrong prayer room. I think I heard God's voice. I smiled vaguely and tried hard to avoid his eyes. I couldn't say it directly. It was said that Raulus' voice only be heard once a year! Moreover, he talked to me because I was strange, unauthorized child. I couldn't say that with my own mouth. What should I do, because I am Yerenica right now. I fell quiet. However, Euredian didn't seem intend to let me go as it is. "Come on, let's get this over with." The red-purplish eyes followed me. Somehow the heat spread from the end of ear. He had cupped both my cheeks, squeezed them. "L-Let go of it." "You're the one who hugged me first." It was my fault, so I had nothing to say about it. I couldn't answer and stumbled. No, that's because I thought you'd build an iron wall up to the sky anyway..........................! "Nothing happened." I murmured with both my cheeks crushed. "Really?" "Yeah. Really. I don't know any accident." My voice gradually came when he let go. Fortunately, Euredian did not question me further. "Okay. Then I'm glad." " Originally it was just a trick question right?" I opened my eyes all wide and raised my head to look at him. I could see a mouth that drew a cool line. A slightly reddish eyes of the eyes.

I lowered my head back to the ground. Yes. My sin is my sin, your sin is my sin. Please live for a long time with that face, Father. There was a sound from the back. Diego seemed to have approached. A laughable good voice was heard. "You're here, Your Majesty." " Yes. Everything alright? Schmart." It would be a disaster if he found out that I went to the priests' prayer room as it is like this. I quickly turned my head toward Diego. He smiled kindly, as if he understood my enthusiastic eyes. "Yes. Nothing happens." Oh. The good priest's lies were much more useful than mine. He looked at me then back at Euredian. I tried to turn. If it wasn't for the surprised voice that came at the right time. "Oh my, Your Majesty too--------------- --." " ?" I turned my head without much thought. It's chatter. Uh? An ominous forebody flashed through. Surely... "Isn't my eyes wrong, Lady Hejario?" "Yes, ma'am. I can see it right with my eyes...... !" Argh. I swallowed a scream inside. The startled heart also fell down below. It was obviously human shadows snooping at the end of the hallway over there. The rumbling was clearly heard in the open corridor.

A hundred pairs of eyes were facing this way. It just that I was immune. Since when have they been watching? "Princess, what's wrong?" Euredian asked, wondering why I was frozen. "Because there are people." "I think they came out after praying. What's wrong with them?" "Just----." Excessive attention and interest are burdensome. Although I am Yerenica, I have no choice but to be sensitive to this situation because my mental is Eun-Seo. Instead of explaining it over, I grabbed Euredian's sleeve and whispered, "When are we going?" Euredian looked down at me for a moment and smiled affectionately with a face that has been loosened so gently enough to make my heart flutter for a moment. "Come to think of it, it's already late. Shall we go right away?" I nodded quickly. Now I really wanted to move somewhere. I was still energetic, but now I'm mentally drained. Euredian had a ghostly sense of my condition. At the gesture of his hand, the grunts of the hall could be heard. Diego bowed with courtesy, "Good bye, Your Majesty. Princess." "See you later, Die—Ugh." I tried to greet to Diego, but I was led way straight by Euredian. I could hear Diego giggling behind me. Then as I was getting on Ruid, Euredian asked, as if he just remembered something, "Where's the robe?"

Come to think of it, there was really no robe on me. I traced my memory carefully. When did I take it off? A short exclamation came out once the memory popped up "Oh, I left it in Diego's room." " Where?" "In Diego's room. I took it off for a while. I forgot to take it because it was dark." His expression was unusual. I looked down at Euredian and smiled. What, was it a precious robe? "Shall we go back and get it?" "No, Forget it." Euredian answered briefly and climbed up behind me. I wriggled my back in his arms. A short sigh passed over my head. " ?" I looked back at him with a puzzled look. However, he immediately straighten his body and kicked Ruid's side. The road back to the palace was quiet and peaceful. There was no particular word shared between us. I kept my mouth shut all the time as I was busy, and Euredian seemed to be preoccupied with other thoughts just as usual. The complicated day was finally coming to an end. It was quiet everywhere. It was a calm night with Barishad sitting under the silence of the stars. Ruid's constant up and down almost feel like being in a cradle, and my eyelids gradually became heavy.

Then I suddenly fell asleep without realizing it. Lastly, as my sense was being distant, I felt a soft sheet to touch and the gentle touch that swept my hair away. ***

Night. The time when all things on the ground fall asleep. It is a time when the gods beyond Judetta briefly take their hands off the ground, leaving only a faint moon and stars in the sky. So it's a perfect time for the ghosts in the underground to lift their head. It is time for the god of the underworld to stumble on the ground with his bare hands. Soleia Elard love that very time. Before dawn, when the sky was covered with the darkest darkness. Soleia leaned back against the window sill and looked up at the black night sky. The long, reddish-brown hair fluttered in the breeze. Outside the open wide window, a dark shadow was floating. A muffled came in.

Chapter 40 - Part 4: Heavy Rain on Strong Umbrella that can withstand rain

" So, it was unsuccessful to keep that woman away."

"His Majesty has completely sealed off the square------- And because Rosel went out in person." Soleia heard reports about the day without inspiration. It was a story that everyone already knew. Soleia severed the words she wanted to continue. "Right." "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Because the opponent is someone------- --." "That happen." The man with the strongest divinity of this generation. I didn't expect to be able to steal the princess away from him. "What did Rosel say?" "Well, there's a limit to what he can tolerate....... " "I see.... " What a fool. Who tolerates whom? There was a sharp smile on the corners of her eyes. Soleia clasped her hand and grabbed the hook of the window. "Just go back." "Yes. Yes !" The shadow quickly went down from the window frame. It is the second tallest room in the tower, so even though it is far below, it quickly disappeared once down there. She has never taught that they would get away quickly, but her students are crazy about running away. But that was originally a characteristic of her kind. Running away like aa rat before you get caught. Soleia clicked her tongue and pushed the window shut. The movement rushing the air into the room several time.

"The squared was blocked----." Soleia smiled and pulled herself away from the window. It's just like that. She thought. The face of man who is always sweet and gentle came to her mind as if he was floated before her eyes. Euredian Lou Soledor Belgoth. A man with gentlemanly expression as if he'd listen to everything she says, a man whose jaws of doubt and vigilance are high enough to save Judetta. The man's wall is cracked. The entire Eugel Square was sealed and investigated. How many crude stone he found? The red lips drew a charming line. The Lebovny's Princess seemed to have rocked her* Emperor. "Hmm." You look like you're about to ide, it's pretty great. [Just kill her right away.] With the sound of a crackling bone, a whisper like the cry of a wild beast flashed before her. [What are you hesitating about?] " I don't hesitate." Soleia pulled up the corners of her mouth, "You don't have to complicate things with your own hands." What if Euredian Belgoth shows no interest to the Princess? It maybe a little risky to get ahead of oneself. Ddak ddak. Eudeuk. The body was distorted bizarrely in the body** [Coward.] "Let's just say it's being careful." Soleia always paid off. Once a person turns around, he or she becomes a proper crazy person. And Euredian Belgoth was the very owner of the damned castle.

A man who hides his true colors with a drowsy, bored face. A man who is far from friendly or tender inside. Not sure if the cure innocent Princess knows about it. "Isn't the outcome more important than the process?" Soleia shrugged. As long as I can get married. If only she could embrace the mighty divine being in her own body. In the first place, it was not his heart but his blood that Soleia envied. The blood that is full with divinity, a body filled with the purest divinity. Moreover, even if it wasn't because of his divinity, Euredian Belgoth was sufficiently an attractive man. Enough to make dream of his knees under your feet. A beautiful man. Soleia had no intention of giving up the taste of conquering such a man. So the Princess had to dry up slowly. Soleia is not going to bring her with her own hands to the world of the ghosts. Oneself. You can't stand it without destroying yourself. Slowly going insane. Soleia laughed, baring her white teeth. "Keep watching. I wonder if it's going to take care itself." There was no return answer. But Soleia didn't care because she already set her mind. The groaning sound of dry bones gradually faded away. At the same time, the dead grass flowers raised their heads again. It was a night of ghosts. Things that were not allowed to exist on the ground raised their heads. The bone-in hand broke the taboo and cracked the ground. In the middle of it, there was a still white onion-shaped palace.

Part 4. Heavy rain on strong umbrellas that can withstand rain. I had a dream.

[Eun-Seo. Can you get along well alone?] Someone with a face that I can't remember now smiled dimly [You can do well. Our Eun-Seo is bright and strong. You told mom. EunSeo will be able to adapt well even if she falls alone in the desert.] What did I answer to that? A young boy with hazy brown hair and brown eyes responded brightly. [Right! Eun-Seo is a superman who can do anything.] It was a childlike innocence. I laughed dumbly even in the midst of the haze. You're so brave. So, that was probably during my childhood. I don't even remember my childhood. The scene changed before my eyes. The whole world turned black. There was an unusually thick mass of black mass gathered around me. They chattered among themselves. [What should I do with that girl?] [You want to take it? I--- You know, I have three family members to take responsibility for.] Ah. I remember this. It was one of the memories I didn't want to think the most. Dozens pairs of eyes were on me exactly. At the same time, no one actually spoke to me. The voices continued.

[Don't you know it? Actually, 15 is an age where you can live on you own. The cost of living can be collected and sent every month------- ] Oh.... This is a very old memory. I pressed my surroundings with renewed admiration. The field of view was blurred and watery. All I could perceive was the still rumbling black masses and the chattering voices. It was definitely a memory that I didn't to recite. This was when I was 15. It happened when my father, who had not been at home for even a month in a year, died suddenly in a car accident. It was at the funeral. When I was five years old, my mother died and even my father, who was busy dating around, passed away and I was left alone. That's exactly how they looked at me. It's a pity, but it's hard to handle. In fact, I wasn't really interested in what my relatives said about me. I just hated them taling to each other and looking at me. Why don't you just look at my face and say it? Don't be shy in the back. So I became a child who couldn't stand it. A sudden shooting sensation and gossiping that had me as topic. But that was it. My father's death, who didn't even show his face, had that much effect on me. I was just me. Not the daughter of an unfriendly father. It's not a mother's daughter that I don't remember, it's just me. In fact, the name Seo Eun-Seo might not have been the most important word to describe me. It's a name that has never been called with affection. Why isn't there such an attempt? When I called his name, he came to me and became a flower. A name that had never been called, in fact,

insufficient to define its existence. I'm just a person who lives day by day with integrity and vitality. A person who doesn't dream of a grand future but lives contented with trivial happiness. An ordinary person who does nothing better or can't do anything special. However, my ability to adapt and execute were unparalleled. ------But why am I thinking about this right now? The black masses surrounding the area were still chattering nonstop. [So do it. I will have a house, I will pay my living expenses, I will go to school. I will be fine even on my own. There were not even particularly intimidating. I eventually poked my ears. What? It's a crazy dream. [It's pitiful, but I can't say anything.] Let's just get some sleep. I mumbled like that and closed my eyes. It was complete darkness again.

When I opened my eyes, it was morning and birds were chirping. I blinked blankly. The whole body was wrapped in a soft blanket. The whole view was bright. I closed my eyes reflexively. It didn't take long to realize that it was sunshine that poked my eyes. Bright sunlight was coming through the open curtains. I think I had a dream. A surprisingly deep voice popped out, "....... It was a strange dream." As soon as I opened my eyes, my memory flew to reality. I traced the memory to collect the spilling pieces.

What was it? I think I've been dreaming about a long time ago..... But the more I tried to think about it, the more faint the content of my dream was. And within a few minutes, what I can remember is, it was a really disgusting dream, but there was nothing else. Something trickled through on my temple. Is it? Like a wet sponge, I raised my heavy arm and rubbed my forehead. I was drenched in sweat in my sleep. " ?" It didn't take long to realize that something was strange Chapter End Notes *t/n: her in this is Soleia **think she share her body with the demon anyway.... i hate doing soleia's pov..... i just want to pull the witch's hair ;-;

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I kept feeling damp and uncomfortable, my face and body were all covered with sweat. Not only that. Apparently, I sleep for a long time but I didn't have any energy in my body. A terribly lethargy came up from the fingertips to the toes. It was a sensation I knew very well. "Ah..... what is this?" I rubbed my eyes and raised my body. Creak. My whole body hurt as if I had been beaten. That's weird. I was so energetic yesterday. A slight anxiety rose. Did I get anymore sensitive? Or maybe I spent too much energy in my dream? I was staring at the canopy on my bed blankly, and the 'voice' rang in my head. [Hey, you're in worse shape than I thought, right?] " ." I closed my mouth because there was nothing else to say. [Because you're so silly. I go after you.] I shook my head and tried to pull myself together. I barely mumbled, "My head is............................................................................................ ringing." I had a weak headache. I shook my head and got out of bed for now. My body stretched like a rubber. And in an incredible timing, the door opened with a short knock. "Oh, Princess. Did you wake up?" "Marianne."

Marianne, who is quite amazing in doing her job for my wake-up time, entered the room with a bright smile. My thick hands arranged the blanket around my body. I heard a friendly question. "How was your bed? Do you have any inconvenience?" "Yes?" "Oh, my goodness. But all drenched like this?" "I think it's a little hot." The embarrassed Marianne wiped my forehead with a towel. "You shouldn't have said that. I should have changed your blanket for a light one." "Hehe.."

In fact, when I woke up in the morning, usually I will feel better. I just smiled at Marianne who had a worried face. "Good morning, Marie!" ********************************************************** It's no big deal, thinking about it. Every day after the long a difficult visit to Barishad, passed quickly. My daily life didn't seem to change much from the previous ones. Most of the time, I wander around at Belyuk Palace and visit the man palace once every three days. Other time, I would walk around the Imperial Palace or meet Diego who sometimes visited. It was seemingly a harmless day. That's what I thought. If I have to find a singularity, there are more days in front of the sunlit window? And if not..... [You are very lazy. You unauthorized child.]

When did I get a voice that kept talking to me in my head? I had throbbing side hair. "It's Yereninovica Shushuvia Lebovny." I said each word with pressure. [Right. You're an unauthorized child, it's not that I don't know your name.] Ah. My head. Is this how Euredian feels when he doesn't want to hear the word 'Father'? I reflected on my manner. I shouldn't do that anymore..... 'Voice' Perhaps it's hard to believe, but Raulus, who would be beyond Judetaa—the boundadry between the earth and the sky, struck in my head. [Child. You're adorable. Are you going to see him again today?] I utterly ignored the question. Since that day when I first heard the voice of Raulus in the temple, the god of peace and prosperity has often sought me with a voice that sounds like a light nail against the brain. [You're not answering me anymore.] And the dignity of the god's existence is in frivolous tone " " I thought I had lengthened the table. God. Absolute beyond Judetta. Right. I forgot, but this world was a world where the world of God, the world of man, and the

world of the dead existed. Judetta, the boundary between the earth and the sky. And Lemordi, the border between the ground and the underworld. It is a world with as mny as three layers.

The worldview must have been explained in more detail in . However, I couldn't remember the detailed worldview as I focused so much on the main characters'' love stories. If I knew this would happen, I would have read the original story....................................................................................................... of course it was too late for regret. Uh. Die. Me of the past! Ah, she's already dead..... that thought is bitter. I pressed my right cheek to the table and carried on with my thoughts. Right, well, I've been kidnapped by Belgoth and it got an unexpected reversion. Although I did not know the reason for Soleia's mysterious action. It's a very realistic story, that's all I can understand. But God. Raulus! It was Rualus' voice that even the high-ranking priests only able to listen once in their lifetime. But I, who is not possessed by a divinity other than being baptized, hear the voice of god. Constantly. Of course, Raulus didn't say much to me. In fact, I felt like he was talking to me only when he was bored. In fact, I rarely gave him the right answer to his question. I'd pick a fight with him. For example. [How did you, a small insignificant thing, able to come in?] "What do you mean insignificant.................... " Like now. He's just killing some time!

After being teased again and again, I just gave up. Unlike what is known to the public, Raulus was an unruly god. I can't believe you're serving this kind of god with all your heart. Run, Diego! Every time I saw Diego, I telepathically sent him that, but of course he didn't notice. Well, except for that, everything else was the same as usual. I still went to the central garden every three days and had a brief tea time with Euredian. And after that day, Soleia hasn't shown up at the palace. I don't know if Euredian has banned her from the palace again or is she restraining herself. So these days, it was continually relaxing and peaceful spring day. I thought so, but..... People around me didn't seem to think so. "Princess, you don't look well these days." "Huh?"

The first to say that was Larya, the youngest of all the maids who attended me. I grabbed a pillow from the sofa, rolled around and turned my head. "Am it?" "Yes. You have not been very energetic these days........ do you have any worries?" "I don't have any." Did i? I blinked my eyes and traced my memories. But there was nothing that stuck in my memory. "The weather is getting warmer, I guess that cause it. I don't feel anything." The occasional lethargy has been a symptom like living a chronic disease since I came to Belgoth. Or spring fever that came late. I just wet my head.

I couldn't ignore that when I heard the same thing from Marianne and Diego. "Princess, your face looks so pale." "Um---- ?" "Are you uncomfortable somewhere, Princess?" "What?" "Don't hesitate to tell me if you have trouble!" " ?" The expression of the two people looking at me, talking back and forth, was unusual. They looked as if they were seeing someone lying in the coffin tomorrow. "I really fine." I answered embarrassed However, they did not believe it at all. "I'm really alright!" I said a little harder "Should I do some push-ups?" "Stop it, Princess!" And I was immediately stopped. No, these people, what do you think I am? However, when I thought about it carefully, it didn't seem like it was just a matter that could be brushed off. I recalled one of the unusual things. "....I've been having bad dream lately, but...... " "It's must be stress, Princess!" "No, I don't have any stress here....... " I was embarrassed to answer back and stopped talking. Come to think of it, there is. Factor of stress.

In the eyes of Marianne and Diego, I am a fragile heavenly Princess who is having difficulty with breathing, and even if it's good, I am a hostage. In short, a sick Princess suffering from homesickness. Is that it? Marianne held my hand with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Princess. Everything will be alright." "Okay---- ?" If things go well, then I'll marry the Emperor of this country and enjoy heaven, Marianne! "Hehe." Just the thought of it made my heart flutter. It was, of course, an obvious delusion. If I'm succeed in getting rid of Soleia and that iron wall of his. While I was floating alone and cooling down, the conversation continued. "Don't you think we should talk to His Majesty and call for a member of the Imperial Household, Vice Bishop? How about prescribing sleeping medicine for the nightmare?" "I was just thinking about it. I'll speak to His Majesty." The facial expressions of Diego and Marianne, who spoke to each other like that was serious. I closed my mouth quietly. It was true that the nightmare was unsettling. I ended up getting drenched all every morning. I couldn't remember the contents of the dream well, but it was clear that everything was a nightmare. Otherwise, I'll never wake up all drenched like I was in the shower and exhausted every single day! In fact, it wasn't much different than usual, but it seemed my condition was quite serious to others. I don't know if there are one or two. Everyone who saw me said something of a concern, so I didn't know what was really wrong with me at this point.

Chapter 42 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for

In fact, if you think about it, there are certainly more days when it's stretched meaninglessly. It was better to be out there. However, it was hot. I just want to cover myself with a blanket and sleep. -------Isn't this a typical symptom of joblessness? I thought seriously for a moment. Chronic disease, maladjustment of mana, this is just an example of lazybones isn't it? "Let's do some exercise-----." But I already knew a more effective ways than exercise. When I counted the dates, three days have already passed well since the last tea time. I got off from my chair without further thought. I'm looking for a nourishing tonic, or a divine charger that can solve all these minor injuries at once. ******************************************************** And Euredian, who went there, focused on the fact that 'Princess Yereninovica is not feeling well'. "Are you okay?" " ?" After drinking a cup of tea as usual, I was walking for a while when I heard a sudden noise. "What did you say?" " ." The reddish-purple eye was looking at me carefully. If I didn't hear it wrong, I must have looked different in this man's eyes. I tilted my head absent-mindedly. "Now the king says that too-----." I'm not really sick?

Euredian stopped walking and turned me around. The reddish-purple gaze went from my head to toe. "Is there someone else who had said the same thing?" "Yes. People in the Belyik Palace and Diego. Everyone's worries about me these days." "Well, do I look weird somewhere?"

Euredian, who looked at me back and forth, quickly opened his mouth. "You don't look good." "Euhm." "There is no color." "Euuhmmm----." "I would have cleaned up everything that day, I could have suspected." I opened my eyes wide at the last word. "That day? What day?" " The hair is exceptionally smooth." "!" Oh god. That was the most serious problem. I quickly grasped my hair on the two ends of my ponytail that Marianne gave me. Is it loose? If it's not, even if my hair is sloppy, it's really ugly! Euredian grabbed both of my wrists and took them off from my hair. He spoke strictly. "Hair doesn't matter, Princess. Are you eating well? How about sleep?" At that remark, I raised my head immediately. It was a clear concern that he had on a young handsome face.

I grinned and opened my eyes, "Why, are you worried?" "What else do you want to talk about?" "If you're worried, you could give me a hug once." My bright voice gave a smile on Euredian. He let go of my wrist and said, "Ah, you're still alive." Tsk. That's cold. I gave up my expectations and poked Euredian's hand with the tip of my index finger. Even a slightest contact gave me divinity. The corners of his mouth were pulled up unnoticed. I grinned, "Ah, you got me. I was going to try to be more vulnerable." "Don't keep leaking*, Princess. If you're not feeling well, you should speak right away." "I'm fine. Marianne and Diego have already worrying like ten people. Your Majesty doesn't have to do it." I smiled and turned around again. Thanks to the divinity in the body, the steps were light. Half a beat later, Euredian was heard moving along. It was clear that he was sighing.

I quickly changed the subject, "Did you solve the task you were talking about these days?" " I don't know. There are many." "The one from last time, the rat thing?" I looked up at Euredian The term 'rats' came from few days ago when were in alley of Eugel Square. Euredian didn't tell me what he did after taking me to the temple. "You don't have to know." It was the answer today. At first glance, the answer that came back was firm, but I did not give up and dug in persistently.

"I heard there's something that shouldn't be walking around the street without permission. What was it? That transparent stone? What is that?" Was it really Soleia Elard who came after you? The word almost came to the top of my mouth. Should I say it or not? Am I right that Euredian suspects Soleia? His face when he saw Soleia in front of Belyuk Palace that day was absolutely unbelievable, it was not the face for the woman who he think about**. In addition, on the day she stood in front of Belyuk Palace, it was said that Belyuk Palace was searched extensively. Between me and Euredian's absence from the palace. It was clear whose order it was. Then one thing became clear. Euredian Belgoth was wary of Soleia Elard. The question is, how deep is the boundary ? When I looked up at him, Euredian replied reluctantly, "It was just that unlicensed magic items were circulating around the street." "Aha." "Now that we've searched the square and taking action to recover it, we should stop discussing it." " Tsk." The iron walls were piled high without any gaps. This is why I'm going to say something! "Your Majesty, I think it's time you get a little soft. Let's get close. Us. Let's have a deep talk." "Let's get close... " Euredian smiled languidly "This street is good for me and it will be good for you too***." He spoke slowly "I think it would be better if we were closer. Um, like this?" I took a step at him cheaply, aiming for timing. While looking at the shining eyes, like cat in boots. Come on, come on!

There was no room even for a fist. Even the breathing sounds of each other were easy to feel.

Warm spring breeze and fresh garden scent. And a clear, neat scent passed at the tip of my nose. My heart beat pleasantly. " Hoo." Euredian wanted to look cool for a moment and then he sighed. "Yes. Do as you please. How can I stop you?" It was tone that almost seemed to have given up. My heart, which had become soft, burst. It's dry and steamy. I took a step back. "Never mind. I won't." What's the point of wagging my talk? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do whatever you want. I'm building a wall so stick to that attitidue. Euredian looked down at me with his arms crossed. "There's something you don't tell me. Isn't that normal?" "I'm always honest." "Really. Then tell me what kind of accident you had at the temple that day?" "Why were you holding on Schmart so much?" He came a step closer. Just like what I did. Our space soon became closer. I took a short breath. Less than three seconds after I proudly said I was honest, I was speechless. Euredian did not stop there. He bowed slightly and made eye contact with me. The purple eyes were shining more than ever in the afternoon sun. I had my eyes wide open looking at it. The tip of my ears were burning hot. Euredian laughed when I closed my mouth like a clam.

The drowsy eyes drew a slight line. Even thought it was a small change, I couldn't help noticed. The voice that followed was sweet. "You, too, don't want to tell me?" It was a friendly voice, but I didn't know why I was so captivated. You, really have a fatally harmful face. I couldn't be so lucky that my hair was covering my ears. I took a step back while looking away. "It's cheating----." "What?" "So close... to attack with a face." I could hear him chuckling as I mumbled the word while looking away. Euredian once again stepped down. Only then I managed to breathe.

Looking down at me with a look of pity, Euredian said, "It wasn't normal. Is it?" "------ Ugh, really." I wanted to answer something, but I had nothing to say. I glanced at him, hoping I didn't turn red. What, I was the only one conscious. Embarrassingly-----Euredian laughed, "So let's stop talking about that day. I don't think it's a particularly meaningful topic." Why is it meaningless? If you were troubled that day because of Soleia, it's not my business either! However, I endured the urge to confront it. In fact, it was my side that had many secrets. In the first place, I'm not a person of this world. Moreover, there's the story that I can listen to Raulus' voice these days which never been heard. So, is this guy just flirting?

When I frowned, Euredian said strangely. "What you need to pay more attention is the other side." "What is it? "For example. A reply from Lebovny?" Euredian took a white envelope out of his arms and shook it slightly. And as soon as I saw the symbol in the middle of the letter, all my difficulties were temporarily fixed. Yes? Chapter End Notes *t/n: checked with two translation..... but it said the same thing ;-; **basically his expression just not nice toward the person he should be engaged to ***basically "let's just stay like this.. in our own lane"

Chapter 43 Just as I thought, today was not a peaceful day. The stamp in the middle of the white letter was familiar to me. A green cactus with intersecting willow leaves. It was a symbol of Lebovny. My hand already reaching out before I can think about any decision. Reply. This a reply from Lebovny." "Please--------------- !" "Here." Euredian handed me the letter in a gentle manner. As soon as I received the letter, I was surprised by the unexpected weight.

"Read it and tell me if you have any information regarding the Glucaman Agreement. As much as possible." "Yes." That was obvious. I'm grateful that he didn't look into the letter that he's n conflict with. I hurriedly sit in front of the tea table and open the letter. Strangely enough, the envelope was thick, there were number of letters in it, around five or six. I quickly read from the letter from the first page. The letter began with 'beloved Yerenica'. The words were written by my father. The backsliding handwriting filled the letter paper. The more I read the letter, the more and more my expression was distorted. What is this? "Princess?" Euredian called when he saw the distorted look. However, there was no time to answer. The contents of the six-page letter were truly shocking. I lost my words and read the letter again and again stupidly. Most of the letters were worrying about me. How is life and whether the Emperor of the vicious Belgoth is bothering me. Do I feel any pain? But the parts that I was surprised at were not such minor worries. I opened my mouth to the bombs on each page of the letter paper. To sum up the main contents, it was like this. 1. The Glucaman Road negotiations are slowing down.

2. Fernandez had an accident I don't know what this accident means..., well, I believe I know if you don't tell me in detail. I heard that the cat in the bucket first went up there----!

(t/n: what........................................................................................ ?) 3. Tezevia gave birth I should choose what I pay attention the most from these three. Yeah, this, what the hell is going on? I mumbled in daze. "I don't like it..... " "Why? What is it?" A man who knew nothing about me was still waiting. My voice increased without my knowledge. "Everything!" "Everything." I dumbly try to remember today's date. Today, today, so how many days? Today was exactly a month and a half after I came to Belgoth. It was also the day the second week of May had just begun. I read the letter again frantically. I don't need anything. Let's start with number 3. Sister Tezevia gave birth. Brisney was born. The daughter of Tezevia, my niece, and the heroine of . I'm so happy and I should be celebrating. But, I couldn't laugh at all. It's still May. A—Already? Brisney was supposed to be born in June as scheduled, after all sister Tezevia was not kidnapped to Belgoth. Not in May, like now. It only happened in the original story that Brisney born prematurely. In my head, the page of popped up. The original story was already twisted since I was on my way to Belgoth but Brisney was born in May, just like the original?

Why? Tezevia should be in good health without any physical or mental hardship. Why is Brisney already? My spine hardened. I could hear Euredian calling me. "Princess."

He seemed to be talking to me, but I couldn't hear him. I opened my mouth blankly. The eyes were reading the very passage behind it. "Fernandez..." My escort knight, Fernandez Cardier, had an accident. He's having a wedding next month. It's already been three months since the woman he's going to married was pregnant. "This guy really-----." Euredian looked at me with strange eyes. The day when I would normally smile with my eyes closed was not important now. I continued thinking with gloomy feeling. The problem was not that Fernandez belatedly opened his eyes to love. Fernandez Cardier has a baby. The child will be a son with a 100 percent chance. And his name is ALexio Cardier. The male protagonist of . There was a time when Alexio should have been conceived. Yes. Even if it does, that's not the case, but-----Brisney was born weeks earlier, just like the original. Besides, the Glucaman Road hasn't been concluded which I thought would only last at least a month or two. It may not be a coincidence that in the original story, Tezevia was tied to Belgoth for 10 years. I opened my mouth, "..................................... Huh." Don't tell me, the original hasn't changed? I must have been doing something wrong so far. I realized something new.

This world was strictly the world of . No matter how much it was a generation ago, it was a world that was originally arranged for the main characters. The birth of the main character. Growth. Crisis. And finally beautiful ending of the tragic future. That's exactly what doesn't change in this world. The life of the main characters! In other words, the birth of the main character is already scheduled no matter how many crazy things change around you. I've been in such a bad mood that I've become very dejected. In , Yereninovica was a supporting character. It's no a supporting role, but an extra. A heroine's aunt. Extra no. 1.... I mean, this is.... Does that mean I can't change the basic flow of the original work, even if the extras are acting like cancer? "Ah, my head--- --." I groaned as I held to my head. Yeah, well, Brisney and Alexio, they were a couple I was rooting for.

Besides, one if my niece and the other is the only child of my knight. It's their birth. Of course, it is blessed. So now the reason I was so scared was somewhere else. Those two weren't the only two main characters in . There is one more person whom even written in the review, 'The main characters of this novel is three.'. "Deckard----."

"Who is that again?" Euredian frowned and I glanced at him without facing him. Who is Deckard, he is your future son-----Brisney was born just like the original timeline. Alexio will be born before the end of the year. What was left was Deckard. I looked up at the man sitting opposite me. I was reflected in the reddish eyes. Ereducian clicked his tongue briefly. "'It's obvious that you're not feeling well." "That's not the point." My mind went blank. This wasn't the time for me to be so complacent! Although I have prevented Tezevia from suffering, the death of Duke Lebanon, and from the mutilation of Fernandez. But in the end, did I fail to change the flow of the 'main character' after all? If so, Desckard, in the original. "It's important." Euredian leaned over me, saying sharply. A large hand with a clear divinity, touch my forehead. "Do you know what kind of face you have right now?" " I'm in shock." "Why? For what? What does the letter say?" It was an unkind and persistent question, I slowly pulled down his reaching hand on my forehead. My mind was dizzy as a boat swept away by a storm, but my energy was rapidly lifted. I muttered with an odd face, neither smiling nor crying. "My niece was born." "That's something to be pleased about." "I'm glad. I'm glad---- just she was born earlier than scheduled. I'm worried---."

Brisney. My pretty niece. Why did you come out so early----- ! Your aunt is nervous! Fortunately, the letter said that sister Tezevia's condition was not bad. That was a real relied. At least it was clear that she had stepped away from the original route. The problem, the problem! I muttered, feeling a new enlightenment. "I'm back so far----." "What?" This isn't the time now. Yeah. This wasn't the time for me to push and pull with this guy. At this rate, this man will marry Soleia and give birth to Deckard. It's not enough just to suck and pull the power! It wasn't the time to be selfconscious for each angle! "Daddy!" Unconsciously my lips moved. Euredian immediately rubbed his foreahead. "Again, again with that titl--." I didn't mean to say that title. My hand was reaching out and covering his mouth. I could quickly see the question rising in those red eyes. I shouted without breathing. "Please marry me!"

Chapter 44 Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for Until now, If I had thrown pebble to seduce this man, from now it will be a heavy rock thrown at him For a man who boasts a solid iron wall, from now on I throw heavy fastball that breaks all the iron walls! I looked at Euredian with my solemn eyes. Let's do it. With me. Married! And the result was disastrous. Euredian asked in concerned tone, "Princess, are you really in bad condition?" "Maybe I should check Belyuk Palace again." It wasn't the look that took my proposal seriously at all. I was blinded by a sense of bewilderment. So, this, this thing, it's being dumped out of nowhere------------------------------------------ ? I re-opened my mouth in hazy mood, "No. Your Majesty, I'm serious now---." "For now, you'd better go and rest. I'll take you to the palace, so get up now." I opened my mouth without further ado. It was a firm toned that I couldn't dig further. He seemed to be very serious. No, that's not where you're supposed to be serious! But the look on his face was so stern that I couldn't get any closer. Besides, I think it's probable that he was going to dismiss my confession----As I came to my senses, I was already in front of Belyuk Palace. Euredian, really took me to the front of the palace, left with words of "If you're not feeling well, you should call Imperial doctor." I let out a deep sigh, "Wow. This---- --." It's more than just hitting on a plain iron wall. I didn't do that because I was sick. What kind of image that man has of me? At this point, I think I need to

check it. A quiet voice rang in my head. [You're more aggressive than I thought, aren't you?] It was never welcomed. I looked up at the sky fiercely. Raulus, who would be beyond Judetta, was giggling. "Would you please be quiet, seriously? I'm dying od heartbreak." I grumbled dissatisfiedly. I had no regard for you to be sleeping in profanity.

[It's so funny. You're such a cutie.] Raulus couldn't hold back his laughter and spoke again [Because you were so serious, I wondered how human's courtship method changed again.] The remark changed my mind again. I sat on the steps at the entrance of the palace and pondered. Was it too straight forward? Like a runaway train? " No." I shook my head with a bang. I've already known from my experience that He's a man who won't laugh at the slightest poke. I've been around like this all this time and have done nothing, have i? It will be more effective to go straight at him than trying seduce him. What if it's a little low and embarrassing? It's less than a year left before Deckard was conceived in the original work. Then it really means that the marriage between Euredian and Soleia is not far off. With this much influence from me, what happens in the future and how will they both got married?

Of course, I had no intention of sitting idly by whatever happened. Okay. What can you do when you're on fire? I made a firm decision. Now I'm going to throw the rock without mercy------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! "I'll show you what's going on." So alone, I have a burning fighting spirit, then Raulus poured cold water in it. [Is that going to work for that boring guy, crumbs?] And I was depressed again after three seconds making up that solemn decision. The confidence that had been raised has been extinguished again. "Won't it work?" [I don't know.] I could imagine what faceless god's expression is. There was a lot of laughter in the voice that transmitted over. [Wouldn't it depend on what you want to do?] "........ " [Child, do you want to change what I've already set?] Fixed. I nibbled the word in my head. The answer was yes, just like Raulus said, the flow of the original story was already set.. Soleia Elard will teach Deckard black magic. And Deckard will end up killing his father – Euredian.

That was the setting of the original work laid out for Deckard Belgoth. Just because Deckard doesn't meet Brisney, will Soleia not attempt to fulfill her grand dream through his son? It was a mystery. In , Deckard was the Emperor of Belgoth at the tender age of twelve.

Raulus whispers. It was a mocking tone, [Stupid and cute child, that's fate. Fate was created by countless relationships that even I dare not to touch.] " It's disgusting." The remark eventually set me off and I screamed fiercely, "That's what the God of peace and prosperity says? It's a tragic fate that very obvious and you want me to accept it!?" [What would you do if you didn't want to comply?] asked Raulus in a tone that sounded pure at first. [You didn't tell me there were things that I didn't know, things I couldn't touch. How can you do what God can't do?] [Even you have not been granted permission on this land.] I didn't answer. It was not because I was speechless, but because my 'clothes' burst. What Raulus just said sounded like this to me. You can't change the original, 'extra'. Maybe it really is, I'm a stranger who barely lives and breathes in this world. And it's one of the extras. It maybe natural not to be able to change the original story. ------but that's when I was a real Yereninovica. "Don't be ignorant." I snorted. I was Yereninovica, but at the same time I was Seo Eun-Seo. I read the original book, until it was done. The only human being of this world who know what will happen in the future. And perhaps more than the gods beyond Judetta, a man who knows better than this 'fate and destiny' thing. "Because I know more than you think." It's a crime to ignore the tragedy that would come. There was no intention of letting Euredian Belgoth face a tragic death. Besides, you never know.

The day I took my own safety it will bring typhoon. [What are you going to do?] Raulus asked as if he was really curious. "Your distant successor, I'm going to eat you up." It was a heartfelt answer. I'm going to intercept Soleia before she puts it on Euredian. He said, 'There is no tree that can't be taken by 10 times'. Even if it's a high thick old tree, wouldn't

it fall if you took it a thousand times? There was no answer from Raulus. There was an embarrassing silence. However, I didn't wait for his answer. I got up from the stairs, patted the hem of my dress and spoke carelessly. "Don't talk to me if you don't want to help." Like an insubstantial voice that makes your head hurt, it's just a nuisance! I climbed the stairs, thinking unevenly. I don't know why he keep talking to me in the first place. Entering the room, Marianne, who was arranging the tables, greeted me. "You've come back, Princess? Are you feeling better?" [Child. Cute little child.] [I can't intervene directly on earthly affaits. That's taboo between Judetta and Lemordi.] "You still don't look well----." [But you're not even Fang's child anyway, are you? Can I help you?] "Really?"

The words instantly widened my eyes to the point where it was light. Marie replied in bewilderment, "Yes, Princess. You look so pale." "Huh? No. No Marie----." "?" I ran straight to bed, turning away from Marie, who tilted her head. The blanket was turned over my head so that the sound could not be heard from outside. "Are you going to help me? Really?" [I don't say things just for the sake of it*] When I asked breathlessly, the answer came back immediately. "Why so suddenly?" I asked nervously. [Didn't you tell me not to talk you if I'm not going to help?] " Just because of that?] [I'm pretty excited to see you. It's cute crumbs] I don't think it's a compliment, I frowned a little but then again. Well, isn't it good like this? After getting the priest, I really embraced the god beyond Judetta. I don't when and how Raulus will help, but it still something. You're a god by name's God!** I shouted in my heard. Forget what I said about you not talking to me. Forget it!

The voice of Raulus hit my head again, [Okay. You really going to eat that child, right?] Nodding. I nodded fiercely. [I can tell you where he is and whaat he's doing, as long as I doesn't interfere with the rules of the earth. Because he is the most similar child to me on the ground.]

"I respect you, Mr. Raulus. Please forgive me for my rudeness." [Damn, it's sound crumbly even if you put your heart into those words.] "Tsk. I'm serious." It's real. My eyes lit up and my fighting spirit strengthened. The dead confidence rose again. It was a God-given seduction operation. This is the original! I reclined and raised myself. Then someone called me in strange voice. "Princess---?" "Yes!" I grinned and turned my head toward Mary. I heard a snort laugh from Raulus. [Yes. Take a look at it. The most powerful divinity on earth.] Chapter End Notes *t/n: I change the literal translation so it will be more understandable. **think this one is another typical word or phrase in korea Anyway, 'eat' that Raulus and Yenni used mean for Eru but not in literal... I was so confused for a while.. Raulus and Yenni are so funny... they can be a comedic duo..

Chapter 45 Chapter Notes #Translated by InMarch And from the next day, my main intense suitor began. The information that Raulus gives us has been sold and sold it. It was a little arbitrary when you talked to me. Just a brief list of where and what Euredian is doing.

There was nothing rough about it after finding out which floor Euredian's office was on which side of the Emperor's palace. It was the third floor I looked up at the middle window of third floor. A window is wide open. I could see the purple curtain swaying in the wind It's a bit high, but if I shout loudly, you won't be able to hear the sound. I'm took a deep breath once. The way to get Euredian Belgoth to look out the window right away was simple. I strained my stomach and shouted loudly. "Daaaddddy!" The effect was immediate. I found a glimmer of silver near the window and smiled broadly. I knew it. It's easy to understand...! ********************************************************** It was quite a quiet day. A day no different from Euredian's usual routine. On a day when things have been annoying but not as busy to die! In fact, his daily routine was no different from the Princess of Lebovny. A woman who spends every minute of her daily life on a whim. Of course, considering the fact that he was the one who kidnapped her, Euredian had decided on his own life's destroyer. But the habit that he had didn't go anywhere. The days when he didn't see Princess Lebovny, he was as calm as he had been throughout his 26-year life. On the surface, it was. He wasn't the type to show his feelings.

There was actually a lot of work to be done. There were many troublesome things. It's been the whole month. The days when he had dealt with one thing, the other one, the other one, keeps popping out. And more essentially, regular, hard days, like uninterrupted clockwork. The days when is overwhelmed by the suffering, surrounded by chains that intertwined with him. Although he loved languid peace and quiet, he did not enjoy them in isolation. Especially these days. What was urgent was the signing of the Glucaman Tripartite Agreement. When the story with Lebovny was finished without difficulty, Azekien, who had been in the back all along, was making trouble. In the first place, the Glucaman Agreement was a three-nation agreement signed by Western Azekien, Central Lebovny and Eastern Belgoth. He didn't expect Azkien, the origin of mana stone, would not stand still, but he wouldn't say he'd raise mana stone's fee significantly. He didn't know what to expect. It was an unacceptable condition for Belgoth. It was obvious that he was trying to bury himself in the toll negotiations with Lebovny. The negotiations could not help but slow down because they were struggling with ridiculous conditions. Increasing tolls and increasing the price of mana stone itself were two different dimensions. In addition, Azekien's side had detected circumstantial evidence that he was trying to reach out to Lebovny. The negotiatons with Lebovny are over now.It's over with the seal. " These things." Euredian stiffened his face at the sudden irritation. What do you think Belgoth is? Since the time when the Princess was kidnapped by surprise attack on Lebovny, the title of "Riger Plain and Alliance Guard" has already cracked.

Since it's like this, shall we let Azekien eat it up? Euredian slanted the corners of his mouth at the charming choice. He was patient. In general, he was loose and relaxed in everything. It aims for peace and harmony rather than division and struggle. But on a day when that ironclad patience is broken. On a day when the chains surrounding him breathe above the limit Every country in Liger will know that the Lebovny's raid was nothing more than a child's play. " Hoo. " Maybe they're being cocky because they don't know it. Euredian sighed. Of course, I really didn't mean to wipe out Lebovny and Azekien. His patience was still strong. Yet I don't want to go to extremes. Even in the eyes of Princess Lebovny.

Euredian thought to a woman who gave birth to his generosity that had not been there. It was also close to an off-the-day routine. When did this happen? knock, knock He heard a knock. The thought was cut off there. Euredian straightened his body, leaning obliquely against the chair. "Come in." It was Felix, the aide. Holding heavy old books full in his arms, he bent his waist dimly. "Owner's books, here they are." "Here it is." "Yes, Your Majesty."

Felix asked cautiously, laying down the old books that were thick on the desk in the Oval Office. "But why do these books suddenly............................................ ?" Euredian did not answer. The reddish coloured eyes swept along the books were piled up one after another. [Boundary of the World: Judetta and Lemordi] [About the Darkness and its match.] [Chaos of the Continent, Age of the Dead] There was something else on that bothered him the whole time. Soleia Elard. Somehow the power of the tower is silent. "....." That day, the day we sealed the entire Eugel Square and mobilized the masts of the Tower to scour the square. In the square, dark stones was found. Four that he destoryed. A thing that the Princess almost touched it. There are four other hidden things in the square. A transparent masonry in which a black vortex circled. "The barrier is correct." That's all Chernata Rossell, the owner of the tower said. "It's the tower's fault. It's not something you should go around the market with. I will do my best to handle it." The criminal who carried the stones was found to be a young apprentice to the tower. Rossell pulled the thing from hiding in the corner of the square and pushed him to his knees in

front of him. "Your Majesty. Give me one more chance!" The culprit cried and prayed to Euredian. He thought about kicking him out of the tower right away, but he was stopped. A young apprentice is a rare wizard. How much has it cost to train wizards so far? Euredian squeezed out all the last remaining patience and gave the apprentice last change In addition, there is no problem with Belyuk Palace. It wasn't Soleia Elard who had been sprinkling magic stones in the Eugel Square, nor was it even harming Belyuk Palace So all the suspicions are gone? It never was. If it had happened, it had deepened, not just suspicion that it would be resolved. Why was Soleia Elard in front of Belyuk Palace that day? Can a woman who had turned ferocious just by passing by his grain tolerates the Princess of Lebovny, whom he treated with astonishing generosity? The fact that Yerenonivica, which has been brisk lately, has lost its vitality has also fanned his suspicions. However, even though she was sitting behind the Belyuk Palace again without the Princess knowing, there was nothing he found. It's normal when something comes out, but there's nothing strangely enough, which is why suspicions are mounting. Soleia Elard. I can't believe you're too clean in the back even though you're full of suspicious looks. Euredian thought he knew quite well about her ulterior motives. She's trying to be empress and secure the autonomy of the tower. To be a tower's owner by itself, not a tower of Belgoth.

Therefore, it was in line with Euredian, who wanted to put the tower under the imperial family's control through marriage. The invisible tug-of-war between them resulted from the very mismatch of interest. " " So far, that's what I thought. But lately, the idea has cracked. Maybe that's not what Soleie Elrard wants. "......." A black vortex whirling around in a clear crystal flashed through his mind. At the same time, the voice of Yerennovica was clearly heard. "It pulled me in. Silence. Just like... like it wants me to hold it........ "

It pulled me. Thick. Thick. Long forefinger dabbed the table steadily. Do you have any magic to dazzle people? "There is no such magic. Your Majesty" Chernata Roeul when asked like that, the owner of the magic tower replied "There is no magic to penetrate the human mind. It's something that even this old man can't do." Even that word is suspicious. Euredian frowned. Then he had to doubt the whole tower. That's a long way to go. The Tower of Belgoth's Imperial family is rooted in an unpermitted word..... " No way." Euredian grinned. It was a near suspicion. Rather than running out of energy without meaning, he should just ignore the Princess' words.

He can't believe a mana stone, a mere stone that has mana, attracts people. It's a rambling theory. " " If it were in normal condition, he would have let it pass. Even if it didn't bother him, she had seemed unsually pale these days. Euredian smiled once more. How long has it been like this? Since when did her start to see Princess Lebovny...... And the next moment, a clear voice came through the open window. "Dadddddy!" "?" It was a gale-like cry that blew away all his thoughts and worries. It was a wonderful timing. "What " Euredian looked down the window reflexively. There was a flutter of light pink hair down there. "Wow. As expected, one shot succeeded!" Yerennovica looked up at him and bent her eyes beautifully. Her small hands were fluttering as if she was asking him to come down. As usual, it was an irresistible look. "Daddy~" Euredian rubbed his temple.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch #Translated by InMarch See the end of the chapter for more "Father." His eyebrows are all curled up. That sound again. It was the name that very obnoxious to hear. "Father?" "Hmph." A glimmer of relief passed over the sky-blue eyes. Yerennovica quickly changed her words. "Eh. Not that, Your Majesty." "......." Then she smiled and looked at him as if she's embarrassed. Euredian did not reply. He had no intention of being generous with the weird title. The Princess, who was slightly wary, seemed to have read that he had no intention of answering. A bright smile immediately came to mind on a small, dense pretty face. His gentle eyes curled back and forth. It was such a lovely expression that his gaze was tied. The corners of his mouth were loosened as he couldn't help it.

"....." But Euredian quickly hardened his face in a wave of unrest. When the Princess smiled especially beautifully, unexpected remarks and actions followed. Euredian eyes narrowed and looked down at the princess. What is she going to say? The anxious foreboding hit the mark. Yes, Yerennovica shouted brightly and bravely. "Please marry me!" It was difficult for Euredian to keep his words in motionless. He was momentarily speechless and hardened.

The Princess came to a step closer after she happily threw a bomb statement. The paired pale, sky- blue eyes were transparently. He looked as if he couldn't cool it down. Euredian couldn't even back down and glanced down at her half-heartedly. He faced the answer with glistering eyes and opened his mouth. "...... Princess. " Sparkling. Sparkling. A blue-eyed eyes full of anticipation was looking up at him. 'If you don't answer me right away, I think I'll be a terrible loner.' "......" But Euredian remembered just a few days ago that the Princess had said the same line. So this is the second time. This proposal without a grain or substance. Euredian opened his mouth like a sigh. "I wasn't kidnapping that to marry you." "I know that."

"But why?" And Euredian was really curious. What the hell is this little Princess thinking? Yereninovica thought for a moment about something and soon opened her mouth. "I love you a lot. From the first moment, I saw you................................................... "" The gentle eyes folded again. It was so sweet that enough to let it go. If it weren't for the look of the last moment. He could feel a little twisted in my judgment. Unconsciously, a hard word popped out. "I don't love the princess." Yerennovica opened her eyes round. *ddyong*. He think the sound effect is actually audible. He was strangely satisfied with the appearance of embarrassment. "You know, I have a fiancée." It was sheer meanness to say that. Then Yereninovica was stabbed by the word with smiling face. "You don't have a fiancée." "Well then, shall I correct myself as a future engaged person?" What kind of engagement do you have. He doesn't know when she's going to put aa knife on him. Euredian laughed to himself. Of course, the Princess in front of him would have no idea what he

was thinking Yerennovica asked, gritting her teeth slightly. "Yes, let's just say we don't know the future. Does your Majesty love Lady Elard?" "I can't say that, but..."

The remark gave her another big smile. "I'm trying my best to love her, don't I?" "...... " I see you're not joking at this point. Euredian looked down at her with slightly mixed eyes. I don't think you're joking, but I don't know if you're serious. He cut his heart out of words. "Why should I give you a chance?" "Because I like you.................................. ?" However, it was an uncertain tone. I saw sin in his eyes, so Euredian drew up the corners of his mouth. I didn't feel particularly pleasant. I could see the look on his face. Then he quickly looked like he was in trouble. With such a face, she spoke out, "If you marry me, there will be a lot more to gain than marrying Lady Elard!" "For example?" "I do own a western granary. Well, you know. The west of Lebovny is blessed by the Goddess." "If it's a blessed land, we have plenty of those in Belgoth." "He, and! I'm the remaining princess of Lebovny. So maybe my father will take care of the big dowry. The amount is too high to refuse................................................ " "Is the Princess of Lebovny concerned about Belgoth's treasury?" The princess, who pointed out the blind spots one by one, was getting mad. A beautiful face frowned. But of course, she wasn't the one who would come in whining from there. "If you marry me, my father will open up Gluckman Road immediately!" Euredian answered with folded arms.

"Even if I didn't marry the Princess, he's going to open it soon. Gluckman Road." Perhaps?

Euredian gulped down. In fact, he answered roughly but was lost in entirely different thoughts. Why does this strange hotness remains me like a remnant? The princess glared at him but soon opened her mouth again. "Am I not pretty?" At first glance, it was a question that was even asked to the wholeheartedly. And that bold remark brought him down again from the thought. Eventually, his mouth was loosened. I can't believe that's what you're trying to say. But his accident was still a little bumpy. I didn't want to give you the answer I wanted. It is a strange and meaningless trick. Euredian thought so and shrugged his shoulders. "Well. I don't know." "......" "Ah. Will you be angry if I answer like this? Lebovny's Princess is like a sharp-tongue cat.." " " And Yereninovica now had a sulky face. At first glance, the plan had failed, so Euredian looked pleasant and a little bit bitter at the same time. Lebovny's Princess must have known that her harmless kitten-like is a weapon and wield it. I don't even know how destructive it is. He doen't even know how much it's squeezing into his everyday life and opening the gap. Are you going to break the half-open door, this woman? Euredian grinned.

It was a big problem because he wanted to keep bowing and matching. Of course, these thoughts came out differently, even in the seemingly empty proposal. "I've never had a proposal like this before, so it's fresh, but I'd like you to know for sure that I don't want to marry you. I don't want a marriage without love." Who the hell are you asking, with what mind, what do you want me to know? "Huh." And Yereninovica snorted. She didn't seem to believe it. Well, it's not as credible as I think it is. Euredian dropped a little bigger bomb this time. "I'm in the middle of trying to love her."

"What?" And hit the mark. A quick reaction came back. He was strangely satisfied with the way she opened my eyes and growled. Looking at this, he might actually be the one who's the biggest problem. It wasn't until Euredian knew what all these extraordinary things meant. I love listening to your voice, and I want to give you whatever you want in your arms. If you just think. It was a clear evidence by all accounts that his mind was leaning towards her. I don't know if it stops there. The corners of his mouth are all slanted up. At first glance, it was a smile mixed with a self-helpful smile. So, when that tall, solid wall collapses, what happens next? "........"

Once you have a fresh breath of air, there is something you realize How frustrating and turbid the air in his world, which he thought was familiar. But if he can't let go of his word, he'd better not even reach out in the first place. Although it is difficult for the cloudy to become clear, is it easy for the clear to become cloudy? So even now, he was fully satisfied. Above all, in the first place, Yereninovica was not physically able to stay in Belgoth for a long time. Euredian slowly opened his mouth again. " you will be sent back as soon as the King of Lebovny opens the Gluckman road." "......!" Yereninovica's face quickly crumpled. It was an abominable day as if she was going to pour out curses right away. Euredian turned around with a slight smile. The words that he just said are still on the opposite side. Until now. Chapter End Notes t/n (mattomatoki)------ whew Euredian is ruthless. He is trying to stay in his line but at the same time he is teasing her but at the same time he is being mean...

Chapter 47 Chapter Notes

#Translate by InMarch *** So my first proper attempt failed. More disastrous than I thought. I remained alone in the garden and only stamped my innocent feet. "What the hell are you thinking, that guy!" The more I thought about the conversation, the more I could see. I didn't know that it would be said that he would love Soleia. Aren't you supposed to be on the lookout for Soleia? I felt depressed again. "You don't mean it....... " I didn't expect to be eaten in one cue in the first place, but................................................................................................... How much do you have in mind that you would love another woman like that? ".. No." I shook my head to shake off the dark thoughts. I was prepared to get dumped anyway, wasn't I? You can't slow down here! For a moment the fighting spirit, which seemed to fade for a while, flared up again. I clenched my fist. And Marianne was upset, when she saw me making a reckless thing right next to her. "Princess! What are you thinking?" Marianne grabbed me all the way back to Bellyuk Palace and gave me a startling lecture. "Ahahaha " "Oh, my God, I didn't expect you to feel that way. Still........ ! How can a royal family in another country do it without hesitation?" "I don't care if it's royal or "

"You can't lose your face, no matter how you do it!" Even with the fact that I'm already scolded by my maid Marianne, and I'm losing my dignity.

I just smiled as pretty as I could. "Marie, I'm fine. It's all right!" "First of all, what if this happen is all heard by Lady Elard?" But this seemed to be what Marianne was most worried about. Lady Soleia Ellard. Marianne muttered as if the word had fallen. "While rumours are already spreading in social circles..." "Oh, good news!" "No!" In contrast to my face in full bloom, Marianne's complexion was whiter than the paper sheet. "It's because the princess doesn't know. How scary Lady Elard is." "Well... I know." No one knows Soleria fear better than I do. I patted Marianne on the shoulder, as a sign not to be furious. "But I can't wait any longer. I'm afraid of Lady Ellard, but I'm more afraid of His Majesty marry her." "Princess..." Marianne still had a look of passion. I was enchanted with curiosity. "Don't worry, Marie! If things go wrong, Raulus will take care of me." [When did I ever say that?] "Ah-ha-ha. It's noisy. Don't say anything in that one mouth."'

The last word almost threatening. Anyway, there's something about losing seconds. I turned my back away from Marianne who had puzzled face and whispered. "You said you'd be help. You're not going to just watch me being dragged to hell, are you? [I told you I can't interfere with the world of humanity, you, crumbs. Especially with the mana] " " [You have to find your own way to lilve] Ha-ha-ha. Have you seen all these insecure backs? I managed to draw the trembling corners of my mouth. Raoulus added. [If you don't, please go to the temple. A holy place where the things you fear cannot invade.] " that's a good way – that's a way."

I sighed in the end. It was a very impractical method unless it had the ability to teleport from the palace to the temple. After all, I really have to find my way to live. Even though it was a fact of course, I felt very depressed. I didn't have a power to protect myself. You're such a snob. You're not supposed to be quiet..... So I had no choice but to avoid Soleia, unless I want to die. Since Solia can't go in and out of the palace, wouldn't there be a chance of winning anyway? But God, at least Raulus was not on my side. " Huft." It hasn't even been three days since I thought so, don't give up with Lady Ellard.

******************************************************* Come to think of it, I had a bad day. It was now routine to wake up at dawn soaked in cold sweat. It was also a matter that lasted for almost two weeks, as the sweat cooled down and the body temperature fell, holding the blanket, shivering, and barely pouring hot water in the bathroom. To think about the cause, it was because the dream was scary. What was dream all about? Now it was bothersome to search my memory. The herbs Marriane used were of little help. "Is your mana stuck ?" How else would you describe this strange symptom? It was a bit serious to dismiss it as a mere nightmare. But I was too sober to think that I had any disease. It's a stretch. It happens all the time, so even if you lose out of the field, you're too good to be a sick person's spirit. In addition, when I received medical treatment from the imperial doctor, only the answer was that I was clean. Indeed, everything else was normal except for the symptoms suffered as a mana amulet respondent. So it was just a repeat of a bad morning. But the reason why the day was so unusual was that it was especially lethargic and the sky was dark as if it was going to rain right away. And in the garden in front of Bellyuk Palace, I found a flower that die. Lastly, it was because it was the day when Euredian left the Imperial Palace for a while. "Ahahaha... " On days like that, you'll just be stuck in the palace. What did he do for a walk? I laughed awkwardly at the cold, hard black eyes. " Hello."

Soleia Elard. A beautiful woman who tied her coveted reddish-brown hair raised high in one, did not immediately answer my greeting. The cold and inorganic gaze ran all over me.

I stood on edge at the rough gaze. It was my second time facing her directly. "....... " It was natural that the nightmare of the first meeting came to mind. The sensation of cold wet hands' touches that had been forgotten for some time slowly returning. In front of a predator, I was only a prey. It was sheer misgivings that did not scream or flop down here. But I thought I'd run away if I just kept looking at her like this, so I said anything for now. "The weather is very nice." "....." "T-The sky is clear." It was a joke. Dark clouds were thick and the sky was never clear even when I looked at it with my eyes wide open. Damn it. Yerenica. Seo Eun-seo. Calm down. Here. Calm....... The beauty's red lips, which had been tearing me apart for a long time, slowly opened. "Yes, it's a fine day." "Aha, ha." "I like days like this. I guess you do, too." "Yes, yes. I don't know what a good day is, but a rainy day...It's......................................................................................................... " Is this the Great One?

I keep my mouth shut with tears in my eyes. The whole body was burning with aches. Soleia Elard smiled thickly. Somehow it was a seductive smile. "You don't look well." " I hear that a lot." I just said anything. I couldn't tell if this was the right answer. I'm trying to calm down. Strangely, the meeting didn't go well. I took a step without realizing it. Toward Soleia. It was a magic. I don't think I can run right now, so why would I...... Soleia grinned. White teeth crept through the red lips. "You must be having trouble sleeping." "......." A question came to my mind, which had been hardened in the light. How does she know that I can't sleep?

Soleia's words did not end there. Soleaia leaned over to me as if she were telling an invincible secret. It was like I was looking down on me because I was smaller than her. A seductive whisper flashed through my ear. "Still, you're stuck with ghosts, aren't you?" And that awakened my mind. My head rolled over, and I remembered my first encounter with Soleila. "I don't know who you are, but you must have been possessed by a spirit." Yeah. At that time, this woman said something similar. The criminal is the state he was. " "

So it's this woman who's been having causing my nightmares lately? I felt dizzy as if had been knocked down with a hammer-------- At the same time, I knew instinctively. You can't make it obvious. I managed to raise the corners of my mouth and gave a stiff smile. "A ghost. I don't know what you mean." Fortunately, there was a moderately vague and naive voice coming from my throat. The heart was beating too fast. I don't know anything. I don't know anything. I don't know that this woman in front of me is a dark wizard. If Soleia ever finds out that I know who she is....... Then that would really be the day I was dragged to hell alive. I managed to smile brightly. "My dreams have been a little rough lately! How do you know that, wow. It's amazing." " " "I heard you're a very strong wizard, and you're amazing." Awesome! I raised my thumb with all my might. Please, look like a silly princess who knows nothing. please! There was a moment of silence. The body-like back of the dog seemed to respond to the presence of Soleia My legs continued to loosen. Intangible energy stung horribly. Soleia, who looked down at me for a moment, smiled smoothly. " you look fine."

Chapter 48

Chapter Notes #Translated by InMarch See the end of the chapter for more "Ahaha. Of course." Somehow I had a smile. The poking sensation was getting stronger and stronger. I got goose bumps from fingertips to the top of my head. The body was agitated as if it were not mine. Just like being dragged to the opposite poles of magnet-----. Suddenly, there was a question that crossed my mind. " ." This, I'm sure I've felt----Somewhere, there was a sound of something hard hitting each other. But it was a moment. Soleia slowly straightened her body that was leaned toward me. The smell of dark perfume faded away. At first glance, it was a picturesque smile accompanied with friendly greeting. "I wish you good health all the time." " ." What kind of words of blessing do you have? I couldn't move a muscle and managed to smile. My inside turned black and was about to collapse. Please, please just go ! And somehow my earnest wish came true. Soleia gently dropped her long eyelashes. "Then." Even though it was a light greeting, the force was enormous. Soleia didn't seem to want to receive my reply.

Srrk. The black dress brushed past my light dress. " " I dared not to look back until the aches of the whole body are completely gone. "Oh, my god.!"

And it wasn't until the tingling was gone that I sank into my seat. The breath I had endured was gone. "Wow, really---- " The shrivelled lungs were rapidly filled with air. I took a breath, taking my breath away from my chest. Perhaps he was looking down at all this that Raulus' voice rang in my head. [You should take care of yourself.] " ." I know. I nodded blankly. It was a misjudgement that Soleia was never able to reach the palace and would be safe. *********************************************************** Perhaps, I had been caught in her snare quite a while ago. Soleia was walking in the palace. Every time she stepped on, the ground vibrated finely. Down below, the ghosts of the underworld glued under her feet like they were attracted to a magnet. Tuk tuk tuk. The ground moved up and down as she moved slowly, regardless where she was. " " There was no expression on the beautiful and seductive face. But that's for a while. The red lips are open.

"Unexpected." It was a little solitary talk. Black eyes, like a black gemstone, turned to a white onion-shaped palace far away. I'm sure by now. Soleia murmured, "I thought it was almost all withered------- --." It looks as if it's going to fall down as soon as you tap it, but it's doing well in an unexpected place. 'The Nightmare' was Soleia's talent. Psychological black magic, which has never failed before. Every human being has at least one dark side. 'Nightmare' was a magic that gnawed at the spirit of the living by blowing the most miserable and darkest memories tens of thousands of times. He who is devoured by nightmares walks himself to hell. Without a trace. Like it never existed.

The use of mana was extremely low compared to its effect. It was a characteristic of spiritual magic. So she thought it would be a perfect way to slowly wither the Princess, who was maladjusted with mana. Soleia tilted her head slightly, "That's strange." That mana-sensitive body must have reached its limit. But the spirit that should have been ruined is fine. Maybe she's stronger than she thought. That could be true. But it's still a human spirit. Soleia murmured as she hummed quietly, "Shall we increase the strength a little more." How long does that crack glass-like body last? There is a lovely aspect of what you do with your face, so it's not bad to wash it finely and collect it*.

Maybe it'll be a good deal to have an Emperor in her hands. Then the way to her final goal would be easy**. Ah, but no matter how you give your heart, are you willing to die? A small giggle leaked out of the red lips. " That's good." Either way, it was so sweet just imagining it. Soleia lowered her eyes and it turned darker and darker. The dreadful scent of poisonous smell winded in the air. For a long time. ********************************************************** I don't know why I came back to the palace. I managed to get hold of the pillar at the entrance to Belyuk Palace. My legs were shaking and I was relieved at one. I flopped down the stairs at the entrance to the palace. "Ugh--- --." My fingertips trembled. The beautiful face that drove a man into a prisoner of war still stood before my eyes. I felt it all over again. "Wow. I'm really, really scared----- --." She didn't use black magic as much as last time, but I felt a lot of pressure. Is that so? If you're a woman who dares to cross over Judetta, then you will give off that much presence ! In the meantime, I'm so proud that she didn't show who she really si! "Ahhhhh!" No, that isn't important.

I tore my head off like crazy. The light pink hair that had been combed well got tangled up in a mess. Of course, I didn't care about anything else. My head turned around and remembered a short conversation with Soleia. "You must be having trouble sleeping." " ." I can't even remember the nightmare of the dawn. I gasped out my breath. Since when? Since the first meeting? Or since the day Soleia was standing in front of the Belyuk Palace? The idea soon leant to the latter. Because it was exactly that night that I had nightmares. So you're saying that Soleia did something to the Belyuk Palace that day. "What the hell did you do----- --." There was still a hot prick at the fingertips. I gathered my fingertips together and held them. Ah, this feeling. A poking sensation even though I didn't touch it, I feel like I'm being pulled in. I'm sure there's somewhere----" !" The clear crystal that was spinning with the black vortex suddenly come to mind. "Ah." A short gasp broke out. Right. It was similar to the feeling at that moment. Magic beads that attracts people. The feeling of almost touching it and ! As soon as I realized it, I felt as if I were about to faint.

Why, why I didn't know? Why couldn't think of it right away? That Deckard's organ was black magic that deceived the living! Where could he have gotten it? It was only then that everything clicked clearly. It was clear that the magic bead was a black magic-trapped inside. The only thing that could attract me to that thing was black magic. If that time, Euredian was not around. If I had touched that stone. Chill ran along my spine. "Ugh --." It is not a problem to be kidnapped surrounded by a stone, but the body must have been destroyed by black magic as soon as I touched it.

A burn on the finger? That's funny! Besides, the fact that I've been in a bad condition these days, and that people around me have been feeling strange----"Crazy." I got up right away. There was only one conclusion that could be reached. Soleia Elaard casted a black magic spell on Belyuk Palace! Realizing the conclusion, the evidence poured out in flurry. Right. The body, which was enough by holding Euredian's hand once every three days, couldn't have deteriorated so suddenly. My body, it's still functioning, right? As soon as I came back to the room, I clung to the mirror. "Marie, how are my limbs?' "What?"

"Maybe I don't have one toe, or I have aa lump somewhere------ --." "Princess--- --." "Would you take a break and check my back?" When Marianne saw me groping my body like I was crazy, she cried, "Princess---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh my god, how hard it must be--- --." Marie seemed to be having a big misunderstanding. Eventually, tears fell in Marie's pure eyes. "Just hang on a little more---- Ugh, that Glucaman, to our fragile little Princess----." "Huh," And I felt like I was about to doze off. It's me who wants to cry, Marie! I'm not kidding. One day, if I die suddenly. It has not gone bad. No, I didn't know whether my body was already dying somewhere. It looks fine on the outside, but if you fil it inside out, you'll know where it's going to rot black! [However, trivial I've said it, but I never thought it was so trivial------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ] Raulus mumbled with a serious voice. [Well, it's a land that you weren't even allowed in the first place. Think that future is a little early anyway.] "It's comforting now---."

I clenched my teeth and glared as if to kill the ceiling. You don't really call that a good condition.

[Child, do you want to live in this land?] Raulus asked as if he were very curious. It was a tone that seemed to be tilting his head. "Then perhaps I want to die!" I growled. [You don't mean that, crumbs.] A very pathetic voice came back. [I don't know you're from another world. Do you have any intention of going back to your original land?] "My original world?" Chapter End Notes *t/n: think this is another Korean phrase. **Soleia is thinking to use Yenni's body to make a deal with the emperor

Chapter 49 Chapter Notes #Translated by InMarch See the end of the chapter for more It was a piece pf crap. Is he asking me if I want to go back to the land where Seo Eun-Seo used to live? Sand it didn't exist in my options. I answered in melancholy. "Well, when I get back, I'll be more insignificant that I am now----." Death by nearly 90% probability. And the liver, a plant with a probability of 9%. And the probability of the remaining 1% was crippled. Seo Eun-Seo's body is----.

The bus was in total reverse rollover accident. Besides, the head part was crashed---------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's impossible to hope that Seo Eun-Seo's body is alive. It was a miracle that I opened my eyes in the book with a narrow escape. I shook my head with a limp, "I don't know how to go back, and even if I do, I'll be dead." "I'm still breathing right now----." [Then that's it child.] Raulus cut off my words. [Then you, will you be my priest?] Priest-- ? It was an open-eyed, open-eared proposal. I jerked my head up and looked up at the ceiling. Raulus continued to speak. [I've been watching you all along, crumbs. The body you're wearing now must be the one I blessed.] "It's a bapitzed body----." [Yes, so it's your soul that didn't get permission.] That's what I knew. Isn't that why I became maladjusted to mana? [I wish I could bless your sould and give you a "permission", but you are not a child of the world I have jurisdiction over.] " ."' But if I take you as my priest, you will be empowered to take over me on earth.] I heard Raulus' voice with my mouth wide open. In quick glance, Raulus concludes his words with

clear voice, [Then wouldn't you at least have a small pebble in your crumbs?*] "Whoa." In other words, I wasn't allowed in the earth, but I could at least give myself a divine energy enough to take care of myself. It's not consumable way to charge every time a divinity falls, but in a much more thinly effective way. "I'll do it!" I jumped up from my seat pushing the mirror. "I'll do it right away. Priest. Let me do it!" [But there's a problem, child.] Raulus smiled brightly. [If you want to be a priest, I have to be on earth.] "Pardon?" [It's only once every 10 years that I can get to the ground.] What? 10 years? 10 years? This time I've about to faint right away. The sound of quack popped out. "I can't live more than five years! What do you mean 10 years!" "Pr---Princess-----." When I heard the squeal, Marianne, who was watching me, ran out of the room with tears. I stopped screaming and looked around with a stupid face. The ladies-inwaiting, who were waiting outside the door, were seen swallowing these tears as if they were one. "Princess-----." " ." I laughed belatedly and awkwardly, but the only thing that came back was the eyes of sadness.

********************************************************** I touched the middle of my forehead. So in a word, Raulus' proposal was pie in the sky. I couldn't put it into action right now, so I had no hope of future. Lastly, it was when Euredian rose to the throne that Raulus came to the ground. That's five year's ago, so if it's really only ten years, it's the next five years. It means I have to wait.

I only sighed, strewn like a sucker on the fence in front of Belyuk Palace. "What's the use of 10 or 5 years in the midst of today and tomorrow--------------------------------------------- --." The mood was rapidly drive into the negative side of the road. I don't even know what kind of black magic that hanging around on this Belyuk Palace right now. If I become a priest in five years, I can get out of this! What does it mean if it is not check? " ." In the end, the idea cam back to square one. To my Belyuk Palace which was still being covered in black magic, and to me who was clearly in a bad condition. Should I ask him to change the palace? I looked at the white onion-shaped palace with a tearful look. I felt my skin tingling again. It is hard to tell whether it is real or just a simple illusion. If Euredian were in the palace, I would go and call him to the main gate right away, but he's not here today.

No luck, no luck........ I let out a sigh. I didn't know why the ground hadn't gone out yet when I breathed so much. The wildflowers that have fallen under that fence are no different. A sad murmur popped out. "You and I are going to wither like this in this flowering spring, really." From the dead wildflowers of the black, of course, there was no answer. Ugh. I'm sad. Moreover, I felt my stomach ache because I felt the chilling sensation of poking my body was getting worse. My arms and legs were strangely numb. " Ugh". I poured water on the dead flower, collecting my life and the life of the wildflower. I couldn't cry. It was because Marianne didn't listen to me halfway with a sad face. "Hold a cold, Princess. You're already vulnerable " "Ah ha ha " I had to finally drag myself back into Belyuk Palace. It couldn't be halfbaked, because if I heard that I had a real cold, I felt like I was going to leave the world immediately. "I'll turn off the lights." Instead, I dissuaded Marianne from going out with the candles out. I didn't have the slightest intention of falling asleep like this. I didn't want to have it again since I knew it was Soleia's fault, which I couldn't even remember. I'm hard on myself. "I can't sleep."

If I fall asleep, I'll taste hell.

With a strong expression of determination, I kicked up a soft blanket and sat down at the table. The candle that Marie lit on fire also caught fire. Let's not to sleep somehow until tomorrow! And as soon as the day comes, I'm going to play SOS in front of the Emperor's Palace! And with so much intention, and less than five minutes later, I fell asleep. ******************************************************** Why is it that people fall asleep. First, you close your eyes, then in thick of darkness you swim, and sometimes see some glistening visions. And then you're locked into unconsciousness that you don't even know? And then I dream a little, and I toss and turn----That's the right and healthy sleep. [You're supposed to be raise Eun-Seo!] [When did I! I said to do it for a while!] I looked at the black mist in front of my eyes, feeling ridiculous. "What is this?" I tapped my ears, but the buzzing voices remained the same. [You can't change your words now!] [You don't need a rat-tailed inheritance, so take her!] It felt different from when Raulus talked to me. Vivid voices, as if they were talking in front of my eyes. Well, I mean---I was a bit funny and outrageous, but I seemed to fall asleep anyway. With the entire interim process of closing eyes and falling asleep evaporated, but the spirit was surprisingly as clean as before it fell asleep, as if only the firm will of 'I won't fall asleep!' had been broken. [Then just let her live alone. Fifteen is old enough to be alone.]

With my arms crossed, I watched the black lumps of riddle between them. Somehow it seemed to me that this was the real nightmare that had plagued me so far. A sigh came out. "What the hell was this when I was a couple of years old----." It was 10 years ago. On the day of my father's funeral, when I only saw his face a couple of times in a year. That day, the great anger of my relatives around me was just like that. It's not as big as I thought.

That's exactly what I felt. Actually, I was a little bored. I as dreaming about that time when I was 25 years old. I shook my head and turned my back from those black lumps. At dawn for around 15 days, I would have turned around like this countless times. Although I don't remember it. But today was a little different. A man's face shot up in the twisting field of vision. [Eun-Seo! Where are you going?] "Ugh." The heart pounded to the bottom. I swallowed my breath quickly. The face that appeared in front of me was a face that was not in memory. But I couldn't know. She looked just like Seo Eun-Seo's face. The dry lips opened unnoticed. "Uh, Mom----." [You said you could get along well alone, right?] A pale inward-looking woman with two hollow cheeks grasped my shoulder and pushed her face closer. Blood stood all over the pale brown eyes.

[Right?] The woman asked again. It was like a quiet deep-seated sound, or a resounding roar. [Answer me!] " ." I felt that way purely because my heart was beating so fast. Boom Boom. I bit my lips hard. There was only one thing I could know at this moment. It's called black magic. The magic of using the spirits that are already dead as free ashes. My head is cold. It wasn't just a physical aspect of manipulating the body. Isn't ghosts a dead soul without substance in the first place? It's also a kind of black magic that penetrates into the unconscious and controls the mind. So Soleia Elard was trying to slowly dry me out with nightmare? " ." But then, Soleia was wrong. Chapter End Notes *t/n: author nim, can't you use like... normal word ??? matomato---- oof I like smart Yenni, figuring things out and that in the nightmare she

realized about her situation!

Chapter 50 Chapter Notes #Translated by InMarch See the end of the chapter for more

I breathed as thin as I could and clenched my fist. Oh my god, I've already had this dream in high school and graduated! Mom's ghost whispered sweetly, [Then, baby, will you come with your mom?] I managed to keep my eyes off my mother's faceless expression. The biggest attribute of black magic is delusion. You can't fall into it. [Yes. You can come with your mother.] [Yes, yes. That'll do,] The faceless black lumps laughed around me. Among them, the only mother with a face, Mom, slowly hugged me. [Come with me, Eun-Seo. I'll never leave you alone again----.] " ." I couldn't feel the weight stranding of the ghost, who held me completely in her arms. And by that point I felt the need to stop talking. I can't even say this in my past dreams. My voice trembled out, "------- wow, this is a real dream." [Let's go with Mom, baby. With mom. To a nice place.] If you listen to the ghost's words, you will soon be misled. And thankfully enough, my body may be troubled like the mind blowing on the leaves, but one of my mental heads was a diamond. I opened my mouth again, using a heavy voice so not to chew my tongue, "Hey-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey---." [Yes, baby. What is it?] "Hey---- I don't buy medicine!*" I shut my eyes with a casual chatter. I have to run away, don't look, don't listen!

The stiff body creaked and moved under the weightless spirit. At a slow pace. And finally, I succeeded in taking one step. It was creepy and vivid that my body was passing through the ghost. [Where are you going!?] Cried the spirit. It wasn't a whisper. A scream that lodged in my ears like

an arrow. I gave a loud, shrill cry, "Ah, don't follow me!" Then I ran. In this occasion it is time to flee------------------------------------------ !** A screeching sound tore the eardrums. [Seo Eun-Seo!] "Aaaaaahhhhh!" Every time my feet hit the floor and bounced back, the darkness around me shook violently. The centre of the body was shaking from side to side. [Stand there!] Dozens of black lumps quickly followed on the back Some of them had faces. Perhaps, those with faces are really dead spirits. The ghosts gathered their mouths and shouted loudly. [Where are you going? Where?!] [Eun-Seo!] "Go back to my room, why!?" The shivering ran along the wind which gave me goose bumps to the top of my head. I thought I had to say anything, so I chatted like a madwoman. "Soleia, you scary woman! It's better to cast a black spell in my tea---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !"

[Come with me!] "If it's pretty, ugh, I'm going really------- !" Breath ran out. The ground was rolling and the running was doubled. But I couldn't stop. I had to run so hard that I wouldn't held by those ghosts. Until this damned dream is over! "Ugh." Damn it, damn it. I ran inside, spitting out hundreds of curses. A fluffy flesh-coloured hand just next to my ear repeatedly popped up and sagged backward. Now I think I'm a little far away. Looking back, I could see a group of ghosts flocking like a tidal wave. It was simply madness. In the end, tears dripped down my cheeks. "Huh------ when do you wake up, big sleeper!" I don't want to be eaten by a dream or anything------- ! It was then that a sound from a familiar voice cutting through the air and the cries of the ghosts.

[Princess.] It stopped! " ." My body reeled heavily. Ugh. I took a short breath. The coolness of the moment followed right up to the neck. "Heu-----." Fortunately, there was no fall, but there was that voice again that made me squeak. [Where are you going in such a hurry?] It was the sound of my human tonic. I ran again with a cry. "Oh, that's really bad."

[Princess Yerenica!] I snorted from my nose out loud, "You thought his voice would be all that important!" Euredian doesn't call me 'Yerenica', you sad witch! But it was clearly the most earnest voice. The voice of a man who can't tell why I left the palace all day long. This proved clear. This nightmare is after my 'weakness'. What I don't want to be caught by the last thing. The thing I hate the most. The most---"Heuuu----." The most-----To not want to be taken away. At first glance, the dark vision seemed to be blinding with silver. I just didn't' see it, but I couldn't cry like this. The name hovered at the top of my tongue. "Ugh." I rubbed roughly around my eyes. No matter how loud his name called, Euredian would never come to my dream and save me. Getting out of here had to be done with my own strength. "Ahhhhh---Seriously, I'm really not being let go----." In the end, I kept running endlessly. If I spill a lot of liquid, I didn't know if it's tears or saliva. And finally, there was an end. A faint swarm of light loomed in the distance. That's the exit. That's my instinct. An exit to get out of this f*cking dream!

I instinctively ran toward the light. Without distinguishing whether I'm breathing now or not, really die. And that little dim light grew bigger and brighter as I got closer. The light, which used to be as big as fingernail, eventually grew as big as my body. " !" The white pouring light pierced my eyes mercilessly. It's really just around the corner now. And finally, the shining exit ate me up. I closed my eyes reflexively. The perception of light burst into white. [Heugh] And I got out of my nightmares like I was forced to take it to the surface. The weight of the ghost who had pressed on my whole body disappeared instantly, and the body became lighter. I rolled over the sheet and exhaled a breath I had barely held back. [He--eh?] And it was the next moment that I felt something strange. [ ?] Apparently, I'm back over the bed in my room. It looks like I'm rolling over the sheet. I couldn't feel it. A creepy silence fell. I stiffened as my face buried on the edge of the sheet. [ .] I couldn't feel anything when I rubbed my face against the blanket, I saw in front of me. I opened my mouth blankly. [Oh?] Even the voice that popped out of my mouth didn't seem like a human voice. It echo into the air, a scattered voice. All the fluffy hairs all over the body stood on edge. I thought I was just getting out of a nightmare. What happened to this?

The sheet moved. Not because I moved. I was lying motionless and the seat moved. Srrkk. [ .] I raised my head slowly, possessedly. The room was full of dim new wall lights. And in the stillness of all sides, there was a very small, dying groan. And I moved the sheet and realized what it was. "Heu-----."

It's, I mean--"Heu---eugh." It was my body. [!] I jumped up in fright. I went back to my mind. My gaze still stuck to my 'body' on the bed that didn't fall. I ended up squealing, [What is this!?] Of course event the sound became a real voice and couldn't pop out. I opened my mouth so wide that I couldn't open it anymore. Long pink hair hung limp on the white sheet. A bloodless face was as white and pale as a corpse. A lurgy forehead as if suffering from pain, a groan occasionally coming out of the blue lips. A thunderbolt struck me. A stupid murmur leaked out. [Ye----Yerenica---- -.] That body must have been the body of Yerenica. Then I am now----The unsteady gaze swept down over my body. A translucent body. The quilt was seen behind my arm. There is no voice, the body has become transparent, and no sense could be felt. [Cra---------- ]

Crazy. Somehow, I felt lighter. I let out a short groan with my eyes wide open. I've become a ghost because I couldn't become lighter------ !*** Chapter End Notes *t/n: what even ??? I---- I checked on two translator... **so in the originally word it use I search it up and it is a phrase regarding the 36th principle in Sun Tzu about running away. It is a common phrase in korea (thank god for google and that runningman webpage). -mattomatoki ***that lighter phrase... I think she meant about not defeating the nightmare... but... idk

P.S. i found the whole Yenni running away from the ghost is quite funny. i should not be laughing for her misery but seriously... it's so funny

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch #Translated by bigredqueen

So this was me. It must have been my soul. In a dream, Seo-Eun was chased by Soleia's ghost. Her soul was bounced off of Yerenica's body. The fact that now I was in my jeans and t-shirt from the bus. That was the clothes I was wearing the day I died in an accident. I was wearing a white t-shirt and whether it meant or not, it was shining in a silver light. Realized it, I was looking at the mirror but then looked around. [What is this really?!] Oh my! Now my tears were outpouring for a different reason and the spit was flying. I was going to go back to my body. [Really, why am I really like this ———?] What did I do wrong since? Was this also the price I have to pay? It was too much for punishment. It was too much! [Damn! I know it will be like this.] I can hear the voice of Raulus was crying in my ear. I hate it, I hate it. The palace has never been a good place at this time. I shook my head. Raulus's voice could be heard anymore.

[What are you doing, Flakes? Quick, go back to your body.] My mouth was wide open. Going back in? Where am I? The invisible God said in a pathetic tone. [Child, I already saw an empty shell without a soul. It's only the body. You go in quickly. Otherwise, that body will die soon.] [] [Then you, exposing yourself and floating around. Would you want to turn into a ghost? ] That was right. In this state, I can't be Buddha after I die. The ghost that wanders high above the ground, I would be just like that. A blood-stained body that shines in a silver light. The nightmare. The ghosts who have been chasing me in. Reach out to ask for help ——— ! [] Eventually, I moved my whole body. Crap, it was on the bed. I crawled towards Yerenica's body, my body. Even if it's just until last night, the body was listening to my soul. I slowly reached out. The trembling finger is very slow. I got on Yerenica's cheek. It was surprisingly cold and hard. It was the cheek. I wasn't aware that the tears flowed. [Uh, how you can enter into the body? What would become of------------------- ] I couldn't even end my words. My hands were completely transparent compared with Yerenica's. It touched one cheek and translucent tears falling down on the cheek. That

was the last thing I saw as a ghost. "Hah!" I felt a sudden burst of excessive air in an instant through nose and mouth. Memories suddenly flashed before my eyes. "Oh, cool. Hup!" What a miserable sight. I didn't know how many times you were paying visit. I turned my body upside down to relieve my cough. My chest felt tight. It was like the prayer I was throwing through. "Hyuk. It's big." [ Good job. Now it turns out pretty well. You're a good girl. ] His voice was still talking but I couldn't listen to it. I was barely painting. I held my breath. My stomach churned. "I really.... " [ Really? ] "Really... look like you too, no, help me... It's the first time...... " Raulus lightly sighed. [ You told me the exit. You.... Why did you think you were able to break off from the dream? ] What a way to say it! I tried to get up. I pushed my back upright. My whole body's sense was back, wasn't it? Looking down at my hand, it was a human hand and arm.

This time, the true profanity flowed out. "Damn it. Damn it... that crazy..." You couldn't escape the nightmare. If you were caught in the hands of the ghosts, how did it go? Even when I woke up, my soul would stay like this. What if I stayed in that condition? I didn't even want to imagine. I was going crazy. I tossed my body here and there. I dreamed the same dream every night. Yerenica's body couldn't stand it. No matter how the soul affected by that nightmare. Even if I didn't receive it directly, it was a whole different story now. It was all been in the meantime ———! "It's crazy... this is crazy..." I woke up in a staggered position barely off of the bed. I stood in my foot. I had to get out of this black magic illusion I was in. My knees and calves are trembling. I don't know where to go. I was looking for a way out when I almost hit my foot on a subject. It was dark at dawn when I left the room and looking for a way out. [ To where? ] I couldn't afford to bicker with Raulus. I barely kept my strength to not faint right away. Even I was aware that I was going to die. It was a gamble. I felt feverish. I was wearing white pyjamas and my ankle frozen. It was difficult to move the body and I barely made it. Twisted, legs kept getting twisted. The bare marble floor was creepy. It was very cold. And I finally got out of Belyuk Palace. I succeeded in getting out of the entrance. But my ordeal wasn't ended there. The palace that I saw in front of the entrance. I recalled the landscape in front garden and went out.

"Ah..." It was dark and bluish dawn sky. Beneath me, there was only dry grass. The flowers were shaking their heads. Looking at dead flowers, I saw creepy people who were tall enough to be deceivingly large. Two of them were blocking the Valley of Belyuk Palace. This scene was getting vicious. "Ah..." It was horror. "...Huh... Aargh!" I couldn't stand it and scream. I made it. Reason was broken out and survival instinct popped out. So I ran again like I did in the dream. I felt pain in my body but I didn't stop running. I was running like I would die. I was trying to recognize the way I was going but I only saw dead grass and flowers everywhere. I had to make it far away from the Palace! I needed to go as far as possible! How long I ran, actually I didn't remember it clearly. Since I lived in Belyuk Palace, I knew its surrounding even in a considerable great distant. When I couldn't see Belyuk Palace anymore, my foot suddenly stopped running. "Ugh..." I breathed out the air I was holding on, it was cold at dawn. The air rushed into my nose without a hitch. Now I felt my head hurt like getting stabbed.

Tears still flowed out and my vision was blurred, even though I opened my eyes widely. It was crazy. I stood up straight and screamed but I still couldn't see———! "......" I was very desperate. That was when I realized one more threat. No matter how far I went in this imperial palace, I was going to screw up. But eventually, there was a limit on how far I can go. I just wanted to die. I looked up. Where should I go? Even when I took a glance, I didn't know. And now the sun was almost up. My surrounding was brighter than before there was. I looked around anxiously. It was a blurry image like my vision was confined by a white coating. Perhaps this place was engulfed in magical power. I didn't see anyone here too. Today was truly my unlucky day. I passed another road but it was hard to see where I was exactly. I remembered when I was strolling around with Diego at the Imperial Palace. It was the south of the Imperial Palace. Entrance to the gymnasium. The gymnasium! Erudian practiced here at dawn. It was said that he started his every day practicing. I wiped my mouth. And at the same time, the silver hair was swaying quietly in the distance. It was truly a miracle. " !" I was the most desperate person at this moment. It was bluish dawn. Someone was standing in the middle, gently swing a wooden sword. No matter how you look around, it was clearly Erudian Belgoth.

Looked like he was looking back at me. A rosy person was standing afar. The wanderer was also shining brightly. Our eyes were locked and I broke it out loud. My vision was back with tears. It became cloudy. I heard an astonished voice. "Princess?" And the feet were soundly quickly approaching. He was striding toward me. "Huh... Your Majesty..." He who was full of freshness and neat divinity. It was awkward, he was truly different with me right now. Everything happened quickly. This man came to me without hesitation and stretching his hands out. "Oh my..." I finally hung on him and cried. *** All my sorrow burst at once. The energy of the strong deity pulled slowly. Apart from being hoisted up, tears flowed constantly. "Princess, why are you here at this time?" I bent down and dragged his body close to me. Erudian was flustered. I heard a murmur. I tried to bear the tears that burst and opened my mouth. "Sucks... that's the dream..." "The dream?" It was awkward to keep my composure. Since I've in the dream, my body kept wanting to run. It's like a child———! I reached for Euredian's neck and hold it tightly for dear life. A trembling voice came out.

"...palace... The Belyuk Palace was strange." Euredian's body stiffened instantly. The hand that lightly touched my shoulder stopped. "Princess, what are you saying?" His voice was crystal clear. I opened up my mouth but there was no voice, my jaw felt numb. I couldn't speak. My body was trembling all along. I felt like passing out on Erudian's embrace. The hands that held my shoulder stroked me smoothly. "Princess, wait a minute." "I can't..." "Show me your face. Just a second." I gave strength to my hands. I hit him and hugged him. You couldn't fall, my instinct said so. The divinity would bring my body to its normal state. I was with him now. It was my instinct tried to stay awake a little bit more. My reasonable thinking was already far away and I didn't feel any embarrassment. I gasped for losing breath/yesterday. Luminance in the body is sacred and drink. I was in a hurry. But even my instinct stopped, I could hear his voice. "Yerenica."

Chapter 52

Chapter Notes #Translated by bigredqueen

I opened my mouth but said no words. I can never with this voice. It was my name I knew. This man called my name. Before I even realized that, a mature voice followed. "I'm not going anywhere." It was a calm and slow voice. It pumped up my spirit, the spirit that was laid bare. I felt a little bit elevated. Where, don't you go... I repeated the words like a spell. With my trembling fingertips and more power than necessary, I let go of his arms. And then I was going to wait. There was the hand that tore me apart. And the next moment, I looked at him. The man who had no idea of what happened. My face filled his eyes. "Your Majesty." "" Erudian seemed surprised. It was hard, I couldn't stop the tears. My stained face was reddish. It was reflected in his eyes.

My vision was blurred all over, I couldn't see well. It wasn't easy and the image wasn't clear. I tried to wipe off my tears but my body didn't listen to me. "Ha—what is this?" Erudian spat out a short murmur and stretched out a hand. Holy divinity in his hands touched both my cheeks. The wet tears were on his fingers. I blinked my eyes and look ahead. I tried to see. My vision kept on shaking. I leaned forward and felt divine power. "Belyuk Palace is strange." Erudian said something like hearing a murmur, "I'll take a close look at that place." The reddish eyes are momentarily awake. It seemed to be dying redder. Now it was hard for me to face him. It was light with a sense of providence, a raw unrefined divinity. With a short of breath, I choked. My vision gradually became black. I moaned and called him. "Your Majesty..." "Yes." Erudian blinked. The crushed vision became light in an instant. I stuttered, reached out to his hand. I pointed out somewhere. "Strange..." That thought was now heard. The big hands that held my hands together. But I couldn't say anything. Even with he touched me, my body would recover slowly. It should be fine. "" That was when I felt better. In a state of weakness, it felt sweet. I was feeling it because I was in a good place. I saw this man only once every three days. It must have been insufficient because I must have had nightmares every night.

It was natural that the damage I felt was faster than the speed of recovery that needed. And still. At one moment, my body that was relaxed at the moment was shaking. "Yereni—" I heard his voice from a faraway place. Was it okay to faint like this? What if I got swallowed up by nightmares again? What if? But my mind couldn't stand to stay awake. My body seemed to fall down a cliff with a dizzy feeling. The world as it is. It became cancerous.


Felix's POV

The Imperial Palace has flipped upside down since early dawn. The Emperor who went to train at dawn as usual came back with the unconscious Princess of Lebovny. He hugged the Princess and brought her to the main palace. From that moment on, the busy activity for a new morning became more hectic. The Master of Belgoth Imperial Palace was in an awful mood. The tension was overwhelmed and all of the held their breath. The little girl in his arms looked like she's about to die. The vitality that always shines, now could not be seen. It was shocking.

From the dawn, the royal doctor was called out. Following the Princess that has been put in the bedroom, the Silver Emperor followed just a few minutes later. He was a cool man thoroughly. But now that appearance was gone, instead, a frightening aura replaced it. It was scary and his aides couldn't look at him in the eyes. They bowed in front of him. "Find it." And Erudian Belgoth, a kind, benevolent, and generous ruler of Belgoat ordered in a voice that couldn't be any colder. What he said to them was just one word. "Who dared to cast a magical spell at the Imperial Palace? Now catch them." "Yes?" The Emperor's closest aide, Felix, asked without knowing. It was the second time already. He checked over and over again. There was nothing suspicious at the Belyuk Palace. "Ah—" And Felix bit his tongue. It was something that he was hoped for. His face became red immediately. No matter how you look, he looked languid. The sun was always spinning around him. He always exudes a great blade of high refreshing energy. All left now was a rough and sharp aura. As soon as Felix noticed it, he just bowed deeply. "Your order, I will take care of it, Your Majesty." "..." Erudian didn't answer. He slowly shook his head. He was mourning.

I will recall to this moment until later. His red-purple eyes still very dark. Felix has been with him for the past five years. To have such eyes and facial expressions, he haven't seen it a few times. Erudian was very friendly, he was a generous and relaxed owner of the Belgoth. But of course, with nearly five years of experience onward, Felix couldn't say that he knew a lot about him. Calm and demeanor itself was a mask, in other words, there was no affection given in the first place. All the people of Belgoth Palace knew it. This time he couldn't do anything about that. The expressionless face that quite slowly drew a line. Thick and sticky. It was a dangerous smile. "No." "Pardon?" "I'd better go out on my own." His subjects who listened to it became pale. As Erudian got up from his place, there wasn't any soul tried to stop him. It was chilling. "Block the Valley of Belyuk Palace. Don't let even one rat getaway." "Y-Your Majesty..." Felix understood the meaning and his face became white. He was tired. Just close the Palace's door. Even a fool would understand. But the Emperor's order are there. It wasn't over. Erudian Belgoat slowly chewed it out. "And Soleia Elard, bring her to me right now." "I will take care of it."

Felix didn't even see his eyes. He only could bow to the icy God. The air sharply cut the lungs. And anyone in the Belgoat Palace could feel it. Finally, the master they serve finally disappeared into the hallway. I couldn't straighten my waist. *** Euredian's POV

Soleia Elard. In the end she dared to set something up in his palace, huh. I acknowledged you as a powerful magician of the tower. In fact, I tolerated it all this time. A woman that crossed the given line. The news from his aide was stirred up his anger even more. As a magician of the tower, Soleia Elard was on the mission and went to the South. The news only reached him when they already left. Ha! To do such thing behind my back. You'll see what I was prepared for you this time. Like you, I was nimble and cunning too. There was no woman. Then the first thing to do is to look at the Belyuk Palace. By any chance, rats may remain. Erudian who has a hardened look entered the bedroom. "...Ah" He immediately noticed the sharp energy around him and stopped it. He remembered the azure eyes that were terrified by the overwhelming feeling. The heart that was a little excited being sunk. Erudian stopped and held her hair. He swept it abruptly and put the bed hair behind. His eyes were sharply hardened.

He took quite some time until it backed to his original calm gaze. To some extent, his energy was sharp. As soon as he realized it, he came back to his usual self. He unfastened the bed canopies impatiently. Between pillows and sheet, long pink hair was disheveled in. This was caught in sight first. "..." As if it will melt the moment you touch it. Between those light hairs, a white and pale face without color was laying there. And a thin neck. Her thin and slender body were laying in bed. Erudian slowly went to bed and sat down. If he pushed it, it quickly knocked over. It was a fragile body. He's hugged and watched over her since the first time. It was more obvious than the time he brought her to Belgoat. He was surprised at how lightweight she is. Suddenly he realized it. He thought it was light. The thing exceptionally felt like a sheet of paper. Today's dawn was not the first. These days' nuance was definitely not good. Oh, I could recall it vividly. "...Later." Erudian bit his lips. He regretted not taking action straightaway. His senses were not wrong. Whatever Yerenica said, he should've taken action immediately. His cold fingertips spread on the sheet. More pinkish hair. He touched it. The streak that lost its shiny light. His eyes were red. I can't help it. Already, she was crying. I didn't like these feelings. How many times Erudian sighed while sat close to the Princess.

The day was just started as usual. And you were there in a place you shouldn't be. Do you know how surprised I was to see you at that time? In the are you can't be there, what are you trying to do. How amazing it was to see the colors through it? With such an expression, Erudian has a rather complicated feelings. As if somewhere in the blanket, his gaze fell into her feet. She was running fast as if being chased. If she does, forget about wearing shoes and run. Did it come out? He doesn't dare to guess. Before Yerenica lost consciousness, she said a few words. "Dream... dream..." Dream. It was clearly a dream. The Princess just overlooked the dream. I didn't think that she would run out of the palace at dawn. The Princess of Lebovny is small and tender. Unlike a sheep, she's brave and bold. She's a girl with a strong will. There's definitely be something. There must have been more. Even with her strength, it was tough. He remembered when she fell into his embrace. There was only one important thing. The reddish-purple eyes were sluggish. It was down about half of the eyelids. Darkly shaded eyes were shined. The unrefined divinity quickly sharply stretched out into the air. "Huh..." And Yerenica moaned. For a moment he emitted sharp and blunt energy. Erudian immediately engulfed her in divine luminance and gave his divine energy. His head was inclined to her.

Slowly, Yerenica's eyes were opened.

Chapter 53

Chapter Notes #Translated by bigredqueen

He felt heavy. He slowly opened his eyes. He was shortly choked. Of course, the thing he's been thinking all day long. He didn't know why he was so worried. It took a toll on him. Yerenica glanced blankly for a moment then slowly turned the gaze. Her eyes met with Erudian. She was basked in divine power and tried to feel it when he quietly called her. "Princess." "" With half-opened eyes, she mumbled. Her vision was still blurred, she couldn't see him well. Seeing Yerenica's struggling, he hesitated. With his experience so far, Erudian knew what it means. Before the mind gave answers, the body responded first.

Without second thoughts, he leaned her back to his arms. Half of her body is buried under the blanket. As he can see was the slender body. He hugged and lifted her, it wasn't difficult. Thin arms slowly wrapped around the nape. The woman held him like a child. A little murmur has been heard from the Emperor. "...Is it a dream?" "No." "Is it really---- ?" Yerenica buried her face in his neck. She was taking a deep breath, she felt him. He was surprised and let out a short laugh. This was an instinctive action. She was like this too the day he was brought her to Belgoth in his arms. From that moment on, she was used to come to him to feel the divine power. Erudian shortly sighed and hugged her. Yerenica muttered, "Are you in a dream today? Then you're an illusion." ".... No" Another dream story as he heard before. Erudian lightly swept the bed hair and asked her. "What is it about the dream?" "" "Oh, while you were get caught up in dreams, what have you seen?" There was no answer from Yerenica. Do you not want to say? Erudian turned his head and checked her expression. When he saw her sleepy face, was she completely unconscious? No, he realized it wasn't the case. Yerenica mumbled quietly. "Your Majesty is bad."

"" "Really bad..." Erudian laughed briefly. "I feel sorry for you. Why did I do?" "I———" It was a faint voice that seemed to vanish soon. "I—because of your fiancée I became like this———" Sweeping her hair back and slowly, Erudian's hand stopped. "Fiancée?" And it quickly came to Erudian's mind. He got it. Roughly future engagement. He said to herself to annul it. That grumpy white sound. It was clear who she meant. Soleia Elard. It already set fire to his anger. The name of that woman popped out again. That woman already had that impression. It ends in a suspicion that was already close to conviction. It was a word of wealth. Erudian wanted to groan. I hardly endured it. I barely bend the divinity into a light way. The voice of a struggling voice continued, "By the way Your Majesty ———" "" "Do you love that woman or———" Somewhere in his heart was pricked. This time Erudian sighed and spitted out like-a-groan. "Sorry."

"..." "I wasn't serious." He was just a grumpy. It was obvious that he's not serious. A mean grumpy trick on a visible Princess. My heart was leaning. It was only a defense mechanism. After a little bit of rethinking, a laugh came after. An adolescent girl, not even scary. Why did I say that? Did I laugh? It wasn't a clear voice that he's been thinking of himself. I wasn't like that. But still, she was half asleep. Even in this state, he thought he should keep it in mind. Yerenica muttered in fear. "Bad, really—" "Okay. It's my fault. It's a joke. You shouldn't say that either." "Your Majesty knows nothing about the book—" A thin body was attached closer. Their bodies were touched without a gap. A swirl of emotions stopped momentarily. Soon, he started to flirt again. "" A sigh with a different meaning from before came out. The attempt to open a gap failed. he couldn't move his body. he could feel her over thin white pyjamas. She felt nice. Suddenly he felt more anxious. Thoughts came to his mind. Lebovny's lovely Princess was not careful. She has a low alert and she has a good faith toward everyone. I couldn't let other men came close without her being cautious. Such thing.. "...Probably, I'm not sure."

In a spacious, it was easy to take off the clothes and being isolated from the world. But someone's face came to my mind. "..." He felt his emotions sharpened again. Erudian's who usually felt nothing, this time being swayed that much to make it almost spitted it out. Get a hold of yourself, this much is nothing. Is there more about me that I don't know about? Will I know that there is? Even holding her like this, wasn't it instinctive? Well, my body did it automatically. Just relax. Yes it was. This woman really, I don't have a heart. Erudian thought so and tried to control his emotions. "Just marry me——— Your Majesty." This instinctive act, was it clearly shown? Now what to answer. It became strange. This unprecedented proposal, he never thought that she was being sincere. It was something he's never seen before. But it would be going only for a while. There was nothing to comply with... It was hard... "I want you to come over now..." It was difficult. Because I don't want to. A body with a slight lower temperature. He has never been as close as possible. Yerenica still has that empty gazed but she was muttering. "How scary she is. If I knew it, I won't say a word to her. Your Majesty is a fool."

"———" "So marry me—" "Okay. Stop." "—do it." "———" In a way, it was a great perseverance. Or she was already being affected? He can't refuse coldly. You know, you maybe hurt her. Yerenica who murmured again and again now was slowly whispered. "Not Soleia, with me———" Who was already being dragged in the end? Euredian is now really convinced. It can't be done. She was rocking his calm demeanor. The face that throws him into frenzy was incredibly calm. I'm being lit again. I see her undisturbed face. It must've just me. If you can't remember anyway. Mouth. The alcohol was spontaneous. "You," "———Yes." "It's not good to touch me." The quiet and calm voice was now stirred up. He was still sitting on the bed. "Do you know what kind of man I am?" "..." "What I have to deal with, do you know?" Whatever the wight was, the empire's young Emperor was not so easy and sweet person.

"..." But he's being perplexed again. There was no answer from the woman. Erudian laughed for a moment and let go of her body. For the time being, there was nothing he can do. He can't reach a conclusion but such an ambiguous state. That is something he doesn't want to do. It's better to stay in current good state. The Princess of Lebovny was just having fun. Enjoying this country and return home. She will go to faraway place. In this unfit land. There was no reason to stay in this dangerous place and suffering, just because. So far he thought like that, as it should have been. I shouldn't be so greedy. I couldn't stand it, but... Erudian looked back to the dazed woman. With her body buried in the bed, sweet pink lightly flutters in the air and stayed. His fingertips are on her forehead. After touching it, he came down to her hair. He leaned halfway impulsively. His mouth felt dry. The heat started to glow in pink. It lightly touched the hair and fell onto it. A good line slightly drew in his face. This much, anyway I can't even remember these feelings before. Such an idle thought, it's the first time. *** Yerenica's POV

Since I've opened my eyes, there was a bluish bird all over the place. It was full of it. "..."

I couldn't tell when I was awake. I opened my blurry eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. A studded with a flower-like pattern. The pair of jewels was one, two, three.... " eighteen." And the number of the visible gems. Only after counting set up, the heavy eyelid gradually became lighter. Somewhat it smelled familiar. It was the same. My favorite scents, clear, clean, and soft body. It came across the blanket that wrapped me around. It came through the drifting air and melted. I laughed freely. At the moment that made me upset. I was in bed and realized that I was lying. "...!" Sometimes I have a good head but this time the body reacted before it. Bed? I was running and panting due to strangeness at Belyuk Palace. Did I come here? "Um..." However, I realized an unusual thing. I was dumbfounded and looked around. On the bed with all the canopies down. It was dark. My room at Belyuk Palace's canopy wasn't this dark. White and lace canopy. Ah. The one I used always let sunlight passed through. The canopy that surrounded me was dark. It was light outside. I was at dawn time, now it was dark enough to be mistaken. "Here... where...?"

Chapter 54

Chapter Notes #Translated by bigredqueen #Proofread by violet san

I turned my neck and looked around. Deep blue colour similar to the colour of the canopy spread around as the blanket covered me. A soft and fluffy sheet. Huge pillows. All on a large bed where four people could lie down easily. "...?" I just woke up and my hair was in a mess. I tried hard to fix and untangle my them like a boy. But then, I remembered. Slowly, the memories from what happened last night resurfaced. That's why as soon as I fell asleep, I was plagued with nightmares. I was barely escaping out of them and coming back to my body again. It was so close. I wondered if it was because, I wanted to come back to my body and so, my soul was able to find the way. "... After that..." The Valley of Belyuk Palace surrounded by the grass and flowers... Goosebumps arose on my back. I have a cold; it was freezing. I crawled back into the blankets. The soft blankets engulfed my entire body. It wasn't until the cold was gone, that the chill passed. "Oh, it was a terrible night..."

It was a horror. I lost my consciousness throughout the long night. It was amazing, how I was able to escape.

Of course, I can see that I opened my eyes like this. It looks like at some point, I eventually, fainted...


And only then, I ran at dawn.

I even remembered those emotions from when I was running away from Belyuk Palace. It was a

matter of life and death.

I remembered running out from the entrance of the gymnasium in the south of the Imperial Palace. And I saw someone there.

Only after I looked back on it, I realized why I was so well. Now I understood. Without a doubt, the man in the middle of the practice field was Erudian Belgoth.

Ah, he came out to practice at every dawn.

He was urgently hugging me. That scene flashed through my mind vividly. He looked angry. It was such a rare occurrence.

At that moment, it was a miracle. When I thought I couldn't make it, he appeared and helped me. A man who did something I never thought he could.

I called it a miracle. Why do you say? I felt like crying. I held the blanket tightly and engulfed my body in it, all the way to the head.

I will thank him again. Please come out to practice today too. I want to say thank you. Anyway, the memory in front of the gymnasium was hazy. In front of me was Erudian. After that, I must have lost consciousness.


In an instant, my ears started ringing and suddenly, a familiar voice rang in my head.

[ It was pretty close. Are you okay? ]

"...I don't know..."

I replied without energy. Raulus hummed in my head. After a while of hearing him in my head, it wasn't very surprising anymore.

[You look okay in my eyes, even.]*


Is he trying to comfort me, I can't really tell.

If it was like usual, I would have just snapped at him. I would have but I lack the energy right now.

I held the blanket more tightly and replied curtly.

"For someone who is very useless; live well, even if you didn't help me. Oh, you know." [ Are you talking about me? ]

Then who would it be?

Of course, I didn't spit it out of my mouth. If I did, I'll be overwhelmed again. How?

What the hell does this God do for me? Will he just stop talking because I'm tired. I want you to walk away and go...

[ Hmm... Seeing it that way. You look fine. ]

Raulus was looking at me, who was trying to pull myself together. Then, he stopped talking.

The sudden silence of the chatty God felt strange. It was good though, for a moment. His voice rang throughout my head.

[ Ah. He's coming. ]

Wow. Who? I slipped out of the blanket and poked my head out of the canopy. It was quiet. But, he was lying. There was no one.

Is a maid coming?

I think so, I said aloud, barely standing. Suddenly, my body felt heavy. It was like a dream, a stone- wrapped blanket covered me. The pink hair were scattered on it.

I barely sat and blinked blankly. My body was a little heavy and it was cold. I was sweaty last morning but, now it was better. I also received divine energy from Erudian at dawn which turned out well.

I sighed and opened my hands, trying to stretch out. At least, where is this place? I need to know. Before I could flip the canopy by myself, a big hand came in and flipped the canopy.


Dazzling sunlight poured all over at once. I reflexively looked at him. I was wrapped tightly. "Are you up?"


"Who are you talking to?" It was a familiar voice.

This sweet and calm voice was Erudian's. "Ah..."

And went with my sloppy hair, there was a helping hand sweeping.

But this much sunshine was blinding. It hurt my eyes and made them teary. His face frowning.

"It's too bright..."

"It will be adjusted right away."

The canopy was fully reclined to completely block the sunlight on the bed. In the dim light, my eyesight became better and I could see the surroundings. "Huh, really..."

While it was nice to see you, for now, my bitterness soared. How dazzling!

I turned my head around. But eventually, put my face in the blanket because I don't want to see him.

I heard a small laugh and suddenly, my body was exposed. He easily took me out of the blanket and sat down.

Erudian said softly,

"You slept long enough. Now you have to get up." "Not really..."


No matter how long I passed out at dawn, now it must be over half a day. I frowned with my pride at stake and looked up.

Erudian sighed at my refusal. I took a moment and made eye contact. The God's descendant with divine power stirred gently.

I forgot to frown and just blankly stared at him.

Silver hair lightly scattered from his forehead. He is as handsome as ever. Long neck and face ratio.

While I was appreciating his face, there was a reflection in his red eyes. He is looking at me. Excuse me... What's with that look...?

I clearly opened my mouth and spoke it aloud. "You slept one and half a day. Isn't that enough?" "...?"

A day and a half?

"Even if you sleep properly, you can't skip more than three meals. Do you understand?" "Uh..."

I was confused. What happened today? No, even last night and the day before. What was this?

The day I arrived in Belgoth couldn't be a coincidence. How the sieve was broken. My body's poor


I exhaled my breath.

What can I do? Originally my soul wasn't from this world. It wasn't something I can ask others. "Where am I?"

"My bedroom." "Eh?"

And this time I was really shocked. I was surprised. Like a fool, I couldn't help but spluttered out. "Uh, uh, uh, where is it?"

"My quarters. More precisely, my bedroom. You are sitting in it right now." His voice sounded far away. There was no way.

Once again, I was stunned.


The Imperial Palace of Belgoth. It was none other than the Emperor's bedroom!

As soon as I recognized that fact, I couldn't help it. My face was getting red. So much that, I couldn't face Erudian. I had to get up.

Oh my God, it wasn't somewhere else but your bedroom...!

What a way to wake up a patient! I wanted to beat him. I stuck my head out of the canopy and saw the room for the first time. My mouth was wide open.


This place was really spacious like my room in Belyuk Palace. Both were full of luxurious interiors with large size. Again, my mouth was wide open.

With jewels decorating the ceiling, I should've known! "You can't go out in this outfit, Princess."

When I wanted to leave the room, I got caught red-handed but, I didn't want to see his face . So I turned around without seeing anything.

"Why not!"

"Where are you going in your pyjamas?" "I don't care. I want to go back..."

I opened my mouth and closed it. Back? To where?

Erudian lightly touched my shoulder. It felt so easy to just go back to bed and lie down.

A soft voice continued.

"You can't go back to Belyuk Palace anymore. You will never have any thoughts about going because there's no such place."

Somehow, it was strangely awry. But I was sure it was the same tone. I was going back to Belyuk Palace. But it wouldn't kill me, right?

But why the Emperor's Palace, moreover, Erudian's bedroom...! "Ugh..."

No, of course, I didn't hate it!

But the biggest problem was the divinity and neat scent in the room. It was fully circling inside the room.

I might hate it. "..."

But at the same time, the smell of the bed made me happy.

...Not too!

"It isn't a safe place for you and I'm not prepared yet. You can't carelessly go out, Princess. More so in this condition."


There was definitely hustle and bustle outside. I couldn't be seen in a thin white dress. Moreover, in pyjamas.

Wow while I couldn't answer, Erudian spoke slowly.

"I know it's stuffy but put up with it. I want you to give in. It's because I don't want to see you in that kind of state during dawn."

The purple-reddish eyes go dark at first glance.

I sat down. Turning at different angles of sunlight; it seemed to be due to it. If not...

I was awkwardly avoiding his gaze. I only mumbled nonsense. "Are you... worried?"

"Have you ever been worried?"

As if hearing the absurd question, Erudian outrageously laughed and answered. "That's right now."

Chapter 55

Chapter Notes

#Translated by bigredqueen

"Ahaha, you were worried."

"You have to take your eyes for a moment, make it indifference as always."

He sighed. I was in a state that I couldn't look at him. I forgot it while I was laughing. "Don't laughing like it's not a big deal."


And he quickly punished me.

He stretched out my cheeks all the way, like a rice cake. Of course I have no power to resist. It didn't hurt but still... It was obvious that the face I showed him might be more ugly.

"If you know how surprised I am, you wouldn't be able to speak like that." "Dae-ae-ae..."

During the other day when he wore a relaxed face, suddenly I wanna know his anxious expression. But I shut my mouth.

Uh, now I'm being worried...

But the expression was only moment. I tried to straighten up my mouth. But Erudian was glancing at me and whispering,

"So meal first or wash? For now."

My face became red again and again. Why this man was so unyielding!

From the moment I woke up until now, he said the same thing, didn't it? Something strange was happened!

Either way, I only had one word to say. "...I'll eat rice..."


A little to correct, when I opened my eyes, morning has already passed. Now it passed lunchtime. Erudian had to rush. Something seemed coming up and he left for it.

It was better for me. My face kept turning red and it was difficult to make eye contact.

I was keep thinking about Erudian. How long time passed I didn't know, I asked again and again. "Just wait until I make sure it was safe, Princess."

I had no energy to walk around so I only nodded.

And after that, it was the pampering time. After a moment, I arrived in a place where all kinds of dishes was served. Without knowing, I eat and eat.

After finished, I was taken to the bathroom.

I was shivering as seeing myself reflected in the bathroom mirror. I was almost passed out again. "What is this!"

I was crying too much. A pale complexion and sunken eyes. It was messy all over, like a ghost. And he saw me like this. Really!

I was already bathed in the water. This was s a good place to stay, I screamed silently. Life is about nothing goes as intended, huh!

And I was shocked by the fact ladies-waiting of the Imperial Palace helped me to take a good bath. After blinking my eyes several times, I came back to human form and it was shining from head to tiptoe.

I stood blankly in front of the mirror and got dressed in a light ivory dress. I looked at myself. "It's pretty..."

... And so fast!

"Will you come over here, Princess?"

The Imperial Palace's maid smiled gently and guided me. I arrived in a room about two times bigger than my bedroom. I was huge.

"Please go inside, hurry. It's a little less organised due to in a hurry but it must be ready by now. Although there is..."

Of course, in my eyes, this room looked three times bigger than the usual room, but it was still a room.

"For the time being, stay here."

She said in His Majesty's name. Guards' existence was inevitable at the Imperial Palace so I couldn't remove them. Come on, first of all, let's just explore all three floors I was in.


Right, the Imperial Palace was a magical item itself. It was said to be tightly secure, the maid spoke gently.

"Even if you feel a little frustrated, please stay here for a while. This is a message from His Majesty that I received."

"Yes, I will."

I nodded my head quickly, Erudian has told me over and over again. Just for a few days, I wonder if I could stay still.

No, I can do that. Especially when I was put in a place like this...

It was a bit unfair somehow. If you look at it again, he's being overly worried over a light event. There wasn't be a bloodbath in the palace, right...

By the way, does it mean I couldn't go to Belyuk Palace...

Wilted flowers and grass around Belyuk Palace were the result of black magic. Apparently it was the starting point to get rid of me somehow. To be able to do such a thing.

I quietly looked around the room. Then turned toward the maid, I asked. "Well, what happened at Belyuk Palace?"

"Don't tell me, Princess. The place was running wild right now. Your Majesty is relentlessly investigating because of..."


The maid was suddenly seemed taken aback. I stopped walking and held her arm. "What was Your Majesty being difficult about? Why a fuss..."

Even if Erudian knew, this was Soleia we were talking about. I already noticed that it was an end. Even though, that was a good news...!

My predictions were somewhat true. And wrong at the same time. For a long time, the lingering maid carefully opened her mouth.

"That... all the people at Belyuk Palace was being interrogated..." "What?"

I was feeling like screaming. It couldn't be!


"No, Princess!"

Roxanne, the maid who accompanied me cried.

"You can't go downstairs. It's still dangerous, Princess..." "Then bring me to Your Majesty immediately!"

I especially was sounded like a kid at this time.

"Otherwise, I'm going downstairs. I'm going to jump down..."

What a childish threat. But hey, my whole body was pumped by anger.

So, in this kind of situation, I couldn't move around freely. I need to talk to Erudian to get over with this situation. What the hell with that Belgoth's owner...

The maids led by Roxanne helped me... "You will be there soon, Princess."

"Please come, you'll have to wait for a little." I'm doing this.

[ Hey, you look like a little kid, cut it off. ] "... I know!"

Roxanne and the other maids looked embarrassed and didn't know what to do as I screamed like that.

"I don't want to do this too...! Really, if you can just come down here quickly, the death penalty would be avoided!"

[ Don't be asking for things that don't work. Ah it is. Other than my abilities, what can I do? ] Ah, what kind of God this is...!

I swallowed my annoyance and went downstairs.

I glanced down. Right here was the furthest I can go.

Of course I really want to jump down but I've no idea how. I didn't want to take that pain for nothing.

But Erudian Belgoth, what is he doing at Belyuk Palace? It was also urgent to know what is going on.

After all, what I could do was toss and turn. Indeed, the man is mine. Just look, you will come to accept the wrath!

Roxanne with her almost crying face said,

"Your, Your Majesty... Now, I even as a subject, I dare not to approach your stance..." "Do you mean they're going to be replaced?"

Marianne and my maid sisters weren't guilty. It was impossible, man!

Of course, no matter how frustrated I am, it would be difficult to pass my thoughts on to him. He was busy afterall.

And an unexpected solution appeared. "Princess?"


I have a soft voice due to sore throat so I bend to look back.

With black hair and gentle golden eyes, Deputy Bishop of Jean Barishad, Diego, was looking at me with an amazed eyes.

My eyes widened. Praise the Priest! He came to me.

"I heard the news that you sick. What are you doing in front of the stairs?" [Ah, Laduer. That's the kid I've been particularly fond of]

"Ladu..." "Yes?"


I hurriedly shut up when I realized that Ladur was Diego's third name.

Don't tell me anything like a baptismal name! I screamed inwardly and it seemed funny for him though.

"I want to go back to Belyuk Palace but couldn't go down. Belgoth Palace's mana power is being re-established. Just because there are many devices..."

"Oh, that's right. You shouldn't be reckless." "Is that so."

I was told quickly. "Can we go together?"

And when the good priest asked me, I didn't refuse. Diego, as soon as I see you, the trumpet call burst in my head.

"As expected, the only thing I can trust is Diego!" [What about me? ]

You're noisy!

I was saying that to just trying to get out of your mouth.

Diego was laughing, it was an embarrassing moment. He reached out gently. "So, shall we go?"


The road to Belyuk Palace is not that far. Together with Diego, we carefully went out of the Belgoth Palace. And not too long after, we arrived in front of Belyuk Palace.

I felt goosebumps at the scenery of dried grass in the garden.

With alert eyes, I looked around. "No..."

That dawn, I only saw the height of people. All the flowers were large enough to pick up a whole person. It opened its mouth like wanted to swallow a person. Now matter how I looked, I couldn't see those cannibal plants anymore.


Should I be relieved of it or not, but I didn't know...

With a deep sigh, I cautiously took a step through the garden. Onion shaped palace gradually getting closer.

After went through it at the dawn time, Belyuk Palace looked gloomy. Or maybe it was just a feeling.

As a reminiscence of Lebovny Palace, its image was changed overnight. I recalled the trembling sensation and just overlooked the garden.

When setting foot in the gate, my heart and feet are stopped by itself. Suddenly I heard a calm voice in front of the entrance.

Chapter 56

"I have placed the users myself and I have overturned the palace twice." Apparently, it was the voice of the man I was looking for.

"Well, in the Imperial Palace where the master of this country is watching."

The cold voice hardened. The young one was clearly angry at the loudness of his voice.

Euredian Belgoth, the only real owner of Belgoth, uttered in a cold angry voice, "You tried to hurt the Emperor's guest, didn't you?"

My eyes turned slowly and reached the attendant of Belyuk palace that kneeling in front of him. And as soon as I saw Marianne kneeling at the front, my mouth opened.

With his arms crossed, Euredian asked coldly, leaning against the pillar of the ahll. "How far should I be more tolerant? Marianne Levasilla, answer me."

"I swear to God, I have never done anything harmful to the Princess----." I heard Marianne rattling and answering the question.

Marianne's not guilty.

I finally slipped into the palace, looking around.

And that gesture caused the marble hitting with the shoe heel, caused a low sound. " ."

My shoes rang loudly in the chilled hall.

I was surprised, and the maids who were kneeling were also surprised, and Euredian who was standing threateningly was also surprised.


And I had no choice but to laugh awkwardly, who had surprised everyone with just the sound of footsteps.


My awkward greeting was buried with a sigh. Euredian looked toward me. "Princess."

I didn't look at him on purpose. I was scared of the divinity its sharpness, I'm sure I'll get in trouble if I get caught now.

I quickly passed Euredian and went all the way to Marianne who was kneeling. "Marie, are you okay?"

"Princess---- !"

My sweet maid, who had not shown tears in front of Euredian, burst into tears as soon as she saw me.

"I was so surprised to hear that you had gone down. Are you okay?" "I'm fine---."

"I'm sorry, I should have given you more---It's my fault. I'm sorry, Princess---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !"

I squatted in front of Marie, waving my hands in embarrassment.

"Don't cry, Marie. It wasn't a big deal. His Majesty has also come and now I'm in good shape." "That's because you're not always alright------------------------------------ and you've been down for a day and a half!"

Oh my god. Now in Marie's head I was seen as a weak and poor Princess.

I'm really alright, so there's no need to worry about it, don't cry, and Euredian just caught me off guard.

Euredian, who lifted me lightly and pulled me back, opened his mouth with a cold voice.

"I don't think the maid is important right now, Princess. You really don't listen to me at all." "Ahahaah. I'm sorry."

I smiled broadly first. They say you can't spit on your smiling face.

And before Euredian can continued with his nags. I continued my words, "Marianne is innocent, Your Majesty. I was going to tell you, that's actually------------------------------------------- !"

Soleia. It was the work of the sorcerer who thought you wouldn't mind getting married to, but the words were blocked by Euredian.

"I know." He spat out briefly. "What?"

"I know who made you that way. A beautiful and cunning Elard's youngest daughter. The magician of the tower."

Oh my. I opened my mouth wide. "Why do you know !"

"How do you know that she's not working alone?"

Euredian's voice was still cold and firm. The divinity, which always been neatly entangled, seemed to stretch out like a sharp spear. Just like I felt in front of that early-morning smokescreen.

I closed my mouth and looked up at him with a talkative eye.

What Euredian said was quite a plausible. In plain words, I don't know anything. Is there anyone in the Belyuk Palace who helped Soleia's dark magic? The original doesn't even feature Soleia's minions.

No wonder I wanted to trust the Belyuk Palace people, but the world may not be like the one I believed. Life can't be that easy.

" That, but."

I gasped and eventually shut up. In any case, this incident almost killed the Princess of another country inside the palace. It was natural for Euredian to react like this.

I shook my head sullenly. I raised my head back.

"Dark magic requires a medium. I'm just trying to find it. Whatever it is." Dark magic. Medium. I hurriedly opened my mouth.

"Your Majesty, did you ever know----." That Soleia Elard is a black magician!

Although Euredian could not say things loudly because he had eyes around him, Euredian seemed to know enough. His handsome face, which seemed a little loose, hardened again.

He chewed it out, "It was necessary to have evidence. A proof that a magic I forbade is being used to harm a guest in my country. Or a witness."

The reddish purple eyes glanced behind me. It was clear that he was tearing down every single one of the attendants of Belyuk Palace, kneeling behind me.

The chills, the screeching of the back of my head, gave me goose bumps. It was my first time seeing Euredian Belgoth like this.

No, is it the first time?

The first day I saw him behind the pillar of Lebovny passed through my mind. Yeah, even then this guy had these sharp eyes.

I mumbled with a small murmur while my eyes just look here and there, "----that, but----."

Well, it's understandable that you're upset. The next owner of the tower and the woman who made a great contribution to the tower of Belgoth was a black wizard who couldn't say anything about the death penalty.

And Eurediaan seemed to have no intention of letting this go. But Marianne is really innocent----

isn't Marianne the maid who has served Tezevia and Brisney for as many as ten years in the original?

But at the words of Euredian, my thoughts stopped.

"You all know the meaning of doing my own interrogation?"

The air trembled once. The trajectory of the swung divinity was a pillar and the floor was cut thinly and sharply.

Euredian who pushed me behind him growled out.

"If you don't want to be burned alive, it's better to open your mouth right now."

When I saw the hook, the bluish silver flame burning in the air, I was frightened and clung to him. "No, no. Hold on! Your Majesty!"

"Get away, Princess. You'll get hurt." "I know! Why would I get hurt!"

The divine spirit can be such a menace, huh? I thought it was a auspicious and noble force, but it could hurt people?

As if to answer the question, the heat was blazing, just like a real fire. Euredian pushed back again and spat out.

"If they're not related to mana, they'll be sick for a while. If there's a relationship, it will burn to death."

" ."

I don't think your expression is telling about it being just sick! "Not like this!" I said without further thinking as I looked at it. "Why?"

Euredian asked back at once. I answered with an inexhaustible effort to look straight up at the reddish eyes.

"Well, you can't hurt normal people. And turn it off--- If you're trying to find the culprit, there's a better way."

Come to think of It, it wasn't that there was no other way. Of course, I think it was ridiculous way, but it was also the most effective and efficient way.

"If you were a subordinate of Lady Elard, you must be a wizard." It is not an ordinary wizard, but a black wizard.

And I am more sensitive to mana than anyone else. In other words, it means that I can detect the traces of magi better than anyone else.

"I think I'm pretty good at detecting mana. Especially 'more for that kind of thing.'" " ."

Especially in the case of black magic, it was clear that this sense became more acute.

Not only was I attracted by the enchantment of the stone in Eugel Square, but this body had reacted first with the black magic in Belyuk Palace and this whole body was shivering in the face of Soleia.

In fact, I just didn't realize it, but there must have been many such cases. If I take advantage of such constitution, then I can't use anything else------------------------------------- !

I sneaked and added while looking at Euredian, "Of course, there are some risks----."

Of course, there is a little risk which is sacrificing part of my security. "Rejected."

And Euredian cut off calmly before I even finished talking. "Are you crazy? Absolutely not."

I can't believe he's so sensible at times like this.

But I wasn't the one to give up there. There's a way to reduce the risk of it. "Ei, it's not as dangerous as you thought."

I quickly took a step closer to Euredian and grabbed his hand.

I could feel his slight surprise from him. The divine power that stood me abated in a momentarily. I didn't miss the chance and spoke quickly, "Hand, hold it like this."

"What---- ?"

As far as I am concerned, I don't plan to feel sick again. In the first place, there's a quick-charging and nourishing tonic in front of me.

I bravely held hand and shook it.

"You can trust me. I'm risking my life, too, because I'm not in vain." "........... "

"You said you couldn't read mana with divinity anyway." Even Raulus said he couldn't ready anything related to mana.

God and mana can only destroy each other, but not recognize each other. Would the Raulus beyond Judetta be different from Euredian in such a way?

So you've never doubted Soleia. Soleia herself may be a strong black wizard, but one of the reasons was that the opposite of divinity and magic.

"And in fact----." I was mumbled

Chapter 57

In fact, there was some certainty. If Soleia's minions had indeed infiltrated the Belyuk Palace, I wouldn't have had to kill myself in the cumbersome way by evil dreams.

Soleia wanted me to ruin myself. Self-destruct, completely shattered from the spirit.

Even if you don't ask me to do it in the first place, I'm a woman who can be buried alive. That woman might have put her subordinates at risk.

I didn't intend to say the word out. If I tell him everything, I don't think this guy actually going to listen to me anymore.

Instead I changed the subject, pulling Euredian's hand.

"Anyway! Isn't this more efficient? And in fact, the problem is that the palace seems to be on the side of the garden"

" ."

"So stop that expression. I'm so scared I can't talk anymore."

I didn't wait for Euredian's permission. You can't suspect innocent people as potential criminals. That's how I started my own, 'Soleia hunt'.

In fact, the way I could take advantage of my physical condition was no different.

I looked closely at each and every attendant of the Belyuk Palace to see if they felt the same as what I felt for Soleia.

I intentionally shook hands or hugged them, and I had to concentrate my mind to determine if I felt a little bit of twinge or a sense that seemed to dazzle me.

Actually, it was more like a show for Euredian, but you don't know life anyway. It wouldn't be bad for me to check it again.

And while I was really going crazy, Euredian had been wearing a pointy energy all over his body.

The faces of the attendants who had already passed were filled with the feeling that they could not believe me even.

Still, whenever I approach the male attendants, there's like a ghost pulling him towards me-----

Are you angry or are you not---- ?

I glanced at him and finally reached out to Leria, the last remaining attendants. "Princess----."

Leria burst upon me with tears in her eyes. The youngest maid of honor, who was only a little bit shorter than me, at Belyuk Palace. I patted Leria out of some unknown pride.

"I don't know how surprised I was. If I know how upside down the Belyuk Palace had become

yesterday morning----." "Uh-huh. I'm sorry."

Only after a couple of more repeated apologies did I finish 'inspecting' my attendants. I was already certain to some extent, but I couldn't help but be glad.

It's proven that my faith wasn't in vain anyway. I turned back at Euredian with a bright smile. "Com on. I'm fine."

Of course, it could have been worse. My one hand that had checked at the attendants was held so tightly that I couldn't miss it even by mistake.

Euredian sighed quietly, "------- can you avoid doing this kind of way in the future?"

"Um. You're worried, too." "Princess, please."

He mumbled with a tired look, roughly sweeping away his sparkling silver hair. "Give me chance to relax."


I had no choice but to smile embarrassedly because I didn't have many records. "The original sunfish need special attention----."


"Yes. I will be careful."

My efforts somehow unravel Euredian's expression were dismissed as nonsense. I kept my expression of 'can't spit on a smiling face' and laughed hard.

"Now, shall we clean up the garden?" I pointed at the garden outside the entrance with the other hand.

" Don't have to." Euredian said it right out.

"I'm going to change all the gardens." Pardon------------ ?

My body flew to the air with no room for me to mutter a word.

Euredian, who held me lightly, moved his steps without hesitation. I stopped him in a hurry, "Well, wait a minute. You need to hear what's in the garden first---."


But this mand dind't seem to be listening to me already. I could hear Diego answering, who had completely been forgotten.

"Yes, Your Majesty." "Purify the whole thing."

There was a troubled laugh from Diego.

"Your Majesty, then, of course, the garden------ will not be left with me first."

"You're being a brat." "Are you serious ?"

"There's no overturn. Do it. Before I do it myself."

I turned my head in bewilderment and looked at Diego and Euredian. Diego smiled vaguely, "Alright, I'll take it."


What an ignorant order!

Of course, my rebellion was not working at all, and Euredian left the Belyuk Palace with me in his hands.

Of course, if I had known in advance what it meant to 'purify' them all, I would have stopped them by screaming.

I didn't know back then anyway. As soon as that moment happen, it was very difficult for me to go back to Belyuk Palace.


And in the blink of an eye, I was back at the Imperial Palace.

I pretended not to notice people's gaze that trying to follow us. I avert my eyes awkwardly, hugging Euredian.

I made a big fuss earlier, but upon returning I was in the Emperor's arm and didn't know what to do Ah. My image-----

However, in fact, it would be hard not to attract attention. What's happened in the last few days has probably spread to the entire palace.

And Euredian was indifferent to the many glances that followed him from the time he left the Belyuk Palace to the moment he entered the Imperial Palace.

So shame and embarrassment became my sin. Unaccustomed to gathering eyes, I eventually had to sink my head and cling to Euredian.

But I kept whispering to him, as the eyes that were going this way kept bothering me. "Well, Your Majesty."


"You can drop me off now-----."

And before I could finish speaking, I saw a crack in his expressionless face. I ended up switching my tone.

"I don't think so. Aha ha ha." Yes, I don't have a feet !

Somehow I felt like I should say so. His eyes which had always been loosened, were choking today.

"ahaha--- haha."

The divinity that wielded Euredian's body was much softer than before.

However, I could tell that I was more sensitive to his energy than anyone else. The energy is still a little rusty and irregular.

And it was my fault, by all appearances, that made this man like that, so I kept my mouth shut. I felt strange.

It's a little strange because it's different than usual-------- but I'm so sorry to see a man who's been

building up his walls to reach the sky, shaking like this. "Humph."

I'm so freaked out. I was surprised to think that far.

Is that so? Was I that kind of person who enjoys seeing this guy get angry----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?!

And the idea gradually stretching out in the wrong direction which was snapped up by a strange voice from behind.

"Your Majesty."

It was just the moment Euredian stepped on the stairs. And even as Euredian turned around, I who was in his arms, made eye contact with the one who called him.

" ?"

It was a man with a dark gray hair, near black and brown eyes. Although he looked a bit fierce with his mouth wide open, it was a neat style.

He looked very surprised. He was staring at me with his eyes wide open. So I opened my mouth and spoke out without realizing it.

" Count Iven."

And Euredian who was not facing it was able to guess who his opponent was through his voice alone. He glanced away and uttered in a tone of annoyance.

"I remember I gave you a clear order not to be called in today."

It was a voice full of annoyance and frustration. The man, called Count Iven, straightened his back hurriedly.

"I am pleased to meet the supreme owner of Belgoth." "---- Made the matter short. In short words."

Euredian seemed to have no intention of seeing him for a long time.

Count Iven hurriedly opened his mouth, "Ah, yes. I'm afraid I can't put off any more negotiations with Azekien isn't it urgent?"

"Why do you decide that? I'm in a hurry to decide what is urgent." It was a voice that was cold enough to freeze everything around.

I am a little confused now.

Was Euredian Belgoth actually this kind of personality? Was it just a low shell like the languid beast you've shown me?

However, I soon changed my mind. Even before, he was close to a beast at the top of the food chain.

Merciful and generous, but somehow the ruler is the ruler and the monarch of the country state? Let's look at the extinguished fire again, and see the gentle Euredian again. Yes.

And while I was laughing at myself with such foolish thought, my eyes met again with the man named Count Iven.

More precisely, the man kept glancing at my side.

----What's on my face?

And as soon as I thought so, Euredian turned halfway to his side. Naturally, Count Iven disappeared from view.

Huh? I tried to turn my head in wonder, buy his big hand pressed lightly on the back of my head. I only blinked, half buried my face in Euredian's neck.

I could hear Count Iven muttering in admiration. "She's the one who's rumored to be----."

Chapter 58

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for

" I won't see you right now. Go back, Count Iven. I hope there won't be interruption like this

next time."

However, the murmur was cut by the sword like voice of Euredian.

Then he began to move again. Count Iven, who still open-mouthed, came back to my vision. "Uh Goodbye."

And I kept peeping at him who was giving his greeting which gained Euredian's pointed eyes at me.

No, what did I do!

Of course, my expression of injustice didn't affect him at all. Euredian strutted along without much care. No matter how small I was, it would be quite heavy, but he didn't show any signs of struggle as he climbed the stairs.

And before long I came back to my new room on the third floor of the Imperial Palace. "Thank you for the ride."

My guess was wrong, I thought he'd drop me once inside the door. Euredian entered the room and headed straight for the bed.

T-This situation, is a bit-----

But I couldn't be more embarrassed, as this body was lightly seated in the middle of the bed. Euredian, who put me down, folded his arms and opened his mouth, "I'd rather if you sleep." "Ah, I'm all awake."

How can I sleep comfortably when you have such a scary face? If you come out in a dream---------------------------- that's as good as it is.

I swallowed the back of my tongue. But Euredian really meant to put me to sleep. "No, you're sleepy now."


Of course, my mind was over-spirited. Since I opened my eyes, it's been a series of shock and tension, it's weird if I don't wake up.

Esides, it was still too early to go to bed. It wasn't even early in the evening.

"M-Maybe a little sleepy----."

Of course, it was the exact of that. It was because the reddish-purple eyes really looking down at me wanting me to be asleep.

I crept into the blanket. When I looked up slightly, Euredian was pressing down his temple as if he has a headache. He murmured as if he were sighing.

"You'd better get back to Lebovny as soon as possible." "What?"

Why are you talking about it like that? I gave up about getting under the quilt and threw it. "I don't like that! I'm fine-----."

"You're not okay."

But Euredian really seemed to be serious.

"if it's impossible to keep your eyes open all day long, it's better to send it away*." " ."

I was speechless at the moment.

Do I have to like this or should I be upset? At first glance, it sounded like he wanted me to be around.

I reached out and carefully grabbed Euredian's shirt and slowly pulled it. He sat by the bedside as I pulled without showing any particular reluctance.

Oh---- ? The sparks of hope glistened and lit.

I went a little further over him and sat close together and opened my mouth. "Then you can stay by my side."

"What do you if you leave it? You keep getting out."

The answer came back immediately. It was bit unfair for me.

"I've never tried to get away---but in fact, today's event was because Your Majesty was too hard----

- You have to admit that----."

But as I continued to talk, the voice became small. Somehow, I think I'm getting a lot of notice of this man today.

Is it because he's hurt or because he's a little bit different from usual? "---Hoo."

But anyway, basically Euredian Belgoth was sweet to me. With a low sigh, warm fingertips swept my hair lightly.

"------You don't look much different from your usual----."

Euredian laughed at that. I could see the eyes that watched me loosened up even for a moment. "It's not different."

"In a way, I don't so either----."

"If it looks different, well. 80% is because of you."

A well combed pink hair flowed from the tip of Euredian's fingers. I gave him a hard look.

I don't know what the hell he's thinking. Whether he's worried or angry. I don't know if I'm allowed to approach more from here, or if I should just stay calm today.

However, it was evident that my nature wasn't designed to be quietly crouched. A new unconscious words popped out.

"That, are you serious?" "What?"

"You think it would be better for me to------ just go back to Lebovny."

"To some extent."

The heart sank weakly. Euredian answered slowly, "If you're not in front of me, I'll be less worried now."

Ah. This answer is a bit hurtful.

The accident stopped briefly and began to turn slowly. I smiled awkwardly and glided my eyes. As expected, would it be better to just stay still?

"Hehe----- That's too much."

" ."

Well, it maybe strange for me to go through this and never think about leaving Belgoth. I changed the subject awkwardly.

"When did you know that Lady Elard is a black wizard?" "------- Recently. It's still just a speculation."

It was clear that the day of his visit to the center of Barishad was the beginning of it. As expected, it seems that it was only then that he began to doubt Soleia in earnest. "What about you?"

"Hmmm--- --."

I laughed and avoided his eyes. I can't say the original story, so I have to give him a different excuse. The accident, which had been cracked by a powerful punch a while ago did not return any time soon.

"Somehow----." "How come?"

"Because I'm sensitive---- I just thought she might be. Like His Majesty."

Eventually I said anything and turned my head away.

I'm sure my body wasn't fully functioning yet. I'm still sick, so I'm going to be this stupid.

However, the tail of his mouth was steadily dragged to both sides like a habit. It must have been his smiling face as usual.

"Well, then you'll not going to completely marry Lady Elard, right?" " "

There was no return answer. In fact, it was a perfect answer

If we can find out who Soleia really is, what's wrong with her engagement? Black magic is a felony that can be sent to the death row right now.

The thoughts rolled slowly. Then Then----

The realization sank.

"Did--- I ask you too obviously ?"

Indeed, the reason I had to stay in Belgoth was nothing more. All I have to do is stop Euredian from trying to marry Soleia. "Good thing----."

I clouded my words. It's right that I's a good thing. My job is done, and even this guys says I'd rather go back to Lebovny. It's right to go back before Soleia makes it worse.

That's reasonable thing to say. " "

But somehow, I didn't want to look straight up at Euredian. Strange thing, isn't it?

It really hurt me to recognize it. What's this feeling------- !

I avert my gaze awkwardly and said anything that came to my mind.

"Ah, I'm sorry to keep bothering you. Somehow I've always been a nuisance---------------------------------------------------------------------------- but it's not always

my intention, but somehow things are always a little --."

And the man who sat by the edge of the bed was surprisingly silent. After all, it was on my side that I couldn't bear the increasingly strange sinking of the atmosphere and awkwardness.

I pulled back and murmured in quiet sound. "And---- thank you for being there a dawn."

" ."

"I said it was okay, but I was actually really scared that day------- --."

I didn't see what kind of expression Euredian had on his face because I was avoiding his gaze. Words that I didn't have to say kept coming out of my mouth.

"It was a dream that never seemed to end. No light, full of dead people. Ah, there's no way out, no matter how much I shout, no one listens----------------

----------------------- --."

Do I just want to complain? Why all of a sudden?

"I know no one will help. Actually, I was very scared back then------------------------------------------------------------------------- huh?"

I couldn't finish my words. It was because Euredian crawled to me.

A clear, tidy body pierced the tip of my nose. The twinkling silver gleamed right in front of me. My body pulled into a slight hug.

My eyes opened wide by themselves. I could feel the purest and most sparkling divinity rising in my body.

"Uh-- --."

Euredian did not pull me with force. The touch on the shoulder was light. The body that touches slightly and the breathing that passes through the neck revealed through the hair. Everything is as light as air.

We've had a lot of heavy contacts before. "........ "

My heart beat strangely.

"I thought I could protect you in a safest place." A calm voice flowed from his mouth to the ear. "Because I don't think so."

" ."

"You should be in the safest place for you." That's right. My life is precious too.

-----I'd say, but I couldn't say that because the word was stuck in my throat.

So I, perhaps, didn't want to say that. A completely different word came out of my lips which was in a treacherous grin.

"I-I'm fine--- --."

"Now that I see it, the fine thing seems to be a habit of words."

I heard a short laugh. The warm fingertips swept down my hair neatly. Swept it off and carefully repeat the touch.

And a voice as sweet as that touch spoke, "As I said before, I'm not okay, Princess." Without a trace of coldness.

Chapter End Notes

*t/n --- another Korean phrase I assume...

Chapter 59 - Part 5: Twirling Contact

I only heard the sound of my heart becoming louder and louder as I was embraced by Euredian toward his neck. In my head, only one question was slowly swirling.

"What do you mean when you're not okay? But I ended up spouting the word out.

After an unmeasurable amount of time, the warmth was gone, and the sparkling silver hair came to view again.

And thud. The door is finally closed and I'm the only one left in the spacious room. And it was not until then that a faint voice came from my tightly blocked throat. "'What does that mean?"

But it was a question that had already disappeared. In retrospect, it was a really strange day.

Euredian Belgoth, who had always been calm, was unusually sharp and sensitive and somehow I felt depressed.

But more strange than that. My heart was pounding.

It was so small and light that my heart was beating hard when I made contact with him. What a strange day, it was.

I haven't slept for a long time that day too. Was it because of a fear that has not yet been fully overcome? Or was it because of the beating heard that didn't sink until then.

It was clear that everything was shaking me up.

Part 5. Twirling Contact.

I took a long rest after that day. All the attendant of the Belgoth Palace was there the moment I'll walk one step out of the room.

I was so nervous that I could fall down even if I came out.

Of course, the only radius which I can move is the third floor of the palace, so I know they are worried about getting out of the area.

" ."

I slipped my head out of the door. Even though I said I would be careful as much as possible, the

tip of my pink hair that was braided carefully to one side, popped out of the door.

And I was afraid to reach out, and all the eyes of the ladies in waiting were looking at me. I smiled wide, "Good morning, everyone---------------------!"

And then I closed the door again.

I mean, isn't this a little too much----- ?!

Overprotection. Overprotection. I sighed and went to the bed and lay down. A day or two may not be enough, but it's already been a week.

People in the main palace were wary of it and stayed in the room.

I couldn't even sleep well at night. It was a miracle that I had recovered to this extent, as my life pattern has been irregular for several days and I couldn't go out of the room. I sighed and rolled on the bed.

[Tsk tsk. You are the best on earth of laziness.]

I was glad to hear Raulus' voice which pokes me at this point. I replied with a big smile. "I know. What if I do this and get rooted in the bed for real?"

Maybe I'm really going crazy. I can't believe I'm replying willingly to this mean voice. Indeed, I must be the kind of person who couldn't control their mouth.

After more than a week, the concept of time and everything was gone, so I couldn't even know exactly what day it was today.

"This is not a person living---- --."

Until a few weeks ago, I was going looking at the particularly green and beautiful garden.

I grabbed the bedpost and looked down at the vertical backing to drool. The desire to go out boiled up.

However, my reason has still functioning so fat it wasn't an exaggerated story to say that I'm dying by going around randomly. At least for me.

So I tried to find something I could do in the corner of my room. "Would you like to ghostwrite a letter, Princess?"

" ."

All I asked was for a pen and paper for me to write a letter to Lebovny, I was only saying that. "It's alright!"

I didn't hurt my hand, Roxanne---- !

But when I was about to write a letter, I felt hopeless. There's a lot to write, but it's unclear whether we can send it to Lebovny.

Well, should we get some exercise? I think all I do since coming to Belgoth is open-air and laziness.

Right, exercise or something-----


Of course, it was almost impossible to avoid the eyes of maids who had their eyes on me and checked my every move.

"Princess! Let us do this!"

Instead of dumbbells, I lifted up the small pot,

"Oh my god, Princess! What are you doing on the floor!"

If I bend my arms and stretch, they'll be surprised and put me on the bed. "Princess, sweat! She has a fever. Call the doctor right now!"

With a drop of sweat on my forehead, she rushed to the doctor.

"Princess, you are still not fully energized, so you must not exercise too much. No way!" Princess, no. stop, Princess. Princess, would you like this? How about mine, Princess?

That Princess-----

"I'll just stay still----."

F*ck. There was nothing I could do after all.

It would be nice to be next to Euredian, or Diego or Marianne. Sadly, none of the three could come by my side right away.

Euredian, extremely sensitive and cold-hearted, refused to allow the people of Belyuk Palace to enter the main palace.

The reason was that no matter how much I checked them myself, they could not enter the main palace because they had already failed to serve me properly.

There was nothing more I could say to that resolute face as he said that he was taking into account that they hadn't been fired.

If you really crossed the line, he was a man who turned cold to blow the cold wind. Well, it wasn't that I didn't know the face, so I gave up trying to persuade him further.

And Diego, in fact, wasn't the kind of person who could come right away because I was calling. He's the next archbishop of Barishad. I can't really call a busy priest to hang out with me every day.

Then who's left? Euredian Belgoth, the only one who can save me from living a life a little closer to a life of worms.

" Because he's busy."

I murmured for no reason.

In fact, it was an excuse. It's a busy Euredian. It'll be 265 days a year. Besides, I knew roughly what time he was working, what time he was resting and what time he was eating.

Euredian was sometimes too precise in calculating his time with accuracy. So it's harder not to know. It's not impossible for him to make time once a couple of days.

------I know.

The problem was me. Me. "Damn it."

I mumbled melancholy and buried my face deep in my knees. Just by thinking of the man, my heart began to beat faster.

I mean, this is serious!

Once I began to think about Euredian Belgoth, I was overwhelmed by this memory.

The thing that didn't hug me at dawn just a week ago, he said something meaningful. Since then, sometimes I check my condition meticulously.

-----That's why I feel my chest beating more and more abnormally.

In addition, when he reached out to me, the top of my ears heated up immediately.

Not only did I face him more in that condition, but once I came back to my room I thought my whole face was going to turn red.

That's why I'm avoiding Euredian first. To the point where I wonder how he's been so persistent so far.

And the great man didn't follow me because he wasn't looking for me. I found myself feeling a little bit upset and gasped out breathlessly.

You're not going to find me where I'm avoiding you first. You're sad? Are you stupid!! " ."

Anyway, that's why I'm in this state. Like a cockroach that's rotting in a corner of a dark room. [Go out and get some fresh air, child. You're going to be a mummy alive.]

How can even Raulus say this? I blinked blankly, spread over the bead. " Perhaps, right?"

[Yes. You're not as slow-witted as you are these days.]

Raulus, who always snarled, answered very seriously. And I set my mind back.

Right, whatever it is, I'd rather do one more thing than live with the bugger run and be forced back to Lebovny!

" ."

And in conclusion, I had to put a brave face as I walked down the corridor on the third floor of the Central Palace. On the door when there are a lot of eyes that follow behind my back, and the footsteps of the attendants who follow me step by step.

I glanced back and turned my head in amazement at the second row of maids and servants who followed behind me.

Hoo, it's too muc---- !

It's a burden even though it's something I've been going through everytime I leave the room for days.

Did Euredian order this too? It was said that last time he threatened the ladies and gout out of the Central Palace.

Are you doing this----- ?!

At any rate, it was a great relief when I see the man coming up the stairs. "Your Majesty!" I called him once.

He turned his head at my call when he was ordering something to the aide who was following him. The reddish-purple eyes met mine.

Euredian called me slowly, "Princess."

And I blinked awkwardly again when I called him.

Today's Euredian is more loos than usual. Just a little bit. The silver hair was naturally disheveled but he was wearing a neat white shirt and a thin ribbon-shaped cravat.

The fact that he is wearing a cravat means that he has received a noble presence or had an important meeting. Even in a short moment, the information swept through my head.

"I think it's been a few days since I saw your face."

The face said such a picturesque line. I had to stand motionless and watch him approach me because of all the people behind me.

"I-Is that so? I don't really----- --."

"Why did you avoid me for a few days?"

Chapter 60

At first glance it was a mischievous tone. Then I feel the color of my face fading away. I feel good only for useless thing, this guy!

But for now, I deny it.

"No. What do I avoid? Your Majesty was busy."

"Well, at the end of the hall, I could see you looking at me to the other room. How many times?" " ."

And it fails without a doubt.

However, even if I wake up after I die, I can't live because of my heart! I shamelessly denied to the end.

"You've seen wrong."

"Yes, well then shall I say yes?"

Eurediaan shrugged lightly. The sharp, sensitive, and somehow bitter look at me from that night, disappeared without a trace.

Euredian has been the same as usual to the point where it is embarrassing for me to worry about my heart. From a loose, calm expression that brighten his eyes.

He asked steadily, "What about lunch?" "--- I already ate."

"What about tea?" "Tea --."

Somehow it's unfair. You're the only one who's calming down after making me feel so weird that night. Then I'll be fine too!

I resolved myself firmly and smiled broadly.

"If you say you haven't had a drink yet, would you invite me to a post-lunch tea time?" " "

And I captured the moment when Euredian paused slightly.

His straight eyebrows moved a bit and he looked down at me with strange eyes. I smiled and prayed earnestly that my ears did not turn red.

And then slowly the answer came, "Yes." "Huh?"

It was on my side that was surprised by the answer that came out so gently. Euredian pulled up the corners of his mouth.

"Tea, drink and go."

It was also my side that my ears were burning again at the slow and languid voice. I finally managed to nod my head, slightly sliding my eyes.

This is also a little, unfair---- !

Well, however, there was no change in me hitting the drums that I felt wronged by myself. In the meantime, I was in the Emperor's office.

"Oh-- --."

It was my first time in Euredian's office. Although the color was similar to the bedroom as a whole, it had a much more monotonous and harder atmosphere.

The bedroom was also a bit boring to be an Emperor's space, but the Oval Office has some charmed. The walls and ceilings were not splendidly adorned, and there was not a single ornament to be placed.

I looked around the office and muttered. "You work in a place like this."

"Ah, is it your first time in?"

And only then that Euredian noticed it.

As he approached the window and opened it, he looked back at me with a slightly embarrassed look. I tilted my head in bewilderment.

"First time. I've been in the bedroom once----."

When I said this my feelings were strange. It was very unnatural and I blinked quickly. No. It's not weird. Don't be conscious of it alone for no reason------------------------------------------------------------ !

"In the first place, I haven't been to the main palace very much."

And after hard work, I succeeded in responding as usual. Euredian thought slow down and gave a little laugh.

"I see."


"Let's sit there---- I'll have the tea out for you."

I nodded and slowly moved into the office. I sat down on the sofa in front of the table near the bookcase on his right.

Euredian came and sat across from me with one side of the window wide open. I opened my mouth watching him loose his cravat with his habitual movements.

"Someone it's a little different from what I thought." "What?"

"The office. I thought it would be more comfortable."

I thought vague that it would be the same as the man with a drowsy and bored impression.

Of course, my prediction was wrong from the beginning. He just looks loose on the outside, but he's more determined and cool-headed than anyone else.

In that sense, it was also a place that resonated with him. Of course, it wasn't my cup of tea, but I laughed vaguely.

"Somehow I felt a little stuffy." " ."

And there was not a moment's answer from Euredian. The reddish eyes grazed me again. Then came a faint, dejected smile on his handsome day.

"Does that look like that to your eyes?" "Well, a little bit."

I'm glad he left the window open, but I think it would have been really frustrating if the window door had been tightly closed. Rest and relaxation were the interstellar spaces that had completely ruled out here.

I scanned Euredian's face carefully. I didn't see any signs of fatigue or sensitivity. However, somehow, strangely-----

"Overwork is not good."

I don't know why the word popped out. Even though he didn't look busy or tired.

I sit because of this stuffy atmosphere in the Oval office? He looked like a heavier man today. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I wish you and I could switch it up." "What?"

"My life is a little lazy these days. I'm getting lazy because I'm not relaxed." Knock, knock. I stopped talking at a timely knock.

"Come in."

When Euredian's permission was granted, the door opened. The servant dragged a tray of teapots, cups, and simple refreshments in it.

"Leave it alone and go out."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Have a good time. Ah, Princess."

Euredian ordered dryly and he watched the servant following his order. I was a little embarrassed. Euredian reached out to the kettle.

The cup of tea was hot. The fragrant aroma of tea spread like wildfire.

I looked at the figure a little embarrassed. It was a picturesque scene to see a man perfectly pouring tea. It made the world more worth it just by looking at it, and indeed it was a truly wonderful sight.

"I can do it-----." I muttered awkwardly. "It doesn't matter."

And I became a tea drinker which Belgoth's master himself had poured out. How many people in the Empire would drink tea directly poured by the Emperor------------------------------------------ ?

" Thank you."

There was a moment of silence. Euredian put the teacup down on the table, wondering if he was drinking just one sip of it.

I saw his hands unconsciously moving toward the less loosened cravat. As expected. My eyes are not wrong.

Euredian Belgoth. On the surface, the inside must be complicatedly twisted in such a generous and languid face.

Does that look like that the judgment is more twisted here? A sharp, sensitive, hard-to-reach look.

I remembered how good the day could be with those eyes full of bored light. The divinity that swung roughly and pointlessly around him.

Euredian quickly noticed my staring. The reddish-purple eyes, which were halfway down, turned toward me.

My expression seemed more serious than I thought. And he smiled and asked, "What did you think was the cause of it?"

"Welll---- the amount of activity is reduced greatly?"

"The amount of activity."

"I said I look like a slowfish witted man." "Slowfish?"

Without thinking, I've been saying what Raulus said when he sees me, I shut my mouth. Euredian's eyebrows were glaring. He said to himself, tapping his finger on the armrest of the sofa. "You don't speak very well. Who would it be to say that?"

" Well, the second self in me?"

That was the best excuse I could give. I grinned to cover up my mistake.

"That's what I'm saying, words. Maybe I should work out in the room. It's been over a week, and it's been a little painful." " ." "Oh, that doesn't mean I'm complaining." Euredian grinned as I hurriedly added, "If you say so, I feel guilty." "I didn't mean that. Oh, you know----." "Well----." He blurted the end of his words. Unbutton the dark blue cravat more loosely and button it up to the end of the neck. "I had promised you not to worry in this land. Come to think of it, I'm not exactly a man who keep promises."

" ." I didn't mean for him to take it seriously----I fiddled with the teacup and looked at his face. It was a light move, and his expression was still soft but somehow, he felt uncomfortable to just let it go. Hmm. Is it time to try to turn the mood around? I opened my mouth with a brightly smile on my face. "Ah, come to think of it. There's something you can do for me." " ?" The red eyes quickly raised questions. I put down my teacup and leaned over him. The distance between the sofa and the other is so long that even if I tilt my body a little, the distance between my sofa and Euredian's still far away. "Your Majesty." "Hmm." Euredian replied without a hitch. He seemed to wait and see what I would say. I spoke briskly. "Now, can you call me by my name?"

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch A little bit of red ink floated up. But Euredian soon smiled troubled. "That won't do." "Why!?" I frowned my face. "You said so well at dawn----- !" You thought I wouldn't remember, but I remember that part clearly! "Not in my memory." And this man today laid an iron wall in a strange part. I never thought I'd put out a duck's foot------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! I closed my mouth and glared at him slightly. If you think it's soft, it's turned hard again. After all, I was the only one who was swaying and torn about as usual. "I only allow you to do so. Are you going to refuse so firmly?" "Yes." ------I don't like it. I pulled back my leaning body. Euredian's face was as stern and resolute as ever. Isn't the relationship between us always here and there because of that damn iron wall? It's like we're getting close, but it's just so fast and why is it always this guy pulling the rope? It was then that Euredian slowly opened his mouth.

"'I've been wondering since last time." "What?" I answered curtly. The voice didn't come out nicely. Euredian looked at me for a moment and asked me. "Why do you say, 'Only allow me'?" "What?" "Do you know what that means?" Why? Because I want to get closer to you----

However, I didn't want to be so honest. I roughly wrapped up the idea in dryness and spat it out. "Well, because you are handsome?" " ." "Um--- and." I glanced at him slightly. Euredian was laughing a little. I grabbed my pounding heart again and opened my mouth. "Because I like you---------------- --." I said it as a test, but my heart was pounding strangely. It felt like I was making a shy and clumsy confession. I'm just saying it like I always say it in a sly way----. "You still talk about it." "Ah-- --." "I don't deal with heartless words, Princess." However, strangely enough, there was me whose heart was pounding at Euredian's chuckle and light retort. " ."

I shut my mouth tightly. I felt really weird. I'm just joking. I'm just joking. Euredian was now looking at me, with his arms crossed, with a gentle smiling face. I was briefly distracted by the sight even in my nausea as if enthralled by the glow of purple eyes. "I--." Euredian slowly opened his mouth. "Sometimes I wonder what you're thinking." "........... " "Sometimes, no. Quite often, actually." "--- That's what I'm saying." He had a look of great confusion. And I couldn't be confused either. Euredian spoke slowly, "The meaning of allowing names in Belgoth is greater than you think, Princess." Is it my misunderstanding that the word 'Princess' seems to have a force? Or is this man's own expression of defiance, or rejection? I couldn't straighten my increasingly twisted thoughts and just said it, "Just say that I want to hear it."

" ." "If Your Majesty says he wants to hear me calling you by name, isn't that enough?" I said it out hard but the meaning was close. Obviously, the reason I brought this story out for the first time was to change the atmosphere but now it's time for another change. I set my posture straight and looked at him straight. Make your attitude clear. If you're going to build a wall, I won't be able to reach you anymore. Hurt and hit me properly so I can't even try again.

Otherwise, Or "You can't touch me more than this, Princess." Euredian said in a calming voice. It was something I had heard many times. "You must have known about it last time. That this place is never favorable to you." " ." "You'd better not have any lingering feelings here." Something choked up inside. Right. I see. Now there's almost no reason to approach you. My heart sank to the point where I wondered if he was saying that because he knew it. Euredian smiled lightly. "It's a waste to leave a rare name here." If this man knew what I was feeling right now, he wouldn't have said this. I had an instinctive hunch. This guy's going to be like this till the end. Until I finally get back to Lebovny. To the end, sweet and kind, will push me away. " ." You hurt me, and then with that kind eyes, and with that kind of voice, you gave me hope. He'll shake me like that and eventually push me away. Unless he tell me which is true, that mouth of yours, I'll never guess. Euredian Belgoth, he won't call me. So there was nothing more I could say. *** [What do you think?] Raulus asked as if he was very curios. I smiled and greeted Roxanne, who came with tea.

"Thank you, Roxanne." [Are you really going back?] "The tea smells good. It smells like lemon----- no, is it lime?" "Yes, Princess. It's a lime tea. I'm glad you like it." Roxanne smiled amiably. I put my mouth on the teacup and took a sip of steaming tea. A lime- scented tea spread through the mouth. Roxanne's tea. It was nice, so to speak, a notch above Marianne. It doesn't taste bitter and the temperature is just right. [Hey, crumbs. Are you not going to answer me now?] ".......... " It's obvious that Raulus has nothing to do at Judetta. He's always talking to me like this. I'm already in a state of disarray. I turned my head and frowned so that Roxanne wouldn't see it. "I don't know. I don't know." [You, do you want to have that child?] "When did I? I never say that." It was a topic that I didn't even want to think deeply about. I have a topic about what should I do in the future. [I thought you were serious.] There was a sound of Raulus undaunted and muttering. The interest had cooled down. "I was serious, but I won----." I meant it. I saw Roxanne turned around and closed the door of the terrace. I relaxed. [And?] "But----should I say that it is no longer necessary----." [Why, he didn't call your name?]

Raulus stabbed sharply. I sighed and replied, "Neither is that. It's just that, the situation." When I looked at it without my feelings, it really was like that. It was because of the disappearance of the title I would give to Euredian. This was the framework of the plan I had set up when I was abducted to Belgoth. 'Preventing the marriage of Euredian Belgoth and Soleia Elard.' I've added to this grand addition to try to get him to catch me.

That was the primary goal anyway. Rebelling against the flow of this world to prevent the birth of the villain Deckard by preventing Euredian's marriage. It was safe to say that Euredian Belgoth and Soleia were never married. As long as he suspects and wary of Soleia as dark magician. "Even if I don't ask for his marriage, he won't marry her." I said. The more I spoke, the more I think about it. Right. Would you marry a woman who was crazy and knew that she was a black wizard? It was safe to say that there was no more chance of that. Eventually, my dashed operation was meaningless. I have achieved the goal of him not marrying Soleia, it was the goal I've looking for. I felt down. So Euredian's side has put out the fire, and what's left of it. "Now, it's me who really has to worry about----." Right. It's me, me. In this world, divine power is essential to live a long and healthy life in Belgoth. [Hmm. That's right. It's like an odd body that will fly when the wind blows.] "Is it really like that?" [It looks really good.] I laughed at Raulus' playful tone.

"Well, do I really have to wait five full years to become your priest? Really? It's okay for a while, so can't you come down for a while---?" [It doesn't work out like that.] "Uh. Strict." [Judetta's taboos. I can't get on the ground without permission, child.] I already that Raulus was a very good empty can------- but I was really exhausted after being confirmed and shot. "Whoooo --." I mean, this award where things have come to this, I really have no reason to stay on this dangerous land. To preserve my humble life, I might as well go back to Lebovny as soon as possible and somehow endure the five years that Raulus said and stay in the temple. I've already bought some hate from Soleia Elard, and if I'm here, I'll only be her prey. I didn't want to live a hard life or get killed. There's no reason for Euredian to play back and forth with me. " ."

There was a new sight hat I was not aware of as I thought so far. Sparkling silver kept floating in my head. Chapter End Notes t/n--- I like this chapter somehow. I mean all this time we actually thought that yenni LIKE Euredian and had fall for him. But this chapter we see that all this time she indeed like him but not in love with the man. Her goal was to make him not to marry Soleia. She managed that but now here she is feeling all hurt for being rejected.

Chapter 62 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for Although he was a man who was more than half full in his head, these days he is especially popular. I haven't seen him again since that short teatime three days ago. I holed myself back in the room and avoided him much to be recognized by myself. I wonder if I wasn't confident enough to face it as usual. I murmured melancholy, "Yes, well------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didn't really expect him to marry me." First of all, it's a good thing I stopped the marriage of the century at the expense of this body! " " ---no matter how much I comfort myself, it didn't help much. Actually, I was dumped again that day. Euredian did not call my name until the end of the day. -----I really wanted to hear it again. My name. "Ah, I have a headache." Eventually, I stuck my forehead on the table. It's true that going back to Lebovny right now would be a little safer for me. Even Euredian must be thinking about sending me back. I didn't seem to want to go back. Even after being dumped! [Hmm. You're less tenacious child than I thought.] " ."

In the meantime, Raulus scratched my stomach very tightly* [I thought you were a little more confident and brave.] " Yes." I thought I was. I pressed both cheeks alternately against the table. Where did all the unrivaled adaptability and behavior evaporate? [Hmm.] And Raulus seemed to ponder something. [I don't think he's serious,]

"What?" I blinked my eyes instead of crushing my face against the table. "What does that mean?" [It would be better if he hanged more.] "Heum------------- ?" Who's the one who hanged** him? I pressed my left cheek back to the table with a straight face. "What are you saying----." It wasn't a day or two for Raulus to talk nonsense. I was lost in thought again. I couldn't sleep at night, so my mind was hazy. "When did this happen---- --." It was clear that something had broken down. My heart beat out of control several times a fay. When was it again? Probably the day after Soleia's nightmare and I opened my eyes in Euredian's bedroom.

The contact from that time, which had been entangled countless times, came to mind like a panorama. I can't believe my heart, which has been intact all this time, is suddenly beating like this! What does this reaction even mean? Why was it so shocking that Euredian didn't call my name? What the hell am I hoping for? I swung my arm around and grabbed the quill that rolled over the table. I pulled a piece of paper that had already been piled up in the corner and wrote things. Plans that had been stuck in my head were lined up on paper. Plan A. Belgoth's invasion of Lebovny. Plan B. Stop Tezevia from being kidapped to Belgoth. " Eh." These are failed operations long ago. I've blacked out until the feel of the quill about to break. And Plan C. Stop Euredian from getting married. I hesitated for a moment and wiped the item out as well. This is, to some extent, a plan achieved. " ." So now Plan D-----

" ." --It was supposed to be made but the pen was writing something different. Crooked. Several words without context were randomly scrambled. 'Euredian Belgoth.' 'Divinity' 'Human tonic' 'Quick charger' 'The iron wall that hurts when you bump into it.' 'I don't want to bounce...'

'But a friendly person in a strangely unexpected place. No, in fact, from the beginning.' 'and now my heart is beating like this.' 'it's been a few days since that day, and I still can't face him properly------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' 'What, meaing?' Raulus said with a big a smile, [What are you writing, crumbs?] " " And eventually the paper also became the 105th badly crumpled in my hand. I threw away the paper in a ball-shaped ball. It hit the terrace rail and fell down there. [Oh, you just threw it like that.] "Oh, I don't know." I wanted to knock on the door of the office right way. "It's a waste to leave a rare name here." What the hell does that mean? Why are you confusing people like this?! The weak quill rolled over the table. I got up from my seat with a sigh. It has already been three days since I was unable to sleep due to overlapping and various concerns. [ .] I couldn't fall asleep at night, so I've been sleeping a couple of times during the day and now I've sleepy all the time. I scrambled to get up, opened the terrace door and entered the bedroom. I really don't know, so let's get some sleep first. Let's think after we sleep---It was already out of my mind that Raulus' voice had been dismayed ***

Soleia's POV Thuck.

A sheet of paper that hit lightly on the head patted the shoulder one more time and bounced off the floor. The reddish-brown hair, curled to the waist of the back, shone brightly in the sunshine. Soleia stopped at the hit on the head and looked down at the pile of paper that had fallen at her feet. Eyes scanned around. It wasn't hard to notice where some paper crumbs had fallen. Just above her head, over the terrace on the third floor, was a familiar light pinkish glow. Then, she get out of sight like she's teasing. " You're still cute Princess." How many times do you act like this? It was cute and always full of sparks. Well, so it may be worth collecting. The lips painted red had a deep smile. Soleia bowed down and picked up a bunch of paper that had fallen to the ground. The paper was curled up in the shape of a ball. Soleia easily unfolded the paper. " " Unrecognizable, black-colored ink marks covered more than half of the paper. And yet the black obsidian eyes read the crooked letters beneath them. " Aahahaha." And before long, a smile slowly appeared on the face of a gorgeous and beautiful woman.

I wasn't sure why the Emperor called me to the Imperial Palace. What doubts he might have. Of course, she had not the slightest intention of holding the Emperor's hand gently, but she did not going to give up without a fight. The crumpled paper folded straight in the white soft hand. "Maybe it's easier than I think--------------------------------- --." The woman as beautiful as flowers and as crafty as snaked, grudgingly muttered the folded paper into the hem of her dress. [Annoying.] Out of the blue, a voice interrupted. Soleia frowned gently. [It's annoying------------- something. Repeatedly.] " ." [That, just kill her. I don't why but, I felt unlucky.] "It's a waste to kill her now. It's useful." Soleia answered with a sigh. The 'voice' was nervously loud. Things used to go wrong when it felt

unlucky. "It's all up to you." [Hurry up, Soleia.] Tick. Tick. Tick. The sound of the skull shaking like it was going to break and hitting each other echoed in her ear. Then there was one whispering word. Hurry up, as if she were being chased by someone. Soleia breathed a light sigh again. There is no need to rush a work that had been done for 5 years. " ."

Besides, she just got a decent deal. Soleia managed to ignore the whisper of her amster. Heavy and thick steps fell again. A blood-colored dress as strong as her hair hung over the road on the grass. The sun was slowly sinking. *** Euredian's POV The setting sun also cast a long flow on the Emperor's office. The spacious office was bathed in scarlet. The man, standing on his back against the window, was also immersed in the sunset from head to toe. The glittering silver hair glistened in gold. Only the sound of the documents in the quiet office can be heard. Leaning against the window, Euredian handed two finger-sized bundles of papers. The document was related to the Glucaman Tripatite Convention. The delicate war of nerves between the three countries, which seemed to be nearing an end, was now gradually heading toward it. Chapter End Notes *t/n---think this one is another common phrase. **it's not literal... but I think Raulus meant to cling more to Euredian (?)

Chapter 63 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for

Of course Belgoth's hard-line policy which no longer felt the need for patience, played a part. The idea was that the peace treaty had already been broken. In the first place, Euredian Belgoth was a monarch who did not need to be wary of others or other countries. A ruler who holds the eastern part of the Liger in the grip of his and will extend his territory to the west. Who would date to rebel if he declared it? But, in fact, it may not have been as hard as this. Euredian were generous with most of the agenda. It was natural for his country to have reputation for being diplomatic and merciful, as it was for the first time he had. If he died, will he be considered a defender of the Liger Peace Alliance Treaty? The first crack in his patience and generosity was the case in which Lebovny blocked the Glucaman Road for two years. Would he had come out of his own hand and carried on to do something like a torpedo boat that kidnapped the Princess of Lebovny? But now, Euredian regretted his patience. " I should have endured it once." A murmur of sigh came out. No, he couldn't bear it, but he didn't want to kidnap Lebovny's Princess. He'd rather meet Lebovny's demand then. If it had been so, Azekien would not have climbed up to ask for an upgrade in terms of deal as it is now. Moreover, she wouldn't have come all the way here and been on the verge of death again and again and Soleia Elard wouldn't have let him put him in this condition. " ." That what he thought. What's the point? It's already happened. And

The truth is, he's still relieved to see her, and he's sure she's in the corner of her heart. Thus, Yerenca was tremendous wave in itself. Until now and in the future, she would be the only one who exerts that much influence on Euredian. Phallac. And after all the word involving everyone, Euredian's composure evaporated. His long fingers passed the document slowly. The weight of the contents of the document was

enormous. It was a document about the confrontation between the three countries of the Glucaman road. However, the urge to wipe out all the opposing countries by force was not enough for him now. There were more important works left for him than that. Euredian unfolded the very end of the document and threw it down on the desk. He fumbled at the tip of his desk without care and found the Emperor's seal. A pure gold seal the size of a fist was quickly caught. Euredian imprinted his seal on a document that left only his approval without hesitation. A purple wolf howling at the sky was clearly stamped on the bottom of the document. Thuck. A bunch of papers were stamped. The document he had just approved clearly reveals how sensitive the Belgoth's owner standing now. Euredian Belgoth proposed negotiations between the three countries. The place is in his empire, Belgoth.

In fact, it wasn't a proposal, but it was a summons. I have nothing to say about this, so if you want to ask for anything more, come and do it yourself. Although it was wrapped in a noble tone, the inside was clearly revealed. He purposely ordered to be written like that. If you want to get something from Belgoth, come here yourself. If you have the courage to do so. "If you're still being presumptuous here----." I've never dreamed of conquering the continent before, but I don't think it would be bad. It would not be a bad idea to send a letter with a declaration of war in the hands of an envoy. Euredian smiled wryly and put aside the papers. Not that he's finished his urgent business, it was his turn to deal with the next one. Euredian glanced under the window. Now that he'd sent a message in the morning, it's almost time to come. The time has come for Soleia Elard, the woman who returned from her mission and returned home last night. And indeed, his sense was not wrong. "Your Majesty, Lady Elard is here." " ." Euredian put his hair away from his forehead. Short and low approval was given. "Let her in." And as soon as he spoke, a large door in the office opened silently.

"Your Majesty."

With her long reddish-brown hair, the woman smiled as she entered the office. "You have come, Lady Elard." "I was happy to be called. I thought you wouldn't call me first." Soleia smiled charmingly and came closer to him. Shoes rang out in the Oval Office. It seemed to be too loud. Euredian looked at the woman, who was still close by the window, with a cynical look Soleia stopped a step behind the desk. She opened her mouth in a gentle voice, "You've been looking for me for days, haven't you?" "I did. When I didn't want to, you were a good visitor and when I needed to find you, it was very difficult to see your face." "I was busy. Please forgive me." Soleia slightly folded her eyes. She didn't look like she's asking for forgiveness. Euredian gave a short laugh. "Forgiveness, well. I don't think you should ask me for forgiveness." Soleia did not answer. She just looked at him without answer back. The tail of her mouth was still up and smiling. The woman was still beautiful today. He never denied that fact. Soleia Elard was a woman who had a beautiful and seductive face. However, there is no impression at all. Throughout the short time that Euredian had seen Soleia, he always thought her beauty as a 'shell'. He's never felt moved or attracted to her. It's beautiful but it has a dark side, but it's beautiful enough for him to forget his doubts.

Basically, Euredian has never been greatly impressed by the beauty of something. The woman's beauty was not a big factor in moving him. "If I do something," Soleia took a step closer, but it was still far with the desk in between. Soleia bent her eyes and whispered, "Do I have to ask for forgivenss?" Euredian looked at the speckled eyes for a moment. There was not a single speck of transparent light, only dark eyes. It's hard for even a man who is proud of his good sense to see through her inner thoughts at once. Euredian slowly opened his mouth, "A few weeks ago, I saw you in front of Belyuk Palace." "Oh, I didn't expect you to be so interested in me."

"Don't cut me off." This time it was a ferocious change. Euredian gave up all his attempts to feign calm. "I heard you've done a great job at Belyuk Palce," The smile hanging around Soleia's mouth lifted slightly. Euredian chewed the word slowly, one by one, "How dare you, in my palace," " ." "The magic I forbid," " ." "To the person that I protect too," He couldn't tell which of these words was the most important. In the end, the pent-up anger eventually came out roughly. "Tell me with your own mouth what I should judge this." It was an amazing degree of self-control, even he thought that to himself. Of course, the divine brightness of his body was not so. Dozens of blades of intangible energy aimed at her.

The smile faded slightly from Soleia's face, which had been smiling all the time. Slowly, she opened her mouth. "Your Majesty has always doubted me. Always on constant alert, push me away." It was more like talking to oneself than to him. "But you've never stopped me." " ." "Even now, you're wrong." Now it was a tone that seemed to be a little sneering. Soleia Elard took her step. She walked around the desk and approached him. "If you are convinced that I am a dark wizard, you will not call me here." Euredian leaned against the window and glared at the woman that approached him. "You should have ordered the arrest and sent him to the death row. Isn't that right?" The distance between them was now less than two steps. Soleia reached out her hand. A strange feeling of young fingertip with heat grazed Euredian's cheek. Euredian immediately frowned, but the creepy sensation of the fingertips didn't stay long.

Soleia pulled her hand and continued her words. "If you didn't, you wouldn't call me out like this. Will I be harmful to your country or will I be beneficial?" "Dead." It was funny. Euredian spat out a bloody laugh. "You're confident, the tower's most powerful person." "That's why you've kept me by your side." " ."

"I am the power of the tower. One who commands the wizards of Belgoth. When my old teacher dies, all the magical power of Belgoth will come under my hand." The long eyelashes fell seductively and then came back up. Soleia whispered as if she were telling any secret, "However, Your Majesty, what's so strange is----" "It's your attitude." A flash of light flashed through the reddish magnetism. He didn't bring this woman into the palace to play with wrods. But Euredian had no choice but to keep his mouth shut when Soleia spoke. Chapter End Notes t/n --- wow... I want to pull Soleia's hair and dragged her away. But seriously she is a great villain, like she is proper villain with a whole ass plan that she prepared for 5 years and it actually worked (in the original story)! Kudos to the author to make such great villain – that even when she found out she still could play with the emperor who could kill her that very moment.

Chapter 64 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for

"If I hadn't harmed the Princess, would Your Majesty have reacted so sensitively?" " ." It was a tongue-in-cheek remark. It wasn't without basis to say that. An unparalleled sense of intensity swelled to the bottom of his throat. Soleia Elard lauged as if she saw something she wanted. "Your Majesty. I know you better than I thought. The time I stayed with you is never short." " ." "You would have sent me to death as soon as you noticed that I was a black wizard. If it were normal." He couldn't deny it. Euredian slowly straightened out his body leaning by the window. Purple eyes and dark eyes clashed in the air. Soleia asked, whispering, "What are you afraid of?" What is he afraid of? It was quite clear. Euredian felt that he could not protect Yerenica completely with his own hands. Unless he really keep her in his fence. But Yerenica is a person who doesn't fit in to be locked up in one place. He clearly remembered the sight of her saying that he was a little sore in the room. He couldn't have locked her up because he was not bound by her presence. A twisted tone of speech popped out. "Yes. I thought I should never fear anything in this life being the Empire's owner" He thought he'd never shake himself like this. "Now, I can't tell you what I'm afraid of, you might do without me knowing." And he can't tell to seize the evil woman right now.

The tower belonged to the Belgoth Imperial family, but it was an influential group had demanded the autonomy. If the realities of the group are dark magician. How deep is the dark magic in the Belgoth's tower?

Belgoth could have been exaggerated and moved by the dark magician and the tower. The power of influence in this empire was more magical than divinity that only the chosen ones could have. That's why he can't send this woman to jail right now. He couldn't turn the wizard of the tower into sinner in the midst of the chaos of the external situation. "Do you have any proof that I'm a black magician?" "Ha." Euredian gave a short sigh. It was a rare feeling of helplessness for him. Soleia smiled and stretched her hand again. The red-nailed hand swept his chin lightly. "Your Majesty has no cards. You only have weaknesses." " ." "It's me who wins anyway. You knew about this, right? It's really simple for me to reach out to that lovely thing." And a sneering laugh. "Of course, that's if I was really an evil dark magician." The woman who would cheat on him even if it were a false love was nowhere to be found. Euredian clenched his teeth and growled out. "So, what do you want?"

She seemed to have been waiting for those words. She was beautiful and had an incomparably thick and dangerous smile. The most powerful, wicked and crafty black sorcerer of this time whispered sweetly, "So, Your Majesty, put a leash on me. Put hold on me as planned." A sharp, raw divinity circled roughly around him. The opposite energy collided with each other and the faint smell of water vapor rose. Soleia Elard spoke one last time, "Then there will be no harm to your kingdom and to your Princess." *** Yerenica's POV This, what's going on here------ ? The hand that grabbed the doorknob quickly hardened. The movement came to standstill. I froze stiffly, holding the knob to the Emperor's office.

"So, Your Majesty put a leash on me. Put hold on me as planned." From the inside of the door came a gentle whisper of Euredian's office. "Then there will be no harm to your kingdom and to your Princess." I thought I knew without looking. Who's in there, what's she talking about? And how he looks now. I let go of the doorknob and stagger back. My body trembled in the shock of the huge fall. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't' sleep and came to his office, but inside, there was a conversation that was beyond imagination. I clenched my teeth.

So, you're going to end up like this? In the end, whatever I do, it just goes the way it goes-------- ?! "Princess?" Just like me, Felix, an aide was waiting in front of the office, seemed to have heard the same thing as me. He also had a stiff face. I looked up at Felix with shaking eyes wildly and looked down again, "Crazy." A thin murmur streamed out of my lips. "That woman is crazy---- --." It's not out my mind trying to make a deal with Euredian, risking my life. And I knew instinctively. Euredian Belgoth would not refuse that wicked, cunning offer. He's the emperor. He can't let go of the woman holding the tower in her hand. The fact was an unparalleled matter of my neck and breath that she gave me. My mind was all mixed up and it was hard to think properly. In the end I turned away from the office. "To His Majesty, please keep it a secret that I was here." That's all I could say on the spot, barely whispering to Felix. I retracted my steps after I uttered the last word. I don't' know if my footsteps will be heard from inside the door. Very slowly, I walked away from the room with a startling conversation ***

[I did, child.] I just returned to my room and hurriedly closed the door.

The two maids were surprised at my distorted expression and stopped trying to come in and leaned at the door. I couldn't even walk to my bed because my legs were weak. [Even I can't change things.] " ." I couldn't afford to respond to his resonant voice. I sat there and buried my face in my lap. "I guess so." My voice was surprisingly low even to myself I didn't say a word, but my voice was hoarse. Maybe it's because I haven't slept well. "Is there really anything I can't change------------------------ " However, isn't eve the absolute of the world set by the original work? The extras of the extras and the accessories that make up the corners of the originals cannot change the great flow of the originals. Instead of Tezevia, I came to Belgoth. I am full of spirit to hinder the marriage of Euredian and Soleia. From there, the original work must have changed somewhere, but in the end, the direction ran to the same thing. Damn that marriage. It may not be very important matter in the first place with how much Euredian Eblgoth doubts and wary of Soleia. No way, I never thought she'd let the whole empire and me go--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!* A scary woman. I thought, trying to control my emotional state. I don't care what I can do to get that man and it's not important that I take him away at this point----

In the end, it was not a matter of preventing marriage, but a kind of confrontation. The conflict between the world's most vulnerable sunfish and the worlds' most powerful black magician. I ended up screaming, "Does that make sense?" [God you surprised me.] And Raulus, the absolute man beyond the damn Judetta was of no help today. I grabbed my head and lowered it down again.

"What am I going to do now?" [Child, why don't you come to the temple for now?] I blinked blankly. "To the temple?" [Yes, would you be more of a bait if you were there?] It was a cold judgement. In order to avoid further trouble here, I had to leave the palace immediately and in a bigger way, this Belgoth. That way, Euredian can deal with Soleia without caring about me. " Damn it." I spat out a curse word. I thought she was just a wicked, cunning woman "Please put a leash on me." "She was such a crazy woman---- --." How do I deal with a crazy b*tch? [Operation retreat.] Raulus spoke very happily and I was heartbroken. This god really did not know humans just as distant as between earth and Judetta.

You're not supposed to be this happy! Is this the difference between god and man------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! I pointed at the temple that was picking up. Anyway, I couldn't stand in the palace like this unless I had listened to that conversation. In the end, the decision I had to make was decided from the beginning. Chapter End Notes *t/n---- basically soleia use them as hostage

Chapter 65 *** I couldn't sleep that night either. I didn't mean to open my eyes wide. In fact, I've been asking myself if I've slept properly in the last few nights. As the day and night were reversed and the ground was basically heavy, it was natural for fatigue to accumulate. Last time, I had a nightmare and suffered greatly and I was stressed out without any time to recover. " ." Eventually I got up on my bed. Sleeping at night, oh,---It was dark in the room. I reclined my blanket and stepped down from it. I wore a thin cardigan with a fluffy new fur slipper. I couldn't get around on this floor even if I went out of the room anyway, so I was going to go to the terrace as I wished.

A warm spring breeze blew gently as I turned the glass door back. "It's not cold----." I set a foot on the terrace over the edge of my cardigan. The roundly protruded terrace was strewn with pieces of paper that I crumpled up and threw away in the afternoon. After returning to the room as if I had run away like that, I didn't have any maids came in, so there's no one to clean it up. " ."' A long sigh came out. This endlessly worries don't really suit me I removed the chair in front of the small table and stood in front of the terrace railing. The night sky was dark and it covered the garden except that small lamps that lit everywhere. Night. My body trembled. [Come with me, Eun-Seo.] " Ah, really." I blinked my tired eyes. I shake my head to kick out the memories that come to mind. This was the problem. The memories of those days come back to me at night. Nightmare of the night. Soleia's nightmare never came back. So it wasn't that black magic that bothered me every night after that. It was just literal nightmare.

I'm sure it's because my body feels weak and my heart feels weak. I shook my head as hard as possible. I've said that to myself dozens of times. "You've got it, I asked-----." "Princess?" "Aaahhhhh!"

And suddenly, my voice burst into the air with a roar. "What, what, what, what!" My heart pounded to the bottom. I grabbed my pounding chest and turned my head to the side where the voice was coming. "Ah." There was a silver glow in there alone in the dark night. On the terrace right next to mine. My eyes were wide open with amazement. "Am I seeing thing wrong-----." "It's a vain." I heard a ridiculous laugh. I strained my eyes and watched as the man leaning his back on the terrace railing. Silver hair gently scattered and swaying in the spring breeze. A red magnet that looks almost black in the dark. He lightly held transparent wine glass. Everytime Euredian moved his hand lightly, the wine in the glass followed. "Your Majesty---?" I murmured blankly. And he must have been surprised to see me. "What are you doing there and not sleeping at night?" Euredian asked, slowly dangling his surprised expression. "Now, I can't sleep----- What are you doing not sleeping at this time Your Majesty?"" It was in the middle of the night, well past midnight. It was as if he was smiling. "Well, let just say I couldn't sleep either." "Well, it could be." " ?" I quickly convinced myself and shook my head. I'm so confused after hearing Soleia's words, but what about the person that shared the conversation?

The distance between us seemed to be close but it was farther than I thought. I moved my steps and stood by the railing closest to him. It was the first time in three days since that short tea time. My heart was pounding again.

Today, however, I was more worried than excited because I overheard a shocking conversation in the afternoon. The man who didn't know my mind just asked me casually, "Why can't you sleep?" "Well, I'm still a little distracted." Euredian tilts his glass and I could see him hesitating. I smiled which has become a habitual laugh. "You don't say that you're okay today." Euredian clicked his tongue short. "I don't lie. If It's okay, it's okay. If it's not, it's not okay." "Sure-----." He had a fact that he didn't really believe. He put down the wine glass he was holding on the table. "Princess, take three steps back." "What?" "Quickly." " ?" I had a puzzled look on my face, I stepped back anyway. One step. Two steps. Three steps. And at the very next moment, many things happened at the same time. He straightened himself from leaning on the terrace. I thought he was going to grab the railing. " !" Silver hair flew in the wind. Surely the man was beyond the railing in a blink of an eye. He easily crossed the railing where I had just stood on.

The distance, which seemed far apart and couldn't be narrowed was reduced to a single step in an instant. A neat and refreshing body pierced the tip of my nose. I breathed in without realizing it and stopped short of breath in the energy that was lifted with a snap. He climbed lightly over the distance that seemed to be around my height and lifted the corners of his mouth, "Why isn't it okay today?" "Uh----yes--- ?" I opened my eyes wide and looked up at the man standing in front of me. When I saw it from afar, the red eyes, which seemed to be half eaten in the dark, was shining clearly. Half loose, languid, somewhat defenseless, as always.

If only I hadn't heard the conversation in the afternoon, I would have thought that the unusual expression was caused by fatigue. I muttered, looking vaguely, "Just. I can't sleep for a few days and I have a headache-----." "Can't sleep?" At one stroke, his voice sounded alarmed. Two slightly cooled ands touched my cheeks in the night air. Euredian, who raised my head up, came to view. The red eyes had its gaze on me. I grinned to hide my bitter feelings. "It's weird when I sleep well. I was so confused in my dreams." "Is it-----." "Instead, it's okay to sleep a lot during the day." "That's why your eyes are red."

Again, the man was quick to notice. It was already been several days since I couldn't get a good night sleep and my eyes were stiff and sore. Is it obvious on the outside? I raised my hand and rubbed my eyes. "This is fine. Except for the late hours at night, it's really nice to be quiet---." "Does the day and night change?" "Yes." The hand on my cheek was cold. The temperature was much lower than usual. I unconsciously tried to hold the coolness, but when I realized my hand was colder, I took my hand away. "If it's not like that," A low but friendly voice followed slowly, "isn't t all right for what? I dodged the gaze awkwardly this time, but the reddish eyes followed persistently. Well. Heard a conversation with Soleia in the afternoon and it I thought it wasn't too far away for me to leave from here. I took out the first word and uttered it back, "Well, can I stay at the temple for awhile?" "What?" A momentary bewilderment flashed through the loose face. I carried on with my words without fail, "I know it's asking too much. I know civilians can't stay long in the temple." " ."

"It's only for a moment." Euredian shut up for a moment. A short silence fell between us. Then slowly, he opened his mouth. "Just for a moment." "Yes." I guess it's now. When I tell him what I've been thinking all evening. I was a little sad about the situation earlier than I thought, but what should I do? What can't I do otherwise. Besides, the truth is, I thought this guy was already had something in mind. I firmly held my heart and said in determination, "Well, I'm going back to Lebovny." " ." "You promised. As soon as the King of Lebovny opens the Glucaman Road, you will send me back." Euredian enver uttered a word while I calmly spoke. I ended up speaking in a calm tone till the end. "I think it's time. Anyway, it's Lebovny. They are always ready to open the Glucaman Road." " ." "Azekien maybe aa little bit of problem, but the agreement you made with me was limited to Lebovny anyway. As long as Lebovny comes out of favor, my value as a hostage has almost disappeared, isn't that right?" Strangely there was no audible answer. I finally glanced up at him, concluding my speech. "So now, I have no problem getting back to LEbovny------------------------------ Your Majesty?" The loose smooth face was nowhere to be found. His handsome face was hard, enough for me to notice it clearly. "Uh-- --."

It was a familiar sight I had seen several times before. The young loose eyes quickly turned into a sharp gaze. I reached out my hand again without realizing it, "What's wrong?"

Chapter 66 The stretched fingertips touched sharply. I was startled by the cold skin, followed by another hand that touching my wrist. It wasn't a touch of holding hands or wrist. It just touched. His hand around my wrist. " How long has it been since you came to Belgoth?" Euredian asked in subdued voice. I stammer, bewitched by his red eyes, "A-About two and a half months now----." "Two and a half months." He repeated my words with a hazy smile. "Two and a half months-------------------------------- time flies." The corners of his mouth draw into a thin smile. I was little relieved by the smile. I don't know why I was relieved, but at first glance, it's a similar smile. I pushed my doubts inside and answered him as lively as usual. "Yes, I think so, too." " ." "It seems like there was a lot of work. I'm a little surprised because it's already been this long." " " "Anyway, if you allow me, I'll go back as soon as possible."

Although I had promised before, I still needed his permission to go back to Lebovny. I'm a hostage. First of all, if I get his permission and I have to ask my father to take me back and write a letter---"What if I don't allow it?" Ha----that----the same----- but. I blinked blankly. What did I hear? His hand, which had been touching my wrist, went down to the side and hold my hand. Each fingers tangled together which made the warmth of the fingers is fully transmitted. A bewildered murmur came out of my lips. "Why---- why?" I swear, I didn't know that word pop out of my mouth. This man was the one who told me that it was better to go back to Lebovny few days ago. Till the end, he was the man who didn't call me by my name. but why, suddenly-----

There was a momentary crack in Euredian's expression which had been hardened. Only then did I smell the faint aroma of wine passing through the air. " I made a slip of tongue." He murmured low and let go of his grip. The wind was wrapped around the place where warmth had left. I blinked my eyes and looked au path the man who slipped his gaze down. Somehow my heart beat faster. A few days ago, like that night. "A lie." The word popped out without me knowing. As soon as I said it, the clear deity flowed without hesitation. The stiffness of his eyes disappeared and the mind slowly awakened. A feeling of melancholy sprang up.

It was a small rebound. I opened my eyes and looked straight at Euredian. "A slip of tongue, how could you say that?" "What----- ?" And his face was full of embarrassment. I didn't miss the sign. It was the face that I wanted to find whenever I tried to approach him several times. The moment when a man who is always loose but still in control, loses his composure. The moment of crack in the high, solid wall that surrounded him. The face at this very moment. I knew it instinctively. And at that moment, I also lost all the thoughts that I had been agonizing over all evening. Leave all reason and reality behind for a while. I took a step closer to him. Now the distance between us is less than half a step. Facing the red eyes whose composure had all been broken, I slowly opened my mouth. "Well, shall I not go?" " ." Euredian moved as if he were trying to step back. However, there was one thing he overlooked, right behind him the railing of the terrace was holding out. My heart beat fast. Indeed, I had strong sense of certainty that this was the moment. This man reaches out his hand affectionately, as if honey would run out, but when he is cold- hearted it is enough to strike me out.

It seemed like now was the moment when I could bring out all the inside of a man who acted out of control and never knew this would come again. I whispered again, hoping my ears won't turn red, "Shall I go back?"

"Pri--." "Name." I cut off his words when he about to call me "Name, please call my name." " Princess Yereninovica." "Not that." The face of man who had always been solid became blurred. "Princess, I remember I told you the other day that I don't want you to mess with me like this." On that subject, Euredian Belgoth tried to push me away again. He pushed my shoulder with his side hand that wasn't caught by me. However, the force was not all strong. It was filled with sorrow. Again, again! I scrambled my face and called out fiercely, "You'd better not run away anymore." "Princess." "If you don't like me, please make it clear that you don't like me. You want me to go back, if that's really what you want," " ." "If you keep avoiding me so vaguely this time---- --." I gather all my courage to say that.

If he really avoid it, after I go back to Lebovny, maybe I won't see it again. A low sigh was heard and the next moment, he pulled me with the hand that grabbed my shoulder. "Yerenica." The silver hair that fluttered lightly in the spring breeze, came right in front of me. For a moment my mind was stunned by my name from his mouth, and I was held in his arms. The scent of neat and tidy body and faint wine mingled in one breath. Euredian's voice sighed in my ear. "You shouldn't say that." " " "Because I can't push you any time." The words I had hoped so much sounded like false words. The man, whose expression was unknown, muttered as if he were talking to himself.

"If you ask me not to go, I have no choice but to tell you not to go." " ." "If you say, 'I hate it', of course, I can only say that I don't like it." The spring breeze blew. Where did the last one go, and the warmth of the one who held me seemed to be spreading all over my body and through the air. " ." "Is there anything more than my greed to keep you here?" Euredian continued his words as though he had made a vow. My heart was still beating hard. It was an echo of enough size to be passed down to the person that was pressing against me. Somehow I felt like crying. When I opened my mouth, my voice would tremble, so I bit my lips hard.

"so please stop here." Euredian said quietly. " ." "I can't push you out with my hands, so I have no choice but to ask." There was a rather self-motivated smile in the last words. The words clouded my mind in the end. I stuttered and put my hand on the shoulder of the man who hugged me. I managed to hold him in my arms with slender hand. I have something to say. I don't really want to go back. I still want to get closer to you---I knew from this afternoon that it wouldn't work. Eventually, I managed to spit our word while crying. "Bad----." I could hear a short laugh, "Who's to say?" "I—what---." "Who made me say this in the end?" A big friendly touch patted my back lightly. "From the very beginning, you can say that----." If I had, I wouldn't have gone through so much trouble------- ! Eventually sad tears rolled down my cheeks. It was the sorrow accumulated in all the moments when I repeatedly ran and bounced countless times. I like the touch that pats me on the back and sweeps my hair lightly.

And at the same time relieved that he wasn't just pushing me away. And there's no way to stop my heart beating like crazy over the fact. So, I cried in his arms for a long time. "Yerenica."

And only at the moment he called my name did I finally realize it. I, here, exist. Whether I'm Seo Eun-Seo, Yerenica, or anything, there's someone who calls me with great affection anyway. That call finally made me 'Yerenica'. It was a break that I had never experience in my previous life, Seo Eun-Seo. It was a night when the whole night sky was filled with twinkling silver light from the earth. I'm sure I'll probably never forget this night wherever I'm going to be. Whether in Belgoth or Lebovny. At that moment, it was just the most important thing.

Chapter 67 *** I don't know if it was because I cried so much or because my tired body was full of divinity, but that night I was able to fall asleep anyway. Euredian smiled short at me who was half-asleep, moved me to bed. Perhaps he had kept by my side until I fell asleep, because I remember saw the silver glistening close to me. It was the last thing I remembered. " ." Still, that's a needlessly sweet person. I took a look around the Emperor's palace and moved on. Today, two days after that dawn, was the day I went to the temple.

"It's a place to worship God. It turns out to be much more frugal and shabby than the Imperial Palace. Is everything alright with you----------------------------- " Diego, who came to pick me up in person, anxiously clouded the end of his words. I shrugged my shoulders. "it was enough. For me, the Imperial Palace was too big." "I'm glad to hear that." Diego seemed to want asking something to me over and over. The face seemed to have a lot of questions that I wanted to ask even if I looked at him carefully. "--- Go." Normally, I'd say, 'Why, what? Ask me if you have anything you want to do', but I didn't feel like doing that right now. So I was awkward to walk away from Diego's gaze. A neat cut of grass was stepped on under my feet. It was the grass of the garden that I've been in and out of for that past two and a half months. " Oh, what am I thinking about?" I said quietly. I've been in the palace for only two and a half months, and I've become attached to it? Or is it because I don't know when I can come back? No, the fact may be that the Imperial Palace, filled with this tranquil, languid peace, looks so much like its owner. " ." But it was a useless lingering attachment to me now. I shook my head and walked fast. Why would I hesitate to make a decision? "Let's go Diego."

" Yes, Princess." Dieog didn't ask me anything until the end, still with those worried eyes. It was a 'tearful' consideration. We walked along a path that was also familiar to me, passing a neat and tidy garden. It was on our way to the south gate of the Imperial Palace, passing in front of Belyuk Palace. It's the palace that I stayed for almost three months, so I was going to watch it one last time. As I got closer to the white onion-shaped palace, I felt more and more depressed. Marianne, how are you ? "Oh god." And when I had my gaze on Belyuk Palace, I opened my mouth. "What What happened?" I could Diego laughed vaguely next to me. I opened my eyes to the size of a glass of fire and looked at Belyuk Palace, to be exact the garden in front of the palace. The garden was simply devastated. It was shocked to see the garden as big as meteorite. The palace was surrounded by red bands so that no one could enter without permission. "I cleaned the garden according to His Majesty. Until there's no dark magic left." This, I don't think it's something to say so calmly----I opened my mouth wide and looked up at Diego and looked back at the garden. Only then did it occur to me that Euredian ordered him to clean up the whole garden the day I woke up.

"No, but still----." "Just in case. I was instructed to clean everything. I had a hard tie. As ii turned it over until His Majesty was satisfied----." "Huh---." I can't stop someone who's usually generous when they're out of the picture. I realized something new. Let's see the friendly Euredian again. Right--I shook my head and passed in front of Belyuk Palace. That, how long will it take to get it back right away, if I think about it. The farewell to Belyuk Palace ended so strangely. At last, I could see the south entrance of the Imperial Palace in the distance. And I left the palace after two and a half months I stepped into Belgoth Palace. ***

There was quite a distance from the palace to the temple. I rode across the capital in a carriage with Diego, being careful not to tremble too much. It was the same route I had travelled with Euredian to Barishad downtown. I leaned my head against the window and looked at the scenery passing by. This reminds me of the memory that I can't believe it was a month ago. The carriage edged into town. On both sides of the straight road, the antique and elegant water appeared one by one and soon filled both sides of the street. If I reach the end of this street, I will see Eugel Square which itself was on cultural art. The second heart of this country.

The place where I dragged Euredian through all sorts of miscellaneous items and snacks. There was a howling wolf statue with a cross and a mural painting with the myth of Belgoth founding. And where I first witnessed the moment when a man who was always languid and relaxed became sensitive and sharp. Where Soleia sent her second threat to me. Now that I'm away from the palace, I somehow missed that memory. I think I'm a fool, but at the time, I was so excited that I didn't know anything. I sighed and waited for the scenery to come out of the window soon. However, after reaching the end of the street, the scenery is aw was quite different from what was in my memory. A question popped out from my mouth. "What's wrong with the square again?" More than half of the square was empty because of the swarming crowd. The stands surrounded by the edge of the square were nowhere to be found, and there were no crowds of tourists gathered around the fountain All that left was the howling wolf statue and fountain in the center. And there was only a mural painted the founding myth. In addition, the alleyways were inaccessible, with red lines hanging over them. That red line, somehow I'm familiar with it----I pushed myself toward the window and looked around the square. No matter how much I looked around, the square didn't change. I looked around Diego with a frown on my forehead. "What's going on?" "Ah." Diego gave a short exclamation then he smiled awkwardly. "That's----."

" ?" I stared at him with a puzzled look. Diego seemed to pick his words for a moment and soon opened his mouth. "A few weeks ago---- because I was ordered to have the square to be sealed off." "Sealed the square?" "Yes." I opened my mouth wide. A few weeks ago, the only thing that could block the entire square was an incident. "What------ What----- This is a bit----- too much----." My mouth sputtered the word like that, but my chest was pounding again for some reason. The day I came here with Euredian was the day when we found that black magical stones. It has been nearly a month since I came here with Euredian. " ." I thought he'd bee worried, but this it. Even then. It was a new realization. Somehow I felt like I was going to cry, but on the contrary, I felt like I was going to float up into the sky so I my face crumpled ridiculously. "His Majesty worried a lot." Diego spoke affectionately. I closed my mouth and managed to take my eyes off the empty square. A total stranger. The man who used that strange iron wall didn't even give me a word of mouth that he had taken such measure.

Come to think of it, the same was true of Belyuk palace. I never thought he'd put the garden like that. Somehow I muttered in mood of tears. "What a strange man." "Maybe." Diego answered to my own words and smiled. I looked at him with shaky eyes. The good golden eyes seemed to say 'look at it', and somehow I wanted to hide in the mouse hole and go. The carriage continued to move for a few more minutes and finally arrived at the temple. The stifling sense when I first stepped into the temple before was much less this time. After getting off the carriage, I looked around with a fresh feeling. Even a month like the wind was long time and white flowers bloomed everywhere. Now that May is over, it was a time when summer was gradually approaching. It was full of green

and fresh scent everywhere and filled with green grass. "Come this way, please." Diego led me as he did a month ago. I glanced up at the altar above the distant staircase where Raulus going to climb. [Now, you've come to a more visible place, crumbs.] A laughing voice hit my head just in time. I wondered why he didn't open his mouth. I clicked my tongue and opened my mouth carefully so that I wouldn't get caught by Diego. "it's really safe here, isn't it?"'

[One of the safest places to go from what you fear.] It was a definite statement somehow. I glanced up at the sky. "If you can see better in the temple, you'll be more free here. Well, or maybe you could get down a little faster to the ground----." And the answer to that question was an unappealing affirmation. [That's similar with telling me to go down to Lemordi right now to see you, child.] Then it is--------------- I sighed. There's no way I'm going to be given a buff or an extra buff. Perhaps I couldn't get out of this sunfish life in Yerenica. I'm depressed. I'm depressed! There was a voice calling for me as I was chasing after Diego. "Princess?" " ?" It was a strange voice. I stopped walking reflexively and turned my head toward the voice. "Oh my god!" The lady that I saw for the first time exclaimed quietly. She was a beautiful woman with a magnificent and luxurious look.

Chapter 68 Once the beautiful woman smiles, I raised my mouth's tail reflexively this time. Wow, she's beautiful. The lady, wearing a neat ivory dress and wearing a bright golden hair, approached me with a big smile. She was as graceful as a butterfly. "I'm seeing you again, Princess." "Uh---Uh---."

I was so embarrassed that I bowed along with her. It was the Lebovny style of etiquette that popped out without my knowledge. Of course I could not have known the etiquette of Belgoth, so I prayed that I just look natural. The lady smiled gracefully and introduced herself. "My name is Clarice Iven. You probably see me for the first time." "Ah Hello." The woman smiled sweetly. I stammered at that hundred million smile in daze. Iven, why is it familiar to me? "I'm not going to see you right now, so go back, Count Iven." And it was at that moment that Euredian's low voice suddenly came to mind. Ah. I let out a little exclamation. At that time, when I was in Euredian's arms from Belyuk Palace and returned to the Central Palace. The man I saw on the first floor of the palace! I asked the beauty, who was still smiling, carefully. "Ah-------- are you Count Iven's wife?" "Oh my, you remember the Count!" The wife cried out with a look of great joy. Oh, no. that's not it! But without a moment's hesitation, the Countess Iven laughed with a big smile. She looked truly happy as she spoke, "My husband told me otherwise. He said that he saw the Princess in the palace." ------What did I look like then? I tried remember my memory seriously. That was a probably the time when Euredian brought me to the main palace. Countess Iven continued in an elegant and well-set tone.

"When I visited the temple the other day, I saw you from afar. It's a coincidence that I visited the temple again after a few days. Another coincidence." "Ah, even then----."

Huh. Even then? I finally opened my eyes. I, how many times has she saw my face without my knowledge---? Countess laughed gently, "If a coincidence overlaps, it's inevitable. I really wanted to see the Princess someday. Maybe it's how Raulus helps." [Well, that's not it.] The very Raulus hummed into my head. I looked vainly smiling. "Maybe." "Princess---." My word was cut off by a rush call for me. I think there are a lot of people calling me today. When I turned my head, I saw Diego coming back in a hurry. It was clear now that he had noticed I wasn't following. "Are you determined to stop my hear------ Countess Iven?" The count's wife to have met Diego. And now I'm at the point of not knowing where to look. It was because Count Iven's wife opened her mouth before I can answer anything to Diego. "Oh my goodness. You were with the priest again this time." "Ah yes. I will stay in the temple for the time being. I'm sorry Diego, I was distracted for a moment." "No. it's because I didn't pay attention. But what brought you here at this early hour Countess?" "Oh, are you staying at the temple? Why aren't you staying in the palace?"

" ." The conversation got tangled. I moved my eyes from side to side and looked at the countess and opened my mouth again. "The situation------ that's how it turned out." "Oh, did Lady Elard do anything to you?" And the words of the subsequent wife were hard words for me to pass on. It was the correct answer. When I looked at her with astonished eyes, the wife clicked her tongue as if she knew it. "It's obvious how Lady Elard acted toward the Princess." "Is that so?" Oh my god. Soleia, you don't look so good. I didn't think it would be too much to hide herself. I don't think she's going to hide her original character and treat people like that in the first place----The countess spoke softly. "Don't take her attitude too seriously. It's better to just listen with one ear and let it slide. You've got a strong shield anyway, Princess."

What's that---? I quickly realized that the shield was Euredian. Then I came to the fact that my rumors were spreading in the social world. I had to laugh vaguely this time. Right, I'm famous everywhere. How would you react if you know that the shield is now out of date? The Countess was smiling. "But that's a surprise. I had not doubt that you would be kept by His Majesty's side, but to suddenly came to the temple "

"Countess Iven." It was Diego who stopped her from speaking. The reason why I suddenly moved to the temple was a secret. Diego smiled goodly and cut off her words gently. "Why don't you have a chat later? You don't want to hold the Princess. I have to show her around the temple." "Ah, I interrupted you." A beautiful woman with blond hair smiled with a warm face. "I'm sorry, I'm so glad to see you---------------------- " "No, I'm glad to see you, ma'am." Are all the capital aristocrats this noble and polite? I received her greetings with admiration. With a clean smile, she asked, somehow with expectant eyes. "Can I count on you that the day will come for us to talk again, Princess?" "Ah-- --." Is it my illusion that bright brown eyes and somehow dripping with honey somehow--? I looked carefully at Clarice Iven's face. I think she's about thirty years old. There was no such thing as caution or doubt in the noble lady's face. I glanced at Diego. He seemed a little embarrassed but he didn't stop me. Eventually I nodded slowly. "I would be happy if we could spend time together." It's not fair to judge a person by appearances, but somehow she seemed fine. Are you acquainted with Diego, and isn't Count Iven the one who visited the Imperial palace to report directly to Euredian?

For me, who was completely ignorant of Belgoth's aristocracy, it was worth talking about at least once. Well, I'm going back to Lebovny soon anyway, but---It was a big problem that thoughts kept spinning and turning and ended up in the same place. I pressed down my sigh and greeted the wife.

Well, it's probably the same that there's nothing to do at the temple anyway. I thought it would be nice to have another companion. Besides, she's beautiful, anyway! Once again, I had to wonder if I was too much to reveal my face. *** Anyway, as of that day, my temple life began. To be honest, it seemed like I was going to enjoy it. [Much better? So you should have come here in the first place.] " ." I couldn't deny what Raulus seemed to see. Indeed, the condition of the basic body itself was different from when outside the temple. The body itself is a bottomless pit, so no matter how quickly divinity passed from Euredian, it could not have been an essential solution. Moreover, as I kept going back and forth between minus and plus, there was a considerable fatigue from the gap but there was no need to worry about that in the first shrine. "Wow, I really felt like this." I recalled my time in Lebovny again. The lack of weight of the ground reduces the feeling of crying as light as flying away.

I withdrew all that had been reassuring to my surroundings that I had been feeling sick countless times. I can see it from the temple. I've really been in a bad state----- !! "You certainly look different, Princess." And it seemed to be obvious to others. Diego looked at me and admired me instead of sweeping in front of the altar. I grinned as I polished the statute of the wolf with red-purple eyes. "Right? Actually, I feel it every morning. All the beauty I lost feels like coming back again." Diego and I were cleaning the prayer room. The temple is sacred, and everyone is equal, so I have to do something just like the other priests to stay in the temple. It was a job I had been working on for a few days. [Wipe it off well, Crumbs. There, there, less between the hairs.] "I'm wiping it off well." "What? What did you say, Princess?" "Nothing." To my annoyance, I grumbled inside and wiped clean event he hair of the exquisite of wolf statue. [Hey. Don't scrub my eyes. Don't you know that the eyes are the windows of the soul?]

" ." I agonized violently at a short moment, looking at the reddish-purple eyes of the wolf. Stab it right in the face. But I did not want to be punished for using profanity by the temple's master, so I moved from the statue's eyes. Until it's shiny and until Raulus who nags all the times is finally satisfied and quiet. "There. I'm done."

I straightened my back with a soft dry towel. Even though I was cleaning the statue for the fifth time, I felt energetic. If it were usual, this little thing would have quickly become frivolous. It's a great development. And Diego seemed to be worried and chaste. "You don't have to overdo it, Princess. Really." "I don't overdo it. I'm full of energy and it has to go to someplace." Is there anything else to wipe? Just give it a try. I will wipe you clean without a speck of dust! I looked around the prayer room with my eyes glistened. The public prayer room was much larger and wider than the prayer room of the priest that I went wrong last time. "If His Majesty know, what will he sees you as----." There was a murmur of lamentation by Diego. Whether or not, I was driven to the opposite. Then his eyes were tied to one place. "Uh----." A large painting-like thing hung between the silver purple curtains, covering the huge altar in the prayer room. [Would you like to go and see?] Raulus asked me in a dreary voice as if he was satisfied that his temple was getting clean. I whispered to so that Diego wouldn't hear, "What is that?" [Me.] "What?"

Chapter 69

[It's me, go take a look. Shouldn't you know what God who playing with you every day looks like?] "Hmmmm---." I don't really want to know----- but if I say that, you'll be sulky for another few days. I've grasped the mood of this whimsical and arbitrary person in a month. I don't know if all the gods are like this, but Raulus was a little childish. "Wow---------- God, I wonder." I smiled without really meaning to and moved slowly. At the same time, Diego was away for awhile. I made sure there was no one around and slipped my head between the curtains. And what I saw of Raulus was a little unexpected. A little exclamation leaked out of the mouth. "Wow, Mr. Raulus. Do you look like that?" It was hard to tell whether it was a woman or a man as I looked at the person in the huge picture hung on the wall. But one thing was clear: the figure in the painting was mouth-watering. Smooth silver hair drawn to the floor. An ethereal, indistinct figure. I was purely impressed. "You're so beautiful. I didn't know it was human hair----." {it's one of my looks. Well, it's one of my great virtues that the human think I look like and most familiar form.] Somehow it seemed to me that Raulus was shrugging his shoulders. I can't believe he's spouting these frivolous words with that reverent, solemn face---However, you were beautiful anyway. Beauty is generally right. I cut my line of thoughts.

My eyes were bound at the bottom of the alter. Under the walls covered the altars, there was a lot of inscriptions in the fine print. [Looks carefully there, Crumbs.] Raulus said as if it suddenly come to mind. "What?" [The child you have in mind. The child closes to me on the ground. The child's name.] "Name ?" Euredian's name? Was there another name I didn't know? I was bewildered and crawled as much as I could under the altar to read those little letters.

As Raulus said, it was names. Names I don't know. Then I knew whose names they were as soon as I read the first line. "Euk." It was the full name of the past Emperors of Belgoth. I don't know if it just a full name. [The name I gave myself.] "The baptismal name----." I opened my mouth wide. The name written at the beginning of the first line was clearly engraved in my mind. The full name of the first Emperor Lacice Lou Elizabeth-Adrea Belgoth. [It was Adreaa. My first child's name is that.] [Do you know what my name means, crumbs?] Raulus asked as if were playing a tune. The meaning of baptismal names. All I knew about baptismal names was that they were usually the most secretive names usually given to a lifelong companion. In the original wrong, Alexio confessed to Brisney about his baptismal name. it was my favorite scene and I remembered it clearly.

"Well, it's the name you use to confess?" I said what came out in my mind first. [ Is that the only meaning in the ground now?] "I don't know----- ?" Does it mean anything else? When I tilted my head, Raulus answered slowly. [The baptismal name, a name that can bring me to earth.] What? I opened my eyes. Raulus' words didn't stop there. [I said there was a taboo in Judetta, child.] "Yes. Because of the taboos, you can't come down without permission----." The divine world beyond Judetta and the underground world under Lemordi cannot interfere in the providence of the earth. That was the taboo of Judetta and Lemordi. A taboo in this world that allows the earth to remain in the middle of a completely inviolable zone. Raulus threw continued, [Once every ten years, when I go down to earth, my children summon me by my name.] "Oh, why didn't you tell me!" I immediately lowered the volume and continue, "Then can I summon you?" [You cant.] "Why? I was baptized too!"

[What's your baptismal name?] " ." The question made me mute and shut my mouth. Baptismal name, I don't know. It's a name that no one but parents and yourself knows. It's a name that never mentioned in the original story.

[And you can't do it anyway. You don't have any divine power to tie me to the world.] "Ah-----." [Would be a good thing if I didn't die and take away the sins that existed?] It was a curse. Damn it. I put my mouth in a miserable state of hope that had been rising for a very short time, being crushed to the ground. "I really have to wait then." Right, if there was such an easy way, Raulus would have told me earlier. I sighed and scanned the wall again. Eyes went down to the bottom of the wall. [Yes, but----.] Let's take a peek at Euredian's baptismal name and go---Just as I was about to sneak at his last name into his eyes, Raulus hummed an unknown tune and warned. [You must hide first.] "Pardon ?" I was puzzled and at the same time I heard the opening of the door of the closed prayer room. "Ugh----." I was frightened out of my wits and hid inside the curtain. I heard footsteps. It was the sound that came straight this way. I let go of the curtain that I had grabbed and moved my body. I walk slowly. No matter how much the temple's owner, Raulus allowed it--Besides, I haven't seen the most important thing. The baptismal name of Euredian! Well, if I didn't see it, that's fine. No offense then. Mm-hmm. I moved slowly and carefully, rationalizing myself. But the footsteps were faster. I froze hard and rolled the curtain back tightly.

This, it seems, is coming up where I am----

[Hide tight. I can see your hair.] Raulus giggled and hummed to himself, then shut up. It seemed to disappear again with a smile. I felt the urge to grab that long hair and shake it. But it's only for a moment that my stomach to get so tight. "---- Oh." I opened my mouth in a daze. A familiar feeling sprang up. It was a force I couldn't gather. Always. Anywhere. A clear and tidy body of its owner. My heart beat fast and even before I was ready, the curtains flung back to both sides. A short laugh broke out. "What are you doing there, Princess?" I looked up from the pulled curtains, blankly at the man who showed up. My hunch is not wrong. Euredian Belgoth, even in the temple filled with the divinity of Raulus, strangely dressed and looked at me with a friendly face. "H-How do you know I'm here." I stammered open my mouth. "You stand out in the eye somewhere." He touched my cheek slightly, "You're not good at hiding either." D-Did you see I smiled awkwardly. It was the first day in five days. At first glance, he looked no different than usual. An emaciated and somewhat loose face but soon I found him more formal than usual. Similar to the day we went out to downtown Barishad together.

White clothes that fall just right onto his body. The gold cross brooch on the left chest was especially shiny. The silver hair, which had always been half scattered, was also neatly swept back. Maybe that's why his handsome face was so admiring that he looked more like a piece of special healer today. An impeccably elaborate statue. Two warm hands touched my cheeks. "You look much better, too." Euredian murmured. "I've heard that a lot." I replied awkwardly, looking away. "Ahhaha. That's a bad idea." My laughter was natural to me as well. I looked around to avoid the reddish gaze that scrutinized me.

Why do I feel so awkward? Is it because it's out first time seeing each other since dawn? And my habit of spouting nonsense again when I am embarrassed came out again, "Your Majesty is handsome again today." "Is that so?" Euredian laughed short. A smile crossed his face when he was so calm as to be like a piece of marble. Somehow my ears seemed to be burning red. I opened my eyes to wake up. Don't be possessed, Yerenica! And I managed to exhale to sound more normal, "What are you doing here? I didn't hear you were coming " "Well----." Euredian blurted the end of his words.

A momentary stream of emotion passed through the reddish-purple eyes. I watched it without missing any of it. Forgetting that I was avoiding his gaze awkwardly, I stared at him. "What's the matter?" It wasn't so often that Euredian didn't have any answer. I took his hand that still fiddling with one of my cheeks. "Then it's strange." " What?" "Your Majesty can't find me first for no reason."

Chapter 70 It was not a very self-contradictory remark. It was clear that this man, who has strict standard for himself, made some reason and stepped up to this point. Euerdian laughed, "I wonder what kind of image I have in your head." "Well, a liar?" I smiled brightly. "Your Majesty who bounces so much." " ." "Half of a self-righteous and half iron wall." " ." "Shall I tell you more? I think I can say 50 things." I held Euredian's hand and waved back and forth as I told him one after another. Euredian looked puzzled for a moment and soon smiled languidly. It was his usual expression. "There's nothing to deny." "Yes. I know you better than I thought." And now I was perfectly back to normal.

My heart was still beating fast, but anyway, it was good facing this guy in person. Actually, that's enough. Isn't it necessary to worry about the future even in this brief meeting after five days? So I just decided to be faithful to my mood and asked playfully while waving hands. "So what is it, really? You wouldn't say you missed me." " ." "Ah, of course, is that the biggest reason?" "I can't stop you." Euredian let go of my hand while let out a dejected laugh. And the next moment, I could hear myself. "Huh?" I was sitting on the altar before I could even utter a word in my voice with embarrassment. The eye level rose in a flash. "Woah, here---- " It's a sacred altar---- !

However, Euredian had this expression that he didn't care at all. "Because Raulus is generous." "What?" Unknowingly, my voice came out. Generous, still---I glanced behind the altar, I have a feeling that Raulus might be peeping somewhere. "Ho, you don't know. He may be narrower than you think and be childish----." "You sound like you know him, Princess."

And Euredian had a good hunch today, too. I finally gave up looking after the altar. Well, look at it. Besides it was Raulus who said that I could look at the altar first, so---And I can't hear a rambling voice, now that I think about it. I didn't even know. I've taken my thoughts away from Raulus. There was a handsome face below. It was not unusual for me to look at him. Moreover, looking down from above, I could only see fatigue all over his face. Maybe he didn't sleep well or he overworked these days. The corners of his eyes were slightly reddish. Of course, even that looked strangely good on me that my heart beat. I reached out my hand to those eyes first. "Hmm. So." " ." "What have happened, five days without me?" Euredian laughed followed by his habitual tone, "it's always the same. My daily life." "Um." "Just as stuffy, a lot to deal with, a little tired." ".......... " "But that's always happened. I can't say that something big has happened." The sound of really indifferent voice continued calmly. I took a slow look at the tightly familiar face. Somehow Diego's words popped up in my head. "He's tied up by a lot of things." "I see." I carefully swept through the faintly reddish eyes.

"You must have been in a hurry." " .' "It's a big deal that strange things keep bothering you. If I were here, I'd give you some comfort." There reddish eyes blink a few times and slowly. There was no return answer, but I spoke in a frivolous way. "it's a good thing you came here today. I'm so full energy these days that I think I can give the Emperor a good feeling." " I see." "Ah, so is it the opposite now?" " ?" He looked at me again. A question came to mind on that red-purple eyes. I smiled and opened my arms at him. "Change roles." "What?" "I'll do it today. Human tonic me. In other words, rapid charger." " ?" Euredian didn't seem to understand the meaning of the word. However, in an instant, slowly a look came to his expressionless face of fatigue. He seemed surprised and he looked like he heard something very unfamiliar. I didn't mean to wait for him. Lowering myself, I embraced his neck as it was. " " Of course, I did not have any divinity and even if I had it would have been no match for this man, which was purely comforting. I could feel Euredian's stiffness in my arms. Have I ever hugged this man first? I didn't seem to remember. It's always side that reached out to find piece of clothing. "You did a great job today as well."

A slight sweep of the silver hair twisting at my fingertips. As he often did to me. "Um. And---------------- " I hesitated a little. At that dawn, Euredian asked me to stop here. 'I don't think I'll be able to back down if I approach,

so please stop here.' But is it right for me to completely bury my feelings now because of that? Somehow, I was convinced it wasn't. Listening to this heartbeat for a minute, I murmured still. "I missed you." It was a small sound, but I whispered in his ear, so he couldn't not have heard it. I froze once it was out of my mouth. "Really, I missed you." There are things that can only be confirmed by speaking out. Even if I haven't able to save it. Ah. I actually did. That's why I've been sinking in spite of all the energy I have lately. There are moments when I come to realize like this. My heart was pounding. If this mand had been just a man I had to save, a man whose future tragedy was supposed to be, and was the only lifeline in this world, and that's the only part of my feelings, I wouldn't have wanted to see him until I came to the temple. So I admitted it with great composure. Yes. I like him. The answer was simple and clear enough to overshadow the countless sleepless nights.

I guess I like him a lot. I can't understand why I've continued to go back and forth. It's not just because this guy make me live. It's not that I feel sorry for the fate that has been set---"I can't stand it either." I could hear Euredian muttering low. And there was a hug that pull me back. The distance between bodies, which had been vaguely a little apart, quickly became close. At that moment I didn't know what the man who held me in his arms was thinking, but I could only feel that the heartbeat coming from the body that touched mine was as fast and irregular as I was. It was greater satisfaction than a hundred words, and it was relaxing pleasure as this man. *** "So why are you really here?" I gently fiddled with the shiny silver hair that had been swept back. We were in my room in the temple. I was about to drag him to show my room around. But Euredian did not seem to be interested with my room. When I see him staring at me again, sitting on the window frame. "I told you. It was frustrating." He answered slowly as he was twirling my loose long pale pink hair

around in his hand. "That can't be all." I glanced at the red eyes in a doubtful tone.

"You cannot have many any other reason as you came to see me----." Euredian looked up at me with fresh eyes, "------ Are you always sharp like this?" "Seriously this guy." Immediately, three lines were caught. I glanced at him and lightly pinched him. "If you're going to hunt a target, shouldn't you first figure out what its capable of?" "To hunt targets." Euredian laughed as he thought and repeated me for a moment. "You have a knack for making a word that doesn't make any sense." "Isn't that my charm?" The words came out this time were more of a nonsense. I can't tell you that the languid face was being serious from the bottom of the heart. Ugh, I shook my head and opened my eyes sharply. "Don't keep changing the subject. Why are you here?" "I have something for you." Euredian replied this time without a hitch. Slowly he straightened himself and pulled something out of his uniform. I figured out what it was at once. It was a shallow letter. Green seal with intersecting willow leaves. It was a pattern of Lebovny that familiar to me. My eyes widened at once. "Oh, has the letter arrived?" "Yes." I took it quickly. When I opened the envelope after tearing the seal, I saw a paper sheet that was significantly thinner than the last time. " ."

For a letter to me, it was more like a straight-folded paper. I tilted my head but took the paper out of the envelope. I spread out the folded paper neatly into three parts. "Uh--- --." And immediately a bewildered groan burst.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch I blinked over the contents of the document. It wasn't really a handwritten letter from my father or mother or sister Tezevia. It was a list. The list of the 18th Lebovny's envoy to Belgoth. "An envoy---- ? Haha." And I found some familiar names near the top of the list. The one written in the mission's representative column--"Ha, brother-in-law." "Brother-in-law?" With Euredian's word, I went through the list several times with my mouth wide open. The delegation's representative was the husband of sister Tezevia, Duke of Lebanon. In addition. "Fernandez too and Sergey." I muttered in amazement. No, these guys are al coming to Belgoth? "All men's names." Euredian somewhat had an uncomfortable face. But I didn't hear it properly because I was thinking hard. I don't know about Sergey, but I was worried about the Duke of Lebanon and Fernandez coming to Belgoth. Aren't they are the characters who were killed in the original expedition to retrieve Tezevia? I'm glad Tezevia isn't coming. "No way----."

I don't think they're going to follow the original timeline either. I don't think so. I hid my thought and asked Euredian stealthily. "This, of course, is a goodwill envoy?" "Well." And the lame response came back. Euredian slanted the corners of his mouth. "If they're cooperative with Belgoth, it's a goodwill envoy." "Oh, don't scare me. Well, if you have any other ideas---." "If you're thinking otherwise, for example, what?" "Well-----you're going to swallow the real Lebovny in one bite----." Somehow it's a credible story. A little kingdom like Lebovny, if Belgoth ever touched it, it would

fall apart. Besides, it seems like we haven't opened the Glucaman Road yet---I looked as pretty as I could. My face is the face of Lebovny, brainwashing face. "You wouldn't dare do that, Your Majesty?" " I'm starting to rebel when you say so." Euredian replied grumpily. "It depends on Lebovny's attitude in this trilateral negotiatin. For Belgoth's future foreign policy is." Where has this man been offended? I tried to recall my memory, but there was no single think came up. I frowned. "As long as I'm in your hands, Lebovny won't come to knife you first. You know." "Hmmm." "And even if I went back to Lebovny, my father wouldn't be as stubborn as before."

It was almost a burden to myself. As soon as I go back, I'm going to pour out all sorts of childish and tearful appeals to my father. Util I get his vow never to be too greedy again. And Euredian asked something completely out of the blue. "Who's Sergey?" "Oh, my childhood friend. He's my sister's husband's brother------------------------------------------------------------------------- well, he's more like a friend than a family." Sergey coming was really unexpected. I frown unconsciously. Bast*rd. Sergey Lebanon. He let me kidnapped in that invasion. However, after seeing the man in front me again, the corners of my mouth were loosened. "Uh----well, in conclusion, is it good or not? I don't know----------------------- --." " ." "Good is good." I stretched out my hand and touched the shiny silver hair and smiled amusedly. But the realization was quick. I slightly tensed as the bitter facts came to mind. An envoy coming from Lebovny. Euredian had to tell me the news in person, perhaps to let me know indirectly when I had to go back. " ." But he didn't say anything. I caught myself for a moment and stared silently into the purple eyes

that were looking down. Just a moment ago, the happy feeling from earlier quickly faded. The day that has been vaguely thought is now completely settled.

He just didn't tell me what he was thinking, but I knew what it was. The thoughts that I had deliberately pushed back for a few days came back. If we go this way, is this really the end? "---- You've been busy with this lately." I consciously blocked my thoughts. I thought once I thought about it would feel down. Besides, this man is here to rest, and I didn't want to bring up depressing story. I grinned casually. "If it's a three-way negotiation, you could come to Azekien. Ah, that place has a lot of sorcerer. Scary."' " ." "That makes me a little bit stuffy. Fifty years ago, the Glucaman Convention was re-established?" Euredian only briefly nodded. I quickly turned my brain around to find another topic. "Well. How's Lady Elard doing these days?" And I failed to find the right topic. I muttered the word and screamed inside. This--- stupidly, I shouldn't bring up her story here, stupid Yerenica! " I'm not even interested." The loose face quickly hardened. Euredian chewed out his words, "However, we'll have to go after it. Until I can catch that rattler and put her in a dungeon-----------------------------------------------------------------------I'm so upset." It was an usually radical tone. I had no choice but to laugh awkwardly. Did I bring up the wrong thing again? But it was a story that I should have heard someday anyway. That's only now. I grabbed Euredian's cheeks and made eye contact.

"By any chance, Your Majesty." " ?" "Never, never ever." I said with a tight squeeze on each word. "Never, get married to her, you know that right?" "Am I crazy?" And the immediate answer came back. Euredian made an ugly face. But I couldn't be relieved right away. The original is already in place. And in my opinion, Euredian

Belgoth was very likely to move as she thought. Soleia Elard clearly stabbed the point where Euredian would feel he has an attractive option. Put his own leash on it, keep it in his hands, keep an eye on it. I pressed his cheek and opened my mouth again. "Never. No matter what she offers. Even if she did anything. Never get married. You can't even get engaged. Understand?" " ." In the reddish-purple eyes, the understanding returned. He sweetened his lips as if to say something more. But I was faster. "I'd rather keep an eye on her than leave her as an enemy because she's a dangerous woman. I mean, don't think this is ridiculous. I can't see it while I'm still alive and has my eyes open." " ." "You have to answer."

Euredian seemed to be trying to read my heart for awhile. Then there was a short elastic groan. "Ah, did you worry about that from the start?" "What?" It wasn't the answer I was waiting for. I was puzzled and realized the meaning of the word by looking at him. From the beginning----Since the moment I first saw you. "No wonder, it was strange when you proposed without hesitation." And I was a little relieved by Euredian's murmur that followed. You go it wrong, Your Majesty. My first wasn't from then on--------- a little longer. I hid my innermost thoughts and smiled and pressed for his answer. "Anyway. Answer me, please." "'Yes." Euredian answered unexpectedly coolly. "I don't even think about doing what she wants. I don't what she wants from me." Sadly, I knew. The most powerful thing on earth. That's what she wants. Judetta, to reach the distant world of gods.

Of course, I couldn't speak that right away, so I answered halfheartedly. "------ It's probably because you're so handsome, I guess." Of course, I was thinking about something completely different inside. I played with my hands, swept the cleat, chaste intangible energy that was twisting around Euredian's body.

Of course, i didn't know the reason at that time. Come to think of it--------------- I tilted my head. Does Raulus know that there is a person who wants to go beyond Judetta? "I hope so." Euredian laughed as if he were sighing. He kept fiddling with my hair, and kissed it lightly. It was an act that seemed natural at first glance. "Uh........... " And with that brief contact, all my thoughts were blown away. I could feel the heat rising all over my face as well as my ears, so I just hugged him tightly *** Ever since that day, Euredian has visited the temple at least once every three days. There was no clear reason, but it continued. It was the first time this man came to visit me. It was nothing new. It was a little awkward at first, but I quickly got used to him visiting the temple because humans just as adaptable as animals. In fact, even if it a meeting once every three day, I counted it as the remaining time I stayed in Belgoth. However, he still hasn't brought up the topic of my return to Lebovny. Well, what would I after he told me about it? Anyway, the meeting, which I thought would stop since I moved from the Imperial Palace, lasted and continued this long. And I don't know why, but the meeting that began to steadily continue was not the meeting with Euredian.

Chapter 72 "I don't think His Majesty is coming today, Princess." Clarice Iven. I laughed awkwardly at the elegant Countess Iven sitting between me and tea table. "He was here two days ago, so maybe he'll come back tomorrow------------------------------------------------------- ?" "Oh my." And I regretted answering in gentle manner. Clear, light brown eyes began to shine excessively. "I've heard he's busy preparing for the trilateral negotiations, as expected." She murmured with red face. I knew that. What---- ? Somehow I'm afraid to ask again. I slowly dodged her gaze and nibbled at the refreshments. It was only a week ago that this strange encounter with Count Iven's wife began. I mean, from the day after Euredian sudden visit. Countess Iven was a warm and friendly just as she is beautiful and highspirited beauty. In addition, she was a believer who visited the temple three or four times a week to pray to the Raulus' priest. She is also good at speaking; she had the ability to lead conversation without difficulty. So after few teas, I had become much closer her. "I'm sure you'll be attending the welcoming ceremony too, right?" Countess Iven put her teacup down as she spoke. "Ah."

And that was something I hadn't thought about before. I opened my eyes wide. Attending a welcoming ceremony for the envoys? Should I?" "Oh, do I have to?" "Oh, of course. How many people are there to see the Princess------------------------------------------------------------------------- No." The countess, who was trying to speak quickly, paused and stopped talking. Somehow I think I know what she wants to say. I sighed and sipped my tea. I don't know why or when it started, but now I seem to be quite a hot topic in the Belgoth capital society. Well, I'm probably the first woman to see the Emperor continuously. I put it out of my mind and continued with my own.

Oh my god. I was even more afraid to go into society. Dozens of people are paying attention even if they can't. If I stand at the center of those enormous eyes, I might melt away as soon as I enter. But in the words of the countess, I had no choice but to withdraw my earlier ideas. "I heard there will be Lebovny's envoys as well. Ambassadors from other countries cannot enter the temple, shouldn't be the Princess attend?" "Ugkh." Is that so! I opened my eyes wide. In other words, if I want to see brother-in-law, Fernandez and Sergey, I should attend the welcoming ceremony.

However Euredian didn't say that------- ? I tilted my head with a slight frown. "Yes-----His Majesty didn't say that------ --." "Right, of course." The countess' face is bright. For some reason, she had a face of great joy. "You don't have to feel pressured because of the socialite. Most of the nobles are in favor of the Princess." "Ah, is that so?" That was the least fortunate news. "Yes, and they will be watching it all from the beginning, so Lady Elard will not be able to do anything to you either." The countess continued. I looked at her with a fresh glance, picking up the thought I was thinking. As I've been talking to Clarice Iven the last few days, I've just learned that Clarice sometimes has a pretty sharp side. "And of course, my husband and I will be there. Come and I'll be there for you." "Well, I'd appreciate it if I could---------------- --." I blurred my words. Clear brown eyes, hard to refuse coldly, were twinkling with anticipation. It was harmless goodwill. But I didn't know why she's doing this favor for me. "I----- Countess Iven." Eventually I opened my mouth carefully. As soon as the word came out, the countess waved her hand. "Please call me Clarice, Princess."

"C—Clarice." She grinned as I called her name awkwardly. No, actually, Clarice was smiling brightly and affectionately the whole time she was facing me. "Yes, go ahead." "Why are you so nice to me?" I've been asking that questions to myself for the last few days because of that friendly look. Clarice opened her eyes wide. I continued with a shy smile, "No, you've been so kind since we first met that doesn't mean it's burdensome!" Clarice Iven was simply a noble lady. All her words, gestures and attitudes were full of soft manners. Besides, isn't Countess in a low position? The reason why the Belgoth aristocrat would be kind to me was, inf act, not well known in my head. I tilted my head and spoke slowly. "I, I mean. If I were to argue, I'm actually a hostage-------- and I'm going back to Lebovny soon anyway." "You're going back?" Clarice's voice has gone up. I think that surprise her. I nodded my head once, "Yes, I'm going back with the Lebovny's envoy." "Ah------- --."

Clarice let out a sigh of a groan. She looked very sad. "I thought you'd stay longer, but are you going home this soon?" "That's what happened." "Is it your fault?" "Yes. Maybe ?" I didn't think it is my fault, but it was almost certain. Clarice's expression became visibly blurred as I nodded again. "Well, it's just around the corner------- Somehow it's sad. I thought I could get closer to the Princess." I couldn't believe whether it was a pretense or a lie. Somehow I felt itchy in one corner of my mind. "I've wanted to get close to you since I first saw you. You're so lovely and completely different aura from the Belgoth's people."

I blushed reflexively at the word, 'lovely' and opened my eyes wide at the following words. Clarice smiled gently and continued, "Belgoth, what should I say? It's an atmosphere that places a little too much emphasis on etiquette and dignity. Of course, dignity as an empire's nobility has something to do with it, but sometimes it's a little too hard and stuffy, so it's hard." "Ah----." Somehow I knew. The words Euredian often said 'depressed; passed through my mind. Could it be that also related to the atmosphere that Clarice was talking about? Clarice continued, her eyes twinkling, "I've heard that Lebovny is much more self-conscious and open-minded than Belgoth. I can only assume that it's not a country like the Princess."

"It's just that the kingdom is small---." I smiled vaguely and waved. In a kingdom as big as a fingernail. What would you fi you took the courtesy and watched the dignity? But I quickly changed my mind. To be sure, Lebovny was a free-spirited country when you think about it in the original story. Brisney, the only daughter of Duke and Princess, got into relationship with Alexie, her own escort knight. I shook my head. "Well, I think it's definitely different compared to Belgoth. "Right? That's exactly what it is. That is the part that I like about you." Clarice smiled affectionately. "Maybe His Majesty is in love with that part?" "Haha-----." And this time, I was red all the way to my ears. The heat rose from my nape. Wow, it's really embarrassing to hear this from someone else------------------------------------------------------------ ! I replied randomly, trying to cover my face with the small teacup. "I think it was just amazing. I've been doing a lot of rude thing---- but-------------------------------------------------------------------------- he's always so kind." "Oh my god. His Majesty must be very kind." " " I assured myself, looking at her smiling face meaningfully. If this conversation continue, I'm sure my face will be gone in a few minutes. Fortunately, Clarice turned the subject around again. The smiling face strangely dimmed.

"The truth is Lady Elard spent a long time courting His Majesty to such an extent that I would really think he would accept her if this continued."

"Ah. Lady Elard must have been more active than I thought."' "Yes, I don't know how many of them have been suffered because of her." Clarcie blurted the end of her speech. I held my tongue. Oh my god. Soleia. As expected, she didn't seem to hide herself in the society either. A scary person. I trembled. That's how much you want to marry Euredian? That's why, even if I said that his divinity is covetous--" ." Come to think of it, there was something unclear. I frowned at the sudden new angle. What did she gain by reaching beyond Judetta with her human body---------------------------------------------------------- ? What is she going to do with a power that she can't recognize anyway?" If she go over Judetta, what is she going to do? What can a person do in the world of gods----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Doubts started to raise. Wouldn't it be more realistic to replace Belgoth's system of capturing and suppressing dark sorceress or to keep dark sorcerers from being ostracized? Why did she go as far as to dazzle her son and try to reach Judetta----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?

Chapter 73 - Part 6: The Calm before The Storm

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for Somehow a strange steaming sensation remained. The more I think about it, the more I don't know her motives. "Did you feel uncomfortable anywhere----------------------- ?" "Pardon?" Clarice tilted her head. I shook my head and smiled. Yeah. I don't know. All I could know for sure was that she was a really scary person. The next time I did wrong thing, she'll kill me. I got goose bump in my body. I can see the Lebovny's envoy on the day they go back, so wouldn't it be better not to attend the welcoming ceremony------------------------------- ? "Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you could come to the ceremony." However Clarice's idea was completely different from mine." "In fact, I'm not the only one who thinks this way. If not, His Majesty will walk in the society with that woman----." "That's a little----." When I imagined Soleia sticking herself to Euredian, the impression was frowned upon. Of course, I've given Euredian's firm answer, so that's not the worst thing to be worried about, but this is a matter of my mood. Right? No one wants to see someone who they don't like sticking to the person they like. "It's definitely not a pleasant imagination----." I spit out my emotions without any thoughts before I able to stop myself.

Of course, it's too late. Clarice was looking at me with a strange smile again. I quickly opened my mouth before she said anything unusual again. "I'll think about it. It's not something I can decide on my own. I'll ask His Majesty." In fact, attending the welcoming ceremony wasn't really a matter of my will. Because I'm still a maladjusted to mana, a person who vulnerable to mana---If three countries go to crowded fall, then it is the Three Kingdoms Conventions and it's a day of destruction. I will be like a sunfish. I tried to smile brightly. Welcoming ceremony, I wonder if I can go----

Part 6. The calm before the storm. Soleia was lost in thought. "So, please hold my leash." That day, she gave him the leash of her neck. When suggested, Euredian spat out with arsenic. "I will be a faithful dog lying on your feet. Does that mean that?" " ." Tuk. Tuk. A long, sharp red fingernail patted steadily around the window. Tal. Tak. It was raining outside the window. It was rare for Belgoth to have a rainy day in late spring, when the weather was relatively clear. The air was damp. It was heavy and gloomy. Soleia looked down at the rain pouring to Eugel Square. On rainy day, she always remembered things on her head.

On the day when her real parents were caught and burned by the holy knights, it was raining. On the day when Soleia's old family, who studied darkness in the shadow, fell. Soleia remembered the fire purification which was still burning despite the pouring rian. At first glance, a bluish silver fire had devoured her parents and colleagues. " ." "Why?" In the middle of rain's sound, the voice of the Emperor came again. "Why do you do that? What do you want from me?" It was tone that seemed genuinely curious. A find and noble sculptural face came to mind clearly. "Why --." Of course, she wants to put the divinity in her hand. If it's impossible to get into her hands, then through a child born between him and her. Because she has to get her hands on it. But Soleia did not answer the question aloud. There was no reason to answer. It would have been fascinating for him to reject her proposal any time soon. Soleia Elard knew Euredian Belgoth well. Ah, more, much more than he knows about her.

It was only natural, after all the number of years of observing each other is different. Soleia saw Euredian for the first time at the age of ten, when she first set foot on Belgoth tower. Just after her parents were burned by holy knights. She was managed by Chernata Rosel and turned into enemies of the late Elard. And the winter of that year was when she settled down in the tower.

At that time she was a child who had not yet been able to properly handle the dark magic that had been used by her parents. At that time too, Euredian Belgoth was just a young prince who was about the same age as her. The time they passed was only for a short moment. The young Prince, who followed the Emperor to inspect the tower, was silent for his age, and had a slightly troublesome face. She can't forget that silver-haired gleam and the reddish-purple eyes that were a curse to her people. On that day, the young Soleia saw the relaxed face of the Emperor and the prince and sharpened her sword inside. The one who ordered for her parents, her teacher and many of her disciples to be burnt alive. A man who has power opposite of the tower and her. Those who do not allow people like themselves to stand on the ground. Her natural enemies. So on that day, Soleia decided, with her heart full of rage to get her vengeance. Oh, the next emperor. That horribly beautiful boy, the one with the most river-like divinity on earth. Someday, he'll kneel at her feet. From that day until now, she has seen the mand for ten years and for Euredian toward her was 4 years. It was strange that he couldn't figure out what was inside. Euredian belgoth will not refuse her sweet temptation. Even if he didn't accept all of her terms, she'll find her own agreement. I'm a person who will do anything to get into that fence. Euredian Belgoth looked at her with a face that didn't have a single trust. "You're going to be a dog that obeys me, are you?"

"It's no different." Soleia was sincere. Really, she'll do whatever he wants. She can't even bark like a dog. That mighty divinity, if only she could hold it in her hand. So, as long as she reach the world of distant gods beyond Judetta.

In fact, Soleia's purpose was one. Judetta. A world where people like her are at the opposite end of the world. The world of Lemordi and the world of Judetta. Soleia's purpose was to reach the Judetta. In fact, it was her only role and value. Once she reaches beyond Judetta, she's done with her duties as a contract worker. What's left was the obligation of her contractor to fulfill. To drive out all the silver and red purple color of the earth. Terms of the contract that her owner will keep. Then the last man to kneel at her foot will be that shining man. Only until then that she will allow the leash around her neck to stay. However, nowadays the 'owner' has been giving her a hard time. Soleia was tongue-tied by the unpleasant noise that tearing her eardrums. "What's wrong again?" [ .] "You're so strangely overeating more these days." There was no answer that came in. instead, there was a stream of smack and dull bumps.

It was obvious what was hitting her. Each month the bones of the lean skulls barely fell apart. It was that skeleton rattling sound again and again. [---- Urgent.] The murky wooly sound, whose sex could not be guessed, rang all over the body. Soleia slightly distorted her beautiful face, "What, our plan?" [Unhappy mood---- If you caught, things get complicated.] The bones, which had been barely been skeletons, crumbled on the ground. [The taboos of Judetta and Lemordi, before they are discovered------------------------------------------------------------------ --.] "It's already been five years since you first crossed Lemordi. Hades, I don't think it's time for a new taboo." It was already five years ago that she signed a contract with an underground owner who couldn't even form its own shape on the ground and often broke down. It was also five years ago that a person who could not cross Lemordi, the boundary between the round and the underground, broke the taboo and began to break the ground.

She has been silent for those five years. Why are you acting like you're being chased by something now? It was an incomprehensible part, but it seemed that the hose of the dead and the ghosts was not even listening to her. [this time, kill her.] Thud. A broken finger bone rolled under Soleia's foot. It slowly gathered together to form another whole hand-shaped skeleton.

[Killed the annoying one---- ] " ." [Do what need to be done.] Kill the Princess and get rid of her and get the Emperor. It was no different from that word. The voice was so harsh that Soleia hardened her face. Less than tend ays have passed since she made that irresistible offer to Euredian Belgoth. She couldn't figure out if she could stay and wait for a while. The owner of the basement grumbled. [The notice is in front. You're always call it a bridge of flags, Soleia*.] " " [How long do I have to keep up with your pace?] Five years. It's been five years since Soleia signed with him. Was it a long time? Then why is it so impatient now? You've been asleep all time. [Quickly-- --.] " ." [Kill what's annoying, get what's needed. If not.] Finger bones that rose into the air lifted up Soleia's chin. The touch of the cold, sharp bone on the chin could not hep but startled her. No matter who she is. Scoffing, words like the last sentence fell. [I'll come forward myself.] Chapter End Notes *t/n think this line is a phrase----- basically a warning for Soleia

Chapter 74 "Hades." [You want to preserve your body, right, Soleia?] Soleia bit her red lips. In the first place, if the owner ordered her, she had no other choice. The elaborate plans began to tangle. In one destructive, messy direction that Soleia doesn't like very much. However, in fact, Euredian Belgoth. It was also an inevitable future, given the fact somebody had no intention of accepting Soleia Elard's proposal already. So everyday was like the eve of the storm under the guise of tranquility. *** Yerenica's POV There was another relax atmosphere after Clarice told me about the delegations' welcoming ceremony. I have been pondering over and over again, sweeping and polishing every nook and cranny of the temple. The welcoming ceremony. Should I or should I not participate? Is it okay for me, Princess Lebovny, to be absent at such complicated diplomatic issue between three countries? But in the first place, it was a worry that wasn't necessary. After a short tea time with Clarice, I was called to the palace within three days. Is there anything that happened? I was full of anxiety as I stepped back to the Imperial Palace after 15 days. Of course Diego was with me.

"What do you think, for suddenly calling me to the Imperial Palace----------------------------------------------------------------------------- " "I think---." Diego was puzzled by the end of his words. He also seemed not to have heard anything about it. I frowned slightly, recalling Euredian, who had been coming to the temple every three days. He skipped the visit yesterday, but---But he came to the temple. I thought he would never call me to the palace again. What happened? It's something about Soleia ! I entered the Imperial Palace with growing anxiety. But by the end it was useless.

"Yerenicaaaaa!" "Uh-oh-oh-oh." As soon as I entered the welcoming hall, I stumbled back at the something big that hit me. The voice calling my name was strangely familiar. No way, this voice---I spat out in a daze at someone who was hugging me. "S-Sergey?" "Oh, Yerenica. You were alive and well!" "Are you really Sergey?" I blinked stupidly and grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him off. A face that seemed like he would burst into tears was revealed. I didn't open my mouth until I checked the face. "Woah, it's real----------------- ?" A boy with a black hair and green eyes of the Lebanon family.

This boy, who looked prettier than most women, is my childhood friend, Sergey Lebanon, who I left behind in Lebovny. I asked, stammering, "Y-You----- what are you doing here?" "that's what you're going to say to a friend you haven't seen in three months!?" Sergey hit back and hit me again. It's not like he is hugging me, it's really like he is hanging on my neck. A man with a bigger head than me hung on me, so I had to stumble again. If Diego hadn't held me from behind, I would have collapsed. Somehow he seems taller than the last time I saw him and seem to have grown up--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did boys of his age grow up faster? I managed to hold up Sergey, reeling from one place to another. "Hey, hey, hey, calm down." "Uh. I was so worried!! I thought there was a limb snapped somewhere." "I know. Let's put this down for now and-------- --." But he didn't really seem to listen to me. In the end, I sighed and patted Sergey who held me tight and poured out tears. "I'm fine. I've been living as luxurious as I was in Lebovny. I even wrote a letter in the first place." "Are all your limbs attached?"

"Of course-----." I'm standing on both legs. Why are you worried about that? "Look!" "Even if it's alright."

Sergey pulled back to look at me from head to toe, crying. "Why are you so skinny!" "That---- something happened." A answer tactful while patting Sergey'a arm with a sloppy smile. I found two men just a few steps away in front of me with a tearful look. One is my escort, Fernandez, and the other is sister Tezevia's husband, my brother-in-law, the Duke of Lebanon." "Uh----." Only then did I know the situation. This member, I mean----. "L-Lebovny's envoy has already arrive---." "Princess Yerenica!" "Princess!" My words failed to finish to the end. The voices, which were more abundant than Sergey, echoes in the enormous hall. Two me, distracted, quickly approached me and start talking. "Are you alright?! Is there anything that's gone wrong?" "Ferdi, I'm fine." "My wife threatened to leave me alone if there was anything wrong with you. Are you sure you're alright?!" "B-Brother-in-law----." It was obvious how my mother, father and sister Tezevia have been doing in Lebovny, as the blunt brother-in-law responded so severely. Ah, I feel sorry for some reason." I reflected on myself, who had been so unsympathetic to Lebovny's side and smile brightly. "Long time no see, Ferdi, brother-in-law!" "I am not eligible for being the Princess' escort. After returning to Lebovny, I will immediately resign as escort knight."

"No, it's not because of Ferdi---- --."

I mumbled while glancing at Sergey who still clings to me. Actually, I was kidnapped to Belgoth because he didn't show up in time. But if I said so, it seemed that brother-in-law and Fernandez would throw Sergey away. I struggled to appease three men at the same time. "I'm really fine. His Majesty was treating me not as a hostage but as a distinguished guest, and there was nothing uncomfortable--------------------------- " But the deep-rooted mistrust of the eyes that I faced stayed and I continued to explain, "I've seen a lot of Belgoth, I've eaten a lot of delicious food, I've been to the temple---------------------------------------------------------------------- and I've met a lot of good people---." "You're thin. Definitely thin. It was like yesterday that you were plump like a piglet------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -." "There was nothing to worry about------ Shut up, Sergey." Instead of continuing, I kindly cursed Sergey. "I'm a little pig, this kid?" "You know until three months ago, you was so chubby----." Is that a curse of a compliment? Some people were offended easily. I don't like how I can't be so serious with a face that says I'm plump. I pushed Sergey back. "Get away from me. Far away. Still unhelpful even after a long time." "I think it's as if it was rough."

Sergey mumbles as he pushed away. It is a curse. It's a curse. I stared at Sergey and glared at him sharply. " ?" And as soon as I turned my head, I met a handsome face from far away. "Eugh." I inhaled unconsciously. That's right, it was real. Who would you know in the realm of Belgoth Imperal Palace? "Are you satisfied now? Duke." Euredian exhaled. He was leaning against the throne in a position of extreme laxity and even seeming arrogant. With his head leaning against his fingertips, at first glance it was an expression of an emperor. However, I found that the expression was very uncomfortable. Euredian still spoke in harsh tone.

"I can't believe you came to the Emperor's office and threatened to give up the Princess." "Oh god." I was the only one who opened my mouth there. Somehow, I wondered why Euredian called me to the Imperial palace. I can't believe that these Lebovny people forced to face the Emperor---------------------------------------- ! "The last time I was threatened that Glucaman road will be blow up if I didn't send a handwritten letter by her --." The problem is that this is not the first time. I touched my head. Right. Last time. He told me that my father demanded a handwritten letter from me----I opened my mouth once.

"Well, I'm sorry. I think Lebovny worried more than I thought-------- --." However, the feeling was overwhelmed by his action who usually do not do it at all. I don't think I like his expression, tone, something, something---Besides, he didn't even look on my side. His red eyes swept over brother-inlaw, Fernandez and Sergey. Somehow I felt like it was staying longer with Sergey. Eeuredian immediately opened his mouth again, "Does the owner of Belgoth look easy?" I could see the faces of the men of Lebovny standing around me. I rolled my eyes in bewilderment. Why, why are you so mean----------------------------------- ! "---- aha."" But I quickly gathered the reason. As soon as Sergey pushed me back, Euredian's face fell as cold as ever before. " hehe." Eventually, I open my lips and laughs. It's out. Sergey suddenly looked down at me who is smiling like a mad woman. Then he shook his head. "As expected, I'm appalled that something happened----." "You're in a pretty good mood." "Brother, after welcoming ceremony I'm going back with her. I don't think her status is normal." Sergey is dead serious that I was in dazed. "Be quiet, my friend." I gave up my welcome to my childhood friend, who had been reunited in a long time and pushed Sergey aside from me.

Sergey frowned as he was pushed aside a couple steps. Euredian who had crumpled face came in full view. I slowly opened my mouth.

Chapter 75 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "I wondered why you didn't come today." " ." I could see Euredian frowning. I grinned and pushed Sergey back to my side. "My childhood friend, my childhood friend. This is my escort and this is my brother-in-law." " ." "They must have been a little, too worried about me. I'm a much-loved Princess in Lebovny." "Worried." "Yes. I'm sorry, really. I apologized." It was a rude thing that they committed in the place of the master of the empire. It was right to apologize. I smiled awkwardly and gave him a wild look, 'I won't do it all!' " You don't have to apologize to me." And Euredian answered reluctantly and kept his mouth shut. He had a lot to say, but his handsome face was full of colors. Still, I didn't know that his eyes kept falling to Sergey who embraced me. Contrary to his worsen mood, my mood was flying up and down. So this, that's it, right? Jealousy!

You can't away this time. When I looked at him with a triumphant face, Euredian smiled briefly in vain. I was quick to follow up before he said anything else. "Well, since I've come to the palace, can we talk a little more, exchanging story?" "Talk?" "We have many to share. There are the faces I haven't seen in three months." That was somewhat true. I had to hold on to my brother-in-law and asked about Tezevia and Brisney, and then hold onto Fernandez and asked about his wife and Alexio who is in the womb. Well, it won't be too bad to argue with Sergey after a long.

And Euredian probably, uh, struggling, right? I pulled up the corners of my mouth. Well. You should hang on to your neck one m1 Euredian stared at me for a moment and then laughed. Somehow, it wasn't an uncomfortable and low expression like before, but his face returned to his original drowsy relaxed expression. Hmmm---- ? Afraid of the sudden change, Euredian replied slowly. " Okay. First of all, you should be guided by the servants. You all must have been tired of coming a long way, so the first thing to do is to rest." "We're fine---." "No, you're not fine."

There was a sharp drop in the answer. Euredian laughed languidly, still holding his head in his hand. There, there. A face that captivates people. That man was more powerful than Soleia. As Euredian snapped his hand, the servant from the back cam and bowed politely. "I will guide you." " Yes, then." The Duke of Lebanon nodded his head with a grim face. I immediately turned to follow them. Just as I about to turn. "You stay here, Princess." The voice from behind stopped me. My heart began to throb. In fact, it was my only four days before I saw him. My heart sank. " " No, no. You can't go overboard here. I shook my head and looked at Euredian again. "Ahahaa. Well, I'd like to talk to my family after a long time----." I could see a slight crack in his handsome face. I don't like it very much. And at first glance, it seemed that I could see the expression that I wanted to see. A face that looks a bit impatient somewhere. I laughed and beat him first before he opened his mouth. "But if it's only for a moment, do you think I'll have time to have a private meeting with Your Majesty?"

"Yerenica!" Sergey grabbed me with a crumpled face right away.

And at that moment I saw it again. The reddish eyes swiping down to Sergey's hand that held my hand tightly. I deliberately glanced at Euredian's expression without pushing Sergey hard. Somehow I can't believe it. How could he be jealous. Jealous! " ." Euredian frowned and soon gave a deep sigh. And the following words were a little out of my expectations. "Come here, please." "Uh----." "Can't you come?" " ." "Huh." By all appearance, it was a tone of asking. I opened my mouth wide. No, if you say it like that, I can't help but go------------------------------------------- ! Without my knowledge, I uttered the words first. "Well, go ahead, brotherin-law, Ferdi." "Princess." "Sergey you too. ----put this----- down." I glanced at Euredian's gaze and pushed Sergey all the way. Three men's gaze were very discontented. "Hey, you. What do you want with Emperor of Belgoth----." Sergey opened his mouth. "Brother, take him away, come on." Why are you sticking to me like that? I glanced at the Duke of Lebanon. The Duke, with half-frustrated eyes, took turned to look at me and Euredian before nodded his head. "I'll be waiting. Princess, please come and promise you'll tell me more about what's happened." "Yes, I'm sure there have lot of questions."

I quickly pushed the three out of the hall and smiled. "You must have a hard time coming here. See you later, then!"

And closed the door. The tall and large door did not close at once. I managed to close the door roughly, leaving enough room for one person to come and go. " ." And soon silence came. There were only two people left in the throne room. Come out, Euredian. " Hehe." I quickly turned around with a smile. His and my distance were far away. Euredian still has that tough expression. I laughed at him, leaning against the slightly ajar door. "Shall I go there, Your Majesty?" " ." Euredian looked at me for a moment and soon smiled softly. The handsome face loosened sweetly. But I had felt some sort of uneasiness. It was a sudden change. "No, I'll go." The word fell off his mouth at the same time as he rose from the throne. I leaned against the door and watched Euredian made his way closer to me, Uh, uh, uh----A familiar smell struck me. When I saw him from afar, his soft, warm smile was so strong that I couldn't help but smile, especially now as I looked him closely. He arrived in front of me with big step and reached out with his hand.

I stiffened myself with astonishment, and opened my eyes wide to see his hand passing by my face. Euredian put his hand on the slightly open door and pushed lightly. Tak. The door closed smoothly with that hard push. Completely. The occasional noise from outside the door stopped at that moment. "............ " And there was only on small space left between me and him. I stopped breathing as soon as I realized the close distance. "Friend----." Euredian muttered as his eyes looked at me languidly. I glanced away from his eyes. "Confucius Lebanon must be the old friend that you told me about?"

"Well, yes." I opened my mouth because I thought it'd be better to answer something first. "My childhood friend--- My sister's husband, the Duke of Lebanon, younger brother." " ." "He's also a brother-in-law, family!" Well it was a bit awkward to call that scumbag-like Sergey a family. "That's why you are so close." "Surely-----." I looked up at him, lengthening the end of my words. Like a smiling statue, he was smiling but his face was stiff.

If my face is full of pleasant satisfaction like before, will I be a little bad? I stopped looking at him and smiled. "This is jealousy, isn't it?" "If so?" I thought he wouldn't answer, but unexpectedly, Eurediaan responded immediately. I opened my eyes wider and lauged. "Wow, now you have admitted it----." All the iron walls that had been piled up seemed to be in the proceed of being rolled up. A languid and full of pleasure quickly rose to the end of the chin. I reached out naturally and cupped his cheek. "I can't believe I brought down an iron fortress like yourself down here. I'm amazing too, right?" " I don't want to admit it." Eventually, the cold-hardened mouth was completely loosened. Euredian grinned, "I can't deny it." "Oh my." "Let me say this." It was a complete affirmation. However, Euredian did not stop there. Perhaps he did not intend to leave the subject from before. He inquired persistently, "So, will you continue to be like that with the Confucius, who based on your words that he was more like a friend than a family, Princess?" "Why did the title come back to Princess again?"

" Yerenica." Euredian still used mixed of the title and name, as if it was awkward to call me by name. It's not that difficult to call my name. I answered with a smile. "He must have worried about a lot. It's been a long time since he'd heard from me. And this is a a confrontation of Lebovny. " ." "You attacked the royal palace with such momentum and kidnapped the Princess. The rest of the people have no choice but to worry." I had the nerves to say so when I forgot everything on Lebovny's side. Euredian quickly spoke again in a firm voice. "But too close." Chapter End Notes t/n----- yes we have broken down the wall lads!! Next destination, romance town!!!

Chapter 76 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "Ah, well, between friends." Now it seemed to me that I was the one who initiate things. This guy was always tingling, but now that I'm in position to pull, this is my way-----

Do you think I'm the one who's been pushing myself that hard? A mean Simba, thinking about it, I couldn't stop poking him. "I haven't seen a friend in a long time and I can't do a light hug-------- --." But I couldn't finish my words. It was because something soft and soft pressed against my forehead. I opened my mouth blankly. "Yes, but--- --." "This, too?" The question was asking in a whisper that was too ticklish. My heart started beating fast again. Euredian pulled up the corners of his mouth, as if he had noticed that I had stiffened at the moment. He lowered his head slightly further. Down. My lips were kissed and his tip of the nose pressed against mine. "You can't do this, can you?" "Well, it makes sense----." Make some noise! I swallowed a scream inside, it was the first time that Euredian kissed me directly. He used to kiss only the ends of my hair and fingers as if he didn't want to cross the line. My heart beat faster and faster. If we stay like this, it'll be able to jump out quickly. "It's a good think you can't." And the man, who was relaxed by himself, seemed to have answered the question himself. It seemed from my point of view that his lips was drawing a full line. Even if I move a little more or raise my head, it was a distance that make our lips fit together right away. I blinked and looked back and forth before eventually lowering my head. Woah, seriously, I'm so embarrassed-----" !"

However, those lips followed my movement persistently. It feels like it's only after we kiss each other.

It was a short but clear feeling of excessive softness. Sweet as if it would melt as soon as it was pulled. In an instant, my body was filled with a sensation that was completely different from what had been happening just from contact. In a blink of an eyes, a clear and refreshing divinity swung around. It circulated and energized every single thread of blood vessel. The divinity, which was so pure and powerful that it was heavy, was filled to the top of my head. " Heuh." I took a moment to breathe into the feeling. The breath stopped momentarily, then flowed out like a dam. A short laugh can be heard from Euredian. It was a lazy laugh, as if he had ended all his discontent by himself. "Really-- --." Oh, something's unfair. I now feel my heartbeat beating all over my body and I bit the inside of my lips. "You always touch me everyday---- --. This is a little unfair." "Losing, who?" Euredian smiled, grabbed my chin and raised my head. The red eyes filled my vision. "Who is always holding and shaking me?" Euredian said in queer manner. The tone was quite the opposite of what he was saying, he was grumpy again.

However, before I could even open my mouth, a gentle voice stopped me. "Who's the one that makes me walk over the line I've drawn? You shouldn't say that." It has always been a sweet word that keeps distracting me. It wasn't enough o make my current heart flutter, as the Lebovny's delegation had arrived, it was not long before I really returned. Rather than being depressed thinking about breaking up, yes. For the rest of the time, I should be soaked in this kind of feeling. After all, it wasn't my temper to rush and push for the future from early onward. And above all else, I wanted to feel more and more of the harsh, tight, and intense sensation that this man can give. The shyness flew away and a feeling of thirst almost reached my throat. I looked down and whispered, "Then let's do it fair and square." "What?" I didn't intend to give him a change to answer. My arms were wrapped around his neck and pulled hi to me. Until soft lips pressed together.

I could feel that Euredian slightly tensed. Wow, really. I pulled up the corners of my mouth, pressing my lips against the dizzyingly refreshing sensation that I had been waiting for. Really. It seemed that under the sky, only this man who could give this sensation. *** It wasn't until late afternoon that I met people Lebovny's people again. "So, what's the relationship, what the hell!" I pushed Sergey aside with a tired face.

"I told you. Kidnappers and hostages. Master and guest. It's just like that." Of course, we're much closer and more intimate than that, but--------Ugh. I'm so secretive. I was so ashamed of the words that I came up with and just shut my mouth. An empty laugh came out. Sergey looked even more suspicious at my appearance. "You do know that it's obvious if you lie, don't you?" "I know. I know." Such a quick-witted person. I clicked my tongue, picked up a chair and moved sideways toward the Duke of Lebanon. We were talking at the tea table in front of the main palace garden. My brother-in-law, the Duke of Lebanon, seemed to be in trouble. "You'd better go to the palace with me. Why are you out here --." "Th-The weather is nice." I smiled awkwardly. I couldn't say that I couldn't move freely in the Imperial Palace. If I talked about my condition, that very day I will be returned to Lebovny. I quickly filled the empty cup with tea and changed the subject, "So, is father and mother doing well?" "Yes. Except for the loses of weight on His Majesty and the Queen's indigestion u=induced by stress, they are doing well." Is this to make me feel guilty------- ? He probably didn't mean it, but I had a sharp conscience. My father's trademark is chubby body that would roll right away------------------------------------------------------------------------- How much weight have you lost? You mean that mother now lives indigestion? I fiddled with the cup and looked melancholy. It was really a shame that I had forgotten the people who were worried about me.

"And sister Tezevia-----." "She's healthy now. She's almost recovered, so her condition is fine. My daughter is also healthy." Still, this was good news. I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm really glad. I was so surprised to hear that---." "You can be relieved now. You don't have to worry." Right. As long as Tezevia and Brisney are healthy. I nodded and turned to Fernandez, who stood firm. "Ferdi." " Yes, Princess." I avoid looking at it, blaming myself for him to be stabbed. I laughed in daze. "So, when is your due date?" "W-Winter, it's winter. By the end of the year------ --." It's winter. Right. In the original book, I remembered Alexio mentioning his birthday to be in the middle of winter. Our male protagonist, Alexio. Lexie. Lexie's gonna be born. My heart was beating helplessly. Once Alexioa is born, I can really see the childhood of the original couple. How cute, our protagonists! "So, when do you return?" If Sergey hadn't interrupted, the thought would have been fun. My heart quickly sank as I listened. Right, Brisney and Alexio born and I had to go back to Lebovny to see them. The melancholy thoughts that were consciously blocked when I was with Euredian, rose again.

" I will return once this mission was done." "Ah, really?" Sergey smiled brightly, "You weren't completely rude, the owner of Belgoth." "Be careful of what you say, Sergey. This is Belgoth's Imperial Palace." The Duke of Lebanon lashed out at his brother. I laughed vainly and gulped down the tea. It was really the time to go back. There's a problem with my body, a threat from Soleia, and above all, I can't make it harder for people who wait for me. Still, if I last four years at Lebovny, or if I hold out until Raulus comes down and saves me---" ." Isn't it impossible to come back to Belgoth then----- ?

"He was as handsome as I was told. Much younger than I thought." "Yes, that's right. He's the most handsome guy I've ever seen." But why would I came back to Belgoth? Well, it will be difficult to me to come back unless Euredian proposed to me. " and I think there's something arrogant about him, but he doesn't seem to be so ard on you." "Yeah. I had a little bit of a hard time when I first try to 'attack' him, but he's actually kind inside--Then what?"

I was lost in thought and came to my senses when I gave him a random answer. Strangely, I met three pairs of eyes who looked at me fascinatedly. Sergey squinted his eyes. "What do you mean attacking? Besides, you're having trouble? This is suspicious " "Wh-What?" Sergey suddenly all over my face, so I wasn't able to drink my tea, instead I'm all surprised. "Look at this older brother's eyes. Yerenica. I'm going to look inside you." Chapter End Notes t/n: think the attacking Yenni was talking about was about her ploy to seduce Euredian. I know Sergey is a nice guy.... but I couldn't help not liking him in this chapter ;-;

Chapter 77 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "What are you doing? Put your face away, Sergey." I snorted and pushed Sergey's face away. If these people find out what I've done in Belgoth, that's when the whole Lebovny turned upside down. The days when I proposed to the emperor without fear popped up in my head like lantern. Oh never. "Don't keep saying weird things. He's the one who didn't touch me at all. Thanks to that, I've been eating well, dressed well, and doing well." I tutted at Sergey.

"Don't go back and say anything weird to my father and mother. Do you understand?" "Hmmm." I'm anxious---I raised my hand to hit his head while looking at with shaky eyes. "Stop being a big mouth, seriously." "Wow, such a thug." Sergey laughed. Still his face was clearly relieved, so I ended up laughing helplessly. *** Euredian's POV It bothers me as expected. Euredian stopped handing over documents to the Glucaman Tripartite Convention. The impression had already crumpled for a while. The faint voices from the open windows of the Oval Office continued to rise. Rarely, only bright and cheerful voice was caught by his ears. The sound of a bright smile, a deep retort, a small chatter. Actually, he was a bit upset because he thought he'd have to send her back in a few days. Euredian looked out of the window once and sighed. What caught his eyes was the sight of the Confucious of Lebanon looking at Yerenica. Sometimes, no, actually a little often. He was reminded of how he clicked his tongue many times seeing her defenseless acts casually.

Calling Diego Schmart's name. Not to mention, she sleeps in his room without a robe. All the names that came out of her mouth are male names. When it comes to that, there were more than a few things that were annoying. Euredian smiled briefly. How far do you really hold and shake? "Once you go back, eat a lot of things that are good for you. What is this arm?" "The Duke is right, Princess. How could you feel thinner than you were in Lebovny-----." "Really? Did I lose some weight?" "See? Apparently, she was this chubby----- !" "Come on, shut up!" The occasional sound of conversation under the window took away all his concentration. But that's not enough to close the window. Really, I care. " Huu." In the end, Euredian nervously laid down the document. Don't be greedy. I'll send her back. I'll send her back. None of those promises really worked. The evidence was that he had been gone to the temple on his own. And the fact that he kissed her this morning without overcoming the jealousy he had felt. The scent soap that was meaningfully sweet when he briefly breathed in was a surprised. It's all so sweet that it's too much. I had refrained from falling short and lightly, but Yerenica put their lips together again without fear. There was no choice but to feel full, but on the other hand, his anxiety remained as a remnant.

Although the defenseless and careless side is lovely, it is a story when the opponent is limited to himself. I had no intention of just observing from the sidelines when she's acting so lovely infront of another man. I don't have one----When Yerenica returns to Lebovny, how will he know what to do and to clean up the things that flirt with her? Eventually, the idea returned to square one. I'm supposed to send her back, but----What if I really let her go? Euredian is now in that agony. For now, he doen't know anyone else, but he really didn't like Duke Lebanon. You're not going to take her hand; you're not going to hold her hand. They talk too friendly.

A childhood friend. Family. Cut it all out. Perhaps the man will be the closes to Yerenica when she gets back to Lebovny. It was a brilliant idea, not only for Yerenica but also for Sergey, but that didn't calm his growing anxiety. "If I go to Lebovny, I'll be fine in no time. Don't worry, everyone." "You've been through a lot in Belgoth-----." "It's not like that!" Yerenica bright smile was too loud. Obviously, it was himself who said that she had to go back first, but he didn't know why that remark from her mouth made him so upset. " ."

Really, I have to send her back. " ." Do I have to send her back? Really? Is that the only way? " ." Ah, really, what the hell am I thinking? Euredian managed to keep his eyes off the window, sweeping through the tiring day. She has to go back, at least she catches Soleia back and puts her in a dungeon. But in the first place, Yerenica was a person who was not physically compatible with Belgoth. With or without Soleia.r Euredian had frowned his forehead. There were too many obstacles to reach the free-spirited Princess. This land was like that, so was the position of the Emperor on his shoulders. Okay. So he didn't know whether it'll work in the end. That's why he shouldn't be greedy. "I like Belgoth. Really. To the point that I'd like to settle down here and live in the roots." (t/n: not sure who's talking here) I can't help but feel lovely to say that. " ." In the end, he keeps looking back at his closing hands. he had touched the soft hair that will melt away. Now that he know the sweetness, he wants to keep kissing her. In the end, I'll want to keep her. After solving the problems of Soleia and the magic tower somehow, wouldn't we able to bring Yerenica permanently? Couldn't we call her back to Belgoth again for a reason? It's a land that doesn't fit her condition, but as long as there's divinity. If he's bringing her all the

way to Belgoth, he's not going to let her be separated from him. If necessary, I will increase the commission by ten or twenty times. Actually, bringing a Princess from another country for a price is natural-----. " ." -----Together. Euredian swallowed his breath and disheveled his hair. "I think about everything. Now-----." Without confidence, he wouldn't be able to go around freely and in the Imperial Palace, and he wouldn't be able to meet anyone. Isn't that contradictory that her free-spirited side is the most lovable? But even he couldn't stop his thoughts from thinking about it. Euredian barely struck the branches of the thoughts that seemed to fade away. In the end, Euredian had nothing to conclude, except one thing. Let's settle the Glucaman Agreement, that is just around the corner. Then catch and beat Soleia, and then clean up the tower. " Right. That's the order." Euredian fumbled through the desk in the Oval Office and picked up the report that came up just the other evening. It was a detailed report about the ratio of the total amount of mana stone that coming from Azekien to the Imperial Palace after mana stones were purified from the tower. The number of formulas have been accurately calculated without aa single point of error as there have been several chapters listed. Looking back at the figures again, Merr is sick. It was breaking to imagine that the mana stone was widespread in the empire came from the tower, which is home to black sorcerers.

He had an overwhelming belief in Rosel since he reached the throne. It was clear that Chernata Rosel, Soleia Elars' authority, was either a sorcerer that rooted in that practice or tolerating the disciples' atrocities so far. At the end of the report, it said they were tracking the route which the stolen stones were being transported. Euredian slowly took the other reports from underneath. A logbook that describes all the tower's every move. A list of all the personal information of Soleia Elard's disciples. The plan was to send Yerenica back to Lebovny and purify the entire empire.

He seemed to heard the sound of Diego Schmart's moaning through the power. But Euredian didn't care much. How long will it take to organize everything? To root out the dark magic by mobilizing all the pirests and paladins throughout Belgoth. After cleaning up all that, will it be a little safer land for Yerenica? Is his country? It was an unknown thing. " Hooo." But one thing was clear. I'm not going to let her go like this. Eventually, he would fill his greed in some way. For those who are outside the link, he only gave generosity without substance, kindness only. But to those who came into the line, surprisingly he had a wonderful affection. And the persistence beyond him.

In the first place, it was difficult to get in Euredian Belgoth's tall and sturdy wall. Knowing so well about himself, he couldn't even raise his hand fully to the whisper of reality that he should let go of Yerenica. So the only thing that came out was a sigh. Euredian mumbled, pushing the documents roughly to one side, "I wish you could understand-----." In the end, everything was up to Yerenica. How much she cares about him, how much she'll accept his greed. That was the most important thing to him. And the day when he finally gained confidence and hardened his mind came much faster than he thought. Chapter End Notes t/n: oh I really enjoy Euredian's POV in this. We saw him mulling over whether he should let go of Yenni or not but by the end he decided to be a little bit selfish.

Chapter 78 The talk with the Lebovny's party lasted for hours. Turns out the Lebovny's party had arrived a little earlier than scheduled. My father also insisted for the party to leave immediately. That's why they arrived a day early before the welcoming ceremony. Ah, it was so fast-----

Whatever they were talking about, it always end with 'is it really alright, Princess?'. It wasn't until a bit later where the conversation become tiring and went to a lull. Of course, Sergey seemed to have no intention to leave me. "Where are you going? Stay with us." Sergey caught me trying to return to the temple and it caught me off-guard. "Hey, no, that's----." However, even the Duke of Lebanon and Fernandez had a neutral face about the whole situation. Well, it was absurd to be away from the Princess when they came to get her back. If I went back to the temple, all of them seemed to tensed again, so I was pulled by Sergey. The Lebovny's party was led to the Belyuk Palace. For a moment, I remembered that until a few weeks ago the garden had been completely turned upside down and I was relieved to see that Belyuk Palace's garden was neatly filled. I don't think it took a day or two, but it's so fast. This is great as it is-----And my plan to return to Belyuk Palace was shattered when Euredian quickly took notice of it. He came to Belyuk Palace in person and snatched me away and said in a firm tone. "No." "Eum. But it's only two days." "You can't do that. You're going to get sick when you go back. Why would you go back?" "Uh-Huh. That's true, but. The welcoming ceremony------------------------------- --." "You don't have to go to the welcoming ceremony," Euredian said sharply. "You've seen the envoys anyway, you don't have to attend the welcoming ceremony do you?" "Ehm --."

After hearing that, it's true. There was no need to attend the welcoming ceremony because Lebovny's party arrived in advance and I saw their faces thanks to that. Euredian kissed me briefly on the cheek and said soothingly, "It's dangerous position for you. Soleia Elard will be there and the sorcerers of Azekien will be there too."

"Euhm----." "Just in case you are wrong. The king of Lebovny may really blow up the Gulcaman Road, so no." He said it like a joke, but it didn't sound like a joke to me. It's a strangely believable story------------------------------------------------------------------------- --. In any case, the conclusion, my welcome attendance seemed to be dismissed. I had to go back to the temple without saying any goodbye to the Lebovny's party. And when I told the story to Clarice, who visited the temple without fail, she felt sorry. "Oh my, I've already picked out a dress that would fit the Princess." "Well, it's not something that I can do as I wish, so------ I'm just grateful for your gesture, ma'am." "It's a shame---- I was looking forward to it." What the hell are you expecting? It didn't seem like a good thing to me. In the midst of countless gazes, it wasn't very appealing for me, so I hardened my mind around that time. Right. I'm not going. [I think it would be fun to go.]

Raulus spoke in a tone that seemed to seduce me. I shrugged my shoulder. "I'm not going. I'm not going." [Isn't that what a human called as party? Pairs of couples dance funny together------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ] What have you seen---- ? I glanced up at the sky with suspicious eyes after I checked that Clarice was already on her way. I heard Raulus giggled. I bit my teeth and asked Raulus how many times that he saw things. "You should be alert. Whether Soleia Elard is approaching His Majesty or not." [Yes. Yes, I'll keep my eyes open. But I'm feeling a little itchy these days, and I'm not in a good mood.] "Why are you feeling like that------ ?" [I mean---.] Raulus spoke with a passing, but I was overwhelmed with great anxiety. Isn't Raulus the absolute ruler beyond Judetta, though he may seem a little insignificant? It was hard to underestimate when he saw that he wasn't feeling well. "Why, what for?" [I've been hearing some annoying noises lately. Bad luck.] With the horse came a rustling sound, as if it were humming in my ears.

Raulus spoke in deep voice, [Don't worry, child. I can't even recognize mana anyway. I can't help it even if I feel a little odd. It would be more effective to pay more attention to your sensitive senses.]

" ." Oh, it really doesn't help-----However, I've already felt many times that Raulus can't give me direct help, so I just sighed and nodded. Still after a few days in the temple, I will have to say goodbye to Belgoth for at least a few years. Hang in there, hang in there! I wondered how to pass one day at a time. I only knew how to get by for the next day. Unless the members of the Lebovny's party have tackled my absence of the welcome ceremony and my future course of action. If it had been so, it would have been kept quiet in the temple throughout the Three Nations Convention. Unfortunately, things didn't go my way. **** " You really intend to kill me." "What am I doing?" I couldn't find the day so tempting when I answered calmly. I gnawed and glances at Sergey with a sharp gaze. I had been back to the temple for half a day and returned to the Imperial Palace. Just a day before the welcoming ceremony began. I was joined by Sergey Lebanon had led a group of Lebovny's envoy. "You're the Lebonvy's Princess, Yerenica. We managed to get you back in three months." "If you know how much His Majesty, Queen Majesty and Princess Tezevia worried about then, then you shouldn't tell us that we're overdoing this."

It was an unusually serious and stern tone. Yes, but--- I know that! I clenched my teet. I couldn't tell the Lebovny's party everything about my condition, so I naturally had a limit in persuading them. I couldn't fully explain how much it was hard for me to stay in the palace and how I nervous I was whether I would face Soleia or not. Fernandez spoke carefully beside him, "It's strange to go to the temple. Even though we have a duty to protect the Princess at all time." "The Emperor's intention to keep the Princess from us is suspicious."' If Euredian had heard it, he would have laughed more than once. I let out a sigh of frustration covering my throat.

No, if you know how many times that suspicious Emperor saved me, you won't say that----"And you'll have to attend tomorrow's welcoming ceremony anyway, there's no reason to go too far." "Oh, I don't think I need to attend the welcoming ceremony." "Oh my god, Princess. Did the Emperor say that?" This time, it was my brother-in-law, the Duke of Lebanon. What is this again? "There is a rumor that the Emperor of Belgoth ambushed Lebovny and kidnapped the Princess all over the continent. Even we were worried that you might have been hurt anywhere, but not allowing the Princess to attend even when all people around the continent gather---." "No, there. Hold on. Brother-in-law?" "Of course, it's not that I don't intend to argue back the Emperor of Belgoth, but the Princess--." "No, no. It's not that His Majesty disallowed me."

"Are you caught somewhere weak? Princess!" My head was throbbing. Let out a deep sight and rubbed my forehead. No, that's not it. You people----In short. The news spread all over the continent that Belgoth's Emperor kidnapped Princess Lebovny, and if I don't show up anywhere at the ceremony and farewell parties, it's like feeding the rumor. In the midst of a peaceful agreement, it wasn't good to say that Belgoth was still not giving up Princess Lebovny. I am a hostage who had been held in the South, a mountaineer for using force between Belgoth and Lebovny. Actually, it was aa problem that would end if I showed my face for a while. Besides, I don't kow how the image of Euredian is formed----It looks like Lebovny has branded him as a mule, but even if it's not, I don't believe it----"Right. It's not like that I don't understand what they think." And surprisingly, Euredian said that instead of laughing. I looked at him with my mouth wide open. After sunset, I was pouring out flurry of stories in his office. Euredian handed over the Phallac documents and continued his words. "Because it's me who's kidnapped you to Belgoth anyway. I pulled the trigger. Who shall I blame for my sins?" "Heuu."

The reason you kidnapped me in the first place was because Lebovny's cheeky behavior. Beisdes, it was because I hide from the public in the Imperial Palace unintentionally. I sighed in the end.

"I'm sorry. Lebovny is a little too much-----." "They must have thought that the precious Princess was taken away." I see why this man was famous for his generosity. I was amazed again. However, his generosity did not seem to be in the way of my future in the Imperial Palace. "But you can't go to Belyuk Palace." "Pardon?" Euredian said to himself as if he had made a vow. It was almost a murmur. "You can't use the same palace."

Chapter 79 - Part 7: Teeth for Eyes, Eyes for Teeth "Well, it's less than three days anyway----." "It's four days long." Euredian snapped and put down the papers. Then he immediately reached out to me, who leaning right next to the desk in the office. With a firm hand, I was wrapped and pulled by my waist. At first glance, it was a natural move. Silver hair shone just below e as he murmured inn a disapproving tone. "I'm nervous right now, but you're just full of carelessness------- --." [Oh, now I'm hanging around.] Meanwhile, I heard Raulus' voice that was making fun of. My ears turned red. "Don't look, really." I murmured in a mosquito-like voice. "What did you say?" "Nothing." Euredian stared suspiciously. I quickly lowered my hand and turned the subject around, "Anyway, that's why we're here."

"Really, when you push me like that----- --." Nowadays, the range that this man touches me has been getting more and more bold since the Lebovny's party arrived. "If people change like this, they say it's time to die." I was lost in thought as my fingers gently sweeping the shiny silver hair. I think this guy is really weird. The strong iron wall, which I used to fight with pain even by touching it, is all gone, and there is a man in front of my eyes who sticks like a big dog. Well, this isn't bad in its own way, but------ No, it's me. It's actually cute, but-----"I'd have to go back to my place before things going------- bad." "It would have been nice fi you could come over a little earlier." I dragged down his hair in a melancholy way. The speckled magnet of his eyes were covered by the soft eyelids and then they are revealed again. Euredian looked drowsy. "First of all, don't you think you're holding yourself back a lot because you're about to go back?" " Tsk." Eventually his gaze was blazing again. Ah, really. How do we get around someone like this? It's too much. It's not easy not to play forever. I can't. I bit my mouth. But I couldn't insist staying here. It's a bad thing.

Yeah, it's greed. What can I do if I'm in Belgoth? It's either embedded in the temple as it has been, or it's really stuck to this man's side every day. It was clearly greed. I sighed and changed the subject.

"The ceremony, I'll be there. Even for an hour or two." "You don't have to----." I don't want to make His Majesty into a limb. It's over if I show my face. And you told Count Iven that his wife was taking good care of me. I'll show you my face. "Just one hour." I can't give up either. I didn't want to stay behind. In a firm tone, Euredian sighed. The answer came back long after that, "------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I talk to Schmart. Stay with him. Never fall away." "Hehe. You're sweet, too." Euredian looked displeased once he had given permission. The expression itself is only slightly than usual, but I was easily caught the anxiety and worry that lingered in it. It was quite easy to read this man's dace from day one. My thoughts came back. Of course I can't. There is no way we can end the relationship and go back to Lebovnny without hesitation. The hesistation quickly burned down and disappeared, leving only a firm resolution. I finally made up my mind and opened my mouth. Touching Euredian's head. "Four years----- After four years, Your Majesty." " ?" Euredian tilted his head at an angle. "Four years." "Yes, four years. Well, I mean, assuming my body's holding up." "There's a temple in Lebovny." Euredian said as if he didn't like it, "Why do you say that?"

"Because I don't know what people are doing. No, I'm not trying to say this!." I wasn't thinking I could die in four years. If I hold out in the temple for that time, I'll only believe in the promise that Raulus will make me a priest. My head is full of thoughts about what to do if he hears my heartbeat right now. So I looked down at Euredian, half missing his languid curving eyes, his slow-acting voice. "I didn't intend to way for that long." "Yes, it is--------------- Yes, Your Majesty?"

I stopped responding automatically. What did you I just hear? Only then did I realized what he meant. Even I could feel my eyes trembling vividly. "Oh, well, what did you say----." "The proposal just now." Euredian did not repeat himself. Instead, he asked in a sweet, sweet voice. No. This time, it was really true. "I'm serious. Really." "Then you'll understand this, right?" Euredian kept saying things that I would never understand. I asked back with a frown between my eyes. "What?" "My greed. Forced. Things like that." A firm hand grabbed at the back of my neck and pulled it. The reddishpurple eyes suddenly came close. The eyes pressed for an answer quietly.

"Ah----." And I understood everything this man was saying with that word just now. There was a groan of different meanings. It just means, 'Please understand that I want to hold you in the wrong land.' In fact, from the beginning, Euredian's worries were the same. From the time he first kidnapped me to the present. Because he kept worrying about my body, so he built walls and pushed me away. In the end, I couldn't help but laugh. I slowly opened my mouth, taking each eyes aand the sharp lines that I could see from my position. "You don't think the other way around." " ?" "If it's greed, it's not easy for me either." I kissed him at the tip of his nose and whispered, as he had done to me many times. "Your Majesty should understand more than one or two things." After we settle the Soleia case. After solving all the problems of the tower. And then. I pulled up the corners of my mouth. "Can you give me the whole thing?"

Don't let me suffer in this land. So that I can always hold hands and hug you when I need to. Can you understand what I have, from head to toe, and from the body to the sacred place? Euredian did not answer in words. It seemed to me that he had seen his eyes glistening in satisfactory. In the next moment, the distance that was only a finger was quickly narrowed and disappeared. My lips were locked with his.

It didn't take long for the heavy yet sweet sensation to spread from the lips to the whole body. And it was enough to answer my question. Part 7. Teeth for eyes, eyes for teeth. Since then, I have added one more goal. Let's hold out for four years. Four years. It will take less than that. Because Euredian said, maybe it's really shorter. That's how much you can be a priest of Raulus in four years. Then I can come back to Belgoth. But I couldn't stay away from the idea for too long. The very next day, the morning after the welcoming ceremony in the evening, Clarice visited the Imperial Palace. "Just trust me, Princess!" It was just last night that my attendance was decided, where did she hear the news from, Clarice rushed into my room with the brightness of the welcoming morning. It was awkward to hear the voice of the two sleeves rolled up and confidently shouting, "Come in, Madame Pille!" "M-Madame Pille ?" The door opened wide as I muttered the name in daze. Then I opened my mouth wide at the feast of countless hangers coming in one after another through the open door. Dozens of, or nearly hundreds, of dresses were coming into the room in a row, like sausages. There's no end. "Mrs. Iven. Wh-What... is thi---- ?' "Our goal!" My stupid question was buried in Mrs. Iven's cry. "I'm making you the most beautiful person in Belgoth!" "Pardon?"

"Much more than Lady Elard! Beautifully------- !" I was bewildered and opened my mouth wider. She looked solemn and serious as if she were a doctor performing a big surgery. So was Madame Pille, who nodded violently beside Clarice. "No, you don't have to----." But my little defiance never worked for Clarice, who had already lost sight. I was dragged on both arms. Inside the dressing room. [Oh, I'm curious too.] Raulus said in loud voice. Don't you wonder what's weird!

Chapter 80 *** And exactly five hours later, I was standing right in front of the mirror and appreciating my reflection in the mirror. "Wow........... " I feel like I'm seeing dejavu of the day after I've been possessed by Yerenica's body for the first time. I appreciated myself in the mirror with the spirit of dripping saliva. When I move my hand, the hand in the mirror moves when I turn my head, the head in the mirror also moves. I'm definitely the woman in the mirror, but I still feel that it's unreal. The light pink hair, which had always been fluttering, somehow glistened smoothly, as if it were slipping with just a touch of the hand. I weaved my hair in intricate braids to make it look cute, and let my hair run down to my waist. Every move, the silk-like soft hair rode the curves of the

body and the texture was smooth. "Wow, the real hand of God........ " I was stunned and looked at the maid who was in charge of my hair. The maid clamored with a proud face. "If you trim this sweet-colored hair a little, you will look a lot lovelier. Does it suit your taste?" Does it suit my taste? I didn't even need to answer. I gave her a look of respect and then turned back to the mirror. The makeup itself was not thick. In the first place, my face was not a face that matched dark makeup or intense colors. The makeup highlighted my eyes and lips gently. But with that little touch, the features come alive more delicately. Damn, this was clearly magic. I'm sure this little attention will bring you back to life. This face is delicately beautiful. In fact, I've never seen anyone prettier than me except Tezevia and Soleia. I may be boastful, but it is the truth. I had gotten used to this face for a year, but now that I've been properly dressed up, I've fallen for my face again. Does Narcissus feel like this? "Can I pick out your earrings?" Leria, full of excitement, looked at me with her expectant eyes. I nodded quickly.

"Yes. Please." Leria, the youngest maid who was the only woman of the same age as me when I was living at the Bellyuk Palace, and was assigned to the emperor's

palace as of today, was excited to browse through the jewelry box brought by Madame Fila. I turned my head away, unable to see straight at the gleaming feast of jewels pouring down from the big box. Oh my God, how much is that all together...‥...? "Since the dress is blue, how about these sapphire earrings? Or I think these light, thin, cross- shaped earrings would look good on you." Leria chattered while touching my ears. [Oh, I choose that. The one she's holding in her hand. A silver cross.] And Raulus chattered also. I inadvertently turned my eyes to Leria's handheld earrings and opened my mouth slightly. A silver cross with a purple jewel in the center. [I like that one. Take that one, child.] Raulus said satisfactorily. I looked at the cross earrings for a moment and nodded. "I'll take that." Silver and purple, and then cross. It was the color and symbol of Belgoth. It was the color of Euredian. So somehow that cross seemed like a talisman to protect me today. I look at earrings on both sides of my ears. "Well, it's pretty." The earrings also went well with the dark blue dress. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and smiled broadly. Anyway, after a long twist, the last three days at Belgott were about to begin.

*** "Farewell, Princess!" Leria waved her hand cheerfully. The lovely Princess with pale pink hair turned back and waved back at her, then disappeared over the hall with Count Iven's wife. She's beautiful when dressed as usual, but she's even more lovely when dressed up in a party dress like that. She even wears the earrings that she chose for her ears. Leria looked at her with pride and was called straight to Roxanne, the maid of the emperor's palace.

"Leria, I'll clean up the princess' bedroom, so you should go and get the blanket laundry in the laundry room, as the laundry should be done by now." "Ah, yes!" Leria, who had just been assigned to the Emperor's palace, gave a quick answer, turned her back and went down the stairs hurriedly. Blanket laundry. Blanket laundry. That was the only thought in the young maid's head. 'Marianne told me not to make mistakes at the Imperial Palace. She said please take good care of the princess. First of all, let's go get the blanket laundry.' Tap tap tap. The sound of footsteps passing by the grass was cheerful. Leria took a good white blanket straight from the laundromat maids and quickly turned back toward the Emperor's palace.

The sound of footsteps was still dry and cheerful, with no idea what will happen in the future. "Uh " Suddenly, Leria looked up at the shadow that was falling over her head. "........... ? " Leria's eyes widened when she knew who was in front of her. It was a rare greeting she had ever seen while working in the palace. "What's your name?" "I'm Le, Leria." Of course, she didn't know her face. It was impossible not to know. Leria bent down quickly. " - ! " And that was it. Leria couldn't scream. *** The welcoming ceremony was held at Luxia Palace, which is usually used during events or parties hosted by the Imperial family. Today beside me was Diego, who had been called from the temple. I mumbled embarrassedly, glancing at him. "I feel like I'm overworking Diego........ " "What are you talking about? It's not like that." Diego smiled goodnaturedly. "It's a great pleasure for me to be able to help you in any way." "....."

What are you doing, Raulus? Won't you give a blessing to such a faithful priest? As I murmured, Raulus replied dumbfounded.

[I've already blessed him enough. He was born to be overflowing.] " expected, I've never seen such a great priest............................................................................. " "Don't mind me. I'm telling you. More than that, maybe a little bit. If you feel any inconvenience, please don't hesitate to tell me. Do you understand?" "Yes." Today, Euredian could not be by my side, so I need Diego's help desperately. When and where the sorceresses of Solayana Azekien will strike me, I don't know. Today was the first and last time I showed up at this banquet hall, and I didn't plan to stay long anyway. I was only going to show that the Princess of Lebovny was alive and leave. I mean, we only have to hold out for a couple of hours. And there were many things to see in the colorful hall that I had never seen before. I looked around in the hall, watching the envoys of Lebovny and Azekien greet each other and deliver the letters sent by the leader of each country. This is the main stage of Belgoth's social activities. "Is it a beautiful hall, Princess?", Clarice asked with a smile. I nodded. A glamour wide and tall ceiling, a huge golden column carved with elaborate patterns, and purple flowers covering the entrance to the terrace. I laughed as I looked at the statue that is supposed to be shaped like Raulus. The traces of Raulus really went through this imperial palace. [Hey, close your eyes. How impolite.] "....... " Raulus didn't seem to like it very much.

I laughed in my arms and quickly straightened my face when my eyes met with Clarice. Clarice still had a friendly face. "I'll be with you today. As I promised you before." "Thank you, Mrs. Iven." I was very grateful to her. I smiled awkwardly at the glances that glanced at me from time to time and stepped back slightly. Ugh, as expected, I wasn't used to those eyes looking at me. It was a show of rejection. Diego slightly covered my face, as if he knew I was uncomfortable. "You'll go home when the party's greeting is over."

"Well, is that so?" I nodded, ignoring Sergey, who was already fiercely guarding my side. Clarice, however, smiled, covering her mouth, what she thought of the remark. "Oh, my. You're really sweet." " ?" Sergey.. ? It was a terrible idea that he was sweet. I shuddered and turned my eyes toward the throne. The envoys of Azekien were on their way as if they had finished greeting from the side of Lebovny. Sitting obliquely on the throne, Euredian looked bored from afar. Smoothly without a single error. Although he looked like he was smiling, he looked annoyed. He was also a little tired during the day. So, the look he used to usually make when he visited the temple. I murmured unconsciously. "You seem to be out of sorts." "What?" Clarice asked a curious question.

I laughed awkwardly. "Oh, it's just, you know, you're a human being............ I see you bored." "Ah....... " To my words, not only Clarice, but also Diego, and Count Iven, they all looked at me. ............Hmm? I tilted my head.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch #Translated by jiminseu "Ah..., that's the look of boredom." Count Iven groaned out. "Surely, when you laugh like that at meetings, the rejection is always..." "Be cooperative." Count Iven looked somehow hurtful. Clarice smiled and tapped her husband's shoulder. "Next time you'll have an interesting agenda, honey, you know what I'm hurt about." Oh, I think I hurt him somehow. No, you can just say that you're lazy in the first place. It's the guy's fault for smiling at you like that. It's a wall of iron that hits everything. I knock a line of poetry out of him. Count Iven's tongue was chock-full and he opened his mouth. "Yes, Princess. When are you planning to have the ceremony.......... ?" "What?" What? I saw Count Iven with a puzzled look. What kind of ceremony?------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't tell me, a wedding? "Did His Majesty say anything else? Truly, it's better for us to know the estimation date to get ready for it." "Other words.... "

"The Emperor of the preceding generation had a ceremony between late spring and early summer. Right, Clarice?" "You're right. Your mouth is a mess." Clarice covered her mouth with a fan and interrupted her husband. But I saw Clarice pinching her husband's ass with a fierce hand. " hehehe." I smiled helplessly. So, Count Iven seemed to really mean it when he said he planned to hold the wedding. I opened my mouth after confirming that Sergey and other Lebovny's party were far apart from us.

"Well, he said he wouldn't keep me waiting for a long time...but." about two years, no, three years at the most...? However, it is because of the mood that the eyes around me seem to be facing this way. ------It's because of the mood! Now, I'm putting it up like this and fluttering! I quickly hide behind Diego again. "Oh, my God, did he really say that, Princess?" And this pinching Clarice seemed more excited than her husband now. "I didn't know he could say such a sweet thing. No, but I'm sure last time he was going to die with this mission..." "Ah, that. How did the story turn out like that-" I was swallowed up by the words, 'I can promise you a few years from now'. Clarice and Count Iven began to nod their heads, listening with very serious faces.

"I see. You're already staying at the Imperial Palace. Your Majesty must have had no idea." "That's all. Actually, there's been a sign a long time ago. I told you so. At that time, a few months ago, at the temple..." "You should have caught the Bellyuk Palace like a rat........... and you should have seen the garden tail in front of the palace." How could you guys talk like that in front of me? I hid myself completely behind Diego and frowned secretly. Diego looked back at me with a friendly smile. "Are you alright? Princess." "Um " It's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable! I laughed half-heartedly. "I don't think I fit in with society or anything." "Do you?" "Yes. I don't really like this kind of situation...... " "But you should get used to it a little..... " Diego glanced vaguely at the end of his words. "The Empress' seat is a place where all the eyes of Belgott gather." " "

Is that so, Diego, if I want to marry that handsome man, do I have to be able to endure this kind of gaze? While I was at a loss for words, Clarice kept whispering to her husband. Of course, I heard it very well.

"I feel good inside. I'm sure all of you feel the same way today. There should be one or two people who got burned by Lady Elard." "...... " Which means, before Soleia approached Euredian, how many noble ladies that clung to him, Clarice? I am even more impressed by the unpleasant facts that I realized. Should I go on a date and shake off the ladies around Euredian before I leave------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ? Clarice hurriedly changed the subject, seeing that my expression was unusual. "So, did you hear that Lady Elard isn't going to attend today, honey? I don't think you're seeing her for some reason." "Well, her name was on the list." "Aren't she a little late " Clarice blurted the end of her speech. "Oh, come to think of it...................................... " Only then did I wake up and look around. She was right. Soleia's reddishbrown hair was nowhere to be found from the moment I entered the hall until now. There was no sign of anything. I wish she didn't show up until I got back. "Wait a minute, Princess. I'll go ask the others. Are you going to be absent today?" Clarice left the words behind and moved like the wind into the other ladies' circle. With an elegant and gentle smile, it was not difficult to get into the crowd.'re not talking about me in that crowd, are you? "Princess." Out of nowhere. I was staring at the place where Clarice was in the middle, but someone suddenly showed up to me. I took a step backward, startled. Diego immediately pulled me back, showing signs of alertness. But it was actually a very familiar person to me who suddenly showed up. I murmured bewilderedly.

"Le, Leria?" It was Leria. My youngest maid of honor. Leria smiled broadly. "Can I get you something to drink? You look like you have a sore throat." "Ah........... I would appreciate it." I answered in a daze. Leria nodded excitedly and brought a tray of wine and juice from the table on either side of the hall. The tray was full, shaking dangerously. The glasses shook dangerously. I hurriedly waved my hand to dissuade her. "Oh, my God, Leria. I don't need this much...................... " "I don't know what you want to eat!" With a smile on my face, I carefully picked out a glass of juice. Diego reached out and took the tray from Leria's hand. "It's dangerous to carry a full tray like this. What are you going to do if you spill it?" Leria opened her eyes wide and soon dropped her head sullenly. "Sorry, I'm sorry..... "

"No, there's nothing to be sorry about!" I hurriedly waved my hands with the other hand that wasn't holding the glass. "Princess, are you all right?" Diego handed the tray in his hand to the servant passing by and immediately turned around. I took a peek at Leria, but soon his attention was on me. It wasn't an eye that cared more about Leria. "Didn't you bump into her?" "Oh, yes, I'm fine." I'm fine with everything. Except for the tingling of my arms and legs. But the feeling had been felt ever since the moment the wizards entered the roaring hall. I smiled broadly at Leria, who was nervous and about to cry. "It's all right, it's all right. Thanks for the juice. Thank you for the drink, Leria." "Hehe " Only then did Leria laugh. Somehow it was an excessive and artificial laugh. " "

What is it..... ? Somehow, I'm a little nervous. I turned my eyes and looked around. There was nothing strange about Diego, the Count of Iven, who was talking to the nobleman a few steps ahead, or Clarice, who was just getting out of the crowd. " Is it just a feeling?" I put down the juice and wrapped my arms around myself. It's kind of cold. And it wasn't baseless anxiety. An accident broke out just minutes later. Leria, who seemed to be floating somewhere, made a mistake.

"Sorry, I'm sorry..... " It's somehow fortunate that I wasn't the one who made the mistake, but it was Leria. I put up with the groans that burst on the red wine mark soaked all over Clarice's ivory dress. " Are you all right, Mrs. Iven?" "Ah... " Clarice was also surprised by the sudden situation, as she was not able to answer easily. I looked around in a hurry. "The maid, the other maid.... " "My maid is waiting outside. I will have to change my dress. Did the wine splash onto your dress too, Princess?" And Clarice quickly smiled as if she had regained her original composure. I grabbed my throbbing head. I wanted to go back without any accident, but it was happening again. " I'll come with you. I didn't mean to stay any longer anyways." "Oh Princess, but you haven't even seen His Majesty yet." "It's okay. It's only a face. I can see it tomorrow, and I have plenty of time before I go back." In addition, my body was constantly on edge because of the mana that kept poking me all over my body. If I stayed like this longer, I thought it would really be bad for my health. I couldn't tell where it was coming from, so I kept getting scared. After seeing Clarice change her dress and enter the banquet hall again, I should go back to the Imperial Palace. We can ask him how the banquet was when Euredian came back.

"Go, Diego." I made a judgment there and turned around without hesitation. A passing servant was called in and asked Euredian to tell him that he was going to return to the Emperor's palace first, and then he dragged Diego away. I couldn't help but smile at Leria, who was fidgeting and just looking at me.

"For now, you too, Leria." "Yes, yes. Princess..." Somehow, her innocent light brown eyes had no light, different than usual. I thought it was weird, but I left the banquet hall first.

Chapter 82 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu Clarice's maid was waiting outside the chairman's waiting room. She smiled embarrassedly as she untied the shawl that Clarice had worn. "I'm really fine, Princess. When I attend a big event like this, I usually bring two dresses. We don't know what's going to happen." "Still " I looked at her ivory-colored dress, which was messed up with mixed feelings. It was a dress that suits Clarice well, and somehow I felt sorry as if I was the one who had the accident. Well, the maid's fault is the owner's fault, so it is also a little bit of my fault... Clarice smiled softly.

"You're so sweet. Then I'll go change first, so please calm down for a moment." "Yes. Take your time," said Clarice. After she disappeared into the dressing room over the curtain with her maid, only me and Leria remained in the waiting room. Diego was waiting for us outside the door, for he could not accompany the women inside the waiting room. How many people am I bothering? I opened my mouth, pressing down on the tingling temples. " " "You should have been careful, Leria. Even if you say you're making a mistake to me, Mrs. Iven is an aristocrat of Belgoth." There was no answer from Leria. You're not crying, are you? Ugh, when I saw her crying, I felt like my heart was weak again. I deliberately spoke without looking at her. "For now, I want you to beg for forgiveness when the Countess comes out." "" "I was really going to stand for a few hours quietly and go back..................................................................................................... but I've pulled all the attention to my neck. You didn't have to strain yourself, Leria." Everyone was holding a glass of wine, so Claris had to hold a glass of wine too. Leria, who was

listening to it next to her, was so excited that she poured out her wine glass on the tray. The glass slipped from the tray and fell to Clarice.

Oh my God. I'm dizzy even when I think about it. The dizzying feeling seemed to be physical all over my body. I kept feeling as if magic was stabbing me. Even though there's no magic in this room. I shook my head, suppressing my anxiety. "I was so surprised since you appeared so suddenly in the first place..." There was still no answer from Leria while I mumbled. I stopped thinking of a question that passed through my head. I also stopped tapping my shoulder. I blinked a couple of times, then slowly opened my mouth. "But Leria....... you, how did you get in the hall?" The maid of Claris, the Count's wife, was waiting outside the hall, where only personnel selected by Euredian's aide himself were allowed in. Obviously, I did... Silence ensued. I got goosebumps in my arms and legs in an instant. It was only then that I felt the coldness of the air in the waiting room. "How can I... " How, how, in that huge hall where all the VIPs are gathered, except for the passageway next to the imperial throne, where the entrance is only a huge purple door. A maid wearing a maid's uniform avoided the gatekeeper's eyes. How did you get into that huge hall, and without anyone's me... I jerked back with a distorted face. My youngest maid, Leria, with her brown hair and a normal face, was smiling brightly as if her lips were going to rip instead of her crying face. A grotesque laugh. "You "

I stumbled back. In the dressing room beyond the curtain, the sound of Clarice and her maid changing into the dress was heard. Even the sound of the conversation. I clenched my teeth. Clarice is behind, and Diego is outside the door. I knew only one person who could deceive the eyes of the Holy Father, who dared to dazzle the eyes of the continent's most sacred priest. A name groaned out of my lips. "Soleia " "Princess."

Leria grinned as she showed her teeth. It seemed like I heard the creepy noise of something hard hitting somewhere. Tak. Tak. From a distance, at a very far distance, in that corridor outside the dimly lit door, the sound of a sharp heel hitting the marble floor echoed clearly. And then pass right in front of this door. It went past, towards the hall... ... My body bounced off. Now I felt a physical pain in my skin. The mana that had melted in the air began to move, and every second of each, the resulting texture felt like blood. My head rolled so slowly that it made me cry. Clarice behind me, and Diego outside the room, would have already been deceived in any way by Soleia. A gentle voice came from behind the curtain. "I'm almost done, Princess. Please wait a little longer." No, if she comes out! I crunched my lips. I can't scream. Then what should I do... ...

I moved my trembling lips. "Raulus." There was no answer from the absolute beyond of Judetta. "Raulus, Raulu " I couldn't even finish talking. Leria, who came just one step closer to me, showed her teeth and laughed. There was a bad smell. It was so disgusting that I wondered why I couldn't smell it. Only then did I vaguely realize. She's dead. That child. Already, already dead........... before the thought came to fruition, Leria whispered, "Come with me, Princess." " !" And just as it is, my neck was caught. The mana quickly passed through the captured neck. The most vulnerable force in my body. A silent scream broke out. *** Tak. Tak. Soleia walked down the hall with neither quick nor slow steps.

She passed in front of a few waiting rooms. In one of the rooms she went through, the lovely princess of Lebovny would be dying. After thinking for a moment, Soleia ordered the dead maid, who had become her new doll. " don't damage it too much, Leria." Keep her limbs as intact as possible. Don't get picked up anywhere. Just hold your breath. [Hurry up.]

The sound of the skull breaking and the voice of the master was heard. [A suspicious energy seems to be getting closer.] " yes." Soleia moved, half on her will, half on another person's will. Tak. Tak. The walk stopped at the huge purple door. This is how it ends up. Soleia sighed inwardly. Whether the master's impatience had spread to her, or she had been misled by the Lord. The heart was pounding uneasily. She can't wait any longer. She had to obey her master's orders. Today, she has to hear the answer right away. From Euredian Belgott. [Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. Come on. Hurry up. Before he notices.] Before the underground king came down with something to fear and avoid. Even Soleia didn't know what it was, but somehow she had to make a decision today to satisfy her owner. If not, she'll be eaten. "Sol......Lia nim." The gatekeeper, who was not even aware of the dead maid breaking into the hall, looked blankly at Soleia. Soleia gave him a big smile. "You're a good boy." The deceived gatekeeper nodded mechanically. Soleia lightly grabbed the shoulder of the tall man and pushed him away. The gatekeeper was pushed to the side helplessly. Soleia stood in front of the huge door and collected her expression. A beautiful and seductive smile soon hung over her mouth. The impatience was a perfectly normal look, not a drop in the air. Solaea whispered in a small voice. "....... Open it."

The reddish-purple door leading to the banquet hall, opened by itself. ***

"" It was the pain I felt in three months. The feeling of suffocating and blood vessels all over the body expanding to the limit. The pain of being torn to shreds by the swollen veins. "Ah, it's dark." Cold hands entwined around my ankle. It was a hand of the corpse. A few rotten hands, few flesh left, grabbed my ankles and calves under this dress. And down, underground, into the world of ghosts. I was pulled. My body reeled heavily. My field of vision turned around, dizzying. But I couldn't stop feeling it. My body twisted itself. "Heuk, ah-" And the next moment it all stopped too suddenly. The terrible, terrible pain that bound me was gone and cut off. Not only pain but all the sensations in the body. [Ah...] I knew this feeling. A feeling of separation between the body and the soul. When I lowered my eyes, I could see my hands turning white and half transparent. My body stumbled like a broken marionette. I was still standing where my body was. Overlaid on the body, but apparently of the body. My body couldn't collapse down because of the grip on my neck. [Ha, ah, this, what...]

Can I shed tears even in my soul? If not, why is it blurry in front of my eyes? I, my body, was dying, but just before my eyes were completely blinding, a harsh, hard voice struck my head. [Get a hold of yourself.] I felt someone appearing in the back.

Chapter 83 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu I wondered if that silver hair would touch my face stained with tears. A long sleeve appeared in my left field of vision. It was an arm. A long hand with curved fingernail sprouted and grabbed Leria's neck as it was. I saw a strong tendon on that hand and forearm. And I realized like a thunderbolt. Raulus. [I thought I heard something bothering me from somewhere else.] "Gasp!" Leria, strangled by the neck, struggled with a gruesome groaning sound like scratching iron. It could see that the skin that is touched by the hand with long nails is protruding. [I never thought that Lemordi's taboo would have been broken in the past.] Leria's body was slowly burning by a mighty divinity. Tears gathered around my eyes and fell down, and Raulus's voice rang in my head. [Run, child.]

His usual frivolous voice was now a cold voice that sank completely low. An incredibly strong voice shook the brain. [Like the dawn of the day, you must run like you're going to die right now.] [What...] [Because I can't stay here long.] Upon hearing that, I gave up thinking more. Caught in Leria's clutches, I ran, leaving my limp body behind. Like Raulus said, as I ran like did in the nightmare of being chased by ghosts. *** [Cough, cough...]

I assure you, I'm probably the only soul in the world with a blood-stained white T-shirt and blue jeans. I ran to death as a soul with no sense. There was no need to push the door open. The hand darted through the door before it even grabbed the door. I freaked out for a moment, but I couldn't stop because of the reaction I was running. I just walked right through the door and popped out. Still, there was nothing I could feel. "!" And I made eye contact with Diego outside the door. There was a gentle golden light that shone like a dream. I saw myself glimmering in that golden light. Can you perhaps see me?

But there was no time to hold onto Diego and desperately cling to him, 'I think I'm in trouble now. Can you help me?' First of all, Diego did not seem to have been released from delusion, it seemed that he's still not in his right mind, and-----Kkadedeuk. A similar growling sound to before strikes again. It sounded like something scratching the floor hard. I can't hang on to uncertainty, as time is running out! I clenched my teeth and passed Diego. "Princess "?" [......!] If he hadn't called me, it would have been bad. "What's going on................ why is my body suddenly, ugh - " Diego touched his head with his hand, contorting his expression. His body reeled heavily. I reached out my hand reflexively, but my hand just went over his arm and couldn't hold him. Diego breathed hard, leaning against the wall. "What happened in there?" I could see the golden light swirling around. I couldn't wait for him to fully recover. "Princess, what are you saying..................... " [I.. !] I finally couldn't stand it and interrupted his words. I'm in a hurry. At any moment, the dead maid was about to pop out of the door. I said gibberish as I looked around the tightly closed waiting room door.

I have to run away in a hurry. I think I should get a hold of Diego and get away with it, or go see His Majesty. "Huh? Where are you going, Ugh......... where are you going?" Diego reached for me as if he were trying to hold on to me, but in vain. His body eventually collapsed downwards. [Di, Diego.] You said you were the strongest priest after Euredian! Is it okay to leave him like this?! But I had no choice. Only to believe that Diego is capable enough to take care of himself. Besides, it was me who was in a hurry right now. [Damn it.. ] Eventually, I started running again, chewing on abusive language. A long, distant, terrible corridor. There was only one place I could escape. Outside the Imperial Palace, the temple. Raulus never said to go to the temple. But instinctively, I could tell. The safest place on earth for me................................................ ! [Cough, cough..] But I couldn't just get out of Luxia Palace. As soon as I turned the corner, I saw the purple door of the hall wide open when the welcoming ceremony was being held. [Huk.] Scream broke out. There were all my precious people in there. Euredian, Sergey, Fernandez, brother-in-law................................... ! My legs stiffened even though I knew I had to go straight past the hall. My body froze in place. [Uh ] Kkadedeuk.

The irritating sound of impatience and madness struck me again in the ear. I walked up to the wide- open purple door, dragging my weak legs. No, it can't be. Even in the place where all the guests of other countries are located, Soleia, the woman will put this place behind ... But in the scenery in the hall that followed, I forgot to shiver and froze cold. * * * Soleia's POV

The hall was filled with the smell of thick water vapor. Soleia Elard, a magician with maroon hair in a Sakhaman dress, stepped into a huge hall, and at the same time, two energies struck sharply in the air. Of course it was an invisible tug-of-war. invisible to the eyes of ordinary human beings. But it was also broken at the same time that Soleia Elard walked towards the throne without hesitation. The nobles roared. Soleia lightly ignored all those voices. The high heeled shoes touched the marble floor, and an audible click sound echoed through the tranquil hall. The distance gradually draws near. Step by step, just before the empty throne, envoys have stepped back. "Have you thought about the offer I gave you the other day, Your Majesty?" "" Leaning obliquely on the golden throne, where only the Lord Euredian Belgoth could sit, the Emperor raised the corners of his mouth tingle. A cold, cool voice let out slowly. "I didn't think you didn't know what this seat is."

"Don't change the subject. I'm here today to hear the answer." "Let's have a private talk in public?" It was obviously a sarcastic tone. The reddish gaze looked down at Soelia coldly. No matter how much she was protected underground, his eyes were hard to see. However, she has already received countless of that gaze over the past five years. Soleia smiled with a beautiful face. She laughed and whispered. "This is a very public matter, Your Majesty. It's a matter of the presence of the Empress and of the Belgoth Tower." The surrounding area quickly subsided in silence. Empress, and the Tower of Belgoat. Azekien's wizards could be seen staring at this way with their eyes shining. The Emperor, too, must have noticed the signs. He spat out slowly, but as if brooding. "Soleia Elard, you must not have heard my words just now as a warning." Contrary to the tightly suppressed voice, a spear-sharp divine voice was crushing in all directions. Soleia smiled briefly at the intangible energy that came from all sides, pointing at her neck. 'Do you know that the princess, who is so deaf and untouched, is dying?' However, she didn't want to be kind. It's also quite a pleasure for that guy to face a dead body that's already chilled one step later.

Kkadedeuk. The skeleton scratched the ground. A spiky handprint that was not allowed on the ground crossed the borders of Remordi and reached out to the ground.

Her impatient owner couldn't stand it all the time. Thus, Soleia's feet fell again. She really couldn't afford to hesitate now. Soleia pushed the sharp divinity that was aimed exactly at her neck. Screech. As soon as her fingertips touched the Divine Spirit, her skin burned. A sharp pain spread. Soleia closed her eyes long and opened them. " If you are hesitating because of the human beings in this room." The light disappeared instantaneously in the twinkling eyes like obsidian. With gleaming black beaded eyes, Soleia skied around the venue. Azekien's wizards, who were watching from a distance, were amazed at how far they were from beyond sight. Oh, yeah. There were foreign wizards. But it didn't matter much. If you know that the place where her ability comes from is the vast underground world. "" The air trembled. A chill underground air swept through the throne room, where light and warmth had been. The soft melody of the imperial band stopped at once. The damp, damp, and foul air swept away from life wherever it was. Breathing stopped, freemoving bodies all stopped moving, and the soft flesh of the living person hardened like bones. Then complete silence fell. A babble of voices. The sound of a dress and suit jacket grazing in a square. The sound of a glass being touched. There was only a grotesque silence in there, cut off from all those lively sounds.

A lifeless space. Obviously, it was the power of the underground owner. A force far beyond the reach of magic that man can perform. Soleia looked like a flower only then. "Would you like to have a proper conversation with me?"

Chapter 84 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu "..... ha." "Don't worry. I temporarily stopped the flow of the living." Euredian exhaled a breath of air. He rose slowly from the throne. "I can't even count how many times I've used my own magic in my palace now." The reddish-colored porcelain eyes glanced around. His head ached, with stiff ears like a piece of hard stone, to the sight of foreign envoys. He made them come to Belgott with the intention of taking care of this damn Tripartite deal in one blow. Soleia Elard, as wonderfully ignorant, shook both the cases that had plagued him so far. The Glucaman Three Kingdoms Convention and Soleia Elard herself. He could hear her patience snapped. "Give me an answer." "...."

"Do you want the answer to the suggestion to tie the strings with you?" The tone of his voice became more and more fierce. Euredian stepped down to the stairs from the throne. He slowly descended, less than five steps. The anger that had been suppressed so far was gradually smeared at every step. The deity-like blade that brightened his body tore up the carpet that covered the stairs. It brushed against the smooth marble floor, creating a scratch with a gruesome sound. Soleia did not step down. Everyone whispered slowly. "Don't you need it, Belgoth Tower?" "You don't need a tower rooted in the darkness." "The tower always follows my will. If you take me, I will be loyal to Belgoth......................................................................................................... " Soleia smiled smoothly. She was good at making laughter. In any situation. "If you forsake me, then it would be hard for you to command a group rooted in true darkness."

Euredian twisted his mouth in a crooked way. Soleia Elard. She acted as if she were really trying to test how a man like him could change if he reached the limit. Belgoth Tower. The enchanting collection of Belgoth's magic, which the preceding Emperors had raised by pouring out their huge taxes. Oh, yeah. The tower that's always been a nuisance. What if it were gone?

There was a fire in the red porcelain eyes, which had been rid of all the reason and sense of reality. "I can't believe you made this much work and still offered me a deal. That's just amazing." One step. Two step. A woman who didn't know what darkness she was dipping her foot in was gone. Euredian stopped with five steps left. "I'd rather turn my enemy around than keep the dead tower alive, which might hit me on the back of my head." "........" "Right, then what else is left?" Ah. The straight corners of her mouth held an arsenic. "Did you put the Princess of Lebovny in your mouth, dear?" In fact, the reason why Euredian could afford to face Soleia now was because he already knew that Yerenica had left the hall. Before she comes back. Before Yerenica comes back to her own...... "If I imprison you here and send the Princess back home, he's no match for you either." Crack. There was a crack of glass somewhere. The divinity stretched out like a sharp spear, with a flexible spherical break. A veil covers the wax figure-like people in the room and rushing toward one target. I thought I heard a little scream somewhere. *** Yerenica's POV A cold stillness lay in the hall. A static enemy that is so chilling. I looked around while pale and tired.

[What is this... ?] The hall was like a picture. a picture of a statue of a church that has been brought to a standstill without a trace. I looked for faces I knew with my eyes wide open.

[Ser, Sergey.] With his face twisted, I found Sergey stiff. I stumbled to Sergey. I reached out my hand to the cold, hardened cheek like a piece of hard stone, but I could not feel any sensation, only through my hand. [..... Sergey.] Seeing Diego surprised me earlier, I didn't think I was invisible to people. But in Sergey's eyes, stiff as a wax figure, it seemed that I am invisible. I didn't see myself in the green eyes. [.......] No, before that, I wasn't even sure that he was alive. Sergey wasn't the only one. Neither Fernandez nor the Duke of Lebanon next to him had his face slightly distorted and hardened. I looked back inside the banquet hall, taking a good rest for a moment. People who have hardened in an unnatural posture. Candlestick that does not shine. The purple curtain that just stopped in the air while blowing in the wind. Non-flowing air. [ Damn it.]

I turned my head nervously, using abusive language. Any fool would know who was responsible. Only Soleia Elard could display this much ability in the presence of so many people, even in front of the sorceresses of Azekien. How much skill does she really have? At this point, she's not even human. [ !] My thoughts were cut off in the middle. It was because I felt the air shake once. Then, a voice that was cool enough to freeze all the blood in my body, dug into my ears. "Right. Then what else is left?" It was a voice I swear to God that a man I knew could make. I turned my head immediately. To the inside of the hall, to the side where the throne room is located. The distance was far away. But it was enough to cry and spread in the hall where every breath was taken away. Even the sound of his grinding teeth. I heard everything. "Did you put the Princess of Lebovny in your mouth, dear?" Wow. That person is really angry. I used Sergey's body as a shield to conceal my body and spy the situation through my arms.

What should I do? What should I do? If he goes out of his way, his soul will be wiped out by the magic of Soleia... There was a faint sound of Euredian speaking more. But the voice was deafening this time. Crack. Right above my head, the window broke. [......!]

Fragments of broken glass scattered from above. I screamed reflexively, and soon noticed a piece of glass that couldn't fall down because it was blocked by a curtain over my head. A transparent silvery shroud that covered the whole hall was glittering. I still didn't feel any sense of insanity, but instinctively I knew it was a divinity in Euredian. I spat out a moan. [The Emperor's Holy Spirit...] The deity of the densest, unrefined sharp raw. I could see the surface of my soul again in shape, which seemed to scatter uneasily into the air. But it was also a moment. I felt mana that tightened from head to toe even though I couldn't feel my senses properly. [Ugh...] It was the magic of Soleia. The collision of two superhuman forces on the ground created a chilling frictional sound. The air trembled. A bluish, silvery, flashing divinity flooded in the form of a clear window tip. And under the Divine Castle, something underfoot swirled around as if it were growing, Keudeudeuk. [Damn.] Once again I thought back to swearing and saw the darkness slowly clinging to the floor of the banquet hall. The energy gradually expanded its scope. It wasn't just black, it was swirling around. And it seemed as if white shining bones had been seen through that dark hole of energy. A bone that looks like a sheep on the hand. An epiphany flashed across my mind. [... It's not a human being.]

It's not Soleia's power. It was not the power that man could have. A skeleton from hell. Is it a ghost? A burning, dead ghost?. My feet retreated spontaneously. When I looked down, my whitish body was becoming more and more transparent.

Even now, it seems to disappear from the ground and scratches as if it is scratching something. [I never thought that Lemordi's taboo would have been broken in the past.] It sounded like Raulus's reticent voice. And I instinctively knew what I should do. Lemordi's Judetta. Divine power. To the unknown underground... The absolute ruler beyond Judetta. I must summon Raulus to the ground. [Sighs.] But is that possible? I was, I was an ordinary human being with no divinity. To summon Raulus, you must have the divinity of the Emperor. I've heard that if I tried, I'd only die like a dog. There's no way I can summon Raulus..... [.......] But immediately another thought came to mind. Euredian will make sure that people in the hall don't get hurt, even a single hair in their head. He's not the man who will sit down in his throne to see that happens in his Imperial Palace. But if that weird bone really isn't the power that humans can have, it's the power beyond Lemordi. Then you really don't know what's ahead!

I was torn. "Ah." Euredian groaned briefly. I was stunned to see a slash on his right cheek from afar. [Well, well, that woman...................... ] Whose face did your hand touch! And with it, my reason is completely lost. My man has a scar on his face! I immediately put aside the nonsense of setting up a meaningless assumption and calculating the probability. I turned back without hesitation. Whether it's successful or not, even if I'll die, I'll try!

Chapter 85 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu See the end of the chapter for more *** If you ask what's good about being in a soul state, there's only one thing. There is no obstacle in the road ahead. Walls, people, carriages, and even gates. I got out of the gate with a quaint experience of passing through rock as tall as I was. [......... oh!] And the downside is that you are really swept away by all sorts of things. Even with the blowing wind. In time, the wind blew, and my body fluttered. I reached out to grab anything, but my hands often passed through everything without feeling tired.

......I'm really distressed by the wind blowing on the leaves! Still, the pace was fast anyway. It was better and faster to support myself and fly away in the wind, than running to death. The experience of rolling in the air would never happen again. ... Anyway, getting to the temple was as fast as riding a horse. When I stepped inside the temple, the spirit of mana that had repressed me faded. I stepped on the stairs straight to the altar, without counting back and forth. "It is forbidden to enter because it is a place where Raulus walks." I climbed the stairs without delay. It was not difficult to ascend the stairs through the wind. [Wow, damn. Why is it so high!] But it was really high enough to be horribly high. I had an upset stomach. Clearly, Diego did that when he went on the wrong stairs. The temple up there is an altar that Raulus descends directly on. I spit out all sorts of swear words. [It's so high!] I couldn't see the end even after a long climb. There's no way it's going to get closer to Judetta if it's this high. Go up this high for nothing.................................................. ! Heug.

When I thought about it, there was a strong wind gusting from behind. [Gasp] The body in a weaker state than a paper sheet rolled and rolled up the stairs. Uh, I'm dizzy. I feel like throwing up. [........ Heug.] Syuuuu -

A strong wind like a typhoon blew once more. My body soared into the air, and was crushed down without mercy. [Ack.] I just rolled the floor. If I'm not in this soul state, my bones would have been crushed. [I'm getting sick ] It's as if it were motion sickness. It was also a bizarre experience to get motion sickness in the wind. I'm going through all sorts of things, really. I managed to pull myself together and get up from the floor. But I'm glad the wind blew. I was quickly on the altar. [Oh...... ] I could see the whole town of Barishad at a glance. That far-flung tower looked as small as a model. Every window on the magic tower was lit. It seemed to recognize that an emergency had taken place in the imperial palace. It was not something to be welcomed because Soleia's minions were plenty. And farther than the tower, I could see a palace as big as a hand saw. A palace where we don't know what the hell's going on. [.......] I turned around from downtown Barishad, biting my lips. Between the huge pillars, there was an "an altar" in the middle. It was a large, flat marble altar. The altar was high enough to be well over my height. I looked up and looked up. Should I go up? The wind came in again as soon as I could think of it. My soul rose into the air, and sank lightly on the altar. The wind must be helping me. I let out a voice free without thought. [Raulus.]

The problem starts from here. How will I summon Raulus? I spat it out one more time. [Raulus, are you there?]

There was no answer. It was obviously Raulus who grabbed Leria's neck earlier and let out a cool voice. Raulus descended to earth after breaking the taboo of Judetta that he could not intervene directly on the ground. But he said he couldn't stay long. On the first day I saw the image of Raulus in the temple, the conversation with him flashed through my mind. [Once every ten years, when I go down to earth, my children summon me in the name I give them.] A name given by Raulus. Baptist name. I didn't know my baptismal name... but... But there were many names I knew. I remembered clearly. The names of the past Belgoth emperors, which were written in small letters under the murals of Raulus. My mouth opened on its own. The name that first caught my eyes, the name written on the first line. The name of the first emperor. Will that do...... ? I opened my mouth for now. [Adrea] The wind brushed against my ear. No, it wasn't the wind, but it was a wavesound that cut through the air. I replied with excitement.

[Lacice Lou Elizabeth... Adrea, Belgoth.] The divinity in the name I spit out appeared on the altar with a glittering swarm of light. [Ah.] I spit briefly. The gleaming glow of the vortex swirled, climbed up the altar, and then disappeared over a round hole in the ceiling. I looked up blankly. Just like an observatory observing the sky, a dark night sky was seen over a round hole. The stars twinkled. [ -- ] The wind blew. The altar trembled slightly. I shook helplessly as if my body was going to bounce into the air. But something felt strangely different from before. Something....................................................................................................... as light as a feather that made me feel like I was going to fly away in the breeze, but I felt a little heavy... ... And the next moment, there was a familiar voice that rang the head. [Give it to me.]

[Yes, yes?] Perhaps because I was in a state of soul, he had a voice that seemed to stir the brain more than usual. Raulus, who had remained silent, finally made a sound. [Give me anything. A medium that will hold me to the ground.] [Medium...?] [I prefer the cross, and I like any sculpture that symbolizes me.]

Anything? I skimmed my body quickly, and frowned. There couldn't have been such a thing. I'm not wearing a body right now! A bloodstained jeans and a white shirt. There was no way that there would be a cross or a wolf, and even if there were, it would not be touchable. I felt my body everywhere, but I still didn't feel any sensation. Goddamn it, it really doesn't work in one go ! It was as soon as I was about to spit out another curse. It's dangling. [Huh?] Something hung heavy on my earlobe. It was the first sensation that felt clear since the separation from the body. Soon after, not only the ear, but also the whole body had a 'weight.' "Uh... " I groaned in a daze. I was surprised. My voice was also coming out properly. I looked down at my body again immediately. I could see a thick blue dress with frills on it. It was clearly Yerenica's body, although it was still translucent. My body's still in the palace. But I couldn't afford to think about such useless things. A proud memory of the welcoming ceremony flashed through my mind like lightning. "Raulus, did you really say anything would happen?" [Yes, anything - I....... ] I untied the earrings right away. I put my hand to my ear and wondered if I could catch it, and fortunately, the earrings were caught properly. An earring with a silver cross and a purple jewel in the middle.

When I untied my earrings and put them down on the altar, the voice of Raulus went sour at once. [Hey, that's too trivial.] "You're loud. You said anything was fine." [However, my face.................... ]

Is this god really? I opened my eyes and glared up. In a situation where one minute and one second is a waste! "That's..." Eventually I grinned as beautifully as I could. "Can you just come down and think about it?" I don't know what my man is doing with that scary lady right now! Raulus still seemed unfeeling. A grumbling voice struck me in the head. [You'll be the first to tie me to the ground with such a trifling thing, child.] The wind swirled around me. I could feel that the divinity, which had been spinning weakly in Yerenica's body, was being sucked out. At the same time, the body's senses quickly disappeared again. [Ah.] My body, which returned to its state of soul again, staggered in the small wind. Raulus' last words fell. [How dare you say that in the name of my first child] The name of the first child... The view shook violently, with no time for further thought. The marble altar trembled as if it were about to split. At first glance, it seemed that the reddish-purple color was smudged through the view. A swarm of light that was shining gradually flashed and shone like lightning.

That was all I saw and heard on the altar. The next moment I couldn't stand the violent vortex and swept down the altar. [Eugh.] I rolled under the altar with a grotesque scream. I screamed and barely looked up. "Hi, child." And at the same time as I raised my head, I heard the "voice" coming out of the throat of a human being, not the voice that banged through the mind. [Uh...... ] A light yet heavy voice that seems to scatter into the air at any moment. I stared blankly over the altar. [Raulus.. ?] "Hey, I thought I'd never step on the ground with my foot again."

The frivolous way of speaking remained the same. The voice itself, indistinguishable from the sexes, was familiar to me. But the look was not familiar at all. A long, glittering silver hair, drawn to the bottom of the ankle, rippled under the altar. Just like a thread. I opened my mouth wide. Sitting in a lax position at the end of the altar, looking down at me, was literally a god. A beautiful woman with painful eyes like the one I saw in the prayer room murals of the temple. A possessed murmur leaked out from me. [Su, Success...] Chapter End Notes

matomato --- whew... that was a long ride,,,, anyway our yenni managed to call Raulus to earth *throw confetti* now... time to get rid of Soleia.

Chapter 86 However, I groaned under the constant pressure that tightening my body before I could admire the fact front of me. [--- Ugh.] My lungs shrank under great pressure. It was just like the feeling when I first set foot in the temple. It also resembled Euredian's deity that exploded for the first time in the palace. Unrefined raw divinity. The lungs just shrank. No sense, no pain. But the pressure on my stomach feels like being crushed under a feet, pushed me hard. [U--- Ugh.] Raulus kicked his tongue when I couldn't get my breath back. "Because you didn't know my weight and summoned it without knowing, you can't take it. Here, take this." Something flew in front of me as I was bending and gasping. I quickly caught it from Raulus. [What is this ] It's shining. A small silver cross glowed brightly. The purple gem in the middle flashed like real human eyes. [Ugh.] And as soon as I held my earrings, the weight that was pressuring on my disappeared at once. The body, which was on the verge of shrinking, felt like it was spreading.

[Wow, this is really, really not a joke----- ] My field of vision is twinkling. I've made it, it was a success, right? I jerked my head up as soon as I adjusted to the still feeble sense of pressure on stomach. The presence of long, wide sleeves and pants was staring at me with a mysterious face. "That's what you look like, crumbs" [No, what. You said you have been watching everything all this time------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ] "You look pretty." I don't think it's the subject I want to listen right now---? I opened my mouth blankly. It's really---when I look at it again. [Pretty ] Wow, amazing. Awesome beauty. He is so exquisite that he is frighteningly beautiful.

I chocked my hand over my mouth which wouldn't shut. Whether it's a woman or a man, it's a beauty that doesn't make a difference. No, it's doesn't matter which gender you are. He's so pretty---! There was someone prettier than sister Tezevia and Soleia--- I was sour. As expected, the world is wide and there are many beautiful women---! "I know I'm pretty." The white sleeve fluttered into the air and Raulus jumped off the altar. The thing that landing in front of me was no longer a pretty woman. A giant silver wolf that looked over five times my size was snarling in front of me. [--- Ugh!]

I was frightened and fell back. My eyeballs almost popped out. There was a beast's head right in front of my nose. And just like the colour of my eyes, white, red eyes. Oh my god. The wolf shook his head languidly after frightening me. The glossy silvery fur shook with glistening light. [I am more comfortable like this. It'll be less difficult for you too.] [A little warning in advance. A little-------------------------- !] I pushed awa what was supposed to be the wolf's nose or is muzzle. Strangely enough, my hand touched properly without passing through it. Of course, I couldn't feel anything. All the divinity, which I wondered if it would be raised was sucked out. It was obvious that my divinity was being consumed to summon Raulus' alter ego. The silver wolf grumbled languidly, [I don't think it's time for you to be relaxed, child.] [Pardon?] [If it's too late, I think he'll smash all my houses----- ] Who's doing what? Only then came to mind the situation that I had forgotten for a moment. I bit my tongue and held back my scream. Ah, Ah! Soleia! Euredian! The wolf, who had lowered his position in front of me, slowly rose up. [Wouldn't you rather go back before he finds you?] [Ugh] [He's probably going blind when he sees your body falling down like that.]

Plus, my body---! I jumped up with fright. All the things that I had forgotten, distracted by the spirit of Raulus, came back to me. Euredian apparently broke one of those giant windows. I thought it wouldn't be too hard for your palace to be broken down. Besides, my body under Leria's dark magic will probably die. Then I will really haunt around! Raulus seemed to be thinking of something a little different from me. The rumbling voice came through my head. [I don't he's going to go back to Lemordi without a hitch, so I'm going to give you a hand.] As soon as the word was said, Raulus bounced me lightly with a snout. The field of ciew quickly turned over and my body flew in the air. After flying, it rested on a soft silvery hair. I barely asked as I clung to my dim vision, [Under Lemordi---] [He's the one who broke the taboos first. If you thought that I'd know it and stay still, you'd be wrong. While you've summoned me in spite of your spitefulness.] I didn't even understand half of Raulus' rumbling. What do you mean him? There was something else besides Soleia---My thoughts were cut off there. Raulus, who carried me on his bac, flew into the dark night air of Barishad. *** Clang!

A sharp burst tore through the hall one after another. The windows facing the huge venue were crushed one by one. The glass broke and the air trembled at every step taken by the empire's master. " " A sharp piece of glistening glass reflected light on the chandelier, scattering in the air like snow. However, the threatening pieces melted all before they even reached the silver hair. Leaving only a shining glow. The hall was full of twinkling lights. The mighty divinity, which Soleia had always longed for in her hands, was filled with no gaps. Even though it was the strength she wanted to get her hands on since she was very young, Soleia couldn't be more than happy about the situation. As slow as he retreats, the man's eyes approaching without hesitation are the eyes of those who have completely blown rational away.

Soleia bit her lips in a rather nervous mood. I knew this would happen. It was just as I expected that the man would not react rationally if I rushed this way. Right, why are you in such a hurry? Soleia glared with her raw eyes at the centre of the banquet hall, glaring at the swirling mass of black mana. If this happened, they have to attach that god head on. Will she be able to subdue that man with her own ability without borrowing more from the contractor? But to do it, it was impossible. That man said she didn't have any cards left. Well----

"Leria." She could see that Euredian Belgoth was slightly stiffening at the name that she mentioned. She's sure he knows the name. Soleia had a rain-wrong smile. He's the one who gives everything to the people on his side. The list of female maids and personal information will go through him. He was such a thorough man. Soleia opened her eyes, which had connected to the brown-haired maid. The view of the room, which was wide beyond sight, was full. "Leria." She ordered her to breathe and not kill her. She doesn't think it would be good for her to test how far this man can let go of his reason. "Leria, my pretty child." Soleia hummed as if she were singing. The mana was closely intertwined in the air. That man, who frowns violently, expanded his cope by entangling the bitter energy in the opposite pole of divinity, which could not be felt even if he died. Soleia curled the corners of her mouth, facing the reddish purple eyes that flamed with fire. "Bring me, the lovely little princess." The black magic was marked with emphasis. *** [Ohh-uugh] Raulus was fast. He didn't even give consideration for my condition. Or you know, my state of mind.

[Hey, this is really---- ] And in fact, I didn't think it was worth caring for me. Raulus, who bit his mouth, let out a groan.

[No matter how long it's been since I've been on the ground, it hasn't been this hard.] I'm too tired, Raulus. I turned the dog away, trying not to look intro Raulus' mouth. As I kept blowing away, Raulus ended up biting so close to me. I tried hard not to imagine how a giant wolf, close to a beast, would bite of a soul and snarl in one's mouth. No matter how much you breathe, there is a divine energy. Still, it's a wolf anyway---! [You're not in normal state---] Thud. The wolf's big soft front paws soft landed somewhere. I managed to come to my senses and looked down. [Hooo.] And I almost fainted. The place where Raulus lightly sank was also the highest among the imperial palaces and the top of the Southern Gate. The smoke screen below was so hight that it looked as big as the palm of the hand. If I fall from here, I can't even pick any bone. Raulus brushed me off with its muzzle, my body shook like a piece of paper. [Arght, what are you doing!] Ugh, crazy. I closed my eyes tightly, feeling that my lvier werer being destroyed. I don't want to take it down here no matter how much my soul is in it! Raulus, ignoring my scream, said. [Feel it, crumbs.] [Wh-What?]

[Dead energy.]

Chapter 87 A dead energy, I got the word right away. [But I can feel it---------------- ] At the same time as I said so, I screamed hard at the tingling pain that seemed to pierce my arm. "Ahhhh! It hurts!" [Huh?] The hem of a deep blue dress flowed down. Again. "Body" was back. Raulus, who was holding on me, immediately opened his mouth. [You come and go, do you?] "Oh, no, don't let go--- " I clasped on Raulus in a hurry. If I fall of your mouth, I'll die instantly! My senses returned in a flash. Breathless for a moment and then burst again. I knew this chilling rhyme that filled my whole body coldly. I couldn't not have known it. It was the divinity of Euredian Belgoth, not others, that was densely packed throughout the palace. I opened my mouth wide, "Whoa, really. What are you doing?" [I did. If it's late, I'm going to crush everything.] Raulus answered in a nonchalant way. That's right. The divinity, which was usually hovering around him was blowing hundreds and thousands of times over the entire imperial palace. The throbbing body was constantly flowing part of its mighty divinity. The divine energy was blowing like storm and it seemed like been like that for a while. It just like when Raulus came down. But that didn't last long

either. I saw the hem of the dress turning translucent in the air. I'll go back to Seo Eun-Seo's spiring like before. [Feel it, quickly. I can't feel any mana, child.] "Ah, yeah." I bit my lips hard and focused my mind. Feel anything. Please. And there was nothing to focus on for a long time. There was a sensation that spread from tiptoe to near the heart. It was so intense that I wondered why I didn't feel it at first. Then suddenly, at one point, all the senses were completely cut off.

[Huh?] I looked down at my body in a dazed mood. Bloodstained jeans and a white shirt. It's back again. But that wasn't the end. The grey fingertips began to turn more transparent. [Huk.] I took a short breath. It wasn't just becoming transparent, but the boundaries between the air were blurring. Not only the hands, but the arms, legs and the whole body. [Your body, where is it?] Raulus must have seen it too. I immediately figured out the situation when I saw that even the silver hair was becoming more transparent. My body, it's dying. Leria, what are you doing with my body!?

I could not feel the flow of mana in my already broken sense. However, there was only one spot where the energy felt before was agitated. I turned my head slowly. A palace located southwest of the Imperial Palace. A palace where Belgoth's aristocrats and envoys of Lebovny and Azekien were all gathered during the welcoming ceremony. [Luxia Palace---] But I corrected my thoughts just a second after I spit it out. The windows! All the windows of Luxia Palace were shattered. Outside the broken window, a silver energy bluish light burst back and forth like an explosion. "Huck-----." Before I could be frightened by the sight, Raulus leaped down into the iar. A terrible sense of falling struck me. However, it was only a moment of fall. Raulus, gently landed on the ground, put me down. [Go, crumbs.] I sprang to my feet. Raulus's silver hair was indeed in a whirl as if it would disappear any minutes. "Ah no. How do I summon you!" [Go, find your body first.] Raulus pushed me back with its muzzled. It was a very unfeeling sensation. I can't use my strength because my body is weak. Find myself then call him back. Where the most death energy can be felt. "It's a death energy. What is that---."

[The most death and dirty thing among the energies that touches your senses. Incense of death. The smell of the body. The sound of a curled bone. Such things.] A scrawny bone. I immediately remembered a hand-shaped bone wriggling in the middle of the banquet hall of Luxia Palace. Yes, what I felt at that time was not the power that human beings could have. Then again, there is something more behind Soleia--I had not time to think anymore. As soon as I noticed Raulus' figure melting into the air with a faint flow I woke up and started running again. *** Crack. Crack. The sound of bones cracking filled the hall. The brown-haired maid, whose neck was burnt down sent directly by her absolute ruler, creaked out of the waiting room blue tendon bulging. A body in both hands. "Princess? Where are you, Princess?" At the end of the hallway, she heard a bewildered voice. "Did you return back---? Where is Mr Schwartz. Oh my!" Leria staggered. The flabby, occasional twitching body was as heavy as wet cotton ball. "Bring her to me." Her master's voice was echoing hundreds of times in her head. Leria followed orders steadily. She dragged the princess through the wide-open purple door. She turned the corner. "Mr. Schwartz. Are you alright?!"

Someone in the back shouted like a scream, however Leria didn't even hear the sound. The princess' slender body was quickly scratched and bruised. Leria dragged herself down the stairs, indifferently. A small body bumped into the steps. Take her. Take her. The only command rang out in an empty body where the soul had already died. I'm taking her. The body of the princess, dragged by her hand, sometimes disappears and reappears. "What did you do?" Euredian managed to hang to his last strand of rationality and spit the words. A woman with a spear-white moonshine and her arms clung together like crazy. The distance between them as close.

As soon as Soleia said, 'Get the princess', a man who kept certain distance quickly narrowed the distance and grabbed her by the collar. A chain wrapped around her arms and legs, quickly threw her into the air and then quickly fell to the floor. It smelled like water vapor. It covered the surroundings like fog. Hot air that could never be said to be hear of summer swept through the garden. "What did you do to Yerenica?" In an instant, the man who followed persistently twister his lips. He had strong grip on her neck. It created a grotesque noise in which the divinity and the mana collided head-on and rejected each other. There was not a single crack in Soleia's beautiful appearance, even on such sensitive subject. "I had no choice, Your Majesty."

"I asked what you did." "I didn't want to be so abrupt, either. I have to follow my master's command." It wasn't the answer to the question. Euredian refused to listen to the evil witch and immediately got up. "Radin." It was a voice too low for the surrounding. It was the last day. The three days of the welcoming ceremony were the last time Yerenica was in Belgoth. He couldn't stop those three days. "Luigi." The limbs showed up in the garden one by one as he spouted the name one y one. A spear-sharp divinity closely intertwined over Soleia's head. "Selvy-." "Oh, there she is." After holding Soleia, Euredian hardened and immediately searched to find Yerenica. A straight white arm, the tip of her index finger was pointing behind him. He could hear the sound of heavy footsteps on the grass. There was also the sound of something dragging along. "Just like I told you." The witch, bound by the Divine Spirit, was fastidious. "It would be better to put a leash on my neck."

" ."

"You don't know what's behind me and you don't have the cards." Euredian could not even look back and heard the whispering that was falling like thunder. "In the end, it was your servant that killed that princess." The voice slowly filled with anger and sorrow. An emotion that doesn't even know whose it belongs to. Soleia's smile was bizarrely wrong, "I made a promise the other day. Your sweet and lovely Princess, so why don't you just keep her finely without breaking her?" Euredian dimly realized what was dragging on the ground. His heart stopped at the moment as if he was struck by lightning. No, obviously, with Diego Schwartz----While his concentration was only a momentary blur, the divinity on Soleia's right arm snapped. Ah no, she cut it off with her own magic. Soleia smiled with a distorted face. A cold hand like a corpse glided over Euredian's cheeks. Soleia who had broken the chains ot the divinity that had tightly tightened her ankles and waist, approached as if she would kiss. A seductive voice could be heard. "Yes, you should have listen to me." Thud. He heard the sound of something being thrown into the grass without a hitch. Euredian looked back without thinking. The moment when the light pink color tangled with the grass caught his sight. He just choked.

Soleia's voice rang in the air, "How is it? Do you hate dead bodies, Majesty?"

Chapter 88 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for He didn't know what else to think. It was not anger, despair, or shock that filled his head at the moment, but just anxiety. No way. Soleia's slender arms, which had been clinging like tentacles to his shoulder, were swept back into the air. Euredian turned and approached the small body that is sprawled in the grass. The hesitation ins the step could be felt. Everything. His mouth opened before he could even get close, "Yerenica." There was no answer back. She should have raised her head right away because she like him when he called her name. Anxiety swelled in his stomach. He immediately lifeted up her immovable little body and hugged it. Hugging, checking her face. Her face is all pale, all washed away. What did you get caught by? A thin neck with bloodstains. Down to her hem of her dress The scarred legs, arms, that almost look like teeth marks. A body that is cold even though his hands touched it, nothing else. "Ah." A faint groan flowed from his lips.

In the first place, he shouldn't have left her alone. But before Euredian could even take the fact to his head, light and soft wind flashed through him. It was a warm breeze. Something changed, riding on an unknown wind from which side it was blowing from. " !" And it was the next moment that the eyes that were closed opened. *** "---- Phuaa!" I opened my eyes like I was dragged to the surface of the water. It was purple eyes that seemed to be more reddish than usual. I breathed a sight of relief before I could read out all the shock on that face, "T-Thank god----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "

Wow, that was really close, What I saw when I immediately ran to the garden in front of Luxia palace was my body sprawled out in a carefree manner and Euredian figure approaching it. After a desperate sliding, I touched my body and succeeded in putting my soul in the body again. I succeeded before I died. Really, really. "That's a real relief---huh?" However, I was hugged by Euredian before I could finish talking. I felt a solid body hugging me tightly and the senses return on my shoulder that has been freezing. A reflexively puzzled voice popped out.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" The voice that came out was husky, not exactly mine. What's wrong with my voice? "---Hoooo." There was no answer from the man who pushed me into his arms. A slow, pent-up sigh came through. I blinked my eyes blankly and then met the orthodox with the gaze that looked straight beyond me. A woman bound by the leisure of countless chains of divinity. The silver-gazed spear-throwing divinity was pointing at her everywhere. Soleia. Always straight, cold, or otherwise tempting. With such face, the beautiful face that came to the flood was distorted without mercy. "Ugh." Eurediaan seemed to hear me breathe in haste. With a weak sense of wellbeing, my body was swept up. Euredian pressed my head straight into his arms. "Now, wait a minu---." It wasn't a very rough movement, but somehow my back and shoulder ached. However, it can't be compared to the pain on the neck. "Eugh." Wow, crazy. It hurts so much! I was half awake to the pain and rested my head on his arm. The pain on my forehead is killing me. "Ha, really, you're trying to stop me----." It was like Euredian muttered something. However, I couldn't understand exactly what he said because of his low voice that leaked out of his clenched teeth.

"Uh...." I don't think I have to look at his face to see what kind of face he is making. The air was shaking. I managed to pull my eyes over his shoulder and it was a sight to see. Woooo. It really looked like real blade at first glance, all bluish and dark, scratched Soleia's dress and aimed at her exposed arms and legs. That's all I saw. Eurediaan turned around with me in his arms. The view naturally turned away. A firm hand fixed my turning head. "Wait, wait a minute. Your Majesty, now----." "You can kill her right now." Pardon? The sound was hard that I opened my eyes. There was a cool voice before I can even question it. "You'd have to keep it alive to dig its roots, but you better kill it right away."* I felt a touch gently sweeping my back. As always, it was a sweet and warm hand. However, his spitting words were not at all friendly. "Yes, Yerenica?" Is this the man I knew----- ? My thoughts jumped. Soleia, what have you don to make Euredian Belgoth so angry? He doesn't even show when he doesn't like things. "Wait a minute, Your Majesty. I need to check, uh." I spoke out in a hurry. I've had a splitting headache even though I've only said that short words. I could feel the iron taste in my throat. "I need to check, I have----." "You don't have to."

The hand that touched my shoulders and back wasn't too bad, "You won't be there either." "What the hell!" Now, the taste of blood has risen from the back of my tongue. Leria's black magic did not recover from Euredian's divinity. Damn it. Even if I wear a body, I still a sunfish. Once I grabbed Euredian's collar and raised my head, "Your Majesty, I'm not dead. I'm really fine,

so please think about it for a second." "Is that the voice of a normal person? I need to check what's holding up behind Soleia. What's wrong with Lemordi's taboo? I need to know why Raulus is so rattled. " !" My thoughts didn't last long. Contrary to my will, my body began to tremble like a quiver. I knew instinctively. This is it. This what Raulus told me to feel. An evil extramarital being, having crossed Lemordi's taboos and set foor on the ground. I opened my trembling lips, "Ra---Ra---" Raulus! I cried out his name as if I were vomiting blood and the earth went away. *** The ground split. I could see clearly from the sight, even when I turned around. The earth shook with a roar.

" !" I felt a momentary slight slackening in Euredian's arm. I didn't miss the gap and raised my head and looked back quickly. I saw Soelia's feet completely divided. I spat out quietly, "--------------------------------------------------------------------- Crazy." The earth opened up like the mouth of a monster, showing the abyss of the earth. Soleia whose arms and waist were tied to the chains of divinity, floated right above the deep abyss. "Sound----." I muttered blankly. That sound. The sound of something dry and hard, scratched my nerves. Suddenly. Something whiting emerged from the cracked ground. It was a hand bone. Fragile and skinny. The hand, which was just a skeleton, traced the ground. As if it was looking for something. Raulus, I once again called Raulus in my mouth. It seemed that the crossshaped earring that fluttered in my earlobe gradually hang heavy. "Raulus." "What?" Euredian, who caught the small murmurs, looked at me.

I quickly unwrap my arm around his neck and struggle. At the same time, the flow of divinity that wandered around Euredian stopped momentarily. The air flow stopped.

In that gap, I succeeded in getting out of his arms. My feet touched the ground and my body shook a bit, but fortunately there was no accident where I fell down right away. I murmured quietly, trying to ignore the pain in my sore ankle. "Raulus." Whether Euredian heard or not, I called the name again in a hurry. "You told me to call out. Why aren't you coming?!" Eventually, I got into a fit of temper. "Come out!" It was then that I heard a voice ringing in my head. The very thing that I was looking for. [It's all because of you being miserable. Who do you blame that for?] The earrings drooped heavily. At first glance, silver glow that even looked bluish burst out. At the same time that the divinity that had flowed from Euredian and filled my body was sucked out as it was, while the concentration of the magical powers of the body soared in an instant. The pain was like hundreds of thorns, much thicker and sharper than a needle, pierced through my whole body. "Heuk." [Be still, crumbs. Until I regroup properly.] How can I hold out in this state of affairs------ ! I must have really done something beyond my power. It was me, not Euredian or Soleia, who died in the collision of divinity and mana that were constantly fighting. I feel all the five senses of mana and divinity. "Crazy. My fate------------- "

In addition, the overwhelming pressure from the top of the head was clearly different with that of Soleia's mana. Rather, it was similar to how I felt when I face Raulus. A sense of hypocrisy that takes all the air out of the lungs, the weight of a heavy force likely to be buried down. It really wasn't human power. Is it power of ghosts? But ghost that's rotten to the core and the flesh of a dead man can put this pressure on me? No. it wasn't just the power of the god who was wandering in the wild. I manaed to catch my breath and recite curses like salt. "Damn it. What the heel did you call out, my sister------ ?"

Chapter End Notes *t/n: I think this part Euredian is talking to his divinity knights

Chapter 89 I bit my lips, flattening the waits that was bowed with Euredian as support. Ha, fuck. Fuck, fuck. After the hidden hero who saves the empire, do I look like that? "Yerenica." It was a tone that I've never heard of. A tone of faint apprehension I opened the crumpled impression at once. "Don't worry! We just need to check one thing." "So, what the hell---?" "As long as you as me one question, you won't say anything about killing that woman. Please take aa look."

I wrapped my arms around Euredian's neck and pulled him to come. I kissed the warm cheek. It's worth worrying about. But I really had a hunch that if it wasn't now, there wouldn't be a time to face Soleia like this. It was more of a strong conviction than a hunch. Soleia's red lips opened. "You'll kill me----." Soon, the mouth lifted on each corner. "You won't, Euredian." Soleia called Euredian's name. With a distorted face, I didn't see Soleia's solid beautiful face, it was as messed up as I was. "There will come a time when I regret that I could have done anything in my line. In the end, I took a step. The instinct turned on the red light and warned. If not now, I will not be able to hear it. "'Soleia." My voice was not as trembling as I thought. I immediately opened my mouth again, every word clearly. "What is that?" My index finger pointed to the hand bone still protruding from the ground. Her eyes like obsidian glanced toward the pointed end and smiled faintly. "Well." The beautiful, evil and cunning witch whispered. "My master?"

Tuk. One strand of the divine chain was cut off. It was a chain that strangled Soleia. "The king of the underworld." The humming voice continued. "He who rules the world of ghosts." King under Lemordi. God. The god of the dead. Only then, everything became clear.

As I summoned Raulus, Soleia summoned the god of evilg things long ago. I groaned weakly. "Since when di you---?" "Dear Princess, can you see this hand?" Blinking. Soleia blinked. Her eyelashes fluttered down, then again revealing obsidian-like black eyes. "Magic maladjustment. You said you were sensitive to mana." And I noticed something was wrong. Urgently looked around at Euredian. "Your Majesty, that----- that, you can't see this---." But I didn't have to finish the words. The reflecion of the reddish purple is on me and the cracked ground. Soleia trapped on it. He glanced at my opint. Is tared blankly at the sight reflected in his eyes. There is nothing. What Raulus had said so far passed my mind. [He who deals with the divine spirit cannot deal with mana] [Feels it, crumbs. A death energy.] If you can't see it. You can't find it. Then I could see why this man is so calm now. Why don't the divine knights who are surrounded Soleia in a circle look at it and pray for me? It is hard to know what is invinsible. "Slow incompatible forces at the same time---." A dangerously low voice whispered. The black gaze that was fized on Euredian was noe on me.

As if to pierce, Soleia looked at me. It gave my spine a creepy shudder. There was not a single

light in the eyes that were as smooth as black beads. There was a crack in the divinity of the body, which was tightly entangled like complicated water on Soleia's head. The chain was pulled as if it were cut off. "Ah----." It's going to break. I knew instinctively. It was seen that the chain of divinity that bound Soleia's neck and limbs were shaking. And almost at the same time, the bones of the hand that were scratching on the cracked ground shot up in a moment. A scrawny bone rose into the air like a snake, clutching the ankle of Soleia's throught the dress. " !" But it would also be a sight that only I can see. As soon as I reached that point, I blurted out without thinking. "Raulus." It's an ulterior motive to drag him in. To the basement. Not only should I have let it go, but I couldn't let Soleia go. My eyes are already black and I've been having trouble with them. Tuk, Tuk, Tuk. The chains that were tens of layers were released one by one. And what happened the next minute was really quick. At such a formidable speed that the man who held me firmly behind me could respond, I was helplessly dragged to Soleia.

A deceptive power that attracts people. "Yereni--." The sound of Euredian's rushing at me was buried by the sound of something cutting through the wind. The intangible thorns which are big from head to toe, pierced the body. "Heuk." I was really floating on the ground in a blink of an eye. Rather than floating, it would be better that I was caught by Soleia. As if I could not feel my weight, Soleia lifted my chin with her fingertips. The little contact made me suffocated. Soleia pulled the end of my chin close to her side. It was so close as if she was about to kiss me.

"Did you say Raulus, lovely Princess?" "Ugh, ohh--. "That absolute man beyond Judetta. Isn't that right?" That just right on the spot. One hand that clutched Soleia's ankle climbed up her leg. Soleia whispered low. "What do you say, Hades? What about taking this Princess instead of that guy?" " He." I swallowed my breath. It's a lie, right? At Soleia's feet came a chilling sound and an eardrum-scratching voice. [--- Yes, now I know which one is annying.] At the same time, I realized like a thunderbolt. Soleia's goal has changed. From Euredian Belgoth to me, Yerenica, the original now starting to twist properly.

However, I couldn't be more than happy about it. I could feel the blood draining away from my face vividly. The cold sweat on my back froze. "A-Are you crazy?" "Unfortunately, this is normal. Princess. Please say it one more time." Soleia kissed lightly on the tip of my chin. The spot close to my lips was hot as fire. "Not the ground, but the most powerful deity in the world." She must be crazy, really! In the end, I spit out the word with a distorted expression. "Raulus." The mouth moved freely. Instead of rebelling against Soleia's control, I let out a stream of words. "I don't care if you take all the sacredness left over my body." I don't want to go down to hell for a second----- ! I shouted loudly, "So come down right now!" And this time, whether my seriousness also passed on to Raulus, he did not hesitate further. The divine spirit was sucked out all the way. Euredian's divinity, which was barely holding on to my body, was pulled out, my back was bent immediately.

There was no comparison with the past on how painful it was. And almost at the same time. The eruption of Euredian's anger finally explode. *** It was just a devastating chaos. There was a strong gust of wind. The flow of divinity, which had so far surrounded the entire palace, swept through

Soleia with a gust of wind, wearing a sharp thorn as if it were just a child's prank. Two forces collided intensely as Soleia released mana refelcively. -----Right in front of me. "Uh----." I couldn't wake up to the dense smell of water vapor and the heavens and earth that the two mighty forces created. And the next moment, my field vision slanted 90 degrees. Silver fur fluttered on my side of vision. And as soon as Soleia's hand, which was holding my chin, fell off, the chain of divinity that had tied her down, was broken down greatly. Soleia, whose arms and waist were free, stepped back. As soon as Soleia's hand feel off, the pain that had caused me was halved. "Huh, ohh, ohh---." I barely picked up the air, breathing hard. Something was biting my body. As soon as I saw the big sharp fangs that I could see right from the earth. I noticed that Raulus had properly manifested and took me away with his mouth from Soleia. [Did you use to live like this, crumbs? This is not a good thing.] Every time Raulus continued with his words, a breath filled with the divine spirit swept across my face. It was quite unfair to think that the divinity was not Raulus' own but absorbed from me. It's still divinity that so small. Raulus' head slid down. The spiky hand that was gripping Soleia's ankles, bumping up between the open ground, bumped into each other with creepy sound.

It's hard. [I'm an idiot who didn't notice this obvious scratching on the ground.]

Chapter 90 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for I couldn't see what Soleia looked like. I managed to blink my eyes out of tears. [When did you get past Lemordi, Hades?] A much clearer view of Soleia. She was smiling. "As expected---." The eyes of a normal human being turned to me with glaring eyes. Soleia laughed her mouth off and came close again in a flash. The blade of the divine sword swirling like a gust of wind, I could see the wounds one by one on her white cheek. "Judetta------ Judetta!" With a grotesque voice, it was a murmur vomiting blood. The moment when I felt that her hand wanted to cover my field of vision, Raulus pulled me back without warning. " !" I couldn't stop screaming and flew into the air. Instead of the mouth, my bones all over my body screamed. I flew into the air and felt depressed. Oh, this is really not good. I've always thought about this and it wasn't such big bump---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!

"Ugh, oooh!" When the soaring sense of pressure in the air ended, I immediately dragged down by gravity. A feeling of falling to the ground. I couldn't think more and closed my eyes tightly. "What the hell is that?" However, it wasn't solid bare ground that was waiting for me. I was captured by the waist. It was clear whose arms and hands those were. "Ohhhhh." I gasped and inhaled the divinity that was most familiar and fitting to me. I could clearly feel my body, which had been penetrated by sharp thorn with a lump of mana, was slowly being filled back.

However, it was slow. The inhalation of the divinity was as prickly as a torn in the side of sin. I couldn't fill up my energy much and raised my head. At the same time, his expression was cold, hardened face and there was a low mumbling voice in my hears. "Now, it's all very unheard of---." It was a point to Raulus. And the murmur made me extremely embarrassed in time. Well, that's because I got your divinity, Your Majesty---- it's supposed to be really strong--- but--I, who had become very pitiful, kept quiet and focused on building my body even through his sharp divinity. Euredian didn't seem to be as I did. He put me down right behind him and then moved on. Wherever his foot stepped on, the grass was agitated and cut out.

"I don't know what it is." In a cooler, more muffled voice than the dead air in the basement, Euredian talked. "Move." A strong wind blew with a roar. Not only me, but also Raulus, who were shaped like a giant wolf, and Soleia, were poured by divinity rushing as if there were going to be wipe out their sins. And so it was. [Hey. You, what the hell is this----.] "You'd better shut your mouth." I could hear a cold voice uttering vulgar words that I normally don't even use. It will kill you. Heartily, Stroke--The divine rushing without hesitation penetrated Soleia's body. And it turned into a bluish silver fire. The fire that I have seen before. It was the purification fire. The flickering fire swallowed Soleia's body and she let out a short moan. "Ugh---." I could see that the hem of her dree and flesh burned out. If he left it like that, she'll die. This is the woman who tried to kill me several times. Besides, she killed Leria, and I don't know how many humans she's killed and dazzled so far. So there might be no consequences for killing and getting rid of her now. In the first place, it was natural for the black wizard to take away human bodies and play the spirit

like a puppet.

Their reasoning was that it is directly to survival. Let her die. My eyes were blacked out every now and then. My body began to tremble as I can't withstand a heavy divinity. I panted too much and managed to turn toward Soleia. She was turned into a blazing flame, it was covering the place whre Soleia was, on the divided earth and in the air above it. "Uh----." But I saw clearly. A bluish, silvery bone shining through the river of flames. Thud, thud. A sound that I can't guess whether it's only for me or everyone can hear it. I shook my brain again. Between the blazing blue silver flames, skeletons were gradually appearing. A slender hand bone, an arm bone, and a rib. The old skeleton that appeared on Soleia's body as if it were crawling up and hugged her. At first glance, it seemed that I could hear Soleia short scream. If we kill her like this, is it all over? That woman is a black sorcerer who plays with the dead body. She's a human who made contract with the King of the Underground. The skull that I can see clearly is looking like a person. Soleia's death, meaning--------------- is----. "Raulus." Raulus, who had been swept aside by Euredian's menacing divinity, answered immediately. [What's wrong?] "Follow--- can you follow them?"

[What?] It was time to make a decision. Am I going to let Soleia die like this, or---Will I let her go? Which is more beneficial to me? Emotionally, rationally. "Can you follow them?"

[--- If it's connected to your senses.] "Is that possible?" [You're my summoner and you're my contractor. It's not impossible. However, only their body to be followed.] The earring on my earlobe were always heavy. I made a decision at the moment. "Then come and see." Anyway, that is the image of Raulus that I summoned. It's probably beyond Judetta. Even if you burned yourself on the ground, you can go back to Judetta. So open it. If you I could just support my body---I stood back on the ground with my shaky legs. "Well, that fucker, doing as that unfortunate guy said." The voice that came out was pressed down by the teeth. Every time I spoke a word, it hurt like it would tear my throat.

"What does the underworld owner say to Soleia? I don't know what the hell was going on down there, all I can see with my own eyes." At the end of the remark, I shifted my steps. Ripped and scratched legs were shaking. I moved a few steps toward Euredian and pulled on his shoulder. Even though it was close and without much strength, Euredian immediately looked back at me. "Yerenica." Immediately there was a chill voice and impatience. Without further thinking, I grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him to me. And kissed him just like he always does. "!" I felt the sudden stiffness of Euredian's body even from a distance. Deep and distant entanglement. It was a hot, humid breath. The man's hand, who was trying to push me by the shoulder, loosened up. The blade-like wind that cut the grass without mercy stopped. And then the heat that shook, retreated. Soleia and the King of the Underworld knew there was no to avoid this from happening. I did it while knowing about it.

While controlling this man, I only knew one way to fill my body with divinity so that Raulus could properly follow them. Contact. The simplest way to shake his mind and fill my body with a powerful divinity in an instant. I could hear the crackling of the ground. Split, something dulled into it. In a dim view, beyond Euredian, Soleia completely covered in skeletons was seen falling as if dragged into the cracked earth.

Reddish-brown hair waved. I closed my eyes only after seeing the silver hair twinkling and the glittering halo. I pulled him closer so that Euredian wouldn't turn to his back. I clung my arms around his neck. Forcibly holding me and it opened his gap, he called me in a bewildered tone. "Yere, nica. Just a moment---." However, he swallowed all his words. The distance which had fallen for a moment, came back again without gaps. Clear, refreshing and strangely sweet aura filled on the mouth with no relentless repetition then repeated over the neck. Eventually, it was full and swirled around as if it would break the whole body. The sense of sensation in the wind was bursting like fireworks. Whose short moan that leaked out between the touching lips? And after that, my mind was elsewhere, I couldn't think more. The field of vision was reversed. Chapter End Notes t/n--- someone please safe yenni, her body is bruised, bitten and being threw around.... I can't believe Eru told Raulus to shut up. Eru... that is your ancestor and god.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch *** [I should not left it to you from the very beginning.] Thuck. The skeleton, which had tied around the woman's body like a rope, whispered dangerously. The ground that was cracked above her head was reconnecting with a loud sound that spread along the underground air. "I said, I told you, I know it." A short reply was heard faintly from inside the skeleton. Black eyes flashed through the bones of fingers. "I'm not the kind of person who can rush into things and gotten catch---." Hades laughed coldly, [You're going to explain that you let go of the woman who summoned Raulus?] " ." [It wasn't the emperor, it was her. The unfortunate feeling and all this time I can reach beyond Judetta.] They were still heading downward, underworld, and toward the world of ghosts. Lemordi slowly drew closer. Their world was just around the corner under an absolute taboo that no one with divinity could even recognize. And at one point, the fierce scratching the body disappeared. " !"

Her body became light in an instant. Lemordi, full of evil forces, the world of dead bodies and ghosts. "Lady Elard!" Someone called her. He was one of the disciples of the Tower. She opened her mouth to answer but scrawny bone blocked her mouth. [Fine, I admit it. I didn't know that the little Princess was capable of summoning Raulus.] A person who has mana maladjustment and suffers as though she will soon die with a little touch of magic. A Lebovny's Princess who always smiled innocently with a naïve and sunny face. It's clear that he didn't even think of her as she has harmless face. She thought she was only a woman who was in the way of taking Euredian Belgoth. How the hell did she summon the absolute man beyond Judetta?

No, it didn't matter how. The fact that Raulus was summoned was the only important thing now. [Don't be so shameless and arrogant, I never thought I'd see you again---." Thud, Soleia's body hit the hard ground of underworld. Soleia frowned and cut off all of her 'dolls' on the ground. There was no time for distraction. Hades' scrawny finger bones patted Soleia's cheek. [That's why I told you it will difficult if I am caught up like this. It is difficult to find out that the taboos of Judetta and Lemordi have been broken.] The beast's head bone who can't laugh was twisted in such way. As if trying to smile. [I can't leave it to you anymore.]

Soleia's beautiful face was blurry, "What, what, what are you going to do?" [Your body, I'll take it.] A short gasp burst out, "Don't be ridiculous. How do you adjust to the body of the living?" [Wouldn't a body like you is enough to hold the burn, Soleia?] The beautiful face was twisted in a violent way. The sharp knuckles scraped down the cheek. There was blood from the split on the cheek that had already been scratched by the divinity once. [A man who has the most powerful power on the earth.] "Such bullshit." [Even if it takes a little time----.] Soleia no longer felt the value of listening to Hades' tale. If she stays like this, it will really work. When she flung out the bones that were binding her, the skull broke down. However, it immediately clattered back. Soleia looked over at the disciples that has anxious gaze at her, ignoring the grim laughter of Hades. They were black magicians of the Towerr who could freely walk in Lemordi with their own abilities. "Why are you down here leaving the tower behind?" However, Soleia knew the reason before she even finished asking the questions. "Euredian Belgoth---." A man who is a thorough and calculating as a ghost. It's clear that he had use his hands in advance. If anything happens, the magic tower will be immediately sealed off. The raid on the palace was literally a surprise, but he had already surrounded the tower. In addition, less than half of the total number of the tower apprentice have ben evacuated safely to the underground.

Soleia bit her lips, "—What about Sir Rosell?" "To the South, to go---." On of the disciples answered in tears. "He said this was the end of his relationship with Elard." Chernata Rosell. The owner of the magic tower also ran away. If so, the he didn't try to stick to the Emperor's side. However, there was a sinned he had committed. Soleia twisted her lips. An old wizard who tried to escape his own guilt by taking the daughter of the Marquis, that he accused as dark sorcerer and pushing them to death, as his disciple and helped her climbed the rank. As if he were doing some good things. Soleia renewed her connection with the dolls on the ground that she had briefly cut off. Dead bodies left on the ground opened their eyes. Soleia focused her sense on one of them, Leria, who had been in the palace. "Leria." However, there was no response from the doll. Soleia once again opened her mouth to call for Leria. " !" She immediately cut off the bond with Leria because of the intense heat that swept over her. A short gasp came out. It was clear that the mad Emperor was purging the entire of Imperial Palace by burning it. The beautiful man, who she thought was worth to make him kneeling under her feet, was proving his worth with his whole body.

No matter how generous and loose he may seem, an Emperor is an Emperor. The only relative of Raulus on earth. The five years that she spent working hard to make connection from early on have now all collapsed. The tower she has raised. [Your goal, don't you want to achieve it?] Hades said sweetly. [I only want to hold a world where I and my disciples on earth can spread out wing to the fullest, didn't you say that.] " ." [I want to rid the earth of divinity and create a world for dark sorcerers who were oppressed for hundred years.] " ." [That's how to avenge your dead parents.]

Soleia chewed her red lips hard. Can I do it by myself? To have the Princess who summoned the deity Raulus. She felt a strange look from somewhere toward her side. The glare of the boundary flashed across the obsidian-like eyes. "Who--!" However, there was no one. Those who were watching her were only ghosts in the underworld and black wizards like her. But somewhere, continuously---The sky-blue eyes, which had shed tears but did not take their eyes off her, flashed through her mind. No way. This is under Lemordi. Anxiety took over her.

[You think you're going to make it Soleia?] If she can't do it on her own. If that's the case, she'd rather give herself to the contractor even if she knew it was crazy---Her body slowly turned around. Towards the skull which was waving as if welcoming her, she took a step without realizing. [Yes, Yes. Good girl.] Soleia didn't realize that it was Hades' delusion. Hades was the underworl king who ruled dead corpses and souls after being driven out from Judetta and put in hell under Lemordi. He was the original owner of dark magic in the first place. No matter how powerful a dark sorcerer is, they don't have the power to rebel. " !" Eventually, Soleia couldn't avoid the sharp bones that pierced her. *** "Eugh---." What was that I saw. The animal's skull, the human's skull, the very scene when Soleia's body was pierced. That was my limit. The rate that the divinity fell out from Raulus was faster than that of Euredian. Eventually the flow was reverse. The sense of the divinity still lingered in the body despite the contact already cut off. " !" My eyes turned black. Under Lemordi, the terrible scenery of hell was all covered with darkness. Someone seems to be calling me, but I can't hear clearly. The sound was louder and louder.

" ." Isn't this really crazy? I felt guilty that Raulus was crushed under Lemordi because of mana. My body seemed to break down because of it. In the meantime, I could think only one thing clearly. Seriously, aren't I crazy---? At the end that thought, I was vulnerable. Just before the power got to me, I succeeded in letting it got. And it was ten days later that I woke up again. *** "-So. Some headed South. Is that all?" "Yes, it's the same as the route from which the ore was removed." The sound of the conversation was faint as if it were coming form a distance. The content was broken in my ear, unable to be process in my head. The view was still dark. Not having the strength to lift a finger, I just stayed still with my eyes closed. Someday, I'll able to do that. "What about the restoration of the palace?" "Right, that's----." "What about that?" "It's so---- It was purified evenly----." " ." "Besides, the workforce from the tower has been cut in half------- and all of its remaining personnels are being interrogated----."

It seemed clear that someone was replying in frenzy. I heard a conversation that continued as I went in daze, not falling asleep or waking up." "Sir Schumart is in charge of the interrogation himself. However, since the priest need to be careful about faith------------------------- and they can't be aware of mana--. There's no choice but to make them confess--." "That's a headache. It's useless." The voice that replied was clearly familiar to me. It was the sound that would have been a little loose and sweet as usual, though now a little bit sharp. He must still be angry. Why are you so angry? Why-------- ? Chapter End Notes

I knew Hades will take over Soleia's body... but the way he suggested it........................................................................................... my mind just... I need holy water.

Chapter 92 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "Isn't there anything on the Azekien side?" "Yes, I'll adjust the fees after I see the status of the palace and see if I know what's going on. I will notify you."

"Ah, after all, it's just the same wherever you hear what you should not say in the first place." "Your Majesty, you don't have to think so----." "I don't want to raise the fee, I won't pay taxes to get into the tower right away. The budget can be spent on restoring the Imperial Palace." It was spoken with such sensitive tone. Somehow I was displeased. Mhmhmm. I prefer the friendly side. I tried to open my eyes and put strength on them, but my eyelids still didn't open. Only then did I feel something strange. I think I'm a little sober now, but I didn't feel as if my body had frozen. As if to refuse orders from the brain. Oh, it's not time to move yet, is it? Then I'll just stay still. When I woke up and thought about it, I gave up my efforts to wake up and shook the idea out of my head and put it to rest. Yes. I'm a patient. The patient can rest a little more. And at the end of the thought, the words were stopped. The thoughts were cut off *** I woke up again not long after I fell asleep. Something was crying like a ghost at the bedside. "Heub. Heuuung---." Heuung- Heuuung-. I frowned between my eyes even as they were closed. Oh, it's noisy. "Yeniiii---." It was such a ghostly tune, a cry. In the end, my body responded to the sound that constantly scratching my nerves. Phuck! "Heuuuuung---"

The sound suddenly cut off when I was hit by an orthodox arm. However, a moment later a loud cry ripped through my eardum. "Yerenica!" " ." This is Sergey's voice. Damn it. This sister is sick, so she's taking a break! "Are you awake, Yerenica?" However, it seems that Sergey able to read through me. In the end, I forced my eyelids to move. My friend's face was all over my cloud of vision. The black hair, green eyes. It could only be Sergey. His widen eyes that shed tears made me want to laugh, I feel sorry---"Are you seeing something? Yerenica, say something!" For now, it was too noisy. I frowned and opened my mouth. "Quie " "Oh. She really woke up. I thought you were going to die!" "Please---Please, be quiet----." You son of a bitch, I couldn't say my words because my throat had been so sore that I thought it was going to rip Ugh. Something deep at the back of my throat came up to my tongue. "Eugh----." A vomit came out. Something like a big lump forcing its way through my throat. Only after I turned my head and spat out the lump out did I realize it was a lump of red blood. " eugh." "Eugh."

The same groans popped out both from my mouth and Sergey. I blankly stare at the red blood covering the blanket "Blooo---." " " "Is that blood--- ?" I raised my eyes wide open at Sergey. And before I could say anything more, Sergey screamed loudly. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

*** "Eh, no, and around your neck, you seem to have gone through a lot of strain, Princess." The one who was called immediately was the Imperial Family physician who quickly examined me at once. The doctor looked at me in a cold sweat for a long time and diagnosed me. "It's been ten days, but you are still bleeding, it seems that the ruptured organs are still recovering —heuk." The poor doctor had a hiccup that he had to stop talking. The cause was clear. It was because of the man that standing by the bedside and giving off murderous mood. I grinned and opened my mouth, "Well--- will it get better with a little more rest?" "We'll have to wait and see--- but first of all, absolute rest comes first, Princess. For now, that you are already awake, so please take the medicine that I'm giving to you---"

I nodded gently because I thought I would vomit blood again if I answered more. "First of all, be careful about using your throat------- your meals should be soft risotto or soup, avoid anything being too hot or too cold." I nodded. "And then---- then---." The attending physician wiped his sweat and glanced toward Euredian. Don't worry. I'll be nice to you. I patted him a couple of times with that meaning. The attending physician only left after I gave a reassuring expression, it left only me and Euredian in the room. As soon as I heard Sergey's cry, that man ran like crazy and removed Sergey who didn't even complained while I was being examined. "It's been a while----." I opened my mouth and smiled. I quickly closed my mouth. Every time I said something, my throat hurt. I took a quick bite of the candy-like medicine that the doctor gave me. The bitter taste lasted in the mouth. I felt like I was eating a very bitter and cold mint candy. I forced myself to melt the medicine at the tip of my tongue and slowly became conscious of Euredian. If I opened my mouth, something similar to red might come out, so I first melted and swallowed all the medicine then opened my arms to him. Hug me! Hug me! Hug me! When I looked at him with a strong desire, I saw a crack in his stiffened face. " " Still, he remained immovable in his standing position.

I found Euredian's eyes sharpened. Somehow the white were as red as the colour of the eyes. This man usually had that kind of eyes when he couldn't sleep well for a few nights because of overwork. Didn't you sleep? I thought it that way and soon recalled that I had been suffering for ten days. Oh, you must have been worried. Only then did I have a vague idea. Ten days. It's a long time. However, it was a time when I had loss consciousness, so I had no sense of time. Even if it was only one day, it would not be strange, but ten days. Eventually I opened my mouth again, "No, fine. Won't you hug me?" My voice was still poor. I glanced up at the reddish-eyes and continued, "Then I'll keep talking." " ." "If I can't speak for the rest of my life because my neck is gone, then it's all your fault----." I didn't able to finish my words when a big hand just lightly covered my mouth and he sat close to me. The sheets fluttered slightly. I laughed and held my mouth shut. My hand reached out and touched him, rubbed his cheeks then pulled him closer. "Why did you get so angry and hot earlier?" "Stop talking." I finally heard him talking. His voice seemed as subdued as mine. Somehow the cold index finger gently pressed on my lips. "Wasn't the doctor told you to watch out on using your throat?" Yes, but then we can't talk

It's been a long time since I heard your voice properly. Only then did I experience ten days' worth of experience. I wondered if my body would float lightly, but it was laid back on the bed. No, I don't want to. I'd like to see your face---As I struggled, Euredian firmly held my shoulder. "No, you must rest." "But----." "Don't talk." Next you will tell me not to open my eyes. I looked at him with a sore face, Euredian sighed quietly.

"I've been checking your breath every day, but seeing you open your eyes, I'm really going to go crazy again." His voice was all stressed out. I blinked my eyes. What does that mean? While I was puzzled, Euredian touched me many times. He swept my hair, stroked my cheeks, and lowered his head as close as his mouth can allow. Our breathing was entangled with each other. " ?" What are you doing? He acted as if he was trying to make sure I was alive. Even with my eyes already wide open. I was frustrated because I couldn't speak. I reached out and grabbed Euredian's hand and scribbled letters with my fingers. [Worried?] "That's it----." He smiled dejectedly, after understanding the letters I wrote. "If you knew how I felt for the last ten days, you wouldn't smile like this."

Euredian hovered over me. When I looked closely, I could see that he was always relaxed and loose but now he became sensitive. Without my replay, a gracious kiss fell on top of my forehead. From the forehead down to the nose, then cheeks and to the lips at the end. I tried to organize my thoughts with all the light kisses over my face. "So I guess I fainted that night and was very sick----." "One more word and I'll kiss you right away. Take care of it." Chapter End Notes Yenni truly has her priority's straaight

Chapter 93 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for It was a very threatening tone despite saying such sweet word. It eventually made me burst into laughter. "Do you laugh when your current condition is like this?" Euredian, who kissed my lips one more time, asked as if he had given up. "It was a neck and a limb, even I couldn't do anything for your body." The fact that since I came to Belgoth I was never been blessed. It wasn't anything new. In fact, if I think about it, I was walking along the path that belong to sister Tezevia. However, I couldn't really imagine how this man would react if kept spitting words. I grinned and wrote on his hand, [Laughs, it will bring good luck]. [!]

I even draw an exclamation mark to make it look a bit distressed. Right, there will be good luck if you laugh. In fact, I would have cried so much if I was sick, but now I didn't feel any pain. Is it because I just lay still? What's more, how can I scream in front of a man who can't sleep for 10 days? " Hooo." Euredian let out a deep sigh. "I don't know what she's calling out." Pardon?" I looked up at him in bewilderment. I barely blocked my face as he tried to kiss again. I opened my mouth, "What are you calling out, what are you-------------------------------------------- ?" However, something moved under the quilt. "----- ?" Something small, something very warm wriggling over my body. It was climbing. The ticklish feeling, which began with the left leg, gradually climbed up. [Pwua!] A very cute sound popped and something stood on my chest and stuck its head out of the blanket. It squeezed between me and Euredian as it took its place. I looked down at the ball of silvery fur.

[You are so slow to open your eyes.] " ." [Your divinity is so small that I'm like this, crumbs.] A frivolous voice rang in my head. I gazed at the haughty little wolf with my mouth wide open. Ra Raulus?

Heuk. Before I could say anything, Euredian swept Raulus away with his hand. I was astonished and Raulus exclaimed unjustly, [Look at this, crumbs! My child doesn't recognize me and is so cruel!] " ." Of course, it was a voice that Euredian wouldn't hear. "Since that night, this strange thing keeps popped up---." Euredian muttered, coming close to me. His gaze fixed on the young wolf, as small as my forearm, wo raised its head. I noticed the eyes was the same sky blue as mine. [Strange!] The little wolf shouted. "Did you summon that?" [That!] This, this weird thing--- that thing---I'm speechless. [It's no use raising a child----.] Raulus darted into my arms gloomily. I quickly hugged and pulled the baby wolf close. Well, you didn't raise Euredian, but I'm sorry to hear that. [Like, I raised him! Where did all that power come from!] And Raulus seemed to be able to read my mind now. I quickly stopped thinking. Well, you're not sensitive. [Sensitive!] "it's-- It's my pet."

Ignoring Raulus' attempt to argue, I smiled first. It was because Euredian was looking at me with a very suspicious face. "Suddenly a pet." "Yes. I picked it up when I was lost in the palace----."

"There is a person who has released a beast in the palace with its master in it. Security is a mess." "No. Well, big, I'm outside the Imperial Palace---." "You were out of the Imperial Palace that day?" At once, the eyes were sharpened. I laughed vainly and pushed Raulus under the quilt. What do you call this? Actually, Your Majesty. I flew in the air that night with my soul and went to the temple. That's where I summoned Raulus---" ." I can't tell him that. How do I explain this? " " Eventually I chose to smile again. I pointed my index finger at my neck and shook my head. I can't use my voice. Euredian grinned with a puzzled look. "You only laugh like that when you can't answer it." I have no voice. I can't answer--I tried to hypnotize myself and wrapped my hands around his neck. Even though I didn't give him strength, he was attracted to me. I leaned in and lips touched lightly. Let's just skip this talk. Euredian was quick to read the meaning of my eyes and said firmly, "No. How can I trust a creature that I don't know where it came from---------------

-------------- to be near you---." "-- and neither does that night, and you are trying to avoid it this way. Not a second time---." Tsk. Seemed he won't fall for second time. Just let it go. " ." I glistened my eyes with all my heart and soul. Even if I need to say it, I need to organize my thoughts first, but not right now----------------------------! A light of resignation flashed through the purple eyes that looked down on me. He murmured quietly, "I can't stand it." After all, I was the winner. I laughed while I was at it. "Hehe, as expected--." "Stop talking."

But is it really a win? I couldn't speak anymore as my lips was caught again. I thought it would touch lightly, but then it dug in roughly and in a hurry. Then it became cautious again. The bitter and cool taste of medicine and fishy smell of blood filled the mouth with softness. As if soothing, he gently swept through the wounds and bitterness all over my mouth. The screeching of the throat slowly subsided by the shimmering divinity. "Heu----." However, apart from that, I was out of breath. My lips were dry. It seemed like a burden to me at any time and it was a divinity that was constantly coming in.

I could feel the tip of my lips rising slightly. Before I knew it, the man, who had returned to his usual loose and languid face, whispered in a low voice. "That thing, you're not going to keep it around, are you?" "Hmmm, what, what---?" "It's already annoying that more than one or two trying to stay close to you." Not one or two. What else is there---However, my mouth was quickly eaten by his lips just like what I did to him that night *** It was late afternoon on the same day that I clearly confirmed the existence of 'things sticking to my side'. "Why didn't you tell me? "What?" "What do you mean, your constitution?" "Ah." I was struck dumb, "It's not a big deal. Let's drop it." Sergey pushed me with a false angry look. Of course, Sergey's strictness didn't work because I was not moved at all. "I'm going back once my condition returned to normal." That remark was sincere. It was a conclusion that came up after barely letting Euredian back into the Oval Office. I'd rather be away from Belgoth right now. When I woke up, I remembered vividly what happened ten nights ago as if it had happened yesterday. Including the things that Raulus saw and heard from the underworld. I slowly turned my thoughts while I listened to Sergey's nagging. [Your body, I'll take it.]

The sound of whisper that confirmed of Soleia coming back to the ground.

Taking the body, I recalled at the end Soleia turned back like she was possessed and was walking toward the skeleton. Hades The god who rules under Lemordi took Soleia's body "Are you listening to me, Yerenica?' "Hmmmm." I answered insensitively. Scratching Raulu's soft back with my other hand. Raulus reported that he had shattered. It was my limit, given the fact that I had to kiss Euredian before I slumped to the ground. [I did not know that the little Princess was capable of summoning Raulus]. Raulus. I, the little Princess, quickly became a target of Hades. Wow. I was kidnapped instead of Tezevia and now I was targeted by dark magic instead of Euredian which makes life a little rainy. I buried my face in my palm. "Why a substitute, why----." Just nearly save my sister, then my man! How good would it be to do it? Why is it all my that burden the pain? [It's a fixed thing, so it's natural to fill it up with something when you are changing it, baby*.] Raulus said while curled up in my lap like a cute bunch of fur. Is this it? Ugly seven years old.

I pushed Raulus down under the blanket. Chapter End Notes *the korean word literally translated as 'baby' (which I usually changed as child) but now trying to use the word baby and see what do you guys think?? Anyway---- HOW COME YENNI CAN BE SO CALM AFTER NEARLY DYING???? LIKE HER ONLY COMPLAINED IS BECAUSE NOW SHE IS TARGETED. IF I WERE HER I WOULD HAVE MENTAL BREAKDOWN THE MOMENT I WOKE UP. OUR YENNI IS TRULY SOMETHING ELSE.

Chapter 94 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "Be quiet, seriously----." "What do you mean quiet? As soon as your body recovers, you'll pack up and leave, just so you know." "Yes, yes. I get it." Anyway, where I was. In the end, I was the target of Hades. So, I had to leave from here scheduled. Hades can't recognize divinity, so once I leaves Belgoth, he won't find out where I went. One more hopeful thing is that Hades said himself, 'Even if it takes a long time.' That means it takes some time for Hades, who are only skeletons, to dress properly. It is a fortunate situation for me.

[I've never felt this sleepy and drowsy before. Can't you do something with that body?] " ." "If I wanted to keep Raulus, the only one I believed in, on the ground, I had to be strong first. "No, I don't even want to be strong------------------------------------- --." I just want to be normal. It's too much to recover from mana sensitivity, but it's still possible for the body to defend itself. And even for that, one day. It was good to go backt o Lebovny quickly. In Belgoth, which is a heavy land, I could barely do anything. I would have chase Euredian around and he needed time to chase after the sorcerers and purify the land, so the timing is perfect. "It's good time to leave. It's so sad----." "What do you keep mumbling to yourself? Are you still out of your mind?" Anyway, there was only one thing left. How long will it take for Hades to come after me after taking over Soleia's body completely? " Ohhuu." Come find me. You, come find me! I screamed inside and flipped over my blanket. Am I the protagonist who is now fighting against the final boss? The hidden hero position that save the kingdom and the empire.

Writer, there's no way Yerenica can play such a grand and exciting role---" ."

However, at this point, it was meaningless to cry out to the author of . Now that Soleia's target has been changed to me and the existence of a big boss called Hades has been clearly revealed, the original work has been almost twisted. The story also means that one of my few strengths, that I know the best about the original timeline, is gone. It also means that I can't even guess what the future will be like! "Hey, hey?" Sergey who was embarrassed and being ignored, call out to me. A bad feeling crossed my mind. No way---I'm not going to take all those horrible routes in exchange for twisting the original, right----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? "No, it cannot be." I muttered in gleaming voice and raised my head again. First of all, how can I twist the tragedy of the original parents' generation? Of course, it's heartbreaking and I could be sacrificed in return, but---I had succeeded in beating the fate of the original that was given to Euredian Belgoth. " Woah." Only then did the weight of the fact flow to my bones. Ah right---Anyway, I did everything I had in mind when I came into this world. My willow, which was nothing more than a butterfly wing, was not in vain*.

I don't know what kind of typhoon hell it's going to be, but I kept all the people I wanted to protect anyway. Then I'm the only one left. I've been through a lot. I don't know what kind of aftermath I'll be hit by ! "Self-survival." I murmured emphatically, Sergey now looking at me as if I were crazy. "Self-survival, self-survival." I jerked my head up and due to this, my fluffy pale pink hair flew everywhere. "The goal, self-survival---- !" I had to develop my ability to protect my body during the time Hades completely sewed up Soleia's body.

It would be better if we could summon Raulus, the only opponent of Hades, more perfectly and we managed to perform a showdown with Hades then come back to Belgoth for the best possible scenario! In that case, the possibility that Hades' target changed to Euredian in the middle of it becomes zero and everything going to be all right! I clenched my fist. "How do I change it? I'm going to walk on flower path for the rest of my life------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! "Hey, let me take your temperature. Come here." "Go away, Sergey." It will be extreme training as soon as I get back, Yerenica! I made up my mind again after punching Sergey. The goal is to live until the end! ***

"All the official documents have been delivered, Your Majesty" "Without leaving anything?" "Yes." Diego Schumart sighed as he watched the Emperor still skimming through the papers with his unseemly eyes. It was only ten days ago that he saw with his own eyes that the entire palace was blazing with the flames of purification. During those ten days, the palace was not restored to its original state and the Emperor ordered the entire Belgoth to be cleaned up thoroughly. Diego was no longer sure how many bodies that the Emperor knows. "We've checked everything, so you can relax. The cleanup will begin later this month." "What about the time?" "Three years, maybe---." "Reduced it to two years." A knife-like word fell. And Diego was sure that it would take two to three years. "----- Yes." However, there was no way he could say anything. The Emperor's envoy escort for the Princess has completely failed. The good priest had felt a lot of guilt. In fact, even a person who has no relationship would feel guilty if they only stood by when the Princess was suffering. Especially if the person had witnessed the separation of the body and soul in front of his eyes and

can't do anything about it. Should I tell him or not---- ? Diego spent nearly ten days pondering over it.

Should he tell the Emperor that he saw the 'spirit' of Princess Yerenica, who was dressed strangely that day? But regardless of his decision, he didn't even get a chance to talk to Euredian. It was not unreasonable for everyone in the Imperial Palace, including him, died, because he couldn't control his words. The Princess was badly ill. It was ten days later that she opened her eyes even after her body filled with divinity. He'd watched it from the side. The Emperor was sensitive almost to hitting the limit. He was glad the palaces are relatively fine. It was fortunate that more than a dozen palaces did not fall apart. Of course, the garden and all of the other empty lands had burned black or hugely pitted. It's a good thing it only ended there, though, everyone had swept their chest down. Their owner didn't even care a bit about the ruined palace. "I heard that the owner tower, Rosell, is heading south. We've ordered all the way to southern Kelkita to speed up the cleanup, so we'll be caught not later than this year." Euredian pushed up the corner of his mouth. After the owner of the tower ran away with his disciple and the woman who had been designated as the next owner was taken to the ground, Belgoth's tower collapsed. The only thing left in the empty tower was dozens of dead bodies and a handful of wizards. There really weren't few wizards left available in the imperial court because they were locked in underground prisons. "----- Damn it." Euredian cursed.

How much time did he spend on the tower? A tower that had been built by countless ancestors was the house that was rooted in the most evil darkness. The tower on that day was crawling with dead bodies and being manipulated by black magic. "What do you say, do you hate dead bodies?" The sound of the witch's neck, which would not be cool even if it was torn and killed, could be heard. It's clear that she intended to do it. He don't know why but suddenly in the middle, he could clearly see that she was aiming for Yerenica. " ."

It is clear that Yerenica was planning something for letting that woman ran away. I should have taken it off. Reminiscent of the kiss, the bloody scent, Euredian pressed his temple. "How can I push it away----- " It was clear to him that she had penetrated to be brave for a moment. He was caught up in it and missed Soleia. A few days after Yerenica awakened, he continued to old onto her and ask why, but Yerenica never opened her mouth. But it wasn't the only thing to ask. There was another question. What the hell is that silver wolf that suddenly fell from the sky? That little wolf which resembles her sky blue eyes. Euredian remember that night when Yerenica mumbled in a daze. "Raulus-- "

It was a call with a clear purpose to voice the search for God in a crisis Chapter End Notes *t/n – she is talking about butterfly effect. ----honestly the author just casually switched from Diego's POV to Euredian's without warning

Chapter 95 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for However, Yerenica did not answer as if padlock was put in her mouth. In the end, even if he only able to draw the 'sol' for Soleia and 'Ra' for Raulus, he won't get anything more than that. "--- When did you really start hang yourself like this?" But it was inevitable for him, too. The feeling of cold body, like a corpse, still stuck between his fingers. "In the end, the one that killed the Princess is your servant ." It was the voice of the evil witch. In the end, he still reached out to confirm that she's alive and breathing. Nothing was more important than that. The mere sight of clear sky-blue eyes looking at him made all the doubts go away. Wherever she is, if she's alive and breathing in a place, I was once sure that I could let her go for a while. She can't be safe by his side. After all the cleanup on all surroundings, continue to check until there's not a single thing left.

Then he can fill it with greed. Euredian was overwhelmed trying not to regret that Yerenica is returning to LEbovny. Even the sadness right now is just greed. *** "So when are you going back?" Yerenica starred out of the terrace with her tired face and turned away. "Um. Tomorrow." "Tomorrow." Euredian replied roughly and turned his head to the road ahead. "Where do you keep looking at?" "--- Did I really do that?" It was lovely to see him tilting his head, stretching the end of his words. At one glance I understood what he was saying, but Euredian clearly ignored it. "You'll have a long way to go." "What did you just say?"

"Is your neck okay now?" The blue-eyed quickly turned to a sharp look. As if not going to let it go, he followed Yerenica to the terrace. "What the hell is that?" "Ah, that." "Ah, that one?" It was like a breath of excitement coming out. Eueredian continued listening to her.

"I should have known from that time when I had so much lost in front of Belyuk Palace. There are only a few devices that return to the Imperial Palace, but if you burn them all like that, if you dig them all like that, you can't even walk around." She quench in the middle of her sore throat. Although it was getting better, the neck would get worse again and Euredian blocked her mouth by hand. "Stop. I understood." "You don't seem to reflect it." "I am reflecting." If he had known that the palace would be destroyed this much by purification, he would have set up the palace repair department as soon as he ascended to the throne. Euredian reflected on himself, who was complacent, and focused on Yerenica again. "How is your neck?" "---- It's all right." "What about the bruises?" "It's almost all gone. Would you like to see?" Eureidan laughed as if her were sighing as he held onto her hand that about to roll up her arms at once. She still looked like a thin glass full of cracks in his eyes. Glass in danger as if it were going to break right now. The black print on the thin neck did not disappear even after nearly two weeks. How much it must have hurt inside of the neck. Her body dragged along by the dead maid was full of scratched and bruises, all arms and legs. It wasn't broken or cracked. 'Thank God for that,' is what the imperial doctor said.

In addition, the internal injuries were severe enough to cause bloodshot wounds as soon as she woke up. He couldn't say it was all right in that situation.

She laughed so brightly as if nothing had happened to her. It hurt his heart to think about that face again. It hurts as if he were scratched with a rake. "Your Majesty?" The thin end of the bandage swung in the wind, covering the ugly handprint on her neck. Yerenica patted him on the shoulder with a bright smile. "Would you like to know something interesting?" "----- What?" "Now I can see what you're thinking just by looking at your face." I have no idea. Euredian held back the words that he wanted to say. When he first met her, he thought there would be no other person whose face is a open as this woman. He was wrong. Perfectly wrong. Yerenica thought she could cover her face with that smile. Whether is it her intention or not. It was destructive laugh that burned the viewer. Yerenica smiled just like that and flung her legs down the railing. "Well, you like I do something you don't like again. What do you not like again?" "There is no such thing." I can't say that the smile is not sweet. Of course, her smiling face was lovely, and I was self-assertive wielding face, but still. A crying face would be better. If you're sad or hurt, because I can tell right away. " ."

Euredian grinned at that thought. It was a dangerous idea. Can she read this thought? "Ay, it's not. Don't try to fool me. You're thinking about something else, right now." "Really?" Well--"Then guess what I'm thinking right now." He spoke "Um----." Yerenica tilted her head. She seemed to ponder something for a while. Then she smiles brightly. "Thinking that you want to kiss me?" It was simply a word that took everything he had to say. The gently comb pink hair curled in the wind. It fluttered over the bright full moon above her head.

The full moon at dawn was just behind her. Euredian could not discern which one was shining more dazzling. "--- Not wrong." "Are you sure?" In a quiet answer, he picked up the blanket that hanging over the railing. A thick blanket over her slender shoulders. A small body snuck under the blanket. It was a habitual move that had been learned in recent days without going through too much thought process. Yerenica frowned gently when the blanket was tightly wrapped. "Oh, really. This is overprotective--."

Before she could say anything more, Euredian kissed her lips lightly. Yerenica's body trembled slightly. " !" However, it was short. The sticky wistfulness stretched out as the distance grew. Yerenica blinked, "Um, is this the end?" Euredian managed to put up with a false laugh. Sometimes Yerenica has often embarrassed her opponent with her excessive words. Ha. This, seriously. Should is ask it as a request? Euredian swallowed the word and said something else, "It's a shame." "A shame?" Again, the hem of the blanket was opened. He didn't want to let the woman who's been suffering for three and half months in his country to catch more colds. "That's why you'll greet me more the next time we meet." Euredian wasn't sure about it. No matter how he purified the entire Belgoth. Even if he kill Soleia who ran away. Will she still hold his hand? "Eumm---." A slight frowned grace his face as he agonizing over something that now added to his mind. She slowly opened her mouth after a long time of contemplation. "Well, then shall we do this?" His uneasiness slowly crept in "There's something I want to say to Your Majesty before I left." Yerenica said with a playful wink. "What do you want to say?"

"You must have to bear it somehow." Yerenica whispered, stroking her lips with a thin, cool finger. "Then you'll come to me sooner because you're curious, right?" It was a dizzying sweet whisper. It was enough to loosen his hardened face. A thin arm wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer to the smaller body. He ended up in big hug. "I will take the regrets. You only have curiosity*." It was said with voice that flowed to his ear like a dream. The words were indeed a sweet conviction. The color of her hair seemed to melt away from the person his arms. And at that moment, Euredian realized that just like her words, he would not forget it. Just like the beautiful kiss of the night the shared just like when the Imperial palace was on fire. *** The day of the departure had been busy since early morning. "Be careful on your long trip, Princess. It's a medicine you should take right after meals and it's a supplement, and this is for the day and dinner." "Yes." "You should never exercise too much for a while. Never riding a horse or anything. Never! You can't do that." "It's okay because I can't ride." "Never, never, never, never, ever, ever go near a magician or any magic tools. If you don't take care of it, your internal injury could happen again." "Huh. Yes."

It's terrible to think that internal injuries are going to explore. I listened to the never-ending cautions with the imperial physician holding my hand. "Your divinity has improved a lot but don't forget that you're still a patient. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand." I smiled as brightly as I could and nodded. Otherwise, I don't think I will be let go until the sun rises. There were other people who held onto me even hugging after I saw the attending physician Chapter End Notes

*t/n --- tbh this whole conversation between the two just hard to understand. I think this one is a nod to when Euredian told yenni not to leave anything behind that she will regret (after the nightmare arc). (this weekend probably going to have this proofread and change some parts --- will update it). But in all honesty, author-nim always make it hard when it was Eru's POV

Chapter 96 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for The maids who have taken care of me when I was in Belgoth Palace came out of the door. "Princess......" Marianne, who I haven't seen in a long time, shed tears from her eyes. I approached Marianne with a smiling face and gave her a big hug. "I heard you were sick. Are you okay?"

"I can't believe that's what I'm hearing from you, Princess......" Marianne said while in tears. "I shouldn't have sent Leria that day instead....." Leria. Her name made me stiff. Poor young lady who was murdered by Soleia. I was informed later that she was assigned to the Imperial Palace as Marianne's pinch hitter. " It's not your fault." I said to Marianne with a sigh. Leria's body was said to have been engulfed in the flames of purification on that day when Euredian was purifying the entire palace. He said that she was burned up without a trace because she was influenced by black magic. "She had gone to a good place." You have to believe that. It's better to be cleaned up than dragged underground into Soleia's hands and be her doll. She had gone to a better place, I'm sure. " ." Written by the mouth. (I'm not sure about this sentence, sorry.) I consciously blocked the thought of Leria. The sensation when she held my neck and put in mana can take the warmth away from three gold bodies just by thinking about it. It's just a face controlled by Soleia, but it's still the face of Leria anyway. It will probably remain a nightmare for a lifetime. I looked at Marianne for the last time and fell out of her arms. "I'll see you again. Well, it's going to be a few years. " "Princess...... "

How many years will it take? To Euredian, the words may be plausible, but in truth, they were like a break-up without a promise. As long as I don't know when Heidis will come to kidnap me. I sighed and turned my eyes to the side. The last one on the long line of people who has come to see me off was Diego. "Be careful, and please return......" Diego blurted the last of his words. There was a huge amount of anxiety in his good-naturedness. I tried to say something but my lips have been only opening and closing over and over again. I see him hesitating. I glanced around and winked at Diego. "Shhh." " Princess." "Shhh, it's fine. You know what happened that day, right?" On that day, Diego was the only one who saw me in a state of being a soul that came out of my body. He truly is a good and faithful priest. Now that I think about it, perhaps the reason Diego was able to see that day was because he had one of the highest divinity in the world. I'm glad Euredian didn't catch me that day. How many sighs of relief have I given just because of that fact? " I believe you're all right." "Of course." Diego looked down at me with eyes full of mixed feelings. I leaned close to him and whispered low to get rid of others listening. "If you say a word about what you saw that day.......... " "If I say anything?"

"I'm going to pray to Raulus every night to put heaven on the temple of Barishad." Diego doesn't know how scary this is. And, as expected, Diego only smiled, not at all showing signs of being scared. The good priest will never think about it even in his dreams that the god he serves will all his heart is now in my arms. The wolf cub, who had been in my gentle embrace, gave me a loud snort. [I'm not going to punish you. I'm not getting off.] "Ah-ha-ha. Rauli, if you keep moving, I'll throw you away." I patted the wolf's silver fur with such a sweet grace. Raulus was so dumbfounded that he seemed to have lost his words.

[You... little baby... ...what did you just call me, no. It's not... it's not......] I let Raulus be shocked at that. "Anyway, Diego, you've had a hard time with all the troubles I gave you. Thank you." "No, Princess. I'm the one that's thankful." "Diego toward me?" "Yes." Diego spoke affectionately. "Someday you'll be back. His Majesty will be the one who'll get me out of trouble." "Pft. " He still had a warm, good face for a joker. When am I going to see this handsome priest again? I opened my arms in regret. "Now, Diego, let's hug... Uh?" I tried to give Diego a farewell hug, as I did to my doctor and Marianne, but was dragged back. "Eh?"

It was obvious who it was. I looked back sharply at the man who had bumped into Rauli and dragged me to him. "Why are you so mean?" "You're being mean. That's a legitimate interference." Euredian gripped my shoulder and turned me. The view swirled. Then, my vision was filled with the glistening silver hair, reddish eyes, and handsome face. "Yerenica. If you hug anyone so carelessly--" "Oh my god." Euredian seemed to start nagging me again until I can't see the end of it. I gently shook my head with a frown. "I don't. I don't. I've said it many times, but why can't you believe it?" "You have a very splendid record." And he seemed to have no intention of backing down when it came to this matter. This man's jealousy persisted in a place as strange as the iron wall he had. I ended up nodding my head off again and again. "I'll be careful. Don't lie down, don't sleep, don't hug..."

"Don't let him in your private place." "....... Not even in your room. " Euredian looked as if he was still not satisfied. I caught a glimpse of the Lebovny envoys checking the carriage. Well, now's the chance. Thud. I slightly tiptoed and kissed him lightly. Even if it was a short moment, a pleasant divine stream flowed into me.

Of course, I overlooked the fact that the people of Belgoth were lined up behind us, watching, and only paid attention to the Lebovny's group. It's so unfair that I can't even kiss him before going. Euredian murmured like a groan. " I don't want to let you go." "Now that I think about it, I think it's a little disappointing." I closed my eyes and made the prettiest smile. "It's unfair if I'm the only one who's sad. He has a spoonful or something." I'm dying of grief. I don't want to go. Oh, I don't want to go. I wish yesterday morning would come again and time would stop right then. I looked at him with a look of regret and opened my mouth again. "I'm going to write a mountain of letters." "Yeah. " "If you don't reply, I'll be upset. " "Yes. There's no chance that would happen. " " And, uh, this." I held out to him what I had been holding in my hand all morning. Earrings with a silver cross and a purple jewel in the middle that sparkled in the morning sun. "It really is regretful." " ?" Euredian picked up an earring from my hand with an air of wonder. What I gave him was the other pair of earring that summoned Raulus. Maybe the other pair would be one of the things that will stick to my body until I die. Moreover, it has the colors of the perfect Euredian Belgoth. So this was kind of like a buoyant token. An amulet to wish for my safety and well-being while I'm away. A token of my promise that someday I will

come back and return to make this a pair.

I murmured in a small voice. "Don't lose it." I don't know what this guy will do, but... It was okay even if I didn't know. I hope everything will be done before he comes to me... so that nothing will ever be known... No, I don't want that much. I just want to live until we meet again. I suppressed my complex emotions and smiled brightly as best as I could. "You can look at it every day and be sad. Why didn't I make a move sooner? I regret it." " That's too late after last night." "It's different in the morning than in the night." Euredian smiled with a face that meant he could not accept it. "Yeah, we're going to do everything from now on." His warm fingertips touched my ear slightly, and soon lightly touched my cheek. It was a short, plain touch, as he did to me not long after I came to Belgoth. "Yerenica!" The envoys must have arranged everything now because Sergey called me and beckoned from far away. It was really, really time to go now. The foot that could not move easily finally has to move. Turn around, take a few steps. " " In the end, I couldn't stand it.

Whether Lebovni's party is watching from afar or not, with people from Belgoth behind us. I put Raulus on the floor, who I had been holding all day. [What, it's dirty. Why did you put me down?] I ignored Raulus frowning at me. Not so fast, not so slow, I turned back. Step. Step. Step. And walk like three steps, come on. " !" To the man who was like my lifeline, who I found for the first time since I fell into this world, I embraced the man who succeeded in changing my tragic fate for the last time. Like I've been doing so many times.

At once, my body was filled with divinity. Soft and tender, yet stronger. He embraced me back. Breathing in my favorite clear, chaste body, I vowed never to forget this feeling until the day I meet him again. Each and every detail of him is engraved in my five senses. Yes. I did something. In this land hostile to me. Something has definitely changed, and now everything is unclear and unsecure, so fearful, but I will move toward a future with so much endless possibilities. Me, Euredian Belgoth, and this world. Heartbeat. Heartbeat. The heartbeat from this living man's heart mingled with mine unknowingly. I was so moved that my heart was full of him that I did not cry until the end of the day. Chapter End Notes

For those that have read, "In you arms", you will notice a line or more in this chapter that will remind you to that fic. It hit so close to the heart.

Chapter 97 - Part 8: Winter and Spring, and Summer Chapter Notes #Translated by yolandajae Belgoth's winter was cold, skewing to the northeast of the Liger. White snow covered not only the north but also the central part of the capital, Barishad. This winter was unusually colder than last winter. The South was rather warm. Although it snowed a little, the air was warmer than in the North. "As expected, you're coming to the south, so it's going to be worth a while there." "I see. It's warm in the south during winter. Although the summer heat is murderous." Duet, an apprentice in a white, patternless monk's uniform, was sharing a story. They had just arrived in Hezad, a small town on the way to the southern part of the empire. "So it's better to finish before next summer comes. Come to think of it, maybe you've calculated this." "...dreams are a little scary, Your Majesty......... Oh, my. Snow again." At the same time, when the snow began to fall again, the dearest priest frowned. His small hood falling down his face. The crab is grumbling. "Anyway, the idea of a tight schedule remains the same." "Everyone would think so."

The little priest followed them, covering his hood and tightening his string. "I can't believe you're going to clean up all this big piece of land. I know you're trying to eradicate the root of the hump. Isn't two years too much, though?" "After this clean-up, half the Belgoth priests will be sick. Including me." But aside from saying so, the face of the two priests was not so faint. It was natural to take a good rest for four days and come back out again thanks to the sharpness of the travel. "Anyway, there's nothing impossible. It's been a year and a half since we came down to the south, so it's not impossible to clean up the rest of the area in half a year." "That's what surprises me."

Two, two, two. The conversation went on and on. The snow fell from the sky and stepped on by the feet of the people walking. "I heard Mr. Schumart is coming down south this time." "Mr. Schumart himself? Why?" "I'm afraid we've been told to pay special attention to the South." "Really? It's like... A temple in the South is quite going to be a place." The tall priest nodded as if he knew. The farther away from the central part of Barrishad, which lies slightly north, the fewer temples were built to hold the Raulus deities. Although priests at local temples regularly make regular visits, they lacked an absolute head count of the priests, forcing some of the priests in the northeast and northwest to go south in order to carry out a full-fledged cleanup.

But what the opponent said was not the point. The little priest whispered when he lowered his voice. "And so does that. There's news that Kelkita is the final destination for cleanup." "Kelkita? The southernmost part of the Empire?" "Yes." The tall priest gave such a disingenuous look. "Isn't Keelkita a smaller city than this hatchet? Perhaps the flow of the capital is the last area to be delivered." "That's probably why we're paying more attention. In other words, the freest place in the power of the capital city. It's also a story of." "My goal is to clean up everything including Kelkita before summer." "But, as far as I know, Kelkita, wasn't the station the first to carry out purification?" The tall priest nodded his head. "I remember clearing up the Kelkita base when the order to clean up the entire Empire was first issued..." "It did, but..." The short priest blurted the end of his words. "This is really classified." The short priest hesitated for a long time, not hastily speaking out. "Everyone, there was an order to change." "So, all the way underground, let's say." "What if it's underground?"

"Yes. Perhaps Ms. Mo, who regards it as the home of the Black Wizard......................................................................................................... " The short priest kept silent no longer.

A private guard. Someone stood in their way. "Ah.............. " "Ah......... " At the same time a small exclamation popped out of the mouths of the priests who saw ahead. A silver cross was painted on the edge of the white cape, meaning a high priest. And a silver cross with a red purple jewel hanging from the chest. A tall, slender man slowly lifted his hood slightly. A face with a good smile was revealed. The faces of the two priests, who recognized the faces, were surprised at once. Looking at the surprised priests, Liro, the friendly voice, and Diego Schumart, the vice-deputy of Barishad, greeted them. "Long time no see, brothers." *** "You said you were going south, Deputy? Why did you come here?" "I've got business at Hezad. It's a matter of urgency, so I have to be in a hurry." Diego replied with a good smile. However, it was a strangely vague. They were arriving at the temple of Hezad, located in the middle of the road south of Belgott. The two probationary priests showed signs of party desolation at the sudden appearance of Vice- Principal Barishad. Diego smiled calmly. "Are you two on your way from Cielas?" "Yes. I was just on my way to Hedjard after finishing my report." "I see. Did you have any trouble? Ah, Cielas was a famous city for being faithful." "Yes, yes, yes............................. Nothing special happened."

When he talked to the vice-deputy, the eyes of the priests of Seodo glanced behind them. Four knights lined up behind Diego. Although they were all wearing the hood, they were a little sharper than the average priest, and the aura of the holy knight was unsaly. The small priest sat down and opened his mouth. "The vice-deputy is..... What's going on with the priests here. " "Oh, well, it's not a big deal. When i'm done, I'm going to go to the south. Since You don't care about this, you just have to do what you've been instructed to do."

"Yes....... "" However, there were a small number of paladins he was involved in. In addition, the man behind Diego was wearing a hood and a collar to cover his entire face, while the second in Belgott was feeling more pressure than the priest, Diego. Even though he was dressed in the same costume as the Knights behind him, he was strangely eccentric in the air. He's covering his entire lower part as if he's wearing a mask alone, and he's covering his eyes with a hood, but he can feel the lines of poetry that seem to be staring at him. He was hardly seen as a knight of a priest. "Brothers" Dierigo opened his mouth in a soft voice, drawing the attention of the priests. The two priests came to their senses and turned their eyes back to the vicedeputy. Diego spoke in a friendly but stern voice.

"Secret is confidential. You know that, don't you?" "Ah." "It's okay between us brothers, but please be careful not to spread among the commoners. When the story begins to circulate, there's no meaning in keeping it confidential." The tall priest nodded his head with a prickly face "Yes, yes, Mr. Schumart. We will keep that in mind." Diego smiled goodly. "Then we'll go and pray to Raulus now. But I hope everyone will cheer up, too." "Yes, yes. Venerable. May the will of Raulus always be with you." "May Raulus be with you all the time." It was not until he escorted off the priests, who bowed their heads while hesitating, that Diego turned around with a deep sigh. "If you make it obvious, you'll see if you're an apprentice. Go around with a little bit of Galmuri." "I didn't do anything." The man, who had been covering his face with a hood and collar that came up to the end of his neck, replied in a strange way. The silvery hair glistened between the slightly two-slip hoods. Diego sighed. "Yes... did nothing... " As he was doing nothing, the divinity that used to swing around him was spread out in the air. It

was the emperor's hypocrisy. Euredian shrugged his sharp jawline and a masked collar at the mouth. "I think you're too much of a carrot." "..."

"You're all good, but people are so harmful." You're asking me to correct my personality..... Diego smiled vaguely. "I'm not a leader, am I? All the priests in Belgolth are brothers. How do you count the days on your brothers?" Euredian clicked his tongue short. He knew best about what he had chosen himself as the next archbishop. Diego spoke seriously, "They are faithful brothers. You've been receiving all the cleanup operations, haven't you? That's a good excuse." "I hope you'll be as strict as half of what you let me do." Euredian grinned and snapped off a couple of buttons on his locked cape. A long necklace fell off the long-necked top. A small silver cross with a red purple jewel in the middle glistened on a silver cord. It was a bit unnatural for a cross necklace that priests used to hang. It was as small as a finger, and it was elaborately crafted to the point of anger, making it appear to be worn out by jewelry rather than symbols. Diego looked at the necklace for a moment and then looked back at the emperor. "Well.............. anyway." The snow on the tip of the cape and the foot melted into the air. Euredian murmured senselessly. "I wish I could get this far." " The information will be accurate. It's a wait that's been going on for months. " "I'm looking forward to it."

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch #Translated by yolandajae "..." Diego slightly hardened his expression in the foreboding of the premonition that flashed through his mind. It was resolute and rigorous. "This time, please be careful. If you make the whole area like that again..." "Did you make it?" "I'm going on strike first." It was too friendly and informal for the emperor, but neither cared much. Diego continued his words with great emphasis. "You burned all the Imperial City last spring, you overturned all the Lena de Regions earlier this year... I don't know how many times I've told you that it should never happen again, Your Majesty." "I know. I'm reflecting on myself." But there is no sign of remorse at all. Fortunately, Diego knew one of the few weak spots of the emperor. "The princess won't like it if she finds out." "...just don't tell her." But the answer was a beat late. Diego spoke without missing the gap.

"You're a pretty quick-witted person, so it's hard to hide." Euredian had not heard it. On the day when the entire palace was burned down, the lovely day that he had been looking

forward to crossed my mind. A fair mouth floated a faint line of call. It was already a year and a half ago, but he still remembers the dawn with vivid colors like yesterday. No, in fact, that was all those short times in less than four months. Diego once again pressed. "Don't add more work, Your Majesty. Please." "Yes." Euredian nodded absentmindedly. However, he knew that if he should make a little distance or that his opponent would run away, he would cover it up back and forth, and He knew that. Behind the deep sigh of a good priest, Euredian moved his steps. He's headed to The Hezad, a long distance from the capital. *** About a day after that. Fortunately, the worst that Diego was prepared for didn't happen. "Kheuk...!" The single-edged glasses fell down from the nose. Took. Degour. The divine stem, which is tightly intertwined with the target's wrists and ankles like a whip, tied the target tightly to the cave wall.

"Ok, what the hell is this...? In the air, the red mana began to squeeze tightly around the air. It was a mobile magic team. However, the magic team, which had been half-jawed, was unable to hold out and broke apart when Shin Sung, who was a mana of the limbs, suppressed the mana of the specimen. The reddish mana faded away. "I'd rather not rebel. It's more difficult to get behind than to get this halfwave down." Diego looked down at the old man on his knees with mixed faces. Chernata rosell. One who was once the owner of a tower. An old wizard who fled a year and a half ago with the treachery of the tower. An old man clinging to the wall, bound by a chain of divinity, spat out like moan.

"Schumart..." "Long time no see, Mr. Rossell." Diego breathed a faint sigh. Chernata Rossell was incredibly shabby, once the teacher of all Belgott's wizards. "A year and a half ...No, is it a little longer?" "I've been feeling that you were on the trail, but I hope you didn't come forward." "It's a matter that needs to be taken care of." Diego glanced back and answered. The Emperor, who did not come forward in person and watched Rosell quietly being trapped in the two. In fact, there was no need for the emperor to come forward.

With three Knights under the emperor and Barishad, he was already a vicedeputy, so he was full of old wizards. Just as Diego was about to call him, Chernata Rosel, opened his mouth first. "Schumart..."Schumart " "Do you have anything to say to me?" Diego turned his head again and looked down at Rossell. The old wizard asked, spitting out a cough. "Did Your Majesty send you?" "...of course." Even the king is right behind them. Diego swallowed the words inside. Rossell rolled his eyes nervously. "Did he tell you to dispose of us, the wizards, immediately?" "..." Immediate disposal. Belgoth's law was to kill those involved in the dark magic law immediately after discovery without going through trial or to "purify" them by transferring them to the priest. Of course, today we have someone who can play with the law in his hands, so it's a different story. Rossell hurried on. "I'm not a dark sorcerer, Schumart. I've never had such bitter magic in my life."

"Really? Then why have you run away so far?" "...I couldn't help it., I was... too scared." "Did you betray Your Majesty without such determination?" "No, no. The Imperial Household of Belgoth, it's not the Emperor that I fear." The old wizard whispered in fear. "Because I'm afraid of the child." "..."

"The beautiful, cunning dark master I raised." "Sir Rossell." "Schumart, you don't know. How did she..." Diego breathed a short sigh. He cut off Rossell's words in a determined tone. "I don't think that's what you're saying to me." "To you or to whom? Let me go, Schwartz, and I promise you I'll never be Belgoth again." "Can you be quiet now?" Diego looked back at the old wizard with a pitiful glance. Still standing with his arms folded against the wall, he was scattered. Diego slowly opened his mouth, "What should I do, Your Majesty?" He could see the corners of the mouth, which had been crooked under the hood. Diego once again asked. "Is it an immediate disposal, Your Majesty?" "No way." The answer came back quickly. A beamed laugh came out of the man who was leaning against the wall. "There's so much to bite. Now It's a waste to kill." Buck. Right in position, he stepped on it. When the hood was completely pulled back, the silvery was revealed even in the sinking darkness. A handsome forehead under it, a sharp nose. a delicate line that is drawn by lips and teeth "Huck..." Rossell took a short breath. Silver hair, slightly shorter than a year and a half ago, was scattered on the forehead. His long eyes were sharp. His old lord, who was always on a relaxed day that was loose, faced him squarely, the opposite day of his memory.

A cold, firm, ignorant face. As if he had just awakened from the sewage, there was a man with a knifeedge sash with a dull face. Rossell could not face the face and dropped his gaze. An insensitive voice fell upon the mouth of his face. "Long time no see, Rossell." " ......Your Majesty." "How have you been?" There was no pitch in the question. he could hear the sound of the grass breaking open the buttons of the lobes. "I thought I'd order you to bring him to the capital and interrogate him." "When I think about it, I'm waiting twice." The following voices were so unsympathetic that they even went as far as to be lost. "I'm not as relaxed as I used to be these days." "I wish you could have had a branch that took the trouble of coming here myself." For a year and a half, he heard rumors that the Emperor was grinding his teeth and searching the entire Empire. Purification work is just an excuse, but in fact, the purpose of the process is to take over a group of traitors. He heard it had something to do with the collapse of the Belgoth Tower. The tower betrayed the imperial family. For Erudian, of course, purifying the whole empire was just as important as tracing the remnants of Soleia, but there was no way Rosell could know it and there was no knowing it. Swish...

A bluish-looking god bent like a hook wrapped around Rossel's virtue and back of his head, and thrust its core upwards. The emperor's view was captured as his head turned back by itself. It'a a sleepless day A face that he never thought a man who was always generous and loose could build. The emperor bent over. Eyes were entangled with the reddish ruler.

"You turned Soleia Elard into the enemy of the Marquis Elard. You." "You were the bloodline that survived the Purification Ceremony of the Dead Family Elard, which you directly accused the Emperor of 15 years ago." One by one, Erudian was the only in Belgoth to spit out facts that had already been investigated. It was an incredibly slow voice that I couldn't afford with that mouth. "I don't really wonder whether it was your guilt or for any other reason that you stole her." "Your Majesty, it's... " "You must have had your reasons for condemning the evil sorcerer. Yeah. That's not important, Rossell." The elongated thumb and index finger swept the chains of divinity that bound Rosell's left arm. "What I want to know is," At the same time the divinity, which had come out of the chain, had tied Rosel's neck like a prickly noose. At once the gasp was choked. "Where is she now?" "euk... euk.. " (lost for words)

"And what's her plan? That's it. What the hell does Soleia want to do in my land?" "Your...Your Majesty... Ugh..." "You wouldn't say you didn't know, would you, Rosell?"

Chapter 99 Chapter Notes #Translated by yolandajae The old wizard's face was contorted with pain. "Doesn't it be enough to put a criminal to death right now and have kept him as a disciple for nearly 15 years? Right under my nose." The emperor raised the corners of his mouth. It was a beautiful but twisted smile. The old wizard, who had been the owner of the tower since the moment the emperor was born, knew that nothing could be hidden away anymore. *** "Underground.... would have gone underground, Soleia." All the way back to the capital, Erudian thought about what Rosell had confessed. "I don't know how...... but beyond the world of the net spirits. It's all Needon. The ability to play with dead bodies and spirits was superior to any black sorcerer I had ever known." She's a woman who's been going over Lemordi.

"She had hoped to hold one of the most powerful divinity on earth which is Your Majesty. From the day you come to the tower, it's a good place to stay.......................................................... " It was a fact that she had been covetous herself. I've spent five years trying to get rid of a woman who's stuck with me. What he asked was 'Why?' Why was Solia Elard so obsessed with himself? "She is very cunning and hasn't said much to me either, but..................................................................................................... but I once asked as if I were passing by. Beyond Judetta, what do you think you'll tremble if you touch it?" Beyond Judetta. It was simply crazy. A place where even he, who inherited a force similar to the one that flows beyond the most Judetta

on earth, dared not even think to reach. A powerful wizard on the opposite pole is aiming for it. "Like that it's all over if you do. That's what she said." "But you're still holding your breath... I don't think you're gonna kill him right away." Diego broke his imagination and broke in. They were on their way back to the capital. A few remaining imperial wizards were flying a mobile wizard into the air. Euredian answered with a dry surname as he moved his steps. "It's a shame to get rid of him. He's the best wizard in Belgoth."

But aside from that, his actions against Rossell were not too harsh. When he heard all Rossel's confession, he burned him without hesitation; with its signature bluish, silvery, divine fire flower. Chernata Rossell, of course, was not a dark wizard, and so did not lose his life in the 'fire' ceremony. The fire of purification is basically a fire that burns things that are not allowed on the ground. But anyway the Divin Spirit was the power to dig up mana, and the flame, which was full of flesh, burned Rossel's mana close to all. It will take quite a while to recover. Diego was tongue-tied at the unhesitating disposal. As time went by, he gradually got used to the habit of carping him as if there were more in my mouth, but it was still difficult to fully adapt. Euredian's actions were so determined and cool when he took the remnants of the tower one by one. It's cold enough to make the back of the viewer cold. The good priest shook his head. "Let's take away the magic from the wizard, Your Majesty, and they have been very scared in recent years." "I knew it wouldn't do much to be generous." "Where have you saved your life?" "...I'm afraid I'm dead." Going to the low-lying, who was smiling like a madman, Euredian was again having a pristine day. He loaded himself into the mobile with quick steps. The son-in-law was immediately reversed. The biting cold has subsided. They can very quickly in the South is where they're going to head over to the empire in central street.

Unless there was a wizard who could form a magic trick to move a long distance at once, he had no choice but to change the movement several times. "I need that sense. A sense that best reads the power of Soleia Elard. Isn't the spirit of the disciple

best known to the teacher?" Euredian answered back to the bothersome day and continued his thoughts. "That night, I felt the ground split. That's how she always goes in and out of the basement. I knew right away. I've known it." The earth broke apart, and under it came and went easily. On that day, Soleia disappeared beneath the ground like a falling down. Under the ground. Underground. Below Lemordi? No matter how strong of a wizard she is, he has never heard of a human being who can cross over Lemordi. Human beings can cross the line of absolute taboos? No matter how many sorcerers we have, can we breathe in the world of bodies and ghosts? Well. No way. "..." But Euredian knew that it was not a very good way to self-assert the idea that Grill would not do. The complacent idea of not being able to do that has put the tower in a state of irrecoverable condition. His thin murmuring voice, like Rossell's breathing just before his death, flashed through his ear. "In fact, it wouldn't matter who it was if it were a powerful divinity. That's." "......."

It doesn't matter who it is..... He wondered why the remark was so catchy. One of the most powerful divinity on earth would be himself, a member of Raulus' blood, and a few priests, including Schumart. Why are you so... "..." Not even the little suspicions. or No way. He decided not to let it go because it was just an instinctive intuition. So he couldn't just let it go, even if he kept doubting the safety of his distant lover. The mind nervously tightened. For 26 years he had built up a wall with anxious feelings, and for more than a year and a half, he had to live with all those unfamiliar feelings. And he hang myself from time to time on short letters.

The letters were always bright and did not say anything to worry about him, but the anxiety never died down. Because he knows that no matter what happens, she was not the woman who will be delivered to him as soon as possible. And his anxiety, like walking on a sheet of ice with heavy metal teeth, was now growing to the limit. The reason for the anxiety was not clear, so the frustration and impatience were piled up together. Euredian was annoyed. "Why is it still only a year and a half later?" "..." "Do I have to fill two years?" Diego asked back with a start. Euredian frowned. His composure had been shattered long ago.

On several occasions a day, Diego sighed as if he were getting stuck in the ground. Whether or not, Euredian took his body to this eastward camp leading to the capital. Silver hair flew over the wavelength of mana. There was one conclusion of thought that anxiety and impatience gave rise to. I'll bring you back as soon as possible. The tea. The silver ten cubits stretched over the chest glistened in the twisting energy. Instead of the two men, only the small and the small ones remained where the magic team was launched. *** Spring. Hezad. After the cold winter, the first spring breeze began to blow in the south. In the role of Hezad, a road leading to the southern part of the country, the snow slowly melted and the warm air was about to sink. "If Your Majesty had come in winter, would you stand?" "What are you talking about, again?" Tens of thousands of stories have always been circulating in the bustling streets. Half the news was

false; half the truth was misrepresented; and I, Mercy, spoke of a near truth. "I've heard that you've seen the vice-deputy of the Barissad Church." "He wasn't the only Bishop." "Yet. Say something that makes sense. Why would my Emperor have walked all the way to this far-off place?"

And rumors about the Emperor were being treated as a buzzword in this small city. "This guy. I don't believe him." "There's no reason for you to go on your own. That's also a secret." "There's a reason." "I'll see you. Want it?" "That's..." The hem of the long cloak grazed the well-dried ground. "There was a group of traitors hidden in this Empire." A short burst of laughter as if dumbfounded. "In this rural city where orders have never been placed?" "Yes, It's said it was the owner of the capital tower." "Oh, man. You're making a big noise. That topic is taboo, taboo." "It's true." Although the air became warmer, it was still the season at the end of winter. People were dressed dark and thick. The black net vomit covered from head to toe was not noticeable. In the first place, there were many strangers in Hezad, the only city where crabs lead to the south. The sound of the vendors pulling carts continued. "I've heard that the head of the collapsed tower has run away. He hid here in a bar?" "Yes, yes. So he came down to this Hezad himself for questioning, His Majesty." "Hmm....... " The cart 7 stopped to sound as if it had arrived at the destination. The sound of Sakaman Rob dragging his feet to the ground also stopped.

"I don't like your face. You don't believe me, do you?"

"You have to believe it. You're too deaf. I tend to make floating rumors like a rock." "Oh, it's frustrating." "Why do you say that the owner of the tower was a black wizard of threat? That would make no sense." "I don't make such ridiculous remarks. What do you think I am......................................................................................................... " Drumming. Boom. Sounds of things unloads from the cart. And now a half-struggle. "I'd rather have more credibility in the rumors that His Majesty is married this spring." "Was there such a rumor?" "Well, I just picked up this night of the nobility who were going to the south to rest in winter. But isn't this place still credible? You're saying it's a rumor from the capital city." "Oh... well, the Empress' seat was quite empty." The gossip now seemed to flow toward the emperor's wedding. Few were interested in this room, which had stopped like a picture on the side of the road.

Chapter 100 Chapter Notes #Translated by yolandajae See the end of the chapter for more "So, who is the candidate empress?" "How do I know that? I've just heard that."

"I think I heard he had a long-time fiancee..." "I hear it's a rumor." "Really? This is a circle. I don't know what's going on. Well, that's the case with the capital." There was no name to draw attention to. He heard the sound of the cart turning off the load. And the ensuing sissycallous chats. "Did you hear that the blue-roofed Raina is getting married in the fall?" "Oh, that's..." The pace stopped again. The hem of the black lobes froze between the legs throughout the winter. It brushed the ground again, which had just begun to melt. The voices of the merchants who were coming by the wind slowly faded away. *** The spring winds also blew up in the capital, Barishad, the source of rumors circulating throughout the empire. "It's spring." Clarice Iven had just entered the banquet hall with her husband. The couple arrived late, and the ball was already in full swing. The light of the dazzling chandelier, the heat of the heat. Playing of the court orchestra. A full dance floor. The splendid hall was recovered unbelievably in the late spring of last year, when it was completely destroyed and burned.

However, as the palace was rebuilt, there was a small reduction in the luxury of the snow, such as the ceiling paintings and gold columns, which

reflected the emperor's tastes a little.. In fact, the atmosphere has changed overall. Since the Emperor nearly destroyed the Imperial Palace about two years ago. It takes less than a year for the palace, which was splendid but somewhat ethereal, to be settled in an elegant and tidy atmosphere. No. Of course the south of the palace was still under construction. Clarice looked around the hall, muttering to herself. "He didn't like anything too fancy." "Did he...? I don't think he had much thought." "No, not His Majesty." Clarice smiled meaningfully and tilted her wine glass. When she stuck out her pre-selected dresses, her white, tired face rose. she was looking for a dress that was less heavy and less gorgeous. It's already been two years, and she has been wondering why she remembered this in detail. she guess it's because she's hard to see in Belgott. Clarice glanced to the side of the throne, not to the enemy. The Emperor was not present. "Oh, where did he go?" The emperor, who did not enjoy dancing or social activities, used to wait for a couple of hours at every event hosted by the imperial family. Ever since he rose to the throne. But since last year, however, it has not been possible to establish a seat. Count Iven, who was close to his wife, clicked his tongue. "Tsk. The Marquis of Birezen. He still like to give his second daughter." "What?" Clarice's voice broke at once. "Where, where?"

Count Iven, who almost dropped his glass in surprise, slipped down to his wife. Worried about pinching his butt again, he pointed to the right side of the hall only after opening a moderate safe distance.

"Well..... there." Swing . Clarice's head turned combative. A glimmer of silver glistening to the eye near the terrace on the right side of the hall closest to the throne. The Emperor seemed about to rise from his seat and return to the Emperor's palace. It was the mother bird that was perfect for the Marquis of Birezen. There was a beautiful young lady standing shyly beside the marquis. The second daughter of Marquis Birzen. It was a young lady who was rising as a new flower in society. Clarice knows that face well too. Not thinking further, Clarice took a combative step. "W-Wife. Where...... ?" Count Iven reached out his hand, but he didn't have the strength to stop the wife. The count hurried after his wife, touching her forehead. As the distance neared, the conversation between the emperor and Marquis was clearly heard. "I take care of my marriage, Marquis Birezen." "I've heard that for two years already. Your Majesty, you're about to start thinking about marriage and how you're doing." In fact, it wasn't that the Marquis of Birezen was heard.

The Emperor's age is already close to 30 and the fact that he doesn't even have a fiancée was a problem to think about at least once. It was customary for the majority of the royal family to be engaged at an early age, ascend to the throne, and to carry out both marriage and have an empress. It was no wonder that the marriage of the royal family was an issue that attracted the attention of all the nobles, as it was not usually unrelated to the union of political powers. But tradition is only tradition. There is a gap between reality and fear to answer you. This was not a time of confusion when factions between the emperor and aristocracy, or aristocrats, were divided and at odds. Ever since the former emperor, who was fed up with political turmoil, expanded some of his monogamy to the royal family, the strife between the aristocrats of the capital has subsided noticeably. Furthermore, the emperor had no brothers or cousins who had grown up together, so there was no political opponent to compete for the throne. Since he was born, he was the only royal family to be named crown prince, and there was no room for him to dare to complain about the orthodox castle, so there was no reason to support the two

with the power of aristocrats. The only monarch with no political weakness. That was the status of this Belgoth's owner. Therefore, the conclusion is that although it is slightly against the custom, it is not wrong or urgent that the wedding has been postponed so far. Furthermore, the Emperor has not been a womanizer since he was a prince. Apart from the usual thrashing of young women around because of their

beautiful appearance, the Emperor was basically a man with a high wall, although he was always kind and friendly. The emperor gave a stiff answer. "My body and mind is healthy. So it's not like i am going to die tomorrow. If you're worried about my future, I'd say it's not urgent at all." "It's not because of silk succession. Your Majesty, Belgoth needs a mother. The Empress, who will give you a careful pat on the part you can't see." "Where do I lack? I thought the path south of the border was no more than a tyrant." "You know I didn't mean that. Your Majesty's workload will be halved if you take the Empress. I know you've been overdoing it all these months." "If you don't bother me like this, you'll have less of a burden on your mind.." But if the aristocracy's ambition to consolidate the family's position as the external enemy of the imperial family had all abated, was it? For nearly two years after the disappearance of the wizard Soleia Elard, who claimed to be the emperor's fiancée, the Emperor's family was full of old people trying to put their daughters around the emperor somehow. The Emperor irritatedly pressed down on the temple and spat it out. "Not once or twice. Aren't you tired of talking about yourself? I've been saying the same thing for two years." "But Your Majesty....... " "Your daughter may meet a man who is far better than me, Marquis." At that moment, the Marquis of Birezen, Clarice, and Count Iven all thought the same. Where the hell is a better groom in this country than a

young, handsome emperor? "Isn't it worth your daughter to spend as little as two years on me?" He said it softly, but the bottom line was, "Please stop bothering me and go away." Clarice felt a cool pleasure in the cold voice. She doen't have to worry about it again. She stepped forward, thinking so inwardly.

"Oh, my God, Lady Birezen. I was wondering where you went, and you were here." The Emperor's eyes, which found Clarice, briefly flashed a sigh of relief. It was a strange bond that had already been through a similar situation to the point where ten hands could not even count as rock. Clarice grinned. "Everyone is looking for love. " "Oh, there was a line of burning young men to kiss me on the back of my hand." "Oh................ Countess Iven." "May I take the Lady?" Clarice naturally caught between the Emperor and his father, and pulled the poor girl's arm to her side. The eyes of the Marquis Birezen were instantly triangular. "Yes, yes. Go ahead, ma'am." Count Iven slipped in before the Marquis said anything. He, too, has been involved in the play several times in his wife's ordeal, and at first his unnatural lines have become more natural.

Birzen watched Claris take her daughter away quickly and gnash her teeth. " then I'll leave you alone. Your Majesty." "It's the most welcome thing you've ever said to me today." The emperor answered sarcastically. It was obvious that the judgment was twisted. Now it was up to Count Iven to appease the Emperor. This, too, has been the case several times already. The count sighed heavily. "Today was Marquis Birezen." "Yesterday was the Duke of Raymond." "Oh, my God, did the Duke have a daughter?" "He said she was the in-laws' daughter. I'm so dumbfounded." The emperor gnawed his teeth violently. "Who doesn't want to get married?" Then what are you doing? The horse came up to the bottom of its throat, but the count swallowed it admirably.

It was because he knew well why the Lord was reacting so sharply. "Is there still no reply from Lebovny?" Chapter End Notes Countess Iven is team Yenni and she will make sure our Eru stays single until the Lebovny's Princess return

Chapter 101

Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu "...." Rather than a reply, the grinding of teeth could be heard. The answer was easily inferred. So, the letter had yet to arrive. The King of Lebonvy sure was testing his luck. It had been months since the Emperor of Belgoth sent him the proposal letter Count Iven recalled that it had been the beginning of winter when he first sent it. During that time the emperor had just captured Chernata Rossell and sequestered the man to the dungeons. Fortunately, the news hadn't spread out to the capital city yet, for it was a letter of plea sent quietly without the nobles knowing. It would've been the perfect scandal to circulate if it had been found out that Lebovny had yet to give an answer to the proposal after four months. "This feeling, is it that... " The emperor murmured as he tilted his head for the hundredth time. "What? What are you talking about?" "The feeling of being dumped." "Yes?" Count Iven unintentionally raised his voice. He could've sworn it wasn't something that could come out of the emperor's mouth. Eurdian Belgoth, a man of great position and stature, was not someone who could be dumped by the opposite sex anywhere. Count Iven bemused. "Dumped..."

Besides, the relationship between the two didn't even seem that bad after being separated for a while... "Haven't you been exchanging letters?"

"...Yes, until last month." "Then, it got cut off this month?" The Count unconsciously snapped his mouth shut at the reddish-purple eyes that looked back at him. The emperor swept his hair away with a tired look. "You don't mean to get back at me like this, Yerenica?" "....." "Who is trying to kill a man by drying his blood..." In reality it can't be done however, it's oddly plausible. Count Iven laughed senselessly again when he recalled the Princess of Lebovny, who used to be carried by the emperor comfortably, treating him as a means of transportation. Although he quickly lowered the corners of his mouth when he looked at his intimidating eyes. Anyway, it was only the Princess who made the Emperor of Belgoth, the Eastern River of Liger, so sweet. Who dares ignore the handwritten letter that the Emperor writes and hesitates to listen to his proposal? Of course, the scenario was only possible because Count Iven was completely unaware of the subtle tug-of-war between the emperor and the princess two years ago. Euredian loosened his cravat tie that was tightly wrapped around his neck. 'Am I being punished....?'

How many times will he be punished for his cold refusal to marry Yerenica two years ago? However, the fact that the communication that had been going well for over a year and half, to have it cut off for more than a month, isn't the intensity of the punishment a little too much? What they hell are you thinking? Have you changed your mind? But it didn't feel that way in the last letter..Is it because it's different from the West Side?' "..." His thoughts gradually flowed in the wrong direction. Unfortunately, you said that you would accept all of me. Are you taking back your words? You shouldn't do that. "In fact, if you're a strong believer, it wouldn't matter who it was. That child.." Rossell's voice kept ringing in his ears. The feeling left by those words grew heavier as the days went by. It was no longer a burden but a clear sense of uneasiness.

'So I sent a letter of marriage to the King of Lebovny on the very day that I arrived at the palace from Hedgard.' "....Hoo." He never thought that he wouldn't get a definite answer for over three months. In the meantime, the communication from Yerenica was cut off which made him go crazy. His patience wore down from each day's passing. Not only is he anxious to know when Soleia

Elard will make her move on Yerenica but now, he has to worry about whether she turned away from him. It's not the time to push and pull. I can't see her face, I can't hear her voice, and I'm so mad at her. Two years ago, the woman who stayed by his side like a dream didn't even show her face in his dreams. I'd like to hold you in my arms, inhale your scent, and kiss every part of you. The thirst that can't be quenched by the letters have piled up. But what if you don't even give me a letter? How do you want me to hold out? Or is that evil witch already out there? Is there something going on in Lebovny? "..." The worst case scenario keeps spreading. Euredian struggled to get rid of the knots that stretched out in his thoughts. And the thought found its track. "Is it a matter of direct confirmation?" Once again, he was slightly on a deviated track from reason and reality. "Yes?" Count Iven, who heard the murmur, was pleased with the idea that Euredian had just come to mind. Nobles all around him cling to him hoping for his marriage. Besides, the purification process is almost finished except for Kelkita. It'll probably be over by the time he brings her back to Belgoth. Above all else, he'll need to have permission for anything. Whether you're already out of your mind or still give me a lovely smile, either way, I wish I could hear anything with that voice.

" can't miss an answer when you're right in front of her."

Euredian himself didn't realize that he was doing a good job of thinking about what he couldn't have done two years ago. He made his decision before he even arrived at the Oval Office. Just finish the urgent matters and go personally. To Lebovny. *** "Father, is it really okay for you to ignore it like that?" Tezevia worriedly looked at her father, the King of Lebovny, who's crushing a letter in his hands. "It's a letter sent by the Emperor of Belgoth himself..." The letter, padded in a red-purple satin, was cut finely by the hands of the King. It fell into the trash can, having been meticulously destroyed so that it cannot be recognized even if it's attached again. Her father, who had done a great job with great focus, snapped his hands. "Well then, I don't know if it's a letter from the Emperor, but it's clearly from a thief who's only after the youngest daughter of Lebovny." "A thief..." The opponent is the emperor of Belgoth. Tezevia managed to hold back the words threatening to come out. A vague smile hung in her mouth. Euredian Belgoth, ruler of the empire that dominates the Eastern part of the Liger continent. The young Emperor is most likely the best groom in the

continent. No matter how you see it, it's like missing a golden opportunity that's right in front of you. But her father is stubborn. "My Yenni is staying with me. Why are you sending her to the Empire, that dangerous land?" "That's true, but..." Tezevia sighed. In fact, it's not like she didn't understand why her father is doing this. Her sister was kidnapped to the empire by Belgoth, who raided the palace two years ago. She returned home with an unusual illness that Tezevia had never seen before. The disease was called mana maladjustment. Though she stated that she was treated very preciously in Belgoth, her condition was poor when she returned to Lebovny.

Not only did she lose weight, but she also finds it hard to endure mana or even a small mana tool that is rarely found in Lebovny. Furthermore, once a month, she settles in the temple of Raulus, which she had never been interested in before. Her figure could be seen praying during the day. It was only natural that her parents' worries would grow day by day. 'But...' In any case, for a lady who's experienced all sorts of difficulties in Belgoth, she appears to be close to the Emperor... Tezevia recalled her sister visibly pleased with every letter that came from Belgoth. Her lovely little sister, blooming beyond recognition every year. Lebovny's 21-year-old treasure, Yerenica, was nowhere near a little girl.

Her unique color was still cute and sweet, yet the atmosphere surrounding her has changed to something mature. Like a glass bead that will break if touched, her younger sister has been captivating the men of Lebovny since she turned 20. Strangely, her figure sometimes appeared to be in danger as though she would disappear in the air. Of course, Tezevia doesn't know the reason even in her wildest dreams. "My beautiful daughter can't marry anyone. That's right..." "I do think it would be safer for Yenny to be in Lebovny..." I know that, but... She swallowed the words back inside. Tezevia has already seen several times the sight of Lebovny's knights, blushing beet red, peeping from behind the post. It was a common occurrence for Yerenica to have a bunch of flowers on her way. "Who the hell keeps on picking flowers and leaving them by the side of the road?" Of course, she would always grumble, unaware of the men's thoughts. Tezevia sighed. She's not an innocent child anymore, how can she be so oblivious of the eyes of men...? The King, who knew nothing of his eldest daughter's inner musing, clenched his chubby fist and made another statement. "He didn't even say that he would raise the Glucaman fee to 10 percent."

"He said he would raise it to 12 percent last time..." "...That's right, but no! I can't send my daughter to that extreme." "..."

It would be an illusion to see the clear sky-blue eyes shaking violently like a fragile boat in the roaring sees, but Tezevia clearly saw the king hugging the velvet cushion and pouring out tears in his royal office. "12 percent...."

Chapter 102 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu However, Tezevia was also thinking of stopping Yerenica when she said she would go to Belgoth, that treacherous land of mana stronger than Lebovny's. A child with an incurable disease called mana maladjustment! Eventually, Tezevia sighed and returned to her room. She kept the letters in a small box. The letters were secretly stolen by Sergey over the past month. Even though the letters were retrieved before someone realized they were missing, Tezevia still feels guilty about it. She didn't open it, but it was obvious what was written inside. "I didn't mean to be a hindrance of love..." Tezevia closed the box gloomily, believing that the Emperor would not invade Lebovny again. "I'm sorry, Yenny..." And from that day on, the unofficial correspondence between Belgoth and Lebovny has been cut off for a month and a half more. Of course, neither Tezevia nor the King, and anyone in Lebovny, has any idea as to what the case would bring. ***

Summer is about to begin. The spring breeze is starting to heat up more and now the season of sweat dripping through the back is coming. I was singing about how time didn't seem to pass when suddenly, I came to my senses and summer would be here again. "..." On my zenith is the sun and the blue sky was clear without a speck of cloud. The occasional breeze would flow between my braids. A slow and peaceful afternoon, a comfortable and safe palace, a situation that requires nothing to do.

"..." Yeah, it's a very good day for me... But I feel very uncomfortable. The returned letter was crumpled horribly in my hand. "That man is really..." Do you want to test me...? Not only for a month but for two and a half months you've ignored my letters? "You bad guy. Just see what happens when you cross me." I mumbled and threw the returned letter into the trash. It was a letter I sent to Belgoth 15 days ago. It's already been two and a half months since we lost contact. My stomach churned. "If you keep this up, it'll be 3 months before you know it." Until this spring, the exchanging of letters was not more than 10 days at the most. However, it wasn't enough to have two letters a month.

I took a deep breath and put on a kind smile. "No, Yerenica. Let's calm down." Yes, during the first month, he might've been busy. Let's say something happened to Belgoth. I can understand that much. That could be it. But... "Three months is too much!" I ended up crying and yelling. A baby wolf, which was sleeping in the bed, jumped up. [Damn it, you startled me!] "Maybe he changed his mind." [What?] "He has forgotten everything about me." [...that again.] Raulus gave me a pathetic look and lay back down on the bed. The sight of him scratching his fluffy stomach with his hind leg was so annoying. I looked back and peered at Raulus.

Feeling depressed, I pressed my right cheek against the window frame. Truly, I'm getting more nervous because we're suddenly out of touch. Hades, who stole Soleia's body, has yet to show up even though it's been over two years. It's about time he came, but he hasn't shown up so my anxiety grew. And now, the communication with Euredian was cut off when it was going so well, leaving a bad taste in my mouth. "You said you wouldn't keep me waiting!" Inevitably, a sense of sadness surged in my body. "I'm not expecting to see your face so why would you make me wait so long for a letter?!" [So noisy..]

Don't tell me..It can't be. Is this the end? That would be a problem. How am I supposed to pull you out from the original story like this? "....but, it's been a long time..." The simmering anger quickly cooled down and depression took place. Yes, because it's been two years, more than six times the last time we spent together, it wouldn't be weird if that can make a person's heart to change. "..." When I returned to Lebovny bravely, my confidence hit rock bottom. In fact, the first few months of being back from Belgoth, I really didn't want to do anything. I would hug Raulus every night and cry. "Damn it, I should've stayed in Belgoth regardless if it was a good choice or not. I am going to turn into a living zombie here first before being killed by Hades..." Yet after some time, the illness that I used to suffer from has shown signs of improvement. But after two years, I'm hit at the back of my head like this....? "I'll be damned if I really meet you." ....but how can we even meet? "I thought it was all broken down, but to think I'd have to crack that iron wall again..." So we're starting all over? Raulus, who knows the sound of my heart, chuckled. [Well child, the human heart is easy to sway, right?]


Raulus, in the form of a small wolf, was looking at me. He was lying in a slanted angle with his front paws clawing on the subject. What's more, his habitual teasing hit exactly on my anxiety. I lowered my head down in melancholy. "That's right...a man's heart is like a reed that sways easily....." Or was it a woman's? Damn it! What does it matter if it's a man or a woman? Then what if all of a sudden, there's the news of the Emperor of Belgoth's marriage – "Auntieeeeee!" My negative thoughts were silenced when I heard a small voice. "Uh, huh?" I raised my head, puzzled by the voice. "I didn't know she was coming today..." When I stood up and looked out the window, a familiar red hair came to my view. Wobble wobble "Aunt Yenny!" The moment I saw my lovely three-year-old niece, all my anxieties were pushed out of my mind. I jumped up surprised. "Brisney, don't wander without your mom. It's dangerous!" "Play with Bree!" "Don't move and wait for me!" But she was already gone. Wherever she came from, she must've been playing with dirt as her hands and skirt were all covered with it. As soon as I saw Brisney put her hand in her mouth, nothing could stop me from jumping out the two-story high window. "Stop, stop!"

The hem of the beige dress sprang out into the air. A pleasant wind softly swirled in my legs and body. Oh, that's right, I shouldn't jump from the window dressed like this. However, it was too late as

my body is already falling to the ground. As soon as my feet touched the earth, I quickly approached Brisney. "Ehe, my hands are dirty. Gross. Aunt Yenny!" Brisney, my niece, who is now three years old, the daughter of my sister, and the heroine of the original "Brisney Wants to Be Happy", smiled broadly and reached out her small, muddy hands to me. Oh, so cute. I grinned and brushed Brisney's hand gently. Soon after, Brisney was running around again. She wasn't very good at listening and I was good at talking alone. What's more, one mustn't take their eyes off from babies of her age. Brisney is a well-known troublemaker. "Where did you leave your mother to go alone, my niece?" "Bree is not alone." It was no exaggeration to say that her whole body was covered with dirt today. I tilted my head and hugged her for now. "Then who did you come with?" "Leesh." "Leesh?" I relaxed to dust Brisney's dainty nose. Lexie?

"Breeeeee!" Then, I heard the voice of a mischievous little man. Oh no...

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch #Translated by jiminseu "Oh God, these little rascals..." I found Alexio full of dirt all over like Brisney and sighed. "Come here, little rascal." Clearly, in the original work, Alexio was an adult and has a serious personality that did not fit his age. Is it really the nickname that Brisney use for Alexio? Then who the hell is this little rascal that's wobbling over to me now? "Please get down!" Wobble wobble. "Don't....... Brisney! Don't put your hands in your mouth!" It's too much to look after two children. Two three-year-olds who just got the most curiosity and stubbornness. Both were young babies who could cause any accidents if we took our eyes off them for even a moment. I sat on the edge of the fountain and washed their hands, starting with Brisney. "Where and how they ended up like this, again?" Did they make all the mess under the tree father cherished, again? Feeling uneasy, I wiped my face clean.

And admiring. Oh, she's so pretty. Is it because she's the goddess of the world or because she's the daughter of Tezevia? She's like a doll that's going to live like a doll. "Oh, pretty. My niece....... Alexio!" And in that short time, Alexio has fled far away as he could. "Where are you going, you rascal?" I had a runny nose. Alexio, who ran away even harder, was in the air. A faint silvery haze wraps

the child and slowly draws it to me. Flutter flutter. Instead of being afraid of being floating in the air, Alexio giggled at how funny it was. You're so fearless. I laughed self-helpfully. "I didn't learn to do this for this situation..." After learning how to deal with divinity from Raulus for as long as two years, I can't believe I'm using it only for taking care of a child. No, well, it's good to use it in any situation... I sighed and washed Alexio clean. I had no choice but to clean up my sleeves so that the dirt wouldn't get into my mouth or nose. [Sniffs.] "What are you smelling again?" Before I knew it, Raulus, who came close to me, was sniffing at Brisney. Brisney rejoiced and hugged Raulus's neck. "Kyaa! Raly!"

That's the way it is. No matter how young they are, it's still a wolf..................................................................................................... my cute niece wasn't as scared as Alexio. Raulus joked merrily. [I like this kid. She's a child with clean energy.] "I just washed her!" Raulus kept Brisney intact and began to play with her. Red hair tied in pigtails and silvery fur rolled over the lawn. The sound of the child's laughter filled the garden. "Me too. Me too!" Alexio, trapped in my arms, shook vigorously. And whispered cutely with a short tongue. "I'm going to play with Bree and Raly, too!" "No Lexie. You just got washed." "Hiing." Tears quickly filled the amber eyes. Oh no. If you cry with such a smart, cute face, this aunt's heart is going to drop, baby.... Our male lead, whom I praised in the original book, was just as cute as Brisney in his childhood. I finally sighed and dropped Alexio off the lawn. "Don't be naughty, Lexie. If you grab and swing a rose vine, or if you pull Bree's hair......................................................................................................... " "Kay..... !"

I can't trust him. I can't trust him. I was so suspicious that I ended up letting go of the child. He was so lovely that I wanted to hug him right away when he ran with his short legs. Alexio literally dug deep into Raulus' back. Soon a large lump of red-haired girl, a silver-haired wolf and a black-haired boy rolled around the garden.

"....." It was a peaceful sight. A midday sunlit garden summer flowers in full bloom. Moist trees that the gardener must have watered for lunch. A small brook that cuts across a garden. the chirping of the children's bright laughter. A little wolf with sparkling silver hair that seems to exist only in a fairy tale. I couldn't take my eyes off them and followed with an anxious mind. Where are all their parents and why am I the babysitter? It was a life I never knew. "ahaha." But those babies are cute as expected. Brisney and Alexio, who were rolling around on the grass, were seen banging their heads against each other and crying. In the end, I burst into laughter. It's all good. I couldn't have hoped for more of this peace. I hope Hades will forget about me forever. ......and I'd like him to at least write back. In the end, that thought came back. My increased happy feeling again subsided down. I squatted down in my seat and tore off a strand of innocent grass. "I can't go into Belgoth right now..... " The only thing that caught my mind was that the letter from Belgoth was cut off. If everything were really peaceful, some excuse would do for me to go to Belgoth. There was a separate reason for that. "Phew." What could it be? It's the aftermath for me... ... There was something I could never forget, although I sometimes forget about it because I was immersed in this peaceful child care life.

When will Hades, who has taken Soleia's body, come to me? The vague anxiety has dogged me for nearly two years. And from a few months ago......... the anxiety got worse and worse just when Euredian's letter suddenly stopped. I couldn't possibly dismiss it as a matter of feeling. That anxiety was precisely because it coincided with what I felt just before the Hades appeared in Belgoth two years ago. "Yerenica!" I could see Sergey running in the distance. I got up with a short sigh. Of course, there's no way only three-year-olds could have come to the palace.

I gave up my thoughts and looked at Sergey, who stopped in front of me, bent down and gasped. "Didn't you keep a watch on them, Sergey? Didn't brother-in-law ask you to look after them?" Sergey's forehead also had sweatdrops dripping, like he was really exhausted. Sergei replied, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. "Sorry, sorry. I stopped to clean up the flower beds that the kids dug up." "As expected, they're on my father's flower bed again..." I could see my father hugging the dead flowers for another week and crying for another week. I held back my thoughts. "What about my sister and brother-in-law?" "They seem to be meeting the king." "Aha. And Fernandez?" "Excuse me."

I laughed in vain when I found Fernandez trailing from the side where Sergey ran. Indeed, they were men without talent to look at a child. "You're going again?" "Yes." "Where are you going this time?" Brisney and Alexio went back to their respective mothers and fathers with their clothes and their cheeks full of grass. I answered, handing the two children in turn to Fernandez and sister Tezevia. "The temple. It's already been a month since last time, and it's time to go again." "Are you going alone again?" "I don't care if I'm alone." I shrugged my shoulders. The only place I'd like to go this time was the temple of Raulus in Lebovny. Located in the middle of Mt. Halitsan outside the capital, the temple was somewhat distant from the royal palace. Sister Tezevia had a worried look on her face. "Bring Sergey with you. I can't relax if you're on your own." "Sergey?" I glanced back at Sergey, who was playing with Alexio, showing a silly face. "Evebebebe. Lexie, look at Uncle. "Evebebe-"

"...." Which one is the 3 year old here? I shook my head weakly. "It's obvious if I take him. I'm sure I'll be a babysitter. I don't want to babysit an adult boy. If he's as cute as Bree and Lexie, maybe I can..." "Hey, what do you think of me?" Sergey glared at me with a sharp glare.

"You, you shouldn't look at me like I'm the little kid I was just a few years ago. Yerenica. I'm also growing now. " "What are you....... and you're the one who sees me as a kid." I chuckled. Certainly, he is a man, and he is taller and taller than two years ago, and he's even appointed as a knight now, so there was a problem to call him a little boy. But that doesn't change the fact that he's Sergey Lebanon inside. Sergey, a fussful kid. But my sister's opinion was different. "No. Go with Sergey, Yerenica." Tezevia said firmly. "It's dangerous to be alone. No matter how safe the Lebovny land is, there's danger everywhere." "Wherever I go, people are overprotective, why................................................... ?" It reminded me of a strange time spent in Belgoth. Well, compared to the overprotection of the time. I shrugged my shoulders. "I can protect my body now. If there's a place that uses mana tools, I can avoid them." The two years of training in handling divinity and raising the sensitivity of mana to the maximum were rewarding. Now, even if I walk alone, I don't have to sit down and gasp. "It's not about it." But sister Tezevia looked really worried. "Because I wouldn't know, Yenny." "What?" "There's that. Anyway, go with Sergey. Just in time, a group of Lebanese knights are training under Mount Halit. Go together and come back together." "Uh, uh "

Even if I said yes, I wouldn't like it! I looked around Sergey. Then I found Sergey, who had a serious and stern face just like sister

Tezevia. "I agree with you. Go with me, Yerenica." "What's wrong with you all of a sudden, both of you?" Not long ago, I used to be on my own..? I looked at the two alternately in wonder, but I didn't hear much of the answer.

Chapter 104 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu and we have Sergey's POV *** "Sister-in-law is very worried about you, Yerenica." "It seems more so these days. Why all of a sudden?" "It's not... suddenly." "Then what?" Sergey looked at his childhood friend with a very disturbed look. Yerenica. Lebovny's precious youngest princess was looking at him with a look of real ignorance. Sergey looked down at his friend for a moment and looked awkwardly. "What, why are you avoiding my eyes?"

He didn't want to say, 'Because you're so pretty.' It was his last pride and he didn't want to raise her nose higher. But in truth, Yerenica is very pretty. Even that sweet pink hair that's rare even in Lebovny, the royal clear blue eyes, and the silky, shaggy features, were pretty from the old days, but these days it's even more.... "Why is this guy suddenly embarrassed?" Startled. Sergey was so surprised that he turned his face away from her. I'm just thinking the truth, the truth! With a great deal of rationalization in one's own right. At the same time, worries rose slightly. " You, never go alone again, Yenny." "So give me a reason, a reason." Yerenica had an irritated look on her face. Sergey breathed a deep sigh. I mean, because you're pretty, so it wouldn't be weird if someone kidnapped you.

In addition, after a letter from Belgott recently stopped, she had a face that always seemed to be in a deep sorrow and caught his eye again. A weak constitution, a pale face, and a subdued look. It's the perfect triple combo that stimulates the pure protective instinct within. Even Sergey, who had seen her since she was a very small child, found it hard to see Yerenica's figure these days.

He flipped his eyes and gave a random answer. "Look at the mirror. Mirror." "Why do I have to look at the mirror? I'm always going to be the same pretty person." " Yes. I'm glad you're such a character." If you just shut your mouth, you will look like a doll and won't be tiring to look at even if you look all year round .... Sergey held his tongue with a cold face. "Aren't you self-absorbed?" "Can you say self-objective?" " yes." That's why I don't want to say that she's pretty. My heart, who was running fast, quickly found my beat. However, this is also possible because the opponent is Sergey himself. For Sergey, who had seen her since the time when Yerenica was in the temple, the impression of 'that's weird' was the first impression instead of 'pretty'. But his own sentiment is so. That doesn't mean that Yerenica suddenly became ugly. " " A friend who drew attention, regardless of whether the friend was a man or a woman, was striding along the street without any vigilance. Eventually, Sergey reached out and covered Yerenica with a hood. Immediately a complaining voice popped out "It's hot." "Your face." " ?" What the hell is this? Yerenica looked at him. Sergey turned to pretend not to know. He wouldn't have acted like this in the old days, but it's certainly hard these days to act nonchalantly around her these days. It could be seen on his face,

and in the atmosphere. In fact, it was almost three years ago when his feelings for Yerenica changed a little. " " She was a princess who grew up preciously, a little self-indulging, a childlike princess who can't tolerate sick or uncomfortable feelings due to the uncontrollable mood. Basically, she is a transparent girl who is honest and wears her heart on her sleeve. She was like that...... "Anyway, everyone is overprotective. I'm trying, too." Yerenica's grumbling has been long. Sergey kept thinking, ignoring her grumbling voice. Well, she has changed from quite a long time ago. Of course, there was a lot of talk, recklessness, and frivolousness in her words and actions. But on second thought, something was really different about her. "Um... " And after spending about three and a half months in Belgoth, Yerenica changed so much that it was obvious. It wasn't just her external look. Until then, she had been a child who showed everything she had in her mind, but now she seemed more adept at keeping things inside. When you try to sneak up and look inside, she will push you away. "We're just going down the mountain together. Don't follow me to the temple, okay?" " I'm not even curious." Like now.

What the hell happened in Belgoth, where and how did you get the disease, and what happened with Belgoth's emperor, and what caused you to fret yourself on a letter every 10 days, and what's really going on? Yerenica had never answered truthfully. Sergey held his tongue. "She's learned strange things from somewhere.......................................... " "What? This damn guy, really." An intangible energy hit Sergey's head hard. "Ouch. What do you see this brother as?" "I see you as a sap, why." A tit-for-tat. A meaningless war of words continued for a long time.

However, her changed personality seemed to be better than before when she was like an immature child. So Sergey just said yes and gave up. And first of all, it's more urgent to block the eyes of many men who keep on looking at his friend. "Hey, let's go together!" "Get away. Get away!" Therefore, the thoughts of Emperor Belgoth and her changed personality were quickly forgotten. *** "How many days are you going to stay this time?" "I wonder. About a week?" I put my hand on my forehead and made a shade. The temple on the hillside was hidden under the harsh sunlight. "One week. Okay. I will wait here until a week later?"

"You can go back first if you have work. You don't have to wait." "You'll be scolded by your sister." "okay then." I finally nodded, as Sergey was being so persistent. Sergey parted at a fork in the mountain. Sergey entered the path to the training camp where Lebanon knights were doing special training, and I entered the uphill road to the temple on the mountain. The package hung on his back shook, and Raulus stuck out his head. [I know why that child has been behaving that way.] "Please don't tell me an awful thing such as him being in love with me." [That's a proper self-consciousness, child.] "Well. I'll admit that." The mountain path that I have climbed in a month was a little rough for me. The ability to read mana and the training to become more familiar with divinity certainly helped, but it took away a considerable amount of basic physical strength. So even after two years, my physical ability has been converging almost zero. Stil, it's not like I'm out of the condition like that of a flailing sunfish! -I'd like to say that... but...

I still have a problem with not being able to climb a mountain path properly. "Hoo. Ha." [Will you pick me up?] "Don't joke with me..." I laughed at the little wolf that struggled to climb one of my legs. [You can increase my size.]

"Yes, I raised you, and then lost my mind and opened my eyes to the temple. What's going on with this kind of development?" [Right.] "Are you talking or farting?" Raulus did not return to the wolf the size of the house I saw the day I first summoned him. It was purely due to my limitations as a summoner. Raising Raulus more than the size of a forearm now will likely lead to a lack of divinity. I never dared to think of raising Raulus further. If you get bigger and bigger in the first place, I can't take you with me. "Hoo....... we're here." After an hour ride on the mountain, a spacious plain appeared before my eyes. It was the entrance to the temple of Raulus, the only one in Lebovny. [It's been a long time since I've been here. Ah, I like it.] Raulus ran excitedly to the entrance to the temple. I took a deep breath, wiping out the running sweat. Warm and sour air came in through the nose and mouth, filling the lungs. It wasn't as clean as the temple of Belgott Barishad, but it was still enough to fill my Divine Spirit as I could barely breathe. I sighed and chased after Raulus, who had already disappeared from sight. "Let's go together, Raulus...!" Once a month, from a week to a fortnight, what I do when I visit the temple of Lebovny has always been similar. "You're here, Princess." "Yes. Priest. Long time no see."

"Would you like me to show you to the prayer room today?"

I was greeted by a kind-hearted priest with wrinkles. It was the high priest, Julius, who was in charge of the temple of Lebovny. Julius smiled kindly as I nodded. "With all your heart, Raulus will know your will someday." "Eh..." I tried not to look at the little wolf laying down on the floor of the temple that is actually a deity.

Chapter 105 Chapter Notes #Translated by jiminseu [Yes. So, let's take a look at the results.] Julius, who guided me, left me alone in the spacious prayer room. I put down my luggage and unpacked it. I could hear Raulus poking through the door that I entered. Thump. The door closed on its own. The wolf's feet hit the floor. Raulus approached me straight and collided with my head. [Yes, I think this is the only way to live. I feel stuffy with my small body.] "Hoo-hoo, if that's your way of living, I'm afraid I'll die." The soft, soft fur coiled gently around my back. The divine breath of Raulus, which grew to its original size, went through my ears. I reached out and tickled Raulus under the chin.

[What's your last progress? Offense is over, have you entered defense?] "Yes. How to defend myself." What I have been learning for nearly two years was how to deal with divinity. How to treat the rat-tailed god in my body as freely as possible. Of course, my body was not a good divine source, so I had to visit the temple regularly once a month to recharge it. Raulus temporarily regained its original size in a shrine full of divinity, and I filled my empty body with sacred water to practice, eat chicken, and eat eggs. [Let's see, then what else haven't we done?] "Um............. " I've learned quite a lot from Raulus in two years. How to bounce mana with divinity. How to shield your body. How to place a weight on a deformed deity so that it can deal a material blow, how to sharpen a deity, etc. I don't want to be reminded of the course of learning. Raulus was never a good teacher. After all, it was no exaggeration to say that I was the only one who learned by myself. Still, my troubles were not in vain, and now I had become accustomed to simply operating my body's divinity outside the temple.

Making a foothold in the air, pulling an object, or defending against the contact of magical powers were now done well on my own. Raulus murmured, leaping over the small altar in the prayer room. [Fire of Purification is too much, isn't it?] "Well..."

I smiled vaguely as I approached the altar. Among the many methods of dealing with divinity as a weapon, the highest difficulty was by far the Fire of Purification. A bluish silver flame that burns only dead things. The surest way to destroy black magic. I shuddered, recalling that Euredian had called out a fire that would cover the whole great Imperial Palace. As expected, the man with the most powerful divinity on the ground was different in scale. Come to think of it, back then I just thought, "Crazy, man, I can't believe he made a mess in the palace!' like it wasn't a big deal. "....." What a great man that I was holding, then I.. [Child, focus.] "Hut, yes." The voice of Raulus brought me back to my senses. A sky blue eye, just like mine, glanced over me. [I think your mind is somewhere else.] "I'm sorry. I'll concentrate." Usually, the baby wolf was treated very poorly by me, but it was different when I was in 'class'. For now, Raulus' size was ten times larger and the Raulus at the temple gave off quite a strong divine power and a sense of dignity, so it was not easy to quarrel like usual. [Then, shall we now cast a self-healing power?] "Self-healing power?" [Yes, it's filling the empty part of the body with the divinity to strengthen the cell's recovery.] "Oh "

[When that child is next to you, his divinity power is infinite, so the cells of your whole body must have been activated by itself. But that's only when you're next to that child.] It was obvious who that child Raulus was talking about. I thought of his shining silver hair and his melancholy red purple eyes.

Raulus's words continued. [Bouncing the mana is a good way to protect your body, but you should also know how to clean it up quickly and make up for the damage when the mana penetrates into your body.] "Yes, it is." [It's refreshing to see that you're so obedient now. You're like a cute rock.] Raulus's divinity stroked my hair gently. I smiled awkwardly. "If you say it like that you make me look like a real rebel..." [You're disrespectful.] "That's because Raulus always scratches my stomach everyday." [Usually this is what they call disrespectful.] I shut my mouth gently. When Raulus brought the cushions that had been piled up on both sides of the prayer room, kneeled down and sat neatly, Raulus' voice continued. [You have to move the divinity in your body. Focus. You shouldn't use the 'bounce' method you told me last time. In the meantime, one of your organs will bounce off.] "....." [Of course not to set an edge on the divinity, you know what I mean, child?] Tha- that's scary. I closed my eyes with fear.

The most basic thing in sacred training was to feel the flow of divinity in the body. I was able to read other people's divinity sensitively, but I had a hard time reading the divinity that was circulating in my own body. Because it was so weak that I couldn't even read it... What can you do with only a good sense? It comes with the basic stats. I sighed and started reading the flow that stretched out of my body to match my heartbeat. Thump. Thump. " " My heart is pounding. With a little pulsation, I could feel the flow of weak divinity. There were too many parts of the divinity inside of me that I couldn't go through. Here and there, unfilled parts of the body became more and more as it stretched out throughout the body. If mana penetrates into this empty place, it dies. Raulus' voice echoed out of sight.

[Don't accept the Divine Spirit of the temple, fill one empty spot only with the Divine Spirit inside you.] Empty place. I centered around the heart's core and attracted scattered divinity. Very slowly, something shallow gathered in the center of my body. Thump. Thump - "...eugh." My chest was stiff. It became more and more tight. " " It was similar to the feeling I had before. I mean, two years ago. The sense of the days when I had the strongest divinity in the land that was hostile to

me. I remembered clearly even though time passed by. I felt like I was energizing every single cell of my body, and I felt like I was filled with the clearest and cleanest divinity in my body. That dizzying feeling. [.... Yerenica!] "Huh." Raulus called me sharply. He didn't call my name very well. I was suddenly awakened from my thoughts. [I told you to focus on me. You can't bounce it off.] Raulus clicked his tongue and jumped right in front of me. His front foot, twice as big as my face, touched my head slightly. Raulus' energy was deeper and stronger than I had, and the divinity immediately flowed. [I taught you the wrong order. I never thought you'd put a thorn in your body.] "Uh....... " I look down at my body in a daze. I saw it. It was as Raulus said. I also felt that the sinful thorns had sprung up in the divinity that had gathered around my heart. [That's the way to kill yourself, child. I told you to concentrate.] "Oh, my God." I opened my mouth wide. I---- I almost went straight to the heavens because I was thinking about something else... ? It seems that the aftermath of thinking and practicing the Divine as a weapon to fight the magic turned out like this. Raulus clicked his tongue.

[This won't do. Practice like nails, toenails, or something like that.] "Nnails.. ?"

[It is something that is not life-threatening even if it is slightly broken or bounced. By the way, did you still like him that much?] ".......?" The gap between the earlier and latter words was considerable. I was surprised and lifted my head with a curious look. I could feel my ears burning red. "Don't read my mind..." [I haven't read it. I heard you because you thought too loud.] I was dumbfounded. How can I think loudly? I pressed my lips and posed again. "I'll do it again. Again. This time I'm going to concentrate." Even your fingernails will hurt if you pull them out. The thought of it brought me to my senses. Even in the past and the present, I hate being sick! *** When I came out of the prayer room exhausted, the sun was already setting. "Ah..." My body did not move even a meter, but my energy was sucked out. Sweat oozed out of my forehead. "I'm going to die..." I can't believe I'm still in the temple. I couldn't walk a few steps and sat down on the stairs at the entrance of the temple.

Controlling the Divine Spirit in my body was more difficult than controlling it outside. Perhaps because it has become a habit to sharpen the divinity, I had to concentrate more than ten times more than usual just to make it blunt so that it wouldn't cut anywhere in my body. "It's hard to live, really." As I was grumbling, the little Raulus crept into my leg again. [Well done, though. For your first time. As I always say, it's not that like you don't have talent.] "It's because my body can't support it. That's what you're going to say, right?" [You know it well.] "Is this what a weak genius is?" [You went too far, child.] Raulus was cool and determined. Che. I held Raulus in my arms and raised myself. It was because I felt the glances that glanced over here.

"....." These days, I have seen more and more people chatting with each other while looking at me. This time, they were six knights that's training on a spacious site in front of the temple. I asked as I walk backwards to the temple. "What do you think, Raulus?" [What?] "This strange situation."

Chapter 106 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for One thing that hasn't changed in two years was that I don't like anyone talking to me. The impression was naturally frowned. Raulus replied insignificantly, [Because you're pretty.] "Am I not before?" [You know, that's just bad word, right?] Yes. I admit it. It may sound a little bit iffy. But that's the truth! "I know I'm pretty. But that's not just recently or days before, you know. I've had the same face for nearly three years since I became Yerenica and why is it only so popular these days?" [Hmm.] As I walked around the temple a bit, a spacious courtyard overlooking the open mountain appeared. I sat leisurely in sloping courtyard. A light onepiece dress was well covered the long grass. I concluded my words while arranging the hem of my clothes, "Anyway, it doesn't seem to be for certain reason." [Hmm--- ] "Raulus, since there's no one watching, can you change back?" [Why, are you going to use it as a pillow again?] Bingo, Raulus, was so warm and fluffy that it was perfect for a pillow or a doll. In addition, it can be used differently in temple. So, "Hehe-He. It's a bed, a bed." [---- I've got your habit so wrong.]

Raulus, who quickly grew huge again, grumbled and lowered his posture so that I could be buried in his back. It was a luxury only when I came to the temple. Raulus can't walk around like this outside the temple.I stretched my arms and legs against the back of Raulus. "Oh, good." The sun was setting on the other side of the mountain. It was a cloudless day, so I could see the sun gradually fading over the ridge. The sky was red all over.

"You know what? It's been a little slow lately." [That's what I've been talking about. I thought it was your habit.] "Different." Raulus' tail covered my body. I mumbled, hugging the big, flustered tail. "You said you believed in my senses, Rali." [The most accurate sense.] It was an immediate answer, I mumbled with a sigh, "------- This, I think is really getting close to the time." Obviously, Hades can't exactly recognize where I am. But he knows I'm the Princess of Lebovny, so he'll go after the palace first. "Should I leave Lebovny?" [Where are we going after we leave?] Raulus asked back. I just replied with a big smile on my face. "Isn't it necessary for us to leave Lebovny, or at least leave the royal palace? I hate to see the ground crack under our palace."

[You don't have to strain yourself, child. You can be a little more childish.] "Tsk. I'm not Brie or Lexie, don't treat me like a child." I still buried myself deeper in soft fur. The divinity of the temple, which was absorbed by Raulus, wrapped around his body to dry the sweat from forehead and back. My body quickly became dry, but I'm still out of energy. "------ I remember the old days." Somehow the days kept coming to mind. The days of struggling under the weight of the earth in Belgoth. I couldn't hold out for a day, so in half a month I was lethargic. " ." Compared to Belgoth, Lebovny's land was tearfully lighter. There was no place I couldn't go if I had to be careful. It was a strange sense of liberation and relief when I had come back to Lebovny for the first time. There's no way I'd go through that pain again. Of course, a lot of time has passed, and now Lebovny is slowly interested in the study of mana and the training of wizards, but now my body can protect itself, sot here was nothing wrong with it. I think it was a really good decision to come back to Lebovny two years ago. But, still---

But, still--Still, I missed the land. To be exact, the days that we spent every day on the land. " don't read it." I muttered, burying my face in Raulus' soft silvery hair.

Raulus did not answer. But I knew he couldn't stay out of my mind. Raulus is always staring at me, thinking it's too much. "Mean, really." So, I just let my thoughts out of my mouth. "Isn't it like throwing away things again?" "Well----." "If you're going to do this, then don't write down all that. It's always like this." [ ] "I'm really going to kick your ass----." After three months of sorrow, the sorrow that had been accumulated were threatening to open the lid. No matter how much I shook my head, it was a little too much. I'm the only one who can believe it. I opened my eyes and held back my tears. I can' cry. If I cay, I lose. I'm not going to cry. I'm not crying. [Tsk. You are not really good. It sounds like a child.] Raulus' tail twitch and stroke my head. The silvery cross on the right earlobe hanging lightly. Whether it's the power of comfortable divinity or because I'm so exhausted, my body has been getting drowsy. My eyes blinked slowly. Raulus clicked his tongue and muttered something in the distance, [I'm singing so openly, but I'll be here soon to come----.] I couldn't remember exactly what my last words were for. *** The week at the temple was slow like a snail's pace. 'It's difficult---." [What the hell's so hard about it? I'm good at taking it out.] "It's hard. It feels strange."

I lay down on the floor of the prayer room with a whine. Controlling the divinity in the body was more demanding than taking it out and operating it. A similar example would be similar to reading the flow of blood moving in a blood vessel and

gathering it together. Turning the flow that is already flowing to one side with my own will has consumed considerable mental and physical strength at the same time. I rolled down my body, "How do I speed this up?" Once the mana penetrated into the body, the damaged parts had to be immediately healed. Once you're under the spell, you don't have time to concentrate, so it's important to deal in that moment--Raulus offered his own words of consolation, [It's because I'm not good at it. I can barely do it for a week.*] "--- But it is." Okay. It is too early to give up. I raised my upper body. However, training does not only support one's mental strength, but my body, which has already reach to its limit, has been bent down the road. I spoke without a break, "----- it's enough for the day. I don't think I can do anymore." [Yes, it does look like that to me too.] As I was to afraid to accept the temple's divinity, now it just plus minus for me.

My energy was sucked to the side. It was almost as if I had returned to the royal palace like this all day long. I stretched out again on the floor of the prayer room. A murmured came out, "I have to go down in the evening----." [Oh. Was it today to go down?] "Yes. Sergey said he was waiting and left---." If I hadn't made an appointment, I would recover enough energy and gone down tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, but I couldn't help it because I had already made up my mind to meet him. Raulus pat pat on the floor, rolling my foot, [Is the time right?] "What?" [No. Come here, child. So where can you stand me?] I think he said something weird. I tiled my head and rolled. [Tsk. Something like this crumb.] Raulus tapped me with his muzzle. Event he little movement flew in the me into the air and fell lightly on soft silver fur. I looked up at the ceiling of the prayer room, strewn like laundry on Raulus' wide back. I felt that the energy of the temple that Raulus absorbed was transferred to me.

It would be nice if Raulus could be properly manifested and inspire me with divinity. Unfortunately, I wasn't capable enough to call Raulus in his godly form. I can only summon the baby wolf-shaped alteration. I was able to summon Raulus in the first place because I used the power of the baptismal name of the first emperor of Belgoth. It was an incomplete summon from the beginning. So the opportunity was still once every 10 yeaars, when Belgoth's emperor summoned Raulus' incarnation.

Now that two years have passed, we just have to wait three more years. "Why does my body look like this----." [That's new.] "Well. That's right." I shook my head and drive out negative thoughts. What the use of lamenting? I can't help living with this body for the rest of my life. [Wake up when you've roughly filled it. Let's go.] "Wow." My body floated back into the air. I reflexively to the divinity and support my body with it as I landed slowly on the floor. "A little more!" [No. That's enough.] "If you ride a horse, you'll get tired soon! I might fall down before I even get to the palace!" [It's okay, it won't take too long.] "----?" What are you talking about? To get to the palace, I had to run a full halfday. It's not enough to charge it on the tip of your head. [Let's go, let's go. Come on, come one.] " ." But because of Raulus, who was pushing my back with a muzzle, I ended up having to walk out of the temple. Chapter End Notes *t/n – idk if raulus is using mocking tone here—but yeah

Chapter 107

Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "Hey." Sergey was waiting at the mouth of the mountain. As soon as I left the temple, I dragged my heavy body back and raised my hands helplessly. "Long time no see." "What's wrong with your face? What's wrong with you?" "It's a proof that I've worked hard." "It's not good to see you talking nonsense." Suddenly, Sergey's hand touched my forehead. I didn't have the strength to push him back, so I just frowned a little. Sergey tilted his head, "You don't have a fever----." "No thanks. It's just the body." "What did you do in the temple to get sick? You're as silly as you can't even eat like a child." It was annoying for him to pry in. I took down Sergey's hand which touched my forehead and cheek. "Don't worry. Since we're hungry, let's have dinner and go back." "Did the priest starve you?" "Ah, seriously." In the end, Sergey was only quiet after I snapped at him. I've been muttering complaints, "A violent man---." "Would you like to be hit with the reins?"

As soon as I raised the reins menacingly, Sergey stepped back. I smiled sweetly and tied my suitcase tightly to the saddle. "You going to tell your mother and father again, huh?" "Um." "The answer is not good, right? If you don't answer it right away, I will really hit you with a bridle." "Okay. Okay." I glanced over at Sergey and got on the horse.

"I haven't forgotten yet. Your sin." It was Sergey who told everything about my constitution to my mother, father, brother-in-law, and sister. On that day, I became the sick youngest daughter who was ready to die and Belgoth became the land of the black demons that no one could lift their feet. The Emperor of Belgoth who kidnapped me, well, in my mother's and father's mind, is probably turned into a wicked devil? Sergey groaned with a face full of injustice. "Hey, then how can you shut your mouth and pretend you don't know---." "No thanks, you traitor." "Yerenica, use the hood!" I ignored Sergey's call and kicked the horse in the ribs. The horse began to move. The streets were crowded. Although, it was near the outskirts of the capital city of Livne, it was also a village where the temple was built, and there

was a training ground for the knights, so there was no shortage of places to go to downtown. Even though it was a cold night after dinner time, the streets were still noisy. "Is it because it's a holiday?" "Maybe. Are you going there again today? Arthur's cask." "Huh. Why, are you looking for another place?" "No. Let's go there." There was more of the incoherent conversations. Sergey learned toward me and covered the hood. I knew it didn't mean much to be so irritated, so I left it to myself. As soon as Sergey put my hood on and finished he mumbled, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh?" In a moment, a strange sense of déjà vu was around the body. " ?" I blinked. The hood, which had been covering my forehead for about half, slid slightly. I turned my head blankly, dragging the hood to the back. The streets were still noisy. People who go home after work, drivers who come out for a late dinner and mercenaries who drive their way through the village to the princes, and merchants finishing up a business. After a small breeze blew. It was a warm summer night wind. The lobes and hair fluttered lightly. The elongated earring on the right earlobe shook slightly.

Wind---Was it the wind?

Sergey grumbled and leaned to me again. Careless hand-length put the hood back on. "I told you to wear your hood properly." "Uh----." "Look straight ahead." My eyes were glued to the far side of the street. But one more sense and I couldn't feel it again. "What's there?" Sergey asked curiously "The wind----." I had strange sensation. But it was really a moment, so I blinked a couple of times and turned my head forward again. "Nothing. It's a little windy. Let's go." "What wind----." "Oh, it's going to be crowded if it's too late. It's a weekend evening. Let's go quickly." There was a crowd of people in front of me and Sergey's favourite restaurant. I shook of the feeling from earlier and moved quickly. "Welcome!" Entering the bar, Arthur's loud voice, the owner, greeted the crown. The inside of the bar was more crowded than I saw from the outside. I managed to wriggle through the crown and sat down looking for an empty table in the corner of the store. "Ooh. What mercenaries are doing----." Sergey muttered and flopped across from me. "Always eating, right?" While Sergey, who knows my taste better than I do, skillfully ordered, I unpacked my suitcase. Raulus peeped out from the main nook. [It's stuffy!] "Just hand in there. Do you want some carrots?" [Yes.]

I handed over raw carrots and green salad slices one by one to Raulus' mouth. Sergey looked at Raulus crunching carrots with strange eyes. "Wolf eating vegetables----." "What, it's new thing."

"It's amazing every day. Where the hell did you pick up that wolf?" [Picked it up. That's disrespectful.] Raulus glared at Sergey with his sky-blue eyes. I laughed vainly. "How many times have you ask? It was so cute and was wandering down the street. Look, it's cute." "The wolf doesn't grow--- and the eyes color is the same as you." The eyes of the God were proof that the summoner of Raulus was me. My soul was bound by my summoning of Raulus. Was it not the saying that the eye is the window of the soul? That's what it meant. Sergey was still looking at Raulus with suspicious eyes, "The beast has the color of royal family. N---." "Here's your meal!" With a strong enough force to shake the table, the employee placed out two large bowls in front of Sergey. Sergey's words were cut off there. The steaming hot meat stew instantly caught my eyes and nose. "Wow, of course Arthur's liquor bottle." Sergey's eyes glistened, holding spoon and fork in both hands and shouting cheerfully. "Thanks for the meal- Ugh." But Sergey was kicked in the back by someone before he could even take a bite. "Confucious! You said you were going to die right away!"

"Ugh. Riggs----." I turned my head up reflexively and then relax when I saw Sergey calling the unidentified man's name. Come to think of it, the big man was wearing a cape bearing the emblem of the Lebanon Dukedom. Sergey swung his head backwards. "I'm eating, Riggs, leave me when I eat----." "Oh, I see Confucious at a bar like this and it would be wrong not to greet! But who's next to you?" "You don't have to know. Go away---------------------------------------------- Ugh." I kept my mouth shut even though I wondered if I should introduce myself. Sergey, who wasl almost strangled, jumped out of his seat. "All right, all right. We can go. Yenny, stay right here and wait." "Don't worry, just go."

"Ignores whoever trying to talk--- okay, I'm going!" He's grown up a lot, too. I watched Sergey being dragged by the knights with my arms folded and stirred the stew. Cheers roared from the table. Still, he seemed to be getting along well with rough knights for a Confuscious, who grew up preciously. I was a little surprised to see that he was more or less similar build, not that small among the knights. When did he grow up like that? "The kids at that age grow up really fast." [Wasn't he the same age as you?] "Yes, but." Raulus snorted, [Same as crumbs.] "In your eyes, I suppose."

I slipped him out of my luggage and kept staring at Sergey, patting on Raulus who sat on my lap. Something about Sergey is like a little brother that need to be taken care of. Perhaps in my eyes, Sergey Lebanon is just around the level of Brisney and Alexio. Of course, I haven't seen Sergey in his younger days--- but somehow I don't think his original relationship with Yerenica would have been any different. "But sometimes it comforts me----." I was always irritated and quarreled, but I was as worried and caring as my parents and sister Tezevia. I also knew that grumbling was actually form warm affection. A man named Riggs was seen offering Sergey a glass. "Ah, don't miss it, Confucious!" "'Oh, really. I can't. I have things---" "Drink it! Drink it!" Sergey frowned and eventually accepted the glass. Arthur's liquor bottle was famous for its wine that the owner made himself, even thought it was faithful to the name of the store. I could see Sergey putting his mouth on the glass rim while frowning. Anyway, men---- I smiled and turned my eyes. There was still a commotion in the bar. Certainly before the holidays, there were many people who sat down and drank until late. In addition, Arthur's liquor bottle also served as an inn, so the bustle was likely to continue throughout the dawn. [Crumbs] Raulus who was lying on my lap showing his belly that I patted, asked. "Hmm?" [Do you feel anything?]

Somehow his voice was smiling.

Chapter End Notes t/n – I feel so bad for Sergey; someone must have been giving him glare while he was doing the whole hood thing

Chapter 108 I stopped stirring the stew and looked down at Raulus. Raulus, laying languidly, jumped off under the table. I was surprised and thrusted my head under the table. "Where are you going?" [I'm not going anywhere. Just because it's more comfortable here.] " ?" What the hell are you talking about? I tilted my head and straightened my head again. What's going on? "One night, one day, and the other---." As much as he is separated from the summoner, there is a restriction that place on him when is on the ground. So Raulus would always not think about falling off from my side. What's wrong with you today? I stirred the stew again, wondering. The streaming that had boiled previously, slowly cooled down as well. The large slices of beef and vegetables looked appetizing. Arthur's main dish, meat stew, was my favourite menu. However, I couldn't move the spoon. Clink! The silver cross earrings dangling in the right earlobe. In the windless interior, the earring's teeth moved alone and the hair that was hollow

outside the hood shook shallowly. The stew from the spoon dropped as it stopped. I blinked still. What am I feeling right now? Now I'm---" ." What am I looking at? The spoon fell down. The dropped and bumped into the bowl, made an unpleasant sound. However, the sound didn't reach my ears. The inside of the tavern was quiet like a rat. Until now, it was so loud that I couldn't even hear the next person's conversation. But, uh--Tak, tak.

Elongated index finger tapped the table slowly and steadily. All over the place—quiet with the sound, only the sound could be heard. The accident, which had stopped with it, began to work slowly again. "--- Is it a dream?" I asked but there was no return answer. I blinked again. The sight that occupied my eyes has never changed. Black robe hem. The hood covered under the eyes and the lower face were covered by black mask. Pieced from the sharp nose to the mouth and chin were revealed as the mask slowly taken of. And the flow in the body started to shake. Slowly, but surely, the divinity in the body that was almost bottoming out was being recharged. I spat it out again calmly, "A dream, I guess.""

This would be the only answer. Once the mask was fully taken off, the mouth was slightly pulled up on both sides. "No." A word was uttered back. The fingertips that were knocking on the table lightly touched the back of my hand. It was a simple contact. " Ah." Even with the brief momentary contact, the divinity quickly rose to the chin's tip. I swallowed a deep breath. I mean, I mean, I mean---The man who suddenly appeared and sat across from me slowly tilted his hood slightly. Under the black hood, which had been unknown---" ." The red purple shimmered. I gave up thinking anymore. At the same time as I raised my body, hand grabbed mine that was about to fall. A hand with a moderate warmth gently touched my hand, and I bit my lips hard, then murmured again. "--- This is a lie." "Not even that." The answer was faster this time. The man, with his chin rested against the back of his hand, smiled softly. The face was still half covered by mask and hood, but the lines drawn by the lips were more familiar. My hand was faster than my thought. I stretched out after the man's hand and covered it myself.

"--- AH." And a short exclamation. I lowered the hood without thinking even further. He took my arm and did it himself instead. I don't want to miss it, so I grabbed him and pulled him. I couldn't figure out what the hell to say, so I let out a tearful grin, "---------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me." *** The back door of the bar fell of and banged open. Suddenly, a shimmering sung overflowed out of his body, but I have to control it. I couldn't afford it. The divinity energy that slammed the door open, closed it again. A pungent scent pierced the top of my nose. A bottle of wine was piled up against the wall. Probably came to the wine cellar. No, that didn't really matter. The man who was dragged by my hand laughed. He opened his mouth, "I've become a little violent when I haven't seen it---." "Be quiet." I couldn't afford to listen more to the lingering voice. I grabbed his robe collar roughly and pulled him down toward me. The silver hair twinkling in the dark as the hood was completely reclined with the other hand. His hair was slightly shorter than I remembered and scattered over his forehead. " ha." I groan for a short time. The covered black mask was pulled down. Only then, did the person eyes come to sight. I was speechless for a moment. A slender finger touched my hood. The hood, which was being used, fell behind my neck with that small movement. It was after that my hair popped out that he kissed the end of it.

I glared at him and spat out. "This is a joke, right?" "No, I've been saying this three times already." The man who appeared suddenly, as if he had fallen from the sky, smiled softly. The very mouth I remember painted a smooth line. Two years later, the face was still harmful to the heart. Eruedian Belgoth reached out with a distinctive, sour face.

The fingertips swept the hair, burshed lightly around the ears and chin. The feathery touch made me bounce. He lowered his head to me and whispered low. "I came in person because you didn't answer me." "What, you're the one who didn't answer!" I answered in a terrible way. But contrary to what's being said, the heart began to run faster and faster. My heart is pounding My heart is pounding. His face was so close. The ears and chin. The hand that stayed covering my cheek. A clear and tidy body was constantly being felt. I took a short deep breath. I thought if I inhaled deep, it would step right away. I'm afraid I'm going to lose all the control of my whole body. "---- really." But I had to check. I bit my lips hard, and asked, looking up at the reddisheyes. "Are you really you? Euredian Belgoth?" "Then who else would look like this? I get so close to you." He replied without any hesitation.

The impression crumpled on its own. I began to recite every possible case in a quivering voice. "False. Ghost, or I'm dreaming while standing up because I'm not feeling well. Or,---." "Or?" At such close distance from my lips, Euredian asked softly, but in sour low voice. "Or, who is bothered you by night and day?" "What, what---- ?" "Or----- a brother-in-law, or a childhood friend of yours." It was still a gentle tone but there was definitely a displeased there. "Either way, it seemed too intimate." "This person, seriously----." "I don't know if I still deserve to say this." I was stunned and shut up for a moment. The man who I wasn't sure how he got to Lebovny and even to the pub where I was, was saying something about his dislike.

The following words were sounded as if he were waiting for a permission. "Can I kiss you?" " ." "Can't I?" And a little bit, he looked impatient. I did not know what emotion it was that sparked in the purplish eyes that seemed redder in the dark. I changed my expression slightly.

My heart keep pounding. I didn't know whether it was a withering or relief or an old fire that shook me like this, but I only knew that this man was saying stupid things anyway. In the end, a fierce voice came out. "Are you kidding me, now?" I stretched out my arm and wrapped it around his neck. The already close distance has become narrowed. "I hate you, seriously----." The lips met. Immediately, the nostalgic sensation came across the slender lips. I could feel when Euredian slightly hardened by the contact. He was the first one to come close to me. But that was only for a short time. Soon warm hands cupped my cheeks. Naturally, I twisted my head. And as it was, the heavy sensation dug deeper into it. Not a drop of alcohol could be felt in the mouth, but it was there either because of the scent of the wine that floated in the air or because of the tearful longing of two years. The night we met again was dazed as if we were drunk.

Chapter 109 *** Euredian recognized Yerenica at a glance. It didn't matter whether she was wearing a hood or not. It was not difficult for him to read the stream of divinity in the ait. It's a little bit more sharp than it was two years ago, but the uniquely weak divinity of Yerenica is likely to disappear soon.

The flow was clearly remembered. However, it was also thanks to her necklace that he found her without wandering around as soon as he crossed the border. The silver cross necklace shook itself around his chest. It was handed by Yerenica two years ago as she left Belgoth, it led him as if he had waited as soon as he had entered the lad of Lebovny. The mystical soap-scented divinity guided him on the right path. Just like I'm trying to find a mate. He never dreamed that there was a certain divinity in Yerenica's earrings, but he couldn't ignore the attraction. He can't help but wonder if he can reject the perfect body that he missed. And in conclusion, the choice was not wrong. The outskirts of the capital city of Livne, which is also far away from the Livovny Fortress. It's especially crowded because it's the evening before the weekend. He found her at the entrance of the roadside. "Oh, there she is." Count Iven, who was forcibly brought away from his wife, accompanied him, spit out a little elasticity. However, as the Count said so the incident had happened. After two years, he saw that the Princess looked the same as before, but also different. The soft pink hair still lingered, as if it would melt right in his hand. Clear sky-blue eyes, slender figure. However, it is strangely unrealistic.

A reddish purple glance followed Yerenica slowly across the street. Yerenica was riding a horse. "Did you learn to ride?" Euredian muttered without his knowledge. In his memory, she freaked out when it came to horses, and Yerenica, seen from afar, seemed

accustomed to riding horses. Seeing her gather in a comfortable and familiar position, he felt a strange feeling that indescribable. Moreover, he could clearly see another difference from afar. The length of her hair seemed to be longer, flapping out of the hood. The wavy side hair between the ears and the chin grew completely and turned it behind the ears. It completely revealed the slightly flushed right cheek. The white cheeks were lightly heated in the air of the summer night. However, the most different thing was the atmosphere of her as a whole. Where does the girly, plumpness gone to, it change to pale complexion, reddish pinkish half- matched lips, long drooping eyelashes. Even an indifferent and expressionless face. The mood of calmness caught the eyes. When they meet again, they have to hug each other first. Let's ask her why she didn't answer later. First he have to hold her in his arms and kiss her on the face that he had been dreaming of. All those thoughts disappeared the moment he saw the face that was revealed when she turned her head. It was not a mistake. Despite the fact that he knew that she was dull in the spirit of beauty, his mind became numb as if he had been beaten in the back of his head.

Count Iven said exactly what he thought, "You've become more beautiful in the meantime, Princess. This one, I don't know." Count Iven grinned with a happy face, but Euredian couldn't just like the words. She was not alone. Euredian, who was staring blankly at her for a moment, soon found a man slowly driving to her side. "Are you going there again today? Arthur's Liquor." I've seen it. "Yes. Why, is there another place?" "No. Let's go there." Their conversation was clearly captured by keenly open ear. They were relaxed and easy voices. And Euredian caught a few offensive words in that short conversation. Again today, a liquor bottle? No way, bar? For a moment, he frowned profusely, even with a stupid face. Yerenica was a woman who was quite close to that Lebanon Confucius, as he had worried all along. "It's annoying----." Euredian murmured unconsciously. She said it was inlaws, childhood friends.

However, as soon as rational thinking shook his mind, he was distracted. The unique divinity, which was forced into the body without a trace, spread into the air. And it happened almost at the same time that Yerenica turned her head around and saw the side where he was on.

Euredian moaned and quickly hid himself in the shadow of the alley. Count Iven followed him to the corner. "Why are you hiding, Your Majesty?" "-- I don't know." I really didn't know. He thought he'd stretch his out his hand as soon as he found it, but why is he peeking away like a stalker. It's because of that changed atmosphere. Euredian rationalized himself and glanced across the alley. She seemed to be still glancing through where he had just been. He couldn't hear any more voices because of the swarming crowds of mercenaries. But it was clear that the Lebanon Confucius leaned close to her. He seemed to whisper something, putting the hood on her. Yerenica though, skimmed through this side for a while and soon turned her head forward again. Something choked up inside. "You need to be a little nervous, Your Majesty." Count Iven talked senselessly. Euredian glared without realizing it, but lowered his eyes to see what the hell this was all about. However, the self-help thought completely shattered the moment he followed her into the pub. He was wearing a hood, but she didn't. the light pink hair flowing smoothly outside the hood attracted the eyes of the pub. "----- Crazy." Euredian pointedly groaned. As Sergey Lebanon, who was sitting opposite, was away for a while, his gaze toward Yerenica changed a little more blantant.

Euredian laughed in vain, knowing that the eyes that attracted to her come from men and women of all ages. His competitors have been infinite in two years. Now I really need to be on your side. I have never been convinced she was mine, but Euredian thought so. At the same time as he thought, his body moved without him telling so. Now there was no hesitation in releasing the energy that had been neatly put together.

"--- Is it a dream?" And Yerenica, in his eyes, said so with great equanimity and composure. It was the first rematk right after she saw him suddenly in front of him. She blinked aa few times and then said it again. "Dream, I guess." "----- No." In the end, Euredian uttered his words, cutting hers. That's where the knocking on the table hide his impatience ended there. His hand reached out first. However, a man named Euredian BElgoth was not always a man who could be coerced to be in line, but he extended his fingertips only to brush the back of her hand. And at the same time, he felt that the divinity, which had been circling shallowly, was being sucked into her. "---- This is a lie." "Not even that."

Flames splashed on the clear sky-blue eyes that had remained calm. It was a look of mixed emotions that finally met. Standing up, leaning his hood without hesitation, and checking his face, Yerenica violently covered the hood again. She snatched his arm roughly. "Follow me." It was fierce pull. The power grasping his arm, for that matter, was not very strong, but Euredian was simply led away. And inded, something had changed in Yerenica. He opened and close the door to the wine cellar and pulled out his hood and mask without hesitation. "I've become a little violent when I haven't seen it---." "Be quiet." It was strange and amazing to see. They lowering the volume and arguing. "This is a joke, right?" She seemed to have aa lot of questions. It has been confirmed again and again but it was still unbelievable even before her eyes. "Are you really you? Euredian Belgoth?" "Then who else would look like this? I get so close to you." "False. Ghost, mirage or I'm dreaming while standing up because I'm not feeling well. Or,---."

However Euredian could not have been so calm as Yerenica as soon as she saw him. She was full of breath of dizzying aroma of soap. There was a person in front of him that come out just like in his dream. He couldn't stay calm in front of a woman he met after two years. His reason and patience have already been cut in half. "Or, who is bothered you by night and day?" "What, what------------- ?"

Though he thought about it himself, it was a narrow jealousy, bit he felt like he had to spit it out. "Or a brother-in-law, or a childhood friend of yours." In fact, it was no match for the silent treatment. Euredian continued his words with persistence that disguised as soft huff. "You two look too close either way." Tell me what I want. "This guy, seriously----." "I don't know if I still deserve to say this." You don't know what I want. Euredian had previously remember how had dispelled the ignoble jealousy. The words came out first. "Can I kiss you?"

Chapter 110 " ." "Can't i?" The thirst, which could not be resolved for two years, only accumulated, became mixed with anxiety and became impatient. He needed conviction with permission. Tell me that it hasn't changed. "Are you kidding me, now?" And Yerenica snapped back with the very face he remembered. The tone was still fierce, but the line of curving eyes and lips instantly brought him back two years ago. "I hate you, really---."

What had happened in the two years when he was gone, a woman more like the lewd night air than the midday sun, wrapped her arms around his neck without hesitation. And the touch of the lips that immediately touches, the dizzying scent that mixes with breathing and turns the brain into pudding and the smell of soap. In exchange for patience, a cold, overflowing sweet and far-flung sensation shook and it felt vivid that the divinity around his body was absorbed by Yerenica At the moment, Euredian really wanted to fill her all with himself. *** 'Arthu's Liquor Bottle' From the second floor of the building, which also serves as a wine brewery and tavern, inns are available for travelers to and from the capital to take a breather. The knights of the Duke Lebanon used it to relieve fatigue after training, which cause the inns to be much wider and cleaner than the common people's inns. It's the reason why Count Iven reserved this place. No matter how disguised he was, he can't let the symbol of the country stay in a poor place. However, given the fact that Count Iven had followed him behind his wife's back, the admirable act of booking the room in advance only possible after getting instructed by the Count's wife in advance. In fact, Euredian didn't really care where he was sleeping. He've never had choice about places to say when he was out of town. But not Yerenica. "Crazy. When did you here in Lebovny? How do you know I'm around here?" "I just found out."

"Does that make sense? Ah, no wonder Rali kept saying weird things!" Yerenica was naïve enough to be led to his room, but she didn't notice anything strange. When she asked him, "When , how, and why did you come?" she thought of the fact that she had forgotten about and she opened her eyes wide. "That's right, Rali. I left Rali behind----." "The little wolf?" "Yes. Wait a minute. I'll get Rali." As she ran to the window and tried to open it immediately, she stiffened with only her hands on the latch. A big, warm hand pushed the window that hers covered. The half-open window was closed again. "It doesn't have to interrupt." When the man approached her back, Yerenica's breathing sounded a little faster. "Rali is not a distraction---" She murmured a little. "Right." Euredian answered firmly and hugged the slender waist. Everything but himself and Yerenica gets in the way. He could feel her nervousness as he hugged her waist and clung to her body. Normally, he would have approached her slowly so she wouldn't be surprised. The usual was just in a way. He endured for a long time and even confirmed that her mind had not changed with a kiss a while ago. Then isn't it okay to be a bit greedy today? His hands moved faster than his thoughts. A single extra tap and Yerenica's robe was released. She breathed in small breaths and blinked in embarrassment, but she didn't stop his actions.

It was quick for the robe to fall down. Euredian bowed his head and kissed the slender, fragrant neckline. He breathed her body fragrance, feeling a pulse that was gradually beginning to accelerate. But it was not enough. The pale ivory-colored dress she wore was simple compared to the ones that were heavy and colorful in Belgoth, but much more neat. The collar that completely covered her collarbone burned. The touch of the collard was quite explicit. "Your Majesty."

"Yes." He answered steadily, but ran his fingertips along her shoulder. Yerenica gently bit the inside of her lips, raised her head and looked back at him. Tremble rising in those sky-blue eyes. Before she could say anything, the turned of her head revealed the button that was hidden behind the hair. "What is it?" "That----." "I'm just asking, Yenny." While she blushed at the nickname of her name, which she had written down several times in a letter, her long hair crossed over to the side and the extra button that was hidden, was released. Euredian looked down at the red-lighted face and asked affectionately. "You didn't forget to let me kiss you, did you?" How can I kiss only your lips?

In the sky blue eyes, he looked like she had never even seen him before. The face of the man asking affectionately but fretting inside. Perhaps she read the vivid longing that came into his eyes. The hesitating little hand was soon placed on his hand wrapped around her, when her heart was pounding, she turned toward him. Euredian got the full answers of the night from her lower body temperature then back up to her lips. *** At dawn. A sweet and relaxing conversation hovered around the room "I missed you." "--- How much?" Yerenica looked incredulous. The pale, transparent glass-like face frowned slightly. "Beyond your imagination." "I don't think so." Euredian laughed short at the immediate denial. He asked lightly as he pressed his lips on her exposed white forehead. "Why do you think so?" "You haven't even read the letter I sent you?" And then he was stunned. Yerenica, who was trapped in his arms, rattled. The thin body was ruffled like white sheet.

"Half a month." " ." "It's almost 80 days. Do you know how many letters were returned unopened?" "Send me a letter if you don't want something to happen!"

So, do you think I've returned everything without reading the letter now? Euredian sighed, "It already four months." " ?" The clear sky-blue eyes filled with questions. He pressed his lips down at the tip of her small, chubby nose. A pressed murmur popped out. "I haven't received your letters." "Lies." There was an immediate reaction. Oh, this is the same situation. A curious sense of satisfaction quickly rose. The mood quickly changed like a flip in the palm of his hand. "Is it a new habit to start with doubt?" A small sweet sound rang briefly as his lips moved to hers. "Four months. Nonsense. My letter didn't go at all?" "I guess so. If only had written on time." "I did! Of course!" Yerenica shouted with a look of injustice. "How hard I've written----." The voice of protest went into his mouth. The kiss was a little long. "--Wait a minute, eumph. Your Majesty." Yerenica said sharply against his lips, frowned and turned her head. "You didn't send me a letter. No way, seriously." "I don't care about the letter now." "I care. That's why I'm so--------------------------------- " "Yes. It wasn't very pleasant time for me either." "I promised if we really meet, I'll kick your ass---." "So you grabbed me by the collar first?" "What did I grab by the collar!"

If he poke a blind spot, he'll get half of it. Euredian thought merrily. The atmosphere from the outside has changed a little, but the two still clung together with loveliness. She seemed to be hesitating for something for a moment, and then she muttered a little. "I'm sorry I got angry the other day." "Huh?" Euredian didn't hear her properly. The wind chill from the curve between the ears and the neck melted. It was satisfying to smell the same as mine. "I didn't know my letter wouldn't go either. It's been returned several times and stood up----." " ." "I didn't know you wouldn't get it. That's four months." "----- Hey, are you listening?" The voice that was apologizing quietly became sharp. "Listened to this. Let's head up and do some conversation." "You did a lot, conversation." " ." Soft and sweet hair. Transparent but warm nape like a glass doll. Straight collarbone and thin shoulders. The bodies embraced again after two years but he didn't want to break apart immediately. Ah, I knew I was this possessive, but I couldn't help it. Euredian thought. "You don't know how much I've endured," "Uh--- --." Letters won't come. Even the letter to Lebovny doesn't give the right answer. He can't even see her face because she can't use the magic tool.

People around him don't know about it and just rushed him to marry. It was indeed a time of tribulation. In the meantime, he endured the last month and the urgent work to be able to say this. "So just for today, Yerenica." A pale flush rose on the white cheeks. His lovely princess still seemed weak when he called her named or the little roughnes sin his throat. He kissed her narrow jawline closely.

No matter how many kisses I poured, I wasn't enough. I felt like I had to kiss all the parts that were revealed at least once. Just like few hours ago, Euredian couldn't find a reason not to put his thoughts into action again. "Seriously---." Yerenica, who was kissed by surprised, looked awkwardly. The slender body immediately responded when the silver cross tingled at the tip of her ear. "You're not here to bully me, are you?" Yerenica grumbled small. "Well---." The overflow of affection was not enough, but it was big. He didn't how to live with this. "Enough----." As the ticklish stimulus continued, a faint resentment flashed through the skylight eyes. Can't we do more that this again? I don't think so. He sighed and let her go. Yerenica quickly stepped back as soon as he loosened his arm. The distance has widened. Well, it was a span.

A sad sound popped out, "I can't stay in this street." "I do not like it. I want to see your face. Now it is Your Majesty's turn to endure it." It was a determined and stern voice. But a straight-forward touch cupped his cheeks. She had a slightly cool hand as he did two years ago. Yerenica cupped both his cheeks and turned his face here and there. "Your hair, it got shorter." "Yes." "You've become more handsome." "Really?" "Yes, to the point where I don't like it." "Well--- What's this mean?" "Just because I don't think you have aa hard time." It was a lovely grunt. A slightly sulky face was revealed by the moonlight that was coming into the window. And only then did Euredian recall the first thing hee had ask the moment he saw her. His heart slumped again in an instant. "You haven't had much trouble, have you? He opened his mouth carefully.

When he first found her in the middle of the street, the look he saw making him worried. The drooping eyelashes, the expression that sat down uneasily. "Um-----." The vaguely stretched answer amplified the anxiety. But Yerenica soon answered with a straight face. "Well, nothing happened."

"--- I don't like the answer. The body?" "Isn't it a little late to worry about my body?" Euredian shut his mouth quietly. Yerenica giggled and poked her finger through his hair. Her white fingers gently swept the fine silver-haired strands. "Well, the human tonic is here, so it'll get better again. Actually, I'm still full of energy." "Not now, in the meantime----." "It was all right. I wrote it in a letter until this spring. I'm working on ways to survive on my own and it's not without success." Yerenica was no longer going to let him talk about the topic. A short tickling kiss fell on his forehead. "It's good to see you again." Maybe it's because of the moonlight or maybe now it's a little bit into the night. Her curving eyes strangely stimulated him, perhaps because of the similar atmosphere. "I completely forgot the things myself." "No way." "So when you look back, you have to be really upset, not this time. I thought so. It wasn't a really useful idea." "I didn't expect everything to be okay at once like this. I guess I'm pretty easy." " You'll kill me if it's easy." Euredian exhaled. If she can tell who is more anxious and impatient, maybe there is a chance on his side? But now it was meaningless. Anyway, he confirmed that the promise two years ago was still valid.

At first that one thing was enough for tonight. But Yerenica seemed to have something more to give him. "There was something you couldn't say back then, wasn't there?"

Chapter 111 " ?" Euredian's reddish lips moved across my ear. A small, secret, sweet whisper flowed in. " Ah." Euredian moaned briefly, "So, what's the answer?" How can I let you go when she is so lovely? It was impossible for him to let let go of her "Answer-----Ah, wait a minute-------------------------- !" A sudden change of view caused by Yerenica's short shriek. The sweetcolored hair was disheveled. Just like the cherry blossom petals that fell on the white snow. Yerenica shed her eyes so as not to cause difficulty. "The answer first." "---- I am too." The answer that fell from Euredian's mouth was short and concise. And Yerenica smiled contentedly at the whispering that followed. And when those brief words came and went without a break, was not enough of filling the entire two years of emptiness between them. *** "Where are you going to be?" I struggled with the man that hugged me from behind as I asked him and tried not to fall. "Well----."

Perhaps because he fell asleep late in the morning, His voice seemed a little bit hoarse. "Can't Count Iven take care of it?" "Oh my god, did the Count come with you?" "Huh---------- Do you have to go back in a hurry?" The body was turned lightly. It wasn't strong but it was enough to pull me in a defenseless state. I dragged without tightening the robe hood. "Let's do this a little more." "You've seen enough. You really missed me." "I told you so." A tight murmur came from the man who buried his head at the nape of my neck and hugged my waist. After two years, the man had already become a more straightforward big dog. It wasn't the same as the cold-hearted man who rejected me to the point where I doubt if it's the same person.

I guess being apart for 2 years really gave a good result. I gently swept away the shiny silver hair, thinking about it. "I'm going to have to go back. Sergey is probably making a fuss in the royal palace about my disappearance." " ." "My father and father would be very worried------- and If I had known this would happen, I would have told Sergey beforehand." Euredian was strangely speechless. I turned my head and glanced at his expression. Well what is it that you don't like? Is Sergey the problem too?"

It was a tacit affirmation. I raised my hand on his shoulder with a big smile. Patting. "I didn't know you were such a jealous man." "Can't we just go back to Belgoth like this?" "Pardon?" "Marry me." "What?" Wait, he is proposing to me? I stammered in embarrassment. "No, wait a minute----------------- --." "Marry me, please." It was very vague. I was completely embarrassed and hardened. I'm not a person who will go back and forth like this-------------------------------------------------------- ? But when I looked at his firm serious eyes, he didn't seem to be joking. I blinked stupidly and asked cautiously. "What would you do if I said yes here?" Somehow I felt uneasy in the back. The reddish purple eyes blinked slowly. A short smile flashed through the loose face. "If you say yes, we're going back together right now." "------- What if I say no?" "Then, you are going to get kidnapped again. Like old times." It's the same thing! I twisted my face ridiculously. "Don't say anything weird------ Ah, no first, sit here for now."

I dragged him down to the edge of the bed. Euredian was gently led by my hand and sat on the side of the bedside. But the arms around my waist were untied and the distance between us was still close.

Even in the early morning, I looked at the handsome face without any swelling. I have no idea what I'm thinking. "What are you thinking now? 'You think you want to kiss me?'" " Not that!" I didn't know that the words I spoke with my own mouth two years ago would have this shameless power. My cheeks glowed red as fast as the lie. Euredian pulled up the corners of his mouth slightly, "I'll go back and do the proper proposal. So just say a word now. Alright." " ." "Or you can just nod your head once." It wasn't a joke to say such a thing with such a languid look of a wild beast. And it didn't really seem to be a joke either. I muttered in a daze, "I know you're not the one to say this in such a hurry, ugh." At least Euredian Belgoth that I remember was a relaxed, planned man to the extent his patience permits. I finished my speech by grabbing his hand and barely pulled it down to me. "What happened?" "----- the Belgoth cleansing is almost finished." "And?" "And--- somehow I kept getting nervous." "Wh--What?" I stared at him with a fluttering heart. You didn't notice anything about Hades, did you? Euredian blinked slowly. "Somehow I didn't think I should leave you alone anymore." He continued his words as though he had made a pledge himself.

"I'll keep you safe this time." No, I mean-----"I'll never be like I was two years ago." Don't speak with such a face, in such voice, as if you're begging-----I murmured unconsciously, "I feel like I'm going to be taken----."

"Huh?" No. Get a hold of yourself, Yerenica. I grabbed my mind by biting the flesh inside my mouth. A brief conversation with Raulus in the backyard of the temple touched my mind. "You said you believed in my senses, didn't you, Raulus?" [The most accurate sense.] "--- This really seems like the time is nearing." No way. Lebovny also has to leave, I wasn't even able to be with Euredian in the yard to worry about. Aren't I the person who would be the next best option for Heides after I die completely? I sighed and opened my mouth again, "Go back first, Your Majesty." "Is this an euphemism?" Ah, that's not it. I corrected my words in a hurry. "That's not it. Your marriage is usually not a big event. It's not like you're going to spoil the beans on being so fast like this."

"It doesn't matter." " How many days do you need to empty the palace in the first place?" "Yes. I've done everything that bothers me." "A-All of it?" "I came here with the intention of sitting on it if I got dumped. Well------------------------------------------------------------------------ What about a month, if I don't have it, I will let it roll?" A month. He was a meticulous man. Euredian pulled me in. I felt a firm grip on my arm around my waist. "Unless it makes me more anxious than this-------------------------------------------- --." "What are you worried about? What's there to be anxious about?" With mixed feelings, I removed the silvery hair over his eyebrows and kissed him. "Lebovny is not as good as you." " ." "There was nothing to worry about. And didn't I tell you? I'm not as weak as I used to,"

I said so, but my inside was full of thoughts. How do I get this person back? Euredian seemed really determined. Even though I couldn't perceive the anxiety that I felt at all, when I was coming out, I was just a good person. "Because I've tried it in the meantime. So don't worry about it, huh?"

I could see his reddish purple eyes blurred by my refusal. Whatever it was, it seemed the first thing to do is to appease this man. I kept talking quietly, "Go back and send letters to my father first----." "Well, no matter how much I send it, it's useless." Euredian spit out hard. An annoying sign shook at his sunken face. "I don't think you father will accept me easily." "What?" "I think he's already awfully hated me. It would be useless to send hundreds more letters. I'd be glad if he opened it." I asked back as I didn't understand the words quickly. "My father? Why?" "He's a father who loves his daughter so much that he ignores the letter from Belgoth's owner." And this time I really doubted my ears. I opened my mouth and pushed the man who kissed me lightly near my collarbone. "What are you talking about!"

Chapter 112 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for *** He said that he sent courtship letters. Many times. But I don't get it! The incident made me paralyzed with anger. Boom boom boom boom! I stomped my feet and went out of the tavern. When I put my strength on my leg, my back was sore and painful.

Raulus, who was dozing under the stairs, slowly raised his head. [Are you coming down now? I'm getting old while waiting---------------------------------------------------------------- ] Raulus tilted his head as he saw my distorted face, [Didn't you have a good time, child?] "Where are you? Sergey Lebanon." [Hmmm--?] I picked Raulus up and held him in my arms. He sent suitor letter couples of time, he said? But there was not a word for me? "Damn. All the letters must have been stolen by my father and my mother." [Corporate?] "Or my older sister!" I have never dreamed that the letter would be intercepted in the middle. I hugged Raulus as if I were going to break him in tow. "Sergey, there's no way that he didn't know." "Yerenica." Euredian that followed lightly held me by the arm. "Wait a minute. Don't get angry." "How can I not be angry, in this situation!" I shrieked at him and made my way to the side of the road. It must be around here. I could hang one of my wrists that he'd probably be rattling through this area since I'd been gone all night. "Yeniiii!" And my prediction is exactly right.

I laughed crookedly as I saw Sergey running at a terrifying speed, drenched in sweat. "You're doomed. You're dead today."

"Yere---." "Be quiet, you." I flung up his mask roughly and then turned back again. Sergey looked so haggard, wondering if he really had been looking for me all night. "You, Y---You crazy thing. What are you doing disappearing like that!" Sergey grabbed me by the shoulder in a fit of rage. The green eyes swept me from head to toe. "You didn't get what happened, did you? Hey, if you see me drunk like that, come and take me, or give me a little word of the knights!" " ." "When I woke up, you weren't there, no one saw you and you know how surprised I was? Ah--- the head." Sergey touched his forehead with a pale face. I stared at Sergey with cold eyes and snapped his hand off. Therefore, it was clear that the reason why Sergey looked like this was not because he had a hard time looking for me all night, but because he drank too much and was caught by his family's knights yesterday. Even the small guilt that remained evaporated. I gritted my teeth gently and spoke, "Speak as you please, Sergey Lebanon." "Wh---What?" Only then did Sergey notice something strange in my face, and he stood up in surprise. I grinned, "What about all my letters?" "Uh----Uh--- ?"

The green eyes rolled uneasily. I widened my eyes, "I can hear you! Rolling that eye. Answer me quickly. Did you steal all my letters?" "Well, that's. Why don't we go to the palace and discuss this? His Highness and Brother-in-law are anxiously waiting----." "Why, are you going to set your tunes together?" "There's no way!" Sergey's lies seemed to resemble those of my own lies. In other words, it was very bad.

I gently grabbed Sergey's collar and pulled it. "Won't you answer it truthfully? The letters I wrote to Belgoth, you bastard" "W-Why are you looking at me like these---?" "Why? I asked you to mail letters a few times!" Are you trying to say that it has all evaporated into the air? You bastard! But I couldn't pursue Sergey. "Yerenica." A neat body came in contact with my back. The motion stopped as soon as I felt it. I looked back in embarrassment. "W-Why----- " Euredian who gently pulled me to his side, gently pulled me from behind. A light kiss fell between the ears and the chin. "Don't get angry." " " Oh the lips were soft. The angry expression on my face naturally faded. The lips that had fallen off slightly touched the end of my ear again. The ticklish

stimulus splashed my body. "--- I see, I see." I answered hastily. "Don't get too close." "What ?" "I put up with it a few times yesterday. Getting too close to a grown man." The last word was a whisper to me that would not be heard by others. Eventually, my face heated up. The anger, which was about to boil and overflow, went somewhere and it tickled somewhere in the body. "Who is this---- ?" But that too, for a moment, with a startling voice, I came to my senses. I was staring back and forth at Euredian behind me than at Sergey. Looking at Sergety, the anger that had died down boiled up again. "--- Hoooo." I chose the right breathing, trying not to get agitated. And I exhaled calmly. "My dear* friend." "Loving?*"

"---- A very close** friend." Euredian corrected the point immediately from behind, Sergey's expression became so grotesque. "No, wait a minute. Who is this? Eh, no, before that. You, Yerenica, were with this guy all night---"

"Don't cut me off, Sergey. The letters I sent. The letters that came for me. Who's Rochan? Am I the only that didn't know? Right?" "Crazy. She's crazy. Overnight, overnight. You're going to be kicked out right away if His Highness and Queen know!" " ." This is not a proper conversation. I turned around without another prompt. I'm not going to rob Sergey, but I should go to the Duke of Lebanon and visit my sister. "Hey, we have to talk properly right now. Who the hell is this guy----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Ugh." His voice, which was rising as if he were angry, snapped out of the middle. I'm holding on to Euredian and turned around. As I tried to take a step forward, I glanced back at Sergey in the bizarre silence that followed. "Huh " Sergey had a very stupid look on his face. The gaze was looking a little out of my sight. Euredian drew the end of his mouth with a troubled look. The hood he was wearing was half-way down when I pulled him with me earlier. The glint of silver fluttered lightly. The man, whose color alone shows his identity, opened his mouth loosely. "What---- First, it's been a long time, Confucious Lebanon." I could hear Sergey muttering quietly, "------ Crazy." In response to the sudden encounter with the Emperor of Belgoth, who appeared in the land of Lebovny, where it was a very quiet axis. ***

"So, he came to see you?" "Yes. Stop asking." I was irritated and pushed Sergey back. Throughout our return to the palace, Sergey kept asking me the same question with stupid face. "The Emperor of Belgoth came to Lebovny himself without a single escort?" " Yes, I think it's a little crazy. Yes."

On second thought, it was something I wouldn't believe even if it was me. The corners of my mouth pulled up by itself. Sergey seemed to be amazed at my appearance. "You----You----but still you---- with that man all night long-----." "If you keep saying things like my mother, I'll really pinch you, Sergey." I drove the horse a little faster, resorting it to be a bit faster. Sergey and I were on our way to the Duchess of Lebanon, Sergey clung close to the end and spoke loudly, "You're not going to let him into the palace, are you? Yenni!" I wasn't already listening to Sergey. In my head, I was thinking about the conversation I had before separating with Euredian. "First of all! Just wait a minute. I'll go ask my sister what the hell is going on." "You don't have to ask----." "I have some thinking too. And I haven't accepted your proposal yet!" I should've kept my face in control while saying that. I'm not good at hiding my face, though. How cheap it must have looked to the original iron wall--I sighed and urged to speak out, but my plans had already been drawn up. I mean, the plan to send Euredian Belgoth back. He didn't seem willing to go back at all. That's why he never tried to fall away from me last night.

The best thing to soothe a man who has become so nervous and sensitive is that---The answer from the courtship letter------ ! Chapter End Notes *t/n – in this line Yenni used which translated as dear but when Sergey asked thought that loving is more accurate (I think) because yenni and eru's relationship. ** in this one Erudian is using which trying to show the point that he is very close and dear to yenni (basically hinted his relationship)

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch If she persuaded her father to write a positive answer to his proposal and officially accepts it, wouldn't he be able to return with a little relief? It was quite brilliant for a makeshift plan. I was depressed again when I praised myself for coming up with it in the midst of a simmering anger. I've been asked to marry him, and I'm thinking of sending him back. "I can't live because I'm so sad. Seriously----." I don't want to send him back. Ahh. I held my heart by swallowing my tears. But I can't do anything that doesn't work. Do I know when and what's going to happen? " Wow." But thinking like that makes me sadder. Why can't I be happy! "Ah, right." As I was digging into the ground, I suddenly took a quick look at Sergey. Sergey, who received my gaze, flinched. "W-- Why---." I've firmly placed the rein. "You know, if you talked about this, you won't lose me that day." Sergey frowned at my counter-threat.

"You're the only one who should know that he would come this far even if the sky collapses. Promise me. Come on." "Ugh--- you really are." "Sergey, you've seen how depressed I've been. A theft of those letters. If your conscience still remains, cooperate steadily." " ." Sergey turned his head and glared at me with a dissatisfied look. "I get it. I get it. I get it. I don't know what happens to the letters." It was a little suspicious, but I decided to think of everything and believed in him. "I've intercepted a few letters---------- but coming to Lebovny in person. No way."

The more he brooded, the more puzzled he looked. All the way back he muttered something into the air, then pulled his head out, looked at me once, and repeated his nod in a daze. "No, it's not possible---." "?" "No. What am I thinking now!" Sergey turned his head with a face that looked as if he would pull his tongue out. What's wrong with him? I pushed my cheek with my tongue out of that insanity. And a few minutes later, I was facing my sister with a stiff face. "Aunty----." Brisney, who was playing with a toy in bed, looked at me with anxious eyes. The red hair braided in pigtails was cute that I wanted to bite her.

Alexio, who is half-naked next to her, is still playing. I managed to put up with the lip tipping. "Yerenica---." Tezevia was as nervous as Brisney was. I opened my mouth, trying not to look at the side of the bed where the babies were. "Hurry up. My letters." "Uh--- How did you know?" "I don't think that's important." This time, there was a hushed voice without having to struggle. For the past two and a half months, it was Tezevia who knows me the best. She pretended not to now, but my sister obviously knew that I wasn't in a hostage-kidnapper relationship with Euredian Belgoth. "I heard you ignored the proposal too." " ." "You knew, didn't you?" In the end, a sigh came out. A few sighs kept my stuffy heart from being light. "I know what you're worried about. I understand. If Brisney walked into a dangerous place on her own, you would have ripped it off." "Yenni----."

"But still, you should not ignore the official letters of marriage between countries. Even if our father did, you should have stopped him as my sister."

Could the owner of a country postpone all national duties and come over to this small kingdom over a huge mountain range? But I couldn't tell her that Euredian had come all the way to Lebovny. I bit my lips hard and said another words, "You said he would raise the fees for the Glucaman Agreement." "Uh----." "If someone who's been troubled for months by that damn agreement has been offering that much first, the least you can do is not to ignore it. What the hell do you believe in---" "I didn't think much. I'm sorry, Yerenica." My sister Tezevia held my hand in tears. I shook my head with a limp, "If you were a little crooked, you wouldn't have done this casually--." Somehow the status of Emperor of Belgoth seems to be halved when he comes to Lebovny alone. Two years ago, the negotiations over the Glucaman Road, and this time the Emperor's letter was completely ignored. I sighed briefly. However, it wasn't the first time that I came to the duchess as her sister. It was time to put the plan into action. Of course, I planned to go back to Belgoth someday, if not immediately. Not some Romeo and Juliet, nor Geyon-Woo and Jin-Nyeo--- there was no intention of confirming life or death only by letters for the rest of life. If I accept the marriage in advance, I will return to Euredian smoothly.

Tezevia was the only one who could convince our parents that Euredian wasn't a demon. I glanced at my sister and took my chances. "Do you trust me, sister?" "Yes, of course." The answer gave me confidence. As expected, Tezevia was one of the people who knew me best. I spoke intently, "I'll be good anywhere. I'm going to take good care of myself, I'm not going to cause any accidents, so, sister." "Yes, Yenni." My sister nodded her head, lowering her eyes. She looked as if she already knew what I was going to say.

"As expected, I'll tell father to send him a formal reply of refusal." "Yes, that's it huh?" I nodded excitedly then my heart stopped. Uh-- Uh-huh. I must have misheard it. After patting both ears with hands, I opened my mouth again, "Sister, what did you say----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?" Unfortunately, my ears were fine and the words coming from Tezevia's mouth were more serious than ever. "It's not a matter of just avoiding it. I think I was too complacent. Let's go talk to father right now. Let's send a formal rejection." " ." "If I had done that from the beginning, it wouldn't have dragged on like this." There was a thunderbolt in my head. What are you talking about? "You can't exchange the Glucaman fee for your safety. That's obvious." "Uh-------- sister it's not that."

"Wait here. I'll be right back." "No, wait! Stop!" I panicked and stopped my sister from going from her chair. And I withdrew all my previous ideas right now. I'm sure you don't even know what's inside me!! Well, it was natural considering the extent of my sister's worries about my condition. If my sister reacts like this, I don't even have to ask father. "I'll go tell him in person--- " I grinned at my sister. Plan A was useless two years ago and even now. Then---what I can do right now is----I thought with a little bit of despondency and a little bit of insanity. So that's really the only thing I have to do---------------------------------- ? *** The palace, which I returned after a day and a half, was in a mess as if it had been struck by lightning. That's understandable. The youngest Princess disappeared and reappeared. I was called by my father and mother and had to listen to the sound of harsh nagging for hours. What I wanted to say to the end only filled my throat, but I embraced Raulus and endured it admirably. [It hurts, you bastard!]

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I won't disappear without a word next time. There was nothing to worry about. I'm telling you." I felt a little guilty. Well, I'm a grown-up. I made a valiant resolution.

"From now on, I'll just stay in the palace. I'm telling you." And right after that, Euredian sneaked into the palace. As if being smuggled in. Of course, it was a bit valuable to be a contraband item, but------------------------------------------------------------------------- there was nothing I could do. "Is this the way you think? It's quite weird------- " "Be quiet." I have no intention of following right away, but what else would I do, since my opponent has no intention of falling away from me? I have to secretly hide him in my palace first, then convince him to go back no matter what. "As I thought before, Lebovny's palace looks amazing." I pushed the man who looked around the palace quickly behind the unfamiliar pillar. "Shhh. Shhh." "Nobody's listening, Yerenica." "During the day, birds listen." The distracted bird spat out a false sound. I pushed myself out of the pillar and looked around. The action looks odd, especially with holding Raulus in my arms. "I thought about it then, but you----." "Yes, I see." "You're not listening." "Yes." Nobody's here, huh? I crept along, answering roughly. With the other hand that did not hold Raulus, I stammered for Euredian's hand. I heard him muttering merrily, "You're not good at hiding, yet." "Pardon?" "It's not bad to find out what hasn't change one by one." " ?"

I crossed one more pillar before turning around to look at him. And the red porcelain that was immediately visible from the earth surprised with and took a step backward.

"Wh—What is it? All of sudden----- " The back of the pillar. I looked at the man who looked at me with my head down. The heart dropped down once, and it was beating faster and faster. Euredian mumbled in a languid tone, "Is it about this?

Chapter 114 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for "What---?" I hope you give me a signal when you suddenly come in like this. I could see the sharp eyes bent loosely. Every time I saw him, he had a face that was deadly harmful. Obviously, it's a very sharp, rather than soft, face that melts the heart when he laughs. How can a person create such a contradictory atmosphere----With a short laugh, he went to the tip of my nose and kissed it. It was as soft as if the lips would melt. "No? Was it there?" Euredian turned his head as if to gauge something and looked to the side pillar then at the other side again. "--- Aah."

And soon I realized what he was doing. I looked around blankly. Two star palace in the Lebovny Palace. A long hall connecting the western and eastern palaces. "Wow, I see. Here--- " I was kidnapped instead of Tezevia. I remembered vividly the day as if it had happened yesterday. The days Brisney was still in Tezevia's belly and I was worried about when would Belgoth's surprised invasion happened. I hid Tezevia's sister in a hole and carefully crossed over these pillars. "It was really scary then." I laughed as I felt the touch of his lips sliding down to my neck. While hiding somewhere in these very pillars, the moment when my eyes met clearly occurred to me. The reddish-purple that sticks in my mind from afar. "It's a new thing to think about again------ when is that already? Two and a half years ago?" Euredian did not answer. Instead, I felt a shiver run along my neck. A short groan sprang out of my mouth. "Eh. Wait a minute." I rolled my eyes nervously, pushing his shoulder.

It's been less than an hour since I promised my father that I won't make him worry, a small prick in my conscience ached. "If anyone sees----." "No one is looking. Don't worry." The answer came back immediately.

It was as he said. There was no shadow of passer-by between the western and eastern, nor any sign of being. But for no one to see----I glanced down at Raulus in my arms, and luckily, Raulus was asleep, leaning his head against my chest. Are you sleeping? I thought in my head, but there was no answer back. I smiled contentedly. "Uh. You must be sleeping." "--- Who?" I smiled broadly, hugging Raulus who stretched carelessly in my arms. Euredian looked at me with a slightly doubtful look. I didn't miss the glance coming down to my lips. His purple eyes showed signs of agony. "Hmmm." I decided to get rid of the trouble myself. What can I do for a man who came all this way looking for me? I can do anything for you except to say I'll go with you right away. Whether this man's unique atmosphere has shifted to me or because of the damp air late afternoon in summer, his eyes have bent loosely. I hummed and whispered, not knowing what expression I was making, "You can kiss me now." " " "Or should I? But my own hands are busy now----." The words did not continue till the end. Long fingers lifted my chin, as if I had been waiting for those words. "You always say what I want like a ghost." It was a whisper that sank low as if it had sunk deep. The words touched my lips as they left his lip.

Just like the first day we met, silver hair glistened in the thin sun. The red eyes were still, without the sound of the blades against each other, the sound of rattled armor, and the shouts of the military. In the late afternoon, the sun was split into dozens of branches, reflecting obliquely through the

pillars and a dizzying and unrealistic sensation was mixed up. As I felt it, it was a sense that only this man could give. *** It wasn't that hard to hide a man who sneaked across the border in my quarter. In particular, the western palace was not only quite close to the main palace but it was almost like a private palace, so if I may be able to hide him for some time. Then it was just as if I had locked up Euredian in a separate palace. Somehow it would not have been a coincidence that I remembered the days when I was standing in the royal palace of Barishad. "The situation is changing like this----." The roles and positions of two years ago were completely reversed. "The host is the guest, the guest is the master, the locked one is the one locking and the one locking is the locked one." The world was too long to live and see. Of course, this convert confinement may not last as long as that time. "Let's go back." "Go back." The eyes were met with tension. It was Euredian who spoke first. "You said you love me?"

It was a heavy fastball. The speech was blocked. I stuttered. "it's a different matter----." "You're not gonna hide me here forever." And for the last few days, Euredian was unleashing a peculiar persistence He has been clinging to me from time to time and it seemed he had figured out that I was weak when he was speaking in that tone with that face. And that's not the only thing that have reversed---"Yerenica." " " "Come with me----." "Stop, stop." I ended up biting my own lip with a flushed face. The old library in the western palace was filled with the smell of the main yellow sunset, faint

books, and the body scent of the pure and neat, a Euredian speciality. "One more word. I will run away." I pushed Euredian's face with the book I was holding. The short silver hair that scattered along his forehead was slightly tangled. But my hand was stuck in his big hand. Euredian, who stole the book I was holding, pulled up the corners of his mouth. "Why? Embarrassed?" It was a tone full of mischief. Sitting at the foot, raised his arms to my knees and tilted his chin at an angle. "You told me this a lot two years ago. Every once in a while." I sighed and avoided his gaze.

Even so, I was deeply reflecting on myself these days. If I'd known that the proposals I'd put out without fear would come back this way, I would at least hesitate once before I told him. "Don't compare it with me. Because the destructive power is different-----." Perhaps the best man on the continent was almost impossible to keep his composure when he insisted on getting married. Euredian laughed, "Now you know how I felt back then?" " Ikh." I let out a short moan when Euredian reached out and took the book away. Naturally, the divinity that had escaped from his body twinkled up my arms. "Everywhere." However, Euredian Belgoth was a man about twenty steps beyond me in his ability to deal with divinity. Immediately a clear energy spread out, pushing my divinity gently but heavily. I opened my mouth blankly. "Wow, it's great----but not--- no, but still." Pure admiration sprang out. Two years ago, I didn't know but in god's eyes, Euredian was simply a walking sacred factory. The slow and calm flow of divinity was so solid and precise that no other what no other force could intervene. Just as I reached my hand and groped at the flow.* "Amazing----." "What are you doing?" "I didn't do that much back in the days. After all, I can only see as much as others----." That's why it's the most powerful deity on earth. Euredian looked really new, but I didn't care and slowly redrawn the divinity flow with my fingers.

"Can you really give me half of your divinity? Then there's really nothing to cry about." "You can take everything. So marry me." "---- Since when did you become like this?**" Eventually the conversation came back to square one. I averted my gaze awkwardly and raised my hand. Ah, really. I was so embarrassed that I was going crazy. Euredian acted as if he would pour out all the affection he had not given. It's natural to try not to fall all day long, and if our eyes meet for more than a few seconds, our lips are touching. When my lips touched--- I almost bought it. But Euredian Belgoth was a stubborn man by nature. He was, if I had to say, good at acting irresistibly. Like now----"Give me a hug, Yerenica." " " "Kiss me." It was perfectly the same line I gave two years ago. There was a smile on his face, but it was hard to dismiss it as a joke. The inside of that sturdy wall is as sweet and thick as a warm marshmallow. My firm determination to send him back in this situation has not even been put into action. I managed to control my expression and spoke, "No, I won't." " ."

It was not Soleia who dazzled people, but this man who was a step above her. If I don't stay alert, I'll really be nodding my head unconsciously. "I'm going to read a book. Give it to me." "........ " His straight eyebrows frowned slightly. Euredian thought I was going to come to him, but soon he changed his words. "Then smile." The long, warm index finger brushed against the back of my head. Chapter End Notes

*t/n – think now Yenni can actually see Erudian's divinity flow so now she is just amazed. **the literal translation was 'ticket' and it didn't make sense so changed it slightly

Chapter 115 The book that had been taken away was neatly placed on the knees. The sudden change of position embarrassed me. "Uh.... You're not in a bad mood, are you?" "No. No way." However, I think I did something I shouldn't do. Actually, I'd like to hug him too, but should I have just pretended not to? This made it clear that there was no quality in my iron walls. "I'm not in a bad mood." I mumbled softly, putting the book on the window frame. "I know, but I like your smiling face, too."

I turned my head and looked at my face reflected in the window. I suddenly thought that my face, which was deliberately hardened, might look a little bland. Come to think of it, there are a lot of people who look at my face every time we meet these days. "Where have I changed?" I asked without looking away from the window. "It got prettier." "----so, could you please---uh, blink---." Turn it on and come in, please! I screamed with tears in my heart, but I didn't think Euredian would recognize it. In the end, our conversation was filled with kisses, as it had been for days and days. [The body is affected by the soul, what else could that be?] "Uhm ?" And it was through Raulus that I got the answer. [Still, the foreign energy is stronger, but you're also been exposed to divinity for a long time. It's proof that the unstable soul is slowly melting into the body] I put my arm on the dressing table and looked at my face here and there. I didn't know because I didn't pay much attention, but when I looked at the mirror in front of me, I noticed that it was definitely different. My face remained the same, but the atmosphere was slightly different. No wonder, I didn't notice it myself. That was a very similar atmosphere to the one I've always seen for 25 years before becoming Yerenica.

Do I feel any pain if I stay still because it's a little cold? Or is something bad happening? I used to hear that everyday. "Oh----- That's amazing." [The shell is beginning to melt with the soul, so it's natural that something changes. Maybe if you're around him, you'll be affected more faster.] "I see. So now there is no more ability for my soul to go out of the body like it was before?" [That depends on how hard you train. Why don't you start practicing again in that form? There's also a good teacher at that.] "Ah, right." I completely forgot. I stopped biting my face and got up. Come to think of it, it's no different from what he had done before. Why didn't I think of it? *** "Self-healing?" Euredian seemed to wonder why I'm asking such a thing. I didn't answer that question of his. "Are you sick?" "No, I'm not sick---- just to be prepared for the future." I grabbed his arm and sat down. With moderate weight, the flow of divinity slowly swirling around his body was clearly felt. I nodded again, waving Euredian's arm. "Please teach me. Now, I've learned quite a bit to bounce some mana or reverse an attack--------------------------------------------------------------------------- but it was still hard to remove the poisonous effect with divinity inside me." "Well it's a sensation, so it's hard to explain."

Euredian looked at something for a moment. The big hands intertwined my hands one by one. "I've never had a hard time moving my body's divinity. Feel it for yourself." "---- a real genius is here." "What?" I reflected on my past mistakes of calling myself a sick genius. What am I talking about? I laughed vainly and focused on reading the flow that felt by my hand as I held him in silent. " Wow." And I sincerely admired it. The mouth opened on its own. The divinity power that roamed Euredian's body was much more irregular and intense than the divinity that was sent out. Clear. The chaste divinity was nowhere to be found and full of sharp, raw energy.

My mouth snapped open, "Wow, it's originally like this?" "If I don't purify it, ah, is it too irritating for you to feel?" I could feel the divinity standing on me, as soon as the words came out, it was immediately blunt. "Ugh----." Only then did I realize I was holding my breath. Euerdian glanced at me with worried eyes, "I'm sorry. I should have noticed." "N-No, it's okay." In an instant, the raw energy had turned into a calm wave then flowed smoothly. A clear and tidy stream which was just the right stimulus for me. Euredian stroked my cheek soothingly, "Any raw energy is rough and unstable. I usually tend to handle it. It's not difficult."

"Aha----." It sounded like a nuance to me saying, 'five minutes is enough for me to stretch my arms'. I breathed in admiration as I gathered my breath. "I don't even have time to read anything on it. That's amazing." "It's not my ability. It's just a force inherited from my ancestors." Euredian was not a particularly impressed person. My hands on his wrist were not far away, as I was focusing my whole nerves on the return of my breath. He didn't take his hand until I said it was okay several times. "In fact, it is a force that cannot perceive magical power. It's useless when it matters." He continued "Ah, right. It's not even Raulus----." " ?" Euredian looked at me with a strange expression. I changed my words with a bright smile. " so it's impossible for you." "Well---- I suppose so." Alright. That was natural. I breathed a sigh of relief. "As expected, I think I'm holding too much in one man." Knowing how to properly feel the divinity, I was able to deduce the reason why Soleia and Hades were aiming for Euredian. He was a man who breathed cleanly purifying this huge and dense raw divinity. "Well, you don't seem to believe me for that." Euredian answered slowly, and seemed to disagree. "What's wrong with that."

"If you're with me, you don't have to learn how to handle divinity. Ah---------------------------------------------------------------------------- of course, it's

good for you to learn such things." "Hmmm----." "Somehow--- " An uncertain light came to the reddish eyes. I blinked my eyes a few times. Euredian sighed at the end of these words, "I wonder if I'm so unreliable--------------------------------------------------- --." "Eh?" "There seems to be something else that you don't tell me, ugh." I clasped his mouth before he could speak anymore. This---- a man of useless taste. I wasn't a good liar, so I had to keep him from speaking anymore. "Don't talk nonsense, Your Majesty." I cried out in the sun with a smile that Euredian would always be stuck in. "Show me more. Like a fire of purification for example!" "it's not exactly something you'd be curious about----." "Still!" And he didn't argue me as usual A day has passed and two more days have passed. It has already been over a week since I hid Euredian in the western palace. Peace and tension have been common in the days. "Something----it's strangely more disturbing because nothing's going on---." [You worried too much.] "Baseless anxiety. Isn't that right?" Raulus licked his tongue into the quilt. For some reason, I'm the only one in this palace who cares. Both Euredian and Raulus were very lax. You're right. You don't feel it, do you?

I gave a deep sigh and pressed my cheeks mercilessly on the table. "Why am I the only one who's always panicking----------------------------------------?" No matter how well I hide it, I realized that once rumors begin to circulate, it's quick to spread. It's as if my stay in the Palace of Barishad had spread all over the Barishad community. If it's discovered that I'm hiding a man in the palace, even the owner of the country----

I grinned as I imagined being dragged into the attic at the top of the main palace by my parents and sister. "Yes. Let's not think about it." And now was not the time to worry about it first. Euredian really seemed to be thinking of staying in the palace for days and weeks until I accepted the proposal.

Chapter 116 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for [Crumbs. I'm dizzy.] Raulus fluttered as if dust on my hand, I stopped shaking him and instead plucked off his hair. "But After almost two and a half months and two years, when you look at the silence like this, maybe you've already forgotten all the bad skulls?" [It's wheezing.]

In fact, the biggest problem was that my declared heart is slowly crying these days. "Please answer me truthfully, Raulus, can I go back to Belgoth like this?" [That's your call. Just finished brushing is. Now it's a mess.] Raulus said that in a peaceful manner. I laughed wide as I suppressed the urge to pull out all the glowing silver hairs. "You're easily talking about other people really. You don't think the blow will come to you if I suddenly die one day?" [But I can't feel it anyway. What's important is your sense, it's a crumb.] Raulus shook his head and raised himself upright. Yeah, well, he's a little cub in my forearm, so it's way below the eye level. Maybe because I'm enjoying the sacredness of Euredian these days, Raulus who has become very well, tapped my hand with his small front paws. [Do you feel anything these days?] "---- Just the same thing. I keep feeling weird in the back. I think it's a good thing I haven't felt anything physically yet----." My advantage over Hades was that I could feel his presence in any way. So even if it's just a hunch, I shouldn't ignore it. My heart was pounding. [You don't have to strain yourself, child. You can be a little more childish*]. "That word again." [In fact, you're scared, aren't you?] Raulus would sometimes easily read me through that it's creepy.

Raulus rode my arm and curled around my shoulder and nape. A warm heavy feeling of weight pressed down my throat.

[Don't even think about hiding it from me, crumbs. It's easy for me to read your mind.] " ." Raulus was right. In fact, if I really had a firm mind, I would have cut him off cold-heartedly. The reason I couldn't do that is because I love him, because it's been two years since I met him. That was the biggest reason, and--"I--- am really just crumbs that have just evolved into stone teeth." My mind was in a mess. I mumbled, fidgeting with the plump tail of the little wolf that ran down my neck. "I want to go. I too---." I couldn't sleep until late that morning. "I want to go. I want to go back. Oh, I really want to go------- " Silver hair stood between my fingers and slipped softly. The face was close enough to count the number of eyelashes one by one. I muttered, looking at the sleepy face for a long time, "I have to send you back soon." Of course, there was no answer from a sleeping person. I wriggled into the arm. Warmness came from bare skin. "I wish you'd just go." Words that I didn't mean popped out. I felt skeptical of myself. What do I want to do? It was not good to keep worrying like this. Not for me, not for those who wait.

I suddenly felt strange after a vague sigh. The divinity power that was flowing gently along Euredian's body, shot and splashed for a moment. "Uh--- ?" I raised my head blankly. His eyes met mine with half open eye-lids. "!" And the view was completely reversed. I was lying down under him in a flash. "Oh, I wasn't sleeping." It was a low but clear voice. I swallowed a bewildered groan. No, of all things, that's what you're saying! Euredian slowly shut his eyes. "That's not a very nice thing to say."

"That's---so---that's---like---half word." It was bullshit. I want to rip out my careless rambling mouth. I pulled him gently by the arm, but he didn't budge. Euedian seemed a little angry. There was a blade in his eyes. It was well worth it. My lips opened up to make some excuses but were devoured. "!" It felt completely different from the soft and friendly kisses that I had ever had. An uncontrolled raw divinity stream flowed through his lips. And it was an excessive stimulus for me, as I once felt in that afternoon. "Ugh---- Huh, wait a minute. Lung----." Rustling, whirlpooling, scraping through the body. Tears welled up in my eyes in an instant. The lips pulled apart after a long time. Air once again entered. The hand that swept over my hair was as friendly as ever with the strong stimulus that hit me. "Tell me why."

"That's, eugh, eugh. It's----." "You. I can convince you." The voice seemed to be shaking slightly. It was dark that I couldn't see his face properly. "True, no no, heugh---." However, I couldn't say anything as I was breathless. The neck, back and the back of my knee jumped slightly. It was so hot that it was rather creepy**. "You have to tell so I can think---- ah." I heard a short groan that wasn't mine. I still struggle to adapt myself to the raw divinity that is scratching my body. "Oh, my--- --." The body floated lightly. I was back on top of him. Tears welled up in my eyes and fell down his chin. Eeredian seemed embarrassed by my messed-up face. "I'm sorry---------I'm sorry. I wasn't careful again. Yereinca?" He was restless and soothed me. The voice was filled with regret. "Sorry, don't cry." "No------I'm sorry----- --."

The burst of tears poured out uncontrollably. When we met again after two years, we didn't shed tears. Once the water was opened, the sorrow that had been pressed in, burst out. It was the first time I've cried so much in front of him since I was struck by Soleia's nightmare two years ago at Belyuk Palace. If those tears were physiological from beginning to the end at that time, this time, it is different that the emotions of the middle part were mixed up.

"Me too, I really want to be with----." "Alright. Yes. It's my fault." The sound of his voice soothing me which somehow made me sadder. "Did it hurt a lot? This is driving me crazy. Don't cry, Yerenica." The tightly held arms were firm and stabled. As a lie, the calming divinity was passed on gain. "Show me your face. Huh?" Ah. I really don't want to show it. Even after my condition returned to normal, I cried in his arms for a while. I made a mistake, but it was Euredian who became a sinner. I thought, 'this isn't it' but I was just crying. After crying for so long, I felt as if I had fallen asleep as if I had passed out. And from the very next day, my anxiety increased with one more thing. Just like in the last few days, we face each other, talk, hold hands, hug and kiss----This sensational guilt that feels heavy. How do I solve this? In fact, it would be better if Euredian's attitude had become more cautious, but he never changed my mind. In the first place, he wasn't a man that could do that, but it seemed it was quite shocking to him that I cried. As if dealing with a glass doll, he became careful. If I had to practice a little bit of divinity and I was frightened a little, he would hug me. With a little exaggeration, I never really walked on my feet all day. The effect of teas was immense. "Uh, I'm not sick it's okay." "You're not okay. Is it still a habit to say that it's okay?"

Seriously. I gave him a gentle hug as I looked at his eyes. I felt that the divinity that was lightened to almost air level was absorbed. "Well-----." A man who had been hot all day suddenly changed to be careful. It was just as strange as it was. Anyway, Euredian didn't look particularly offended or upset. So it was purely a matter of conscience for me to be stabbed like this. "Well, Your Majesty." "Why?" "It's already been a week and Count Iven won't wait-----." "Who?" Somehow a slightly sharp reddish magnet has become thinner. I shook my hand with a start. "Ah, no-----." And as soon as Euredian turned his head with a bland face, he secretly ripped off his hair. Far from persuading me to go back, I really noticed it------------------------------------- ! In the meantime, do you know whether I can feel the energy of magic somewhere or crack down the magic users ? It was about three heads***, so I wanted to share my concerns one by one. And about two days after that, It was none other than my lovely niece who was the first to notice the presence of this strange visitor who was staying in the western palace. Chapter End Notes

**.....Yenni was so turned on that her body went to overdrive--------------------------------------------------------------------- i***checked with two translator it still gave me the same words.

Chapter 117 Chapter Notes Enjoy a Brisney's POV *** It was a day when the sky was exceptionally blue without a speck of cloud. The pouring sun was blazing down. It was a little hot for a three-year-old child to endure. The child, whose braided red hair fell on her shoulder, looked up at the clear sky, frowned and lowered her head. It was dazzling. "Lexi." She called out her friend's name in a clumsy voice. Of course, there was no answer back. Now Brisney needed to find her friend who was hiding somewhere to escape her. "Where did you go---- ?" Brisney muttered a note in a small voice. In the child's eyes, the palace was like a huge jungle. Big, wide, and strange. I had to come here a few times with my mother's hand in my hand, but I was three years old, and it was strange how many times I had passed it . However, Brisney was originally not afraid of the new place or unfamiliar one. Besides, with her friend, there's nothing to be scared of.

"Lexi?" Brisney called her friend's name and walked back and forth. The child's steps gradually turned toward the star palace behind the main palace. The child was meticulously scrutinized between the tall pillars. Alexio was not there. " Hmm." A large note of water floated over Brisney's head. As she did not know that her friend had been caught by his father in the garden behind the main palace, Brisney continued to walk. The child headed west. After walking for a long time, there was an endless line of columns. " " All of a sudden, she was scared.

Although Brisney was hard at work poking around fearlessly, it was also scary to wander in a strange place by herself. "Hiing-----." Brisney went over another pillar with a tearful look. The road that seemed endless was finally over when the big sky-blue eyes filled with tears. "Hing-----." The mouth trembled as if it were about to burst into tears. However, Brisney kept her lips tight and shook her head. "Bree is not crying." I told you, a brave kid doesn't cry . It was what the child's favourite pink flower-like aunt said as a joke. Brisney clasped his little hand firmly and took another step.

"--- Wow." And she opened her mouth. Brisney was out in the small backyard. A two-bedroom palace in Lebovny. It was a small courtyard in front of the western palace. A little jagged lawn tickled the child's ankle because it hadn't been handled. Brisney forgot that she had just been scared and looked around. The outer walls of the western palace were half covered with ivy grown on their own. A lush bush surrounding the palace. A big beautiful tree. A floral swing hanging from a strong branch was swaying back and forth in the wind. " " In the eyes of the child, who had lived among the bustling people, it was too quiet. The strange scenery also caused anxiety once again to rise. "Hi—ing. Is anybody there?" The crying sound came out again. Brisney looked around. In the wind, only the sound of the branches, which are crunchy can be heard from time to time, and yet it was still calm. "Did I do something wrong?" It was then that a human voice could be heard in the child's ear, who was about to burst into tears. "Don't read it!" " If there's anything wrong, please tell me. I'll try to fix it ."

"Don't read it!" It was someone's arguing. There were two voices. Among them, it was a familiar voice in the child's ears.

"Give it to me. Oh, I'm crazy. I'm not giving you this!" "Why? Isn't it the letter you were trying to send to me anyway? And you gave it to me to read?" "I didn't mean you to read it aloud in front of me!" It was always the voice of her sweet and lovely aunt. It was also one of Brisney's favourite adults, an aunt who has a pretty smile. Brisney ran toward the huge, beautiful tree where she could hear the conversation happening. " If you don't reply this time, I won't write anymore---------------------------------------------------------------- Well your attitude has completely changed over the last few days." "Oh, really!" The child's steps stopped short. Apparently, it was because the shadows of the two people were fluttering on the side of the slower swing that had just been empty. Eugh. "I can see it in the letter---- Ugh." She wondered if a calm blue dress would appear behind the radish pillar and soon the sweet pale pink hair was completely revealed out of the tree trunk. The child's favourite aunt, Lebovny's youngest Princess, Yerenica, hid her arms behind her back as if she were hiding something behind her. Yerenica snapped with a frown, "If you keep doing that, I'll read it out loud too." "I don't mind." "---- Ihk." Brisney pulled her head out from behind a small tree. Soon, she could see the back of the three which was hidden in a thick wooden post. She saw the

flower swing that she saw from the front of the west palace. "Okay. I won't read it. Come here. Step down." "I can see that you're angry in it----- Ah, really. That look again!" The voice sounded very unfair. The child tilted her small head and smiled. Who's my aunt fighting with? But it didn't seem like it. After a while, the sound suddenly shook by laughter bursting comfortably. "Uh--- ?"

Fight, resent, laugh again. There was something strange about my aunt. Brisney walked sideways and hid well behind other trees. Only then the sight under the beautiful tree was completely visible. "Woah." An innocent admiration came out from the child's mouth. The light pink hair glistening in the sunlight that has been crushed thinly between the dense branches of the tree and the leaves and--"Wooo-ah." Clean silver hair without impurities that are hard to find in Lebovny. Brisney opened her eyes wide. "Somehow I've been told you've become violent. I didn't know the letters were showing signs----." "I won't let you touch it anymore." "Understood. I'm sorry."

The two colours, which are rare anywhere in the continent, have mingled dizzily. Brisney blinked and saw a strange man stretched out his arm and wrapped in Yerenica's waist. The child's eyes dazzled the smile. The sharply stretched eyes bent sweetly. "Pretty." The child murmured unconsciously. Pretty? Brisney tilted her head as soon as she said that. The two looked good together, but they didn't look strange. It doesn't look fine, but it looks odd. It was difficult for the child's head to think more. "You shouldn't be out this long. I don't know if anyone's gonna see it----." "I don't like being detained, but I'm as good as I thought, ugh. Yerenica." Yerenica shoved the man's face all the way. There was a little grumble. "This guy seriously. Confinement. I have nothing to say." Are they fighting again? Brisney was more confused. However, it seemed that the man wasn't fighting as he grumbled and she didn't push him away completely. It didn't seem like they were fighting at all. So were they playing? "Bree wants to join." [Baby should not be seeing that.] "Uwa--?"

A sudden burst of silver hair, Brisney fell down with a short scream. A silver wolf, almost as the size as the child's body, [You don't get involved in adult relationships.] Of course, Raulus' murmur never reached Brisney. Brisney was whispering in a daze and was dragged by the wolf to leave the western palace.

However, the curiosity of a child was not easily extinguished. Especially, if curiosity, stubbornness and possessiveness are the ones that just reach the sky. In terms of execution, Brisney, who had Yerenica in her palm, visited the palace of the west palace the very next day. The backyard of the western palace, which she arrived eagerly on short legs, was as quiet as yesterday. "Aunty." Calling out Yerenica while walking. She approached the beautiful tree from yesterday when she saw Yerenica and the stranger were, but today there was no one. "Aunt Yeni?" With a short step, it took time to go around the tree trunk once. " Not here." A frustrated and disappointed expression filled her young doll-face. "Hing." Her big blue eyes filled with water. Brisney stretched out her lower lip as if crying right away and shook the empty flower swing. "Chi----- I will play alone." The flower swings, decorated with green vines and fresh-coloured flowers, were still high for a child to ride alone. However, once she decided to ride it, she had to do it, so Brisney grabbed the swing and raised her body. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The swing tilted, tilted. In no time the visible landscape was completely reversed. The small body slanted to the other side of the swing.

The child instinctively foresaw the coming fall and closed her eyes tightly. " ?" But there was no shock. Brisney opened her tightly closed eyes.

"Huh?" And she saw silver hair twirling before her eyes. "A child?" The man was bending one knee in front of the child and lowering his posture. A small body, which was about to fall before him, was tightly held in his large hands. Brisney blinked his eyes as if she was blind. Silver hair. It was him. The person who was with her aunt yesterday. "Pretty." A short tongue popped out. Euredian, holding the little girl, who nearly hit her head on the ground while trying to climb on the swing, looked at her with a strange look. The child, who blinked several times with clear skylight eyes, smiled brightly. "Pretty man!" " ." "Pretty man, good man." Euredian laughed in vain.

Chapter 118 It was a smart kid who spoke quite clearly. "Where did you learn to say that?" "From my aunt!" " ."

He didn't know who the child's aunt was, but she seemed taught her all the odd things. Euredian smiled lightly and put her on the edge of the swing. The child opened her eyes wide even though he said he would put her down carefully. " ?" Wasn't it the swing that she wanted to ride------ ? He didn't know much about the existence of a 'child'. He grew up alone without any brothers or cousins of the same age, he has never seen a baby. So, he didn't even know how to handle a child. What do you usually do first when you have a child in front of you? Euredian was briefly in serious trouble. In the end, after mulling over it for a long time, a short question came out from his mouth. "----- What is your name?" But Brisney didn't know how much chaos the man in front of her was in. The eyes with clear blue sky curled in a gentle way. "Brie." "Brie?" "Yes!" The most beautiful man she has ever seen, she let loose all her guard and laughed slightly. "Is it part of Lebovny's royal----." Euredian tilted his head vaguely "Brie is mother's daughter." It was lovely to see her speak clearly. The child stretched her arms at him, "Hug me!" " "

And Euredian momentarily felt strange. It was a line he'd heard a lot before. "Give you a hug?" "Yesss!"

The only thing that resembles Yerenica is the bright sky-coloured eyes that are unique to the royal family. Although, her words and actions hit him hard. And like anything that has to do to Yerenica, whatever it was, Euredian had a hard time refusing. "It's a serious problem----." He smiled in vain and carefully lifted the child up. His posture was very awkward because he had no idea how much strength he had to put into his arms. "Hehe." The child seemed to have a smile on her face as if not uncomfortable. It was as small as a snail. Small, soft, and warm. A child is such a harmless being. Euredian carefully changed his posture, after realizing that fact. His posture was more natural now than before as this was his first time holding a child. "How did you know this place?" "Sparkling, sparkling." The child stretched out her hand, saying the words at the same time as the question. She grabbed the silver hair that scattered on Eruedian's forehead and pulled it all the way. Euredian groaned reflexively. "Ah." "The same color as Ralie!" " Who?"

Silver hair was a precious colour. It was the colour of Belgoth royal family. But Euredian quickly came up with another one that had the same colour as his. Unfortunately, it was not human. "Ah, the wolf." A little wolf cub that almost lives in Yerenica's arms. The wolf's fur was exactly the same colour as his hair. His mind quickly thinks fast. If she's a child who knows Yerenica's wolf---Euredian knew at once who the child was. He opened his mouth, gently peeling off the child's hand while pulling his hair. "You're the kid. Brisney." The niece who had filled more than half of Yerenica's letter. A girl with red hair who is her sister's daughter. "So Brie---." What a cute nickname. Euredian shook off his hair which had been pulled by the child with a troubled face.

He remembered in the letters that her mischief was no joke. "How did you get here by yourself?" "By walking hard!" "Ah yes." Right. She must have walked hard. Euredian had tried not to show any embarrassment on his face. What is this conversation supposed to be about? He had never seen a child as young as this and he had never talked to them much, so it was natural not to know. Still, it was amazing to see her chattering easily. Her smiling face was pretty as a baby angel. "How old are you?"

"Three years old." Three years old seemed to be able to speak this clearly. However, the child didn't let him think of anything else. A handful of silverhaired locks were caught again on a cute little finger. "Brie wants to ride the swing!" "Swing right." She wanted the swing, but I didn't know why she kept attacking my hair. Questions continued to grow unanswered. Is this how all children of this age act------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ? Euredian carefully dropped Brisney the swing. However, the child frowned and clung tightly to his arms, and didn't want to let go. "You said you wanted to ride the swing?" "No, together!" "Together--- ?" Euredian understood it a bit late, thinking about what it might mean at the moment. She didn't seem to want to ride alone. "I want to ride a pretty swing." " " "Get on it, please." In the end, Euredian sat lightly on the swing, holding the child in his arms. Brisney sat at an angle on his legs. Words quickly poured out of the small mouth without rest. "Please ride. Do you ride?"

"Please pick me up." "Huh, give me a ride." He had no basics of the child, and she was also a brilliant child.

The youthful figure reminded him of Yerenica. Indeed, Brisney grew up with love from Yerenica as much as she spent with her mother and father, so it was natural to have similar behaviour. The child hummed in a lively voice. "Please pluck the flowers in the garden. Today, I'm a fan. Tomorrow is Dalia. The day after tomorrow-----." She thinks seriously as she forgot the lyrics then cries out in a lively manner, "The day after tomorrow, the dog flower!" " ." "Where did the pretty brother come from?" It was a flow that he couldn't keep up. But anyway, a pretty, harmless face like a child's doll was enough to melt away his reverence. Euredian drew the corner of his mouth loosely. In his signature languid, relaxed face as he looked at the child's sky-blue eyes. "Pretty brother------ I don't think that's what your mother taught you." "How did you know?" Why is the anxious foreboding never wrong? "---- Where did I learn to keep saying strange things?" Euredian sighed low and slightly stroked the red hair that braided. The child, who had put a weird title to the Empire's master in her mouth, blinked her eyes in an unrelenting way. The following words, however, were very sharp and hit the right target. "Are you going to take my aunt?" "Yes."

And Euredian's answer came out quickly. It was the answer that he didn't have to think about. Brisney tilted her head, "Where?" "Belgoth." If he had been an adult who was a little tactful in dealing with children, he would have known better to answer it gently. Unfortunately, Euredian did not know how much the curiosity and possessiveness of the child. "Belgoth---." Brisney said the word a bit. She didn't know where Belgoth was. The only left in her mind was the

fact that one of her favourite people is missing. "No." "Why not?" "Aunt Yeni said that Brie, Lexi and Ralie will live together forever." " ." "Brie is going to live with Auntie. Auntie shouldn't be gone----." It seemed to him that the wolf and the young niece were doing well. Euredian had a strange sense of deprivation, but he ended up thinking about what he was doing against a three-year-old child and a young beast. "You will see her often, your aunt." However, he couldn't promise that Yerenica would be in Lebovny for the rest of her life, so he chose to talk about it in a roundabout way. Then, the child's face was immediately changed. "Then can I see pretty brother often?" "---- Is it the characteristic of Lebovny's royal family to use odd names?"

If he had married a little earlier, he would have had a daughter this big, however he can't believe to hear such words from a child this age. Euredian sighed, "You should never let Yerenica teach you about title names." "Can I see you often?" "Try hard--- yes. You can see me often." Euredian gave a vague answer, but then changed his words unknowingly when he saw the sparkling blue eyes. He also felt guilty to refuse those eyes. Brisney shook her legs and shouted excitedly. "Wow, promised that!" "That---- okay." "What is your name, pretty brother?" The flow of the conversation quickly changed toward something else. Euredian sighed, looking down at the child's sunny face. He didn't think he had listened to Lebovny's situation. Well. He knows how much she loves her niece. "What do I call you?" A doll-like cute and lovely child held his cheeks together and asked again.

"The silver wolf's name is Rali. What is yours, older brother?" "Brisney. First, I am not an older brother----." "Your Majesty?" And it was then that he heard the voice he loved the most.

Chapter 119 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for Euredian glanced back. He felt anxious in an instant but he still had that straight expression. "What are you doing there? You shouldn't come out like this." "Then why do you come out when it is hot?" "I came out to find Your Majesty, of course." However, the corners of his mouth pull up loosely. "If anyone sees you, all branches will fly that day, huh?" "Sorry." "What are you holding--- huh, Brisney?" "Auntie!" A child who knew Yerenica's voice poked her head over Euredian's shoulder. The sound of footsteps that had paused started again. And before long a light pink-hair appeared suddenly in front of the flower swing. "Oh my, Brie. How did you get here?"' "It's Aunt Yenny! Give me a hug!" As expected, it was a habit to ask for a hug. Yerenica held the child that was sitting on Euredian's lap in her arms. She seemed to be much more natural and skilled than he was. Yerenica asked, kissing the child's cheek. "Are you alone, Brie?" "Yes, I came alone!" "You've never been here before, how do you know----." "Brie came yesterday. I saw my aunt and pretty brother yesterday!" " ."

Yerenica smiled a bit troubled. She couldn't find a word to answer, but was glancing at him and smiling vaguely. Euredian sighed short and deep, "Why did you use such a strange name again?" "Um. Brie. Isn't your mom looking for Brie?" And Yerenica wasn't even listening to him. No, she'd pretend that she didn't listen.

Eeuredian shook his head as he watched Yerenican step back to the side with the child. "If you go alone like this, your mother will worry." "Yes, but---." "Oh, Lexi. Lexie's gonna be very, very worried, too." Brisney's face clouded at once when she said the name Lexie. The smallest and narrowest name that holds the largest share in Brisney's world. Brisney started closely at Euredian, who was half a step away every time she moved. Somehow it made her anxious. The most beautiful person she ever saw, but it seemed that he would take her beloved aunt and leave far away. It was natural that the Emperor of Belgoth who was in front of him could not be in Lebovny. Even though the child did not know exactly where the place was, she instinctively knew that he was not the one who would stay here and stay with her for long. He promised to come often, but she didn't think so. Brisney opened her mouth as she hugged Yerenica's neck. "Aunt Yenny promised to live with Brie!" "Huh?"

Yerenica opened her eyes. However, she laughed tenderly as if honey was falling. "Then, Auntie will always be with Brie, Brie's mother, and Lexie's side." And it was Euredian's side that had a subtle twist in the stomach. He frowned gently. Then he caught Brisney's expression. The child's face was full of mistrust in an instant. Euredian laughed in vain. The clear round sky blue eyes turned on him exactly. Looking at him in the face, Brisney said plainly, "You promised." It was clear that she was talking about his promise to come often. With his eyes wide open and looking at her, Euredian eventually laughed loosely. The distance slightly narrowed quickly in just a few steps. He leaned back and made eye contact with the child. "If you promised me you didn't tell anyone that you saw me here." "If I promise----- Will Brie ride another swing?" "Okay." Brisney blinked. A clear, neat body in the air floated gently. It was the child's first sight of divinity. Brisney smiled broadly. It easily wiped the mistrust of the child.

As expected, he is as pretty and sweet as her aunt. Brisney reached out and kissed his cheek, as she did to the person she liked. She replied all cute and lively, "Yes!" *** "What did you talk about with Brisney?"

Yerenica, who had taken the child to the main palace, tilted her hair a bit. She just dropped and sat on the swing. "She's not shy, she's crawling--- but she still doesn't kiss people. My brother-in-law has been hurt more than once because she hasn't been nice to my dad."* "Really? The Duke must be a little upset." "Yes he is. I mean, what did you do? A promise. What promise?" The swing, which had just been filled with an adult male and a young girl, now being sat by Yerenica. The swing moved slowly back and forth. "Well----." The petals fell off one by one whenever it moved. It fell down at the feet of Yerenica, on her pale pink hair, on her thin shoulder. "There were times when the letter had more stories about your niece than about you, maybe?" "What are you talking about all of a sudden?" "Just. I thought you wanted it." "Ah---- I didn't know you liked kids" "I didn't really think much about it, rather than like it. I've never seen such a young child up close in the first place."' There was a curious look on her face. However, he soon frowns as if he was trying to convince himself. "That's right. You said you had no siblings." "Yes." "Isn't she cute, my Brie? I think she's the loveliest girl in the world. How could she look so much like my sister?" With a slightly reminiscent expression, Yerenica started to show off about her niece.

Euredian slowly took off the red flower leaves handing in the middle of the light pink hair as he continued to listen to that pleasant voice. "They say her divinity is also very clean. I heard that no one in the House of Lebovny had that, but

Brie was born with many things. I will die prettily." She was blessed with a unique sense of divinity. The voice of Yerenica continued again, "I wish you could see Alexio when you get a chance. Lexie is Fernandez's son and as cute as Brie. Compared to Brisney, well, he's such a bad guy that I'm a little worried about-----." "The more children, the better." "I thought she was an adult when she was a baby, so she was a child. Ah, but that child likes to be childish--- what did you say?" Yerenica, who was speaking in a row, looked up at him. "I thought it would be nice if the Imperial Palace became noisy." Euredian said one more time while fiddling with the sweet-coloured hair that seemed to melt to the stickiness of his hand. " ." "Wouldn't six children be enough? No? Not enough?" An embarrassment quickly spread over the small face. A flush rose on the pale cheeks. "What no, why are you suddenly talking about it? Why are you jumping there?" "Why? There's already a flood of people who are worried about succession instead of me." "Uh --." Yerenica was now really embarrassed. The eyes started looking around all directions. "Well, the more children, the better---- but of course, it would be

nice------------------------------------------------------------ --." "What are you ashamed of?" It was very interesting to see her reaction. Yerenica would often reach this way where he was not particularly ashamed of himself. You act like you don't care where you're really supposed to be ashamed. "Well, just." "Where do you keep looking?" "Benefits---." He grabbed the swing and lowered his head to make eye contact, the skyblue eyes, which were wandering around, immediately fell down. The scent of soap, mixed with the scent of flowers, tickled his nose. Euredian whispered in a relaxed face, "A lot of children." " ." "A lot, alright?"

"Ah, I see---." "Yes. So, let's go back." "I get it----- Eit, seriously!"' When he brought the topic of going back, he could hear the glaring gaze. But the gaze quickly lost its power and looked down again. Euredian sighed lightly.

In fact, he did not know that. For two days, he noticed that Yerenica was staring at him. It must have been because of the words that could not be asked because she was crying. "I'm sorry that day." "Huh?" Blue eyes turned to him again. Euredian slowly said, "I couldn't control it." "Ah----." "I didn't mean to push you." Yerenica didn't seem to have expected for him to bring up the subject first. It was obvious he was restless. Euredian tried hard to keep his face neutral and continued his words. "But you have to understand this to some degree. You said you love me." "I love you." The head was looking around. The sky blue eyes looked up at him. It was Yerenica's habit to use that challenging tone when confessing. "I wish you'd just go."** In fact, he's a human being, so it would be a lie if he hadn't been shocked, but he knew it wasn't her true heart. Of course, it was still in a mystery why she uttered such heartless remark--"It's because I have a lot of thoughts on my mind for no reason----."*** Still, she's shouting with her whole body, 'I'm sorry for everything!', it was lovely to see her making excuses without making eye contact. Eventually, the corners of his mouth became loose again. Yerenica who had raised her eyes slightly, saw his expression and opened her eyes wide at once. "----- You're not enjoying it now, are you?"

"A little?"

"Ah, seriously!" Chapter End Notes *t/n – so Brisney only kiss people she like, the duke and the king is not included in that list. **This was Euredian saying the words that Yerenica told him few days ago. ***This is Yenny trying to give explanation about why she said those words.

Chapter 120 Chapter Notes See the end of the chapter for Euredian sank back into the swing, stopping the little body trying to escape. Yerenica pushed his shoulder with her hand as he lowered his head to kiss her. The voice was filled with resentment whether he was paying more attention than expected. "I've had a really hard time these two days. I feel like I did something wrong and I couldn't do---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !" "You can't do this." "You can't do this----- go away!"

"Really?" Of course, there's nothing he can do if she really doesn't want it, but based on Euredian's experience there's nothing cuter than Yerenica's grumpiness. "Can I kiss you?" And Yerenica is always weak at this question. The reason was unknown, but she seemed weak when being asked for permission. When he touched the slender chin and asked, both cheeks were turning bright red that he couldn't find the white part. Yerenica wiggled her hand, holding tightly on the swing's string. "That's mean." "What?" "Face, attacking with such words." "I've never attacked." Euredian answered slowly. His gaze had long been fixed on the reddish lips. " " He wanted to kiss. He wanted to hug. In the last couple of days, he had been careful about going too far with her. It was a strange feeling. "W-Why are you looking at me like that?" He's never thought of himself as a very unusual person, but he was quite happy to see that lovely face being distorted and messed by him. Because only he will know that face. Because he's the only one who she shows it to.

But that doesn't mean he really wants to see her wailing face.

Euredian sigh and pressed down his bouncing energy, "I think it's serious." " ?" "What are the side effects?" "There's such a thing." She'd freaked out if she'd take a look at everything. He can't force it, so he just has to keep running. In his own thoughts, he had ulterior motives such as kindness, consideration, caution and those kinds of things. In addition, two days ago, he failed to control his emotions at that moment and caused them to lose control. In the end, Euredian decided to be satisfied with a light kiss today. After a neat, plain kiss, he corrected his posture. Yerenica looked up at him with a confused face. "What is that?" "What?" Yerenica tilted her head and smiled curiously. Her face, which had been so shy that he couldn't even make eye contact until just now, was nowhere to be seen, and the face that asked him for skinship without hesitation came back. "I didn't say no. Why does it end here?" The following words were not that different. The flower swing, which had stopped still, shook. Yerenica, who caused it, became very close. One or two petals fell apart. A small whisper flowed, "I'm sorry for saying weird things. Just know that it wasn't true." "---- I know." That was the end of the conversation. The lips that touched his again were as hot as the summer breeze.

*** Brisney safely returned to the duchess. Tezevia held her daughter, who was almost lost in the vast, silver palace and told her, "Brisney, didn't I say you shouldn't go around the palace recklessly, hmm?" "Yes." "it's still too big for you to walk around alone. You have to go with your nanny." Brisney smiled brightly and nodded. However, knowing that her daughter's curiosity was stronger than her peers. Tezevia could not just let it go. "What if she didn't find you? You'd hide in a place no one else would find, and then you'd cry

right?" "Brie is not crying." Brisney answered clearly, not really knowing that she is being scolded. Tezevia sighed and kissed her daughter on both cheeks. "How did you get to the front of the star palace----." "Brie knows it. Where the swing is." "The swing?" Brisney nodded brightly. Tezevia thought for a moment about where the swing was and recalled that there was a flower-capped swing under an old beautiful tree in front of Yerenica's west palace. The younger daughter didn't wander in front of the annex, but she seemed to have gone all the way to the western palace. "Where my aunt lives. Where there's a pretty brother!" " ?"

Tezevia lifted her head from what she was doing, removing the petals from the hem of her daughter's dress. "Pretty brother?" Is there a knight in the West Palace who is so handsome that Brisney gave that kind of title----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Tezevia tilted her head. After Yerenica suddenly moved to the western palace, saying 'I like quiet places', the number of waiters had also decreased by half. "I know that Fernandez was cut off too---." Besides, she's not going to give that name to Fernandez. After knowing the concept of parental leave, she didn't have a guard. There's probably no man close to him except Sergey, to be called brother. Tezevia asked, holding her daughter, who was nodding her eyes as if she was sleepy. "Who was she with?" "Hmm---- Secret." "Secret?' "Brie won't talk. Shh, I said. I kissed him, so------- I'll go tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Brisney mumbled, rubbing her eyes. Tezevia looked at her daughter, who began to doze off in earnest, leaning her chin on her shoulder in an odd mood. "Secret."

There was something about secrets. And Tezevia feels a great deal of pressure at her daughter's last words. "Sparkle like Ralie-----." Ralie was Yerenica's silver wolf cub. Sparkling like Ralie-------------------------- ? However, before even a thought about it formed, a voice called for her, "Duchess of Lebanon." Tezevia turned to look. "Ah, you're here, Ms. Richard." The woman in the deep black hood bowed gracefully to her. It was a perfect courtesy of Lebovny style. Tezevia smiled softly as she handed Brisney over to the nanny. "You're a little early today. The Duke is probably in his study. If you stay in the drawing room for a while, he'll be right back, so would you like a cup of tea?" "---- Thank you." The person, who was wrapped in a black hood from head to toe, slowly raised her hand and pulled the hood back. The wobbly reddish-brown haired floated down like waves. Half of her face was covered by a black mask. However, the bare face is probably quite a beauty, given the body line that appears outside the thick hood and the outline of her face that is slightly visible below the mask. Tezevia thought so and led the wizard hired by Lebovny royal family to the drawing room ***

Lebovny was a kingdom located in the middle of the Liger continent. A small kingdom with no distinctive features, except that it owns the Glucaman Road, a straight path connecting the eastern Belgoth and the western Azekien. However, Lebovny could not escape the continental flow entirely. With tens of thousands of ore travelling between the two empires along the Glucaman Road, it was difficult to maintain a windless zone of mana alone. It was the Duke of Lebanon who first brought up the situation. "Lebovny has to make a transformation now, Your Highness!" That was the first remark he made in front of the King, the moment he returned from a visit to Belgoth two years ago for signing the Three Kingdom Glucamana Agreement. Lebovny also called for full-fledged efforts to study mana and recruit wizards.

In the meantime, wizards from Azekien and Belgoth are dedicated to the defence of the border. It wasn't really a matter of bringing them to the capital and taking on the complex problems of the civilians and slowly melting the existence of magicians into the capital. It doesn't cost anything, but so far Lebovny hasn't really been interested. Although Lebovny wasn't a country to reject wizards in the first place---The only thing that mattered was the youngest Princess who suddenly returned with a condition she couldn't control. A sickness of maladjustment mana. A disease that causes extreme pain when exposed to mana. A terrible incurable disease with less than a 5-year life span and no cure can be found.

"It's better to just remain a small country. I can't kill my daughter with my own hands!" The precious youngest Princess suffered from such disease which made it impossible to bring wizards into the palace and waterways. She wondered if the kind and the Duke Lebanon's plans would fall through, until the beginning of this year. The youngest Princess, Yerenica, did a dangerous demonstration, saying that she could endure some mana. "It's okay if it's not in the palace. I've been thinking that if we used a few wizards all the time, it would be more helpful for national affairs----." That's when Lebovny's full-fledged recruitment of wizards began, just from the Princess' words. Of course, the royal palace was not able to have a wizard, so the Duke of Lebanon was naturally responsible for handling the entire thing. "Any difficulties?"' "Yes. Except that the ground itself is not very magical in the first place." Tezevia looked up at the woman, sitting lightly, holding the cup. A woman with an unfamiliar surname, Richard, was a wizard who was scouted by the Duke of Lebanon earlier this year near the national border. She heard that she is completely in charge of the capital problem because she is far superior than the wizard previously hired. "I'm listening to my husband. Thank you for always working hard." " " The woman with reddish-brown hair sipped the tea. The answer came back a beat late. "You don't have to thank me." "Pardon?" Tezevia asked back, not hearing the quiet sound coming from the throat. The woman smiled lightly, putting down her teacup, "Your daughter is very lovely."

Chapter End Notes

t/n------ if this Lysda touch Brisney I swear I will k*ll her myself guess who is Richard edit: I changed the name of for Lysad to Richard

Chapter 121 Chapter Notes #Translated by bigredqueen See the end of the chapter for more "Oh, have you seen her?" Whenever she listed praises for her daughter, she was happy. Tezevia tried to hide a smile but couldn't help to let it out, even though it was slightly covered. "There's so much curiosity and mischief, so many of it... I'm a little worried as a parent. I just want her to grow well as a child. There will be nothing more important than that." "... I see." Her expression didn't change, it was a mechanical look. Both ends of her mouth were up. Only the eyes covered by the mask made it hard to guess what she felt. Tezevia was in a bizarre moment when her conversation partner stopped talking.

"...?" A part of the mask's eyes was shiny, or maybe it was a mere illusion. In the first place, Tezevia was sensitive to magic. She didn't have anything to do with it. She didn't even have any encounter with it. As she wasn't used to being around wizards, she couldn't read them promptly. But all wizards are like that. They have a cool and cold atmosphere, like a creeper. And just thinking about them brought her to deception.

Besides, it could harm her sister. Even if their abilities were important and could be used for various reasons, it still didn't feel right for Tezevia. She kept thinking back to Yerenica. Why am I thinking about a younger sister who didn't know. 'Somehow, you have to visit the Western Palace soon...' For some reasons, the past conversation kept coming back and aroused her suspicions. Tezevia left for the palace in the next few days. And so, she decided to ask. "Madam, the Duke is coming down." Even the servants announced that her husband was coming to the parlour. Tezevia's mug was laying down. I smiled gently at the wizard. Ah, the Duke was coming down now, now I could speak comfortably. "Mr. Lebaron." "Yes. Thank you, Wife."

Tezevia's mouth showed a happy expression. Even after leaving the waiting room, it only drew a smooth line without shaking. *** Brisney also came the next day. And the next day after.

It was good and all to see a lovely niece, but right now wasn't the right time. I looked with very worried eyes. For three consecutive days, I came to the Western Palace and saw Brisney there. It was said that if the tail is long, someone will step on it, like confining Euredian at the Western Palace. Even if I let it go, ten days have already passed. To crack down the wizards, there would be a limit too. But Brisney rubbed it on the wrong way... "...Ugh." I lowered my head due to my terrible imagination. I was being hesitant. That was before a dangerous intruder got caught. I have to make a decision. I was still thinking of coming every hour. My head still couldn't get it! But, well, I was already there. "Pretty Uncle!" "... It sounds like someone I like so much..." And if there was one more problem, I thought Brizney has became Euredian's chewing gum.* "Why does Uncle have the same colour as Ralie?"

"Well---- it will be quicker if you ask your aunt."

And apparently, Euredian Belgoth is very weak against a child. "Bree is sleepy. Hug me." "Eh...?" He was alone in the Imperial Palace all the time. But now, he was surrounded by many people. He couldn't hold a child well. He couldn't even touch her and now he is in a state of panic Euredian watched Brisney fall asleep and then looked back at me with bewildered eyes. "Ye-Yerenica." "Hmm." Well, that's pretty cute In a troubled voice, he asked me loudly, "Originally, babies sleep so much, don't they?" "It's already past nap time, but the little princess must have had a hard time coming a long way every day. And, Your Majesty that's not how to hug a child." I embraced Brisney. She stirred up. "There's something you can't even do, Your Majesty." "I can't do everything right from the start."

"That's true." Brisney, who had been playing and pulling Euredian's hair for a long time, fell asleep quietly without knowing who was carrying her. "Now I have to send her back. I will see you again." He was such a bold man. Even with maids waiting outside, he hugged me. On the third day, I took Brisney to the main road in the palace. We were accompanied by a maid. "Please take care of it, Mary." I looked back to the room. Despite the difficulties, now I felt sorry for the man who looked sad. So Brisney wasn't the only one who liked Euredian. I sighed and closed the opened window "Who is the one who you likes so much?" "Well." A tight arm held my waist. I was dragged backward before it could close properly. I felt my back touching the wide chest. I sighed slightly and reached out to the half-open window "If you keep coming and going like this at me, Sister Tezevia will notice this place..." "So?"

Even with my warning, our fingers were still entangled each other.

I opened the curtains earlier so we could be seen more clearly through the windows. I uneasily looked at the window. But the man who embraced me from behind didn't care about sleeping Brisney. It seemed to have been wiped out of his mind. "How long will you hide me?" "...If you feel like it, hide you forever. I only want you to see me." "That's not bad either." "I'm kidding..." A small laughed was heard. Euredian has his chin near my shoulder and neck. He asked in pain. "I still don't know what you're so worried about. Why you want to send me back." "..." "There must be something I don't know. Or perhaps you don't really love me enough to know that I'll risk my life for you?" "What are you talking about again?" I frowned and turned my head to look at him. There was nothing playful in the reddish purple eyes. A quiet sigh came out.

"Then what?" "Your Majesty." "What makes you hesitate? Do you want to make me anxious me like this?"

There seemed to be a limit to avoid this topic intentionally. Euredian seemed patiently waiting for my answer. Moment by moment, when a piece was blown, it was persistently asked. And my answer to that was always the same. "...I don't know if I can go back. I have an older sister, and Brisney. Alexio too..." "I didn't tell you to abandon Lebovny. Even if you're coming with me to my land, you can do anything you want, you know?" "I know, I don't mean it like that." He stared at me but I couldn't look back, so I slipped away. Okay. I didn't mean that and he knew it very well. Lebovny was just an excuse. But I was at a dead end right now. There are things I couldn't tell Euredian. "You know..."

Nevertheless, I would open my mouth eventually. Was it because I'm weak? Should I do that? "It's dangerous to be by my side. If it were you, what would you say?" *** "Maybe the truth is I don't want to be alone. I'm scared. [Baby.] Raulus held me tightly, replied. I muttered helplessly, "I really, I don't want to die... What happened with Soleia two years ago was scary. But Hades still haven't done anything."

[That's natural.] "By the way... It would be dangerous to be together, obviously." It is true that Euredian had avoided marrying Soleia and now completely deviated from the original story, but that did not guarantee the future's safety. In any case, Euredian was Raulus' descendant with the strongest divinity, so for Hades who needs it, he was his first choice. "Is it too selfish to think that I want to be with him even though I know everyting? [Hmm.] "Say that I'm selfish, quickly. I'm shaking a lot right now." The way I talk was almost like grumbling. Somehow, my tears will get dry. It was the same.

[Yes, Baby.] Raulus tapped my chin with his nose. Thump. [As I always say, there's no need to overdo it. You don't have to force yourself into any role.] "Role..." He has the same sky-blue eyes as me but it was in serious light. [You can count on him a little more.]

He pointed to Euredian, who was reading something by the window, with his head. I looked still at the languid, calm sight. [It seems to me---- that child would rather take any risk together than watch you die from your own death.] "Why were you out there two years ago? Soleia Elard was a black magician. You said you know but still got engaged to her." Euredian said in an overlapped voice with Raulus'. "Tell them all and send them back. If I had to, I would do it myself. But then it was something you didn't want to. Ah, Yerenica."

"That's a dangerous thing. I can't go back. Because there's no way..." "Me too." Euredian said exactly the same. Even though I didn't know what it meant, I understood immediately. Raulus' words continued. [Why must you be alone, Baby? What would happen if you was alone? Even you shut up, will it be okay? ] "..." [Abandon the heavy sacrifice. You can't do that to him.] It was a point that stabbed right into the sadness that I had barely pressed. Chapter End Notes

*t/n being wrapped around his fingers

Chapter 122 Chapter Notes #Translated by bigredqueen Eventually, tears began to flow. Raulus didn't have a good look as he saw it coming, and I noticed it as well. His tone was back to playful and frivolous voice. [And you're worried about the days when Hades goes missing and do something. But again, how do we know about that?] "What... what?" The flowing tears immediately stopped. Is this how he comforted me? Or is he cursing? Now Raulus is looking at me with his cold eyes and speaking sternly. [You are dragging yourself. Or would it be better if you make other people be in danger too?] "Are you cursing me?" I stared at him. But at the same time, a laugh came out. I pulled Raulus and hugged him tightly. "But it's gonna be okay."

[Right? I'm wise indeed.]

"Yes, this time, I'll say yes." I hold Raulus and took a seat. How much you dug under the tree until the soil was tuning upside down somehow. I stepped on messy ground and wiped my tears without hesitation. My heart was smothered. When I finally decided, I stood up. Okay. I have to be alone. I couldn't insist on being with Euredian. It was the time to admit it honestly. I hate being alone. I want to be with him. In fact, it was when Euredian found me out in the middle of a tavern. From that moment on, my heart has wavered. It already was. I muttered like a squeak. "...Okay. Let's go back." I decided to tell Euredian. But before I had the chance to talk with him at the West Palace, a visitor suddenly came. *** It was late afternoon, even almost dark. I thought that no one would come. When I can tell him, I was aiming for the right time.

And it was difficult since someone paid a sudden visit unexpectedly. Sister Tezevia visited the palace without notice. "Wecome, Princess...!"

Mary, the maid, was surprised by her arrival. By the window, I could see Sister Tezevia's red hair. I could see it even though she hid it under the hood. Of course, the most important thing is Euredian's presence. "Yere..." I hastily put him in the back of the bedroom and pushed him into the closet. Euredian suddenly pulled me back. I collected my strength even though I was staggering. I was embarrassed by his purple eyes. It was indeed a narrow space for two people. "What... why?" "Shh." It was dark inside the dressing room. It wasn't even a separate dressing room. It was a neat and simple closet. The space inside was narrow and dark. Thank goodness it wasn't full of dresses. "What, why... What happened—" "Shh, shh. I think my sister is here."

I put my index finger on his lips when I heard Sister Tezevia calling the maid. "Mary, where's my sister?" "Yerenica?" "Shh." Bang. As soon as I noticed Mary at the corner of my eyes, I closed the door as she led out Sister Tezevia out of the dressing room.

In the end, I intended to come to the bedroom to meet my sister while holding my heart together. That was when I heard their conversation. "Pri, Princess Tezevia." "It's been a long time Mary. Where is Yerenica? I was thinking about having a cup of tea after a long time." "Aunty!" Oh my gosh. I sighed quietly. Because Bree is also there, it wouldn't be easy. Perhaps Brisney was the one who connected Sister Tezevia to Euredian. It was more obvious the more I think about it. Only then did he clearly grasp the situation. Euredian's mouth went up. I could feel it through the index finger.

I frowned and looked up at him and sternly said. "Don't laugh." He nodded and laughed a lot. It seemed that he can't help it but it was sincere so I just nodded. I was sensitive to my hearing. I concentrated and listened to the conversation outside while here was filled with laughter. "The Princess goes on a walk for a while, she was outside..." "Yeah? When?" "She went out about half an hour ago."

Mary sounded a little embarrassed while answering my sister, even though she replied nicely. I patted my chest. Again, Bree with her innocent voice said something to them. It was hard to ignore. "Bree knows where Aunt often goes to play. I know where!" Small step was heard outside. I wanted to make a sound. Then I heard a confused voice. "Huh? There's no one today?" "Brisney?" "Today I decided to play on swing place..."

'You said you were going to ride a swing?' While I was gasping an air to breathe, Euredian looked confused. It was so cumbersome that he couldn't get it. Eventually I stuttered. Euredian pointed somewhere on his chest and shoulders. Find the area around my neck, close your arms and come to me. He pulled me down. Hup. "...Ugh." But our surroundings were dark and the distance was wrong. It must have been calculated. Suddenly a rough breath came close. The sharp place at the tip of the nose was sore. I rubbed it sadly. A fresh scent wrapped me in.

I reflexively take a sharp breath and immediately shut my mouth. I felt his hair tickle my forehead. 'You, too close...' When my chest pounded wildly, I rushed to pull him. I regretted that immediately and shook my neck. I unwrapped my arms. I lifted my head to slightly part from him. Creak. "Yeah? What did you just say..." "...!"

It made me stunned but then it hit me. Sister Tezevia was stunned. The white noise I heard was magnified. I screamed silently. He stopped moving around. "Me, I haven't heard... but..." 'Ahhhh.' His back was stiff, he froze. I blinked vigorously. And the next moment, I really couldn't move. "...!" Our foreheads touched. He's still frozen. And I couldn't see clearly in the dark. A shallow, dull breath touched my lips. I just raise my head slightly. As soon as I realised that my lips were rubbing his, I froze hard.

Dear me! The hem was very light. There was a grazing sound. In a dizzying narrow space, it seemed full. My heart started to race. My older sister was out there. There's a tension that I should never be doing this. Is it because of the ambiance or is it inevitable? There's an absurd and uncomfortable sensation. Whether it's because of the anticipation for something coming, I don't know. "How's Yerenica doing these days? It seems I don't meet her often these days. I couldn't stand this lonely feeling..."

"She's always bright and healthy. No need to worry, Princess Tezevia." "Well... someone she meets... Someone who visits the Palace... Is there somebody like that?" Sister Tezevia and Mary continued their conversation outside. My heart seemed to be squeezed here. But at the same time, I could hear nothing. Yes, it seemed like it was from the outside world. Softly, coming under the snow, there were wet lips. "..." I might even open my mouth and whisper. I just couldn't hold my lips tightly. Think nothing, think nothing. This too shall pass quickly. It was hard to endure more. My fingertips trembled again and again. The lips moved slowly. The smooth feeling of riding was stimulating. No, it was deeper. The intense feeling has been repeated many times. Even though it wasn't the first time I touched him. "Tell me honestly, Mary. Do you know what is Yerenica doing these days?"

"Pri, Princess Tezevia." "Brisney strangely goes often to the West Palace. Even I don't go that often. It's weird..." He slowly slid down to the tip of my nose. My senses stopped right on his lips. Lip muscles like the outline of his lips shook me. I don't want to be kissed on the lips. There are people outside.

He got some nerves. He is a man who knows the best of the tension of pressure. His face was distorted without a hitch. As usual, he just went with the flow. But the timing! This man was trying to kill me. It was clear. Euredian's face looked like he was in pain. I laughed briefly. Even if he didn't look like it, I thought it would be the case. I'd like to see him loose and let himself go. It was almost a day after the enemy was revealed. He kept his silence for a long time. His lips stayed still here. Euredian breathed as a joyful sign. I couldn't find it and whispered in a small ear. "We're in the verge of getting caught." "..." "Now, I'm trapped here. I think it's impossible." "Quiet... don't laugh."

He slightly bit my earlobe. His mouth fell between the opening and stopped at it. A moan popped out. It didn't hurt but it shocked me. It was enough stimulation for me. My eyes were full of resentment. I waved my hand in the dark. I knocked the presumed part between his cheeks and chin.

"That's unfair." "What?" "Are you doing it on purpose now?" I can barely hear it. The whisper was mixed with another. I thought I was being pushed back. Euredian gently lifted the tip of my chin. "It's not on purpose." "So what is it?" "I'm alone with you in this narrow and dark place. That's a little bit too much, isn't it?" I couldn't deny it. These days, the new Euredian Belgoth became as shameless as he was obstinate. It's not that I don't know that part of him. But... "Look." Maybe this guy was such a little stud. A little bit irritating even. I didn't seem to know this side of him.

I made a ridiculous face. It couldn't be helped. Outside, Sister Tezevia and Mary are looking after me. Brisney was sitting in the room. But...

In this narrow closet, I felt a tremendous sense of guilt and immorality. But in the meantime, my instincts wouldn't let me think of it. This was the biggest problem that I actually felt.

Beguiling the Enemy's Patriarch #Translated by bigredqueen In this dark place, a bluish silvery glow swayed. Although it was a small and dim light, I could see even just a bit. At a glance, the daylight was heavy enough to contain. As soon as I found Euredian's chin and lips, I pulled him. Just before my lips rubbed on his, he took his head back slightly. "You can't do this." "What?" "Your sister. Even if you and I are no strangers, you can't do this." "..." Euredian was impatient. Even though it was something I said on a whim. I resentfully looked up at him. "What you mean?" "I have nothing to do. Hear me. You're the one who locked me up."

Maybe this guy is making fun of me. It must have been amusing for him. I was staring at him, I surrendered while breathing out.

"Please do it." I wasn't used to the stimulus he gives. But the one who wants to lock our bodies together is me, surely. Maybe it was the same with this guy. It wouldn't be different. As far as I knew, I don't know that much about him. As I couldn't stand Euredian, his smile widened. The shape of his eyes bent naturally. "If you kiss me, I'll do what you say." Those reddish eyes opened widely and stared closely. I only touched his lips with my fingers and happily whispered. "Lets go back. Together." "...Really?" "Only if you kiss me, please." I had made a decision and considered the timing. Like a fox on the subject I was working on. The phrase was my biggest problem too.

Look at me, I wasn't good at training. Strangely said, it felt good. Between the lips that I touched, there was something that made me full. My heart was swollen. Slowly and intensely quiet, everything fell on the right place. It was such a kiss that made me tighten hard. Fortunately, the kiss wasn't that long. Nevertheless, it was good. It was clear and neat but hot and humid at the same time. I felt refreshing energy all over me. After being filled up, it was a little bit difficult, but

more importantly, I have succeeded in removing his doubt. Along with Mary's amazing acting, Sister Tezevia left the Western Palace. I opened the closet door widely. God, it was good to come out from that narrow space. I could feel the air and breeze in the room. Euredian was filled with regret. I sneaked out but he caught me. "Yerenica, you weren't lying, were you?" "Absolutely." "Because you suddenly changed your mind, it's strange." His handsome face showed his vague feelings of not believing completely. Somehow, again, an impatient boy. I felt sorry. Affectionately, I hugged him once more.

"Please freely kidnap me. I won't rebel." "..." "But for the last farewell to my family, would you give me time to do it? I love you, Your Majesty." "Of course." A voice that seemed to be jammed since yesterday, the affection that I couldn't spill. As if I was still there, I kissed him. I swept Euredian's hair gently and soothed it to reassure h