Sectiuni Neuroanatomie [PDF]

1. Section through the head of the caudate nucleus and the putamen (prin genuchiul corpului calos) 1 Sulcus of corpus

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Sectiuni Neuroanatomie [PDF]

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Section through the head of the caudate nucleus and the putamen (prin genuchiul corpului calos)

1 Sulcus of corpus callosum 2 Inferior frontal gyrus 3 Circular sulcus of insula 4 Lateral sulcus 5 Short gyri of insula 6 Superior temporal gyrus 7 Superior temporal sulcus 8 Middle temporal gyrus 9 Medial longitudinal stria 10 Lateral longitudinal stria 11 Radiation of corpus callosum

12 Truncus of corpus callosum 13 Septum pallucidum 14 Lateral ventricle, anterior horn 15 Rostrum of corpus callosum 16 Head of caudate nucleus 17 Anterior limb of internal capsule 18 Putamen 19 External capsule 20 Claustrum 21 Extreme capsule 22 Olfactory tract


Section through the anterior commissure and the optic chiasm

1 Superior frontal gyrus 2 Superior frontal sulcus 3 Middle frontal gyrus 4 Precentral sulcus 5 Precentral gyrus 6 Lateral sulcus, posterior branch 7 Circular sulcus of insula 8 Inferior frontal sulcus, opercular part 9 Short gyri of insula 10 Central sulcus of insula 11 Long gyrus of insula 12 Middle temporal gyrus 13 Inferior temporal sulcus 14 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 15 Collateral sulcus 16 Rhinal sulcus 17 Parahippocampal gyrus 18 Anterior perforated substance 19 Diagonal gyrus

20 Indusium griseum 21 Subependymal layer 22 Corona radiata 23 Head of caudate nucleus 24 Caudatolenticular grey bridges 25 Internal capsule, anterior limb 26 Putamen 27 External medullary lamina of globus pallidus 28 Globus pallidus 29 Column of fornix 30 Anterior commissure 31 Lamina terminalis 32 Substantia innominata 33 Middle cerebral artery, striate branches 34 Lateral olfactory stria 35 Supraoptic recess 36 Optic chiasm 37 Infundibulum


Section through the anterior end of the hippocampus, the mamillary body and the mamillothalamic tract

1 Superior frontal gyrus 2 Precentral sulcus 3 Precentral gyrus 4 Cingulate sulcus 5 Cingulate gyrus 6 Sulcus of corpus callosum 7 Indusium griseum 8 Central sulcus 9 Postcentral gyrus 10 Lateral sulcus, posterior branch 11 Uncinate gyrus 12 Ambient gyrus 13 Parahippocampal gyrus 14 Collateral sulcus 15 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus

16 Occipitotemporal sulcus 17 Inferior temporal gyrus 18 Radiation of corpus callosum 19 Body of corpus callosum 20 Corona radiata 21 Septum pellucidum 22 Body of caudate nucleus 23 Stria terminalis 24 Anterior thalamic nucleus 25 Choroid plexus of third ventricle 26 Ventral lateral thalamic nucleus 27 Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus 28 Reticular thalamic nucleus 29 Internal capsule, posterior limb 30 Third ventricle

31 Zona incerta 32 Mamillothalamic tract 33 Subthalamic nucleus 34 Principal mamillary fasciculus 35 Substantia nigra 36 Mamillary body 37 Cerebral peduncle 38 Amygdaloid body 39 Stria terminalis 40 Tail of caudate nucleus 41 Lateral ventricle, inferior horn 42 Pes of hippocampus 43 Pons


Section through the posterior part of the thalamus (1/3 superioara a puntii)

1 Paracentral lobule 2 Precentral gyrus 3 Central sulcus 4 Postcentral gyrus 5 Postcentral sulcus 6 Inferior parietal lobule 7 Temporal plane 8 Transverse temporal gyrus (Heschl) 9 Superior temporal gyrus 10 Superior temporal sulcus 11 Middle temporal gyrus 12 Inferior temporal sulcus 13 Inferior temporal gyrus

14 Occipitotemporal sulcus 15 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 16 Parahippocampal gyrus 17 Septum pellucidum 18 Tail of caudate nucleus 19 Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 20 Body of fornix 21 Crus of fornix 22 Choroid plexus of third ventricle 23 Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus 24 Pulvinar thalamic nuclei 25 Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus 26 Caudolenticular grey bridges

27 Internal capsule, retrolentiform part 28 Habenular nuclei 29 Posterior commissure 30 Cerebral aqueduct 31 Medial geniculate body 32 Lateral geniculate body 33 Tail of caudate nucleus 34 Lateral ventricle, inferior horn 35 Hippocampus 36 Cerebral peduncle 37 Decussation of superior cerebellar peduncles 38 Pons


Section through the splenium of the corpus callosum and the fourth ventricle (1/3 inferioara a puntii)

1 Superior parietal lobule 2 Intraparietal sulcus 3 Inferior parietal lobule 4 Superior temporal gyrus 5 Middle temporal gyrus 6 Inferior temporal gyrus 7 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 8 Collateral sulcus 9 Medial occipitotemporal gyrus 10 Calcarine sulcus 11 Isthmus of cingulate gyrus 12 Fasciolar gyrus

13 Paracerebral lobule 14 Cingulate sulcus 15 Precuneus 16 Subparietal sulcus 17 Cingulate gyrus 18 Splenium of corpus callosum 19 Lateral ventricle 20 Fimbria of hippocampus 21 Tail of caudate nucleus 22 Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 23 Optic radiation 24 Vermis of cerebellum

25 Cerebellar hemisphere 26 Superior medullary velum 27 Superior cerebellar peduncle 28 Fourth ventricle 29 Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle 30 Middle cerebellar peduncle 31 Inferior cerebellar peduncle 32 Flocculus 33 Lateral recess of fourth ventricle 34 Choroid plexus of fourth ventricle 35 Olive 36 Pyramid

4. Section through the striate body, the anterior commissure and the superior colliculus 1 Minor forceps of corpus callosum 2 External capsule 3 Extreme capsule 4 Anterior commissure 5 Third ventricle 6 Mamillothalamic tract 7 Habenulo-interpeduncular tract 8 Medial forebrain bundle 9 Ansa lenticularis 10 Cerebral peduncle 11 Optic tract 12 Stria terminalis 13 Fornix 14 Lateral ventricle, inferior horn 15 Cerebral aqueduct 16 Superior frontal gyrus

17 Orbital sulci 18 Orbital gyri 19 Lateral sulcus, anterior branch 20 Middle frontal gyrus, orbital part 21 Lateral sulcus 22 Lateral sulcus, ascending branch 23 Head of caudate nucleus 24 Putamen 25 Claustrum 26 Superior temporal gyrus 27 Superior temporal sulcus 28 Substantia nigra 29 Red nucleus 30 Lateral geniculate body 31 Tail of caudate nucleus 32 Hippocampus (Ammon’s horn)

33 Dentate gyrus 34 Parahippocampal gyrus 35 Collateral sulcus 36 Superior colliculus 37 Central cerebellar lobule 38 Quadrangular lobule 39 Culmen 40 Primary fissure 41 Declive 42 Simple lobule 43 Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus 44 Middle temporal gyrus 45 Anterior occipital sulcus 46 Occipital gyri

3. Section through the striate body, the thalamus and the internal capsule. The thickness of this slice is twice the standard of 2 mm 1 Superior occipitofrontal fasciculus 2 Genu of corpus callosum 3 Cavum of septum pallucidum 4 Lateral ventricle, anterior horn 5 Internal capsule, anterior limb 6 Fornix 7 Stria terminalis 8 Internal capsule, genu 9 Internal capsule, posterior limb 10 Third ventricle 11 Suprapineal recess 12 Superior longitudinal fasciculus 13 Optic radiation

14 Fimbria of hippocampus 15 Lateral ventricle, inferior horn 16 Radiation of corpus callosum 17 Frontal gyri 18 Head of caudate nucleus 19 Claustrum 20 Lateral sulcus, ascending branch 21 Lateral sulcus, posterior branch 22 Lentiform nucleus 23 Anterior thalamic nucleus 24 Ventral lateral thalamic nucleus 25 Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus 26 Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus

27 Habenular nuclei 28 Pulvinar nuclei 29 Superior colliculus 30 Tail of caudate nucleus 31 Fasciola cinerea 32 Fasciolar gyrus 33 Gyri of Anders Retzius 34 Pineal body 35 Vermis of cerebellum 36 Calcarine sulcus 37 Occipital gyri

2. Section through the caudatolenticular grey bridges (prin corpul ventricolului lateral pe sub corpul corpului calos) 1 Genu of corpus callosum 2 Lateral ventricle, anterior horn 3 Cave of septum pellucidum 4 Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 5 Internal capsule 6 Internal medullary lamina 7 Fornix 8 Roof of third ventricle 9 Splenium of corpus callosum 10 Lateral ventricle, posterior horn 11 Tapetum 12 Optic radiation 13 Superior frontal gyrus 14 Cingulate sulcus

15 Cingulate gyrus 16 Indusium griseum 17 Head of caudate nucleus 18 Caudatolenticular grey bridges 19 Anterior thalamic nucleus 20 Ventral nuclei of thalamus 21 Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus 22 Lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus 23 Tail of caudate nucleus 24 Parieto-occipital sulcus 25 Cuneus 26 Calcarine sulcus 27 Striate area 28 Lunate sulcus

29 Superior frontal sulcus 30 Middle frontal gyrus 31 Inferior frontal sulcus 32 Inferior frontal gyrus 33 Precentral sulcus 34 Precentral gyrus 35 Central sulcus 36 Postcentral gyrus 37 Long gyrus of insula 38 Lateral sulcus, posterior branch 39 Superior temporal gyrus 40 Middle temporal gyrus 41 Anterior occipital sulcus 42 Occipital gyri

1. Section through the corpus callosum and the body of the caudate nucleus. The thickness of this slice is twice the standard of 2 mm 1 Forceps minor of corpus callosum 2 Superior occipitofrontal fasciculus 3 Corona radiata 4 Superior longitudinal fasciculus 5 Lateral ventricle, central part 6 Body of corpus callosum 7 Thalamostriate vein 8 Lamina affixa 9 Choroid plexus of lateral ventricle

10 Forceps major of corpus callosum 11 Stratum sagittale 12 Cingulate sulcus 13 Cingulate gyrus 14 Frontal gyri 15 Precentral sulcus 16 Precentral gyrus 17 Central sulcus 18 Body of caudate nucleus

19 Postcentral gyrus 20 Postcentral sulcus 21 Lateral sulcus, posterior branch 22 Subparietal sulcus 23 Parieto-occipital sulcus 24 Cuneus 25 Anterior occipital sulcus 26 Occipital sulci 27 Lunate sulcus