Sales Management Report [PDF]

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Diploma in Marketing Program For Group and Individual Assignements Subject Details Subject Subject Code

Sales Management HDMKT22053 Students Details

No 1

Group Name Student Name

Student Number

A S I Perera



2 Nature of the Assessment


Assignment topic

Analyzing the role of sales, personal selling strategy, sales and marketing policies, competition and differentiating both sales and marketing in a Pharmaceutical company.

Learning Outcomes Word count

To understand the role of sales and marketing in pharmaceutical industry. 2500-3000

Time for the presentation (Eg: 10 Min & 5 min Q &A)

Due date / Time

3rd Jun 2018

Individual / Group Declaration We (Group) certify that the content of the above assignment is one of our original work and not copied from any of the published or internet based documents. Without references we have not used any of the other person’s original work or ideas. So the

report or the work we have done is free of plagiarism. Group leader’s









Individual Assignment – Sales Management (HDMKT22053) Student Name: A. S. I. Perera Course Instructor: Mr. Nilantha Perera

DIPLOMA IN MARKETING Department of Marketing Management Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies University of Kelaniya

Acknowledgement Special thanks go to, Mr. Prasad Mendis MCIM, MBA(UK) Country Head 0773632229 [email protected]

Mr. Anton J. Sebagany MBA(UK), EDM (Col), CPM(Asia), MIM (SL), AMSLIM Head – Specialty Business 0772649400 [email protected]

Mr. Lalith Gonalagoda Manager – Distribution and Sales 0718739351 [email protected]

Table of Contents Executive Summary...................................................................................................................1 1. Introduction to the Organization............................................................................................2 1.2 Emerchemie’s Product Portfolio......................................................................................2 1.3 Emerchemie’s Revenue Building Products......................................................................3 1.4 Emerchemie’s Human Pharmaceutical Partners..............................................................4 1.5 Emerchemie’s Vetnerary Partners....................................................................................5 2. What is Sales Management?..................................................................................................6 3. Unique Aspects of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Sales......................................................7 4. Role of Sales & Marketing in Pharmaceuticals.....................................................................8 4.1 Prescribers/ Doctors by Medical Delegates.....................................................................8 4.1.1 Detailing....................................................................................................................8 4.1.2 Sample Management.................................................................................................8 4.2 Facilitators/ Chemists (Pharmacies) by Sales Representatives........................................8 4.3 Key Opinion Leader Management...................................................................................8 4.4 Medical Scientific Professionals (Medical Science Liaisons).........................................9 4.5 Tender and Institutional Sales..........................................................................................9 5. Role of Sales in Emerchemie NB Ceylon ltd.......................................................................10 6. Personal Selling Strategy.....................................................................................................11 7. Marketing and Sales policy in Emerchemie.........................................................................13 7.1 Product Policy................................................................................................................13 7.2 Distribution Policy.........................................................................................................13 7.3 Marketing policies of the company................................................................................14 8. How the company competes in the market..........................................................................15 9. Differentiating Sales and Marketing in Pharmaceuticals.....................................................16 Conclusion................................................................................................................................17 References................................................................................................................................18

Executive Summary Emerchemie NB Ceylon ltd is the 3 rd largest pharmaceutical company in Sri Lanka with the monthly turnover of 500 million Sri Lankan Rupees and employs over 500. With a multiple agency portfolio, the company has achieved many milestones within its relatively short span of existence in the industry, Marketing a wide range of products both innovator and branded generics at affordable prices with emphasis on quality. This report provides they key elements of its operations in both Sales and Marketing, especially in the role of sales in the organization, personal selling strategies, marketing and sales policies, how they compete in the market and how they differentiate both sales and marketing as a pharmaceutical company. In order to find those elements, I conducted interviews with our senior colleagues to get the awareness in depth.


1. Introduction to the Organization

Emerchemie NB Ceylon Ltd was established in 1999, the company has grown to be one of the largest pharmaceutical marketing companies within Sri Lanka. From a monthly turnover of 25 million Sri Lankan Rupees with a staff contingent of 25 in 1999, the company currently records a monthly turnover in excess of 500 million Sri Lankan Rupees and employs over 500. With a multiple agency portfolio, the company has achieved many milestones within its relatively short span of existence in the industry, Marketing a wide range of products both innovator and branded generics at affordable prices with emphasis on quality[ CITATION www161 \l 1033 ]

1.2 Emerchemie’s Product Portfolio The company propagates both Human and Veterinary pharmaceuticals covering many therapeutic areas and aligns itself with leading global pharmaceutical manufacturers with enviable reputations.

Even though the company was initially providing Pharmaceutical

services align with many global giants, they were able to start their own manufacturing in year 2014 by Emergen. Their Suppliers are spread across Europe, The Americans and Asian Continent.


1.3 Emerchemie’s Revenue Building Products


Brand Name

Product Status Branded Generic



Inovator/ Originator


Metforming Diabetes 500mg/850mg tabs


Inovator/ Originator


Vitamin Caps


Branded Generic



Thyroxin associated complication s


Branded Genaric



Antibiotic for Infections


Branded Generic

Dr. Reddy’s





Dr. Reddy’s

Molecule Name Omeprazole 20 mg Capsules/ 40mg IVs

Indication Gastritis and other anti ulcerant conditions

E Anti Oxident

1.4 Emerchemie’s Human Pharmaceutical Partners

Merk Pakistan and India Ltd Ferozsons Laboratories Ltd- Pakistan Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd- India Renata Ltd- Bangladesh Janssen Pharmaceuticals USA Sante Pvt Ltd - Pakistan

Jewim Pharmaceuticals Ltd- China Actavis PLC USA

Laboratories Bago S A Argentina Alkem Laboratories Ltd- India

Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd- India

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd- India


1.5 Emerchemie’s Vetnerary Partners

Beiging Centre Biology Co Ltd-China

Dox- AL-Italy

Monge S A S- Italy

VMD- Belgium


2. What is Sales Management? The American Marketing Association’s definition made Sales Management synonymous with management of the sales force, but modern sales managers have considerably broader responsibility but according to AMA, Sales management is all about “the planning, derecting and controlling of personal selling, including recruiting, selecting, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying and motivating as these tasks apply to the personal sales force” [ CITATION Ric88 \l 1033 ]


3. Unique Aspects of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Sales 

Influence of non-purchasers on the purchasing habits of the consumer. (Pharma promoters are influencing the influencer by detailing, differentiating the product from competitors and showing the latest studies.)

Authorization power of physicians-consumers needs an authorized document to purchase a prescription drug.

Importance of the disease to identify and classify markets.

Professional license required to stock and sell pharmaceutical products.

Record of every transaction and kept that are specified to   

Patient Physician Product[ CITATION Muh \l 1033 ]


4. Role of Sales & Marketing in Pharmaceuticals 4.1 Prescribers/ Doctors by Medical Delegates 4.1.1 Detailing      

Face to face visits to physicians to present new Rx drugs Influencing the prescribing habits. Increase current prescription usage. Deliver samples Build relationship with doctors Get drug into formulary( Pull through)

4.1.2 Sample Management 

Track delivery of prescription drug samples to physicians.

4.2 Facilitators/ Chemists (Pharmacies) by Sales Representatives (Please note that the medical delegates also must visit the chemists to make sure availability and get the feed backs and to build relationships with them.)      

Introducing new products Make sure the availability Increase the current usage through OTC( Over the counter) Looking into expiries and other issues Build relationships Get more sales through Push activities.

4.3 Key Opinion Leader Management    

Expert physicians who can play a critical role in driving pharmaceutical sales. They have privileged access to medical information and company sponsored featured speaking engagement at prestigious conferences. Exchange ideas with other physicians regarding new products or indications or adverse effects. Helps convince other doctors to prescribe new products.


4.4 Medical Scientific Professionals (Medical Science Liaisons)       

Can be Pharmaceutical PhDs, Pharmacists and Physicians Generally have more scientific knowledge than sales representatives Their main roles are supporting and expanding sales representative’s marketing of a product Be able to speak to the purchaser on a more scientific level, not on a marketing level Will focus on clinical information. Organize symposia , conferences and focus group Training and continuing education programs and maybe involved in setting up post launch.

4.5 Tender and Institutional Sales  

Mainly look after tender and institutional sales ( SPC and other private hospitals) Maintain and builds rapport with institutional heads and decision makers.


5. Role of Sales in Emerchemie NB Ceylon ltd According to Mr. Mendis (Country Head) , the role of sales is basically canvassing orders from chemists and stockiest and make sure the product availability by building relationship with those customers including institutional sales and tender business. Further Mr. Anton Sebagany (Specialty Care Head) mentioned that the sales are doing a major impact on growth done by sales force and back them by the company strategies.


6. Personal Selling Strategy According to Kotler & Armstrong, Personal selling is the personal communication between firm’s sales force and customers for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationship. Sales people are the primary way for providing paid personal communications to customers[ CITATION Phi081 \l 1033 ] When it comes to personal selling strategies, first of all you should be able to get a clear understanding about the personal selling process. There are several steps of personal selling process[ CITATION inf \l 1033 ]       

Identifying prospects The approach Assessing needs The Presentation Handling objectives Getting the commitment Follow up

According to those steps, Prospecting is the first step where Sales people/Medical reps determine Leeds or prospects. After they figure out potential customers, they must determine Leeds or prospects. After they figured out potential doctors whom they can prescribe the products and whether they have the potential patients whom they have the affordability accordingly. Next, Pre approach is used for preparing for the detailing or the presentation. For this, you need to do a background search, visit chemists to get an idea about his prescription pattern, habits …etc Further if you can preplan or schedule an appointment to ensure capturing the doctor’s attention since the first contact leaves an impression on the doctor’s mind. Further first impression leaves an impression on you; professional conduct including attire, a hand shake and the eye contact is advised. Then while you asses or evaluating the customer whether he is interested in continuing the discussion, one the rep knows the needs of the doctor, he is ready for introduce or detail of the product. The aim is to get the doctor’s ATTENSION then gaining INTEREST, Kindling DESIRE, inducing ACTION and finally building SATISFACTION or AIDA model[ CITATION Ric88 \l 1033 ]. The representatives can do this through detailing, differentiating the product from competitors and showing the latest studies…etc. After that the sales person will face the 11

objections. Customers who are interested will voice their concerns by questioning of the price, quality…etc or they refuse or the difficulties of prescribing the product or refuse may be due to a unknown factor. Medical representative should be able to anticipate those objections and respectfully respond to them. After that gaining commitment comes next. Finally they can close the sales by convincing him to prescribe by continuous follow ups. Since pharmaceutical business in to OLIGOPOLISTIC competition, using missionary selling, The sales force should be able to strategize or customize their approach and personal selling strategies accordingly and their strategies may differed to person to person, depending on the relationship that they have with the customer. They can build relationship from Prospects to Customers and Clients where they can maintain long lasting professional relationship. According to Mr. Mendis, His personal strategy was face to face discussions with main KOLs. For this they use a few approaches. Increase the prescription flow, Brand reminding, Introducing new products and information to the customer. Further Mr. Sebagany elaborated it as how they interact with the customers by relationship marketing. Further he explains, “In digital marketing, they publish all the details to the web and you cannot see the end customer’s reactions. But in pharmaceuticals they interact with the customer directly and by looking at their reactions and reading their body language, the sales person can come to a conclusion on what the impact that they have given to us”. That is the strategy that they use in personal selling.


7. Marketing and Sales policy in Emerchemie According to Sales related Marketing policies impact upon the functions and operation of the Sales department. These marketing policies delineate the guidelines within which the effort to reach personal-selling objectives is made. There are 3 major types.   

Product Policies (What to sell?) Distribution Policies (to whom to sell?) Pricing Policies.[ CITATION Ric88 \l 1033 ]

7.1 Product Policy If you take Sri Lanka pharmaceutical industry, 90% companies are depending on import pharmaceutical business (importing brands from other countries and market them here). But Emerchemie had a plan to start their own manufacturing pharmaceuticals here and finally they ended up by getting the first process patent which has been awarded for the manufacture of a pharmaceutical product in Sri Lanka thus creating a history for Emerchemie and Sri Lanka. They were awarded and themselves proud by winning a silver medal for their process patent for a therapeutic in the treatment of Asthma/COPD at the Inventions Conventions held in Geneva in April 2016 at which Exhibition more than 1000 inventions vied for recognition[ CITATION www162 \l 1033 ]”

7.2 Distribution Policy According to Mr. Lalith Gonalagoda (Manager Sales and Distribution), He emphasizes on his distribution policy as they have some unique aspects. 

Distribution is done by company appointed regional distributors and they should be responsible to make sure the availability of all company products in the particular area.

For that company should provide 6% as the distributer margin and 30 days of credit period.


Company should appoint a Sales representative and he should visit all the pharmacies and get orders. Then the order should be delivered within 3 days depending on the outstanding of the particular customer.

Recovery and collecting the payments is handled by the distributor, for that the the distributor should have the required man power.

According to NMRA policy, the distributer should equip with necessary storing facility (cool rooms), vehicles (with coolers) and a license to sell drugs in whole sales.

7.3 Marketing policies of the company According to Mr. Mendis, he explains their marketing policy as “Not like the other industries like FMCG and other industrials, we have limitations of advertising in marketing. We are governed by the code of conduct as well as the global rules and regulations where the pharmaceutical companies cannot advertise of their products to the end customer and very minimal advertising in scientific forums and journals, so only method is personal selling”. Further Mr. Sebagany added his views on policies as “Marketing is how you attentively listen to our plans and how have you communicated to customers comes under selling and how you plan your sales is marketing. So interacting with other department including finance, production, distribution and operations, basically marketing plans and sales will proceed from there”.


8. How the company competes in the market. Competition is all about the rivalry between companies selling similar products and services with the goal of achieving revenue, profit and market share growth[ CITATION Eli \l 1033 ]. According to Mr. Mendis, competition is all about “getting our brand prescribed by the doctors. In order to do that we highlight our product’s features and benefits in quality assurance, things like FDA approvals, UK MHR special approvals to ensure the quality as well as the studies that we have done. So it’s not like any other advertise gimmick, there are very scientific and documented evidence that we can prove our products are superior to competitors” he further insisted. Mr. Sebagany’s view on competition was “First you should know who and what your competitors are...based on that only you should focus on your customers. First you should keep your image with the existing customers and look for new markets. When you target new markets, you should do your ground work first then you should be able to forecast. Further he insisted that it is very difficult to forecast more than 2 years due to dynamic changes in the market and direct influence by the government”.


9. Differentiating Sales and Marketing in Pharmaceuticals Sales and marketing are similar functions yet also very different. Much of the confusion comes from the perspective or ‘lens’ one uses when comparing them. From a communication perspective, they both attempt to engage the target prospect or customer and build a relationship. Marketing focuses brand management, customer satisfaction/experience and market share analysis, messaging, alignment with customers, conveying the company values are all hallmarks of building and maintaining the brand. Sales demonstrate these elements through their on-going work with the prospects and customers. Sales brings the brand promise to like (or not) as they address questions, solves problems and build relationship[ CITATION Jeo \l 1033 ] According to pharmaceutical marketing, as Mr. Mendis said, “Sales basically getting and providing the required quantity to the stockiest or the chemist linked activities where the sales team handles. Marketing team then looks in to other things like, promoting the product, generating prescriptions, doing campaigns, market research and especially after sales services”. According to Mr. Sebagany, “Marketing is focusing on internal activities based on market research and its where you focus and forecast future budgets, but Sales is a day-to-day activity which enable us to work accordingly with the marketing plan and it is important because major impact or results coming from sales. Since we are not into Research and Development; what we do is promoting what the R&D has produced in the process in providing the right medicine to the needy. Therefore frontline sales will give us the indications to plan and focus our future projections and way forward activities.”


Conclusion Sales and marketing professionals should always ensure that the right message reaches the right customers at the right time, which means we have to use the right marketing tools to facilitate our patients. It will guide our patients to understand our values of products and services which will reinforce and improve a better service to them. It is our support services cycle will enable us to improve our quality of services to the patients. As I conclude we should understand that there are few undeniable activities, including Personnel Selling Strategies, Marketing and Sales Policies, how we react to the market (Competing and competition), Marketing Communications impact and leadership position what is relished, sustained and creative.


References Ali, M. (n.d.). Marketing and sales roles in pharmaceuticalindustry. . Armstrong, P. K. (2008). Principals of Marketing 12th Edition. Govoni, R. R. (1988). Sales Management Decision, Strategy and Cases. Pearson. Ho, E. (n.d.). . [email protected]. (n.d.). Personalselling process. Jeo Candido. (n.d.). Consultant and trainer in Sales and Marketing. The University of Vermont . (2016). Colombo: Emerchemie NB Ceylon Ltd. (01 Jun 2016). Silver Medal Award for Emerchemie Ltd and Scientists. The Times of Sri Lanka .