Rulebook GatewayUprising [PDF]

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“Our city’s history is inseparable from magic and those who have practiced it, which is why it is all the more ironic that we should now find ourselves living in an age where those at the helm of this city have outlawed that which it was built upon. Magic made Gateway the envy of the Known World; now magic must help rebuild a once great city that has been handcuffed and beaten into submission.” - A Concerned Citizen of Gateway




1. GOAL ............................................................................. 3 2. COMPONENTS ................................................................... 4 3. GAME SETUP .................................................................. .5 4. PLAYING THE GAME I. STARTING PLAYER .............................................................. 7 II. ROUNDS AND TURN OVERVIEW .......................................... 7 III. DEPLOYMENT PHASE ........................................................ 9 IV. RECRUITING PHASE ......................................................... 9 V. RUNESTONES ..................................................................10 VI. ATTACK PHASE ..............................................................10 VII. CLEAN-UP PHASE ........................................................ 12 VIII. ROUND END .............................................................. 12 5. ADVANCED RULES I. DISTRICT REWARDS ...........................................................13 II. DISTRICT DESTRUCTION ....................................................13 6. GAME END AND VICTORY .................................................15 7. ALTERNATE HIDDEN RUNESTONES RULE ..............................15 8. SCENARIOS .....................................................................16

• • • • • • • •

10 District Boards 8 District Board Markers 24 Player Tokens 24 Plastic Standee Bases 134 Infamy Tokens 1 Rulebook 4 Player Aid Cards 376 Cards: • 22 City Guards Cards • 16 Monster Horde Cards • 26 Event Cards • 130 Insurgent Cards • 84 Support Cards • 48 Merchant Cards • 42 Runestones Cards • 8 Unique Faction Leaders

GOAL In Gateway, you represent a Rebel Faction trying to free the city of Gateway from the current regime, headed by Chancellor Gideon. Your fight is complicated by the sudden onslaught of a scourge of monsters - the Drueggar Horde - who threaten to destroy everything in the city. Starting with a simple deck of cards composed of a Faction Leader, some Rebels, and some Merchants, you must build up your alliance, recruiting Fighters and Merchants, and use magic to create a strong Deck and a solid Army that will allow you to take control of City Districts. Players win the game by either controlling City Districts or by collecting Infamy Points, which are gained, mostly, when they defeat Horde Monsters or City Guards.


COMPONENTS Insurgent Cards

Support Cards

Merchant Cards

Faction Leaders

Runestone Cards

Event Cards

District Boards

City Guard Cards

Player Aid Cards

Monster Horde Cards

District Board Markers

Infamy Tokens

Player Tokens





Purchase a card from the General Area. It goes directy to your discard pile and now belongs to your deck.

Draw a new card from your deck into your hand.

Remove this card from the game, returning it to the game box. It no longer belongs to your deck.



2-Player Layout: 2 Districts in Ruins

Take the Central City District Board and place it in the center of the table. Shuffle all the other District Boards and randomly pick 6 of them to be placed around Central City (see diagram). The non-Ruins artwork should be placed faceup.

Flip over the top and bottom District Boards for a 2-Player game.

Begin placing District Markers here, continuing in a clockwise fashion. Do not place any in ruined Districts.

☛ For a 2-player game, flip the Districts touching the top and bottom of Central City to show their Ruined sides these Districts start destroyed. For a 3 or 4-player game, no Districts start destroyed. Next, shuffle the 8 District Board Markers and begin placing them, 1 at a time, along each non-destroyed District, starting with the District to the right of Central City and going in a clockwise direction.

☛ For a 2-player game, each District will have 2 markers. For a 3 or 4-player game, some Districts will have 1 marker and others will have 2. The District Markers with an “X” may be removed from the game once all District Markers have been placed. Some Districts might end up with no marker on them. Place the Infamy Tokens within easy reach. Each player chooses a set of 6 Player Tokens to represent themselves (placing them on their matching color standees). Hand out a Player Aid to each player.

These “X” Markers may be removed from the Districts once all Markers have been placed.

Central City is always placed in the center of the board, and never receives District Markers.

Boards which share a side are considered adjacent to each other. When determining adjacency, skip over ruined districts and continue to the next board.

3 or 4-Player Layout: 0 Districts in Ruins


GENERAL AREA SETUP Shuffle the Monster Horde and City Guard cards and create a facedown deck for each close to the board. Draw and place 1 City Guard faceup on top of each District Board in the outer ring (following any additional rules on the cards, if necessary). Place 3 City Guard on the Central District. Create an Event deck according to the number of players: ☛ For a 2-player game, take only the 2+ Player Event cards and shuffle them. ☛ For a 3-player game, take the 2+ and 3+ Player Event cards and shuffle them. ☛ For a 4-player game, take all the Event cards and shuffle them. No matter how many players, draw 12 cards and create a facedown Event deck. Any remaining Event cards are returned to the box and not used for this game. Do not look at the Event cards yet. Core Insurgent Decks



Every game uses a starter group of Core cards. Place all Sledge, Rebel, Saloran Cart, Argethian Vendor, and Shadow Market cards on the table forming a faceup deck for each of them. Separate the Runestone cards by type (Common, Uncommon, and Rare) and shuffle each one. Each player draws 1 random Common Runestone card and places it facedown in front of them. They may look at it if they wish. Then, place the 3 Runestone decks faceup next to the Core Cards. Each player then takes 7 Saloran Carts, 1 Argethian Vendor, 3 Rebels, and 1 Faction Leader Card to create their starter deck. The Faction Leader may be chosen randomly or selected by each individual player. These cards are unique and each offers a different kind of bonus and playstyle. Each player shuffles their deck and places it facedown in their playing area. Each player draws the first 6 cards from the top of their deck to serve as their starting hand.

Core Merchant Decks



Runestone Decks


Revolution Decks







In addition to the Core cards and Runestone cards, players must put 8 Revolution card decks into play. The Revolution cards are all non-Core Insurgent and Support cards. To select the 8 Revolution decks, use one of the following methods:

Revolution waits for no one! To determine the Starting Player, take 1 Shadow Market card and then enough Solaran Cart cards to equal the number of players in the game. Shuffle the cards and deal 1 to each player. Whoever gets the Shadow Market card starts. Return all the Merchant Cards to their respective decks.




☛ Shuffle 1 copy of each Revolution card and reveal the first 8 cards;

☛ Create a deck with 1 copy of each Revolution card. The first player looks at all of them, picks 1 to use in the game, and passes the remaining cards to the player on their left. That player repeats the procedure until 8 cards have been selected.

☛ Choose 1 of the provided scenarios at the back of the rulebook (page 16). For each of the 8 Revolution cards revealed by one of the methods above, create a pile of 5 cards. Place all decks on the General Area. Note: Any Revolution Cards not used are set aside for the remainder of the game. Return them to the game box.


ROUNDS AND TURN OVERVIEW The game is played over several rounds, with each player taking a turn during the round and continuing on in a clockwise fashion. There are 4 Phases to each player’s turn. Phases must be played in order:

☛ Deployment Phase - The player may use their Action Points to play cards from their hand into their playing area.

☛ Recruiting Phase - The player may purchase 1 new card (Insurgent, Support, or Merchant) from the General Area. The recruited card goes to the player’s discard pile to later join their deck of cards.

☛ Attack Phase - The player may Attack any District

Attack Value

Board that they do not currently control.

Defense Value

☛ Clean-up Phase - The player discards all unplayed cards from their hand, moves any played Support and Merchant cards from their playing area to their discard pile, and draw 6 new cards into their hand. The Player Aids in front of every player can be referenced during the game for this information.

Card Type Ability

Gold Cost


PLAYER’S AREA EXAMPLE Army Area - Insurgents played remain in the player’s Army

Runestones owned

Discard Pile Support and Merchant cards played this turn (to be discarded during Clean-up Phase).



DEPLOYMENT PHASE At the beginning of each player’s Deployment Phase, they receive 2 Action Points to use for playing cards from their hand. The player may continue to play as many cards as they wish from their hand, provided they have Action Points remaining to spend. Merchant cards have an Action Point cost of 0 - these may be played for free during the Deployment Phase. The player declares each card played and places it in faceup in front of them. Any played Insurgent cards should be placed into the player’s designated Army Area and won’t be discarded during the Clean-up Phase. Note that some cards may provide more Action Points when played.

Normally, a player can only Recruit 1 card per turn, but certain abilities provided by other cards in their playing area may allow them to Recruit additional cards. If a player has the option to Recruit more than 1 card during their turn, they use their Gold to pay for the combined cost of all the cards they wish to purchase. For example: If the player has 6 Gold at their disposal this turn, they may use 2 Gold to purchase a new Multi-Wizard and the remaining 4 Gold to purchase a Birdmancer. Or they could choose to only purchase a Blunderbuss Mage for 5 Gold, leaving 1 Gold unspent. General Area decks can run out - supplies are limited in Gateway - so players should be sure to draft the cards they really want first. *To help in the Revolution card Recruiting during the match, arrange these piles by Gold Cost.

RECRUITING PHASE During the player’s Recruiting Phase, they may purchase 1 new card from the General Area by paying its Gold Cost. The recruited card, if a Core or a Revolution card, goes to the player’s discard pile, to later join their deck of cards. Any recruited Runestone card goes to play immediately into the player’s Army Area. To calculate their Gold Pool (the amount of gold a player has to spend on new cards) for that turn, a player adds the Gold provided by the cards in their playing area (Merchants and Support/Insurgents in play). For example: a played Shadow Market adds 3 Gold to the player’s available Gold Pool. They may then recruit any 1 card using this Gold from the cards in the General Area. Card costs are listed at the bottom right of each card. The player does not need to spend all their Gold, nor do they need to Recruit a new card if they don’t want one. Unused Gold is lost during the Clean-up Phase.


Susan plays 2 Saloran Carts (+1 Gold each) and 1 Argethian Vendor (+2 Gold) during her turn. During her Recruit Phase, Susan has 4 Gold (1 + 1 + 2) at her disposal to Recruit a new card.




During the Attack Phase, the player may use their Army to attack 1 District that they do not currently control. Districts might be controlled by players, Monster Hordes, or City Guards. If a player wishes to attack another player, they can only do so by attacking a District which that player controls. If a player doesn’t control any District of the City, they may not be attacked.

Card Name

Infamy Points Card Type Ability

Gold Cost

While natural magic is outlawed in Gateway, Runestones (physical manifestations of spells that can be used at will) can still be discovered by the intrepid rebel. During the player’s Recruit Phase, if the player wishes to purchase a Runestone, they draw the top card of any of the 3 piles (paying the Gold Cost listed on the right bottom of the card). Once purchased, a Runestone may be placed facedown into the player’s Army Area, and may be referenced at any time. To use a Runestone card, a player must declare the card, reveal its ability, and then Exile it (remove it from the game). Therefore, each Runestone may only be used once. The Runestone’s ability lasts for the duration of the player’s turn, unless specified otherwise on the card. Any unspent Runestones provide the indicated Infamy Points at the end of the game. There is no limit to the number of Runestones that a player may activate.

If the player has no cards in their Army, they must move directly to the Clean-up Phase. (You need at least 1 Insurgent to take a new District, even if it’s empty.) A player’s Army consists of any Insurgent and Runestone cards that player has in their playing area. Insurgent and Runestone cards can be used in battle immediately on the turn which they’re played. Each Insurgent card has an Attack Value (red arrow) that indicates how much Damage it can deal and a Defense Value (green shield) that indicates how much Damage it can sustain before dying. The Army attacks as 1 combined unit and defends as 1 combined unit - players may not attack or defend with only part of their Army.

DECLARING AN ATTACK At the beginning of their Attack Phase, the player declares which District they are attacking. If the District is uncontrolled (no other player, Monster, or Guard controls it) then they may immediately place 1 of their Player Tokens on the District Board to show that they now control it. If the District is controlled by any other faction, then the player and that faction fight it out in a battle. If the opposing faction is a Horde or City Guard, then the person to the left of the current player controls the opposing faction in battle. Some abilities or cards may allow a player to have more than 1 Attack Phase. If this is the case, simply take another phase after the first has been completely resolved.




First, the Attacker declares if they are using any Runestones that might contribute to their Army. Then, they add together all the Attack Values on their cards to calculate their Damage Amount. Next, the Defender adds up all of their Army’s Attack Value to get their Damage Amount, also declaring any Runestones they may want to activate.

The Attacker decides how to distribute their Damage Amount among the defending units. They can divide the amount as they wish across any number of cards in the Defender’s army. The Defender does the same to the Attacker’s army. The Damage assigned to the card is then subtracted from its Defense Value. Any cards whose defenses reach 0 are considered dead, and are placed immediately into the owner’s discard pile. Cards that did not receive lethal damage have their Defense Value set back to full at the end of the turn.

MONSTER HORDE AND CITY GUARD CARD Card Name Attack Value Defense Value

Infamy Points Card Type Ability

If the Attacker kills ALL of the defending cards, they take control of that District (even if they lost their whole Army in the attack). If the Attacker was facing a player, they remove the Defender’s Player Token from that District. If they were facing a Monster Horde or a City Guard, they simply remove all defending cards, then place 1 of their own Player Tokens on the District Board to show that they now control it. If the Attacking player kills any Monsters or City Guards during their attack, then they also receive the appropriate amount of Infamy points. For example, if the player kills an Elite Guard, they receive 2 Infamy.

Joanna decides to attack, so she must use all the cards currently in her Army: a Blunderbuss Mage and two Rebels. Adding up the Attack Values of all 3 cards gives her a base Damage Amount of 7 (5 + 1 + 1).


The player then draws a new hand of 6 cards. At any time, if the player’s deck is empty and they cannot draw cards, they shuffle their discard pile and place it facedown as their new deck. The player continues to draw as needed.

In this scenario, 3 Insurgents are attacking 1 lone Drueggar Soldier. The Attacker can deal 9 Damage to the Drueggar Soldier (3 + 3 + 3).



The Drueggar Soldier can deal 6 Damage, split up between the 3 attackers, as the Defender sees fit. The Drueggar Soldier manages to destroy the 2 Sledges (the 3 Damage dealt to each reduces their Defense Values to 0 or below), but does not have enough Damage left to take out the Birdmancer as well.



At the end of each round (after each player has taken a turn), the starting player replenishes the Central City District, adding more City Guards so that there are always 3 present. For example: if 2 City Guards in Central City were defeated during the round, 2 more City Guard cards are drawn to replenish Central City up to 3 City Guards. Follow any City Guard card’s revealed ability as necessary. The starting player then draws 1 Event Card and follows the directions laid out on the card.

3 3

The Insurgents deal more than enough Damage to destroy the Druegar Soldier (4 - 9 = 5- ). The Attacker discards their 2 destroyed Sledges, removes the Drueggar Soldier from the District, and gains 2 Infamy points. The Birdmancer remains in the Army to fight another day.



Number of Players

CLEAN-UP PHASE Any unused Action Points and/or Gold are discarded at the end of the player’s turn, and won’t be available for use later. The player discards any Support and/or Merchant Cards they played this turn, placing them into their discard pile. Insurgents and Runestones remain in play until killed or used, respectively. Any unplayed cards remaining in the player’s hand are also placed into their discard pile.

If an Event card instructs you to deploy a card in a District, the player simply draws the appropriate card and places it in the District, or Districts, as marked. If the same type of card already exists in the District (Monster Horde joining Horde, City Guard joining Guard), then the new card is simply added to the District, making it even more daunting to liberate.


If the District where the new card is placed is controlled by a diferent faction than that of the new card, a battle immediately takes place. If a player controls the District, they must immediately fight the Guard or Horde with their Army. Use the standard Attack Phase rules to determine Damage - the player to the left of the Defender will determine the Horde/Guard Damage distribution. District control resolves as follows:

☛ If the Horde or Guard defeats the player (e.g. kills all of their Army), but the player was also able to defeat all the enemy cards, the player retains control of the District.

☛ Whenever a player kills any Guard or Horde cards, they receive the appropriate amount of Infamy listed on the card.

☛ If the player is attacked in multiple Districts at once, the

DISTRICT RULES DISTRICT REWARDS Whenever a player frees a District from someone else’s control (Horde, City Guard or another player), they immediately receive the bonus described on the District.

DISTRICT DESTRUCTION If at any time 3 or more Monster Horde cards occupy a single District Board, that District is immediately destroyed. Remove all cards or tokens from that District and flip it over to show the Ruins side. No faction (including players) may now attack or claim this District for the remainder of the game. Discard any District Board marker associated with that District, and ignore any deployment related to it on future Event cards.

attacks occur simultaneously, and they may choose to defend/defeat cards as they see fit. However, they will lose control of all their Districts if they cannot defeat all the forces attacking them. All effects, including Runestones, apply only once to both attack and defense (as a single unit), as in a 1-to-1 combat.

☛ If the defending force is unable to kill the incoming invasion, but at the same time, has enough Defense to withstand the Attack, any Guard or Horde cards remaining after Damage has been assigned are removed and discarded. The player doesn’t receive Infamy for the cards that have retreated off the board. Monster Horde and City Guard cards will attack each other if deployed into the same District. Use the standard Attack Phase rules to determine the battle outcome, with the starting player controlling the City Guard and another player of their choice controlling the Monster Horde. Killed cards are discarded and no one receives Infamy for their deaths. If the Monster Horde or City Guard piles ever run out of cards, reshuffle any discarded cards to create new draw piles.


FULL EXAMPLE SCENARIO On his last round, Marc took control of the Bridge City District, and after his Clean-up Phase was completed, he had the following 6 cards in his hand: 1 The Highway Robber (Leader), 2 Saloran Carts (Merchant), 1 Runesmith (Support), 1 Fearless Four (Support), and 1 Rebel (Insurgent). Now Marc starts with his DEPLOYMENT PHASE.

Highway Robber would increase his Gold, which is something he doesn’t need for buying the Swordstone. [0 Action Points, 2 Recruits, and 5 Gold available]: Marc moves on to RECRUITING PHASE. He goes straight to the Uncommon Runestone pile and picks up the Swordstone card, deducting its cost from his Gold. [0 Action Points, 1 Recruit, and 0 Gold available]: Without Gold, his extra Recruit is lost.

[2 Action Points, 1 Recruit and 0 Gold available]: Marc spends 1 Action Point and places the Fearless Four, gaining +1 Draw, +1 Recruit, +1 Gold, and +1 Infamy. He collects his Infamy point from the pool and draws the topmost card from his deck: 1 Argethian Vendor (Merchant). [1 Action Point, 2 Recruits, and 1 Gold available]: Marc has only 1 Action Point and 3 cards in hand that require that point to be played: The Highway Robber, the Runesmith, and the Rebel. He also has 3 Merchant cards that require no Action Points, so he puts them in play: 2 Saloran Carts and 1 Argethian Vendor. With the Gold gained from the Fearless Four card, he has a total of 5 Gold available for recruiting new cards.

Marc wants to conquer a District this round, and he wants a Runestone that can give him additional Attack Value, like the Swordstone card (costs 5 Gold and gives your Army +6 Attack Value during the Attack Phase). Evaluating his cards in hand, he decides to use his Action point to put the Rebel in play - the Runesmith would give him a Common Runestone (which is not what he wants) and The

Now Marc moves on to the ATTACK PHASE. With the Rebel card played, his Army now includes: 2 Rebels and 1 Claw Knight. His total Attack Value is 4, and Defense Value is 10. According to his strategy, attacking the Canal City is the most achievable option on the board, but it’s guarded by a Drueggar Soldier (Attack 6 and Defense 4). Marc reveals his newly-acquired Swordstone Runestone! His attack strengh is now 10 and he is able to kill the Druegar Soldier (10 against 4), but he will lose some units. Marie, who is seated to Marc’s left, will determine how the attack points of the Druegar Soldier are distributed. She chooses to kill Marc’s 2 Rebels, spending 4 Attack Value (of the 6 available), but cannot kill the Claw Knight with the remaining 2 Damage. The Attack Phase is over, so Marc collects 2 Infamy (for defeating Drueggar Soldier) and places his Player Token on the Canal City District! CLEAN-UP PHASE: Marc Exiles the used Runestone Card, and discards the cards left in hand (Runesmith and The Highway Robber). He draws 6 cards to his hand (as a regular turn) + 1 card from the District Reward (for freeing the Canal City District this round). His Army Area now contains only 1 Claw Knight. Marc’s turn is now over.





When, at the end of the Round, no cards can be drawn from the Event Deck, the game ends. Each player counts up their Infamy Tokens and Infamy Points provided by unspent Runestones. Players also add up additional Infamy for any Districts they control at game’s end: 1 Infamy Point per outer District and 2 Infamy Points for Central City. The player with the most Infamy Points wins and becomes the strongest rebel faction in Gateway. The city of Gateway is, however, always under attack and might not last that long (until all the events are revealled). In certain situations, the game may end under different circumstances: ☛ If the Monster Horde destroys all of the Districts surrounding Central City, the city falls and all players lose.

ALTERNATE HIDDEN RUNESTONES RULE If you find you’d rather keep your Runestone purchases and discoveries a secret, to better unleash that massive combo as a surprise attack on your rivals, you can play with the 3 Runestone decks shuffled facedown on the table, rather than faceup. While you might not know exactly what Runestone you’re purchasing from that shady back-alley dealer, neither will your opponents.

Runestones are extremely hard to find in Gateway, even under the best of circumstances, and sometimes a thrifty Rebel just has to do the best with what they have available, surprises and all.

☛ If the Monster Horde occupies all Districts, including Central City (i.e. at least 1 Monster card is in each District), the city falls and all players lose.

☛ If a player controls all Districts on the board, in addition to Central City, that player wins immediately.











MERCHANT PRINCES ☛ Revolution Cards: Magic Orb, Runegheist, Fearless

Rather than select the Revolution cards randomly, players can also choose to play 1 of the scenarios listed below. Suggested Districts Boards for the set are also provided.


Four, Nightfishermen, Runedealer, Mobile Wizard Tower, Kleptomancer, Grand Levitator. Suggested Districts: Marketown, Canal City, High Falls, Crystal City, Harbortown, The University.

☛ Revolution Cards: Pythian Wizard, The Elusive Birdfish, RUNESTONE WHEELERS AND DEALERS ☛

Red Templar, Birdmancer, Runesmith, Witchmasker, Multi-Wizard, Summoner. Suggested Districts: Swamptown, Bridgetown, High Falls, The University, Marketown, Crystal City.

☛ Revolution Cards: Runesmith, Runedealer, Magic Orb, ☛

RISE OF THE FISHMASTERS ☛ Revolution Cards: Fishwife, Fishmancer, Blunderbuss ☛


Mage, The Elusive Birdfish, Trumpeter, Nightfishermen, Grand Levitator, Gravemaster. Suggested Districts: Swamptown, Canal City, Harbortown, High Falls, Marketown, Bridgetown.

☛ Revolution Cards: The Defiant Five, Witchmasker, Geomancer, Wandering Pete, Red Templar, Mobile Wizard Tower, Claw Knight, Accursed Wizard. Suggested Districts: Bridgetown, Swamptown, High Falls, The Univeristy, Harbortown, Marketown.

RISKY BUSINESS ☛ Revolution Cards: Summoner, Multi-Wizard, Pythian ☛

☛ Revolution Cards: Trumpeter, Summoner, Gravemaster, ☛


Fishwife, Nightfishermen, Blunderbuss Mage, Accursed Wizard, Geomancer. Suggested Districts: Crystal City, Marketown, High Falls, Bridgetown, Harbortown, The University.

Wizard, Jar Wizard, Wandering Pete, Spellbones, War Hero, Travelling Wizards. Suggested Districts: High Falls, Swamptown, Harbortown, Crystal City, The University, Canal City.


War Hero, Witchmasker, Runegheist, Birdmancer, Runedealer, Fearless Four. Suggested Districts: Canal City, High Falls, Swamptown, Bridgetown, Harbortown, Crystal City.