River Training Techniques Fundamentals Design and Applications - A Literature Survey [PDF]

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River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey Versie 1

Dit document is gepubliceerd door Rijkswaterstaat op het publicatie platform voor uitvoering (PUC). Dit document is een afdruk van de originele versie die is te vinden op: http:// puc.overheid.nl/doc/PUC_50383_31. Controleer altijd of u de actuele versie in handen hebt.  

Documentgegevens Dit document is een afdruk van een originele publicatie op PUC Open Data.   Originele versie: Citeertitel: River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey Permalink: http://puc.overheid.nl/doc/PUC_50383_31   Soort document: Type: Onderzoek en analyse - Rapport Bron: Rijkswaterstaat   Versie en datums: Versie: 1 Laatste wijziging: 26-10-2020 Overige referentiedatums in het document: 01-01-1995   Publicatiegegevens: Uitgever: Rijkswaterstaat Kanaal: Rijkswaterstaat Vorm: origineel PUC document Referentienummer: PUC_50383_31 Overige referentienummers: 112105 Toegankelijkheid: Extern Publicatiedatum: 01-01-1995 Taal: en

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River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey -

Inhoudsopgave Bijlagen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey -

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River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey Auteur(s)

B. Przedwojski & R. Blazejewski, K.W. Pilarczyk; [contributors: R. Eliasiewicz ... [et al.]]  


Provides an extensive overview on the present state of river engineering. Contains the inventory and the evaluation of recent literature and experience in this field. The text is divided in two parts. The first part deals with fluvial processes and mathematical modelling, planning and design phases in project approach and effect of the project and river survey. The second part contains fundamentals of river engineering, such as designing of cross section and river alignment, regulation system of channel, determination of hydraulic load, prediction of scour, bank protection including vegetation, specification of materials and elements of structures, construction of river training structures and flood protection measures. Also some older river regulation techniques are included.  


XXI, 625 p. ill. With help from and sponsored by Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division = Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde (RWS, DWW) With ref. and subject ind. ISBN 9054101962 Only Part I. Properties of rivers. Project problems

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River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey -

Bijlagen •






River training techniques : fundamentals, design and applications : - a literature survey -

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