Rise of The Runelords (RotRL) D&D 5e Conversion [PDF]

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Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion This is pretty much a Redo of Kryyx’s conversion that he did up to chapter 2. The Treasure section he did was fairly done until Part 2. He also put in some of the treasure and gear for Part 3 and 4, but didn’t sort which to keep. For Monster conversion I looked for a creature one CR below the pathfinder CR as that is what it typically is. If I felt the creature was not very important I may have put in something of an inappropriate CR. Some of the creatures may be unlike what they represent, but I tried my best to find similar creatures in size and type and spellcasting ability and CR. For spellcasters try to replace the spells of the reskinned monster with the ones the cast had originally in the book to make them feel more like the original monster. I used monsters from a variety of different books and some of the monsters might not be perfectly balanced. I was mostly focused on speed so I haven't researched if all the sources are good but if something on the monsters seems very strong for the level you can change it. An example of this would be the androsphinx for cleopatra. I don’t have experience with running games for high level parties so I don’t know if allowing the androsphinx to use it’s lair actions to turn back time and plane shift would be too strong or not. Although, that is an endgame creature so the party might have some ways of dealing with it by then. These encounters are balanced for a party of 4. If an encounter calls for more monsters than there are PCs in the party. (Especially if they’re below lvl 5) Re-evaluate it and probably cut some of the monsters, for example the 8 goblins and tsuto in the glassworks, may be a tad too difficult to be overcome by a lvl 1 party of 4. Use your judgement and your knowledge of your party at that point.

Treasure and DC Conversions Sandpoint Information Please see the Sandpoint Information doc on the Buildings, People, Rumors, etc.

Part 1: Burnt Offerings Swallowtail Festival: Games & Activities Credit for these goes to Connors Rpg. See his enworld post.

Catch the Greased Pig & Guess the Pickled Onions A pig is let loose in a large muddy pen (as Grease spell), smeared liberally with fat. It's kind of a free for all, with four participants trying to grapple the piglet. Cost: 3 cp Prize: 6 cp if pig is caught and go into draw to win a pig at the end of the day. Rules: Participants can use the Attack action to make a special melee attack, a grapple. Using at least one free hand, you try to seize the target by making a grapple check, a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, you subject the target to the grappled condition. Use a boar from MM 319 for the stats. The pig gains advantage on his check due to the grease. If a participant gets within 5 of the pig’s result, they grab the pig but it slips free. After 3 such near grabs the pig loses its advantage. The chase continues until the pig is caught. Run by: Farmers that take turns operating the stall, inc The Hambley family and Maester Grunth. The farmers also have a ‘Guess the Amount of Pickled Onions in the Jar’. The jar is almost 1 ft tall and 6 in. diameter. The onions are rather small and there are 53 of them in there. Cost: 1 cp Prize: You win the jar of pickled onions. Rules: Participants make an investigation check. Whoever gets the highest guesses correctly.

The Devil Hunt Do you have what it takes to bring down the infamous Sandpoint Devil and keep him from menacing the surrounding area? Take a shot and see. This is an archery range setup on the beach down by the Lighthouse. Two large targets, with silhouettes of a scary looking winged horse on them, are set up 50 yards away from a firing line. The bull’s-eye is about where a horse's heart would be. There are bigger concentric circles around the bull’s-eye. Cost: 1 cp Prize: Hitting a bull’s-eye wins a small pie. Hitting anything else wins progressively cheaper trinkets for each band outside the bull’s-eye, with nothing for a miss. Rules: Using the longbows provided, fire two arrows at the target, scoring the best one. Hitting AC 20 gets a bull’s-eye, each band outside that is AC 18, AC 16, AC 14, and AC 12. Run by: Jodar Provolost (CG male human Expert 1/Ranger 3), an older balding Varisian with black hair, a big thick black mustache, and a noticeable big belly.

He is a mediocre carpenter, but is considered one of the best hunters in Sandpoint. He is friendly, but has lots of bad jokes, and particularly likes telling his (untrue) stories of his encounters with the Sandpoint Devil. The pies have been provided by Alma Avertin from Sandpoint Savories. They aren't her best work, but they are good enough for what they are. Sheriff Hemlock has asked Jodar to quietly make note of anyone who scores a bull’s-eye, or gets both shots in either of the center two circles, so that he can later approach them about joining the militia. Jodar asks anyone who wins his or her name and then announces quite loudly "Attention! [Insert name] has done Sandpoint a great service. He or she has slain the Sandpoint Devil! Here's your pie!"

Dragon Races There's been talk of starting Dragon farming in Sandpoint, so we've gotta find out which ones are the fastest so that we have the best dragons! Pick yourself a dragon and pit it in a Dragon Race against your friends. This game is located in the Sandpoint Market Square on the south side by the docks just at the beginning of Market Street. It has two double lane tracks set up next to each other with a three-foot wide gap between the two tracks. The tracks are 30' feet long. Near the starting line there is a large cage with 12 lizards in it. Each one has a set of twig and cloth wings attached to their backs. Each one is painted a different color so that they look like little dragons. Without touching the lizards, competitors goad their lizard down the track. Get him to cross the finish line before your opponents and win a prize! Cost: 1cp Prize: The winner gets a big cheap medal that says “1st Place Swallowtail Dragon Races” and 2 Copper Pieces. All other places get nothing and the others get nothing Rules: Once they have four people with a dragon picked, place them in the starting lanes. At the sound of the whistle, the gates are lifted and you goad your dragon down the track without touching them. To do this, each person racing makes an initiative check and players attempt to goad their lizard in initiative order. The lizards are notoriously difficult to deal with, so you must make a DC 14 (or 16, see below) Wisdom check to get them to move. The lizards move 1d10ft on a successful check +1d10 for every 5 above the DC. On a failure they do not move. On a failure by 5 or more, the lizard actually moves backwards 1d6 ft. The first lizard to cross the finish line wins. Nobody knows it but 9 of the 12 lizards were secretly well fed the night before and they are tired and are even more difficult to move. These 9 are DC 16 to move. The other three are quite hungry and haven't eaten in about a week. These are at normal DC 14. In fact if some raw meat or other small rodent like thing is held in front of them they will be DC 12 to move. Run by: Gressel Tenniwar (manager of Fatman’s Feedbag). He's running it on the orders of Jubrayl Vhiski, but nobody knows this. Jubrayl is using it to run a gambling scheme betting on the races. Jubrayl and his men know which three are the hungry ones and use this to fix the betting. Jubrayl has also ordered that one of his men should always try to be in the race each time so that they can pick one of the hungry lizards in order to hedge the bets even more, but not make a big deal if any group of four really want to race each other. The GM should pick the nine that are well fed. Anyone that watches more than 5 races with one of the hungry lizards can make a DC 20 Sense Motive check to notice that some of the lizards seem more motivated than others. Jubrayl and his men will disappear if it looks like anyone has caught onto their scheme. Gressel will claim ignorance and one of his barmaids will back him up when he claims they are all well fed.

The Goblin Toss Three Goblins have found their way into your house and are tearing the place up! Grab them and toss them into the fireplace before they can destroy everything. This game is a simple bean bag toss setup in the middle of the Sandpoint Market square. A board is setup with lines of three holes. The board is 10 feet from a throw line. The closest hole is the largest and the farthest hole is the smallest. There are buckets of beanbags sewn to look like Goblins by each of the three stations. Each bean bag has a Goblin name printed on it. Cost: 1 cp. Prize: Get all three in and win a small bag of venison jerky. Anything less gives a cheap trinket. Something Swallowtail related most likely. Nothing for not getting any in the fireplace. Rules: Take three Goblins and try to toss them into a fireplace. Little kids have to try and hit the biggest and closest hole, which is AC 10. Older kids use the medium sized hole, which is AC 12, and adults use the smallest and furthest hole, which is AC 15. The bean bags have a range increment of 10' and there is no non-proficient penalty. Run by: Daverin Hosk of Goblin Squash Stables. He's getting perverse pleasure out of the idea of tossing Goblins in the fire. It's for this reason that he has written a Goblin name on each beanbag, just so he can desecrate some Goblin's memory even more. It's well known his hatred of Goblin's and nobody is surprised to see this game. Chod Bevuk of the Sandpoint Meat Market has provided the venison jerky for the prize. It is quite tasty and next to Ameiko's salmon, it is the talk of the event. Unfortunately, there have been lots of young children asking their parents if the jerky is really made of Goblin meat from the Goblins they threw in the fireplace, like Daverin says it is. Some adults have heard the rumor and actually believe that it is Goblin meat!

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion The Lighthouse Smash Who needs a Lighthouse without a light? The old Lighthouse has become an eyesore; let's knock it down so we can use the stone to build something new. This game is set up at the end of Junker's Way next to the Lighthouse. It has a table with six square stones stacked on it in a pyramid shape. Three on the bottom, two in the middle, and one on top. There is a firing line 20' from the tables. Using the ‘stone giant’ mini-catapult, try to knock down the stack of stones within three shots. Cost: 2cp. Prize: Knocking down all the stones wins a small toy catapult; it amounts to being a slingshot. Anything less provides some other cheap trinkets. No prize if nothing is knocked down. Rules: You get three shots. It takes a total of three hits to knock down all the stones. Setting up the projector is an Intelligence check (though skills that may inc the use of siege engines can be applied). Beating a DC 12 knocks down 1 stone; +1 stone per 2 points above the DC. Run by: Aesrick Battlehorn (Carpenter’s Gildmaster). He's been working on the mini catapult and toy catapults during his spare time all year, in preparation for the festival. The mini catapult is quite a work of art. He's carved it to look like a stone giant with its arm throwing the stone. He suspects that he'll be able to sell it in Magnimar for quite a bit after the festival. It's about 2 foot tall, but functions just as a real catapult, albeit with less range and much less damage. He's worked very hard at keeping it a secret all year, so that he can surprise everyone with it. He's got a soft spot for the kids and helps the kids aim it so that they can win the toy catapults; much to the consternation of mothers. According to many mother's complaints, "They are just the right size for young boys to shoot an eye out with!" This complaining doesn't stop those same mothers from handing over the two coppers for their sons to play. There is no shortage of boys crying because they've been hit in the head by a flying stone. Magic show Vernutt Parooh has drawn a small crowd to the front of The Way North (north of the market, #4 on map) with some minor illusions. A PC illusionist or bard might be able to outdo him with an opposed Magic Attack check. A winner will actually gain Vernutt as a positive contact.

Run by: Banny Harker (operator of the Lumber Mill), and just like he skims the books there, he often (20%) doesn’t see some bets, or miscounts the amount owed.

Book Key If there is a book I have not marked down yet, taking the acronym and searching it in google alongside “dnd 5e” and “monsters” might be able to help you find it. GoS - Ghosts of Saltmarsh CC:NPC - NPC Compendium Centennial Edition/OUTCLASSED: The NPC Stat Block Compendium MME - Monster Manual Expanded RoTH - Revenge of the Horde MMd - Monster Module TftYP - Tales from the Yawning Portal FEF - Fifth Edition Foes

Chapter 1: Burnt Offerings Encounters Goblin Use Goblin from MM

Goblin Warchanter Acolyte from MM

Goblin Commando Koalinth from GoS, reflavor as Horsechopper instead of trident

Goblin Dog Wolf from MM

Pixie’s Kiss!

Human Skeletons

“But beware! A pixie’s kiss can bring the strongest man to his knees!” This is actually set up inside Savah’s Armory , just south of the market Square. One of Kaye Tesarani's workers starts by pouring a “very special” fruit brandy labelled “Pixie Punch” into the belly button of one of her half-naked and artfully painted colleagues and then places a slice of lemon halfway into her mouth. Cost: 3sp. Prize: Usually, the kisses are the prizes of this game, but if any contestant actually manages to get 20 or more points, he most probably will be given some sort of prize and receive the admiration of the crowd. Rules: The objective of the game is to suck the alcohol from her belly, pick up the slice of lemon (using only your teeth and resulting in a slight but no less erotic kiss!) and drop it into a bowl. The more lemons you drop into the bowl, the more points (and kisses!) you get. 1 lemon = 1 point. Each kiss is usually accompanied by the pixie girls’ and the crowds counting shouts: “One! ... Two! ... Three! ...” The difficulty however is that Kaye spiked the fruit brandy with a special substance called “Pixie Dust” (a courtesy of Nisk Tander) which is normally used to spike the drinks of unwanted customers (those who become aggressive or too demanding). Only the strong alcohol and the small dosage prevent the contestants from being knocked out cold from the very first sip. If used to its full intent, the victim must make a Constitution Save DC 16 (with advantage because the “Dust” is heavily watered down) after every sip of the spiked drink. If he fails his check, he is intoxicated (which means Advantage is lost). A second failed save and the contestant no longer gains Advantage on the checks (so they are now at a Disadvantage). A fail by 5 or more at any time results in being immediately being knocked out cold. A dump in the river (or any large amount of cold water) usually ends the unconsciousness immediately. When knocked out cold, the contestant is usually laughed at by all bystanders and gets a bucket of water over his head, bringing him back from the dreamlands and getting some humorous but cheerful comments. Every hour after intoxicated player may make a Constitution check (DC 16, -1 per hour) to removed the Intoxicated condition. Run by: Madame Kaye and a couple her employees from the Pixie’s Kitten. The attractive ladies in the act are actually up from Magnimar for the festival. Savah and a couple of smiths are providing security for the activities.

Skeleton from MM

Unders & Overs

Bullywug Shaman from MMd

Gambling game set up in the market square. The table is divided into three sections: Unders, 7’s, Overs. Punters place money onto the section they wish to bet on. Cost: Any wager up to 5gp. Prize: See the Odds below. Rules/Odds Unders & Overs: = double money 7’s: typically 5x money, but the dealer may change this to entice more money.


Ven Vinder Use Defender from CC:NPC, no weapons

Tickwood Boar Use Deinonychus from VGM

Gresgurt Use Goblin Commando from above. Give him a Dagger.

Shalelu Andosana Skirmisher Elite from MME

Tsuto Kaijitsu Shadow Monk from XGE

Sinspawn Seaspawn from VGM

Vargouille Vargouille from VGM

Koruvus Hill Goblin Champion from RoTH

Human Zombies Use Zombie from MM

Erylium Sprite Warden of the Grove from MME


Saber-Toothed Tiger from MM

Rigged Rope Bridge (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 13; Thieves’ Tools DC 13 EFFECTS Trigger location or manual; Reset manual

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Effect 80-ft fall into water (8d6 bludgeoning damage); multiple targets (all creatures on rope bridge); DC 13 Dexterity save avoids fall.

Shadowmist Use Warhorse from MM

Warchief Ripnugget Hill Goblin Warlord from RotH

Stickfoot Use Giant Lizard from MM

Filthy Slasher Trap (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Thieves’ Tools DC 16 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset manual Effect Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit (scything blade); Hit: 4 (1d8) Plus chance to contract tetanus, Con save 12, onset d6 days, Frequency 1/day, 1d4 dex damage. Each time tetanus damage is taken, 50% chance jaw muscles stiffen, prevent speech and use of spells with verbal components for 24 hours. Cure 2 consecutive saves

Bunyip Plesiosaurus from MM

Bruthazmus Bugbear Brute from RotH

Orik Thayan Warrior from TftYP

Tentamort Tentaghoul from MaD

Yeth Hound Shadow Mastiff with terrifying howl from VGM

Lyrie Akenja Thayan Apprentice from TftYP Gear Potion of Healing (2d4+2), scroll of comprehend languages, scroll of minor image, scroll of see invisibility, scroll of sleep, scroll of whispering wind; dagger, silver comb (25 gp), fine silk gown (60 gp), everburning torch, small pouch of items (hair, fingernail clipping, used handkerchiefs, and a pearl earring worth 50 gp) stolen from Tsuto Kaijitsu. Spellbook Contains all prepared spells plus comprehend languages, detect secret doors, floating disc, identify, locate object, minor image, obscuring mist, see invisibility, sleep, and spider climb.

Slashing Cage Trap (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Thieves’ Tools DC 16 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset automatic Effect portcullises drop to seal target in 5-foot area between them (Dexterity DC 15 to jump to an adjacent 5-foot-square as they drop); 1 round later, both statues slash at the area with their glaives for 2 rounds; 2 glaives. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. Hit: 10 (2d10); 10-foot fall after 2 rounds (1d6 bludgeoning damage, fall, Dexterity DC 15 negates).

Nualia Blade from XGE

Shadow Use Shadow from MM

Giant Hermit Crab Chuul from MM

Malfeshnekor Barlgura from MM

Chapter 2 : The Skinsaw Murders Encounters Gortus and Gurnak Dirty Fighter from CC:NPC for each

Pidget Tergelson Use Wererat from MM Manic Whenever Pidgit sees a bladed weapon, he becomes sickened with delight. If someone directly confronts Pidgit with a bladed weapon as a standard action, Pidgit must make a DC 14 Wisdom save to resist becoming fascinated by the blade for 1d6 rounds. A fascinated creature is entranced by a supernatural or spell effect. The creature stands or sits quietly, taking no actions other than to pay attention to the fascinating effect, for as long as the effect lasts. It has disadvantage on skill checks. Any potential threat, such as a hostile creature approaching, allows the fascinated creature a new saving throw against the fascinating effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a ranged weapon at the fascinated creature, automatically breaks the effect. A fascinated creature's ally may shake it free of the spell as an action.

Human Zombies Use Zombie from MM

Erin Habe Spy from MM

Grayst Sevilla Fetch from FEF

Caizarlu Zerren Grave Cleric from XGE

Ghoul Scarecrows Use Ghoul from MM

Ghouls Use Ghoul from MM

Rogors Craesby Use Ghast from MM

Carrionstorms Use Swarm of Ravens from MM Pallid Bond A carrionstorm never initiates an attack on a creature that openly wears a symbol of Urgathoa or that is itself undead. If attacked first by such a creature, the carrionstorm's swarm attack deals half damage.

Burning Manticore (Haunt) CE burning haunt (stuffed manticore) Caster Level 4th Notice Perception DC 15 (to notice smoldering fur) hp 8; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit (burning stinger against one target in area B2, 2d10 fire damage); Dexterity DC 14 to avoid catching on fire (these flames burn only the haunted target, and cannot spread to other creatures or objects)

Worried Wife (Haunt) CE universal haunt (5-foot square in front of fireplace) Caster Level 4th Notice Perception DC 15 (to hear a woman's voice whisper, "Lorey"-this was the name of Vorel's and Kasanda's daughter) hp 8; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect spell effect (suggestion to drag another PC out of the house to area B1, likely into the carrionstorms; Wisdom DC 13 resists; Cl 4th)

Diseased Rat Use Giant Rat from MM Blind The rat hasn't been afflicted long enough by its illness to have grown accustomed to its condition, and suffers the full effects of the blinded condition as a result. Disease The rat inflicts Vorel's Phage when it damages foes. (Constitution save DC 10; see above for a description of the effects of Vorel's Phage)

Vorel’s Phage Bite-injury or ingestion; save Constitution DC 10; onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect: 1d8 max hp damage; cure 3 consecutive saves. Those of the Foxglove bloodline who die of Vorel's Phage rise soon thereafter as a ghast or other undead horror

Dance of Ruin (Haunt) CE persistent vengeful haunt (all of area B7) Caster Level 3rd Notice Perception DC 13 (to hear faint piano music) hp 13; Trigger touch (piano); Reset 1 day The haunted character is caught up in a whirling dance and spins wildly through the room for 1d6 rounds and can attempt a DC 13 wisdom save at the start of

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion each round to stop it. Once the dance ends (whether or not it ended early), the character gains one level of Exhaustion. If the character can be successfully grappled and pinned, the haunt shrieks in rage as the haunt ends prematurely; her shriek causes 1d2 points of wisdom damage to all in room DC 14 wisdom save negates. Ability damage is used in the shadow from the Monster Manual. There the ability damage fully recovers on a short rest

Iesha's Vengeance (Haunt) CE vengeful haunt (5-ft. radius around scarf) Notice Perception DC 16 (to notice the scarf moving on its own) hp 10; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day When lesha's scarf unerringly wraps around the haunted character's throat, he must make a DC 14 Wisdom save to avoid being paralyzed with fear as a ghostly image of Aldern manifests before him and appears to be using the scarf to choke him to death; at the same moment, the haunted character loses his sense of self and believes he has become Iesha. He must then make a DC 14 Constitution save success indicates he merely takes 1d10 points of bludgeoning damage, but failure indicates he is immediately reduced to 0 hit points and is dying.

Frightened Child (Haunt) CE obsessed haunt (western area of room surrounding bed) Caster Level 3rd Notice Perception DC 16 (to hear the sound of a child sobbing) hp 6; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect The haunted character suddenly becomes convinced that his parents are trying to kill each other, and that whichever of them survives will be coming to kill him next; he has a vision of his mother, wielding a torch, and his father, festering with tumors and wielding a long knife, both struggling to kill each other. The vision passes as fast as it occurs, at which point the haunted PC must make a DC 13 Wisdom save to avoid taking 1d4 points of wisdom damage from the mind-numbing terror of the sight. Ability damage is used in the shadow from the MM There the ability damage fully recovers on a short rest

Phantom Phage (Haunt) CE persistent festering haunt (10-ft.-by-10-ft. area in northwest) Caster Level 4th Notice Perception DC 13 (to hear a child's voice, quivering with fear, ask, "What's on your face, mommy?" hp 18; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect The haunted character must make a DC 13 Wisdom save; failure indicates he claws desperately at the flesh of his own face, dealing 1d6 points of damage and 1d4 points of Charisma damage. The haunted character must make a new save each round he remains in this room to avoid damaging his face again and again-the haunt effect ends once he makes two consecutive saving throws, is dragged from the room, or falls unconscious from physical or Charisma damage. Ability damage is used in the shadow from the MM There the ability damage fully recovers on a short rest

Collapsing Floor (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Thieves’ Tools DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger location or manual; Reset manual Effect 10-ft. fall (1d6); multiple targets (all creatures in area B14); DC 14 Dexterity save avoids.

Misogynistic Rage (Haunt) CE persistent wrathful haunt (northwestern half of the room) Caster Level 5th Notice Perception DC 13 (to hear the sound of a woman's voice saying, "What do you get up to down in the damp below'") hp 22; Trigger touch (painting); Reset 1 day Effect The haunted character must make a DC 14 Wisdom save or be compelled to attack the closest female (as if by dominate person), using all of his capabilities in an attempt to kill the target-this haunting continues for 1d4 rounds, or until the initial target is slain. If no suitable target is within sight, he instead attacks himself, leaping out the window if no weapon is handy. Each round the compulsion persists, the character may attempt a new DC 14 Wisdom save to end the effect early. Ability damage is used in the shadow from the MM There the ability damage fully recovers on a short rest

The Stricken Family (Haunt) CE universal haunt (all of area B17) Caster Level 4th Notice Perception DC 13 (to notice the room grow cold) hp 8; Trigger touch; Reset 1 day Effect When the room explodes into rot and fungal decay, every PC in the room must make a DC 14 Constitution save to avoid contracting Vorel's Phage (see above). Once the room reverts to normal, those characters who failed their saves can see tiny splotches of mold and tender red bumps on their flesh, but until the disease has a chance to incubate, these symptoms remain invisible to others.

Suicide Compulsion (Haunt) CE insane haunt (5-ft.-radius spread around desk) Caster Level 5th Notice Perception DC 16 (to notice the appearance of a dagger on the desk that, an instant before, was not there) hp 10; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect The haunted character must make a DC 14 Wisdom save. Failure indicates he moves over to the desk and attempts to stab himself with the jagged length of wood, dealing 2d8 plus twice his Strength modifier points of damage to himself. If anyone tries to prevent the attempt, the haunted character instead makes a single attack against that person with the “dagger.” If he hits, the supernaturally guided strike automatically scores a critical hit and delivers 2d4 points of damage plus twice the haunted character's Strength modifier-in addition, this hit causes 1d4 points of splinter. After this attack, the “dagger” turns back into wood.

Plummeting Inferno (Haunt) CE burning haunt (area B22) Caster Level 5th Notice Perception DC 15 (to notice the stink of burning flesh) hp 10; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect The haunted character must make a DC 13 Wisdom save. If he fails, he is compelled to hurl himself through the unbroken window of Arazni, taking 2d6 points of damage from the shattering glass and a further 1d6 points of damage from the fall onto the rooftop below. A weather vane on the roof makes a single +6 attack against the falling character; if it hits, the character takes another 1d6+4 points of damage, but his fall ends. If it fails to hit him, the character must make a DC 13 Dexterity save. If that fails, he slides off the steep roof over the course of 1 round, whereupon he may make a final DC 10 Athletics check to catch himself before falling 300 feet to the rocky surf below, taking 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage in the process.

Unfulfilled Glories (Haunt) CE insane haunt (area B23) Caster Level 3rd Notice Perception DC 18 (to hear the sound of pages rustling, as if a book were being read rapidly) hp 6; Trigger Proximity; Reset 1 day Effect Once the memories grow bitter and culminate in an overwhelming sense of depression and loss, the haunted PC must succeed at a DC 13 Wisdom save to resist taking 1d4 points of wisdom damage

Iesha Foxglove, Revenant Revenant from MM If lesha ends up attacking the PCs, she fights them until they either hand over whatever item it was that triggered her wrath or everyone in the group spends a round not attacking her or getting in her way; at this point, she breaks off the attack and continues on her march toward Aldern.

Rat Swarms Swarm of Rats from MM Once enraged, the swarms continue to pursue intruders throughout the house. They do not follow prey outside. Disease The swarm inflicts Vorel's Phage when it damages foes (Constitution save DC 12; see above for a description of the effects of Vorel's Phage).

Origins of Lichdom (Haunt) CE wrathful haunt (5-ft. radius in center of room) Caster level 4th Notice Perception DC 18 (to notice subtle movement in the stained-glass windows, as if the man depicted therein were sneering at the observer) hp 8; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect Once the haunted character receives the vision described above, she must make a DC 13 Wisdom save or suddenly be filled with terror at the knowledge that Vorel has already succeeded in transforming himself into a lich, and must flee at top speed upstairs to try to find her "child" and rescue her. Anyone who gets in the character's way or tries to stop her suddenly seems to transform into Vorel, and the haunted character must attack that character to the best of her ability until she can continue on her flight up to area B13. Calm Emotions, Dispel Evil and Good, and Protection From Evil and Good can end this effect before the character reaches B13, as can any effect that removes a fear effect; otherwise the effect persists until the PC reaches area B13 upon seeing no child there, she recovers from the effect

Ghoulish Uprising (Haunt) CE obsessed haunt (upper 20 ft. of spiral stairs) Caster Level 4th Notice Perception DC 15 (to notice a sudden increase in the stink of rotten flesh) hp 8; Trigger Proximity; Reset 1 day Effect As the ghouls reach for the haunted PC, she must make a DC 14 Wisdom save to shake off the vision and regain her senses. If she fails, the ghouls grab her and begin to tear and bite at her flesh. Observers see the haunted PC jerk and thrash

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion in the air as if she were being shaken by a mob, and suddenly deep red claw and bite wounds appear on her flesh. The haunted PC takes 4d6 points of damage from the assault (half on a DC 16 Constitution save), and must make a DC 14 Constitution save to resist catching ghoul fever. Ghoul Fever: Bite—injury; save Constitution DC 12; onset 1 day; frequency 1/day; effect 1 Con and 1 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast.

Skaveling Doombat from FEF

Yellow Mold (Hazard) As in DMG

Ghouls Use Ghoul from MM

Kibb Saber-Toothed Tiger from MM

Crowfood Use Bugbear Headman from RotH

Door Spike (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Thieves’ Tools DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset manual Effect 4 bone spikes (+6 melee, 1d10 each; 1 target)

Floor Saw (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Thieves’ Tools DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger location; Reset manual Effect saw blades (+5 melee, 2d10); multiple targets (all creatures in area A1)

Pit Trap (Trap)

Use Ghast from MM Small Sized

Type mechanical; Perception DC 13; Disable Device DC 10 EFFECTS Trigger location; Reset manual Effect Multiple targets (all characters adjacent to or on the sofa); fall (10 feet deep, Reflex DC 17 avoids); spikes (+4 melee, 1d10 spikes per target)

The Skinsaw Man

Scythe Traps (Trap)

Bodak from VGM

Type mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20 Bypass hidden switch on each door (Perception DC 16) EFFECTS Trigger location; Reset manual Effect Large scythe (+5 melee, 2d10)

Goblin Ghasts

Vorel’s Legacy (Haunt) CE festering haunt (5-ft. spread from west wall) Caster Level 4th Notice Perception DC 15 (to notice the phylactery shards rattle) hp 8; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect The haunted character is compelled, as if via a suggestion spell, to eat some of the fungus on the wall. A DC 13 Wisdom save is enough to resist the compulsion.

Lucky and Maulgro Graul Bugbear Hunter from RotH

Mammy Graul

Faceless Stalkers

Red Hag from ToB

Xenabsorber from CCodex

Benk, Hadge, and Kunkel

Skinsaw Cultists

Use Ogre Zombie from MM 316.

Use Cult Fanatic from MM

Hand Chopper (Trap)

Justice Ironbriar

Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Disable Device DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset manual Effect war razor (+6 melee, 2d10 );

Death Priest from MME

Scarecrow Flesh Golem from MM

Falling Bell (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 13; Thieves’ Tools DC 16 EFFECTS Trigger manual; Reset repair Effect Falling bronze bell, targets 1d4 characters in area E1 or E2, Any creature hit by it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The bell breaks stairs in a 10 foot-long swath wherever it hits a PC. A character damaged by the bell falls into area E1, taking the appropriate falling damage, unless he succeeds at a DC 14 Dexterity save to cling to the stairs.

Faceless Stalkers

Hucker Graul Use Bugbear Headman from RotH

Chuckles and Drooler Bugbear Hunter from RotH

Muck Graul Shambling Mound from MM

Hograth, Jeppo, and Sugar Graul Bugbear Hunter from RotH


Xenabsorber from CCodex

Drider without weapons


Jakardros Sovark

Lamia Noble from MME

Heavy Longbowman from RoL

Part 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre

Vale Temros


Ogre Fighter

Rukus Graul Use Bugbear Headman from RotH

Graul Hounds Use Wolf from MM.

Skirmisher Elite from MME

Kaven Windstrike Master Thief from VGM

Ogre Berserker from RotH

Ogre Use Ogre from MM 237.

Karly-Lop Kreeg Ogre Berserker from RotH

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Jolly Kreeg

Stone Giant

Ogre Berserker from RotH

Use Stone Giant from MM 156.

Minktuck Kreeg

Part 4: Fortress of the Stone Giants

Ogre Berserker from RotH

Shocker Lizard Shocker Lizard from CC

Collapsing Bridge (Trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 16; Disable Device DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger location; Reset repair Effect fall (50 ft., 5d6, Reflex DC 17 negates); multiple targets (10-ft. middle section of bridge)

Lorgus Fenker Use Spectre from MM 279

Gragavan Kreeg Ogre Berserker from RotH

Silas Kreeg Ogre Berserker from RotH

Jaagrath Kreeg Ogre Chieftain from MME

Dorella Kreeg Ettin Shaman from MME

Harlock “Hookman” Kreeg Ogre Berserker from RotH

Lucrecia Lamia Noble from MME

Nightbelly Boa Giant Coral Snake from GoS

Black Magga Isonade from ToB

Gorger and Chaw Use Ettin from MM 132.

Malugus Ogre Berserker from RotH . 3 levels of Exhaustion

Trolls Troll from MM

Grazuul Lake Troll from ToB

Skull Ripper Scaladar from WDMM

Yap Pixie Queen from MME

Myriana Moon Nymph from CCodex

Kreeg Ogres Ogre Berserker from RotH

Lunderbud Stone Giant from MM

Briselda, Grel Thaga, and Larastine Night Hags from MM, or Annis Hags if the PCs are gods

Lamatar Bayden Wight Warlock from MME

Barl Breakbones Cyclops Stormcaller from TDCS

Encounters Stone Giant Use Stone Giant from MM

Dire Bear Dire Bear from MME

Longtooth Young Red Dragon from MM

Terraktinus Stone Giant Earth Shaman from MME

Ogre Cattle Rustlers Ogre Berserker from RotH

Hill Giant Hill Giant from MM

Cinderma Stone Giant Dreamwalker from VGM

Hill Giant Runeslaves Hill Giant Subchief from TftYP

Advanced Wyverns Wyvern from MM

Deathwebs Sword Spider from MME

Harpy Monks Aarakocra Talon of Syranita from MME

Mammoth Oliphaunt from CCodex

Embers Dire Bear from MME

Isvig And Jaansk Frost Giant from MM

Rocs 1 Roc from MM

The Black Monk Mavka from ToB

Conna the Wise Oni Magi from MME

Galenmir Dao from MM

Grumelda Stone Giant from MM

Enga Keckvia Brute from CC:NPC

Redcap Redcap from ToB

Lokansir Sunder Shaman from GGR

Econtredor And Sulaminga Young Red Dragon from MM

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Seleval And Zaelsar Guardian Naga from MM

Hurek and Durek War Troll from MME

Chamber of Reduction Type magic; Perception DC 22; Disable Device DC 22 EFFECTS Trigger proximity; Reset automatic Effect spell effect (reduce person multiple targets 10 minutes; DC 18 Fortitude negates; CL 20th); affects all creatures in the room (to a maximum of up to 20 creatures at a time).

Stone Golem Stone Golem from MM

The Headless Lord Star Spawn Hulk from MTF

Forgefiend Alnaar from CCodex

Shining Child Abominable Beauty from ToB, or much better SHINING CHILD

Clockwork Librarian Tomb Guardian from ToA

Hounds of Tindalos Lich Hound from ToB

Mokmurian Lamia Queen from MME

Part 5: Sins of the Saviors Encounters The Scribbler Dread Lord of Bane from MME

Yerrin-Ku Sire of Insanity from GGR

Hounds of Lamashtu Temple Dog from ToB

The Scribbler’s Suggestion (trap) Type magical; Perception DC 21; Disable Device DC 21 EFFECTS Trigger proximity; Reset automatic Effect spell effect (suggestion; Wisdom DC 18 negates) Anyone who passes through the northern door into the foggy hallway beyond hears a whispering voice in his mind suggesting that Lamashtu’s influence has tainted his friends, and that they are preparing to capture the victim to sacrifice him to Lamashtu. The suggestion encourages the character to do everything in his power to defend himself, hopefully by first finding a safe place where he can escape his supposed allies, and to fight back against them if they try to restrain him.

Arkhyst Adult White Dragon from MM

Elder Earth Elemental Elder Earth Elemental from CC

Disjunction Pulse (trap) Type magical; Perception automatic; Disable Device DC 22 AC 7 (–5 Dexterity, –2 object, +4 Size) Hardness 10; Break DC 21 HP 30 EFFECTS Trigger timed and touch; Reset automatic Effect spell effect (mage’s disjunction, 17th-level wizard, DC 19

Will save negates); multiple targets (all magic items or spell effects in area E2)

Fiendish Mustard Jelly Blighted Bloodfire from CComp

Wraith Wraith from MM

Thassilonian Mummies Blighted Mummy from Arka

Armored Clay Golem Amber Golem from CoS

Nightwing Nightwing from CC

Xyoddin Xerriock Vampire from MM

Azaven Devkarin Lich from GGR

Necromantic Deathtrap (trap) Type magical; Perception DC 21; Disable Device DC 21 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset automatic after 1 round delay (for 1 minute, after which automatic after a 1 hour delay) Effect All creatures in the room take 4d10 points of negative energy damage every other round (Will DC 20 half)— undead creatures are instead healed for a like amount (they do not gain excess healing as temporary hit points). Every even-numbered round, the trap becomes inert as it recharges its energy from the surrounding walls, firing again automatically every odd-numbered round until the room is deserted or the trap is disabled. If the portal in area F4 has been destroyed, this trap cannot recharge and only triggers once before going forever inert.

Crushing Door (trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 21; Disable Device DC 19 EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset automatic Effect crush (10d10 bludgeoning, DC 19 Reflex save to avoid); multiple targets (all creatures standing opposite to the door when it falls)

Water Mephits Water Elemental, Medium from MME

Stone Golems Stone Golem from MM

Ordikon, The Mithral Mage Cairnlord from MotG (flavor everything as gems and money)

Zuvuzeg Nalfeshnee from MM

Eryalla, Lelyrin, Voivod, And Zevashala Cambion Abyssal Trickster from MME

Nelevetu Voan Veteran from MM (unarmed)

Enslaved Stone Giants Stone Giant from MM

Delvahine Deathpact Angel from GGR

False Vraxerises Drow Mage from MM

False Delvahines Shadow Fey Enchantress from ToB

Blinding Sickness https://aonprd.com/Diseases.aspx?ItemName=Blinding%20Sickness

Filth Fever https://aonprd.com/Diseases.aspx?ItemName=Filth%20Fever

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Sobloch Quasit from MM

Omox Demons

manner have a flat 50% chance each round of running off the edge of the cliff, in which case they fall 60 feet to the ground below.

Cannibal Urgings (Haunt)

Drow Inquisitor from MTF

CE haunt (all of area B14) Caster Level 8th Notice Wisdom check DC 15 (to notice sudden twinges of unnatural hunger) hp 16; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect When the hunger pangs strike, all characters in the room must make DC 17 Fortitude saves to resist taking 2 levels of exhaustion from the sudden phantom hunger. Accompanying this ravenous sensation is the conviction that only the flesh of the other PCs can sate the hunger. Any character who took starvation damage must then make a DC 17 Will save to resist taking 1d4 points of Wisdom drain as the cannibal urgings overwhelm the PC and drive him to the brink of madness.

Variant Ochre Jellies

The Hungry Dead (Haunt)

Monstrous Ochre Jelly from MME

Archon of the Triumvirate from GGR

CE haunt (all of area B15) Notice Perception DC 20 (to hear the rising whispers and slobbering grunts of the hungry dead) hp 20; Trigger touch; Reset 1 minute Effect To observers, the haunted character suddenly begins thrashing wildly, as if dozens of invisible hands were tugging and pushing him about the room. At the same time, bloody wounds from invisible teeth appear across the victim’s body. The haunted character perceives that he has suddenly been surrounded by a dozen emaciated but fantastically strong dwarves, all of whom are attempting to eat him alive. The ghosts make 10 attack rolls against the PC at a +8 bonus; each hit deals 2d10 points of damage. A character reduced to negative max hit points by these bites is torn apart so that nothing remains but a red, well-gnawed skeleton draped in his gear.

Glabrezu Demon

Cannibal Fury (Haunt)

Sire of Insanity from GGR

CE persistent haunt (Vekker Cabin and environs to a radius of 30 feet from cabin’s outer walls) Notice Perception DC 20 (to hear the sound of knocking somewhere in the cabin) hp 67; Trigger timed; Reset none Effect This persistent haunt adheres to the following round-byround schedule. Note that until the haunt begins to act in force on the fifth round, it cannot be dismissed or damaged. These first four rounds are, in effect, an extended warning of what’s about to occur.

Alkilith from MTF

Elder Water Elemental Elder Water Elemental from CC

Chernobues Cyoturma from CC


Iron Archer Meteor Golem from ATLAS

Warriors of Wrath Eldritch Knight from XGE

Sinspawn Axemen White Abishai from MTF

Highlady Athroxis

Karzoug Statue Stone Golem Sentinel from MME

Part 6: Spires of Xin-Shalast The Horror Tree Blackroot Treant from MME

Rounds 1–3:

Gold-Eating Dwarf

Allow the PCs to each make a DC 20 Perception check. Anyone who succeeds hears a faint knocking coming from the lower portion of the cabin, probably the outer door at area B3, as if some lost traveler were seeking shelter from the storm. PCs in the lower rooms of the cabin or the stair shaft need only succeed at a DC 9 Perception check to hear this knocking. The knocking continues for 3 rounds, during which time PCs might head down to see whom it might be. Attempts to see the ground outside the cabin are fruitless due to the whirling snow flurries, unless the PCs are within 5 feet, and then they still see nothing present that could have caused the knocking.

LN haunt (all of area B5) Notice Perception DC 9 (to notice the shadowy image of Silas crouching in the corner) hp 16; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 minute Effect Silas’s words function as a mass suggestion spell; anyone who hears him must succeed at a DC 16 Wisdom save to resist the compulsion to scoop up and eat a handful of the arsenic- tainted dirt on the room’s floor. The haunt enhances the already deadly effects of arsenic in this case—anyone who eats the stuff must make a DC 17 Constitution save against the effects of arsenic poisoning (1 Con dmg). Silas watches as anyone eats, and as the victim feels the poison flowing through his system, the haunted character sees Silas suddenly shrink in on himself, grow emaciated, and then fly apart in a red explosion of bite- sized morsels of flesh and bone. An instant later, he is gone— but only for a minute, after which he appears again.

Haunted Chain Chainer Geist from MaD

Tipping Stairs (trap) Type mechanical; Perception DC 21; Disable Device DC 20 EFFECTS Trigger location; Bypass (hidden lever in area B11); Reset manual Effect 50-ft. fall (5d6 falling damage); DC 17 Reflex save avoids

Partially Eaten Dwarf (Haunt) LN haunt (northern 15 feet of area B8) Notice Perception DC 20 (to notice the distant humanoid shape turn to face the party); hp 10; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day Effect A dwarven man (recognizable as the same one from the haunt in area B5) staggers out of the snow. His eyes are wild with fear, his clothes in tatters, and blood drips from several cuts on his exposed flesh. When he sees the PCs, he cries out, “Run! Run for your lives! They’re going to eat you!” With that, the dwarf flees into the snow. All PCs in the area must make a successful DC 16 Will save to avoid being overcome with the conviction that the other members of the party are cannibals and are about to attack them—those who fail this save become panicked for 1d6 rounds, dropping all held items and attempting to flee from their allies at top speed. Characters who race blindly into the snow in this

Round 4: The strange knocking grows silent for 1 round.

Round 5: A loud crack followed by a mighty hammering sound suddenly fills the cabin as its walls begin to shake and groan, almost as if the structure were giving up its purchase on the cliff edge and sliding off. On each turn that a PC remains in the haunt’s area he must make a DC 13 Acrobatics check; failure indicates he cannot move for that round, while failure by 5 or more indicates he falls prone. A character in area B6 at this time falls off the stairs if he falls prone.

Round 6: The hammering continues, but now the faint images of starving dwarven ghosts can be glimpsed out of the corner of the eye. Each character suddenly experiences painful hunger pangs and must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save to resist taking 1 level of exhaustion and 1d2 points of Constitution damage from the horrific hunger.

Round 7: Voices can now be heard, in most cases wordless cries of pain, but now and then snatches of sentences like “eating us...” or “don’t let him...” or “so hungry....” The hammering continues, but now the starving ghosts seem to notice the PCs for the first time. Each PC must make a DC 16 Will save— failure indicates that the haunt possesses him as the ghosts themselves seem to flow into the PC’s body. Possession inflicts 1d2 points of Wisdom drain, and has additional implications in rounds 8–10.

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Round 8–10: For the last 3 rounds of this complex haunt, the shaking and hammering continues. Characters possessed by the haunt do not need to make Acrobatics checks to move and take whatever actions they can to render non-possessed characters unconscious or helpless, using whatever tools they have at their disposal. If a possessed character is adjacent to a helpless, non-possessed character and is not threatened by any other non-possessed character, he attempts to attack the helpless character with the best weapon option he has. If a possessed character is adjacent to a dead character, he feeds on the body and takes no other actions unless he is attacked by someone else.

Round 11: With a sudden lurch, the haunting stops. Possessed characters immediately regain control of their faculties. Any character who successfully fed on an ally must make a DC 16 Will save upon realizing what he’s done—failure results in an additional 2d2 points of Wisdom drain from the supernaturally fueled revelation. At your option, characters subjected to extreme Wisdom drain from this haunt could develop various madness. The cabin itself shows no signs of damage from the violence aside from anything the PCs themselves have done to it. A few rounds later, Silas Vekker finally manifests before the PCs as detailed in Event 2, below.

Viorian Dekanti Valkur's Heir from BoBH

Wardens Of Thunder Storm Giant from MM

Warden of Runes Fire Giant Duke from MME, or 1 other choice

Lamia Priestesses Guardian Naga from MM

Hungerer Wurm from GGR

Astradaemon Star-Spawn of Cthulhu from ToB Or Astradaemon


Karivek Vekker

Planetar from MM

Hym from BoBH

The Aklo Doors (trap)

Advanced Frost Worm

Snow Queen from ToB

Type magic; Perception DC 23; Disable Device DC 23 EFFECTS Trigger touch or proximity; Reset automatic Effect spell effect (maze; each round all creatures trapped within the maze are subjected to a phantasmal killer effect [save DC 14], but once any one trapped creature succeeds at the DC 16 Intelligence check to escape the maze, all currently entrapped victims escape at once, reappearing on the north side of the now-once-again closed Aklo doors); multiple targets (all valid targets within 30 feet).


Denizens of Leng

Frost Giant Everlasting One from VGM

Denizen of Leng from FEF

Cloud Giants

The Thing From Beyond Time

Cloud Giant from MM

Star-Spawn of Cthulhu from ToB



Skulk from MTF

Devkarin Lich from GGR

Krak Naratha Soldiers

Shemhazian Demon

Lesser Erinyes from SaF

Voracalith from CC

Mountain Aurochs

Most High Ceopatra

Aurochs from MM

Androsphinx from MM


Adult Blue Dragon

Oni from MM

Young Adult Blue Dragon from MME

Abominable Snowmen

Karzoug The Claimer

Abominable Yeti from MM

Lich from MM or Queen of Night and Magic from ToB

The Hidden Beast Retriever from MTF

Wandering Monsters

Vampire Skulks

Sandpoint Hinterland

Frost Worm from CC

Wendigo Ulfhedinn from BoBH


Blood Drinker Vampire from GGR

Gamigin Ice Devil from MM

Scarlet Walker Dreadful Lasher Voor from CC

Mountain Roper Ancient Roper from MME

Ghlorofaex Adult Blue Dragon from MM

Advanced Leng Spider Ghostwalk Spider from ToB

Wardens of Wind Cloud Giant Smiling One from VGM

Dire Rat Wharf Rat from DToB

Mite Mite from FEF

Dire Bat Giant Vulture from MM

Carrionstorms Swarm of Ravens from MM

Human Skeletons Skeletons from MM

Goblins Goblin from MM

Goblin Dog Wolf from MM

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Rat swarms

Hill giant

Rat swarm from MM

Hill Giant from MM



Deinonychus from VGM

Griffon Alpha from MM


Wolf-In-Sheep’s Clothing

Beggar Ghoul from ToB

Huge Chuul from AL

Will-o-wisp Dread Will-o-Wisp

Hook Mountain Hinterlands

Sandpoint Devil


Armanite from MTF

Yondabakari River Mosquito Swarm Swarm of wasps from MM

Bandits Bandit from MM

Goblin Snakes Neogi Spawn from MFoV

Constrictor Snakes Constrictor Snake from MM

Stirges Stirges from MM

Hydras Orthrus from CCodex

Shambling Mound Shambling Mound from MM

Boggards Kuo-toa Whip from MM

Giant Gars Giant Shark from MM

Marsh Giant Oni from MM

Giant Snapping Turtle Sperm Whale from CComp

Half-Ogre (Ogrillon) from MM

Trappers Hunter from CC:NPC

Dire wolves Roggenwolf from CCodex

Ettin Ettin from MM

Giant Scorpions Giant Scorpion from MM

Grizzly Bears Owlbear from MM

Flame drakes Ash Drake from ToB

Ogres Ogre from MM

Pixies Spire Walker from ToB

Giant Tarantula Monstrous Tarantula from MME

Trolls Ice Troll from MME

Annis Hags Night Hag from MM

Nereid Conclave Dryad from GGR

Varisian Lowland Giant Black Widow Spider Ice Spider Queen from SKT

Lyrakien azata Faerie Dragon from MM

Horses Warhorse from MM

Goblins Goblin from MM

Manticore Manticore from MM

Ogres Ogre from MM

Firepelt cougars Saber-Toothed Tiger from MM

Wanderers Sun Soul Monk from XGE:NPC

Storval Plateau Giant geckos Giant Lizard from MM

Giant eagles Giant Eagle from MM

Venomous snake swarms Sahuagin Hatchling Swarm from MM

Giant vultures Mutated Giant Vultures from AL

Aurochs Aurochs from VGM

Ogres Ogres from MM

Bulettes Bulette from MM

Raiders Chief Berserker from CC:NPC

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Army ant swarms


Wharfling Swarm from ToB

Wyvern from MM



Gargoyle from MM

Rathalos from MHMM

Hill giants

Frost Giants

Hill giant from MM

Frost Giant from MM


Frost Worm

Wyvern from MM

Frost Worm from CComp

Kuchrimas Runeslave hill giants

Lesser Erinyes from SaF

Oni from MM


Stone giants

Rusalka from ToB

Stone Giant from MM

Shantaks Shantak from CCodex

Runeforge Incubus Demons

Taiga Giant Frost Giant Jarl from MaDC

Incubus from MM

Cloud Giants

Stone Giants

Cloud Giant from MM

Stone Giant from MM


Thassilonian Mummies

Wurm from GGR

Blighted Mummy from Arka


Warriors of Wrath

Ulfhedinn from BoBH

Eldritch Knight from XGE:NPC


Sinspawn Axemen White Abishai from MTF

Succubus Demons Succubus from MM

Stone Golem Stone Golem From MM

Wraiths Wraith from MM

Coloxus Demon Horned Devil from MM

Omox Demon Alkilith from MTF

Shining Child Abominable Beauty from ToB or (much better) SHINING CHILD

Glabrezu Demon Sire of Insanity from GGR

Fiendish Mustard Jelly Blighted Bloodfire from CComp

Kuchrimas Lesser Erinyes from SaF

Hill Giants Hill Giant from MM

Frost Giants Frost Giant from MM

Vampire Skulks Blood Drinker Vampire from GGR

Frost Worm Frost Worm from CComp

Scarlet Walker Dreadful Lasher Voor from CC

Denizens of Leng Denizen of Leng from FEF

Cloud Giants Cloud Giant from MM

Storm Giant Storm Giant from MM

Kodar Mountain

Stone Giants


Abominable Snowmen

Yeti from MM

Archaeologists Horizon Walker from XGE:NPC

Roc Roc from MM

Spectres Spectral Guardian from ToB

Adult White Dragon Young Silver Dragon from MM

Storm Giant from MM

Abominable snowmen From MM

Lamia Matriarchs Lamia Noble from MME

Mountain Roper Ancient Roper from MME

Hungerer Wurm from GGR

Rise of the Runelords D&D 5e Conversion Rune Giants Fire Giant Duke from MME - close between 1 other

Gamigin Ice Devil from MM

Ghlorofaex Adult Blue Dragon from MM

Calendar No




Abadius Winter 2 (ah-BAY-dee-us)

Abadar (cities, wealth, Wolf merchants, law)



Calistril (KAHL-izz-trihl)

Winter 3

Calistria (trickery, lust revenge)



Pharast (fah-RAHST)

Spring 1

Pharasma (fate, death, Owl prophesy, rebirth)



Gozran (GOHZ-ran)

Spring 2

Gozreh (nature, weather, the sea)




Desnus (DEZ-nuhs)

Spring 3

Desna (dreams, stars, travelers, luck)




Sarenith (sa-REHN-ihth)

Summer 1 Sarenrae (sun, redemption, honesty, healing)




Erastus (eh-RAS-tuhs)

Summer 2 Erastil (farming, Serpent hunting, trade, family)



Arodus (AIR-oh-duhs

Summer 3 Aroden (human culture, innovation, history)




Rova (ROH-va)

Autumn 1

Rovagug (wrath, disaster, destruction)




Lamashan Autumn 2 (lah-MAHSH-ahn)

Lamashtu (madness, monsters, nightmares)




Neth (NEHTH)

Nethys (magic)




Kuthona Winter 1 (koo-THOH-nah)

Zon-Kuthon (envy, pain, darkness, loss)



Autumn 3

Deity (Portfolio)




Changelog 7/1/2020: v0.0.1 Published conversion and created subreddit r/PF25e 7/1/2020: v0.0.2 added Wandering Monster tables and began working on them. 7/2/2020: v0.0.3 added More Wandering monsters from tables 7/3/2020: v0.0.4 finished adding Wandering Monsters 7/14/2020: v0.1.1 added all gear to treasure page 10/6/2020: Abolished the changelog

Future Plans Refine Reskinned monsters. Figure out exact treasure distribution. Figure out magic item distribution. Find and stat all traps and haunts properly.