Revit MEP Step by Step 2019 Metric Edition - Lu-Yen Chang [PDF]

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Foreword iii

Revit MEP Step by Step 2019 Metric Edition Copyright © 2018 by Lu-Yen Chang


Contents Foreword .......................................................................................... 4 What's New? .............................................................................................. 5

Revit Software ................................................................................... 6 Revit Working Environment ........................................................... 14 Exercise Files .................................................................................. 22 Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling ................................................. 27 1-1

Start a new Architectural Project ................................................... 28


Create First Floor Slab................................................................... 32


Setup Levels .................................................................................. 38


Draw Walls ..................................................................................... 43


Draw Restroom Partitions .............................................................. 51


Add Doors ...................................................................................... 57


Add Windows ................................................................................. 61


Add Stairs ...................................................................................... 66


Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab ................................. 74

1 - 10 Finish Second Floor Interior Walls, Doors and Windows .............. 82 1 - 11 Add Ceilings ................................................................................... 86 1 - 12 Add Roof ........................................................................................ 91 1 - 13 Add Room Information ................................................................... 95

Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems ............................................. 103 2-1

Prepare Mechanical System Modeling ........................................ 104


Create Spaces ............................................................................. 118


Create Zones ............................................................................... 136


Zone Color Fill Legend ................................................................ 146


Energy Analysis ........................................................................... 152


Place Air Terminals...................................................................... 163


Create Secondary Supply Air Systems ....................................... 179


Create Primary Supply Air Systems ............................................ 198


Size Primary Supply Air Ducts..................................................... 206


2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans ................................................... 213 2 - 11 Second Floor Air Systems ........................................................... 228

Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems ........................................... 231 3-1

Prepare Hydronic Piping Modeling .............................................. 232


Place Radiators and Boilers ........................................................ 237


Create First Floor Pipe Runs ....................................................... 244


Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler ............................................. 259


Create Second Floor Pipe Runs .................................................. 270


Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler ....................................... 278


Add Circulator Pumps .................................................................. 288


Organize Mechanical 3D Views................................................... 304

Chapter 4 Electrical Systems ...................................................... 309 4-1

Prepare Electrical System Modeling............................................ 310


Define Required Lighting Levels.................................................. 322


Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule .................................. 335


Add Lighting Fixtures ................................................................... 338


Adjust Stairwell Spaces ............................................................... 346


Add Switches ............................................................................... 351


Place Receptacles ....................................................................... 356


Create Electrical Usage Reports ................................................. 364


Add Electrical Equipment............................................................. 367

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry................................................................. 376 4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry .............................................................. 386 4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment ..................................................... 399 4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules .............................................................. 409 4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads .................................................................... 416 4 - 15 Draw Conduits ............................................................................. 421 4 - 16 Create Switch Systems................................................................ 442

Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems ...................................................... 453 5-1

Prepare Plumbing Modeling ........................................................ 454


Add Plumbing Fixtures................................................................. 460



Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines............................................. 472


Connect Urinal Drain Lines .......................................................... 482


Connect Lavatory Drain Lines ..................................................... 488


Create Flushing Water Piping...................................................... 499


Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping ......................................... 509


Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems ............. 515


Add Sanitary Vent Pipes .............................................................. 527

5 - 10 Add Water Heater ........................................................................ 544

Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems ............................................. 561 6-1

Prepare Fire Protection System Modeling................................... 562


Create Sprinkler Design Schedule .............................................. 569


Place Sprinklers ........................................................................... 572


Connect Sprinklers ...................................................................... 577


Modify Pipe Diameters................................................................. 596


Tag Pipe Diameters ..................................................................... 604


Add Fire Cabinet .......................................................................... 613


Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems .......... 621

Chapter 7 Interference Check...................................................... 629 7-1

Interference Check within Project ................................................ 630


Interference Check between Projects ......................................... 631

Appendix ...................................................................................... 641 Offset/Elevation Chart............................................................................ 641 About the Author .................................................................................... 642 Exercise File Hyperlink .......................................................................... 643

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4 Foreword

Foreword From 2004 to 2013, author had been working at Intel California Folsom campus, around 6000 employee’s research center with seven buildings and one energy center, maintaining and updating all the facility drawings, helping Intel In-house engineers with mechanical and electrical projects, and providing as-built drawings for vendors to do all the renovation works of the site. During that period, we just used the popular AutoCAD software to do the drafting. Although in 2011 Intel has bought the License of Revit, but at Folsom site we didn’t promote and use Revit to do the projects. In 2013 spring, author left Intel and went back to Taiwan. During a short term working at an architectural firm I got a chance to touch Revit. I found that Revit is an interesting software but a tough one. In 2013 fall, author came back to Sacramento; I took one semester Revit MEP course at Cosumnes River College. Nevertheless, the material that the professor provided in lab session was out of date, I had to spend a lot of time to try and learn by myself, as well as research online to get the information of the course. During 2008 to 2010, Autodesk once provided user with many Revit tutorial materials (such as Architectural, Structural and MEP). They also translated those tutorials into different languages. After 2010 they dropped them. In 2011, Autodesk once released a more than two thousand pages Revit MEP User’s Guide. But after 2012, users can only go online to watch tutorial videos and browse web pages of related topics. Since author has got involved with many MEP drawings at Intel, therefore Revit MEP did not beat me. In my last year at Intel, I had keyed in hundreds of panel schedules from handwritten schedules into Excel files. When I created them, I found the circuits in Excel files are just dead records, they are not linking to the equipment in building. When electrical equipment changed, added or removed, we still have to manually update these Excel files. But had I use Revit to create these electrical equipment, not only I could generate panel schedules quickly and accurately, but also could update them when equipment changed. Another problem is, when there are hundreds of panels in our site, finding a particular panel is a challenge. Had I use Revit to model all the panels; I could easily find and spot a particular panel by using Revit’s System Browser. Besides, during my period at Intel, a cross site CAD group spent a lot time to establish an Intel CAD Standard that includes thousands of AutoCAD Layers and Blocks to be used for Intel facilities and projects. In this Standard, it specifies the purpose and usage of every layer. But the problem is, although we have this in-house standard, there is no enforcement. It’s only for reference. It also arises many arguments among users and vendors. But if we

Foreword 5

use Revit, we don’t have to worry about the layers, because Revit has setup all the mandatory object categories and sub-categories for us, although it is autocratic, but there won’t be any layer compatible issue between drawings. Since Revit is a rigorous software, users need to be very methodical to work with, thus author choose Step by Step approach to lead readers step into the world of Revit. Author does not have deep MEP background, but is willing to demonstrate the uses of the software to help the MEP professionals to move into the era of Revit.

What's New? In 2019 edition of this book we assign Energy Analysis Space Type information for each space for better Cooling Loads Calculation.

Since different type space has different occupancy density that would have different heat generated from human body, and different type space also has different lighting and power load density that would have different heat generated from lighting fixtures and power devices.

6 Revit Software

Revit Software The Revit building information modeling software is a design and documentation system that supports the design, drawings, and schedules required for a building project. The Building information modeling (BIM) created by Revit delivers information about project design, scope, quantities, and phases. Since Revit uses parameters to model building, it not only creates 3D geometric information for us, but also adds valuable information to these graphic elements. For example, a window can have basic information of materials and dimensions; it can also include light transmittance, thermal resistance (R value), heat transfer coefficient (U value) information for energy analysis, besides, we can add manufacturer, model, cost and URL (Uniform Resource Locator) information for this window, thus make the created model very comprehensive and useful.

Revit MEP In the beginning, Autodesk Revit software was focused on Architectural modeling. Later, Autodesk introduced Revit Structure and Revit MEP. In 2013 Autodesk merged Architecture, Structure and MEP altogether. Now Revit has included all three disciplines makes it a single

Revit Software 7 complete package. In Revit project editing screen we can see the first three tools tabs are: Architecture, Structure and Systems. In Revit, Systems means MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) systems.

Revit Terms Before using Revit software we should familiarize some of Revit major terminologies. To understand these terminologies will help us the executions of the software. It will also help us understand the structure of the software and the design logic of Revit.

Project In Revit, project is a database of information of our design (i.e. Building Information Model). The project file contains all information for the building design, from geometry to construction data. This information includes components used to design the model, views of the project, and drawings of the design. In a project file, we can easily alter our design and have changes reflected in all associated areas, such as: plan views, elevation views, section views, schedules, and etc.

Element In a project, Revit has three kinds of elements: 1 Model elements use to display the actual 3D geometry of the building, such as: walls, doors, windows, roof, etc. 2 Datum elements help to define project context. Such as: grids, levels, and reference planes. 3 View-specific elements use to describe or document the modeled buildings, such as: dimensions, tags, and 2D detail components. There are 2 types of model elements: Hosts (or host elements) are generally built in place at the construction site, such as: walls, roof, structural walls, ramps, etc. Model components are all the other elements in the building model, such as: doors, windows, furniture, beams, columns, AC units, electrical panels, sprinklers, etc.

8 Revit Software There are 2 types of view-specific elements: Annotation elements are 2D components that document the model and maintain scale on paper, such as: dimensions, tags, and keynotes. Details are 2D items that provide details about the building model in a particular view, such as: detail lines, filled regions, and 2D detail components.

When creating a project, we add Revit parametric building elements to the design. Revit classifies elements by categories, families, and types.

Revit Software 9

Category A category is a group of elements that we use to model or document a building design. For example, categories of model elements include slabs, walls, doors, windows. Categories of annotation elements include tags and text notes.

Family We group elements with a common set of parameters (properties), identical use, and similar graphical representation into a family. For example, M_Single-Flush door is a family. Although different elements in this family may have different sizes or materials, but their usages are the same, all are single panel interior doors.

Type Each family can have many types. For example, a M_Fixed family in window category has many types of different sizes such as: 0406 x 0610mm, 0406 x 1220mm, 0406 x 1830mm …, etc. Type parameters can be examined and set in Type Properties dialog box.

10 Revit Software

Instance Instances are the actual items (individual elements) that are placed in the project. In building we place model instances, on drawing sheet we place annotation instances. As the following figure, we placed one M_Fixed : 0915 x 1220mm window instance, 39 M_Fixed : 1420 x 1420mm window instances, and two annotation instances describing those windows.

Instance parameters can be examined and set on Properties palette.

Revit Software 11

Object Style The Object Styles tool of Revit is similar to AutoCAD’s Layers; it specifies line weights, line colors, line patterns, and materials for model objects, annotation objects, and imported objects in a project. We can click Manage tab then select Object Styles to open Object Styles dialog box.

In Revit, the categories of objects are fixed; we cannot rename or delete them. However we can create additional subcategories under these major categories. The subcategories created by user only exist in that project which can be renamed and deleted. Besides, in each view we can use Revit’s Visibility/Graphics Override tool to override these default object styles.

12 Revit Software

Visibility/Graphics Override We can open Visibility/Graphics Override dialog box in each view of a project to override the original settings set in Object Styles of that view. We can also set the visibility, halftone, detail level of the objects. The visibility in Revit’s Visibility/Graphics Override dialog box is similar to the on/off or freeze/thaw in AutoCAD’s Layer Manager. Besides, we can filter and do visibility/graphics overrides to specific objects. If a project has inserted linked models, we can also do visibility/graphics overrides to them. Note: we can type VG to open Visibility/Graphics Override dialog box.

Revit Software 13

Level Levels are finite horizontal planes that act as a reference for level-hosted elements, such as floors, ceilings, and roofs. It also is a reference for placing other elements, such as windows, lighting fixtures, lavatories, sprinklers, etc. We should create levels for all known stories or other needed references of the building. To add levels, we must be in a section or elevation view.

View Range Every plan and reflect ceiling plan (RCP) view has a view property called View Range. The view range has four horizontal planes (Top, Cut Plane, Bottom and View Depth) that control object visibility and display in the view. The top and bottom clip planes represent the topmost and bottommost portion of the primary view range. The cut plane is a plane that determines at what height certain elements in the view are shown cut. View depth is an additional plane outside of the primary range. We can set the level of view depth to show elements below the bottom clip plane, by default, it is coincident with the bottom.

Attention! The view depth plane of a reflect ceiling plan view is higher or coincident with top plane.

14 Revit Working Environment

Revit Working Environment Starting Screen When we execute Revit 2019 software we will see the following starting screen:

Projects Open: Open a Revit related file. (or click a right icon to open a recent project file) New: Use a Revit template file to start a new project. Construction Template: Use default construction template to start a new project. Architectural Template: Use default architectural template to start a new project. Structure Template: Use default structure template to start a new project. Mechanical Template: Use default mechanical template to start a new project.

Families Open: Open a Revit family file. (or click a right icon to open a recent family file) New: Use a family template to start a new family. New Conceptual Mass: Use default mass family template to create a conceptual massing model.

Revit Working Environment 15

File Menu When we click the File tab, Revit displays a menu that has: New, Open, Save, Save As, Export, .… functions, similar to those application menus that some software have. On the upper right, it lists recent accessed files. On the lower right, there is an Options button to let us do some software settings, such as: User Interface, Graphic, File Locations, Rendering, and etc.

InfoCenter InfoCenter is a resource center that allows user to access many Autodesk product-related information.

Help Launch internet browser and go to Autodesk Revit 2019 online help web page.

Resources Similar to InfoCenter, but added some online video links to introduce Revit software.

16 Revit Working Environment

Project Editing Screen When we start a new project or open an existing project we will see a screen similar to the screen below:

File Tab Same as the File Tab in Revit starting screen.

Quick Toolbar The Quick access Toolbar contains a set of default tools. We can customize this toolbar to display the tools that we use most often.

Tools Tabs Revit uses tabs to categorize its tools. By clicking the tab we can get the desired tools. During the editing, sometimes Revit displays additional contextual tab and tools which are relevant to the current operation or selected object.

Ribbon The ribbon displays all the necessary tools related to the current tab. Tools are categorized by different panels. If a tool or a panel has a little down arrow, we can click it to get more tools.

Revit Working Environment 17

File Name - View Name Display the file name and view name of current view.

InfoCenter Same as the InfoCenter in starting screen.

Options Bar It displays conditional tools dependent on the current operation or selected element.

Properties Palette On Properties palette we can examine and set the parameters that define the properties of elements.

Family/Type Selector It is at the top of the Properties palette. It identifies the currently selected family and type. When we click the little down arrow we can select a different family and type from its dropdown list.

Project Browser The Project Browser displays the hierarchies of views, schedules, sheets, families, and other parts of the current project. We can expand each branch to display its lower level items.

Drawing Area This is the main area for us to do the modeling. There is a Navigation Bar at its upper right. If in 3D view, there is another 3D View Cube at its upper right to help us set different 3D viewing angles.

View Control Bar The View Control Bar provides a few functions to set the properties of current view, such as: View Scale, Detail Level, View Style, Temporary Hide/Isolate objects, etc.

Status Bar The status bar provides tips or hints on what to do. When we highlight an element or component, the status bar displays the name of the family and type.

18 Revit Working Environment

System Browser When we press F9 function key Revit pops up a MEP System Browser on the right side of drawing area. For MEP project, we can use this System Browser to find all components and examine the hierarchies of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems. It is a very useful tool for MEP design and modeling.

We can dock the browser window above or below the drawing area or drag it into the drawing area. Press F9 function key again to close it.

Revit Working Environment 19

Context Menu During the editing we can always right click the mouse button to pop up a Context Menu. This menu will list the possible operations that we might conduct, which will accelerate the editing process. For example, select a connector of a VAV box, right click mouse button, in Context Menu select Draw Duct to draw a duct from that connector with correct type and size.

Mouse Operations Beside the Context Menu by right clicking, there are a few features of mouse operations:  Wheel mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out model in a view.  Press wheel and move mouse to pan model in a view.  In 3D view, press Shift key first, then press wheel and move mouse to spin 3D viewing angle.  When using mouse to pick objects, press Ctrl key can add objects to the selection set, while press Shift key can remove objects from the selection set.

Keyboard Shortcuts Revit provides many keyboard shortcuts to accelerate software executions. Below are a few used in this book: VG or VV (Visibility/Graphics) WT (Tile Windows): Tile all opened view windows in drawing area. ZA: Zoom All to Fit ZZ: Zoom in Region

20 Revit Working Environment

Dimension Snaps and Object Snaps During the editing we always want to use length and angular snaps and all kind of object snaps to get to the desired point or location. We can click Manage and select Snaps to open Revit Snaps dialog box and do these settings.

Beside open Snaps dialog box to do the settings, during the command execution we can key in object snap abbreviations such as: SE (Snap to Endpoint) to temporarily turn on that snapping.

Rearrange Properties Palette and Project Browser Since the number of views, schedules and families of a project would be large; also the property contents of an element would be many, we can dock Properties palette and Project Browser side by side to make it easier to examine them and do the settings during the modeling.

Revit Working Environment 21 1 Drag Properties palette right to the drawing area. Now the Project Browser extends to the bottom of Options Bar.

2 Then drag Properties palette back to the right of Project Browser.

22 Exercise Files

Exercise Files During the modeling, author provides exercise files for each section of this book (including the finished drawings) to let reader complete the model of each chapter seamlessly. By going through complete modeling processes reader can learn the powerful capabilities of Revit and understand what BIM is. Reader can download the exercise files from author’s Google Drive, the hyperlink is located at the end of this book in Appendix section. It’s a zipped file about 555 MB. After downloaded the zip file, extract all the folders and files to a convenient place in your computer.

\Architectural 02 Create First Floor Slab.rvt 03 Setup Levels.rvt 04 Draw Walls.rvt 05 Draw Restroom Partitions.rvt 06 Add Doors.rvt 07 Add Windows.rvt 08 Add Stairs.rvt 09 Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab.rvt 10 Second Floor Interior Walls, Doors, Windows.rvt 11 Add Ceilings.rvt 12 Add Roof.rvt 13 Add Room Information.rvt 14 Architectural Modeling Finished.rvt c Office Building.rvt

Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling 1-2 Create First Floor Slab 1-3 Setup Levels 1-4 Draw Walls 1-5 Draw Restroom Partitions 1-6 Add Doors 1-7 Add Windows 1-8 Add Stairs 1-9 Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls… 1-10 Finish Second Floor Interior Walls... 1-11 Add Ceilings 1-12 Add Roof 1-13 Add Room Information Final Architectural Model Architectural background drawing of this book

\Mechanical 02 Create Spaces.rvt 03 Create Zones.rvt

Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems 2-2 Create Spaces 2-3 Create Zones

Exercise Files 23 04 Zone Color Fill Legend.rvt 05 Energy Analysis.rvt 06 Place Air Terminals.rvt 07 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems.rvt 08 Create Primary Supply Air Systems.rvt 09 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts.rvt 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans.rvt 11 First Floor Air System Finished.rvt 12 Mechanical Air System Finished.rvt

2-4 Zone Color Fill Legend 2-5 Energy Analysis 2-6 Place Air Terminals 2-7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems 2-8 Create Primary Supply Air Systems 2-9 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts 2-10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans First floor Air System drawing Final Mechanical Air System drawing

\Mechanical 13 Place Radiators and Boilers.rvt 14 Create First Floor Pipe Runs.rvt 15 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler.rvt 16 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs.rvt 17 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler.rvt 18 Add Circulator Pumps.rvt 19 Hydronic Piping Finished.rvt 20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt

Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems 3-2 Place Radiators and Boilers 3-3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs 3-4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler 3-5 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs 3-6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler 3-7 Add Circulator Pumps 3-8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views Final Mechanical Systems drawing

\Electrical 02 Define Lighting Levels.rvt 03 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule.rvt 04 Add Lighting Fixtures.rvt 05 Adjust Stairwell Spaces.rvt 06 Add Switches.rvt 07 Place Receptacles.rvt 08 Create Electrical Usage Reports.rvt 09 Add Electrical Equipment.rvt 10 Create Power Circuitry.rvt 11 Create Lighting Circuitry.rvt 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment.rvt 13 Create Panel Schedules.rvt 14 Define Circuit Loads.rvt 15 Draw Conduits.rvt 16 Create Switch Systems.rvt 17 Electrical System Finished.rvt

Chapter 4 Electrical Systems 4-2 Define Required Lighting Levels 4-3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule 4-4 Add Lighting Fixtures 4-5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces 4-6 Add Switches 4-7 Place Receptacles 4-8 Create Electrical Usage Reports 4-9 Add Electrical Equipment 4-10 Create Power Circuitry 4-11 Create Lighting Circuitry 4-12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment 4-13 Create Panel Schedules 4-14 Define Circuit Loads 4-15 Draw Conduits 4-16 Create Switch Systems Final Electrical Systems drawing

24 Exercise Files \Plumbing 02 Add Plumbing Fixtures.rvt 03 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines.rvt 04 Connect Urinal Drain Lines.rvt 05 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines.rvt 06 Create Flushing Water Piping.rvt 07 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping.rvt 08 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems.rvt 09 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes.rvt 10 Add Water Heater.rvt 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt

Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems 5-2 Add Plumbing Fixtures 5-3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines 5-4 Connect Urinal Drain Lines 5-5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines 5-6 Create Flushing Water Piping 5-7 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping 5-8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems 5-9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes 5-10 Add Water Heater Final Plumbing System drawing

\Fire Protection 02 Create Sprinkler Design Schedule.rvt 03 Place Sprinklers.rvt 04 Connect Sprinklers.rvt 05 Modify Pipe Diameters.rvt 06 Tag Pipe Diameters.rvt 07 Add Fire Cabinet.rvt 08 Connect Fire Risers.rvt

Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems 6-2 Create Sprinkler Design Schedule 6-3 Place Sprinklers 6-4 Connect Sprinklers 6-5 Modify Pipe Diameters 6-6 Tag Pipe Diameters 6-7 Add Fire Cabinet 6-8 Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems Final Fire Protection System drawing

09 Fire Protection System Finished.rvt

The benefits of exercise files is that when reader get stuck with a section, he can skip that section and continue with the next one, later when he has time he can come back to redo the section that he has troubled with. Additionally, when finished one section, reader can compare his work with the next exercise file to see if he has done correctly. Providing final finished drawing of each chapter, reader can clearly see the final result that he will achieve. Achievement is the key to learn software successfully. If a learner can achieve a milestone of a section, with just a little achievement to gain some confidence, that will encourage him/her to continue with more challenges. In some sections author only guide reader with partial modeling, such as only complete the first floor, or just complete the left side systems, reader needs to finish the second floor or the right side system him/herself. To save time, reader or instructor can open the next exercise file and jump to the next section directly.

Exercise Files 25 For each chapter, reader should create an exercise folder such as: Electrical Exercise in computer to save his/her works, thus after each section he/she can review the models that he/she has done. Reader should not just open and browse these exercise files without going through the steps covered in this book. Remember! To learn a software, it is vital to exercise it and do the project by yourself, only practice it back and forth in order to master it. Thus you can learn the features and tricks of it, and even to learn some limitations of it.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling First, in chapter 1, we are going to model a two story office building. This office building will be the object building for us to model its MEP (Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing) systems that are covered by the chapters later in this book. It includes many private offices, four open office spaces, different sized conference rooms, one lounge, two entrances, two stairs; each floor has a men’s room and a ladies room and one mechanical/electrical room respectively.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

1 - 1 Start a new Architectural Project In this section we will use an Architectural template file to start a new project. Revit software comes with many templates that relate to disciplines such as: Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, etc. We can choose a relevant template to start our project. In a template file, it already sets up drawing units, views, levels and some settings which related to the discipline. It also contains many related families. The file extension of template file is: rte.

Use Predefined Template to create a project 1 Start Revit 2019. In its Starting Screen, under the Projects section, select “Architectural Template”.

Note: If the Starting Screen does not display ”Architectural Template”, or your Architectural template file is not Metric, select “New…” under Projects. In New Project dialog box, press Browse… button to find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Templates\US Metric\DefaultMetric.rte architectural template file. Then press OK.

1 - 1 Start a new Architectural Project

Now we are entering Revit’s Project Editing Screen. In Drawing Area, only displays: East, South, West and North four Elevation Symbols.

Examine the Preset Views of Architectural template 2 In Project Browser, take a look of all the Views that the template file has.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

In Revit templates, Level 1 and Level 2 views normally mean First Floor and Second Floor. Note: The full name of Ceiling Plan is Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP), which is a plan view of a structure above the cutting plane; surfaces above cutting plane such as ceiling are projected downward.

Set Project Units 1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Units.

2 In Project Units dialog box, click the example button of Length Format. 3 In Format dialog box, for Units select Centimeters, for Rounding select 2 decimal places, for Unit symbol select cm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

4 Click OK to complete the settings of Length format, click OK again to finish the settings of Project Units.

1 - 1 Start a new Architectural Project


Note: To increase Rounding decimal places can increase the accuracy of the drawing; also it is much easier for us to find the discrepancies.

Display Project Base Point 1 Type VG or VV (Visibility/Graphics Overrides). 2 In Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialog box, scroll down to Site and expand it. 3 Check the Project Base Point check box to turn it on.

4 Click OK to complete the setting. Now we can see that Revit displays the Project Base Point at the center of the screen.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Save Project Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, create an Architectural Exercise folder at a convenient location on your hard drive, enter 01 Architectural Setup Finished for File name, then click Save.

Close Project Click the File Tab then select Close.

1 - 2 Create First Floor Slab When starting modeling this office building, we create a 3868 cm x 2488 cm, 20 cm thick slab. Open the exercise file: \Architectural\02 Create First Floor Slab.rvt

Measure Distance between Elevation Marks 1 Click the Measure button on Quick Toolbar. 2 As shown on the left, click a point near west elevation symbol, then drag the dimension line horizontally to the point near east elevation symbol. 3 As shown on the right, click a point near south elevation symbol, then drag the dimension line vertically to the point near north elevation symbol.

The distances between west and east elevation symbols, south and north symbols are about 5000 cm or 50 meters. The footprint of our office building is 3868 cm x 2488 cm, thus we don’t need to adjust (move) these elevation symbols.

1 - 2 Create First Floor Slab


Note: When measuring two points, all the dimensions displayed on screen are temporarily.

Draw a 20 cm thick Slab 4 Click the Architecture tab, select Floor.

5 In Family/Type Selector, verify that family is Floor, type is Generic 150mm. Note: If Family/Type Selector is not displaying Floor and Generic 150mm, click the down arrow on its right to find and select Floor family Generic 150mm type floor. 6 On Properties palette, click Edit Type, in Type Properties dialog box click Duplicate… button.

7 In Name dialog box, change Generic 150mm 2 to Generic 200mm, press OK.

8 In Type Properties dialog box click Edit… button next to Structure.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

9 In Edit Assembly dialog box, change the Thickness of Structure [1] from 15.00 cm to 20.00 cm, press OK.

10 Click OK again to finish the creation of new 20 cm slab. 11 Next, on Modify | Create Floor Boundary ribbon, select the Rectangle tool on Draw panel, from lower left to upper right draw an approximate rectangle as shown.

1 - 2 Create First Floor Slab

12 Click the bottom horizontal dimension; change its value to 3868. 13 Click the left vertical dimension; change its value to 2488.

14 When done, click

Finish Edit Mode to finish the editing of floor boundary.

Now we have a 3868 cm x 2488 cm 20 cm thick floor.

Align Slab Center to Project Base Point 15 At lower left of the drawing area, on View Control Bar, click 1 : 100, then select 1 : 200 to change the scale to 1 : 200.

Now the elevation symbols became twice big, and when we do the dimensions in the following steps, the dimension text will become twice bigger. 16 Click Aligned Dimension button on Quick Toolbar. 17 In Family/Type Selector, verify that family is Linear Dimension Style, type is Diagonal 2.5mm Arial. Then on Properties palette, click Edit Type.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

18 In Type Properties dialog box click Duplicate… button. 19 In Name dialog box, change Diagonal - 2.5mm Arial 2 to Diagonal - 2.5mm Arial Red, press OK. 20 Scroll down Type Parameters to find Color, then click the Black button.

21 In Color dialog box, select Red swatch, press OK. 22 Click OK again to finish the creation of new dimension type.

Now we based on a dimension type which has black color created a new dimension type which has red color and set it to the current type. 23 Next, select the left edge of slab, then click the project base point, then select the right edge of slab, move the dimension line below the slab to complete the horizontal dimension of the slab.

1 - 2 Create First Floor Slab


24 Select the bottom edge of slab, then click the project base point, then select the top edge of slab, move the dimension line to the left of the slab to complete the vertical dimension of the slab. 25 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish the command.

26 Select the rectangle slab, then click one of its horizontal dimensions, change its value to 1934.

27 Select the rectangle slab again, click one of its vertical dimensions, change its value to 1244.

Now the center of slab has aligned to the project base point. We can delete these dimensions which are just the tool to position our slab.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

28 Hold Ctrl key, select horizontal and vertical dimensions, then click the Modify panel (or press Del key) to delete them.

button on

In order not to let the slab move accidentally, we use Revit’s Pin to lock it in place. 29 Select the slab first, then click

button on Modify panel.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder you created in previous section, enter 02 First Floor Slab Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 3 Setup Levels Open the exercise file: \Architectural\03 Setup Levels.rvt

Change the Preset Height of Level 2 1 In Project Browser, double click South under Elevations to open Elevation: South view.

1 - 3 Setup Levels

2 Use mouse wheel to zoon out model a little bit. 3 Select the Level 2 level line, then drag its right little control circle to the right of slab.

4 Drag its left little control circle to the left of slab to expand the level line.

5 Click the 400 cm, the level’s elevation.

6 Enter 370 to change Level 2’s height to 370 cm. 7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now the line and symbol of Level 2 moved down 30 cm.

Add New Levels 8 On Architectural ribbon, select Level.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

9 On the Options Bar at the bottom of the Modify | Place Level ribbon, verify that Make Plan View is checked, then click the Plan View Types... button.

10 In Plan View Types dialog box, ONLY select Floor Plan, then press OK.

11 In Offset: box, enter 370. 12 On Draw panel, click

(Pick Lines) button.

13 As shown below, move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 2 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 2, press down the mouse button.

14 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Thus we create a Level 3 level line with an elevation of 740 cm. 15 Select Level tool on Architectural ribbon again. 16 On Options Bar, uncheck (turn off) Make Plan View, set Offset to 260 cm.

17 On Draw panel, click

(Pick Lines) button.

1 - 3 Setup Levels

18 Move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 1 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 1, press down the mouse button.

Thus we create a Level 4 level line with an elevation of 260 cm.

19 Again, move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 2 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 2, press down the mouse button.

Thus we create a Level 5 level line with an elevation of 630 cm.

20 On Options Bar, set Offset to 100 cm. 21 Move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 3 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 3, press down the mouse button.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Thus we create a Level 6 level line with an elevation of 840 cm.

22 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. 23 Press and hold mouse wheel to pan to the level symbol side and zoon in a little.

24 Double click Level 3, the level’s name, rename it to Roof. When Revit asks if you want to rename the corresponding views? Answer Yes. 25 Double click Level 4, the level’s name, rename it to Ceiling 1. 26 Double click Level 5, the level’s name, rename it to Ceiling 2. 27 Double click Level 6, the level’s name, rename it to Parapet.

1 - 4 Draw Walls


Notice: When creating Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6, we unchecked (turn off) Make Plan View, means we only use these levels for height references. Revit treats these levels by using Black symbols to differentiate those levels with blue symbols that can make (create) plan views. This is why when we rename Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6, Revit does not ask if we want to rename the corresponding views.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 03 Level Setup Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 4 Draw Walls Open the exercise file: \Architectural\04 Draw Walls.rvt

Draw Exterior Walls 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: Level 1 view. 2 On View Control Bar, click 1 : 200, then select 1 : 100 to change the scale to 1 : 100.

3 Click the Architecture tab, select Wall.

4 In Family/Type Selector, verify that family is Basic Wall, type is Generic - 200mm.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

5 On the Options Bar at the bottom of the Modify | Place Wall ribbon, select Height, and Unconnected, enter 350 cm, set Location Line to Finish Face: Exterior, check Chain, set Offset to 0 cm.

6 Follow the order below, draw exterior walls clockwise for the building: lower left corner -> upper left corner -> right 1527.7cm -> down 100cm -> right 242.6cm -> up 100cm -> upper right corner -> lower right corner -> left 1527.7cm -> up 120cm -> left 812.6cm -> down 120cm -> lower left corner Notice: When dragging the cursor to create a new wall, we can enter the desired distance from keyboard for that direction.

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish drawing the walls. Note: If we set Location Line to Finish Face: Interior, we can follow the order below to draw walls counterclockwise: lower left corner -> right 1527.7cm -> up 120cm -> right 812.6cm -> down 120cm -> lower right corner -> upper right corner -> left 1097.7cm -> down 100cm -> left 242.6cm -> up 100cm -> upper left corner -> lower left corner

1 - 4 Draw Walls

8 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to open the default 3D view.

Now we are viewing our model from RIGHT, FRONT, TOP angle. 9 Type VG, click Annotation Categories tab, find and turn off Levels.

Draw Interior Walls 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: Level 1 view. (or, close the 3D view) 2 On Architecture ribbon select Wall. 3 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select Basic Wall family Interior - 135mm Partition (2-hr) type wall.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

4 On Properties palette, click Edit Type, in Type Properties dialog box click Duplicate… .

5 In Name dialog box, change Interior - 135mm Partition (2-hr) 2 to Interior - 126mm Partition, press OK.

6 In Type Properties dialog box click Edit… button next to Structure.

7 In Edit Assembly dialog box, select the 8th layer: Finish 2[5] | Gypsum Wall Board | 0.95 cm, then press Delete button to remove it, press OK to finish the Editing.

Notice: Now the thickness of the wall changed from 13.55 cm to 12.60 cm.

1 - 4 Draw Walls


8 Press OK again to finish the creation of new 12.6 cm interior wall. 9 On Options Bar, select Height, and Unconnected, enter 265.2 cm, set Location Line to Wall Centerline, set Offset to 0 cm. 10 Then draw 12.6 cm interior walls to create three rooms at lower left of the building similar to the figure below.

Note: 265.2 cm is the ceiling level 260 cm + the thickness 5.2 cm of the grid ceilings. 11 Click Aligned Dimension button on Quick Toolbar, on Options Bar select Wall centerline, dimension the 4 interior walls we just drew.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

12 Select the right interior wall of first room; change its bottom dimension to 484 cm.

13 Select the right wall of second room; change its bottom dimension to 720 cm.

14 Select the right wall of third room; change its bottom dimension to 300 cm.

1 - 4 Draw Walls

15 Select the upper common wall of three rooms; change its left dimension to 484 cm.

16 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now we have used the dimension method correctly positioned the interior walls of these three rooms. 17 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Refer to the drawing below, draw the rest interior walls approximately, then use dimension method to position them to the correct locations. (This is what I call “Draw then Adjust” feature of Revit)

Of course we might use Copy, Move, Mirror, Extend, Trim Corner, Split, Align tools on Modify panel to complete these interior walls.

1 - 5 Draw Restroom Partitions


The reason to draw 265.2 cm high interior walls is that most spaces have hung ceilings, the plenum space above these ceilings will run a lot of mechanical ducts and piping, therefore these interior walls are not up to the slab above. Only interior walls around Elec/Mech room, stairwell and restroom shafts (highlighted in red) are up to second floor slab. These wall are 350 cm high, need to be drawn separately.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 04 First Floor Wall Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 5 Draw Restroom Partitions In this section we will use Revit’s model lines to draw the partitions of toilets and dividers between urinals in restrooms just for references. In sections of Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems, we will place toilets, urinals and lavatories that have MEP connectors, and create plumbing systems and piping for them.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Open the exercise file: \Architectural\05 Draw Restroom Partitions.rvt 1 Click the Architecture tab, select Model Line.

2 Move cursor to the left wall face of right restroom, when Revit displays the distance between the Nearest point and the horizontal wall below, enter 152 from keyboard.

3 Drag cursor horizontally to the right, enter 152 from keyboard. 4 Drag cursor vertically to the wall below, when it touches the upper face of the wall, press down mouse button.

5 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to end the command. Now we have finished a 152 cm x 152 cm handicapped toilet stall partitions.

1 - 5 Draw Restroom Partitions

6 Select the upper horizontal partition line.

7 On Modify | Lines ribbon, click

Array button.

8 On Options Bar, use Linear array, uncheck Group and Associate, enter 4 for Number.

9 Click an empty point in left restroom, drag cursor vertically up but DO NOT click, (the dragging distance doesn’t matter) then enter 91 from keyboard. Thus we arrayed the selected partition line 91 cm up 4 times (including itself).



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

10 On Architecture ribbon, select Model Line again. 11 On Draw panel click

Pick Lines button.

12 On Options Bar, enter 50 for Offset.

13 Move cursor to the left wall face of right restroom, on its right a little bit, when seeing Revit displays a blue dash line on its right, press down mouse button. Now we copied the wall face line 50 cm to its right creating a green model line.

14 On Options Bar, enter 80 for Offset. 15 Move cursor to the model line we just created, on its right a little bit, when seeing Revit displays a blue dash line on its right, press down mouse button. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. Now we copied the model line 80 cm to its right creating another model line.

1 - 5 Draw Restroom Partitions

16 Click the Modify tab, select


Trim/Extend to Corner.

17 First trim the corners of the model lines, then delete the unwanted model lines to get the result as shown.

18 Drag mouse from right corner to left corner to cross select all partition model lines in right restroom.

19 On Modify | Lines ribbon, select

Mirror - Draw Axis.

20 Use keyboard to enter SM (Snap Middle) to turn on Midpoints object snap, next pick the midpoint of the shaft wall.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

21 Then draw a vertical mirror axis.

22 After mirroring, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now we have mirrored the partition and divider lines from right restroom to left restroom.

23 On Modify ribbon select

Trim/Extend Single Element.

24 Select the horizontal wall face for boundary, then select the vertical partition line below, after extending click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

1 - 6 Add Doors

25 On Modify ribbon select


Trim/Extend Multiple Elements.

26 Select the vertical partition line for boundary, then select the two horizontal partition lines on its right, after extending click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Thus we have finished the partition and divider model lines of restrooms. Since there are many ways to draw these model lines, readers don’t necessarily use author’s way. You can try your own method and way to draw them. These green model lines will serve as references for section in Chapter 5 while placing MEP toilets and urinals.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 05 Restroom Partition Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 6 Add Doors In this section we will be practicing how to open doors on walls, and also how to flip doors in and out, left and right. Open the exercise file: \Architectural\06 Add Doors.rvt 1 On Architecture ribbon select Door.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

2 Verify that the name on Family/Type Selector is M_Single-Flush and 0915 x 2134mm.

3 Drag the door to the upper wall of the lower left room. 4 Press Space bar to alter the door swinging. 5 Move it to let its dimension to the right wall become 10 cm, then press mouse button to position the door.

After putting the door, we can select it; then click the Flip icons to flip it In and Out, Left and Right.

1 - 6 Add Doors


6 Use the methods above, refer to the drawing below, finish placing all the single doors on first floor.

Load Additional Door Family Since there is only one single door family comes with Architectural template, we need to pick and load a double door family from Library to add it at the front entrance. 7 On Architecture ribbon select Door. 8 On Modify | Place Door ribbon select Load Family.

9 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Libraries\US Metric\Doors\M_Door-Double-Glass.rfa. 10 In Specify Types dialog box, find and select 1800 x 2100mm type, press OK.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

11 Drag this double door to the outer side of the wall of south entrance, move it left or right to let its dimensions to both sides of the walls become equal.

12 Then press mouse button to center the door. 13 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to end the Door command. 14 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to see the 3D result of first floor door placements.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 06 First Floor Door Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 7 Add Windows

1 - 7 Add Windows In this section we will be practicing how to create a new type of a window family. We will also be practicing to use Revit’s Array and Mirror tools to quickly duplicate successive and symmetrical windows. Open the exercise file: \Architectural\07 Add Windows.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 On Architecture ribbon select Window.

3 On Properties palette, click Edit Type.

4 In Type Properties dialog box click Duplicate… . 5 In Name dialog box, change 0406 x 0610mm 2 to 1420 x 1420mm, press OK.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

6 In Type Properties dialog box, set both Height and Width to 142 cm. 7 Press OK to finish the settings of this new window type.

8 Place a 142 x 142 cm window on the exterior wall of the room at lower left corner. 9 Pick the window just placed, click its left constrain dimension to the left wall, change it to 43 cm. (Now the window moved to the correct location, this is the “Draw then Adjust” feature of Revit)

10 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish placing the first window. Notice: When picking the window, we can click outer.

icon to flip the window pane to inner or

11 Select the first window. 12 On Modify | Windows ribbon, click Array button, on Options Bar, use Linear array, uncheck Group and Associate, enter 6 for Number.

1 - 7 Add Windows


13 Click an empty point inside the room, drag cursor horizontally to the right but DO NOT click, (the dragging distance on the screen doesn’t matter) then enter 240 from keyboard.

Thus we arrayed the selected window 240 cm right 6 times (including itself).

14 On Architecture ribbon select Window again, drag the window to the left wall of south entrance, move it left or right to let both dimensions become equal, then press mouse button to center this window on the wall.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

15 Select all the windows we completed on the left side. 16 On Modify | Windows ribbon, select

Mirror - Draw Axis.

17 Click the project base point, then draw a vertical mirror axis.

Now we have mirrored left 7 windows to the right side of the building.

18 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

1 - 7 Add Windows


Use the methods above, refer to the drawing below, finish placing all the windows on first floor. The EQs on dimensions means they are equal distance on both sides. The small window at north entrance uses 0915 x 1220mm type window.

19 After finish all windows, click the first floor window placements.

button on Quick Toolbar to see the 3D result of


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 07 First Floor Window Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 8 Add Stairs Open the exercise file: \Architectural\08 Add Stairs.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Floor Plans to open that view. When creating a turning stair, we need to know or calculate the width of steps in advance. 2 Click Measure button on Quick Toolbar. 3 Click two wall faces of south stairwell to get its horizontal net width of 287.4 cm.

Step width = (stairwell net width – gap between two turnings) / 2 = (287.4 – 4) / 2 = 141.7 cm.

1 - 8 Add Stairs


Create New Railing Type 4 In Project Browser, expand Families, expand Railings, expand Railing, double click 1100mm type to open Type Properties dialog box. 5 In Type Properties dialog box click Duplicate… . 6 In Name dialog box, change 1100mm 2 to 1000mm 1 Baluster / Tread, press OK.

7 In Type Properties dialog box, change Top Rail Height from 110 cm to 100 cm, then click the Edit… button next to Baluster Placement.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

In Edit Baluster Placement dialog box, set Regular baluster family to M_Baluster Square : 25mm, set Dist. From previous to 20 cm, set Justify to Center, change Baluster Per Tread from 2 to 1, set tread Baluster Family to M_Baluster - Square : 25mm, set all Posts Baluster Family to None.

9 Click OK twice to finish the creation of this new railing type.

Now we can see there is a new 1000mm 1 Baluster / Tread type railing in Project Browser.

Draw Stair 10 On Architecture ribbon select Stair.

1 - 8 Add Stairs


11 Verify that the name on Family/Type Selector is Assembled Stair : 190mm max riser 250mm going. 12 On Properties palette, set Top Level to Level 2, then click Edit Type. 13 In Type Properties dialog box click Duplicate… . 14 In Name dialog box, press OK. (Here we don’t enter new name, just take the name that Revit gives)

15 Click Non-Monolithic Landing next to Landing Type, then click the little square button on the right to open another Type Properties dialog box. 16 In Type Properties dialog box, select System Family: Monolithic Landing.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Now we can see there are Construction and Material and Finishes parameters for this landing type. 17 Press OK to back to Assembled Stair Type Properties dialog box. 18 Set both Right Support and Left Support parameters to Carriage (Open).

19 Press OK to finish the settings of stair. 20 On Options Bar, set Location Line to Run: Left, set Offset to 0 cm, set Actual Run Width to 141.70 cm, check Automatic Landing.

21 On Modify | Create Stair ribbon, click the right most Railing.

1 - 8 Add Stairs

22 In Railing dialog box, select 1000mm 1 Baluster / Tread type that we created.

23 Pres OK to finish all the preparations for drawing stairs. 24 Pick the lower right end point of the left stairwell wall, move cursor straight up, when seeing Revit displays 10 RISERS CREATED, 10 REMAINING at starting point, press down mouse button. 25 Move cursor horizontally right, when it touches the face of right stairwell wall, press down mouse button. 26 Move cursor down and pick the lower left end point of the right stairwell wall. 27 On Modify | Create Stair ribbon, click

Finish Edit Mode to finish the stair.

28 When Revit displays the warning message, just close it.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

29 Hold Ctrl key; select the inner and outer railings. 30 On Properties palette, change the Tread/Stringer Offset from 2.54 cm to 2.5 cm.

The reason we make this adjustment is because Revit’s default value for Tread/Stringer Offset is 1 in. (2.54 cm). But in Metric system, the width of railing is 5 cm. if we zoon-in very closely; we will see there is a tiny gap between the edge of railing and the edge of stair (or stairwell wall). Since we will move the stair using its corner as a reference point (see the coming steps). If we don’t make this adjustment, we might pick the wrong corner and move it with a tiny discrepancy. 31 Drag mouse from left corner to right corner to window select the stair and railings, on Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, click Move command.

32 Pick the upper left corner (Endpoint) of the outer railing. 33 Move cursor up and pick the upper left corner of the stairwell. 34 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish the moving of whole stair.

1 - 8 Add Stairs


Now we have finished the south stair of the building. 35 Click the stair.

button on Quick Toolbar, and zoom in to see the 3D result of the south

Use the same methods to complete the north stair. The net width of north stairwell is 237.4 cm, step width = (237.4 – 4) / 2 = 116.7 cm.

Save your work When both stairs are done, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 08 Stairs Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

1 - 9 Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab Open the exercise file: \Architectural\09 Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab.rvt

Extend First Floor Exterior Walls to Parapet Level 1 Select 6 major exterior walls of the building except the recessed exterior walls at south and north entrances.

2 On Properties palette, change Top Constraint from Unconnected to Up to Level: Parapet.

Now these 6 major exterior walls have risen up to the height of parapet. 3 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

1 - 9 Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab


Patch Second Floor Exterior Walls 4 In Project Browser, double click Level 2 under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: Level 2 view. 5 Use VG to turn off Elevations.

6 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

Attention! Because in Architectural template, Level 2 plan view has set its Underlay Range Base to Level 1, therefore we can see the grey interior wall outlines of Level 1. 7 On Architecture ribbon, select Wall. 8 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select Basic Wall family Generic - 200mm type wall.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

9 On Properties palette, set Base Offset to -70 cm, set Top Constraint to Up to Level: Parapet. 10 Draw 2 pieces of wall on second floor to fix the exterior walls at south and north entrances. (Use the same direction as drawing the first floor exterior walls)

11 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

Now we have finished all the exterior walls of the building including the parapet walls of roof.

Add Second Floor Slab 1 Close 3D view window, or in Project Browser double click Level 2 under Floor Plans to open that view.

1 - 9 Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab

2 On Architecture ribbon, select Floor.

3 In Family/Type Selector, verify that current family is Floor, type is Generic 200mm. 4 On Modify | Create Floor boundary ribbon, click Rectangle button.

5 Draw a rectangle just inside the exterior walls of second floor.

6 Click

Finish Edit Mode to finish the floor boundary.

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to end the command.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

8 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

Now we see the stairs are blocked by second floor slab when they are going up to second floor. Thus we need to create two vertical openings for them.

Vertical Openings 1 Close the 3D view back to the Floor Plan: Level 2 view. 2 On Architecture ribbon, select Vertical (on Opening panel).

Please notice the prompt on Status Bar at bottom left:

3 First, use cross cursor to click the edge of the slab that we just did. 4 On Modify | Create Opening Boundary ribbon, click the Rectangle button, draw two rectangles at the stairwells as shown. (When drawing the rectangle, zoom in and snap to the end point of lower right railing and upper left corner of the stairwell)

1 - 9 Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab


5 Click Finish Edit Mode to finish the creation of opening boundary. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. Now on Level 2 floor plan view we can see all the stair steps going down to first floor. 6 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view these stairwell openings in 3D.

Shaft Openings 1 Again, close the 3D view back to the Floor Plan: Level 2 view. Note: We can type WT (Window Tile) to display 3D and floor plan windows side by side to avoid switching them back and forth.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

2 On Architecture ribbon, select Shaft (on Opening panel).

3 On Properties palette, set Base Constraint to Level 2, set Base Offset to -20 cm, set Top Constraint to Up to Level: Roof, set Top Offset to -20 cm. 4 Draw a 197.4 cm x 167.4 cm rectangle on top of the Rear Entrance as shown.

5 When done, click the

Finish Edit Mode to finish the opening.

6 Click Architecture tab, select Shaft again. 7 On Properties palette, set Base Constraint to Level 1, set Base Offset to 0 cm, set Top Constraint to Up to Level: Roof, set Top Offset to -20 cm. 8 On Modify | Create Shaft Opening Sketch ribbon, click the rectangle on top of the restroom middle shaft.

9 Click the

button, then draw a

Finish Edit Mode to finish the middle shaft opening.

1 - 9 Draw Second Floor Exterior Walls and Slab


10 Click Architecture tab, select Shaft again. 11 On Properties palette, set Base Constraint to Level 1, set Base Offset to 0 cm, set Top Constraint to Up to Level: Roof, set Top Offset to 0 cm. 12 Click the

button on ribbon; draw a rectangle on top of the restroom left shaft.

13 Click the

Finish Edit Mode to finish the left shaft opening.

14 Use the same method to finish the restroom right shaft opening. 15 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.

Now we can see there are 6 openings on second floor slab.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 09 Second Floor Exterior Wall and Slab Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

1 - 10 Finish Second Floor Interior Walls, Doors and Windows Open the exercise file: \Architectural\10 Second Floor Interior Walls, Doors, Windows.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 2 under Floor Plans to open that view.

Turn off Underlay Floor Plan 2 On Properties palette, set Underlay Base Range Level to None.

Now Level 2 is quite empty, only has 4 exterior walls, 2 stairs going down and 4 shaft openings.

Copy First Floor Center Core 3 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Floor Plans to open that view.

1 - 10 Finish Second Floor Interior Walls, Doors and Windows

4 Drag mouse from left corner to right corner to window select the central core of the building.

5 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Filter.

6 In Filter dialog box, only select Doors, Lines and Walls three categories, press OK.

7 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, click Copy to Clipboard button.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

8 Click the down arrow under Paste to drop down the list, select Aligned to Selected Levels. 9 In Select Levels dialog box, select Level 2, press OK.

10 In Project Browser, double click Level 2 under Floor Plans to open that view. Now we can see the first floor central core (except stair) were copied to second floor.

11 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Add Stair Railing 12 Zoom in the south stairwell. 13 On Architecture ribbon, select Railing.

1 - 10 Finish Second Floor Interior Walls, Doors and Windows


14 In Family/Type Selector, find and select Railing : 1000mm 1 Baluster / Tread. 15 On Options Bar set Offset to 2.5 cm.

16 From the right end point of the inner railing on second floor draw a horizontal line to the left stairwell wall, click the button to finish the creation railing path. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

17 Click the

3D view button on Quick Toolbar; zoom in the central core of second floor.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Please refer to the layouts and dimensions of the drawing below to finish south side and north side of second floor (including all windows and north stair railing). When drawing interior walls, remember to select Basic Wall family Interior - 126mm Partition type, set wall Height to 265.2 cm except those walls around Elec/Mech room and Shaft which we set them to 350 cm. We can also use the copy and paste method, copy some interior walls from first floor to clipboard and paste them to second floor, then do the editing to finish the work.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 10 Second Floor Interior Wall, Door, Window Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 11 Add Ceilings Open the exercise file: \Architectural\11 Add Ceilings.rvt Since Revit’s grid ceilings we can only see their grids from below, thus we go to reflect ceiling plan views to create them. 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Ceiling Plans to open Ceiling Plan: Level 1 view.

1 - 11 Add Ceilings

2 Use VG to turn off Elevations. 3 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

4 On Architecture ribbon, select Set (on Work Plane panel).

5 In Work Plane dialog box, set Specify a new Work Plane to Level : Ceiling 1, then press OK.

6 On Architecture ribbon, select Ceiling.

7 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select Compound Ceiling family 600 x 600mm Grid type ceiling. 8 On Properties palette, verify that Level is set to Ceiling 1, set Height Offset from Level to 0 cm.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

9 On Modify | Place Ceiling ribbon, verify that Automatic Ceiling is turned on.

10 Move mouse cursor inside the lower left room, when seeing that room is highlighted, press down mouse button. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

11 On Architecture ribbon, select Ceiling again, continue to click the inside of the enclosed rooms shown to put the grid ceilings for them.

12 Again, on Architecture ribbon, select Ceiling. 13 On Modify | Place Ceiling ribbon, select Sketch Ceiling.

14 In south entrance, draw a closed boundary as shown on the left figure.

1 - 11 Add Ceilings

15 On ribbon click the

button to finish the creation of ceiling boundary.

16 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. 17 Use the sketch ceiling boundary method; finish the other 4 grid ceilings separately.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

18 On Architecture ribbon, select Set (on Work Plane panel). 19 In Work Plane dialog box, set Specify a new Work Plane to Level : Level 1, then press OK.

20 On Architecture ribbon, select Ceiling. 21 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select Compound Ceiling family Plain type ceiling. 22 On Properties palette, set Height Offset from Level to 300 cm.

23 On Modify | Place Ceiling ribbon, verify that Automatic Ceiling is turned on. 24 By doing twice, click the inside of the recessed area of south and north entrances to create plain ceilings for them.

Note: Since Plain type Compound Ceiling does not have surface pattern, thus we cannot see them on ceiling plan, but if we draw section lines across them we can see them on section views.

1 - 12 Add Roof


Use the methods above and refer to the drawing below, complete all 600 x 600mm grid ceilings for second floor.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 11 Ceiling Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 12 Add Roof Open the exercise file: \Architectural\12 Add Roof.rvt

On this view we can see the hung ceilings of second floor.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

1 In Project Browser, double click Roof under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: Roof view.

2 On Properties palette, click the Edit… button next to View Range, set both Primary Range’s Bottom and View Depth’s Level to Level Below (Level 2).

Now we can see the interior wall tops of second floor.

1 - 12 Add Roof


3 On Architecture ribbon, select Roof.

4 In Family/Type Selector, verify that current family is Basic Roof, type is Generic - 400mm. 5 Press Edit Type to open Type Properties dialog box.

6 Press Duplicate… button, enter Generic - 200mm for new type name, press OK. 7 In Type Properties dialog box click Edit… button next to Structure. 8 In Edit Assembly dialog box, change the Thickness of Structure [1] from 40.00 cm to 20.00 cm, press OK.

9 Click OK again to finish the creation of new roof type.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

10 On Properties palette, set Base Offset from Level to -20 cm.

11 On the Options Bar under Modify | Create Roof Footprint ribbon, turn off Defines slope. 12 Click the

Rectangle button on Draw panel.

13 Draw a rectangle just inside the parapet walls; click roof boundary.

Finish Edit Mode to finish the

14 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. When Revit displays the following message, press No.

1 - 13 Add Room Information


Now we only see two restroom shaft openings on roof floor plan view.

15 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 12 Roof Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

1 - 13 Add Room Information Open the exercise file: \Architectural\13 Add Room Information.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click Level 1 under Floor Plans to open that view.

Set Line Color and Pattern for Room Separator 2 Type VG, expand Lines category.


Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

3 Click the Override… button next to .

4 In Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to Magenta, set Pattern to Dash. Press OK.

5 In VG dialog box, expand Rooms category, turn on Interior Fill.

6 Press OK to finish settings. Note: When creating rooms on second floor we need to do the same VG settings on Level 2 floor plane view.

1 - 13 Add Room Information

7 On Architecture ribbon, select Room Separator.

8 In open areas draw six room separation lines (magenta dashed) as shown.

Create Rooms 1 On Architecture ribbon, select Room.

2 On Properties palette, set Constraint Upper Limit to Level 2, set Offset to -20 cm, enter Office for Identity Data Name.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

3 Move mouse cursor to the center of lower left room, then click. 4 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish placing the first Room.

Note: If the Visual Style on View Control Bar is set to Wireframe, please set it to Hidden Line to see the light blue Interior Fill. 5 Again, select Room on Architecture ribbon. 6 This time on Modify | Place Room ribbon, select Place Rooms Automatically.

Now Revit placed 24 named “Office” rooms for us.

1 - 13 Add Room Information

In architectural drawings we usually don’t tag (label) narrow spaces like shafts. Next we delete those shaft rooms that Revit automatically created. 7 Window select the region as shown that contains three restroom shafts.

8 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Filter.

9 In Filter dialog box, only select Rooms category, press OK.

Now only 3 shaft Rooms are filtered. 10 Press Del key to delete them. When Revit displays the warning message, just close it.



Chapter 1 Architectural Modeling

Attention! When we deleted rooms, the associated tags were also deleted. 11 According to the drawing below correct all room names and numbers.

1 - 13 Add Room Information


Use the same method, according to the drawing below complete all the rooms on second floor.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Architectural Exercise folder, enter 13 Room Information Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Up to here we have finished the Architectural modeling of this chapter. Readers can open the exercise file: \Architectural\14 Architectural Modeling Finished.rvt to take a look of the final result of this office building.

Architectural Background File - c Office Building.rvt The c Office Building.rvt file in Architectural folder which will be used as architectural background for MEP modeling in this book is the file that has some minor touches of the finished drawing, such as: adjustments of ceiling grid in some rooms, adding a hanging side wall for grid ceiling in south stairwell and adding reference lines for lighting fixtures and air diffusers to facilitate readers when laying out them.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems In this and next chapters, we will model the Mechanical Systems of the office building that we created in chapter 1. In chapter 2, we model the Air Systems. The air systems of this office building is from the roof top AC units to send the cool airs to the VAV boxes in the plenum spaces above ceilings, then from the VAV boxes to distribute cool air to supply diffusers of each space. Return airs are collected by return diffusers and plenums back to the roof top AC units. First floor return airs also use second floor shaft to transfer airs to roof AC unit. Restroom return airs are not back to roof AC units, instead, they are exhausted by the restroom shafts and exhaust fans on the roof. (Please refer to the finished drawings at the end of this chapter) In chapter 3, we model the heating systems. The heating systems of this office building is from the boilers in Elec/Mech room to use hydronic piping system sending heating water to the radiators of perimeter rooms. (Please see the finished drawing at the end of Section 37) We assume that this office building is built at Boston, MA, USA (Revit project default location), the modeled mechanical systems can suitable to the buildings located at places with similar weather of this area.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling 1 Start Revit 2019. In starting screen, under the Project Section, select “Mechanical Template”. Note: If the Starting Screen does not display ”Mechanical Template”, or your Mechanical template file is not Metric, select “New…” under Projects. In New Project dialog box, press Browse… button to find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Templates \US Metric\Mechanical-Default_Metric.rte mechanical template file. Then press OK.

Examine the Preset Views of Mechanical template 2 In Project Browser, take a look of all the Views that the template file has.

The views in a project are arranged in a tree structure beginning with major disciplines then sub-disciplines then different kinds of views. Under a major discipline we can add more sub-disciplines based on our needs such as Fire Protection. Under a sub-discipline we could have views for Floor Plans, Ceiling Plans, 3D Views, Elevations and Sections. Each view serves a particular need. Mechanical (Discipline) HVAC (Sub-Discipline) Floor Plans (to create HVAC spaces and zones, place mechanical equipment) 1 - Mech 2 - Mech Roof - Mech (to place rooftop mechanical equipment)

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling


Ceiling Plans (to place HVAC equipment on and above ceilings, run ductworks) 1 - Ceiling Mech 2 - Ceiling Mech 3D Views {3D} (default 3D view, each project at least has one) Elevations (to run and examine ductworks outside the building) East - Mech North - Mech South - Mech West - Mech Sections (to run and examine ductworks inside the building) Section 1 Plumbing (Discipline) Plumbing (Sub-Discipline) Floor Plans (to place plumbing fixtures and equipment, run pipes) 1 - Plumbing 2 - Plumbing 3D Views 3D Plumbing (additional 3D view which is optional) Elevations (to run and examine pipes outside the building) East - Plumbing North - Plumbing South - Plumbing West - Plumbing The view name starting with “1 -“ and “2 -“ means “first floor” and “second floor”. We can add more floor plans or roof plan based on our needs. The so called “Ceiling Plan” is Reflected Ceiling Plan (RCP), which is a plan view of a structure above the cutting plane. Since in this chapter we only model the HVAC systems of the building, to simplify and reduce confusing, let’s delete all the views under the Plumbing sub-discipline and Plumbing discipline.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

3 Hold Ctrl key, select all 7 views under Plumbing discipline, then press Del to delete them. Please note, now the Plumbing discipline is gone.

Set Project Units 1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Units.

2 In Project Units dialog box, click the example button of Length Format. 3 In Format dialog box, for Units select Centimeters, for Rounding select 2 decimal places, for Unit symbol select cm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

4 Click OK to complete the settings of Length format, but not yet to finish the whole settings.

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling


5 On Discipline dropdown list, select HVAC. 6 Click the example button of Duct Size. 7 In Format dialog box, for Rounding select 1 decimal place, for Unit symbol select mm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

8 Click OK to complete the settings of Air Flow format, click OK again to finish the settings of Project Units. Note: For consistency, we set the Length format same as the Length format in Architecture Project.

Load Architectural Background Drawing 1

Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and select the exercise file: \Architectural\c Office Building.rvt 3 At the bottom of dialog box, verify Positioning: is Auto - Origen to Origen, then press Open.

The line works of linked model is grey out with brightness of 50%.

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling

4 Click Manage tab, then click Additional Settings to expand its drop down list, select Halftone / Underlay. 5 In Halftone/Underlay dialog box change Brightness from 50% to 70%, press OK.

Now we can see the line works of linked model become darker.

6 Select the imported architectural background model, on Modify panel, click




Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Thus the linked architectural drawing won’t be moved accidentally. 7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Change the Preset Height of Level 2 Since the default height of Level 2 in Mechanical template is 400 cm, we have to modify it to match the height in architectural background model. 1 In Project Browser, double click South under Elevations to open Elevation: South view.

2 As the figures shown below, select and drag the host’s level symbols to the right of link model’s level symbols.

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling


3 Click the 400 cm of Level 2; enter 370 to change its height to 370 cm. 4 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Add New Levels and Views Since there are only Level 1 and Level 2 levels in Mechanical template, we have to add more levels according to architectural background model. 5 Click the Architecture tab, select Level.

6 On the Options Bar at the bottom of the Modify | Place Level ribbon, verify that Make Plan View is checked, then click the Plan View Types... button.

7 In Plan View Types dialog box, ONLY select Floor Plan, then press OK.

8 In Offset: box, enter 370. 9 On Draw panel, click

(Pick Lines) button.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

10 Move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 2 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 2, press down the mouse button. Thus we create a Level 3 level line.

11 In Offset: box, enter 260. 12 Move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 1 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 1, press down the mouse button. Thus we create a Level 4 level line.

13 Move mouse cursor to a little bit up of Level 2 line, when seeing a blue dashed line appear at the top of Level 2, press down the mouse button. Thus we create a Level 5 level line.

14 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling


Rename Levels When creating new levels Revit will give us some temporary names, thus we should rename them to the names we want. 15 Double click the name of Level 3, enter Roof to change its name to Roof. When Revit asks if you want to rename the corresponding views, press Yes.

16 Use the same method, rename Level 4 to Ceiling 1, rename Level 5 to Ceiling 2.

17 Click Ceiling 1 level, on Properties palette, set its Computation Height to 5.2 cm.

Note: 5.2 cm is the thickness of grid ceilings. 18 Click Ceiling 2 level, on Properties panel, also set its Computation Height to 5.2 cm. Note: When creating new levels, all we have to do is to create them in one elevation view or in one section view, after creation, other elevation or section views can see them.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Rename Views In Project Browser we can see there are 3 new floor plan views, they have the same names as the names of associated levels, however, views are not necessary to have the same name as their associated levels, we can rename them to the names according to their usages. 19 In Project Browser, select newly added floor plan views, right click mouse button, on Context Menu, select Rename, rename Ceiling 1 to 1 - Plenum, rename Ceiling 2 to 2 - Plenum, rename Roof to Roof - Mech, respectively. When Revit asks if you want to rename the corresponding level and views, all answer No. If we answer Yes, the associated level and the other views it created will also be renamed, this is not what we want.

Modify View Ranges of Plenum Floor Plans 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plenum under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 Plenum view.

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling

2 On Properties palette, scroll down to View Template, click Mechanical Plan button. 3 In Assign View Template dialog box, set Name to , click OK.

Attention! We have to set View Template to in order to edit its View Range. 4 Click View Range’s Edit… button. In View Range dialog box, change Cut plane’s Offset from default’s 120 cm to 60 cm.

Because the default 120 cm Offset was too high, it was above Level 2.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

5 Use the same method, open 2 - Plenum floor plan view, set its View Template to , then change View Range’s Cut plane’s Offset from 120 cm to 60 cm.

Modify Roof - Mech Floor Plan View 1 In Project Browser, double click Roof - Mech under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: Roof Mech view.

2 On Properties palette, scroll down to View Template, click Mechanical Plan button. 3 In Assign View Template dialog box, set Name to , click OK.

2 - 1 Prepare Mechanical System Modeling


4 Click View Range's Edit… button. In View Range dialog box, set Cut plane Offset to 200 cm; set Bottom to Level Below (Ceiling 2), Offset 5 cm; set View Depth to Level Below (Ceiling 2), Offset 5 cm.

5 On View Control Bar, set Visual Style to Wireframe.

Now on Roof - Mech view we can see the interior walls of second floor, the purpose is that when we place rooftop AC units on this view we can position them at the right spots. 6 Type VG, click Annotation Categories tab, find and turn off Elevations (4 elevation symbols).


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

7 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

The MEP modeling in this book, basically we can turn off all 4 elevation symbols (South, East, North, West) on all floor plan and ceiling plan views, this can reduce the zooming operations during the editing. If we want open these elevation views, we can just double click the south, east, north or west elevation view names in Project Browser. But we have to do the above VG settings for each floor plan views. 8 Open 1 - Mech, 1 - Plenum, 2 - Mech, 2 - Plenum, 1 - Ceiling Mech, 2 - Ceiling Mech six plan views respectively, proceed the previous two steps: 6 Use VG to turn off Elevations. 7 Type ZA to zoom model to fit the drawing area.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, create a Mechanical Exercise folder at a convenient location on your hard drive, enter 01 Mechanical Setup Finished for File name, then click Save. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

2 - 2 Create Spaces Besides modeling building information, Revit has the capabilities to do energy analysis and lighting calculation. In order to calculate building heating and cooling loads, we have to create (place) spaces everywhere in the building, whether they are occupied spaces or unoccupied spaces, thus to get the correct results. Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\02 Create Spaces.rvt

2 - 2 Create Spaces


Duplicate Views 1 In Project Browser, select 1 - Mech floor plan view, right click mouse button, on Context Menu, select Duplicate View -> Duplicate. 2 Select duplicated 1 - Mech Copy 1 view, right click mouse button, on Context Menu, select Rename, rename it to 1 - Space. 3 In Project Browser, select 2 - Mech floor plan view, right click mouse button, on Context Menu, select Duplicate View -> Duplicate. 4 Select duplicated 2 - Mech Copy 1 view, right click mouse button, on Context Menu, select Rename, rename it to 2 - Space.

Turn on Room Bounding Parameter 1 Select the linked architectural background model. 2 On Properties palette, click Edit Type button. 3 In Type Properties dialog box, put a check mark on Room Bounding parameter, press OK.

4 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. Important! We have to turn on the Room Bounding of linked architectural model in order to use its room enclosures to create spaces.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Create Spaces 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 - Space view. 2 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Coarse to simplify the line work of interior walls.

3 Click the Analyze tab, select Space.

4 On Properties palette, set Constrain Upper Limit to Ceiling 1, set Limit Offset to 0 cm. 5 Scroll down to find Space Type in Energy Analysis category, click , when Revit displays a little … square button on its right, click it.

6 In Space Type Settings dialog box, find and select Office - Enclosed, press OK.

2 - 2 Create Spaces


7 On Modify | Place Space ribbon, select (or make sure already turn on) Tag on Placement.

8 Move cursor to the center of bottom left room and click.

9 Continue to move cursor to the center of two other rooms on the right and click. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to end the command.

Automate Spaces 10 Again, select Space on the Analyze ribbon. 11 On Modify | Place Space ribbon, make sure Tag on Placement already been turned on, click Place Spaces Automatically.

12 Press Close.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Now Revit created 22 spaces for us.

Extract Room Names from Linked Architectural Model 13 Click the Analyze tab, select Space Naming.

14 In Space Naming dialog box, just click OK.

2 - 2 Create Spaces


Now Revit extracted the room information (name and number) from the linked architectural file and transferred them into the corresponding space tags of our spaces. Although we could create space by picking each individual room, but use Place Spaces Automatically can put space tags right in the centers of the spaces, and use Space Naming tool to transfer tag information very quickly. Another good thing of using Place Spaces Automatically is that Revit will search all the spaces for us, so there won’t be any missing. Attention! When creating space, we have to pay attention to its Constraint Upper Limit and Offsets. 15 Type VG, find and expand Spaces, turn on Interior under Spaces, press OK.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Now we can see all spaces fill with light green color.

Use Leaders to annotate small shaft spaces 16 Click the tag of shaft space of left restroom.

17 On the Options Bar at the bottom of the Modify | Space Tags ribbon, turn on the Leader.

2 - 2 Create Spaces


18 Drag the tag to the upper left as shown. 19 Rename the tag name to Shaft and tag number to 123.

20 Same situation, add leaders to the other two shaft space tags, drag them to the right and rename them correspondingly.

Note: When we created spaces with associated tags in one plan view, the other plan views of the same floor (level) will also have those spaces but don’t have tags. For example, in this model we created spaces in Space - 1 view, Mech - 1 view gets the identical spaces but does not have tags on them. Nevertheless, we can use copy and paste method to copy space tags to the view that needs them. Or, we can go to the view that already has spaces to re-tag them.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Modify Shaft Spaces Since three restroom shafts go all the way to roof, we need to set their Upper Limit to the bottom of roof. 21 Hold Ctrl key; select 3 shaft spaces of restrooms.

22 On Properties palette, change their Upper Limit to Roof, set Limit Offset to -21 cm, scroll down to find Energy Analysis, uncheck Occupiable, set their Condition Type to Unconditioned.

Note: When Revit calculates Heating and Cooling Loads it won’t count those Unconditioned spaces.

2 - 2 Create Spaces


Modify Upper Limits of Elec/Mech Room and Stairwells 23 Select Elec/Mech space, on Properties palette, set its Upper Limit to Level 2, set Limit Offset to -20 cm. 24 Select both stairwell spaces, on Properties palette, set their Upper Limit to Level 2, set Limit Offset to 0 cm.

Create Plenum Spaces 25 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plenum under Floor Plans to open that view.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

26 Type VG, find and expand Spaces, turn on Interior and Reference under Spaces, press OK.

Now in plenum floor plan we can see 6 spaces (3 restroom shafts, Elec/Mech Room and 2 stairwells) which have Upper Limit higher then grid ceiling. Note: When turning on Spaces Reference, we can see the crossing lines of the spaces.

2 - 2 Create Spaces


27 Click the Analyze tab, select Space. 28 On Properties palette, set Upper Limit to Level 2, set Limit Offset to -20 cm, set Base Offset to 5.2 cm, scroll down, enter Plenum for Name, in Energy Analysis category, put a check mark next to Plenum (Note: Revit grays out Occupiable and Condition Type, and change Space Type to Plenum).

29 This time we don’t use Place Spaces Automatically, rather we directly place the space as shown below. When finished, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

30 Use the above methods, according to the figure below, finish second floor’s spaces.

Notice: When creating second floor spaces we don’t need to do the restroom shafts, since we already extended first floor restroom shaft spaces to the bottom of the roof. If we have Revit Place Spaces Automatically, then we will get 3 overlapped shaft spaces. If that is the case, we have to delete second floor restroom shaft spaces. Don't forget to set second floor Elec/Mech room Upper Limit to the bottom of roof. Set second floor HVAC shaft Base Offset to -20 cm, Upper Limit to the bottom of roof also, uncheck Occupiable, set Condition Type to Unconditioned.

31 Like first floor plenum, finish second floor plenum’s space. On Properties palette, set Upper Limit to Roof, set Limit Offset to -20 cm, scroll down, enter Plenum for Name, on Energy Analysis category, put a check mark next to Plenum.

2 - 2 Create Spaces

Create Section View to Examine Spaces 1 After finished all spaces of the building, in Project Browser, double click 1 Space under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Click the Section button on Quick Tool Bar, from top to bottom draw a section line as shown.

3 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

4 Type VG, click Annotation Categories tab, find and turn off Levels. 5 Click Model Categories tab, find and expand Spaces, turn on Interior and Reference, press OK.

6 On Properties palette, find and uncheck Crop Region Visible. Now the Crop Region box disappeared.

7 As the following figures, move around mouse cursor to highlight each space, or pick spaces.

(Stairwell space)

2 - 2 Create Spaces


(Shaft spaces)

(Plenum spaces)

8 In Project Browser, click + in front of ??? to expand Section 1 view. 9 On Properties palette, set its Sub-Discipline to HVAC.

Now Section 1 view moved to Sections (building Section) under HVAC Sub-Discipline and ??? is gone.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Energy Analysis Space Type In order to get more accurate Cooling Loads Calculation (in Section 2-5), we should assign appropriate Energy Analysis Space Type for each space. 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Hold Ctrl key select two Open Office spaces. 3 On Properties palette, scroll down to find Space Type in Energy Analysis category, click Office - Enclosed, when Revit displays a little … square button on its right, click it.

4 In Space Type Settings dialog box, find and select Office - Open Plan, press OK.

2 - 2 Create Spaces


5 Hold Ctrl key select two Conference spaces. 6 On Properties palette, scroll down to find Space Type in Energy Analysis category, click Office - Enclosed, when Revit displays a little … square button on its right, click it.

7 In Space Type Settings dialog box, find and select Conference Meeting/Multipurpose, press OK.

The table below shows different interior heat gains of a few different space types. Space Type

Area per Person Lighting Load Density Power Load Density

Office - Open Plan

20.000 m²

11.84 W/m²

16.15 W/m²

Conference Meeting /Multipurpose

2.000 m²

13.99 W/m²

10.76 W/m²


4.000 m²

13.02 W/m²

5.81 W/m²


10.000 m²

9.69 W/m²

3.23 W/m²


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Use the same method and according to the table below to finish all space’s Energy Analysis Space Type of first floor and second floor. Spaces

Energy Analysis Space Type

Office 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213

Office - Enclosed

Open Office 112, 113, 214, 215

Office - Open Plan

Conference 111, 114, 204, 216

Conference Meeting/Multipurpose

Guest Room 103

Office - Enclosed

Lounge 210


Men’s Room 115, 217, Ladies Room 116, 218


Elec/Mech 117, 219


Janitor 220

Office - Enclosed

Front Entrance 120, Rear Entrance 118

Lobby - Hotel

Corridor 119, 221, 222


Stairwell 121, 122, 223, 224


Shaft 123, 124, 125

Office - Enclosed

Save your work When all finished, click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder you created in previous section, enter 02 Spaces Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

2 - 3 Create Zones When analyzing the energy consumption of a building, we can group spaces into different zones to differentiate their HVAC systems or HVAC requirements, then specify Service Type, Heating/Cooling/Outdoor Air information for those zones, thus we don’t have to specify these information for every space.

2 - 3 Create Zones


Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\03 Create Zones.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space under Floor Plans to open that view.

2 Type VG, find and expand HVAC Zones, turn on Interior Fill and Reference Lines. Click Annotation Categories tab, find and turn off Sections, press OK.

3 Click the Analyze tab, select Zone.

Now Revit displays the Edit Zone ribbon and has the Add Space button turned on.

4 On Properties palette, enter 1 - Office - South for Name, then continuously pick 5 office and one guest room spaces on the south side of the building.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

5 On Edit Zone ribbon, select

Finish Editing Zone.

6 Use the same method, select Zone on Analyze ribbon again, pick 3 office, a lounge and a conference spaces on the north side of the building to create a zone named 1 - Office North.

7 Select Zone on Analyze ribbon again, pick Open Office 112 space on the west side of the building to create a zone named 1 - Open Office - West with only one space.

2 - 3 Create Zones

8 According to the table and figure below, complete the rest zones of first floor except two stairwells spaces. Zones


1 - Office - South

Office 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, Guest Room 103

1 - Office - North

Office 107, 108, 109, Lounge 110, Conference 111

1 - Open Office - West

Open Office 112

1 - Open Office - East

Open Office 113

1 - Conference

Conference 114

1 - Restroom

Men’s Room 115, Ladies Room 116

1 - Elec/Mech

Elec/Mech 117

1 - Entrance - North

Rear Entrance 118

1 - Corridor

Corridor 119

1 - Entrance - South

Front Entrance 120

1 - Shaft

Shaft 123, 124, 125

1 - Plenum

Plenum 126



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

9 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plenum under Floor Plans to open that view. 10 Type VG, find and expand HVAC Zones, turn on Interior Fill and Reference Lines, click Annotation Categories tab, find and turn off Sections, press OK.

2 - 3 Create Zones


11 Click the Analyze tab, select Zone, pick Plenum 126 space to create a zone named 1 Plenum with only one space.

12 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Space under Floor Plans to open that view. 13 Type VG, find and expand HVAC Zones, turn on Interior Fill and Reference Lines, click Annotation Categories tab, find and turn off Sections, press OK. 14 According to the table and figure below, complete all the zones of second floor except two stairwells spaces. Zones


2 - Office - South

Office 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, Conference 204

2 - Office - North

Office 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, Janitor 220

2 - Open Office - West

Open Office 214

2 - Open Office - East

Open Office 215

2 - Conference

Conference 216

2 - Restroom

Men’s Room 115, Ladies Room 116

2 - Elec/Mech

Elec/Mech 219

2 - Corridor

Corridor 221, 222

2 - Shaft

Shaft 225

2 - Plenum

Plenum 226

Stairwell - South

Stairwell 121, 223

Stairwell - North

Stairwell 122, 224


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Define Multi-Level Zones 15 Click the Close Hidden Windows button on Quick Toolbar. 16 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space under Floor Plans to open that view. 17 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Space and 2 - Space views side by side.

2 - 3 Create Zones


18 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area for both views.

19 Click the Analyze tab, select Zone. 20 On Properties palette, enter Stairwell - South for Name, pick the south stairwell space in left window 1 - Space view , then pick the south stairwell space in right window 2 Space view.

21 On Edit Zone ribbon, select

Finish Editing Zone.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

22 Select Zone on Analyze ribbon again. 23 On Properties palette, enter Stairwell - North for Name, pick the north stairwell space in right window 2 - Space view, then pick the north stairwell space in left window 1 - Space view.

24 On Edit Zone ribbon, select

Finish Editing Zone.

25 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Plenum under Floor Plans to open that view. 26 Same as first floor Plenum, use Plenum 226 space to create a zone named 2 - Plenum.

2 - 3 Create Zones


Rename Views Since we added zones in those two Space views under Floor Plans, we rename them to Space and Zone. 27 In Project Browser, select 1 - Space view, right click the mouse button; rename it to 1 Space and Zone. 28 In Project Browser, select 2 - Space view, right click the mouse button; rename it to 2 Space and Zone.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 03 Zones Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 - 4 Zone Color Fill Legend Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\04 Zone Color Fill Legend.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space and Zone under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 - Space and Zone view. 2 Use VG to turn off HVAC Zones Reference Lines.

3 Click the Analyze tab, select Color Fill Legend.

2 - 4 Zone Color Fill Legend


4 On Properties palette, click Edit Type button. In Type Properties dialog box, put a check mark on Show Title parameter, press OK.

5 Place a color fill legend at the upper right of the drawing.

6 In Choose Space Type and Color Scheme dialog box, select HVAC Zones and Scheme 1, press OK.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

7 Select the color fill legend we just placed, on Modify | Color Fill Legends ribbon, select Edit Scheme.

8 In Edit Color Scheme dialog box, enter Level 1 HVAC Zones for Scheme Definition Title, press OK.

2 - 4 Zone Color Fill Legend


9 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Space and Zone under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 2 - Space and Zone view. 10 Same situation, use VG to turn off HVAC Zones Reference Lines. 11 Click the Analyze tab, select Color Fill Legend. Like first floor, place a color fill legend at the upper right of the building. 12 In Choose Space Type and Color Scheme dialog box, select HVAC Zones and Scheme 1, press OK.

13 Select the color fill legend we just placed, on Modify | Color Fill Legends ribbon, select Edit Scheme.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

14 In Edit Color Scheme dialog box, select Scheme 1 on the left, then click the Duplicate button below.

15 When Revit displays New Color Scheme dialog box, press OK to accept Schema 2 for the Name. Attention! Now the Schema 2 displayed on the left is the current color scheme. 16 Enter Level 2 HVAC Zones for Scheme Definition Title. 17 Scroll down the zone list, change 2 - Corridor’s color to grey, change 2 - Shaft’s color to orange, press OK.

2 - 4 Zone Color Fill Legend


Now the colors of these two zones became grey and orange respectively. We can set different color combinations of the legends of our own likes, but it’s better to duplicate the schema to a new one, then make changes on the new one, so we can keep the original one just in case we still need it.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 04 Zone Color Scheme Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 - 5 Energy Analysis Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\05 Energy Analysis.rvt

Project Information and Energy Settings 1 Click the Manage tab, select the Project Information.

2 In Project Information dialog box, click the Edit… button next to Energy Settings. 3 In Energy Settings dialog box, verify that Ground Plane is Level 1, Project Phase is New Construction, then press the Edit… button next to Other Options.

Note: We can also click the Analyze tab and find Energy Settings tool at the very end of the ribbon.

2 - 5 Energy Analysis


4 In Advanced Energy Settings dialog box, verify that Building Type is Office; HVAC System is Central VAV, HW Heat, Chiller 5.96 COP, Boilers 84.5 eff. 5 Click next to Schematic Types, when Revit showing a little square button at its right, click it.

6 In Schematic Types dialog box, click All button to turn on all overrides.


Set Roofs Analytic Construction to 8 in lightweight concrete (U=0.7291 W/(m²·K)).

8 Press OK four times to end the settings.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Space Heating and Cooling Load Schedule 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/ Quantities.

2 In New Schedule dialog box, select Spaces for Category, enter Heating and Cooling Loads for Name, press OK.

3 In Schedule Properties dialog box, select Name, Number, Calculated Cooling Load, Calculated Heating Load from Available fields, click Add parameter(s) button to add them to Schedule fields. Move Number to the very top.

2 - 5 Energy Analysis


4 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set Sort by: Number, Ascending. 5 Press OK to finish the settings.

Now Revit created a schedule based on the fields (parameters) we selected and the sorting method we set. In this schedule we see that all the values for Calculated Cooling Load and Calculated Heating Load are Not Computed, this is because we haven’t asked Revit to calculate these loads.

Heating and Cooling Loads 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Heating and Cooling Loads.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 In Heating and Cooling Loads dialog box, click Boston, MA next to Location parameter, when Revit showing a little square button at its right, click it.

3 In Location Weather and Site dialog box, we can use Internet Mapping Service to search and spot, or use Default City List to set project’s location. Here we don’t make any change, just press OK to use the default location.

2 - 5 Energy Analysis


4 Back to Heating and Cooling Loads dialog box, click Details tab. 5 Select 1 - Office - South zone, then press Highlight button.

6 Press the … buttons of Heating Information and Cooling information on previous figure respectively.

Here we can do Heating and Cooling settings for this zone. The default temperature settings have two decimal places, due to the conversions from Fahrenheit to Celsius. Their original Fahrenheit temperatures of Heating Set Point and Heating Air Temperature are: 70 °F equals 21.11 °C 90 °F equals 32.22 °C Cooling Set Point and Cooling Air Temperature are: 74 °F equals 23.33 °C 54 °F equals 12.22 °C 7 Press OK to end the settings.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

8 Expand the 1 - Office - South zone and select 106 Office space.

Here we can set Space Type, Construction Type, People Occupancy and Electrical Loads for individual space.

Surface Analysis Next we will spread out all the surfaces that relate to the calculations of heating and cooling loads of that space. 9 Press Analytical Surfaces radio button.

2 - 5 Energy Analysis


10 Press the Highlight button at upper right to clear Highlight. Then press the Isolate button.

11 Zoom in 106 Office, and expand all its surface elements.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

12 Select the Floors of 106 Office.

13 Select the Exterior Walls of 106 Office.

2 - 5 Energy Analysis

14 Select the windows of 106 Office.

15 Select one of the Interior Walls that has a Door on it.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

16 Select the Ceiling of 106 Office.

Calculate Loads 17 Press the Calculate button at the bottom. Momentarily, Revit generates a Heating and Cooling Loads Reports for us.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


Attention: This Heating and Cooling Loads Reports is very thorough, use the scroll bar scrolling down to browse more details, such as the calculation for each zone and for each space. It lists all the load calculation related modeling information. 18 In Project Browser, double click Heating and Cooling Loads under Schedule/Quantities to open that schedule.

Now the schedule displays the values of Calculated Cooling Load and Calculated Heating Load. Since we set shaft and plenum spaces to Unconditioned earlier, thus their loads remain Not Computed.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 05 Energy Analysis Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\06 Place Air Terminals.rvt

Cooling Supply Airflow Analysis First we create a Cooling Supply Airflow schedule to help us design the supply air diffusers.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

1 In Project Browser, select Heating and Cooling Loads schedule, right click mouse button, on Context Menu, select Duplicate View -> Duplicate. 2 Rename the duplicated schedule to Cooling Supply Airflow.

3 On Properties palette, click Edit... button next to Fields. 4 In Schedule Properties dialog box, remove Calculated Heating Load from Schedule fields. 5 Add Calculated Supply Airflow and Actual Supply Airflow from Available fields to Schedule fields. 6 Click Add Calculated parameter button.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


7 In Calculated Value dialog box, enter Airflow Delta for Name, for Discipline select HVAC, for Type select Factor, the Formula enter (Actual Supply Airflow-Calculated Supply Airflow)/Calculated Supply Airflow, press OK.

8 Click Formatting tab at the top of dialog box. 9 Select Airflow Delta field, then click Conditional Format... button.

10 In Conditional Formatting dialog box, select Not Between for Test, enter 0 % and 5 % for Value, set Background Color to red.

Note: Less than 0 % means not enough cooling; more than 5 % means too cold that wastes energy.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

11 Press OK twice to finish the settings and create a Cooling Supply Airflow schedule.

In this schedule we can see that all the values for Actual Supply Airflow are 0 L/s, and the percentages of Airflow Delta are -100% with red background. This is because we haven’t placed any supply diffuser in these spaces.

Add Diffusers 1 Click the Close Hidden Windows button on Quick Toolbar.

2 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Mech under Ceiling Plans to open Ceiling Plan: 1 Ceiling Mech view.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


3 Use VG to turn off Sections in Annotation Categories.

4 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Ceiling Mech view and Cooling Supply Airflow schedule side by side. 5 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

Supply Diffusers 6 Click the Systems tab, then select Air Terminal.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

7 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Supply Diffuser family 600 x 600 Face 300 x 300 Connection type diffuser. 8 On Properties palette, set Constrain Level to Ceiling 1.

9 Place the first supply diffuser on the ceiling grid of 101 Office as shown below. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. Note: Since 1 - Ceiling Mech view does not have space tags, we cannot tell the number and name of a space, but when we move mouse cursor touching the invisible reference line of a space, the pop-up tooltip and Status Bar will display its name and number.

Now in the schedule we see that the Calculated Supply Airflow of 101 Office is 77.0 L/s (Liter per second), the Actual Supply Airflow is 235.0 L/s, and the Airflow Delta is 205.20%. Because the Airflow Delta exceeds 5%, therefore it still has red background. Note: 235 L/s is the default air flow of this supply diffuser.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


Adjust Supply Diffuser Airflow 10 Select the diffuser we just placed, on Properties palette, change its Flow to 80 L/s.

Now the red background color of Airflow Delta disappeared, since the supply airflow of 101 Office has satisfied our design requirement. 11 Next, place two supply diffusers on the ceiling grid of 102 Office as shown.

Now we see the Actual Supply Airflow of 102 Office is 470.0 L/s.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

12 Select both diffusers in 102 Office, on Properties palette, change their Flow to 55 L/s.

55 x 2 = 110 L/s, so 102 Office has met our design requirement. 13 Pan model to left, place one supply diffuser on the ceiling grid of 103 Guest Room as shown.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


14 Select that diffuser, on Properties palette, change its Flow to 45 L/s, uncheck RightArrow and LeftArrow.

Now we see the diffuser in 103 Guest Room only displays the up and down arrows. The airflow of this room has also met our design requirement.

Return Diffusers 15 Select Air Terminal on Systems ribbon again. 16 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Return Diffuser family 600 x 600 Face 300 x 300 Connection type diffuser. 17 On Properties palette, set Constrain Level to Ceiling 1. 18 Place one return diffuser in each of 101 Office, 102 Office and 103 Guest Room as shown. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

19 Select all these three return diffusers, on Properties palette, uncheck all four direction arrows.

Note: Since the air system uses the plenum space above grid ceiling to collect return air and uses second floor shaft to convey air back to roof AC unit, therefore we don’t worry about the air flow of return diffusers.

Exhaust Grilles 20 Select Air Terminal on Systems ribbon again. 21 On Modify | Place Air Terminal ribbon select Load Family.

22 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Libraries\US Metric\Mechanical\MEP\Air-Side Components\Air Terminals\ M_Exhaust Grille - Rectangular Face Square Neck - Hosted.rfa. 23 On Properties palette, set Constrain Elevation to 230 cm. 24 Place an exhaust grille on the shaft wall in each restroom as shown.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


Note: We don’t install ceiling return diffuser in restroom, rather we use shafts and roof exhaust fans to exhaust restroom odors to outside.

Diffuser Air Flow Arrows Personally I don’t like to display the air flow arrows for return diffusers. Turn them off can simplify the drawing. Without showing return air flow arrows we can still tell them by their one diagonal line symbols. On the contrary, the exhaust grilles we placed on the restroom shaft walls, this family needs an air flow arrow, so it would be much easier for us to identify them on floor plan view.

Finish First Floor Air Diffusers Please follow the green diffuser reference lines provided by author to finish placing all the diffusers on first floor (note: the orange reference lines are lighting fixtures), and use Cooling Supply Airflow schedule to calculate and modify the airflows of supply diffusers. Don’t forget to adjust the diffuser arrows of 104 Office and 119 Rear Entrance.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Note: For Elec/ Mech room, stairwells and shafts we don’t install diffusers. Elec/ Mech room and north stairwell could use transfer grilles and ducts to provide some ventilation. But if in warmer areas we need provide cooling air for them.

Tag Air Diffusers After finishing all the diffusers, next we shall tag (label) the CFM for all supply diffusers. 1 Use VG to turn off Ceilings.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals

2 As the following figure, pick a supply diffuser as you like, right click mouse button. 3 On Context Menu, select Select All Instances -> Visible in View.

Now on Properties palette, we see that there are 56 supply diffusers selected.

4 Then click the Annotate tab, select Tag All.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

5 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, verify Only selected objects in current view radio button is on, on Category list, select Air Terminal Tags, verify that Leader is unchecked , verify Tag Orientation is Horizontal, then click OK.

Now all the supply diffusers are tagged, we can see the L/s and the Mark number for each supply diffuser. 6 As the following figure, pick a diffuser tag as you like, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Edit Family.

2 - 6 Place Air Terminals


7 In Family Editor screen, select the 1i text and the horizontal line between the two texts, then on Properties palette, uncheck Visible. 8 On ribbon, click Load into Project and Close.

9 When Revit asks if you want to save changes to M_Diffuser Tag.rfa? Press No.

10 In Family Already Exists dialog box, press Overwrite the existing version.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Now all supply diffuser tags only show L/s values.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 06 First Floor Air Terminal Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\07 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems.rvt 1 In 1 - Ceiling Mech view, use VG to turn off Air Terminal Tags in Annotation Categories.

Place VAV (Variable Air Volume) Boxes In order to stand out the VAV boxes in the drawing, first we use VG to set the color of mechanical equipment to Cyan.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 Type VG, find Mechanical Equipment; click the Override… button of Projection/Surface Patterns.

3 In Fill Pattern Graphics dialog box, set Pattern to Solid fill, set Color to Cyan, press OK.

4 Press OK to finish the settings. 5 Click the Systems tab; then select Mechanical Equipment.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


6 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_VAV Unit - Parallel Fan Powered family Size 3 - 200mm Inlet type VAV box. 7 On Properties palette, set Constrain Offset to 310 cm. 8 Move the VAV box to the upper right of 101 Office, press Space Bar to rotate it to the orientation shown, then place it. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Please notice that the PrimaryToSupplyRatio of this VAV unit is 0.200000. 9 Select the VAV box we just placed. We can see that the Outlet dimensions of this type VAV box are: 350.0 mm x 280.0 mm.

10 Click the Manage tab; then click MEP Settings button to drop down its list; then select Mechanical Settings.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

11 In Mechanical Settings dialog box, select Rectangular under Duct Settings.

We see there is no 280.0 mm on rectangular duct size list. 12 Press New Size… button, enter 280 mm, press OK to add this duct size to the list.

13 Press OK again to end the settings.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


In order to emphasize the selected objects, we set object Selection and Pre-selection colors to Red. 14 Click the File Tab, select Options at bottom right. 15 In Options dialog box, click Graphics on the left, set both Selection and Pre-selection colors to Red, press OK.

Note: User can set objects Selection and Pre-selection colors for his/her needs to facilitate editing the drawings.

Connect VAV Boxes to Diffusers 16 Select the supply diffuser in 101 Office.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

17 On Modify | Air Terminals ribbon, select Duct on Create Systems panel.

18 When Revit displays Create Duct System dialog box, press OK.

19 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon select Select Equipment.

20 Select the VAV box we placed.

21 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon select Generate Layout.

22 On the Options Bar under Generate Layout ribbon, set Solution Type to Network, then click Settings… button on the right.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


23 In Duct Conversion Settings dialog box, verify that Duct Type is Rectangular Duct: Radius Elbows / Tees; set Offset to 310 cm.

24 Click Branch on the left, verify that Duct Type is Rectangular Duct: Radius Elbows / Tees, set Offset to 310 cm, set Flex Duct Type to Flex Duct Round : Flex - Round, keep Maximum Flex Duct Length to 180 cm, press OK.

25 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

26 Use VG to turn off the Pattern of Flex Ducts.

Thus we can see the edges of Flexible Duct. 27 Select Mechanical Equipment on Systems ribbon; place the same VAV box in 102 Office as shown.

28 Select both supply diffusers in 102 Office.

29 On Modify | Air Terminal ribbon select Duct. 30 When Revit displays Create Duct System dialog box, press OK.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


31 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon; select Select Equipment. 32 Select the VAV box we just placed.

33 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon; select Generate Layout. 34 On Options Bar, set Solution Type to Network, click the arrow button repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the left figure below, click Finish Layout.

35 Select Mechanical Equipment on Systems ribbon; place the same VAV box in 103 Guest Room as shown.

Attention! The bottom of VAV Box is 288.25 cm which allows it to sit on top of the 265.2 cm interior wall. 36 Select the diffuser in 103 Guest Room. 37 On Modify | Air Terminal ribbon select Duct. 38 When Revit displays Create Duct System dialog box, press OK.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

39 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon select Select Equipment. 40 Select the VAV box we just placed. 41 Notice! Here we do not use Generate Layout tool, we just click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish creating the system. Because the distance between diffuser and VAV box is pretty close, we can draw a flexible duct to connect them together instead of using the steps of Generate Layout and finding Solution. 42 Select the connector at the bottom of the VAV box, right click mouse button; on Context Menu select Draw Flex Duct.

43 Drag the flex duct from the bottom of the VAV box to the center of diffuser of its lower right; then click the mouse button.

44 Select Mechanical Equipment on Systems ribbon; place the same VAV box in Front Entrance as shown.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


45 Select the four supply diffusers of Front Entrance. 46 On Modify | Air Terminal ribbon select Duct. 47 When Revit displays Create Duct System dialog box, press OK. 48 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon select Select Equipment. 49 Select the VAV box we just placed.

50 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 51 On the Options Bar under Generate Layout ribbon, set Solution Type to Network, then click Settings… button on the right. 52 In Duct Conversion Settings dialog box, click Branch on the left, set Duct Type to Rectangular Duct: Mitered Elbows / Tees, set Flex Duct Type to None, press OK.

53 On the Options Bar, click the arrow button repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the left figure below, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

54 Select Mechanical Equipment on Systems ribbon; place the same but rotate 90 degree VAV box at the lower right of Open Office.

55 Use the same method to create a system and generate layout solution of connecting 4 supply diffusers to VAV box as shown, but Not To click Finish Layout.

56 Select Edit Layout on the leftmost of Generate Layout ribbon.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


57 Select the vertical branch duct as shown on the left figure, drag it right to the location as shown on the middle figure, then click Finish Layout.

Now the vertical ducts avoided the middle return diffuser. 58 Zoom to the upper left of the building. 59 Select Mechanical Equipment on Systems ribbon; place the same VAV box on top of the conference room wall as shown.

60 Use the same method to create a system and generate layout solution of connecting 2 supply diffusers to VAV box as shown, but Not To click Finish Layout.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

61 Select Edit Layout on the leftmost of Generate Layout ribbon. 62 Select the left horizontal branch duct as shown on the left figure; hold Ctrl key select the right horizontal branch duct as shown on the middle figure, then drag the move symbol up to the location as shown on the right figure.

63 When the right horizontal branch duct is not interfering with the return diffuser, click Finish Layout.

64 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


65 Use VG to turn off Levels in Annotation Categories and c Office Building.rvt in Revit Links.

66 Select the highlighted 10 mitered duct elbows.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

67 In Family/Type Selector, change them to M_Rectangular Elbow - Radius family 1 W type.

68 Select highlighted 2 mitered duct elbows above the conference room.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems


69 In Family/Type Selector, change them to M_Rectangular Elbow - Radius family 1.5 W type.

Size the Ducts 70 As the following three figures, move mouse cursor on or select one conference room duct, press Tab key a few times, when seeing all the ducts are highlighted, press mouse button to select them.

71 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Duct/Pipe Sizing.

72 In Duct Sizing dialog box, set Sizing Method to Friction 0.4 Pa/m, for Constraints, set Branch Sizing to Calculated Size Only, set Restrict Height to 280 mm, press OK.

Now we see all the ducts and fittings shrank a little bit.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

73 As the following figure, use the same method and duct sizing settings to size the ducts on the south side of the building.

Use the methods showing above, according to the drawings below, place the rest VAV boxes, create systems and connect diffusers, and size the ducts for the first floor secondary supply air systems.

2 - 7 Create Secondary Supply Air Systems

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 07 Secondary Supply Air Systems Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

2 - 8 Create Primary Supply Air Systems Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\08 Create Primary Supply Air Systems.rvt

Draw Primary Main Ducts Before drawing primary main ducts, in order to differentiate primary and secondary ducts, we use VG’s Filter to set a different color to primary ducts. 1 Type VG, click Filters tab first, then press Edit/New… button.

2 In Filters dialog box, press the New button at the bottom left to create a Round Duct filter, for Categories, select Ducts, for Filter Rules, set Family Name equals Round Duct.

2 - 8 Create Primary Supply Air Systems


3 Press OK back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog, then press the Add button. 4 In Add Filters dialog box, select Round Duct, press OK.

Now we see Round Duct is on the filter’s Name list.

5 Click the Override… button of Projection/Surface Lines, in Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to RGB 000-222-000, press OK.

6 Press OK again to finish the settings. 7 Click Systems tab, select Duct.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

8 In Family/Type Selector select Round Duct family Taps type. 9 On Options Bar or Properties palette, verify that Diameter is set to 300 mm and Offset is set to 310 cm. 10 On left side of building draw a horizontal duct as shown. Click the leftmost Modify button on the ribbon.

11 Select Duct on Systems ribbon, from the right side of horizontal duct draw duct down then left as shown.

2 - 8 Create Primary Supply Air Systems

12 Same situation, on right side of building, draw a horizontal duct and an L shape ducts taps to it.

Connect VAV Boxes to Primary Ducts 1 Select the VAV box in 101 Office.

2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Connect Into.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

3 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 0 : Supply Air : Round 200 mm : Row direction In, press OK.

4 Then select the horizontal duct outside the office to connect them together.

5 Select the VAV box in 102 Office. 6 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Connect Into. 7 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 0 : Supply Air : Round 200 mm : Row direction In. 8 Select the horizontal duct outside the office to connect them together.

2 - 8 Create Primary Supply Air Systems


9 Select the VAV box in Open Office. 10 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Connect Into. 11 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 0 : Supply Air : Round 200 mm : Row direction In. 12 Select the same horizontal duct to connect them together.

13 In front entrance, select the upper connector the VAV box, right click mouse button; on Context Menu select Draw Duct.

14 Draw duct up then right to connect to the vertical main duct on the right.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Use the methods above, according to the drawing below, finish connecting the rest VAV boxes to the adjacent main ducts.

15 Select the highlighted 5 round elbows.

2 - 8 Create Primary Supply Air Systems


16 In Family/Type Selector, change their type from 1.5 D to 2 D. 

Check Connectivities 17 Move mouse cursor on top of a primary duct on each side, press Tab key a few times to examine the connections of VAV boxes and primary ducts.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

18 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view the primary ducts in 3D.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 08 Primary Supply Air System Created for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

2 - 9 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts In this section we will use Velocity Method to size the primary supply air ducts. Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\09 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts.rvt

Divide Primary Ducts 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Mech under Ceiling Plans to open that view. 2 Click Modify tab, select Split Element.

2 - 9 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts


3 As shown below, by following the direction of air flow, pick the points at about 40 cm after the VAV boxes tapping the main duct to split the main ducts into many pieces.

When we split the main ducts Revit actually inserted a 6 mm short round union between the split ducts. Then when we re-size the primary ducts Revit will alter the ducts at these split points and replace these unions with round transitions.

Size Primary Ducts 4 Move mouse cursor on top of a primary duct on left side, press Tab key a few times, when seeing all connected primary ducts are highlighted, press mouse button to select them.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

5 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon select Duct/Pipe Sizing.

6 In Duct Sizing dialog box, set Sizing Method to Velocity 5.1 m/s, for Constraints, set Branch Sizing to Calculated Size Only, uncheck Restrict Height, press OK.

Now we can see the left side main ducts have been split into many segments with different sizes, they shrank gradually while toward the ends.

2 - 9 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts


7 Same situation; select the primary ducts on right side, use Velocity Method to re-size them.

Modify Splits 1 Select the left side 2 split vertical ducts as shown. On Properties palette we can see their Diameters are the same: 175.0 mm. 2 Select the right side 2 split vertical ducts as shown. On Properties palette we can see their Diameters are the same: 200.0 mm.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

3 Select the lower side 4 split horizontal ducts as shown. On Properties palette we can see their Diameters are the same: 140.0mm.

4 Click the Manage tab; then click MEP Settings button to drop down its list; then select Mechanical Settings.

5 In Mechanical Settings dialog box, select Round under Duct Settings.

2 - 9 Size Primary Supply Air Ducts


When Revit sizes the ducts, it rounds up duct sizes only to those sizes defined in Mechanical Settings. This is why some split ducts have the same sizes. 6 Select and delete the union fittings between the split ducts that have same sizes (those the black arrows pointed in previous two drawings).

7 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

8 Zoom in the right side to take a look of the split primary ducts with different sizes.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 09 Primary Supply Air Duct Sizing Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans


2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click Roof - Mech under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: Roof Mech view.

2 Use VG to turn off Sections in Annotation Categories.

3 Click Systems tab, select Mechanical Equipment. 4 On Modify | Place Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Load Family.

5 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Libraries\US Metric\Mechanical\MEP\Air-Side Components\Air Conditioners\ M_Rooftop AC Unit - 53-88 kW - Bottom Return Connection.rfa, in Family/Type Selector select 63 kW type AC Unit. From the Heating and Cooling Loads Calculation in section 5, the Peak Cooling Total Load of this building is 113,931 Watt, divide by 2 (stories), we get 56,965.5 Watt, therefore we choose 63 kW AC Unit.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

6 Press space bar to adjust the orientation of this AC unit and put it near to second floor shaft.

7 Select Mechanical Equipment on System ribbon. 8 On Modify | Place Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Load Family. 9 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Libraries\US Metric\Mechanical\MEP\Air-Side Components\Fans and Blowers\ M_Centrifugal Fan - Rooftop - Upblast.rfa. 10 On Modify | Place Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Place on Face.

11 Place two exhaust fans on top of the restroom shafts.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans


Attention! Since these two shafts have openings at roof, we have to put exhaust fans aside first, then move them to the centers of the shafts.

Draw Supply Duct Riser 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Mech under Ceiling Plans to open that view. 2 Use VG to turn on Sections in Annotation Categories. 3 From bottom to top draw a section line passing through second floor shaft.

4 Drag the section far clipping control arrow to the location as shown.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

5 On Properties palette, set section’s Sub-Discipline to HVAC. (Now we can see Section 2 in Project Browser) 6 Double click the section symbol to open this section.

7 Use VG to turn off Levels.

8 On View Control Bar set Detail Level to Fine.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans


9 Drag the upper and lower Crop Region control circles to expand the view. 10 On Properties palette, uncheck Crop Region Visible.

11 Select the left connector (Out) at the bottom of the AC unit, right click mouse button; on Context Menu select Draw Duct. 12 In Family/Type Selector select Rectangular Duct family Mitered Elbows / Tees type duct.

13 On Status Bar, set Width to 508 mm, set Height to 900 mm.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

14 Draw duct down to first floor plenum aligning to the center of round duct (as shown on the left figure), then turn left pass through that round duct (as shown on the right figure). When finished, click the leftmost Modify button on the ribbon.

15 Select the last horizontal duct we just drew. 16 On Modify | Duct ribbon select Cap Open Ends to add an end cap on its left.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans

17 Click the


button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

Connect Primary Ducts to the Riser 1 Zoom in the primary supply duct riser. 2 Click Modify tab, select Trim/Extend Single Element.

3 Select the right side of the rectangular duct, then select the round duct on its right, Voila!


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

4 Select the left side of the rectangular duct, then select the round duct on its left, Voila!

Create Return Air System 1 Type ZA (Zoom All) to see the entire model. 2 Select any a return diffuser in drawing, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Select All Instances -> Visible in View.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans

Now we have selected 35 return diffusers.

3 On Modify | Air Terminals ribbon select Duct. 4 When Revit displays Create Duct System dialog box, press OK.

Now we used these 35 return diffusers created a Mechanical Return Air 1 system.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

5 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon click Select Equipment. Then select the roof AC unit. 6 Click the leftmost Modify button on the ribbon.

Now the color of all 35 return diffusers become magenta. Notice: The color of roof AC unit changed from blue to black, because now it is an equipment that belongs to two systems, a supply system and a return system. 7 In Project Browser, double click Section 2 to return to that view. 8 Select the right connector (In) at the bottom of the AC unit, right click mouse button; on Context Menu select Draw Duct.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans

9 Draw a 50 cm return duct down as shown.

Attention! The color of return ducts is magenta. 10 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar and zoom in to see the return duct just drew.

11 On View Control Bar, set Visual Style to Wireframe.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Now we can clearly see the return duct. Since this return duct was drawn from the return air connector of the AC unit, therefore it is added to Mechanical Return Air 1 system. The first floor return air is collected via first floor plenum, then conveyed up via second floor shaft, then sucked by this return duct under the AC unit.

Create Exhaust Air Systems 1 On View Control Bar, set Visual Style back to Hidden Line. 2 Select the exhaust grille (on the shaft wall) in Ladies Room.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans

3 On Modify | Air Terminals ribbon select Duct. 4 When Revit displays Create Duct System dialog box, press OK.

Now we created a Mechanical Exhaust Air 1 system. 5 On Modify | Duct Systems ribbon click Select Equipment. Select the roof exhaust fan right above the grille.

6 Click the leftmost Modify button on the ribbon.



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Attention! Now the color of exhaust fan and grille all became green which is the color for exhaust air system. 7 Same situation, use the exhaust grille in Men’s Room and the roof exhaust fan right above it to create a Mechanical Exhaust Air 2 system.

8 Type ZA (Zoom All) to see the entire model.

Now we can clearly tell 3 air systems in our model: Supply is blue, Return is magenta, Exhaust is green.

2 - 10 Add AC Unit and Exhaust Fans

Check System Connectivities 9 Move mouse cursor on top of any a duct in drawing, press Tab key a few times to examine the connections of entire supply air systems.

10 Type VG, click Revit Links tab, turn on c Office Building.rvt



Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

11 On View Control Bar, set Visual Style to Shaded to take a look of 3D shaded effect.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 10 AC Unit and Exhaust Fans Added for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Up to here is the mechanical modeling of first floor air systems. Readers can open the exercise file: \Mechanical\11 First Floor Air System Finished.rvt to take a look of the modeling result.

2 - 11 Second Floor Air Systems Basically the creation of second floor air systems is same as the first floor; we can use the same methods and procedures: 1 Layout air terminals including: supply diffusers (according to Cooling Supply Airflow schedule), return diffusers and restroom exhaust grilles. 2 Create secondary supply air systems, layout VAV boxes and connect supply diffusers to them, use friction method to size secondary ducts. 3 Draw primary main ducts, connect VAV boxes to them. 4 Use velocity method to size primary ducts.

2 - 11 Second Floor Air Systems


5 Add roof AC unit and connect primary ducts to it, create second floor return air system, add second floor restroom exhaust grilles to first floor exhaust systems.

Please refer to the sections 6 to 10 and base on the drawing below to finish the second floor air systems.

Be aware! When creating second floor air systems, there are a lot of settings need to repeat.


Chapter 2 Mechanical Air Systems

Now we have gone through the mechanical air system modeling of an entire office building. Readers can open the exercise file: \Mechanical\12 Mechanical Air System Finished.rvt to take a look of the final modeling result.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems In this chapter we will create Hydronic Piping Systems for a two story office building. We first layout the radiators around the perimeter rooms, then connect the boilers in first floor Elec/Mech room to the radiators of both floors. Although hydronic piping systems and mechanical air systems are two independent systems that can be modeled separately (in Revit MEP Step by Step 2017 version), but in 2018 and 2019 versions we continue to add hydronic piping to the mechanical air systems file that we created in previous chapter which makes the project file more complicated, nevertheless readers can learn how to manage a much complicated Revit project in these newer versions.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 - 1 Prepare Hydronic Piping Modeling Since we are going to model the Hydronic Piping Systems in Mechanical project drawing, we need to create separate views for just viewing the Hydronic Piping Systems. Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\12 Mechanical Air System Finished.rvt 1 In Project Browser, select 1 - Mech view, right click the mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate View -> Duplicate. 2 Rename the newly created 1 - Mech Copy 1 view to 1 - Hydronic Piping.

3 Type VG, click Filters tab, then press Edit/New... button.

3 - 1 Prepare Hydronic Piping Modeling


4 In Filters dialog box, press the New button at lower left to create a VAV Box filter, for Categories select Mechanical Equipment, for Filter Rules set Family Name equals M_VAV Unit - Parallel Fan Powered.

5 Press the New button again to create a Rooftop AC Unit filter, for Categories select Mechanical Equipment, for Filter Rules set Family Name equals M_Rooftop AC Unit - 5388 kW - Bottom Return Connection.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

6 Press the New button again to create a Rooftop Exhaust Fan filter, for Categories select Mechanical Equipment, for Filter Rules set Family Name equals M_Centrifugal Fan Rooftop - Upblast.

7 Press OK back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog, click Add button to add VAV Box to filter list and turn it off.

8 Click Model Categories tab, turn off Air Terminals, Duct Fittings, Ducts, Flex Ducts, HVAC Zones and Spaces.

3 - 1 Prepare Hydronic Piping Modeling


9 Click Annotation Categories tab, turn off Section too, then press OK.

10 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Hydronic Piping and {3D} views side by side. 11 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area. Now we can see in 1 - Hydronic Piping view all the Mechanical Air System components have been turned off.

12 Use the same method, duplicate 2 - Mech view to a 2 - Hydronic Piping view, do the same VG settings as 1 - Hydronic Piping view. (as from step 7 to 9) Note: The VG component’s on/off such as VAV box, Air Terminals, need to be done on each view, but the filter’s name (like VAV Box) and rules are only set once.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

13 In Project Browser, duplicate {3D} view to a 3D Hydronic Piping view. 14 Type VG, click Filter tab, add VAV Box, Rooftop AC Unit and Rooftop Exhaust Fan three filters and turn them off.

15 Click Model Categories tab, also turn off Air Terminal, Duct Fittings, Ducts and Flex Ducts. 16 On View Control Bar, set Visual Style to Hidden Line. 17 Type WT and Type ZA. Now we can see in 3D Hydronic Piping and 2 - Hydronic Piping views all the Mechanical Air System components are turned off.

Save your work When done, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 12 Hydronic Piping Setup Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

3 - 2 Place Radiators and Boilers


3 - 2 Place Radiators and Boilers Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\13 Place Radiators and Boilers.rvt

Load Additional Radiator Family 1 In Project Browser, expand and take a look of the Mechanical Equipment families.

Since the M_Radiator - Hydronic Fin Tube family came with Mechanical template can not place on (attach to) the walls of a linked architectural model. We can only go to the architectural model to attach this radiator. Therefore we need to load another radiator family. 2 Click Insert tab, then select Load Family.

3 Load C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Mechanical\MEP \Air-Side Components\Heat Distribution Devices\M_Radiator - Hosted.rfa family.

Unfortunately, the System Classifications of both connectors of this radiator were set to Hydronic Supply. We need to change one of them to Hydronic Return in order to make it work. (Note: Author has found this is a mistake of Metric version of this family, the Imperial version of this family, its right connector is classified as Hydronic Return system)


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Edit (Modify) Radiator Family 4 In Project Browser, select just loaded M_Radiator - Hosted family, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Edit.

5 In Family Editor screen, select the right connector of the radiator, then on Properties palette, change its System Classification from Hydronic Supply to Hydronic Return. On ribbon, click Load into Project and Close.

6 When Revit asks if you want to save changes to M_Radiator - Hosted.rfa? Press No.

3 - 2 Place Radiators and Boilers


7 In Family Already Exists dialog box, press Overwrite the existing version.

Place Radiators 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 - Hydronic Piping view. 2 Click the Systems tab; then select Mechanical Equipment. 3 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Radiator - Hosted family 25 type radiator. 4 On Properties palette, enter 142 cm for Length, set Flow to 0.25 L/s. 5 Place this radiator in 101 Office as shown.

Tip: When placing the radiator, it’s better to place it away from the window a little (which would be easier), then use the Align tool to align it with that window.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

6 Click the Modify tab; use Align tool to align the center of the radiator to the center of the left window.

7 Select the properly placed radiator, click Array tool on the ribbon, on Options Bar uncheck Group and Associate checkbox, enter 6 for Number, then pick a start point on screen, drag the second point to the right, enter 240 cm to array 6 radiators.

8 Use the same method; place a vertical radiator on the west wall outside 101 Office.

3 - 2 Place Radiators and Boilers


9 Use the Array tool to array 6 radiators up with 240 cm intervals as shown.

According to the following figure finish placing all the radiators of first floor. Note: the window at rear entrance is a smaller one, when placing set its length to 91.5 cm. Attention! It is not recommended to use Mirror tool when placing radiators, because it will flip their In and Out connectors and cause the changing of their flow directions.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Place Boilers 1 Click the Systems tab; select Mechanical Equipment. 2 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Boiler family Standard type boiler.

3 Place two boilers in Elec/Mech Room on the north side of the building, then dimension them similar to the figure shown below.

4 Select the placed boilers, use modify dimension method to position them to the relations shown below.

5 Delete the dimensions of boilers.

3 - 2 Place Radiators and Boilers


6 In Project Browser, double click 3D Hydronic Piping under 3D Views to open the view that only displays the hydronic systems.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 13 Radiators and Boilers Placed for File name, then click Save. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\14 Create First Floor Pipe Runs.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open that view.

Set First Floor Piping View Range For first floor hydronic piping, in order to see the piping connecting to the radiators under the slab, we set the View Bottom to -100 cm; on the other hand, in order to see the piping running above boiler without seeing the second floor Hydronic piping, we set View Top at 312 cm of Level 1. 2 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button to set view range as follow:

Set Hydronic Piping Colors 3 Type VG, click Filters tab first, then press Edit/New… button.

4 In Filters dialog box, press the New button at bottom left to create a Hydronic Supply filter, for Categories, select Pipe Fittings and Pipes, for Filter Rules, set System Type equals Hydronic Supply.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs


5 Press the New button again to create a Hydronic Return filter, for Categories, select Pipe Fittings and Pipes, for Filter Rules, set System Type equals Hydronic Return.

6 Press OK back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog, then press the Add button. 7 In Add Filters dialog box, select Hydronic Return and Hydronic Supply, press OK.

Now we see Hydronic Return and Hydronic Supply are on the filter’s Name list.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

8 Select Hydronic Supply, click the Override… button of Projection/Surface Lines, in Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to RGB 255-000-128, press OK. 9 Select Hydronic Return, click the Override… button of Projection/Surface Lines, in Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to RGB 128-000-255, press OK.

10 Press OK again to finish the settings of hydronic piping color. Since a Hydronic piping system contains a Hydronic Supply and a Hydronic Return two systems, we create two logic systems for them first, then do the pipe runs for them. Besides, to avoid pipe running too long, we divide the pipe runs into two sides, left and right, after finished, we connect two side pipe runs to the boiler in Elec/Mech room.

First Floor Left Supply System 1 Select the radiators on the left side of the building as shown.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs

2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, on Create Systems panel select Piping.

3 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK.

4 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Select Equipment.

5 Select the upper boiler in Elec/Mech room.

6 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish creating the supply system.

First Floor Left Return System 1 Again, select the radiators on the left side of the building. 2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Piping as well. 3 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK.



Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

4 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Select Equipment as well. 5 Select the same boiler in Elec/Mech room. 6 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish creating the return system.

First Floor Left Supply Pipe Run 1 Select the radiator in Rear Entrance as shown. (or any other radiator on left side)

2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Generate Layout.

3 In Select a System dialog box select Hydronic Supply 1, press OK.

4 On the Options Bar under Generate Layout ribbon, set Solution Type to Perimeter, then click Settings… button.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs


5 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Offset to -50 cm, click Branch on the left, set Offset to -50 cm as well, then press OK.

6 On the right of Options Bar, set Inset to 0 cm. The Inset value is the horizontal offset distance from the perimeter equipment (radiators) that insetting to the perimeter piping, set it to 0 cm means there is no offset. 7 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution that all perimeter pipes run through the radiators as same as the solution shown on the figure below, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

8 When Revit displays a warning dialog box on the bottom right, close it.

The warning message means the pipe runs did not connect to the boiler properly. That’s all right; we will fix that later. The pipe run we see is a single line piping drawing. 9 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. Then the single line drawing became double line drawing.

10 Click the Thin Line button on Quick Toolbar so double line piping can be seen more clearly.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs


First Floor Left Return Pipe Run 1 Move cursor to the radiator in Rear Entrance (or any other radiator on left side), press Tab key repeatedly, when the Status bar on the bottom left displays Piping Systems : Piping System : Hydronic Return 1, press down mouse button.

2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Generate Layout. 3 On the Options Bar under Generate Layout ribbon, set Solution Type to Perimeter, then click Settings… button.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

4 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Offset to -35 cm, click Branch on the left, set Offset to -35 cm as well, then press OK.

5 On the right of Options Bar, verify that Inset is 22.5 cm. 6 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution that all perimeter pipes are 22.5 cm off from the radiators as same as the solution shown on the figure below, click Finish Layout.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs


First Floor Right Supply System 1 Select the radiators on the right side of the building as shown. 2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Piping. 3 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK.

4 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish creating the supply system.

First Floor Right Return System 1 Again, select the radiators on the right side of the building. 2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Piping as well. 3 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK. 4 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to finish creating the system. Attention! When creating systems for the right side we only include radiators, we don’t include boiler. Later, when we generate the pipe run and connect them to the left side, they will be merged to the left side systems that contain boiler.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

First Floor Right Supply Pipe Run 1 Select any radiator on the right side as shown. 2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Generate Layout. 3 In Select a System dialog box select Hydronic Supply 2, press OK.

4 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base.

5 Spot the Base at the location as shown.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs


6 On Options Bar, set Offset to 290 cm, set Diameter to 80 mm, then click Solutions.

7 On Options Bar set Solution Type to Perimeter. 8 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution that all perimeter pipes run through the radiators as same as the solution shown on the left figure below, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

First Floor Right Return Pipe Run 1 Move cursor to any radiator on the right side, press Tab key repeatedly, when the Status bar on the bottom left displays Piping Systems : Piping System : Hydronic Return 2, press down mouse button.

2 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Generate Layout. 3 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base, then spot the Base at the location as shown.

4 On Options Bar, set Offset to 305 cm, set Diameter to 80 mm, then click Solutions. 5 On Options Bar, set Solution Type to Perimeter, set Inset to 22.5 cm.

3 - 3 Create First Floor Pipe Runs


6 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution that all perimeter pipes are 22.5 cm off from the radiators as same as the solution shown on the figure below, click Finish Layout.

7 When Revit displays the following warning message, just close it.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

8 In Project Browser, double click the 3D Hydronic Piping view.

9 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. 10 Type VG, click Revit Links tab, turn off c Office Building.rvt 11 Click Filters tab, add Hydronic Supply and Hydronic Return; set their color to RGB 255000-128 and RGB 128-000-255 respectively, then press OK.

Now the 3D view displays colored piping.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler


Note: If we don’t satisfy the system and pipe runs that we created and want to redo them, first we need to delete all the pipe runs; then we (press F9 to) open the System Browser to find and delete that system.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 14 First Floor Pipe Runs Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\15 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Zoom in the Elec/Mech Room as shown.

When connecting the right side pipe runs to the boiler, in order to see the locations of lighting fixtures and diffusers, we need to raise the height of view Cut plane and set Visual Style to Wireframe.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button. In View Range dialog box change Cut plane Offset from 120 cm to 300 cm.

4 On View Control Bar change Visual Style to Wireframe.

Now we can see the reference lines of lighting fixtures (in orange) and diffusers (in green). Note: Since many horizontal piping (and ducts) are hung at different heights, therefore we always want to adjust the view ranges to examine the piping that we are working on. 5 Follow the following 3 figures, first, click the end point of supply pipe on the right side, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, then draw pipes bypassing stair steps, lighting fixtures and second boiler’s outlet to the point near to the outlet of first boiler.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler


Attention! When making the last turn to go up, make sure to snap and line up with the first boiler outlet.

6 Same situations, click the end point of return pipe on the right side, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, then draw pipes bypassing stair steps, lighting fixtures and second boiler’s outlet to the point as shown.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

7 Dimension the distances between pipes and wall faces and between them like the figure shown below.

8 Select dimensioned pipes, use modify dimension method to move them to the relations as shown.

9 When all finished, delete the dimensions.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler


Note: Sometimes we use dimension method to position objects precisely; sometimes we just select them and use arrow keys to move (adjust) them approximately. 10 In Project Browser, double click the 3D Hydronic Piping view.

11 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

12 Delete the highlighted pipes and elbow fittings.

13 Select highlighted elbow as shown.

14 On Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into.

15 Select the highlighted return pipe shown on the left figure, then Revit connected them together.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler


16 Select highlighted elbow as shown. On Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into.

17 Select the highlighted supply pipe shown on the left figure, then Revit connected them together.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

18 Adjust view to display the back side of the boilers, delete the highlighted supply pipe.

19 Select the remaining elbow; click the rotate icon on its side to turn it upward.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler


20 Select the elbow on the back of the boiler, click the + above to change it to T.

21 As shown below, select highlighted elbow of supply pipe, on Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into, then select the highlighted supply pipe above the boiler to have Revit connect them together.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

22 As shown below, select highlighted T of return pipe, on Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into, then select the highlighted return pipe above to have Revit connect them together.

23 Select the boiler for first floor heating, on Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Connect Into, then select the supply pipe above, thus Revit T-in to the supply pipe right on the top of the boiler’s outlet.

3 - 4 Connect First Floor Piping to Boiler


24 Zoom out a little to view the connections of first floor’s boiler.

25 Type ZA (Zoom All) to see the entire connections of first floor hydronic piping. 26 Move cursor to any pipe, press Tab key a few times to check the connection of the systems.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 15 First Floor Boiler Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 - 5 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\16 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs.rvt Note: The exercise file already finished laying out all the radiators on second floor. 1 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open that view.

Set Second Floor Piping View Range For second floor hydronic piping, in order to see the boilers located in first floor Elec/Mech room, we set View Bottom to 130 cm of Level 1. 2 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button to set view range as follow:

3 - 5 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs


Now we can see the first floor boilers and some pipe runs of first floor Hydronic piping.

Set Second Floor Hydronic Piping Colors 3 As same as 1 - Hydronic Piping view, use VG to set the colors of Hydronic Supply and Hydronic Return piping. Also set the Detail Level to Fine.

Note: The VG filter overrides such as color, style, need to be done on each view that uses them, but the filter’s name and rules are only set once.

Second Floor Left Hydronic Systems 4 As shown below, select the radiators on the left side of second floor. Like the right side of first floor, use these radiators to create Hydronic Supply 2 and Hydronic Return 2 two piping systems (without picking boiler equipment).


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Attention! When we connected first floor right side supply and return piping to the boiler, the Hydronic Supply 2 and Hydronic Return 2 systems were merged into Hydronic Supply 1 and Hydronic Return 1 systems, therefore the systems we created here are still Hydronic Supply 2 and Hydronic Return 2.

Second Floor Left Supply Pipe Run 5 Select any radiator on the left side as shown. 6 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Generate Layout. 7 In Select a System dialog box select Hydronic Supply 2, press OK.

8 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base.

9 Spot the Base at the location as shown.

3 - 5 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs


10 On Options Bar, set Offset to 0 cm, set Diameter to 80 mm, then click Solutions. 11 On Options Bar, set Solution Type to Perimeter, then click Settings… button. 12 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Offset to -50 cm, click Branch on the left, set Offset to -50 cm as well, then press OK.

13 On the right of Options Bar, set Inset to 0 cm. 14 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution that all perimeter pipes run through the radiators as same as the solution shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Second Floor Left Return Pipe Run 15 Move cursor to any radiator on the left side, press Tab key repeatedly, when the Status bar on the bottom left displays Piping Systems : Piping System : Hydronic Return 2, press down mouse button.

16 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Generate Layout. 17 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base, then spot the Base at the location as shown.

18 On Options Bar, set Offset to 0 cm, set Diameter to 80 mm, then click Solutions. 19 On Options Bar, set Solution Type to Perimeter, then click Settings… button.

3 - 5 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs


20 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Offset to -35 cm, click Branch on the left, set Offset to -35 cm as well, then press OK.

21 On the right of Options Bar, set Inset to 22.5 cm. 22 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit shows the layout solution that all perimeter pipes are 22.5 cm off from the radiators as same as the solution shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Second Floor Right Hydronic Systems 23 As shown below, select the radiators on the right side. Like the left side, use these radiators to create Hydronic Supply 3 and Hydronic Return 3 two piping systems (without picking boiler equipment).

Second Floor Right Supply Pipe Run 24 Like the left side, refer to the Base location shown below to complete Hydronic Supply 3 pipe run of right side.

3 - 5 Create Second Floor Pipe Runs


Second Floor Right Return Pipe Run 25 Like the left side, refer to the Base location shown below to complete Hydronic Return 3 pipe run of right side.

26 When Revit displays the following warning message, just close it.

27 In Project Browser, double click 3D Hydronic Piping to view both floor pipe runs in 3D.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 16 Second Floor Pipe Runs Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

3 - 6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\17 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Zoom in the region as shown.

When connecting second floor pipe runs to boiler, in order to see first floor Elec/Mech room and the locations of lighting fixtures and diffusers, we need to lower the height of view Cut plane and set Visual Style to Wireframe. 3 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button. In View Range dialog box change Cut plane Offset from 120 cm to -25 cm.

3 - 6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler


4 On View Control Bar change Visual Style to Wireframe.

Now we can see first floor Elec/Mech room and the reference lines of lighting fixtures and diffusers. 5 Use window select method to delete these four vertical pipes and four elbows as shown.

6 Click Manage tab, then select Snaps.

7 In Snaps dialog box, uncheck the Length dimension snap increments check box, press OK.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

8 Follow the following 4 figures, first, click the end point of supply pipe on the left side, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, then draw pipes bypassing diffuser, lighting fixtures, and stair steps to connect to the supply pipe on the right side.

Attention! When pipe turning to the boiler, make sure to snap to the outlet of the second boiler.

3 - 6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler


Attention! When making the last turn to go up, be sure to snap to the supply pipe above.

9 Follow the following 3 figures, click the end point of return pipe on the left side, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, then draw pipes bypassing diffuser, lighting fixtures, and stair steps to connect to the return pipe on the right side.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

Attention! When making the last turn to go up, be sure to snap to the return pipe above.

The reason that we run pipe like this is to leave the lower left corner space for water heater and its piping above.

3 - 6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler


10 In Project Browser, double click the 3D Hydronic Piping view.

11 Move cursor to any pipe of first floor, press Tab key a few times, when seeing all radiators, piping and boiler are highlighted, press down mouse button to select them.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

12 On View Control Bar, click Temporary Hide/Isolate button, select Hide Element on the list.

Now the selected first floor hydronic piping systems were hidden. We also see the window has a cyan border which means this view is in Temporary Hide/Isolate mode. 13 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, FRONT and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.

3 - 6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler


14 Zoom in the region as shown.

15 Select the boiler for second floor heating, on Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Connect Into. 16 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 0 : Hydronic Supply : Round : 80 mm : Row direction Out, press OK.

17 Select the supply pipe above, thus Revit T-in to the supply pipe right on the top of the boiler’s outlet.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

18 Select the boiler again, on Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon select Connect Into. Notice: This time we don’t see the Select Connector dialog box, because there is only one connector left, that is Connector 1 : Hydronic Return : Round : 80 mm. 19 Select the return pipe above, thus Revit T-in to the return pipe from the boiler’s inlet on its back.

Now we have finished the connections of piping and boiler of second floor. 20 On View Control Bar, click Temporary Hide/Isolate button, select Reset Temporary Hide/Isolate on the list.

Now we can see the first floor hydronic piping systems again.

3 - 6 Connect Second Floor Piping to Boiler


21 Type ZA (Zoom All) to see the entire pipe connections of both floors.

22 Move cursor to any pipe of second floor, press Tab key a few times to check the system connection of second floor.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 17 Second Floor Boiler Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\18 Add Circulator Pumps.rvt

1 Click the blue mark on the corner of RIGHT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle. Zoom in the region as shown.

Since the piping above boilers are too high to install pumps, we need to do some adjustments.

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


2 Delete the highlighted pipes and elbow fittings.

3 Select two Tees above the boilers, on Properties palette, set their Offset to 180 cm to move them down.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

4 Select the T of right boiler. 5 On Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into. 6 Select the shorter supply pipe above to connect them together.

7 Select the T of left boiler. 8 On Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into. 9 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 1 : Hydronic Supply : Round : 80 mm : Row direction Bidirectional, press OK.

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


10 Select the left supply pipe above to connect them together.

11 Select the T of left boiler again. 12 On Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into.

Notice: This time we don’t see the Select Connector dialog box, because there is only one connector left, that is Connector 2 : Hydronic Supply : Round : 80 mm.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

13 Select the other supply pipe above to connect them together.

Now we have finished the adjustments of the piping above boilers.

Size Hydronic Pipes Before adding circulator pumps we use Velocity and Friction method to size these hydronic pipes. 1 Move cursor to one supply pipe of the first floor, press Tab key a few times, when seeing all supply pipes are highlighted, press down mouse button to select them.

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


2 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Duct/Pipe Sizing.

3 In Pipe Sizing dialog box, set Sizing Method to Velocity 2.5 m/s and Friction 250 Pa/m, for Constraints, set Branch Sizing to Calculated Size Only, uncheck Restrict Size, press OK.

Now the supply pipe coming out from the first floor boiler increased (from 80 mm to 100 mm). The branch supply pipes to the radiators also increased a little bit (from 25 mm to 32 mm).


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

4 Move cursor to one return pipe of the first floor, press Tab key a few times, when seeing all return pipes are highlighted, press down mouse button to select them.

5 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Duct/Pipe Sizing. 6 Use the same sizing settings that calculating supply pipes to calculate the return pipes.

Now the first floor return pipes from the radiators also increased a little bit (from 25 mm to 32 mm).

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


7 Select supply and return pipes of second floor, use the same method to calculate their sizes.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

After sizing, next figure labeled the diameters of supply pipes connecting to the boilers. Please notice there are three tees above boilers became bigger, because the pipes beneath them have enlarged (from 80 mm to 100mm).

Insert Circulator Pumps 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Zoom in the region as shown.

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


3 Click Manage tab, select Snaps, in Snaps dialog box, check the Snap Off box, then press OK to turn off all snap modes.

Create New Pump Type When inserting pumps, the diameter of pump connectors should match the size of the pipe. Before modify the diameter of pump connectors, we create a new type so we can keep the original one. 4 Click Systems tab, then select Mechanical Equipment. 5 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Inline Pump - Circulator family 4.6 LPS - 2.9 Meter Head type pump. 6 Click Edit Type, in Type Properties dialog box, press Duplicate… button to duplicate a 4.6 LPS - 2.9 Meter Head 80.0 mm Diameter type.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

7 In Type Properties dialog box, change Suction Nominal Diameter and Discharge Nominal Diameter from 40.0 mm to 80.0 mm, press OK.

8 Place the first pump on the supply pipe at the location shown on the left figure. (Right figure shows the actual location of the pump)

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


9 Continue to place the second pump on the supply pipe at the location shown on the left figure. (Right figure shows the actual location of the pump)

10 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. 11 Select Mechanical Equipment on Systems ribbon again. 12 On Properties palette click Edit Type, in Type Properties dialog box, press Duplicate… button to duplicate a 4.6 LPS 2.9 Meter Head 90.0 mm Diameter type. 13 In Type Properties dialog box, change Suction Nominal Diameter and Discharge Nominal Diameter from 80.0 mm to 90.0 mm, press OK.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

14 Place the third pump on the supply pipe at the location shown on the left figure. (Right figure shows the actual location of the pump)

15 Continue to place the fourth pump on the supply pipe at the location shown on the left figure. (Right figure shows the actual location of the pump)

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


16 Select the first pump; press the up arrow key to nudge (push) it up a little bit to center it to the pipe. 17 Same situations, nudge the other three pumps to the centers of the pipes.

Rotate Pumps 18 In Project Browser, double click the 3D Hydronic Piping view and zoom to the boilers and pumps. 19 Select the first pump; click the rotation icon to turn it upright.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

20 Same situations, upright the other three pumps.

21 Type ZA (Zoom All) to see the entire hydronic piping systems.

3 - 7 Add Circulator Pumps


22 Type VG, click Revit Links tab, turn on c Office Building.rvt

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 18 Circulator Pumps Added for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Now we have finished the hydronic piping systems of this office building. Readers can Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\19 Hydronic Piping Finished.rvt to take a look of the final modeling result. In Chapter 7 Interference Check we will make minor adjustments of two hydronic pipes in this model. The hydronic piping system used for boilers and radiators in this chapter can also be used for many other mechanical systems such as chiller chill water and cooling tower condensate water.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

3 - 8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\19 Hydronic Piping Finished.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click {3D} under 3D Views to open the default 3D View.

In this view we can see both mechanical air systems and hydronic piping of our model. Nevertheless the hydronic piping are only single lined and have no color. 2 Use VG to add Hydronic Supply and Hydronic Return two filters and set their colors as same as the colors shown on floor plans.

3 - 8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views


3 On View Control Bar set Detail Level to Fine to display double lined piping.

4 In Project Browser, duplicate this {3D} view to a 3D Mech Air Systems view.

5 Type VG, click Filters tab, then click Edit/New … button. In Filters dialog, select Hydronic filter, in Categories list, besides those already checked pipe categories add Mechanical Equipment one more category, press OK.


Chapter 3 Hydronic Piping Systems

6 (back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog) Click Add button to add Hydronic to the Filter list and turn it off.

Now the 3D Mech Air Systems view only displays the Mech Air System components.

Note: Although we leave the Hydronic Supply and Hydronic Return those two filters on, but the Hydronic filter contains more categories, not only the piping but also the equipment, thus we turned off the entire Hydronic Piping Systems in this view.

3 - 8 Organize Mechanical 3D Views


7 Type WT and Type ZA.

Now we have three 3D views for the Mechanical Systems: 3D Mech Air Systems view, 3D Hydronic Piping view and default {3D} view that shows both systems.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 19 Mechanical 3D Views Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Up to here we have finished the entire Mechanical Systems of this office building. Readers can Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt to take a look of the final drawing with three different 3D views.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems In this chapter we will create Electrical Systems for a two story office building, including the layouts of lighting fixtures and switches in each space, layouts of receptacles, installations of electrical panels and transformers in Elec/Mech rooms, creations of power and lighting circuitry, as well as switch systems. We will also create many schedules such as: required lighting levels, lighting analysis, lighting fixtures and electrical usage reports. Besides, we will have Revit create power and lighting panel schedules for us according to the circuits that we created in the model. Finally, we will practice how to draw electrical conduits.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling 1 Start Revit 2019. In its Starting Screen click New… under Projects. 2 In New Project dialog box, press Browse… button on the right. 3 In Choose Template dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Templates\Us Metric\Electrical-Default_Metric.rte file.

4 In New Project dialog box, press OK.

Examine the Preset Views of Electrical template 5 In Project Browser, take a look of all the views that the template file has.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling


The default views in Electrical template were categorized to two sub-disciplines: Lighting and Power.  The floor plans under Lighting sub-discipline, we use them to place light switches and create lighting circuits. We will add two more floor plans for defining required lighting levels for each floor.  The ceiling plans under Lighting sub-discipline, we use them to place lighting fixtures.  The floor plans under Power sub-discipline, we use them to place electrical equipment, receptacles, and create power circuits. Note: The view name starting with “1 -“ and “2 -“ means “first floor” and “second floor”.

Set Project Units For consistency, we set the length units format same as the format in architectural project. 1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Units.

2 In Project Units dialog box, click the example button of Length Format. 3 In Format dialog box, for Units select Centimeters, for Rounding select 2 decimal places, for Unit symbol select cm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

4 Click OK to complete the settings of Length format, click OK again to finish the settings of Project Units.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Load Architectural Background Drawing 1 Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.

2 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and select the exercise file: \Architectural\c Office Building.rvt 3 At the bottom of dialog box, verify Positioning: is Auto - Origen to Origen, then press Open.

The line works of linked model is grey out with brightness of 50%.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling


4 Click Manage tab, then click Additional Settings to expand its drop down list, select Halftone / Underlay. 5 In Halftone / Underlay dialog box change Brightness from 50% to 70%, press OK.

Now we can see the line works of linked model become darker.

6 Select the imported architectural background model, on Modify panel, click the model so it won’t be moved accidentally.

to pin


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Modify and Add New Levels 1 In Project Browser, double click South - Elec under Elevations to open Elevation: South Elec view. 2 Select and drag the host’s level symbols to the right of link model’s level symbols.

3 Change host Level 2’s height from 400 cm to 370 cm.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling


4 Use the Level tool on Architecture ribbon to add Roof, Ceiling 1, Ceiling 2 three levels, and create a Roof - Power floor plan.

For more detailed steps of adding new level and floor plan, please refer to the steps in Chapter 2 section 1.

Electrical Settings 1 Click Manage tab, then click MEP Settings to expand its drop down list, select Electrical Settings.

2 In Electrical Settings dialog box, under Wiring select Wiring Types to take a look of the wire types that we have. (Here we can add more wire types as desired)


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Select Voltage Definitions to examine the voltage settings.

4 Select Distribution Systems to examine the systems we have.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling


5 Select Load Calculation, check (turn on) Run calculations for loads in spaces, click OK to finish the Electrical Settings.

Important! We have to turn on this setting in order to examine the electrical loads in a space (see section 4-7) and display the actual receptacle and lighting loads in the Electrical Usage Reports that we create in section 4-8.

Create Spaces 1 In Project Browser, move cursor to 1 - Lighting view under Floor Plans and under Lighting sub-discipline, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate View -> Duplicate.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

2 Move cursor to newly created 1 - Lighting Copy 1 view, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Rename… to rename it to 1 - Lighting Level.

3 Use VG to turn off Elevations (in Annotation Categories). 4 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

Turn on Room Bounding Parameter 5 Select the linked architectural background model.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling


6 On Properties palette, click Edit Type. In Type Properties dialog box, put a check mark on Room Bounding parameter, press OK.

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. Important! We have to turn on the Room Bounding of linked architectural model in order to use its room enclosures to create spaces. We can use the same method as we did in previous mechanical systems to create spaces for electrical systems, or, use the following method to copy identical spaces from mechanical project into electrical project to speed up the process.

Copy Spaces from Mechanical Project 8 Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\03 Create Zones.rvt 9 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Space under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 - Space view.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

10 Carefully window select all spaces and their tags, then hold Shift key, select three restroom shafts and their tags to exclude them.

11 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Copy to Clipboard.

12 On Quick Toolbar click Switch to Windows button, on drop down list select Project1.rvt Floor Plan 1 - Lighting Level to return to that view.

13 Click the Modify tab, then click the down arrow under Paste to drop down the list, select Aligned to Selected Views.

4 - 1 Prepare Electrical System Modeling


14 In Select Views dialog box, select Floor Plan: 1 - Lighting Level, press OK.

Now we have copied all the spaces and their tags of mechanical 03 Create Zones.rvt drawing first floor (except shaft spaces) to Project1 Floor Plan 1 - Lighting Level view. 15 Use the same method, duplicate a 2 - Lighting Level view from 2 - Lighting view, turn off four elevation symbols, zoom models to fit drawing area, go to 2 - Space view of 03 Create Zones.rvt drawing, copy all spaces (except shaft space) and their tags to clipboard, switch back to 2 - Lighting Level view, then paste them into it.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

16 When finished, switch to any view of 03 Create Zones.rvt drawing, then close it. Like Mechanical modeling, we turn off all 4 elevation symbols (South, East, North, West) on all floor plan and ceiling plan views; this can reduce the zooming operations during the editing. 17 Open 1 - Lighting, 2 - Lighting, 1 - Ceiling Elec, 2 - Ceiling Elec, 1 - Power, 2 - Power six views respectively, use VG to turn off their Elevations, then type ZA to zoom models to fit their drawing area.

Save your work When all done, click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, create an Electrical Exercise folder at a convenient location on your hard drive, enter 01 Electrical Setup Finished for File name, then click Save. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels When designing building lighting systems, first we need to define the Required Lighting Levels for each space, then base on these requirements to layout the lighting fixtures. Open the exercise file: \Electrical\02 Define Lighting Levels.rvt

Create a Required Lighting Level parameter 1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Parameters.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels

2 In Project Parameters dialog box click Add… .

3 In Parameter Properties dialog box do the following settings: Parameter Type: confirm Project Parameter radio button is turned on. Parameter Data: Name: enter Required Lighting Level Discipline: Electrical Type of Parameter: Illuminance Group parameter under: Electrical - Lighting confirm Instance radio button is turned on confirm Value are aligned per group type radio button is turned on Category: check Spaces Press OK.

4 Press OK again to finish the creation of Required Lighting Level parameter.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Validate the new parameter 5 Select any space on the drawing. On Properties palette, under Electrical - Lighting category, we can see the newly created Required Lighting Level parameter.

We could use this new parameter to enter a Required Lighting Level value in Properties palette for each space. However, there are many spaces in this project that have same lighting requirement. It is more efficient to create a key schedule and use it to assign Required Lighting Level based on space's lighting type.

Create a Lighting Type Key Schedule 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels


2 In New Schedule dialog box do the following: Category: select Spaces Name: enter Space Lighting Requirements click Schedule keys radio button Key name: enter Lighting Type press OK

3 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find Required Lighting Level in Available fields, click Add parameter(s) button to add it to Schedule fields.

4 Click Formatting tab, change Key Name’s heading to Space Lighting Type.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

5 Press OK to finish settings. Now we have a schedule with only two headings but has no contents in it.

Enter Required Level (lx) for Different Lighting Types 6 On Modify Schedule/Quantities ribbon, select Insert Data Row.

Now there is an empty data row at the bottom of the schedule.

7 As shown on the left, in first data row enter 01 Private Office and 325 lx. Then continue to insert new data rows, enter lighting types and required lighting levels to finish this Space Lighting Requirements key schedule as shown on the right.

The purpose to put 01, 02, 03.… in front of lighting type names is for sorting.

Create Space Color Fills according to Required Lighting Levels 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting Level under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Click the Analyze tab, select Color Fill Legend.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels


3 On Properties palette, click Edit Type button. In Type Properties dialog box, put a check mark on Show Title parameter, press OK.

4 Place a color fill legend at the upper right of the drawing.

5 In Choose Space Type and Color Scheme dialog box, select Spaces and Scheme 1, press OK.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

6 Select the color fill legend we just placed, on Modify | Color Fill Legends ribbon, select Edit Scheme.

7 In Edit Color Scheme dialog box, select Scheme 1 on the left, then click the Duplicate button below.

8 In New Color Scheme dialog box, enter Required Lighting for Name, press OK.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels


9 In Edit Color Scheme dialog box, for Scheme Definition, enter Required Lighting Levels for Title, on Color drop down list, find and select Required Lighting Level parameter.

10 When Revit displays Color Not Preserved message, press OK.

11 Press OK again to finish the settings.

Now we see the Color Fill Legend at upper right has only Title but no legends. This is because we haven't assigned required lighting levels for any space; therefore this Color Fill Legend is empty. Next, we will base on the Space Lighting Type to set required lighting levels for each space. The good thing about defining a Color Fill Legend first is that when we


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

assign required lighting levels for a space we can see that space is filled with color, thus we can tell which space has assigned and which space hasn't, so there won't be any missing.

Assign Required Lighting Levels by Space Lighting Types 1 Select the 101 Office space at the lower left, on Properties palette, find Lighting Type, on the drop down list of its right, select 01 Private Office.

2 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now we can see 101 Office has filled with color, in the meantime the Color Fill Legend at upper right displays the legend of 325 lx.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels


Notice! After we assigned the Lighting Type, if we scroll up Properties palette, we can see that Required Lighting Level displays 325 lx.

3 Select both Open Offices, on Properties palette, on the drop down list of Lighting Type, select 02 Open Office.

4 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Now we can see both Open Offices have filled with different color and the Color Fill Legend at upper right displays the legend of 485 lx. 5 Select both Conference rooms as shown, on Properties palette, on the drop down list of Lighting Type, select 03 Conference.

4 - 2 Define Required Lighting Levels


6 When done, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now both Conference rooms have filled with another color and the Color Fill Legend at upper right displays the legend of 375 lx. Use the same method, refer to the figure below, finish assigning lighting level for the remaining spaces of first floor.

Note: Some Lighting Types have the same Illuminance such as Private Office and Restroom all have 325 lx, thus the Color Fill Legend displays only one swatch for them, also those types of spaces filled with the same color. Besides, Guest Room is specified as Private Office lighting type.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Assign Required Lighting Levels to 2nd floor spaces 1 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Lighting Level under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 2 - Lighting Level view. 2 Click Analyze tab, select Color Fill Legend, place the Color Fill Legend at the upper right of second floor plan. 3 In Choose Space Type and Color Scheme dialog box, choose Spaces for Space Type choose Required Lighting for Color Scheme, press OK. Like first floor, according to the space’s lighting type, refer to the figure below, finish assigning lighting level (lx) for the spaces of second floor. Note: assign Janitor’s lighting type to Private Office.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder you created in previous section, enter 02 Defining Lighting Level Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule


4 - 3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule In this section we will create a Space Lighting Analysis schedule to test the lighting fixtures we place in spaces in next section and to see if they satisfy the required lighting levels. Open the exercise file: \Electrical\03 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule.rvt 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities. In New Schedule dialog box, select Spaces for Category, enter Space Lighting Analysis for Name, press OK.

2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Name, Number, Required Lighting Level and Average Estimated Illumination to Schedule fields, move Number field to the top, then press Add calculated parameter button.

Notice! The Required Lighting Level in Available fields was the new parameter we added to project in previous section, it wasn’t in Electrical template file.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 In Calculated Value dialog box, enter Lighting Delta for Name, verify Formula radio button is on, select Electrical for Discipline, select Illuminance for Type, in Formula field enter “Average Estimated Illumination - Required Lighting Level”, press OK.

… button to open the Fields list to select the Note: When creating formula we can press the □ E


fields instead of typing it. 4 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set Sort by Number, verify that Itemize every instance check box at bottom left is checked.

5 Click Formatting tab, select Lighting Delta field on the left, then press Conditional Format… button on the right.

4 - 3 Create Space Lighting Analysis Schedule


6 In Conditional Formatting dialog box, set Test to Not Between, Value -54 lx and 54 lx, set Background Color to red.

7 Press OK twice to finish the settings and create a Space Lighting Analysis schedule.

In this schedule we can see that all the values for Average Estimated Illumination are 0 lx and the Lighting Delta are all negative with red background. This is because we haven’t placed any lighting fixture in these spaces; therefore no illumination has been calculated.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 03 Space Lighting Analysis Schedule Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures In this section we will place lighting fixtures in spaces and use Space Lighting Analysis schedule created in previous section to test and see if they satisfy the required lighting levels. Open the exercise file: \Electrical\04 Add Lighting Fixtures.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Elec under Ceiling Plans to open Ceiling Plan: 1 - Ceiling Elec view. 2 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Ceiling Elec view and Space Lighting Analysis schedule side by side. 3 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

4 On Properties palette, click View Range’s Edit… button to set view range as follow:

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures


Because the original view range settings will let us accidentally see the floor mount receptacles of second floor open offices and conference rooms. 5 Click Systems tab, select Lighting Fixture.

6 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Plain Recessed Lighting Fixture family 600x1200 - 277 type fixture. 7 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon, select Place on Face.

8 Place the first lighting fixture on the ceiling grid of 101 Office as shown. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Now in the schedule we see that the Average Estimated Illumination of 101 Office is 183 lx, the Lighting Delta is -142 lx.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

9 Again, place the second lighting fixture on the ceiling grid of 101 Office.

Now in the schedule we can see that the Average Estimated Illumination of 101 Office became 366 lx, the Lighting Delta changed to 41 lx, and the red background disappeared, which means the lighting level of this space has satisfied our design requirement. Readers can try to add one more lighting fixture in this space, then the Average Estimated Illumination would become 549 lx, Lighting Delta would be 224 lx, and the red background would appear again, since when we place three lighting fixtures in this space, its Lighting Delta would exceed our acceptable range which is from -54 lx to 54 lx, too bright.

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures


10 Select Lighting Fixture on Systems ribbon again. In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Plain Recessed Lighting Fixture family 600x600 - 277 type fixture.

11 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon select Place on Face, place four 600x600 lighting fixtures on the ceiling grid of 102 Office.

When placing each lighting fixture, please notice the variations of Average Estimated Illumination in right schedule. After finish placing, we can see that the Average Estimated Illumination of 102 Office became 324 lx, the Lighting Delta changed to -1 lx, and the red background disappeared too, which means the lighting level of this space has also satisfied our design requirement.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Please use the methods above and refer to the orange reference lines shown below to finish placing all 60cm x 120cm and 60cm x 60cm M_Plain Recessed Lighting Fixtures on 1 Ceiling Elec ceiling plan. When placing those 60cm x 120cm fixtures that need to rotate 90 degree, press space bar to rotate them first. We can also use Copy tool to copy these fixtures.

Since Elec/Mech room will run many pipes and conduits at higher levels it does not have hung ceiling, thus we install pendant lights in it.

Load Additional Lighting Fixture Family 12 Click Insert tab, select Load Family.

13 Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Lighting \MEP\Internal folder to find and load the following families: M_Pendant Light - Linear - 1 Lamp.rfa M_Pendant Light - Linear - 2 Lamp.rfa

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures


14 After loading, click Systems tab, select Lighting Fixture on Systems ribbon, in Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Pendant Light - Linear - 1 Lamp family 1200mm - 277V type fixture.

15 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon select Place on Face. 16 Place the 1 lamp pendant light in 118 Elec/Mech Room as shown.

17 Select Lighting Fixture on Systems ribbon again. In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Pendant Light - Linear - 2 Lamp family 1200mm - 277V type fixture.

18 On Modify | Place Fixture ribbon select Place on Face.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

19 Place the 2 lamp pendant light in 118 Elec/Mech Room as shown.

The reason we put two different lights in this room is that the calculated lighting level is much closer to the required lighting level. 20 Besides, place a 2 lamp pendant light in the stairwell next to Elec/Mech room as shown.

Note: All lighting fixtures in this project are 277 volts.

4 - 4 Add Lighting Fixtures


Use the same methods, open 2 - Ceiling Elec view, according to the drawing below, finish placing all lighting fixtures on second floor.

After placing all the lighting fixtures, in Space Lighting Analysis schedule we found there are a few spaces do not meet our requirements (either under or exceed). Two corridor spaces at first and second floor restroom entrances exceeded their requirements. Although we could remove the 60cm x 60cm fixtures in the middle of those corridors to satisfy the requirements, but author felt it’s all right to let them brighter at restroom entrances. The troubles are the lighting calculations for those stairwells. In next section, we will do some adjustments of those stairwell spaces in order to meet our lighting requirements.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 04 Lighting Fixtures Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces Open the exercise file: \Electrical\05 Adjust Stairwell Spaces.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Elec under Ceiling Plans to open that view. 2 Draw a section line crossing the south stairwell as shown.

3 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.

4 - 5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces


4 Use VG to turn on Spaces Interior and Reference, turn off Levels in Annotation Categories.

5 On Properties palette, set Sub-Discipline to Lighting, uncheck Crop Region Visible.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

6 As shown on the left figure, select second floor 223 Stairwell space, pick the control point at its bottom, drag it down to the location as shown on the right figure.

7 Close the warning message.

8 Select 223 Stairwell space again, on Properties palette, set Base Offset to -370 cm.

Thus we expanded second floor stairwell space and use its lighting fixtures to light up the first floor stairwell space.

4 - 5 Adjust Stairwell Spaces


9 Select first floor 121 Stairwell space, on Properties palette, set its Lighting Type to (none).

10 In Project Browser, double click Space Lighting Analysis under Schedules/Quantities to open that schedule.

Now in schedule, 121 Stairwell space does not have Required Lighting Level, there is no lighting fixture in it, therefore its Average Estimated Illumination is 0 lx, then there is no so called Lighting Delta. On the other hand, we can see the Average Estimated Illumination for 223 Stairwell decreased (because its fixtures cover more space), but still satisfied our lighting requirement. In schedule the lighting level of north 122 Stairwell is still not enough. However we can improve its lighting level by increasing its surface reflectances.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Change Space Surface’s Reflectance 1 On Properties palette, click the Edit... button next to Fields. 2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Ceiling Reflectance, Floor Reflectance and Wall Reflectance from Available fields to Schedule fields.

3 Press OK to update the schedule. Now we see the schedule expands 3 more fields on its right.

4 - 6 Add Switches


4 Select the Wall Reflectance of 122 Stairwell space; change it from preset 50% to 75%.

Now we can see the Average Estimated Illumination of 122 Stairwell increased (became brighter), which satisfied our lighting requirement. So we have learned that the surface reflectance of a space affect its lighting level. Which means the higher the surface reflectance is the brighter the space is. Space having higher surface reflectance can use fewer or lower wattage lighting fixtures to reach the required lighting level, that can save energy and money.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 05 Stairwell Spaces Adjusted for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 6 Add Switches Open the exercise file: \Electrical\06 Add Switches.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting under Floor Plans of Lighting sub-discipline to open that view. 2 Use VG to turn off Sections in Annotation Categories.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Since Revit’s electrical systems differ with its mechanical systems that have some default system colors, therefore we set our own colors for electrical equipment or devices such as: panelboards, light switches, circuit wires, etc. 3 Type VG, click Filters tab, then press Edit/New... button. 4 In Filters dialog box, press the New button at lower left to create a Light Switch filter, for Categories select Lighting Devices, for Filter Rules set Family Name equals M_Lighting Switches.

5 Press OK back to Visibility/Graphic Overrides Filters dialog, press Add button to add Light Switch to filter list. 6 Click the Projection/Surface Lines Override… button of Light Switch, in Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to Blue, press OK.

7 Press OK again to finish the settings. Note: The VG filter overrides such as color, style, need to be done on each view that uses them, but the filter’s name and rules are only set once.

4 - 6 Add Switches


Single Pole Light Switch 8 Click Systems tab, click the down arrow under Device to drop down the list, then select Lighting.

9 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Lighting Switches family Single Pole type, then place this switch on the wall close to the door of 101 Office. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Please notice the Properties palette, switch’s Elevation is 120 cm and Switch ID is blank. 10 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon. (now it displays the light switch picture)

11 Place a single pole switch in 102 Office and 103 Guest Room as shown.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

12 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 200.

Now all switch symbols become twice big, meanwhile the line weight of lighting fixtures increased.

Three-Way Light Switch 13 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon again. 14 In Family/Type Selector, select M_Lighting Switches family Three Way type, then place two three-way switches on the right wall of the left Open Office.

4 - 6 Add Switches


15 Continue to place two three-way switches on the left wall of the right Open Office, also place a three-way switch on the wall of each stairwell.

16 According to the next figure, place the necessary single pole switches for the remaining rooms and corridors.

Attention! On floor plan views, when Detail Level is set to Coarse or Medium, switches and receptacles are presented by symbols, they will enlarge or shrink by view scales. When Detail Level is set to Fine, they are actual objects with sizes.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Same situation, open Floor Plan: 2 - Lighting view, according to the next figure, place the correct switches for second floor. (make sure to do the VG settings before placing)

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 06 Switches Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles Open the exercise file: \Electrical\07 Place Receptacles.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans of Power sub-discipline to open that view.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles


In Power floor plan views we can see those lighting fixtures and switches that we placed in previous sections. 2 Use VG to turn off Lighting Devices and Lighting Fixtures, also turn off Sections.

Now the lighting fixtures and switches are gone. Notice! Switches belong to Lighting Devices category. 3 On Properties palette, click View Range’s Edit… button to set view range as follow:

Because the original View Top setting will let us accidentally see the floor mount receptacles of second floor open offices and conference rooms.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Place Wall-Mount Receptacles 4 Click Systems tab, click the down arrow under Device to drop down the list, then select Electrical Fixture.

5 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Duplex Receptacle family Standard type, then place this receptacle on the north wall of 101 Office. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Please notice the Properties palette, receptacle’s Elevation is 46 cm. 6 Select 101 Office space.

On Properties palette the Actual Receptacle Load shows 180.00 VA.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles


7 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon. (now it displays the receptacle picture)

8 Place other three receptacles on the walls of 101 Office.

9 Select 101 Office space again.

Now on Properties palette the Actual Receptacle Load shows 720.00 VA (i.e. 180.00 VA x 4). Therefore when placing receptacles we can inspect the changes of Actual Receptacle Load by selecting the space.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

10 As shown below, place the same receptacles on the walls in 102 Office and 103 Guest Room.

Since all radiators are installed under windows, we can not put receptacle under window. 11 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 200.

Now all receptacle symbols become twice big.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles


According to the next figure, place all standard receptacles on the walls for the remaining rooms and corridors.

Place Floor-Mount Receptacles 12 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon. 13 On Modify | Place Devices ribbon, select Place on Face.

14 As shown below, place floor mount receptacles on the floors in Open Offices and Conference rooms.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: In office buildings, we might install some receptacles on ceiling to provide power for overhead projector, wireless Router, and etc.

GFCI Receptacles Since restrooms have water running, therefore we install GFCI (Ground Fault Current Interrupter) receptacles. 15 Click the Device icon on Systems ribbon. 16 In Family/Type Selector, select M_Duplex Receptacle family GFCI type, then place four GFCI receptacles on the walls inside the restrooms.

The Elevation of GFCI receptacle is 120 cm. In Chapter 6 we will install a fire cabinet on the wall at restroom entrance with bottom (elevation) at 70 cm. Since the receptacle we placed at restroom entrance is a regular duplex, its elevation is 46 cm, so it’s OK.

4 - 7 Place Receptacles


Same situation, open Floor Plan: 2 - Power view, according to the next figure, place all corresponding receptacles for second floor. (make sure to do all the VG settings before placing)

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 07 Receptacles Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 8 Create Electrical Usage Reports Open the exercise file: \Electrical\08 Create Electrical Usage Reports.rvt 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities. In New Schedule dialog box, select Spaces for Category, enter Electrical Usage Reports for Name, press OK.

2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Name, Number, Area, Actual Receptacle Load, Actual Power Load per area, Actual Lighting - Dwelling Unit Load, Actual Lighting Load per area to Schedule fields, move Number field to the top.

4 - 8 Create Electrical Usage Reports


3 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set sort by Number, verify that Itemize every instance check box at bottom left is checked.

4 Press OK to finish the settings.

Now we created a space power and lighting usage report schedule. Notice! First floor south stairwell does not have any receptacle and lighting fixture; therefore there are no receptacle and lighting loads for it. On second floor, both stairwells don’t have receptacle; therefore there is no receptacle load for them.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: If necessary, on Properties palette we can click the Edit… button next to Formatting to modify schedule field formatting, for examples, change the field formats of Actual Receptacle Load and Actual Lighting - Dwelling Unit Load from VA to W (Watts).

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 08 Electrical Usage Report Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment


4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment In this section we place distribution panels and transformers in first and second floor Elec/Mech rooms and create the Logical Connections between them.

Open the exercise file: \Electrical\09 Add Electrical Equipment.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans of Power sub-discipline to open that view. 2 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 200 back to 1 : 100.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Use VG to set Line color of Electrical Equipment to magenta.

Load Additional Panel Families 4 Click Insert tab, select Load Family. 5 Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Electrical\MEP \Electric Power\Distribution folder to find and load the following families: M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 208V MLO - Surface.rfa M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 480V MCB - Surface.rfa

Main Distribution Panel (MDP) 6 Click the Systems tab, select Electrical Equipment on Systems ribbon.

7 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 480V MCB - Surface family 250 A type panel. 8 On Properties palette, set Elevation to 180 cm, scroll down the palette, enter MDP for Panel Name.

Please note its Distribution System is 480/277 Wye.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment


9 Verify that Tag on Placement is turned on Modify | Place Equipment ribbon and Leader is turned off on Option Bar.

10 Place the panel on the right wall of Elec/Mech room as shown. 11 After placing, select the tag of the panel, drag it to the left so that it won’t block the panel.

Transformer (T1) 12 Select Electrical Equipment on Systems ribbon. 13 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Dry Type Transformer - 480-208Y120 NEMA Type 2 family 45 kVA type transformer. 14 On Properties palette, scroll it down, enter T1 for Panel Name. Please note its Distribution System is 480/277 Wye.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

15 Press space bar three times to let the dragging point is on its right side, then place this transformer on the wall of Elec/Mech room as shown. 16 After placing, select the tag of the transformer; drag it to the left so that it won’t block the transformer.

Lighting and Appliance Panel (P1) 17 Select Electrical Equipment on Systems ribbon. 18 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 208V MLO - Surface family 100 A type panel. 19 On Properties palette, scroll it down, enter P1 for Panel Name. Please note its Distribution System is 120/208 Wye. 20 Place the panel on the wall of Elec/Mech room as shown. 21 After placing, select the tag of the panel; drag it to the left so that it won’t block the panel.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment


22 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Power under Floor Plans of Power sub-discipline to open that view. 23 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 200 to 1 : 100. 24 Use VG to set Line color of Electrical Equipment to magenta. 25 Like first floor Elec/Mech room, place two panels and one transformer on the right wall of second floor Elec/Mech room. Their family names, types and panel names are: M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 480V MCB - Surface : 250 A, H2 (set Elevation to 180 cm) M_Dry Type Transformer - 480-208Y120 - NEMA Type 2 : 45 kVA, T2 M_Lighting and Appliance Panelboard - 208V MLO - Surface : 100 A, P2

Note: H2 is a Higher Voltage Distribution Panel.

Create Logical Connections between equipment 1 Click the Close Hidden Windows button

on Quick Toolbar.

2 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view. 3 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Power and 2 - Power views side by side.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

T1 and MDP 4 Select T1 transformer. 5 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power.

6 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel.

7 Select the MDP panel above T1.

8 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment

P1 and T1 9 Select T1 transformer. 10 On Properties palette, set its Secondary Distribution System to 120/208 Wye.

11 Select P1 panel. 12 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power. 13 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the T1 transformer above.

14 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

H2 and MDP 15 Select H2 panel in 2 - Power view. 16 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power. 17 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the MDP panel in 1 Power view.

18 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

T2 and H2 19 Select T2 transformer in 2 - Power view. 20 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power. 21 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the H2 panel above.

22 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.

4 - 9 Add Electrical Equipment

P2 and T2 23 Select T2 transformer. 24 On Properties palette, set its Secondary Distribution System to 120/208 Wye.

25 Select P2 panel. 26 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, select Power. 27 When Revit displays this warning message, close it.

28 On Modify | Electrical Circuit ribbon, select Select Panel. Select the T2 transformer above.

29 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon to complete their connection.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

When all finished, we can move mouse cursor on top of any panel or transformer, press Tab key a few times to examine the logic connections of these equipment.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 09 Electrical Equipment Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry Open the exercise file: \Electrical\10 Create Power Circuitry.rvt 1 Use VG to turn off Spaces, then set Wires line color to orange.

Explain: Turn of Spaces is to facilitate the coming selections of multiple receptacles. 2 Hold Ctrl key, select four receptacles in 101 Office.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry

3 On Modify | Electrical Fixtures ribbon, select Power.

4 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Select Panel.

5 Select the P1 panel in Elec/Mech room on north side of the building.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

6 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire.

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

8 Zoom in the bottom left of the building. Hold Ctrl key, select six receptacles in 102 Office.

9 On Modify | Electrical Fixtures ribbon, select Power. 10 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, drop down Panel’s list, select P1.

Notice! Revit remembers the panel in previous circuit creation and automatically assigns it to the current creation, so if we don’t use a different panel we can skip this step.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry

11 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire. 12 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Edit Circuit 13 Select a receptacle in 101 Office.

14 Click the Electrical Circuits tab on the right of Modify | Electrical Fixtures tab.

15 On Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Edit Circuit.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

16 On Edit Circuit ribbon, verify that Add to Circuit is turned on.

17 Select the receptacle outside 102 Office.

18 Click

Finish Editing Circuit.

19 Move the cursor on top of the receptacle we just picked, press Tab key to display the dashed wires as shown, then press down the mouse button. 20 Click the little Arc Wire icon on the figure to create wires for that receptacle.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry


21 Delete the original homerun of the circuit of 101 Office.

Adjust Circuit Arc Wires 22 Select the arc wire of the circuit as shown.

23 Click and hold the little circle next to the arc, drag it to the upper left to expand that arc.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

24 Select the homerun wire of the circuit as shown.

25 Click and hold the little circle in the middle, drag it to the lower left.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry


26 Click and hold the control point of the homerun arrow, drag it to the lower left to shorten the homerun line.

27 When satisfied, click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. We can use the above methods to adjust any circuit arc wire and homerun to the way we like.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Increase panel’s breaker number 28 Select P1 panel, on Properties palette, increase its Max #1 Pole Breakers from 12 to 42.

Note: If we don’t increase the breaker number, we won’t have enough breakers for all circuits on first floor. Refer to the drawing below and the P1 panel schedule in Section 4-13; finish all receptacle circuits on first floor.

4 - 10 Create Power Circuitry


Same situation, use the methods above, refer to the drawing below and the P2 panel schedule in Section 4-13, complete all receptacle circuits for second floor. Before creating circuits, use VG to turn off Spaces and set Wires line color to orange.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 10 Power Circuitry Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry Open the exercise file: \Electrical\11 Create Lighting Circuitry.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting under Floor Plans of Lighting sub-discipline to open that view.

2 On View Control Bar, set scale to 1 : 100. 3 Use VG to set Line color of Electrical Equipment to magenta, turn off Electrical Fixtures, set Wires line color to green.

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry

4 Select the MDP, T1, and P1 equipment in Elec/Mech room.

5 Click Annotate tab, select Tag all.

6 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, select Electrical Equipment Tags, press OK.

7 Drag all three tags to the left so they don’t block the equipment.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

8 Select MDP panel, on Properties palette, increase its Max #1 Pole Breakers from 12 to 42.

9 Hold Ctrl key, select two lighting fixtures and one switch on the wall of 101 Office.

10 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Power.

11 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Select Panel.

12 Select the MDP panel in Elec/Mech room on the north side of the building.

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry

13 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire. Then click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

For some reasons Revit creates a very long homerun all the way to the MDP panel in Elec/Mech room. 14 Select the long homerun line, click and hold the little circle in the middle, drag it to the place as shown.

15 Click and hold the control point of the homerun arrow, drag it to the place as shown to shorten this homerun line.

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry


If the homerun line generated by Revit is too long we could use the above method, use mouse to drag its control points to shorten it, or, use the following method, after Revit generated the long home run, delete it and redraw a shorter one (see steps 20-23). 16 Select four lighting fixtures and one switch on the wall of 102 Office.

17 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Power. 18 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, drop down Panel’s list, select MDP.

Notice! Revit remembers the panel in previous circuit creation and automatically assigns it to the current creation, so if we don’t use a different panel we can skip this step.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

19 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire. Then click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

20 Delete the long homerun line that is all the way to the MDP panel.

21 Click Manage tab, select Snaps. In Snaps dialog box, turn off all snaps except Angular dimension snap increments and Nearest, press OK.

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry


22 Click Systems tab, then click Wire.

23 Follow the next four figures, draw a shorter arc homerun from the upper right lighting fixture of 102 Office toward the Elec/Mech room.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

24 Select 20 lighting fixtures and two three-way switches on the right wall of the left Open Office.

25 Use either the method of 101 Office (shorten the homerun line) or the method of 102 Office (delete the longer homerun line then draw a shorter one) to create a large lighting circuit.

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry

Adjust the number of conductors between two 3-way switches 26 Select the lower three-way switch (1). 27 Hover the mouse cursor on top of the upper three-way switch (2).

28 Press Tab key, when seeing that Revit use the best path to string up the 2 three-way switches, press down mouse button.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

29 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Filter.

30 In Filter dialog box, uncheck Lighting Devices and Lighting Fixtures, press OK.

31 On Properties palette, change the number of Hot Conductors from 1 to 2, press Apply at the bottom of the palette.

Now the number of tick mark (conductor) on the arc wires between the two three-way switches changed from 3 to 4. As the following examples, we can first pick an arc wire, then click the + or – nearby to increase or decrease the number of tick mark.

4 - 11 Create Lighting Circuitry


Refer to the drawing below and the MDP panel schedule in Section 4-13 finish all lighting circuits of first floor.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Same situation, use the methods above, refer to the drawing below and the H2 panel schedule in Section 4-13, complete all lighting circuits for second floor. Before creating the circuits, don’t forget to do the necessary VG settings.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 11 Lighting Circuitry Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment


4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment Open the exercise file: \Electrical\12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment.rvt 1 In Project Browser, move cursor to 1 - Power view, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate View -> Duplicate with Detailing.

2 Rename the duplicated view to 1 - Mech Equipment.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Select any a wire in drawing, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Select All Instances -> Visible in View.

4 Click the

button (or press Del key) to delete all the wires in the drawing.

5 Use VG to turn off Electrical Fixtures and HVAC Zones, turn on Mechanical Equipment.

4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment


6 Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.

7 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and open the exercise file: \Mechanical\20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt

Now we have linked the mechanical drawing into the electrical drawing. 8 Click Collaborate tab, click the down arrow next to Copy/Monitor to drop down the list, then select Select Link.

9 Click any a VAV box in drawing to select the link. 10 On Copy/Monitor ribbon, click Copy, then check (turn on) Multiple on Option Bar.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

11 Select all the VAV boxes and the four hydronic pumps in Elec/Mech room.

12 Press Finish button on Option Bar.

13 Click Copy/Monitor tab .

14 (Revit backs to Copy/Monitor ribbon), click


Now we have copied (with monitoring) all first floor VAV boxes and pumps from the linked mechanical drawing that need electrical power.

4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment


15 Use the same method, import \Plumbing\11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt link file and copy/monitor the water heater in Elec/Mech room.

16 After copy/monitor all the necessary mechanical equipment, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links.

Now the radiators and boilers are gone, we only see the VAV boxes, pumps and water heater that use electrical power. 17 Select the three VAV boxes that serve Office 101, 102 and Guest Room 103.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

18 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Power.

19 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Select Panel. 20 Select the P1 panel in Elec/Mech room. 21 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, select Arc Wire.

Now we have circuited these three VAV boxes to P1 panel. 22 Use the same method to circuit the other 7 groups of VAV boxes to P1 panel.

4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment


23 Zoom in the Elec/Mech room. 24 Circuit the four pumps to the 480V MDP panel separately.

25 Circuit the water heater to 208V P1 panel.

26 Use the same method, duplicate a 2 - Mech Equipment view from 2 - Power view with “Detailing”, delete all the wires, use VG to turn off Electrical Fixtures and HVAC Zones, turn on Mechanical Equipment, then copy/monitor all the VAV boxes on second floor, make 8 groups of them to circuit them to the P2 panel in ELEC/MECH room.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

27 In Project Browser, duplicate a Roof - Mech Equipment view from Roof - Power view.

28 On Properties palette, scroll down to View Template, click Electrical Plan button. 29 In Assign View Template dialog box, set Name to , click OK.

4 - 12 Circuit Mechanical Equipment


30 Use VG to turn on Mechanical Equipment, set Wires color to orange, turn off Elevations and Sections in Annotation Categories.

Now we can see two AC units and two exhaust fans on roof.

31 Use the previous method copy/monitor these four mechanical equipment. 32 After Copy/Monitor, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links. 33 Select the left rooftop AC unit. 34 On Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Power


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

35 In Specify Circuit Information dialog box, set 3 Poles and 480 V.

36 On Modify | Electrical Circuits ribbon, drop down the Panel list and select H2 Panel.

37 Click Arc Wire on ribbon.

Now this AC unit is circuited to the 480V H2 panel located on second floor Elec/Mech room. 38 Use the same method to circuit the other rooftop AC unit and exhaust fans to the 480V H2 panel on second floor.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules


Since in 1 - Power and 2 – Power views we will see the HVAC Zones outlines from the linked mechanical model, therefore we turn both mechanical and plumbing model off just in case of seeing something that we don’t want. 39 Open 1 - Power view, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links. 40 Open 2 - Power view, use VG to turn off 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt and 20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt Revit Links.

Save your work When all done, click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 12 Mechanical Circuitry Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules Open the exercise file: \Electrical\13 Create Panel Schedules.rvt 1 Click Manage tab, then click Panel Schedule Templates to drop down the list, select Manage Templates.

2 In Manage Panel Schedule Templates dialog box, click Duplicate button. 3 Press OK to duplicate a Branch Panel1 template.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 In Manage Panel Schedule Templates dialog box, select the duplicated Branch Panel1 template, then click Edit button.

5 Select any a load box in schedule as shown.

6 On Modify Panel | Schedule Templates ribbon, select Format Unit.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules

7 In Format dialog box, set Unit symbol to None, press OK.

8 On Modify Panel | Schedule Templates ribbon, click

Finish Template.

9 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view. 10 Select P1 panel in first floor Elec/Mech room. 11 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list, select Choose a Template.

12 In Change Template dialog box, select Branch Panel1 that we just created, press OK.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Revit generated the P1 panel schedule for us.

Correct Circuit Descriptions When creating circuit systems, if a circuit only covers the receptacles of one space (or room), for example CKT #2, its Circuit Description tells us exactly the name of that space which is Office 102. But if a circuit covers the receptacles of more than one space, for example CKT #3, its Circuit Description only tells us the room numbers but no names which are Room 103 and 120. Additionally, after a circuit is done, if we modify (add or remove) its receptacles, for example CKT #1, we have added a receptacle in Open Office into this circuit which was just serving Office 101, but its Circuit Description did not change (update). Therefore if a circuit’s serving space(s) has/have changed, we need to manually correct its Circuit Description to avoid the mistake.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules

13 As the schedule shown below, correct those circuit descriptions that need to be corrected.

Adjust Circuit’s Number 14 Select CKT 1.

15 On Modify Panel Schedule ribbon, select Move Down.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

16 On Modify Panel Schedule ribbon, select Move Across.

Thus we can use Move Up, Move Down, Move Across and Move To to adjust circuit’s number. 17 Select MDP panel in first floor Elec/Mech room. 18 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list, select Choose a Template and choose Branch Panel1 template. 19 After Revit generated the schedule, refer to the schedule below; correct the circuit descriptions of the schedule.

4 - 13 Create Panel Schedules

20 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view. 21 Select P2 panel in second floor Elec/Mech room. 22 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list, select Choose a Template and choose Branch Panel1 template. 23 After Revit generated the schedule, refer to the schedule below; correct the circuit descriptions of the schedule.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

24 Select H2 panel in second floor Elec/Mech room. 25 On Modify | Electrical Equipment ribbon, drop down the Create Panel Schedules list, select Choose a Template and choose Branch Panel1 template. 26 After Revit generated the schedule, refer to the schedule below; correct the circuit descriptions of the schedule.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 12 Panel Schedules Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads Open the exercise file: \Electrical\14 Define Circuit Loads.rvt

Balance Circuit Loads When balancing circuit loads, we start with the panels farthest from the power source, then keep on balancing the panels supply them.

4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads

1 In Project Browser, double click P2 under Panel Schedules to open that schedule.

Watch the Total Load VA values of A, B, C three phases. 2 On Modify | Panel Schedule ribbon, select Rebalance Loads.

Now Revit re-arrange the location of some circuits to let the Total Loads of A, B, C three phases are much equal.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

3 Same for H2, P1, MDP panel schedules, open them sequentially, select Rebalance Loads on Modify | Panel Schedule ribbon to rebalance their loads.

Correct Circuit Breaker (Trip) Sizes 4 (after all panel loads are rebalanced) In MDP panel schedule, we change its Mains Rating from 100 A to 150 A. 5 The total load of T1 Transformer is: 10264 + 10266 + 10543 = 31073 VA, we change its breaker from 20 A to 50 A. 6 The total load of H2 panel is: 24834 + 24770 + 24616 = 74220 VA, we change its breaker from 20 A to 125 A.

4 - 14 Define Circuit Loads

7 Open H2 panel schedule. 8 The total load of T2 Transformer is: 9277 + 9277 + 9463 = 28017 VA, a 30 kVA transformer would be enough (see step 11 to change it), we also change its breaker from 20 A to 50 A. 9 The load for two Rooftop AC units is: 6667 x 3 = 20001 VA, we change their breakers from 20 A to 40 A.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

10 Open P1 panel schedule, the load for the Water Heater is: 2250 x 2 = 4500 VA; we change its breaker from 20 A to 30 A.

Change Transformers 11 Open Floor Plan: 2 - Power view, zoom in the Elec/Mech room, select T2 transformer, in Family/Type Selector, change its type from 45 kVA to 30 kVA.

Now we can see that 30 kVA transformer is smaller than 45 kVA transformer.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 14 Circuit Loads Defined for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits In this section we will draw conduits to connect the panels and transformers in first and second floor Elec/Mech rooms. Open the exercise file: \Electrical\15 Draw Conduits.rvt Since transformers need to dissipate heats, we move them a little away from the walls. 1 In second floor Elec/Mech rooms, move T2 transformer 15 cm left. 2 Open Floor Plan: 1 - Power view, in Elec/Mech rooms, also move T1 transformer 15 cm left.

3 Use VG to turn on Sections in Annotation Categories.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 Draw a section line crossing the Elec/Mech room as shown.

5 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.

6 On Properties palette, set Sub-Discipline to Power, uncheck Crop Region Visible. 7 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. 8 Use VG to turn off HVAC Zones in Model Categories and Levels in Annotation Categories.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits

9 On Quick Toolbar click the Thin Lines button.

10 Select all the panels and transformers.

11 Click Annotate tab, select Tag all.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

12 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, select Electrical Equipment Tags, press OK.

13 On View Control Bar, change view scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 50.

14 Click Modify tab, use Align tool to line up the left edge of H2 panel on second floor with the left edge of MDP panel on first floor. 15 Same method, use Align tool to line up T2 with T1 transformers; P2 with P1 panels.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


16 Use VG to turn off Conduit Fittings Center line and Conduit Center line.

17 Select the bottom connector of MDP panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Conduit from face.

18 When Revit displays the Surface Connection ribbon and adjustment screen, here we don't do any change; just click Finish Connection on ribbon to accept the default location of connection.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: The light blue rectangle shown is the bottom face of MDP panel, it let us adjust the location of conduit connection on that face. 19 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 63 mm, then draw a conduit 110 cm down, then 180 cm left to the outside of the building.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits

20 Select the top connector of MDP panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Conduit from face.

21 When Revit displays the Surface Connection ribbon and adjustment screen, just click Finish Connection on ribbon to accept the default location of connection.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

22 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 53 mm, then draw a conduit up to the bottom of H2 panel on second floor.

23 When Revit displays the Surface Connection ribbon and adjustment screen, just click Finish Connection on ribbon to accept the default location of connection.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


24 Select MDP panel, move it to the left (approximate 30 cm), so there has more room between it and the T1 transformer.

25 Select the right connector of MDP panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Conduit from face, click Finish Connection on ribbon, on Options Bar, set Diameter to 35 mm, draw an L shape conduit as shown on the left figure below. 26 Select the bottom connector of P1 panel, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Conduit from face, click Finish Connection on ribbon, draw a 35 mm vertical conduit as shown on the right figure below.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

27 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Power under Floor Plans to open that view. Zoom in the Elec/Mech room. 28 On Quick Toolbar, click the Thin Lines button.

29 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


30 Select the right connector of T1 transformer, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Conduit from face.

31 In Surface Connection screen, set the distance between connector and transformer left edge to 15 cm.

32 Click

Finish Connection on ribbon.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

33 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 35 mm, then draw a short horizontal conduit as shown.

34 Select the right connector of T1 transformer again, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Conduit from face.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


35 In Surface Connection screen, first drag the dimension control point from the left edge to the right edge.

36 Then set the distance between connector and transformer right edge to 15 cm.

37 Click

Finish Connection on ribbon.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

38 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 35 mm, then draw a short horizontal conduit as shown.

39 Click Systems tab, click Conduit Fitting icon.

40 On Modify | Place Conduit Fitting ribbon select Load Family.

41 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries \Us Metric\Conduit\Fittings\RNC\M_Conduit Body - Type L - PVC.rfa family.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


42 Press Space bar twice to let the dragging point on the shorter end of the L fitting, then attach it to the lower conduit coming out from the transformer.

43 Continue to attach the L fitting to the upper conduit coming out from the transformer. When done click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

44 Select the upper L fitting, click the rotation icon twice to rotate it up.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

45 On Systems ribbon, select Conduit.

46 From the top of upper L fitting, draw a short 35 mm conduit up. 47 From the bottom of lower L fitting, draw a short 35 mm conduit down.

Attention! When drawing conduits, make sure to set the correct diameters on Options Bar. 48 Click Modify tab, use Align tool to line up the drawn conduits with the upper conduit coming out from MDP panel.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits

49 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level back to Medium.

50 In Project Browser, double click Section - 2 to re-open the section view of Elec/Mech room. 51 On Modify ribbon, select Trim/Extend to Corner tool, first select the vertical conduit dropping from MDP panel, then select the horizontal conduit coming out from transformer to connect them together.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

52 Continue to select the vertical conduit dropping from P1 panel, then select the horizontal conduit coming out from transformer to connect them together.

Attention! For some reasons, we must select the vertical conduit first, then select the horizontal conduit, otherwise we will receive error message from Revit. 53 Use the same methods; finish the conduit connections between H2 panel, T2 transformer and P2 panel on second floor.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits

54 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

55 Use VG to turn off Electrical Fixtures, Lighting Devices, Lighting Fixtures and Levels.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Attention! Switches belong to Lighting Devices category; receptacles belong to Electrical Fixtures category. 56 Zoom in to display the panels and transformers of both floors. 57 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. 58 Set Visual Style to Shaded.

Now we see the conduit connections of equipment much realistically.

4 - 15 Draw Conduits


Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 15 Panel Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems Open the exercise file: \Electrical\16 Create Switch Systems.rvt When Revit creates lighting switch systems, unlike power and lighting circuits, it won’t generate wires on drawings. Only when we move cursor to a switch, press Tab key a few times to display the dashed lines connecting to the fixtures it controls. When cursor leaves that switch, dashed lines disappear. So when we create switch systems, it is not easy to tell which system is created which system is not. Therefore we first create a lighting fixture schedule, use this schedule to verify the creations of switch systems, so there won’t be any switch system missing.

Lighting Fixture Schedule 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities. In New Schedule dialog box, select Lighting Fixtures for Category, enter Lighting Fixture Schedule for Name, press OK.

2 In Schedule Properties dialog box, first, select Space from Select available fields from: drop down list, then find and add Space: Name and Space: Number to the Schedule fields. 3 Next, select Lighting Fixtures from Select available fields from: drop down list, then find and add Family and Type, Panel, Circuit Number, Switch ID to the Schedule fields. Arrange the field order as shown.

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems


4 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set Sort by Space: Number, check the Blank Line; verify that Itemize every instance check box at bottom left is checked.

5 Click Formatting tab, select Space: Number field on the left, change its Heading to Number, select Space: Name field on the left, change its Heading to Name. 6 Select Switch ID on the left, press Conditional Format… button on the right.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

7 In Conditional Formatting dialog box, set Test to Not Equal To, leave Value box blank, set Background Color to yellow.

8 Press OK twice to finish the settings and generate the schedule.

The schedule populates all the lighting fixtures in each space with their panel name, circuit number and switch ID. At this moment all Switch IDs are blank. When we create switch systems in the coming steps they will fill in with values and be the evidences of the creation. 9 Click the Close Hidden Windows button on Quick Toolbar. 10 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Lighting under Floor Plans to open that view.

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems

11 Use VG to turn off Wires and 19 Mechanical Systems Finished.rvt and 11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt Revit Links.

12 On View Control Bar, set scale to 1 : 200. 13 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Lighting view and Lighting Fixtures Schedule side by side. 14 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

15 Select the switch in 101 Office, on Properties palette enter: 101 for Switch ID.

16 Select the two lighting fixtures in 101 Office. Notice that on Properties palette the Switch ID of these two lights is blank, there is no switch assigned to them yet.

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems


17 On Modify | Lighting Fixtures ribbon, select Switch.

18 On Modify | Switch System ribbon, select Select Switch.

19 Click the switch in 101 Office.

Now Revit displays two dashed lines connecting the wall switch to the lighting fixtures. On the right hand side, in Lighting Fixture Schedule, we see two lighting fixtures of 101 Office display their Switch ID of 101 with yellow background, means we created a switch system for them.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

20 Select the switch in 102 Office, on Properties palette enter: 102 for Switch ID.

21 Select the four lighting fixtures in 102 Office. On Properties palette the Switch ID of these four lights is blank, there is no switch assigned to them yet.

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems


22 On Modify | Lighting Fixtures ribbon, select Switch. 23 On Modify | Switch System ribbon, select Select Switch. 24 Click the switch in 102 Office.

Now Revit displays four dashed lines connecting the wall switch to the lighting fixtures. In Lighting Fixture Schedule, we see four lighting fixtures of 102 Office display their Switch ID of 102 with yellow background, means we created a switch system for them.


Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

25 On right side, scroll down the schedule to display the lighting fixtures of 112 Open Office.

26 On left side, select the lower three-way switch (1) in 112 Open Office, on Properties palette enter: 112-1 for Switch ID. 27 Select the upper three-way switch (2) in 112 Open Office, on Properties palette enter: 112-2 for Switch ID.

4 - 16 Create Switch Systems

28 Select the 20 lighting fixtures in 112 Open Office.

29 On Modify | Lighting Fixtures ribbon, select Switch. 30 On Modify | Switch System ribbon, select Select Switch. 31 Click the lower three-way switch in 112 Open Office.

Now in Lighting Fixture Schedule, we see 20 lighting fixtures of 112 Open Office display their Switch ID of 112-1 with yellow background.



Chapter 4 Electrical Systems

Note: For three-way switch system we only assign one switch to it. Use the methods above, with Lighting Fixture Schedule on the right hand side for verifications; finish all switch systems for first floor and second floor. Although 121 Stairwell space has a three-way switch but does not have lighting fixture, therefore it doesn’t appear in the schedule. When finished, use VG to turn on green Wires, set scale back to 1 : 100. If we want to examine the switch systems on floor plans, such as the Front Entrance shown below, move mouse cursor on top of the switch, press Tab key a few times, then we can see the dashed lines of that system.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Electrical Exercise folder, enter 16 Switch System Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Now we have finished the electrical systems of this office building. Readers can open the exercise file: \Electrical\17 Electrical System Finished.rvt to take a look of the final modeling result.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems In this chapter we will create Plumbing Systems for a two story office building, including the layouts of toilet, urinal and lavatory plumbing fixtures in restrooms; creations of sanitary drain lines for these fixtures; creations of flushing water piping as well as domestic cold water and hot water systems. We will also copy one floor plumbing systems to another floor and connect them together, add vent pipes to sanitary drain lines, and connect cold and hot water piping to the water heater in Elec/Mech room.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

5 - 1 Prepare Plumbing Modeling 1 Start Revit 2019. In its Starting Screen click New… under Projects. 2 In New Project dialog box, press Browser… button on the right.

3 In Choose Template dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Templates\Us Metric\Plumbing-Default_Metric.rte file.

4 In New Project dialog box, press OK. 5 In Project Browser, take a look of all the views that the plumbing template file has.

5 - 1 Prepare Plumbing Modeling


Set Project Units For consistency, we set the length units format same as the format in architectural project. 1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Units.

2 In Project Units dialog box, click the example button of Length Format. 3 In Format dialog box, for Units select Centimeters, for Rounding select 2 decimal places, for Unit symbol select cm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

4 Click OK to complete the settings of Length format, click OK again to finish the settings of Project Units.

Load Architectural Background Drawing 1 Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

2 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and select the exercise file: \Architectural\c Office Building.rvt 3 At the bottom of dialog box, verify Positioning: is Auto - Origen to Origen, then press Open.

The line works of linked model is grey out with brightness of 50%.

5 - 1 Prepare Plumbing Modeling

4 Click Manage tab, then click Additional Settings to expand its drop down list, select Halftone / Underlay. 5 In Halftone / Underlay dialog box change Brightness from 50% to 70%, press OK.

Now we can see the line works of linked model become darker.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

6 Select the imported architectural background model, on Modify panel, click the model so it won’t be moved accidentally.

to pin

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Change the Preset Height of Level 2 1 In Project Browser, double click South - Plumbing under Elevations to open Elevation: South - Plumbing view.

2 Select and drag the host’s level symbols to the right of link model’s level symbols.

5 - 1 Prepare Plumbing Modeling


3 Change host Level 2’s height from 400 cm to 370 cm.

Since we won’t put plumbing equipment on roof, therefore we don’t need to add roof level and roof plan. Also, unlike mechanical and electrical systems, we don’t have any plumbing fixture on grid ceilings; so we don’t need to add ceiling levels.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, create a Plumbing Exercise folder at a convenient location on your hard drive, enter 01 Plumbing Drawing Setup Finished for File name, then click Save. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\02 Add Plumbing Fixtures.rvt

Set Sanitary Drain Pipe View Range 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 Plumbing view. 2 Use VG to turn off Elevations. 3 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area. For first floor plumbing, in order to see the drain pipes under the slab and the floor drain fixtures, we set view Bottom to -150 cm; on the other hand, in order not to see the second floor drain pipes above, we set view Top at 250 cm. 4 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button to set view range as follow:

5 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 2 Plumbing view. 6 Use VG to turn off Elevations. 7 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area. For second floor plumbing, in order to see the drain pipes under the slab and the floor drain fixtures, we set view Bottom to -100 cm just above the first floor restroom hung ceiling; as for view Top, we don’t worry about it for the time being.

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures

8 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button to set view range as follow:

Examine the Plumbing Fixture Families in template file 9 In Project Browser expand Families, then expand Plumbing Fixtures.

We can see there already are some plumbing fixture families in template.

Load Additional Plumbing Fixture Families 10 Click Insert tab, then select Load Family. 11 In Load Family dialog box, find and open the flowing family files: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Plumbing\MEP\Fixtures \Lavatories\M_Lavatory - Oval.rfa C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Plumbing\MEP\Fixtures \Water Closets\M_Water Closet - Flush Valve - Floor Mounted.rfa Now in Project Browser, we can see the newly loaded plumbing fixture families.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Place Floor Mount Toilets 12 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 13 Click Systems tab, then select Plumbing Fixture.

14 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Water Closet - Flush Valve - Floor Mounted family Public - 6.1 Lpf type toilet.

15 Press space bar to orientate the toilet, then place it in the handicapped stall of Ladies Room as shown. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures


Use dimension method to position toilet 16 Click the button on Quick Toolbar, dimension from the center of toilet to the face of lower wall, dimension from the back of toilet to the face of right wall.

17 Set view scale to 1 : 50. (The size of dimension become half)

18 Select the toilet, change the dimension from its center to lower wall to 45.5 cm, change the dimension from its back to right wall to 15 cm.

Now we position the toilet to the correct location. 19 Delete the dimensions of the toilet.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Use Copy Multiple method to complete other toilets 20 Select the correctly located toilet, on Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Copy, on Options Bar, turn on Multiple.

21 As the following six figures, pick the end point of the lower right corner; continue to pick the end points of stall partitions above to copy the other four toilets.

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures


Use the same method to complete the other two toilets in Men’s Room.

Attention! When placing plumbing fixtures be careful of using Mirror tool, because some fixtures, such as lavatory, have cold and hot water connectors, when we mirror them will flip their connectors. Also, some toilets have flushing water handle; if we mirror them will flip their handles to the other side.

Place Wall Hung Urinals 22 Select Plumbing Fixture on Systems ribbon. 23 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Urinal - Wall Hung family 25 mm Flush Valve type urinal.

24 On Properties palette, click Edit Type.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

25 In Type Properties dialog box, change Cold Water Diameter from 20 mm to 25 mm (Because this is a mistake), press OK.

26 On Properties palette, set Elevation to 50 cm.

27 Place this urinal in Men’s Room as shown. (Note: When placing, we need to move it to touch the wall) Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures


28 Click the button on Quick Toolbar, dimension from the lower partition to the center of urinal then to the upper partition, after that, click the symbol, then Revit centers the urinal to let it have EQ (equal) dimensions to both sides.

29 Delete the dimensions of urinal, when seeing the warning dialog, press OK.

30 Same situation, use Copy Multiple and end points of partitions to copy the other two urinals above.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Place Lavatories 31 Select Plumbing Fixture on Systems ribbon. 32 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Lavatory - Oval family 635 mmx510 mm - Public type lavatory. 33 On Properties palette, set Elevation to 90 cm.

34 Place four lavatories in Ladies Room as shown. (Note: When placing, we need to move them to touch the wall) 35 Click the button on Quick Toolbar; dimension the edges of lower and upper lavatories to wall faces.

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures


36 Select the lower and upper lavatories respectively; change their dimensions to 13 cm.

37 Click the button on Quick Toolbar, continuously dimension the centers of four lavatories, click the symbol, then Revit adjusts the middle two lavatories to equally distance all four lavatories.

38 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon. Use the same methods to complete the lavatories in Men’s Room.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Note: We can also approximately place 4 lavatories in Men’s Room, then use Align tool to align them to the lavatories in Ladies Room. 39 After finished, delete all dimensions of lavatories.

Place Floor Drains 40 Select Plumbing Fixture on Systems ribbon. 41 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Floor Drain - Round family 125 mm Strainer - 50 mm Drain type.

42 On Modify | Place Plumbing Fixture ribbon, select Place on Face.

43 Place a drain on the floor at the corner of partitions in Ladies and Men’s rooms as shown. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

5 - 2 Add Plumbing Fixtures

44 Window select all fixtures on second floor (20 total), on Modify panel, click them so they won’t be moved accidentally during piping.

45 Click the


to pin

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.

46 Use VG to turn off Levels in Annotation Categories and turn off c Office Building.rvt in Revit Links. Then zoom in the plumbing fixtures we have placed.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder you created in previous section, enter 02 Plumbing Fixtures Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\03 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines.rvt

Load Additional Pipe Fitting Families 1 In Project Browser expand Pipe Fittings families.

We can see there are already some pipe fitting families in the template. 2 Click Insert tab, then select Load Family. In Load Family dialog box, find the pipe fitting library location at C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Pipe \Fittings\PVC\Sch 40\Socket-Type\DWV\

5 - 3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines


Then open (load) the following files: M_Tee Reducing Double Sanitary - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV.rfa M_Trap P - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV.rfa Now in Project Browser, we can see the newly loaded pipe fitting.

Create Sanitary Pipe Type 3 In Project Browser, expand Pipes, then expand Pipe Types under it. 4 Select PVC - DWV type, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate.

5 Select duplicated PVC - DWV 2 type, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Rename… to rename it to PVC - DWV Sanitary.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

6 Double click PVC - DWV Sanitary to open Type Properties dialog box, click the Edit… button next to Routing Preferences.

7 In Routing Preferences dialog box, set Cross to M_Tee Reducing Double Sanitary - PVC Sch 40 - DWV: Standard, set its Min. Size to All.

8 Click OK twice to finish the setting.

5 - 3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines

Create Toilet and Floor Drain System 9 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 10 Hold Ctrl key; select 7 toilets and 2 floor drains (not including urinals).

11 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping.

12 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK.

13 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout.

14 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

15 Pick the midpoint of the shaft wall as shown. (We use this point to place a drop to collect sanitary sewage)

16 On Options Bar, set Offset to -110 cm, set Diameter to 100 mm, then click Solutions.

17 Set Slope Value to 1.0000%. 18 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button.

19 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: PVC - DWV Sanitary for both Main and Branch, set Offset to -60 cm for both Main and Branch, then press OK.

5 - 3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines


20 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the figure below, click Finish Layout.

21 Revit displays a warning message on the bottom right, means that the highlight orange pipe (drop) has an open end at its bottom, just close it.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

22 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.

Now we see the single line piping drawing became double lined. 23 Select the bend fitting on top of sanitary drop, move it down 7 cm.

5 - 3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines

24 Click the


button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.

25 Again, on View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.

Now we see that the sanitary pipes have thickness, and lavatories show their hot and cold water faucets.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Add P Trap to Floor Drain 26 As shown below, delete the bend fitting of floor drain pipe.

27 Drag the open end of horizontal pipe horizontally to shorten it.

28 Click System tab, select Pipe Fitting.

5 - 3 Create Toilet and Floor Drain Lines


29 In Family/Type Selector find and select M_Trap P - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV fitting family.

30 Insert this p trap at the bottom end of the vertical pipe. 31 Click the rotation icon to rotate it letting its open end toward the horizontal pipe.

32 Click Modify tab, select the Align tool, move mouse cursor to the left horizontal pipe, press Tab key repeatedly, when Revit showing the center reference line of the pipe, click it, then move mouse cursor to the open end of p trap, when Revit showing the center reference square of the end, click it, thus Revit lowered the p trap down a little bit to align its open end to the horizontal pipe.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

33 Drag the open end of the horizontal pipe to the open end of the p trap to connect them together.

34 Same situation, add a p trap to the floor drain on the other side.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 03 Toilet and Floor Drain Lines Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 4 Connect Urinal Drain Lines Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\04 Connect Urinal Drain Lines.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view.

5 - 4 Connect Urinal Drain Lines


2 Hold Ctrl key; select 3 urinals in Men’s Room.

3 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping. 4 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK. 5 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 6 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base. 7 Use mouse wheel to zoom in and pick the center of the sanitary drop that we created in previous section. Attention! Make sure to snaps to the center of the drop, then click the mouse button.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

8 On Options Bar, set Offset to -20 cm, set Diameter to 65 mm, then click Solutions.

9 Verify that Slope Value is 1.0000%. 10 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button. 11 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: PVC - DWV Sanitary for both Main and Branch, set Offset to 16 cm for both Main and Branch, then press OK.

12 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.

5 - 4 Connect Urinal Drain Lines

13 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

The urinal drain pipes are blocked by the urinals. 14 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube.

Now we are viewing model from LEFT, BACK and TOP angle that we can see the sanitary piping from urinals clearly.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

15 Select the 10 cm Bend on top of toilet sanitary drop, then click the + on top of it to change it to Tee.

16 Select the 65 mm drop of urinals, drag its bottom point to the top of 100 mm Tee.

5 - 4 Connect Urinal Drain Lines


Now the urinal drop connects to the toilet drop. Notice that Revit added a reducer fitting on top of the Tee.

17 Move mouse cursor to the 100 mm drop, press Tab key a few times to examine the connection of sanitary piping and fixtures.

Now the urinal Sanitary 2 system has merged into the toilet Sanitary 1 system.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 04 Urinal Drain Lines Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\05 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. Since we need to run the drain lines from the side lavatories to the center main drain via first floor ceiling space, but we also need to put air diffusers and lighting fixtures in the middle of first floor restrooms, thus we avoid to run piping directly across the restrooms. 2 Window select four lavatories in Ladies Room.

3 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping. 4 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK. Notice! When we created sanitary piping system for urinals Revit displayed Sanitary 2 for system name. Why here Revit displayed Sanitary 2 again? This is because when we connected urinal drop to toilet drop, Sanitary 2 system has merged into Sanitary 1 system.

5 - 5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines


Therefore the system name “Sanitary 2” has been released which is reused by Revit. We don’t necessarily accept the system name that Revit provides, but for convenience, we just take it. 5 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 6 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base. 7 Pick the point on wall center line as the arrow pointed.

8 On Options Bar, set Offset to -20 cm, set Diameter to 50 mm, then click Solutions.

9 Verify that Slope Value is 1.0000%. 10 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

11 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, for Main set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: PVC - DWV Sanitary, set Offset to 20 cm. For Branch, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: PVC - DWV Sanitary, set Offset to 48 cm, then press OK.

12 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution that all piping are running inside the wall as shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.

5 - 5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines

We collect the lavatory drains to the lower left corner of Ladies Room first.

Add P Traps to Lavatory Drain Lines 13 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

14 Click the blue mark on the corner of FRONT, LEFT and TOP of 3D View Cube.

15 Delete the highlighted piping.

5 - 5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines


16 Insert a p trap at the bottom end of the vertical pipe. 17 Click the rotation icon to rotate it letting its open end toward the other vertical pipe.

18 Select the p trap, on Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into, then select the vertical pipe to connect them together.

19 Do the same things to the other three lavatory drain lines.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

20 Convert the highlighted bends to tees. (These tees will allow us to add vertical vent pipes in section 9)

Connect Main Line to Lavatory Drain Lines 21 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing to return to Floor Plans view. 22 Click System tab, select Pipe Fitting, in Family/Type Selector find and select M_Tee Reducing Double Sanitary - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV fitting, insert this cross in the middle of the main drain segment as shown.

5 - 5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines


23 Click Systems tab, then select Pipe.

24 In Family/Type Selector, select Pipe Types PVC - DWV Sanitary. (or verify Pipe Types PVC - DWV Sanitary is the current family and type) 25 On Properties palette, set System Type to Sanitary. (or verify System Type is Sanitary)

26 On Modify | Place Pipe ribbon, select Automatically Connect, Inherit Elevation, turn Slope Off. On Options Bar, set Diameter to 50 mm.

Note: We don’t worry about the Offset value on Options Bar, because we are using Inherit Elevation method to draw our pipes.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

27 From the left connector of the cross, draw a 50 mm pipe left.

28 On Modify | Place Pipe ribbon, select Slope Up and set 4.0000% slope.

29 Then draw the pipe down aligning to the drop of lavatory that we just created. 30 Then draw a pipe left like the figure shown.

5 - 5 Connect Lavatory Drain Lines

31 Click the


button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

32 Click Modify tab, select Trim/Extend to Corner tool.

33 Select the horizontal pipe we just drew, then select the vertical drop of lavatories. Thus we connected the lavatory drain to the main drain.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

34 Click the extended horizontal pipe.

We can see that this looks like a horizontal pipe actually has ≈ 4.0000% slope. Use the same methods and refer to the following two figures, complete the lavatory drain lines in Men’s Room.

5 - 6 Create Flushing Water Piping


Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 05 Lavatory Drain Lines Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 6 Create Flushing Water Piping Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\06 Create Flushing Water Piping.rvt

Load Additional Pipe Fitting Families 1 Click Insert tab, then select Load Family. In Load Family dialog box, find the pipe fitting library location at C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Pipe \Fittings\Generic\ Then open (load) the flowing files: M_Cap - Generic.rfa

M_Tee - Generic.rfa

M_Cross - Generic.rfa

M_Transition - Generic.rfa

M_Elbow - Generic.rfa Note: When loading families, in same folder we can hold Ctrl key to pick multiple files to load them at the same time.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Create Cold and Hot Water Pipe Types 2 In Project Browser, scroll down to Pipe Types. 3 Select Standard type, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate. 4 Select duplicated Standard 2 type, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Rename… to rename it to Domestic Cold Water.

5 Double click Domestic Cold Water to open Type Properties dialog box, click the Edit… button next to Routing Preferences. 6 In Routing Preferences dialog box, set Domestic Cold Water routing preferences as shown in the right figure.

7 Click OK to finish Domestic Cold Water routing preferences but NOT to end. 8 In Type Properties dialog box, click Duplicate… button.

5 - 6 Create Flushing Water Piping


9 Change Domestic Cold Water 2 to Domestic Hot Water.

10 Click OK twice to end the settings. Thus we duplicated a Domestic Hot Water type that has the same Routing Preferences that Domestic Cold Water has.

Toilet Cold Water Piping 11 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 12 Hold Ctrl key; select all 7 toilets.

13 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping. 14 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Notice! Now in Create Piping System dialog box no longer has the choice for Sanitary system, because all these toilets already have sanitary piping connected. 15 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 16 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base. 17 Pick the point in middle shaft as the arrow pointed.

18 On Options Bar, set Offset to 0 cm, set Diameter to 50 mm, then click Solutions.

19 Set Slope Value to 0.0000% (no slope). 20 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button.

5 - 6 Create Flushing Water Piping


21 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: Domestic Cold Water for both Main and Branch, set Offset to 35.56 cm for both Main and Branch, then press OK.

Note: 35.56 cm (14 in.) is the height of toilet cold water inlet. 22 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.

Now we have finished the flushing cold water piping for toilets.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Urinal Cold Water Piping 23 Hold Ctrl key; select 3 urinals in Men’s Room.

24 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping. 25 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK. 26 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 27 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base. 28 Zoom in and pick the center of the flushing water riser that we created earlier for toilets.

5 - 6 Create Flushing Water Piping


29 On Options Bar, set Offset to 70 cm, set Diameter to 32 mm, then click Solutions.

30 Verify that Slope Value is 0.0000% (no slope). 31 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button. 32 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: Domestic Cold Water for both Main and Branch, set Offset to 115 cm for both Main and Branch, then press OK.

33 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution as same as the solution shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Now we have finished the urinal flushing cold water piping. 34 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

35 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.

Please notice that the colors of toilets and urinals changed from green to black. This is because now they have connected to both sanitary and cold water systems. When fixtures or equipment connect to more than one system, their color can not follow any particular system; therefore Revit displays them in black.

5 - 6 Create Flushing Water Piping


Connect Urinal and Toilet Cold Water Piping 36 Select the Tee on top of toilet cold water riser, then click the + on top of it to change it to Cross.

37 Select the riser of urinal cold water, drag its bottom point to the top of Cross.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

38 Move mouse cursor on top of any cold water pipe, press Tab key a few times to examine the connection of cold water piping of urinals and toilets.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 06 Flushing Water Piping Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 7 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping


5 - 7 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping In this section we will create cold water and hot water piping systems for lavatories. Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\07 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping.rvt

Lavatory Cold Water 1 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Hold Ctrl key, select four lavatories in Ladies Room.

3 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping. 4 In Create Piping System dialog box, for System type select Domestic Cold Water, press OK.

5 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 6 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

7 Pick the point on wall center line as the arrow pointed.

8 On Options Bar, set Offset to 0 cm, set Diameter to 25 mm, then click Solutions.

9 Verify that Slope Value is 0.0000% (no slope). 10 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button. 11 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: Domestic Cold Water for both Main and Branch, set Offset to 60 cm for both Main and Branch, then press OK.

5 - 7 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping

12 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution that all piping are running inside the wall as shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.

Lavatory Hot Water 13 Hold Ctrl key, select four lavatories in Ladies Room again.

14 On Modify | Plumbing Fixtures ribbon, select Piping.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

15 In Create Piping System dialog box, for System type select Domestic Hot Water, press OK.

16 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 17 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base. 18 Pick the point on wall center line a little above cold water base as the arrow pointed.

19 On Options Bar, set Offset to 0 cm, set Diameter to 25 mm, then click Solutions. 20 Verify that Slope Value is 0.0000% (no slope). 21 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button. 22 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: Domestic Hot Water for both Main and Branch, set Offset to 70 cm for both Main and Branch, then press OK.

5 - 7 Create Lavatory Supply Water Piping

23 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution that all piping are running inside the wall as shown on the left figure, click Finish Layout.

24 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

25 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.

Use the same methods to complete the cold water and hot water piping for the lavatories in Men’s Room.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems


Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 07 Lavatory Supply Water Piping Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\08 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems.rvt

Copy First Floor Piping to Second Floor 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Window select all plumbing fixtures and piping of first floor (should be 315 objects).


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

3 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Copy to Clipboard.

4 Click the down arrow under Paste to drop down the list, select Aligned to Selected Levels.

5 In Select Levels dialog box, select Level 2, press OK.

6 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems


Now we have copied all the plumbing fixtures and piping of first floor to the same place on second floor. Since the Detail Level of second floor plan view is Medium, thus the piping is drawn by single lines. 7 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. Now we see the single line piping drawing became double lined.

8 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

9 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.

Connect First and Second Floor Drains 10 Delete the first floor 65 mm sanitary drop and the bend on its top and the reducer at its bottom.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems


11 Select second floor 100 mm drop, drag its bottom point to the top of first floor 100 mm Tee.

12 Click Modify tab, select Trim/Extend tool.

13 Select the 100 mm drop for extend boundary, then select the shorter 65 mm horizontal drain pipe to extend it to the 100 mm drop.

Now we have connected the drain pipes of first floor and second floor.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Notice: In section 5-3, when we place the Base (drop) for sanitary piping, it is important to place it as close to the north wall of the shaft as possible so that we can have enough space to extend the urinal pipe and connect to it.

Connect First and Second Floor Toilet and Urinal Cold Water 14 Type VG, click Filters tab, then click the Add button.

15 In Add Filters dialog box select Sanitary, press OK.

16 Back to Filters dialog screen, uncheck the Visibility box of Sanitary, press OK.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems

Now all the green sanitary piping are gone. 17 Delete the first floor vertical cold water pipe as shown.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

18 After deleting, change the remaining Cross to Tee.

19 Select the 32 mm vertical pipe and the Tee above, on Options Bar change their Diameter to 50 mm.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems

20 Change the upper Tee to Cross.

21 Select the vertical pipe of second floor above, drag its bottom point to the top of the Cross below.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Connect First and Second Floor Lavatory Cold and Hot Water 22 Zoom to first floor Ladies Room lavatory region, window select the cold and hot water pipes and two bend fittings as shown, press Del key to delete them.

Attention: In order to connect first floor and second floor cold and hot water piping without interference, it is necessary to swap first floor (or second floor) cold and hot water piping beforehand. 23 Select the horizontal cold water pipe as shown, on Properties palette, change its Offset from 60 cm to 70 cm.

5 - 8 Copy to and Connect Second Floor Plumbing Systems


24 Select the horizontal hot water pipe as shown, on Properties palette, change its Offset from 70 cm to 60 cm.

Now we have easily swapped the cold water and hot water piping. 25 Click Modify tab, select Trim/Extend to Corner tool. 26 Click the vertical cold water pipe of second floor, then click the horizontal cold water pipe of first floor, Voila!


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

27 Continue to click the vertical hot water pipe of second floor, then click the horizontal hot water pipe of first floor, Voila! (Isn’t that fun of Revit?)

Thus we have connected first floor Ladies Room cold and hot water pipes and second floor Ladies Room cold and hot water pipes together. Use the same methods to connect first floor Men’s Room cold and hot water pipes and second floor Men’s Room cold and hot water pipes together.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


28 After finished, use VG to turn on the visibility of Sanitary filter.

Now we can see the green sanitary piping again.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 08 Second Floor Plumbing Copied and Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\09 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes.rvt

Load Vent Pipe Fitting Families 1 Click Insert tab, then select Load Family. 2 In Load Family dialog box, find the pipe fitting library location at: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\US Metric\Pipe\Fittings\PVC\Sch 40 \Socket-Type\DWV\


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Then open (load) the following files: M_Ell Vent - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV.rfa M_Tee Reducing Double Vent - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV.rfa M_Tee Vent - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV.rfa

Create Vent Pipe Type 3 In Project Browser, scroll down to Pipe Types to find and select PVC - DWV Sanitary, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate. 4 Select duplicated PVC - DWV Sanitary 2, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Rename… to rename it to PVC - DWV Vent.

5 Double click PVC - DWV Vent to open Type Properties dialog box, click the Edit… button next to Routing Preferences.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


6 In Routing Preferences dialog box, set Elbow to M_Ell Vent - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV: Standard, set its Min. Size to All, set Junction to M_Tee Vent - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV: Standard, set its Min. Size to All, set Cross to M_Tee Reducing Double Vent - PVC - Sch 40 - DWV: Standard, set its Min. Size to All.

7 Click OK twice to finish the setting for Vent pipe type.

Add Vent Pipes to Main Drains 8 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 9 Cross Men’s Room to draw a section line viewing left, drag the section far clipping control arrow to the location shown. 10 On Properties palette, set Sub-Discipline to Plumbing.

11 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

12 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. 13 Use VG to turn off Pipes Center Line.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


14 Drag the Crop Region as shown on the left figure. 15 On Properties palette, uncheck Crop Region Visible.

Revit does not have particular color for Vent system, but we can use VG’s Filter to set the line color of vent pipes. We also turn off cold water and hot water piping to facilitate us drawing the vent pipes. 16 Type VG, click Filters tab, then click the Add button. 17 In Add Filters dialog box select Domestic Cold Water, Domestic Hot Water and Vent, press OK.

18 Back to Filters dialog screen, turn off Domestic Cold Water and Domestic Hot Water, select Vent, click the Override… button of Projection/Surface Lines, in Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to RGB 255-128-000 (orange), press OK.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

19 Press OK again to finish the settings. 20 Click Systems tab, then select Pipe.

21 In Family/Type Selector, find and select Pipe Types family PVC - DWV Vent type pipe. 22 On Properties palette, verify that Reference Level is set to Level 1, set System Type to Vent.

23 Pick the midpoint of the top of a first floor main drain segment as shown for vent pipe starting point.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


24 On Modify | Place Pipe ribbon, select Automatically Connect, select Slope Up, set Slope Value to 1.0000%. 25 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 65 mm.

26 Draw 65 mm vent pipe up then left and up above the roof as shown.

Notice! Because we set 1.0000% slope up, thus when we draw pipe left it has an angle of 89.43°.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

27 Select the vent pipe that passing through the roof, then click its top end offset value, enter 760 so its top is exactly 20 cm above roof.

28 Select Pipe command on Systems ribbon again. 29 As shown on the left figure, pick the midpoint of the top of the main drain segment. 30 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 65 mm. 31 As shown on the right figure, draw a 65 mm vent pipe up connecting to the horizontal vent pipe above.

Attention: We must pick the starting point first, then set pipe Diameter.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


32 Draw another two 65 mm vertical vent pipes up connecting to the horizontal vent pipe as shown.

33 As shown on the left figure, from the top of first floor urinal drain segment, draw 50 mm vent pipe up and left connecting to the vertical vent pipe as shown. 34 As shown on the right figure, from the top of first floor another urinal drain segment, draw a 50 mm vent pipe up connecting to the horizontal vent pipe just drew.

35 Like first floor, draw second floor main drain vent pipes as shown.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

36 Change the Bend of second floor urinal drain to Tee as shown below.

37 From the top of Tee draw a 65 mm vertical vent pipe up above the roof aligning to the top of the vertical vent pipe on the other side.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


38 Select highlighted pipe segment and tee, on Options Bar change their diameters to 100 mm.

39 From the top of second floor urinal drain line, draw two 50 mm vent pipes connecting to the right 65 mm vertical vent pipe.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Thus we have finished all the vent pipes for the drain lines in the middle shaft of the restroom.

Add Vent Pipes to Lavatory Drains 40 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 41 Copy the first section line to its right and to its left as shown.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes

42 Select the third section line, click the Flip Section icon to let it viewing to the right.

43 Double click the second section symbol to open that section view.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

44 From the top of second floor lavatory drain Tee, draw a 50 mm vertical vent pipe up above roof. 45 Select the vent pipe just drew, set its top offset value to 760 cm.

46 From the top of second floor rightmost lavatory drain Tee, draw 32 mm vertical vent pipe up and left connecting to the 50 mm vertical vent pipe just drew.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes


47 From the tops of other three lavatory drain Tees, draw three 32 mm vertical vent pipes up connecting to the 32 mm horizontal vent pipe above.

48 From the top of first floor lavatory drain Tee, draw a 50 mm vertical vent pipe up and 20 cm left and up and right connecting to the second floor 50 mm vertical vent pipe.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

49 Like second floor, from the tops of first floor lavatory drain Tees, draw 32 mm vent pipes connecting to the left 50 mm vertical vent pipe.

Thus we have finished the vent pipes for the lavatories in Men’s Room. 50 In Project Browser, double click section 3 to open that section view. 51 Use the same methods to finish the vent pipes for the lavatories in Ladies’ Room.

5 - 9 Add Sanitary Vent Pipes

52 Click the


button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.

In 3D view the color of vent pipes is black, we use VG to set their color to orange same as the color shown in section view. We also use VG to turn off cold water and hot water piping so we can examine the sanitary system much easier. 53 Type VG, click Filters tab, then click the Add button. 54 In Add Filters dialog box select Domestic Cold Water, Domestic Hot Water and Vent, press OK.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

55 Back to Filters dialog screen, turn off Domestic Cold Water and Domestic Hot Water, select Vent, click the Override… button of Projection/Surface Lines, in Line Graphics dialog box, set Color to RGB 255-128-000 (orange), press OK.

56 Press OK again to finish the settings.

Now we see the vent pipes become orange color, in the mean time the cold water and hot water lines are gone.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 09 Vent Pipes Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater In this section we will add a water heater in first floor Elec/Mech room and connect it to the cold water and hot water piping in restrooms. Open the exercise file: \Plumbing\10 Add Water Heater.rvt

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


Load Water Heater Family 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to open that view. 2 Use VG to turn off Section symbols and lines. 3 Click Systems tab, select Mechanical Equipment.

4 On Modify | Place Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Load Family.

5 In Load Family dialog box, find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries \Us Metric\Plumbing\MEP\Equipment\Water Heaters\M_Water Heater.rfa file. 6 In Family/Type Selector, select 285 L type water heater, then click Edit Type.

7 In Type Properties dialog, click Duplicate… button to duplicate this type to a 285L 220V type and change its Voltage from 240V to 220V.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

8 Place this 220V water heater at the lower left corner of Elec/Mech room. (when placing, press Space bar to orientate the heater first)

Modify First Floor View Range Since we will run the connecting piping at a higher level, therefore we modify the view top from 250 cm set previously to 350 cm. 9 On Properties palette, click View Range's Edit… button to change the view Top Offset:

Draw Cold Water Pipe 10 On Systems ribbon select Pipe.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


11 In Family/Type Selector, find and select Pipe Types family Domestic Cold Water type pipe. 12 On Properties palette, set System Type to Domestic Cold Water. 13 On Modify | Place Pipe ribbon, select Slope Off. 14 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 50 mm, set Offset to -80 cm.

15 From Elec/Mech room draw a cold water pipe segments as shown, but not finish.

16 On Options Bar, change Offset to 335 cm, continue to draw pipes to Men’s Room.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Draw Hot Water Pipe 17 On Systems ribbon select Pipe. 18 In Family/Type Selector, find and select Pipe Types family Domestic Hot Water type pipe. 19 On Properties palette, set System Type to Domestic Hot Water. 20 On Modify | Place Pipe ribbon, verify that Slope is Off. 21 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 25 mm, set Offset to 345 cm. 22 From Elec/Mech room draw 3 hot water pipe segments to Men’s Room.

23 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

24 Type VG, click Filters tab, turn on Domestic Cold Water and Domestic Hot Water.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


25 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.

26 Type VG, turn off Plumbing Fixtures, click Filters tab, turn off Sanitary and Vent.

Now we only see the cold and hot water piping and water heater.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

27 Delete the last two segments of cold water and hot water pipes we just drew. (leave two turning bends)

28 Select the bend of cold water, on Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into, then select the vertical cold water pipe on the left to connect the horizontal cold water piping to it.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater

29 Same situation, select the bend of hot water, on Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon select Connect Into, then select the vertical hot water pipe on the left to connect the horizontal hot water piping to it.

30 Convert the cold water bend to tee.



Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

31 Use Connect Into method to connect the tee to the vertical cold water pipe as shown.

32 Again, convert the new cold water bend to tee.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


33 Use Connect Into method to connect the tee to the vertical cold water pipe on the right.

34 Convert the hot water bend to tee.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

35 Use Connect Into method to connect the hot water tee to the vertical hot water pipe on the right.

Thus we have completed the horizontal and vertical cold and hot water piping connections in restrooms.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


36 Select the water heater, on Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Connect Into. 37 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 1 : Domestic Cold Water : Round : 25 mm : In : Row direction In, press OK.

38 Select the vertical cold water pipe next to the heater, Voila!

Now Revit connected water heater from its cold water connector to the cold water pipe on its right. Meanwhile, the color of water heater changed from black to blue, which means now this heater belongs to cold water system.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

39 Select the water heater again, on Modify | Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Connect Into. 40 In Select Connector dialog box, select Connector 2 : Domestic Hot Water : Round : 25 mm : Out : Row direction Out, press OK.

41 Select the hot water pipe above the heater, Voila!

Now Revit connected water heater from its hot water connector to the hot water pipe above. Meanwhile, the color of water heater changed back to black. Why the color of water heater changed back to black? This is because now this heater has

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


connected to two systems. If we connect water heater to hot water pipe first, it would become red color first, then connect it to cold water pipe, it would change back to black. Readers can experiment this sequence yourself. 42 Type VG, turn on Plumbing Fixtures, click Filters tab, turn on Sanitary and Vent, press OK.

Now we can see the plumbing fixtures, green sanitary piping and orange vent pipes again.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

Extend Main Drain Line 43 Click the bottom point of the sanitary drop, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe.

44 On Modify | Place Pipe ribbon, click Slope Down, verify that Slope Value is 1.0000%.

45 From the bottom of the sanitary drop draw a 180 cm 90 degree segment as shown.

This outgoing sanitary pipe and the incoming cold water pipe below the water heater just present the IN and OUT of the entire plumbing systems.

5 - 10 Add Water Heater


46 Move mouse cursor to highlight any a pipe, press Tab key a few times to examine the connections of the whole plumbing systems.

47 Use VG to turn on c Office Building.rvt

Use System Browser to Examine the Plumbing Systems 48 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Plumbing under Floor Plans to view the connections of cold water and hot water piping in restrooms.


Chapter 5 Plumbing Systems

49 Press F9 function key to open System Browser. At its top, set View to Systems and Piping discipline, click + to expand the systems and elements as desired.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Plumbing Exercise folder, enter 10 Water Heater Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Now we have finished the restroom plumbing systems of this office building. Readers can open the exercise file: \Plumbing\11 Plumbing System Finished.rvt to take a look of the final modeling result. When modeling plumbing systems, we need to pay attention to a lot of information such as: pipe type, system type, pipe size, pipe slope, elevation or offset, etc. Besides, we should create relevant section views to draw and edit pipes. When there are more systems tangling together, we can use VG‘s Filter to turn off some unrelated piping, so we can easily see and edit the system that we want. Beside restroom, there are other plumbing systems for buildings such as kitchen, bathroom, storm water drain, and the fire protection systems which will be covered in next chapter.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems In this chapter we will create Fire Protection Systems for a two story office building. Starting from creating a fire sprinkler design schedule, we will layout the sprinkler heads, create sprinkler piping, modify pipe diameters, tag pipe diameters, and add a fire cabinet. Finally, we will connect the fire risers of first and second floors to merge the two fire protection systems into one.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

6 - 1 Prepare Fire Protection System Modeling 1 Start Revit 2019. In starting screen, under the Project Section, select “Mechanical Template”. Note: If the Starting Screen does not display ”Mechanical Template”, or your Mechanical template file is not Metric, select “New…” under Projects. In New Project dialog, press Browse… button to find and open C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Templates \US Metric\Mechanical-Default_Metric.rte mechanical template file. Then press OK.

Modify preset Views of Mechanical template 2 In the Project Browser, take a look of all the views that the template file has. 3 Hold Ctrl key, select all 7 views under Plumbing sub-discipline, then press Del key to delete them.

Now in Project Browser, the Plumbing sub-discipline and the Plumbing discipline are gone.

6 - 1 Prepare Fire Protection System Modeling


4 Hold Ctrl key; select all 9 views under HVAC sub-discipline. 5 On Properties palette, enter Fire Protection for Sub-Discipline. Now in Project Browser, we can see all selected views changed to Fire Protection subdiscipline.

6 Next, rename those 9 views to the names as follow:

Set Project Units For consistency, we set the length units format same as the format in architectural project. We also increase the area units rounding from 0 decimal places to 1 decimal places. 1 Click the Manage tab, then select Project Units.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

2 In Project Units dialog box, click the example button of Length Format. 3 In Format dialog box, for Units select Centimeters, for Rounding select 2 decimal places, for Unit symbol select cm, put a check mark on Suppress on trailing 0’s.

4 Click OK to complete the settings of Length format, but not yet to finish the whole settings. 5 Click the example button of Area format. 6 In Format dialog box, change Rounding from 0 decimal places to 1 decimal place.

7 Click OK to complete the settings of Area format, click OK again to finish the settings of Project Units.

Load Architectural Background Drawing 1 Click the Insert tab, select Link Revit.

6 - 1 Prepare Fire Protection System Modeling


2 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and select the exercise file: \Architectural\c Office Building.rvt 3 At the bottom of dialog box, verify Positioning: is Auto - Origen to Origen, then press Open.

The line works of linked model is grey out with brightness of 50%.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

4 Click Manage tab, then click Additional Settings to expand its drop down list, select Halftone / Underlay. 5 In Halftone / Underlay dialog box change Brightness from 50% to 70%, press OK.

Now we can see the line works of linked model become darker.

6 - 1 Prepare Fire Protection System Modeling

6 Select the imported architectural background model, on Modify panel, click the model so it won’t be moved accidentally.


to pin

7 Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

Change the Preset Height of Level 2 1 In Project Browser, double click South - Fire Protection under Elevations to open Elevation: South - Fire Protection view.

2 Select and drag the host’s level symbols to the right of link model’s level symbols.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

3 Change host Level 2’s height from 400 cm to 370 cm.

Since all the fire protection systems are under the roof, so we don’t need to add roof level and roof plan.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, create a Fire Protection Exercise folder at a convenient location on your hard drive, enter 01 Fire Protection Drawing Setup Finished for File name, then click Save. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

6 - 2 Create Sprinkler Design Schedule


6 - 2 Create Sprinkler Design Schedule Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\02 Create Sprinkler Design Schedule.rvt 1 Click the Analyze tab, select Schedule/Quantities.

2 In New Schedule dialog box, select Rooms for Category, enter Sprinkler Design Schedule for Name, press OK.

3 In Schedule Properties dialog box, find and add Area, Level, Name and Number parameters to Schedule fields, arrange their order as shown on the right figure, at lower left, turn on Include elements in links, then press Add calculated parameter button.

Note: We must turn on "Select Include elements in links" in order to get the information from linked architectural background drawing.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

4 In Calculated Value dialog box, enter Area per Sprinkler for Name, verify Formula radio button is on, select Common for Discipline, select Area for Type, in Formula field enter 12.1, press OK.

5 Press Add calculated parameter button again. In Calculated Value dialog box, enter Required Sprinkler for Name, verify Formula radio button is on, select Common for Discipline, select Number for Type, in Formula field enter “Area / Area per Sprinkler”, press OK. 6 Press Add calculated parameter button again. In Calculated Value dialog box, enter Min. Sprinkler for Name, verify Formula radio button is on, select Common for Discipline, select Integer for Type, in Formula field enter “Required Sprinkler”, press OK. 7 Click Sorting/Grouping tab, set Sort by Level, turn on Blank line, set Then by Number, verify that Itemize every instance check box at bottom left is checked.

6 - 2 Create Sprinkler Design Schedule


8 Press Ok to finish the settings.

Now we have created a room sprinkler design schedule, in next section we will use this schedule to place sprinkler(s) in each room.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder you created in previous section, enter 02 Sprinkler Design Schedule Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

6 - 3 Place Sprinklers Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\03 Place Sprinklers.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Fire Protection under Ceiling Plans to open Ceiling Plan: 1 - Ceiling Fire Protection view.

2 Use VG to turn off Elevations in Annotation Categories. 3 Type WT (Window Tile) to tile 1 - Ceiling Fire Protection view and Sprinkler Design Schedule side by side. 4 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area.

5 Click Systems tab, select Sprinkler.

6 In Family/Type Selector, click the down arrow to find and select M_Sprinkler - Pendent Hosted family 20 mm Pendent type sprinkler.

6 - 3 Place Sprinklers


7 On Modify | Place Sprinkler ribbon, select Place on Face.

8 Place the first sprinkler at the ceiling grid intersection of 101 Office as shown below. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

9 Select the sprinkler just placed, move it 30 cm right and 30 cm up so it is right at the center of the 60 x 60 ceiling grid.

10 Select the sprinkler we just moved. 11 On Modify | Sprinklers ribbon, select Copy, copy it from the intersection of its lower left to the intersection three grids down and three grids right so the new sprinkler is at the center of the grid too.

Now we have finished placing 2 sprinklers on the grid ceiling in 101 Office.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

12 Select the sprinkler we just copied. 13 On Modify | Sprinklers ribbon, select Copy again. 14 On Options Bar, turn on Multiple.

15 Use the intersection snap mode to copy three sprinklers to the centers of 102 Office ceiling grids.

Now we have finished placing 3 sprinklers on the grid ceiling in 102 Office. Please refer to the drawing below, use Copy Multiple and intersection snap mode to finish all the sprinklers on grid ceiling, and also verify the Min. Sprinkler numbers in sprinkler design schedule for each room.

6 - 3 Place Sprinklers


Since author has already provided the reference locations of lighting fixtures and diffusers, therefore these sprinklers won’t bump into them.

Elec/Mech Room Upright (non-hosted) Sprinkler 16 Select Sprinkler on Systems ribbon. 17 On Modify | Place Sprinkler ribbon select Load Family. 18 In Load Family dialog box, find and open (load) C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019 \Libraries\Us Metric\Fire Protection\Sprinklers\M_Sprinkler - Upright.rfa. 19 In Family/Type Selector, select 20 mm Upright type sprinkler. 20 On Properties palette, set Offset to 300 cm. 21 Place an upright sprinkler in the center of Elec/Mech room. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

First Floor Stairwell Sidewall Sprinkler 22 Select Sprinkler on Systems ribbon. 23 In Family/Type Selector, find and select M_Sprinkler - Horizontal Sidewall - Hosted family 20 mm Horizontal Sidewall type sprinkler. 24 On Properties palette, set Elevation to 280 cm. 25 Place a horizontal sidewall sprinkler on the wall of each stairwell as shown.

After finishing all the sprinklers, it’s better to pin them to avoid them being moved accidentally.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder, enter 03 Sprinkler Layout Finished for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers


6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\04 Connect Sprinklers.rvt

Create Fire Protection Pipe Type 1 In Project Browser, expand Families, then expand Pipes, then expand Pipe Types. 2 Select Standard type, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Duplicate. 3 Select duplicated Standard 2 type, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Rename… to rename it to Fire Protection Wet.

4 Double click Fire Protection Wet to open Type Properties dialog box, click the Edit… button next to Routing Preferences. 5 In Routing Preferences dialog box, set Pipe Segment to the settings shown in the right figure.

6 Click OK twice to finish the settings.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

Layout Sprinkler Piping 7 Use VG to turn off Ceilings.

8 Select the red color sprinklers as shown.

9 On Modify | Sprinklers ribbon, select Piping.

10 When Revit displays Create Piping System dialog box, press OK.

11 On Modify | Piping Systems ribbon select Generate Layout. 12 On Generate Layout ribbon select Place Base.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers


13 Pick the endpoint of the lower right corner of the north stairwell.

14 On Options Bar, set Offset to 0 cm, set Diameter to 150 mm, then click Solutions.

15 Verify that Slope Value is 0.0000%. 16 On Options Bar verify Solution Type is Network, then click Settings… button.

17 In Pipe Conversion Settings dialog box, set Pipe Type to Pipe Types: Fire Protection Wet for both Main and Branch, set Offset to 280 cm for both Main and Branch.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

18 Click the arrow button on Options Bar repeatedly, when Revit displays the layout solution as same as the solution shown below, click Edit Layout on the leftmost of the ribbon. (DO NOT click Finish Layout)

19 Select the horizontal main pipe as shown.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers


20 Drag it up to the place as shown below. (The whole horizontal pipes move with it)

21 Continue to drag the horizontal main pipe up to the place as shown below. Note! We have to drag them twice to get to the place shown below.

22 Select the vertical pipe as shown on the left figure, drag it right to the place as shown on the right figure.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

23 Select the vertical pipe as shown on the left figure, drag it left to the place as shown on the right figure.

24 Click

Finish Layout.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers

25 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.

26 Type ZZ (Zoom in Region), zoom in the rectangle region shown above.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

27 Click the + under the Tee, change it to Cross.

28 Click the bottom point of the Cross, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, draw 150 mm main pipe down then left as shown.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers

29 Same situation on the right side of building, change the Tee to Cross, then from the bottom of Cross draw 150 mm main pipe down then right as shown.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

30 Use the same method, on the upper left of building, change the Tee to Cross, then from the top of Cross draw a 150 mm main pipe up as shown.

31 Delete the main pipe passing the corridor as shown.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers

32 As shown on the next three figures, change the horizontal Tee (┴) to Elbow (└), then change the Elbow to vertical Tee (├).



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

33 From the bottom point of the Tee, use Drop Pipe method, draw 150 mm main pipe down then left connecting to the left main pipe. (thus to avoid the lights and diffusers in corridor)

34 Select the 150 mm fire riser at the lower right corner of the stairwell, move it left 15 cm, then move it up 15 cm.

Notice! When we move the riser, the pipe connected to it also moves with it.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers


35 Click Systems tab, select Pipe, from the left side main pipe draw another main pipe to Front Entrance.

Thus we have finished all the main pipes for those sprinklers that haven’t connected yet. 36 Select the upper left sprinkler in 101 Office.

37 On Modify | Sprinklers ribbon, select Connect Into.

38 Then select the main pipe outside the office to connect them together.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

39 Same situation, select the lower right sprinkler in 101 Office, use Connect Into method to connect it to the same main pipe.

40 According to the red highlights, use Connect Into method to connect sprinklers to the main pipes nearby.

41 Use Connect Into method to connect sprinklers in 103 Guest Room and 104 Office to the branches in their neighbor offices.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers

42 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view our model in 3D.

43 Use VG to turn off Levels and c Office Building.rvt Revit Link. 44 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

45 Use VG to set Sprinklers color to red.

46 Type ZZ (Zoom in Region) to zoom in the rectangle region as shown.

47 Select the sprinkler at the bottom of the figure; use Connect Into method to connect it to the main pipe upper right.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers


48 Select the sprinkler on the right; use Connect Into method to connect it upward to the branch we just created.

49 Use the same methods, connect the left sprinkler into the main pipe, then connect the fourth sprinkler upward to the branch above.

50 Type ZZ (Zoom in Region) to zoom in the rectangle region shown below.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

51 Convert the Elbow to Tee as shown.

52 Click the right end of the Tee, use Draw Pipe method to draw a 90° pipe as shown.

53 Select the upright sprinkler above, use Connect Into method to connect it to the pipe just drew.

6 - 4 Connect Sprinklers


Check Pipe Connectivity 54 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area. 55 Move mouse cursor to highlight any a pipe, press Tab key a few times to examine the connections of the whole sprinkler piping systems.

56 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Ceiling Fire Protection under Ceiling Plans to return to that view and take a look of the piping we did in 3D view (the red highlights).

Now we can see none of the sprinkler pipes bumps into lighting fixtures or diffusers.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

In Elec/Mech room, the bottom of 1 lamp pendant light is 290 cm which is very close to the height of sprinkler piping (280 cm). Therefore we went around that pendant light. But later author found that we could alter the dropping distance of that pendant light, change it from 60 cm to 90 cm to make its bottom 260 cm, then we could run pipe directly through that pendant light and connect to the sprinkler in the center, instead of running around it. Readers can find the Connect Into tool of Revit is very useful.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder, enter 04 Sprinkler Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

6 - 5 Modify Pipe Diameters Since Revit hasn’t had the capability to size fire protection piping, we have to adjust their sizes manually. The chart below shows the branch pipe diameter and the number of sprinklers it can serve. Base on this chart we modify our pipe diameters, starting from the end runs, use 25 mm pipe to serve 1-2 sprinklers, use 32 mm pipe to serve 3 sprinklers, use 40 mm pipe to serve 4-5 sprinklers…. . Sprinklers Served

Pipe Diameter

1, 2

25 mm


32 mm

4, 5

40 mm


50 mm

Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\05 Modify Pipe Diameters.rvt

6 - 5 Modify Pipe Diameters


1 Use VG to turn off c Office Building.rvt Revit Link.

2 Click the File Tab, select Options at bottom right. 3 In Options dialog box, click Graphics on the left, then set Selection color to Red, press OK.

4 Window select all sprinklers and pipes, hold Shift key, window select the rectangle region to exclude the pipes and fittings inside that region.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

5 On Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, select Filter.

6 In Filter dialog box, uncheck Sprinklers, press OK.

7 On Options Bar, set Diameter to 25 mm for the pipes and fittings that we filtered.

Now all the pipes and fittings except those we held Shift key excluded are 25 mm in diameter.

6 - 5 Modify Pipe Diameters


The reason we set the diameter of these pipes and fittings to 25 mm is because a large portion of them are 25 mm, especially for those pendent sprinklers all have a short 25 mm drop, thus save us a lot of time in resizing them (see the following steps). 8 Select the pipes and fittings highlighted in red.

9 On Options Bar under Modify | Multi-Select ribbon, set Diameter to 100 mm.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

10 Zoom in the lower left; select the red pipe and the tee at its left, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 32 mm.

11 Select the red pipe and the tee at its left, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 40 mm.

6 - 5 Modify Pipe Diameters


12 Select the red pipes with tees and elbow, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 50 mm.

13 Select the red pipe and the tee at its right, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 40 mm.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

14 Select the red pipe and the tee at its right, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 32 mm.

Since on plan view, some downward tee fittings are blocked by sprinklers that are difficult to pick, so we switch to 3D view to overcome these kinds of situations. 15 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

6 - 5 Modify Pipe Diameters


16 Select the red pipe and window select the tee at its left, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 32 mm.

17 Select three red pipes, two tees and one elbow, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 40 mm.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

18 Select the red pipe and window select the cross at its left, on Options Bar set their Diameter to 50 mm.

Use the methods above; follow the Sprinklers/Pipe diameter chart, either on floor plan or in 3D view, finish modifying the diameters of those pipes that need to be modified. The modifications of sprinkler piping are tedious; also, it is difficult to distinguish their sizes on drawing. But when all finished, in next section, we will use Tag tools to tag and verify the sizes of these sprinkler pipes.

Save your work When all finished, Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder, enter 05 Pipe Diameters Modified for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

6 - 6 Tag Pipe Diameters Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\06 Tag Pipe Diameters.rvt 1 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Fire Protection under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 1 - Fire Protection view.

6 - 6 Tag Pipe Diameters


2 Use VG to turn off Elevations and c Office Building.rvt Revit Link.

3 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area. 4 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine. 5 Click the Thin Lines button on Quick Toolbar.

6 Click the File Tab, select Options at bottom right. In Options dialog box, click Graphics on the left, set Selection color back to blue, press OK.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

Modify Tag Rotation and Text Color 7 In Project Browser, under Families section expand Annotation Symbols, find and select M_Pipe Size Tag family, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Edit to open the Family Editor.

8 On Properties palette, uncheck Rotate with component.

9 Select the label text, then click Edit Type on Properties palette.

6 - 6 Tag Pipe Diameters

10 In Type Properties dialog box, change Color to Red, press OK.

11 On ribbon, click Load into Project and Close.

12 When Revit asks if you want to save changes to M_Pipe Size Tag.rfa? Press No.

13 In Family Already Exists dialog box, press Overwrite the existing version.

Now we switch back to project editing screen. 14 Click the Annotate tab, select Tag by Category.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

15 On the Options Bar under Modify | Tag ribbon, select Horizontal, uncheck Leader.

16 As shown below, click the midpoint of a vertical pipe to tag its diameter.

17 On the Options Bar, select Vertical. 18 As shown below, continue to click the midpoints of horizontal pipes to tag their diameters.

19 As shown below, cross select 11 vertical sprinkler pipes.

6 - 6 Tag Pipe Diameters


20 Then click the Annotate tab, select Tag All.

21 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, verify that Only selected objects in current view radio button is on, find Pipe Tags category, verify M_Pipe Size Tag is the loaded tag, verify Tag Orientation is Horizontal, press OK.

Now we see the selected vertical pipes all tagged with horizontal diameters.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

22 As shown below, cross select 4 horizontal sprinkler pipes.

23 Then click the Annotate tab, select Tag All again. 24 In Tag All Not Tagged dialog box, verify that Only selected objects in current view radio button is on, find Pipe Tags category, verify M_Pipe Size Tag is the loaded tag, set Tag Orientation to Vertical, press OK.

6 - 6 Tag Pipe Diameters


Now we see the selected horizontal pipes all tagged with vertical diameters.

25 Use the methods above, refer to the figure below, try to use the most efficient way to finish tagging all the horizontal and vertical pipes.

We can see some pipe tags are too close causing overlapping, and some pipes are too short to be blocked by their tags.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

26 On View Control Bar, change scale from 1 : 100 to 1 : 50.

Now all pipe tags (include the sprinkler heads) shrunk to half sizes, that reduce the overlapping and blocking issues a bit. 27 Use VG to turn on c Office Building.rvt Revit Link that was turned off earlier.

6 - 7 Add Fire Cabinet


Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder, enter 06 Pipe Diameter Tagged for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close.

6 - 7 Add Fire Cabinet Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\07 Add Fire Cabinet.rvt 1 Use VG to turn off Pipe Tags in Annotation Categories.

Load Fire Cabinet Family 2 Click Systems tab, then select Mechanical Equipment. 3 On Modify | Place Mechanical Equipment ribbon, select Load Family. 4 Load C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\Us Metric\Fire Protection \Cabinets\M_Hose Rack Cabinet - Surface Mounted.rfa family.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

5 In Family/Type Selector, select 65 mm type fire cabinet. 6 Place this cabinet on the wall of restroom entrance.

Connect Fire Cabinet to Piping System 7 From right to left draw a section line (viewing down) on the corridor outside the restrooms.

8 On Properties palette, set Sub-Discipline to Fire Protection. 9 Double click the section symbol to open the section view.

6 - 7 Add Fire Cabinet

10 Drag the Crop Region down to expand the view.

11 On Properties palette, turn off Crop Region Visible. 12 On View Control Bar, set Detail Level to Fine.

13 Use VG to turn off Pipes Center Line.

14 Click the Measure button on Quick Toolbar, measure the distance from floor to the bottom of the fire cabinet.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

15 Select the fire cabinet, on Properties palette, change its Elevation from 120 cm to 70 cm (lower it down 50 cm).

16 Select the upper left connector of the cabinet, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, in Family/Type Selector, select Pipe Types family Fire Protection Wet type pipe, draw 65 mm pipe left then up as shown.

17 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.

6 - 7 Add Fire Cabinet


18 Click the blue mark on the corner of LEFT, BACK and TOP of 3D View Cube to switch to that viewing angle.

19 Zoom in the fire cabinet. 20 Delete the vertical pipe just drew. 21 Select the elbow left on the horizontal pipe.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

22 On Modify | Pipe Fittings ribbon, select Connect Into, then select the highlighted pipe.

Now Revit generated a Z direction and a Y direction 3D pipe runs for us.

Insert Fire Cabinet Control Valve 23 Click Systems tab, select Pipe Accessory.

24 When Revit displays "No Pipe Accessories family is loaded in the project. Would you like to load one now?", press Yes. 25 Load C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\Us Metric\Pipe\Valves \Gate Valves\M_Gate Valve - 50-300 mm.rfa family. 26 In Family/Type Selector, select 65 mm type gate valve. 27 Place this valve on the vertical pipe shown. Click the leftmost Modify button on ribbon.

6 - 7 Add Fire Cabinet


28 Select the gate valve just placed, click the rotate icon nearby to turn its wheel to the front.

29 In Project Browser, double click 1 - Fire Protection under Floor Plans to return to plan view and take a look of the pipe connection of fire cabinet.


Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

30 In Project Browser, double click Section 1 under Sections to switch to that view. 31 Dimension the distance from floor to gate valve.

32 Select the gate valve; change the dimension to 180 cm.

Now we have finished the Fire Protection Systems for the first floor.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder, enter 07 Fire Cabinet Added for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Basically the modeling of second floor fire protection systems is same as the first floor. Please refer to the first drawing of next section and follow the steps we have gone through on first floor to finish the second floor fire protection systems.

6 - 8 Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems

6 - 8 Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems Open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\08 Connect Fire Risers.rvt (Note: this file already completed the second floor Fire Protection Systems)

1 Click the

button on Quick Toolbar to view model in 3D.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

Now the fire protection systems of first floor and second floor are stacked up, it’s hard to distinguish them. 2 Select a pipe of second floor as the arrow pointed, press Tab key a few times can highlight the entire fire protection systems of second floor.

3 Type ZZ (Zoom in Region) to zoom in the rectangle region as shown.

6 - 8 Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems

4 Convert the Elbow on top of first floor fire riser to Tee.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

5 Drag the bottom point of second floor fire riser to the top of the Tee we just converted.

6 Select the first floor fire riser, change its bottom offset to -90 cm.

6 - 8 Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems

7 Select the bottom point of first floor fire riser, right click mouse button, on Context Menu select Draw Pipe, draw a 200 cm 90 degree segment as shown.

Thus we have finished the connection of first and second floor fire protection systems.



Chapter 6 Fire Protection Systems

8 On View Control Bar, set Visual Style to Shaded to take a look of shaded model.

9 Set the Visual Style back to Hidden Line. 10 Type ZA (Zoom All) to zoom the entire model to fit the drawing area. 11 Select any a pipe of the model, press Tab key a few times, we can see that the first floor and second floor fire protection systems were merged into just one system.

6 - 8 Connect First and Second Floor Fire Protection Systems


12 Use VG to turn on c Office Building.rvt Revit Link.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Fire Protection Exercise folder, enter 08 Fire Risers Connected for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. Now we have finished the fire protection systems of this office building. Readers can open the exercise file: \Fire Protection\09 Fire Protection System Finished.rvt to take a look of the final modeling result. Up to here, we have also finished the entire MEP modeling of this book.



Chapter 7 Interference Check After finished all the MEP modeling of this two story office building, we can see that there are so many ductwork and piping running up and down, left and right, very complicated, it is very likely that some of them might bump into each other. Thus in this chapter we will use Revit Interference Check tool to examine to see if there are some clashes among them.


Chapter 7 Interference Check

7 - 1 Interference Check within Project Open the exercise file: \Mechanical\20 Mechanical System Finished.rvt

1 Click the Collaborate tab, then click Interference Check, on drop down list select Run Interference Check.

2 In Interference Check dialog box, verify that “Categories from” for both sides are: Current Project, select all items (Air Terminals, Duct Fittings, Ducts, …) on both side, then press OK.

7 - 2 Interference Check between Projects


Revit displays “No Interference detected!” message box, means within the project all elements in these categories don’t have any interference with each other, press Close.

7 - 2 Interference Check between Projects 1 Click the Insert tab, select the Link Revit.

2 In Import/Link RVT dialog box, find and select the exercise file: \Fire Protection\09 Fire Protection System Finished.rvt, then press Open. 3 When Revit displays the following message, press Close.

Now we have loaded the Fire Protection Systems into the drawing.


Chapter 7 Interference Check

4 Click the Collaborate tab again, click Interference Check, on drop down list select Run Interference Check. 5 In Interference Check dialog box, on left side, set Current Project for Categories from, select all items (Air Terminals, Duct Fittings, Ducts, …), on right side, set 09 Fire Protection System Finished.rvt for Categories from, select all items (Mechanical Equipment, Pipe Accessories, Pipe Fittings, Pipes, Sprinklers), then press OK.

A moment later Revit displays an Interference Report dialog box at upper left corner of the screen. 6 In Interference Report dialog box, select Pipes : Pipe Types : Standard : id 954851 first, then press Show button at lower left.

7 - 2 Interference Check between Projects

Now we can see a highlighted hydronic pipe.

7 In Interference Report dialog box, select 09 Fire Protection Finished.rvt : Pipes : Pipe Types : Fire Protection Wet : id 928793, but DO NOT press the Show button.



Chapter 7 Interference Check

Now we can see a highlighted fire riser, means that it has interfered with the previous highlighted hydronic pipe.

8 Press Close button to close the report. 9 In Project Browser, double click 2 - Hydronic Piping under Floor Plans to open Floor Plan: 2 - Hydronic Piping view.

7 - 2 Interference Check between Projects


10 Click the Collaborate tab again, click Interference Check, on drop list select Show Last Report.

11 In Interference Report dialog box, select Pipes : Pipe Types : Standard : id 954851 again, press Show button.

Now on floor plan view we see a hydronic return pipe ran into the fire riser in north stairwell.

12 Press Close button to close the report.


Chapter 7 Interference Check

Adjust Piping to Avoid Interference 13 Select the hydronic supply pipe above the interfered hydronic return pipe; press the Up key on keyboard to push it close to the orange lighting fixture reference line.

7 - 2 Interference Check between Projects

14 Select the interfered hydronic return pipe; press the Up key to push it close to the hydronic supply pipe so that it no longer interference with the fire riser.

15 Click the Collaborate tab, click Interference Check, on drop down list select Run Interference Check again.



Chapter 7 Interference Check

16 In Interference Check dialog box, like Step 5, on left side, set Current Project for Categories from, select all items (Air Terminals, Duct Fittings, Ducts, …), on right side, set 09 Fire Protection System Finished.rvt for Categories from, select all items (Mechanical Equipment, Pipe Accessories, Pipe Fittings, Pipes, Sprinklers), then press OK.

Revit displays “No Interference detected!” message box, means after we adjusted the hydronic pipes, the interference with fire riser has solved, press Close.

Unload Linked Drawing 17 Click Manage tab, select Manage Links.

18 In Manage Links dialog box, select 09 Fire Protection System Finished.rvt, press Unload button.

7 - 2 Interference Check between Projects


19 When Revit displays the following message, press OK.

20 Press OK to close Manage Links dialog box.

Save your work Click the File Tab, select Save As, then select Project, in Save As dialog box, navigate to Mechanical Exercise folder, enter 20 Pipe Interference Solved for File name. Click the File Tab again then select Close. In this section we only exercised the interference check of Mechanical and Fire Protection systems. With the same idea and methods, reader can cross link all different MEP systems to do 1 on 1 interference check. Note: Although a Revit project can link (bring in) multiple projects, but when doing interference check, Revit only compare the current model and one linked model. Therefore we can not do interference check between the linked models. Since author spent a lot of time in adjusting the piping and ductwork of the models used in this book, readers probably won't find other interferences. But in real modeling situations, we should always have Revit check the interferences of our models.



Appendix Offset/Elevation Chart The chart below tabulates the offsets or elevations of first floor equipment, fixtures, devices, horizontal ducts and pipes. 370 cm (2nd floor) 350 cm (bottom of 2nd floor slab) 345 cm

Domestic Hot Water

335 cm

Domestic Cold Water, 2nd floor Hydronic Return

322.5 cm

Top of Primary Main Ducts at corridor

320 cm

2nd floor Hydronic Supply

310 cm

VAV Boxes, Secondary and Primary Ducts

305 cm

1st floor Hydronic Return in Elec/Mech room

297.5 cm

Bottom of Primary Main Ducts at corridor

290 cm

1st floor Hydronic Supply in Elec/Mech room, Bottom of Pendant Lights

288.25 cm

Bottom of VAV Boxes

280 cm

Fire Protection Piping

265.2 cm (top of interior walls) 260 cm (grid ceiling)

Lighting Fixtures, Diffusers, Sprinklers

120 cm

GFCI Receptacles, Light Switches

115 cm

Urinal Cold Water

70 cm

Lavatory Cold Water, Bottom of fire cabinet

60 cm

Lavatory Hot Water

46 cm

Standard Receptacles

35.56 cm

Toilet Cold Water

20 cm

Lavatory Drain Lines

16 cm 0 cm

Urinal Drain Lines (1st floor)

-20 cm (bottom of 1st floor slab) -35 cm

Perimeter Hydronic Return

-50 cm

Perimeter Hydronic Supply

-60 cm

Toilet Drain Lines



About the Author Education Bachelor of Architecture, Tunghai University, Taiwan, 1978 Master of Architectural Engineering, University of Kansas, USA, 1981 Master of Computer Science, New York Institute of Technology, USA, 1989

Experience The Alan Lapidus Groups, NYC, CAD Drafter (1986-1987) Syska & Hennessy Engineers, NYC, CAD Technician (1987-1988) The Corrigan LoVerde Group, NYC, CAD Consultant (1988-1989) Feng Chia University, Taiwan, Lecturer (1989-2001) Stafford Associate Architects, Sacramento, CA, AutoCAD 3D Designer (2002) Intel Corporation, Folsom, CA, Facilities CAD Engineer (2004-2013, 2016-2017)


Exercise File Hyperlink

Certifications AutoCAD 2012 Certified Professional Building Information Modeling (BIM) Certificate of Achievement

Exercise File Hyperlink Click the following link or copy paste the following web address to your browser to download the Exercise Files of this book: Revit MEP Step by Step 2019