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L’Énergie du Changement

Business English





Unit 1 (Brands): Vocabulary A. Complete the text with the correct words Topalino is a well-known brand of sweets and chocolates owned by ABG, a company based in Maribor, Slovenia. It focuses mainly on upmarket products and was the market leader in exclusive confectionery. In the last two years, however, Tapeline's market share has declined by almost 25%. There are at least two reasons for this decline. First, supermarkets in the region are

now selling sweets of similar quality at much lower prices, so more and more consumers say that Topalino is no longer value for money. The economic downturn has naturally made people more price conscious, and brand loyalty is suffering as a result. A possible solution would be to reduce the price of at least a number of products so that they are in the medium range of prices.

Secondly, a lot of middle-aged people find the logo childish and the packaging old-fashioned and unexciting - in other words, they no longer And the brand image attractive. In order to appeal to this important market segment Topalino is thinking of repositionning its main products and expanding its product range 1.a) inexpensive 2.a) leader

3.a) label 4.a) price

1.b) upmarket

3.b) logo 4.b) margins 5.b) research

2.b) launch

1.c) influential 2.c) awareness 3.c) share 4.c) value

Sonatrach Management Academy

5.a) stretching 6.a) range 7.a) name 8.a) segment 9.a) endorsing

5.c) loyalty

6.b) order 7.b) image 8.b) survey 6.c) list


9.b) repositioning 10.b)range

7.c) label 8.c) challenge 9.c) generating



Unit 1 (Brands): Language review Present simple and present continuous A. Complete the text with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets

Sarika Gupta is a technology programmer, and she loves what she does .She works for Datascope, an exciting IT

company based in Bangalore, 'the Silicon Valley of India', and she is also a shareholder in the company. Datascope Is gaining an excellent reputation worldwide for its innovative products and solutions. Not only are its young engineers extremely skilled, they also knows how to market their ideas. As a result, the company's fame is spreading rapidly, and currently a number of leading companies are trying to enter into some form o f partnership with it. That is why this week Sarika and Vijay, her Head of Department, are not working at Datascope. They are attending a series of meetings with representatives from global IT companies. Sarika knows that some of these companies want to outsource part of their operations to India, so she believes something good for Datascope will come out of these


Sonatrach Management Academy


Unit 1 (Brands): Skills Complete the conversation below with the following words: afraid , how, opinion, perhaps , see, so ,views , why Claire : One proposal is that we bring out a new product under the Topalino brand. So, what are your views 1 on

this? Nikola : In my opinion, 2this is the best solution if we want to regain market share. Ivan: Why 3 don't we focus on our pricing policy first? Isn't that the key issue?

Jasmina : I'm afraid 4 I can't agree. What we need to do to begin with is reposition our market leader. Rick : How 5.about doing both, Jasmina? We can certainly bring out a new product and reposition another at the same time. Jasmina : I see 6 what you mean, but we've got to start somewhere, and thinking about our best-selling product is what's most important at this stage . Claire : I think so 7 too .Perhaps 8 we could agree to bring out a new product later this year.

Sonatrach Management Academy


Unit 2 (Travel): Vocabulary Complete the sentences with one of the following words: divert, jet-lag, cabin ,legroom, delays, service, flights 1. A growing number of people criticise the airlines and demand better service

2. There are signs that airlines are trying to respond to customer dissatisfaction , for example by providing more legroom and quality in-flight meals 3. Cases of passenger misbehaviour are unfortunately all too common on long distance flights

4. Poor service and frequent delays will inevitably harm an airlines’ reputation 5. Flights and cabin crews have sometimes to deal with dangerous in-flight behaviour 6. After a 15-hour flight, you can expect a lot of travellers to suffer from jet-lag 7. We were heading for Warsaw, but owing to the bad weather , they had to divert our flight to Frankfurt

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Unit 2 (Travel): Talking about the future Complete each dialogue with the correct form of will or going to:


A: I'm afraid we haven't received a copy of the booking form yet. B: Sorry about that. If I could just have your number, I’ll fax it over to you straight away.


A: Have you planned the weekend excursion for our visitors from China? B: Yes, Tom is going to show them round the old town and the harbour.


A: I've just heard some bad news. B: What is it? A: They are going to cancel our trip to Brazil.


A: What about Tuesday at around nine thirty? B: Fine. I’ll you then.

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Unit 2 (Travel): Skills Complete the telephone conversation. Use only one word for each gap. MG

Marco Gallieri, Travel Section. Good afternoon how can I help you?


Karim Melki speaking, from Marketing. I'd like to speak to Britta Keller, please.


I'm afraid Britta isn't in today. Would you like to leave a message?


Yes, please. The reason I'm calling is that Britta is in charge of our travel arrangements for the Dubai conference

next month, and there are some changes. Britta had booked us on flight LH630, leaving Frankfurt at 14.55 on Monday 6th. However, I'm afraid something's come up And we are now leaving on Tuesday. The flight is at about the same time, I think. MG

Fine, I've got that, Mr Melki. Was there anything else?


Could you just ask her to call me back morning as soon as she's made the changes?


Right. I'll make sure she gets the message tomorrow


Thanks for your help. Goodbye

Sonatrach Management Academy


Unit 3 (Change): Vocabulary Complete each set of sentences with the same verb describing change from the following list in the correct form. There are four verbs you will not need: deregulate, downsize, reassess, redevelop, relocate, restructure, retrain, update, upgrade. 1. The current economic climate is making people reassess all of the purchases they make. When will the government reassess the impact of their economic reforms on the quality of life? We need to reassess the situation before taking any decisions.

2. If your company downsizes and you are over 50, your working life may be over. As the car industry downsizes many are leaving the country in search of work. Breaking news: TRN United, the global electronics group, has downsized its workforce by 20%. 3. Could you perhaps update us on h'ow the project is progressing? We continuously update the files with new information. We plan to update our telephone system.

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Unit 3 (Change): Vocabulary 4 .The government will soon deregulate all internal flights, so the industry will probably become more competitive. They plan to deregulate the capital markets and privatise most state owned companies. Taiwan's government pledged to deregulate its service sector within four years. 5. We bought new software and had to retrain everyone to use the database. Our agency has seen a huge increase in the number of adults looking to change careers, either as a result of

job loss

or a desire to retrain in a different field. People are often reluctant to retrain until they are convinced that their present skills are not sufficient to enable them to find work.

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Unit 3 (Change): Language review Past simple and present perfect Complete the two conversations with the words in brackets. Use the past simple or present perfect as appropriate .

A: How long have your offices been in this area? B: Since April 2007. A: Where were you before that? B: In the city centre. But the rent was outrageously expensive, so we (decide) to relocate to the suburbs.

A: And have you ever regretted your decision? B: Frankly, we were slightly worried about all the changes in the first couple of months, but we have soon realised that it was the right move. This part of town is extremely attractive, and in fact, it has developed enormously over the last two or three years.

Sonatrach Management Academy


Unit 3 (Change): Language review Past simple and present perfect A: So it seems you have had a very good year so far. B: Absolutely! Sales stood at €14m at the end of the last quarter, and they have already I increased by 6%. A: What about your market share? B: It has remained stable since 2008, but we are confident it will increase when we launch our new product. A: Have you had to) make anyone redundant? B: No. At Lortex, we pride ourselves on the fact that there have not been any redundancies for over eight years.

Sonatrach Management Academy


Unit 4 (Organisation): Vocabulary A. Match the verbs (1-6) to the nouns (a-f) to make common collocations. 1. draw up

b) contracts

2. install and maintain

d) systems

3. Keep

e) records

4. train

f) staff

5. carry out

c) research

6. issue

a) press releases

Write the name of the activity from Exercise 1 which is typically performed by each of these departments.

1. R&D carry out research

4. IT install and maintain systems

2. Public Relations issue press releases

5. Human Resources train staff

3. Legal draw up contracts

6. Administration Keep records

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Unit 4 (Organisation): Language Review Noun combinations Match a noun from column A with a noun from column B to complete each of the sentences below. A












1. Our ability to attract top people is a reflection of our management style - trying to be close to employees, clients

and markets 2. Arlito's product range has recently been extended and now includes a greater variety of soft drinks. 3. The travel sector is being encouraged to go green by the growing of consumer awareness of environmental issues . 4 . The company's total sales revenue for 2009 was about f1.37bn, compared with f1.8bn the previous year, i.e. a 24per-cent decline. 5. The new tax regime is an attempt to make our country a more attractive location for company headquarters

Sonatrach Management Academy


Unit 4 (Organisation): Language Review Noun combinations

Change the following phrases as in the exemple. 1- a hotel with four stars : a four-star hotel 2-a deal worth eighty thousand Euros: An eighty-thousand-Euro deal 3- a journey that lasts seven hours: A seven-hour journey 4-a loan of two million pounds: A two-million-pound loan 5-a seminar that lasts three days: A three-day seminar 6-an office block that has sixty storeys: A sixty-storey office block

Sonatrach Management Academy


L’Énergie du Changement




Sonatrach Management Academy