Revision For Units 1 2 and 3 Answers [PDF]

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Revision for English Exam Grammar Simple present or present progressive Susan: Jan, are you doing anything special now? If not, what about a short interview? Jan:

Fine. I am not doing any more work today, so let’s talk.

Susan: Well, Jan, you’ve finished, but with all that bad weather, you’re badly behind schedule. Does that often happen? Jan:

No, it doesn’t happen very much, at least, not his badly, thank goodness. But, of course,

things don’t usually go exactly to plan, and something often goes a bit wrong. So, I always add a little extra time to the schedule. Susan: But not four days! Jan:

No, and of course, I am thinking about the next step now. I have to get back on schedule

with other projects as well. So when are you returning to London? Tomorrow? Jan:

Yes, we are leaving early in the morning. And we are starting work on editing in the

afternoon. Susan: Are you editing the whole thing yourself? Jan:

No, I don’t usually do much of the editing work these days. My assistant, Lucas is very good.

He generally does most of that part of our work. Susan: Are you starting another project immediately? Jan:

Several! And I am going to a lunchtime meeting tomorrow to discuss the most important

one. It’s going to be a series of programs about food around the world. Susan: You certainly don’t waste any time!

Complete the text with the right tense of the verb in brackets: Currently Vanessa Ramirez is working as the food and restaurant journalist for the International Times. Vanessa comes from Mexico but moved to the United States in 1988, where she studied journalism. She has lived in Los Angeles since 1994 and has worked on several newspapers at different times. Vanessa married the chef, Claude Blanc, three years ago. He owns two restaurants already and is opening his third next month. Vanessa knows the world of international food and drinks very well and has built up good contact with many people in the industry. unfortunately, she doesn’t like traveling very much. She researched a cooking program for local TV last year. Now she is looking for new opportunities and wants to do more consultancy work for TV. Language and Communication Complete the conversation using the phrases in the box. Did you have any problems finding us?

How do you do?

I’m Lucy Lang, Mr. Herbert’s assistant.

You must be Ms. Philips.


Er, excuse me You must be Ms. Philips.


Yes, that’s right.


Hello. I’m Lucy Lang, Mr. Herbert’s assistant


How do you do?


Mr. Herbert is expecting you, so would you like to come this way?


Thank you.


Did you have any problems finding us?


No, not at all. You see, I’ve been here several times before.

Complete the conversation using the phrases in the box. could you…

Yes, I’ll do that…

Would you mind very much…

I’m not sure that I want to do that.

shall I …

Yes, if you could.

May: Right, the next thing. Could you pick up your ticket and travel money from my assistant Magda?

Sarah: Yes, I’ll do that right after this meeting. Oh, and by the way, Shall I take anything out to Guatemala for you, letters, for example? May:

Yes if you could , I’ve got several things here.

Sarah: Fine. May: And now, I’ve got something else to ask. Would you mind very much changing your role and becoming our part-time administration officer out there? Sarah: This is a surprise! Mmm… I’m not sure that I want to do that. May: Please think about it. You see, our previous administrator has had to return to Canada suddenly, and we need someone with management experience to do the job, and you would be ideal! Sarah: Well, all right, I’ll try it for a while, but I still want to dig! OK? May:

Yes, of course. Thank you so much!

Language and vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the right word: Since 1997 three multi-airline alliances have developed . The smallest alliance in terms of number of airlines is Oneworld with 11 airlines. This alliance links national giants American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific and Qantas. Next, with 13 airlines, is SkyTeam which links Delta, with AirFrance/KLM, Korean Air and Aero Mexico, amongst others. Finally with 23 airlines there is Star Alliance which includes United Airlines, Lufthansa, ANA of Japan and Air New Zealand. All of them claim that their alliance offer travelers with better services including more staff, greater rewards, easier check-in and smoother transfers. ‘All of the alliances allow the business traveler to move through the world more easily and more efficiently’ says Nathan Harvey, an Airline industry writer. ‘Thanks to better connections and shared services the airlines are able to provide more departure times and cheaper fares’. C/Shorten the advertisement by changing the underlined phrases for single words from the box: analytical










Data-Flash is looking for a person who (1)loves his/her work and is (2) full of new ideas in order to head our new operation in the Baltic region. As this part of the world is changing rapidly, this person must be (3) happy and able to change plans quickly when necessary and will also be (4) good at dealing with people without making them angry.

Our future Director will be (5) someone who we can fully trust and will also be very (6) certain of his/her ability to succeed due to an excellent record of success in international management. (1) enthusiastic

(4) diplomatic

(2) innovative

(5) responsible

(3) flexible

(6) confident

D/ Complete with the adjective form of the verbs 1. Are you interested in sport? 2. I was very depressed when I failed the exam. 3. This book is really boring I cannot finish it. 4. I completely forgot his name. It was so embarrassing. 5. I felt very frustrated because I just couldn’t do it.