Research Proposal On Control of Fall Armyworm [PDF]

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A Research Proposal on Management of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), through normal spray and whorl treatment in Dang, Nepal

Principal researcher

Mr. Biroj Belbase

Academic Level

B.Sc. Ag 8th semester

Class Roll. No.


Exam Roll. No.


Mobile No.



[email protected]

Responsible Institution

Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan

Major Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Shrawan Shah Department of Agronomy, AFU

Site Supervisor

Senior Agriculture Officer: Mr. Mahesh Regmi, PMAMP, Project implementation

unit (Superzone-Maize) Lamahi, Dang (Rato Danda) Research Location

Bodhipur, Dang

Duration of Research

5 Months (Falgun 2076 – Ashad 2077)

Total Budget



TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES...........................................................................................- 4 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...................................................................................- 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................- 6 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Information..................................................................................................- 7 1.2. Statement of the problem.................................................................................................- 8 1.3. Rationale of the project....................................................................................................- 8 1.4. Objectives.........................................................................................................................- 9 -

2. LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................- 10 2.1. Introduction to Maize.....................................................................................................- 11 2.2. Introduction to Fall Armyworm.....................................................................................- 12 2.3. Lifecycle of Fall Armyworm..........................................................................................- 13 2.4. Damaging nature of Fall Armyworm.............................................................................- 14 2.5. Management of Fall Armyworm....................................................................................- 14 3. METHODS AND METHODOLOGY..................................................................................- 14 3.1. Site selection...................................................................................................................- 14 3.2. Climate...........................................................................................................................- 14 3.3. Experimental Design......................................................................................................- 14 3.4. Data collection techniques..............................................................................................- 17 3.5. Data analysis...................................................................................................................- 17 4. BENEFICIARIES.................................................................................................................- 18 5. GANTT CHART...................................................................................................................- 17 6. BUDGET SUMMARY.........................................................................................................- 18 -


7. EXPECTED OUTCOME.....................................................................................................- 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY.....................................................................................................................- 20 -



Table 1: Analysis of variance table for RCBD Table 2: Gantt chart Table 3: Budget summary













Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development


Metric ton


Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project


Randomized Complete Block Design


Fall Armyworm


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fall Armyworm is an invasive pest causing damage to more than eighty plant species which mainly prefers maize. It damages maize leaf as well as whorl resulting in yield reduction. Because larvae feed deep in the whorl of young corn plants, a high volume of liquid insecticide may be required to obtain adequate penetration. An experiment will be carried out using different pesticides for effective management of pest through normal spray and whorl treatment. The experiment will be laid in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications and eight treatments. The treatments include Spinosad (0.3ml/L) - normal spray, Spinosad - whorl treatment, Spinetoram (0.75ml/L) - normal spray, Spinetoram - whorl treatment, Emamectin benzoate (0.4gm/L) - normal spray, Emamectin benzoate - whorl treatment, Azadirachtin - whorl treatment, Azadirachtin (3ml/L) - normal spray(Check). Total of three sprays will be applied at 15 days interval and whorl treatments will be applied at every two weeks. Damage percentage will be recorded from four rows in each plot excluding two outer rows. Ten plants will be selected randomly as sample plants for yield and biometric data calculation. The observed measurements will be analyzed with MS-EXCEL and RSTAT. The findings from this experiment will be fruitful to recommend appropriate pesticide with appropriate method and concentration for managing fall armyworm. The proper use of pesticides will be helpful in reducing the yield loss due to attack of fall armyworm and thus will be beneficial for maize growing farmers. The project will start from January 2020 and will end at May 2020. The total estimated budget for the project is NRS 46,200.00.

Keywords: Spodoptera frugiperda, Damage, Whorl treatment, Yield


1. Introduction 1.1

Background information

Maize (Zea mays L.) is the world’s third most important crops after paddy and wheat and second most important crop in Nepal. It is used for both food and feed. Agriculture shares 27.6% of the total GDP in Nepal[CITATION MoA16 \l 1033 ]. Cereals and other crops contribute 47.76% of AGDP while maize alone contributes 7.46% to AGDP. The area of cultivation of maize in Nepal is increasing gradually. According to Krishi Diary (2076), the area and total production of maize in Nepal is 954158 ha and 2555847 MT respectively in year 2074/075 B.S while in the year 2073/074 B.S. it was 900288 ha and 2300121 MT respectively [ CITATION KriBS \l 1033 ]. Year round cultivation of maize can be obtained in Nepal. Mostly rainfed summer maize is popular in Nepal. The farmers of terai , inner terai, lower hills, valleys, are growing winter maize and spring maize with irrigation. The Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda has a voracious appetite and feeds on more than 80 plant species, including maize, rice, sorghum and sugarcane[ CITATION Goe \l 1033 ]. Another feature which makes it an incredibly successful invasive species is its ability to spread and reproduce quickly. They can migrate over 500 km (300 miles) before oviposition [ CITATION Pra18 \l 1033 ]. The life cycle of the Fall armyworm includes egg, 6 growth stages of caterpillar

development (instars), pupa and adult moth[ CITATION Lug28 \l 1033 ] . 100-200 eggs are generally laid on the underside of the leaves typically near the base of the plant, close to the junction of the leaf and the stem[ CITATION Sha18 \l 1033 ]. These are covered in protective scales rubbed off from the moth's abdomen after laying. When populations are high, the eggs may be laid higher up the plants or on nearby vegetation. After hatching, the young caterpillars feed superficially, usually on the undersides of leaves. Feeding results in semitransparent patches, or “windows”, on the leaves. Young caterpillars can spin silken threads which catch the wind and transport the caterpillars to a new plant. The leaf whorl is preferred in young plants, whereas the leaves around the cob silks are attractive in older plants. If the plant has already developed cobs then the caterpillar will eat its way through the protective leaf bracts into the side of the cob where it begins to feed on the developing kernels[ CITATION Abr17 \l 1033 ]. 7

Recently, Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) has reported the first sighting of FAW, also known as phaujikira, in Nepal. The first case was reported from Nawalparasi district of western Nepal on May 9, 2019[ CITATION Baj19 \l 1033 ]. Because the pest’s favourite, maize, is the second most cultivated food crop in terms of area and production after rice in Nepal, the caterpillar may infest the entire farmland across the country. There are very limited researches being carried out in managing this pest. Keeping this problem in view, a research will be conducted in the field of Khushi agro farm, within the area of PMAMP superzone-maize, Lamahi Dang. 1.2 Statement of problem The fall armyworms (FAW), voracious caterpillars can travel around the globe, frightening farmers. This invasive agricultural pest is native to America, but has already travelled to Africa and Asia. Reports show that the pest has caused crop losses of $13.3 billion in Africa alone where it was first detected there (in Nigeria) in January 2016[CITATION Goe16 \t \l 1033 ]. Plant Quarantine and Pest Management Center and National Plant Protection Association on a meeting announced the entry of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Nepal on May 9, 2019. Pest sample was also sent to Agriculture Research Council in Bangalore for needful investigation. Lab reports of two samples stated that the pest is not fall armyworm. However, lab report of the third sample confirmed the pest as fall armyworm. Plant Quarantine and Pesticide management Center and other teams visited various farms of Kavre, Sindhupalchowk, Nawalpur and Chitwan and collected samples of the pest. The samples also were sent to Bangalore for lab. The report, which came on August 9, 2019 confirmed that the samples were of American fall armyworm. A number of characteristics make them particularly hard to control. This includes the fact that the moths are strong flyers, breed at an astonishingly high rate and their larvae can feed on a wide





1.3 Rationale of the study


Farmers are the key actor of everyone’s life since they carry the huge responsibility to feed the whole world. Therefore, it is very important for them to understand management of production problems about how they are tackling with those problems and what are the constraints hindering to tackle such problems. Solving farmer’s field level problem is a mere solution to ensure food security by increasing the yield. Further there are very limited research on fall armyworm in this region. Therefore, it is an utmost need to identify economic and ecological management practices so that the farmers in this area will adopt recently developed efficient management methods. Various chemicals and biopesticides are being used to control fall armyworm. Farmers are using the pesticides unknowingly at different rates. Through this research, sound pest management practices adopted by the farmers can be promoted and the wrong practices could be eradicated. It could thus be helpful for the policy makers and stake holders for formulating integrated pest management trainings and programs too. Many farmers are known only about the pesticides available to control fall armyworm but unaware of effective methods, concentration as well as frequency to apply them. This research will be helpful in managing fall armyworm there by preventing the yield reduction of maize in Dang valley. 1.4 Objectives 1.4.1. General Objective To study the effect of different pesticides on Fall Armyworm management through normal spray and whorl treatment on maize plant. 1.4.2. Specific Objectives 1. To evaluate the damage percentage on leaf and whorl damaged by Fall Armyworm under different pesticides applied through different techniques. 2. To study the variation on different biometric data, yield and yield attributes of maize under the different pesticides.


3. To recommend suitable method of pesticide application to the farmer for controlling Fall Armyworm.

2. Literature Review 2.1 Introduction to Maize Maize is the second major food grain crop in Nepal cultivated for food, feed and fodder across the agro-ecosystem of the country from high hills to Terai around the year as normal, spring, summer and winter. The area and total production of maize in Nepal is 954158 ha and 2555847 MT respectively in year 2074/075 B.S and the annual productivity of maize is 2.67 ton/ha. In dang valley the total area, production and productivity is 24,843 ha, 51665 MT and 2.08 ton/ha. Maize has become a staple food in many parts of the world, with the total production of maize surpassing that of wheat or rice. However, little of this maize is consumed directly by humans, most is used for corn ethanol, animal feed and other maize products, such as corn starch and corn syrup. The six major types of maize are dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn. Sugar-rich varieties called sweet corn are usually grown for human consumption as kernels, while field corn varieties are used for animal feed, various corn-based human food uses (including grinding into cornmeal or masa, pressing into corn oil, and fermentation and distillation into alcoholic beverages like bourbon whiskey), and as chemical feedstocks. Maize is also used in making ethanol and other biofuels. Botanical classification of maize Kingdom:














Z. mays

Binomial name: Zea mays L.

2.2 Introduction to fall armyworm The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is a species in the order of Lepidoptera and is the larval life stage of a fall armyworm moth. The term "armyworm" can refer to several species, often describing the large-scale invasive behavior of the species' larval stage. It is regarded as a pest and can damage and destroy a wide variety of crops, which causes large economic damage. Its scientific name derives from frugiperda, which is Latin for lost fruit, named because of the species' ability to destroy crops. Because of its propensity for destruction, the fall armyworm's habits and possibilities for crop protection have been studied in depth. It is also a notable case for studying sympatric speciation, as it appears to be diverging into two species currently. Another remarkable trait of the larva is that they practice cannibalism. The fall armyworm is active at a different time of year than the true armyworm, another species in the order Lepidoptera and family Noctuidae, but of the genus Mythimna. Outbreaks of the true armyworm usually occur during the early part of the summer; the fall armyworm does most damage in the late summer in the southern part of the United States, and early fall in the northern regions. Kingdom:















S. frugiperda


Binomial name: Spodoptera frugiperda 2.3 Lifecycle of Fall Armyworm The Fall armyworm lifecycle includes egg, 6 growth stages of caterpillar development (instars), pupa and moth as given below: Day 1-3 100-200 eggs are generally laid on the underside of the leaves typically near the base of the plant, close to the junction of the leaf and the stem. These are covered in protective scales rubbed off from the moth's abdomen after laying. When populations are high, the eggs may be laid higher up the plants or on nearby vegetation. Day 3-6 Growth stages 1-3: After hatching, the young caterpillars feed superficially, usually on the undersides of leaves. Feeding results in semitransparent patches, or “windows”, on the leaves. Young caterpillars can spin silken threads which catch the wind and transport the caterpillars to a new plant. The leaf whorl is preferred in young plants, whereas the leaves around the cob silks are attractive in older plants. If the plant has already developed cobs then the caterpillar will eat its way through the protective leaf bracts into the side of the cob where it begins to feed on the developing kernels. Feeding is more active during the night. Day 6-14 Growth stages 4-6: By stages 4-6, the fall armyworm will have reached the protective region of the whorl, where it does the most damage, resulting in ragged holes in the leaves. Feeding on young plants can kill the growing point, resulting in no new leaves or cobs. Often only 1 or 2 caterpillars found in each whorl, as they become cannibalistic when larger and will eat each other to reduce competition for food. Large quantities of frass (caterpillar poo), which resembles sawdust, will be present. Day 14-23 After approximately 14 days, the fully-grown caterpillar will drop to the ground. The caterpillar will then burrow 2-8 cm into the soil before pupating. The loose silk oval shape cocoon is 20-30 mm in length. If the soil is too hard then the caterpillar will cover itself in leaf debris before pupating. After approximately 8-9 days the adult moth emerges to restart the cycle. 2.4 Damaging nature of Fall armyworm Larvae cause damage by consuming foliage. Young larvae initially consume leaf tissue from one side, leaving the opposite epidermal layer intact. By the second or third instar, larvae begin to make holes in leaves, and eat from the edge of the leaves inward. Feeding in the whorl of corn often produces a characteristic row of perforations in the leaves. Larval densities are usually reduced to one to two per plant when larvae feed in close proximity to one another, due to 12

cannibalistic behavior. Older larvae cause extensive defoliation, often leaving only the ribs and stalks of corn plants, or a ragged, torn appearance. Marenco et al. (1992) studied the effects of fall armyworm injury to early vegetative growth of sweet corn in Florida [ CITATION Mar92 \l 1033 ]. They reported that the early whorl stage was least sensitive to injury, the midwhorl stage

intermediate, and the late whorl stage was most sensitive to injury. Further, they noted that mean densities of 0.2 to 0.8 larvae per plant during the late whorl stage could reduce yield by 5 to 20 percent. Larvae also will burrow into the growing point (bud, whorl, etc.), destroying the growth potential of plants, or clipping the leaves. In corn, they sometimes burrow into the ear, feeding on kernels in the same manner as corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea. Unlike corn earworm, which tends to feed down through the silk before attacking the kernels at the tip of the ear, fall armyworm will feed by burrowing through the husk on the side of the ear. Pannuti et al. (2015) studied larval feeding behavior, and reported that although young (vegetative stage) leaf tissue is suitable for growth and survival, on more mature plants the leaf tissue is unsuitable, and the larvae tend to settle and feed in the ear zone, and particularly on the silk tissues[CITATION Pan16 \l 1033 ]. However, silk is not very suitable for growth. Larvae attaining the corn kernels display the fastest rate of development. Also, although the closed tassel was suitable with respect to survival, it resulted in poor growth. Thus, tassel tissue may be suitable for initial feeding, perhaps until the larvae locate the silk and ears, but feeding only on tassel tissue is suboptima. 2.5 Management of Fall armyworm  Insecticides are usually applied to sweet corn in the southeastern states to protect against damage by fall armyworm, sometimes as frequently as daily during the silking stage. In Florida, fall armyworm is the most important pest of corn. It is often necessary to protect both the early vegetative stages and reproductive stage of corn. Because larvae feed deep in the whorl of young corn plants, a high volume of liquid insecticide may be required to obtain adequate penetration. Insecticides may be applied in the irrigation water if it is applied from overhead sprinklers[ CITATION Tav10 \l 1033 ]. Granular insecticides are also applied over the young plants because the particles fall deep into the whorl. Some resistance to insecticides has been noted, 13

with resistance varying regionally. Keeping the plants free of larvae during the vegetative period reduces the number of sprays needed during the silking period. The grower practice of concentrating the sprays at the beginning of the silking period instead of spacing the sprays evenly provided little benefit. 3. Methods and methodology 3.1. Site selection The site of study will be the field of Khushi agro farm at Bodhipur village of Gadhwa rural municipality which lies within PMAMP superzonezone-Maize, Lamahi, Dang. The farmers of dang district are actively involved in maize cultivation. Bodhipur is a village in the Gadhawa Rural Municipality of Dang Deukhuri District in Province No. 5, south-western Nepal. 3.2. Climate The research site lies in the sub-tropical zone of Nepal which is characterized by three distinct seasons namely, rainy monsoon (June – October), cool winter (November – February), and hot summer (March – May). Research will be conducted during the month of February to May. The highest amount of rainfall is received during July to September.

3.3. Experimental Design The experimental will be conducted in Completely Randomized Block Design (RCBD) design. There will be a total of eight treatments and each treatment will be replicated three times. So, the total no. of plots will be 24 and each plot will contain 6 rows with each row containing 20 maize plants. The treatments applied will be the different chemicals with different methods as shown below. Treatment No: 1 Spinosad (0.3 ml/L)- Normal spray Treatment No: 2 Spinosad- Whorl treatment Treatment No: 3 Spinetoram (0.75 ml/L)- Normal spray 14

Treatment No: 4 Spinetoram- Whorl treatment Treatment No: 5 Emamectin benzoate (0.4 gm/L)- Normal spray Treatment No: 6 Emamectin benzoate- Whorl treatment Treatment No: 7 Azadirachtin- Whorl treatment Treatment No: 8 Azadirachtin- Normal spray (3 ml/L)-Check

3.4. Variety used: The newly released variety for general cultivation in Terai and Inner Terai of Nepal i.e. Rajkumar hybrid corn will be used for cultivation.

3.5. Sampling technique: Among 6 rows from each plot, four middle rows excluding two outer rows will be included in damage assesment. For yield calculation, ten maize plants will be selected randomly as sample plants from each plot. 3.6. Biometric data These data will be taken at the harvest of maize crop: a) Height of the plant: Plant height will be measured from the ground level to the topmost visible part. b) Dry mass (g per plant) c) Internode diameter (mm) d) Leaf width (cm) e) Leaf area (cm2 per plant) 3.7. Yield and yield attributes a) Number of Cob harvested: The total number of cobs harvested from sample plants will be recorded as harvested cobs per sample plants and expressed in hectare basis. b) Harvested cob weight 15

c) Number of marketable unhusked green ears per ha d) Mass of marketable unhusked green ears (Kg per ha) e) Number of marketable husked green ears per ha f) Mass of marketable husked green ears (Kg per ha) 3.8. Economic analysis: a. Cost of cultivation: Cost of cultivation will be calculated on the basis of local charges for different agro inputs like labour, fertilizer, pesticides, corn flour herbicides, machine etc. b. Gross Return: Economic yield (grain+stover) will be converted to gross return (Rs/ha) on the basis of local market prices of different commoditites. c. Net Return: It will be calculated by deducting the cost of cultivation from the gross return. d. B:C ratio: It will be calculated by dividing gross return by cost of cultivation. 3.9 Data analysis All the data collected will be stored in excel file and analysed by using R studio and R Stat. The regression and coorelation of all the variables will be computed. 5 % level of significance will be considered for ANOVA. Source

of Degree

of S. S




r-1= 2


t-1 = 7





F- tabulated 5% level of 1% significance








rt-1 = 23

Table 1: Analysis of variance table for RCBD

4. Gantt Chart Last week


of Jan

First Feb

March April



week of July

Field Survey Field preparation layout and nutrient application Seed sowing

Thining, tagging and USG application

Intercultural operation

Data record for damage assessment Observation





attributing characters Harvesting and threshing Calculation,



Intrepretation of Data Research completion, report wriring and report presentstion


Table 2: Gantt chart

5. Budget summary S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.



Field preparation Layout of field Plastic rope, tags, tape, polybags Fertilizers Seed Intercultural operation Pesticides and corn flour Stationary, Photocopies, printing, etc. Harvesting and Threshing Data collection and presentation Transportation Sub total Contingency (10%) Total

NRS 3000 1000 3000 2000 2000 4000 4000 5000 4000 4000 10000 42000 4200 46,200


Table 3: Budget summary

6. Expected Outcomes 

Appropriate method and pesticide to manage fall armyworm will be identified.

Farmers friendly and eco- friendly method for the control of Fall Armyworm will be recommended to the farmers. 18

7. References Abrahams P, Bateman M, Beale, T., Clottey, V., Cock, M., & Colmenarez, Y. (September, 2017). Fall Armyworm: Impacts and Implications for Africa. Oxfordshire, UK: CABI. Bajracharya, A., & Bhat, B. (2019). The first record of Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda in Nepal. Khumaltar, Nepal: NARC. Goergen, G., Kumar, P., Sankung, S., Togola, A., & Tamo, M. (n.d.). First report of outbreaks of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a new alien invasive pest in West and Central Africa. 2016: PLoS. Krishi Diary. (2076 B.S.). Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development. Luginbill, P. (1928). The fall armyworm. Bull: USDATech. Marenco, R., Foster, R., & Sanchez, C. (1992). Sweet Corn Response to Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Damage During Vegetative Growth. Journal of Economic Entomology, 1285-1292. MoAD. (2017). Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture. Kathmandu, Nepal: Monitoring, Evaluation and Statistical Division, Government of Nepal. Pannuti, L., Baldin, E., Hunt, T., & Paula-Moraes. (2015). On-Plant Larval Movement and Feeding Behaviour of Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) on Reproductive Corn Stages. Environmental Entomology, 192-200. Prasanna, B., Huesing, J., Eddy, R., & Peschke, V. (2018). Fall Armyworm in Africa: A Guide for Integrated Pest Management, 1st ed. Mexico: CIMMYT: Edo Mex. Sankung, S., Togola, A., & Tamo, M. (2016). First report of outbreaks of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J E Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), a new alien invasive pest in West and Central Africa. Africa: PLoS. Sharanabasappa, Kalleshwaraswamy, C., Maruthi, M., & Pavithra, H. (2018). Biology of invasive fall army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize. Indian Journal of Entomology, 540-543. Tavares, W., Costa, M., Cruz, I., Silveira, R., Serrao, J., & Zanuncio, J. (2010). Selective effects of natural and synthetic insecticides on mortality of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera:


Noctuidae) and its predator Eriopis connexa (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B, 557-561.