Referat Engleza - SMALL BUSINESS [PDF]

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Student : Șchiopu Petru


CONTENT 1. Small businesses in my country 2. Challenges for small businesses in my country 3. Successful small businesses 4. How can a small business become successful? 5. My small business


1. Small businesses in my country According to DEX, the business is defined as a "financial transaction, commercial or industrial, based on speculate or speculation"1. In our country, there are a plurality of small business. Actually, most business from Romania are small business. Most of them are led by people who just finished high school, but there are also people which in addition to the job they have, also deal with small business. They are so common in our country, because they do not require such a big investment in financial terms. Anyone can contract a credit or if they have some saved money that can open a business. These small business are found both in the urban environment and rural areas. The most common in urban areas are: Catering services. It is a business with a low investment cost, because you do not have to pay or make ashes for such a good work order, but also for the clear work in our own home. People and businesses want to pay for quality catering services, and if you focus on that, you can succeed. You will need a special authorization from the state for a legal position, but also much higher cooking prices. As for promotion, the investigation will be minimal, for the online environment, even if the services are professional, it can be said that they can be repeated in the mouth, but you will have clients from recommendations. Web designer. This business has become profitable lately, with the evolution of technology, sites are the path to success of any business. A creative web designer who offers quality services will always be recommended. Here you only need to invest in a highperformance computer, and to have knowledge in the field of informatics and design. Courier services. A business that has also grown, especially nowadays, when most stores have been closed due to the corona virus. Apart from the expenses you have with the car to deliver certain products, you don't have much trouble. However, bicycle or scooter couriers were also invented, for lower costs. It will be harder to get contacts, a database, but a little online promotion will help you. Cleaning services. All you need to start your own business that offers cleaning services is: a vacuum cleaner, some cleaning solutions and, preferably, a car to move faster and easier, 1

DEX,1998, page 17


and of course a little advertising. If you are serious and do your job properly, your clients will definitely appear. Storage services. If you have a garage or a room that you do not use, you can compartmentalize it and rent storage space. The investment is minimal and the profit decent. Copywriter. Copywriter is the name of today's past editors. Absolutely any information you read on a website or blog is written by a copywriter. Writing articles is not difficult. You need to master the language in which you want to work, read a lot, to develop your vocabulary and grammar and learn some basic tactics. The most experienced copywriters end up earning just $ 100 an hour. So, if you had a good Romanian language teacher in general school or if you simply like to write correctly. Travel agency. For those who like to travel, a business that offers travel packages can fit perfectly. All you have to do is get a certificate from the Ministry of Tourism confirming your position as an agent, and then get in touch with boarding houses, restaurants and make various routes. If you have some persuasion tactics and good inter-human qualities, it is impossible not to succeed. Even after the scandals that took place two years ago in the press, people will still turn to travel agencies. Interior design consultant. Anyone can open a successful business in the field of interior design. If you have a developed aesthetic sense and know how to combine colors, pieces of furniture, accessories, plants and so on, so as to create a pleasant atmosphere in a person's home, then such a business is ideal for you. With the help of a promotional site and a page on social networks, you will definitely be successful. In rural areas, the most common small businesses are agriculture, if you have a plot of land near the house, you can plant different vegetables that you can then sell. The investment is minimal, and depending on the production, the profit can be a nice one. Another profitable business in rural areas are small farms. If you own a small farm, you can sell other people's animals, or their meat. If you have chickens you can sell both chickens and eggs, and if you have cows you can sell milk. This business is quite profitable because most people are looking for organic products. 2. Challenges for small businesses in my country The challenges that small businesses in Romania face are diverse. For example, competition is a very important factor that can make it difficult for you to carry out your activity.


For example, if I sell meat at a price of 20 lei, and another competitor sells it for 17 lei, people will orient themselves to buy at the lowest price. Another factor is bureaucracy. Often, although the business seems simple, a lot of documents are required, which must be approved by some state institutions. This makes it difficult to do business because it requires more time, and more people who need to be involved in the business, such as an accountant. Another aspect that confuses small businesses is the tax field, because they are taxed in the same way as large businesses, with small exceptions. Here it can be mentioned that the Romanian legislation has many deficiencies and shortcomings. Unfair competition prevents small entrepreneurs from resisting the market, which is why many of them are forced to close their businesses. This factor is determined by the sea entrepreneurs who have practically taken over the market, being much stronger financially. Thus, they can easily direct the increase or decrease of the price of a product. 3. Successful small businesses The small businesses that are successful in the village where I live are those based on agriculture, selling vegetables and fruits, selling eggs, milk or meat. For example, I sell all kinds of products every weekend in a nearby city. Because I have a large orchard, in summer I sell cherries, apples and pears, vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, celery. The rest of the time I sell chicken eggs, biblical eggs and their meat. Another product that sells very well is cow's milk and goat's milk. Because I work part-time, I don't have time to do business as I would like, but my wife and child often help me. My wife picks vegetables and fruits, collects milk from cows and goats, and my son loads the car with products, and I go to the market on weekends and sell them. Another business that works very well are small shops. Living in the village, we do not have supermarkets, and these shops are perfect for the area where they live. Here I find the products I need, as well as the people who live in the city, but they are a little more expensive. Another small business that is doing quite well is the veterinary pharmacy and the veterinary office. It is profitable, because there is no man in my village who does not have at least one animal. If you have a small farm, a veterinary office is welcome near the farm, because the law requires certain animal health checks and annual vaccinations.


Agriculture is also considered a fairly profitable business, but it is quite difficult to do. Being in the country, small farmers do not have new equipment, as large farmers have. They have to work the land with old equipment, which means a lot of effort, and a lot of time wasted. However, after collecting the crop, they sell it to larger farmers, making a pretty good profit. Most grow wheat or corn. The most profitable business in my village is the medical office. There are many elderly families who cannot get to the hospital for consultations. Here they also find the medicines they need, because the doctor buys the medicines according to people's requirements. 4. How can a small business become successful? A small business can become extremely profitable if you give it time. If you are not interested and do not have passion, you risk not being successful. At the same time, your positioning matters a lot (if you live in the city or in the country). Another aspect is the need of the people. For example, if you open a small business in the country with laptops and computers, it may not work, because most people in these areas do not use such devices. In addition to the examples listed above, from my point of view, a small business can become one with great success if you do what you love. Once you are ready you invest a lot of time and energy in its development, it will surely prosper. At the same time, the success of a small business can be determined by the number of people working in it. If you manage to find support among your family and consult with them then you will be able to make better decisions. If you do not have the support of your family, you can turn to a person who is already doing the business you are doing, from whom you can receive a lot of advice to help you. Another important aspect is the customers. They are the key to the success or failure of your initiative. In order to attract your customers, you can advertise on the internet, offer free samples of the products you sell. Other aspects that can make the business prosper are market research, knowledge of tax legislation and last but not least professionalism. 5. My small business As I mentioned before, I can already say that I already have a small business represented in the sale of fruits, vegetables, animals, milk and eggs.


Because I work now, I don't have the time to deal with exactly what I would like my business to do. Certainly after I retire, I will dedicate all my time to agriculture and the sale of natural products. I would like to expand, and access European funds, with which to expand. With this money I could buy more animals, more land, so the profit will be much higher. If I manage to expand, I will hire more people, because only my family and I will not be able to cope. This will not be a problem, because there are many young people in my village who want to work. Of course, my plan is to complete my studies, because I will no longer have to hire an accountant. I can do this myself. With the help of the knowledge gained in college, I will be developed with the legislation and it will be much easier for me to manage my business from a financial point of view. I am sure that I will be successful, because my products are organic, and the people in the city put a lot of emphasis on this aspect. Even if they sell them more expensively, people prefer to buy them because they know they are natural and healthy.