Reading: How Helping Form Your Professional Field [PDF]

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Reading: How helping form your professional field Directions: Read the text and answer the questions below. Be ready to share your answers with your teacher.

How can I help you? You’ve probably heard this question a million times. How often is it genuine? How often does it come without a self-serving agenda? Rarely. It usually comes from someone who wants something from you. They want to take your order. If you polled experts on the most important skills for career advancement, there’s no doubt the ideas you collected would include drive, vision, communications, networking as well as many of the topics covered in my latest book, The Road to Recognition. Generosity may not make the list. But it definitely should. Generosity with your skills and time will catapult your success. Why? ● ● ●

Helping others makes you a leader—True leaders are willing to teach, help others advance, showcase their skills, and learn from others. You activate your network—Helping others leads to opportunities. You send a message about what it means to be connected to you and your network is more likely to reciprocate. You grow—All your interactions have the potential to deliver personal and professional growth. Being helpful proves you are a team player. You probably know someone who has a professional network that seems to be consistently opening doors for them that appear close to you? It would be easy to pass off this success as luck – happening to know the right people at the right time. However, my experience has taught me that people create their own reciprocal luck by simply helping those in their network. 1. Explain the main reasons why helping may give an impulse to your career a. b. c. 2. Which were the main reasons why you chose your major? 3. How could you help your community/city from your career?


Listening 1 : Why Helping Others Is Key to Accelerating Your Career

MARTHA´S CAREER Directions: Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Audio is in Content. BE READY TO PARTICIPATE IN CLASS WHEN YOUR TEACHER CALLS YOU TO CHECK ANSWERS. 1. Martha and Ms. Baker are talking about __________. a. Martha's grades b. Martha's future career c. a university Martha is interested in 2. Martha wants to __________ in her job. a. help other people b. a lot of money c. travel around the world 3. Ms. Baker says it's important for Martha to choose a career that ________. a. has a lot of responsibility b. makes her happy c. is very challenging 4. Martha enjoys __________. a. working with children b. playing sports c. inventing things 5. Martha gets good grades in her __________ classes. a. history b. science c. English 6. Ms. Baker suggests that Martha __________ at a children's hospital. a. get a job b. become a volunteer c. talk to doctors 7. Martha needs to be over __________ to be a volunteer. a. 18


b. 16 c. 20 8. When she gets home, Martha is going to __________. a. talk to her parents b. contact the volunteer office c. study for a test Listening 2: Why Helping Others Is Key to Accelerating Your Career Directions: Listen to the conversation again. Choose True, False, or Not Given for each statement 1. Martha knows exactly what she wants to do for a career. True False Not given 2. Ms. Baker says Martha could become a pediatrician or pediatric nurse. True False Not given 3. Martha feels inspired by her aunt. True False Not given 4. Martha was in the hospital as a child. True False Not given 5. Martha's favorite subject at school is biology. True False Not given 6. The children's hospital needs volunteers all the time. True False Not given 7. Martha's been 16 for a month. True


False Not given 8. The hospital trains volunteers for a week before they begin. True False Not given