Rave Anatomy Webinar Illustrations PDF [PDF]

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Welcome to the Jovian Archive and International Human Design School Rave Anatomy Webinar

Rave Anatomy

What is Rave Anatomy?

Rave Anatomy I and II In 1994, Ra published a collection of graphics and keynotes he created to illustrate his writing 'From The Book of Letters'. He called this work “ Rave Anatomy: Mapping the Mechanics of the Maia.” Rave Anatomy has been graphically updated and was released in 2008. This course is a deep exploration of the BodyGraph and features rarely known aspects like the Gates of Gender Differentiation or the BodyGraph’s Memory Network. For the first time since 2008, this 22 lecture course and the illustrated eBooks are being released to the general public. Both books available: humandesignamerica.com

Rave Anatomy I and II The Rave Anatomy Series Two Home-Study Courses: 22 Audio Lectures, 21 hours and 21 minutes 2 eBooks: Proofed, Edited, Illustrated, 350+ pages The Sub-structure: The Base Video: 59 minutes The Sub-structure: The Tone Video: 58 minute The Sub-structure: The Color Video: 47 minute More information will be available at the end of this webinar.

Rave Anatomy I and II •  Today –  –  –  – 

Overview of this program Briefly review each lecture Discuss a few of the lectures in more detail Provide information to sign up for this self-study program –  Answer a few questions –  We will be together approximately one hour



Rave Anatomy I Lecture One “In thinking about the nature of being and life itself, the underlying theme of this whole program is to achieve selfreflected awareness. All of that is only possible through cognition. And the tone represents our cognitive architecture. It sets the foundation - the underlying foundation for one’s design”. If someone is not-self they are cut off from their cognition, from their own architecture.

The Senses are Tools “When we’re brought together in this illusion of being, we are deeply connected to an inner frequency. The frequency is in relationship to the Magnetic Monopole. The Magnetic Monopole is an attraction frequency for the crystals of consciousness and it pulls their information together to create this holistic form. The Monopole responds to the frequency of the form at the same time that it holds it together. It is a biofeedback, or a frequency feedback system. The Monopole is always attracting and in its work holding together this totality.”

The BodyGraph is a Sensory System “Strategy and Authority immediately aligns the vehicle to what is correct for it, immediately brings it in touch with its cognitive resource. If you take all of these streams and then you move them into their circuits, the first thing to recognize is that the BodyGraph is a sensory system, period. It is nothing but a sensory system. This is us. We are filters of consciousness. We are incredibly powerful sensory mechanisms. These are the tools that are there, to keep us alive, to keep us alert, and to keep us in touch. To give us the possibility of going beyond the homogenized field and beginning to experience the treasure, the treasure of what it is to be us.”



Rave Anatomy I Lecture Two and Three

•  The Throat Center is about Manifesting. •  These gates are in the Quarter of Civilization, which is establishing and maintaining the form. •  Where does your voice come from?


Rave Anatomy I Lecture Four •  The value of fear is that is forces us to gain intelligence and to strive to be better equipped. •  We all come into the world with fear genes. •  Fear or alertness to the risks in life. •  This is the root of the development of intelligence. •  20 of the 64 gates are fear gates. •  Evolutionary Process –  Splenic system – fear – survival –  Conceptual system – anxiety – mental –  Emotional system – nervousness – experiential




Rave Anatomy I Lecture Seven •  Gates that govern Gender Differentiation. •  Gives us a broader understanding of the illusion of male and female. •  Related to Leucine Amino Acid. •  Is the 8th Godhead Face of Janus, the two-headed God. •  Gate 3 determines gender. •  Ra discusses all the gates associated with the illusion of male/female.


Rave Anatomy I Lecture Eight

•  The Memory Network –  –  –  –  – 

The way in which we are designed to be controlled by memory. Memory is the bedrock of our self-reflected consciousness. Without memory there is no potential for humanity to transform. A distorted memory is a distorted life. We are chained to specific positions, philosophies, moralities that keep us locked into homogenization.


Rave Anatomy I Lecture Nine, Ten and Eleven

•  Ra’s earliest love affair with the mechanics of the BodyGraph. •  Key to mastering an understanding of the BodyGraph and energy.




Rave Anatomy II Lecture One •  The Sacral Centers of Resistance –  The Sacral is the key to life as the generative source. –  The Ajna, Head and Heart Center are the centers of Sacral resistance. –  Ra was told that if there were a channel between the Heart and Sacral centers there would be no death. –  Terminality is embodied within the Heart Center. –  The basic drive for life is being conditioned by the Sacral Centers of Resistance, by the collective and by tribal demands.




Rave Anatomy II Lecture Four

•  The Fork in the Road –  Tribal Rulership –  Religious/spiritual Rulership

•  From the Cross of Planning to Individualism. •  Ra talks about the tribe and rulership  


Rave Anatomy II Lecture Five •  The Eron •  Not a bio form, but a silica-based immortal entity. •  Our current form is limited in terms of our ability to develop the purity of awareness. •  Transformation and evolution comes from the form principle. •  Being connected to the correct trajectory of the form principle we get to experience our cognitive potential. •  This will be a different form for the crystals and the way in which they filter the neutrino ocean.





Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  The “Biverse” came into existence through the action of the Magnetic Monopole. •  The monopole holds everything together. •  Everything is expressed through the monopole. •  The monopole has a “capture” capacity. •  Dark matter is the vast majority of the mass of the totality. •  It holds everything within it and it is a continuity. •  The monopole is never separate from anything. •  The monopole pulls things together and moves them.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  The red and black represent two components or ways in which the movement from the beginning evolved. These two ways lead to a juxtaposition in which life emerged. •  The Magnetic Monopole operates out of the G Center. •  The MM sits approximately where the 2nd Gate is located, The Gate of the Driver.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  The eight gates in the G Center divide the wheel. •  They are the key gates in a family of chemistry. •  And they represent the calendar year.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  This is the expression of the identity of the potential of the individual and the identity of the Maia itself.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  Homogenization –  –  –  – 

The true identity of the maia is distorted. We know that the totality is homogenized. The true nature of our identity is something that is hidden. The majority of humanity has no idea we are not the same species that we were before 1781, as an example. –  1781 is the beginning of the identity of the species actually having a potential to emerge as new identity, an identity that is very, very different from homogenization. –  And this is why Human Design is here now.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  •  •  • 

The identity begins to be transformed when we begin to function correctly. In fact, your holistic identity is something that you find in your cross, in your profile, in your motivation, in all the different aspects that make up the holistic you - you find the bits and pieces that synthesize as your identity.

“Human Design brings something that the seven-centered being could not grasp, that we are a binary consciousness, out of a binary root, programmed by a binary system. And the illusion of us being holistic, well, as I said, underneath no matter how much you want to see this as a unity, it is always a binary. And yet, it is able to be held densely enough together here by the agency of the monopole to bring about the phenomena of what we call our lives.” Ra Uru Hu

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G “It is only in our awakening to this duality, it’s only in this that we begin to define ourselves as a ninecentered being. This is what makes us different. What makes us different from all of our predecessors is a recognition that there is a consciousness that operates within us that is actually there to be able to take care of most of the things that we have labored with unsuccessfully all our lives at the mental level. I remember those moments at the very, very beginning of my process in 1987. Some of the very first people who got to look at what I was doing wondered what is this second calculation, and why is it 88°, what is that? Out of the astrological tradition all of them could accept some kind of breakdown of analysis rooted in birth time. But there was this other thing; what the hell is this other thing, this so-called design. And this is the beginning of the awakening of the nine-centered being. And it's not about a mental concept. It's not about saying it’s there, believe in me. It’s is about saying, hey look, it's there, try this, you'll see for yourself, because it's a mechanism. It's a consciousness that rules the vehicle’s mechanism.” Ra Uru Hu

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  •  • 

•  •  • 

We are here to support the unique expression of individual differentiation. The seven-centered was based on strategic mental processing in order to dominate. The transition to the nine-centered being opened up a different possibility, a possibility of receptivity, a possibility of being able to assess environmental information at a much more sophisticated level. Body consciousness. Within the context of the nine-centered being since 1781 half of the population has always had this potential of a new sensory possibility. Everything about us is this binary and our identity is being pulled this way and that. We are being pulled towards the perfection of uniqueness, and the other way we are being pulled towards the complete abandonment of the need for uniqueness.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  Human Design teaches us about Strategy and Authority so that we can allow our true unique identity to emerge. •  It’s about positioning. We are intended to be in certain places. •  When we are in the correct place, we get the correct experiences. •  When we get the correct experiences, our true identity can emerge. •  The G Center is like a “catcher” – it catches the experiences to establish that unique special identity. •  But if we are not correct the frequency isn’t correct and we then don’t develop our true identity. It is then distorted or out of tune. •  The G Center is the center of our tuning.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 9 The Mystery of the G •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

The Great Mutation. Enlightened selfishness is the way to achieve unique identity. The HD knowledge is “end knowledge”. It’s the closing of an extraordinary process. We are here to bring this duality into harmony. The union between personality and design brings resonance. Of course, Strategy and Authority is the key.


Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 10 The History of the Types •  Started with Reflector – no defined life force. 90% Neanderthal. 10% Manifesting Generator – 34/20 •  Out of the Manifesting Generator came everything else. •  Pure powerful responding mechanism and the start of uniqueness. •  Triggered the 7-centered being, the mind, Generator and Manifestor.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 10 The History of the Types “We had the five-centered Manifesting Generator that was pure and receptive and correct; we had the seven-centered Manifesting Generator that created the whole frustration process because the mind became the ruler and tried to establish the identity, forcing the body to do what the mind wanted to do; and of course, in that, all of the dilemmas that would arise and create homogenization.”

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 10 The History of the Types •  Manifestors dominated Generators due to their ability to act. •  1781 the Projector emerges out of the Manifestor. •  The Manifestor power no longer served the totality. •  The Voice told Ra that this is a really important era – the Projector Era. •  Projector Era is a deep refinement of the movement toward the coordination of identity and it’s movement toward surrender.

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 10 The History of the Types “Projectors are here to be working on organizing humans into groups and working with those groups to develop intelligence out of those groupings. This is what they’re really designed for. Whether they're doing that socially or whether they're doing that as a profession, whatever the case may be, one of the things to really grasp about the Projector is that it’ s moving us towards the Rave/penta. It is a master, in that sense, given its gifts of recognition to be able to prepare us for the future.”

Rave Anatomy II – Lecture 10 The History of the Types “Projectors are the new kids on the block. What is it about the Projector that is an essential ingredient to establish the true identity? They bring forces of recognition into the matrix. This is their greatest gift, after all. And because they are not oriented within themselves, that is, they don't ride on their Sacral, they are looking outward. And it is this looking outward, this ability to recognize and to guide others to recognize, that brings a special quality.”



Rave Anatomy I and II

Thank you! The Rave Anatomy Series Two Home-Study Courses: 22 Audio Lectures, 21 hours and 21 minutes 2 eBooks: Proofed, Edited, Illustrated, 350+ pages The Sub-structure: The Base Video: 59 minutes The Sub-structure: The Tone Video: 58 minute The Sub-structure: The Color Video: 47 minute More information: http://www.jovianarchive.com/h/Rave_Anatomy_The_Magical_BodyGraph