Rave ABC - 28humandesign - Com - 29HD [PDF]

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ABC Introduction The Rave ABCs program provides each student with the fundamental tools that enable a basic understanding of the rave bodygraph. Once you have completed this course, you'll be able to look at your own design as well as the designs of the people around you - your lovers, your friends and your family - and be able to interpret their charts and make useful comparisons. The Rave ABCs course will give you a solid foundation upon which you can further develop your studies in Human Design to the level of a professional analyst.


The three fundamental aspects to this module are: A • The Black and the Red of Personality and Design. In section A we will examine the functional difference between the Conscious and Unconscious elements in a chart. That word functional is very important. The difference in the behavior between someone who has an element that is conscious (black) and someone who has the identical element unconscious (red) can be immense – and startling. It‟s not enough to simply see that the element is unconscious - we need to understand how it will be lived out differently from having it conscious. B • Circuits and Circuitry. Section B introduces this vital component of design. When we look at gates and/or channels in a chart, we need to understand the contextual framework in which they appear. Circuits and circuitry are the framework, while the channels and the gates are detailed descriptions of specific ways the framework can express itself. For example a “house” is a framework, while bedroom, kitchen, etc. are specific ways in which “house” is revealed. Every channel and every gate fits into the “floor plan” of the circuit in which it is found. A bungalow and a mansion will both have kitchens, but each ones‟ kitchen is constrained in its appearance and even its operation by the floor plan - the foundation - of either the 1

bungalow or the mansion. In this section we will also begin to consider the not-self. The focus here is to see what effect a defined channel can have on a person who doesn‟t have that channel defined. This is one of the most extraordinary and important contributions Human Design makes to increasing our understanding of human behavior. C • Hexagram Structure. Section C brings us into the world of the I Ching in all of its poetic mystery. The Gates are the major components of any channel and the lines are more detailed descriptions of what specific aspect of a Gate a person will tend to express. Here again we will be dealing with a framework. Because the structure of every hexagram consists of 6 lines the position of a line in a hexagram reveals a basic aspect of movement in change. All first lines share a specific quality and all 6th lines share a specific quality that is different from the quality shared by first lines. In this section we will be looking at this genetic continuity and learning how particular combinations of lines in the are responsible for a person‟s “profile”. The profile of an individual is rather like a constant general behavioral flavor that suffuses everything a person does.

Penetrating the Surface

2 The Human Design System is rich, complex and profound, and it offers a wealth of detail. While the ABC course doesn't take us into the very depth and all the details of the system, it will enable you, the student, to penetrate the surface and gain a basic understanding of how a chart works at the surface level. The goal is to be able to see, via the larger elements in a chart, an integrated view the general organization of the person. So, the process is less one of teasing out a lot of detail, and more one of assembling the large elements into a comprehensive description that will be of practical use when applied and tested.

Special Note: Strategy is Key

3 2

It is a fact that over the course of seven years nearly every cell in the human body is replaced. It is this process that gives humans the plasticity and openness that is necessary to absorb and integrate new information. This newly developed 3 ½ year program comprises one half of that 7 year cycle of cellular transformation. Why? Because it is at this 3 ½ year point in time that the critical mass of your cells is more of who you really are than the conditioned you. This is the point at which more of the “new” you, at the basic physiological, consists of your experience of life with Human Design than without it. It must be stressed, however, that simply intellectually understanding the ABCs won't give you an advantage to actually being yourself. There's only one way to do that. To actually awaken, to really have the information become a part of you at the cellular level, you must live your design. Human Design is empirical knowledge which means that it must be substantiated by you, the individual, and not just intellectually as we might learn arithmetic. It's like learning to ride a bike, you have to actually get on and do the riding. To learn Human Design you'll have to experiment with your strategy and inner authority. So, as you study this knowledge take the time to experiment with it. Try it. Test it. Live it.

Course Content: Although the material in this course draws from many peoples' hard work, Kip Winsett deserves special recognition for pulling the bulk of the writing together into its current form.


Section A Introduction The Black and the Red of Personality and Design

The magic of human design is that it has two calculations - Design and Personality. This is special because it shows the full person with not only their consciousness but their unconscious too. Astrology calculates the angles of the planets at your birth time, just like Design does with the Personality calculation, but it stops there. Design not only goes a step further with assigning specific gates and lines of the I-ching to each planet, but it also goes ahead and makes a completely new calculation - the Design calculation. This is calculated 88 degrees to the Sun's birth calculation. Since one degree of the sun is one day, the 88 degree Design calculation is done about three months before birth. This is the time that the baby becomes a fully functioning Rave (Rave = Human). In Christian terminology, the time of the second calculation is when the "soul" enters the body. The Personality and Design then get put into the body graph, and the rest is history. But it is important to be able to see each calculation as their own parts before you see them as the whole. This section will cover this.


Magnetic Monopole

Personality Crystal: The Witness - Who you think you are. Design Crystal: The Vehicle - What you say, think, do. Magnetic Monopole: The Attractor - Your Uniqueness.

Male Rufous Wing beat: 61 per second. Longevity: 5 years 11 months. Migration distance: 2041 miles.


The Magnetic Monopole Holds the two sides together

In Human Design one of the things we work with is a variety of elements such as personality, design, authority, defined centers and channels. What brings everything together is the magnetic monopole, which sits in the G Center. It is the larger context in which all of the elements combine to make a unique person. To think that any human is reducible to simply the various system components apparent in a chart is to overlook what's really going on. Virtually all of the serious literature produced by people over the millennia makes reference to something else; spirit, soul, the divine, etc. There is a bottom line to be found in all of this. Put simply it is "You are not in charge". There is a species of hummingbird that lives in Alaska. In late summer they begin a roughly 2000 mile journey that takes them down the Rocky Mountains into Mexico where they spend the winter. In the spring they fly up the California inland coast back to Alaska. Now, hummingbirds have a metabolism that requires them to eat every 2 to 3 minutes or they die. Think about that. So this is not a flock of birds winging their way on a leisurely journey to the land of winter sun. In order for them to feed that often there must be a constant source of food along the way. Well, weather patterns can cause the flowers they need to bloom earlier or later from year to year along that 2000 mile path, yet these hummingbirds unfailingly time their departure in accordance with weather changes that have taken place a thousand miles away. And they sure don't think about it or plan it. They don't teach it to their offspring. They're not in charge of that migration or what they might encounter along the way. They're plugged in to the world in such a way that they simply go where they must and use what they have to survive the journey. All they really do is utilize the strategies of their design. As people we think we are in charge, the personality is convinced that it is, and we do, in fact, make countless decisions that would seem to prove it. But those decisions are small ones. Should I have lasagna or a steak for dinner? In the larger context of our lives though, we can't simply decide to become famous and rely on it happening. Marry and have perfect children? Of course you can't guaranty any of that. In terms of our life journey we don't know where we are going because we are not the driver. The monopole is the driver because only the monopole holds it all together. Our personality thinks it does, but it is simply along for the ride. Our design, our body, is simply the vehicle. The monopole is the driver. The monopole says "It's time to go here" and off we go, much like the hummingbirds.


Like the hummingbird we, in a sense, migrate. We move from our past to our future pulled by our monopole which is setting the direction based on its sense of climate, of environment. It takes us wherever it decides that it needs to go when it decides it's time. We don't get to pick where we are going any more than the hummingbird gets to pick its winter destination. Within each of us the monopole, through some ancient and perfect connection with everything else, knows when and where we need to go. It holds us together as well as holding us to our geometry. Of course we are much more complex than hummingbirds so we can easily complain, misunderstand, whine, rebel, etc. But make no mistake - it's to little avail. What we can do is follow our own survival strategies. If your design is that of a hummingbird you've got to eat nectar - not some other kind of food. Maybe sometimes you get to pick whether or not you eat nectar from a red flower or a blue one or even a hummingbird feeder, the variations are subtle. Our strategies and our authority, these are what enable us to undertake Cross of the Sphinx the migration successfully because Cross of Love they let the monopole do its job without us getting in the way. The gift of Human Design is every person can use it to see what strategies they are designed with. Are you a hummingbird? A deer? A beetle? Do you have sacral authority? Splenic? Emotional? If you follow your design you will find that when the monopole impels you toward your future that you can trust it. While setting our direction (as specified in the Cross of the Sphinx in Gates 7, 1, 2, and 13) is the function of the monopole, the property of the monopole is love. Not the love of passion, but the love of being. This love is specified in in the Cross of the Vessel of Love in 25-Innocence, 46-Serendipity, 10-Behavior of the self and 15-Modesty. When, by living our design, we trust the monopole to move us, we move in innocence with no personal agenda. We take care of the physical body, knowing that it‟s where it‟s supposed to be and is equal to the task. We behave as the self that we actually are. We love others because we know that essentially we are all of equal value in this world regardless of the extreme differences that we think we see. There‟s a bit of beauty and magic in this. If you go where you should you can‟t help but love existence, and conversely if you love existence you can‟t help but go where you should.


Roads and Tunnels The Chart is a Map with Roads and Tunnels

Roads and tunnels is the phrase that Human Design uses to refer to the definitions in our charts that appear colored in black or red when the chart is calculated. The calculations appear on the bodygraph in these two colors to indicate what gates were activated at the time of our birth (the black) and what gates were activated 88 degrees of the sun‟s arc, almost three months, prior to our birth time (the red). We can think of the bodygraph as a road map and consider the throat center as the nexus or town square of the map. From there you can travel in any direction – up or down through the different pathways. The throat center is central to a bodygraph because it is through the throat that all of our behaviors (centers, channels, gates, and lines) are manifested or expressed. In this sense all roads lead to Rome. But there are also tunnels. Whatever you see in black in your chart refers to personality and it is what you have access to – this is who you think you are. Access in the sense that the behavior can be obvious to you, seen by you. Think of the black in your chart as a surface road. Sitting on the side of a hill, you can watch everything happening on that road and (here‟s the key) because you can see it you think that is who you are.

This person will always have things "pop" out of their totally unconscious throat that surprises them.

Whatever is colored in red in your chart refers to design, to the unconscious, and is more like a tunnel than a road. Sitting on the side of a hill, you can‟t see what is going on in the tunnels. In fact you can‟t even see that there is a tunnel, nor whether or not anything is inside it, or if anything is moving, nor in what direction it might be moving. But (another key) what‟s going on in the tunnels is also you. One of the real advantages of the Human Design bodygraph is that when you look a chart, you get to see it all. You see what is on the surface and what you therefore have access to (the roads). And you can also see what you don‟t have access to – your unconscious or that which is unrecognizable in you (the tunnels). Now you must understand that the behaviors, be they conscious or unconscious, are going to somehow find a way to express or manifest themselves. It‟s in the nature of the energy that it flows and wants to be expressed in words or actions. The behaviors don‟t care whether or not you have access to them – they just want to express themselves. 8

This can be referred to in Human Design as having something just pop out of the tunnel, and then have it go back under again. It‟s not uncommon for people to hear something like “Boy you are really argumentative or stubborn or judgmental,” etc. and we don‟t see that in ourselves at all because it is a tunnel, i.e. a Design definition. The bodygraph offers us the chance to see things about ourselves that others might see quite easily but to which we have been unable to relate. In fact, it is often difficult for us to perceive these unconscious qualities within ourselves at all. However, when we examine them in the light our own chart, it becomes possible to recognize times in our past when we have displayed these behaviors. For example, someone who had the channel of leadership unconsciously might be the one who sends everyone out of the building to safety when there was a fire. But this person would not describe themselves as a leader, and would be surprised if told that they were. Before human design, access to our unconscious aspects was a matter for Freudians to reach through dream analysis and for Jungian psychologists to posit existed in a collective realm. Now it is possible to comprehend what others see in us that we don‟t because it is unconscious. There is now a possibility of understanding where that behavior that popped out of a tunnel came from, as well as the fact that it is a consistently defined part of you. You can begin to have a more complete idea of who you are. Not for the purpose of changing it, but for the purpose of living it, accepting it and enjoying it.

Section A - Example Working Example of the Red and Black To the left is an example of an emotional Manifestor. Because this person is a Manifestor, anger is the underlying theme if they do not inform. The not-self Manifestor isn't going to inform others and thus will meet with a lot of resistance. Note that their emotional system is their authority but it's split off from what they are as an ego Manifestor. The open centers are the root of the not-self strategy of the mind. This Manifestor has two open centers. The open G center means that this person is always looking for love and they're always wondering if they're going in the right direction. And their open sacral means that they never know when enough is enough when it comes to love or places. This is someone who can run through a lot of lovers and a lot of locations in their life before finally settling down.


If you look at only the design aspect, (red connectors) the ego Manifestor disappears and what emerges is a split definition Projector. This is altogether different from what we saw as the illusion of what the monopole brings together. And when you look at the personality only, you see that it is of a single definition ego Manifestor. We also see that both the Ajna and the solar plexus are undefined. It's when you bring the personality and the design together that other things emerge and connect to each other to form an emotional Manifestor. But that is not who they think they are. They think they are always being held back and punished by other peoples' emotional issues, not realizing it is their own emotions that they are always putting into others. When you look at a chart, the first thing you have to be able to do is to understand this basic between difference personality and design. And then you must be able to see what that really means in terms of understanding the impact that has on us and how we experience that difference.



Ra mentions his chart is this If you look at the unconscious in this configuration (not audio segment Ra's chart, the other one), you can see that here is a person whose mind and emotional system are without access to the personality and that the personality doesn't really trust emotionality. To think of this person as being mental because of their defined head center and Ajna, would be a mistake because they simply don't have access to it, it's not who they think they are. The same thing holds true for their emotional system. And if you tell this person that they have a strong tribal emotional system and that they're very sensitive emotionally they wouldn't relate to that either because it's 'in the tunnel'. Ah, But if you tell them that they are a talented transmitter, they'll be able to resonate with that because it's what they have access to (personality in black) and therefore who they think they are. Even though this mind is defined it only recognizes its presence through the other. And because it can never really participate with the mind consciously it never really trusts it. But if you say to this person "You have a unique and individual mind that you don't really have access to but you have to learn to trust your "I know", you offer something practical. Then they can then begin to accept what they have no control over and that can be the beginning of accepting what is consistent within them. Everything this person thinks about is actually less than half of who they are because it is actually the monopole that is bringing the two forces (personality and design) together. In 11

this case it creates a defined head center that's neither wholly in the design nor in the personality but suddenly emerges out of the two.

3 When we are stuck in the personality profile we feed the not-self and this distorts our capacity to really see ourselves. If you want to have access to your unconscious and you want your unconscious to operate correctly it is essential to follow your strategy. When you do this you will see that you are then operating correctly. So when you see the red in your design, just surrender and recognize that there's nothing you can do but have acceptance. At that point you will get the chance to live out the illusion of the whole.




Section B Introduction Circuits and Circuitry The first basic binary in Human Design is the duality that exists between the juxtaposition of your personality and your design within the context of the whole. The second step in this process is to see the individual roads and tunnels which are actually specific mapping sections or circuits. It is similar to being in a big city where there are different highway systems within the circuitry of that city. When you begin to recognize and identify what a circuit is then everything that is a part of that circuit becomes accessible to you.

There are three main Circuit Groups: Tribal, Individual and Collective. Each of these have two Circuits within them. Each circuit group has a super keynote. The super keynote is of enormous value because it opens the door to understanding every channel and every gate in that circuit group and sets a foundation for your understanding. In the following illustrations you will see three circuit groups as well as the integration channels which stand on their own.

Major Circuit Group

Minor Circuits



Ego Defense



Knowing Centering



Understanding (Logic) Sensing (Abstract)


Integration Channels (not a circuit group)




Circuits at a Glance

Integration Channels The Integration Channels share gates with the Individual Circuit Group but they are not technically part of the Individual Circuit Group.

Individual Circuit Group The individual circuit group is made up of the circuit of individuality and a minor circuit known as the centering circuit. Knowing Circuit Centering Circuit


Collective Circuit Group The collective circuit group is made up of the Logic and the Abstract circuits. Logic Circuit (Understanding Circuit)

Abstract Circuit (Sensing Circuit)

Tribal Circuit Group The tribal circuit is made up of the ego circuit and the defense circuit. Ego Circuit

Defense Circuit


Circuit Overview

Before we jump into the various circuits make sure you keep in mind that it's absolutely critical that we never loose the overall picture of a person's chart. The key is to take in the various circuit groups defined in the bodygraph and see the overall story being told. The danger is in just looking look at each channel individually. For example, a person can have a tribal channel, but if that person also has collective channels defined, the collective will significantly color their tribal qualities. Take the 40th gate as an example. The 40th gate comes out of the ego center and leads down to the emotions. This is one of the seven gates of love and it is the love of work. Now once you understand the circuit you've opened a door to understand that this may be the love of work - if the work is supported and if the work supports. No one with gate 40 can think of working for themselves - they are always somehow working for the other. Gate 40 is always working for the tribe or working for the family. Everything about the tribe is material. If a person has gate 40, any Individual or Collective definitions in their chart can feel very uncomfortable with their tribal "stickiness". Remember it is rare that a person has only one type of circuitry in their chart. Most people are have combinations. Also keep in mind the Personality and Design. Anyone with an unconscious Gate 40 is going to perceive themselves very differently than someone with the 40th gate conscious. With practice, an analyst learns to see the full story that is woven from all the various little elements.

Genetic Continuity Human Design makes use of the term 'genetic continuity'. This is a very important concept that means many elements in Human Design have something in common. As an example, when you go all the way round the wheel to every gate, you'll find that every single one of the 64 first lines in each gate, has something in common. If you understand any first line is essentially a foundation line, then you will understand all first lines. Despite the nuances that of difference in each first line they are each one related to foundation. So, Regardless of how many channels or gates there are, at the very base of understanding all of that there is the same keynote of foundation for any first line in a chart. This is genetic continuity. 15

So, the moment you recognize where an activation is, you have the door-opener to begin understanding what that gate and channel is really all about in that chart. The same applies to the circuits. Once you see what the continuity is within each circuit, you can take the keynote from any particular channel and merge it with the overall circuit keynote to understand the way that channel works. For example the 16-48 is the Channel of Talent and it's in the collective circuitry. Whatever other specifics or details arise, this channel is always about sharing talent.


Integration Channels Keynote - Self Empowerment When you examine the six Rave circuits closely, you will notice that there appear to be four channels that are “missing”. These are the integration channels. These channels represent the most complex connective field in Human Design. All the other channels are created by a single connection between two centers and two gates. But in this case it is the only channel system that operates through just four gates and there are several different ways in which those four gates interconnect with each other. You have four centers connected by four gates, giving rise to the possibility of six channels (see image). Of these six channels, two (the 20/57, channel of the Brainwave and the 34/10, channel of exploration) belong to the Knowing and Centering circuits respectively. The remaining four channels are known as the integration channels, and do not belong to any circuitry. The reason for this is that it is through the circuits that we connect to each other. Even the Individual Circuitry empowers the other. But the Integration channels are absolutely individual and separate from the other. The integration channel system is a pure survival mechanism. It is rooted in the splenic survival of the self. People with definition in this channel system are only concerned with their own process of self empowerment. This is not a channel system that is concerned with whether or not others are being empowered, sharing or supported. There aren't any social channels in the integration channels and you could even say they are the exact opposite of the collective process. When looking at the centers of awareness, the splenic awareness is our first human awareness, being an existential alertness to guarantee our well being. Shared with all the other forms of life, this is the dominant awareness in our long evolutionary process. Sometime about 4.2 million years ago, when our earliest „humanlike‟ ancestors began to walk erect, the process of individuation began. The design of these early „hominids‟ is seen reflected in the integration channels. Despite the deeply selfish element of these channels, there is, however, a powerful transforming agent that can make an integrative life mutative, and that is the 28th or the 38th gate. In such a case, self empowerment can then open up to the mutative potential of general empowerment. So when you examine a chart, if you see any of these integration gates and there is no 28 or 38 then you can interpret it as an integration system and give it the keynote of self empowerment. But if the chart includes the Gate 28 or the 38, then the system is going to 17

be more oriented to individual empowerment. In a sense, the 28-38 tones down the self centered survival mechanism and makes it a little more aware of the other. Important point to tell people who have any of the integration channels: BE SELF SUFFICIENT (your own bank account, your own car, your own life). This is not about sharing. You come together with others as self sufficient beings. Definitely pay your own way at diner. Case study Using Ra's chart as an example, you can see that he has the 20, the 10, and the 57, evidencing a strong emphasis on integration. Because he does not have Gate 34, 28 or 38, you would interpret his integration with the keynote of self empowerment rather than empowerment. Ra's example shows that self empowerment is his potential to be awake in the now.

Channel of Awakening - 10/20     

The Channel of Awakening, 10 20, links the Self Center through the 10, the Gate of personal behavior patterns, to the 20, the Gate of Now in the throat. This channel is the empowerment of SELF awakening. It is not a channel to empower others to become awake. It is the channel that says, "I'm awake and I don't care if you are". As a vocally projected channel, it expresses “I am myself, now!" 18

Typically, a person with this channel defined is constantly awakening (becoming aware of oneself in the moment) in a variety of ways - sort of a life of epiphanies. It‟s also referred to as the Channel of Higher Principles, implying that a commitment to Higher Principles is only possible by consistently being oneself in the moment. But the main thing to keep in mind the channel is about self awakening - not about awakening others or even empowering them to awaken. It is also important to always remember the duality of Design. These people can spend a lifetime asleep!

Channel of Charisma - 20/34

The Channel of Charisma, 34 - 20, links the Sacral Center through the 34, the Gate of Power, to the 20, the Gate of Now in the throat. Here we have the "classic" Manifesting Generator. We have to be clear in our understanding that a Manifesting Generator can manifest but only in response. Even in response they have to wait for the clarity that only comes after they start their response. They don‟t really know if they have the uh-huh response until they begin to respond. Since this is one of the Integration Channels people with this channel defined are simply being busy for themselves and about themselves. Without a sense of what it is doing, the channel often needs guidance from others from time to time. Yet as part of the Individual Circuitry (it shares the 20), the 20-34 is attuned to an acoustic harmony, and tends to be deaf to input from outside sources. People with this channel may think they have to stay busy and can appear to the outside observer as amazing in the scope of accomplishment. But without a clear response mechanism, the 20 - 34 can easily wind up frustrated in their personal sense of achievement and utterly exhausted. 19

Good advice to give people with this channel: Unless you want to end up trapped into being a work horse for somebody else's gain, don't do or say anything unless you are responding. The business has to happen out of response. Only then will you make sure you are busy for yourself, otherwise life will be depressing.

Channel of Perfected Form - 10/57

The Channel of Perfected Form, 10-57, links the Spleen Center through the 57, the Gate of Intuitive Clarity, to the 10, the Gate of the Behavior of the Self in the G Center. This is the creative channel of integration. The Spleen Center takes care of our physical health and well-being and the G Center relates to our sense of purpose and connectedness here in life. The `57 is the Gate of potentially pure Intuition, and is based on the ability to detect very subtle differences in sound. This intuition is not a mental or feeling process, it is a `knowing' that on some level, sounds have altered. Gate 10 is the place of fixing, or modifying, one‟s own behavior patterns. The result is a design for personal survival. The creativity of this channel isn't creativity for others, rather this is where creative strategies are developed specifically for one's own survival. It is the channel in which we creatively modify and enhance our behavioral patterns to survive. People with this channel somehow or other come through all kinds of disasters and upsets, hopefully through being alert to their Intuition and modifying their lives accordingly. As a side note (not necessarily worth telling your client), people with this channel have a deep sense of form and how to perfect it. It is not a general rule, but a lot of interior designers, architects, stylists, etc have this channel. Certainly on the primal level this is about survival, but most of us do not live in the jungle. The more subtle aspects of this channel is not about increasing survival but simply about increasing our standard of living through improving our surroundings (this the interior designer side note).


Channel of the Archetype - 34/57

The Channel of the Archetype - 34-57, links the Spleen Center through the 57, the Gate of Intuitive Clarity, to the 34, the Gate of Power in the Sacral Center. Here we are seeing the actual empowerment of intuitive intelligence as the sacral is connected to the spleen. It is a direct link from the power of life to the awareness of health and well being. Keep in mind, however, that this is not a channel to empower others and keep in mind, as well, that in the sense of the not-self it is the most arrogant of all channel configurations.In a pretty bold fashion this channel proclaims, 'I'm the one that has the power to survive'. And it couldn't care less if you can or not. You barely exist to them. This is why they are Archetypes. These people are designed to be Archetypes. of being human. They are pure in their focus to be alive. Like an arrow in the sky their life force shoots by you. It is neither shared with you nor meant to empower you. It is simply alive. How that life force moves through space will depend on their full chart. But overall they are an archetype of how all our charts are unique. The 34th gate is the Power of the Great and when it feeds into the 57, we have this archetype from our ancient mammalian past that stands above the rest in terms of being able to kill the most animals for survival. The 57 operates on an acoustic level to screen all sounds for an ongoing sense of harmony. The 34, as a Generator Gate, responds with great power to implement things according to acoustic changes that may affect one‟s realm of harmonic well-being. The 34 - 57 is the archetype of aliveness and anyone with this channel in their Design can be extremely fit and healthy, - provided they follow their Design strategy. Sharing the 57 with Individual channels, it is prone to melancholy and a tendency to attach reason to being moody. Provided any person with this channel is clear about the nature of their moods, and adjusts to them without trying to fix them, they remain healthy. . 21

Individual Circuit Group

Keynote - Empower

The Individual Circuit group has two Circuits in it: Knowing and Centering. The Knowing Circuit (on the left) is much larger than the Centering Circuit (on the right), which only has two channels. The moment that we come into individual circuitry, we come to a mutative process. The individual circuit groups represent the one way in which individuality can survive and mutate into new forms in the world without being ostracized from the rest of the totality. The Individual keynote is empowerment. The Individual Circuit Group involves every center in the bodygraph, which is unique. The Collective Circuit does not have the Ego, and the Tribal Circuit does not have the Head, Ajna nor G-Center. This says a lot about how we work. Only the individual is whole. The collective process is not whole without the Knowing Circuit Centering Circuit tribe and vice versa. This is why we have the saying "Transformation has to happen inside before it can happen outside." If you are not healthy inside then you will never be able to make the world healthy because only your integrated inner self has the power to mutate the collective and the tribe. To be an individual is to be an example, and because all individuality is rooted in the individual mutative format of the 3/60, being an example is a mutative force. Mutation is a word that lies at the heart of Human Design. It is about being oneself, about being unique. All the individual channels carry the sound of mutation. This is the universal law that constantly (and unpredictably) brings change into the world. This is why one individual can change the world. Everything about individuality is about acoustics. It is about the word. It is about being able to express oneself clearly or not. Individuals (those with individual definition) are 22

potentially freaks and outsiders because they can bring mutation. They are here to be unusual. They do not easily fit in to society. Because what they have to offer can be new and unfamiliar it is difficult for the individual to translate their existential, inner knowing into the capacity to be able to empower others with that knowing. Everyone who carries individuality in their design has a lifelong task of learning how to explain themselves. It is through this power of explanation that the individual leaves the realm of being the stranger, the outsider or the freak, and enters into the realm of being a guide that is of value to others. Knowing is enormously important to our mutative growth as a whole. Without the mutation we have a dead end street. Without the mutation we have no evolution. Any channel in this circuit is going to carry with it an ability to empower others. But the empowerment comes from just being themselves. The individual process is a personal one. It is not like the collective sharing which shares with the other. An individual might never even know or care that they have empowered someone else. For example, someone with the channel 28-38, the channel of struggle and being stubborn, might struggle with something in their life and eventually succeed due to their sheer stubbornness. It is their personal struggle and their personal success. In fact, others might not even understand it - even more reason not to want to share it with others. But others who see this can be inspired by it nonetheless. Watching this person struggle can empower others to persevere in their own struggles.

Knowing Circuit Group

When it comes to the Individual Knowing Circuit you will see that it shares the exact same path as the collective circuit (Logic and Sensing) around the body graph. Like the collective circuit you can trace the Knowing Circuit from the head to the throat, down each side to the solar plexus on the right and the spleen on the left, and then up the center from the root to the sacral and G center. You can think of this similarity between the collective and the individual as hikers on a trail. The collective circuit group has thirty hikers all hiking together, sharing their experience together as they go. The Individual circuit is one hiker, not sharing at all. He's 23

just doing his thing. Solo trekking. But he is walking along the same hiking trail as the collective group on his path from one center to the other. If the collective sees the individual they can be empowered by his individual path. The mutation will happen with the individual. He or she is the one who will find a new trail that the collective will then use. Think of the heroic solo adventurer who becomes a hero for the masses. For example, the first few climbers to reach Mount Everest were individuals mutating a new trail. Now there are travel agencies who can book you a package tour to Mount Everest so that the collective can feel that same mutative empowerment. The individual mutates. The collective sees the mutation and if it is something they can understand they get empowered by it then they share it with everyone else. Life Example: To the left you can see a chart of Japanese climber Junko Tabei. In 1975 she became the first woman to summit Everest, and she later scaled the rest of the Seven Summits, the highest peaks on each continent. Notice her very strong individual circuitry. When asked why she did it she said: "I was not much conscious about whether I would be the first woman ever to scale Mt. Everest. Rather it was the mountain that I had been interested to climb. That is the reason why I attempted it. It was really a tough mountain to climb."

Junko Tabei

Her 28/38 makes her seek out ways to struggle and find meaning in her life. Her 3/60 makes her a true example of mutation. It is all personal. Whether it empowers somebody else is not her reason for undertaking it.


Channel of Inspiration - 8/1 

The Channel of Inspiration, 8-1, links the throat Center through the 8, the Gate of Holding Together, to the 1, the Gate of The Creative in the G Center. This is the channel of the Creative Role Model. Here we see the expression of the self to demonstrate its unique creativity.  This channel is one of the projected "leadership" channels. (Like the 7-31,13-33 and 20-10). It offers leadership from a place of personal, creative authority, and as a projected channel, requires recognition and invitation to be able to operate correctly. This channel provides the only Individual Creative voice, so it is imperative that it hear itself and listen to itself speak. This Creative Role Model empowers (or disempowers) others and this is its great creativity. For it to be able to do this, it MUST wait for recognition.  Many inspiring entertainers have this 8-1 channel defined. The 8/1 entertainer has this marvelous ability to fill us with a sense of empowerment that we too can learn how to play an instrument, or sing or dance or act, or simply live. The entertainer is also an excellent example of waiting for recognition. Gate 1, The Creative, is the most "yang" and powerfully mutative force in the I Ching, so when it is accessed through the 8, to become expressed, it has the potential to transform the lives of all who hear it. The challenge for anyone with this channel is to be clear from their Type and Authority whether it is their time or turn to speak out, to express.


Channel of the Beat - 2/14

The Channel of the Beat, 2-14, links the sacral Center through the 14, the Gate of Possession in Great Measure, to the 2, the Gate of The Receptive in the G Center. This channel is known as The Keeper of the Keys. The channel feeds the sacral power of the 14th up to the 2nd gate which is the gate of the driver, as in it drives our body through space. This channel is one of the "Tantric" Channels, (along with the 515,29 - 46 & 34 -10) that potentially transforms Sacral, Sex, Life Force Energy into an expression of Higher Self through Love. The 14 is the Gate of power skills, particularly in material resources, and the 2 is the Gate of Receptivity to direction and purpose. Combined, they give this channel the potential to empower the direction of others. The 2nd gate is receptive and is the most Yin (female) gate in terms of the foundation of direction in the G center. The Beat is an Individual channel, therefore mutative and works in a timing that isn‟t regular and fixed in Logical or Abstract terms. The individual always empowers others by the example of what they do. In any kind of disaster a person with this channel would stand up, get everyone's attention and say, "I know the way. If you want, you can follow me". And then off they would go, regardless of whether anyone follows them. At the very moment that the mutation is ready (the pulse is on), they have the potential to empower others. Bear in mind, this empowerment is not rooted in support or sharing as the channel is not collective or tribal. In a purely mechanical way, the channel says "I can help you survive but you're going to be on your own. I'm not going to carry you. I'm just letting you know what I'm going to do - I'm going to go this way." As a generator channel, it responds to give direction to a higher level of Self. It is constantly mutating our 26

direction, which if it happens in response, is always the right direction. A mutated individual "knowing" of direction at the 2, can usefully empower others provided the 14-2 waits as a Generator to respond.

Channel of Mutation - 3/60

Note on Format Energies - The channels between the sacral center and the root center are referred to as Format energies. They are very powerful in that they constitute a deep influence in one's design and are the bedrock frequency for each circuit. They consist of the Individual Knowing 3-60, the Collective Sensing 42-53 and Collective Logic 9-52. Whenever you see one of these channels in a person's chart you know that person embodies the energy of that Circuit very deeply. These channels can also be a great source of depression for people who are not living their strategy. For the 42-53 depression comes from not starting or finishing things correctly. For the 3-60 depression comes from not accepting the pulse of limitation/mutation in our life. For the 9-52 depression comes from not focusing on the right things.


Channel of Mutation - 3/60 60 is the Gate of Limitations and 3 is the Gate of order. This channel has the physical ability to impose new limits or remove old ones – thus creating a radically different order and empowering others mutatively. Whenever somebody with the 3-60 steps into your aura they actually, physically change your frequency. It's important to note that being empowered mutatively isn't necessarily good if you are living the not-self. If you are living your not-self, there is nothing more depressing than being potentially mutative and nothing happens. And if you are living in your not-self, they can empower your depression. As a generator channel, the 3- 60 is a responsive mechanism. If the 3-60 interacts in response, then the changes brought about through the nature of the 3-60 will always be right changes. Note also, that there's no timetable for mutation; it takes place between the pulses. Note on the Pulse Mechanism The format energy of this channel has a frequency that is a pulse (On-Off-On-Off), and the mutation actually takes place in between the pulse. It occurs in the unknown moment, in between the fingers, in between the notes. Imagine if we cast a giant strobe on the earth as it hurdles through space. When the strobe is turned on, the earth is illuminated but when the strobe is off there is nothing but black space. As the earth moves 107,300 km/h (or 67,062 miles/hr) it actually looks stationary when the strobe freezes it in time. Yet each time the earth is lit up it is in a different place. This is because it mutates during the blackness.

"Music is what happens between the notes" - Miles Davis

This is how the Knowing circuit group works. Mutation changes without notice. Since all of the Format channels are an accentuation of their circuit group's main themes, this pulse mutation is especially strong in the Format channel 3-60.


Channel of Struggle - 28/38

The Channel of Struggle, 28-38, links the Root Center through the 38, the Gate of Opposition, to the 28, the Gate of Preponderance of the Great in the Splenic Center. In the Individual Circuitry, the 28 - 38 is designed to find meaning in life, no matter how much they have to struggle in that process. In fact, there is nothing more satisfying for a 28-38 than to find something that is worth fighting for because that means their life has meaning. This is a personal struggle but it can empower others in their own struggle for their own meaning. This is the only channel that is about seeking fulfillment through purpose - making this channel fundamental to the development of human beings. Whenever you see this channel in a chart you know that person is always seeking a purpose. Gate 28 is the intuitive watchfulness, fear-of-death, game player and risk taker. It is fueled by the pressure of Gate 38 is the to find its own, new way. Now, when you look at the 6th line of Gate 28, Blaze of Glory, you can see the extreme of seeking purpose is to go all the way to one's own death, to push the boundaries to the very end. After all, the 28th gate is the ultimate game player. Think Russian Roulette in this case. In this 6th line of the 28th gate is also the potential of suicide if they fail to find meaning. There is nothing more depressing than a 28-38 who is unable to find meaning in their life. It takes them a long time to give up, though, since it is the channel of stubbornness after all.


Channel of the Brainwave - 20/57

The Channel of the Brainwave - 20-57, links the Spleen Center through the 57, the Gate of Intuitive Clarity, to the 20, the Gate of the Now in the Throat Center. This is the voice of intuition. One of the most extraordinary capacities humans have, via this channel, is pure intuition that can speak. Although the spleen is in charge of health and well being, it‟s not an energy center so while this channel can be very aware of what‟s necessary for health and well being, it‟s not necessarily able to actually do anything about it. The most profound function of this channel is to empower others to be intelligent. Here we have an individual deeply absorbed in intelligence. The spleen operates in the moment, and the 57 is always listening to the subtle cues of their environment, going beyond the surface details of what they are hearing. Their focus is on strategies that will enable their well being, and then on how to actually express it. Their very focus becomes a way to share intelligence. And it all happens in the now. They will know in the now what is healthy for them. If they ignore that, the moment will pass and they will suffer for it. The best advice you could give someone with this channel is to listen to their instincts in the moment.


Channel of Moodiness - 39/55

The Channel of Moodiness - 39-55, links the Root Center through the 39, the Gate of Obstruction, to the 55, the Gate of the Abundance in the Emotional Center. The 39 -55 is the channel that connects directly into Spirit in the Emotional Center; in the wave. Here the wave is abrupt in form; spiking up or down through extremes of mood. This Individual channel of moodiness is also part of a stream that includes a concern with and a focus on romance, love and passion. The Individual Circuit is a deeply moody, or melancholic circuit, and this channel is the height of that. People with this channel are very concerned with uncertainty because emotional individuality is all about uncertainty. "She loves me, she loves me not. I don't know." It‟s easy to see the up-down wave of she loves me or she loves me not, but notice the final state – “I don‟t know”. At that point the mutative aspect of the individual is about to take over and they transform out of that uncertainty. The whole Individual Circuit can be deeply uncertain because you don't know until the mutation comes. When mutation comes they can be very certain: I KNOW. Everything is fine now “she loves me, I‟m certain of it.” Here is the crux of the moodiness, because just when they‟re certain, the mutation kicks in again and then they‟re not sure that were really certain at all. This can have a disturbing effect on others because when you are empowering somebody else, you can make them very uncomfortable. The experience of this continuous swing from certain to uncertain and back is really normal for those who have this channel - but it is a very difficult mutation to experience if you don't have that channel but are having it empowered in you. These mood swings are healthy for the 39-55 provided they are acknowledged, and watched. A big challenge for people with this channel is to remember there is no “reason” for the mood. The mood is simply a dynamic. Whatever the mood is it will change – that‟s the nature of the channel. And above all NEVER confuse it with depression. The whole Individual circuit is melancholic, but it is the sadness of poetry or music. Anyone with individual circuitry needs to learn to use these moody times to be creative, to let the MUSE flow through them.


Channel of Openness - 12/22

This is a Knowing (Individual) Manifesting Channel and as such operates within the acoustic realm. It has the 12 at the Throat Center, which has the voice of caution, "Maybe, I'll get around to it - if I feel like it, but it will happen in my own time and way." WHEN I AM IN THE MOOD. Although this channel is referred to as a social channel it has nothing to do with friendship. It has to do with mutation. In other words, this is a way in which the individual can actually get the attention of the other and it gives them a chance to mutate them. It is ready to give it a try or not, but it is always about the same thing – it is always about empowering mutation in others Communication isn‟t the forte of Individual circuitry, but Gate 22 has the potential magic of communicating gracefully. Meaning they can bring about mutation through poetry and song and through all kinds of written and musical art. Everything about the individual is that it mutates you by what it says. Since the Individual is always very attuned to the sounds of the environment if someone with the 12-22 does not like the sound of something in their environment, they can, with this manifestor channel, easily walk away. One of the most extraordinary things about the 12/22 is that when you get them out of an environment where they‟re empowering others with their mutation, they are deeply anti social beings. Anyone who is a Manifestor is potentially subject to criticism for their actions.,The 12 - 22, being an Emotional Manifestor channel, can trigger other people's emotional tendencies. Individuals are here to empower others, but if they find themselves always empowering other people's emotional moodiness, they‟re inclined to avoid people - just to avoid drama. Useful info to give somebody with this channel: Don't do anything if you are not in the mood because otherwise it will backfire on you.


Channel of Structuring - 43/23

The Channel of Structuring - 43-23, links the Throat Center through the 23, the Gate of Splitting Apart, to the 43, the Gate of Breakthrough in the Ajna Center. Here we see the channel of the expression of individual mind. Concepts are grasped as insights that have broken through in gate 43 and re-structured, then expressed in the 23rd gate. Called the channel of genius to freak, their unusual perspective reflects an ability to hold to their own point of view, at times to the exclusion of hearing or being affected by what others have to say about their ideas. That doesn't mean that they actually know anything; it just means that is what they say. Sometimes they know, other times they don't. The channel is subtitled "Genius to Freak" implying a great range of possible insights and expressions. Just because a person expresses something is no guarantee that they have expressed it intelligibly. Often the freak appellation is the result of poor communication rather than faulty insight. When the expression of those with this channel is grasped by others successfully they are considered geniuses, and if not understood, they seem like freaks. Anyone who has this channel must learn two very important things: Speech skills and patience. Speech skills to reach the audience and, because this is a projector channel, patience to wait for recognition so they have an audience that is ready to hear what they have to say. The ability of the "knower" is to empower others structurally. This channel is always structuring, and it's ultimate gift is to make things more efficient. What you have to realize about these people is that if they can explain to you how to be more efficient, they have been able to mutate you. The contribution those with this channel bring to us is to enhance our acceptance of those who are different and the role they play in the transformation of our old order into new forms and values. 33

Channel of Awareness - 61/24

The Channel of the Thinker - 61-24, links the Head Center through the 61, the Gate of Inner Truth and Mystery, to the 24, the Gate of Returning in the Ajna Center. People with this channel tend to think that sooner or later, if they think about something enough, they will find the truth of it. They might find some truth, but they might just as easily find only whatever satisfies them. Or they might go crazy returning over and over to the same unsolvable mystery (24 - Gate of Returning). And even if they do solve the mystery they may not be able to share it with others. This is part of the Individual circuitry after all, so any truth found doesn‟t have to be logical or satisfy the collective. It's interesting to note that only 30% of humanity has the Head center defined to the Ajna. Obviously that means that 70% of humanity has an open head center. The not-self strategy of the open head center is to think about things that don't matter. So the people who have this channel defined can empower others who don't have the channel to think about things that don't matter and which they can never know! If someone with an undefined Head center happens to sit down beside someone who has the 61/24 they can find themselves in a profound conversation about the unknowable. Once that empowering energy of the defined head enters into another it causes their mind to start racing. When the defined Head gets up and leaves, it leaves behind a person whose head just keeps on thinking about those things. And, because one of the elements of the Individual Circuitry is moodiness the person left behind can wind up feeling overly euphoric or depressed – for no reason. And the positive side is true too: these people bring the unknowable into the world, sometimes even making it knowable. This can be very empowering. 34

Centering Circuit Group

The centering circuit is a minor circuit in the individual circuit group. It is made up of just two channels - the Channel of Initiation 51-25 and the Channel of Exploration 34-10. This circuit group has the same theme of empowerment, and here it is so easy to see how empowering works: Empowerment is about inspiring others to do their own thing by the fact that you are doing your own thing. Just by being yourself you empower others to be themselves. The keynotes of the channels come together in this sentence: This is about finding one's own center through exploration of the self and initiation into new ways (look closely at this sentence - it is just keynoting). The minor circuits always lend their quality to any other circuit. In this case the centering circuit makes everything in a person's chart more individual. What is interesting about the centering circuit is that there are no awareness centers present (Spleen, Ajna, Solar Plex). Neither is there a throat, nor emotions nor an adrenaline system. What we have here is a pure generator. Being centered is not something you do or think about. Being centered is a response to life. It is the ultimate Buddha state of being.


The Channel of Initiation - 51/25

The Channel of Initiation - 51-25, links the Heart Center through the 51, the Gate of The Arousing, to the 25, the Gate of Innocence in the G Center. It is simply the nature of this Individual channel to be competitive. And so, of course, it empowers competitiveness in the other. This spirit of competitiveness moves us to win, to be first, and humans would be nowhere near as successful as we are without this competitiveness that moves us . In the other Centering channel, the 34/10, we have a generated channel and your behavior is empowered by the sacral, which allows for following your convictions. In order for a generator to be awake they have only to wait to be asked. The behavior that emerges will always be perfect. However, here in the projected 51/25, you have to be invited to initiation. Again, the whole magic of what individuality is all about is that you are invited to respond to life, to be yourself, to not interfere. If you touch the heart of any individual and ask them what they really care about philosophically, they will tell you: non-interference so they can be themselves. This is the art of initiation; to be yourself. Anybody who is walking around living out their definition, type and authority is being themselves. On the mystical level this channel is called the Shaman/Priestess because they initiate others into finding themselves.


Channel of Exploration - 10/34

The Channel of Exploration - 10/34, links the G Center through the 10, the Gate of Treading, to the 34, the Gate of Power in the Sacral Center. Here we have a channel that strongly empowers behavior. The 10th gate is the gate of behavior, and the 34th, the gate of power. This is therefore the empowerment of behavior, or the behavior of empowerment. Remember that Human Design is a dualistic system, and these terms can always be inverted. This is a generated channel. What this means is that as long as these people are responding, their power is behaving correctly and their behavior is always perfect. This is what it means to follow one‟s convictions. The 10th gate is the gate of the love of self. When you follow your natural responses, you become centered in your convictions, no matter how unusual they are. Out of this behavior, comes the love of oneself. People with activations in the Centering Circuit have an aura that creates a kind of vortex around them. It is this power of Centering that can draw so much attention to themselves. Whether this attention is positive or negative always depends upon whether they are waiting to respond. People with this definition have a very fixed behavioral pattern, meaning they are comfortable and solid within themselves (if they live their design). This channel is part of the Individual circuit so 10/34's have a tremendous capacity of being able to empower others to also feel comfortable and solid within themselves. In other words, they empower others to follow their own behavior - whatever it happens to be. This channel beautifully expresses the core of what individuals would like in the world. Every individual would really like to be able to live their own behavior without interference. At the same time, of course, they would like to empower everybody else to live their own behavior without suffering the interference of others. 37

The upshot of it is that these 10/34 people play a vital role by re-empowering in others their own sense of uniqueness. The not-self of this channel would be a bit rigid about this. Something like: "I'm going to be like this whether you like it or not. I'm just going to be like this, this is my behavior. However, I think it would be really healthy for you if you are always like that. Yes. And if you stay like that and I stay like this, we're not going to have a problem."

Collective Circuit Group Keynote - Sharing

The collective circuit group is impersonal. It is about establishing what is good in general as opposed to what is good for any one specific individual. The saying, "It is good for society," comes from this circuit. It might be terrible for you personally but since it is for "the greater good" you put up with it. The collective consists of two elements: logic that tries to look forward and the abstract that tries to codify the past. "Sharing" is the single keynote that is applied to the collective circuit as a whole. As a country we all share the same rules, the same money currency, the same public utilities. Without sharing it would fall apart. Someone with sharing circuitry can act like this even if you are not talking about civic elements; they will apply it to their home life, their friends and lovers. Every single gate and channel in the collective has a social obligation to share whatever they've got. They share their opinions with you, their crisis, their solutions, their criticism, their ideas, and so on. If you have any collective channels, ask yourself: Do I know I share? Is it conscious? Do I actually participate in the sharing or does it happen without me being aware of it? What is it that I am sharing? Take the 36th gate of crisis, for example. If you have it and it's unconscious, that sharing is going to come out whether you're consciously sharing it or not.

The Collective Circuit Groups: Logic or

Sensing or Abstract


Any time you have a crisis you'll find yourself sharing it with the shop keeper, the 38

baker, the guy in the elevator and you have no idea you are actually doing it! But that's the collective way - let me share all this with you. If you're awake then you can start to see what you're really sharing - what the nuance is. Even though every single gate and channel is social, don't confuse it with being personal. It is about sharing indiscriminately, so in that sense it is very social, but it is in no way personal. So next time someone on the street shares with you their opinion of your body, don't take it personally. They are just sharing with you what they think is a good or bad body in general.

Logic/Understanding Circuit Group

The collective is about sharing, and the Logical Collective is about sharing a pattern that is better than the previous one. This circuit is about finding the perfect pattern and then sharing it. For example, someone with the Logical Channel of Correction 18-58 might say: "Honey, you look better in the red dress. I think you should wear red more often." If you think about the channel of the alpha, for example, you have a leader who guides others in their pattern. Think of the head goose in a formation of flying geese That head goose is designed to guide them through that pattern. One of the things to see throughout the entire logical collective is that what is really being shared is the context, the background, the pattern itself. The V shape of the goose formation is what is being shared. And it is not personal. It is collective. So in order to be able to make a judgment (channel 18-58) you have to establish the shared pattern, otherwise there is no context within which to judge it. So in many ways it is closed logic. It's like, 'we have the same pattern but only I can lead' (31/7); 'we have the same pattern but only I can judge' (18/58); 'we have the same pattern only I have the talent' (16/48). So yes this is about sharing but it is not always consensual. Think of the dictator who shares his leadership or the nag who shares his opinions. Don't immediately think of the cute and cuddly kind of sharing like when a child shares his toys. But this very same impersonal collective sharing can also be beneficial, like the discovery of the polio vaccine and the sharing of that to the masses. 39

Channel of Logic - 63/4

The Channel of Logic – 63-4, links the Head Center through the 63, the Gate of Doubt, to the 4, the Gate of Formulization in the Ajna. People with this channel tend to be pretty busy mentally. “Is it going to rain next week? Well, based on typical patterns for this time of year, the current barometric pressure and cloud cover there is a strong possibility….” You see, what the channel is doing is posing some question, looking for recognizable patterns, factoring in current data, and making a prediction as to the future. And of course if anyone else happens to be around it can‟t help but share the question and the answer – whether that other person cares if it‟s going to rain. The thing about logic is that it can be perfectly impeccable and still be wrong! This is, by the way, a rather pleasant magnetic connection between people. Anyone with the Gate 63 wants to share their doubts and anyone with Gate 4 really enjoys sharing their solutions. It works best when they both understand that it is the sharing that provides the satisfaction. The 63 can‟t expect the solutions from the 4 to necessarily be useful, nor can the 4 expect only „good‟ questions from the 63.


Channel of Acceptanc - 17/62

The Channel of Acceptance – 17-62, links the Ajna Center through the 17, the Gate of Opinions, to the 62, the Gate of Detail in the Throat. For the 17-62, organization is an ongoing internal process. They are busy constantly organizing their own mental state, always making adjustments to their “big picture” of things, fitting it all into their big pattern. The 17-62 keeps a constant vigil on their internal pattern and all new data has to be logically integrated into that picture. Note that this channel is in the „Understanding‟ half of the Collective circuit. Whatever the 17-62 can successfully organize into its internal picture it can understand. What it can‟t organize, it can‟t understand. When a 17-62 says “I just don‟t understand you” they‟re simply saying “I haven‟t been able to organize my perception of you into my picture of the world” which, by the way, can make them feel uncomfortable. Being collective, this channel always derives satisfaction from sharing the entire process with whoever is available. They will share their opinions in great detail as well as what they do or don‟t understand about it all. You can‟t rely on the 17-62 to organize their own space in the world, but they can often do a bang-up job of organizing yours! Whether you invited them to or not.


Channel of Talent - 16/48

The Channel of Talent – 16-48, links the Splenic Center through the 48, the Gate of Depth, to the 16, the Gate of Skills in the Throat. This channel gives the collective access to the depths and skills to promote Mastery. Mastery comes from repetitive experiments while striving for perfection. This is the master and apprentice relationship where the master shares her talents with the apprentice. This sharing can go on for years if necessary until the apprentice develops the skills. The sharing is a repetitive process, so they might share the same talent with you over and over, like the apprentice practicing. Since this is a projected channel there is always some desire for recognition. Talent is amazing when it is energized, and frustrated and anxious when not. Since money can be a form of recognition, the 16-48 will usually find a way to be socially competent in order to make money. So people with this channel want to share their talents with you in order to improve their own talents – to master them. They may even want you to share your own talents, but only because 48 is always on the lookout for vital information and the 16 is always considering new ways to experiment. You see again that the sharing, in whichever direction, is for the satisfaction of the one who is collective.


Channel of Judgment - 18/58

Coming from the root is the 58th gate, the Joyous, which goes up to the 18th gate, Work on What Has Been Spoilt. This has to do with the love of life, the vitality which fuels life and causes us to want to perpetuate it. Called the channel of Judgment, insatiability is a byproduct of the ability to feel so wonderful. It is as though this hexagram says, “more and better, more and better”, which has to do with the impulse that is keeping us alive and healthy. Of course, it is not possible to constantly have more and better, so we come to the gate at the other side, the 18th gate that links the channel to the spleen, and manages to keep what is healthy or not in balance. The channel of Judgment is rooted in logic. It is about knowing what works, and likewise, knowing what doesn‟t work. The logic circuit is all about comparing patterns and understanding what is inherently correct based on the knowledge of the comparison. Thus, when someone with this channel perceives something that is inconsistent within a pattern, they feel a need to express it and alert others to it. These people will share with you the correction you need (or the correction they think you need). It can be an endless and incessant stream of data about what is wrong coming from the need of the 18th gate to "work on what has been spoilt". The 18th gate challenges everything and tells you what needs to be worked on. These people will share with you the correction you need (or the correction they think you need). This can be useful or not. Your mother sharing with you their opinion of your haircut can be helpful or not. But the main theme is sharing of what needs to be corrected. The important thing to keep in mind is that it is not personal, no matter how personal it might feel to you. The energy within this channel stems from an underlying motive to perpetuate our existence. After all, our genes are very interested in perpetuation of the species, and by 43

comparing what has worked (the pattern) with what is not working, the 18 is focusing to get back to what works. In a way, the 18 is like a sentry that needs to be trained to recognize what needs to be called attention to, because it will call an alert to every problem it observes. When it is functioning at its highest level, this channel can keep society on track to a better future and serve us all through this awareness.

Channel of Concentration - 52/9

The Channel of Concentration – 52-9 links the Sacral Center through the 9, the Gate of Focus to the 52, the Gate Keeping Still (Focus) in the Root. This channel is one of the format energies (The other two are 3/60 and 42/53). This is the channel of being focused and concentrated which is the heart (and the root) of what it is to be logical. Since it is also one of the format energies it is very powerful: it is a frequency that gets put out to other people. The Logic "Format" channel provides responsive focus, concentration and determination to any potential activity in life. This is the logic format of mastery, because it enhances the experimental process in life that potentially leads to perfection. People with this channel want to share with others this process of being focused and concentrated. The 52-9 can provide others with a greater capacity to focus on, to experiment with, to judge or to correct patterns. Of course, since it is a generator channel, it is most successful when it provides that in response. The 52 - 9 can often fit in quite well in scientific and future-oriented situations.


Channel of Rhythm - 15/5

The Channel of Rhythm – 15-5 links the Sacral Center through the 5, the Gate of Waiting to the 15, the Gate Modesty in the G. This is the channel of being in the flow, and is the foundation of all biological life. Gate 5 holds to fixed patterns and rituals, while the 15 is the Gate of Extremes. The purpose of extremes is always to level the playing field, to act as a force that balances things out. People with the 15-5 live in their own timing. You have an appointment to meet a 15-5 at 6 pm? They show up when their own internal sense of time tells them to show. That could be at 5pm, at 7pm or not all. Now they aren‟t just showing up at an odd time because they want to show up at an odd time. The reason they do this because they have a sense of what the right time really is for them. And they share that sense of time with everybody else. People with the 5 -15 are very influential in bringing others into their own timing. This can often work to the benefit of others in subtle ways. In the section on the Black and the Red of Personality and Design, the magnetic monopole was discussed in relation to holding together the illusion of separateness of the personality and the design and bringing them together. The 15th gate carries that heightened monopole function.

Design of a single cell

A magnet has both a north and a south pole – there is a repulsive pole and an attractive pole. When you are dealing with the magnetic monopole you are dealing with one pole and the magnetic monopole only attracts. Because it is connected to the vessel of love it is always pulling everything else towards it. So one of the things to understand about 15/5 people is that they are always sharing their magnetism. 45

Remember how the 18/58 shares their judgment; this is the same way that the 15/5 shares their flow. They are putting you or pulling you into the flow for your own good because 15th gates loves humanity and cares about you. But it is important to see that the sharing of the 15/5 is that they are literally magnetically yanking you into their flow sharing their magnetism.

Channel of Leadership - 31/7

The Channel of Leadership – 31-7 links the G Center through the 7, the Gate of The Alpha to the 31, the Gate of Influence in the Throat. When you think about collective leadership it is clearly there to be shared. The 7 - 31 is the channel of leadership based in logic and sharing. “I will share leadership with you as long as you are doing what I tell you to do.” It is in the collective circuit, but it is a projected, vocal channel, with the voice of: "I lead because…" All projected channels require recognition and invitation, and this can be tough. After all, if you are a leader, then you think you know where to go (that‟s pretty logical). But if they do wait to be recognized and invited, they have a much better chance of success because then they are more likely to be leading the "right" people in “right” circumstances. Sharing isn‟t always friendly. A dictator shares his philosophy with his subjects and if they refuse to accept his sharing they are killed. Bottom line, however, is that the 31-7 will always share his leadership, even if it is simply by saying “I‟m not going to follow you.” Not all Alpha wolves lead packs. But no Alpha wolf will stay in a pack led by another Alpha. People with this channel are not necessarily going to become the next great leader, but they will nonetheless need to share their leadership qualities.


Abstract/Sensing Circuit Group

Where the understanding circuit group is about sharing a pattern, the sensing circuit group is about sharing an experience. The first is logical, the second is abstract. The understanding circuit group is centered around the instincts of the spleen and thus is about finding patterns that continue our survival (think science). The sensing circuit, however, is centered around the solar plexus, our emotional center, so it is about continuing our emotional growth through experience. This circuit group is where you share your feelings. It is where you share your experiences. And this can get very messy. What is shared is not logical, so it does not have to make sense, but it does need to be something that can be shared with another person (think anthropology or literature). It is in this circuit that we collect and share the experience of being alive. The Sensing Circuit is actually the force of evolution itself. Without the abstract process we would not evolve as human beings in the way that we have. It is our journey through all the possibilities of life, and therefore it is the most human of all circuitry. The fact that it is so human also means that it is the frailest process. In this circuit there is no true awareness that we can rely on. The solar plexus is never aware in the now. Only upon reflection and after some time can some level of clarity be reached. But even then the clarity is not 100%. So there is neither stability nor security here. There is only the endless progression of possibilities to be explored. And yet it is through this experiential way that we discover the validity of our past. This is the circuit that gives birth to what we call history.


Never forget the importance of history. To know nothing of what happened before you took your place on earth, is to remain a child for ever and ever. ~ Source Unknown ~

It is a great art to be able to condense the past in such as way that it can be shared in the now and illuminate the future. It is one of the most special things about being human. It‟s not as though every child that is born has to begin from scratch when it enters the world. We all benefit from whatever human history we have access to, which greatly speeds up our learning process.

These days, the collective human experience is moving faster and faster because we have a far greater capacity to store information. We now have this capacity to be able to store enormous amounts of history and to be able to pass it on. All of this is the result of the circuitry of the Sensing Circuit. It is deeply impersonal. It is simply about the collective experiential way.

Channel of Abstraction - 64/47

The Channel of Abstraction - 64-47, links the Head Center through the 64, the Gate of Confusion, to the 47, the Gate of Realization in the Ajna Center. Since it is part of the Collective Circuit, obviously sharing is a keynote for the channel, but since it is not part of the Understanding Circuit, logic and the future are not. Basically this channel is trying to make sense out of the past. The abstract is based upon experience, so the 64-47 is always sifting through past experiences. It‟s sifting through a kaleidoscope of images looking for the one that makes sense, the one to which it says “Aha! That‟s it. I see the story.”


Great advice to give someone with this channel: Confusion marks the beginning of an experience for them and if they are patient enough with their process they will come out with a valuable story to share. (47 is the gate of Realization, 64 Confusion). It is important that they share what they think, since the collective is nothing without sharing. The abstract mental person (the 64-47) wants to make sense of and share everything about the past - both yours and theirs. "We all share the past, this is what I think makes sense." The 64 - 47 is one of the 4 most common channels in humanity, so a big part of being human is always reviewing what makes sense and what does not. Like all channels from the Head to the Ajna, this is a projector channel. It is most successful when it is recognized and invited to share its “sense” of the world. It‟s always important for people with mental definitions to remember that the mind is NOT an authority for making decisions for oneself. It is not an internal authority.

Channel of Curiosity - 11/56

The Channel of Curiosity - 11-56, links the Ajna Center through the 11, the Gate of Peace, to the 56, the Gate of The Wanderer in the Throat Center. The 11/56 never stops looking, thus it is also referred to as the design of the seeker and the searcher. What must be understood about the 11-56 is that it is the seeking that moves them - not the finding. No matter what or how much they find they just have to keep on searching for something else. As part of the Collective Sensing circuit, of course, the 11-56 also has a need to share its interpretation of history - the past. And they have the ability to make up an interpretation of the past and share it with the rest of us. For the 11-56, the Aha! comes when it sparks an idea. It‟s important for them that while the idea is to be shared it‟s not necessarily a 49

call to action. In the Collective logic circuitry we can share a common pattern that we're all sure of - but with the past that can't be done. It's simply the fact that everyone's experience of an event is different so there are many interpretations – many pasts, and thus many ideas. This is another projector channel, so whether or not anyone else will resonate the sense of things or the ideas the 11-56 has depends upon whether or not they‟ve been recognized or invited to share them.

Channel of Transitoriness - 35/36

The Channel of Transitoriness - 35-36, links the Throat Center through the 35, the Gate of Progress, to the 36, the Gate of The Darkening of the Light in the Emotional Center. Here we have an emotional manifesting channel, that will try anything and everything, even if there‟s no obvious value, to obtain experience. Over time, gaining all this experience might grant some wisdom of what experiences pay off in terms of value, or it might result in a sense of dejection - that nothing amounts to very much. The creative nature of this channel is definitely NOT personal, but collective, and so it must share what it does with others.

Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test before presenting the lesson. ~ Vernon S. Law ~

Share what it DOES, not what it thinks. This is the experiential way, that might require doing things that have never been done before and that may not be easy. But here's what makes it so interesting - the process is shared! The 35-36 doesn't do any of this alone; they take others with them. Explorers would be a good example of this channel. 51

Channel of Recognition - 41/30

The Channel of Recognition – 41-30 links the Root through the 41, the Gate of Decrease, to the 30, the Gate of The Clinging Fire in the Emotional Center. The keynotes that apply here are Sharing Abstract, Sensing and Experience. This channel is the pressure for these keynotes coming from the root. The 41 is the pressure of Decrease – a lack, and that lack gives rise to the imagination of what could be. The emotional center heats up that pressure, that fuel and the result is an intense need to get in motion toward some experience. It‟s a bit like those little whirlwinds we see in the desert. The hot air combines with a low pressure area and you have this whirling vortex that races across the landscape. The center is hollow. but it‟s not really empty, it fuels the energy of the hot air with its lower pressure and sets it in motion. This is the pressure to Experience something (usually something emotional). The 41/30 is a strong pressure being recognized by an intense feeling. This ultimately leads to the ability to leap from lack of experience into experience running full bore. And, of course it wants to share all of that with others. This can launch some pretty wild rides in experience and occasion some deep reflection after the fact. It is called the Channel of Recognition. That new experience allows them to recognise an emotion within them that they can then share. Special note on the Root Center and the Emotional System - Spirituality The relationship between the root center and the emotional system represents some aspect of our spirituality: Tribal 19/49: The laws of tribal or monotheistic gods. Individuality 39/55: The language of spirituality - songs, chants, praise, liturgy. Collective 41/30: The universal forces that are recognized differently amongst different tribes. 51

Although this might not help you directly during a reading it gives some insight into the frequencies of each Circuit.

Channel of Maturation - 42/53

The Channel of Maturation – 42-53 links the Sacral through the 42, the Gate of Increase, to the 53, the Gate of Development in the Root Center. This is one of the format energies and it is an abstract, sensing format energy. The way of experience is first to just live – to live each experience fully - go straight through the experience, and when it‟s over then you can turn around and look back. Maturation can happen through any single experience, it doesn‟t require repeats like the logical process. This is a generator channel – one of response – and here, the 53-42 when it responds, is responding from the beginning, through the experience and to the completion. How long will that take? Anywhere from a few seconds to several years! Depends on the experience. Consequently, it‟s important for people with the 53-42 to be very clear in their responses or they can find themselves caught in extended projects that they might lose interest in over time. A right response leads to the right experience over the right time frame


Channel of Discovery - 46/29

The Channel of Discovery – 46-29, links the Sacral Center through the 46, the Gate of Pushing Upward, to the 29, the Gate of The Abysmal in the G Center. In the traditional I Ching the 29th gate is known as the abysmal. It is the deep within the deep. The 46th gate is pushing upwards into the kingdom of heaven, in the ancient language. The 46th gate has the knack of being physically in the right place at the right time. The 29 is the Gate of perseverance that is enhanced by responding "yes" to what is correct. In the traditional I Ching the 29th gate is known as the abysmal. It is the deep within the deep. This is not abysmal as in being terrible or negative. It is about the sacral center being a never ending well of energy. On the other end of the channel you have the 46th gate which is endlessly high. In the I Ching the 46th gate is pushing upwards into the kingdom of heaven. Imagine a line going from the center of the earth to the ends of heaven. Since the 46 is in the G center it is about the Self being in the right place. Since the 29 is in the sacral center it is about having an unlimited amount of energy to get to that right place. This channel then, is about understanding that if you are totally absorbed in a process, you are exactly in the right place at exactly the right time. This channel can then bring transformation through a total commitment. It is called the Channel of Discovery because this place and time is an ongoing process of Discovery. Anyone with the 29 has a built-in availability and tendency to say "yes" to almost any situation, which can result in them up giving away their energy, wholesale. Thus, it is critical that they commit from their own authority, and in so doing find themselves committed to "succeeding where others fail." Perhaps the greatest lesson for someone with the 29 -- 46 channel is that when they have committed to an experience from a clear sacral response, is that they will proceed totally with the experience, regardless of other, particularly mental, considerations. Herein lies their success. 53

In other words, anyone with this channel must be careful to commit based upon their sacral response and their Authority. Once committed they will have to finish the experience no matter how long it may take – even years. Remember that in the Abstract circuitry one learns from experience – after the experience is over.They have got to wait until the experience is over to be able to see if anything was discovered. While it is happening you can only follow your strategy. In the big picture, no matter what happenthrough failure and success if you are following your strategy you will always be in the right place at the right time because you will come out of it with the right kind of experience that you can share.

Channel of the Prodigal - 33/13

The Channel of the Prodigal – 33-13 links the G Center through the 13, the Gate of The Fellowship With Man, to the 33, the Gate of Retreat in the Throat Center. The last channel in the abstract collective, the Prodigal is one who goes into the world then returns to his village/tribe and shares the knowledge it found – typically by saying "I remember……..". Every Autobiography and Biography ever written represents this channel. For this channel the experience is less in doing and more in listening to what others have to say - in discovering the secrets of the world and then sharing them. The 33/13, then, is the natural close of the maturation process in each cycle. This is the Bard of ancient times who traveled the kingdom collecting the news, the gossip, and the stories which he would then share at every court he visited – usually in the form of a tale. In this way, everyone in the kingdom had the opportunity to reflect on the kingdom at large. As a Projector channel, the 13-33 relies for it‟s success upon being recognized and invited. The great bards of the old world had a standing invitation at all of the courts, and the lesser ones had an invitation in the commons of all the villages. For centuries this was the tradition that supported human knowledge. It is the 13-33 that insists we store our memory and share it at the same time - store it as memory, keep it alive as memory and then pass it on. 54

There is a useful tip to give people with this channel: At the end of every day, every relationship, every meal, every movie....At the end of every experience, take a moment to reflect on it. The 33rd gate is the gate of retreat. People with this channel should retreat and reflect after an experience so that they can learn from the experience and then go out and share what they learned.

Tribal Circuit Group

Ego Circuit

Defense Circuit

There are two parts to the Tribal Circuit Group: 1. The Ego Circuit, which is about building community and making money for the community. 2. The Defense Circuit, which is about making children and raising children.

The collective person will share with you but it is not necessarily personal. The individual person will do their own thing and it might empower you (but they are probably too busy doing their own thing to care either way). So for these two circuits it is not very possessive. When you get to the tribal circuit it gets very sticky. The tribe is not concerned with sharing with you, nor does it care if you are empowered as an individual. What they care about is what kind of support the relationship has. It is the tribe that says: "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." 55

For Tribal circuitry, the super keynote is the word support. And for support to happen you need to get close enough to smell them. Also, in order for backs to be scratched you first have to have a back, and this is the next point to understand in the tribal circuitry: It is about having. "My wife supports me" could only be said by a tribal person. An individual person would find this statement suffocating and a collective person would talk about women's liberation. But for a tribal person it works. The tribe is the most intimate of the circuits in terms of the senses: body odors, touch, taste, etc. For example, the family recipe that is handed down as a form of family identity. Or the handshake to seal a deal. Or the blood bond between best friends. Or remarks about the guy from out of town who "smells funny." This is all in the tribal realm. But the most important thing to remember is that it is about making deals that guarantee support. "I'll clean the house and feed the children if you go out and work to make the family money." Without this kind of deal making we would not survive.

How Support Works: The Deal

Support is a two way street. Nothing is free. Nothing comes without a price. The collective might share with you and not expect anything but someone who is willing to receive the sharing. But if a tribal person gives you something, you better have something to give in return or you are in trouble. This is called the DEAL. The deal can be sealed in many forms. It can be cultural, as in the bringing of presents to a birthday party. It can be with the shaking of hands, with the signing of a contract or with the kiss of a marriage ceremony. But once the deal has been sealed, the tribe expects both parties to keep their end up, or else the support falls apart. To understand this think of the the 21st gate as the one that collects the resources from 26th gate and distributes them to the 45th and the 40th gate (see image). The 26 works hard and gives the profits to the 21, who turns to the 40 and says: "I'll buy all the materials and feed you if you donate the labor to build the community." After some money has been spent on building the community, the rest of the profit goes to the 45. If it works well, every one fulfills the deal and everyone gets their cut. 56

Self Study Assignment: Study the channels involved in the above analogy and see if you can see why these gates have these roles. Discuss in the forum.

Communism and Capitalism When looking at the channels keep in the back of your mind their "political flavor." If you look at the illustration on the right you will see the Capitalistic side on the left and the Communistic side on the right. 54-32 is all about ambition and 44-26 is all about selling. Here we have capitalism - making money for the tribe. Or making money off the tribe. On the other side you have 19-49 which is about being sensitive to the needs of the tribe, both physical but also spiritual. And you also have the 37-40 which is about creating and nurturing community. It is not so much about money but about creating the social framework of the tribe. Together, you have on one side the ability to make the money that supports the tribe and on the other the ability to create the social framework that holds the tribe together. Self Study Assignment: look at any of your ego gates and channels from these two points of view.

Ego Circuit Group

Behind the image of family and community, the ego circuit is all business. It is the business of making and maintaining families and community - distributing and spending money. If you look at the channels you'll see it is all ruled by the ego. There is no sacral here so there is no generative quality. The sacral center is the prerequisite for existence. However, if it were not for tribal circuitry, we would not be able to look after ourselves. This circuit is a manifestor. Thus the theme of the ego circuit is to manifest; to go out there and be busy, so that you can come home and rest. 57

Because there is no sacral, the two streams that go from the root all the way to the ego center are projected streams (54-32, 44-26 and 19-49, 37-40). The Ego circuit is desperate to be recognized. It is waiting to be recognized in order that it can be in control of the manifestation.

Side Note: One of the unusual things about the Ego Circuit is that it only has one entry into the throat (45-21). This has two important implications. One, it only has one voice and, two, since the ego center is a motor it has a direct possibility to manifest. The Individual and Collective Circuits have more than one voice (can you count them?) and the the channels involved are a mix of types. What does it mean that the Tribe has such a narrow outlet? Think of the unique and very fixed ways different tribes express themselves. For example, a tribe might all dress in the same way. This is not like the many ways the Collective and Individual voice themselves, where there are more outlets of expression. This voice is the 45-21, the Channel of the Materialist. It's all about making the right deals that will guarantee the right kind of support, that in turn will make enough money to feed, clothe, build and entertain the community or family.

Channel of Transformation 32/54

The Channel of Transformation – 32-54 links the Root Center through the 54, the Gate of The Marrying Maiden, to the 32, the Gate of Duration in the Spleen Center. The thrust of this channel is pretty simple – it is ambitious, fueled by the desire to make money and do better. 58

This desire to “get ahead” is what constitutes transformation in the material world. Ambition alone, however, isn‟t enough to get material success. The Spleen provides the instinct to recognize in the now what ambition needs to focus on. Gate 32 fears failure, and it is precisely this fear that instinctively watches all change. What this instinct is alert to is the level of support that is available from others for any change. The 32-54 has the drive to get ahead but it understands that to succeed it must have the support of others. This channel knows that only a transformation that endures over time has value, and in order for the change to endure it must have the support of its tribe. Even in the international arena, lining up allies, gaining the support of others is crucial for a nation to realize its goals. Like all of the Ego Circuit channels that are below the ego, the 32-54 is a projected channel that needs to be recognized and invited. Think about this: transformation is not a matter of initiating something, it‟s not a manifestor operation, but rather needs to be recognized and supported by your tribe (provided, of course, you have tribal circuitry).

Channel of Surrender - 44/26

The Channel of Surrender – 44/26 links the Spleenic Center through the 44, the Gate of Coming to Meet, to the 26, the Gate of The Taming Power of the Great in the Heart Center. This is the channel of the transmitter. The 44 is our oldest instinctual memory and resides in the bones, while the 26 has the ability to manipulate memory in the interests of improvement. Surrender is the result of combining fear of the old past (44) with a willingness for improvement (26). The creativity of this channel is in its ability to replace old standards with new ones. It brings an improvement to old concepts, particularly on the material level. Often we see products advertised as being “new and improved”, this is an example of how this channel operates.


The 44/26 is also referred to as the Channel of the Entrepreneur because of its ability to recognize what will appeal to the tribe. With support being the dominant theme of the Ego Circuit, however, transmitters can only replace the old with the new if they have the support. Likewise, it is a projected channel that needs to be recognized and invited to transmit their talent. Useful tip to give people with this channel: Tell them to pay close attention to smell. If they don't like the smell of someone they need to stay away from them. People with this channel can smell something fishy, smell of rat, smell success...

Channel of Synthesis - 19/49

The 19-49 links the Root Center through the 19, the Gate of Approach, to the 49, the Gate of Revolution in the Emotional Center. On the emotional side we leave the realm of money and enter the realm of belonging. The 19-49 has the sensitivity to know who belongs to the tribe and who doesn‟t. The support of the tribe is so deep that every member owes their life to every other member. There is nothing democratic or abstract about this. Most of human history has been lived in tribes. In the tribe it is a very simple arrangement of love, honor and obedience that holds it all together. The basic needs of the tribe are security – shelter, food, protection for their young. The 19 - 49 Channel is part of the stream of physical sensitivity in the Tribal Ego circuitry. It negotiates the world through the sense of touch, bringing people together, deciding who‟s in, who‟s out and who gets what. It‟s also very sensitive to its own position, wanting to be needed (to give support) and needing to be wanted (to be supported). When we look at the channel from this perspective and remember that it is a projected channel we see that for the 49-19 waiting to be invited is the critical first step. Their emotional response, over time, to being invited is critical to their happiness.


The pressure of the 19 to be connected can draw them into associations that are joyful - if they adhere to their Type and emotional clarity. Absent an invitation or lacking emotional clarity they can wind up in relationships that are characterized by constant rejection, of self and others.

Channel of Community - 40/37

The 40-37 links the Heart Center through the 40, the Gate of Deliverance, to the 37, the Gate of the Family in the Emotional Center. It is “the bargain” that underlies everything Tribal. “I‟ll do for you if you‟ll do for me”. The 40-37 is part of the 'Touch" stream of senses in which handshakes, hugs and bargains are expected and honored. In a very basic sense every human is existentially alone. This channel bridges that state and allows us to form communities in which everyone has their place and function and receives honor and respect. Where on the Splenic side the energy is for the individual to get ahead, over here on the emotional side the energy is for getting together, for working together, and living together. Over here we invest in each other and in the group. We support the community with the things money can‟t buy.

Don't forget to look at the Ego Circuit as having two "streams", one is capitalistic, the other communistic. The streams join at the ego on one side with the money making 26 and on the other side with the communal 40.

In community there is little evidence of hierarchy. No one feels superior or inferior because everyone willingly contributes what they can in order to be included, to feel they are a part of it all. 61

Channel of Materialism - 45-21

The Channel of Materialism links the Throat Center through the 45, the Gate of Gathering Together, to the 21, the Gate of Biting Through in the Heart Center. For all of the power and influence of the Tribe over human affairs, it‟s interesting to note that it only has one direct connection to the Throat – only one voice. The voice of the tribe is, “I have or I don‟t have” (as heard in the 45). The tribe wants two things: money and a secure and reliable commitment from everyone to be tribal together. The 45 is the King/Queen and the 21 is the Hunter/Huntress. It is the responsibility of the two working together to make sure the tribe has these two things. Materialism is the way of the 21-45, and what really satisfies it is putting money to work. This is the channel that has developed the simple business model of barter or village trade into the complex business models we have today. People with this channel have the education (45) and the control (21) to understand and direct financial dealings on a more complex level - the stock market, banks, speculation, the kinds of business venture that return dividends on investment over time. For those kinds of money-making enterprises to succeed requires the support of many and it requires that each person involved be knowledgeable and trustworthy in keeping their part of the deal. This is the apex of the Tribal qualities. But no matter how complex the structure, at its core are the same basic two things: money and the community that uses it.


Defense Circuit Group

This is a minor circuit of the tribal circuit group.In the Ego circuit you see how it is about making money and building the larger community structure through making deals and gathering support. But none of that is of any use without children. And so everything about the defense circuit is about making children.It is about bringing them into the world and looking after them. The sacral center is in the center of this minor circuit, which is another reason the sacral center is such a key player in the creation of life. It is the sexual center that creates life, but it is also the driving force that sustains life. On one side you have the 59/6 where conception occurs and on the other side you have the 27/50 where caring for the child is carried out.

The Not Self and the Tribe If you are in your not self you will be hooked into so many things that are not good for you like blame, shame and guilt.No channel is pretty in the hands of the not self.For example, the 27/50 theme of caring can be the most ruthless and abusive energy if it is distorted. The theme of support are underlying bedrock themes and if you enter into relationships as yourself then your particular tribe will operate correctly within the constraints of what it is to be tribal.


It is important to think about this within the context of the Defense Circuit. So much suffering happens within the family tribal unit due to parents not living their design. The parents may suffer from this but it is the children who are damaged. Without the proper support in the tribal arrangement due to the parents not living their design and not entering into things correctly, the dynamics of the 59/6 and 27/50 will not work and the children will not be raised in the right way.

Channel of Preservation - 50/27

The Channel of Preservation – 50-27 links the Spleen Center through the 50, the Gate of the Cauldron, to the 27, the Gate of Nourishment in the Sacral Center. The biological basis for this gate is pretty basic: Human infants can‟t survive on their own after birth. Although it is a minor circuit on its own, it is part of the Tribal circuit so support is still an important keynote. Human children require support. The 50-27 isn‟t limited to supporting children, that‟s simply the root of it. This channel operates with Gate 50 in the spleen that is moved by its fear of responsibility. This causes it to pay attention - in the splenic now - to what it can be responsible for. If it notices anything in itself or the other that it might be responsible for, the 27 in the Sacral center provides the energy to respond to it. People with this channel are very tuned in to what they and/or others need in order to feel good in the now, and they‟re willing and able to do something about it. A challenge arises for these people if they don‟t have the knowledge that others aren‟t tuned in the same way. The 50-27 can be very resentful when it sees others not caring because they assume that those people just won‟t be responsible and do the caring thing. As society has become more complex so have the responsibilities of this channel. Our children require our support and our care longer than did in the past. They need education, values, and guidance in this complex world. In a sense everything in the world needs caring and fortunately there are people available to care about it all. Astrologically this is because we have moved away from a Saturnian Cycle where children grew up and became adults much faster than our new Uranian Cycle. 64

Channel of Mating - 59/6

The Channel of Mating – 59-6 links the Sacral Center through the 59, the Gate of Dispersion, to the 6, the Gate of Conflict in the Emotional Center. This channel represents Reproduction, which is the fundamental genetic drive in humans. Since it‟s also a part of the Tribal circuitry the element of support is present here. This channel can result in conceiving a child and so support is obviously an important thing. A person with this channel gives and gets support through being intimate. The image of a mother and father hugging each other and staring at her pregnant belly is the energy of this channel: two people giving each other support through intimacy. Living together intimately usually includes conflict (the 6), and we know how emotional that can be. The 59 responds to the emotional turbulence of conflict and seeks to disperse it – thereby restoring the connection between people. The process functions in a variety of ways and is no longer limited to reproduction. We can see it at work trying to reestablish the connection between cultures and religions in the world today. The ability humans have demonstrated over the millennia to survive are, to a great extent, due to the energy of the Defense circuit. 65

Side Note: If you look at the mandala below you will see that the 59 th gate is located exactly across from the 55th gate. The 55th is undergoing a mutation which will effect how humanity is emotionally aware. That same mutation is mirrored in the 59 th gate. The way we are intimate and reproduce is also undergoing a mutation. The increase of infertility and test tube babies is part of this process.

Important Point to tell people with this channel: They have the ability to become intimate with anyone because they can break down barriers very quickly and the result of that intimacy can be something very creative. Most of the time it has nothing to do with children or sex. It could be a business venture, social interaction, or an artistic result.


Section B Conclusion Each and every one of us has parts of us that are tribally sticky, parts of us that are individual and parts of us that are socially collective. We might have these aspects in gates or in whole channels. In this course we are only looking at the channels. Once you see how the circuit works and what the keynote is, you can look at any channel in that circuit and say something useful about it. You can understand why your mind, for example, may be very individual but you're emotions are tribal. And with this you can begin to understand the forces that are moving within you, that are pulling you in different directions. It is not about saying one channel is better than the other, or one is more effective than the other, because they are all perfectly doing their job. It is about seeing their unique attributes and being able to communicate that. Having this knowledge of circuits and channels is very helpful in understanding the diversities of people. It becomes a lot easier to accept people if you understand why they are behaving the way they do. A tribal person is more inclined to be possessive with their things than a collective person, for example. And always remember to keep it in the context of the personality and the design. If you are individual and your empowerment is coming from the unconscious and you are not acting correctly, you're going to meet resistance. So it is not just about saying here's the circuit and we know that we've got sharing, empowering and support - be aware of the two variations of each, look if it is conscious or unconscious. Personality sharing will be more aware and Design sharing 67

won't be. If you put it into its binary you begin to see what is there in the overall design.

Self Test: By now you should easily be able to name the major and minor circuits along each side of this page. You should also be able to look at any chart and say something useful about the channels that are defined. Test yourself. An example of the many aspects working together:


ABC Course Conclusion

In the Rave ABCs we have looked at tools to understand the larger mechanics of the Bodygraph. In the A you learned how the Design and Personality come together to make the whole. But in that you also learned that who we think we are is not who we really are, since we associate with the Personality more than the Design. In the B you learned that the Bodygraph is actually broken up into circuits and by combining the keynotes of these circuits with the keynotes of any channel you can easily give a concise outline of a channel. And in the C you learned the basics of how a Hexagram works so that you can use that knowledge when looking at lines and Profiles. But here is the important point: none of it works the way it could if people are living the not-self. They are not in the channels they have defined, they are living in all the open centers and channels. So it doesn't matter how well you describe their defined channels unless you beat it into them how important it is for them to live their strategy and honor their authority. Please keep in mind that this course does not make you an analyst. It has given you a great foundation that you will always be able to stand on. But there is a lot more to a reading than the ABC. So go out there humbly. Share what you know but don't pretend to be anything more than what you are - an Analyst in Training. You can do practice readings and you can even charge money, but be honest with your clients about your level of knowledge. The biggest damage you could do is try to give people information you don't know yet. People listen, so don't tell them anything you have not been trained in yet.


Example This chart has the 48/16, channel of Talent, and the 44/26, channel of Transmitting. Their authority is splenic, but whether they live that is another story. Also, regardless of the fact that you know that they have the ability to transmit their talent, it doesn't mean that they do so consistently because they will spend a lot of their life in the open centers. It also means that when they do transmit their talent they do not do it for its own sake but rather are driven by motivations and underlying pressures that are there in the open centers.

WARNING: The Process of Deconditioning Even worse than misleading others is misleading yourself. You have learned a lot of very interesting information, but it is all useless if you don't live your design. Live your design. Live your design. It can't be said enough. So here it is another way: When you begin this process there is a danger that you may work in the knowledge and not in yourself. Remember that you really have to work on yourself and your own process. Not "work on yourself" like you are something to be improved, but like you are somebody to be discovered: somebody perfect just the way you are. The work is in getting out of your own way. So don't forget how important it is to live the experiment of being you through your strategy and authority. Otherwise none of what you learned in this course is important because it simply becomes window dressing for a mannequin. Use yourself as the example of how this all works. That is when it comes alive. Understanding mechanics is not the same as being awake. It is the difference between an armchair revolutionary and a true revolutionary. Take this information into your own body just as much as you share it with others. Otherwise people will see that you don't embody what you teach and they will not only ignore you but they will also think the knowledge is false. It is so easy to see in Human Design how life is a duality. You have inside yourself the best of your design and the worst. The best is actually the same as the worst since there is no morality here. The only difference is whether you are enjoying the ride. And the only way to enjoy the ride is to live your design and honor you authority. If you don't do that then you will be the same person, but you won't like yourself at all. So as you explore the charts of your friends and family be sure to explore your own process just as much. Watch yourself over the next three and a half years and see how the knowledge of this course changes you. See how it


deepens you own self awareness, and see how the deeper it becomes you the better you are at sharing it. As an analyst there is a possibility to make money at something you love. You can help people on a very deep level. And you can go to sleep at night feeling you are doing something important and meaningful. But always remember that mutation starts with the individual - with you. The most world changing event you could ever do is live your own design. When a person's design is in harmony with the rest of the world it is perfection. And that is the most amazing state you could ever hope for. So live your design and let the rest fall into place. Have fun!