Quick Guide To Reed Tuning [PDF]

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Quick Guide to Bassoon Reed Tuning I rä

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by Mark G. Eubanks

Arundo Research Company



l.tqendarv Lrassoonist irnd teacher Sol schoenbach or.rce saicl that there .r. pi".., on the bassoon reed to tutre everv note (but admitted that he hadnt lourt.l their locations). It has taken ovcr 40 )'ears ofresearch and ri.rousands of reeds to utlcover the elusive solutions to Sol's intuitive vision. Centcring er.ery note's pitch to equal temperament ls possible rvhile also allos'ing pitch flexibilitl'through precision runing of a b:rssoon reed' For p..L p.ilo.-r.ce the reed should also be "tuned" to the Rs'ords: re\?oilse' ',.r':istarrc /tnd resontlnce. It must be responsive to all 1'our needs rvhether it is rluick rrticulatiott and soli attacks in a// reqisters, slulrirlg up or clorvt.t ..r,,r,..qirt..r, e,rse ofvibrato,rncl nrtance or plavirlg el,sily atflfor ppp' .\ r"..1,,i,-,st l-rave "goocl" resist:rttce to stabilize pritch, "sing in pianissinro" ,urd Lre responsive in the middle and high regisrer. vet not be hindered bv ''Lad'' resistance causit-tg the reed to be hard to blot', inflexible, tiring to plar-, or lacking vibranqr A reed should har.e balanced tonål resonance ,h.t i, .qual fio- no.. to note and in tune in its overtones; it should Lr. cap"ble of tonal shilts bright to dark and should produce a bler-rding rorle (x a solo fbcus. Matching resistat-rce and resonance lrom note to note requires more thxn reecl runing: it also reqr-Lires a good reed design and .r,,.,rtr.,ctio,,, a well clesiqr-red atld maintiritled bassoott and rl-ratching bocll ih,tt rrre compatillle rvith yottr trceds, r'vherher orchestra' ch;rmbe I r.t'tttsic' .()rlrinLro or solo recital plaving. Getring the pitch centered rvhile acl-rieYing L.elance olthe three Rs is the challet-rge ibr all bassoonists'

The Golden Reed. Cat one reed do it all? If ''so1c1en

reed," that one in a hundred,


1'ou are luckv

to find


is possible to have a gem rhat needs

.,1,1. or rto adiustment to plav cornfbrtabll'. Of course, rvhat is golden to depends on your skill lcYel and nceds. If r.ou har,e the tin're or means to u, ,rr"ke l-t.,,r.1r.ds of recds vou rnight find a golden reecl that does it all'




:,,i rht rest,rf tts, crarl"'worthli' .".,1 rvill rcqr-rirc sotrc tttning acljustments :!, :'n(ct tlenta;tcis. For profession:rl players:r reed r:rtio ofusable rceds can :]. .r. high as 1 in i from carelully

selected cane and well crafted reeds. hardness, s,vmmetn'atld

B.;r it c:rn be i in 20 or \Yorse if lactors olcane :-.iiiince are not considered.

Waf m Up! Er.erv bassoonist should warm up the reed and bassoon belbre can take 20 minutes ... :.ll.ars,rl or perlorrnance, and check reed tuning' It :'r: -r cold bassoott to conle up to playing temPcriItLIre A cold bassoon $'ill :...r-' tl.rt l'hilc :rn overhcated bassootl n'ill play sherp The perlormance .;:.iirottlrtettt rvill eflecr the reed's ttlllillgi tr'mPer;lttlre iLncl hunlicliry r.nav "]t -.:.rrirc cliilercnt th,rn at home. Hotv ntanv tit.nes have lve hearcl,

'-- ....1 gr.., rt honte"? Ot.rce the basic tests presented here are learned' it is '-'-.,ib1.1 to run through them it.r less thtn tt tt'titutta and quicldY target an! bc alraid to adjust the reed minutes belore performance'

- ::;ctions. Dont

. -r- iissured that it "RRRoars." As a reed ages and changes, its tuning to lail is -::::r{es too. To knos'ahead of time that vour reed is 'al going

' ,,i.,h. ffirtirwill rake to master reed tuning techniques The more .,--r:i.n!e ,o., Ira". rhe rnore you want the reed to do the ruotk rarher rhan .. ,,::t;tlittS


Method. thc


rhrotgh thc music.

is a first-of-its-kind Qrrn'å Guide to Bassoon Reed Tining

:.- -:::;Iillt nlethod fbr complete tuning of bassoon reeds By lYorking

::-:--:qh rLote-br-note tesrs, a new reed can be quick-ly evaluated and ,.:,1.i. For eacir test, several solutions are presented for the best :::.,mr. \\'irh experieitce "ou u'ill learn rvhich solution is the best choice j : .:',..rrticular reecl. Bv keeping rhe guide in 1'our case, you can easily spor-:..-i in.lir.iclual notes or.r perfbrmance reeds and make quick irdiustments :. ::::Jccl. Notcs call c\'!'11 Lle tenl;ror:rrilv "stintuLtted'by scrirping in their to boost tottc itncl resPonse' No kidding!

-- '

ri irh ;r lirrqe


-:: ,.. :tcN rt, thesc recd tuning mcthods mav 6nd the rlrernate' harmot]ic

"Vh)' docs it have to ancl trill fingerings e new challcnge. Somc will ask' be so contplicated?" Ansrver: it rakes tinte ancl precrice to devckrp 1t/1)t ne\\' t".hr1iq,.,., iust as it takes mant'r'ears to develop techtliquc fbr all our scales 'Ihe unrulY bassoot] reed is ,r and intcn,als, 6tudes, sonatas and concertos. complicated beast rvith numerous reed design variables along with oth''r' critical issues that allict the player's success' The time and effort to learn all rhe testfngerings and tuning methods rvill be worth itl

Those rvho lrar.e rvorked wirh Aduanced Reed Design and Tbst Procedure Jöt B/tssoln \\'ill firtd nerv techniqr-Les ir-r this expanded tcstinq method' Onc "c,rr plug ttLning tesrs"' A notc mtu' be not,rble nerr elettteut is the use of in tlrnc accordirrg to itlt clcctrorlic tllller yet "lecl" off pitch or sottncl oltt of tune ro o,1.,.,.. ]t ca,n be ftlsa in its or.ertones as a result of incot.rlplete is ttot reecl tuning :rnd/or tone producrion problenrs. Ihis phenon-renotr unique to il-t. b"rroo,.,. Earplug tests reveal that rvhat others are hearing "open ears'"'W'hen the ear can't be -"rj.to, be *'hatlauz are hearirlg rvith noteis true, comparison of rrill, alrernate' harmonic

pltrgged to



.rp..i"l test fingerings

",rJ "true



achievir-rg ar-rd



tone tur.ring."

Jhis n-rerhocl bcsins with checkinq thc reccl's crou'and vibrancy' lollorietl 'ltsts 1-5 This path is tl-re best u'rv to by the "Big i" ln Fundar-nental ,-',.ru t..d plaving and to determine quicklv viable nc\\' r'cLi g., "t.r, ir: Ia,-rdl.1"i.s. Afte. tl.,"r. fir.t,rot.s are adjusted, the reed should ple' all registers, but will not 1'et be ftrllv re{ined' For the novice' tiris mav Ee ,.rffiJ.,-t, until greater musical dernat-rds present thenrsel'es But fbr tl:novice ar pro it.-n-rav be a godsend to go directlv to a tuning tetr f'r ' troublctotre Itore itl .rnr regi5rer.

The Break-ln Process. with all

nerv reeds

it is essential to



bre:rk-in process ro ltclp :t:r[.ilizc recd: Ptior to testing, saving time, ard preventing t.nistakes in e:rrlv rutring,rciittstments After a newly formed reecl h:rs aged and settled rvitl-r the

tip closed,

squeeze/massage euery netvl.t' opened reecl (or ne*. reed purchase) to "break dorvn the back." See Example 1. Alter a short soak in warnt \vater, squeeze the blades frmll betrveen vour thumb and lorefinger *'orking brck frorn the tip to the collar Ilattening the blades


tyarvnir-rg rip opening st,rys




or nearlv shut. Set the reed aside to drv out' Rep.at so"k and. squeeze cycle over several davs lvith rhe reed drr i:- ' -:: u I'':: .on-,p1.t.11., until the iust-rvetted tip does not spring open idr tip profiling and ad.just loose or slipped u'ires during the bretrk-i:: :':' : ,h.-6r,r1 bocal fit (dry) b1'reaming. The binding should i:':: '

",rddo in place prior to clipping the tip open Repeating the break-in cr:--' ,rr)rol d^r', i, .rr..tti"l. Plavirrg " reed to break it in is a \\'a\re Lri : - ':



reeds rh'lr : ' '- '' There is an advantage to using this n-retl-rod ti'' : '' easily at the back of the blade between the fingers ri'ill likelr' bc fo. r'i"bl. reeds, wl-rile those that resist collapse ri'ill be betrcr ''r::J:'--: -: Here is a first chance to reiect reeds. In some cases å sironqcr r--'-- : opening ri,ill require a r'vire adiustment if larger than 1l lb incl-' ': All rrett' reeds c]:-'':::' ':' --, bi, allor, fiue soak and squeeze cycles first' the blade arch (rvarp) relaxes its shape memory through dn'ir-rq slL:r:'rr: :--: ::and aging. E .ry r..d also continues to change as cat-re is remo\i'l ,..d il tif profilecl, scraped, and sanded and as the reed is aclius:'.: :-:: ::'

tl-r. ,r,-rirrj process. This is especially the case rvith shapcd 'lt .",-,. ,h", lrioo thick and heary ir-r the blade profile' rcQ'':Lr'' :rdjustt-nents.

' --- '

:: Ort the other hand, reed cane that is r"scttl;tn::: -

reed climer-rsiotts or contains comPuter cut change, usually becornit.tg too lveak or unplalablt




- ::

Copyright @ZOl5,2OI7 by Mark Eubanks, Arundo Publications. All rights reserved' A? 101 Second Printing 2017. ISBN 978-0-692-94830-9 published by Arunclo Research Company, PO Box 380, Enterprise, Oreson 9-8lS -

I,i.r..:,r..r...1 .lr,r*ingsL^-\f:rrkEubanks:rndSirrahPeniston.PublicationdesignbvSirrahPenisron'(':'1"":

:rDldnp rou oC :uJguldor rno Dadsår åsErld ruonbrlqnd opunrvlq /l0z .Et0z o rq€trldo)

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d11u04 ql6uq åpet€

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ur:l Påår tloos.r(l 'sadeqs

::3: :'i:t


asra^ul Llllm alUoid 6urlapoy17alqno6



q1M alUord al6uls

e sl :adrt turodprtu aq1'(7 aldrurrJ) rurlrrlu:l agt ot Ia11e;ed pur:aurrrqt,t1p:nsn sr rådet r8på aqr'::1qold..r13urs,, u Lltr.,11 'a8pa



1 '..nt: 'ltrtodVtru (Z'at.t1tatltdJ 11 :s:ader åårr{l -lo tln rprur sr ayqo:d ag1 's.racfut apr:1q



..Lii'rsnlpr noi se Surpeqs s,åpelq åqr 3rrr.§:r,r ro'rotErrpur lclp e Srilsn ..-:orsuåLlrrp :1go-rd asaq: urqtr,!\ sseullrrp Jo rLråLlrårnsraru :gr:ads r ot :'::i( p)år arp Sunu:o-1 ot.tltrd elgord ept?lq åL[r ssa:o:d 'prql .rrdns sr åup] - . .--rrnos -ipro rnol j1 paa: allts 3uo1 r:rxa ur e>pur no,( ssalun 2lrtt/i oot st .Joqs irler::ds peåJ ålqnop uo-U ålqrp^r sar:nos ueado:ng Fr)raruuror -.'-:!rj-l :Lrtl p:1go.rd puu padeqs llY lsorulv 'a15o:d apelq aqt ruorl le.{\e :::ir JO Irf,p :rarB r Sururrrtlt uaqt puE turocl aruuisrsar Jqt ol >pBq Jptslq .::: irrnrn: arrnba: plnom (6 aldrurrg Lrr u,\\oqs sr1 rlgo.rd y edil r qtr,n ::::r.:irs 11 adll) turod »Lnrtsrså.r pit,{:o; 1r LItr^\ llpq rq8rl ,irarTdn 'rr'.; i sl 1rrr-t påqsrrrU på.rrsåp åqlJI IlEq trJ8rl .irr^ pur dlr pard|us r: rr'.i ',r)rr rl '(sl^rJ arJnf) ,.pea: rn:,, neareld påsrr].r p rltr,\\ st-(språ: roqo .:'.Trrirrs) p:ru:oJ sr pååJ eqt u1[a no på^.re] Jetråq å.rE stuaruala Jsaql . :r;i Itrrrur lll roJ pepuåurruo:le-r tou i11e:auaS årr esellt trig '8uqgo:d :: t)iruol-landuor qrr,tr panpord uåJq J^rq su8rs:p 1e:nrdlnrs pue :: :'i:r:1 :lqrssod alr s:notuo) påsrEJ ro såÅJnl pue såurI-ro suoururquo-)


sad^I radef aurlralual :€ alduexl dr,t








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(uosrieduol) a)uplstsal lo lutod lp)laLllodIH X () ad^l) alqord parnotuo) ro pa^rnl iB adÅl) alUord aurl tq6!pJls al6ue alqnoC:lasrq) (V ad^l) algord aurl lrl6!prls al6urS :36paM


'dlt urnrpaurTppq tunrprlu r.'lasrql., ' j.-:p rårlorls E pue uoulas 3uo1 e gtr,r satol lqSrutls oru tgsdÄa .

: .

'drr rg8rrTpeg

-.::rl ro . rrr'

, -


ar1 'ÄtUOleUy


pa:: 1uu:-,ur:>dv pur: pr.rq,iq or lrJorsrq uro:j 'sallrs

snorJe^ ur slådpqs IBH ruorsllr -lo


åur.to:S e patea:: seq strnPoJd

xol Jo uåao drq) rrrusrsu frorlr PUf rållPH 'ruol rrr ra]leP a:t s:adeqs xJ^uol låprlf,\':atsr8ar:lpprLu rqr ur g:,rrd:rqirq qrrrr:uor ut rarqEt:q a:u pup 'Jruetsrsår 8ur,tro1q ss:1 :.\Erl sJdrrls påår å\rrLro-r ro \\olrrLI '(11t::u:1 'slloltl:llt^ åqnl fUP rlrlrJq )rl)lr.HIP .ltllgttlr)\ o1 ..it'rr illl'ltl \lt )1.)tlJ 'så^lnl plre sauty

s,adr:qs -iLlr

årrnruJllE ut: Furru:o-1 påår uI suonlrJlr.\ sl rqr åås or rJnrurP sr rl

'Påru.roj sr Påar ar{r Inurl radEqs Par.r L ..lo DåJa


aldurPXl a^e)uoJ


(r pu. (p p,rp xr^rror,,,ä:l]l':i":iJj:ä"ä':,il:i:::J; ;äi:l:1ä] rreql puE (7:ydurxg ur u,roqs) salirs apeyq aqr Suru.roy sruII pr^rlrr ro Tpue trl8runs -Jo suoneurquo: a:e s:adtq5 srårsl8ar puu srlou IenpI^IpuI

1o Eurunr pue å)uptsrsJr 8ur,to1q ',uot aql slrage rI :drqs p::: aqr sr stuauodruor .,8urunt,, uErsap p::r3o rsrl år{tJo dot aqt ty .sedeqS pee5 'tr ,(ryd za,t uaqr\ s{.rorr puts 'spunos 's1aa3 u8rs:p prår u sr stLIllol ^\orl lnol pur rroi.rol 1:om 11rm ':nSt:11o: ro prråIl.J ',IrItttI prr,I r iq prprreururoll: Jq:qirtu.ro'r)q)rår Jrro^.lo-J §)lro^\ rtrlr )lFrs prf,J .ro .r:duqs p ltrrlr Jrulrssr: rrlrrr\r 'uonuuorur llclorc{ LIlr^\ pur ,i1c1t:r.rogr-r-ror Sur,{c1d :o-1 åruoJrno rsåq åqr såpr^ord rEq./'r pug :snur .la,{r1cl q:rg trqlf,\'rroossBq

uor] r]]6ual applg



..;Epa,n., e sE ot på.uåJJl uayo aut1 lt18truls a1Zuts e

:y ad,i1. .

:.:l irs a]nr{:noqtur luäJeJlp or parnlrr rq uEr pux Iprra::grp ,ie1d -:': .r1 is:r:qt rqp'g rldruexq ur LrE qlr^\ p:tElrpur ssaul:rqt X F:nba

:::: r.i ,r'ru:qrocl,(q E ..'rlurtsrsJr Jo rurod,, tua:allrp r: sapr,rold r1:r:E dn ir':'.r :r(r.rl ss)r-r)rrLlt ur Surradrt sadÅl;sttt1"t,tlt.t;tt lrsrcl JJ.rrll ruol-J p:.\uåf)

'UOu:npO.rd 'leDLrJSSe Sr StU)LLTJIå USTSJP PJDr ll8 rPr,{\ uonPluåLUrJJdxq JUor plre årnrl)noqlue 'tuarudrnb:r rno lq påruengur slttaLtodruot ilottuo:t rJE suorsurrrrrp srr pur lueurelå uErsap qrrq 'salq?t.ru/t u8rsap p:a.r 1p a.re (sql3ua1 rPtlq PUE eqnl 'qlPl-l\ iellor 'Sulruds prru suotttsod e:r'u) rpEual-1o suorsulurp rlpo prrtr r1 ;qr8uay lpulq se åLLms åLJr ION sl 'IA ILL :.rroN 'rrur:åJlp q:ur 7, iy:r:u's.rJtJrurlpu t'rc ot t'92 uto:.1 aErtt: upl rllrLI,\\

'(s.r1rrt ,,J rt du p».t) 11 .ro ,,qrSuc1 Suur:rc1tr,, s,påår åqr (y put 'suotttsocl å.rra pLrr åqnr åqr.lo LItSuel åqr (€ 'aqnr pur»prlq aqr..;o s:no:uo: lclrqs pår.r rrp (7 'elqo.rd åpelq åqrJo ad,ir pur: qr8urJ ,qr ( [ :s]uåLUålå la>1 aqt a.rt rsår{l lr paau no.{JI punos äroru ate.raua8 utr ,,peår r:33rq,. t lrq 'rållELU ur t,usåop rzrs '(sår{rur 8/€Z 01 er,4z) ruru09 ot ruruzC nro{ qrEual







urr spJJU

pa^lo,\ur sluauodruor årp ,\\ou)l or rutr:ochut ot spaeJ Srrrsooqr lo spåeJ Surleru ur påtsåråtul åsotll ,ualrc,t åprr\ p ur luol sprr.r uoosstsfl .su6!se6 peeu

3uo1 or troqs åq

'uoul:rs du eqr ur sl,rur-rrrll prtt: ..'s:1ods.. Errrtrnt s.p::r åLIl urrpr^\'du aru:rtxa JrJl





1)rtt t!/Llt o)

-t :.:-i-L \molrrol Ir:urrarod-10 råqLunu påtrulrlurl LrE rllr,\\ uSts.rp;r.r...1 rlr :.,.: -:-:i,rr.i.t:urr:d r oslu sr algo:d apelq luutut ey1-.salgord apelg

på,\oLriåi åq or ,,åur::>.ro sqLLnlrr,, ,i1uo a:tnba; ,ir:u-r sttg_ uoirr,:qt.r lrrbturt s,påer r{ree or pur:q iq paunr auy )gtsilat'cltt aqr.lt::ti put'rt.i1p:t::ds:

'sf3uE3r laqujEr{t PtrE l"otql tP!§ sru3urlmrP? all..!{ Jale l:zssacau JI uleSe ur"ar Pue Suru::o3 paa: ur suorsuJrrrp aqnt peal ur?tureru put ornseeru ue) nol'lerpueur leonlt e






-ig ,paar ,&e^e qll,!\ ,.sa:ardrpnour,, a8ueqo lq26 'paar ar{t3o &täruoag Frrlflur eqr slrage osp 3urur.ro3 pee.r ur lruetsrsuolur Jo tuåunsnfpt 3Jr^\ qrt:l 'prer ol pårr ruo5 t1p17m,fuaa uec lrleuloa8 puretur sperr uoosszq :rp 's;]ardgrnorn parr alSurs Ip puE tequrEr{) pue worqt ?ax{ r{rr^\ aldEts s-P::r roqo rr{r J{rlun 'suorsueurTP lBuJålur utq.ux?ut o} sJeur"3r Prleds i:nrrnb:: sruauoduror ,,8urunt,, puonrppe aJe Jeqtueq, puB l?o:rlt speJl Eooss"q Jql 'Juot arp 3o ssauuado pue lrrtrqrxag arp Sunlag" (1eurs ro .-irer :zls s.rJqrrrer{r åTr 1:aq3 . 'E uo l:rlrqrrs q:rrd sr:odclns qrrq,{\ (VZ 3lS) (x) a:uttsrsa.r jo lurod aqt ua1eo,r\ ot tou erEl rIEl pur lpnpe:8 srql oc 'E prE.{\ot f,-J .E]läc,, rqr urrltr.{\ ruou .rada pur utqt ,Q1n!a"tut :ru*rqr.o,ro.r74g"rs jj .

§ §



(fZ '8tC) '(papaau sr rroLUJI ap?lq arnua Huop ro)3 Prt'o'ol P ruou 'ape1q arp3o a8pa "{t rql )ptlLu )pts tlrEtsrsrr årlr jo )url pellsrp Jrl] 3.,o1" ro/put rrLl-ro) rtli'r-Irxa :qr :adrr ',raqro rqt urqt a-rour Surpuoq slsrsr.r aprs rlro -ll .t-rJJ pur rqEr.r lllunba pue sdn.ra8ug Sursri (g7 '3rg)

§tz.ou f, ^ -" E I" } , I{ _ 8Z'6lJ umop (->t

puE dn llpnba xru sreuror Jl ryaq3 . '(VZ '3fg) p rurod * dty e Surrr:a;: pro,ry ('1T:aatol or dlag Woq asaql) 'p p]?.{\orJ-f, ruo:3:edrr 3ur,t aqr purdxa ro Surde::s dq;-r aurl uadaap ,C ro{ . uror-J ('VZ '3lg) J p-rE.{\ol "-f, (}-p-u) s8ur,rt rruJol åql -rader pur: LIItll (.8 rod . VZ


lr:U s)uto.)Jq ro lrH sr q.;r trr,rLLrr.rrlpl pA sO srqr oPtr. or Peau ltru no1 .'l,z/,1-l :(qrrtr §*#; e\\\E,//is rpelq ssal) ltrre.rgr,r r-rou .ro-J salr.lr. rsn(py J ,

Ir{6U Z pue 1g 6u1ppo

trld-1 put 'aqnr-I1 'sptd ruorS s)i"rl PuE 'uonrnpo.rd euor 'älnrllnogrua lq Palleg" sr asuodsa; Put L]llld

e)eld .

:sarlrn 6u1>eldar ro '6ulpunoJ '6u!ualq6!l '6uluasool


',e\orr prrE påEr )rP-Jo q:rrd oslE III-^\ /-E slsaf 1t-raua8 aqr re.\{ol 'asuodsa: a,nordrur pur: 'uado eloru eq or drl oqr asntr 11l.tt (9 )t § srsal) ,re11o: aqt Sut.tro:;eu Jo/PUe elrt\ lsl aqr lsPun Surqcro51


:slueulsnlpe 6u!unt roJ

dn aqr sesolc 97 'alduexa


ot suonturquof uI euop u)Uo

'drt aqr suadoa; SI pue 'Suruado dtl arurs eql ulelultlu å-Ie


'lulo( IIJ,!\ rl

aql l)aJE

ro purqaq err.r\ E ppt ']t)og uo daap ool lo asoo] sI PeeJ JI o 'uatq8n-ar or arLM. rslul uarlt uapual q)l!d eloN 'CI


stuarursnlpe ,,3utunt,, a:rr16


rrt sl?rog



'uonEInrIllE parrada: LItL{\ PUr ii11e:nruo:q: Surpua:sap rsJr oslv 'srsrr lrsr^rr .{1enba ltads tou op suouJI 'uottelnlrlre oterlEls 'r.roqs 'rg3rl ot asuodso: yrnba ;oj Eurl::q: apls agr le14



'suolqo:d asuodsa.r ot Jolnglnuol rolrtu r JJt slEJl f,tlol lll-t.1 E qrr.{\ uoIrEInf I}Jp >pInb ot tutlstsJt tsottt Jt{l err g Ptltr C .\\oJ


aL'6t1 p


'pJprau st,iluo tsat sILIt rsl-I 'E

:qr'1o srrrd Praua'




(a>1erur41 3 r.rnso]r ala1druot pue [saa ]oJ



sI å]otu



g uado rzIIIqElsrP,{tru pur paa:

l]".-i:. ;".,::: J: ;: #i lroC jo ssel)ns1Eeql :>J)egJ ssorJ

lsat eqt teadel 'g

'q:rrd 8ur:eduo: Surra8ug lruorurerl aqt ot 8ur:a8ug PrEPuEls rql ruo5 quoJ PUr }I]Eq rnls '-raunt aqr Surqcrr.u ellql§ 'Z

( slrtsr rqr le Surunt V ärit o] tuål?[p" sr slruutr]r agr ul Sulunt C) rEU oB y aleru osle uer (21 rsal; q 3o Surunr ag1 'so8e

er+ fioqlry)

eql or Sur:aSug prrpuErs



'Surra8ug prepuEts eqr qrr.tr la>1


aq1 'drr

'(6 lsaa; qfl puz y roj Surunr rsareS . :ärol uo elqPlsun rom




-'r[1 .ro1 'sllp]/sleuueq]

(Vl '3tg ars) eclerrs IruuErp runu llt a13ur:o 'uapr.,u ,uaqr8ual . '(V'8fg) sleuuErp ruru aqt g8no:gr adut5 . .B)iror :{rol uo r{)tld ut dn sdod Jo ,pluvl dAVHS lt oO

:1 ?N

_________(o.l_ ______________+b_

'ätou LIrtrJ


'5t .Q_ C/

, NO[)nOOUd ]NOr


D§] oe 'o e, ilra'-/ @. F?\



lsal6nld rPf ) :z'o L

€8 )ruoureH



se paads JrE aqt rsealf,ul :3unt ur sr tErlt ruol IIn-I E ro{ ('uonBruroJur r.rour roJ atrsqe.lr rrs) 'la.,ro^ aqr Surdrqs ur sapre reqr ,,turod qsnd,, Surpuodsarror r seq ralsr8a-r qlrf 'turrurreyd dr1 pue meI 'årnqrnoguå rrlt pue r{lnoru arlt eplsq adrqs ya,no,t rr{t seop sr s;atsr8ar (urqll,n put) uaa,trraq rttnt)ng ot sprau r{tnoru aql aprsrrr J.mssJJd .ur agr 'euor ,,8ur8urs,, E loJ 'sanssr uortxpo:d åuot puE pår-r qtoq ot anp :arsr8a: ålpp1u eqt ur tEH put .ratsr8a; Jr[] ur d:r:qs &yd ot sr stsrlroosspq ;o3 d:uapuel ag1




pu? '.eFls aqt dn oB nol arnssaJd


']rEr rLIrJo (s)turod rsruurql anbrlcl Suraorua: ,iq r:a;:o3 'rådct prrt

)^silrlrrrll Irri ue^r .r(u lrrqr 'anbrlcl iq parr:r:das s)pElq qrrl§ . '(S'8fS) slrEr rrlt Srrop auoz srtorr lsr.l rqr tr rlll .


'olrloJd JrE Ientre


'(CI 3 :o-1 rurod rulrursnlpe I ts{ aas 'Surunt rruorulrll g roC . :lsal 6nld rPf .ro )luoureq uo davHs tt

aqr 3uo1r Surpurs pur

prrt (E '3rg) :3rrr:.r-prru aqt ur raqBrq

Suro8 ,,:urod

Sururu rruorurtrrl g roC :aroN


rrltrq roJ (V'3lS) tutod Sutuni ,i:tpuo:rs s.Jlou Jrlt ur .rådEl IJLruErp Jrll JruEIEg . 's]rrrr lJl tr p rurocl tc (drp r Sunra.r:) auer qrntu oot Srrr,roruu plo\y'(VZ '3lg 'lE .roj rurod ruarutsnlpt: Z tsef rrs) p prrr-\\ol sirrr.rr aqt puedxJ 'Surunt lruoru-rEll J .roJ .

rurocl qsncl p:r,tu,uop


,l JI


'adtqs 1e.tro,r put trrrod qsncl prau;8 str llo.pr ILrrLJt'åtotr r: Stnt.rr::s e:o-lag .


asru.t IJI.^{

'rq8raq prd uo puadap uEr 'rzrs rlor{ ruol !g uo puadap uur pue reg ,i11e:aua8 rrt J prrE g :,buepue; gcrr4

stlnsar rErlt a;nssa.rd rre paxg -ro Surqrra:g ,{\olprls pro^y 'sdq ,,8uurs esJnd,, 'papunoJ eJour r{tr.&\ 'sätou :a,ra.o1 -to3 ,ue( uädo/tno IIor pue satou rag8tg lo3 -r,ref esop pu" ur sdrl 11og 'euntJo tno eq Jo 'I?ortr 'eslEJ punos IIr.{\ satou rsr,r\reqlo

I '6!l

q:trd )q)

SuLDmo/ 'druqs sr rruorurrrq eql


pue g


qg pur.lV3o Surunl In1ssarf,ns aql puE

sSurunt snor.tard uo Surpuadap rrg ro d-rrqs eq uE) tI 'slrer pue slåuutrll eqt ur sr y:o; rurod Surunr d:rur;d ag1 'arueru;og;ad

or :or:d 'V 'atou Surunt rqt pårlf 1

:dcuepua; qcrr4

o.rP Jlou fruoLU.rrLJ rqr Jo r{lr eql Irlun Sr1r rtroz Ieuupllf, eqr rradaep 'ade::s p.rr,,u.-roj r Sursa . 1glV

:)ruourrPr.l uo davHs


S SIJ) auoz 3ursrcry qrrrd IErrue) åqt ur sire-r eqt tp prrEq . 'sI/sz :sarr,\\ rsnlpy . '(S '8tg)

slrEr årp Suop



ruoz er{r rE rTrl .

:)!uour/Pq uo



1l Test 12:

ct, D, and 1

2.1 :




Repe:rt the test



Test 1 3: E, F



t*$ =:,


ii: 9E3

- -o --c








: :a'- a-.a -a


o o


:" o




=: a.

tg% ^"-





år:; *;g lotr oA lo! --aoalo -:ollr}o






\l,.rnir. ^kernile







1. §7hile s'atchins the runer. slur back and forth from the standard fingering to the aLrcrnate fingering comparing pitch.

.r --§--






"\ a$?



c+ "3-i til's:Harmonia D3




13 oA

-8r Alternate Fi3

Repeat the tcsr tirr c.rch Itore.

lF FLAT on alternate fingerings:


for each note.

iorth comparing the



a) a. i(> o ---) o

nr-rqe rings to each othe r. lie;reat thc test (for Cfl and D).


13.1: Alternate Fingering Tunings

Harmonic Tuning

\\-hile rvarching the tuner, slur back irnd tbrrh tior.r.r the standard hngering (Short Cfl and D) to the harmonic hngering comparing pitch. Note: When slurring to h:rrmonic E2 take care not to ;rccider.rtally half-hole the lst finser 1r',f h.rncl.

- 7;E:X. :-rrr:::::F :" 'J^"å ^\\drlt a \-Q .^

tz1 " : /:) t1 'l a:! a \l-





^ " -!-'e


1 2.2: Long Cil and D Tuning : ,. \\ hile ri'atching the tuner, slur back


shorr), harmonic, then






. o

For E: Scr,r;re tn the ttotcs ch.tnn.'l zolle :rnd/or into the spine zone (Fig. Å). Back ,rnd iortl'r adiustrncnts mav be necessary benveen the note's channel, spine, ar-rd rail zones. For F and Ff,: File at the F/F! zor.res along the rails (Fig. B). For Fl: If alternate is €xtem€l! flat, clip tip.

tF SHARP on standard or alternate fingerings: o For F and Ffl: Scrape in the note's channel zone and/or into the spine zone (Fig. A). For fine tuning, back and fortl.r adiustments necessary between the note's channel' spir.re, and rail


Long D3

12.3: Ear PIug Test (Short Cil & D) - \\-hile x'atching the tuner, hold the test note exactly in tune. l. Plue the right ear-fap r'vith your finger, noting if the pitch or ione shifts sharp/bright or flat/dull. lF FLAT on ear or harmonic tests;


Pitch Tendency: The "French E" Test fingering tends to be flat but when corrected it will increase response and resonance for standard E. The F Test fingering tends to be sharp. When corrected, the standard F u'il1 be more resonant. When comparing 1[6 Fil fingerings, the standard fingering is usr-rally sharper than the alternate (6ngerings shown above)'

\.1j ust u'ires: 2S/ 1 S.

lF SHARP on harmonic or long fingering:

. Rcnro\'!' c,rne by usir-rg a forlvard scrape deepening the note's -i:.rnnel zorre (Fig. A) until the pitch of the harmonicilong note .iio;.s ibr a closer match to the standard fingering. lF SHARP on harmonic but flot on standard fingering (D and E'):



in the note's channel zone, and into the adjacent


r.:r. i1s u'ell as the note's zone at the rails. This also brightens ..::l adcls resonance to the tone. Back and forth adiustn'rcr-rts ..:; r.i:urlllv uecessirt)' benveen the note's .

char-rnel, spine, and rail

Test 14: Slur-ups 14.1: Slurring Across Break 1. Slur up to C from


E, and D as in the example without

ficking the register/ speaker


2. (lheck fbr quick


cleat'r respouse.


. For D. lor.'er pancake (Low E) pad height. ' 1:i 1" ri ide tape inside the long joir.rt's small

Picking a Reed: tenon in lavers





this test (14.1) are better

candidates for good middle-register reeds: quick response with clear articulation. An additional indicator for a good reed is Test 18.1, slurring up to High C. The very best reeds do well on both slur up tests.

of the bore.

.:-,,-1.-L rhe circumference

Pitch Tendency: Standard fingerings fo. Cfl and

(and Er)

:.rJ r.. be ilar in pitch and dull in tone. The Cf,/D harmonic ..::: ions tingerinss tend to be sharp. The goal for Cfl and D is ::, :.: :he standard, harmonic, and long fingerings to match -.-...'.' .r pirch. Cross Check D2lD3 Ear PlugTest 2.2' \ore: ,:,..'..rins :he pitch of the harmonic frngering wll| mise :,:. :.-,: ,.,::-:- s::.ndard finqering and add resonance to the

14.2: Slurring Minor 6ths 1. Slur up a minor 6th to each of the notes in the exan.rple. 2. Check for solid pitch and resonance on the upper notes. s'itl-t enough pitch flexibiliw to allorv for "just intonation," a lorvered pitch for the bottom note.

;! 1r,'l

Cqtln € ]li- lll- t -\Edo Pults;oBDo §&dse llcrecwiåc

iår:rrrdnp tou oC :nli:u idor rno rr)ds.r r$r!ld sLroDDrlqnd opuniv -iq ! t 0a .( | 0a o rLlsx.(do-)



uoDlnPo-rd auoL »q) 'rPl?lcl .apelq :addn aql uo a:nssa:d ,ssaud:rqs luaaa:d oJ .U1JS r-rrlqf,noqurr

re,\\ol eqt uo pru,r\dn Surlrq

prt,r\u,{\op lldde rq8rls e sa;rnba.r pue 'rarsr8a.r laddn aqt ur rtou tsrg rr{t sr


sesel Jruos

eqlJo Sur8r: Suro8uo eqt puE Surunr pa:j alrlduolrr ol prttler ualqo:d R sr srrll 'd-rr:qs pa,(r:1d -i1p::erraS )rt: 6V puu 3 :o3 s8ru-ra8ug rruorurerl puts prtpuus :q1 :6uapua1 qcr14


'puxrl r-Irl ur -i1uo :aSug prrT r{rr^\ lnq puE rlrnt åug dlaq




i.n '3 rrluår

o1 .

'slsrl lrsr,\rr '-rlpnbr 1r:ds rou op setou-JI 'uonrln)n.rE pan8uor


pLrE r{lr.\\




ader:g . :)!uoureq uo elqelsun to davHs ll


1a,,no,r .rclc.r:r.--.r.r prrr: cJrlr :ql3ua1 Surtr:-rqr,r7:rpr:lcl





:Surpues dq



al- =)),

ao a I



-_i_-l ==




;i11 eqt JEJU .ro


'(Et '8fS) :ader cln »urltq 'l sJlut[EqLLrrTsanrlr:ln8a:lr ]lJJJoJ .

'g 1757 :sa.rr,tt rsnlpy ).rEIprplr 1lnl Ilp roN .;u:oq reqro ,{.1 .



i§ -l


o2 tz f'b-

uErl] . '^zznlsl»)vllv lt

..uolrnq,, IElog JLIr

:auol lllds ro 'reel)un 'uanäun

) UOU]eH

tfelroJ .


'(SZ'Stg) (tsrt rsr.ur) s-rru.rol rluplrq 'g '(f t '8fg) dn aqr purgaq drp r:a-rro: '7

pup.Ll:g8rl .g713 rltrrrarp rsn :atoN 'atou rper roJ tsat aqr reada6 '7

€qv )ruoureH

urr.rorls .

'sJJdEl IrEr rrä^Jun € 's-redtst IJrruErp ue^aun 'Z 'aurds .raluar-go '1

lroz ltrr D LISIH aq: Srrop pucs .i1p.r-1:,rr1 . :)!uoureq uo lvll ll ,(rI

6u;>1eo,r3 pue

uotleln)llrv 'J^tll)o

JJ,\\ol Jrll ol u,ttoP

^I '' )t'

Srrrdclocl ro 'J^rl:)o trlds '8rrr>porc tnoqtr^\,i1pnba puodse: IIE pproqs srloLr rsrr.lT


's,(a1 -ia>1eads7:arsr8a;-1o esn arlt

lnoqlnt uontlnluJll


pateada: ytdu"r qtr.tr algrssod se i15os sp satou asaqr ,(e14




6u1un1)luor,ureH : L'9 [




E r{tr,\\ >1xtte 1wilru



rLlt ru (,,ItI,,) rroDrot)^rp lnorllr-\\ ,i1ltnba >1tac'ls 11r: plllorl)^ )^)torr r)^rlu_

qV PUP D :g L ]saI

's.ir1 relueclsTrarsr8a-r3o Jsn Jrli

ot s8ur-ra8uy trorls aqr ro-I prurlr TIr \\ -.a lsnlu (€I rsel) C )7eu;:)N pua (91 tsol; rS '3 :ruorurEH _ I r!{ ,(1uo purq Irl lp qrl^{ C prre 'J 'S 'V qslq ,(r1d oslt IIr\ rl iI lselrrs) qE plrr C 'f qEIq or cln tnls III-^\ pre.r:etsr8a: qirq p.roi I' '>lro.{\

uo!l)n porlu



rslll rJtls.{lr-Jos . {)el}v ueal) : ['s I


6ur>1eor3 pue





'r)l rs.T rrrro[r.rEH


illeDadsa 's]sJt lrrroLUrELJ IIE IseLJr ssorl


jSöNiNör iiii§röiU



'dr: aqr Srrrddrl: ,tq qr8rral Surrr:qr.r uf,rroq( '51757 :ql8u:Is aPEIq JsErllul 01 serl.\\ lsnlp\'



[ ]sal

'r{rnoru aprsur adr:qs ya,,to,t (pasolt rroru) ,,oo,, ot (uado) ..qr:.. rn' uro.q :Sur:q: pue 'rlou raddn aql or Sulo8 paads .rrr Jstå.rlul .:ep.r 'JUl?i .r uJr llsJr e.ror-u


uolleln)ltrv leel)'ptdeg :7'9 1

Sur.rrdruo: 8ur.r:Sug lruoruerl aqr ot Surr:Sur1 rqr uro:3 prppuEls rltro; puE IrECI rnls 'reurrr rql Surq:tt.u rliq. \\ ' t



asl .

(Z tsJ.l rrs) å-n1sop pur Suruedo du :atuar-go '7

pur Suruado du agr Sur,to:reu 'du åqt lxru put rE


'rurrJl.ts.trD pJsnJoJ p161rI'.1:1s1rf E JSn pasolr rroru .-toq8rq r

snol.te:d 3l dn aq: drp '( t'€ t rs{ rrr H{ Jteu.rrtle pur) rrg ,(1arua::xa sr ) rrLroru:r:rlJl . [rEr o1 auoz ]ruurqr eql ruo5 uoruruor e-rt stuf,rutsn[pr qrro3 puE I]rB . ('qt '8tS put g '3rg) 'slrEr rrlt Suruaprqt


sgnd rq8rl 3ur,nolq ':ldrurxa aqr

'Lltnoru rprsul 1.,t1i..1 :dr:qs 'clrr



z la^al ro, tsal asuodsau leull

auoz aurds JLII otur Jo/pue JUoz If,uuELIl s.Jlou årlt ur



'a^Etro re,\\ol lp ol ,.u-!\op dod,. 111.u srtou Jsar{l '>lee.rq JLII ssollt 8ur.r:n1s ur a usuodsa:un pur 'uone]nlruE parradar ur ..lEor,. 'IlElr ur rEellun aq uer (g slunluos pLrr) 3 q8norqt srtou aq1 :iruapualuorlelnrltrv

'Surunt rug ro3 tsal 3n14 r?E 1reqr os]E 'lruolur"rl ) roC '8ur:a8ug prppu?ts aqt-1o q:rrd rqr re.{\ol os/a lltt.i' Suua8ug rruorurell aqr 3o q:trd egr Sur-ra,no1

8ur-ra8uy D preputls agt



plag ia1 -raryacls7.ra:sr8as ayt annbat su8rsap uoosseq rr.uos 'ra^r,\\oH u,\\op plrll ,ia1 .ralradsT.ratsr8a.r agl tlttnt antsuodsa.t aJoru sr uorlrlnfurE pJtEådål 'rsr1 ,(:a.r 'a:u:r:d uI :aloN



:ltvls1H sltoM il

suorlnlos d1 ln15

t4 Test 1 7: A, Bt, B, and C 'l 7.1 : One-Handed Slurs 1. Plav A to C and back

(slurred) using the short fir-rgerings. These notes shoulcl speak.

2. Make adjustnrents fbr.u'rd Solutiorrs ltor Upper


Register Tunings.








13 .jiä:. a? q)

'.ilJ "a i1-. 1ct

z 1


Short 84

Short A



2^) dl Short C4

Pitch Tendency: A and Bb can be sharp, ur.rstable or unfocused if the thumb Cf tone hole is too large. Sorne bassoonists use a bridge key from the A/Bb register ke1, to rhe rvl.risper key to stabilize and focus these notes.

Test 18: C,Cfr,D,ES,and

Solutions for Upper Register Tunings IF SHARP: . Ensure complete tunin I of Test 16 (Harmonic G and Ab) and Test 13 (especiallv F). . Increase air speed and pressure on upper blade. . Move embouchure to*'ard first wire. . ljse a more open vo*el shape ("who"). lF FLAT, doesn't slur up, or has a grace note:

. . . .


Use harder cane er.rrl or ed just wires 25/1S. Increase the rrir speed ,rnd roll lip ir-rward. Use a rnore closed .or.el shape (eek) inside mouth. Narros the reed shape and increase rail thickness near tip by sandinq or 61ir.rg tion-r d to f (Fig. 1A).

holes. Check for clogged High E'IE, tone holes. Use an initial blade profile ri,ith a thicker back third than your normal measurement. More reed in mouth, or engage more "oblique" embouchure (R-L shift) ä.Ia"Pezzi Tivist."

Use the highest possible "eek" vowel, as


. .

:" 'z








\u -Q ,a:-


" o-

(Å t



a o


o a

f e

f e

Fig. 194



singing the target note in falsetto. I L\e Thicken the rail and/or cut a steeper taper from 22e to f (Rail ChiselTiim) Fig. 19A and 198. Fig. 19C Narrorv the tip aperture, with a more drirmatic corner cut, moving f closer to the center (Fig. 1 9C). Fig.rl.?Q' For extreme high register: Dri1l a very small vent hole using drill size #76 to #67 (0.020-0.030 .'.rry ffi inches or 0.5-0.8mm) in middle of tube next to the 2nd wire. Drill on the side of the reed that you *Fl*t plav up (Fig. 19D). You can also drill a vent hole in t:i.l.t:,''..- :,:a'i t. .j: ,:,: the top of t1-re bocal, just beyond the reed.





short "o" D4

Short c4

Clip the tip to shorren the vibrating length.

Articulation/Response Solutions lF ATTACKORSLUR UP is unresponsive or unclear: . Cl.reck fbr closged High A/B', B/C, and D register key vent

. -ofio -bolo 9 ll9115- -- - --


18.1: Slur Up to C,D,Eb and Slur up to the short fir-rgering for these r-rotes checking fbr pirch and ease of response. Do not try to force or push the o$dd note to speak.

2. Make adjustments

/') a. llc:


a) P-


found in Solutions for Upper Register

Short Eb4



Test 20:The FinalTests

Pitch Tendency: The upper notes are often sharp due to biting the middle of the blade, too much lorver lip pressure, and reed weakness. Flatness can be due to insufficient air speed and r-ou'el too open. Tip: Sing the target note in falsetto then immediateh' play using the same push point and vorvel shape.

\(ith the reed in the corner of your mouth, can you play the entire range of the bassoon? The follorving tests may also prove helpful to evaluate balanced tunir-rg and response in all registers. Test A:

Tendencies: Slur-ups to "short" D and Eb (and "lor.rg" E end F ) are good measures of a "high register" reed. Hieh nores rr rll be more responsive using a dedicated high-note bocel. Sonre

Do not



key ar.rd lift 2nd firrger R.H. for

bocals such as the Heckel CC are rypically not as respon:i\c above High C. For extreme high-register notes (E and ,rbo.e ,. specialry high-note bocais (e.g., Allgood) mustbe considered.




Test B: Use Bare fork Bl ,rnd E2. Do nor r-Lse

Test 19: Upper Register Articulation

s'l-risper key or

il ick.


(liom Ab)

2W no rvhisper key hare l'ork


no llick

Test C:

19.1 : Articulation

Finser Å2

1. Playchromaticallyfrom High



key R.H. Slur to 82 s'ithout register ker'. No whisper

)2 iD

)a aC

G up to High E with soft andl or repeated articulation, checking for ease ofresponse.

r.h. F

no whisper



kev on G. See also Final Response Test 13), and Articulation Test 19.

2. Make adjustments found in Solutions for Upper Register Tunings.

for Level 1 (p. ')r .rnd




Copyrighr @ 2015, 2017 byArundo Publications. Pleae respecr our copyrighr: Do nor duplicarel

i.lmrldnp rou oC :rqåuidor rno trådsåi ås?ål(l suouErrgn.l opunrv i(q I l0z ,_( t0z o rqBurido-)


**' (u,uoqs tou)

(CZ '3t0 la1 q asolc dlaq or s:ar1d qrr.u. pre.ladn (la1 3 :epun) raaal da1 C puaf, .

,,,,esluorulsnfpv g pue



l, 6li


':nturalqo r.i


g ro C rapun.roTpue '/a1 3 , aqt seqrnot r"qr rla; slal g:apun rurq5 . dors ped

i:i:L:r r.::r:ri:irr ..poo.a.. 1o 1:e1 y rila::1 oor ir''; q l. :r:..\.:g a:::irr.! J=rrq =1.\rrl srrirsap paa: pue slr'ro.

3ur-ir1cl orurssrLrrrLJ

teqt suoos-sf åfuo åluf LLTJilJ:.i ::::.::::r::::j i -,j


. '!riI: plunl.. Jq lsntLI urf os.:-

t's,ra-ir:1d Irrr(rr\.rlL,:,: .i,:.::- : , . :'.::.-i-r.: )tll !.rrlrf i1rsr. qLL.' '-: rol plnroit' i1.1 .,, r åLIt å.\orrr .i1:,,1;1:;. .: , :'-: - ] : -: : 'l |tltl l)Ulrl rLIl 'll Url-JO.1.ll \LI(l()iifO i ,'. I::'-;: :i ::'ll'' lL.:.J. i .i1qlr.r,'r... : :' :t '-i1t

nL, :. , : .:::: .: .:



ol ut ltl-:o I r;;: -:'.;1 :::l

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