Questions For Chapter 3 [PDF]

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What is the benefit of a well-designed set of specifications?


It protects both the buyer and the seller: o the buyer is protected against inferior products as it can reject any products that fail to meet specification; o the seller can protect its reputation and avoid costs. 2. What is pre – delivery inspection? What kind of goods needs pre- delivery inspection? Give example. It is inspection of the goods in the manufacturer’s factory before deliver. All kinds of goods need pre-delivery inspection, especially sophisticated items and capital equipment. 3. What are the functions of independent inspection? It reports on the weight, size and most importantly, the value of the goods. It prevents exporter and importer from agreeing an unrealistically low invoice price in order to avoid customs duties in the buyer’s country. Such inspection also prevents shipment of patently defective goods. 4. How long is the defect liability period? (page 119) (thời hạn trách nhiệm đối với lỗi/khuyết tật của hàng hoá) The defects liability period is negotiable, this is likely to be several months from the date of delivery or the date of arrival. 5. What counts as a latent defect? Give examples. (page 122) Defects that only come to light after buyer’s acceptance, or hidden defects, e.g., structural weaknesses, failure to operate at high or low temp (nhiệt độ quá cao hoặc quá thấp), high fuel consumption. 6. What are the 3 types of latent defects? Give examples. Defects may be in workmanship (lỗi trình độ gia công), in materials, or in design Defective workmanship: a product with defective workmanship is incorrectly built. Defective materials: defective materials are materials or parts of a product that are inferior or somehow incorrect. Defective design: defective design means that a product does not meet specifications. 7. What counts as a patent defect? Give examples. Defects that are apparent, e.g, wrong items, broken or missing parts, scratches, etc. 8. What are Implied Warranties? (bảo hành ngầm hiểu/ mặc nhiên) (page 122) Assumptions that the B can make abt goods, even if the exporter gives no express warranty 9. What are 3 types of Implied Warranties? Give examples (page 122) Implied warranty of conformity with the contract: If the goods do not conform with (Phù hợp) the contract the B can reject them.

Implied warranty of merchantability (khả năng tiêu thụ): the B can reject the goods that are not merchantable. Implied warranty of fitness for intended purposes (phù hợp với mục đich sử dụng của hàng hoá): if the Exporter knew the intended purpose, and if the B replied on the exporter’s judgment, The B can reject the goods that are not suitable for their intended purposes. 10. What is a Product Warranty? (bảo hành sản phẩm) (page 126) A promise by the E to cure defects in his products. There are 2 parties: the B and the S. 11. What is a Guarantee? (bảo lãnh) A promise by the Guarantor to pay the beneficiary, made out at the request of the principal. There are 3 parties: guarantor, principal 12. What are the similarities and differences between a guarantee and a product warranty? (page 127) Similarities: both are promise abt performance, payment is only made when there is non-performance Differences: Guarantee



Contract to perform the promise State of the subject of contract or discharge the liability


3 parties


Promise abt performance.

Purpos e

To obtain loan

Assurance of product performance

Credit purchase/ sales.

Show of quality

For good conduct or honesty  of person.

2 parties sbd

else’s Commitment of Seller to make good defects in products or services in a fixed period

To enhance their value

13. What are not called a defect/ the common exclusions of defects? (cái nào bị loại khỏi lỗi). Give example. Fair Wear and Tear (hao mòn tự nhiên) – the result of normal use Misuse – seriously incorrect handling by the buyer. 14. What is the Defect Liability Period? (page 130) The period during which the Exporter is liable for and must make good defects that are apparent on delivery or that come to light later. 15. What types of information are usually contained in a Defects Liability Provision?

(1) It states the length of the defects liability period and its sharing point (2) It regulates the period during which the B must notify the S of defects (notification period) (3) It regulates the amount of time the exporter has to cure the defects (rectification Period) (4) It seldom regulates the legal action period 16. What is “Eternal warranty”? How to avoid problems of an Eternal warranty? An endlessly renewed liability for defects 17. The problems can be avoided with a cut-off clause (điều khoản chấm dứt) such as: the total warranty period shall in no case exceed 3 years. (tổng thời hạn bảo hành trong bất cứ trường hợp nào không được vượt quá 3 năm) 18. What are the 5 options for curing defects?/ In what ways can defects be made good? (lỗi được khắc phục bằng cách nào) Repair Allow the B to repair at the exporter’s cost Replace Reduce the price Return the goods and refund the price 19. Which corrective method is least favourable for the seller? Why? Which one is the least favourable for the S: The last one. Returning the goods and refunding the price seems to be the least favourable for the E cuz this can be considered a cancellation of the contract. Often defective goods are not worth the cost of return shipment to the E’s country. That means the deal is a total loss of the E. 20. What does disclaimer of warranty mean? (khước từ bảo hành) Disclaimer of warranty means the items are supplied as they are and without any support. Software is often delivered with a Disclaimer of Warranty.


The seller shall issue an invoice for the B: ng bán sẽ lập hoá đơn cho người mua

In accordance with the price of the goods: theo giá của hàng hoá Gây ra nghi ngờ: give rise to doubt Đòi, yêu cầu cái gì đó: claim for Make due payment: thanh toán hoá đơn đúng hạn. Tỷ lệ tối đa theo quy định của pháp luật. the maximum rate permitted by laws. Rejection: total or partial Systems vary in their thinking (các hệ thống luật có quan điểm khác nhau) about whether rejection of contract goods must be total or can be partial. The Exporter’s Right to Cure The right of the E to cure any defects in his delivery is controversial: if an exporter wants this right, the contract Thời hạn thông báo: notification period Thời hạn khắc phục: rectification period Assumption by the buyer abt the good: nhận định của ng mua về hàng hoá Phù hợp với mđich mà hàng hoá đc sd thông thường: be fit for the purposes for which the goods are normally used The goods shall be free from defects in workmanship: hàng không có lỗi trình độ tay nghề In no event shall the S for any special (trong bất cứ trg hợp nào, nhà cung cấp sẽ không), indirect or consequential damages (tổn thất đặc biệt hoặc gián tiếp hoặc hệ quả) whatsoever resulting from loss of use, date, profits, whether in an action of contract, Giá của nhà cung cấp sẽ được dựa trên phần nguyên liệu trong phạm vi trách nhiệm của người bán: The S’s prices are based in material part upon thí limitation of the S’s liability. Mishandling: vận hành sai. Misuse: sử dụng sai cách. Sẽ được áp dụng hoặc sẽ áp dụng đều dịch là: SHALL APPLY TO Commencement date of original defects liability period: ??? Notice of defects: The B shall notify the S of defects without undue delay (không được chậm trễ) In case of the defects coming to light and being notified: trong trg hợp lỗi phát sinh/ xuất hiện và đc thông báo. Any loss of use: tổn thất mất quyền sử dụng Indemnify: =compensate - Be fit/ suitable for the purpose for which the goods are normally used: phù hợp với mục đích thông thường của hàng hoá. - Deficiency: thiếu sót



The warranty above is subject to the Purchaser adhered to the procedures or instructions applicable to the use, storage, installation or operation of the damage arising from wear and tear to the item in normal use. Điều khoản bảo hành nêu trên phụ thuộc vào việc ng mua đã tuân theo mọi quy trình và hướng dẫn cho việc sử dụng, lưu kho, lắp đặt và vận hành, loại trừ tất cả các tổn thất do hao mòn tự nhiên Bất cứ mặt hàng thay thế nào (any supplies furnished by way of replacement) sẽ tuân theo điều kiện của điều khoản này (under warranty shall be subject to the provisions of this Clause to the same extent as Supplies initially accepted by the contractor for a full further period of warranty)