Quality Assurance Plan [PDF]

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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link


Quality Assurance Plan..........................................................................................1 1.1



Quality Management Concept.........................................................................2


Organizational Approach.................................................................................2


Preliminary Quality Control and Assurance....................................................2


QA/QC Approach during Construction............................................................3


Quality Inspection Plan....................................................................................3


Types of Material Tests.............................................................................3




CONCRETE WORK.................................................................................6


Stone Pitching and Stone apron...............................................................8




Concrete Lining.......................................................................................11


TESTING ARRANGEMENTS / EQUIPMENTS............................................12


Testing at Construction Site....................................................................12


Testing in the Contractor's Field Laboratory...........................................13


Testing from External Laboratory............................................................13


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link


Quality Assurance Plan 1.1


This document details JV commitment and plan to ensure project deliverables to the parties in a systematic and planned manner as per company management, experience, policies, systems and in accordance with standard procedure to fulfill the requirements of project specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Client. The quality plan and related documents are established on the basis of organizational and professional experience of working in similar kind of project. 1.2

Quality Management Concept

With the firm having well defined quality objectives, the Quality Management for the assignment shall therefore be at forefront, in strict adherence to the firm’s goal of providing quality service. 1.3

Organizational Approach

The quality objective shall be broken down and the quality responsibility for each working group and personnel involved will be defined respectively. All the staff specified in different sub-organizations in the organization chart, the Project Manager and the working group at all level, such as working groups for procurement, survey and setting out, team members of construction groups, and the laboratory group for various tests, and the Equipment & Plant maintenance group to ensure the equipment and plant being in good working condition and the professional quality inspectors etc. All these personnel involved, will be aware of their quality responsibility. The management representative shall establish, improve and implement the Quality management system for the project. Project Manager being the Head of QA/QC and HSE is responsible for the Quality Control and Assurance of work. 1.4

Preliminary Quality Control and Assurance

The preliminary quality control of work will be carried out mainly for: 

Work Method Statement Review

Career Trainings for Operational Personnel


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

QA/QC and HSE orientation for understanding of technical requirements of different processes and work Instructions for the Operational Personnel

Source Approval and Material Test

Equipment selection, Check and Performance Test


QA/QC Approach during Construction

The In-process Control and Assurance for the work will be carried out mainly by:


Material samples at required frequency to ensure that the material is complied with the requirements in the Technical Specification

Field Test will be carried out at a frequency no less than the requirement in the Specification

The equipment/plants performance will be checked through routine checking and when defect not been expected appears.

Conduct Self Check, Operational Personnel’s Mutual Check and quality inspector’s Final Check during construction process

In case of defect was found after the work has been done, remedy measures will be carried out to achieve the quality required. If the remedy works are not satisfactory, reconstruction for the defect area will be required Quality Inspection Plan

Quality Inspection Plan is the document that describes the surveillance of all the stakeholders involved in inspection and testing activities. Inspection and test co-ordination and interfaces of all parties involved are defined and implemented through QIP as a guiding document for QA/QC activities. QA/QC team prepare QIP to ensure and monitor the conformity of all activities to the required standards and specifications as mentioned in the contract. In-charge QA/QC checks and reviews this QIP before submitting to the Engineer for approval. The project core team as well as Head Office QA/QC functionaries gauge implementation effectiveness of QIP, and deficiencies are highlighted to the project team for corrective and preventive actions.


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

QA/QC team for final quality dossier submission as referred in QIP maintains all Inspections and Test records on approved formats.

1.6.1 Types of Material Tests The Quality Control/Quality Assurance tests are of three types i.e. Tests to be performed at site These tests are field specific and include the following: Field Density Tests for compaction control. 

Slump test for concrete.

Gradation Analysis of concrete aggregates i.e. sands and coarse aggregates.

1. Tests to be performed at Contractor's Field Laboratory The tests to be performed at Contractors Field Laboratory include the following: 

Soil classification Tests

Compaction Tests

Gradation Analysis of Aggregates.

Casting of concrete cubes/cylinders for compressive Strength Tests.

28 days compressive Strength Tests on concrete cubes/cylinders.

Sulphate Soundness of Aggregates

2. Test to be performed at external laboratories These tests can only be performed in specified off-site laboratories and include tests on reinforcing steel, abrasion and any other tests required during any problem or dispute.

1.6.2 Earthwork Objective Objective of this Section is to provide the recommended guidelines, sequential inspection procedures and other relevant information to the field staff for their guidance in QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL PLAN

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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

performing quality assurance of earthwork for structures and for the canal embankments etc. pertaining to the permanent works, being executed by the Contractor. Applicability This Section covers the open cut/foundation excavations, foundation backfills for the structures and earthwork for irrigation canal embankments. The recommended guidelines can also be used for other similar works and earthwork required for diversion arrangements. Construction Equipment Selection of type of excavation and compaction equipment is with the Contractor. The field engineers can check that the selected equipment is capable and adequate to perform the required earthwork and advise the Contractor for any changes in equipment. The following equipment will be deployed as per the nature of work involved;  Excavators 

Tractors with implements

Front End Loaders

Dump Trucks

Motor Graders

Water Bowser

Dewatering Arrangements


Inspection Setting out details on site as per design will be the responsibility of the Contractor's field staff. The Consultant's through their field staff shall check the setting-out accuracy, survey control for NSL and design levels by joint survey with Contractor. These surveys will be carried out by Contractor's surveyors in the presence of Consultant's Inspectors. The site inspector shall monitor the excavation slopes for stability and compaction of the sub grade and fills, etc. If the Contractor encounters wet or slush, he is required to report to the Consultant's Site Engineer who will jointly inspect the site, evaluate according to Earthwork submit their recommendations for approval by the Engineer.


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

The Control of moisture and compaction of soils in the embankment of canals and compacted earth consists of inspection of the material used, checking the amount and uniformity of the soil moisture, maintaining the thickness of layer, and finally determining the percentage of relative Dry Density of the compacted fill. The relative Dry Density of the compacted fill is determined on the basis of Field Density Tests and the Reference Laboratory Compaction Tests. The Field Density Tests will be performed by the Contractor's staff under supervision of supervisory staff and when directed by the Engineer In-charge or Site Inspectors. The Modified Proctor Compaction Tests will be used as Reference Laboratory Tests for fine grained silt clayey soils. These tests shall be performed at the Contractor s Field Laboratory under supervision of Engineer. The Maximum and Minimum Dry Density Test results (from external laboratory) are used Reference Laboratory Tests for cohesion less sandy soils. A good bond between the foundation and first layer of fill is achieved by scarifying and moistening the foundation rather than using a very wet embankment layer An important function of inspection is to determine when and where to make Field Density Tests. These tests would be made in areas where degree of compaction is doubtful. Areas of doubtful density are sometimes detected by observation. Possible locations of insufficient compaction include: 

The Junction between areas of mechanical tamping and rolled earth fill

Embankment along abutments or cut-off walls.

Area where rollers turn during rolling operations.

Areas where too thick a layer is being compacted.

Areas where improper moisture content exists in the soil.

Areas where less than specified number of roller passes were made.

Areas where oversized rock which has been overlooked, is contained in the fill

Areas containing material differing substantially from the average.


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

Frequency of Control Tests The recommended tests, their procedures, frequency and the required facilities for an effective quality control/assurance of earthwork will be as specified. The field tests will be performed in the presence of the site Inspector and the results recorded immediately on completion of the test, duly signed by the authorized representative of the Contractor and Consultants. 1.6.3 CONCRETE WORK Objective Objective of this section is to provide the recommended guidelines, sequential inspection procedures and other relevant information to the field staff of the Contractor for their guidance in quality assurance of reinforced concrete pertaining to the permanent works being executed by the Contractor Applicability This section covers Plain Cement Concrete ( P.C . C.) the Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C.) works for permanent structures and monitoring facilities as shown on the drawings and as directed by the engineer. Construction Equipment The Resident Engineer will leave the final selection t o the Contractor, but he can ensure that the equipment is adequate to perform the concrete work. Inspection For quality assurance of construction activities the Contractor's Supervisory Staff will proceed in accordance with "Checklist for concrete work". For effective Quality Control, the Contractor will perform certain tests at different stages of the concreting process. These tests include tests to be performed on concrete ingredients, before start of the concreting works, tests to be performed during construction stages and the tests t o be performed subsequently in the Contractor's Field Lab under supervision of supervisory staff or in any other approved external laboratory Consultant's Engineer can ensure that the required tests are performed by the Contractor are in accordance with the specified procedures.


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

Concrete mix design will be carried-out at Contractors Laboratory or by a reliable approved external laboratory using cement, sand and aggregates from the approved source of supply and meeting the requirement of Technical Specification The concrete mix design for each class of concrete in addition to mix proportion will also provide water-cement ratio by weight (exclusive of water absorbed by the aggregate) which will be determined on the basis of producing concrete having suitable workability, density, permeability, durability and the required strength.

Concrete Pour Authorization The contractor will submit two copies in two different colours (white and pink) of Concrete Authorization (CPA) Request before starting concrete any component of a structure. Contractor Engineer will check all the terns, before starting pouring of concrete. In case of deficiency, he will be responsible t o rectify that deficiency. Pink copy will be provided to Engineer for reference record. Contractor copy (white) will be kept at site by the Contractor.

1.6.4 Stone Pitching and Stone apron Objective Objective of this Section is to provide the scope of applicability of the recommended guidelines, sequential inspection procedures and other relevant information to the field staff of the contractor, for their guidance in performing quality assurance of stone pitching and stone apron to the Permanent Work, being executed by the Contractor. Applicability This Section covers the placing of stone pitching and stone apron at the specified locations as shown on the drawings. The recommended guidelines can also be used for similar works elsewhere in the project, as directed by the Engineer. Construction Equipment The equipment specified in the contract Specifications are only to provide guideline to assist the Contractor in the selection of proper equipment. The Resident Engineer can


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

leave the final selection to the contractor. The Contractor may deploy the following equipment.  Excavators 

Dozer and Rippers

Front End Loaders

Dump Trucks

Dewatering arrangements

Inspection For Quality Assurance (QA) of Construction activities the Contractors Supervisory Staff will proceed in accordance with "Checklist for Stone Pitching & Stone Apron". Base Filter Layer under Stone Pitching will consist of well graded material as specified in BOQ and shown on the Drawings. The Stores individually shall weigh as specified. All interstices in Stone Pitching/Apron will be well filled with rock Spalls. The rock Spall will be rock fragments size between 2 inches and 4 inches. The surface over which the base filter is to be placed will be trimmed to the proper lines and grades and will be moistened with water and tamped or rolled with suitable tools or equipment for the purpose of forming a firm foundation. Wherever over-excavation occurs it will be backfilled with specially compacted fill. The base filter layer will be placed to a uniform thickness and finished to reasonably smooth and even surface. Stone used in the Stone Pitching/Apron will be clean rough quarry stone and will be essentially free from dust, clay, vegetative matter and other deleterious materials. The stone will be hard, tough, durable, dense, resistant to the action of water and air, and suitable in all respects for the purpose intended. The stones will be hand packed and placed and bedded in such a manner that the completed stone pitching is stable and without tendency to slide. Construction of stone pitching will commence at the lowest part of each structure or section of a structure or canal and continue progressively upward. The stones, largest of which will be used at the bottom, will be well bedded on a layer of Graded Granular Material. In general the size of the stone used will have its major dimension the depth of the specified pitching. Large open spaces between the stone will be avoided. Stone shall be placed so as not to project above neat lines shown on the drawings. QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL PLAN

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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

Quality of Stone While performing control over procurement and placement of stone and filter material, the following characteristics of stone and filter material from the specifications will be observed. The loss in Los Angles Abrasion Test for large size Aggregates (ASTM-C535) will not exceed 10% by weight at 200 revolutions or 40% by weight at 1000 revolutions. The loss in Los Angles Test for small size Aggregates (ASTM-C131-81) will not exceed 10% by weight at 100 revolutions or 40% by weight at 500 revolutions Test Procedures Frequency and Facilities The recommended test procedures their frequency and required facilities for an effective quality control of stone pitching and stone apron are presented in QAP/Stone/Test Procedures.

1.6.5 BRICKWORK Objective Objective of this Section is to provide the recommended guidelines, sequential inspection procedures and other relevant information to the field staff of the contractor.) for their guidance in performing Quality Assurance of Brickworks for Structures pertaining to the Permanent Works, being executed by the Contractor. Applicability This Section covers the construction of Brickworks for brick masonry and brick lining for various Structures, being executed by the Contractor. The Contractor's field staff will take appropriate action as recommended in the checklist before starting. Quality of Bricks The bricks will be regular, uniform in shape and size. Bricks over-burnt, under burnt and irregular will not be used. All bricks in oven-dried condition will not absorb more than one sixth of its weight when soaked for one hour in water at 70° F to 80° F and will show no efflorescence on subsequent drying.


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

The average compressive strength of five (5) representative bricks should not be less than 2,000 lbs/in2 when tested in accordance with ASTM.C-67. Each finished brick will be of standard size (9" x 4.5" x 3") first class and between seven (7) and nine (9) pounds. All brick will have a frog. 0.25”peep on upper face. Each brick for lining should have standard size (9”x 4.5” x 3") first class. Mortar Composition Mortar for all brickwork will have mix ratio as specified in BOQ and sufficient water to produce the proper consistency. Mortar Sand Mortar Sand will be as per specifications of sand for concrete works. Water The water used for preparation of/mortar will be free from objectionable quantities of silt, organic matter alkali, salts and other impurities. 1.6.6 Concrete Lining Objective Objective of this Section is to provide the recommended guidelines, sequential inspection procedures and other relevant information to the field staff of the contractor for their guidance in performing quality assurance of Concrete Lining. Applicability This Section covers the Concrete lining for various canals, being executed by the contractor.

Construction Plant The Resident Engineer can leave the choice of the construction plant and temporary works for the Concrete lining to the contractor. Inspection QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL PLAN

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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

For Quality Assurance of Concrete Lining construction activities, the Contractor's Supervisory Staff will precede in accordance with “Checklist for concrete Lining". A layer of cement sand mortar pad 1.5”-1/2 Ratio 1:6 thick shall be placed over properly moistened surface over bed, slopes prior to placing of concrete lining. All the material used in concrete shall be accordance with the standards and specification given in the section 9 concrete. Concrete slump shall be in the range of 2-3 inch. The compressive cylinder strength of the concrete (28 days) shall be 3000 Psi and concrete will be cured properly by application of water. Nominal maximum size of aggregate for concrete lining shall be ¾ and ½ inches. The concrete lining shall be divided into panels by control joints. Concrete shall be placed in alternate panels. The maximum dimension of any panel along the canal shall be 10ft. Each panel will be accordingly separate from adjoin panels by transverse control joints. Each extended across the canal in a straight line at right angles to the canal axis. The panel joint will be laid over concrete profile 6"(width) x 4-1/2"(depth). In the canal a bed width of less the 8 ft there shall be no longitudinal control joint and each panel shall extend across the full section of canal including slop area. In the canal a bed width more the 8 ft. there shall be 2 longitudinal control joints and the full width of canal will be therefore 3concrete panels between any 2 transverse control joints The longitudinal control joints shall be located in the bed of the canal, distance 2-4 inches from the nominal lines where the canal bed surface meets the side slope surface. Concrete in the lining shall be placed to line and level by means of beams or roller spanning the width of the panel its ends resting on. and sliding or rolling along the shutter or the concrete surface on adjoin panel already concreted. At intervals of 100ft. along the canal a transverse control joint shall be constructed as an expansion joint. No groove shall be formed in either concrete panel i.e. the joint will be open to the bottom. A compressible filler % inches thick of bituminous and sawdust in ratio 1:2:2 shall be provided between two adjacent concrete panels after 7 days. The joint shall be sealed after thorough cleaning after a lap of 7 days.


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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link



1.7.1 Testing at Construction Site The Contractor for an individual contract package will be responsible for providing the equipment and carrying out these tests under the direct supervision and guidance of the Consultant's (LBDC) supervision staff The contractor will provide and readily make available at construction site the following equipment, Earthwork: 

Sand - Cone Density Apparatus, complete with base plate and sand bottle.

Density - Core Cutter 4” dia, complete with collar and hammer.

Speedy Moisture Tester capacity 20.0 gm. Moisture range 0 - 20% complete with electronic balance and plastic carrying case.

Balance Triple Beam 2610 gm capacity with readability of 0.10 gm.

Concrete Work: 

Cylinder moulds for concrete 6" dia. Complete with tamping rod (5/8" long) and mallet.

Slump Test Equipment - complete with tamping rod 5/8" dia and 24" long.

Curing Tanks - These has been constructed close to the construction site for storing concrete cylinders till their transportation to the Contractor's Laboratory.

Thermometer - to check weather and concrete temperature.

dia. 24"

1.7.2 Testing in the Contractor's Field Laboratory Contractor shall established material testing laboratory at site, equipped and adequately staffed to carry out the field laboratory tests as per requirements defined in the Contract. This Field Laboratory established by the contractor and supervised by the Consultant's Quality Control / Assurance staff will carry out the required tests and maintain a systematic and retrievable record. All Quality Control/Quality Assurance tests specified will be performed in the field laboratory will be carried at the designated Field Laboratory at site. QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL PLAN

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Contract: PCSBIP/ICB-01 Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Pakpattan Canal, Khadir Branch and Pakpattan Islam Link

The Contractor's will be responsible for providing and transporting the test specimens to the laboratory under the guidance and supervision of the Consultant's Resident Engineer. The contractors will bear the cost of these tests as per rate list available at any Field or external Laboratory specified by the Engineer 1.7.3 Testing from External Laboratory The Quality Control/Quality Assurance tests shall be carried out from an external laboratory defined above recommended will be carried at following or any laboratory specified by the Engineer  Central Material Testing Laboratory (CMTL) WAPDA Lahore. 

University of Engineering & Technology Lahore.

Punjab University (Environment and Soil College).

PCSIR Laboratories Lahore and Karachi.

Cement Research & Development institute Kot Lakhpat, Lahore.

Pakistan Standard and Quality Control authority. In PITAC Compound, Lahore.


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