Qantas Airways Assignment [PDF]

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Amit Bandhu Prabhakar 3158004 Submitted to- Mr Venkatraman

BREIF DESCRIPTION OF CHOSEN SERVICE Qantas (Queensland and northern territory aerial services ltd) currently is the world second oldest airline and was founded back in 1920 in Queensland. Qantas has established itself as world’s dominant long distance airline and also the strongest brand in Australia. Major business of Qantas group is conveying of passengers using their two airline brands- Qantas and Jet star. Qantas focuses on premium business and luxury class passengers whereas jet star focuses on price sensitive passengers. Qantas is sub divided into 3 group’s commercial, marketing and customer and operations. Commercial group includes sales and distribution, planning, Qantas link and alliances. Customer and marketing composed up of in flight services, customer experience etc. Qantas group consist of flight operations, catering and operational planning etc. (Qantas Airways, 2010)

Qantas group segment revenue Qantas domestic 35% Qantas international 32% Jet star 19% Qantas loyalty 8% Qantas freight 6%

(Qantas Airways, 2014) In year 2014, Qantas domestic had earned the maximum revenue share in Qantas group followed by Qantas international which was 35% and 32% respectively. However, revenue earned from price sensitive customers was 19% of total revenue. Qantas loyalty programme such as frequent flyers and freight just contributed 8% and 6% in overall revenue of Qantas group. It is also crystal clear from pie chart that Qantas group has focused majorly on conveying of passengers to earn the revenue.


REVENUE GENERATING SOURCES Net revenue from passengers 79%

Net revenue from Freight 5%

Revenue from Contract work 2%

Ancillary passenger Revenue 2%

Passenger service fees 3%

Lease revenue 1%

others 7%



2012) NET REVENUE FROM PASSENGERS- Qantas group earns considerable amount of revenue through transportation of passengers which contributes to almost 79% of total group revenue. Qantas group acquire its net revenue from two of their major brands, jet star and Qantas. In year 2011 and 2012, total revenue which Qantas group had earned was around $12.5 billion. Freight REVENUE- As the name suggests itself freight revenue so net freight revenue for Qantas group comes from the transportation of goods in jet star and Qantas aircrafts. Usually airline industry has link with multinational companies who deal in export and import of goods and services so that they can generate revenue by conveying of goods. ANCILLARY PASSENGER REVENUE- Qantas group earns the ancillary revenue by providing services to passengers which include duty free sales, in flight catering, bar sales, baggage charges etc. In other words we can also that airline generates ancillary

revenue from non ticket sources and by providing services directly to the passengers during their journey either at the airport or in the flight. REVENUE FROM CONTRACT WORK- Qantas group generates revenue from contract by providing services to Qantas catering- Qantas operates their own catering services to their passengers. Qantas catering caters to other airlines, railways, retail market, defence and medical management. By serving to them Qantas generates revenue.  Qantas defence services- it look after aviation maintenance services and also provides assistance to Australia defence services including ADF fighter and helicopter fleets.  Qantas engineering- helps other airlines for maintenance and engineering services. Services consist up of aircraft interior upgrades, engines maintenance and inventory management. OBJECTIVES OF ESSAY HIGHLIGHTEDMajor objectives which are being highlighted of Qantas airways are as follows Service strategy and service culture of Qantas airways  Describing key stakeholder of the company with the target market for Qantas business.  Possible points of failure.  Qantas customer service process with financial consideration and service level benchmarks.

 Summary of the recommendations.












BUILDING CUSTOMER LOYALTY THROUGH DUAL BRAND STRATEGY AND SERVICE EXPERIENCE ENGAGING AND DEVELOPING QANTAS PEOPLE (Qantas Airways, 2011) BUILDING STRONGER QANTAS- If we talk about the service strategy of the Qantas airways, they are much more focusing on building a stronger Qantas as their

new international strategy. Stronger Qantas implies that it is directly related to their customers, employees and shareholders. Plan regarding building stronger Qantas addresses the challenges which are currently facing by Qantas international business which further comprised up of four elements Growing their business tie up within the Asian market.  Emerge themselves as the best airline for global travellers.  Building a strong and viable business in international market.  Opening gateways to the world. QANTAS FIVE YEAR PLAN- Qantas has established a five year plan which initially has an objective of returning Qantas international to profitable airline in short term. In five years, flying business of Qantas (domestic and international flights) will exceed the capital cost on sustainable basis. DUAL BRAND STRATEGY- Qantas currently have stronger brands such as Qantas link, Qantas freight, Qantas frequent flyer and Jet star to Qantas domestic. With all these powerhouse brands Qantas expect that they will establish competitive global platform with high potential growth rate across all markets. Qantas does not want to restrict them as Australian based international airline. Instead of this, they want to invest in regional Asian market and other parts of world also. (Qantas Airways, 2011) That’s how Qantas are offering services to their clients as well as their shareholders so that they

can differentiate themselves with other competitive airlines. By this way they can create and capture value for both customers as well as shareholders respectively.

SERVICE CULTURE GLOBAL ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE- service culture in a particular organisation is often so powerful that it may cross national boundaries. But this does not mean that organisation should ignore their local culture. Organisational service culture often reflects the national culture. For example culture of air Asia, Malaysian based airline laid more emphasizes on informal dress so that status difference will not get created. Conversely, Qantas working culture does not reflect same degree of informality. However, if In future Qantas decides to merge up with air Asia, there would be a need to take cultural differences into consideration. Usually, when organisation runs their operations in other country, local cultural gets ignored at their own risk. That’s how national culture affects the organisational working culture. (Robbins, Judge, Millett, & Boyle, 2014) QANTAS SERVICE CULTURE EXPERIENCE- In 2012 and 2013 Qantas pinned up with Melbourne playback theatre to convey experiential learning programmes for managers, supervisor and 4000 operational ground staff.

During two specially designed week days, playback professional actor’s team contribute their communication and improvisation skills with the staff and utilise their theatrical influence to indulge, empower and motivate participants so as to give maximum outcome at their workplace. So that at the end customer satisfaction should be of highest standard. Team of Qantas members perceived that Melbourne theatrical playback could help them in creating a “WOW” experience that will be energetic, inclusive and interactive as well. (Playback, 2013) BRAND CULTURE- ELEVATING EXPERIENCE Australian premium airline Qantas is globally recognised for its excellent customer service. As the crew member of Qantas are global ambassadors for their brand so every crew member of Qantas is expected to communicate regarding the matter of Qantas values and brand whenever they interact with passengers, suppliers and other Qantas staff. Brand culture was initially intended to develop a branded environment for greater success. These brand environments are the mirror for Qantas brand values and service pillars which lay down the foundation for crew education and their culture. Brand environment expresses what’s all about to be an Australian and helps in realising the staff home away from home feel. (Qantas)


By the term Target market we understand that keeping spotlight on specific or certain group of consumers in market at which company focuses on to deliver their goods and services. Due to advancement in technology today customers are much more marketing savvy which was not witnessed before. So it is very important to have clear cut target market for a company as it is an important tool for marketing strategy also.

JETSTAR- this is a low cost Australian airline from Qantas group. Jet star focused on price sensitive customers travelling for leisure purpose. It focuses on both international as well as domestic travel passengers moving to and fro from Australia. Market area which jet star covers is Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia, Japan and Vietnam. (Qantas Airways, 2011)

(Qantas Singapo re

New zealand


jetst ar Australi a


Hong kong

Airways, 2015)

QANTAS AIRWAYS- this airline focuses on both business as well as leisure purpose travellers. Major international market in which Qantas airlines provides its services are UK, USA and Asia. (Qantas Airways, 2011)


Airways, 2015) QANTAS LOYALTY- basically, it targets those passengers who fall into the category of business travellers. (Qantas Freque F reque nt nt flyers flyers

QANT AS LOYAL TY Qantas club club

Airways, 2015) 

In simple words, loyalty programme of Qantas is Qantas frequent flyer. By becoming member of this programme one can

utilise its point in various ways such as dining, hotel accommodation and shopping etc. As Qantas airlines is one world member, so being a member of loyalty programme reward can be applied to various other airlines such as Cathay Pacific, Finnair, British airways, American airlines etc. (Qantas Airways)  It basically gives passenger access to Qantas business lounge at different airports locations across the world if heaving an international transit. Certain perks of this membership are premium check in facility, luggage allowance. Passengers can avail this membership by paid subscription or utilising Qantas points from frequent flyer such as if having a gold membership in frequent flyer scheme. (Flynn, 2015) KEY STAKE HOLDERS OF THE COMPANYIn today competitive world, it’s important for an organization to build a strong relationship with the stakeholder because up to some extent both of them have their influence on each other. Apart from this, it cannot be denied that good understanding of stake holders by company point of view is going to assist the company to follow upward trend in terms of their profiles. Some of the key stake holder are Suppliers- Qantas airways need to depend upon online travel agents such as, web jet, etc. Due to technological advancement

people usually buy tickets online as it is user friendly and often provide economical deals also.  Media- media plays a vital role for creating an impact on customer minds for example Malaysian airline MH 370 crash incident and due to media coverage company sales falls down drastically for fewer months. So, airlines need to focus on building a strong relation with media so as to have good public relations.  Employees- employees have the power of building a company reputation in front of customers. They are the ones who will make first impression of company and will leave its impact on customers mind as the first impression is last impression. So, employees and management should have strong relationships.  Alliance between airlines- alliances such as star alliance and sky team will lead to more operational efficiency of airlines as it gives access to wider range of destinations under one code share.  Competitors- other competitors in market such as low cost airlines will affect the decisions that company is planning as there will be some impact on their own company by Qantas operational strategy.  AirportsAirports ensures the on time performance of aircraft with the help of air traffic control, minimizing cost operations to maximize economic impact, focusing on safety operations and efficiency of operations. (Love, 2012)

POSSIBLE SERVICE FAILURES - Possible failures in service can simply be defined as when the performance standard of service fails to meet the expectations of the clients or guests. Even if the service recovery is being provided to guest they are going to measure it according to their own perceptions. Some of the possible service failures are1. SERVICE CONSISTANCY CHALLENGE- this is the biggest challenge which usually industry faces because one of the characteristics of service is that it is variable. May be the regular guest of the company will not experience similar style of service delivery on every visit which he had received it from other employee of company in his/her previous visit. It is not necessary that service providers are always good or bad because it is based on human relationships as every individual is different. So, employees must develop flexibility in their service style to adapt their approach to which they are going to serve. (Toister, 2013) 2. COMPLAINTS RESPONSE- In order to have effectual service delivery it is very important that dissatisfied customers should complaint about their experiences so that matter should be resolved subsequently and customers will again return in future to utilise the services of respective brand. Otherwise, questions will be raised on organization promises and no profit should be extracted out from customer loyalty programme if they never return back. But unfortunately, only 5% to 10% of

unhappy customers actually complaints. Certain reasons behind this are Customers suppose that organization will not reciprocate.  They wish to avoid encounter/confrontation with the service provider responsible for service failure.  They are unaware about their rights and commitment of the organization towards them. All of the above reasons create hurdles to gather the information required for efficient service recovery. So, it is important for customers to realise that it is not necessary that service failure leads to dissatisfaction but it is about lack of service recovery to that particular situation. So, feedback is also necessary from customers to have efficient service recovery for maintaining customer loyalty. (Fojt, 2006) BAGGAGE HANDLING- One of the most common problem which generally passengers suffer from is baggage handling problems. We often see that baggage has not arrived at conveyer belt then we register our lost baggage report. This service failure is due to certain reasons such as

If routing label gets damaged- while checkin procedure our bag gets tagged with an illegible routing label. But sometime it gets torn away shortly after being tagged due to poor baggage handling and no one notices it. When baggage arrives at distribution area it just kept over there because of unreadable tag and cannot get loaded

into aircraft. Ultimately, customer does not receive his baggage.  Attendant types in wrong destination codewhen we hand over our baggage at counter, if attendant accidently inputs the wrong destination code then the baggage will be delivered to wrong place. If routing label is tagged with identification details then most probably employees will figure it out where the baggage supposed to go and finally delivered it there.  Baggage loaded onto wrong plane- sometimes baggage gets loaded onto wrong plane because of human error also. May be employee places it on wrong baggage cart and it gets loaded into different plane. (Mulvihill, 2011) IN FLIGHT CATERING ISSUES- There should be no communication gap in between the in flight caterer and the airlines. More the particular details we provide to caterer, more the customization caterers can provide. Communicating effectively with the catering sources, ground staff and third party provider will lead to successful outcome. If in flight catering does not go well then entire trip for passengers should be considered as failure. (Leemann, 2012) So, in order to minimize possible failures service providers should track and identify failures occurred in past and also the cause for that. One can take assistance from guest feedback form written by guest so as to provide immediate service recovery and for improvement in future service delivery.

CUSTOMER SERVICE PROCESS- customer service process varies in travel classes. Passenger travelling in economy class will not get same level of service which is provided in business or first class. Service process in Qantas international Business class from check in to arrivals-

 Check in- business check in is accessible 90 minutes prior to flight boarding. Passengers also have an option of self check-in via online service 24 hours ahead of flight. Passengers even have a preference of printing their own boarding pass so that they will get more time to relax at airport. After check in completed passenger further move on to express immigration counter and premium boarding lane to board aircraft.  Business lounge- prior to boarding in business lounges passenger can enjoy various services such as magazines, newspapers, high speed internet access, seasonal menu, complimentary snacks and drinks and barista coffee.  On board lounge- In airbus A380 business class, refreshments and magazines are provided in a separate fully furnished business lounge where one can have get together with our travel companions for unplanned meetings. 58 cm LCD screen is equipped for entertainment purpose and even for presentation.  Sky beds- passengers can enjoy new level of intelligent seating. One can shift the position of sky beds which suits us best. Unique massage option is also available. If passenger wants to sleep, they

can convert second generation sky bed into fully two metre flat bed. On board dining- passenger can choose from rock pool international business menu where they will experience full formal dining with international standards. Sommelier service can be availed by passengers who will assist in wine and champagne selection with the meal chosen. one can online book our meal 12 hour prior to departure on Q eat website. Entertainment- passengers are entertained by advanced entertainment system. Some of the features include 12.1 inch personal touch screen with noise controlling headsets. Other entertainment options include TV programmes, CD albums, movies, interactive games, destination guides etc. Personal telephone feature along with reply text messaging, laptop power outlets and USB connectivity. Amenities- customers travelling internationally in business class will experience Australian based luxury spa products. It includes orange and vanilla lip moisturizer, face moisturizer, Peter Morrissey designed pyjamas are available to keep customer relax. Arrival- on arrival, business class passengers is the first ones who exit the aircraft. Priority baggage service is provided and is the first ones to be ready for collection. If having an international transfer flight attendant assists them regarding any information. (Qantas Airways)

Customer service process in international economy class from check in to arrivals-

 Check in- Online check in facility is available to passengers 24 hours prior to flight departure. One can add on our seat preference also and print their boarding pass. One can directly go to online check in counter also at selected ports to drop off bags. Otherwise, staffs are there at airport to assist passengers for checking in. Passenger should reach 2 hour prior to departure time for check in.  Seats- economy class seat offers softer cushions, netted foot rest and extra legroom for passengers comfort. Seats have adjustable headrest and recline facility to keep passenger comfortable while journey.  On board dining- one can online book our meal 12 hour prior to departure on Q eat website. Passengers can also order food from on board menu card also.  Entertainment- options include movies, TV programme, moving maps, interactive games and radio channels. Using entertainment system control one have the option of personal phone calls and reply to text messaging.  Amenities- complimentary comfort kit is provided to passengers so as to stay refreshed. Zip pouch contain toothpaste, toothbrush and eyeshades. On long haul flights blankets and cotton pillow are also provided.  Arrival- After arriving, passengers can move on to immigration counter for completing formalities

and later on will collect their luggage. (Qantas Airways)

FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION- Qantas group had spent $3 billion on AOV costs (aircraft operating variable) in 2013 and 2014. The pie chart given below illustrates

Route navigation and landing fees 45% maintainance 16% passenger expenses 11% Air meals 9% Ground handling 8% Crew expenses 5% Other costs 6%

(Qantas Airways, 2014) INDICATIVE SPLIT-

 Route navigation is the charges which are incurred by international and Australian air space. However, landing fees are charged by the airport authority for every landing.  Maintenance cost comprised up of aircraft maintenance check up, sub contractor fees and labour cost.  A passenger expense which was incurred is comprised up of club operational costs, lost baggage delays, in flight consumable such as amenities and in flight entertainment.  Crew expense take into account accommodation cost, allowances and vehicle hire etc.  Ground handling expense broadly constitute up of those services which are indispensable for an aircraft between take off and landing such as aircraft marshalling, refuelling, baggage handling, loading and unloading of cargo etc. IDENTIFYING SERVICE LEVEL BENCH MARKS Currently Qantas is one of the leading brands of Australia having history of reliability, safety, engineering and operational excellence, overwhelming customer service. That’s why Qantas had build strong reputation in airline industry. So, benchmarking is necessary as it helps in accessing how well we are performing in market. Performance measurement of Qantas airline within the airline industry

Sectors Scheduled

Flow n 7449 9907 10214 6277 2194 11220 2647 49908

Arrivals On Time No.

Jet star 7628 5547 Qantas 10042 8468 Qantas Link 10527 8534 Regional Express 6303 5200 Tiger air 2220 1672 Virgin Australia 11521 9744 Virgin Australia Regional Airlines 2708 2141 All Airlines 50949 41306 Qantas – all QF designated 20569 20121 17002 services Virgin Australia – all VA 14229 13867 11885 designated services (Anonymous, Airline On Time Performance Statistics, 2015)


Departures On Time No.

Cancellatio ns




74.5 85.5 83.6 82.8 76.2 86.8 80.9 82.8

5379 8635 8733 5368 1763 9979 2197 42054

72.2 87.2 85.5 85.5 80.4 88.9 83.0 84.3

179 135 313 26 26 301 61 1041

2.3 1.3 3.0 0.4 1.2 2.6 2.3 2.0










In July 2015, virgin Australia manages highest on time arrivals and departures as compared to other major domestic airlines with 86.8% and 88.9% respectively followed by Qantas airways with 85.5 and 87.2 percent. Qantas link had 3% of cancellations in July 2015 which was highest among all other followed by virgin Australia 2.6%. Considering on time arrival and departures, cancellations as a benchmark, Qantas airways performance towards above mentioned factor was slightly lower than virgin Australia in July 2015 so as to outshine in between others. QANTAS AIRWAYS LIMITED STOCK PERFORMANCE


BENCHMARK Price change competitor-

Qantas airways ltd. Delta airlines Inc. Hawaiian holdings Inc. Singapor e airlines Ltd. China eastern airlines Internatio nal consolida ted airlines group Copa holdings, SA



Qantas Airways Limited Peer Group 1 month 3 12 month month s s -14.38% 66.91 0.96% %


YTD 23.8 1%



15.55 %



53.42 %

7.71 % 9.6%


13.44 % 16.72 % 6.67%

13.71 % 198.4 %

20.7 % 52.7 6%

39.64 %

13.8 %

44.53 %

60.43 %

53.0 3%












CompanyQantas airways LTD.

14.38 %




Peer group

Qantas airways limited excluded

-4.41% -6.40%



Qantas airways limited included






-5.48% -4.22%




S&P/ASX 200

11.65 %

-10.73% -7.39%




(Anonymous, Qantas Airways Performance Benchmark, 2015)



Stock price change percentage is a guided tool to figure out stock performance.  During first month stock price percentage of Qantas airways limited was -14.38% which was lower than peer group median i.e. -4.41%. So, according to this benchmark stock performance for Qantas airways limited was below to that of its peer group.  Stock price percentage of Qantas airways on YTD basis is 23.81% which is even less than half to that of china eastern limited i.e. 52.76%. So, according to this benchmark stock performance of china eastern limited is more than double as compared to Qantas airways limited.





Customer experiences not only include interactions through fixed channels for example face to face communications at various company point of sale outlets, customer service centre but also through social customer relations management channels such as face book and twitter. There are certain recommendations through which Qantas airways can improve customer service such as1. Deliver consistent customer experiences- Qantas group should always focus on this factor that their service quality or standards of service should never fall down at any cost. Every time when customer utilises the service from the company, then they will start expecting something new or more on next visit. So, it’s

the board of director’s responsibility that they should never compromise on the company standard operating procedures because if passengers don’t get same level of service as expected while travelling may be they will start admiring another airline for future travel purpose. 2. Enhancing customer service strategy- Company should offer some special treatment to their regular customers so that customers should also feel special that they are being taken care of such as special services/discounts which competitors are not providing. May be it indirectly affects the psychology of customers also and they should pay extra in return of services being offered to him. Some new promotional schemes and offers should also be launched for new customers also in order to attract them. 3. Acting on customer feedback- customer relation officer should be more efficient while handling the complaints. If customers don’t get hold on company when they are in need and expecting to have a reassurance for better service standard, then may be company will lose their clients. One can maintain travel history card for frequent flyer passengers containing information regarding the preferences and dislikes of passenger. Short description of passenger’s choices will go in long run for business so as to maximize the concerns of accessibility and trust worthiness. 4. Creating loyalty for customers- it is one of the most critical ways to withhold company customers and utilising them to upsurge business faster. It can be

utilised as tool for creating a powerful competitive edge. One of the simplest ways of creating loyalty is to offer company knowledge to customers but at the same moment overpromising should not be done. SUMMARY- Qantas airways are very consistent airline very much committed towards on time arrival and departure. After completion of boarding process and flight take off, welcome drink was served to us as the flight reached the altitude. In flight magazines, menu card, buy on board menu card was placed inside the back pocket of front seat. Leg space was also pretty comfortable. On my seat blanket, pillow and noise cancellation headphone were placed. One can also adjust our seat by reclining it. In flight entertainment system was also appreciable because vast selection options were available including entertainment, TV shows, new releases, Bollywood and Hollywood movies, life style programmes etc. After serving welcome drink, crew member took our dinner order. Later on, food was served which was brought to us in food cart attached with hot case inside it. With one hour prior to landing, flight attendants again did breakfast service in main cabin. So, my food and beverage experience was excellent. Qantas crew members ware also friendly and polite. One of the areas where I was dissatisfied with their service was baggage handling. When I reached at baggage collection conveyer belt I witnessed that my bag wheels was broken and that was very embarrassing moment for me when I literally had to pull up my 20 kg bag. Finally, if I talk about my overall experience it was really enjoyable. Works Cited

Anonymous. (2015, July). Airline On Time Performance Statistics. Retrieved from Anonymous. (2015). Qantas Airways Limited Stock Performance Benchmark. Retrieved from %20performance,Qantas%20Airways%20Limited,90146AA.html? vendor=& Flynn, D. (2015, February 16). Qantas Club. Join The Qantas Club. Australian Business Traveler. Fojt, M. (2006). Benefitting From Service Recovery. Strategic direction, 37-38. Leemann, R. (2012, March 12). Information In Flight Caterers Need To Know . Retrieved from Love, Y. (2012, November 1). Qantas Stake Holder Analysis. Retrieved from Mulvihill, K. (2011, July 27). Baggage Claim. 4 Most Common Reasons Airlines Lose Baggage . Playback, M. (2013, July 11). Service culture experience. Retrieved from Qantas Airways. (2014). Aircraft Operating Variable. Muscat: Qantas airways Limited. Qantas Airways. (2011, August 16). Building A Stronger Qantas. Retrieved from Qantas Airways. (n.d.). International Business. Retrieved from Qantas Airways. (2011). Qantas Airways Limited Strategic Day. Qantas airways limited. Qantas Airways. (2010). Qantas Group At Glance. Muscat: Qantas Airways Limited. Qantas Airways. (n.d.). Qantas International Economy. Retrieved from Qantas Airways. (2015). Qantas investor day. Qantas airways limited. Qantas Airways. (2012). Revenue Sources. Qantas airways limited. Qantas Airways. (2014). Segment Revenue. Qantas airways limited. Qantas Airways. (n.d.). Track And Manage Qantas Frequent Flyer Miles. Retrieved from

Qantas. (n.d.). Retrieved from Elevating The Experience: Robbins, S., Judge, T. A., Millett, B., & Boyle, M. (2014). Global Organizational culture. In Organizational behavior (p. P.439). United states: Pearson education. Toister, J. (2013). Service failure. New York: American Management Association.




Brief description of chosen

1 hour

16 August 2015

service Background of Qantas airways Objectives Service strategy Service Culture Identifying target market business Key stakeholder Possible service failure Customer service process Financial consideration Identifying service level benchmark Recommendatio n Summary

1.5 hour

18 August 2015

20 minutes 2 hour 2 hour 1 hour, 1 hour

19 August 2015 19 August 2015 20 August 2015 21,22 August 2015

1.5 hour

23 august 2015

3 hour

25 August 2015

1 hour, 1hour

26,27August 2015 30 August 2015

1 hour 3 hour

3 September 2015

1 hour

5 September 2015 5 September 2015

30 minutes