Project MK-Ultra and Mind Control Technolo - Axel Balthazar [PDF]

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Other Books in the Mind Control Series: • • • • • • •

Mind Control, World Control Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3 Liquid Conspiracy: JFK, LSD, the CIA, Area 51 & UFOs Mind Control, Oswald & JFK Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness Saucers of the Illuminati HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy

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Project MK-Ultra and Mind Control Technology Edited by Axel Balthazar Copyright © 2017 Adventures Unlimited Press Articles and patents by other authors retain their own copyright ISBN: 978-1-939149-77-0 All Rights Reserved   Published by: Adventures Unlimited Press One Adventure Place, Box 74 Kempton, Illinois 60946 USA [email protected]

DISCLAIMER This book is presented for informational purposes only. Inclusion of reports and patents does not imply harmful intentions by the authors or inventors. This compilation seeks to demonstrate the existence of this technology and the government papers related to the subject of mind control. The implications are open to interpretation. The editor and publisher of this compilation are in no way endorsed by the authors, inventors, or agencies herein. The authors, inventors, publisher, and editor are not liable for anything done with this information. The content herein is in the public domain or is otherwise protected under the fair use doctrine for the purpose of comment or criticism.

SPECIAL THANKS Special thanks to the writers and researchers who have laid the groundwork in this field. They include: Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Kenn Thomas, John D. Marks, Colin A. Ross, Neil Sanders, Ted Gunderson, Walter Bowart, Alex Constantine, John Hall, Mark Phillips, Cathy O'Brien, and truth seekers around the world. Special thanks to my family, friends, and publisher for their continued support. [email protected]

Table of Contents Part One: Project MK-Ultra 1. Overview Documents 2. Drugs 3. Hypnosis 4. Subconscious Isolation 5. Extrasensory Perception 6. Victims 7. Glossary Part Two: Mind Control Technology 8. Artificial Telepathy 9. Behavior Modification 10. Nervous System Manipulation 11. Mind Manipulation 12. Mental Monitoring 13. Directed Energy Weapons 14. Electronic Surveillance 15. Implants and Nanotech 16. Subliminal Messaging

Chapter 1 Overview Documents 1977 memo for the Secretary of Defense RE: Experimentation Programs 1963 memo for the Director of Central Intelligence RE: Report of Inspection of MK-Ultra

Chapter 2 Drugs 1955 memo regarding desirable drugs to be found or created. Document retrieved via the 1977 Senate hearing on MK-Ultra. 1954 CIA Scientific Intelligence Memo “Potential New Agent for Unconventional Warfare - LSD” 1953 memo RE: LSD 1954 memo RE: Experiments with LSD-25 on “at least 12 human subjects of not too high mentality.” News headlines RE: CIA drug testing

[document begins] DRAFT [deletion] 5 May 1955 A portion of the Research and Development Program of TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods: 1. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public. 2. Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception. 3. Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol. 4. Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol. 5. Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc. 6. Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness. 7. Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called “brain-washing”. 8. Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use. 9. Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use.

10. Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc. 11. Substances which will produce “pure” euphoria with no subsequent letdown. 12. Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced. 13. A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning. 14. Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts. 15. Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects. 16. A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis. 17. A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform any physical activity whatsoever. The development of materials of this type follows the standard practice of such ethical drug houses as [deletion] It is a relatively routine procedure to develop a drug to the point of human testing. Ordinarily, the drug houses depend upon the services of private physicians for the final clinical testing. The physicians are willing to assume the responsibility of such tests in order to advance the science of medicine. It is difficult and sometimes impossible for TSS/CD to offer such an inducement with respect to its products. In practice, it has been possible to use outside cleared contractors for the preliminary phases of this work. However, that part which involves

human testing at effective dose levels presents security problems which cannot be handled by the ordinary contractor. The proposed facility [deletion] offers a unique opportunity for the secure handling of such clinical testing in addition to the many advantages outlined in the project proposal. The security problems mentioned above are eliminated by the fact that the responsibility for the testing will rest completely upon the physician and the hospital. [one line deleted] will allow TSS/CD personnel to supervise the work very closely to make sure that all tests are conducted according to the recognized practices and embody adequate safeguards. [document ends]

Chapter 3 Hypnosis (H) Mori doc ID# 17447 - MK-Ultra Subproject 49. Note the interest in “flicker light” on page 73, which some have speculated would later be used in the flicker rate of television and computer monitors. Mori doc ID# 17448 Mori doc ID# 140393 - One of the most disturbing MK-Ultra documents to come to light. The writer details how an unknown hypnotist used hypnotism for “inducing young girls to have sexual intercourse with him.” The document goes on to suggest that hypnotism could be used to pass along state secrets.

Chapter 4 Subconscious Isolation (SI) Mori ID# 144823 - This document, titled “Subconscious Isolation,” disproves the notion suggested by some researches that S.I. (an abbreviation used throughout MK-Ultra documentation) stands for “sleep induction.” The true meaning is defined on page one: A method of exerting immediate or prolonged influence on the subconscious mind. Mori ID# 190527 - SI and H Experimentation 25 Sept. 1951

Chapter 5 Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Mori doc ID# 17395 - A memo RE: Subproject 136 and extrasensory perception

Chapter 6 Victims The first two documents are letters regarding CIA use of human subjects. The third document is from 1963 and states: individuals to be subjected to testing must be unwitting. The next document shows the CIA's interest in creating a mind controlled assassin. The writer asks, “Can an individual of [deleted] descent be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?”

Chapter 7 Glossary January 1, 1956 index cards labeled Drug Cards Index. CIA Mori ID# 189903. Reformatted.

Chapter 8 Artificial Telepathy

Chapter 9 Behavior Modification

Chapter 10 Nervous System Manipulation

Chapter 11 Mind Manipulation

Chapter 12 Mental Monitoring

Chapter 13 Directed Energy Weapons

Chapter 14 Electronic Surveillance

Chapter 15 Implants and Nanotech

Chapter 16 Subliminal Messaging