Principles of Textile Finishing [PDF]

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Principles of Textile Finishing

The Textile Institute Book Series Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1925, The Textile Institute was established as the professional body for the textile industry to provide support to businesses, practitioners and academics involved with textiles and to provide routes to professional qualifications through which Institute Members can demonstrate their professional competence. The Institute’s aim is to encourage learning, recognise achievement, reward excellence and disseminate information about the textiles, clothing and footwear industries and the associated science, design and technology; it has a global reach with individual and corporate members in over 80 countries. The Textile Institute Book Series supersedes the former ‘Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles’, and represents a collaboration between The Textile Institute and Elsevier aimed at ensuring that Institute Members and the textile industry continue to have access to high calibre titles on textile science and technology. Books published in The Textile Institute Book Series are offered on the Elsevier web site at: and are available to Textile Institute Members at a substantial discount. Textile Institute books still in print are also available directly from the Institute’s web site at: To place an order, or if you are interested in writing a book for this series, please contact Matthew Deans, Senior Publisher: [email protected]

Recently Published and Upcoming Titles in The Textile Institute Book Series Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 1, 2nd Edition, A. Richard Horrocks and Subhash C. Anand, 9781782424581 Handbook of Technical Textiles, Volume 2, 2nd Edition, A. Richard Horrocks and Subhash C. Anand, 9781782424659 Geotextiles, Robert Koerner, 9780081002216 Advances in Braiding Technology, Yordan Kyosev, 9780081009260 Antimicrobial Textiles, Gang Sun, 9780081005767 Active Coatings for Smart Textiles, Jinlian Hu, 9780081002636 Advances in Women’s Intimate Apparel Technology, Winnie Yu, 9781782423690 Smart Textiles and Their Applications, Vladan Koncar, 9780081005743 Advances in Technical Nonwovens, George Kellie, 9780081005750 Activated Carbon Fiber and Textiles, Jonathan Chen, 9780081006603 Performance Testing of Textiles, Lijing Wang, 9780081005705 Colour Design, Janet Best, 9780081012703 Forensic Textile Science, Debra Carr, 9780081018729 Principles of Textile Finishing, Asim Kumar Roy Choudhury, 9780081006467 High-Performance Apparel, John McLoughlin and Tasneem Sabir, 9780081009048

The Textile Institute Book Series

Principles of Textile Finishing

Asim Kumar Roy Choudhury

An imprint of Elsevier

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I would like to dedicate this book to my elder sister, Miss. Sikha Roy Choudhury, who has devoted her whole life to our upbringing. I am grateful for her selflessness, kindness, devotion, and endless support. A.K. Roy Choudhury

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Introduction to finishing 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Object of finishing 1.3 Classification of finishes 1.4 Physical finishing 1.5 Functional finishes 1.6 Chemical finishes 1.7 Plasma finishing 1.8 Coated fabric 1.9 Application of chemical finish 1.10 Padding mangle 1.11 Low-pickup padding 1.12 Vacuum slot or suction hydroextractor 1.13 Drying and curing 1.14 Stenter or tenter 1.15 Conclusion References

1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 11 13 15 16 18 19


Surface finishing 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Calenders 2.3 Sueding or emerising 2.4 Raising or napping 2.5 Stenter finish 2.6 Conclusions References

21 21 21 31 33 36 38 39


Antishrink finishing 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Shrinkage 3.3 Shrinkage of woven fabric 3.4 Shrinkage of knitted fabric 3.5 Shrinkage of woollen fabric 3.6 Causes of shrinkage 3.7 Measurement of residual shrinkage

41 41 41 44 44 45 45 46


3.8 Shrink-proofing methods 3.9 Sanforising machine 3.10 Rigmel finish 3.11 Confining passage type 3.12 Compactors for knitted fabric 3.13 Conclusion References

48 50 53 54 54 59 59


Starch finishing 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Handle modifier finishes 4.3 Starch 4.4 Starch as a finish 4.5 Composition of finish 4.6 Synthetic polymers 4.7 Mangles 4.8 Cylinder dryers 4.9 Conditioning and damping 4.10 Future trends References

61 61 61 62 66 67 69 72 74 75 76 77


Acid–alkali finish 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Theory of mercerisation 5.3 Effects of mercerisation 5.4 Classification of mercerisation processes 5.5 Yarn mercerisation 5.6 Fabric mercerisation 5.7 Slack mercerisation 5.8 Mercerisation of knitwear 5.9 Addition mercerisation 5.10 Control of caustic concentration 5.11 Liquid ammonia mercerisation 5.12 Barium activity number 5.13 Parchmentising or organdie finish 5.14 Conclusions References

6 Softening 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Properties of softeners 6.3 Chemistry of softeners 6.4 Silicone softeners 6.5 Mechanism of action 6.6 Additives

79 79 81 82 88 89 93 99 99 100 101 102 104 105 106 107 109 109 111 112 120 134 136


6.7 Estimation of active matter content 6.8 Measurement of softness 6.9 Effect on sewability 6.10 Effect on pilling 6.11 Future trends References

138 140 144 145 146 146


Repellent finishes 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Water-repellent versus waterproof 7.3 Easy-care finish 7.4 Theory of wetting 7.5 Theory of repellency 7.6 Water proofing and water repellency 7.7 Repellent finishes 7.8 Soil release finish 7.9 Stain and soil retardancy 7.10 Stain blockers 7.11 Petal effect and lotus effect 7.12 Health hazards 7.13 Test methods 7.14 Future trends References

149 149 149 151 151 159 161 163 180 182 183 185 186 187 190 191


Flame- and fire-retardant finishes 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Definitions of terms 8.3 Flammability of textile fibres 8.4 Flame retardants 8.5 Mechanism of flame retardancy 8.6 FR finishing of cotton 8.7 FR finishing of rayon 8.8 FR finishing of wool 8.9 FR finishing of polyester 8.10 FR finishing of nylon 8.11 FR finishing of acrylic 8.12 FR finishing of polypropylene 8.13 FR finishing of fibre blends 8.14 Afterglow 8.15 Smoke and its reduction 8.16 Test methods 8.17 FR and environment 8.18 Halogen-free FRs References

195 195 197 198 201 202 210 221 222 222 224 224 224 225 226 227 230 237 238 242



Easy-care finishing 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Definitions 9.3 Reasons for crease formation 9.4 Factors affecting wrinkling 9.5 Prevention of shrinkage and crease 9.6 Resin finishing 9.7 Effects on fabric properties 9.8 Cellulose cross-linkers 9.9 Formaldehyde-based finish 9.10 Formaldehyde-free finishes 9.11 Ionic cross-linking 9.12 Application methods 9.13 Formaldehyde release 9.14 Formaldehyde testing 9.15 Future trends References

245 245 246 249 252 252 253 255 257 258 270 276 277 280 281 282 283

10 Antistatic and soil-release finishes 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Generation of static electricity 10.3 Static charges and textile materials 10.4 Human body and static energy 10.5 Measurement of static energy 10.6 Control of static electricity 10.7 Chemistry of antistatic finish 10.8 Static propensity of fibres 10.9 Methods of application 10.10 Performance evaluation 10.11 Soils 10.12 Means of soiling 10.13 Factors affecting soil release 10.14 Detergency and soil release 10.15 Soil-release finishes 10.16 Evaluation of soil release 10.17 Future trends References

285 285 286 287 288 289 291 294 297 298 299 299 300 301 303 305 313 315 316

11 Finishes for protection against microbial, insect and UV radiation 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Definitions 11.3 Growth of microorganism 11.4 Antimicrobial effect 11.5 Mechanisms

319 319 320 321 323 324


11.6 Means for antimicrobial 11.7 Antimicrobial fibres 11.8 Antimicrobial finishes 11.9 Sanitised finishes 11.10 Fungicidal finishes 11.11 Antibacterial finish 11.12 Various microbial finishes 11.13 Biopolymers 11.14 Application methods 11.15 Antimicrobial dyes 11.16 Test methods 11.17 Insect-resistant finishes 11.18 UV-protective finish 11.19 Future trends References

327 328 328 332 337 339 340 348 354 355 355 359 368 376 378

12 Finishing of denim fabrics 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Denim dyeing 12.3 Selection of denim fabric 12.4 Denim washing 12.5 Processing steps 12.6 Garment washing 12.7 Types of garment washing 12.8 Denim finishing 12.9 Impact on environment 12.10 Future trends References

383 383 384 386 388 389 390 390 406 408 413 414

13 Wool and silk finishing processes 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Felting of wool 13.3 Prevention and control of shrinkage 13.4 Fulling or milling 13.5 Setting 13.6 Fundamentals of silk finishing 13.7 Mechanical finishing of silk 13.8 Chemical finishing of silk 13.9 Conclusions References

417 417 417 420 430 431 437 438 442 461 462

14 Various ecofriendly finishes 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Process control 14.3 Biofinishing

467 467 471 476


14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8


Use of biopolymers Energy-saving finishing Plasma treatment Equipment for LPP Future trends References

487 488 498 506 519 520 527

Introduction to finishing


1.1 Introduction Any operation for improving the appearance or usefulness of a fabric after it leaves the loom or knitting machine can be considered a finishing step. Finishing is the last step in fabric manufacturing and is when the final fabric properties are developed. The term ‘finishing’, in its widest sense, covers all processes which fabrics undergo after their manufacture in looms or knitted machines. However, in a more restricted sense, it is the third and final stage of processing after bleaching and dyeing. Even this definition does not hold well in some cases where the fabric is not bleached and/ or dyed. A simple definition of finishing is the sequence of operations, other than scouring, bleaching and coloration, to which the fabrics are subjected after leaving the loom or knitting machine (Marsh, 1979). Most finishes are applied to woven, nonwoven and knit fabrics. But finishing is also done in yarn form (e.g., silicone finishing on sewing yarn) or garment form. Finishing is mostly done in fabric form rather than in yarn form. However, sewing threads made from mercerised cotton, linen and their blends with synthetic fibres as well as some silk yarns require finishing in yarn form. A fabric's finish can be either chemicals that change the fabric's aesthetic and/or physical properties or changes in texture or surface characteristics brought about by physically manipulating the fabric with mechanical devices; it can also be a combination of the two. Textile finishing gives a textile its final commercial character with regard to appearance, shine, handle, drape, fullness, usability, etc. Nearly all textiles are finished. When finishing takes place in a wet state, it is called wet finishing, and while finishing in a dry state, it is called dry finishing. The finishing auxiliaries are applied using finishing machines, padders or mangles with one- or two-sided action or by impregnation or exhaustion. Altering the composition, rheology and viscosity of the finish applied can vary effects.

1.2 Object of finishing The object of finishing is to improve the attractiveness and/or serviceability of fabric. There is a wide variation of techniques among different fabrics and different production units. In fact, many of them are trade secrets; that is why many details have not been published. There are actually very few published works available except about functional finishes, for which specific chemicals serve specific functions. The variations of finishing depend on the following factors (Marsh, 1979): 1. The type of fibre and its arrangement in yarn and fabric 2. The physical properties of fibres such as swelling capacity and behaviour when pressure or friction is applied 3. The capacity of fibres to absorb chemicals. Principles of Textile Finishing. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Principles of Textile Finishing

4. The susceptibility of the materials to chemical modification. 5. The most important factor, the desirable properties of the material during its use

If the inherent property of the material is excellent, such as lustre of silk, little finishing is necessary. The materials made of worsted yarn require less finishing than those made of woollen yarn. The materials prepared from cotton need a variety of finishing techniques, as it has diversified uses.

1.3 Classification of finishes The finishing processes may be broadly classified into two groups: (a) Physical or mechanical (b) Chemical.

The physical or mechanical processes encompass simple processes like drying on a steam-heated cylinder to various type of calenders, raising for soft effects on the surface of the fabric and breaking the finishing of filled goods for comfortable feel. Most of the mechanical finishes are known from ancient times and few changes have occurred in their method of operations. Some physical properties, such as dimensional stability, can be improved with chemical finishing. Mechanical finishing or ‘dry finishing’ uses mainly physical (especially mechanical) means to change fabric properties and usually alters the fabric's appearance as well. The mechanical finishes include calendering, emerising, compressive shrinkage, raising, brushing and shearing or cropping. The mechanical finishes for wool fabrics are milling, pressing and setting with crabbing and decatising. Mechanical finishing also encompasses thermal processes such as heat setting (i.e., thermal finishing). Mechanical finishing is considered a dry operation even though moisture and chemicals are often needed to successfully process the fabric. Chemical finishing or ‘wet finishing’ involves the addition of chemicals to textiles to achieve a desired result. In chemical finishing, water is used as the medium for applying the chemicals. Heat is used to drive off the water and to activate the chemicals. The chemical methods have changed with time remarkably, and the newer finishes have been developed continually. Many chemical methods are combined with mechanical methods, such as calendering, to improve the effect. Typically, the appearance of the textile is unchanged after chemical finishing. Some finishes combine mechanical processes along with the application of chemicals. Some mechanical finishes need an application of chemicals; for example, milling agents are needed for the fulling process or reductive and fixation agents for shrinkproofing wool fabrics. On the other hand, chemical finishing is impossible without mechanical assistance, such as fabric transport and product application. The assignment to mechanical or chemical finishing depends on the circumstance; that is, whether the major component of the fabric's improvement step is more mechanical or chemical. Mechanical devices are used in both categories; the major distinction between the two is what caused the desired fabric change, the chemical or the machine?

Introduction to finishing3

Another method of classification is to classify finishes as temporary and permanent finishes. In fact, no finish stands permanently till the material is serviceable, hence a more accurate classification would be temporary or durable. Some of the temporary finishes are: (a) Mechanical: calender, schreinering, embossing, glazing, breaking, stretching, etc. (b) Filling: starch, china clay and other mineral fillers (c) Surface application: oil, different softeners and other finishing agents.

Some of the durable finishes are: (a) Mechanical: compressive shrinkage, milling of wool, raising and cutting processes, permanent setting, etc. (b) Deposition: synthetic resins—both internal and external, rubber latex, laminating, etc. (c) Chemical: mercerisation, perchmentising, cross-linking agents, water repellent finish, fire-resistant and fireproofing finishes, shrinkproofing of wool, etc.

It should be noted that any such classification is arbitrary. Accurate classification is difficult because durability depends on several factors. Durability can be varied, and it is not possible to draw any borderline between temporary and durable finishes. Finishing processes are so varied that it is difficult to classify them. For cotton, several finishing processes are used widely, but they are so varied in technique that it is difficult to group them together. For many years, the dispersion processes, namely mercerisation and perchmentisation, were the only permanent finishes on cotton, and they still remain of great importance today. The common chemicals used in these finishes are caustic soda and sulphuric acid, respectively, in a moderately concentrated form.

1.4 Physical finishing Physical finishing methods for textiles include optical finishing, brushing and napping, softening, shearing and compacting of the textile structure.

1.4.1 Optical finishes Lustre may be imparted to a fabric by physical means. The techniques basically involve flattening or smoothing the surface yarns using pressure. Beating the fabric surface or passing the fabric between hard calendering rolls under pressure and with some friction will tend to flatten out the yarns and lower light scattering by the fabric surface, thereby improving reflectance and lustre. Lustre may be improved further if the calendering rolls are scribed with closely spaced lines which will be imprinted on the fabric to reinforce light striking and reflecting from the fibre surface. Similar techniques can be used to impart optical light interference patterns on the fabric. Thermoplastic fibres which can deform under heat and pressure can most readily be modified to impart lustre.


Principles of Textile Finishing

1.4.2 Brushing and napping Physical delustring of a fabric, as well as bulking and lofting of the fabric can be achieved by treatments which roughen the fibre surface or raise fibres to the surface. Fibre raising processes, such as brushing and napping, involve the use of wires or brushes which catch yarns in the textile structure and pull individual fibres partly from the yarn structure. The resulting fabric is warmer, softer and more comfortable. During calendering or beating of a fabric interaction between individual fibres within yarns may be lessened and the textile structure softened. Also, when a smooth textile structure free of raised surface fibres or hairiness is desired, the fabric may be sheared by passing the fabric over sharp moving blades or by passing the fabric over a series of small gas jets which singe and burn away raised fibres.

1.4.3 Compacting During the fabric formation processes, tremendous stresses are applied on textile materials. Such stresses can be controlled by drying the finished fabric with or without tension on a stenter frame, which controls the width of the fabric and the tension on the fabric during the drying process. A second method involves compression of the fabric structure, as in the Sanforizing process. In this process, the fabric and backing blanket (rubber or wool) is fed between a feed roller and a curved braking shoe, with the blanket kept under some tension. The tension on the blanket is released after passing the fabric and blanket between the roller and braking shoe. The net result is the compaction of the fabric. Such a simple technique permits garment making with finished textile goods to be without fear of excessive shrinkage on laundering. Protein hair fibres, such as wool, and thermoplastic fibres, such as polyester, can also be compacted. The scale structures on protein fibres entangle and stick on agitation, particularly in the presence of moisture. The resulting ‘ratcheting’ effect causes the fibres to compact and felt. Many processes for wool take advantage of this effect, and nonwoven felt structures are produced by this method. Compaction of the thermoplastic structure occurs when the fibres are raised to near their softening point. At a sufficiently high temperature, the fibres shrink and contract and achieve a stable structure, causing compaction of the textile structure.

1.5 Functional finishes Various functional fabric properties may be improved by using suitable chemical and/ or physiochemical techniques. The latter includes coating and exposure to high-energy sources and are gradually superseding conventional wet chemical methods. The use of polymers instead of simple chemicals is increasing in order to improve multiple functional properties simultaneously. The properties of fabrics and fibrous materials are altered to improve their performance with regard to various physical, chemical and/ or biological agents and influences. Such property modifications include: r­esistance

Introduction to finishing5

to wrinkling, fire, soils and stains, water, microorganisms and insects, light, heat and cold, shrinkage, air pollutants and chemical agents, mechanical changes caused by abrasion, pilling and various types of deformation and build-up of static charge. A few finishing processes which improve functional textile properties are listed below along with applicability or demand for specific fibre types (Vigo, 1997): 1. Wrinkle resistance or resiliency—for cellulosic fibres and their blends with synthetics 2. Flame retardancy—for most natural and synthetic fibres 3. Absorbency—usually to impart hydrophilicity to synthetic fibres 4. Soil release—primarily for synthetic fibres and their blends 5. Repellency (soil and stain)—primarily for synthetic fibres 6. Repellency (water)—primarily for cellulosic fibres 7. Resistance to microorganisms—primarily for cellulosic fibres, all fibres for medical purposes 8. Resistance to insects—mostly for wool fibres 9. Shrinkproofing—primarily for cellulosic and wool fibres 10. Resistance to static charges—primarily for synthetic fibres 11. Resistance to pilling—high tenacity synthetic fibres and their blends 12. Abrasion and wear resistance—primarily for cellulosic fibres and their blends 13. Resistance to UV light, heat and pollutants—for most natural and synthetic fibres, especially polyamide fibres 14. Thermal conductivity (hot or cold, thermal comfort)—all natural and synthetic fibres

The physicochemical or chemical methods are employed for the application of functional finishes on textile materials. The former includes application or irradiation of high energy, coating, insolubilisation or deposition and microencapsulation. Chemical methods include polymerisation, cross-linking and resin treatment, covalent formation and ion-exchange/chelation.

1.6 Chemical finishes The proper formulation of chemical finishes is not easy. Several important factors are to be considered before the finalisation of a formulation; a few are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The type of textile (fibre composition of the fabric and its construction) The performance requirements (extent of effect and durability) The economics of the formulation Availability of machinery and associated process restrictions Procedure requirements Environmental consideration Compatibility and interactions of finishing components.

Chemical finishes should meet the following requirements (Schindler and Hauser, 2004): 1. Low-cost product and process 2. Stable during storage and application in terms of pH, temperature and mechanical stress 3. Compatible with other finishes


Principles of Textile Finishing

4. Adaptation to customer requirement and substrate variation 5. Suitable for all kind of fibres and all textile forms such as yarn, woven or knit fabric, garment, nonwovens, etc. 6. Satisfactory stability during washing and dry cleaning 7. Should not hamper important textile qualities 8. On application should be distributed evenly on the fabric and fibre surface 9. No yellowing of white goods or colour change of dyed goods. 10. Easy correction of finishing faults 11. Nontoxic and ecofriendly 12. No release of volatile organic compounds 13. Biodegradable

Usually, several types of finishes are combined mostly in one bath (only one application and drying process) for economical reasons. This is often the hardest challenge of chemical finishing. First, all components of the finish bath must be compatible. Precipitations of anionic with cationic products should be avoided. Most of the finishes are marketed in the form of emulsions. The emulsion stability of different products may be reduced by product interactions. The inherent natures or the effect imposed on the substrate of two mixed components may be similar or opposite. Some components assist each other; for example, silicone elastomers may enhance water repellency, softeners may bring additional antistatic effects and antistatic finishes can soften material further. On the other hand, some agents may impart opposite effects; for example, hydrophobic finishes and hydrophilic antistatic finishes, or stiffening and elastomeric finishes, or stiffening and softening finishes (Schindler and Hauser, 2004).

1.7 Plasma finishing The coupling of electromagnetic power into a process gas volume generates the plasma medium comprising a dynamic mix of ions, electrons, neutrons, photons, free radicals, meta-stable excited species and molecular and polymeric fragments, with the system overall being at room temperature. This allows for the surface functionalisation of fibres and textiles without affecting their bulk properties. In the textile field, significant research has been done since the early 1980s in various laboratories across the world. The researchers mostly dealt with low-pressure plasma treatments of a variety of fibrous materials. Such works showed very promising results regarding the improvements in various functional properties in plasma-treated textiles. A variety of commercial low-pressure plasma machines, mostly in prototype form, have been offered for batch/in-line processing of textiles for more than 15 years. In recent times, some companies have also started to offer commercial systems for atmospheric-pressure plasma processing of textiles, both off-line and on-line. The potential use of plasma treatments of fibres, yarns and fabrics are promising for various types of functionalisation; examples are listed below (Shishoo, 2007): 1. Antifelting/shrink resistance of woollen fabrics 2. Hydrophilicity enhancement for improving wetting and dyeing 3. Hydrophobic enhancement of water and oil-repellent textiles

Introduction to finishing7

4. Removal of the surface hairiness in yarn 5. Antibacterial finish 6. Room-temperature sterilisation of medical textiles 7. Flame-retardant coating using monomer vapour (halogen and/or phosphorus) in combination with nitrogen and/or silicone 8. Silicone coating of airbag fabrics using cross-linked silicones (polyorganosiloxanes) 9. Durable antistatic properties using PU-resin and plasma processing 10. Shrink resistance of animal hair textiles using urethane-based resin and plasma processing 11. Electroconductivity of textile yarns surface. The plasma treatment improves wettability and soil release properties of polyester.

1.8 Coated fabric The coated fabrics are becoming more popular day by day primarily for technical textiles as water repellency, air permeability, etc. Coating can be applied on any fibrous substances including glass, polyethylene and polyethylene in woven, knitted or nonwoven form. Woven coated fabrics are known for high strength, while knitted coated fabrics have high elongation properties. Insolubilisation of chromium compounds inside the textile materials can impart resistance to UV light or sunlight. Antimicrobial properties can be improved by microencapsulation with quaternary ammonium salts.

1.9 Application of chemical finish Chemical finishes can be applied by a number of methods including exhaust (running batchwise in finish liquor after dyeing), padding and curing (immersion in the treatment solution followed by squeezing to remove excess and heat treatment), spraying, printing, foam application or vapour techniques. In addition, the finish can be added to the spinning bath prior to formation of manmade fibres. In the exhaust method, after the dyeing process in a winch, jigger or jet dyeing machine, the liquor is drained and the textile material is thoroughly washed. Fresh water is added to the finishing liquor and the material is run for a specific time. After a specified time, the material is sent for drying without washing. This is known as the batch process. The most popular method is the padding method. In a padding machine, the material is continuously dipped in liquor and squeezed to a certain degree (called percent pickup or percent expression) by passing between a pair of rollers. After padding, the fabric must be dried (i.e., water is removed) and cured (i.e., heated to cause a chemical reaction) in a separate machine before chemical finishing is complete. In the continuous method, the fabric after padding is continuously passed through a cylinder drier, curing machine or a stenter. The process is often referred to as pad-dry-cure. Each part of the process can influence the outcome of the treatment. The other method is to pad the fabric and to roll it on a roller for batching for a specific time. However, his semicontinuous pad-batch process is popular for dyeing but not for finishing. Wetting


Principles of Textile Finishing

of the fibre by the finish solution and spreading of the finish evenly over the fibre surface is critical in most cases to get the desired effect. The location of the finish on the surface or within the fibre is important, depending on the finish and its function.

1.10 Padding mangle The padding mangle (Fig. 1.1) is perhaps the most familiar and universal of all textile dyeing and finishing machinery. It gained popularity for the application of dyes and chemicals in continuous and semicontinuous dyeing and finishing processes. The satisfactory performance of the padding mangle is absolutely essential for the success of such processes. The padding process is suitable for applying dyes and chemicals having low or no affinity for the fibre. If the chemicals used in the padding mangle have a high affinity, their concentration in the trough decreases with time, resulting in a tailing effect. The effect can be minimised by using feeding liquor with a higher concentration than the solution initially fed to the trough. The padding mangle is not a complete machine by itself; other machines are necessary for fixation of chemicals in the padded fabric. The padding operation consists of two steps. First, the fabric, usually woven, is immersed in the liquor to achieve thorough impregnation. Second, the fabric is passed between two rollers to squeeze out air and to force dye-liquor inside the material, with the excess liquor being sent back along the fabric. The former step is known as dip, while the contact between the squeeze rollers, as well as passing between the rollers, is known as nip. For one dip and one nip padding process, the fabric is immersed in the trough once and passed through the nip once. For finishing, most fabrics at speeds of up to 50 m/min, single-dip and single-squeeze processes are sufficient. For higher speeds (e.g., 120 m/min) or for heavy fabrics, the double-dip and double-squeeze process using a three-bowl padding mangle is preferred. The liquor retained in the fabric after padding is expressed by weight as a percent of the weight of dry fabric and is known as percent pickup or percent expression. Thus, 80% expression means the fabric weight is increased by 80% of dry weight after padding. The expression less than 60% is difficult to obtain in a padding mangle. Increased pressure at the nip results in a lower percentage expression, but at the same time, the penetration inside the fabric is better. The fabric is subsequently passed through various machines for the fixation process.



(3) (4)

(I) (A)



(III) (B)

Fig. 1.1  (A) Two-bowl padding mangles with varying troughs and bowl arrangements. (B) Three-bowl padding mangles with varying bowl arrangements.

Introduction to finishing9

Mangle width for textile applications may be as high as 4–5 m, but widths of 1.7–2 m are more common for the continuous dyeing and finishing of woven fabrics. In old mangles, one of the rollers is covered with rubber, while the other one, the driving roller, is made of stainless steel, brass or ebonite. However, such types of mangle may give face to back difference on the fabric. Now both rollers of the mangle are of similar hardness. Most of the padding bowl mangles have a steel mandrel covered with about 15-mm deep hard rubber with a comparatively soft rubber surface having softness of 55–70° shore hardness. The softer the rubber, the more readily it deforms under pressure to provide a greater area of contact and thereby reduce the pickup of fairly open fabrics. However, such rollers are also more readily damaged, especially at the selvedges, and so a compromise must be established. The physical strains may cause unevenness, particularly for wider padders, and regrinding may be needed from time to time. The mangles should be equal in diameter, usually 30–40 cm, but larger diameter rollers are also used for high-speed running. With larger diameter rollers, the revolution per minute for a given fabric speed and the deflection under pressure are less, but they require larger bearings and a heavier foundation. Depending on the pressure applied, higher diameter rollers have a larger area of contact between two rollers. The chemical composition of the rubber surface should be chosen carefully so that it is unaffected by the liquor containing finishing agents. For cross-linking finishing, it should be impervious to formaldehyde condensates. Immediately after a run, the rollers should be washed thoroughly to avoid hardening or fixing of finishing agents on the rubber surface. In most of the two-bowl padding mangles, the lower bowl is in fixed bearings and the upper bowl is separated by about two centimetres when the mangle is not operating. The bearings of the top roller are mounted on arms pivoted at the side of the mangle and actuated by pneumatic cylinders attached to each side of the machine. Just before the padding operation, the upper roller is moved to press against the lower roller by pneumatic pressure created by a small compressor. The pressure is applied to the mandrel at the end of the roller, the maximum pressure being about 400 N/cm (50 kg/cm) of bowl width or about 10 tonnes across the total width, 5 tonnes at each end. In the three-bowl padding mangle, the centre bowl is in fixed bearings, and the two outer rollers are pressed against the centre. When the mangle is not operating, the top rollers should be detached from the fixed rollers in an open position. The roller in fixed bearings is driven from one side of the machine; the drive system depends on the maximum speed of the mangle, which may vary from 25 to 120 m/min. The sides of the padding mangle must be robust in order to withstand the forces applied. Applying pressure to the ends of a roller causes some deflection of the roller providing lower pressures (and consequently a higher pickup) in the middle of the pad and higher pressures (and lower pickup) at the sides. The deflection can be measured by using the Shirley Bowl Deflection Indicator. To counteract the effect of the bowl deflection, the surface of one or both bowls may be tapered slightly towards each end. The problem of bowl deflection can also be tackled by using a special mangle bowl, such as swimming roll mangle of Küsters. The roll has a stationary mandrel,


Principles of Textile Finishing

around which the roller shell rotates in bearings. The space between the mandrel and the shell is divided by pressure seals in two compartments. The smaller compartment, pressurised by oil, is always towards the nip. Oil is constantly pumped into the compartment, with some passing the seals and circulating back to the reservoir. When the oil pressure in the compartment is increased, the surface pressure at the middle of the roll is raised, and therefore the deflection of the mandrel is compensated. By controlling the internal oil pressure (maximum 500 kPa or 71 lbf/in.2) and hydraulic pressure at the ends of the mandrel, the configuration of the bowl can be adjusted to have a uniform linear pressure at the surface. The swimming rolls may be used in pairs or in combination with another conventional roller. The Artos stabilised roller system consists of three components, and the load is applied at the tube shaft at the centre. Although the inner shaft deflects under pressure, the force is transmitted to the outer sleeve via the inner sleeve covering only the middle section of the roller. To minimise oxidation of the rubber, the rollers should be covered during storage and protected from sunlight, moisture, excessive heat or cold. After prolonged storage, the oxidised surface is to be ground for better results. The pressure should be applied only when the rollers are running and they should be cleaned thoroughly after use. Situated below or at the front of the squeeze rollers is the padding box or trough, having a free-running roller at the bottom which guides the fabric through the trough. The box may be V-shaped, deep immersion type or shallow type (shown in Fig. 1.1A as (I), (II) and (III), respectively) having a width slightly more than maximum width of the fabric to be processed. The volume of the pad box should be as small as practicable (about 2 gal for a two-bowl padding mangle with 60-in. bowl width) so that the waste of the dye-liquor is minimal at the end of the run. It is made small in order to avoid a tailing effect, a problem that arises from the preferential pickup of dye or water by the fabric, resulting in a variation in composition of the liquor as the run continues. The finish liquor may be fed to the trough manually or with the help of a pump through a perforated pipe running across the back of the box. The perforations are pointed down and are away from the fabric. A constant level of dye liquor in the box can be maintained with the help of a float switch. For a very wide fabric, a liquor circulation system is often recommended, but the advantages are questionable. A drain plug is fitted at the bottom of the box for rapid draining at the end of run. The interior of the pad box should be smooth and easy to clean. Usually, impregnation is done at room temperature. However, some pad boxes are fitted with an external heating jacket for the circulation of hot water or oil. Hot impregnation may be required to achieve rapid and uniform wetting-out and high pickup of dyes. When two pad boxes are fitted in tandem, the second is kept at a slightly higher level so that the liquor overflows from the second to the first. The mangles may be arranged vertically opposite each other in ascending or descending order or as horizontally opposite each other. Such three arrangements with Artos two-bowl padder are shown in Fig. 1.1A as (1), (2) and (3), respectively. For three-bowl padders, all three may be inclined with a steady central bowl, while the top and bottom bowls press themselves against the central steady bowl with the action of levers and pneumatic pressure. There may be a combination of ascending and

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horizontal arrangement with two-dip (same or different bath)-two-nip (4) or descending and horizontal arrangement with one-dip-two-nip (5) arrangements, as shown in Fig. 1.1B. The ascending-bowl system gives a better observation of the nip, while in a descending-bowl system, the fabric path does not change much. With a horizontally opposed mangle, the fabric rises vertically from the padding box directly to the nip and straight through a dryer mounted above the nip. This arrangement is widely used for the Thermosol dyeing process for polyester and its blends. In a three-bowl arrangement, maximum impregnation occurs at the first dip-squeeze and maximum uniformity at the second squeeze. After impregnation and before entering the nip, it is necessary to take the fabric over a free-running smooth roller. The rollers should be positioned so that the fabric path leaving the pad box is nearly vertical, and upon leaving the rollers, the fabric enters straight to the nip. Nip guards covering both the entry zone and the sides may be fitted. Upon leaving the nip, the fabric should leave both rollers simultaneously, otherwise face-back differences may appear. The number of rollers following padding should be less so that the squeezed wet fabric has fewer points of contact. The fabric is fed from the plaited form to the pad bath after skying or floating in air over guide roller. An end piece is to be attached to the tail end if it is run from a large roll. Alternately, the fabric may be run through an accumulator, which will continue to deliver to the padding mangle. The fabric must be dry but readily absorbent, as the immersion time in the mangle is very short, about 0.5 s. It should also be free from loose impurities, waxes, oils, etc. Polyester-cellulosic blended fabrics are to be heat-set before padding. These fabrics, which are slow in wetting-out, may have to be treated with a rewetting agent beforehand. The fabric must be flat and crease-free. The knitted fabrics require low lengthways tension and the presence of scroll rollers and edge uncurlers. The fabric must be centred accurately on the padding mangle and run under moderate lengthways tension. Excessive tension gives poor absorbency and low liquor pickup.

1.11 Low-pickup padding In order to reduce the volume of dyebath and to stop draining back of the liquor after preferential absorption, troughless mangles such as Fibe padding mangles (Benninger Engineering Co.) have been developed. In such machines (Fig. 1.2), two sets of horizontally opposed mangles are placed one above the other, so that each of the four bowls makes contact with two others and there are four nips. These bowls are provided with to-and-fro as well as up-and-down motions, and no separate trough is used. The geometry of the rollers provides some space between the four rollers where the liquor is held. Two stainless steel plates covered with rubbers sheets about 3 in. thick on the inner sides are fixed at the ends of the rollers to prevent the padding liquor licking through the ends. A perforated pipe (shown above the guide rollers in the figure), entering the liquor space through one of the steel end plates, feeds the pad liquor. The liquor is fed at the same rate at which the liquor is taken up by the fabric during


Principles of Textile Finishing

Fig. 1.2  Fibe troughless padding mangle.

p­ adding and is circulated by a centrifugal pump. Only about 2½ gal of liquor is to be held in the space in 36-in. width machine. The fabric enters between the nip of the topmost rollers, which are under considerable pressure. The high pressure removes much of adsorbed air from the fabric so that it is wetted very quickly. It then passes over a guide roller inside the trough and horizontally through a nip. It passes around two guide rollers outside and reenters the trough through the nip of two bottom rollers. The fabric then passes around a guide roller in the trough and goes out horizontally through the nip of two vertical rollers. However, the wedge nip, as it is sometimes called, is restricted to padding lightweight fabrics. The thicker fabrics suffer from liquor seepage at the selvedge. There are difficulties in wetting-out in such a short time, and the continuous expulsion of air may cause frothing. The setting of end plates has to be adjusted very accurately. The wedge nip is normally used as the second stage in combination with the conventional dip-squeeze unit. The presence of occluded air in the fabric structure prevents the ready absorption of dye liquor during the padding process. It was observed that a roll of fabric when put under vacuum is readily saturated with liquor. Farmer Norton designed a machine for continuous vacuum impregnation. The fabric is carried on a rubber belt underneath a perforated rotary screen, in the first half of which suction is applied to the fabric, while in the second half, dye liquor is fed at atmospheric pressure. The fabric is then passed to a mangle to remove excess liquor, which may be drained or recirculated. Good absorption may be achieved even on loom-state fabric containing sizes. However, such a machine is not commercially popular as adequate impregnation may be achieved on most of the fabrics in conventional padding mangle by a two-dip-two-nip process. Moreover, very high penetration in thick fabric necessitates an increased quantity of liquor. For conservation of energy, lower liquor retention during padding is necessary. The relatively high liquor retention from normal padding techniques is expensive in terms

Introduction to finishing13



3 Dry fabric



Fig. 1.3  Loop-transfer system with three-bowl padding mangle.

of energy requirements, because drying is one of the most expensive stages of processing. Furthermore, migration is a more serious problem when the fabric contains excess liquor. To minimise liquor retention, the pad-transfer technique has been suggested, in which the padded and squeezed fabric encounters dry fabric. Owing to the initial oversaturation, however, the amount of liquor remaining is still typical of that achieved by a good conventional system. In the three-bowl loop-transfer technique (Fig. 1.3), the fabric is not directly dipped into the trough. Instead, a loop of fabric dipped into the trough encounters the dry fabric while passing through a nip. The pickup of liquor at the transferring loop can be controlled by varying both squeezing pressure (between Bowls 1 and 2) and transferring pressure (between Bowls 2 and 3) independently. Reproducibility and levelness are better at higher transfer pressure. Fixation values for fabric by either loop-transfer or conventional padding showed close agreement. The methods designed for low pickup values in the range of 5–40% region are of considerable interest for the application of finishing agents. The use of a coated fabric with a spongy surface as a backing fabric or an endless conveyor backing to give a more effective squeezing of heavy fabrics in continuous dyeing and finishing.

1.12 Vacuum slot or suction hydroextractor If a vacuum slot is added in line with a padder, the vacuum will extract the liquid residing in the fabric capillaries and open spaces, therefore reducing the wet pickup. Water in the capillaries and spaces between fibres and yarns is not bound as strongly as water in the interior of the fibre. The amount of water in the pores and spaces can be reduced by passing the fabric over a vacuum slot. Water extraction from such fabrics can be safely carried out in open width by passing over a vacuum slot or suction hydroextractor (Fig. 1.4), which is often located in front of a stenter or cylinder dryer.


Principles of Textile Finishing M s




Fig. 1.4  Suction hydroextractor.

The slot (S) is cut along the top of a horizontal cylinder of about 20 cm in diameter, coupled at the bottom to a large-diameter pipe leading to a gauze filter (F) (to trap any loose yarn), a water separator (D) and a vacuum pump (P). The machine draws the air through the fabric into the slot, and the rush of air sweeps out extraneous water from the fabric. Obviously air leakage is to be minimised, so the lengths of the slot at either side of the fabric are covered with rubber or plastic sleeves or masks (M). The fabric must be centred before passing over the slot, and then around a pair of draw rollers. Water is removed in the form of droplets driven from the fabric by air flowing into the vacuum system. Some evaporation may take place, but within the fabric, the removal is almost wholly mechanical. The rate of removal is so rapid that a 2–3 mmwide slot may give satisfactory suction drying at a speed of 60 m/min with contact time of 2–3 μs. Except for very dense fabrics, a vacuum of 40 kPa is adequate. The important variables in suction drying are the vacuum achieved, the fabric speed and the slot width. When the vacuum pump runs at a fixed rate, the vacuum achieved will depend on the slot width and the density of the fabric. At a constant vacuum, the slot width alone has a very little effect on water retention. With a given slot width, retention does not change much when the fabric speed is increased. Investigation showed that most of the water removal occurs in regions close to the slot edges, and the central region contributing very little, although it does influence the airflow into the vacuum chamber. For the highest possible vacuum, the slot should be narrow, and multiple slots may be advantageous. The achievement of an adequate level of vacuum is the main practical problem in suction drying. Openstructured fabrics lower the vacuum, thereby obstructing easy water removal. Suction drying requires a separate mechanism for fabric transport, and the power requirement of the vacuum pump is more than double that required for mangles. Nevertheless, the suction process is less severe and has a useful role in mechanical drying. The advantages of vacuum slots are (Tomasino, 1992): 1. They are relative simple devices and are easily fitted onto existing finishing ranges. 2. The extracted solution can be saved and fed back to the pad after the lint has been filtered out. 3. The entire fabric is exposed to the treating solution, therefore the solution is uniform throughout the fabric cross section. Face-to-back uniformity is good. 4. Units have been designed to have movable slot openings to accommodate fabrics of different widths.

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The Evac-Nip by Eduard Kusters Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Germany, is a prototype machine that combines chemical application with a wet pickup reduction. A patented vacuum assembly is used to draw hot air through the wetted fabric after immersion prior to the fabric contacting a heated cylinder. The exiting fabric has a low moisture level and can be processed more efficiently in a subsequent drying/curing operation. The Evac-Nip seems to be well suited for finishing applications and provides a distinct advantage over conventional vacuum slot applicators, since additional moisture is removed prior to final drying and curing. This lower moisture level should assist in preventing finish migration during drying. Morrison Textile Machinery, USA, presented the Micro-Stat, a combined ­fabric ­saturator and chemical-dosing system. As the fabric passes through a double-­immersion, low-volume pad, a microprocessor with touchscreen controls calculates the necessary feed rate of the replenishing chemical solution based on the desired add-on and actual fabric flow. Very consistent add-ons can be realised with minimal chemical waste. This approach addresses only one aspect of finish application; the problems associated with high wet pickups, finish migration and longer drying times still remain (Hauser, 2000).

1.13 Drying and curing The water dispersed in a textile material by a chemical–physical process is generally eliminated by the action of hot air, which makes the water evaporate. During the drying process, it is very important to carefully consider the way heat is directed on the fabric. The drying process can be carried out by: ●

Heat convection Contact with heated metal surfaces Infrared radiation Microwaves or high-frequency waves Combustion

Yarns and textile materials in bulk are generally dried inside hot air compartments. In finishing, water is used to distribute the chemicals evenly in the surface and interior of the fibres and fabrics. After the application of finishes, water is evaporated to make the fabric dry. Though the concept of drying is simple, it can be the source of unsuspected problems too. It is also a high energy-consuming step and in these days of energy crisis, this significantly affects the cost of finishing. For drying to take place, the water must be converted to vapour, and the vapour must be moved away from the surface. Air with a low relative humidity has a greater capacity for water vapour than air with a high relative humidity. When the relative humidity nears the saturation value, liquid water is in equilibrium with water vapour, and so evaporation is slowed. The absolute amount of water vapour in a volume of air is a function of temperature. For example, at any given relative humidity, the actual amount of water vapour is much greater at high temperatures than at low temperatures. The rate at which water evaporates from fabric depends on the temperature of the fabric and the volume of air that passes through it. Evaporation of water occurs rapidly at its boiling point. When wet fabric is heated with hot air (regardless of the air's


Principles of Textile Finishing

t­emperature), the temperature of the fabric will not rise above water's boiling point until all the liquid water is gone. As water evaporates, the fabric is cooled by evaporative cooling. Some of the factors affecting drying rate are air temperature, relative humidity of drying air and volume of air passing over fabric (air flow). Liquid held in the capillaries is responsible for the phenomenon called migration. If a fabric is heated from one side, the dissolved or suspended chemicals will concentrate at that side. The movement will continue until the moisture level in the fabric is reduced below that required to sustain the filled capillaries. For cellulosic fabrics, this level is about 30–40%. To prevent migration, dryers must be designed to evenly remove water from both sides of the fabric. Once the level of moisture is below a critical point, the source of heat becomes less critical. Curing or fixation is also a thermal treatment, generally at a temperature much higher than that of drying. The same equipment used to dry fabric is also used for curing, provided the equipment is capable of reaching curing temperatures. In many finishing procedures, drying and curing are done in two successive steps. Each step will have its own individual specified conditions. Sometimes however, no delineation between the two is made; wet fabric enters the machine and cured fabric exits. The type of dryer used will affect fabric properties. The cylinder dryer, in which the fabric is passed over hot metallic cylinders, was once very popular. But some fabrics will develop a surface sheen when they come in contact with heated surfaces, and some will shrink unless the fabric is restrained. Tension can cause the fabric to become stiff. The main limitation of a conventional cylinder dryer is that there is no control of fabric width, and a final finish is often given on a stenter to ensure consistent and specific width of the final fabric. Additionally, tension can distort fragile fabrics. Choosing the right equipment to handle the fabric is an important matter when one is trying to create specific fabric properties. Loop ovens differ from roller ovens in that the rollers move horizontally from the entry side of the chamber to the exit side, carrying a loop of fabric along the way. The loop is formed by forcing the fabric between adjacent rollers, sometimes called sticks. The ends of the sticks are attached to a rotating mechanism that constantly propels them through the chamber. Hot air circulates through the chamber, and the loops are free to flap around as they dry so that the fabric can dry in a relaxed state. However, this may result in huge shrinkage.

1.14 Stenter or tenter Stenters are the most expensive and most important machines in a dye house and finishing works. However, the stenter is the only drying machine that provides adjustment and control of fabric width during drying. In addition to drying, the stenter performs several other functions, namely: 1. Heat setting of fabrics made of synthetic fibres and blends. 2. Applying and fixation of several finishing agents. 3. Imparting a particular mechanical finish affecting appearance and feel, commonly known as stenter finish.

Introduction to finishing17

A tenter or stenter is a transport device that carries fabric from one point to another continuously in open width with precise width control. The stenters are of two types, pin stenters or clip stenters, depending on the means of holding the fabric onto the chains. In clip stenters, the clips are in two sections, upper and lower; the upper being in either in an open or closed position. At the entry point of the fabric, the upper jaw descends and grips the edge of the fabric. At the delivery point, the jaw opens and releases the fabric. The clip stenter requires a specific edge, preferably a selvedge, to grip and is usually confined to woven fabrics. The more common pin stenters have pins about 5 mm long, mounted in two rows, about 3–4 pins/cm, along the base plate. The pins are thicker near the base to prevent direct contact of the fabric with the hot base plate. Clip stenters leave no pin marks in the selvedges, but customers will accept pinholes in the selvedges associated with pin stenters. The speed of stenter ranges from 10 m/min for heavyweight to 100 m/min for lightweight fabrics. The actual speed also depends on the particular operation (e.g., drying, heat setting, weft stretching or finishing) being carried out. The higher the speed, the more vital the need for a good entry system to ensure that the fabric is properly centred and the edges are fed onto the pins at the correct speed. Two endless chains equipped with either clips or pins grasp the selvedges and move in synchrony, carrying the fabric between them. The width between the two chains can be automatically adjusted by means of a motor-driven screw. The entry end is equipped with edge sensors, which signal the screw to move the chains in or out to assure that the edges have been engaged. The width along the length of the chain can be varied by additional independently driven screws located downstream. Sections of the chain can be set to different widths. For example, the width may be narrow at the entry point and be pulled out at a subsequent section to make it wider, or the final width may be set narrower and allowed to shrink. The stenter also has a provision for length control. The fabric either can be stretched or overfed as it enters onto the pins or clips. The yardage yield may be increased by stretching. Pin stenters allow the overfeeding of wet fabric onto the pins by a separate drive mechanism. The fabric will shrink when it enters in the heated zones. As a result, residual shrinkage of the fabric is low but yardage yield also diminishes. The modern stenters consist of multiple closed heated chambers, each about 3 m long. The schematic diagram of a modern four-chamber stenter is shown in Fig. 1.5. A variety of methods are used to heat the air circulating in stenters via the heat exchanger, namely (Roy Choudhury, 2011): 1. High-pressure steam is released from the boiler, but this will only provide a maximum air temperature of 165°C—adequate for drying and curing, but inadequate for the heat setting and thermofixation of dyes. 2. A thermostable oil called a thermic fluid is heated to a temperature above 250°C. A separate thermic fluid boiler is the best choice, but the provision of a separate boiler and other accessories increases the capital and maintenance costs. 3. Separate oil burners discharge into one side of the heat exchanger of each compartment, but the arrangement may cause oil spots and soot due to incomplete combustion.


Principles of Textile Finishing


Operator and controls

First chamber Second chamber Third chamber Fourth chamber



Fig. 1.5  Schematic diagram of a modern four-chamber stenter. 4. Burnt gas fumes may be fed directly into the stenter chamber. To avoid any build-up of unburned gas in the stenter, the exhaust fans must be operating for 30–60 s before the gas supply is turned on. Indirect firing through a heat exchanger can be used for gas, but the major disadvantages are additional capital cost, together with a lower thermal efficiency (only about 60% against direct firing). 5. Stenters may be built with electrical heating, but the electrical energy requirement and the operating cost will be very high.

The temperature in each zone can be independently set to a profile of any drying and curing conditions desired. The chambers are equipped with hot-air distribution heads that blow hot air directly onto the top and bottom of the fabric. Hot air is forced into pairs of tapered ducts extending across the width of the fabric and is discharged on it. In some stenters, the ducts have nozzles running the full width to provide uniform air distribution onto the fabric. Some other designs have circular nozzles arranged to strike the fabric surface at an angle. It is most important, particularly during heat setting prior to dyeing, that hot-air distribution is uniform across the full width of the fabric. A reasonable balance of air distribution is to be maintained between the top and bottom ducts. During drying, slightly more air is forced into the bottom ducts to support some of the fabric's weight and also because the bottom of the fabric is wetter than the top. This helps to prevent excessive sagging, particularly in knitted fabrics, but it should not be overdone; otherwise, the fabric may be lifted off the pins. The hot air, after being forced against the fabric surface, makes its way between the ducts to the sides of the stenter, where it is collected by a fan and recirculated. At the top of the compartment is a damper that regulates the rate at which exhaust gases, including steam, are removed into an exhaust duct. Either slots or tubes direct the air onto the fabric. As soon as all the water is ­evaporated, the fabric temperature reaches the temperature of the heated air. The time it takes to travel from this point to the exit end is the actual time (curing time) the fabric is exposed to the higher temperature. Some modern frames are equipped with fabric temperature sensors located along the length of the frame as a better way of controlling the process. By knowing the point within the frame when the fabric is dry, the frame could be programmed to give it the time necessary for curing to take place.

1.15 Conclusion Chemical finishing is always an important component of textile processing because it makes textile materials marketable and user-friendly. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards ‘high-tech’ textile products. As the use of high performance

Introduction to finishing19

textiles has grown, the need for chemical finishes to provide the fabric properties required in these special applications has grown accordingly. One strong future trend is the continuing incorporation of a user-friendly computer control into textile finishing equipment. Touchscreen controls with easy-to-understand icons have been installed on many machines, and more versatile microprocessors are being utilised, not only to monitor machine and process parameters, but also to control the process through closed feed-back loops. A feedback loop is the path by which some of the output of a circuit, system, or device is returned to the input. Additionally, production data are being recorded and stored so that they can be recalled for later use. A major trend is to provide improved and more consistent quality in finished yams, fabrics, and garments. Machinery manufacturers recognise the need for ongoing competitiveness, and they are supplying their customers with the means to increase productivity while reducing overhead costs. The growing popularity of short manufacturing runs requires finishing machinery that can provide the desired fabric properties over a wider range of fabrics (Hauser, 2000).

References Hauser, P.J., 2000. Critical review of textile finishing equipment in ITMA '99. Textile Progress 30 (1/2), 84–89. Marsh, J.T., 1979. An Introduction to Bleaching. B.I. Publications, India. Roy Choudhury, A.K., 2011. Textile Preparation and Dyeing. Society of Dyers and Colourist India, Mumbai, India. Schindler, W.D., Hauser, P.J., 2004. Chemical Finishing of Textiles. Woodhead Pub. Ltd., Cambridge, England. Shishoo, R. (Ed.), 2007. Plasma Technologies for Textiles. Woodhead Pub. Ltd., Cambridge, England. Tomasino, C., 1992. Chemistry & Technology of Fabric Preparation & Finishing. Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science College of Textiles, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Vigo, T.L., 1997. Textile Processing and Properties. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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Surface finishing


2.1 Introduction The principal object of finishing fabric is to confer a more pleasing appearance and handle or to render the fabric more suitable for a particular end use. It has long been known that simple physical or mechanical treatments can change the appearance and properties of textile fabrics significantly. As little or no water is used during the processes, mechanical finishes are often termed as ‘dry finish’. The mechanical treatments are significantly affected by the extent of heat and pressure applied, the moisture content of the material during the treatments and on the pretreatment of the fabric with gum and starchy products. The traditional batchwise mechanical finishes have now been replaced by continuous treatments capable of finishing at high speed. Moreover, better control of machine parameters is possible in continuous state-of-theart finishing machinery and they assure that the fabrics being finished are consistently to close tolerances. The surface characteristics of fabrics can be altered by a variety of techniques. The surface modifications aim to improve smoothness, roughness, lustre, adhesion, dyeability and wettability, in addition to removing creases and wrinkles.

2.2 Calenders Calendering is a type of mechanical levelling and segmenting process for ‘finishing’ fabrics or webs to produce a special effect, namely flattening, lustre, compacting, glazing, moiré, Schreiner, smoothing, texturing and other embossed patterns by passing in open width between two adjacent rollers kept under pressure. The passage of material (full-width piece goods) between two rollers is called nip. The use of calenders to produce flat, compact and polished fabric is very still popular. From the beginning of fabric manufacturing, it was observed that the application of pressure by a simple iron or press could alter the properties of fabric. The alteration in properties depends on the ability of the fabric to be mechanically changed. The use of calender is an important technique in finishing of cotton, linen rayon and silk materials. On the other hand, synthetic fibres react to mechanical deformation, but they require the presence of heat to defeat the physical and thermal memory of the fibres. The object of normal calendering is to flatten yarns, to close interlacements in fabric and to impart a lustrous, smooth feel to the fabric.

2.2.1 Rolling calender The normal type of calender is sometimes termed a rolling calender or roller calender. The function of a rolling calender is to provide a smooth or glossy fabric surface as well as to improve the handle. The basic mechanical action of this type of calender is Principles of Textile Finishing. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Principles of Textile Finishing

to cause the fibres inside the textile material not only to reshape but also possibly to flatten or deform. It also causes the fibres to nestle or more tightly stack around one another (Gunter and Perkins, 2015). Fundamentally, the calenders consist of a series of heavy rollers or bowls mounted vertically in a robust frame. Calenders with 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 or 11 may be used according to the output and type of finish required. Threebowl calenders and seven-bowl universal calenders are the most popular. Normally, the unit comes as a three-roll calender with alternate steel and filled rolls, although it may also come with two, four or five rolls. The main roll, which is the top steel roll, is driven by a variable speed motor, either directly or through a roller chain drive, while the intermediate filled roll can be driven with off nip drive. When required, the steel roll can be heated by gas, hot oil, electric or steam up to 210°C. The metal roll is made of fine cast iron or high-quality steel, which is often case hardened and highly polished. Chrome or nickel-plated steel bowls are used where a high-gloss finish is required. When fabric is passed between two metal rolls, the fabric may be damaged, particularly in the case of thin woven fabric. Therefore most calenders consist of a hard metal roller and a softer roller. The softer nonmetal bowl is usually termed as ‘calender bowl’. The calender bowls are made out of variety of materials, with each bowl manufacturer offering a specialised bowl covering. The usual substances used are cotton paper, wool paper or a mixture of the two. These machines are often heavily engineered in reinforced concrete to a depth of 4 ft. The torque and loading at a high power (e.g. 60 hp) with a high ratio of speed reduction are considerable. One major problem is the potential damage of the calender bowl due to improper sewing techniques where more than one layer of fabric present. The hardness of the calender bowl should be high enough so that the required finish is achieved without excessive pressure loading, too high temperature or low production speed (high nip dwell). The surface hardness is normally kept at 75–90 degrees Shore hardness. Calendering is a high-speed ironing process that primarily imparts lustre and is usually the final treatment for the fabrics in the finishing sequence. The basic principle of calendering is to expose the cloth to the combined effect of moisture, heat and pressure until the fabric acquires a very smooth and light-reflecting surface with a good lustre. The calendering effect on the fabric is usually temporary and disappears after the first washing. Semipermanent lustre is sometimes achieved by padding fabric in a sparingly soluble polyvinyl acetate emulsion before calendering, where the solution acts as a binding agent. After scouring, bleaching, mercerising and printing, the fabric is dried so that it can transform into its true shape and dimensions. However, it is likely to end up in a form which is less lustrous, because the threads are left highly crimped or wavy so that the fabric surface is not smooth and flat. To become highly lustrous, the fabric surface should be perfectly flat with the individual fibres as parallel to each other as possible. To increase its lustre, the fabric must be flattened and smoothed. This process is usually referred to as Schreiner calender (Section 2.2.4) when substantial improvement in lustre is obtained by passing the fabric between rollers. In ordinary calendering, the two bowls are run together at the same peripheral speeds so that there is no slippage between them. Under these conditions, the surface of the fabric is simply flattened to the extent that the pressure between the bowls and the plasticity

Surface finishing23

of the cotton fibres will allow. This can give a considerable increase in lustre. However, this increase can be made even greater by first impregnating the fabric with waxy and starchy substances, which can assist by filling up inequalities in the fabric surface and by promoting a certain degree of polishing. When the maximum increase of lustre is desired, it is arranged by suitable gearing for one bowl to rotate somewhat faster than the other. This is called friction calendering, and under such circumstances, there is a slip between the bowl and the fabric which is equivalent to an ironing action. If the steel bowl is quite hot and the fabric suitably damp, there is also a very high increase in lustre. The polishing action closes up the pores of the fabric to make it appear more solid and highly lustrous. By simple and friction calendering, the cotton fabric can achieve a greater lustre than that obtained by mercerisation. In mercerised fabric, the threads appear clearly and are round and spaced evenly according to the weave. On the other hand, calendering results in the flattening of threads and reducing space between them. In spite of a somewhat lower lustre, however, mercerised fabric does appear to be of higher quality. Of course, mercerised cotton fabrics can be calendered to give them a higher lustre, and it is possible through calendering to control the increase of lustre more accurately. A defect of a lustrous finish obtained by calendering is that it is not fast to washing. When the fabric is moistened, the cotton fibres swell and lose their flattened state so that during drying, the fabric reverts to its original appearance, with most of the added lustre having disappeared. By contrast, the lustre produced by mercerisation is permanent and is unaffected by washing. The lustre produced by the calendering of a moderately moist fabric can be readily removed by light washing. However, a washfast lustre is produced by the very hot calendering of the wet fabric so that drying takes place during the process. The lustre of the fabric is greatly increased if the individual fibres showing on the surface are parallel to each other. However, it is impossible to weave a fabric in which all of the fibres run parallel to each other and there is no subsequent means to make them parallel. It would be possible to emboss the surface of the fabric with parallel lines spaced a distance apart that is about equal to the thickness of the cotton fibre and more or less running in the same direction as the majority of the fibres showing on the fabric surface. Such embossing would mostly cover up the irregular alignment of the fibres, resulting in a fabric surface where the numerous, closely spaced embossed lines would appear as a fabric with all of its fibres ideally parallel; thus the produced fabric would be one of very high lustre. The Schreinering process evolved and the Schreiner calender was designed on this principle. In order to fully flatten and smooth cotton fabric, it is necessary for the cotton fibres to be brought into a fairly plastic state. Cotton fibres are more plastic when they are hot and moist, thus the most favourable conditions for calendering are achieved by first conditioning or dampening the fabric and then using a calender with hot pressurised rollers. Prior to calendering, it is often customary to stretch the conditioned fabric to bring it to the required width and to remove any wrinkles and creases. Fundamentally, the calender consists of a series of heavy rollers or bowls mounted vertically in a robust frame. Many types of calenders are available, featuring anywhere from 2 to 11 bowls or rollers. With a simple two-bowl calender, the fabric can pass through only one nip in its passage, but with a multibowl calendar, the fabric can pass in succession through several nips and is more completely treated as a result.


Principles of Textile Finishing

The bowls are made of polished steel or compressed paper or cotton. The metal bowls are usually made of chilled iron with a hard and highly polished surface. The bowls are generally hollow and often are made of close-grained cast iron, allowing them to be heated. For each pair of rollers running against each other, one should be softer than the other so that if there is any inequality of thickness in the fabric, the soft bowl will compress to accommodate this extra thickness. If two steel bowls run together, the fabric may be damaged or cut at the extra thick portion, thus it is usual to run a steel bowl against a hard roller made of rubber, paper or fabric. If the calendering is to be carried out hot, then obviously the soft bowl must be of paper or cotton and not of rubber or any other material adversely affected by high temperatures. In most of the cases, all metal bowls are geared together in order to prevent slippage. The three mechanical operating parameters of speed (or dwell time in nip), temperature and pressure on the adjacent rolls (pounds per lineal inch, or PLI) must be controlled (Gunter and Perkins, 2015). When a loading force is applied to the end of the calender bowls, they tend to deflect, resulting in a decreased nip pressure in the middle. The obvious remedy is to have a bowl whose diameter varies across the length with a greater diameter in the middle. However, the correct setting only applies to one specific loading. Another solution to bowl deflection involves ‘skew’ positioning of the bowl. The temperature can vary from ambient for a light smoothing finish to 190°C for a full lustrous finish. The heating of the metal bowl may be achieved by gas, electric, thermic fluid or steam. Gas and electric heating need very accurate control, whereas steam and thermic fluid give level heating profiles. The production speed of the calender depends on many factors. The slower the speed, the longer the dwell of fabric in the nip, which will consequently have a greater effect on the fabric. Speed generally varies from very slow at about 5 m/min to very fast at a maximum of 75 m/min. It is difficult to specify all of the parameters involved in calendering, as there are many. A few important parameters are listed below: (1) Fabric structure—a more open structured fabric is affected more easily by calendering. (2) Nature of the fibre/yarn—a softer fibre or softer spun yarn is affected more easily. (3) Finish—pretreating the fabric with starch, gums and/or softeners distinctly enhance the finishing effect. (4) Moisture content—dry fabric will be less affected than conditioned fabric. (5) Roller temperature—synthetic fibres react to mechanical deformation in the presence of heat, and mechanical deformation of natural fibres are also enhanced by heat. (6) Calender speed—this determines dwell time in nip and consequently the extent of deformation. (7) Differential bowl speed—this determines the friction on the fabric’s surface and consequently the fabric’s lustre. (8) Nip pressure—high pressure gives a papery finish while reduced pressure results in a soft and thready appearance of the finished fabric. (9) Roller composition—the extent of the hardness and its variation on the roller surface decides the uniformity of a surface finish.

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There are eight types of calendar finishing: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Simple finishing or swizzing Chasing Friction Schreiner calender Embossing calender Moiré calender Felt calender Ciré calender

The seven-bowl universal calender is the most popular. A universal calender may be used to produce swizzing, chasing and friction finishes in the same machine, as shown in Fig. 2.1A–C, respectively. In the seven-bowl calender machine, the constructions of the bowls are different. The first bowl at the bottom (the fabric entry point) is made of close-grained iron. Bowls 3 and 6 from the bottom are made from chilled iron with a hard polished surface, while bowls 2, 4, 5 and 7 are made from compressed cotton. Friction calendaring may be done in a separate machine, too. Swizzing or swissing finish In this finishing technique, the fabric runs through the nips of several bowls with the same surface speed. As a result, the fabric achieves a lustrous paper-like finish depending on the number and composition of the bowls. Chasing finish The fabric is passed through the nips of the calender, over the external rollers and back into the bottom nip of the calender. Multiple layers of fabric run through the nip resulting in a thready appearance with soft handle. This is mostly done for linen fabric.

Bowls not in use




Fig. 2.1  Finishing with seven bowl calender. (A) Swizzing. (B) Chasing. (C) Friction finishing.


Principles of Textile Finishing Friction finish Generally, a three-bowl calender is used. One heated polished metal bowl runs at a surface speed of 1.5–2.0 times faster than the other two, resulting in a highly polished fabric surface with a high gloss. The bottom bowl is usually made of close-grained cast iron, and the middle one is made of cotton and has a greater diameter than the others to allow for wear. The seven-bowl calender may be used by detaching or lifting the top four rollers.

2.2.2 Friction calender For a maximum surface change, a friction or glazing calender is used. For an improved friction finish, a three-bowl friction calender may be used. The machine is generally heavier, and a gear system is used to drive the smooth metal bowl faster than the softer calender bowl. The main function of a friction calender is to polish cotton fabric surfaces to a very high gloss. The basic mechanical action of this type of calender is similar to that of a rolling calender, with the addition of a polishing action by a smooth heated metal roll passing across the fabric as it is being held against a fibre-type roll under moderate pressure. It is normally used on apparel fabrics of natural yarns, such as cotton, that are woven, as well as on linen drawing cloths. These fabrics must be very strong in order to withstand tremendous tension in the calendering nip. A friction calender consists of a three-roll calender, and the intermediate roll has a filling of 100% heat-resistant cotton. The top roll is driven by a mechanical variable speed motor and roller chain, while the auxiliary roll is driven by a roller chain drive from top to bottom, usually with a 2.1 rotating in the same direction. A friction calender can operate at speeds up to 35 yards per minute; it has a nip loading of up to 2500 PLI, with the average being 1500 PLI. Both the top and bottom roll are heated; the top roll is heated to 175–215°C and the bottom roll is heated to a maximum of 65–120°C. The unit consists of a jaw clutch from top to bottom roll to disengage the drive when the machine is used as a rolling calender (Gunter and Perkins, 2015).

2.2.3 Silk calender The silk finishing calender provides a smooth fabric surface, light lustre and improved handle of silk and other delicate fabrics. The basic mechanical action for this type of calender can be the same as for the normal roller calender with the exception of special fibre rolls that are comparatively soft. The 78 Shore D fibre rolls will create a very wide nip between the rolls when loaded against a smaller diameter steel. This type of calender can process all types of fabrics, but it is used mostly for high content cotton and silk fabric. The calender speeds for silk finishing can reach up to 100 yards per minute, with a nip loading of 400–700 PLI. The wide nip flexes and releases the fabric, causing a disruption between the bond points, serving to soften the fabric as well as strengthen it by enhancing interfibre cohesion (Gunter and Perkins, 2015).

Surface finishing27

2.2.4 Schreiner calender A silk-like appearance, especially with mercerised fabric, is achieved by passing over a metal bowl with engraved inclined lines (i.e. angles with warp or weft) of about 125–500/in. under very high pressure (about 10 tons). In order to obtain a silk-like lustre, it is necessary to produce a very large number of small reflecting surfaces distributed in several planes. The production of lustre by the Schreiner finish is therefore a method of embossing. Though friction calender can produce lustrous, smooth and drapeable fabric, it gives a papery thin handle. Schreinering is a special type of embossing where a heated metal roller engraved with fine diagonal lines comes in contact with the fabric and presses those fine lines into its surface. With the correct cloth construction and the correct line direction of the engraving, a soft lustrous handle can be achieved because of the regular reflection from the fabric surface along the embossed lines. This calendering is quite popular for sateen fabric. When the fabric is passed in contact with such rollers under pressure, the fabric texture is changed to a desired soft, lustrous and translucent due to changed light reflectance from fabric surface. The Schreiner roller is usually engraved with 260 lines per inch at a 26.5 degree angle and only 0.001 in. deep (Fig. 2.2). This pattern physically can consolidate the fibres by as much as 4–16%. Highly lustrous fabrics can be obtained by engraving 500 lines per inch at 20 degrees to the weft as recommended elsewhere (Heywood, 2009). In principle, the angle of engraving should follow the approximate angle of the line of the twist of the yarn and also the direction of twist (for S and Z twists, the lines of engraving should incline to the left and right, respectively). Sometimes vertical lines (i.e. perpendicular to the roller axis) are used for warp-faced fabrics and plain square-weave fabrics irrespective of the S or Z twist. Such calenders can be used for natural, synthetic and blended or coated fabrics that are both knit and woven or nonwoven. For knits, a Schreiner calender provides improved handle and surface texture as well as more cover, while for woven goods it offers more texture and drape. A Schreiner calender can operate at speeds up to 30 yards a minute with a nip load normally at about 1200–1500 PLI with 1500 PLI maximum (Gunter and Perkins, 2015). If cotton is subjected to slight pressure, a low degree of lustre is obtained, whereas if the pressure is great, the numerous small surfaces are merged and give no satisfactory lustre, only a specular reflection, as with a mirror. In weft sateen, it is common to engrave the lines at an angle of about 20 degrees to the weft in the direction of the twist in the yarn. For plain weave fabric, the engraving must be coarser and will average about 150–200 lines per inch. The number of lines

Fig. 2.2  Schreiner roller.


Principles of Textile Finishing

determines the lustre and appearance of the finished fabric. They may be engraved so as to have a rounded or sharp outline. Their depth in the bowl surface may be limited because if they are too deep and sharp, they may cut the fibre and reduce the strength of the fabric. For a Schreiner calender, the suggested process conditions are as follows (Heywood, 2009): (1) Moisture content of fabric: not less than standard regain, 9–15% for cotton, usually ensured by predamping (2) Temperature: 120–160°C (3) Nip pressure: 3.5–5.0 bar (4) Speed: 2–10 m/min

A Schreiner calender is usually a two- or three-roll machine, with the third roll added to smooth the filled roll and reduce true crowning requirements. The fabric is passed through the nip between the heated engraved roller and a filled roller. The engraving is so fine that the filled bowl is not usually positively driven and will rotate only when it comes in contact with the metal roll. A filled bowl can be used against different Schreiner lines. However, in true embossing, a filled bowl, once impressed with a specific embossing design, can only be used with that particular design. The usual Schreiner calender is built with two bowls in an open frame. The upper bowl is made from a special quality steel of high carbon content and engraved with the necessary number of lines. When a large output is required, a three-bowl Schreiner calender is used; the engraved bowl is placed in the middle and two sets of fabric are passed through the upper and lower nips simultaneously. The fabric to be finished must be thoroughly pretreated, meaning that it must first be properly singed, bleached and dyed, followed by mild softening and drying processes. The effect produced by Schreinering is not washfast, as the impression of the fine line is disturbed and destroyed when fibres are swollen with water. Most schreinered materials are used for linings, which are not washed.

2.2.5 Embossing calender An embossing calender usually consists of two bowls; the top metal bowl is engraved with a suitable design and the softer composition bowl has a surface that accepts the embossing pattern. Embossing produces a raised relief design which is permanent on thermoplastic fibre but temporary on cotton. For proper embossing, the filled bowl is first impressed with a specific, deeper, reversed image of the design on the steel roller. For the proper registration of an impression, the filled bowl should be driven at the same peripheral speed during the aforementioned process. These bowls are specially made with superresilient properties, and both rollers are often heated. The function of an embossing calender is to impart a texture or pattern on the surface of the fabric. It can be accomplished on all types of fabrics including woven, nonwoven and knitted cloth. The mechanical action is the same as that of the

Surface finishing29

rolling calender, but with the addition of a pattern engraved upon the steel roll. A Schreiner calender is a specific kind of an embossing calender distinguished by its pattern. Embossing calenders can operate at speeds up to 50 yards per minute and have a maximum nip loading of 1500 PLI. Cotton and some cotton/synthetic nonwoven fabrics require that the pattern be such that it will ‘break the memory’ (the remaining effects of previous treatments) of the fibre through the use of pressure and a pattern that will displace the fibre into the desired shape. The embossing calenders are designed to reproduce certain effects for book cloth, imitation leather, furnishing cloths, etc. They are generally made with two or three bowls. Embossing calenders are two-roll machines using a forged steel top roll and a filled bottom roll with the filling of wool felt paper or resilient wool/cotton. A much lighter embossing calender has been devised for finishing of crêpes or pebbles. These types of fabrics are made from a highly twisted yarn and buckle or distort on swelling, producing a disturbance to the surface of the fabric that gives a broken appearance to the fabric. However, crêping is irregular, but the problem is solved by embossing or moulding the fabric in such a manner that a pattern is formed into which the contracting yarn is directed. A good specimen of pebbles from real silk crêpes are photographed and engraved on metal bowls; these patterns may be transferred to rayon or synthetic fabrics by the embossing process. Moisture, heat and pressure impart the pebble or crêpe pattern to the fabric as it passed between the engraved metal bowl and the large (nearly double in size) paper or cotton bowl. The embossing calenders were originally developed to produce imitation leather cloth and book cloth. However, the embossing bowls are still quite expensive and the embossing process is quite slow.

2.2.6 Moiré calender In moiré finishing, the roller is engraved with a watermark or wood grain pattern. The moiré effect resembles a watermarking effect; it is produced when the weave structure of a tightly woven fabric is distorted by the movement of very fine yarns due to surface pressure. This is possible only if the fibre being treated is capable of deform. The moiré style is in demand for cotton and dyed synthetic fibres used for curtains and wall coverings. Acetate and viscose fibres are more capable of showing the moiré effect than other fibres.

2.2.7 Felt calender This is used for delicate fabrics like cotton mulmul, voiles, silks and synthetics, as well as knitted fabrics, especially tubular fabrics. The combined drying and finishing process is achieved by using an iron or stainless steel cylinder with a diameter of about six and a half feet, moving together with an endless blanket while the fabric passes in between. Very little tension is put on the fabric. Fig. 2.3 shows the line diagram of a felt calender. In the figure, A, B, C and D represent the fabric, blanket, large heated cylinder and small cylinder, respectively, to control tension in the blanket.


Principles of Textile Finishing




Fig. 2.3  Felt calender.

2.2.8 Ciré calender Ciréing provides a highly polished surface to fabric, making it appear wet. The friction roller runs faster than that in the case of friction finishing. The ciré calender is used for glazing and glossing fabric surfaces using a high temperature of 220°C and pressure as high as 1500 PLI. Some porosity reduction and compaction is also obtained through this process. All types of fabrics can be processed, but they are usually made of 100% synthetic fibres or high 75% synthetic fibre content blends. The units can operate between 30 and 35 yards a minute and have a maximum nip loading of 1500–3000 PLI. Depending on the width of the calender face with the rolls of steel on filled roll and the filling is usually cotton, although nylon or urethane shells are also used at times. The top or main steel roll is driven through a variable speed motor and a roller chain with an optional drive to the auxiliary roll, which can be driven off the nip drive. The steel rolls can be heated by gas or hot oil to a surface temperature between 175°C and 260°C. The approximate production rates during the various calender finish processes are as follows: For a swizzing and chasing finish:

For a friction calender: For a Schreiner calender: For a felt calender:

3-bowl calender—60 yards per minute 5-bowl calender—70 yards per minute 7-bowl calender—90 yards per minute 35 yards per minute 15–30 yards per minute 30–50 yards per minute

Surface finishing31

2.3 Sueding or emerising Suede is a type of leather. It is made from the underside of the skin, primarily lamb, although goat, calf and deer are commonly used. Splits from thick hides of cow and deer are also sueded. Its softness, thinness and pliability make suede suitable for clothing and other delicate uses; it was originally used for women's gloves. Suede is also popular in making upholstery, shoes, bags and other accessories, as well as linings for other leather products. Due to its textured nature and open pores, suede may become dirty and quickly absorb liquids. The term originates in France in around 1860, where the term ‘gants de Suède’ was used to refer to a particular type of soft gloves imported from Sweden. Over time, the word ‘suede’ came to refer to any type of soft leather with a smooth nap finish. Fabrics are often manufactured with a brushed or napped finish to resemble suede. These products often provide a similar look and feel to suede, but have other advantages, such as increased liquid or stain resistance, and may appeal to consumers who prefer a nonanimal product. Sueded silk, sueded cotton and similar sueded fabrics are brushed, sanded or chemically treated for extra softness. ‘Suede’ yarns are generally thick and plush. The sueding or emerising process aims to recreate the natural suede feel using other materials, making them ideal for certain clothing applications such as ladies’ bras and shoes as well as children’s apparel. This process is also used to make upholstery, table and wall coverings. Emerising, also known as sueding or sanding, is a process in which fabric in open width is passed over one or more rotating emery-covered rollers to produce a suedelike finish. Woven, knitted and laminated fabrics can be emerised; the surface appearance, texture and handle of the treated fabric will be modified according to the emerising conditions. The handle is much softer after emerising and much more enhanced in the case of fine microfibres ( (γTV − γTL) > − γLV, the drop makes a finite contact angle. (3) If (γTV − γTL) ≤ − γLV, θ = 180 degrees, the drop will be completely spherical.

A situation that has never been encountered in practice is for θ to reach 180 degrees, meaning there is no adhesion between liquid and solid. On smooth surfaces, the contact angle rarely exceeds 120 degrees. In practice, a contact angle greater than 90 degrees indicates a poor wetting of the solid by the liquid. There is a tradition to name solid surfaces that form advancing contact angles less than 90 degrees as hydrophilic or wetting, and those that form higher than 90 degrees as hydrophobic or nonwetting. However, this has been claimed (Chatterjee, 1988) to be illogical and misleading when applied to systems where there are no capillary effects. A 90 degrees contact angle as boundary condition is valid only for capillaries with parallel walls. In most cases dealing with fibrous systems, capillary walls are curved, and an advancing angle greater than 90 degrees may still permit some spontaneous uptake. While geometrical factors (e.g., surface roughness and porosity) have a profound effect on contact angles and wettability, the chemical nature and physicochemical characteristics of the solid surface are also important. Fig. 7.3 shows wetting by fluids of different surface tension properties: A shows a fluid with very little wetting, while C shows a fluid with more wettability. A has a large, B has intermediate and C has a small contact angle. The contact angle of D is about zero, indicating complete spreading of the fluid. Fluids A, B, C and D show increasing values of (γTV − γTL). The scale also shows the locations of −γLV and γLV.

Repellent finishes155

−g LV


(g TV −g TL)



g LV


Fig. 7.3  Wetting of different fluids (A, B, C, D).

A contact angle of less than 90 degrees (i.e., low contact angle) usually indicates that wetting of the surface is very favourable, and the fluid will spread over a large area of the surface. Contact angles greater than 90 degrees (high contact angle) generally means that wetting of the surface is unfavourable, so the fluid will minimise contact with the surface and form a compact liquid droplet. For water, a wettable surface may also be termed hydrophilic and a nonwettable surface hydrophobic. Superhydrophobic surfaces have contact angles greater than 150 degrees, showing almost no contact between the liquid drop and the surface. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘lotus effect’. For nonaqueous liquids, the term lyophilic is used for low contact angle conditions, and lyophobic is used when higher contact angles result. Similarly, the terms omniphobic and omniphilic apply to both polar and apolar liquids. Table 7.1 describes varying contact angles and their corresponding solid–liquid and liquid–liquid interactions (Eustathopoulos et al., 1999).

7.4.1 High-energy versus low-energy surfaces Liquids can interact with two main types of solid surfaces. Traditionally, solid surfaces have been divided into high-energy and low-energy types. The relative energy of a solid has to do with the bulk nature of the solid itself. Solids such as metals, glasses and ceramics are known as hard solids because the chemical bonds that hold them

Table 7.1 

Relation between contact angle and wettability Strength of interactions

Contact angle (θ)

Degree of wetting



0 degree Between 0 degree and 90 degrees

Perfect wetting High wettability

Strong Strong

Weak Strong

Between 90 degrees and 180 degrees 180 degrees

Low wettability

Weak Weak

Weak Strong



Perfectly nonwetting


Principles of Textile Finishing

together (e.g., covalent, ionic or metallic) are very strong. Thus it takes a large input of energy to break these solids, so they are termed high energy. Most molecular liquids achieve complete wetting with high-energy surfaces. The other type of solids is weak molecular crystals (e.g., fluorocarbons, hydrocarbons, etc.) where the molecules are held together essentially by physical forces (e.g., van der Waals and hydrogen bonds). Since these solids are held together by weak forces, a very low input of energy is required to break them, thus they are termed low energy. Depending on the type of liquid chosen, low-energy surfaces can permit either complete or partial wetting (Schrader and Loeb, 1992).

7.4.2 Wetting of low-energy surfaces Low-energy surfaces primarily interact with liquids through dispersion (van der Waals) forces. William Zisman (Johnson, 1993) observed that cos θ increases linearly as the surface tension (γLV) of the liquid decreased. Thus he was able to establish a linear function between cos θ and the surface tension (γLV) for various organic liquids. A surface is more wettable when γWA is high and when θ is low. Zisman termed the intercept of these lines when cos θ = 1, as the critical surface tension (γC) of that surface. This critical surface tension is an important parameter because it is a characteristic of only the solid. Knowing the critical surface tension of a solid, it is possible to predict the wettability of the surface (Sharfrin and Zisman, 1960). The wettability of a surface is determined by the outermost chemical groups of the solid. Differences in wettability between surfaces that are similar in structure are due to differences in packing of the atoms. For instance, if a surface has branched chains, it will have poorer packing than a surface with straight chains.

7.4.3 Critical surface tension It is clear that wetting depends upon the surface free energies of the solid and the liquid. Thus, if the surface free energy of a solid is known, the likelihood of that solid being wetted by a liquid could be predicted. The critical surface tension of a solid is defined as the surface tension of a liquid that just completely spreads on a surface. Zisman and his coworkers (1964) established that when the advancing contact angles of a series of homologous liquids on low-energy surfaces (e.g., fluorocarbons and hydrocarbons) were measured, a plot of the cos θ values against the surface tension of the liquids extrapolated approximately to the same value of γLV at cos θ = 1. This surface tension value was termed the critical surface tension of the solid, γC. It was further proposed that only liquids with surface tension values lower than γC would spread on the surface, whereas liquids with surface tension values greater than γC would form a finite contact angle on the solid. While the critical surface tension concept has been criticised because it is empirical rather than thermodynamically based and has some limitations, nevertheless it has proved to be a very useful resource in the study of water- and oil-repellent treatments for textile fabrics.

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The critical surface tension, γC is obtained experimentally by plotting cos θ versus the surface tension of a homologous series of liquids. On a low energy surface the value is obtained when the curve is extrapolated to cos θ = 1 (θ = 0). The value for Teflon, which extrapolates to 18 dynes/cm., as seen in Table 7.2 (Tomasino, 1992), shows critical surface tensions of a few polymeric smooth surfaces. All of the above polymers are hydrophobic because their critical surface tensions are well below that of pure water (72 dynes/cm at 20°C). The critical surface tension is mainly influenced by the outermost layer of atoms at the solid's surface. Zisman and his coworkers measured many condensed monolayers on solid surfaces such as glass and platinum. The technique allows them to closely pack specific groups at the surface; the critical surface tension of surfaces composed of various end groups are listed in Table 7.3 (Tomasino, 1992). It has been established that repellent finishes that contain either a hydrocarbon base with a γC value of about 30 mN/m or polysiloxane (silicone) finishes with a γC value of around 24 mN/m can provide very good water repellency. However, the surface tension values of hydrocarbon-based oils are much lower than water and are generally within the range 20–31 mN/m. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the hydrocarbon and the polysiloxane water-repellent finishes do not provide oil Table 7.2 

Critical surface tensions of smooth polymeric surfaces


γC (dynes/cm)

Polytetrafluroethylene Polydimethylsiloxanes Polyvinyl fluoride Polyethylene Polyvinyl alcohol Polyvinyl chloride Polyethylene terephthalate Polyhexamethylene adipamide

18 23 28 31 37 39 43 46

Table 7.3  Critical surface tension of surfaces composed of various end groups Fluorocarbon surfaces

Critical surface tension

CF3 CF2H CF2 CF2CH2 Hydrocarbon surfaces CH3 CH2

 6 15 18 25 23 23


Principles of Textile Finishing

r­epellency because in this case, the surface tension of the oil may be low enough to wet the surface of the finish. Therefore to repel hydrocarbon-based oils with surface tension values (γLV) of around 20–31 mN/m, it is necessary to use finishes with even lower critical surface tension values (γC). Fluorocarbon (fluorochemical) finishes are available with critical surface tension values below 15 mN/m, and these provide satisfactory water- and oil-repellency depending upon the nature of the pendant fluorocarbon chains (Table 7.3) (Zisman, 1964). The surface tensions of selected liquids (γLV) and the critical surface tension values (γC) for various fibres are given in Table 7.4 (Weast, 1988–1989). It is clear that the majority of the liquids have lower surface tension values than the critical surface tension values of the fibres, hence liquid will wet and spread on the fibre and fabric surfaces. The incorporation of a wetting agent (i.e., surfactant) into water lowers the surface tension below that of most textile fibres (Datyner, 1983), promoting wettability and penetration within the structure of the textile material. The presence of impurities in water also lowers the surface tension. The surface of the raw cotton fibre is covered with a thin coating of natural waxes, which makes raw cotton inherently water repellent. Typical critical surface tension values for four varieties of raw cotton have been determined by the sink-float method and are found to be very similar and in the range 25.2–26.1 mN/m. The critical surface tension values for cotton that has been scoured or bleached, or mercerised or given an anhydrous liquid ammonia treatment are increased. In the case of mercerisation and anhydrous liquid ammonia treatment, the critical surface tension value is also dependent upon the cellulose fibre structure. Scouring treatment markedly increase the critical surface tension of the fibre as it removes the waxes from the fibre surface. Also, there is a strong interrelationship between an increase in the fibre’s Table 7.4  The surface tension of selected liquids (γLV) and critical surface tension values (γC) of selected textile fibres Liquids

γLV (of liquid)

Water at 20°C Water at 100°C Water with wetting agent Olive oil Paraffin oil Petrol n-Octane n-Heptane

72.75 58.9 25–35 32 31 26 22 20

Textile fibres

γC (of fibre)

Polyamide 6.6 Wool Bleached cotton Polyester Polypropylene

46 45 44 43 29

Repellent finishes159

critical surface t­ension and a decrease in fibre wax content. Increasing the number of oxidative chemical pretreatments, or fibre swelling/relaxation treatments, further modify the nature of the fibre surface and lead to an increase in the fibre’s critical surface tension. A good chemical retreatment, which leads to a high fibre critical surface tension, gives rise to a fabric that exhibits rapid wetting and wicking characteristics. As the pretreated fabric surface is wettable, the water-repellent finishes can be applied more uniformly and therefore show improved water repellency (Hickman, 1995; Heywood, 2003).

7.5 Theory of repellency The repellency of a textile fabric depends upon the resistance to wetting and penetration by a liquid. For normal end uses of textile fabrics, water and oil are the most important interacting liquids. The resistance of a fabric to wetting is determined by the following parameters (Kissa, 1984; Zisman, 1964): (1) The chemical nature of the fibre surfaces due to the presence of various polar or nonpolar groups). (2) The geometry and roughness of the fibre surfaces (i.e., the presence of longitudinal striations, fissures, notches or scallops, etc.) and modified cross-sections that promote wicking. (3) The nature of the capillary interfibre and interyarn spacing in the fabric.

The resistance to the penetration of a liquid into a porous solid like a textile fabric is normally expressed (Kissa, 1984; Warburton, 1963) in terms of the pressure difference between the two sides of a curved liquid surface of surface tension γLV. The pressure difference, ΔP, is the hydrostatic pressure that is required to force the liquid through the fabric. For a capillary of a circular cross-section, the value of ΔP is given by the Laplace equation:

D P = g LV (1 / R1 + 1 / R2 )


where R1 and R2 are the principal radii of the curvature of the liquid surface (that is, the maximum and minimum radii of curvature). Where the liquid surface forms part of a sphere, R1 and R2 are very small and are equal, so that:

DP =

2g LV R


The value of ΔP is positive on the concave side of the surface when wetting takes place. This equation thus applies to a wetting liquid where the contact angle θ approaches zero (that is, no definite contact angle is observed) and cos θ approaches 1 (Kissa, 1984). Where the contact angle θ is not zero, Eq. (7.7) becomes:

DP =

2g LV cosq R



Principles of Textile Finishing

By rearranging Eq. (7.2), we may write, γLV cos θ = γTv − γTL. Therefore, 2 ( g TV - g TL )

(7.9) R For a fabric to repel a liquid (that is, resist the penetration of the liquid into the textile material), ΔP must be negative and large in value. Hence the value of (γTV − γTL) must be negative and the value of R (which can be considered as the largest opening into the textile structure) must be very small. If the fabric structure is chosen to consist of fine yarns arranged in a close-packed structure (e.g., a compact weave), then the value of R will be small. In addition, the surface energy of the fibre surface can be decreased by deposition of low surface energy finishes (Kissa 1984). For fabrics to be water repellent, the critical surface tension of the fibre’s surface must be lowered to about 24–30 dynes/cm. The surface energy or the critical ­surface tension of the solid surface becomes lower than that of the liquid (for water, γLV = 72.75 mN/m) so that (γTV − γTL) is negative and repellency will be high. Water having a high critical surface tension is unable to wet and penetrate into fabrics that have been uniformly finished with a hydrocarbon, silicone and fluorochemical chemicals having critical surface tension (γC of 30, 24 and 15 mN/m), respectively. But hydrocarbon oils (γTL ~ 20–31 mN/m) require oil-repellent finishes with much lower values of γTV (measured as γC), hence fluorochemical finishes (γC ~ 15 mN/m) are ­required in order to obtain satisfactory oil repellency. Therefore, oil-repellent finishes with fluorocarbons (γC = 10–20 mN/m) always achieve water repellency, but fluorine-free products, such as silicones (γC = 24–30 mN/m), will not repel oil (Duschek, 2001). Low-energy surfaces also provide a measure of dry soil repellency by preventing soil particles from strongly adhering to fibre surfaces. This low interaction allows the soil particles to be easily dislodged and removed by mechanical action. The surface energy of textile materials can be reduced in several ways (Schindler and Hauser, 2004):

DP =

(1) The first way is to incorporate water-repellent finishes (e.g,. paraffin emulsions) ­mechanically on the fibre and fabric surfaces, in the fibre pores and in the spacing between the fibres and the yarns. Another approach is the chemical reaction of the repellent material with the fibre surface. Examples of these are fatty acid resins. (2) Another method is the formation of a repellent film on the fibre surface. Examples of these are silicone and fluorocarbon products. (3) The final approach is to use special fabric constructions, like stretched ­polytetrafluoroethylene films (Goretex), films of hydrophilic polyester (Sympatex) and microporous coatings ­(hydrophilic modified polyurethanes).

Repellent finishes achieve their properties by reducing the free energy at fibre surfaces. During finishing, the surface of the textile materials must be uniformly covered with the finish for uniform performance. The removal of surface contamination from the fibres and fabrics prior to the application of a water repellent finish is essential. In summary, the conditions for high levels of fabric repellency depend upon the use of:

Repellent finishes161

(1) Fine yarns and a close-packed textile structure (e.g., a highly compact weave). (2) A thoroughly prepared fabric surface which is free of impurities (e.g., sizes, lubricants and ­especially surfactants with a rewetting action). (3) Uniform application of a chemical finish to provide a low-energy surface that has a lower critical surface tension (γC) than the surface tension values of the liquids ((γLV) likely to be encountered.

7.6 Water proofing and water repellency The water repellency of textile fabrics may be broadly classified into two types, waterproof and water resistant. Often, the word ‘rain’ or ‘shower’ is used commercially instead of ‘water’ (e.g., shower-resistant, rainproof, etc.). The term ‘water repellent’ is actually a relative term because there is always some attraction between a solid and a liquid in contact, though the force of attraction may be small (Adam, 1963). No solid surface actually exerts a repulsive force upon a liquid, Thus water repellency may be defined as ‘the relative degree of resistance of a fabric to surface wetting, water penetration, water absorption or any combination of these properties’ (Denton and Daniels, 2002). Its assessment is dependent upon objective and/or subjective factors pertaining to the test conditions used. The term ‘waterproof’ is normally taken to represent the conditions in which a textile can prevent the absorption of water and also the penetration of water into its structure (Denton and Daniels, 2002). Thus a waterproof surface provides a barrier to water under all practical end use conditions. In absolute terms, a waterproof fabric is fully resistant to penetration by water, implying that the fabric water penetration resistance is equivalent to its hydraulic bursting strength (Rowen and Gagliardi, 1947). However, in practice a minimum performance of no penetration by water below a hydrostatic pressure of 100 cm (10 kPa) is taken to represent a waterproof fabric (Croskell, 1994). The major differences between water-repellent and waterproof fabrics are illustrated in Table 7.5 (Rowen and Gagliardi, 1947). Table 7.5 

Comparison of water repellency and waterproof finishes


Water repellency


Condition of pores in the fabric interlacement Vapour permeability Air permeability Water penetration



High to poor Usually high Resistant to wetting by raindrops, prevent spreading and wicking of water. Water penetrate through the fabric only under external hydrostatic pressure

Nil to negligible Nil to poor Highly resistant, even under external hydrostatic pressure


Principles of Textile Finishing

The waterproof fabrics are usually produced by coating the fabric with a solid polymer such as synthetic neoprene rubber, polyvinyl chloride or polyurethanes. Such coatings are not porous and therefore provide a continuous solid barrier to liquid water, other liquids (e.g., oils), their vapour and even air. As they are impermeable both to the passage of air and of water vapour, they are not ‘breathable’. Breathability is the ability of a fabric to allow moisture vapour to be transmitted through the material (Lomax, 1989). This will not create any problem for many nonapparel end uses like technical textiles, industrial fabrics and outdoor textiles such as tarpaulins or awnings. However, a fabric in garment form must allow air and especially moisture (water vapour) generated by the exudation of perspiration from the skin during physical activity to pass through the fabric. This allows the wearer of the garment to maintain warm, dry conditions with high levels of thermophysical and thermophysiological comfort (Holmes, 2000). The water-repellent fabrics are mostly based upon woven fabrics because these can be tightly woven to decrease the interyarn capillary spaces (or pores) (Kissa 1984). The weft- and warp-knitted fabrics have an open structure due to large interyarn spaces, so water penetrates readily through these structures unless an impermeable coating is given. Different types of nonwoven fabrics may be treated with water-­repellent finishes, provided the fabric has a smooth surface and the interfibre or interyarn pores are small. The felting of woollen fabric during the milling process and production of pressed wool felts can lead to a thicker and denser fabric structure with improved inherent fabric water repellency. For high water repellency, the fabric should be carefully chosen. For staple fibre-based fabrics, the fibres are bound tightly within the body of the yarn to ensure that free fibre ends do not project from the fabric surface because this can impair the water repellency. Folded yarns may also provide a higher yarn strength, allowing the use of higher tension during weaving and resulting in a tighter woven fabric. The profile of folded yarns is less regular than that of single yarns, and it has been considered that this may contribute to closer yarn packing and a greater blocking of the interyarn spaces in a woven fabric by virtue of the folded yarns fitting more tightly together. For water repellency, a higher fabric thickness or higher count of yarn is very important. Thin fabrics generally provide poor water repellency even when treated with water-repellent finishes, unless the interyarn pores are blocked by coating or with a high chemical add-on of a water-repellent finish. Synthetic filament yarns are made of thermoplastic; the fabric construction may be altered by thermal shrinkage, decreasing the mean interyarn pore size (Lund, 1976). Closely woven fabrics made of synthetic microfibres and microfilament yarns (linear density 1.0 dtex or less) provide useful substrate for application of water-repellent finishes (Holme, 1993), but these finer fibres possess a decreased resistance to abrasion and wear. Unless the fabric is completely clean by proper preparation, water repellency after finishing is unsatisfactory. Woven fabrics must be thoroughly desized and scoured to remove impurities and to render the fabric highly absorbent. However, all traces of wetting agents and emulsifiers must be removed by rinsing with hot water, otherwise proper water repellency cannot be achieved. Thorough scouring of woven cotton ­fabric

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is essential to remove the fatty lubricants used in sizing and also the natural cotton waxes from the fibre surface (Holme, 1999). The presence of impurities, particularly of waxy substances, can greatly interfere with efficient wetting and spreading. This can lead to a disruption of the continuous film of a water-repellent finish on the fibre surface and hence to a decrease in the effectiveness of the water-repellent treatment.

7.7 Repellent finishes Water-repellent finishing was popular since ancient times. Some of the water-repellent finishes are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Metal salts Paraffin Pyridinium-based Resin formers Organometallic complexes Silicone Fluorochemical

7.7.1 Metal salt For centuries, tightly woven cotton canvas cloths was waterproofed by lengthy 1–2 days-long impregnation in aluminium acetate solution (5–9°Tw). The same effect may now be achieved by a jig or pad application of aluminium acetate solution, followed by careful drying in a festoon dryer or on a stenter. The impregnation liquor temperature was maintained below 38°C to avoid precipitation. During drying, the water-soluble monobasic salt is converted into an insoluble dibasic compound. Such a water-repellent finish imparts a harsh handle and provides very limited durability to washing. Aluminium formate is often preferred instead of aluminium acetate to avoid the objectionable odour of the former. Aluminium salt finishes tend to dust off the fabric, and a dusting problem can be minimised by the use of aluminium soap finishes based upon aluminium stearate, oleate or palmitate. The aluminium salt treatment is followed by a treatment in soap in order to deposit insoluble hydrophobic aluminium soap within the fabric. 3C17 H 35 COONa + ( CH 3 COO )3 Al = ( C17 H 35 COO )3 Al + 3CH 3 COONa ( Sodium stearate )

( Aluminium acetate )

( Aluminium stearate )

( sodium acetate )


The aluminium acetate treatment is carried out in a winch or jig at 25–30°C, giving sufficient time to ensure the complete conversion of the soluble sodium soap into the insoluble aluminium soap. A winch or jig treatment was much more effective than padding in this respect because of the longer immersion time. The use of aluminium salts is advantageous for apparel fabrics because the treatment does not colour the fabric. The fabric could then be rinsed in soft or hard water and dried. Alternatively, a 2–5% soap solution at 60°C was padded onto the fabric, which was then partially dried.


Principles of Textile Finishing

Optimum water repellency from such treatments is clearly dependent upon complete conversion of all the water-soluble sodium soap in the fabric into the water-insoluble aluminium soap form. The presence of any sodium soap leaves a detergent/wetting agent in the fabric, which detracts from the optimum water-repellent effect. Two-stage treatment procedures are generally time consuming, less convenient and less economical to operate, as well as more difficult to control in practice. For this reason, one-bath treatment procedures were developed by application from stable aqueous dispersions or by application of the aluminium soap from an organic solvent (Harding, 1951). Protective colloids, such as proteins (gelatin or glue) or polyvinyl alcohol, have been used to stabilise aluminium dispersions. Protective colloids may be incompatible with resin finishes and proteins left on the fabric can act as nutrients for microorganisms, giving rise to microbial attack. The wash fastness of aluminium soap treatments is poor in alkaline detergent solution because the aluminium soap dissolves. In contrast, their durability in water, in which they are insoluble, is far greater. Some other techniques developed have included the use of aluminium acetate combined with soap and wax emulsions and also wax/aluminium salt products (Higgins, 1963). Some improvement in durability to alkaline washing treatments can be obtained by the use of zirconium soaps, using zirconium acetate or zirconium oxychloride. In the case of zirconium oxychloride, hydrolysis leads to the formation of hydrochloric acid and hence it must be buffered using sodium acetate (Higgins, 1963). With the increasing demands of fastness to domestic washing and commercial laundering, the use of aluminium, zirconium and copper soaps is rare for water-­repellent finishing, except for a few temporary finishes.

7.7.2 Paraffin Paraffin wax is one of the earliest and most popular water-repellent finishes used throughout the twentieth century, but it does not repel oil. The oldest and most economical way to make a fabric water repellent is to coat it with paraffin wax. Wax can be applied from solutions in suitable solvent, coatings with molten wax and aqueous emulsions of wax, with the most convenient form for finishing being emulsion. However, an emulsifier should not detract from the hydrophobic character of wax. Either nonrewetting emulsifiers must be used or some other means of deactivating the hydrophilic group after the fabric is impregnated. They are compatible with most kinds of finishes, but they do increase flammability. Paraffin wax melts and wicks into the fabric when the fabric is heated. This will cause most of the fibres to be covered with a thin layer of wax, especially those that are exposed to water, and the fabric will have excellent water repellency properties. The major disadvantage of wax water repellents is poor durability. Wax is easily abraded by mechanical action, and wax dissolves in dry cleaning fluids; it is also removed by laundry processes. In the past, 4–6% of paraffin wax is dissolved in an organic solvent, such as benzene, using a lick-roller application method, followed by drying over steam-heated cylinders in a stenter or in drying chamber. But the method has been discarded, as it is not ecofriendly.

Repellent finishes165

In another method, the fabric is rubbed against a number of thick wax bars in open width, then passed through a steam box and finally subjected to a warm calendering process, which melted the applied wax and ensured a more uniform distribution over the fabric (Marsh, 1957). An alternative method was to spray molten wax onto the moving fabric from a series of high-pressure steam jet sprays that covered the width of the fabric. Again, the wax was melted and distributed more evenly over the fabric by passage over heated drying cylinders. The most common method of application now, however, is to pad an aqueous wax emulsion onto the fabric followed by melting and redistributing the wax by some form of heating under pressure like hot calendaring (Marsh, 1957). Fabric is often calendered first to close up the interyarn pores and then impregnated in hot molten wax (high melting point wax, 80–90°C). Excess wax is removed by doctor blades, the fabric is run in air to allow the wax to cool and resolidify and the waxed fabric is then wound onto a roller. Such treatments have been widely applied to the fabrics used for the waxed jackets often favoured by farmers and others in a rural environment. The wax is applied at open width. Many patents have been issued for the application of fats and waxes; typically, wax formulations contain paraffin wax (melting point 52–56°C) either alone or in combination with one or more waxes based upon esters of higher fatty acids and higher monohydric alcohols (Harding, 1951). The following waxes are also in use (Higgins, 1963): (1) Beeswax (mainly myricyl palmitate, C15H31COOC30H61, m.p. up to 62–65°C). (2) Carnauba wax (myricyl cerotate) C25H51COOC30H61, m.p. 83–86°C). (3) Vaseline (C18–C22 alkane, m.p. up to 60°C).

A typical wax emulsion consists of paraffin wax as the hydrophobe, an emulsifying agent, an emulsion stabiliser (protective colloid) and an aluminium or zirconium salt to deactivate the emulsifying agent when the fabric is heated. A typical recipe for wax emulsion (Tomasino, 1992) is given in Table 7.6. The stability of wax dispersions and the durability of wax finishes may be increased by formulating along with polymers such as poly(vinyl alcohol), polyethylene and copolymers of stearyl acrylate-acrylic or methacrylic acids. Wax finishes are usually coapplied with durable press reactants which also add to the repellent's durability.

Table 7.6 

A typical composition of wax emulsion



Paraffin Bone glue Aluminium oxide Formic acid Rosin Potassium hydroxide (500 Be) Water to make

17.0 2.5 3.0 7.0 0.7 0.2 100


Principles of Textile Finishing

7.7.3 Pyridinium-based These were once very popular and used extensively as reactive-type water-repellent finishes. Toxicological considerations have curtailed the use of pyridinium-type water repellents. The reaction of octadecanol, formaldehyde and dry hydrochloric acid could yield a substituted methyl chloride. This could then be further reacted with tertiary bases, such as triethylamine or pyridine, to generate quaternary ammonium compounds (e.g., octadecyloxymethyl pyridinium chloride with good aqueous solubility). It was discovered that cotton fabrics impregnated with aqueous solutions of the above quaternary ammonium compounds could give rise to a durable water-repellent finish after drying and heating (Kissa, 1984). It was considered that thermal decomposition of the pyridinium salt took place during the heating stage, which was then followed by the reaction of the liberated chloralkyl ether with the cellulosic hydroxyl groups (Eq. 7.11)


Cl− Heat



N + C18H37OCH2Cl Cell—OCH2OC18H37

+ Cell—OH


+ HCl

In 1937, further research led to the commercialisation of stearamidomethyl pyridinium chloride in the name of Velan PF (ICI) as a durable water-repellent for cellulosic fabrics (ICI, 1937). This was produced by the reaction of stearamide, pyridine hydrochloride, pyridine and paraformaldehyde (Eq. 7.12) (Baird, 1963).


C17H35CONH2 +





Stearamidomethyl pyridinium chloride

Velan PF (ICI) was padded onto cotton fabric followed by drying and curing. Initially, it was considered that the chemical reaction of Velan PF with cellulosic hydroxyl groups occurred with the formation of a strong covalent bond that imparted a durable effect with the water-repellent treatment. Later, it was shown that stearamidomethyl pyridinium chloride breaks down upon hydrolysis to form methylol-­ stearamide and pyridine hydrochloride (Eq. 7.13). Part of the methylolstearamide can then condense with the cellulose to form a (>CHOCH2) linkage.

+ N

Cl− + H2O CH2NHCOC17H35

N.HCl + C17H35CONHCH2OH Methylolstearamide


Repellent finishes167

The water-repellent effect obtained would seem to be derived in part from the hydrolysis reaction products, which are considered to penetrate inside the fibre and impart water repellency. However, in dry cleaning, these compounds, which are not covalently bound to the fibre but rather held only through strong physical forces, can be removed. In the practical application of Velan PF it was necessary to avoid degradation of the cellulose by the hydrochloric liberated during heating, and hence sodium acetate was incorporated into the pad liquor. Cotton fabric is then padded at 40°C with Velan PF pad liquor to give a wet pick-up of 70%. The padded fabric is then dried in a stenter at temperatures up to 100°C with good air circulation. After drying, the treated cloth is then cured (baked) for 3 min at 150°C. After curing, an afterwash is given in 2 g/L soap and 2 g/L sodium carbonate at 50°C in order to remove pyridine odours, sodium chloride and excess sodium acetate. It is essential to rinse it all off thoroughly, followed by drying. It is also possible to combine Velan PF treatment with the application of resin precondensates in order to provide a good easy-care performance (Higgins, 1963). Zelan A (Du Pont) was similar to Velan PF (ICI) and based upon stearamidomethyl pyridinium chloride, but was later modified to give a product Zelan AP (Du Pont), which was less sensitive to adverse drying conditions that could promote hydrolysis (Higgins, 1963). The major problem with this type of water-repellent finish is the liberation of pyridine, which has an unpleasant odour. Any pyridine liberated during curing is clearly undesirable. Workers at the US Army Quartermaster Corps discovered that pyridinium type water repellents co-applied with fluorochemical repellents resulted in a ­synergistic effect by providing good, long-lasting water repellency for military fabrics. The ­finish was durable for field laundry procedures and named Quarpel by its inventors (Tomasino, 1992).

7.7.4 Resin formers The introduction of N-methylol (N-hydroxymethyl) compounds as self-cross-linking resins, as well as that of cyclic reactants that can form cross-links with functional groups in fibres, opens up the possibility of producing wax-based water-repellent finishes that were durable for high-temperature washing. Since the 1930s, a large number of patents have been filed in this regard. N-methylol compounds normally react preferentially with the primary C6 hydroxyl groups of cellulose to form a methylene ether linkage (Willard et al., 1965). Compounds such as 1,3-dimethylol-4, 5-­dihydroxyethylene urea (DMDHEU) (Fig. 7.4) are considered to act as cross-­ linking agents reacting primarily with the fibre hydroxyl groups rather than by self-­­cross-linking, which is predominantly the case with urea formaldehyde resins. The multiple reactive sites on methylolmelamines can be utilised in making ­resin-forming water ­repellents. Melamine formaldehyde derivatives, such as trimethylol melamine, are particularly valuable because each melamine ring contains three amino groups, each of which can react with one or two moles of formaldehyde (or methanol). Thus melamine can be used to provide resin precursors with up to six N-methylol functional


Principles of Textile Finishing






Fig. 7.4  Structure of DMDHEU.

groups, each of which may be capable of reacting with a hydrophobe (i.e., a longchain alcohol, amine or fatty acid), with the C6 hydroxyl groups of cellulose or with amino or carboxyl groups in other fibres (Kissa, 1984; Baird, 1963). The reactivity of stearamide with formaldehyde can be utilised for attaching hydrophobic groups to the melamine molecule. Compounds formed by reacting stearic acid and formaldehyde with melamine constitute another class of water-repellent materials. The hydrophobic character of the stearic acid groups provide the water repellency, while the remaining N-methylol groups can react with cellulose or with each other (cross-linking) to generate permanent effects. Advantages of the stearic acid-melamine repellents include increased durability in laundering and a full hand imparted to treated fabrics. Some products of this type can be effectively applied by exhaustion procedures. Disadvantages of stearic acid-melamine repellents include problems similar to durable press finishes (e.g., a tendency to exhibit finish mark-off, decreased fabric tear strength and abrasion resistance, changes in shade of dyed fabric and a release of formaldehyde). Part of the N-methylol groups are used to attach the hydrophobe, some are used to add a cationic site for emulsification purposes and some of the N-methylol groups are later involved in self-condensation to form a resinous coating on the fibre surface or to react with added durable press reagents. (Tomasino, 1992; Heywood 2003).

7.7.5 Organometallic complexes A semidurable water repellency on natural or synthetic textiles can be obtained from chromium and aluminium organometallic complexes (Baird, 1963); for example, Quilon (Du Pont), which is made by reacting stearic acid with basic chrome chloride in an isopropanol solution. It can be applied by a pad-dry-cure method (Baird, 1963). But its widespread application was greatly restricted because it imparts blue-green coloration on the finished fabric; the end uses were therefore restricted to tents, awnings, boat covers, nontextile application like paper, packaging and leather, where decolourisation should not be a problem. Similar products were marketed by a number of manufacturers; for example, Phobotex CR (Ciba), Quintolan W (ICI) and Ombrophob C (Sandoz) (Higgins, 1963).

Repellent finishes169

7.7.6 Silicone finishes Resinous polysiloxanes, on the other hand, are more resistant to abrasion and less soluble in dry-cleaning fluids or laundry products. Silicones are polymers that include any inert, synthetic compound made up of repeating units of siloxane, which is a chain of alternating silicon atoms and oxygen atoms, frequently combined with carbon and/ or hydrogen. They are typically heat-resistant and rubber-like. More precisely, they are called polymerised siloxanes or polysiloxanes. Silicones consist of an inorganic silicon oxygen backbone chain (⋯SiOSiOSiO⋯) with organic side groups attached to the silicon atoms. These silicon atoms are tetravalent; therefore silicones are polymers constructed from inorganic–organic monomers. Silicones have, in general, the chemical formula [R2SiO]n, where R is an organic group such as methyl, ethyl or phenyl. Some characteristics of silicone water repellents are as follows (Tomasino, 1992): (1) Silicone water repellents are durable for washing and dry cleaning. Durability is brought about by the formation of a sheath of finish around the fibre. If the sheath cracks, durability is lost. (2) Adsorption of hydrophilic substances found in dry cleaning and laundry products also impair water repellency. (3) Silicones are more durable than wax repellents but less durable than fluorochemical finishes. (4) Silicones are more expensive than wax repellents and less expensive than fluorochemical repellents. (5) Silicone finishes resist water-borne stains but not oil-borne stains. (6) Fabric hand can be made soft and pliable.

Advantages of silicone water repellents include a high degree of water repellency at relatively low (0.5–1% on the weight of fabric) concentrations, very soft fabric hand, improved sewability and shape retention, and improved appearance and feel of pile fabrics. Some modified silicone repellents can be applied by exhaust method (to pressure-sensitive fabrics). The disadvantages of silicone repellents include increased pilling and seam slippage, reduced repellency if applied in excess amounts, only moderate durability to laundering and dry cleaning and no oil and soil repellency. The silicone finish may enhance the attraction of hydrophobic dirt. In addition, the wastewater, especially the residual baths, from these finish application processes are toxic to fish (Schindler and Hauser, 2004). F.S. Kipping and Matt Saunders (Kipping and Lloyd, 1901) coined the term ‘­silicone’ in 1901 to describe polydiphenylsiloxane by analogy of its formula, Ph2SiO (Ph stands for phenyl, C6H5), with the formula of the ketone benzophenone, Ph2CO (they originally termed as silicoketone). Kipping was well aware that ­polydiphenylsiloxane is polymeric, whereas benzophenone is monomeric, and noted that Ph2SiO and Ph2CO had a very different chemistry. The discovery of the structural differences between Kippings' molecules and the ketones means that silicone is no longer the correct term (though it remains in common usage) and that the term siloxanes is correct according to the nomenclature of modern chemistry. Silicone is ­sometimes ­mistakenly ­referred to


Principles of Textile Finishing

as silicon, the chemical element. The hydrophobicity of silicones was first discovered by Patnode, who noted that paper treated with chloromethylsilanes was water repellent after exposure to moist air (General Electric, 1942). Water hydrolyses chloromethylsilanes to silanols, which then condense spontaneously to form siloxanes. Polysiloxanes have an OSiOSi backbone, as shown in Fig. 7.5, and R may be a hydrogen, hydroxyl, alkyl, aryl or alkoxyl group. Polysiloxanes for use as water-­repelling agents for textiles are usually mixtures of linear polydimethylsiloxanes (R = CH3) and polymethylhydrogen siloxanes (R = H), as shown in Fig. 7.6. Commercial water repellents for textiles are thus upon block copolymers of these two monomers (Bass and Porter, 1963). The introduction of the reactive hydrogen atoms in the polymethylhydrogen siloxane lowers the temperature and time required to cure the silicone water-repellent finish down to acceptable commercial application conditions, namely 120–150°C for several minutes, whereas the fully methylated siloxane would require several hours at 200–250°C to obtain satisfactory water-repellency (Madaras, 1958). Polydimethylsiloxane products that are useful as water repellents can form a ­hydrophobic layer around fibres. The unique structure of the ­polydimethlysiloxanes provides the ability to form hydrogen bonds with fibres, as well as display a ­hydrophobic outer surface. Polydimethylsiloxanes form a flexible surface film over textile fibres, which impart a soft handle, whereas polymethylhydrogen siloxanes ­polymerise to leave a hard brittle surface film with a harsh handle (Kissa, 1984). The incorporation of the polydimethylsiloxane thus acts as a plasticiser and provides good water repellency with a soft handle. The fabric hand can be controlled by the relative amounts of each component. It should be noted that softer films are not as strong as the more highly cross-linked ones, so durability is traded for softness.






Fig. 7.5  General structure of polysiloxanes.


Si R


CH3 Si


CH3 Si



R n

Fig. 7.6  Structure of water-repellent polysiloxanes copolymer.

Repellent finishes171

Silicones are intermediate in character between inorganic and organic materials and possess hybrid properties (Madaras, 1958). This can be seen in various structures, including organometallic, monofunctional chain terminator, difunctional chain former, trifunctional cross-linker, and purely inorganic silica, SiO2. Thus the c­ hemical manufacturer of silicones can use chain terminating, chain forming and/or cross-­linking functional groups to modify the chemical composition of the polysiloxane and the molecular weight distribution of the silicone polymers generated, thereby modifying the performance and properties of the water-repellent finish ((Madaras, 1958). The ≡SiH bond is hydrolysed by water to form a silanol group (≡SiOH) (Eq. 7.11), which can then condense with another silanol group, a hydroxyl group of the fibre or a silane group (≡SiH) to form cross-links in the presence of a catalyst (e.g., dibutyltin-­ dilaurate) (Eq. 7.12). The silane group, ≡SiH, can also be oxidised by the oxygen in the atmosphere or by oxidising agents to form silanol groups, ≡SiOH, which then can contribute to the cross-linking process. During the drying step after pad application, the silanol and silane components can react (Fig. 6.5 of Chapter 6) to form a three-dimensional cross-linked sheath around the fibre. This reaction often completes after storage of about 1 day, then providing full repellency. º Si – H + H 2 O ¾(¾¾¾ ® º Si – OH + H 2 catalyst )


º Si – OH + HO – Si º ¾(¾¾¾ ® º Si – O – Si º +H 2 O catalyst )


Fig. 7.7 shows a fibre surface (a hydroxyl-containing, fibre-like cellulose) crosslinked with polysiloxane. Depending on the type of the monomer (dimethyl or methylhydrogen), the group R will be CH3 or H. Just after padding with silicone, drying and heat-curing, the fabric does not always give the optimum water repellency value. The reason for this is that during heat curing, the cross-linking process is not fully completed. Upon storage of the treated fabric under normal ambient conditions for about 24 h, cross-linking is fully completed by hydrolysis and/or oxidative attack on the silane groups, ≡SiH, to form the fully cross-linked silicone polymer film on the fibre surfaces. This imparts the maximum water repellency and durability of the finish to subsequent washing and dry cleaning treatments (Heywood, 2003). The adhesion of the polysiloxane chain to the fibre surface as well as the orientation of the low surface energy hydrophobic methyl groups on the polysiloxane backbone away from the fibre surface can be improved by using a suitable catalyst. Thus the oxygen atoms in the polysiloxane are oriented towards the fibre surface, CH3

R Si O


R Si


CH3 Si



CH3 Si

O Fibre surface

Fig. 7.7  Fibre surface after cross-linking with polysiloxane.


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and the hydrocarbon layer formed by the methyl groups is oriented away from the fibre surface (Fig. 7.7) (Kissa, 1984). The action of the so-called catalysts is not a true catalytic action, but rather that of a compound that promotes the correct alignment of the polysiloxane chains on the fibre surfaces. Zirconium oxychloride and zirconium acetate used as catalysts with polysiloxane emulsions are considered to function in a similar manner to tetrabutyl zirconate and tetrabutyl titanate, which are usually used with s­ olvent-based polydimethylsiloxanes (Kissa, 1984). Hydrolysis introduces an insoluble layer of metal oxide on the fibre surface through which the oxygen atoms in the polysiloxane chain are attracted by chemical coordination. This contributes to the sorption and orientation of the polysiloxane water repellent. Divalent carboxylates, namely stannous octoate, zinc octoate and zinc naphthenate functions as phase-­transfer agents, while organic peroxides may operate as catalysts via a free-­ radical cross-­linking mechanism (Bulocks and Welch, 1965). Application methods Polysiloxanes are applied to textiles by padding with an aqueous polysiloxane emulsion followed by drying and curing for several minutes at 120–150°C. Alternatively, the polysiloxane emulsion is applied by exhaust method, using a cationic surfactant to overcome the negative surface potential of the fibre surface. Normally, the treatment is designed to leave 1–2% silicone water repellent on the fibre surfaces, but a lesser amount is required when zirconium or titanium is applied as the orientation of the methyl-rich surface layer away from the fibre surface improves in their presence. Improved water repellency and durability of the finish after heat curing is normally observed by ageing for 24 h. Durability can be enhanced by the simultaneous application of suitable easy-care or durable press finishes in the pad bath followed by appropriate drying and curing (Kissa, 1984). The durability of modern silicone finishes on synthetic fibres like polyester and polyamide remains fairly resistant to normal laundering and dry cleaning treatments. However, some decrease in performance after dry cleaning may occur due to the absorption of hydrophobic impurities on the fibre surface (Glenz, 1968). The polysiloxane film may be ruptured by swelling while laundering under aqueous conditions. During tumble drying or hot ironing, the polysiloxane film does not melt nor does it flow to seal the cracks in the film surface. Some deterioration in performance after laundering is normally observed with fibres such as cotton, viscose and other cellulosic fibres due to swelling in water. Silicones provide softer handle as compared to other available water repellents. They require relatively low add-on to achieve desirable softness and their cost is lower as compared with fluorochemicals (Kissa, 1984).

7.7.7 Fluorocarbon The critical surface tension of a fully oriented polysiloxane finish is only ~24 mN/m, which is high enough to prevent hydrocarbon-based oils, such as n-heptane (γLV = 20 mN/m) and n-octane (γLV = 22 mN/m), from wetting,

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s­ preading and wicking into the structure of the silicone-treated textile material. Fluorochemicals ­reduce surface tension considerably and exhibit a lower surface energy (γC ~ 15 mN/m) than silicones, therefore they provide both water and oil repellency (Kissa, 1984). Fluorochemical finishes (also termed fluorocarbon finishes) were introduced in the 1960s, but they gained popularity during the 1990s for easy-care properties such as repellency to water, oil and stain and easy release of soil and stain. Fluorochemicals or fluorocarbons (FCs) are synthetic organic chemicals ­containing a perfluoroalkyl residue in which all the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by fluorine. FC repellents are synthesised by incorporating perfluoro alkyl groups into acrylic or urethane monomers that can then be polymerised to form fabric finishes. When applied to a fibre, the final polymer should form a structure that presents a dense CF3 outer surface for maximum repellency. The length of the perfluorinated side chains should be about 8–10 carbons. The small spacer group, mostly ethylene, can be modified to improve emulsification and solubility of the polymer (Lämmermann, 1991). Comonomers (e.g., stearyl- or laurylmethacrylate, ­butylacrylate, methylol- or epoxy-functional a­ crylates and block copolymers from α,ω-­dihydroxydimethylpolysiloxane) affect fabric hand, film formation and durability. By changing monomers and by adding appropriate emulsifiers, FC repellents can be widely modified for many special performance profiles. FC repellents possess low reactivity and outstanding chemical and thermal stability, which contribute high durability of the surface finish to laundering, dry cleaning and tumble drying (Nuyttens, 1995). Fluorine is the most strongly electronegative element in nature and is extremely chemically reactive. The fluorine atoms react with carbon atoms to form strong ­carbon-fluorine bonds where the carbon atoms in fluorocarbons are being closely surrounded by fluorine atoms. The high degree of protection provided by the fluorine atoms to the shielded carbon scaffold results in the low reactivity of fluorochemical finishes. In addition, the extremely low critical surface tension and high surface activity associated with fluorochemicals are also a consequence of this unique molecular topography (Nuyttens, 1995). Fluorochemicals are used as durable lubricants, corrosion protection coatings for metals, flame-retardant polymers, fluorine elastomers used in the rubber industry and heat transfer fluids in refrigeration technology. They are widely used as protective agents against water and oil stains and soiling in the textile, paper and leather industries. Some fluorochemicals are used for special wetting agents of textile materials, while others are used in firefighting and in the electroplating and electronics industries (Lämmermann, 1991; Nuyttens, 1995). The three major manufacturing routes for fluorochemical finishes are (1) Telomerisation of tetrafluoroethylene (e.g., Teflon of Du Pont). (2) Electrofluorination of hydrocarbons (e.g., Scotchgard of 3 M corporation). (3) Direct fluorination.

Originally, the perfluoroalkyl groups were produced by electrochemical fluorination, but today they are produced by telomerisation.


Principles of Textile Finishing Electrochemical fluorination Professor Joseph Simons of Penn State University discovered that a fluorocarbon could be produced by passing a direct electric current through an organic hydrocarbon dissolved in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride (Simons, 1950). Replacement of hydrogen atoms by fluorine atoms takes place in the hydrocarbon when the electric current is passed through the solution, generating a fluorocarbon that is used as a functional intermediate for subsequent reactions. Research workers in 3 M advanced the technique of electrofluorination to produce novel fluorochemical finishes (Audenaert et al., 1999). A typical reaction is given in Eq. (7.13) C8 H17 SO2 F + 17HF ¾e¾¾¾¾¾ ® C8 F17 SO2 F + 17H 2 ( anodic oxidation )


The octanesulphonyl fluoride is thus converted into perfluorooctane sulphonyl fluoride, which then forms the basis for the synthesis of perfluorinated alcohols and perfluorinated (meth)acrylates (Audenaert et al., 1999). Soil release finishing obtained by this method contains perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). Perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS) is a bioaccumulative, bio persistent and toxic fluoroorganic compound. PFOS was discovered to affect our reproduction, hormone system and cell processes. Legislations regarding PFOS were established by the European Union in 2008 regarding marketing and use is banned in all member states. (Benjamin et al., 2007). Telomerisation Telomerisation is a special case of polymerisation. This type of reaction is a chain reaction involving unsaturated compounds (monomers) and a substance that acts to propagate the reaction chain. Telomerisation produces a mixture of chemical species (telomers) having different molecular weights. The molecules of the products are made of monomeric units M, and the products’ end groups are fragments A and B from the propagating substance. It is described by the general equation: AB + nM ¾(¾¾¾ ® A [  M  ]n B Initiator )


Of the monomers used in telomerisation, the most thoroughly investigated are ethylene, α-olefins, vinyl chloride, vinylacetate, perfluoroethylene, allyl and acrylic compounds, dienes and diene derivatives. Common propagating substances are CCl4, CHCl3 and RCBr2COOCH3. Telomerisation is initiated by peroxides, azo compounds, transition-metal compounds, strong mineral and aprotic acids and alkali metals. The addition of hydrogen fluoride to unsaturated organic compounds such as ethylene (ethene) can be used to form an organofluorine compound, ethyl fluoride (CH3CH2F). CH 2 = CH 2 ® CH 3 CH 2 F


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Alternatively, organofluorine compounds (tetrafluoroethylene) can be generated through halogen exchange reactions CHCl3 + 2HF ® CHClF2 + 2HCl


2CHClF2 ® F2 C = CF2 + 2HCl


Tetrafluoroethylene (the telogen) is then subjected to a free-radical polymerisation process 5F2 C = CF2 + IF5 + 2 I 2 ® 5 C2 F5 I


This gives rise to linear polymers of the general formula CnF2n+1C2H4I with a chain length distribution n ranging from 4 to 14 or 6 to 12 (Grottenmüller, 1998). 5C2 F5 I + ( n - 1) F2 C = CF2 ® F ( CF2 - CF2 )n I


Termination, F ( CF2  CF2 )n I + CH 2 = CH 2 ® F ( CF2  CF2 )n CH 2  CH 2 I


On average, the telomer chain length found in commercial fluorochemical finish formulations is around 8–10 (Audenaert et al., 1999). Linear chains are produced by telomerisation. However, in the Clariant process, a certain distribution from C6F13 up to C12F25 at C2F4 intervals can be obtained due to the radical nature of the reaction. The precise distribution may be altered within certain limits by varying the reaction conditions or by distillation and can therefore be engineered towards specific performance requirements. For classic fluorochemical applications in textiles for water repellency, a high content of C8F17 is advantageous, whereas for surface-active properties, a high C6H13 content is generally preferred (Grottenmüller, 1998). Telomerisation was used by Du Point. According to Banks et al. (1994) this process involves a free radical polymerisation process of ­ tetrafluoroethylene (Banks et al., 1994) producing perfluorooctane telomere alcohol (F3C–CF2–CF2–CF2–CF2–CF2–CF2–CF2–CH2–CH2–OH). The C8 telomeres were considered to be less health hazardous due to replacement of fluorocarbons (FCs) with PFOS. However, it was further discovered that perfluorotelomers could release another compound perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) that had the similar environmental and health impacts as PFOS. PFOA was found to be very persistent, bio accumulative and toxic. The structure of PFOA is F3C–CF2–CF2–CF2– CF2–CF2–CF2–COOH (Benjamin et al., 2007). After immense research and development, chemists succeeded in replacing this C8 chemistry with C6 chemistry by using short six-carbon fluorochains that excluded the possibility of fluorocarbon products to break down into PFOS and PFOA. The


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c­ ompound perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHA), obtained from C6-based fluorocarbons, has 40 times less bioaccumulative effects than PFOA. However, modified fluorocarbons based on C6 technology are less effective. Moving from long-chain to short-chain fluorinated durable water repellent (DWR) chemistries is a complex process. There are many product performance requirements to be met and other critical factors to take into account. The availability of alternative chemistries may be an indication that there is the potential for substituting DWRs containing long-chain with short-chain fluorinated chemistries. Yet, the complexities of DWR chemistries and their applications require a thorough assessment of the available alternative short-chain chemistries to understand their potential applications (ZDHC, 2016). The new generation of fluorocarbons, the Nuva N series of Archroma, consists of products based on the latest C6 chemistry. The N in the product name stands for novel chemistry, no PFOA, notable improvement in repellence and nonsensitive in regard to compatibility with finishing chemicals (Archroma, 2016). Resiguard OWR (RESIL) is a ecofriendly fluorocarbon liquid based on C6 chemistry for durable water and oil-repellent finish on textiles (RESIL, 2016). Application methods: Application by padding: 15–80 gpl by pad-dry-cure process; by exhaust: 3–6% dry cure process. Although short-chain fluorinated DWR chemistries cannot break down in the environment into PFOA and PFOS, degradation by-products of short-chain fluorinated chemistries may also be substances of concern. Potential byproducts of the short-chain fluorinated chemistries include perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) and perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS). Both of these substances are persistent in the environment. They are, nonetheless, recognised to be less toxic and bioaccumulative according to available studies (KEMI, 2012). Stain resistant and cleanability results for hot coffee and hot chocolate soiling clearly showed that especially C6-based fluorocarbons and the combination of C6based fluorocarbon and FC-free chemicals (polymers of high branched dendrimers in a matrix of hydrocarbons, blocked cationic polyisocyanate as booster, etc.) had better results than the FC-free alone. When comparing all the chemicals for the hot coffee soiling, it was difficult to clean the treated samples because of more penetration than the hot chocolate soiling. The performances of all chemicals are dependent on the concentration (Benjamin et al., 2007). C6 chemistry produces a byproduct called PFHA (perfluorohexanoic acid), which accumulate in an organism (bioaccumulation) 40 times less than PFOA. But it is also less effective, so more of the chemical has to be used to achieve the same result. Manufacturers are trying to find smaller and smaller perfluorocarbon segments in their products, and even C4 has been used. The smaller the fluorocarbon, the more rapidly it breaks down in the environment. Unfortunately, the desired textile performance goes down as the size of the perfluorocarbon goes down. ‘C6 compound is closest chemically to C8 compound, but it contains no PFOA’. It breaks down in the environment, which is a positive trait, but it doesn’t stick as well to outerwear. Additionally, it doesn’t repel water and oil as well as C8, which means it falls short of meeting a vague industry standard, as well as individual company standards for durability and repellency (Oecotextiles, 2016).

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Traditional commercial FC products consist of 15–30% fluorocarbon polymer, 1–3% emulsifier, 8–25% organic solvents and water. Most FC products are padded, dried and cured. Heat treatment causes increased orientation of the perfluoro side chains to almost crystalline structures. This is crucial for optimal repellency. Washing and dry cleaning disturb this orientation and reduce finish performance. The orientation must be regenerated by a new heat treatment (e.g., ironing, pressing or tumble drying). But with some new FC products, drying in air is sufficient (laundry air-dry). Tailored FCs and blocked isocyanates, the so-called boosters, are used for this effect. Depending on the kind of blocking group, the isocyanate is activated at different temperatures and then cross-links with the functional groups of the FC, the fibre or with itself. This fixation on the fibre surface provides durability to washing, dry cleaning and rubbing. Boosters also cause better film formation and thereby higher repellency effects. However, high amounts of boosters adversely affect fabric hand (Thumm, 2000). General advantages of fluorocarbon-repellent finishes include (1) Low active add-ons ( g OD


The soil release finishes are film-forming polymers capable of imbibing water. Today, these finishes can be classified into three distinct varieties namely: (1) Acrylics (2) Dual-action fluorochemicals (3) Exhaustible

Two types work well on durable press (DP)-finished cotton/polyester blends (e.g., acrylics and ­dual-action fluorochemicals). These are added into the final DP finish bath. A third type is ­engineered specifically for 100% polyester fabric (e.g., exhaustible). They are best applied in the dye cycle (thus the name exhaustible), although they may be applied by pad-dry-cure.

7.9 Stain and soil retardancy The production of self-cleaning textiles is of great interest to the textile industry. This field concerns various textile products, such as baby clothes. Such type of textiles should be essentially stain repellent and resistant to ageing during use. Performance textiles are a new paradigm for the textile industry and represent one of the fastest-growing sectors of the industry. Performance textiles are textiles that provide additional functions such as repellency, resistance or protection from a specified element including fabrics that resist wrinkles, soils, or odours and/or protect from environmental conditions. An image analysis study by Kabbari et al. (2015) showed that the application of fluorocarbon finishes can yield durable, luxurious knit fabrics with excellent stain resistant and stain repellent properties.

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Many fabrics require treatment to improve stain repellent, stain release and soil-­repellent properties, according to their end use. The articles like raincoat, outerwear, upholstery and bedspreads require stain repellency, washable materials like apparels, sheets and tablecloths require good stain release properties, while carpets and ­upholstery require soil repellency. Stain repellency is promoted by hydrophobic finishing, and various approaches have been adopted over the last four decades. Paraffin derivatives and melamine-modified fatty acids are economic, but they are not durable and give rise to emission problems during production. Silicone products give more soft and permanent effects, but they can cause problems in subsequent coating and also can attract dirt. Fluorocarbons provide permanent water, oil and dirt repellency, but are very costly. Objectionable soiling of upholstery caused by spilled liquids can be removed by spot cleaning with fluorochemical finishes. Solvent soluble fluorochemical finishes are best used for removing oily stains. Water-based fluorochemicals can also be applied to upholstery fabrics. However, they must be heat-treated to optimise the orientation of the fluoro tails for maximum repellency. For this reason, water-based finishes are best applied in a finishing plant. Carpet soiling is mainly hard particulate matter tracked onto the face yarns by foot traffic; for example, soil transfers from shoe soles and is ground into the carpet. The fluorocarbon finishes provide useful soil retardant finishes for carpets. The fluorocarbon's extremely low surface energy prevents soil particles from sticking to the fibres. The finish provides an antiadhesive coating to the fibres. To function properly, the fluoropolymer must provide low critical surface tensions, yet at the same time be hard enough not to deform when soil particles are pressed into it. Polyacrylic fluoroesters tend to be soft and rubbery. Fluorocarbon finishes that work well as carpet soil retardants have been modified to overcome the flypaper effect; some are fluoroesters of pyromelletic acid. These products can melt at curing temperature and efficiently spread over the carpet's face yarn. At room temperature, they solidify into hard, flexible, low-energy coatings.

7.10 Stain blockers Carpets are usually made from wool and/or nylon. They are accidentally stained by spillages of coffee, tea, soft drinks and other liquids and coloured foodstuffs. Nylon fibres are dyed by acid dyes. Certain water-borne food stains are actually acid dyes and are adsorbed by the nylon fibres. This colouring matter will dye nylon in the same way as acid dyes. These stains cannot be prevented or removed by even the best of the antisoil products. Even the best of fluorocarbon-treated nylon carpets may be stained. A very recent innovation is the introduction of stain-blocking technology that renders nylon carpets resistant to these stains as well. Stain blockers have been derived from syntans, which were first developed by Stiasny (Holmes, 1988) to tan leather, but have been used increasingly since the 1960s as after treatments to improve the wet fastness of acid dyes on polyamide fibres. The technology involves the treatment of nylon carpets with certain syntans that tie up the remaining amino groups. Syntans and stain blockers are generally condensates of formaldehyde with


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phenolsulphonic acids, naphtholsulphonic acids and sulphonates of dihydroxydiphenylsulphone, or mixtures of these. The structures of two typical systans are shown in Fig. 7.8 (Schindler and Hauser, 2004); these are condensation products of aromatic sulphonic acids. Condensation products in which each repeat unit is monosulphonated are claimed to be more effective stain blockers (Blyth and Ucci, 1987). Cooke and Weigmann (1990) have classified stainblockers into a number of categories namely phenolics, thiophenolics, dihydroxydiphenylsulphones and nonaromatic. The exact chemical composition, molecular size, degree of polymerisation and degree of sulphonation of most commercial stain blockers are not generally known, and their effectiveness as a stain-blocker depends to some extent upon the method of application, the presence of other treatments (such as fluorochemicals) and the effects of any heat treatments (Cooke and Weigmann, 1990). The coapplication of a stain blocker and a fluorochemical to the pile fibres of polyamide carpets can lead to a substantial increase in soil and stain resistance. Such finishes can be applied by the fibres producer as part of the spin finish with fluorocarbon finishes to give the soil/stain protection in carpet or by the carpet manufacturer after the dyeing step. While the syntans are known to impart dye resistance to nylon, the ones used are effective at room temperature, allowing the pretreated fibre to be dyed at elevated temperatures. The technology has improved to the point that newer versions withstand the hot dyeing conditions without losing the finish during dyeing. The exact chemical composition, molecular size, degree of polymerisation and degree of sulphonation of most commercial stain blockers are not generally known, and their effectiveness as a stain blocker depends to some extent upon the method of application, the presence of other treatments (such as fluorochemicals) and the effects of any heat treatments. Stain blockers may be deposited in a ring-like manner on the fibre surface during the application treatment, and partial diffusion into the fibre interior may occur during heating or dyeing treatments if the application is accomplished in conjunction with a dyeing process. The deposition of sulphonated stain blockers on the fibre surface creates a high negative zeta potential (surface charge) on nylon fibres, which consequently should exert a strong repelling influence on the uptake of dye anions. Many stain blockers give rise to fibre yellowing after application, and the yellowing increases on exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Many stain blockers also adversely affect the colourfastness to light.






CH2 SO −Na+ 3

Fig. 7.8  Syntans.


CH2 SO −Na+ 3


Repellent finishes185

7.11 Petal effect and lotus effect The intrinsic hydrophobicity of a surface can be enhanced by being textured with different length scales of roughness. The red rose takes advantage of this by using a hierarchy of micro and nanostructures on each petal to provide sufficient roughness for superhydrophobicity. More specifically, each rose petal has a collection of micropapillae on the surface and each papilla, in turn, has many nanofolds. The term ‘petal effect’ describes the fact that a water droplet on the surface of a rose petal is spherical in shape, but it cannot roll off even if the petal is turned upside down. The water drops maintain their spherical shape due to the superhydrophobicity of the petal (contact angle of about 152.4 degrees), but do not roll off because the petal surface has a high adhesive force with water. For scientists who were trying to apply nanotechnology to textile soil and stain repellency, they turned to nature, as is often the case in science, to study the surface of lotus leaves, which have an incredible ability to repel water. The lotus effect has been named after the unusual properties of the leaf surfaces of the lotus plant, which are remarkably water and soil repellent. The surface of the lotus leaf is covered by a thin extracuticellular membrane termed the cuticle, which is covered by waxes forming characteristic microstructures due to self-organisation. On smooth wax layers (surface area contact 10 percent), the contact angle of water may reach 110 degrees, but because of the surface roughness of the wax layer, whose dimensions can be measured in micrometres, a very pronounced superhydrophobicity is generated, with contact angles up to 170 degrees and surface area contact as low as 7%. As a result, the area for the adhesion of water is markedly diminished, and air is enclosed between the droplets and the wax crystals. Thus the pouring of water onto a leaf contaminated with soot and powdered dye causes the soot and dye particles to adhere to the water surface. The water droplets roll off the leaf surface carrying the soot and dye particles on their surfaces, leaving the lotus leaf surface clean and dry (Barthlott, 2000). Independent of their size and chemical nature, contaminants are removed from such optimised surfaces with only a small amount of water. When comparing the petal effect to the lotus effect, it is important to note some striking differences. The surface structure of the lotus leaf and the rose petal can be used to explain the two different effects. The lotus petal has a randomly rough surface and low contact angle hysteresis, which means that the water droplet is not able to wet the microstructure spaces between the spikes. This allows air to remain inside the texture, causing a heterogeneous surface composed of both air and solid. As a result, the adhesive force between the water and the solid surface is extremely low, allowing the water to roll off easily (‘Cassie’s regime’ i.e., ‘self-cleaning’ phenomenon). However, the rose petal's micro and nanostructures are larger in scale than those of the lotus leaf, which allows the liquid film to impregnate the texture. However, the liquid can enter the larger scale grooves, but it cannot enter into the smaller grooves. This is known as the ‘Cassie impregnating wetting regime’. Since the liquid can wet the larger scale grooves, the adhesive force between the water and solid is very high.


Principles of Textile Finishing

This explains why the water droplet will not fall off, even if the petal is tilted at an angle or turned upside down. However, this effect will fail if the droplet has a volume larger than 10 μL because the balance between weight and surface tension is surpassed (Lin et al., 2008). It is conceivable that within the next decade, the application of the lotus effect using nanotechnology, precision-engineered polymers and suitable application methods could be used to provide a new generation of fabrics with ultraphobic surfaces. These would undoubtedly be expensive but would possess very high levels of water and oil repellency and outstanding soil and stain repellency properties. Tiny crevices in the leaf’s surface trap air, preventing the water droplets from adhering to the surface. As droplets roll off the surface, they pick-up p­ articles of dirt lying in their path. Using this same concept, scientists developed a ­nanotechnology-based finish that forms a similar structure on the fibres surface. Fabrics can be cleaned by simply rinsing with water. Nano-Tex ( was the first commercially available nanoparticle based soil-repellent fabric finish. It debuted in December of 2000. Another nanotech based soil repellent is GreenShield (Oecotextiles, 2016) which debuted in 2007. Both finishes, although they use nanotechnology, also base their product on fluorocarbon chemistry. Nano-Tex’s website does not give much information about their formulation— basically it only indicates that it’s a new technology that ‘fundamentally transforms each fibre through nanotechnology’. GreenShield is much more forthcoming with information about their process. In the GreenShield finishes, the basic nanoparticle is amorphous silica, an inert material that has a well-established use in applications involving direct human consumption; it is generally recognised as safe and is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency for such applications. The use of silica enables GreenShield to reduce the amount of flurocarbons by a factor of eight or more from all other finishes, and it reduces overall chemical loads by a factor of three, making GreenShield the finish which uses the least amount of these flurocarbons. The GreenShield finish gets mixed environmental ratings, however. Victor Innovatix’s Eco Intelligent Polyester fabrics with GreenShield earned a Silver rating in the Cradle to Cradle program. However, the same textile without the GreenShield finish (or any finish) earned a higher Gold rating, reflecting the risk of toxicity introduced to the product by GreenShield (Oecotextiles, 2016).

7.12 Health hazards Human exposure to a typical fluorochemical formulation in the form of treated garments and home furnishings has given no sign of skin irritation or contact allergies. Textiles treated with Oleophobol C and Oleophobol S (CIBA) retain over 80% of the fluorine-containing component, even after 10 launderings at 60°C, while the amount initially applied to the fabric is very small, around 0.3% of the total weight of finished fabric (Ciba-Geigy, 1992).

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While production using the telomerisation route continues, the production of Scotchgard Protector products based upon electrofluorination of perfluorooctanyl compounds was phased out by Mar. 2001 (Banks et al., 1994). It has been reported that the major component of Scotchgard products (perfluorooctanyl sulphonate) had been detected at extremely low levels in human tissue, wildlife and the general environment 2001 (Banks et al., 1994). The US government’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) commented that the 3 M data supplied to EPA indicated that these chemicals are very persistent in the environment, have a strong tendency to accumulate in human and animal tissues, and could potentially pose a risk to human health and the environment over the long term. For these reasons, 3 M made the responsible management decision to phase out production by electrofluorination of hydrocarbons.

7.13 Test methods The water repellency of fabrics is evaluated by one of the three main types of test methods: (1) Spray tests to simulate exposure to rain. (2) Hydrostatic pressure tests, which measure the water penetration as a function of pressure exerted by water standing on the fabric. (3) Sorption of water by the fabric immersed in water being evaluated, which should be suitably preconditioned prior to testing under standardised conditions.

7.13.1 Spray tests There are several spray tests commonly used today. A few are discussed below: Water repellency: spray test (AATCC Test Method 22—1996) The sample fabric is mounted on the embroidery hoop and fixed on the instrument at 45 degrees below a glass funnel. Now the measuring cylinder is filled with 250 cm3 water and poured into the funnel. The water is showered on the sample through a spray nozzle on the fabric (Fig. 7.9). After spraying is complete, the sample holder is removed, and the surplus water is drained by tapping the frame six times against a solid object, with the face of the sample facing the solid object. The test specimen is preconditioned for 4 h prior to testing under controlled conditions. This produces a wetted pattern whose size depends upon the relative water repellency of the fabric. Evaluation is carried out by comparing the wetted pattern with pictures on a standard chart. This rapid, simple method, which is technically equivalent to ISO 4920 and BS EN 24920 (AATCC, 2003), is suitable only for production control work.


Principles of Textile Finishing

Fig. 7.9  Spray tester.

The ratings are as follows: Sr.


Rating description

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

100 90 80 70 50 0

No sticking or wetting of the upper surface Slight random sticking or wetting of the upper surface Wetting of upper surface at spray points Partial wetting of whole of upper surface Complete wetting of whole of upper surface Complete wetting of whole of upper and lower surfaces AATCC Test Method 35—1994 A test specimen (preconditioned at 65 ± 2% relative humidity and 21 ± 1°C for at least 4 h prior to testing) is backed by a weighed blotting paper and is sprayed with water in the AATCC Rain Tester for 5 min under controlled conditions. The severity of the simulated rain is altered by changing the height of the water column to give pressures of 60–240 cm water gauge. The blotting paper is then reweighed to determine the amount of water that leaked through the specimen during the test. The fabric performance is given by determining the maximum pressure at which no fabric penetration occurs,

Repellent finishes189

the change in fabric penetration with a change of pressure and the minimum pressure required to cause a penetration of more than 5 g of water. AATCC Test Method 42—1994 The fabric resistance to impact by water is measured. This can be used to predict the probable rain penetration resistance of garment fabrics. 500 mL of water is allowed to spray from a height of 2 ft (50.8 cm) against the taut surface of a test specimen backed by a weighed blot. The blotting paper is reweighed to determine water penetration and the specimen classified accordingly. It should be noted that all rain simulation tests should, in theory, replicate the rain conditions occurring in practice.

7.13.2 Hydrostatic pressure tests For many high-performance fabrics that are rendered waterproof, a hydrostatic pressure test may be conducted in one of two ways (Holmes, 2000). (1) Subjecting the fabric to an increasing hydrostatic pressure and measuring the pressure required to cause penetration. (2) Subjecting the fabric to a constant hydrostatic pressure for a long period of time and noting whether any penetration occurs.

7.13.3 Sorption of water by the fabric Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test (AATCC Test Method 70—1997): Preconditioned and preweighed specimens are tumbled in water for a fixed period of time and are then reweighed after the excess water has been removed by a wringer method. The percentage weight increase of the specimen is taken as a measure of the absorption or resistance to internal wetting. Bundesmann Rain/Shower Test (ISO 9865): Subjects fabric to an artificial rain shower, rates the specimens visually for surface wetting, measures the water absorbed by the specimen and measures the amount of water that penetrates through the specimen. This is a severe test of water repellency. There are very few Bundesmann testers in the United States, as the test is mainly used in Europe.

7.13.4 Breathability tests Water-repellent fabrics must be tight enough to prevent water from penetrating the fabric; however, in order to provide comfort to the wearer, they must be breathable; that is, they must allow moisture vapour (or air) to pass through the fabric. Air Permeability (Frazier) (ASTM D737): Measures the rate of airflow passing perpendicularly through a fabric, which can be interpreted as breathability or wind resistance. Results are in cubic feet/minute through 1 square foot of fabric (ft3/min/ft2). Moisture Vapour Transmission Rate (MVTR) (ASTM E96, procedure B): Measures the rate of moisture vapour diffusion through fabric using the Simple Dish method.


Principles of Textile Finishing

The most commonly used procedure is Procedure B, the upright cup water method at 73.4°F (23°C); results are in grams/square metre/24 h (g/m2/24 h).

7.13.5 Test for oil repellency Hydrocarbon resistance test (AATCC Test Method 118—1997, technically equivalent to ISO 14419) (AATCC, 2003): Used to detect the presence of a fluorochemical finish or other low surface energy finish by evaluating the fabric resistance to wetting by a selected series of liquid hydrocarbons of different surface tensions. Drops of the standard test liquids are placed on the fabric surface and observed for wetting, wicking and contact angle. The oil repellency grade is the highest-numbered test liquid that does not wet the fibre surface. The test liquids in the order of decreasing surface tension are: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Kaydol white mineral oil (31.2) Kaydol: n-hexadecane (65:35 by volume ) (28.7) n-Hexadecane (27.1) n-Tetradecane (26.1) n-Dodecane (25.1) n-Decane (23.5) n-Octane (21.3) n-Heptane (19.8)

The values under the bracket are surface tension grade number at 25°C (mN/m). The oil repellency grade is the highest-numbered test liquid that does not wet the fabric surface. Oils are numbered 1–8, which also denotes a repellency rating, with #8 being the highest (most oil-repellent) rating. Many specifications require a three rating after multiple launderings. A grade of 0 is assigned when the fabric fails the Kaydol test liquid. Wetting of the fabric is normally evidenced by a darkening of the fabric at the liquid-fabric interface or wicking and/or loss of contact angle of the drop. On black or dark fabrics, wetting can be detected by loss of ‘sparkle’ within the drop. If the liquids form clear, well-rounded drops on the fabric surface, the fabric has passed the test. It should be noted that the oil-repellency test is conducted under static conditions, and it depends completely upon the contact angle of the oil on the fibres. The test method does not measure the resistance of the fabric to the spreading of oil that can wet the fibres (Kissa, 1984).

7.14 Future trends The textile fabrics made of natural and a few manmade textiles are inherently hy­ drophilic. This creates problems during some of their end uses and they are to be made hydrophobic. Synthetic fibres are, on the other hand, hydrophobic, therefore they will quickly absorb oils and hydrophobic dirts; they are also resistant to oil. Natural and manmade (including synthetics) need special finishing; the finishing processes based on paraffins, silicones, fluorocarbons and many other proofing and repellent finishes

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are used widely, and each has its own characteristics. The situation further gets complicated by the presence of soils and stains. With the evaluation of an easy-care concept, consumers no longer need to make apparel selections based on individual finishes such as wrinkle-resistant, easy-care and/or fabric protection. Today, the multifunctional finishes are most desirable, as this will reduce the use of multiple finishes with a consequent reduction in environmental protection. Nature can be considered a model for nanotechnological effects; self-cleaning through lotus effect is legendary in the context. The challenge for material engineers, chemists and physicists is to design a microstructure on the fibre surface to mimic nature, all while avoiding potentially hazardous chemistry. Theoretically, the effects can be achieved by proper design of the surface structure while avoiding any hazardous chemistry; nature does not need fluorocarbons to create the lotus effect. Research on superhydrophobicity has been carried out all over the world. Many publications have appeared focused on superhydrophobic effects, many of which, though not all, are still based on fluorocarbon chemistry. For example, interesting research has been conducted on the design of nanoscaled surfaces to achieve superhydrophicity without the use of fluorocarbon chemistry, based on microstructured inorganic Zr- and Al-oxide layers (Duparre´ et al., 2004). Unfortunately, it seems that expensive equipment is required for making the nanoscaled designs; these alternative nonfluorocarbon chemistries have to be considered also in the view of economic feasibility.

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Flame- and fire-retardant finishes


8.1 Introduction Flame retardancy is an important characteristic of textile materials in order to protect consumers from unsafe apparels. Firefighters and emergency personnel require protection from flames, as do floor coverings, upholstery and drapery, especially when used in public buildings. The military and airline industries also have multiple needs with regards to fire retardancy (Schindler and Hauser, 2004). Flame retardancy may be conferred on textile fabrics by use of inherently flame resistant fibres, use of chemical aftertreatments or both. Inherently flame retardancy may arise from a chemical structure which is thermally stable in the first instant or transforms to one (e.g., the polyaramids or other aromatic structures), incorporation of flame retardant additives during the production of manmade fibres (e.g., FR viscose) or by the synthesis of conventional fibre-forming polymers, which include flame retardant comonomers (e.g., FR polyester). Chemical aftertreatments include surface or topical treatments, coatings and functional finishes which become a part of the final fibre structure. Hazards from flammable fabrics were recognised for many centuries and several attempts were made to cope with them. In 1735, Jonathan Wyld of England patented a flame-retardant mixture of alum, ferrous sulphate and borax. The first systematic attempt to make textiles flame resistant was made in 1821 by the eminent chemist Gay Lussac, who developed a flame-retardant finish for hemp and linen fabrics with various ammonium salts with or without borax. The field of flame retardancy is multidisciplinary and complex, and the chemical nature of textile substrates is highly diversified. The flame-retardant chemicals and formulations are also numerous and include halogen, phosphorous, nitrogen, antimony, sulphur, boron and other elements in many forms and combinations. Flame-retardant treatments require application of a relatively large quantity of chemicals, about 10–30% of the weight of material. Hence, the aesthetic properties (softness, stiffness, lustre, handle, drape, etc.), physical properties (washability, soil repellence and soil release and static charge accumulation), tensile properties, creasing and pilling properties may change. Combustion is an exothermic process that requires three components: (1) Heat (2) Oxygen (3) Suitable fuel

When left unchecked, combustion becomes self-catalysing and will continue until the oxygen, the fuel supply or the excess heat is depleted. When textile material is heated, chemical and physical changes occur depending on the temperature and chemical composition of the material. Thermoplastic fibres soften at the glass transition temperature (Tg) and subsequently melt at Tm. At some higher temperature Tp Principles of Textile Finishing. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Principles of Textile Finishing

(­ temperature of pyrolysis), both thermoplastic and nonthermoplastic materials chemically decompose or pyrolyse into lower molecular weight fragments and continue through the temperature at which combustion occurs (Tc). For thermoplastic fibres, Tg and/or Tm are lower than Tp and/or Tc, while for nonthermoplastic fibres, Tg and/or Tm are higher than Tp and/or Tc. In the case of nonthermoplastic natural fibres, pyrolysis and combustion start before softening and melting. Thermoplastic synthetic fibres melt and drip away from a flame before pyrolysis and combustion temperatures are reached. However, if the melt does not shrink away from flame front, pyrolysis and combustion temperatures are eventually reached and ignition occurs. Flame retardant cotton and synthetic fibres like Nomex, Kevlar and PBI can offer protection to the wearer because they do not shrink away from flame. Thermoplastic fibres pass the ignition test by shrinking away from the flame, but in reality, the wearer is exposed to direct heat, and he/she suffers burning by contact of the body with the molten mass (Tomasino, 1992). The thermal processes and combustion products of organic products occur in a progressive and definable cycle, as shown in Fig. 8.1. When heat is applied, the fibre's temperature increases until the pyrolysis temperature (Tp) is reached. At this temperature, the fibre undergoes irreversible chemical changes, producing nonflammable gases (carbon dioxide, water vapour and higher oxides of nitrogen and sulphur), flammable gases (carbon monoxide, hydrogen and many oxidisable organic molecules), tars (liquid condensates) and carbonaceous char. As the temperature continues to rise, the tars also pyrolyse, producing more flammable and nonflammable gases and char. When the combustion temperature (TC) is reached, the flammable gases combine with oxygen in the process called combustion, which is a series of gas-phase free ­radical Light


Nonflammable gases

Tc Flammable gases Liquid condensates



Pyrolysis Tp

Nonflammable gases Fibre


Fig. 8.1  Combustion cycle for fibres.

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes197

reactions. These highly exothermic reactions generate large amounts of heat and light, and the generated heat provides additional thermal heat for the pyrolysis process to continue. More and more flammable gases and consequently, higher and higher amounts of heat are generated causing devastating effects. The burning behaviour of textiles is determined more by the speed or rate of heat release than by the amount of generated heat (Schindler and Hauser, 2004). An important factor in combustion is the limiting oxygen index (LOI), which is the percentage of oxygen in the fuel mix needed to support combustion; the higher the number, the more difficult the combustion. The thermal decomposition precedes combustion and ignition of the material. Combustion is an exothermic process that requires three components: heat, oxygen and fuel. When left unchecked, combustion becomes self-catalysing and will continue until the oxygen, the fuel supply or excess heat is depleted. After combustion, the polymer may degrade without flame, burst into flame or change physically by melting, shrinking or charring. The combustion products may further decomposed and ignited. In other words, upon heating, a polymer may be liquefied with or without decomposition, converted into carbon residues (chars) or release combustible or noncombustible gases. The thermal decomposition products determine the flammability of polymers. The role of flame retardants (FRs) is to inhibit the formation of combustible products and/or to alter the normal distribution of decomposition product originating from the original material.

8.2 Definitions of terms Tesoro (1978) defined several terms relating to flammability; a few are given below: Pyrolysis  Irreversible chemical decomposition due to nonoxidative heating Combustion  Self-catalysed exothermic reaction involving fuel and oxidiser Flame  Gas phase combustion with emission of visible light Ignition  Initiation of combustion Flammability  Tendency of a material to burn in the presence of a flame Char  A carbonaceous residue during pyrolysis or combustion Afterglow  Glowing combustion in a material after cessation (natural or induced) of flame Smouldering  Combustion without flame and without prior flaming combustion, but usually with incandescence and smoke Smoke  Fine dispersion of carbon, other solids and liquids resulting from incomplete combustion; particles are not individually visible but cause opacity due to scattering and/or absorption of visible light Self-extinguishing  Incapable of sustained combustion in air under the specified test conditions after the removal of external source of heat Flame resistance  The property of exhibiting reduced flammability of a material Fire resistance  The capacity of a material to withstand fire without losing its functional properties Flame retardant  Chemical compounds capable of imparting flame resistance or reduced flammability to a material to which is applied Limiting oxygen index (LOI)  Minimum percent of oxygen in the environment that sustains burning under specified test conditions. In other terms, it is the content of oxygen in an oxygen/nitrogen mixture that keeps the sample at the limit of burning: LOI = 100 × O2/(O2 + N2).


Principles of Textile Finishing

Synergism and antagonism  Observed effectiveness of combinations of compounds greater and smaller (respectively) than the sum of the effects of individual components

8.3 Flammability of textile fibres The flammability characteristics of commercially available fibre vary widely. Various thermal parameters of textile fibres are shown in Table 8.1 (Reeves et al., 1974). It has been established that the size and depth of the burn injury is related to heat transfer rather than the rate of flame spread. Heavier fabrics produce more heat per unit area, although the flame spreads on them at slower rate. Table 8.1 glass transition temperature (Tg), melting point (Tm), ignition/pyrolysis temperature (Tp), combustion temperature (Tc), maximum flame temperature and limiting oxygen index of different textile fibres. The average heat of combustion of textile fibres determined by Bomb Calorimeter is also shown (Babrauskas, 1981). All fabrics burn, but some are more combustible than others. Untreated natural fibres such as cotton, linen and silk burn more readily than wool, which is more difficult to ignite and burns with a low flame velocity. However, though wool fibres have natural flame retardancy, woollen fabrics burn easily due to open fabrics structure and the presence of dyes and finishes. Cellulosic fibres, namely cotton and rayon, burn readily with afterglow and formation of char. Synthetic fabrics, such as nylon, acrylic or polyester, resist ignition. However, the fabric will melt once ignited. The hot sticky melts are of very high temperature and can cause deep and severe skin burns. One major concern regarding synthetics such as polyester is that they have a tendency to shrink at relative low temperatures. In clothing, this may be extremely dangerous; for example, synthetic fibre underwear can shrink onto the body when the outerwear burns, thereby removing the previously present insulating layer of air. Polyvinyl chloride and polyvinylidene chloride fibres do not support combustion and nylon 6, nylon 6,6 and polypropylene melt slowly without burning. However, polyester and acrylic melt and burn readily. Blended fabrics may be more hazardous, as in most cases they combine high rate of burning with the problem of melting resulting in more severe skin injuries. Loosely woven fabrics burn more easily than tightly woven fabrics. The surface texture with loose or fluffy piles ignites more readily than fabric with hard, tight surface. Garment designs also affect flammability because clothing that fits closely to the body is less likely to stray into a flame source; if it ignites, it tends to self-extinguish. Some garments having loose hanging or floating extra fabrics add to the hazards. The inherently commercial FR fibres include Nomex and Kevlar (both aromatic polyesters), Kynol (phenol-formaldehyde polymer degraded to carbon fibre), PBI (polybenzimidazole), Ryton (poly p-phenylene sulphide), Inidex (crosslinked copolymer of acrylic acid and acrylamide) and Curlon (carbonised fibre with aromatic structure). Flame-retardant polyester can be prepared by

Various thermal parameters of textile fibres

Fibre Natural fibres Cotton Rayon Wool Synthetic fibres Acetate Triacetate Nylon 6 Nylon 6,6 Polyester Acrylic Modacrylic Polypropylene PTFE Nomex Kevlar PBI

Tg (°C)

50 50 85 100 80 −20 126 275 340 400

Tm (°C)

215 265 255 220 240 165 327 375

Cullis and Herschler, 1981; Lewin and Sello, 1984.


Average heat of combustion (cal/g)

Limiting oxygen indexa 18.4 18.7 25.2

Tp (°C)

Tc (°C)

Maximum flame temperature (°C)

350 350 245

400 420 600

860 850 941

4330 3446 4920

431 403 420–427 290 273 469 400 410 590 500

475 540 450 530 450–480 560 690 550–570 560 500 550 500

960 885 875 − 697 855

6926 6170 7020



20–21.5 20–20.1 20–21 18.2 29–30 18.6 95 28.5–30 29 40–42

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes199

Table 8.1 


Principles of Textile Finishing

(a) Copolymerisation of FRs into basic fibre polymer chain (b) Introduction of an additive during polymerisation or extrusion (c) Application of chemical system(s) as a textile finish

Methods (a) and (b) give rise to inherently flame-retardant polyester fibres. Trevera CS (Hoechst AG, CS stands for comfort and safety), the most well-known FR polyester in the market, is manufactured by copolymerising a bifunctional organophosphorous compound based on a phosphinic derivative (HOP(O) XYCOOH, X = H or alkyl, Y = alkyl) into the backbone of the polyester polymer. Fidion (Toyobo) FR polyester is believed to be based on a sulphone-phosphonate copolymer. The permanent flame-retardant fibre can be prepared by incorporating organic phosphorus compounds into a polymer chain to a low degree without affecting basic fibre properties. The relation between LOI and flammability of different textile fibres is as follows: ●

LOI ≤ 19—easy ignition, rapid burning (cotton, acrylic, viscose and polypropylene) 19 ≤ LOI ≤ 22—normal ignition and burning behaviour (polyester, nylon 6 and nylon 6,6) LOI around 25, almost ignition-resistant (wool) LOI > 26, flame-retardant (modacrylic, meta-aramide, para-aramide) LOI > 30, flame-resistant under severe conditions, for example, heavy air ventilation (melamine/phenol formaldehyde, polybenzimidazole or PBI, PTEE etc.) LOI around 100, not burning even in pure oxygen, only melting (glass and ceramic fibres)

8.3.1 Combustion products The gaseous products released during combustion of polymers and fibres are reported to be as shown in Table 8.2 (Lewin and Sello, 1984).

8.3.2 Toxicity hazards The major single cause for fire fatalities is the release of carbon monoxide, which reacts with blood haemoglobin to produce carboxyhaemoglobin, causing a lower o­ xygen

Gaseous products released during combustion of organic polymers

Table 8.2 



All organic polymers Nitrogen containing polymers (wool, silk, acrylic, polyurethanes, amino resins, etc.) Wool, vulcanised rubber, sulphur containing polymers Cellulosic fibres Wood, cotton and paper Polyolefins and others Polystyrene, PVC, polyesters Wood, cotton, paper and phenolic resins Phenolic resins PVC, PTEE and other halogenated flame retardants

CO, CO2 NO, NO2, NH3, HCN SO2, H2S, COS, CS2 Formic and acetic acid Acrolein Alkanes, alkenes Benzene Aldehydes Phenol, formaldehyde HCl, HF, HBr

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes201

content in blood and a reduced rate of blood flow. 100 ppm of CO causes nausea, severe poisoning at 1000 ppm and death within 1–3 min at 12,000 ppm. CO also damages by diffusing into tissues. Hydrogen cyanide or prussic acid, nitrogen oxides form methoglobin and their dangerous concentration levels are 100 and 150 ppm, respectively. SO2 is irritating at long exposure above 50–100 ppm, while H2S is rapidly fatal above 1000 ppm. COS, formed during decomposition of wool, is highly toxic and its limiting concentration is 0.15 ppm. Flame retardants may undergo pyrolysis and contribute their own new toxic ingredients, but many studies have not been done in this field.

8.4 Flame retardants The term ‘flame retardant’ is used to describe fabrics which will not support combustion and are self-extinguishing. In case of accidental fire, this type of fabrics will not contribute to the spreading of flame. Other terms like flame-resistant, flameproof and fireproof are often meaningless or misleading because nearly all fabrics are combustible to some degree. The rate of burning ranges from that of nitrocellulose, which burns so rapidly that it produces an explosion, to that of asbestos, which is virtually unaffected by fire. Flame retardants (FR) are chemicals which are added to combustible materials to render them resistant to fire. They are designed to minimise the risk of fire in case of contact with a small heat source such as cigarette, candle or an electrical fault. If the material is ignited, the flame retardant will slow down combustion and prevent fire from spreading to other items. Several types of compounds and polymers are used as FR for textile materials, including inorganic acids, acid salts and hydrates, organophosphorous and organobromine compounds, antimony salts/halogen systems etc. They may be classified into three categories: (1) Primary FR based on phosphorous and/or halogen—the phosphorous derivatives act usually in solid or condensed phase, while halogen (chlorine or bromine) is active in gaseous phase. (2) FR using synergists such as nitrogen and antimony for phosphorous and halogen-based FRs respectively. Synergists themselves are not flame retardants. FRs exhibiting P/N and/ or Sb/X synergism are durable in nature. (3) Adjunctive or physical FRs includes alumina trihydrate, boron compounds, silicates, and carbonates. Their activity is mainly physical, although recently some evidence of a chemical effect has been cited. They are nondurable and used only if durability in laundering is not important.

From an application point of view, fibre FR systems may be classified as follows (Lewin and Sello, 1984):Nonreactive systems (1) (2) (3) (4)

Topical deposition Two-stage precipitation Exhaustion from bath Incorporation in fibre before spinning


Principles of Textile Finishing

Reactive systems (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Reaction of FR with fibre Graft copolymerisation with fibre In situ polymerisation of FR compounds FR fibres Copolymerisation of FR compounds with fibre-forming monomers Inherently FR fibres

8.5 Mechanism of flame retardancy The thermal degradation of cotton, at temperature above 300°C produces gaseous, liquid, tarry and solid products. The flammable components in gaseous products burn to produce additional heat to convert the liquid and tarry products into flammable vapours that further propagate the flaming combustion. The process continues till a carbonised product is left. As the residue does not support flaming, the first phase (i.e., flaming combustion) comes to an end. The very first step in heat degradation of cotton (cellulose) is the formation of water and 1,2-anhydroglucose (Eq. 8.1) which rearranges to 1,6-anhydroglucose (Eq. 8.1) as heating continues. ® n1, 2  anhydroglucose + n H 2 O ( C6 H10 O5 )n ¾(¾¾ Heat )


1, 2  anhydroglucose ® 1, 6  anhydroglucose


( Cellulose )

As the temperature soars, this compound breaks up into various products (Eq. 8.3) (Nair, 2001a): 1, 6  anhydroglucose ¾(¾¾ ® gases + liquid + tar + char Heat )


The combustible gases burn and generate more heat while the liquids and tar break up releasing further gases and char. The first step, that is, the formation of anhydroglucose (levoglucosan), is significant from a flammability point of view. Levoglucosan, a precursor of flammable volatiles, is the main pyrolytic product of cellulose. It is cyclic acetal created when the α-1,4-glucosidic linkage is split and a molecule of water is lost (Eq. 8.4):














Heat (350°C)



–H2O O








(8.4) H

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes203

Other volatile pyrolytic products are 1,6-anhydro-β–glycofuranose, 5-­hydroxymethyl-2-furfural, 2-furylhydroxymethyl ketone, furfural, etc. Levoglucosan and the above volatile substances mix with oxygen to act as fuel and to propagate combustion process. Theoretically, cellulose can be made to decompose into carbon and water when there will be no flammable gas (Eq. 8.5). ® 6 n C + 5n H 2 O ( C6 H10 O2 )n ¾(¾¾ Heat )


The generation of carbon and water are ideal decomposition products to prevent the flaming of cotton. The least amounts of flammable gases are released during burning when flame retardant finishes are deposited on textile materials. A study (Nair, 2001a) showed that the ratio of volatile nonflammable to volatile flammable matters increased 8.6 and 4.5 times when ferric oxide (33%) and stannic oxide (28%) respectively are deposited on the textile materials. In contrast, the ratio increases only by 1.3 times when silica (34%) is deposited, which is not effective as FR. Metallic oxides are known for their catalytic action in the oxidation of organic compounds, as well as in the decomposition of the intermediate products. Thus ferric oxide can completely oxidise methyl alcohol to carbon dioxide or, in case of oxygen deficiency, to carbon. The precipitated ferric oxide decomposes acetaldehyde at 400°C to carbon monoxide and methanol. Both stannic oxide and ferric oxide act as oxidation catalysts when present in fabrics to decompose tar partially to carbon dioxide and water, which are non-combustible. Flame retardants can act physically or chemically and sometimes both by physically and chemically interfering at particular stages of burning. The different mechanisms are:

8.5.1 Endothermic degradation Certain compounds break down endothermically when they are subjected to high temperatures. Magnesium and aluminium hydroxides are such examples. Various hydrates also act similarly. The reaction takes off heat from the surroundings, thus cooling the material. The method to disrupt the combustion cycle for textile substrates is to provide heat sink on or in the fibre by using materials that thermally decompose through strongly endothermic reactions. If enough energy is absorbed by these reactions, the pyrolysis temperature of the fibre is not reached and combustion cannot take place. Example of this method is the use of alumina trihydrate and calcium carbonate as fillers in polymers and coatings. Alumina trihydrate in amounts of 40–60% has been found to be much more effective than the anhydrous alumina. Al 2 O3 • 3H 2 O ( → Al 2 O3 + 3H 2 O ↑ Heat )


8.5.2 Dilution of fuel Substances, which evolve inert gases on decomposition, dilute the fuel in the solid and gaseous phases. Inert fillers (e.g., talc or calcium carbonate) act as diluents, lowering


Principles of Textile Finishing

the combustible portion of the material and thus also lowering the amount of heat per volume of material that it can produce while burning. Thus the concentrations of combustible gases fall under the ignition limit; for example, the release of carbon dioxide by decomposition of calcium carbonate of similar compounds as in Eq. (8.7): CaCO3 ( → CaO + CO2 ↑ Heat )


The decomposed noncombustible gases dilute combustible gases and oxygen in the flame. Inert gases, mostly carbon dioxide and water, act as diluent of the combustible gases, lower their partial pressures and the partial pressure of oxygen, thereby slowing the reaction rate. These gases are produced by thermal degradation of some materials.

8.5.3 Thermal shielding A thermal insulation barrier is created between the burning parts and those that are yet to burn. An intumescent is a substance that swells as a result of heat exposure, thus increasing in volume and decreasing in density. Intumescents are typically used in passive fire protection. Intumescent additives are sometimes applied that turn the polymer into a carbonised foam, separating the flame from the material and slowing down the heat transfer to the unburned fuel. The physical effect of certain FRs is the formation of an insulating and protective layer of glassy matter or char hindering the passage of the combustible gases and transfer of heat from pyrolysing polymer to its surface. Boric acid and its hydrated salts have lower melting points and dehydrate in stages into metaboric acid and boric oxide, as shown in Eq. (8.8) at 130–200°C and 260–270°C, respectively. 2H 3 BO3 ¾–¾¾ H 2 O ® B2 O 3 2 H 2 O ® 2HBO 2 ¾–¾¾ ( Heat )

( Heat )


Upon heating, borax dissolves in its own water of hydration and then changes to a clear melt. A mixture (sodium pentaborate) of borax and boric acid (7:3) is an effective flame retardant for cellulose because only 5% add-on is required for retardancy, but 20% is needed for substantial decrease of glow resistance. The addition of diammonium phosphate enhances flame retardancy and antismouldering activity. A clear glassy layer (stable up to 500°C) is formed, which adhere uniformly to the cellulose fibres. Borate esters formed on heating dehydrate cellulose enhancing char formation. Sodium tetrafluoroborate decomposes into sodium fluoride and a gaseous BF3; the latter catalyses the formation of ketone groups and carbon double bonds, which crosslink with cellulose, enhancing the formation of char.

8.5.4 Lesser release of flammable volatiles One way to achieve flame retardancy is to influence the pyrolysis reaction to ­produce less flammable volatiles and more residual chars. Phosphorous-containing flame ­retardants follow this condensed phase mechanism. Phosphoric acid produced by thermal decomposition crosslink with hydroxyl-containing polymers, thereby altering the

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes205

pyrolysis to yield less flammable byproducts and prevent the formation of undesirable levoglucosan, the precursor of flammable volatiles (Eq. 8.9). O




(8.9) + 2H2O


However, there are other explanations for this initial dehydration, including single esterification of the primary hydroxyl group without cross-linking; these phosphorous esters catalyse dehydration and prevent the formation of undesirable levoglucosan, the precursor of flammable volatiles.

8.5.5 Gas phase radical quenching Chlorinated and brominated materials undergo thermal degradation and release hydrogen chloride and hydrogen bromide. These react with the highly reactive H• and OH• radicals in the flame, resulting in an inactive molecule and a Cl• or Br• radical. The halogen radical has a much lower energy than H• or OH• and thus has much lower potential to propagate the radical oxidation reactions of combustion. Antimony compounds tend to act in synergy with halogenated flame retardants. The HCl and HBr released during burning are highly corrosive, which has reliability implications for objects subjected to the released smoke. The flame retardant acts on combustible products broadly in two phases: (1) Solid or condensed phase retardation (2) Gas phase retardation

8.5.6 Condensed phase mechanism In the condensed phase mode, the reduction of volatile, flammable products and the increase of residual carbonaceous chars are caused by two mechanisms: (1) Dehydration (2) Cross-linking

These processes are well established for cellulosics and operate probably to some extent in other polymers as well. Weil (1978) suggested that the varying efficiency of phosphorous in different polymers is directly related to the possibility of char formation on dehydration—the efficiency decreases with decreasing polymer oxygen content. Two percent phosphorous is adequate to make cellulosic flame retardant, whereas 5–15% is required for polyolefins. Cross-linking promotes char formation in cellulosics by creating a carbon–carbon network, whereas chain cleavage, which produces volatile components, is retarded. This is claimed to be operative in phosphorous-nitrogen synergism also. However, cross-linking may not always reduces flammability—low degree of cross-linking may reduce thermal stability by breaking or weakening hydrogen bonds.


Principles of Textile Finishing

The increased flammability of rayon with increasing formaldehyde cross-linking hampers dehydrative auto-crosslinking in the less ordered amorphous regions which causes rapid initial weight loss in the early stage of pyrolysis and reduced char formation. In highly crystalline cotton, auto-crosslinking occurs to a small extent and the dominant effect of crosslinking is stabilisation and reduced flammability. As the first stage of combustion is pyrolytic decomposition, fine structural features of polymers such as intermolecular forces, chain rigidity and degree of crystallinity affecting the energy required for melting and degradation of polymers are all critical factors in flammability. Studies of cotton and rayon showed that the degradation mostly occurs in the amorphous region. The increase in the orientation of the cellulosic chains showed a decrease in the rate of pyrolysis in air at 250°C. Organic nitrogen is thought to control the pH during cross-linking reactions of phosphoric acid. The nitrogen may be protonated, reducing the amount of acid available. At low pH, cellulose undergoes acid hydrolysis rather than cross-linking and again at high pH, acid-catalysed cross-linking may not take place. Organic nitrogen may be converted into phosphorous acid amides that also catalyse dehydration and carbonisation of cellulose. When external heat is applied, the substrate undergoes thermal decomposition or pyrolysis with the generation of combustible fuel measured in terms of heat generated, ΔH2 cal/g polymer. Only a part of the fuel, thus generated, is combusted into flame by atmospheric oxygen releasing the heat of ΔH1 cal/g. The residual part ΔH3 (ΔH2 − ΔH1) can also be combusted with excess oxygen in the presence of a catalyst. A portion of the heat of the flame causes continued pyrolysis of the substrate, perpetuating the cycle; the remaining portion is dissipated and lost to the environment. The heat balance of polymer combustion can be represented as: (DH 0 C )P = DH 2 + R(DH 0 C )char


where (ΔHC0 )P is the standard heat of combustion of the polymer in cal/g polymer and (ΔHC0 )char is the heat of combustion of the char, R in grams, from burning in air, cal/g residue. Both can be determined by combustion with oxygen under pressure; ΔH1 can be determined in the Isoperibol calorimeter (Barker and Drews, 1976). In the condensed phase mechanism, the amount of fuel produced (ΔH2) during pyrolysis is reduced, that is, ΔH2 decreases with an increase in FR applied, but the ratio ΔH1/ΔH2 remains constant. In the gas phase mechanism, ΔH2 remains constant, while both ΔH1 and the ratio ΔH1/ΔH2 decrease. In the other words, the pyrolytic processes remain essentially the same with or without FR; the mode of combustion in the flame changes with the use of FR. The amount of fuel consumed in the flame (ΔH1) and consequently the heat generated (ΔH1/ΔHc) both decrease with an increase in the amount of FR. The amount of heat returned to the polymer surface diminishes and due to a reduction of surface temperature, the pyrolysis is slowed down or halted. As the retarding effect is in the gas phase, the FR moiety itself or its decomposition products should be volatile to reach the gas phase. The residual FR in the char after combustion will be much less than that in case of condensed phase FR. Hence, the mode of activity of FR chemical can be determined by the chemical analysis of char.

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes207

In these cases, flammability should be independent of polymer structure and pyrolytic process remains unchanged. The flammability of a substrate is determined by the ease of pyrolysis, that is, the minimum temperature at which pyrolysis starts and the character and quantity of gaseous substances generated. A FR agent that acts via a condensed phase mechanism substantially reduces the amounts of gaseous substances produced (ΔH2) during pyrolysis by favouring the formation of carbonaceous char, carbon dioxide and water. The demand for substantial amounts of FR agent in the condensed phase to impart flame retardancy suggests that it is a coreactant with polymers and not a catalyst, as suggested by Little (1947). Lower amount (catalytic) of FR increase rather than decrease flammability. Basch and Lewin (1973) showed that at low add-on levels, acidic FRs catalyse thermal degradation with an increase in the concentration of the fuel, levoglucosan, thereby enhancing flammability and requiring larger quantities of FRs to overcome catalytic actions. For a better condensed phase flame retardancy, FRs should react with polymers at a temperature lower than pyrolysis temperature. A decrease in (ΔHC0 )char values with an increase in FR indicate a more thorough pyrolysis and combustion (i.e., an activity in the condensed phase). This has been shown in the case of a polyester fabric treated with tris-isobutylated triphenyl phosphate (TBPP), but not with tri-(phenyl) phosphine (TPP) which behaves according to a gas-phase mechanism (Barker et al., 1979). A simple method of assessment of the mode of activity of a FR system is char analysis. The condensed phase FRs are nonvolatile and therefore their basic elements (P or S) can be traced and determined in the char.

8.5.7 Mechanism of P and S derivatives FRs Phosphorous- and sulphur-containing FRs act in cellulose by a condensed phase mechanism; for other polymers, the mechanism is less certain. The phosphorous derivatives are most effective for polymers containing oxygen by forming acids during pyrolysis and combustion. For polypropylene and other hydrocarbon-based polymer, polyphosphoric acid is generated and forms a glassy layer on the burning mass. Element red phosphorous, an efficient FR for polyester, acts in both a condensed and gas phase mechanism. It decreases pyrolysis rate, but does not change the composition of pyrolysis gases. Tris-isobutylated triphenyl phosphate (TBPP) causes thermal depolymerisation and a lowering of the melting point of polyester. As a result, the polymer melts and drips away from the flame, thereby decreasing flammability. However, a recent study shows that it inhibits free-radical combustion reactions. Phosphorous-containing FRs, except highly stable and volatile triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO), reduces flammability of polyester by affecting both pyrolytic and vapour-phase process. Volatile phosphorous compounds, especially TPPO, break down in the flame to small molecular species and radicals like PO•, P• and P2. These radicals scavenges H• radical as in case of halogen. Since most of the phosphorous-containing compounds exhibit the same flame retardancy on an equivalent phosphorous basis, a common esterification followed by ester decomposition mechanism is proposed.


Principles of Textile Finishing

R 2 CH  CH 2 OH + HOR ( acid ) ® R 2 CH  CH 2 OR + H 2 O ® R 2 C = CH 2 + HOR ( acid ) (8.11) The lower FR activity on rayon as compared to cotton is due to the lower thermal stability of rayon; it decomposes before all of the phosphate ester can decompose and liberates free acid to direct the pyrolysis to less-flammable end products. DTA analysis suggests that sulphur compounds act on cellulose via carbonium-ion catalysis. R 2 CH  CH 2 OH ® R 2 CH  CH 2 OH + 2 ® R 2 CH  CH + 2 + H 2 O ® R 2 C = CH 2 + H + (8.12) The esterification-ester decomposition mechanism is affected by the fine structure of cellulose, while carbonium ion dehydration scheme is less affected by fine-­ structural parameters. Synergism of an FR may occur in the presence of a second FR or a non-FR additive like nitrogen. Urea and similar nitrogenous (N) compounds facilitate phosphorylation of cellulose. The synergistic effect is not a function of any specific N–P ratio, but increases with increasing amounts of N compounds at fixed phosphorous ratios. Moreover the effect is not general to all N compounds. Reeves et al. (1970) generalised that amine- and amide-type nitrogen compounds are synergistic with phosphorous, whereas nitrile compounds are antagonistic. The antagonism may be due to the volatisation of phosphorous during pyrolysis. Polymerically bound nitrogen (e.g., acrylamide polymer) cannot interact with phosphorous and is therefore inactive. Two mechanisms are proposed for N compounds. Compounds like urea swell cellulosic fibres, thereby increasing the accessibility of the phosphorylating reagent. In other cases, P–N bonds are formed which are more reactive towards cellulose than the corresponding P–O type compounds. P–N bonds also form a cross-linked network within cellulose, inhibiting the release of volatile combustible fragments and promoting char formation.

8.5.8 Gas phase mechanism The gas-phase activity of FR is attributed to its interference in the combustion reaction in the flame. Like other fuels, polymers upon pyrolysis produce species capable of reacting with atmospheric oxygen. The fuel combustion propagates by branching or scavenging due to the formation of free radicals by the H2 − O2 reaction scheme in the presence of oxygen (Shtern, 1964). •H + O2 « •OH + •O

( +8 kcal / mol )


The most exothermic reaction in the flame that provides most of the energy by maintaining the combustion is as follows: •OH + CO « CO2 + •H

( –81kcal / mol )


Flame- and fire-retardant finishes209

To prevent or to slow down the combustion, the chain branching reactions (Eqs 8.13, 8.14) are to be hindered. The relative effectiveness of halogen compounds as a flame retardant is as follows: I > Br > Cl > F


Fluorocarbon compounds are very poor and iodine compounds are believed to be most effective. However, the latter compounds are not very thermally stable. Both bromine- and chlorine-containing compounds are used as flame-retardant additives. It is generally believed that aliphatic halogen is more effective than aromatic halogen, and the effectiveness of alicyclic halogen falls somewhere in between. The inhibiting effect of halogen derivatives, which are considered to operate via the gas-phase mechanism, occurs by first releasing either a halogen atom, if the compound is devoid of hydrogen: MX « M¢ + X


or by releasing a hydrogen halide: MX « M¢ + HX


The hydrogen halide acts as flame inhibitor by effecting chain branching: •H + HX « H 2 + •X

•OH + HX « H 2 O + •X

( X = -1and – 17 kcal / mol for Cl and Br, respectively )


( X = -8 and – 24 kcal / mol for Cl and Br, respectively ) (8.19)

The X radical is much less reactive than H and OH radicals and cannot effectively propagate a chain reaction. Antimony reacts with X radicals to form SbOX and SbX, both of which will thermally decompose to yield halogen radicals. The former reaction is twice as fast and hence a high value of ratio H2/•OH in the flame front indicates that Eq. (8.19) is the main inhibiting reaction. The inhibition effect is determined by the consumption of active hydrogen atoms due to competition between reactions Eqs (8.13), (8.18). Two free radicals are produced for each hydrogen atom by the reaction (Eq. 8.13), whereas one relatively unreactive halogen atom is produced by the reaction (Eq. 8.19) (not active in the H2 − O2 reaction scheme) (Shtern, 1964). Schindler and Hauser (2004) and also Textile Learner (2013) compared the above two mechanisms which can be summarised in Table 8.3. Finishing techniques to impart flame resistance include insolubilisation, coating, graft- or homo-polymerisation, cross-linking, chelation and covalent bond formation. Different textile fibres require different FRs and different finishing methods.


Principles of Textile Finishing

Table 8.3  Comparison of condensed and gas phase mechanism for flame retardancy Type of mechanism

Condensed phase

Gas phase

Type of chemistry involved Typical type of synergism Effective for fibre type

Pyrolysis chemistry P/N Mainly cellulose, also wool, catalysing their dehydration to char


Very effective because dehydration and carbonisation decrease the formation of burnable volatiles

Application process

If for durable flame retardancy, then demands multistep process

Environment toxicity

With durable flame retardancy, formaldehyde emission during curing and after finishing, phosphorous compounds in the waste water

Flame chemistry Sb/Br or Sb/Cl All kinds of fibres, because their flame chemistry is similar (radical transfer reactions) Fixation along with binder changes textiles properties, such as handle and drape, preferably for back coating for example of furnishing fabrics and carpets Relatively simple; standard methods of coating; using additives with controlled viscosity. The additives can affect handle and drape Antimony oxide and some organic halogen donators (DBDPO and HCBC) generate toxic dioxins and furans and are banned

FR ­finishing methods of natural fibres like cotton and wool and synthetic fibres like polyester, nylon, acrylic, polypropylene and their blends are discussed below.

8.6 FR finishing of cotton A major route of development of FRs for cotton has been the introduction of FR materials or moieties within cellulose molecules, not necessarily by chemical reaction with them. The insoluble deposits may be quite effective, like the deposition of stannic oxide by stannate-phosphate step. Formation of a semiinterpenetrating polymer network (SIPN) within the cellulose structure through in situ polymerisation as in the case of THPC (tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium chloride) finish is based on similar principle. Nondurable FRs are generally water-insoluble inorganic compounds that are easily ­removed by water, rain or perspiration. One group is based on boron derivatives, boric acid and borax, sometimes in conjunction with ammonium sulphate or phosphate, urea and alkali fluorides. The formulations melt and form a protective foam coating on combustion.

Flame- and fire-retardant finishes211

Aluminium trihydroxide (ATH) is the most widely used FR on a tonnage basis. It is inexpensive, but usually requires loading as high as 60%, because the FR mechanism is based on the release of water, which cools and dilutes the flame zone (Section 8.5.1). Magnesium hydroxide (MDH) is used in a polymer requiring a higher processing temperature, as it is stable up to 300°C. Fine precipitates of ATH and MDH (40 is considered to provide excellent protection against UV radiation (according to AS/NZS 4399: Sun protective clothing—Evaluation and classification, Standards Australia, Sydney). It is possible to realise about 80% of the theoretical maximum of SPF 200.

11.18.2 Fibre dependence UPF is strongly dependent on the chemical structure of the fibres. The nature of the fibres influences the UPFs as they vary in UV transparency. Natural fibres like cotton, silk, and wool have a lower degree of UVR absorption than synthetic fibres such as PET. Cotton fabric in a grey state provides a higher UPF because the natural pigments, pectin and waxes act as UV absorbers, while bleached fibres have high UV transparency. Raw natural fibres like linen and hemp possess a UPF of 20 and 10–15 respectively, and are not perfect UV protectors even with lignin content. However, the strong absorption of jute is due to the presence of lignin, which acts as a natural absorber. Protein fibres also have mixed effects in allowing UV radiation. Dyed cotton fabrics show higher UPF, and undyed, bleached cotton yields very poor UPF values. Wool absorbs strongly in the region of 280–400 nm and even beyond 400 nm. Exposure to sunlight damages the quality of silk’s colour, strength and resiliency in both dry and wet conditions. Mulberry silk is deteriorated to a greater extent than muga silk. Bleached silk and bleached PAN show very low UPFs of 9.4 and 3.9, respectively. Polyester fibres absorb more in the UV A & UV B regions than aliphatic polyamide fibres.

11.18.3 Fabric dependence The UPF increases with fabric density and thickness for similar construction and is dependent on porosity (UPF = 100/porosity). A high correlation exists between the UPF and the fabric porosity but is also influenced by the type of fibres. The relative order of importance of various fabric parameters for the UV protection is given by the percentage cover > fibre type > fabric thickness. A cloth cover does not consider the flatness of the yarns, which might result in a higher cloth cover than the calculated value. A UPF with fabric weight and thickness shows better correlation than cloth


Principles of Textile Finishing

cover. Therefore fabrics with the maximum number of yarns in warp and weft give high UPFs. UPF values of 200, 40, 20 and 10 can be achieved with the percentage cover factors of 99.5, 97.5, 95 and 90, respectively (Pailthorpe and Chriskis, 1995). To achieve a minimum UPF rating of 15, the cover factor of the textile must be greater than 93%, and a very small increase in CF leads to substantial improvements in the UPF of the textiles above 95% cover factor. In the case of terrycloth, a high variability in UPF exists due to irregularities in the fabric construction. Woven fabrics usually have a higher cover factor than knits due to the type of construction. Thick rib structures of hemp and linen can allow 10.52–12.70% and 9.03–11.47% of UV A and UV B, respectively. However, a knitted structure made from a blend of synthetic fibres with Lycra offers the best protection against solar radiation, and warp-knitted blinds are capable of screening up to 80% of the solar radiation and bright glares. Since the most probable time for long-term solar exposure is in the summer, the most likely candidates for UV-protective finishes are lightweight woven and knitted fabrics intended for producing shirts, blouses, T-shirts, swimwear, beachwear, sportswear and the like. Industrial fabrics designed for awnings, canopies, tents and blinds may also benefit from a UV-protective treatment.

11.18.4 UV protection care labelling Initiatives for developing standards related to UV protection started in the 1990s, and standards related to the preparation of fabrics, testing and guidance for UV protection labelling have been formulated by different agencies. Care labelling similar to fabric and garment care labels has been developed for UV protection, and standard procedures have been established for the measurement, calculation, labelling methods and comparison of label values. Table 11.2 shows the various grades and the related protection factors for the textile materials. The UPF value to be placed on the label is that of the sample, reduced by its standard error of UPF values, and then rounded down to the nearest multiple of five, but not greater than 50. A UPF of 20 means that 1/20th, or 5%, of the biologically effective UV radiation striking the surface of the fabric actually passes through it (Eckhardt and Rohwer, 2000).

11.18.5 Chemistry UV absorbers are organic or inorganic colourless compounds with a strong absorption in the UV range of 290–360 nm (Sekar, 2000). UV absorbers incorporated into the fibres convert electronic excitation energy into thermal energy, functioning as radical Table 11.2 

Grades and classification of UPF (Saravanan, 2007)


Transmission (%)



>40 30–40 20–29

2.55, by means of which maximum covering capacity and opacity is achieved (Rupp et al., 2001). The presence of inorganic pigments in the fibres results in more diffuse reflection of light from the substrate and provides better protection. TiO2 added in the spinning dope for matt effects in the fibres also acts as a UV absorber. Titanium dioxide and ceramic materials have


Principles of Textile Finishing

an absorption capacity in the UV region between 280 and 400 nm, which reflects visible and IR rays; these absorbers are also added as dope additives. For maximum effect, the particles have to be monomolecularly distributed and are often applied in one bath. Nanoscale titanium gel particles that are strongly bound to the cotton fabrics can give a UPF ≥ 50 without impairing the tensile properties. Brighter viscose yarns provide the highest UV transmittance compared to the dull pigmented viscose yarns and modal yarns. Zinc oxide nanoparticles, which have a very narrow size distribution (20–40 nm) and minimal aggregation, can result in higher levels of UV blocking. Use of TiO2, ZnO alone produces less absorption of UVR than a mixture of (67/33) titanium dioxide and zinc oxide on cotton and nylon fabrics (Gupta et al., 2002). Microfine nylon fabrics with a porosity of 0.1% are capable of giving UPF > 50 with 1.5% TiO2. Incorporating UV absorbers in dyeing decreases the dye uptake slightly, except in posttreatment application (Sekar, 2000). Many commercial products and processes have been developed to produce fabrics with a high level of UPF using various dope additions and topical applications for almost all types of fabrics produced from cellulosic fibres, wool, silk and synthetic fibres. Most of the commercial products are compatible with the dyes and other finishing agents applied to the textile materials, and these agents can be applied using simple padding, the exhaust method, the pad-thermofix and the pad-dry-cure methods. Some typical UV absorbers for synthetic fibres are listed below (Schindler and Hauser, 2004): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Phenyl salicylate (Fig. 11.25) Phenyltriazine (Fig. 11.26) Benzophenone (Fig. 11.27) Benzotriazole (Fig. 11.28) Cyanoacrylate (Fig. 11.29)

For natural fibres the most important UV absorbers are (Schindler and Hauser, 2004): (1) benzotriazole derivatives (Fig. 11.30) and (2) oxalic acid dianilide derivatives (Fig. 11.31, where ‘A’ is direct bond or alkylene linkage). OH



Fig. 11.25  Phenyl salicylate. (R1)n X OH N R2

Fig. 11.26  Phenyltriazine.



Protection against microbial, insect and UV radiation







Fig. 11.27  Benzophenone. HO


N N N R2

Fig. 11.28  Benzotriazole.




Fig. 11.29  Cyanoacrylate. HO N





Fig. 11.30  Benzotriazole derivatives.






Fig. 11.31  Oxalic acid dianilide derivatives.

11.18.6 Performance evaluation There are multiple standards for UV-protective fabric. However, there are significant differences between the standard framed by various countries or various organisations. The particular standard for the intended market area should be consulted during fabric development. Before the development of instrumental methods, SPF values of fabrics were determined by irradiating human subjects and measuring the critical amount of radiation necessary to cause skin reddening at a particular wavelength with


Principles of Textile Finishing

and without wearing the fabrics. Fortunately, several methods are now developed globally to assess the performance of UV-protective fabrics such as: ●

AATCC TM 183: Transmittance or blocking of erythemally weighted UV radiation through fabrics. BS 7914: Method of test for penetration of erythemally weighted solar UV radiation through clothing fabrics. CEN/TC 248/WG 14 Apparel fabrics; solar UV-protective properties, method of test.

AATCC Test Method 183-2004 (AATCC, 2010). The transmission of UV-R through a specimen is measured on a spectrophotometer or spectroradiometer at known wavelength intervals. The UPF is computed as the ratio of the erythemally weighted UV-R irradiance at the detector with no specimen to the erythemally weighted UV-R irradiance at the detector with a specimen present. The erythemally weighted UV-R irradiance at the detector with no specimen present is equal to the summation between wavelength intervals of the measured spectral irradiance times the relative spectral effectiveness for the relevant erythemal action spectra times the UV-R weighting function of the appropriate solar radiation spectrum times the appropriate wavelength interval (Eq. 11.5). 400 nm




´ Sl ´ D l

280 nm 400 nm



(11.5) ´ Sl ´ Tl ´ D l

280 nm

where Eλ is the relative erythemal spectral effectiveness (CIE Publication 106/4 available from CIE National Committee of USA, c/o TLA-Lighting Consultants Inc., 7 Pond St., Salem, MA 01970. Sλ is the solar spectral irradiance (Sayre et al., 1990). Tλ is the average spectral transmittance of the specimen (measured). Δλ is the measured wavelength interval (nm). As the relative erythemal spectral effectiveness is higher in the UV B region compared to the UV A region, the UPF values depend primarily on the transmission in the UV B region (Srinivasan and Gatewood, 2000).

11.19 Future trends The future market for antimicrobial finishes is very promising. While antimicrobial textiles provide the benefits in hygiene, odour control and protection of the fabric from microbial attacks, bacterial resistance to the biocides used and their toxic breakdown products in the household and environment are concerns. Most biocides used on commercial textiles can induce bacterial resistance to these substances, which can lead to increased resistance to certain antibiotics in clinical use. Bacterial resistance may be a particular concern because large quantities of biocides are needed on the textiles to achieve adequate activity and durability. Such concerns have resulted in the banning of the use of triclosan on textiles

Protection against microbial, insect and UV radiation


by a number of leading retailers and governments in Europe. The long-term benefits and potential problems associated with antimicrobial microbial textiles should be considered and monitored closely (Gao and Cranston, 2008). The Biocidal Products Directive (BPD) is having a significant impact on the industry. The BPD requires that each biocidal product will, in effect, have a full risk assessment carried out on it. Acute toxicity data is relatively cheap to generate but subacute and other long-term studies are very expensive. It is therefore likely that the number of biocides produced in the future will diminish, and bringing new products to market will be even more expensive. An antimicrobial finish for textiles involving skin contact will need additional safety data concerning this aspect. A possible future development would be the microencapsulation of biocides. Benefits may include better durability and greater safety. Natural products, like neem extract, aloe vera extract, chitosan and β-CD, can be effectively used as antimicrobial agent; further research is to be carried out for their successful commercial use. The current efforts in the development of new technologies for implementation of sustainable biopolymers in the real market of antimicrobial textiles do not guarantee economical viability yet. Nevertheless, application of these agents in the development of bioactive textiles is a promising prospect (Islam et al., 2013). The need for high-performance, cost-effective, ecofriendly and nontoxic antimicrobial and hygiene finishes will continue in the near future and will pose real challenges for those working in this field. Conventional antibacterial finishing involves numerous chemicals, including antimicrobial finishing agents and cross-linkers that may be harmful to the environment. Environmental protection is an issue the textile industry has to address. Plasma technology alleviates this problem to some extent because plasma is a dry process for surface modification. During plasma application, the feed gas is converted into active particles by the electrical energy applied from a plasma reactor. These active particles impinge on the surface of the fabric and rupture the chemical bonds to form free radicals on the surface. The free radicals react with oxygen and water to form an oxygenated surface, and these radicals also polymerise with other chemicals to introduce various functional groups onto the material surface. The final treatment effect depends on the nature of the gases used. For example, nitrogen plasma introduces several N-containing groups on the material surface, including NH2, NH, NH, CONH2 and CN groups (Zhou and Kan, 2014). Plasma treatment changes only the uppermost atomic layers of material surface; most of the surface properties are unaffected (Zhou et al., 2016). The future trends in insect-repellent finishes are to achieve effective and long-­ lasting mosquito repellency in an ecofriendly manner. Several studies are aiming at improving the formulations of essential oils to increase their longevity through the development of nanofibres, microcapsules, sol-gel doping and entrapping in CDs. An ideal insect repellent should not cause skin irritation and should not cause systematic toxicity, nor be mutagenic or carcinogenic. Finished apparel should resist at least 100 washing cycles, and net application should resist 20 washing cycles. Future insect-­ repellent textiles should be multifunctional, combining other functionalities like UV protection, flame retardance, water repellency, etc. (van Langenhove and Pal, 2015).


Principles of Textile Finishing

The current state of UV-protective textile finishing focuses mainly on inorganic nanoparticle coatings on to fabric. Future challenges involve how to reduce or eliminate the photocatalytic capability from the inorganic nano UV blockers and improvement of washfastness of organic UV absorbers and inorganic UV blockers in achieving practical UV blocking textiles.

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Finishing of denim fabrics


12.1 Introduction The fashions of today are incomplete without denim. Denim comes in all forms, looks and washes to match with every style of dress. It would be difficult to believe that the same denim was originally employed in clothing for the pants and overalls worn by miners on the West Coast of the United States. Vast technological improvements in spinning, weaving, finishing and washing have contributed to making denim the fashion icon that it is today. Washing in particular plays an important role in denim manufacturing because of the countless effects on jeans that consumers so desire. Denim is a thick 2/1 or 3/1 cotton twill-weave fabric (work-wear twill) with a dyed blue warp and raw white weft. Coarse yarns are used in warp and weft. An attempt was made to produce cotton denim style using 100% polyester threads during the 1980s. However, denim is a most preferred dress material in cotton today and the ensuing period may witness the role of blends in denim. The warp is dyed in a solid colour, usually with indigo. Because it is warp-faced weave, the denim fabric is blue on the surface and almost white on the back. The warp is sometimes dyed during sizing (Õ Blue jeans, etc.). After reaching North America in 1873, Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss realised that denim could serve an urgent need. At the time of the California Gold Rush, tough, hard-wearing trousers were needed by the gold prospectors (miners). Strauss designed a pair of trousers from denim that featured ample pockets. He achieved rapid success and was soon able to build a factory in San Francisco for the production of these denim trousers, which were given the name ‘jeans’. The word ‘jean’ derives from ‘Genoa’, as sailors from Genoa used denim cloth for their pants; previously, they used a coarse cotton, wool and/or linen blend. Therefore, the word ‘jean’ originally came from Italy, which is evidence of the custom of naming a material for its place of origin. By the late 16th century, jean production started in Lancashire, England. The composition eventually evolved to 100% cotton by the 18th century. Today, ‘jeans’ usually refer to pants that have five pockets (two in the front, two in the back and a small change pocket on the front right pocket). This style can be made using any kinds of fabric, be it corduroy, twills, or bull denim. The origin of the term ‘denim’ can be traced to late 16th century France where a fabric known as ‘serge de Nimes’ (twill from Nimes) was very popular. Some doubt remains as to whether the contraction ‘denim’ actually came from this French fabric or twill called ‘nim’, which was also used in France at the time. ‘Serge de Nimes’ was a blend of silk and wool, which leads some historians to doubt if this was truly the origin of modern day denim. Either way, the history of jeans goes this far back in history. Both jean and denim fabric grew in popularity, with denim being the stronger and more expensive of the two. The major difference between them was that denim Principles of Textile Finishing. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Principles of Textile Finishing

was woven with one coloured thread (the warp) and the other white (the weft), while jean was woven with two coloured threads. Jean and denim remained two very different fabrics and were used for different types of clothing. Denim was used mainly for workers' clothes, while jean was made for lighter clothes that did not have such a high durability requirement. The main problem with the miners' clothes was the pockets, which easily tore away from the jeans. Jacob Davis had the idea of using metal rivets (fasteners) to hold the pockets and the jeans together so that they wouldn't tear. Davis wanted to patent his idea, but he didn't have enough money, so he wrote to Levi Strauss in 1872 and offered a deal if Strauss would pay for the patent. Strauss accepted. In 1886, Strauss sewed a leather label on his jeans. The label was printed with a picture of a pair of jeans being pulled between two horses. In 1963, the Levi Strauss company first marketed prewashed/preshrunk jeans, which did not shrink further after purchase, allowing consumers to buy their true sizes in jeans. A number of people and organisations have claimed to have invented the stonewashing technique: l




According to Levi Strauss & Co., Donald Freeland, an employee of the Great Western Garment Company (later acquired by Levi's), invented ‘stone‐washed’ denim in the 1950s. Inventor Claude Blankiet has also been credited with having invented the technique in the 1970s. The jeans company Edwin claims to have invented the technique in the 1980s. In 1982, Lee introduced ‘stonewashed’ jeans. This was followed by ‘acid-washed’ denim, which produced an even more faded look.

12.2 Denim dyeing Among all apparel, jeans made from blue denim have been popular over a longer period. This is because they are inexpensive, durable and versatile. The blue-dyed warps are washed down to an attractive blue without staining the white weft. The blue colour of denim warp is obtained by dyeing warps with indigo dyes. Indigo dye was originally extracted from the Indigofera tinctoria plant, but today's indigo dyes are manmade or synthetic. Its chemical structure was identified by Adolf Bayer in 1897 and was synthesised 14 years later. Indigo is a vat dye with the following properties: l




It is water-insoluble; before application it is made soluble by reduction with caustic soda and sodium hydrosulphite and oxidised after application on textile yarn or fabric. It has poor affinity for cellulose fibres. Its colour fastness to light and washing is moderate. Its SDC colour index is C.I. Vat Blue 1 and its chemical formula is C16H10O2.

The insoluble indigo dye is first made water-soluble by converting into leuco compound by reducing with sodium hydrosulphite in the presence of caustic soda at around 60–65°C (Eq. 12.1). Leuco salts are sparingly soluble in water. In the presence

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of excess alkali, leuco indigo is converted into sodium salt (Eq. 12.2). After impregnation in this solution, the dyed yarn is run in air for a short duration when the soluble leuco salt is oxidised back into original insoluble indigo. O































(12.2) N H






Leuco indigo has poor substantivity for cellulose; hence only pale depths are obtainable by exhaust dyeing procedures. Indigo is applied by a series of dips with intermediate squeezing and atmospheric oxidation. By repeating the process, dye is applied to the substrate layer by layer to give deep dyeing with relatively low rubbing fastness. Denim cloths (dyed warp, natural white weft) are dyed in the form of warp sheets or ball warps, usually continuously. The batchwise dyeing of indigo is of little importance. However, batchwise dyeing of hanks of yarn may be carried out in becks with repeated short dips, followed by squeezing and atmospheric oxidation. Wound packages cannot be dyed in full depth (i.e., deep shade) with indigo. In the continuous indigo dyeing of warp yarn, the yarn is in the form of a full-width warp beam or in ball form, containing 300–400 individual threads. It passes through five to six vats, each followed by an air passage for oxidation. The processing speed is 20–30 m/min with an immersion time of 20–30 s in each vat. On leaving a vat, the material is squeezed to a liquor pickup of ~100%, after which the dyeing requires around 2 min for oxidation before it passes into the next vat. Rinsing at ambient temperature in two or three rinsing baths after oxidation is normally adequate. The dip tanks are coupled to keep the dyebath composition exactly same. A good volume of flow with minimum turbulence is essential to ensure uniformity. The stock vat is prepared by mixing indigo dye with 0.7–0.8 times the caustic soda (solid) and 0.8–0.9 times sodium hydrosulphite. The vatting is done at 60–65°C for 15–30 min. A typical recipe for dye liquor would be as follows (Shore, 1995): (1) Caustic soda (27% by weight), 5 mL/L. (2) Sodium hydrosulphite, 1.5 g/L. (3) Stock vat, 62.5 mL/L.


Principles of Textile Finishing

The stock vat is composed of the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Indigo pure (C.I. Vat Blue 1), 80 g/L. Dispersing agent (e.g., Setamol WS), 4 g/L. Wetting agent, 1 g/L. Caustic soda (27% by weight), 130 mL/L. Sodium hydrosulphite, 60 g/L.

2 g/L of sequestering agent (sodium hexametaphosphate) and antifoaming agent may be added. The content of caustic soda and hydrosulphite must be checked at regular intervals to determine what quantities are necessary. The hydrosulphite dosing may be done by controlling mV of the solution. The pH is kept near about 11. Careful buffering of the dyebath pH can be an effective means of conserving indigo and achieving more reproducible dyeing. Depending on dyebath pH, reduced indigo can exist in three forms: as a nonionic enolic acid leuco compound, a monoenolate anion, or a bisenolate anion. Monoenolate moiety is much more soluble than the acid leuco form and more substantive than a doubly charged bisenolate. Its amount reaches a maximum at pH 10.5–11.5, and the colour yield correlates closely with its fractional amount. The warp preparation, dyeing and sizing procedures are of great significance in the manufacture of denim. Dyeing with indigo requires a combination of practical experience and precise knowledge of the physical and chemical background. The various dyeing and sizing methods, recipes and concentrations and the reaction and oxidation times not only influence the associated weaving process, but also determine to a substantial extent the appearance, characteristics and quality of the denim. There is a fundamental distinction between the classic indigo rope dyeing method and the slasher, sheet dyeing or double sheet dyeing method. In the former method the ropes are send to make beams for sizing and in the later method the dyeing and sizing processes are carried out in a single cycle or separately. Another variation is the loop dyeing process. 350–400 warp threads are combined by the ball warper to form a rope of 10,000– 15,000 m in length. 12–36 ropes at a time are conducted through the continuous dyeing plant, dried on cylinders after dyeing and deposited in cans. The ropes are converted into warps on the long chain beamer. These are introduced to the sizing machine, sized and assembled to form the weaver's warp with the required number of ends. Instead of ropes, warps are fed to the continuous dyeing/sizing machine. The warps are dyed, oxidised, dried, and sized. After drying yet again, they are assembled to form the warp. A further development of the sheet dyeing method, as well as the dyeing and sizing processes, are here carried out separately. Double the number of warps is fed to the dyeing machine, then dyed, oxidised and dried.

12.3 Selection of denim fabric The right selection of fabric can help minimise the cost of treatment and solve environment related issues. There are several variations of dyed denim fabric (http://www.

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Varying colour depth Quick-wash denim Tinted denim Soft-feel denim

12.3.1 Varying colour depth To cut the processing time and effluent load, as well as minimise damage to fabric and limit use of chemicals, there are different depths of indigo on denim. For example, in the case of an ice wash, where we remove more than half the dye during washing, one can use a lighter shade of fabric which will help to cut the processing time, chemical consumption and effluent load. It will help the garment processor to process garments more economically and with minimum faults.

12.3.2 Flat-look denim Different chemicals and processes are used to get a flatter look on the denim garments. To meet this requirement, a special denim fabric has been developed which offers a flat look after washing.

12.3.3 Quick-wash denim Quick-wash denim fabric is dyed with a modified technique of dyeing so that during the wash cycle, indigo dye can be removed quickly, giving the fabric a washed look in a shorter washing cycle. This results in more economical washes (i.e., low water consumption, fewer chemicals, less time and retained fabric strength).

12.3.4 Tinted denim With an increase in demand of the tinted/overdyed look on garment, a garment processor uses an additional process of tinting/overdyeing, which is time consuming and consumes a large quantity of water and chemicals. It is also associated with the risk of patches and unevenness on garments. The denim fabric is also available in a tinted form which saves processors time and risk. Grainy look denim: Different chemicals and processes are used to get a grainy look on the denim garments. To meet this requirement, a special denim fabric has been developed which gives it a grainy look after the processing of a denim garment.

12.3.5 Soft-feel denim To meet such requirements, different varieties of denim fabric are available and feature an inherent softness. These fabrics require a minimal application of softener at the garment stage.


Principles of Textile Finishing

12.4 Denim washing The indigo dye remains mostly at the surface, hence the dyeing process may be called ‘ring dyeing’. Such ring-dyed materials are subjected to treatment with stone, enzymes, abrading material or bleaching, which remove dyes randomly from portions of the fabric, exposing a white surface. This popular style is utilised in the ‘faded jeans’ style. Microscopy reveals that for indigo dyeing, the cross-section of the resulting dyed cotton yarn depends on the pH of the bath. When the pH of the dyebath is decreased from 13 to 11, the denim yarn progressively becomes more ring dyed. Associated with the increasing ring dyeing, a greater colour yield is obtained, making the wash-down process easier. The highest colour yield was observed within the pH range of 10.8–11.2 (Schmitt and Prasad, 1998). Denim comes in all forms, looks and washes to match every style of dress. With denim, garment washing produces effects like colour fading (with or without patchiness), crinkling, seam puckering, hairiness, depilling, soft hand or feel, stabilised dimensions, etc. Every small step in denim washing makes a big difference, as indigo has very poor wet and dry rubbing fastness. All parameters (e.g., pH, material:liquor ratio, and rpm of machine) are critical to maintain consistent results.

12.4.1 Garments washing and/or dyeing machines A garment dyeing and washing factory needs the following machines: l



Garments dyeing/washing machine for—Sample & Bulk Hydroextractor Dryer

Basically, there are two types of machines used for garments dyeing: l


Pedal-type machine Rotary-type machine

The pedal-type garment dyeing machine is the first and oldest type of garment dyeing machine still used in the European countries. Pedal-type garment dyeing machines come in two types: overhead pedal and side pedal. In a rotary drum machine (Fig. 12.1), the goods are placed in a perforated horizontal cylinder (P) rotating slowly (5–15 rpm depending on the size of the drum) inside a vat of a slightly greater size (V) having a door (D) at the top. The internal cylinder is divided into separate quadrants (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4), thus ensuring the goods move with the rotation of the drum and each quadrant has its own sliding cover (C). It is customary to mount two drums side by side on the same revolving shaft. A standard size machine may have the following specifications: Drum diameter: 116 cm Drum width: 80 cm Liquor capacity: 1800 L Maximum load: 90 kg Liquor ratio: 20:1

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Fig. 12.1  Rotary garment dyeing cum washing machine.

Rotary drum machines are used for dyeing small garments, especially stockings and hoses. The garments may be placed in open-mesh nonabsorbent bags randomly or after folding flat. The mechanical action in the machine is very gentle. The rotary drum is cheap, compact and simple to operate. Silk hosiery is frequently dyed in such machines, but the internal surface must be polished to the highest degree of smoothness. A reversing mechanism causes the drum to make a certain number of rotations in one direction and an equal number in the other. High-temperature rotary dyeing machines and machines with programmable automatic controllers are also available. Tumblers are similar to rotary drum machines, but they are front-loading machines. The goods are loaded into a perforated drum, which rotates about a horizontal shaft at the back of the machine. The drum may be divided into three or four pockets or fitted with buffle plates to lift the goods, which are usually contained in bags. The height of dye liquor in the drum may be varied over a wide range and the liquor ratio may be kept as low as 8:1. The speed of rotation is variable, usually in the range of 10–30 rpm. The tumbler machine may be used for scouring garments and particularly for milling woollen garments. The speed of rotation has a marked effect on the rate of milling. A hot-air blowing system may be incorporated, as used in a tumbler dryer, thus providing a complete dry-to-dry sequence in the same machine. The differences in mechanical action between tumbler and paddle machines result in significantly different products.

12.5 Processing steps Some important steps in the process of denim garment processing are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pretreatment (desizing, rinsing, scouring, etc.) Enzyme or stonewash Clean up to adjust the desired effect Bleaching (optional)


Principles of Textile Finishing

5. Tinting/dyeing (optional) 6. Softening

12.5.1 Desizing Desizing is the process of removal of size applied on warp yarn during fabric making (i.e., weaving). The size is applied on all woven fabrics in order to strengthen the yarn for weaving. There are many types of sizes available in the market, but they can be divided in two major groups: l


Water-soluble CMC or PVA-based sizes Water-insoluble starch-based sizes. Starch-based sizes are most commonly used due to their cheap prices and ready availability.

Desizing, i.e., methods of removing sizes from denim jeans are: l




Washing with high alkaline agents (i.e., soda ash) Washing with high acidic agents (i.e., acetic acid) Washing with oxidative chemicals (i.e., hydrogen peroxide) Desizing with α enzyme—both ecofriendly and convenient

12.6 Garment washing The objects of garments washing are (Pareek and Eklahare, 2014): 1. Sizing materials applied during weaving are removed which enhances soft-hand feel. Additional softness may be attained by using a softener. 2. Any dyes or pigments present in the fabric, which are used during colouration, are washed out locally or partially, resulting in fading or worn-out effects in the garments. 3. The washing process of garments brings a different outlook (faded, colour tinted, etc.), thus creating new fashions for new generations, especially for teenagers. 4. As the contraction or extraction (shrinkage) occurs due to washing, the wearer can use the dimensionally stable garments satisfactorily after purchase.

The limitations of garments washing are: 1. Garment size change: Size change takes place due to shrinkage properties of the fabric. The amount of shrinkage determines the size change of the garments. 2. Size material is partly removed: Unfixed dyes may remain on the surface of the garments, and it is necessary to remove completely after washing.

12.7 Types of garment washing Different types of denim washing are available in order to meet the requirements of today's fashion trends. However, each of the washing techniques has its own advantages and limitations. Denim is either rubbed or worn with stones and other ­abrasive materials, called mechanical washing, or treated with bleach and other kinds of c­ olour-altering substances, which is known as chemical washing.

Finishing of denim fabrics391

Mechanical washing methods are: 1. Rinse washing 2. Water jet fading 3. Stonewashing 4. Whiskering 5. Microsanding, including sandblasting 6. Mechanical abrasion 7. Laser marking

Chemical washing methods are: 8. Acid, ice or snow washing 9. Hydrogen peroxide washing 10. Enzyme fading 11. Ozone fading 12. Spray techniques 13. Overdyeing and tinting

The effects desired on denim goods change due to fashion every year. In the last few years, various washing effects have been obtained popularly by laser, sand-­blasting and enzymatic washing processes. In addition to these processes, hypochlorite bleaching processes (acid wash) may be preferred, especially for summer denims (Tarhan and Sariisik, 2009).

12.7.1 Rinse washing or normal washing The main focus of this simplest type of industrial garment wash is to remove starch, dust and dirt from the garments. Sometimes normal wash is done to soften and to bring a used look of garments. For colour garments, the removal of unfixed dyes can also be achieved to improve colourfastness. In special cases, intentional shrinkage in garments can be achieved, but certain precautions should be taken to avoid unwanted shrinkage issue and back staining. The only purpose of normal wash, typically named, dark wash, is to make the garment wearable. During the construction of denim fabric, starch is applied to strengthen the warp. This makes the fabric pretty stiff and harsh on the wearer's skin. In the rinse wash, the garment is desized and a softening agent is applied to improve the handle or feel of the garment. In some cases, potassium permanganate is applied on a blasted area with the spray gun of a paintbrush (denim bleaching). This is commonly used where the fading effect is desired to high intensity. The recipe for a normal wash is as follows: If lot size is 100 kg cotton shirt and M:L = 1:5 then, Water = 500 L Detergent = 1% (basis on the weight of the garments). Temp = 40–60°C Time = 15–30 min. Back staining chemical is used if required.


Principles of Textile Finishing

12.7.2 Waterjet fading Waterjet or hydrojet treatment is carried out for patterning and/or enhancing the surface finish, texture, durability and other characteristics of denim garments. Hydrojet treatment generally involves exposing one or both surfaces of the garment through hydrojet nozzles. The degree of colour washout, clarity of patterns and softness of the resulting fabric are related to the type of dye in the fabric and the amount and manner of fluid impact energy applied to the fabric. Particularly good results are obtained with blue indigo dyed denim. As this process is not involved with any chemical, it is pollution free. By using a water recycling system, the technique can be used as an economical and environmentally friendly way to process denim. The colour washout of dye in the striped areas produces a faded effect without blurring, loss of fabric strength or durability or excessive warp shrinkage (Kan, 2015).

12.7.3 Stonewashing Since the 1960s, stonewashed denim garments were popular globally. This type of denim is characterised by a lightly distressed, vintage look. The name comes from the fact that the original processing method involved rubbing pumice stones over the denim to wear down the fabric. Pumice stones are silica-rich, high-temperature melted products of explosive eruptions of the earth. These are lightweight, highly porous, rocky substances which will float on water. Major pumice stones supplier countries include the United States, Turkey, Italy, Iceland, New Zealand, Japan, Indonesia and Philippines. Pumice is one of the important components of stonewashed apparel; it is used to abrade the surface of the fabric to obtain a surface pattern effect with colour contrast and softer hand. Since the degree of abrasion may vary for different parts of garments such as the trouser leg, buttons and seaming parts, a number of neutral patterns can be formed. The degree of wash effect depends on stone size, stone ratio, liquor ratio, duration of treatment, amount of garments loaded, garments GSM, etc. Stone size varies from 1 cm diameter to 7 cm. But other washes, such as sand wash, microwash, and microsand wash now refer to the use of very small pumice stones. Stone should be selected of the proper hardness, shape and size for the particular end product. It should be noted that large, hard stones last longer and may be suited for heavyweight fabrics, while smaller, softer stones are good for lightweight fabrics and more delicate items. The stone-to-fabric weight ratio varies from 0.5 to 3:1. It depends on the degree of abrasion needed to achieve the desired result. Stones can be reused until they completely disintegrate or wash down the drain. But the method proved problematic due to environmental concerns over the use of pumice and the fact that the stone often weakened the fabric, causing too much wear and tear. In the process of stonewashing, freshly dyed jeans are loaded into large washing machines and tumbled with pumice stone or volcanic rock to achieve a soft hand and desirable look. Variations in composition, hardness, size, shape and porosity make these stones multifunctional. The process is quite expensive and requires a high

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capital investment. Pumice stone give the additional effect of a faded or worn look as it abrades the surface of the jeans like sandpaper, removing some dye particles from the surfaces of the yarn. The procedure of stonewashing is as follows: 1. Load stones into machine. 2. Load garments into machine (stone: garments ratio usually 0.5–3:1 part by weight). 3. Desize with alpha amylase enzyme and detergent. The liquor ratio is ~5–8:1. 4. Rinse. 5. Refill and tumble with stones for 30–90 min, depending upon the desired effect. The liquor to material ratio is 5–8:1 at 50–70°C. Scouring additives can also be used. 6. Drain. 7. Separate garments from stones (garments can be transferred to another machine). 8. Rinse. 9. Apply softener (garments can be transferred to another machine for softening). 10. Hydroextract and unload. 11. Destone and tumble dry. 12. Press, if required.

Softeners and/or lubricants can be added during Steps 3 and 5 to reduce the potential for creasing. Stonewashing denim with pumice stones has some disadvantages, such as: l







The stones may cause wear and tear of the fabric. The quality of the abrasion process is difficult to control; the outcome of a load of jeans is never uniform, and there is a small percentage that is always getting ruined by too much abrasion. The process is nonselective. Metal buttons and rivets on the jeans get abraded in the washing machines. The disposal of the grit produced by the stones creates problem from environmental point of view. There are high labour costs because the pumice stones and the dust particles they produce must be physically removed by labourers from the pockets of the garments and machines. Denim requires several washings in order to completely get rid of the stones. The process of stonewashing also harms big, expensive laundry machines.

Despite of the disadvantages, pumice is still used on its own in some factories and for certain research (Heikinheimo et al., 2000). Back staining and colour redeposition can pose a problem, but may be reduced in the following manner: l



Addition of dispersant/suspension agent during the wash cycle Intermediate replacement of wash liquor; for example, stonewash for 30 min, drop, rinse, then an additional stonewash for 20 min, drop, rinse, etc. Use of an alkaline detergent, such as sodium perborate, with an optical brightener as an afterwash. Substitution of pumice stone To overcome the shortcomings of pumice stones, synthetic stones have been developed. These are made of abrasive material, such as silicate, plastic, rubber or Portland cement. The advantages of using synthetic stones are:


Principles of Textile Finishing

All major problems associated with the use of volcanic grade pumice stone can be overcome when: l




The durability of such a product is much higher and can be used repeatedly from 50 to 300 cycles, depending upon the type of synthetic stone. The reproducibility of washing is manageable. There is less of a stone discharge during the process, so it is more economical and ecological. There is less damage of machine and garments.

Perlite is the form of naturally occurring silicon rock. It has the distinctive property of expanding to 4–20 times its initial volume when heated at a particular temperature. This happens because the raw Perlite rock consists of 26% of water content in it. The crude Perlite rock when heated at the temperature above 870°C it gets swollen up and tiny glass sealed bubbles are formed. Its original black or grey colour changes to greyish white or white. This heated form of Perlite is used for the stonewash. It does the same function as pumice stones during stonewashing. Perlite treatment reduces harm caused to large washing machines by pumice stones and gives the denim better supple and softer finish. Many jeans manufacturing companies, use Perlite in the place of enzymatic treatment in order to reduce the rate of wearing out of jeans. It gives a uniformly worn-out look to the denim, not just the upper part of the garment. There are many grades of Perlite differing in sizes from largest to finest grades that are used for giving the stonewashed finish to denim; some are very tiny, just like grounded earth (Mahfuz, 2013).

12.7.4 Simultaneous stonewashing and tinting The tinting of denim garments is usually done after the stonewashing process. The garments become lightly coloured in order to give a slightly different final appearance to the denim. This is not true overdyeing but merely gives the impression of a change in overall colour of the fabric. This process consumes large quantities of water and chemicals. To make this process more economical and ecofriendly, some novel ­colour-based enzymes have been introduced in the market. By using this new technique, a tinted and stonewashed effect can be achieved in a single bath. The advantages of this procedure are: l





Less process time to achieve tinted look No extra chemicals required, therefore making the process more economical Less water consumption Less energy consumption Smaller chance of patchiness or unevenness

The main disadvantages of this procedure are: l



Difficulty in removing residual pumice from processed clothing items Damage to the equipment by the overload of tumbling stones. Clogged machine drainage passages, drains and sewer lines due to pumice stones and particulate material

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12.7.5 Whiskering Whiskering is the technique of artificially ageing the look of denim by washing areas prone to bunching up and fading over time. This is primarily done by hand with rods and other tools to simulate years of wear within minutes. The name comes from the signature look of whiskering, featuring several rows of thin white lines sprawled across the thigh section. Whiskers are one of the most important designs of garments with distressed looks. The idea of whiskers is taken from the worn-out lines and impression patterns generated by natural wearing on hips and front thigh area. On old jeans, a number of patterns can be found consequential to the fabric, body shape of user or user's sitting posture. This is also known as Cat's Whisker (Rahman, 2013). Rubber balloons are available with different pattern designs. Garments are mounted on balloons and filled with air to get impressions of whiskers. The garments are then scrubbed over a pattern carefully with sand paper on engraved pattern lines. This operation requires highly skilled labourers who can maintain uniformity and sequence in whisker line. Fabric may be damaged during rubbing if care is not taken. This method is famous for its high quality and cost effectiveness. Sometimes separate patterns are made and fixed on balloons to make moustaches. These patterns are made of thin rubber sheets and electric wires or rubber cords, which are pasted on balloons for pattern lines. Thin line patterns are very easy to work in that way, but it is not much successful for broad lines. Engraved patterns on thick board like hard rubber sheets are widely used for making impression on whiskers. This idea is very simple to draw lines on rubber sheets and engrave them with blade. The garment is placed on sheet and scraped on specific area to draw this impression on garment. It is most frequently used in small industries for its low cost patterns, especially where the production is not consistent to style.

12.7.6 Microsanding A fabric finishing process where fabrics are rubbed with real sandpaper to make the surface soft without hair. This can be performed before or after dyeing. In this fabric treatment process, a series of cylindrical rolls in a horizontal arrangement, either wrapped with an abrasive paper or chemically coated with an abrasive substance, are used to create a soft, suede hand. The denim is pulled over the face of the sand rollers to create a raised surface finishing. Some colour reduction is experienced. Sanding can be done in three ways: 1. Sandblasting 2. Machine sanding 3. Hand sanding or hand brushing

The sanding can be done on flat surfaces (e.g., tables, ironing boards); on the dummy (i.e., inflatable dummies, whether standing, flat or seated); various templates can be used to create a 3D effect.


Principles of Textile Finishing Sandblasting The sandblasting technique is based on blasting an abrasive material in a granular, powdered or other form through a nozzle at very high speed and pressure onto specific areas of the garment surface to be treated in order to give the desired distressed/ abraded/used look (Fig. 12.2). As the name implies, sandblasting creates light wash denim patterns by blasting areas of the fabric with sand or other abrasive materials at high velocity. The result is a more subtle fade across the front and back of the pant leg. Sandblasting is a mechanical process in which localised abrasion or colour change on the denim garment is created. The process involves blasting an abrasive material in a granular, powdered form at a very high speed and pressure through a nozzle onto certain areas of the garment, such as knees and elbows. The garment's treated surface shows distressed/abraded/used look. The common blasting materials used are sand and metal granules. During the sandblasting process, the garments are first subjected to a stonewashing to the desired degree, then they are sandblasted. A solution of sodium hypochlorite or potassium permanganate is often sprayed on a desired area of the garment in order to obtain the same look. The garment is then neutralised, rinsed softened and dried. Sandblasting is a water-free process, therefore no drying is required. Advantages of the sandblasting process are: l




It is purely mechanical process without any chemicals. It is a water-free process—no drying required. A variety of distressed or abraded looks are possible. Any number of designs can be created by special techniques.

Fig. 12.2  Sandblasting process.

Finishing of denim fabrics397

The procedure of sandblasting is as follows (Rahman, 2013): l












The individual garment to be processed is placed on a table. The air compressor is started and pressure is maintained between 3 and 4 kg/cm2. The air compressor then stores air in the machine cylinder. Aluminium sand or silicon sand, Al2(SiO4)3, is then taken into the chamber of the blasting machine. Sand and compressed air are then sprayed over the garments at specific points at 10–200 degrees angle by a hand spray pipe. Sand passes into the machine by a regulating system. The machine comprises both a blasting regulator and a hand regulator to control the amount of sand and compressed air, respectively. The angle of sand blowing is very important. The higher the blowing angle, the higher the fading effect and risk of fabric damage. Fading is done on premarked areas. Sandblasting is a hazardous technique; therefore the area should be isolated from other working areas. Handling of sandblasting gun is risky; therefore operators should use and wear safety equipment, like gloves, masks and gowns. The production/hour by each gun varies from 25 to 45 garments, depending upon the degree of fading or extent of fading desired. The faded garments are cleaned by shaking them manually. After sandblasting, garments are washed and the technique which is being followed may be normal wash, bleaching or biostoning.

12.7.7 Mechanical abrasion To give a worn-out, abraded or used effect, some mechanical processes have been developed. These are based on a mechanical abrasion process by which the indigo can be removed. Some of these processes are sueding, raising, emery polishing, peaching and brushing. The advantages of these processes are: l




They offer control of the abrasion Different looks on the garment can be achieved All are dry processes They are economical, ecological and environmentally friendly

12.7.8 Laser marking A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. The term ‘laser’ originated as an acronym for the phrase ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. The CO2 laser treatment has been used in different areas of the textile industry for several years because it allows surface design of patterns in short time with good precision, desirable effects, various sizes and intensity without causing much damage to the bulk properties of the textile materials (Hung et al., 2011). The popular uses of lasers are: l



Laser marking (only surface treatment and denim fading), laser engraving (controlled ­cutting to a depth) Laser welding (a molten material joins or welds two or more layers of fabric together) Laser cutting (cutting through a fabric) (Sarkar and Rashaduzzaman, 2014)


Principles of Textile Finishing

Among these lasers, fading (marking) is a popular dry process for denim. It has been used extensively to replace conventional dry processes like sandblasting, hand sanding, destroying and grinding, which are potentially harmful and are disadvantageous in some manner. There is a computer-controlled process for denim fading. This technique enables patterns to be created, such as lines and/or dots, images, text or even pictures. In one version of this concept, a mask is used to give the desired shape that is to be applied on the fabric. The laser projects through a lens system, which expands the beam. This beam is passed through the shaped mask that comprises an aperture of the desired shape and is then deflected by a mirror to strike the textile substrate. The duration of exposure determines the final effect on the fabric. The novelties of this system are: l





It is a water-free fading process. It is an ecological and economical process. It can create local abrasion and fabric breaks, used-look effects with excellent reproducibility and higher productivity. As an automatic system, the chances of human error are slim. The design is electronically translated onto the fabric, thus avoiding the need for photolites of serigraphy cleaning.

The machine is very simple and compact, therefore it requires very low maintenance and cleaning. It is also extremely safe and reliable. The laser is a source of energy which can be directed on desired objects and of which power and intensity can be easily controlled. Use of the laser enables us to cut a great variety of materials from metal to fabric. Starting from this point, it is possible to transfer certain designs onto the surface of textile materials by changing the dye molecules in the fabric and creating alterations in its colour quality values. This is accomplished by directing the laser at the material at a reduced intensity. In designed systems, computer-controlled laser beams are used to change the colour of the dye material on the textile surface by directing the laser beams at a desired wavelength and intensity onto various textile surfaces selected for application. For this purpose, several items are taken in place, a laser beam source that can reach the initial level of power and can direct this beam at two axes; a galvanometer, which is comprised of an optical aperture; and a computer program that can transfer images obtained in standard formats to the galvanometer control card (Öndogan et al., 2005). Ortiz-Morales et al. (2003) made a comparative study of laser fading using different types of lasers (Nd:YAG laser, CTH:YAG laser, CO2 laser) and varying parameters. The study showed that CO2 laser-based processes were the most suitable ones because of their higher efficiency compared with other lasers. Pezelj et al. (2004) studied the danger of fabric or fibre damages in laser treatment. Sample strength was tested and compared, as well as the average cellulose polymerisation degree as a measure of possible macromolecule degradation. Morphological changes in fibres also contributed to a worn-out effect on the fabric. Macromolecular degradation of the fibres was moderate (maximum up to 14%) and strength reduction was acceptable (maximum up to 10%). Öndogan et al. (2005) investigated patterning methods of denim goods by

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laser and handwork, and Özgüney (2007) presented a comparative study about laser patterning and pigment printing methods. Sarkar and Rashaduzzaman (2014) compared laser fading with manual dry processes and observed that: (1) The effect quality is comparatively finer in a manual system. (2) The handle or feel is comparatively finer in a manual system. (3) Hairiness is comparatively less in a laser system. (4) Production cost is higher in laser system. (5) There is less working space required for a laser system. (6) The design consistency is higher in a laser system. (7) Tearing strength is higher in laser faded denim (may differ in case of stretch denim). (8) Rejection rate is 0% in a laser system, whereas it is around 5% in a manual system. (9) Manpower required for fading operation—laser:manual = 1:3 (approximately). (10) The power requirement is higher in a laser system (~7.5 kWh). (11) Laser beams are harmful for the skin and eyes.

12.7.9 Acid, ice or snow washing Acid washing gives indigo jeans sharp contrasts. This process was created in Italy and patented in 1986. Interestingly enough, acid-washed denim uses no actual acid in the wash process. Instead, the process uses pumice stones soaked in bleach to alter colour in a nonuniform manner. The result is often splotchy, yellowish patterns. This finish provides the jean with sharp contrasts in tonal colour. Acid washing is also known as ice or snow washing. This effects are achieved by dry tumbling with pumice stones soaked with bleaching agents to produce a ‘snow’ pattern on the denim. Stones are used to deposit a chemical on the garments to strip off the colour. This chemical deposit removes colour only from the outer surface of the garments and produces a frosted appearance. Indigo and selected sulphur dyes are the most popular candidates for this procedure. Acid wash on denim jeans is popular due to its significant contrasts and attractive appearance in colour. Acid wash can be carried on indigo- and sulphur-base fabric garments. Acid wash was a chemical wash process on denim which stripped the top layer of colour and makes a white surface while the colour remained in the lower layers of the material, giving it a faded look. Acid wash was first launched in 1980s as a new, innovative finish on denim garments. This wash was achieved by soaking stones in bleaching solution, treatment in wash liquor, followed by neutralisation. Acid washing of denim garments is normally carried out by tumbling the garments with pumice stones or towel presoaked in a solution which contains sodium hypochlorite (5–10%) or potassium permanganate (3–6%) for about 20 min to an hour. The longer the pumice or towel is soaked, the more prominent the effects. When the soaked stone or towel is in contact with the denim, localised bleaching occurs, producing a nonuniform sharp blue/white contrast. Acid-washed denim fabric sometimes become yellowish after washing. This is due to incomplete neutralisation, washing or rinsing, so that manganese is not removed


Principles of Textile Finishing

from the garment. However, the manganese can be removed by washing with the addition of ethylenediamine-tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) as a chelating agent. The steps are: l










Desize fabric with alpha amylase enzyme and detergent. The liquor ratio is ~5–8:1, time 10–15 min., after treatment the fabric is washed, squeezed and taken out of the machine. The stones are saturated with chlorine/potassium permanganate, excess water is removed from stones/fabric and porous of stones are dried in the open air for 60–90 min. Put the stones and the jeans in a dry washing machine and treat for about 20 min. Make sure machine do not have single drop of water; keep the drain open during complete process. At this time, the jeans are checked to ensure that they look acceptable. If they are left for too long in the first machine, the process can totally bleach or ruin the jeans; too little time may not produce the desired results or can make for a patchy appearance. Check on the jeans once every 10 min or so during the second wash process of neutralisation to ensure the desired look is achieved. Move jeans to another washing machine for a regular washing process. Antichlor or neutralise with sodium bisulphate Cool by adding water Dry tumbling Optical brightening Softening

The process of acid washing involves the soaking of porous pumice stones in chlorine or potassium permanganate (PP) bleach. Sodium-bisulphate is used for neutralisation. Two separate washing machines are recommended for acid washing and neutralisation. Porous pumice stones are soaked in chlorine or PP bleach solution for about 20– 60 min. After complete soaking of the stones in bleaching agent, the excess water is removed from the stones. Then the stones and the denim garments are put in a washing machine for about 20 min. In this process, there should not be any single drop of water. The drain should be kept open during complete process. When the required look is achieved, then the fabric is transferred into another washing machine for a regular washing process to achieve neutralisation. After neutralisation, the garments are dried. Precautions During acid washing, the workers should wear mask and aprons. The operator should use protective rubber gloves and safety glasses.

12.7.10 Hydrogen peroxide wash Hydrogen peroxide is rarely used as bleaching agent; only when minimal colour loss is required or if fabric is top-dyed with sulphur, as it takes longer time to achieve the desired effect. Hydrogen peroxide holds the prime role in bleach washing. In an alkaline medium, hydrogen peroxide breaks up and emits some perhydroxyl ions, which destroy the colouring matters; as a result, a fading effect is developed. Hydrogen peroxide is used in scouring, bleaching bath for white and ready for dyeing garments.

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12.7.11 Enzyme washing In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of environmentally friendly, nontoxic, fully biodegradable enzymes in modern textile finishing processes. Enzymatic treatments can replace a number of mechanical and chemical operations, which have been applied to improve the comfort and quality of fabrics. Due to the problems of pumice, alternative methods for stonewashing have been developed. Cellulases have been used in denim washing for many years, and it has been estimated that about 80% of denim washing is now done in this way (Heikinheimo et al., 2000). The most important cellulase-producing organisms are fungi of the genera Trichoderma, Penicillium and Fusarium. The cellulases used are chemically complex and consist of at least three enzyme systems working synergistically together. Endo-β-(1,4)-gluconase or endocellulases hydrolyse cellulose chain molecules randomly, preferentially attacking the internal regions of the polymer. They generate more chain ends which are further hydrolysed by exo-β-(1,4)-gluconases (also termed as cellobiohydrolases) to produce cellobiose. These exocellulases may assist in the disintegration of crystalline regions, making the region more susceptible to hydrolysis by endocellulases. The cellobiose and other small oligomers are then hydrolysed by the third enzyme, β-(1,4)-glucosidase into glucose. All these enzyme components act in a synergistic fashion during the degradation of cellulose (Roy Choudhury, 2006). During the enzymatic treatment, the removed indigo can be redeposited on the white yarn of denim fabric. This process is called back staining, and it can destroy the look of a denim garment. An ideal biostoning enzyme would possess high abrasive activity, as well as low back staining. Although there have been some studies on back staining which focused on the mechanism of indigo redeposition on denim garments and the reduction of the effect of back staining, it still continues to be a problem for the manufacturer. It is believed that a significant reduction in back staining can be achieved at a much lower temperature than needed by conventional processes by using a small amount of protease either at the end of the cellulase washing step or during the rinsing step. By adding the protease at the end of the cellulase wash step, one rinse step is eliminated, offering savings in both time and energy. This process at lower temperature also claims to achieve a significant reduction of residual cellulose (Sangita et al., 2010). The finishing and washing effects delivered by cellulases are always applied in processes where strong mechanical action on the fabric is provided (Cavaco-Paulo, 1998). During the enzymatic treatment, the removed indigo can redeposit onto the white yarn of denim fabric. This process is called back staining and it can destroy the look of a denim garment. An ideal biostoning enzyme would possess highly abrasive activity as well as low back staining activity. Although there have been some studies on back staining which focused on the mechanism of indigo redeposition on denim garments and the reduction of the effect of back staining, this process still continues to be a problem for the manufacturer (Pazarlioglu et al., 2005a,b).


Principles of Textile Finishing

Cellulases are available in three categories namely: l



Neutral Acidic Hybrid

Acid cellulases exhibit the greatest activity generally in the pH range of 4.5–5.5 at 45–55°C, whereas neutral cellulases require a pH of 5.5–8.0 at 50–60°C. (Roy Choudhury, 2006). Salt-and-pepper noise is a form of noise sometimes seen on images. It presents itself as sparsely occurring white and black pixels. An effective noise reduction method for this type of noise is a median filter (Jayaraman et al., 2009). It is generally available in powder form and also retains a better strength of fabric than acidic cellulase. Acidic cellulase give faster results but with too heavy a back staining, and it cuts down the indigo colour, which also affects the strength of fabrics. Now, laundry people needs faster results in less time and money, hence chemical suppliers combine neutral and acid cellulases. Such mixtures, known as hybrid enzyme, are cost effective. They work faster and give better results than acid cellulase. Enzymes, which are proteins present in all living cells, speed up chemical processes that would run very slowly, if at all. They are nontoxic and readily broken down. Enzymes are used in textile processing, mainly in the finishing of fabrics and garments. Enzymes which are like yeast are used to physically eat away the cellulose in cotton. The colour in denim fabric is actually on the outer surface of the yarn due to poor exhaustion. When the denim is washed in a cellulose enzyme bath, the indigo is removed along with the fibre. When the desired colour has been achieved, the enzymes are stopped from reacting by either changing the alkalinity of the bath or by heating the bath. A rinsing and softening cycle follows. This process is more environmentally friendly than stonewashing because strip-mined pumice stones are not used. Laccases (benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductase, EC have a very broad substrate specificity with respect to the electron donors. They catalyse the removal of a hydrogen atom from the hydroxyl group of ortho- and para-substituted mono- and polyphenolic substrates and from aromatic amines by one electron abstraction to form free radicals capable of undergoing further depolymerisation, repolymerisation, demethylation, or quinone formation (Tarhan and Sariisik, 2009). The group of enzymes called laccases, or phenoloxidases, has the ability to catalyse the oxidation of a wide range of phenolic substances, including indigo. Laccases are extracellular, multicopper enzymes that use molecular oxygen to oxidise phenols and various aromatic and nonaromatic compounds by a radical-catalysed reaction mechanism. The widespread application of laccases in the textile industry is growing very fast. The first commercial use of laccases in the textile industry was in the denim washing process. Laccases in combination with redox mediators were used to reduce back staining, enhance abrasion levels and bleach indigo. Pazarlioglu et al. (2005a,b) showed that a phenol-induced laccase from Trametes versicolor was an effective agent for stonewashing denim fabric without using a mediator. The enzymatic treatment uses a chemoenzymatic approach to selectively remove indigo dye from denim fabric. Laccase is applied together with a suitable mediator to

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create a bleached-out look for jeans, and so a better contrast between white and blue yarns can be achieved. In this process, the indigo chromophore is transformed into isatin and backstaining is reduced or avoided (Körlü et al., 2013). Laccases have been known to bleach indigo fabrics, and laccase-based systems are able to degrade indigo both in solution and on denim, leading to various bleaching effects on the fabric. There have been many studies regarding indigo degradation with laccase from Polyporus sp., Sclerotium rolfsii, T. hirsute and T. versicolor (Pazarlioglu et al., 2005a,b). But due to high cost and low shelf life, laundries do not prefer its use. Today the majority of denim garments are abraded using enzymes or a combination of enzymes and pumice stones. A new wash processing concept from Novozymes, called Novozymes Denimax ore, makes it possible to integrate the abrasion process and the preceding desizing process—with abrasion results equal to or better than conventional processing. Nielsen (2012) assessed the environmental impacts of moving from a traditional enzymatic denim washing process to a new combined denim wash process. A 50% savings of water used for desizing and abrasion in the traditional process is reported, while heat use is reduced by 50% and electricity use is reduced by 12–15%. The environmental benefits of shifting to the combined denim wash process can be expected to be even larger for textile laundries that shift from pumice stone treatments.

12.7.12 Ozone fading By using this technique, the denim garment can be bleached. Bleaching is done in a washing machine with ozone dissolved in water. Denim garments can also be bleached or faded by using ozone gas in a closed chamber. The advantages of this process are: l


Colour removal is possible without losing strength. This method is very simple and environmentally friendly because after laundering, ozonised water can easily be deozonised by UV radiation.

Ozone typically acts as a mild bleaching agent as well as a sterilising agent. In this technique of denim washing, the garment is bleached with ozone dissolved in water in a washing machine. However, this technique can also be carried out in a closed chamber by using ozone gas. The advantages of this method are: l





Minimum loss of strength Simplicity of execution Water- and chemical-free, making it environmentally friendly Low energy costs Short treatment time

The ozonised water after laundering can easily be deozonised by ultraviolet radiation. Nowadays, ozone fading can also be achieved by using plasma equipment. Under the influence of plasma treatment, high energy electrons are formed. Some of the high-energy electrons react with moisture in the air, and a mixture of radicals is generated. During the generation of ozone plasma, a combination of charged particles, free radicals and ultraviolet light is generated. The ultraviolet light, which


Principles of Textile Finishing

is the byproduct of the plasma treatment process, also contributes to production of the •OH radical. Hydroxyl radical •OH is the most oxidative radical among radicals generated in the plasma process and is the main radical responsible for degradation of indigo dye in textile materials. The •OH can oxidise indigo dye molecules (RH) producing organic radicals R•, which are highly reactive and can be further oxidised. As a result, the colour fading effect of the indigo dyed textile is achieved (Khalil, 2015).

12.7.13 Spraying technique This technique is based on spraying the chemicals or pigments to get different effects on the garments, as in the case of laser marking. This can be done by using a robotic or manual spray gun and followed by curing of the garment. The advantages of this technique are: l






It a water-free process, therefore producing zero effluent discharge. It is less time consuming. Different designs are possible. It is easy to use. There is no adverse effect on fabric strength. It is a single-bath stonewashing and tinting technique

12.7.14 Overdyeing and tinting Tinting of denim garment is usually done after the stonewashing process. In this, garment has been lightly coloured in order to give the final denim appearance a slight shift. This is not true over dyeing but merely gives the impression of a change in overall colour of the fabric. This process consumes large quantity of water and chemical. To make this process economical and ecologically friendly, some novel colour based enzymes have been introduced in the market. By using this new technique, tinting and stonewashing effect can be achieved in a single bath. The advantages are: l




Less process time is needed to achieve a tinted look. No extra chemicals are required, making the process more economical. There is less water and energy consumption. There is a lesser chance of patchiness or unevenness.

Tinting is a process where very less amount of dye is involved and mainly direct dye is being used to do this process. This is being done to change the hue/cast/tone of indigo. Tinting is used to give garments a used and muddy look. Overdyeing/tinting of denim is an additional dyeing treatment normally carried out on jeans after they are sewn, adding another tone of colour to the jeans. Normally denim garments are overdyed with a yellowish dye for a dirty appearance. Tinted or overdyed denim garments show a used and muddy look to the garments. The tinting of denim garments is normally carried out after the stonewashing process. During tinting, a small amount of tint or colour is added to the garment in order to change the hue/cast/tone of the indigo shade. However, when the quantity of tint

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colour increases, it covers up indigo. There are various types of dyes used for overdyeing/tinting purposes, such as: l




Direct dyes Reactive dyes Pigment colours Sulphur dyes

These processes takes anywhere from 5 to 25 min for better results, followed by dye fixing and clean up of superficial dye. In a study by Tarhan and Sariisik (2009), the laser and sandblasting procedures were examined, as these procedures are very popular and are preferred by recent fashion trends. After the laser and sandblasting procedures were implemented, various washing and bleaching processes were conducted as the chemical methods. The strength and weight values of fabrics decreased depending on pressure increase in sand-blasting, burning intensity increase in laser, increase in duration and number of washings. Significant colour loss was observed in fabric colours in line with an increase in the same parameters. Back staining values obtained from the washings increased during desizing and other washing processes. However, these decreased and were even not observed in bleaching and laccase enzyme washings, and the colour of the pocketing moved towards a yellow shade. Significant losses were observed in strength and weight of the fabric as a result of physical fading methods being laser and sand-blasting. In order to decrease these losses in production conditions, physical treatment must be applied in the lowest degree, required colour loss effect must be obtained later by chemical bleaching. On the other hand, to prevent strength and weight losses after hypochlorite washing, the pH of bleaching liquor must be around 11–12 at which hypochlorite damages the cotton least, or the required colour must be obtained by alternative bleaching processes (ecobleach, laccase, organic peroxide, etc.). Certainly, the selection of these processes will not be easy. Back staining, being one of the most important problems in denim washing, can be removed with the aid of a laccase washing applied after normal washings for a short period of time and with low concentration, as it fairly lessened after laccase washing per the results of these trials (Tarhan and Sariisik, 2009).

12.7.15 Plasma Plasmas have been used in the treatment of textiles over the last two decades, but a generally available and implemented technology is yet to be developed. Nevertheless, there are several industrial devices available, as well as numerous examples of ­custom-designed plasma processing stages for specific industrial production lines. Two directions of this development are atmospheric pressure devices and low pressure plasmas. There are numerous solutions for atmospheric pressure (or pressures of the order of several hundred Torr) devices, which include glow regime of dielectric barrier discharges and corona discharges. Low-pressure devices, in particular radio


Principles of Textile Finishing

f­requency-powered (RF) plasma sources, allow easier control of properties and provide a greater stability and uniformity at the cost of a more complex handling of fabric. Low-pressure plasma and corona treatments can be viable alternatives to conventional biostoning for obtaining the worn-out look of indigo-dyed denim fabrics (Ghoranneviss et al., 2007). In addition to satisfactory colour change effects, the main advantages of these treatments are the lack of water consumption and shorter time for processing. However, avoiding an increase in yellowness and appearance of harsh fabric handle requires further research. Corona and RF low-pressure plasma treatments brought about an increase in denim lightness, indicating a removal of indigo dye from the fabric surface. The increased yellowness of the treated denim was more pronounced in the case of corona and low-pressure plasma in the air in comparison to the low-pressure RF plasma in argon. The formation of pits and striations on the fibre surface was more prominent after low-pressure RF plasma than the corona treatment (Radetić et al., 2009).

12.8 Denim finishing Denim finishing includes chemical shrink resistance, Sanforizing, liquid ammonia treatments and permanent press processes. The finishing and Sanforizing of denim usually takes the form of a continuous (inline) method, but depending on the plant and machinery, this may be carried out in several stages. The finishing process is made up of the following stages (Rouette, 2000): l









Brushing (on one or both sides) Singeing (on one or both sides) Desizing (where necessary) Padding (one or two padding mangles) Stretching to the desired cloth width (where necessary), Stretch Meter (compensator) Weft skew correction (antitwister) 6–16% excluding 3/1 and 2/1 twill, to prevent twisting of the fabric Drying (12–24 cylinders) to a residual moisture content of 15–20% Stentering (clip or clamp stenter) Sanforizing (moistening, shrinking, calendering) with a shrinkage of 11–15% to a residual shrinkage value of 2–2.5%

12.8.1 Wrinkle finishing The resins are applied to a finished garment where wrinkles are created manually or semiautomatically. Low formaldehyde or formaldehyde-free catalyst integrated crosslinking N,N-dimethylol 4,5-dihydroxy-ethylene urea (DMDHEU) type resins along with support auxiliaries are being used in a large scale in denim industry. Support auxiliaries are used for various purposes, such as improving resin penetration into thick fabrics and seams, creating creases at low temperatures, improving handle when used

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as a softener in last bath and imparting an extra shiny look, etc. Different types of resin application systems are described below: l



In the garment-dip method, garments are impregnated with a resin solution, extracted to about 65% wet pickup and then tumble dried to 8–10% moisture content. In the spray method, there is a latest technology of wrinkle finishing, in which the resin is applied by spraying it onto the garment during tumbling in an enclosed rotational device, or in a spray booth where garments being hanged to inflated balloons and sprayed a measured quantity of resin solution. Spray cabinets with a conveyor belt allows to apply chemical application to robots dressed up with jeans while they are moving on the conveyor; it is a system that makes it easier for all and increases the workflow and daily capacity.

Some industrial wrinkle making techniques are described below: l








After the resin application, tying is done with thread at the specific area where the crinkle effect is desired. The garments are then sent to oven for curing. In another process the small areas of the garment are bound by using clips on the required areas for desired effect, then the garment is put in the oven for curing. A machine consists of three operation heads and three stations. Variable pressure can produce unlimited crease designs, which can be altered easily by changing the wire configuration. The operation time is around 30 s. Using a scrunching/crushing machine of steam system, different levels of wrinkling and/or pressing can be achieved. This machine is used for scrunch applications and making wrinkles all over the garment. The effects can be adjusted depending on the pressure, steam and chemical levels. A machine is used to give some crinkle effects on the denim jeans during the washing process. The denim jeans are placed on one flexible hanger kept on a rack or station. Crinkle effects are made by air turbulence. There is no energy consumption in this system; it works just with air. A crinkle press consists of two application stands and one head that will press the trousers on these stands. Another system works with air and electricity. The air is used for creating pressured force of the air pistons, while the electricity is used for feeding resistances of the heating group. As the system is sliding, the product can be prepared on one stand while the pressing procedure is carried out on the other. Curing is the process that places the fabric at a high temperature in order to allow the chemicals to react. For high quality 3D crunching/wrinkling, the two most important criteria are temperature and cycle control. Oven curing is needed to reach the right temperature (145– 160°C) and time (7–22 min) per the resin tech bulletin advice. Some typical industrial ovens (e.g., automatic ovens with conveyor, a box-type curing oven with a trolley and semiprofessional curing ovens with conveyors) are being used widely.

A wrinkling effect on denim creates unique vintage looks that make garments more fashionable, hence adding value to denim garments and improving their saleability in market. It prevents the intermolecular slippage in the fibre core, and it may not be harmful if formaldehyde-free resin is used. Resin decreases the tensile and tear strength, abrasion resistance. It gives an unpleasant odour as well as an unwanted harsh, stiff feel. It may turn the fabric yellow after chlorine bleaching, and sometimes it is difficult to remove the unfixed resin (Khalil and Islam, 2015).


Principles of Textile Finishing

12.9 Impact on environment To study the impact of denim production on the environment, Levi Strauss & Co. conducted a lifecycle analysis of a pair of Levi's 501 jeans in 2007 and again in 2015 (Levistrauss, 2015). A pair of 501 jeans uses 3781 L of water in its full lifecycle, which includes growing the cotton, manufacturing the garment, consumer care at home and its end-of-life disposal. A lifecycle assessment (LCA) is a systems-based, quantitative method for evaluating the environmental impact of a product. This tool is used to assess the stages and impact of a product's entire life, from raw material extraction (cradle) to waste treatment (grave). LCAs focus on environmental impacts typically does not consider social or economic impacts. The summary of key findings is (Levistrauss, 2015): Water consumption Nearly 3800 L of water are used to make a pair of jeans. Fibre production, predominantly cotton (68%), consumes the most water, followed by consumer care (23%). Climate change Of the 312.4 kg of carbon dioxide produced during the lifecycle of a pair of jeans, consumer care (37%) and fabric production (27%) generate the most significant climate change impact and energy usage. Expanded scope The amount of water used to grow cotton varies significantly across the world. Also, by including new consumer markets, it was found that washing and drying habits vary by region. Impact By wearing jeans 10 times before washing, American consumers can reduce their water and climate change impact by 77%; United Kingdom and French consumers by 75%; and Chinese consumers by 61%.

The current average washing frequencies by country are: l



The United States—consumers typically wear their jeans two times before washing them. The United Kingdom and France—consumers typically wear their jeans 2.5 times before washing them. China—consumers typically wear their jeans four times before washing them.

Consumer jeans-washing habits vary by region: l



Americans use more water and energy to wash and dry their jeans than do consumers in the other markets. Consumers in the United Kingdom and France mostly air dry their jeans and use more hot water than others. Consumers in China mostly wash in cold water and air dry.

Another statistic says that around 1.5 lbs of cotton are needed to produce one pair of jeans. To grow 1.5 lbs of cotton for one pair of jeans, 1500 gal of water are needed. Keep in mind that on a yearly basis, over 450 million pairs of jeans are sold in the United States—that's not including other jean-clad countries like Canada and those in Europe (Grose, 2009).

Finishing of denim fabrics409

For a given weight of cotton that is to be harvested, a farmer uses one-third of that weight in chemical fertilisers. Cotton plants are highly susceptible to pests, especially in humid areas. Clay (2004) reported that whilst cotton production is restricted to 2.4% of the cultivable land globally, an estimated 25% of insecticide and 11% of global pesticide production is consumed in cotton cultivation. The makers of some ‘green’ jeans sidestep pesticides and oil-guzzling machinery by opting for hand-picked organic cotton. Because pesticides are not applied to organic cotton, yields can be as much as 50% lower than those of conventionally produced cotton, which means more land may be needed to make organic jeans. Some manufacturers also use bamboo; it is a fast-growing, water-efficient crop that can be cultivated without pesticides and fertilisers, though turning it into a comfortable pair of jeans requires some nasty chemical treatments. Cotton yarn is typically ‘sized’ with starch to increase its strength for weaving, and, in some cases, it is ‘mercerised’ in caustic soda to give it a worn look. Starch will biodegrade, but when it is dumped in waterways, the microbes that eat it also consume oxygen. Aquatic life depends on that oxygen, and starch is just one of many chemical treatments, including dyes, that deplete it. Caustic soda can kill aquatic life and burn workers. Bamboo ecojeans are made by ‘cooking’ shoots in caustic soda before they are turned into fibre. To get the right shade of blue, cotton yarns may be dipped a dozen or more times into enormous vats of synthetic indigo, which is often made from coal or oil. Some factories have machines that precisely measure the concentration of dye in solution, enabling a manufacturer to recycle spent liquid by adding just the right amount of fresh dye. But in developing countries, where water and dyes are cheap and environmental regulations are not very strict, factories lacking modern equipment often dump the old dye into nearby waterways. Water samples taken downstream from textile plants in Tehuacan, Mexico, a major denim-producing region, have been shown to contain lead, mercury, cadmium and selenium. Local farmers complain of chemically burned seedlings and sterile soil (Glausiusz, 2008). Ecojeans may be dyed with pigment from the I. tinctoria plant, but these natural pigments are found in