PR-1696 Hazop Procedure [PDF]

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. RESTRICTED Sep-16

Document ID: PR-1696 Filing Key: Business Control

Process Engineering HAZOP Procedure User Note: The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by the Document Owner or his Delegate through STEP-OUT approval. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's EDMS. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian or the Document Controller. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive FEDback. Please familiarise yourself with the Document Security Classification Definitions They also apply to this Document!

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

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HAZOP Procedure

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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

Petroleum Development Oman LLC


Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department. Version No. 1.0

Date 15 July 2006

Author Ross Weiter Randa Nabulsi

Scope / Remarks First Issue

ii Related Business Processes Code EP.64

Business Process (EPBM 4.0) Design, Construct, Modify and De-Commission Facilities

iii Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Business Control Documentation Register TAXI. Code CP-117

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Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Document Project Engineering Code of Practice

HAZOP Procedure

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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06


Document Authorisation........................................................................................................ 3


Revision History.................................................................................................................... 4


Related Business Processes................................................................................................. 4


Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents........................................4


Introduction........................................................................................................................... 6




Abbreviations................................................................................................................... 6


Background..................................................................................................................... 6


Purpose........................................................................................................................... 6


Scope.............................................................................................................................. 7


Objective......................................................................................................................... 7


Fundamentals of this Procedure.....................................................................................7


Distribution/Target Audience............................................................................................7


Review and Improvement...............................................................................................7


Deviations from this Procedure.......................................................................................7

Roles and Responsibilities.................................................................................................... 8 2.1

PDO Process Engineering Discipline..............................................................................8


PDO Project Engineer..................................................................................................... 8


Contractor Project Engineer............................................................................................ 9


HAZOP Leader................................................................................................................ 9

EP95-0313 Clarifications, Additions and Changes..............................................................10 3.1

General.......................................................................................................................... 10


Drawings and Templates................................................................................................11


Design Review and Main HAZOP.................................................................................13

Appendix 1 HAZOP Worksheet................................................................................................. 14 Appendix 2 HAZOP Action Response Form..............................................................................16 Appendix 3 HAZOP Team Member FEDback Form..................................................................17

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HAZOP Procedure

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

1 Introduction 1.1



Basis For Design


Control and Automation


Corporate Function Discipline Head


Exploration & Production


Engineering Reference Document


Front End Design (“Define” phase)


Fire and Gas


Hazard and Operability (Study)


Hazard and Operability Studies Focal Point


Hazard and Operability StudyALeader(s)


Opportunity and Project Management Guide


Project Engineer(s)


Process Engineering Flow Scheme (Shell terminology, same as P&ID)


Process Flow Scheme


Process Safeguarding Flow Scheme


PDO Procedure


Technical Authority


Process Engineering Discipline functional indicator in PDO, as of 2006



Safety is a primary focus for all plant design and operation. Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOPs) are a key component in ensuring safety. Hence satisfactory HAZOP execution and follow-up are critical to business performance. This procedure is one part of a continued effort to improve the execution of HAZOPs in PDO.



This document serves the following purposes: 1. It gives roles and responsibilities documenting how the Shell HSE Manual EP95-0313 HAZOP is implemented in PDO. 2. It gives clarifications, additions and amendments to EP95-0313, based on best industry practice, local contracting arrangements, past history and past experience. 3. Templates are given for relevant PDO documents, for consistency. It is not the intention to duplicate the contents of EP95-0313. It is assumed that the reader of this procedure already knows EP95-0313.

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HAZOP Procedure

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

Scope This procedure covers the full lifecycle of any HAZOP study, from preparation to closeout. Its use is mandatory for all persons involved in HAZOP studies and by all projects. Terminology is as follows: 


indicates mandatory requirement


indicates preference

Objective The objective of this document is to achieve more effective project planning and shorter project execution and delivery. It gives a clear procedure on how PDO does HAZOPs, thus preventing misunderstandings among the involved parties. This objective will be achieved by the process discipline taking closer ownership of the entire HAZOP process and quality.


Fundamentals of this Procedure

This document is based on: 

PDO current practice,

the principles contained in the Shell document HSE Manual HAZOP 95-0313,

information from PDO’s HAZOP training consultant, and

local conditions and specific requirements.

The aim is thus to change the PDO current practice, while following the EP guideline. However since the EP guideline is (a) 11 years old and (b) generic, this document incorporates the latest industry practices and PDO-specific considerations.

Distribution/Target Audience The key users of this procedure are Hazop Leaders (HL) who are generally Process Engineers, Project Engineers (PE) and the process engineering discipline leadership in both PDO and Contractor companies. The target audience is all persons involved in HAZOP preparation, execution and follow-up, as defined in EP95-0313.


Review and Improvement

This HAZOP procedure shall be reviewed and, if necessary, updated annually in order to ensure that it reflects the current position with regard to Company Policies, Management Systems, Procedures, Specifications, Guidelines and Organisation structure.


Deviations from this Procedure

Any deviations from this procedure this woron with other PDO Control Documents,requires Process CFDHFunctioal, as detai Standards Variance Procedure PR-1247Variance s required for any de

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HAZOP Procedure

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

2 Roles and Responsibilities 2.1

PDO Process Engineering Discipline

The PDO Process Engineering CFDH is responsible for Approval of Variances to this procedure, see Section 1.9. The PDO Process Engineering CFDH or delegate or designated PDO HAZOPs Focal Point (HFP) shall be responsible for: 

Content and upkeep of the HAZOP procedure.


Training, assessment and approval of HL, see Section 3.1. Upkeep of current list of Approved HL on the UEP website: The Process Engineering2 L, knowl

Approving the HL proposed by the PDO PE or sourcing an alternative pers Either way, tThe HAZOP LeaderHL should b eektice.The HFPole is to: o

estimate the duration of the HAZOPh

o o

the proposed HL is suitable for the complexity of that particular HAZOP, and


ensure that all HL in PDO gear practice.,

o 

Reviewing, compiling and implementing FEDback from HAZOP members.

Auditing of HAZOPs to monitor quality.

 

Removal of HL from approved list.

Resolution of any disputes.


PDO Project Engineer

The PDO PE shall be responsible for the following items. 

Planning of the HAZOP start date.

Sourcing a HL from the HAZOP Leader List web link in Section 2.1, confirming availability, and proposing the candidate to the Process Engineering Discipline HFP for approval to lead that particular HAZOP (Section 2.1). The HFP should be contacted at least 6 weeks in advance of the originally scheduledplanned HAt date. Also given to the HFP at the same time shall be the proposed start date of the HAZOP and a Process Flow Scheme or equivalent sketch which clearly shows the scope of the HAZOP. This shall be sufficient to allow estimationconfir how long the HAZOP will take and how experienced the HL needs to be.

shouldedin advanc If the HFP is informed less than 6 weeks2 months i in advance, a HAZOP LeaderHLed. The information shallrt date of the HAZOanope of the HAZOP. This must be sufficient to allow a coarse estimate of:HAZOP leaderHL needs to be Page 7

HAZOP Procedure

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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

Nominating all HAZOP Team members for review/approval by HL. Normally the HL should approve nominees, unless numbers or expertise does not appear appropriate, see Sect. 3.1 and 3.3..

Ensure that an Operantative is esAZOP, and t a contribution from him is expected at the introduction, see Section 3.1.

Review of draft and acceptance (sign) of (sign) tl HAZOP Rreport, ee Section 3.2.

Actioning of each individual PDO HAZOP Action Response Form.

Approval of (sign) each closed individual HAZOP Action Rrsponse Ffom.

Generation of a HAZOP Action Close Out Status Report at the end of FED, see Section 3.2. This may be done with Contractor assistance, if required.

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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

Contractor Project Engineer The Contractor PE shall be responsible for the following items. 

Organisation of the HAZOP venue, logistics and equipment (e.g. computer, projector, notepads, highlighters, tape to fix drawings to walls). See Section 3.1.

     

Providing the HL and Team Members with an Information Pack at least 7 days prior to the HAZOP study. The Design Review close-out status shall also be made available to the HL at this time. This should be in the format of the Design Review Closeout Report, if available, even in draft format. The HL shall be given enough information to allow him to make a judgement on ability to go ahead with HAZOP. Failure to meet these responsibilities may result in HAZOP being delayed. Also see Section 3.3.

  

Supplying A1 or A0 drawings of all PEFS, PFS (preferably PSFS if available) and Plot Plan(s) to the HAZOP room. Somewhere inc requirement for revieweing C&E during HAZOP at the end.

Supplying the HAZOP Secretary, also see Section 3.1.

Ensure that all relevant Contractor persons know they will be expected to give an introduction at the HAZOP (normally the Contractor Process Engineer and Contractor C&A Engineer). Also see Section 3.1.

Approval of the HAZOP Report, see Section 3.2.

Actioning and close-out approval (sign) of each individual HAZOP Action Response Form, for Contractor actions only.


HAZOP Leader

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2.4 The HL shall be responsible for the following items: 

Deciding to either run the study with start date as scheduled by the PDO PE or delay it, see Section 3.3.

Finalising the duration of the HAZOP study upon receipt of the HAZOP Information Pack and informing the PDO PE within 24 hours.

Ensuring that the positions nominated by PDO PE are experts appropriate to the project and systems under review.

Provision of HAZOP worksheets for all individual nodes, with headers filled up same as shown in the Appendix 1 example. The headers are checked as each node is introduced.

Ensuring a proper introduction at the beginning of the HAZOP study and at the beginning of each node, ref. Section 3.1.

 

Controlling the number of persons present at the HAZOP study, ref. Section 3.1.

Ensuring that any HAZOP of more than 2 days duration does not run for more than 8 working hours a day, with appropriate breaks.

Marking up PEFS displayed on walls. Also see Section 3.2. This can be delegated to the Design Contractor for execution.

Marking up the HAZOP Master Set PEFS in A3 format. (transfer marked to the Design Contractor for execution.

Ensuring that responsible parties are assigned to all actions before the HAZOP meeting is closed.

be done at of eachhe study

  

normally intractor p listed in section 2ction 3e

indie as shown in the Appendix 1 example. The headers are checked as each node is

HLhall distribute allection of HAZOP Team Member FEDback forms (Appendix 3) from all participats, and forwarding them to the HFP on the following day.

Approval of the HAZOP Report and HAZOP Master Set PEFS, see Section 3.2.

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3 EP95-0313 Clarifications, Additions and Changes 3.1


The responsibility of the HL is to carry out an objective HAZOP study, regardless of project pressures. Therefore the HL shall be independent from the design team and shall not accept an assignment where there is an actual or implied conflict of interest etc. (see Section 2.1 and 2.2) Hence when the project involves a design contractor, the HL should be selected from outside the contractor’s team wherever this is possible.

The maximum number of members present in a HAZOP study at any one time shall be 12, except for the introduction on the first day. If more than 12 persons are required, the noncore members should be called in as and when required. If more than 12 persons are still in the room after the introduction the HL shall decide who is not required and shall not start until the number is 12 or less. In special cases, if >12 persons absolutely cannot be avoided, such as for complex projects with multiple contractors, an approved variance to this procedure will be required prior to starting the HAZOP, see Section 1.9.

HAZOP duration shall be estimated using L=1.5 for inexperienced leaders, from EP950313, Table 3.3.

The Process Engineering Discipline will approve HL by 2 pathways: o

PDO-approved HAZOP course + training in this procedure + completion of at least one satisfactory HAZOP which will be monitored by an already-approved HL assigned as mentor.


Personal interview with Process CFDH demonstrating ability, knowledge of EP950313 and of this procedure.

Team members should normally not be duplicated between PDO and Contractor, for disciplines other than Process Engineering and C&A Engineering.

The HAZOP Secretary shall meet the following minimum standards: ponsibilities o

Attendance at 3 previous HAZOPs as team member


Adequate ability to understand and type in English


Working in oil & gas industry for a minimum of 2 years in a technical role

The HAZOP Secretary should be capable of filling in the HAZOP worksheet without needing to be dictated to by the Leader or others, as this greatly reduces the quality of the study by diverting attention. To do so, he must understand the discussion, hence the minimum standards above. If the HAZOP Secretary is shown to be inadequate to the task, the HL shall give his duties to another HAZOP team member and excuse him from the study. 

The HAZOP shall not start, or continue, without these following persons (as well as the Leader and the Secretary) being present in the room, all of whom must be thoroughly familiar with the project and not last-minute substitutes: o

PDO Process Engineer


Contractor Process Engineer


C&A Engineer (PDO or Contractor)


Operators Representative

This is a minimum benchmark, normally more people will be required.

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC 

At least a 2 hour HAZOP introduction (normally 2-3 hours) shall be provided at the start of any HAZOP study, unless all the HAZOP team members have been to the Design Review and this design review covered all the bullet points listed below. In the HAZOP introduction, presentations shall be given by the following persons: o

HAZOP Leader: 

Before other disciplines: welcome, introduction to HAZOP, identify persons new to PDO HAZOP, check all are available for duration.

After other disciplines: explain guidewords, briefly describe all nodes and agree them with HAZOP team.


Process Engineer: describe scope of study, overall process flow, mass balance, pressures, temperatures and other major safety risks (e.g. H 2S, steam); point out locations of main design condition and materials spec changes.


Project Engineer: explain project objectives, purpose of HAZOP within project, outline previous reviews (e.g. Design Review and Coarse HAZOP)rand highlight still-open actions, commercial, technical, schedule constraints and issues, plot plan layout.


C&A Engineer: describe overall process control, discuss different control modes if applicable, process and emergency shutdown causes and effects, F&G systemdi


Operators Representative: give past experience with similar plant, manning, what is expected operators involvement in plant operation, started-up and shutdown, also list any concerns about the design.

An introduction shall be provided for each node, at the start of the review of that node. This normally takes the format of the HL or the Process Engineer going through the node’s features, including a review of the HAZOP worksheet header (Appendix 1).

a Hf

As per EP95-0313, Section 2.12.2 “representation from eventual operators of the plant is essential” at a HAZOP. It should be clear that eventual operators of the plant are not the support engineers based in the Muscat office, but rather field-based personnel, or alternatively ex-field based personnel familiar with that location and practices.

When a HAZOP is not required: refer to Figure 3.2 of EP95-0313.

The HAZOP venue is important and shall be selected according to these criteria: o

Size - the room shall be of size appropriate to the number of attendees. Rooms that are too large are inappropriate: it is difficult to see even the A0-size drawings stuck on walls, difficult to hear people (also due to noisy air conditioning), team does not interact efficiently and side-discussions proliferate.


Wall space: there shall be sufficient blank walls for attaching the A0 drawings. Many rooms, particularly in hotels, are unsuitable due to drapes, pillars and other adornments.


Seating: this should be so that all HAZOP members can see each other.


Either a whiteboard (not used for projecting) or a paper flip chart should be available to assist in discussions.



Drawings and Templats

Only PDO templates shall be used for worksheets and Action Response Forms.

HAZOP worksheets shall have the following features (Appendix 1): Page 12

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o o

Closed action should be used whenever possible. Closed actions (instructions) should be made when the team agrees that the solution is within their level of competency.


The word ‘consider’ or synonyms shall never be used in HAZOP worksheets.

o o

The only changes allowed to the worksheets after finishing the HAZOP study and with the Leader not present shall be cosmetic, i.e. restricted to formatting, drafting, spelling etc. No changes shall be made that could change the meaning of the content.


HAZOP worksheets do not get signed.

o o

“Priority” as on the worksheet shall be for both schedule priority and risk priority:

o o

affect the proj


, see EP95-0313, Section 4.1.1. The more severe criterion applies. 

 o

in tionc

o o 

HAZOP drawings shall have the following features: o

The HL shall use an A1 or A0 set of PEFS attached to walls of the meeting room to mark up nodes, lead discussion, and to mark up all the changes to PEFS resulting from HAZOP actions up to present time. Not ale drawings should be displayed, if possible in a sequence from left to right.. A1 sie is toodiscarded after the end of HAZOP, after checking that all information is transferred to the A3s.


The Master Set of HAZOP PEFS shall be of A3 size. Any change agreed to at the HAZOP which affects the PEFS shall be marked up on the Master Set. This can be done at the end of each day or at the end of the study, or afterwards ( transferring markups from the A0 drawings).It does not matter, as the Master Set is not used during the HAZOP. The Master Set is not the definitive record of three HAZ – the worts are the definitive record. The purpose of the Master Set is to allow for a quick and convenient overview of the impact of the HAZOP study on the project, without having to read the worksheets. It shall then be stamped and signed off by him HL as the HAZOP study Master Set of PEFS. It shall be attached to the HAZOP Rreport.

o 

at the walls to PEng from HAZOP acsize is tand shall not be used.checking

HAZOP Report preparation shall have the following features: o

Structure and contents exactly as per Section 4.3 of EP95-0313.


Routing: 1.

Page 13

Contractor PE or delegate shall prepares a drf HAZOP Rreport wihin 1 week of the study, with conor PE shall checks it and approves it and sends it to both HL and PDO PE fr commen

HAZOP Procedure

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The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

Petroleum Development Oman LLC 2.

HL and PDO PE shall comment on the draft (no need to approve the draft). The HL and PDO PE shall be given 1 week for comments, if no comments are received in this time then ite contractor shall assumed that there ae no comments and proceeded. Kunakorn TAatr


Contractor PE shall prepare the final HAZOP Rrport, sign it and sendsit to HL.

4. 5. o 

HL approves the HAZOP Report (or go back to 3) and sends it to PDO PE. This shall be done within 2 weeks of completion of the HAZOP. PDO PE signs it to indicate acceptance (or go back to 4).

Rreport , and PDO PE, and(3ractor PE. Any dispute beween the HL and PDO PE hould be refe to the Process CFDH, see Secn 2

HAZOP Action Response Forms shall have the following features (Appendix 2): o

One action per form.

o o

After implementing the close out action, the Discipline Engineer signs the Action Response Form. Any evidence of action being closed out (such as marked up PEFS, cover of relevant calculation, or page from updated operating philosophy) shall be attached.


Signature by the Contractor Discipline Engineer and Contractor PE is required for all closed Contractor Action Response Forms.


Signature by PDO Process Engineer (with TA-2) and PDO PE is required for all closed Action Response Forms.


Only the PDO HAZOP worksheet template shall be used (Appendix 2). The sheet has a header identical to the HAZOP Worksheet, as simplified cutting/pasting will minimize content errors.

HAZOP Action Close Out Status Report:

3.3 



This shall be a simple list of all HAZOP actions, by number, indicating their status as Closed or Not Closed.


The purpose of this list is to give an overview of the close out status at the end of FED.

Design Review andand Main HAZOP Differences As per section of the EP2006-5500: OPMG, HAZOP is a type of design review. However, some confusion is often created here because there are usually 2 distinct events that take place in front end design of a project, one design review called “Design Review”, and another design review called “HAZOP”. Often there are arguments made that HAZOP is not a Design Review, which is indeed true, and it seems the difference is not clear. The practical distinction is this: o

Design Review Here, inter-disciplinary and PDO checks are carried out to confirm progress, verify completed work and identify problem areas. It looks at the big picture. It examines how the BFD has been engineered and that parameters & information presented in the BFD (or subsequent changes) have been properly applied. Any items that

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would prevent a HAZOP from taking place need to be identified here and addressed before the HAZOP. After the Design Review the deliverables shall almost be of Approved For Design (Aality (except for implementing HAZOP and IPF review actions) and signed off by the Contractor PE as suitable for HAZOP purposes. o

Main HAZOP This event is much more formalized, and hence slower, and focused toward the areas of hazards and operability. It looks at the fine detail and is a check that nothing important was missed. It should be thus apparent that doing a Main HAZOP on PEFS which are not ready is an unacceptable practice that shall not be allowed.

There shall always be a Design Review preceding a Main HAZOP. Based on the above, the practice of having a Design Rview, immediately followed by aand HAZOPallould be aed, except for single-node HAZOPs. 

Personnel o

Every effort should be made to ensure continuity between Design Review and HAZOP by using the same persons for both. This holds particularly true for Process Engineers, C&A Engineers and Operators Representativess.


’s. ha



o  o a . 


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Appendix 1 HAZOP Worksheet Blue text is example PROJECT: Musallim MSV’s and Water Injection Manifold (Phase-1b) & Musallim Full Facilities Development Contractor Job No. : IECC 224570QA09 WBS No. : C.OM.MUS.DF.06.001

PROCESS DATA: Product Oil, water and gas Operating P 2500/-/4000 kPag (min/nor/max) Operating T 10/70/85 C (min/nor/max) Design T & P 9500kPag, 5/90C Node Description: Oil line from ILS oil collector to the GRE pipeline. Contains unseparated water; gas is mixed in after metering.

PEFS: MLM-1-1017-002 MLM-1-1051-001 MLM-1-1285-001

Line No.: P39206 P39273 P39040 vessel S-3901 (oil compartm.)

HAZOP Date: 07 March 2006

Node: 1 of 6 No. of Node actions = Total HAZOP actions =


Parameter Pressure Flow


Temperature Phase Composition Operability

Page 16


Causes How? Is it credible?

Consequences Can barriers fail? Does it matter?

Protection What protection is in pre-HAZOP design?

Recommendations Maximise closed recommendations

Action By who?

Priority 1,2,3

No. seq.

More Less More Less No Reverse More Less No More Less More Less No More component Less component Impurities Operator access

HAZOP Procedure The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

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Revision: 1.0 Effective: Jul06

Petroleum Development Oman LLC PROJECT: Musallim MSV’s and Water Injection Manifold (Phase-1b) & Musallim Full Facilities Development Maintenance access Relief & blowdown Emergency shutdown Process shutdown Draining Venting Isolation Purging Commissioning Start-up Materials of construc. Sample points Instruments Degree of automation Other

Page 17

PROCESS DATA: Product Operating P (min/nor/max)

Oil, water and gas 2500/-/4000 kPag

PEFS: MLM-1-1017-002 MLM-1-1051-001 MLM-1-1285-001

HAZOP Procedure The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

Line No.: P39206 P39273 P39040 vessel S-3901 (oil compartm.)

Printed 21/09/16

Revision: DRAFT1.0 Effective: Jul06

Petroleum Development Oman LLC

Appendix 2 HAZOP Action Response Form Blue text is example PROJECT: Musallim MSV’s and Water Injection Manifold (Phase-1b) & Musallim Full Facilities Development Contractor Job No. : IECC 224570QA09 WBS No. : C.OM.MUS.DF.06.001 Deviation Parameter


Page 18



PROCESS DATA: Product Oil, water and gas Operating P 2500/-/4000 kPag (min/nor/max) Operating T 10/70/85 C (min/nor/max) Design T & P 9500kPag, 5/90C Node Description: Oil line from ILS oil collector to the GRE pipeline. Contains unseparated water; gas is mixed in after metering.

Causes How? Is it credible?


Consequences Can barriers fail? Does it matter?


Protection What protection is in pre-HAZOP design?


PEFS: MLM-1-1017-002 MLM-1-1051-001 MLM-1-1285-001

Line No.: P39206 P39273 P39040 vessel S-3901 (oil compartm.)

HAZOP Date: 07 March 2006

Node: 1 of 6 No. of Node actions = Total HAZOP actions =

Recommendations Maximise closed recommendations


HAZOP Procedure The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.

Action By who?


Priority 1,2,3


No. seq.


Printed 21/09/1627/06/06

Revision: DRAFT1.0 Effective: Jul06

Petroleum Development Oman LLC PROJECT: Musallim MSV’s and Water Injection Manifold (Phase-1b) & Musallim Full Facilities Development Contractor Job No. : IECC 224570QA09

PROCESS DATA: Product Operating P (min/nor/max) Operating T (min/nor/max) Design T & P

PEFS: MLM-1-1017-002 MLM-1-1051-001 MLM-1-1285-001

Oil, water and gas 2500/-/4000 kPag 10/70/85 C

Line No.: P39206 P39273 P39040 vessel S-3901 (oil compartm.)

9500kPag, 5/90C


Low flow alarm is added to FIC-569. Refer the attached mark up PEFS number ZAU-1-1303-001


















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Appendix 3 HAZOP Team Member FEDback Form PROJECT:____________________________________________________________________________________

HAZOP Date:__________________________________________________________________________________

H ZOP Leader Name:___________________________________________________________________________

Very Bad




Very Good

Please Tick Box

Was number of days sufficient? Was the HAZOP Information Pack adequate? Did you get sufficient rest breaks? How did you find the style HL? Was the venue satisfactory? Was the number of participants satisfactory? Was the Secretary able to work without dictating and lot of help?

What was the maximum number of persons in the room at any one time (other than for Introduction)?


Comments: If you ticked Bad or Very Bad boxes, please provide more information so we can follow this up.

Thank you Process Engineering CFDH

Page 20

HAZOP Procedure

Printed 21/09/16

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