Posidrive MDS 5000 [PDF]

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POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 Application Manual It is essential to read and comply with the complete documentation for POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 before using the system !


certified by DQS according to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 14001 Reg-No. 000780 UM/QM

SV 5.1 02/2005

POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Notes on Safety 1.1 Hardware 1.2 Software

1 1 2

2. Description


3. Device 3.1 Device States 3.2 Parameters

4 4 6

4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3

POSITool Operator Panel LEDs Display General Event Indications Event List

8 9 10 11 11 11 13

5. POSI Tool 5.1 Installation 5.2 First Contact 5.3 Setup of POSITool 5.3.1 Project Directory 5.3.2 Inverter Directory 5.3.3 Parameters 5.3.4 Configuration 5.3.5 Other Areas 5.4 User Level 5.5 Communication 5.6 Diagnosis

20 20 20 22 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 29

6. Primary Settings 6.1 Motor and Control Mode 6.2 Encoder 6.3 Brake 6.4 Braking resistor 6.5 Axis Management 6.6 Local Operation 6.7 Control and Status Signals 6.8 Actions

34 34 36 37 37 38 38 39 40

7. Applications






POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


1. Notes on Safety 1




Before mounting and commissioning, be sure to read these mounting and commissioning instructions to prevent the occurrence of avoidable problems during commissioning and/or operation. ®

In the sense of DIN EN 50178 (earlier VDE 0160), POSIDRIVE of the MDS family is an electrical resource of power electronics (BLE) for the regulation of energy flow in high-voltage systems. They are exclusively intended for powering servo and asynchronous machines. Handling, mounting, operation and maintenance must be performed in adherence to valid regulations and/or legal specifications, applicable standards and this technical documentation. This is a restricted marketing class product in accordance with IEC 61800-3. In residential areas, this product may cause high-frequency interference for which the user may be called on to provide suitable countermeasures. Strict adherence to all rules and regulations must be ensured by the user. The safety notes and specifications contained in further sections (items) must be adhered to by the user. Caution! High touch voltage! Danger of shock! Hazardous to life! When power is applied, the housing may not be opened or connections disconnected under any circumstances. The inverter may only be opened in a dead state (all power plugs disconnected) not earlier than 5 minutes after the power voltage has been turned off for the installation or removal of option boards. Prerequisite for the correct inverter function is the correct configuration and mounting of the inverter drive. The device may only be transported, installed, commissioned and controlled by specialized personnel who are qualified for this task. Pay particular attention to: • Permissible protection class: Protective ground. Operation is only permitted with regulation connection of the protective conductor. Direct operation of the devices on IT networks is not possible. • Installation work may only be performed when the power is disconnected. When work must be performed on the drive, inhibit the enable and disconnect the entire drive from the power network. (Adhere to the 5 safety rules.) • Discharge time of the DC link capacitors > 5 minutes • Do not penetrate the inside of the device with any kind of object. • When performing mounting or any other work in the switching cabinet, protect the device from falling objects (pieces of wire, leads, metal parts, and so on). Parts with conductive properties can cause short circuiting inside the device and device failure. • Before commissioning, remove additional coverings so that the device cannot overheat.

The inverter must be installed in a switching cabinet in which the maximum ambient temperature is not exceeded (see technical data). Only copper wires can be used. The line cross sections to be used are listed in table 310-16 of standard NEC at o o 60 C or 75 C. STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG accepts no liability for damages caused by nonadherence to the instructions or the applicable regulations. The motor must be equipped with integrated temperature monitoring or external motor overload protection must be used. Only suitable for use on power networks which cannot supply more than a symmetric rated short-circuit current of 5000 A at 480 Volt. Notes:

Subject to technical changes to improve the devices without prior notice. This documentation is purely a product description. It is not a promise of properties in the sense of warranty law.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


1. Notes on Safety 1.2


Use of the POSITool software The POSITool software package can be used to select applications, adjust parameters and monitor signals of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000. The functionality is specified by selecting an application and transferring these data to an inverter. The program is the property of STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG and is protected by copyright. The program is licensed for the user. Use of the software is exclusively in machine-readable format. The customer receives from STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG the non-exclusive rights to use the program (license) providing it was legally purchased. The customer is authorized to use the program for the above activities and functions and to make copies of the program, including the creation and installation of a backup copy for support of this use. The conditions of this license apply to all copies. The customer is obligated to affix the copyright note and all other ownership notes to each copy of the program. The customer is not authorized to use, copy, modify or pass on/transmit the program for purposes other than these specifications. The customer is also not authorized to convert (reverse assemble, reverse compile) the program or compile it in another way, to pass on, rent or lease the program with sublicenses. Product maintenance The maintenance obligation refers to the last two current program versions created and approved for use by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG. STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG will either correct program deficiencies or provide the customer with a new program version. The choice is up to STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG If the error cannot be immediately corrected in an individual case, STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG will provide an intermediate solution which may require the adherence to special conditions by the user. A claim to correction of deficiencies only exists when reported errors are reproducible or can be recorded by machine-generated outputs. Deficiencies must be reported in reproducible form specifying the information helpful for correction of the deficiency. The duty to correct deficiencies no longer exists for such programs which the customer changes or manipulates unless the customer provides proof in connection with the deficiency report that the manipulation is not the cause of the deficiency. STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG is obligated to keep the valid program versions at a specially protected location (fire-resistant data safe, bank safe deposit box).


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


2. Description 2



Up to four motors can be run sequentially on an inverter of the MDS device family. This capability requires the following system structure. An MDS system is divided into two areas - the global area and the axis area. The global area contains the programming and parameterization related to the inverter. This includes device control, the setting of I/O components such as brake resistors and so on. In addition, it is responsible for managing the axis area. The axis area is divided into up to four axes. Each axis contains the programming and parameterization for one motor and is addressed by the global area. The axis area contains the motor setting and the application of the motor. The uses are defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK in so-called applications or, optionally, can be programmed as desired by the user.

Global area

Axis areas

Axis 1 #


I/O X3

Axis 2 Axis 3 Axis 4

Purpose of the manual

This manual gives you information on programming the MDS inverter with applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK. The principal procedures are explained. The purpose of the manual is: • To familiarize you with the basic knowledge of POSITool software and POSITool assistants • To explain the applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK and their use

Circle of readers

Users who are familiar with the control of drive systems and have a knowledge of commissioning inverter systems are the target group of this manual.

Other manuals

For further information, see the following manuals. • Mounting instructions (Publ. no. 441688) for mounting the MDS 5000 device family • Brief commissioning instructions (Publ. no. 441690) for a quick introduction to using the MDS device family • System manual (Publ. no. 441693) for a detailed description of the system and the "free programming" option

Other support

If you have questions about the use of the MDS system and the POSITool software which are not answered by this manual, we will be glad to advise you under the telephone number 0180 5 786323. To simplify getting started with the use of our software, we offer courses. Contact our training center at the following address. STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH + Co. KG Training Center Kieselbronner Strasse 12 75177 Pforzheim



POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


3. Device 3

DEVICE The POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 is primarily a freely programmable system. Two ways of programming are available to the user. • Applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK which can be selected via an assistant in the POSITool software. Parameterization is performed to adapt the application to its task. The application is then transferred to the inverter. On delivery, the application “fast reference value” is stored. • The option “free, graphic programming” with the aid of the POSITool software


This chapter describes the general reactions of the MDS 5000 in interplay with the applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK. 3.1

Device States


For the solution of a technical drive task, the programming of the MDS system must conform to the sequence of certain device states. They define the state of the power portion and implement functions such as the control of the end stage, restart of the drive and fault handling. This is the only way to ensure safe operation and the defined state of the devices. The device state can be changed with control commands and internal events. The following eight states exist for the MDS system in accordance with the DRIVECOM profile for drive technology.




Not ready to switch on


The electronics are powered. Self-test is running. Initialization is running. Drive function* is disabled. Ready-for-operation relay is open.


Software/hardware initialization is finished. The application can be reparameterized. The drive function* is disabled. The ready-for-operation relay is closed. The application can be reparameterized. The drive function* is disabled. The ready-for-operation relay is closed. The application can be reparameterized. The drive function* is disabled. The ready-for-operation relay is closed. The application can be partially reparameterized. The drive function* is enabled. The ready-for-operation relay is closed. The application can be partially reparameterized. The drive function* is disabled. The ready-for-operation relay is open. The application can be reparameterized. An error-dependent action is being executed (disable drive function or quick stop). The drive function* can be enabled. The ready-for-operation relay is open. The application can be reparameterized. The quick stop function is being executed. The drive function* is enabled. The ready-for-operation relay is closed.

MDS 5000 V5.X Or ±0Rpm 0: Self test


±0Rpm 1: ONdisable


Switchon disable

±0Rpm 0.0A 2: ReadyforON

Ready to switch on

±0Rpm 0.0A 3: Switched on

Switched on

±0Rpm 4: Enabled

Operation enabled


Fault Fault No.X: type of fault (2nd line flashing)

±0Rpm 0.0A 7: Quick stop

Fault reaction active

Quick stop active


* The drive function includes the complete unit of the power portion of the inverter and the application. A disabled drive function means the same as a power part which is switched off and a reset application (e.g., reset ramp generator). This means that the drive is not following the reference value.



POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


3. Device Changes in state

The following diagram shows which state changes are possible in the MDS 5000 system. The table below shows which conditions apply.


Störungsreaktion aktiv Fault reaction active 15


Fault Störung

Nicht Einschaltbereit Not ready for switchon 1 12 13


Switchon disable Einschaltsperre 2


10 6 9

Ready for switchon Einschaltbereit 3


Switched on Eingeschaltet 4 7

Operation enabled Betrieb freigegeben

Change in State


Quick stop active Schnellhalt aktiv



Input, state machine → Not ready for switchon

- Control power portion switched on


Not ready for switchon → Switchon disable

- Self-test without errors and initialization concluded


Switchon disable → Ready for switchon

- Enable on low level or autostart active during first startup - DC link charged - Startup disable ASP 5000 inactive

- Axis activated - Enable on high level - Startup disable ASP 5000 inactive


Ready for switchon → Switched on


Switched on → Operation enabled

- Enable on high level


Switched on → Ready for switchon

- Enable on low level


Ready for switchon → Switchon disable


Operation enabled → Quick stop active


Quick stop active → Operation enabled


Quick stop active → Ready for switchon

- DC link not charged or startup disable ASP 5000 active or

axis deactivated. - "Quick stop" signal on high level or enable on low level and

"quick stop with enable off" signal active - Enable for high level and "quick stop" signal on low level and

quick stop end reached in accordance with parameterization - Enable for low level and quick stop end reached in

accordance with parameterization

10 Quick stop active → Switchon disable

- Startup disable ASP 5000 active

11 Operation enabled → Ready for switchon

- Enable for low level and "quick stop with enable off" inactive

12 Operation enabled → Switchon disable

- Startup disable ASP 5000 active

13 Switched on → Switchon disable

- DC link not charged or startup disable ASP 5000 active

14 All states → Fault reaction active

- Fault detected

15 Fault reaction active → Fault

- Fault reaction concluded

16 Fault → Switchon disable

- No fault is queued and rising edge of the "acknowledgment"




POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


3. Device 3.2



Parameters fulfill various tasks in the MDS system. • Adjust the application to external conditions (e.g., the motor type) • Indicate the values (e.g. current speed or the torque) • Trigger actions (e.g., "save values" or "phase test" Parameters are allocated to the global area or the axis area.


The parameter structure is set up as shown in the adjacent example. The axis code identifies an axis parameter when it is shown mixed with global parameters. The group divides the parameters into functional characteristics. The line distinguishes the individual parameters in a group. The element subdivides a parameter into subfunctions.

1.E250.2 Axis

(only for axis parameters)


Element Line

The individual subject areas of the parameter groups are listed in the table below. Parameter Group

Subject Area/Dependency

A.. Inverter

Inverter, bus, cycle time

B.. Motor


C.. Machine

Speed, torque

D.. Reference Value

Reference values, reference value generator

E.. Display Value

Indication for device and application

F.. Control Interface

Analog input/output, binary output, brake

G.. Technology

Depends on the application (e.g., synchronous running)

H.. Encoder


I.. Positioning

Only with positioning applications

J.. Process Blocks

Only with positioning application motion block positioning

L.. PLCopen Reference Values

Only with positioning application PLCopen

N.. Posi.Switches

Only with positioning applications

P.. Customer-specific parameters Q.. Customer-specific parameters, dependent on instance

Data types


Only with “free, graphic programming” option Only with “free, graphic programming” option

R.. Production data

Production data of inverter, only visible during online operation

T.. Scope

Scope parameters

U.. Protection functions

Only parameter level 3 (see chap. 5.4)

Z.. Fault counter

Fault counter of events; In POSITool only visible during online operation.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


3. Device Name

Abbrev. Name


Value Range



1 Bit (internal: LSB in 1 Byte)

0 ... 1

Unsigned 8


1 byte, without sign

0 ... 255

Integer 8


1 byte, with sign

-128 ... 127

Unsigned 16


2 bytes – 1 word, without sign

0 ... 65535

Integer 16


2 bytes – 1 word, with sign

-32768 ... 32767

Unsigned 32


4 bytes – 1 double word, without sign

0 ... 4294967295 -2147483648 ... 2147483647

Integer 32


4 bytes – 1 double word, with sign



Floating decimal, simple accuracy



Floating decimal, double accuracy

String 8


Text, 8 characters

String 16


Posi 64

Parameter list structure


In acc. w. ANSI / IEEE 754

Text, 16 characters 32 bits, increments

-2147483648 ... 2147483647

32 bits, remainder

0 ... 2147483647

The following information is important when parameters are to be addressed via fieldbus. • Value range • Scaling via fieldbus if this differs from the scaling via POSITool. • Rounding error via fieldbus if present • Data type They are specified in the parameter table of the application description. Fieldbus addresses are specified in hexadecimal format. For CANopen, index and subindex can be used as is. For PROFIBUS DP-V1, index = PNU and subindex = index. For more details, see documentations of the fieldbus interface (CANopen, publ. no. 441686; PROFIBUS DP, publ. no. 441687).


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 4



P S T o


The user interface of the MDS family of devices consists of several elements with different functionalities (see following figure). To program an MDS system, the user needs the POSITool software. With the POSITool software, either an application defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK or the option of a freely programmed application can be used. POSITool provides a parameter list with which the application can be adjusted. The software also has comprehensive diagnostic functions. Parameters can also be changed via the operator panel on the front of the inverter. It consists of a keyboard for calling the menu functions and the display for indication. When appropriately programmed, the keyboard can be used to implement functions such as manual operation or tipping. Response messages on the device status are shown by the LEDs on the front. The display provides detailed information.

Program Parameterize X3


Oper. indication Device states Events

Oper. panel



Device states


1 , 1



The POSITool software represents the many-sided interface between user and MDS inverter. If offers a wide variety of ways to configure an inverter.


POSITool offers a user interface for the representation of the programming. In the option "free, graphic programming," blocks are linked here to implement a control sequence. In addition to this STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK provides pre-defined applications for programming. This includes applications such as “fast reference value” and “command positioning” which can be selected via an assistant.


For parameterization, POSITool offers the user parameter lists. The lists are used to adjust the control sequence to external conditions such as motor type, shaft encoder or bus systems. In addition, limit values such as maximum speed are specified or indicator values such as the current speed are presented.


Using a serial interface (RS 232), program and parameters are transferred to the inverter. The MDS then begins with processing. The user can monitor the parameters via the serial connection. A scope function is available for expanded diagnostics to record the time progression of various values. For more details on the use of POSITool, see the applicable chapter of this manual.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 4.2

Operator Panel The operator panel of the POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 is used for monitoring and for changing parameter values. The operator panel consists of a two-line display with 16 characters each and a keyboard. The keyboard has six keys for menu prompting and two keys for local operation.


Jumps back to operator level. Resets parameter value.



Enter key: Opens the menu level, menu groups and the parameters. Accepts a changed parameter value. Selects a parameter in the menu group. During entry, increments/decrements the parameter value (positive/negative). Selects the menu group. During entry, changes the decade (ones, tens, hundreds, and so on). Activates/deactivates local mode (if programmed). In local mode deactivation also deletes the enable. Enables for local mode I/O (if programmed)


LED status indicator


Menu prompting

Oper. indicator

A.. Inverter

The parameter menu of the MDS 5000 is divided into menu groups. The menu groups are arranged in alphabetical order, beginning with the group A.. Inverter, B.. Motor, C.. Machine, and so on. Each menu group contains a list of parameters which are identified by the letter of the group and a consecutive number such as A00, A01, A02, etc. 3000 Rpm 1.3 A 4: Enabled

B.. Motor

C.. Machine

Parameter groups

To change a parameter, proceed as shown below. Use the Enter key # to go from the operation indicators to the menu level. The menu groups are selected with the arrow keys and activated with # . Use the keys to select the desired parameter within the menu group. This is then activated for change with # . The value flashes to indicate that it can be changed with . The keys can be used to select which decade (ones, tens, hundreds, and so on) is to be adjusted. The value is then accepted with the # key or reset with the ESC key. Use the ESC key to access a higher menu level. To save safe from power failure, all changes must be stored with the A00 save parameter = 1: active !!

B20 Ctrltype 0: U/f control

Parameter selection

B26 Crtltype 3: X140

Parameter Value flashing entry B26 Ctrltype 3: X140

Accept change Reject change


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 4.3



The LEDs on the front of the inverter give you a quick overview of the state of the MDS device. A green and a red LED which light up in different combinations and frequencies provide information on the device's status based on the following table. State of the MDS


ERROR (red)


RUN (green)



RUN Green




RUN Green

Flashing at 8 Hz



RUN Green

Flashing at 1 Hz



RUN Green



Flashing at 1 Hz

No power

Device initialization (startup phase) or data action (A00 is active). Paramodule is not installed correctly.

Ready for operation (not enabled)

Operation (enabled)


RUN Green

ON or flashing



RUN Green



Flashing at 8 Hz

RUN Green



No configuration active

POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 4.4



The display gives the user a detailed response message on the state of the inverter. In addition to the indication of the parameters and events, the device states are shown. The display permits an initial diagnosis without additional aids.

4.4.1 General Description

After the self-test of the MDS 5000, the operation indication appears on the display. Depending on the configuration and the current device state, the first and second line of the display may differ from what is shown in the example. In the figure, the configuration “fast reference value” is shown (state on delivery). The device states are listed in chapter 3 and described there in detail. If no axis is active, this is indicated with an asterisk (*). The active axis is then shown when it differs from axis no. 1. Only for active brake chopper or active local mode does the appropriate symbol appear on the display. Current

Speed 3000 Rpm 4: Enabled


Device state (see chap. 3) Axis no. 2 active


Brake chopper active

Event Indications


Event indications on the display give the user information on the state of the device. The event list (chapter 4.4.3) gives you a list of the event indications. The following event groups exist.

Events Ereignisse

active configuration

Error during active configuration

Sequence error recog. by C

inactive configuration

Events during active configuration are used to monitor the device during operation. The reaction to one of these events can be set in four levels - inactive, message, warning or fault. 1. When an event is parameterized as a message, it is shown flashing at the bottom of the display. An application is not affected by a message (i.e., the top part of the display does not change). A message is not acknowledged. It is queued until the cause disappears. 2. A warning is shown in the top part of the display with the appropriate logo. The bottom line indicates the flashing event. The upper right corner shows the remaining time after which the warning becomes a fault. If the cause disappears within this parameterized time, the warning is reset. An application is not affected by a warning. 3. When an event with the level "fault" occurs, the device immediately changes to the device state "fault reaction." The event appears flashing in the bottom line of the display. A fault must be acknowledged.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 The device provides notes on the cause of some of the events. These events are marked with a number and appear alternately to the event indicators on the display. Causes which are not documented with a number in the event list (chap. 4.4.3, see below) are only an indication of possible faults. They do not appear on the display. For additional diagnosis, the occurrence of an event of this group is documented by incrementing a counter. The fault counters are stored in the parameter group Z.. An acknowledgment can be programmed on the operator panel or via binary input for some of these events (see list). These events do not affect communication and device control. The events can be identified by their consecutive numbering. Sequence faults recognized by the CPU

The MDS 5000 inverter family includes a digital computer with microprocessor, memory and I/O modules. When an error occurs which affects this area, the device reacts with an indication on the display. At the same time, the inverter assumes a defined state (power section is turned off). The device must be turned off and on again before it can return to its normal functionality. At the same time, device control (menu function) and communication with the inverter are not possible. Events of this type are marked on the display with the character "#."

Inactive configuration …

There are two cases when a configuration is inactive: 1. A fault occurs during device start. 2. The configuration was stopped by POSITool. Events which will lead to an inactive configuration are marked on the display with an asterisk (*).

… during device startup

During device startup, configuration and parameters, flags and signal values are loaded from Paramodule. Afterwards the configuration is started. During both steps detailed error messages can be generated. When a fault occurs during loading from Paramodule, "*ParaModuleERROR" appears in the top line. When a fault occurs while the configuration is being started, "*ConfigStrtERROR" appears. These faults are corrected by turning the device off and on or transferring a configuration.

… after stop by POSITool

If the configuration was stopped by POSITool, the logo of the company STÖBER Antriebstechnik appears on the display.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 4.4.3 Event List No: Name


Fault 31:Short/ground.

Trigger: Cause:

Fault 32:Short/gr.int.


Fault 33:Overcurrent

Trigger: Cause:

Fault 34:Hardw.fault

Trigger: Cause:

A hardware error occurred. 1: FPGA; error while loading the FPGA. 2: NOV-ST; NOV-control unit defective (FERAM). 3: NOV-LT; NOV-power unit defective (EEPROM). 10: ST LT; control unit power unit; power unit serial number does not match. requirement in control unit. 11: currentMeas; current offset measurement when device starts up - deviation too great Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Cannot be acknowledged Other: The inverter must be sent in for repairs. Fault counter: Z34

Fault 35:Watchdog

Trigger: Cause: Level: Acknowledgment: Other: Fault counter:

Fault 36:High voltage


The hardware overcurrent switchoff is active. • The motor requires too much current from the inverter (interwinding fault, overload) Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment Other: The motor always coasts down. Fault counter: Z31

An internal check is performed when the inverter is enabled. An existing short circuit will cause a fault. Cause: • An internal device error exists. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment Other: The motor always coasts down. Faultt counter: Z32 The total motor current exceeds the permissible maximum. y Acceleration times too short y Wrong torque limitations in parameters C03 and C05 Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Other: The motor always coasts down. Fault counter: Z33

The watchdog of the microprocessor has triggered. • The microprocessor is busy or it is faulty. Fault Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. The motor always coasts down. Z35

The voltage in the DC link exceeds permissible maximum (indication DC link voltage in E03). Cause: y Network voltage too high y Feedback of drive in braking mode (no brake resistor connected brake chopper deactivated with A20=inactive or defective). y Brake resistor too low (overcurrent protection) y Ramp too steep Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Other: The motor always coasts down. Fault counter: Z36


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 No: Name


Fault 37:n-feedback

Trigger: Cause:

Fault 38:TempDev.sens


The temperature measured by the device sensor exceeds the permissible maximum value. Cause: • Ambient/switching cabinet temperatures too high. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Other: The permissible maximum temperature is stored on the power section of the inverter. Fault counter: Z38

Par. U02 39:TempDev.i2t

Trigger: Cause:

Error by motor encoder (X4). 1: Para encoder; parameterization does not match connected encoder. 2: ParaChgOffOn; Parameterchange; encoder parameterization cannot be changed during operation. Save and then turn device off and on so that the change takes effect. 4: Chan.A/Clk; wire break, track A / clock 5: Chan.B/Dat; wire break, track B / data 6: Chan.0; wire break, track 0 7: EnDatAlarm; alarm bit of EnDat® encoder is queued. ® 8: EnDatCRC; too many CRC errors with EnDat (e.g., wire break, error in cable shield). 10: Resol.carrier; resolver is not or wrong connected, wirebreak is possible 11: Resol.undervolt.; wrong transmission error 12: Resol.overvolt.; wrong transmission error 13: Resol.parameter; 14: Resol.failure; wirebreak 15: X120-double tr.; X120 double transmission occurred 16: X120-Busy; encoder gave no response for too long 17: X120-wirebreak; 18: SSI-slave sync; SSI-slave synchronization problems 19: X4-double tr.; X4 double transmission occurred 20: X4-Busy; encoder gave no response for too long 21: X4-wirebreak; 22: AX5000; Acknowledgment of the axis switch not required. 23: AX5000Soll; comparison of E57 and E70. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off and on. Other: The motor always coasts down. The fault cannot be acknowledged for causes 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 (turn control section off/on). Caution: With positioning applications, the reference is deleted by the event "37:n-feedback." After off/on, referencing must be performed again. Fault counter: Z37

Level: Other:

Fault counter:


The i2t model for the inverter exceeds 100% of the thermal load. y Inverter overloaded (e.g., because motor blocked). y Too high clock pulse frequency. Inactive, message, warning or fault, can be parameterized in U02 (Default: fault). When the event is triggered, a current limitation occurs first. At the same time, a quick stop is triggered as a fault when parameterized in U02. Reduction of the current may mean that the quick stop is no longer executed correctly! Z39

POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 No: Name


Fault 40:Invalid data

Trigger: Cause:

A data error was detected when the non-volatile memory was initialized. 1 to 7: Control section NOV 1: Fault; low-level read/write error or timeout. 2: BlockMiss; unknown data block. 3: DatSecur; block has no data security. 4: Checksum; block has checksum error. 5: R/o; block is r/o. 6: ReadErr; startup phase: block read error. 7: BlockMiss; block not found . 17 to 23: power section NOV 17: Fault; low-level read/write error or timeout. 18: BlockMiss; unknown data block. 19: DatSecur; block has no data security. 20: Checksum; block has checksum error. 21: R/o; block is r/o. 22: ReadErr; startup phase: block read error. 23: BlockMiss; block not found. 32 and 33: encoder-NOV. 32: el. mot-type; no nameplate data present. 33: el.typeLim; elecronic motor-type limit; nameplate parameters cannot be entered. 48: Optionmodule2; error in NOV memory of option 2 with REA 5000 and XEA 5000. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: The event cannot be acknowledged for cause 1 to 23 and 48. The inverter must be sent in for repairs. The event can be acknowledged for causes 32 and 33. Fault counter: Z40

Fault 41:Temp.MotorTMP


Fault 42:TempBrakeRes

Trigger: Cause: Level: Acknowledgment: Fault counter:

The i2t model for the brake resistor exceeds 100% of the load. • The brake resistor may not be adequate for the application. Fault Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Z42

External fault: Fault 44:Text from U180

Trigger: Level: Acknowledgment: Other:

Motor temperature sensor reports excess temperature. (Connection terminals X2.3, X2.4). Cause: y The motor is overloaded. y The temperature sensor is not connected. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z41

Fault counter:

Application specific or by free programming option. Fault Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Should only be used for application events which may not be set lower than the "fault" level. Z44

Par U10 45:oTempMot.i2t

Trigger: Cause: Level: Acknowledgment: Fault counter:

The i2t model for the motor has reached 100% of load. • The motor is overloaded. Can be parameterized as inactive, message or warning in U10 and U11. Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Z45

Par. U00 46:Low voltage

Trigger: Cause:

Par. U20 47:TorqueLimit


The DC link voltage is lower than the limit value set in A35. y Drops in the network voltage. y Failure of one phase with three-phase connection. y Acceleration times too short. Level: Can be parameterized as fault or warning in U00 and U01. Acknowledgment: Can be acknowledged for "fault" level by turning device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z46

Cause: Level: Fault counter:

The maximum torque permitted for static operation exceeded. (E62:act. pos. M-max, E66:act. neg. M-max). y Limitation by parameters C03 and C05. Can be parameterized in U20 and U21. Z47


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 No: Name


Fault 52:Communication

Trigger: Cause:

Fault 55:OptionBoard

Trigger: Cause:

Fault 56:Overspeed

Trigger: Cause: Level: Acknowledgment: Other: Fault counter:

Fault 57:Runtime usage

Trigger: Cause:

The cycle time of a real-time task was exceeded. 2: RT2; cycle time of real-time task 2 exceeded (MDS5000: 1 msec) 3: RT3; cycle time of real-time task 3 exceeded (technology task) 4: RT4; cycle time of real-time task 4 exceeded (32 msec) 5: RT5; cycle time of real-time task 5 exceeded (256 msec) Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z57

Fault 58:Grounded

Trigger: Cause: Level: Acknowledgment: Other: Fault counter:

Fault 59:TempDev.i2t

The i2t model calculated for the inverter exceeds 105% of the thermal load. Cause: y Inverter overloaded (e.g., because motor is blocked). y Clock pulse frequency too high. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z59

60...67: Applikationsevents 0...7

Trigger: Cause: Level:


Communication fault 1: CAN LifeGuard; recognized the "life-guarding-event" (master no longer sends RTR). 2: CAN Sync Error; sync message was not received within the time set in CANOpen object with index 1006 (cycle period timeout). 3: CAN Bus Off; went off when bus went off. The driver started it again. 4: PZD-Timeout; failure of the cyclic data connection (PROFIBUS). 5: USS; (under preparation) failure of the cyclic data connection (USS). 6: Systembus; (under preparation) Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z52

Error during operation with option board. 1: CAN 5000 failure; was recognized , installed and failed. 2: DP 5000 failure; was recognized, installed and failed. 3: REA 5000 failure; was recognized, installed and failed. 4: SEA 5000 failure; was recognized, installed and failed. 5: XEA 5000 failure; was recognized, installed and failed. 6: EncSim-init; could not be initialized on XEA. 7: WrongOption; wrong or nonexisting option board (compar. E54/E58 with E68/E69) Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z55 The measured speed is greater than C01*1,1 + 100 rpm. • Encoder defective Fault Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. The motor always coasts down (from SV 5.0D on). Z56

Hardware signal from power section. y Asymmetrical motor currents. Fault Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Starting with BG3. The motor always coasts down. Z58


Application specific or by free programming option. • Can be programmed as desired for each axis separately. Can be parameterized in system parameters U100, U110, U120, etc. to U170. Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Other: - Message/warning: Evaluation in 256-msec cycle. - Fault: Evaluation in parameterizable cycle time (A150). Texts, times and level can be set in parameter group U.. starting with U100. Fault counter: Z60 to Z67

POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 No: Name


Fault 68:Text from U181

Trigger: Level: Acknowledgment: Other:

#External fault

Fault counter:

Application specific or by free programming option. Fault Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Should be used for application events which can only be parameterized at the "fault" level. Z68

Par. U12 69:Motor connect.

Trigger: Cause:

Connection error of the motor. 1: MotorNotDiscon; the contactor did not open when the axis changed. 2: No motor; no motor connected; line to motor interrupted. Level: Can be parameterized as inactive or warning in U12. Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Fault counter: Z69

Fault 70:Param.consitency

Trigger: Cause:




Trigger: Cause:


Trigger: Cause:

#009:CPU AddrErr

Trigger: Cause:



#00b:NMI occurred

Trigger: NMI (Non Maskable Interrupt) has occurred. The interrupt is not used. Cause: y Hardware error. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on.

The parameterization is inconsistent. 1: no servoencoder; no servo-type encoder; control mode B20 is set to "servo" but no appropriate encoder is selected (B26, H.. parameter). 2: X120 direction; X120 is used as source in one parameter but is parameterized in H120 as drain (or vice versa). 3: B12B20; Control mode B20 is not set to servo but the nominal motor current (B12) exceeds the 4-kHz nominal current (R24) of the device by more than 1.5 times. 4: B10H31; Resolver/motorpoleno.; the set motor pole number (B10) and the resolver pole number (H31) do not match. 5: neg.slip; with the control modes V/f, SLVC or VC (B20). The values for motor nominal speed (B13), motor nominal frequency (B15) and motor pole number (B10) indicate a negative slip. 7: B26:SSI-Slave; SSI slave may not be used as motor encoder (synchronization problems). 8: C01>B83; C01 may not be greater than B83. Level: Fault Acknowledgment: Turn device off/on or programmed acknowledgment. Other: With an incorrect parameterization, a fault is not triggered until enabling takes place. Fault counter: Z70

An interrupt was triggered for which no function is defined. "#xx" specifies the interrupt number. Cause: y EMC fault. Turn device off and on again. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on. An unknown operation code was determined. y Fault in code memory (bit reversed, permanent or one-time softread error). y EMC fault. Turn device off and on again. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on. After a jump command, an illegal operation code was determined. y Fault in code memory (bit reversed, permanent or one-time softread error) y EMC fault. Turn device off and on again. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on. A data access has an illegal address. y Fault in code memory (bit reversed, permanent or one-time softread error). y EMC fault. Turn device off and on again. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on.

A fault occurred during execution of automatic, CPU-independent data transfer via DMA or DTC-On-Chip modules of the processor. Cause: y Fault in code memory (bit reversed, permanent or one-time softread error). y EMC fault. Turn device off and on again. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 No: Name



Trigger: Cause:

*ParaModul ERROR: update firmware!


*ParaModul ERROR: file not found

Trigger: Hardware read error Cause: y Defective or unformatted Paramodule Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

*ParaModul ERROR: Checksum error

Trigger: While loading from Paramodule, checksum error was discovered. Cause: y Paramodule must be rewritten with A00. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

*ParaModul ERROR: ksb write error

Trigger: Cause:

*ParaModul ERROR: PMLoad: unknown

Trigger: An unknown Paramodule load error was determined. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

*ConfigStartERROR parameters lost

Trigger: Cause:

*ConfigStartERROR remanents lost

Trigger: No flag values are stored. Cause: y Paramodule defective. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

*ConfigStartERROR unknown block


*ConfigStartERROR unknown string


*ConfigStartERROR unknown scale


*ConfigStartERROR unknown limit


The configuration stored in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more limit value functions (for parameter limit values). Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

*ConfigStartERROR unknown post-wr


*ConfigStartERROR unknown pre-rd



Stack too small. y Real-time load too high (E191). y Too great CPU load due to interrupts (e.g., system bus, fieldbus). y Fault in code memory (bit reversed, permanent or one-time softread error). y EMC fault. Turn device off and on again. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on.

The configuration contains configuration memory areas which are unknown to the device's firmware. Cause: y Old firmware status (update necessary) Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

A configuration write error was discovered in the configuration memory. y Defective flash memory. y Configuration too large for configuration memory. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

There are no parameter values stored on Paramodule. y The control section was turned off while A00 was active. (The configuration must be reloaded to the device.) Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

The configuration in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more system blocks. Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration. The configuration stored in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more texts (e.g., names of system and standard block parameters). Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration. The configuration stored in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more scaling functions (for parameter scaling). Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

The configuration stored in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more post-write functions (image configuration parameters on firmware parameters). Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration. The configuration stored in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more pre-read functions (image firmware parameters on configuration parameters). Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


4. User Interface of POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 No: Name


*ConfigStartERROR unknown hiding


*ConfigStartERROR KsbRUN: unknown

Trigger: An unknown configuration start error was determined. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

The configuration stored in Paramodule is from a later inverter firmware which "knows" more "hide" functions (hide parameters which are supposed to be visible in dependence with other parameters). Cause: y A firmware update is necessary. Acknowledgment: Turn inverter off/on or transfer a configuration.

This logo alternates with the following four event indications. STÖBER Antriebstechnik No configuration paramodule error


No configuration start error


Configuration stopped

No configuration

Device startup is concluded and an error was discovered by the Paramodule during startup. Cause: • See events "*ParaModuleERROR." Acknowledgment: Transfer a configuration. Device startup is concluded an error was discovered during start of the configuration. Cause: • See events "*ConfigStrtERROR." Acknowledgment: Transfer a configuration. Trigger: The running configuration was interrupted. Cause: • Configuration was stopped by POSITool, for example. Acknowledgment: Transfer a configuration or turn off/on so that present configuration can be loaded from Paramodule. Trigger:

Device startup is concluded and an error was discovered.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool 5



This chapter describes the POSITool software. The following topics are included. • • • • •


A discussion of the installation Explanations of the structure of the software The levels which can be set The communication between inverter and PC The diagnostic functions



System prerequisites

The software package "MDS 5000" is available free of charge on the related product CD or from the Internet under www.stoeber.de. During installation, be sure to adhere to the described notes. Following system requirements apply to the software POSITool: • Operating system Windows 98SE, Windows XP or Windows 2000 • Internet Explorer 4.0 or better • Processor Min. Pentium III with 800 MHz and 256-MB RAM • Hard drive: Min. of 40 MB • For communication between PC and inverter: RS 232 serial interface or USB port with USB serial adapter • Monitor screen resolution Required: 800 x 600 Recommended: 1024 x 768 or better • For installation: CD drive or Internet connection


First Contact


To make it easier for the user to open POSITool, the start will be explained first.

Start screen

After the software is open, the start screen (shown below) appears. It offers the user three possibilities (see screen). • Create a new project • Open an existing project • Read a project from a connected inverter


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Start new project with assistant

To create a new project, open the configuration assistant. In six steps it defines the primary components of an inverter configuration. • Step 1: Resource names, designations and commentaries can be entered. The resource names and the designation are used as the title for the inverter directory (see chap. 5.3.2). • Step 2: The number of axes to be operated sequentially is specified here. • Step 3: The application is selected with this step. Before using an inverter with an application, be sure to adhere to the applicable description in this manual. We recommend using the same application for each axis. • Step 4: Here it is decided how the inverter is to be controlled. The user can choose between control via terminal strip of the inverter or a bus system (PROFIBUS DP, CAN or USS). • Step 5: This step provides the user with databases of the STÖBER standard motors. When a motor is selected, the motor data are entered in the project. • Step 6: This step concerns the configuration of the inverter. This includes the setting of the type of inverter used and the option modules. A control bar is available to switch between the different steps. You can skip between steps, terminate the configuration or exit the configuration.

Other assistants

Additional assistants are loaded to the project when applications and the inverter controller are selected. These show a selected set of available parameters. The assistants make parameterization easy and clear.

After the configuration is concluded, the above selection screen automatically appears. The assistants can be selected there for the individual axes and started via the applicable button. The "close" button closes the screen.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Open project

If you want to process an existing project, select the middle button in the start screen. A dialog appears which can be used to select and open a file.

Updated documentation from connected inverter

When an updated documentation is created, the configuration stored on the inverter is read during online operation and indicated in POSITool. A configuration with updated documentation capability must be stored on the inverter for this function (see chap. 5.5). The inverter must be connected with the PC. Read chapter 5.5 for how to establish communication between PC and inverter.


Setup of POSITool


This chapter explains the setup of POSITool. This includes the definition of various areas and the explanation of management functions.


POSITool contains several areas which must be distinguished between (see screen). The left-hand side contains the management area with the project directory, the function block libraries and the hierarchy directory. They can be selected with a folder structure. The right-hand side contains the working area. Configurations and parameter lists can be opened and processed here. Tool bar

Management area with project directory + libraries + hierarchy directory

Working area

Status bar


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool 5.3.1 Project Directory Introduction

The project directory offers a complete view of the project. When a new file is opened, the project has an inverter directory. Additional inverters can be added (see chap. 5.3.2).

Project management

The "File" menu is used for project management, among others. The following menu items are available. • "New project" for creation of a new project • "Open project" for opening an existing project • "Close project" to close current file • "Save project" for saving the currently opened project • "Save project under" for saving the project in another directory or under a different name

5.3.2 Inverter Directory Inverter directory

An inverter directory is identified by the resource name and the designation. They are entered in the configuration assistant. The configuration assistant is called under "Configuration." This can be used to change features such as number of axes or motor types at all times. The inverter directory has a separate path for each axis area and the global area. Each path contains a configuration and a parameter screen (except at the configuration level 0 - see chapter 5.4) and the available assistants. To open a configuration screen, a parameter screen or an assistant, double-click the applicable entry. A configuration screen or a parameter screen is opened in the working area. An assistant is not dependent on the working area and switches other processing areas to inactive. The items Communication, Diagnosis and Commissioning are described in the next few chapters.

Inverter management

The "File" menu has several items for management of an inverter within a project. • "New inverter" adds a new inverter to a project. The new inverter directory is indicated in the project directory and can be edited there. • "New inverter from connected inverter" adds an inverter configuration to a project which (the configuration) is read from a connected inverter. The updated documentation is indicated in the project directory. • "Manage inverter" manages the inverters entered in a project directory. The dialog shown below is indicated under this menu item. Here inverters can be deleted from the project directory and updated documentation can be converted into configurations. Updated documentations can only be edited in online mode. To be able to work with the data record offline, it must be converted into a configuration.

To maintain clear organization, a project should not contain more than 8 inverters. However, many more can be added.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool 5.3.3 Parameters Parameter list

The parameters contained in the particular configuration are available in a parameter list. The parameters to be indicated are determined by the selected application and the set parameter level (see chapter 5.3).

The parameter table is shown in the upper half of the screen. A parameter with the following information is inserted in each line. • • • • • • • •

Coordinate Designation Current setting Default value Upper and lower limit value Unit Data type Read and write level

When a parameter is selected, the parameter description appears in the lower half of the screen. To change a parameter, double-click the left mouse button on the line. When the line is highlighted, just press the Enter / # or F2 key. To reset a changed value to the default value, the user can click on the line with the right mouse button. A context menu appears with the command "accept value from default." CAUTION! At parameter level 3, in the context menu, the value entered in the parameter can be accepted as default value. Before you change a default value, check the validity of the new value!


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool

Over the parameter list is a user interface bar. The parameter list appears when the "Parameter" button is pressed. The "Actions" button is only active during online mode. It is used to switch to the parameters which can initiate actions (see chapter 6.8). In addition to the buttons there is a selection list. A certain parameter group can be selected with this function. When the parameter list is open in an axis area, the parameters from the global area can also be indicated. Global parameters can be hidden via a check box. Changed parameter values are shown in color. 5.3.4 Configuration Configuration

The configuration screen contains the programming user interface. When the option "free graphic programming" is used, blocks can be inserted here and linked. Applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH+Co. KG contain the programming in a capsule block.

Configuration structure

The structural setup of the POSITool configuration is illustrated in the following diagram. Configuration environment Capsule block

"One level


Second configuration level

First configuration level

Configuration object

A block can contain other blocks. The block must be opened before the configuration structure within a block can be viewed. The user clicks with the right mouse button on the block and select "Open" in the dialog screen which appears. The next level in the configuration environment is then shown. To reach a higher level, the user clicks with the right mouse button on a free area in the configuration environment. In the dialog screen which appears the user selects "One level higher." This results in a jump back one configuration level.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool 5.3.5 Other Areas Libraries

Blocks for the "free, graphic programming" option are entered in the library directory. The user can enter these in the configuration screen and link them. The user level determines which blocks are visible and can be used (see chapter 5.4).

Hierarchy directory

The block hierarchy is indicated in the hierarchy directory (see figure). The hierarchy is designed like the program structure. Blocks are listed in the branch of the higher-level block. Double-clicking the label of a block causes it to be indicated on the configuration user interface.

"View" menu

In the "View" menu the user can process the indication of the status and tool bar as well as the project screen.

"Screen" menu

In the "Screen" menu the arrangement of the screens in the working area can be set. When several screens are open, they can be directly selected in this menu.


User Level


Separate user levels for configuration and parameters exist for the MDS system. This means that parameters disappear and the view of the configuration is locked at a certain level. The user can choose between the levels 0, 1, 2 and 3.

Parameter level

A free choice among the four levels is available for indication of the parameters. The higher the parameter level, the more parameters can be viewed. The appropriate levels can be set via parameter A10 so that the parameters appear on the display. In parameter level 3, POSITool offers an additional functionality which can hide parameters. When the user clicks a line in the parameter list with the right mouse button, the following context menu appears.

In this menu, the read or write level of a parameter can be changed separately. Skillful setting of the parameter A10.0 can cause a lock at the same time. When, for example, the value 1 is entered in A10.0, all parameters with the level 0 and 1 can be viewed. To prevent the user from entering level 2 or 3 in A10.0, the write level can be set to 2 via POSITool. Although A10.0 is visible, it cannot be changed. Another method is to set the read level to 2 at the same time. The parameter is then no longer visible on the display. POSITool shows it in the parameter list starting at level 2.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Configuration level

The configuration level determines the programming capability. • Level 0: The configuration screen is not visible at this level. The user can load and parameterize applications. The "free graphic programming" option cannot be used. • Level 1: At this level the user can load and parameterize applications. The application can be opened up to the first program level. The "free graphic programming" option cannot be used. • Level 2: The user can load and parameterize applications. The application can be opened up to the second program level. The "free graphic programming" option cannot be used. • Level 3: At this level a user can load and parameterize an application and, at the two highest program levels, program an application. The user can open additional levels. The "free graphic programming" option is available to the user. At the configuration level only levels 0 to 2 can be set as desired. Level 3 can only be used with a key file! The settings up to level 2 are sufficient for users of the applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK!

Setting the levels


In the menu "Extra" the following screen is called under the menu item "Change access level …". The levels can be individually set here.



Communication between PC and inverter is established with a serial connection. A cable (cat. no. 41488) is connected to a serial interface on the PC and to terminal X3 as shown in the adjacent figure.











Housing Settings

The settings for serial transmission are made in the inverter directory under "Communication" or "Settings." The screen which appears indicates the communication status. In addition, the interface used on the PC, the transmission speed and the bus address are entered. "0" is preset as the bus address. It must only be changed when a serial “Daisy Chain” connection with several inverters is to be used.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Online operation

There are three ways for a user to establish a connection between inverter and PC. button in the tool bar or • The • the area labeled "Establish connection to inverter" in the inverter directory under "Communication." • F5 key Both devices must have the same configuration and parameter values for a serial connection between PC and inverter. If the user gives the command to "go online" via one of the two ways, POSITool checks the configuration of PC and inverter. This comparison can produce two possible results which are shown in the following screen.

First result

During its comparison, the software determined that the inverter and the PC have different configurations. The user must decide on one of the two configurations - either the configuration on the PC or the one on the inverter. The selection is made in the dialog screen shown above. When the configuration is adjusted, the parameters of the selected project are also used.

Second result

The software determined that the configurations of the inverter and the PC are identical. In this case the user decides which parameter values will be used. If this is the case, the lower half of the indicated dialog screen is activated (see figure “Establish connection to inverter”).


During the connection is established, a status screen appears in the working area. The progress of the current status procedure is logged in this screen. When the connection is activated, the following screen appears.

CAUTION! After the transmission, the application is not stored safe from power failures! To do this, execute A00 Save values. With active connection...


When a connection is active, the values which were changed on the inverter are automatically transferred to the PC and vice versa. Similarly, actions can start the Scope and Simubox function. Only in online mode are the indicator parameters visible.

POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool 5.6



The POSITool software offers a wide range of diagnostic functions. • Fault memory: The fault memory contains the last 10 faults. • Free parameter list: Parameters can be inscribed, monitored and changed in the free parameter list. • Simubox: The Simubox software implements the functions of the operator panel with display. The display can be monitored on the PC via an online connection and the key functions can be initiated. • Scope: Scope can be used by the user to record the progress of parameters.

Fault memory

The last 10 events are recorded in the fault memory. To obtain an exact overview of the fault situation, the following values are read and stored at the time the fault occurred. • • • • • • • • •

Fault Cause (if it can be determined) Operating time when the event occurred Active axis Device state Speed DC link voltage Current (motor or device) Temperature of the device

The fault memory is not reset when a new application is transferred. It has 10 positions which are assigned in succession when faults occur. When all items are full, the oldest entry is overwritten when the next fault occurs.

Reading the fault memory requires an online connection. It is opened in the inverter directory under "Diagnosis"\"Fault memory." The display of the fault memory is updated when it is opened.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Free parameter list

The free parameter list is used to indicate and change a selection of parameters adjusted to the application. The list is opened in the inverter directory under "Commissioning / Free parameter list." The following screen appears.

To enter a parameter in the list, its coordinates must be entered in the field in the upper, left-hand corner. With a global parameter, the letter of the group and its number (e.g., A10) is sufficient. When an axis parameter is to be inserted, the axis no. must be stated (e.g., 3.I09: Parameter I09 from axis 3). Parameter elements can also be entered (e.g., A10.1). If the parameter is not entered correctly in the field, it is not accepted. When a recording with the scope functionality is started, the parameters entered in the list are copied with the current value to the info directory of the recording. Simubox

Simubox is a piece of software to simulate the operator panel on the MDS 5000. Simubox can be used to monitor the display on the PC and to press keys. This makes it possible to perform commissioning in local mode, for instance, when the inverter is installed in an inaccessible place.

Simubox is opened in the inverter directory under "Commissioning"\"Simubox." Simubox can only be used in online mode. If it is opened in offline mode, a display like the one above appears. Simubox is also available as a stand-alone application (i.e., it can be opened regardless of POSITool).


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Scope

The Scope function is used to record values. It is called in the inverter directory under "Commissioning"\"Scope - new recording." Settings can always be made. Acceptance is only possible during online mode.


The status is indicated in the upper, left-hand corner of the screen. The buttons "Read," "Start" and "Stop" are used to control the recording. The box to the right of the buttons is used to activate the automatic read-in. Recordings are managed with "Save," "Delete," "Info…," and "Export." A stored recording appears in the inverter directory under "Commissioning." It can be called again from there. Names and remarks pertaining to a stored recording can be called under "Info." The dialog is automatically called during saving. The measured values are exported to an Excel file with "Export." The user can use the data for other forms of presentation.

Channel selection

The dialog for selection of the parameters to be recorded is located under the "Channel selection + trigger" button.

First, the area in which the parameter to be recorded is stored must be specified in the dialog screen. The parameter is then selected. If applications are selected via the configuration assistants, some of the channels are preassigned.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Trigger

A trigger condition must then be specified. The trigger condition defines the recording time together with the pre-trigger and the scanning time. The scanning time determines the duration of recording. It is indicated at the bottom left. An event is defined by the trigger condition. The pre-trigger specifies which time period will be recorded before the event. Example: Total recording time: 5 seconds Pre-trigger: 40% Result: Recording is made two seconds before the event (40%) and three seconds afterwards. When the dialog screen is confirmed with "OK," the settings are accepted but Scope is not started before the "OK and start Scope" button is pressed. "Terminate" rejects the settings.


When a recording is finished and read, the characteristic curves can be selected via the buttons on the right-hand side. The recorded parameters are specified (e.g., E08) with the occupied channels. The complete parameter designation is located under the buttons. The second indication specifies the set scaling.

Color selection for the channels

The buttons under the indications can be used to change the representation of the characteristic curve.

Shift the characteristic curve of the activated channel up or down by one grid interval. + Key + shift key: Shift by one pixel. + Ctrl key: Shift to the next grid line. + Ctrl + shift key: Shift to middle of the image. Enlarge/reduce the scaling of the channel; + Ctrl key: Auto scaling Indicate/hide the channel Inverted indication of the channel Indicate the zero line of the channel Indication of a value in individual bits. Can only be used for wholenumber parameters without positions after the decimal point and not with selection parameters. The user can specify the color of the characteristic curve by clicking the colored field with the left mouse button.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


5. POSITool Time axis

The following field is used to change the representation of the time axis. The indication shows the current scaling.

The buttons have the following functions. Shift the image to the right/left by one grid interval Shift key: Shift the image by 1 pixel Ctrl key: Shift the image to the next grid line Ctrl + shift key: Shift the image to the middle of the image. Enlarge/reduce the scaling of the x-axis Ctrl key: Auto scaling Type of indication of the measured values interpolated or in step format (presetting: interpolated).


Eight markers (M1 to M8) are available for precise analysis of the recorded values. Each marker has two measuring points (A and B). The buttons control the following functions: Switch on/off the selected marker Selection of a selected marker Selection of the color for the selected marker Indication of the measured value window Select the left marker point (A) for the shift. Select the left marker point (B) for the shift. Select both marker points (A+B) for the simultaneous shift. Shift the selected marker to the left or to the right (A, B or A+B); Shift key: Shift by 1 pixel.


Additional functions can be called with the "Service" button. When the button is pressed, "Start reference value generator," Simubox and the free parameter list are indicated.

The functions are used for quick optimization. The user can proceed as shown below. 1. Set the reference value generator via the parameters D93, D94 and D95 and start the drive via the button. 2. Make a record of the movement with Scope. 3. The parameters to be changed are entered in the free parameter list and adjusted. 4. This procedure is repeated until the drive is optimally adjusted.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings 6



The following chapter gives you guidelines on important settings such as the parameterization of: • Motor and control mode • Mechanical halting brake • Encoder • Braking resistor Important information is then given on topics such as actions or the setting of control and status signals.


Motor and Control Mode


Asynchronous and servo motors can be operated on the MDS inverter. Specifications and control mode must be given so that the motors can be controlled correctly. The control mode is specified in B20. For servo motors, select "64:Servo-control." Asynchronous machines can be operated without speed feedback in the control mode "0:V/f-control." The selection "2:Vector control" is available for asynchronous motors with feedback. B20 can be set before or after the motor data are entered. It is listed in the following descriptions to give you an overview. There are several ways to enter the motor data. • Selection of a STÖBER standard motor in the configuration assistant. • Use of an electronic nameplate for ED and EK servo motors. • Direct entry in the parameter lists. Proceed as shown below to select a STÖBER standard motor in the configuration assistant.

Setting the motor in the configuration assistant

; Open the configuration assistant (via program start or in the project directory). ; Proceed up to step 5. ; From the selections, set the correct motor list (e.g., "synchronous motor" and "EK motor"). ; In the table, click the applicable motor type and exit the assistant. ; In the parameter B20, enter the appropriate control mode. Result: The motor data and the control mode are correctly entered.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings Electronic nameplate

ED/EK STÖBER motors are available with electronic single and multi-turn encoders. These encoders offer a special parameter memory. STÖBER always places all motor data including any existing halting brake in this memory to provide an "electronic nameplate." Proceed as shown below to utilize the data of the electronic nameplate.

All motor data from the electronic ; Check to determine whether you have an encoder with an electronic nameplate. nameplate ; Parameterize the encoder interface X4 in B26 and activate the interface in H00 with "64:EnDat." ; Enter the control mode "64:Servo-control" in B20. ; Set the parameter B06 to "0:El. motor-type." ; In the parameter B04, select the setting "1:All data." ; Go online and transfer the settings to the inverter. ; Save the settings with A00 Save values (cf. chap. 6.8). ; Perform a device new start. Result: The motor data and the type of control are entered in the parameters. Any manual changes to the motor data are only valid until the next power-off - power-on, even when the changes were stored non-volatilely in Paramodule. In addition, the commutation offset from the electronic nameplate can be used exclusively. Only the commutation offset from ; Check to determine whether you have an encoder with an electronic nameplate. the electronic nameplate ; Parameterize the encoder interface X4 in B26 and activate the interface in H00 with "64:EnDat." ; Enter the control mode "64:Servo-control" in B20. ; Set the parameter B06 to "0:El. motor-type." ; In the parameter B04, select the setting "1:Commutation offset." ; Go online and transfer the settings to the inverter. ; Save the settings with A00 Save values (cf. chap. 6.8). ; Perform a device new start. Result: The motor data and the type of control are entered in the parameters. Notes: 1. After a change of the parameters B06 and B04, correct evaluation of the electronic nameplate is only ensured after a device new start. 2. Electronic nameplates of other motor manufacturers cannot be evaluated with the MDS 5000. 3. In control type 0:V/f-control, no current or torque limitation occurs. Also connection to a rotating motor is not possible ("capture"). Motors of other manufacturers and special motors

The specifications of motors which do not have an electronic nameplate and cannot be selected in the configuration assistant must be entered in the parameter list. Depending on the motor type and the type of control, different parameters must sometimes be used.

Direct entry of the motor data

In B20, select the appropriate control mode. In B06, enter "1:User defined." Then edit the following parameters. B02 Back EMF (only for servo motors) B05 Commutation-offset (only for servo control) B10 Motor-poles B11 Nominal motor power B12 Nominal motor current B13 Nominal motor speed B14 Nominal motor voltage (only for asynchronous motors) B15 Nominal motor frequency (only for asynchronous motors) B16 cos(phi) (only for asynchronous motors) B17 T0 (only for servo control) B52 Stator inductance B53 Stator winding resistance ; B62 Motor inertia ; B73 and B74 for an optimized i2t model ; You can also enter the type designation in parameter B00 Motor type (max. of 16 characters). ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Result: The motor data and the type of control are entered in the parameters.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings Current controller

Parameters B64 to B68 pertain to the setting of the current controller. If an initial test with the default settings of the parameters does not provide the desired results, we recommend using the current controller optimization. It is performed with the action B42 Optimize current controller (cf. chap. 6.8). Afterwards, save the measured values with A00 Save values (cf. chap. 6.8).

Thermal model

The parameters B70, B71 and B72 describe a motor model for the protection of the motor. The default values are usually sufficient.

Limit values

The parameters B82 I-max and B83 n-max motor are limit values which may never be exceeded. Notes: • Since parameters in the list are indicated or hidden based on how B20 is set, all parameters are not always visible for each setting.




Different encoder systems can be run on the MDS 5000. Several interfaces are available on the inverter. The interfaces must be selected in the parameter B26 Motor encoder. Interface X4 which is the interface integrated in the basic system is entered as the default setting. The motor encoder can also be deactivated or set to BE encoder, X120 or X140. Below is a description of how to make the settings for one interface and one encoder system. Use the titles in the left margin for orientation. We assume that an encoder system and the appropriate interface have already been chosen for your drive. The settings for the simulation of encoder signals is described in this chapter.

Deactivating the motor encoder

Select B26="0:inactive" when an asynchronous motor without speed feedback is to be used (B20=0:V/f-control). This setting is not permitted when servo motors or vector control are used.

Interface X4

; From the parameter list, select the parameter B26. ; In B26, set "2:X4-encoder." ; Open group H.. in the parameter list. ; In H00, set the encoder system which you want to run on X4. Optical and inductive (EnDat®), HTL, TTL and SSI master signals can be evaluated. ; Make further parameter assignments in H02, H08 and H09.

BE encoder

; Open the configuration assistant and select step 6. ; In option 2, enter one of the selections SEA 5000, REA 5000 or XEA 5000 and make sure that the selected option is actually installed on the inverter. ; Exit the configuration assistant. ; In B26, enter "1:BE-encoder." ; In H40, select whether you are connecting stepper motor signals or an incremental encoder. ; Make further parameter assignments in H41 and H42. Notes: When a BE encoder is used, the binary inputs should not be used for any other function in the application.

Interface X140

; Open the configuration assistant and select step 6. ; In option 2, enter the selection REA 5000 and make sure that the option is actually installed on the inverter. ; Exit the configuration assistant. ; In B26, enter "3:X140-resolver." ; Activate H140 with the setting "66:Resolver." ; Make further parameter assignments in H142 and H148.

Interface X120

; Open the configuration assistant and select step 6.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings


; In option 2, enter the selection XEA 5000 and make sure that the option is actually installed on the inverter. ; Exit the configuration assistant. ; In B26, enter "4:X120-encoder." ; In H120, set the encoder system which you want to run on X120. Incremental encoders, stepper motor signals, and SSI master and SSI slave encoders can be evaluated. ; Make further parameter assignments in H121, H122, H125 and H126. ; When connecting the encoders, adhere to the mounting guidelines (impr. no. 441688)! ; Not all encoder systems are suitable for servo control. In the selections of the H.. parameters H00, H40, H120 and H140, the functions with servo capability are the ones with numbers greater than or equal to 64. Example: H00="64: EnDat." ; If it is determined during device startup that an SSI encoder is parameterized on an interface, the device waits in device status "self test" until an SSI encoder is detected on the interface. While waiting for the SSI encoder, one of the following indications which varies depending on the SSI interface appears on the display.

waiting for X120-SSI-encoder

This indication appears when an SSI encoder is expected on X120 and the inverter is the SSI master (setting H120=67:SSI-Master). The SSI master sends the encoder the request to transmit the positions.

waiting for X120-SSI-slave

The indication specifies that an SSI encoder is expected on X120 and the inverter is an SSI slave (setting H120=68:SSI-Slave). An SSI slave receives the same signal as the master but does not send requests to the encoder.

waiting for X4-SSI-encoder

This indication appears when an SSI encoder is expected on X4 and the inverter is the SSI master (setting H00=65:SSI-Master). When no encoder is detected within a waiting time of several seconds, the inverter changes to the next device state. If the encoder is needed for position control, fault 37 is triggered with the cause "17:X120-wirebreak."




Motors with holding brakes can be connected to the MDS 5000. There are two ways to activate the brake. A brake control is integrated in some of the applications defined by STÖBER. You can activate the brake control in parameter F08. Further settings are made in F01, F02, F06 and F07. In addition, a signal source can be parameterized in F100. The signal for releasing the brake can be given via the source. F100 is a global parameter and is available to all applications. Notes: • When connecting the brake, adhere to the mounting guidelines (impr. no. 441688)! • Before using an application, check to determine whether a brake control is integrated. • When the electronic nameplate is used, F06 and F07 are automatically entered.


Braking Resistor


To remove excess braking energy from the DC link, a brake resistor can be connected to the MDS inverter. Parameters A21, A22 and A23 are available for the settings. Enter the value 0 in A22 and the activation of the braking resistor is deactivated. For which braking resistors are available for the MDS system, see chapter 7 of the mounting guidelines (impr. no. 441688). When connecting the brake resistor, adhere to chapter 5 of the mounting guidelines. MDS inverter of design 3 have an internal braking resistor. You can activate the internal braking resistor by entering a value other than 0 in A22 (e.g., 10). No additional entries are necessary.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings 6.5

Axis Management


Management of the axes takes place in the global area. Management means the unique control of a maximum of one axis. All axes can be deactivated. The display of the inverter shows which axis is active or whether there is an active axis. See chapter 4.4.

Combinations of axis and motor

The axes of the MDS system can be combined with motors in different ways. For instance, when only one motor is connected directly to the inverter, several axes can be allocated with applications and switched. In this case, the axes function like parameter sets. Axis management

Axis 1 (= "parameter set 1") #


I/O X3

Axis 2 (= "parameter set 2") Axis 3 (="parameter set 3") Axis 4 (="parameter set 4")

Motor 1

No axis active ! An inverter can sequentially control up to four motors. The POSISwitch® AX 5000 option ® must be used for this. POSISwitch AX 5000 is activated by the inverter via encoder ® interface X4 (see mounting and commissioning instructions for POSISwitch AX 5000, ® publ. no. 441689). Servo motors with EnDat absolute encoders are connected to ® POSISwitch . Axes can be used like parameter sets with POSISwitch® AX 5000 too. The axis-motor combination is determined with parameter H08. Separate and defined information exists ® for each axis as to which encoder is being activated by the axis on POSISwitch AX 5000. In our example, the motor on encoder port 3 ("Enc3") is selected for axis 1.


Selection of an axis is binary-coded via the signals axis-selector bit 0 and axis-selector bit 1. The axis disable signal can be used to disable all axes regardless of the state of the axis selectors. For which parameters can be used to access these signals, see the descriptions of the applications. You can view the status of axis management in the parameters E84 and E200, bits 3 to 5. Note! A switch of the axis selectors is only accepted by axis management when the drive is not in the device status "4:enabled." CAUTION! The option startup disable ASP 5000 may not be active when an axis is switched!


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings 6.6

Local Operation






The drive can be switched to local operation for each application. Local operation is controlled via the operator panel on the inverter (see chapter 4.2). The key is used to change to local operation. Pressing the I/O key enables or withdraws the enable. When the key is pressed at any time during local operation, the drive changes back to normal operation. The enable chain of the application becomes effective! The drive can start moving! / keys. The stored application determines how an axis is handled with the

Control and Stauts Signals

Signal position

This chapter discusses the linking of control and status signals with the application. The system of the control signals will now be explained with the example of "quick stop." A62 Auswahlofder Selection the Signalquelle für signal source Schnellhalt for quick stop

A302: A302:Schnellhalt quick stop

BE1 X101.11 BE2 X101.12

. . . .

Signalverarbeitung in Signal processing by der Applikation the application

A180.2 Wird Feldbus Is vom written by beschrieben the fieldbus

Signal source selection

The signal can be provided on various binary inputs or via fieldbus. The user makes the selection with a selector (A62 here). In addition, an indicator parameter exists which shows the signal status (A302 here). The application descriptions list selection, fieldbus and indicator parameters for each signal. A selection must also be made so that status signals of the application can be processed. The routine is explained with the example of "reference value reached." F61 BA1

andere Other Signale signals

D181:Reference Sollwert D181: erreicht value reached

Signalverarbeitung in Signal processing by der the Applikation application


F62 andere Other Signale signals

BA2 X101.17

. . . . D200.1 Wird Is vom readFeldbus from ausgelesen the fieldbus

A signal must be assigned to an output (binary outputs, analog outputs, parameter) so


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings that the status signals of the application can be sampled. There is a parameter for each output in which the signals available for the particular application can be selected. Parameters F61 and F62 are used for the binary outputs shown in the diagram. At the same time, the signal is written in a parameter (D200.1 here). This parameter can be read from a fieldbus system. The indicator parameter (D181 in the diagram) shows the signal state after handling by the application. It is used to check the signal path. The application description specifies for each signal the possible outputs and the related selection parameters as well as the fieldbus and indicator parameter. 6.8



Actions are functions which are executed by the inverter after their start. The MDS system offers the following actions. • • • • • • •

A00 Save values A37 Reset memorized values B40 Phase test B41 Autotune motor B42 Optimize current controller B43 Winding test D96 Reference value generator

The actions are array parameters with three elements. You can start the action via the first element. The second element shows you the action's progress. Element 3 shows the result. You can start an action via every interface (operator panel on the inverter, fieldbus or POSITool in online mode). A00 Save values

When you activate A00.0, the inverter's current configuration and the parameter values are stored in Paramodule, safe from loss due to a power failure. After power-off, the inverter starts with the configuration stored in Paramodule. When it is determined during the saving procedure that the configuration data in Paramodule and the inverter are identical, only the parameters are stored. This speeds up the procedure. You can read the following results from the third element (A00.2). 0:error free 10:write error 11:invalid data 12:write error With the results 10 to 12 an error was determined while saving to Paramodule. If the results occur repeatedly, a exchange of Paramodule may be helpful.

A37 Reset memorized values

The action A37 resets memorized values E33 to E38. The action can be started in A37.0. The action offers the following result (A37.2): 0:error free.

B40 Phase test

Activate B40.0 to start the phase test. The phase test can only be used with servo motors. The test checks to determine whether phases were mixed up when the motor was connected or whether the number of motor poles is set correctly. In addition, the commutation offset is measured. If a resolver is connected, an amplitude offset of the sine and cosine tracks is performed (improved speed controller performance). This offset is stored directly on the REA 5000. This is why the action must be performed again when the resolver or option board is replaced. This action may cause the motor shaft to move. Make sure that the motor can turn freely during the action! During activation, the enable must be inactive. If you have started the action in B40.0, you must activate the enable. After the action was concluded, you must turn the enable off again. You can then read the measured commutation offset in B05. During the action, the cycle time is set internally to 32 msec. The switch occurs when the action is activated. When a quick stop is triggered during the end phase of the action, the drive is halted immediately. You can read the following results from the third element (B40.2).


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings 0:error free: 1:aborted: 2:phase order: 3:motor poles: 4:commutation offset: 5:test run:

B41 Autotune motor

The action was executed without errors and concluded. The action was aborted by turning off the enable. It was found that two phases were mixed up. The determined number of poles is not the value in B10. The measured commutation offset is not B05. A test run with the measured commutation offset could not be performed.

Activate the action to measure resistance (B53) and inductivity (B52) of the motor for servo motors. With asynchronous motors, only the resistance (B53) is determined. This action may cause the motor shaft to move. Make sure that the motor can turn freely during the action! During activation, the enable must be inactive. If you have started the action in B41.0, you must activate the enable. After the action was concluded, you must turn the enable off again. You can then read the measured values in B53 and B52. During the action, the cycle time is set internally to 32 msec. The switch occurs when the action is activated. You can read the following results from the third element (B41.2). 0:error free: The action was executed without errors and concluded. 1:aborted: The action was aborted by turning off the enable.

B42 Optimize current controller

When you start the action, the parameters of the current controller are specified again (B64 to B68). During the action, the motor turns at approx. 2000 Rpm. For this reason, make sure that the motor is operated at this speed and is able to turn freely! During the action, you may hear clicking noises at regular intervals. The action may take up to 20 minutes. During activation, the enable must be inactive. If you have started the action in B42.0, you must activate the enable. After the action was concluded, you must turn the enable off again. You can then read the measured values in B64 and B68. After you have enabled the action via local operator control, the action can only be aborted with a very long delay by deactivating the enable! If a quick stop request occurs during the action, the drive is halted immediately. For the duration of the action, the cycle time is set internally to 32 msec. The switch occurs when the action is activated. You can read the following results from the third element (B42.2). 0:error free: The action was executed without errors and concluded. 1:aborted: The action was aborted by turning off the enable.

B43 Winding test

When you start the action, the symmetry of the ohmic resistors of the motor windings are checked. During the action, the motor shaft may move. Make sure that the motor can turn freely during the action! During activation, the enable must be inactive. If you have started the action in B43.0, you must activate the enable. After the action was concluded, you must turn the enable off again. During the action, the cycle time is set internally to 32 msec. The switch occurs when the action is activated. You can read the following results from the third element (B43.2). 0:error free: The action was executed without errors and concluded. 1:aborted: The action was aborted by turning off the enable. 2: R_SYM_U: The resistance of phase U differs significantly from that of the other phases. 3: R_SYM_V: Same as 2 4: R_SYM_W: Same as 2 5: POLAR_SYM_U: An asymmetry was determined when the polarity changed. 6: POLAR_SYM_V: Same as 5 7: POLAR_SYM_W: Same as 5 Results 5 to 7 are usually an indication of an inverter error.

D96 Reference value generator

When you start the action, a square-shaped reference value is specified for the motor.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


6. Primary Settings You can parameterize the reference value in D93 to D95. The reference value specification causes the motor axis to move. For this reason, make sure that the motor is able to turn freely during the action! During activation, the enable must be inactive. If you have started the action in D96.0, you must activate the enable. The action can only be concluded by turning off the enable and quick stop! With a quick stop signal, the drive is halted immediately. During the action, the cycle time is set internally to 32 msec. The switch occurs when the action is activated. You can read the following result from the third element (D96.2). 1:aborted: The action was aborted by turning off the enable.


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


7. Applications 7



This chapter introduces the applications defined by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK. The following table gives you a short description of the applications. The specific functions for the application are specified. Using the table, select the application which fits your requirements. You will find the detailed application description under the name specified in the column "PDF Document" on the Internet (www.stoeber.de) or on the product CD " STÖBER ELECTRONICS 5000." Read the detailed description before you use an application on the MDS inverter. Add the application description to this document to obtain a complete description of the system. This procedure is used by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK to enable you to make a quick and specific selection.

Application description

The application description contains a detailed description of the fundamental functions and the extra features. In addition, it includes the presentation of the input and output signals for the global and the axis area as well as a list of the parameters available for the application.




PDF Document

Fast reference value

Speed control

Control: - Direction of rotation - Reference value specification via bus or analog input - Variable torque limit - Relative reference value

Status: - Standstill - Torque limit reached - Relative reference value

Command positioning

Position control, control via PLCopen commands

Control: - Rotary axis or limited position range can be selected. - Position specification with speed and acceleration braking ramp - HW Stop input (limit switch) - Inching mode - Reference function - POSIlatch - Motion ID - Switching points - Cam - Speed override - Variable torque limit

441729.pdf (D) Status: 441730.pdf (GB) - Current position 441731.pdf (F) - At stop input (limit switch) - Status of the drive task (refused/terminated, in position, in reference, etc.) - Local mode active - Status after PLCopen - Status of POSIlatch - Status of motion ID

Synchronous command positioning

Position control with master slave functionality via PLCopen commands, electronic gearing with variable gearing factor

Control: - Rotary axis or limited position range can be selected. - Position specification with speed and acceleration braking ramp - HW Stop input (limit switch) - Inching mode - Reference function - Motion ID - Speed override - Variable torque limit

441729.pdf (D) Status: 441730.pdf (GB) - Current position 441731.pdf (F) - At stop input (limit switch) - Status of the drive task (refused/terminated, in position, in reference, etc.) - Local mode active - Status after PLCopen - Status Motion ID

441717.pdf (D) 441727.pdf (GB) 441728.pdf (F)


POSIDRIVE® MDS 5000 – Application Manual


7. Applications Name



PDF Document

Under preparation Master-Slave El. Cam

Position control with master slave functionality, any coupling can be implemented via table

(Under preparation)

441795.pdf (D) 441796.pdf (GB) 441797.pdf (F)

Motion block positioning

Position control with synchronization functionality via process blocks and processing profiles.

Control: - Command specification in process blocks - A profile can be defined for each process block. - Execution of the process blocks with chaining or direct activation via ref. value selectors/parameters - Rotary axis or limited position range can be selected. - Position specification with speed and acceleration braking ramp - Stop input (limit switch) - Inching mode - Reference function - Speed override - POSILatch - Switching points - Cam

441781.pdf (D) Status: 441782.pdf (GB) - Current position - At stop input (limit switch) 441783.pdf (F) - Status of the drive task (refused/terminated, in position, in reference) - Local mode active - Status after PLCopen - Status of POSILatch

Interpolated Position Mode STÖBER specific

Cyclic position specification via CAN bus

Control: - Position specification (absoute or relative) - Stop input (limit switch) - Inching mode - Reference function - Speed override - POSILatch - Variable torque limit

441784.pdf (D) Status: 441785.pdf (GB) - Current position - At stop input (limit switch) 441786.pdf (F) - Status of the drive task (refused/terminated, in position, in reference) - Local mode active - Status of POSILatch

Under preparation Interpolated Position Mode In acc. to DSP 402

Cyclic position specification via CAN bus Similar to DSP 402

Control: - Position specification (absoute) - Stop input (limit switch) - Inching mode - Reference function - Speed override - POSILatch - Variable torque limit

441790.pdf (D) Status: 441791.pdf (GB) - Current position - At stop input (limit switch) 441792.pdf (F) - Status of the drive task (refused/terminated, in position, in reference) - Local mode active - Status of POSILatch





STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 910103 75091 Pforzheim

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07231 582-0 07231 582-1000 [email protected]

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STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 85 58454 Witten

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02302 98494-0 02302 98494-50 [email protected]

Zugehörige Technische Büros: Norddeutschland 20000 - 23919 24000 - 29999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Stefan Hildebrandt Bei den roten Höfen 4 21698 Harsefeld

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04164 811904 04164 811905 [email protected]

Münster 33000 - 33599 33600 - 33899 33900 - 33999 48000 - 49999 59200 - 59329 59470 - 59699

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Markus Merker Grottenkamp 28 48565 Steinfurt

Fon Fax eMail

02552 610271 02552 610272 [email protected]

Dortmund West 40000 - 41999 46000 - 47999 50000 - 50999 52000 - 53999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Jürgen Volkmuth Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 85 58454 Witten

Fon Fax eMail

02302 98494-0 02302 98494-50 [email protected]

Dortmund Ost 42000 - 45999 51000 - 51999 57000 - 59199 59330 - 59469 59700 - 59999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Detlef Mock Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 85 58454 Witten

Fon Fax eMail

02302 98494-0 02302 98494-50 [email protected]

Hannover 30000 - 32999 34330 - 34549 37000 - 37199 37400 - 38799

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Arne Hülsmeier Holbeinstraße 43 49525 Lengerich

Fon Fax eMail

05481 903946 05481 903974 [email protected]

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-0 07231 582-1000 [email protected]

Vertriebsgebiet Mitte: Zentrale

Zugehörige Technische Büros: Saar-Pfalz 54000 - 56999 65000 - 66919 67200 - 67319 67500 - 67999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Roland Dillmann Black & Decker-Str. 1 65510 Idstein

Fon Fax eMail

06126 989406 06126 55499 [email protected]

Wiesbaden 34000 - 34329 34550 - 36399 37200 - 37299 60000 - 64999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Jens Thomas Black & Decker-Str. 1 65510 Idstein

Fon Fax eMail

06126 989405 06126 55499 [email protected]

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-0 07231 582-1000 [email protected]

Vertriebsgebiet Süd: Zentrale

Stand: 06.05.2004



Zugehörige Technische Büros: Pforzheim Süd 71000 - 71299 75100 - 75399

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Günter Großmann Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-1229 07231 582-1349 [email protected]

Pforzheim Nord 70000 - 70999 71300 - 71499 71600 - 71999 74000 - 74172 74300 - 74399 75400 - 75999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Philipp Gerstner Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-1217 07231 582-1349 [email protected]

Nordbaden 66920 - 67199 67320 - 67499 68000 - 69999 74173 - 74299 74600 - 75099 76600 - 76999 97860 - 97999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Stefan Rotterdam Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-1149 07231 582-1349 [email protected]

Südbaden 72190 - 72299 76000 - 76599 77000 - 77999 78090 - 78149 79000 - 79999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Daniel Lohse Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-1114 07231 582-1349 [email protected]

Reutlingen 72000 - 72189 72300 - 72999 78000 - 78089 78150 - 78999 88000 - 89299 89570 - 89999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Wilhelm Haydt Gerh.-Hauptmann-Str. 53 72793 Pfullingen

Fon Fax eMail

07121 994035 07121 994036 [email protected]

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STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Klaus Buschko Meisenweg 25 72589 Westerheim

Fon Fax eMail

07333 950773 07333 950774 [email protected]

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STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Udo Cyrol Industriestraße 20 a 91353 Hausen

Fon Fax eMail

09191 616890 09191 734538 [email protected]

Nürnberg 85000 - 85199 90000 - 93999 95000 - 96499 97000 - 97859

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Wolfgang Lukas Industriestraße 20 a 91353 Hausen

Fon Fax eMail

09191 734537 09191 734538 [email protected]

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 910103, 75091 Pforzheim Kieselbronner Straße 12, 75177 Pforzheim

Fon Fax eMail

07231 582-0 07231 582-1000 [email protected]

Vertriebsgebiet Ost: Zentrale

Zugehörige Technische Büros: Berlin / Brandenburg 06000 - 06599 06730 - 07299 10000 - 19999 23920 - 23999 38800 - 39999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Bernd Weise Werneuchener Weg 9 15345 Altlandsberg

Fon Fax eMail

033438 5731 033438 5732 [email protected]

Lichtenstein 00000 - 05999 06600 - 06729 07300 - 09999 36400 - 36999 37300 - 37399 96500 - 96999 98000 - 99999

STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG Jürgen Stolper Günsbacher Straße 4 09350 Lichtenstein

Fon Fax eMail

037204 2985 037204 2986 [email protected]

Stand: 06.05.2004




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Phone +43 7613 76000 Fax +43 7613 76009 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +33 4 72132438 Fax +33 4 72132457 eMail [email protected]

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STOBER DRIVES LTD. Unit 9, Abbeymead Industrial Park Brooker Road, Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 1HU

Phone +44 1992 709710 Fax +44 1992 714111 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +39 02 93909-570 Fax +39 02 93909-325 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +48 71 3207417 Fax +48 71 3207417 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +1 606 7595090 Fax +1 606 7595045 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +45 73 121212 Fax +45 73 121213 eMail [email protected]

Stand: 19.07.2004




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Phone +47 67 572270 Fax +47 67 572280 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +51 1 3490184 / 3494011 Fax +51 1 4370073 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +63 2 2418901 to 05 Fax +63 2 2414060 eMail [email protected]

South Africa

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Phone +34 94 3297809 Fax +34 94 3297810 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +46 8 7278800 Fax +46 8 7278899 eMail [email protected]


INDUR ANTRIEBSTECHNIK AG Margarethenstraße 87 4008 Basel

Phone +41 61 2792900 Fax +41 61 2792910 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +66 2 3153331 / 3153332 Fax +66 2 3153663 eMail [email protected]


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Phone +90 216 5406026 Fax +90 216 5406030 eMail [email protected]


Stand: 19.07.2004

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GmbH + Co. KG

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