Pirate Codex Complete [PDF]

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PIRATE CODEX Lords: 1 Captain of the Ship: 140 M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 7 5 4 4 4 7 5 9

Special Rules: Festooned with Pistols, A Pirate’s life fer me, Cause Fear, Captain’s Command, General Equipment: Hand Weapon, Light Armour Upgrades: Great weapon: 6 points Repeater Pistol (replaces one pistol): 10 points May be given 100 points worth of magic items from the pirate’s magic item list or the common items list. First Mate*: 100 M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 6 5 4 4 3 6 4 9

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Festooned with Pistols, Captain’s Command Equipment: Hand Weapon, Light Armour Upgrades: Great weapon: 6 points Repeater Pistol (replaces one pistol): 10 points May be given 100 points worth of magic items from the pirate’s magic item list or the common items list. He may also take Arcane Items, but bear in mind that he can not cast spells. * you may only take a First Mate if you have a captain.

Heroes: Helms-man: 75 M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 5 3 3 4 2 5 2 8

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Festooned with Pistols, Helms-man’s Command Equipment: Hand Weapon, Light Armour May be given 50 points worth of magic items from the pirate’s magic item list or the common items list. Navigator: 65 M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 4 3 4 2 4 1 8

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Festooned with Pistols, Navigator’s Command Equipment: Hand Weapon, Light Armour May be given 50 points worth of magic items from the pirate’s magic item list or the common items list.

Second Mate*: 85 M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Festooned with Pistols, Captain’s Command Equipment: Hand Weapon, Light Armour Upgrades: Great weapon: 3 points Repeater Pistol (replaces one pistol): 5 points May be given 75 points worth of magic items from the pirate’s magic item list or the common items list. He may also take Arcane Items, but bear in mind that he can not cast spells. *For an additional 25 points, one Second Mate may become a standard bearer. He may take any magic standard from the common or pirate’s magic list with no points limitation, though he may not take any other magic item.

Core: Human Buccaneers: 5 points each Buccaneer: Champion:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me Unit Size: 20+ Equipment: Hand weapon Upgrades: May take one of the following: Brace with Pistols: 7 points per model Additional Hand weapon: 2 points per model Great Axes (Great Weapons): 2 points per model Buckler: 1 point per model May also take: Light Armour: 1 point per model Command: Champion: 8 points Standard: 8 points Musician: 4 points (May take the Skull and Crossbones banner for 25 points)

If the models in the unit are armed with Pistols, they gain the ‘Festooned with Pistols’ special rule.

Dwarf Axe-men: 11 points each Axe-man: Champion:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 3 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Hatred (Orcs, Goblins, and Snotlings), Resolute, Relentless Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Heavy Armour, Great Axe (Great Weapon) Command: Champion: 10 points Standard: 10 points Musician: 5 points Orcish Pirates: 6 points each Orc: Big ‘Un:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7 4 4 3 4 4 1 2 2 7

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Animosity Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Choppa, Light armour Upgrades: Additional Choppa: 2 points per model Shield: 1 point per model Great Weapon: 2 points per model Command: Big ‘Un: 15 points Standard: 10 points Musician: 5 points

Special: Cannoneers: 30 points each Cannoneer:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Pirate Cannons, Festooned with Pistols, Skirmishers Unit Size: 3-12 Equipment: Pirate Cannon, light armour Slayer Pirates: 13 points each M WS BS S T W I A Ld Slayer Pirate: 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 10 Champion: 3 4 3 3 4 1 3 2 10

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Festooned with Pistols, Unbreakable, Slayer, Hatred (Orcs, Goblins, and Snotlings), Resolute, Relentless Unit Size: 10-30 Equipment: Brace of Pistols Command: Champion: 8 points Standard: 8 Points Musician: 4 points (May take the Skull and Crossbones banner for 25 points)

Drunken Brawlers: 15 points each Brawler: Champion:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 9 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 2 9

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Stubborn, Drunk, Skirmishers, Hatred (Orcs, Goblins, and Snotlings), Resolute, Relentless Unit Size: 10+ Equipment: Fists, mugs, broken bottles, small crew mates and whatever else they can get their hands on (counts as two hand weapons) Command: Champion: 10 points Musician: 5 points Standard: 10 points

Rare: Pirate Marauders: 15 points each Marauder: Champion:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 9 4 5 3 4 4 1 5 3 9

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me, Magical Attacks, Cause Fear Unit Size: 5+ Equipment: Must take one: Sword of Striking: 5 points per model Sword of Might: 5 points per model Sword of Battle: 4 points per model Biting Blade: 2 points per model And/or Enchanted Shield: 3 points per model Talisman of Protection: 2 points per model Command: Champion: 15 points (Champion may take any magic weapon from the common or pirate magic weapons list up to 25 points instead of taking one from the above list)

Musician: 10 Standard Bearer: 15 points (May take any magic standard worth up to 50 points from the common or pirate magic weapons list)

Pirate Cannon Brigade: 80 points Cannon: Crew:

M WS BS S T W I A Ld - - - - 7 3 - - 4 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 7

Special Rules: A Pirate’s life fer me Unit size: 1 cannon crew (a crew contains 3 crew members and 1 cannon) Every crew member may be outfitted with a brace of pistols (and therefore gain the rule Festooned with Pistols) for 20 points

Magic Items: Common Magic Items: Sword of Striking: 15 points Weapon; +1 to hit Sword of Battle: 10 points Weapon; +1 attack Sword of Might: 20 points Weapon; +1 strength Biting Blade: 10 points Weapon; Additional -1 armour save Enchanted Shield: 10 points Armour; 5+ armour save Talisman of Protection: 15 points Talisman; 6+ ward save Dispel Scroll: 25 points One time use Arcane; Automatically dispel one cast spell War Banner: 25 points Banner: +1 Combat resolution

Magic Weapons: Axe of Broken Bones: 50 points Counts as a Great Weapon. No armour saves allowed against this weapon Serpents Tongue: 50 points Grants the wielder +1 strength. The wielder benefits from the ‘Always Strikes First’ rule.

Sword of the Hydra’s Might: 40 points Grants the bearer +1 Attack, +1 to hit, and +1 strength. Slashing Knives: 35 points Counts as two hand weapons. Models attempting to hit the wielder of these blades suffers a -1 to hit in close combat(6 being the worst). Breeching Blade: 30 points All attacks made by the wielder ignore ward saves. Armour saves are modified by the wielder’s strength. May be used in conjunction with an additional non-magical hand weapon. Breaker Axe: 25 points Counts as a Great Weapon. If an opponent suffers a hit from this weapon, before wounding, the wielder may roll a die. If they roll a 4+, the wielder chooses to break either the magic armour or magic weapon of the opponent. The hit is then discounted. Golden Blade of the Captains: 20 points The wielder always hits on a 2+, regardless of weapon skill or any other modifiers and magic items.

Magic Armours: Giant’s Hide: 50 points Captain or First Mate only Counts as light armour. Grants the bearer +1 Toughness and +1 Wound. Beast Pelt: 45 Points Counts as light armour. Grants regeneration (4+) on the wearer. Angelic Plate: 40 points Counts as heavy armour. Once per combat phase (opponents or otherwise), the controlling player rolls a d6. On a 2-6, the wearer of this armour regains a wound. On a roll of a 1, the armour stops working and becomes a regular suit of heavy armour. Face’s of the Foe: 30 points Counts as a shield. The bearer causes Terror.

Talisman: Golden Gloves: 45 points Grants a 4+ ward save. Wyvern’s Ring: 30 points Grants a 5+ ward save. The bearer is immune to poison attacks. Swashbuckling Belt: 25 points Models trying to hit the bearer suffer an additional -1 to hit in close combat (6 being the worst). Smoke Screen: 15 points each One time use Models trying to hit the model using this item suffer an additional -1 to hit (6 being the worst). More than one character may have Smoke Screens, and a character may have more than one.

Enchanted Items:

Dragon’s Fire Vial: 40 Points Grants the bearer a Strength 4 breathe weapon. After use, roll a d6. On a 6, the vial wasn’t fully emptied and may be used again. Resonant Sheath: 30 points Bound Item: Level 4 The character (and all models in the unit) gain +1 attack in the following combat phase. Gobbo’s Loud Necklace: 25 points Bound Item: Level 3 This item automatically casts one command (as if cast from the bearer) Disrupting Charm: 25 points This item acts exactly like a dispel scroll, but any character can take it. Dwarven Amulet: 10 points This item confers Magic Resistance (1) on the bearer.

Magic Standards: Banner of the Unlucky Winds: 85 points Whenever you are granted dispel dice, double the amount of dispel dice in your dispel pool (to a maximum of 12) Battle Tatter Flag: 65 points This banner grants +d3 combat resolution to all units within 12” including the unit the bearer is joined with (in addition to the regular Battle Standard Bearer rules). Banner of the Guardian Air: 50 points Any unit with this banner gains a 5+ ward save against any and all shooting attacks and Magic Missiles. In addition, should the unit fail their panic test in the same turn that they took a wound from a shooting attack or Magic Missile, they may immediately move 4” as per normal movement rules (they may not charge).

Ghoul’s Hide Banner: 40 points Any unit with this banner counts their attacks as magical and poison. Skull and Crossbones: 25 points This unit causes fear until they fail a psychology test. Banner of False Weakness: 25 points Any model wishing to wound this unit counts all hits at +1 strength. However, the unit gets a 6+ ward save against any wound of Strength 1-3, a 5+ ward save against wounds of Strength 4-6, and a 4+ ward save against Strength 7-10. Stolen Banner of Calador: 20 points This units attacks count as magical and flaming. In addition, the unit is immune to flaming attacks. Flag of the Captain: 10 points This unit may reroll failed psychology tests. If the Captain of the Ship is

nearby, they may gain a second reroll, but they must keep the final roll, be it the second or the third.

Special Rules: ‘A Pirate’s life fer me…’: All pirates with this rule are use to living on the high seas. As long as they are not mounted, all models with this rule may move through rivers, marsh and other bodies of water with no movement penalties. In addition, enemy units suffer an additional -1 to hit units with this rule with missile attacks. In addition, since they have been pillaging for many years, more than one character in the army may take the same magic item from the common magic items list (not the pirate magic items list). This means two characters can have the Sword of Battle, and/or five characters may have the Enchanted Shield, but only one character can have the Serpents Tongue. ‘Festooned with Pistols’: Some pirates carry pistols to make up for their lack of strength. Models with this rule always count as having a brace of pistols. In addition, in close combat they count as having two hand weapons at strength 4, armour piercing. ‘Them be the Captain’s orders’: Any pirate unit within 8’ of the ‘Captain of the Ship’ may rerolled all failed psychology tests. Drunk: Dwarfs, and a few select humans, drink themselves silly on dwarven ale. Humans who can keep up with a dwarf are considered dwarf at heart. Models with the drunk rule are extremely inebriated and tend to flail when in close combat, so they gain the immune to psychology and gain the ‘Parry Save’ special rules. In addition, roll a d6 at the beginning of the controlling player’s turn. On a 1-3, the unit is subject to stupidity until the start of that player’s next turn. On a 4-6, the unit is subject to frenzy until the start of that player’s next turn. A unit may be given frenzy even if they’ve lost combat already. Animosity: Orcs love to fight. They love to fight so much that they sometime fight themselves before they even get to battle. Any unit with this rule must roll a d6 at the beginning of the turn. On a 1, the unit begins to squabble and can do nothing for the turn. On a 2-5, the unit acts as normal. On a 6, the unit lurches forward another d6 inches, eager to get into melee. If a character is in the unit, he is also subject to this rule. If the Captain of the Ship is with them, however, they may reroll the animosity test (they must take the second roll)

Resolute: Some men (and most dwarfs) fight with grim determination and are reluctant to abandon their position. Models with this rule flee and pursue 2d6-1 inches instead of 2d6 inches. Relentless: A Dwarf on the march is as implacable as the turning of the years, and just as impossible to halt. Any unit with this rule does not have to roll leadership to march when within 8 inches of an enemy unit. Slayer: All slayers have an uncanny ability that makes them particularly effective against especially tough opponents. When rolling to wound, a Slayer’s Strength, including any modifiers for weapons (ex: festooned with pistols), is increased until it is equal to the Toughness of the opponent, up to a maximum of Strength 6. If the opponent’s Toughness is lower than the Slayer’s Strength, including any modifiers for weapons, the Slayer does not receive any Strength bonus. Thus, a Slayer Pirate (S4) is face a Dragon (T6), normally the Slayer needs a 6+ to wound, but because of the Slayer special rule, the Slayer’s Strength is brought to 6 (still with armour piercing) and therefore wounds on a 4+ (with a total armour save penalty of -4). If the Slayer Pirate is facing a weedy goblin (T3), then his already impressive Strength of 4 will wound on a 3+ (with a -2 to armour saves). General: The Captain of the Ship demands absolute respect during times of combat. As a result, an army that includes a Captain of the Ship must make the Captain of the Ship the general of the army.

Pirate Magic: Captain’s Commands: The Captain of the Ship and Second Mate may use one of the following powers during every friendly magic phase. The powers go off as a bound spell that doesn’t require any power dice (Level 6 for the Captain, Level 4 for the Second Mate.) The First Mate may use 2 powers during each friendly magic phase, both going off at power level 5 (these can be the same power if so chosen). A Helms-man may only cast the ‘Adjust you heading!’ spell at level 4, and the Navigator may only cast the ‘Full speed ahead!’ spell at level 4. Note: none of the characters are wizards, and thus can not channel power or dispel dice (they have other ways of doing that). The powers are as follows: 1) Earn yer booty!: Pick one unit within 6” of the caster (12” of a Captain). All models in the unit may reroll all failed to hit and to wound rolls during the next close combat phase. 2) Defend the Treasure!: Pick one unit in 12” of the caster (18” of a Captain). Until the next friendly magic phase, the unit always gets its rank bonus, even if rear or flank charged. Enemies can’t gain combat bonuses from flank or rear charges on that unit. 3) Fire the Cannons!: All friendly units within 6” of the caster (12” of a Captain) suffer no negative penalties for shooting during the following shooting phase. 4) Adjust your headings!: One friendly unit within 12” of the caster (18” of a Captain) may immediately move up to their normal movement characteristic. If full speed ahead was already cast on them, they may use the new characteristic. If the unit comes into contact with an enemy unit, they count as having charged (but do not gain the +1 to combat resolution for having charged). 5) Full speed ahead!: The unit that the caster is joined with may add 2 inches to their movement characteristic during the following movement phase (increasing

their march and distance by 4 inches) and gives swift stride to the unit. 6) Come back, you cowards!: All friendly fleeing pirate units must immediately make a rally test as if they were fleeing at the beginning of the turn. If they pass, they rally and may reform, but not move. Keep in mind the ‘Them’s be the Captain’s Orders’ rule. Dispel Dice: Dispel dice for the pirates don’t come from wizards. Instead, it comes from the dwarf hatred of magic. For every unit of dwarfs (any kind) with 15 or more models the pirate player adds one dispel dice to his dispel pool. Bound Items: Bound items for pirates work exactly as normal bound items work. At the beginning of the magic phase, role 2d6 and keep the highest for power dice (your opponent keeps the highest for dispel dice as well). These dice are used solely for the purpose of activating bound items.

Special Weapon Rules: Choppa: Any model armed with a choppa is considered to have a nonmagical hand weapon. Wielding a large, crude piece of metal, the model also gets +1 to strength in the first round of combat as long as he is on foot. Repeater Pistol: A masterwork of Empire technology, this piece of weaponry fires a deadly volley of bullets with a single pull of the trigger. Captains reserve the right to use these small but effective weapons for themselves. A Repeater Pistol counts as a regular pistol in all respects but allows the model to shot 3 times (4 if they have another pistol). All normal modifiers apply. A model with a Repeater Pistol does benefit from the ‘Festooned with Pistols’ special rule if they already posses it, although they only gain one extra attack in close combat as normal. Pirate Cannons: Pirate’s prefer small, anti-personnel weaponry, as opposed to the large, ship wrecking kind (What good is booty if it’s on the bottom of the ocean). To represent this, any model with a ‘Pirate Cannon’ counts as having a regular cannon with the following exceptions: -The cannon may move-and-fire. -The cannon may only use the grapeshot ability. (Roll each cannon separately) -The cannon may not be used for the ‘stand and shoot’ reaction. -If a misfire is rolled, the model rolling the dice is removed as a casualty. Buckler: The buckler is a small defensive device only usable in close quarters. A model with a buckler that uses a non-magical weapon benefits from the ‘Parry Save’ special rule. The buckler does not affect armour saves.