Phonetics [PDF]

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People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Teacher Training School of Constantine

Distance Training for Middle School Teachers


English (LMD)



Prepared by:

Amina Haddad

Academic Year:

2007- 2008

Lesson one

Phonetics and Phonology Before you study the phonetics of English, or in fact of any other language, you need first to understand what is meant by the term phonetics and understand the difference between the two related words ‘phonetics’ and ‘phonology’.

II-Phonetics The word phonetics comes from the Greek word ‘phone’ which stands for ‘sound’ or ‘voice’. Usually used with a singular verb, it refers to the branch of linguistics that deals with the sounds of speech and their production, combination, description and representation by written symbols. This representation is usually referred to as the phonetic transcription in which systems of phonetic writing are provided and aim at the accurate representation of any sequence of speech sounds.

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) These systems attempt to facilitate the process of language learning, especially the foreign one. In this context, a uniform system has been put forward that caters for almost all possible sequences of human speech sounds. This system is known as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) where human speech sounds are represented by specific symbols. All IPA symbols are enclosed in slashes to indicate that the transcription is phonetic rather than representative of a particular language. Phonetics also refers to the system of sounds of a particular language.

Branches of Phonetics Phonetics has three main branches. 1) Articulatory phonetics is concerned with the positions and movements of the speech organs such as the lips and the tongue in producing sounds. 2) Acoustic phonetics is concerned with the physical properties of the sound waves. 3) Auditory phonetics is concerned with the perception of the speech sounds or the effect on the ear.

III- Phonology The term phonology is derived from the Greek words ‘phone’ which stands for ‘sound’/ ‘voice’ and ‘logos’ which means ‘word’/ ‘speech’. It refers to the study of speech sounds in languages or in a language with reference to their distribution and pattering and to tacit rules governing pronunciation. It also refers to the system of a language. In other words, phonology attempts to account for how speech sounds are combined, organized and convey meaning in particular languages. For example, the sound /θ/ in ‘think’ often poses problems to many English learners such as French speaking learners. In addition, combinations of sounds vary widely from one language to another. The combination ‘kt’ at the beginning of a word, for example, would be impossible in some languages but is unexceptional in Greek. So, whereas phonetics deals with the nature of sounds per se, phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language.

IV- Importance of learning phonetics and phonology Because of the confusing nature of the English spelling, it is particularly important to learn to think of English pronunciation in terms of phonemes rather than letters of the alphabet. So, it is important to learn the English phonetics mainly because there is not always a correspondence between the English spoken form and the written form. a) One sound may have many graphical representations. For example the English vowel /i:/ can be written •

‘ea’ as in read

‘ee’ as in sleep

‘ie’ as in believe

‘ei’ as in receive

The English sound /f / may be represented by many letters •

‘f’ as in frame

‘ph’ as in photograph

‘gh’ as in enough

b) One graphical representation may refer to many sounds. For example the vowel ‘a’ can be pronounced •

/ei/ as in shape

/æ/ as in cat

/a:/ as in last

/i/ as in shortage

Lesson two

The production of speech

When speak, we use language spontaneously to convey our messages. We are, most of the time, unaware of the complex process through which a single speech sound may be produced.


Stages of speech sounds production

Any manifestation of language by means of speech happens through three stages. 1) The psychological stage: In the first place, the information of the concept will take place in the brain. 2) The articulatory stage or the physiological one: The nervous system transmits this message to the organs of speech. These in turn will produce a particular pattern of sounds. 3) The acoustic stage or the physical one: The movement of the organs of speech will create disturbance in the air which enables us to hear particular sounds and discriminate between them.


Organs of speech

The main organs of speech are represented in the diagrams below. Each organ constitutes a place of articulation of sounds. Each place of articulation is assigned an adjective that refers to the sound produced there. For example, a sound that is produced thanks to the articulation of the tongue with the alveolar ridge is known as an alveolar sound.

Figure 1: Diagram of the organs of speech above the trachea

Trachea Lungs Figure 2: The lungs

III- Speech mechanisms The production of any speech sound takes place through steps where each of the organs of speech has a particular role.  The air escapes from the lungs which serve as an air reservoir and energy source. It, then, passes through the trachea (wind pipe) and through the larynx which lies behind the prominence in the throat called the ‘Adam’s apple. The larynx contains two stretched membranous cords called ‘the vocal cords’ which are made of an elastic tissue. As they open and shut, the vocal cords regulate the amount of air that passes to the lungs. They can take different positions. Indeed, they can be:

a) Completely brought together: In this case, the air stream



Figure3: Completely brought together vocal cords b) Parted or separated : The glottis, or the opening between the two folds of the vocal cords, is open. So, the air passes freely. This is the case of normal breathing and during the production of voiceless consonants such as /p/ as in ‘parent’, /f/ as in ‘fire’ and /s/ as in ‘sun’.

Figure 4: Parted vocal cords

c) Brought together but not completely: They are so close that when air passes through them they vibrate (air makes them shake or move). These vibrations produce voice. This is the normal feature of all vowels and voiced consonants like /z/ in nose, /n/ in nine, /b/ in big.

Figure 5: Brought together but not completely 

The pharynx is a tube which begins above the larynx. At its top end, it is divided into two, one part being the back of the mouth and the other being the beginning of the way through the nasal cavity. The escape of air through the pharynx may be affected in three different ways according to the position of the soft palate or velum. •

When the soft palate is lowered, the air escapes through the mouth and the nose, as in normal breathing. This is the case, for instance, in the production of the nasalized French vowels: en, in ‘prend’, on in ‘répond’, in ‘instinct’, etc.

When the soft palate is lowered with an obstacle at some point in the mouth, the air escapes through the nose. This is the case in the production of the English consonants called nasal: /m/ as in mouth, /n/ as in nose and /ŋ/ as in eating.

Figure 6: Air passing through the nasal cavity •

When the soft palate is raised, the nasal cavity being shut off, the air escapes through the mouth only (oral escape). This the way of production of all English consonants except for the nasal sounds /m, n, ŋ /

Figure 7: Air passing through the oral cavity.

The mouth,

of course, plays an essential role in the

production of sounds. Its shape determines the quality of the majority of speech sounds. The mouth consists of the ‘roof’ which is made of the alveolar ridge, the hard palate and the soft palate; the tongue, the teeth and the lips.  Of all the movable parts, the tongue is by far the most flexible one. It is capable of assuming a great variety of positions in the production of vowels and consonants. It is usually divided into different parts, though there are no clear dividing lines within the tongue.

Figure 8: Subdivisions of the tongue

Exercises The following tasks are meant to guide your recapitulation and revision.

Exercise 1: Label the different organs of speech and places of articulation on the following diagram

Diagram ‘a’

Exercise 2: 1) Identify and compare the survival as well as the speech functions of each of the speech organs mentioned in Diagram ‘a’. 2) Use the information obtained in question (1) to fill in the following table. The first answer is given to you as an example. Organ

Survival function

Lungs exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide

Speech function supply air stream


---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------




Tongu ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------e




---------------------------------------------- -----------------------------



---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------


Lesson Three

Introduction to vowels I-Definition  From a phonetic point of view, vowels are sounds produced with no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx to the lips. In other words, air passes without any complete closure or narrowing between speech organs. A doctor who wants to look at the back of a patient’s mouth often asks the patient to say “ah”; making this vowel sound is the best way of presenting an unobstructed view. 

On functional grounds, the vowel is the sound which has a central, major, syllabic function (the vowel is usually in the middle of words). The consonant, however, is marginal, less important in the syllable.

II- Description of vowels When describing a vowel, the following points must be noted and taken into consideration: 1. The position of the soft palate. 2. The kind of opening formed by the lips. The lips can, generally, have three shapes. They can be: •

Rounded such as in the vowel / u: / in words like: ‘group’, ‘shoes’, ‘move.’ The corners of the lips are brought together towards each other, with the lips pushed forward. You can notice this by looking at a mirror while trying to articulate the examples mentioned above.

Spread as in the vowel / i: / in words like: ‘green’, ‘achieve’, ‘please’. The corners of the lips are moved away from each other, as for a smile.

Neutral such as with the vowel /ɑ: / in words like ‘calm’, heart’, and ‘father’. The lips are not noticeably rounded or spread.

3. The part of the tongue which is mainly raised: Is it the front, centre, or back one? ( place of articulation) 4. The degree of raising of the tongue ( manner of articulation)

III-Categories of vowels

Vowels can be categorised in different ways. The most common principles of vowels classification are: 

Length. Accordingly, there are 1. Long vowels where the articulation of the vowel takes more time In English, the long vowels are /ɑ:/ /i:/ /ɔ:/ /u:/ /ɜ:/ (The colon “ :” which is not always used refers to the length of the sound) 2. Short vowels are vowels where the articulation takes less time. The short vowels in English are /ɪ/ /e/ /æ/ /ɔ/ /ʊ/ /ʌ/ /ə/.

The part of the tongue involved in the articulation. Indeed, this method of categorization is very common one for vowels. Accordingly there are three sets of vowels. 1. Front vowels or sounds in which the main raising is made by the front of the tongue toward the hard palate. 2. Central vowels or sounds in which the main raising is made by the centre of the tongue toward the hard palate. 3. Back vowels or sounds in which the main raising is made by the back of the tongue toward the soft palate.

IV-Cardinal vowel scale: Daniel Jones’ Diagram Daniel Jones, the late 19th c and early 20th century phonetician, introduced a diagram called the vowel Quadrilateral which is a four sided chart used as a reference for the description of vowels. Phoneticians are using this chart to represent the most important degrees of raising of the tongue and the parts which are mainly raised or

involved in the articulation of vowels. In addition, the position and shape of the lips are also represented in the chart. They put on it the vowels corresponding to each position. Tongue Front Close




u: ɪ ʊ e

Half-close ɔ: ɜ: ʌ

Lips Half-open Open



ɑ: Figure 9: The cardinal vowels This chart or scheme represents the Cardinal Vowels System. It accounts for the range of vowels that the human vocal apparatus can make. So, when you learn the cardinal vowels, you are not learning to make English sounds only, but rather you are learning about the human ability to articulate those sounds. In addition, you are acquiring the ability to describe, classify, and compare vowels.

Lesson four

Front vowels There are four front vowels in English / i: / , / ɪ / , /e/ , /æ /.

I- Description of the articulation of / i: / This vowel is identified as a front, close, long vow

el. During its

articulation: 

The lips are spread.

The front of the tongue is raised almost in the close position.

The side rims of the tongue make firm contact with the upper molars.

The front, close, long vowel / i:/ appears in words like: Feet













Cheese Tree







II- Description of the articulation of / ɪ / This vowel is identified as a front, half-close, short vowel. During the production of this vowel: 

The lips are slightly spread.

The front tongue is raised between the close and half-close positions and is near to the centre.

The rims of the tongue make a slight contact with the upper molars.

The front, half-close, short vowel / ɪ / is found words like Sit











Sund ay (and days

of the week) Ship






III-Description of the vowel /e/ During the articulation of this vowel which is identified as a front, halfclose, short vowel: 

The lips are slightly spread or neutrally open.

The front of the tongue is raised between the half-close and halfopen positions nearer to the half-close one

The side rims make a slight contact with the upper molars.

The vowel /e/ can be heard in words like: Bed














IV-Description of the short vowel /æ /. This vowel is identified as a front, half-open, short vowel. During its production: 

The lips are neutrally open.

The front of the tongue is raised between the half-open and open positions almost in the open one

The side rims make a very slight contact with the back upper molars.

This vowel /æ / can be heard in words like: Cat













Exercises Exercise 1:

Repeat the following ‘minimal pairs orally.


/ɪ/ Lid



/æ / Lad







































/ i: / Feet




Heat Hit Exercise 2: Write your own lists of similar pairs “ 5 in each” Exercise 3 Write 10 examples of your own for each of the front vowels Exercise 4 Identify the vowel in each word.: He - Went- bed - at - ten.- Did - she - meet – him - dad – ship - carrying - fifty - sheep.