PHD Student Progress Report Template [PDF]

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WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT PhD PROGRESS REPORT This report template is for all colleagues who are PhD students supported by the university funds or fellowship. It must be completed every six months from the day of approval of the fellowship and must be submitted electronically to [email protected]. The Dean’s Office on Research and Postgraduate Studies will then take this document through the review committee that will assess progress and decide to extend or terminate fellowship for the next 6 months.

PART A. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT 1. Progress report form for the period from: __ / __ / ____ to __ / __ / ____ (dd/mm/yyyy) 2. Applicant Name (First name/Family name): 3. Contact Details (email address): 4. Supervisor Name: 5. Contact Details (email address) 6. Present Work Affiliation: 7. PhD Start Date: 8. PhD Registration Number: 9. PhD University and Department Affiliation: 10. PhD Thesis Title:

Advising and research 11. Did you submit any articles for journal review for publication in the last six months? If yes, please provide the working title, all authors, name of journal and journal impact factor and also status of this submission (if applicable).

12. In the last six months, did you publish any reports, journal articles, or other documents? If so, please provide full citations, including co-authors.

13. In the last six months, did you attend any professional conferences related to your PhD topic? If so, please provide the date, name of the conference, and location.


WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT 14. If you presented at a conference, please provide the citation for the presentation, including any co-presenters.

15. In the last six months, did you present research in any forums related to your PhD topic other than a conference (e.g. jamboree, seminar, invited lecture, etc. Please provide dates for these)?

16. When do you plan to defend your PhD thesis and are there any specific problems to report?

17. When did you last discuss your progress with your supervisor?

Teaching 18. Please list any class that you taught in the last six months:

Extracurricular activities 19. Please list any student associations in which you participated during the last six months:

20. Please list any committees on which you served during the last six months:

21. Please provide any other information that you think relevant:

Student’s comments on his/her progress Outline below your progress and achievements over the last six months. Indicate what milestones have been achieved, including detailing what chapters or sections of your thesis have been written in draft or final form.



Outline below your research goals for the next six months. Indicate what milestones have been set for the next 6 months, including detailing what chapters or sections of your thesis you plan to write in this period.


WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT I rate the quality of my work as (please tick one): Very good Good Satisfactory Below my expectations Do not know I assess my rate of progress as: Very good Good Satisfactory Below my expectations Do not know

How often and by what means do you and your supervisory team maintain contact? Detail the means of contact (e.g., face-to-face; email; phone etc.) and the frequency of each:

Have you met with the advisor or the advisory committee during the reporting period? If Yes, please briefly outline the outcomes below:

I confirm that the above is a fair record of my progress Signature: __________________________ Date: ______________________________


WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT PART B. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SUPERVISOR SUPERVISORY TEAM COMMENTS Please provide comments on the student’s progress and achievements in the last 6 months:

Please provide comments on the student’s thesis goals and milestones for the next 6 months:


WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT The quality of the student’s work is: Very good Good Satisfactory Below acceptable standard

The student’s rate of progress is: Very good Good Satisfactory Below acceptable standard How often and by what means do the supervisory team and the student maintain contact? Detail the means of contact (e.g., face-to-face; email; phone) and the frequency of each:

Is the supervisory team satisfied with the frequency and means of contact? If No, please comment:

Name: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

Signature: __________________________


WESTMINSTER INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT We have resolved that this progress report be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory We resolve that the candidate’s WIUT PhD Fellowship Support be: Continued Continued subject to specified conditions as outlined below Terminated Panel’s Comments:

Date these forms submitted for review: _____________________________ (day/month/year) Panel decision date: __________________________________ (day/month/year)

Panel Chair: ____________________________ (first and last name)

______________________________ (signature)