Perspectives 3 - Teacher Book [PDF]

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Student Book with Online Workbook 978-1-337-80805-7 Student Book 978-1-337-27712-9 Combo Split 1A 978-1-337-29738-7 Combo Split 1B 978-1-337-29739-4 Workbook 978-1-337-29731-8 Online Workbook 978-1-337-29786-8 Lesson Planner with Audio CD and DVD 978-1-337-29763-9 Classroom Presentation Tool 978-1-337-29759-2


Children look down from inside The Hive at Kew Gardens, London. The Hive is a giant beehive that visitors to the botanical gardens can enter and have a multisensory experience. The lights and sounds are triggered by bee activity in a real beehive. The Hive was designed to demonstrate the role of bees in feeding the planet and the challenges that they face. © Mark Hadden

Perspectives 2 Student Book with Online Workbook 978-1-337-80803-3 Student Book 978-1-337-27713-6 Combo Split 2A 978-1-337-29740-0 Combo Split 2B 978-1-337-29741-7 Workbook 978-1-337-29729-5 Online Workbook 978-1-337-29787-5 Lesson Planner with Audio CD and DVD 978-1-337-29764-6 Classroom Presentation Tool 978-1-337-29760-8 Perspectives 3 Student Book with Online Workbook 978-1-337-80809-5 Student Book 978-1-337-27714-3 Combo Split 3A 978-1-337-29742-4 Combo Split 3B 978-1-337-29743-1 Workbook 978-1-337-29730-1 Online Workbook 978-1-337-29788-2 Lesson Planner with Audio CD and DVD 978-1-337-29765-3 Classroom Presentation Tool 978-1-337-29761-5 Perspectives 4 Student Book with Online Workbook Student Book Combo Split 4A Combo Split 4B Workbook Online Workbook Lesson Planner with Audio CD and DVD Classroom Presentation Tool

978-1-337-80807-1 978-1-337-27715-0 978-1-337-29744-8 978-1-337-29745-5 978-1-337-29732-5 978-1-337-29789-9 978-1-337-29766-0 978-1-337-29762-2

Perspectives 1-4 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® 978-1-337-29767-7


Perspectives ng





Lesson Planner

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Hugh Dellar



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Andrew Walkley

Australia • Brazil • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States


Perspectives 3 Lesson Planner Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley Publisher: Sherrise Roehr Executive Editor: Sarah Kenney Publishing Consultant: Karen Spiller Managing Editor: Angel Alonso Editorial Assistant: Gabe Feldstein

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this work covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. “National Geographic”, “National Geographic Society” and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Society ® Marcas Registradas

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Perspectives Level 3 Lesson Planner + Audio CD + DVD ISBN: 978-1-337-29765-3


Director of Content and Media Production: Michael Burggren

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Product Marketing Manager: Anders Bylund

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National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company, has a mission to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it. Through our partnerships with National Geographic and TED Talks, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders.

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Contents iv 8





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Introduction 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism 2 The Business of Technology 3 Faster, Higher, Stronger 4 Cultural Transformation 5 It’s Not Rocket Science 6 Adapt to Survive 7 Outside the Box 8 Common Ground 9 Lend a Helping Hand 10 Life-changing

32 44 56 68 80 92 104 116

Grammar Reference


Irregular Verb List


Writing Bank


Word Lists


Audio Script


TED Script


Communicative Activities


Workbook Answer Key




A critical eye

Students learn the critical thinking skills and strategies they need to evaluate new information and develop their own opinions and ideas to share. Being able to critically evaluate and assess ideas and information is becoming increasingly important as young people have to deal with fake news and one-sided presentations of facts, often distributed online via social media. Being able to think critically involves a range of different skills, including developing the ability to interpret data, ask critical questions, distinguish between fact and opinion, see other points of view, detect bias, and recognize and assess the merit of supporting arguments.

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In every unit there are several activities called My Perspective, which ask students to reflect on the content of the lesson from their personal point of view. Sometimes you’ll find a My Perspective activity at the beginning of the unit to engage students in the theme and get them thinking about what they already know about it. Here are three ways to use them:


My Perspective activities


As well as developing students’ knowledge and use of English, every unit explores one theme from a variety of perspectives and fresh contexts. Perspectives encourages students to keep an open mind about the information that they encounter throughout the course, and to look at the world in new ways so that they leave every lesson a little smarter.


An open mind

• Have a vote to choose one activity that the whole class will do. After the vote, if there is a tie, ask one student from each side to explain which task is best and have another vote. If there is still a tie, you can make the decision. Consider having a secret vote, since students may be reluctant to choose an activity they like if they think it might be unpopular with the majority of students. • There may be times when it is necessary for you to decide for the class. In cases like these, explain why, for example, there isn’t enough time to do the others, or because one activity is better exam preparation than the others. • Let students do more than one activity. For example, the writing activity may be suitable preparation for the speaking activity in a class that finds spontaneous speaking challenging.


Perspectives encourages students to develop an open mind, a critical eye, and a clear voice in English. Here are some teaching tips to help you make this happen in your classroom.


Choose activities

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• Conduct a class discussion. Let students read the questions, then call on individuals to share their ideas. Encourage others to respond and welcome contrasting points of view. • Put students into discussion groups. Group work can get more students talking, even quieter, less confident class members. Consider giving students specific roles like chairperson and spokesperson, the chairperson’s job being to make sure everyone is focused and gets to speak, while the spokesperson summarizes the group’s discussion to the whole class. • Let students work on their own to answer the questions in writing or by recording themselves speaking. Not only does this allow students time to prepare, it also provides a private space, which some students need to be able to express themselves.


Students are motivated by greater control in their learning. In every unit they get an activity where they have the chance to choose a task. There are three options, which include one or more speaking and writing tasks. Which activity is best depends on several things, such as what skills the students need to work on, what is possible with the technology available, and how much time you have. If you expect students to make good decisions, they need to be well informed, so make them aware of the issues. Here are three ways to approach Choose activities: • Students choose which task to work on and get into groups with others who made the same choice. This can create a happy, productive atmosphere, but keep in mind that some activities take longer than others, and require varying degrees of teacher input. Be prepared for these issues by having fast finisher activities ready, for example. iv  Introduction

Critical Thinking and Challenge activities Lesson B of every unit in Perspectives is based around a reading. The texts cover a variety of genres, and students are asked to interact with them in many different ways. Once comprehension has been checked, there is often a Critical Thinking focus which encourages students to practice a variety of skills in the context of specfic texts. The Challenge activities in Lesson D get students to engage with the big idea of the TED Talk.

Both within the Critical Thinking activities and elsewhere, there will be plenty of times where students are asked to work together and discuss their ideas, opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Some students may not always be very enthusiastic about taking part in pair or group work, so it is important for them to realize its many benefits. These include: • giving learners the chance to brainstorm ideas before they have to think about the best language to express those ideas in. To make things easier for lower levels, brainstorming activities can initially be done in the students’ first language. • giving learners the chance to use language they have just recently learned alongside language they are already able to use well.



Independent learners


We can’t cover all the language students need in class, so it is important that we help them become independent learners. An essential part of that is for students to make good use of dictionaries, both bilingual and monolingual. A bilingual dictionary is good for when they are looking for a word in English. You could encourage their use, for example, in the brainstorming activities mentioned earlier. You might give students the topic of the next unit and, for homework, get them to create a phrase book that they think may be useful to talk about the topic.

A clear voice

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• Make sure you always explain the activity clearly before splitting students up into pairs/groups. • Give models to show the kind of speaking you expect. • Check understanding by asking the class to tell you what they are going to do before they do it. • Give a clear time limit. • Monitor the class carefully to check that everyone is doing what you want them to do, and to see how students are doing with the activity. • Have extra activities ready for any students who finish before the others. There are Optional and Expansion activities provided in this book. • Finish with some feedback. This may mean looking at errors, exploring new language, and/or asking students to share their ideas. After Critical Thinking activities, you may also want to comment and expand on students’ ideas.

• drill individual words, collocations, or whole sentences. • help with individual sounds. • draw attention to word and sentence stress, elision, linking, etc., by marking these features on examples on the board. • get students to experiment saying phrases at different speeds or with different intonation or emotion.


There are several things you can do to help students get more from pair and group work.

You can also take the ideas in these sections and apply them to other language sections in the book. So as you go through a vocabulary or grammar activity, you might:


• encouraging students to learn from each other. Obviously, this may mean learning new language, but it also means being exposed to new ideas and opinions. • developing the class environment and improving relationships between students. This is especially true if you mix up the pairs and groups and make sure everyone talks to everyone else. • giving you a chance to see how many ideas students have about a topic, the range of language they are using, and what content, grammar, and vocabulary you should focus on in feedback.



Developing a clear voice in English is about learning language and expressing your own views, but it is also about how we can help students with pronunciation, become independent learners, and achieve the scores they need on exams.

Help with pronunciation There are activities that focus on aspects of pronunciation in every unit of Perspectives as well as the Authentic Listening Skills sections in Lesson D. These highlight features of natural speech that may be difficult. In these sections, students can attempt to copy speakers’ pronunciation. However, we see these sections more as opportunities for students to experiment with how they sound in English and find their own voice, so: • don’t expect students to be perfectly accurate. • treat the answer key as a guide. • judge students’ efforts according to their intelligibility.

A monolingual dictionary is better when they have the English word and need to know not just the meaning, but also the grammar, collocations, and other aspects of usage connected with it. You can help students become independent by getting them to use a monolingual dictionary when doing vocabulary activities instead of pre-teaching the key language beforehand. When you go through answers to activities, you can check the meaning and other aspects of the word by asking students questions, such as: What other things can you X? Why might you Y? Can you give three examples of Z? You will see specific examples of such questions in the teaching notes. As well as asking questions like these, you can also: give extra examples, ask students to find examples in a dictionary, and get students to create sentences that are related to their lives.

Exam skills In the Lesson Planner you will find tips that you can share with students to help them achieve good scores on their exams. Some of these tips are about being an independent learner, using a dictionary, and knowing what to review. That’s because (as you probably know), fundamentally, students do better when they know more language! The exam skills also give advice on specific activity types in the Student Book that are commonly found on international and local exams. Some of these tips may be repeated at different levels and you might want to reinforce the point by checking if students remember them each time the activity type comes up in class.


Introduction  v

Unit Walkthrough Vocabulary Vocabulary gives students the language they need to respond while they think about the unit theme in new and interesting ways.

Students relate the content to themselves and their own world.

Adapt to Survive

The flag-footed bug has evolved to hide among leaves and flower petals.

6A Evolution and conservation





High-impact photo engages students’ interest in the topic.

Vocabulary Endangered species 1

Work as a class. Discuss the questions.


1 What is evolution? What is conservation? 2 What reasons are there for a species to adapt? What characteristics about a species might change?


ap hi c lG eo gr •  read about an endangered animal. •  learn about mysterious occurrences.

•  write a solution to a problem.


•  watch a TED Talk about where camels come from.

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•  discuss evolution and conservation.

breed hunting

conservation risk

died out saved

endangered species

extinct survival

Madagascar is an island famous for its biodiversity. Evolution has created thousands of unique (1) that have (2) to life on the island. In fact, scientists have discovered more than 600 new animals since the beginning of this century. However, while it may seem that wildlife is doing well, many animals and plants are in fact at (3) because tropical forests are being destroyed to make farmland. Eighty percent of Madagascar’s human population live in poverty and depend on basic farming . The silky sifaka is one of the most (5) for (4) animals. There are only around 250 left in the wild. A (6) and prevent people from program is trying to preserve its (7) it. The national dog of Madagascar, the Coton de Tulear, (8) from extinction, and now people (10) was (9) it in several countries. The Madagascan Elephant Bird wasn’t so lucky. It became in the 17th century. It was three meters tall and may (11) because people stole its huge eggs, which were big have (12) enough to feed a family. 3

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 2 3 4 5


What endangered species do you know? Why are they endangered? How are they being protected? What animals have become extinct? Why? What arguments can you think of for and against conservation?

Match each word with the correct group of collocations. benefit habitat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


IN thIs uNIt, YOu...

Complete the article about Madagascar with these words.

adapted habitat


consequence risk

conservation species

gene survival

bring a lasting… / a potential… / be of… benefit …of the fittest / its long-term… / ensure its… at… of extinction / a high… / reduce the… of disease work in nature… / be involved in a… group / improve energy… an endangered… / a… of bird / discover a new… destroy their… / preserve their… / lose its natural… pass on their…s / in its…s / find a… for cancer as a… / have serious…s / consider the…s

Look through the collocations in Activity 4. Underline any phrases that are new to you. Write an example sentence for each of the new phrases.


Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

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Words are taught with collocations, definitions, and/or opposites and practiced in context.

vi  Introduction



Listening and Grammar 1 Listening and grammar exercises continue to develop structures and skills through authentic content. Grammar 1 usually reviews previous knowledge before building on it. Engaging content teaches students about the world as well as contextualizing the target grammar.



What reasons for possible human extinction did you hear 27 in the interview? Listen again and check. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 You might stop weak species from going extinct. You will stop weak species from going extinct. 2 Maybe we shouldn’t interfere. We must not interfere. 3 “The survival of the fittest” can suggest evolution is a kind of competition. “The survival of the fittest” suggests evolution is a kind of competition. 4 If that habitat disappeared for whatever reason, they’d easily die out. When the habitat disappears, the animals die out. 5 Will you leave it there? Could you leave it there? Modals and meaning

1 Do you like television shows about the natural world? What was the last one you saw? What was it about? 2 Have you studied anything about conservation at school? What other things did you learn? 3 Would you like to be a conservationist? What might be good or bad about the job? 4 Have you ever taken action to protect something? What did you do?

A modal (would, will, may, might, could, can, should, shall, must) adds a general meaning to another verb to show a speaker’s attitude or intention. The first thing that will strike people is… = I am certain it strikes people.

The first thing that should strike people is… = I believe it strikes people, but I'm not certain.

Other meanings are: certainty, uncertainty, obligation, permission, suggestion, possibility, and frequency (habit).

Read about National Geographic explorer Cagan Sekercioglu. What similarities can you find with what you heard in the interview? Think about: 1 the rate of extinction. 2 the importance of conservation. 3 what happens to animals that adapt and then face a sudden change.

Growing up in Turkey, Cagan Sekercioglu was once taken to a child psychologist because he (1) constantly brought small animals and insects back to his house. Fortunately, it didn’t end his interest in wildlife, and now he’s a professor of biology working to protect birds in countries such as Costa Rica, Australia, Ethiopia, the United States, and Turkey. He says (2) losing 25 percent of all bird species this century is a possibility, and that whatever happens to birds (3) is certain to happen to other animals and even people. The question is not if (4) it’s better for us to do something about it, but when (5) are we going to decide to do something and (6) what are we going to decide to do?


Rewrite the underlined parts in Activity 10 using modals. Use each modal in the Grammar box at least once.


Write nine sentences about yourself, using a different modal in each sentence. Your teacher will read the sentences to the class. Guess who the person is.


My PErSPEcTIVE Make a list of animals, habitats, jobs, languages, customs, activities, or skills that are at risk of dying out. Would you try to preserve any of them? Why?

In Costa Rica, he’s found that species (7) sometimes become endangered because the area of forest they live in shrinks as it becomes surrounded by agriculture. The birds are so well adapted to a certain part of the forest that they (8) refuse to move, even when bigger areas of forest (9) are possibly close by. Cagan says (10) it’s essential that conservationists work with local people to improve the situation by explaining to farmers why (11) they’re better off encouraging bird diversity. For example, if farmers encourage birds to live on their land, (12) the birds will eat insects that destroy their crops, which could possibly increase farmers’ profits.



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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.

baobab trees in Madagascar have adapted to survive in places where there is little rainfall. Their wide trunks can store large amounts of water.


Look at the Grammar box. Then compare the first and second sentence in each item below. Notice the changes in the use of modals. What is the difference in meaning?


1 Most animals have died out. 2 Conservation goes against evolution. 3 Genetic changes through evolution do not make a species more perfect. 4 Animals can’t choose to adapt to a new environment. 5 Human activity is increasing the number of extinctions. 6 We must protect endangered species because we can. 7 Conservation is expensive. 8 Humans may become extinct sooner rather than later.



graMMar Modals and meaning

Listen to the interview with a conservationist. Who mentions these points—the interviewer (I), 27 the conservationist (C), or both (B)?

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Sustained context provides meaningful and motivating practice.


Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

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Grammar explanations and additional practice at the back of the book give students extra support.

A final open-ended activity allows students to personalize the language. My Perspective activities get students reflecting on their attitudes and actions related to the main idea of the unit.


Introduction  vii

Vocabulary Building, Reading, and Critical Thinking Reading helps students to become critical consumers of information.

The focus on building vocabulary helps students understand the way words work together.


1 Where do you think this animal is found? 2 What is unusual about it? 3 How do you think the photographer was able to get the shot? 6

Read the article from a website on page 73 to check your ideas in Activity 5. What else do you learn about questions 1 and 2 in Activity 5?


Which statements are supported by the article? Underline the parts of the article which helped you make your decisions.

Bookstores are dying out in our country because people are buying books online.

1 The tree octopus is the most endangered creature in the United States. 2 Washington State is one of the wettest places in the US. 3 The tree octopus may provide clues about how early sea creatures adapted to live on land. 4 The animals often live in small groups. 5 Many companies that cut down trees in the forests are not doing enough to protect octopuses. 6 Octopuses are affected by pollution.

Ice ages caused the extinction of many species. Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences. 1 We often go skiing in the Olympic Mountains / Mountain Olympics, north of here. 2 On average, there is 20 centimeters of rainfall / fallrain here in March. 3 Many environmental charities run campaign social media / social media campaigns. 4 Scientists believe there might be many sea creatures / creature seas that still have not been discovered. 5 I really like our teacher science / science teacher. She brings the subject to life. 6 I avoid all animal products / product animals. I don’t even wear shoe leather / leather shoes. Work in groups. Starting with these compound nouns, how many other compound nouns can you create by changing one word each time? Use a dictionary, if necessary. farm animal

leather shoes


rEadIng Choose one animal from these categories that you are familiar with, and one that you would like to learn more about. farm animals

sea creatures



Listen to a news extract about the tree octopus story. 29 Answer the questions. 1 Why is the story mentioned? 2 What do the findings seem to suggest?

crITIcal ThInkIng Assessing information You will often see information or read something that is unfamiliar. You need to do further reading to check the information is accurate and from a reliable source.


Work in pairs. Discuss the questions

1 Why do you think so many people believe this story? 2 Looking back, is there anything in the story that should have made you more suspicious?

wild animals

Work in groups. Compare the animals you chose. Explain your choices.




Look at the source for the article. Do you think it is reliable? What other sources could you check to make sure the information is accurate?




science teacher

ice age: ice cream; cream cheese; cheesecake

Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

1 Did you know about the tree octopus before? If not, what surprised you most? 2 Should people care about the tree octopus? Why?

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Help sAve THe endAngered

pacific northwest

Tree Octopus frOm exTincTiOn ABOUT




28 About About

The ThePacific PacificNorthwest Northwesttree treeoctopus octopus (Octopus (Octopus paxarbolis)isisonly onlyfound found in in the the forests forests of Paxarbolis) WashingtonState, State,on onthe theeastern eastern side side of of the Washington OlympicMountains, Mountains,ininthe theUnited United States. States. Olympic Thesecreatures creaturesreach reachan anaverage average size size of 5 5These between3030and and35 35centimetres centimeters and and live live for for between aroundfour fouryears. years.They Theyare areunusual unusual in in that that around theylive liveboth bothininwater waterand andon on land, land, aa fact fact they madepossible possibleby bythe thevery veryhigh high amounts amounts of of made 10 rainfall in this part of the United States. 10 rainfall in this part of the United States. Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, the tree octopus explores its surroundings by the tree octopus explores its surroundings by touch and sight. Some scientists believe that touch and sight. Some scientists believe that the way it has adapted to life in the forest the way it has adapted to life in the forest 15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to 15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to life away from the water. Although they are life away from the water. Although not social animals like humans, theythey canare still not social animalsbylike humans, they can show emotions changing their skin color: still emotions theirNormally, skin redshow indicates angerby andchanging white, fear. redthey indicates anger and white, fear. 20colour: though, are a green-brown color that 20 Normally, though, they are a green-brown matches their surroundings. colour that matches their surroundings. Every spring, tree octopuses leave their Every spring, tree octopuses leave their Males homes and travel to the coast to breed. homes and travel toforest, the coast to females breed. Males soon return to the while 25soon lay their eggs underwater. The young return to the forest, while femalesthen lay spend their first monthThe or so floating near the 25 their eggs underwater. young then spend shore moving of thenear water and their firstbefore month or so out floating to the beginning adultout lives thewater forest. shore beforetheir moving ofinthe and beginning their adult lives. Source:


30 30

35 35

40 40







Become Becomean anactivist activist Here are some things you can do to help

Here are some things you can do to help protect the last few tree octopuses: protect the last few tree octopuses. • Write to the government to say you are • worried Write to the government to say you are and that you feel the tree octopus worriedbeand thatspecial you feel the treeand octopus should given protection should be special protection and included ongiven the Endangered Species List. included on the Endangered Species List. • Write to celebrities, asking them to talk in • interviews Write to celebrities asking them to talk about the dangers facing the about the dangers facing the tree octopus tree octopus. interviews. • Lin et the world know about the tree • octopus: Let the world know about the tree tell your family and friends. tell your family and friends. • Toctopus: ell people not to buy products made companies that don’t protect the tree • by Tell people not to buy products made octopus when cutting down trees. the tree by companies that don’t protect when cutting down trees. • Soctopus tart an online campaign! Encourage to sign a petition. • people Start an online campaign! Encourage people to sign a petition.

Work in groups. What are the consequences of fake news stories? Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

2 lines overflow

Carefully chosen activity types provide practice of common question formats found on international exams.

viii  Introduction


Althoughthe thetree treeoctopus octopusis isnot notyetyet Although onon thethe official animals, it should officiallist listofofendangered endangered animals, it should be, low. It It faces be as numbers numbersare arenow nowseriously seriously low. faces threats: in Pacific-Northwest manymany threats: treestrees in the Pacific Northwest forests cutcut down; new forestsare areconstantly constantlybeing being down; roads have cut off cut access water; growth new roads have off to access tothe water; of local towns has introduced house cats into the growth of local towns has introduced the region, hunt the octopuses; house catswhich into the region, and theyand hunt pollution is getting Immediate action the octopuses andworse. pollution is getting worse. needs to be action taken toneeds stop the treetaken octopus Immediate to be to stop from becoming extinct. the tree octopus from becoming extinct.

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

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Whyitit’s endangered Why is endangered


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We often use two or more nouns together to create a new meaning. The words in compound nouns can be joined together, or they can be separated using a space or hyphen. The first noun acts like an adjective. It describes the type of thing, its use, the material it is made from, or other aspects of the second noun, such as where it is found.


compound nouns

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Vocabulary buIldIng


Work in pairs. Look at the photo on page 73 and discuss the questions.


6B Tree life?



Reading texts with a global perspective encourage students to think expansively about the world, and are also recorded for extra listening practice for classes who need it.


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The focus on critical thinking teaches students the skills and strategies they need to evaluate new information.


Grammar 2 Grammar 2 continues to develop students’ understanding of grammar with a new topic.

6C Mysterious changes



When the sentences in Activity 4 are said slowly and carefully, have is often pronounced differently than how it is pronounced in fast speech.

graMMar Modals and infinitive forms Listen to three people. What did they change their minds about? Why? Listen to the people again. Complete the sentences.



Look at the sentences in Activity 2. Answer the questions.

Modals and infinitive forms

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1 Which sentence describes a period leading up to a future point? 2 Are the other sentences about the past, the present, or the future? 3 Which modal emphasizes that an action was in progress at the same time as another?


Reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster soon (will / go on) (1) for a century! In 1933, a man named George Spicer reported seeing something that looked like a plesiosaur, a kind of long-necked marine dinosaur. Some people think such a very easily (could / survive) creature (2) in the quiet Scottish waters, away from people, while others (must / lie) are convinced that Spicer (3) (might / see) a piece of or that he (4) wood covered in green water plants. Most scientists question the whole story and claim that a creature like this (can / live) in the loch* for so long (5) without any real human contact. If it was real, they say, it (would / capture) by now—or at least (6) caught on film. Others, though, suspect that the monster (might / develop) special skills that help (7)  it to hide from those hunting it. Even today, true believers can be found on the shores of the loch trying to spot a beast that (should / die out) 65 million years ago. (8)

Modals can be followed by different kinds of infinitive forms. I can’t see it. We should be doing more to help. It wouldn’t have made any difference. You can’t have been listening properly. More attention must be paid to this issue. The eggs must have been moved from the nest.


Work in groups. Look at the Grammar box. Does each pair of sentences have the same meaning? Discuss any differences. 1a They must not have been serious. 1b They must have been joking. 2a I should have helped him. 2b I would have helped him. 3a It must have been really interesting. 3b It was really interesting. 4a I guess that might have been the reason. 4b I guess that could have been the reason. 5a You shouldn’t have texted me. 5b You shouldn’t have been texting me. 6a It should have arrived by now. 6b It will have arrived by now.



Mount Merapi erupts in Indonesia. Volcanic gases are made up of many different gases, including methane.

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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.


Complete the summary using the modals and the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Make one modal negative.

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1a I attention when I read about it. 1b All the links about the different kinds of tree octopuses go to the same page. I that. really me that the photos were fake. 1c Even my little brother me how cruel it was, and I honestly 2a I mean, you . an impact because I’ve 2b I don’t know, but if it was that, it been vegan for quite some time now. touch one or pick one up if the chance had arisen. 3a I certainly about owning one, that’s 3b I for sure. him for three 3c Our favorite is a python called Monty. We years this November. 3

a Listen to each sentence from Activity 4. Notice how have changes its sound in fast speech. Repeat what 31 you hear. b Work in pairs. Practice reading the sentences in Activity 4 slowly and quickly.


1 2

PronuncIaTIon Weak form of have



Well-scaffolded pronunciation activities help students be better understood.

dinogorgon became extinct a quarter of a billion years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

Atmospheric Administration. The Bloop was significantly different from other previously recorded sounds and many theories emerged to explain the mysterious noise. 8

Student a: The great dying Many theories to explain the Great Dying have been put forward—everything from asteroids from space hitting Earth to huge volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes did in fact play a part in the event. At the time, Siberian volcanoes were erupting almost constantly, sending out huge quantities of a gas called methane. This resulted in the oceans and the atmosphere being poisoned and so many species dying out. Student b: The bloop Theories put forward to explain the Bloop ranged from the sensible to the strange. Some people thought the noise must be from an unknown deep-sea creature while others thought it could be mermaids or voices from a lost city. In the end, it turned out that the sound was actually made by an icequake. A large mass of ice in Antarctica was slowly breaking up and was picked up by NOAA.

loch a Scottish word for a lake. 7

Work in pairs. Read the two paragraphs about mysteries of the natural world. Then discuss what you think happened. Use modals where necessary. The great dying Around 250 million years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, about 95 percent of all species were suddenly wiped out. This was by far the biggest mass extinction the world has ever seen. The event—widely known as the Great Dying—came close to ending all life on the planet. Everything alive today comes from the five percent of species that survived back then. The bloop The Bloop was an extremely low and very powerful underwater sound first detected at points across the vast Pacific Ocean by NOAA, the National Oceanic and

Read about what really happened. Student A: read about the Great Dying; Student B: read about the Bloop. See if you guessed correctly. Then report back to your partner.


chooSE Choose one of the following activities. • Work in groups. Prepare a short presentation about a mystery you have read about or know. Include at least four different modals. • Write a story about something you regret doing—or not doing. Include at least four different modals. • Work in pairs. Write a conversation between two people about an influential or inspiring person. Include at least four different modals.

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

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Students are guided through an analysis of the grammar that gives them a deeper understanding of how it works.

Examples in a grammar box provide clear models for students. A Choose activity gives students an opportunity for independent learning.


Introduction  ix

Authentic Listening Skills and TED Talk TED Talks help students understand real-world English at their level, building their confidence and allowing them to engage with topics that matter.

 ocabulary in Context activities focus on V level-appropriate, high-frequency words and phrases from the TED Talk.




The focus on skills needed to deal with authentic pieces of listening prepares students for real-world interactions.


6D you have no idea where camels really come from

lATif nAsser

auThEnTIc lISTEnIng SkIllS


understanding fast speech In quick speech, it can be difficult to hear individual words because words get shortened or sound as one. Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen to these extracts from the TED Talk where people speak 32 quickly. Try to write down what you hear.



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Read about Latif Nasser and get ready to watch his TED Talk.


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I’ve learned that, actually, a lot of scientists are historians, too. They make sense of the past.

Work in pairs. Write down as many other facts about camels as you can. Then compare your ideas with another pair of students . Do any of the other pair’s facts surprise you? Why?

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Work in groups. Do you think the sentences are true or false? Why? 1 2 3 4 5




Camels have been around for about a million years. The first camels were only found in North America. Giraffes and llamas are in the same family as camels. The hump on a camel’s back contains water. Camels have evolved to walk on sand.


Watch Part 2 of the talk. Check your answers from 6.2 Activity 2. Correct the false answers. Camels have been around longer than a million years. According to Latif, they have been around for 45 million years.

Watch Part 2 of the talk again. Choose the correct 6.2 options.

1 Scientists believe that at first, camels were only found in hot places / cold places. 2 They also believe that 40 million years ago, there were around 20 / 24 different species of camels. 3 They say that some early camels were as small as dogs / rabbits. 4 They also say that one branch of camels became llamas / giraffes. 5 Some scientists believe that a camel’s hump helped it to survive long walks / winters. 6 It is believed that three and a half million years ago, the weather was significantly warmer / cooler than today.

Watch Part 1 of the talk. Complete the summary with 6.1 one to three words in each blank.

One day in 2006, Natalia Rybczynski was digging at a site south of the North less than (1)  Pole when she found a strange object. To begin with, she  . She thought it was a piece of (2)  collected more fragments over the next four years and to find out eventually used a (3)  of a huge mammal. that it was a (4)  When they cut a piece off one fragment, they collagen, which is a substance (5)  found in bones and which (6)  in the ice. A couple of years later, she sent the fragments to a colleague who had invented a technique called , which can identify an (7)  animal from a bone. They discovered it was a(n) million-year-old camel and (8) , that it must have weighed (9) than camels today. which is (10)

1 …she thought it was just a splinter of wood, because at the Fyles Leaf Bed before— prehistoric plant parts. 2 How certain were you that you had it right, like… that , like? 3 …something like a cow or a sheep. But . It was just too big. 4 …you’re going to have different body sizes. , so they’re actually functionally like giraffes. . 5 And, as a historian, you start with an idea



Vocabulary In conTEXT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 6.4 meanings of the words and phrases. b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Have you ever experienced hitting a wall? Why? How did you overcome it? 2 What scientific theories still have no proof? 3 What good spots do you know to: • have a picnic? • see wildlife? • hang out with friends? • watch the world go by? 4 What things would you be willing or unwilling to do to be successful in life?

Watch Part 3 of the talk. Which sentence best 6.3 summarizes the point Latif is making? a b c d



It’s important to change your mind about things. Scientists should also study history. Much of what we think we know might be wrong. Camels are well suited to different environments.

What discoveries or news have you heard about the natural world recently? Think about: • • • •

archaeology. new or lost species. the sea. medical advances.

CHALLENGE Think of a time in your life when you have had to rethink what you thought you knew about something—or someone. • • • •

What did you use to believe? Why? What caused you to rethink your beliefs? Did you develop your new ideas quickly or slowly? How do you feel about the thing or person now?

Work in groups. Tell each other your experiences. Ask and answer questions about the changes. Decide who experienced the biggest change.

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

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Background information and extra activities on the video help students tune into the themes and language of the TED Talk.

x  Introduction


Challenge activities build student confidence through open-ended exercises that go beyond the page.


Speaking and Writing Lesson E allows students to put their own voices to the themes they have been discussing, while developing key strategies for speaking and writing.

Useful language boxes highlight the language students need to communicate in person and in writing.

Writing models provide the text for analysis as well as being a handy reference. Models are printed in the back of the book with writing skills and strategies annotated.

6E Finding a Solution

WrITIng A problem-solution essay

responding to anecdotes If the listener is interested, they will say things like: Really? Why was that? Wow! What happened? Really? They have foxes there?


a The author J.A. Mills suggests we should strengthen rules about domestic tigers. b Finally, we should work closely with local people. c According to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), there are only about 4,000 tigers left in the wild. d Countries have to work together to protect the habitat.

I once saw a polar bear in a zoo. It was really sad. I almost stepped on a scorpion once. My brother once tracked a group of gorillas in Africa. When I went to the city, I saw lots of foxes in the street. Where my grandma lives, there are vultures. We once climbed up to their nests. I hate cows. I was chased by some once. It was really scary!

You are going to tell an anecdote about a time you encountered some kind of wild animal—big or small. Make notes using these questions and think of a sentence you will say to start the anecdote to get people interested. When did it happen? How old were you? Where was it? What happened? What was the animal doing? How did it make you feel? Did it have an effect on you afterwards?


Read the opening lines of six different anecdotes. Which sounds most interesting to you? What would you ask about it?

• • • • • • 4

WrITIng SkIll Topic sentences

Read the essay about how people can help to protect tigers on page 151. Put the topic sentences in the correct order as they might appear.

a b c d e f

useful language


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Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions.

Tigers are endangered in the wild. Do you think having them in zoos and parks is good for their survival? Why? What other things might help them?

1 Where do you think the photo was taken? Who might the man be? 2 How would you feel if you were the man in the photo?

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Telling anecdotes Anecdotes are short real-life stories. When we want to tell an anecdote, we often give a very short summary of what we are going to say. We might also add a comment or say how we felt in order to make it sound interesting.



SPEakIng Speaking strategy



E ach writing section focuses on a common text type and provides training in a useful writing skill.




useful language naming sources According to [name / organization / book, etc.],… The [job title], [name], says that… I agree with [job title], [name], when she/he says that…

Work in pairs. Choose one of the animals or things from your list that are at risk of dying out (page 71, Activity 13). Find out more and take notes on three big problems it faces. Then think of ways to tackle these problems and help save it. Work on your own. Using your notes, write a problem-solution essay.


Exchange your essay with your partner. Read your partner’s work and comment on: • the structure and the strength of the argument. • the use of sources. • the use of language.



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Topic sentences It is good to start a new paragraph with a topic sentence—a sentence that explains what the paragraph is about.

• In the first paragraph, outline the problems and say you will suggest solutions. Then tackle each problem in a subsequent paragraph. Use the writing model on page 151 as a guide if you need to. • Find two or three sources that you can add to your essay to give it greater authority. Decide how you want to use them and where to place the sources. Use the Useful language box to help you.

Work in pairs. Tell your anecdotes. Your partner should show interest and ask questions to help you.

Some people have a special connection with animals.

In the essay, the writer refers to various organizations and people. Answer the questions.

1 Why does the writer do this? 2 Do you think they are good sources to reference? Why? 3 What other information would be good to know? What other sources could you look for?

Writing strategy


Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

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An open-ended activity allows students to personalize the language with their own piece of writing.


Introduction  xi

ng ni ar Le ap hi c lG eo gr io na at N SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

PersPectives Le





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Hugh Dellar

Lewis laNSFOrD Daniel BarBer Amanda JeFFrIeS



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Andrew Walkley

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Student Edition: Level 3 ISBN: 978-1-337-27714-3

National Geographic Learning 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 USA

National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company, has a mission to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it. Through our partnerships with National Geographic and TED Talks, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders.

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Cover Image: The Hive at Kew Gardens, London. ©Mark Hadden

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Publisher: Sherrise Roehr

© 2018 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company

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Perspectives 3 Hugh Dellar, Andrew Walkley, Lewis Lansford, Daniel Barber, Amanda Jeffries

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Natan Galed Gomez Cartagena Global English Teaching, Rionegro, Colombia

Claudia Colla de Amorim Escola Móbile, São Paulo, Brazil

James Ubriaco Colégio Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Antonio Oliveira Escola Móbile, São Paulo, Brazil

Ryan Manley The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China

Rory Ruddock Atlantic International Language Center, Hanoi, Vietnam

Silvia Teles Colégio Cândido Portinari, Salvador, Brazil

Carmen Virginia Pérez Cervantes La Salle, Mexico City, Mexico

María Camila Azuero Gutiérrez Fundación Centro Electrónico de Idiomas, Bogotá, Colombia

Rossana Patricia Zuleta CIPRODE, Guatemala City, Guatemala

Martha Ramirez Colegio San Mateo Apostol, Bogotá, Colombia

Gloria Stella Quintero Riveros Universidad Católica de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

Beata Polit XXIII LO Warszawa, Poland

Mónica Rodriguez Salvo MAR English Services, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Beata Tomaszewska V LO Toruń, Poland



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Alma Loya Colegio de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico

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Itana de Almeida Lins Grupo Educacional Anchieta, Salvador, Brazil



Paulo Rogerio Rodrigues Escola Móbile, São Paulo, Brazil

Michał Szkudlarek I LO Brzeg, Poland Anna Buchowska I LO Białystok, Poland Natalia Maćkowiak one2one, Kosakowo, Poland

Silvia Kosaruk Modern School, Lanús, Argentina

Agnieszka Dończyk one2one, Kosakowo, Poland

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María Trapero Dávila Colegio Teresiano, Ciudad Obregon, Mexico



Florencia Adami Dámaso Centeno, Caba, Argentina



Perspectives teaches learners to think critically and to develop the language skills they need to fi nd their own voice in English. The carefully-guided language lessons, real-world stories, and TED Talks motivate learners to think creatively and communicate eff ectively. In Perspectives, learners develop:




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Every unit explores one idea from diff erent perspectives, giving learners opportunities for practicing language as they look at the world in new ways.





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Students learn the critical thinking skills and strategies they need to evaluate new information and develop their own opinions and ideas to share.



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Students respond to the unit theme and express their own ideas confi dently in English.








Experiences abroad

A podcast about study-abroad programs

Present and past forms


A lecture about young entrepreneurs

Present perfect forms and the simple past

Online Crime

Vocabulary Building Phrasal verbs

Critical Thinking Evaluating ideas

1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism

Pages 20–31

Describing athletes

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Pages 32–43

Cultural events

ni Determiners

Olympic Gold Critical Thinking Supporting arguments

Vocabulary Building Adjective and noun collocations 2

A podcast about art projects

Future forms 1

A System That’s Leading the Way Critical Thinking Understanding and evaluating ideas



Four people talking about athletes they admire

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Vocabulary Building Synonyms in texts

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2 The Business of Technology

3 Faster, Higher, Stronger

Critical Thinking Interpreting data


Vocabulary Building Adjective and noun collocations 1


Setting up a new business


Pages 8–19

4 Cultural Transformation Pages 44–55

Science in action Vocabulary Building Adjective endings

A radio program about life hacks

Passives 1

Back to the Future?

Pronunciation Stress in passives

Critical Thinking Asking critical questions

5 It’s Not Rocket Science Pages 56–67



GRAMMAR JOE GEBBIA Joe Gebbia’s idea worth spreading is that we can design products, services, and experiences that feel more local, authentic, and that strengthen human connections.

Pronunciation To in natural speech

How Airbnb designs for trust

Verb patterns (-ing or infi nitive with to)


Advice / Making recommendations

A review


A persuasive article


David Epstein’s idea worth spreading is that the amazing achievements of many modern-day athletes are thanks to a complex set of factors, not just natural ability.

Writing Skill Getting people’s attention Pronunciation Intonation for persuasion

Reporting fi ndings

A survey

Making suggestions

A for and against essay

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Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?

Pronunciation Contrastive stress



Pronunciation Linking words together in fast speech

Future forms 2

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Comparatives and superlatives

Authentic Listening Skills Intonation and pitch



James Veitch’s idea worth spreading is that spam email can lead us to some surprising, bizarre, and often hilarious exchanges with others.

This is what happens when you reply to spam email

Writing Skill Adding comments

Authentic Listening Skills Reporting


Used to and would


Writing Skill Describing statistics

Authentic Listening Skills Slowing down and stressing words ROBERT HAMMOND Robert Hammond’s idea worth spreading is that we can work together to turn abandoned and neglected parts of our cities into vibrant community spaces.

Writing Skill Introducing arguments

Authentic Listening Skills Recognizing words you know

Building a Park in the Sky

Passives 2

BEAU LOTTO AND AMY O’TOOLE Beau Lotto and Amy O’Toole’s idea worth spreading is that all of us can be scientists if we approach the world with the curiosity, interest, innocence, and zeal of children. Science is for everyone, kids included

Staging and hypothesizing

A scientifi c method Writing Skill Describing a process

Authentic Listening Skills Fillers








Endangered species

An interview with a conservationist about extinction

Modals and meaning

Help Save the Endangered Pacifi c Northwest Tree Octopus

Vocabulary Building Compound nouns

Critical Thinking Assessing information

6 Adapt to Survive Pages 68–79

Testing Creative Thinking


First, second, third, and mixed conditionals

Critical Thinking Fact and opinion

7 Outside the Box Pages 80–91

Identity and communication

An interview with a girl about intercultural communication

Reported speech

A Place to Be

Pronunciation Stress for clarifi cation

Critical Thinking Understanding other perspectives

A radio program about crisis mapping

Relative clauses

Shouting Out for the Young

A radio program about inspiring movies

Expressing past ability

Avoiding the Antibiotic Apocalypse

Pronunciation Stress on auxiliaries

Critical Thinking Thinking through the consequences

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Vocabulary Building Compound adjectives

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Vocabulary Building Noun forms

A podcast about the importance of creativity


Breaking the mold

8 Common Ground Pages 92–103

Vocabulary Building the + adjective

Critical Thinking Detecting bias



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Dealing with disaster

9 Lend a Helping Hand Pages 104–115

Illness and injury Vocabulary Building Dependent prepositions

10 Life-changing Pages 116–127



GRAMMAR LATIF NASSER Latif Nasser’s idea worth spreading is that in science, and in life, we are making surprising discoveries that force us to reexamine our assumptions.

Pronunciation Weak form of have

You have no idea where camels really come from

Wish, if only, would rather

Erin McKean’s idea worth spreading is that making up new words will help us use language to express what we mean and will create new ways for us to understand one another.

Writing Skill Topic sentences

Off ering solutions

Writing Skill Cohesion



A report



Patterns after reporting verbs

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Safwat Saleem’s idea worth spreading is that we all benefi t when we use our work and our voices to question and enlarge our understanding of what is “normal.”



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Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent

Pronunciation ing forms

A problemsolution essay

Authentic Listening Skills Speeding up and slowing down speech

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Go ahead, make up new words!

Participle clauses

Telling anecdotes

Authentic Listening Skills Understanding fast speech


Pronunciation Elision of fi nal consonants t and d



Modals and infi nitive forms


Challenging ideas and assumptions

A complaint

Countering opposition

A letter of application

Writing Skill Using appropriate tone

Authentic Listening Skills Just

BECCI MANSON Becci Manson’s idea worth spreading is that photographs hold our memories and our histories, connecting us to each other and to the past.

Writing Skill Structuring an application

Authentic Listening Skills Intonation and completing a point

(Re)Touching Lives through Photos

Emphatic structures

JANINE SHEPHERD Janine Shepherd’s idea worth spreading is that we have inner strength and spirit that is much more powerful than the physical capabilities of even the greatest athletes.

Pronunciation Adding emphasis

A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person

Developing conversations

A success story Writing Skill Using descriptive verbs

Authentic Listening Skills Collaborative listening

Grammar Reference 128 Irregular Verbs 148 Writing Bank 149 Word Lists 154



Travel, Trust, and Tourism


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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • talk about student exchanges and study-abroad programs. • read about a disappearing way of traveling for free. • learn about the Grand Tours that were popular in the past. • watch a TED Talk about how design can build trust between strangers. • write a review of a place you have visited.



Travel, Trust, and Tourism



Jemaa el-Fnaa is the main marketplace of Marrakesh, a city in central Morocco. Morocco is located in western North Africa just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain in southwestern Europe. Jemaa el-Fnaa is in the heart of the historic part of the city, called the medina, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Much of the medina is still surrounded by walls that were built in the 12th century, as was a nearby mosque. Language note  Students will encounter the term culture shock, the feeling of disorientation experienced by someone who is suddenly far from home and subjected to an unfamiliar culture, way of life, or set of attitudes. Culture shock is generally temporary and is said to have four different stages: honeymoon (positive feelings of excitement), frustration (annoyance with a strange language and customs), adjustment (travelers begin to feel more comfortable), and acceptance (familiarity grows and travelers discover helpful resources).

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Students will also learn how traveling abroad for an extended period of time used to be a regular practice among wealthy young aristocrats in the past. They’ll consider the practice of hitchhiking, formerly popular but now in decline—its positive aspects and possible reasons for its decline. On the flip side, they’ll hear from someone who had an idea for a business for which the concept of mutual trust became central to its success—indeed, was built into the business’s very design.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will talk about traveling abroad and the different experiences people have when they travel to new places. They’ll learn about the original reasons for student exchange programs, hear about the experiences of two students who took part in such programs, and consider the best way to conduct student exchanges in today’s world.


Unit Overview



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Finally, students will write a review of a place they’ve visited.

Unit Objectives

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Vocabulary • Experiences abroad • Vocabulary Building  Phrasal verbs


Reading • Hitchhiking


Grammar • Grammar 1  Present and past forms • Grammar 2  Used to and would

TED Talk • Joe Gebbia: How Airbnb designs for trust Pronunciation • To in natural speech Speaking • Making suggestions • Reacting to suggestions Writing • A review

Warm Up

• Hold the book up and point to the photo or project it using the Classroom Presentation Tool. Invite students to tell what they like or don’t like about it. Ask questions such as the following:

1. Where was this photo taken? (Jemaa el-Fnaa, a square and marketplace in Marrakesh, Morocco) 2. What kind of public space is this? (a market where people shop and eat) Are there places like this where you live? 3. Why do people come to places like this? (to buy food and gifts, meet friends, enjoy the atmosphere) • Ask the class what they think the message of the photo is. Put them in pairs to think about and discuss it for a minute. • Choose students to give their ideas and help them express them in English.


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 1–6 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)

Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


1A  Cultural Exchange


3  Read the Activity 3 directions and the three questions. Tell


students to get into groups of 3–5 to ask and answer the questions. Circulate as students discuss and check that every group is doing the task and participating equally. • After three or four minutes, ask individuals for their groups’ ideas. Ask them to explain their reasoning. As well as showing interest, you can check students’ understanding of the phrases.

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questions aloud. Make sure students know that abroad means “in a foreign country.” Give pairs several minutes to talk, and remind them of the benefits of practicing English during activities like these. When the time is up, tell partners to think of one more question about travel to ask each other. • Call on individual students to tell the class something about their partner, such as what he usually does on vacation or what country / countries he has visited. • Don’t expect that every student will have traveled abroad and be sensitive if some students are shy about discussing question 2. Show interest in what they do say by asking follow-up questions, such as And where did you go this time? What was your favorite part of the trip? and so on. • Invite students who are familiar with student exchanges or study-abroad programs to tell the class what they know. • If necessary, provide these definitions: A student exchange is a program for language learners. You stay with a family in a country where the language you’re learning is spoken. At the same time, a member of that family stays in your home to learn your language. In a study-abroad program, you go to a country where the language you’re learning is spoken and study in a school there. You usually pay to stay with a family.


1  Put students in pairs. Read the Activity 1 directions and

• When they’re finished, invite individuals to write one answer each in the correct column on the board. When all the phrases have been listed on the board, invite students to challenge the position of some of the phrases. • Ask students to justify the positions of the phrases in the chart to check their understanding of their meanings. For example, a student may say that item 14 could go in the third column, because although traveling off the beaten path can be a good way to meet the local people and avoid tourist traps, you could get lost if you’re not with someone who knows the area well. This would show that they have a good understanding of the phrase.



4  Draw students’ attention to the photo and read the activity

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questions aloud. Invite a student to say one sentence to describe the photo using one of the Activity 2 phrases. (For example, I think I would get lost there if I was left to my own devices.) • Put students in pairs to discuss the questions. Tell students to each make their own list and then compare and discuss it with their partner. Check that they can explain why they’ve chosen particular words and phrases in their lists. • When most pairs have finished, call on students to talk about the photo using the words and phrases in their lists.

2  Tell students that they’re going to learn some phrases to



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describe things you do or things that happen to you when you’re traveling in another country. Read the directions aloud and use the board to clarify what students have to do by drawing three columns with the headings Good, Bad, and Either. Say For example, be left to your own devices—If you’re in a foreign country and you’re left to your own devices, is that a good or a bad thing, or could it be either? • Discuss students’ responses. Then ask If you aren’t sure what be left to your own devices means, how would you look it up in a dictionary? Explain that they should think about what the most important word in the phrase is—in this case, it’s devices—and look that word up. If the phrase is a common one, they should find it listed towards the end of the dictionary entry for the word. Remind them that you’re a good resource, too, and they should feel free to ask you questions during class! • If you think students will find the activity difficult, do item 2 as a class. Give students some time to look at the phrases. Then put them in pairs to discuss. • Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly. Offer help where appropriate. Notice words and phrases they look up, ask you about, or underline. Focus on these in feedback.

5  Ask one student to read the instructions for Activity 5. Make

sure students understand that they need to supply two or three words, not the entire phrase as listed in Activity 2. 6  Put students in pairs to discuss the question. Before they

begin, suggest that each student think for a minute or two and try to write down some advantages and disadvantages of both the old and the new ways of doing student exchanges. It will help them in their discussions. • After pairs have discussed, have students share their opinions in a whole-class discussion. Expansion Tell students to write a short description of a visit to a foreign city or some other place they traveled to for the first time. Tell them to try to use some of the new words and phrases they learned.


9a  Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism

1A Cultural Exchange VOCABULARY Experiences abroad 1

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

Answers will vary.

1 What do you normally do on vacation? 2 Have you been abroad? If yes, where? If no, would you like to? Why? 3 What do you know about student exchanges and study-abroad programs? Check that you understand the words and phrases in bold. Use a dictionary, if necessary. Then tell your partner which experiences you think are good and which are bad. Give your reasons. Answers will vary.


hang out with local people lie around a house all day see all the sights stay in a B&B stay with a host family take a while to get used to the food travel off the beaten path


8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Work in groups. Look at the words and phrases in Activity 2. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.


Jemaa el-Fnaa is a square and a marketplace in Marrakesh, Morocco. Every evening, food stalls and entertainers attract local people and tourists to the main square of the city.

be left to your own devices experience culture shock find people very welcoming get a real feel for the place get food poisoning get robbed go hiking in the mountains


1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions.

Answers will vary.

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1 Which are the most connected to visitors to your country? The least? 2 Which have you done, or which have happened to you? When? 3 Which three do you most want to remember and use? Why?

1 How is the market different from markets near where you live? How would visiting this place make you feel? Why? 2 Which words and phrases from Activity 2 can you use to describe what is happening? Make a list. Then explain your choices to a partner.

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Complete the description with words or phrases from Activity 2.



In the past, it was very common for teenagers to do student exchanges, where they would go abroad and stay in each other’s homes. The idea was not only to hang out with the local teenagers, learn a new language, but also to (1) go to their school, and get a (2) (real) feel for the place and culture. host family was very welcoming and students got along Sometimes the (3) well with the people in the home; other times the (4) culture shock was get used to the food and ended up too much. The students couldn’t (5) being left to their (6) own devices . Maybe that’s why these days it is more common for teenagers to go on a group trip abroad, where everyone stays in a B&B or hostel together. During the trip, students go and see (7) the sights and only briefly meet up with a group from a local school. (8) lie around a foreign house all day, and This way teenagers don’t (9) there is no awkwardness. The worst that could happen might be a case of (10) food poisoning from a bad clam and some sore feet from walking around the town. 6

Work in pairs. Do you think that the old or new way of doing student exchanges is better? Why? Answers will vary.


Travel, Trust, and Tourism



who can do these programs. how long people can go abroad and study for. when the system started. what the possible benefits are.

Answers will vary.

1 What do you think the biggest benefit is? Why? 2 What do you think the biggest issue is? Why?

GRAMMAR Present and past forms

Listen to Kenji and Catalina. Answer the questions. 2


1 Where did they do their study-abroad programs? 2 How long did they stay for? 3 Did the trip increase their understanding of other cultures and develop their language skills? If yes, how do you know?


1 Which two are about the present? c and f 2 Which four are about the past? a, b, d, and e 3 Which two describe actions that happened before something else in the past? b and d 4 Which three use simple forms? d, e, and f 5 Which three use continuous forms? a, b, and c

Work in pairs. Are the sentences true or false? Listen again 2 to check your answers.

Present and past forms a b c d e f

I was actually thinking about canceling my trip. I’d been wanting to go there for ages. We’re talking about study-abroad programs. I’d never left Argentina! I spent six months in Germany last year. I miss my host family.

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1 Kenji had visited several countries before studying abroad in Munich. F 2 He was really excited about studying abroad. F 3 His host family helped him develop a better understanding of the German language. T 4 He’s still in touch with his host family. T 5 Catalina has family roots* in Italy. T 6 She felt at home as soon as she arrived. F 7 After a few weeks, she spoke enough Italian to do what she needed to do. T 8 She’s glad she went to Italy, but has no plans to go back. F



Look at the sentences in the Grammar box. Then answer the questions.



Work in pairs. Think of two more benefits and three possible issues students might face when doing a study-abroad program. Then discuss the questions.

Listen to the first part of a podcast about study-abroad 1 programs. Find out: 1 2 3 4





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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.



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family roots original place where a family is from

Some study-abroad programs allow students to visit countries like China, where they can go to places like the Great Wall.


10 Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism




students call out the benefits and issues around studyabroad programs that they have already heard about, such as the ability to improve a language. • Decide whether students can do this on their own, or put them in pairs so they can work together to identify other benefits and possible challenges of these programs. Give them a few minutes to think and discuss. Then they should tackle the two activity questions. Provide some words as prompts to support students’ discussions, such as emotions, transport, money, family, nationality, culture.

GRAMMAR  Present and past forms • Optional  Tell students to close their books. Write sentences a–f from the Grammar box on the board or project them using the Classroom Presentation Tool. Ask them where all these sentences come from (the podcast). • Put students in pairs. Tell them to identify the verb tense in each sentence and discuss why each is used. Go around the class and listen to students’ explanations to get a clearer idea of how well they know these tenses. • When students have discussed all the sentences, read questions 1–5 in Activity 11 aloud and let students call out the answers, or call on individuals to respond.

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of a podcast about study-abroad programs. For a little background, write the word tolerance on the board. Ask students what it means and record any appropriate responses. • Tell the class to first imagine that they’re going to study abroad to improve their English. Ask What country would you choose to study English in? Call on a few students to tell where they would like to study and why. • Have students read the Activity 7 questions and make sure they understand them. Check their understanding of benefits by asking What are some of the benefits of having your own bedroom? •   1 Check that students are ready to take notes. Then play the audio track.

10  Ask a student to read the directions aloud. Then have


7  Tell students that they’re going to listen to the first part

• If students are still unsure of an answer, play the key parts of the track. Draw attention to any problem words or concepts (for example, in touch, family roots, felt at home) and explain them when you confirm the answer.


Teaching Tip You can help students get ready to listen by introducing a key word, phrase, or concept from the listening. In this case, the words tolerance and maturity are good candidates for preteaching—one is stated as a key reason for creating study-abroad programs; the other is identified by a student as one of the results of his experience abroad.

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Activity 7 1 High school or college students 2 From a week to a year 3 The end of the World War II 4 Help people understand cultures and boost language skills 8  Ask students to retell what the podcast host said the next



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part of the podcast will be about (two students who have done study-abroad programs). Then read the Activity 8 directions and questions aloud. •   2 Play the recording. When students are ready, go over the questions and answers as a class. Activity 8 1 Kenji: Munich, Germany; Catalina: Palermo, Italy 2 Kenji: six months; Catalina: three months 3 Kenji says the trip changed his life. Catalina says her Italian improved, and she got over culture shock.

Put students in pairs. Have them read the sentences and decide together whether they’re true or false. When they have discussed all eight sentences, play the recording again and have them review their answers. • When students agree, write the sentence number and answer on the board. When there is a dispute, ask students to justify their different answers, without confirming the answer yourself. Instead, put a question mark on the board. Finally, play the track again if necessary.

9     2

 Tell students to look at Activity 11. Read the directions aloud. Check that students understand where the sentences in the Grammar box come from. (the podcast) You could ask them who said each. (the host: c; Kenji: a, e, f; Catalina: b, d) • Have students answer questions 1–5. Check that the directions are clear by eliciting one sentence that is about the present. Then let them complete the activity on their own.


At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on p. 129 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. Expansion Ask different students to rewrite the sentences in the Grammar box. Tell them to change sentences with a present-form verb to one with a past-form verb and sentences with a past-form verb to one with a presentform verb. Point out that they may have to change other words besides the verb for the sentence to be correct.

Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



to take turns telling their stories. Make sure they’re being polite and listening to each other. Make a note of interesting language and common errors. • When all students have told their stories, ask for volunteers to share interesting, unusual, or funny stories they heard. Also give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). Teaching Tip  Successful speaking Students may be unused to speaking activities or embarrassed at making mistakes, challenged by the linguistic demands of thinking fast—and speaking English in front of a group. There’s a lot you can do to help!

 7 were staying  8 visited  9 h ad (’d) been dreaming / had (’d) dreamed 10 am (’m) hoping / hope

• Give students the preparation time they need. If necessary, let them make notes, or at least think about the language they will use. Don’t rush them! • Encourage them to use notes (key words and phrases) when they speak and not write every word they’ll say. It may take time before they’re comfortable doing this. • Write a suggested first line on the board to get students started. Here, for example, you might suggest I’m going to tell you about the time I . . . • Background music hides embarrassed voices. Some quiet music will make students feel less conscious. • Consider having students record their stories. This could be for their ears only or they can let you listen to it afterwards. There are lots of ways of recording or videoing themselves, such as on their phones. As well as giving them a chance to check for mistakes and pronunciation, it creates another incentive to perform well.

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Activity 13  1 love  2 am (’m) planning/plan  3 went  4 spent  5 had (’d) ever gone  6 loved

16  Say Now tell your story to a classmate! Put students in pairs

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in the blanks. Say Notice what kind of trips the person enjoys, where this person has been, and where she or he is going soon. Give students one minute for this. • Make sure students understand that they have to choose the correct verb form to fill in each blank. Have students work with a partner if you think this might be a difficult task for some of them. • Go around and check to see if students are doing the task correctly and notice sentences they’re getting wrong or asking you about. Focus on these in feedback. • When most students have finished, go through the answers by asking different students to read out the completed sentences. Write the numbers and correct verbs on the board or have the students do it.


13  Tell students to read the whole text quickly before they fill


in Activity 12 to sentences a–f in the Grammar box on p. 10. Do the first as an example. Ask Which sentence in the Grammar box goes with rule number 1? (f) • When students have finished, tell them to check their answers on p. 128.

• Give students a couple of minutes to choose the situation they’ll write about. Then have them begin by writing one sentence for their story, using each tense. Also, encourage them to incorporate any useful words and phrases from Activity 2. • Give them a few minutes to plan. Go around the class to offer support and check that they’re using the tenses correctly. When most are on track and engaged, tell them to complete their stories. Remind them to check that they’re adding the details asked for in the directions. Circulate again and provide assistance as needed.


12  Explain to students that they must match the six rules listed

14  Read the directions aloud. Tell students that each pair of



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sentences, a and b, will have one simple tense (present, past, or past perfect) and one progressive tense. Do the first pair with the class to make sure everyone understands the task. • Point out the clues that show a simple tense is required in the first sentence (usually; the summers). Say This sentence describes something that is generally (usually) true. The second sentence describes a temporary action that’s in progress. Explain that This summer, though indicates that something is different. Ask How is it different? (The brother is in Cost Rica.) Is this situation still in progress? (yes) How do you know? (He’s with a family there.) • Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice sentences they’re getting wrong or asking you about. Focus on these in feedback. • When most students have finished, go through the answers by asking different students to read the completed sentence pairs aloud.

15  Explain that students are going to tell a story based on one

of the three situations—a, b, or c—in Activity 15. They need to choose the situation and plan what to say, making sure they use the four past tenses.


11a  Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism


Match the rules (1–6) with the examples (a–f) in the Grammar box.


1 We use the simple present to talk about habits, permanent states, and things that are generally true. f 2 We use the present continuous to talk about actions we see as temporary, in progress, and unfinished. c 3 We use the simple past to describe finished actions in the past, especially when there is one finished action after another. e 4 We use the past continuous to emphasize an action in progress around a time in the past. a 5 We use the simple past perfect to emphasize that one thing happened before a particular point in the past. d 6 We use the past perfect continuous to talk about an action that was in progress over a period of time up to or before a particular point in the past. b


spend (spend) the summers 1a We usually with my grandparents at their house on the coast. 1b This summer, though, my brother is in Costa Rica. He is staying (stay) with a host family there. am (‘m) going (go) hiking in the 2a This weekend I mountains with some friends. leaves (leave) at six every morning, 2b The bus so we should be at the station 15 minutes before. got (get) really bad food poisoning 3a I while I was in Scotland. I have no idea why! 3b Things got worse when somebody stole my suitcase while I was waiting (wait) in line to buy train tickets to Glasgow. 4a I spoke good French by the time I left Quebec because I had been hanging out (hang out) with the locals for the last few months of the ski season. 4b It was a great trip, but it was scary, because I had tried never (try) skiing before.




Choose one of the situations below. Then plan what you want to say about where you were, when you went, and what happened. Think about how to use all four past forms at least once. Answers will vary.

a Something that happened while you were on vacation b A time you stayed with other people c A place you have visited


Work in pairs. Tell each other your stories. Answers will vary.


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I really (1) (love) traveling. It’s probably the most important thing in my life. I’m 17, and I (2) (plan) to spend the summer on a National Geographic (go) on my Student Expedition! I actually (3) first adventure trip a few years ago when I (4) (spend) two months in China. It was the first time I (ever / go) abroad, and I (6) (5) (stay) in (love) every minute of it! While we (7) (visit) the Great Wall of China, Beijing, we (8) (dream) of doing which was something I (9) ever since I was a child. It was amazing! I (10) (hope) to do an expedition to Iceland next year and stay somewhere really off the beaten path.


Complete the text with the correct form of each verb.



Complete the pairs of sentences with the correct simple form of one of the verbs and the correct continuous form of the other.

Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




Work in pairs. Which of these ideas does the author present? What evidence is given?

Phrasal verbs

1 There used to be far more hitchhikers. Presented (9–11) 2 There was a high number of robberies involving hitchhikers. Not presented Presented (27–29) 3 It’s difficult to find a place to hitchhike these days. 4 More people drive now than in the past. Presented (33–34) 5 Air travel is safer than driving or hitchhiking. Not presented 6 We are wasting a lot of energy by driving alone. Presented (45–49) 7 People only hitchhike now if they are poor. Not presented 8 Hitchhiking brings benefits to communities and individuals. Presented (59–61)

Phrasal verbs are often used in conversation instead of more formal words. They are very common in English. The meaning of a verb often changes when it is used in a phrasal verb. Rewrite the words in italics using the correct forms of these phrasal verbs.


Work in pairs. Imagine you are standing at the side of a road, trying to hitchhike. Tell your story. Before you do, talk and make notes about: Answers will vary. • where you are going. • why you are hitchhiking. • how you are feeling.


• what happens next. • how the story ends.

Tell your stories to other people in your class. Vote on the best one. Explain why it is the best story.

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1 They offered to give me a ride to the airport and got me from the hotel at eight o’clock. picked me up 2 The bus stopped working on the way there, so we were five hours late. broke down 3 It was New Year's Day, so I had to wait in line for hours to get a train ticket. line up 4 I think the changes are basically because of two things: wealth and technology. come down to 5 A car stopped by the side of the road and the driver asked us for directions. pulled over 6 I was worried because I’d never been abroad before, but everything was great in the end. turned out


line up turn out


come down to pull over


break down pick up



CRITICAL THINKING Evaluating ideas

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Write sentences using these phrasal verbs. hang out

lie around

look after

Evaluating ideas and judging them against other perspectives helps to form a basis for developing your own point of view.

step out

Answers will vary.

Work in pairs. Look at the photo on page 13 and discuss the questions. Answers will vary.


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at N

Read the article about hitchhiking. Match these headings with the numbered paragraphs. a b c d e f

Fear More wealth New needs and opportunities Legal restrictions Low-cost flights Greater access to cars

Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Which is the most important reason the author gives for the decline in hitchhiking? Do you agree? How important are the other reasons? 2 What comparison does the author provide from the website Wand’rly? Is it a fair comparison? Why? 3 How is the example of hitchhiking in Virginia different from other kinds? Does this make it safer? Why? 4 Why do you think the author says he gained a different perspective from other tourists? Do you think that is true? Do you think his perspective was better? Why?

1 What is happening? 2 Which of the phrasal verbs from Activity 1 can you connect to the photo? Explain your choices.



MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Do you think hitchhiking is a good idea? What other reasons could there be for doing it? 2 How could you make hitchhiking safer?


12 Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism

Answers will vary.

1B  Ask for a Ride VOCABULARY BUILDING  Phrasal verbs

3  Hold the book up and point to the photo on p. 13, or project

READING 4  Tell students they’re going to read a text about hitchhiking.



Make sure students understand what it is by asking what sign hitchhikers make to let drivers know they need a ride. If necessary, explain that they hold out one arm with the thumb up, like this: C • Read the Activity 4 directions. Tell students to read the first sentence of the Reading and then to skim the rest of the text up to the first blank line. You could also use the audio track for this activity. Have students read along in their books as you play the recording. Ask them to think about which heading, a–f, goes there. Have them read the rest of the section quickly (up to the second blank line). Ask them again which heading they think come first. (a. Fear) Ask them what words helped them to decide. (horror, kidnap, murder, robbed) • Tell the students to read the rest of the text quickly and match the headings with each section. Set a time limit of no more than two minutes. • Stick to the time limit and then have students stop reading. • Call on students to give you the answers and write them on the board. Ask students to explain their decisions in the same way as they did for the first paragraph.

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• Read the sentences aloud. Ask the class if they are correct. (no) Then call on individual students to read the sentences aloud, one at a time, supplying the missing words. (She came in and turned on the light, or turned the light on; The plane took off; I have to drop off my little sister this afternoon.) • Ask the students whether turn on, took off, and drop off have the same meanings as the verbs turn, took, and drop. (no) Ask Does anyone know what phrases like turn on are called? (phrasal verbs) You could ask students to act out or use gestures to show the different meanings of each verb/ phrasal verb pair. • Have students open their books to p. 12. Ask a student to read the information in the Vocabulary Building box. Ask Why do you think it’s a good idea to learn phrasal verbs? (to be able to speak naturally and to understand people better in conversation) • Tell students that they need to think of and remember phrasal verbs as verbs with their own distinct meanings.


She came in and turned the light. The plane took. I have to drop my little sister this afternoon.

it using the Classroom Presentation Tool. • Put students in pairs. Tell them to discuss the activity questions. • As they’re discussing the photo, go around the class to listen to their ideas and explanations and to check that they understand the phrasal verbs. • When they’re finished, call on pairs to share the scenarios they came up with.


• Warm up  Write a few sentences on the board containing phrasal verbs that students will be familiar with, but omit the preposition or adverb:

1  Read the activity directions and the first sentence. Say Let’s



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do this one together. Which phrasal verb means something close to got me? Think about the context of the sentence. Have students call out the answer. (pick up) • Remind students they have to use the correct form of the verb—and maybe move another word around. Call on a student to read the new sentence aloud. Then have students complete the activity individually. • While they work, notice words and phrases they look up, ask you about, or underline. • Go through the answers by asking different students to read the sentences aloud and write the item numbers and phrasal verbs on the board. • Tell students to briefly close their books. Read sentences 1−6 stopping before the phrasal verb. Have students call out the verbs from memory together. 2  Tell students to look at the phrasal verbs and ask them

which two they have used recently. (hang out and lie around were in the previous lesson) • Tell them to write one sentence for each verb (fast finishers can write two). When students have written their sentences, let them share with a classmate. • Invite volunteers to read their sentences to the class.

Reading Strategy  Skimming for the main points On tests or other kinds of assessments, students may be given very little time to read long texts. However, they may not need to read every word slowly and carefully to do the assigned task. Take the task in Activity 4, for example. To do it, students only need to understand the main point of each section. You can get a good idea of the main point by reading the first sentence of each section (or paragraph), and then quickly glancing over the rest of the section text to look for key words and phrases. When practicing this strategy in class, it’s helpful to set a time limit so that students develop the habit of reading quickly. Give them just enough time to do the task, but not enough to read every word carefully. For notes on Activities 5–9, see page 13a.

Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




Activity 8, Suggested answers: 1 Fear is the most important reason the author gives for the decline in hitching. 2 The comparison is that a person is more likely to die by tripping and falling than hitchhiking. 3 The example of ride sharing in Virginia is not too different from hitchhiking, though it’s more organized. 4 Answers will vary.

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hitchhiking. Read the Activity 6 directions aloud. Then tell students to listen as you read the details they should include in their stories and to write notes about each one. Give them a few seconds between details to write. • Now put students in pairs and have them compare their ideas. Encourage partners to give each other feedback and suggestions. Have students revise their notes. • Say Now it’s time to tell your story. Use your imagination and make it the most interesting story you can think of! Go around the class as students tell each other their stories. Remind them not to read their notes word for word, just glance at them from time to time when they need to remember some detail.


6  Explain to students that they’re going to tell a story about

• Put students in groups of 4−6. Then call on individuals from each group to read the Activity 8 questions aloud. Have groups discuss the questions. • Circulate among the groups, listening to the discussions and helping students express their ideas when appropriate. • When most of the groups have finished discussing the questions, bring the class together and go through the questions one by one. Call on individuals to summarize their groups’ ideas. Challenge students to defend their points of view by asking questions. • If necessary, ask questions to stimulate discussion, such as How do you think having a bad hitchhiking experience is different from tripping and falling? (Elicit that ideally you weigh the pros and cons of hitchhiking and then make a decision to do it or not. The decision is under your control; falling and tripping is an accident you have little or no control over.) What might make the organized hitchhiking practice in Virginia safer than other hitchhiking? (It’s done at the same time every day, probably with a core group of hitchhikers and drivers. They get to know one another. Hitchhikers can warn one another to avoid certain drivers.)


Read the directions and have students look at the statements. If you wish, have them reread the article or play the audio as they follow along in their books. Do the first item as an example. Read the statement and ask the class if the author of the reading presents the idea or not. They can call out the answer all together or you can ask for a show of hands. • Don’t immediately say if students have given the correct answer, but ask someone to explain why they chose what they did (for each side if there were different answers). Let students debate and see if they can persuade each other. • Confirm the answer (yes) and clarify. Say The author says hitchhiking used to be common, and includes this sentence: “Often when you went to some hitching spots, you’d have to line up behind several others . . . it was so popular.” • Put students in pairs to discuss the other statements. • Go through the statement in the same way as above, making sure you get students to justify their answers.

5     3

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7  Say Now share your stories with other classmates. Give



students a few minutes to make any other notes about their stories based on your feedback. When they’re ready, allow students to move around the room, telling their stories to other students. • When all stories have been shared, have students vote on the best ones. Tally the votes on the board. See which one gets the most votes and announce the winner. Call on students who voted for that story to explain why they think it’s the best.

CRITICAL THINKING  Evaluating ideas

9  Read the activity questions. Give students time to think and

make some notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss. Give pairs sufficient time to share ideas about the questions. • Round up the class and ask for students’ ideas about making hitchhiking safer. Have students revisit the question you asked at the beginning of Activity 8, about whether they would ever hitchhike. Then ask Would you consider hitchhiking if your ideas about making it safer were put into practice? Ask for a show of hands. Expansion Have pairs or teams of students debate this question: Do the benefits of hitchhiking outweigh its potential dangers?

8  Ask students to think about whether they would ever

hitchhike. Ask whether their ideas about hitchhiking have changed based on the reading. Have students share their ideas in a class discussion. • Read the information in the Critical Thinking box with the class. Explain that students are going to discuss the perspectives offered by the writer of the hitchhiking article and compare them with their own opinions.


13a  Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism

Hitchbot, a hitchhiking robot, waits for a ride at the side of a road. Read more about Hitchbot on page 129.


Several horror movies have shown psychotic drivers who kidnap and murder the hitchhiker they pick up (or vice versa). This has been reinforced by certain stories in the media of people getting robbed and being left in the middle of nowhere. Unsurprisingly, this has caused trust to break down. Some people believe that the chances of these things happening are small. The website Wand’rly, for example, suggests that people are far more likely to die by tripping and falling than by hitchhiking.





(2) d There are more major roads now than there used to be, and hitching is either banned or drivers are not allowed to pull over on these roads. 30


(4) e

In the past, young people simply couldn’t afford to fly long distances, and traveling by train wasn’t necessarily much quicker than traveling by car. Now, however, we have budget airlines, making air travel more accessible.





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(1) a


at a cheaper price. What's more, many more people have driver's licenses than they used to.

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Where did all the hitchhikers go? 3 I was driving along the other day, and I passed a man sticking his thumb out. He was asking for a ride. When we had gone past, my daughter, who is 15, asked me, “What was that man doing?” The question surprised me, because hitchhiking used to be so common. I used to do it all the time when I was a student going home to visit friends, and I also spent one summer hitchhiking around South America. Often when you went to some hitching spots, you’d have to line up behind several others already waiting for a ride—it was so popular. So what happened? Why is it so rare now? The authors of Freakonomics, Stephen Dubner and Steve Levitt, have also asked this question in one of their regular podcasts. They suggest that it probably comes down to five main reasons.



(3) f Alan Piskarsi, a transportation expert, points to the fact that cars last longer, so there are more of them available


(5) b Along the same lines, people’s standard of living has increased. Perhaps people opt for higher levels of comfort, privacy, or reliability when they travel.

(6) c The trouble is that privacy comes at a cost. Levitt and Dubner state that in the United States, 80 percent of passenger space in cars is unused, which makes them more costly to operate and creates unnecessary traffic and pollution. The solution could be more hitchhiking! They give the example of a city in Virginia, where commuters have organized a spot where they meet to hitch a ride so drivers with no passengers can use carpool lanes on the highway that are reserved for cars that contain more than one person.

Fresh Fears But what about general travel? I often argued with my parents about the dangers of hitchhiking, and I would tell them about all the amazing experiences I’d had and the generous, interesting people I’d met. I think it genuinely gave me a different perspective on other travelers and tourists. But now, I look at my daughter and think about her going on a trip. Would I want her to go hitchhiking?

Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


Andrew Skurka’s longest “Grand Tour” was 7,775 miles.

1C The Grand Tour GRAMMAR Used to and would 1

Look at the Grammar box. Match the structures with the uses, based on the examples in bold. 1 simple past b 2 used to, would, simple past c 3 used to or simple past a

a to describe a past state over a period of time b to describe individual past events and situations c to describe a habit or regular action in the past

Used to and would




past Hitchhiking used to be so common. Ithe used to do it all the time when I was a student going home to visit friends, and I also spent one summer hitching around South America. Often when you went to some hitching spots, you’d have to line up behind several others already waiting for a ride—it was so popular. I often argued with my parents about the dangers of hitching, and I would tell them about all the amazing experiences I’d had.


Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 2

Read about Grand Tours. Find out what they were and why people did them.



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Humans have always been travelers, moving out of Africa to all parts of the world in search of space, food, and resources. But the idea of guided tourism for leisure and education (1) didn’t really start until the 17th century, when the Grand Tour (2) began to be established. Young aristocrats* from different parts of the world (3) spent several months traveling around important sights in Europe after they had finished their schooling. The Tour often (4) started in the Netherlands, where the tourists (5) hired a horse and carriage, servants, and a tutor to show them the sights and teach them about what they saw. From the Netherlands, they went to Paris, where they (6) did a French language course, before moving on to Switzerland and then crossing the Alps to Italy. After an extensive tour of Italy, they (7) went home directly, (8) traveled back to the Netherlands via Austria and Germany, or (9) continued south to Greece. The Grand Tour (10) played an important part in education and in spreading culture. The tourists would often bring back paintings and books, which influenced artists in their own country. The Venezuelan Francisco de Miranda even (11) saw the beginnings of the French Revolution on his Grand Tour, which (12) led him to fight for independence for his country. aristocrat person belonging to a high class


Change the words in bold in Activity 2 from the simple past to used to or would + verb, where possible.


MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Do you think anyone does Grand Tours today? Why? 2 Where would you go on a Grand Tour? Why? Think about: • the sights you would visit. • the food you would eat.

• the people you would meet.


14 Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism

1C  The Grand Tour GRAMMAR  Used to and would

3  Read the activity directions. Emphasize that not all the verbs





will need to be changed. Make sure students understand when they should use used to and would. Tell them to look at the text in the Grammar box if they need help. Also point out that, in some sentences, both used to and would could be correct. • Do the first one together. Read the second sentence of the text aloud, up to “17th century.” Then say didn’t really start—is did not start a simple-past verb form? (yes) If students seem puzzled, remind them that negatives in the simple past (verbs with not) don’t use the simple past form of the main verb (started). • Ask Can we say didn’t used to start or would not start in this sentence? Say Read it to yourself with both verb forms. Does either one sound right? (no, neither one means exactly the same thing) Say This is one verb that doesn’t have to be changed. • Go around the room checking that students are making correct changes to the text. Correct any errors you see by asking students, for example, Why did you change this verb? or Why did you leave this verb? Refer them to the Grammar Reference if necessary. • When students are finished, read the text aloud, pausing at each bold item. Have students call out their changes or tell them to say “no change.” Clarify the answers on the board. • Point out to the class that it’s unusual to find a text with so many instances of used to and would. Discuss which verbs that were changed might be better left in the simple past. (Items 4, 7, 8, 9, and 10, for example, could stay in the simple past.)

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• Explain that you’re going to read the text in the Grammar box at a normal rate, which is too fast for them to write down every word. Instead, they will only be able to write key words and phrases. Reassure them that they will be allowed to hear it twice, and they will be able to help each other. • Read the text in the Grammar box on p. 14. As soon as you begin, look carefully to see whether all the students are busy writing. It is likely some will give up immediately. Stop and remind them that they’re not supposed to write down every word, just as many as possible. Start again. • When you have read it twice, put students in pairs or groups of three. Tell them to use their notes to reconstruct the text. Give them 5–10 minutes. Go around checking their progress, and focus on their choice of past tenses. Don’t correct any mistakes at this stage. • Have students read their texts aloud and listen to each other’s versions. Discuss any differences you notice about the tenses used. • Tell students to open their books to p. 14 and compare their versions with the text in the Grammar box. Tell them to look especially at the verbs in bold. 1  Read the directions. Make sure students understand the task.

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Tell them they can use the text in the Grammar box to help them decide which rules (a–c) go with each verb tense (1–3). • You may want to clarify the difference between states and actions by writing on the board, for example, We moved last week. Now we live in Nairobi, and asking which verb describes a state (live) and which describes an action (moved). • Call on students for the answers. Make sure they provide example sentences from the Grammar box to support their answers but don’t confirm the answers yet. • When they’re ready, tell them to check their answers on p. 128.



At this point, have students complete Activities 3–5 on p. 129 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. 2  Draw students’ attention to the text about Grand Tours.

Tell them to read it quickly to find out the answers to the questions in the directions. Give them two minutes for this. • When students have finished reading, call on one to tell what a Grand Tours was. Then call on another student to tell why people took these trips. Ask if anyone knows anything else about Grand Tours, perhaps from movies, TV shows, or books. (Many people wrote about their travels.) Activity 2

Grand Tours were long tours of Europe that wealthy young people started doing in the 17th century. They were intended to educate and help spread culture and ideas.

Activity 3

1 No change 2 No change 3 used to spend / would spend 4 would often start / often used to start 5 would hire / used to hire 6 would do / used to do

 7 would go / used to go  8 (would / used to) travel  9 w  ould carry on / used to carry on 10 used to play 11 No change 12 No change

4  Let students read the questions and make notes on their

own before discussing their ideas. • You can put students in groups to compare answers, or have a class discussion. Encourage a variety of opinions and ideas. Expansion Have students create a modern Grand Tour itinerary to present to their groups or to the whole class. Tell them to include language such as First, I’m going to go to . . . to learn about . . . Then I will visit . . . While I’m there, I’m going to . . . My next stop will be . . . , and so on.

Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


6  Have students read the directions. Then ask the class



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questions to check that they understand the task: Is the text about Andrew Skurka all correct English? (no) Do you have to correct all of the numbered verbs? (no) • Give students five minutes to do the activity on their own. Go around the class to offer support and check that they’re finding the errors and not overcorrecting. Fast finishers can write another had/would sentence as in Activity 5. • Have students take turns reading the corrected text aloud. Each time an item is read out, ask the class if they agree with their classmate. When the answer is agreed on, confirm it by writing it on the board. • Finally, ask the class if anyone would like to make journeys similar to the ones Andrew makes. Call on students to explain why or why not. Activity 6 1 I, goes 2 C 3 I, used to / would freeze 4 C 5 C

 6 I, spent  7 C  8 I, cry  9 I, changed 10 C



make sure they understand each one and that they are to choose only one of the three. The idea is for students to make the choice. • If students choose the first option, explain that it’s a writing activity. Decide whether you want students to write isolated sentences or whether you would prefer that they write an essay. If the latter, you may want to suggest a title to help students focus. Tell them this is a great opportunity to interview their parents and grandparents to find out how they experienced vacations growing up. • If students choose the second or third options, explain that these are speaking activities. Group students to discuss local tourism. Provide some prompts: Where do most of the tourists who visit the area come from? What do they do? Are there any new resorts in the area? Where did tourists stay before that? Where do people from your area go on vacation? Are the places they visit the same or different from destinations in the past? • For the third option, put students in pairs to discuss how their beliefs and opinions, likes and dislikes, or friends and favorite activities have changed since they were younger. Remind them they only have to discuss two of the four topics. Say Make sure you talk about the reasons why the changes occurred.

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Activity 5, what ‘d stands for 1 would 4 had 2 had 5 would 3 would, would 6 would, had

7  Read through the three activities with your students and


To in natural speech • 5a  Write two sentences on the board: We’d drive to my grandmother’s house. / We’d driven to my grandmother’s house. Ask what word the ’d stands for in each sentence (would, had) and find out how students can tell the difference (would is followed by the infinitive; had by the past participle). • Tell students to read the Pronunciation box. Then say the sentences on the board, first carefully (We’d drive . . .), then quickly, as in normal speech, running the words together (We’drive). •   4 Tell students to close their books and listen to the sentences on the recording. Have them write each one exactly as they hear it. Play the recording, pausing after each sentence. • Then put students in pairs and let them compare their sentences. Ask them what contraction they heard and what it stands for. (you’d; you would) • 5b   4 Call on students to read the sentences aloud naturally. Finally, play the recording again. Have students listen and repeat.



Teaching Tip Correcting during speaking activities is useful; it reinforces learning while students are using language. However, knowing they’ve made lots of mistakes can be disheartening to students. Here are some tips for effective speaking feedback: • Don’t interrupt students while they’re speaking unless there are serious problems. As you listen, quietly take notes of interesting uses of English. • Also note instances where students have used new language well. Students will be reassured and motivated knowing they’re on the right track. • Prioritize errors that could cause miscommunication, that are common to many students, and that are quick to correct. Most importantly, listen for students’ use of the lesson’s target vocabulary. • Encourage self-correction. Ask questions: Is this sentence correct? Why not? To help them focus on the error ask, for example, What’s the problem with the noun? How many syllables in this word? • Correct proficient students as well as beginning learners to avoid the appearance of picking on certain students. • Teach students to record their errors. Get them to create a list in their notebooks called My common errors.


15a  Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism

It can also be reduced and joined with the previous word. Hitchhiking used to be so common. You’d have to line up behind several others. a Listen to the sentences from the Pronunciation box. Notice the differences between unstressed to and the 4 sentences with reductions. 4 b Listen and repeat. Read about Andrew Skurka. Decide if used to, would, and the simple past are used correctly or incorrectly. Change the ones which are incorrect.

− − − − −

resorts. the kinds of people who visit or visited. the kinds of vacations. the number and length of vacations. destinations people from your country visit or visited.

• Work in pairs. Tell your partner about two of the following. − Something you used to believe and why you changed your mind. − Something you used to like doing and why you don’t like it or do it now. − Something you do now that you never used to do and why. − Someone you used to spend a lot of time with and what you would do.

In the past, only young aristocrats were able to visit classical sites such as the Pantheon in Rome, Italy.


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Andrew Skurka is an ultra-hiker. Every year, he (1) used to go on hikes that are thousands of miles long, walking between 25 and 40 miles a day. One of his most amazing tours was circling the Arctic in 176 days. His boots (2) got very wet for 156 of those days and they (3) used to froze overnight. He (4) would then have to force his feet into the icy boots each morning. Unsurprisingly, he (5) didn’t use to see many people during his tours and once, he (6) would spend 24 days completely on his own. He’d sometimes (7) get depressed and (8) cried, but one day he came across a herd of caribou and it (9) used to change his perspective. He (10) realized he was very similar to them—just one more creature on Earth, like them.

• What did your parents or grandparents do on vacation when they were growing up? Write any similarities and differences to what you do. • Work in groups. Share what you know about tourism in your country in the past compared to now. Talk about:



Choose one of the following activities. Answers will vary.


When unstressed, the word to is usually pronounced “tuh.” I was a student going home to visit friends.





PRONUNCIATION To in natural speech



Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


1D How Airbnb Designs for Trust

We were aiming to build Olympic trust between people who had never met.





Read about Joe Gebbia and get ready to watch his TED Talk.





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When people tell stories, they often use present tenses to make events sound more immediate. They also often report what people said or what was going through their mind at the time, as if they were speaking. 1

Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen and 5 complete the extracts.


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1 I make the mistake of asking him, “ So, where are you staying tonight 2 And I’m thinking, “ Oh, man! What do you do 3 And the voice in my head goes, “ Wait, what 4 I’m staring at the ceiling, I'm thinking, “ Oh my God, what have I done



?” ?” ?”

Look at your completed extracts in Activity 1. What do you think happened before? What do you think will happen next? Answers will vary.

Answers will vary.

1 Have you or your family ever asked for help from a stranger while on vacation? What happened? 2 Have you or someone in your family ever helped a stranger while on vacation? What happened? 3 Why might you trust or not trust a stranger? How do you decide who to trust for help or advice? Watch Part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct options. 1.1

1 From his meeting with the “Peace Corps guy,” Joe learns a he should always have an airbed. b he should start a hosting business. c we should be less fearful of strangers.

3 The business wasn’t immediately successful because a people didn’t trust Joe and his co-founder. b the website wasn’t very well designed. c it didn’t get any additional investment.

Work in pairs. Read the sentences below. Discuss what may have happened before somebody said each one. 1 So I’m thinking to myself, “What do I do now?” 2 She looks at me and goes, “I’ve met you somewhere before.” 3 The voice in my head says, “Don’t do it!”

Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

2 He decided to start his business because a there weren’t many hotels in the city. b he really needed somewhere to stay. c it offered him an opportunity as a designer.




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MY PERSPECTIVE How can you make people feel that they can trust each other more? Think of three ideas. Then share them with the class. Does anyone have the same ideas as you? Answers will vary.


16 Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism

1D  How Airbnb designs for trust

1  Have a volunteer read the Authentic Listening Skills box for


4  Put students in small groups. Read the questions aloud.

Answer any questions students have about them. Make sure everyone understands the word trust. Write the word on the board. Call on some students to give their English definition of the word, translating it to L1 if necessary. • Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need—and then write some of these points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • When they’re finished, have groups share their stories about helping, or being helped by, strangers. Discuss Question 3 as a class. • At the end of the task, give some feedback about new language that came up, and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). You can also retell some interesting things you heard to the whole class.

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the whole class. Then ask students if people often use present tenses when retelling stories in their first languages. Elicit one or two examples. Tell students not to worry if they don’t fully understand because the exercise should make it clear.



You could do the authentic listening skills later in the class. However, they’re best done before students watch the whole video. As well as teaching aspects of phonology and listening skills, these tasks also allow you to preteach some vocabulary; allow students to read and hear new language before they listen to the whole text; and allow students to tune in to the speaker’s voice and style.

pairs to discuss a possible situation for each one. You might model the activity for the class by beginning the first one together. Read the first sentence aloud again. • Say Something unexpected seems to have happened. Ask Have you ever been in a situation where you had to come up with a course of action fast? Have students respond. Write some suggestions on the board. • Add others if necessary, such as You break something valuable; You get separated from your group while exploring a cave; You accidentally tell a secret. • Have pairs share their scenarios.



3  Read the directions and the three lines of dialogue. Tell


• Warm up  Tell students they are going to watch a TED Talk about trusting strangers. Read the quote from Joe Gebbia aloud and ask students to translate it or say what they think it means in English (or both). Ask specifically what they think Olympic means in this context. (very big or strong) • Tell students they’re going to watch the first section of the video. Then have students do the vocabulary exercise. • After they finish, you might write the key words from the bio on the board and ask students to retell what it said on the video or write as much of what it said as they can. Correct as necessary.


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Listening Strategy  Recognize tense shifts Students might become confused at times while listening to someone reporting an event. The event has clearly happened in the past, but the speaker may suddenly shift to the present tense, especially when re-creating dialogue. It’s not a mistake; the speaker is using the present tense for effect—a strategy used to create interest and make listeners feel that they’re experiencing the event, too.

  5 Read the Activity 1 directions. Tell students to prepare


to complete the extracts that they hear. Play the recording, pausing after each item for students to write the missing lines. • Invite students who are feeling confident in their answers to come to the board to write them clearly. Check with the rest of the class that they are correct.

2  Read the directions. Ask students to imagine the situation

and the conversation where these extracts come from. Tell them that there are two people involved and ask what problem one of them has (he has nowhere to sleep). • Put students in pairs. Give them time to imagine the conversation. Encourage them to improvise. • When they’re ready, call on pairs to share their ideas with the class.

5  Tell students that they’re going to watch the first part of

the talk. Give them a minute to read the questions. •   1.1 Play Part 1. Let students discuss before calling on them to answer. Ask students to imagine they were faced with this problem. 6   Give them a few minutes to think of ways they could help to increase people’s trust in one another. • Let students share ideas. Ask which ones they think Joe Gebbia used. Also ask if anyone has been on the Airbnb site. Do they know what happens to help increase people’s trust in each other? Ask what other sites rely on trust. (eBay, because you trust that buyers will send the money and sellers will send the product.)

Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


7  Tell students that they are going to watch the second part

Expansion Have students choose and watch another TED Talk about the sharing economy, if available. Have them compare it with Joe Gebbia’s talk. Tell them to write about how the ideas in the talks were similar and how they were different. Or have them consider which talk was more effective. Was it because of the speakers’ style or the content of the talk?

of the talk. Give them time to read the activity notes before they watch. Tell them they should expect to write between one and five words. •   1.2 Play Part 2. When it’s finished, let students discuss in pairs before calling on students to read their answers aloud. 8  Tell students that they’re going to watch the third part of the

talk. Explain that this time, they don’t have to write anything while they watch, although encourage them to take some notes. They should prepare to talk about the six ideas in the list. Let them read the list. •   1.3 Play Part 3. When it is finished, put students in groups to discuss the connections Joe makes between the ideas. Then call on students to summarize their ideas.






• Explain to the class that, just like Joe, they have opportunities to make friends and even some money in a sharing economy. Read the Challenge activity aloud and brainstorm with students things they have to share. You might mention some that you know: (Naomi), you play the violin really well. Can you think of people who might be interested in some live music while traveling? What problems do travelers have? How could you help travelers in this area? • Put students in groups of 3–6. Tell them to first of all make a list of all the things they could share, and then think of some ways that you could share them, both online and in the real world. Tell them to consider what they’d get in return for the things they share. • Go around and help groups with their ideas, making suggestions and asking questions. • After several minutes, regroup students. Tell them to share their groups’ ideas with the rest of the class.

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9  Read Activity 9. Ask the whole class the questions.

Let’s say they discuss in groups of three or four: AAA, BBBB, CCCC, DDD, etc. Assign students in each group a number from 1 to 4: 123, 1234, 1234, etc. Then simply have all the 1s go to one corner of the room, all the 2s to another corner, and so on: 1111, 2222, 333, etc. Now they can share what they talked about.

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Activity 8, Suggested answers: When trust works, it can be magical. For example, when a guest in a house in Uruguay had a heart attack, his hosts rushed him to a hospital and looked after him. This human element beyond the financial transaction is what the sharing economy should be about. It should be about commerce with the promise of human connection. In Seoul, the capital of South Korea, they’re actually doing a lot to encourage these things. They’ve even set up a site that connects students and emptynesters (families whose children have left home)!

Teaching Tip Normally, students tell the teacher their answers or ideas. After a speaking activity, such as a discussion, consider allowing students to give feedback to one another instead. Regrouping students so that they can relay what they have discussed lets them reformulate ideas and say them in a better, more fluent way.

Encourage students to compare and contrast their own ideas and the ones Joe mentions.

10   Vocabulary in context • 10a    1.4 Tell students that they’re going to watch some



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clips from the talk which contain new or interesting words and phrases. They should choose the correct meaning for each one. Play the recording. • 10b  Put students in groups. Read the questions aloud. Answer any questions students may have about the words and phrase in italics. • Have groups discuss the questions. Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly. If students’ discussions are lagging, ask questions or make comments, such as I do crossword puzzles when I’m waiting for a bus or plane. It keeps me from getting anxious about being late for something; I’m not much of a risk taker. I wouldn’t be up for bungee jumping, but I love nightclubs and dancing. • Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where students use L1. Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need. Focus especially on their use of the new words and phrases. • At the end of the task, give some feedback about new language that came up, and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). Call on one or two students to tell the class the most interesting things they heard.


17a  Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism

ng ni ar 1.2

panic • Experiment—shows how host can feel but guest can feel responsible = how business works. Well-designed reputation (review) system—key to building trust .

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Both • guests and hosts must leave reviews before they are


More than • ten good reviews = people stop worrying about

Watch Part 3 of the talk. Then work in groups and summarize what Joe said using these ideas. What did 1.3 you like about these ideas? when trust works a man having a heart attack the sharing economy human connection Seoul, South Korea students and empty-nesters*


• • • • • •



differences (reputation beats similarity). Good design and prompts = right amount of honesty and sharing (disclosure).

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VOCABULARY IN CONTExT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 1.4 meanings of the words and phrases.

b Work in groups. Discuss these questions.

Answers will vary.

1 What things can increase or reduce anxiety when traveling? 2 Have you ever met someone on vacation you got along with? Have you kept in touch? Why? 3 Would you be up for doing any of these things on vacation? Why? • rafting or bungee jumping • going to a nightclub • doing a guided tour of a museum • going camping 4 When did you last rush somewhere? Why? 5 Have you ever experienced anything that tripped you up? What? CHALLENGE

empty-nesters parents whose children have left home 9



Watch Part 2 of the talk. Complete these notes.

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Look back at your ideas in Activity 6. Did Joe mention any of your ideas? Have any of them changed?

Answers will vary.

Work in groups. Make a list of things you have which you could share with others in your area or with people visiting you on vacation. Think about: • skills and abilities. • knowledge. • possessions that you do not use all the time. How could you share the things in your list in a way that people could trust and avoid danger?

Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


1E Trip Advice SPEAKING 1

a couple in their 50s or 60s a group of teenage friends 2

Compare your list with another pair. Make suggestions for the best places for each group of people. Use the Useful language box to help you. Answers will vary.


Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between a local 6 person and a guest. Then listen and check your answers.

Reacting to suggestions If they’d rather try something different, …might be worth a shot. I wouldn’t bother going to…, personally. They’d be better (off) going to…




a Well, there’s a great steak place down by the river. 4 b I’m thinking of seeing some sights today. Can you recommend anywhere? 1 c In that case, you’d be best off going to Madragora—a nice little vegetarian place near the park. 6 d OK. Well, I’ll check that out this morning, then. And do you know anywhere good to have lunch? 3 e Great. Thanks for the tip. 7 f Oh, right. Well, actually, I don’t eat meat, so… 5 g Well, the Old Town is well worth a visit. There are some amazing buildings there. 2 Roleplay two conversations similar to the one in Activity 3, using places you know. Underline phrases from Activity 3 that you want to use. Then have the conversations. Take turns being the local person and the guest. Answers will vary.



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Tourists walk across the Perito Moreno Glacier in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina.

a father with a young teenage son a young married couple with a child


Making suggestions If sightseeing is their thing, then the best place to go is… If they want to experience a genuine local night out, I’d suggest trying… If they’re only staying here for a little while, they should probably… If you ask me, the one place they really have to go to is…

Work in pairs. Make a list of three places close to where you live that you would recommend to each of these groups of people. Think about places to stay, eat, shop, and visit. Answers will vary.

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Useful language


18 Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism

1E  Trip Advice


3  Read the directions and have students look at the sentences.



Check their understanding of any unfamiliar words and phrases (steak place, vegetarian). Then tell students to put the sentences in the correct order. Give them two minutes. •   6 When students are finished, play the audio track and have them check their answers. • Put students in pairs. Tell them to role-play the local person and the guest and read the dialogue. Then have them read the dialogue again, this time swapping the expressions for making and reacting to suggestions with others in the Useful language box. Give them two minutes for this, and go around listening for pronunciation errors.

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• Warm up  Ask students to look at the photo of the Perito Moreno Glacier on pp. 18−19. Ask What is a glacier made of? (ice) What is happening to many glaciers around the world? (They’re retreating, or getting smaller, due to climate change.) Is this a problem? (Yes, some people rely on water from melting glaciers.) Has anyone been to a glacier? • Read, or have a student read, the information about the Perito Moreno Glacier in the Culture Note. If you have Internet access and a projector, you might show a clip of parts of the glacier breaking off or one of the glacier’s ruptures. • Culture Note  The Perito Moreno Glacier is an important tourist attraction for trekkers in southern Argentina. Its ice comes from an ice field in the Andes and is the world’s third largest reserve of fresh water. Scientists don’t know why this 30 km-long (19 mi.) glacier is growing while most glaciers around the world are shrinking. The glacier is 5 km (3 mi.) wide at the front and blocks water in the Argentino Lake so that the water level of that side of the lake rises many meters. Then, every few years, the water suddenly breaks through in a huge natural spectacle. There are many videos online of these ruptures.

• Put pairs together into groups of four. Read the Activity 2 directions. Tell pairs to take turns sharing and reacting to each other’s ideas from Activity 1, using a variety of different expressions from the Useful language box. • Check that students are doing the task correctly. Focus your attention on the new language, for example, the pronunciation of genuine and bother, and natural connected speech in phrases like the best place to go, for a short while, and They’d be better off going to. • Get the whole class’s attention. Elicit a few sentences. Drill them chorally and individually. • To wrap up the exercise, have pairs help you make a final list on the board of the best places for each group of people.



1  Ask students to brainstorm things that tourists, travelers,



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and visitors to a city or area might be interested in knowing about. Write places to stay on the board to start the process. Elicit more from the class, such as places to eat, shops, sightseeing attractions, transportation centers, and so on. Add students’ ideas to the board. • Draw students’ attention to the four groups of people listed in Activity 1 and read them aloud. Say Imagine these different groups of people are visiting your area. Then read the directions. Put students in pairs to do the activity. Say Refer to the list on the board for ideas, but name specific places. Encourage students to try to come up with different places for each group of visitors. 2  Point out the Useful language box. Explain to students

that these are ways of making suggestions and recommendations for visitors. Call on individuals to read one or two of the examples. • Then say Now practice making suggestions with your places from Activity 1. Ask for one suggestion for the first group, the couple in their 50s or 60s. Model how students could use one of the phrases. Say, for example, If dancing is their thing, then the best place to go is the Garden Ballroom in the park.

4  Explain to the class that they’re going to role-play a similar

dialogue using places from the local area. Read the activity directions. Guide students to underline the most appropriate phrases from the dialogue in Activity 3, such as I’m thinking of . . . , and Do you know anywhere good to have lunch? Tell partners to use their list of local places. Remind them to take turns in the different roles. • For more practice with the language, you might suggest that pairs role-play themselves, or let them adopt the role of a person from one of the groups in Activity 1. Give them a few minutes to practice. • As they conduct their dialogues, go around the room and listen for good ways to suggest and respond. Also listen for errors and other difficulties students might be having.

Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


Writing The hotel manager corrected the waiter, who apologized immediately.

5  Tell students they are going to write a review of a place.

7  Tell students to check their answers now by reading the


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reviews on p. 149 again. Explain that they need to identify the sentences in the reviews that helped them figure out the answers in Activity 6. Read the Activity 7 directions aloud and have pairs work together. • Call on individuals to identify the reviewer and read the part of the review that contained the answer aloud.


6 text. To make sure students understand the task, call on one to read the complete sentence students will ask themselves for item 1 aloud. (Which reviewer does not feel . . . ) When you’re sure all the students understand, have partners work together to identify the reviewer each numbered sentence refers to. Tell them not to look at p. 149 to refresh their memories. • Call on students to answer each question and write their answers on the board.

• Confirm that the underlined sentence parts are relative clauses. Ask what who and which refer to in each sentence. (the waiter and the hotel, respectively) Explain that we use clauses beginning with who and which to add information about a person (point to waiter and who) or a thing (point to hotel and which). • Draw students’ attention to the Writing strategy box on p. 19. Say We also use relative clauses to add additional information about a whole sentence. Have students read the text in the box. • Then write on the board: The hotel restaurant closed at nine, which was rather disappointing. • Ask What does which stand for in this sentence? Guide students to see that it refers to the whole idea of the main clause, that is, the fact that the restaurant closed at nine is what is disappointing. • Repeat the procedure with both examples in the strategy box. • Have students turn to p. 149 and look at the highlighted text to see examples of the writing strategy.


6  Put students in pairs. Have them glance through the Activity

The hotel, which claims to have four stars, doesn’t even provide hair dryers in the rooms.


• As preparation, have students read the four reviews in the Writing Bank on p. 149 and decide what kind of place each review is about. Set a strict time limit of four minutes. • Call on students to tell you the answer for each review.



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Activity 7 1 … given that the price for a family of four for the day was $195, it’s just not worth it. 2 They then tried to charge me €40 per night to upgrade to a suitable room, which was ridiculous. We finally agreed on €9 per night for the upgrade. 3 I can’t recommend it enough. 4 I was often left to my own devices because they were busy working. 5 I went back down to the front desk and asked for a larger room. 6 If it hadn’t been as full, and we’d actually been able to go on more than three rides in seven hours—and it was less expensive—it might have been worth it. 7 Wu and Ting Ting were incredibly welcoming and did everything that they could to make me feel at home, … 8 Looking out over the main square, and close to the museum and the market, … 8  Read the Activity 8 directions. Give students one minute to

match the numbers and letters. Point out that they need to choose the best phrase to complete each sentence. • Call on students to share their answers with the class. Some of the answers are debatable; let students discuss if they strongly disagree about an answer. • When students are ready, ask them what they know about relative clauses. Write on the board:

Writing Strategy  Get feedback on your first draft If you can, ask a classmate, family member, or friend to read your first draft. Ask them if there’s anything they don’t understand, and if there are any mistakes in grammar or spelling in it. Ask them what you did well and if they have any ideas about how to improve it. Doing this regularly can help you think about the common mistakes you make and look out for them when writing in an exam situation.

9  Explain the task. Make sure students understand that they

only need to write one review, that it can be a positive or negative one, and that they should plan what they will write. Remind them that the pointers at the back of the book and the information in the Writing strategy and Useful language boxes are there to help them. • Go around and make sure that students are taking notes. You might pair students and have them help one another plan and organize their reviews. • Assign the actual writing for homework or allow time for students to do it in class. • Optional  Display the reviews on a wall or table so that classmates can read each other’s reviews. You could take a vote on which place the class would most like to visit. Expansion Students write a review of a place in the area most people will be familiar with, without naming it. Their classmates have to identify the place.


19a  Unit 1  Travel, Trust, and Tourism

WRITING A review 5

Look at page 149 and read the four short online reviews. What kind of place is each review about? Review 1  a host family


Work in pairs. Which reviewer:

does not feel that he or she got a good value? 2 managed to negotiate a deal? 3 strongly recommends a place? 4 had to entertain himself or herself quite a lot? 1 complained? 3 had to wait far longer than he or she had been expecting to? 2 felt very comfortable where he or she was? 1 mentions local sights? 4

Look at page 149 again. Underline the sentences in the reviews that helped you answer the questions in Activity 6.


WRITING SKILL Adding comments

Our room had a great view of the ocean, but the hotel restaurant closed at nine, b We had an amazing time, but terrible weather on the day we left, a We complained about the room, so they offered us two full days at the spa, d The beach was a five-minute walk from the hotel, but so was the snake market, c

a b c d

which meant we were delayed for several hours. which was rather disappointing. which was a bit of a culture shock, to say the least. which was kind of them.

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1 2 3 4

Choose one of these places and write a review. Use the Useful language box to help you. Answers will vary.

Recommending and not recommending I can’t recommend it enough. It’s well worth a visit. It’s just not worth it. I’d skip it (if I were you).

• local cafe or restaurant • place you have stayed



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• vacation destination • local tourist attraction

Introducing follow-up comments On top of that,… What’s more,… One other thing was the fact that…


Match the first half of each excerpt (1-4) with the second half (a-d).

Useful language




Writing reviews In reviews, it’s quite common to use a relative clause starting with which to add a comment about a whole sentence. I was far from my school, which wasn’t ideal. It serves great breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, which is perfect if you’re feeling hungry.

Review 2  a theme park Review 3  a hotel Review 4  a café


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Writing strategy

Unit 1 Travel, Trust, and Tourism SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


The Business of Technology



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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • discuss young entrepreneurs. • read about online scams. • learn how to be a responsible user of social media. • watch a TED Talk about responding to email scams. • persuade people to invest in a product. 20


The Business of Technology


Unit Objectives

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Vocabulary • Setting up a new business • Vocabulary Building  Adjective and noun collocations

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Grammar • Grammar 1  Present-perfect forms and the simple past • Grammar 2  Verb patterns (-ing or infinitive with to)


Reading • Online Crime


TED Talk • James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email Pronunciation • Intonation for persuasion Speaking • Persuading

Language note  The term virtual reality was popularized by American scientist Jaron Lanier in 1987. VR applications immerse the user in a computer-generated environment that simulates reality through the use of interactive devices, such as goggles or headsets. In a typical VR set up, a user wearing a helmet with a screen views images of a simulated environment.

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Students will learn techniques and strategies of persuasion, including the language of getting people’s attention and the characteristics of persuasive writing.

In the photo, a man stands inside a virtual cave at the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. It’s a cube with 3.4-meter sides. One wall of the installation is movable, allowing entry to the inside. The walls (including ceiling and floor) are made of acrylic and act as screens that display high-quality 3D images.


Students will learn some of the pitfalls of computer technology, such as online crime and email scams, and ways to avoid becoming a victim of online fraud. They’ll learn the importance of knowing how companies use their personal data and of being responsible users of the Internet and social media.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will consider entrepreneurs, the skills good entrepreneurs need to be successful, and how they go about setting up and funding businesses.


Unit Overview



Warm Up

• Introduce the unit theme by telling students they’ll be learning about entrepreneurs, setting up a new business, and the benefits and pitfalls of the Internet and social media. • Have students look at the photo. Read the caption aloud and make sure students understand the meaning of virtual. Call on students to describe virtual experiences they’ve had. • Ask the following questions: 1. How do you think the virtual cave works? (Share About the photo with students.) 2. How can it help people? 3. In what other jobs might the virtual cave be useful? 4. How might a virtual cave help someone explore ideas for new products or businesses?


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 7–10 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)

Writing • A persuasive article

Unit 2  The Business of Technology  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


2A  Young Business VOCABULARY 1   Activity 1, Suggested answers:

The virtual cave simulates real-world scenarios by using a movement simulator and generating images on the screens surrounding the sphere to give the illusion of free movement. It can help people by simulating real-world scenarios such as emergencies. It may be useful to a wide range of professionals. 2  Write the words entrepreneur and businessperson on the

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Activity 2 1 Suggested answers:   An entrepreneur invents / comes up with the business and starts it alone. They may be self-employed or employ other people.   A businessperson buys or works for an existing company. They may introduce new ideas or change the course of a company, but they don’t start it. 2 Suggested answer: To be an entrepreneur a person may need to possess creativity, strength, determination, and an ability for negotiating. 3 Answers will vary. 4 Answers will vary.


board. • Begin a mind map for entrepreneur. Have students call out qualities, skills, ideas, or even people that relate to being an entrepreneur and add them to the map. • Read item 3. Ask for a show of hands: Who thinks it’s easy? Who thinks it’s difficult? Put students into small groups and have them discuss the question. Then call on individuals to explain their ideas to the class.

Activity 3, Suggested answers: 1 by asking people to invest in return for part of the business; getting a loan from a bank; selling shares in the business by listing (floating) their company on the stock market; borrowing money from family; mortgaging their house; selling assets. Charities may put on a concert or other event; run a campaign to ask for donations; organize a sponsored activity; hold a sale or auction. 2 Businesspeople might negotiate with investors over the amount of money they put in and what share of the business they’ll get; negotiate with staff / employees / unions about pay and conditions; with distributors or shops on the commission / cut they get of the profit. 3 Businesses market products through advertising, leaflets or fliers, sponsoring events, placing stories in the news, placing products in films, word-of-mouth, social media, etc. 4 Suggested answers: Businesses may recover from economic crises (recession), loss of a major buyer, a strike, a scandal, a fire, or a (price) war. A person may recover from illness, an accident, a death / loss in the family, or failure (setback). 5 Suggested answers: Good ways include playing sports or some other hobby, meditating / breathing deeply and / or getting enough sleep. Bad ways may include losing one’s temper and getting angry.



3   Put students in pairs and have them discuss the questions. When a couple of pairs have finished, tell the class to change partners and continue to discuss the questions, but to start from the last question this time. • Stop the class when two or three pairs have finished. Go through each question, calling on a different pair each time to give an answer and then inviting others to add their ideas.

4  Tell students they’re going to learn more words and phrases

to talk about setting up and running a business. Read the directions, then the first item and answer options. Ask Would you negotiate something new? Invent something new? Or redesign something new? Which answer choice makes the most sense? • Have pairs compare answers and help each other complete the activity if necessary. 5   Read the directions. Tell students to make their choices

individually first. Get students to think about their reasons by saying what one of your choices would be. Put students into pairs and tell them to discuss their choices and come to an agreement on the top three skills.  ut pairs into groups of four. Tell students to come to a 6   P

consensus within their group on the three most important skills. Stop the activity and ask one group for their top skills and the reasons they chose them.


21a  Unit 2  The Business of Technology

2A Young Business VOCABULARY Setting up a new business 1

Look at the photo and read the caption. How do you think the virtual cave works? How can it help people? In what other jobs might the virtual cave be useful?


Work as a class. Discuss the questions.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.



How do people raise money for a business or a charity? Who might businesspeople negotiate with? What about? In what ways do businesses market products? What might a business or a person recover from? What are good and bad ways of handling pressure?


1 2 3 4 5



What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a businessperson? What qualities and skills do you think you need to be an entrepreneur? How easy is it for young people to become businesspeople or entrepreneurs? Can you think of any young entrepreneurs? Who was the youngest? What was his or her business?


1 2 3 4

What skills do you need to start a new business? Choose the correct option to complete each skill. 1


something new b invent c redesign a money from investors a raise b lend c ask c with suppliers to get the best deal a handle b manage c negotiate b the product in different countries find partners to a send b distribute c deal a from failure have the confidence to a recover b repair c accept c your product to increase sales be good at a meeting b networking c marketing c stress and pressure be capable of a preparing b holding c handling a a diverse range of people be able to a deal with b talk c get on c a team of people a apply for b figure c put together b in an impressive office a live b be based c show a negotiate

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A man stands inside a virtual cave at the Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Virtual caves can be used by architects, doctors, and firefighters to simulate real-world scenarios.

3 4

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7 8 9 10 5

MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. What are the three most important skills from Activity 4 that make a new business a success? Can you think of any other skills? Answers will vary.


Explain your choices from Activity 5 to another pair. Do they agree? Why? Answers will vary.

Unit 2 The Business of Technology SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



Listen to a woman talking about entrepreneurs. Think 7 about the questions and take notes.

GRAMMAR Present perfect forms and the simple past 10

1 How is being an entrepreneur changing? 2 According to the speaker, what is the most important aspect of being an entrepreneur? 8

Work in pairs. Discuss the sentences. Are they true or 7 false? Listen again to check.

Look at the Grammar box. Read the sentences. Then answer the questions. 1 Which tense is each of the verb forms in bold? 2 Why do you think the different forms are used?

Present perfect forms and the simple past a D’Aloisio’s first investor contacted him by email from Hong Kong. b Kickstarter has been running for several years now. c Most successful entrepreneurs have failed at least once.



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1 Nick D’Aloisio became a millionaire when he was eighteen. F 2 Amanda Hocking didn’t go through a traditional publisher to market her books. T 3 The speaker suggests that most investments from banks Check the Grammar Reference for more information in the past went to older, wealthy businessmen. T and practice. 4 D’Aloisio’s first investor chose him because he was 11 Based on your ideas from Activity 10, complete the young and had potential. F summary. Use each form once. 5 Kickstarter investors buy a share of the company. F Answers will vary. Suggested answers: 6 Projects advertised on Kickstarter aim to make a profit. F The number of entrepreneurs (1) has been growing (grow) 7 The majority of Kickstarter projects get no investments. T ever since the arrival of new technology and online services. 8 Hocking is an example of recovering from failure. T This new technology (2) has reduced (reduce) the 9 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. barriers that previously (3) discouraged (discourage) people from setting up a business. 1 How has the internet changed entrepreneurship? 2 Do you think Kickstarter is a good idea? What are the benefits and risks of raising money this way? 3 What do you think might be good or bad about being an entrepreneur?


22 Unit 2 The Business of Technology


GRAMMAR Present perfect forms and the simple past 10  Have students read the Grammar box silently, read the




sentences aloud yourself, or call on different students to read one sentence each and correct any pronunciation problems. • Then tell students to answer the grammar checking questions in Activity 10 in pairs or ask the whole class the questions yourself. You can either give the answers now or wait for the class to read the Grammar Reference and then ask the grammar checking questions. Call on individuals to give their answers. • When you do the Grammar Reference activities, repeat some of these questions in Activity 10 or refer back to the explanation when you go through the answers. This helps to reinforce the grammar rules. Activity 10 1 contacted: simple past; has been running: present perfect continuous; have failed: present perfect simple 2 simple past: to express that something is completed in the past; present perfect continuous: to express that something started in the past and continues now; present perfect simple: to express that something was completed within a period of time before now

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Activity 7, Suggested answers: 1 Being an entrepreneur is changing because technology is making it easier to become one. Entrepreneurs need less money to start up, and it’s easier to raise the money when you need it. Entrepreneurs are more diverse. 2 The most important aspect according to the speaker is confidence (to recover from failure and maintain passion for what they do).

• When a couple of pairs have finished, have students change partners and tell them to continue the activity, starting with any question they like and continuing in any order.


Warm up Tell the class they’re going to hear a woman talking about entrepreneurs. Have them read the activity questions. Ask students to say a couple of things they think they’ll hear about these two topics. Play the audio once straight through. • Put students into pairs and reread the activity questions. Have students compare their ideas. • Have pairs share their answers to the questions. Don’t say if they’re right or wrong, but ask them to tell why they think what they think and to support their answers with words or ideas from the track.

7      7

Read the directions aloud. You could have pairs discuss their answers first or go straight into the activity. Explain that you will play the audio track again. Students will decide if the sentences are true or false. You could do item 1 first before they listen, but don’t tell them if they’re right or wrong. Instead, say OK, maybe. Let’s listen and see, then play the audio. Reread the activity directions and have pairs complete the activity. • Walk around and notice how well students are doing in order to decide how quickly to go through the answers—and whether you will need to replay the track. Check the answers as a class by asking for a show of hands. (Say, for example, Number 1—who thinks it’s true? and Hands up for false, and so on.) Have students call out answers all together (Everyone say the answer to number 1) or call on different students to give an answer, especially where you noted disagreement. • When students are in agreement, write the answer on the board. When there is a dispute, have students justify their different answers, but don’t say who is correct—put a question mark on the board.



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8      7

9   Ask different students to read the questions in Activity 9

aloud. In each case, give your own (ideally true) answers. Then put students in pairs to ask and answer. • Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and pay attention to any language mistakes, difficulties, or use of L1. Help students by correcting or giving them the English they need and then write some of the difficulties on the board, or remember them for class feedback.

At this point, have students complete Activities 1–3 on p. 131 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.  You might want to have students do this immediately after Activity 10 and before they check the Grammar Reference to get them to start thinking about meaning. Explain the activity directions. Emphasize to students that they must use each verb form once. • Have students work in pairs. Check the answers as a class and write the correct forms on the board. Point out that there maybe be more than one correct form in each individual case, but in order to use each form once, these are the correct answers.


Unit 2  The Business of Technology  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


1 Correct; 2 Incorrect – he’s been running; 3 Correct; 4 Incorrect – tested; 5 Incorrect – raised; 6 Correct; 7 Incorrect – have successfully detected; 8 Incorrect – have lost

students to do the same individually, and if they can’t think of examples for their top 3 skills from Activity 5, tell them to think of examples that show other business skills from Activity 4. • Go around the class and check that students are doing the task correctly. Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where students use L1 and provide assistance. When most students have at least three examples, stop the activity and put them in groups for Activity 16.

15  Tell students to choose the person in their group who


would make the best businessperson by sharing personal experiences that show they have the right qualities. Monitor groups as they talk, providing assistance as necessary. Stop them when most groups have finished or give an extra task to the fast finishers. • As feedback, ask each group to tell the class who they chose and why. Then have the whole class decide who would make the best businessperson from what they heard. Allow some debate. Repeat examples of language you heard that was used well or errors you noted. Write them on the board.


Activity 12

14  Read the directions and give your own example. Tell


photo. Before they read, ask the class for ideas about what Topher is doing and how his device might work. • Have students read the activity text to find out if they were right. As brief feedback, comment on how accurate the students’ ideas were. • Read the directions. Help students get started. Say For example: number 1—is it correct or incorrect? Why? And number 2—correct or Incorrect? What should it be? • Have students complete the activity. • When most have finished, have students compare answers in pairs. Check answers as a class. Say Put your hands up if you think the verb is correct. Keep your hands down if you think it’s incorrect. Call on different students to explain their answer and correct the incorrect verb. Write the answers on the board as you go through the text.


12  Tell students they are going to read about the man in the

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Exam Tip  Read the whole activity first Many tests have short texts that test language. While students may not be asked to correct anything, it’s good for them to get into the habit of reading the text first before filling in any blanks or choosing from among different answer options. 13  Read the directions aloud and give your own example.



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(I haven’t watched TV since last Thursday.) Provide prompts to help get students started. Say Think of examples about sports, the news, business or economics, social trends, family, and so on. Write the prompts on the board. • Tell the class to complete at least three of the sentences, with fast finishers doing all five. Circulate and correct students’ errors. When you see that all students have completed at least 1−3, stop the class. Have different students read their sentences aloud. Ask them follow-up questions to develop the conversation. Do this with four or five students. You could ask them to do the same as you did in small groups or just move on to the next task.


23a  Unit 2  The Business of Technology

Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Answers will vary. since . 1 I haven’t has been doing a lot better since 2 . over the last five years. 3 I for the first time last year. 4 I has grown a lot over 5 The number of the last few years.


MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary.



Look again at the three most important skills you listed in Activity 5. Give examples of when you have demonstrated these skills. List any other qualities or ideas you have that show that you would be a good entrepreneur. Work in groups. Try to convince other students that you would make the best entrepreneur. Use the present perfect and simple past forms. Answers will vary. I’ve been running our school debate team for the last two years, so I believe that I can negotiate well with other people. I took nine exams last year, so I think I’m capable of handling stress and pressure.


Topher White is a young entrepreneur. In college, he (1) trained as a physicist, but since 2012 he (2) ran a nonprofit company, Rainforest Connection, to help prevent the illegal practice of logging.* He (3) has invented a system using old cell phones and solar power to hear the sound of saws and vehicles that illegal loggers use. The phones then send a warning to guards so they can stop the activity before it does too much damage. Topher first (4) has tested the system in Borneo, and in 2014, his Kickstarter campaign (5) has raised almost $170,000 to expand the company. Since then he’s (6) been working with groups such as the Tembe tribe in South America, as well as with people in Africa and Indonesia to adapt the system to meet local needs. They successfully (7) detected a lot of illegal activity. The work Topher is doing is important because in some parts of the world they (8) have been losing ten percent of forest cover this century, and deforestation is one of the biggest contributors to climate change.



Do the underlined verbs use the correct forms? Change the ones you think are incorrect.



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logging cutting down trees



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Topher White attaches a Rainforest Connection listening device to a tree in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil to help stop illegal logging.

Unit 2 The Business of Technology SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


2B Risky Business deleted + permission inbox + attached profile + edit store + flash drive

Work in pairs. How do you think the things in Activity 1 can happen? Why would people do them?


Look at the infographic and read the stories. Then answer the questions.



a b c d e f g h

hotels relative PlayStation documents fees price sense details

You will often see visuals and charts in newspapers, books, and articles online to add information and support the text. You need to check that these statistics are from a reliable source and interpret the data for yourself before you read.


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Work in pairs. Answer the questions.


Who didn’t realize they’d made a mistake for a long time? Laura Who received several emails from the same person? Janella Who thought they had found a bargain? Bruno Who was scared into responding too quickly? Laura   Who accepted the blame for what happened? Janella Who didn’t read a product description carefully enough? Bruno


1 2 3 4 5 6

the normal f a secondhand c my personal h luxury a common g a distant b official d legal e

CRITICAL THINKING Interpreting data

1 What mistake did each person make? 2 What was the result of each mistake? 4

Match the adjectives with the nouns they are used with in the stories on page 25. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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deleted without my 1 Some of my posts were permission . I have no idea why! emails manage to 2 I can’t believe how many filter . get through my spam 3 He’s very active on social media . He’s always posting new updates and adding photos. profile very private, and I often go 4 I keep my edit things I’ve written. back and inbox 5 This strange email just arrived in my attached to it, so I deleted it. with a file confirm my bank 6 When they asked me to scam . details, I started to think it must be a store all my documents in the cloud now, 7 I flash drive . rather than using a infected a lot of 8 My computer got a virus that backups . my files and I didn’t have any


confirm + scam emails + filter infected + backups social media + posting

Adjective and noun collocations 1 When you learn adjectives, it is a good idea to remember the nouns that they describe. Sometimes the adjective is next to the noun; however, sometimes it appears later in the sentence. It’s a very user-friendly website with lots of functions and it is also very secure.


Complete the sentences with these pairs of words.






Read the stories again to check your ideas in Activity 4. Underline the parts that helped you decide. MY PERSPECTIVE Make a list of the different ways you could protect yourself from the same kinds of online crimes that Laura, Bruno, and Janella encountered. Answers will vary.

Work in groups. Look at the cybercrime graphs on page 25. Discuss the questions. 1 Where does the data come from? Do you think this is a reliable source? US Dept. of Justice and the FBI 2 What crimes do the graphs focus on? What do you know about them? Answers will vary. 3 What’s the most common crime? Why do you think that is? non-payment / non-delivery 4 Which age groups are the least affected? Which are the most affected? Why do you think that is? under 20; 50–59 5 Do you think the statistics would be different for your country? Why? Do you know where to find this data?

Answers will vary.


Work in groups. Discuss the questions.


24 Unit 2 The Business of Technology

Answers will vary.

1 Which of the three mistakes do you think is the most serious? Which is the least serious? Why? 2 Why do you think each person acted as they did? 3 What do you think each person did after realizing their mistake? 4 Have you heard any stories about similar mistakes? If so, what happened?

2B  Risky Business READING

Tell students they’re going to look at an infographic and read stories about computer scams and where they originate. Then have students read the Activity 3 questions, the infographic, and the stories. You may prefer to play the audio and have students read along to themselves. Tell them to take notes as they read. Set a time limit (for example, five minutes). • Read the activity questions aloud and have students check their answers with a partner. Then say the names Laura, Bruno, and Janella. Call on different students to answer the questions for each person.

3      8

• Warm up  Put students in groups of five or six to rank themselves from: Biggest social media user to the person who uses it the least Biggest Internet user to the person who uses it the least Most cautious social media user to least cautious user • Elicit some questions students might ask, such as What social media do you use? How many posts do you put up each day? Do you use any filters, before they discuss. Write questions on the board. When students are finished, have groups share their rankings and other questions they asked.

Activity 3 1 Laura panicked. Bruno didn’t read details carefully. Janella believed person claiming to be lawyer. 2 Laura had account hacked. Bruno bought just a box and receipt. Janella lost $8,000.




4   Have partners do Activity 4 quickly—without looking at the

text, to see how much they remember.

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crime, but first they’re going to learn some words to talk about it. Read the directions aloud and say For example, number 1: Some of my posts were _____ without my _____. Wait for students to shout out the answer or call on someone. • Tell the class to complete the activity individually, using a dictionary if they need to. • When most students have finished, tell them to compare answers with a partner and to help each other with anything they haven’t finished. Review the answers by having different students read their completed sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and missing words on the board. As you write, ask questions such as What happens when a computer is infected? What examples of social media do you know about or use?


1   Tell students they’re going to read about the Internet and

5   Now ask students to reread Online Crime to check their

answers and to underline key language. Then do the first Activity 4 item as an example. Ask the class which person the statement applies to. • Have students explain why they chose what they did. • Have students do the other items individually.

2   Read the activity questions aloud and do the first one with

Activity 5 1 Laura – I didn’t hear back, but a month later I got my credit card statement and found someone had spent over 11,000 pounds on flights and luxury hotels! 2 Janella – They… kept writing, so eventually I sent them 8,000 dollars to pay the legal fees. 3 Bruno – I couldn’t believe how cheap they were. They had stuff on there for half the normal price! 4 Laura – They said someone was trying to take money from my account without my permission, and that they needed to confirm my personal details to stop it. … I didn’t really understand what was going on and wanted to stop anything bad from happening. 5 Janella – Looking back, it was my own fault. 6 Bruno – … since it was only €150, I bought it without checking the details.


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the whole class. Ask So why do you think someone might delete your posts without your permission? • Have pairs discuss the activity questions. Stop the activity when a few pairs have finished. Have them share their ideas and discuss as a class. • When you’ve finished, have pairs talk about whether any of the things in Activity 1 have happened to them.


Activity 2, Suggested answers: 1 Maybe the posts broke the rules of the site he or she was on and the moderators deleted them. 2 The settings on the spam filter need to be updated. 3 He or she is very vain or a celebrity and uses social media to promote himself or herself. 4 He or she is very aware of the way companies and people judge the public based on his or her online appearance. 5 It could have contained a virus. 6 Real banks never ask you to confirm bank details, so it can’t have been genuine. 7 It’s said to be more secure to store files in the cloud so you don’t need to update your computer as often. 8 He or she had forgotten to back up. He or she had opened a corrupt file. He or she doesn’t have security software.

 Put students in groups to discuss. Remind them to listen politely to one another and make sure every group member gets a chance to give their opinions. • To wrap up, suggest that each group make a list of guidelines for avoiding online scams. Have students help you write one or two tips on the board; for example, If an email seems too good to be true, show it to a reliable adult.


For notes on Activities 7–9, see page 25a.

Unit 2  The Business of Technology  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


VOCABULARY BUILDING Adjective and noun collocations Reading Strategy  Learn collocations It’s a good idea to learn collocations—words that commonly go together, such as heavy rain or achieve your goals. Being able to recognize these common combinations of words helps us read quicker and improves our listening skills as well. 7   Write the following two sentences on the board:

It’s a very user-friendly website with lots of functions, and it’s also very secure.

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• Ask the students to say what noun the adjective shocking describes (number), then what user-friendly and secure describe. (website) Read the explanation in the box aloud. Emphasize to students that it’s good to learn adjectives with the nouns they go with, but point out that they’re not always right next to each other in a text. • Read the Activity 7 directions and say, For example, in number 1, the normal goes with price. Fees could also collocate with normal here, so remind students that they’re looking for pairs as they were used in the text. Then have students do the others items individually, checking the infographic if necessary. • When most have finished, have students compare answers in pairs. Check answers by asking different students to read the collocations aloud. Write the numbers and word pairs on the board. As you write, tell the class to name other nouns the adjectives might describe.


The number of crimes that are committed on the Internet is shocking.

Activity 8 1 The data comes from the US Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is a reliable source. 2 Suggested answers: Auction fraud may involve some of the following: Buyers receiving goods late, or not at all; Sellers not receiving payment; Buyers receiving goods that are either less valuable than those advertised or significantly different from the original description – or else just fakes; Failure to disclose relevant information about a product or the terms of sale; Non-payment / Non-delivery is paying for items online that then never get delivered. Credit card fraud is committed using or involving a card as a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction. The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying, or to obtain unauthorized funds from an account. Malware / Scareware allows hackers to gain access to computer systems and steal data or hold data hostage for a payment by creating a fake virus. Phishing is an activity commited by a criminal acting as a company to gain access to account holders’ personal information / passwords. Identity theft is the deliberate use of someone else’s identity, usually to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person’s name. 3 The most common crime is non-payment / nondelivery. Answers will vary as to why. 4 The 50–59 age group is most affected. It could be assumed that this age group is vulnerable. The under-20 age group is least affected. It could be assumed that this age group is the most tech savvy. 5 Answers will vary.

CRITICAL THINKING  Interpreting Data 8   Read the Critical Thinking box aloud. Ask students to tell



what kinds of sources could be said to be reliable, or what could make a source less reliable. Ask How can you check? Say Ask yourself questions, such as, “Is the information collected from a random sample of the population? Is it independent from something the website is trying to sell? Does the website give the source of any statistics used? Is there only one source, or several?,” and so on. • Put students in groups to discuss the Activity 8 questions. Tell them to use a dictionary, or if they can’t find the English words, to note them down in their L1. • When a few groups have finished, stop the class and go through the answers together. You might start by asking individual students to explain or translate the words you wrote on the board, so they are available for students to use. Then have different groups give their answers. Correct students’ English if necessary.

 ut the students into the same or new groups to discuss the 9   P

questions. Go around the room and check that students are doing the task correctly. Provide assistance as needed. Note specific difficulties for class feedback. • When a couple of groups have finished, tell students to find a partner from another group. Have partners compare ideas, but tell them to start from item 4 this time and work backwards. • At the end of the activity, go through the questions, calling on students to share their ideas. Provide feedback about vocabulary and errors (which you may have written on the board).


25a  Unit 2  The Business of Technology

Online Crime

Laura One day last year, I got a call

from what I thought was my bank. They said someone was trying to take money from my account without my permission, and that they needed to confirm my personal details to stop it. I’ll be honest—I didn’t really understand what was going on and wanted to stop anything bad from happening, so I gave them my name and address and date of birth. I didn’t hear back, but a month later I got my credit card statement and found someone had spent over 11,000 pounds on flights and luxury hotels!

8 The world becomes more connected every day. It’s now easier than ever to keep in touch with friends and family around the world. Online banking allows people to access their accounts from anywhere that has an internet connection. People don’t even have to leave the house to go shopping! However, with greater connectivity comes greater risk. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people become victims of online crime. We asked our readers to share some of their terrible tech tales while we examine where the crimes originate.

Origin of crime: The United States





The United States

Janella Looking back, it was my

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Bruno I was surfing the web one

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West Africa

own fault, but when I got an email saying a distant relative had died and left me millions of dollars, common sense went out of the window! It was from someone claiming to be a lawyer in West Africa. I know my dad’s side of the family had connections there, so I thought it must be true. They attached documents that looked official and kept writing, so eventually I sent them 8,000 dollars to pay the legal fees. Of course, it was a scam and I never heard from them again… or got my money back!

Origin of crime: Romania

Origin of crime: West Africa

Cybercrime by age (US)

Cybercrime by type (US)





Number of victims (thousands)

Number of victims (thousands)



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day when I found a site selling Xboxes and PlayStations. I couldn’t believe how cheap they were. They had stuff on there for half the normal price! I clicked on one item and bought what was advertised as a “PlayStation 4 original box and receipt.” I assumed it was secondhand and, since it was only 150 euros, I bought it without checking the details. You can imagine how I felt a few days later when the postman brought me just the box and the receipt!

50 40 30 20 10 0 Under 20





Over 60

50 40 30 20 10 0 Auction fraud

Non-payment/ Non-delivery

Credit card fraud

Malware/ Scareware


Identity theft

Source: U.S. Department of Justice / Federal Bureau of Investigation Statistics shown are for 2015.

Unit 2 The Business of Technology SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


2C What’s in a post? GRAMMAR Verb patterns (-ing or infinitive with to) 1

Work in pairs. Look at the Grammar box. Which verbs below can be followed by the -ing form? Which can be followed by the infinitive with to? admit decide hope plan

agree delay intend practice

arrange enjoy mind promise

can’t stand expect miss recommend

consider finish offer refuse

Verb patterns (-ing or infinitive with to)


When two verbs are used together, the second one often takes the -ing form or the infinitive with to. They attached documents that looked official and kept writing to me. Websites such as Kickstarter allow entrepreneurs to avoid selling part of their business to an investor. They needed to confirm my personal details. Over half of the campaigns on Kickstarter don’t receive any funding because they fail to reach their set target.




Do you enjoy posting on social media?

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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 2

Choose the correct options to complete the blog post.


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If you’re anything like most people, you probably enjoy (1) posting / to post on social media. Maybe you hope (2) creating / to create a particular kind of image of yourself, or intend (3) showing / to show others what good taste you have. You’re probably not planning (4) providing / to provide information that could be used against you in the future, but every time you post online or “like” something, you’re agreeing (5) sharing / to share that personal information with the world! Most of us avoid (6) revealing / to reveal too much about ourselves face-to-face, but for some reason, we don’t mind (7) doing / to do this online. Everything you decide (8) making / to make public on the internet helps to build a very detailed picture of who you are and what you believe—and we’re failing (9) understanding / to understand that this helps companies guess your age, gender, education, political views… and much more.


Of course, most social media companies refuse (10) guaranteeing / to guarantee privacy for users. After all, we are their product. What they sell is the information we give them! Given this, I recommend (11) using / to use science to help us gain control over our data! Sites could warn us of the risks we are taking when we post certain kinds of information, for example. Failing that, of course, we could all just consider (12) posting / to post less. 3

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 2 3 4

How much do you think you reveal about yourself on social media? Why? What kinds of things do you post online? Why? Are you concerned about privacy online? Why? What do you think social media sites do with the personal information they gather? How does this make you feel?


26 Unit 2 The Business of Technology

2C  What’s in a Post?


3   This task is a general speaking task related to the blog post


students have just read. Students may use verbs followed by -ing or infinitives with to, but they don’t have to. It doesn’t matter. Focus on real communication. • Ask different students to read the Activity 3 questions aloud. Respond to each one with your own (ideally true) answer. Then put students in pairs to ask and answer. Circulate and check students as they discuss and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need—and then write some of these points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • When a couple of students have finished, tell the class to change partners, but to start with any question they like and continue in any order. When students have finished, give some feedback on new language, errors to correct (focus in particular on errors in the use of -ing and infinitives with to), and any other issues that came up. You can also share with the class some interesting things you heard as you monitored students’ discussions.

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1   Tell students to read the Grammar box silently, read the

to find out what it’s about and whether they agree with the author’s recommendation, tell them to read it quickly (in one minute). This checks Activity 1. With less proficient groups, you might want to leave the two columns on the board. Otherwise, give students one minute to memorize the verbs, then erase the columns or cover the screen. • Now have students circle the correct form for items 1−12. When a few have finished, have students compare answers in pairs. Call on individuals to read the verb pairs aloud (number 1: enjoy posting; number 2: hope to create). Write the numbers and the verbs on the board.


• Warm up  Ask students to think of a time they had a problem with some technology—or to imagine one, if they don’t have a real example. Then tell them about a problem you have had, but use the present tense. Ask the students for advice on how to solve it. Perhaps give a second example. • Invite students to stand up and move around the class (or form groups) and to take turns telling one another their problems, getting advice (as you did) and giving advice. Every so often, stop them and call out Change partners. Do this several times to keep students moving and talking. As they’re talking, look for errors connected with -ing or infinitives with to in order to introduce the grammar and other new language, as well as to correct the errors. • Stop the class. Ask if anyone didn’t find an answer to their problem or if anyone got some really good advice. Then go through any errors and new language you noted.

2   If you prefer to have students read the whole blog post first


GRAMMAR Verb patterns (-ing or infinitive with to)



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sentences in the Grammar box aloud, or call on different students to read a sentence each. Be sure to correct any pronunciation problems. You could also ask if students remember the person in the previous lesson’s reading that each sentence refers to. • Write two columns on the board with the headings “-ing” and “infinitives with to.” Then have students answer the grammar checking questions in Activity 1 in pairs or ask the whole class the questions. You could conduct this as a game—tell everyone to make the appropriate response when you ask whether the following word is a verb form with -ing or an infinitive with to. (Hands up: Who thinks it’s an -ing form? Hands up: Who thinks it’s an infinitive with to?) Students should give themselves one point for every correct response. At the end of the game, they add up their points and see who wins. • As students respond, add each verb to the correct column on the board. You could award a bonus point if students can answer a question about the verb’s meaning. For example, you could ask So what might someone admit doing? If you can’t stand doing something, how do you feel about it? Activity 1 -ing: admit; can’t stand; consider; delay; enjoy; finish; mind; miss; practice; recommend infinitive with to: agree; arrange; decide; expect; hope; intend; offer; plan; promise; refuse

Unit 2  The Business of Technology  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


4   You may want to assign Activities 4 and 6 for homework

and skip 5 if you’re short on time. • Check that students understand all the verbs (quit means to stop doing something—for example, a habit or job). Read the directions aloud and say So, for example, “Number 1: I can’t stand … ” Wait for students to answer or call on someone. Have students do the rest individually. Set a time limit of, for example, three minutes. • Review the answers. Have individuals read the verb and verb form for each item aloud. (for example, number 1: can’t stand feeling) Write each number and verb form on the board. After each completed comment, you might ask the class or individual students if they agree with the writer.

• Put students in pairs to discuss their ideas. Encourage them to ask one another follow-up questions. Monitor students’ discussions. When pairs are finished, provide feedback about language and errors you heard. Then invite students to share their ideas with the class. At this point, have students complete exercises 4–6 on page 131 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these exercises as homework. 8   Write this sentence on the board:

Could you please email me your essays instead of handing them in to me in class? Point out that the verbs email and hand each have two objects: me and essays; me and them. Explain that the first object, me, can come in a different place. Write on the board email your essays ______ and see if anyone knows what comes next. Don’t expect students to necessarily know. Fill in the blank with to me. Repeat the process with the second part of the sentence. (handing them to me)

5   Put students into groups or, if you prefer, do this as a whole



class. You might do it as part of the feedback to Activity 4. It won’t take much time.

7   Write the following sentences on the board:

They asked me to confirm my bank details.


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His parents stopped him from playing video games.

• Read the Activity 8 directions aloud. Use item one to emphasize that students need to choose the best noun from the box and add a direct object, using either of the patterns you showed them. For example, ask them how they could write the second sentence in item 1 a different way. (Pass the remote control to me.) • Have students complete the activity. Tell them that in items 2 and 6, they should use for instead of to if they use the alternative pattern. Make sure they’re doing the task correctly. Call on students to read their completed sentences aloud. Have other students politely correct any errors or repeat the sentence with the alternative pattern.

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Monitor and provide assistance as needed. When everyone has written at least one response, ask students to share their ideas either in groups or as a whole class. Write any errors you noted on the board and call on students to correct the mistakes.


6   Read the directions and have students work individually.



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• Point out how in English we can add a direct object (me, him, and so on) between the verb and the following infinitive or -ing form. In some languages this is not possible. You might ask students to translate the sentences into their own languages to compare the structures. • Read the Activity 7 directions and give your own examples for one or two activity items. Then tell students to complete the sentences on their own. Circulate and provide assistance as needed. • When most have completed at least three sentences, call on different students to read their sentences aloud. Ask followup questions to prompt students to say more, such as How did you feel about that?, Why is that?, or So what happened?

 ou may be able to divide the class into groups and have 9   Y

each group do a different task, or you could take a vote on which task the whole class should do. To vote, put students in pairs or groups to decide which they prefer, or take a whole-class vote on each task. If the vote is tied, ask one student from each side to explain why his or her side’s decision is better and take the vote again. You make the decision if the vote is unchanged.


27a  Unit 2  The Business of Technology

Verbs with two objects

Complete the comments with the correct form of these verbs. be post

feel protect

Some verbs can be followed by two objects.

have quit

hear spend

Posted 3 hours ago Eric Wong I can’t stand (1) feeling like everything I do online is being used by someone. Really, we should all promise to quit social media! The only reason we don’t (2) is because we’re too scared we’d miss (3) hearing from friends!

The indirect object is usually a person and the second, direct object is usually a thing. Can you email me your essays, please, instead of handing them to me in class? Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 8

Posted 2 weeks ago Luisa Hernandez If you use social media, you should expect (4) to have these experiences. Why should companies offer (5) to protect our privacy? They already provide us with free services. That should be enough.

Look at the Grammar box. Complete the sentences with these direct objects. You will also have to add an indirect object. The first one has been done for you.



2 My dad bought

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Work in groups. Do you agree with the comments in Activity 4? Why? Answers will vary.

Write your own short response to the blog post in Activity 2. Include two or more verbs from Activity 1. Then share your comments in groups. Answers will vary.



Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. Look at the Grammar box. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. Then explain your ideas to a partner. Answers will vary. My parents always expected me In a few years’ time, I can see myself . If I could, I’d hire someone We should do more to prevent I can still remember begging my parents

5 If I were you, I wouldn’t tell He can’t keep a secret!

him anything


6 My sister and I cooked our parents / our friends / for their wedding anniversary. them a special dinner 9

CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities. Answers will vary. • Work in pairs. Write a blog post explaining best practices when it comes to using social media. Use as many of the phrases below as you can. If I were you, I’d avoid… I’d strongly recommend… It’s best not to agree / try… Lots of people fail… You may want to prevent people from… It’s sometimes good to ask friends… Don’t allow everyone… Think carefully before you tell…

Some verbs always have an object before an -ing form or an infinitive with to. When they asked me to confirm my bank details, I started to think it must be a scam.

1 2 3 4 5

for my birthday.

4 By posting on their website, you’re basically giving them permission to use your data.

Objects before -ing and to


me a new tablet

3 If you’re under twenty, it’s difficult to find a bank that’ll you a loan give to start a business.

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a new tablet the remote control

1 This show is terrible. Let’s see what else is on. Pass me the remote control .

Posted a month ago Back to the Future The secret of being happy is to practice being more patient! Delay (7) posting (6) until you’re sure you really want the world to have access to what you write—and try (8) to spend as much time offline as you can! 5

a loan permission


anything a special dinner



. .

• Write a short story about someone who started a new business. Use at least five verbs from pages 21–27. • Work in groups. Search online for a story about someone who was a victim of cybercrime. Report what happened to another group. Use at least five verbs from pages 21–27.

. .

Unit 2 The Business of Technology SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


2D This is what happens when you reply to spam email




Work in groups. Guess what this email means and why it was written. Answers will vary.


Watch Part 1 of the talk. Answer the questions.

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Intonation and pitch

When we are surprised or shocked by what someone says, we often repeat a key word, phrase, or short sentence with a high pitch and a questioning intonation. We may then add a comment with a falling tone. Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then work in pairs. Practice the exchange. Answers will vary.

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Read about James Veitch and get ready to watch his TED Talk.






Crazy stuff happens when you start replying to scam emails.





A We can start with 50 kilograms as a trial shipment. B Fifty kilograms? There’s no point doing this at all unless you’re shipping at least a metric ton. Listen to James Veitch. Compare your intonation with 9 his. Answers will vary. Work in pairs. Take turns responding to the comments using the same intonation pattern as James. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Answers will vary.

I got an email offering to distribute gold. He’s sixteen years old. It cost ten dollars. I’ve never watched Star Wars. Her dad is the mayor of our city. My bank called me and asked for my address.

1 How was “Solomon Odonkoh” trying to make money? 2 Do you still have the same answer to Activity 4?

Answers will vary.


Work in pairs. Put the sentences in the correct order. a b c d e f g h

I figured I had to knock it on the head. 6 On real estate, what about you? 4 Dude, you have to use the code! 8 I’m a hedge fund executive bank manager. 3 I have to go to bed now. 5 I could do what I think we’ve all always wanted to do. 1 If we’re going to do it, let’s go big. 2 I didn’t hear back. I thought, “I’ve gone too far.” 7


28 Unit 2 The Business of Technology


By pretending to have gold

2D This is what happens when you reply to spam email


If you’re short on time or want a different approach to the video, you may want to watch the whole talk all the way through with only some brief checking questions. A version of this is on the DVD and is labeled TED Talk with activities. At the end of each section, there is a short on-screen question. Pause after each one so students can give their answers. Then play the answer.

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• allow you to preteach some vocabulary, • allow students to read and hear new language before they listen to the whole text, and • prepare students to tune in to the speaker’s voice and style.



You could do the Authentic Listening Skills activities later in the class. However, the skills are best covered before students watch the whole video because, in addition to teaching aspects of phonology and listening skills, these activities also

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demonstrate high pitch and questioning intonation by saying the word Really? Tell students to try this out as they read the activity dialogue with their partner. • Have partners switch lines and read the dialogue again. Or read the dialogue as a whole class. You say the first line and ask different students to say the second line.



Listening Strategy  Train your ear Paying attention to the nuances of a speaker’s voice and delivery will help you to better understand the speaker’s meaning and attitude. A falling tone indicates that a thought or idea is complete. A rising tone indicates incompleteness; the speaker hasn’t completed a thought or wants a response. As you become more skilled at picking up changes in intonation, stress, and pitch, you’ll be able to tell how the speaker is feeling–happy, sad, enthusiastic, sarcastic, and so on. Play the audio and ask students how close they think they were to the intonation James uses. Practice again as in Activity 1.

2      9

to read the first sentence aloud. In response, say Gold? How much? Then ask another student to read the sentence, and this time respond Gold? It must be a scam. Have a third student read it and say An email? I hope you didn’t open it. • Ask students to think about which word they will repeat in response to sentences 1–6 and what additional comment they could add. You might say sentence 2 to a student or two to elicit their responses. Encourage the use of high intonation. Then put the students in pairs to practice. Help students as needed. As feedback, you could say sentences 1−6 to different students and have them respond, or just move on.



1   Read out the text in the box. You might want to

3   Read the directions. Demonstrate the task: Ask a student


• Warm up  Tell students they are going to watch a TED Talk about dealing with scams on the Internet. Read the quote aloud and ask students to translate it or to say what they think the “crazy stuff” might be. • Tell students they’re going to see a short text on the DVD to further introduce the topic. Play the first section of the video, then do the exercises. After students finish, you might write the key words from the bio on the board and ask students to retell what they saw on the video or to write down as much as they can recall about it. Correct as necessary.

4   This is a short introduction to get students thinking about

the content of the video. Put students in groups to discuss the email or read it aloud and ask the whole class for ideas. You might need to tell them that a gummy bear is a kind of chewy candy and a creme egg is a piece of chocolate with a very sweet, soft filling. Encourage different possibilities. Don’t be dismissive; accept all ideas. You want to create interest, not get the right answer. Read the directions and questions aloud. Then play Part 1 of the TED Talk. Read the questions again and tell students to compare their ideas in pairs. Check students’ understanding by calling on different students to share their answers with the class.

5      2.1

 ead the directions aloud and say So the first thing you heard 6   R

was . . . what? Have students call out the correct sentence (f). See if they can identify the next sentence in the sequence (g) before putting them into pairs. Make sure everyone understands what they’re supposed to do, then say OK. Now you do the rest. • Circulate and check that pairs are doing the task correctly. When a few pairs have finished, have everyone stop.

Unit 2  The Business of Technology  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



Play Part 2 of the video. Have students revisit their answers to the Activity 8 question. Then call on different students and ask each one Now that you’ve watched the video, can you justify your answer to why James replies to spam, or would you like to change it? Have the students respond. Confirm the answer. (3) • Ask for a show of hands about James’s approach to spam. (Say Hands up if you thinks it’s effective.) Choose one student to explain why she or he thinks it is effective. Then choose someone who disagrees and ask why the student thinks James’s response to spam is not effective.

12  Read the directions. Ask What are some ways to protect

ourselves from Internet scams that we’ve heard about and discussed? Have students respond and write some of the best suggestions on the board. Then put students in pairs to come up with their own list of five tips and then customize it for each of the specified groups. • After pairs have worked for a sufficient amount of time, have different pairs share their list for one of the groups of people and explain their reasons for deciding on that particular set of tips. If time permits, have the class help you create a final list of tips on the board for each group of people with pairs’ best ideas.

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9      2.2


James does it? • Read Activity 8 and the answer choices. Put students in groups to discuss the answer choices or have the whole class take a vote on the different options. Tell students that at this point there’s no right answer.


8   Ask Is replying to spam emails a good idea? Why do you think

• 11b  Read the directions and the topics in Activity 11b. Make sure students understand the phrases in italics and reteach if necessary or ask the students if they can recall the related example in the video. • Model the activity by giving your experiences of one or two of the topics. Ideally these should be true. Encourage students to ask you questions to find out more about the experiences. Then tell students to think of true examples for themselves of at least two of the topics. Give them two minutes to decide what they’ll say. • Put students in pairs to take turns telling their anecdotes. Monitor students’ conversations and take note of anything requiring whole-class feedback. Then have students change partners and continue speaking and listening. Finally, provide any feedback. Then call on students to share some of their most interesting anecdotes.


Ask students if there are any words in the sentences they don’t understand and explain them. Review the Activity 6 directions and play Part 1 of the video again. List numbers 1−8 on the board. Have pairs check their answers. Confirm the sequence by calling on different students to write the correct letter next to each number on the board.

7      2.1

Read the activity. Then play Part 3 of the video. Have groups discuss the question. When groups have discussed for a few minutes, call on a few students to share their ideas.

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10     2.3

  VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT • 11a    2.4 Play the clips from the TED Talk. Pause when the options come on-screen and ask students to call out their answer choice. If there are a lot of students choosing the wrong meanings, clarify the task and give an additional example before moving on to the next item.


Put students in groups to create their questionnaires. Tell them to make sure some of their questions ask about what the respondents knew about scams, if anything, before their experiences, and how, if at all, they’ve changed their Internet habits as a result of their experiences. When groups have created their questionnaires, provide time for them to administer them to their families and friends and then to compare their findings in class with other groups.



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29a  Unit 2  The Business of Technology

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Watch Part 1 of the talk again to check your ideas in Activity 6.


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Watch Part 2 of the talk. Check your ideas in Activity 8. How effective do you think James’s approach is? Why? 2.2


b Work in pairs. Tell your partner about: • something or someone who turned up unexpectedly. • a situation that got out of hand / went too far. • something or someone that / who intrigues you.

Work in groups. Discuss why you think James Veitch replies to spam. Which of these points is he trying to make? 3

1 He replies to spam email when he is bored. 2 He suggests it is a good way to spend any spare time. 3 He replies to spam email to take up the time of the spammer. He suggests that this stops them from contacting other people. 4 He replies to spam email because he is interested in the financial benefits. He suggests that people can make money by doing business online.

Answers will vary.

Watch Part 3 of the talk. How are the emails James receives from “Solomon Odonkoh” and the emails he 2.3 receives this time similar? The emails are similar because it is somebody trying to scam James for money.


a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 2.4 meanings of the words and phrases.

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MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary.

Answers will vary.

Work in pairs. Come up with five different ways to deal with internet scams. Then discuss which ones are most relevant to these groups of people. Explain your reasons. • elderly people • people who enjoy playing video games • people who do a lot of online shopping CHALLENGE Work in groups. Design a questionnaire to find out about people’s experiences with internet scams. You should find out how much is already known and what, if anything, people are doing to reduce the risks. You will need at least ten questions.

Unit 2 The Business of Technology SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


2E Investment Opportunity SPEAKING Speaking strategy


1 Are there any TV shows about business or selling products in your country? Do you watch them? Why? 2 Would you be good at selling a product? Why? 3 Have you ever had to present something in front of people? What did you present? Was the presentation successful? Why? 2

Work in pairs. Read about the Kickstarter project. One person should think of reasons to invest and one person should think of reasons not to invest. Then discuss your reasons and try to persuade each other. Answers will vary.



mXers was set up by high school student Bharat Pulgam. He has invented a new kind of earbuds that allow you to easily replace the different parts that can break, so you don’t have to buy a whole new set. They also allow you to customize your earbuds for an individual look. mXers needs money to develop the product and start production.



Persuading When we are persuading people, we sometimes turn our own experiences and opinions into a negative question to challenge the other person’s ideas. I think it will lose money. Don’t you think it’ll lose money? I’d find it really useful. Wouldn’t you find it really useful? I have sometimes had that problem. Haven’t you ever had that problem?

Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.


Make negative questions from these sentences. Which negative questions could you use to support your reasons from Activity 2? Why?

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PRONUNCIATION Intonation for persuasion No answers necessary.


10 a Listen to the negative questions and notice the intonation. b Practice saying the negative questions. 1 Wouldn’t it be good to have something like that? 2 Don’t you think it’s a bad idea to give money to strangers online? 3 Isn’t there something similar to that already? 4 Haven’t you ever wished that you could do that? 5 Wouldn’t you be happy to pay a little more to help?



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An woman harvests cocoa in Ghana for Fairafric.

It’d be good to have something like that. I think it’s a bad idea to give money to strangers online. There’s something similar to that already. Sometimes I’ve wished that I could do that. I would be happy to pay a little more to help.

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1 2 3 4 5


30 Unit 2 The Business of Technology

2E  Investment Opportunity SPEAKING

3   Have students read the Speaking strategy box to

themselves. Then call on individuals to read the negative sentences aloud. Encourage them to use proper intonation. • Read the first part of the Activity 3 directions aloud. Have students rewrite the sentences individually. When they’re finished, review the rewritten sentences by calling on different students to read them aloud. Then read and discuss the activity questions as a class.




Activity 3, Suggested answers: 1 Wouldn’t it be good to have something like that? 2 Don’t you think it’s a bad idea to give money to strangers online? 3 Isn’t there something similar to that already? 4 Haven’t you ever wished you could do that? 5 Wouldn’t you be happy to pay a little more to help? 4   PRONUNCIATION 

Intonation for persuasion • 4a    10 Either use the audio or, if you prefer, model the negative questions yourself. After you say each question aloud, invite the whole class to repeat it along with you: Now everybody say it—“Wouldn’t it be good . . . “ • 4b  Then call on individual students to read the sentences. Correct their pronunciation or replay the audio and have them repeat.

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Tell the students they’re going to learn ways to persuade people and make sales pitches. Explain that a sales pitch is a short speech, or style of talking, for the specific purpose of persuading someone to do something, usually to buy your product or service. Tell students they see sales pitches all the time, in ads and infomercials, at the mall and in markets. Point out that a farmer in a market, shouting about the superior qualities of her fruits and vegetables, is giving a sales pitch. • Ask How is a sales pitch similar to persuasive writing? What characteristics do selling a product or persuading an audience have in common? Take students responses and discuss as a class. Write some characteristics on the board. (a forceful presenter, facts and statistics, valid reasons) • Put students in groups. Then read the three questions aloud and have students discuss. Tell them not to spend too much time on any one question. Circulate as groups discuss, providing assistance as needed. When you think students have discussed for enough time, call on groups to share their ideas on different questions.


1   Warm up 

2   Read the paragraph about mXers aloud. Give students a



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minute to read it again silently. Say Raise your hands if you think the product is a good one. Call on students who raise their hands to tell why they think it’s good. Then have students think about whether they’d give Bharat money to help him set up his business. Ask What would be a reason to invest? or not to invest? If you were Bharat, how would you persuade reluctant investors to help you? • Put students in pairs and read the directions aloud. You might help students get started by suggesting one reason to invest and one reason not to. After several minutes have passed, tell partners to switch roles and repeat the activity. • When they’ve finished, have pairs write down their best ideas for and against investing and share them with the class. If time permits, you could have pairs use their notes to write a short skit to perform for the class, with one partner taking the role of Bharat and the other, the role of a potential investor.

Unit 2  The Business of Technology  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



for the product they choose will help them plan their writing. Remind them of the characteristics of the model by reading out / pointing to the pointers at the back of the book and the Useful language box on p. 31. Remind them to use the persuasive language they’ve learned. • Put students in pairs and tell them to talk about or plan their article, giving each other feedback on their ideas. • When students are finished planning, assign the actual writing as homework or set a time limit to do it in class. 10  Read the directions. Put students into groups to present

their articles. After each student finishes reading, allow the rest of the group to ask questions or make comments about the article. Encourage students to point out what they think is well done and to make suggestions about things that need improvement. Remind group members to be polite and not to interrupt the presenter or one another as they comment. • Optional  As an alternative, you could do this as a whole class activity, with students taking turns reading their articles to their classmates. Allow time for questions and comments after each one. When everyone has presented, the class could vote on which product to invest in. • Following presentations to groups or the whole class, tell students to rewrite their articles, taking into account the feedback they received from classmates.

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Activity 6 1 The aim of the article is to inform people of a new product and Kickstarter campaign; to try to persuade them to support ­Mason’s Kickstarter campaign. 2 The nightmare is losing your USB and work (and having to explain it to a teacher / boss). 3 The business is creating and selling a piece of software to automatically save work to the cloud when you save it to a USB.

 ead the directions. Tell students that following the model 9   R


on p. 149. Set a time limit or read it aloud as students follow along. Have students review the activity directions and read the article again. Then have them discuss with a partner what they think about each numbered point and why. Call on partners to share their ideas with the class.

in the i-save and then from those who wouldn’t invest. Choose a student to explain what she or he likes about it. Then choose someone who voted not to invest and ask the student to explain why. • Have partners discuss. When they’re finished, ask Would anyone change their vote to invest or not based on their discussions?


6   Read the activity directions and ask students to read the text

8   Ask for a show of hands from students who would invest


Kickstarter projects. Ask if there’s any language they don’t understand and explain it. You may want to explain what a laser cutter is (a machine that uses a laser to cut materials) or what fair-trade refers to (the term refers to a movement that promotes fairness in international trade). Pair students and have them read the activity directions. • Each student (or pair) should think of reasons to support his or her project. Tell students to include some negative questions they could ask as part of their persuasion strategy. They should also think of some reasons not to invest in their partner’s project.


5   Give students a couple of minutes to read about the two

7   Explain the task and read the activity questions aloud. See

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if pairs can answer them without rereading the article. After pairs have answered all four questions, have them reread the article and review their answers. • Call on different pairs to give their answers. Discuss questions and answers as a class.



Activity 7, Suggested answers: 1 The article grabs your attention by asking a have you ever question to facilitate / simulate a shared experience. 2 The article tries to persuade you to continue reading by telling you that it will provide a solution, but not exactly what. 3 The factual information comes from ­Mason himself and from the Kickstarter page. 4 The purpose of the final paragraph is to provide a reason / “moral” for the article or some other comment which refers us back to the first paragraph and the headline.

Writing Strategy  Learn useful chunks for writing Learn the phrases in the Useful language box and use them when writing similar types of texts. It’s normal to use standard phrases and style when writing. It helps readers understand your intention when you’re not there to explain what you mean!


31a  Unit 2  The Business of Technology


Work in pairs. Read about two other Kickstarter projects. Choose one each and try to persuade each other to invest. Answers will vary. The Possible Project is an after-school program that teaches teenagers, mainly from low-income families, the skills to be entrepreneurs. The project has been running for several years and has trained over 250 students. The team wants to raise money for a laser cutter so that students can make a variety of products quickly. Hendrik Reimers is a German chocolate maker. He has set up a chocolatemaking company, Fairafric, in Ghana. By producing the chocolate bars in their own country, rather than only exporting cocoa beans, people in Ghana can earn over 25 percent more—even compared to fair-trade chocolate. The money raised will help fund production, packaging, shipping, and distribution.

Useful language

Read the short article on page 149 and find out:




WRITING A persuasive article



WRITING SKILL Getting people’s attention

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Work in pairs. Look at the article again and answer the questions. How does the article grab your attention? How does the article try to persuade you to continue reading? Where does the factual information come from? What is the purpose of the final paragraph?

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1 2 3 4

Getting people’s attention • Have you ever wanted to…? Well, now you could have the opportunity. • Have you ever wondered…? Well, now scientists have discovered the answer. • Have you ever dreamed of…? Well, that’s exactly what happened to…! • Have you ever…? Well, all that could be a thing of the past, thanks to…. • Do you think…? Well, think again!


1 what the aim of the article is. 2 what the nightmare is. 3 what the business is.

Would you invest in the i-save? Why? Discuss with a partner. Answers will vary.


Using the product you chose in Activity 5, a product you have heard about recently, or something you invented yourself, write an article to explain the product and encourage people to invest or find out more about it. Answers will vary.


Work in groups. Share your article. People in your group should ask you questions or share comments about your article. Answers will vary.



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Unit 2 The Business of Technology SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


Faster, Higher, Stronger

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• describe athletes.

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• read about the lengths countries will go to in order to host the Olympics and do well. • learn about small changes that can make big differences.

• watch a TED Talk about how athletes are improving. • write and carry out a survey.



Faster, Higher, Stronger


Finally, they’ll create and conduct surveys and learn how to use English to describe survey results.

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Unit Objectives

Vocabulary • Describing athletes • Vocabulary Building  Synonyms in texts

• Introduce the unit theme by telling students they’ll be discussing athletes and athletic performance and learning different ways to talk about sports and athletes’ skills. • Have students look at the photo. Read the caption aloud and explain that range of emotions refers to the variety or different kinds of emotions shown on the faces of the people in the photo. Call on students to name some of the emotions they see expressed in the photo. • Ask the following questions: 1. Do you feel emotions at sporting events? Which emotions? 2. What do you think makes people so excitable at sporting events? 3. Do you feel strong emotions when you watch sports alone? 4. Are you ever bored watching any sports? Why?


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 11–14 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)



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Grammar • Grammar 1 Determiners • Grammar 2  Comparatives and superlatives Reading • Olympic Gold

Warm Up

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Students will consider how small changes can result in big differences and how they can apply this strategy to their own lives.


Students will learn about the cost to cities of hosting the Olympic Games, and about different countries’ approaches to training athletes to compete at the highest levels. They’ll also learn some interesting facts about what really contributes to the ever-improving performance of elite athletes.


In this unit, students will talk about athletes and athletic performance and how sports have changed over the years.

Language note  The unit title, Faster, Higher, Stronger, is the motto of the Olympic Games and comes from the Latin phrase Citius, altius, fortius. The motto is meant to express the ambition of the Olympic athletes to perform to the best of their abilities.


Unit Overview



TED Talk • David Epstein: Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? Pronunciation • Linking words together in fast speech Speaking • Introducing main findings • Introducing other points Writing • A survey Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


3A Incredible Achievements


 Tell students they’re going to learn words and phrases used to talk about people who play sports. Read the directions aloud, and then read item 1, pausing briefly after each option. Say He has incredible awareness / he has very energetic / he has great technique / he has a real passion for the game. Hmm. Ask Which do you think sounds wrong? Either wait for someone to volunteer or call on a student to answer. • Put students in pairs to complete the activity. Tell students to use a dictionary if they need to. Monitor students as they work, noting words and phrases they look up, ask you about, or underline. Focus on these in feedback. • When most pairs have finished, tell them to compare answers with another pair and to help one another with any unfinished items. Go through the answers by asking different students to read the phrase that doesn’t fit aloud. Write the item number and incorrect phrase on the board. • Ask questions to check students’ understanding. For example, ask If you’re a soccer player, what do you need to be aware of? What’s a great technique to learn for tennis? for basketball?

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 Think of two or three people you could describe to the class, using phrases from Activity 2. Make sure at least one of the people doesn’t play sports in order to model ideas for students who aren’t interested in sports, and maybe also choose an athlete you think the class won’t know. • Explain the task and then describe the people you chose. Highlight the words from Activity 2 either by writing them on the board as you say them or slowing down and drawing attention to them as you speak. • Give students sufficient time to choose people and phrases to describe them. Suggest that they make notes with each person’s name and key words to use as they talk. When they’re ready, tell students to stand up and share their descriptions with a classmate. Have them walk around and change partners two or three times, or do the task in groups. • To conclude the activity, retell some interesting things you heard as students shared their descriptions. Give feedback on how well they used the new vocabulary and also teach any new language that came up. Correct common errors you heard. (You may want to tell students to save the notes they made, as they can use them again later for Activity 15.)



 Have students look at the photo on p. 32 or project it using the Classroom Presentation Tool. Ask for a show of hands from students to see who’d like to be in a crowd like this. Choose one person to explain what they’d like about it. Choose someone who didn’t raise their hand and ask why they wouldn’t like being in such a crowd. • Put the class in groups to discuss questions 2 and 3 for a few minutes. Wrap up the activity by asking several students to share their groups’ responses to the questions.



• Review the answers as a class, calling on different students to read each item aloud. Write the item numbers and answers on the board. As you write, ask the class questions about the new vocabulary, such as What other kinds of medals can you win?





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Exam Skill  Learn collocations and chunks Another reason to learn collocations and common chunks of English words rather than single words is that being able to recognize common combinations of words helps you read more quickly, and improves your listening skills.

 Tell students you’re going to check that they paid attention to the language in Activity 2. Have them cover Activity 2 with a piece of paper or a book. Then call on a student to read both sentences in item 1 of Activity 3 aloud. Tell the student to say blank when he or she gets to the blank line in the first sentence. Then have the whole class call out the word that best completes the first sentence. (attitude) • Then tell students to see if they can fill in the blanks in the other items without looking at Activity 2. Go around and check how well students are doing. When most students have finished, have them compare answers with a classmate.


 This activity introduces some of the unit themes. Do it here or leave it as a warm-up for Listening on p. 34. • Read the activity question and directions. Ask students to think about changes over the last several years, or since they were much younger. Give them two minutes to think of at least two changes in each category on their own.


Expansion Tell students to think of verbs that collocate with the different nouns in the collocations, such as raise awareness (instead of incredible awareness), practice a technique (instead of great technique), and so on.


33a  Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger

3A Incredible Achievements VOCABULARY Describing athletes 1

Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Would you like to be in a crowd like this? Why? 2 Which sport do you think they are watching? Is it popular in your country? 3 Which are the most popular sports in your country? Do you like them? Why? Do you know any famous people who take part in them?


Work in pairs. Choose the option which cannot complete the sentence.

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attitude 1 Everyone on the team has a really great . They always fight right to the end of the game. holds the world record she set 30 years ago. 2 She still medal in the 400 meters. 3 When I was younger, I won a gold awareness . He can anticipate the other players’ moves 4 He has incredible and create opportunities for scoring. captained the team. 5 He was a key player in their success, but he never for wrestling. 6 I’ve always had a real passion competed in four Olympics and won two golds, one 7 She’s silver , and one bronze. goal in the last World Cup final. 8 He scored the winning


Choose five phrases from Activity 2 to describe an athlete, a friend, and a family member. Then tell your partner about the people you thought of.

Answers will vary.


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Sports fans experience a range of emotions as they watch an event.

Complete the sentences with words from Activity 2.

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1 He has… incredible awareness / very energetic / great technique / a real passion for the game. 2 She’s… a very skillful player / a really great attitude / a forward / a positive role model. 3 She won… a great goal / silver at the Olympics / the world championship / a gold medal. 4 He scored… an average of 20 points a game / 300 goals in his career / the most last season / the race. 5 He set a new / He won the / He holds the / He smashed the old… world record. 6 She captained / She was the star of / She competed / She played a key role on… the team.


My favorite soccer player is Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang. He has incredible awareness and scores some amazing goals.

I think my big sister is a positive role model for me. She has a great attitude and never gives up. 5

MY PERSPECTIVE How do you think sports and athletes have changed in your lifetime? With a partner, discuss changes in these categories. Answers will vary. • fame / celebrity status • equipment • achievements


Faster, Higher, Stronger



Listen to four people explain why they admire certain 11 athletes. As you listen: 1 find out where each athlete is or was from. 2 find an example of something each athlete won.


275 times over 150

popular Italian




videos personal problems

a b c d

That year, Susi won the women’s singles. Ask any Indonesian of his generation. He won many medals, including one gold. Without him, fewer  people would watch motorcycle road racing. e We’d never won any gold medals.

a great lesson her future husband introduced

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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.

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Work in groups. Discuss which of the four athletes you think achieved the most. Explain your ideas. Answers will vary.



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Look at the Grammar box. Underline the determiners in the sentences.



Valentino Rossi (left) attempts to overtake Maverick Vinales during a race at the Motorland Aragón Circuit in Alcañiz, Spain.


34 Unit 3 Faster, Higher, Stronger


• They show which noun we mean, using articles (the, a[n]), (2) demonstratives (1) (this, that, these, those), and (3) possessives (my, your, his, her, its, our, their). • They show how much or how many of something there quantifiers . is, using (4)

eight or nine out of ten 2


Determiners are words used before nouns. They have two main functions:

Listen to the four people again. What does each person 11 Answers will vary. say about the following? 1




Complete the information about the functions of determiners using these words.



GRAMMAR Determiners




Activity 6 1 1 Mia Hamm; United States 2 Olympic and World Cup medals 2 1 Valentino Rossi; Italy 2 Nine-time MotoGP World Champion

3 1 Joaquín Capilla; Mexico 2 Olympic medals for diving 4 1 Susi Susanti; Indonesia 2 gold medal for badminton

    11 Read the directions aloud. Have students read the words and phrases in the chart and check that they understand them. Tell students that you’re going to play the audio track again. Say Listen to find out what is said about each word or phrase in the chart. • Read the activity directions again and tell students to compare their ideas in pairs. • Call on students to say what they think an answer is (have two students give their answer, especially where you noted differences). Where students agree, write the answer on the board. When they disagree, ask students to justify their different answers, but don’t yet say who is correct. Instead, put a question mark on the board.

 Before you put students into groups, tell them to think about which of the four athletes has achieved the most or to make a list of the four, ranked from 1 (achieved the most) to 4 (achieved the least). Then group students to discuss and decide on the best achiever. • Alternatively, take a vote on each athlete. Ask Who would vote for Mia Hamm as the greatest of the four? After each one, ask individuals to explain why they chose that person. Then ask another student to say why they didn’t.


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Exam Skill  Think about what you already know With listening and reading texts, you’re often given a short description of the text or a headline. Before you start, think briefly about what you know about this subject. When you’ve answered what you’re sure of, if there are any questions that you’re unsure of, think again about what you know about the subject. Your own knowledge may help you to at least make a good guess.


talking about their sports heroes. Say Listen and find out where each athlete is from, and at least one thing each person has won. Play the audio track once straight through as students listen and make notes. Remind them of the task you gave them; then have students compare their answers with a partner. • Review the answers as a class. Where everyone agrees on an answer, write the athlete’s name, nationality, and award on the board.

• Have students listen again and check their answers. Repeat the process of reviewing the answers one at a time and replay the track (if necessary), telling students to focus on the areas of uncertainty. If students still disagree, play the track again and stop at key points.


  11 Tell the class they’re going to hear four people






Activity 7, Suggested answers: 1 Mia Hamm played for her country 275 times. Mia scored over 150 goals for her country. She was always an eight or nine out of ten performer. 2 Valentino Rossi made MotoGP more popular. Both the speaker and Valentino are Italian. Rossi’s celebrations are really entertaining. 3 The speaker watched videos of the diver with his coach. Joaquín Capilla overcame a lot of personal problems. Joaquín serves as a great lesson about what you can achieve in sports and in life. 4 Susi Susanti’s future husband won the men’s gold medal. The IOC introduced badminton as a new sport in 1992. (This was lucky for Indonesia.) The speaker admires the way Susi always fought right to the end.

GRAMMAR  Determiners 9

 Warm up  Give students a minute to fill in the blanks in the two sentences with terms from the box. Point out that the words in parentheses will help them figure out the correct term. Then go through the answers with the whole class.

10   You can either ask students to work on their own to

underline any determiners they see in the Grammar box sentences and then check the answers with the whole class, or do it as a whole-class activity. Call on different students to read sentences a−e aloud and identify the determiners.

At this point, have students complete Activities 1–3 on p. 133 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.

Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


about the people they talked about in Activity 4. Have students consult the notes they made previously and expand on them by adding more details. Students can choose new people if they prefer.

16   Model the activity by presenting your own sports hero.

When you finish, prompt students to ask you two or three follow-up questions. Then put students in groups to take turns talking about the people they made notes about in Activity 15. Remind students to ask one another questions about each person. • As the students talk, take notes on areas of good language use, errors in pronunciation, or other ways the talk could be improved. After each person finishes, let the class ask questions and encourage students to offer polite, constructive criticism.



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Activity 12, Suggested answers: 1 When you have a negative sentence beginning I don’t like, you can’t use no. You have to use any. 2 Hardly any is followed by a plural countable noun, not a singular noun. 3 Junk food is uncountable, so we have to use (very) little. We only use (very) few with plural countable nouns, like very few burgers. 4 Places is a plural countable noun, so we have to use (not) many. With (not) much, we use uncountable nouns. 5 People is the plural of person, so we have to use (quite a) few. We use (a) little with uncountable nouns. 6 Money here is uncountable, so we have to use (so) much. We use (so) many with plural countable nouns. 7 We only use of if the noun that follows is used with the, so we could say most of the people I know—or just most people I know. 8 Every is followed by a singular countable noun—every minute of every day, etc.

15   Tell students they’re going to plan a short presentation


then with any. Ask Why is no wrong here? (When you have a negative sentence beginning I don’t like, you can’t use no; you have to use any.) Then put students in pairs to work on the other sentences. • Go around the class to see if there are any particular problems. When the first pairs have finished, ask them to change partners and discuss, but start from number 8 and work backwards. Stop the class when the first pair has finished. Review the answers by randomly calling on students from different pairs.


12   Explain the task and read sentence 1 aloud, first with no,

hero. Say Look at the text. Notice the blanks. As you read, think about what word might go in each blank, but don’t fill it in yet. You’ll have time to fill it in later. • Give students a couple of minutes to read through the text and find out (1) who the person is, (2) what his sport was, and (3) what his achievements were. When they’re finished reading, ask different students to give an answer to each of the three questions. Then have students fill in the blanks with determiners, as they did in Activity 11. Review the answers as a class.


the missing word. Ask Who knows the missing word? (a, the) • Have students work in pairs to do the rest of the sentences. Review the answers with the class. As you check, you could ask students to identify the function of each determiner. Ask, for example, In sentence 2, how does her help you understand what country is meant? Does her show possession or close relationship, does it point out a particular place, or does it show quantity? (shows close relationship)

14   Tell students they’re going to read about another sports


11   Read the first sentence aloud and pause at each blank to elicit

13   Read the directions aloud. Call on a student to model the

activity for the class by having him read corrected statement 1 in Activity 12 and then the sample text in blue for that statement. Call on another student and have her model with statement 2. • Put students in groups to take turns reading statements and then responding to them by either agreeing or saying a new sentence that is true for them. Have students keep taking turns until every student has responded with a new sentence.


35a  Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger


Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with determiners. Then discuss. 1 She used to be


Decide which sentences you agree with in Activity 12. Change the sentences that you do not agree with. Share your ideas in groups. Answers will vary. Number 1 isn’t true for me. I like some sports. I’m really into basketball and baseball. Number 2 isn’t true. Lots of athletes from my country have won medals!


Complete the biography with one word in each blank.


forward on US women’s soccer team and she’s one of the most successful soccer players ever. her country 275 times She played for No man has ever and scored 150 goals. managed that! many people can claim to have made Not their own. a sport popular more or less on no ego problems and He has a great personality. My coach has shown me some videos his best. of Joaquín when he was at the end, even She always fought right to no / little hope. when it seemed there was the

3 4 5 6




Think again about the people you chose in Activity 4. Make notes about their lives, achievements, and why you admire them. Answers will vary.


Work in groups. Tell each other about the people you wrote about in Activity 15. Ask each other more questions. Answers will vary.


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1 I don’t like no any sports. 2 Hardly any athlete athletes from my country has have ever won an Olympic medal. 3 I think I’m pretty healthy. I eat very few little junk food. 4 There aren’t much many places near here where you can exercise outside. 5 A little few people I know are crazy about sports. 6 I don't think it's right that some athletes earn so many much money. 7 Most of people I know have no interest in soccer. 8 I try to exercise every weekends weekend if I can.


Work in pairs. Look at the corrected sentences. Discuss why you think the original sentences were wrong.



a Yao Ming is (1) retired professional few basketball player. He stopped playing a (2) the most years ago, but he’s still one of (3) lot / number famous athletes in China. I have a (4) of great memories of watching him play. He spent (5) many / several years playing in the NBA in North no America, which was amazing because (6) Chinese player had ever done that before—and (7) hardly any Most have done it since. (8)  , if not all, Chinese people know him and are very proud of what he achieved. He’s instantly recognizable because every he’s 7 feet 6 inches tall. He made (9) other player in the NBA look small in comparison! In the end, though, he had a (10) lot / number of injuries that ended his career.




Faster, Higher, Stronger




3B Is the cost of coming in first too high?


Fireworks explode at the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games in 2012.

Synonyms in texts

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Writers often use words or phrases with similar meanings to make their work more interesting and to avoid repetition.

Countries competing to host the Olympics will often spend huge amounts to hold the 16-day event.


Complete the sentences with these synonyms. Use a dictionary, if necessary. establish selected




funding sums

1 Countries compete to host the Olympics. hold Countries spend huge amounts to the 16-day event. 2 Hosts spend huge amounts. sums of money. Hosts invest large 3 They have programs for elite athletes. top competitors. They support 4 There is money to help develop successful athletes. funding is directly linked to success. This

hold top

5 They helped to set up a program that promotes excellence in sports. establish a system that They helped to promotes excellence in sports. 6 Children are chosen as potential stars. selected as potential stars. Children hope to be Work in pairs. Rewrite the phrases using synonyms. prove to have talent—prove to have a natural ability 1 achieve their targets 2 core principle 3 got its highest ranking 4 linked to success 5 tackle the challenges you face


Work in groups. Which of these statements do you agree with? Answers will vary. 1 2 3 4

The most important thing is not winning, but taking part. Hosting the Olympics is a waste of money. In sports and in life, you get what you pay for. Increasing participation in sports at low levels could help tackle health and social challenges.


36 Unit 3 Faster, Higher, Stronger

3B Is the cost of coming in first too high?



 You can use the book or have students close their books and write the following sentence on the board: Countries competing to host the Olympics will often spend huge amounts to hold the 16-day event. • Underline to host Ask students if anyone can find a synonym for this verb in the rest of the sentence. (hold) Underline the Olympics and ask what other way this is referred to in the sentence. (the 16-day event) You could also ask students if they can think of other ways to say host or the Olympics. Students might suggest put on, conduct, run, operate; the games, tournament. • Ask Why do people use synonyms like these? Then read the explanation in the box on p. 36 aloud. Read the Activity 1 directions aloud. Then call on a student to read item 1 aloud and fill in the blank. (hold) Have students do the other items individually, using a dictionary if necessary. • While they work, note words they look up, ask you about, or underline. Review the answers by having different students read the sentences aloud. Write the numbers and synonyms on the board. As you write, ask questions such as What other things can you establish? What sources might funding come from? You might also ask if they see any other pairs of synonyms in the sentences. (amounts/money, athletes/competitors)

Study Tip  Learn synonyms Many comprehension test items work by matching a word or phrase in the question with a synonym in the text. So when you learn vocabulary words, you might want to write down the definition in English or include a common synonym. However, be careful when using synonyms in conversation and writing! Words with similar meanings may be used slightly differently, sometimes in different collocations.



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Activity 2, Suggested answers: 1 meet their goals / meet their objectives 2 basic belief / key theory 3 achieved its best position 4 related to achievement / connected to accomplishment 5 try and deal with the problems you have / tackle the issues in front of you


• Put students in groups and ask them to create a list ranking the group members from the biggest sports fan to the person who likes sports the least. • Create a mind map on the board for the Olympics. Start by putting the Olympics in a circle at the center of the diagram. Ask students to think of categories connected to the Olympics. Write these around the center circle. Then have students in groups (or as a class) brainstorm as much as they can remember about the last summer or winter Olympics. After a few minutes, get ideas from the students and build up the map. Look for opportunities to introduce new language connected to students’ ideas.

• Call on different pairs to give their ideas. If they are correct, write the number and phrase on the board. You might also ask for alternatives or give some yourself. You might need to correct some of the students’ suggestions. For example, if students used a thesaurus for a word that has many synonyms, they may have chosen one that doesn’t collocate as well as others.


VOCABULARY BUILDING  Synonyms in texts Warm up  Do one of the following activities:

 Write prove to have a natural ability on the board. Ask students if they can rewrite this using different words. Students may read out the example in the book. Then ask if they know a synonym for prove (show). Rewrite the sentence, pointing out how you can’t say show to have, so sometimes you have to add words, too: show they have a natural ability. • Put students in pairs to rewrite the activity phrases. Tell them they should make at least one change in each phrase. Allow them to use a dictionary or an online thesaurus if they need help.


READING  Read the activity directions. Call on different students to read the statements aloud. Give the class several minutes to think about them. Then put students into groups. Say Discuss the statements in your groups. Tell whether you agree with them or not. There’s no right or wrong answer. Give your opinion and support it with information using your background knowledge of sports and the Olympics, and your personal experience. Remind students to listen politely to everyone’s opinions. • When groups are finished discussing, ask Did any groups reach a consensus on any of the statements? Have groups respond.


Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




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• Read the Activity 4 directions aloud. Make sure students understand the task. Have them read the answer options, then do the first item together. Read the first paragraph of the article aloud, or at least the sentence before the first blank. Ask the class which group of words best fits the blank. Have students call out the answer. • Don’t immediately say if the answer is correct or not, but call on students to explain why they chose what they did. If the class doesn’t agree, make sure all students’ answer suggestions are noted and explained by a student. Let students debate and see if they can persuade each other. Finally, confirm the correct answer and make sure students understand why it’s b. (Although the paragraph opens with one quote, the last sentence indicates that the message of that quote has been replaced by a different message.) •   12 Tell students to read the rest of the article or play the audio track. Have students fill in the rest of the blanks. Review the answers in the same way as above.

 Write this fact on the board: Forty percent of the funding for UK athletes comes from money raised by the National Lottery. Ask students if they think this supports the idea of spending money on the Olympics, undermines it, or is irrelevant. Take students’ responses. (Some may argue that if the money doesn’t come from taxes, it’s a good thing. Some may feel it’s irrelevant because the money could still be spent on something else.) • Explain to students that information is sometimes chosen— or ignored—in order to build an argument or support an opinion. Ask What are the best, or strongest, kinds of information to use to support an argument? Discuss with the class that facts (information that can be proven to be true), statistics, the opinions of experts, and personal experience provide solid evidence to support an argument. Explain that good readers should accept what a writer says, but also find out if other facts support or contradict the writer’s argument. • Put students in pairs or groups. Tell them to discuss the other facts listed in Activity 6. • Go around and observe students as they discuss. Provide assistance as needed. Then go through the items one by one, asking students to give their ideas on each fact.



Reading strategy  Skim for the general idea When we skim, we read quickly to understand what a passage is generally about, and to take note of certain key information. To skim, read the title, the first sentence of each paragraph, and any section headings. Allow your eyes to look quickly at content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives). Also look at photos and read the captions. When practicing this strategy in class, set a time limit so that students develop the habit of reading quickly.

CRITICAL THINKING  Supporting arguments


 Warm up  Tell students they’re going to read a text about the Olympics. Set a time limit of two minutes and ask students to find out the answers to these two questions: Which country is the main focus of the article? Is the author in favor of spending money on the Olympics? Don’t use the recording of the reading for this activity, as it will give away the answers to Activity 4. • When students are finished reading, repeat the two questions and have students call out the answers. (China, no) Notice any disagreement. Choose individual students to explain their answers, using evidence from the reading. Confirm answers.


 Tell students they’re going to debate the issue of hosting the Olympics in their country. Split the class into two teams, one for hosting and the other against it. Divide each team into smaller groups to brainstorm ideas for two or three minutes. • Appoint one person in each group to be a secretary and write down the group’s ideas. • Reassemble the two teams. Give the members of each team matching numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Then ask both 1s to sit together, both 2s to sit together, and so on. Tell students to debate and try to win their partner over to their side of the argument. • Circulate as students debate, helping and refereeing as necessary. Stop the exercise when things begin to quiet down. Have individuals from both sides sum up their strongest arguments. Then have students vote for or against hosting the Olympics.


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 Ask different students to read one or two questions from Activity 5 aloud. Give your own (ideally true) answers. Then put students in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Circulate and provide assistance as needed. • When a few pairs have finished, stop the activity or have students change partners. When enough pairs have finished, call on students to share their ideas with the class.



Teaching Tip One way to encourage more student talking is to model speaking tasks for the whole class yourself. Here, you could ask students to choose two questions from Activity 5 to ask you; then give detailed answers that are true for you. This helps students see that you expect longer answers, allows you to recycle vocabulary, and lets students get to know you better!


37a  Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger




Similarly, several years ago, China established a system known as Juguo Tizhi (“whole country support for the elite sport system”) for developing athletes. Children are identified as potential sports stars between the ages of

In both sports and life, you tend to get what you pay for; a . China came in first in Beijing, and Great Britain got its highest ranking in over 100 years in 2016. The question is whether this search for success at all costs comes at the expense of investing in something c which is arguably more valuable: (6)  . Seeing your team win can obviously lift your spirits. However, this feeling is only temporary, while taking part in regular exercise and sports has been shown to have long-term physical and psychological benefits. Given this, surely spending more money on increasing sports participation from the lowest levels up would be a better way of tackling some of the health and social challenges that many countries face.





The figures are enormous! Depending on who you ask, China spent 40 billion dollars on the Beijing Olympics and Russia invested 50 billion in Sochi; the Rio and London Games each cost between 14 and 18 billion dollars. In terms of money for athletes, the UK spent over 400 million dollars supporting 1,300 top competitors. This funding is directly linked to success: those who fail to achieve their targets will have their funding cut and, in some cases, f completely removed. (2) !






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The hosting countries spend huge amounts of money to hold the 16-day event. Many of the countries taking part invest huge sums in programs for elite athletes. And that money is not spent to come in fourth; the only thing that matters is having “the best Games” and winning medals—preferably gold.

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six and nine, and are sent to special sports schools run e . Those by the local government, (3) who prove to have talent move on to a semi-professional schedule of four to six hours a day, five or six days a week. Later, the top performers move on to provincial training centers. Students there live and breathe their sport and hope to be selected for their provincial team d (4) . There are around 400,000 young people in this system, whose main purpose is to win glory for their nation. In the years before Beijing, it accounted for a very large percentage of all sports funding.


12 When Baron Pierre de Coubertin set up the first modern Olympics in Athens in 1896, he declared that “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning, but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering, but fighting well.” These days, it can seem that this core principle has been forgotten, (1) b .

Read about what some countries will do to host the Olympics and do well. Complete the text with the phrases (a–f).

Sometimes writers select information to support their point of view. 6



MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Would you like to participate in a system like Juguo Tizhi? Why? 2 Do you know any schools that specialize in sports? Do you think they are a good idea? Why? 3 Do you have to play sports at school? How much importance is given to winning? 4 Have you seen any great sporting events? How did they make you feel? Why?

Work in pairs. Read the facts below. Do they support an argument for spending money on the Olympics? Why? 1 Six million dollars of the Beijing Olympics’ costs went toward sports. The rest included new subway lines, an airport terminal, a light railway, and roads. 2 The majority of Juguo Tizhi athletes retire from their sport without a formal education. 3 According to the Chinese National Audit Office, the Beijing Olympics made a profit of 146 million dollars. 4 Montreal took over 30 years to pay off its debts from holding the Olympics. Answers will vary.


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a the more money you spend, the better the results b overtaken by the other motto de Coubertin is known for: “faster, higher, stronger” c local clubs and competitions; facilities for people to stay healthy and play for fun d and then to be full-time professional athletes representing their country e where they train for up to 15 hours a week f So much for the value of just “taking part”

CRITICAL THINKING Supporting arguments


A city in your country wants to host the Olympics. Divide into two teams—one for and one against. In your teams, discuss the arguments you would give. Then debate the issue as a class. Think about: Answers will vary. • the impact on the local community. • what would happen after the Olympics. • alternatives to hosting the Olympics.


Faster, Higher, Stronger


3C Getting Better All the Time GRAMMAR Comparatives and superlatives 1

How much do you agree with this quote? Give examples to show how things are better or worse now than they were in the past. Answers will vary. “This is the best time to be alive—ever.”

—TED Speaker Gareth Cliff

Comparatives and superlatives





f g

Bicycles have improved and become far more aerodynamic. There are many more people training today. Athletes are training harder and more intelligently than before. The running tracks used in the 1930s were not as fast as the ones today. The soft surface of old running tracks stole much more energy from athletes’ legs compared to modern tracks. Usain Bolt is the fastest man in history. On average, elite shot-putters now are two and a half inches taller and 130 pounds heavier than they were in the 1920s. The current hour record in cycling is only slightly better than it was over 40 years ago. The more money governments spend on athletes, the better the results.


a b c d e

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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 2

Look at the Grammar box. Read the sentences about how sports and athletes have changed. Answer the questions.



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1 Which sentences use a comparative form with: • an adjective? • an adverb? • a noun? 2 Which sentence uses a superlative adjective? 3 Which sentence emphasizes that something is “less than”? 4 Which of the words in bold show a small difference and which show a big difference? 5 Why do we say many more people, but much more energy? What is the opposite of each of them? 6 Which sentence shows how one change causes another change to happen at the same time?


PRONUNCIATION Linking words together in fast speech

When one word ends in a consonant sound and the next begins with a vowel sound, we often link the two words together when speaking. I don’t do it as much… may sound like: I don’t do it as (tas) much… If one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word starts with the same consonant sound, we often leave out the first consonant sound. …than it did last season may sound like: …than it did last season Swimmers wear caps and body suits to help them move through the water faster than other competitors.

a Read about linking words together in fast speech. Then listen to the 13 sentences. Underline where you hear the links.


38 Unit 3 Faster, Higher, Stronger

3C Getting Better All the Time

 Tell the class they are going to look at some sentences from the TED Talk they’ll watch later on. The sentences are about how sports have changed over the years. Either have students read the sentences in the Grammar box silently, read them aloud yourself, or call on different students to read a sentence each and correct any pronunciation problems. • Have students answer the questions in Activity 2 in pairs. You can either review the answers now or wait for them to read the Grammar Reference and then review the questions as a class.


• Say each sentence twice, quickly. Pause between each sentence to allow students time to write. Don’t repeat the sentences more than twice. Then have students compare their sentences with a partner. • Call on a student to read what he or she wrote. You can write it on the board or have the student come to the board and write it. Correct any mistakes and show how they can occur when words are spoken together quickly. •   13 Have students read the explanation in the box or read it aloud yourself. Make sure students understand how two words can sound like one when spoken quickly. The words’ sounds are joined, or linked, together and shortened or dropped altogether. Then play the audio and tell students to underline where they think words are linked and sounds dropped. • Put students in pairs to compare their work. You can either write and mark up the sentences on the board or just have students repeat the sentences individually and chorally. To engage students further, have them say the sentences correctly as fast as they can. • Point out that the accuracy of the answers is not as important as practicing speaking English.

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  PRONUNCIATION  Linking words together in fast speech • 3a  Dictate the following two sentences: I don’t do it as much as I used to. I’m better at it than I used to be.



 Write the following on the board: This is the best time to be alive—ever. Then read the Activity 1 directions. Tell students to work in pairs to make a list of things they think are better these days than in the past, and a list of things that are worse now than in the past. • Take a vote to see what the class thinks. Say Hands up, everyone who thinks this is the best time to be alive. Call on a couple of students for their ideas or some things from their lists. Then ask some students who did not raise their hands to share their ideas. Write some of the ideas on the board— particularly any in which students used, or attempted to use, comparatives. Write students’ exact words, even if they include mistakes. • Discuss as a class. Then go back and look at the things you wrote on the board. Guide students to correct any mistakes in the language or grammar. Highlight the language of comparison. Tell students they’re going to learn more about the grammar skill of comparing.



At this point, have students complete Activities 4–5 on p. 133 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.


GRAMMAR  Comparatives and superlatives



Activity 2 1 comparative form with an adjective: a, d, f, g, h, i; comparative form with an adverb: c; comparative form with a noun: b, e, i. 2 f 3 d 4 Words which show a small difference: two and a half inches (taller); only slightly (better) / Words which show a big difference: far (more aerodynamic); many (more people); much (more energy); 130 pounds (heavier) 5 Many is used with countable plural nouns such as people; much is used with uncountable nouns such as energy. The opposites are far / much fewer people and far / much less energy. 6  i: the more money ... the better ...

Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




Activity 4 The training program for British cycling was very successful because it found lots of things which all made a small difference to performance (such as washing hands so they wouldn’t get colds, choosing good pillows to ensure good sleep, etc.), but which added up to a lot. The lesson it teaches us is that we should focus on small targets we can achieve rather than setting a big target which we fail at and that approaching things this way can then lead to more success.   Read the directions. Then have students help you fill in one or two blanks. Say Number 1, what’s the missing word? (the) Who can tell me why? (because it refers to a specific race, the Tour de France) What about number 2? (much) • Tell students to complete the summary. When most have finished, have them compare answers with a partner. Check the answers by reading the text aloud; when you get to a blank, call on random students to say the word. Ask why or draw attention to surrounding language that provides a clue to the answer. Write the numbers and words on the board.



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Expansion Have students write sentences comparing their skills at sports, music, languages, school subjects, and so on, with those of friends or family members; for example, I’m better at math than my brother, My sister is more athletic than I am, My best friend dribbles a soccer ball faster than I do.

• Have students compare their ideas with a partner. Tell them to help one another express their ideas and then make notes for possible use later on. As feedback, find out what some of the changes students would make are, and how they could contribute to a bigger change. If time permits, continue the discussion as a class.


• 3b  Explain the task. Give three or four of your own (ideally true) examples. Then have students look at the eight statements (in Activity 3a) and think about what they’ll say. Give them two minutes to do this. • Call on one or two students to share a sentence with the class. Ask one or two follow-up questions to find out why they are, for example, better at English than they used to be, or how they know they’re better. Then put students into groups to take turns sharing sentences and similarly asking follow-up questions to find out more about each other. • Monitor students’ interactions and note issues to revisit. When a few groups have finished, call on students to share sentences with the class. Provide feedback and, if appropriate, retell some interesting things you heard as students talked.

  Tell students they are going to read about a successful sports program and the lessons it may have for life in general. Ask students to read the whole text to find out what the lessons are and how they could work in their own lives. Say Think about what small changes you could make in your life that might make a big difference?




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Teaching Tip You might hear interesting anecdotes that students tell while they’re working in pairs. It’s sometimes nice to share these with the class. One way is to ask students to retell these experiences. However, students may get nervous in front of the whole class, not speak clearly or loudly enough, or make mistakes so that others don’t fully understand. Instead, you can retell the story. Start by saying I heard a great story from Cristiano. He said he,… and so on. You might write some useful language on the board as you tell the story (whether the student used those words or not). You might also invite the class to ask the student some questions to clarify points or get details.

  Read through the three activity options with your students and make sure they understand each one and that they are to choose only one of the three. Before students decide, give some further explanation. • For the first two options, tell students they’ll need to revisit Activity 1 on p. 38. If they were intrigued by the quote, either agreeing or disagreeing with it, they may want to tackle the essay. For the second option, they should review the lists they made and make any necessary changes in the vocabulary and especially the grammar, making sure to use comparatives correctly. You might want to provide sample statements to help students, such as One way life is better today is that rivers are not as polluted as they were in the past. • For the third option, students may want to work with the same partner they worked with for Activity 4. Tell them to work together to come up with two or three small changes for each of the four goals. Remind them to explain how the changes would lead to the goals. Circulate as students work and provide assistance as necessary.



39a  Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger

I’m better at it than I used to be. It’s the best thing I’ve experienced in my life. I don’t do it as much as I used to. It’s a lot more popular than it used to be. It’s a bit more difficult than it was in the past. It’s far easier than it was in the past. I’m not as good at it as I’d like to be. They’re doing worse than they did last season.

Complete the summary in Activity 4 with one word in each blank. Compare your ideas with a partner.


CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities. Answers will vary.

Between the Olympics in 1908 and 2004, the British cycling team won just three gold medals. No British cyclist had the world’s even come close to winning (1) greatest cycle race, the Tour de France. Yet over the next twelve years, the British team won more than 25 gold medals and had two winners of the Tour. How could the much better? team perform so (2)

On average, elite shotputters now are two and a half inches taller and 130 pounds heavier than they were in the 1920s.



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The first thing was that cycling received a lot than (3) more funding (4) it had before and, thanks also to a new Olympic track in more Manchester, the team could train (5) intensively. The coaches also began to focus on making small improvements in lots of areas. This was not just more about training better and eating (6) healthily, but also included things like teaching the cyclists to wash their hands properly and finding the most comfortable pillow for them to use (7) The cleaner their hands, the at night! (8) fewer colds and viruses the cyclists pick up, (9) and the more training they can do. If they do not get as as they need, they may much sleep (10) slower / worse the next day. ride one percent (11) The more of these small improvements you can make, bigger / larger / greater the difference compared the (12) to / with your competitors. (13)

• Work in pairs. How many small changes can you think of which would contribute to these big improvements? Explain how the changes will affect the final result. - Improving the performance of a school’s sports team - Getting better grades at school - Increasing people’s life expectancy in your country - Stopping global warming


Read about how small changes made a big difference for the British cycling team. How can small changes make big differences in your life?

• What is better now than in the past? What is worse? Make lists of five things that are better and five things that are worse. Use comparatives to explain the differences.


I’m better at speaking English than I used to be!

• Write a short essay on the question in Activity 1. Use comparatives in your response.


b Work in groups. Replace it in each sentence to make sentences that are true for you. Answers will vary. 4



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

With the recent successes in British cycling, there are (14) many / far / a lot more people cycling in the country than there used to be. Having a much bigger pool of riders improves the chances of finding talented cyclists to continue that success. There is a lesson here for all of us. We often set big goals which aren’t so easy to achieve when perhaps we should slightly focus on all the things we can do (15) better. Small changes can add up to a big difference.


Faster, Higher, Stronger


3D Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?

We all have this feeling that we’re somehow just getting better as a human race… but it’s not like we’ve evolved into a new species in a century.

Read about David Epstein and get ready to watch his talk.

lG eo gr

Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen to an extract from the TED Talk. Underline where David slows 14 down and stresses words.

io na


Work in pairs. Underline the contrasts in the extracts. Then practice saying them aloud. 1 Usain Bolt started by propelling himself out of blocks down a specially fabricated carpet designed to allow him to travel as fast as humanly possible. Jesse Owens, on the other hand, ran on cinders. 2 Rather than blocks, Jesse Owens had a gardening trowel that he had to use to dig holes in the cinders to start from. 3 …had he been running on the same surface as Bolt, he wouldn’t have been fourteen feet behind—he would have been within one stride. 4 Rather than the last beep, Owens would have been the second beep. Listen to it again. 5 Rather than the average body type, you want highlyspecialized bodies that fit into certain athletic niches.




basketball swimming


The winner of the 2012 Olympic marathon ran two hours and eight minutes. Had he been racing against the winner of the 1904 Olympic marathon, he would have won by nearly an hour and a half. 2

Work in pairs. Which of these sports do you do or watch? What equipment, skills, and physical attributes do you need for each one? Answers will vary.

ap hi c



Slowing down and stressing words




AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS Speakers will often slow down and stress words when they are contrasting two ideas. The surrounding language can sound very fast.




cycling tennis

gymnastics track and field

Watch Part 1 of the talk. Guess what David is going to 3.1 b argue. a The human body has evolved to be better at sports. b New records in sports are largely due to technology and professionalism. c Sport is a natural part of human development. Watch Part 2 of the talk. Complete the summary with a 3.2 number, year, or measurement in each blank. 1936 In (1) , Jesse Owens held the world record 100 meters. If he had run more in the (2) recently against Usain Bolt, he would’ve finished 14 feet behind him. However, Owens (3) was competing in very different times, and modern runners are greatly helped by technological advances. Given the same conditions, Owens would have been within one stride of Bolt! (4)

Technology also helped to improve the hour record that 1972 by almost cyclist Eddy Merckx set in (5) five miles, but after the rules were (6) 2000 , cyclists had to use the changed in (7) same equipment. Subsequently, they were only able to go 883 feet farther than Merckx. (8)


40 Unit 3 Faster, Higher, Stronger

soccer water polo

3D  Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?


  14 Play the audio and tell students to underline where

they think the speaker slows down and stresses particular words or phrases.

 Have students read the extracts. Check their understanding of the language. Address any questions they have. They may ask about the words and phrases below. Give a brief translation if you can. There’s no need for students to learn these words, but it will help them when they listen to the whole talk.

io na


Activity 3 Sample answers: basketball ball / net / court / height / ability to jump cycling bike / helmet gymnastics control / bravery / strength / muscles / gracefulness / somersaults soccer ball / trainers (soccer cleats) / uniform / shin guards / speed / awareness swimming trunks / swimsuit / goggles / cap / height / strength tennis racket / touch / hand-eye coordination track and field sneakers / running shoes (or spikes) / shorts / (starting) blocks / power / speed (or pace) water polo swim cap / trunks / ball / ability to swim / height / strength

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ap hi c

Listening Strategy  Listen for stressed words When listening to fast speech, you may sometimes miss words. Rather than become discouraged, focus on the more understandable slower speech. Speakers tend to slow down and stress the most important points. Pay attention to these parts and you’ll get a reasonable understanding of the whole talk.


 Read with the class the information in the box about how speakers slow down when they contrast two ideas. Make sure that students understand that contrast means “to show the differences between things.”


 Read the Activity 3 directions and the sports listed below them. • Talk about the first sport with the whole class. Ask for a show of hands: Who plays or watches basketball? Call on a student with a raised hand ask What equipment do you need to play it? Continue asking questions: Does it help to be tall, short, fast, strong, a good passer? and so on. You could create a web on the board about the ideal basketball player. • Put students in pairs and have them discuss the other sports, making notes about equipment, skills, and physical attributes. Tell them they can use a dictionary if necessary. Go around and check that partners are doing the task correctly and provide assistance as necessary. When a couple of pairs have finished, have students change partners to compare notes and discuss any sports they haven’t yet covered. • You might want to create a chart on the board, for example, listing the sports in a vertical column, with Equipment, Skills, and Physical attributes as column heads. Then call on different students to share their notes on each sport with the class. Record their information in the chart, or have students come up and fill it in. Have the rest of the class make comments.



AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS  Slowing down and stressing words



• Warm up  Tell students they are going to watch a TED Talk about the way athletes are able to push their sports to new levels. Read the quote on p. 40 aloud and ask students to say what they think it means. Provide prompts, such as Do you think athletes are in better physical condition today than in the past? What might account for that? What about better nutrition, and developments in materials and technology?

propelling himself: throwing himself


blocks: equipment runners push off from at the start of a race; often called starting blocks (show or draw a picture)


cinders: ashes; what remains after you burn something gardening trowel: a small tool for digging (show or draw a picture; demonstrate using one) stride: one big step when you walk (demonstrate) beep: a small sound or signal (make a beeping sound) niche: in this case, a highly specialized athletic activity • Have students work in pairs to decide what is being contrasted and to underline the words that might be stressed to point out these contrasts. Then have them practice reading the extracts and slowing their pace when they get to the underlined words. When pairs have finished, call on several students to read the extracts aloud.

    3.1 Read the directions. Explain to students that based on the introduction they’re going to watch, they should choose which of the points they think will be the main idea of the whole talk. Read the three choices aloud. Then watch the section straight through. • Restate the task and have them compare their ideas with a partner. Then take a vote. Say Hands up if you think it’s a; hands up if it’s b; and so on. Ask different students to justify their answers and then either confirm the answer yourself (b) or play the section again to resolve any disagreement.


    3.2 Read the directions and have students look at the summary. Tell them you’ll play the video and that they should complete the text with the missing number, year, or measurement. Then play Part 2 of the video. • Have students complete the summary and compare their answers with a partner. Then review each answer. Make sure students agree before recording it on the board.


Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION





• You may want to have students suggest different popular sports and list them on the board. Then list some lesser known sports that students may want to consider. Read the items to cover aloud and invite students to share any relevant information they know. Write it on the board to give students some ideas. • Remind students that they’ll have to do research in order to find out all the required information. You can assign this task as homework or allow students time to do Internet research in class. • You can have students report what they find out in groups, present their ideas to the class in the next lesson, or write a short report with pictures or other graphics.

lG eo gr

• Which sports generate the most money and why? • Where does the money go? • What effects does money have on these sports?

ap hi c

Expansion Have students discuss these questions in pairs or as a class:

 Have students work in pairs to discuss questions about the TED Talk. Read the questions aloud. Answer any questions students have about them. Give students sufficient time to think of answers to the questions, to make some simple notes, and then to discuss their ideas with their partner. • As an alternative, you may want to put students into groups and assign a different question to each group member. When everyone is ready, have each student read his or her question to the group and answer it. Students can then discuss, asking and answering group members’ questions.



 Have students look at the phrases in items 1−6. You might call on students to say what certain words and phrases mean, such as incentives, fame and glory, and radiator. Do the same with the points, a−f, which they’ll hear David make in his talk. •   3.3 Read the directions and play Part 3 of the video. Then have students do the matching activity. Circulate as students work and decide whether you need to replay the video. • Check the answers as you did for Activity 5. Write the numbers and letter answers on the board.


  Vocabulary in context • 8a    3.5 Tell students they’re going to watch some clips from the talk. They’ll see new words and phrases and should choose the correct meaning for each. Then play the video. • 8b  After students watch, put them in pairs. Read the directions and give them a few minutes to discuss items 1−4, which include the new phrases they just learned. Provide the students one or two of the examples you would give. Ideally, these should be true. • Now have pairs think of examples for the items. Go around and help by correcting or giving them the English they need, noting points to include in your feedback. When pairs are done, call on students to share their examples with the class. Correct any errors and give feedback about new language that came up.



Teaching Tip One way to prepare students to watch a video is to do a first viewing with the sound off. Have students focus only on the images on screen, and get them to think about what they’re seeing by asking some questions. Using this technique can help build background knowledge, allow you to preteach vocabulary, and prepare students to listen more successfully.

 Read the directions and have students look at the six statements. Go over any potentially unfamiliar words, such as electric shock, primates, endurance, the Matterhorn. •   3.4 Make sure students understand that they may not hear these exact words in the talk, but they’ll hear the same ideas, expressed slightly differently. If the content of a statement is not covered at all, they should choose the option not stated. Watch Part 4 of the video. When the video ends, give students time to complete and review their answers and compare them with a partner’s. • Call on different students to stand, read a statement, and give the answer—true, false, or not stated. If everyone agrees, record the numbers and answers on the board as in previous activities. If there’s disagreement, replay the video and get students to agree on the correct answer.



io na



41a  Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger

ng ni high-jumpers and shot-putters f digital technology c financial incentives, fame and glory a Michael Phelps and Hicham El Guerrouj e the Kalenjin tribe b a radiator d

VOCABULARY IN CONTExT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 3.5 meanings of the words and phrases.

b Work in pairs and think of at least one example of:




Watch Part 4 of the talk. Are the statements true, false, 3.4 or not stated? 1 When a person gets an electric shock, it activates their muscles. T 2 We only use a small percentage of our brain power at any one time. NS 3 We can train our brains to accept more pain. T 4 Primates are more suited to endurance than humans. F 5 Kílian Jornet was the first person to ever run up the Matterhorn. NS 6 David does not expect Kílian’s record to be broken. F

Answers will vary.

1 a recent change or event that has affected people throughout the world. 2 someone or something that changed the face of your country. 3 two brands which are essentially the same. 4 an activity that has shrunk in popularity.

io na

a The move towards specialized types of bodies for particular sports accelerated. b Kenyans are the best marathon runners. c It made elite sports more available to a wider group of people. d Some people might have long, thin legs because of evolution. e Swimmers have long torsos, and runners require proportionately longer legs. f Specific groups of people have advantages for some sports. 7


ar 1 2 3 4 5 6


ap hi c

Watch Part 3 of the talk. Match what David mentions 3.3 (1–6) with the points he is making (a–f).

lG eo gr


Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 How much of David's talk was new to you? Was there anything he said you already knew? 2 What were the three most interesting facts for you? 3 What do you think is the most important factor in improving results that David mentions? Why? 4 Do you think all sports are better than they were in the past? Why? CHALLENGE

Choose a sport you are interested in. Find out: • • • •

if it has changed in the ways David Epstein describes. if there have been any other changes. how the records today compare to 50 years ago. why any changes have occurred.


Faster, Higher, Stronger



Introducing other points Another thing that was interesting was… Apart from that, we found that… Some other things worth mentioning are…


Work in groups. The bar graph on this page shows the results of a survey into which sports people had done during the previous month. Discuss:

Answers will vary.

• whether anything shown surprises you. If so, why? • why you think certain activities were more or less popular. • which results you would expect to be similar and different where you live. 2

Work in pairs. Discuss which claims are supported (S) and not supported (NS) by the data in the graph. 1 2 3 4 5


One fifth of those surveyed used a gym in the month before the survey. NS Swimming and diving are the most popular sports. S One in twenty of those surveyed played golf in the month before the survey. S Just under five percent of those surveyed bike to and from work. NS The popularity of certain sports may change depending on the season. NS


Introducing main findings The most surprising / interesting thing we found was that… You won’t be surprised to hear that… but one thing that was interesting was… The main thing we discovered was… (By far) the most popular… was…


Useful language



Work in pairs. You are going to conduct a survey. Choose a question from below or think of one that interests you. Your survey should have at least six options.

ap hi c

What sports have you participated in during the last month?


Interview as many students as you can and take notes. Discuss your notes with your partner. Then present the findings to the whole class. Answers will vary.

Swimming and diving

lG eo gr

Health and fitness

Answers will vary.

1 What activities have you done in your free time in the past two weeks? 2 What is your favorite type of movie to watch? 3 What subjects do you want to study in college?

WRITING A survey

Biking (recreation)



Work in pairs. Read the description on page 150 of the bar graph on this page. Answer the questions.

1 What extra information is included which was not shown in the bar graph? 2 Which part of the description expresses opinion rather than fact?

io na

Running Aerobics, yoga, and dance


Golf 5





Biking (place to place)


Percentage of people

Passive forms are often used in reports. Complete the sentences using the past participles of the verbs in parentheses. You will learn more about passives in Unit 5.

1 The graph shows the result of a survey school last month.


Source: UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Beach soccer is popular on Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro.


42 Unit 3 Faster, Higher, Stronger

(conduct) at our

3E  Surveys


 Before students get underway, ask the class how they will record the results and if people will be able to choose more than one option. • Say Now you get to conduct your surveys! Get students to move around the class in pairs to conduct their surveys. Remind them to ask each student they survey the same exact question. When most have finished, end the task and tell students to sit down. • Have pairs add up the survey responses and calculate percentages. Have all the pairs who surveyed question 1 sit together, all who did question 2 to do the same, and finally have those who did question 3 sit together as well. Tell each group to compare their results. Have them consider reasons they would give to explain the results and any implications there might be. Ask one person from each group to report the group’s findings.



 Tell students to look at the bar graph on p. 42. Remind them that a bar graph is a kind of chart that is used to display statistical data, often collected from a survey. The data are displayed in vertical or horizontal bars. • Give students a couple of minutes to look at the chart. Check that they understand what it shows. Ask What are the main parts of the graph? (a question, names of different sports, percentages of people displayed as bars) Read the question at the top of the graph aloud. Ask Which sports have most of the people surveyed done in the last month? (swimming and diving) Then call on a student to describe in what order the bars in the graph are arranged. • Put students into groups. Read the Activity 1 directions. Have groups discuss the activity items. Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Provide assistance as needed. • At the end of the task, ask the class as a whole for their ideas about the three questions. Have students with differing points of view explain why they think the way they do. Help where necessary. Finally, give some feedback about new language that came up, and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).

io na

lG eo gr

ap hi c



• Warm up  Tell the class they’re going to talk about surveys. Have students share what they know about them. Ask questions, such as Have you ever conducted a survey, or answered the questions in someone else’s survey? What was it about? What do surveys consist of? What kind of organizations conduct surveys? Why do they conduct them? Are all surveys equally reliable? What might make one survey more reliable than another? Take students’ responses and discuss as a class.

• Make sure students understand that they’ll need to think of at least six options (more if they want) for their survey respondents to choose from. As an example, ask the class to suggest six different types of movies. (action, science fiction, comedy, horror, animation, musical, documentary, and so on) Write them on the board. Repeat for the other survey topics, if necessary. • Put students in pairs to decide on the subject of their survey and the options to include. Try to put together students who express interest in surveying the same question. When it seems that all pairs have written down at least five options, stop them and tell them to add Other to their list of options.



 Read out the task and do the first item with the whole class. Read the statement aloud. Give students a couple of minutes to study the graph; then ask for a vote on who thinks the statement is supported by the chart, and who thinks it isn’t. Call on individual students to give their reasons before confirming the answer. Write the number and NS on the board. • Put students in pairs to discuss the four other statements. When most have finished, go through each statement, take a vote, and record the item number and answer on the board.





 Explain to students that they’re going to create and then conduct their own surveys. Read the directions and the three survey questions. Tell student they’ll have to choose one of the questions or come up with their own.

WRITING  Tell the students they are going to learn to write a description of a bar graph to report survey results. Have students read the model text on p. 150. Set a strict time limit or read it aloud as students follow along. • Pair students. Read the questions aloud and have students answer them together. Check answers as a class.


Activity 5 1 The text includes information on the number of people who took part in the survey, how old they were, and that 68 percent walked for health and recreation. The text also includes information on the time of year when the survey was conducted and reasons for not participating in sports. 2 The third paragraph expresses opinion rather than fact. For notes on Activity 6, see page 43a.

Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


 Tell students the passive voice is commonly used in reports of surveys. Ask students if they know why this is. (The focus of a survey is on the people answering the survey, not those conducting it.) Remind students that in the passive voice, the subject of the sentence or clause receives, not performs, the action. You might also show how we often shorten passive relative clauses by crossing out which was. • Have students complete the Activity 6 sentences with the past participles of the verbs. Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice any problems. Then review the answers by calling on individuals to read the completed sentences aloud. • Write the item numbers and participles on the board. As you do so, ask follow-up questions about the vocabulary, for example, What else can be conducted? or give other examples of the usage, such as The most popular activity was watching TV, followed by shopping, followed by. . . .



 Read the activity directions. Tell students that following the model on p. 150 will help. You may wish to read the model aloud. • Put students in pairs and tell them to plan their writing together. Assign the actual writing for homework or set a time limit of, say, ten minutes to do it in class. As students are writing, go around and help them. Remind them to use some phrases instead of all percentages and to include passive forms. • Have partners exchange papers. After reading their partner’s description, each student should review it to see how many phrases were used to present the statistics and how many times the passive voice was used. Have students return the papers and discuss any corrections and suggestions for improvement together.




io na

lG eo gr

ap hi c


 Read the text in the Writing strategy box aloud. Discuss with students some other reasons why someone might want to report survey results in language that is less precise than citing the exact percentages. (It might be because the survey creator wants the results to sound more understandable or appealing to a particular audience, or to have more impact.) • Explain to students that they’re going to learn some more language for describing statistics. Direct them to Activity 7 and read the directions and phrases aloud. Go through all the phrases to make sure students understand them. Ask students how they would describe the difference between, for example, almost half and the vast majority. Ask Which one represents a greater number? • You might do the activity as a whole class for a change or put students in pairs. If students work individually or in pairs, review the answers as a class.


Writing Strategy Using phrases in place of percentages Simply citing numbers and percentages can make for a dull, uninteresting report, especially if students are making a presentation to classmates or to an audience with interests other than math and statistics. Making such a report interesting can be a challenge, but presenting findings in a variety of ways is one way that can help. Remind students that just as using synonyms and antonyms makes their writing more interesting, using an occasional phrase rather than another number or percentage can similarly perk up a report of survey findings. Furthermore, when giving an oral report, words such as tiny, vast, and significant will allow students to use lots of vocal expression.

5 just under three quarters 6 the vast majority



Activity 7 1 a tiny percentage 2 roughly a third 3 almost half 4 a significant majority

Expansion Have pairs create a visual to illustrate some of the key findings of the survey they conducted in Activity 4. Tell them to include it in a written report explaining how they conducted the survey, what the results were, and what conclusions they drew from it. Study Tip  Writing: Reflect and rewrite Tell students that after getting a piece of writing back from their teacher, they shouldn’t just look at the grade, but go through the corrections and any suggestions the teacher made to improve the writing. They should reflect upon them; that is, take time to really think about them. Finally, rewrite the text incorporating the corrections and suggestions. Rewriting helps you remember corrections and understand how to improve all types of writing.


43a  Unit 3  Faster, Higher, Stronger

aged 2 Fifty students (age) thirteen to fifteen were interviewed (interview) about their reading habits. seen surveyed (see), only 20 percent of those 3 As can be (survey) said they had read a novel in the previous six months. followed (follow) by 4 The most popular author was J.R.R. Tolkien, Anthony Horowitz. repeated 5 We might expect a higher response if the survey were (repeat) with a younger age group. 7

WRITING SKILL Describing statistics

Writing strategy

Replace the percentages in italics with these phrases.

ng ni

2% of those surveyed spend more than an hour a day exercising. 35% of those who responded play a team sport at least once a month. 48% of those who responded prefer exercising alone. 65% of those surveyed would do more sports if they had more free time. 74% of respondents play fewer sports now than they did five years ago. 96% of the people I spoke to recognize the importance of exercise.

Sports Participation by Gender



lG eo gr

Biking (place to place)

68.3 31.7


62.7 37.3


io na

60.2 39.8

51 49

42.7 57.3

24.1 75.9


Aerobics / dance

86 14

68.9 31.1

Biking (recreation)

Swimming / diving


90.8 9.2


Health and fitness

ap hi c

Work in pairs. Refer to the Writing strategy and use the passive forms in Activity 6 to describe the statistics in this bar graph. Answers will vary.


17.5 82.5



A tiny percentage The vast majority


1 2 3 4 5 6

A significant majority Roughly a third


Almost half Just under three quarters

Describing statistics When we describe statistics, we sometimes use phrases or estimates instead of specific percentages. Instead of 10.3 percent cycled, we might say one in ten biked. We do this for variety or to emphasize a point. For example, over half may sound bigger than 52 percent.

Source: UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport


Faster, Higher, Stronger


Cultural Transformation



io na

lG eo gr

ap hi c






IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • discuss how art and cultural events can benefit people and places. • read about an innovative program for teaching music. • learn about a Spanish city that was transformed by art and architecture. • watch a TED Talk about how a park was created on an old railroad line. • write a for and against essay. 44


Cultural Transformation



The photo shows part of a performance by the Vila Isabel Samba School in a parade during the Rio Carnival. Samba schools are associated with different areas in the city, and each school raises money during the year to finance their elaborate carnival routines. Some of the parade floats can cost up to $250,000 and are made by specialist artists. Language note  Carnival refers to an annual festival that typically occurs during the week before Lent in traditionally Roman Catholic countries, involving parades, music, and dancing. The derivation of the word is uncertain, though it can possibly be traced to the Latin carnem levare or carnelevarium, which means “to take away or remove meat.” This concurs with the fact that Roman Catholics in earlier times were required to refrain from eating meat during Lent.

ap hi c

Students will read about a city that created an economic revival through art and hear a talk about a park in the sky and how neighborhood activism preserved and transformed a unique cityscape. Finally, students will take a stand and write an essay for or against a topic related to culture and community.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will talk about Carnival and other community festivals as ways of celebrating culture and bringing people together. They’ll learn about an innovative program that molds children into musicians, teaching them not only the joys of music, but the transformative power of discipline and commitment as well.


Unit Overview



Unit Objectives

io na

Grammar • Grammar 1  Future forms 1 • Grammar 2  Future forms 2

lG eo gr

Vocabulary • Cultural events • Vocabulary Building  Adjective and noun collocations 2

Reading • A System That’s Leading the Way



TED Talk • Robert Hammond: Building a Park in the Sky Pronunciation • Contrastive stress

Speaking • Making and rejecting suggestions • Suggesting alternatives Writing • A for and against essay

Warm Up

• Display the photo on Student Book pp. 44−45. • Ask for a show of hands from students who like it. Ask students why they like it or why they don’t like it. • You may want to share the information in About the Photo with the class. Then ask questions, such as the following, to continue the discussion: 1 What do you think the performer in the photo is standing on? (a float) What are floats made of? How do they move? 2 Has anyone ever been on a float or marched in a parade? What did you do to be part of it? How did the experience make you feel? 3 Do you think spending so much money on these elaborate displays is a good idea? Why or why not? 4 How would you describe the atmosphere and the crowd at a carnival—or at any local celebration?


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 15–21 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)

Unit 4  Cultural Transformation  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


4A  Putting the Town on the Map

2  Tell students they’re going to learn some phrases to talk about


cultural attractions, ideally one national or international event and one local event, to model ideas for students. Highlight how the phrases from Activity 2 can be used for a variety of events. • Give students a couple of minutes to choose their attractions or events. Then tell them to complete the sentences. When they’re finished, put students in pairs to share ideas and help each other complete the activity, if necessary. 5  Point to the list on the board or remind students of the

events they discussed in Activity 1. Then read the Activity 5 directions and the sample sentences. Define promoter, if necessary. Ask Which phrase from the second sentence did you read in Activity 2? (put on a) • Write another sample on the board, such as I went to a festival of traditional arts and crafts last year. It filled me with a sense of pride in my culture. • Begin the class discussion. Call on different students to stand and talk about a place or an event. Encourage students to try to use the lesson vocabulary without looking at their books. Have the rest of the class make comments, add other details, or ask questions. • At the end of the exercise, provide feedback. Make sure to praise students for their efforts.

lG eo gr

ap hi c

cultural events. Read the directions aloud. Do item 1 together. Read the first part of sentence 1 aloud. Then say Every held is February. Hmm. That’s not right. What should it be? Either wait for someone to call out the words in the proper order, or call on someone to answer. Help, if necessary, by reading the first part of the sentence again, this time adding is. . . . • If you think students will find the task difficult, do another one as a class. Then tell students they can use a dictionary if they need to. • When most students have finished, tell them to compare answers in pairs and to help each other with anything they haven’t finished. Don’t confirm the answers yet.

4  Read the first part of the directions aloud. Suggest one or two


their understanding of the vocabulary. • Put students in groups. Ask What makes something a cultural attraction? Are playgrounds or soccer fields cultural attractions? Have students respond. • Write prompts on the board and discuss: What’s the nearest museum? What concerts or live performances have you been to recently? Where were they held? Think of annual fairs or celebrations. Do they honor any local traditions? List some local attractions or events on the board. Leave for later reference. • Have groups discuss questions 2 and 3. Listen and take notes as they talk. At the end, share some interesting things you heard with the class.


1  Have students read the list of attractions in Activity 1. Check

• Ask questions to check students’ understanding of the vocabulary. For example: What other things besides carnival or parades are held in a city or town? What do you see in a parade? What preposition follows impact? What other events can have an impact on a city?





io na

Activity 2  1 is held every February  2 put on a huge number of parades  3 attract almost a million tourists  4 has a big impact on the city  5 generates over $750 million in income  6 attend the four-day event  7 boosts Brazil’s broader economy  8 wide support for the festival  9 it brings people together 10  create a sense of pride 11  offers young people opportunities to take part 12  put Rio on the map

Play the audio track so students hear the answers. Then go through them one at a time by asking different students to read a sentence aloud, putting the words in the correct order. • Either write the number and phrase on the board or get the class to repeat the correct phrase.

3     15

6  Point out or read the text in Activity 2 that tells about the

benefits of Carnival to the city of Rio and its people. Then read the Activity 6 question. • Put students in pairs to generate ideas. Display some discussion prompts, such as What often happens when people are brought together for a good time with people they don’t know? How do you and your family members feel in the days before a big event? Why? What can you learn at a cultural attraction? How might such an event create jobs? • Set a time limit, if necessary. Circulate as students talk, helping with language when they can’t express themselves clearly in English. • At the end of the discussions, ask different students to share their ideas. Write the benefits on the board. You could then have a whole-class discussion on which benefits students think are the most important.


45a  Unit 4  Cultural Transformation

4A Putting the Town on the Map VOCABULARY Cultural events 1

Answers will vary.

Work in groups. Look at these cultural attractions and discuss the questions. art gallery / museum comedy club movie theater public art

art / music festival food festival music venue theater

1 Which of these cultural attractions do you have near where you live? 2 Do you go to any of them? Why? 3 Would you like to have any of them near where you live? Why? Complete the summary by putting the words in bold in the correct order.






The Rio Carnival, one of the world’s leading festivals, (1) every held is February in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. During the festival, organizers (2) huge put on a of parades number and parties all over the city, which (3) million tourists almost a attract. The festival (4) on impact has a the city big and on people’s cultural lives. The carnival involves around 200 Samba schools which compete to have the best costumes, dance routines, and musical bands. It (5) million over income $750 in generates locally in Rio, which comes from tourists who (6) four-day attend event the and the Samba schools, which can sometimes spend over 3 million dollars on costumes and preparations. The festival also (7) Brazil’s economy boosts broader. But it’s not just about money. There’s (8) wide for support festival the because (9) it together people brings and helps (10) create a of pride sense in the country. Many of the Samba schools are from the poorest neighborhoods in the city, and the festival (11) opportunities to offers young people part take in cultural activities and learn new skills. In many ways, the festival has (12) put map on the Rio as a world city and cultural hotspot.


Listen to the summary. Check your answers in Activity 2.


Complete the sentences with six different cultural attractions you know of. Then work in pairs and share your ideas. Answers will vary.


1 is held every year. attracts a lot of tourists to our area. 2 has had a big impact on our country. 3 brings people together. 4 has very wide support. 5 . 6 I’d like to get involved in



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Members of the Vila Isabel Samba School perform in a parade during the Rio Carnival.


Work as a class. Use the words and phrases in bold from Activity 2 to talk about the places and events you thought of in Activity 1. Answers will vary. We have a music venue near where we live. The promoters put on a lot of small concerts and parties.


MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. Discuss the question. Answers will vary. What other benefits can you think of that are related to cultural attractions and events? Think about the benefits to you, your town, and your country.


Cultural Transformation



Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 2 3 4


GRAMMAR Future forms 1 11

a And in Haiti, the project is certainly going to create jobs, and it’ll be employing local artists. b I guess that work won’t last, but I think the locals are hoping the project will attract interest in the area.

Listen to a podcast about two big art projects aiming to make a difference. What are the plans for these 16 1 Port-au-Prince: paint a neighborhood places?

c The piece should be low maintenance, so they won’t be spending thousands of pounds every year to keep it in good condition.

2 Birmingham: find an artist to create public art


2 Birmingham, UK

Work in pairs. Do the speakers mention these points in reference to Port-au-Prince, Birmingham, or both. Listen 16 again and check your answers.

d What about once it’s been completed?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

g We’re holding various shows and events over a week.



f We’re about to put on a community arts festival.


h You can continue the discussion on the Arts Spot website and get information on Mark's festival, which starts soon.


The project is based on previous work. P The project aims to improve the local economy. both The project is initially expensive. B Local people are involved in creating the work of art. P Other things are being built as well. B It will bring people together. both It may be difficult to keep the art in good condition. P There might be an alternative that costs less. P

e What’ll happen when the paint fades?

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.

ap hi c


of expressing future occurrences.

Future forms

Where do you think the photo was taken? What has been done to the building? Why? Do you like it? Why? Have you ever seen anything similar? Where?

1 Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Look at the Grammar box. Why do you think the forms in bold are used in each sentence? Suggested answer: They’re ways



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Think about your community. What would you choose if you had to decide between the two public art projects and Mark’s suggestion of putting on a local festival? Why?

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Answers will vary.

Match each explanation of how to create future forms with an extract in the Grammar box. There are two extracts for one of the explanations.

1 The simple present is used to refer to a scheduled or regular event. h 2 The simple present or present perfect is used because it follows a time word. d, e 3 The present continuous is used because they are talking about an arrangement they have made with other people. g



With the help of Haas and Hahn, members of a Caribbean community came together to transform a part of their community.


46 Unit 4 Cultural Transformation

LISTENING on pp. 46−47 or project it using the presentation tool. Call on students to describe what they see. • Then read the questions aloud. Put students in groups to discuss them. When students have discussed each question for a few minutes, have someone from each group summarize her or his group’s responses to the questions. • Ask each group spokesperson Did everyone in your group agree on any of the answers? If so, ask Which ones? Note on the board anything the whole class agreed on. Finally, have students open their books and read the photo caption. Tell the class they’re going to hear two people talk about art projects in Haiti and the UK. Say Listen to find out what the plans are. Play the audio track once straight through. • Remind students what they were listening for and have them compare their ideas with a classmate. Walk around the room and notice how well students did; if you see that the majority have not understood, play the track again. • Call on individual students to tell what the plans are. Then ask the class How do these plans connect to the unit theme of cultural transformation? Guide students to say what they think is meant by the term cultural transformation and how the two plans are examples of it.

• Read the My Perspective text. Put students in pairs to discuss or have students think individually for a short time to decide which project they would choose for the community and why. • Vote on each project. Call on different students to tell what they voted for and why. Allow classmates to challenge them. Have them debate if they feel strongly about a particular project—as long as they have valid reasons to support their choice. Expansion Challenge the students who felt strongly about a particular project to work together to write a proposal to local officials or to the editor of the local newspaper about their idea. Tell them they need to give details about it, including how it could be financed, who would work on it, and, most importantly, how it could transform the community.




8     16

GRAMMAR  Future forms 1


7  Tell students to keep their books closed. Hold up the photo

 Read the title of the Grammar box. Ask students what future verb forms are used for. (to talk about situations or actions that will occur in the future) Then read the sentences in the box or call on different students to read them, helping with pronunciation as needed. • After each sentence, ask if anyone can tell the class why the form in bold is used. Don’t wait for a definitive explanation; students will find out in the next activity. Just see how much students already know. • You may want to tell them that there’s no single future form in English. Several forms can be used to talk about the future, and students shouldn’t worry too much about it.

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9  Read the directions aloud and then have students read the



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statements to themselves. Tell students you’ll play the audio again and they should decide with a partner which city’s project each statement, or point, refers to. If you wish, you might see if the class can identify the cities without hearing the audio again. Don’t confirm any answers. •   16 Play the audio and have pairs do the activity. Circulate and see how well they’re doing. • Check the answers as a class by asking for a show of hands (Say Number 1: Hands up. Who thinks it’s Port-au-Prince? Hands up. Birmingham? Hands up. Both? and so on). You might prefer to have the class call out the answers all together, or call on individuals. • When students agree, write the item number and answer on the board. When they disagree, ask students to justify their answers, but don’t indicate who is correct. Instead, write a question mark on the board. Finish going through the answers, and then play the track again if necessary. Tell students to focus on the areas of uncertainty. • If students still can’t agree, replay the track, stopping at key points. Draw attention to any problem sounds or words and explain them when you confirm the answers.

10  Ask Does anyone remember what Mark on the audio track says is a

At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on p. 135 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. 12  Read the Activity 12 directions aloud. Explain that for each

numbered explanation (1−7) they should find the sentence in the Grammar box (two sentences, in one case) that illustrates the explanation. • Have students work in pairs to match the explanations with the sentences in the Grammar box. When they’re finished, go through the answers as a class. • Remind students that different verb forms can be used to talk about the future. For example, show students that in g, the future forms will hold and are going to hold could be used in place of are holding without changing the meaning of the sentence.

less expensive idea for a community project? (an arts festival) Then list the three projects on the board: painting the neighborhood; creating big public art; putting on an arts festival.

Unit 4  Cultural Transformation  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


15  Read the directions and put students in pairs to brainstorm.

Go around and notice how they’re doing and once everyone has at least two to three ideas, stop the task. • Call on a few pairs to share their ideas. Discuss with the class what’s good about each idea and point out the potential drawbacks of some. • Then have pairs review, revise, and add to their lists based on the class discussion.

16  Put pairs together with another pair. Read the Activity 16

directions aloud. List the categories on the board: most fun, best at bringing the community together, best for the economy, longest impact, hardest to organize. Have groups compare all their project ideas and rate them based on the categories.

13  Tell students they’re going to read about another festival.

 Have students stay in their groups. Say Now pick your best overall idea. Give them time to discuss and decide. • Then read the list of things to think about aloud. Tell groups to work through the list item by item with the project they chose in mind and to come up with a plan. You may want to give them a time limit. Circulate and help out with language or ideas, if necessary. • When you’re approaching the time limit, tell students to stop. Find out if any groups think their idea is unrealistic after all, for one reason or another (lack of a suitable venue, cost, availability of professional resources, for example). Allow extra time for them to make another choice and revamp their plan accordingly. • Have groups address all the details and write a final plan.





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Have them read the whole text in one minute to find out what kind of festival it is, what it’s celebrating, and if it sounds like something they would like to take part in. • Briefly check students’ answers. Then explain the task. For example, read the first sentence, giving both options. Then say Number 1: holds or is going to hold? (going to hold) Why? (because holds suggests it’s every year, and this is just once; “next year” for an unusual event) • Have students complete the activity. When most have finished, tell students to compare answers with a partner and try to explain to each other why their answer choices are correct. Encourage them to refer to the explanations in Activity 12. • Review the answers. Say I’ll read each option. Put your hands up if you think the first is correct. Then hands up if you think the second is correct. Ask different students to explain their answers. Accept any explanation that reflects understanding of future forms.


Teaching Tip A number of vocabulary and grammar tasks may just require students to match a number with a letter or fill in a blank. This makes checking answers easier, but there is some evidence that it helps memory if students say the words/collocations or whole sentences when they do an activity. So, while you might write the answer numbers and letters on the board to save time, have students say the whole sentence when they give the answers.

14  Before class, think of examples yourself for several of the



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activity sentences. • Read the directions and present your sample sentences to students to give them some ideas. You could make this a game. Tell students they will get 5 points for their first correct sentence for each number and then 2 points for every additional correct sentence. • Have students do the activity individually, writing on a clean piece of paper. Set a reasonable time limit. Go around the class as students work. Help with any new words they want to know and notice grammar errors. • Tell students to trade papers with a classmate and read the sentences. Tell them to ask you if they think something is wrong. After discussing the sentences, have students add up the points. Give the papers back.

18  Say Now present your plans to the class. Give groups time to

decide how they will present. Encourage them to divide the presentation so that every group member has a chance to tell something about the project. • Have groups present their plans. You may want to take a vote on the two or three best ones, perhaps creating categories, for example: most fun, most cultural, most beneficial, most practical. Expansion Invite groups with the most promising plans to turn them into PowerPoint presentations to present to the whole school. Have them invite parents, friends, and members of the community, including local officials. Assign other class members to help the groups write letters, post notices in the community, procure equipment, and so on, so the whole class is involved.


47a  Unit 4  Cultural Transformation


. . .

Work in pairs. Make a list of at least four ideas for pieces of art, cultural events, or festivals for your community.

Answers will vary.

Work with another pair of students. Compare the ideas you came up with in Activity 15. Discuss which you think would: Answers will vary.


be the most fun. be best at bringing the whole community together. do most to boost the local economy. have the longest lasting impact. be the most difficult to organize.


• • • • •

Work in the same groups. Choose one of your ideas. Discuss more about the details of the project. Use future forms. Think about: Answers will vary. the venue. how long it will take to set up and how long it will last. who will take part. who will organize it (professionals / volunteers). how much it will cost. how you will raise the money. any permission you will need. how to get people to support the project. anything else you think might be important.

How many times can you complete the sentences so that they are correct and true? Compare with a partner and see who got the most. Answers will vary. next weekend. after

Present your ideas to the class. Vote for your favorite.

Answers will vary.

. in our town.


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1 I’m 2 I’m going to 3 There’s about to be




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• • • • • • • • •



Choose the correct options. Our town (1) holds / is going to hold a festival next year for the total solar eclipse. There (2) will be being / are going to be some small events in the week before the eclipse (3) takes / is taking place, like talks and music. On the actual day, the eclipse is expected early in the morning, so we (4) are about to put on / are putting on a concert with some local bands as the sun (5) rises / will rise. After the concert (6) has ended / will end, we’re going to have a huge breakfast barbecue to prepare for the big event. It should be great! A lot of people (7) will be coming to / come to the area next year to catch the eclipse, so we (8) will hopefully get / are hopefully getting a few visitors here, although that’s not the main reason for putting on the event. We’re really doing it because we want to bring people together, and it’s not like we (9) will be spending / spend thousands of dollars on it. If (10) it’s going to be / it will be a success, we’ll need lots of volunteers.

, so I can



4 I will be 5 Next semester, 6 In five years’ time,


4 Will + infinitive is used because they are making predictions about the future they are certain about. b 5 The future continuous is used because they are talking c about an ongoing or unfinished future action. 6 Be about to + verb is used to talk about something which is going to happen in the very near future but has not f started yet. 7 Be going to + verb is used because they are making a prediction. Going to can also be used to talk about a arrangements and scheduled events.


Cultural Transformation


4B Music to Their Ears

Gustavo Dudamel is the musical director of the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra.


VOCABULARY BUILDING Adjective and noun collocations 2

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It is a good idea to notice and learn adjective-noun collocations. When you learn them, consider how they might be used. Think about:


• what verbs or phrases go with the collocation. give an individual performance / get a mark for your individual performance


• examples from real life. We have to work in groups, but we get a mark for our individual performance. 1

Work in pairs. Look at these adjective-noun collocations. Take turns explaining what each one means. Use a dictionary, if necessary. diverse social backgrounds hard work leading orchestra mixed results straightforward process

fierce ambition innovative program low income private companies strict set of rules

Work in pairs. Put the collocations in Activity 1 in pairs and say how they might be linked together. fierce ambition / private companies

To get to the top of a private company, you need fierce ambition.


Read about El Sistema, a program for teaching music. Put the sentences in the correct places in the article. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use. a It has also been credited with improving relations between different communities and saving many children from getting involved in gangs and violence. b Obviously, the resources that the Venezuelan government puts into El Sistema are important. c Central to El Sistema is a focus on discipline and commitment. d Abreu was also a politician and a minister in the government.  not used  e However, it seems that there are always individuals whose lives are changed.


48 Unit 4 Cultural Transformation

Answers will vary.

4B  Music to Their Ears 2  Read the directions. Call on a student to read the sample


sentence aloud. Then say That makes sense, but you might also say “Fierce ambition isn’t enough to reach your goals; hard work helps, too.” Explain that there’s no one correct answer for these, but students need to explain their ideas to show their understanding. • Put students in pairs to discuss ways to link the rest of the collocations. • Go around and make sure students are doing the task correctly, providing assistance as necessary. • As feedback, ask different pairs to share and explain their combinations. Expansion Have students think of one or two verbs to go with each collocation. They could then write an example sentence or a paragraph using two or more of the collocations.


• Warm up  Have students open their books to p. 48. Tell the class to look at the photo and read the caption. Then ask if anyone has heard of the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra, Gustavo Dudamel, or El Sistema. Have students share what they know. Tell them Gustavo Dudamel is also the music director of symphony orchestras in Venezuela and Los Angeles, California. If any students have played in an orchestra, have them talk about the experience—whether they liked it, what instruments they played, how much they practiced, and so on. • Explain to students that they’ll read about the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra and El Sistema later. Then ask more questions about the photo, such as: What’s Dudamel doing in the photo? (conducting); What instruments do you see? (violin, cello, viola); Do the young people in the photo perform individually or as a group? (mostly as a group, unless they have a solo part)

1  Write the words individual performance on the board. Ask


3  Say Now you’re going to learn about El Sistema. You may



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What is the part of speech of each of these words? Ask how this adjective-noun collocation connects to the photo and/or ask for a translation. • Point out that there are further collocations you can make with individual performance that include verbs (a collocation of a collocation!). Ask students to suggest some (includes an individual performance, weren’t any individual performances, record an. . . , and so on) and see if they can come up with a sentence using one of their ideas. Write them on the board. • Have students read the information in the Vocabulary Building box on p. 48 to themselves. Then put students in pairs. Read the Activity 1 directions aloud and explain the meaning of the first collocation with students. • Say I know diverse means “different” or “varied,” and social background refers to a person’s experience or culture. • Ask students What might you describe with this phrase? Take students’ responses. Offer other ideas, if necessary: groups of people, such as a class, an orchestra, employees of a company, and so on. • Have pairs discuss the meanings of the rest of the collocations. When most have finished, get students to compare answers in groups. Go through the answers by asking different students to explain the meanings.



VOCABULARY BUILDING  Adjective and noun collocations 2

Activity 1, Suggested answers: diverse social backgrounds: a range of upbringings; fierce ambition: great desire to achieve; hard work: lots of effort; innovative program: new way to do something; leading orchestra: exemplary or popular orchestra; low income: little money from work; mixed results: varying outcome; private companies: owned by individuals; straightforward process: easy-to-follow procedure; strict set of rules: demanding regulations

want students to do a quick first read of A System That’s Leading the Way to get the general idea of the text. Say As you skim the article, you should notice some of the collocations you just learned. Set a time limit and stop them when the time is up. •   17 Play the audio, or read the article aloud yourself, as students follow along. • Read the Activity 3 directions aloud. Have students look at the activity sentences and see if there are any words they don’t know. Make sure they understand has been credited (if you are credited with something, people believe you are the cause of a positive change) and commitment (if you show commitment, you consistently work hard at something and keep doing it even at difficult times or when others stop). • Remind students of the task. Read the final sentence in the first paragraph aloud and ask the class which of the sentences (a−g) they think should come next. Wait for students to volunteer an answer. Call on someone if necessary and have the student explain his or her choice. Make sure students agree before confirming the answer. Write on the board (1) f. • Tell students to complete the activity individually. Remind them there is one extra sentence.

Unit 4  Cultural Transformation  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


7  Read the information in the Critical Thinking box with the



class. Ask What were some of the factors, or things, that make El Sistema successful? Take one or two responses only. (Its founder was passionate about music; it gets financial support from the government.) • Read the Activity 7 directions. Put students in small groups to discuss some things that have contributed to El Sistema’s success. When everyone has at least three or four ideas, stop the discussions and ask different groups for their ideas. Write each new factor on the board. • Tell students they don’t need to cover every possible factor, but push groups to go beyond three or four. Prompt them with questions. Ask, for example, How might Jose Antonio Abreu’s background have contributed to El Sistema’s success? (As an economist he understands the financial aspects of the program; his passion for music motivated him to persist with his dream.) How might home visits by teachers be a factor? (It’s a time-consuming program; if parents don’t understand why, they won’t support their children.) • Challenge groups to dig in and come up with some other factors. When groups are done, have them share their ideas. Add them to the list on the board.

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Reading Strategy  Pacing Different exam tasks require different pacing strategies. You need to save time for longer, more demanding tasks. With fill-in-the-blank activities, you need to read the sentences closely. Look for key words or ideas from the text in the sentences, and, when you’ve finished, reread the whole text to check that your answers make sense. For other tasks, such as the one in Activity 4, you can just scan the text for key words. This type of task doesn’t require close analysis or rereading afterwards.

CRITICAL THINKING Understanding and evaluating ideas


cover the reading text and give them a few minutes to reread the questions and write down any information they remember. • Then have students look back in the text to check and/or find the answers. Set a time limit again. • Check the answers as a class. Ask students who have all the answers to raise their hands. Call on someone to give the answers. After each one, ask the rest of the class to raise their hands if they think it’s correct. If there’s any disagreement, have another student give the answers and justify it. Finally, confirm the correct answer. • You might explain the exam tip below.


4  Read the directions and the questions. Then tell students to

5  Ask different students to read the questions in Activity 5 aloud.



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In each case, give your own (ideally true) answers. Then put students in pairs to discuss. • Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need and then write some of these points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • When a couple of students have finished, ask the class to change partners, but to start from the last question this time. Continue listening and noting. • At the end of the activity, retell for the class some interesting things you heard and give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). 6  Put students in pairs. Read the activity directions aloud. Say

You should have noticed some of the collocations as you read the article. Let’s see how good your memories are! • You may want to give students a few minutes to think and write brief notes on their own before they discuss the collocations with their partner. Tell them to think about the main points in the article and try to recall the context in which each collocation was used. Then have pairs begin the activity. • When pairs have covered as many of the collocations from memory as they can, have them refer to the article to check their ideas. Ask Did any pairs remember how all the collocations were used in the article?

Activity 7, Suggested answers: Leadership; funding from the government and private companies; strict rules and long rehearsals; emphasis on fun, team spirit and physical expression; structure

8  Read the discussion questions. Keep the ideas written on the

board. Then discuss as a class. • Ask the class if any of the factors listed would be possible in their country or not. Take students’ responses and ask them why they think that way. If students are not sure, you could go through individual ideas one at a time to discuss if they’re possible or not. Do the same with the question about whether some factors are not really critical for success. • For the last question, take a vote. Say Hands up if you think El Sistema would work well in your country. Then Hands up if you think it wouldn’t. Ask individual students from both sides to give their opinions. If anyone didn’t vote, help them with the language so they can explain their views.

9  Read the My Perspective question. Put students in groups to

discuss. It probably won’t take long, but encourage students to give reasons. Again, you might take a vote to see who would like to take part in El Sistema and who wouldn’t. Expansion Have students write about a memorable band, orchestra, or choral concert they performed in or attended. Or they can do the same for a concert of rock, traditional, or other music. They must describe what made the concert memorable and try to use two or three of the collocations they learned.


49a  Unit 4  Cultural Transformation



b . It pays for instruments and teaching for over (2) 500,000 young musicians who are involved in the program and also provides monthly grants to older students as a reward for their hard work. It also pays for performances and teaching younger children in the program. Private companies often sponsor local groups and parents also raise funds for tours.

f Yet, 40 years ago, such an idea seemed a long way off. 1 g Lessons are mainly conducted as a group, with all the class working towards performing a piece in front of an audience. 4 Read about El Sistema again. Answer the questions.

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While discipline is important, the musical training also emphasizes fun, team spirit, physical expression, and the value of performance. Students start in a choir and work on rhythm and percussion, before moving on to playing the recorder, and then finally choosing their instrument at the g . age of seven. (4)



El Sistema is seen by many people from low-income families as a way to stay in education and escape poverty. It can present opportunities to travel via tours within Venezuela a . No wonder many other countries and abroad. (5) have looked to copy the program.





When he first started the orchestra, Abreu had managed to get 50 music stands for the 100 children he was expecting to come and rehearse. In the end, only 11 showed up. What was he going to do? Give up? Try to get more children involved? In fact, he went several steps further, and promised those 11 students that he would turn the orchestra into a world leader! So apart from this fierce ambition, how did it happen?

However, money is not the only factor in its success. c . New students can start from as young as (3) three, but students and their parents must agree to a strict set of rules and attend classes and rehearsals for between one and four hours a day, up to six days a week. Teachers may visit parents to help them understand the hours required to improve and how to support their children.

Setting up a “sistema” is not a straightforward process, and e . As one parent there have been mixed results. (6) from the Scottish Sistema put it, “My son was struggling, and I was worried he was going to drop out of school and end up hanging out with the wrong kids. El Sistema has made a huge difference. He’s gained confidence, learned discipline, and he’s definitely back on track.”


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worked as an economist for many years, but his dream was to have a life in music. He fulfilled that dream, first through individual performance, but later, and more importantly, by founding El Sistema. El Sistema is an innovative program for teaching music to children from diverse social backgrounds. It has been so successful that an orchestra that is part of the program, the Venezuelan National Youth Orchestra, has been named among the five leading orchestras in the world. f . (1)

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CRITICAL THINKING Understanding and evaluating ideas If you want to copy a successful idea or make use of what you have learned in a new context, you need to understand all the factors that made the idea a success and evaluate how far they can be applied in a new context.



1 How many children went to Abreu’s first rehearsal? How many participate now? 11 / more than 500,000 2 How old are children when they choose a 7 Work in groups. Discuss the different factors you read musical instrument? seven about that help make El Sistema a success. 3 How much do they practice? 1–4 hours per day, 6 days a week 4 Why do other countries like El Sistema? 8 Work as a class. Discuss: Answers will vary. 5

It’s a way to keep children in school and escape poverty.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 Have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument? How good were / are you? 2 If you gave up playing a musical instrument, why? 3 If you still play a musical instrument, how much do you practice? Do you ever perform? 4 What kind of music do you listen to? What do you like about it? 6

1 Are all the factors you discussed in Activity 7 possible in your country? Why? 2 Are there any factors that you think are not necessary? Why? 3 Would El Sistema work in your country? Why?

Answers will vary.


MY PERSPECTIVE Would you like to participate in a program like El Sistema? Why? Answers will vary.

Work in pairs. Look at the adjective-noun collocations in Activity 1 again. Tell each other what was said about them in the article. Check your answers. Answers will vary but should include adjective-noun collocations.


Cultural Transformation


The Guggenheim Museum contributed to the “Bilbao Effect.”

4C High Hopes GRAMMAR Future forms 2 1

Look at the Grammar box. Then look at the sentences in each set. Which sentence in each set does not show the future in the past? a was / were going to 3 1 Before the election, the mayor said he was going to make changes. 2 I was going to enter a painting competition but didn’t finish in time. 3 I fell asleep in the car when we were going to the gallery.


b would 1 1 I would really like to go to the Edinburgh Festival next year. 2 They thought it would bring a lot of investments into the city. 3 If we did more cultural activities here, I'm sure we would attract more tourists.


The future in the past



c was / were + present participle 2 1 The show was starting in a matter of minutes, so we had to rush. 2 I couldn’t hear the movie because the people behind me were talking. 3 I only bought two tickets because I thought your brother wasn’t coming.

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a My son was struggling, and I was worried he was going to drop out of school and end up hanging out with the wrong kids. b He went several steps further and promised those 11 students that he would turn the orchestra into a world leader! c Abreu had managed to get 50 music stands for the 100 children he thought were coming to rehearse.

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. Complete the first parts of the sentences using was / were going to and these verbs. Then match them with the second parts of the sentences.



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1 2 3 4 5 6

They said the building was going to cost something like $35 million, d The forecast did say it was going to rain a bit, f We were going to get tickets for the concert next month, b on stage around nine, e They told us the band was going to be I thought they were going to play all their hits, a When they announced they were going to hold the World Cup here, c

a b c d e f

but they just played loads of new stuff. They were absolutely terrible. but it literally sold out in seconds. I couldn’t believe it. loads of people were actually against it. but it cost way more than that. but we had to wait for hours. It must’ve been midnight before they came on. but it just poured all day.

PRONUNCIATION Contrastive stress a Listen to how the quantity words in the second part of the sentences are stressed to emphasize the contrast with previous plans or predictions. b Practice saying the complete sentences from Activity 2.


50 Unit 4 Cultural Transformation



4C  High Hopes GRAMMAR  Future forms 2

2  Explain the task and do the first one with the students. Write

1  Draw students’ attention to the Grammar box on p. 50. Read




3  PRONUNCIATION  Contrastive stress • 3a   18 If you didn’t model the correct stress in the

second part of the sentences as part of your feedback in Activity 2, read the text in Activity 3a aloud. Play the audio. • 3b Either use the recording or model the sentences yourself. After each sentence, pause the audio and have the class repeat the sentence. Then call on a few different students to stand and say each sentence individually. • You could tell the students to say a sentence fast or slow: Juan—slow. . . Ana—fast. . . Sergei—fast, and so on. • Correct any mistakes that come up, if you can. Ideally, show the students how the correct sound is formed.

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the title aloud. Tell the class the example sentences in the box are all from the reading on p. 49. Have students read them silently, or call on different students to read a sentence aloud. Correct any pronunciation problems. • Read the Activity 1 directions aloud. Have students do the activity in pairs or do it with the whole class. For each sentence, you could ask for a show of hands. (Hands up if you think it’s future in the past, and so on.)

on the board They said the building _______________ $35 million dollars. Read it aloud and ask Which is the correct verb form? Wait for a student to answer or call on someone. Write the correct form. Then have students look at the sentence parts. Ask Which part completes the sentence? Get the answer from the class and say So, $35 million was the plan, but that changed to emphasize the contrast. • Have students complete the activity individually. Go around and check that they’re doing the task correctly and notice mistakes or difficulties. • When most have finished, have students compare in pairs. Check the answers. Have different students read the complete sentences aloud and write the answers on the board as you go, for example, 1d. • As you go through the sentences, you could also model pronunciation at this point and have the whole class repeat, then move on to Activity 3b.


• Warm up  Write the word exciting on the board and ask the class for a word with the opposite meaning. (disappointing, boring) Write students’ suggestions on the board. • Display an example of something you found exciting and something you found disappointing and explain why. Try to include one of the future in the past forms from these pages; for example, I expected that the concert was going to be disappointing. My parents told me I was silly and that I should be excited. • Have students tell a partner about similar examples from their own lives, using the words on the board. • Listen and notice where students could have used one of the future in the past forms or did use them. Use these examples to introduce the grammar. • Alternatively, ask students to work in pairs to retell the text on p. 49. Say Try to include verb forms like those on the board. Use this to then move on to Activity 1 on p. 50.

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At this point, have students complete Activities 3–4 on p. 135 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.



Teaching Tip It helps to highlight words and forms so students focus on aspects of grammar. The book does this, and you can point to the examples there, but it helps to write the examples and review the questions on the board. You can underline important aspects of form or write names of tenses or create a table to make things clearer.

Activity 3b a but they just played loads of new stuff b but it literally sold out in seconds c loads of people were actually against it d  but it cost way more than that e  but we had to wait for hours f but it just poured all day

Expansion For further practice with contrastive stress, instruct pairs of students to take turns saying the first part of a sentence from Activity 2 and coming up with a new second part. One partner reads the first half of the sentence; the other says a new second part. Then they switch. Remind them to use contrastive stress.

Unit 4  Cultural Transformation  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


4  Tell students they are going to read about the so-called

2 1 better than she expected 2 letdown 3 terrified

7  Prepare one or two cultural events that you could describe




using the prompts from Activity 7 to model ideas for students. • Read the directions aloud and tell the class about the events you thought of. Highlight the words and patterns in Activity 7 either by writing them on the board as you say them or slowing down and drawing attention to them as you speak. • Give students time to think of their own events and plan what they’ll say. (Students can include an example they used in the Warm up, if they want.) Encourage them to make notes with key words to use when they speak. • Put students in small groups to share their experiences. Say Take turns and give your attention to your classmates as they talk. Listen and take notes as students talk. 8  Either get students to read the Grammar box silently, or read

the title and the information in the box aloud yourself. You may want to point out that the example sentence came from the audio track for Activity 6. You could ask students Does anyone remember what the sentence is referring to? (The Mousetrap) • Put students in pairs. Tell them to use the information in the box to answer the Activity 8 questions. • You can either review the answers now or after students read the Grammar Reference.

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Activity 4 Bilbao Effect: the idea that attracting a cultural institution brings investment, tourism, and cultural energy 1 C; 2 Inc–were going to be; 3 Inc–would improve / improved; 4 C; 5 C; 6 Inc–was going to look like / looked like; 7 C; 8 Inc–would be

Activity 6 1 1 the play called The Mousetrap 2 a band called The Arrogants 3  a Japanese horror movie


Bilbao Effect. Before they read, ask the class for ideas about what they think it might be, bearing in mind the unit topic, the photos on pp. 50−51, and their background knowledge. • Tell students to skim the whole text. When students are finished skimming, call on a few to tell if any of their ideas were correct, or on the right track. • Explain the Activity 4 task. Read the first sentence of the text aloud. Model for the class: Say, for example, Number 1—is the verb correct (yes) or should it be were looking? (no) What about looked? Explain that looked is also correct and that both was looking and looked can refer to a past event as if it was still in the future. • When most have finished, ask them to compare in pairs. Then review the answers with the class. Say Raise your hands if it’s correct. Then say Raise your hands if it’s incorrect. Ask different students to correct the incorrect forms and explain their answers. Record the answers on the board.

5  Say Remember we discussed whether a program like El Sistema

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could succeed in other places. Then read the My Perspective activity aloud. • Have the class identify some of the reasons why Bilbao was able to transform itself. Write them on the board. (The city had a large sum of money, a plan and a focus, a creative architect.) Then have students discuss the question in pairs, generating as many reasons as possible in a few minutes.


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Activity 5, Suggested answers: Bilbao has a better climate; it’s a more attractive tourist destination; Bilbao invested in infrastructure.

6  Remind students of the exercise they did where they talked


about surprising and disappointing experiences, using future in the past forms. Tell the class they’re going to listen to some people describe similar situations. •   19 Read the Activity 6 directions. Play the audio track once straight through. Say Take notes as you listen. • When students have finished listening, call on different students for their answers to the two questions. As they explain how each speaker felt and why, correct or emphasize the grammar that’s used.

At this point, have students complete Activity 5 on p. 135 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign this activity as homework. 9  Read the Activity 9 directions and have students complete the

sentences individually. If necessary, do the first one with the class. Read the first sentence aloud twice, each time with a different verb option. Ask the class Which verb is correct? (will have been playing) Which verb form is it? (the future perfect progressive) • Make sure students understand that this verb form is used here because the action (the band playing together) is in progress now, but the 30-year period will be completed in the future (at the end of the year). • Have students complete the activity. Review the answers. 10  Read the activity options. If students choose the first one,

have them write research articles about the project’s development and the public’s reaction to it. • If students choose the second option, have them work with a partner to choose things that are most and least likely to happen by the time they’re 30.


51a  Unit 4  Cultural Transformation


Read about the Bilbao Effect. What is it? Which of the italicized parts are grammatically incorrect? Correct them.

Future perfect continuous: will have been + -ing


1 What is the form of the future perfect? What is the form of the future perfect continuous? 2 Which form do we use to emphasize the duration of an perfect activity before a certain point in the future? future continuous 3 Which form do we use to emphasize completed actions by a certain point? future perfect 4 Which word shows a point in the future? soon The future perfect Use the future perfect to show the time in the future by which something will be complete.



It will soon have been running for 70 years, and over 10 million people will have seen it. Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 9

Think of three possible reasons why the “Bilbao Effect” might not work in another city.

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1 By the end of next year, the band will have been playing (play) together for 30 years! 2 By the end of this course, I will have been studying (study) English for ten whole years! 3 I can’t talk now. I’ll call you after five. I will have finished (finish) school by then. 4 He’s originally from Peru, but by June he will have been living (live) in Canada for ten years. will soon 5 This museum have been (be) open for a whole century.

Listen to three people describing cultural events they 19 went to. Answer the questions. 1 What event did each person go to? 2 How did they feel about it? Why?

Think of places or cultural events you have been to. Plan what you want to say, using the language below. Then share your experiences in groups. Answers will vary.

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It was much / way… than I thought it would be.

I wasn’t expecting it to be very…, but it was actually… It was nowhere near as good as I was expecting.


I was expecting it to be pretty… but it was actually very…


Complete the sentences with the future perfect or future perfect continuous form of the verb.

ap hi c



By the 1990s, the city of Bilbao in northern Spain was no longer the industrial center it once was and the future (1) was looking bleak. It was hard to see how new jobs (2) was going to be created or what could be done to ensure things (3) improve. Local authorities decided to invest over $1 billion in the hope that a new focus on culture (4) would attract visitors. The money (5) was going to be spent on transportation, bridges, parks, libraries, and the remarkable Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Gehry. Once people saw what the building (6) was looking like, excitement grew. When it opened, the authorities (7) were expecting around 300,000 visitors in the first year, but by the end of that year it had attracted a million! The impact on the city has been even more dramatic than people hoped it (8) was, so it’s no wonder other cities are now desperate to copy what has become known as the “Bilbao Effect”! 5

Work in pairs. Look at the Grammar box. Answer the questions. Future perfect: will have + past participle




CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities.

Answers will vary.

• Find out about a new development in your town or country. Why was it built? Has it been a success?

• List ten things that will have happened in your life by the time you are 30. Then work in pairs. Which are the most or least likely to happen?

The Zubizuri (Basque for “white bridge”) stretches across the Nervion River in Bilbao.


Cultural Transformation


4D Building a Park in the Sky





Read about Robert Hammond and get ready to watch his TED Talk.


…that’s the power that public space can have to transform how people experience their city and interact with each other.



2 Do you know of any old buildings or places that used to be used for one purpose, but are now used for a different purpose? Do you like the change? 3 What’s your favorite public space? Why? How often do you go there?

Sometimes you may not recognize words in fast speech because you expect to hear the full form. For example, in a dictionary with is shown as /wIθ/, but in fast speech it may sound more like /wI/. Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen 20 and complete the extracts from the TED Talk.


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1 And by 1980, the last train rode. It was a train loaded with frozen turkeys . 2 I first read about it in the New York Times, in an article that said it was going to be demolished. at the end of the we were the only two people 3 And meeting, we realized that were sort of interested in the project. 4 And that’s really where we started… the idea coalesced around… let’s make this a park, and let’s have it be sort of inspired bythis wildscape.


Listen to the extracts again. Which of the words were the 20 Answers will vary. most difficult to hear?


Say each sentence twice, slowly the first time—with a gap between each word—then faster, linking the words in each part of the sentences together. Answers will vary.


Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Where you live, are there any old buildings, industrial places, or pieces of land that are no longer used? Do you know when or why they stopped being used?

2 As time went by: a a more freight started being transported by road. b the line was mainly used to transport meat. c people in the neighborhood wanted it demolished.

4 The main inspiration for the project came from: c a the spectacular views of Manhattan. b the industrial architecture of the line. c the way nature had started reclaiming the abandoned space. 6


1 In the old days, the freight line trains: c a used cowboys to protect the goods they were carrying. b were pulled by horses. c caused several fatal accidents.

3 At the community board meeting, Robert: b a offered to volunteer to help preserve the High Line. b realized he was in a small minority. c knew a writer from the New York Times.



Watch Part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct options. 4.1

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Recognizing words you know

Watch Part 2 of the talk. Why were the following 4.2 mentioned? 1 9/11 4 half a billion 2 100 million 5 three 3 20 years and 250 million

1 caused economic problems 4 tax revenues expected 2 cost to build High Line 5 sections of the High Line 3 20 years = $250 million in revenue


52 Unit 4 Cultural Transformation

4D  Building a Park in the Sky • Warm up  Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about how local activism transformed an abandoned piece of land in New York City. Read the quote on p. 52 aloud and ask students to translate it or say what they think it means in English (or both). • Play the short introductory text on the DVD for students. Then have them do the exercises. • After they finish, you might write the key words from the section on the board and ask students to retell what was said on the video or as much of it as they can.

AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS  Recognizing words you know

sentences. Read the first one slowly and then again, faster. Call on a few students to repeat the two-step process, guiding them to say the sentence two ways—exactly as you did. • Call on other students to repeat the process with different sentences. Then get the class to say sentences together. • Say the sentences again, but faster this time. Again, encourage individual and group repetition. When students are able to say a sentence faster and more naturally, stop them and point out what they’re doing, that is, how they’re saying certain groups of words together.


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ask them why it’s sometimes hard to hear words they already know when they’re listening to natural speech, that is, everyday conversation. Wait for students to volunteer ideas or call on some for their thoughts. • Have students read the explanation. Either model the different ways of saying the word with yourself or ask students to. Point out that many other words they know and can easily read will also be squeezed or shortened in this way in natural speech. •   20 Read the activity directions. Then play the audio track as students listen and try to fill in the blanks. Have students compare what they wrote with a partner. • Play the audio again, this time stopping after each missing phrase. Have students call out the missing words. Write them on the board.

to see if they understand them. Then have a student read the first question aloud. Give one possible answer, then ask students if they know any others. Discuss. • Put students in pairs to discuss items 2 and 3. Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and help with any language they need. Note some new words or phrases you hear on the board for feedback. • Pose the questions again to individual students to check their understanding. Take this as an opportunity to teach some of the new language that came up in the discussion. Ask the class for a translation/explanation of the word and then give examples to show how it’s used. • Wrap up the activity by asking students to tell what their favorite public spaces are.


1  Before students look at the Authentic Listening Skills box,


4  Tell students to read the activity questions to themselves



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Teaching Tip When you have to give students an answer in a listening activity, decide whether it’s because they can’t hear the words or don’t know the words. If the problem is deciphering fast speech, you might want to write the words on the board and show students where certain sounds that they expect to hear in the words have disappeared, changed, or joined with other sounds. Say the words at gradually faster speeds to help students hear how sounds can change in fast speech.

5  Tell students that they’re going to watch the first part of the

video. Go over any unfamiliar language in the activity items. You may want to provide the following definitions: fatal: causing someone to die; freight: goods carried by vehicles; reclaim: take back something that used to be yours. •   4.1 Play Part 1. Read the activity directions and have students see if they can complete the activity individually. Tell them to compare their answers with a partner. • Take a vote. (Hands up if you think the answer to 1 is a; hands up if it’s b; and so on.) Ask different students to justify their answers and then either confirm the answer yourself or replay the key section to resolve any disagreement. Read the directions and the items aloud. Then play Part 2. Pause if you need to clarify something, for example, feasibility study or the different estimates of costs and value to the city. • When the section is finished, have students discuss the five items with a partner. Circulate and assess how well they understood the video. Decide whether you need to replay it. When you think they’re ready, call on pairs to talk about the different numbers and amounts in the context of the video.

6     4.2

Play the audio again and stop after each extract. Ask Which words did you find hard to hear? Ask students if they can duplicate how those words sounded to them. If possible, display the standard phonetic pronunciation of the words and also how they sounded to students.

2     20

3  Say Let’s practice talking fast. Read the Activity 3 directions

and demonstrate for students how they should read the

Unit 4  Cultural Transformation  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


7   Tell students to read the Activity 7 directions and discussion




• Explain the task and give students a minute to look at the activity text. To get them started, ask the whole class for an example of something Friends of the High Line had to do early in their campaign connected to events and people, and something connected to money. • If students seem stuck for ideas, ask questions, such as What was the first meeting Robert Hammond went to? What happened at the end of it? How did Friends of the High Line get started? Where did the money come from? • Put students in pairs to tackle the first part of the activity. Set a time limit and conclude that part by asking a few pairs to share their lists. You may sometimes need to ask for clarification or further explanation and then perhaps to reject certain ideas if you feel they’re not relevant. Explain why to the class. • Next, have pairs join with another pair for the second part of the Challenge. Remind them of the task. Model by giving an example of a quality that you think is necessary to bring about change, using the phrases provided. Then say Think about Robert Hammond. Do you think you could do what he did? • As groups discuss, go around to listen and observe. Are students using the phrases provided? Take notes and help as needed. • At the end, give feedback about new language that came up, and errors to correct. Compliment groups that showed good speaking and listening behavior.


Tell students that they’re going to watch the third part of the talk. Have them read the activity directions and statements. Clarify vocabulary as necessary (for example, inspiration, elevated). Then play Part 3. • When it’s finished, have students do the activity individually. Review the answers as a class. Replay parts of the video if students disagree on whether a sentence is true or false. Confirm the answers.

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8      4.3

Expansion Tell students to write a proposal for a way in which their own town or city could be changed and why this would benefit the local community. This would be a change to some physical thing—for example, an existing building or structure, a street, an open space, or any other similar thing students can think of. These proposals could then be discussed at the start of the next class.


items to themselves to see if they understand them. Then have a student read the first item aloud. Model some thinking for the class. Say I remember estimates were made about property values and taxes that influenced the city. • Put students in groups to discuss. Go around and check that they’re doing the task correctly and help with any language they need. Note issues that will need to be addressed when you give feedback. • Replay the video if students need clarification of certain points. When groups are finished, have them share their ideas about the first two points with the whole class. Wrap up the activity by asking groups to explain who would benefit the most in each case. If students have strong opinions, let them debate.

9   Vocabulary in context



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• 9a  Tell students that they’re going to watch some clips from the talk which contain new or interesting words and phrases. Explain that you’ll pause the video when the options come on screen and ask everyone to call out the correct meaning together. •   4.4 If a lot of students are giving the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip. Play the video. • 9b  Put students in pairs. Have them look at the four activity items. Answer any questions students may have about the words and phrases in italics. Reteach some, if necessary, or ask if any students recall the examples in the video. • Help pairs get started. Give one or two examples for a couple of the questions. Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly. If students’ discussions are lagging, have them change partners and continue the activity. • Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where students use L1. Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need. Focus especially on their use of the new words and phrases. • At the end of the task, have pairs share their most interesting ideas. Give some feedback about new language that came up, and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). • Finally, you may want to take a class vote on which suggestions in item 4 were most often chosen for students’ neighborhoods.

Teaching/Exam Tip Being able to use a language with confidence and proficiency means that students have learned words and their meanings and are able to recall them quickly when they hear or read them or try to use them in classroom and exam situations. Emphasize to students that unless they’re in a situation where they hear this language frequently and repeatedly, they will have to spend time consciously learning and memorizing collocations and phrases and make an effort to recall and use them.


53a  Unit 4  Cultural Transformation

ng ni 4 Which ideas do you think your town or city would really get behind? Why? • Free art gallery and museum entrance for everyone • Spending more money on public art • Official areas for young people to put up street art • Free art materials for all schoolchildren • Displaying work by local poets on public transportation


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• how the creation of a park on the High Line might add value to the local area. • how demolishing the High Line might add value to the area. • who you think would benefit most in each case—and which plan of action is better.


Work in groups. Robert Hammond explains that a special study was designed to show whether the High Line would add value to the city. Discuss: Answers will vary.



Watch Part 3. Are the sentences true or false?





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1 Twice as many people as expected used the High Line last year. F 2 Architects have taken inspiration from the High Line. T 3 Some parts of the High Line have been elevated to a higher level. T 4 Robert Hammond doesn’t really like the design. F 5 He believes the space encourages people to behave in ways they wouldn’t normally. T VOCABULARY IN CONTExT

a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 4.4 meanings of the words and phrases. b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What different ways of reducing the number of people who get run over can you think of? 2 What problems might arise if ancient relics are found in a construction area? 3 Who do you usually talk to if you need to figure out what to do about a problem? Why?


Work in pairs. Make a list of all the activities you think Friends of the High Line had to do at each stage to transform the abandoned rail line into a park. Think about: • events and meetings. • money. • people. • the law. Work with another pair of students. Then use some of the phrases below to discuss: • what personal qualities are needed to help change a neighborhood in this way. • which of these qualities you think you have. • how you could develop these kinds of qualities and skills. I think you’d need to be very… if you were going to… You’d have to be a very… kind of person if you wanted to… I’d like to think I’m fairly… I’d be lying if I said I was… The best way to get better at… would be to…


Cultural Transformation


4E What’s the plan? SPEAKING 1

Making suggestions Do you feel like going to…? I was wondering if you’d like to go to…?




1 I usually go out to meet friends four or five times a week / two or three times a week / maybe once a week. 2 I hardly ever / sometimes / often go out with my parents. 3 I prefer going out alone / with one or two close friends / with a big group. 4 When it comes to deciding where and when to meet, I let other people decide / we generally try to reach a group decision / I basically like to take charge. 5 I mostly like going to the same place / different kinds of places. 6 When I go out with friends, I like to plan everything in advance / I’m happy to just go with the flow and see what happens. 7 I often / rarely / never go to cultural events like concerts, exhibits, and plays. Listen to two friends making plans. Answer the questions.


What different cultural events do they mention? exhibition, concert, movie What do they decide to do in the end? see a movie Why are the other ideas rejected? One person objected. Where and when do they arrange to meet? Why? six o’clock at a café to get coffee first


1 2 3 4



Rejecting suggestions To be honest, it’s not really my kind of thing. Doesn’t really sound like my kind of thing, I’m afraid. Suggesting alternatives OK. Well, in that case, how about going to…? OK. Well, if you’d rather, we could always go to…

Choose the options that are true for you. Then work in pairs and explain your choices. Answers will vary.

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Useful language

Listen to the two friends again. Complete the sentences by adding two or 21 three words in each blank. 1 2 3 4

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I was wondering. Do you fancy going out somewhere with me tomorrow? in mind ? Anywhere in particular? Where did you have OK. What kind of thing is it? I’m not really into art, so… How about checking out this band that are playing in the park tomorrow night? up for that? 5 What about just going to see a film? Would you be go for the later one—but meet a little bit earlier. 6 Let’s right now be safe —just to . 7 I’ll book tickets




Some festivals and events that attract a lot of people like this color run sometimes require a large cleanup operation.

Work in pairs. Make plans to go to a cultural event. Make sure you:

• • • •

use real places or events that are local to you. reject at least one suggestion and explain why. arrange where and when to meet. use language from Activity 3 and the Useful language box.


54 Unit 4 Cultural Transformation

Answers will vary.

4E  What’s the Plan?

1   Read one or two of the Activity 1 items aloud, as is, so


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students get the idea. Then repeat the sentences, this time choosing the options that are true for you. Highlight the Useful language either by writing it as you say it or slowing down and drawing attention to it as you speak. Explain why you chose the options you did. • Put students in pairs to read the directions and do the activity. Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Provide assistance as necessary. • When most have finished, either stop the activity or ask students to change partners and continue. • At the end of the task, you might want to call on students and randomly assign them one of the sentences to read aloud, including the option that’s true for them. Then ask Did anyone choose a different option? Call on students who respond and have them read the sentence and explain their choice. • Provide any feedback you have for the students.


2   Tell students they’re going to hear two friends making plans




and then they’ll answer questions about the dialogue. Have students look at the Activity 2 questions. •   21 Play the audio track once straight through. Encourage students to jot down notes. When the track is finished, call on a student to answer the first question. Then ask Did anyone hear any other events mentioned? Have students respond. Put students in pairs to compare and discuss the other three questions. • Circulate and notice how well the students are doing (without saying anything). If you see that the majority are struggling to remember what they heard, be prepared to play the track again. • Review the answers by calling on different students or by asking the whole class. Where there is a dispute, ask students to justify their different answers. If necessary, replay the audio. Have students read the directions and look at the sentences. Play the audio again straight through and have students complete the sentences as best they can. • Ask students to compare their completed sentences with a partner. Tell them they can work together to fill in any missing information. • Go around and check how they did and decide if they need to hear the audio again. • Call on students to read each sentence aloud. Play the audio to confirm or check each one. Write the answers on the board. If necessary, highlight how some words may sound different in fast speech, as letters or sounds may disappear or be linked with other words. • You could also ask questions or give extra examples such as Can you think of two other things you might invite someone to, using phrases such as “Would you like to… ?” Or ask Do you have anywhere in mind? Encourage students to use the language they learned to answer these questions in different ways.

3      21

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• Warm up  Tell students the photo on p. 54 shows the Birmingham City Color Run, in the state of Alabama in the US, where runners take part in a 5 km race and are splashed with different colored powders as they go through each kilometer. Explain that the Color Run was inspired by the Indian festival of Holi where crowds of people similarly douse one another in colors. Ask Do you think the Color Run looks like a good time, or your worst nightmare? Have a few students respond. • Point out the Useful language box on p. 54. Have students silently read through the language for making and rejecting suggestions and coming up with alternatives. • Then put students in pairs to role-play two friends discussing whether or not to go to the Color Run. Tell them to use the language in the box. Model with a student to get pairs started. Ask (Rikki), I was wondering if you’d like to go to the Color Run next month. What do you think? Prompt the student to respond Doesn’t really sound like my kind of thing. • Then have pairs role-play. Say Remember to suggest alternatives if necessary. When they’re done, call on a few pairs to repeat their dialogue for the class.



4   Explain the task. Ask students to individually think of three

or four cultural events or venues in their area. Tell them they can be movies, art exhibitions, concerts, or places, such as museums, theaters, or other buildings, where performances are held. • Have students look at the items they’ll be discussing. Point out that they should think of reasons why someone might not want to go to an event. You might demonstrate the conversation with a proficient student. • Put students in pairs or tell them to stand up and find a partner to work with.

Unit 4  Cultural Transformation  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



. . . In fact, a lot of art doesn’t reflect society at all. . . . In fact, a lot of art has no relevance to society.


• Put students in pairs to see if they can write endings to at least two of the other sentences. Go around and help with language as necessary. • When everyone has done at least two, have different pairs read their sentences. Start with less proficient students to build their confidence. Challenge stronger students/fast finishers to write endings for all of the sentences. Writing Strategy  Make a plan and write a first draft Tell students their writing will go more smoothly if they plan before they write. They should think about the format and characteristics of the kind of writing they’re doing and make an outline or use a graphic organizer. Tell them to add a couple of ideas or key words to each part of the outline, then write a first draft. Explain that the point is to get ideas down quickly, while they’re fresh in their minds. Say Don’t get hung up on the details, or on grammar or spelling. You can revise and edit later.

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When they’re finished, ask the question: Does the writer agree with the statement in the essay title? (no) Why? Elicit from students that the writer disagrees because he or she believes the money would be better spent in other areas of the community. • If any students cited a similar reason in Activity 5, call on them to add further comments. Ask them for suggestions about other areas of the community that would benefit from an investment of funds similar to what would have gone to the building of a museum.

Activity 8 as you read the first sentence aloud: It is sometimes said that art is a mirror of society. Then give one or two example endings for it, such as:


6   Direct students to the essay on p. 150 and have them read it.

 ead the Activity 9 directions. Have students look back at 9   R


the board. Read it aloud, and ask students for a quick show of hands for who agrees with the idea, and who doesn’t. • Give students a couple of minutes to consider reasons for both sides of the issue. Then ask students for reasons for and against the museum project and record them on the board to build a mind map. • If they’re slow to answer, you might put students in pairs for a minute or so to generate ideas. Remind them that these reasons are not necessarily ones they personally feel strongly about, just reasons someone might have for or against the museum project. Add other reasons to the board.


5   Read the activity directions aloud. Write the essay title on

7   Tell students they’re going to learn more about writing for



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and against essays. Have them read the text in the Writing strategy box. Then discuss as a class, making sure students understand the logic of each point. Say Doing each of these things will show your readers that you’ve studied the issue thoroughly. You can anticipate opposing arguments and show why your position is stronger. • Read the Activity 7 directions aloud. Then have pairs reread the essay and answer the questions. You might want to have students work in pairs, with one student holding the activity page open and the other student holding the model page open to avoid a lot of flipping backwards and forwards. • When they’re finished, list the three stages of an introduction on the board: 1. Tell why the issue is important; 2. Give an opposing argument; 3. Refute the argument and give your opinion. Then call on students for their answers. Tell them not to look at the model. Confirm the correct answers and write them on the board. 8   Tell students that there are words and phrases, such as it has

been claimed that, that writers use to introduce what they believe to be a weak argument. Ask Do you remember why they do this? (to show their knowledge of the issue; so they can then refute that argument) • Say You’re going to use these words and phrases in Activity 8. Read the directions. Have students work individually. Do the first one together if you think it’s necessary.

10  Read the directions and the two options aloud. Make sure

students understand the two different options, a and b, and the three titles they have to choose from if they pick b. • Tell them that following the model and the pointers at the back of their book will help, as well as the Writing strategy and Useful language boxes. • Put students in pairs and tell them to talk about and plan their writing. • Assign the actual writing for homework or set a time limit and do it in class. • As students plan (and write, if applicable), circulate and provide assistance as needed. You might note some common mistakes for feedback when the time is up. Expansion Have students write an introductory paragraph for one of the titles in option b (or one of the other titles if they already did one for their essay), using the pattern for for and against essay introductions laid out in the Writing strategy box.


55a  Unit 4  Cultural Transformation

WRITING A for and against essay 5

Writing strategy

Work in pairs. Look at this essay title. Think of two reasons why you might agree with the statement in the title, and two reasons why you might disagree. Answers will vary.

Opening paragraph When writing the opening paragraph of a for and against essay: • show the reader you know why the subject is relevant. • give what you feel is a weak argument or point of view. • say why you disagree and give your own opinion.

Building a new museum would boost tourism in the area and benefit the whole community 6

Read the essay on page 150. Does the writer agree with the statement in the essay title? Why? No. She believes the money could be spent in other areas.


WRITING SKILL Introducing arguments Work in pairs. Look at the essay on page 150 again. Use the Writing strategy box to identify each of the three stages of the introduction. Answer the questions.








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sometimes 1 It is said that art is a mirror of society. In fact,… supposedly belongs to the world of the arts. In reality, though,… 2 Creativity believed that music can help to connect young people 3 It is widely from different backgrounds. However,… claimed that comedy works best when it’s cruel. However,… 4 It is often seen as being of no interest to young 5 Museums are sometimes people. However,… common argument against more focus on the arts in schools is that 6 One they do not make students more employable. In reality,… 9

Work in pairs. Complete the second sentences in Activity 8 to show how each of the arguments could be seen as weak. Answers will vary.


Choose one of the options and write a for and against essay of 250 words.

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Showing relevance Over recent years,… has become increasingly important. …is getting better and better / worse and worse at the moment. Over the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase / drop in…


Complete the sentences, which give a weak argument, with these words.




1 How does the writer stress the importance of the subject? by explaining why it’s relevant now 2 What phrase is used to introduce an opposing point of view? it has been claimed that 3 How does the writer signal a disagreement? by using however, … Useful language

Introduce an opposing view It is sometimes said that… It is often claimed that… Say why we disagree …but, in fact,… In reality, though,… However,…

Answers will vary.



a Argue the opposite point of view to the student essay you read on page 150. b Write an essay on one of these titles: What our city needs is a big new concert hall We should not host a festival because the cleanup is too expensive New technologies have had a very negative effect on our cultural lives


Cultural Transformation


It’s Not Rocket Science



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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • learn about and discuss different life hacks. • read about why humans are curious. • learn about brain research. • watch a TED Talk about science being for everyone. • design and write about an experiment. 56


It’s Not Rocket Science


Unit Objectives

Reading • Back to the future?

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Grammar • Grammar 1  Passives 1 • Grammar 2  Passives 2

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Vocabulary • Science in action • Vocabulary Building  Adjective endings



TED Talk • Beau Lotto and Amy O’Toole: Science is for everyone, kids included Pronunciation • Stress in passives Speaking • Staging • Preparing research questions • Hypothesizing Writing • The scientific method


The photo shows Taylor Wilson, a young American scientist, and his family. Taylor has always been interested in nuclear physics. When he was twelve, he decided he wanted to make a star, and that led to his building a nuclear fusion reactor in his garage. Taylor is currently working on a number of science and engineering projects. He’s also a TED speaker. Language note  “It’s not rocket science” is an expression people use when they think something is not that difficult to do or understand. It’s a nod to the fact that the science involved in the development of modern rockets was very difficult. People might use the phrase in a humorous way (to a young child, trying to tie his shoes), an encouraging way (to a student learning multiplication), or an exasperating way (to an employee who can’t stay focused enough to learn his job).

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Students will learn about life hacks and the Internet, inventions, and the importance of collaboration and teamwork for “pushing the envelope” of scientific innovation. They’ll read about how curiosity is necessary for learning and watch a TED Talk about the similarities between play and experimentation— and how this makes young people natural scientists! Finally, students delve into the scientific method and design and write about an experiment.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will talk about science in their lives—what they know about it and the scientists who practice it, how students’ lives are better for it, and how they learn it.


Unit Overview



Warm Up

• Tell students to keep their books closed. Display the photo on pp. 56−57, either pointing to it in the book or projecting it with the presentation tool. • Ask the class who they think the family might be. Why do they think the young man on the left is dressed that way? • Take students’ responses. Explain who the people are by reading aloud the caption and About the photo to the class. Did anyone come close? Then put students in pairs and ask them to think of at least five questions they would like to ask Taylor Wilson. • Have the class then conduct an “interview” with Taylor, who can be played either by you or a student, or else have students role-play the interview in pairs. • Tell students they can use their imaginations in conducting the interview, as long as the questions and answers make sense.


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 22–26 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)

Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



4   Tell students they’re going to learn some more collocations




5   Put students with new partners to compare answers from

Activity 4 and to think of other collocates for the verbs. Encourage them to use a dictionary. • When everyone has at least one new word or phrase for each verb, stop the activity and have pairs share what they came up with. Call on less proficient students first to give them an opportunity to contribute.

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they understand them. You may need to clarify mysteries of science or prompt students with the names of famous scientists (Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, Jane Goodall, Galileo Galilei). • Put students in small groups. Call on a student to read the first question aloud. Suggest one way yourself, then ask the class for other ideas. Have them discuss the rest of the questions in their groups. • Circulate and help by correcting errors or giving students the English they need. Write some helpful points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • When a few groups have finished, stop the activity and call on groups to share one or two suggestions about the second and third questions. • Give your feedback. To wrap up the activity, start a web on the board for the qualities of a scientist and have students call out qualities they came up with. Discuss them as a class; then add them to the web.

for the verbs they’ve been working with. • Read the activity directions and say, for example, Number 1—a theory, an opinion. Hmm, what verb goes with both? Explain that form is the most common verb for this pair of words, but other verbs might make sense in certain contexts (prove a theory). • Tell students to complete the phrases individually, using a dictionary if necessary. When most have finished, have them compare answers with a partner and help each other with any problematic phrases. (Have students write down their collocations to use later, in Activity 6.) • Review the answers. Write the numbers and verbs on the board. As you write, ask follow-up questions. For example: After you form a theory, what might you do next? Where might you analyze a sample? A sample of what?


1   Tell students to read the Activity 1 questions and check that

2   Tell the students to read the phrases and underline any of



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the words in bold they don’t know. Put students in pairs and tell them to explain any words their partner doesn’t know, or check them in a dictionary together. • When the first pairs finish, stop the activity and give feedback on the new language. Say something like, OK, you knew some of the words. Good! Let’s look at a couple you weren’t sure about. . . . Ask a follow-up question to check understanding and deepen students’ knowledge, such as: How do scientists conduct research? (do experiments, observe nature) Why might you want to dissolve a substance? (to see what it’s like as a liquid) How do you track progress? (use graphs, enter data into a computer) • You’ll have further opportunities for reteaching the vocabulary as the lesson progresses. 3   Read the activity questions aloud. Then read the first

phrase in Activity 2 and turn it into a sentence. Model with a student partner. Ask Do you design experiments in your science classes? Repeat for one or two other actions. Then have pairs take turns asking and answering questions about the rest. Circulate and help as necessary. • When the first pairs finish, have everyone change partners and continue, starting from the last action this time. • Call on pairs to share their dialogues about different actions with the class. Invite comments and provide feedback.

Activity 5, Suggested answers: 1 form − a team/a response; 2 analyze − information/ a book; 3 conduct – research/tests; 4 release – from captivity; 5 submit − a plan/a school project; 6 reward − good behavior/an attempt; 7 track − a package/ sleep patterns

 ave students revisit the collocations they came up with 6   H

for Activity 4. Read the Activity 6 directions aloud. Have students write answers for each collocation. • Model thinking aloud. Say Form a theory; form an opinion. Let’s see. All kinds of scientists form theories—physicists, climatologists, for example—when they’re trying to understand how the universe works. And lots of people form opinions! Art and movie critics do; it’s their job. Call on a few students to share their ideas. 7   Prepare your own (ideally true) answers to the questions

before the class. Model answering the questions in class. Then put students in small groups to discuss. • At the end of the task, give some feedback about new language that came up and errors you heard.


57a  Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science

5A Life Hacks VOCABULARY Science in action Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 2 3 4

Work in pairs. Do you understand the words in bold? Use a dictionary, if necessary. Answers will vary.



Work in pairs. Do the actions in Activity 2 happen in your science classes at school? Who does each activity? Give examples. Answers will vary.

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design an experiment conduct research form a hypothesis and prove it put a substance in water and heat it up to help it dissolve create a chemical reaction that releases a gas track students’ progress record the results of an experiment and analyze them write a report and add references at the end place something under a microscope reward hard work get rid of a chemical submit an assignment


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12



In what ways has science made life easier or better in your lifetime? Can you think of two mysteries science has yet to solve? Which scientists have you heard of? Why are they famous? What personal qualities are most important if you want to be a scientist? Why?

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We don’t really design experiments at school. We just follow the ones in the textbook or do what the teacher tells us to do.



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7

N Taylor Wilson is the youngest person ever to produce a type of energy called nuclear fusion. He did it by building a reactor in his parents’ garage.

Complete the phrases. Add verbs from Activity 2 that are commonly used with each set of words. …a theory / …an opinion form …samples / …the results analyze …an operation / …a survey conduct …chemicals into the atmosphere / …an animal release …an essay / …it before the deadline submit …their effort / …her for her work reward …the movement of birds / …your progress track


Work in pairs. Compare your answers in Activity 4. Then think of one more word or phrase to go with each verb. Use a dictionary, if necessary.


Look again at your completed phrases in Activity 4. Who might perform each action? Why? Answers will vary.


MY PERSPECTIVE Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What science experiments have you done at school that you enjoyed? 2 Have you ever designed an experiment yourself? If yes, what for? If no, why not? What experiment would you like to design?


It’s Not Rocket Science


LISTENING Work in pairs. Read the definition. Then tell each other any life hacks you know for: Answers will vary. 1 smartphones. 2 computers / computer games.

3 the home. 4 food and drink.

Life hack /laIf hæk/ noun [countable] A simple solution or a piece of advice that helps you solve a problem, save time, or improve how something works. Listen to an extract from a radio show called Life Hacks. 22 Answer the questions.


• the most useful? the least? Why? • the easiest to understand from a scientific point of view? the hardest? Why?

Complete the extracts with three words in each blank. 22 Then listen again to check.

GRAMMAR Passives 1 13

this lovely new

Work in groups. Look at the Grammar box. Then answer the questions.

1 What tense are each of the passive forms in Activity 11? 2 Why is the passive used in each case? Focus is on the object or 3 Identify the object(s) in the sentences person experiencing the in the Grammar box. Are the objects action. direct or indirect? What do they refer to? a  smartphone / direct object b  An email / direct object.



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1 Well, I was recently given smartphone.


Marie bought herself a phone for her birthday. Marie’s a morning person. It’s best to put the paper cup right next to your bed. The cup throws the sound around the room. The app alters your sleep patterns. Phones can be charged faster on airplanes. Spicy food increases the temperature in your mouth. The chemical in chilies is easily dissolved with water.


Correct the false information in each sentence. 22 Then listen again to check your ideas. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary. Which of the four life hacks do you think is:

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1 What four life hacks are mentioned? 2 What problems do the life hacks help solve?

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2 And of course it works better as an alarm if the cup is then left far away from your bed, as then you’ll be forced to get up to turn it off. 3 The cup channels the sound in one direction, whereas it’d be thrown around all over the place. normally 4 It’s been designed to track your sleep patterns and wake you up during light sleep rather than deep. 5 If your phone’s being charged and you need it done ASAP, then what you need to do is put it in airplane mode. just been sent to me by Maxine, 6 An email has who’s suggested a hack for anyone out there who likes a spicy curry from time to time.


58 Unit 5 It’s Not Rocket Science


Activity 10 1  She was given a phone.  2  She’s not a morning person. 3  Put the cup far away.  4  The cup channels the sound.  5  It tracks your sleep patterns.  6  They can be charged faster in airplane mode.  7  A chemical makes it seem hot.  8  Wash it off with something fatty.

8   Ask if anyone is familiar with the term life hack and, if so,


12  Read the My Perspective text aloud. Call on students to name


the four hacks from the audio track. Write them on the board. • Choose students who gave different answers to explain their choices and allow a discussion to develop, if students are interested. After each discussion, ask if anyone has changed their answer and have them explain why.


Tell the class they’re going to listen to a recording in which four life hacks are discussed. Read the directions and the questions students will have to answer and play the track once straight through. • When the recording is done, have students compare their answers to the questions with a classmate’s. • Go around and notice how well the students are doing (without saying anything). If the majority have not fully answered the questions or are confused, play the track again. • Ask the whole class or individual students for their answers. Where everyone agrees, write the number and key words on the board. If students disagree or most don’t know, play the audio track again to listen and check.

Exam Tip  Read the questions first Remind students that whether an activity or test item includes a reading or a listening text, they should always read the questions before reading or listening to the text. They should note key words or ideas in the questions and start thinking about synonyms or related language they might read or hear in the text. If they come across an unfamiliar word in a question, they might still be able to answer it based on the other language in the question and the context of the text.

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9      22

 Put students in pairs. Tell them to read the sentences and discuss what they remember about the missing words. •   22 Play the audio once straight through and have students complete the sentences individually as best as they can. Then have them compare answers with their partner. • Call on students to say each answer. Play the audio to confirm. Write the numbers and answers on the board. (Students will need to refer to them for Activity 13 below.) • Call on students to read the completed sentences aloud.



have them tell the class what they think it means. Then have students read the definition of life hack in Activity 8 on p. 58. • Say That’s not exactly a new idea. What are other words that mean something similar? (a work-around, a quick fix) Explain that some of these terms, unlike life hack, refer to a temporary, rather than a permanent, solution. • Read the activity directions and the four categories. Think of one or two life hacks yourself to model ideas for students. • Have pairs stand up and share their ideas with different students. Tell them to change partners from time to time. • Listen and take notes as students talk. At the end of the activity, share some of the more interesting hacks you heard about with the whole class.


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Activity 9 1  a paper-cup loudspeaker; a sleep app; “airplane mode” charger; eat yogurt with spicy food  2 helps get you out of bed; wakes you up during light sleep; saves energy; is faster; stops burning sensation 10  Have students read the statements. Make sure they


understand them. You might remind them why this is important. (See the Exam Tip.) • Point out that all the statements are wrong and have pairs discuss briefly to see if they can remember what the correct information is. Then have students work individually to correct each statement. •   22 Play the audio and have students check their state­ments. Call on individuals to read their corrected sentences aloud. • If students are unsure of certain details, replay the track, stopping at key points. Play these sections two or three times if students are still struggling to extract the correct information. Draw attention to any problem sounds or words and explain them when you give the answers.

GRAMMAR  Passives 1 13  Either tell students to read the Grammar box silently, or

read the text aloud yourself. Ask what the verb is in each sentence and have students call them out all together. (was given, has been sent) • Put students in groups to answer the Activity 13 questions. Tell them that for questions 1 and 2 they’ll need to refer to the list of Activity 11 answers on the board. Activity 13 1 1 past;  2  simple present, future;  3 conditional; 4  present perfect;  5  present continuous;  6  present perfect

At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on p. 137 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.

Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




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Stress in passives • 15a  Read the explanation in the box aloud. Say Let’s practice stress. Tell students to look at their completed blog entries for Activity 14. • Model reading the first couple of sentences. Pause after each passive form (include the adverb completely, but don’t stress it more than transformed) and ask Which word in the verb did I stress the most? Have students call out the answers. (placed, transformed, created) • Call on different students to model reading the rest of the sentences for the class. Remind them to place the most stress on the main verb. • Correct any mistakes that come up. • 15b  Put students in pairs to practice reading with proper stress. Tell partners to read the blog entry aloud to each other. Say Read the Pronunciation box to yourselves first as a reminder. Then pay attention to how your partner reads the passives. • After they finish reading, you might suggest that partners grade each other from 1−10 on their use of proper stress. Partners should justify the grade they give each other, and then read the blog again to improve it, if necessary. Monitor pairs as they read.

 Say Let’s see how much you know about inventions we take for granted. Do the first one together. Have a student stand and read the first item aloud. Remind her to use proper stress when reading the passives. Provide assistance or correct as needed. Thank the student and tell her to sit down. • Say Raise your hand if you know what it is. If several students raise their hands, have them call it out. (a yo-yo) Provide the answer if necessary. Then say Now underline the passives in the two sentences. How many are there? (four) Call on a student to read them aloud. • Have students complete the activity individually. • When students are ready, have different volunteers name the other three inventions. After each is correctly identified, have the students who guessed it raise their hands. Say Give yourselves one point if you knew it. • Finally, go through the passives in each item. Tell students to give themselves one point for each one they underlined correctly. • Tell the class the highest possible score for items 2−4 is 11. (3 inventions; 8 passives) Figure out who got the highest score and declare the winners.



the Activity 14 directions. Have students read the blog to find out what the invention is and how it has impacted people’s lives, but stress that they have just one minute to read it. • Read the text up to the first blank aloud and say I have to use the verb place. The correct passive form here is. . . what? Have students respond. (be placed) • Have students do the activity. When most have finished, tell them to compare answers in pairs. • Review the answers by calling on students to read the text aloud and fill in the blanks. Write the item numbers and passive forms on the board.

exercise can be seen as simply a brief discussion to reflect on the blog text and as a link to the next activity. • For feedback, you could ask different students to share their ideas on other important inventions.


14  Tell students they’re going to read about an invention. Read

16  Read the questions aloud and have partners discuss. This


Teaching Tip It helps to highlight words and verb forms to emphasize aspects of grammar. The book does this, and you can point to the examples there, but it also helps to write examples on the board. As you review grammar activities, write the answers on the board. Underlining the target form, writing the names of the tenses, or creating a chart—all help to make grammar skills clearer.



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18  Say Now you get to write your own invention “riddle”! Read

the directions aloud and put students in pairs. (Alternatively, you could assign this as homework for students to do individually.) Make sure everyone understands the task. • Have pairs brainstorm different inventions. Provide time for them to do research. When pairs are ready to compose their riddles, tell them they have to use passive forms. Say Use the items in Activity 17 as models for using passives. • Circulate as students work, providing assistance as necessary. You might suggest that students choose a different invention if you see that several pairs are doing the same one. (It’s all right if just two pairs do the same one.) • When pairs are satisfied with their riddles, put them with another pair to quiz each other. You could then have pairs move on and repeat the process with other pairs. Alternatively you could have pairs present their riddles to the whole class. • When everyone has heard all the riddles, have the class vote for the best one.

Activity 15a 1 be placed;  2  have been transformed;  3 was created;  4 be said;  5  had been used/were used;  6  were being tested/were tested  7 being connected;  8 be given


59a  Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science

The passive

a Look at the completed blog entry in Activity 14. Which word is stressed in each passive construction? b Work in pairs. Practice reading the blog entry in Activity 14 with the correct stress.

The passive is made by using a form of the verb be + past participle. a I was recently given this lovely new smartphone. b An email has just been sent to me by Maxine.


1 Do you agree that the internet is the most important invention ever? Why? 2 What other inventions would you put near the top of the list? Why?

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 17

Underline the passives in the descriptions. Can you name the things described?




1 The name is taken from Tagalog, a language that’s spoken in the Philippines, where it was used as a weapon for hundreds of years. It was first produced as a toy in California in the 1920s. yo-yo 2 It is thought that it was first produced in Mocha, Yemen, over a thousand years ago. It’s now consumed all over the world—particularly in the morning. coffee 3 It was first invented in Ancient China over 2,000 years ago for use in government, but wasn’t introduced into Europe until the 11th century. paper 4 You’ve probably been asked to type letters into one of these when using the web. They’re used to prevent spam and were invented by TED speaker Luis Von Ahn from Guatemala. Captcha boxes


Complete the blog entry with the correct passive forms. If you’re making a list of the most important inventions ever, be placed (place) right the internet should (1) completely at the top! Our lives (2) have been transformed (transform) since the first web page was created (create) in 1990. It could even (3) be said (say) that the internet is the (4) ultimate life hack! Of course, various linked systems of computers (5) had been / were used (use) for some time before the birth of the world wide web, and early versions were of what was to become the web (6) (being) tested (test) throughout the 1970s regularly and 80s. Today, though, it’s rare to meet someone who has no interest in (7) being connected (connect). For many young people, that means more than 20 hours a week online! Indeed, the internet has become so essential to our lives that some argue it is like air, and that everyone should be given (give) free access to it. (8)


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Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

PRONUNCIATION Stress in passives

Work in pairs. Write a description of something like in Activity 17. Use the passive. Then work with another pair of students. Can they correctly guess what is being described? Answers will vary.



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When using the passive, greater stress is placed on the main verb and less stress is placed on the auxiliary verb.


People have created more original ways to use cups as loudspeakers.


It’s Not Rocket Science


5B Curiosity, Cats, and Kids

b It’s more important than ever to make sure kids learn to be curious. c Social media doesn’t help us know people better. d We run the risk of becoming less curious if we’re not careful.

VOCABULARY BUILDING Adjective endings 6

Adjectives can sometimes be recognized by their endings. Common adjective endings include: -ous: curious, tremendous, previous -able: reliable, treatable, adaptable -ive: effective, innovative, imaginative -ful: beautiful, hopeful, helpful -al: practical, electrical, social


Choose four pairs of words from Activity 1. Write a sentence for each pair. Answers will vary.




Research needs to have practical applications. Choose the correct options.

Work in groups. Do you agree with the statements in Activity 6? Why? Answers will vary.

CRITICAL THINKING Asking critical questions

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Work in pairs. Think of a noun that each adjective in the Vocabulary Building box often goes with. Use a dictionary, if necessary.

statements from the text.

1 Parents should make sure kids don’t experiment too much. 2 You can’t create anything new unless you recognize the limits of your understanding. 3 The people funding scientific research should demand clear outcomes. 4 Humans are basically programmed to ask why. 5 You don’t get a full picture of people from the way they present themselves online. 6 We need to share ideas with like-minded people if we are to develop our curiosity.



Work in pairs. Which statements do you think the writer would likely agree and disagree with? Refer to the article to explain why. Answers will vary but should cite supporting

To check ideas and deepen understanding, ask questions about statements or research. For example: Research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students do at school.

MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary.




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It is often thought that (1) innovation / innovative in science comes from the labor of (2) curiosity / curious geniuses: the kinds of individuals who work in isolation, find (3) pleasure / pleasurable in exploration, and don’t worry too much about the (4) practicality / practical applications of their findings. While it is true that the (5) use / useful of many new discoveries is not always immediately clear, you only have to look at the results of scientific work conducted by teams to see that it is a (6) social / society process and involves far more (7) cooperation / cooperative than is often imagined. (8) Collaborative / Collaboration can not only help to speed up scientific work; it can also enhance the quality of the work and help share knowledge amongst a wider group of individuals.

Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 What are the advantages and disadvantages for scientists or researchers working on their own, as part of a small team, and in a much bigger team? 2 How do you prefer to work? Why?

The starting points for thinking critically about this statement might be: How is student success measured? In what subjects? How are curiosity and intelligence measured? How different are they? Can you be intelligent without being curious, and vice versa? Can you be successful at school without one of these characteristics? Is curiosity important for doing well in a job? What kind of jobs?


Answers will vary.

1 Hard work is more important for success than either curiosity or intelligence. 2 There is some evidence that bees can think like humans. 3 It has been shown that you can only learn seven words in a language lesson.


Read the article about curiosity. Which sentence is the best summary of the main point? d a Technology can help us become more curious, but it can also kill our curiosity.

Work in pairs. What are two questions you would ask if you wanted to think critically about each statement?


Compare your ideas in Activity 8. How many of the questions can you already answer? What is the best question to explore each statement? Answers will vary.


60 Unit 5 It’s Not Rocket Science

5B  Curiosity, Cats, and Kids

1   Ask everyone to close their books. Write on the board:



Expansion For a fun activity, challenge partners to combine some of their sentences into a short story. They can change some sentences slightly to make them fit together better. Tell them it’s fine if the stories are funny or silly, but they should have correct grammar. Have pairs share their stories with the class. 3   Tell students they’re going to read about how science gets

done. Tell students to read the whole text quickly to get the main point, not to choose any options. • Ask what the main point is. (Most scientific discovery comes from collaboration and teamwork, not from geniuses working alone.) • Explain the task. Make sure students see that each choice is between a noun and an adjective. Model with the first two choices if necessary. Have students complete the activity. • When most have finished, have students compare answers in pairs. Then confirm the answers by calling on students to read completed sentence parts aloud. Write each number and word on the board. You could check students’ pronunciation and stress as you do so.

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VOCABULARY BUILDING  Adjective endings

read the sample sentence to the class. Make sure students understand they need to choose four adjective-noun pairs. Say You can use your own pairs or some you heard from your classmates. You might want to display other sample sentences. • Set a time limit of between five and ten minutes for students to write a minimum of four sentences. • When the time is up, have students compare their sentences with a partner’s. Call on students to share some of their sentences with the whole class.


• Language note  Explain to students that the section title, “Curiosity, Cats, and Kids,” is related to the old saying “Curiosity killed the cat.” Ask students if they’ve ever heard this expression and what they think it means. Explain that it’s sometimes said to young children who ask too many questions, or to warn young people not to allow their curiosity to lead them into dangerous situations. Ask students if they think it’s a good saying or not.

2  Read the Activity 2 directions aloud. Call on a student to


• Warm up  Remind students of the collocations they learned at the beginning of the unit; for example, form a theory, reward hard work. Say You’re going to test one another on how many collocations you can come up with. You may want to list some verbs on the board. • Explain that student A says a verb and student B has to give a collocation. Then student B says a verb, and Student A says a collocation. Tell them they can repeat a verb, but not a collocation. • Students get a point every time they can’t think of a collocation. The student with the lowest score wins.

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curious, reliable, effective, beautiful, and practical. Read the words aloud and point out the endings. • Ask the class what kind of words these are. (adjectives) For each one, have students call out other adjectives with the same ending.

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Study Tip Explain that it’s helpful to learn adjective endings. Remind students that they often encounter unknown words as they read. However, if they recognize the ending, it will help them figure out what kind of word it is. Knowing that and using context will often help them to guess the unknown word’s meaning.



• Have students open their books to p. 60. Tell them to read the box, Adjective endings. Then read the Activity 1 directions aloud. Say Let’s do one together. Curious: What things are often described as curious? Take students’ responses. (a cat, a child, a look) It might be helpful to put the word in a sentence; for example, The coach gave me a curious look when I asked if the school had a quidditch team. • Then have pairs do the rest of the adjectives, using a dictionary if necessary. Review the answers by asking different students to read their adjective-noun pairs aloud. Activity 1, Suggested answers: curious person; tremendous respect; previous experience; reliable information; treatable disease; adaptable behavior; effective communication; innovative design; imaginative child; beautiful song; hopeful sign; helpful advice; practical advice; electrical equipment; social skills

4   Ask What’s your opinion on the best way for science to get

done? How do you prefer to work on projects? Have a student read the first question for the class. • Invite students to suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of working on your own. Then write some prompts on the board. What about working with a small team? What are the pros and cons of that? How might working on a large team be different? • Put students in pairs to discuss their ideas about each activity question. • Call on pairs to share their ideas. Invite the rest of the class to ask questions and make comments. For notes on Activities 5–9, see page 61a.

Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




Activity 6 from their own viewpoint. They may be reluctant to challenge the article, so try to get them thinking. You might, for example, choose a statement that you think is debatable and express a different viewpoint about it. Then invite students to give their ideas. • Have students discuss in groups. Circulate and provide assistance. Be a moderator if necessary. Students may feel strongly about some things, for example, the negative aspects of social media. • At the end of the activity, provide feedback and share interesting things you heard, especially where students had differing but valid opinions or gave examples. Asking critical questions



8   Have students close their books. Write this sentence from the

article on the board: Research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students do in school. Call on a student to read the statement aloud. • Say This was surprising to me. And it made me wonder. You can’t make such a statement without being able to back it up with facts, right? Ask the class What questions would you ask the writer about this statement? Take students’ responses and discuss. • Explain to students that even if a statement sounds authoritative, or was written by an “expert,” it’s OK, even good, to be a little skeptical. Asking the right questions shows that you’re thinking critically. • When the discussion has been exhausted, or if students are unsure of how to respond, have them open their books to p. 60. Have different students read parts of the Critical Thinking box. • Discuss any questions or comments students have. Then put them in pairs to do Activity 8. When most pairs have come up with two questions about each statement, stop the discussion.

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Reading Strategy  Improve your speed To do well on a reading test, students need to improve their reading speed. They can do this in different ways: learning more language, especially collocations and phrases (flash cards can help); timing themselves when reading a text (write the time on the text); rereading a text several times over a term, reading it faster each time; reading longer texts that are slightly below their level (use a graded or leveled reader). Of course, the point is not speed for speed’s sake, but finding a speed that allows for basic comprehension—and this speed will vary with the genre and topic of each text.

7   This gives students a chance to consider the statements in


and how it has intersected with science over the years. Say As you read, think about what the main point of the article is. •   23 Have students read the article. Set a time limit (around three minutes). Or you can play the recording, or read the text aloud yourself, as students follow along. When students are ready, have them look at the four answer choices. • Tell students to choose and then compare their choice with a partner’s. Say If you disagree, talk it over. Find the evidence that supports your choice. Can you agree after all? • Read each choice aloud and get a show of hands. Choose individual students to explain their choice, using evidence from the text.


5   Tell students they’re going to read an article about curiosity

6   Read the directions aloud. You could have the students



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read the text quickly to refresh their memories and to time themselves to see how quickly they can read it. Read the first statement aloud and do it with students as an example. • Think aloud. Say That statement doesn’t make sense to me, but I need to check the text. I remember the writer talked about children at the beginning. I’ll start there. Have students look at the text. • Then call on a student to tell what she thinks. Would the writer agree or disagree? Why? Don’t immediately say if she’s correct, but ask someone else to give their answer and explanation. • Confirm the answer. If necessary, point out that the writer says curiosity is important for learning and that asking questions and, by inference, experimenting, makes learning enjoyable and effective. • Put students in pairs to tackle the other statements. When they’re finished, review the answers in the same way as above, making sure you get students to justify their answers. • If short on time, you could also ask students to tell what they personally think about each statement at this point and skip Activity 7.

 ead Activity 9 aloud. Call on pairs to share their questions 9   R

for each Activity 8 statement. Write the best ones on the board and discuss with the class why they’re good examples of critical thinking. Expansion Put students in small groups. Assign each group one of the last three questions in the Critical Thinking box to discuss. Tell students to keep notes as they discuss and then compile them into a short report. Each report should begin with the assigned question and the answer the group came up with. Explain that the answer doesn’t have to be definitive. It could be something like, We’re not sure, but here’s what we think. . . .


61a  Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science

Curious explorers make their way through Rising Star Cave in South Africa.




may have developed a basic need to fight uncertainty—the more we understand about the world around us, the more likely we are to survive its many dangers!

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In science, basic curiosity-driven research—conducted without pressure to produce immediate practical results— can have unexpected and incredibly important benefits. For example, one day in 1831, Michael Faraday was playing around with a coil and a magnet when he suddenly saw how he could generate an electrical current. At first, it wasn’t clear what use this would have, but it actually made electricity available for use in technology, and so changed the world.





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Curiosity also allows us to embrace unfamiliar circumstances, brings excitement into our lives, and opens up new possibilities. Being curious requires us to be both humble enough to know we don’t have all the answers, and confident enough to admit it. Asking the questions that help us bridge the gap between what we already know and what we’d like to know can lead us to make unexpected discoveries.



Perhaps you’ve heard the old saying “curiosity killed the cat.” It’s a phrase that’s often used to warn people— especially children—not to ask too many questions. Yet it’s widely agreed that curiosity actually makes learning more enjoyable and effective. In fact, research has shown that curiosity is just as important as intelligence in determining how well students do in school.





Curiosity allows us to embrace unfamiliar circumstances, brings excitement into our lives, and opens up new possibilities. But how curious are we in the 21st century?

Unsurprisingly, there are chemical and evolutionary theories to explain why humans are such curious creatures. When we become curious, our brains release a chemical called dopamine, which makes the process of learning more pleasurable and improves memory. It is still not known why learning gives us such pleasure, but one theory is that we



However, curiosity is currently under threat like never before—and perhaps the biggest threat comes from technology. On one level, this is because technology has become so sophisticated that many of us are unable to think too deeply about how exactly things work anymore. While it may be possible for a curious teenager to take a toaster apart and get some sense of how it works, how much do you understand about what happens when you type a website address into a browser? Where does your grasp of technology end and the magic begin for you? In addition to this, there’s the fact that we all now connect so deeply with technology, particularly with our phones. The more we stare at our screens, the less we talk to other people directly. To make matters worse, all too often we accept the images of people that social media provides us with, and then feel we know enough about a person not to need to engage further with them. The final—and perhaps most worrying—way in which technology stops us from asking more has to do with algorithms, the processes followed by computers. As we increasingly get our news via social media, algorithms find out what we like and push more of the same back to us, meaning that we end up inside our own little bubbles, no longer coming across ideas that challenge our pre-existing beliefs. Perhaps the real key to developing curiosity in the 21st century, then, is to rely less on the tech tools of our age.


It’s Not Rocket Science


5C Mind-blowing! GRAMMAR Passives 2 1

Work in groups. Look at the Grammar box. Do you believe the sentences are true? Explain why using these phrases. Answers will vary. I’m absolutely sure. I’m not sure but, if I had to guess, I’d say… I read about it recently. / We did it in class. I remember hearing about it. I’ve got a feeling it’s a myth / it’s a trick question. Passive reporting verbs

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a The heart was believed to be the center of intelligence until the Middle Ages. b It is claimed that computer training programs can limit the effects of aging on the brain. c Einstein’s brain was said to be bigger than average, which explains his intelligence. d It is estimated that the human brain is about 75 percent water. e It is well known that most of the time we only use ten percent of our brain capacity. f Exercising is thought to create chemicals that reduce your ability to think. g The part of the brain called the hippocampus is known to be connected with our sense of direction. h It has been generally accepted that creative people have a dominant right brain. Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 2

Listen and find out which sentences in the Grammar box are true. How many 24 did you get right?


Work in pairs. Look at the Grammar box again and:



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a T

b F

c F

d T

e F

f F

g T

h F

It is claimed that; It is estimated; It is well known that; It has been generally accepted that

1 identify the whole passive reporting pattern in the sentences that begin with It. 2 identify the form of the verb that follows the passive forms in sentences that do not begin with It. to be; to be; to create; to be 3 discuss what you notice about the different patterns. Answers will vary, but should include examples of subject + base form of verb and to be + base form of verb.


Write sentences about the brain using these notes and the passive. 1 The brain / estimate / contain…around 12 percent fat. The brain is estimated to contain around 12 percent fat. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


It / once / think / the brain / become…fully mature by the time children were six. The brain / now / know / develop…most during the teenage years. It / once / believe / the brain’s networks / become…fixed as we aged. Brain training activities / claim / improve…listening skills and memory. It / sometimes / say / brain size / affect…intelligence. It / still / not really know…why we dream while we sleep. Brain transplants / generally accept / be…impossible.

Work as a class. Discuss how you think research into the brain is carried out. Answers will vary.


62 Unit 5 It’s Not Rocket Science

5C  Mind-blowing!

4   Have students close their books and write the Activity 4



example on the board: The brain / estimate / contain… around 12 percent fat. • Explain the activity and ask for a volunteer to say the complete sentence. Do item 2 as a further example as it starts with it and requires a different pattern. • Have students open their books and complete the activity individually. When the first few students finish, put students in pairs to check their sentences and help each other complete the activity. • Review answers by having different students read their sentences to the class. When the sentence is correct, have the class repeat the first part. When there’s an error, write the sentence on the board and have the class help you correct it. • Finally, have students correct their sentences, if necessary, and read them over for content.

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to them. Then have them look at the statements in the Grammar box. • You may want to provide these definitions: Middle Ages: the period of European history from roughly A.D. 500 to 1500; hippocampus: a part of the brain located deep within it that’s related to memory; dominant: stronger, with more control • Have a student read statement a aloud. Give a possible answer yourself, using one or more of the italic phrases. Then ask students whether they believe the statement or not and encourage them to respond using the phrases. • Organize students into groups to do the activity. Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly. • When groups have finished, point out the title of the Grammar box. Ask Did you notice the passives in the statements? Have students call out a few and write them on the board. Say We’ll talk about these later. • You might want to take a vote on each statement. (Say Hands up if you think statement a is true. Then, Hands up if you think a is false.) Tally the votes on the board. Point out which ones students are in agreement on.


1   Put students in groups and read the directions and phrases

• Tell students we use passives to report ideas, beliefs, or actions when we don’t know who said, believed, or performed them, or when the most important part of the sentence is what’s being reported—not who said or did it. We can begin these sentences with a specific subject or with it. • Then have students answer the Activity 3 items in pairs, or make it a whole-class activity. Either give the answers now or wait for them to read the Grammar Reference and then ask the class the grammar checking questions or call on individuals to give their answers.


GRAMMAR  Passives 2

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At this point, have students complete Activity 3 on p. 137 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign the activity as homework.

Say Now we’ll find out how smart we are! Play the audio track as students check their answers. • At the end of each extract, write the item letter and T or F on the board without stopping the recording. • Check to see how well students did. (Say Hands up if you got all 8 correct. 7? 6? and so on.) You might ask different students which ones they got wrong and why they thought what they did. Point out any big discrepancies between the correct answers and the tally on the board. (Say, for example, Wow, most of us were wrong about (c). I wonder why that is. Any thoughts?)



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2      24

Teaching Tip Having students translate English sentences into their own languages and then back into English is a good way to get them to notice form and check meaning. Even when students don’t share the same first language, they can still discuss their English retranslations and notice mistakes they made compared to the original. 3   Ask students if they noticed anything in particular about

the passive verbs in the Grammar box statements. Students might say that some include a present form of be (is) and others include past forms of be: was, has been. You could ask if they know why different passives were used.

Activity 4 2 It was once thought (that) the brain became… 3 The brain is now known to develop… 4 It was once believed (that) the brain’s networks became… 5 Brain training activities are claimed to improve… 6 It is sometimes said (that) brain size affects… 7 It is still not really known… 8 Brain transplants are generally accepted to be… 5   This activity is an introduction to the text in Activity 6. Read

the topic aloud. Give students a few minutes to think or to brainstorm ideas with a partner. Say Think about all you’ve read so far about the brain and all the ideas, right and wrong, that people have had about it and how it works. • Then begin a discussion. Prompt students if necessary: How do you think the brain was studied long ago? What makes it difficult to examine the brain? What do you know about brain imaging? Tell students they’ll learn more about the brain in the next activity.

Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


 ead the directions. Complete item 1 as a class. Call on 9   R

students to volunteer suggestions. See how many you can get. Write a few on the board. • Put students in pairs to work on the other sentences. Set a time limit of between 5 and 10 minutes for the task. • When time is up, go through each sentence and ask who has the most ways of completing it. Ask pairs to take turns reading aloud their suggestions and encourage the rest of the class to challenge them if they think either the form or the meaning is wrong. Provide any necessary feedback. Thank the class for their efforts and acknowledge the pair or pairs that did the best or most imaginative work.


Activity 9, Suggested answers: 1 The patient had his liver scanned. 2 I had my stomach examined. 3 They should have their blood tested. 4 The scientists are having the laboratory repainted. 5 I’m going to have my injury looked at. 6 The research center is going to have its budget cut.


task for the class. Read up to the first choice. Try reading the sentence aloud with each option. Then ask Should it be “was thought to be“ or “was thought that it was like“? Have students respond. Do the next item if necessary. • Have students skim the text and answer any vocabulary questions they have. Tell them Galen was a second-century Greek physician and philosopher who did important work on medical theory and anatomy. Have them complete the activity individually and then compare with a partner. • Check the answers. Ask for a show of hands for each option. Ask different students to explain their answers. Write the numbers and correct answers on the board. • Read the second part of the activity directions. Ask Were any of your ideas about how brain research is done correct? Have students who respond affirmatively tell the class what the ideas were. Call on others to tell what they found most interesting in the text.

10  Read the activity options aloud. If students pick the first

one, tell them they can choose any science topic, but they’ll need to have their facts right and be able to back them up, whether or not they choose to write a variety of true and false sentences. Tell students they can pair up for this one if they want. • Say The second option requires a little more imagination. Artistic or literary types might like this one. Students can discuss in pairs or small groups. Tell them they can draw pictures or write poems to make their comparisons. • If students choose to write about a medical test they had, tell them they should include as many medical details as they can, but they should feel free to embellish the narrative with other details as well; for example, were they nervous, or curious? Was it uncomfortable? Was it enlightening, or boring? • Say The last option is for anybody interested in becoming an investigative journalist. Tell students they can work with a partner if they want. If they don’t know of a news story like this right away, they’ll have to do some research. Tell them to find out how the error was discovered and what the real story was. Say You’ll have to do some digging!

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form. Draw their attention to the Grammar box and read the sentences aloud. Point out that the sentences say essentially the same thing in different ways. • Then tell students to complete the grammar rules in Activity 7 individually, in pairs, or read the sentences aloud and have the class call out the answers all together. Review the answers as a class.


7   Explain that students are going to look at another passive


6   Read the first part of the Activity 6 directions. Model the

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At this point, have students complete Activity 4 on p. 137 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign the activity as homework. 8   Write on the board They had their brains scanned while


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they were singing. Read the activity directions and call on a student to come up to the board and rewrite the sentence. (Their brains were scanned while they were singing.) • Have students do the rest of the sentences individually. Review answers by having different students read a sentence to the class.


Activity 8, Suggested answers: 1  Their brains were scanned… 2  A new MRI scanner is being installed… by a local firm. 3  The scientists’ research was evaluated by experts. 4  My examination will be done later. 5 My dad’s head was examined when we were in the hospital.

Expansion Have students take their activities to the next level. Those who did the science sentences should make them the basis for a game, with a set of rules. Those who worked on the brain can make a poster or a display of their comparisons. Students who researched a news story can turn their report into a news article or a script for a scene to be acted out by the reporter and other key people.


63a  Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science


• In the first sentence, research is the object of the verb do. • In the second sentence, research becomes the subject of the passive structure can be done. • In the third sentence, we use the structure get + something + past participle so we can make the person affected by an action (scientists) the subject of the sentence. Write normal sentences in the passive, based on these sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 9

They had their brains scanned while they were singing. The hospital is having a new MRI scanner installed. The scientists had their research evaluated. I’m going to have my examination later. My dad had his head examined when we were in the hospital.




Our understanding of the brain has changed with developments in science, surgery, and medical technology. For example, as new technologies were invented, the brain was thought (1) to be / that it is like a mechanical watch or telephone communication. More recently, it (2) has been described / describes as a computer.

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences in as many different ways as you can. Use a dictionary, if necessary. 1 2 3 4 5 6


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Since the late 1970s, medical technology, such as MRI scanning, (7) has allowed / has been allowed safe research into the brain without the need for surgery or X-rays. MRI uses powerful magnets and computer imaging to see high blood flows in different parts of the brain that (8) believe / are believed to show brain activity. If people (9) have / is their brains scanned while doing various thinking activities, researchers think they can (10) identify / be identified more accurately how the brain works. One result of this research is to show the limits of the brain-computer comparison. For example, it is now understood that memories are not stored in one place, but are the result of activity in many parts of the brain.


Causative have and get


Answers will vary.

The patient had scanned. examined. I had tested. They should have The scientists are having the laboratory . I’m going to have my injury The research center is going to have

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After Galen proved that the brain was the center of intelligence, it was generally assumed that different parts of the brain (3) to control / controlled certain senses and functions of the body. However, the brain could only really (4) understand / be understood from the outside by studying animal brains and dissecting human bodies. Knowledge increased as a result of surgery where a patient had a tumor removed from their brain and the resulting physical change meant that functions could be mapped to the part of the brain that had been operated on. This mapping came about as much through failed operations as successful ones. Now, operations (5) sometimes conduct / are sometimes conducted while the patient is awake and talking. If a part of the brain (6) touched / is touched and it affects one of the patient’s senses, he or she can tell the surgeon!

Look at the Grammar box. Then complete the explanation.


Choose the correct options to complete the article about brain research. Does the article cover the ideas you thought of in Activity 5?



. .

CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities. Answers will vary. • Write a set of sentences like the ones in the first Grammar box. Share your facts. • Discuss ways in which the brain could be compared to: – a city. – a computer. – an orchestra. – a spider’s web. • Write about one of these experiences. – a time you had to have something scanned or tested – a time something in the news proved to be wrong

a Scientists can do research into the brain by using scanners. b Research into the brain can be done (by scientists) by using scanners. c To get the research done, scientists used a brain scan. Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. Since the late 1970s, medical technology, such as MRI scanning, has allowed safe research into the brain without the need for surgery or X-rays. Unit 5 SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION

It’s Not Rocket Science


5D Science is for everyone, kids included

Play is one of the only human endeavors where uncertainty is actually celebrated. Uncertainty is what makes play fun.



Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen to the 25 extract. Identify where Beau adds right or all right.



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What are you reading? There are no words there. I said, read what you’re seeing.|It literally says, “Wat ar ou rea in?”| That’s what you should have said.|Why is this? It’s because perception is grounded in our experience.|The brain takes meaningless information and makes meaning out of it, which means we never see what’s there, we never see information, we only ever see what was useful to see in the past.|Which means, when it comes to perception, we’re all like this frog.| It’s getting information. It’s generating behavior that’s useful. 2

Practice reading aloud the extract in Activity 1 in a similar style to Beau. Answers will vary. 5

Watch Part 1 of the talk. Check your order of the 5.1 sentences in Activity 4.


What does Beau not mention when he talks about uncertainty making play fun? d


1 Perception is grounded in our experience. a These are the exact same ways of being you need in order to be a good scientist. 8 b If perception is grounded in our history, it means we’re only ever responding according to what we’ve done before. 2 c Uncertainty is what makes play fun. It opens possibility and it’s cooperative. 7 d The question “why?” is one of the most dangerous things you can ask, because it takes you into uncertainty. 5 e But actually, it’s a tremendous problem, because how can we ever see differently? 3 f So what is evolution’s answer to the problem of uncertainty? It’s play. 6 g So if you add rules to play, you have a game. That’s actually what an experiment is. 9 h Now… all new perceptions begin in the same way. They begin with a question. 4 10 So armed with these two ideas—that science is a way of being and experiments are play—we asked, can anyone become a scientist?

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So, this game is very simple. All you have to do is read what you see. Right?

Put the sentences (a–h) in order. The first and last are given.




AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS You can use words and phrases like right, all right, and you know to ask for agreement, to check that people are understanding, or as a filler while we pause or move on to the next point.



Read about Beau Lotto and Amy O’Toole and get ready to watch their TED Talk.



Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Are you good at science? Why? 2 In what ways do you think science is similar to play? 3 Have you ever asked someone a question about science that they could not answer? What was it?

a b c d

Play is adaptable to change. Play is cooperative. Play opens up possibility. Play is unrewarding.


64 Unit 5 It’s Not Rocket Science

5D  Science is for everyone, kids included


4   Read the directions aloud; then have students read through

the sentences quickly to check understanding. You may want to provide these explanations: Grounded in our experience (or history) means our personal experience is the basis for understanding what we perceive; just as people can be armed with a weapon, they can be armed with ideas to use to argue a point, “defend” a position, or “attack” an opposing viewpoint. • Model thinking aloud. Read sentence 1 and say I’m not sure what that means. I need more of an explanation. Ask the class What do you think will come next? Wait for a student to volunteer or nominate someone. Point out, if necessary, that sentence b says more about perception being grounded—in “our history” this time. • Have students do the activity. Say Don’t worry if you’re not sure of the sequence. Just do your best. It might help if you say the sentences out loud, but quietly. • When a few have finished, you can ask one or two for their answers or just go straight to the video of the talk. Say Let’s see if you’re right.

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the example sentence from the talk aloud as students follow along. Then call on different students to read the sample sentence aloud for the class. Make sure they use the proper intonation after the one-word question at the end. • Ask if students know any other fillers in English. (er, um, anyway, whatever, you know, and so on) You could also discuss fillers they use in their own languages. • Tell students that even though such fillers might be frowned upon or seen as uneducated, they’re a normal part of everyone’s speech and—as they’ll hear—used a lot by the TED speaker. •   25 Read the Activity 1 directions. Give students a minute to reread the skill explanation, then play the audio track. Suggest that students mark the places in the text where they hear a filler. When the track is done, have students compare in pairs. • Read the extract aloud and tell students to shout out the filler, stand, or raise their hands when you should say Right? or All right?

Then call on different students to ask you each of the questions. Give candid responses. Then put students into small groups to discuss. • Go around and help by correcting students or giving them the English they need. Remember things to cover in feedback. • Have groups share their ideas about the questions; in particular, you might want to probe their ideas about how science is related to play.


1   Read the explanation of the Authentic Listening Skill and

3   Have students read the Activity 3 questions to themselves.





• Warm up  Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about science and play. Read the quote from Beau Lotto, aloud. Ask them to translate it or say what they think it means in English. • Explain that Beau Lotto is a neuroscientist who studies the biology and psychology of perception. Play the first section of the video. Have students do the exercises.



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Listening Strategy  Recognize fillers Recognizing fillers for what they are—a word or sound that “fills” a pause in speech—allows students to focus on what they really want to hear and understand and not be distracted by these expressions. 2   Replay the audio track. Then put students in pairs to take

turns reading the text to each other. You might suggest they give each other a grade from 1−10 for how well they mimic Beau Lotto’s speaking style. • You could get the best student to perform for the class or even talk along with the video with the sound turned down, karaoke-style. Keep the task light. This is just a playful way for students to practice their language skills.

Play Part 1 of the video. Tell students they’ll hear other sentences in between the sentences in Activity 4, so they’ll need to pay attention. You could put students in pairs to check the order together. • Review the answers as a class, by calling on different students for the next sentence in the sequence. Write each number and letter on the board. • Replay the video and stop after each sentence from Activity 4. Ask students again for the answer.

5      5.1

 ead the Activity 6 question and the answer choices. You 6   R

might want to play the relevant section of the video again and have students check off each answer choice as they hear it. Say Raise your hands when you hear the sentence that provides the answer. (d, “Play is its own reward.”) As the ideas about play may be hard for students to grasp, replay the section and discuss each point.

Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION




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stated means. Have them look at the sentences. Answer any questions they have. Tell them that journal in sentence 7 refers to an academic magazine that publishes research. •   5.2 Play Part 2 of the video. Have students complete the activity. Circulate and notice how well they’re doing. Decide whether or not you need to replay the video. • Check the answers as a class, making sure you have students justify their answers with evidence from the video. Record the sentence numbers and T, F, or NS on the board.

 VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT • 11a  Tell students that they’re going to watch some clips from the talk which contain new words and phrases. Explain that you’ll pause the video when the options come on screen and ask everyone to call out the correct meaning together. •   5.4 When a lot of students are giving the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip. Play the video. • 11b  Put students in pairs. Have them look at the discussion points. Answer any questions students may have about the words in italics. Reteach if necessary. • Help pairs get started. Give one or two examples from your own life for a couple of the questions. Call on students to give their own examples. Then have pairs discuss. • Circulate and check that they’re doing the task correctly. If discussions are lagging, have students change partners and continue. • At the end of the task, ask Which topic excited or interested you and your partner the most? Have pairs share their most interesting ideas. Give some feedback about new language that came up, and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).



7   Read the directions aloud. Make sure students know what not

• Sum up by asking for a show of hands from the people who are feeling energized about science. Ask them what they want to find out.


Teaching/Exam Tip Some true-false exam activities that test comprehension occasionally include the answer option “not stated” or “not given.” These activities can trip students up if they’re not familiar with them. Students know that true and false statements in comprehension tests refer to the information in a reading. The information is either restated accurately (true) or inaccurately (false). Examples of things that are not stated are often commonly known facts connected to the topic of the reading that, although true in real life, are not mentioned in the text. Make sure students get practice with these activities.

Play Part 3 once straight through. Give students a few minutes to write their answers, then have them compare and discuss them with a classmate. Replay Part 3 so students can clarify and revise their notes.


• Read the Challenge introduction aloud. Ask Did any of you wish you’d heard more details about the experiment in the TED Talk? Or did you come up with your own ideas about how to do it? Ask for a show of hands. Then say Now’s your chance to think and learn more about it. • Have students read the discussion points silently. Then organize students into small groups to talk about different ways they might do each of the things listed. You might want to appoint someone in each group to keep track of the groups’ suggestions. Say Remember—science is for everyone! • The paper can also be found online. You might want to have students access this and read it at home. Students will also find out something of the method for the experiment through the writing lesson in section 5E. • Circulate as students discuss. Provide assistance as needed. At the end of the task, tell groups to prepare a short presentation about how they’d conduct the experiment, incorporating the group’s most promising or novel ideas.

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8      5.3

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Activity 8 1  An expert added commentary and references;  2  Overwhelmingly positive;  3  Anyone has the potential to discover something new. A small question can lead to a big discovery.

9   Write on the board: “Changing the way a person thinks about



something. . . depends on the way the person feels about change.” Remind students that Amy said that in the TED Talk. Ask How do you feel about change? Think about it. • Call on a student to read Activity 9 aloud, including the three discussion points. Tell students to think about how they would feel about changing those things. Ask Do you think other people would feel the same way you do? Give students a few minutes to think; then have them discuss their ideas with a partner. 10  Say Amy discovered that changing the way she thought about

science was easy. Tell students to think about how they’ve always felt about science and the people who like it—and whether they feel any differently now. • Call on a student to read the My Perspective question aloud. Have students write down their thoughts about it. When they’ve had sufficient time, call on students to share their ideas. Have a class discussion.


65a  Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science

ng ni VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 5.4 meanings of the words and phrases. b Work in pairs. Talk about: Answers will vary. • a time you received a reward for doing something. • a time you regret not bothering to do something. • an interesting or possible link that scientists have discovered in recent times. • a time you had to adapt to a new situation. • people you think should be given more of a voice.


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1 None of the questions the children thought of had ever been studied before. F 2 The children wanted to research if bees adapt their behavior to solve problems like humans do. T 3 Bees are one of the most intelligent insects. NS 4 The experiment required bees to recognize the correct color to get a reward. T 5 There were several ways for the bees to solve the puzzle the children set up. T 6 The results of the experiment were surprising. NS 7 Beau wrote the journal article. F 8 The paper was rejected by the publisher because it was written in the wrong style. T



Watch Part 2 of the talk. Are the sentences true, false, or 5.2 not stated?



Watch Part 3 of the talk. Answer the questions.





1 How did the research finally get published? 2 What was the reaction to the research? 3 What were two lessons that Amy learned? Amy says that changing the way a person thinks about something can be easy or hard. Explain why you think it would be easy or hard to change the way people think about: Answers will vary. • what they eat. • what they watch on TV. • where they shop. 10


CHALLENGE Beau and Amy do not explain much about how the experiment worked, apart from showing the one pattern of flowers. Work in groups. Discuss how you would: • give rewards to bees for going to “good flowers.” • identify which bees are going to which flowers. • train the bees to learn the pattern of one color surrounded by another. • check that the bees aren’t just “smelling” the good flowers. • check that the bees aren’t just choosing the good flowers by color. • check that the bees aren’t just choosing the flowers in the middle. Read the paper about Blackawton Bees and see exactly how the children set up the experiment and what they discovered. It’s available on the TED website.

Did the TED Talk change your views about science and scientists at all? In what way? Answers will vary.


It’s Not Rocket Science


5E Conducting Experiments SPEAKING 1

Staging The first thing we’d need to do is… We’d also need to make sure that we (didn’t)… I suppose then we should…

Answers will vary.

Work in groups. If you were going to design an experiment for a question like one of those in Activity 1, what steps would you need to complete?



How much does homework improve exam results? Do goldfish only have a ten-second memory? How many words can you learn in an hour? Does going out with wet hair cause colds or the flu? Do boys get more attention in class? If so, why? Are people who listen to pop music happier? What is the quickest way to have people board a plane?

Answers will vary.

Listen to a short lecture on how to design experiments. Note the six main steps. Then compare your answers with a partner. Use the light bulb 26 experiment to explain each stage.


As a class, discuss why you think:




1 2 3 4

certain kinds of hypotheses are easier to prove than others. proving a hypothesis wrong can be an important step towards learning. it’s important to record in detail how experiments are set up and conducted. proving a hypothesis right in the way described could be seen as insufficiently scientific.

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Hypothesizing I’d expect the results to show… I’d imagine that the data would probably reveal… I would / wouldn’t have thought it would be possible to prove that…

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Preparing research questions I wonder if / how / why… It’d be good to know what / whether… We’d need to try to figure out…

Work in pairs. Look at the questions. Discuss why it might be useful to know the answer to each of them. What do you think the answers are?

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Useful language


Work in pairs. Design an experiment to: Answers will vary.



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a find the answer to a question in Activity 1. b see if one of the life hacks you learned about earlier actually works. c test another life hack you have heard about.


Use some of the language in the Useful language box. Decide: • how you would set the experiment up. • what kind of data you would record. • what points of comparison you would need. • what you would expect the results to prove. Work with another pair. Explain the design of your experiment. Can your partners see any way in which it could be improved? Answers will vary.

How can you find out if goldfish really have a ten-second memory?


66 Unit 5 It’s Not Rocket Science

5E  Conducting Experiments

2   Ask As you discussed the questions in Activity 1, did you think


5   Read the first part of the directions and the options aloud.

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about what you’d have to do if you were to actually try to find out the answer to any of them? • Say You know that there are certain steps to follow when you conduct an experiment. See how many you know. Use your background knowledge to brainstorm together what some others might be. • Tell students to each write down the steps the group comes up with. You might tell them there are six stages.

Teaching Tip While students need to use as much English as they can in class, recognize that translating and interpreting are very valuable skills. Help students develop these skills during lessons. It’s helpful to ask students to think in their L1 and then translate or interpret when they’re dealing with difficult (nonlinguistic) concepts or doing a complex task. Having strong English speakers model this helps to involve and support less proficient students.


designing and conducting experiments. Have students read the Activity 1 questions to themselves. Ask Have you ever wondered about any of these things? • Read the directions aloud. To get pairs started say I can think of one reason to know the answer to the first question. Do you know what I’m thinking? Prompt students to realize it might mean less homework if homework was found to have no effect on exam results. • When the first pairs finish, have students who are still working change pairs and work backward from the last question. • Check students’ ideas by asking individuals the activity questions again and use it as an opportunity to introduce some of the phrases in the Useful language box. (It’d be good to know; I’d expect the answer to be; and so on)


1   Tell students that in this lesson they’re going to talk about

Activity 4, Suggested answers: 1  Easier to prove hypotheses in hard sciences (e.g., physics) − easily repeated and controlled. More variables in social sciences and often no definitive answers; 2  You often figure out what’s right through negative deduction; 3  Keeping a record is crucial if the experiment is to be repeated; 4  Proving a hypothesis once isn’t enough; it needs to be repeated.



Read the activity directions and play the audio track. Tell students to make notes on the six main steps of an experiment. • Give students time to compare their steps with a partner’s. Then list numbers 1−6 vertically on the board. Call on individuals to name each of the six steps. Make sure everyone agrees; then write them on the board. If students are unsure, play the track again. Stop at key points to have students call out the part of the light bulb experiment that matches each step. Add that to the board as well. • Keep the steps on the board for students to refer to later.



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3      26

Activity 3, Suggested answers: 1  Define the purpose of the experiment. 2  Do your research. 3  Form your hypothesis. 4  Design your test. 5  Analyze the data. 6  Draw your conclusions.

Put students in pairs and have them discuss the options and decide what experiment to design. Call on each pair to tell you what they’ve decided to investigate. • If you have time, use an option that wasn’t chosen and model briefly, with a strong student partner, how to go about designing an experiment for it. • Before pairs begin, point out the Useful language box and have students glance through it. Then have pairs read the second part of the directions. Say Using the language in the box and the six steps on the board will help you through the process. • Have pairs get to work. When everyone has completed the task, stop it and move on to Activity 6.

 ell pairs to explain their designs to each other. Say See if 6   T

you can suggest ways to clarify or improve the other pair’s design. • When everyone has discussed their experiments, ask each group for comments on the activity. Ask questions, such as Was the process of designing an experiment easy, difficult, educational, revealing? Were the other pair’s comments helpful? Will you actually conduct the experiment you designed?

4   Have students read the activity questions to themselves.

Then discuss as a class. Ask each question and call on someone to start. If you’re in a monolingual group, you could allow students to say their ideas in their own language first, and then ask the speaker or someone else to translate them into English. Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


WRITING 7   Tell students they’re going to learn to write a report of



on p. 151 will help them organize their writing, and the Useful language on p. 67 will help them write the steps of the experiment clearly. • Put students in pairs to brainstorm an experiment to choose. You may need to set aside extra time for students who want to research historical experiments. Assign the writing for homework or set a time limit for doing it in class. • As students are writing, circulate and help them. Remind them to use passives to report some of the information. You might note some common mistakes to cover for feedback. • Have students exchange their first drafts with their partner. Check that the purpose of the experiment is stated at the beginning and that the method is clearly stepped out. Students should then revise and finalize their work.

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p. 151. Students can do the activity individually or in pairs. You might suggest that one student keep p. 67 open and the other the model page (p. 151) to avoid a lot of flipping backwards and forwards. • Have students talk about the scientific method for the bee experiment. Then give them time to go through all the features in Activity 7 and see if they can find examples in the report. • Review the answers as a class and write them on the board. Call on students to read examples of the relevant features from the Blackawton Bee report aloud for the class.

10  Explain the task. Tell students that the model and pointers


8   Have students read the directions and locate the text on

Writing Strategy  Use transition words and phrases Tell students that for all writing that describes a process, whether it’s directions, a scientific method, or their grandmother’s paella recipe, the most important thing to do is to describe the steps in the correct order. Science experiments have to be repeatable to be valid, so the order of the steps is crucial. Tell students that sequence and transition words and phrases, such as the “Linking steps” language in the Useful language box, will help them to organize a science report and help their reviewers and readers to understand the process.


a science experiment. Say But before you do, think about the features of a story and of a science report. Are there any similarities? Or are they totally different? • Have students read the 10 guidelines in Activity 7 and decide whether they apply to stories, scientific reports, or maybe both. • Have them work in pairs. When they’re done, read each guideline and have students call out story or report and write the number and answer on the board. • Be prepared in case students argue that one or two of the features are shared by both genres. Allow them to explain their thinking. Students will discuss these further in the next activity.

9   Have students read through the Useful language box on



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p. 67. Tell them they’ve read some of this language in the bee report on p. 151. Then draw their attention to the diagram at the bottom of the page. Say Examine the illustrations. Do they seem familiar? What do they show? Have students respond. Confirm that they illustrate the steps of the bee experiment. • Read the first part of the Activity 9 directions aloud. Put students in pairs. Say This is going to be a fun challenge! See if you can describe the steps of the experiment shown in the diagram, in order, without rereading the text at the back of your book. • You might suggest they begin by trying to number the verbs in the right order. But remind them that they then have to describe the steps in writing, using the verbs and the Useful language. Tell them there are more steps to describe than pictures in the diagram. • When pairs have worked for a while, ask if anyone is confident that they’ve described the steps in the right order. Have those pairs retell the process. Ask the class Did they get it right? Have the class rate the retelling(s). • Then have all pairs check the text on p. 151 to see how they did.

Teaching/Exam Tip Good writers reread and revise several times. Tell students that after they’ve written and revised a first draft, they should make a clean copy. Then read the whole text again several times, focusing on something different with each reading—for example, one pass for spelling, one for grammar and punctuation, one for organization and ideas, one for common mistakes they make. Then they’ll need to correct and make a final copy. In an exam situation, they may not have a lot of time for rereading and editing, but they should try to leave time for one or two passes.


67a  Unit 5  It’s Not Rocket Science

WRITING A scientific method 7

Useful language

WRITING SKILL Describing a process Work in pairs. How do you think writing about a process is different from telling a story? Is the guidance typical of stories or scientific reports?

Read about the process that was completed in preparation for the Blackawton Bee experiment on page 151. Which of the features in Activity 7 can you identify?


Look at the Useful language box. Use the language and these verbs to retell the process in the diagram on this page. Then look at the process on page 151 and check how well you did. Answers will vary.




paint remove

pick up return

place turn off

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let into release

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1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8

Write a method like the one on page 151, describing: Answers will vary.

put into warm up

Explaining the steps They were marked to identify them. They were marked in order to identify them. They were marked so that they could be identified. In order to do this,…


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• one of the experiments you designed in Activity 5. • an experiment you have conducted at school. • a famous historical experiment that you are interested in.



Linking steps First of all,… Before starting the experiment,… The bees were then released… Once the bees had been released… After being released, the bees… Finally,…


You avoid using personal pronouns, such as I, he, or she. SR You use a wide variety of words and descriptive language. S You use a lot of passive sentences. SR You write steps in the order they happened. SR You define words you think your reader may not know. SR You use idioms and colloquial language. S You summarize what you are going to tell people at the beginning. SR You explain the reason for doing something. SR You may add a diagram of what you are describing. SR You have a final sentence or comment that summarizes the point of the text. SR


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Introducing the process The experiment aimed to show that… The purpose of the experiment was to find out if… The diagram illustrates the process used to… Figure one shows how…


It’s Not Rocket Science


Adapt to Survive



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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • discuss evolution and conservation. • read about an endangered animal. • learn about mysterious occurrences. • watch a TED Talk about where camels come from. • write a solution to a problem. 68


Adapt to Survive

Students will learn about an unusual animal whose alleged near-extinction is attributed to human activity, and about people’s attachment to unlikely or totally debunked ideas about the natural world. They’ll watch a TED Talk and learn some myth-busting facts about the iconic “ship of the desert” and how some animal adaptations can actually lead to extinction rather than survival.

Unit Objectives

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Vocabulary • Science in action • Vocabulary Building  Adjective endings

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Grammar • Grammar 1  Modals and meaning • Grammar 2  Modals and infinitive forms



Reading • Help Save the Endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from Extinction TED Talk • Latif Nasser: You have no idea where camels really come from Pronunciation • Weak form of have Speaking • Telling and responding to anecdotes Writing • A problem-solution essay

The flag-footed bug in the photo belongs to a large family of insects whose members are called various names, including coreid bugs, leaf-footed bugs, and squash bugs. These bugs exist in a wide range of environments and vary in size, shape, and color. Some, like the one in the photo, have enlarged or flattened extensions on their legs, hence the common name, leaf-footed bug. They have mouth parts extending more than half the length of their bodies that allow them to pierce leaves and fruit to suck the plant’s juices. They are serious crop pests in some areas of the world. Language note  The word adaptation did not always have the biological meaning we associate with it today. The sense of “modification of a thing to suit new conditions” is from 1790, although the word actually dates from the 17th century. Its current biological sense of “variations in a living thing to suit changed conditions” was first recorded in 1859, in the writings of the British naturalist and biologist Charles Darwin.

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Finally, students will write a problem-solution essay about how to save an animal—or something else that’s been part of a way of life and may soon disappear.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will talk about evolution and how the process has created billions of species over time—99 percent of which have become extinct. They’ll learn that extinction is a natural part of life on Earth and confront the question, Does conservation makes sense?


Unit Overview




Warm Up

• Display the photo on pp. 68−69. Discuss it with the class— who likes it, who doesn’t, and why. Have a student read the caption. Share About the Photo with the class. • Have students describe other insect or animal adaptations they can think of that serve as camouflage. • Remind students that Unit 5 touched upon several aspects of science, including computers and the Internet, how people learn and do science, and inventions, research, and the scientific method. Tell them that in this unit, they’ll focus more on life forms and the science of biology. • Ask who likes studying biology and why (or why not). Call on students to share with the class ideas or anecdotes related to life forms; for example, animals that have fascinated or scared them, prehistoric life forms, theories about life on Earth that intrigue them, and so on.


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 27–32 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)



6A  Evolution and Conservation VOCABULARY




Teaching Tip If you’re certain students won’t know most of the words in an activity, do this quick preteaching exercise. Say the English words (or, even better, collocations of the words) and then translate them. Then have students work in pairs or threes to do the activity, sharing what they remember of the translations. 4   Tell students they’re going to learn some more collocates for

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read, write the words evolution and conservation on the board. Say These words are often talked about together. Why do you think that is? • Students may say that the two things relate to the natural world of animals, plants, and the landscape. They may suggest that evolution is about survival of the fittest and conservation is about helping species whose ability to survive has become compromised by human activity. • Add some key words to the board connected to either evolution or conservation. Then have students look the words up in the dictionary or provide the definitions yourself. • Read the second activity question aloud. Take students’ responses. Explain that adaptations occur when a gene mutates—usually by accident. However, if the mutation gives an organism a competitive advantage in some aspect of life, then that organism is more likely than others of its species to survive and reproduce, thus passing along the mutation to its offspring. Tell students adaptations can be physical or behavioral.

possible answer yourself, then call on other students for their suggestions. Have pairs discuss the questions. • Circulate as pairs work, providing assistance as necessary. When the first pairs finish, have everyone change pairs and discuss their answers, starting from the last question. • Check students’ ideas by asking individual students the questions aloud. Ask students to share some interesting things that came up in their discussions. For example, you could write some of the extinct animals students named on the board.


1   Tell students to read the first Activity 1 question. As they

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Activity 1, Suggested answers: 1  Evolution tries to explain the differences between species. The idea is that species developed, or evolved, over generations to adapt to their environment in order to survive; Conservation is the practice of preserving natural places and endangered species.

the words in Activity 2. Read the Activity 4 directions and the words aloud. Make sure students understand the task. • Read each word group in item 1 aloud. Say You have to find a noun in the list that goes with each of these groups of words. Try out different nouns. Give students a few minutes, then ask OK, which noun collocates with all three? (benefit) • Tell students to do the others themselves, using a dictionary if they need to. Go through the answers by asking different students to read the three collocations aloud. • Write each number and word on the board. Ask follow-up questions about collocations; for example: What else can you destroy? How can you preserve a habitat? How do you preserve fruit or meat?

2   Tell students they’re going to learn some words and phrases



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to talk about evolution and conservation. If necessary, you could quickly preteach some of the words (see Teaching Tip). • Then read the directions and the beginning of the article up to item 1 aloud and either wait for the class to say the answer or call on a student to give it. (species) Translate the word for those students who didn’t know the answer. • Have students do the rest individually. They can use a dictionary if they need to. • Review the answers by asking different students to read the completed sentences aloud. Write each number and word on the board. • As you write, ask follow-up questions to check students’ understanding. For example, ask What are some species you can think of? What preposition follows adapt? What do you adapt to? 3   Tell students to read the questions to check that they

5   Model for students. Choose an unfamiliar collocation.

For example, say Work in nature conservation sounds strange to me. Some people use the word work to mean their job, so maybe it means you have a job in an organization like the World Wildlife Fund. Then write a sentence on the board, for example, I’d like to work in nature conservation someday. • Have students do the task individually. Notice any problematic collocations for whole-class feedback. Expansion Have students research animal or plant behavioral adaptations and report what they find out to the class.

understand them. Reteach vocabulary they ask you about. Ask a student to read the first question aloud. Give one


69a  Unit 6  Adapt to Survive

The flag-footed bug has evolved to hide among leaves and flower petals.

6A Evolution and Conservation VOCABULARY Endangered species 1

Work as a class. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What is evolution? What is conservation? 2 What reasons are there for a species to adapt? What characteristics about a species might change?


Complete the article about Madagascar with these words. adapted habitat

breed hunting

conservation risk

died out saved

endangered species

extinct survival

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Madagascar is an island famous for its biodiversity. Evolution has created species adapted thousands of unique (1) that have (2) to life on the island. In fact, scientists have discovered more than 600 new animals since the beginning of this century. However, while it may seem that wildlife risk is doing well, many animals and plants are in fact at (3) because tropical forests are being destroyed to make farmland. Eighty percent of Madagascar’s human population live in poverty and depend on basic farming . The silky sifaka is one of the most (5) endangered for (4) survival animals. There are only around 250 left in the wild. A (6) conservation and prevent people from program is trying to preserve its (7) habitat hunting it. The national dog of Madagascar, the Coton de Tulear, (8) saved from extinction, and now people (10) breed was (9) it in several countries. The Madagascan Elephant Bird wasn’t so lucky. It became in the 17th century. It was three meters tall and may (11) extinct died out because people stole its huge eggs, which were big have (12) enough to feed a family.


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1 2 3 4 5




Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. What endangered species do you know? Why are they endangered? How are they being protected? What animals have become extinct? Why? What arguments can you think of for and against conservation?

Match each word with the correct group of collocations. benefit habitat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


consequence risk

conservation species

gene survival

bring a lasting… / a potential… / be of… benefit …of the fittest / its long-term… / ensure its… survival at… of extinction / a high… / reduce the… of disease risk work in nature… / be involved in a… group / improve energy… conservation an endangered… / a… of bird / discover a new… species destroy their… / preserve their… / lose its natural… habitat pass on their…s / in its…s / find a… for cancer gene as a… / have serious…s / consider the…s consequence

Look through the collocations in Activity 4. Underline any phrases that are new to you. Write an example sentence for each of the new phrases. Answers will vary.


Adapt to Survive



GRAMMAR Modals and meaning 9

Listen to the interview with a conservationist. Who mentions these points—the interviewer (I), 27 the conservationist (C), or both (B)?

1 You might stop weak species from going extinct. You will stop weak species from going extinct. 2 Maybe we shouldn’t interfere. We must not interfere. 3 “The survival of the fittest” can suggest evolution is a kind of competition. “The survival of the fittest” suggests evolution is a kind of competition. 4 If that habitat disappeared for whatever reason, they’d easily die out. When the habitat disappears, the animals die out. 5 Will you leave it there? Could you leave it there?

1 Most animals have died out. B 2 Conservation goes against evolution. I 3 Genetic changes through evolution do not make a species more perfect. C 4 Animals can’t choose to adapt to a new environment. C 5 Human activity is increasing the number of extinctions. C 6 We must protect endangered species because we can. C 7 Conservation is expensive. B 8 Humans may become extinct sooner rather than later. B


Modals and meaning


Answers will vary.



What reasons for possible human extinction did you hear 27 in the interview? Listen again and check. Loss of biodiversity; killing of plants that could cure diseases 8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

Look at the Grammar box. Then compare the first and second sentence in each item below. Notice the changes in the use of modals. What is the difference in meaning?

1 Do you like television shows about the natural world? What was the last one you saw? What was it about? 2 Have you studied anything about conservation at school? What other things did you learn? 3 Would you like to be a conservationist? What might be good or bad about the job? 4 Have you ever taken action to protect something? What did you do?


A modal (would, will, may, might, could, can, should, shall, must) adds a general meaning to another verb to show a speaker’s attitude or intention.

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The first thing that will strike people is… = I am certain it strikes people.

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The first thing that should strike people is… = I believe it strikes people, but I'm not certain. Other meanings are: certainty, uncertainty, obligation, permission, suggestion, possibility, and frequency (habit).

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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.



Baobab trees in Madagascar have adapted to survive in places where there is little rainfall. Their wide trunks can store large amounts of water.


Unit 6 Adapt to Survive



8   Ask different students to read the activity questions aloud.



In each case, give your own (ideally true) answers. Then put students in pairs to ask and answer. • Circulate as students discuss and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. • Help them by correcting errors or giving them the English they need and then write some of these points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • When a couple of students have finished, have students change partners and start with any question they want and continue in any order. • At the end of the task, give your feedback. You can also retell some interesting things you heard partners discussing.


Tell the students what the listening is about and have them read through the activity sentences and check that they understand them. Then read the directions aloud and play the audio. • Go around and notice how well they’re doing in order to decide how quickly to go through the answers and whether you’ll need to replay the listening. • When students are done, tell them to compare answers with a partner. Then review the answers as a class by asking for a show of hands. (For example, say Number 1: Who thinks it’s the interviewer? Hands up, and so on) Have students call out the answers all together or call on individuals. • If students disagree, have several students give their answers. Ask them to justify their answers, but don’t say who’s correct. Instead, put a question mark on the board. Go through all the answers like this and then play the listening again (if necessary). • If students are still uncertain of the answer, replay the listening and stop at key points. Replay these sections two or three times if necessary. Draw attention to the problem sounds or words and explain them when you give the answers. • When students agree on an answer, record it on the board. • Optional  Begin the Listening lesson by using the Teaching Tip below.

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6      27

Ask the question and list students’ ideas on the board. Then replay the audio. • Discuss that because plants and animals can’t adapt quickly enough to human-induced changes, they’re dying out at an alarming rate. • Continue the discussion as a class or put students in pairs to discuss what can be done to halt plant and animal extinctions.

7      27


• Warm up  Have the class look at the photo on pp. 70−71. Read the caption aloud. Ask if anyone knows where Madagascar is located. (off the southeast coast of Africa) Then tell students to talk with a classmate about what they can recall about Madagascar from Activity 2. After two minutes, allow them to look back briefly at the article. Then have students change partners and see how much more they can retell about the island.


Teaching Tip Here’s an excellent first activity for almost any listening activity, and it mirrors the way we often decode what we’ve heard outside of the classroom, too:


1 Explain briefly to students what they’re going to hear. Tell them to just listen and see what they understand. They can write down single words if that’s all they understand. 2 Play the audio straight through. 3 Put students in pairs to compare what they heard. 4 Ask the class what they heard. Have individual students respond by saying, for example, “They said something about… .” If students say they understood nothing, persist and get them to at least say one or two words. 5  Build upon this up by asking several different students the same thing. 6 Replay the audio and continue with the lesson. 7  Ask the class the question and list students’ ideas on the board. If they can’t recall the information or they’re not sure, play the audio again.

GRAMMAR  Modals and meaning  ave students read the Grammar box about modals. Then 9   H

go over the information with the class, focusing on the differences between the example sentences, which illustrate modals for certainty and possibility. • Read the other meanings for modals aloud. Call on a few students to say sentences with other modals and guide them to tell what their intended meaning is. Ask the class Do you think they used the right modal? • Then have students work in pairs. Tell them to underline the modal in each sentence and then see if they can figure out how the modals affect the meaning of the sentences. Point out that some of the modals could have more than one meaning, and two sentences don’t have modals.

At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on p. 139 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. Activity 9, Suggested answers: 1  might – possible; will – definite;  2  shouldn’t – possibly a bad idea; We must – very important;  3  can suggest – possible; suggests – fact;  4  If – hypothetical; When – inevitable;  5  Will – suggestion; Could – possibility



 Read the Activity 11 directions aloud. Say Now is the time to focus on the underlined parts! You need to replace those parts with modals from the Grammar box. • Have students read the Grammar box again. Then ask In number 1, what modal can replace constantly brought back? Remind them that they need a base form of the verb. Ask What’s the base form of brought? (bring) Say Try saying a few modals to yourself—would constantly bring back, will constantly bring back, may constantly bring back… . Ask Which one best maintains the meaning of the original sentence? Call on a student for the answer. (would constantly bring back) • Have students do the others individually. Tell them there’s more than one correct answer. When most have finished, ask students to compare in pairs. • Read the whole text aloud, stopping when you come to each part that has been changed. Ask different students to give their answers. Write the item numbers and modals on the board. Make sure everyone is in agreement.


13  Read the directions aloud. Elicit from the class ideas of

different things in each category that are in danger of disappearing. If students aren’t sure, give a couple of ideas yourself (blue whales, rain forests, bank tellers, handwritten letters, doing research in the library, and so on). • Put students into pairs to brainstorm more ideas and make their own lists. Set a time limit of around three minutes. • Get ideas from the class and write them on the board. • Then choose one thing and ask students if it’s worth protecting or preserving, or not. Ask them to explain the reasons behind their ideas. • Then pair students again to discuss other ideas. After they discuss, tell students to write down individually what they would try to preserve, if anything, and why—or why they wouldn’t want to preserve any of the things on the board. • Optional  You could wrap up the activity by finding out which things most students want to preserve—and how they think it could best be done.



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to nine as they can manage) sentences about themselves using different modal verbs. They should write the sentences, along with their name, on a sheet of paper to hand in to you. Explain that these sentences should include information that will allow their classmates to identify them. • Provide some examples about yourself to clarify the activity for students. For example, write on the board I should visit my relatives in (Ethiopia). I must practice my (Amharic) first. They will want to know all about you—my students! • Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice any mistakes or difficulties. • When time is up, collect the papers and read one or two sentences from each aloud, if possible. Try to choose sentences that are interesting and contain revealing information. Encourage the class to guess who wrote them; then confirm or identify the student writers by nodding to them and having them stand up. • At the end of the task, give some feedback on how well students used the language they learned and also teach new language that came up or point out errors to correct.


Activity 10, Suggested answers: 1  It’s happening very fast.  2  Conserving species is good for humans.  3  Species adapt and then suffer as a result of sudden change.

12  Tell the class they have ten minutes to write nine (or as close


Sekercioglu, a National Geographic Explorer who studies extinction and endangered species. • Ask students to read the whole text and answer the question about similarities between the concepts covered in the text and in the audio track they listened to earlier. Tell them not to pay attention to the underlined parts right now. • Put students in pairs to compare their ideas. Then get ideas from the whole class. • Ask questions such as the following to extend the discussion: Say I was surprised to find out that the mutations that bring about adaptations occur by chance. What’s the most surprising or interesting information you’ve learned so far in the unit? Do you think humans are at risk of extinction? Why?


10  Tell students they are going to read a text about Cagan

Activity 11, Suggested answers: 1 would (constantly) bring back; 2 we may / might / could lose 25 percent of all bird species, 25 percent of all bird species may / might / could be lost; 3 will (certainly) happen; 4 we should do something; 5 will / should / shall we do something; 6 what shall / will / can we do; 7 can (sometimes) become; 8 won’t move; 9 may / might be; 10 conservationists must work; 11 they should encourage; 12 may / might / could (possibly) eat

Expansion Have student teams debate the reasons for and against preserving something from the Activity 13 list that students felt strongly about.


71a  Unit 6  Adapt to Survive

Write nine sentences about yourself, using a different modal in each sentence. Your teacher will read the sentences to the class. Guess who the person is.



Answers will vary.


Make a list of animals, habitats, jobs, languages, customs, activities, or skills that are at risk of dying out. Would you try to preserve any of them? Why? Answers will vary.


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In Costa Rica, he’s found that species (7) sometimes become endangered because the area of forest they live in shrinks as it becomes surrounded by agriculture. The birds are so well adapted to a certain part of the forest that they (8) refuse to move, even when bigger areas of forest (9) are possibly close by. Cagan says (10) it’s essential that conservationists work with local people to improve the situation by explaining to farmers why (11) they’re better off encouraging bird diversity. For example, if farmers encourage birds to live on their land, (12) the birds will eat insects that destroy their crops, which could possibly increase farmers’ profits.

Answers will vary. 12


Growing up in Turkey, Cagan Sekercioglu was once taken to a child psychologist because he (1) constantly brought small animals and insects back to his house. Fortunately, it didn’t end his interest in wildlife, and now he’s a professor of biology working to protect birds in countries such as Costa Rica, Australia, Ethiopia, the United States, and Turkey. He says (2) losing 25 percent of all bird species this century is a possibility, and that whatever happens to birds (3) is certain to happen to other animals and even people. The question is not if (4) it’s better for us to do something about it, but when (5) are we going to decide to do something and (6) what are we going to decide to do?

Rewrite the underlined parts in Activity 10 using modals. Use each modal in the Grammar box at least once.


1 the rate of extinction. 2 the importance of conservation. 3 what happens to animals that adapt and then face a sudden change.



Read about National Geographic explorer Cagan Sekercioglu. What similarities can you find with what you heard in the interview? Think about:




Adapt to Survive


6B Tree Life?


1 Where do you think this animal is found? Pacific Northwest 2 What is unusual about it? Octopuses live in water. 3 How do you think the photographer was able to get the shot? telephoto lens

VOCABULARY BUILDING Compound nouns We often use two or more nouns together to create a new meaning. The words in compound nouns can be joined together, or they can be separated using a space or hyphen. The first noun acts like an adjective. It describes the type of thing, its use, the material it is made from, or other aspects of the second noun, such as where it is found.



Bookstores are dying out in our country because people are buying books online.

Read the article from a website on page 73 to check your ideas in Activity 5. What else do you learn about questions 1 and 2 in Activity 5?

Answers will vary. Suggested answers: 1 forests of the US Pacific Northwest; 2 live on land and water

Which statements are supported by the article? Underline the parts of the article which helped you make your decisions.


1 The tree octopus is the most endangered creature in the United States. Not supported Supported 2 Washington State is one of the wettest places in the US. 3 The tree octopus may provide clues about how early sea creatures adapted to live on land. Supported 4 The animals often live in small groups. Not supported 5 Many companies that cut down trees in the forests are not doing enough to protect octopuses. Supported 6 Octopuses are affected by pollution. Not supported


Ice ages caused the extinction of many species.

ap hi c

1 We often go skiing in the Olympic Mountains / Mountain Olympics, north of here. 2 On average, there is 20 centimeters of rainfall / fallrain here in March. 3 Many environmental charities run campaign social media / social media campaigns. 4 Scientists believe there might be many sea creatures / creature seas that still have not been discovered. 5 I really like our teacher science / science teacher. She brings the subject to life. 6 I avoid all animal products / product animals. I don’t even wear shoe leather / leather shoes.


Choose the correct forms to complete the sentences.



Work in pairs. Look at the photo on page 73 and discuss the questions. Answers will vary. Suggested answers:

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Work in groups. Starting with these compound nouns, how many other compound nouns can you create by changing one word each time? Use a dictionary, if necessary. Answers will vary. leather shoes



ice age: ice cream; cream cheese; cheesecake


Choose one animal from these categories that you are familiar with, and one that you would like to learn more about. Answers will vary. farm animals




sea creatures


Listen to a news extract about the tree octopus story. 29 Answer the questions.

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

to see if students could evaluate

1 Why is the story mentioned? online information 2 What do the findings seem to suggest? Students believed the story.

CRITICAL THINKING Assessing information You will often see information or read something that is unfamiliar. You need to do further reading to check the information is accurate and from a reliable source. 11

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions Answers will vary. 1 Why do you think so many people believe this story? 2 Looking back, is there anything in the story that should have made you more suspicious?

wild animals

Work in groups. Compare the animals you chose. Explain your choices. Answers will vary.

1 Did you know about the tree octopus before? If not, what surprised you most? 2 Should people care about the tree octopus? Why? Look at the source for the article. Do you think it is reliable? What other sources could you check to make sure the information is accurate? Answers will vary.

science teacher


farm animal

Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.


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Answers will vary.

Work in groups. What are the consequences of fake news stories?


6B  Tree Life? 2   Read the directions and the list of compound nouns aloud.

Point out the example in blue. Say See how one part of the compound is changed each time. Age changes to cream, then cream becomes the first part of the compound, then cheese takes over. Ask What could be next? A compound with cake? (birthday cake, cupcake, pancake, and so on) Answer any questions students may have. • Put them into groups to do the activity. You could make it a team game by seeing which group can produce the longest chain of compound nouns. • Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and that all group members are participating. Make suggestions if groups get stuck or tell them to use one of the other words to start their chain. They can also use a dictionary. • See which group has the longest chain. Ask a person from that group to read their chain to the class. You could write it on the board. Stop the student to correct any errors or to point out a particularly clever or interesting word to the rest of the class. • Where students have made an error, the incorrect word is deleted from the chain. Then see if another group now has the longest chain. Repeat the process.



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Write the words bookstore and ice age on the board. • Ask what the two nouns in each compound word are. Then ask what the two main nouns are (store, age) and what words describe the nouns. (book, ice) You might ask for a translation. Then tell students to read the information about compound nouns in the Grammar box on p. 72 of their books. • Read the Activity 1 directions aloud. Then read the first sentence aloud twice, trying out both options. Ask Olympic Mountains or Mountain Olympics? Have students call out the answer all together. (Olympic Mountains) Then have students do the other sentences individually, using a dictionary if necessary. • While they work, notice words and phrases they look up, ask you about, or underline. • When most have finished, have students compare answers with a classmate. Then review the answers by asking different students to read the completed sentences aloud. Record the numbers and compound nouns on the board. • As you write, get the class to repeat the words and say where the stress is (usually on the first part of the compound) and ask questions such as So, you can run a campaign. What other verbs go with campaign? (conduct, plan, work on)


1   You can use the book, or ask everyone to close their books.





• Warm up  Have students look at the section title “Tree Life?” Ask them what they think tree life means. Students may suggest that it’s similar to terms like plant life or marine life and could refer to animals or insects that live in trees. Or that maybe it refers to the life of trees themselves, as in the term human life. Explain that it’s an example of a term that’s created by temporarily joining together two separate words to express an idea. Unlike the word wildlife, though, they won’t find tree life in the dictionary. Tell students that they’ll be reading similar kinds of words, some that are in the dictionary and some that aren’t. • If time permits, discuss with students why the writer might have chosen to make the title a question.

Study Tip Explain to students that there are no real rules to explain whether a compound noun is written as one word, two words, or a hyphenated word. They will find some compound words in the dictionary, but different dictionaries may treat the same compound differently. One might show it with a hyphen, another as one word. Tell students to keep a list of compounds they come across in a notebook.


3   This is a quick introduction to the reading topic. Model

the activity for students by naming two animals from the categories in the list—one you know a lot about and one you’d like to know more about. (for example, domestic cats and mountain goats) • To extend the activity, you could suggest that students name two other animals in each category—one they like and one they don’t like. 4   Explain the task and tell the class about the two animals you

chose. Make sure to include why you chose them. Highlight any new words you use by writing them on the board as you say them or slowing down and drawing attention to them as you speak. (domesticated, feline, sure-footed, steep heights, grip, hooves) • Have students stand up and tell a classmate about their animals. Have them change partners from time to time. Alternatively, do the activity in groups. Listen and take notes as students talk. • To wrap up, tell the class some interesting things you heard. Call on the students who shared them. Invite those students to add more details. For notes on Activities 5–12, see page 73a.



 ave students read the directions and think about the 9   H


Read the Activity 10 directions aloud and play the audio track. At the end of the audio, have students answer the questions and share their thoughts on the issue of website reliability. Ask Who should be held responsible, the website creators or the consumers of online information?

10     29

CRITICAL THINKING  Assessing information

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Reading Strategy  Skimming Remind students that the purpose of informational articles is to provide facts and details to educate readers about a topic. Tell them they don’t always need to read every word of an informational article. Particularly in exam situations, they can skim a text to find the information they need. When you skim, you read the title and any headings, look at illustrations and read captions, and read the first and (sometimes) last paragraphs of the text in their entirety. For longer articles, they may also need to read the first and last couple of sentences in the other paragraphs.


Tell students to read the article quickly and find the answers to the Activity 5 questions. Set a time limit (around three or four minutes). Alternatively, play the recording or read the text aloud yourself as students follow along in their books. • Read each question and choose individual students to give the answers based on the text.

6      28

questions individually. After a few minutes, put students in pairs to share their thoughts. If you start to see signs of growing skepticism, stop the discussions. • Call on students to share their ideas about the reliability of the website and to identify other websites or sources they would check to verify the information in the article. • At this point, if any students suspect that the tree octopus doesn’t exist, have them tell why, short of revealing that they know for a fact it’s a hoax. Ask what was especially implausible about the creature, or if anything seemed “fishy” about the photo. • Let students debate briefly if some stand by the article. Help to support them by mentioning other weird and unusual creatures. (meat-eating plants, vampire bats, fish that “walk”)


to discuss the questions. Tell them not to read the article yet, but to use the picture, the title, and their background knowledge to make educated guesses about the answers to the discussion questions. • Have pairs share their ideas about the tree octopus. Correct any vocabulary or grammar errors you hear or help if students don’t know a word in English.


5   Read the Activity 5 directions aloud. Put students in pairs

 Read the information in the Critical Thinking box with the class. Discuss the meaning of the term healthy skepticism. Tell students it’s a good attitude to have about online information that doesn’t appear to be reliable. • Put students in pairs to discuss the Activity 11 questions. When students are done, have them share their thoughts. • Finally, ask Was the activity worth it? Did you learn anything about yourself? Will you change your online habits as a result? 12   Put  students in groups and read the question aloud. If possible, share an example of a fake news story you know of and its real or potential effects. Remind them of the study they heard about. • Have groups discuss the question. Make sure they include the Internet and social media. When they’re finished, call on groups to share their ideas.

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7   Do the first item as an example. Ask the class if the



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statement is supported by the article or not. Explain that students will need to make inferences when a statement is not directly stated in the article. • Don’t immediately say if students have given the correct answer, but call on a student to explain his or her reasoning (several students if there was disagreement). Give the final answer and explain the reasoning. • Put students in pairs to discuss the other activity items. When they’re done, go through each statement, making sure you get students to justify their answers by reading the parts of the article they underlined. • If students disagree on things that are not directly stated in the article, you may need to review the process of making inferences with the class. 8   Tell students to read the questions and check that they

Expansion Have students compile a list of reliable online sources of information on various nature-related topics: endangered species, rare and unusual creatures, and so on, to share with the class.

understand them. Answer any language questions they may have. Make sure they understand activist and activism. • Circulate as groups discuss and help as needed. When groups are finished, ask individuals the questions again and use the ensuing discussions to teach any new language that comes up.


73a  Unit 6  Adapt to Survive

10:31 AM



Pacific Northwest

Tree Octopus SIGHTINGS

28 About About

The c cNorthwest ThePacifi Pacifi Northwesttree treeoctopus octopus (Octopus (Octopus paxarbolis)isisonly onlyfound found in in the the forests forests of Paxarbolis) WashingtonState, State,on onthe theeastern eastern side side of of the Washington OlympicMountains, Mountains,ininthe theUnited United States. States. Olympic Thesecreatures creaturesreach reachan anaverage average size size of 5 5These between 30 and 35 centimeters and live for for between 30 and 35 centimetres and live around four years. They are unusual in that around four years. They are unusual in that theylive liveboth bothininwater waterand andon on land, land, aa fact fact they made possible by the very high amounts of made possible by the very high amounts of 10 rainfall in this part of the United States. 10 rainfall in this part of the United States. Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, Possessing the largest brain of any octopus, the tree octopus explores its surroundings by the tree octopus explores its surroundings by touch and sight. Some scientists believe that touch and sight. Some scientists believe that the way it has adapted to life in the forest the way it has adapted to life in the forest 15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to 15 mirrors the way early life forms adapted to life away from the water. Although they are life away from the water. Although not social animals like humans, theythey canare still not social animals like humans, they can show emotions by changing their skin color: still emotions theirNormally, skin redshow indicates angerby andchanging white, fear. redthey indicates anger and white, fear. 20colour: though, are a green-brown color that 20 Normally, though, they are a green-brown matches their surroundings. colour that matches their surroundings. Every spring, tree octopuses leave their Every spring, tree octopuses leave their Males homes and travel to the coast to breed. homes and travel toforest, the coast to females breed. Males soon return to the while 25soon lay their eggs underwater. The young return to the forest, while femalesthen lay spend their first monthThe or so floating near the 25 their eggs underwater. young then spend shore moving of thenear water and their firstbefore month or so out floating to the beginning adultout lives thewater forest. shore beforetheir moving ofinthe and beginning their adult lives.








Whyitit’s endangered Why is endangered


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30 30

Althoughthe thetree treeoctopus octopusis isnot notyetyet Although onon thethe offi animals, it should official ciallist listofofendangered endangered animals, it should be, low. It It faces be as numbers numbersare arenow nowseriously seriously low. faces threats: in Pacifi manymany threats: treestrees in the Pacific-Northwest c Northwest forests cutcut down; new forestsare areconstantly constantlybeing being down; roads have cut off access to water; the growth new roads have cut off access to water; of local towns has introduced house cats into the growth of local towns has introduced the region, which hunt the octopuses; and house cats into the region, and they hunt pollution is getting Immediate action the octopuses andworse. pollution is getting worse. needs to be taken to stop the tree octopus Immediate action needs to be taken to stop from becoming extinct. the tree octopus from becoming extinct.





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Become Becomean anactivist activist Here are some things you can do to help

Here are some things you can do to help protect the last few tree octopuses: protect the last few tree octopuses. • Write to the government to say you are • worried Write toand thethat government to say are you feel the treeyou octopus worriedbeand thatspecial you feel the treeand octopus should given protection should be given special protection and included on the Endangered Species List. included on the Endangered Species List. • Write to celebrities, asking them to talk in • interviews Write to celebrities tothe talk about the asking dangersthem facing about the dangers facing the tree octopus tree octopus. in interviews. • Let the world know about the tree • octopus: Let the world know about tree tell your family andthe friends. octopus: tell your family and friends. • Tell people not to buy products made thattodon’t protect themade tree • by Tellcompanies people not buy products octopus when cutting down trees. the tree by companies that don’t protect octopus whencampaign! cutting down trees. • Start an online Encourage people to sign a petition. • Start an online campaign! Encourage people to sign a petition.


Adapt to Survive


6C Mysterious Changes GRAMMAR Modals and infinitive forms 1

Listen to three people. What did they change their minds about? Why?


Listen to the people again. Complete the sentences.







1a I attention when I read about it. 1b All the links about the different kinds of tree octopuses go to the same page. I that. really me that the photos were fake. 1c Even my little brother me how cruel it was, and I honestly 2a I mean, you . an impact because I’ve 2b I don’t know, but if it was that, it been vegan for quite some time now. touch one or pick one up if the chance had arisen. 3a I certainly about owning one, that’s 3b I for sure. him for three 3c Our favorite is a python called Monty. We years this November. 3

Look at the sentences in Activity 2. Answer the questions.

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1 Which sentence describes a period leading up to a future point? 2 Are the other sentences about the past, the present, or the future? 3 Which modal emphasizes that an action was in progress at the same time as another?

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Modals and infinitive forms

Modals can be followed by different kinds of infinitive forms.



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I can’t see it. We should be doing more to help. It wouldn’t have made any difference. You can’t have been listening properly. More attention must be paid to this issue. The eggs must have been moved from the nest.

Mount Merapi erupts in Indonesia. Volcanic gases are made up of many different gases, including methane.


Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 4

Work in groups. Look at the Grammar box. Does each pair of sentences have the same meaning? Discuss any differences. 1a They must not have been serious. mean the same 1b They must have been joking. 2a I should have helped him. Had an opportunity, but didn’t help 2b I would have helped him. Didn’t have an opportunity 3a It must have been really interesting. Person wasn’t there, but imagines it was interesting 3b It was really interesting. Person was there and is giving an opinion. 4a I guess that might have been the reason. 4b I guess that could have been the reason. mean the same 5a You shouldn’t have texted me. Person didn’t want the text, better not to have sent 5b You shouldn’t have been texting me. Person thinks it was a bad idea to be texting 6a It should have arrived by now. Person is less certain. 6b It will have arrived by now. Person is more certain.


6C  Mysterious Changes GRAMMAR  Modals and infinitive forms

3   If you didn’t do this as part of your feedback for Activity 2,

Activity 1 1  boy: tree octopus after flaws were pointed out; 2 girl: became vegan, not clear why; 3 girl: snakes, because her brother got one

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2   Put students in pairs. Have them read the sentences and



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discuss what verb forms might go in the blanks. Tell them not to write anything yet. •   30 Play the audio track again and tell students to complete as much of the sentences as they can. • Call on a student for the answer to 1a. Play the audio again to confirm or check it and write the number and phrase on the board. Go through the rest of the answers. • Have the class repeat each verb phrase aloud (For example, say I can’t have been paying attention. Now, everybody! I can’t . . . ) You could also check their understanding of the grammar by asking questions such as those in Activity 3, and then move directly on to Activity 4. Teaching Tip When you review the answers to a listening activity, ask students for the answer and then play the audio up to the point where the answer is given. This allows students to hear or confirm the answer for themselves. If there is a disagreement, you can replay the relevant section one or more times until students can hear the answer. Activity 2 1a  can’t have been paying 1b  should’ve noticed 1c  could’ve told 2a could’ve told, wouldn’t have cared


Activity 3 1 3c 2  The other sentences are about the past. 3 (can’t) have been -ing in sentence 1a emphasizes that an action was in progress at the same time as another.



At this point, have students complete Activities 3 and 4 on p. 139 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. 4   Have students look at the sentences in the Grammar box as

you read each one aloud. Ask different students to explain each sentence, or translate it, providing assistance as needed. • Then read the Activity 4 directions aloud. Call on a student to stand and read sentences 1a and 1b aloud. Thank the student and tell her or him to sit. Ask the class Do these two sentences mean the same thing? Hands up if you think they do. Then Hands up if you think they don’t. Confirm the answer. (They mean the same thing.) Ask If you’re joking, are you being serious? (no) Point out that both sentences have the same modal, and that not serious and joking are synonyms in this case. • Put students in groups to do the rest of the activity. Go around and check that they’re doing the task correctly and helping one another. Notice any difficulties students are having. Focus on these in feedback.

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about something and why. Give an example about yourself as a model for students. For example, you might say something like I used to hate it when I had to help (my grandfather) in his (grocery store). I must have been missing something! He taught me so much. Now I love working there. Put students in pairs to tell their own story. •   30 Tell the class they are going to hear three people talk about changing their mind or opinions. Read the directions aloud. Tell students they might want to take a few notes. Play the audio track. • Have pairs work together to answer the questions. Go around and notice how well they’re doing (without saying anything). Play the listening again if necessary. • Call on students for their answers. Since this is a brief introduction to the grammar skill, you can give students the answers if they didn’t get them all.

ask the class the questions now. Let students volunteer the answers or call on different students. • Students worked on modals in section 6A so they should understand this activity, but as you get each answer, you might want to highlight the meaning as well as the infinitive that indicates past or present.


1   Ask students to think of a time they changed their mind

2b  must’ve had 3a  might’ve been able to 3b would, never have thought 3c  will have had

Expansion Challenge students to take the Activity 4 sentences and turn them into short dialogues. Tell them they’ll have to provide context with an introductory statement, then use either the a or b sentence in the book to respond. Then add a follow-up comment. For example: Speaker 1: They charged me $5 for a bottle of water! Speaker 2: They must have been joking. Speaker 1: I asked several times. They said that’s the usual price around here.




Expansion Tell students to research other unsolved natural mysteries. Have them first brainstorm the best search terms to use (e.g., unsolved natural mysteries). They can share their findings with the class. Tell them to make sure to include their sources!

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Set a time limit of no more than one minute. Check quickly by asking the class Had you heard of the Loch Ness monster? What do you know about it? Have you heard of any other similar mystery creatures? • Explain the directions. Do the first one together. Say Reported sightings of the Loch Ness monster will soon… what? Anyone? Give students time to think. Wait for someone to call out the answer, or call on a student. Write the number and answer on the board (have been going on). Explain why it’s the correct form. • Have students complete the activity individually. Remind students they have to make one modal negative. • Check the answers by reading the text aloud and stopping at each item like you did for the first one above. Record the answers on the board. Ask questions such as the following to check students’ understanding: So, complete or in progress? Or you might check any unfamiliar vocabulary; for example say If you’re “trying to spot a beast,” you’re trying to see it when it can’t be seen very easily. If you spot a bird’s nest in a tree, you can see it hidden among the leaves.

and read the caption aloud. You might mention that this fossil is from the period of the Great Dying. Ask if anyone has heard of Dinogorgon. Have them share what they know. • Put students in pairs. Assign one student in each pair to be Student A and the other Student B. Read the Activity 8 directions. Have pairs do the activity. Circulate as students discuss. Make sure they’re listening politely to their partners, helping each other with vocabulary and grammar when they can. • When students are finished, ask Did anyone come up with the correct theory for one of the mysteries? Or something close? Have students respond. If anyone did, encourage them to tell how they learned about it.


6   Tell students to scan the text to find out what the mystery is.

8   Have students open their books to p. 75. Point out the photo


aloud. Either use the audio or model reading the sentences yourself. After each one, pause (or pause the audio) and gesture for students to repeat. Say OK, now everyone… . Then call on a few different students to say the sentence again, one at a time. • As you ask individuals to say a sentence, you could tell them to say it fast or slow; for example Juan—slow, Ana—fast, Chen—fast, and so on. • Correct any mistakes that come up. Ideally, show the student how the correct sound is formed. • 5b  Have pairs practice reading the sentences to one another, first slowly, then quickly.

• Put students in pairs to discuss other, hopefully, more plausible, ideas for each mystery. Tell them to write down their modal sentences. • Have students share ideas with the class. Correct grammar and vocabulary as necessary. You might encourage debate, but don’t give the actual answers.


5   PRONUNCIATION  Weak form of have • 5a   31 Read the explanation in the Pronunciation box



Activity 6 1  will, have been going on;  2  could have survived / could survive;  3  must have been lying / must have lied; 4  might have seen;  5  can’t have been living / can’t have lived / couldn’t have lived / couldn’t have been living;  6  would have been captured;  7  might have developed;  8  should have died out

 ead the activity options aloud. Say Here are more 9   R

opportunities to practice using modals. Explain that the first option will require students to do research—hopefully using reliable sources! Tell them to plan what they want to include in their presentations and make sure everyone in the group contributes. • Tell students who choose to write a story that it can be based on real or made-up events. They should, however, be sure to include how they would act differently if they were in the same situation again. • Say If you enjoy writing scripts or stories with dialogue, you’ll like the third option. Tell pairs they could focus on someone who’s had an impact on an issue related to biology, conservation, or the environment.

7   Read the directions. Have students read both texts quickly,

then tell them to close their books. Ask if there was anything they didn’t understand and address their questions. • Ask the class for one or two ideas about what might have caused the Great Dying or give an example yourself.


75a  Unit 6  Adapt to Survive


PRONUNCIATION Weak form of have

No answers required

When the sentences in Activity 4 are said slowly and carefully, have is often pronounced differently than how it is pronounced in fast speech. a Listen to each sentence from Activity 4. Notice how have changes its sound in fast speech. Repeat what 31 you hear. b Work in pairs. Practice reading the sentences in Activity 4 slowly and quickly. Complete the summary using the modals and the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Make one modal negative.



Atmospheric Administration. The Bloop was significantly different from other previously recorded sounds and many theories emerged to explain the mysterious noise. 8

Answers will vary.

Read about what really happened. Student A: read about the Great Dying; Student B: read about the Bloop. See if you guessed correctly. Then report back to your partner.

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Reported sightings of the Loch Ness Monster soon (will / go on) (1) for a century! In 1933, a man named George Spicer reported seeing something that looked like a plesiosaur, a kind of long-necked marine dinosaur. Some people think such a very easily (could / survive) creature (2) in the quiet Scottish waters, away from people, while others (must / lie) are convinced that Spicer (3) (might / see) a piece of or that he (4) wood covered in green water plants. Most scientists question the whole story and claim that a creature like this (can / live) in the loch* for so long (5) without any real human contact. If it was real, they say, it (would / capture) by now—or at least (6) caught on film. Others, though, suspect that the monster (might / develop) special skills that help (7)  it to hide from those hunting it. Even today, true believers can be found on the shores of the loch trying to spot a beast that (should / die out) 65 million years ago. (8)


Dinogorgon became extinct a quarter of a billion years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.



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Student A: The Great Dying Many theories to explain the Great Dying have been put forward—everything from asteroids from space hitting Earth to huge volcanic eruptions. Volcanoes did in fact play a part in the event. At the time, Siberian volcanoes were erupting almost constantly, sending out huge quantities of a gas called methane. This resulted in the oceans and the atmosphere being poisoned and so many species dying out.

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Student B: The Bloop Theories put forward to explain the Bloop ranged from the sensible to the strange. Some people thought the noise must be from an unknown deep-sea creature while others thought it could be mermaids or voices from a lost city. In the end, it turned out that the sound was actually made by an icequake. A large mass of ice in Antarctica was slowly breaking up and was picked up by NOAA.

loch a Scottish word for a lake.


Work in pairs. Read the two paragraphs about mysteries of the natural world. Then discuss what you think happened. Use modals where necessary. Answers will vary.



The Great Dying Around 250 million years ago, long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth, about 95 percent of all species were suddenly wiped out. This was by far the biggest mass extinction the world has ever seen. The event—widely known as the Great Dying—came close to ending all life on the planet. Everything alive today comes from the five percent of species that survived back then. The Bloop The Bloop was an extremely low and very powerful underwater sound first detected at points across the vast Pacific Ocean by NOAA, the National Oceanic and


CHOOSE Answers will vary. Choose one of the following activities. • Work in groups. Prepare a short presentation about a mystery you have read about or know. Include at least four different modals. • Write a story about something you regret doing—or not doing. Include at least four different modals. • Work in pairs. Write a conversation between two people about an influential or inspiring person. Include at least four different modals.


Adapt to Survive


6D You have no idea where camels really come from

I’ve learned that, actually, a lot of scientists are historians, too. They make sense of the past.



AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS In quick speech, it can be difficult to hear individual words because words get shortened or sound as one.


Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen to these extracts from the TED Talk where people speak 32 quickly. Try to write down what you hear.

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1 … she thought it was just a splinter of wood, because at the Fyles Leaf Bed before— prehistoric plant parts. 2 How certain were you that you had it right, like… that , like? 3 … something like a cow or a sheep. But . It was just too big. 4 … you’re going to have different body sizes. , so they’re actually functionally like giraffes. . 5 And, as a historian, you start with an idea


Work in groups. Do you think the sentences are true or false? Why? Answers will vary. 1 2 3 4 5


Camels have been around for about a million years. The first camels were only found in North America. Giraffes and llamas are in the same family as camels. The hump on a camel’s back contains water. Camels have evolved to walk on sand.

Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Work in pairs. Write down as many other facts about camels as you can. Then compare your ideas with another pair of students . Do any of the other pair’s facts surprise you? Why? Answers will vary.

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Understanding fast speech




Read about Latif Nasser and get ready to watch his TED Talk.





Watch Part 1 of the talk. Complete the summary with 6.1 one to three words in each blank.

One day in 2006, Natalia Rybczynski was digging at a site south of the North less than (1)  ten degrees Pole when she found a strange object. To begin with, she wood  . She thought it was a piece of (2)  collected more fragments over the next four years and eventually used a (3)  3D (surface) scanner to find out of a huge mammal. that it was a (4)  leg bone / tibia When they cut a piece off one fragment, they collagen, which is a substance (5)  smelled found in bones and which (6)  had been preserved in the ice. A couple of years later, she sent the fragments to a colleague who had invented a technique called (7)  collagen fingerprinting , which can identify an animal from a bone. They discovered it was a(n) 3.5 million-year-old camel and (8) , that it must have weighed (9) around a ton which is (10) 30 percent heavier than camels today.

Watch Part 2 of the talk. Check your answers from 6.2 Activity 2. Correct the false answers. Camels have been around longer than a million years. According to Latif, they have been around for 45 million years. 1 Camels have been around for between 40 and 45 million years; 2 T; 3 Llamas are related, and some early camels were functionally like giraffes; 4 The hump on a camel’s back contains fat; 5 There’s a theory that camels evolved to walk on snow, and this adaptation works for sand, too. FOR DISTRIBUTION

6D  You have no idea where camels really come from

3   Put students into pairs to list other facts they know about


camels. Set a time limit of one or two minutes. You could also allow them to use their smartphones and give them five minutes to research and write the two most unusual facts about camels that they can find. • Get each pair to compare their information with another pair. Say See who came up with the most surprising facts. • As feedback, simply ask students to share with the class the most unusual fact they came up with or heard from another student. Ask them to tell what in particular surprised them about the information.



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anything they don’t understand. You might want to share these definitions: splinter: a small, sharp piece of wood; functionally like: used in a similar way as something else • Tell students to read the information in the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then explain that they’re going to hear some fast speech. They should follow along in their books and try to fill in the blanks in the sentences as best they can. •   32 Then play the audio straight through. When it’s done, have students compare what they wrote with a partner. Walk around and check how they did; decide if they need to hear the audio again. • Replay the audio track and have students check their work. • To go through the answers, call on different students, one at a time, to read what they wrote for the activity items. Play the extract to check the answers. If students are unsure of what they’re hearing, replay the problematic part one or two more times. • Write the sentences on the board. Highlight, if you can, how the sounds change in fast speech, as letters or sounds disappear or words are linked together. • Finally, challenge students to say the sentences as quickly as they’re said on the recording.

discuss the questions or discuss them as a class. Have each student decide what she or he thinks and write an answer. • As students discuss, you might correct any misuse of the language or help students with the English vocabulary. (If students don’t know what a hump is, point to it in the photo on p. 77.) You can also just move on to the next activity.


1   Have students look at the sentences and check if there’s

2   Read the activity directions. Put students in small groups to


AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS  Understanding fast speech



• Warm up  Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about an archeological discovery. Read the title of the section aloud. Ask the class Where do you think camels come from? (desert areas, North Africa, parts of Asia) Say That’s correct—in this day and age—but you’re about to find out that it’s only part of the camel’s story. • Read the quote aloud. Call on a student to translate it or say what they think it means in English (or both). • Play the first video section. Then have students do the exercises. After they finish, you might write key words from the video on the board and ask students what they remember about them.

Activity 1 1  that’s the sort of thing people had found 2  you had put it together in the right way 3  it couldn’t have been either of those 4  You’re going to have some with really long necks 5  in your mind of how the story goes Exam Tip  Guide to guessing: true or false? In true / false activities, there are usually more true statements, or even (as opposed to odd) numbers of true statements, than there are false statements because true statements are easier for the exam creators to write. If the last answer was true, there’s also a greater than 50 percent chance that the next answer will be false and vice versa— unless this results in more false statements than true ones.

4   Tell students they’re going to watch a video about—guess

what? Camels! Read the Activity 4 directions and have students read the summary. Answer any questions they may have about it. •   6.1 Play Part 1 of the TED Talk. Have students watch and write. When Part 1 is over, tell them to compare what they wrote with a partner. Circulate and notice how well they did in order to decide how quickly to go through the answers or whether to replay the video. • When students agree, write the answer on the board. When there is a dispute, either write both answers and have students watch the video again, or simply give the correct answer, depending on how much time you have. Tell the class they’re going to watch the next part of the talk and see if their answers to Activity 2 were correct. Have them refresh their memories about the Activity 2 statements. Then play Part 2 of the video. Tell students to rewrite the false statements to make them correct. • Have students check their answers and correct any they got wrong. Then they should rewrite the false statements. Tell them to use the example in blue as a model. Then go over the answers as a class. Call on different students to share their rewritten statements.

5      6.2





• 9a  Tell students that they’re going to watch some clips from the talk which contain new words and phrases. Explain that you’ll pause the video when the options come on screen and ask everyone to call out the correct meaning together. •   6.4 If a lot of students are giving the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip. Play the video. • 9b  Have students look at the discussion questions. Answer any questions they may have about the words in italics. Reteach some, if necessary. • Prompt students’ thinking. Tell about a time you felt you’d hit a wall but managed to keep going. Call on students to give their own examples. Then tell students to think of true examples for at least two of the four questions. Give them a few minutes to decide what they’re going to say. • Put students in pairs to share their anecdotes and ideas. Circulate and check that they’re doing the task correctly. If discussions are lagging, have students change partners and continue. • At the end of the activity, ask Did anyone hear any good advice, learn anything new, or think anything was really funny? Have students share the best things they heard. • To wrap up, retell some things you heard and give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).


Tell students you’re going to play the last part of the talk. Say Listen carefully to Latif. Then decide which of the Activity 7 sentences best sums up his main point. Have students read the sentences. Then play the video. • When students have made their choice, Ask What did you think of the talk? Call on students to share their impressions of the whole video. Then go through all the statements with them. Discuss whether each one is valid or not and why it is or isn’t the best summary of Latif’s main point. • Get a show of hands for each answer choice. Call on individuals to explain their decisions. Finally, remind students what a summary is—and isn’t. Then call on someone to tell why c is the answer.

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7      6.3

 ocabulary in context 9   V


Have students look at the Activity 6 sentences. Play Part 2 of the video again and tell students to circle or underline the correct word or phrase in italics in each sentence. • Have students compare answers with a partner. Get a sense of how well they did in order to decide if you need to play the video again. • Check the answers as a class. Call on students to read the completed sentences aloud. Write the answers on the board.

6      6.2

8   Read the question and the four topics aloud. If you can, think



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of a discovery yourself to model ideas for students or say It seems like we’re always hearing about new fossil discoveries— dinosaur bones, human bones, prehistoric creatures preserved in amber. • Put students in groups to talk about discoveries they’ve heard of. Listen and take notes as students talk. • At the end of the task, share some surprising things you heard. Have students tell the most interesting discovery that came up in their discussions and have the person who told it tell how they found out about it. You can also teach new language that came up or correct errors you heard on the board.


Teaching / Exam Tip When students are in a pair for a speaking exam, part of the test is to see how they manage and share the conversation. When students find themselves paired with someone who doesn’t speak English as well as they do, they still need to give the person an opportunity to speak. Students should always ask timid speakers What do you think? or What would you do? to get her or his opinion. If the person struggles to say something, help them say it!

• Have students read the Challenge. Give them a few minutes to think or write down ideas. If they need help getting started, tell about a time you changed your beliefs about something or changed your opinion about someone. • Put students into small groups. Say Take turns telling about your experiences. Ask and answers questions about the process of changing a deeply held belief. Was it difficult? Were you stubborn about it? Or was it easy once you learned some new information? • Circulate as groups talk. Provide assistance as needed. At the end of the discussions, call on groups to say who they think experienced the biggest change or who had the hardest time changing.


77a  Unit 6  Adapt to Survive

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1 Scientists believe that at first, camels were only found in hot places / cold places. 2 They also believe that 40 million years ago, there were around 20 / 24 different species of camels. 3 They say that some early camels were as small as dogs / rabbits. 4 They also say that one branch of camels became llamas / giraffes. 5 Some scientists believe that a camel’s hump helped it to survive long walks / winters. 6 It is believed that three and a half million years ago, the weather was significantly warmer / cooler than today.


a b c d 8

VOCABULARY IN CONTExT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 6.4 meanings of the words and phrases.

b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Have you ever experienced hitting a wall? Why? How did you overcome it? 2 What scientific theories still have no proof? 3 What good spots do you know to: • have a picnic? • see wildlife? • hang out with friends? • watch the world go by? 4 What things would you be willing or unwilling to do to be successful in life?

Watch Part 3 of the talk. Which sentence best 6.3 c summarizes the point Latif is making? It’s important to change your mind about things. Scientists should also study history. Much of what we think we know might be wrong. Camels are well suited to different environments.




Watch Part 2 of the talk again. Choose the correct 6.2 options.

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What discoveries or news have you heard about the natural world recently? Think about: Answers will vary. • • • •

archaeology. new or lost species. the sea. medical advances.

CHALLENGE Think of a time in your life when you have had to rethink what you thought you knew about something—or someone. • • • •

What did you use to believe? Why? What caused you to rethink your beliefs? Did you develop your new ideas quickly or slowly? How do you feel about the thing or person now?

Work in groups. Tell each other your experiences. Ask and answer questions about the changes. Decide who experienced the biggest change.


Adapt to Survive


6E Finding a Solution SPEAKING 1

1 Where do you think the photo was taken? Who might the man be? 2 How would you feel if you were the man in the photo? 2


I once saw a polar bear in a zoo. It was really sad. I almost stepped on a scorpion once. My brother once tracked a group of gorillas in Africa. When I went to the city, I saw lots of foxes in the street. Where my grandma lives, there are vultures. We once climbed up to their nests. I hate cows. I was chased by some once. It was really scary!


a b c d e f

Useful language 3

You are going to tell an anecdote about a time you encountered some kind of wild animal—big or small. Make notes using these questions and think of a sentence you will say to start the anecdote to get people interested.


Responding to anecdotes If the listener is interested, they will say things like: Really? Why was that? Wow! What happened? Really? They have foxes there?

Read the opening lines of six different anecdotes. Which sounds most interesting to you? What would you ask about it? Answers will vary.

• • • • • •

When did it happen? How old were you? Where was it? What happened? What was the animal doing? How did it make you feel? Did it have an effect on you afterwards?

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Some people have a special connection with animals.


Unit 6 Adapt to Survive

Answers will vary.

Work in pairs. Tell your anecdotes. Your partner should show interest and ask questions to help you. Answers will vary.

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Telling anecdotes Anecdotes are short real-life stories. When we want to tell an anecdote, we often give a very short summary of what we are going to say. We might also add a comment or say how we felt in order to make it sound interesting.

Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

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Speaking strategy


6E  Finding a Solution


strategy box and then point out the Useful language box. Say These phrases will help you respond to your classmates’ anecdotes. Tell students that now they’re going to take turns telling their anecdotes to a partner. • Encourage students to tell their anecdotes from memory, referring to their notes only when absolutely necessary. The listening partner should show interest. Tell listeners that the Useful language not only shows their interest, but will also give the storyteller ideas about what to say next. • Before the noise dies down, ask students to change partners. You can do this two or three times. In between each change you might give some feedback, such as encouraging the listener to respond. • Go around and listen to students. Make notes about things to cover in a feedback session. At the end of the task, compliment all the students, retell one or two stories you heard (with the student’s help), and go over your feedback.

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About the Photo The picture shows a gorilla whose mother had recently been killed by poachers (hunters). The man is park ranger Patrick Karabaranga of Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Patrick, who has a close relationship with the gorillas in the park, is trying to comfort the animal. Despite this sad case, the conservation work of Patrick and others like him has led to an increase in gorilla populations in recent years.

4   Tell students to take a few minutes to reread the Speaking


the About the Photo information yet. Say There’s a lot of emotion in this photo, don’t you think? I bet the man has an interesting story to tell about how the moment with the gorilla came about. Have students read the Activity 1 questions. Give them a few minutes to think. • Put students in pairs to discuss the photo and the questions. • Optional  Put students in pairs. Have them take turns roleplaying the man in the photo as he explains the photo to someone (the other student), who asks further questions about it. Say You’ll each have to make up your own backstory for the photo. Then it’s up to both of you to improvise the resulting conversation! • When pairs finish role-playing, you could share the About the photo information with them.


1   Have students look at the photo on pp. 78−79. Don’t share

• Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly. Remind them to makes notes on all the questions in the directions, but they shouldn’t write the whole story. Help struggling students with ideas and give others the English words they may be searching for. • Have students finalize their notes and put the finishing touches on their opening lines.



2   Write the word anecdote on the board. Ask if students know



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what it means. Take their responses, then direct them to the Speaking strategy box on p. 74. Read it aloud as students follow along. • Read the Activity 2 directions aloud. Call on a student to read item a for the class. Thank the student; then ask the class Do you like this opener? Would you like to hear more? What would you ask about it? • Put students in pairs to discuss the opening lines. When they’re done, ask different students to tell which opening most intrigued them. Take a vote on the class favorite, if you like. 3   Read the directions. Say This will be fun! Tell them that, for

Expansion Tell students to choose one of the class’s favorite opening lines from Activity 2 (ideally, one not used by a student for his or her anecdote) and imagine the rest of the story. Students can work in groups or pairs to come up with events, other characters, and important details for the story. Remind them that anecdotes are true, so the events have to be believable. Pairs or groups can draw up an outline of the story to share with the class. Then, if they would like, individuals can write a complete story based on the outline and embellish it with their own details and even illustrations if they want to. Alternatively, students can expand the anecdote they told in Activity 4 into a full-blown written story.

this activity, they need to make notes about the event based on the bulleted questions, and write an opening sentence for the anecdote. • Give them time to plan and make notes. If students can’t think of an anecdote from their own lives to use, tell them they can choose one of the ideas in Activity 2. • Remind students that their opening sentences need to grab their classmates’ attention. Say Look back at the lines in Activity 2. Which were your favorites? Why?




Activity 7, Suggested answers: 1  to show they haven’t made up their ideas; to add authority to their ideas;  2  depends on who J.A. Mills is and what his/her standing in the field is; Wikipedia is often seen as reliable, but it’s crowd-sourced; A National Geographic explorer is probably a reliable source;  3  more academic quotes to support ideas; search Google Scholar; look at journals or articles on the subject

5   Tell students they’re going to learn to write a problem-



 xplain that students will now work individually on their 9   E

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students that topic sentences perform a function similar to the opening sentences they wrote for their anecdotes— except that in an essay you need one for each paragraph. • Read the Activity 6 directions aloud. Before students read the essay on p. 151, tell them to read the four sentences and note their content, think about how a problem-solution essay is organized, and make a guess at the order in which the sentences will appear in the essay. • Have students read the text on p. 151. Set a strict time limit (no more than three minutes) or read the essay aloud as they follow along in their books. Give them time to complete the activity; then check the answers as a class. • Finally, ask if anyone got the order right before reading the essay, and ask them how they figured it out. If they don’t mention them, point out some clues, such as the word finally and the fact that only one of the sentences mentions the main problem.

section 6A, you could do it now. If you did do it, remind students about it and ask them if they remember any of the endangered animals or other things that were discussed. • Put students in pairs. Have them read the Activity 8 directions. Then tell them to choose something, tell why it’s dying out (include three problems it faces), and tell what some solutions might be to prevent its disappearance. • You might allow students to access the Internet to find out more information. Tell them to make notes on their research and record their sources. Provide assistance as needed.


6   Read the Writing strategy box on p. 79 aloud. Explain to

8   If you didn’t do the My Perspective activity at the end of


solution essay. Say As you can probably figure out, a problem-solution essay is writing that describes a problem and then offers one or more ways to solve it. Tell them that each possible solution is usually explained in a separate paragraph. • Draw students’ attention to Activity 5. Have them read the introductory statement and the questions. Ask What’s the problem? (Wild tigers are endangered.) Tell them to read the questions and check that they understand them. Then either discuss the questions as a class or have students discuss them in pairs. • Call on different students to give their opinions about whether keeping tigers in zoos is a good solution to the problem of the dwindling population of wild tigers. Then ask What might some other solutions be?


7   This activity connects to the critical-thinking discussion in


section 6B. Ask each question aloud and wait for someone to volunteer an answer or call on two or three different students to give their ideas. Ask what other information would be useful to include in the essay. • If necessary, prompt students with some of your own suggestions, such as information about whether programs exist that breed tigers and then release animals back to the wild and statistics on the success of various programs would be helpful.

own essay. Have them read the directions carefully. Tell them that following the model on p. 151 will help, as will the Useful language information about naming sources on p. 79. Assign the writing as homework or set a time limit for doing it in class.

10  You might want to do this activity in the next lesson.

• Put students in pairs to exchange and review each other’s essay. Say Read the things you need to comment on first, but also notice how compelling the essay is; in other words, does it make a good argument? Does it get and keep your attention? Do its solutions make sense? Finally, what do you really like about it, and what could be improved? Study Skill  Writing: Do timed practice While students should take time on their writing homework to do their best work, it’s also important for them to practice producing good texts in the amount of time they will likely have in an exam situation. That means writing a draft and a revision within the allotted time, not just a first, uncorrected draft. Also help them with strategies for estimating the number of words they’ve written. On an exam, they may be given a word limit, and they shouldn’t waste time counting words.


79a  Unit 6  Adapt to Survive

WRITING A problem-solution essay 5


Answers will vary.

Writing strategy

Tigers are endangered in the wild. Do you think having them in zoos and parks is good for their survival? Why? What other things might help them?

Topic sentences It is good to start a new paragraph with a topic sentence—a sentence that explains what the paragraph is about.

WRITING SKILL Topic sentences Read the essay about how people can help to protect tigers on page 151. Put the topic sentences in the correct order as they might appear.


a The author J.A. Mills suggests we should strengthen rules about domestic tigers. b Finally, we should work closely with local people. 4 c According to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), there are only about 4,000 tigers left in the wild. 1 d Countries have to work together to protect the habitat. 3

Work in pairs. Choose one of the animals or things from your list that are at risk of dying out (page 71, Activity 13). Find out more and take notes on three big problems it faces. Then think of ways to tackle these problems and help save it.

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1 Why does the writer do this? 2 Do you think they are good sources to reference? Why? 3 What other information would be good to know? What other sources could you look for?


In the essay, the writer refers to various organizations and people. Answer the questions. Answers will vary.

Naming sources According to [name / organization / book, etc.],… The [job title], [name], says that… I agree with [job title], [name], when she/he says that…



Useful language

Answers will vary.


Work on your own. Using your notes, write a problem-solution essay.

Answers will vary.

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Exchange your essay with your partner. Read your partner’s work and comment on: Answers will vary.


• the structure and the strength of the argument. • the use of sources. • the use of language.



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• In the first paragraph, outline the problems and say you will suggest solutions. Then tackle each problem in a subsequent paragraph. Use the writing model on page 151 as a guide if you need to. • Find two or three sources that you can add to your essay to give it greater authority. Decide how you want to use them and where to place the sources. Use the Useful language box to help you.


Adapt to Survive


Outside the Box



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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • discuss the importance of creativity. • read about creativity tests. • imagine alternative outcomes to situations. • watch a TED Talk about making up new words. • come up with creative approaches.



Outside the Box

Students will consider the natural creativity of children and whether it’s being harmed by the emphasis on testing and traditional teaching practices in many schools. They’ll learn about tests that measure and predict creativity and form their own opinions of their validity. They’ll hear that while some discoveries are the unexpected by-products of creative endeavors, many more are the result of careful adherence to a set of rules.

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Grammar • Grammar 1  First, second, third, and mixed conditionals • Grammar 2  Wish, if only, would rather Reading • Testing Creative Thinking



TED Talk • Erin McKean: Go ahead, make up new words! Pronunciation • Elision of consonants t and d Speaking • Raising concerns • Suggesting a better approach • Giving reasons Writing • A report

Language note  Nobody knows for sure the origin of the phrase outside the box, or of the related expression thinking outside the box, but its meaning has come to be widely understood as “embodying creative or unconventional thinking.” Someone who thinks outside the box dares to think differently or from a new perspective. Many believe the expression is a reference to a puzzle in the shape of a square, called the “nine dots puzzle,” the solution to which involves going beyond the boundary of a nine-dot array. The boundary is not there, but most people imagine it is and assume the solution of the puzzle lies within its confines—so they’re stumped. Only a small percentage realize they have to go outside the boundary to solve the puzzle.

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Unit Objectives

Vocabulary • Breaking the mold • Vocabulary Building  Noun forms

The three sisters are Tair, Liron, and Tagel Haim, and they first received attention in 2015 with a video for their song “Habib Galbi” (Love of My Heart), which is an example of how they take the Arabic-language songs of their heritage and turn them into 21st-century dance music. The sisters’ home is in southern Israel near Egypt and Jordan, and their father’s family are Yemeni Jews, whose distinctive culture and Arabic dialect, according to one music critic, bridges the Arab world and Israel.

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Students will watch a TED Talk and learn about the different ways words are created and listen to a message urging them to break the rules once in a while and invent some new words. Finally, students will use their creativity to think of solutions to a problem and write a report giving their recommendations.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will talk about creativity—what it is, who has it and who doesn’t, how to test for it, how to foster it, and whether it’s declining in the age of the Internet.


Unit Overview




Warm Up

• Display the photo on pp. 80−81 and read the caption aloud. Discuss the photo with the class. Ask students what they think of the three women and their outfits. Call on a few to describe the women’s “look.” • Share the information in About the Photo. Ask Do you think the women and their band are a good representation of the unit title Outside the Box? Why or why not? • Discuss students’ ideas about dressing differently and what, if anything, it conveys, and about experimenting with combinations of different musical styles. If possible, show the video of the song “Habib Galbi.” • Ask students if they like the music. Encourage them to share what they know about other musicians who mix different styles.


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 33–36 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)



7A  Rules of Creativity VOCABULARY

4  Call on a student to read the first sentence in Activity 2

2  Tell students they’re going to practice using words based



5  Tell students they’re going to learn some more words and

phrases to talk about rules and creativity that they’ll come across in the unit. • Read the Activity 5 directions and the pairs of words or phrases aloud. Then say For example, item one: someone who does what he is told and. . . hmm. . . the rules. Either wait for someone to volunteer the answer or call on someone. (obeys) Point out that you have to be able to use both words of the pair in the sentence. • Have students do the others individually. Remind them they can use a dictionary if they need to. Have students first compare answers in pairs, then review as a class. Provide feedback as necessary. • As you record answers on the board, ask a question or two to check students’ understanding of the vocabulary. For example, ask What else can you obey? What happens if you break a rule?

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Activity 1, Suggested answers: create jobs / chaos; creative writing; a creative person; encourage creativity; kill / stifle creativity; wealth / job creation; a new creation; the creator of a TV show / an app; think / write creatively


things you could create. Add students’ suggestions to the board. • Ask if anyone knows what the noun form of create is. Write it on the board. Ask what verbs or adjectives often go with the word creation. Remind students that these word combinations are called collocations. • Put students into pairs and read the activity directions. Make sure they understand they have to think of other words containing the root creat- and then try to come up with two collocations for each word. • Alternatively, you could just continue to do the activity with the whole class.

aloud. Say whether you personally agree or disagree with the sentence and explain why. Ask individual students if they agree or disagree. Encourage a short class discussion. Then put students in pairs to consider the other statements. • Circulate as pairs talk. Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting their errors or giving them the English they need. Write some of these points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • When a few pairs have finished, either stop the activity or have these students do the Expansion activity. • At the end of the task, share some interesting things you heard with the class. Give some feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).


1  Write the word create on the board and ask the class what

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on the word create. Read the directions aloud and have students work individually. • Notice words and phrases students look up, ask you about, or underline. Focus on these in feedback. • When several students have finished, have students stop and compare answers with a partner and then help each other finish the activity. • Call on different students to read the completed sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and words on the board. • As you write, you could ask students about the collocations in the sentences, as in Activity 3 below. 3  If you didn’t do this as part of the feedback for Activity 2,



tell students to close their books or cover the Activity 2 sentences now and see how many of the collocations based on the word create they can write down from memory. • Have students compare answers in pairs and then check as a class. As you write each collocation on the board, have students raise their hands if they wrote the same one for Activity 1. • You might also ask questions about other collocations in the sentences, such as What other things can you encourage? (discussion, saving) What’s the opposite of encourage creativity? (stifle / suppress creativity)

6  Say Let’s see what we think about the [Activity 5] phrases. Read

the My Perspective directions aloud. Call on a student to read the first phrase aloud. Give your opinion first and explain it. Then ask the class Who do you think is more creative? Have students respond. Encourage a class discussion if time permits. • Put students in pairs to discuss the other phrases. Circulate as students talk. Provide assistance as needed and note issues to cover in feedback. Share with the class, or call on students to share, some of the most interesting ideas that were discussed. Expansion • Have students choose a phrase from Activity 5 and write an explanation of why they think one or the other person is more creative, including examples from their own knowledge or experience to support their opinion. • Have students write an explanation of the phrase breaking the mold.

81a  Unit 7  Outside the Box


7A Rules of Creativity The members of the band A-WA are three Israeli sisters who mix traditional Yemenite music with modern electronic dance music.

VOCABULARY Breaking the mold 1

Work in pairs. How many different words based on the root word create can you think of? Think of at least two collocations for each. create


create a group, create excitement

Complete the sentences with words based on the root word create. You can use the same word more than once.





1 Everyone should learn a musical instrument in their spare time to encourage creativity . creation of 2 Students have not needed to learn facts since the the internet. 3 You need to study a lot and copy other people before you can be creative yourself. create something 4 There aren’t many people who actually completely new. creativity . 5 Watching a lot of television kills people’s do better in school. 6 People who can think creatively Identify the collocations with the different forms of create from Activity 2. Were they the same as the ones you thought of in Activity 1?


Work in pairs. Do you agree with the sentences from Activity 2? Why? Answers will vary.

Complete the phrases with these pairs of words. Use a dictionary, if necessary.

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approaches + solution invents + follows obeys + breaks

comes up with + adapts makes up + writes writes + scores



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obeys the rules or someone 1 someone who does what he is told and breaks them who writes scores a test or someone who 2 someone who highly on a test makes up a new word or someone who 3 someone who writes word definitions approaches to a problem 4 someone who comes up with a wide variety of solution or someone who analyzes things and comes up with a simple invents something or someone who 5 someone who follows a set of rules to make something 6 someone who comes up with new ways of doing things or someone who adapts existing ways of doing things


MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. Which person in each phrase in Activity 5 do you think is more creative? Explain your ideas. Answers will vary.


Outside the Box



Listen to an extract from a podcast. Which sentence best 33 c summarizes the main point? a b c d


GRAMMAR First, second, third, and mixed conditionals 10

You can only be truly creative if you think like a child. The best monsters are usually created by children. Schools could do more to encourage creativity. In the future, there will be lots of new kinds of jobs.

Listen again. Choose the correct options.

First, second, third, and mixed conditionals First conditionals a If you’re in school today, you’ll probably start working sometime in the 2020s.


1 The Monster Engine: a a exists across a range of different formats. b has only been around for a few years. c was created by Dave Devries and his children.

Second conditionals b If these drawings were painted more realistically, they would look amazing.


2 Dave Devries started working on The Monster Engine: c a to make one of his relatives happy. b because he illustrates comic books. c after being inspired by a young child.



Third conditionals c If Dave Devries hadn’t spent a day with his niece back in 1998, The Monster Engine would never have happened.


Mixed conditionals d If their schools had encouraged unusual ways of seeing the world, lots of adults would be more creative.

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3 Sir Ken Robinson claimed that: b a drawing cartoons makes you more creative. b if you’re creative, you’re more likely to do well in the future. c people will need to work harder in the next 20 or 30 years.

Work in groups. Discuss whether you agree with the statements. Answers will vary.


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It’s sometimes useful to see the world like a child. Jobs will be very different in the future. Skills are more important than knowledge. Trying and failing are important parts of the creative process.

Which kind of conditional sentences do we use to talk about:

1 an imaginary past situation and an imaginary present result? 2 an imaginary situation and result now or in the future? 3 an imaginary situation and result in the past? 4 a possible situation and result now or in the future?



1 2 3 4

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.

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4 The speaker thinks that, at its heart, creativity is about: c a playing games. b listening to young people more. c not giving up and learning from mistakes. 9

Work in pairs. Look at the Grammar box. Discuss which forms you see in the if clauses and result clauses in each of the four sentences.

Dave Devries applies color and shading to children’s artwork (right) to bring their pictures to life. 82 Unit 7 Outside the Box



• Ask a student to read the first statement aloud. Give one possible response yourself, then ask other students for their ideas. Put students in small groups to discuss the rest of the statements. • Circulate and check that groups are conducting their discussions in a polite manner and allowing all members of the group to express themselves. Help with any language they need. Note some of these words or phrases on the board for feedback. • When the first groups finish, review students’ ideas by asking individuals their opinions. Teach some of the new language that came up in the discussions when the opportunity arises.

• Warm up  Have the class look at the illustration on pp. 82−83. Read the caption aloud. Tell students Dave Devries is a comic-book artist and writer. Point out the child’s drawing on the right and ask students what they think of Devries’s transformation of it. Take their responses. Then call on a few to describe what they see in the illustration. 7  Tell the class they’re going to listen to part of a podcast

related to Dave Devries and his ideas about creativity and why one education expert believes creativity diminishes in many people as they grow up. •   33 Have students read the sentences and check that they understand them. Then read the directions aloud and play the audio track once straight through. • When students have made their choice, take a vote. Say Hands up if you think the best summary is a; hands up if you think it’s b, and so on. Ask different students to justify their answers and then either give the answer yourself or play the audio again to resolve any disagreement.

10   Write on the board If you’re in school today, you’ll probably





start working sometime in the 2020s. Ask what the verb form in the if clause is (simple present) and what the verb form in the result clause is (simple future). • Draw students’ attention to the Grammar box and point out the four different kinds of conditionals. Remind them that conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened, and what we wish would happen. Tell them that in English most sentences using the conditional contain the word if. • Tell students to read the Grammar box silently to themselves. You could do the rest of the activity as a class or give students a moment to do it in pairs. • You can either give the answers now or wait for them to read the grammar reference and then ask the grammar checking questions or call on individuals to give their answers.

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Teaching Tip It can be difficult for teachers (in fact, it can be hard for anyone!) to resist the urge to fill silence. However, when you ask the class a question, allow students time to answer. Just waiting ten or fifteen seconds before you call on someone or give an answer yourself can give students time to compose an answer. You can also have students briefly discuss in pairs before you try to get ideas from individuals.

GRAMMAR  F irst, second, third, and mixed conditionals

Have students look at the activity items and check that they understand them. Tell students you’ll play the audio again so they can choose the best answers to items 1–4. You could ask what they think the answer to the first one is before they listen, but don’t tell them if they’re right or wrong. Instead, say OK, maybe. Let’s listen and see. Then play the audio. • Have students make their choices. Tell them to compare with a partner. Go around and notice how well students did in order to decide how quickly to go through the answers and whether or not to replay the recording. • Check the answers as a class by asking for a show of hands (Hands up if you think the answer is a; hands up if you think it’s b; . . .), by having students shout out an answer all together (So, everyone, say the answer to number 1) or by calling on individuals to give the answers (get a few students to give their answers, especially where you noted differences). • When students agree, write the answer on the board. Where there is a disagreement, ask students to justify their different answers, but don’t say who’s correct; just put a question mark on the board next to the item number. Replay the audio, focusing on the areas of uncertainty. Draw attention to any problem sounds or words and explain them.



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8     33

9  Read the Activity 9 directions aloud. Tell students to read

over the four statements and check that they understand them. Address any questions they have.COPY, NOT SAMPLE

Activity 10 If clause a If + simple present b If + simple past c If + past perfect d If + past perfect

Result clause simple future would + simple present would (not) have + past participle would (not) + verb be

At this point, have students complete Activities 1–3 on p. 141 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.   Read the activity directions and the four questions aloud. Give students time to think and to refer to the Grammar box and the Grammar Reference on p. 140. Then do the activity as a class or have pairs work together to answer the questions. • When students are ready, have them call out the answers all together. Make sure everyone agrees. Reteach as necessary. If you haven’t already checked the answers to Activity 10, review them now.


Activity 11 1 mixed conditional sentences 2 second conditional sentences 3 third conditional sentences 4 first conditional sentences

FOR DISTRIBUTIONUnit 7  Outside the Box 




14   Put the partners from Activity 13 together with another pair

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collaboration and teamwork in technological innovation. In this unit, they’ve considered the importance of thinking creatively, or outside the box. Tell students they’re going to read about another theory on how discoveries are made. • Draw students’ attention to Activity 12. Say Read the text quickly to find out the name of the book mentioned towards the end and the other idea it presents about how to advance knowledge. Set a time limit of one minute. • Call on students to tell what they found out. (The book is Inside the Box, and its idea is that discoveries are more often the result of following a set of rules, not spontaneous or outside-the-box thinking.) Ask students Does this idea surprise you? Do you agree with it? If time permits, discuss briefly with the class. • Read the Activity 12 directions. Say For example, for item 1, you need a form of the verb pay. What is it? Wait for a student to volunteer the answer. If necessary, guide students by asking content questions such as Does Archimedes live now or in the past? (the past) Did he pay attention before stepping into the bathtub? (no) What word does the sentence begin with? (If ) So the sentence is presenting an imaginary situation, right? (yes) • Provide the answer if necessary. (had paid or had been paying) Have students work individually, and when several students have finished, tell them to compare answers with a partner and help each other complete the activity. • Check the answers. Have different students give and explain their answers. Record them on the board and, as you do, you can ask content questions as above, to help students who need clarification.

to write sentences about. Have the class look at the two texts and check that they understand them. Address any questions they have. • Prepare a couple of sentences as models for the class in advance. For example, If the school had established a badweather policy, the students wouldn’t have been outside. If the teachers agreed to share duties, the students would always be supervised. In class, though, ask the students for one or two ideas before giving yours. • Put students in pairs to write sentences. You might set a minimum number of sentences (for example, at least three for each situation), with faster pairs having to write more. • Circulate as students work and help with any language or other assistance as needed. Note some errors and some good examples on the board for feedback. Manage time by telling students to move on to the next situation if they’re stuck on the first. • When all pairs have at least two or three sentences for each situation, stop the task. You could provide some feedback on errors before students discuss the activity further in Exercise 14.


12   Remind students that in Unit 5 they read about the role of

13   Read the directions and the two topics students have


Exam Skill  Read the whole text first On exams and in everyday classroom activities, students will encounter short texts with blanks to fill in using what they’ve learned or by choosing from several options. A correct answer may not only depend on words or grammar immediately next to the blank, but also on a previous sentence or on words and grammar in a later part of the text. For this reason, students should make it a habit to read the whole text quickly before filling in any blanks. Tell them to make sure to also read the whole text again after they’ve filled in all the blanks.



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to do Activity 14. Read the activity directions aloud and have the groups compare and discuss. • Encourage groups to spend most of their time talking about the two situations and where the main responsibility lies. • Go around the room as groups discuss and provide assistance as needed. Make sure students are being respectful of one another’s ideas and opinions. • At the end of the task, share, or call on students to share, the most interesting ideas that came from the discussions. Finally, if you’d like, take a vote on who the class thinks was most responsible in each situation, the adults or the children.

83a  Unit 7  Outside the Box

Expansion Invite students to write a short anecdote about an accident or problem they (or someone they know) have had in their lives, to use conditional sentences to imagine how the outcome might have been different, and to explain who they feel is most to blame for the actual outcome.


Complete the conditional sentences by using the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses.


Many people think of creativity as chance Eureka moments.* The mathematician and inventor who coined the term Eureka, Archimedes, discovered that the weight of an object floating on water is the same as the amount of water it displaces. He made this discovery by chance. If he (1) had paid / had (pay) more attention to the amount been paying have (not step) of water in his bathtub, he (2) wouldn’t stepped into it and spilled water over the side. Apparently, we (3) wouldn’t have (not have) penicillin today if Alexander had been (be) a bit neater and washed Fleming (4) his petri dishes before he went on vacation. On his return, he discovered the penicillin mold had killed bacteria on the dishes. What (5) would our world be(our world / be) like now without these discoveries?

• the different outcomes and how the situations could have been avoided? • what could be done next? Answers will vary.


Situation 1 Some schoolchildren were waiting outside before lunch. There was snow on the ground. The teacher who usually supervises the children arrived late because of a meeting. The students were pushing each other and playing around. Two students slipped on the ice and one ended up in the hospital. The treatment cost a lot of money. The parents complained, but the school says that students have to wait outside because a health and safety report explained that there was not enough space inside. Therefore, it was dangerous to line up inside.


The book Inside the Box by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg suggests that such moments are rare and relied (rely) on these “methods,” if we (6) we would not get very far. In fact, the authors say, most inventions come from following a limited set of rules. The rules can help failing schools and companies; integrate (integrate) the rules into if they (7) their teaching and product development, they (8) will become / can (become) more successful. The become implication of their argument is that it’s not all up to luck.

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Situation 2 Last year, the teacher who usually helps students with study skills lost her job because the school was trying to save money. Since then, one of the best students in the school has gotten into trouble because she copied an essay from the internet. She is worried this will ruin her chances of going to a good college. She says she did it because she was under a lot of pressure from her parents and did not have anyone to go to for advice.


Work with another pair of students. Compare your ideas from Activity 13. Who thought of the most conditional sentences? Who has the main responsibility for the outcomes in both situations? Answers will vary.


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Eureka moment sudden understanding of a previously unknown solution to something

Work in pairs. Read the situations. How many conditional sentences can you come up with to talk about:




Outside the Box


7B Testing Times Look at these pairs of words. How are the nouns formed from verbs and adjectives? Adjective concerned intelligent flexible fluent logical useful

Noun concern intelligence flexibility fluency logic usefulness

Choose the correct words from Activity 1 to complete the sentences.

When were the tests first published? How are the tests scored? How are divergent and convergent thinking different? Why were people worried about children’s test scores in the United States? 5 What are the possible causes for the drop in test scores? 6 How does problem-based learning encourage creativity? 8


Answers will vary.

Compare your results from Activity 8 with a partner. Use the questions to evaluate their creativity. What do you think the questions tell you about a person’s creativity?

Answers will vary.

1 How many logical solutions are there to the task? 2 How original are the solutions? 3 How well can the solutions be explained?

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1 I know a lot of words in English, but I need to become fluent in using them! more concern when I do anything in 2 My main English is not to make any mistakes. 3 I got a good grade in the last assessment I did for English. publish it myself. 4 I’d like to write a novel and logical order, from 5 I like to do things in a(n) A to B to C. flexibility in my study schedule allows me 6 The to study when I feel most productive. useful 7 I don’t think exams are a(n) demonstration of how much people know.

Look at the four examples of divergent thinking tasks in lines 11–22. Work in groups to complete one.



Noun analysis assessment conclusion knowledge publication variety

1 2 3 4


Verb analyze assess conclude know publish vary

Work in pairs. Answer the questions and discuss your ideas. Then read about the tests again to check.






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Answers will vary.

Work in groups. Think of other verb / noun and adjective / noun combinations that follow the patterns in Activity 1.


Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1 2 3 4 5



Work in pairs. Which sentences in Activity 2 are true for you? What do you think they say about you? Which sentences do you think are signs of creativity? Why?



Facts are statements that are true. Opinions are statements showing what people believe.

Answers will vary.



CRITICAL THINKING Fact and opinion

Answers will vary.

What do you think it means to be creative? Do you think creativity is only connected to the arts? How important is creativity these days? Why? Do you think it is possible to assess levels of creativity? Who is the most creative person you know? Why?

Read about a set of tests commonly used to assess creativity. Think about the questions as you read. Doing tasks, creating drawings,

1 What do the tests involve? or imagining consequences. 2 Does the author think they are good tests of creativity? Yes. They predict success and are important for business and education. 84 Unit 7 Outside the Box


Read the statements about Torrance’s Tests of Creative Thinking. Do they present facts or opinions? Does each fact or opinion support the value of the tests as a test of creativity? Why? 1 Torrance found that people often scored very differently on the different parts of the tests. F; does not support 2 Torrance believed you could teach creativity. The tests were originally teaching tools. F; supports 3 The tests give the idea that creativity is all one thing. Fail the tests and you are not creative. O; does not support 4 Torrance collected information about adults’ creative success by asking them to fill out a form to report what they had achieved creatively. F; supports 5 Learning to solve one problem rarely helps to solve another kind of problem. O; does not support 6 It’s difficult to see how the tests measure creativity in science or mathematics. O; does not support MY PERSPECTIVE Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

Answers will vary.

1 Would you like to use the problem-based way of learning? Why? 2 How is creativity encouraged in your school?


7B  Testing Times

• When a few pairs have finished, have the class change partners and continue or repeat the activity. • If time permits, discuss with the class which, if any, of the sentences they think show signs of creativity. • At the end of the task, share with the class some interesting things you heard and give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct. • Optional  Tell fast finishers to do Activity 4. Then have these students present their work to the class at the end of the Activity 3 task. The rest of the class could offer their own ideas in response. You could then move ahead to Activity 5.

• Warm up Say We’ve been talking about creativity—the natural creativity of children, creative solutions to problems, how creativity sometimes leads to rule breaking. Ask Have you ever done anything particularly creative? Put students in small groups to discuss how creative they think they are in different areas of their lives, and what the most creative thing they think they’ve ever done is.


4  If you’re not using fast finishers’ work on Activity 4 as

1  While students’ books are closed, write the words analyze,




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Activity 1 Verbs: -sion, -ation/-tion /-sion: action or state -ment: a state, act, or condition Adjectives: -ness: a state, quality, or condition -ity: a state or condition -ance/-ence: a state or condition

suggested above, you could have the class do this activity as a team game. Divide the class into groups. • Tell the groups or teams to write down as many examples as they can of word families that follow the same patterns as the ones in the Activity 1 list. Make sure they use a clean sheet of paper they can hand in. • Tell students they’ll get one point for each two-word combination and an extra point for a three-word combination (for example: manage, management, manager). In addition, they’ll get a bonus of five points for every different pattern they illustrate. Tell students they can use a dictionary. • Set a time limit. When time is up, tell the groups or teams to add up their scores. Collect the papers and quickly check for any mistakes and declare the winner. Correct any mistakes on the board and share any especially good combinations with the class.


assess, and flexible on the board and ask students what they mean, or if they can give a translation. (“to examine”; “to judge the value of something”; “able to change”) Then ask what part of speech each word is. (verb; verb; adjective) • Ask if anyone knows what the noun form of each word is and write it on the board. (analysis; assessment; flexibility) Highlight the changes in the word endings. Ask students if they know any other noun endings (e.g., -sion, -ment) and write them on the board. Then tell them to open their books to p. 84 and look at the table in Activity 1 to see if they missed any. • You might want to read the words and have students repeat. Ask them, or point out yourself, where the stress is in each one and how it sometimes changes when the word form changes.

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2  Read the directions aloud. Make it clear to students that they



need to choose the correct form of each word from the table— adjective, noun, or verb. Say For example, item one: I need to become more. . . what? Ask What form of a word is usually used to describe someone or something? (an adjective) Either wait for someone to volunteer the answer or call on someone to say it. (fluent) Have students complete the activity individually. • Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and note things to cover in feedback. Go through the answers by asking different students to read the completed sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and words on the board. • As you write, ask questions to check students’ understanding of the vocabulary; for example, How can someone become more fluent? 3  Give your own examples of which sentences are true for

you and perhaps also add what you think that says about you. Then put students in pairs to ask and answer the activity questions. • Circulate as pairs discuss and check that students are doing the task correctly. Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting errors or giving them the English they need. SAMPLE COPY, NOT

READING 5  The task is to generate ideas before students read “Testing

Creative Thinking.” However, you may prefer to skip this activity now if time is short and discuss the questions when students reach Activity 11. • Put students in groups to discuss. Tell students they may want to make brief notes on their ideas about each question, as they’ll revisit some of these ideas later on. • Circulate as groups discuss and provide assistance as needed. Feedback can be brief at this point. Choose one or two ideas to retell or teach one or two new items of language that arose from the discussions. Tell students they’re going to read an article about testing creativity. Read the directions and the two questions aloud. You can either set a time limit (for example, three minutes) for students to read the text silently, read it aloud yourself, or play the audio as students read along. • Stick to the time limit. When it’s up, read the two questions again aloud and have students write answers. Then tell them to compare their answers with a partner’s. • Choose individual students to share their answers and make sure they support them with evidence from the reading.

6     34

For notes on Activities 7–11, see page 85a.

FOR DISTRIBUTIONUnit 7  Outside the Box 



10 Read the information in the Critical Thinking box and make

sure students understand that facts are true because they can be proven, but opinions, however valid, merely state what someone thinks or feels about something. They can’t be proven. • Read the Activity 10 directions. Have students look at the statements. Answer any questions they may have about any vocabulary or concepts mentioned (teaching tools, creative success). • Remind students that certain words or phrases can be signals that something is an opinion, not a fact. Point out the phrase give the idea in item 3. Say This statement doesn’t say the tests “show” or the tests “prove.” It merely says they give the “idea”—that is, the impression or the appearance—that creativity is all one thing. Say An impression is not a fact. Have students do the activity individually. • Put students in pairs to compare answers. They should also discuss whether the facts and opinions make them question the author’s positive view of the Torrance tests in the reading. • Review by calling on students to give their answers and explain their reasoning. Record the answers on the board. As you do, also ask each student if the fact or opinion would support the value of the Torrance tests as a test of creativity or not and why. See if the rest of the class agrees.

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Activity 7 1 over 50 years ago 2 fluency, flexibility, originality, and detail 3 divergent: coming up with as many ideas as possible; convergent: reducing many ideas to one 4 The Torrance scores closely match success in life. 5 too much time watching TV, playing video games; too little freedom; too much focus on exam results 6 You learn by solving problems, doing research, and synthesizing.

CRITICAL THINKING  Fact and opinion


and the questions aloud. Make sure students understand the task. Tell pairs to work together and see if they can answer the questions from memory. Give them two minutes or so. • Then tell pairs to read the text to check their answers. Give them a time limit of 3−5 minutes. • When they’re finished checking, call on individuals to present their answers, using details from the text. Ask if anyone has any other details they can add.


7 Tell students to cover the reading text. Read the directions

• Another example: If a student did the drawing task, how many drawings did he or she make? (one point for each) How many show originality? Tell students to find out if other students had the same idea and only award a point for a drawing no one else did. For the third criterion, students can award a point if a drawing has lots of details and a title. Consider these the “explanations.” • Tell students they shouldn’t take their scores too seriously. They’re not really accurate because they’re based on opinion. What one student thinks is exceptionally original, another student may think is pretty ordinary. • Have students who did the same task compare their scores. Ask Would you have scored any tasks differently? Finally, discuss how well students think the tests measure creativity.


Reading Strategy  Different reading tasks On exams, different reading tasks test different levels of understanding. Sometimes a task requires only a general understanding of a reading passage—that is, the main idea or point. Other tasks test a student’s ability to recall or locate a particular piece of information or to figure out the meaning of a particular vocabulary word. Still others may call for a student to read a passage closely in order to understand the writer’s message. Students need to read the task before they read the passage and adjust their pace and focus accordingly.

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8 This is meant to be a fun task that makes use of the



information students have learned and will perhaps help them evaluate for themselves some of the ideas they’ve read about. • Put students in groups. Take a vote on which of the four tasks to do. If groups choose the drawing test, replace the X with some other shape. • Have the students in each group work individually on the same task. 9 Pair students to evaluate each other’s creativity task. Read

the Activity 9 directions and the questions to use as criteria. Explain that the criteria will have to be adapted for each task. • For example, if a student did the alternative-uses task, how many feasible, or reasonable, uses did he or she come up with? You could have students award one point for each one. How many of the uses show originality? Again, students award another point for each unusual use. How clearly and completely is each use explained? Students award another point for each well-thought-out use. 85a  Unit 7  Outside the Box

11 Read the My Perspective activity directions and questions.

Have students discuss with a partner. Tell them they may want to revisit some of the ideas they wrote down during their discussion of the Activity 5 questions. Say Talk about whether any of your ideas about creativity have changed. • During feedback, you might want to ask any students who’ve changed their ideas about creativity based on what they’ve learned in this lesson to share their thought processes.





Testing Creative Thinking 5

It is now over 50 years since the first publication of E.P. Torrance’s Tests of Creative Thinking, which continue to be used worldwide as standard assessments of creativity.


The tests typically consist of “divergent thinking” tasks—the ability to generate a wide variety of solutions that are then scored on fluency, flexibility, originality, and how fully explained they are. For example:

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• Ways to improve: What could you do to make a toy truck more fun to play with?


• Imagine consequences: How would the world be different if everyone had an eye in the back of their head?

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• Alternative uses: How many unusual uses for a brick can you think of?



• Make drawings from a shape: Turn the Xs into pictures people might be surprised by. The X can be in any part of the picture. Add details to tell complete stories and give each picture a title.



these studies suggest they do. In fact, his tests are better at judging future creative success than intelligence tests. This is why they are frequently used to identify top managers in business and children for special educational programs. It is also why there was concern in the United States when the magazine Newsweek reported that children’s scores on the tests were falling.



Some question if the tests fully assess creativity because they say creativity is about originality and usefulness. Creativity not only requires divergent thinking but also “convergent thinking,” where you find one single solution that you feel is the best for the problem you are trying to solve. Torrance followed the lives of children who first took his tests to see if they predicted creative achievements as adults. Analyses of



Some have argued that this drop is because of children’s lifestyles: too many video games, too much TV, and too little freedom to make choices. Others have suggested that education in the United States has become too focused on exam results, so teachers use fewer creative activities and favor more traditional learning. This is in contrast to countries with a history of more traditional activities, like China and its emphasis on memorization and drills. These countries are doing the opposite, and encouraging creativity through techniques such as problem-based learning. Problem-based learning involves setting a genuine problem, such as reducing noise in a school library or deciding on a week of meals for an athlete. In reaching a conclusion, students have to do research across several subjects and be creative in the fullest sense. No doubt Torrance would have approved if he was still alive. One of the tests for creative thinking involves making drawings from a shape.


Outside the Box


7C If only…

Do you ever wish you were a better dancer?

GRAMMAR Wish, if only, would rather 1

Work in pairs. Look at the Grammar box. Discuss which of the statements are true for you. Answers will vary. Wish, if only, would rather





I wish I could draw better. I wish I was a better dancer. I wish my parents hadn’t forced me to learn Latin. I sometimes wish my classmates wouldn’t make so much noise. I wish I didn’t have to take art classes. I’d rather not get any homework. My parents would rather I studied something else in college. If only I had an eye in the back of my head! I often say to myself, “If only I’d spent more time thinking about this before I started.” If only I wasn’t sitting here now!


a b c d e f g h i

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 2

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Look again at the sentences in the Grammar box and find examples of: 1 the simple past. b, e, f, g, i 2 the past forms of can and will. a, d


3 the past continuous. j 4 the past perfect. c , i

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Which sentences in the Grammar box refer to: 1 a wish about a present situation? a, b, d, e, f, g, h, j 2 a wish about a past situation? c, i 3 a wish or preference for someone to do something differently in the present or the future? d, f, g




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Complete the exchanges using correct forms of the verbs in bold.

1 have to A Don’t you ever wish you didn’t have to could do with all those extra hours. B Stop it! You’re making me tired!

sleep? Imagine what you

hadn’t heard / (I)’d 2 hear A I wish I never heard that song. I can’t get it out of my head now. B I know. It’s incredibly catchy, isn’t it?

3 hate A With those grades, maybe you should study medicine. the sight of blood or needles! B Yeah, if only I didn’t hate Honestly, I could never work as a doctor. 4 finish A Should we stop now and do the rest tomorrow? finished it today. It will bother me all night if B I’d rather we we leave it.

86 Unit 7 Outside the Box


7C  If only. . . GRAMMAR  Wish, if only, would rather

2   Ask a student for an example of a past perfect verb from



Let’s look at sentence a. Is it about the present or past? Hands up if you think it’s about the present. Then say Hands up if you think it’s about the past. Ask students who didn’t put their hands up what they think. Confirm the answer. (present) • If necessary, guide students to see that the sentence is about a present situation. Then continue with the whole class or have students do the activity in pairs. • Review and record the answers. Draw attention to the fact that the verb forms in the sentences are the same as in second and third conditionals because the sentences describe imaginary, or hypothetical, situations.

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and regrets. Tell students to turn to p. 86 in their books and look at the photo and caption and the sentences in the Grammar box. • Read a few of the statements aloud and tell the class whether they’re true for you or not, and tell why. If you can, choose a wish and a regret and make sure students understand the difference between the two. • Put students in pairs to go through the sentences and decide if any are true for them. Have them discuss. Ask Do you wish any of the same things as your partner? Are you alike in any other ways? • After a minute or two, stop the discussions and ask some pairs the ways in which they are similar and different. Tell the class We’ll come back and talk more about this topic later. First, let’s look at the grammar.

3  Read the Activity 3 directions. Do the first one together. Say


1  This first task aims to lead into the subject of wishes

the sentences in the Grammar box. (hadn’t forced, (I)’d spent) Then ask another student for an example of the past continuous (wasn’t sitting). • Have students work individually to find examples of the other forms listed in Activity 2. • While they’re working, you could write the answers on the board or wait and go through them quickly (get all the answers from one student) when most have finished.


• Warm up  You could begin by asking students to discuss their ideas about creativity in terms of something they’re passionate about, such as music, a sport, or a school subject. • Alternatively, as a review, put students in pairs and ask one person in each pair to say the verbs and adjectives from Activity 1 on p. 84. Their partners should identify the nouns. Each pair should then come up with a collocation for each noun. • You might also have students discuss the difference between wishes and regrets and come up with examples of each.

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At this point, have students complete Activities 4−6 on p. 141 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.



Teaching Tip Whenever a student speaks aloud in class, it’s helpful to give some kind of feedback or teach some new connected language. Sometimes there may be one point worth focusing on, while other times there might be ten! Even during casual conversation, students may find they don’t have the English words to express themselves. When you provide that language, you help not only the individual students, but you also have the opportunity to emphasize how speaking more leads to learning.

4  Have students look at the sentences in Activity 4. Point out

that all the exchanges, or dialogues, are about hypothetical situations. For example, the speaker of the first sentence is imagining a life without sleep. • Make sure students understand the task. Say Read both the A and B parts of each dialogue before filling in the blank. It will help you understand what verb form is required. • Have students do the activity individually. When most have finished, review the answers by having the class call out the verbs all together. • Finally, have different pairs of students read the dialogues aloud. Tell them to use the proper intonation and to speak with expression. Help with pronunciation as necessary. Don’t focus on any dropped ts or ds. That issue will be addressed in the pronunciation lesson.



what the difference is? Have students respond. Then read the second part of the activity directions. • When you’re sure that everyone knows what to do and understands the meanings of the notations IC and AS, have them do the activity individually. Tell students to choose the most logical set of comments for each statement first, then go back and annotate, or mark, the comments. Say This will be fun! Model for students with an Activity 1 statement that’s true for you. For example, you might say I wish I could draw better. I could have become a famous comic book artist! • Put students in pairs to do the activity. You may want to pair a quiet student with one who’s more confident with the language. Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Provide assistance as needed. Tell students to write down their sentences as they’ll be reading them to their classmates. • Call on a few pairs to stand up and take turns reading aloud the statements and the original comments they came up with. Have students change partners a few times and take turns reading and listening to sentences. • At the end of the task, give some feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).





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 pronunciation  Elision of consonants t and d • 5a  Write on the board: Don’t you ever wish you didn’t have to sleep? Call on different students to read the sentence for the class. Don’t comment on how they say it. • Then read the explanation in the Pronunciation box aloud. Ask the class if they noticed if the students who read the sentence on the board dropped or left out the sounds of any letters. Some students might have noticed that the t sounds in don’t and didn’t were not clearly pronounced. Underline these two ts on the board. Then call on the same students to read the sentence again, making sure to pronounce don’t and didn’t clearly. • Read the directions for Activity 5a aloud and give students time to write their answers. Tell them it might help if they speak the sentences fast but softly to themselves. • 5b    35 Say Now listen and repeat. Either play the audio track straight through or model reading the sentences yourself. Then play the audio, pausing after each sentence while you gesture to the class to repeat it all together. Have a few individuals say the sentence again. • As you call on individuals, you could tell them to say the phrase either fast or slow. For example, say Juan, say it slow; Ana—fast; Chen—fast; and so on. • Correct any mistakes you hear, if you can. Ideally, show the student how the correct sound is formed.


This activity reinforces that the grammar of wish sentences shows an imagined past or present by asking students to discuss what actually happened. It also provides a model for them to use in writing their own poem. • Read the title and the poem aloud or have a volunteer do it. Then have students read it to themselves. After a few minutes, ask them for ideas about what happened to compel the writer to compose such a poem. You may want to put students in pairs briefly to bounce their ideas off each other and then call on individuals for their suggestions.


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Activity 5, Suggested answers 1 Don’t you ever wish you didn’t have to sleep? 2 I wish I hadn’t heard that song. 3 If only I didn’t hate the sight of blood. 4 I’d rather we finished it today. 5 Yeah, if only we had the money to buy equipment— and could come up with ideas! 6 I wish I was as creative as you. 7 I wish you’d been there. 8 I wish my parents would relax and let me go out more.



Expansion Have pairs of students write variations of the Activity 4 dialogues. They could add a line or two to each one, using their own ideas, but keeping the situations hypothetical. Tell them to practice reading the dialogues with expression and then set aside time for them to roleplay them for the class. You could have the class vote on the most entertaining renditions. Read the first part of the directions aloud—about matching the statements with follow-up comments. Say The first one has been done for you. Call on a student to read statement 1 and the first follow-up comment in c. • Then have another student repeat the statement, followed up by the second comment in c. Ask the class Do you see the difference between the two comments? Can anyone explain


87a  Unit 7  Outside the Box

Read the activity options aloud. Say Here are opportunities for you to stretch your imaginations! • Make sure students understand that if they choose to write the poem, they need to imagine themselves as someone else—someone who regrets something in her or his past. Remind them to use a structure for their poems that is similar to the one used in the Activity 8 poem. • Tell students who choose to write wish, if only, and would rather sentences that they need to come up with eight of them and that they should describe ideas or situations their classmates will relate to. • Say You can really let your imaginations fly with the third option! But you can be serious as well. Tell students to discuss their ideas with a partner first before they write them down. • Allow time for students to share their work with the whole class.



5 have + be A You four should start a band. You could be really big! had the money to buy B Yeah, if only we equipment—and could come up with ideas! A You have lots of good ideas! I wish I was (were is also possible) as creative as you! 6 be + relax had been A I wish you there. You would’ve loved it. would relax B Yeah, I know. I wish my parents and let me go out more. A Well, maybe next time. 5

a People might hear. IC I need to think more carefully about it. AS b The place is a mess. AS We could get things done a lot faster. IC c It would’ve saved me a lot of effort. IC I don’t have time to do it now. AS d I don’t really like meetings. AS Unfortunately, he’s expecting me to be there. AS e He could have become a model. IC He probably would make the basketball team. IC 7

Answers will vary.

PRONUNCIATION Elision of consonants t and d


When people talk fast, they often leave out the final consonant when the next word starts with a consonant.

Answers will vary.






CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities.

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a Look at the phrases with wish, if only, and I’d rather in Activity 4. Which final consonants do you think might disappear? 35 b Listen to the phrases and repeat them.

Read the poem. What do you think happened? Regrets I wish I could tell you how I really feel And say what’s on my mind. I wish I hadn’t done what I did Or had thought before I acted. I wish I was spending my time with you Instead of sitting here all alone.

I’d get bored will often sound like I-ge-bored.

• Write a list of eight sentences like those in the Grammar box for your classmates to discuss. • Write five things you would wish for if anything was possible. Discuss your ideas with a partner. I wish money grew on trees.

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I wish you’d told me earlier. c If only he was taller. e I’d rather we didn’t talk now. a I wish they would do more to help. b I wish I didn’t have to go. d

Answers will vary.

• Write a poem similar to the one in Activity 8 about regrets. Write it from the perspective of another person, such as a student, a teacher, or an athlete.


1 2 3 4 5

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We often add comments to statements with wish, if only, and would rather. Match the statements (1–5) with the pairs of follow-up comments (a–e). Does each comment refer to an imagined consequence (IC) or the actual situation (AS)?



Work in pairs. Look again at the sentences that are true for you in Activity 1. Add comments, like in Activity 6.

Do you ever wish you were taller?


Outside the Box


7D Go ahead, make up new words!

Everybody who speaks English decides together what’s a word and what’s not a word.


Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

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Speeding up and slowing down speech




Read about Erin McKean and get ready to watch her TED Talk.



1 Which dictionaries do you use? Why? 2 Do you know how dictionaries are made? How? 3 Do you like learning new words in English? in your own language? Why? 4 Have you seen or heard any new words recently? Where? What do they mean? 5 Have you ever made up a new word? What was it? What does it mean?

Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen to 4 Watch Part 1 of the talk. Match the excerpts from the talk the opening of Erin’s talk. Identify where her speech slows 7.1 (a–e) with these notes (1–3). 36 double underline = slow speech down and speeds up. single underline = fast speech 1 New words a; e I’m a lexicographer. I make dictionaries. And my job as 2 The unconscious natural grammar rules that live inside a lexicographer is to try to put all the words possible into the our brains b; c dictionary. My job is not to decide what a word is; that is your 3 The grammar of “manners,” known as usage d job. Everybody who speaks English decides together what’s


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Speakers often vary the speed of their speech in order to maintain people’s interest, as well as for other specific reasons. For example, they may speak more quickly when they are saying very common phrases, making jokes, or making comments that are not important. They may speak more slowy when they are starting their speech, emphasizing something important, or thinking of what to say next.

a b c d e


a word and what’s not a word. Every language is just a group of people who agree to understand each other. Now, sometimes when people are trying to decide whether a word is good or bad, they don’t really have a good reason. So they say something like, “Because grammar!” I don’t actually really care about grammar too much—don’t tell anybody. 2

Work in pairs. Compare your answers from Activity 1. Practice reading the paragraph using the same kind of speech patterns as Erin. Answers will vary.

88 Unit 7 Outside the Box


“Because grammar!” “This is a wug, right? It’s a wug. Now… there are two…” “…take a hoodie, don’t forget to obey the law of gravity.” “Can you wear hats inside?” “No! No. Creativity stops right here, whippersnappers.”

Work in pairs. Compare your ideas from Activity 4 and explain the point Erin was making in each excerpt.


Answers will vary.

7D  Go ahead, make up new words! • Warm up  Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about how and why we make up new words. Read the quote on p. 88 aloud and ask a student to translate it. Ask the class Do we really get to decide what’s a word and what isn’t? What do you think Erin McKean means? • Take students’ responses. If necessary, guide them to see that Erin is probably not just talking about getting words included in the dictionary, but also about words that become commonly used and recognized among certain groups of people. • 7.0 Play the first section of the video and have students do the exercises.



Study Tip The best indicator of exam success is the number of words you know, but what do you need to know about a word? Obviously the meaning and how the word is pronounced, but it’s also helpful to know things like part of speech, stress, collocations, word families, word histories, and examples that show how the word is used. Have a dictionary handy when you review lessons, do homework, or prepare for exams. A good dictionary will give you all of the above information and more!


Ask students why they think people’s speech speeds up or slows down when they’re talking. Take students’ suggestions and discuss as a class. • Then read, or have students read, the Authentic Listening Skills box aloud and see how many of the reasons they thought of are included. •   36 Read the Activity 1 directions. Tell students to annotate the paragraph by putting a double line below the parts that are speeded up and a single line below the parts that are slowed down. Then play the audio track as students follow along in their books and do the task. • You don’t have to review students’ work as there are no single correct answers. The purpose of the activity is to get students to focus on this one characteristic of speech.

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This is a brief discussion activity leading into the topic of the video. However, the discussion could encompass the broader topic of the importance of dictionaries in learning languages (see the Study Tip below). • Ask one or two students to ask you any question they like from Activity 3. Give your own (ideally true) answers. Then put students in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Circulate and provide assistance as needed. • When a few pairs have finished, have the class change partners and start from the last question this time, or just stop the discussions. • Share some interesting things you heard with the class and give feedback. You might share the Study Tip below as well.



AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS Speeding up and slowing down speech


Have students compare their annotations in pairs. Tell them to discuss why Erin slows down or speeds up in particular places. Then tell partners to take turns reading the paragraph the way Erin did and see who’s better at matching her speech patterns. Tell them to each read it twice. • Circulate as students read. Notice any words or phrases that students have difficulty with. Write them on the board. • When pairs have finished, correct any mispronunciations. Point to a word or phrase on the board and ask How do you say this? Then model and have students repeat. When applicable, draw special attention to linked or dropped (elided) sounds. • You could ask the students who did the best impressions of Erin to perform for the class, or call on someone you heard and have her or him perform. Keep it light. Applaud the student’s success!



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Read the directions. Tell students they’re going to watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Explain that they’ll hear the excerpts, a−e, in the video. • Before you play it, have students read the excerpts to themselves. You may want to share these words and their definitions: hoodie: a sweatshirt with a hood; whippersnapper: an inexperienced but overconfident young person. • Have students look at the notes, numbered 1−3. Say You’ll hear the concepts expressed in these notes in the video, too. Watch first. Then the activity will make sense. • 7.1 Play Part 1. Then have students do the activity individually.


Put students in pairs. Have them compare their answers for Activity 4. Tell them to look at each excerpt and the note what goes with it and discuss the connection between the two. • Go around and see how students did in Activity 4. Pay attention, too, to how well they understand the points Erin was making with the excerpts. • If they’re struggling, Ask What’s the first excerpt that connects to New words? (“Because Grammar!”) What point do you think Erin is making here? • Work through the rest of the activity items. You may need to help students articulate the points Erin is making.




Read the My Perspective text aloud. Say These are really interesting questions. Make sure students have a good idea of what’s being asked. You might want to discuss one of the questions first as a class. • For example, discuss how poets sometimes make up or shorten words to fit the rhythm or pattern of a poem or to appeal to one of the senses. Ask Why might a politician make up a word? Students might suggest that the acronyms politicians use to refer to bills or pieces of legislation make them more understandable to the general public and may eventually become words. • Put students in groups to discuss. Go around the class. Listen and observe. Encourage more proficient students to help their timid or less proficient classmates express themselves. • At the end of the task, give some feedback about different points students made. You can also correct errors you heard or teach any new language students wanted to say.





7.3 Tell the class they’re going to watch the last part of the talk and that they should pay attention to how it sums up Erin’s main message. Play the video. • Have students make their choice. Point out that more than one answer choice may include elements of Erin’s message, but they should pick the one that expresses it best. • Take a vote. Say Hands up if you think it’s a; hands up if it’s b; and so on. Ask different students to justify their answers and then either give the answer yourself or play the section again to resolve any disagreement. Emphasize, again, that students should use process of elimination to arrive at the best answer of the choices given, even though they may not agree with it 100%. • You might want to do the Challenge activity at this point as it relates closely to the last two activities.

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• Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1 and help them by correcting or giving them the English they need. • Get students to change pairs. Tell them to start with the last question this time. Continue listening and noting. If pairs are stumped by a particular concept, help them with prompts; for example, Think about the parts of the word heartbroken. If something grabs your attention, does it excite or bore you? • At the end of the task, give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). You can also retell some anecdotes you heard.


Read the directions and tell students to look at the notes. Tell them not to worry about any words they don’t know as they will learn about them in Part 2 of video. You might ask them to tell what they think the notes are showing. Say The colons are a clue. (definitions of words) • 7.2 Play the video for students. When students have completed the activity, have them compare answers with a partner. • As they discuss, go around and notice how well they did in order to decide how quickly to go through answers. Check the answers by having students shout out an answer all together, or by calling on several individuals when students disagree on an answer. • Record the numbers and answers on the board. Where there is a disagreement, either write both answers for students to consider as they watch the video again, or simply give the correct answer, depending on time.




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VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT • 8a  Tell students that they’re going to watch some clips from the talk which contain new words and phrases. Explain that you’ll pause the video when the options come on screen and ask everyone to call out the correct meaning together. • 7.4 If a lot of students are giving the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip. Play the video. • 8b  Check that students understand the words and phrases in italics and reteach if necessary or ask students if they can recall the example in the video. • Have students look at the activity items. Answer any questions they may have about the vocabulary or concepts in them. • Give your responses to one or two of the questions as a model for students. Put them in pairs to discuss.


89a  Unit 7  Outside the Box


• Read the Challenge aloud. You could treat this as a team game. Set a time limit of five minutes. Tell students they can use dictionaries. You could also allow words from their own language if you have a monolingual class. • You might want to write some topics on the board to help students think of words: sports, clothing, food, technology, popular culture, social media. Also, tell them to look back at the words in Activity 6. They might spark their memories of other similar words. • At the end of the time limit see which group has the most words and which has covered the most categories.


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Erin gives six ways to create new words in English:

3 4 5 6

: using words from another language, e.g. kumquat and caramel. Compounding: putting two words together, e.g. heartbroken, bookworm, sandcastle . Blend words : putting parts of two words together, electrocute . e.g. brunch, motel, edutainment, shift : e.g. using a noun as a Functional friend, commercial, green . verb, e.g. delete a part of the word Back formation: edit . to create a new one, e.g. Acronym: taking the first letter of several words, e.g. NASA .

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Watch Part 3 of the talk. The purpose of her talk is to:


7.3 d



a explain her job and what is important about it. b argue that words are more important than grammar. c encourage people to create words and contribute to her online dictionary. d argue that it is important to break rules to be more creative. e explain different ways new words are formed and disappear from use. 8


b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What did your parents teach you about manners? Do you think good manners are important? 2 Why might someone be heartbroken? What would you do or say for him or her? 3 What do you do to edit your essays before you hand them in? Do you get anyone else to help? 4 Give an example of a time when it was difficult to get your meaning across. Did you succeed? 5 What movies or books grabbed your attention right at the beginning? How? Did they keep your attention?

Look at these notes about six ways to make new words. 7.2 Watch Part 2 of the talk. Complete the notes.

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VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 7.4 meanings of the words.


MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary. Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Why do you think these groups of people might invent new words? Is it always to aid in communication? poets




2 Why do you think some words disappear from use? 3 If you are learning English, do you think it’s OK to create new words? Why? 4 How might knowing how to make new words help you to develop your English? CHALLENGE Work in groups. How many examples of the six different ways of forming words can you think of? • borrowing • blending • back formation

• compounding • functional shift • acronyms


Outside the Box


7E Creative Solutions SPEAKING Useful language


1 In what ways is this class similar to and different from yours? 2 How many ways of improving your learning environment can you think of? Which two ways would make the biggest difference to the teacher and the learners? Why?

Raising concerns I don’t see how that would work. The issue with that is… If we did that, wouldn’t… ? Suggesting a better approach Wouldn’t it be better to… ? If you ask me, I think we should…

Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary.


Read the situations (a–c). As a class, choose the situation you want to resolve. Then work in groups and: Answers will vary. 1 discuss what additional facts you would like to find out about the situation. 2 use divergent thinking to make a list of as many different ways of approaching the situation as you can. a Your town or city wants to attract more tourists. It is planning to spend a lot of money on advertising, but no decisions have yet been made about how best to sell the town or city—or what kind of advertisements might work best. b This year, a lot less money is going to be available for your school. The school will need to continue offering a great education to students while spending up to 50 percent less. No decisions have yet been made on what changes will need to be made. c Your English class has been given some money to make an app or a website to help current and future students deal with their biggest problems. No decisions have yet been made about what should go on the app or website.

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Giving reasons That way you could… That allows / enables… If we do that,…


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Exchange the list you made in Activity 2 with another group of students. Then use convergent thinking and the expressions in the Useful language box to:

• discuss the difficulties there might be with each of the ideas. • decide what the best approach would be—and why.

Each group should now choose one person to present their approach to the class. Listen to each group and decide who has the best solution.



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High school students in a robotics class build a robot to enter into a competition.

90 Unit 7 Outside the Box

Answers will vary.


Answers will vary.

7E  Creative Solutions

Have students read the directions. If groups are working on different situations, each group should exchange their lists with a group that chose the same situation. • First, tell students to ask each other about anything in the other group’s list that’s unclear. Each group then combines the two lists into one. • Before they begin the next phase of the activity, give students a few minutes to read the Useful language to themselves. Say Use this language as you practice convergent thinking. • Have groups reread the two points to cover and begin. Circulate and ask each group to tell you an idea from their list. Respond if you can with one of the phrases from the Useful language box. Encourage students to discuss the other ideas on their lists in a similar way.





Warm up  You could start by telling students they’re going to be speaking and writing about creative solutions and approaches, or ways of dealing with a problem. Begin by putting students in pairs and giving them three minutes to come up with a creative invention or solution to a problem, for example, a new cell phone app to solve a specific need, a new gadget to help elderly people do everyday tasks. Then give each pair another minute or so to explain their idea and why they chose it. • Hold the book up and point to the photo or project it using the presentation tool. Tell students it shows a high school robotics class. Ask them to tell one way it’s similar to their classes and one way it’s different. • Then have students open their books to p. 90. Tell them to read the Activity 1 questions. Then divide the class into small groups. Say We’ve already begun the discussion. Now continue it in your groups. • For item 2 tell students to think about what would be the best way to improve their learning experience. Say Remember, think outside the box! Ask What if you were the teacher? What would help you to be more effective? • When the first few groups have finished, call on groups to share their ideas.

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• Make sure every group has a clean sheet of paper. Assign someone, or ask for a volunteer, to write down the group’s ideas, because they’ll be exchanged with another group later on. • Circulate as students work. Be prepared to give more support in terms of ideas as well as language. • For feedback, focus on teaching the new language students need, as this may help in the next stage of the task.



These discussion tasks (Activities 2−4) build on the idea of creativity being a process of divergent thinking (brainstorming a variety of ideas) followed by convergent thinking (identifying the best choice and developing it). You may explain this to the students, perhaps asking if they remember the difference between the two types of thinking from the reading and how it relates to creativity. • Tell the class to read the three situations and the two parts of the activity. When they’re ready, take a vote on which situation the class wants to work on. Make sure students understand that sell in situation a means “to promote.” • Optional  Divide the class into three groups to do each situation, but note that each group would then need to be split into an even number of smaller groups, but at least two. • You may want to discuss the first part of the activity as a class. Ask for suggestions of things the groups would like to know. For example, for situation a, they might want to know what kind of tourists the town wants to attract (for example, wealthy or budgetconscious tourists). Otherwise, suggest other information yourself. • Tell groups the main part of the task is the second part—coming up with as many different approaches to the situation as they can. In other words, try to look at the situation from different perspectives. For example, for situation b, should the funds be spent on student materials, teacher salaries, technology that would allow students to attend class from home, subsidies for parents with multiple kids in school, air conditioning? Say Think outside the box!



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Read the directions aloud. Give groups a few minutes to discuss who will present and what the person should say. After the different groups have presented their best solution, give feedback on how well they presented and maybe one or two tips on how to improve for next time. • Have students vote for the best solution. You could perhaps award a first, second, and third place finisher. Finally, call on students to share their ideas about the whole experience, including their thoughts on divergent and convergent thinking and whether anyone felt that their group’s most innovative, most outside-the-box idea was rejected as being too unrealistic or unworkable, and how they feel about that. • Optional  Assign the final step as homework. Tell students to prepare a group presentation for the next class. If possible, allow some class time for groups to plan the presentation together, making sure everyone has a job to do. For example, one student could describe the group’s original approaches, another could read the group’s list of best ideas, another their biggest stumbling blocks, and another could explain their best solution.





Explain the task. Tell students to follow the model on p. 152 and the language in the Writing strategy box, as well as the sentence starters in Activity 7. • You might want to reassemble the groups from Activity 2 for a few minutes so students can refresh their memories and review the notes that were taken during their discussion. • If you’re going to give the students a grade for their report, tell them that the more they take advantage of the resources you’ve mentioned, the higher their grade will be. • Assign the writing for homework or give a time limit of around twenty minutes to do it in class. As students are writing, circulate and provide assistance as needed. You might note some common mistakes for feedback when the time is up. • Have students read their reports to the class. Point out where students used good organization, appropriate or strong language, or when something has been done particularly well.



Read the directions aloud. Give students time to read through the Writing strategy box and answer any questions they have. • Put students in pairs to do the activity. You might want to tell one student to have the activity page open and the other to have the model page open to avoid a lot of flipping backwards and forwards. • After pairs have finished, ask questions, such as What’s the title? What phrase makes the aim of the report clear? Can you give an example of a subheading? Then call on individuals to read examples from the report of the rest of the features listed in the strategy box aloud.

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Writing Strategy  Learn useful chunks for writing  Tell students to learn the phrases in the Useful language and Writing strategies boxes. Suggest that they make flashcards with these chunks of language for every genre of writing they learn, or record the language in a writing notebook. Students can use them as sentence starters or as guides to organizing their writing in a clear and logical way. Tell them that using these phrases appropriately usually helps with exam scores.


Tell students they’re going to read an example of a report on problem-based learning as discussed in the reading on p. 85. Ask if students remember what problem-based learning is. If necessary, let them look back at the reading. • Have students read the model on p. 152. Ask questions to check their understanding. You may want to review the meanings of any unfamiliar words, such as external, atmosphere, space (as it’s used in the Background section), and panes (as it’s used in the Recommendations section). • Then tell students to do Activity 5 individually. Give a strict time limit or read the report aloud as students follow along in their books. • Confirm for the class what the two suggestions in the report are (c and d) and then ask if students can come up with any others. Wait for individuals to volunteer or call on two or three students to answer.


it sounds weak and tentative in a written report. Point out that in each case, the rewritten phrase is stronger and more definite, which makes the writer sound authoritative. • Put student in pairs to rewrite the sentences. Check the answers by calling on students to read their rewritten sentences aloud. Correct as necessary.





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Activity 6 Title: Improving Learning in the Library Introduction; The purpose of this report is to find out why so much external noise can be heard in the school library. The report will also make ­recommendations on how to reduce noise and create a better atmosphere to study in. Paragraph subheadings: Purpose, Background, Methods of Investigation, Findings, Recommendations There are no contractions. Recommendations: To solve this problem, we would recommend installing two panes of glass in each window. Perhaps we could also consider filling the space between the glass with water.

This is a short task to draw attention to helpful sentence starters for problem-solution reports. Read the directions aloud and have students look at the sentences. Ask In what section of a report would you expect to find sentences like these? (the recommendations section) • Read the first sentence aloud. Reread the phrase I guess we could. Tell students that while this phrase is perfectly fine for speaking situations like conversations or class discussions,

Exam Tip Tell students that after they’ve written a first draft, it’s a good idea to read it aloud—or whisper it if they’re taking an exam with other students. As they focus on saying each word, their ears will often notice what their eyes have missed. It might be an incomplete sentence, an incorrect verb form, or a word or phrase that sounds odd in some way. Students should make changes as they go along and then reread the sections they’ve revised.


91a  Unit 7  Outside the Box

Expansion Have pairs or small groups work together to come up with something that can be improved or a problem that needs to be solved in their school or the place where they live. Tell them to use divergent and convergent thinking to come up with a solution. Have them make a presentation to the class describing the process they used, how it worked, and how it lead to a solution.


WRITING A report 5

Writing strategy

Look at the report on page 152. Identify the two suggestions made by students for reducing external noise in the school library. Can you think of any other possible solution? c and d a Install two panes of glass in each window to stop 75 percent of the water coming in from outside. b Install two panes of glass in 75 percent of the windows to reduce the noise coming in from outside. c Install two panes of glass in each window to reduce the noise coming in from outside. d Fill the space between two panes of glass with water to reduce the noise by 75 percent. WRITING SKILL Cohesion



We might consider investing in some new, . heavier curtains

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2 It would be much better if we moved the library to another room.


1 I guess we could invest in some new, heavier curtains.


Work in pairs. Rewrite the sentences using the sentence starters in bold.


Look at the Writing strategy box. Find examples of how to structure reports in the model on page 152. 7

I would strongly recommend moving the library to . another room

Structuring reports Begin with a title to show what the report is about. Make the aim of the report clear in the introduction. The purpose of this report is to… The report will also make recommendations on… Have clear paragraphs and add subheadings to each paragraph. Use full forms (it is, they will, etc.) instead of contractions, like it’s and they’ll. Make recommendations. We believe that the best solution to this problem would be to… Perhaps we could also consider… Avoid expressing personal feelings or opinions.

3 Maybe we could play quiet music to cover the noise from outside.

We would suggest playing quiet cover the noise from outside

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4 If we put more plants in the library, they would stop some of the sound. I propose putting more plants. in the library to stop some of the sound Write a short report about the situation your class chose in Activity 2.

Answers will vary.


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• Follow the guidance in the Writing strategy box. • Make your recommendations using some of the language in Activity 7.




Outside the Box


Common Ground


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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • talk about interpersonal and intercultural communication. • read about four different subcultures from around the world. • learn about different ways of tackling discrimination. • watch a TED Talk about what is meant by “normal.” • write a complaint.



Common Ground

Finally, students will write a complaint about instances of stereotyping or discrimination they’ve witnessed in society and the media and call for action to end it.

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Unit Objectives

Vocabulary • Identity and communication • Vocabulary Building  Compound adjectives



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Grammar • Grammar 1 Reported speech • Grammar 2 Patterns after reporting verbs Reading • A Place to Be

A kunik is a traditional Inuit way of expressing affection, usually between loved ones. It involves pressing the nose and upper lip against the face (commonly, the cheeks or forehead) of the other person and breathing in, causing skin or hair to be suctioned against the nose and upper lip. A common misconception is that this custom came about so that Inuit can kiss without their mouths freezing together. Actually, it’s more likely to be because when Inuit meet outside, they often have little more than their noses and eyes exposed. Language note   The phrase common ground is defined as “a basis of mutual interest or agreement” or “a foundation for mutual understanding.” It’s often used to identify something that people can agree about, especially when they disagree about other things. Identifying common ground allows communication between persons of disparate cultures, backgrounds, or beliefs, or even just between classmates with seemingly very different interests. For example, an avowed sports fanatic and a student with a passion for medieval history and art and no interest in sports whatsoever might find common ground in their mutual love of Japanese animation.

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They’ll talk about discrimination, how pervasive it is, and what some young people are doing to fight it in their communities. Students will watch a TED Talk that connects the Ancient Greeks, the color of the sky, and institutional racism to shed light on the concept of normal and show how artificial is it.

About the photo


In this unit, students will talk about identity and about how we define ourselves as we grow and mature. They’ll think about how the customs of a culture contribute to identity and bind people together, but sometimes hinder communication with people from other places. Students will delve into the world of subcultures and consider the role these groups play in giving young people an opportunity to explore who they want to be and empowering them to express themselves in creative, sometimes extreme, ways.


Unit Overview




TED Talk • Safwat Saleem: Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent Pronunciation • Stress for clarification Speaking • Identify yourself • Agree or disagree • Challenge ideas and assumptions • Give examples

Warm Up

• Have students keep their books closed. Introduce the unit by telling them they’ll be talking about how people create their own identities and how identities can be shaped by family, culture, personality, and interests. Display the photo on pp. 92−93. Call on a few students to describe what they see. • Read the caption aloud to the class. Ask students what they know about the Inuit and where they live. Share the information in the About the Photo box. • Ask students what they would think if they saw two people in the street greet each other this way. Have students share their thoughts. Tell students they’ll talk more about this in the next lesson.


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 37–41 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)

Writing • A complaint



8A  Cultural Crossings VOCABULARY



Explain that first students should work with a partner to think of things apart from greetings that foreign visitors should know about the customs of your area. These could be connected to food, traditions, restaurants, driving, housing, and so on. Ask for two or three ideas from students and write them on the board. • Have partners discuss the first question for a few minutes and see if they can come up with other ideas. Call on pairs and write their ideas on the board. • Tell students to consider the second question individually. Get them thinking by telling which of the rules on the board you don’t always follow and explain why. • At the end of the activity, call on individuals to share their thoughts about why these rules are important (or not) and how well they follow them.

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Use the Exam skill box below to explain to students why it’s important to learn word families. • Have students look at the collocations and make sure they understand the task (in each item, one or two of the collocations are missing a word that’s a form of the word in bold). Ask if anyone knows the kind of word, or part of speech, that’s needed in item 1 (a verb) and if anyone knows what the word is. (compliment) Record the answer on the board. • Have students do the others individually, using a dictionary if necessary. While they work, notice words and phrases they look up or ask you about. • Tell students to compare answers with a classmate. Then review as a class. Ask students what kind of word is needed in each case and how they know. Write the answers on the board and have the class repeat the words. Correct pronunciation and stress as necessary. • Ask questions about the collocations. For example, What can you do to fight discrimination? What different kinds of discrimination can you think of?



Have students open their books to pp. 92−93. Read the Activity 1 directions and questions aloud. Then have them look through the categories of people. If necessary, tell them that sales associates refers to people they deal with in stores or to anyone that’s in the business of selling something to the public. • Remind students that they briefly discussed the photo in the last lesson. Say Now continue the discussion in your groups. • Go around the class, providing assistance as needed. Ask Do your greetings involve words, gestures, or different combinations of the two? Do they ever include physical contact? • Wrap up the activity by asking students to share their ideas about greeting people. Ask How do you know how to greet different kinds of people?



Read the directions to the class. Ask different students to read two or three sentences aloud. Tell the class whether the statements are true for you or not, and why. Then have pairs do the activity. • Circulate and provide assistance as needed. When a couple of students have finished, ask the class to change partners but to start from item 6 this time. • When a few have finished, either stop the activity or ask students to change partners one last time. At the end of the activity, retell some interesting things you heard and give the class feedback on new words or errors you heard.


Tell students they’re going to learn some words and phrases to talk about identity and communication. Have them look at the pairs of words. • Do item 1 together. Remind students that when doing fill-inthe-blank activities, they should always read the entire sentence first, to get a sense of the context, before filling in the blanks. • For example, point out that the phrase or a big argument is a clue that the first blank is a synonym for argument. Say I see misunderstanding, which can be a verb form, but it’s also a noun—and it’s related to argument. The only other noun in the list is response, which doesn’t make sense in this sentence. Call on a student to read the sentence with both blanks filled in aloud. • Tell students to do the rest of the activity individually. Go around and provide assistance as necessary. • Have students compare answers in pairs and help each other complete the activity. Review by asking students to read the completed sentences aloud. Record the answers on the board. • Ask questions to check students’ understanding: What’s the difference between a misunderstanding and an argument? What does conscious mean in item 6? (being aware of or sensitive to)



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Explain the activity and give an example. Give students five minutes to write sentences. Circulate and provide assistance as needed. Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1, and help them by correcting them or giving them the English they need. • When the time is up, call on students to share their sentences with the class.


Exam Skill  Learn word families Learning different forms of a word (for example, invent, invention, inventor) helps with exams in several ways. Sometimes there’s an activity where you have to write different forms of a base word; sometimes one form of a word is used in a reading passage, and another form of the same word is used in a comprehension question; sometimes you need to rewrite a sentence using a different form of a given word. Try to learn collocations of the various forms, not just of the base form.


93a  Unit 8  Common Ground

8A Cultural Crossings VOCABULARY Identity and communication 1

Work in groups. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Could this be a typical scene where you are from? Why? 2 How do you normally greet the people in the box? Does it vary at all? Does everyone in the group greet each other in the same way? Why?

A kunik is a traditional Inuit greeting between family members and loved ones.

friends teachers 2

friends’ parents visitors from another country

sales associates your parents


Answers will vary.


awkward + compliment conscious + discrimination misunderstanding + work it out


Complete the sentences with these pairs of words.




In addition to greetings, are there any rules you think it would be important for a foreign visitor to your country to know? Do you always follow these rules?

be offended + implied discourage + reaction response + negative comments


Work in pairs. Read the sentences in Activity 3 aloud. Are they are true or false for you? Why? Answers will vary.


Complete the collocations with the correct forms, based on the word families. 1 pay me a big compliment / compliment me on my work / be very complimentary about it discriminate against young people / fight discrimination / discriminatory 2 rules stereotype / a stereotypical 3 avoid stereotyping people / a negative person offense at what he said / didn’t mean to offend anyone / use 4 took offensive language awkwardly to questions / an awkward silence / a sense of 5 respond awkwardness in social settings 6 misunderstand the instructions / a silly misunderstanding



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1 If my friends have a(n) misunderstanding or a big argument, I’m good at helping work it out . them awkward if someone pays me a(n) compliment 2 I usually feel a bit or praises what I’ve done. implied that I looked older than 3 I would be offended if someone I really am. negative response to things like is to 4 I think the best comments challenge them. discourage me from doing something, my initial 5 If someone tries to reaction is to want to do it more! conscious of how to avoid discrimination . 6 I think I’m pretty


Choose five of the collocations from Activity 5. Write example sentences that are true for you. Answers will vary.


Common Ground


LISTENING Work as a class. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 How might you define intercultural communication? 2 In what situations is it necessary to be considerate of other cultures?

making plans trying to get somebody’s attention




Listen to an interview about travel and intercultural communication. What is normal for people from these 37 countries that may be different elsewhere? China


According to the conversation, are the sentences true, false, or not stated? Listen again and check your 37 answers.

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 12

Match the sentences in the grammar box to these points. 1 The sentence includes the actual words that were spoken or thought. b 2 The sentence includes advice or instruction the speaker was given. d 3 The sentence includes a question (or plan) about an action in progress at the time. a 4 The sentence includes a statement about a previous action and consequence. c 5 The sentence includes a statement about something which is still generally true. e

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a I asked a German girl from my class if she was going to the train station. rude.” b And I thought, “That ’s had to go c I said I ’d forgotten something and back to school. d That evening I told my dad what had happened and he said that I shouldn’t be so sensitive. e A Russian friend told me their parents kind of discouraged them from smiling at strangers. a Russian proverb that says, There ’s “Laughter for no reason is a sign of stupidity.”



Reported speech

Work in pairs. What can cause communication to break down in these situations? What might you do if this happens? How could you avoid it? Answers will vary. greeting people ordering food

Look at the Grammar box. Try to complete the sentences. 37 Listen again and check your ideas.






GRAMMAR Reported speech



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1 Stacey’s parents are diplomats. NS 2 The German girl who Stacey spoke to was deliberately rude to her. F 3 If a Russian person smiles at another Russian they don’t know, they may be seen as untrustworthy. T 4 Stacey’s Korean friend was confused by people in the United States asking “How’re you doing?” T 5 In Chinese, a common greeting can be translated as Have you eaten? T 6 Intercultural communication courses are effective. NS

94 Unit 8 Common Ground


10 Tell students to read items 1−6 of Activity 10 and check that


they understand them. Explain that you’ll play the audio once more and they should decide if the sentences are true, false, or not stated. • 37   You could ask what they think the answer to item 1 is before they listen, but don’t confirm it. Instead, say OK, maybe. Let’s listen and see. Play the audio. • Tell students to compare their answers with a partner’s. Go around and notice how well they did. Decide whether you should replay the track. • Review the answers by asking for a show of hands. (For example, say Number 1: Who thinks it’s true? Hands up. Then Hands up if it’s false. And What about not stated? Hands up.) You could instead have the class call out the answer together, or call on individuals (two or more when there’s disagreement) to provide it. Explain the answer when students don’t get it. Record the numbers and answers on the board.

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Give students a minute to read the directions. Have them look at the situations listed. Ask the class for one or two reasons why communication might break down when greeting people from another culture. Get ideas on what might happen, what to do if it happens, and how it could have been avoided. • Then put students in pairs to discuss the other situations. Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. • Help them by correcting their mistakes or giving them the English they need. Write some of these points on the board to review during a feedback session. • When a few pairs have finished, stop the activity. Share with the class some interesting ideas you heard and give your feedback.


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Tell the class they’re going to listen to an interview about travel and intercultural communication. Say Listen and find out what’s normal in the countries listed—but may not be so normal anywhere else. • 37   Tell students to take some notes that will help them explain the different ideas of “normal” in the four countries they’ll hear about. Play the listening once straight through. Then have students compare their notes with a partner. • Go around and notice how well the students did (without saying anything). If you see that a majority did not get through all the countries, play the listening again. • Ask the whole class or individuals for their answers. You don’t need to write them on the board, and students don’t need to describe each situation exactly. Work with the ideas they come up with, rephrasing their language where possible to include words from the listening.


“Have you eaten?” as a way of saying “Hello” “of course” instead of “yes” not smiling at strangers “How’re you doing?” as a way of saying “Hi”


Ask for volunteers to give their best definition of the term intercultural communication. Say There’s no one correct answer. Write key words from students’ responses on the board. • The important thing is to establish that it happens when people from different cultures or social groups interact—and it usually involves more than just language. Explain that successful intercultural communication requires an understanding that different cultures have different customs, manners, and even thought patterns. It also requires a sensitivity to these differences and a willingness to adapt to them. • Ask the whole class the second question. Students’ responses might include such things as when you greet someone, approach someone to ask for assistance, go to someone’s home, share a meal, and so on. Discuss as a class.


Activity 9 China Germany Russia US


Teaching Tip You can help students prepare for listening activities by introducing a key word or term from the lesson. In this case, it might be helpful to preteach intercultural communication, a term they’ll hear on the audio track as two people discuss misunderstandings that can occur when people from different cultures or countries try to communicate in one or the other’s first language.

• If students do need a second listening, get as many ideas as possible the first time around, then focus the second listening on the parts students missed or didn’t quite understand.



GRAMMAR  Reported speech Explain that when you tell someone what another person said, you’re reporting what the person said. Say You’re going to read different ways of reporting what people say. Have students read the Grammar box silently and try to fill in the blanks based on the recording. • Have students compare answers in pairs. Then either play the audio again or call on different students to read the sentences aloud and see if the class agrees with their answers. You could also wait for students to read the Grammar Reference and then review the answers.


At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on p. 143 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. 12 Tell students to read the five points and match each one to

one of the items of reported speech in the box. This should only take a minute. Have students compare answers in pairs. • Ask the whole class which points match a−e and call on individuals to tell how they figured out each answer. Make sure students notice things like the quotation marks in b indicating direct speech, that shouldn’t in d shows advice, what the verb forms indicate, and so on. Record the answers.




Activity 16, Suggested answers: 2 Someone rejecting an offer. A ­parent reprimanding a child. 3 Someone hoping they can get a bite of someone else’s dinner. Someone disgusted at what someone is about to eat. 4 Someone curious about the motivation behind someone else’s decision. Someone annoyed at something someone’s just done. 5 Someone trying to tempt someone to come with them. Someone threatening someone else.

ap hi c

have said when we’re correcting misunderstandings. Make sure students understand that the “B” sentences show that there’s been a misunderstanding and this speaker is trying to correct it. • When most students have finished, have them compare answers in pairs and help each other complete the activity if necessary. • Review the answers by having students read each full A / B exchange aloud.

situations in which they might hear the response Don’t be silly! If necessary, give one yourself: Someone is afraid to watch a movie about a haunted house. Explain that Don’t be silly! in this case would mean “There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s just make-believe.” • Put students in pairs to complete the task. Tell them to write down their ideas.


14 Explain that Activity 14 looks at the way we report what people

16 Make sure students understand the task by asking for possible


Grammar box again and then ask the questions. Remind them that in b, they see the speaker’s own thoughts, not reported speech. • The main thing to expect from students is the idea that in the reported speech, the verb tenses shift back to show that something happened before something else. If they can express a version of this, accept it. • Tell students that in a, the tense shifts from the simple past (asked) to the past progressive (was going) to show that something that began before something else was continuing, and in c, it shifts from the simple past (said) to the past perfect (had forgotten) to show that something happened before something else.

• 15b  Keep students in pairs. Ask the weaker partner to read sentences 1−5 and the stronger student to respond, using stress to show the misunderstanding. • If you want, do item 1 with the whole class. Remind students that they should use reported speech in each response. Say Remember to use phrases like I thought you said, you told me, and so on. Read the sentence aloud and call on a student to respond. Make sure she or he uses proper stress. • When pairs are finished, tell them to switch roles. Monitor and correct as necessary.


13 Have students silently read the first three sentences in the


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PRONUNCIATION  Stress for clarification • 15a 38   Tell students they’re going to hear two people say the sentences from Activity 14. Tell them to listen and circle or otherwise mark the main stressed word in each “B” sentence. Put students in pairs and play the audio. • Have the whole class say which words were stressed. Call on a few pairs to model the dialogues for the class. Correct any problems with stress that come up if you can. • Then have partners practice reading the conversations aloud. When they finish, they should switch roles.



Activity 15a 1  A: We’re meeting on Tuesday.      B: Really? I thought you said we were meeting on Thursday! 2  A: I got a B on my science essay.       B: Oh, that’s pretty good! I thought you said you’d gotten a D! 3  A: I’m interested in seeing the new Star Wars movie.      B: Really? I thought you told me you weren’t interested! 4  A: I’ll bring you all the stuff you need next week.       B:  You don’t have it? I thought you were bringing it today. 5  A: I’m going to my dance class later.      B: I didn’t know you went dancing. How long have you been doing that? 6  A: We have to leave at 11 o’clock.      B: I thought we had to leave at 12 o’clock.

17 Read the directions aloud. Call on a student to read the

sample story to the class. Ask Did you notice the reported speech and the shift tense? Write on the board Someone there said they’d been waiting. • If necessary, use the context and interpretation of Don’t be silly! that you came up with previously to give students another example. • Have students plan their stories. Say Remember to use your ideas from Activity 16. • Put students in small groups to share their stories.

18 Read the directions and the situations aloud. You could

prepare a story yourself and tell it to the class as a model. Have students make their choices individually. Give them a few minutes to decide and plan. • Tell students they might want to write down some reported speech they could use. Let them use dictionaries or ask you for help. • Put students in pairs to tell their stories. Expansion Tell students to write short summaries reporting the three most interesting things they’re told between the end of the class and the next day. Start the first lesson of the next school day by having them share their summaries.


95a  Unit 8  Common Ground


In reported speech, there’s a shift in tense. Direct speech stays the same. 14

Complete the responses to the statements that are correcting misunderstandings. Answers will vary.

1 I’ve been waiting here forever. Someone in a line advising someone not to wait. Someone you had arranged to meet being very annoyed because you were late. 2 Don’t be silly! 3 Are you going to eat that? 4 What did you do that for? 5 You’ll be sorry.

Suggested answers:




Choose one of these situations. Spend a few minutes planning how to explain what happened. Include some reporting. Then work in pairs. Tell your partner your story.

ap hi c

PRONUNCIATION Stress for clarification

Use your ideas from Activity 16 to tell a short story. Report what was said, how you replied, and what you did next. Answers will vary. I went to buy tickets for a concert, but when I got to the theater there was a huge line. Someone there said they’d been waiting forever, so I decided to forget it and just went home.

Answers will vary.

• A compliment someone paid you or you paid someone else • A misunderstanding or argument you once had or saw • A conversation you wish you hadn’t overheard

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a Work in pairs. Listen to the exchanges from Activity 14. Notice how we stress the corrections. Then practice 38 the exchanges. b Work in pairs. Take turns saying the sentences. Your partner should respond with something they had misunderstood. Answers will vary. 1 Are you coming to my birthday party on Saturday? 2 We went to Mexico on vacation last summer. 3 My mom works at a hospital near here. 4 I can’t stand that band. 5 Sorry, I can’t come out tonight. I have to study.


Is eating with your hands normal where you are from? It is in Ethiopia.





1 A We’re meeting on Tuesday. B Really? I thought you said we were meeting on Thursday! 2 A I got a B on my science essay. B Oh, that’s pretty good! I thought you said you had gotten a D! 3 A I'm interested in seeing the new Star Wars movie. B Really? I thought you told me you weren’t interested! 4 A I’ll bring you all the stuff you need next week. B You don't have it? I thought you were bringing it today. 5 A I’m going to my dance class later. went dancing. How long B I didn’t know you have you been doing that? 6 A We have to leave at 11 o'clock. had to leave at 12 o'clock. B I thought we

Think of two situations when you might hear these expressions. How might they possibly have different meanings or interpretations?


Look at sentences a–c in the Grammar box. What happens to the tenses when we report speech? Why?




Common Ground


8B I Am Who I Am


1 where the subculture originated. 2 what members of the subculture have in common. 3 what kind of music—if any—is associated with this subculture.

Compound adjectives Compound adjectives are made up of more than one word. As with single-word adjectives, it is important to learn not only the meanings, but also the nouns that they most commonly describe.

deep-rooted highly respected long-lasting two-faced worldwide


What reasons for joining subcultures are mentioned in the article? What downside is mentioned?


Which of the four subcultures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

is more of a virtual than real-world phenomenon? Otherkin became known worldwide thanks to a music video? Scraper Biker is a combination of the ultra-modern and the old? Trival includes members who identify with animals? Otherkin can trace its origins back the furthest? Goth involves a form of recycling? Scraper Biker rejects a common belief about their characteristics? Goth involves regional rivalries? Trival


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1 sharing tastes, interests, and opinions like-minded 2 dishonest and not to be trusted two-faced 3 admired by lots of people because of qualities or achievements highly respected open-minded 4 willing to consider new ideas and ways of thinking 5 existing or happening everywhere worldwide 6 behaving in a polite way well-mannered 7 firmly fixed; strong and hard to change deep-rooted 8 providing good value for the amount of money paid cost-effective 9 continuing for a long period of time long-lasting 10 extremely sad and upset heartbroken

Read the article and find the answers to the questions in Activity 4 for all of the subcultures mentioned.


cost-effective heartbroken like-minded open-minded well-mannered



Match these compound adjectives with their meanings.



subculture a group of people within a larger cultural group who share the same interests



Work in pairs. Look at the photo showing a subculture.* Predict: Answers will vary.

Complete the sentences with compound adjectives from Activity 1.

Learning to think more critically sometimes requires us to suspend our own judgment and instead to try to see things from other points of view.



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worldwide 1 She achieved fame when a video she posted online went viral. 2 Everybody around here knows she does good work. She’s a highly respected figure. 3 My little brother was absolutely heartbroken when his team lost the championship game! 4 The problems are too deep-rooted for there to be any real hope of a quick fix. 5 If you only ever spend time talking to like-minded people, you don’t get to hear different points of view.

CRITICAL THINKING Understanding other perspectives

1 2 3 4



Work in groups. Use five of the adjectives in Activity 1 to describe people or things from your own experience.

Answers will vary.

My dog died last year, which left me heartbroken. I bike almost everywhere. It’s the most cost-effective way of getting around.

96 Unit 8 Common Ground

Work in groups. For each of the four subcultures mentioned in the article, decide: Answers will vary.


what the appeal might be for those who get involved. what common ground might exist with other groups. what concerns parents might have. which are common—or have some kind of local equivalents—where you live.

MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary. The article is written from the point of view of someone who is not involved in any of the subcultures mentioned. Do you think people who are part of the subcultures might want to change any of the details? Why?


8B  I Am Who I Am 3


VOCABULARY BUILDING  Compound adjectives



Tell students to read the information in the Vocabulary Building box or read it aloud for the class. Ask if students can think of any examples of compound adjectives. Students may be familiar with fast-paced, death-defying, nimble-footed, hair-raising. For each example students come up with (or for the ones you provide), ask what it means, where the stress is, and if they can think of a noun it could be used to describe. Write students’ ideas on the board. • Read the Activity 1 directions and have students do the matching activity. Remind them that, as with compound nouns, some compound adjectives are written as a single word, others as two words, and others as hyphenated words. Tell them they can use a dictionary if they want, but not all compounds will be listed there. • When most students have finished, have them compare answers in pairs. Then review the answers by reading each meaning aloud and having the class call out the matching adjective. Write the answers on the board. Ask where the stress is in each adjective (usually on the first syllable) and mark it. Then say each adjective again and have students repeat.

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Have students look back at the adjectives in Activity 1. Say Think of some people or things that you could describe using these adjectives. Model ideas for students: cost-effective purchase; parents who are open-minded; long-lasting memories. • Explain the task and read the sample sentences aloud. Highlight the adjectives from Activity 1 by slowing down and drawing attention to them as you speak. • Put students into small groups. Give them two or three minutes to write their descriptions, using the five adjectives they’ve chosen. Say Make sure to ask your group members for help if you need it. • Listen and take notes as students work. At the end of the task, retell some interesting things you heard. Then call on students to read some of their descriptions aloud. Give feedback on how well students used the vocabulary and correct any errors in pronunciation or stress you heard.


• Warm up  Explain that in this lesson students will read about subcultures. Ask if anyone can define subculture. If necessary, explain that one definition might be: a group of people, part of a larger culture, who are united by a common interest and common values and norms. In the world of popular music, for example, devoted fans of grunge or heavy metal might be said to constitute subcultures. Gamers and skateboarders might be two others. • Ask if anyone has ever been a member of a subculture or knows someone who has and which subcultures are currently popular among people they know. Ask what music and clothing, if any, are involved, and, finally, how students feel about these groups.

• Write the numbers and adjectives on the board. As you write, ask questions to explore other uses or contexts for the vocabulary. For example: How else might you achieve worldwide fame? What other events might cause someone to be heartbroken?

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Study Tip  Use flashcards to remember collocations When you create flashcards, try to work with collocations and word chunks rather than single words. Translate the whole collocation, or if you don’t want to use translation you could do one of the following, or create multiple sets: A side: definition in English A side: single word



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A side: collocation

Expansion Go through the list of adjectives. Can you come up with a noun for each one? Write down one or two nouns to go with as many adjectives as you can. 2

Read the directions. Say You’ll probably recognize one or two of the adjective-noun collocations you’ll come up with in Activity 2. Have students complete the sentences. • Go through the answers by asking different students to read the completed sentences to the class.

A side: single word

B side: word / phrase B side: four or five common collocations B side: synonym (in a collocation) B side: one or two sample sentences

For notes on Activities 5–9, see page 97a.

REading 4

Draw students’ attention to the photo on p. 97. Then either give students a couple of minutes to discuss the three items with a partner or ask the whole class for their ideas. • Call on students for their predictions. Write some on the board, but don’t tell the class if they’re right or wrong. Instead, say OK, maybe. Let’s read and find out.



Tell students to read the article quickly and find out where the four subcultures originated, what connects the people who identify with each one, and what music, if any, is part of it. Reading Strategy  Skimming Tell students that skimming is a useful strategy for identifying the main ideas in a text. Remind them that skimming means reading the title of a text, looking at any photos and captions, and reading the first sentence of each paragraph, any section headings, any italic or bold words, and quickly noting content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) in each paragraph. •

Teaching Tip When students answer main-idea questions, they may show that they’ve understood the meaning of a text, but they may use their own ways of expressing it. This is fine as long as it shows comprehension. However, it’s a good idea to then repeat students’ ideas, rephrasing them to better reflect the language of the text. This is so the whole class can understand the answer and to focus attention on the language and vocabulary you want students to learn. 7

  39 Give a time limit (around six minutes), read the text

aloud, or play the audio as students follow along in their books. When time is up, have students compare answers with a classmate.

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• Ask the whole class or individual students for their answers. You don’t need to write these answers on the board. Work with the ideas and language students come up with, and rephrase using the words from the text where possible. Activity 5 Goth: the UK; wear all black; see themselves as romantic, ­creative; post-punk music Tribal Guarachero: Mexico; dress in a mix of futuristic and farm clothing, including long, pointy boots; Trival music (a fusion of traditional Mexican and modern electronic music) Scraper Bikers: San Francisco Bay Area; bicycles decorated in bright colors and papers; no particular music, but a hip-hop video is associated with it Otherkin: online; identify themselves as nonhuman or feel a connection to certain creatures; no music association

Have students read the Activity 7 questions. Do item 1 together as an example. Make sure students understand the meanings of virtual (digital) and phenomenon (occurrence, thing). • Ask the class which subculture the first question describes. (Otherkin) Then ask What evidence from the text supports this answer? If necessary, draw students’ attention to lines 68−69 in the article. Make sure they make the connection between a virtual phenomenon (for example, the Internet) and the words “it’s their main home” in the text. • Have students answer the rest of the questions. Tell them to underline the parts of the text that help them confirm their answers. • Put students in pairs to compare answers. Review the answers the same way you did for item 1, making sure students identify evidence from the text to support each one.



CRITICAL THINKING Understanding other perspectives Tell students to read the information in the Critical Thinking box. Ask a student to explain what to suspend your judgment means. (to stop doing [judging] for a while; to defer) Ask Whose point of view is given in the reading? (the writer’s) Ask Whose point of view might it have been interesting to hear? (the members of the subcultures’, their parents’) • Put students in groups to discuss the four questions. After students have discussed for a sufficient amount of time, ask different groups to report their ideas about different subcultures. After each report, ask the rest of the class if anyone wants to add, or disagree with, anything.


Read the My Perspective text to the class. This activity might best be assigned as homework. Tell students to first write a response to the two-part question. Then, if they agree that members of a subculture might want to change parts of the article, tell them to identify the parts and explain how they think the text might be changed. They may need to do research to support their ideas. • If you want to do the activity in class, give students plenty of time to discuss their ideas in groups and then share them with the class.

This task is best done quickly by asking the whole class for their ideas. Again, don’t expect students to use the exact words from the article. Just make sure they hit the main points of experimenting with different social groups and ideas, establishing an identity separate from the immediate family’s, and being connected to a group of like-minded people, with the downside being exposure to social rejection and bullying.




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Activity 6 They offer young people the opportunity to explore who they are and what they stand for; They allow people to start defining ­themselves ­outside of their family circle; They provide a sense of identity and ­belonging; downside: risk of getting abused or bullied


97a  Unit 8  Common Ground



Some claim that the roots of Goth can be found in such 19th century literary classics as Dracula and Frankenstein, but the dyed black hair and black clothes, dark eyeliner and fingernails, and intense dramatic postpunk music originated in England in the late 1970s. The style and sound have had a longlasting appeal; nowadays there are large communities of goths everywhere from Chile to China. Many goths resent being stereotyped as sad or angry, and instead









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Over recent years, a far more localized subculture has been developing in Mexico, where a style of music known as Tribal Guarachero has evolved, complete with its own remarkable fashions. More commonly known just as Trival, the hugely popular sound mixes traditional regional folk music with electronic dance. Young fans often identify themselves by combining futuristic elements with a basic farmworker look… and wearing extremely long, pointy boots when dancing, often competitively against groups from other local towns. Believe it or not, some items of footwear have apparently reached five feet in length!




see themselves as romantic, creative, open-minded, and able to find beauty in what others may see as dark or ugly.

Of course, subcultures that develop in a particular area can spread like wildfire in a matter of moments these days, thanks to the internet. This is what’s happened with the Scraper Biker subculture. Originally the obsession of a small group of young people in the San Francisco Bay area, scraper bikes are simply ordinary bicycles that have been modified by their owners, typically with decorated wheels and bright body colors. Much of the decoration is done very cheaply, using tinfoil, reused cardboard, candy wrappers, and paint! The craze went global after a hip-hop video featuring these creations went viral. Scraper bikes can now be seen in cities all over the world.




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During adolescence, teenagers start to form independent adult identities of their own, and for many young people around the world, this means experimenting with different social groups. Deciding to join a particular group or subculture offers young people the opportunity to explore who they are and what they stand for. It allows them to start defining themselves outside of their immediate family circle, and can provide both a sense of identity and of belonging, too. In our increasingly interconnected world, membership of particular groups can mean contact not only with other like-minded people locally, but also globally. However, while being part of a group can be an extremely positive thing, it can also attract abuse and bullying, especially of those who insist on challenging social norms. Here we look at four of the more remarkable youth cultures out there. 39

A man dancing in a nightclub wears long, pointy boots.




If the internet helps some subcultures grow, for others it’s their main home. Otherkin— people who identify to some degree as nonhuman—have a massive online presence that’s growing all the time. While some otherkin believe themselves to actually be, say, dragons or lions or witches or foxes, others simply feel special connections to certain creatures—and have found a space within which to explore these feelings. It seems that, whatever you’re going through and whatever your own personal enthusiasms, there’s a worldwide community out there just waiting for you to find it—and to assure you that you belong!


Common Ground


8C Fight for Your Rights Iceland was the first European country to elect a female president. Vigdis Finnbogadottir was elected in 1980.

GRAMMAR Patterns after reporting verbs 1

Look at the Grammar box. Match the patterns and sentences (1–6) with the examples (a–f) that have the same pattern.


Patterns after reporting verbs




1 verb + infinitive (with to) a The government intends to introduce new laws to tackle the problem. 2 verb + someone + infinitive (with to) e I reminded you all to bring in your permission slips. 3 verb + preposition + -ing f They apologized for doing what they did. 4 verb + (that) clause c She argued (that) things really need to change. 5 verb + -ing b He denied answering the question. 6 verb + someone + (that) clause d He promised me (that) he’d never do anything like that again.

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a Deciding to join a particular group offers young people the opportunity to explore who they are. b Many goths resent being stereotyped as sad or angry. c Some claim that the roots of Goth can be found in 19th century literary classics. d There’s a worldwide community out there just waiting to assure you that you belong! e It allows them to start defining themselves outside of their immediate family circle. f It can also attract abuse and bullying of those who insist on challenging social norms.

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.



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Work in pairs. Decide which patterns in Activity 1 these verbs use. Some verbs use more than one pattern. acknowledge be blamed persuade

advise convince pretend

agree imagine state

be accused invite suggest

Choose the correct options. Many governments have been criticized (1) of / in / for turning a blind eye to racism. Some have even been accused (2) of / for / from encouraging it when it suits them. However, the Bolivian government recently announced (3) to launch / launching / that it's launching an app designed to encourage citizens (4) that they should report / to report / reporting any incidents of racism or discrimination that they encounter. The app is called No Racism. Reports can be submitted 24 hours a day. The government has promised (5) responding / for responding / to respond to all complaints and take legal action, where appropriate.

98 Unit 8 Common Ground


8C  Fight for Your Rights GRAMMAR  Patterns after reporting verbs




Activity 2 1  verb + infinitive (with to) 2 verb + someone + ­infinitive (with to) 3  verb + preposition + -ing


Have students close their books. Say We’ve been talking a lot about reported speech. Well, many reporting verbs are followed by specific grammatical patterns, and it’s helpful to recognize these verbs and patterns. • Give an example. Say If I were to begin a sentence about the government’s intention to enact new legislation, I might say “The government intends… .” Ask What word would you expect to hear next? (to) That’s right, and what verb form begins with to? (an infinitive) Yes! So, I’d say “The government intends to introduce new anti-discrimination legislation.” Write the sentence on the board. Explain that the verb intends and an infinitive with to creates a pattern. • Have students reopen their books to p. 98. Read the Activity 1 directions aloud. Guide students to do item 1. Tell them to find a sentence in a−f that has a verb + infinitive with to pattern (a). Then have students match the rest of the sentences. • When most have finished, ask the whole class or individual students for their answers. As you go through the answers, write the numbers and letters on the board. • Ask questions to check that students understood the vocabulary. For example, say They apologized for doing what they did. What kind of thing do you think they did? And what might they say when they apologize?



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• Warm up  Explain to students that in this lesson, they’ll be reading about people who have fought discrimination. Check that students understand what discrimination is and the processes it involves. Look at the photo and the caption and then ask students to discuss in pairs how well they feel women are represented in their own country in politics, in business, in law enforcement, etc. • Have them consider why inequality persists in some fields and how the situation could be improved. After several minutes, ask pairs to report their ideas. After each report, ask the rest of the class if anyone wants to add, or disagree with, anything.

Read the directions and do the first verb, acknowledge, with the whole class as an example. Ask which two patterns it can be followed by. When you get the correct answers, give example sentences showing the two patterns. (For example, The company has finally acknowledged being hacked. They’ve finally acknowledged that they were hacked.) • Have students work in pairs and decide which patterns the other verbs can be followed by. When most have finished, ask the whole class or individual students for their answers. • To confirm, write on the board the pattern numbers from Activity 1 (1–6), and the verbs that go with each one. • Ask questions to check that students understood the vocabulary. For example, ask What kind of thing might you be blamed for doing? Who would blame you? Were you ever persuaded to do something? What were you persuaded to do?

At this point, have students complete Activity 3 on p. 143 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign the activity as homework.

4  verb + (that) clause 5  verb + -ing

6 verb + someone + (that) clause 3

agree, pretend advise, convince, invite, persuade advise against -ing, agree to -ing, be accused of -ing, be blamed for -ing acknowledge, advise, agree, imagine, pretend, state, suggest acknowledge, advise, imagine, suggest advise, convince, persuade

Explain that students are going to read a short text about a way one government has decided to confront racism. Tell students the country is Bolivia. Ask what they know about the country. Then ask what group or groups of people there might be targets of racism. (for example, the indigenous peoples of the country) • Explain the activity and have students complete it individually. When most have finished, have students compare answers with a partner. • Review the answers by asking for a show of hands. For example, say Raise your hand if you think the answer is of. Then Hands up if you think it’s in. Finally Who thinks it’s for? Raise your hands. Record the numbers and answers on the board. As you do, repeat the patterns by saying, for example So, you can be criticized for doing something. • Ask questions to check students’ understanding. For example, say If you turn a blind eye to a problem, are you confronting the problem or ignoring it?



Tell students to put a piece of paper over the caption for the photo at the bottom of p. 99. Tell them they’re going to read about a protest the young girl on the right has been engaged in. Tell them her name is Zulaikha Patel and ask if anyone has heard of her, and if they know, or can guess, what she’s been protesting. • Take students’ responses. Then call on one to uncover and read the caption aloud. Acknowledge those students who’ve heard of Zuliakha or her cause, or whose predictions were correct. • Read the activity directions. Make sure students understand what to do. Have them work individually. When most have finished, tell them to compare answers with a classmate. • Review and record the answers. If students are engaged with the topic of student protest and discrimination, allow time for class discussion.






Expansion Invite students to find out more about Zulaikha’s protest and write about it, or to research and write about another student action protesting discrimination.


Give students time to read all the activity options. When they’re done, answer any questions they have. Point out that all the activities involve reporting about something— either a conversation, an incident involving discrimination, or a time you, or someone else, made a decision or did something you might regret. • Ask Which option sparks your interest? Do any of them make you think of something from your own life? Help students find a partner for the second option or put together groups for option 3. Suggest that students writing a news report look at online news articles for ideas about format and style. • Some tasks will require research. Allow sufficient class time for students to complete their activities. Finally, remind them to use the language and patterns of reported speech.

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This activity allows students to discuss and explore their own ideas about how to tackle gender inequality and discrimination. It also recycles the reporting-verb patterns from Activity 1. • Put students in pairs or groups. If groups, you may want to try for mixed-gender groups or have all-male and all-female groups. • Say Look at the ideas in a−f. A couple seem like no-brainers, others are good ideas but maybe unrealistic, and some are more like goals to strive for rather than changes to be made immediately. I’m not sure. The women in Iceland were successful. What do you think? • Have students address the ideas, remembering to discuss the three bulleted points. Encourage them to take notes. Circulate and provide assistance as needed. • When the discussions peter out, call on students to share their ideas. Encourage the rest of the class to ask them questions. Give feedback on grammar patterns and any new language you heard.



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Tell students they’re going to read about Icelandic women’s fight for equal rights. Have them look at the paragraph and answer any questions they may have about the vocabulary or the content. You may need to explain fed up (unwilling to tolerate, or put up with, something any longer). • Tell students to read the whole report to find out what action the women took and why, and what the result was. • Tell them that as they read to find out the answers, they should fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses and adding prepositions where necessary. Do the first one together. Say Number 1: What should the verb be? (is) How do you know? (The word now is a clue that you need a simple-present verb.) Do you need a preposition? (no) • Have students complete the report individually. When most have finished, stop the activity. Ask the comprehension questions again. (Answers: 90% of women went on strike in 1975 to force men to accept greater equality; soon after, the country elected a female president, and now over 40% of politicians are female.) • Then tell students to compare verb forms with a partner. Review by either asking the whole class or calling on different students to give the answers. Record the numbers and answers on the board. • Take the opportunity to ask questions to check students’ understanding of certain phrases in the text. For example, ask If you’re a second-class citizen, are your rights and opportunities the same as those of other people in the country?

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99a  Unit 8  Common Ground


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a Encourage stores to stop selling toys aimed at either boys or girls. b Demand that companies employ an equal number of female and male bosses. c Insist on mothers and fathers getting equal amounts of parental leave when they have children. d Advise schools to ensure that both boys and girls do school subjects such as cooking and woodwork. e Force schools to have equal numbers of men and women in photos on the walls. f Persuade parents to discuss images of men and women in the media with their children.




CHOOSE Answers will vary. Choose one of the following activities. • Think of conversations you have had—or heard— recently. Use some of the reporting verbs from pages 98 and 99 to describe what they were about.

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• how they might change things. • which you think are good ideas. Why? • other ways in which things could be improved.

A 13-year-old girl in South Africa has been (1)forced to changeschools three times because of her accused her current hair. Zulaikha Patel has (2) school, Pretoria High School for Girls, of discriminating against black students through its uniform policies that having a “neat, (3) insist on students conservative appearance.” Angry that this was being interpreted as meaning that she couldn’t wear her hair in her natural afro style, she launched a silent protest, which attracted the attention of the national media. The denied / denies being discriminatory in any way, but school (4) (has) agreed to ­examine its policies before (6) deciding (5) to make any significant changes. whether or not

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Work in pairs. Look at the ideas for tackling gender inequality. Discuss: Answers will vary.



accuse + discriminate agree + examine decide + make deny + be force + change insist on + have


is It was recently announced that Iceland (1) (be) now the best place in the world to be female. However, young Icelandic women have previous generations to thank (2) for fighting (fight) for their rights. On October 24th, 1975, fed up with their status as second-class citizens, 90 percent of all women in the country refused to work (work). Their goal was to remind men (3) that the success of the nation (4) depended on (depend) women and to urge them (5) to accept (accept) greater equality. They threatened (6) to continue (continue) their general strike until changes were made. Men listened, and within five years the country had become the first to elect a female president, Vigdis Finnbogadottir. to have (have) one of Iceland can now claim (7) the highest proportions of female politicians—over 40 percent—in Europe. In the spring of 2017, a law was passed (8) requiring (require) employers to prove that their companies are free from gender-based salary discrimination.

Complete the short news article with the correct forms of these pairs of linked verbs.


Complete the report with the correct forms of the verbs. Add prepositions where necessary.



• Work in pairs. Write a news report about one of these topics. Use at least four reporting verbs. – an incident of discrimination – a protest – a new project that’s trying to change things • Work in groups. Tell each other about a time that: – you intended to do something, but then didn’t. Explain why you didn't do it. – you refused to do something. Why? – someone famous was accused of doing something bad. – you had to apologize for doing something. – someone powerful acknowledged they’d done something wrong.

Zulaikha Patel and her classmates are fighting for rights that go beyond the style of their hair. They are standing up against racism.


Common Ground


8D Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent

Normal is simply a construction of what we’ve been exposed to, and how visible it is around us.


Read about Safwat Saleem and get ready to watch his TED Talk.


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Just has several meanings—only, simply, exactly, soon, recently—and is also used to emphasize a statement or soften a request, to make it sound smaller or more polite.

Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Listen to these extracts from the TED Talk and add just in the correct 40 place. 1 2 3 4 5 6



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I had to grunt a lot for that one. just had to I sat there on the computer, hitting “refresh.” just sat there This was the first of a two-part video. just the first I could not do it. just could not If I stutter along the way, I go back in and fix it. just go back And the year before, that number was about eight percent. just the year before 7 Like the color blue for Ancient Greeks, minorities are not a part of what we consider “normal.” just like 2

Work in pairs. Discuss each meaning of just in Activity 1. Then practice saying the sentences. Answers will vary.



Watch Part 1 of the talk. Are the sentences true or false? 8.1



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Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 In what ways do people make fun of others? 2 In what ways might people react to being made fun of? 3 Why do you think people make fun of others?


1 People have sometimes joked, “Have you forgotten your name?” because of Safwat’s stutter. T 2 Safwat is interested in video games. T 3 The video Safwat posted only got negative feedback. F 4 The negative comments were mainly about Safwat’s stutter. F 5 The incident led Safwat to do more voice-overs in order to prove his critics wrong. F 6 In the past, Safwat used video and voice-overs to become more confident in speaking. T 7 Safwat practiced to improve his voice and accent to sound more normal. F Work as a class. Read the conclusion of Safwat’s talk. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. The Ancient Greeks didn’t just wake up one day and realize that the sky was blue. It took centuries, even, for humans to realize what we had been ignoring for so long. And so we must continuously challenge our notion of normal, because doing so is going to allow us as a society to finally see the sky for what it is. 1 How do you think the Ancient Greeks and the color of the sky might be related to what you have talked about and seen so far? 2 What do you think Safwat means by “the sky,” with regard to society today?


100 Unit 8 Common Ground

8D Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent • As you go through the sentences, either use the audio track or model saying the sentences yourself. Then have students repeat. • Ask partners to take turns reading the sentences. Challenge them to say each sentence several times, speeding up each time while still being clear.



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Read the information about the word just in the Authentic Listening Skills box aloud. Say sentences to illustrate the different meanings; for example, I just want you to make your bed, not clean the whole house! (only); It’s just a matter of trust. (simply); That’s just the problem—you lied! (exactly), and so on. You might emphasize that when students are listening, they may hear just pronounced as /dʒʌs/. • Read the Activity 1 directions aloud. Before they listen, you might have students work in pairs and decide where they think just will appear in each sentence. Have them look at the extracts. Deal with any questions about language that students may have. Share these explanations, if necessary:




Tell the class they’re going to watch the first part of the TED talk and that they should decide afterwards if sentences 1−7 are true or false. Give students time to read through the sentences first. Deal with any questions about language that students have. You might need to explain what a voice-over is (the voice of an unseen narrator in a movie, TV commercial, or video). • 8.1   Play Part 1 of the video once straight through. Then have students do the activity individually. • When they’re finished, have students compare answers with a partner. Then review as a class, calling on students to give each answer. When the answer is false, have students explain why.


This activity gives students an opportunity to express a personal response to what they’ve heard and talked about so far. It also acts as a prediction task, hopefully creating anticipation about the final part of the video. • Either read the paragraph aloud or tell students to read it to themselves. Allow time for them to reread and absorb it. • Then give students a couple of minutes to discuss the questions with a partner first, or ask the whole class for their ideas right away. • Set students’ minds at ease by telling them there’s no one correct answer to the questions. Prompt them, if necessary, with some other questions. For example, ask Do you think the Greeks’ realization that the sky was blue should be taken literally? Do you think it might be an example that stands for some bigger discovery or realization? • Accept students’ ideas about both discussion questions and tell them they’ll find out more when they watch the final part of the video.

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grunt: to make a short low noise (Try grunting yourself to demonstrate.) stutter: to repeat the sounds of a word in an uncontrolled way when you speak minorities: parts of a society or group thought to be different in terms of race, religion, or culture from the larger group of which they’re a part • 40   Have pairs mark in their books where they think just goes. Then play the audio so they can check their answers. 2

This is intended as a quick warm-up before the video. You could discuss the questions with the whole class or put students in pairs to share their ideas. Before they begin, though, have students consider these questions: Say Think to yourself. Have you ever made fun of someone? Were you ever made fun of? How did you react? In each case, how did you feel afterwards? • Circulate as students discuss and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Provide assistance as necessary. • When a couple of pairs have finished, stop the activity. • Ask different groups to share their ideas, and then ask the rest of the class if they have anything to add. Alternatively, you could just give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).




• Warm up  Say If you’ve ever known or heard someone with a stuttering problem, you can understand how difficult it must make everyday life, especially for children. Imagine having to repeat yourself over and over, or being mocked, every time you try to say something. (Share the meaning of stutter given in Activity 1 below, if necessary.) • Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about a Pakistani-American artist whose issues with his speaking voice set him apart as a kid and eventually led him to question the very meaning of what’s normal. • Read the quote on p. 100 aloud and ask students to translate it or say what they think it means in English (or both). • 8.0   Tell students they’re going to see a short text on the DVD to introduce the topic further. Play the first section of the video; then have students do the exercises.

Put students in pairs to try the first part of the task. Do the first one together. See if students agree on the meaning of just in the sentence. Tell them a couple of the meanings could make sense. • Alternatively, you could do a few together then skip to the last step. • When most have finished, ask the whole class or individual students for their answers. Accept any meaning that indicates that students have understood the general idea.




• 8b  Check that students understand the words and phrases in italics. Reteach if necessary. Have students read the discussion topics. Tell them to think of an example from their own lives for at least two of them. Give them two minutes to plan what they’ll say. As they think, share one or two anecdotes of your own. • Put students in pairs to tell each other their anecdotes. • Circulate and listen as partners talk. Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting them or giving them the English they need. • After a few minutes, have students change partners. Continue listening and noting. At the end of the task, give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct. You can also retell some of the anecdotes you heard, calling on the students themselves to add other details.


Read the My Perspective text aloud. You could begin by telling students how you feel about your own accent and if you’d like to change it. You could explain how you’ve worked to improve your pronunciation over the years—any exercises you’ve done, how you’ve practiced, people who’ve helped you, and so on. • Have students think about the questions and write down their thoughts, if they want. When most have finished, stop the activity. • Then put students in groups to discuss their thoughts and ideas, or call on some to share them with the whole class. Give feedback about any new language students use and errors to correct. • It’s important to stress the fact that (1) there is no one “right” native-speaker accent; most native speakers have at least some regional elements in their accents, and (2) the most important thing is to try to make sure you can be understood by a wide range of other speakers of English.

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Teaching Tip There are often two problems for your students when doing a speaking task. They have the challenge of thinking of ideas and constructing a story or an opinion on a subject, and then they have the difficulty of finding the English language to express it. A student’s “failure” in speaking tasks is sometimes due more to the former rather than his or her proficiency in English. Particularly with tasks that demand a lot of creative thinking, you might get pairs of students to do it first in their own language. After they finish, ask if there were any words they used that they want to know in English. Then have them change partners and do the task again in English.


Read the Activity 6 directions aloud. Say Before you watch the video, you’re going to put your powers of logic to the test! Have students look at the sentences to see if there’s any vocabulary they need help with. • Make sure students understand that sentence 1 (Few colors… Why?) is the first sentence in the sequence and that the other sentences follow it in a logical order. Explain that each sentence will have an obvious connection to the previous one, so students should look for words or ideas that are common to both. • Say Start by looking for a sentence that addresses the question “Why?” at the end of sentence 1. • When most have finished, have students compare their sequences with a partner. Then go through the sentences with the whole class. When students disagree, ask them why they chose what they did. Don’t give the correct answers yet. Say OK. We’ll find out who’s right in a minute. • 8.2   Play Part 2 of the video.





Expansion Have the groups brainstorm ways of practicing pronunciation. Write the best ideas on the board and then ask students to discuss in pairs which two ideas they like best and think they will try.   VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT 8.3   Play the Vocabulary in Context section. Pause • 8a at each point where the options come on-screen and ask everyone to call out their answer together. Then show the answer. • If a lot of students are giving the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip.



• Read the Challenge aloud. Give students a few minutes to think about which topics they might like to explore. • Put students into groups. Tell students to share with the group their thoughts about the topics that most interested them. Each group should then decide on a topic together. When groups have reached a decision, have them focus on the five steps. • Once groups know what aspect to focus on, they could split into two smaller groups, with both doing steps 2 and 3. (If you’re short on time, you might want to assign this part of the activity as homework.) • Groups re-form to do step 4. Say You used divergent thinking in steps 2 and 3. Now you’ll use convergent thinking! If necessary, guide them to choose the best idea in the fairest way. Allow time for groups to present their video ideas to the class. Expansion Tell students to use the Internet to find five or more nativespeaker accents, or dialects. Say Try to find a website where you can listen to samples of each one. Tell them to decide which one or two they like the most—and the least—and to consider why.


101a  Unit 8  Common Ground

ng ni ar Le Put the sentences in order. The first one is given. Then watch Part 2 of the talk and check your answers. 8.2

1 Few colors are mentioned in ancient literature. Why?

10 g 7 h 5 i


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2 f


8 e

part of people’s “normal.” People discriminate because they don’t “see” or relate to people who are different from themselves. Should Safwat accept or challenge ideas of normality? Blue was “invisible” and not part of ancient people’s “normal,” unlike red. Minorities are not part of society’s “normal,” like the color blue wasn’t for the Greeks. One theory is that colors weren’t named or “seen” until people could make them. This is why Safwat has gone back to using his voice in his work. People learn not to relate to minorities because there are few images of minorities in books. People’s ideas of “normal” can lead to discrimination, such as offering fewer interviews to people with blacksounding names.


9 c 3 d

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4 a In the same way, narrators with strong accents are not 6 b



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MY PERSPECTIVE How do you feel about your own accent in English? Would you like to change it at all? What would be a “normal” accent for you? Answers will vary.

a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 8.3 meanings of the words and phrases.

b Work in pairs. Tell each other about: • something humorous you have seen or read recently. • a time you felt a bit self-conscious. • a time you took a big step. Answers will vary.

CHALLENGE Work in groups. You are going to discuss a video you could make about ONE of these topics. Choose a topic and follow the steps (1–5). • Challenge the idea of what is “normal.” • Raise awareness of discrimination. • Discourage bullying. • Show how different groups share experiences, likes, and dreams. • Encourage people to do activities with different groups of people. 1 Decide on one aspect of the topic to focus on. 2 Think of two or three different messages for the campaign. 3 Brainstorm some ideas to illustrate these messages. 4 Choose the best idea and develop it further. 5 Share your idea with the rest of the class.


Common Ground


8E Teenage Kicks SPEAKING Useful language



Listen to five people giving opinions about a policy. What do you think the 41 banning teenagers from the mall unless accompanied policy is about? by an adult


3.1: 1 a shopkeeper 4 a teacher 5 a teenager 2 a teenager 1 Who is speaking in each case? 3 an older person / 2 Are they for or against the policy? Why? parent


Complete the sentences by adding two words in each blank—contractions 41 count as one word. Then listen again and check your answers.

Challenge ideas and assumptions Just because…, (it) doesn’t mean… …are we supposed to… ?

Listen to the five people again.




Agree or disagree I totally support it. I’m in favor. I’m (totally) for / against the idea. It’s crazy. I don’t get it.

1 Where was the photo taken? 2 What are the people doing? What else might they do? 3 How do you think others might react to these people? Why?



their fault 1 We’ve lost some stock recently, which I think might be . supposed to go? Or are we just 2 I mean, where else are we not supposed to hang out at all? 3 As someone who goes there pretty often, I totally support the idea. 4 Just because one or two misbehave doesn’t mean they all do. I mean , adults shoplift and cause problems, too. at it point of from my grandpa’s view, 5 If I look I can kind of understand it.

Give examples I mean, …

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Identify yourself As a… / someone who… Speaking as… If you look at it from… point of view…

Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary.


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Work in pairs. Look at the statements. Which ones are normal in your country? Which ones do you agree or disagree with? Why? Use some of the expressions in the Useful language box to discuss them. Answers will vary.



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1 2 3 4 5 6

Just hanging out?


Teenagers shouldn’t hang out without a responsible adult around. Everyone should wear a school uniform. Boys and girls should be educated separately. Men are better at certain subjects or in certain jobs than women. You can only get a good job if you go to college. Students need to do lots of homework to succeed.

Work in groups. Choose a role. Discuss the statements in Activity 5 in your role. Then think about the statements from a different perspective. Answers will vary. businessperson




102 Unit 8 Common Ground


8E  Teenage Kicks 4

Read the Activity 4 directions aloud. Have students look at the items and make sure they understand what they have to do. Say See how many blanks you can fill in from memory. • 41   When most students have finished, play the audio again and tell students to check their answers and complete what they didn’t finish. Call on different students to read the completed sentences aloud. • Write the numbers and missing words on the board. If you can, model how the words sounded on the audio track— indicating where letters or sounds disappeared, words linked together, and so on. • Finally, challenge students to say the sentences as quickly as they’re said on the audio.


Read the directions aloud. Then have students read the phrases in the Useful language box. Answer any questions they may have about them. Make sure they understand what in favor and get it mean. Say You’re going to use this language as you discuss. Suggest that they check off a few of the phrases they’d like to try out in their discussion. • Put students in pairs to discuss the six topics. Say There’s quite a variety of subjects here. You should have some interesting conversations! Don’t be afraid to express your true feelings. • Give your own ideas about the first topic as an example. If you do, use some phrases from the Useful language box. You might say something slightly controversial to give students the confidence to express unpopular ideas. • Have students change partners and share ideas from their previous discussion.

Read the directions. You may want to clarify what a policy is (a set of plans or actions agreed on by a government, political party, business, school, etc.). • 41   Play the audio track once straight through. Then have students briefly discuss their ideas with a partner. • Ask the whole class What do you think the policy is about? Call on students to give their answers. Ask students how they arrived at their answer. Encourage them to use vocabulary from the recording where relevant (policy, stock, hanging out, respect, negative stereotypes).   Tell students you’re going to play the audio again. Tell them to read the two questions and then listen to the track to find out the information. Suggest that they take notes as they listen. Play the audio. • When the track is done, tell students to compare their ideas in pairs. Then review by having individual students call out the answers to the first question. (So, who’s talking in number 1? Is the person male, female, young, old? Is the person’s job given?) Then ask students to explain why the person agrees or disagrees with the policy. 41




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Point to the photos at the bottom of pp. 102−103. Then either give students several minutes to discuss the activity questions with a partner or simply ask the whole class for their responses. • If you put students in pairs, go around and check that they’re doing the task correctly. Notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Help them by correcting their errors or giving them the English they need. • At the end of the task, give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). You can also share some ideas you heard.

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• Warm up  Explain that in this lesson students will learn how to write complaints. Begin by asking partners to brainstorm situations in which you might make a verbal complaint and ones in which you would make the complaint more formal by putting it in writing. Tell them to think about who the complaint would be directed to, and what the problem would be. Then ask students if they or anyone they know has ever complained about a similar situation. Ask them when, why, and what happened.




Put students in groups of four and assign a different role to each person in the group. Give students time to think about how their “character” would respond to the sentences in Activity 5. Encourage students to use a dictionary as they plan and to feel free to ask for your assistance. They may also want to take notes. • Tell students to discuss each topic in their new roles and see if they can find common ground within their groups.

Activity 3, question 2 1  for − thinks it will reduce theft; 2  against − believes the mall is safe and a place for teens to hang out; 3  for − thinks teens are ­disrespectful, threatening; 4  against − believes not all teens ­misbehave, kids need to become independent; 5  against − believes the media negatively stereotype teens Unit 8  Common Ground  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION



Ask Have any of these conversations gotten you upset, mad, or motivated to complain in some way? Tell students they’re going to learn to write a complaint. Say, First, you’ll look at a model of an email complaining about the stereotyping of immigrants. • Have students turn to the complaint on p. 152 and read it to themselves. Give a time limit or read the text aloud yourself as students follow along. • Then tell students to answer the questions in Activity 9. Review the answers with the class.




This task could be done quickly with the whole class or you could give students more time to share ideas by putting them in groups to discuss stereotypes that exist for each group of people—positive, negative, or neutral. • Share your own thoughts about one or two of the groups, then have students discuss. Go around the room observing, listening, and taking notes for feedback. When a couple of groups have finished, stop the activity. • You could ask different groups to report their ideas and then ask the rest of the class if anyone wants to add anything. Alternatively, you could just give your feedback.

Read the directions. Give students a few minutes to think of instances of something that seemed unfair, untrue, or that included negative stereotyping. • Get ideas from the whole class and write some on the board. Then put students into groups to discuss the four activity questions. • Go around the room observing, listening, and taking notes for feedback. When a couple of groups have finished, stop the activity. • You could ask different groups to report their examples and then ask the rest of the class if anyone wants to add anything. Encourage them to comment using some of the Useful language from the box on p. 102. You might want to write some phrases on the board, for example, As someone who … ; I don’t get it; Just because … , it doesn’t mean … .


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either read it aloud or give students a couple of minutes to read through it. Answer any questions they may have. • Put students in pairs and tell them to evaluate the email on p. 152 based on the guidelines in the Writing strategy box. • Ask pairs for examples of things the email did well and things it could have done better. Explain that there are no right or wrong answers, but they should be able to explain their opinions. • Finally, ask students to tell whether they think a written complaint can be effective, why or why not, and if they have any experience with writing a complaint.


The writing lesson links the audio the students listened to in Activity 2 to the broader themes of stereotyping and discrimination. Begin by asking the class for ideas about ways in which young people are stereotyped. Write students’ responses on the board. Insert sentence starters, such as People often say we’re… , According to the stereotype, we… , Supposedly, all young people… . • Then put students in pairs to discuss what stereotypes they think they personally fit and how that makes them feel. Monitor discussions and provide assistance as necessary. • Ask for volunteers to share their thoughts and feelings at the end of the discussions.



10 Draw students’ attention to the Writing strategy box and

12 Say Now’s your chance to vent about (forcefully express) your

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concerns involving unfair treatment or stereotyping that you’ve witnessed or become aware of during your conversations. • Read the directions. Put students in pairs and tell them to talk for a few minutes about what they want to say in their complaints. Tell them to review the Writing strategy guidelines and the model on p. 152. Then have them begin to write. • Assign the writing for homework or set a time limit for doing it in class. As students are writing, circulate and provide assistance as needed. You might note some common mistakes for feedback when the time is up. • Have students read their complaints to the class. Point out where students’ writing showed good organization, included clear explanations and reasonable suggestions, and appropriate language in a formal tone.



Activity 9 1 the editor of a newspaper; to complain about how the newspaper reports the issue of immigration 2 upset; She is the granddaughter of an immigrant. 3 She wants the newspaper to stop using stereotypes and generalizations about immigrants. Writing Strategy  Who’s your audience?  Tell students that when they do any kind of writing, they need to consider their audience—who the writing is directed to or who is going to read it. Writing such as research reports, letters to a newspaper editor, a business, a school principal, or a government official, for example, requires a more formal tone than what you’d use in a story, an email to a friend, or a personal journal. While perfectly acceptable, even desirable, in other writing genres, some things to avoid in formal writing are a casual or chatty tone, dialogue, and contractions.


103a  Unit 8  Common Ground

WRITING A complaint


When we write to complain about something, we:

Do you think there are any stereotypes in the media about these groups of people? Are they positive, negative, or neither? Answers will vary. boys old people


Writing strategy

One of the speakers in Activity 2 mentioned negative stereotypes about teenagers in the media. What stereotypes do you think you fit? How does that make you feel? Why? Answers will vary.

businesspeople people from your country

girls students

Read the complaint on page 152 and answer the questions.


1 Who is the person writing to and why? 2 How does she feel? Why? 3 What does she want to happen? Why? WRITING SKILL Using appropriate tone Answers will vary.


The writing is more effective if it:



Work in pairs. Read the complaint on page 152 again. Discuss the questions.

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1 Does the writer follow the advice in the Writing strategy box? 2 What other details could the writer give, if any? 3 Do you think complaints are worth writing? Why?

• is polite. • is fairly formal. • uses linking words such as however and while.

Work in groups. Think of reports, policies, rules, TV programs, or movies you know about. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

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• say what the general problem is in the first sentence. • give details of the problem (including times and examples). • explain more about how the problem has affected us. • ask for some kind of action. • sometimes say what we will do next if we are unsatisfied with the response.




Write a complaint about one of the ideas you discussed in Activity 11. Follow the structure of the writing model on page 152. Try to use some of the language from this unit. Answers will vary.



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1 Have you read or seen anything that you thought was untrue, unfair, or stereotyped people? 2 What was the problem? 3 Who was responsible? 4 How could it have been changed?


Common Ground


Lend a Helping Hand



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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • talk about natural disasters and technology that helps to deal with them. • read about how the United Nations gives a voice to young people. • learn about local community action and dealing with crime. • watch a TED Talk about helping people recover after a disaster. • write a letter of application for a volunteer position. 104


Lend a Helping Hand



The photo is from China, where floods are common during the wet season, from May to November. The country has suffered some of the worst natural disasters in recorded history, including several of the deadliest floods and landslides of all time. Typhoons are often the cause of flooding, especially in southern and eastern coastal regions, where large-scale evacuations are not uncommon. China is in an active seismic zone and has experienced major earthquakes, including one of the deadliest, the 7.9-magnitude earthquake in Sichuan province in 2008, in which more than 69,000 people lost their lives.

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Students will read about the founding of UNICEF after World War II to help the millions of children ravaged by the effects of that war, and how the United Nations has become a leading advocate for young people and a conduit for the development of the future leaders of the world. They’ll discuss how young people can make a difference in their communities and how some have done so—even at great personal risk.

About the Photo


In this unit, students will talk about the devastation caused by natural disasters and how governments and communities respond in times of crisis. They’ll learn about new technology that anyone can access and use to help out in times of dire need.


Unit Overview



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They’ll think about the psychological and emotional damage caused by natural disasters and learn how a photographer and a group of her colleagues found a unique and deeply personal way to help alleviate some of that pain. Finally, students will consider their specific qualifications to help out after a disaster and learn how to write a letter of application.

Unit Objectives

Language note The word disaster has its origins in the Latin word astro, for star. Later on, the Italian word disastro combined the Latin word with the negative prefix dis- to mean “an unfavorable position of a star.” This meaning evolved to refer to the kind of misfortune which such an astral position was thought to cause.

Warm Up

Pronunciation • -ing forms

• With their books closed, introduce the unit by telling students they’ll be talking about natural disasters and their devastating effects on human populations. Ask students if they or anyone they’re close to has ever been affected by a natural disaster—an earthquake, a flood, typhoon, hurricane or tsunami, severe drought, a volcano, an avalanche, etc. Ask if anyone wants to share any details they know about it. • Read the Language note to students and tell them that in centuries past people blamed natural disasters on the positions of the stars and planets, and in ancient times, some even thought disasters were the gods’ response to bad human behavior. • Ask Does anyone know what some climate scientists are predicting about future natural disasters? Students may know that some scientists say global warming is causing increased levels of water vapor in the atmosphere, which will lead to more frequent and intense storms and droughts.

Speaking • Countering possible opposition • Listing


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Vocabulary • Dealing with disaster • Vocabulary Building  the + adjective



Grammar • Grammar 1  Relative clauses • Grammar 2  Participle clauses Reading • Shouting Out for the Young

TED Talk • Becci Manson: (Re)touching Lives, through Photos

Writing • A letter of application

• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 42–47 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)



9A  In Times of Crisis VOCABULARY

Teaching Tip One way to preteach vocabulary efficiently is to give students a list of the lesson words or collocations and tell them to give each one a number from 1−3: 1 means “I know this word and use it”; 2, “I know the meaning of this word, but don’t really use it”; and 3, “I don’t know this word.” Go around the class and notice which words are generally being given a 3. Explain these words before beginning the lesson.

1  Have students open their books to pp. 104−105. Read the




understand them. Re-teach anything they ask about. • Have a student read the first question aloud. Give one possible answer yourself, then ask students for other ideas. Then put students in pairs to discuss the rest of the question. • Circulate and provide assistance as needed. When the first pairs finish, have students change partners and start from the last question this time. • Check students’ ideas by asking the individuals the questions again. Use this as an opportunity to teach some unfamiliar words that came up in the discussions, such as the names of other natural disasters and words related to disaster relief, and rescue and recovery efforts. Ask the class for a translation or an explanation of the word or phrase and then give, or ask students for, other examples to show how it’s used.

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Expansion • Divide the class into two groups. One group should imagine that they were the people in the photo and write some notes for a first-hand account about what happened. The other group should write down questions to ask about the incident. Put together pairs of students (one from each group) to conduct an interview.

3  Tell students to read the questions and check that they


activity directions and questions aloud. Ask the class to look at the photo and put them in pairs to discuss the questions. • Listen to students as they talk and help them with language if they need it. Some of these questions may generate ideas that will give you the opportunity to preteach the vocabulary in Activity 2. Write some of the relevant words and phrases you hear on the board. • As feedback, discuss any words you wrote on the board or other issues you noted as pairs talked. Share the information in About the photo with the class. • Finally, call on pairs to tell what they think the three main challenges facing the people in the photo are.

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• Have students identify English words for disasters that have been borrowed from other languages. 2  Tell students they’re going to learn some (more) words



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and phrases to talk about what happens in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster. • Have students read the directions and look at the word pairs. Have them check the meanings of unfamiliar words. Notice words they look up and focus on these in feedback. • As an alternative, you can preteach the vocabulary, using the Teaching Tip that follows. • You may want to fill in the first blank together. Say, for example, Number one: The… what… struck coastal areas just after midnight. What kind of word is needed here? (a noun) There are several nouns given first in the list of word pairs. Try them all. If one seems to fit, see if the second word in the pair works. Pause. Then ask OK, which word makes the most sense here? (earthquake) • Have students complete the activity individually. When most students have finished, tell them to compare answers with a partner and to help each with anything they haven’t finished. • Review the answers by asking students to read the completed sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and word pairs on the board. • Ask questions about related collocations. For example, ask Can you think of collocations to describe what might have happened right as the earthquake struck? (the ground shook or trembled, trees swayed or bent, houses collapsed)

Activity 3, Suggested answers: 1  any other natural disaster  2 transportation, roads, telecommunications, etc.  3  food, water, medical supplies, shelter, etc.  4  the number of injuries and disease, amount of money from charities, number of foreign aid workers, etc.  5  food, water, tents, medical supplies, helicopters, etc.  6  by bulldozers or by hand -by large teams of people  7  by helicopters or planes, by boats, by trucks, etc.  8  trees or buildings fall, flooding, other dangerous conditions

4   Think of your own example of a natural disaster before class.

Ideally it should be one most students will not know about. Explain what happened. As you do so, highlight the new vocabulary you use and point out when you provide the information asked for in Activity 4. When you finish, have students ask you two or three further questions. • Tell students to read the directions and look at the bulleted items. Give them two or three minutes to choose a natural disaster. 5  Put students into small groups to give their talks. Encourage

them to avoid reading their notes. Tell the other group members to ask questions and make comments using the lesson vocabulary. As you circulate, provide your own feedback. • At the end of the activity, retell some interesting things you heard. You can also give some whole-class feedback on how well students used the new language.


105a  Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand

9A In Times of Crisis VOCABULARY Dealing with disaster 1

Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What do you think has happened? 2 What do you think the three main challenges in this area would be at this time? 3 What would be needed to help people overcome these challenges?


Check that you understand these pairs of words. Use a dictionary, if necessary. Then complete the series of events following an earthquake. blocked + supplies earthquake + devastation launched + evacuate shortages + limited


appealed + aid debris + task infrastructure + flee rise + crisis


Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



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1 The earthquake struck coastal areas just after midnight and caused . widespread devastation 2 Much of the infrastructure was damaged or destroyed, and thousands of flee the worst-affected areas. people started to rise , it became clear that a 3 As the number of injuries continued to crisis was starting to unfold. humanitarian shortages limited and a amount of clean 4 There were food drinking water. appealed to the international community for 5 The government aid . blocked , so they had to use helicopters to drop 6 The roads were supplies to people. launched evacuate a relief effort and started to people 7 They from the disaster zones. debris and started the huge 8 They finally managed to clear the task of rebuilding.

Rescuers evacuate local people from their homes in China.


Think about a natural disaster you know about and prepare to discuss it. Write notes on: Answers will vary. • • • •


In addition to earthquakes, what else can cause widespread devastation? What kind of systems form the infrastructure of a town or city? What else might there be shortages of after a disaster? What else might rise after a natural disaster? What kind of aid can the international community provide in crises? How is debris usually cleared? How are people usually evacuated from disaster zones? What other reasons are there that roads may be blocked?

what happened, where, and when. the immediate impact of the disaster. the relief effort involved—and how effective it was. the biggest challenges.

Work in groups. Discuss your notes from Activity 4. Try to use some of the language from Activity 2. Answers will vary.


Lend a Helping Hand




Listen to the first part of a radio program. Find out: 42

an earthquake in Haiti in 2010

1 what the disaster was, where it happened, and when. 2 what the impact of the disaster was.

3D modeling technology drones hashtags

widespread devastation 7 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

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• Had you heard about the disaster described in Exercise 6 before? Do you know anything more about it and how the country is now? • How do you think social media, maps, and photographs, such as the one above, could help in this situation?

Listen to the second part of the radio program about how Patrick Maier first used an online mapping technology 43 called Ushahidi in Haiti. Answer the questions. 1 How did he get information to update the online maps on Ushahidi? 2 How did this information help the people affected by the disaster? 3 How else has Ushahidi helped people elsewhere in the world?



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Work in pairs. Try to remember what was said about the following. Then listen again and check your ideas. 43

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8

Christine Martin Kenya Haitian roots one million

helicopters world attention Russia a smartphone

Patrick Maier calls the work he does crisis mapping. In recent years, crisis mappers have started using more technological tools in their work. How might these tools be useful to them? Can you think of anything else that might help? Answers will vary.

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When a powerful earthquake struck Nepal in 2015, Patrick Maier's team used drones to take photos of the affected areas.

Hashtags might be useful for crisis mappers because they can use social media to see where the most requests for aid are coming from.

GRAMMAR Relative clauses 11

Look at the Grammar box. Answer the questions. 1 What are the relative pronouns in each sentence? 2 When do you think each one is used? 3 Defining relative clauses qualify nouns and tell us exactly which thing, person, or place is being referred to. Which sentences include them? 4 What is the difference between the defining relative clauses in the sentences you just identified and the others? 5 In which sentence can the relative pronoun be left out? Why? 6 Look at sentence d. Where does the preposition go in relation to the verb? How else could you write this clause?


Unit 9 Lend a Helping Hand

artificial intelligence GPS satellites


Activity 9 1  Christine Martin: She was doing research in Haiti at the time of the earthquake.  2  Kenya: Ushahidi, based here, was the free-mapping technology Maier used to develop the first crisis maps.  3  Haitian roots: Many volunteers had Haitian roots.  4  one million: Volunteers made over one million edits to the map.  5  helicopters: They dropped supplies more accurately.  6  world attention: It focused attention on ­humanitarian crises.  7 Russia: Ushahidi helped tackle forest fires in Russia.  8 a smartphone: Anyone with a smartphone can contribute.

• Warm up  You might want to start by getting students to do a word shower—simply writing down all the words and phrases they can remember from the previous lesson. Get students to do this individually, then share in pairs or groups. • Alternatively, you could have students do the Activity 1 Expansion activity if you didn’t do it previously. Tell the class they’re going to hear a radio report about a natural disaster and its immediate aftermath. Have students read the activity questions, then play the audio track. • Give students a minute or two to write the answers and compare them with a partner’s. • When the class is ready, call on individuals to give their answers. Question 2 is pretty general, so make sure you get as many details from different students as possible.

6     42

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Take a few students’ responses, then discuss the earthquake in Haiti for a few minutes as a class. • Have students look at the photo across the top of pp. 106−107. Read the caption aloud and ask if anyone can explain what drone means in this context. Ask Are drones manned or unmanned? (unmanned) • Read the question after the second bullet aloud. Have students look at the photo again and share their ideas. Say Now we’re going to find out what actually happened. Let’s see how many of you were on the right track!


7  Read the questions after the first bullet in Activity 7 aloud.

Read the directions and the names of the tools aloud. Briefly define each one. Say We already know about drones, and I’m guessing you’ve heard of satellites and GPS (global positioning system). Draw a hashtag on the board and say You probably know what this is, too. • Say I’m not sure about AI (artificial intelligence) and 3D modeling, though. Who can help me out here? Call on students to explain these tools to the class. Help them out as necessary. • Repeat the activity directions and have students discuss in pairs. Point out the sample text explaining the usefulness of hashtags for crisis mapping. • When pairs have come up with some ideas, call on them to explain their ideas to the class.


Read the directions aloud, then have students read the questions to themselves. Say You know what to listen for. Take notes. Then play the audio straight through. • Have students write their answers and compare in pairs. • If there are any disagreements, play the audio again for clarification. Draw attention to any problem sounds or words and explain them when you confirm the answers.

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8     43



Activity 8 1  from social media 2  Aid was more effectively provided to those in need. 3 It’s used globally to tackle humanitarian crises, forest fires, and floods. 9  Put students in pairs. Ask them to read the directions

and the activity items. To get students started, ask who Christine Martin is. If no one remembers, give them a hint. Say She was Patrick Maier’s girlfriend… and? (She was doing research in Haiti at the time of the earthquake.) •   43 Have pairs get to work. Suggest that they write down key words or phrases for each item. When they’re done, go through the items by calling on pairs to tell what they remember. Then play the audio track so students can check. • You may want to replay certain sentences from the recording and have students repeat them.

GRAMMAR  Relative clauses   Explain that relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns, the most common of which are who, which, that, whom, and whose. • Tell students to look at Activity 10 on p. 106. Say All the questions are about the relative clauses and pronouns in the Grammar box. Have them read and answer the questions in pairs, or ask the whole class the questions yourself. That qualifies nouns that describe things and people; which qualifies nouns that describe things; who / whom qualify nouns that describe people; whose qualifies nouns that describe possession / connections.


Activity 11 1 a that b which c which d which e who f whose g whom h whose; who 2  that qualifies nouns that describe things and people which  qualifies nouns that describe things who / whom  qualify nouns that describe people whose qualifies nouns that describe possession / ­connections 3  a, b, h 4 Nondefining relative clauses contain extra information about the nouns they qualify. 5 b, because it is defining and because the relative pronoun is the object of the clause 6 at the end of the relative clause. In formal English, the ­preposition can come before the relative pronoun.





Expansion Have students rewrite the sentences in the Grammar box to practice different ways of writing clauses; for example, they could substitute a different relative pronoun or change a defining clause to a nondefining clause. They could also add a new clause to another part of the sentence. (For example, in a, students could add a clause to explain Richter scale.) 14  Read the directions and questions. Put students into groups

to share what they know about natural disasters in the country. Ideally, each student will have some information or an experience to share. Point out that there are two separate issues to cover in the discussions. • Remind them to be sensitive to classmates who may find it difficult to talk about hardship or loss from a natural disaster. • When groups have finished, call on students to share some information they learned. Have them also tell how what they’ve learned from their classmates, and from the lesson so far, has given them a new perspective on the reality of natural disasters. • Optional  Assign the activity as homework to give students time to do research and to interview family members and local people about a disaster they vividly remember. Students should explain how the task has given them a new perspective on natural disasters or on the history of the region. Students could present a report to the class and even film the interviews (with the permission of the interviewees) and present them, as well.

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Second World War ended in Europe. But first, ask the class what they know about the end of the war and its aftermath from their history classes. Take students’ responses. Have a brief class discussion, time permitting. • Ask students to read the whole text to find out if any of the things they talked about were mentioned. As brief feedback, comment on how accurate the students’ ideas were. • Then read the activity directions. You may want to give students time to review the Grammar Reference about relative clauses again. Then do one or two items together with the class. Explain the answers and whether there’s more than one possibility. Have students do the rest individually. • When most have finished, tell students to compare answers with a partner. • Review the answers as a class. Make sure students understand that who always refers to people, which refers to places or things, and that refers to places and things and can sometimes refer to people, as well.


12   Tell students they’re going to read about the year the

• You may need to work through another example before putting students in pairs to do the rest. Then go around and check that they’re on task and provide assistance as needed. • Call on students to read their sentences aloud. You might correct pronunciation as they do so. Point out that nondefining clauses are said with a falling intonation (but don’t spend too much time on this, as it’s an unusual feature of spoken English). Write some of the best sentences on the board and point out each relative clause for the class.


At this point, have students complete Activities 1–2 on p. 145 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework.

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Teaching Tip One way to involve the whole class in feedback is to write sentences on the board that you heard, or that students tried to say, but couldn’t. Leave a blank in each sentence. This could focus on an aspect of grammar or a word you think students should know. Explain the context of the sentence and then ask if students know the missing word. You may need to guide them. You can also do this to practice the lesson vocabulary.

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13  Write on the board Crisis mapping has been used in many



countries. Ask students to suggest ideas for a relative clause telling more about crisis mapping. • If necessary, ask What is crisis mapping? Ask students how they could add that information to the sentence—in the form of a relative clause. Ask Would the clause begin with that, which, who? (which) If necessary, begin a sentence for them: Crisis mapping, which is… . Have students complete it. • You could then ask Which countries? Elicit ideas about how to add this information as a clause. (… many countries that have had natural disasters recently, such as Russia and Colombia.)


107a  Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand

ng ni

that / where /

they had to move from the places (3) blank previously lived—and life was unbelievably hard for those (4) who / that had survived. The majority of the survivors husbands and were women and children (5) whose fathers had been killed or imprisoned. Nobody had anything / which / they could sell, and men with weapons (6) that blank wandered the land, taking whatever they wanted. How was the task of rebuilding achieved?


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a The earthquake that struck Haiti measured seven on the Richter scale.* b The devastation which it caused was simply staggering! c The country, which has long been one of the poorest in the world, struggled to cope. d The seaport, which supplies would normally have been delivered to, was also unusable. e Watching all of this in his Boston home was Patrick Maier, who decided that he had to do something to help. f Maier, whose girlfriend was doing research in Haiti at the time, came up with the idea of using technology to create an interactive online map. g He had to reach out for volunteers, many of whom had Haitian roots and were very happy to help. h Helicopters were able to drop tents and food to desperate people whose homes had been destroyed and evacuate people who were trapped or injured.


Relative clauses




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Well, most importantly, Harry Truman, (7) who was then President of the United States, put into place systems (8) that / which were intended to help all states regarded as allies. In 1947, the US Secretary of State, General name was given to George Marshall, (9) whose the plan, announced massive amounts of aid for war-torn countries, much of which was to be used for reconstruction. The Marshall Plan ran for over ten years and paid for the rebuilding of infrastructure, (10) that / which provided employment and sped up the return of normal life.

Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. Complete the summary with a relative pronoun in each blank. Can any of the blanks contain a different word or be left blank? If so, which ones? Explain your choices. The year 1945 was an important one for Europe. Some people see it as the year (1) that / when / the modern world blank started. Europe was in a mess, the kind of mess (2) that / which is almost impossible for people today to imagine. Six years of war had devastated the continent. Tens of millions had died; millions more had been forced

Answers will vary.

1 Crisis mapping has been used in many countries. 2 At 4:35 AM local time, the hurricane hit the coastal town. 3 The International Red Cross and Red Crescent have over 50 million volunteers. 4 Donations have now topped ten million dollars. 5 People are taking shelter in the local school.

Richter scale a scale for measuring the size of an earthquake


Work in pairs. Add relative clauses to the sentences.


MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary. Work in groups. Discuss the questions. 1 Have any disasters affected your country? In what way? 2 Did there need to be any rebuilding after the disaster(s)? How was this done?


Lend a Helping Hand


9B Future Leaders

At the UN Youth Assembly, young people discuss UN policies from a youth perspective.

Shouting Out

the + adjective


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for the Young




These days, the young face many challenges that didn’t exist in the past.

the world

Work in pairs. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the sentences. Answers will vary. 1 The old need to listen to the young more. 2 There is one set of rules for the rich and another for the poor. 3 The loud and outgoing get too much attention. 4 Only the brave or the stupid would believe they could change the world. 5 Only the best get to the top.


Answers will vary.

1 Who do you think the people are? 2 Would you like to take part in something like this? 3 Do you think young people can change policies in these areas? Why?

We sometimes talk generally about groups of people using the + adjective.


Look at the photo and discuss the questions.

Write your own sentence starting Only the. Then share your idea with the class and discuss what it means.

your country

your school


Read the article quickly. Write a one-sentence summary. Then work in pairs and discuss your summaries.


Read the article again. Find: 1 2 3 4 5 6

someone who started a trend. Dzitka Samkova an organization that provides aid. UNICEF someone who created a record. Ahmad Alhendawi someone who showed determination. Nicol Perez someone who founded an organization. Ludwik Rajchman a country that has changed a law to benefit children.

Answers will vary.



Unit 9 Lend a Helping Hand

your town


9B  Future Leaders VOCABULARY BUILDING  the + adjective

Tell students they’re going to read an article about the UN and young people. Have them read it quickly. Give a time limit (around three minutes) or play the audio while they read along silently. • When the time is up or the recording has ended, tell students to work with a partner to write a one-sentence summary of the article. You could give them a sentences starter: The article explains… and a word limit of, say, 25 words. • When all pairs have their sentence, have them compare it with another pair’s and decide which is the better one. Then have each group pick someone to read the better summary to the class.



Activity 4, Suggested answer: The article explains how the UN has protected young people over the years and encouraged them to voice their opinions through UNICEF. 5  Do the first item with the class as an example. If necessary,

explain that trend here means “something that becomes popular to do.” Give students a minute to scan the text. They can all call out the answer together. (Dzitka Samkova) • Don’t immediately say if the answer is correct, but ask a student to explain why he or she chose Dzitka. If some students disagree, have them explain their answers. Guide them to see that Dzitka is correct. Ask What was the trend she started? (UNICEF greeting cards) • Have students find the other answers individually. Tell them this is a typical type of activity that they’ll encounter on exams. In this case, it helps that they’ve already read the article once. (See the Reading Strategy.) • When the first few are done, put students in pairs to finish and check answers. Review the items as above, making sure students can justify their answers.

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These days, the young face many challenges that didn’t exist in the past. Tell the class to raise their hands if they agree. Choose one or two people to explain why. • Then choose someone who didn’t raise their hand and ask why she or he doesn’t agree with the statement. • Point out that we sometimes talk generally about groups of people using the + an adjective like the young instead of saying young people or people who are young. • Tell students to read the Activity 1 sentences quickly and check that they understand the language. You might want to explain that outgoing (in item 3) refers to someone who likes meeting and talking to people. Have students work with a partner to discuss the sentences. • Circulate and provide assistance as needed. When a couple of pairs have finished, ask the class to change partners and start from the last sentence this time. Continue observing and helping. • At the end of the task, give feedback about new language that came up or errors to correct. If students are engaged, vote on each statement to see whether students mostly agree or disagree with it.


1   You can use the skill box in the book or write on the board


4     44

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2   Draw attention to the last two statements in Activity 1 and



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give them another starter, such as Only the arrogant… or Only the rich… . Ask students to volunteer endings. • Tell students to write their own Only the… sentences. Tell them to write as many as they can, but at least one, in five minutes. Go around and help students if they need it. • When the time is up, ask different students to read their sentences aloud. Correct any errors. Have students explain what a sentence means if it’s not self-explanatory.


3  Have students focus on the photo and read the caption.

Ask what students know about the UN. If necessary, tell the class the United Nations is an international organization that works to maintain world peace by promoting equal rights, self-determination, and respect for human rights. • Get students’ ideas on the first two questions. Then put students in pairs or small groups to discuss question 3. Say Make sure to talk about why you think young people can be effective policy-changers. • Call on a few students to share ideas from their discussions. However, this activity is mainly to generate ideas before students read, rather than have them arrive at certain conclusions.

Reading Strategy  Scanning Tell students that scanning is a useful strategy when they need to locate information in a text they’ve already read once. From the first reading, they have a general understanding of the main idea and some familiarity with the important details. Explain that when you scan, you look for key words that will help you find the facts you need. Also look for graphic features, such as headings and words in bold or italic type. Remind students to read a section carefully, though, when they think they’ve found the information they need to answer a question.





Activity 8 … they have huge potential to shape the countries they live in. … it still seems that in many places young people’s opinions are often ­overlooked or simply not heard. Opinions are reinforced because they come after factual information. You could either work through this as a class by getting 9  

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list the numbers 1−6 vertically on the board, with most influential next to 1 and least influential next to 6, as a reminder to students of the task. • Have students work individually to decide the order. Say Make a list of the people. Think about what each person or group did, or does, and how influential each accomplishment has been in bringing about positive change. Then rank them. • When students have finished ranking, put them in small groups to compare their lists, discuss, and justify their rankings. • As a wrap-up, you may want to see if the class can agree on a definitive ranking.

to look at the paragraph. Then say Right at the beginning, the author says young people have huge potential to shape. That’s a pretty positive opinion! Ask What other language do you see that conveys a positive message about young people? Have students respond. (empower youth, young people’s opinions are not heard, and so on) • Then ask the second question. Encourage students to respond. Guide them to see that the opinions are reinforced, or in other words, seem authoritative, because they’re combined with facts, which can be proven. If students are unclear, point out, for example, that the fact of the number of young people in the world is followed by the opinion that they have huge potential.


6  Read the Activity 6 directions aloud. You might want to

8  Read the first part of the directions. Give students a minute


Study Tip Tell students that to do well on a reading test they’ll need to improve their reading speed. They can do this by learning more vocabulary, especially collocations and word chunks (flashcards can help) and also by timing themselves (and writing down the time) when they read a text. Rereading the same text several times over a term, trying to read it quicker each time, will help, as will reading longer texts slightly below their reading level.

students to offer more neutral, that is, less opinionated, ways of saying the words and sentences from Activity 8, or you could ask students to work individually to rewrite the paragraph. Say What you basically want to do is just give the facts. • If students work individually, go around and help them as needed. When a few students have finished, have them read their rewritten paragraphs aloud. • Note that the text can still give a positive impression but much less so than the original.

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Exam Skill  Make the most of speaking tasks The aim of a speaking task in class is not to finish first or to use perfect English. The aim is to try and find out what students know and what they don’t know—in a way, the aim is to make mistakes! When students make a mistake or can’t think of a word they need, that is an opportunity to learn something new. The more students speak and the more ambitious the things they try to say, the more likely it is that they will make mistakes—and the more they will ultimately learn. For an exam, it’s better to say more, even if it includes a few mistakes, than to say one or two perfect sentences, when the task is supposed to last five minutes!



CRITICAL THINKING  Detecting bias 7  Call on a student to read the Critical Thinking skill and the

information in the box aloud. Tell students that the phrase “has an underlying opinion,” is another way of saying has a bias. Explain that a bias is a tendency to feel a certain way about something, even if it prevents you from being objective. • Ask the first Activity 7 question to the class, then immediately ask Is it positive or negative? Gesture to the class to call out an answer. (positive) Then call on individuals to give evidence why the answer is positive.

Activity 9, Suggested answer: The UN has a long history of giving young people a voice. Almost 50% of the world’s population is under 25. There are a few countries, such as Argentina, that have made an effort to empower young people in their countries by allowing them to vote at the age of 16. 10   Read the Activity 10 directions and the UN’s goals for the

year 2030. You may want to clarify the concepts of inclusivity, gender equality, resilience, and sustainability. • Put students in groups to discuss the goals and how they might be achieved. Say Do your best. Help each other to express yourselves. Use your first languages if necessary, then perhaps a group member can translate. • When students have discussed for a sufficient amount of time, call on individuals to share some of their group’s best ideas with the class. Applaud all students’ efforts, singling out individuals who were the most engaged and tried the hardest to express their ideas.


109a  Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand

Having campaigned on behalf of young people, UNICEF also had a key part in the creation of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989, now signed by more countries than any other convention. The 54 articles of the CRC declare different rights connected to housing, health, the economy, culture, and politics, including such things as the right to a safe home, the right to play and rest, and a child’s right to choose their own friends.


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The UN also established the Youth Assembly in 2002 and a network of Youth Observers. Since starting, the assembly has brought around 20,000 people between the ages of 16 and 28 from over 100 countries to its headquarters in New York. Through workshops, panel discussions, and networking events, these young people discuss UN policies from a youth perspective. The assembly also helps to build friendships across different cultures and give political experience to those who can bring change for children. One of its graduates, Ahmad Alhendawi of Jordan, became the UN Secretary General’s first ever representative for youth and the youngest ever senior official in the UN.


In 1946, the UN created a fund called UNICEF to support the millions of children affected by World War II, thanks to the leadership of the Polish medical scientist Ludwik Rajchman. The fund distributed aid without discrimination because, as its director Maurice Pate said, “There are no enemy children.” One of those helped by the fund was seven-yearold Dzitka Samkova from Czechoslovakia, as it was known then. She painted a picture of five dancing girls as a thank you and it was turned into a greeting card, the first of many such cards sold to raise money for millions more children.






In recent years, the UN has opened up new ways to address Article 12 of the CRC, which states that children have the right to give their views, and for adults to listen and take them seriously. UNICEF’s Voices of Youth website brings together young bloggers and activists working on development issues to share their ideas and successful projects for change in a huge range of countries, from Sierra Leone to the Philippines. Using online discussion boards as a “meeting place,” the initiative provides a space for youngsters who care.


Almost half of the world’s seven billion citizens are under the age of 25, and they have huge potential to shape the countries they live in. A few countries, such as Argentina, have tried to empower their youth by giving them the right to vote at the age of 16, but it still seems that in many places young people’s opinions are often overlooked or simply not heard. However, one organization that has a long history of giving a voice to young people is the United Nations (UN). 44

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Of course, the Youth Assembly and its delegates are only a tiny number of those three and a half billion young people, but they are important role models. It can be easy to find reasons not to act, but as Nicol Perez, a youth observer to the UN General Assembly says, “I have a voice, and I’m going to use it. I’m going to shout it out till somebody hears me.”

What do you think the author’s general opinion is about the UN and young people? Why? Very positive. The author depicts young people as caring and capable of taking charge.


In your opinion, how influential were these people from the article? Put them in order from most influential to least influential. Then work in small groups. Compare your answers and discuss your choices. Answers will vary.

Identify the words and phrases in the opening paragraph which reveal the author’s opinion. How does the structure of the paragraph reinforce these opinions?


Ahmad Alhendawi Ludwik Rajchman Nicol Perez

Rewrite the first paragraph so that it is neutral. Change words and the structure of the paragraph. Remove words or phrases as necessary.


Work in groups. Discuss ideas you have to achieve these UN 2030 goals. Then share your ideas as a class.


Convention on the Rights of the Child



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7 an online initiative that brings together politically active people. Voices of Youth 8 a place where young people help to decide how things are done in the world. UN Youth Assembly 9 a document that states the rights of children.


Dzitka Samkova Maurice Pate Voices of Youth bloggers

CRITICAL THINKING Detecting bias Even though articles give a lot of factual details, the way that the arguments are organized and the vocabulary that is used can show if the writer has an underlying opinion.

Answers will vary.

• End poverty in all its forms everywhere. • Ensure inclusivity and equality for all and promote lifelong learning. • Achieve gender equality. • Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.


Lend a Helping Hand


Malala Yousafzai is a young activist for female education. She spoke at the United Nations on her 16th birthday.

9C Community Service GRAMMAR Participle clauses 1

Identify all the relative clauses that are correct and could have the same meaning as the corresponding reduced clause in the Grammar box. 1 The UN created a fund b, c a who is called UNICEF. b which was called UNICEF. c that is called UNICEF.


2 The fund supported millions of children a, c a who were affected by World War II. b which affected World War II. c that had been affected by World War II.



3 The CRC declares different rights b, c a where connected to housing, health, the economy and politics. b which the UN connected to housing, health, the economy and politics. c which are connected to housing, health, the economy and politics.

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4 The Voices of Youth website brings together young bloggers and activists a, b, c a who work on development issues. b who have been working on development issues. c that are working on development issues. Reduced relative clauses

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a In 1946, the UN created a fund (1) called UNICEF to support the millions of children (2) affected by World War II. b The 54 articles of the CRC declare different rights (3) connected to housing, health, the economy, culture, and politics, (4) including such things as the right to a safe home and the right to play. c The Voices of Youth website brings together young bloggers and activists (5) working on development issues to share their ideas.



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Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 2

When do we use an -ing participle and when do we use an -ed participle to shorten a relative clause?


Read about some research findings and projects available to young people. Fill in the blanks with the correct participle of each verb. involved Research has found that the number of young people (1) (involve) in dangerous behavior has fallen greatly over recent years. In fact, youths are actually far more likely to be victims of crime rather than criminals. Yet most people think that the amount of youth crime and antisocial behavior is getting worse. The suggestion is that this may be because media reports still focus on youngsters ignoring (ignore) the many (2) misbehaving (misbehave), (3) reducing (reduce) crime. These community projects community projects (4) set up (set up) for teenagers to meet after involve such things as cafes (5) teaching (teach) teens about sustainability, school, community gardens (6) designed (design) by young people and a “time bank” (7) allowing (allow) them to earn rewards for doing volunteer work. (8)



Unit 9 Lend a Helping Hand

9C  Community Service

3  Tell students they’re going to read about what some


research has found out about young people’s behavior. Have them look at the Activity 3 text and answer any questions they may have about the language. You might want to ask students for examples of antisocial behavior in young people or how they think a time bank might work. • Give the students a minute or two to read the text, ignoring the blanks for the moment, to find out what the research has found. Ask what the main idea of the text is. (Young people’s behavior is improving, although many people think it’s getting worse.) • Then read the activity directions and have students complete the sentences with the correct participle form (-ed or -ing) of the verbs in parentheses. • When most have finished, tell students to compare answers in pairs. Check the answers by calling on different students to read parts of the text aloud. Help them as necessary with vocabulary and pronunciation. Have students who struggle to read challenging words or phrases say them again. Then have the whole class repeat them several times. • Record the item numbers and participles on the board.

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some of the main points of the article “Shouting Out for the Young” from the previous lesson. • Then have them look at the sentences from that article in the Grammar box. Point out the phrase called UNICEF in sentence a. Write it on the board. Say We sometimes use an -ed or -ing participle, like this one, instead of a relative clause. • Ask What clause could you use to replace called UNICEF that would say essentially the same thing? Call students’ attention to item 1 in Activity 1. Ask Which of the three clauses would work? • Ask What about a? Students should know that a is not correct. Ask Why? (because who refers to people, not things) Then call on students to say the first part of sentence a (in the Grammar box), substituting clause b and then clause c for called UNICEF. Guide them to see that either would be correct. • Have students complete the activity individually. Tell them to circle the correct clauses. Then review the answers all together.


1   Ask students either in pairs or as a class to briefly recall


• Warm up  Tell students to look at the two photos on pp. 110−111. See if they know who Malala Yousafzai is, what she does, and what happened to her, good and bad, as a result of her activism. Then talk with the class about one or more of the following topics: Young people (under 25) who have influenced your society or even the world The biggest challenges facing young people in your society Things they have done to help people in their community

Teaching Tip When you call on students to give an answer to a vocabulary or grammar activity, when it’s appropriate, get them to read the whole sentence, phrase, or collocation aloud rather than just the number and matching letter or word. You can then use this as an opportunity, not only to check pronunciation, but also to help students gain fluency with the language. When you correct an individual student you might follow this with a whole class repetition, so everyone benefits.


GRAMMAR  Participle clauses


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At this point, have students complete Activities 3 and 4 on p. 145 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. 2   Have students read the first part of the Grammar Reference


on participle clauses on p. 144. Then have them answer the grammar checking question in Activity 2 in pairs or ask the whole class the question yourself. • Discuss the difference between past and present participle clauses, using the relative clauses and participles in Activity 1 as examples.

Expansion Have students rewrite the sentences in Activity 3 that contain participles and replace the participles with relative clauses. Tell students it’s OK to reword a sentence as long as they don’t change its meaning.

Activity 2 Present (-ing) participles replace relative clauses that use an active verb. Past (-ed) participles replace relative clauses that use a passive verb.



Activity 8 1, 4, 5, 7: time 2, 3, 6, 8: reason / method Yes, for example, Walking home from school could be written as While walking home from school. 9   Have students read Activity 9. Mention some things you

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At this point, have students read the Grammar Reference section on adverbial participle clauses on p. 144.


-ing forms • This activity is aimed at helping students practice saying the -ing sound, but also introduces a common pattern of using -ing forms to talk about trends. • 5a   45  Say Now you’re going to listen to sentences containing -ing participles. Pay attention to how the -ing sound is pronounced. Play the audio track and tell students to write down the sentences they hear. Then have students compare with a partner. • 5b   45   Use the audio again or model saying the sentences yourself. After each one, pause the audio. Say OK, everyone… and gesture to the class to repeat the sentence. Then call on several students to say it individually.



for Activity 7, then have students answer them now. Do item 1 together. • Ask Does walking home from school one day tell something about the time something was done, the reason why it was done, or explain the way, or the method by which, it was done? (time) • Point out to the class that you could begin the sentence in other ways, too, such as While walking home; As we were walking home… , my friend and I; or One day when my friend and I were walking home. • Have partners work together to answer the questions. Then tell them to take turns retelling the story, trying out other words in the clauses. • Circulate, provide assistance, and note any problems.


the country. Ask Are there any community centers or projects in the area designed to attract young people? • Then put students in pairs to continue the discussion. Tell them to focus on the two Activity 4 questions. • Call on students to share their thoughts about youth crime in the area and what might contribute to the effectiveness of community projects aimed at young people.

8  If you didn’t ask these questions as part of your feedback


4  Ask students if they’ve read any research on youth crime in

6  Read the sentences in the Grammar box on p. 111 aloud.

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Point out that they’re also from the article “Shouting Out for the Young.” Then tell students to look at the directions and statements in Activity 6 and make sure they understand the task. • Have them do the activity in pairs or read each statement aloud yourself, including both answer options, and then ask for a show of hands. For example, say Item 1: Raise your hand if you think the correct answer is the same as, and so on, for each item.

know or heard about to get students thinking. Say It might be something someone told you about, or something you heard on TV or read in a newspaper. You might want to relate a whole story yourself. If you do, use some participle clauses in the retelling. • Put student in pairs to share their stories. Go around and listen. It may be that they can’t come up with anything, or they’re all retelling some bogus (fake) story they heard on the Internet. If you think the activity is going nowhere for most students, don’t be afraid to cut it short and move on. • Alternatively, retell some interesting things you heard from pairs to the rest of the class.

7  Tell students they’re going to read about a crime that



happened to a couple of young people. Have students read the story quickly—in one or two minutes. Then check briefly that they understood it by asking what they think of the story and the criminal. Next, have them read the directions and do the activity individually. • Tell students to compare answers in pairs. Check the answers by calling on different students to read parts of the text aloud. Help them as necessary with the language. Note their pronunciation of -ing. • As you go through the answers, you could ask the questions in Activity 8 and then go right to Activity 9.

10   Have students read the options. Answer any questions

they have. Say If you choose the first option, you get to make up your own crime story! • Point out that the next two are for pairs to do together. Say If you’re interested in being an activist or fighting for a cause, the second option will give you some practice. If you think you’re up on the latest trends or are interested in the social sciences, try the third option. • Remind students who opt for the third option to read the directions regarding clauses and be prepared to discuss the trends with classmates.


111a  Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand

get into a fight, we handed them over and he biked off. (4) Returned / Having returned home, I told my mom what had happened and we reported the incident to the police.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 Do you think the research explained in Activity 3 would produce similar results in your country? Why? 2 How are community projects successful in reducing crime and antisocial behavior? PRONUNCIATION -ing forms Answers will vary. a Listen to the statements. Note the pronunciation of 45 the /ŋ/ sound. 45 b Practice repeating the statements. Adverbial participle clauses

Even after (7) having seen / seeing the evidence against him, the robber still tried to tell the police he was innocent! I think he was hoping we wouldn’t go to court, but (8) faced / facing with us actually giving evidence, he changed his mind and pleaded guilty.

b Using online discussion boards as a “meeting place,” the initiative provides a space for youngsters who care.


a Having campaigned on behalf of young people, UNICEF also had a key part in the creation of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989.


Do the participle clauses in Activity 7 add information about time, reason, or method? Can you rewrite them with words like because, after, while, etc.?


MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary.


Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. Look at the sentences in the Grammar box. Choose the correct options.

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A week or so later, (5) arresting / having arrested someone, the police asked us to go and see if we could identify him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the man who had robbed us. We left kind of frustrated. But then, two days later, my friend’s mom got a WhatsApp message from my friend’s stolen phone! The robber had actually sent her a message, (6) thinking / thought it was his own mom—and he had his picture on the account he was using!



Complete this story about a foolish criminal by choosing the correct options. (1) Having walking / Walking home from school one day with a friend, we came across a man on his bike. He started asking us where we were going and what phones we had. We just ignored him, but then he blocked us, (2) shouted / shouting at us to give him our phones. (3) Not wanting / Wanting to

What other stories about failed crimes or foolish criminals have you heard?


CHOOSE Answers will vary.

Choose one of the following activities. • On your own, write a story about a failed crime or a foolish criminal. • Work in pairs. Think of six different ways you could promote young people and their issues. • Work in pairs. Using participle clauses, describe four other trends using similar patterns to the examples in Activity 5. Then, in groups, discuss why these trends are happening. The number of young people playing sports has fallen a lot.



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1 The subject of the participle clause is the same as / different from the subject of the verb in the main clause. 2 The present participle (Using) shows the action happened at the same time as / before the action in the main clause. 3 A perfect participle (Having campaigned) shows the action happened at the same time as / before the action in the main clause.

Young people volunteer to serve food to less fortunate people in their community.


Lend a Helping Hand


9D (Re)touching Lives through Photos

We take photos constantly. A photo is a reminder of someone or something, a place, a relationship, a loved one.

Read about Becci Manson and get ready to watch her TED Talk.





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We often use a rising intonation to show we are going to add an idea and a falling intonation to show that our point is complete. This pattern is common in lists and contrasts.

Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then listen to 46 Becci. Practice saying the extract yourself.


A photo is a reminder of someone or something, a place, a relationship, a loved one . They’re our memory-keepers

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and our histories, the last thing we would grab and the first thing you’d go back to look for.


Decide where you might use a rising intonation and where you might use a falling intonation in these extracts from the TED Talk. Practice saying them.



1 We make skinny models skinnier, perfect skin more perfect, and the impossible possible. 2 We pulled debris from canals and ditches. We cleaned schools. We de-mudded and gutted homes.


Work in groups. Tell each other about—and show each other, if you can—photos that remind you of special people, places, or times in your life. Answers will vary.


Watch Part 1 of the talk. Find an example of where Becci: 9.1

Intonation and completing a point







1 2 3 4 5 6

makes a joke about her profession. defends her profession. gives an example of an unpleasant job she did. had an initial moment of realization. felt a sense of pride. had a positive reaction from her contacts.

Work in pairs. Tell each other about: Answers will vary. • things you’ve lost or broken and wish you still had. • things you’re good at repairing. Watch Part 2 of the talk. Are these statements true, false, 9.2 or not stated? 1 The little girl in the first photo didn’t survive the tsunami. NS 2 Before long, Becci and her team were scanning photos every other day. F 3 Some of the people who brought photos were unfamiliar with the technology Becci was using. T 4 The kimono in the photo took months to retouch. NS 5 Photos would only get retouched once their owners had come forward. T 6 The lady who brought the family portraits already had extra copies. T 7 Both of the lady’s children were caught in the waves when the tsunami reached land. F 8 All of the photos Becci and her team retouched were returned to their owners. F 9 Becci and her team needed new printers. F


Unit 9 Lend a Helping Hand

9D  (Re)touching Lives through Photos


Activity 4 1  We’re pale, gray creatures… 2 We get criticized in the press all the time, but some of us are actually talented… 3  … cleared tons of rotting fish carcasses. 4 … I realized that these photos were such a huge part of the personal loss these people had felt. 5 … I couldn’t help but think, as a retoucher, that I could fix that tear and mend that scratch. 6 … by morning the response had been so overwhelming and so positive.

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Listening Skills box aloud as students follow along. Remind students that intonation is the rise and fall of your voice as you speak. •   46 Tell students they’re going to listen to an example of rising and falling intonation from Becci Manson’s TED Talk. Play the recording as students follow along. You might encourage them to whisper along with it. • Have partners take turns reading the extract and give each other a score between 1 and 10 (10 being really good) on how well they read it.

your students’ level, you might want to do one of the following: 1 Play each section once and either give students the activity answers or explain what has been shown rather than take up time replaying the video. 2 Play each section and then let students read the transcript to check their activity answers. •   9.1   Then either watch Part 1 straight through and ask students to discuss their ideas in pairs afterwards, or have students watch and put their hands up when they think they’ve heard an answer. • Stop the video when you see a hand go up and ask the student what they think the answer is. Rewind and replay to see what was said before confirming the answer. • Review the examples of each item with the class.


1   Read the information about intonation in the Authentic

4  As the video is relatively long, and at times may be above


AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS  Intonation and completing a point

one classmate at a time. Say Tell each other what’s special about the photos and why you chose to bring in the ones you did.


• Warm up  Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about Becci Manson’s work restoring photos after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima, Japan. Briefly discuss with the class what they know or remember about the disaster. • Read the quote aloud and ask students to comment on it. •   9.0   Tell students they’re going to watch a short text on the DVD to introduce the topic further. Play the first section of the video. Then have students do the exercises.

2   Read the directions aloud and have students look at the

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two extracts. Clarify, if necessary, what Becci most likely means by de-mudded. Tell students to whisper the extracts softly and mark them where they think a rising or a falling intonation would go. Have students take turns practicing reading the extracts with a partner. • Call on individuals to read the extracts to the class. Have the whole class comment and give your own feedback. Activity 2, Suggested answers:


1 We make skinny models skinnier, perfect skin


more perfect, and the impossible possible. 2 We pulled debris from canals and ditches. We cleaned schools. We de-mudded and gutted homes.

WATCH 3  This is intended as a quick warm-up before the video. Bring

some photos in or, if possible, project them from your phone or computer for the class. • Read the Activity 3 directions and tell the class about the photos you chose. Highlight any language you think might be useful for the students to use as they discuss their own photos. Write it on the board. • Put students into groups to share photos, or have students go around the room and take turns discussing their photos with

5  Give your own examples as a model before you ask students

to do the activity. • Put student in pairs to discuss. Go around the class and help with any language students need. 6  Have students read the statements and check that they

understand them. For example, you may need to explain what photographic scanning is, and the words kimono and portrait. Make sure students understand the task. •   9.2 Play Part 2 and tell students to mark the statements T, F, or NS. Circulate and notice how well they’re doing and decide whether you need to replay the video. • Check the answers as a class by asking for a show of hands for each answer option. • When students agree, write the number and answer on the board. When they disagree, ask students to justify their different answers. Then either give the correct answer or replay the relevant section of the video, stopping at the appropriate point to confirm the answer.



• Tell students to read the Challenge box quietly and see if there’s anything they don’t understand. Share the following: NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations): These are usually charities. They are funded by private donations or sometimes the government. They don’t make a profit but use the money to help people in some way.

8     9.3

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lessons here means “lessons, or truths, about life.” Tell them several could apply to Becci’s and the other volunteers’ experiences in Japan. • Say Talk to your partner about why you think a particular statement applies and if you agree with it. Explain that there may be other statements listed that they agree with, but that they should consider how they relate, if at all, to what Becci has to say in the video. • When pairs have discussed for a while, call on a few to share their thoughts about the statements. Try to get some comments on each one. 10   Vocabulary in context • 10a    9.4   Play the Vocabulary in Context clips. Pause


at each point where the options come on screen and ask everyone to call out their answer together. If a lot of students are giving the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip. • 10b  Put students in pairs. Read the discussion points aloud and check that students understand the words and phrases in italics. Reteach if necessary.



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9  Read the directions aloud. Make sure students know that

• If you think your students need more support for the task, work through the first example together. Using item 1 (flooding on a Pacific island), ask students for ideas about what the local government should do. You could create a two-column chart on the board with the headings “Short-term” and “Long-term.” • If students are unsure, prompt them with ideas. Say What about seeing if the flood can be stopped or slowed down? What about organizing rescue teams? What might that entail? Write ideas in the chart. Say What about long-term efforts? • Then put students into groups. Tell them to think about things such as a permanent solution to the flooding, and how and where people could rebuild their homes. Say Think about the best group to help tackle each problem. • As feedback, ask a group to present their ideas for one scenario. Encourage the rest of the class to ask questions to stimulate discussion.


Read the directions aloud. Have students look at the choices. Then play Part 3 straight through for the class. Say Now choose the best summary. Tell students to compare their answer with a partner’s. • Take a vote. Say Raise your hands if you think the best summary is a. Then Hands up if it’s b, and so on. Call on different students to justify their answers and then, as before, either give the answer yourself or play Part 3 again to resolve any disagreement.



and get students to reflect on what they’ve seen so far. Read the My Perspective questions aloud. • Put students in pairs. Say Take a few minutes now to reflect on the video. • Tell students to think about why human beings seem to respond almost instinctively to calls for help in a natural disaster. • Invite pairs to share with the class their thoughts and ideas about the two activity questions. Have other students comment and add their own insights. Provide feedback on good language use and errors to correct.

• Tell students one or two examples of your own for each of the points. Then have pairs discuss. • Circulate and listen as partners talk. Help them by correcting them or giving them the English they need. After a few minutes, have students change partners if you wish. Continue listening and noting.


7  This is a quick discussion activity to break up the viewing

Expansion Tell students to imagine they’re part of a special task force that’s been put together to create a plan of action to address the problems resulting from one of the three scenarios. Have them work in small groups to write up a formal plan, including how to use some or all of the groups named in the activity. Teaching Tip Writing is sometimes seen as a waste of class time because it can be done at home. However, writing can be a productive class activity because it gives students the opportunity to put newly learned language to work while it’s still fresh in their minds. Turn groups into miniworkshops. Put some soothing background music on, encourage collaboration and teamwork, and above all, be available for consultation.


113a  Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand

ng ni ar MY PERSPECTIVE Answers will vary.


VOCABULARY IN CONTExT a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 9.4 meanings of the words and phrases.


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Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Why do you think the response to Becci’s request for help on social media was so high? 2 What other causes do you think might receive a high response on social media? Why?



Watch Part 3 of the talk. Which sentence is the best 9.3 c summary of the main point Becci makes?

Work in pairs. Which of these statements do you think are lessons from the talk? Do you agree with them?




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a Everyone loves taking photos. b Photographs are the most important things most people own. c Both survivors and volunteers involved in the project benefited in a major way. d Without photos, we wouldn’t be able to remember our past that well.

Answers will vary.

1 Our differences matter, but our common humanity matters more. 2 In times of crisis, individuals can make a difference in ways that governments cannot. 3 We don’t think enough about the psychological and emotional side of recovery after disasters. 4 It’s important to feel that the work you do has a positive impact on society. 5 Some people volunteer because they feel guilty about how lucky they’ve been. 6 Countries shouldn’t be expected to deal with large-scale disasters on their own.

b Work in pairs. Tell each other about: Answers will vary. • a film, book, photo, or piece of art that struck a chord with you. • three places around the globe you’d love to visit. • a time you remember watching a major news story unfold.

CHALLENGE Work in groups. Look at the situations (1–3). Thinking about both the immediate and the longer-term future, list what you think are the most important things that could be done in each situation by: • the local government. • other governments around the world. • NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations). • volunteers on the ground. • individuals in other places around the world. • you. 1 A remote Pacific island has been hit very badly by flooding caused by global warming. Whole villages have been washed away and land has been lost to the sea. 2 A humanitarian crisis is developing in a country that has been devastated. There’s a shortage of food and medicine, with children and old people being particularly at risk. 3 A big fire has destroyed dozens of homes in a town near you, leaving over a hundred people homeless and causing serious environmental damage.


Lend a Helping Hand


9E Give It a Try SPEAKING Useful language


actor computer programmer politician 2

banker photo retoucher street cleaner

chemistry teacher plastic surgeon

Work in pairs. Which job in Activity 1 do you think each sentence describes? Do you agree?




1 They are often criticized for creating fake images, but they can also help restore things that are very precious to people. photo retoucher 2 Some people say they’re only motivated by greed and self-interest, but they generate jobs, and businesses couldn’t work without them. banker 3 Without them, we’d be surrounded by piles of trash and dirt. street cleaner 4 They can bring a huge amount of joy to millions of people. actor 5 They can transform the lives of people who have been injured. plastic surgeon 6 They are fundamental to the technological world. computer programmer 7 Yes, they can be corrupt and lie, but they can also be a huge force for good. politician 8 They don’t just have knowledge, they have the ability to pass it on. chemistry teacher Listen to a student explain a job she thinks is important for society. Answer the 47 questions. 1 What job is she talking about? 2 What reasons does she give?

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Countering possible opposition Now, I know what you might be thinking. I realize there’s a perception that… I’m obviously not denying that… Listing To begin with, consider the fact that… On top of that,… Let’s not forget that… And finally, it’s important to note that…

Work in pairs. Look at these jobs. Discuss how they might be useful in a crisis or disaster. How might they generally be good for society? Answers will vary.


Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 What did the student mention before listing positive aspects of the job? Why? 2 Which aspects of her argument do you agree and disagree with? Explain why. Answers will vary.

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After an oil spill, people volunteer to help with the clean-up operation which can involve helping wildlife.


Work in groups. Discuss which person or job in Activity 1 is best suited to help in a crisis. Follow these steps. Answers will vary.

1 2 3 4 5

Give each person in the group a job to defend. Spend some time preparing what you’ll say. Use the Useful language box. Take turns presenting your arguments. Discuss who is the best person to help in the crisis. Vote to choose the best person for the job.


Unit 9 Lend a helping hand

9E  Give It a Try SPEAKING

4  You might want to discuss these (particularly question 1)


5  Tell students they’re going to debate which jobs are best

suited to help in a crisis. Say But you don’t get to pick the job. I’m going to give you one! Students may object, but tell them they’ll get to exercise their brains. Say If you become a lawyer, you won’t always get to choose the people you have to defend. Put students in groups and assign each group member a different job to defend. • Optional Organize the class into groups of five to eight. Have each student choose a number between 1 and 8 (each group member must have a different number). Read the jobs in Activity 1 aloud, numbering them from 1−8, but don’t number them in the order they’re listed in the book. Tell students they have to defend the job with their matching number. • Read steps 2−5 aloud. Say To help you plan, read the phrases in the Useful language box. You’ll want to use some of them. Tell them they can follow a pattern similar to the model in the audio. • Consider asking students who are defending the same job to prepare together. Circulate as students work and provide assistance as needed. Remind them of the previous Challenge activity. Say Think about the things that need to be done after a disaster. Could a person with your job help with any of them? • When the preparation time is up, have each student give their speech to their group. • When the speeches are done, allow time (five to ten minutes) for students to argue in their groups which job would be best in a crisis and explain why it’s better than the others. Have each group vote.

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jobs and learn a few relevant collocations in the process. • Have students first decide which jobs the sentences refer to. Do the first one together. Read item 1 aloud. Ask the class for the answer. (photo retoucher) You could ask what is meant by the phrase fake images. • Put students in pairs to do the rest. When a few have finished, review the answers by calling on students to read the sentences and give their answers. • Record the item numbers and jobs on the board, and as you go along ask additional questions about the language, such as What things can you restore? What might be an example of self-interest? What else can people be motivated by? • Then tell partners to discuss whether they agree with each statement or not. When they’re done, ask which, if any, they did not fully agree with, and why. Briefly discuss as a class.


2   Tell the class they’re going to consider the benefits of certain

Activity 4, Suggested answers: Began with negative ways in which athletes are portrayed in media. This gets these points out and allows them to be countered.


caption aloud. Ask Which of the jobs in the box do you think would be useful in the situation in the photo? Take students’ responses. Some may suggest chemistry teachers because they would know chemicals that might help to remove oil from animals, or photo retouchers because they know how to handle delicate things. • Read the directions aloud. Ask the class How might actors be useful in a crisis? Take students’ responses. Get some more ideas before asking how actors might benefit society in general. • Put students in pairs to discuss the other jobs. Go around and listen to their ideas and help with any language they need. When a few students have finished, stop the task.

as part of the feedback to Activity 3 and skip this activity. • Otherwise, read the Activity 4 questions aloud and give students a minute or two to think about them. Then put students in pairs to discuss. You may want to remind students that a good argument will always anticipate the objections, or counterarguments, the other side will present and address, or deal with, them. • Call on pairs to share some of their thoughts on the two questions. Invite the rest of the class to comment or offer their own ideas.


1   Point out the photo at the bottom of the page and read the

The audio acts as a model for the debate presentations students will do in Activity 5. Read the directions aloud. Play the audio. • When the recording is done, read the two activity questions aloud. Have students raise their hands to answer. Ideally, call on students who don’t normally volunteer to answer questions aloud. •   47 If there’s any disagreement, don’t confirm the answer yet, but play the audio again. • Review the answers again. You could write them on the board or, if you’re short on time, go straight into asking the questions in Activity 4.



3     47

Activity 3 1  professional athletes 2 Soccer players make a lot of money, are role models, are strong, and can lift the spirits of people affected by a disaster. Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


Writing Strategy  Find out what’s being tested Explain to students that their teacher may give them the criteria, or requirements, that will be used to grade, or assess, an exam writing task, or they can find them online. Knowing how their writing will be graded will help students make sure to do what the exam requires. Explain that they may sometimes lose points on a writing task, even though they’ve used good language and correct grammar, because they have not fulfilled the requirements. One example might be failing to include the important features of a particular genre of writing.

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features of a letter of application. Ask What order would you put these in if you were applying for the job in Belize? Give students a few minutes to do the activity. As they work, say Think about how you usually begin a letter to someone you don’t know. • When they’re done, have students compare their ideas with a partner. You can review the order as a class or just move straight on to Activity 8.

Address any questions they have. If necessary, tell them a jaguar is a large catlike mammal from Mexico and Central and South America that’s closely related to the leopard. • Read the directions aloud. Say Go through the ad and list all the things you might be required to do. Then think about whether you have the qualifications to do any of them. • You could suggest that students work with a partner to do the activity. Explain that after students list their relevant skills and abilities, they could share them with a partner and then tell their partner why they think their partner would be good at the job. Alternatively, assign this as part of homework along with the writing itself.


7  Read the directions aloud. Tell students to look at the

10 Read the ad aloud as students follow along in their books.


applying for a job abroad as a volunteer. As a change from the intense group work on the debates, you may want to do this activity together as a class. • Ask a student to read the ad aloud or read it yourself to the class. Then have students look at the questions for a couple of minutes. Call on one or two students to give their ideas about question 1. Have other students offer their thoughts. As the class warms up to the topic, they should have plenty of ideas about the rest of the questions. • You could build up a mind map on the board around rebuilding a school, with the surrounding topics of daily life, skills, problems, and benefits.


6  Tell students they’re going to learn how to write a letter

• Take the opportunity to draw attention to language patterns or to ask additional questions such as I’m writing in response to your recent… what? Please send me… what else? In terms of my… What else might you put here? (for example, qualifications, abilities, skills) And how would the sentence continue? and so on.



8  Put students in pairs and tell them to read the model on p.


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153. Then read the first activity question aloud. Have partners check the order together. Call on a few pairs to get their thoughts. Ask if anyone has other ideas about the order. Have them explain their thinking. See if the class can agree. • Read the second activity question aloud and give pairs a couple of minutes to discuss. Then ask for a show of hands on who thinks Melanie should be hired. Call on a few students to tell why. If anyone didn’t raise a hand, call on the student or students to explain their objections to hiring Melanie and say what qualifications they think she lacks. Ask Who would like to refute (Carlos’s) objections? Allow a brief debate. 9  Have students read the directions and tell them to see if


they can do the activity without looking at the model. Say Whisper the sentences. See if any of the missing words come naturally. When they’re finished, have students check their answers against the model. • You might write the answers on the board while they’re checking or review them by asking different students to read the completed sentences aloud.

  Explain the task. Tell students that following the model on p. 153 will help, as well as using the wording in the Useful language box on p. 115. If you’re going to assess their work, tell them their score will be higher if they do that. You could also give them a set of criteria to mimic what they’re likely to see in an exam situation (see the Writing Strategy). • Put students in pairs to discuss and plan what they will include in their letter of application. Say Tell your partner if her plan sounds good or offer suggestions that might help to improve it. • Assign the writing for homework or give a time limit of around twenty minutes to do it in class. As students are writing, go around and help out. You might note some common mistakes for feedback when the time is up.



115a  Unit 9  Lend a Helping Hand

WRITING A letter of application 6

Useful language

Read the advertisement. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

Introducing subjects that you want to discuss In terms of my experience, I have… With regard to my degree, I have… As far as language skills go, I can… Explaining your suitability I feel I would be suitable because… I’m prepared to… I feel confident that I’d be able to…

Spend your winter vacation this year doing something different. We’re looking for volunteers between the ages of 16 and 21 to rebuild a school in Belize that was destroyed in a hurricane last year. You will learn traditional building methods to provide a great space where learning can take place. For more details, write and tell us who you are and what you would bring to the project.


WRITING Structuring an application Answers will vary.



What do you think daily life for volunteers on this project would involve? What problems might they face? What kind of skills do you think would be required to do this work? How do you think any volunteers who take part might benefit? Would you be interested in doing something like this? Why?


1 2 3 4 5


If you were writing in response to an advertisement, decide how you would order each of these features. Compare your ideas with a partner.

Work in pairs. Read the letter of application on page 153. Which order did the writer choose? Do you think this person would be a suitable volunteer? Why? 1 e

3 c

4 d

5 b

Complete the sentences by adding the correct prepositions from the letter. in I’m writing response to your recent letter. about the post. Please send me more information of how to apply. Please send details in my last year of high school. I’m currently In terms of my experience, I have a part-time job. In addition, I have experience working with animals. for the post. I feel that I would be suitable to hearing from you soon. I look forward

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Look at the advertisement. List the skills and abilities you have that might make you a suitable volunteer. Answers will vary.



2 a



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a Refer to the ad that you saw d Outline your plans for the future b List the skills and abilities you have e Explain why you are writing c Describe who you are and where you are from

Spend your summer in Mexico helping to preserve some of the world’s most endangered species by participating in wildlife volunteer projects. Depending on where you’re placed, you may care for animals, conduct research, or help with community programs. You may also be asked to teach basic English to local guides. You may find yourself working with dolphins or even jaguars. Contact us for details and to let us know why you’d be a great fit for our team. 11

Write letter of application in response to the advertisement in Activity 10. Use the Useful language box to help you. Answers will vary.


Lend a helping hand





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IN THIS UNIT, YOU... • talk about recovering from illnesses and accidents. • read about the fight against superbugs. • learn how medical advances have changed lives. • watch a TED Talk about redefining yourself after a life-changing moment. • write a story about overcoming something. 116

The da Vinci surgical system allows surgeons to carry out difficult procedures by looking at a screen.



In this unit, students will talk about illness and accidents, how they’re treated, and the resiliency and determination of people suddenly faced with serious life-changing disabilities. Students will read about the rise of superbugs and how overuse of antibiotics threatens the ability of the medical profession to meet the crisis. They’ll read about advances in medical technology that have restored sight to the blind. They’ll hear an amazing story of recovery and renewal after a horrific accident. Finally, students will write a success story about overcoming one of life’s challenges.

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Grammar • Grammar 1  Expressing past ability • Grammar 2  Emphatic structures Reading • Avoiding the Antibiotic Apocalypse



Pronunciation • Stress on auxiliaries • Adding emphasis

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TED Talk • Janine Shepherd: A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person

Speaking • Developing the conversation Writing • A success story

Language note  The word surgery comes, ultimately, from the Greek word kheirourgos, meaning “working by hand.” Surgery in some ancient civilizations was highly developed, particularly in India, China, Egypt, and Greece. Not so in Europe, where during the Middle Ages, surgical procedures were most often performed by untrained barbers.

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Vocabulary • Illness and injury • Vocabulary Building  Dependent prepositions

The da Vinci surgical system shown in the photo is a robotic system made by an American company and designed to conduct complex surgery using a minimally invasive approach. A surgeon controls the system from a console. There are many advantages to this way of working, including reduced pain and discomfort, faster recovery time, reduced blood loss and risk of infection, and minimal scarring. The system’s name is meant to evoke Leonardo da Vinci, whose study of human anatomy contributed to the design of the first known robot in history.


Unit Objectives

About the Photo


Unit Overview




Warm Up

• With their books closed, introduce the unit by telling students they’ll be talking about accidents, illness, and the recovery process. Note that students will discuss the photo in great detail in the following lesson. • Write Life-changing on the board and tell students it’s the unit title. Ask them why a unit on illness and injury might have this title. Take their responses. Make sure to also discuss positive life-changing events. • Invite students to share any experiences they’ve had with broken bones or other accidents and to tell what their recovery process was like. Ask them Did the experience change your life? In what ways?


• Classroom Presentation Tool • Tracks 48–54 (Audio CD, Website, CPT)



10A  Road to Recovery

• As you write, draw attention to other useful phrases and expressions; for example, She leads a fairly normal life, as good as new, and to be honest.


Activity 2 2  There’s no cure for it, but she takes drugs to control the symptoms, and she leads a fairly normal life. 3  It was quite a serious wrist injury, but thanks to the operation and all the physical therapy I had, it’s almost as good as new. 4  Luckily, they detected the cancer early before it spread to his lungs, and he made a full recovery. 5  They managed to stop the bleeding, but he was then in intensive care for days. Thankfully, it didn’t leave any permanent brain damage. 6  He couldn’t really speak after the stroke, but he had a lot of speech therapy, and he’s more or less back to normal now. 7 I lost the tip of my finger after I slammed it in a car door. To be honest, I hardly think about it now. 8  He started playing wheelchair basketball after he was left paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident. 9  She said I just had a chest infection and nothing life-threatening! She prescribed me some antibiotics, and it cleared up after a week. 10 I had an upset stomach, and I could hardly keep down any food. It was horrible, but I feel a lot better now.




3  Put students into groups. Explain the task and give a time

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book and show the photo on pp. 116−117. Walk around the room so students get a good look at it. If you have the option, project it using the presentation tool. • Ask the class what they think is going on in the photo. Take students’ responses. Then draw their attention to the person on the left. Ask Who do you think that might be and what might this person be doing? • Have them open their books to the photo and call on someone to read the caption aloud. Share the information in the first sentence of About the Photo. Then write minimally invasive on the board and ask the class what it means. (making only the smallest possible cuts in the body) • Put students in pairs and tell them to think about what some of the advantages of a minimally invasive robotic procedure, or operation, might be, and how these procedures were done in the past. Help with any language they need. Put new words and phrases on the board. • Finally, read the entire text of About the Photo to the class.


1  Tell students to keep their books closed. Then hold up a

limit of, for example, four minutes. • Stop the class and ask which groups think they have all the answers. Check by asking different groups for their answers for one of the four categories. If one group gets an answer wrong, have another group take over. • Write the answers on the board. As you do so, check the pronunciation of some of the longer words and the intonation in the phrases. Have students repeat.

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Teaching Tip Students need to do a lot of pair and group work so they can practice using their English. However, it’s easy to fall into a monotonous routine of instruction, pair work, instruction, pair work, etc. Change the pace by doing some whole-class activities or by making a fill-in-the-blank task into a team competition, for example. Some activities are meant to be short transitions between lessons and can be done very quickly.

Activity 3 1  brain, chest, finger, leg, lungs, stomach, waist, wrist 2 bleeding, brain damage, cancer, infection, injury, stroke, and others 3  lifethreatening, paralyzed, permanent, serious 4  a full recovery, feel a lot better, back to normal, cleared up, as good as new

2  Tell students they’re going to learn words and phrases to



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talk about illness, accidents, treatments, and recovery. • Have them look at Activity 2. You might want to explain the meanings of slipped (act it out), out of action (unable to do the things you normally do because of illness or injury), and paralyzed (unable to move your body, or part of it, due to an illness or injury that damages the nerves). • Then say This activity is a little different. Can anyone explain how to do it to the class? • If you think it will help, do item 2 together. Make sure students understand that the words in bold are not necessarily in the order in which they should be placed in the sentences. Have them do the rest individually, using of a dictionary if necessary. • Circulate and check that they’re doing the task correctly and notice words and phrases they look up, ask you about, or underline. Focus on these in feedback • When most students have finished, have them compare answers in pairs and help each other with anything they haven’t finished. Review the answers by calling on students to read the completed sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and meaningful phrases on the board, such as 2: no cure for it / she takes drugs / control the symptoms.

Give students a minute to read the questions and check that they understand them. Call on a student to clarify what patient means in question 3. Then model the activity by having the class ask you one or two of the questions. In each case, give your own (ideally true) answers. • Listen and observe as pairs discuss. Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need.


Expansion Have students write a paragraph about a personal experience involving an accident, an illness, or a trip to the hospital. Challenge them to use as many of the applicable words and phrases in Activity 2 as they can.


117a  Unit 10  Life-changing

10A Road to Recovery VOCABULARY Illness and injury 1

Look at the photo. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What do you think is happening? 2 What do you think has happened to the patient? 3 How might an operation like this have been carried out in the past?


Complete the sentences with the words in bold. 1 action / health / leg I slipped on the stairs and broke my leg, so I was out of action for a while, but I’m back to full health now.


2 cure / drugs / symptoms There’s no for it, but she takes to control the, and she leads a fairly normal life.



3 injury / operation / physical therapy It was quite a serious wrist, but thanks to the and all the I had, it’s almost as good as new.


4 detected / made / spread Luckily, they the cancer early before it to his lungs, and he a full recovery.

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5 bleeding / damage / intensive care They managed to stop the, but he was in for days. Thankfully, it didn’t leave any permanent brain.

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6 normal / therapy / stroke He couldn’t really speak after the, but he had a lot of speech, and he’s more or less back to now. 7 lost / think / slammed I the tip of my finger after I it in a car door. To be honest, I hardly about it now. 8 car accident / waist / wheelchair He started playing basketball after he was left paralyzed from the down in a.

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9 antibiotics / chest / prescribed She said I just had a infection and nothing life-threatening! She me some, and it cleared up after a week.



10 feel / had / keep down I an upset stomach, and I could hardly any food. It was horrible, but I a lot better now. 3

Work in groups. Look at your completed sentences in Activity 2. Find: 1 2 3 4


eight parts of the body. at least five nouns that are medical problems. four adjectives describing illnesses or injuries. at least five phrases which show that someone has recovered from something.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 2 3 4

Have you ever broken any bones? What happened? When was the last time you had a day off of school due to illness? Why? What do you do to recover from an illness? Are you a good patient? What stories have you heard of people recovering from illnesses or injuries? What happened?







Listen to Jaime and Clara talking about movies. Answer 48 the questions.

Think again about what you do when you are recovering from something. Answer the questions. Answers will vary.

1 What four movies do they talk about? 2 What is the connection between the movies? 3 What doubts do they have about recommending the first three movies?

1 Would these stories inspire you to act differently? Why? 2 What things might you do to overcome challenges you face?

Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with three words in each blank. Listen again and check your answers. 48

GRAMMAR Expressing past ability 9

middle of nowhere

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.




Expressing past ability


a He couldn’t move his arm. b No one could help. c She managed to deal with that pain in the end and was able to turn it into incredible art. d She succeeded in becoming a world-renowned artist. e He was unable to speak. f They weren’t able to do anything about it. g I didn’t manage to see it when it was playing in theaters.

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intense pain

Look at the Grammar box and answer the questions. 1 What forms of the verb follow could, manage, able, and succeed in? 2 How do you make negatives in the past with could, able, and manage? 3 Which sentences describe a general ability / inability? 4 Which sentences describe success in a task in the past?

1 He was in the and no one could help because he hadn’t told anyone where he was going. 2 It is horrible, but they managed to film it in a way which isn’t over the top . 3 It’s the same with that film about the guy who had a stroke and was left completely paralyzed and unable to speak . managed to 4 It’s based on his book which he actually dictate by only moving his eye. 5 Yeah, it is incredible, but, sorry the movie didn’t do it for me. 6 This is about Frida Kahlo, the Mexican artist who suffered all her life after a terrible bus accident. 7


Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice.

Frida Khalo managed to deal with her pain and turn it into art that is admired by people all around the world.



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1 Have you seen any of the movies Jaime and Clara talked about? If yes, what did you think of them? If not, would you like to see them? Why? 2 Can you think of any other movies that could fit the same category as those discussed? Are they based on true stories? What happened?


Unit 10 Life-changing


LISTENING have a personal response to the content of the audio track. As with Activity 4, model responding to a question by having a student ask you question 1. • Then have students pair up with a classmate to ask and answer the activity questions. Rather than focusing on language-based feedback, you might just ask pairs to share the different movies they discussed. 8  Prepare your own answers to the questions before the class.




Then, in class, call on different students to read a question aloud, and give your own (ideally true) answers. • Have students take a couple of minutes to read the two questions to themselves and formulate a response. Then put students in groups of four or five to share their ideas. • Circulate as students discuss and help them by correcting them or giving them the English they need. Write some points on the board, or remember them for class feedback. • At the end of the task, call on some students to share their ideas and retell some interesting things you heard. Give your feedback.

GRAMMAR  Expressing past ability

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Activity 5 1  127 Hours, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Frida, The Fundamentals of Caring  2  They’re all inspiring stories about dealing with illness or injury.  3 whether stories that deal with pain are appropriate for someone recovering from an injury

7  This activity is intended as a chance for students to perhaps


  Tell the class they’re going to listen to two people talking about movies. Read the directions and the activity questions. Then play the audio track. Suggest that students take notes as they listen. •    48   When the track is finished, have students compare their ideas with a classmate. Circulate and notice how well students did (without saying anything). If you see the majority have not understood, be prepared to play the recording again. • Ask the whole class or individual students for their answers. Don’t say if they’re right or wrong, but ask if they can remember words or phrases from the recording to support their answers. • Where everyone agrees on the answer, move on to the next question. If they don’t agree or most don’t know, play the audio again to listen and check.

5     48

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Study Tip There are common groups of words (called word chunks or collocations) that English learners will hear a lot of people use when they speak. Learning the language in these chunks and combinations makes learning easier, and using them will make students’ speech sound more natural. Learning common word combinations will also help them on exams.

 Have students read the sentences in the Grammar box to themselves. When they’re finished, say All the sentences have to do with ability—that is, whether or not you’re able to do something—to move, to speak, to deal with pain. • If you have the time, point out the relationship between the words able and ability and ask students if they know any other words related to them. (enable, unable, disable, disability, capable, capability) Write some on the board and use a few in sentences. • Read the sentences aloud, emphasizing the words couldn’t, could, managed, was able, succeeded, was unable, weren’t able, didn’t manage. Tell students these words help to describe ability or inability to do something when talking about specific situations or telling stories. • Then either tell students to answer the Activity 9 questions in pairs or ask the whole class the questions yourself. • You can either review the answers now or wait for students to read the Grammar Reference.


  Read the activity directions aloud. Then tell students to look at sentences 1−6 to see if there’s anything they don’t understand. You might want to tell students what a stroke is (a medical condition caused by a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel to the brain, often causing loss of movement or speech). •    48   Put students in pairs. Tell them to work together to complete the sentences as best they can. Then play the audio and have students check and revise their answers as necessary. • Go around and check how students did. Decide if they’ll need At this point, have students complete Activities 1–3 on p. 147 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also to hear the audio again. Review the answers by calling on assign these activities as homework. students to read the completed sentences aloud. Play the relevant part of the audio to confirm or check each sentence. Activity 9 • Record the missing words on the board. If you can, highlight 1 could infinitive (without to) how the sounds change in fast speech with letters or sounds manage, able to + infinitive disappearing or words linking together, and so on. succeed in -ing form • Point out other useful phrases and ask questions to check 2 could couldn’t students’ understanding of the vocabulary. For example, ask able was / were unable to or wasn’t / If you’re in the middle of nowhere, are you close to a city or weren’t able to town or far away from one? Can you think of any recent movies manage didn’t manage to that you thought were over the top? What else might you 3 a, b, e, f 4  c, d, g describe as over the top? • Finally, you could challenge students to say the activity SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTIONUnit 10  Life-changing  118a sentences as quickly as they can.



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individually. When most have finished, have them compare answers with a classmate. Review by having students read the sentences with the rewritten words aloud.

10  Read the directions aloud. Then read sentence 1a aloud

13   PRONUNCIATION  Stress on auxiliaries • 13a    49   Read the explanation in the box aloud. Then




play the audio track (or model saying the sentences yourself). Pause the audio after each sentence and gesture to the class to repeat it. Call on a few students to say it aloud individually. • 13b  Explain the first part of Activity 13b and read item 1 aloud, adding a sample ending. (For example, It is an amazing story, but to be honest, I’m not sure I believe it.) Ask students for one or two other possible endings. • Put students in pairs to practice saying their sentences to each other. Remind them to stress the forms of the auxiliaries be and have in the first part of each one. Read your example aloud as a model. (It IS an amazing story, but to be honest, I’m not sure I believe it.) • Listen and correct any issues with stress that you hear. At the end of the task, give feedback and drill the first part of the five sentences with both the whole class and individual students.

ap hi c

Activity 10 Incorrect sentence endings: 1 c: succeed takes in + -ing form  2 a: since then indicates there’s been success in a particular task in the past; could can’t be used to describe success in a task in the past  3 c: could can’t be used to describe success in a task in the past, though if this were talking about a future possibility the sentence could be used.

Activity 12, Suggested answers: 1 wasn’t able to move / was unable to move 2 wasn’t able to make / was unable to make 3 managed to indicate / succeeded in indicating 4 was able to move 5 she could spell / managed to spell / succeeded in spelling 6 succeeded in completing / were able to complete


and ask if the second part of the sentence is correct. (yes) If anyone says it isn’t correct, ask why they think this. Then explain that it is correct and explain why or refer them back to the Grammar Reference on p. 146. • Repeat with sentences 1b and 1c. Make sure students understand why 1c is incorrect. Then put students in pairs to do the rest of the activity. • When most have finished, check the answers by asking the whole class for their ideas. Say, for example OK, 2a: Correct or incorrect? Where students think a sentence ending is incorrect, ask for their ideas. Then say if they’re correct or explain why they’re wrong. • Wherever possible, try to get students to correct the incorrect endings. (For example, for 2a: … she couldn’t walk to begin with, but she’s succeeded in walking since then.) Write the corrections on the board.

  Before they read the text, remind students of the movie The Diving Bell and the Butterfly from the recording they listened to. Ask Does anyone remember what was wrong with the man in the movie? (He was paralyzed and couldn’t speak.) • Ask the class for ideas about how, despite his disability, he managed to dictate a book. They may remember that he was able to move his eye. Say Yes, but how might that enable him to dictate words? Take students’ responses and discuss as a class for a couple of minutes. • Have them read the text in Activity 11 to find out the answer. When they’re finished, get their reactions. Comment on how accurate their ideas were. Discuss how someone might summon the strength and perseverance to accomplish such a difficult feat. Ask What might such a person’s motivation be? Who would be interested in reading the book to find out?



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Expansion Encourage interested students to read Jean-Dominique Bauby’s book The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Tell them to write a book report on it to present to the class. 12 Read the directions aloud. Then read the beginning of the

text about Bauby aloud, up to and including the sentence with the first italicized words. Ask the class So, how could you rewrite the last sentence? Use one of the words in the list. • Take students’ responses. Write the correct ones on the board. Then have students complete the activity

14  You might want to assign this activity for homework to give

students time to do research, organize their ideas, and plan what they want to say. You could then start the next class by giving students time to share their stories in pairs. • If you decide to do the activity in class, it’s important to give students sufficient preparation time. Go over the directions and perhaps tell a story that you prepared previously as a model. • Put students in pairs to discuss their ideas and plan their stories. Tell them they can do research online if they need to (for example, on recovery times or treatments for certain conditions), as well as use a dictionary or ask you for help. Say Share information with your partner. Try to help each other. • When they’re ready, have pairs tell each other their stories.

15   Organize the class into groups to share their stories or have

each student tell her or his story to the whole class. Allow time for students to ask questions and make comments. Provide your own feedback (including on the grammar and pronunciation skills). If you want, have students vote for the most inspiring, harrowing, or humorous stories, or have them make up their own categories.


119a  Unit 10  Life-changing

the correct one so (5) she was able to spell the word. Claude Mendible, an editor, then took up the job of writing with Bauby. Together, they (6) managed to complete a 120-page book about Jean-Dominique’s life and his experience of “locked in” syndrome. After its publication, Bauby’s memoir became a bestseller.

Work in pairs. Are all the sentence endings in 1–3 correct? Explain those that are incorrect. 1 After I recovered from the illness, a I could see perfectly well in front of me, but I couldn’t see anything to the side. b I was able to see perfectly well in front of me, but I wasn’t able to see anything to the side. c I managed to see things perfectly well in front of me, but I didn’t succeed to see anything to the side. 2 Following the accident, a she couldn’t walk to begin with, but she could learn again since then. b she was unable to walk to begin with, but she’s been able to learn again since then. c she wasn’t able to walk, but she’s managed to learn again since then.


able 13





PRONUNCIATION Stress on auxiliaries Answers will vary. Stress is sometimes added to the verbs be or have to emphasize that something is true—especially when clarifying or contrasting with another viewpoint.


3 He wrote a book about his experiences a and managed to get it published. b and succeeded in getting it published. c and could get it published.

a Listen and repeat the sentences.




b Complete these sentences with your own ideas. Then work in pairs. Practice saying the sentences. . 1 It is an amazing story, but . 2 I have heard of the story, but . 3 I am happy to be here. It’s just . 4 It was a difficult situation, but

ap hi c

Discuss how you think the paralyzed man Clara and Jaime talk about managed to dictate his book. Then read the summary and find out what happened. Answers will vary.


Work in pairs. Think of an inspiring story about someone who survived an accident or managed to deal with an illness. Think about: Answers will vary.

• • • • • 15

who it happened to and how old they were. how the accident happened or the person got sick. what the consequences were. how they survived and recovered. what the lessons from the story are.

Tell your stories to each other in groups or as a class. Answers will vary.


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Although his mind was working perfectly, his thoughts were locked inside him. He (1) couldn’t move a muscle in his body. He (2) couldn’t make a sound or even see clearly. So how did the ex-actor and magazine editor Jean-Dominique Bauby write a whole book? Well, first the nurses started communicating with him by asking a question and saying “yes” or “no.” Bauby (3) was able to indicate his answer by blinking the only part of his body he (4) could move—his left eye. Then his speech therapist invented a way of arranging the alphabet in the order of the most frequent letters in French. She pointed to each letter, and Bauby blinked at



Rewrite the italicized words in Activity 11 using these words at least once. Answers will vary.






10B The Battle against Bacteria VOCABULARY BUILDING


Dependent prepositions 5

Read the article again. Which of the points below are not made? a, b, c

a Airplane cabins provide perfect conditions for bacteria to multiply. b New forms of old diseases are now proving fatal. c The WHO doubts that the worst-case scenario will happen. d The possibility of resistant bacteria has been known since the early days of antibiotics. e Technology is contributing to the overuse of antibiotics. f Agricultural uses of antibiotics increase the likelihood that deadly superbugs will develop. g Hosam Zowawi is developing a way of treating bacterial infections faster. h The slower the recognition of resistant bacteria, the greater the risk of superbugs spreading. 6


ap hi c

to 1 I would love it if more time was devoted physical education at school. of living on my own 2 I would be very capable on a desert island. at children. 3 Most fast food advertising is aimed to far too much air pollution. 4 We’re all exposed of health 5 A lot is done to raise awareness issues—especially among young people. in health care has to be a 6 Any investment good thing. of living until I 7 I think I have a good chance am 100. to change. 8 It’s natural for people to be resistant 9 I can’t remember the last time I needed a prescription for anything.



Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Use a dictionary, if necessary.



a catastrophic epidemic caused by a resistant superbug; by ­reducing antibiotic use and improving disease prevention


Certain verbs, adjectives, and nouns are often followed by specific prepositions, which we call dependent, because their choice depends on the particular word and its meaning. There are no fixed rules about which dependent prepositions go with which words, so it is important to pay attention to them as you learn them. She was diagnosed with a rare eye disease. I’m allergic to nuts. The drug offers at least some protection from disease.

Read the article. Find out what the “antibiotic apocalypse” is and how it can be avoided.



Work in pairs. Do you agree or disagree with the sentences in Activity 1? Why? Answers will vary.



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Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

Work in groups. Look at the title of the article you are going to read. Then discuss: Answers will vary. • how you think some of the words in bold in Activity 1 might be connected to the story. • what, if anything, you know about the discovery of antibiotics. • why antibiotics are important and how you think they may have changed medicine. • what you think antibiotics are generally used for. • what the “apocalypse” in the title might refer to—and how it might be avoided.


Unit 10 Life-changing

1 Had you heard about the battle against bacteria before? If yes, did you learn anything new? 2 How does the article make you feel? Scared? Optimistic? Determined to change things? Or something else? Why?

CRITICAL THINKING Thinking through the consequences The consequences of an action are the results or effects that the action produces. One element of reading critically is being able to see possible consequences of actions mentioned in a text. 7

Work in groups. How many possible consequences of these actions can you think of? Answers will vary. 1 Drug-resistant diseases spread as a result of international air travel. 2 Antibiotics can no longer be used in hospitals. 3 Online sites selling antibiotics are closed down. 4 The use of antibiotics in farming is banned. 5 The government decides to greatly increase investment in medical research.


10B  The Battle against Bacteria




from Activity 1. Explain your ideas. Then put students in pairs to discuss their own ideas • Circulate and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. • Help them by correcting or giving them the English they need. Write some of these points on the board or remember them for class feedback. • When a couple of students have finished, tell the class to change partners, but to start from sentence 9 this time. Continue listening and noting. • When a few have finished, either stop the activity or ask students to change partners one last time. • At the end of the task, retell some interesting things you heard and give some feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board). Expansion Tell students to think of one extra word chunk or collocation that would make sense in each of the Activity 1 sentences and have them rewrite the sentences. (For example, I would love it if more time was devoted to art and literature at school.)

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VOCABULARY BUILDING  Dependent prepositions

2  Say whether you agree with the first two or three sentences


• Warm up Have students test each other on the vocabulary from the previous section. Put students in pairs. Student A reads the sentences from Activity 2 aloud, saying blank every time there’s a missing word. (For example, I slipped on the stairs and broke my blank, so I was out of blank for while… .) Student B provides the missing word. • Then students switch roles, with Student B reading the sentences, and Student A providing the missing words. However, this time the missing words are different— Student B decides what words to leave out! (For example, I blank on the stairs and blank my leg… .) • Students could then discuss which three words or phrases from Activity 2 they like the most and think they’re most likely to use. Encourage them to explain why. • Optional  Ask students to explain the title of the section. Ask questions such as What is bacteria? What does it do and why is there a battle against it? Where and how is the battle fought? Explain that the lesson will take a look at the fight against bacteria.

1  Explain that students are going to be looking at certain



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verbs, adjectives, and nouns that are often followed by specific prepositions. Tell everyone to close their books. Read the three examples in the Vocabulary box to the class, saying blank instead of the prepositions. So, for example, say What’s the missing preposition in this sentence: She was diagnosed blank a rare eye disease. Don’t give the answers yet. • Have students open their books to p. 120. Tell them to read the information in the box and check the answers. Then have them do Activity 1 individually, using a dictionary if necessary. Tell students to compare answers in pairs. • Go through the answers by asking different students to read the sentences aloud. Write the item numbers and word / preposition pairs on the board. • As you write, say the word pairs. Highlight any linking of sounds (for example in aimed at and investment in), and use your voice to stress the words. Have the class repeat. Exam Skill Some words are always followed by a specific preposition, for example, rely on. This is often tested on Use of English exams. Sometimes you have to provide the preposition. Other times you have to choose the word that goes with a given preposition from among several words with similar meanings, only one of which goes with that preposition. It is a good idea to keep lists of word / preposition combinations in a notebook or on flashcards. That way, you might begin to see some patterns.


3  As this prereading task involves quite a lot of speaking,

it’s best to break it down into two parts. First, check that students understand the words in the title of the article. You may want to write the following definitions on the board: antibiotic: a drug that destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria; apocalypse: a catastrophe that brings worldwide death and destruction • Ask students to predict how some of the words in bold in Activity 1 might be connected to the article they’re going to read. Have them suggest some ideas and explain their thinking. Don’t give any feedback yet, as the task is simply to generate ideas before students read. Say We’ll find out if you’re right or not when we read the article, OK? • For the second part of the activity, put students in groups and tell them to look at the bulleted points in Activity 3. Say We already discussed the first one, so focus on the other four. Suggest that they look at the definitions on the board again and begin their discussions. • After several minutes, ask different groups to report their ideas on different questions. After each report, ask the rest of the class to comment or express disagreement—if they’re prepared to explain themselves. For notes on Activities 4–7, see page 121a.



CRITICAL THINKING  T hinking through the consequences 7  Tell students to read the information in the Critical

Thinking box or read it aloud yourself. Make sure they understand what the phrases reading critically and possible consequences mean. • Then read the activity directions and the five actions. Say Some of these actions could have both good and bad consequences, don’t you think? It’s complicated! Put students in groups to brainstorm possible consequences of each of the five actions. • After several minutes, have groups report their ideas. After each report, ask the rest of the class to comment or express disagreement—as long as they’re prepared to explain their point of view.

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a−h and see if there’s anything they don’t understand. Share these definitions if necessary: multiply: increase in number fatal: causing death worst-case scenario: the most unpleasant or serious thing that could happen resistant: not harmed or affected by something contributing to: helping to make something happen increase the likelihood: make more probable • Do the first item, sentence a, as an example. Ask the class if they think this point was made or not. They can call out the answer all together or you can ask for a show of hands. Don’t confirm the answer yet. Make sure students understand that they should identify statements that are not covered in the article, even though they may sound reasonable. • Tell students to read the article again and do the activity individually. Suggest that they underline the parts of the text that help them decide their answers. • When they’re done, have students discuss their answers with a partner. Then go through the answers as a class, making sure students can justify their answers.


5  Read the directions aloud. Tell students to look at sentences


out what the antibiotic apocalypse is and how it can be avoided. Set a time limit (say, four minutes) or play the audio of the text while students read along in their books. • Stick to the time limit and then stop students’ reading. Ask the whole class for the answers to the activity questions. Discuss students’ responses, making sure to correct any misunderstandings. Try to come to a consensus on the definition of antibiotic apocalypse that takes into account the twin ideas of an epidemic caused by a superbug and the failure of current antibiotics to kill or fight the bug.

of the main ideas in the article to the local level to stimulate students’ interest. Is there a local debate about the use of antibiotics on farm animals, for example, or about the practice of prescribing antibiotics for common childhood ailments? • Then put students in pairs to discuss. Circulate and provide assistance as needed. • Call on students to tell some things they learned from the article and their discussions, and how they feel now about the battle against bacteria. Write on the board the different feelings students express. You might want to poll students to see how many share the same feelings.


  50   Tell the students to read the article quickly to find





Reading Strategy  Classmates are a resource, too! Students’ critical-thinking skills will develop and thrive in environments that encourage teamwork and collaboration. Emphasize to students that their peers are an excellent source of information, questions, and problem-solving techniques. When students are working in pairs or groups, encourage them to listen to one another and not be shy about asking questions about classmates’ thought processes, even if they have to use their first language.

Expansion Have students decide which of the consequences they thought of or heard from their classmates, in connection with Activity 7, are the most serious and how they might be avoided. Suggest that they put their reasons and ideas in the form of a letter to the editor of a local newspaper or an online publication, or they could do it as a speech to their classmates.

6   Give students time to read the questions and check that

they understand them. You could have the class choose one question for you to answer as a model. If possible, bring one


121a  Unit 10  Life-changing

Avoiding the Antibiotic 50



Antibiotics are now regularly prescribed for such non-life-threatening illnesses as sore throats, colds, and ear infections, and if doctors refuse their requests, many patients turn to the internet for their desired medication. On top of this, a large percentage of all antibiotics sold are now being used in farming. They are, for instance, often given to healthy animals to ensure rapid weight gain. Given all of this, it’s no surprise that more and more bacteria are evolving a resistance.

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Perhaps most disturbing of all is the fact that this potential disaster has been predicted for many decades. In fact, the earliest warnings came from Sir Alexander Fleming, the Scottish doctor and bacteriologist who in 1928 discovered the world’s first antibiotic substance— penicillin. Like many groundbreaking scientific finds, the discovery of penicillin was largely accidental. Its importance wasn’t realized for at least another ten years, and mass production didn’t start until the 1940s. However, there’s no doubting the fact that it changed medical practices beyond all recognition. Infections that had previously been fatal were now treatable.









This may sound like the stuff of nightmares or of terrifying science-fiction movies, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO) the threat of an “antibiotic apocalypse” is very real, and many experts fear that it’s only a matter of time before we see the emergence of a superbug—a very powerful type of bacteria that normal drugs cannot kill—capable of wiping out huge numbers of people.





Apocalypse In the speech he made when accepting the Nobel Prize for his work, Fleming warned that bacteria could easily become resistant to antibiotics if regularly exposed to concentrations insufficient to kill them. He went on to express his fears that penicillin would end up being so widely used that such changes were inevitable. Worryingly, this is precisely what happened!



One man determined to overcome this challenge is the Saudi microbiologist Hosam Zowawi, who has devoted a considerable portion of his time to developing a test that’s able to identify bacteria in hours rather than days, allowing doctors to act more quickly and efficiently, and slowing the potential spread of any deadly infections. Zowawi is also very actively involved in campaigns designed to raise public awareness of the risks of antibiotic overuse. In addition to reducing the use of antibiotics, there are many other ways that the situation is now being addressed. For instance, in the Netherlands, the government has started putting pressure on farmers to reduce the amount of antibiotics given to animals. Elsewhere, there’s a growing understanding of the need to address the underlying conditions that allow new diseases to spread, which, in turn, leads to better trash collection, better drainage, and better housing. Finally, we’re starting to see increased investment in research aimed at finding the new antibiotics that could be the penicillin of tomorrow.

E. coli infections make up a large percentage of antibiotic-resistant infections.




10C Medical Advances

New technology is helping people to recover their sight and see for the first time.


Work in groups. The photos show different ways that technology is helping to improve vision. Discuss what you think each picture shows and how it might work. Answers will vary.


Listen to an extract from a radio program. Find out:


1 which of the photos is being discussed. the photo of the Argus II (on this page) 2 if the technology is expensive. yes, over $100,000 Work in pairs. Can you explain how the technology works using these 51 words? Listen again and check your answers. camera


electrical signals









Work in pairs. Think of as many different ways to fund medical research and treatments as you can. Then discuss these questions with another pair of students. Answers will vary.

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1 What is the best way to fund medical research and treatment? 2 How might a health service decide when a treatment is too expensive? 3 How might a health service decide between two very expensive treatments?

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GRAMMAR Emphatic structures 5

As well as pronunciation grammar can also be used to add emphasis. Look at the Grammar box and answer the questions.

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1 How is emphasis added in sentences a and b? did / does 2 What adverbs are used in sentences c and d to introduce the point being emphasized? rarely / little 3 What happens to the order of the words that follow these adverbs? Emphatic structures

An auxiliary is added and reversed with the subject.



a While surgical options did exist before, none were nearly as effective. b While each bionic eye does cost a lot, reports from users have been incredibly positive. c We’re all used to hearing news about terrible things, but rarely do we hear much about exciting new developments. d When Second Sight started experimenting, little did they know that they were on their way to revolutionizing the treatment of blindness! Check the Grammar Reference for more information and practice. 6


Unit 10 Life-changing

Rewrite the sentences in a more emphatic style, using the words in parentheses. 1 Some doctors read research about new medicine, but too many just accept what big drug companies tell them. (do) 2 While caffeine increases energy levels, in large doses it can actually prove fatal. (does)


10C  Medical Advances

  51   Tell the class they’re going to hear part of a radio show about medical advances. Say Read the directions to see what you’re listening for. Then play the audio track. • When the track is done, ask about the two activity items, one at a time. As students respond, ask them what they heard that helped them arrive at their answers. • Help them to rephrase their responses, if necessary, using some of the actual language from the audio, such as bionic eye, implanted chip, pair of glasses, images converted into signals, and so on.

4  Ask the class Who pays for medical research? Is there just



one main way research is funded or are there many different contributors? Who pays for your treatment when you’re sick or injured? Say Discuss these questions with a partner. Put students in pairs. Read the first part of the activity directions aloud and tell pairs to each come up with ideas, then compare and make a separate list for each category— research and treatment. • After several minutes, ask different pairs for one idea each. Note these ideas on the board under two headings: Medical research and Medical treatment. • Read the three numbered activity questions aloud. Clarify for students that health service refers to any organization or group that provides or pays for medical care. Then put pairs together with another pair to discuss the questions as a group. • After a few minutes, ask some different groups to share their ideas. Have the rest of the class make comments and provide your own feedback.

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Expansion Have pairs of students collaborate to create a diagram of the Argus II, showing how it works. They should label the diagram and add explanatory captions where necessary.


on pp. 122 and 123 and read the captions. Have them discuss what they think is being shown in each picture and how the technology might work. • Go around and check that students are doing the task correctly and notice mistakes, difficulties, or where they use L1. Prompt students, if necessary. For example, say Look at the photos again. What do the objects look like? Your first impressions may be right. Or Think about what you know about how vision works. • When a couple of groups seem to have reached some conclusions, stop the discussions. • You could ask different groups to share their ideas and then ask the rest of the class if anyone wants to add anything. • Alternatively, you could just give some feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct (which you may have written on the board).

• When the track is done, have pairs revise or clarify their ideas. Call on a few to give their explanations. Have the rest of the class comment or correct. Make sure everyone in the class is clear about how the technology works.


1   Put students in groups. Tell them to look at the two photos

3  Read the directions aloud, and the list of words. Put



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students in pairs. Set a time limit (around 3−5 minutes) for partners to discuss what they remember about how the technology works. • When students are ready, ask different pairs, or simply ask the whole class, how the words in the list are connected. Say, for example, So, what does a camera have to do with the Argus II? What’s the connection? Don’t confirm any answers yet; instead encourage other students to jump in with their ideas or explanations. •    51   Play the audio. Tell students to listen for any particular pieces of information they’d forgotten or didn’t know how to explain. (For example, say Listen and see if you can find out more about what the chip that’s implanted in the back of the eye does.) Activity 3, Suggested answer: It works by using a chip that’s implanted in the back of the eye that receives visual information from a tiny camera attached to a pair of glasses. The images from the camera are converted into electrical signals and sent to the chip, where they stimulate cells that then send the information to the brain.

GRAMMAR  Emphatic structures 5  Remind students that in the pronunciation lesson in section

A, they learned about placing stress on the auxiliary verbs be and have to add emphasis. Ask if anyone can give an example of how that’s done. You might want to replay the audio as a reminder or have students look back at Activity 13 on p. 119. • Explain that now they’re going to look at other ways of adding emphasis. Tell students to read the Grammar box to themselves. Then have them answer the Activity 5 questions. • You can either give the answers now or wait for students to read the Grammar Reference and then review the Activity 5 questions with the class. Make sure they understand the inversion after the adverbs in sentences c and d. At this point, have students complete Activities 4 and 5 on p. 147 in the Grammar Reference section. You may also assign these activities as homework. For notes on Activity 6, see page 123a.





8  Read the Activity 8 directions aloud and do item 1 together.

Read the first sentence of the paragraph aloud, substituting the word blank for the missing word. Then say Number 1: What do you think the missing word is? Have class call out the answer. (little) Read the completed sentence aloud. • Say Now you’ll find out about Dr. Sanduk Ruit and his lifechanging system for treating cataracts. Have students do the rest of the activity individually. Tell them the missing words could be forms of do, the adverbs they’ve been working with, or a couple of other common adverbs. • When most have finished, tell them to compare answers in pairs. Then check the answers as a class. Record the numbers and words on the board.

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Activity 6 1  Some doctors do read research about new medicine, but too many just accept what big drug companies tell them.  2  While caffeine does increase energy levels, in large doses it can actually prove fatal.  3  In the old days, doctors did sometimes remove arms or legs without using any painkillers!  4  When the patient started having terrible headaches, little did she know it was because a spider was living in her ear.  5  In no way does research suggest there is anything unhealthy about a vegetarian diet.  6 Rarely did doctors cut people open in the days before penicillin.  7  Only after the age of 24 do you fully become an adult.  8  At no time in the Middle Ages were doctors in doubt that releasing blood from the body kept people healthy.  9  Not until the 1980s did plastic surgery become very popular, despite having been around for over 200 years before then.  10  Nowhere in the world do people do less exercise than in the United States.

Teaching Tip Saying long sentences with precision and fluency is difficult. To help, divide the sentences into short phrases. For example, you could locate the last stressed syllable in the sentence and drill only from that point to the end. Then locate the penultimate stressed syllable and drill from this new point to the end. Continue until students are saying the whole sentence; for example: morning … eight in the morning … work by eight in the morning … usually at work … usually at work by eight in the morning … I’m usually at work by eight in the morning.


sentences more emphatic. Read the directions aloud and do the first item with the class as an example. Read the sentence aloud as students follow along in their books. Use your normal tone, without adding any special emphasis. • Then say Now I’ll make it more emphatic, using the verb do. Reread the sentence. Add do, but don’t stress it. Ask the class Did that sound more emphatic? (not really) Next, invite a volunteer to read the sentence with the proper emphasis. Ask the class Was that more emphatic? Thank the student and say OK? Now you get the idea! • Have students rewrite the sentences on their own. Remind them to look at the Grammar box if they’re not sure about the word order when they add an adverb. • Don’t go through the answers yet as they will hear them in Activity 7.

• Read the question in Activity 7b aloud. You could respond first to model for students. Say, for example, Most people know that caffeine gives you energy—no surprise there—but I was shocked to read that too much of it can be fatal! Call on different students to respond to the question. • Finish by asking the class to predict which ideas they think were the most and the least surprising to the majority of them. You could confirm with a quick class vote.


6   Explain that students are going to practice making


7   PRONUNCIATION  Adding emphasis • 7a    52   Read the explanation in the box aloud. Then


either use the audio track or read the Activity 6 sentences yourself. Stop after each one so students can check what they wrote. Write on the board the part of each sentence that changes for emphasis. Then ask where the main stress is. • 7b    52   Play the audio again or model the sentences yourself. Pause after each one and say OK, everyone… and gesture to the class to repeat the sentence. Then call on several students to say it individually. Have them say it slowly first and then again, faster. • As you call on individuals, you could tell them to say it either fast or slow. For example, say Juan: slow. Then Ana: fast. Then Yuki: fast, and so on. • Correct any mistakes that come up, if you can. Ideally, show the student how the correct sound is formed.

9  Have students read the options. Answer any questions they

have. Say The first one is for those of you interested in the history of medicine and who like to do research. There are a lot of amazing developments to consider! Tell students to make sure their summaries cover each of the points in the directions. • Point out that the next option is for pairs to do together. Say You’ll also have to do some research. But you’ll have the benefit of a partner to brainstorm with when you identify the best ways to tackle the health risk.


123a  Unit 10  Life-changing



Complete the short article by adding one word in each blank. There are 39 million blind people in the world. But little do people realize that perhaps half of those (1) affected by blindness could be cured, simply by removing do the cataract* which causes it. Many people (2) already have surgery to remove cataracts. In fact, it is a very common operation in many countries, and only very rarely does the patient fail to recover good sight. (3) did cost However, until recently the procedure (4) quite a lot and was too expensive for sufferers in developing countries. That was until Dr. Sanduk Ruit, a doctor from Nepal, created a new system for conducting cataract surgery. Not only did he manage to reduce the cost of (5) the operation to around 25 dollars per patient, he reduced the time it took and developed a production-line approach. In fact, (6) nowhere in the world do they conduct the operation more efficiently and successfully than in Nepal. The result makes a huge difference to thousands of lives. Not does the operation bring sight back, it only (7) also brings back the ability to farm and do (8) similar work, which in turn helps to reduce poverty.


PRONUNCIATION Adding emphasis Do / Does / Did is usually stressed in sentences where it has been added for emphasis. Negative adverbs are also usually stressed when they introduce a point to be emphasized.

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cataract a medical condition which causes the lens of the eye to become cloudy, resulting in blurred vision


CHOOSE Choose one of the following activities.

Answers will vary.

• On your own, find out about an amazing development in medical history. Write a summary of your findings, explaining what happened, when, and why it was important.

• Work in pairs. Decide what you think the biggest health risk facing your country is. Think of five ways it could be tackled.

Eye exams can now be carried out using common forms of technology.


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a Listen and check your answers in Activity 6. Then listen again and note the way stress is used to 52 add emphasis. b Practice saying each sentence in an emphatic way. Which of the ideas most and least surprised you? Why? Answers will vary.





3 In the old days, doctors sometimes removed arms or legs without using any painkillers! (did) 4 When the patient started having terrible headaches, she didn’t know it was because a spider was living in her ear. (little) 5 No research suggests that there is anything unhealthy about a vegetarian diet. (in no way) 6 Doctors didn’t often cut people open in the days before penicillin. (rarely) 7 You don’t fully become an adult until the age of 24. (only after) 8 In the Middle Ages, doctors were never in doubt that releasing blood from the body kept people healthy. (at no time) 9 Plastic surgery didn’t become very popular until the 1980s, despite having been around for over 200 years before then. (not until) 10 People in the United States do less exercise than anyone else in the world. (nowhere)




10D A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person

When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be.

Collaborative listening


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Fast speech can be difficult to understand. Focus on what you did hear. Think about the context and what you know about the subject or situation to guess what might have been said. If you are with someone, compare what you heard; you may have heard different things.

Look at the Authentic Listening Skills box. Then work in groups. Listen to the extract from the beginning of 53 Janine’s talk.

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• Student A: Listen and note the nouns and things you hear. • Student B: Listen and note the verbs and actions you hear. • Student C: Listen and note whatever you want. • Student D: Listen carefully without taking notes. 2


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Read about Janine Shepherd and get ready to watch her TED Talk.





Work in your groups. Write a complete text based on your combined notes. Your text does not have to be exactly the same as the extract you heard in Activity 1.

Watch Part 1 of the talk. Are the sentences true or 10.1 false?

1 2 3 4

The accident took place at the time of the Olympics. F The vehicle that hit Janine was going fast. T Janine’s bike helmet protected her head from any damage. F Janine had an out-of-body experience as she was fighting for her life. T 5 Janine had no movement below her waist after the operation. F 6 The doctor said the result of the operation meant that Janine would eventually be as good as new. F


Work in pairs. Watch Part 2 of the talk. Take notes on 10.2 Answers will vary. what you hear and compare.


Work in pairs. Complete the sentences together. Then watch Part 2 of the talk again and check your answers. 10.2

1 Janine did not know what the other people in the spinal ward looked like . 2 Janine felt the friendships she made there were unusual because they were judgment-free. / based purely on spirit 3 Listen to the extract again and compare it with what you 3 The other people in the ward shared their hopes and wrote in Activity 2. In what ways is your text different fears rather than have superficial conversations . 53 from the extract? 4 When Janine left the ward and first saw the sun again, she (so incredibly) grateful felt for her life. 5 The head nurse had told Janine she would get depressed , but she did not believe her. 6 Janine wanted to give up because she was in a wheelchair . 124

Unit 10 Life-changing


10D  A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person



Tell the class they’re going to watch the first part of the talk and then decide if the statements in Activity 4 are true or false. Have students read the statements and check that they understand them. Answer any questions. (They might ask about the Olympics or what out-of-bodyexperience means.) Then play Part 1. • Decide whether you need to replay the video. • Check the answers as a class by asking for a show of hands (Number 1: Who thinks it’s true? Raise your hands. Then Raise your hands for false, and so on), by having students call out the answers all together, or by calling on individuals to give the answers (call on two or more when there’s a disagreement).

4     10.1  

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aloud as students follow along. If possible, give an example of when you and a friend or friends had to compare something you’d all listened to, but didn’t all hear or understand. • Put students in groups of four and assign one student in each group to be A, one to be B, one to be C, and one to be D. Ask all the As to raise their hands, then all the Bs, and so on. • Explain the activity. Tell all the As to follow along in their books as you read the directions for Student A aloud. Repeat the procedure for Students B, C, and D. Take time to make sure all students understand what they’re listening for. Go around and check. •   53   Tell students A, B, and C to prepare to take notes. Then play the extract from Janine’s talk.


1  Read the information in the Authentic Listening Skills box

And then everything went black. Where was I? What was happening? My body was consumed by pain. I’d been hit by a speeding utility truck with only 10 minutes to go on the bike ride. I was airlifted from the scene of the accident by a rescue helicopter to a large spinal unit in Sydney.


AUTHENTIC LISTENING SKILLS  Collaborative listening

Activities 1-3 Answers will vary. The extract reads as follows: Life was good. We’d been on our bikes for around five and a half hours when we got to the part of the ride that I loved, and that was the hills, because I loved the hills. And I got up off the seat of my bike, and I started pumping my legs, and as I sucked in the cold mountain air, I could feel it burning my lungs, and I looked up to see the sun shining in my face.


• Warm up  Tell students they’re going to watch a TED Talk about Janine Shepherd’s remarkable recovery after a lifechanging accident. Read the quote aloud and ask students to translate it and say what they think it means. •   10.0   Say Now watch a short text to further introduce the topic. Play the first section of the video. Then have students do the exercises. • After they finish, you might write the key words from the section on the board and ask students to retell or write as much of it as they can. Correct as necessary.

2  When the track is finished, read the Activity 2 directions



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aloud. Tell groups to put their notes together and try and write a complete text based on what they have. You might suggest that Student D be the one to write the text. • Set a time limit of around ten minutes. Stress that the text doesn’t have to be exactly the same as what they heard, but it should be written in full sentences and include all the information they heard.

Read the directions aloud. Then play the extract again. • Give students time to discuss any differences between the text they created and what they heard. After a few minutes, ask a few groups how similar or different their texts were from the recording. If they were very different, ask students if they know why. • Tell groups to take a few minutes to brainstorm what they could have done better as they listened.

3     53  

Put students in pairs. Tell students they’re going to watch the second part of the talk and that they should take notes. Play Part 2 of the talk. • At the end of the video have partners compare their notes. Say Save your notes for Activity 6. • Ask the whole class for ideas about what they heard.

5     10.2  

6  Tell students to look at the Activity 6 sentences to see

if there’s anything they don’t understand. Tell them, if necessary, that a ward in a hospital is a large room with beds for several patients. Have pairs complete the sentences together as best they can. •   10.2   Replay Part 2 of the talk so pairs can check their answers. Go around and check how they did. Decide whether the class needs to watch Part 2 a third time. • To go through the answers; call on students to read their completed sentences. Play the audio again to confirm or correct them. Write the missing words and phrases on the board.



whole class or individual students for their thoughts. If students seem to be missing the point, have them reread the quote on p. 124 and ask what they think Janine means. Work with the ideas students come up with.

7  The purpose of Activity 7 is to preteach some language



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9  Put students in pairs. Read the Activity 9 directions aloud.

  Vocabulary in context • 11a    10.5   Play the Vocabulary in Context clips. Pause at each point where the options come on-screen and ask everyone to call out their answer together. If a lot of students give the wrong answer, provide additional explanations or examples before moving on to the next clip. • 11b  Read the discussion questions aloud and check that students understand the words and phrases in italics. Answer one of the questions yourself as a model. Then put them in pairs to discuss. • At the end of the task, give your feedback. You can also retell some anecdotes you heard.



Say Now we’ll see if any of your ideas were correct. Play Part 3. When it’s done, acknowledge any students whose predictions were correct or close. Then call on different students to give their reactions to the video so far. Ask what they think of Janine, and if they could imagine themselves in her place, what they might do.

8     10.3  

Activity 10, Suggested answer: The most important thing in life is not what you look like or where you’re from; it’s what you are and what you do. Or don’t define yourself by your physical capabilities, or what you think you should be or do, but try to express what your inner spirit tells you you are.


students will hear in Part 3 of the talk and to generate interest. Tell students they’re going to read some words they’ll hear in the next part of the talk. Read the list of phrases aloud as students follow along. • Model by having a student read a phrase to you. For example, the student says pass a medical. You respond annual checkup, or whatever else comes to mind. • Do the exercise for a minute or so. Then ask students if they see any connection between the different phrases. Ask What new activity or job do you think Janine might take up? Get students’ ideas. • Language note  Tell students that in American English, speakers use pass a physical instead of pass a medical. Pass a medical is more common in Australia, where Janine is from.

12   Read the Activity 12 questions aloud. Help students get

started by sharing your own reactions to Janine’s experience. Perhaps you can compare it to something in your own life or the life of someone you know. • Put students together with a new partner. Follow a similar procedure as in Activity 11b. When pairs have finished discussing, call on students to share their thoughts about the video. Try to elicit from them whether Janine’s experiences have given them new insights about life or inspired them to try something new.

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Stress to students that they don’t have to use the phrases in the order they appear in the list. Model the task by asking the class OK. So what exactly did Janine say about buttons and dials? Or What kind of license did Janine get? Tell partners to take turns asking and answering questions with the phrases.



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Activity 9, Suggested answers: She saw a plane overhead one day and decided she wanted to fly, so she started learning how to fly and getting a pilot’s license. She couldn’t climb into the plane, so they had to slide her up on the wing and then lift her into the cockpit. There were buttons and dials everywhere in the cockpit, and she was amazed her instructor knew what they were all for. As soon as the plane was in the air, she had an incredible sense of freedom. As her instructor pointed towards the Blue Mountains, she took the controls and started flying the plane. She had no idea how she was going to get well enough to pass a medical, but eventually she was able to pass! She learned to navigate and flew friends around Australia. Just a year and a half after she left the spinal ward, she was a qualified instructor and was teaching other people how to fly.

Say Now we’ll hear the final part of the talk. Listen to what Janine says at the end. Play the video. • When it’s done, put student in pairs to discuss what they think Janine’s main message is. When students have finished, ask the

10     10.4  


• Read the directions aloud and discuss them. Have pairs look at the situations. You could start by asking the whole class for one example of a challenge and one example of an opportunity that a serious accident like Janine’s would create. Write them on the board. • Then have pairs brainstorm a list of challenges and opportunities for each situation. Circulate and help as needed. When the time is up, go through the four situations and ask pairs to call out the challenges and opportunities they came up with. Write some on the board. • Then put pairs together in groups of four or five and have them rank each set of challenges from the most difficult to the easiest. Tell them to discuss the reasons behind their rankings. • After several minutes, ask groups to stand, one group at a time. Present them with one of the situations and ask each student in turn to tell what they think the most difficult challenge would be for that situation and explain why.


125a  Unit 10  Life-changing

ng ni ar get a license pass a medical slide up on the wing teach other people

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buttons and dials learn to navigate sense of freedom take the controls

Watch Part 3 of the talk. Was your answer to Activity 7 10.3 Answers will vary. correct?


Work in pairs. Explain what happened to Janine using the phrases in Activity 7.


Watch Part 4 of the talk. What do you think Janine’s 10.4 message is? Discuss your idea with a partner.




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Look at these phrases. How do you think they are connected? What new activity and job do you think Janine took up? Answers will vary.

Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary.

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Answers will vary.

a Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the correct 10.5 meaning of the words and phrases.

1 Did you enjoy Janine’s talk? Why? 2 Do you think you could have overcome something like Janine’s experience? Why? 3 What judgments do people make when they meet people for the first time? 4 Have your friends ever helped you overcome a problem or difficulty? How? 5 Is there something you would like to do but have not? What’s stopping you?

CHALLENGE Work in pairs. Discuss what challenges these situations might create for a person and what opportunities might be created. Then work with another pair of students and put your challenges in order from the most difficult to the easiest. Discuss your reasons. • Having a serious accident like Janine’s. • Moving to a new country because of a parent’s job. • Failing your final exams at school. • Going to college in a new city.

b Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Answers will vary. 1 What might be something that is difficult to grasp? Have you ever experienced this? 2 Do you think it is good to get out of your comfort zone? Why? Have you ever been in that situation? What happened? 3 Do any of your friends or family have a nickname you like? Why do they have it?




10E Getting Better SPEAKING


Listen to two conversations between friends. Answer the questions. 1 Who are they talking about? Why? 2 What happened to the person they are talking about?


Which of the phrases in the Useful language box did you hear in each 54 conversation? Listen again and check.


Work in pairs. Take turns saying the sentences below. Your partner should respond and add a follow-up question or comment. Answers will vary. 1 Apparently, he’ll have to have an operation. 2 Her mom said she was grounded.* 3 I saw him yesterday and he said he was feeling a lot better. 4 Apparently, it’s a really bad cold. He’s going to be out all week. 5 Did I tell you? My older sister’s going to have a baby!



Reporting stories / news Apparently,… I heard (that)… Expressing surprise You’re kidding! Oh no!

grounded not allowed to go out as a punishment for doing something wrong

Showing sympathy Poor guy He must be fed up!


Practice having conversations based on your ideas in Activity 1. Use the Useful language box to help you. Answers will vary.

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Responding to good news Wow! That’s great! Awesome!

WRITING A success story

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Work in groups. Can you think of a time you overcame one of the following? Tell each other your success stories. Answers will vary. a difficulty an illness

disgust an inability


Unit 10 Life-changing

a fear an opponent

Work in pairs. Student A: read the story on this page. Student B: read the story on page 153. Then tell each other:



Passing on a message Say “hi” from me. Tell him to get well soon. Tell her I’m thinking of her.



Useful language

Work in pairs. What would you say or ask if you heard that someone you knew: Answers will vary. • got good grades on their exams? • had been kicked out of school? • was moving from where they live? • was sick or had an accident?


Developing the conversation When we respond to news, we don’t just show sympathy or surprise. We often add a follow-up comment or a question to keep the conversation going. You’re joking! When did he do that? Poor guy. So is he OK?


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Speaking strategy


10E  Getting Better


5  This task offers students the chance to build upon the ideas they

came up with in Activity 1. Put students in pairs. Explain that they should take turns giving the news in Activity 1 and then responding to it and adding further comments or questions. • You could use one of the stronger students in the class to model. Say Hey, guess what? I got a really good grade on my exam and have the student respond. Then continue the conversation. You could also take the opportunity to explain the Study Tip below.

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different ways of responding to news. Draw their attention to the Speaking strategy box and read it aloud as students follow along. • Put students in pairs. Say Now you can practice your conversation skills! What would you say to keep a conversation going? Explain if necessary that if you’re kicked out of school, you’re forced to leave. You could ask the class for different reasons why students get kicked out of school, or anyplace else a person might be kicked out of, such as a club, theater, library, and so on. • Have pairs discuss the four scenarios. Circulate, observe, and help. • Call on pairs to give some of the responses. Accept suggestions that seem possible. Ask about things you’re not sure of and try to provide better ways of saying them.

students look at the sentences. Point out the definition of grounded and ask if there’s anything they don’t understand. • Stress that there’s no one correct response for each sentence, but that students should try to use phrases from the Useful language box.


1  This activity is designed to get students thinking about

4  Put students in pairs and read the directions aloud. Have


• Warm up Explain that students will be writing about a success story. Have them spend a few minutes thinking of examples of success—personal success, athletic success, success achieved in unlikely circumstances, or a movie, book, song, game, or business that was an unlikely success. • Put students in groups to share examples. Invite them to share some of their ideas with the class.

audio again and tell students to check off the phrases they hear. Suggest that they use a different color or mark to differentiate between the two conversations. • Put students in pairs briefly to check their ideas. Then review them with the class. Ask students if they can remember why each phrase was used.



  54   Read the Activity 3 directions aloud. Play the

  Read the directions and the two questions aloud. Tell students to take notes on the details because they’ll be hearing two separate conversations between different friends. Say Pay attention to the phrases the people use to respond to news. Then play the audio track. • When it’s finished, have students write their answers. Focus on one conversation at a time. Call for volunteers to give their answers.

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2     54



Activity 2 1 Conversation 1: A friend named Chen. One of the speakers thought he was joining them and did not show up. Conversation 2: A friend named Ewa. 2 Conversation 1: He tripped and broke his leg while he was ­running for the bus. Conversation 2: The person is sick. She has a virus. 3  Point out the Useful language box. Have students read the

different categories of language to themselves. Explain that apparently is commonly used in these kinds of situations to mean “it seems that…” or “it appears that… .” Then have volunteers model reading the expressions aloud to the class. Help them, if necessary, with pronunciation and stress.

Study Tip  Notice when you don’t have the right word While it’s important to keep going in a classroom speaking activity in order to prepare for exams, you also need to expand your vocabulary. When you’re speaking and realize you don’t have the right word, try to express yourself in a different way, but also write down the word you wanted to say, or the idea you wanted to express, in your first language. After the activity, ask the teacher to help you or see what you can find out in a dictionary.

WRITING 6  Warm up 

Have students look at the photo at the bottom of pp. 126–127. Say How does it make you feel? Could you do something like that? Take students’ responses and discuss fears and how to overcome them. • Say This will be good! You get to share a time when you overcame a fear or other kind of challenge. Ask students to look at the six topics and think of a time when they overcame one of them. First, recount some satisfactory victory of your own as a model. • Give students time to think of an anecdote and how they’ll tell it. Encourage them to use a dictionary or to ask you if there’s anything they want to know how to say. They may also want to take notes. • Put students in groups to share their success stories. Tell them to feel free to respond to each other and add extra comments and questions. • Circulate and observe, providing assistance as needed. Give feedback about new language that came up and errors to correct.

For notes on Activity 7, see page 127a.



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Activity 7 1 Both overcame a fear. 2 The writer on p. 127 jumped across a gap in a cliff. The writer on p. 153 caught and touched a snake. 8  Read the directions aloud. Tell students they’re going to

they can use to make stories more exciting. Read the directions and the list of verbs aloud. • Ask students questions to check their understanding of the words. Ask, for example, Why would someone creep? Do you slam a door when you’re happy or mad? Show me how you look when you peer. • Have students look at the sentences and answer any questions they have. Do the first one together. Say, for example, Number one: They blank me to the hospital, and we got there just in time. OK, look at the list of verbs. Ask Which one fits with getting someplace quickly? (rush) What tense is needed? (simple past) How do you know? (It should match the tense of got.) What’s the missing verb? (rushed) • Have students do the others individually and use a dictionary if they need to. Go around and check that they’re doing the task correctly and notice any difficulties they’re having. Help them out. Then focus on any common problems in feedback. • When most students have finished, have them compare answers in pairs and help each other with anything they haven’t finished. Review the answers by asking different students to read the completed sentences aloud. • Write the item numbers and missing words on the board. As you write, ask further questions to check students’ understanding of the vocabulary; for example Where else might somebody rush you to? Why?


who is A and who is B in each pair. Explain that As and Bs will read different stories and that they need to find out which of the things in Activity 6 each story writer overcame—and what they managed to do. Read the directions aloud to let students know which story they’re reading. • Tell students to read their stories quickly and find the answers to the two activity questions. Set a time limit (say, three minutes) and stick to it. • Have partners first tell each other the information they found out in their stories. Then ask all the As and then all the Bs the two questions and have them call out the answers all together. Call on individuals to tell the phrases that provided clues to the answers. (For example, p. 127: “my legs started to shake,” “I couldn’t move,” “I was sure I was going to fall.”) Help them to paraphrase the ideas in a single sentence. (For example, for item 1: The writer was afraid of falling off a cliff.)

9  Tell students they’re going to learn more descriptive words


7  This is a jigsaw reading. Put students in pairs and make it clear

10  Direct students’ attention to the Useful language box

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read the story they didn’t read for the last activity and look for the listed features. Have them look at the four features and answer any questions they have. Remind them how to recognize direct speech and that an inversion is when the subject and verb of a sentence switch places for emphasis. • Give the students 3−5 minutes to read and to highlight or underline examples. Stick to the time limit and then tell them to stop reading. • Read the four features aloud and have students share the examples they found. Ask the rest of the class if they agree that the examples are correct. • Encourage students to share with the class features of the stories that they especially liked.



Writing Strategy  Use exact words When writing stories, you’re going to be describing a lot of settings, actions, and feelings. Your writing will be more exciting and enjoyable to read if you take the time to find the exact words to convey precisely what you want to say. To set the scene, use language that appeals to the senses. When describing actions, use precise verbs. To convey feelings, use descriptive adjectives. Use a thesaurus or a dictionary to find synonyms so you don’t repeat the same words over and over again.

on p. 127. Read the categories and the phrases aloud. Have students take a minute to read them over again to themselves. Then say OK, I think you’re ready to write your own story! • Put students in pairs to discuss what they’ll write about. Tell them to look at the two models again to remind themselves of the features of a success story. Say Read the Useful language phrases again, too. They might give you some ideas. Choose the ones you want to use in your story. • Assign the writing for homework or give a time limit for doing it in class. As students write, circulate and provide assistance as needed. Praise good language and offer encouragement. You might note some common mistakes for feedback when the time is up. • Set aside class time for students to read their stories to the class.


127a  Unit 10  Life-changing

1 which of the things mentioned in Activity 6 each writer overcame. 2 what the writer finally managed to do.


WRITING SKILL Using descriptive verbs

Complete each sentence with the correct form of these descriptive verbs. grab scream

1 2 3 4

leap slam

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creep rush

peer stare

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rushed me to the hospital and we got there just in time! They I grabbed the top of the table and pulled myself up. “Watch out!” she screamed as the motorcycle came speeding towards me. I could hear a strange noise, but as I peered into the darkness, I couldn’t see anything! 5 When I heard the scream, I leaped / leapt out of my chair and ran into the kitchen to see what the problem was. stared at the letter in complete amazement! I just couldn’t believe my eyes! 6 I


Write a story of between 200 and 250 words about overcoming something. Use the phrase I finally managed to… somewhere in the story. Answers will vary.



Explaining how you felt before you succeeded I was absolutely terrified. I was sure I was going to fall / fail / lose! I’d tried absolutely everything. I was ready to just give up. Explaining how you felt in the end It was the best day / one of the best days of my life. It was a moment I’ll never forget. It was a truly memorable experience. It was a day that changed my life.


An interesting opening sentence that grabs the reader’s attention Yes (1 and 2) Inversion to make part of the story more emphatic Yes (2) Examples of direct speech Yes (1 and 2) Descriptive verbs that make the story more exciting Yes (1 and 2)


1 2 3 4

Useful language


Read the story that you did not read in Activity 7. Can you find these features in either text? Compare your findings.

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I looked down at the water and the waves crashing against the rocks. My legs immediately started to shake. Someone shouted “Come on Yasine, you can do it!” I was on an adventure vacation. This is what I had wanted to do—walking, climbing, camping—and now here I was doing these things and I couldn’t move. I wanted to be anywhere else but here. We were doing a walk along a narrow coastal path, but it had become less and less like a path and more like a cliff we had to climb along. We finally came to a point where we had to hold on to a rock and jump over a small gap to get to the rest of the path. Everyone else had done it and I was the last one. It wasn’t far—not much more than a few feet. But I just couldn’t do it. I was sure I was going to fall. I was stuck. The rest of the group then started to shout together, “You can do it! You can do it!” I grabbed the rock and leapt to the other side. I made it! Everyone cheered. I had finally managed to do it and it felt like I was champion of the world.

Have you ever overcome a fear?




Unit 1 

Grammar reference and practice


I’d been wanting to go there for ages. Remember that some “state” verbs that do not express action are not used in continuous forms.

Simple present The simple present describes things that are generally true, habits, or permanent states.


I miss my host family. The simple present also describes things scheduled to happen at a particular time in the future.  e arrive at seven in the morning and then leave the following W evening.

To talk about habits, regular actions, or events in the past, use used to and would. The simple past can also be used. Often, these habits or events no longer happen.

We’re talking about study-abroad programs.

Used to or the simple past (not would) are used to describe past states existing over a period of time.

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The present continuous is also used to talk about things in the future that one has arranged to do with other people.

I used to do it all the time when I was a student going home to visit friends… Often, when you went to some hitching spots, you’d have to line up behind several others already waiting for a ride… I often argued with my parents about the dangers of hitchhiking and I would tell them about all the amazing experiences I’d had.


The present continuous describes actions seen as temporary, in progress, or unfinished.


Present continuous



Would is more common than used to. Used to is often used to start a topic, and then would or the simple past is used to give extra details.

I’m meeting some friends on Sunday.

Hitchhiking used to be / was / would be so common when I was / used to be / would be a student.

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Simple past

The simple past is used to describe finished actions in the past, especially when there is one finished action after another.

Describe individual past events and situations with the simple past only. Do not use used to or would.

I spent six months in Berlin in 2015. Then I came home.

I also spent / used to spend / would spend one summer hitching around South America.

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Past continuous

The past continuous is used to emphasize an action in progress around a time in the past.


Past perfect


I was actually thinking about canceling my trip before I left.

The past perfect emphasizes that one thing happened before a particular point in the past. I’d never left Argentina.

To form negatives, use didn’t to show the past tense. Notice that use to is used in negatives. People didn’t use to worry about sharing their space. It is common to form negatives using never instead of didn’t. Notice that used to is used to indicate the past tense in this case. People never used to worry about sharing their space. When asking questions, use the auxiliary did to show the question is in the past tense. Notice that use to is used in questions. Did you use to go there?

Past perfect continuous The past perfect continuous (had been + -ing) is the preferred form for talking about something in progress over a period of time up to or before a particular point in the past. However, the past perfect can also be used in most of these cases.

There is no present form of used to. The adverb usually or the verb tend to is used. People don’t used to usually hitchhike now.


128  Unit 1  Grammar Reference


Choose the correct option. I (1) was going / went on a student exchange to France recently. I (2) was staying / stayed with a French boy named Olivier and his family for three weeks over Easter. I (3) had / was having an amazing time there. They (4) were taking / took me skiing for ten days, which was incredible! I (5) didn’t go / hadn't been before, but (6) I'd been taking / I was taking lessons to get myself ready, so I wasn’t completely clueless when I got there. Over the next few weeks, both my skiing and my French (7) had improved / improved. The only bad thing about the trip was that while we (8) had been staying / were staying in the mountains, I got really sick. I don’t know if it was food poisoning or what, but I (9) felt / had felt really bad. Olivier (10) has been coming / is coming here in July. I’m a little worried because I can’t take him to do exciting things like skiing! Most of the time here, (11) I just hang out / I’m just hanging out with my friends. (12) I still look / I’m still looking forward to seeing him, though. Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect continuous form of the verb if appropriate. If not, use the past perfect. had been talking

io na

lG eo gr

1 My sister (talk) about doing a student exchange for years, so it’s great that she finally went. 2 We had known (know) each other for years before we decided to travel together. 3 I got really badly sunburned. I had been lying (lie) around on the beach all day and just forgot to put sunscreen on! 4 I had seen (see) a lot of the country during my time there, but that was my first time in the capital. 5 This was my third time in the city. I had enjoyed (enjoy) it the other two times but didn’t have much of a feel for it yet. 6 They were so nice. Wehad been staying(stay) in a B&B, but they said we could sleep at their place.


Complete the text about HitchBot with would, used to, or the simple past.






1 My grandparents usually came on vacation with us when I was younger. come used to come / would come on vacation with us when My grandparents I was younger 2 In the past, most workers only had one day a week off. work used to work / would work six days a week. In the past, most workers 3 In the 19th century, women usually traveled with use to travel / never used to travel / someone. travel didn’t would never travel on their own in the 19th century. Women 4 My hair’s a lot longer now. have I used to have shorter hair. 5 My dad gave up playing soccer professionally because he got injured. to be My dad used to be a professional soccer player until he got injured.  5

Complete each pair of sentences with the correct form of the verb in bold and a pronoun. Use the adverb in parentheses, if given. Put one sentence in a past form and the other in a present form.

ap hi c


Rewrite each sentence using used to or would and the word in bold.



HitchBot was a special robot designed by scientists at two Canadian universities as an experiment to see how humans react to robots. They (1) would / used to send the robot on hitchhiking trips with instructions to try to visit certain places along the way. They (2) would / used to leave the robot at the side of the road, and when someone pulled up to see what was (be), the robot (4)would / used to read a it (3) message explaining what it wanted to do. The driver then had to pick up the robot, put it in their car, and then leave it by the side of another road to be picked up by someone else. The vast majority of people (5) treated (treat) the robot well and it (6) completed (complete) four trips in Canada, Holland, Germany, and the United States.

leave 1a When I went to Mexico in 2016, it was the first time I had ever left my country. (ever) ? You’ve hardly seen the city. (already) 1b  You’re leaving already

get used to 2a I was in the UK for almost nine months, but I can’t say I ever got used to the food. (ever) I’m slowly getting used to speaking in Spanish. 2b It’s taken a while, but Hopefully, I’ll be fluent by the time we leave. (slowly) stay I had never stayed with a host 3a I was a little worried because family before, but it was fine. (never)  here are you stayingon your study-abroad trip next year? 3b W get We have gotten / got way off 4a We took a wrong turn back there. the beaten path. 4b W  e went to seven cities in four days, so we’re hardly getting a feel for the places. (hardly)



Grammar reference and practice


VERB PATTERNS (-ING OR INFINITIVE WITH TO) The -ing form is commonly used with the following verbs.

The present perfect is used: • to introduce or list experiences connected to a present situation / discussion. • to refer to a completed event within a period of time including now. • to talk about the duration of something that is still true now. Most successful entrepreneurs have failed at least once. Entrepreneurs have always needed the confidence to recover from failure.

admit avoid can’t stand consider delay enjoy finish keep mind miss practice recommend The infinitive with to is commonly used with the following verbs. agree fail offer

arrange decide expect hope intend need plan promise refuse


Present perfect

The number of entrepreneurs has been growing over the last few years. Kickstarter has been running for several years now.


Some verbs can have an object before an -ing form or an infinitive with to. catch sb/sth -ing find sb/sth -ing imagine sb/sth -ing notice sb/sth -ing

discover sb/sth -ing got sb/sth -ing leave sb/sth -ing remember sb/sth -ing

advise sb/sth to beg sb/sth to convince sb/sth to force sb/sth to invite sb/sth to permit sb/sth to

allow sb/sth to cause sb/sth to dare sb/sth to get sb/sth to order sb/sth to prepare sb/sth to

ap hi c

• to talk about duration of activities that are still true now. • to emphasize the process (not the completed action).


Objects before -ing and to

The present perfect continuous is used:


Unit 2 

lG eo gr

The continuous form is preferred when talking about duration, but the simple form can also be used with no difference in meaning. T he number of entrepreneurs has been growing over the last few years. The number of entrepreneurs has grown over the last few years.

io na

The simple form is usually used when talking about a completed action, while the continuous form is usually used to emphasize the process. This is why the simple form is preferred with specific amounts.



Since it started, Kickstarter has been raising raised two billion dollars. He’s been starting started ten different companies over the last fifteen years. Simple past The simple past is used: • to tell a story of completed events. • with time phrases that show completed time. • to talk about the duration of completed events. D’Aloisio’s first investor contacted him via email from Hong Kong. She wrote for ten years without success.

ask sb/sth to challenge sb/sth to expect sb/sth to hire sb/sth to pay sb/sth to remind sb/sth to

Negatives can be made using not. I hate not having a cell phone with me. Verbs with two objects These verbs are commonly followed by two objects. ask buy give pass

book bring build cook find get lend make owe save show tell

With most verbs that can be followed by two objects, the order of the objects can be reversed if for or to is put in front of the person / group of people. The preposition used depends on the initial verb. Can you email me the report sometime today, please? Can you email the report to me sometime today, please?


130  Unit 2  Grammar Reference

feel sb/sth -ing hear sb/sth -ing mind sb/sth -ing see sb/sth -ing


7 I tried to get a better deal, but they basically just refused negotiating. I: to negotiate 8 That report needs checking before you send it. C

Do the time phrases show a completed time (a), a time period that includes now (b), or both (ab)? a The company’s profits rose . b The company’s profits have been rising



posting  1 I can’t imagine him (post) something like that! It’s so out of character.  2 I accidentally downloaded a virus and it caused the whole system to crash (crash). Our teacher always forces us to speak (speak) in  3 English in class.  4 I got some bad feedback on my project. It left me feeling (feel) very upset. We’d like to remind you to change (change) your  5 password within the next two weeks. playing (play) music while they load is  6 Websites so annoying! I can still remember begging my parents to buy  7 (buy) me my first Xbox! trying (try) to access the  8 They caught him school’s online records. If I could, I’d hire someone to take (take) my  9 science exam so I didn’t have to study for it. winning (win). They have too 10 I just can’t see them many players injured.


1 over the last five years b a 2 last year 3 in 2015 a 4 in the past few months b 5 since they found a different distributor b 6 when we did the marketing campaign a 7 for a long time ab 8 over the last year b


io na

lG eo gr


ap hi c

Madison Forbes has (1) always loved drawing and since 2010, she’s been turning her design, and (2) designs into a successful business called Fishflops, which produces flip flops with Madison’s cute sea characters on when them. She came up with the name in 2006—(3) she was just eight years old—and, with the help of her father, set up the business, which now sells to clothing (4) stores like Nordstrom as well as to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). Over the (5) last / past few years, they have also started producing shoes and T-shirts, and the made several million dollars in company has (6) living a life of sales—not that Madison has been (7) has saved luxury with the profits; instead, she (8) most of the money to pay for college. The company also gives to several charities, and a portion of the AZA sales goes to protect endangered animals.


Complete the summary with one word in each space.



Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.


Explain the use of these verb forms from Activity 2.

1 Madison Forbes has always loved drawing… duration


2 She’s been turning her designs into a successful


business… duration 3 She came up with the name… tell a story 4 They have also started producing shoes… emphasis 5 The company has made several million dollars in sales… introduction 6 Not that Madison has been living a life of luxury… duration  4

Are the sentences correct (C) or incorrect (I)? Correct the incorrect sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I need to practice giving this presentation before class. C We’ve almost finished to raise the money we need. I: raising Have you considered to pay someone who can do it? I: paying I’m going to keep to write to them until I get an answer! I: writing He admitted sending thousands of spam emails. C I’d recommend to report it. It doesn’t look right. I: reporting

Look at each first sentence. Add three words to complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. 1 My parents didn’t let me use social media until I was 16. My parents never allowed me to use social media when I was younger. 2 That video really made me think. Online companies have so much power over us! how much power That video really got online companies have! me thinking about 3 I warned her about sending her details, but she didn’t listen! send her personal details, but she I begged didn’t listen. her not to / to not 4 Every time you enter the site, they make you change your password. Every time you enter the site, they force you to change your password. 5 That video is amazing. How could anyone not like it? anyone not liking that video! It’s so amazing! I can’t imagine 6 Don’t let me forget how terrible that site is! Remind me not to use that site again! It’s awful!



Unit 3 

Grammar reference and practice



Determiners are words used before nouns. They have two main functions:

Comparatives and superlatives can be made with adjectives, adverbs, or nouns.

• to show which noun is being referred to. • to show how much / how many of something.

To emphasize that something is “less than,” the comparative form …not as X as… is often used. Their training was not as hard as it is now.

The definite article is used:

No article is used: before uncountable nouns. with plural nouns to talk about things in general. after prepositions in many expressions with places. before the names of most cities, countries, continents, street names, airports, or stations.


much / a lot / a great deal / far Small difference a little / slightly

better more efficient

We can also add modifiers to “not as” comparatives. not nearly as fast not nearly as many not quite as good not quite as much Remember, many and few go with countable nouns, and much and little go with uncountable nouns.

lG eo gr

• • • •

Big difference

ap hi c

• before nouns when it is thought to be clear which thing or things is / are meant. • before superlative adjectives. • as part of some fixed expressions.

On average, shot putters are now two and a half inches taller and 130 pounds heavier than they were in the past. Over a thousand more people have run sub-four-minute miles since Bannister did it.


• before nouns when they are one of several, when it is not important which one is meant, or when something is mentioned for the first time. • to say what people or things are / were.

Size differences can be shown by modifying the comparative with a number or measurement, or a modifier.


The indefinite article is used:




io na

Quantifiers are determiners that show how much or how many of something. Some can only be used with uncountable nouns or plural countable nouns. Both is used to talk about two people and / or things.



Either and neither are followed by singular countable nouns. They are used before a noun to talk about two choices or possibilities. Neither is a negative, so it is not used with no or not. Every and each are used only with singular countable nouns. Sometimes it is not important which word is used, but generally: • each is used to focus on individual things in a group or to list two or more things. • every is used to talk about a group or to list three or more things. • all is used to talk about the whole of something. All is followed by uncountable or plural nouns. • any is used in positive sentences when it is not important to specify the exact person or thing, because what is being said applies to everyone or everything. • when quantifiers are used with pronouns, of is added after the quantifier.

The pattern the more… , the more… can be used to show how two or more changes happen together or affect each other. Comparative Clause Comparative Clause remainder remainder The longer your legs are, the more they are to and thinner energyswing. efficient

Look at the box to see how situations now are compared with the past. Athletes are training harder and more intelligently than

they used to do. before. in the past. they did before. Elite shot-putters now they were in the past. are two and a half inches taller they used to be. than 40 years ago.


132  Unit 3  Grammar Reference


1 I like the fact that you can play the game anywhere. special equipment is needed. 2 Mia Hamm was named FIFA’s World Player of the Year in both 2001 and 2002. Neither his school nor his family had the money to 3 send Jesse Owens to the 1932 Olympics. every player who’s played 4 My brother can name for the team in the last ten years! any athlete who works hard and has a 5 I admire good attitude. Either team could win, but I 6 It’s a very close game. still think Brazil looks stronger. All my friends are really into boxing, but I can’t 7 stand it! 8 There’s a website that shows you how much each player earns.





lG eo gr

Choose the correct option. In some cases, both may be correct.


io na

1 There’s not much / only a few difference between the two teams. 2 I have almost no / hardly interest in sports, to be honest. 3 Very few / Not many talented young athletes actually become successful. 4 I’ve never really had no / any talent for sports. 5 I don’t have very much / very little respect for most soccer players. 6 A lot of / Most medals we win at the Olympics are in long-distance running. 7 When the World Cup is on, I usually try to watch all / every game. 8 I couldn’t see much because there were a lot of / so many people in front of me.



all any both each either every neither no

ap hi c

1 Mia Hamm started playing soccer when she was living in the Italy / Italy. Later, when she was in the junior high school / junior high school, she played on the boys’ team / boys’ team. 2 Hamm has done a lot to promote a women’s / the women’s / women’s soccer. 3 To tell you the truth / truth / a truth, I’m not really interested in motorcycles / the motorcycles, but I admire Valentino Rossi. He has charm / a charm / the charm and a lovely personality / lovely personality / the lovely personality. 4 Jesse Owens was born in the Alabama / Alabama in 1913. He was the youngest / youngest / a youngest of ten children, and his father was farmer / the farmer / a farmer. 5 As the teenager / teenager / a teenager, Owens helped his family by delivering the groceries / groceries and working in a shoe repair shop / shoe repair shop / the shoe repair shop. 6 Susi Susanti now runs company / the company / a company selling the badminton rackets / badminton rackets. She imports a material / the material for rackets / the rackets from Japan, and they’re then produced in China.

Complete the sentences with these determiners.


Choose the correct option.




Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in bold and two or three extra words. 1 This season they have scored 65 goals, and we’ve only scored 30. far more goals than we have.  far This season they’ve scored 2 Usain Bolt actually ran only slightly faster than Jesse Owens. was not as fast / didn’t run as fast as Usain Bolt.  fast Jesse Owens 3 I used to play basketball a lot, but I hardly ever play now. I don’t play basketball as much as I used to.  much 4 No one has ever won as many gold medals in swimming for her country as she has. most successful swimmer ever.  successful She is our 5 If you continue to play, your injury will only get worse. longer you play, the worse your injury will get.  longer The 6 The number of professional athletes has increased dramatically. were far fewer professional athletes in the past.  far There Complete the comparatives using your own ideas. 1 2 3 4

Answers will vary.

I’m slightly than . . I’m nowhere near Young people these days are far more as as there There in the past. than I used to. 5 I , the more successful you will be. 6




Grammar reference and practice

Be going to + verb is usually used to talk about what has already been planned. Unless an adverb like probably is used, it means it is a definite plan. They’re going to build a new museum in our town. I’m going to stay in tonight and study. The present continuous is also often used, particularly with plans and arrangements involving other people. I’m meeting a friend of mine later.


My son was struggling, and I was worried he was going to drop out of school and maybe end up hanging out with the wrong kids. He went several steps further and promised those 11 students that he would turn the orchestra into a world leader!


Will + infinitive is usually used at the moment of making a decision.

ap hi c

A: What’s your flight number? B:  I don’t know. I’ll check later, and I’ll send you a text with it.

Abreu had managed to get 50 music stands for the 100 children he was expecting to come and rehearse.

lG eo gr

Will or be going to can be used to talk about predictions. Unless an adverb like probably or possibly, or an introductory verb such as think or guess is used, they both mean the speaker is certain about their prediction. May / might can also be used to show less certainty. Less certain

It’s going to create jobs.

It’s possibly going to create jobs.

io na


It’s going to be a disaster. It’s probably going to be a disaster.


They’ll probably go over budget. / I think they’ll go over budget. They might not get many visitors.


They won’t get many visitors.

FUTURE FORMS 2 When the future is talked about as seen from a time in the past, was / were going to, would as the past tense of will, and the past continuous can all be used.

The coach will arrive at nine and will take everyone to the museum, where the tour will start at ten.

They’ll go over budget.

We’re about to hold a community festival. He’s just about to leave, but if you rush you might catch him before he does.

The future in the past

Sometimes will is used to talk about scheduled plans.

Will is usually used to make promises, threats, refusals, etc. (see Unit 6).

Be about to is sometimes used to talk about a plan, arrangement, or prediction concerning what is going to happen in the immediate future. Just is sometimes added to emphasize it is the next thing planned.


Future forms 1


Unit 4 

The future continuous is used to emphasize that an action is ongoing / unfinished in relation to a particular point in time or a second future action. The future continuous is will be + -ing. (Be going to be + -ing is also used.) It’s going to create jobs, and they’ll be employing local artists. When a future time clause is used, the verb is in the simple present or present perfect. But what about once it’s been completed?

Future perfect

The future perfect is formed using will / won’t + have + past participle. Soon, over 10 million people will have seen it. The future perfect emphasizes actions completed by a certain time. I’ll call you after six. I’ll have finished work by then. (= already finished before six) The future perfect continuous is formed using will / won’t + have been + -ing. It’ll soon have been running for 70 years. The future perfect continuous emphasizes an ongoing action that is taking place in the present and will continue up until a point in the future. By the end of this course, I will have been studying English for ten whole years! The future perfect is usually accompanied by a time reference such as before the weekend, by Thursday, etc.


134  Unit 4  Grammar Reference

Complete the summary with these words. expected going






In many ways, Sheffield and Bilbao are similar. By the 1990s, both were post-industrial cities wondering how they going were (1) to cope in the coming years. Like the Guggenheim, the National Centre for Popular Music expected to be a landmark building that was (2) would boost tourism in the city. Bosses at the (3) were hoping for 400,000 visitors a year, Centre (4) than expected, but numbers were far lower (5) with only around 140,000 showing up in the first 12 months. People soon realized that the center on its own wasn’t going to be enough to transform the city, (6) and it closed down before even reaching its second birthday.


present continuous / be going to (be) great because some of my The festival (play). favorite bands The festival is going to be great because some of my favorite bands are playing. 1 simple present / will What do you think you will do (do) after you leave (leave) school? 2 simple present / future continuous have (have) the concert Let’s hope that when we outside, it won’t be raining (not / rain). 3 present perfect / going to They are going to start(start) the project once they have raised (raise) enough money. 4 present continuous / present perfect We are going (go) on a school trip to Hong Kong after we have finished (finish) all our exams. 5 will / future continuous I won’t be doing (not do) much this weekend, so I will show (show) you around the city, if you want. 6 present perfect / be about to / will I’m sorry, the movie is about to start (start). I will call (call) you when it has finished (finish).


Complete the second sentences using the words in parentheses and 1–3 additional words.

1 I had high hopes for it, but it was actually sort of a letdown. I thought it would (thought) be. It wasn’t as good as 2 I had high expectations, but it totally exceeded them. It was even better than I was expecting it (expecting) to be. 3 They ended up with three million visitors—far more than initially expected. They were hoping (hoping) to get around a million visitors, but ended up with three times that! 4 I’d planned to go out and meet some friends, but in the end I was too tired. I was going (going) to go out and meet some friends, but in the end I was too tired. 5 I hadn’t planned to return yet, but I ran out of money. I was going to stay(stay) longer, but I ran out of money. 


Choose the correct option.

Complete the second sentences using 3–5 words— including the words in bold—so that they have the same meaning as the first sentences.

io na


lG eo gr

ap hi c



Complete the sentences using the two future forms in bold and the verbs in parentheses. Decide which form is the best for each space.





I’ll come over to your house after I have finished my homework.  am I’ll come over to your house, but I am going to finish my homework first. 1 The tickets are going to sell out immediately.  soon as soon as they’ve gone on sale. The tickets will sell out almost 2 First they’re going to repair the houses, and then they’ll paint them.  before before they paint them. They’re going to repair the houses 3 They need to raise a lot of money so they can complete the project.  to they are going to complete / they want to complete the project, they have to raise a lot of money. If 4 I don’t think that the project will be a failure.  should . not be a failure The project shouldn’t / should 5 I could meet you when I go shopping in town on Saturday.  be will be shopping / will be going shopping / am going to be shopping in town on Saturday, so I could meet I you then.

1 Hurry up! The movie will start / have started by the time we get there, if we don’t get moving! 2 I’m going / I will have gone to a concert tomorrow night, so can we meet on Friday instead? 3 I’m helping / I’ll have helped a friend with something tomorrow, but I’ll have finished / I’m finishing by five, so I’ll call you then. 4 I’ll have been living / I’m going to live here for the last five years in July. 5 I read somewhere that by the time you’re 60, you will have been sleeping / slept for twenty years!



Unit 5 

Grammar reference and practice

Passives 1 The passive is used to focus on who or what an action affects. The passive is also used when it is unclear or unimportant who performs an action. The passive is formed using be + a past participle. Simple present

I was recently given this great new smartphone. A new smartphone was given to me. I have just been sent an email by Maxine. An email has just been sent to me by Maxine.

The cup is then left far away from your bed. The machines are exported all over the world.

Passive reporting verbs

If your phone is being charged… The wrong questions are being asked.



Present continuous



A passive structure is often used to report general knowledge, beliefs, and assumptions. There are two common patterns after the passive.

Present perfect

The brain is thought

Simple past

Past continuous

io na


There was a power outage while the experiment was being carried out. They weren’t being produced in Mexico, so I saw an opportunity. Past perfect


lG eo gr

I was recently given this lovely new smartphone. We were only told about it at the last minute.



I wanted to produce them, but a patent had already been taken out.

You’ll be forced to get up. It would be thrown around all over the place. After prepositions I’m scared of being asked questions I can’t answer. Some verbs have two objects: the direct object and an indirect object. My parents gave me a great new smartphone. Maxine sent me an email.

to have over 12,000 miles of blood vessels. was believed to be controlled by four different elements or “humors.” is estimated to weigh six and a half pounds. is known to recover from serious damage. is thought (that) the brain works like a watch. is claimed (that) the brain is like a computer. is assumed (that) people know what they are doing. is well known (that) smoking causes cancer.

ap hi c

I have just been sent an email by Maxine. It has been designed to track your sleep patterns.

After modals

A passive sentence can be made in two ways when there are two objects.

In the second pattern, it is impersonal. It is there because in English sentences with a verb need a subject. Causative have and get Have / get + something + past participle is a passive construction, similar in meaning to the sentences in b. However, with this structure the person or thing that causes the action or is affected by the action can be brought in (I and My brother in the sentences in c). This structure is used to show that someone else does something for or to the subject. a  Someone stole my bag. The hairstylist dyed my brother’s hair. b  My bag was stolen. My brother’s hair was dyed. c  I had my bag stolen. My brother got his hair dyed. Causative get is usually: •  less formal and uncommon in writing. • used when the subject is the cause of the action. (My brother paid the hairdresser to dye his hair.)


136  Unit 5  Grammar Reference


were taught how to do it

4 I can type very fast because we in elementary school. 5 I had my watch stolen, and I was really upset because it was given to me by my grandparents.

Complete the sentences with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in parentheses.

had 1 Language (1) obviously existed (exist) for many thousands of years before writing (2) was invented (invent), but the existence of written marked (mark) the beginning of records really (3) history as we know it. The earliest writing is (4) was found (find) in part of what (5) called (call) Iraq. now 2 The printing press (1) is called / has often been called (call) one of the most important inventions of all time. produced before Of course, books (2)had been / were(produce) presented (present) his first Johannes Gutenberg (3) creation to the world, but always by hand! Before too were being printed / were printed (print) and long, thousands of books (4) distributed (distribute) all over Europe. (5) 3 If you’re worried about your phone (1) being stolen (steal), here’s a helpful hack. A special app can track (2) be installed (install) so that you can (3) (track) the phone if it’s lost or stolen. You’ll also be able to see if the phone (4) is being used (use). It can even (5) be wiped (wipe) clean remotely, to stop criminals getting (get) hold of your data. from (6) hit (hit) the 4 The first self-driving car only (1) road very recently, but it’s quite possible that cars as we know them will soon (2) be replaced (replace) by this new model. Over recent years, much of the research into these cars (3) has been funded(fund) by Elon Musk, a TED speaker who (4) has started (start) lots of different companies. Thousands of self-driving cars being built / have been built are already (build)—and they (5) are getting / have gotten (get) more sophisticated. (6)


Complete each pair of sentences using the word in bold. One sentence should be in the active form, and the other should be in the passive form.

1 accept is (generally / widely) accepted now that increases in global a It temperatures are due to human activity. accept that we need to take b Most scientists action to reduce global warming. 2 not know don’t / do not know exactly how many stars there are in a We the solar system. b It is not known exactly how stars were first formed. 3 think think that it could be a Some researchers possible to live on Mars. b Mars is thought to have water under its surface. 4 believe a In the past, many diseases were believed to be caused by having too much blood in the body. believed that they could cure b Doctors in the past diseases by removing blood from the body.


Complete each sentence by making these verbs with two objects into the passive. award Ahmed Zewail the Nobel prize in Chemistry give me it give us some tricky questions show the queen one of the first telephones teach us how to do it



io na

lG eo gr

ap hi c






Complete the short report with one word in each space.

having The government is (1) air quality tested are thought to because high levels of pollution (2) be increasing. The government is also having (3) done in schools to try to find out whether research (4)

air pollution is having any effect on students’ performance. to affect health and is Air pollution is known (5) cause thousands of deaths each year. estimated to (6) It that is also claimed (8) it affects the (7)

development of the brain and young people’s intelligence, but more research is needed to determine if there is a clear link.

1 In January 1878, one of the first telephones was shown to the queen by its inventor, Alexander Graham Bell. was awarded to Ahmed Zewail , who 2 In 1999, the Nobel prize in Chemistry was the first Egyptian to receive the prize. 3 The science test was sort of a nightmare because we ! were given some tricky questions



Grammar reference and practice may/might/must

MODALS AND MEANING Modals never change their form. They go with normal verbs and are followed by the infinitive without to form of those verbs. Modals add meaning to verbs. A phrase or normal verb can sometimes be used instead of a modal. Will/would

Might is used if something is uncertain but possible. You might stop weak species from going extinct. May is also used if something is uncertain but possible, and for permission. These changes may bring benefits.

Will is used to express that something is certain or sure to happen, and to express promises, offers, habits, and refusals.

Must is used if something is necessary and if the speaker is sure of something based on experience.

The first thing that will strike people…


These changes must bring benefits.

Have can sometimes behave as a modal. You have to go to school.


Would is used to express that something is theoretically certain to happen, to report as the past form of will, and to express a habit in the past.


Unit 6 

If the habitat disappeared, they’d die out.

Should we be trying to conserve these species?

Modals can be followed by different kinds of infinitive forms.

ap hi c

Should is used to express a good or better idea, or if something is expected to happen in the future.




As you can see, it does look quite professional.

lG eo gr

Shall is used to ask for and give suggestions, or to make offers about a current or future situation.

To talk about actions generally, use a modal + the infinitive without to form.

What shall we do about it?

To talk about actions in progress or extended over time, use a modal + be + -ing (the continuous infinitive without to). We should be doing more to protect them.


io na

Can expresses ability and permission. It is also used if something is only possible sometimes and factually possible (or not, in the negative).


They can be difficult to see in the wild.

To talk about the past in general, use a modal + have + past participle (the perfect infinitive without to). You could have (could’ve) told me how cruel it was, and I honestly wouldn’t have cared. To emphasize that an action was in progress when another thing happened, use a modal + have been + -ing (the perfect continuous infinitive without to).

I couldn’t swim until I was in my twenties.

I can’t have been paying attention when I read about it.


Could is used to express past ability / inability, if something happened sometimes, or is theoretically possible. Could is also used in polite requests.

Modals can also be used with passive forms. More should be done to reduce the suffering of animals. (= generally) I got really sick after eating that meat. It can’t have been cooked properly. (= in the past)


138  Unit 6  Grammar Reference




1 New research has shown that there can’t / might once have been a creature similar to a unicorn. 2 I can’t believe how little he ate. He can’t be feeling / can’t have been feeling very hungry. 3 I can’t believe you thought that story was true. You should / must have checked it on some other sites! 4 I’m not surprised his parents were angry. He shouldn’t have had / shouldn’t have been having snakes without telling them! 5 Surely there would / will have been more in the papers about the tree octopus if it were true. 6 I’m guessing that you might / should have heard about the tree octopus, right? 7 We promise that any cat you buy from us will have been being / will have been thoroughly checked by a vet. 8 You shouldn’t have scared / shouldn’t scare the dog. He wouldn’t / couldn’t have barked at you otherwise.  4

Complete the rewrite for each sentence. Use the best modal and two or three other words in each space.


io na

lG eo gr

ap hi c

Juliana Machado Ferreira is a conservation biologist who is trying to stop illegal wildlife trade in Brazil. People in Brazil (1) will / shall often keep wild birds as pets, but Machado says they (2) shouldn’t / couldn’t. Taking animals from nature (3) can / should have a terrible impact on the habitat and other animals there. For example, if a large proportion of the wild birds that are captured are female, this (4) might / will inevitably reduce future populations. The birds (5) may / would also be predators for other animals or consume particular plants, so a reduction in the bird numbers (6) can / can’t have an impact on the rest of the ecosytem. She believes the public (7) must / might be educated about these effects. In the past, she has worked with the police to help return birds to their original habitat. The problem is that they (8) could / shall be from any number of different places, so Machado used a genetic test to determine where the birds (9) might / will be from. She developed her ideas at the US Fish and Wildlife Service Forensics Laboratory. She got an internship there because she (10) would / could write regularly to them asking if she (11) would / could become a volunteer until eventually they said yes! And now Juliana shows the same determination in her work. She has a very varied work life but, in the next few years, she (12) may / can spend more time in her home office. She also says that if she (13) can / could talk to her younger self, she (14) would / should tell herself to learn something about finance and marketing. This is because she is now in a management position, and students aren’t taught how to deal with money in biology classes.

Choose the correct option.


Choose the correct option.



Choose the best self-follow-up comment to each question.

a 1 Would I ever do it? a  Only if I had no other option.

b  Of course I can.



b 2 Shall I do it for you? a  I still haven’t decided.

b  It’s no trouble.

b a  It’ll be fun. 3 Must I do it?

b  Can’t someone else? 4 Should I really do it? a  There’s no other option. b b  I’m not sure it’ll improve things. 5 Will I do it at a  I still haven’t decided. a some point? b I don’t mind if you don’t want to. 6 Can I do it? a  I’d really like to try. a b  I might not.

1 It’s just not possible for the Loch Ness monster to have survived that long without being found. that long without The Loch Ness monster can’t/couldn’t have survived being found. It’s impossible. 2 It’s possible that Loch Ness was once connected to the ocean. may/might/could have (once) been connected to the ocean. Loch Ness 3 I can’t believe I didn’t realize the movie was a fake. should have realized the movie was a fake. I’m so stupid. I really 4 If there really was a monster, why aren’t there more photos of it? more photos of the monster if it People would have (taken) really existed! 5 It’s impossible to get near the loch now without being filmed by security cameras. By the time you get to the edge of the loch, you will/would have been filmed/caught by security cameras. 6 There’s no way he was telling the truth about what he saw. must have been lying about what he saw. If you ask me, he 7 Loch Ness is only 10,000 years old. Plesiosaurs died out 60 million years ago. can’t/couldn’t have been around when plesiosaurs Loch Ness still existed. 8 I swear I saw something. Honestly, if only I’d had my camera with me! should have had/taken could’ve/would’ve filmed my camera with me. I what I I saw if I’d had it.



Unit 7 

Grammar reference and practice WISH, IF ONLY, WOULD RATHER

First conditionals describe possible results of real situations now or in the future. If you’re in school today, you’ll probably start working sometime in the 2020s. I’m going to take the test again if I fail. Second conditional Second conditionals describe imaginary situations and results now or in the future.


The past continuous is used to hypothesize about an action or specific situation happening now.

Third conditionals describe imaginary situations and results in the past.

If only I wasn’t sitting here now! I wish I was doing something else. This is boring. Could is used to hypothesize about an ability we want. I wish I could draw better. I wish I could help you, but I just can’t.

lG eo gr

If she’d wanted pictures, she’d have told us. If he hadn’t spent that day with his niece, the Monster Engine would never have happened.

I wish I was better with words. I wish I was as creative as her / him. I wish I didn’t have to take art classes. If only I had an extra eye in the back of my head! I’d rather the teacher didn’t give homework.

ap hi c

Third conditional

The simple past is used when hypothesizing about general situations or states.


If these drawings were painted more realistically, they would look amazing. I wouldn’t joke about it if I were you.

The simple past, the past continuous, could, and would are used to hypothesize about present situations.


First conditional

Wish, if only, and would rather all introduce hypothetical ideas— things that a speaker wants to be true, but sees as impossible. As with conditional sentences, past forms of verbs are used to talk about hypothetical events.


First, second, third, and mixed conditionals

Mixed conditional

io na

Mixed conditionals describe imaginary past situations and imaginary present results.


If their schools had encouraged unusual ways of seeing the world, lots of adults would be more creative. I wouldn’t be here now if she hadn’t helped me.


Other modals can also be used in the result clauses of conditional sentences. If I do OK on my exams, I might / may try to study fine art in college. = Maybe I will study fine art. If I get really good grades, I can go and study abroad. = It will be possible for me to study abroad. If he had been a little taller, he could have become a really great basketball player. = It would have been possible for him to become a great player.

Would is used to hypothesize about a habit or behavior we want to stop (or start). I sometimes wish my classmates wouldn’t make so much noise. I wish she would speak slower. I can’t understand anything she says. The past perfect is used to hypothesize about the past and express regrets. I wish my parents hadn’t forced me to learn an instrument. I often say to myself, “If only I’d spent more time thinking about this before I started.” Note that, where the subject of would rather is the same as the verb that follows it, an infinitive without to is used. I’d rather you did it. I’d rather do it myself.


140  Unit 7  Grammar Reference




1 A  This is taking too long to do. B  Yeah, sorry. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but I wish I hadn’t suggested / didn’t suggest it now. 2 A  Shall I ask my mom or dad if they can take us there? B  I’d rather we go / went on our own. 3 A  I’d like to study abroad somewhere. B  Me too. If only I can / could speak Chinese! I’d love to go to Shanghai. 4 A  I wish the teacher would / wouldn’t make us copy everything from the book. B  I know. It’s a little boring, isn’t it? 5 A  Did you go to the gig yesterday? B  No, but I wish I had / did. I heard it was great. 6 A  If only I didn’t have to / wouldn’t have to leave. I’d love to talk more. B  Don’t worry. I need to be home before 12 anyway.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1 If I hadn’t asked (not ask) lots of questions when I was at school, I wouldn’t be a scientist now. create (create) a culture that encourages 2 If you creativity, people will be happier. 3 I don’t think I would’ve started (start) painting if my parents hadn’t encouraged me. was (be) fluent in English, life would be so 4 If I much easier! 5 Just think! Things would be (be) very different today if ways of writing hadn’t developed. will never get / are never going to get (never get) better 6 If you don’t practice, you at it. wouldn’t (would not) do (not do) that if I was you. 7 I 8 If it hadn’t been (not be) so noisy in the exam room, I would’ve done better.

ap hi c

lG eo gr


1 They only realized how talented she was after giving all the children tests to assess creativity levels. They wouldn’t have realized how talented she was if they hadn’t given all the children tests to assess creativity levels. 2 Follow the rules or fail the course. It’s your choice! 3 I can’t really play this. I haven’t practiced recently. 4 Some colleges don’t value creativity. That’s why they don’t really help students develop it.

Activity 3 2 If you don’t follow the rules, you’ll fail the course. 3 If I’d practiced recently, I could play it. 4 If colleges valued creativity, they’d help students develop it. 5 She wouldn’t be successful if she’d obeyed the rules. 6 If you don’t encourage creativity in children, it won’t grow.

Complete each second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given and three extra words. 1 2 3 4

io na


Make conditional sentences based on the information below.



Choose the correct options.


1 If you will want / want to study abroad, you’ll need to save some money first. 2 I wouldn’t play this instrument well if my dad hadn’t helped / doesn’t help me when I first started. 3 If I would have / had more time, I’d love to learn how to paint with watercolors. 4 It’s your fault! If you hadn’t been late, everything would’ve been / was fine. 5 The test’s next week, and you don’t / are not going to do well if you don’t work more! 6 If we hadn’t changed things when we did, the situation would / will be worse now. 7 It might not have worked if we tried / had tried it that way. 8 If I spoke to my mother like that, she really won’t / wouldn’t be happy!   2

5 She didn’t obey the rules when she started her business. That’s why she’s successful today. 6 Creativity in children is like anything else: encourage it or be prepared for it not to grow.

Choose the correct option.



I’m afraid we can’t do anything more to help.  only If only we could domore to help. My brother is so negative. It’s really annoying.  would be about things. would I wish my brother more positive I wanted to walk here, but we took the car.  rather the car at home. would rather I have left We should have done a better analysis of the problem.  wish the problem better. I

wish we’d analyzed


Complete each sentence with one word. Contractions count as one word.

1 A  Is it OK if I put some music on? . I’m trying to study. 2 A  Do you want to go to the mall? go somewhere else. I don’t like the B  I’d rather stores there. had asked someone to help us. 3 A  I wish we try to do it myself first, even B  Really? I’d rather if I make a mistake. kept this a secret between us. It’s 4 A  I’d rather you a bit embarrassing. B  Don’t worry. I’d rather no one / nobody knew what only I could forget it myself! happened! If didn’t B  I’d rather you



Grammar reference and practice

Reported speech

In indirect reporting of questions the normal word order of a statement is used.

When an anecdote or story is told, what people said is often reported. This can be done with:

I said, “What are you doing here?” I asked her what she was doing there. I thought, “Why did you ask that?” I wondered why she’d asked me that. She said, “Do you need any help?” She asked if I needed any help.

•  direct speech. She said, “I love you,” and then he said, “Will you marry me?” •  indirect speech. She said she loved him, and he then asked (her) if she’d marry him.

When reporting with indirect speech, follow the normal rules of tenses within a story. This often involves a tense backshift from direct speech. Look at the direct and indirect speech used to report statements about: •  a situation or action at the time it was said / thought.

today now / immediately tomorrow next week last week

lG eo gr

•  an action in progress at the time it was said.

ap hi c

Other useful time phrases for reporting:

I said, “I need to go back to school.” I said I needed to go back to school. She said, “I’m going to the station.” She said she was going to the station.

They said, “Can we wait until tomorrow?” They asked if they could wait until the next day. He said, “I talked to her yesterday.” He said he’d talked to you the day before. I told them, “I was here last Tuesday!” I told them I’d been there the previous Tuesday.


She said, “I love you,” and then he asked if she’d marry him.


•  a mixture of the two.


Remember that when what was said is reported, different words must be used for times or places if what is being reported has finished, is no longer true, and / or was in a different place.


Unit 8 

that day at that moment / right away the next day the next week / the following week the week before / the previous week

•  an action further back in time before it was said. He said, “I’ve forgotten my money.” He told me he’d forgotten his money.

io na

•  a plan or prediction for the future at the time it was said. I asked, and they said, “We’ll try!” They said they would try.



When the statement being reported is still true, present and other tenses can be used, as they apply to now. Miriam told me to tell you she’ll be late. = She’s not here yet, so she still will be late. He told me he’s never had tea. = As far as I know, he still hasn’t had tea. When correcting a misunderstanding, the backshift is preferred because the misunderstanding is no longer true, but it is not essential. A: We are meeting at 10. B: I thought we were meeting at 11.

Patterns after reporting verbs

Notice the patterns that often go with particular verbs. verb + infinitive (with to): agree; arrange; claim; decide; intend; offer; pretend; promise; refuse; threaten verb + -ing: admit; avoid; consider; continue; deny; imagine; resent; recommend; suggest verb + (that) clause: acknowledge; announce; argue; claim; confess; declare; deny; insist; recommend; state verb + someone + (that) clause: assure; convince; notify; persuade; promise; remind; tell; warn verb + someone + infinitive (with to): advise; ask; encourage; force; invite; persuade; remind; tell; urge; warn verb + preposition + -ing: accuse somebody of; admit / confess to; apologize for; blame somebody for; criticize somebody for; forgive somebody for; insist on; thank somebody for


142  Unit 8  Grammar Reference


Complete the story with the verbs in parentheses and the correct modals, verb forms, or tenses.

lG eo gr




1 My mom said I should write to the TV company and complain about it. My mom suggested writing to the TV company to tell them how I felt.  suggest 2 They said that they’d meet me to explain their decision. After I complained, they agreed to meet me and explain their decision.  agree 3 I felt terrible for what I said, so I wrote to say sorry. apologizing for such awful I wrote them a letter things.  apologize 4 Of course, they reject all accusations and claim that they’re in the right. Naturally, they deny doing anything wrong.  deny 5 The goal of the rule was prevention of discrimination. was intended to prevent discrimination.  intend The rule 6 There has been a lot of pressure on the school to change its dress code. has been urged to change its dress code.  urge The school 7 He knew what the rules were, but he decided to ignore them! He basically just refused to obey the rules!  refuse 8 They have an employment policy that prioritizes total gender equality. insists on employing an equal number of male and The school female teachers.  insist

ap hi c

A few years ago, a Chinese friend of my parents asked if I (1) want / wanted to visit (2) the following summer / this summer to spend time with their daughter, who was my age. It was a great opportunity, so I agreed to go. I had to fill out a long visa application. My father and I took it to the Chinese embassy, and they told us to come back (3) next week / the next week to pick up the visa. When we went back, there was a long line for some reason. My dad explained to the security people that we had been (4) here / there (5) the previous week / last week and we were just picking up a visa, but he was told that we (6) have to / had to line up like everyone else. So we stood there and started chatting with the man in front of us. He asked my dad where (7) I was / was I going, and it turned out it was the same place where he lived. “What (8) were / are you doing there?” he asked. My dad told him I (9) was going to / will stay with a friend of his from college. Then the man asked, “What college?” When my dad told him, the man said one of his best friends (10) had been / be at the same college a few years before. He said his friend’s name, and it was actually my dad’s friend, too! It was an amazing coincidence!

Complete the second sentences so they have a similar meaning to the first. Use two to five words, including the correct form of the verb in bold.


Choose the correct option.




Which two options are possible in each sentence? 1 My parents advised / recommended / urged my sister to complain to her boss about it. 2 He’s been blamed / accused / criticized for not employing enough staff from minority backgrounds. 3 We’ve been trying to tell / warn / state them that there will be problems if things don’t change! 4 I read online that she’d admitted / apologized / denied sending racist emails. 5 They’ve avoided / promised / refused to tackle the problem. 6 He was arguing / telling / insisting that nothing will change unless people take direct action.



io na

Yesterday, I was trying to get to sleep when I heard my dog barking. I got up and my dog was there with some paper in his mouth. I told him (1) to let (let) it go. I pulled, and the piece of paper tore. I suddenly realized it was my math homework and asked my mom (2) to come (come) and take a look. When she saw what had happened, wasn’t (be not) funny, she just laughed. I said it (3) and I (4) would have to (have to) do it all over again, but my was (be) too late. She promised she mom said it (5) (6) would write (write) a note to the teacher in the morning and said I (7) shouldn’t worry (not worry). However, the next morning my mom got a call from work before I got up. They told her someone (8) had called (call) in sick and asked her if she (9)could / would go(go) in early. She completely forgot about the note. So of course, in my math class, when the teacher asked why I (10) hadn’t done (not do) my homework and I explained, he didn’t believe me! His exact think (think) I was born words were, “Do you (11) was (be) exactly yesterday?” But I swear that (12) what happened!


Rewrite each sentence in Activity 4 using one of the verbs with a different verb pattern. Answers will vary. 1 My parents recommended that my sister complain to her boss about it.



Unit 9 

Grammar reference and practice


Adding not to the participle can make a negative.

Relative clauses add information after nouns. Different relative pronouns are used depending on the nouns being qualified or on the information that follows.

Students not wearing the correct uniform will be punished.

With defining relative clauses: • commas are not used. • the relative pronoun can be left out when it is the object of the relative clause.


The devastation (which) it caused was simply staggering!

ap hi c

Having seen the robbery, I had to go to court to give evidence. = Because I had seen the robbery I had to go to court to give evidence. -ing participles are more common in this kind of clause, but -ed participles can also be used with passives.

lG eo gr

The country, which has long been one of the poorest in the world, descended into chaos.


With non-defining relative clauses: • the clause is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. • that isn’t used as a relative pronoun. • the relative pronoun is never left out.

 aving campaigned on behalf of young people, UNICEF also had H a key part in the creation of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989. = After UNICEF had campaigned on behalf of young people, UNICEF also had a key part in the creation of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989. Using online discussion boards as a “meeting place,” the initiative provides a space for youngsters who care. = The initiative uses online discussion boards as a “meeting place” through which the initiative provides a space for youngsters who care.


Some relative clauses explain exactly what the thing or person is (defining), and some just add extra information that may be of interest (non-defining).

Participle clauses add information about the time or reason / method connected to the main clause. The subject of both clauses must be the same.


Defining and non-defining clauses

Adverbial participle clauses

A relative clause can start with a preposition + which / whom. However, this is rather formal in English, and the preposition is usually placed at the end of the clause. Where or when can also replace a preposition + which.

io na

Crisis mapping brought about change in the place in which / where I was born.




A relative clause is often reduced by using a participle construction. Past participle clauses reduce relative clauses which use a passive verb, whichever tense is used. The UN created a fund called UNICEF. = The UN created a fund which was called UNICEF. Present participle clauses reduce relative clauses which use an active verb, whichever tense is used.

Faced with a robber in the street, I would give them whatever they wanted. = If I was faced with a robber in the street, I would give them whatever they wanted. The present participle shows that an action happens or happened more or less at the same time as the action in the main clause. Working as a policeman, my dad sees a lot of really scary things. = My dad is a policeman, and while he’s at work, he sees a lot of really scary things. A perfect participle (having + -ed) shows that the action happened before the action in the main clause. Having just closed the door, I realized I didn’t have my keys. = I had just closed the door when I realized I didn’t have my keys.

The CRC declares different rights including things such as the right to a safe home. = The CRC declares different rights, which include things such as the right to a safe home.


144  Unit 9  Grammar Reference



Complete the sentences with these relative pronouns. none of whom which

most of which which is when

that who

1 The policeman who dealt with my case was very helpful. The policeman dealing with my case was very helpful. 2 The man who was arrested after the incident last night has not been charged. Police have not charged the man arrested after the incident last night. 3 The number of young people who are not working or in school is rising. There has been a rise in the number of young people not working or in school. 4 The number of people who have personally experienced a crime has actually gone down. a crime has actually experiencing The number of people gone down. 5 I think that children who are exposed to lots of violent movies often become violent themselves. I think that children exposed to lots of violent movies often become violent themselves. 6 Anyone that the train strike tomorrow will seriously affect can stay home. by the train strike affected Anyone seriously tomorrow can stay at home.

where whose

1 One of the first major events to utilize crisis mapping was killed and injured hundreds of thousands of people. where 2 Technology is particularly relevant in places official government is limited or no longer fully functions. 3 More than 40 percent of the population now receives some form of international aid, most of which is food assistance. whose lands have been ruined 4 Many local people, by illegal mining, are now turning to technology to tackle the problem. 5 The plane crashed in thick fog with 87 people on board, none of whom is thought to have survived. who come from all across the 6 The volunteers, region, quite literally put roads, buildings, and highways onto the map. 7 The amount of data available via social media increased dramatically in October, which is when the flooding reached the capital. that relies on volunteers with 8 Online mapping varying skills to interpret satellite images obviously has its limitations.

Rewrite the following sentences using a participle clause.

io na

Rewrite the sentences in a more informal manner with the prepositions at the end of the clauses. Leave out the relative pronouns where appropriate. 1 The town in which we were staying narrowly missed being hit by the hurricane.


The town we were staying in narrowly missed being hit by the hurricane.


Reduce the underlined clauses. Police are searching for a man (1) who has been accused of attempting to rob a bank in Vienna today. A man wearing a bright red scarf (2) which was wrapped around his face approached a cashier and told her he wanted money. (3) Because she didn’t realize that the man was actually Not realizing demanding money, the clerk simply said that she didn’t deal with cash transactions, (4) and at the same time directed directing him to the next counter. Apparently, (5) because he was put off by the long line at the next counter and the clerk’s calm reply, the man dropped the box he was carrying and ran off. (6) After she had seen the man run off, the cashier Having suddenly realized what had happened. (7) Because they were concerned that the box looked suspicious, the bank Concerned called the police and evacuated the building. The package was found to be harmless and the robber pretty useless.

2 It’s an achievement of which we are all very proud. 3 The following day, a second, smaller earthquake hit the town from which the aid was being distributed. 4 As we fled the city, we encountered an elderly man with whom my son insisted we share our food. Activity 2 5 The roads out of the west of the city, from where many 2 It’s an achievement (which) we are all very proud of. 3 The following day, a second, smaller earthquake hit the town (where) the aid thousands fled, were largely blocked by debris. was being distributed from. 6 The experience varies wildly, depending on the charity 4 As we fled the city, we encountered an elderly man who / that my son insisted with which we’re working. we share our food with. 7 On her arrival, Ms. Kuti, with whose approach I totally 5 The roads out of the west of the city, where many thousands fled from, were agreed, took control of the situation. largely blocked. 8 The book to which you’re referring was the very first on 6 The experience varies wildly, depending on the charity (which) we’re working with. 7 On her arrival, Ms. Kuti, whose approach I totally agreed with, took control of the subject to be published.



lG eo gr

ap hi c





which the 2010 Haiti earthquake,

the situation. 8 The book (which) you’re referring to was the very first on the subject to be published.



Unit 10 

Grammar reference and practice



Could, be able to, and managed to describe ability or inability to do something when talking about specific situations or telling stories.

Stressing an auxiliary verb like is or have adds emphasis. When there is no auxiliary verb available to stress, as with verbs in the simple present and simple past, emphasis can be added by putting do / does / did before an infinitive.

Could expresses that something was possible in a specific situation. Couldn’t shows it wasn’t possible to do something in a specific situation. He couldn’t move his arm because it was trapped by a rock. Could can also be used with other words related to negatives.




We’re all used to hearing news about terrible things, but rarely do we hear much about exciting new developments. When Second Sight started experimenting, little did they know that they were on their way to revolutionizing the treatment of blindness! Only after the Second World War were antibiotics more widely available to the general public.

ap hi c

Negatives can be made with not able to, unable to, or couldn’t.

While surgical options did exist before, none were nearly as effective. Emphasis can also be added by starting a clause with a negative adverb or phrase (rarely, not only, etc.) and then using inversion (changing the order of the subject and verb, as in questions).

To talk about a specific ability to do something at a particular time in the past, use was / were able to rather than could. She managed to deal with the pain, and in the end, was able to turn it into great art.

Emphasis is often added in this way to contradict what someone has said, or to contrast two opposing ideas.


No one could send for help. All he could do was wait. I was so nervous I could hardly say a word.

It did make a huge difference to my quality of life, having the implant.

Note that inversion is far more common in academic, literary, or journalistic writing, though it is also used in more formal speech or to make stories more dramatic.

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I wasn’t able to / was unable to / couldn’t feel or say anything, I was in such shock. Be able to is also used with other tenses and modals, where could is not possible. At least we’ve could we’ve been able to agree on one movie.

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Could usually describes a general ability in the past while manage to emphasizes an ability to do something that was difficult. It isn’t usually used to talk about general ideas or senses.



When it rained, he could catch managed to catch some water to drink. Manage to often goes with words and phrases such as finally / in the end / eventually. Manage to can be used in a negative sentence in a similar way to couldn’t. I looked for a long time, but I didn’t manage to / couldn’t find it. Sometimes succeed in + -ing is used instead of manage to, but manage to is far more common. She succeeded in making it as a professional. = She managed to make it as a professional.


146  Unit 10  Grammar Reference


Make complete sentences by matching the halves.




1 While they do remove the immediate pain, f 2 I do think that medical research is incredibly important, c 3 Don’t get me wrong. The operation did help, h 4 Only after several tests did they d a 5 At no time during my stay in the hospital did I 6 Nowhere else in the world do you e g 7 Let’s be clear about this. In no way does this development 8 We read a lot about medical developments, but rarely do we b a think I wouldn’t make a complete recovery. b hear about the psychological advances in managing disease. c but I don’t see why it can’t all be privately funded. d diagnose the problem. e find so many 100-year-olds as in Okinawa, Japan. f drugs are not the only solution and can create problems of their own. g mean the disease has been cured, but it’s a step in the right direction. h just not as much as I was hoping it would.

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Correct the error underlined in each sentence. You may need to change, add, and remove words.

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1 I twisted my ankle very badly, but I still manage walk home. It was really painful, though. I twisted my ankle very badly, but I still managed to walk  5 Complete the sentences with these words. home. It was really painful, though. at no time little not only 2 Following physical therapy, Janine Shepherd were able not until only rarely walk again with the help of a stick. was able to walk 3 Doctors have been looking for a cure for motor neuron disease, but they couldn’t find one yet. haven’t been able to find 1 What made things even worse was the fact that 4 After years of research, scientists believe they have finally at no time did doctors ever admit they’d made a mistake. succeeded the development a treatment for diabetes rarely did 2 In the days before antibiotics, only very which avoids the need to inject insulin. managed to develop children survive serious lung infections. 5 I wish I could meet my grandfather before he died. 3 Not until after the Second World War did penicillin He sounded like an amazing person. had been able to meet become widely available. little did I 4 When the doctor first suggested it, Rewrite the second sentences using the word in bold realize that the treatment was actually centuries old. and the correct form of could, be able to, manage to, or 5 Not only do we need a massive increase in succeed in. investment, but we also need to rethink the way we educate the young about physical and mental well-being. 1 Bethany Hamilton became a world champion surfer Only in this country do people go bankrupt from 6 despite losing her arm in an accident. becoming trying to pay their medical bills! Bethany Hamilton lost her arm in an accident but still succeeded in becoming a world champion surfer.




4 She lost most of her hearing after the accident, but she seems to be back to normal now. hear She’s recovered really well, considering she couldn’t hear a thing after the accident.

ap hi c

If the story of Aron Ralston’s escape from a canyon was remarkable, what happened next is no less so. Immediately after freeing himself, he still had to return to safety. With managed to only one arm and still bleeding, he (1) get down a 65-foot cliff and then walk several miles in the burning sun. Luckily, he met a family walking in the valley were able to give him something to eat who (2) and drink and then look for help. Then, a helicopter which able to pick him was out searching for him was (3) up. This all happened within four hours and saved his life. could Following the accident, the park authorities (4) only remove the rock that had trapped Aron’s arm by using a machine and several men. While medics were unable to save Aron’s arm, he otherwise made a (5) full recovery and returned to full fitness. Amazingly, since been able to do pretty much all the then he’s (6) things he did before the accident. He has since rafted down the Grand Canyon, skied down a volcano in Ecuador and, succeeded in climbing all the mountains in in 2011, (7) Colorado that are over 14 thousand feet. He also now works as a motivational speaker.   2

3 After the accident, it was only because of the surgery that he didn’t lose his eyesight. save He damaged his eye in the accident, but the surgeon was able to save his eyesight.

Complete the article about Aron Ralston with one word in each space.



2 Luckily, we stopped the bleeding, and he was fine. stop We were able to stop the bleeding, and he was fine. Unit 10  Grammar Reference  SAMPLE COPY, NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION


Irregular Verbs

Simple Past

Past participle


Simple Past

Past participle

arise beat become bend bet bite blow break breed bring broadcast build burn burst cost cut deal dig dream fall feed fight flee forget forgive freeze grow hang hide hit hold hurt keep kneel lay lead lend let lie light lose mean

arose beat became bent bet bit blew broke bred brought broadcast built burned burst cost cut dealt dug dreamed fell fed fought fled forgot forgave froze grew hanged/hung hid hit held hurt kept knelt laid led lent let lay lit lost meant

arisen beaten become bent bet bitten blown broken bred brought broadcast built burned burst cost cut dealt dug dreamed fallen fed fought fled forgotten forgiven frozen grown hanged/hung hidden hit held hurt kept knelt laid led lent let lain lit lost meant

misunderstand must overcome rethink ring rise sell set shake shine shoot shrink shut sink slide smell spell spend spill split spoil spread stand steal stick strike swear tear throw upset wake win

misunderstood had to overcame rethought rang rose sold set shook shone/shined shot shrank shut sank slid smelled spelled spent spilled split spoiled spread stood stole stuck struck swore tore threw upset woke won

misunderstood had to overcome rethought rung risen sold set shaken shone/shined shot shrunk shut sunk slid smelled spelled spent spilled split spoiled spread stood stolen stuck struck sworn torn thrown upset woken won




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148  Irregular Verbs




writing bank Writing

Unit 1  A review 1 Wu and Ting Ting were incredibly welcoming and did everything that they could to make me feel at home, although during the stay I was often left to my own devices because they were busy working. I had a lovely big room, my own TV, and a desk to study at. I was a little far from my school, though, which wasn’t ideal. 2 I can’t complain about the place as a whole. There were plenty of rides, which kept the kids satisfied, but given that the price for a family of four for the day was $195, it’s just not worth it. Not when you realize that Fantasyland is cheaper. What’s more, the lines are longer than at Fantasyland, as it is packed with locals. If it hadn’t been as full, and we’d actually been able to go on more than three rides in seven hours—and it was less expensive—it might have been worth it. As it is, though, I’d skip it and go to Fantasyland instead.



When writing reviews, it is common to use relative clauses beginning with which in order to express personal comments or beliefs.

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3 After I’d checked in and been given my key, I found that my room wasn’t much bigger than a shoebox! Feeling that this wouldn’t work for a four-night stay, I went back down to the front desk and asked for a larger room. They then tried to charge me €40 per night to upgrade to a suitable room, which was ridiculous. We finally agreed on €9 per night for the upgrade. On top of that, parking was €15 a day! Terrible place with terrible service. They’re trying to make as much extra money as they can. I’m scared to ask for another pillow, which is necessary since the bed only has one!

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4 If you like to see and be seen, then grab yourself one of the outdoor seats here, order a coffee, sit back, and enjoy! Looking out over the main square, and close to the museum and the market, this is a great people-watching spot—and it does great breakfasts, lunches, and snacks as well, which is perfect if you’re feeling hungry. I can’t recommend it enough.


Young Entrepreneur Trying to Turn a Nightmare into a Dream Business Have you ever spent hours working on a project and saved it to your flash drive only to then lose your drive and all your work? You know you should have backed it up, but it’s easy to forget, isn’t it? And then you have to explain it to your teacher or boss. Awful! Well, all that might soon be a thing of the past thanks to the bright idea of a 16-year-old entrepreneur from Northern Ireland. Mason Robinson has invented a piece of software that automatically backs up your work to the cloud when you save your work to a flash drive. As Mason says, “It has a unique aspect in saving people's work twice!” He developed the i-save USB idea as part of a summer project at a local science park. Now he is trying to raise two thousand dollars through a Kickstarter campaign to improve the product and distribute it. So why don’t you support Mason to make his business dreams a reality and, at the same time, end the nightmare of lost homework and research?


Grab the reader's attention by asking a have you ever… question to stimulate a shared experience.

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Unit 2  A persuasive article

Present factual information related to the solution.


Persuade the reader to continue reading by saying that you will present a solution.

Provide a reason why the reader should take action in the final paragraph.

Writing Bank  149

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Unit 3  A survey Start reporting findings by referring the reader to the source of results and explaining the aim of the investigation.

This bar chart shows the results of a survey carried out on 50 people aged between 13 and 55. The aim of the survey was to find out levels of participation in exercise in the four weeks before the interview. During this time, 68 percent of those interviewed walked for health and recreation, about one in six biked, and over half did some kind of sport. As can be seen from the chart, the most popular sports during this month were swimming and diving, with almost 15 percent of those asked trying it at least once. This was followed closely by various health and fitness activities.

Explain the most important statistics related to your aim.



Obviously, these results were determined to at least some degree by the weather. If the survey were to be repeated in the summer rather than the winter, we might, for instance, expect the popularity of soccer and golf to increase.

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Among the people who did not take part in any exercise during the month in question, the main reasons given for not participating were lack of time, cost, and general poor health.

Account for the results and explain how one might make the statistics more reliable. You may choose to give a further description of interesting findings.

Unit 4  A for and against essay

Over recent years, tourism has become more important to the local economy. As the area attracts more tourists, it is only natural that local officials should be thinking about ways of promoting the region further. It has been claimed that the creation of a new museum would boost visitor numbers. However, I believe that such a plan would not have as positive an impact as other possible options.

State the advantages of the topic first and follow this with the limitations.

One argument in favor of a big new museum is that it would put the region on the map and draw in visitors, who would then spend money on accommodation, transportation, and food. In addition to this, it would create jobs—initially in construction, and then within the building. Finally, museums are often seen as being good for the wider community as they help educate people.

Introduce your opposing argument or point of view by using the passive, and signal you disagree by using words or phrases like however. Then provide your own opinion.

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In the opening paragraph of a for and against essay, demonstrate why the subject is relevant now.



However, a museum would be expensive. It might be better to spend that money on other areas of the local community. Local schools and hospitals could be improved greatly if a similar sum of money were made available, and this would benefit a wider range of people. In addition, it is worth asking how many local people would actually visit a new museum. There is already a small museum in town and it is almost always empty. In conclusion, while a new museum might bring limited benefits and lead to the creation of some jobs, other choices are preferable. Investment in vital facilities may not bring more tourists, but would create a more skilled, healthier, and happier society.

150  Writing Bank


Finally, take notice of both sides of the argument and state your position.

writing bank

Unit 5  A scientific method When writing a scientific method, start by introducing the process.

The experiment aimed to discover if bees could think in the same ways as humans. The experiment was carried out using a large transparent box called the Bee Arena. The arena contained colored circles representing flowers which had small holes in them that could be filled with sugar water to attract the bees. Before the experiment was started, the bees were marked individually to identify them. In order to do this, forager bees (bees that fly around looking for and collecting pollen) were let into the bee arena. Once all the bees were inside the arena, the lights were turned off in order to make them stop flying. The bees were then picked up using tweezers and put into a pot with a lid. The pot was then placed in a fridge so that the bees would fall asleep. Once they had fallen asleep, the bees were removed from the pot one at a time and painted with different colored dots. Finally, the bees were returned to the pot and warmed up before being released back into the bee arena.

Use phrases like in order to to explain why certain steps were taken in the process.

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Words linking the steps of the process are used.

The Blackawton Bee Experiment

Unit 6  A problem-solution essay How can we help save tigers?

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Use topic sentences to start each paragraph. These sentences introduce and express the main idea of the paragraph.

(1) Tigers are hunted and sold for their fur and other parts. They are losing the habitats they live in and they are shot by local people because they kill farm animals. In this essay, I will suggest solutions to these three problems. (2) In the US, there may be over 9,000 tigers that are kept as pets, for example. They are sold easily, and Mills says that can encourage the trade of wild tigers because people want “the real thing.”

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(3) Tigers do not recognize borders, so the area they live in can be in more than one country. According to, several countries met and agreed to take action together to save tigers. It has had some success, but they could do more. (4) National Geographic Explorer Krithi Karanth says that sometimes farmers cannot earn enough money to survive because of wildlife destroying their crops and animals. We need to compensate them so they do not take revenge on endangered species like tigers.



Refer to sources to strengthen your argument.


Writing Bank  151

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Unit 7  A report

Background Students frequently complain about the noise in the school library and many choose not to use the space at all. Methods of Investigation In order to better understand the issues, we visited the library twice and read about how sound travels through different materials. We then explored a range of possible solutions before making our own models, which we used to test our ideas.


Subheadings are added to each paragraph.

Purpose The purpose of this report is to find out why so much external noise can be heard in the school library. The report will also make recommendations on how to reduce noise and create a better atmosphere to study in.


Explain the purpose of the report in the introduction.

Improving Learning in the Library


Use the title to show what the report is about.

Recommendations To solve this problem, we would recommend installing two sheets of glass in each window. Perhaps we could also consider filling the space between the glass with water. This would prevent up to 75 percent of the outside noise from entering the room.

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Finish a report by making recommendations, if necessary.

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Findings The library windows face a public space and, even when closed, let too much noise through. This problem is made worse by the fact that the curtains in the room are made from a thin material that does not stop sound in any way.

Explain how the problem has affected you. Complete a complaint by asking for some kind of action.

Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to complain about the recent reporting on the issue of immigration in your paper. In your reports, you frequently suggest that migrants who come to this country are looking for benefits and are involved in crime. While there are obviously unemployed people or criminals among the migrant population, official statistics show that there is a larger percentage among people who were born here. You have also used language such as “swarm” and “flood,” which suggests migrants are not human and are a dangerous problem.


Say what the general problem is in the first sentence and give details about the problem—including examples—in the first paragraph.

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Unit 8  A complaint

As the granddaughter of an immigrant, I find use of this language very upsetting and I think that if a paper uses it, it often makes other people feel they can say similar things. My grandfather worked hard to make a home here. And for me it is my home, but your reporting makes me feel I am not a normal citizen. I am not saying you should stop campaigning for immigration controls. Everyone has a right to their point of view. However, I would like you to stop using these stereotypes and generalizations to make your point. Migrants are all individuals like us—just born in a different place. Sincerely, Maria Asare

152  Writing Bank


writing bank

Unit 9  A letter of application I am writing in response to your advertisement looking for volunteers to rebuild a school in Belize. I would be very grateful if you could send me more information about this opportunity and details of how to apply.

Explain why you are writing.

My name is Melanie Gleich and I am 17 years old. I am from Aachen in Germany. I am currently in my last year of high school and will be taking my final exams next spring. I hope to then go on to study Spanish and Latin American Studies in college. In terms of what I would bring to the project, I already have a good level of both Spanish and English, and having traveled widely, I am used to being around people from other cultures. I am also prepared to get my hands dirty and help out in any way I can. I do a lot of sports and would say I have a good level of fitness, so I feel confident that I would be able to cope with the manual labor.



Explain who you are, where you are from and your plans for the future.

Dear Sir or Madam,


Start a letter of application by referring to the advertisement or posting that you saw.

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In addition, I have some experience in both gardening and farming because my grandparents live on a farm and I usually spend the summers helping out there. I am also an excellent team player and like to think I possess good social skills.

Explain any skills and abilities you have which would make you suitable for the job.

I hope you feel I am suitable for the post and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Yours sincerely, Melanie Gleich


“Stop!” my teacher whispered loudly. “Look over there.” I had been dreading this moment—almost hoping we wouldn’t find one. But there it was—a python lying in the grass. I hated snakes. I’d never even touched one. My usual reaction would have been to run away screaming, but I had no choice this time. It was a field trip for my biology class, and not only did we have to look for them, we had to catch one too!


When writing success stories, it is customary to explain how you felt before you succeeded.

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Unit 10  A success story

There was a group of us. I had to put a special stick at the back of its head while my teacher and other students got hold of it. At least this way I wouldn’t have to touch it. We had practiced lots of times with a plastic snake at school. We crept nearer. My hands started to sweat; my heart started beating like a drum. The snake didn’t move. And then it all happened in a flash! I put the stick behind its neck and the others leapt over and grabbed it. Explain how you felt after succeeding.

As the others held the snake down and measured it, I forced myself to touch it. I finally managed to do it! Little did I know how nice they actually felt! That day changed my life. Rather than being disgusted by snakes, I became fascinated by them, and now I plan to do lots of research on them.


Use descriptive verbs to make the story more exciting.

Writing Bank  153

W o r d Li s t s

/ˌgɛt ˈjuzd tu/

154  Word Lists





executive (adj) expand (v) export (v) failure (n) filter (n) fund (n) fund (v) gender (n) go too far (idiom) guarantee (n) handle (v) harvest (v) illegal (adj) impressive (adj) inbox (n) infect (v) intrigue (v) invent (v) investor (n) knock on the head (idiom) leadership (n) market (v) network (v) origin (n) out of hand (idiom) post (v) potential (n) pressure (n) profile (n) profit (n) publisher (n) put together (phr v) raise money (phr v) reality (n) recover (v) risk (n) scam (n) social media (n) solar (adj) source (n) spam (n) statement (n) store (v) strategy (n) summarize (v) supplier (n) tribe (n) turn up (phr v) victim (n) wealthy (adj)


(a) matter (of) (idiom) adapt (v) aspect (n) assume (v) attach (v) automatically (adv) backup (n) banking (n) bargain (n) barrier (n) be based (phr v) beg (v) businessperson (n) campaign (n) capable (adj) climate change (n) code (n) confirm (v) corporate (adj) cut down (phr v) data (n) demonstrate (v) detect (v) discourage (v) distant (adj) distribute (v) distribution (n) diverse (adj) edit (v) email (n) entrepreneur (n)

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/ɡrænd/ /ˈhæŋ ˈaʊt/ /ˈhaɪkɪŋ/ /ˈɒnɪsti/ /ˈhoʊst ˈfæməli/ /aɪˈdɪəl/ /ɪnˈkrɛdəbli/ /ˌɪndɪˈpɛndəns/ /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ /ˈɪnfluəns/ /ɪnˈvɛstmənt/ /ˈkip ɪn ˈtʌʧ/ /ˈlɛft tu (yər) ˈoʊn dɪˈvaɪsɪz/ /ˈliɡəl/ /ˈlaɪ əˈraʊnd/ /ˈlʊk ˈæftər/ /ˈlʊk ˈbæk/ /ˈmeɪdʒər/ /ˈmidiə/ /ˈmuv ˈɒn/ /ˌnɛsəˈsɛrəli/ /nɪˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt/ /ɒpt/ /ˈoʊvərˈsiz/ /pɑrˈtɪsəpənt/ /pərˈspɛktɪv/ /ˈpɪk ˈʌp/ /ˌriɪnˈfɔrs/ /rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti/ /ˌrɛpjəˈteɪʃən/

Unit 2

/ˈrisɔrs/ /rɪˈstrɪkʃən/ /ˌrɛvəˈluʃən/ /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ /ˈrɒbəri/ /ruts/ /rʌʃ/ /ˈsɜrvənt/ /saɪts/ /ˈsɪmpli/ /sprɛd/ /ˈstændərd/ /stɛər/ /ˈstɛp ˈaʊt/ /ˈstrɔŋli/ /ˈtrɪp ˈʌp/ /ˈtɜrn ˈaʊt/ /ˈtutər/ /ˈʌpˌɡreɪd/ /ʌpˈɡreɪd/ /ˈvaɪsə ˈvɜrsə/ /wɛlθ/ /ˈwɛlkəmɪŋ/ /ˈwɜri/

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/ækˈsɛsəbəl/ /æŋˈzaɪəti/ /ˈbi ən ˈbi/ /bæn/ /ˈbeɪsɪkli/ /bi ˈʌp ˌfɔr/ /ˈbreɪk ˈdaʊn/ /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ /kɔz/ /ˈkʌm əˈkrɔs/ /ˌkʌm ˈdaʊn tu/ /kəˈmjunɪti/ /ˈkʌltʃər ˌʃɒk/ /ˈdeɪt ˈbæk/ /dil/ /dɪˈklaɪn/ /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/ /ɪˈvæljuˌeɪt/ /ɪkˈstɛnsɪv/ /ˈfluənt/ /ˈfud ˌpɔɪzənɪŋ/ /ˈdʒɛnjuɪnli/ /ˌgɛt ə ˈrɪəl ˈfil fɔr/


accessible (adj) anxiety (n) B&B (n) ban (v) basically (adv) be up for (phr v) break down (phr v) budget (n) cause (v) come across (phr v) come down to (phr v) community (n) culture shock (n) date back (phr v) deal (n) decline (n) established (adj) evaluate (v) extensive (adj) fluent (adj ) food poisoning (n) genuinely (adv ) get a real feel for (phr v) get used to (the food) (phr v) grand (adj) hang out (phr v) hiking (n) honesty (n) host family (n) ideal (adj) incredibly (adv) independence (n) individual (n) influence (v) investment (n) keep in touch (idiom) left to (your) own devices (idiom) legal (adj) lie around (phr v) look after (phr v) look back (phr v) major (adj) media (n) move on (phr v) necessarily (adv) negotiate (v) opt (v) overseas (adv) participant (n) perspective (n) pick up (phr v) reinforce (v) reliability (n) reputation (n)

resource (n) restriction (n) revolution (n) ridiculous (adj) robbery (n) roots (n) rush (v) servant (n) sights (n) simply (adv) spread (v) standard (n) stare (v) step out (phr v) strongly (adv) trip up (phr v) turn out (phr v) tutor (n) upgrade (n) upgrade (v) vice versa (adv) wealth (n) welcoming (adj) worry (n)

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Unit 1

/(ə)ˈmætər (əv)/ /əˈdæpt/ /ˈæspɛkt/ /əˈsum/ /əˈtætʃ/ /ˌɔtəˈmætɪkli/ /ˈbækˌʌp/ /ˈbæŋkɪŋ/ /ˈbɑrɡɪn/ /ˈbæriər/ /bi ˈbeɪst/ /bɛɡ/ /ˈbɪznɪsˌpɜrsən/ /kæmˈpeɪn/ /ˈkeɪpəbəl/ /ˈklaɪmɪt ˌʧeɪnʤ/ /koʊd/ /kənˈfɜrm/ /ˈkɔrpərɪt/ /ˈkʌt ˈdaʊn/ /ˈdeɪtə/ /ˈdɛmənˌstreɪt/ /dɪˈtɛkt/ /dɪsˈkɜrɪdʒ/ /ˈdɪstənt/ /dɪˈstrɪbjut/ /ˌdɪstrəˈbjuʃən/ /dɪˈvɜrs/ /ˈɛdɪt/ /ˈiˌmeɪl/ /ˌɒntrəprəˈnʊər/

/ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv/ /ɪkˈspænd/ /ˈɛkspɔrt/ /ˈfeɪljər/ /ˈfɪltər/ /fʌnd/ /fʌnd/ /ˈdʒɛndər/ /ˈgoʊ ˌtu ˈfɑr/ /ˌɡærənˈti/ /ˈhændl/ /ˈhɑrvɪst/ /ɪˈliɡəl/ /ɪmˈprɛsɪv/ /ˈɪnˌbɒks/ /ɪnˈfɛkt/ /ɪnˈtriɡ/ /ɪnˈvɛnt/ /ɪnˈvɛstər/ /ˈnɒk ɒn ðə ˈhɛd/ /ˈlidərˌʃɪp/ /ˈmɑrkɪt/ /ˈnɛtˌwɜrk/ /ˈɔrɪdʒɪn/ /ˈaʊt əv ˈhænd/ /poʊst/ /pəˈtɛnʃəl/ /ˈprɛʃər/ /ˈproʊfaɪl/ /ˈprɒfɪt/ /ˈpʌblɪʃər/ /ˈpʊt təˈgɛðər/ /ˈreɪz ˈmʌni/ /riˈælɪti/ /rɪˈkʌvər/ /rɪsk/ /skæm/ /ˈsoʊʃəl ˈmidiə/ /ˈsoʊlər/ /sɔrs/ /spæm/ /ˈsteɪtmənt/ /stɔr/ /ˈstrætɪdʒi/ /ˈsʌməˌraɪz/ /səˈplaɪər/ /traɪb/ /ˈtɜrn ˈʌp/ /ˈvɪktɪm/ /ˈwɛlθi/

Unit 3 accelerate (v) /ækˈsɛləˌreɪt/ advance (n) /ædˈvæns/ agree with (phr v) /əˈgri ˌwɪð/ amount (n) /əˈmaʊnt/


word lists


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Unit 4

actual (adj) authority (n) behind (prep) boost (v) carnival (n) choir (n) claim (v) comedy club (n) commitment (n) confidence (n) construction (n) costume (n) creation (n) creativity (n) demolish (v) desperate (adj) discipline (n) diverse social background (col) dramatic (adj) duration (n) economist (n) economy (n) emphasize (v) engagement (n)

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positive role /ˈpɒzɪtɪv ˈroʊl model (phrase) ˌmɒdl/ preferably (adv) /ˈprɛfərəbli/ principle (n) /ˈprɪnsəpəl/ psychological (adj) /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ quote (n) /kwoʊt/ ranking (n) /ˈræŋkɪŋ/ real passion (phrase) /ˈrɪəl ˈpæʃən/ recreation (n) /ˌrɛkriˈeɪʃən/ represent (v) /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/

expression (n) factor (n) fatal (adj) festival (n) figure out (phr v) found (v) foundation (n) fulfill (v) gallery (n) gang (n) generate (v) hard work (col) impact (n) income (n) industrial (adj) initially (adv) innovative (adj) inspiration (n) lead to (phr v) leading orchestra (col) literally (adv) low income (adj) mayor (n) minister (n) minority (n) mixed results (phrase) museum (n) official (adj) organizer (n) parade (n) physical (adj) poverty (n) pride (n) private company (col) process (n) professional (n) public art (col) redevelopment (n) rehearse (v) reject (v) relic (n) remarkable (adj) rhythm (n) run over (phr v) sell out (phr v) signal (v) skilled (adj) stand for (phr v) straightforward process (col) strict set (col) struggling (adj) supposedly (adv) take charge (phr v) theater (n) venue (n) violence (n) vital (adj) volunteer (n) widely (adv)


role model (n) /ˈroʊl ˌmɒdl/ roughly (adv) /ˈrʌfli/ schedule (n) /ˈskɛdjul/ season (n) /ˈsizən/ select (v) /sɪˈlɛkt/ set (a new record) (v) /sɛt/ set up (v) /ˈsɛt ˈʌp/ shrink (v) /ʃrɪŋk/ slightly (adv) /ˈslaɪtli/ slow down (phr v) /ˈsloʊ ˈdaʊn/ smash (v) /smæʃ/ specialize (v) /ˈspɛʃəˌlaɪz/ specific (adj) /spəˈsɪfɪk/ spirit (n) /ˈspɪrɪt/ stamina (n) /ˈstæmɪnə/ status (n) /ˈsteɪtəs/ subsequently (adv) /ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/ subway (n) /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/ suit (v) /sut/ sum (n) /sʌm/ surface (n) /ˈsɜrfɪs/ tackle (v) /ˈtækəl/ target (n) /ˈtɑrɡɪt/ technique (n) /tɛkˈnik/ technological (adj) /ˌtɛknəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ tend to (phr v) /ˈtɛnd tu/ terminal (n) /ˈtɜrmɪnl/ throughout (prep) /θruˈaʊt/ top (adj) /tɒp/ vast (adj) /væst/

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anticipate (v) /ænˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/ athletic (adj) /æθˈlɛtɪk/ attitude (n) /ˈætɪˌtud/ awareness (n) /əˈwɛərnɪs/ billion (n) /ˈbɪljən/ brand (n) /brænd/ bronze (adj) /brɒnz/ captain (v) /ˈkæptən/ championship (n) /ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp/ change the face of /ˈʧeɪnʤ ðə ˈfeɪs əv/ (idiom) closely (adv) /ˈkloʊsli/ compete (v) /kəmˈpit/ conquer (v) /ˈkɒŋkər/ debt (n) /dɛt/ determine (v) /dɪˈtɜrmɪn/ elite (adj) /ɪˈlit/ energetic (adj) /ˌɛnərˈdʒɛtɪk/ entire (adj) /ɛnˈtaɪər/ essentially (adv) /ɪˈsɛnʃəli/ establish (v) /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ evolution (n) /ˌɛvəˈluʃən/ evolve (v) /ɪˈvɒlv/ expense (n) /ɪkˈspɛns/ fade away (v) /ˈfeɪd əˈweɪ/ fame (n) /feɪm/ formal (adj) /ˈfɔrməl/ forward (n) /ˈfɔrwərd/ funding (n) /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ gardening (adj) /ˈɡɑrdnɪŋ/ glory (n) /ˈɡlɔri/ goal (n) /ɡoʊl/ greatly (adv) /ˈɡreɪtli/ hold (a record) (v) /hoʊld/ host (v) /hoʊst/ injury (n) /ˈɪndʒəri/ instantly (adv) /ˈɪnstəntli/ intensively (adv) /ɪnˈtɛnsɪvli/ junk food (n) /ˈdʒʌŋk ˌfud/ largely (adv) /ˈlɑrdʒli/ long-term (adj) /ˈlɔŋˌtɜrm/ marathon (n) /ˈmærəˌθɒn/ medal (n) /ˈmɛdl/ muscle (n) /ˈmʌsəl/ nation (n) /ˈneɪʃən/ participate (v) /pɑrˈtɪsəˌpeɪt/ pay off (phr v) /ˈpeɪ ˈɔf/ percentage (n) /pərˈsɛntɪdʒ/ personality (n) /ˌpɜrsəˈnælɪti/ popularity (n) /ˌpɒpjəˈlærɪti/

/ˈæktʃuəl/ / əˈθɔrɪti/ /bɪˈhaɪnd/ /bust/ /ˈkɑrnɪvəl/ /kwaɪər/ /kleɪm/ /ˈkɒmɪdi ˌklʌb/ /kəˈmɪtmənt/ /ˈkɒnfɪdəns /kənˈstrʌkʃən/ /ˈkɒstum/ /kriˈeɪʃən/ /ˌkrieɪˈtɪvɪti/ /dɪˈmɒlɪʃ/ /ˈdɛspərɪt/ /ˈdɪsəplɪn/ /dɪˈvɜrs ˈsoʊʃəl ˈbækˌgraʊnd/ /drəˈmætɪk/ /dʊˈreɪʃən/ /ɪˈkɒnəmɪst/ /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ /ˈɛmfəˌsaɪz/ /ɛnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/


/ɪkˈsprɛʃən/ /ˈfæktər/ /ˈfeɪtəl/ /ˈfɛstɪvəl/ /ˈfɪgjər ˈaʊt/ /faʊnd/ /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/ /fʊlˈfɪl/ /ˈɡæləri/ /ɡæŋ/ /ˈdʒɛnəˌreɪt/ /ˈhɑrd ˈwɜrk/ /ˈɪmpækt/ /ˈɪnkʌm/ /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ /ɪˈnɪʃəli/ /ɪnəˌveɪtɪv/ /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃən/ /ˈlid tu/ /ˈlidɪŋ ˈɔrkɪstrə/ /ˈlɪtərəli/ /ˈloʊ ˈɪnkʌm/ /meɪər/ /ˈmɪnɪstər/ /mɪˈnɔrɪti/ /ˈmɪkst rɪˈzʌlts/ /mjuˈziəm/ /əˈfɪʃəl/ /ˈɔrɡəˌnaɪzər/ /pəˈreɪd/ /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ /ˈpɒvərti/ /praɪd/ /ˈpraɪvɪt ˈkʌmpəni/ /ˈprɒsɛs/ /prəˈfɛʃənl/ /ˈpʌblɪk ˈɑrt/ /ˌridɪˈvɛləpmənt/ /rɪˈhɜrs/ /rɪˈdʒɛkt/ /ˈrɛlɪk/ /rɪˈmɑrkəbəl/ /ˈrɪðəm/ /ˈrʌn ˈoʊvər/ /ˈsɛl ˈaʊt/ /ˈsɪɡnl/ /skɪld/ /ˈstænd fɔr/ /ˌstreɪtˈfɔrwərd ˈprɒsɛs/ /ˈstrɪkt ˈsɛt/ /ˈstrʌɡəlɪŋ/ /səˈpoʊzɪdli/ /ˈteɪk ˈʧɑrʤ/ /ˈθiətər/ /ˈvɛnju/ /ˈvaɪələns/ /ˈvaɪtl/ /ˌvɒlənˈtɪər/ /ˈwaɪdli/

Word Lists  155

W o r d Li s t s

156  Word Lists





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administration (n) agriculture (n) alarming (adj) anger (n) animal product (n) arise (v) assess (v) breed (v) camp (n) capture (v) catch on (phr v) characteristic (n) chase (v) clue (n) compensate (v) concern (n) consequence (n) conservation (n) constantly (adv) cure (n) die out (v) diversity (n) domestic (adj) emotion (n) endanger (adj) ensure (v) equivalent (adj)

extinct (adj) fake (adj) feature (n) fox (n) gene (n) genetic (adj) growth (n) habitat (n) historian (n) hit a wall (idiom) hunt (v) indicate (v) influential (adj) inspire (v) interfere (v) mammal (n) mass (adj) misunderstanding (n) mysterious (adj) overcome (v) polar bear (n) proof (n) psychologist (n) purely (adv) put forward (phr v) rainfall (n) rate (n) rethink (v) reveal (v ) revenge (n) save (v) science teacher (n) sea creature (n) short-term (adj) shorten (v) significantly (adv) social media campaign (n) species (n) sponsor (v) spot (n) strengthen (v) sudden (adj) surroundings (n) survival (n) survive (v) suspect (v) suspicious (adj) take to (phr v) unique (adj) unwilling (adj) willingness (n) wipe out (phr v)


/ˈpriviəsli/ /reɪ/ /riˈækʃən/ /ˈrɛfərəns/ /rɪˈlis/ /rɪˈsɜrtʃər/ /rɪˈtɜrn/ /rɪˈwɔrd/ /ˈsæmpəl/ /skæn/ /ˈsoʊʃəl/ /səˈsaɪəti/ /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd/ /səbˈmɪt/ /ˈsʌbstəns/ /ˈsɜrdʒən/ /ˈsɜrdʒəri/ /səˈraʊnd/ /ˈsɜrveɪ/ /ˈθɪəri/ /θrɛt/ /trænsˈfɔrm/ /trænsˈpærənt/ /trəˈmɛndəs/ /ˈʌltəmɪt/ /ʌnˈsɜrtənti/ /jus/ /ˈjusfəl/ /vɔɪs/

Unit 6

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/ˈɔltər/ /ɑrm/ /əˈsaɪnmənt/ /ˈbjutəfəl/ /bɪˈlif/ /ˈbɒðər/ /ˈbraʊzər/ /ˈbʌbəl/ /bʌlb/ /kəˈpæsɪti/ /ˈkɛmɪkəl/ /ˈsɜrkəmˌstæns/ /kənˈdʌkt/ /kənˈsum/ /koʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃən/ /koʊˈɒpərətɪv/ /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsɪti/ /ˈdɛdˌlaɪn/ /dɪˈtɜrmɪnɪŋ/ /dɪˈskʌvəri/ /dɪˈzɒlv/ /ˈdɒmɪnənt/ /ˈdaʊnwərdz/ /ɪˈfɛktɪv/ /iˈlɛktrɪkəl/ /ɛmˈbreɪs/ /ɛnˈɡeɪdʒ/ /ˈɛvɪdəns/ /ˈfʌŋkʃən/ /ˈdʒiniəs/ /ɡræsp/ /ˈhɛlpfəl/ /ˈhoʊpfəl/ /aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ/ /ɪˈmædʒənətɪv/ /ɪnˈkrisɪŋli/ /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən/ /ˈɪnəˌveɪtɪv/ /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns/ /ˈdʒɜrnl/ /ˈleɪbər/ /lɪd/ /lɪŋk/ /ˈlɪsənər/ /ˈmeɪk ˈmætərz ˈwɜrs/ /mɑrk/ /məˈtʃʊər/ /mɪˈkænɪkəl/ /ˈmɛdɪkəl/ /moʊd/ /ˈmuvmənt/ /mɪθ/ /ˈnɛtˌwɜrk/ /pleɪs/ /ˈplɛʒərəbəl/ /ˈplɛʒər/ /ˈpræktɪkəl/


alter (v) arm (v) assignment (n) beautiful (adj) belief (n) bother (v) browser (n) / bubble (n) bulb (n) capacity (n) chemical (n) circumstance (n) conduct (v) consume (v) cooperation (n) cooperative (adj) curiosity (n) deadline (n) determining (adv) discovery (n) dissolve (v) dominant (adj) downwards (adv) effective (adj) electrical (adj) embrace (v) engage (v) evidence (n) function (n) genius (n) grasp (n) helpful (adj) hopeful (adj) identify (v) imaginative (adj) increasingly (adv) innovation (n) innovative (adj) intelligence (n) journal (n) labor (n) lid (n) link (n) listener (n) make matters worse (phrase) mark (v) mature (v) mechanical (adj) medical (adj) mode (n) movement (n) myth (n) network (n) place (v) pleasurable (adj) pleasure (n) practical (adj)

previously (adv) ray (n) reaction (n) reference (n) release (v) researcher (n) return (v) reward (n) sample (n) scan (n) social (adj) society (n) sophisticated (adj) submit (v) substance (n) surgeon (n) surgery (n) surround (v) survey (n) theory (n) threat (n) transform (v) transparent (adj) tremendous (adj) ultimate (adj) uncertainty (n) use (n) useful (adj) voice (n)

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Unit 5

/ədˌmɪnəˈstreɪʃən/ /ˈæɡrɪˌkʌltʃər/ /əˈlɑrmɪŋ/ /ˈæŋɡər/ /ˈænəməl ˌprɒdəkt/ /əˈraɪz/ /əˈsɛs/ /brid/ /kæmp/ /ˈkæptʃər/ /ˈkæʧ ˈɒn/ /ˌkærɪktəˈrɪstɪk/ /tʃeɪs/ /klu/ /ˈkɒmpənˌseɪt/ /kənˈsɜrn/ /ˈkɒnsɪˌkwɛns/ /ˌkɒnsərˈveɪʃən/ /ˈkɒnstəntli/ /kjʊər/ /ˈdaɪ ˈaʊt/ /dɪˈvɜrsɪti/ /dəˈmɛstɪk/ /ɪˈmoʊʃən/ /ɛnˈdeɪndʒər/ /ɛnˈʃʊər/ /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/

/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ /feɪk/ /ˈfitʃər/ /fɒks/ /dʒin/ /dʒəˈnɛtɪk/ /ɡroʊθ/ /ˈhæbɪˌtæt/ /hɪˈstɔriən/ /ˈhɪt ə ˈwɔl/ /hʌnt/ /ˈɪndɪˌkeɪt/ /ˌɪnfluˈɛnʃəl/ /ɪnˈspaɪər/ /ˌɪntərˈfɪər/ /ˈmæməl/ /mæs/ /ˌmɪsʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ /ˌoʊvərˈkʌm/ /ˈpoʊlər ˌbɛər/ /pruf/ /saɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/ /ˈpjʊərli/ /ˌpʊt ˈfɔrwərd/ /ˈreɪnˌfɔl/ /reɪt/ /riˈθɪŋk/ /rɪˈvil/ /rɪˈvɛndʒ/ /seɪv/ /ˈsaɪəns ˌtiʧər/ /ˈsi ˌkriʧər/ /ˈʃɔrtˈtɜrm/ /ˈʃɔrtn/ /sɪgˈnɪfɪkəntli/ /ˈsoʊʃəl ˈmidiə kæmˌpeɪn/ /ˈspiʃiz/ /ˈspɒnsər/ /spɒt/ /ˈstrɛŋkθən/ /ˈsʌdn/ /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ /sərˈvaɪvəl/ /sərˈvaɪv/ /səˈspɛkt/ /səˈspɪʃəs/ /ˈteɪk tu/ /juˈnik/ /ʌnˈwɪlɪŋ/ /ˈwɪlɪŋnɪs/ /ˈwaɪp ˈaʊt/

Unit 7 additional (adj) alternative (adj) analysis (n)


/əˈdɪʃənl/ /ɔlˈtɜrnətɪv/ /əˈnæləsɪs/

word lists

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/əˈbjus/ /əˈkjuz/ /ækˈnɒlɪdʒ/ /əˈpærəntli/ /əˈproʊpriɪt/ /əˈsoʊʃiˌeɪt ˌwɪð/ /əˈsʌmpʃən/ /əˈʃʊər/ /ˈɔkwərd/ /ˈɔkwərdnɪs/ /bɪˈlɔŋ/ /ˈbreɪkˌdaʊn/ /ˈbʊli/ /kæmˈpeɪn/ /ˈkɑrdˌbɔrd/ /ˈsɪtəzən/ /ˈklæsɪk/ /kəmˈbaɪn/ /ˈkɒmpləˌmɛnt/ /ˈkɒnʃəs/ /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ /ˈkɔst ɪˌfɛktɪv/ /ˈkrɪtɪˌsaɪz/ /ˌdɛkəˈreɪʃən/ /ˈdipˈrutɪd/ /dɪˈfaɪn/ /dɪˈlɪbərɪtli/ /dɪˈnaɪ/ /ˈdɪpləˌmæt/ /dɪˈskrɪməˌneɪt/ /dɪsˈɒnɪst/ /ɪˈlɛkt/ /ˈɛləmənt/ /ɛlsˈwɛər/ /ɛnˈkaʊntər/ /ɪnˈθuziˌæzəm/ /ɪˈkwɒlɪti/ /ɛkˈspɛrəˌmɛnt/ /ˈfɛd ˈʌp/ /ˈfɪŋɡərˌneɪl/ /ˈfɜrmli/ /fərˈɡɛt/ /ˌdʒɛnərələˈzeɪʃən/ /ˈɡloʊbəl/ /ˈhaɪli rɪsˈpɛktɪd/

ap hi c

abuse (n) accuse (v) acknowledge (v) apparently (adv) appropriate (adj) associate with (phr v) assumption (n) assure (v) awkward (adj) awkwardness (n) belong (v) breakdown (n) bully (v) campaign (v) cardboard (n) citizen (n) classic (n) combine (v) compliment (v) conscious (adj) conservative (adj) cost-effective (adj) criticize (v) decoration (n) deep-rooted (adj) define (v) deliberately (adv) deny (v) diplomat (n) discriminate (v) dishonest (adj) elect (v) element (n) elsewhere (adv) encounter (v) enthusiasm (n) equality (n) experiment (v) fed up (phr v) fingernail (n) firmly (adv) forget (v) generalization (n) global (adj) highly-respected (adj)


Unit 8

humorous (adj) identity (n) ignore (v) immigrant (n) incident (n) insist on (v) intense (adj) interpret (v) invisible (n) like-minded (adj) long-lasting (adj) make fun (phr v) massive (adj) misbehave (v) misunderstand (v) modify (v) norm (n) notion (n) obsession (n) offended (adj) open-minded (adj) phenomenon (n) policy (n) praise (v) presence (n) pretend (v) proportion (n) protest (n) racism (n) react (v) refresh (v) regional (adj) response (n) self-conscious (adj) shopkeeper (n) sort (it) out (phr v) statistic (n) stereotype (n) stock (n) two-faced (adj) well-mannered (adj)


/skɔr/ /skɛtʃ/ /səˈluʃən/ /ˈstɪmjʊˌleɪt/ /ˈsupərˌvaɪz/ /tæsk/ /ˈtritmənt/ /ˈtruli/ /ˈjusɪdʒ /ˈjusfəlnɪs/ /vəˈraɪəti/

score (v) sketch (n) solution (n) stimulate (v) supervise (v) task (n) treatment (n) truly (adv) usage (n) usefulness (n) variety (n)

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/ˈænəˌlaɪz/ /əˈproʊtʃ/ /əˈsɛsmənt/ /bækˈtɪəriə/ /breɪk/ /brɪk/ /ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃən/ /ˈkʌm ˈʌp ˌwɪð/ /ˈkɒmənli/ /kənˈsɜrnd/ /kənˈklud/ /kənˈkluʒən/ /kənˈtrɪbjut/ /kriˈeɪt/ /kriˈeɪtɪv/ /kriˈeɪtɪvli/ /ˌdɛmənˈstreɪʃən/ /dɪˈzaɪər/ /ˈditeɪld/ /dɪsˈpleɪs/ /ɪˈlɛktrəˌkjut/ /ɪkˈstɜrnəl/ /ɪkˈstrim/ /ˌflɛksəˈbɪlɪti/ /ˈflɛksəbəl/ /ˈfluənsi/ /ˈfɒloʊ/ /ˈfɔrmæt/ /ˈfridəm/ /ˈfʌŋkʃənl/ /ˈdʒɛnjuɪn/ /ˈgɛt (jər) ˈminɪŋ əˌkrɔs/ /ɡræb/ /ˈhɑrtˌbroʊkən/ /ɪˈmædʒəˌnɛri/ /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən/ /ˈɪntɪˌɡreɪt/ /ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒənt/ /noʊ/ /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ /ˈlɜrnər/ /ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl/ /ˈlɒdʒɪk/ /ˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ /ˈmeɪk ˈʌp/ /ˈmænərz/ /ˈmɛʒər/ /ˈnidl/ /oʊˈbeɪ/ /əˈrɪdʒənl/ /ˈaʊtˌkʌm/ /ˈprɛfərəns/ /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃən/ /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ /ˌrɪəˈlɪstɪkli/ /ˌrɛkəmɛnˈdeɪʃən/ /rɪˈlaɪ ɒn/ /rɪˈzɒlv/ /ˈseɪfti/


analyze (v) approach (n) assessment (n) bacteria (n) break (v) brick (n) combination (n) come up with (phr v) commonly (adv) concerned (adj) conclude (v) conclusion (n) contribute (v) create (v) creative (adj) creatively (adv) demonstration (n) desire (v) detailed (adj) displace (v) electrocute (v) external (adj) extreme (adj) flexibility (n) flexible (adj) fluency (n) follow (v) format (n) freedom (n) functional (adj) genuine (adj) get (your) meaning across (phrase) grab (v) heartbroken (adj) imaginary (adj) implication (n) integrate (v) intelligent (adj) know (v) knowledge (n) learner (n) lifestyle (n) logic (n) logical (adj) make up (phr v) manners (n) measure (v) needle (n) obey (v) original (n) outcome (n) preference (n) publication (n) publish (v) realistically (adv) recommendation (n) rely on (phr v) resolve (v) safety (n)

/ˈhjumərəs/ /aɪˈdɛntɪti/ /ɪɡˈnɔr/ /ˈɪmɪɡrənt/ /ˈɪnsɪdənt/ /ɪnˈsɪst ˌɒn/ /ɪnˈtɛns/ /ɪnˈtɜrprɪt/ /ɪnˈvɪzəbəl/ /ˈlaɪkˈmaɪndɪd/ /ˈlɔŋˈlæstɪŋ/ /ˈmeɪk ˈfʌn/ /ˈmæsɪv/ /ˌmɪsbɪˈheɪv/ /ˌmɪsʌndərˈstænd/ /ˈmɒdɪˌfaɪ/ /nɔrm/ /ˈnoʊʃən/ /əbˈsɛʃən/ /əˈfɛndɪd/ /ˈoʊpənˈmaɪndɪd/ /fəˈnɒmɪˌnɒn/ /ˈpɒləsi/ /preɪz/ /ˈprɛzəns/ /prɪˈtɛnd/ /prəˈpɔrʃən/ /ˈproʊtɛst/ /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ /riˈækt/ /rɪˈfrɛʃ/ /ˈridʒənl/ /rɪˈspɒns/ /ˈsɛlfˈkɒnʃəs/ /ˈʃɒpˌkipər/ /ˈsɔrt (ɪt) ˈaʊt/ /stəˈtɪstɪk/ /ˈstɛriəˌtaɪp/ /stɒk/ /ˈtuˌfeɪst/ /ˈwɛlˈmænərd/

Unit 9 absence (n) affect (v) aid (n) ally (n) appeal (v) assistance (n) block (v) care for (phr v) coastal (adj) convention (n) cope (v) corrupt (adj) crisis (n) debris (n) delegate (n)


/ˈæbsəns/ /əˈfɛkt/ /eɪd/ /ˈælaɪ/ /əˈpil/ /əˈsɪstəns/ /blɒk/ /ˈkɛər ˌfɔr/ /ˈkoʊstl/ /kənˈvɛnʃən/ /koʊp/ /kəˈrʌpt/ /ˈkraɪsɪs/ /dəˈbri/ /ˈdɛlɪɡɪt/

Word Lists  157

word lists



158  Word Lists

/ðə ˈlaʊd/ /ði ˈoʊld/ /ði ˈaʊtˌgoʊɪŋ/ /ðə ˈpʊər/ /ðə ˈrɪʧ/ /ðə ˈstupɪd/ /træp/ /ˌʌnfəˈmɪljər/ /ʌnˈfoʊld/

the loud (n) the old (n) the outgoing (n) the poor (n) the rich (n) the stupid (n) trap (v) unfamiliar (adj) unfold (v)

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actively (adj) /ˈæktɪvli/ address (v) /əˈdrɛs/ aim (v) /eɪm/ allergic (adj) /əˈlɜrdʒɪk/ amazement (n) /əˈmeɪzmənt/ antibiotics (n) /ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪks/ apocalypse (n) /əˈpɒkəˌlɪps/ award (v) /əˈwɔrd/ bench (n) /bɛntʃ/ bestseller (n) /ˈbɛstˈsɛlər/ blindness (n) /ˈblaɪndnɪs/ blink (v) /blɪŋk/ cast (n) /kæst/ category (n) /ˈkætɪˌɡɔri/ cell (n) /sɛl/ chance (n) /tʃæns/ cheer (v) /tʃɪər/ chest (n) /tʃɛst/ clarify (v) /ˈklærəˌfaɪ/ clear up (phr v) /ˈklɪər ˈʌp/ close down (v) /ˈcloʊz ˈdaʊn/ combine (v) /kəmˈbaɪn/ comfort zone (n) /ˈkʌmfərt ˌzoʊn / concentration (n) /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən/ consciousness (n) /ˈkɒnʃəsnɪs/ considerable (adj) /kənˈsɪdərəbəl/ contribute (v) /kənˈtrɪbjut convert (v) /kənˈvɜrt/ darkness (n) /ˈdɑrknɪs/ deadly (adj) /ˈdɛdli/ dependent (adj) /dɪˈpɛndənt/ design (v) /dɪˈzaɪn/ determined (adj) /dɪˈtɜrmɪnd/ device (n) /dɪˈvaɪs/ devote (v) /dɪˈvoʊt/ diagnose (v) /ˈdaɪəɡˌnoʊs/ dictate (v) /ˈdɪkteɪt/ disgust (n) /dɪsˈɡʌst/ disturbing (adj) /dɪˈstɜrbɪŋ/ dose (n) /doʊs/ drug (n) /drʌɡ/ editor (n) /ˈɛdɪtər/ efficiently (adv) /ɪˈfɪʃəntli/

expose (v) express (v) extract (n) fascinated (adj) flash (n) force (v) get out (phr v) gripping (adj) heath care (n) helmet (n) honor (n) house (v) inability (n) inevitable (adj) infection (n) insufficient (adj) intensive (adj) keep down (phr v) lead (v) lung (n) make the most of (phrase) misery (n) nickname (n) optimistic (adj) partial (adj) peer (v) portion (n) precisely (adv) prescribe (v) prescription (n) procedure (n) punishment (n) rapid (adj) resistant (adj) respond (v) risk (n) run away (v) slam (v) slide (v) slow (v) stroke (n) sweat (n) symptom (n) thankfully (adv) therapist (n) therapy (n) think through (phr v) threatening (adj) treat (v) turn to (phr v) vision (n) visual (adj) waist (n) ward (n) watch out (phr v)


Unit 10

io na

devastation (n) /ˌdɛvəˈsteɪʃən/ disaster (n) /dɪˈzæstər/ donation (n) /doʊˈneɪʃən/ earthquake (n) /ˈɜrθˌkweɪk/ edit (n) /ˈɛdɪt/ evacuate (v) /ɪˈvækjuˌeɪt/ flee (v) /fli/ frustrate (v) /ˈfrʌstreɪt/ give (sth) a go (phr v) /ˈgɪv ə ˈgoʊ/ global warming (n) /ˈgloʊbəl ˈwɔrmɪŋ/ globe (n) /ɡloʊb/ graduate (n) /ˈɡrædʒuɪt/ greed (n) /ɡrid/ headquarters (n) /ˈhɛdˌkwɔrtərz/ homeless (adj) /ˈhoʊmlɪs/ housing (n) /ˈhaʊzɪŋ/ humanity (n) /hjuˈmænɪti/ imprison (v) /ɪmˈprɪzən/ inclusive (adj) /ɪnˈklusɪv/ infrastructure (n) /ˈɪnfrəˌstrʌktʃər/ initiative (n) /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ interactive (adj) /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/ joy (n) /dʒɔɪ/ launch (v) /lɔntʃ/ limited (adj) /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ neutral (adj) /ˈnutrəl/ on behalf of (phr v) /ˌɒn bɪˈhæf əv/ on the ground (phrase) /ˈɒn ðə ˈgraʊnd/ overlook (v) /ˌoʊvərˈlʊk/ panel (n) /ˈpænl/ portrait (n) /ˈpɔrtrɪt/ precious (adj) /ˈprɛʃəs/ programmer (n) /ˈproʊɡræmər/ psychological (adj) / /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl realization (n) /ˌrɪələˈzeɪʃən/ reconstruction (n) /ˌrikənˈstrʌkʃən/ recovery (n) /rɪˈkʌvəri/ relief (n) /rɪˈlif/ reminder (n) /rɪˈmaɪndər/ remote (adj) /rɪˈmoʊt/ representative (n) /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv/ restore (v) /rɪˈstɔr/ right (n) /raɪt/ rise (v) /raɪz/ satellite (n) /ˈsætlˌaɪt/ scale (n) /skeɪl/ senior (adj) /ˈsinjər/ shelter (n) /ˈʃɛltər/ shortage (n) /ˈʃɔrtɪdʒ/ skip (v) /skɪp/ staggering (adj) /ˈstæɡərɪŋ/ strike a chord (phr v) /ˈstraɪk ə ˈkɔrd/ supply (n) /səˈplaɪ/ survivor (n) /sərˈvaɪvər/ sustainable (n) /səˈsteɪnəbəl/ the best (n) /ðə ˈbɛst/ the brave (n) /ðə ˈbreɪv/


/ɪkˈspoʊz/ /ɪkˈsprɛs/ /ɪkˈstrækt/ /ˈfæsəˌneɪtɪd/ /flæʃ/ /fɔrs/ /ˈgɛt ˈaʊt/ /ˈɡrɪpɪŋ/ /ˈhɛlθ ˌkɛər/ /ˈhɛlmɪt/ /ˈɒnər/ /haʊz/ /ˌɪnəˈbɪlɪti/ /ɪnˈɛvɪtəbəl/ /ɪnˈfɛkʃən/ /ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃənt/ /ɪnˈtɛnsɪv/ /ˈkip ˈdaʊn/ /lid/ /lʌŋ/ /ˈmeɪk ðə ˈmoʊst əv/ /ˈmɪzəri/ /ˈnɪkˌneɪm/ /ˌɒptəˈmɪstɪk/ /ˈpɑrʃəl/ /pɪər/ /ˈpɔrʃən/ /prɪˈsaɪsli/ /prɪˈskraɪb/ /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/ /prəˈsidʒər/ /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ /ˈræpɪd/ /rɪˈzɪstənt/ /rɪˈspɒnd/ /rɪsk/ /ˈrʌn əˈweɪ/ /slæm/ /slaɪd/ /sloʊ/ /stroʊk/ /swɛt/ /ˈsɪmptəm/ /ˈθæŋkfəli/ /ˈθɛrəpɪst/ /ˈθɛrəpi/ /ˈθɪŋk ˈθru/ /ˈθrɛtnɪŋ/ /trit/ /ˈtɜrn tu/ /ˈvɪʒən/ /ˈvɪʒuəl/ /weɪst/ /wɔrd/ /ˈwɒʧ ˈaʊt/

Audio Script




Track 4 1: I was a student going home to visit friends. 2 Hitchhiking used to be so common. 3 You’d have to line up behind several others.

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Track 2: Kenji: My name’s Kenji. I spent six months in Germany last year. My dad’s American, so I’d been to the US with family a few times, but I hadn’t traveled on my own before. I was actually thinking about canceling my trip before I left. I remember as my departure day got nearer, I got