Pencilvillage - Advanced Event [PDF]

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Advanced Event This module replaces the 2d6 Event roll in Pencilvillage. When you would roll 2d6 for Event, instead roll d6 and add the current Round number. Look up that number in the far-left column and advance that Event. Each Event has up to three Parts–most Events have three, but a few have one or two. The first time you roll the Event, Part I happens. The second time you roll it, Part II (if present) happens, and Part III (if present) happens on the third roll. If you need to advance an event and there are no Parts remaining, re-roll until you get an Event which has remaining Parts.

For example, at the start of Round 1, you roll the Advanced Event d6 and get 4. One plus four is five, so Event 5 progresses. Since you haven’t rolled it before, Part I happens now. Tick the leftmost box in the 5 row; its effects occur. Later, at the start of Round 3, you roll the Advanced Event d6 and get 2. Three plus two is five, so Event 5 progresses again. Since you’ve rolled it once before, Part II happens now. Tick the second box in the 5 row; its effects occur. You still ignore Attack events rolled in Rounds 1–3. Do not re-roll them. Use a fresh Advanced Event table for each game to keep track of which Part you’re on. Instead of printing a new one each game, you could erase the table once you’re done and re-use it, or laminate the table and use erasable markers. Andrew

Thank you for your support! ❤️

Advanced Event Part I

Part II

Part III



2 ☐

You find some convenient rocks, laid in portentious patterns by an unseen hand. Gain 2s.

3 ☐

A small cache of logs is laid at the gate of your village, neatly chopped and bound. Gain 2w.

☐ wreath of wildflowers. Gain 4w.

4 ☐

A roaring, rushing water elemental surges out of the river, offering you a gift. Gain 2p or 4w or 2s.

☐ for. Gain what you gained in 4-I.

5 ☐

Mischievous forest sprites lead a curious villager into the tangle of the woods. Lose p.

☐ lost soul. It is costly. Gain 2p, lose all w.

6 ☐

A trader strolls into town and opens shop, peddling modest wares. You may trade 4w for 2s.

☐ befriend her. You may trade 4w for 3s.

7 ☐

A neighbouring village declares that you are impinging on its lands. Pay 4w or Attack 1 (4w).

☐ Build this round or Attack 3 (5w 2s).

8 ☐

The harvest is bountiful and your people are healthy and thriving. 1 extra action this round.

☐ you attract eager immigrants. Gain 2p.

9 ☐

A handful of orcs stumble upon your village and attempt to raid it. Attack 2 (3w, 1 Action).

☐ rest of the clan. Attack 3 (4w, p).

10 ☐

You seem to have inadvertently disturbed the nest of a single, very angry badger. Attack 0 (3w, p).

☐ upon you and yours. Attack 0 (4w, 2p).

11 ☐

A trader rolls into town, trailing a modestlyapportioned cart. You may trade 5w for 3s.

☐ You may trade 5w for 3s or 2s for 5w.

12 ☐

Your labourers are buoyant, and sing beautifully harmonized songs all morning. Gain 2w s.

☐ to do additional work. Gain 4w or 2s.

13 ☐

Tinirel arrive, snicking their long, shapely claws. You prepare for the worst. Attack 3 (3p).

☐ and led by a mighty Exarch. Attack 4 (5p).

14 ☐

A bright sun and a pleasant breeze makes for a delightful day. Gain 1 action this round or 2p.

☐ bloom. Gain 1 action this round and 2p.

15 ☐

A Shaper clan visits and, in their strange dialect, offers you a helping hand. You may clear all Rubble.

☐ Town Centre upgrade this turn costs no s.

16 ☐

A solemn group of Constructs demand landrestitution. Pay 4s or Attack 2 (4s).

☐ restitution. Pay 6s or Attack 3 (6s).

17 ☐

A trader with a cart and a small retinue visits. You may trade 5w for 3s or 2s for 5w.

☐ may trade 1s for 5w or 6w 4s for g.

18 ☐

A brilliant young architect suggests a new mode of building. Next Build this round costs 4 less w.

☐ Next Build this round costs no w and 4 less s.

19 ☐

A flurry of feathered insects in the night spurs panic, as they bite at exposed flesh. Attack 0 (p).

☐ Enormous moths descend. Attack 6 (3 Actions).

20 ☐

The forest moves against you. Attack x (6w), where x is how much w you have stored (max. 7).

☐ where x is how much w you have stored (max. 7).

21 ☐

An ancient man visits. He offers you a gift now, or a chance at a better gift later. You may gain g.

☐ didn’t gain g in 18-I, you may now gain 2g.

22 ☐

A stranger cloaked in black rags asks a sacrifice. You may pay 2p to have your next Build cost no w.

☐ 4p to have your next Build cost no w s.

23 ☐

A ragged band of humans throws everything they have into a night-time ambush. Attack 5 (g, p).

☐ nevertheless try again. Attack 3 (g, p).

24 ☐

A whisper in the grass turns out to be a seething mass of bodies, scuttling and sniffing. Attack 1 (4w).

☐ greater numbers. Attack 3 (2p, 6w).

25 ☐

Strange eddies form in the air around your village. Time unravels slightly. 1 extra action this round.

☐ air. 2 extra actions this round.

26 ☐

Your village awakens to find a warehouse mysteriously filled to the brim. Gain 6s.

☐ strange creaking sounds are heard. Gain max s.

27 ☐

Nature’s guardians rise, distraught at your ravenous machinery. Attack 2 (2 Actions).

☐ materials. You may gain 7w 4s.

28 ☐

A metal-merchant rides into town. You may pay g to increase a Hero’s Power by 3.

☐ pay g to permanently gain 3 Movement.

29 ☐

A band of crusaders declares your village heretical. Attack 5, -1 per Church (1 Action, 2g).

☐ labourers. Attack 3, +1 per Overseer (4g).

30 ☐

A small pack of direwolves tries to make a meal of some workers. Attack 3 (3p).

☐ learned from last time. Attack 5 (4p).

31 ☐

Your devout are suffused by beneficence, piety, and grace. Church A taken this round cost 1A.

☐ Build this round costs 1 less g.

32 ☐

Your village is seized by ambition. Next Guildhall Build this round costs 1 less g.

☐ Guildhall A taken this round cost 1A.

33 ☐

Broad, lumbering silt-titans clomp their way toward your village. They do not speak. Attack 5 (6w).

☐ reform effortlessly from muck. Attack 5 (6w, 2g).

34 ☐

A hostile village mounts a serious offensive. Their first wave breaks. Attack 3 (1 Action, 2g).

☐ machinery. Attack 6 (2 Actions, 3g).

35 ☐

An otherworldly jester offers you weapons or wealth. All heroes gain 2 Power, or gain 3g.

☐ offering. Gain the option you declined in 35-I.

36 ☐

A branephract scuttles sideways into your reality. It bares its precise instruments. Attack 8 (all Heroes).

More lumber is found at the gate, along with a The elemental returns with more of what you asked You launch an expedition and recover more than one After spending some time with the trader, you The village sends an envoy bearing demands. Do not Your town is murmured about among outsiders, and Survivors from the last fight must have alerted the Bloodied, the badger returns to exact vengeance The trader seems to be warming up to your people. Your labourers are still in a fantastic mood, and offer They return in greater numbers, with crimson plate, The day continues to impress, with all the flowers in The Shapers seek to provide more aid. Your next The Constructs return, demanding greater The trader offers you some exceptional deals. You The architect has improved her ideas dramatically. The scouting party has informed the others.

The forest, incensed, attacks again. Attack x (3p), The man returns, offering greater wealth. If you

The stranger returns with a bolder offer. You may pay Desperate and suffering heavy losses, they Having tasted blood, the rats attack again, and in The eddies increase in strength, and they blanket the The warehouse is filled again in the night, and

You find that their fallen make excellent building The merchant offers to reshoe your horses. You may They return, denouncing your treatment of your The wolves’ eyes glint with vile intent. They have Your village is moved by the divine. Next Church Your Heroes are filled with nobility of purpose. The silt-titans’ losses count for nothing as they

They attack again, supported by elaborate siege The jester returns, hand outstretched with his other -


The elemental returns again with a bigger gift. Gain what you gained in 4-I, twice.

Your villager has a strange dream. Waking, she runs to a quiet creek and spots a glimmer. Gain g.

The trader is affectionate toward your people and cuts you a deal. You may lose all w and s to gain g.

A man announcing himself as the Ascendant arrives, demanding stiff tithe. Pay g or Attack 6 (g).

Your people seem to have near-boundless energy and enthusiasm. 2 extra actions this round.

A modest horde arrives on your doorstep, roaring blood-curdling cries. Attack 5 (g, 3p).

One supremely irate badger attacks at dawn with a chilling war-cry. Attack 1 (4w, 4p).

The trader, warm and comfortable in your village, offers you a great deal. You may trade 4s for g.

Your labourers work tirelessly into the evening. Gain s for each w you gain (and store) this round.

Tinirel assassins pass through in the night, making no sound and leaving no trace. Lose 4p.

Your village seems to sigh with contentment and peace. Gain 2 actions this round and 4p.

The Shapers commune with your villagers and reassure them. You may remove 1 Lost tick.

The Constructs return in force. Attack 6 (8s). If you win, you harvest their flesh. Gain 3s.

The trader seems to have been taken by a wildly generous mood. You may trade 3w 2s for g.

The architect has achieved mastery. She leaves you a gift. Next Build this round costs no w s g.

The beasts flutter in for one last feast. They show no signs of mercy. Attack 5 (2 Actions, 3p).

You reflect well on your tribulations. Adversity strengthens. Permanently lose all terrain aversion.

The man returns a third time, smiling. If you didn’t gain g in 18-I or II, you now gain 4g.

The stranger’s hands are stained copper. You may pay 6p to have your next Build cost no w s g.

A handful of them feebly attack once more, armed only with a handaxe and a sling. Attack 1 (g, p).

Your village is swarmed by a vast, writhing horde of fanged rodents. Attack 7 (4p, 8w).

A mad arcanist arrives to exact her price. 3 extra actions this round. Pay 4p or lose a building.

The night-watch disturbs an earth-djinn, and it lashes out in fear. Attack 3 (strongest Hero).

Elder guardians visit to discover the fate of their kin. If you gained resources in 27-II, Attack 5 (4p).

The merchant offers a fortune-bound talisman. You may pay g to permanently roll Defeat at +1.

They now declare your sophistication unnatural. Attack 0, +2 per Tier 4 structure (3 Actions).

The matriarch joins the hunt. Your citizens quiver in their beds. Attack 7 (5p).

Your masons are inspired by devotion. Next Forum or Tinker Build this round costs 1 less g.

Your masons are roused by ambition. Next Tower or Prospector Build this round costs 1 less g.

The silt-titans are strangely persistent, and their taste for gold is stronger than ever. Attack 5 (4g).

They are faltering. The so-called Ascendant pleads for his life. Attack 2 (3 Actions). If you win, gain 2g. -